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Ob Europa oder weltweit Ob Europa oder weltweit

Mobil im ausland unterwegs.

Im Ausland zu Telefonieren und zu surfen ist günstiger als Sie denken.

In allen EU-Ländern inklusive Schweiz, Island, Liechtenstein, Norwegen und in Großbritannien* telefonieren, surfen und SMSen Sie so günstig wie Zuhause. Buchen Sie Ihren Mobilfunk-Sprachtarif oder einen Datenvertrag mit mobiler Internet Flat und nutzen Sie diese zu den gleichen Konditionen wie im Inland.

Hier können Sie für Ihr Reiseland abfragen, welche Roamingpreise mit Ihrem Tarif gelten und welche Roamingoptionen buchbar sind.

Hier finden Sie die Übersicht der Roaming-Partnernetze (inkl. LTE Roaming-Partner)

Frau und Mann am Flughafen mit Smartphone in der Hand

Standard Roaming

Die Option Standard Roaming ist das Basisangebot der Telekom für günstiges Roaming. Damit gelten in der EU sowie in der Schweiz und Großbritannien die EU-regulierten Roamingpreise.

Mann schiebt Fahrrad über Brücke und telefoniert dabei.

Travel & Surf

Mit Travel & Surf Pässen behalten Sie die Kostenkontrolle bei der Datennutzung im Ausland. Sie buchen die angebotenen Pässe einfach und bequem vor Ort. Kosten können erst anfallen, wenn Sie einen der Pässe gebucht haben.

Frau unterwegs mit Handy am telefonieren

Travel Mobil Basic & Basic World

Travel Mobil Basic & Travel Mobil Basic World ermöglichen günstiges Roaming außerhalb Europas, jetzt auch für alle, die nur kurz reisen und/oder wenig telefonieren.  

Frau dreht sich und hält Ihr Smartphone am Ohr

Travel Mobil 

Mit Travel Mobil in Ländergruppe 2 (USA, Kanada, Türkei und weiteren Ländern) entspannt roamen. Flexibel zubuchbar, auch nur für 1 Monat.

Frau und Mann spazieren und Mann hält Smartphone am Ohr

All Inclusive World

Mit All Inclusive World ganz einfach Telefonieren, Surfen und SMS versenden in über 100 Ländern weltweit. 

Mann am Hafen mit Handy am Ohr

Auf Schiffen und in Flugzeugen

Auf vielen Schiffen (z. B. Kreuzfahrtschiffen und Fähren) und in den Flugzeugen einiger Fluggesellschaften ist die Mobilfunknutzung über spezielle Netze möglich. Erfahren Sie mehr.

Frau im Büro am Telefon


Hier finden Sie Informationen zu den gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Änderungen bei der Mobilfunk-Nutzung im EU-Ausland (Roaming-Ländergruppe 1) aufgrund EU-Verordnung.

Businessfrau min Restaurant mit Handy

Weltweit (Regulierte Roamingoption)

Mit der Option Weltweit roamen Sie in der EU zu den regulierten Konditionen. Das heißt: Sie nutzen Ihren Inlandstarif in der EU. Ohne zusätzliche Roamingkosten.

Symboldbild Personen unterwegs mit Smartphone

Allgemeine Informationen zu Roaming

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aktuelle Seite: Medieninformation: Weltweit sicher reisen mit den neuen Roaming-Optionen der Telekom

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Weltweit sicher reisen: Telekom mit neuen Roaming-Optionen

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  • Mit Travel Mobil Basic und Travel Mobil Basic World auch außerhalb der EU mit Familie und Freunden in Kontakt bleiben
  • Sorglos surfen und telefonieren und dabei die Kosten im Griff halten
  • Laufzeit der Optionen jeweils nur 1 Monat

Auch auf Reisen außerhalb der EU müssen sich Telekom-Kunden keine Sorgen vor hohen Roamingrechnungen machen.

Gute Nachricht für alle Telekom Mobilfunkkunden, die außerhalb der EU unterwegs sind. Mit den beiden neuen Angeboten Travel Mobil Basic und Travel Mobil Basic World bleiben Urlaubsreisende rund um die Welt sicher und bestens verbunden. Die Optionen sind ab dem 7. September flexibel buchbar und werden nach einer Laufzeit von einem Monat automatisch beendet.

Mit nur 14,95 € startet das neue Angebot Travel Mobil Basic. Es ist gültig in der Roaming -Ländergruppe 2 und beinhaltet:

  • 1 GB Messaging (Internetnutzung 256 Kbit/s)
  • 60 Minuten Telefonie für ankommende und abgehende Gespräche nach Deutschland sowie in die Ländergruppen 1 und 2.
  • 100 SMS nach Deutschland sowie in die Ländergruppen 1 und 2.

Sollten Kunden darüber hinaus höhere Geschwindigkeiten oder mehr Volumen wünschen, sind Travel & Surf Pässe zubuchbar. Nach Ausschöpfung der Kontingente kostet die zusätzliche Telefonminute 0,39 Euro und jede folgende SMS 0,09 Euro.

Mit nur 29,95 € monatlich startet das Angebot Travel Mobil Basic World. Es ist gültig in den Roaming-Ländergruppen 2 und 3 und enthält:

  • 60 Minuten Telefonie für ankommende Gespräche und abgehende Gespräche nach Deutschland sowie in die Ländergruppen 1, 2 und 3.
  • 100 SMS nach Deutschland sowie in die Ländergruppen 1, 2 und 3.

Auch dieses Angebot lässt sich bei Bedarf erweitern. So können zusätzlich Travel & Surf Pässe erworben werden, die das Volumen und die Surfgeschwindigkeit erhöhen. Ist das gebuchte Kontingent aufgebraucht, so beträgt der Folgepreis für eine Minute Telefonie 0,59 Euro und 0,09 Euro für jede folgende SMS.

Mit den Travel Mobil Optionen haben Telekom Mobilfunkkunden jederzeit und an jedem Ort die bestmögliche Netzabdeckung, da die Telekom in den meisten Ländern mit mehreren Netzanbietern kooperiert. So können unterwegs im Ausland ganz unabhängig vom WLAN z.B. Navigationstools oder Mobile Payment genutzt werden.

Weitere Informationen zu den Travel Mobil Optionen finden Sie unter: www.telekom.de/unterwegs/tarife-und-optionen/roaming/travel-mobil-optionen

Allgemeine Informationen zum Thema Roaming wie zum Beispiel den Ländergruppen, Partnernetzen und Travel & Surf Pässen finden sich unter: www.telekom.de/unterwegs/tarife-und-optionen/roaming  

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travel mobil world 3 monate (br)

Telekom startet mit Travel Mobil Basic und Travel Mobil Basic World neue Roaming-Optionen

01. sep 2021 | 22:21 uhr | 0 kommentare.

Zum Start in den Monat September wertet die Deutsche Telekom nicht nur seine MagentaMobil Young Tarife auf, sondern bringt mit Travel Mobil Basic und Travel Mobil Basic World neue Roaming-Optionen an den Start.

travel mobil world 3 monate (br)

Telekom mit neuen Roaming-Optionen

Die Deutsche Telekom legt für Kunden, die außerhalb der EU unterwegs sind, neue Roaming-Optionen auf. Mit den beiden neuen Angeboten Travel Mobil Basic und Travel Mobil Basic World bleiben Urlaubsreisende rund um die Welt sicher und bestens verbunden. Die Optionen sind ab dem 07. September flexibel buchbar und werden nach einer Laufzeit von einem Monat automatisch beendet.

Travel Mobil Basic kostet monatlich 14,95 Euro und ist in der Roaming-Landesgruppe 2 gültig. Enthalten sind

  • 1 GB Messaging (Internetnutzung 256 Kbit/s)
  • 60 Minuten Telefonie für ankommende und abgehende Gespräche nach Deutschland sowie in die Ländergruppen 1 und 2.
  • 100 SMS nach Deutschland sowie in die Ländergruppen 1 und 2.

Travel Mobil Basic World kostet maontlich 29,95 Euro und ist in den Roaming-Ländergruppen 2 und 3 gültig. Die Option beinhaltet

  • 60 Minuten Telefonie für ankommende Gespräche und abgehende Gespräche nach Deutschland sowie in die Ländergruppen 1, 2 und 3.
  • 100 SMS nach Deutschland sowie in die Ländergruppen 1, 2 und 3.

Bei beiden Optionen könnt ihr optional Travel & Surf Pässe hinzugucken.

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Go Roam lets you call, text, and use your data in 71 destinations around the world. It’s made up of two parts - Go Roam in Europe and Go Roam Around the World . 

Read on below for more info.

Check your destination

Where are you travelling to?

Tell us where you're going, and we'll let you know if it's a Go Roam destination

With Go Roam in Europe, you can unlock your allowances to:  

  • call and text back to the UK or another Go Roam in Europe destination  
  • use your data up to a fair use limit.  

If you don't have any allowance left, you'll benefit from our special roaming rates. 

If you're in one of our Go Roam Around the World destinations, you can unlock your allowances to: 

  • Call and text back to the UK 
  • Use your data.  

Go Roam Around the World does not include calls or texts to international numbers. 

Daily roaming charges

Unless stated otherwise, there’s a daily roaming charge to unlock your UK allowance for 24 hours in Go Roam destinations. You'll be charged as soon as you use any of your plan's allowances in a Go Roam destination.

Europe £2 a day

Around the world £5  a day

If you’re on Pay As You Go, or your Pay Monthly plan started before 1 October 2021, these charges won’t apply. Republic of Ireland and Isle of Man are excluded from the daily charge. Fair use policies apply in Go Roam destinations,  check out our FAQs for more info .

Countries not covered in the Go Roam destinations are charged at standard roaming rates. See our  Price Guides  for the latest information and pricing. 

Sign-up for email alerts and read the travel advice for your destination . You'll receive the latest updates in your inbox. You can also refer to  guidance for travel during the coronavirus pandemic .

Go Roam Passes

Planning ahead before you travel? Our Go Roam Passes let you arrange your data in advance. You can buy passes for 3, 7  and 14 days, for Go Roam in Europe and Go Roam Around the World.

  • Buy a Go Roam Pass

You can buy more than one Go Roam Pass, of any duration, and these will be redeemed in the order of purchase for that type of pass. For example, if you've bought three Go Roam in Europe passes, they will redeem in the order they were purchased. And if you've bought five Go Roam Around The World passes, they will redeem in the order they were purchased.

You can also purchase more than one type of Go Roam Pass.  If you have both Go Roam in Europe passes and Go Roam Around The World passes and the first use of your UK allowance is in a Go Roam in Europe destination, Go Roam in Europe passes will redeem ahead of any Around The World passes.

Your questions answered

How do i activate go roam.

Go Roam works automatically when you arrive in a Go Roam destination, as long as data roaming is switched on in your device's settings and you have a compatible device with the latest software downloaded. If you’re a Pay As You Go customer, you’ll need to have activated your SIM and made a chargeable event - such as making a call, sending a text or getting online - in the UK first.

When you arrive in your roaming destination, you’ll receive a text confirming the roaming charges costs in that country. To check out the standard international roaming charges for the country you’re visiting, click the ‘Roaming Charges’ link and choose your destination.

Don't forget that when you're calling or texting back to the UK, you'll need to replace the first 0 in the number you're calling or texting with +44.

What are our roaming fair use policies?

Our fair use policies differ depending on whether you are roaming in a Go Roam in Europe or Go Roam Around the World destination and may be updated from time to time.

Go Roam is intended for our UK customers, who are UK residents visiting one of the destinations for short periods, like holidays or business trips.

More information is available on our  Support Page .

What if I’m travelling to a non-Go Roam destination?

If you’re traveling to a non-Go Roam destination, you will not be able to use your available allowances; you’ll be charged the standard roaming rates which vary depending on destination. Visit our  Roaming Abroad page  to find out more.

Inadvertent roaming in Ireland

If you live close to the Northern Irish border, you may sometimes roam onto a Republic of Ireland network without meaning to. This is called inadvertent roaming.

To ensure there are no accidental charges applied to your monthly bill in this circumstance, we've excluded the Republic of Ireland from our monthly fair use limit of 12GB , which usually applies when roaming in our Go Roam in Europe destinations. This means you'll be able to use your data without fear of inadvertently crossing the 12GB limit. 

There are no fair use limits for making calls or sending texts whilst roaming in a Go Roam in Europe destination, and the Republic of Ireland is also excluded from the daily roaming charge.

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Around the world traveling for 3 months.

My friend wanted to do a big traveling around the world and asked me if I wanted to join. So of course I said yes and spent about 6 months planning the trip with her and quit my 7-year job. It was a scary and nerve-wrecking move, but I don’t regret it. We did 3 months around-the-world traveling together, mainly in the Asia region, and then my friend continued on later to do 3 more months.  


Here’s the locations we decided on for the 3-month period: New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. The locations were chosen based on friends who we wanted to visit and on how we can move through the globe on a one-way flow, and also of course places we’ve always wanted to visit as a kid. We looked at the weather for each location and eventually decided on starting from New Zealand and working our way west into the other countries.

around the world travel route


In general, here’s how we went about planning the trip: we came up with a list of the top locations we wanted to visit, which were New Zealand, Singapore, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan and South Korea. Some were where our friends were located and some were destinations we really wanted to visit. Looking at where those countries were located, we then researched into the nearby countries for anything famous or interesting to us. At the same time, on a calendar we marked the amount of time we estimated we would want to stay for each location. We used Google doc to document everything, and google calendar to mark our locations. It’s nice because you can share the calendar and doc with your friends and family.

Here was our global itinerary:

#1. New Zealand – A location well known for amazing scenery. There was a flight deal from Los Angeles to Zealand through Hawaii, so we did that. I actually liked the 1 night stopover at Hawaii as it broke up the flight time.

#2. Sydney, Australia – Since Australia is on the way towards the west that we were heading, and it wasn’t expensive to go from New Zealand to Australia, we decided to stop for 2 days at Sydney.

#3. Indonesia – I wanted to visit Bali so we made this a stop. We stayed a few days here and then a few days in Yogyakarta , which is where the biggest buddha temple in the world is located – Borobudur temple.

#4. Singapore – I have a relative living here so we took this opportunity to visit.

#5. Siem Reap, Cambodia – We wanted to see the famous Angkor Wat, so we spent about a week here.

#6. Luang Prabang, Laos – Laos was close by and found this UNESCO town that seemed interesting. We also went on a 2-Day slow boat cruise on the Mekong River that was super nice.

#7. Thailand – There was a friend we wanted to visit, some cool temples to see, and tried a meditation retreat here. There’s really so many things to do and see in Thailand .

#8. Chongqing, China – There was a friend in Chongqing so we visited here.

#9. Taiwan – Taiwan is one of the islands on the east coast of China. Since we decided to go to Korea and Japan, we might as well also visit Taiwan lol.

#10. Japan – A place I’ve always wanted to visit as a kid 🙂

#11. South Korea – I’m a big fan of Korean dramas so South Korea was a must visit! Also visiting a friend here.

#12. Shanghai & Beijing, China – We came back into China and ended at Beijing. This is a big air hub so flight prices usually are cheaper than others for international flights back home. I ended up resting for about a month in China and went on a mini trip to Yunan, China which was really nice.


The best thing to have when traveling internationally is know someone who’s a local there and can show you around the area, that’s why visiting international friends is such a good idea lol. Lessons that I’ve learned regarding long term traveling is #1 to slow down. We were on a time limit and had so many places that we wanted to visit that for a lot of the locations we only stayed a few days. It’s really hard on the body when you have to move all your stuff so often, even if you don’t have that much stuff to carry around. What would be good is to at least put in 1 extra day to each location where you can just relax, or put in some resting locations in between those busily scheduled ones.

Overall it was a great trip, and I’ve learned many things from traveling. One phenomenon that you’ll experience once you’re back home and made more apparent is the feeling like you’re not living in the normal routines of the general society. The 9-5pm workday and same week-by-week routines seems a bit foreign. After a while though, it becomes normal again.

Check out what essential items I packed with me for the long term around the world trip, or visit the Resources page to see what tools and resources I used for traveling.

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A 3-Week Itinerary for Brazil Full of Highlights

Brazil is famous across the globe for its relaxed and friendly people, beautiful naturing settings, and sprawling urban metropolises. Not to mention its love for football. It’s no wonder that Brazil is at the top of many travelers’ lists of dream locations.

But, as the largest country in South America and the Southern Hemisphere, with so much to see and do, it can be hard to know how to begin or where to go in Brazil, especially if it’s your first visit.

panoramic view of Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

But, no fear, I’ve put together this packed itinerary to make sure you soak up as much as possible in your 3 weeks in Brazil, taking you across the country from stunning natural settings to Brazil’s famous cities.

So, without further ado, let’s jump into this three-week Brazil itinerary for your first visit!

Table of Contents

How to get around

Brazil is huge, so be prepared to travel long distances if you want to see a variety of the country. If you’re traveling far between different states, a plane will be the quickest, and you can get cheap deals if you book in advance.

bus bound for Copacabana

Alternatively, Brazil has a great network of long-distance buses that are widely used by the locals. The bus between São Paulo and Rio is only six hours long. And if overnight buses sound like your kind of thing, routes are cheap between cities such as Rio and Salvador (a 24-hour journey). Overnight buses were my bread and butter when Brazil backpacking, and are actually very fun!

The metro is a great way to get around in larger cities such as São Paulo and Rio. Alternatively, Uber is pretty cheap in Brazil and shouldn’t cost more than $10 for medium-length journeys.

Also read: Is Brazil Expensive to Visit? Your Guide to a Budget-Friendly Trip

Days 1-2: Iguaçu Falls

panoramic view of Iguaçu Falls

Start your trip south of the country, at one of Brazil’s most amazing natural wonders. These gigantic waterfalls are a great way to explore Brazil for the first time, providing a magical experience of the country’s exceptional natural beauty.

As the largest waterfall system in the world, the falls themselves are magnificent, but make sure to also take in the rest of the tropical surroundings. The falls also separate Brazil from Argentina , so they can be seen from both sides.

On the Brazilian side, the falls are accessible by an easy trail, with its own set of observation decks. You can also hop on a boat tour of the falls , which will take you right underneath, or a helicopter tour , for unreal overhead views.

Where to stay: Hotel das Cataratas is found right in the heart of the Iguaçu National Park, providing stunning views of the falls from your bedroom balcony. If you’d like to stay in the local town (confusingly called Foz do Iguaçu), try ApartDamani .

Days 3-5: São Paulo

view of Avenida Paulista from above

After marveling at Iguaçu, start your journey northward to Brazil’s largest city, São Paulo . As a sprawling urban metropolis and one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan cities in the world, São Paulo has to be my favorite city in the country.

It has a huge range of culture, sightseeing, nightlife food, and fun. Spend your first day exploring Avenida Paulista, the city’s famous avenue hosting museums, shops, and restaurants.

Stop by the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP) – one of my favorite galleries in the world – or explore never-ending views of the city from the free viewing point at the top of Sesc. The best time to visit is on a Sunday, when the avenue is closed to cars and the streets become filled with street vendors.

Paulista Avenue and MASP (Sao Paulo Museum of Art)

Spend your second day exploring the city center––perhaps on a bike tour ? Head to the top of Farol Santander – inspired by the Empire State Building – to look over the city from a new angle, or visit the Pátio do Collegio, where the city was first founded, to learn more about the city’s history. For food, you can head to the grand Municipal Market for a selection of Brazilian delicacies.

On your third day, visit the city’s iconic Ibirapuera Park, one of my top spots for an afternoon stroll or to catch some sun. Buy an ice-cold coconut from one of the local sellers, or sip on the cold water as you take in the lush green setting.

Where to stay: Check into the luxurious Renaissance São Paulo Hotel , located in the high-class Jardins neighborhood, or check out the views from the top of the Golden Tower in bohemian Pinheiros.

Day 6: Paraty

Street of historical center in Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Paraty is a great stop off on the road to Rio, breaking up the journey between the two big cities and giving a relaxing escape from their bustle.

The Portuguese built the town during the colonial period and served as a port for exporting gold, which was excavated inland by slaves. Today, this colonial architecture and quaint small-town vibes prove popular with local tourists.

Take a walking tour of the town center to find out more about the town’s history and local culture, and why it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Or step out into the surrounding natural areas of the town to make the most of stunning natural waterfalls and golden beaches.

If you love alcohol, head to the local cachaça breweries , which are some of the best across Brazil.

Where to stay: Stay at the Casas do Pátio Pousada to be right in the center of the action, and a stone’s throw from Paraty’s beautiful beaches and harbor.

 Day 7-9: Rio de Janeiro

view of Rio de Janeiro from the top

Rio de Janeiro continues to enthrall tourists from around the world, and it’s no surprise. With such varied culture, wonderful views and landscapes, and its laid-back vibe, it’s of course a must-see in Brazil.

You can spend your first day taking in the main sights, which are amongst the best of Brazil’s tourist attractions. Take the iconic train up to the Christ Redeemer to experience Brazil’s most iconic landmark and get the best far-reaching views over the city.

In the afternoon, head to Sugarloaf Mountain for more sky-high views and to ride the world’s third-oldest cable car.

If you’re a beach lover, you can spend your second day soaking up the sun at Rio’s selection of beautiful beaches. Marvel at the stunning blue water, and Sugarloaf Mountain from a new angle, at Copacabana Beach, or experience the fun LGBTQ+ atmosphere at Ipanema. Venture further to Barra da Tijuca if you’re feeling adventurous.

Barra da Tijuca, neighborhood of the western zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro

Spend your third day exploring the city’s center, with the Museum of Tomorrow and colonial architecture, such as the Paço Imperial. You can also head to the Lapa neighborhood to see the impressive Aqueduct and the Selarón steps.

Stay out in Lapa as the sun goes down for the center of Rio’s nightlife. Be sure to pick up some caipirinhas from the street sellers and samba the night away.

The best time to visit Brazil and Rio de Janeiro if you love to party is, of course, for Carnaval. Held between February and March (the dates change every year based on Easter), it’s the biggest party in the world and a must-visit.

Where to stay: For the best luxury Rio has to offer, check into Copacabana Palace , known for its famous visitors and location on the beachfront of Copacabana Beach. Or check out Casa Geranio , which is beautifully decorated and found in the exciting neighborhood of Santa Theresa.

Also read: 20 Best Resorts & Beach Hotels in Rio de Janeiro for a Seaside Getaway

Days 10-11: Salvador

Pelourinho in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil

The heart of Afro-Brazilian culture and the North-East region, Salvador is the best city to experience this important part of Brazilian identity and history.

Spend your first day wandering around the cobbled streets of Pelourinho, with its colorful architecture and exciting street performances. Head to the Museum of Bahian Gastronomy for lunch, to try out a range of traditional Bahian dishes. In the afternoon, head to the Casa do Rio Vermelho, the home of famous Brazilian writer, Jorge Amado. Or you could take the Lacerda Elevator to the lower city and the Modelo Market.

You can spend your second day in this beautiful coastal city beach-hopping, with a load of stunning beaches running along its coast. Busier beaches such as Porto da Barra are worth a visit, or find peace at Flamengo or the Bay of All Saints.

sunset over Barra Lighthouse

That evening, catch the popular sunset at Barra Lighthouse, before heading to Rio Vermelho to try the best acarajé and drink even more caipirinhas.

Where to stay: Hotel Villa Bahia puts you right in the center of Pelourinho’s wonderful nightlife, while Canto Hotel provides prime access to the stunning beaches around Rio Vermelho.

Days 13-14: Chapada Diamantina

View of Morro Father Ignatius, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil

If you’re into hiking or exploring nature, a trip to the Chapada Diamantina national park is a must on your itinerary.

Offering emerald mountainous landscapes and amazing views, it’s a great place to explore Brazil’s outdoors, especially since it’s a hidden gem amongst international tourists and often not found on lists of places to visit in Brazil.

On your first day, you can take a tour of the stunning Pati Valley or popular Cachoeira da Fumaça (Smoke Waterfall), named for the smoke-like appearance of its water as it falls from the rocks.

On your second day, take a tour of the Morro do Pai Inácio (Mount of Pai Inácio), which is the classic postcard shot of the national park. You’ll be taken to a number of waterfalls and grottos in the park, before ending your day watching the sunset on top of the Morro.

Where to stay: Pousada Vila Serrano in the town of Lençois is a great place to kick back after exploring the surrounding Chapada, while Castelar da Alvorada in the bohemian village of Capão provides great access to the Cachoeira da Fumaça.

Day 15: Recife

Aerial view of "Boa Viagem" beach in Recife, capital of Pernambuco, Brazil

Stop off at Recife on your way up the coast of Brazil, to explore more Northeastern culture and attractions.

Spend the morning exploring the Old Town, and learn about the region’s cultural dance at the Paço do Frevo. Pass the afternoon at the neighboring town of Olinda, a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its carnaval celebrations and huge puppets.

Where to stay: Bugan Recife Hotel places you right on the beachfront of Boa Viagem, and is a short journey from the stunning Old Town.

Day 16: Fortaleza

Praia de Iracema Beach, Fortaleza, northeastern Brazil

Break up your journey up to the beautiful Lençois Maranhenses at the up-and-coming city of Fortaleza, one of the biggest in the country.

You can pass your day relaxing at its selection of stunning beaches, including Iracema and Praia do Futuro (the filming location of one of my favorite-ever films, aptly named Praia do Futuro ). You could even take a day trip to the tropical paradise town of Jericoacoara .

If you’re done relaxing, visit Fortaleza’s Central Market to pick up some artisanal goods or get your hands on some cocada.

Where to stay: Crocobeach Hotel is a great option for relaxing beach views of Praia do Futuro, while Ecco Hotel Fortaleza provides a wonderful stay in the city center, and is close to the city’s nightlife hub.

Day 17-18: Lençois Maranhenses

A scenic view of the Lencois Maranhenses National Park in Brazil

Quickly becoming a must-visit attraction for international tourists to Lençois Maranhenses, this national park has to be my favorite natural destination in Brazil. It’s by far one of the best things to do in Brazil. And with 380,000 acres of rolling sand dunes and natural rain pools, along with 70 kilometers of coastline, you can explore for days.

Visiting Lagoa Bonita and Lagoa Azul is a must, where you’ll be met with dreamy desert landscapes and stunning natural swimming pools. If you’re an adventure lover, you could even hop on a buggy and race across the dunes in style.

Spend the second day in the rural and alternative village of Atins, from which you can visit Lagoa Tropical.

The best time to visit is between May and October, when the rainfall is lower, but the lagoons are still flooded.

Where to stay: Pousada Vila de Charme is a great base from which to explore Lençois Maranhenses, and to wind down and relax after your day trips.

Day 19-21: Amazon Rainforest

sunset over the trees in the Brazilian rainforest of Amazon

Brazil is famous worldwide for its magnificent Amazon Rainforest so, of course, any itinerary to the country should include a visit to this ecological spectacle.

For shorter and more accessible trips, head to the Amazon’s largest city, Manaus. From here, you can find a huge variety of day and multi-day trips into the rainforest .

Or, if you have more time, hop on the ferry to Belem, which will take you on a 5-day journey along the Amazon River into the heart of the rainforest.

Where to stay: Hotel Villa Amazônia in Manaus is a great spot to start your Amazon adventure.

Other highlights and things to do in Brazil

Aerial footage of Ilha Bela, Sao Paulo

Of course, there’s so much more to see in this gigantic and diverse country than what you can see in three weeks. Depending on your own interests and timings, you could switch out any of these destinations for a whole host of others.

You could relax with a coconut on the beautiful island paradises of Ilhabela or Ilha Grande, both easily accessible from São Paulo and Rio.

Alternatively, you could head into the lush green state of Minas Gerais, visiting its capital Belo Horizonte or the colonial gold town of Ouro Preto.

And, if you’re into politics or modernist architecture, catch a flight to Brasília, the country’s capital, built in the shape of an airplane in just 1960.

So, there you have it, your three-week itinerary to Brazil. Remember to send us pictures and let us know what you think!

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Mobile World Congress Hires a Travel Agency to Help Steady Nerves for Returning Event

Matthew Parsons, Skift

May 10th, 2021 at 7:00 AM EDT

There’s still a huge risk hosting larger scale exhibitions, but the organizer of Mobile World Congress is hoping to offset some of that by outsourcing travel management.

Smartphone trade show Mobile World Congress was one of the first major events to be canceled in 2020 , driving home the severity of the pandemic.

Host city Barcelona, in Spain, will have felt the blow of losing 100,000 visitors , with the decision to pull it coming just 12 days before it was due to start on February 24. It typically boosts the economy to the tune of $513 million and generates nearly 14,000 temporary jobs.

But it’s back this year, and due to take place from June 28 to July 1. Organizer Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA) is taking every caution so it runs smoothly, and in what could be an industry first, that includes appointing a corporate travel agency to steady the nerves of thousands of attendees.

Join Us at the Skift Short-Term Rental and Outdoor Summit on May 19

The UK’s Gray Dawes Group will offer travel-related advice and support covering Covid-19 considerations and PCR testing; travel documentation and visa forms; quarantine and border restrictions and travel itineraries.

The Colchester-based company will be hoping for plenty of bookings too, although GSMA also lists bnetwork as its official accommodation partner .

Scaling Down

In February, GSMA CEO John Hoffman said he expected between 40,000 and 50,000 delegates , but Gray Dawes Group anticipates 30,000. Either way, it’s likely going to surpass Madrid’s HIP Expo , held March 22-24, which saw 9,000 in-person registrants.

Gray Dawes Group originally planned to just support the 700 exhibitors with their travel. But then it quizzed the organizers on the delegates.

The annual Mobile World Congress is one of Barcelona's biggest events. Picture: MWC

The annual Mobile World Congress is one of Barcelona’s biggest events. Picture: MWC

“The same process applies,” said Laura Busby, its head of sales. “How do you build confidence, how can they get specific advice on the country they’re traveling from, and help with the booking if needed. GSMA needed that expertise in specific travel advice.”

This kind of partnership is a first for Gray Dawes Group, but it’s not for the fainthearted.

There’s uncertainty getting into bed with mega-events, which could be shutdown before they even start due to rising coronavirus cases. Gray Dawes Group also had to build a bespoke team, ring-fencing its travel advisors and training them on all the event details.

“It’s taken me a long time to unpick how we build this, building a bespoke solution to an intricate problem and training the staff,” Busby said. “It’s a good model if you’re willing to put that time in, and understand you have to do things differently. This is not a cookie-cutter solution.”

There’s commercial risk too — a lot of time was spent fielding calls from anxious delegates, and with seven weeks to go there’s no estimate of how busy things will get. Currently, there’s an average of two to five phone calls per person before a booking is made. Often, callers want advice so they’re ready to book at the last minute.

The agency did consider setting up an online help desk, but with people from so many countries, it opted for a simpler solution: an email address and a phone number.

The back to basics approach speaks volumes about the value travel advisors can offer. While the GSMA has its own corporate travel agency — a more technology-oriented competitor — in the end it opted for Gray Dawes Group, and its consultants, as it felt it could trust the company, according to Busby.

“Confidence has been affected, and we really get that,” she added. “This is new for events, and for what we’re doing. We’re there to support travel guidance.”

CWT Meetings & Events said it was starting to see a “significant uptick” in activity for small in-person events and large-scale hybrid, global events, and is focusing on traveler safety information.

“While we don’t typically support consumer events like Mobile World Congress, we can provide all of our client’s event delegates with an end-to-end service that spans wider than pure meetings and events logistics, sourcing, booking, management and coordination — specifically, traveller safety information and guidance through our ‘return to travel’ resources and ‘travel essentials’ platform,” said Chris Bowen, senior vice president and managing director.

This means its providing up-to-date information on restrictions, procedures and travel requirements based on specific travel itinerary details such as trip origin, destination, travel dates and traveler nationality.

Last year, it connected 74,000 people through virtual and hybrid events globally.

A Superspreader Event in the Making?

Many people will question the Spanish government’s decision to go ahead with Mobile World Congress, considering rising case numbers in Europe. And this is a truly global event after all.

Spain is bizarrely lifting standard travel restrictions for the event — but the logic here doesn’t make sense considering delegates will still need to fly back home and likely face strict entry requirements.

“Whilst there is a current denial of entry to Spain for any national from a country outside the EU, exceptions apply to specific groups of people, including ‘highly qualified workers’. The decision from the Spanish government now includes MWC21 Barcelona registrants in this category,” it said in a statement.

There’s also a Committed Community event safety plan, and delegates will need to show a negative Covid-19 test result, something the airlines will be requiring anyway. “Exceptional times call for exceptional safety measures. That’s why we’ve been working with our partners to create a multi-layered safety approach approved by Catalan Health authorities,” the company said.

It could still end up backfiring for Gray Dawes Group, but Busby said the agency is being clear that it’s following each country’s government guidelines to the letter.

Spain has wasted no time in revving up its event sector alongside its tourism industry , so moving forward with such a high-profile perhaps shouldn’t come as too much of shock. “The world at some point has got to get going again. We’ve been excited about the possibility that this could be a real success story,” Busby said.

If it succeeds, it stands to position corporate travel agencies in a very favorable light, and partnering with mega-events this year and beyond could turn out to be a lucrative, if unexpected, development.

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Tags: barcelona , business events , coronavirus , corporate travel , corporate travel management , cwt , events and conferences , Mobile World Congress , spain

Photo credit: Mobile World Congress is scheduled to take places June 28 to July 1, 2021, after cancelling it at the last minute last year. Mobile World Congress

Green Mochila

Budget Backpacking in South America

🇧🇷 [Itinerary] 2 or 3 Weeks in Brazil

travel mobil world 3 monate (br)

If you go in search of the soul of Brazil, beware: you could well leave a bit of your own. This is a huge and friendly land, both mysterious and welcoming; mysterious in the unexplored thickness of the Amazon jungle to the west; welcoming in the lively cities and beaches on its tropical coast. Modern explorers, hear out! There are areas of Brazil where humanity has never set foot. So for this itinerary of 2 or 3 weeks in Brazil, let’s stick to one part, shall we?

Chances are that this Brazil travel guide contains affiliate links. We’re not selling anything ourselves – we just help out products we find great. If you click one of them and decide to purchase, it’ll be at no extra cost to you; and we’ll get a trifle that’ll help us bring you more awesome travel guides.

Jump to: 2 week list & map   |  2 week detailed itinerary 3 week list & map   |  3 week detailed itinerary   Budget   |  Packing list

2 weeks in Brazil without taking the plane

You’ve got a few weeks holiday and have decided to spend them in Brazil – great decision! We promise you won’t regret your choice.

Now, we all want to see all of the beauties of a country when we’re lucky enough to visit it. But let’s be honest, for most countries, that’s just impossible to do in only 2 or 3 weeks. So imagine how it is for Brazil, the largest country in South America, almost as big as the whole of Europe!

Rushing left and right with planes wouldn’t be bad only for the environment; your body would probably suffer from it too. It’s not what you want. You don’t come on a Brazil trip to stress yourself out at airports. Consider also that plane tickets can cost 3 times as much as bus seats. We hope we’ve convinced you now.

View from the top of Pão de Açúcar with cable car Rio de Janeiro Brazil

We’ve got better for you. We’ve got these 2 overland itineraries that rely only on bus transportation . They’re packed with places and attractions, and that can be somewhat intense. Feel free to skip a destination and relax more time in another. Otherwise, we promise that the route is perfectly doable as it is.

We put much work and hard love in preparing the best Brazil itinerary for 2 and for 3 weeks. We really hope you’ll enjoy it.

For more practical travel tips, read our backpacking Brazil guide

Brazil itinerary 2 weeks

Our proposed itinerary for two weeks in Brazil leaves Rio de Janeiro along the Southeastern coast. With an incursion to the Iguaçu Falls, it mixes lively city vibes, tropical forest, water activities, beach time and culture.

Route map for 2 weeks in Brazil

2 weeks in Brazil itinerary

Despite the distances in this immense country, we managed to build a perfect itinerary that’s not too hard on the sitting muscles. Most connections can be made with a comfortable night bus (buses are comfy in Brazil). 

4 days in Rio de Janeiro

There are so many things to do in Rio, and for all kinds of interests, really. We haven’t met any traveller backpacking in Brazil who didn’t intend to visit the city; or who had already and didn’t love it, from Copacabana beach to the Corcovado .

As for us, we spent 1 week in Rio de Janeiro and could have easily stayed longer. We remember having a drink in a juice bar in Santa Teresa and Anna started looking at the ads about rooms to rent. Daydreaming is not a crime…

The various districts offer very different vibes. There’s a lot of museums, art galleries and cultural activities. There are beaches of course, and sun all year round; and the view from the Pão de Açúcar (the Sugar Loaf mountain) on one of the world’s most beautiful bays. There are hipster cafes and tons of street art and forró nights and the waterfalls of the Tijuca national park.

The coolest hotels in Rio de Janeiro are in the districts of Botafogo , Catete , Santa Teresa and Ipanema . When choosing your Rio hotel, remember that this is not a safe city – risks of muggings exist. Ask at your accommodation right when you arrive which areas are not safe to roam. Don’t wander off to empty parts of town, keep an eye on your belongings also on the beach, and always take a taxi after dark.

Start dreaming:  Our favourite things to do in Rio de Janeiro

Beach view of Rio de Janeiro Brazil

2 days on the Green Coast: Paraty & Ilha Grande

Between Rio and São Paulo stretches a fragment of natural paradise. Coastal mountains covered in tropical forest slope down to the bay of Angras dos Reis , which houses 365 islands. The most famous of them is Ilha Grande , the Big Isle. It’s a place for snorkeling and scuba diving through colourful fish, coral reef and mysterious shipwrecks.

Back on the mainland, the colonial jewel of Paraty welcomes visitors with its old streets and fortifications. It’s a touristy place for sure –which means plenty of accommodation to choose from– which serves as a pretty base to explore on day trips the natural surroundings made of forests and waterfalls. And a very pretty base indeed!

The Costa Verde is probably the best part of Brazil to find relaxing beaches with a feel of the topics.

2 days in São Paulo

We’ll tell you straight away: we did not go to São Paulo. Its description as one of the world’s most populous concrete jungles didn’t attract us. Since then, we’ve heard and read more things about Brazil’s largest city; if that didn’t make us regret our choice, it certainly inspired us to give it a go next time.

What attracts us the most to São Paulo is the mix of architectures , modern and colonial, that adorns the city. The Martinelli building –Brazil’s 1st skyscraper–, the Edifício Copan and art-deco Altino Arantes building team up for the new. The cathedral, the Pátio do Colégio church, the market-hall and the Pinacoteca seem to be great examples of the old. We would certainly love to walk around and admire all those buildings!

We’s also spend time in the city’s museums, like the Museum of Modern Art and the one of Fine Arts. The art galleries in Ibirapuera Park seem also mightily interesting.

Bird's eye view of Sao Paulo by night

We cannot say much more about São Paulo. If you’ve been, tell us what it was like in the comments – the good and the bad of the city.

2 days in Curitiba

A night bus away, Curitiba is not a usual tourist destination when backpacking through Brazil; and that’s exactly the reason why you should go. We promise that in-between São Paulo’s crowds and the mass tourism at Iguaçu, it will be a pleasant pit stop.

Don’t get us wrong though: Curitiba is definitely not worthless of your time. It’s officially Brazil’s Model City in sustainability – perhaps even more than Brasília, which was completely built up in the 60’s. A safe city with lots of parks , interesting architecture and a population of diverse European origins. It’s probably the only town in South America that gathers an Italian district, German surnames and a traditional Ukrainian church.

Besides the many parks, our favourite feature in Curitiba is the Eye . You read it right. It’s the Contemporary Art museum , built in the shape of an eye by crazy visionary architect Oscar Niemeyer. The whole district that surrounds it ( Centro Cívico ) is like an open-air museum of modern architecture.

Read more: What to see in and close to Curitiba

Outdoor fresco on a building, with palm trees in front

2 days at the Iguaçu Falls

Considering how distant they are from everything else, it was hard to include the Falls in this Brazil 2-week route. But they’re just too majestic a sight, we couldn’t do without. Fortunately, from Curitiba, it’s only the matter of 1 night on a bus.

Do we have to introduce Iguaçu again? Among the widest waterfalls on the planet, they’re one of the new 7 wonders of Nature.

The Brazilian side offers jaw-dropping views from a high-standing lookout and helicopter flights. On the Argentinian side –where they’re called Iguazú– the park is bigger and proposes several trails to admire the beauty from as many angles. A guided tour is not necessary, but we highly recommend to visit it from both sides if you can.

There’s plenty of accommodation and going-out options in the 2 nearby towns; Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil and Puerto Iguazú in Argentina.

Start dreaming: Here are a few amazing photos of the Iguazu Falls

2 days in Florianópolis

The bus back to the coast is long: count with about 15 hours. That’s the price to pay to see the wonderful cataracts, without damaging the planet.

Florianópolis –or ‘Floripa’, as Brazilians call it– is a small-ish town with little excitement besides a few colonial palaces and one of the oldest fig trees . The view from the Morro da Cruz of the sun setting on the entire city is quite magnificent. There’s a large public market that provides in quality what it lacks in authenticity.

But the reason to visit Floripa lies on the Santa Catarina Island that is part of its boundaries. It’s a natural area of quiet fishermen villages and outdoor activities.

Closeup of a boat on the beach in Florianopolis Brazil

People come here from far away to surf, windsurf, and also sand surf on the dunes of Joaquina . There are also snorkeling and scuba diving options, and pretty hikes to secluded beaches. In general, the southern part of Santa Catarina is less built out and attracts less people; therefore it’s probably the most charming. 

Read more: Santa Catarina & our hike to the prettiest beach

If you’re looking for a day trip, the village of Blumenau has surprising German architecture, and hosts an annual Oktoberfest. But the time has come already to make your way back to the airport…

Brazil itinerary 3 weeks

We’re building this overland itinerary of three weeks in Brazil as a loop from Rio de Janeiro and back. It stretches to the South and to the Iguaçu Falls, an unmissable landmark. It mixes urban hypes, colonial treasures, tropical forest, beach time, water activities and culture.

Route map for 3 weeks in Brazil

3 weeks in Brazil itinerary

Three weeks in such a large country is both a long and a short time, especially with such long-distance journeys. But we promise that you actually waste less time travelling a whole night by bus than taking a shorter flight during the day. Anyway, as we said, buses are pretty comfortable and shall not ruin your Brazil vacation.

See the description in our 2 week Brazil itinerary above.

2 days in Ouro Preto

A night bus away from Rio lies Ouro Preto, the jewel of the Portuguese colonies. This small town built atop several hills has remained much like how it was back then; minus the horror of the slavery and the deaths in the mines. There are still a couple of mines nowadays, here only to enlighten visitors about the harsh living conditions back then.

The main attraction of Ouro Preto could be the slow pace of its cobblestone square and its several viewpoints. But it’s also definitely the plethora of heavily-adorned churches sprouting at every street corner. A real church-hoppers paradise, and a treat to anyone who’s interested in that kind of architecture.

Start dreaming: Our favourite sites in Ouro Preto

Church interior of Nossa Senhora do Pilar in Ouro Preto Brazil

If you feel like renting a car, the journey from Rio to Belo Horizonte serves as a pretty road trip . It’s a winding hilly road with occasional forest and a few waterfalls near Lavras Novas . On the way, stop at São João del Rei and Tiradentes , two additional treasure-troves of colonial architecture.

1 day in Belo Horizonte

After spending a few days in Rio de Janeiro, you might not find much appeal in Belo Horizonte. Yet the capital of the Minas Gerais state boasts one of the best nightlife scenes in the country. Some streets are a streak of bars, clubs and restaurants.

It’s therefore your safest bet if you want to try a delish’ Brazilian caipirinha . Made with cachaça liquor, it’s one of our many favourite ways to start off a night out! In bars in Brazil, bartenders ask you how much sugar you want, which is pretty neat. Look on Esquire how to make a caipirinha yourself without taking the plane.

Belo Horizonte is a university town with a lot of interesting street art and modern architecture; our friend Oscar Niemeyer left his touch in the curvy shape of the St. Francis of Assisi church . There are museums, parks, and a beautiful panorama from the Mangabeiras Park. There’s even the city lake Pampulha which includes an ecological park. What else do you need for a one day pit stop?

Iguazu waterfall: distant view from the Argentine side

2 days at the Iguazu Falls

2 days in porto alegre.

Another off-the-beaten path destination in Brazil, we fell in love with the surprising city of Porto Alegre. We enjoyed the mild and safe climate, the pretty riverfront promenade, the stunning neoclassical facades. We loved the cute Praça de Alfândega with its museums, the free Mario Quintana cultural centre, the vegetarian restaurants, the night out on General Lima e Silva street…

You might not have enough time to make it out of the city in 2 days. But the surroundings of Porto Alegre are also mightily interesting. In Rio Grande do Sul, there’s a strong tradition of the Gauchos , the South American cowboys. There’s also a large amount of European immigration , mainly German, from the XIXth century; that can be seen (and heard!) in place names like Novo Hamburgo, Teutônia, Westfália, etc.

Read more: Why Anna loved Porto Alegre so much

Tall buildings in Porto Alegre downtown, Brazil

2 days on the Santa Catarina island

3 days on the costa verde: paraty & ilha grande.

It’s a long ride from Florianópolis to Paraty, and you will need to change somewhere, probably in São Paulo. But you should have enough time left to spend three days relaxing in the turquoise waters of the green coast.

Besides what we said in our 2 week itinerary above, you can also visit the Atlantic forest in the Serra da Bocaina National Park . For an off-the-beaten path experience, explore the rugged coast of Cairuçu Protected Area .

Explore more natural wonders in our selection of National Parks in Brazil .

More best places to visit in Brazil

With these overland itineraries, we’re still missing out on large chunks of the country. Of course, the plane would get us there, but there’s a whole world we don’t want to miss in-between airports.

So yeah, there are still many attractions that didn’t fit in this Brazil travel itinerary. Here’s a list of more places you should consider, depending on where you land or where you’re coming from. Let’s add more destinations to your Brazil bucket list!

  • Salvador de Bahia
  • Morro de São Paulo beach
  • Chapada Diamantina National Park
  • Pantanal: Bonito & Campo Grande
  • Manaus & the Amazon River
  • Pico da Neblina National Park
  • Mount Roraima
  • Lençóis Maranhenses National Park
  • Jericoacoara
  • Fernando de Noronha archipelago
  • Recife & Olinda
  • Porto Seguro beaches

Beautiful Cachoeira do Sossego in Chapada Diamantina National Park, Brazil

2 or 3 weeks in Brazil budget

As we said somewhere else , the major cost of travel in Brazil comes from the transportation. Apart from that, accommodation is inexpensive and food is downright cheap; if you get your veggies from market places and cook often, you can save up much (like pretty anywhere, really).

To check departures times and prices for all bus journeys, we find BuscaÔnibus.com.br to be pretty handy.

Therefore, the cost for 2 weeks of travel in Brazil , including cheap accommodation (hostels, hotels or camping), bus transportation between destinations, the sugarloaf cable car (“ bondinho “) ticket, the boat to Ilha Grande, a couple of museums in São Paulo and Curitiba, and the ticket to see the falls from the Brazilian side, is around:

1,745 Brazilian Reais ($ 375 USD / 335 €)

For our 3 weeks in Brazil itinerary including all of the above, accommodation and bus transportation, plus a visit to a mine in Ouro Preto, count with an estimated budget per person of:

2,425 Brazilian Reais ($ 520 USD / 465 €)

These amounts don’t include food , drinks, city transportation or any souvenir that could find its way to your luggage.

Facade of the Igreja de São Francisco de Assis Ouro Preto Brazil

What to pack for 2 or 3 weeks in Brazil

What to wear in Brazil depends on which region you visit and whether that’s during the wet or dry season . If you follow our itineraries, you will remain in an area that’s temperate, occasionally rainy and not particularly hot. You will therefore wear short sleeves during the day, but will need a jumper in the evening. A rain jacket is a must-have at any season, just in case.

Other things not to forget:

  • your usual  responsible traveller’s kit : foldaway bag, reuse cup, water filter, lunch box, cutlery
  • a water bottle for your nature hikes and city visits
  • a camera , how could you forget it?!
  • useful phrases and words in Portuguese
  • entertainment for long bus travel: book or podcast
  • a  sleeping bag – if only for Couchsurfing
  • travel insurance

Back to the friendly commotion of Praça Floriano in Rio de Janeiro, there’s a whirlwind around and inside of you. Tourists are taking photos of the Escadaria Selarón and the Lapa arches, like you did 2 or 3 weeks ago. You’ve been there and done that. And you wouldn’t say that it feels like home, but there’s something captivating about Brazil that strangely hooks you. You were in search of the soul of the country and you left a bit of your own. That’s how the story goes…

Are you planning a trip to Brazil? Are you looking for other types of destinations? Contact us for a personalised Brazil itinerary!

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Anthony fell in love with the world, and more particularly with South America. He wants to offer inspirational guides to the curious backpacker, travel stories to the online generation, and incentives for a more responsible and greener way-of-travel for everyone.

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São Paulo was my last trip and I stayed there for a short time without being able to visit. So I dream of Brazil. On the other hand, São Paulo is not the city where I would return. It’s an urban jungle with a lot of misery. Rio looks more attractive, although the situation must be similar. I’d be more tempted by Porto Alegre, Iguaçu Falls and the natural parks in the country. Your itinerary looks perfect.

Thanks a lot, Frédérique for your comment. We thought the same about São Paulo and didn’t visit it during our trip. But Rio was fantastic, so many different neighborhoods and so much culture to immerse into, I definitely recommend it to you for next time.

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GSMA MWC Barcelona 2023 Opens its Doors

27 Feb 2023

GSMA MWC Barcelona 2023 Opens its Doors

27 February 2023, Barcelona : GSMA MWC Barcelona 2023, the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event, has today opened its doors at the Fira Gran Via in Barcelona. Hosted by the GSMA, MWC Barcelona invites representatives from the global mobile ecosystem and adjacent industries to network, make deals, and learn about the future of connectivity.

“Put your explorer hat on and allow your imagination to run wild with all of the possibilities that lie ahead,” said Mats Granryd, Director General of the GSMA in his welcoming keynote. “Whether you’re a mobile operator, a start-up, a large traffic originator or a public sector body, there has never been a more exciting and rewarding time to be involved in this industry.”

Expertise from across mobile, and beyond

MWC Barcelona 2023 will welcome a stellar line-up of keynote speakers representing business leaders and experts from industries including telecoms, transport, finance, professional services, logistics and more. Speakers will include:

  • Börje Ekholm, President and CEO, Ericsson Group;
  • Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, European Commission;
  • James D. Taiclet, Chairman, President & CEO, Lockheed Martin Corporation;
  • Vincent Clerc, CEO Ocean and Logistics, Executive Vice President and Member of the Executive Board, A.P. Moller – Maersk
  • Greg Peters, Co-CEO of Netflix;
  • Christel Hedemann, CEO, Orange Group;
  • José María Álvarez-Pallete, CEO, Telefónica

All MWC Barcelona 2023 keynotes will be live-streamed by Mobile World Live and available on-demand here .

"We are living in extraordinary times, in which digital technology is the foundation that underpins the economy and our society,” added José María Álvarez-Pallete, Chairman of the GSMA Board, and Chairman and CEO of Telefónica. “For more than 30 years, the mobile industry has been at the forefront of innovation. Throughout MWC, you’ll be hearing announcements and seeing world-class innovations, all of which demonstrate how we will continue this journey and prove a catalyst for immersive technologies like the metaverse and Web 3.0 to fulfil their potential.”

The GSMA Open Gateway

The GSMA has today launched a new industry-wide initiative called the GSMA Open Gateway . Launched with the support of 21 mobile operators, the Open Gateway is a framework of Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs) designed to provide developers with universal access to operator networks.

MWC Barcelona 2023 will feature many demonstrations made possible through the new framework. These include an immersive concert experience from Axiata; a live ‘jam session’ from the 5G Future Forum; and an immersive gaming and high-definition video showcase from Orange, Telefónica, Vodafone and Ericsson/Vonage.

Key Global Mobile Economy Report 2023

The GSMA has published its annual Global Mobile Economy Report , key findings include:

  • 5G will overtake 4G in 2029 to become the dominant mobile technology, with 5G adoption at over 85% in the top 5G markets by 2030.
  • Global 5G connections will surpass five billion by the end of the decade, with the industry on track to hit 1.5 billion connections in 2023.
  • 5G will add almost $1 trillion to the global economy in 2030 and benefit every sector, with the services (46%) and manufacturing (33%) sectors deriving the most value; the mobile sector’s economic contribution will exceed $6 trillion by 2030.
  • The majority of operators expect private wireless networks to account for up to 20% of their total enterprise revenues, driven by improvements in 5G capabilities.
  • Metaverse momentum continues to grow, in tandem with advancements in enabling technologies like 5G, AI and wearables.

The Usage Gap Zone

At this year’s MWC, the GSMA will be launching a dedicated zone, located on the bi-directional Upper Walkway, between CC1 and Hall 2, to raise awareness of the usage gap, an under-reported global issue which prevents 3.2 billion people worldwide from reaping the benefits of access to digital services.

Eight times the size of the ‘coverage gap’ (which consists of circa 400 million people), the mobile broadband usage gap impacts the equivalent of the entire populations of China, India, Spain and USA combined.

The ‘#UsageGap’ zone will deliver a stark contrast to the highly-digital and connected MWC conference and highlight the experiences of billions worldwide who are currently unable to engage with our increasingly connected world.

By creating a specific zone for stakeholders to engage with these challenges throughout MWC Barcelona 2023, the GSMA is encouraging all stakeholders to learn more about the Usage Gap, to foster greater collaboration across the world in support of digital inclusion, with the aim of ‘leaving no one behind’.

MWC Barcelona: Showcasing the future of industries and sport

New to MWC Barcelona this year is our Journey to the Future immersive storytelling space. The all-new zone, which is open to all attendees, will showcase the full potential of disruptive technologies in the health, sustainability, retail, sports, mobility, entertainment and robotics industries. This year will also be the first year Sports Tomorrow Congress will be co-located at MWC Barcelona, following a collaboration agreement between GSMA and FC Barcelona.

4YFN MWC’s start-up-focused platform, Industry City , the GSMA Ministerial Programme and the GLOMO Awards will all be returning to MWC Barcelona.

Find the latest information and news live from MWC Barcelona on our Press Zone .

About GSMA The GSMA is a global organisation unifying the mobile ecosystem to discover, develop and deliver innovation foundational to positive business environments and societal change. Our vision is to unlock the full power of connectivity so that people, industry, and society thrive. Representing mobile operators and organisations across the mobile ecosystem and adjacent industries, the GSMA delivers for its members across three broad pillars: Connectivity for Good, Industry Services and Solutions, and Outreach. This activity includes advancing policy, tackling today’s biggest societal challenges, underpinning the technology and interoperability that make mobile work, and providing the world’s largest platform to convene the mobile ecosystem at the MWC and M360 series of events.

We invite you to find out more at gsma.com

Media Contacts

GSMA Press Office [email protected]

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2018 Primetime Emmy & James Beard Award Winner

In Transit: Notes from the Underground

Jun 06 2018.

Spend some time in one of Moscow’s finest museums.

Subterranean commuting might not be anyone’s idea of a good time, but even in a city packing the war-games treasures and priceless bejeweled eggs of the Kremlin Armoury and the colossal Soviet pavilions of the VDNKh , the Metro holds up as one of Moscow’s finest museums. Just avoid rush hour.

The Metro is stunning and provides an unrivaled insight into the city’s psyche, past and present, but it also happens to be the best way to get around. Moscow has Uber, and the Russian version called Yandex Taxi , but also some nasty traffic. Metro trains come around every 90 seconds or so, at a more than 99 percent on-time rate. It’s also reasonably priced, with a single ride at 55 cents (and cheaper in bulk). From history to tickets to rules — official and not — here’s what you need to know to get started.

A Brief Introduction Buying Tickets Know Before You Go (Down) Rules An Easy Tour

A Brief Introduction

Moscow’s Metro was a long time coming. Plans for rapid transit to relieve the city’s beleaguered tram system date back to the Imperial era, but a couple of wars and a revolution held up its development. Stalin revived it as part of his grand plan to modernize the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 30s. The first lines and tunnels were constructed with help from engineers from the London Underground, although Stalin’s secret police decided that they had learned too much about Moscow’s layout and had them arrested on espionage charges and deported.

The beauty of its stations (if not its trains) is well-documented, and certainly no accident. In its illustrious first phases and particularly after the Second World War, the greatest architects of Soviet era were recruited to create gleaming temples celebrating the Revolution, the USSR, and the war triumph. No two stations are exactly alike, and each of the classic showpieces has a theme. There are world-famous shrines to Futurist architecture, a celebration of electricity, tributes to individuals and regions of the former Soviet Union. Each marble slab, mosaic tile, or light fixture was placed with intent, all in service to a station’s aesthetic; each element, f rom the smallest brass ear of corn to a large blood-spattered sword on a World War II mural, is an essential part of the whole.

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The Metro is a monument to the Soviet propaganda project it was intended to be when it opened in 1935 with the slogan “Building a Palace for the People”. It brought the grand interiors of Imperial Russia to ordinary Muscovites, celebrated the Soviet Union’s past achievements while promising its citizens a bright Soviet future, and of course, it was a show-piece for the world to witness the might and sophistication of life in the Soviet Union.

It may be a museum, but it’s no relic. U p to nine million people use it daily, more than the London Underground and New York Subway combined. (Along with, at one time, about 20 stray dogs that learned to commute on the Metro.)

In its 80+ year history, the Metro has expanded in phases and fits and starts, in step with the fortunes of Moscow and Russia. Now, partly in preparation for the World Cup 2018, it’s also modernizing. New trains allow passengers to walk the entire length of the train without having to change carriages. The system is becoming more visitor-friendly. (There are helpful stickers on the floor marking out the best selfie spots .) But there’s a price to modernity: it’s phasing out one of its beloved institutions, the escalator attendants. Often they are middle-aged or elderly women—“ escalator grandmas ” in news accounts—who have held the post for decades, sitting in their tiny kiosks, scolding commuters for bad escalator etiquette or even bad posture, or telling jokes . They are slated to be replaced, when at all, by members of the escalator maintenance staff.

For all its achievements, the Metro lags behind Moscow’s above-ground growth, as Russia’s capital sprawls ever outwards, generating some of the world’s worst traffic jams . But since 2011, the Metro has been in the middle of an ambitious and long-overdue enlargement; 60 new stations are opening by 2020. If all goes to plan, the 2011-2020 period will have brought 125 miles of new tracks and over 100 new stations — a 40 percent increase — the fastest and largest expansion phase in any period in the Metro’s history.

Facts: 14 lines Opening hours: 5 a.m-1 a.m. Rush hour(s): 8-10 a.m, 4-8 p.m. Single ride: 55₽ (about 85 cents) Wi-Fi network-wide

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Buying Tickets

  • Ticket machines have a button to switch to English.
  • You can buy specific numbers of rides: 1, 2, 5, 11, 20, or 60. Hold up fingers to show how many rides you want to buy.
  • There is also a 90-minute ticket , which gets you 1 trip on the metro plus an unlimited number of transfers on other transport (bus, tram, etc) within 90 minutes.
  • Or, you can buy day tickets with unlimited rides: one day (218₽/ US$4), three days (415₽/US$7) or seven days (830₽/US$15). Check the rates here to stay up-to-date.
  • If you’re going to be using the Metro regularly over a few days, it’s worth getting a Troika card , a contactless, refillable card you can use on all public transport. Using the Metro is cheaper with one of these: a single ride is 36₽, not 55₽. Buy them and refill them in the Metro stations, and they’re valid for 5 years, so you can keep it for next time. Or, if you have a lot of cash left on it when you leave, you can get it refunded at the Metro Service Centers at Ulitsa 1905 Goda, 25 or at Staraya Basmannaya 20, Building 1.
  • You can also buy silicone bracelets and keychains with built-in transport chips that you can use as a Troika card. (A Moscow Metro Fitbit!) So far, you can only get these at the Pushkinskaya metro station Live Helpdesk and souvenir shops in the Mayakovskaya and Trubnaya metro stations. The fare is the same as for the Troika card.
  • You can also use Apple Pay and Samsung Pay.

Rules, spoken and unspoken

No smoking, no drinking, no filming, no littering. Photography is allowed, although it used to be banned.

Stand to the right on the escalator. Break this rule and you risk the wrath of the legendary escalator attendants. (No shenanigans on the escalators in general.)

Get out of the way. Find an empty corner to hide in when you get off a train and need to stare at your phone. Watch out getting out of the train in general; when your train doors open, people tend to appear from nowhere or from behind ornate marble columns, walking full-speed.

Always offer your seat to elderly ladies (what are you, a monster?).

An Easy Tour

This is no Metro Marathon ( 199 stations in 20 hours ). It’s an easy tour, taking in most—though not all—of the notable stations, the bulk of it going clockwise along the Circle line, with a couple of short detours. These stations are within minutes of one another, and the whole tour should take about 1-2 hours.

Start at Mayakovskaya Metro station , at the corner of Tverskaya and Garden Ring,  Triumfalnaya Square, Moskva, Russia, 125047.

1. Mayakovskaya.  Named for Russian Futurist Movement poet Vladimir Mayakovsky and an attempt to bring to life the future he imagined in his poems. (The Futurist Movement, natch, was all about a rejecting the past and celebrating all things speed, industry, modern machines, youth, modernity.) The result: an Art Deco masterpiece that won the National Grand Prix for architecture at the New York World’s Fair in 1939. It’s all smooth, rounded shine and light, and gentle arches supported by columns of dark pink marble and stainless aircraft steel. Each of its 34 ceiling niches has a mosaic. During World War II, the station was used as an air-raid shelter and, at one point, a bunker for Stalin. He gave a subdued but rousing speech here in Nov. 6, 1941 as the Nazis bombed the city above.

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Take the 3/Green line one station to:

2. Belorusskaya. Opened in 1952, named after the connected Belarussky Rail Terminal, which runs trains between Moscow and Belarus. This is a light marble affair with a white, cake-like ceiling, lined with Belorussian patterns and 12 Florentine ceiling mosaics depicting life in Belarussia when it was built.

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Transfer onto the 1/Brown line. Then, one stop (clockwise) t o:

3. Novoslobodskaya.  This station was designed around the stained-glass panels, which were made in Latvia, because Alexey Dushkin, the Soviet starchitect who dreamed it up (and also designed Mayakovskaya station) couldn’t find the glass and craft locally. The stained glass is the same used for Riga’s Cathedral, and the panels feature plants, flowers, members of the Soviet intelligentsia (musician, artist, architect) and geometric shapes.

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Go two stops east on the 1/Circle line to:

4. Komsomolskaya. Named after the Komsomol, or the Young Communist League, this might just be peak Stalin Metro style. Underneath the hub for three regional railways, it was intended to be a grand gateway to Moscow and is today its busiest station. It has chandeliers; a yellow ceiling with Baroque embellishments; and in the main hall, a colossal red star overlaid on golden, shimmering tiles. Designer Alexey Shchusev designed it as an homage to the speech Stalin gave at Red Square on Nov. 7, 1941, in which he invoked Russia’s illustrious military leaders as a pep talk to Soviet soldiers through the first catastrophic year of the war.   The station’s eight large mosaics are of the leaders referenced in the speech, such as Alexander Nevsky, a 13th-century prince and military commander who bested German and Swedish invading armies.

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One more stop clockwise to Kurskaya station,  and change onto the 3/Blue  line, and go one stop to:

5. Baumanskaya.   Opened in 1944. Named for the Bolshevik Revolutionary Nikolai Bauman , whose monument and namesake district are aboveground here. Though he seemed like a nasty piece of work (he apparently once publicly mocked a woman he had impregnated, who later hung herself), he became a Revolutionary martyr when he was killed in 1905 in a skirmish with a monarchist, who hit him on the head with part of a steel pipe. The station is in Art Deco style with atmospherically dim lighting, and a series of bronze sculptures of soldiers and homefront heroes during the War. At one end, there is a large mosaic portrait of Lenin.

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Stay on that train direction one more east to:

6. Elektrozavodskaya. As you may have guessed from the name, this station is the Metro’s tribute to all thing electrical, built in 1944 and named after a nearby lightbulb factory. It has marble bas-relief sculptures of important figures in electrical engineering, and others illustrating the Soviet Union’s war-time struggles at home. The ceiling’s recurring rows of circular lamps give the station’s main tunnel a comforting glow, and a pleasing visual effect.

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Double back two stops to Kurskaya station , and change back to the 1/Circle line. Sit tight for six stations to:

7. Kiyevskaya. This was the last station on the Circle line to be built, in 1954, completed under Nikita Khrushchev’ s guidance, as a tribute to his homeland, Ukraine. Its three large station halls feature images celebrating Ukraine’s contributions to the Soviet Union and Russo-Ukrainian unity, depicting musicians, textile-working, soldiers, farmers. (One hall has frescoes, one mosaics, and the third murals.) Shortly after it was completed, Khrushchev condemned the architectural excesses and unnecessary luxury of the Stalin era, which ushered in an epoch of more austere Metro stations. According to the legend at least, he timed the policy in part to ensure no Metro station built after could outshine Kiyevskaya.

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Change to the 3/Blue line and go one stop west.

8. Park Pobedy. This is the deepest station on the Metro, with one of the world’s longest escalators, at 413 feet. If you stand still, the escalator ride to the surface takes about three minutes .) Opened in 2003 at Victory Park, the station celebrates two of Russia’s great military victories. Each end has a mural by Georgian artist Zurab Tsereteli, who also designed the “ Good Defeats Evil ” statue at the UN headquarters in New York. One mural depicts the Russian generals’ victory over the French in 1812 and the other, the German surrender of 1945. The latter is particularly striking; equal parts dramatic, triumphant, and gruesome. To the side, Red Army soldiers trample Nazi flags, and if you look closely there’s some blood spatter among the detail. Still, the biggest impressions here are the marble shine of the chessboard floor pattern and the pleasingly geometric effect if you view from one end to the other.

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Keep going one more stop west to:

9. Slavyansky Bulvar.  One of the Metro’s youngest stations, it opened in 2008. With far higher ceilings than many other stations—which tend to have covered central tunnels on the platforms—it has an “open-air” feel (or as close to it as you can get, one hundred feet under). It’s an homage to French architect Hector Guimard, he of the Art Nouveau entrances for the Paris M é tro, and that’s precisely what this looks like: A Moscow homage to the Paris M é tro, with an additional forest theme. A Cyrillic twist on Guimard’s Metro-style lettering over the benches, furnished with t rees and branch motifs, including creeping vines as towering lamp-posts.

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Stay on the 3/Blue line and double back four stations to:

10. Arbatskaya. Its first iteration, Arbatskaya-Smolenskaya station, was damaged by German bombs in 1941. It was rebuilt in 1953, and designed to double as a bomb shelter in the event of nuclear war, although unusually for stations built in the post-war phase, this one doesn’t have a war theme. It may also be one of the system’s most elegant: Baroque, but toned down a little, with red marble floors and white ceilings with gilded bronze c handeliers.

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Jump back on the 3/Blue line  in the same direction and take it one more stop:

11. Ploshchad Revolyutsii (Revolution Square). Opened in 1938, and serving Red Square and the Kremlin . Its renowned central hall has marble columns flanked by 76 bronze statues of Soviet heroes: soldiers, students, farmers, athletes, writers, parents. Some of these statues’ appendages have a yellow sheen from decades of Moscow’s commuters rubbing them for good luck. Among the most popular for a superstitious walk-by rub: the snout of a frontier guard’s dog, a soldier’s gun (where the touch of millions of human hands have tapered the gun barrel into a fine, pointy blade), a baby’s foot, and a woman’s knee. (A brass rooster also sports the telltale gold sheen, though I am told that rubbing the rooster is thought to bring bad luck. )

Now take the escalator up, and get some fresh air.

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Moscow Vibes – Three Day City Escape

Duration 3 days

Price from USD $730 ? Currency Conversion Converted from USD based on the latest exchange rate. Final amount and payment will be in USD. Final conversion rate is determined by your bank.

Trip Style Sightseeing

Time of year All Year

Home / Moscow Tours / Moscow Vibes – Three Day City Escape

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This short Moscow tour will give you a true taste of the history, culture and incomparable urban vibe that define one of the world’s largest metropolises. In just three days, this Moscow itinerary takes in all the most iconic sights of this attraction-packed destination. After two and half days getting acquainted with the city, we’ve set time aside for you to explore Moscow your way and discover your own favourite hang-outs in a city overflowing with hidden treasures

3-Day Moscow Tour Highlights:

  • Panoramic Tour of Moscow: See Moscow beyond the postcard images on a private excursion by car through the city streets including a drive along the banks of the Moskva River. Visit the famous Bolshoi Theatre, pass by Gorky Park and the Novodevichy Convent, and admire the city from on high at the Sparrow Hill observation platform.
  • Moscow Historical City Centre Guided Walking Tour : Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of the world’s biggest metropolises and discover local haunts on foot, including the Red Square, the Kremlin and the multi-coloured domes of St Basil’s Cathedral.
  • Armory Chamber tour: Explore the endless treasures of this unique museum, displaying the wealth accumulated by Russian rulers from the 12th century until the October Revolution of 1917. Walking through the exhibition halls is a journey through the centuries.
  • Moscow Metro Tour : Go deep underground on a subway tour of the famous Moscow metro. The world’s deepest metro system is renowned for its palatial, art-adorned stations, complete with marble columns and chandeliers.

On your first day, you’ll be treated to a panoramic, drive-by tour of Moscow to get a feel for the immense scale of one of the world’s most rapidly developing urban centres. The city’s history unfolds in real-time as you pass lavish imperial mansions, solemn Soviet structures and luxurious modern shopping centres.

Day two kicks off exploring Moscow’s historic centre on foot, followed by a tour of the Kremlin, the seat of Russian power and political intrigue for centuries. Stand in the Red Square, surrounded by the stunning architecture as you hear stories of the people and events behind many of Moscow’s most iconic landmarks.

On your final day, we’ll head beneath the city for a tour of the Moscow Metro and its famously ornate underground stations. Art lovers should hit up one of Moscow’s many world-class galleries such as the Tretyakov State Gallery, the Pushkin Museum or Garage, Moscow’s cutting-edge contemporary art museum. History fans can follow a Soviet trail through the city including Stalin’s Bunker, while those seeking a more indulgent experience can browse trendy neighbourhoods like Kitay Gorod or shop for everything from fashion to kitsch souvenirs at the enchanting Izmaylovo Flea Market. Foodies can head to one of the countless speciality stores sampling vodka, caviar and chocolate.

If you only have a few days to spend in Moscow, this tour will ensure you make the most of your time in the city. Let the experts navigate you through this complex and occasionally overwhelming capital, giving you plenty of time to soak up the city’s most unmissable attractions.


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Type of tour

3 days / 2 nights

Private - Any Date

Russia Moscow Tour

Day 1 Panoramic city tour

Welcome to the glorious capital of Russia, Moscow! You’ll be met by your driver at the airport and taken to your centrally located hotel.

After check-in and rest, meet your private guide at the hotel lobby for a comprehensive tour of Moscow by car. Visit the starkly contrasting Theatre Square to see the stunning Bolshoi Theatre, pass Tverskaya Street, the city’s main boulevard and home to the landmark Yeleseyevskiy Grocery Store.

You’ll enjoy a panoramic drive along the Moskva River, where a huge, controversial state of Peter the Great was erected. Pass by the legendary Gorky Park and the White House before a stop at the architecturally stunning Novodevichy Convent, and the observation platform at Sparrow Hills, for a bird’s eye view over this staggering megalopolis.

Day 2 Red Square and Kremlin

After breakfast at the hotel, your guide will take you on a walking tour of the historical city centre. Stroll through the Red Square, the hub of cultural life in Moscow, with its elaborate ‘stone flower’ fountain and fantasy-like St Basil’s Cathedral – a postcard-perfect symbol of the nation. Admire the grandiose façade of GUM, the city’s most luxurious shopping centre, and visit Alexander’s Garden, with its eternal flame and the chance to watch a changing of the guards.

Break for lunch before continuing on a tour of the Kremlin and Armoury Chamber, famous of its collection of tsarist fashion, with regalia such as jewel-encrusted crowns, orbs and sceptres as well as arms and armour, exotic gifts from the leaders of faraway lands, and an illustrious case of Imperial Faberge eggs.

As an option* spend an evening on a sumptuous dinner cruise, taking in the stunning sights and city lights of this mesmerising metropolis by night.

Day 3 Metro and Arbat Street

Start a day with a tour of Metro, stopping on the way to marvel at some of the most elaborately decorated stations of the world-famous Moscow subway system. Take a stroll along Old Arbat street - the most famous street in Moscow. Through the centuries Arbat used to be one of the most bohemian places in Moscow. Today Arbat is a promenade full of small cozy cafes and street life.

The afternoon is free for you to either enjoy the rest of the day on your own or choose among optional excursions to explore more of Moscow. Visit the Tretyakov Gallery or Pushkin State Museum to admire Russian art. Join locals for a stroll at the Gorky or VDNH park.

Visit beautiful Kolomeskoye Estate or Izmailovo Kremlin, or spend a day exploring the beautiful city of the Golden Ring (Russian province) - Sergiev Posad. In the evening you will be transferred to the airport for your departure to your next destination.

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Group airport/train-station arrival and departure transfers

All transportation according to the itinerary with a private driver

4* hotel accommodation in the historical city center (twin/double)

Local licensed English-speaking guide

All activities, indicated in the itinerary, except optional

Entry fees according to the itinerary (skip-the-lines policy)

Russian visa support document

Travel insurance

Russian visa and visa fees. Russian visa can be arranged by 56th Parallel for an additional cost (for Australian citizens only). Apply for concierge visa service here .

Optional excursions/activities

*Private tour. Price is per person, based on min 2 people

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From USD $730

Day 1: Panoramic city tour

Day 2: red square and kremlin, day 3: metro and arbat street, not included, start planning your tour.

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  2. Roaming mit Travel Mobil & Travel Mobil World

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  3. Roaming mit Travel Mobil & Travel Mobil World

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  4. Roaming mit Travel Mobil & Travel Mobil World

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  1. How Much Fuel Does The World's Biggest Cruise Ship Consumes #shorts

  2. Mit dem Motorboot von der Müritz ans Ijsselmeer: Rechlin nach Priepert (Recipe on Tour 2023 Ep.02)

  3. Neuer "deutscher" Medium: T-54D [World of Tanks]

  4. Mythic DL Q33 Lotus Fames is back with the Legendary L-CAR 9 to drop B2B clips of CODM S&D Gameplay

  5. Mainan Mobil Mobilan, Truk Molen, Ambulance, Kereta Thomas, Mobil Balap, Dump Truck 463

  6. 3 anos de mochila pelo mundo


  1. Roaming mit Travel Mobil & Travel Mobil World

    Sie erhalten von uns eine SMS zur Bestätigung, dass die Option startet. Bei einem Monat Laufzeit endet die Option dann am 14.4. um 23:59, immer nach deutscher Zeit. Freiminuten, Datenvolumen-Mitnahme ins nicht-europäische Ausland und weitere Vorteile: Jetzt die Roaming-Optionen Travel Mobil & Travel Mobil World buchen!

  2. Travel Mobil & Travel Mobil World

    Eine Terminbuchung erfolgt über unsere kostenlose Hotline, im Inland unter 0800330 2202 (Kurzwahl 2202), im Ausland unter +49 171252 2088. Sorgenfreies Roaming außerhalb der EU und Mitnahme von Datenvolumen: Jetzt die Vorteile von Travel Mobil und Travel Mobil World entdecken & buchen!

  3. Erklärung Travel Mobil

    Mit den unterschiedlichen Auslandsoptionen Travel Mobil können Sie in vielen Ländern außerhalb der EU Telefonieren, SMS schreiben und Surfen. Die Optionen haben einen Grundpreis und eine Mindestvertragslaufzeit. Dafür erhalten Sie je nach Option ein Minuten-Budget zum Telefonieren, Frei-SMS und Sie können bei fast allen das Datenvolumen ...

  4. Travel Mobil Optionen

    Mit Travel Mobil Basic (12,56 € netto): Gültig in Ländergruppe 2 (z. B. USA, Kanada, Türkei) 60 Minuten (abgehend & ankommend). Folgepreis 0,33 € netto/Minute. Keine Zuschläge für ankommende Gespräche. 100 SMS. 1 GB Datenvolumen (max. 256 kbit/s), z. B. für Messaging, bereits inkludiert. Mit Travel Mobil Basic World (25,17 € netto ...

  5. Telefonieren und Surfen im Ausland

    Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zu den Preisen für Anrufe zu Mehrwertdiensten und Sonderrufnummern und zu Qualität der Sprach- und Datenverbindungen im Ausland. Mehr Erfahren. Telefonieren und Surfen im Ausland ist günstiger als Sie denken. Ob für gelegentliche Business-Reisen oder Vielnutzer: Die Telekom hat das passende Angebot!

  6. Telekom mit neuen Roaming-Optionen

    Mit nur 14,95 € startet das neue Angebot Travel Mobil Basic. Es ist gültig in der Roaming -Ländergruppe 2 und beinhaltet: 1 GB Messaging (Internetnutzung 256 Kbit/s) 60 Minuten Telefonie für ankommende und abgehende Gespräche nach Deutschland sowie in die Ländergruppen 1 und 2. 100 SMS nach Deutschland sowie in die Ländergruppen 1 und 2.

  7. Telekom startet mit Travel Mobil Basic und Travel Mobil Basic World

    Travel Mobil Basic World kostet maontlich 29,95 Euro und ist in den Roaming-Ländergruppen 2 und 3 gültig. Die Option beinhaltet. 1 GB Messaging (Internetnutzung 256 Kbit/s)

  8. How to plan an International Trip in 3 months

    6 weeks in advance - get the ticket. Keep an eye on the tickets and watch the pattern of fluctuations. Typically Monday or Tuesday will show the best price. On a Wednesday, the tickets we were looking at were about $850, then we bought them the next Monday for $635! These are out of Los Angles and fly into Rio de Janeiro, total trip time is ...

  9. Go Roam

    Europe. £2. a day. Around the world. £5. a day. If you're on Pay As You Go, or your Pay Monthly plan started before 1 October 2021, these charges won't apply. Republic of Ireland and Isle of Man are excluded from the daily charge. Fair use policies apply in Go Roam destinations, check out our FAQs for more info.

  10. Around the World traveling for 3 months

    Here's the locations we decided on for the 3-month period: New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. The locations were chosen based on friends who we wanted to visit and on how we can move through the globe on a one-way flow, and also of course places we've always wanted ...

  11. Travel with a 3-Month Old

    Travel with a 3-Month Old - 7 Tips We Learned. As I was preparing for maternity leave, I got the advice to travel early, as it is much easier to travel when a baby is not yet crawling or walking. That planted a seed and I began to scheme a month-long trip to BCS Baja, Mexico during our combined maternity and paternity leave. It was definitely a ...

  12. Travel connections: tourism, technology and togetherness in a mobile world

    Travel connections: tourism, technology and togetherness in a mobile world, by Jennie Germann Molz London and New York, Routledge, 2012, 198 pp., $135.00/£76.00 (hardcover), ISBN 978--415-68285-5 Sheila Mason Department of Philosophy, Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada Correspondence [email protected]

  13. Roaming-Ratgeber: Vernetzt im Ausland

    Travel Mobil Optionen. Die Optionen haben eine Laufzeit und einen Festpreis mit unterschiedlichen Inklusiv-Leistungen für Internet-Nutzung, Telefonie und SMS. Mit Travel Mobil und Travel Mobil World nutzen Sie Ihre Vertragsinhalte im Ausland fast wie zu Hause. Eine optimale Grundversorgung bietet Ihnen Travel Mobil Basic.

  14. A 3-Week Itinerary for Brazil Full of Highlights

    Days 1-2: Iguaçu Falls. Start your trip south of the country, at one of Brazil's most amazing natural wonders. These gigantic waterfalls are a great way to explore Brazil for the first time, providing a magical experience of the country's exceptional natural beauty. As the largest waterfall system in the world, the falls themselves are ...

  15. Mobile World Congress Hires a Travel Agency to Help Steady ...

    Smartphone trade show Mobile World Congress was one of the first major events to be canceled in 2020, driving home the severity of the pandemic.. Host city Barcelona, in Spain, will have felt the ...

  16. [Itinerary] 2 or 3 Weeks in Brazil

    Brazil itinerary 3 weeks. We're building this overland itinerary of three weeks in Brazil as a loop from Rio de Janeiro and back. It stretches to the South and to the Iguaçu Falls, an unmissable landmark. It mixes urban hypes, colonial treasures, tropical forest, beach time, water activities and culture.

  17. Mobile in travel: brave new world

    Latin America's travel industry was worth an estimated $60 billion in 2015 and will climb 3-5% for the next five years to reach more than $73.3 billion by 2020, with Mexico and Brazil accounting for more than 70% of the market, according to the latest Phocuswright report. Mexico will have 44 million smartphone users in 2016, according to eMarketer.

  18. GSMA MWC Barcelona 2023 Opens its Doors

    27 February 2023, Barcelona: GSMA MWC Barcelona 2023, the world's largest and most influential connectivity event, has today opened its doors at the Fira Gran Via in Barcelona. Hosted by the GSMA, MWC Barcelona invites representatives from the global mobile ecosystem and adjacent industries to network, make deals, and learn about the future ...

  19. Buchung Travel Mobil

    Sie können die unterschiedlichen Auslandsoptionen Travel & Mobil im Kundencenter und der MeinMagenta App selbst buchen. Klicken Sie im Kundencenter auf "Zum Vertrag" bzw. "Vertragsdetails" des Mobilfunk-Vertrags und scrollen Sie bis "Meine Zubuchoptionen". Über den Button "Zubuchoptionen hinzufügen" gelangen Sie zur Übersicht der ...

  20. How to get around Moscow using the underground metro

    Change to the 3/Blue line and go one stop west. 8. Park Pobedy. This is the deepest station on the Metro, with one of the world's longest escalators, at 413 feet. If you stand still, the escalator ride to the surface takes about three minutes.) Opened in 2003 at Victory Park, the station celebrates two of Russia's great military victories.

  21. Diana Abdo

    My work experience is related to managing projects and organizing the work of different teams.<br>I started my journey with photography and now I'm working as an assistant producer in a creative house. Being a freelance photographer taught me to manage my own time and organize the work of small crews.<br>Being a stylist manager and assistant producer gave me experience in organizing big ...

  22. Anna Leven

    Hi, I'm Anna! I'am a product manager with a proven track record in building and shipping successful B2C & B2B mobile and web products. The key areas of my expertise are product strategy, team management, user experience and data-driven research. <br><br>A glimpse into who I am:<br><br>🔍 I consistently question the "why" behind my actions, ensuring alignment with overarching goals.<br>💡 I ...

  23. Moscow Tour

    Day 3: Metro and Arbat Street. Start a day with a tour of Metro, stopping on the way to marvel at some of the most elaborately decorated stations of the world-famous Moscow subway system. Take a stroll along Old Arbat street - the most famous street in Moscow. Through the centuries Arbat used to be one of the most bohemian places in Moscow.