How to Pack a Backpack for Air Travel: 12 Must-Know Tricks

Hey there! Ever wonder how some folks just nail the travel game by sticking to a backpack? Let’s paint you a picture: You’re hustlin’ at the airport, bobbing and weaving through this massive crowd when bam – you spot someone smooth-sailing with just their carry-on. Shocking stuff, right?

Turns out, stuffing all your essentials in one bag isn’t an art – it shifts things up big time. Nowadays everyone seems to have cottoned on how handy backpacks are for zipping around airports. Think about flying past security checks like they’re no biggie or saying bye-bye to those pesky luggage fees while keeping all your loot within arm’s reach; Now that’s more than being good packers – it’s downright dominion over those pesky carry-on rules.

In our down-to-earth guide ‘ How to Pack a Backpack for Air Travel’, we’ve got something for everyone – whether you’re pinching pennies and want to dodge check-in costs, strive for that minimalist life, or tend to wander around with home on your back as a digital nomad.

So saddle up! We’re unlocking every trick in the book so packing doesn’t feel like rocket science anymore. Your journey should be as dope as where you end up going after all! It’s high time we learn how to zip it light, make peace with sparing ourselves from overweight charges, and live the dream of gliding along freely thanks to that trusty backpack.

Table of Contents

Choosing the Ideal Backpack for Air Travel

Getting ready to take a thrilling flight? One of the big choices you’ll be making is what backpack to bring along. Picking the right backpack can make your whole trip go smoothly, and help make sure you’ve got everything you need while soaring through the skies.

In this bit, we’re gonna guide you through all the important stuff to think about in the realm of air travel backpack packing, explore all kinds of different backpack styles, slip in a few insider secrets, and even chat about some sustainable options for those eco-smart flyers out there.

Key Features to Consider

Size Matters: When it’s time to jet off, you’ll want a backpack that fits the bill. Remember, size is everything when flying, so pick a carry-on bag that won’t give you attitude at the boarding gate. Smaller-scale means less stress and quicker check-ins – no more wrestling with those bulky suitcases.

Weight Considerations: Airlines are fussy about how heavy your bags can be–so keep things light! Choose a bag tough enough for travel but one that’s not going to weigh you down before you even take off.

Compartments Galore: No one likes playing treasure hunts while rummaging through their bag. An organized pack makes life easier – find pockets-a-plenty to put all your bits and bobs in order which would save your precious vacation time from turning into hide-and-seek episodes.

Comfort is Key: Your backpack will practically be glued to you during trips – make sure it’s comfortable! Hands-down winners have padded straps and supportive backs. Bonus if they’re adjustable too; nobody wants backache while sightseeing or trekking up airplane aisles.

Carry-On Restrictions: Different airlines = different rules on carry-on sizes (unfortunately!). To skip unwanted surprises at security checks, know what the bar is set at – choose a backpack compliant with these limits & breeze through border control!

Different Backpack Types

Travel-Specific Backpacks: If you’re always on the go, these backpacks have got your back! They’ve got cool compartments galore, are small enough to squeeze into overhead lockers, and above all – they’re comfy for those long-haul flights.

Hiking Backpacks: So maybe they’re not made especially for flying, but hiking backpacks tick a lot of boxes. They’re tough dudes that’ll last ages, with tons of space for your stuff plus they feel good even after you’ve had them on all day! Just make sure it’s cabin-friendly if this is your bag choice.

Convertible Backpacks: These bad boys can change from backpack to duffel bag or even shoulder bags in no time! This nifty trick has saved us more time than modern GPS when traveling around.

Pro Tips: Lesser-Known Features to Look For

Hidden Compartments: Some bags come with hush-hush pockets or hidden stashes – so clever right? It’s a sneaky way to hide away important things and outsmart any curious eyes.

Water Bottle Pockets: Don’t forget to drink water folks! Bags with outer water bottle holders let you grab a drink without much fuss. Keep sipping!

Lockable Zippers: Lockable zippers add that extra layer of “stay safe” particularly in packed places where sneaky hands might be about.

Sustainable Backpack Options

If being green is big for you (and hey why wouldn’t it be?), hunt down bags made from recycled bits’n’bobs or crafted by brands who care as much about our planet as we do. More and more guys are making awesome sustainable options; going eco doesn’t mean ditching style or quality anymore. Do something great for Mother Earth while exploring her beauty!

Mastering Packing Essentials for Air Travel

Planning for air travel isn’t just about picking out the top-notch backpack; it’s all about nailing down the hack of packing a backpack for airplane travel in a smart way. In this chunk, you’ll get to discover cool ways of packing that help you squeeze more into your bag’s tiny quarters. Say hello to “Roll, Don’t Fold,” make friends with handy-dandy packing cubes, and conquer a bunch of other space-saving secrets! Welcome aboard onto smooth-sailing travels.

The “Roll, Don’t Fold” Method

This ain’t no new kid on the block! “Roll, Don’t Fold” has been an ace up many expert travelers’ sleeves since forever. It’s not only at war with wasted space but also fights away pesky clothes creases! Just start with biggies like jeans and jackets – fold ‘em lengthwise and then roll them tight from bottom to top. You’ll be left not just saving space but also being able to fish out exactly what you need without making a mess inside your backpack.

Packing Cubes: Organizational Wizards

Think packing cubes are mere dividers? Oh boy—you’d be wrong there! These zippered saviors come in different shapes and sizes and can bring order to the otherwise chaotic world of your backpack. Got tops? There’s one cube. Bottoms next, into another cube they go – even undies or accessories have their cozy corner sorted within smaller canvas condos! Trust us guys – invest in these babies; they won’t just keep your stuff trim and taut but will also speed up unpacking when you hit destination-awesome!

Compression Techniques: Maximizing Every Inch

Bet you didn’t know there’s an art to packing for a flight, and it’s all about getting crafty with squeezing stuff in. A cool trick? Use your clothes to jam-pack every inch of your backpack. Think about lobbing socks inside your shoes or coiling up belts and accessories into those sneaky empty spots. This isn’t just smart packing – it helps keep your backpack from looking like a hot mess too.

Unexpected Space Savers: Utilizing Every Pocket

Don’t kid yourself – You’ve ignored some potential payload places in that pack of yours; mesh pockets, hip compartments…heck even that awkward spot behind the zipper! They come in super handy when dealing with bits and bobs. Yeah, we’re talking accessories, toiletries or even chucking in a skinny scarf if it fits! It doesn’t only help stuff more things but also stops you from digging through everything when you need something real quick.

Because let’s face it- The whole aim here is not trying to cram as much garbage as possible (let’s leave that for Tetris), but being clever about what goes where. Think rolling instead of folding clothes, waving ‘hi’ at packing cubes (invest!), mastering compression hacks, and giving forgotten spaces some love is what makes this trip less stressful than last year’s Thanksgiving dinner!

By sticking these tips into practice next time around, trust us honey bun – Not only will an Airline-friendly backpack organization be on our side, but we’re bound to turn this travel shindig into an organized rather fun event!

Unlocking Advanced Air Travel Hacks & Hidden Gems

Traveling by plane can be pretty neat. But packing? Well, that’s a whole different story. We’ve got some secret tips and tricks up our sleeves to make your [flight-friendly backpack preparation] even smoother. Let’s decode the mysteries of flying together, from neatly packing all those gadgets we’re glued to nowadays, to mastering TSA’s tricky toiletry rules along with some hints on what you’d never think to squeeze in your carry-on for comfort during your sky-high journey.

Tech Essentials: Stay Organized on the Go

We live in a techie world where traveling without our devices is unthinkable. So how do you avoid a spaghetti-wire nightmare? Snap-up cable organizers – these babies will help you find just the right charger when you need it without having to dive into wire mayhem. Plus, stashing a portable phone charger will save your day especially if flight delays pop up – after all; nobody wants their lifeline conking out mid-adventure!

Toiletries & Liquids: Navigating TSA Regulations

TSA checkpoints might seem like they need a decoder ring but chill – knowing the inside scoop makes it smooth sailing. Start by swapping out bulky bottles for travel-sized ones for those must-have products–- fits snugly in compliance with TSA regulations AND gives extra room for goodies in your bag! Even slickers are solid toiletries like shampoo bars or toothpaste tabs that cut down liquids (no spillage horrors!) and leave less footprint on Mother Earth while still keeping you fresh as daisies onboard.

Unexpected Carry-On Items: Beyond the Ordinary

Did you know that packing a few out-of-the-box items in your carry-on is cool? If you’re high on sports energy, stick in your super deflated soccer ball or even that snug little yoga mat. Also, how about taking along a musical buddy like the ukulele or maybe the harmonica – they’re welcome too! But hey, do give a peek at what your airline has to say about these. Trust us, adding such funky stuff would surely jazz up your voyage.

Comfort & Wellbeing: Prepare for the Unexpected

Air travel can be crazy – lasting hours and jumping time zones. So why not pack smart for some comfort and health care? Maybe invest in this comfy neck pillow for napping tight; an eye mask to shut off those annoying cabin lights; also earplugs work wonders against noise pollution. These tiny things can bring loads of difference making sure you are all refreshed and ready for an adventurous experience.

While gearing up for a fun air journey, don’t forget the magic in small details – they matter big-time! Explore these essential air travel packing hacks for backpacks to elevate your travel game. Get systematic with all tech-necessary items; crack TSA rules by kitting out with sleek toiletries; lighten up by carrying along some quirky unexpected stuff; but most importantly safeguard your comfort level and take good care of yourself so hopping off that plane becomes more fun than ever!

Explore Bonus: Innovative Packing Strategies for Air Travel

Hey, if you’re gearing up to jet off somewhere nice, you know smart packing for air travel with a backpack isn’t just stuff in a bag – it’s an art! And getting good at it can make your trips way better.

Right here we’re going to spill the beans on some extra nifty packing hacks that go further than plain ol’ basic, making sure you’re ready no matter what comes your way and promises a smoother ride. From climate-switching smarts to wearable Swiss army knives and having a few surprises up your sleeve (or pant leg), let’s dive into super cool ways of jamming stuff into luggage.

Packing for Different Climates: Smart Adaptations

Whether you’re beach-bound or mountain-bound, knowing how to pack right based on where you’re headed is crucial for effectively organizing a backpack for airplane journeys…Cold resort? Hot retreat? Either way–you got this!

For those sunny getaways, light and breathable clothes are boss. We’re talking breezy cotton or linens – oh, and don’t forget the sunhat-plus-sunscreen package deal. Going someplace cold? Layers are gonna be your best buds. Choose pieces that can double-duty through temperature switches nicely without hogging all the space in your bag—an insulated jacket without bulk beats the chill any day!

Multipurpose Clothing: The Traveler’s Wardrobe MVPs

Yeah, so let’s talk about packing smart for your airplane trips. This is where multipurpose clothes come in real handy! Imagine wearing stuff that ticks more than one box – you’ll save precious cargo space and shed a few grams too!

How about taking along a scarf that doesn’t just look fab but can keep you cozy on ice-cold flights? Or those change-up pants that miraculously morph into shorts? Perfect when the weather flips its script! Top it off with shoes as chillaxed as your beachside stroll but hold their own at fancy places too. By stashing gear best suited for any kinda scene, you get to pack light without skimping on style.

Also Read: How to Pack Clothes in a Backpack

“Just in Case” Essentials: Ready for Anything

Let’s be honest here – travel surprises can pop up anywhere, anytime! That’s why having a stash of “just in case” essentials is diamonds (A heads up; we ain’t talking wonders like magic carpets!). Like this nifty rain poncho that packs away almost invisibly until—BAM—an out-of-nowhere deluge ambushes ya.

You’ll stay dry sans adding extra fluff to your luggage. Now here’s another goodie—a mini sewing kit—it may sound downright old school… until threadbare kicks in… trust me – better safe than sorry! Look ahead, foresee scenarios; rather have what ya don’t need than need what ya don’t have– I’m saying… play it safe, buddy!

Sustainable Packing: Minimize Waste, Maximize Impact

Hey Earth lovers, you know packing for a trip in an eco-friendly manner is not just rad but also feels darn great. So how about ditching those one-time-use plastics and swapping them out for stuff that can be reused ?

Like snapping up the coolest refillable water bottle that’ll keep you hydrated wherever your feet roam. And guess what’s next? It’s time to switch to planet-friendly tidbits like shampoo bars and toothpaste tabs – bye-bye pesky plastic tubes! As for clothes? Go for clever pieces that can survive many washes and wears. With these easy tweaks, we’re all geared to limit our carbon footprint while turning travel green.

Packing smart ain’t just about prepping well; it’s carving out greener journeys. So here’s wishing you happy (and safe) wanderings!

Also Read: How to Pack a Suit in a Backpack

Alright, pal. Here’s the lowdown on how to pack a backpack for air travel – and do it like a pro! First up, remember that being clever with how you pack can take the hassle out of traveling. You know the score; use techniques like rolling instead of folding, using those nifty little packing cubes, and squishing everything down to make maximum use of every inch. This will not only keep all your gear in order but also speed things up at security.

The next thing is adaptability. It’s always about expecting the unexpected, whether it be changing weather or other surprises along the way. Be smart with your clothing choices––pack pieces that work double time in multiple climates and scenarios (also known as “just in case” items). Keep looking ahead so that whatever comes your way won’t catch you unprepared.

And lastly? Think multi-purpose! Look for stuff that does more than one job – from clothes to travel essentials – and each piece adds value without adding weight to your bag. A well-chosen item can do several things at once making life easier on the road. You’ll find all this advice makes traveling by air just a tad bit less stressful and quite a lot more fun!

Going green even when packing is a thing now, you know? Choosing stuff that’s good for the planet, saying no to those nasty single-use plastics and not going overboard with what we buy can help make traveling more eco-friendly. When you pack keeping Mother Earth in mind, your trips are about more than just sightseeing – they’re about being kind to our planet too.

Knowing how to pack smart isn’t just about squishing as much as possible into your bag. It’s also about choosing wisely, being flexible, and thinking ahead for packing a backpack for airplane travel. So next time you’re jetting off somewhere cool, remember this: a well-packed bag isn’t just something you lug around – it’s the key to a hassle-free epic journey! Enjoy your trip!

Also Read: How to Pack an External Frame Backpack

How to Pack a Backpack for Air Travel: FAQs

How do you pack a backpack for a flight.

To pack a backpack for a flight, start by prioritizing essentials like travel documents, medications, and electronics. Utilize the “Roll, Don’t Fold” method to save space and minimize wrinkles in clothing. Invest in packing cubes to keep items organized, and pack heavier items closer to your back for better weight distribution. Consider the climate at your destination and pack accordingly. Opt for versatile, multipurpose clothing. Don’t forget “just in case” essentials like a rain poncho or a travel sewing kit. Finally, adhere to airline carry-on restrictions and pack thoughtfully for a seamless and stress-free journey.

What is the best way to pack a travel backpack?

The best way to pack a travel backpack is to prioritize essentials, use the “Roll, Don’t Fold” technique for efficient space utilization, and invest in packing cubes for organization. Pack heavier items closer to your back for better balance and comfort. Opt for versatile clothing and consider the weather at your destination. Utilize every available pocket, including hidden compartments, and pack “just in case” essentials. Follow airline carry-on restrictions for a hassle-free journey. Prioritizing simplicity and organization ensures a well-packed and functional travel backpack.

How do you wrap a backpack for air travel?

To prepare a backpack for air travel, start by removing any loose straps. Use a travel cover or a durable plastic bag to protect it from dirt and damage. Place a luggage tag with your contact information inside the bag. Secure zippers with travel locks for added security. Avoid overpacking to comply with airline regulations. Wrapping a backpack ensures it arrives at your destination in good condition, safeguarding it from potential wear and tear during the journey.

Can I put clothes in my backpack on a plane?

Certainly! You can pack clothes in your backpack for a plane journey. It’s a common and practical practice. Use the “Roll, Don’t Fold” method to save space and reduce wrinkles. Consider the destination’s climate and pack accordingly. Ensure any liquids adhere to airline regulations and place them in a sealed bag. Remember to include essential items like travel documents and personal necessities . Airlines generally allow passengers to carry a backpack as a carry-on item, making it a convenient and accessible choice for keeping your belongings close during the flight.


The Best Carry-On Travel Backpacks

A person standing outside in a light blue short sleeve shirt wears the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L backpack, in black with a gray llama-head logo and aqua accents.

By Kit Dillon

Kit Dillon is a writer focused on bags and travel gear. He has worked for Wirecutter for a decade and lost count of the number of bags he has tested.

When you open up your favorite carry-on travel backpack, it should feel like you’re opening the door to a well-organized closet or sitting down at a clean desk, with everything in the right place and easy to reach.

This is your moment to center yourself, no matter how chaotic the journey.

What we considered

A 45-liter bag maximizes overhead space but can get heavy when fully packed; 35-liter bags tend to be more manageable.

A bag with a clamshell design opens like a book and is the easiest to pack, but a bag that opens traditionally tends to have more structure.

Ideally, a travel backpack has handles on all sides—especially the bottom—so you can pull it out of overhead bins or from under seats.

Some internal pockets are useful, but major organizing is better managed with packing cubes.

The Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack and the larger Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L offer the best combination of features, quality, and durability. Both bags are exemplary carry-on travel backpacks that are designed for comfort, durability, and organization. Though these backpacks are great as companion bags for any trip, they’re designed to ultimately replace all of your other luggage and become your exclusive bag as you travel.

This style of packing is not for everyone, but once some people try it, they’re forever hooked. Finding the right bag is a personal choice, though, and no single bag will appeal to everyone. That’s why we also have picks that are great for people who travel for work , others that are designed to be carried over long distances , and a bag that’s basically luggage on your back .

The research

Why you should trust us, who this is for, best small carry-on bag for most situations: cotopaxi allpa 35l travel pack, best large bag for most situations: peak design travel backpack 45l, best mobile office: patagonia black hole mlc 45l, best bag for long journeys on foot: osprey farpoint 40 and fairview 40, best bag if you need a large suitcase on your back: tortuga travel backpack pro 40l, other good carry-on travel backpacks, how we picked and tested, the competition.

I’ve been covering aspects of luggage and travel bag design for Wirecutter for nearly a decade, and I have personally researched, tested, and compared hundreds of bags in that time. I personally try to do most of my travel with a single backpack, whenever possible. I spent nine months roaming around Hawaii with not much more than that, and I spent another six months nomadically couch-surfing in New York City.

I reached out to writers who specialize in traveling the world carrying everything they need in a single bag: Eytan Levy, the owner and operator of the Snarky Nomad travel website; James Feess, founder of The Savvy Backpacker ; and Sharon Gourlay, of the Where’s Sharon? travel website. I also spoke with moderators of Reddit’s r/onebag and r/heronebag forums, as well as with Chase Reeves, bag fanatic, reviewer, and owner of Matterful .

We researched and tested bags designed for those who want to travel light and stay flexible while flying, without the burden of checking luggage. For some people, the challenge of cutting down a packing list is intimidating. But if you can get past that initial hurdle, traveling with a single bag is a revelation. With fewer items, you have more time to concentrate on and appreciate the journey.

  • When you’re not loaded down by heavy luggage, it’s easy to remain more mobile. And it’s easier to adjust your plans mid-trip. If you’re willing to do laundry on the road, then one bag is all you need to travel indefinitely. At its heart, one-bag travel allows you to discover more—not just about the places you’re going but also about yourself and what you really need day to day.
  • Size and weight still matter. If you desire more creature comforts or more gear, or if you plan to be away for a long time across multiple climates, you’ll want a bigger travel backpack . These larger bags tend not to be carry-on-friendly, however, especially in Europe, so be prepared to check them.
  • No single backpack is perfect for everyone. Before you make any purchase, consider some basic points. How much can you carry? And where do you usually visit: the city or outback? Travel gear should feel like a welcome companion—there to support you when you need it but unobtrusive when you don’t.

45-liter bag vs. 35-liter bag

A graphic comparing the difference in capacity between a 45-liter and a 35-liter backpack.

Cotopaxi Allpa 35L

A versatile small pack for a week or a weekend.

This durable bag’s clamshell design makes it easy to organize your stuff. And due to its strap design, this bag can be worn on your back or carried in your hand while you’re on the move.

Buying Options

You save $50 (25%)

The Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack is an easy-to-organize, comfortable-to-carry bag for getaways lasting just a few days or a whole week.

It’s one bag that can do it all. This is a great all-around bag for any traveler who’s dedicated to packing light, or for a smaller person who wants less to carry. There are handles on all four sides of this bag, so it’s easy to grab no matter where you’ve stowed it. It’s also protected by a full lifetime warranty, and it has the build quality to back that up. After more than four years of testing, this single backpack (plus a personal item ) has replaced nearly every travel bag or piece of luggage I use.

It comes in various sizes, but we think the middle-of-the-road version is the best. Cotopaxi also makes the Allpa in 28-liter and 42-liter sizes. But for us, the 35-liter bag is the best option. At 42 liters, this bag becomes heavy for most people to carry when it is fully packed, and we’d prefer that it had a more-robust hip belt. At 28 liters, the bag becomes a touch small for most people, and its internal organization feels fussy for shorter trips, such as an overnight. Cotopaxi also makes a hip pack , which is designed to fit snugly into the Allpa bag’s front top compartment. It’s a neat little addition to the bag, and it is worth getting if you like wearing fanny packs while you travel.

It’s organized, easy to pack, and easy to carry. The Allpa bag has a clamshell design, so it opens like a hard-sided suitcase—a large YKK zipper runs around three sides of the bag, allowing it to fall open into two halves when unzipped. On the right side is a deep compartment, spacious enough for two large packing cubes or half a suitcase’s worth of clothing (which you access through a mesh zippered flap). On the left, there’s space for one more medium-size packing cube behind a zippered flap. Above that there are two smaller pockets with high-visibility backing—useful when you’re looking for hard-to-differentiate personal items.

The packed Cotopaxi Allpa Travel Pack, shown fully open so that the contents are accessible.

It’s secure but still accessible. The Allpa pack has two side-access zippers—great for on-the-go access, especially when the bag is hanging from your shoulder. One of these reveals a flat computer pocket with a padded false bottom; so if you drop the bag, it won’t land on the corner of your computer. The other reveals a “secret” pocket with a hidden zipper and access to the main compartment. All of the main compartment zippers are protected by security loops, which you thread the zipper through at the end of its run. This prevents anyone from subtly or quickly grabbing a zipper and opening your bag when you aren’t paying attention.

It’s comfortable to carry. The Allpa bag’s hip belt—which can be removed while the bag is on your back—is substantial enough that it’s comfortable to wear when you need it. With or without the hip belt, the Allpa bag is comfortable to carry over long distances. However, folks who have longer torsos (over 19 inches) may find that the waist belt sits a little high off the hips, unless you fully extend the shoulder straps. Speaking of shoulder straps, unlike the ones on our other picks, the Allpa bag’s straps are contoured to fit people who have large or small chests. It’s not a specifically gendered design, but our female tester noticed the improvement right away.

The Allpa pack is made with 1680-denier ballistic nylon, similar to the Tom Bihn Aeronaut 45 . (Denier is a measure of a fabric’s fiber thickness.) It feels similar to a strong canvas, but it has a more prominent weave. This is the type of bag that’s as easy to toss into an overhead compartment as it is into the back of a rusty pickup truck. And it also includes a rainfly, which is unique in this category.

Flaws but not dealbreakers

  • Though this pack is well organized for packing, it’s less ideal as a mobile office. The Allpa pack has a minimal amount of administrative organization—places to keep pens and papers, spaces to hold tickets, and so forth. This is where a good personal item comes in handy. However, if you want to travel with just this one bag, there are a few nooks you can hide things in. The front organizer is deep enough that you can also fit several small organizing pouches, if you want, or the aforementioned fanny pack.
  • We prefer the model without the TPU front. Cotopaxi does enjoy playing around with fabrics and colors. Sometimes the company has released the Allpa pack without the TPU-lined front panel. The TPU panel improves water resistance, but after many years of traveling with our bag, we’ve found that the TPU layering can begin to flake in spots.

Capacity: 35 liters Weight: 3 pounds 5 ounces Main compartment access: clamshell opening Style: adventurous Colors: assorted

A person stands by a wooden fence outdoors while wearing the Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L, our larger pick for the best carry-on travel backpack.

Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L

An easily customizable large bag for long trips and expensive gear.

This bag was built with photographers in mind. Yet most travelers will appreciate its easy accessibility, clever tuck-away straps, and the elegant way the bag expands and contracts. The accessory cubes cost extra, though.

The Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L is a good choice for those carrying more expensive gear—especially camera gear. It’s also great for those who prefer a large, backpack-based packing system.

One bag provides many configurations. Some bags in this category are built to do one thing extremely well—be carried on your back. But the Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L is built to adapt. It’s the Swiss Army knife of backpacks: adjustable, customizable, and (if you spring for the extra cubes and organizers) an almost perfect system for a photographer or gearhead on the move. Most bags’ expanding mechanisms aren’t worth the extra zipper they’re built on, and they look about as attractive as a boiled ham splitting out of its plastic packaging. That’s not the case with the Peak Design: This bag looks just as good fully packed at 45 liters as it does compressed to a 30-liter daypack.

It’s expandable, with clever folds and zippers. You can access the bag through a back panel (which doubles as a computer and tablet pouch) as well as a front one (if you unzip the pass-through divider). You can also get into the main compartment via two wing-like trapezoidal flaps, which run along each side of the pack. In its natural shape, the Travel Backpack holds 35 liters, but an expansion zipper lets the bag swell to 45 liters. If you want to use the bag as a daypack, you fold in the top corners and snap them down, reducing the bag’s volume to a slim 30 liters. In this configuration, it will still feel larger than a normal daypack, but we think that’s a small compromise for being able to use one backpack as both your travel bag and your daily explorer. The bag itself consists of 400-denier nylon and polyester fabrics. It feels tough but not as tough as some other bags we’ve tested, such as the Cotopaxi Allpa.

It has fold-away straps, for easier storage. The Peak Design lets you tuck its shoulder and hip straps away when you’re not using them. But unlike any other bag we’ve ever tested, this pack has magnetic flaps on the back panel that open and close with an almost magical snap. Once you’ve played with them, you’ll wonder why every backpack doesn’t have something similar. A small, childish part of me still gets excited about tucking away the straps when I put the Peak Design into an overhead bin. Although the straps are thin, they’re still comfortable. The hip belt isn’t quite as plush as the one on the Tortuga pack; still, even when the Peak Design is fully loaded, the belt doesn’t pinch or dig into the body.

It’s great for carrying expensive gear. If you travel with a camera, you don’t have to use Peak Design’s camera cubes , but they do make carrying that gear a whole lot easier. The cubes come in five sizes. And if they’re situated properly in the bag with the provided clips, they line up with the Travel Backpack’s side-access flaps for quick access. Caleigh Waldman (a photographer for this piece and, full disclosure, my spouse) took this bag across the country for a wedding shoot. “I want this backpack,” she said after three weeks of travel. “I want to travel with it everywhere. With my cameras. Without my cameras. It doesn’t matter. I want to travel with it.”

  • It’s expensive—especially if you commit to the entire system of packing and camera cubes.
  • More complexity means more things that can break. The adjustable design and multiple zippers do add complexity, and complexity adds potential weaknesses. Peak Design covers all of its bags with a lifetime warranty , which should alleviate most people’s concerns. But if you’re particularly hard on your gear and still need to carry as much as possible, you might consider the Tortuga bag instead.

Capacity: 45 liters Weight: 4½ pounds Main compartment access: back-panel loader Style: minimalist and unobtrusive Color: black, sage

The Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L, our also-great pick for the best carry-on travel backpack, is held in midair by a person wearing a plaid shirt.

Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L

Combines more organization with a simple interior.

This bag’s split interior makes organizing easy. Those who travel for work will appreciate this bag’s dedicated panels for organizing tech, books, papers, and assorted miscellaneous items.

If you travel often for business and prefer a bag that’s much easier to work out of than most of our other picks, you may like the Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L . This bag has a front panel and assorted pockets that make it feel like a small traveling office.

It’s built like luggage but organized like your office. Of all the bags we recommend, the MLC (short for Maximum Legal Carry) comes closest to being a suitcase on your back, due to its large size, simple interior, and minimal external features. The MLC is also one of the simplest bags we tested, divided into two leaves (imagine a book with only one page), with a main compartment for packing and a second compartment for document organization and tech storage. The MLC has a built-in laptop compartment that fits 17-inch laptops and is situated close to your back; this protects the computer and keeps its weight closer to your body.

Despite its size, it’s comfortable enough to carry. Most carry-on backpacks of this size, without frames, become somewhat unwieldy when fully packed. Thankfully, the Black Hole MLC bag, like the Cotopaxi Allpa, is a welcome exception to this rule. The MLC has two shoulder straps, a hip belt, and an optional shoulder strap, for easy carrying. When they're not in use, or when you’re checking your bag, all of the straps can be stowed away easily. When fully loaded, the bag was pleasant to carry—not as comfortable as the Peak Design or the Osprey, but decent enough. I wouldn’t want to carry it all day across a city, but I wouldn’t mind carrying it through an airport to a car and to a hotel.

It’s built from high-quality materials, with durability in mind. This pack is made from recycled polyester, and the fabric is woven in a cross-weave that’s very similar to what Patagonia uses in its long-lasting Black Hole series of duffle bags . This is a material I’ve come across a bunch with Patagonia gear, and I’ve tested it thoroughly; it’s very tough. The front of the bag is coated in a weather-resistant TPU, for extra protection from the elements. The bag has large YKK zippers (the industry leader) and smaller YKK zippers throughout. Unlike the Cotopaxi Allpa pack, the Black Hole MLC bag has no security loops.

It comes with one of the best repair programs and a lifetime warranty. Similar to our other picks, the MLC is backed by an excellent lifetime warranty , and we’ve always found that Patagonia’s repair program goes above and beyond other comparable companies.

  • We wish the Maximum Legal Carry (despite the name) came in a few more sizes. The 45-liter capacity may be intimidating for some people, and there is no alternative.

Capacity: 45 liters Weight: 3 pounds 10 ounces Main compartment access: clamshell Style: retro Colors: tan, black, olive, green

The Osprey Farpoint/ Fairview 40 Travel Pack, one of our also-great picks for the best carry-on travel backpack, shown in black.

Osprey Farpoint 40

For long distances on foot.

A great starter option for one-bag travel, this bag is easy to pack, adaptable to most situations, and sturdy enough to take with you as you travel the world.

backpack travel what to pack

Osprey Fairview 40

For long distances and smaller torsos.

A scaled-down version of the Farpoint, this bag has shoulder straps that are slightly lower, to keep the bag’s bulk more aligned with smaller torsos.

Updated in 2023, the Osprey Farpoint 40 and Fairview 40 packs are both built around a hiking backpack frame that’s easy to carry over long distances.

It’s built for travel but designed for hiking. The Farpoint 40 bag is well made, easy to pack, and comfortable to carry over most mid-length distances—such as walking across a city for an afternoon. (For simplicity’s sake, everything we say here about the Farpoint bag also applies to the Fairview bag.) Osprey makes excellent backpacks for hauling around, and its lifetime warranty is renowned within the industry . The Farpoint pack also has an optional messenger bag–style strap, which offers some flexibility when you’re maneuvering tight spaces like subways or crowded city centers.

View of the straps on the reverse of the Osprey travel backpack.

It’s simple to pack, but not as spacious as it seems. Opening the bag reveals a clamshell design; it’s deep enough to accommodate most large items, yet you won’t have to fumble awkwardly with zippers once it’s time to close up the bag. The feeling you get is not unlike when you’re packing a bit of sturdy luggage, and that’s something we love about bags like this one—especially when you use packing cubes . Osprey says this bag, when fully packed, can carry 40 liters. But after using the Farpoint bag for a few years, we’ve decided that its rounded shape seems to cut into that theoretical packable space more than other bags do. In practice, the Farpoint pack’s available space is closer to—but still less than—that of the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L .

It’s the easiest bag to carry among our picks. Like all Osprey bags, the Farpoint 40 has very comfortable shoulder straps. The years of design and consideration Osprey has put into its hiking backpacks are quite evident in the Farpoint 40. After more than seven years of long-term testing this bag, we’re still surprised by how great it feels to wear when fully packed. Crucially, the straps of the Farpoint 40 stow away neatly behind a zippered panel. However, when you’re using the shoulder straps, the design forces you to also use the hip straps. Though this isn’t a huge issue, if you prefer a sleeker look or would rather have the option of using shoulder straps without hip straps, the Cotopaxi Allpa pack is more flexible, and it lets you hide the waist straps while the bag is on your back.

The Fairview 40 has the same features, in a scaled-down size. The Farpoint 40 and the Fairview 40 packs basically have the same design, but the Fairview pack is made for someone with a more-diminutive torso. It’s also slightly lighter. However, it has the features and durability of the Farpoint bag. It also has the same hip belt and adjustability. On both, the chest-strap clip is also equipped with a small security whistle that’s surprisingly loud. It’s a handy feature for anyone traveling in unfamiliar environments.

  • For a smaller carry-on travel backpack, this one has little to not like. However, we do wish Osprey would trade some of the sleeker contours for a little more interior space.

Capacity: 35 liters Weight (Farpoint): 3 pounds 3 ounces Weight (Fairview): 3 pounds 2 ounces Main compartment access: front-panel loader Style: active Colors (Farpoint): green (Gopher), gray (Tunnel Vision), blue (Muted Space), black Colors (Fairview): blue (Winter Night), red (Zircon), blue (Night Jungle), black

The Tortuga Travel Backpack 40L, our also-great pick for the best carry-on travel backpack.

Tortuga Travel Backpack Pro 40L

A suitcase to carry on your back.

For dedicated single-bag travelers, this water-resistant, durable bag is easy to pack and to travel with. And it’s comfortable to wear over endless miles—as long as you don’t mind the heavier weight.

The Tortuga Travel Backpack Pro 40L maximizes packing space in a bag that’s durable, water-resistant, and customizable to fit most torso lengths (there’s also a 30L version ), with plenty of organizational features to suit any digital nomad.

It’s like a suitcase, with backpack straps. The Tortuga Travel Backpack Pro 40L is built to occupy the maximum carry-on space available. It’s a nearly perfect blend of backpack and luggage. On the outside, its tear-resistant sailcloth and sealed zippers provide ample protection from sharp objects and the elements. Opening the main clamshell zipper reveals a cavernous interior and a few organizational features that make the bag a cinch to pack. The front panel is a particular standout, great for keeping track of electronics and chargers. Of all the bags we tested, the Tortuga strikes the closest balance between the carrying comfort of a hiking backpack and the space and organization of a piece of luggage.

The Tortuga Backpack Pro shown with the front clamshell lid in the open position.

It’s as easy to pack as luggage. When it comes to packing, the Tortuga pack has a soothingly minimal interior, as any good suitcase should. In addition to the bag’s cavernous main pocket, its interior lid has a large vented panel. The panel is too narrow to hold additional packing cubes, but it’s great for holding light jackets or doubling as a dirty-laundry bag (if you’re really committed to one-bag travel). The Tortuga is available as a 40-liter pack (the maximum space for a carry-on bag), which we tested; there is also a 30-liter version, which is compliant with some intra-European flights. The more-diminutive version is a decent choice for weekend travel or for minimalist travelers—but for those uses, we prefer the space-saving profile and extra internal organization of the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L bag.

It’s very customizable. The Tortuga pack is the most adjustable model we tested, thanks to its adjustable torso length, shoulder straps, and waist-belt system. The adjustable strap system lets you manipulate the location of the shoulder straps (video) to fit a wider variety of body sizes, in both the 30- and 40-liter versions. Of the packs we’ve tested, this one (with its included load-adjuster straps at the top, to prevent the bag’s weight from sagging toward your lumbar region) is the best at distributing its weight (4½ pounds when empty—roughly 1½ pounds more than most of our other picks, except the Peak Design ). The hip straps are removable if you need, but the shoulder straps are not stowable.

  • Its straps don’t stow away. Some people, especially those who are hard on their gear, may consider not being able to remove or stow the shoulder straps (as they can with our other picks, like the Cotopaxi Allpa ) a disqualifying factor. But after years of testing, traveling with, and occasionally checking our bag, we haven’t had an issue. However, if these mysteries beneath the airport also make you nervous, you might prefer our picks with easy-to-stow straps, such as the Peak Design.
  • It's heavy. We’ve fielded complaints from some testers who said that older models of this bag were too heavy for them to carry, even with the padded hip belt and adjustable straps. The additional padding does add weight. At 4½ pounds, this latest Tortuga bag is more than half a pound lighter than it used to be (the difference is noticeable), and it weighs the same as the equally large Peak Design pack. We are currently testing a new, lighter, and less-expensive version of this pack—aptly named the Travel Backpack Lite 40L —and will report back soon.  In the meantime, if you think you would struggle carrying the Tortuga, we strenuously encourage you to consider one of our more-manageable picks, like the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L.

Capacity: 40 liters Weight: 4½ pounds Main compartment access: clamshell opening Style: minimal, with a rigid construction Color: black

If you want to travel like a backpacker but also fit in at a board meeting (and you have the budget for it): Consider the Tom Bihn Aeronaut 45 . This bag’s reputation for durability, adaptability, and a low-key aesthetic make it a favorite among many dedicated one-bag travelers. And after testing it, we think it’s a great bag too. That said, for the bag to really stand out against other backpacks—and to take full advantage of its carrying adaptability—you need to buy the internal frame , the hip belt , and (if you’re traveling with a suit or jacket) the shoulder strap . On a bag that already costs $330, all of this adds up. Everything about the Tom Bihn bag (the fabric, the zippers, the quality of construction) feels like an upgrade from other bags, but it’s simply too pricey, and its design is too rarified and specific for most people. The biggest flaw, from our perspective—apart from the price—is that the Tom Bihn bag lacks a dedicated laptop pocket. In its place, the company sells laptop sleeves (a fine version if you don’t have one) that clip into the bag’s central compartment. Not everyone needs a dedicated laptop pocket, but we prefer the more secure feeling of bags that do.

If you want a budget pick (but only when it’s on sale): The eBags Mother Lode Travel Backpack (our former budget pick) is still your best budget option, if you can catch it on sale for at least half off the list price. It’s not comfortable enough for trekking long distances on foot, but there are plenty of external pockets for organization, a laptop sleeve (which holds the weight of your computer high up on your shoulders), and an easy-to-access main compartment. This pack also has the largest capacity of any bags we tested, expanding to 65 liters—well beyond any airline’s regulated 45-liter limit. However, the bag’s casual-to-basic looks might not be to everyone’s taste. In 2024, eBags raised the price of the Mother Lode to $200. We have seen it on sale for $100, and in our opinion it’s worth getting only at the sale price.

We’ve narrowed our specifications for a great bag to the following list of features, ordered from most relevant to least:

  • Front- or back-panel loader or clamshell opening, for the main compartment: As with any good piece of luggage, with this type of bag, you should be able to open it and see everything you’ve packed. When you have a bag with a panel-loading or clamshell design—rather than a traditional, top-opening design—you can pack and unpack it just as you would a suitcase.

A graphic illustrating a clamshell bag opening

  • Backpack strap comfort and design: You never know when you’ll be walking farther with your bag than you’d intended. The more comfortable and well designed the straps are, the easier traveling will be. “Ideally, you want a bag’s shoulder straps to adjust to the angle of your shoulders,” said Eytan Levy of Snarky Nomad. “Good shoulder straps are the difference between an easy trip and a hard trip.”
  • Hip-belt comfort and design: A hip belt transfers heavy loads from your back and shoulders onto your hips, letting your legs—not your back—bear the brunt of the weight. Just having a waist belt is a plus, but having a padded and sculpted one—especially on bags with over 40 liters of volume—makes a world of difference.
  • Material quality: Durability is critical for any type of luggage, but especially for a backpack that will be your only bag. Most bags worth considering are made of nylon, which resists abrasion more than polyester fabrics of similar density. Spending more, however, can get you exotic, light, and strong materials, such as Dyneema or sailcloth.
  • Weight: Once the bags arrived, we weighed each one ourselves. Most of the bags weighed within a few pounds of one another. But unless you’re very strict with yourself, by the time you’re packed for a two-week journey, all bags are going to feel equally massive, even if one is just 2 pounds heavier than another when empty.
  • Stowable straps: These are nice to have, but they aren’t absolutely necessary. “The more often you need to check a bag, the more often you need to hide away the straps,” Levy said. “But if the straps are tough enough, it doesn’t matter.”
  • Accessory pocket layout and design: Some people will love an accessory pocket that has a specific space for everything; others may find that feature constricting and unadaptable. We prioritized bags with simple designs that guided our packing without constraining us.
  • Style: This is purely subjective. We preferred bags that had a minimalist exterior style, but not all of our picks will please everyone. Most of the people we spoke with, however, preferred not to stick out like a tourist wearing a large, colorful backpack, if they could avoid it.

During testing, we flew across the country with these bags, took weekend trips to nearby cities, lived out of them on extended trips, and tried them locally in our daily routines. We also packed and unpacked each bag, using a standardized set of weeklong travel necessities and accessories, to see how well the internal organizational features (or lack thereof) aided or got in the way of efficient packing.

This is not a comprehensive list of all of the carry-on travel backpacks we have tested. We have removed any models that have been discontinued or that no longer meet our criteria.

The Away Outdoor Convertible Backpack 45L is a rare miss from the Away team. This bag is resoundingly average for the price. Although it’s made from excellent materials, the bag is let down by its overall design, which lacks any kind of structure or attention to comfort. There are better options.

The cheap, no-frills Cabin Max Metz bag is intriguing for the price. Any bag at this price should almost be considered disposable. That said, if you need a simple bag that costs less than a seat upgrade, this might be the way to go—unless you can pick up the eBags Motherlode bag for under $100, which we think is a better deal at that price.

The GeniusPack Travel Backpack is the only model we came across that tried to fit a suit into a travel backpack. Though some people might need that, we think those who have to travel with a suit (or clothes that require pressing) would be better off with a piece of carry-on luggage . GeniusPack now offers a second version of this bag, but our conclusion hasn’t changed.

For certain people, the GoRuck GR3 is almost worth the cost. It’s strong and simple and covered by an iron-clad repair guarantee. The removable hip belt is comfortable to wear, and it’s good at displacing the weight of a 45-liter backpack. This is a decent bag. After testing it, however, we weren’t thrilled with the internal Velcro lining for compatible Velcro packing cubes. Velcro isn’t great: It wears out, it’s difficult to keep clean, and it clings to dirt. That might seem like a small thing, but for the price, this bag should feel perfect.

The Minaal Carry-On 2.0 was designed to be a backpack for business people. But if you’re carrying it for business, you’re probably wearing at least a blazer, so you wouldn’t use a backpack in any case. If you’re a business traveler who falls more on the casual end of the business-casual spectrum, and you’re not on a budget, this is a well-thought-out pack. But we think our picks are more versatile for world travel, and they come at a better price. Minaal has since introduced a 3.0 version of this bag ; our thoughts about it remain the same.

The Osprey Sojourn Porter 46L is a slightly larger sibling of the Farpoint pack. The Sojourn Porter bag is about 2 inches longer, and it pushes right up to most airline limits. If you don’t mind possibly having to check your bag at the last minute, this would be an excellent alternative to the Farpoint pack.

This article was edited by Ria Misra and Christine Ryan.

Chase Reeves, , phone interview , October 10, 2018

Addison Ryan, moderator, r/onebag , email interview , September 8, 2018

Lindsay Lorraine Calderón, moderator, r/heronebag , phone interview , September 28, 2018

Meet your guide

backpack travel what to pack

Kit Dillon is a senior staff writer at Wirecutter. He was previously an app developer, oil derrick inspector, public-radio archivist, and sandwich shop owner. He has written for Popular Science, The Awl, and the New York Observer, among others. When called on, he can still make a mean sandwich.

Further reading

Four Osprey travel backpacks, two blue, two green, sitting next to each other.

The Best Travel Backpack

by Geoffrey Morrison

For trips ranging from a week to multiple months, the Osprey Farpoint 55 and Fairview 55 carried everything we needed comfortably.

Three of our favorite backpacks, totes and duffle bags on display

Wirecutter’s Favorite Bags, Totes, Backpacks and Carryalls

by Truth Headlam

Whether you’re going to school, work, the gym, the store, or on vacay, you need a bag. Here’s the Wirecutter-recommended carrying gear we love most.

A person in an outdoor environment wearing one of our picks for best buy it for life backpack with a minimalist look, the GoRuck GR1.

The Best Buy It for Life Backpack (Please Don’t Call It Tactical)

by Kit Dillon

A buy-it-for-a-lifetime backpack should last you for years of heavy use. But as with all investments, you need to decide if it makes sense for you.

Our picks for best laptop backpack pictured with school supplies.

The Best Laptop Backpacks

by Zoe Vanderweide

A great laptop backpack protects your tech, is comfortable to carry, and looks good, too. These five bags are our favorites for wrangling your workday gear.

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How To Choose The

Best Travel Backpack

The minimalist's guide to selecting a carry-on backpack for one bag travel.

  • 01. Introduction
  • 02. Our Picks
  • 04. Function
  • 05. Aesthetic
  • 06. Conclusion

Fitting your life into one bag is no small task. We’re here to help.

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Best Travel Backpacks

Click to learn more about why we love these top picks.

  • 9.2/10: Aer Travel Pack 3 (Best for one bag travel)
  • 9.1/10: GORUCK GR2 (40L) (Best for rugged adventures)
  • 8.9/10: Peak Design Travel Backpack 30L (Best for travel photographers)
  • 8.8/10: TOM BIHN Synik 30 (Best for built-in organization)
  • 8.6/10: Tortuga Travel Backpack 30L (Best for suitcase-like organization)
  • 8.5/10: TOM BIHN Techonaut 30 (Best for multiple carry modes)
  • 8.3/10: ULA Equipment Dragonfly (Best for lightweight carry)
  • 8.3/10: Able Carry Max Backpack (Best for daypack-like feel)
  • 8.2/10: Osprey Farpoint 40 (Best for budget travelers)
  • 8.2/10: Minaal Carry-On 3.0 Bag (Best for business travelers)
  • 8.0/10: EVERGOODS Civic Travel Bag 35L (CTB35) (Best for carry comfort)
  • 7.6/10: Topo Designs Global Travel Bag 40L (Best built-in packing cubes)
  • 7.5/10: Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack (Best for showing a little personality)

See all reviews: Travel Backpacks

How to Select The Best Backpack for One Bag Travel

There’s something so freeing about traveling with only one bag. All of your important stuff is within arm’s reach, and it forces you to cut down on many of life’s seemingly necessary consumer goods that you can probably live without. With one bag, you easily glide from location to location, always having just enough but never too much.

Digital Nomad Packing List ATP Tom

Choosing the perfect travel backpack for one bag travel can be a challenging endeavor. There are so many brands and models to choose from with varying degrees of durability, price, and try-on-ability (we made this word up for trying something out before buying it online). Add varying views and opinions into the mix from folks with different values, needs, and body types—and you’ve got a veritable clusterf*ck of options to wade through. Whether you’re a new traveler gearing up for your first trip, a digital nomad going through a “sell-all-my-stuff-and-put-it-in-a-backpack” phase, or somewhere in between, it’s essential to have the best travel backpack that works for you.

Here’s the bottom line: There is no “best” backpack that is perfect for every traveler in every scenario. However, we believe everyone can find a pack that’s perfect for their unique needs. In this guide, we’ll break down the factors we think are most important when choosing the ideal one-bag travel backpack for you.

This guide is written and informed by Pack Hacker staff, many of whom are frequent travelers and digital nomads. That means we’re using and testing these products every day to better understand what’s available out there and how each bag may appeal to different types of travelers.

If you’d rather skip all this info and get straight to the backpacks we’ve reviewed, you can take a look at our highest-rated travel backpack list in the next section, or all of our Travel Backpack Reviews . We’re constantly updating this list as we review and rate new bags frequently.

Is It Better To Travel With a Backpack or Suitcase?

We’ve found that backpacks give you much greater mobility. You can breeze through airports. You’ll never stand around a baggage carousel after a long haul again. And as long as your pack is carry-on size compliant, you’ll never lose your luggage, ever. Depending on your travel style and what you’re hauling, it comes down to your personal preference—both roller luggage and backpacks can be good options. In this guide, we’ll focus on travel backpacks for a couple of reasons:

They Feel Freeing

You’ve got both of your hands-free, and you’re not constantly dragging something behind you. No matter what terrain you’re walking on, you’ll never have the annoyance of loud or unsteady wheels behind you from standard travel luggage. Sure, roller bags work like a charm on smooth airport and hotel floors, but how about the winding cobblestone roads of Paris or a sandy beach in Ko Pha Ngan? You can traverse almost any terrain when you’re wearing a backpack.

Best Travel Backpack | Traveling with the Osprey Farpoint 40 in India.

Travel Backpacks are Versatile & Usually Lightweight

If you pack light enough, you can comfortably have all of your belongings with you at once . Did you arrive earlier than your hotel or Airbnb check in? No problem, just take your pack around with you for the day—no need to stop by and drop your luggage off. Versatility at its finest.

We can’t necessarily guarantee the pack will be lightweight if you fill it up with a bunch of heavy stuff (like camera gear), so we made a Travel Camera Guide too 🙂.

They Provide Flexibility

You’ll take up less room on the airplane or in public transit. You’ll generally feel more agile vs needing to drag around rolly luggage, with the added benefit of not looking like an out-of-place tourist. It caters to a more adventurous lifestyle by always being ready to go. And, you can easily catch that train that’s about to depart without awkwardly side-running with a roller bag or two.

Heimplanet Travel Pack 28L (V2) in Cambridgeshire, England

Utilizing a Backpack in Travel Contexts

In this guide, we’re going for travel versatility. We want you to look good carrying these bags around in an urban environment and have the flexibility to head out on a hike for a couple of days of camping without having your backpack ruined by the elements. If you’ve got a piece of roller luggage, it’s going to be hard to do that spontaneous half-day trek on the trail to the neighboring city you’ve been wanting to check out. Likewise, if you’re going to post up at a coffee shop for a day of office work, you’re going to look out of place with a bulky, multi-colored hiking bag. The packs mentioned in this article will blend into most city environments and are durable enough to withstand the abuse of longer excursions.

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Some of our top-rated bags for your travel backpack consideration.

Aer Travel Pack 3 Review

The Aer Travel Pack 3 takes some of our favorite travel backpack features and puts them into one bag: helpful load lifters, easy-to-engage compression straps, and easy access to different compartments. It has Aer’s sleek signature style and is made with quality materials like CORDURA® ballistic nylon and YKK zippers, which add a ton of durability and make this a reliable bag that can withstand extended travel. In fact, this is one of our highest-rated bags and a Pack Hacker Pick because of how it’s held up on trips across the U.S., Thailand, South Korea, and more.

The organization is streamlined for easy packing, and it even includes a hidden pocket where you can tuck a smart tracker—a great feature for keeping track of your bag if it’s stolen or gets lost in transit. The harness system is super comfortable even when the bag is fully loaded and includes wide, cushioned shoulder straps with keepers to cut down on dangling. We also like that there’s an option to add a hip belt because it helps take a ton of weight off your shoulders when the bag is loaded. If you don’t need as much liter space, we recommend the Aer Travel Pack 3 Small because it takes key features from its bigger sibling and puts them in a smaller package built for shorter trips and smaller frames.

Why We Like It

  • It has just-right organization and open space
  • Compression straps don’t impede access to the compartments, so it’s easy to grab gear quickly

What You Should Know

  • Magnetic compression buckles sometimes come undone on their own
  • There isn’t a huge false bottom to the laptop compartment, which impacts tech protection—more of a nitpick, as we’ve found it’s still reliable

GORUCK GR2 In Detroit, Michigan

If you’re looking for a durable pack that can handle any adventure you throw at it, look no further than the GORUCK GR2. It’s a little on the heavier side (courtesy of the CORDURA® Nylon and beefy YKK zippers), though we think the durability is worth the weight sacrifice. We’ve fit its boxy shape under the seat in front of us on some budget airlines, which is great if you’re trying to avoid fees while you travel the world (who isn’t?). In fact, this is the bag that Pack Hacker’s founder Tom used to travel the world for over 2 years.

Though the organization inside is simple, there’s still plenty of room for packing cubes and pouches. It’s covered in PALS webbing, which we use to attach MOLLE accessories like pouches that we fill with items we want quick access to on the plane or while exploring. The customization options mean you can make the pack fit your specific needs, whether it’s Digital Nomad travel or a weekend fishing trip with your family. Plus, GORUCK has one of the best lifetime warranties in the business and a killer repair program, so if you have any issues, contact their customer service.

  • The external fabrics are some of the most durable we’ve seen—it even held up when we dragged it behind a car
  • Plenty of PALS webbing, so it’s easy to add modular MOLLE attachments to customize your organization
  • The rugged materials and hardware add a lot of weight to the pack
  • It has a tactical look and feel that’s hard to disguise if that’s not your style

Peak Design Travel Backpack 30L Back

Since this is a bag from Peak Design, it has some great camera features. There are plenty of attachment points inside and out for your photography gear. However, it’s an excellent travel backpack even if you don’t take a DSLR on every trip, thanks to its clean lines and clever design.

The main compartment has well-structured sides and opens clamshell to make it easy to pack, although we’ve noticed that anything we store on the bottom blocks built-in mesh pockets, so you’ll have to choose between gear storage or smooth access. They’re useful for gear you won’t need until you reach your destination, and side pockets help you get to things that you need as you travel, like your passport. There’s a well-padded sleeve for your laptop, and the front pocket has organizational features for tiny gear, which is great for getting to your essentials while sitting in your airplane seat or waiting at the gate. For times when you’re not packing as much, the compression system does an excellent job at holding gear in place.

If you find that 30L isn’t enough space or you want bring more of your photo kit, we recommend the Peak Design Travel Backpack , which has the same great features and added room for your gear. It expands to 45 liters if needed and has compression snaps to lock it down if you want to use it as a daypack.

  • It has a comfortable harness system, with a sternum strap that won’t slip out of place
  • Structured sides and clamshell opening create a bucket shape that’s easy to load with gear
  • ID pocket on the back panel is easy to overlook, so a stranger may not see it if they find your misplaced bag
  • Some main compartment pockets aren’t as accessible as we’d like, which slows you down when searching for gear

Tom Bihn Synik 30 In Detroit, Michigan

Going with a lower-capacity pack reduces size and weight, meaning you can even use it as a daypack once you arrive at your destination. However, that doesn’t mean it has to be short on features. Enter the TOM BIHN Synik 30. It’s a smaller version of the Synapse and features the same top-notch and customizable organization we’re used to seeing from TOM BIHN. That means it has multiple exterior pockets for storing gear and numerous attachment points on the interior for attaching modular pouches. While we like the ballistic nylon options because they’re sleek and durable, you can opt for a different material if you want (TOM BIHN has a ton to choose from).

The style won’t be for everyone, and its round shape can make it more challenging to pack some packing cubes and pouches, causing you to lose out on some storage space in the corners (or lack thereof). However, once you’re used to the internal organization, this is one of the smartest-designed internal layouts we’ve seen in a travel backpack.

  • The internal organization is great for both travel and daily carry
  • Plenty of options to add modular pouches to customize gear organization
  • Has a heritage look that may not be everyone’s taste
  • Rounded edges can make it harder to pack with some organizers and pouches

Tortuga Travel Backpack Pro 30L Review

The Tortuga Travel Backpack 30L has a thickly padded harness system, from the shoulder straps to the hip belt and the back panel, along with vertical height adjustment and load lifters for extra support. All of these features together make for a comfortable carry even when the backpack is completely full. There are plenty of places to pack your gear, including water bottle pockets on each side, a top pocket for small items like keys, a front pocket for wide but flat items, and smaller pockets on the hip belt. You can stash your tech accessories in a well-organized admin panel, and there’s a dedicated laptop compartment as well. It includes a zippered pocket for accessories, which we love for the trips where we don’t need to bring a separate tech pouch.

The large bucket space of the main compartment is simple, with no dividers to get in the way. This means you can pack however you please, whether you load up on packing cubes or fold your clothing into neat piles—though we recommend packing cubes so that things don’t get too jostled. A mesh compartment hinges along the main compartment opening for some built-in segmentation, and you’ll find a similar feature on the Tortuga Travel Backpack 40L . While the 30L is great for smaller frames, we think the larger version is excellent if you want more space to pack. It’s even a Pack Hacker Pick !

  • The smaller size means this travel backpack doubles as a daypack if desired
  • Simple organization in other pockets while the main compartment is open to organize as you see fit
  • Can be slow to access the large mesh pocket in the main compartment because it opens toward the inside of the pack, not the outside
  • The harness system can feel a bit overkill for a bag of this size if it’s not full

Tom Bihn Techonaut 30 Review

The Techonaut 30 is a classic example of what makes a TOM BIHN bag great. There are a ton of durable fabric and colorway options—we like the 525D ballistic nylon because of its strength-to-weight ratio, though there are stronger and lighter-weight options available depending on your preferences. Plus, it has clever, functional organization that’s easy to load with all your gear. When we need to keep even more small items in check, we add TOM BIHN pouches to the included O-rings around the bag (we’re partial to the Ghost Whale pouches because of their size, but almost any will work).

You can carry the Techonaut 30 like a backpack, briefcase, or messenger bag, although you’ll have to get a separate strap to carry it as a messenger. We prefer backpack mode because the back panel is supportive even when all 30 liters are fully packed.

Inside, it has a variety of pockets, including an integrated water bottle pocket and two quick-grab pockets, which work in either horizontal or vertical orientation, meaning you can store gear based on the way you’re carrying the bag. Briefcase mode? Use the top pockets. Backpack? Go for the sides. However, if you need to carry some hydration, we find that the integrated water bottle pocket can cut into the main compartment, so you’ll have to trade some storage space. Though the main and bottom compartments are separated, you can expand the former via a collapsible floor, which is handy if you need a bit of flexibility with the available space. This is great if you like traveling with shoes but don’t want to buy a separate shoe pouch.

  • Bottom pocket unzips to merge with the main compartment for even more storage space
  • It can be carried three ways, and all of them are comfortable
  • It’s tricky to see inside the top pocket because of its sideways opening
  • The dedicated shoe pocket struggles to fit large shoes, which isn’t ideal for those with large feet

ULA Equipment Dragonfly Side

At less than 2 pounds, the Dragonfly is one of the lightest travel backpacks we’ve tested (and we’ve tested hundreds), yet it’s not lacking in features. The reason it’s so light is the Ultra 800™ Fabric. It’s 15 times stronger than steel by weight, twice as abrasion-resistant as nylons of the same denier, and waterproof to 200 psi, so you don’t have to worry about a rainstorm ruining your gear. The bag also has quality YKK AquaGuard zippers and Duraflex hardware. While it’s missing a ULA logo on the front, we appreciate the minimalist aesthetic.

As for gear storage, there’s a built-in carabiner and leash for your keys in the top quick-access pocket, and there are both internal and external UltraStretch™ mesh pockets to organize your gear, including large water bottle pockets. In fact, they’re so large that we’re even able to hold things like a travel tripod. Inside is a sleeve that can hold up to a 15-inch laptop or a hydration bladder, depending on what you plan to do that day. Once you’re all loaded up, internal compression straps help to hold your clothing or packing cubes in place.

However, you sacrifice a little in the harness system in the name of weight. A sturdy back panel has thin padding with aeration, and the shoulder straps have similar aeration but not as much padding. The sternum strap is also thin but helps take a little weight off when the pack is full. Plus, there are a lot of attachment loops all over the pack, which is great for modularity.

  • The oversized bottle pockets fit a variety of bulky gear and up to 64-ounce bottles
  • It has a quite spacious main compartment
  • It can be hard to zip when fully packed
  • The shoulder straps aren’t overly padded, which may not be suited for all body types

Able Carry Max Backpack | Using the backpack in Detroit

The VX21 X-Pac material on the Able Carry Max Backpack gives it a sporty look that we like, and there’s also 1000D CORDURA® nylon on the underside for durability. You won’t have to worry about the sturdiness of this bag, as it’s well-constructed, with reinforced stitching in key areas. There is plenty of room in the laptop compartment for up to a 17-inch computer and organization for your tech gear. Loops and strips of webbing around the bag give you the flexibility to pack it however you wish, and there are two quick-grab pockets for gear you want to get at as you travel. You can even get a third quick-access spot if you use the internal bottle pocket instead of the one outside the bag for hydration.

The Max Backpack is really comfortable to carry and easy to adjust. The shoulder straps have dense padding and breathable mesh undersides, with X-Pac on top for durability and style. While the tablet pocket is a bit shallow, we don’t have too many problems during regular use.

  • It’s easy to customize organization thanks to webbing and loop attachment points
  • The durable fabrics are held together with equally-sturdy stitching
  • The X-Pac material may not suit everyone, though you can always opt for CORDURA® nylon
  • A rear pocket is a bit narrow and tricky to access

Osprey Farpoint 40 V2 Review

This durable bag is made with recycled and bluesign® approved polyester and a PFAS-free DWR coating, which is great if you’re an eco-friendly traveler. It has a bit of an outdoorsy look, which is to be expected from Osprey. However, the external storage is hard to beat if you’re the adventurous type. A large front stash pocket holds a water bottle or damp gear like a rain jacket or towel, and there’s also a decent-sized top pocket for smaller accessories. We like that it’s big enough to tuck your 3-1-1 bag inside to keep it within reach through the security line at the airport. The main compartment opens fully clamshell, and is easy to pack since you can see all the space at once. A couple of mesh pockets inside help organize your gear, and compression straps hold clothing or packing cubes in place as you travel. The large laptop compartment is accessible from the outside of the bag, so you can get some work done as you wait for the plane to board.

What’s really great, though, is how comfortable you’ll be while carrying this bag. The breathable mesh back panel keeps things airy, and the harness shifts higher or lower so you can adjust it to your height and torso length. If you have a more petite frame but want to carry the same amount of gear, try the Osprey Fairview 40. As opposed to coming straight over your shoulders, these curve in and around, making it easier to carry for more petite users of any gender.

  • The harness system is comfy even when the pack is fully loaded
  • An ample-sized main compartment makes this a great pick for one bag travel
  • You can’t remove the bulky hip belt even if you don’t need it
  • There aren’t any dedicated bottle pockets, and the front pocket can be tight for larger bottles

Minaal Carry-On 3.0 in Detroit Michigan

The 35L Minaal Carry-On 3.0 for one bag travel is aesthetically sleek and has smart features to improve quality of life on your trip. If you carry a lot of tech, you may appreciate that the laptop compartment lays completely flat, making it easy to load and access on the go. It has a suspended laptop sleeve that you can adjust to different sizes, so your 13-inch MacBook Air isn’t drowning in a pocket designed for a big gaming computer. Plus, the shoulder straps hide away behind a zipping panel, which we find makes it easy to slide this backpack into an overhead bin.

The main compartment opens clamshell for easy packing and includes some built-in organization. However, unlike most other backpacks, you load the bag into the “scoop” section (the front of the bag) instead of the back. This takes a little getting used to, though it’s easy to use once you do. While we recommend taking advantage of packing cubes for most of your gear, there is a large mesh pocket at the top, along with a nylon pouch below it where you can pack shoes. Two external pockets give you quick access to your wallet, phone, and small accessories, and there’s also a security pocket behind the back panel for your passport. Just be careful when using the water bottle pocket, as they can slip out even when the bungee is tight.

  • It’s great to be able to securely carry devices of different sizes in the adjustable sleeve
  • Excellent accessibility since both compartments open fully clamshell
  • You have to pack it “scoop side down,” which can get unwieldy without packing cubes
  • The bungee designed to hold a bottle in place doesn’t always work as intended, and some bottles slip out

EVERGOODS Civic Travel Bag 35L (CTB35) Review

Some packs are designed with a specific use in mind, and others are designed to be as versatile as possible. Every once in a while, you’ll come across a bag that does both (and does it well). The features on EVERGOODS’ Civic Travel Bag 35L, or CTB35, make it one of the most versatile travel backpacks we’ve seen on the market.

There’s plenty of organization to choose from without going over the top, meaning there’s a spot for large and small gear alike. The main compartment has ample space, so we’re able to fit everything from a camera cube to bulky shoes inside, and it even has a few zippered pockets for small items like tech. As for external storage, there’s a built-in yoke pocket on the top and a vertical zippered pocket on the front that we like to use as a dump pocket for our phone, wallet, keys, and more while going through airport security. Plus, there’s an easily accessible laptop compartment if you work on the go. The harness system is contoured nicely, which makes this backpack incredibly comfortable to wear even when fully packed, so we have no problem carrying it all day long.

We like the 35-liter option because it’s big enough to work for long trips. However, if you’re into the organization but want something smaller, it also comes in a 26-liter size (which we like equally as much).

  • The harness is well-padded and comfortable even when the pack is completely full of gear
  • It strikes a balance between built-in organization and empty space, so you’re not pigeonholed into packing your gear a specific way
  • Since the organization is so minimal, you’ll need to find a way to manage things like clothing—we recommend utilizing packing cubes
  • We find it difficult to stow the hip belt without it twisting a bit, so it takes a bit of finesse to get right

Topo Designs Travel Bag 40L In Use

We like the Topo Designs Global Travel Bag so much that we chose it for the first iteration of our Vacation Packing List . The large size makes sense because you can fit more gear; however, there’s a smaller 30-liter size that we find is better for smaller-framed folks and people who want to save space. Why do we like it so much? We’re happy you asked!

These packs have built-in organization options inside the main compartment, including a divider with zippered pockets that we use to stow smaller items like socks and underwear, but it’s also great for tech or miscellaneous gear. There’s also a large second compartment, a dedicated laptop compartment, and a quick-grab pocket on the front that’s handy for gear you’ll need throughout the day. While all of this organization is great, it’s worth mentioning that all of these zippered pockets are pretty shallow, so you’ll have to pack strategically to ensure your bag will zip up when everything is loaded in. On the plus side, the liner is brightly colored, which makes finding your stuff that much easier!

If all of that space isn’t enough for you, there are attachment points on the front of the bag where you can attach an additional daypack. The harness system isn’t our favorite because there’s no frame sheet to add structure and it can feel pretty heavy when it’s all packed out, but the hip belt does a good job taking some weight off your shoulders.

  • There’s ample organization to segment your gear, making it easier to find
  • The bright liner material adds a ton of visibility when we’re looking for our stuff in the multiple zippered pockets
  • Can be difficult to slide a laptop into the dedicated compartment when the bag is fully packed because of how it starts to bulge
  • It’s not the most comfortable bag we’ve worn for extended periods because the back panel lacks significant structure

Wearing the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack in Jordan

While some travel backpacks fit best in an urban setting, the Allpa 35L Travel Pack works as a hiking or work bag as well as a travel pack. However, just because it can serve other purposes doesn’t mean it’s lacking in the travel department. It has a refined design and ample space that make it easy to pack for vacation, with mesh dividers and organizers inside to help you keep your gear sorted. While the exterior materials aren’t very structured, you’re unlikely to reach for this large of a bag unless you plan to pack it out, so it’s not always noticeable. The polyester is coated with TPU for water resistance, so your gear is safe as you walk in nearly any weather.

If you’re getting started on your journey into one bag travel, you can get the Allpa with an accessory bundle that includes mesh laundry bags, a nylon shoe bag, and a snap-on mesh water bottle sleeve. You also have the option to add-on Cotopaxi’s Batac Daypack, so you can have a complete travel system ready with just one click. And in case you needed another reason to consider Cotopaxi, you should know that their bags are made in the Philippines in a factory committed to fair labor and environmentally-sound practices, so you can feel good about your purchase, too.

  • It’s a ruggedly durable backpack if you’re a more adventurous traveler
  • The bag feels roomy and conveniently-placed pockets for small gear storage
  • Hip belt isn’t removable if it doesn’t fit, and the pockets often feel too snug when wearing the bag
  • It’s on the heavy side for its size

Decisions, decisions… Navigating the not-so-clear world of travel packs.

Video Guide Part 2: Form

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Best Backpack Size & Weight for Carry-On Air Travel

We favor smaller bags that fit in the overhead bin. Yes, it can be a challenge to fit your entire life into a 40L bag, but wow, is it worth it!. Trust us—you can fit your entire life into an 18L backpack if you’re disciplined, and we highly recommend staying under 50L for one bag travel. Life is just easier with a smaller & lighter backpack. If you want to cheat a bit and get some extra space, you can also go the sling bag on the front, backpack on the back route.

Airlines can get pretty stingy around the amount of weight you can bring on board. It’s essential to make sure your backpack itself isn’t too heavy, or you won’t be able to fit in as much clothing and other travel gear. We’re all for less clothing and gear, but we are not for getting hit with extra fees if your carry-on is overweight. Starting out with a bag that’s already too heavy before you’ve packed it is just setting yourself up for failure! We calculate a carry-on compliance score for every travel backpack reviewed on our site using its dimensions and data we collect from most airlines worldwide.

True Volume

It’s easy to get caught up in all this talk around liters of a backpack. There’s really no “industry standard” around this, and the liter size of a pack can vary from brand to brand. What’s more important is the “True Volume” of a backpack and how usable the space is. Some weird, trapezoid-shaped backpack will certainly be more of a challenge than something with a larger, rectangular compartment. The thickness and flexibility of the material matter as well. A thin, strong material will leave you with more space inside of a backpack than something with thick padding in the liner. However, a rigid material—Dyneema, for instance—doesn’t have much additional flex and isn’t very forgiving when you’re trying to pack your bag to the brim. The efficiency of space can make or break the usefulness of a pack.

Pack’s Exterior Profile

The slimness of a pack can help out quite a bit. Not only does it seem less heavy because the weight is close to your back, but it has the added benefit of giving you a smaller, slimmer form factor. With this, you won’t be taking up too much room on public transit or smacking people in the face when you’re boarding the airplane—it’ll be a better experience for you and everyone around you.

Max Legal Carry-On

Otherwise known as “MLC,” Max Legal Carry-On size covers the largest acceptable backpack size for carrying on most airlines. Make sure to check with your airline before arriving at the airport, though—size limits can vary based on the airline you’re flying with.

Peak Design Travel Backpack in Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Peak Design Travel Backpack is a well-executed travel bag from a company with an excellent track-record of bringing innovative and unique designs to the backpack world. This maximum legal carry-on can easily handle one bag travel, photography, or digital nomading with ease—and it will be a joy to use for any of those activities.

Top-loading vs Panel-loading (Clamshell) Backpacks

There’s a big debate around clamshell and top-loading packs. We’re personally a fan of clamshell for one-bag travel, as it gives you more open space to work with. Clamshell functions more like a suitcase and opens literally like a clam. You can easily open it up flat and see everything inside, so it tends to be easier to organize all your travel gear.

The Able Carry Max Backpack is a clamshell-style backpack that opens to give you easy access to a spacious main compartment—this works great for packing cubes or rolled up clothing—whichever you prefer! Also, it’s got a large but low-profile water bottle pocket.

Top-loading packs are great if you’re on a long, multi-day trek or participating in other outdoor-focused activities as there’s no main zipper that can fail you (which could be catastrophic if you’re halfway up Mt. Everest).

Thule Subterra in Spain

The Thule Subterra 34L is a top-loading backpack with a roll top opening. A top loader’s usual pitfalls are fixed by an easy to access side zip that allows entry to the main compartment. This zip comes in handy when you don’t have time to mess around with the roll top, or you want to grab something located at the bottom of the bag.

Weather Resistance

Best Travel Backpack | The GORUCK GR2 features “weather resistance” but it’s not “waterproof.”

Weather resistance is another key component to consider for one bag travel. With all your tech gear and expensive possessions in your pack, you don’t want it to get wet. We look for packs with some great weather resistance that’ll easily get you through light rain and ideally through 20 minutes of a monsoon in Southeast Asia. There’s a big difference between waterproof and water-resistant bags. We’re mainly focused on the latter, as this will be plenty in most situations. Sure, waterproof is more secure, but unless you’re leaving your pack outside in a torrential downpour for hours on end or plan to go snorkeling with your laptop on your back, there’s no need for that extra tech.

Mission Workshop Fitzroy VX

The Mission Workshop Fitzroy VX utilizes weatherproof materials and weather-resistant zippers. We’ve found it to hold up decently in a downpour. Even if you’re caught in a pretty torrential rainstorm, you should be okay with the PET waterproof membrane.

Got something that needs some additional weatherproofing? Consider picking up a DAKA Pouch . It’ll give your valuables that extra layer of protection without requiring you to purchase an entirely waterproof bag—plus, these pouches double as organizers, separating your precious gear from the rest of your loadout with some additional protection to boot. It’s a win-win.

Durability and Quality

Whether you’re traveling for a week, a month, or a year plus, your backpack is pretty much your home, so you don’t want it to break. Take it from us—the last thing you want is to find out that you lost your phone charger because your zipper broke during the journey to your next accommodation. Investing in a good backpack will prevent loss and damage to your gear, and higher quality products will last for several years. It can be a challenge to tell if a backpack is durable right out of the box, which is why we test bags as much as possible to notice any faults. Higher durability usually means higher weight, but not always. Here are a couple of key considerations we’ve found when it comes to durability.

When it comes to durability, the Topo Designs Travel Bag 40L doesn’t mess around. The 1000D nylon, beefy YKK #10 zippers, and simplistic design all come together to create a bag that won’t let you down.

Best Travel Backpack YKK Zipper

YKK zippers are some of the best around, so naturally, the best travel backpack brands tend to use them. They’re super strong and have different weights depending on the area of the pack they’re used. A YKK #10 will keep a main compartment secure, whereas a YKK #5 may be suited for smaller side pockets that don’t receive as much use or tension.

YKK is obsessed with quality, and they do everything in-house. They smelt their own brass, forge their own zipper teeth, and even make the machines that make their zippers and the cardboard boxes they ship in! Needless to say, you probably won’t end up with any broken zippers with YKK on your side. YKK zippers also account for about half of all zippers in the world, so that says something. Although less popular, RiRi zippers are pretty great too. Both RiRi and YKK are superior to any other zipper made in-house by a bag manufacturer, and Zoom Zippers are climbing up on that list as well, though we still find intermittent issues with them.

Backpack Fabric and Material

There are a ton of fabrics and materials out there, too. When looking at fabrics, you’ll often see a number followed by a D—250D, 950D, 1500D, etc. The D stands for denier, a term used to measure the fabric’s thickness and weight—specifically the yarn. The formal definition is the mass (in grams) per 9,000 meters of thread, so lightweight fabrics (like silk) have a very low denier, while heavier fabrics have a higher denier. When it comes to backpacks, a higher denier is not necessarily better. In general, a higher denier will be more durable (depending on the fabric & weave) but also heavier. While the denier can tell you the weight and thickness of a material, the type of material, weave, and manufacturing involved will ultimately tell you more about its strength and durability. Here are some materials you’ll come across when selecting your pack, along with the pros and cons of each one.

Ripstop Nylon

Rip-Stop Nylon

Pretty close in property to standard nylon, “ripstop” nylon has a unique square weave that prevents further tearing from happening after a puncture. It has an incredibly high strength-to-weight ratio, and, as the name implies, it is highly resistant to rips and tears. The reason why it’s so strong is that additional fibers are sewn into the weave. Ripstop Nylon was developed in World War II as a more robust alternative to silk parachutes and is currently used in ejector seat parachutes for fighter pilots!

Ballistic Nylon

Ballistic Nylon

Ballistic Nylon refers to any nylon fabric with a “ballistic weave,” a variation on the simple basketweave. This gives it excellent tensile and tear strength—especially when layered—and makes it heavier than a lot of other materials. Keep in mind that ballistic nylon almost exclusively comes in black. Why is it called ballistic? It was initially used on flak jackets for World War II airmen to protect them from artillery-shell and bullet fragmentations. PSA: We do not recommend the use of backpacks for protection in war zones.



CORDURA® is not a fabric in and of itself—it is a brand covering a whole host of different materials, from cotton to nylon to polyester. What they do is take fabric from various mills, inspect it to make sure it’s up to their standards, and then slap that CORDURA® tag on it. Yes, it’s a bit deceiving, but they do put out some high-quality stuff. You’ll mostly always see a “®” next to “CORDURA” (in all caps) because #branding and #lawyers.

Kodra Nylon

Kodra Nylon

Kodra is virtually synonymous with CORDURA® but made in Korea. Peak Design opted for this in V1 of their Everyday Backpack.


Polyester is one of the most common fabrics on the planet. It’s made from plastic fibers, and you can find it pretty much everywhere—in clothing, pillows, seat belts, upholstery, rope, the list goes on… Oh, and backpacks. Polyester is not the most durable fabric, so you’ll usually find it on lower-end packs (think of those classic Jansport backpacks everyone had in high school). It’s really not the most suitable choice for a travel pack—as it just won’t hold up through the years. Besides lacking in durability, polyester is also fairly heavy compared to other fabrics like nylon. If you’re looking for a low-budget day pack, polyester is fine. If you’re looking for something more serious, stay away from it.


Polypropylene & Nylon Blend

Polypropylene is a polymer that is used to make fabrics. This stuff is seriously everywhere—it is the world’s second most widely produced synthetic plastic! It’s used to make ropes, carpets, labels, plastic lids on tic-tac containers, plastic chairs, long underwear…basically, if you see something made of plastic, there’s a solid chance there’s some polypropylene in it. You’ll find it mostly in minor backpack components, but it’s also used to make drawstring bags and totes like the ones that are handed out for free at a college fair or festival. Polypropylene fabric has a few things going for it. It’s cheap, it’s a good insulator because it doesn’t transfer heat very well, and it won’t absorb water since it’s hydrophobic. The major problem with polypropylene is that it is not very UV resistant. If it’s repeatedly exposed to sunlight, the fabric will fade and break down over time. This is not great for backpacks. You may, however, see polypropylene used as a liner on the inside of some packs as it won’t be affected by UV light and adds some additional protection.


You could say that canvas is the OG backpack material. Back in the day, canvas was just about the only thing you would use for a “backpack,” outside of maybe a burlap sack thrown over your shoulder. In World War II, GI’s carried all their equipment around in canvas packs and slept in canvas tents. Canvas very thick and sturdy and was historically made from cotton, linen, or hemp coated in wax for waterproofing. Today, canvas tends to be made from things like nylon and polyester. Most modern backpack companies shy away from canvas because it’s usually heavy, not overly water-resistant, and easily damaged by abrasion. If you’re looking for a canvas one-bag travel pack, you’re not going to find much out there. However, if you want the nostalgia factor, you can still find a bespoke canvas bag to satisfy that.


We may need to scrap our statement on canvas because leather is arguably as OG as it gets. Its use has been traced back as far as Ancient Greece and Rome! Like canvas, you’re not going to see many travel packs made of leather. While a leather bag can make for an excellent, stylish daypack, it’s not ideal for a long-term travel pack, mainly because of its weight. There is also a lot of potential care involved. Between protective oils and various cleaning techniques, it can be a hassle to deal with if you’re on the move. There are three grades of leather—genuine, top-grain, and full-grain.

Contrary to popular belief, genuine is the lowest grade of leather while full-grain is the highest. Full-grain is used for heavy-duty use-cases like weapon holsters and work belts, so if you’re dead set on a leather pack, we’d recommend looking for full-grain leather. Ideally, you’ll want to find something thin enough to not be overly heavy while still thick enough to ensure durability.


The actual material is called ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene… but most know it as sailcloth (yep, the same material used on a sailboat). A relatively rare material for backpacks, brands like Tortuga have taken advantage of sailcloth due to its lightweight and water-resistant properties. It is by far the most lightweight and waterproof material on our list (no need for DWR or liners), but it does have some drawbacks. It’s stiff and crinkly with zero stretch, which can cause problems if you’re trying to utilize every nook and cranny of your pack. It isn’t quite as indestructible as some other materials listed, but it’s reasonably durable and can be patched. It also tends to be one of the most expensive backpack materials out there.

Dyneema® Composite Fabric

Dyneema® Composite Fabric

In May 2015, Dyneema purchased Cubic Tech, the creator and manufacturer of Cuben Fiber, and rebranded it as Dyneema® Composite Fabrics. So, Dyneema® Composite Fabrics = Cuben Fiber. This stuff was initially designed for high-tech sails on racing yachts because it is ridiculously light and robust. As such, it has been adopted wholeheartedly by the ultralight backpacking community. It’s sort of like the carbon fiber of the backpack world—high-tech, super strong, super light, and…super expensive. While Dyneema® Composite Fabric is popular within the ultralight backpacking community, it has yet to become commonplace in the one-bag travel scene. That being said, if you do see Dyneema® Composite Fabric, you should know that you’re getting some of the best stuff around.

tpu material best travel backpack guide

Thermoplastic polyurethane —TPU for short—is a polymer used to add strength to a material, either through a manufacturing process or coating. You’ll recognize it on products like inflatable rafts, phone cases, wire cables, and footwear. Think stuff that needs to be as durable as possible to avoid things going south for the user. It easily sheds water and oil, resists abrasions, and won’t crack in high or low temps, making it ideal for frequent outdoor use. Unlike polypropylene, TPU is UV-resistant and won’t be subjected to the same amount of fading over time. If you’re the type of traveler who wants extra peace of mind on the go, you’ll want to keep an eye out for TPU because of the extra strength it adds to a pack, but we wouldn’t consider a lack of TPU a deal-breaker.

x-pac material best travel backpack guide

X-Pac is not so much a fabric as it is a bunch of fabrics smooshed together. With the help of lamination technology, it combines complementary materials to make an overall higher-performing product. Though there are variations in denier and waterproofing, it’s most commonly made up of a nylon face for durability, polyester mesh for strength, and waterproof film that won’t disappear over time. Like Dyneema® Composite Fabrics, it was inspired by the efficiency of sailcloth but is a less costly option that provides a similar level of ultralight performance. It holds its shape over time, won’t fade with UV exposure, and easily sheds moisture, making it great for outdoor enthusiasts who hike and bike with their pack on the regular. However, it may be a bit overkill for casual travelers unless you’re looking for a backpack for epic mountain climbing adventures.

Ultimately, the production process and design will dictate whether your gear will stay together. If a bag is made with 1000D CORDURA®, but it doesn’t have good zippers to match, it doesn’t matter how good the fabric is. Look for brands that proudly back their product with generous warranties, like GORUCK and their “SCARS warranty” or Patagonia and their “Ironclad Guarantee.” These brands know they make quality products, so they’re happy to back it up. If a brand offers no warranty or a short warranty, there’s probably a financial reason for that, and the quality may not be as high. We’re all about buying quality pieces that last versus something that’s going to need repair or replacement year after year.

Whether you’re hopping on a plane or navigating city streets, you need a backpack that can hold up.

Video Guide Part 3: Function

Best Backpack for Comfortable Wear and Extended Travel

Comfort is a big deal when it comes to one-bag travel—especially if you plan to carry the bag around with you for hours on end. You’ll want a high-quality harness that works with the shape of your body. When selecting a bag, it’s crucial to take your height and body type into consideration. Although this matters more for hiking backpacks where you’re carrying a ton of gear, it’s less important for smaller, one-bag travel packs. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think about it before you make a purchase. A backpack suited for someone that’s 6’5″ and 250 pounds probably isn’t the best travel backpack for someone that’s 5’3″ and 140 pounds. Buying something that doesn’t fit your frame correctly will make for some seriously uncomfortable travel.

Men’s Focused Fit Vs Women’s Focused Fit

Osprey Farpoint vs Osprey Fairview

Some backpacks are only available with a “one size fits all” harness system, but there is an ever-increasing number of women’s focused fit and men’s focused fit travel backpacks on the market. For example, the Thule Landmark 40L , REI Ruckpack 40 , and Deuter AViANT Carry On Pro 36 are all available in two different fits. The differences are subtle but have a big impact on how comfortable the harness system is on your frame. Compared to a men’s focused fit, a women’s focused fit backpack will typically feature:

  • Smaller hip belt with a more pronounced curve

Backpack Straps

You’ll want to look for bags with high-quality straps that work for your body type. A mismatch here could lead to an uncomfortable carry, even with only a little weight inside.

Matador Globerider45 Review

Even though the GlobeRider45 has the functionality and looks of a travel backpack, it carries more like a daypack. Its shoulder straps feature dense padding that curves and falls naturally to the body. A relatively high top area does give it a very slight hiking backpack feel, but it’s an overall tameable bag to travel with, considering its 45-liter storage capacity.

The thickness of straps doesn’t necessarily matter. Thinner straps that use high-quality foam may be more comfortable than thicker, bulkier straps.

If you’re concerned with weight, look for bags that include load lifters – these are the adjusters that appear at the top of the straps. This concept is borrowed from larger hiking backpacks and does wonders for fitting the bag well to your back with different loads.

Some straps swivel and pivot to cater to different shoulder widths and make it easier to quickly flip the pack around to access the goods you’ve got inside.

Tortuga Travel Backpack 40L (V4) Strap

We’re middle-of-the-road on hip belts for one-bag travel backpacks. They can help a ton if you’ve got a heavier load or plan to carry your pack for long stretches but aren’t necessary if you pack minimally in a smaller pack.

A good hip belt should be comfortable and secure without becoming too cumbersome. There are few things worse than hitting people with your bulky hip belt while walking down the aisle of an airplane. We’d recommend taking a look at travel backpacks that feature a detachable or hideable hip belt, so you don’t have to use it when you don’t need to.

Sternum Straps

Nearly all travel backpacks include a sternum strap. They’re designed to distribute some weight away from your shoulders and secure the shoulder straps across your chest.

While sternum straps are all pretty similar across the board, there are a couple of things we’d recommend looking out for. First, some will feature an elasticated portion that allows the strap to flex with your body as you walk. We’re big fans of these. Second, some sternum straps can be detached, leaving them vulnerable to falling off when not in use. We’re not kidding; this has happened to us on multiple occasions. Not good, especially when you’re traveling halfway around the world in remote locations! A detachable sternum strap is great when you don’t always need to use one, and it makes adjusting the height easy. Just make sure it’s secure and adequately anchored to the shoulder straps.

Osprey Fairview 40 Back Water Bottle

A well-designed back panel can make things much more comfortable. Although it’s hard to avoid the old sweaty back with more extended periods of wear in hotter climates, well-ventilated mesh and foam can help with this. A curved frame can help with ergonomics and ventilation, but we don’t see this on many travel-focused backpacks. Sometimes, it seems like overkill.

How Do you Pack the Thing?

With all these fancy features, it’s essential to consider how you should use them and how you pack your bag. Generally speaking, you want to load the heaviest items closest to your back. This’ll ensure the heaviest bits of your bag are the closest to your center of gravity, pulling you down less from the back of the bag.

Best Travel Backpack | Configuring a backpack.

If you’ve got all the features mentioned above, you want to strap and tighten your hip belt first, then adjust the shoulder straps, then tighten the load lifter straps (the straps on top) to a 45° angle, and finally, adjust and tighten the sternum strap.

Heimplanet Travel Pack 34L V2 Review

The Heimplanet Travel Pack 34L (V2) has a horseshoe zipper at the top front of the pack, which opens up to allow you to reach into the main compartment and grab essential items rather than opening up the full clamshell. It also features liter independent compartments and pockets, which are great for packing to the absolute limits. Check out the smaller 28L version, too.

Modular Backpack System

If you want more options for customization, check out modular gear. To put it simply, this is gear that brands design to work with their bags. They allow you to make a bag suit your preferences, adding and swapping parts as needed instead of trying to fit your gear into the organization already installed in your pack. Anyone who uses a bag with PALS webbing, for example, will tell you how convenient it is to have loops ready where they can stick MOLLE accessories. Whereas PALS webbing and MOLLE attachments are one of the better-known standards out there, brand-specific modularity and attachment systems also exist.

In fact, some brands, like ALPAKA , TOM BIHN , Boundary Supply , and Roark , are known for it. We like to count how many O-rings we can find on each TOM BIHN bag we buy because that’s where we can clip the brand’s key leashes, admin pouches, packing cubes, and more.

Tom Bihn Ghost Whale Pouches On A Desk

These great for carrying tiny travel accessories wherever we go. Sizes range from Super Mini, which can hold AirPods, chapstick, and similarly sized items, to A5, which is big enough for an A5-size notebook and pens. They’re made from scrap fabric, so you can feel good about saving them from the cutting room floor. They clip to the O-rings in a TOM BIHN bag or a loop on another backpack to save you from digging for small gear.

ALPAKA Elements Backpack Pro Accessories

ALPAKA’s HUB Ecosystem lets you swap your keys, sanitizer, card holder, and more between your bags. Pull the Hypalon tab to release the magnetic fastener to swap your gear, then attach it to different points throughout their bags or the HUB ModPanel hanging in your house. Then you’ll always be able to find your keys.

Boundary Supply Prima System In Detroit

The Prima System includes a 30L travel backpack, the Fieldspace admin panel, and Verge Camera Case. The Fieldspace holds a tablet or small laptop, plus small accessories, docking to the laptop compartment with a magnet, so it’s removable if you don’t need it. The camera case is also fully customizable and can sit inside the pack, connect to its exterior, or be carried separately.

Organization: Multiple Travel-Focused Features or One Big Compartment?

Some backpacks take the approach of having a massive inner compartment with no organization. This is great if you’re planning on using some packing cubes or compression sacks, but not so great if you want a little more internal organization out of the box. More things to consider: is there a dedicated place to put a pen or two for those pesky customs forms? Is it easy to grab? How about a dedicated laptop compartment (or, for that matter, a dedicated laptop bag )?

Tortuga Travel Backpack Pro 40L (V4) Review

This iteration of Tortuga’s travel backpack design gives more control to the user. It has fewer organization options than its predecessors, but the extra space and weight savings can be better used for packing cubes and organizers. Those already invested in such accessories will find the wide and spacious main compartment easy to fill and navigate.

Packing Cubes

Packing Cubes Flat Lay

Packing cubes can be a great addition to your luggage regardless of whether the bag is one massive compartment or has a couple of smaller pockets inside. Packing cubes allow you to organize clothing between type, outfits, clean or dirty, and much more.

Osprey Transporter Global Carry-On Back

The Osprey Transporter Global Carry-On’s size and shape make it easy to pack with cubes. Plus, the light gray interior makes it easy to find your gear.

Compression and Expandability

If you’re going with one bag, versatility is essential. Ideally, your pack will cater to different amounts of items that are packed in the bag.

Some packs even offer detachable daypacks, but they tend to be slightly larger in liters to justify the additional use of materials (extra zippers and extra straps.) If you’re looking for a small travel daypack , consider some highly compressible bags from Matador . There won’t be any padding on these, but you could also pair these with a padded field pocket from GORUCK or a padded laptop compartment if you want to cafe-hop and work for the day.

If you are looking for a more padded daypack, a Mystery Ranch In and Out Packable Daypack , or something like a Fjallraven Kanken 13″ Laptop Backpack could work. At the end of the day, you’re packing another set of straps, padding, and zippers—all space and weight that’s being subtracted from your main pack.

We like sticking to one bag whenever possible, and there are some bags out there with the right size and look that can be used as a daypack and for one bag travel.

Thule Aion 28L Backpack Review

The Thule Aion 28L Backpack expands to 32L when you need more space for a trip. Use the extra room when you’re traveling, then empty it and compress it back down when you arrive at your destination to have a slimmer bag that can be used as a daypack while walking around.

Another great option is the Osprey Farpoint 40 , mentioned above. One of our team members has utilized the compression straps to carry his tripod while traveling to numerous countries.

Security Backpacks

Be on the lookout for packs with great security features. Are the zippers lockable with TSA approved locks? Are there separate secret security compartments to place your passport and other valuables in hard-to-reach places? Is it made of a solid material to prevent the quick slash-and-grab? Are the outer pockets minimized to make it hard for a thief to unzip and grab what they want quickly?

A lot of safety when traveling comes down to common sense and your own self-awareness, but there are a couple of pack features that can make your trips a little bit safer.

Lockable Zippers & Anti-Theft Backpacks

Peak Design Travel Backpack Lockable Zips

Some packs offer lockable zippers, or special looped zipper pulls that can be configured to deter thieves. Locking the zippers on your pack won’t turn it into an anti-theft backpack—someone can still take it or cut through the fabric—but it can help stop wrongdoers from quickly unzipping your bag for a quick-grab, or make them move to the next easily accessible bag on a train or bus. No backpack is impenetrable, though, and some of these features on backpacks can be gimmicky—included just so the purchaser has some peace of mind—even if the benefit isn’t that great. Peak Design’s security features (example below) and PacSafe’s Tough Zip put a lot of emphasis on that extra layer of security.

The zippers on the Peak Design Travel Backpack come with multiple locking features. This won’t necessarily deter all theft, but it’ll stop anyone from the old unzip & grab trick, and it won’t be against TSA Guidelines.

Anti-Theft Backpack Materials

Some bags offer more robust fabric that naturally enforces the bag. As we mentioned before, materials like Ballistic Nylon, CORDURA®, and others are super helpful with this. Some companies even include special mesh wiring, like Pacsafe’s eXomesh®, that almost theft-proof your backpack, allowing you to lock it to a fixed object for added security. EXomesh® is either lined inside the fabric and can also be purchased externally with other backpacks. For the type of traveling we do, we think this is a little paranoid and adds some weight plus another thing to carry. But depending on your situation, it could be helpful. Strolling through Tokyo? Probably not necessary. Heading to Barcelona for the first time? Yeah, we’ll take that extra layer of security.

RFID Blockers (Identity Theft-Proof Backpacks)

We feel that having a bunch of RFID-blocking tech covering an entire backpack is overkill. Sure, it’ll stop folks from electronically scanning your passport, but If you’re concerned with this, you could get a special wallet or wrap your passport & cards in aluminum foil. Let’s face it—it’s much less effort for a thief to physically grab what they want from you than dicking around with RFID technology. But again, whatever helps you sleep at night. If it’s a 100% secure backpack you seek, we’re not going to stop you.

Pacsafe Venturesafe EXP35 Travel Backpack Review

If you’re looking for a secure travel pack, the Pacsafe Venturesafe EXP35 offers some great features for exactly that. From the eXomesh® slash-proof material to the secure zippers and RFID secure pockets, there is some great thinking that went into this pack along with some solid materials.

You know what they say—“It’s not how you feel, it’s how you look.” Or something like that...

Video Guide Part 4: Aesthetic

Finding the Best Travel Backpack Style For You

At the end of the day, the look and feel of a travel backpack should be right for you and your tastes. There are many things to consider as far as aesthetics go we’ll pull in here for consideration. Stylish “urban travel” backpacks became a lot more popular within the last couple of years, and that’s the look we prefer. Gone are the days of international travel with a big blaze-orange hiking backpack. Those certainly have a utility, but that utility is in the wilderness. Here are a couple of overall style points for your consideration:

Minimalist Travel Backpacks

minimalist travel backpacks

When you’re in a new country, think a bit about how you want to be perceived. If you’re heading to a more crowded or dicey area, nothing screams tourist like having a large, colorful backpack while looking up at tall buildings or a landmark in awe. It’s easier to keep a low profile and blend in a little if you’re not carrying around a monstrosity of a bag that acts as an advertisement for thieves and wrongdoers looking to target travelers for their own gain. It’s an added bonus if you can roll into a meeting wearing one of these things. As one-bag travel has become increasingly popular in recent years, we’re seeing many solid urban packs coming out that are built specifically with one-bag travel in mind.

  • Minaal Carry-On 3.0

Tacticool Backpacks

tacticool travel backpacks

There are a ton of great, high-quality bags out there that are made to military spec. There’s some really great utility to things like MOLLE for customizing your pack and including other accessories on your bag, and the stronger materials make for highly durable bags. Keep in mind that some folks may perceive you as being in the military if your bag has too much digi camo going on. It’s one thing if the pack is all black & subdued, but another if it’s camo and filled with patches. If this is your look, go for it, but this type of pack might also bring about some “unwanted attention” in certain parts of the world.

  • Mission Workshop Radian

Outdoor & Hiking Backpacks

Outdoor & Hiking Travel Backpack Aesthetic

Think sportier packs with lots of pockets, brighter colors, and louder material. For a long time, outdoor backpacks were the only option for long-term one-bag travelers. They tend to be bulky and are built to carry big, heavy loads over long distances. This typically means lots of straps and a tall pack that will peek up over your head. Great for an extended camping excursion, not so great for a trip through the airport or a newly-discovered city square. They also tend to scream “TOURIST.” No one casually walks around with a giant hiking backpack.

  • Gregory Zulu 40

Backpacker Backpacks

Backpacker Travel Backpack Aesthetic

If it’s not already obvious, the “Backpacker Backpack” is designed specifically for backpacking around the world. Typically from manufacturers that also make outdoor and hiking backpacks, this is the go-to style for anyone on a gap year looking to tick off as many countries in Southeast Asia as possible. And because of that, they’re some of the most popular bags on the market today. Sure, you’ll still look like a tourist—albeit not as much as you would wearing a hiking backpack—but that’s fine because that’s exactly what you’re doing.

  • Gregory Detour 40

Heritage Backpacks

heritage travel backpacks

These bags are engineered with a classic look in mind. Most will be some variation of the one-compartment style with leather straps, subdued colors, and some type of canvas-y material. These packs look great but can sometimes lack functionality and comfort. Although there are a few bespoke style travel bags (we like Vinta and Rivendell Mountain Works), most will fall into the daypack category.

  • Red Oxx C-ruck Carry-on Rucksack

Having said all of this, aesthetic is subjective, and beauty remains in the eye of the beholder. This is why we conduct weekly polls over on our Instagram to get our communities’ take on the look of bags. Follow us on Instagram to cast your votes! You can find all the results of the polls on our individual review pages too, so you can see how well a bag you’re looking for has performed.

The humble backpack: It’ll get you through anything and everything...

There Really is No “Best Travel Backpack”

Although, there is a best travel backpack for you. All this boils down to your preferences.

When we first started creating this guide, we admittedly thought there would be one best bag for travel, but the deeper we dug, the more we realized it depends on your needs as an individual traveler. Sure, there are generally guiding principles to follow, and a bag made out of cardboard objectively won’t last, but there are too many quality backpacks out there to pick just one. If you’re on a short trip, a lighter, less durable pack will suit you well. If you’re headed to Southeast Asia during the monsoon season, you may want some heavy-duty weatherproofing.

We wish you the best of luck moving forward with your selection. Still want more? Be sure to check out our other guides and travel gear reviews too!

Our team at Pack Hacker developed the “best travel backpack” guide in partnership with our friends (and bag experts) at Carryology . We’re constantly updating this guide as new backpacks are released, and the travel landscape changes.


Author: Tom Wahlin

Tom has lived out of a 40L backpack for 2 years of travel, helping him learn what to pack and what to leave behind. His top achievements include designing for Apple and eating large quantities of ramen (ongoing).

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5 best backpacks for every travel style

Kristy Tolley

Editor's Note

My purple camo Trans by Jansport backpack served me well for 20-plus years. It accompanied me to several countries, on countless road trips and along many hikes.

However, as I improved my packing strategies and my needs changed, I realized my current backpack situation was not ideal.

My bag lacked padding for my laptop, which I never travel without these days. It didn't include enough compartments for me to stay organized, either. Also, I've lost more than a handful of water bottles over the years, thanks to the short and loose side pockets.

Backpack benefits

The best travel backpacks are durable, well-organized and roomy enough for all your travel essentials.

They can also be more comfortable for frequent use. Because they're better at distributing weight, they're less likely to cause musculoskeletal damage that lugging a heavy tote bag on one shoulder might.

"Carrying heavy weight on one side of the body can cause a forward tilt of the shoulder, and poor posture, which can lead to shoulder and back pain long-term," said Dr. Jenny Yu, head of medical affairs at Healthline Media (which is owned by TPG's parent company, Red Ventures).

Backpacks are also easier to manage than rolling carry-ons, making your sprint to your connecting flight a little more efficient.

It was time to level up. Choosing the perfect replacement was a daunting task, though. I researched several models from different brands in varied price ranges.

Considerations when choosing a backpack

The type of bag you choose depends largely on how you plan to use it. Will it serve as your go-to bag for day trips, work commutes and road trips? Or, do you need a sturdy backpack for camping, hiking and long-haul flights or extended travel?

Once you narrow down your needs, it's easier to hone in on your other requirements.

backpack travel what to pack

Your travel plans and how you plan to use your backpack will likely determine how small or large your bag should be.

A park day out with the kids or a cruise port shore excursion may just require a small (6–10L) bag. Daypacks, typically 10–30L, are fine for your work commute or hiking. For travel purposes — from weekend getaways to multiday vacations — backpacks in the 30–45L range are your best bet.

On most U.S. airlines, a 45L backpack is the maximum size carry-on allowed. If you're flying on a budget carrier, you'll probably want to stick with something under the 40L range.

For packing purposes, a 45L bag is a good option if you're not bringing another carry-on. It should be able to hold four large packing cubes, a medium packing cube and a toiletry bag. This size fits in the overhead compartment.

Storing your backpack in the overhead bin? It shouldn't be larger than 22 by 14 by 9 inches.

You can fit two large packing cubes, a medium cube and a small toiletry bag in a 35L backpack. It should fit under the seat in front of you on the aircraft.

If you want to ensure your backpack fits under the seat, it can't exceed 18 by 14 by 8 inches, according to airline policy.

Related: How to tell if your backpack counts as a personal or carry-on item.

Backpacks can feature a variety of anti-theft components — some styles are more robust than others.

You may not need your bag to be at a Fort Knox level of security, but it should inclfeatures that can protect you (and your belongings) from thieves or pickpockets.

Consider a backpack constructed with slash-resistant material and straps, as well as lockable zippers.

Bags that offer RFID protection are lined with a special material that blocks accidental payments and intentional skimming of credit cards. They can prevent criminals from electronically accessing your personal information.


If you use packing cubes, this might not be as big of a consideration for you. Even with packing cubes, I like having smaller sections for things I need to access easily — my phone, chargers, reporter notebook (yeah, I'm old school), passport and other necessities.

What do you typically pack in your backpack? As I mentioned, a laptop pocket is essential for me. I also like to have hidden pockets to store my passport, COVID-19 vaccine card and wallet. Separate areas to stash my sunglasses, chargers, keys and other important items I travel with are important, too.

Keeping the above features in mind, I reviewed five backpacks ranging in price and style. Here's the round-up.

Related: Here's what to pack in a carry-on bag every time you travel

Patagonia — Black Hole 32L Travel Pack

backpack travel what to pack

What I liked

The Patagonia Black Hole 32L Travel Pack is completely constructed with 100% recycled materials, including the body fabric, lining and webbing. It comes in a handful of colors — gold, red, black and gray/blue. The shinier shell has a polyurethane coating that makes it water-resistant.

This bag is also Fair Trade Certified™ sewn (as are all Patagonia products). Since the program launched in 2014, it has impacted more than 75,000 workers in 10 countries.

The lightweight bag packs flat and is very flexible. At first glance, I wondered if it would be structured enough to protect my laptop. However, the padded pocket worked well and fits most 15-inch laptops. The pocket is also slightly elevated from the bottom of the bag, which can protect your laptop if the bottom of your bag gets wet.

Both my 28- and 40-ounce insulated water bottles fit easily in the side pockets.

I tested this bag (along with the Away F.A.R. backpack) during a recent long-haul trip to South Africa. I packed:

  • My 13-inch laptop.
  • A 28-ounce insulated water bottle (filled once I passed through security).
  • Compression socks.
  • Travel pillow.
  • Cross-body bag containing my passport, credit cards and money.
  • A small reporter's notebook.
  • Two paperback books.
  • Makeup bag.
  • Toiletry bag.
  • A large Ziploc bag filled with snacks (protein bars, as well as bags of almonds and trail mix.

Filled, the backpack weighed just under 10 pounds.

I was impressed with the number of items I was able to pack. This backpack is like the clown car of backpacks. The sturdy straps held it in place and it never felt cumbersome to carry.

The pocket section of the bag zips open so you can lay it flat for going through the TSA scanner. (If you have Global Entry or TSA PreCheck , you won't need to worry about that, though.)

I liked the two rows of daisy chain-style loops on the outside of the bag. It's good for hanging bulky items or things you don't want to get crushed inside.

If you plan to long-distance hike with this bag, there's a hole at the top for the hose of your hydration pack.

Other considerations

The Patagonia Black Hole Travel Pack doesn't offer RFID protection. However, if the wallet that holds your ID and credit cards has the RFID protection feature, you should be covered.

Although this bag has an air mesh back panel for increased ventilation, other reviewers commented that the airflow wasn't substantial enough to prevent a sweaty back. I didn't encounter that issue. This bag doesn't include a hip belt, which could provide more stability. I typically don't use hip belts on backpacks, so I didn't mind it missing here.

Sizing: 16.93 by 7.87 by 23.03 inches, 1.1 pounds (empty).

Price: Around $249 on Amazon.

Arlo Skye — The Backpack

The brand's luggage line consistently garners high praise from reviewers, so I figured its one backpack offering, The Backpack , would be pretty solid. Color options are mint and black. It arrived tucked in a large reusable drawstring bag that included a handy silica gel pack, one of my essential travel accessories .

backpack travel what to pack

I tested a black backpack. I liked the bag's sleek design and leather top handle and trim. The water-resistant material is a nylon and polyester blend.

A tiny zip pocket at the top of the bag is the ideal spot to stash my earbuds, charger or a small pair of sunglasses. If you don't have a clunky set of keys, they may fit as well. I set off my car alarm attempting to shove mine into the small pocket.

The front section has a zippable mesh pocket, and two RFID-lined slip pockets for secure storage of your credit cards, ID and passport. A decent-size (9.5 by 7 inches) front pocket with a zipper provides easy access to your smartphone, keys and other items. There was room enough to store my Kindle (without its cover). There's also an attached key leash.

A middle section provides an open pocket for a tablet or iPad, and two smaller pockets — one of them, an expandable mesh. The third (back) portion of the bag is a padded laptop compartment that fits up to a 15" laptop.

The backpack also features a wide back sleeve that fits securely over the handle of carry-on luggage.

If you need a backpack that could serve as your one and only carry-on, this may not work for you. It's roomy enough for basics and a minimalist packer could possibly fit a weekend's worth of clothes and essentials in it. However, I think it would be a better option for your daily commute, weekend road trips or day trips.

The water bottle pockets were kind of useless to me. The pockets don't expand and there is no give in the material, so you're somewhat limited in bottle size.

It barely fit my 28-ounce insulated water bottle (I couldn't push the bottle all the way to the bottom of the pocket). However, you would probably be fine with a purchased 16-ounce plastic bottle of water.

I don't like storing my water bottle inside my backpack because of potential leaks (and water damage to my laptop), so I ended up carrying my 40-ounce bottle separately. There is a metal hook on one side of the bag so you could attach an insulated bottle to it with a carabiner.

Sizing: 11.8 by 7.5 by 17.7, 2.1 pounds (empty).

Price: $250.

Away — F.A.R. Backpack 26L

backpack travel what to pack

Away has a sizable fan base ( including TPG staffers ) thanks to its stylish hard-side rolling luggage.

F.A.R. (For All Routes) is the brand's recently launched outdoor line. The collection is designed with frequent travelers and outdoor adventurers in mind. Bags in the collection are constructed with lightweight 100% recycled polyester, and are abrasion- and water-resistant. The zippers and webbing are also made with recycled materials.

I tested the 26L backpack . The bag arrived wrapped in a plant-based compostable plastic bag, which is in line with the brand's push toward offering more sustainable and environmentally friendly products.

It's available in five colors — black, vivid blue, red-orange, burgundy and (dark) green.

As I mentioned above, I tested this bag on my return long-haul flight from South Africa. On the trip home, it contained everything I packed in the Patagonia backpack, as well as two small bags of souvenirs I snagged at the airport on the way out.

Since it's a bit smaller than the Patagonia backpack I carried first, I was concerned it wouldn't hold everything I started my trip with. I was pleasantly surprised it did with no issues.

The two side pockets for water bottles are roomy. The features list reads that the pockets fit up to 32-ounce bottles, but my 40-ounce insulated bottle fits easily (though I traveled with a 28-ounce bottle).

This backpack had lots of pockets and hidden storage. The front compartment has interior slip pockets for easy access to small essentials like your wallet, smartphone, passport, a book or two, chargers and other items. It was a slightly tighter fit once filled, but I suspected it would be given the size difference.

The main compartment features a larger slip pocket for your laptop. The padding wasn't quite as thick as the Patagonia laptop pocket, but it was enough that I didn't worry about it being damaged.

Two hidden zipper pockets on each side are so well concealed I wouldn't have found them if I hadn't read the features card included with the backpack.

You can attach your keys or other items to the bag's wide front webbing loops. Also, the thick backpack trolley strap slips easily onto your luggage handle.

In addition to the backpack I tested, the F.A.R. line includes three sizes of duffles, a 45L backpack, a water bottle bag, a packing cube, a zippered pouch and a messenger bag.

Of the five backpacks I tested, this was probably my favorite. Based on my experience with this brand, I will likely add more F.A.R. products to my travel arsenal.

Sizing: 19 by 12.6 by 7.7 inches, .78 pounds (empty).

Price: $130.

Solo Re:Claim

backpack travel what to pack

One of the products in Solo's Re:Cycled collection, the Solo Re:Claim is made from Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a type of strong, lightweight and 100% recyclable plastic. The collection is reasonably priced and includes additional backpacks, totes, rolling cases, laptop sleeves and other products (all constructed from recyclable plastic).

The bag I tested was heather-grey. It also comes in burgundy and navy (though the navy backpacks were unavailable at the time of writing this).

The backpack is water-resistant and comes with a five-year limited warranty. It features a smaller padded front zippable pocket with compartments for pens, cards, your phone and a tablet, as well as a small clip for your keys. A roomy fully-padded compartment fits 11- to 15.6-inch laptops.

There are mesh pockets on each side for water bottles. Although the pockets give a little, I struggled to squeeze in my 28-ounce insulated bottle. Once I got it in, though, I felt confident it wouldn't fall out.

A tag was included in the packaging with information about Solo's partnership with the National Forest Foundation. The company plants trees with every bag sold from its Recycled Collection.

I didn't really care for the two handles at the top of the backpack. They were located on each side of the opening with a wrap-like velcro to connect them. It was kind of annoying to have to take it apart every time I wanted to unzip the bag.

I usually travel with a 40-ounce bottle, which did not fit in the side pockets.

Sizing: 16.5 by 12.25 by 6.75 inches, 1.2 pounds (empty).

Price: About $67.26 on Amazon.

Briggs & Riley — @Work Large Cargo Backpack

backpack travel what to pack

This backpack is ideal for work commuters and business travelers who need a sleek and professional-looking bag to carry their business essentials. It's also roomy enough to pack clothes and toiletries you'd need for an overnight stay if needed.

The hefty price tag might intimidate you. However, when you consider the company's lifetime replacement warranty and consistently positive customer reviews, I feel like it's worth the investment.

It has an interior organizer, main and laptop compartments, a durable fabric lining, an RFID-blocking pocket with two hidden credit card pockets that hold a wallet and passport.

There are also three elastic slip pockets with leather tabs to organize smaller items such as cords and USB drives and two more slip pockets to store other items.

Its top cargo pocket on the front panel holds travel accessories. It features two elastic pen loops, a large main compartment, a full-length slip pocket in the main compartment for storing folders or files, as well as two elastic pockets in the main compartment for storing cables and chargers.

It also includes a laptop compartment with a padded sleeve, plus a padded tablet pocket in the laptop compartment.

The exterior is 1600D ballistic nylon that resists wear, moisture, dirt and abrasion. The front panel also has a leather nameplate on the front (that you can monogram), a deep zip pocket on the front panel for easy access to items such as sunglasses or a smartphone, top-grain leather carry handles and a gusseted side u-zip pocket with an elastic band for a water bottle.

The backpack has adjustable padded straps, an aerated mesh back padding and a slip-through back panel that allows the backpack to slide over a luggage handle and bottom corner guards to protect the backpack from wear and tear.

It's very comfortable. I'm surprised at how light it feels given its large size. I tested it during my daily office commute. It holds my laptop, charger, wallet, phone and an extra pair of shoes.

I also appreciated the light contrasting shade of the bag's inside lining — it's so much easier to find my items.

Color choices are limited to black and dark grey. However, if you're using it for daily work or business travel, you want something that looks professional and this definitely fits the bill.

Additionally, there aren't any real external gear attachment options. The bag does include a removable luggage tag, which is nice.

Sizing: 19 by 15 by 8 inches, 3.2 pounds (empty).

Price: $379.

Related: What your luggage brand says about you

Bottom line

A well-organized and sturdy travel backpack is worth its weight in gold.

If you expect a lot out of your bag and want it to last through all your future travels, you may want to spend a little more on it. If you travel occasionally and just need a backpack for convenience, lower-priced options should suffice for your needs.

Before you buy your next backpack (or other travel essentials), check out TPG's guides to airline and shopping portals, as well as the best credit cards for online shopping. That way, the gear you buy for your next trip can also help you pay for it.

Do you have a backpack you can't do without? Let us know in the TPG Lounge or email us at [email protected]. We're always on the lookout for products that make travel easier and we would love to hear from you.

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  • Backpacks, Totes + Small Bags

The 14 Best Carry-on Backpacks of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

These spacious and comfortable carry-on backpacks can easily replace a suitcase.

backpack travel what to pack

In This Article

  • Our Top Picks
  • Others We Liked

Our Testing Process

  • Tips For Buying
  • Why Trust T+L

Travel + Leisure/Joy Kim

Skip the stress of checking in a bag or lugging a traditional carry-on suitcase around an airport by adding a carry-on backpack to your travel gear. Practical, functional, and hassle-free, a carry-on backpack can fit up to a week’s worth of clothes, depending on your wardrobe and packing prowess. Whether you’re backpacking through Europe or embarking on a weekend getaway, this style helps make your trip as efficient and enjoyable as possible.

We tested dozens of carry-on backpacks and evaluated them based on traits like capacity, comfort, durability, and design. First, we tested the backpacks in our New York City lab and utilized our airplane set complete with row of real plane seats and overhead storage bins. We then took them out into the world for six months to further test each bag on a variety of trips. From rugged to sleek styles, we tested plenty of carry-on backpacks ranging in design and size that impressed us.

Best Overall

Cotopaxi allpa 35l travel pack.

  • Capacity 5 /5
  • Design 5 /5
  • Durability 5 /5
  • Comfort 5 /5

The backpack has an unstructured style that makes it easy to pack clothing and accessories, plus a plethora of thoughtful features catered to frequent travelers.

There isn’t a designated water bottle holder.

Salt Lake City-based outdoor gear brand Cotopaxi builds brightly colored clothing and accessories to last. The Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack earned our top pick as the best carry-on backpack with its perfect performance in all categories of our testing. We loved its high capacity and thought the unstructured style was ideal for wedging clothes into every corner, maximizing packing space in the clamshell-style compartments. The shell is made of a TPU-coated 1000D polyester with a rubbery feel, and although it feels resistant to liquids, the backpack comes with a rain cover to ensure that your belongings stay dry while traveling. Handles on all four sides of the backpack make it easy to carry and lift into an overhead bin from any angle. The only downside to the bag is that it doesn't have a water bottle holder on the sides, so you'll have to carry one or try to fit it in the top pocket in the front.

We think this durable Cotopaxi bag will remain in excellent condition no matter how many times it hits the road, as it was not damaged at all after we repeatedly tossed it onto the ground. The rubber texture also seemed easy to clean and resistant to liquid spills. After six months of regularly using the bag, we found that it's the perfect size for long weekend trips and helps keep all of our items organized and easy to access. Both stylish and functional, this backpack can even be made one-of-a-kind by choosing the surprise colors option when purchased through Cotopaxi’s website.

The Details: 35 liters | 20 x 12 x 8 inches | 3.8 pounds | TPU-coated 1000D polyester, nylon | Padded laptop sleeve

Travel + Leisure / Jhett Thompson

Travel + leisure / Jhett Thompson

Best Convertible

Away the outdoor convertible backpack 45l.

  • Design 4.5 /5

We love how comfortable it is on your shoulders and back thanks to the soft materials and cushioned shoulder straps.

At nearly 22 inches tall, this pack may be too long for those with shorter torsos.

You'll be surprised by just how spacious this backpack is. The main compartment opens up like a clam shell for easy access to items that allowed us to fit an entire four-day packing list with ease — plus a few extra items. There are multiple large compartments, compression straps, and a few pockets in this backpack that are ideal for organizing clothes, gear, and accessories. While the 45-liter backpack can grow heavy when completely filled, the padded shoulder straps are supportive and keep you comfortable when walking for long periods of time. Plus, the convenient duffel handles allow you to switch up your carrying style if you do grow fatigued.

This backpack also sports a well-padded laptop sleeve that protected our testing laptop when we threw the fully packed bag off a counter three times. There was also no sign of rips, scuffs, or tears in the bag's fabric after our tests. This water- and abrasion-resistant backpack would be perfect for avid travels who are looking for a sleek backpack to take them from city explorations to camping adventures.

The Details: 45 liters | 21.7 x 13.6 x 9.5 inches | 3.32 pounds | Water-resistant

Travel + Leisure / Joy Kim

Best Budget

Asenlin 40l travel backpack.

It’s spacious and comes with three packing cubes to stay organized while traveling. 

After six months of use, the bag is scuffed up with noticeable scratches.

Perfect for travelers on a budget, the Asenlin 40L Travel Backpack impressed us with its packing features and comfortable fit. We thought the bag provided excellent organization thanks to the interior and exterior compression that provided extra room for packing. The backpack comes with three different packing cubes in small, medium, and large. We also like that this backpack includes both a suitcase strap and a handle to hold it horizontally. The backpack itself also features straps inside and a laptop sleeve to easily hold down items and pack electronics.

The design didn’t blow us away like those from some of the more costly brands, but it does have a laptop sleeve and a water bottle holder. We also liked the flexibility of being able to wear the Asenlin as a backpack, hold it like a briefcase, or use the trolley sleeve to slide it onto a roller suitcase’s handle. However, a bigger adjustment range for the chest strap would have been ideal. During our durability tests, the backpack didn’t scuff or show signs of damage. We think this budget pick is well worth the low price for those looking to get a durable, comfortable, and spacious carry-on backpack. 

The Details: 40 liters | 18.5 x 12.5 x 9.5 inches | 2.7 pounds | Polyester | 17-inch laptop pocket

Best Traditional

Samsonite silhouette 17 backpack.

  • Design 4 /5
  • Durability 4 /5

Thanks to its clamshell design, it’s like a suitcase without wheels.

Some of the straps weren’t intuitive to use.

The Samsonite Silhouette 17 Backpack is ideal for travelers who like the structure and sleek, minimalist style of a traditional suitcase but want the portability of a backpack. We love that this bag opens like a suitcase, making it easy to access everything inside. There was plenty of space leftover after packing the backpack, and the classic clamshell opening allowed for easy access to items in the compression-strapped main compartment and the zippered pockets on the inside of the front flap. All of the interior and exterior pockets, including the water bottle holder and padded laptop sleeve, are useful for traveling. You can convert the backpack to wear as a duffel bag or a briefcase, and it has a rear strap to place on a rolling suitcase if desired. The straps were easy to adjust, and it felt like the weight was nicely distributed thanks to the structured style of the backpack. There was a small scuff on the bag after we tossed it on the floor during our durability tests, but the contents of the backpack remained unharmed. When flying with the bag during our six-month testing period, we found that it easily fits in airplane overhead bins and under the seat. Overall, it’s a backpack with the features of a well-compartmentalized suitcase and much more.

The Details: 13 x 20.5 x 10.5 inches | 3.31 pounds | Polyester, recyclex | Padded laptop pocket | Convertible straps

Best for Photographers

Peak design travel backpack 45l.

  • Value 4.5 /5

You can access the main compartment on the bag from four different exterior zippers.

This is one of the most expensive backpack on our list.

This 45-liter backpack has a main compartment that is spacious enough to fit clothes for at least four days, and its expansive design is helpful for packing bulky items like jackets and shoes. Placing the clothes and shoes into the bag during testing was efficient and simple thanks to a removable divider sleeve and compression straps to hold everything down securely. Designed with photographers in mind, this backpack functions similarly to a camera bag . It can fit camera cubes, and it has four points of entry to the main compartment, allowing travelers to quickly grab clothes or accessories without unzipping the backpack. There is a padded laptop sleeve and stretchy side pockets for water bottles or a camera tripod. 

Peak Design didn’t let any space go to waste on its backpack, so even the hip belt has a small pocket on it for storage and can be packed away when you’re not looking for extra support. It’s also easy to adjust all of the straps to prevent weight imbalances and pinching. Made of weatherproof and water-resistant recycled nylon, the bag held up perfectly after we tossed it on the ground, showing no signs of scuffs or damage — exactly what you want in a durable backpack . Although the price of this bag is steep, it comes with plenty of helpful features for travelers, and the stellar performance leads us to believe that it would last a long time. 

  The Details: 45 liters | 13 x 22 x 9.5 inches | 4.8 pounds | Nylon, polyester | Laptop sleeve | Expandable

Travel + Leisure / Conor Ralph

Best Compression

Tropicfeel shell backpack.

  • Comfort 4 /5

It can be converted from 40 liters for traveling to 22 liters to use as a daypack. 

The handle on the top of the bag wasn’t as comfortable to hold onto as we hoped. 

We love this backpack’s thoughtful features geared toward all types of travelers. The Tropicfeel Shell Backpack has the ability to store up to 42 liters worth of clothing for a weekend or week-long trip, but you can also use it as a 20-liter backpack for day trips, sightseeing, and everyday use. After regularly using the bag for six months, we found it to be incredibly sturdy and durable. We had no issues fitting our full packing list and found that there was plenty more room thanks to the variety of buckled straps that allow you to adjust the size of the bag. You can loosen the front buckle to allow the roll-up opening flap to expand to fit more items, and there is a kangaroo pouch at the bottom of the backpack that provides an additional six liters of space for shoes or other items you want to keep separate. There’s also a padded compartment in the back of the backpack that can fit laptops up to 17 inches long. We thought the backpack was comfortable to wear after adjusting the shoulder and waist straps, but we found that it might take some effort to get the buckles into your desired setting. 

The Shell Backpack didn’t show any signs of damage throughout testing, and the material is weather-proof. For travelers looking to add upgrades to their backpack, the brand has an organization system and accessory pouches that you can add on for additional fees. If you need an all-in-one backpack, we think this backpack’s versatility makes it well worth the higher cost. 

The Details: 20-42 liters | 12 x 20 x 7.5 inches

Best Organization

Topo designs global travel bag 30l.

Topo Designs

  • Capacity 4 /5

There are tons of pockets and a laptop compartment to help you organize your belongings.

After six months of use, we noticed the bag can feel quite heavy if packed full.

Packing for a trip can often feel tedious, but the Topo Designs Global Travel Bag 30L helps make it easy and efficient. We loved how convenient it is to store a laptop up to 15 inches in the padded compartment in the back of the bag, and there are two front pockets for easy access to a tablet or phone charger. There are a ton of compartments and pockets that offer plenty of options for staying organized with small or loose items in the absence of packing cubes, with places to stash cords, travel documents, electronics, water bottles, and more.

The adjustable shoulder straps and straps that go across the chest and waist help evenly distribute the backpack's weight, making it more comfortable to carry around, although we noticed during our long-term testing that the bag can still feel heavy if you pack it completely full. The 100 percent recycled nylon material felt durable and would likely stay in good condition over time. 

The Details: 30 liters | 12.5 x 20 x 7 inches

Best Customizable

Roam the continental.

  • Capacity 4.5 /5
  • Comfort 4.8 /5

You can choose from four colors to customize the shade of the front, back, sides, and straps of the backpack. 

The laptop sleeve isn’t padded.

Customized luggage can be hard to come by, but Roam’s The Continental backpack makes it easier than ever to build the carry-on backpack of your dreams. The front, back, sides, and straps of the bag can be red, green, black, or blue, or you can keep the backpack all one color for a monochromatic look. We were a bit worried about the light colors when we first got our hands on this bag, but after four months of traveling, is has no signs of wear and tear, there are no stains or loose threads, and everything is still in good shape. We were also impressed by the exterior pockets to stash headphones, snacks, chargers, water bottles, or anything else you could need whether lounging in the airport or mid-flight. The bag is made with a lightweight, water-repellent fabric and YKK zippers so it easily handles temperamental weather while traveling. Spacious and easy to access, the front flap opens wide so packing the bag with clothes and shoes was a breeze, too. The laptop pocket in the back could easily fit a 17-inch device, but it isn’t padded, so you may want to store your computer in a case to be on the safe side. 

The Details: 26 liters | 17.75 x 14 x 8 inches | 2.4 pounds | Water-repellent fabric | Laptop pocket

Travel + Leisure / Jessica Juliao

Best Expandable

Nomatic travel pack.

  • Capacity 4.8 /5
  • Comfort 4.5 /5
  • Durability 4.5 /5
  • Value 4.8 /5

The expandable zippers add an extra 3.5 inches of space which increases the capacity to 30 liters.

Some of the pockets feel unnecessary.

The Nomatic Travel Pack is the ultimate versatile carry-on backpack thanks to its expandable zippers that add an extra 10 liters of space. Ideal for an overnight trip or a long weekend getaway, the bag has a variety of pockets and compartments to efficiently organize shoes, clothes, accessories, and technology. While the number of pockets on the interior was a bit overwhelming at first, travelers who like to be extra organized will appreciate the designated padded laptop sleeve, sunglasses case, discrete passport pocket, and plethora of slip and zippered pockets in the main compartment. The handles and padded shoulder straps are comfortable for carrying the bag, and the small-to-medium size of the backpack makes it super comfortable to carry since it doesn’t feel bulky or heavy. We used this bag on a variety of international trips throughout four months of testing, and it still looks new, despite rough handling and being shoved under airplane seats.

The Details: 20 liters (expands to 30 liters) | 18.5 x 12 x 6-9.5 inches | 4.16 pounds | 16-inch laptop pocket

  • Travel + Leisure/Jessica Juliao

Matein Travel Backpack

  • Durability 4.3 /5

It has several compartments for keeping clothing, shoes, tech, and accessories organized.

The materials feel a little lower in quality than other backpacks we tried.

If you’re not ready to invest in a pricier carry-on backpack, you can always dip your toes with this functional and spacious one for under $60. This 40-liter backpack has one large main compartment that can fit several tops, bottoms, and a toiletry case without any issues. We particularly love the separate footwear compartment to prevent the bottom of your shoes from coming into contact with clean clothes and that storage can even fit pairs up to size 12. In addition, there is a laptop pocket and a large front pocket with spots to put items like phone chargers, headphones, and other small accessories that could get lost easily. Compared to the pricier bags we tried, this one feels a bit lower in quality, but none of the nylon fabric tore and scuffed during our durability tests, so we still think this bag has a good lifespan ahead of it. 

The Details: 40 liters | 20 x 13 x 8 inches | 2 pounds | Water-repellent nylon

Best for Hiking

Kühl eskape 25.

The 25-liter capacity makes this backpack versatile for an airplane or the great outdoors.

It takes some adjustments to get it to fit comfortably on the back.

This rugged carry-on backpack from Kühl is the perfect option for travelers embarking on an outdoor adventure. The smaller size of this bag is its greatest strength since it can easily fit enough clothes for a weekend trip, or you can use it as an adventure pack for day hikes or camping trips. There are a variety of thoughtful features for hikers including a stowaway hip belt for extra support while trekking, load-lifting shoulder straps, and the bag is made with durable TPU-laminated nylon. Plus, the chest strap slides up and down the shoulder straps so travelers can get the most comfortable fit for their upper body. We found that it takes some extra effort to adjust all of the straps for the right fit, but once you do, the bag is comfortable to carry for long periods of time. For even more versatility, the bag has a padded laptop pocket and a variety of other small and large zippered pockets to stay organized if you’re commuting or traveling for work. 

The Details: 25 liters | 20.5 x 9.5 x 12.5 inches | Waterproof nylon | 17-inch laptop pocket

Best Waterproof

Tortuga travel backpack.

This bag is basically a suitcase without wheels thanks to its large capacity and clamshell-style opening.

The bag can feel a bit heavy to carry when it’s fully packed.

If you’re traveling somewhere with a rainy climate, you’ll want a carry-on backpack like this one from Tortuga that can ward off the elements. It’s made with the brand’s 100 percent recycled and waterproof Shell200 or “sailcloth” material to protect your belongings and prevent bad weather from putting a serious damper on your trip. During a rainy overnight camping trip, the Tortuga Travel Backpack essentially sat in a puddle for hours, yet none of our gear or clothing inside got wet at all, and the bag was easy to clean with just a wet cloth.

This is a seriously spacious bag at 40 liters, so we found that you can seamlessly fit a week’s worth of clothing (or more) between the two clamshell compartments. Because of the split style of the bag, packing it up is hassle-free since it’s easy to see exactly how much space is left on each side. And if you run out of space in the main compartments, there are top, front, and side exterior pockets to store a laptop, accessories, water bottles, and more items that you’ll want to have handy while traveling.

The Details: 40 liters | 21.7 x 13.8 x 7.9 inches | 4.5 pounds | Waterproof sailcloth | 16-inch laptop pocket

Travel + Leisure / Taylor Fox

Everlane ReNew Transit Backpack

This lightweight backpack has a sleek and contemporary design that comes in several earthy colors.  

It has a smaller capacity than many backpacks and can only fit a day or two of clothes.

If you’re looking to travel in style, Everlane’s The ReNew Transit Backpack is the perfect fit. Functional and contemporary, we found it to be best suited for weekend trips because of its smaller capacity. The bag fit all of the packing items during testing, but it would be difficult to fit much more in the main compartment. The ReNew Transit was comfortable to wear thanks to its lightweight polyester material and compact build. The front flap of the backpack has an external pocket for smaller items, and it folds over to attach magnetically to the front of the backpack. During our durability tests, the front magnets stayed securely together, and the body of the backpack didn’t get crushed or damaged. We liked how it can fit under an airplane seat, making it a versatile backpack for traveling with or without other pieces of luggage. There is a laptop sleeve in the back of the bag as well as a water bottle holder on the side and a front zippered pocket below the folding magnetic lock. With four earthy tones to choose from, this is a bag to fit all travel style preferences. 

The Details: 27 liters | 12 x 17.5 x 7.25 inches

Best for Foot Travel

Osprey fairview 40.

The compartments and various straps made packing effortless. 

It’s a large bag, but it wasn’t so heavy that it was uncomfortable to wear.

For travelers journeying on foot, the Osprey Fairview wowed us with its spacious interior and comfortable fit. The straps for walking longer distances are really the best part — making your bag feel like you're carrying less since the weight is so well distributed. The bags have the same storage capacity and general style, but Osprey’s women’s backpacks are designed to fit a smaller torso with waist and chest harnesses that sit upward and outward for a more comfortable carry. In testing, the main compartment and mesh zippered pouch on the front flap proved to be spacious. There are two internal compression straps and one external strap that kept belongings secure through our rough handling, so we think the bag would provide sufficient protection if you do need to check it in for a flight. 

We appreciated the padded shoulder straps and back that made wearing the backpack comfortable, despite the weight of its contents. The Osprey Fairview bags have an internal suspension the brand calls “LightWire” that distributes the weight from the harness to the hip belt, and our shoulders didn’t hurt after carrying the backpack since most of the weight shifted to the lower body.

The Details: 40 liters | 22 x 14 x 9 inches

Travel + Leisure /Jhett Thompson

Other Carry-on Backpacks We Liked

While we tested plenty of high-scoring carry-on backpacks, there were some that almost made our list but didn’t quite make the cut due to several weaknesses revealed during testing. 

Bellroy Transit Backpack Plus : We loved the adjustable sternum and waist straps that you can tuck into the bag when not in use, but we think there are better bags out there for a fraction of the price. 

AmazonBasics Carry-on Travel Backpack : It had plenty of compartments for staying organized and the material felt durable, but there weren’t any standout features that made it a must-have backpack. 

Vancropak Carry-on Backpack, Extra Large 40L : This backpack fits all of the packing items, and it even fits under an airplane seat, but our budget pick performed slightly better and it costs less. 

On two separate occasions, we tested carry-on backpacks in our New York City lab to make sure we were creating this list with the best options from trusted luggage brands. For our latest tests, we built a specially designed airplane set that includes a row of real airplane seats and an overhead storage bin. To date, we've put over 34 carry-on backpacks through a series of trials that compared capacity, design, comfort, durability, and overall value. After completing our in-house testing, we sent the backpacks out with our Travel + Leisure editors to give us insight on how they fared during real-world travel. We have been updating this article with long-term testing insights as soon as they become available. 

To test for capacity, we began by packing the bags with three shirts, two pairs of pants, one jacket, one pair of shoes, and a toiletry bag. We noted if any space was leftover as well as how functional the compartments were for organizing the contents packed. We evaluated the overall design of the bags by paying attention to how they fold out, how well the zippers and buckles work, and the functionality of each pocket or compartment. 

Next, we put on the backpacks and walked around for 10 minutes to rate comfortability. The highest scoring backpacks were exceptionally enjoyable to wear with the weight evenly distributed on the shoulders or hips.

Then, we threw the backpacks a few feet or off a countertop to test for durability. The highest-rated bags had no scuffs or tears after rough handling, and the packed items inside remained unharmed as well. 

Our testers had no previous knowledge of the cost of each backpack until after testing was completed. This allowed us to give an unbiased rating of overall values, where the top bags were determined to be fairly priced based on a high-quality performance, especially for the pricier bags. After our lab tests, the backpacks were sent out for real-world testing for up to six months.

Tips for Buying a Carry-on Backpack

Consider under-the-seat versus carry-on bags.

Not all carry-on backpacks will fit under the seat of an airplane, but if that’s your intended use, we recommend checking an airline’s underseat dimensions before heading to the airport. Similarly, with a carry-on backpack for the overhead bin, you’ll want to double-check the airline’s carry-on size restrictions to avoid paying unwanted fees if the bag is stuffed full of clothes. 

Keep in mind what the bag will be used for

For those traveling by foot, a smaller, lightweight backpack would be better for portability and comfort. For those traveling by air, a compression bag or backpack that has plentiful organization could be a better choice so you get the most out of the limited airline baggage space. When traveling by air, you might also want to consider an option with wheels for added convenience, like a rolling backpack, weekender, or duffel bag .

Frequently Asked Questions

During our test, we packed three shirts, two pants, one jacket, one pair of shoes, and a toiletry bag into each bag and often had extra space for more clothes. Many backpacks come with a laptop compartment , but you’ll want to make sure that feature is included before purchasing yours.

Carry-on size restrictions vary by airline, and it’s possible for a carry-on backpack to not fit within some limits. Most bags will have a product details section highlighting the dimensions of the backpack. If you’re looking to fit the bag solely under the seat , you should check to make sure the bag fits the dimensions while it’s packed.

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Anna Popp is a commerce writer at T+L, where she reviews travel products and writes the majority of the team's "Travel + Leisure Trusted" articles. Anna owns several carry-on backpacks, including the top pick from Cotopaxi, so she combined knowledge of traveling with just a backpack and the thorough lab testing and real-world insights to put together this list of the best carry-on backpacks.

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The Good Housekeeping Institute Textiles Lab evaluates backpacks both in Lab and with consumer testers for durability and comfort. From the best laptop backpacks and backpacks for college students to the best duffels and daypacks , we've seen it all. To find the best travel backpacks, we test everything from tear strength to strap strength and abrasion resistance to make sure the bag can stand up to rough handling for years to come. We also work with consumer testers who try them out on various trips under real-world conditions. We also consider the amount of padding in the straps, useful extras and overall weight to find the most comfortable backpacks.

Our picks are top performers from testing along with new styles that have exciting features and rave reviews. Check out our top travel backpack picks below and keep reading to learn all of our ultimate backpack shopping tips to find the best pack for you. Pair your new travel backpack with packing cubes and a hard-side suitcase for your next vacation.

We were shocked by just how much we could fit inside this travel backpack during our packing tests. In fact, it outperformed multiple carry-on suitcases for its generous capacity and well-designed interior. Similar to hard-side luggage, the bag completely unzips for easy packing and, in this case, features helpful mesh to help separate compartments.

On top of that, we liked the helpful ergonomic features, from the padding along the back to the hip strap and sternum strap, which offer comfort and support. Plus, when testing the laptop sleeve, we found there was room to spare after placing a 16-inch laptop in it. The only note of caution is that the bag doesn't have a luggage sleeve, so if you're hoping to stack it on top of rolling luggage, it may not be the right fit.

a close up of the interior of the cotopaxi backpack, including many organization components

When we surveyed our own editors and staff for their favorite bags, this one from Coofay was a hit for its organizational pockets and personal-item-friendly size. One staffer told us, "This backpack can definitely fit a week of clothing if rolled properly."

Like many popular travel backpacks, this one unzips like a suitcase for easy packing and has tons of small compartments to help keep your belongings in order. We particularly appreciate the compression straps on the side, allowing you to pack more while keeping the bag within the personal item size limit of most domestic airlines. Plus, there's a wide range of colors to choose from.

Designed with intention, Peak Design's travel backpack is truly a standout within the industry. While it's hard to find a travel bag that can tackle all sorts of trips, this one manages to do just that . It's truly one-of-a-kind and allows you to access your belongings from the front (like a suitcase), the back (like a top-loading traditional backpack) and the sides.

Compression features allow you to easily convert it from a 30L capacity to a 35L or 45L bag for all your travel needs. The backpack straps can be hidden away to keep it streamlined while using the simple luggage sleeve. The only challenge comes with packing: While the interior is spacious, there aren't too many separate compartments, so if that's important to you, the brand offers a selection of compatible packing cubes , including protective ones for camera equipment.

a shot of a completely open peak design travel bag

With a massive 45L interior, this bag from Away can hold everything you need for a weekend away, including multiple outfits, toiletries and even an extra pair of shoes. It's the go-to travel backpack for GH's Home & Apparel Reviews Analyst Amanda Constantine , who's brought it on everything from short weekend getaways to longer trips abroad.

Constantine notes, "The straps are comfortable and feel sturdy, and I love that the backpack straps can be tucked away if I'm carrying the bag like a suitcase instead of on my back." In addition, this pack also has all the top-notch organizational features you'd expect from Away, from compression straps to convenient mesh pockets. The caveat? The zippers are a little too easy to open and sometimes have a tendency to come undone.

This backpack includes the ultimate organizational system: Three packing cubes , a laptop case, a water bottle/umbrella pocket and a small front pocket. The packing cubes are ideal to keep your clothes compact and wrinkle-free while traveling. We also love the padded straps and side buckles to make sure everything stays in place.

It has a clamshell opening and both sides lie down flat, which makes this backpack easier to pack and organize as you don't have to stuff items in from the top. This pick is ideal as a carry-on for international travel as you can easily pack your clothes and what you'll need on the flight.

Finding a good backpacking bag can be a challenge. You'll want a bag that's spacious and supportive enough that it won't cause injury. Luckily, Osprey is known for its ergonomically designed packs, making it a favorite brand amongst some hiking enthusiasts at GH. One GH analyst has even taken the brand's bags on a two-week backpacking trip to Thailand, calling them comfortable and well-designed.

This model comes with a generous 46L capacity and helpful compression straps, both on the exterior and interior, allowing you to bring everything you'll need and then some. Additionally, this bag features the brand's helpful chest and hip straps for support, along with helpful pockets throughout. Take note, however, that it comes in a unisex style, so users accustomed to women-specific packs may find the shoulder straps stiff.

Carrying a TUMI backpack is a status symbol no matter where you are — the brand is known for its luxury travel products worldwide, particularly for its long-lasting quality and service . Buying a travel product (e.g. a bag or luggage) from the brand typically comes with a five-year warranty and free repairs plus a lifetime registration and tracking service for finding lost bags. Even after five years, you can ask the brand to repair your bag for a small cost.

TUMI's Search Backpack is sleek enough for conferences and work trips, making it great for business travel or everyday use. One GH analyst has used this bag for over 10 years, throughout school and work and on multiple domestic and international flights. While the top-loading configuration isn't as seamless for packing, testers were still impressed by how "surprisingly spacious" and "high quality" it felt.

a person wearing the tumi search backpack

Having the right backpack can make all the difference when going through airport security. This one from Thule, one of our favorite luggage brands, comes equipped with helpful features like a small easy-to-reach pocket for your passport and boarding pass plus a convenient laptop compartment . Within the bag, there's a helpful divider for organization along with other mesh pockets and panels.

The bag also comes in two sizes — 28L and 40L — each of which makes the perfect personal item or carry-on respectively. And if 28L sounds a bit too small, this size expands to 32L to accommodate more essentials. The only caveat is that the 40L version doesn't come with any hip straps, which is rare for a backpack of its size. The brand suggests pairing the bag with the Aion Sling , which slots in easily for support.

Ideal when traveling for business or even everyday commuting to work, the Silhouette 17 backpack has all the essentials and then some. In fact, it's designed to replace your carry-on, which can slow you down when on a last-minute business trip. Moreover, Samsonite's soft-side luggage has proven be abrasion-resistant and strong in our tests , staying in great shape, so we are confident in the durability of the brand's similar products.

Beyond the durable nature, it opens up like a hardshell suitcase, complete with functional sections, and has a padded laptop sleeve for easy access. Plus, it easily convert from a backpack to a briefcase or shoulder bag. For longer trips, you can even slide it onto checked luggage instead of maneuvering two suitcases through the airport.

Often used on day hikes for its lightweight design, a daypack can be a great option for those in search of a not-so-heavy travel backpack. And when it comes to the best daypacks , Osprey reigns supreme as the top-performing brand, earning especially high scores for their amazing ease-of-use features and fitting everything in our packing test .

Recent testers have loved that Osprey bags have "lots of compartments" and "comfortable cushioned shoulder straps." Some even highlighted the helpful sternum strap, which keeps the weight evenly distributed, preventing shoulder pain. You can also expect an interior sleeve to fit a laptop or tablet or a hydration reservoir for hikes, plus a slew of pockets in the front including two mesh water bottle pockets.

Herschel Kaslo Backpack Tech

Kaslo Backpack Tech

When we tested this laptop backpack , we were surprised by how lightweight yet protective it felt. The detail and care are evident throughout: The bag has reinforced stitching in areas where you'd expect extra tugging like the top handle, straps and luggage sleeve. There's also a separate laptop compartment with a fleece lining to help minimize potential scratches.

One Textiles Lab analyst swears by this bag, using it as both her everyday bag for commuting as well as her go-to travel backpack, especially on business trips when she'll need her laptop handy. In our packing test, we found the 30L capacity large enough to fit a 16-inch laptop plus three to four days of clothes and toiletries. If that’s not the right size for you, it also comes in a 20L capacity for those with more petite frames.

an unzipped black backpack from herschel with a separate laptop component

patagonia Patagonia Black Hole Pack - 25 L

Patagonia Black Hole Pack - 25 L

Whether you're backpacking through a new country or flying to a nearby city, this Patagonia pack is up for the adventure. It's made with polyester that has a durable water-repellent finish to keep all your belongings protected. One tester shared that this bag is the "backpack to end all backpacks" because it's great for all types of vacations and features a sternum strap you can easily adjust to suit your height.

While the 25L capacity may look small, the bag lives up to its "Black Hole" name, fitting much more than you'd expect, especially when you roll your clothes up , or you can opt for the 32L style . Plus, in Lab tests, water rolled right off the main fabric of the bag with ease, so you can rest assured it'll protect your belongings even in unpredictable weather.

a patagonia backpack with an adjustable sternum strap

Dagne Dover Dakota Neoprene Backpack

Dakota Neoprene Backpack

No one wants an uncomfortable backpack, which is why we loved this bag from Dagne Dover. It's made of neoprene fabric, which feels soft and squishy instead of stiff like some other bags. The brand also does not skimp when it comes to details like an interior pocket to hold a water bottle or cell phone and a pouch that can be attached on a leash inside the main compartment to find small stuff quickly.

The main compartment has a laptop sleeve and is large enough for a weekend trip. Plus, it even has a sleek luggage sleeve, slipping easily onto a carry-on suitcase at the airport. Take note: We found that if you’re rough with the bag, the neoprene fabric may pill (though pills can easily be removed with a fabric shaver ). This pick comes in small and medium sizes too.

a tan backpack with a luggage sleeve on a pink carry on suitcase

How we test travel backpacks

line break

The Good Housekeeping Institute has been testing travel products and backpacks for decades.

Headshot of Grace Wu

Grace Wu (she/her) is a product reviews analyst at the Good Housekeeping Institute 's Textiles, Paper and Apparel Lab, where she evaluates fabric-based products using specialized equipment and consumer tester data. Prior to starting at Good Housekeeping in 2022, she earned a master of engineering in materials science and engineering and a bachelor of science in fiber science from Cornell University. While earning her degrees, Grace worked in research laboratories for smart textiles and nanotechnology and held internships at Open Style Lab and Rent the Runway.

Headshot of Emma Seymour

Emma Seymour (she/her) is a senior product analyst at the Good Housekeeping Institute 's Textiles, Paper and Apparel Lab, where she has led testing for luggage, pillows, towels, tampons and more since 2018. She graduated from Cornell University with a bachelor of science in fiber science and apparel design and a minor in gerontology, completing research in the Body Scanner Lab on optimizing activewear for athletic performance. 

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The 8 Best Carry-On Backpacks

Portrait of Katherine Gillespie

In this article

  • Best overall
  • Best duffel-backpack
  • Best for business travel
  • Best for lumbar support
  • Best for long trips
  • Best for short trips
  • Best for rugged trips

Even though much of my job as a travel writer involves testing suitcases , I usually prefer to fly with a carry-on backpack when I have the choice. You just can’t beat the sense of freedom that comes with strapping your possessions to your shoulders and heading to the airport — to me, a suitcase says “business trip” whereas a backpack says “adventure.” Not to mention the fact that backpack wearers are almost never singled out at the gate to check their luggage.

As backpack reviewer Geoff Grisdale of One Bag Travels explains, a carry-on backpack means “you can move around a lot quicker — it’s a lot easier to travel around cities with one.” Suitcases become cumbersome as soon as you’re confronted with cobblestone streets or multiple flights of stairs, adds freelance backpack designer Jeff Mullins. “And you have to have room to store them when you get home, whereas a backpack can be compressed.” Below, you’ll find the best carry-on backpacks for different sorts of trips, as tested by myself and other globetrotting experts. While you’re here, I’ve also written guides to the best travel pillows and the best toiletry bottles .

What we’re looking for

For trips longer than a weekend, you’ll require a carry-on backpack with a capacity of at least 28 liters, says Grisdale. From there, the size you choose will depend on your packing style, how long the trip is, and whether you need room for warm layers or extra shoes. Most of the experts I spoke with agreed that the sweet spot is somewhere between 28 and 35 liters.

Some carry-on backpacks can be as large as 45 liters, which is actually five liters more volume than an Away carry-on suitcase . While this size of backpack can be useful for long-haul trips, just note that it will be “really big and heavy — and you lose a lot of the mobility you’d get when carrying a smaller backpack,” says Grisdale. Mullins agrees: “If you’re a smaller woman, for example, I don’t think you should go over 35 liters.” Even though I’ll happily hike with an ultralight 55 liter backpack, I’m not a fan of wearing carry-on bags larger than 40 liters — they’re significantly bulkier, and the back pain afterwards just isn’t worth it.

Packing style

The best carry-on backpacks are designed for ease of packing. Rather than unzipping at the top, they’ll either open up like a clamshell (with separate zippered compartments on either side), or like a duffel bag (with one big compartment that’s accessible from the front of the bag). If you’re an intentional packer who likes to keep organized on the road, the former option is likely best. But Grisdale notes that duffel-style bags are usually quicker and easier to pack because “you can just stuff your gear in there and off you go.”

Your backpack will be crammed into overhead bins or underneath aircraft seats, so look for one that’s fairly rectangular in shape, with straps and a hip belt that can be removed or tucked away. “Anything that dangles has to be gone,” says Mullins. He also notes that there should be a handle on pretty much every side of the bag, so you can grab it from whichever space it’s wedged.

Organizational features

A nice thing about living out of a backpack as opposed to a suitcase is that exterior pockets provide easy access to small items like wallets and passports. I also love that backpacks typically have loops or straps on the outside to which you can attach carabiners and clips. A good backpack will enable you to “get to all your small stuff without fully opening it,” says Mullins. “Whether that’s your phone, earbuds, book, glasses, or food.” You still don’t want a backpack with too many pockets, as these will steal real estate from the main compartment inside. “I like enough exterior pockets to be able to hold gear but not so many pockets that they take up a lot of room in the bag,” says Grisdale.

Best carry-on backpack overall

Cotopaxi Allpa 35 L Travel Pack

Capacity: 35 liters | Packing style: Clamshell, tuckaway straps, removable waist belt | Organizational features: External laptop sleeve, top pocket, carabiner loops

The Cotopaxi Allpa is truly a backpack for suitcase people. Its clamshell design unzips fully to reveal a large mesh compartment on the right-hand side and three smaller ones on the left, mimicking the layout of rolling luggage. It also has a hidden laptop sleeve in the back that’s generously padded (I once checked my Allpa with a MacBook inside and the laptop survived unscathed), as well as an easy-access storage compartment on top that can fit snacks, a book, and your passport. The bag is comfortable to carry, with a sternum strap and removable waist belt for extra support. It comes in three different sizes, but this 35-liter version will be the best for most people — it’s big enough for a week’s worth of clothes but small enough that you can use it as an airline personal item or large daypack. (Strategist contributing writer Margaret Eby took one on a flight to Italy in addition to a rolling suitcase, and says the tuckaway straps helped her squish it under the seat in front of her.) One gripe: There’s no external water-bottle holder on the Allpa 35, although you could easily attach a carabiner to any of its handles or lash loops.

The best carry-on duffel backpack

Patagonia Black Hole Mini MLC

Capacity: 30 liters | Packing style: Duffel, tuckaway straps, tuckaway waist belt, convertible shoulder strap, trolley sleeve | Organizational features: External laptop compartment, top pocket, water bottle holder

Patagonia’s Mini MLC is constantly sold out, and for good reason. This is an unusually roomy and rugged bag that can be used as your main piece of carry-on luggage (it’s available in a 45-liter version as well, if you prefer to overpack) or as a personal item that sits atop your wheeled carry-on. (Former Strategist associate editor Louis Cheslaw refers to his as a “ secret second suitcase ,” because it lets him pack heavy without checking a bag.) Unlike the Allpa, the Mini MLC opens duffel-style, revealing a deep interior compartment that can fit several outfits and a pair of extra shoes. There’s also a laptop compartment, small stash pocket on top of the bag that’s big enough for a passport or wallet, and stretchy water-bottle holder.

The best (less-expensive) carry-on backpack

TomToc Navigator-T66 Travel Laptop Backpack

Capacity: 40 liters | Packing style: Duffel opening, compression straps | Organizational features: External laptop compartment, water bottle holder, quick-access front pocket

At less than half the price of the Allpa or Mini MLC, TomToc’s Navigator is a thoughtfully designed carry-on backpack with a large capacity and helpful organizational features. It zips open at the front to reveal a generous duffel compartment that can be filled with several outfits, whether or not you’re using packing cubes . There’s also a front pocket that’s big enough for a book, as well as a laptop sleeve in the back that can be fully unzipped, revealing extra storage space for documents, cables, and stationery. It’s an excellent affordable option, according to Grisdale.

The best carry-on backpack for business travel

Tortuga Travel Backpack Pro

Capacity: 30 liters | Packing style: Clamshell, removable waist belt | Organizational features: External laptop compartment, top pocket, front pocket, water bottle holders

Tortuga’s backpack designs are highly respected among gear reviewers across the internet. I’ve been testing out its very professional-looking Travel Backpack Pro, which opens clamshell-style to reveal two suitcase-style compartments and also features a nicely padded laptop sleeve with a false bottom for extra protection. The sternum straps are extremely comfortable and can be tucked away when not in use, the bag’s rectangular shape means it slots easily into overhead lockers (as well as airline baggage sizers — mine recently passed the Spirit Airlines personal item test with flying colors), and I like that the exterior fabric is highly waterproof and easy to wipe down. It’s also much more anonymous-looking than Cotopaxi’s colorful Allpa or Patagonia’s gorp-y Mini MLC, which makes it ideal for business travelers and digital nomads.

The best carry-on backpack with lumbar support

Osprey Fairview 40 Travel Backpack

Capacity: 40 liters | Packing style: Duffel, adjustable tuckaway hip belt and harness | Organizational features: External laptop sleeve, external toiletries pocket

When spending her year abroad as the inaugural New York Times 52 Places traveler, journalist Jada Yuan learned the hard way that rolling luggage is terrible for long-haul travel. “I don’t know how I got through 16 stops of my trip before buying the Osprey Fairview,” she recalls. “My back and shoulders hurt all the time. I needed something with strong lumbar support, a waist belt, and a chest strap so that I could make it through the trip without getting crippled.” The Fairview’s packing style she says, is perfectly bare-bones: “Just one giant cavity, plus a zippered section for your laptop and a bunch of straps on the outside for carrying, say, a bulky jacket.” It’s definitely the most comfortable backpack on this list, says Grisdale: “Osprey’s packs are good because they have a lot of padding, they’re really thick, and they’re also adjustable. So if it doesn’t fit you right out of the box, you can move things around.”

Best carry-on duffel backpack for long trips

Away The Outdoor Convertible Backpack 45L

Capacity: 45 liter | Packing style: Duffel, compression straps, removable shoulder straps, trolley sleeve | Organizational features: External laptop compartment, hidden top pocket for valuables

Away is best known for its hard luggage, but the DTC brand’s outdoor gear shouldn’t be overlooked. Brand marketing consultant Jennifer Olson came across this big duffel-backpack while gearing up for an eight-month road trip through South America with her partner. “We’d be living in a converted Land Cruiser and needed baggage soft and malleable enough to be thrown around the back of a truck and wedged into small spaces,” she explains. “Though we’d be hiking here and there, we weren’t doing any hardcore treks, so we didn’t need a traditional trekking backpack — but rather something in between.” True to Away’s suitcase-y roots, the bag’s internal storage compartment features compression straps that are designed to secure a set of packing cubes , which Olson says really helped keep things organized on her big trip. And the convertible straps have come in handy now that she’s returned home: “I usually use it as a duffle when I’m on weekend trips or using it as a carry on, and when the bag is a little more loaded with my things, I use it in backpack mode to disperse the weight.”

The best carry-on backpack for short trips

ULA Ultra Dragonfly

Capacity: 30 liters | Packing style: Duffel, compression straps | Organizational features: Internal laptop sleeve, stretchy side and front pockets, front bungee elastic

I first heard about the ULA Ultra Dragonfly when lurking on the 729,000-member-strong sub-Reddit r/OneBag , which has popularized the idea of bringing no more than one smallish bag on trips and vacations. And while many One Baggers own Allpas and MLCs, this is the bag they covet most. It unzips duffel-style, with a Goldilocks-size 30-liter capacity that means it can hold a decent amount of stuff but still slide underneath a plane seat if needed. There’s no hip belt, but uniquely shaped shoulder straps are designed to be worn for hours at a time without discomfort. There’s a laptop sleeve for digital nomads, and the Ultra fabric is slightly stretchy (allowing for a bit of overpacking), unusually durable (similar to ripstop nylon), and highly waterproof (which makes it appropriate for treks and other more rugged adventures). There’s just one catch: Due to stock issues, you can only purchase the Dragonfly Ultra once a week on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. ET. Within a couple of hours, the bag sells out and its buy button disappears for another seven days.

The best carry-on backpack for rugged trips

Timbuk2 Impulse Travel Backpack Duffel

Capacity: 45 liters | Packing style: Duffel, tuckaway shoulder straps, compression straps | Organizational features: External shoe compartments, external laptop sleeve, passport pocket

More duffel-shaped than some of the very suitcase-y backpacks on this list, Timbuk2’s unique carry-on has zip-up shoe pockets at each end, allowing you to separate dirty footwear from the rest of your stuff — an especially nice feature for anyone packing a pair of hiking shoes . I also like how waterproof this bag is. All of the fabric is easy to wipe down, and the bottom of the bag has an extra protective “boot” which means you can plonk it down anywhere without worrying about it getting muddy. “The very considered design is ideal for someone who is most at home hopping on and off planes and trains,” says Andrew Barker, the former chief content officer of the travelers club, PRIOR . He appreciates the TSA-friendly slip pockets, which give easy access to your laptop and passport.

Our experts

• Andrew Barker, former chief content officer of the travelers club PRIOR • Louis Cheslaw , former Strategist associate editor • Margaret Eby , Strategist contributing writer • Geoff Grisdale, backpack reviewer at One Bag Travels • Jeff Mullins , freelance backpack and soft-goods designer • Jennifer Olson , brand marketing consultant • Jada Yuan , Washington Post reporter and inaugural New York Times 52 Places traveler

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The 11 Best Carry-on Backpacks of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

Our simulations reveal which bags you can count on

backpack travel what to pack

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TripSavvy / Chloe Jeong

A solid backpack is key to a successful trip. Think about it: You can use it as a carry-on, and if you pack light, it'll be the only piece of luggage you bring on a trip. It won't weigh you down as you rush to catch the inter-terminal train at the airport, and it'll look good on you as you stroll the streets of your destination. Find a good travel backpack, and it will serve you for years to come.

There’s a lot to consider when looking for a backpack to take you through all kinds of situations and environments. Waterproof, anti-theft, stylish, lightweight, wheels or no wheels—all things to keep in mind as you shop. To help you make the right choice, we tested 32 carry-on backpacks in our New York testing lab and in the real world. We tested for capacity, design, comfort, durability, and value.

Final Verdict

Product selection, how we tested, other carry-on backpacks we tested.

  • What to Look For

Why Trust TripSavvy

Best overall, cotopaxi allpa 35l travel pack.

  • Capacity 5 /5
  • Design 5 /5
  • Durability 5 /5
  • Comfort 5 /5

Super durable material

Very comfortable with multiple carry methods

Lighter and more rugged than previous models

Nothing yet

Does the perfect travel backpack exist? We’re not sure, but we can’t think of one that comes closer than the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L. This second version of Cotopaxi’s best-selling backpack is rugged and comfy, has excellent organization capabilities, and is the perfect size to throw in an overhead bin, toss in a vehicle, and huff around from train to hostel.

The pack uses burly TPU-coated 1000-denier polyester and lightweight 840-denier ballistic nylon paneling. It has excellent weight distribution with comfy shoulder and sternum straps and hip belts, or stow the straps and carry the pack with side handles. The inside features multiple pockets of different sizes that we found perfect for separating clean and dirty clothes, electronics, and shoes. Bonus: It comes with a rainfly to protect it from the weather.

Capacity: 35 liters | Weight: 3 pounds, 8 ounces | Dimensions: 20 x 12 x 8 inches | Materials: TPU-coated 1000-denier polyester and 840-denier ballistic nylon

TripSavvy / Jhett Thompson

Best Overall, Runner-Up

Osprey fairview 40.

Quite spacious while remaining carry-on sized

Keeps belongings secure

Good padding and weight distribution

Osprey’s women-specific Fairview 40 pack impressed our tester with its size, space, and compartments. “This bag has a lot of compartments and a lot of straps to hold everything in place,” our tester reported. Despite the bag fitting a bit large, our tester said it was still very comfortable to wear. Osprey employs its proprietary Lightwire Frame Suspension, which helps spread the weight across the back panel and from the harness to the hip belt.

Despite being a 40-liter pack, it weighs just about 3 pounds, thanks to the lightweight nylon ripstop material and frame. “It did not hurt my back, and I like how most of the weight was shifted to my lower back,” our tester mentioned. Besides the fit, we also appreciated that all straps are stowable, making it easy in case you need to check the bag on a plane (which is possible on smaller planes with this larger-capacity pack). For the men’s version of the same pack, check out the Farpoint 40 .

Capacity: 38 liters (extra-small/small size) | Weight: 3 pounds, 1 ounce | Dimensions: 19.3 x 13.8 x 8 inches | Materials: 210-denier nylon mini hex diamond ripstop and 600-denier packcloth

Best Budget

Vancropak 40l travel backpack.

  • Capacity 4 /5
  • Design 3 /5
  • Comfort 4 /5

Great for a short-to-medium-length trip

Could double as a business travel pack

Feature packed and user friendly

Lacks tech compartment

Cloth material could get dirty easily

This 40-liter pack checks all the boxes, including excellent value. Vancropak says it fits enough for trips between three and seven days, and we’d have to agree. “It fit everything even though I packed quickly and not thoughtfully or strategically,” our tester said. “It’s perfect for a weekend trip when you want to pack extra ‘just in case’ outfits or items. It even expands to provide more room. It has extra pockets, opens like a suitcase, has many different handles, and backpack straps that can be tucked and zipped away.” Compression straps also help shrink the bag back down after being packed.

And if you weren’t convinced yet of its value, it also includes packing cubes. “Its business-casual aesthetic makes it ideal for short business trips, too,” a tester added. One nitpick? There’s no laptop sleeve. But our testers thought the other features—and comfort—more than made up for that slight issue.

Capacity: 40 liters | Weight: 3.98 pounds | Dimensions: 20 x 13.7 x 6.2 inches | Materials: Water-resistant polyester

Asenlin 40L Travel Backpack

Functional straps

Multiple ways to carry

Not too weighty

Our tester didn’t love the style

If you didn’t dig the budget pack above, behold another excellent value travel pack. Like the Vancropak, the Asenlin Travel Backpack also includes three packing cubes. Our testers found they could easily fit everything needed for a weekend trip. They also liked the internal straps for organization and the external straps for compression. “It offers three different carrying methods, which is nice,” the testers reported. “It has a lot of different pockets and storage areas. The bottle holder on the side also unzips to expand, which is a thoughtful addition.”

Our testers liked how comfortable the bag was to wear and that it wasn’t overly heavy (the brand claims it weighs less than 3 pounds). We also believe this could double as a business travel bag.

Capacity: 40 liters | Weight: 2.7 pounds | Dimensions: 18.5 x 12.5 x 9.5 inches | Materials: Water-resistant polyester Oxford cloth

Best for Business Travel

Nomatic travel bag.

  • Comfort 3 /5

Fits about a week’s worth of items

Loads of internal organization

Comes with an additional laundry bag

Uncomfortable to carry at times

Some scuff marks after tossing around

While we certainly love this bag's sleek and simplistic aesthetic, there’s a lot more to it than just looks. It’s durable and water-resistant and has multiple carry options (e.g., duffel and over the shoulders), a separate shoe compartment, lots of tech organization, and a TSA-ready laptop sleeve.

Our testers loved the capacity of this pack. “It easily fit everything on the list with plenty of room to spare,” one tester said. “I think everything you would need for up to a week away would fit easily.” The pronounced rectangular shape of the bag made it extra easy to pack and helped organize folded clothes. “The bag had two different shoe pockets, a laptop sleeve, and many other compartments for both smaller clothing items and even some work supplies,” a tester reported.

The one drawback of this pack was our testers didn’t find it the most comfortable. Specifically, the straps were stiff and dug into one tester’s neck. Overall, though, our testers were very pleased with the pack and thought it was worth the fit, especially for the design and ease of packing.

Capacity: 40 liters | Weight: 3.4 pounds | Dimensions: 19 x 21 x 14 inches | Materials: Not listed

Best Multi-use

Peak design travel backpack 45l.

  • Value 4.5 /5

Excellent capacity

Easy to handle

Thoughtful storage solutions

This 45-liter travel pack from Peak Design debuted at the Outdoor Retailer Expo in 2018 and promptly won many awards. A few years later, it still holds up. Peak Design basically thought of everything when designing this pack. The outside features weatherproof recycled 400-denier nylon canvas and ultralight padded foam. It includes grab handles on each side, stowable hip belts, and a sternum strap. The inside has multiple pockets for organization and loads of room for trips of four days or longer.

Our testers loved the size and the zippers allowing access from four different sides of the bag. “It was super easy to pack, and there were just enough organization solutions to provide options for different packing strategies,” a tester said. “I also loved how many handles there were. A grab handle on all four main sides of the bag makes it super easy to maneuver, especially when putting it in the overhead compartment.”

Testers also liked the sheath built into the pack to stow the hip belt and the small pocket on the belt for stashing quick-grab items like lip balm, keys, or cards. They also enjoyed the water bottle pockets on both sides and the pack's comfort. Oh, and this pack is 100 percent carbon neutral. The only issue they saw was the price—it’s one of the most expensive on this list. But if you can look at this as an investment, the durability suggests it should last for many years. It's certainly carry-on luggage that any travel-savvy guy can appreciate.

Capacity: 45 liters | Weight: 4.5 pounds | Dimensions: 22 x 13 x 9.5 inches | Materials: Weatherproof 100 percent recycled 400-denier nylon canvas external shell and 900-denier waterproof bottom liner

TripSavvy / Conor Ralph

Most Comfortable

Topo designs global travel bag 40l.

Topo Designs

Excellent internal organization

Many different carrying options

Great for long travel days

Could be roomier

If your travel involves carrying your backpack for long periods, we recommend Topo Designs' Global Travel Bag. This super durable pack is also super comfortable with plush and padded shoulder straps and a hip belt. We also love that there are multiple ways to carry this pack with a comfy and padded sling. Its construction includes durable and recycled nylons with a canvas feel. And it meets Fair Wear certification standards, ensuring fair labor practices.

“There are a ton of compartments and pockets, so a lot of options for staying organized with small or loose items in the absence of packing cubes,” one tester said. “I could easily see places to stash cords, travel docs, electronics, water bottles, and more.”

While our testers liked a lot about this bag—including its durability—the comfort won them over. “All the features built into the bag suggest it's intended to create maximum comfort for someone who anticipates carrying the bag for a more extended period of time,” our tester concluded.

Capacity: 40 liters | Weight: 3 pounds, 10.4 ounces | Dimensions: 22.5 x 14 x 7.5 inches | Materials: 1000-denier recycled nylon, 400-denier recycled nylon, 210-denier recycled nylon, 1680-denier recycled ballistic nylon

Best Splurge

Bellroy transit backpack plus.

Flat opening made for easy packing

Comfortable to carry

Long lasting

Minimal internal organization

If you weren't convinced by our business travel pick above, consider this your alternative. This pack's sleek, durable, and comfortable design makes it ideal for business and formal travel. Our testers found it easy to fit enough items for up to three or four days away. Lighter packers could stretch this to five days. The inside is designed more like a typical carry-on pack with one large compartment.

“This bag felt super light on my back and was padded in all the right places,” a tester reported. “It has adjustable sternum and waist straps that you can tuck into the back of the pack when you don't want to use them, which is a genius feature.” Our testers were also impressed with the bag's durability, as it survived being tossed around our lab with zero marks or scuffs.

Capacity: 38 liters | Weight: 3.3 pounds | Dimensions: 21.7 x 15 x 9.4 inches | Materials: Recycled Dura nylon

Samsonite Silhouette 17 Backpack

  • Design 4 /5
  • Durability 4 /5

Suitcase-like opening allows easy access

Eco-friendly materials

Suitable for long travel days

Internal organization may be overcomplicated for some

Launched in 1958, Samsonite’s Silhouette collection is likely the oldest on our list. But those six decades of innovation have helped make this one of the best and most versatile bags out there—not to mention one with excellent style. You can also feel good about your purchase knowing that it features 100 percent post-consumer recycled PET bottles.

Our testers liked the size of the bag and the opening, similar to a suitcase, which made it easy to pack and access items. There were many—almost too many—pockets and compartments. And our testers loved how comfortable and supportive this bag was to carry, noting its excellent weight distribution. “I would recommend this bag to someone looking for a backpack they can use as a primary form of luggage,” a tester concluded. “It has enough room and compartments to fit all of the essentials and keep them organized. It's also comfortable, supportive, and easy to carry.”

Capacity: Not listed | Weight: 3.31 pounds | Dimensions: 20 x 12.5 x 7 inches | Materials: Polyester and Recyclex

Best for Techies

Thule subterra backpack 34l.

Functional and looks good

Bag included for dirty laundry

Portable charger

Not the most comfortable

We’ve been pleasantly surprised with Thule’s line of luggage. And that certainly includes the Subterra backpack. This rugged pack could also be a good commuter option as it has a magnetic rolling top closure, a padded laptop sleeve, and a PowerPocket for charging items on the go. We love that it has many access points and comes with a packing cube and garment bag for dirty clothes.

"I loved being able to put my normal packing cubes inside the big cube that comes with the bag, and I was able to use the bag as a day bag anytime I needed to carry extra, and it never felt super bulky,” a tester reported—however, they noted that the bag didn’t particularly help their already-sore back. Not surprisingly, considering its construction, the pack aced our durability tests.

Capacity: 34 liters | Weight: 2.75 pounds | Dimensions: 20.5 x 12.2 x 9.1 inches | Materials: 800-denier nylon

Best for Storage

Mystery ranch mission rover.

Mystery Ranch

Sturdy with grab handles around the pack

Well-designed internal storage

Different ways to carry

A bit heavy

If you’ve never heard of Mystery Ranch, let us introduce you to the Bozeman, Montana-based brand, which makes super rugged packs for backpacking, hunting, the military, and firefighters. This travel-focused pack is incredibly solid on the outside and has many excellent organization and design features inside.

Highlights include a stowable hip belt and shoulder straps, multiple carrying options, a dirty clothes compartment, three inner divided pockets, and lockable zippers.

Capacity: 30, 45, and 60 liters | Weight: 4.3 pounds | Dimensions: 21 x 13 x 12 inches | Materials: Plain spun nylon, 210-denier nylon

We recommend the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack thanks to its incredibly durable polyester and nylon materials, well-designed internal storage, and included rainfly. Another great pick is the Vancropak Travel Backpack , which rings up at a fraction of the cost of some other options on the market.

We selected products to test based on the expertise of TripSavvy editors and writers and on internet research. Not surprisingly, TripSavvy editors and writers travel a lot. And they have many carry-on backpacks they like and don’t like.

To ensure we weren’t missing anything, we also researched what other prominent sites have featured and looked at top-rated and reviewed backpacks on sites like Amazon and REI. Once an initial list of products was selected, we narrowed it down to the final 28 for testing based on style, function, and price.

We tested the backpacks for capacity, design, comfort, durability, and value. In our New York City-based testing lab, we asked testers to pack each backpack with three shirts, two pants, one jacket, one pair of shoes, and a toiletry bag to test for capacity. We asked the testers to consider all aspects of the backpack’s construction, organizational capabilities, and any design innovations.

Testers then carried each backpack around using the different carrying styles. We asked the testers to rate how comfortable the bag felt fully packed. After the comfort test, we asked testers to toss and throw the bag several feet multiple times. We looked for damage on the outside of the bag and any damage to products inside the bag. Lastly, we asked testers to rate the bag for overall value after a price reveal.

We have since sent the backpacks to testers to continue testing as they travel. We will update this document accordingly as their insights are submitted.

Aer Travel Pack 3 : This pack was comfortable to wear thanks to its supportively firm and cushioned back, while its rugged fabric stood up well to rough handling. Our tester subtracted some points for capacity, as it was a squeeze to get everything on the list to fit, and for the more function-forward style.

Everlane The ReNew Transit Backpack : This bag is very nice to look at and proved quite durable. However, it's on the small side and the features aren't particularly travel-oriented—namely, the inflexible bottle holder and the magnetic flip top that is easily displaced when the pack is full.

Minaal Carry-on 3.0 Bag : Our tester appreciated the comfort of the straps and the practical capacity of this bag, though the price was on the higher end and the packing experience was a bit of a learning curve.

Monos Metro Backpack : Another looker, the design of this bag got high praise. We liked the 270-degree opening, the easy-release front pouch, and the comfortable straps. At 18 liters, this back is more of a complement piece to other luggage and could use a better weight distribution system.

Timbuk2 Never Check Expandable : The expansion feature was a hit once we figured out how to use it and the durability of this pack was undeniable. It was difficult to look past a faulty zipper design that got caught frequently when trying to close.

What to Look For in a Carry-on Backpack

Prices for carry-on backpacks vary widely, so consider what your greatest needs are. You can find a spacious travel backpack for under $100—often under $50—but if you plan on facing harsh outdoor environments , consider investing a bit more money for something waterproof. Leather backpacks can cost hundreds of dollars; keep this in mind if that material is important to you. Anti-theft travel backpacks can be a bit more expensive but are often essential in highly trafficked destinations.

There are so many styles out there you could spend days filtering through the different backpacks on the market. Keep it simple: How will you be using this backpack? If you’re interfacing with clients or business partners, look for something minimal and sleek that doesn’t showcase a million pockets. If you plan on living out of your backpack for most of your trip, pockets are more of a priority. You'll want a bag that zips open flat like a suitcase for easy packing and unloading (this also makes going through security easier).

If you are using your travel backpack for hiking, find something with a removable hip harness to distribute the weight of your pack better when you’re on the move. If you plan on wearing your travel backpack casually—only in the airport or to work—seek out a style with adjustable straps and a padded back. This will help ward off any back pain, especially if you carry a lot of weight. When you’re trying on backpacks, test out the shoulder straps and imagine how they would feel if the pack was filled to capacity. Is there ample padding? Will the material cut into your shoulders? Does the back of the backpack feel like it would be breathable?

The size of backpacks is generally measured in volume (liters) or dimensions (inches or centimeters). While it is essential to refer to the specific requirements of the airline you'll be flying, a good starting point for a carry-on when flying domestically is 22 x 14 x 9 inches or 45 total linear inches (115 centimeters) including all handles and wheels. This size comes out to a 43-liter pack, so anything smaller should easily meet any U.S. airline size restrictions. However, this is only the beginning, and several factors may increase or decrease your allowance, such as the size of the plane and flight class you book.

This will vary based on your backpack's materials. For nylon and other water-resistant fabrics, get a damp cloth and spot-clean your pack. A damp cloth will also do the trick if your bag has plastic or metal elements. For leather backpacks, you’ll want to purchase a special leather conditioner and cleaner to maintain the integrity of your backpack.

This is an excellent feature if you plan on hiking or spending long periods carrying your backpack. It will help distribute the weight of your pack better across your body, ultimately providing more comfort. Most backpacks that are focused on outdoor adventures will have this feature.

Many backpacks are marketed as anti-theft, meaning it’s tougher for someone else to get inside your pack. Some backpacks have zippers that allow you to open the main interior compartment while wearing it—so you don’t have to take it off and risk having someone else pick it up. Others are designed with webbing over the zipper openings, making it very hard for someone to locate and unzip the bag while you have it on.

No, this is not the norm when it comes to backpacks. Compression cords make packing easier and function the same way a compression strap or cord would work in a regular suitcase. Some travel-focused carry-on backpacks do have this built-in. But if you want to squeeze in more items, consider investing in some packing cubes . These will help organize your backpack, too.

Nathan Allen is TripSavvy’s Outdoor Gear Editor. He has traveled to five continents, including plane, train, and bus travel. For most travel scenarios, he prefers backpacks over spinners or roller suitcases because of their ruggedness and different carrying methods. He currently uses Cotopaxi’s Allpa 35L, Thule’s Subterra, and Topo Design’s Global Travel Pack the most. Each product recommended in this review was thoroughly researched and tested.

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How to pack like a pro for a backpacking trip in 2022

Emma Sparks

May 12, 2022 • 7 min read

Rearview of an adult woman paddling canoe, Moraine Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta Canada

Your shoes and day bag can make or break your trip © Peter Amend / Getty Images / Image Source

So you’re taking the leap. The big trip is booked. There’s nothing standing between you and the unforgettable adventure that’s about to unfold…except, you still have to pack.

Wondering where to start? Avoid backache, ripped zips and other packing nightmares with our essential backpacking packing list.

A hiking backpack with a yoga mat in the mountains

How to pick the right backpack

Before you decide what to take, you need to determine what to take it in. Choosing a backpack can be confusing, and the web is rife with advice from people who insist you can travel for six months with nothing but a postage-stamp-sized carry-on, while others woefully recall their experience of lugging a 90-liter bag around the world. Newbie travelers are often tempted to take everything but the kitchen sink, but limiting your backpack space is the best way to avoid this common pitfall.

The sweet spot lies somewhere in the middle: a backpack between 40-70L is fine for a long-term trip – the trick is not to stuff it full.

Try the Kelty Redwing 50 for men or women. It has an internal frame, fits carry-on requirements for most major and regional airlines, is extremely durable and performs well whether you're out on the trails or jumping from hostel to hostel. 

Remember to also take a good-quality day bag that can be kept inside your backpack or used as hand luggage. We like the Osprey ultralight stuff pack . It only weighs three ounces and feels full-featured despite its packable design.

How to pack for a big trip - tips from experienced travelers

A carry-on suitcase with blue lining packed with clothes in plastic vaccum-packed sacks

Packing cubes and compression sacks

Stuffing socks in shoes will only get you so far. Believe me – compression sacks are your new best friends. Besides saving considerable space, they can protect clothing from grime and spillages, as well as separate dirty laundry from the holy grail of backpacker apparel: clean underwear. Use packing cubes to store individual outfits if you’re going somewhere where it will be difficult to sift through the contents of your backpack – this can be particularly useful when camping or staying in cramped conditions such as a sailboat or camper van.

For the ultimate in packing cubes try Shake Pak . These cubes are built to last through weeks on the road.  

Keep toiletries in a good quality transparent waterproof bag to contain shampoo explosions and allow for easy access. Like these TSA-approved toiletry bags .

A woman smiling over her shoulder with her eyes clothes wearing a bright pink sarong around her shoulders

Always pack versatile clothing

We know this sounds like jargon, but truly the best way to look half decent on the road is to pack a “capsule wardrobe”. Sticking to a neutral color scheme and packing plenty of layers means you can mix and match outfits easily, conjuring seemingly countless looks for a variety of climates out of a few tops and some cleverly chosen accessories.

A large statement scarf or sarong is a great multipurpose item: it keeps you cozy, doubles as a cushion for long bus journeys and can cover your shoulders when visiting sacred temples. The Mer Sea travel wrap comes with its own bag and is so versatile it can be cozy or fancy whenever you need it to be. 

Travel gear reviews: clothing to take on the elements

Flat lay of a pink sleep mask, antiseptic cream, painkillers, plasters and ear plugs

Health essentials, COVID-19 and creature comforts

You know you need a first-aid kit. But be strategic: unless you’re going somewhere so remote that you’ll have no access to key medicines or supplies, you probably don’t need 12 packs of painkillers and a liter of liquid skin glue. A pack of high-quality face masks, bandaids and blister patches, (a reasonable amount of) painkillers, antiseptic cream, antihistamine, travel sickness tablets and prescription medications/contraceptives should suffice, along with your soon-to-be-treasured anti-diarrhea pills and laxatives. For the sake of your mental health, pack earplugs, an eye mask and if you know you struggle to nod off, a calming lavender essential oil roll-on.

Even though you're likely going to be outside a lot, you still will need to know the local advisories and regulations regarding COVID-19 safety. What vaccines will you need? Do you need test results and if so, what kind of tests qualify and in what time window? Will you have to quarantine upon arrival? With regulations changing daily, start at Lonely Planet's Health Hub for up-to-the-minute pandemic travel advisories.  

These earplugs are reusable and moldable so they work great in lots of different ears. 

This silk eye mask from Slip helps fight fine lines and wrinkles all while ensuring proper sleep on long-haul flights.

And for non-GMO-verified essential oil, try NOW organic Lavender calming blend and rest easy. 

8 tips to stay healthy on vacation from celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak

A flat lay of a laptop, plug adaptors, camera and battery pack

Tech and entertainment

Digital nomad or not, chances are you’ll be taking some tech. Even if you’re flying by the seat of your smartphone, you’ll need a charger, a  global adaptor and a portable battery (a life-saver if you’re dependent on mapping apps). Throw in a laptop, camera, GoPro, drone and Kindle and your inventory suddenly got a whole lot more valuable and heavier. Keep tech in hand luggage wherever possible and, to echo the station announcements you’ll soon be hearing everywhere, never leave your bag unattended.

Do some digital packing too: download crucial apps before you leave home to avoid flaky wifi or expensive roaming charges. If you’re a paperback fan (or love a good guidebook) don’t take more than one or two – you can switch them at book swaps as you go.

Lonely Planet's ultimate digital nomad packing list

A wooden sign in front of a jungle reading 'take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time'

Eco-friendly kit

It’s 2022. The “take only pictures, leave only footprints” backpacker mantra is no longer enough. Pack a reusable water bottle (with an in-built filter if necessary) like the  LifeStraw Go . Look for packaging-free or refillable toiletries. Bring lightweight bamboo straws and cutlery like this  travel cutlery set  that comes in a neat roll with a brush for cleaning. Finally, don't forget environmentally-friendly sunscreen like Thinksport SPF 50+  which is safe for coral reefs and top-rated by the EWG.  

As refreshing as they are, even biodegradable wet wipes can clog sewage systems, particularly in less developed countries; take a flannel or muslin cloth for thorough face washing. Zero-waste sanitary products (reusable towels, menstrual cups or period-friendly underwear) will minimize costs and use less backpack space too.

Into the green: eight destinations for an eco-friendly escape

Padlocks and backup documents

A mini padlock on your backpack zippers will help deter anyone from pinching whatever you last stuffed into the top of your bag, while larger ones are handy for hostel lockers (they usually sell them at an inflated price if you’re stuck). It’s worth taking hard photocopies of your passport, driving license and insurance documents, or at least a USB stick with the digital versions, in case any get lost or stolen.

Still not sure what to pack? Read our  ultimate guide to packing like a pro before you go as well!

What not to pack

  • Sleeping bag : most hostels ban them anyway due to their bedbug spreading properties, providing clean sheets instead. If you’re fussy about bedding, bring a silk sleeping bag liner – but this is totally optional
  • Hairdryer and high heels: embrace the laid back look – you can always pop to a salon or buy a cheap pair of snazzy shoes if you have an impromptu glamorous night out
  • Neck pillow: unless it’s inflatable (others add too much bulk). And even then, is it really worth it?
  • Anything of true sentimental value: because insurance can’t replace the irreplaceable
  • A standard towel: or so say... most travelers. Four months of carting around a smelly, useless microfiber towel taught me to always take one just in case – which takes us to this article’s caveat: everyone’s different. If you really want to take something, just take it. You’ll soon find out if it was the right decision!

You might also like:  The expert's ultimate backpacking bucket list These destinations are the world's top backpacking hotspots What is backpacking? The eternal travel debate

This article was first published Oct 10, 2019 and updated May 12, 2022.

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How to Pack a Backpack

With our tips on maximizing space in your pack, hauling a heavy load doesn’t have to be unbearable.

Backpacking Gear

Switchback Travel ( Zach Snavely )

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One of the first steps to enjoying a backpacking trip is learning how to load your pack properly. There are a lot of considerations that go into a well-packed backpack, from nailing the capacity and balancing your pack's contents to keeping critical items handy on the go. Below we cover everything you need to know, including packing order, weight distribution, organization and access, where to stow a bear canister, and more. For all of our top picks in one place, see our article on the best backpacking packs  and the best ultralight backpacks . And to make sure you’ve got everything you need, check out our backpacking checklist .  

Table of Contents

  • P acking Order
  • Weight Distribution
  • Organization and Access
  • Fill the Gaps
  • Compression Straps
  • Bear Canisters
  • Waterproofing Your Gear
  • Lifting Your Loaded Pack
  • Tips to Avoid Overpacking
  • What Capacity is Right for You?

1. Packing Order

Backpacking packs (fully loaded)

d. External Pockets

Small items you might need to access throughout the day: 

  • Map and compass/GPS
  • Cell phone/camera
  • Water bottles

Backpacking packs (lid)

2. Weight Distribution

The packing order listed above is largely governed by one key principle: A balanced load is—or at least feels like—a lighter load. For this reason, it’s best to place your heaviest gear in the middle of your pack (as instructed above)—close to your body and between your shoulders and waist. Likewise, avoid placing heavy gear towards the outside of the main compartment (away from the back) or externally, as the weight can make you top- or rear-heavy and pull you backwards. You’ll also want to be sure to balance the side-to-side weight of the pack, as this can heavily impact comfort on the trail.

Backpacking across a river on a narrow log

3. Organization and Access

Backpacking packs (front storage)

5. Compression Straps

Backpacking packs (compression straps)

9. Tips to Avoid Overpacking

Packing for a backpacking trip

10. What Capacity is Right for You?

We could talk forever about how to pack your backpack, but if you don’t have enough capacity, you won’t get very far down the trail. Putting 50 liters’ worth of gear in a 40-liter pack is a recipe for disaster—not only are you bound to have poor weight distribution, but you’re also likely to max out the pack’s load range (a guarantee for discomfort). That said, you also don’t want too big of a pack, as it will focus all the weight towards the bottom and carry your load inefficiently.

Keep in mind that gear will vary from one person to the next. For example, minimalists and ULers often settle for a bare-bones gear list and dedicated ultralight items, while more comfort-focused hikers typically opt for slightly bulkier gear and a few luxuries. Further, some backpackers will need to carry more than their share of the group load. All that said, below are our recommended pack capacities based on the length of your trip. And for our top picks across all of these capacities, check out our article on the best backpacking packs .

  • Overnight: 35-55 liters
  • Weekend (2-3 nights): 45-70 liters
  • Extended trips (more than 3 nights): 60+ liters

Back to How to Pack a Backpack   See Our Top Backpacking Packs

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Home » Budget Travel » How To Pack A Backpack: Travel Hacks and Inside Tips For 2024

How To Pack A Backpack: Travel Hacks and Inside Tips For 2024

As world travellers, there are many diverse skills that we must all develop and refine in order to survive. These skills or arts even, include the art of blagging lifts across entire countries from total strangers. They include the art of driving impossible room rate bargains with unwilling guest house proprietors, and of course, the art of holding in ones poo for heroic lengths of time once the single squat toilet on the Indian train overflows.

But of all the skills a traveller must acquire, perhaps none has proven quite so elusive as the dark art of correctly packing ones backpack.

Indeed, effective packing can make or break an entire trip. It is the difference between having everything you need and not having it, between being able to find things in a hurry and not being, and between keeping packed valuables safe and valuables being at risk. Perhaps above all though, proper packing even makes the very difference between been able to carry your backpack, or not been able to carry it.

Today we are sharing the sum total of our collective experience with you our dear readers. Welcome our to epic How To Pack a Backpack For Travelling Guide!

Choose Your Stuff Carefully

How to pack a backpack with clothes, use packing cubes, get a toiletry bag, get a laundry bag, how to pack a backpack for travel, don’t over pack, top tips for packing a backpack for a trip.

Backpacking packing list

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Before we can even think about how to pack a backpack for travel, we need to carefully examine what exactly we are intending to pack into it. Whether you’re looking at doing some one bag travel or taking a few different packs, you need to think long and hard.

Now, this is an exercise which you should take your time over and do in a relaxed frame of mind. Therefore feel free to pour yourself a glass of wine, get the tunes on, and even burn some incense.

To start, find an empty room with either a decent amount of clear floor space or a double bed (ideally one with nobody trying to sleep in it) and then lay out every single item that you are even thinking about taking. This includes travel documents, clothes, shoes, toiletries, electronics, first aid kits and skipping ropes – I repeat, if you’re considering bringing it, get it out!

At this point, you should have a big, sprawling ungodly mess of worldly goods and consumer items, which will incidentally serve as a pretty concise snap-shot of who you are and what your life is about. What we now do is identify all the items which you are going to take as carry on such as passports, laptops, a book to read, dynamite, and whatever else you want to take into the airplane cabin with you. Put these items to one side.

Always Try To Pack Light

backpack travel what to pack

From the remaining pile, it’s time to weed out every last bit of excess. For example, 2 pairs of shoes is usually more than enough for any trip. For my upcoming 2 month Goa/Bali trip I am bringing Converse All Stars for both day to day and dressed up wear, and my running trainers for running, and trekking. As you will presumably already be wearing one pair of shoes to catch to your flight, you only need to pack 1 into your backpack.

Any “nice to have” items such as a formal shirt, high heels or the collected world of Leo Tolstoy should be purged and removed from the pile. If there is any room left at the end, we can always bring them back.

In order to help you assess how much stuff you need, check out this epic backpacking packing list. As a rule though, one weeks worth of clothes is more than enough. Do bring some nice items for “best” wear, but try to keep them as versatile as possible – for example, short sleeved, nicely made Hawaiian shirts look equally ridiculous both for cocktails and on the beach alike so they’re a win/win! Ladies, note that hippy chic and trance wear is purpose made for travellers as it’s easy to dress up and dress down so can also be worn on the beach or at the/da club.

If you already have experience of backpacking then you will probably have learned that less is more and this pile of “prospective items” will be more or less ready to go minus a final edit. For beginners and first timers though, it is quite likely that your short list is ridiculously excessive. A rule some find useful is to try and cut your pile by 50% – yep, first timers have a tendency to try and bring twice as much stuff as they actually need!

How To Pack a Backpack With Clothes

How to pack a backpack with clothes? Well we will tell you. Now that the boring prep work is out of the way, we can begin the real magic – rolling things up!

In order to maximise space, roll up as many of your clothes as you can. Roll up those socks, those underpants, those trousers and those t-shirts. In case you have never rolled up a T-shirt before the process is simple;

  • Fold the arms in so it takes on a rectangular shape
  • Fold it in half across the middle and then fold in half again
  • You will now have a long, thin rectangle
  • Turn it round and roll tightly from one end to the other

Be sure to put as many rolled items inside of your shoes as you can, as this saves even more room. Shoes themselves however should not be rolled up…

Of course, most of you already know these tried and trusted techniques for packing a backpack with clothes. But… for the benefit of the 8% of you who don’t, here it is! Deepest apologies if I am teaching you how to suck eggs, but nobody gets left behind here (by the way, in case do not know how so suck eggs, then be sure to check out our epic Egg Sucking Guide!)

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And that’s all the minimising and culling we can do. Unless of course, by the time you read this, somebody has invented a shrinking machine, in which case this entire post will possibly be obsolete.

So from now on, the focus of this guide is on compartmentalisation and sub-categorisation.

And one of the smartest things you can do here, is to use packing cubes.

What Are Packing Cubes?

Packing cubes are zippered fabric containers generally made into a rectangular, “cube” shapes, purpose built to help you organise your stuff! They come in a myriad of different sizes (and sometimes shapes) and are usually sold in sets.

How To Use Packing Cubes

If you’ve never used Packing cubes before, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. They are a magnificent invention and a true game changer when it comes to how to pack a travel backpack. However, you may be wondering exactly how to pack with packing cubes.

You can use packing cubes to organise all manner of gear and they help you to sort and organise items together logically. For example, you could have a cube for socks, another for t-shirts and then one for electronics.

Packing cubes are great for many reasons. As well as making packing that little bit easier, they make unpacking a whole lot easier. For example, if you are looking for a particular t-shirt then you know it’s in the t-shirt cube ( as long as you packed it properly) .

Packing cubes can seem expensive at first flush – especially if you have just paid out $000 for a backpack and another $0000 for a one way ticket to Paradise. That said, we’ve found that good quality cubes last many years and they really are worth it to save space, and keep your luggage organised.

Choosing The Right Packing Cubes

There are a lot of different packing cubes out there. They do come in different sizes and sometimes different shapes, but the biggest difference between them is material, build and quality.

After working our way through countless different packing cubes, we strongly recommend this set of 3 compression packing cubes from Nomatic . Nomatic are fast establishing themselves as a leader in making top class travel gear and their cubes can help maximise storage space by 50%!

If you do decide to use packing cubes, put your belongings into the packing cubes and stop there for now. Don’t try to put the packing cubes into your actual backpack just yet.

Oh, and with all this cube stuff going on, do feel free to give the Tetris theme music a quick play. Your glass of wine may also be empty by this point so do feel free to replenish it.

Nomatic Toiletry Bag

Packing cubes are very handy and will make your life on the road so much easier. They are however, definitely not “essential”. What absolutely is essential though, is a toiletry bag so do not leave home without one!

In case you don’t know, a toiletry bag is a small(ish) bag used to house the hygiene, beauty and health products which you need when you travel. Typically, the toiletry bag will hold a toothbrush and paste, some soap or body wash, shampoo, hair styling products and maybe some feminine hygiene products. Some have extra zippered pouches on both the inside and outside which are great for storing things like paracetamol, condoms and rehydration sachets.

Ideally you should get a hanging toiletry bag one which you can hang from your bathroom mirror or hostel bed wherever you go. It is worth spending a bit of money on this as it will get twice daily use so please remember the old adage, “buy cheap, buy twice”. The last thing you want is for the zip to break or the cloth to tear because of water damage.

Note that if you are struggling to zip your toiletry bag closed, you’ve probably packed too much stuff. This means excess weight and also puts some undue strain on the toiletry bag which may result in damage. So if this is you, then go through it and have a wee purge – do you really need that coconut scented hair conditioner and bottle of Hugo Boss aftershave?

Which Is The Best Toiletry Bag?

There are loads of toiletry bags out there and choosing between them can be overwhelming. Most of them are very similar and the only meaningful differences are in the materials and build which ultimately impacts its lifespan.

Over the years, we have gone through loads of different toiletry bags and are proud to recommend the Toiletry Bag by Nomatic . It’s made from high-quality, water-resistant polyester to handle the roughest of travels. It has 4 sections to help you better organize your travel essentials.

Laundry Bag

Another great addition to your collection of bags within a bag is a laundry bag . These are great for keeping dirty items in and are easy to discreetly hand over to washer ladies. A word from the wise (or embittered) though, don’t buy a laundry bag that is too nice or you risk some unscrupulous swine swapping it for their own vastly inferior wash bag (yep, that actually happened to me).

You could simply use a packing cube for this function. However, note that it will sometimes hold very dirty clothes and you may also sometimes have to put wet clothes into it. This is why I prefer to use a purpose built washable, waterproof, fully sealable mesh laundry bag .

How To Pack a Backpack For Traveling

This is what we’ve waited for, this is it boys, this is war and it is now time to actually pack that backpack! By the end of this exercise, you’re going to be a certified expert on how to pack a rucksack for travelling and your backpack is going to be filled up with your worldly treasures, ready to rock and roll.

Let’s start…

  • Pack From The Bottom

When packing, you should always start from the bottom up and from the inside out. If you are packing a sleeping bag, then put this in first. Depending on which backpack you use for travel , it may even have a dedicated sleeping bag section located at the very bottom of the back which opens independently with a cross zip and rope tie. These sleeping bag compartments are ideal for easily accessing sleeping bags – you can get it out each night and pop it back each morning without unpacking your entire bag.

If your backpack does not have one of these compartments, then it’s probably a smalish bag. Are you sure you have the right sized bag for your trip?

If you are not taking a sleeping bag, then you can use the lower compartment for other things. Maybe pop a pair of shoes in there or perhaps wedge your rain-coat or kagool in? Whatever, you’re the boss!

  • Pack To The Corners

Utilise every gap you see and pack right to the corners. If there is a bit of space next to your sleeping bag or something, then get something stuffed in there; socks, t-shirts or towels are perfect for this type of task. Remember that your belongings don’t have feelings and they don’t need their personal space for the long journey (incidentally this is exactly how Ryanair view you).

By the way, my girlfriend is always getting on my case for wasting valuable corners of space in my backpack. The reason I do it is because I know that if I save space in my bag she’ll only make me carry more and more stuff for her.

  • Leave Essentials Near To The Top

If there is anything essential or anything you might hastily need to get out of your bag, then try to leave it near the top so that you can easily and readily access it. As I said earlier, anything immediately essential such as passports should be kept about your person and not packed away into your backpack. But what I mean here is things like a travel rain jacket /kagool or a sarong you may wish to whip out and use a blanket for an overnight train journey.

When I set off for India next week, I know that I will want to change from my UK winter clothes to my Goa clothes immediately as soon as I arrive (because a 5 hour bus Goan ride dressed in jeans and a jumper would probably kill me) . So, I will be sure to leave a pair of shorts and a summer shirt near the top of my bag so I can quickly change right at the airport.

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  • Pack Heavy Things Near The Middle

Now we turn to the middle and this is where the benefits of our experience truly comes into fruition. Try your best to put any heavy items in the middle area, this doesn’t need to be exact but aim for the general mid-area.

This is because this is where you will carry most of the weight. Putting the heavy items here will make your backpack feel a lot lighter and it will be easier to carry.

Heavy items include things like hiking boots, camera’s, Lonely Planet tomes, and maybe that toiletry bag your overstuffed with bryl-cream.

Ideally, you should never put your heavy stuff near the top. This will make the backpack feel heavier and it will also pull back away you from making it pretty awkward to pick up and carry.

  • Pockets And Straps

You may have noticed that your backpack has a few straps and pockets.

The hip pockets are primarily intended for things you may need to access when carrying it such as a lighter, a Swiss army knife or a buff. However, you can also cram a t-shirt or a vest in there if you need to do so. I keep an inflatable pillow in mine purely because it fits so well.

The straps are great for attachming things like tents, roll mats and yoga mats. Do make sure you attach them nice and tight especially if you are going to be checking the backpack in for a flight.


So how does the backpack feel and look? Ideally you should be able to comfortably lift it and walk with it for at least short distances. Ideally, it should not be too heavy to lift and carry, and it should not look overstuffed like it is full to the point of bursting.

If it full to bursting point then you run the risk of putting strain on the backpack and it eventually, erm, bursting. If this happens out on the road it it is a total fucking disaster.

Furthermore, you should also leave some left over space because you will most probably accrue more stuff on your journey. Even if your a minimalist and a tightwad, you will still most probably want to pick up some kind of souvenir. When I look back at my time in Nepal I wish to God (and the many Hindu Gods) that I had brought back more art and handicrafts but unfortunately my backpack was full.

You may also need to leave a bit of room so you can carry home that 10kg white-powder brick that the nice men in Colombia asked you to pass to their cousin once you get to London.

As well as souvenirs, you will also probably want to buy some new clothes at some point when you realise that the person who left home is no longer the person you are now and so you don’t feel comfortable wearing their western, “straight person” clothes. I’m been serious, this does happen.

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  • Do a Dummy Run

One big piece of advice we will offer you is to practice packing and unpacking your bag and do a dummy run at least a week before your first trip. There are a number of benefits to doing these dummy runs;

  • You get adept at packing and unpacking n a hurry. Something you will need to do a lot on the road.
  • You can identify anything that you forget to buy (such as that toiletry bag we mentioned!)
  • If you leave it to the last minute, you risk panicking and forgetting something.

So make sure you do that dummy run!

Is Turkey safe to travel alone?

  • Bring Duct Tape

For a full packing list, check out this post . However, one thing I will recommended here is to pack some duct tape. Duct tape has many uses, it can be used to patch up rips & tears and hold bits of your backpack together in the unfortunate event it begins to come apart. Keep it in a side pocket or in the top lid so you can retrieve it quickly when it’s needed.

  • Bring Padlocks

There will be times when your backpack is out of your site and vulnerable to would be thieves. You can try to countenance this by locking the zips together using a padlock or padlocks. Note that not all backpack zips will allow you to do this but it can still be worth attaching a padlock so at least it kind of looks like your bag is locked at a first, casual glance!

  • Get a Bike Lock

As well as padlocks, a bike lock is great for your backpacks security. Bike locks can be used for attaching your backpack to your hostel bed or to the overhead luggage rack on busses and trains. They can also be used for securing bikes, if you have a bike.

  • Get Insurance

In case your backpack or the contents get damaged or stolen, why not obtain Insurance? We’ve put together a roundup of the best travel insurance for backpackers –  check it out here , or if you’re low on time, get a quote from  World Nomads , our favorite travel insurance provider.

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

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SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Final Thoughts On How To Pack a Backpack for Travel

I hope you found that very helpful. Now you are fully equipped with my tips and tricks on how to pack a rucksack for travelling, it’s over to you fellow globe trotter.

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Chris Lininger

How To Pack A Backpack Pinterest Image

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backpack travel what to pack

I appreciate the emphasis on weight distribution and balance when packing a backpack. It’s something I often overlook, and then I end up with a sore back after a long day of hiking. The advice to place heavier items closer to the back makes a lot of sense. Can you suggest any specific exercises or stretches to help prevent back pain while carrying a loaded backpack?

Thank you for this article. This is wonderful advice for a beginner traveller like me. I was supposed to travel to Europe mid May but I had to cancel due to covid-19. I’m planning to reschedule though probably before the end of the year. I bought a new backpack that I can easily attach on my luggage. I’ll be packing light and bring a few personal hygiene essentials. The rest I can buy once I arrive at my destination.

Thanks for reaching out Drew. We hope you have an excellent trip once Europe travel is possible (and safe) again!.

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How to Pack a Backpack: 5 Essential Tips

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Sarah Schlichter

Deputy Executive Editor Sarah Schlichter's idea of a perfect trip includes spotting exotic animals, hiking through pristine landscapes, exploring new neighborhoods on foot, and soaking up as much art as she can. She often attempts to recreate recipes from her international travels after she gets home (which has twice resulted in accidental kitchen fires—no humans or animals were harmed).

Sarah joined the SmarterTravel team in 2017 after more than a decade at the helm of Sarah's practical travel advice has been featured in dozens of news outlets including the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Budget Travel, and Peter Greenberg Worldwide Radio. Follow her on Twitter @TravelEditor .

The Handy Item I Always Pack: "A journal. Even years later, reading my notes from a trip can bring back incredibly vivid memories."

Ultimate Bucket List Experience: "Road tripping and hiking through the rugged mountains of Patagonia."

Travel Motto: "'To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.'—Freya Stark"

Aisle, Window, or Middle Seat: "Aisle. I get restless on long flights and like to be able to move around without disturbing anyone else."

Email Sarah at [email protected] .

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Packing a backpack is a distinctly different skill than packing a suitcase. For starters, the weight of your bag matters a lot more when you’re carrying it on your shoulders rather than dragging it along behind you. And because most backpacks have one large compartment that can only be accessed from the top, putting things in the wrong place in a backpack can lead to major inconveniences later. (Who wants to dig for their passport under a pile of dirty laundry?) That’s why it’s important to know how to pack a backpack the smart way.

Whether you’re packing for a camping trip or a month of bouncing from one European hostel to another, these tips will teach you how to pack a backpack without wasting space or risking personal injury.

Start with the Right Backpack

Some backpacks come with wheels so you don’t have to carry them on your shoulders at all times; others transition into duffel bags that make it easier to access the main compartment of the backpack, such as these hybrid duffel backpacks . Depending on your itinerary and packing style, one of these options might be more useful to you than a regular top-access backpack. If you’ll be outside for prolonged periods of time, you might want a waterproof backpack to protect your stuff.

No matter which type of pack you choose, put some weight in it when you try it on to make sure it’s comfortable on your body. Do the straps adjust enough to let you position the pack in the right place for your height and center of gravity? Are the shoulder straps well padded, and do they stay in place as you move? Is there a waist strap to help you handle heavier loads?

Never bring a brand-new backpack on a trip without road-testing it at home first.

Minimize Your Load

I once unexpectedly had to hike all the way up to one of Tuscany’s hill towns with a huge pack on my back because the local bus drivers were on strike. As I sweated my way up the hill, I regretted every single “just in case” item I’d thrown into that increasingly heavy backpack. Did I really need that spare pair of shoes?

Before you start loading up your backpack, lay out everything you want to bring and consider whether you truly need it. For example, will you have the opportunity to do laundry at any point during your trip? Doing so can help you cut down your wardrobe significantly. If you’ll be out in the wilderness, can you eliminate bulky jeans in favor of lightweight, water-resistant hiking pants ? Can you pack a compact, quick-drying towel instead of a full-size version?

Keep in mind that you might be able to shed a little weight by removing extras from the pack itself. For example, some packs have a metal frame you can remove if you feel more comfortable without it or don’t need it for a particular trip. Frames are most useful for heavier loads, as they help distribute the weight more comfortably.

Once you think you’ve got everything you need, load up your backpack and walk a few blocks with it on your back. Too heavy? Return home and cut a few more items.

Put Everything in the Right Place

To avoid injuring your back or having your load pull you off balance, put heavy items in the vertical center of your pack and as close to your back as possible. That means putting some lighter items at the bottom, such as a sleeping bag or clothing, and then using the middle of the pack for heavier things like a laptop or cookware. Wrap awkwardly shaped items with clothes so you don’t end up with anything poking painfully into your spine.

When deciding what to put where, keep in mind how soon you’ll need each item. Anything to which you want quick access—think sunscreen, a rain jacket, or snacks—should go either in the small pockets on the outside of the bag or at the very top of the main compartment.

Packing cubes can be useful in keeping your clothes organized, especially in larger backpacks where it’s easy to lose track of things. They can also add a little shape and structure to your bag. Consider grouping similar items, such as toiletries, cooking utensils, or underwear, together in either a single packing cube or plastic bag .

Compress Your Load

A well-compressed pack is easier to carry, so don’t let your stuff take up more space than it needs to. For example, you can fill shoes with socks and store food inside your cooking pot. You may also want to experiment with rolling vs. folding to determine which way lets you fit more clothing into your pack. (You might be surprised.) Once you’ve got everything in, use the backpack’s external straps to compress the bag as tightly as possible.

Items that don’t fit inside the pack can be clipped to carabiners on the outside, but try to avoid this when you can; hiking poles, reusable water bottles , or other items dangling from your pack can pull you off balance or get caught on branches along the trail. Consider hiking poles that you can collapse and store easily between uses. Again, the more compact you can make your pack, the more comfortably you can carry it.

Protect Your Pack from the Rain

Hiking in the rain is a bummer; not having any warm, dry clothes to change into after hiking in the rain is even worse. That’s why you’ll want to make sure your backpack is as waterproof as you can make it. Some backpacks come with built-in rain covers, but if yours doesn’t, you can buy a separate one .

Another option, endorsed by experienced hikers : Line your bag with a trash compactor bag .

What are your top backpack packing tips? Leave your ideas in the comments below.

More from SmarterTravel:

  • 10 Best Travel Day Packs
  • 8 Great Crossbody Bags for Travel
  • The Ultimate Camping Packing List: 29 Essentials

Follow Sarah Schlichter on Twitter @TravelEditor for more travel tips and inspiration.

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How To Pack A Carry-On Travel Backpack

Traveling with a backpack as your only carry-on presents a bit of a learning curve for those who’re used to walking onboard with suitcases and duffel bags. But here at Knack we’ve been traveling with just One Bag for years (surprise, it’s a Knack Pack), so this week we’re sharing our carefully-honed strategy for how to efficiently pack a backpack for travel.

Not only will we cover how to pack a carry-on backpack for travel, we'll also review what to pack in a carry-on. We’ve found that the way that you pack your carry-on backpack can make or break your flight experience, and can impact the rest of your trip.

Can you use a backpack as your carry-on?

The answer is a resounding yes.

In fact, traveling with a carry-on backpack is a superior way to travel. Unlike duffel bags or clunky wheeled suitcases, backpacks move with your body, which makes it far easier to get in and out of airport shuttles, weave around people on escalators and moving walkways, and run to catch your departing flight. And because backpacks let you keep two hands free, you can sip a coffee and check your phone all the while. 

Travel Backpack packing tips

When you travel with only a backpack, we think you’re bound to have a better travel experience. However, there are still a few common concerns that first-time one-bag backpack travelers face:

  • You can’t fit everything into your backpack.
  • Packing everything in your backpack makes it too heavy.
  • You can’t find anything in your backpack.

How to Pack a Backpack for Travel

Don’t worry, we’re going to address all of these issues. So, here are our favorite carry-on backpack packing tips and tricks.

  • Choose the best carry-on backpack
  • Make a packing list for your backpack
  • Lay everything out
  • Use travel packing cubes
  • Consider you carry-on backpack's weight distribution

1. Choose the best carry-on backpack

A carry-on backpack is one that fits onto the plane, but the  best  carry-on backpack has a few extra features that make it idea for air travel:

The best carry-on backpack...

  • Has a clamshell opening that gives you easy access to everything inside.
  • Has LOTS of pockets to keep everything in place (even when your backpack inevitably gets jostled around).
  • Is built with quality materials that are strong but lightweight.
  • Has water-resistant fabric so that your things stay dry.
  • Has tuck-away shoulder straps that won't dangle into the aisle. 

Knack Pack has all of these features (and more). >>MORE:   Read about what makes Knack the best carry-on backpack here . 

Packing backpack for travel

What is the best size carry-on backpack?

The best size of the carry-on backpack depends on the length of your trip. Obviously, longer trips require more space, but keep in mind that following our tips below, you will probably need less space than you’d think. With a well-planned packing list, a commitment to re-wearing a few strategically-planned outfits, and the comfort of knowing that you can always buy certain essentials at your destination, you can likely get by with a medium, or even a small backpack. 

This chart will help you figure out what size backpack is best for you, based on how many outfits you plan to pack. 

You also need to consider your airline’s carry-on bag allowance. 50 liters is the maximum carry-on allowance for most airlines. Of course, consider that such larger backpacks will have to go in the overhead bins, which means you won’t have the easy access that you get when you can fit a bag under your seat (aka, a personal item). Always check your carrier’s website for their luggage specifications, and compare it to your backpack size. To make it super easy for you to compare Knack Pack sizes with your airline’s baggage sizes, take a look here .

2. Make a packing list for your backpack

A packing list outlines everything that you’re going to need to bring with you on your trip so that you can make sure that you don’t miss anything important. You can  skip to the bottom of this article to see an example of a packing list for your carry-on backpack.  

>>MORE:  Check out how to make the perfect packing list

What goes in a carry-on backpack packing list?

The best way to figure out what goes into your carry-on backpack when making a packing list is to break the items down by categories. Here are some that we like to use:

  • Clothes - These take up the bulk of the space. 
  • Toiletries - Soap, toothbrush, makeup, etc. (but remember that most of these items can be bought at your destination)
  • Tech - Laptop, phone, chargers, extra batteries, earbuds.
  • Documents - Your wallet, passport, travel insurance, receipts, vaccination card, etc. 
  • Miscellaneous - Anything else you’ll need on your flight or on your trip, like hand sanitizer and snacks.

It’s also important to consider what shouldn’t go in your carry-on backpack.

What you shouldn't pack in a carry-on?

  • Liquids over 3.4 oz (except hand sanitizer)
  • Pocket knives, mace, or anything that could be used as a weapon.
  • Inert weapons (like toy guns or anything that resembles a real weapon).
  • Alcohol (you’re federally prohibited to bring your own alcohol on airplanes)

3. Lay everything out

After making your packing list, lay everything out that you intend to pack in your carry-on backpack. This will help you actually visualize whether everything is going to fit. Make sure to remove anything that isn’t going into your backpack from the area.  Then, group all your stuff together by the categories on your packing list… that way you’ll know if you’ve forgotten anything before it all goes into your bag. You may want to re-categorize some of the items. For example, you may want to make a category of stuff that you want to easily access on the plane, like your e-reader, earbuds, and snacks. Better yet, make a carry-on essentials category:

Airplane carry-on essentials 

  • Phone and charger 
  • For Covid safety: Hand sanitizer and extra face mask
  • For entertainment: e-reader or tablet and earbuds
  • For work: laptop and charger

Also, set aside your bulkiest clothes to wear on your travel days. You can save tons of space packing your travel backpack by wearing your coat instead of trying to stuff it into your backpack.

Strategically Packing Your Backpack For Air Travel

This is the fun part. Take inventory of all of the pockets in your backpack and assign pockets to different categories. You can take a look at Knack Pack’s pockets here . 

Most backpacks are basically big holes; they lack multiple compartments, so you have to pack them from the bottom-up, with least-used items on the bottom and the most-used items on the top. But because Knack Packs have multiple compartments and tons of interior pockets, you can be much more intentional about how you organize your stuff.

In a Knack Pack, we recommend that you put your clothes in the expandable suitcase compartment, and keep the most-used items that you need regular access to in the front compartment (which has a ¾ opening, so you can actually see everything that’s inside). 

Packing a carry on backpack

It’s up to you how you organize the rest of your carry-on backpack. But if you have a Knack Pack, here are a few more packing tips:

  • Keep your laptop in the padded, side-access laptop pocket. 
  • Keep chargers and extra USB’s in the cable garage (Series 1 only)
  • Put your tablet in the microfleece-lined interior pocket
  • Dedicate mesh pockets to smaller items, like AirPods and keys.

>>MORE:   Additional tips and tricks for packing a carry-on backpack

4. Use travel packing cubes

Travel packing cubes will add another layer of organization to your carry-on backpack packing. Packing cubes are like drawers for your backpack - you’ll know exactly where everything is, and you can keep your categories separate. These are especially useful for organizing your clothes and small items that don’t go into a dedicated pocket.   

For example, you can pack your liquids in a medium packing cube, and easily remove the cube from your backpack when you go through TSA. 

How To Pack Clothes in Packing Cubes

When using packing cubes, you should roll any clothes that won’t wrinkle, and line the bottom of your cubes with them. Then, fold the clothes that will wrinkle and put them on top of the rolled clothes. 

Hint: You can minimize wrinkles in folded clothes by putting them between dry cleaner bags, or by putting pieces of paper between the folds. 

Knack’s packing cubes have a compression zipper, which gives you even more space in your carry-on backpack. When you use the compression zipper, the cube will effectively flatten the folded clothes against the rolled clothes. 

How to pack a carry on backpack

Check out our packing cube bundles that fit perfectly in the expandable suitcase compartment of your Knack Pack. When you get to your destination, you can quickly remove the cubes, zip away up the suitcase compartment, and have a slim everyday carry backpack for your day-to-day adventures.

5. Consider your carry-on backpack's weight distribution

Since you’ll be walking around the airport with your carry-on backpack, you want to pack your backpack to be as comfortable as possible. Thanks (again) to Knack’s many pockets and compartments, you can really optimize your bag’s weight distribution so that it’s super comfortable, even when fully-loaded. 

Rules For Good Weight Distribution In Your Backpack

  • Heavier things should go close to your body. So put your laptop in the laptop compartment that lies up against your back, and use a shoe bag to pack any extra shoes in the center of the expandable suitcase compartment.
  • Lighter items should go around the perimeter of your bag. Your snacks, chargers, and little miscellaneous things can go in the mesh pockets that line your Knack Pack’s everyday compartment. 

Knack Packs are extremely lightweight for how strong they are (even the Large ones weigh only 3 lbs 4oz). So now that you have an understanding of how to efficiently pack a backpack for travel, we'll leave you with a sample packing list that you can customize based on where, when, and how you're travelling.

Example carry-on backpack packing list for one week of travel (Large Knack Pack)

  • 5 shirts (2LS 3 SH)
  • 4 bottoms (3x pants or shorts plus something comfortable - wear one on plane)
  • 7 underwear + socks (can bring fewer if you plan to do laundry)
  • 2 pairs of shoes (wear one on the plane)
  • 1 coat (wear on plane)
  • Toothpaste tablets
  • Shampoo bar
  • Conditioner bar
  • Comb (smaller than a brush)
  • Makeup (only non-liquid)
  • Lotion (small tube)
  • Sunscreen stick (or small tube)
  • Vitamins / prescriptions
  • External hard drive
  • Extra batteries
  • Extra USB cables
  • Portable battery
  • book/e-reader
  • ID/passport
  • Emergency cash

How will you use your expandable backpack? We love to hear how you plan to use - or have used - your Knack Pack for work, travel, and everyday life. So share your stories and adventures with us on social media: tag @KnackBags and use the #KnackBags when you take your Knack on journeys.

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Useful links

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  • The Best Size of Backpack For Travel
  • How to Make a Perfect Travel Packing List
  • How To Best Organize A Backpack For Travel

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Summer Travel, Here We Come!

Kick off your new adventures with a special offer from Knack. Purchase any Series 1 Expandable Knack Pack and choose a FREE Knack accessory on us (up to $25 retail value).

Here’s how it works:

Step 1:  Add any size Series 1 Knack Pack to your cart. Choose from:  Small ,  Medium ,  Large  or  Medium Leather

Step 2:  Add any  accessory valued at $25 or less  to your cart. Your accessory is on us.

Step 3:  Checkout!

After that, it’s as simple as receiving your Knack Pack, packing it up and scheduling your summer vacation.

Happy travels!

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The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

Whether weekend road-tripping or jet-setting around the world, you’re going to need a pack to toss over your shoulder. Here are the best travel backpacks for every adventure.

backpack travel what to pack

There are a lot of great travel backpacks out there, but not all of them are created equal. A travel pack needs to be comfortable to carry, easy to organize, and durable enough to withstand being toted from place to place.

From hitting the road for the weekend to spending months traveling abroad, we’ve put nearly 30 different travel backpacks through the wringer. We tallied our airline miles, punched our tickets, and put our tray tables in the upright and locked position for close to half a decade now, taking domestic and international flights to as far as Iceland and as close as 30-minute island hops. And while there isn’t a single pack that suits every traveler, we’ve highlighted a variety of designs and price points to help you find the perfect travel backpack.

Choosing a travel backpack can be a dizzying experience, and we’ve shaken down the best to sort through the static. Each pack has seen its time on the baggage carousel, hostel luggage cart, and we’ve even had a few go missing for the full experience. We fully pack and live out of these bags to test them, and in the end, we’re confident that the 15 packs collected here are the best travel backpacks available today. Check in and check them out.

For all your travel pack questions, consult our buyer’s guide , where we’ve laid bare all the essentials. Compare each of the packs using our handy comparison chart , and if you’ve still got questions, check out our FAQ section.

Editor’s Note: We updated our travel backpack guide on March 20, 2024 to add the Evergoods Civic Panel Loader 24L — a supremely nice commuter-style travel pack, as well as the Thule Aion 40L and Osprey Archeon 30L .

  • Best Overall Travel Backpack: Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L
  • Best Budget Travel Backpack: Dakine Campus 33L Backpack
  • Best Carrying Travel Backpack: Osprey Farpoint & Fairview 40 Travel Packs
  • Best Organization in a Travel Backpack: Matador SEG45 Travel Pack
  • Best Shoulder Bag: Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L
  • Best Commuter-Style Travel Backpack: Evergoods Civic Panel Loader 24L
  • Best Personal Item Travel Pack: TimBuk2 Never Check Expandable Backpack

Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L

  • Capacity 45 L (collapses to 35 L)
  • Weight 4 lbs., 8 oz.
  • Dimensions 22" x 13" x 9.5" standard, 22" x 13" x 11" expanded
  • Compartment access Back panel clamshell design with #10 zipper
  • Material Weatherproof, 100% recycled 400-denier nylon canvas shell; 900-denier waterproof bottom

Product Badge

  • Compresses down to maximum airline carry-on size, and then expands once you’ve hit your destination
  • Burly construction
  • No details are overlooked in the design
  • Side-carry handles are offset in an awkward position

Perfect is a dirty word in product design, but we’re about stumped when it comes to drumming up a quibble about the Peak Design Travel Backpack 45 L ($300). This redeye-ready clamshell design is made to the highest of standards.

It’s made of quality materials, utilizing aluminum hardware and a burly 400-denier nylon canvas — and it easily ticks all our boxes for the best overall travel backpack. The interior of the bag is split into two compartments: a larger main area for storing the majority of your kit and a secondary sleeve at the front of the bag with five zippered pockets. The main pocket also sports a foam-padded laptop sleeve and three more pockets.

One of the more impressive aspects we discovered along the bag’s inaugural leg from Seattle to Anchorage was how easily the straps of the Travel Backpack stow away into the bag. Two foam panels on the back of the bag flip away to secure them and then close with a magnetic closure — very slick. This was our favorite strap-stowage system, with the zippered panels of the Matador GlobeRider45 coming in a close second. We find the Peak Design bag compresses smaller.

Then there are the little details. An ID-size sleeve on the back panel provides all the information should your bag get separated from you. Zipper pulls thread through one another to keep what’s yours safe. And a collapsible system adjusts the bag from a full 45 to 35 liters.

In our review, there’s little about the Peak Design pack that misses the mark. The company leans heavily toward the camera-toting travelers among us, but the 45 L Travel Backpack makes no compromises and works just as well for any user group. The high price is undeniable, but for the scope of the travel pack, it’s a buy-once-cry-once purchase we would make again.

Also available in a 30L size , the range of Travel Backpacks from Peak Design is so well-thought-out that you can practically see the cogs turning in their creators’ heads. We think they make the best travel backpacks on the market.

Dakine Campus 33L Backpack

  • Capacity 33 L
  • Weight 1 lb., 10.6 oz.
  • Dimensions 20.5" x 13" x 8"
  • Compartment access Zippered top access
  • Material Depending on print type, can be 600-denier recycled polyester, 420-denier recycled nylon, 630-denier recycled nylon, or 1,200-denier recycled polyester

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Cheap price
  • Available in many different fabric prints
  • Unique insulated cooler pocket
  • Not many travel-specific features
  • Straps don’t pack away

Even at the regular price, the Dakine Campus 33L Backpack ($75) is a great deal. And considering you can grab one on sale for $45, it’s a must-have budget travel backpack.

It has everything you need to keep your travels organized, without getting too big or complicated. This design has a padded laptop sleeve and a fleece-lined top pocket to keep your sunglasses safe. There’s an organizer pocket that’s perfect for pens, a phone, and easy-access essentials. We love pockets, and this backpack has plenty.

And if that weren’t enough, it also has an insulated cooler pocket to keep your snacks fresh on the go, plus double side pockets keep drinks handy. We found the straps comfortable during long travel days. Be sure to use the sternum strap when carrying a heavy load for the best fit.

While this bag does excellent at travel, it isn’t quite what the bag was designed for, thus it’s missing a few travel niceties like a compression system or the ability to pack away the straps. We didn’t find that we missed them desperately, but they would have been nice for a few instances. For similar-sized backpacks with more of a travel bend to them, look to the sleek Timbuk2 Never Check, or the uber-customizable Tom Bihn Synapse 25. But prepare to shell out some more for them.

If you’re looking for a sub-$100 backpack (under $60 during sales!) that does the basics, then the Dakine Campus Backpack is for you. It comes in a variety of colors and is also available in a 25L capacity .

Osprey Farpoint & Fairview 40 Travel Packs

  • Capacity 40 L
  • Weight 3 lbs., 7.6 oz.
  • Dimensions 22" x 14" x 9"
  • Compartment access Zippered back panel clamshell design
  • Material Bluesign-approved 450-denier recycled polyester

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Supreme suspension system offers the best carry of any pack we tried
  • External compression straps limit the volume well
  • Comfortably padded grab handles
  • Not much internal organization

No stranger to producing supremely comfortable suspension systems, Osprey injected a good bit of its tech into the Farpoint and Fairview packs ($185), which both sport LightWire frames, load lifters, and breathable framesheet and suspension straps. Our Farpoint pack was easily the best load carrier of any we tested and a close contender for the best travel backpack overall.

Far beyond what any of the other travel packs offer, the pack even allows you to adjust the torso length — unheard of in the typical travel pack. Newly updated, these packs have been tweaked to ride the line between traditional backpacks and functional luggage, a claim we can substantiate.

The 40-liter capacity is just about the sweet spot for domestic carry-on luggage limits, and these packs make good use of the space. We could easily pack away a long weekend’s worth of travel essentials into the bag with a little space to spare.

Whereas many other travel packs stash straps away into the body of the pack, the Farpoint and Fairview move in the opposite direction with a deployable strap cover that neatly seals in the suspension for safekeeping when checked. This produces a clean profile that’s ready to be slung around, but it’s not quite as easy and quick as the magnetic panels of the Peak Design Travel Backpacks, as you need to unclip straps to tuck them away.

The interior of the pack is rather spartan, incorporating only one zippered pocket, a laptop sleeve, and two internal compression straps. We would have rather seen a bit more organizational features involved like those that the Matador GlobeRider and Topo Designs Global Travel bags incorporate, but for those who stuff more than pack, the Farpoint and  Fairview may very well punch the ticket.

With one foot on the platform and one on the trail, these packs from Osprey will get you where you’re going and carry a trip’s worth of kit with ease.

Matador SEG45 Travel Pack

  • Capacity 45 L
  • Weight 2 lbs., 8 oz.
  • Dimensions 22" x 13.4" x 10.2"
  • Compartment access Full clamshell interior, additional front zippered access
  • Material 420-denier nylon exterior, 100-denier Robic Dynatec interior

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Excellent storage organization options
  • High-quality, strong, and lightweight construction
  • No frame to speak of
  • Shoulder straps don’t pack away

Aiming to do more with less, the Matador SEG45 Segmented Backpack ($200) proposes a future free of packing cubes and splits up the bag for you, making the organization of your travel pack a breeze.

The full 45 liters of volume is shared among the five segments (6, 9, 15, 9, and 6 L) and trades volume between the full clamshell compartment and the segments. Each of these segments is accessible via its own water-resistant zippers and can be collapsed as your needs change.

We found organizing by clothing type made the most sense in our own packing, but you could even pack based on the day of the week or the use. The clamshell-accessed main compartment was ideal for holding larger items like spare shoes or quarantining spent outfits.

Known for its overbuilt but lightweight bags, Matador didn’t spare the SEG45, utilizing 420D UHMWPE-reinforced nylon in the pack body, as well as 100D Robic Dynatec weave on the interior. It should be noted that this travel backpack doesn’t have any kind of frame and will rely on being packed well to carry correctly. Because of this, this pack won’t carry as well as bags like the Osprey Farpoint/Fairview, so consider packing mostly clothing in the SEG45.

Our testers felt this bag excelled as a travel bag you might deploy once you’ve hit your destination, as it packs away into larger bags so well. Unfortunately, however, the shoulder straps don’t pack away into the bag itself, so you’ll have to wrangle them into place to keep things tidy.

No matter what you’re up to, everything has got a spot to live in the SEG45 . Need a bit less space? Matador offers the SEG28 ($250) for that.

Read Review: Dresser in a Backpack: Matador SEG42 Review

Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L

  • Weight 3 lbs., 10.3 oz.
  • Dimensions 22.8" x 8.6" x 14.5"
  • Compartment access Back panel zippered clamshell design
  • Material 900-denier recycled polyester ripstop with a TPU laminate

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Multiple ways to carry the pack
  • Many different storage and internal organization options
  • Burly external fabric
  • Doesn’t carry the best as a backpack

Looking to squeeze out every last liter of allowed space? Patagonia named this pack in honor of the cause: the Patagonia Black Hole Maximum Legal Carry-On 45 L ($239). This bag can be carried in a number of different ways, but we found it shined during travel as a shoulder bag.

Borrowing fabric from Patagonia’s line of burly Black Hole Duffels , the MLC 45 is made for the long haul. The 900-denier polyester ripstop is coated in a TPU laminate and feels ready to take on the surliest baggage carrier. We certainly felt no remorse in tossing the bag around.

At 45 L, the MLC is certainly right at the cusp of the maximum allowed size, but thankfully that space is well divided up inside the pack. Inside the main clamshell-accessed compartment is a blizzard of zippers and mesh pockets and dividers. Anything we tossed inside was well-stabilized.

Because there isn’t much of a frame to speak of, the Black Hole MLC doesn’t carry the best when slung over both shoulders and can sag when not entirely full. But over a shoulder with the included shoulder strap, this pack feels great and can be easily accessed on the go. This is one of the only packs in our testing to feature a shoulder strap (the other being the Topo Designs Global Travel Bag).

On top of all this, we greatly appreciate that the Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45 L is made with 100% recycled body fabric, lining, and webbing. Perfect for grabbing and going, this pack is ready to move.

Read Review: Patagonia Black Hole MLC Bag Review: An Organized, Carry-On-Size Wonder

Evergoods Civic Panel Loader 24L

  • Capacity 24 L
  • Weight 3 lbs., 1.6 oz.
  • Dimensions 18" x 7: x 11.5"
  • Compartment access Zippered clamshell
  • Material 840D ballistic nylon 6, 420D HT nylon

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Functions as both a laptop backpack and suitcase
  • Well-structured and protected
  • Full panel loading access
  • Limited colorways

With an understated look that betrays the truly impressive fit and functionality inside, the Evergoods Civic Panel Loader 24L ($279) doesn’t need to brag — it knows it’ll tote your kit through the worst of your travel or everyday commutes without missing a beat. This bag is our newly anointed best commuter-style travel backpack.

From a fabrics and materials standpoint, it’s clear that someone at Evergoods truly nerded out when they brewed up this bindle. The 840D ballistic nylon 6 that makes up the exterior of the pack is burly (errantly spilled coffee wipes right off), and compliments the thick #10 zippers and spacer-mesh back panel. Even the Evergoods logo is low-key: a simple 2×2” patch on the front of the bag with a slash. That’s it — and we dig it.

Bar none, the Civic Panel Loader has the best laptop sleeve we’ve ever encountered in a backpack, and that’s saying something. The side-accessed zippered aperture can hold a 17” Macbook Pro, and nestles into a fully padded space at the rear of the pack. This sleeve is suspended from the bottom of the bag, as we’ve seen in many forward-thinking bags, but goes a step further and protects the laptop from the side with an aluminum stay — the primary functionality of which is to support the side handle on the bag. Genius.

The high-polish finish on the CPL24 feels reminiscent of the attention to detail we loved about the Tom Bihn Synapse 25, but we ended up enjoying this pack even more for a simple reason: side carry. The broad handle on the side of the pack is reinforced by that aluminum stay, and it creates a perfectly supported carry for jostling through crowded terminals.

On the interior of the pack, two large pockets are subdivided with a few smaller sleeves and pockets, which are oriented to be accessed with the bag on its side. We carried this pack for a month straight of remote work, lugging it to coffee shops and co-working spaces, and it supplanted all other packs we’ve used previously. “It’s hard not to love a pack that makes your life easier,” says Senior Editor Nick Belcaster. “This pack does that. Laptop, headphones, notebooks — a whole lot goes into the pack without a care.”

Up there with Nomatic, GORUCK, and Tom Bihn, Evergoods is certainly among the pack-makers that put intelligent design and smart material choice above all else. The Evergoods Civic Panel Loader 24L is the final word when it comes to a travel pack you can carry every day. We certainly do.

Timbuk2 Never Check Expandable Backpack

  • Capacity 27.5 L
  • Weight 2 lbs., 9 oz.
  • Dimensions 18.9" x 11.4" x 5.9"
  • Material 420x2000D Cordura nylon, 135D polyester

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Dang good looking
  • High-quality trim and details, including anodized G hooks and supple webbing
  • Supper cushioned back panel
  • Exterior expandable water bottle pocket is a bit slim
  • Pack straps don't stow away.

Pulling off a good expandable backpack can be a tough task, with fabric accordion folds often taking up valuable real estate on the interior when collapsed in lesser bags. Not so with the TimBuk2 Never Check ($209), which takes a simple backpack shape and elevates it with premium materials and design to create one of our favorite travel backpacks for tucking under an airliner seat.

Unlike a lot of the pure-function rectangular bags in our lineup, the Never Check is a real looker — easily one of the best styled in our testing so far, and we’d have no qualms about bringing it along as a business bag. Small details like rubber-covered zipper pulls, anodized G hooks, and supple webbing keep it looking sharp. The 27.5-liter size is just about dead-on for most airline ‘personal item’ size requirements, and this bag easily slides under a seat.

The main compartment is accessed through a clamshell zipper on the front of the bag, which is gusseted to hang open while you’re loading it up. During the few national and international flights our Senior Editor Nick Belcaster deployed the bag on, this was easily enough space for everything you might want during a plane ride. And for everything else, a front pocket is lined with multiple drop and zip pockets for organizing small gadgets like chargers or keys.

The back panel of the Never Check is a plush ½ inch of comfortable foam, and combined with the equally padded shoulder straps made for a very nice carrying bag. The straps unfortunately do not stow away, but on a lower volume pack such as this, it’s a much less useable feature in our opinions.  And finally, one of our favorite features: the wide laptop sleeve. This 15” opening is generous enough to accommodate the larger laptops of today, and is suspended from the bottom of the backpack to ensure bumps don’t turn into bruises.

Just like the name suggests, the Never Check Expandable Backpack provides a svelte solution to bringing a bag with you during airline travel — or even just to the office. Its clean profile and attention to detail impressed us, and it would make an excellent work-to-weekend bag.

Matador GlobeRider45 Travel Pack

  • Dimensions 22" x 12.8" x 11"
  • Compartment access Zippered clamshell design
  • Material 420D UHMWPE-reinforced ripstop nylon, 100D Robic nylon mini-ripstop

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Incredible density of pockets and sleeves
  • Tough UHMWPE outer fabric can be tossed around
  • Shoulder straps tuck away in a novel and smart manner
  • Laptop sleeve opening is a bit tight
  • Price is up there

With a pocket or sleeve for pretty much everything, the new Matador GlobeRider 45 ($350) gives the Peak Design Travel Pack a run for its money when it comes to the best overall travel pack. 

Our Managing Editor raved about the GlobeRider after serious testing where she pretty much lived out of it for 3 months: “If you travel often and look for crucial components like internal and external pockets, laptop storage, and backpack and hip straps, consider the Matador GlobeRider 45. It’s a unique design in that the [pack] seems to have it all — every feature I’ve needed so far, both living out of it and in my travels — in a pretty packable size.”

What impressed us most was the way the GlobeRider was able to balance both an eye-watering amount of organization and versatility, and burly durability that ensures that this pack won’t shy away from tough travel conditions. In total (and we double-counted) there are 19 individual pockets on the pack, in all types of stretch mesh, zippered, and collapsible configurations. When good organization is key, the GlobeRider reigns. 

On the back panel of the GlobeRider, one of the more novel stowage systems we’ve seen packs away the shoulder straps and hip belt for when you want to slim down the pack. Two zippered panels — similar to the structure of the Peak Design packs, save for the closure — envelop the straps when not in use, and provide a lump-free panel for toting around. 

When it comes to downsides, the GlobeRider doesn’t miss much. The laptop sleeve aperture is a bit small at 9.5”, which in today’s age of mondo-screened computers may be limiting to some with larger devices. There also is no ability to convert the pack to a shoulder bag like the Patagonia MLC does, which can be handy when moving quickly through the airport.

Dang-near the top of the list, the Matador GlobeRider 45 would be an excellent choice for anyone who practices one-bag travel, or desires to have a place for everything in their journeys. The price does sting a bit, but based on the long-term testing we’ve completed so far, we’ve seen no indications that this pack will fade away anytime soon.

Read Review: I Lived Out of This Backpack for 3-Plus Months: Matador Globerider45 Review

Thule Aion 40L

  • Weight 3 lbs., 3 oz.
  • Dimensions 13" x 9.1" x 20.5"
  • Material Waxed P600 polyester canvas

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Maxes out on carry-on-compliant space
  • Internal roll-top TPU bag separates the clean from the to-do laundry
  • Waxed canvas exterior has a classy look
  • Centered side handle carries well
  • Well-cushioned back panel
  • No shoulder strap stowage option
  • No hipbelt on a 40L is pushing it

Better known for their roof boxes and racks, it’s fair to say that Thule knows travel, and the addition of smart, organized, and comfortable travel packs like the Thule Aion 40L ($200) makes all the sense in the world to us. This pack is a finely-honed bag for international and local travel alike, and is decked out in some high-class materials.

Like the Patagonia Black Hole MLC pack, the Aion 40L aims to go for the maximum allowed capacity, and at our measurements (21.5” x 15” x 8”) the pack slides in just half an inch less than the normal 45 linear inches typically allowed. That’s efficient. The space is split up into two main compartments and a laptop sleeve, with the larger opening with a full clamshell zip.

This inner compartment hosts a few zippered pockets and internal compression straps, but the star of the show here is the integrated TPU rolltop bag. This sack can be used to cordon off your liquids (and easily presented for inspection), as well as separate your pile of ‘to-do’ laundry. This reminds us of the ActiveShield compartment in the Gregory Border Traveler pack, but we enjoy the removable aspect here even more. 

Round the back of the pack, the spacer-mesh swaddled laptop sleeve rivals the Evergoods Civic Panel Loader , and has an additional sleeve for items like tablets, notebooks, or chargers. The back panel itself is impressively cushioned (one of the more luxe in our testing) and that extends to the shoulder straps. 

Unfortunately, there’s no shoulder strap-stowage system here, so you’ll have to wrangle those yourself, and while we typically enjoy the lack of a hip belt in smaller travel packs, the absence in a 40-liter pack is a little puzzling. Fully loaded, the Aion could certainly benefit from one, and while a separate sling bag can be added to function as one, you’ll need to fork over $50 for it.

Ranking high up there with your Peak Designs and your Ospreys, the Thule Aion 40L nails the style and material departments, and with a full 40 liters of space on board, has all the room to pack for your week-long trips — no roof box required.

Osprey Archeon 30L

  • Capacity 30 L
  • Weight 3 lbs.
  • Dimensions 20.5" x 13" x 11.4"
  • Compartment access Zippered top-access
  • Material 840D ballistic polyester with carbonate coating

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Extra-tough exterior fabric with carbonate coating
  • High-polish details such as seatbelt webbing straps
  • Mini-wing hipbelt tucks away easily when not needed
  • Smart internal storage pockets that lay flat when not needed
  • Laptop sleeve opening is a bit too snug
  • Compression straps lay over the main zipper

First off, one word: Rugged. The Osprey Archeon 30L ($250) is a high-end build that spares little in the material department, and looks dang good while it’s at it. The 30-liter size makes this bag weekend travel-ready, and we greatly appreciated the fit and finish.

The overall design of the Archeon reminds us a good bit of the Peak Design Travel Bag (certainly the all-waterproof exterior zippers and curved side-entry pockets), but it’s the exterior fabric that really impressed. The 840D ballistic polyester is coated with a carbonate polyurethane coating, a bolstered recipe that increases durability by a magnitude over traditional PU coatings. In testing, we wore out before putting a dent in it.

The pack itself breaks down into two main compartments, with the main pocket opening behind a curved clamshell zip (we did have a little trouble with the zipper passing behind the exterior straps. Removing them fixed that). Inside, three expandable tech pockets tuck away all of your small kit, and do a good job of keeping things tidy on the interior.

On the exterior, Osprey doesn’t disappoint when it comes to suspension straps, which are comfortable, adjustable, and stashable. The mini wing-style hip belt earns special praise on packed flights, where we find traditional hip belts to be a hassle to store, and combined with the slick shoulder-strap stash pocket, the Archeon converts to minimal mode in under a minute.

Something the Archeon certainly could use, however, is a slightly larger aperture into the laptop/tech compartment. As-is, the zipper doesn’t quite extend down far enough to truly open up the pocket, and as such it can feel a bit like rummaging around in the dark looking for cords and chargers in the bottom of the pack. Extending these zippers down to the middle of the pack would seem to fix the issue, and we hope a later iteration might address this.

Nonetheless, we were still impressed by the Osprey Archeon 30L . There’s also a 40-liter version if you’re looking for a max-capacity carry-on, and even a smaller 24-liter for kicking around coffee shops day-to-day.

Read Review: Hack Carry-On Rules: Osprey Archeon Kit Gives Power Back to Passengers

Arc’teryx Granville 25 Backpack

  • Capacity 25 L
  • Weight 1 lb., 14.5 oz.
  • Dimensions 22" x 12" x 9"
  • Compartment access Drawstring top-entry
  • Material N400r-AC² nylon ripstop

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Tough and waterproof exterior fabric
  • White interior for easy viewing
  • Floating laptop sleeve
  • Not very much interior organization
  • Simple webbing waistbelt

Made for moving through the city over the concourse, the commute-ready Arc’teryx Granville 25 ($220) takes travel backpacks to the streets in a sleek and tough design that we couldn’t keep from grabbing every day.

Crafted from the same N400r-AC² nylon ripstop as Arc’teryx’s high-end climbing packs, the mountain DNA is strong in the Granville, with fully taped seams that make the pack highly weather-resistant. In our impromptu “rain” test, a garden hose fired directly at the pack wasn’t able to get a drop past the tough exterior.

On the front of the pack, a single water-resistant zippered pocket was practically made for your keys, and could accommodate a few other essentials for when you’re on the go. Tossing back the shaped lid, a single drawstring entry leads to the interior space, which is mainly one large pocket, with a few zippered and drop pockets to separate smaller items. If you’re looking for the same style pack, but with a bit more organization built-in, the Tom Bihn Synapse 25 divides up its space well.

The padded interior laptop sleeve will accommodate up to a 16” laptop, and is suspended within the main compartment in a way that leaves us feeling confident in slinging our computer across a shoulder. Compared to other more airline-focused travel packs, the Granville 25 has its feet more firmly planted on the ground, and excels at bus, bike, or foot travel.

Whether your commute is just across town or across the country, the Arc’teryx Granville 25 makes for a good-looking carry-all that’s bound to be around for a while.

Topo Designs Global Travel Bag 40L

  • Weight 3 lbs., 10.4 oz.
  • Dimensions 22.5" x 14" x 7.5"
  • Material 1000D recycled nylon, 400D recycled nylon, 210D recycled nylon, 1680D recycled ballistic nylon

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Overbuilt design with tough materials and chunky zippers
  • Plenty of organizational pockets
  • Bright interior
  • Not the cleanest strap stowage

Chunky zippers, an overhead-savvy profile, and multiple ways to sling it over your shoulder: The Topo Designs Global Travel Pack ($229) has honed in on much of what we love in a travel backpack.

During a recent trip from Seattle to Southern California we were heavily saddled with the maximum the airline would allow. But this pack made use of every inch of space and reached the allowance of what we could check as our carry-on. The 40 liters of internal capacity is broken down into a series of dividers and pockets, which made condoning off things like electronics from the rest of our kit easy. And the interior of this pack is a cheery canary yellow, which helps with ease and visibility.

On the exterior of this pack, three separate carry styles are available to get you through the concourse in whatever way you choose. We found the full-featured backpack straps to be our go-to, which even sport load-lifters for a comfy carry. This suspension system does tuck away for when you might want to check the bag, though we found the hipbelt to be a bit tricky to fully retract.

Rounding out this travel-ready backpack is a tough build that makes use of 1000D recycled nylon and heavy-duty zippers, and we had no qualms with tossing this bag around during our trip. Perfect for anyone who subscribes to the one-bag travel ethos, the Global Travel Pack from Topo Designs makes the grade for those who want the most out of their carry-on.

And if you’re only going to be away for a short trip, the Global Travel pack is also available in a 30L capacity .

Cotopaxi Allpa 28L Travel Pack

  • Capacity 28 L
  • Weight 3 lbs., 4 oz.
  • Dimensions 19" x 12" x 9"
  • Material TPU-coated 1,000-denier polyester, 840-denier nylon paneling

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Burly exterior material holds up for the long run
  • Plenty of zippered mesh storage pockets
  • On the heavier side
  • TPU-coated nylon can feel grabby

The Allpa 28L Travel Pack ($170) will change the way you travel. It’s sleek, durable, and able to fit an incredible amount of stuff in a small space. The zippered mesh pockets keep clothes organized. And the compression straps maximize what you can pack.

The tough polyester and nylon construction can take a beating without any signs of wear. And we appreciate that the externally accessed, padded laptop sleeve makes pulling out your electronics at security checkpoints a breeze. There’s also a small outer compartment to keep essentials at hand.

You can completely tuck away the backpack straps and carry the pack like a briefcase, or wear it comfortably as a backpack. We’ve stuffed this pack to the gills countless times and have never had a problem with the zippers. Light rain showers or spills roll right off the TPU-coated exterior, but for legit rainstorms, just pull out the included rain cover.

The Allpa also comes in 35L, 42L, 50L, and 70L capacities. As our editor noted in the 42L review , “Building on its fun and functional ethos, Cotopaxi beefs up its bestselling product. The Allpa Travel Pack earns big points for clever design, clean aesthetic, and a surprising number of handy — and hidden — features.”

Yes, the Cotopaxi Allpa packs are an investment, but anyone who travels regularly will find it a worthy one. These powerhouse travel backpacks are sturdy, versatile, and built to last.

Tom Bihn Synapse 25

  • Weight 1 lb., 13 oz.
  • Dimensions 13.4" x 20" x 9.1"
  • Material 400-denier Halcyon, 420-denier nylon ripstop

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • Many different fabrics and color schemes are available
  • Built to last design and materials
  • Removable webbing hip belt
  • Suspension doesn’t pack away
  • Side wing pockets are a little awkward to access

Refined and clean-looking, the Tom Bihn Synapse 25 ($243) is a high-end travel backpack we just can’t stop staring at. It just looks that good. Made of burly textiles and zippers, this pack was built to stand the test of tough travel and come out shining on the other side.

The Synapse 25 is the larger version of Tom Bihn’s Synapse 19 , a popular backpack made for daily carry. The bump in volume is appreciated in this travel-oriented version and is doled out in one large compartment as well as a set of pockets on the front of the pack.

We found all the pockets easily accessible, save for the side wing pockets. While these were excellent for the organization of smaller bits and bobs, the openings were a bit awkward to jump into.

Topped off by a cushioned suspension (the foam is a half-inch of supple EV50), this travel backpack didn’t weigh us down on long days of travel when fully packed. And when we wanted to go light, even the webbing hip belt was removable. In terms of the ability to bop around town as a daily driver, this pack is up there with the TimBuk2 Never Check and Arc’teryx Granville packs (we liked the back panel on this pack the most).

Along with being carry-on compliant, the Synapse is also one of the few bags on our list that are compact enough to fit under most airline seats without hogging too much precious legroom.

Osprey Nebula 32 Daypack

  • Capacity 32 L
  • Weight 2 lbs., 1.7 oz.
  • Dimensions 19.2" x 12.2" x 11.4"
  • Material 420-denier recycled nylon

The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

  • TSA-compliant laptop sleeve
  • Many options for organization
  • Water bottle pockets fit 32 oz. bottles
  • Need to release two buckles in order to unzip the main pocket all the way

When it comes to backpacks, Osprey has put in the time — and it shows. The Nebula 32 ($140) feels like it’s all the brand’s most popular packs morphed into one. Most of all, we love how it seamlessly goes from city streets to trails.

This backpack can do it all, whether you’re hauling your laptop and books around town; water, food, and layers on an easy hike; or all of the above and then some for a weekend away.

The internal storage pockets are great for organizing all of your things for easy access. And while the Nebula 32 is top-loading, the main pocket opens up wide enough so you won’t have to unload everything to get to the one thing you want at the bottom. The sternum strap and hip belt are comfortable as well, especially when carrying a heavy load.

On smaller volume packs like this, sometimes design concessions need to be made to accommodate all the functionality, and on the Nebula it’s in the side compression straps. Like on the Osprey Farpoint/Fairview, the compression system of the pack overlays across the main compartment zipper, meaning you’ll need to undo some straps before rifling around in the storage area. Not a deal breaker, but a little annoying when the TSA line starts to back up behind you.

Overall, the Nebula 32 won’t disappoint if you make it your go-to smaller-volume travel backpack.

Travel Backpack Comparison Chart

backpack travel what to pack

How We Tested Travel Backpacks

The staff of GearJunkie is a hot-footed bunch, restlessly plodding across the country or around the globe in search of adventure and whatever else comes our way. And we have a lot of stuff, which necessitates having a travel bag or four in the stable.

Surely any old bindle will do in carrying your kit around, but having a travel backpack that is dialed into the needs of travel can turn a stressful situation into a manageable one. We’ve been testing travel backpacks since 2019 and have put the market slice through the wringer on thousands of miles of travel to weed out the best of the best.

Senior Editor Nick Belcaster has a zeal for international travel, and he leads up our current travel pack testing, logging almost 10,000 flying miles in the last year alone. From Iceland to Utah, Belcaster has carried these packs and lived out of them for weeks, relying on them to support back-to-back travel excursions. In testing, we looked for a number of features in our travel backpacks, including overall capacity, carry style, durability, and aesthetics. It’s important to think about how you’ll use your travel pack, and as such, every pack on our list is carry-on compliant for the worst-case scenario.

We know no trip will be like the next, so we took a broad swath of the travel backpacks on the market in order to create a list that will suit many different travelers. Packs in hand, over our shoulders, or on our backs, we hit the four corners and tested the best travel backpacks of 2024.

Curious about what we pack in our travel backpacks? We’ve penned up a list for both domestic and international trips .

Peak Design Travel Pack 45L at SEATAC

Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose a Travel Backpack

Travel backpack user profiles.

The International Jet-Setter: The term ‘One Bag Travel’ is no stranger to you, and you’ve just about got your life distilled down into 45 liters of space. If international travel is your bag, then a backpack that’s up to the task will be essential to see you through to further time zones. Efficiency will be the name of the game here, and going with a pack that is dang-near the carry-on maximums for international flights will mean you can make it through without checking a bag. Look for near to 45-liter packs with plenty of organization baked in, as well as a comfortable (and stashable) carry system.

For international travel, the bag we reach for most often had to be the Peak Design Travel Backpack , with a razor-thin second place going to the Matador GlobeRider45 Travel Pack . For an emphasis on organization, the Matador SEG45 splits up the volume well, and if you’ll be schlepping bags around a long way, the Osprey Farpoint & Fairview Packs have all the Osprey suspension we love.

Osprey Farpoint Travel Pack in Iceland

The Weekend-Warrior: Maybe it’s a work trip, and maybe it’s just for fun, but it’s only going to take 2-3 days total, and you’ll need a bag that can pack it in. For weekend excursions, we find packs in the 25-35 liter range work well for the minimalists among us, and the 30-40 liter range for those who like a bit more options.

The Tom Bihn Synapse 25 is easily one of the most stylish packs in our review, only slightly edged out by the Timbuk2 Never Check , and both make the grade for a single overnighter in a foreign locale. For a bit more space, you can’t go wrong with the Topo Designs Global Travel Bag 40L , a fun pack that is a lot tougher than the multi-colored exterior would let on.

Peak Design Travel Backpack on the Back of a Traveller in Seattle International Airport Looking out on the Tarmac.

The Commuter: No flight involved! Duty calls, and sometimes you’ll need to lug around a bit more kit than the old briefcase can allow for. Commuting with a travel backpack is a great way to stay comfortable on longer rides, as shoulder and handbags are cumbersome over the long run. Focus on a bag with a more traditional backpack shape that puts an emphasis on ease-of-access, and is in the 20-30 liter range.

For bumping around town, we’ve come to love the Evergoods Civic Panel Loader 24 , which not only lugs our remote office around with ease, but also looks pretty slick doing it. The drawstring opening here is a huge boon for quickly stashing a jacket, and the tough exterior fears no weather forecast. For a budget just-get-it-done choice, the Dakine Campus 33L will make it happen for less.

backpack travel what to pack

The right size pack for you depends on a few things. First, where are you going? And, how long do you plan to stay? Winter travel often comes with more gear, so you’ll need to pack extra layers. Longer trips often require larger bags.

That said, your personal packing style will be the most important factor. We know minimalists who happily travel for months with only a single backpack in tow and others who want the largest travel backpack possible in addition to a totally stuffed duffel bag . One method isn’t better than the other, but knowing your style is helpful when choosing a bag.

In general, we’ve found that something in the 28-45 liter range is ideal for comfort and packability. Many packs will also offer a compression system to allow you to limit the overall volume of the backpack. We’ve seen many different ways to accomplish this, but the most effective by far were the button snaps and expanding zipper of the Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L . Packs toward the 40-45 liter range will be your carry-on bags of choice, and the 45-liter Peak Design, Patagonia MLC , and Matador GlobeRider are perfect for maxing out your allowed space. The 40-liter Osprey Farpoint/Fairview packs give up a little internal room for the luxe suspension system they’re carried with.

Packs in the smaller end of the range, from around 25-30 liters, make better personal items, and the TimBuk2 Never Check , Tom Bihn Synapse , and Patagonia Black Hole backpacks all fit snugly underneath an airliner seat. These small bags move through a city gracefully and look more like everyday carry backpacks than traditional luggage.

Peak Design Travel Backpack Clamshell Access

What good would a bag be if you couldn’t get into it? From a simple drawstring to a thicket of Velcro and zippers, there are plenty of ways to keep your bag closed while you’re on the go, but not every one will be amenable to travel.

Zippered Clamshells: Most travel backpacks will use a clamshell-style design that opens up the backpack like a suitcase, allowing you to pack intentionally as opposed to stuffing things in. Oftentimes, an internal strap system will help keep your items contained while you’re on the move.

Packs with this clamshell design may also opt to add internal dividers to the main storage area, and make these dividers removable — should you need the entire storage area uninhibited. For packs without internal dividers or straps, consider adding a few packing cubes to keep your items organized.

In addition to the rear entry, some backpacks will offer additional entry points through the top or front of the pack. This can be helpful when you need to quickly retrieve something like a passport from your bag, without the need to totally spill the contents. The majority of packs in our review close in this clamshell manner, and a few of our favorites are the Peak Design Travel Backpack , Osprey Farpoint & Fairview 40 Travel Packs , and Matador GlobeRider45 Travel Pack .

Osprey Farpoint 40 Travel Backpack

Zippered Top-Access: Much like many traditional backpacks, zippered top-access packs load and unload from the topside, and generally only offer one point of entry/egress into the pack. For this reason, packs of this flavor are generally left packed during travel, as digging around for something at the bottom can be a hassle.

Bags of this stripe, including the uber-nice Tom Bihn Synapse 25 and expandable Timbuk2 Never Check , most often make better personal items over carry-ons, as their smaller volumes make for easier searching within.

Drawstring Top-Entry: While not quite as common as a zippered clamshell or top-access pack, drawstring top-entry packs can make for very quick and easy access to your kit if you’re on the move. These packs will integrate an extended fabric collar to the top of the storage area, which can be compressed when needed, or overstuffed with bulky items like jackets.

Commuters will find drawstring entry bags the most appealing, and the Arc’teryx Granville 25 has become one of our dedicated laptop toters for everything from remote work stints at the coffee shop to jumping on a ferry for work.

Carrying Options

Patagonia MCL 45L Travel Backpack Carry Options

There are plenty of ways to lug your kit to your boarding gate, but not all of them will be comfortable for everything. Over-shoulder backpack straps can support a good bit of weight but typically will need some type of frame to truly be supportive. The Osprey Farpoint/Fairview packs were the best-carrying packs in our testing, owed largely to the wire frame and Airscape mesh back panels, but we also enjoyed the carry of the aluminum frame stays on the Matador GlobeRider.

A shoulder strap travel backpack, like the Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L , can be slung across your body and provide a great amount of accessibility on the go. Don’t expect to carry too much weight this way, however.

And then there’s the classic suitcase style, easily towed anywhere. It’s good to note many travel backpacks will have stowable straps to better streamline the pack for a trip through an X-ray machine or stowed under a seat. The strap storage design of the Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L impressed us most of all, utilizing magnetic closure flaps to pack away the shoulder and hip straps neatly.

Pockets & Organization

Matador SEG30 Travel Backpack Storage Options

There’s an organizational saying: “A place for everything and everything in its place.” And we couldn’t agree more. Keeping track of everything while you travel is key for organization. And while more pockets always seem better, there is a threshold where having too many simply becomes more places to misplace things. Instead, we recommend packs with three to six pockets.

The Cotopaxi Allpa and Topo Designs Global Travel Bags both have ingenious inner organization systems complete with large zipping “pockets.” It has just enough space to find room for everything but not so many compartments that you’ll be hunting all day for your misplaced passport. For even more organization, the Matador SEG45 splits into five different segments that are accessible from the exterior of the pack.

Bringing along a laptop is a necessary evil for some travelers, and having an incorporated laptop sleeve in your travel backpack can keep it safe during travel. Most laptop sleeves will be padded with some type of foam and nestle in close to the back for maximum protection. In order to be TSA-compliant, a laptop sleeve will need to fold entirely flat away from the pack to be scanned.

Because flying with liquids over 3.4 ounces is prohibited in the U.S., carrying all of these items in a separate toiletry bag can make your foray into the screening line a breeze. Many of the packs on our list incorporate many external pockets where such a bag could be stashed and produced when needed.

Tom Bihn Synapse 25 Travel Backpack

Travel luggage takes a beating, so durability is a top concern. Luckily, gear manufacturers realize this and are making increasingly burly yet portable packs. The fan-favorite Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L pack is made with a 900-denier ripstop nylon outer with a TPU laminate for extra durability. It’s nearly indestructible, water-resistant, and versatile.

If you’re traveling somewhere with inclement weather or if your pack needs to double as a climbing bag or hiking pack, durability is extra important. And it’s worth paying more for a backpack that is water-resistant.

Space Efficiency & Carry-On Compliance

Peak Design Travel Pack at SEATAC

Astute observers will note many of the packs in our review sport a rectangular shape, which is certainly due to designers aspiring to create a more space-efficient pack. This isn’t to say that more shapely packs won’t make it happen, but when you’re struggling to make every liter of space count, maximizing dimensions matters.

Carry-on luggage is any bag that you plan on bringing into an airplane and storing in the overhead bins. Because space is limited, airlines dictate the maximum size that any carry-on can be. In the U.S., the most common size is 22 inches x 14 inches x 9 inches, or 45 linear inches (length + width + height). However, this is just a rough guideline; some airlines differ from these dimensions, and you should refer to their information directly.

In general, these dimensions provide a travel backpack with around 40-45 liters of internal volume, so buying a pack that’s as close to that as possible will provide the most space allowed. Many of the packs on our list have the ability to compress to a smaller size, such as the Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L .

Be mindful as well, that any protrusions from your travel pack such as shoulder straps or handles will also need to fall within the maximum allowed size. Many travel backpacks today incorporate some type of strap-stowing ability, such as the magnetic panels of the Peak Design packs, the zippered cover of the Osprey Farpoint/Fairview, and the hybrid zipper/panel of the Matador GlobeRider 45. All of these provide a more streamlined profile that should both hit the mark, and fit better into overhead bins.

backpack travel what to pack

Travel backpacks run the gamut of prices — from affordable to downright pricey. There are a number of factors that play into what you get for the money.

Budget-Minded Travel Packs

Travel backpacks, as a category, are generally a bit pricer than your average luggage, as they incorporate tough materials that can put up with extensive wear over the lifespan. Travel is tough on bags, so it’s unsurprising that even budget travel backpacks will cost you around $100-150. These packs often will incorporate more traditional architectures such as a zippered top access, as opposed to the more complicated (and spendy) full-zip clamshell designs. For example, the Dakine Campus ($75) is pretty much your average school bag.

Volumes, too, will be a bit limited in this price range — added material adds cost. The 32-liter Osprey Nebula ($140) is about the best price-to-volume ratio you can get.

Mid-Range Travel Packs

Mid-range packs make up the bread and butter of travel packs, and can be had for around $150 to $200. These designs are often more of the full carry-on variety, and aim to capitalize on permitted volume as much as possible. The 45-liter Matador SEG45 ($200), Patagonia Black Hole MLC ($239), 40-liter Osprey Farpoint/Fairview ($185), and Topo Designs Global Travel Bag ($229) all shoehorn in just about as much space as a friendly gate agent will let you get away with.

For the price, you also get a good variety of functionality that makes travel easier, such as stowable pack straps, interior segmented pockets and sleeves (done excellently on the $170 Cotopaxi Allpa ), and an external compression system that limits the space your bag takes up. Some packs, like the TimBuk2 Never Check ($209), don’t exactly hit these parameters, but instead make up for it in high-quality design and materials.

backpack travel what to pack

Premium Travel Packs

Above $250, you’re likely paying for premium materials or a to-the-hilt design that leaves absolutely nothing on the cutting room floor. The Peak Design Travel Backpack ($300) is a great example, and utilizes super high-quality nylon canvas, custom aluminum hardware, and supple seatbelt material webbing in its build, as well as fitting in just about every conceivable feature you could want in a travel pack. The same can be said of the Matador GlobeRider 45 ($350), which uses high-tech UHMPWE-reinforced materials and sports a total of 19 pockets.

The Tom Bihn Synapse 25 ($243) is a bit of an outlier, as it commands a high dollar amount not for the extreme amount of space it offers or amount of features, but for being a hyper-customizable, hand-made bag that uses the nicest textiles available, as well as the best zippers, webbing, and foam in its design. If you’re a fan of the finest materials, this is your daily driver pack.

What Is One Bag Travel?

The ‘One Bag Travel’ ethos and travel backpacks go hand-in-hand. Simply put, to travel in one-bag style is to be minimalist in your luggage choices, and only take what you can carry onto the plane/train/pack animal. Not only does this do away with the fuss of deciding what exactly to bring along with you, but it also allows for breezing through airports — skipping the need to check baggage, wait at baggage claim, or fear for lost luggage.

In order to most effectively travel with one bag, be sure to read up on exactly the baggage size allowances provided by your transportation. This can affect both overall size and weight, and having an expandable pack is a large benefit here. In this way, you can carry just enough to skirt through under the limit, and then expand the bag when you’ve hit your destination for more breathing room. If you aim for a 35-40 liter backpack, you’ll be right on the money for one-bag travel.

Finally, remember that this bag is going to be the only item of luggage you’ve got, so ensure it’ll be comfortable enough for the long haul. Look for padded back panels and hip belts that’ll transfer the load correctly, and if they stash away — all the better.

Our team unanimously agrees that the best travel backpack is the Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L . It’s extremely durable, and it offers plenty of organizational pockets to stash your kit away in. The clamshell opening makes packing a breeze, and we really appreciated the unique shoulder strap storage options available to turn the pack into a stripped-down bag that would slide into any overhead compartment.

Peak Design Travel Pack in Denver

The best size bag for traveling depends largely on your travel itinerary and mode of transport. The Cotopaxi Allpa packs range from 28 to 42 liters.

The 28-liter option makes for a compact and comfortable backpack that easily fits in overhead airplane compartments. The 42-liter option is a bit more like carrying a duffel bag on your back, but it still manages to fit in overhead compartments. It’s a great option for maximizing carry-on capacity in backpack form.

While both have their place in travel, a backpack can offer some advantages over a suitcase. Since they’re much more portable, backpacks can be brought to many more places where a suitcase won’t work. Suitcases can be your large load carriers, but a good travel backpack gives you the freedom to strike out on daily adventures.

Travel backpacks absolutely can be carry-on luggage, given they meet the size requirements. In the U.S., the most common maximum size is 22 inches x 14 inches x 9 inches, or 45 linear inches (length + width + height). But this is only a common size, and different airlines will have different specifics. Consult with your airline specifically to determine what they allow.

While different body types will find different travel packs comfortable, we can all agree that a good support system and ample foam make for a comfortable carry. In our own testing, we found the Osprey Farpoint 40 and Fairview 40 Travel Packs were by far the most comfortable due to their plush suspension systems.

Because many different airlines operate a slate of different planes, there isn’t a standard under-seat luggage size, although there is an average: 16 inches x 12 inches x 6 inches. Some airlines allow personal items larger than this, but you should consult with their customer service for specifics. Our favorite personal item-sized travel pack was the Timbuk2 Never Check Expandable Backpack , which at 24 liters compressed easily slides under a seat.

backpack travel what to pack

The Best Laptop Backpacks of 2024

Whether you’re headed to the office, class, or even the trailhead, here’s our top picks for the best laptop backpacks of 2024.

backpack travel what to pack

The Best Daypacks of 2024

We tested the best daypacks of 2024 with options for every budget. Top picks include Osprey, Cotopaxi, and more.

backpack travel what to pack

Hailing from the hemlocks and hanging mosses of Washington State, Senior Editor Nick Belcaster is an adventure journalist following threads of stories across the West. Cruelly stolen from the alpine swales of rural Wisconsin at a young age, Nick made do ascending the snows and granite of the North Cascades while completing a journalism degree. A long stint on the Pacific Crest Trail in 2018 codified a life bent on sleeping on minor slopes and picking devil’s club out of his shoes.

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50 Things to Pack in Your Travel Backpack

Here’s how to pack a backpack for a long trip away, using this packing checklist as your go-to guide for getting it right first time…

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backpack travel what to pack

  • 17 April 2023
  • • 16 min read

Packing can be the bane of your life before a big trip, so we’ve made the chore a little less tiresome for you and devised a complete packing list.

Got a history of forgetting something? Use this ultimate guide to remind you of useful essentials you need to bring along for your holidays. Knowing how to pack a backpack for a long trip isn't easy, so simply treat this as a checklist and tick off each item as you go. Of course, effective packing really depends on what kind of trip you’re about to embark on, so we’ve included items that cater to every kind of trip!

The best way to pack a backpack is to save space. Our top tip is to fold your clothes efficiently. Remember: Heavy stuff at the bottom, stuff that leaks goes in plastic bags and things you’ll need as soon as you arrive at your destination (like toiletries) at the top. Roll your clothes up rather than fold them if it takes up less room.

This guide will also work on suitcases for air travel too, not just backpacks. Don’t forget anything - and happy travelling!

Don’t have time to read the full article? Here’s a quick rundown of the main essentials to pack before you leave the house:

Phone charger / portable phone charger

Local currency

Adapter plugs

Flip-flops (especially useful for shared bathrooms)

Re-usable water bottle

Spare socks

Spare underwear

Medicines / painkillers

Paperwork you need in a folder

A list of important phone numbers

Planning a European adventure? Check out  St Christopher's Inns hostels across the continent.

1. Passport

It seems obvious, but the single most important thing to pack for your travels is your passport. You won't get very far without it. Once you've ticked everything off your pre-travel checklist, and before you put your foot out the door, one last check for that important little book really won't hurt. If you're travelling within Europe as an EU citizen, sometimes all you need is your ID/Drivers license to travel - but this often depends on your airline so we recommend keeping your passport on you at all times, just in case. Before you travel, make sure your passport is valid too. It's sometimes necessary to have at least six months on your passport before it expires so always check your expiry date in good time so you can order a new one before the trip comes. Trust us, you don't want to have to deal with the stress of getting a new one fast-tracked because you put it through the washing machine (yes we've all been there).

2. Adapter Plugs

Don't forget to pack your adapters, especially if you're going to be a bit of a digital nomad! Buying one in the airport or on arrival can be pretty expensive, and they are often weirdly hard to find. On Amazon, you can buy a  two pack of EU Adapters for just £4.39. Two adapters should be enough for your travels so you can charge and use your laptop, phone, camera, hairdryer and more.

3. Underwear

Pack enough underwear for your trip (and maybe two or three extras). You can always wash your underwear during your travels if you do run out. If your going somewhere hot or wet, you can't really have too many pairs of pants!

Tip: remember to pack a small thin bag for your dirty laundry, it will separate your clean and dirty things so you don't get them mixed up.

There's nothing worse than smelly feet, so having enough clean socks for your trip is a must. Pack thick, long socks if you're going somewhere cold and thin ankle socks if you'll be wearing trainers around the city.

5. Portable Phone Charger

We all know that sinking feeling when our phone runs out of battery on the road. Bring a portable phone charger so that you can give your phone some juice on the go. You don't want to have your phone die when you're lost in the city or up a mountain (and you'll be gutted to miss the photo opportunities.

One of our favourite affordable portable phone chargers is the Anker PowerCore 10000 Redux ..

6. Clothes (and PJs)

The hard part: clothes. Remember to take a mix of light layers and warm layers for your trip (it can get cold at night even in the warmest of places). Packing light is an art form and with limited space in your backpack, it's good to be strict with yourself and only bring what you need - easier said than done!

Take into consideration what kind of activities you might be doing during your travels so that you're prepared with the right gear - whether you'll be hiking, snorkelling, partying, skiing or sightseeing around the city. If it helps, write a separate list for clothes to take. If you're going on a long trip, be sure to check the place you're staying has a laundry room so you can wash your things and wear clothes over again.

7. Waterproofs

A waterproof mac with a hood will be a saving grace throughout your trip. The weather around Europe can be unpredictable, so be prepared with waterproof layers if you're travelling to cities that are prone to rain. Try and find a lightweight mac that's easy to pack (a pack-a-mac is always a good shout and you can buy them cheap.

8. Walking Shoes

If you'll be doing a lot of walking or hiking then make sure to pack some good quality walking shoes. It’s usually best to wear your bulkiest shoes at the airport so that you can save space in your luggage. If you don't have any good boots, you can pick up some good quality ones on the cheap from second-hand sellers like eBay or Gumtree.

9. Sleeping Bag Liner

A sleeping bag liner is always handy to have - you never know when you might be roughing it! They're light, they're easy to pack and they make for the perfect bed lining if you're sleeping in a tent or on someone's sofa.

10. Reusable Water Bottle

Always carry a water bottle to stay hydrated on the road. Most travel backpacks have a water bottle compartment so it's easy to reach when you're walking around. Not only are reusable water bottles better for the environment but they're also a great way to save money so that you don't have to keep buying more.

Tip: check out BottleUp for lighter, cheaper re-useable water bottles made out of sugar cane.

11. Local Currency

Don't forget your Euros! We'd recommend finding a local currency exchange at home which will get you a better rate than changing your cash at the airport. Don't know how much to bring? Budget how much cash you'd need for each day and work from there.

12. Hair Products

Bring essential hair products for healthy, happy locks during your travels. To minimise the toiletries you pack, we'd recommend bringing a hairbrush and some dry shampoo (or hair gel) in order to save up space for other items like deodorant and toothpaste. If you have enough space, a pair of curling thongs or straighteners are a nice thing to have but only if you need them.

13. Painkillers and Medicine

It's always good to have some medication on the road and it can be tricky to explain your symptoms to a pharmacist abroad. Painkillers or allergy tablets will come in handy for headaches, muscle aches, period pains, stomach aches - so keep some on you just in case. Always carry Imodium or Dioralyte too.

If you forget this bad boy, you'll regret it forever. If you're looking to buy a new travel camera,  Nowadays your smartphone camera is probably good quality enough to capture great shots so try taking an old fashioned disposable camera instead.

15. Journal or Diary

A travel journal or diary is another amazing way to keep hold of memories you make whilst travelling. If you're on a longer trip especially, it's easy to lose track of everything that you've done and everyone you've met along the way. A journal can be used as a route planner or local phonebook, too.

16. Deodorant

When it comes to deodorant, we always recommend taking a roll-on for travelling because it's smaller and hassle-free. A spray deodorant can sometimes be harmful to asthmatics who may be sharing your space, and aren't allowed in plane hand luggage anyway.

17. Shampoo & Conditioner

Shampoo and conditioner bottles can be bulky to carry and they take up a lot of room in a backpack. Instead, you can fill up smaller-sized bottles with your hair liquids to save space. You can buy these small reusable bottles from most pharmacies and supermarkets. Better yet, invest in some sustainable shampoo or conditioner bars for your hair and support the zero waste movement. These eco-friendly soap bars are plastic free and create zero waste because you end up using the whole product (and the bar lasts ages)!

18. Body Wash

Same goes for your body wash. Try and pack mini versions or fill up small reusable bottles to save space. Or opt for a bar of soap in a tin that'll (hopefully) last your whole trip and use less plastic.

Thick towels can take up a lot of room, so pack a thin microfibre towel that's easy to pack or a couple of smaller ones. Most hostels don't provide towels (without a charge) so remember to bring yours.

20. Moisturiser

The heat and cold can really dry out your skin so use your go-to moisturiser every day during your travels. Your skin is also going through a culture shock too, and it's important to look after it!

Tip: it's a good idea to buy a moisturiser with SPF for extra protection from the sun.

21. Going Out Outfits

If you plan to hit the town on your trip, then make sure to pack some going-out outfits. It's hard to choose what to wear on nights out but be brutal and only pack what you need. Two outfits should be enough with a couple of extra tops so you can mix and match.

22. Going Out Shoes

You can wear trainers or boots to most of Europe's best clubs which is great because it saves space in your backpack. A pair of converse, flat biker boots or vans can be worn in the day and night. You probably won't need heels unless you know that you're going somewhere a little fancier.

23. GPS or Map

Having access to a GPS App on your mobile phone will be a life saver when you're trying to navigate around a city. Download or City Mapper and you'll be sorted. However, it's always a good idea to pack a back-up map for when you've got no signal.

24. First Aid Kit

Every backpacker should carry a first aid kit, especially if you'll be doing a bit of exploring in the wild. You can buy a first aid kit from Amazon for £7.99.

25. Toothbrush

Don't forget your trusty toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes are quite heavy so if you find you're running out of space, opt for a normal toothbrush instead. If you're trying to use less plastic in your life, invest in eco-friendly bamboo toothbrushes that won't harm the planet.

26. Hand Sanitiser

We won't lie to you - public toilets aren't always that nice. A bottle of hand sanitiser is a really good idea to take pretty much everywhere with you on your travels - it might save you from picking up a nasty bug on your travels.

27. Toothpaste

Toothpaste is an essential travel item but if you're travelling with friends, you can save space in your toiletries bag by sharing a toothpaste tube between you. A tube goes a long way!

28. Travel Pillow

If you can fit it in your bag, this is an amazing addition that will make your trips on trains, planes, boats and cars much more enjoyable. Some of them even come with hoods for you fashion conscious travellers.

29. Sun Cream

SPF sun cream is one of the most important things you can pack in a travel backpack. Apply it generously and take sun cream with you everywhere you go, especially if you have a tendency to burn. Even though it may not look sunny, the rays are still there so it's important to wear sun cream everyday during your travels.

30. Eye Mask

If you're a light sleeper then we recommend packing an eye mask. When sleeping in hostels, you never know if you'll have someone in your dorm room turn the light on in the middle of the night. With an eye mask, you won't even notice. Plus, they're incredibly handy to have in your hand luggage for long bus or train journeys when you want to get a bit of shut-eye.

31. Swim Gear

You don't need to go overboard (geddit?) with swimming costumes, board shorts and so on. Remember that when you're travelling, there will be plenty of opportunity to wash your clothes! If you're travelling somewhere where you'll be swimming a lot, pack two or three options that you can rotate, rewear and, of course, easily wash!

32. Beard Trimmer & Nail Clippers

Remember your beard trimmer and charger (if you don't wanna rough it out). If you're thinking about packing disposable shavers, we recommend spending a little more on a reusable one instead. You'll save money in the long run and cut your plastic waste massively.

33. Earplugs

Some hotels and hostels give these out for free at reception, but just in case they don't, buy a pair (or two) of foam earplugs for the nights you'd like a decent sleep without interruption.

34. Glasses & Contact Lenses

For those who need to wear glasses, the above are all SO important. You want to actually be able to SEE when you're travelling. Or what's the point? Put this on your priority packing list if you're someone who wears glasses, and try and remember a spare pair.

35. Spare Cheap Phone For Emergencies

If you're heading on a longer trip and you don't feel comfortable bringing your usual smartphone, buy a cheap one ahead of your trip and then get yourself a SIM card or eSIM that works abroad. Make sure you get a SIM with 4G/5G included so you have maps, hostel bookings and travel guides at your fingertips!

36. Reusable Coffee Cup

Continue to do your bit for the environment while you're travelling and get yourself a reusable coffee cup. Whether you fancy a hot drink to-go from a nearby cafe, the free hostel breakfast or the kettle from your private room, you know it will come in handy on multiple occasions throughout your trip. You can even buy collapsable coffee cups these days meaning they'll take up hardly any space so there's no excuse!

37. Sunglasses

An essential for any trip. Whether it's summer or winter, hopefully you'll get at least a glimpse of sun during your trip! We recommend packing a pair of good quality sunglasses that will protect your eyes day-to-day, as well as a cheaper pair that you don't mind getting a little weathered on the beach or in the sea.

38. Emergency Whistle

If you’re backpack doesn’t come equipped with one already... You never know when a whistle will come in handy as, when travelling, stressful situations can arise out of nowhere (although hopefully they won't at all). It can be used if you're stranded in a broken down car, if you're trying to warn off a fearless animal or even if you're stuck in a toilet cubicle and the door won't open! You just never know...

This could be for a camping trip, an early sunrise hike or just to avoid turning all the lights on in your dorm room and waking everyone up. It doesn't have to be big or fancy, just a small, cheap flashlight or headtorch should do the trick.

40. Goggles

For those that know they'll be spending a lot of time in the water, pack goggles or a snorkel mask so you can really make the most of the sea while you're away. This will save you from hiring some out or struggling with salty eyes.

41. Wet Wipes & Tissues

Another crucial item you might not think to pack, wet wipes and tissues can be a godsend if you're travelling for a long time. Wet wipes can act as a quick wash, too (just please don't use this method for too long!).

42. Flip-Flops or Sandals

Comfortable footwear goes a long way when backpacking and when it's the height of summer then flip flops or sandals are essential. Make sure you get a good quality pair that will last you your trip - you don't want any blowouts...

Tip: flip-flops are one of the most obvious signs of plastic pollution on many beaches nowadays. If you can, find a shoe bank to donate your old ones to, where they will be recycled into new products.

43. Trainers

You're going to be walking around a lot . Flip-flops are great for a more chilled-out day, but trainers will be your saviour when you're putting the work in. Make sure that you break them in first if you buy a new pair of trainers for your trip. There's nothing worse than a blister when walking around a city.

44. Padlock

Once everything is packed, lock it with a padlock to ensure your things are safe. When you're on night trains, walking through crowded areas, waiting in a station, it's important to make sure it's locked at all times.

45. Backpack Rain Cover

Some backpacks already have one. If not, this is a must-buy. It can feel like the end of the world if your stuff gets drenched while you're getting from A to B.

To keep your head and face protected from the sun. Caps aren't too expensive, and they're definitely worth having. Plus, most of them can be attached to the outside of your backpack if you're struggling for room inside.

47. Medicines

Any medication that you'll need during your travels is perhaps the most important item to pack after your passport. For any prescribed medicines or tablets you take daily, set an alarm on your phone so that you remember to take it. It's so easy to forget when you're backpacking.

48. Lip Balm

SPF lip balm is a good one to remember to pack - your lips can be damaged by the sun just as your skin can. Keep them moisturised with a sun protection lip balm which you can buy from most pharmacies or cosmetics shops. The sun can also dry your lips out, so pack your favourite moisturising lip balm, too.

49. Reading Material

You may be spending a lot of time of planes and trains during your travels so buy yourself some good books to keep yourself occupied (or a Kindle to save space). City guides and phrasebooks are also good to have while you're travelling, but these can get heavy so try and limit yourself to one.

Pack a few small snacks that will fit in your backpack and give you a little taste of home. Take a couple of packets of your favourite biscuits or chocolate bar - we're sure you'll really thank yourself when you're craving a bit of what you're used to. Just make sure you pack snacks that won't go out of date too quickly so you can savour them as long as you can resist!

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The 8 best travel backpacks of 2024

Need lots of pockets for water bottles or tripods? Theft-deterrent zippers? A cushioned laptop compartment? No matter what kind of travel bag you need, we’ve got you covered. 

Whether you’re traveling overnight or for weeks at a time, you'll need a backpack that's functional, comfortable, and helps keep you organized.

We know there's no one backpack that will work for everyone, so we picked bags that will meet the needs of most types of travelers—whether you need a small option for the overhead of a plane, or lockable zippers for security.

Our best overall travel backpack is the Peak Design Travel Pack 45L , which ticks all the boxes for durability, versatility, and comfort, but also offers a thoughtful design, unique organizational features and high-quality, sustainably made materials.

Our picks for the best travel backpack

Best overall: peak design travel pack 45l.

backpack travel what to pack

Buy it now: $300 at Backcountry and Peak Design

Why we like it:   The sleek-looking Peak Design Travel Pack 45L is our best overall travel backpack. It's expandable, carry-on compliant, and is bursting with innovative features.  

This backpack is functional—think gusseted side pockets for water bottles or tripods—and made with high-quality weatherproof materials and theft-deterrent zipper pulls. It’s durable and secure, and it’s obvious that every detail of this bag has been carefully thought through.  

There are smartly placed pockets, and the padded harness system tucks beneath magnetic flaps for duffel-style carry. The spacious main cavity is accessible from the front, rear and both sides, and the extensively padded bag has 16-inch laptop and tablet sleeves.

Keep in mind:   At 4.5 pounds, it’s not light, and smaller-framed travelers may find it cumbersome to carry. The harness isn’t adjustable, so the torso length is one-size-fits-all.

Product details:   Sizes available: 30L, 45L | Materials:   Recycled nylon and polyester | Frame type: Frameless | Number of external pockets: 8

The best with laptop compartment: Thule Aion 40L

backpack travel what to pack

Buy it now: $200 at Backcountry

Why we like it:   The Thule Aion 40L is our best backpack with a laptop compartment.   It’s a carry-on travel backpack that accommodates a 16-inch laptop while leaving plenty of room for other gear.  

Its roomy side-access laptop compartment contains cushioned laptop and tablet sleeves. There’s a compartment for accessories and a rollaway bag for damp or dirty items in the main compartment, which minimizes the chances of wet belongings damaging tech.  

There are breathable, padded shoulder straps and a back panel, plus a sternum strap to keep things secure. A robust side handle facilitates duffel-style carry, and there’s a pass-through for a rolling suitcase attachment.

Keep in mind:   There’s no weight-bearing hip belt, and the wax-coated canvas creates a weathered look that might not appeal to everyone.

Product details:   Sizes available: 28L, 40L | Materials: Recycled polyester | Frame type: Frameless | Number of external pockets: 2

The best small travel backpack: Patagonia Atom 20L Tote Pack

backpack travel what to pack

Buy it now: $89 at Patagonia

Why we like it:   Our pick for the best small travel backpack is the Patagonia Atom 20L Tote Pack, a versatile, lightweight bag that stows under airplane seats. This backpack has a large main compartment, which houses a thickly padded removable 13-inch laptop sleeve and a hydration bladder pass-through for hikers.  

External features include a bike light loop, attachment points for the removable sternum strap and other essentials, and a zippered front compartment that occupies the full length of the bag.  

The well-padded, breathable harness system makes the Atom a comfortable carry in backpack mode, but it can also be transported tote-style using its sturdy handles.  

Keep in mind:   The two compartments lack organizational features, and the laptop sleeve compromises internal space. The backpack fits a 17-inch torso length, so it may not work for taller travelers.

Product details:   Sizes available: 20L | Materials: Fairly traded recycled polyester and nylon | Frame type: Frameless | Number of external pockets: 3

The best anti-theft backpack: Pacsafe Venturesafe EXP35 Anti Theft Travel Backpack  

backpack travel what to pack

Buy it now: $270 at Amazon

Why we like it:   The Pacsafe’s practical, versatile Venturesafe EXP35 Anti Theft Travel Backpack is our pick for the best anti-theft backpack. It’s made with recycled slash-resistant material and lockable, puncture-resistant, self-locking zippers.  

This pick has an RFID-blocking pocket to keep credit card information safe and a hidden lockable 16-inch laptop compartment. The comfortable, breathable harness system has cut-resistant straps that can be used to secure the bag to fixed objects.  

Keep in mind:   The anti-theft features hamper quick access, and the bag’s solid construction and numerous compartments make it feel heftier than it is.

Product details:   Sizes available: 35L | Materials: Recycled polyester | Frame type: Frameless | Number of external pockets: 3

The best rolling backpack: Osprey Farpoint / Fairview 36 Wheeled Travel Pack

backpack travel what to pack

Buy it now:   $300 at Osprey ( Farpoint and Fairview )

Why we like it:   The Osprey Farpoint/Fairview 36 Wheeled Travel Pack* is our pick for best rolling backpack. It’s comfortable in backpack mode, has a stamina-saving rolling mode, and is straightforward to switch between the two.  

This bag features padded shoulder straps and hip belt, mesh back panel and torso adjustment to provide a comfortable backpack-style carry. If your back needs a break, engage the harness stowaway system, extend the single tube ergonomic handle and let the rugged, oversized wheels do the work.  

Organizational features include a zippered top pocket for quick-access items and a 15-inch laptop compartment; the main cavity facilitates easy packing with its compression straps and suitcase-style opening.  

*The bags’ features are identical; however, the Fairview’s fit is tailored specifically to women.

Keep in mind:   It’s a heavy bag, and the interior frame and stowed rolling handle reduce capacity in the main compartment.  

Product details:   Sizes available: 36L, 65L | Materials: bluesign® approved recycled nylon | Frame type: 4 mm LightWire peripheral frame | Number of external pockets: 4

The best carry-on backpack: Cotopaxi Allpa 35l Travel Pack

backpack travel what to pack

Buy it now:   $200 at REI

Why we like it:   The Allpa 35L Travel Pack from Cotopaxi is our best carry-on backpack—a durable, easily stowable option with thoughtful organizational features and anti-theft zippers.

The no-nonsense, adjustable harness system tucks away neatly into a slotted back panel during transit, while four reinforced grab handles make pulling the backpack out of an overhead bin child’s play.The bag opens suitcase-style for efficient packing, but a side zipper also provides on-the-go access.  

High-visibility backing in the front compartment makes searching for small items less challenging, and there’s convenient side access to the padded 15-inch laptop sleeve, which has a false bottom to protect devices if dropped. There’s a rainfly included, should you arrive at your destination to unexpected wet weather.

Keep in mind:   Flimsy and lacking structure, it doesn’t hold its shape unless it is full. The lack of an external water bottle pocket may be a deal-breaker for some.

Product details:   Sizes available: 28L, 35L, 42L | Materials:   Recycled polyester and nylon | Frame type: Frameless | Number of external pockets: 2

The most versatile backpack: Gregory Rhune 25 Pack

backpack travel what to pack

Buy it now:   $130 at REI

Why we like it:   Our pick for the most versatile travel backpack is the Gregory Rhune 25 Pack, a water-resistant travel backpack with great functionality and a surprising amount of space.  

Thanks to its structured base, rounded body, and organizational compartments, more fits into this 25L bag than you’d expect. Padded internal sleeves fit a 15-inch laptop and tablet/folio, and pockets outside include a handy swing-around access stash pocket.  

With a moisture-wicking padded back panel, removable sternum strap and contoured shoulder straps, this bag is designed to carry weight comfortably: a great all-rounder whether you’re a hiker, digital nomad, or urban sightseer.

Keep in mind:   Top-opening access makes it tricky to locate items at the base. Shoulder straps may feel bulky to smaller travelers.

Product details:   Sizes available:   20L, 22L, 25L | Materials: Recycled polyester and nylon | Frame type:   Frameless | Number of external pockets: 4

The best budget backpack: tomtoc Navigator-T66 Travel Laptop Backpack 40L

backpack travel what to pack

Buy it now:   $82 at Amazon

Why we like it:   The Navigator-T66 Travel Laptop Backpack 40L is our pick for the best budget travel backpack. It’s made with quality materials and loaded with organizational features despite its affordable price tag.  

The sturdy, water-resistant, and easy-to-pack clamshell design, plus the multi-functional pockets and attachment points, mean efficient organization. This backpack has a TSA-friendly 17-inch laptop compartment, which will save time at airport security.  

The cushioned harness means it’s comfortable to wear, and top and side handles and a pass-through make it easy to grab or attach to a wheeled suitcase.  

Keep in mind:   It’s so heavily padded that packing space feels compromised. There’s no load-bearing hip belt.

Product details:   Sizes available:   40L | Materials:   Recycled PET bottles | Frame type:   Frameless | Number of external pockets:   4

Our review process

I referred to brand product descriptions, third-party reviews, competitor articles, Reddit discussion boards, watched an excessive number of review videos, and evaluated my findings with my own knowledge and experience, considering the following:

Material and quality: Durability of materials and hardware is critical for a bag that will be repeatedly thrown into overhead bins and exposed to bad weather.

Versatility: I looked for bags that could be carried duffel-style, fastened to a rolling suitcase or pulled-on wheels and were capable of protecting tech equipment, and keeping belongings dry on hikes.

Storage and protection: I looked for features such as stowable harness systems for ease of storage, and hidden pockets and anti-theft zippers for peace of mind.

Comfort: Weight-bearing, cushioned hip belts, secure sternum straps and adjustable padded shoulder straps all maximize carry comfort.

Organization: Positioning and accessibility of pockets, compartments and attachment points are a matter of personal preference, but they should maximize functionality.

Sustainability: I prioritized bags made with recycled materials and brands actively addressing their social, ethical and environmental impact.

What to know about travel backpacks

Here are a few things to consider when buying a travel backpack:

The most common materials used for travel backpacks are nylon and polyester (both increasingly recycled), which can be treated to enhance durability and water resistance.

The size of a travel backpack is measured in liters, with external pockets included. How much it actually fits depends on shape, material thickness, flexibility, and padding.

Backpacks with heavy external frames offer structure and support. Internal frames hold bags closer to the body, offering more stability but less ventilation.

Number of external pockets

External compartments such as mesh water bottle holders and quick-grab pockets are great for organization.

Carry-on weight allowances vary between airlines, so a lightweight bag optimizes what you can pack.

Look for high-quality harnesses with cushioned straps, breathable back panels, secure sternum straps, and a weight-bearing hip belt if required.

Frequently asked questions

What is the best backpack to take on a plane.

Choose a backpack that fits in an overhead bin and has a robust handle for retrieving it. Quick-access external pockets and efficient internal organization enable quick access to belongings; lockable zippers provide security.

Is a travel backpack a carry-on?

As long as it complies with your airline’s regulations.

What is a good size backpack to travel with?

The length and purpose of your trip will determine the size of the bag you need. Generally speaking, a 25-30 liter backpack should suffice for weekend trips, and 30-45 liters allow a good amount of space for longer travel. For most airlines, backpacks up to 45 liters should be carry-on compliant.

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backpack travel what to pack

How To Pack And Organize A Backpack For Travel

Want to know how to pack and organize a backpack for travel? We’ve got you covered with everything you need to know!

As the world’s normalcy resumes post-pandemic, most of us can’t wait to mark our calendars with long-postponed trips and adventures near and far.

Deciding the items to carry with us is important as we plan these trips .

The items on your trip can be deal breakers or makers, depending on your packing approach.

This is why you should know the right backpack to carry, how to pack, and the weight distribution, whether going for an extended trip or a weekend getaway.

With organized packing, you will spend most of your time enjoying the trip rather than worrying about your items.

Read on for how to pack and organize a backpack for travel.

Importance Of Efficient Packing And Organization

While packing seems easy, most backpacks are a big unsegmented space for you to fit your toiletries, clothes, and electronics, and piling them can result in total disorganization once you pull out what you need.

Properly packing your items will ensure easy location in the bag, saving you the time and need to pack or repack.

This will prevent item loss or damage throughout your trip.

A well-packed backpack will also make traveling easier through even distribution and balancing your travel gear.

Choosing The Right Backpack

Choosing the right backpack amounts to an easier and more organized trip.

The best bag should have enough pockets to organize your small and big possessions.

Your backpack should also be the right size.

Carrying a smaller bag will cram your things tightly into the compartments, making organization challenging despite the number of pockets.

An oversized bag, on the other hand, will leave you with loose space, jostling around your stuff.

Therefore, select the perfect backpack depending on the items you intend to carry for an ideal fit.

If going for a business adventure, consider a top-notch business travel backpack like the Swiss business backpack to transport your documents, laptop, and other essentials comfortably.

The bag features a strong base, durable rucksacks, self-mending zippers, and handy pockets for an easy trip.

Creating A Packing List

Creating a packing list long before your trip is advised to ensure you carry all your trip essentials.

Before putting items in your bag, lay all the items in your packing list on a flat surface to confirm everything is in the required pieces.

Importance of a Comprehensive Packing List

Having a comprehensive list is important for the following reasons:

It relieves you from the packing stress as you can create one long before your trip planning logistics overwhelm you.

Ensures you do not forget essential items for your trip

Controls how much you bring into the trip, preventing over-packing or under-packing.

Categorizing Items for Efficient Packing

Breaking your packing list into documents, technology, and clothes categories ensures efficient packing.

If going for a camping adventure , including a food and outdoor equipment category, and if traveling with a partner, add a shared category.

After listing the items in each category, list what you need, then reorganize in order of priority.

Lastly, refine your list by removing what you do not need, then start packing.

Packing Techniques

Different packing techniques will apply depending on the item and the space available.

Rolling Clothes To Save Space And Reduce Wrinkles

Clothes take up a large volume of your backpack, hence the need for strategic packing to save space.

Roll soft garments like undergarments and t-shirts and place them in your packing cubes.

Utilize the remaining space for your folded blazers and khaki pants.

To reduce wrinkles, place tissue paper between the folds to minimize your clothes movement in the bag.

Using Packing Cubes Or Compression Bags For Organization

Using packing cubes and compression bags will create more space in your backpack by expelling unnecessary air.

These tools are ideal if your backpack already has organizational pockets.

A packing cube or compression bag also helps keep similar items together for easy retrieval.

Storing Electronics and Valuables

Electronics, travel documents, cash, and jewelry require proper packing and security from thieves.

If you have more valuable pieces like vintage rings or expensive diamond necklaces, be sure to store them in specialty boxes that would help keep them safe and secure during travel. 

✓ Protecting Electronics With Padded Sleeves Or Cases

Pack your laptop in the padded pocket of your bag, and if your bag does not have this provision, store your gadget in a padded sleeve or case.

For tech with easy-to-scratch screens, consider a microfleece-lined pocket and place your earbuds and batteries in a packing cube or smaller pocket.

✓ Securing Valuables In Hidden Pockets Or Using Travel Locks

High-quality backpacks include a hidden pocket where you can secure your valuables.

These deep-seated pockets are perfect for IDs, cash, passports, credit cards, and cell phones.

Investing in a travel lock is also advisable to secure your backpack to benches, and permanent fixtures, making it hard for a thief to snatch it.

Also, utilize zipper locks for your largest zippers to keep away pickpockets.

Packing And Organizing Accessories

Pack your accessories, including SD cards, chargers, and camera, in a Ziploc bag and place it in your backpack’s electronic device compartment.

This way, you will secure them from water damage and ensure easy access.

Packing Snacks And Water Bottles

Packing snacks and dry food in your backpack is advisable if you want to grab something along the way.

Pack on-the-go snacks such as roasted nuts , protein bars, seeds, and dry fruits in a Ziploc bag.

Checking your airline regulations about food is advisable before packing as some disallow certain foods.

You should also pack a filled water bottle in the designated side pouch or pocket to stay hydrated.

Tips For A Well-Balanced Backpack

You will carry your backpack on your back, hence the need for weight distribution to prevent back complications.

1. Distributing Weight Evenly for Comfortable Carrying

Even weight distribution requires placing most weight close to your body to maintain the center of gravity.

This way, your load will be easier to manage, preventing frequent bumping into people and things, as you are more aware of its weight and size.

Your bag will also be more comfortable than if the weight is away from your body.

A simple way to distribute weight for comfortable carrying should include the following:

Placing the heaviest stuff close to your body, in the vertical middle of your bag.

These include your shoes and laptop.

Placing medium-weight items at the vertical top of the backpack.

Placing lightweight stuff, such as clothes, at the vertical bottom.

2. Adjusting Straps And Using Waist Belts For Support

Straps and waist belts are crucial for added support.

While everyone has their preference when adjusting the straps and waist belts, the main focus should be weight distribution.

Therefore, tighten the waist belt as you adjust your backpack to ensure weight distribution around your hips and not just the shoulders, and adjust the shoulder straps to a comfortable fit.

Conclusion: How To Pack And Organize A Backpack For Travel

Packing for a trip requires proper organization of your backpack to ensure easy access to your essentials.

Keeping the backpack weight minimal is advisable to minimize the risks of back pain from carrying too much weight around.

Also, consider your bag’s safety while on the go and use travel locks to keep thieves at bay.

With proper packing and weight distribution, you will have an easier trip.

The post How To Pack And Organize A Backpack For Travel appeared first on Discovering Hidden Gems .

Have you ever wondered how to pack and organize a backpack for travel? We've got you covered with everything you need to know.

Essential Items Every Traveler Packs In Their Backpack

  • Last updated May 12, 2024
  • Difficulty Advanced

Matteo Giordani

  • Category Travel

what do travelers keep in their backpacks

When it comes to traveling, there are certain items that every seasoned wanderer knows are essential. These items are carefully chosen to ensure a smooth and successful journey, whether it's a weekend getaway or a months-long adventure. From practical necessities like a reliable travel adapter to personal comforts like a favorite book, these are the essential items every traveler packs in their backpack. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or planning your first big trip, read on to discover what should be in your backpack on your next adventure.

What You'll Learn

Essential clothing and toiletries, travel documents and money, technology and entertainment, health and safety essentials.


When it comes to packing for a trip, one of the most important things to consider is what clothing and toiletries to bring. These essentials can greatly impact your comfort and convenience while on the road. Whether you're traveling for a short weekend getaway or embarking on a long-term adventure, here are some essential clothing and toiletries to consider packing in your backpack.

  • Underwear: Bring enough pairs to last for your entire trip. Opt for moisture-wicking and quick-drying materials for maximum comfort.
  • Socks: Pack both regular and hiking socks, depending on your itinerary. Again, moisture-wicking and odor-resistant fabrics are ideal.
  • T-shirts/Tank tops: Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics that can easily be layered or worn alone.
  • Long-sleeve shirts: Pack at least one for cooler or sun-sensitive destinations.
  • Pants/Shorts: Bring a mix of comfortable pants and shorts, depending on the climate and activities you plan to engage in.
  • Dresses/Skirts: For women, consider packing one or two versatile dresses or skirts that can be dressed up or down.
  • Outerwear: Carry a lightweight jacket or sweater for unpredictable weather conditions.
  • Swimwear: If you're heading to a beach or planning water activities, don't forget to pack swimwear.
  • Sleepwear: Bring comfortable sleep clothes for a good night's rest.


  • Toothbrush and toothpaste: Choose travel-sized versions to save space in your backpack.
  • Hairbrush/Comb: Keep your hair looking neat and tidy with a compact brush or comb.
  • Shampoo and conditioner: Pack travel-sized bottles or transfer your favorite products into reusable containers.
  • Soap/Body wash: Opt for bar soap or a travel-sized body wash for showering.
  • Deodorant: Stay fresh and odor-free throughout your trip with a travel-sized deodorant.
  • Razor: If you plan to shave, don't forget to pack a razor along with extra blades.
  • Moisturizer: Keep your skin hydrated with a small bottle of face and body moisturizer.
  • Sunscreen: Protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays with a travel-sized sunscreen.
  • Lip balm: Prevent dry, chapped lips with a moisturizing lip balm.
  • Feminine hygiene products: If you're a woman, bring an ample supply of tampons or sanitary pads.
  • Medications/First-aid kit: Pack any necessary medications, as well as a small first-aid kit with band-aids, antiseptic ointment, and pain relievers.

It's important to pack efficiently and only include what you truly need. Consider the climate, activities, and duration of your trip when choosing clothing and toiletries. Remember to prioritize comfort and functionality, and don't forget to check any specific regulations or restrictions for your destination. Happy traveling!

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When it comes to traveling, it's essential to keep your important documents and money safe and secure. These items are crucial for a smooth and worry-free journey. In this article, we'll talk about the essential documents and money that travelers should always keep in their backpacks.

Your passport is your ultimate travel document and should be the first thing you pack. Always keep your passport in a secure and easily accessible place in your backpack. This will ensure that you can quickly present it when needed, such as during immigration checks or hotel check-ins.

If you require a visa to enter a specific country, make sure you have it with you at all times during your trip. Keep your visa together with your passport, so you don't risk losing it. Many countries also require you to have a printed copy of your visa, so be sure to include that in your backpack as well.

Identification (ID) Cards:

Carrying a valid identification card, such as a driver's license or national ID card, is always a good idea while traveling. These cards may come in handy for various purposes, like renting a vehicle, purchasing alcohol, or verifying your identity in case of emergencies.

Travel Insurance:

Travel insurance is an essential document that can protect you in case of unforeseen situations, such as medical emergencies or trip cancellations. Keep a copy of your travel insurance policy and emergency contact information in your backpack. It's also smart to have an electronic copy saved on your phone or email for easy access.

Having a detailed travel itinerary can be helpful for both yourself and others. Keep a copy of your itinerary in your backpack, including flight details, accommodation bookings, and important contact numbers. This information will be useful in case of any unexpected changes or if you need to provide information to officials or loved ones back home.

Cash and Credit/Debit Cards:

Always carry a mix of cash and credit/debit cards when traveling. It's wise to keep some local currency for immediate expenses like transportation or small purchases. Additionally, carry at least one major credit or debit card as a backup for emergencies or larger expenses. Ensure you have notified your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with card usage.

Emergency Contact Information:

Keep a list of emergency contact numbers in your backpack. This can include the contact information of family members, the local embassy or consulate, your travel insurance provider, and a trusted friend or relative back home. Having this information readily available can be crucial in case of emergencies or if you need to report any lost or stolen items.

To keep these documents and money safe:

  • Invest in a good quality backpack with hidden compartments or anti-theft features.
  • Use a small zippered pouch or wallet for organizing and storing your documents together.
  • Consider using a money belt or neck pouch to keep your cash and cards secure and hidden under your clothing.
  • Make electronic copies of all your travel documents and store them in secure cloud storage or email them to yourself.

Remember, these documents and money are valuable, and losing them can cause significant inconvenience and stress during your trip. Always keep them secure and easily accessible in your backpack, so you can enjoy your travels with peace of mind.

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Traveling can be an exciting and enriching experience. Whether you're exploring a new city or embarking on an epic hiking adventure, having the right gear can make your trip more enjoyable. When it comes to technology and entertainment, there are a few essential items that frequent travelers often keep in their backpacks.

  • Smartphone: A smartphone is a must-have for any traveler. It serves as your communication device, camera, navigation system, and more. Make sure to pack a sturdy case and a portable charger for extra battery life.
  • Noise-canceling headphones: Long flights, noisy hostels, and busy city streets can be overwhelming at times. Noise-canceling headphones can provide a much-needed respite and allow you to enjoy your favorite music, podcasts, or audiobooks while on the road.
  • E-reader or tablet: If you're an avid reader, consider packing an e-reader or tablet. These devices are lightweight and compact, allowing you to carry a library's worth of books in your bag. They are also great for watching movies, playing games, or catching up on TV shows during long layovers or relaxing evenings.
  • Portable power bank: Keeping your devices charged while on-the-go is crucial. Invest in a portable power bank that can charge multiple devices simultaneously. Look for one with a high-capacity battery to ensure you have enough power to last throughout your entire trip.
  • Travel adapter: Different countries often have different electrical outlets. A universal travel adapter will ensure that you can charge your devices no matter where you are in the world. Look for one that is compact, lightweight, and compatible with multiple plug types.
  • GoPro or action camera: Capture those adventurous moments with a GoPro or an action camera. These compact cameras are designed to withstand harsh conditions and provide stunning footage of your travels. Whether you're hiking, surfing, or snorkeling, these cameras are a great addition to your backpack.
  • Portable Bluetooth speaker: If you enjoy listening to music or hosting impromptu gatherings with fellow travelers, a portable Bluetooth speaker is a must-have. Look for a compact and durable speaker that delivers good sound quality.
  • Travel adapter with USB ports: In addition to a universal travel adapter, consider investing in a travel adapter with built-in USB ports. This way, you can charge your devices directly using USB cables, eliminating the need for bulky adapters.
  • Laptop or tablet: If you need to work remotely, edit photos, or stay connected with friends and family, a laptop or tablet is essential. Consider the weight and size of the device and choose one that fits your needs while still being portable.
  • Waterproof pouch or case: Protect your devices from water damage by using a waterproof pouch or case. This is especially important if you're planning on engaging in water activities or visiting rainy destinations.

Remember, while it's great to have these tech and entertainment items in your backpack, it's important to strike a balance. Avoid overpacking and choose items that truly enhance your travel experience. With the right technology and entertainment gear, your adventures will be even more enjoyable and memorable. Happy travels!

Understanding Visas: What You Need to Know when Traveling

When it comes to traveling, keeping your health and safety in mind is essential. Whether you're exploring a new city, hiking in the wilderness, or embarking on a long-term adventure, it's important to have certain essentials in your backpack to ensure you stay healthy and safe throughout your journey.

First and foremost, a well-stocked first-aid kit is a must-have. It should include band-aids, adhesive tape, sterile gauze pads, antiseptic wipes or solution, scissors, tweezers, and pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. You may also want to include any personal medications you require, such as allergy medication or prescription drugs, as well as basic over-the-counter remedies for common ailments like diarrhea or stomach upset.

In addition to a first-aid kit, it's a good idea to carry items that can help protect you from the elements. Sunscreen with a high SPF, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses will keep you protected from harmful UV rays, especially if you're spending a lot of time outdoors. If you're traveling in areas with mosquitoes or other insects that may carry diseases, insect repellent or mosquito nets can provide protection.

Maintaining proper hygiene is crucial for staying healthy while on the road. Pack a travel-size bottle of hand sanitizer to clean your hands when soap and water are not available. Wet wipes or baby wipes can come in handy for freshening up or cleaning surfaces. Don't forget to pack a small towel and some travel-size toiletries like toothpaste, a toothbrush, and soap or shower gel.

Clothing and footwear choices can also play a role in maintaining your health and safety while traveling. Dressing in layers allows you to adjust to changing weather conditions and temperature fluctuations. Pack a lightweight, waterproof jacket for unexpected rain showers. Comfortable, sturdy shoes are a must, especially if you plan on doing a lot of walking or hiking. Consider packing a pair of flip-flops or sandals for lounging around in hostel showers or at the beach, but be cautious about wearing them for extensive walking or hiking, as they may not provide adequate support.

Finally, carrying some basic emergency supplies can provide additional peace of mind. A flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries is crucial in case of power outages or emergencies during nighttime. A whistle can be a lifesaver for attracting attention if you find yourself in a dangerous situation. It's also a good idea to have a waterproof bag or pouch to protect important documents like passports and travel insurance information.

Remember, the specific items you choose to pack may vary depending on your destination, duration of your trip, and individual needs. It's always a good idea to research your destination and consult with a healthcare professional before traveling to ensure you have the necessary supplies to stay healthy and safe. By being prepared and having these health and safety essentials in your backpack, you can focus on enjoying your travel experiences and make the most out of your adventures.

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33 Best Travel Essentials You Should Always Pack

What our editors always travel with, and you should, too.

For some of us, an affordable carry-on is our travel essential. For others, it's nothing less than a Rimowa suitcase . Some of us never travel without a cashmere sweater . Personally, I swear by this Halfday Garment Duffel , but others swear by a classic weekender . We're exploring all options here.

Cashmere Sweater

Best Sweater for Travelling

Naadam cashmere sweater.

The Garment Duffel

Travel Packing Hack

Halfday the garment duffel.

Just In Case Tote

Best Packable Tote Bag

Tumi just in case tote.

Passport Cover in Panama

Best Passport Cover

Smythson passport cover in panama.

Dopp Kit

Best Dopp Kit Upgrade

Lucchese dopp kit.

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J.crew kenmare unstructured suit jacket.

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Lululemon abc classic-fit pant.

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Sabah baba leather slip on.

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Husbands paris black metal corners wallet.

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Best Hanging Toiletry Bag

Away the hanging toiletry bag.

From post-flight, or in-flight, grooming must haves to luxury wallets that make you feel more put together walking through TSA, you can trust our expertise here. And here's a light warning. We will, only once, recommend that you still wear a suit while you travel. It's part of our DNA, sorry. Other than that, these are the 33 travel essentials that we swear by.

It sounds annoying to say a cashmere sweater is the perfect travel accessory, but it's so warm, soft, and lightweight, there's nothing that beats it. Plus, our favorite sweater from Naadam only cost $100.

I've already written about how great this bag is . A garment duffel isn't a new concept, but for $100, this version of it is life changing. Pack two suits or a few dresses, roll up the bag, then add everything else like normal. Nice clothes stay wrinkle free and everything packs more easily.

We all know the deal. It's a return flight, you have new clothes and souvenirs, or you just are packing a lot less diligently. That's where this Just In Case Tote comes in. It packs down to the size of a book and expands to be a sizable personal item.

A passport cover is tough to call an essential, but once you hit a certain level of frequent flyer, it absolutely is. This one in luxe leather from Smythson is the best you can buy.

One thing we really believe in is upgrading your dopp kit. That polyester one from Amazon won't make you happy, and it'll disintegrate in a few years. Lucchese makes some of the best travel bags on the market , and this pebble leather dopp kit is the best value on the website.

Yes, the men's magazine is still telling you to wear a suit on a flight. A relaxed-fit unstructured suit is a man's matching set. It's just as comfortable as your ugly PJ pants, getting dressed takes two seconds, and you look great no matter how jet lagged you are.

If you insist on doing stretchy pants, make sure you do the best stretchy pants on Earth .

The airport shoe situation is a funny one. There's a lot of ways to tackle the issue. Most people prefer sneakers. Loafers are a great shout. Cowboy boots —they're slip ons!—are my chaotic choice. The only rule is no exposed toes.

Truthfully, though, these Sabah slip ons are the only answer to "What's the best travel shoe?" Slip on, slip off. Wear them to the beach, or use them as a bring your own hotel slipper.

When you're an American exploring parts of the world you're unfamiliar with, be smart. A front pocket wallet will keep you from being on the losing end of tourist pickpocket schemes. This one from Husbands is my absolute favorite.

If you have an especially long self-care routine, you'll need something a bit more tailor-made. This hanging toiletry bag from Away is a great shout.

Cadence Flex System

Flex System

As far as routines go, this Cadence system is a functional masterpiece. You can customize a set of containers for grooming products, bath products, and supplements. All the little hexagons click together for easy packing. It's some of the best travel design we've ever gotten our hands on.

Byredo Mojave Ghost Roll-On

Mojave Ghost Roll-On

Creating your own olfactory bubble is a life-changing travel hack, but spray-on cologne is a bit intense for the plane ride. Byredo makes nice roll-on fragrances to solve that problem.

F. Miller Eye Oil

Eye Oil

That stale plane air is a nightmare for your skin. This eye oil firms and nourishes skin while still feeling natural. Keep it on hand to take care of any problem areas—around your eyes, lips, and cuticles. It's our best hack for looking good even after a long flight.

Bose QuietComfort Headphones

QuietComfort Headphones

We're big proponents of noise-cancelling headphones for pretty much all things that require either a deep inner focus or a hard distance from the world outside. Bose's QuietComfort headphones silence the world (crying babies, crunching plane neighbors) around you.

Bombas Everyday Compression Socks

Everyday Compression Socks

These socks will reduce any swelling or numbness after a long flight, or a short one for that matter. Compression socks are your new favorite travel companion. These have a daily-use approved 15-20mmHg pressure.

Patagonia Nano Puff Fitz Roy Trout Hoody

Nano Puff Fitz Roy Trout Hoody

A packable Patagonia jacket is one of travel's biggest upgrades. It's super warm, and makes for an excellent extra layer—especially when you're not sure what you'll need. It packs into a little cube, which can double as a travel pillow.

Davek The Mini

The Mini

Tiny and adorable, this will save you from some unexpected weather. The micro design tucks away perfectly into your suitcase.

Drake's Brown Birds of Paradise Print Wool Scarf

Brown Birds of Paradise Print Wool Scarf

Even more versatile than a sweater is a lightweight scarf. Any scarf from Drake's is a good buy, but this printed one is especially fun. In the terminal, it's an accessory. In the lounge, it's a blanket. On the flight, it's a shawl, eye mask, emergency pillow, or a fucking tablecloth. If you buy one thing for travel, buy a good lightweight scarf.

Adidas Originals Stan Smith

Stan Smith

Stan Smith's are another classic choice. Wear them with jeans, sweatpants, or a suit, and look fine in all instances.

NEW BALANCE 990v4 Sneakers

990v4 Sneakers

Sometimes you just need to get there, and these sneakers will do the trick. And when you do get there, go stretch your weary plane legs on a long walk without having to change shoes.

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Person weighing yellow suitcase on scale.

6 tips on packing light, according to travel experts

There's nothing worse than putting your suitcase on the scale at the airport and seeing that number tip over the dreaded weight limit. The only solution is to fling open your bag, take a quick inventory of what you can take out, and stuff those items in your carry-on while customers harrumph in that very long line behind you.

Not only is this particular situation embarrassing, but having to schlep around a heavy bag wherever you're going doesn't exactly make for idyllic travel. Plus, with major airlines raising baggage fees by nearly 30% this year, and long waits at baggage claim, checking a large bag certainly isn't ideal.

If these struggles are far too real, and you've dreamed about being the kind of traveler who can breeze through the airport with a lighter-than-air carry-on — without a single worry about weight (or sweat dripping down your back) — then maybe it's time to learn how to pack a lighter bag for your next jet-setting journey.

The truth is, we're packing far more than we actually need. Bringing the extra stuff for the rare occasion you might need it is only weighing you down in the long run. To fix your packing woes, Stacker spoke with travel agents and seasoned travel experts on how to pack light, focus on the necessities, and make smarter choices on what to pack. Here are their tips and tricks on how to pack the lightest bag possible next time you travel.

Person organizing rolled shirts.

Pack interchangeable pieces that go with everything

While it may seem efficient to plan out a single outfit for each day that you'll be traveling, in reality, you're likely packing more tops and bottoms than you need. Instead, Echo Wang, CEO, cofounder, and seasoned traveler behind Cool Travel Vibes , says to choose items that can mix and match, making it easier to pull together an outfit with fewer items.

"Pack neutral tones and basic styles that you can layer for different temperatures," she told Stacker. "Think interchangeable tops and bottoms you can wear with multiple outfits. Remember, you can always hand wash clothes in a pinch, so pack light on the quantity and focus on quality, multifunctional pieces."

An easy way to do this is to follow the 5-4-3-2-1 packing method , invented by blogger Jen Bosen and referenced by numerous travel experts across the internet. The method goes as follows: pack five shirts, four bottoms, three pairs of shoes, two layers, and one dress (or formal wear). With this method, you can create 120 different outfit combinations, and your suitcase is still exponentially lighter.

Person organizing suitcase for packing.

Choose wrinkle-resistant fabrics

When it comes to actually choosing the items to pack, Wang recommends picking clothes that won't take up too much space and create too many wrinkles. "Opt for quick-drying, wrinkle-resistant fabrics. They'll bounce back from tight packing and save you precious luggage space."

Typically, fabrics made from a synthetic material, like nylon, spandex, or polyester, resist wrinkles more than pure blends like 100% cotton or linen. Wool also doesn't need ironing. Packing these fabrics also lightens your load for any items you would need to help eliminate wrinkles in the first place, like wrinkle sprays or travel-size steamers.

Hands placing packing cubes on top of suitcase.

Use packing cubes

Mercedes Zach, a travel agent at ASAP Tickets, always recommends investing in packing cubes to organize your items.

"Packing and unpacking can be a bit of a hustle, especially if you're traveling with more than one suitcase," Zach told Stacker. "However, organizing your belongings becomes a lot easier if you use packing cubes that are made to make the packing process more efficient and help with navigating through your travel items. They come in different shapes, sizes, and materials and have quickly replaced the good old packing method of rolling the clothes."

To save even more space in your bag—especially if you plan on shopping or accumulating more items on your trip—Zach says to specifically buy packing cubes that can compress with double zippers. "This type of packing cube is very lightweight, and you will be surprised by how much stuff you can carry with you using these. Besides, packing cubes are relatively inexpensive, and they are well worth every penny."

Woman packing carry on bag with essentials.

Pack a lightweight carry-on bag

The weight of your clothes, accessories, and recreational items aren't the only weighty items to worry about; your luggage can get just as heavy, depending on the material it is made of. Giacomo Piva, a travel industry analyst and co-founder of Radical Storage, says it's worth investing in a high-quality, lightweight rolling carry-on to keep the overall weight of your bag at even more of a minimum.

Specifically, Piva says to buy a soft-shell suitcase instead given how much lighter they can be compared to the popular hard-shell bags on the market these days. "Better to choose a soft-shell suitcase because it offers more flexibility and capacity, especially for items of different shapes, such as shoes or toiletries. Although hard-shell bags can compress and hold clothing better, they are also more at risk of cracking and are heavier in weight," Piva told Stacker.

Colorful round solid shampoo bars

Opt for solid toiletries

While packing smaller versions of all your necessary toiletries certainly saves space (and passes TSA regulations if you're flying), switching to solid toiletries is an even easier way to keep things light. After traveling to 48 states and 49 countries, Peggy Carlaw, CEO and chief blogger at The Smart Travel Guide, says packing solid options means you can easily shave off what you need instead of taking the whole bar with you. "You can find everything from solid shampoo to deodorant and toothpaste to lotion. Lush and Ethique are two good brands," Carlaw told Stacker.

If you prefer liquid toiletries, Carlaw says purchasing travel-sized, leakproof reusable bottles allows you to also only decant the shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, face wash, or whatever else you'll need. It may seem like a small amount of weight, but if you're not filling the bottles up to the top, it can make a significant difference in the long run.

Woman with notebook and packing checklist.

Forget packing anything 'just in case'

Although it may seem wise to plan for those unexpected moments, in reality, there are many items that you likely don't need to bring "just in case."

"Remember, the rest of the world has stores," Carlaw added. "You can almost always purchase what you need when you arrive. It's a great way to interact with the locals."

Another situation of "just in case" packing is choosing to bring something because "maybe" you'll want it—maybe another book or extra snacks in case you get hungry. Both of these things can be purchased if you need them (how fun is it to buy a new book in a foreign country!).

Even so, remember to be honest with yourself. If the trip you're going on is all about touring and seeing the sights, will you have time to read? If you're looking to explore a town or a city, why not hit a café for that snack and turn it into an experience? Take only what you truly need, and handle those rare "just in case" moments as they come.

Story editing by Carren Jao. Copy editing by Paris Close.

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Beach packing list: 33 essentials for your 2024 trip.

Get ready for seaside, lakeside or poolside fun with this list of must-pack items.

Beach Packing List

Beach Packing List graphic

There's a lot that goes into planning a beach vacation, even after you decide where you're going and settle on a hotel , resort, vacation villa or condominium. You also have to create a packing list that has everything you need – including items for the beach you may not have even thought about.

Obviously, your beach packing list can be more extensive if you're driving to the beach and you have room in your car. In that case, you can bring along items to make your beach trip more comfortable, like beach chairs and beach umbrellas. If you're flying, on the other hand, you'll need to stick to beach essentials like sunscreen, sun hats, rash guards and of course your favorite beach bag. You can also look into travel-size items that pass muster with TSA for travel in your carry-on.

To help you decide what to pack for your beach vacation, U.S. News has compiled a list of essentials below. You can also download the beach packing list here .

Beach trip packing list

Beach pillow, water shoes, beach chairs, beach wagon, beach towels, beach umbrella or tent, bathing suits, beach blanket, reef-safe sunscreen, flip-flops or pool slides, beach cooler, rash guards, underwater camera, packable jacket, portable speaker, waterproof phone case, reusable water bottle, first-aid kit, baby powder, after-sun lotion, leave-in conditioner spray, toiletry organizer.

Your beach trip packing list should definitely include a beach bag. After all, you'll need something to carry your beach essentials like sunscreen, sunglasses and a beach read. If you have kids, you'll want extra room for snacks, toys and maybe even a change of clothes.

The Becokan Large Waterproof Beach Tote Bag is our top beach bag pick for its large capacity and lightweight waterproof construction. For beach picnics, consider a combination tote and cooler bag like the OdyseaCo Beach Bag with Cooler Compartment . It keeps cold beverages, sammies and more chilled and separated from your towels, magazines and other necessities – plus, the cooler part is fully detachable for when you don't need it. There's also an endless number of beach bags on Amazon . Be sure to browse U.S. News' list of the best beach bags .

Ballast Beach Pillow in blue against white background.

Courtesy of Ballast

A beach pillow is great for those times when you want to lay in the sun in comfort, and maybe even take a nap with the sounds of the waves crashing in the background. The best beach pillows are easy to transport, don't take up a lot of space and make your beach time even more relaxing.

One great option is the Ballast Beach Pillow because it's inflatable and made of weather-resistant fabric. It also attaches to beach chairs and comes with a compact carrying case for storage and transport.

You'll also want to have water shoes packed for everyone in your crew, or else you could live to regret it. Kids may want water shoes on as they venture into the ocean where they can't see the bottom, and parents may want them to protect against rocks, shells, coral and ocean creatures, too. Bringing water shoes is an easy way to protect feet from painful scrapes and cuts that could literally cut your fun time at the beach.

You can buy basic water shoes in a local store at home or find a range of water shoe options online at Amazon for women , men and kids .

If you're looking for beach essentials to bring in your car for a weeklong beach trip, don't forget to look for styles that fold up easily. A good beach chair can make your day on the beach considerably more comfortable, especially when you consider the toll that sitting on the sand for several hours can take on your back and neck.

Some of the best beach chairs – like the Tommy Bahama Deluxe Backpack Beach Chair , the U.S. News pick for top beach chair – have a drink holder, an insulated pouch and a zippered storage compartment. These features make it easy to relax, unwind and have everything you need.

Packed Whitsunday Collapsible Folding Cart – M-Foldable in black against white background.

Courtesy of Whitsunday

Hauling all your beach gear through the sand can be taxing and difficult. To make it easier, consider a folding option with large wheels designed for sand, like the Beau Jardin Folding Beach Wagon , chosen by U.S. News as one of the top beach wagons . A foldable style can easily go in the trunk when you're done at the beach.

While resorts and rentals may have towels to use during your stay, having a dedicated beach towel for everyone can be quite useful. It'll help avoid kids or teens arguing over which towel belongs to who, especially when they're wet.

You can pick up beach towels almost anywhere, but a large Turkish towel can make your vacation much more sand-free. The Sand Cloud beach towels on Amazon are quick-drying but also naturally repel sand. Or, let everyone express their personality with a lightweight microfiber beach towel in fun prints like flowers or sea turtles.

A beach umbrella or tent is another must-have item if you plan to spend the day on the sand. The best options easily anchor in the ground and are adjustable so you can move them with the sun's movements throughout the day.

There are numerous beach umbrellas you can buy online . Choose a design that works for your beach day style or – depending on the amount of shade you may want – consider one of our picks for the best beach tents . Whichever you choose, make sure you also have a beach umbrella anchor , if the umbrella you select doesn't already include one.

A beach trip requires everyone in the family to have a bathing suit, but you may even want to bring a few extra suits along. This is especially true if you have kids who like to swim several times a day. Having a few bathing suit options means they won't have to constantly put a wet swimsuit back on, and that you can have suits not in use hanging to dry while you're out for the day.

To find an array of styles and range of sizes for the whole family, shop for bathing suits on Amazon .

Wekapo Beach Blanket in blue colors against white background.

Courtesy of Wekapo

If you want to host a picnic or have little kids who like to play the day away in the sand, a beach blanket is another must-have. You may spend the bulk of your family beach vacation watching the kids make sand castles or play in the surf, yet they'll want a sand-free place to sit from time to time. A beach blanket provides exactly that, and the best ones fold up easily for transport in your beach bag.

Check out the Wekapo Beach Blanket , which is sand-free and comes with six stakes and four built-in corner pockets. For more options, consult our list of the top beach blankets .

Maybe you don't want to sit in just your swimsuit all day, or perhaps you want something you can quickly throw on over your suit to go to breakfast or head back to your room to grab snacks and drinks. Either way, swimsuit cover-ups for the whole family (or at least those who want them) are always a good idea.

As you look for the right cover-up , remember that they come in different colors and styles. Some are dress-like or shirt-like styles, such as the Coolibar UPF 50+ Palma Aire Beach Shirt , which can provide additional sun protection. Others are sheer or made of netting like the Eomenie Contrast Lace Bathing Suit Cover Up .

You'll also want to bring sunscreen on your beach vacation, but not just any kind: Reef-safe sunscreen keeps your skin safe from the sun's harmful rays, yet it doesn't hurt the ocean, coral reefs or the animals that call the sea home.

While there are many reef-safe sunscreen brands, one top option is the Blithe Honest Sunscreen for its hydrating effect and pH balance. This reef-safe sunscreen is also made without oxybenzone and octinoxate, which can hurt coral reefs and sea ecosystems.

Green Sprouts Flap Sun Protection Hat in aqua against white background

Courtesy of Green Sprouts

A good beach hat can keep your face protected from the sun, but it can also provide you with some much-needed shade. Of course, you can just pack a hat you have at home – or splurge on a style that coordinates with your swimming attire.

From straw brims to packable options, there are a lot of beach hat choices . To narrow the options, consider the activities you'll be doing. For lounging by the pool, this Lanzom straw hat is a top option, as is the Quiksilver Men's Pierside Straw Lifeguard Hat .

For those who love wearing a ponytail, Ponyback hats have a built-in hidden slot for a ponytail. If you're bringing little ones to the beach, the green sprouts Baby Flap Sun Protection Swim Hat is perfect for infants, and the Sunday Afternoons Kids' Play Hat is ideal for protecting young children's skin. Check out all of U.S. News' top beach hat picks .

Protecting your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun is good for everyone. Choosing a timeless, full-coverage style like Ray-Ban Wayfarer Polarized or Ray-Ban Classic Polarized Aviator sunglasses will shield you from the sun, minimize squinting and maybe even help avoid a headache. For the kids, check out a variety of children's sunglasses on Amazon.

Another essential for your family beach trip is flip-flops or pool slides, and you may want to have more than one pair. Women may want a set like the Clarks Breeze Sea Flip-flops or the Cole Haan Findra Pool Slides for the beach, but you may also want a slightly more dressy pair of slides like Kenneth Cole REACTION Glam-athon sandals for dinners out and trips to the store.

For men, the Reef Rover Sandals are available in four colors, while the toddlers and kids can pick a pair of KRABOR flip-flops with back straps in a fun print or color.

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Maximize the fun in the sun and waves with fun floating swim noodles , or use one to create a floating sling chair . Of course, the kids will want to play in the sand, so grab a castle mold set for creativity by the sea (or lake). If floating is the name of the game, release your inner mermaid with a mermaid tail pool float or consider inflatable flamingo and unicorn floaties from Jasonwell.

YETI Hopper Flip 18 Portable Soft Cooler in orange against white background.

Courtesy of YETI

You will absolutely want a beach cooler that's easy to carry so you can keep food and beverages cold for your time on the sand. After all, having a beach cooler in tow means you won't have to head back to your room to get drinks and snacks, and that you can pack what you need for the day and bring it along.

Popular cooler brand YETI offers beach coolers in several sizes, including coolers with shoulder straps and backpack straps for hands-free carrying. One top option is the YETI Hopper Flip 18 Portable Soft Cooler since it holds up to 18 cans (or fewer cans and some food) and comes with a built-in strap that lets you carry it like a beach bag. Our list of top cooler bags offers even more options.

Rash guards offer extra sun protection since they cover more of your skin without keeping you out of the water. The best ones offer SPF protection of some kind, while also being comfortable and cute. You can find rash guards in every size , color and design on Amazon.

Whether you plan to go on a snorkeling trip or you just want a dry place to store some items at the pool or the beach, a dry bag can help. These bags offer a waterproof escape for items you want to keep safe and dry, and they come with enclosures that ensure water can't accidentally seep in.

There are many dry bags you can buy online, including this top-rated pack of three from Outdoor Products . Not only are these dry bags waterproof, but they come in three sizes and have a roll-top enclosure that keeps your items safe from exposure.

Three angles of the GoPro Hero 11 against white background.

Courtesy of GoPro

If you're planning a snorkeling or diving session and you want to capture images of life underwater, a waterproof camera should make your beach packing list. Having this kind of camera along can be a fun way to capture the moment, and it can also a creative activity for the kids.

The most popular underwater camera by far is the GoPro Hero 11 , and it's easy to see why. This underwater camera takes pictures and records video, and you can buy additional accessories to make the camera even more user-friendly. For example, you can purchase a floating hand grip that ensures your camera won't accidentally end up on the ocean floor.

The beach may be a hot place to be during the day, but temperatures always drop when the sun goes down. Depending on where you are, you may even find that your beach destination is downright cool at night – especially when the ocean breeze is in full force.

With that in mind, you'll want to bring a packable jacket along on your trip. Highly rated options include the Capa Hybrid Insulated Hooded Jacket for women from Cotopaxi since it's stylish but also folds up easily, plus this lightweight men's jacket from Amazon Essentials . For options that can withstand all kinds of weather, check out our top packable jacket choices .

Bringing paper books on your family beach vacation may be your best bet, but you can also add an e-reader to your packing list. Having an e-reader can help you bring more books along without taking up any extra space, and most are compact and light as well.

If you have an e-reader already, make sure to bring it along on your trip. If not, you can buy Kindles and other e-reading devices online. You'll find some are even waterproof, including the Kindle Paperwhite .

There's nothing like some good tunes to add to fun at the beach. Consider something compact, portable and waterproof like the Bose Soundlink Micro Bluetooth speaker . This product is small enough to toss in your beach bag, and you can take calls on the speaker or stream your curated playlist.

Anker 733 Power Bank against white background.

Courtesy of Anker

Make sure you have a power bank with you on your beach trip, especially if several members of your family all have their own devices. While you can always charge your phones, cameras, laptops and tablets in your vacation rental or hotel room, a portable power bank lets you charge up items wherever you are – even on the beach.

There are numerous portable power bank options online, but make sure you compare them based on their charging capacity and battery power. This Anker portable charger from Amazon is powerful enough to charge up to three devices at once.

Sure, you may be out of office, but you'll be using your phone to snap pics, share your photos on social media and stream your playlists. But days at the beach can be hard on your phone, so a waterproof phone case can help protect it from liquids, sand and sunscreen. The Vera Bradley waterproof phone pouch includes a lanyard and lets you use your phone without removing it from the case, while the Rifle Paper Co. style from Case-Mate has a watertight seal and floats.

Bringing a reusable water bottle along on your trip lets you avoid the environmental impact of single-use plastic while ensuring you always have something to drink. You can use your own water bottle and fill it up for each trip to the beach.

If you don't have a reusable water bottle at home to add to your beach packing list, consider purchasing a water bottle online so you can use it over and over again and avoid buying bottled water for the long haul. Consider this reusable water bottle from Amazon .

Welly Bandages in dog design against white background.

Courtesy of Welly

A first-aid kit is a must-have when you're traveling to the beach with kids. After all, one of them is bound to get a cut or bruise an elbow when they're out playing all day, and you'll want to be prepared.

Bandages from Welly are popular because they come in fun colors and designs that kids love. Welly even refers to some of their bandages as "bravery patches," which can give kids' self-esteem a boost after they're hurt.

Don't let pesky flies, ticks and other bugs ruin your beach day. Bring along some Babyganics natural insect repellent spray , which is DEET-free. Or, for easy transport, consider Repel insect repellent wipes .

Fun in the sand is what makes a day at the beach, but bring along some Johnson's baby powder to help remove that sand when it's time to pack up. It'll help get the stubborn sand off your skin so you don't bring half of the beach into your hotel room or vehicle.

From cleansing before you eat to getting the extra sunscreen off your hands, wet wipes – like travel-size Wet Ones – are a must-have for beach days. In addition to wiping your hands, you can use them to clean up spills or wipe something off your shirt before it becomes a stain.

After-sun lotion can soothe aching skin after you've spent too much time outside, but it can also ensure your skin stays hydrated and healthy. Some after-sun lotions come in the form of body butter, while others are made of specific ingredients like aloe vera.

Sun Bum Cool Down lotion is popular because it's made with aloe vera and cocoa butter. Not only does this lotion help heal sun-damaged skin, but it instantly nourishes too.

Carmex Weather Guard lip balm against colorful background.

Courtesy of Carmex

Lip balm is a must for long days at the beach, and some products even come with SPF protection. This ensures your lips won't get burned like your skin can, all while keeping your pout moisturized from morning until night.

Carmex Weather Guard lip balm is popular because it's affordable (around $6 each), and it automatically has SPF 30 protection built in. You can also check out Rubber Ducky lip balm with SPF 44 protection, which is waterproof and comes in a three-pack on Amazon.

The hot sun can wreak havoc on your hair, but you can get it back in shape with the right leave-in products. Some leave-in conditioner sprays are specially formulated to protect against the sun, and even to enhance the color of your hair after sun exposure.

For example, Sun Bum Blonde Tone Enhancer nourishes dry hair while using violet extract and blue spirulina to bring out your hair's natural highlights. Meanwhile, Revitalizing 3-in-1 Detangler Leave In Conditioner from Sun Bum conditions and protects hair while also serving as a detangler.

Browse our list of the best toiletry organizers if you don't have one already. This item makes it easy to pack all your beach-related toiletries like sunscreen, bug spray and lip balm in a single space. You'll be able to quickly locate beach necessities when you need to reapply your sunscreen or freshen up.

There are many toiletry organizers online in different shapes and sizes. The traveler-favorite Peak Design Small Wash Pouch is a top U.S. News pick, and there's a wide variety of toiletry bags on Amazon as well.

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Holly Johnson is a veteran travel writer who has visited more than 50 countries and many of the top beach destinations in the world. She frequently heads to Florida beaches with her family, and they also love taking cruises and spending time at all-inclusive resorts. Johnson's favorite beach destination in the U.S. is Destin, Florida.  

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I Used to Travel for a Living, Here Are 16 Travel Essentials That Are Always On My Packing List

Pack like a pro with these amazon travel essentials that will keep you prepared for anything your trip throws at you..

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I'm the first to admit that I haven't always been a great packer . Not only did I live in constant fear of having to pay extra for an overweight bag, but I always arrived to the airport or train station with a sneaking suspicion that I left something really important behind. But that all changed when I landed a job where I was required to travel several times a month. Whether it was a two-day trip or a week long stay, I made it my mission to pack like a pro , which not only means being organized but also being prepared for any inconveniences I might face along the way.

I'm pleased to report that I not only accomplished that, but I also discovered some must-have travel essentials that everyone should pack. Whether you're travelling via plane, train, or car, I rounded up all of the Amazon travel essentials that you should definitely add to your packing list.

From a toiletry bag that RHOBH star Kyle Richards never travels without to depuffing under eye patches and a portable phone charger that doesn't require any cords, keep reading for the 15 best travel essentials that are always on my packing list, from someone who used to travel for a living.

Holii Travel Pill Organizer

This pill organizer is perfect for travel, since it has several compartments to separately store medications, vitamins, or pain relievers and won't take up much space. I've also used the bigger compartments for hair ties, bobby pins, and other small items. It has 14,00+ 5-star ratings in five colors.

iWALK Portable Charger

A portable phone charger is a no-brainer, but the reason this one is so great is that it doesn't require any extra cables since it pops directly into your phone's (or AirPods') charging port. It's compact, lightweight, and rechargeable, plus it comes in six colors.

Travel Bottles for Toiletries

Even if I'm checking a bag, I still like to transfer my shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and facial cleanser into TSA-friendly bottles like these. This set includes four leak-proof silicone bottles stored in a zippered pouch. Choose from 12 colorways.

Veken 8 Set Packing Cubes

My life changed for the better when I discovered packing cubes, which keep your suitcase so organized. This highly-rated set includes four different sized cubes, toiletry and accessories pouches, a shoe bag, and a laundry bag. Not only will your suitcase be neat, but you'll also be able to easily find what you're looking for.

Tide Stain Remover for Clothes

At some point in your trip, you're bound to stain an outfit, which is why I keep a Tide pen on me at all times. That way, you can get rid of stains ASAP so you can re-wear clothes instead of tossing them in your laundry bag.

MLVOC Memory Foam Travel Pillow

Whether you're traveling by train, plane, or car, a travel pillow is a must-have if you're trying to take a nap. This memory foam one has contoured support that reviewers love, which is why it's garnered over 22,300 5-star reviews. As an added bonus, it comes with a carrying case, ear plugs, and a sleeping mask.

grace & stella Award Winning Under Eye Mask

These individually packaged under eye masks will help to de-puff skin after long flights and early mornings. A best-seller, these under eye masks are packed with moisturizing niacinamide and hyaluronic acid and deliver a cooling sensation that depuffs and feels so soothing. No wonder they have 14,600+ 5-star ratings!

Touchland Power Mist Hydrating Hand Sanitizer Spray

This goes without saying but you'll be encountering a lot of germs on your travels, which is why it's essential that you travel with hand sanitizer. Not only are these from Touchland aesthetically pleasing with delicious scents, the spritz is super convenient and won't leave your hands sticky. They come in multipacks with different scents.

Washable Reusable Gel Lint Roller

This tiny but mighty lint roller is ideal for travel since it doesn't take up a lot of space (you can even toss it in your purse) and is reusable. Just pop out the sticky ball, rinse it under water, and it's good as new.

BAGSMART Toiletry Bag

Rather than stuffing all your toiletries into a bulky makeup bag, try this best-selling organizer that folds open to reveal tons of zippered compartments. The best part is that it can be hung on a towel hook for easy access. Not to mention, it's a favorite of RHOBH's Kyle Richards.

Etekcity Luggage Scale

Spare yourself the anxiety of showing up to the airport and having to pay extra for an overweight bag with this luggage scale . It clips onto your luggage and provides an instant weight read so you know if you need to remove a few items (or have space for a few added items).

Travel Ready Portable Emergency First Aid Kit

From blisters to unexpected injuries, this first aid kit has got you covered. The compact box includes band-aids of different sizes, gauze and tape, alcohol wipes, Neosporin, and Tylenol.

Gillette Venus Extra Smooth On The Go Razor

With over 15,400 5-star ratings, reviewers love how small and convenient this portable razor is. It's everything you love about Gillette razors, just on a smaller scale. It comes with its own carrying case and a blade refill.

MZOO Sleep Eye Mask

If there's any chance of me getting some shuteye, it's because I have a sleep mask on me. This blackout mask has padded contouring and an adjustable strap for a perfect fit that won't squish your eyes or slide off. It has a whopping 71,700+ 5-star ratings.

BAGSMART Travel Jewelry Organizer

Tossing all of your jewelry into a bag won't just make it hard to find what you're looking for but it will make everything tangled. This folding jewelry organizer solves the problem, with designated spaces for necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings. And since it's flat, it doesn't take up much space. It comes in 11 colors and two sizes.

Himawari Laptop Backpack

While cute, carrying heavy shoulder bags are uncomfortable and painful, which is why I opt for a spacious backpack. This waterproof one has a padded laptop sleeve, plenty of pockets, and adjustable straps. Not to mention, it comes in so many cute colorways.

Hitting the slopes for Spring Break? Here's every affordable ski trip essential you need to pack.

—Originally published on Feb. 28, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. PT


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  4. Beginner's Guide to Packing a Backpack for Hiking

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  5. Guide to packing your backpack for a weekend/overnight trip efficiently

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  6. The 10 Backpacking Essentials + Complete Trip Checklist (PDF

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  2. Can a backpack save a marriage?? Turns out, it can! #travel #backpack #smartpacker

  3. This Travel Backpack is SAVING me 1000's Every Single Year 🎒 #travelbackpack #backpack

  4. how to pack for a weekend trip for dummies

  5. Unveiling the Secrets of Efficient Packing #smartpacker #travel #backpack

  6. Best Travel Backpack For One Bag Travel In 2024, Tested


  1. How to Pack a Backpack for Air Travel: 12 Must-Know Tricks

    Utilize the "Roll, Don't Fold" method to save space and minimize wrinkles in clothing. Invest in packing cubes to keep items organized, and pack heavier items closer to your back for better weight distribution. Consider the climate at your destination and pack accordingly. Opt for versatile, multipurpose clothing.

  2. The 6 Best Carry-On Travel Backpacks for 2024

    Best small carry-on bag for most situations: Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack. Best large bag for most situations: Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L. Best mobile office: Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L ...

  3. Best Travel Backpack: How To Pick In 2024

    Pack Hacker x CabinZero Giveaway (2024) Best Travel Backpacks. Click to learn more about why we love these top picks. 9.2/10: Aer Travel Pack 3 (Best for one bag travel) 9.1/10: GORUCK GR2 (40L) (Best for rugged adventures) 8.9/10: Peak Design Travel Backpack 30L (Best for travel photographers) 8.8/10: TOM BIHN Synik 30 (Best for built-in organization) 8.6/10: Tortuga Travel Backpack 30L (Best ...

  4. 5 best carry-on backpacks to use when traveling

    Editor's Note. TPG received complimentary backpacks from Arlo Skye, Away, Briggs & Riley and Solo for test purposes. My purple camo Trans by Jansport backpack served me well for 20-plus years. It accompanied me to several countries, on countless road trips and along many hikes.

  5. The 14 Best Carry-on Backpacks of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

    From rugged to sleek styles, we tested plenty of carry-on backpacks ranging in design and size that impressed us. Our Top Picks. Best Overall: Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack at Amazon ($200) Jump ...

  6. Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

    Our Team's Top Travel Backpack Picks. Best Overall Travel Backpack: Cotopaxi Allpa 35L. A Close Second (That's Great for Carrying Electronics): Peak Design Travel Backpack. Excellent Carrying Comfort for Gear-Intensive Trips: Osprey Sojourn Porter 46 L. Best for Staying Organized: Topo Designs Global Travel Bag 30L.

  7. 13 Best Travel Backpacks to Carry On in 2024

    Asenlin 40L Travel Backpack. $40 at Amazon. Read more. Show more. The Good Housekeeping Institute Textiles Lab evaluates backpacks both in Lab and with consumer testers for durability and comfort ...

  8. Best Carry-On Travel Backpacks 2024

    Best carry-on backpack overall. Cotopaxi Allpa 35 L Travel Pack. $200. Capacity: 35 liters | Packing style: Clamshell, tuckaway straps, removable waist belt | Organizational features: External ...

  9. The 11 Best Carry-on Backpacks of 2024

    Final Verdict. We recommend the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack thanks to its incredibly durable polyester and nylon materials, well-designed internal storage, and included rainfly. Another great pick is the Vancropak Travel Backpack, which rings up at a fraction of the cost of some other options on the market.

  10. How to pack for a backpacking trip

    Pack a reusable water bottle (with an in-built filter if necessary) like the LifeStraw Go. Look for packaging-free or refillable toiletries. Bring lightweight bamboo straws and cutlery like this travel cutlery set that comes in a neat roll with a brush for cleaning.

  11. 10 Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

    Best travel duffel bag: Patagonia Black Hole Duffel ($159) Jump to Review. Travel backpack with the best safety features: Pacsafe Venturesafe EXP45 ($290) Jump to Review. Durable & highly compressible travel bag: Osprey Farpoint Men's ($185) / Fairview 40 Women's ($185) Jump to Review.

  12. How to Pack a Backpack

    Finally, be sure to keep weight distribution in mind as you organize your pack. For example, it's better to store your heavy camp shoes or 1-liter Nalgene in the lower side pockets of your pack than affixed to the back. 4. Fill the Gaps. When packing a backpack, we like to think of the contents as either rocks or sand.

  13. The ULTIMATE Backpacking Packing List for 2024

    A good micro-fibre travel towers is essential travel gear on any ultimate backpacking gear list. The Matador micro-fibre towel range are made by travellers for travellers. They are super light, and most importantly dry very quickly and are perfect for all types of backpacking trips. Check Best Price.

  14. How To Pack A Backpack For Travel

    Top Tips For Packing a Backpack For a Trip. Do a Dummy Run. One big piece of advice we will offer you is to practice packing and unpacking your bag and do a dummy run at least a week before your first trip. There are a number of benefits to doing these dummy runs; You get adept at packing and unpacking n a hurry.

  15. The 35 best travel backpacks in 2024

    Away F.A.R Backpack 26L. Away. Away's got another versatile take on a backpack with its F.A.R. bag. Underscored Senior Travel Editor Emily McNutt swears by this bag, thanks to its multi-use ...

  16. 13 Best Carry-on Backpacks of 2024, Tested & Reviewed

    Best Overall: Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack. Price: $200 or less. When it comes to bag travel, the Cotopaxi Allpa packs a serious punch. The carry-on backpack is available in three sizes - 42L ...

  17. How to Pack a Backpack: 5 Essential Tips

    Put Everything in the Right Place. To avoid injuring your back or having your load pull you off balance, put heavy items in the vertical center of your pack and as close to your back as possible ...

  18. How to Pack a Carry-On Travel Backpack Like a Pro

    >>MORE: Additional tips and tricks for packing a carry-on backpack. 4. Use travel packing cubes. Travel packing cubes will add another layer of organization to your carry-on backpack packing. Packing cubes are like drawers for your backpack - you'll know exactly where everything is, and you can keep your categories separate.

  19. The Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

    Best Budget Travel Backpack: Dakine Campus 33L Backpack. Best Carrying Travel Backpack: Osprey Farpoint & Fairview 40 Travel Packs. Best Organization in a Travel Backpack: Matador SEG45 Travel ...

  20. 27 Things You Should Always Pack in Your Carry-on Bag

    Put any liquids or gels you're traveling with in this bag, including shampoo, lotion, liquid makeup items and hand sanitizer. Keep in mind that all liquids and gels must be in travel-size bottles ...

  21. 50 Things to Pack in Your Travel Backpack

    They're light, they're easy to pack and they make for the perfect bed lining if you're sleeping in a tent or on someone's sofa. 10. Reusable Water Bottle. Always carry a water bottle to stay hydrated on the road. Most travel backpacks have a water bottle compartment so it's easy to reach when you're walking around.

  22. The 8 best travel backpacks of 2024

    Our picks for the best travel backpack. • The Best Overall: Peak Design Travel Pack 45L. • The Best With Laptop Compartment: Thule Aion 40L. • The Best Small Travel Backpack: Patagonia Atom ...

  23. /r/SoloTravel: Where traveling solo is traveling social!

    Backpacks are convenient, sturdy, versatile, and easy to stow. You can carry a backpack easily over long distances, over cobblestones and uneven pavement, through fields and forests, and up and down stairs. Modern travel backpacks are usually well-designed to distribute the weight and make it comfortable to carry.

  24. How To Pack And Organize A Backpack For Travel

    Choosing The Right Backpack. Choosing the right backpack amounts to an easier and more organized trip. The best bag should have enough pockets to organize your small and big possessions.

  25. Essential Items Every Traveler Packs In Their Backpack

    Travel Insurance: Travel insurance is an essential document that can protect you in case of unforeseen situations, such as medical emergencies or trip cancellations. Keep a copy of your travel insurance policy and emergency contact information in your backpack. It's also smart to have an electronic copy saved on your phone or email for easy access.

  26. 37 Travel Essentials for Any Trip

    A packing list from the pros, this is everything you need to travel efficiently in 2024, from the best weekender bag to skincare regimens.

  27. 6 Tips on Packing Light, According to Travel Experts

    Stacker spoke to travel experts who share tips on how to pack a lighter-than-air bag that still includes all the essentials for your next bon voyage. ... such as shoes or toiletries. Although hard-shell bags can compress and hold clothing better, they are also more at risk of cracking and are heavier in weight," Piva told Stacker. 5 / 6 ...

  28. Backpacks & Bags.

    Shop for backpacks & bags at Skip to main content. Find a Store | Help. Help. Order Status ... Backpacks Mini Backpacks Duffels Drawstring Bags Totes Fanny Packs Lunch Bags Travel & Shoe Bags Crossbody Bags Golf Bags Wallets. Sale & Offers (0) Summer Sale: Extra 25% Off. ... Jordan Air Patrol Pack. Backpack (27L) 3 Colors. $70. Nike ...

  29. Beach Packing List: 33 Essentials for Your 2024 Trip

    Don't forget anything for your beach trip with this handy list of 33 essentials. From beach chairs to sunscreen, we have you covered for a fun day in the sun.

  30. 16 Travel Essentials That Are Always On My Packing List

    Pack like a pro with these Amazon travel essentials that will keep you prepared for anything your trip throws at you. By Alexa Vazquez May 17, 2024 1:00 AMTags This pill organizer is perfect for ...