tour von fantasy

Auftritte von Fantasy

Fantasy - die große live tour 2024 - gäste: mela rose und sandro.

97070 Würzburg

97070 Würzburg Location: Congress Centrum, Pleichertorstraße - Beginn: 19.30 Uhr

   Tickets gibt es hier

35578 Wetzlar

35578 Wetzlar Location: Stadthalle, Brühlbachstraße 2 a - Beginn: 20.00 Uhr

56235 Ransbach-Baumbach

56235 Ransbach-Baumbach Location: Stadthalle, Rheinstraße 103 - Beginn: 20.00 Uhr

26603 Aurich

26603 Aurich Location: Stadthalle, Bürgermeister-Anklam-Platz - Beginn: 20.00 Uhr

49661 Cloppenburg

49661 Cloppenburg Location: Stadthalle, Mühlenstraße 20-22 - Beginn: 18.00 Uhr

37081 Göttingen

37081 Göttingen Location: Stadthalle, Albariplatz 2 - Beginn: 20.00 Uhr

09111 Chemnitz

09111 Chemnitz Location: Stadthallen-Saal, Theaterstraße 3 - Beginn: 18.00 Uhr

97616 Bad Neustadt

97616 Bad Neustadt Location: Stadthalle, An der Stadthalle 4 - Beginn: 16.00 Uhr

Tanz in den mai - hotel sonnenhof - aspach.

71546 Aspach

71546 Aspach Location: Hotel Sonnenhof

76829 Landau in der Pfalz

76829 Landau in der Pfalz Location: Jugendstil-Festhalle, Mahlastraße 3 - Beginn: 19.00 Uhr

66111 Saarbrücken

66111 Saarbrücken Location: Congresshalle, Hafenstraße 12 - Beginn: 16.00 Uhr

Open air am meer 2024 - kroatien / istrien.

52470 Umag (Kroatien)

52470 Umag (Kroatien) Location: Open Air Gelände, Jadranska ul. 78

78532 Tuttlingen

78532 Tuttlingen Location: Tuttlinger Hallen - Stadthalle, Königstraße 39 - Beginn: 20.00 Uhr

86368 Gersthofen

86368 Gersthofen Location: Stadthalle, Rathausplatz 1 - Beginn: 19.00 Uhr

74821 Mosbach

74821 Mosbach Location: Alte Mälzerei, Alte Bergsteige 7 - Beginn: 20.00 Uhr

91710 Gunzenhausen

91710 Gunzenhausen Location: Stadthalle, Isle-Platz 1 - Beginn: 19.00 Uhr

06844 Dessau

06844 Dessau Location: Anhaltisches Theater, Friedensplatz 1 A - Beginn: 19.00 Uhr

Zdf fernsehgarten, mainz location: lärchenberg, schlager open air (info folgt), das schlagerfest.

A-8312 Ottendorf (A)

A-8312 Ottendorf (A) Location: VeranstaltungsZentrumOttendorf, Ostendorf 241 - Beginn: 21.00 Uhr

Schlagernacht 2024.

A-8543 St. Martin im Sulmtal

A-8543 St. Martin im Sulmtal Location: Kirtaplatz - Beginn: 14.00 Uhr

Br schlager präsentiert: die schlagernacht in weiß.

91805 Döckingen

91805 Döckingen Location: Eventpark Stadelmann, Treuchtlinger Straße 9 - Beginn: 13.00 Uhr

Die große fantasy sommernacht - fantasy, mela rose und sandro.

09599 Freiberg

09599 Freiberg Location: Schloss Freudenstein, Schlossplatz 4 - Beginn: 18.00 Uhr

September 2024, nockisfest 2024.

A-9872 Millstatt (Österreich)

A-9872 Millstatt (Österreich) Location: Kärnten Badehaus Millstätter See, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 334 - Beginn: 19.00 Uhr

Schlager open air 4.0.

A-9133 Sittersdorf (Österreich)

A-9133 Sittersdorf (Österreich) Location: Geopark Naturarena Sonneggersee, Sonnen 16 - Beginn: 18.00 Uhr

55. oktoberfest hartberg, a-hartberg location: festzelt an der autobahn-abfahrt - beginn: 20.00 uhr, musifest - musik, sonne & gute laune.

Umag (Kroatien / Istrien)

Umag (Kroatien / Istrien) Location: Infos folgen!

Fantasy - die grosse live tour 2024 - zusatztermin.

01067 Dresden

01067 Dresden Location: Kulturpalast, Schlossstraße 2 - Beginn: 19.00 Uhr

Oktober 2024, stadl 2.0 - xxl: andy borg präsentiert: mit hansi hinterseer, fantasy u.v. a. m..

94036 Passau

94036 Passau Location: Dreiländerhalle, Dr.-Emil-Brichta-Straße 11 - Beginn: 16.00 Uhr

16303 Schwedt

16303 Schwedt Location: UBS, Berliner Straße 46/48 - Beginn: 19.30 Uhr

02708 Löbau

02708 Löbau Location: Messe- und Veranstaltungshalle, Görlitzer Straße 2 - Beginn: 16.00 Uhr

November 2024.

10963 Berlin

10963 Berlin Location: Tempodrom, Möckernstraße 10 - Beginn: 19.00 Uhr

19059 Schwerin

19059 Schwerin Location: Sport- und Kongresshalle, Wittenburger Straße 118 - Beginn: 19.00 Uhr

18059 Rostock

18059 Rostock Location: Stadthalle Rostock / Club-Bühne, Südring 90 - Beginn: 19.00 Uhr

Das grosse sternfinale 2024 - müller touristik.

34508 Willingen

34508 Willingen Location: Sauerlandsternhotel, Kneippen 1 - Beginn: 19.30 Uhr

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  • Zum Warenkorb



tour von fantasy

Weitere Events

  • Freiberger Sommernächte // Fantasy
  • Schloss Freudenstein
  • STADL 2.0 - XXL: Andy Borg präs.: mit Hansi Hinterseer, Fantasy u.v.a.m.
  • Dreiländerhalle


  • Schlagernacht 2024 mit dabei: DJ Ötzi, Fantasy, Ross Antony, Voxxclub

Biografie - Fantasy

Fantasy sind ein Schlager-Duo aus Berlin und Essen. Die beiden Sänger Martin Hein und Fredi Malinowski haben bereits mehrere Nummer-1-Alben veröffentlicht und mehrfach Gold- und Platin-Status erreicht. Trotz ihres Erfolgs bleiben Fantasy bescheiden: Hauptsache, ihre Fans singen laut mit und haben Spaß, so die Musiker.

Die beiden Mitglieder von Fantasy lernen sich 1993 kennen. Der gelernte Konstruktionsmechaniker Martin Hein sammelt damals als Schlagersänger unter dem Namen Martin Marcell erste Bühnenerfahrung. Fredi Malinowski, damals als Freddy März bekannt, ist ebenfalls als Solokünstler unterwegs und hat zufällig das gleiche Management und den gleichen Produzenten wie Martin Hein.

Martin und Fredi werden oft für die gleichen Shows gebucht und singen meist einige Songs gemeinsam. Weil das gut ankommt, treten die beiden Schlagersänger immer öfter als Duo auf. Schließlich wird nach einer gemeinsamen Show Fantasy offiziell gegründet . 1998 veröffentlicht das Duo seine Debütsingle „Herz gesucht“, auf das wenig später das Debütalbum „Mein schönstes Geschenk“ folgt.

Obwohl Fantasy damals schon gern gesehene Gäste bei Schlager-Events sind, lässt der ganz große Erfolg noch eine Weile auf sich warten. Doch Martin Hein und Fredi Malinowski halten eisern an ihrem großen Traum einer erfolgreichen Musikkarriere fest. Der Durchbruch kommt schließlich, nachdem Fantasy die Tour von Andrea Berg als Support-Act begleiten. Kurz darauf schießen die Ticket-Verkäufe für Fantasys eigene Shows in die Höhe.

Mit einem Masterplan an die Spitze der Charts

Mit Unterstützung von Andrea Bergs Ehemann und Manager Ulrich Ferber gelingt es Fantasy, sich an die Spitze der deutschen Charts zu katapultieren. Ihre 2009 und 2010 veröffentlichten Alben „Land in Sicht“ und „König in der Nacht“ landen in den Top 100 und Top 40 der Hitlisten. Das Schlager-Duo kann sich zudem zwei Mal über eine Echo-Nominierung in der Kategorie „Bester Schlager“ freuen.

Doch das ist erst der Anfang: Während Fantasy zahlreiche Shows spielen und ihre Fans mit weiteren Singleauskopplungen begeistern, feilen sie an einem Album, mit dem sie die Spitze der Charts stürmen wollen. 2014 geht ihr Plan auf. „Eine Nacht im Paradies“ landet nicht nur auf Platz 1 der deutschen Album-Charts, sondern wird auch mit Platin ausgezeichnet.

Zwei Jahre später geht für Fantasy, die seit ihrer Kindheit große Fans von Modern Talking sind, ein Lebenstraum in Erfüllung. Mit Pop-Titan Dieter Bohlen produzieren die Musiker ihr siebtes Studioalbum „Freudensprünge“ , das Fantasy erneut auf Platz 1 der Charts bringt und mit Gold-Status veredelt wird. Den Erfolg können sie mit „Casanova“ und „10.000 bunte Luftballons“ in 2019 und 2020 wiederholen.

Nach wie vor lieben es die beiden Schlagersänger, Konzerte für ihre Fans zu geben. Und diese können es kaum erwarten, die eingängigen Melodien, mitreißenden Rhythmen und Texte zum Mitsingen live zu erleben – ob bei großen Events wie der Schlagernacht der Stars oder eigenen Shows von Fantasy.

Privat leben die Jungs von Fantasy bescheiden

Privat sind Martin Hein und Fredi Malinowski trotz ihres bahnbrechenden Erfolgs auf dem Boden geblieben.

Martin Hein hat in Berlin sein Zuhause und besucht regelmäßig seine Heimat Polen. Mit Schlagersängerin Tanja Lasch hat er ein gemeinsames Kind. Das Paar ist seit 2017 geschieden.

Fredi Malinowski lebt mit seinem Mann in Essen. Der Schlagersänger hat drei Kinder aus einer früheren Partnerschaft. Sein Sohn Sandro tritt in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters und ist nach Gastauftritten bei Fantasy-Shows und seiner Teilnahme bei „Deutschland sucht den Superstar“ ebenfalls als Schlagersänger tätig. Wenn Fredi Malinowski nicht mit Fantasy auf der Bühne steht, arbeitet er mit anderen Schlagerstars zusammen und schreibt mit ihnen an neuen Songtexten, zum Beispiel mit Schlagerstar Vanessa Mai.

Fantasy Fan-Report: Bewertungen und Rezensionen

685 bewertungen (ø 4,59).

Es war mega mega toll und lustig. Würde immer gerne auf so einer tollen live Event gehen

Tolle Künstler

Leider sind viele Gäste aufgesprungen während des Konzertes und die älteren Leute, die nicht so lange stehen können, haben nichts gesehen aber sonst war alles super

Sehr schönes Konzert

Das Konzert von euch war der Hammer, danke euch für den tollen Abend. Hätte ruhig die ganze Nacht sein können. Immer wieder gerne. Macht weiter so ihr seit der Hammer.

Ähnliche Künstler

tour von fantasy

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tour von fantasy

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tour von fantasy

Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! - Tour ab April 2024

Termine u.a. in würzburg, wetzlar, ransbach-baumbach, aurich..

Fantasy - Die große Live Tour!

Fantasy Die große Live Tour! – Fantasy sind zurück mit ihrem Nummer 1 Album „Mitten im Feuer“ und vor allem auf den Bühnen Deutschlands und feiern nun endlich ihr 25-jähriges Bühnen-Jubiläum mit uns und natürlich mit euch. „Es ist schöner, das mit den Fans feiern zu können.“, sagen die beiden und freuen sich schon jetzt auf die Konzerte 2024 und begrüßen dazu auch zwei Wegbegleiter aus dem deutschen Schlager. Zu Gast sind: Mela Rose und Sandro! Mit über zwei Millionen verkauften Tonträgern und über 285 Wochen Präsenz in den deutschen Albumcharts gehören Fredi und Martin zu den erfolgreichsten Künstlern Deutschlands und wurden zu Helden des Schlagers. Und dass sie nun bereits sechsmal Platz eins in den Charts erreichten, zeigt wie treu und groß ihre Fangemeinde ist. Doch wie für die gesamte Branche waren auch für die beiden die letzten zwei Jahre schwierig und eine Zeit der Selbstfindung und Umstrukturierung. So ist „Mitten im Feuer“ ein unglaublich buntes Album geworden, gleichzeitig ehrlich und lebensfroh und voller intensiver Gefühle, geschrieben und aufgenommen mit viel Sorgfalt und Liebe. Gepaart mit den bekannten Hits wie „Endstation Sehnsucht“ oder „Eine Nacht im Paradies“ bekommen Fans, was sie an Fantasy so sehr schätzen. Ein Abend mit einem Schlager-Soundtrack zum Leben, in dem die Sehnsucht und das Glück miteinander zu den wunderbaren Melodien und lebensnahen Texten tanzt. Unterstützt werden die beiden Vollblutmusiker von Mela Rose und Sandro! Mit einem Lächeln auf den Lippen und stets guter Laune – so kennen und lieben wir Mela Rose. Die gebürtige Österreicherin, die selbst schon seit ihrer Kindheit ein großer Fan der Schlagermusik ist, feierte 2016 ihre ersten Erfolge bei Live-Auftritten im deutschsprachigen Raum. Mit Auftritten bei „Immer wieder sonntags“, dem „ZDF-Fernsehgarten“ oder auch bei „Schlagerspaß mit Andy Borg“ sang sie sich mit ihrem Erfolgshit „So bin ich“ in die Herzen des Publikums. Nun kommt im Sommer 2023 ihr Debüt-Album und 2024 dann die Chance bei Fantasy & Freunde LIVE es ihren Fans zu präsentieren. Auch Sandro, der Sohn von Fantasy-Sänger Freddy ist ebenfalls mit von der Partie! Er steigt zwar in große Fußstapfen – das aber mit Bravour! Mit seinem spontanen Auftritt bei der Fantasy-Sommernacht und seiner darauffolgenden Teilnahme bei „Deutschland sucht den Superstar“ war der Grundstein für einen aufstrebenden Schlagerstar gelegt. Mit seinen Alben „Verliebt“ und „Rendezvous“ schaffte er den Durchbruch im deutschsprachigen Raum und war unter anderem mit der „großen Schlager Hitparade 19/20“ auf großer Deutschland-Tour unterwegs. Sichern Sie sich gute Laune, gute Stimmung und ein einzigartiges Showerlebnis und kaufen Sie bereits jetzt Ihre Tickets für diesen besonderen Abend.


Tickets fantasy - die große live tour in würzburg.

10.04.2024, 19:30 Uhr Congress Centrum Würzburg , Pleichertorstraße 12 , 97070 WÜRZBURG Congress Centrum Würzburg, WÜRZBURG

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Wetzlar

11.04.2024, 20:00 Uhr Stadthalle , Brühlsbachstraße 2b , 35578 Wetzlar Stadthalle, Wetzlar

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Ransbach-Baumbach

12.04.2024, 20:00 Uhr Stadthalle , Rheinstraße 103 , 56235 Ransbach-Baumbach Stadthalle, Ransbach-Baumbach

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour - Gäste: Mela Rose und Sandro in Aurich

20.04.2024, 20:00 Uhr Stadthalle , Bürgermeister-Anklam-Platz 1 , 26603 Aurich Stadthalle, Aurich

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Cloppenburg

21.04.2024, 18:00 Uhr Stadthalle , Mühlenstraße 20 , 49661 Cloppenburg Stadthalle, Cloppenburg

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Göttingen

22.04.2024, 20:00 Uhr Stadthalle , Albaniplatz 2 , 37073 Göttingen Stadthalle, Göttingen

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Chemnitz

27.04.2024, 18:00 Uhr Stadthalle Chemnitz, Großer Saal , Theaterstraße 3 , 09111 Chemnitz Stadthalle Chemnitz, Großer Saal, Chemnitz

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Bad Neustadt an der Saale

28.04.2024, 16:00 Uhr Stadthalle Bad Neustadt/Saale , An der Stadthalle 4 , 97616 Bad Neustadt an der Saale Stadthalle Bad Neustadt/Saale, Bad Neustadt an der Saale

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Landau in der Pfalz

04.05.2024, 19:00 Uhr Jugendstil-Festhalle , Mahlastraße 1 , 76829 Landau in der Pfalz Jugendstil-Festhalle, Landau in der Pfalz

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Saarbrücken

05.05.2024, 16:00 Uhr Congresshalle , Hafenstraße 12 , 66111 Saarbrücken Congresshalle, Saarbrücken

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Tuttlingen

16.05.2024, 20:00 Uhr Stadthalle , Königstraße 39 , 78532 Tuttlingen Stadthalle, Tuttlingen

Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Gersthofen

17.05.2024, 19:00 Uhr Stadthalle , Rathausplatz 2 , 86368 Gersthofen Stadthalle, Gersthofen

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Mosbach

18.05.2024, 20:00 Uhr Alte Mälzerei , Alte Bergsteige 7 , 74821 Mosbach Alte Mälzerei, Mosbach

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Gunzenhausen

19.05.2024, 19:00 Uhr Stadthalle , Isle-Platz 1 , 91710 Gunzenhausen Stadthalle, Gunzenhausen

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Dessau-Roßlau

23.05.2024, 19:00 Uhr Anhaltisches Theater Dessau , Friedensplatz 1a , 06844 Dessau-Roßlau Anhaltisches Theater Dessau, Dessau-Roßlau

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Dresden

30.09.2024, 19:00 Uhr Kulturpalast , Schloßstr. 2 , 01067 Dresden Kulturpalast, Dresden

Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Schwedt

18.10.2024, 19:30 Uhr Uckermärkische Bühnen , Berliner Straße 46/48 , 16303 Schwedt Uckermärkische Bühnen, Schwedt

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in LÖBAU

20.10.2024, 16:00 Uhr Messe-und Veranstaltungshalle , Görlitzer Str. 2 , 02708 LÖBAU Messe-und Veranstaltungshalle, Görlitzer Str. 2, Löbau

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Berlin

18.11.2024, 19:00 Uhr Tempodrom , M\u00F6ckernstra\u00DFe 10 , 10963 Berlin Tempodrom, Berlin

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Schwerin

19.11.2024, 19:00 Uhr Sport- und Kongresshalle , Wittenburger Str. 118 , 19059 Schwerin Sport- und Kongresshalle, Schwerin

Tickets! Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! in Rostock

20.11.2024, 19:00 Uhr Stadthalle , Südring 90 , 18059 Rostock Stadthalle, Rostock

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  • Zum Warenkorb


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  • ab € 71,50*

Biografie - Fantasy

Fantasy sind ein Schlager-Duo aus Berlin und Essen. Die beiden Sänger Martin Hein und Fredi Malinowski haben bereits mehrere Nummer-1-Alben veröffentlicht und mehrfach Gold- und Platin-Status erreicht. Trotz ihres Erfolgs bleiben Fantasy bescheiden: Hauptsache, ihre Fans singen laut mit und haben Spaß, so die Musiker.

Die beiden Mitglieder von Fantasy lernen sich 1993 kennen. Der gelernte Konstruktionsmechaniker Martin Hein sammelt damals als Schlagersänger unter dem Namen Martin Marcell erste Bühnenerfahrung. Fredi Malinowski, damals als Freddy März bekannt, ist ebenfalls als Solokünstler unterwegs und hat zufällig das gleiche Management und den gleichen Produzenten wie Martin Hein.

Martin und Fredi werden oft für die gleichen Shows gebucht und singen meist einige Songs gemeinsam. Weil das gut ankommt, treten die beiden Schlagersänger immer öfter als Duo auf. Schließlich wird nach einer gemeinsamen Show Fantasy offiziell gegründet . 1998 veröffentlicht das Duo seine Debütsingle "Herz gesucht", auf das wenig später das Debütalbum "Mein schönstes Geschenk" folgt.

Obwohl Fantasy damals schon gern gesehene Gäste bei Schlager-Events sind, lässt der ganz große Erfolg noch eine Weile auf sich warten. Doch Martin Hein und Fredi Malinowski halten eisern an ihrem großen Traum einer erfolgreichen Musikkarriere fest. Der Durchbruch kommt schließlich, nachdem Fantasy die Tour von Andrea Berg als Support-Act begleiten. Kurz darauf schießen die Ticket-Verkäufe für Fantasys eigene Shows in die Höhe.

Mit einem Masterplan an die Spitze der Charts

Mit Unterstützung von Andrea Bergs Ehemann und Manager Ulrich Ferber gelingt es Fantasy, sich an die Spitze der deutschen Charts zu katapultieren. Ihre 2009 und 2010 veröffentlichten Alben "Land in Sicht" und "König in der Nacht" landen in den Top 100 und Top 40 der Hitlisten. Das Schlager-Duo kann sich zudem zwei Mal über eine Echo-Nominierung in der Kategorie "Bester Schlager" freuen.

Doch das ist erst der Anfang: Während Fantasy zahlreiche Shows spielen und ihre Fans mit weiteren Singleauskopplungen begeistern, feilen sie an einem Album, mit dem sie die Spitze der Charts stürmen wollen. 2014 geht ihr Plan auf. "Eine Nacht im Paradies" landet nicht nur auf Platz 1 der deutschen Album-Charts, sondern wird auch mit Platin ausgezeichnet.

Zwei Jahre später geht für Fantasy, die seit ihrer Kindheit große Fans von Modern Talking sind, ein Lebenstraum in Erfüllung. Mit Pop-Titan Dieter Bohlen produzieren die Musiker ihr siebtes Studioalbum "Freudensprünge" , das Fantasy erneut auf Platz 1 der Charts bringt und mit Gold-Status veredelt wird. Den Erfolg können sie mit "Casanova" und "10.000 bunte Luftballons" in 2019 und 2020 wiederholen.

Nach wie vor lieben es die beiden Schlagersänger, Konzerte für ihre Fans zu geben. Und diese können es kaum erwarten, die eingängigen Melodien, mitreißenden Rhythmen und Texte zum Mitsingen live zu erleben – ob bei großen Events wie der Schlagernacht der Stars oder eigenen Shows von Fantasy.

Privat leben die Jungs von Fantasy bescheiden

Privat sind Martin Hein und Fredi Malinowski trotz ihres bahnbrechenden Erfolgs auf dem Boden geblieben.

Martin Hein hat in Berlin sein Zuhause und besucht regelmäßig seine Heimat Polen. Mit Schlagersängerin Tanja Lasch hat er ein gemeinsames Kind. Das Paar ist seit 2017 geschieden.

Fredi Malinowski lebt mit seinem Mann in Essen. Der Schlagersänger hat drei Kinder aus einer früheren Partnerschaft. Sein Sohn Sandro tritt in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters und ist nach Gastauftritten bei Fantasy-Shows und seiner Teilnahme bei "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" ebenfalls als Schlagersänger tätig. Wenn Fredi Malinowski nicht mit Fantasy auf der Bühne steht, arbeitet er mit anderen Schlagerstars zusammen und schreibt mit ihnen an neuen Songtexten, zum Beispiel mit Schlagerstar Vanessa Mai.

Fantasy Fan-Report: Bewertungen und Rezensionen

21 bewertungen (ø 4,67), tolles event.

Tolle Veranstaltung im Portofino Fantasy und Mela Rose gaben ein tolles Konzert und danach geduldig Autogramme und Fotos bis zum letzten Fan.

tolles Konzert - tolle Gruppe - perfekt! Kleines Minus - die Sitzplätze waren genau hintereinander und nicht versetzt, so konnte man nicht 100 Prozent sehen, ansonsten alles super

spitzen Konzert

war ein spitzen Konzert gerne wieder die haben wirklich eine tolle Show auch die 2 Vorsänger haben es ganz toll gemacht gute Stimmung auch wenn das Konzert nicht ausvekauft war

Ähnliche Künstler

tour von fantasy

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tour von fantasy

* Angezeigte Preise inkl. der gesetzl. MwSt., Servicegebühr von max. € 2,50, € 1,50 internationaler Sales Fee bei Veranstaltungen im Ausland zzgl. Versandkosten.

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Fantasy DP World Tour 2024 launches ahead of new season

Fantasy DP World Tour 2024 has launched today in time for the opening events of the 2024 season with the season-long winner set to receive a once-in-a-lifetime prize courtesy of DP World.

Play today by signing up here ( )


Why should I play Fantasy DP World Tour?

Fantasy DP World Tour allows fans to get closer to the action on the DP World Tour where Every Week Counts and compete against golf fans from around the world.

Fans can also challenge family, friends, and colleagues by creating their own private or public mini leagues, or by joining one of the many leagues from local TV broadcasters and DP World Tour partners. Other highlights for 2024 include the launch of the Global Swing Standings – a separate leaderboard for each of the Tour’s new Global Swings with additional prizes on offer. 

What can I win?

There are plenty of prizes on offer throughout the 2024 season including the Ultimate Prize courtesy of DP World which includes:

-      Flights to Dubai for two people

-      Accommodation in Dubai for two people

-      Private lesson from a top DP World Tour professional on the Earth Course driving range

-      Two ball on the Earth Course the day after tournament play finishes

-      Two General Admission Season Tickets for the 2025 DP World Tour Championship

Those that finish second to fifth in the season long competition will also receive a range of American Golf vouchers. There will also be prizes to be won on a weekly and monthly basis so no matter how well you start or when you sign up to play, you will always have the opportunity to win. 

How do I play Fantasy DP World Tour?

Fans can sign up to play the 2024 game by clicking here. ( ) If you played Fantasy in 2023, you can use the same login credentials for the 2024 season or if not, login with your My Tour account or create a new account.

Fantasy Prize

Expert Picks: Made in HimmerLand

The Tips returns this week with more expert insight to help you choose your Fantasy team ahead of events on both the DP World Tour and the PGA TOUR.

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How to pick the best Tour de France fantasy team

Tips and tricks for picking a fantasy tour team that will leave your friends in the dust.

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July is upon us, and that means the Tour de France is nearly here. It also means Fantasy Tour de France games are here, and if there’s one thing that makes watching sports even more fun, it’s watching them while you root for guys who compete on a fake team you put together.

I’m here to help you put together the best fake team you can.

You’re probably wondering why you should listen to a real-life cycling journalist when it comes to matters of fantasy sports. You may be surprised to know that before I was covering bike races, I was watching them from afar as a connoisseur of fantasy cycling. On my palmares, you’ll find a global top 10 overall finish in the Velogames Tour de France (RIP), and a few victories in other fantasy cycling competitions.

I haven’t secured a real maillot jaune, but I did win a long-sleeve jersey once as a prize for fantasy cycling. I’m like a fantasy Bauke Mollema—no blasting off the front like Chris Froome, but I’m always there or thereabouts. Lately, I’m starting to focus more on helping others.

In this case, that’s you. Here’s your guide to rocking the 2019 Tour de France Fantasy game.

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The way the Fantasy Tour de France game works should be relatively familiar to anyone who has played Velogames. If you have, you can skip this section (and you can also shed a tear for the Velogames Tour de France, which was shut down by the ASO when it launched its own fantasy game) and just read the official rules for the full rundown of all the important scoring stuff and the transfer process .

For those who aren’t versed in Velogames, the idea is to select a roster of riders who score fantasy points for you over the course of the race by getting real-life results, like winning stages or wearing jerseys. You have a budget, and riders are assigned a cost, so you must be judicious in how to spend your assets.

tour von fantasy

In the Fantasy Tour de France game, you have eight roster slots, and your budget comes in the form of “stars.” You have 120 stars. Riders like Geraint Thomas and Peter Sagan cost more stars to put in your team than, say, domestiques on Pro Continental teams.

Crucially, you have the ability to transfer riders in and out during the race a limited number of times. Each transfer costs 50 “credits,” and you start with 400 credits. However, you are apparently able to rack up a few more credits by getting your friends to play — which is pretty lame if you ask me. The way I see it, you shouldn’t need real friends to succeed in this fantasy world.

Riders on your team score points over the ensuing stages based on a scoring rubric. For instance, a stage win is 200 points, a day in yellow is 50. Each day, you appoint a road captain, who scores double points for his stage results that day. On the final stage of the race, the classification-based points earned by any rider are multiplied by five to reward them for their final positions in those rankings.

That’s most of what you need to know, although I would highly recommend reading the rules for the full breakdown of scoring plus some nuances and fine print.

Core Strategy

This is probably what you’re really here for so let’s get to it.

Success in fantasy cycling is all about identifying value — spending less of your budget to earn more points. Familiarizing yourself with the scoring system is a critical starting point.

This particular game awards perhaps fewer points than you’d expect to yellow jersey contenders when it comes to the final standings. With that in mind, you may want to prioritize stage-hunters – sprinters and puncheurs alike – more than you otherwise might. The ability to select a road captain, doubling your stage points, boosts stage winners even more.

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That said, you can expect certain familiar faces to do well in the various classifications, so relying on points from the consistent contenders for the various jerseys might be a bit more lower-risk than trying to pick individual stage winners.

tour von fantasy

My advice? Embrace the balance. The highest scorers will be riders who consistently finish highly on stages,  and also routinely get ahead in a jersey battle. That includes the green and mountains jerseys—they’re worth a fair few points, more than you might expect. If a rider seems like the kind of guy who could win the whacky combination classification at the Vuelta a España, he’s a good choice.

Alejandro Valverde has won the Vuelta combination jersey three times. Keep him in mind.

Once you have a grasp of the points structure, it’s all about picking the riders you think will give you the best return on investment. If you’re not great at predicting stage winners, check the bookmakers’ odds. The bookies’ favorite won’t always win, but looking at the top few names favored for a specific result is a darn good way to confirm you’re on the right track. Out-of-the-blue winners are very, very rare, except on breakaway days.

Using your transfers efficiently is the other key aspect of lineup management. Remember, you have the ability to shuffle your lineup a limited number of times.

Five Big Tips

1. Study the stages well in advance . It helps to know how many sprinters’ stages await before you decide on how many sprinters you want. Ditto for puncheurs, rouleurs, etc. This is a pretty climber-friendly Tour, so keep that in mind. TT-only guys won’t win you many points. As usual, however, the climbing stages mostly come later, so keep that in mind too.

2. Plan your transfers . This is a big one, particularly if you’re used to fantasy cycling games that don’t have transfers. Maybe save a few transfers to account for injuries, but plan to swap riders in ahead of extended stretches of stages with similar profiles. In other words, feel free to start with sprinters and puncheurs in your lineup for the first block of stages. If you followed that last tip, you’ll know that there are plenty of stagehunter-friendly days in the early goings. You can load up on climbers in the middle of the second week when the race hits the mountains.

3. Beware overpriced veterans . I’d love to end up eating my words here because he came so close to that 2016 Giro d’Italia win, but Steven Kruijswijk sure looks expensive considering he costs almost as much at 18 as Peter Sagan at 20. Kruijswijk is a consistent top 10 type but not much of a stage winner; Sagan, for two points more, is a fantasy cycling machine. Even if Kruijswijk wins the Tour, you will have picked him up by then.

tour von fantasy

4.  Acquaint yourself with the plans of riders’ real-life teams . Simon Yates is a proven Grand Tour rider, but he’s ostensibly a domestique at this race for his brother Adam Yates according to Mitchelton-Scott. Could those plans change? Sure. Will I gamble 19 stars on him when I could spend them elsewhere? No way. Plus, you can always transfer him in later.

5. Find the hidden gems . Low-cost, high-return athletes are the bedrock of a fantasy sports team. Up-and-comers often fit the bill. Kasper Asgreen, making his Tour debut, comes to mind. You’ll need a few, because you won’t have the budget for a team full of  yellow jersey contenders—which is the way it works in real life too. Unless you’re Ineos.

Naming Names

I won’t weigh on all 170-something Tour starters, but I’ll give you at least a handful of other names that stand out to me as good values like Asgreen , or less attractive options like Kruijswijk .

I’ve mentioned Sagan and Valverde , but it’s worth reiterating how valuable I think they’ll be despite their relatively high costs. A typical Sagan performance should put him on par with the winner of the Tour de France in the points department, and the guy is pretty darn consistent, so 20 stars seems like a decent price to pay. Valverde is a bigger risk because of Movistar’s whacky leadership situation, but the potential reward is great—he could very well end up in the GC battle, as well as constantly finishing highly on stages.

Michael Matthews (18 stars) is cheaper than plenty of other big names, and his versatility should translate to plenty of points. Plus, he should be riding with a smile on his face, having secured a two-year extension with Sunweb this week.

tour von fantasy

Fabio Aru  is a special case. He only costs 10 stars. As he works his way back to form following surgery, he’s a great candidate for a mid-race transfer. If he looks healthy and fit, bring him aboard for the mountains.

As for riders I’m avoiding,  Mikel Landa  comes to mind. Coming off the Giro, I don’t expect Landa to be terribly fresh, so I’d rather spend those 19 stars on, say, Elia Viviani , who seems very likely to shine in the first few stages. I can always bring in Landa later if he proves me wrong.

Thibaut Pinot  looks very expensive at 20 stars. For the same amount, you can get the guy hunting a record green jersey. Pinot’s inconsistency is not what I want for that cost

Michal Kwiatkowski is another rider I’m not in love with for this specific game. He’s one of cycling’s most versatile riders and can therefore be a fantasy monster under the right circumstances, but for the Tour, he’s a super-domestique that costs a whopping 16 stars. If Bernal, Thomas, and Wout Poels crash out, pick him up. Otherwise, pass.

Hopefully that’s enough to get you started on the road to strong Tour de France Fantasy lineup. I could maybe spend more time telling you which riders I like and which I don’t but I would rather put together my own team.

Fantasy cycling is a great way to keep yourself invested in every single stage of the race. Even if none of your favorite guys are going to do anything on a given day, someone of your fantasy roster might, and that makes it more compelling to watch whether they score points for you or not. The real goal here is to have some fun, so hopefully you’re able to do that even if your picks don’t all turn out.

Of course, it’s even more fun to win, so be sure to get your friends to join you in your league, and then crush them with your fake team.

Who are you picking, and why?

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How To Play

  • HOW TO ENTER/PARTICIPATE TO PLAY : To participate, you must register online at the official URL: and follow the posted steps to play the PGA TOUR Fantasy game. By registering, you agree to accept and be bound by all terms of these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor and Game Entities, which shall be final.


Users will be asked to submit their email address and create a password that will be used for future logins.  In the event of a dispute regarding the identity of an Entrant, the dispute will be resolved in favor of the individual who is the authorized account holder of the email address submitted at the time of registration.  Authorized account holder is defined as the natural person assigned an email address by an internet access provider, online service provider or other organization ( i.e. , business or educational institution) responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted email address.

Creating a Public Group – These groups use the standard contest Segments created by PGA TOUR Fantasy.  (See Rule #2 and Appendix A).  Play against other fans with similar interests, or challenge our PGA TOUR Fantasy Experts. 

Schedule –Public groups will have their season broken into 4 Segments (see Appendix A and dates listed out above in Rule #2).  These Segments are fixed for public groups and cannot be altered. If you wish to play in a league with a flexible schedule, you must create or join a Custom Private group. 

Creating a Private Group - Users also have the ability to create groups which are private and can only be joined if invited to play by the group's creator. Private groups can be set for the full season using the same Segments as public leagues, or set for a custom schedule of events.  A private group uses the exact same rules as a public league, but allows a user to join with their friends and dictate the length of their schedule for group points.  Private leagues can be created at any time during the PGA TOUR Season.

Schedule – As mentioned above, users creating private groups will have the opportunity to pick and choose which PGA TOUR Fantasy tournaments they want to include in their league schedule.  All public groups will adhere to the set PGA TOUR Fantasy schedule. See the Rules section to view which events are a part of the PGA TOUR Fantasy schedule. SETTING YOUR LINEUP

Select 4 players for your starting lineup and 2 players for your bench before each tournament. Your Roster page allows you to analyze all players in the current tournament’s field, review their performance from years past and season to date. Make your roster selections prior to the first tee time of each tournament. Once tournament play has begun, your roster of 6 players is locked for the week. 

However, you can move your selected players to and from your bench in between tournament rounds. Once a player has teed off in one of your starting slots, that counts as a “use” and a usage golf ball will be removed from that player until the next segment begins. If a player does not move off your bench throughout the duration of a tournament, there is no usage burned for that player.


Users are limited in the amount of times they can use each golfer throughout each segment.  Golfers are only allowed to be used up to 3 times per Segment. As soon as a golfer tees off it is considered a start whether they finish play or not.  A player who is scratched prior to their first-round start will not count as a use. 

If one of your golfers is not performing up to your expectations, you can swap them out with a player from your bench after each round. If a golfer is used for any round of the Tournament it will count as a start for the Segment limit. 

  • HOW IT WORKS/WINNER DETERMINATION: Users will accrue points for all outcomes in Scoring Table (broken out below) 

Scoring Table - Points are awarded as follows:

Hole by Hole Scoring:

• Double Eagle: 8 points

• Eagle: 5 points

• Birdie: 2 points

• Par: 1 Point

• Bogey: -1 point

• Double Bogey or more: -3 points

End of Round Bonus: 

  • Low Round of the Day (including ties): 10 points
  • 2nd Low Round of the Day (including ties): 5 points
  • Bogey Free Round: 3 points

*When there are multiple courses score in relation to par will be used to determine low round.

          End of Tournament Bonus:

At the end of the Tournament, users will receive 1/10 the FedExCup points each of their starting golfers in round 4 earn for the Tournament.

Note: Although no FedExCup points are distributed at the end of TOUR Championship, PGA TOUR Fantasy Golf awards FedExCup Bonus points at the end of TOUR Championship, in line with the other two FedExCup Playoff events .

Note: For purpose of this Contest, users do not accrue any points during playoff holes as a result of a tie in the Tournament. 

Sponsor is not responsible for postponement or cancellation of any Tournaments.  In the event that an insufficient number of eligible Entrants to award all available prizes, Sponsor is not obligated to award any remaining prizes. Sponsor can also edit the schedule due to unforeseen circumstances, removing tournaments from the game schedule if necessary.

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The Fantasy by Tissot is back!

Create your fantasy by tissot team.

The Fantasy by Tissot returns for an exciting 2023 edition! Leader, sprinter, climber, backpacker... make the right choices among the 176 riders and lead your team to victory in front of your friends and family throughout the 110th edition of the Grande Boucle.

Starting Monday 26 June, you will have to build your team with cyclists registered on the Tour de France 2023. To do so, you have a fixed budget in stars that you will have to spend carefully in order to obtain a balanced formation during the race.

There are some great prizes to be won: VIP invitations to the final finish of the Tour de France, official jerseys, a Tissot watch and many other prizes!

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2024 Valero Texas Open expert picks, betting rankings and fantasy golf tips

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The 2024 Valero Texas Open is here, and we're back with our PGA Tour expert picks and betting tips for the PGA Tour event at TPC San Antonio's Oaks Course in San Antonio, Texas.

Every week, we share our PGA Tour player rankings, and they are agnostic of competition. Whether you're betting on golf, playing in a fantasy golf leagues or competing in a DFS (DraftKings, FanDuel) event, our picks highlight the top players to watch this week.

Here are our 2024 Valero Texas Open rankings and expert picks, as we do each week of the PGA Tour season.

JOIN FOREBUCKS: Access a winning PGA Tour model, unique tools and in-depth analysis for just $40/year!

GNN Members-Only Tools

  • PGA Tour results database
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  • PGA Tour top-15 trends
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  • Quality Strokes Gained
  • Strokes gained by round
  • Course fit: Player vs. course
  • Course fit: Course comparison
  • SG:T2G trends
  • SG:T2G variance
  • Strokes gained by grass
  • Strokes gained by course length
  • Strokes gained by par

2024 Valero Texas Open preview

The Valero Texas Open is this week, and the PGA Tour remains in Texas for a two-week run ahead of the Masters. The TPC San Antonio Oaks Course is a Greg Norman design that ballstrikers tend to like above any kind of player. Length is not a big factor here.

2024 Valero Texas Open rankings: Top 10 expert picks

1. Rory McIlroy: McIlroy is a top three to five player in the world, and his driving will carry over here as Greg Norman designs reward it a lot.

2. Ludvig Aberg: If driving matters, then here's your guy, as Aberg hits the everliving life out of the ball.

3. Max Homa: I like where Homa's game is heading into the Masters, even though his Players result was mediocre.

4. Hideki Matsuyama: The former Masters champion is in good shape, won at Riv and should get a good tune-up this week.

5. Russell Henley: Henley has been in the right direction for March, except for an MC at The Players.

6. Corey Conners: Conners won here for the second time in 2023, and he hasn't done a whole lot lately to build on that.

7. Tommy Fleetwood: Fleetwood has shown flashes of brilliance this year, and he's sprinkled in some duds.

8. Collin Morikawa: I can't figure out Morikawa, and I don't think he can figure himself out either. But even this version of him is still very good.

9. Matt Fitzpatrick: Fitz is turning in good finishes, but they seem to be followed by a bad one. He was T-5 at the Players, so...

10. Lucas Glover: Glover has been playing pretty well recently, including a good start at the Valspar. Likes the golf course.

About the author

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Ryan Ballengee

Ryan Ballengee is founder and editor of Golf News Net. He has been writing and broadcasting about golf for nearly 20 years. Ballengee lives in the Washington, D.C. area with his family. He is a scratch golfer...sometimes.

Ballengee can be reached by email at ryan[at]

Ryan occasionally links to merchants of his choosing, and GNN may earn a commission from sales generated by those links. See more in GNN's affiliate disclosure.

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Distant Worlds

Berlin, Germany

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Die besten Soundtracks aus über 30 Jahren FINAL FANTASY: Mit der weltberühmten Konzerttournee „Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY“ kommt die Musik der beliebten Videospielserie erneut live nach Deutschland. Fans des Soundtracks dürfen sich auf ein episches Musikspektakel am 1. und 2. April 2022 in Düsseldorf und Berlin freuen. Die atemberaubende Show, mitkreiert vom Spieleentwickler Square Enix, begeistert vor allem durch die ikonischen Stücke des japanischen Komponisten Nobuo Uematsu.

Das multimediale Konzerterlebnis kombiniert HD-Videoprojektionen aus den FINAL FANTASY Spielen mit den mitreißenden Klängen eines 100-köpfigen Live-Orchesters – den Bochumer Symphonikern – sowie dem WDR Rundfunkchor. Dirigent und Grammy Award®-Gewinner Arnie Roth ist für die musikalische Inszenierung verantwortlich.

Produziert wird die Konzerttournee von AWR Music Productions. Die erste Ausgabe FINAL FANTASY erschien 1987 in Japan. Mittlerweile hat sich das Spiel rund 164 Millionen Mal verkauft und gehört zu den mit am Abstand beliebtesten und erfolgreichsten Videospielreihen aller Zeiten. Mit „Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY“ wird die Essenz der Reihe auf der Bühne zum Leben erweckt.

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2024 Masters Tournament odds, picks, Fantasy golf power rankings: PGA Tour predictions and best bets for this week's major from golf expert

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The highlight of the golf season every year takes place in April as the Masters Tournament is among the most anticipated sporting events on the calendar. The motto "a tradition unlike any other" coined by CBS' Jim Nantz most certainly rings true for this event. A total of 88 players (plus a potential addition from the Valero Texas Open) will compete for a purse of $18 million, with the winner receiving $3.24 million, a famous green jacket, major exemptions, and a spot in The Masters for life. Augusta National plays as a par-72 at 7,555 yards with tree-lined fairways, uneven lies, and lightening fast greens.

World No. 1 and 2022 champion Scottie Scheffler is the pre-tournament favorite at +400 odds, followed defending champion Jon Rahm and Rory McIlroy (+1200), Xander Schauffele (+1800), with Jordan Spieth and Brooks Koepka at +2000.

With the best field in golf teeing it up for 2024's first major tournament, who can you trust for your Masters Fantasy golf picks? Before you set your 2024 Masters golf lineups or make any PGA Tour bets, you NEED to see the Fantasy golf rankings from Fantasy expert Eric Cohen .

Cohen is an avid golf bettor who correctly predicted the pre-tournament outright winner of the 2024 Players Championship (Scottie Scheffler +550), 2023 Rocket Mortgage Classic (Rickie Fowler +1400), 2023 PGA Championship (Brooks Koepka +2000), 2023 Honda Classic (Chris Kirk +3500), 2022 Open Championship (Cameron Smith +2200), 2022 U.S. Open (Matt Fitzpatrick +2500), and 2022 Phoenix Open (Scottie Scheffler's first career victory at +2800). 

Eric is a contributor to SportsLine's YouTube shows including "Early Edge" and is the host of "The Early Wedge" golf show (live on Monday, 4/8 at 7:00 p.m. ET).  Anyone who has followed Cohen's predictions has made positive gains on their golf picks.

Now, Cohen has studied the field set to play at Augusta National and revealed his Masters Fantasy golf rankings. 

We can tell you he is backing Xander Schauffele at +1800 as his top outright bet. "He has top ten finishes in six of eight events this season and has gained off the tee and on approach in all but one tournament. In six appearances here, he has finishes of T2 (to Tiger Woods in 2019), T3, and T10."

On the other hand, Cohen is fading the co-second favorite Rory McIlroy at +1200 outside the top five. "McIlroy has finished in the top ten in seven of his last eight majors, but can't get over the hump at Augusta after blowing a massive lead in 2011. Looking to complete the career grand slam, it's almost like watching Phil Mickelson for years at the U.S. Open. So close, yet so far away."

Cohen also is backing several underdogs in his 2024 Masters Fantasy golf picks, including a HUGE 125-1 longshot who thrives at Augusta National ! If this player can pull off a stunning result, it would bring a HUGE payoff and be a valuable piece for Masters Fantasy golf lineups. You ABSOLUTELY need to see who it is before locking in any fantasy golf picks.

Who wins The Masters Tournament ,  a nd which triple-digit longshot could bring a HUGE payout and be the difference for your Fantasy golf picks? Join SportsLine now to get Eric Cohen's Fantasy golf rankings and picks for The Masters, all from the Fantasy expert who has delivered a positive ROI with his golf picks !


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  • Storage: 25 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i7
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1060 6GB
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Storage: 30 GB available space

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Sleeper Picks: Texas Children's Houston Open

Sleeper Picks

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Mackenzie Hughes (+5000) … When a guy is fresh off a T3 like he is at the Valspar Championship, he doesn’t present as a classic Sleeper the very next week. However, this bet requires a finish two spots higher. It also means that he’d be going lower than the likes of Scottie Scheffler, Wyndham Clark and defending champion Tony Finau, all of whom were automatics for the Power Rankings. But it’s still a new week and Hughes’ experience at Memorial Park is objectively impressive. He’s 3-for-3 with a T7 (2020), a T16 (2022) and a scoring average of 69 on the difficult par 70. The big bonus is that he led the field in Strokes Gained: Putting en route to both top 20s. Someone has to but that he’s done it twice on Tom Doak’s redesign with serious undulations is proof that Hughes already has cracked the code.

Taylor Moore (+900) … No Power Rankings is presented as a prediction of the final results of any tournament, but when a golfer finishes in close proximity to a top 10 after appearing in the same vicinity in the Power Rankings, it’s always checked off as a projection fulfilled. Top 10s are the objective. Because top fives can require some luck, those are bonuses. For his first-ever title defense on the PGA TOUR, Moore was No. 11 in the Power Rankings for last week’s Valspar Championship . Amid the new and exciting experience that included unprecedented distractions, he finished in a five-way tie for 12th. In what has been a solid-not-spectacular 2024, it’s easily his best finish. He ranked fourth in greens hit and eighth in Strokes Gained: Tee-to-Green. That’s now in the rearview mirror, his focus is singular (translation: Houston will feel like a lighter week) and his irons will travel to Memorial Park, which will reward momentum for this bonus.

Akshay Bhatia (+500) … Although he’s one of the fresher faces of the PGA TOUR and an exciting talent, he truly is a Sleeper for this finish if for no other reason than Memorial Park is far from the kind of exposed, tropical stage on which he’s shone time and again. However, the lefty has connected for four top 20s in 2024, so he’s been just outside the bubble frequently. That includes a T13 at the Farmers Insurance Open and a T17 at last week’s Valspar Championship where he tripped out of the gate with a 3-over 74. So, he’s coming around on exploiting how courses can elevate his phenomenal iron game. If you’re keen, he’s +250 for a Top 20 in Houston.

Martin Laird (+600) … In his heyday of a decade ago, the Scot was a force on challenging tracks that rewarded power and precision from tee to green. Now 41 years of age, he’s lost a little life off his fastball but he’s remained dangerous enough never to have lost his fully exempt status. What’s carried forward is a penchant to ride a groove, and he’s in one right now. Since the WM Phoenix Open, a transplanted hometown stop where his record is strong, he’s 4-for-4 with consecutive top 10s baked into the middle. Placed T22 in his last trip to Memorial Park during the fall of 2022 when he had sustained solid form long enough to rise for that finish. If you’re not interested in the reach, he’s a valuable +200 for a Top 40.

Tom Whitney (+333) … Although he’s a PGA TOUR rookie in his tournament debut, this is surprisingly attractive value. He’s fresh off a T33 at Valspar, another debut on a tough test where he ranked inside the top 15 in fairways hit, Strokes Gained: Off-the-Tee, par-5 scoring and scrambling, so he now has two top 40s in six starts this season. The other was a T13 at perennially punishing Torrey Pines. His skill set slides comfortably into a track like Memorial Park where ball-striking is key. But his secret weapon continues to be the fact that he’s 34 years of age with a military background and personal perspective that no one else can touch. When the challenge inside the ropes intensifies, he already has the kind of mettle necessary to go to work.

Odds were sourced at BetMGM.

For resources to overcome a gambling problem, call or text 1-800-GAMBLER today.

Rob Bolton is a Golfbet columnist for the PGA TOUR. The Chicagoland native has been playing fantasy golf since 1994, so he was just waiting for the Internet to catch up with him. Follow Rob Bolton on Twitter .

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2024 LIV Golf Miami: Schedule, field of players, teams, prize money, purse, live stream, TV schedule

Liv golf returns to action this week as players prepare for the year's first major championship.


LIV Golf returns to action this week for 2024 LIV Golf Miami at Trump National Doral. Taking to the golf course which had previously held its team championship, LIV Golf will crown both an individual winner and team winner by the end of the week as competitors play one last time before the Masters.

The man who claimed the Masters last year, Jon Rahm, looks to enter the winner's circle for the first time this year. The world No. 3 has rattled off four straight top-10 finishes to begin his LIV Golf career with a pair of contention runs but has eyes on more before making the trip to Augusta National.

Rahm has yet to breakthrough in part because of Joaquin Niemann. Twice a winner already this season on LIV Golf, the young Chilean is among the hottest players in the world. Adding shots to his toolbox and getting longer by the week, Niemann looks to keep a good thing going this week in Miami.

Former Masters champion Dustin Johnson has already notched a win this year from an individual perspective, but his 4 Aces have been struggling. Johnson's squad finds itself well behind the top group that is Bryson DeChambeau's Crushers.

DeChambeau is quietly beginning to play some solid golf with three straight top 10s. Alongside Johnson in Las Vegas, DeChambeau was unable to seal the deal and hopes to rectify the mistake before the year's first major championship.

Looking up at DeChambeau's team is Brooks Koepka's Smash GC. The five-time major champion has led his squad to a team win, but his individual accolades have been lacking so far in 2024. A winner this time last year leading into the Masters, Koepka aims to garner some momentum at Trump National Doral and ride into the Masters as one of the favorites to grab another leg of the career grand slam.

How to watch LIV Golf Miami

Event:  LIV Golf Miami | April 5-7 Purse:  $25 million Start time : 1:15 p.m. ET  Location:  Trump National Doral — Miami, Florida Viewing info: Friday: 1-6 p.m. (CW App & YouTube) | Saturday/Sunday: 1-6 p.m. (CW Network & App)

Teams for LIV Golf Miami

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Other Dates

4 Departure Dates for 12 Day Autumn Harvest

2024 sep 15.


2024 Sep 26

2025 sep 14, 2025 sep 25.


Starts: Kennebunkport/Wells, ME Ends: Montpelier, VT

Rally Point: Kennebunkport/Wells, ME

  • 11 Camping Nights
  • 0 Hotel Nights
  • 32 Events & Meals


Trip extensions, tour map for 12 day autumn harvest.

  • 238 Driving Miles
  • 60 Avg Miles Per Travel Day

12 Day Autumn Harvest (12UAHP-091323) Map

12 Day Autumn Harvest Highlights

Change dates for 12 day autumn harvest, 12 day autumn harvest, trip extensions, traveler reviews, featured video, highlights & map, daily itinerary, price & what's included.

  • Activity Level

Customer Reviews

  • 0 Hotel Night(s)

Email Tour Package

Share 12 Day Autumn Harvest Information

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  • Orientation & Get Acquainted Social – meet your Ambassadors and fellow guests
  • Welcome Lobster Dinner at Local Restaurant
  • Kennebunkport Trolley Tour – a narrated sightseeing tour showcasing the area's history including President Bush’s Estate, Franciscan Monastery, Spouting Rock, Blowing Cave & more
  • Scenic Cruise in a Lobster Boat – enjoy the sights from the water and see how Maine lobsters are caught
  • Lunch at Local Restaurant
  • Castle in the Clouds – tour the 1913 mountaintop mansion with spectacular views of Lake Winnipesaukee & the Ossipee Mountains
  • Campground Cookout – food, fun and friends!
  • Scenic Kancamagus Byway Motorcoach Tour – travel through the heart of the White Mountains and see Crawford Notch, Silver Cascade, the Flume Gorge & Mt. Washington Hotel
  • Mt. Washington Cog Railway – ride the world’s first mountain climbing cog railway to the highest mountain peak in the Northeast
  • Lunch on the Cog Railway
  • Historic Albany Covered Bridge – surrounded by the scenic White Mountains, visit one of the most photographed covered bridges in New Hampshire
  • Canterbury Shaker Village Guided Tour – explore the buildings & grounds of the Shakers, while learning the history of their communities
  • Lake Winnipesaukee Scenic Cruise – enjoy a buffet lunch on New Hampshire’s largest lake with magnificent mountain views
  • Quechee Gorge – visit “Vermont’s Little Grand Canyon” and overlook the 165 ft.-deep river gorge from the bridge
  • Private Motorcoach Transportation to Activities
  • King Arthur Baking Company – visit the flagship store and cafe
  • Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site Tour – visit the childhood home of the 30th President of the United States
  • Local Lunch
  • Simon Pearce Glassware--Fueled by the rushing Ottauquechee, our turbine-powered glassblowing studio is the place to watch artisans trained in Simon’s techniques create functional works of art.
  • Ben & Jerry's Factory Tour – overlook the production floor, sample ice cream & visit the quirky Flavor Graveyard
  • Cold Hollow Cider Mill Tour – see how cider is made and sample fresh apple cider
  • Trapp Family Lodge Tour & Lunch – learn about the von Trapp family history & explore the Austrian-inspired resort
  • Morse Farm Maple Sugar Works – visit Vermont’s oldest maple farm and tour the sugar house, sample fresh product & explore the farm life museum
  • Vermont State House – explore Vermont’s state capitol building in Montpelier
  • Hope Cemetery Tour – known for exquisite granite craftsmanship on its memorials & tombstones in the “Granite Capital of the World”
  • Farewell Dinner at Local Restaurant
  • Goodbye Continental Breakfast – grab some food and coffee before we part ways

Price Includes

  • All Items Listed in Itinerary
  • 11 Nights of Camping Fees
  • 0 Deluxe Hotel Night(s)
  • Professionally Planned Route &  Itinerary
  • Guaranteed Campground Reservations
  • Expert Guides – WagonMasters & TailGunners*
  • Printed Trip Log with Turn-by-Turn Directions
  • Transportation to/from Most Included Activities
  • Ferry Fees for Rigs up to feet
  • $100 in Future Travel Credits
  • Travel Briefings & Tips from WagonMasters
  • Pre-Trip Information Packet & Vehicle Checklist
  • Gratuities for Included Meals & Excursions

Pricing & Payment Options

Pay by check and receive a deep discount, or choose our 0% interest, affordable monthly payment plan!

2 Guests in RV

$4,295 (per person), 1 guest in rv, additional guest(s).

FULL PAYMENT is required for 12 Day Autumn Harvest - Sep 13, 2023 due to the departure date being 90 days or less away. Your payment is $4,384.00 USD* to secure your reservation.


Our exclusive, interest-free, monthly payment plan to budget your vacation. Your first monthly payment secures your reservation.

  • Monthly Payment*
  • 0 Monthly Payments
  • Balance Due
  • Monthly Payments are NOT available at this time.


A tour deposit of 15% and the $89.00 non-refundable processing fee confirms your reservation. Final balance due 90 days prior to departure.

  • No 15% Deposit*
  • $4,384.00 USD Final Payment*
  • 06/15/2023 Payment Due
  • Full Payment Required and the ONLY Option.


If your original tour price is more than $2,000 and choose to pay your final balance by check, you will receive a discount according to the schedule below:

Original Tour Price

  • $2,000 - $5,000
  • $5,001 - $7,500
  • $7,501 - $10,000
  • $10,001 - $15,000
  • $15,001 - $20,000
  • $20,001 - $25,000
  • $25,001 and up

Ways to Save

Take advantage of these special offers to maximize the value of your next RV adventure!

Activity Level - LOW

  • This trip has a group size up to 24 rigs plus WagonMasters & TailGunners* exclusive to 12 Day Autumn Harvest
  • 60 Average Daily Miles
  • 12 days, with 11 camping nights including 32 events & meals

Physical Requirements

Short to moderate walking distances (15 to 30 minutes); likely to include ramps and/or short runs of stairs. May include extended periods of standing or sitting.

Tours require that you are responsible for yourself and your ability to get on and off all Transportation Services.

Activity Ratings are intended to provide information for those who do not use mobility devices.

If you require a mobility device, please be aware that guests must travel with a companion that is responsible for loading, unloading and securing their device on all excursions.

Guests with mobility challenges and walking limitations may not be able to participate in all activities.

*TailGunners only on Caravans with 14 or more guest rigs

Freedom to Personalize Your Experience

More than ever, our guests are spending more time on the road and are excited to make the most out of their vacation. By choosing from the 142 pre- and post-trip extensions that we offer, or adding on optional activities to the itinerary, there are many ways you can personalize your experience to make it the vacation of your dreams.

Many Guests Choose Pre- or Post-Trip Extensions

Chances are, you’re traveling quite far to join us on one of our tours. Why not make the most of it with pre- and post-trip extensions? By adding on another tour, it will give you the opportunity to extend your vacation and maximize your time in the geographical region. On this 12 Day Autumn Harvest trip, you will have no pre- or post trip extensions; however, we have 142 trips we offer that do. 2 extensions to choose from: Best of Canadian Maritime , Ultimate Eastern Provinces , .

Maximize Your Time in the Area

Consider building in extra time for yourself in Kennebunkport/Wells, ME (Rally Point) or Montpelier, VT (End Place) to relax and get adjusted or give yourself time to explore on your own before or after your 12 Day Autumn Harvest trip. Extending the length of your stay can truly make your trip everything you’ve ever dreamed about and give you the opportunity to enjoy more of what each destination has to offer.

Discover the lush lands and vibrant communities of the Canadian Maritimes –the crown jewels of Canada. Our journey takes us through New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island as we explore rugged coastlines and pristine lighthouses. Book today and enjoy a stress-free RV vacation.

Immerse yourself in a captivating RV journey through Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland, where you'll encounter an abundance of inspiring vistas, indulge in regional seafood delicacies, delve into rich historical relevance, and experience the unique cultures that shape these Canadian provinces. Discover the best of Eastern Canada as you embrace its traditions and create lasting memories on this remarkable adventure.

Optional Activities on Tour

Even though there’s an itinerary and planned route, we want you to enjoy your vacation to the greatest extent. With their unmatched understanding of the area and commitment to enriching your travel experiences, your WagonMasters will be there to help you choose and schedule the best optional activities that aren’t included in the itinerary. Here’s a sampling of the optional activities offered on the 12 Day Autumn Harvest trip:

Flight Information

There’s no better way to learn what a trip is like than from the firsthand experiences of your fellow travelers. Our Traveler Reviews are the real deal—unbiased and unedited—giving you an honest appraisal of the experiences that await you on this trip.

Protect Your Travel Investment with Trip Cancellation Insurance

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RV travel is fun and exciting, but the unexpected can happen. Losing the cost of a trip due to cancellation or an unexpected medical emergency during your trip can add the expense of physicians, hospitalization, or a medical evacuation, all of which can be overwhelming.

Travelers want to move about with confidence and peace of mind that comes from protecting both their health and finances. There are NO infectious disease exclusions - meaning that COVID-19 is covered as any other illness.

TME Travel Insurance provides a suite of insurance options for all styles of travel. Additional benefits are available when you purchase COMPREHENSIVE TRIP CANCELLATION , such as optional Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) coverage on the TME Elite Plan when purchased within 14 days of booking your tour. Plans cover both domestic and international travel.

Learn more >>

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Traveling to mexico, can we bring my pet on a mexico tour.

Yes! We are a pet-friendly company. However, an up-to-date vaccination record is required to cross the border.

Do I need vehicle insurance for my RV in Mexico?

All vehicles, both your RV and your tow vehicle, are required to have a valid liability insurance policy when traveling in Mexico.

Where can I get vehicle insurance for Mexico?

First, check with your current policy provider to see if they provide coverage. If not, there are many online sources to obtain insurance. For our Baja Whale Watching tours, we partner with Vagabundos, who can also provide information regarding liability insurance for your vehicles.

Do I need travel insurance for Mexico tours?

Yes, we highly recommend obtaining travel insurance for our Mexico tours. To view our recommended travel insurance, click here .

Is it safe to travel to Mexico?

Yes. Traveling to Mexico can be a rewarding experience, and our tours are designed to enhance your safety and peace of mind throughout your journey. We understand that visa and border crossing procedures can be complex, so we take care of all the necessary paperwork to ensure you have a smooth entry into Mexico.

Our expert guides are with you every step of the way, including the border crossing, providing valuable insights and assistance as you navigate the various aspects of your trip. Whether it's understanding local customs or ensuring you have access to essential resources, our team is dedicated to making your travel experience as comfortable as possible.

In addition to handling documentation, we also provide convenient transportation to the activities and destinations on your itinerary. This means you can fully immerse yourself in the cultural and natural wonders of Mexico without the stress of driving in unfamiliar surroundings.

Traveling in a group, or caravan style as we do, offers not only safety but also the opportunity to forge connections with fellow travelers. You'll have the chance to share experiences, create lasting memories, and enjoy the camaraderie of exploring Mexico together.

When you choose to travel with us, you can expect a well-rounded and secure experience, with our services tailored to ensure your journey to Mexico is not just safe but also enriching and enjoyable.

What are Caravans and Rallies?

Fantasy RV Tours offers two different types of RV vacations: Caravans and Rallies. An RV Caravan is a professionally-guided tour that travels from destination to destination on a pre-planned route. A Rally is also pre-planned and led by professional Travel Ambassadors, but explores one area or event, e.g. Rose Parade or Washington DC. To learn more, click here .

What is a Travel Ambassador?

On each of our RV Tours, you’ll be led by professional leaders – WagonMasters and TailGunners – who are collectively known as Travel Ambassadors. To learn more and to meet our ambassadors, click here .

Will we travel caravan/convoy style or independent travel?

We often suggest scattered travel during a caravan with groups of 2 to 4 RVs traveling at a safe distance apart who may enjoy similar points of interest. Of course, you may travel independently at your own pace – enjoying sites and side trips. Your Travel Ambassadors are there to ensure safety for the entire group. It’s your vacation, so we offer options – we want you to enjoy safety, comfort and freedom. Typically, in Mexico, guests prefer to travel convoy style.

Do you limit the number of RVs?

Yes. You’ll want to make reservations early to reserve your space. Reservations are prioritized in the order received. Most of our caravans are limited to 22 RVs, while rallies are determined individually.

Do you offer an interest-free monthly payment plan?

Yes! Budget your vacation with our interest-free monthly payment program and reserve your spot with the first month’s payment. You can also secure your spot with just a 15% deposit and, no matter which payment option you choose, if you pay by check, you’ll receive a discount. For more details,  click here  or contact our Customer Support Team at 800-952-8496.

Do you have a frequent traveler program?

Yes. With every tour you take, it pays in savings! For each Rally, you’ll earn $50 in future travel credits. For each Caravan, you’ll earn $100 in future travel credits. You can also build your way up to different status levels that earn you additional benefits. For full program details, click here .

Do you have a referral program?

Yes. When a new customer is referred by you and completes their tour, you’ll receive $50 in future travel credits for a Rally and $100 in future travel credits for a Caravan. For full program details, click here .

Do I need to own an RV?

Yes and no. Caravans require an RV; whether owned or rented. Some of our rallies have an option to stay in a cabin or hotel, which is indicated in the tour information. If traveling in an Overseas caravan, an RV rental will be provided.

Tour Reservations

What does the price of a tour generally include.

Our tour prices include all RV site accommodations, meals, events and activities as listed on the itineraries. To see a full list of what’s included in all tours, click here .

Are prices per person?

No. The price listed (2 Person Price/Rig) is the total price for 2 people in 1 rig. The 1 person price/rig is the total price for 1 person in 1 rig. The Add’l Person Price/Rig is the price of each additional person beyond the 2 Person Price/Rig.

What are your payment options?

We have various payment options, some of which offer deep discounts. For more details,  click here  or contact our Customer Support Team at 800-952-8496.

Do you have a price guarantee?

Once you make your deposit, we guarantee the price! If our suppliers increase their prices, you will not be stuck with an additional cost for your trip. Beware of other tour companies that add a surcharge for tours purchased with a credit card or who reserve the right to raise their price after you make your initial reservation. We reserve the right to substitute accommodations, transportation and/or itineraries when we deem it necessary or advisable.

Can I transfer a reservation from one tour to another?

If you need to switch your tour up to 150 days prior to departure, your tour monies will be transferred less a switch fee. To view the full details, click here .

What is your cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel your reservation, please call us at 800-952-8496. To view the full details of our cancellation policy, click here .

Do you sell cancellation/interruption insurance?

We facilitate trip cancellation insurance on our website via  TME Travel Insurance . To learn more,  click here .

Do you offer discounts?

Our partnerships with Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) , Good Sam Club, AIM Club & Winnebago allow us to offer exclusive discounts not available to the general public or any other tour company. Occasionally we offer additional discounts. Call 800-952-8496 for the latest offers.

Getting Ready for Your Tour

When will i receive the detailed itinerary.

You will receive a pre-rally information packet approximately 90 days before the tour begins, which includes the detailed itinerary, a vehicle preparation checklist, travel tips, medical forms and the contact information for your WagonMasters.

How should I prepare my RV before the tour starts?

Make sure your vehicle(s) is in top condition before you leave home. Have in your possession the warranty packet and information that came with your motorhome, fifth-wheel, or travel trailer. Know the name of the dealer and location of the original purchase, factory telephone numbers, warranty numbers, as well as year, make, and model in order to get parts delivered quickly, if necessary. Use the Vehicle Preparation Checklist (provided in the pre-rally information packet) to assure your equipment is ready for the tour. Most people travel without ever having a breakdown. In fact, you will probably complete your tour and never have any kind of mechanical problem. Your Travel Ambassadors will do a basic vehicle inspection before the tour begins and advise you of any potential problems or recommended things to do to help preclude any damage to your vehicle.

Should I bring a tow vehicle?

On traveling caravans, we recommend a tow vehicle to maximize your freedom. Most caravans have free days to explore but ultimately, it is an individual preference to tow.

Do I need a passport?

Passports are required for Canada, Mexico and Overseas tours. Please note: Some USA tours require passports if they travel into Canada.

What documents do I need for Mexico and Overseas tours?

You are required to have a Travelers Visa, but we’ll take care of obtaining and paying for the visa once we receive a copy of your passport. We’ll send this information to you a few months before the tour begins.

Is extra vehicle insurance needed in Mexico?

Yes. You must have a Mexico Liability policy for each motorized vehicle and we’ll provide you with information regarding purchasing the liability policy.

Are pets welcome?

YES! We are a pet friendly company. However, it is your responsibility to care for your pet. During Polar Bear tours – you will be away from your pet 3 nights. Canadian Atlantic Province tours with an overnight ferry crossing – you will be away from your pet 1 night. There are pet accommodations available for those tours. Pet care fees are your responsibility. Canada and Mexico require proof of rabies vaccination.

Will I get to speak with my WagonMaster before we depart?

On caravans with less than 25 rigs, your WagonMaster will make an introductory call to each guest on the tour after you receive your customer packet. On all other caravans and rallies, you will be contacted by email which will include direct contact information for your WagonMaster. 

Are flights included on Overseas tours?

No. Many of our guests enjoy arriving early or extending their trip once the Caravan is over, so we want to give you the freedom to do so. We’ve also found that guests prefer traveling on specific airlines, flying at certain times of the day or booking their flights with frequent traveler miles. We want to give you the ultimate freedom to fully maximize your vacation. Any in-country flights that are listed on the itinerary are included in the price of the tour.

While on Tour

Do you provide driving directions.

Before the tour begins, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive, up-to-date, field-researched Trip Log with turn-by-turn directions and popular landmarks.

Are gratuities included?

Tips for meals, bus drivers and special guides are included in the tour price. Customers should feel free to tip any service providers they feel go ‘the extra mile’. Gratuities are certainly welcome, but not required for your WagonMaster and TailGunner – they strive to provide exemplary service, above and beyond the call of duty during your entire tour.

Are ferry fees included?

Typically, ferry fees are included unless stated otherwise on the itinerary.

Can I get special meals for my dietary restrictions?

If you have special dietary needs, notify your WagonMaster before the tour begins. Some of the vendors we use will be able to accommodate and some do not have the ability to do so. Be prepared with your own food substitution for situations in which your special food need cannot be accommodated.

What are the physical demands of your tours?

To ensure you have a safe and enjoyable vacation, each tour has an Activity Rating, which is indicated in the tour information. Most tours include walking tours and guided excursions aboard buses, boats, trains, subways and planes. This scale will help you decide if you can participate in all activities included with each tour. Guests with mobility challenges and walking limitations may not be able to participate in all activities. Activity Ratings are intended to provide information for those who do not use mobility devices. If you require a mobility device, please be aware that guests are responsible for loading, unloading and securing their device on all excursions. Some of our tours prohibit the use of Scooters, which is indicated in the tour information.

Can I bring my mobility device?

Certain tours are not scooter or wheelchair accessible, which is indicated in the tour information. On tours where all mobility devices are allowed, guests relying on the aid of walkers, crutches or other mobility devices must travel with a companion capable of assisting. Guests with mobility challenges may not be able to actively participate in all activities included in the tour itinerary.

What amp service will be available at campgrounds?

We always strive to reserve as many 50 amp spaces as possible. However, some campgrounds will not have enough 50 amp spaces for everyone. At most campgrounds, 30/50 amp power is standard. Please note that some campgrounds in Alaska, Canada and Mexico may be more primitive than in the Lower 48. Be prepared to use limited power or dry camp on a few occasions.

How will I know where and when to meet for activities?

On most days, WagonMasters hold nightly travel meetings to brief you on the next day’s activity schedule. In addition, the WagonMasters will have a whiteboard in the front window of their RV that has the daily schedule and any changes that may have occurred.

How do I keep in touch with the WagonMasters and TailGunners?

We use family radios and cell phones. Your WagonMaster will explain the best means of communication for the next day’s travel at the nightly travel meeting.

Can I book optional activities on tour?

There may be opportunities in which you may want to enjoy side trips and optional tours that are not included in the price of the Caravan. Our WagonMasters & Tailgunners are available to assist you with suggestions of popular activities in the area to make the most of your vacation.

What if I have medical emergency or mechanical breakdown?

Our Travel Ambassadors are ready to help when a mechanical problem or medical emergency arises. However, if this prevents you from continuing the tour, you may receive a credit toward a future tour less any non-refundable expenses incurred by Fantasy RV Tours on your behalf.


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  1. Fantasy

    Auftritte von Fantasy. TV Termine. Alle Termine. ... April 2024. 10.04.24. FANTASY - Die große LIVE Tour 2024 - Gäste: Mela Rose und Sandro. 97070 Würzburg. 10.04.2024. FANTASY - Die große LIVE Tour 2024 - Gäste: Mela Rose und Sandro. 97070 Würzburg Location: Congress Centrum, Pleichertorstraße - Beginn: 19.30 Uhr Tickets gibt es hier ...

  2. Fantasy Tickets beim Marktführer » Eventim

    Fantasy - Die große Live Tour! 10.04.2024 ─ 20.11.2024 21 Events. Sichern Sie sich gute Laune, gute Stimmung und ein einzigartiges Showerlebnis und kaufen Sie bereits jetzt Ihre Tickets für diesen besonderen Abend. ... Die beiden Mitglieder von Fantasy lernen sich 1993 kennen. Der gelernte Konstruktionsmechaniker Martin Hein sammelt damals ...

  3. Fantasy

    Termine u.a. in Würzburg, Wetzlar, Ransbach-Baumbach, Aurich. Die große Live Tour! - Fantasy sind zurück mit ihrem Nummer 1 Album „Mitten im Feuer" und vor allem auf den Bühnen ...

  4. Fantasy Tickets

    Die beiden Mitglieder von Fantasy lernen sich 1993 kennen. Der gelernte Konstruktionsmechaniker Martin Hein sammelt damals als Schlagersänger unter dem Namen Martin Marcell erste Bühnenerfahrung. ... Der Durchbruch kommt schließlich, nachdem Fantasy die Tour von Andrea Berg als Support-Act begleiten. Kurz darauf schießen die Ticket ...

  5. Tour

    Theo Von. Close menu. ... Send Theo a message? 👉 Hit the Hotline Tour Dates Atlanta, GA Fox Theatre. Apr 05, 2024 @ 8:00pm Get Tickets. St. Louis, MO The Fabulous Fox Theatre. Apr 18, 2024 @ 7:30pm Sold Out. St. Louis, MO The Fabulous Fox Theatre. Apr 19 ...

  6. Jetzt doch! Fantasy sagen komplette Tour ab

    Auch alle Tourtermine der bereits verlegten Tour von 2020/21 sind von der Absage betroffen. Die Karten werden natürlich erstattet. Aber Fantasy versprechen, dass man sie im kommenden Jahr trotzdem live erleben kann: "Alle nicht zur Tour gehörenden Konzerte finden wie geplant statt".. Es ist ein Drama für alle Schlagerfans und die Veranstaltungsbranche - immer mehr Tourneen werden abgesagt ...

  7. 2024 Masters odds, picks, golf predictions: Tiger Woods projection from

    Tiger Woods, an 82-time PGA Tour champion, is expected to be part of the 2024 Masters field at Augusta National Golf Club. ... 2024 Masters One and Done picks, DFS, fantasy lineups

  8. Fantasy

    Das offizielle Musikvideo zu »Wovon träumst du denn« von Fantasy ️🎬Jetzt hier anhören: Fantasy:Facebook: https://www.faceb...

  9. @ToF_EN_Official

    The latest tweets from @ToF_EN_Official

  10. Fantasy DP World Tour 2024 launches ahead of new season

    Fantasy DP World Tour 2024 launches ahead of new season. Tuesday, November 21, 2023. Fantasy DP World Tour 2024 has launched today in time for the opening events of the 2024 season with the season-long winner set to receive a once-in-a-lifetime prize courtesy of DP World.

  11. 2024 Texas Open fantasy golf rankings, picks, strategy: Back Billy

    SportsLine's Eric Cohen locked in his PGA Tour fantasy golf rankings, picks and lineups for the Valero Texas Open 2024 at TPC San Antonio ... all from the fantasy expert who has called six ...

  12. Power Rankings: Valero Texas Open

    Quite simply, Conners was built for TPC San Antonio, and vice versa. The stock par 72 is a premium, ball-striker's layout. Because it tips at 7,438 yards, distance off the tee is a valuable bonus.

  13. How to pick the best Tour de France fantasy team

    Five Big Tips. 1. Study the stages well in advance. It helps to know how many sprinters' stages await before you decide on how many sprinters you want. Ditto for puncheurs, rouleurs, etc. This is a pretty climber-friendly Tour, so keep that in mind. TT-only guys won't win you many points.

  14. What will it take to win Masters 2024? One statistic explains why

    There are some fascinating names on that list. Matsuyama and Schauffele have been two of the better players on the PGA Tour so far this year. Matsuyama won the Genesis Invitational in February ...

  15. PGA Tour Fantasy Golf

    All public groups will adhere to the set PGA TOUR Fantasy schedule. See the Rules section to view which events are a part of the PGA TOUR Fantasy schedule. SETTING YOUR LINEUP. Select 4 players for your starting lineup and 2 players for your bench before each tournament. Your Roster page allows you to analyze all players in the current ...

  16. The Fantasy by Tissot is back!

    The Fantasy by Tissot returns for an exciting 2023 edition! Leader, sprinter, climber, backpacker... make the right choices among the 176 riders and lead your team to victory in front of your friends and family throughout the 110th edition of the Grande Boucle. Starting Monday 26 June, you will have to build your team with cyclists registered ...

  17. 2024 Valero Texas Open expert picks, betting rankings and fantasy golf tips

    Here are our 2024 Valero Texas Open rankings and expert picks, as we do each week of the PGA Tour season. JOIN FOREBUCKS: Access a winning PGA Tour model, unique tools and in-depth analysis for ...

  18. Distant Worlds: Berlin

    Produziert wird die Konzerttournee von AWR Music Productions. Die erste Ausgabe FINAL FANTASY erschien 1987 in Japan. ... The best soundtracks from over 30 years of FINAL FANTASY: With the world-famous concert tour Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY, the music from the popular video game series is once again coming to Germany. Fans of the ...

  19. Tower of Fantasy Official Website

    Venture into the Fantasy World Together! Version 2.0 Vera is now available on Tower of Fantasy, a shared open world MMORPG for PC and mobile.

  20. 2024 Masters Tournament odds, picks, Fantasy golf power rankings: PGA

    Before you set your 2024 Masters golf lineups or make any PGA Tour bets, you NEED to see the Fantasy golf rankings from Fantasy expert Eric Cohen. Cohen is an avid golf bettor who correctly predicted the pre-tournament outright winner of the 2024 Players Championship (Scottie Scheffler +550), 2023 Rocket Mortgage Classic (Rickie Fowler +1400 ...

  21. Tower of Fantasy on Steam

    In Tower of Fantasy, dwindling resources and a lack of energy have forced mankind to leave earth and migrate to Aida, a lush and habitable alien world. There, they observed the comet Mara and discovered an unknown but powerful energy called "Omnium" contained in it. They built the Omnium Tower to capture Mara, but due to the influence of Omnium ...

  22. 2024 Valero Texas Open Leaderboard

    The Texas Open is the last chance for players to qualify for Augusta National by winning. The 22-year-old Bhatia won the Barracuda Championship last summer, but it was held opposite the British ...

  23. Sleeper Picks: Valero Texas Open

    Now as a first-time member via the DP World Tour, the Frenchman recorded three top 20s in the last month, including a career-best T3 at the Puerto Rico Open. He's 27th on the PGA TOUR in total ...

  24. Sleeper Picks: Texas Children's Houston Open

    Top 10. Akshay Bhatia (+500) …. Although he's one of the fresher faces of the PGA TOUR and an exciting talent, he truly is a Sleeper for this finish if for no other reason than Memorial Park ...

  25. Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy

    The Soundtrackof Luna Luna. Listen to the swirling sounds, twinkling tunes, and mesmerizing music of Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy. A sonic carnival inspired by the sights and sounds of the '87 park. A spectacular showcase of the world's first art amusement park—lost since 1987.

  26. 2024 Masters odds, favorites: Who has played the best at Augusta

    Zalatoris has been unbelievably good at Augusta National. In two starts, he has finished T6 and 2nd. The sample size is extremely small, but it's impressive that he's over a half shot better than ...

  27. Autumn Harvest

    Experience the stunning fall foliage of New England on our Autumn Harvest guided RV tour. Indulge in leaf-peeping, local cuisine, and iconic landmarks. From seafood in Kennebunkport to cider and maple syrup in Vermont, savor the flavors of the season. Dine at the historic Von Trapp Family Lodge and create unforgettable memories amidst the brilliant scenery.

  28. 2024 LIV Golf Miami: Schedule, field of players, teams, prize money

    Position Name Captain Team Members Points; 1. Crushers. Bryson DeChambeau. Anirban Lahiri, Charles Howell III, Paul Casey 100. 2. Torque. Joaquin Niemann. Mito ...

  29. Autumn Harvest

    As low as $335/mo. - 0% interest! Experience the stunning fall foliage of New England on our Autumn Harvest guided RV tour. Indulge in leaf-peeping, local cuisine, and iconic landmarks. From seafood in Kennebunkport to cider and maple syrup in Vermont, savor the flavors of the season. Dine at the historic Von Trapp Family Lodge and create ...