Driving Distance Calculator and Driving Directions UK

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UK Distance Calculator and Driving Distance Between Cities

  • Enter the "Distance From" city, village, town, airport or place name from UK in the first text box.
  • Enter the "Distance To" city, village, town, airport or place name from UK in the second text box.
  • You can also enter airport name or code from UK in above fields.
  • This will display the dropdown with suggested places in UK; Select the desired Address /Place /City /Village /Town /Airport from both the dropdown lists.
  • Click the "Get Distance & Directions" button to get the distance between the selected addresses /places /cities /towns /villages /airports in UK.
  • Northern Ireland

Route Planner

Driving directions.

The route deemed to be the safest and simplest with minimal scope for error along the way. The default recommended route from Michelin.

The route offering the shortest distance to a destination via the most accessible roads. Journey times for this option will tend to be longer.

The most fuel-efficient route that also avoids toll roads.

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Route finder between cities in UK

Find route between two places (cities, towns). Show route, driving directions, fuel cost , distance, travel time, and alternatives routes.

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Guides Do right-click (doubleclick in mobile) on map to add starting and ending point. Also you can fill in the input fields for adding starting and ending points (cities) . Drag points to change the route.

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Fuel cost calculator

The fuel cost by car depend on several factors such as the distance traveled, the driving conditions (traffic jam, slow driving, normal driving, race driving), fuel consumption of the vehicle, and the current price of fuel.

Let's say you are traveling 220 miles (353 km) in a car that has a petrol fuel consumption of 37.5 miles per gallon (7.53 lt/100km). If the current price of fuel is 146 pence per liter, then the fuel cost for the trip would be:

Fuel cost = (220 miles / 37.5 mpg) x 146 pence per liter = 38.84 £ In more detail, the result is obtained: Fuel needed = Distance / Car fuel consumption = miles * 4.54609 / carConsumtion = 26.67 liters Fuel needed = 26.67 lt Fuel cost = Fuel needed x Price per liter = 26.67 liters x 146 pence per liter = 38.84 £ Fuel cost = 38.84 £

Consumption is measured in miles per gallon. The price of fuel is in pence per liter. Gallons should be converted to liters so that the final fuel consumption on a trip is in liters. 1 gallon is 4.54609 liters, so multiply by 4.54609.

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Distance calculator, mileage, routeplanner with fuel cost calculator UK

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How to find distance between UK cities with mileage calculator?

UKdistance.com is an ultimate road trip guide 2019. We are happy to welcome you and thank you for choosing us. Let's talk about calculating distance between cities and everything that comes with it.

UKdistances' purpose is to give you information, numbers and a map for the upcoming journey. To be more specific, we are going to guide you step by step:

  • To calculate distance between cities in UK you need to set your starting point (city) and destination.
  • At the top of the page you can see two boxes. Please fill out previously mentioned strating point and destination.
  • Press "calculate" button.
  • You are redirected to the next page. All the info about your route is going to be on it: how far is one city from another on a map, distance between them, fuel cost calculator, weather forecast.
  • We also have amazing options for booking a hotel and car rental services. Don't forget to check them out too.
  • E.g. distance from London to Edinburgh .

Weather forecast in destination city, fuel calculator, booking and car rentals are additional options that are essential for any traveler. You don't need to visit any other websites, everything you need can be found with UKdistance.com. Out team is always ready to help if you have any questions.

United Kingdom dotted map

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  • Distance from Norwich to London
  • Distance from London to Sheffield
  • Distance from Cardiff to London
  • Distance from Bristol to Edinburgh
  • Distance from Glasgow to Oban
  • Distance from Edinburgh to Inverness
  • Distance from London to Canterbury
  • Distance from Birmingham to Edinburgh
  • Distance from Nottingham to Manchester
  • Distance from Edinburgh to Dundee
  • Distance from Inverness to Oban
  • Distance from Leeds to Sheffield
  • Distance from Edinburgh to Aberdeen
  • Distance from London to Margate
  • Distance from London to Liverpool

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Hitting a UK road / French route / German stra ß e?

Wherever the stra ß e takes you, we’ve got you covered .

You’ve got your route covered .

Now, what about your vehicle?

Route? Check .

Passport? Check .

Breakdown cover? Check it out .

If you’ve got a journey ahead, whether it’s small or large, the Green Flag Route Planner can help you get there with minimal fuss.

The route planner isn’t limited to the UK. You can get accurate directions across Europe. Remember that European breakdown is worth considering if you’re heading to the continent, because repairs and getting back can be costly and ruin your trip.

Once you enter your start point and destination the route finder will map out the best routes for your journey, giving you an estimation of time and an accurate mileage count. It’s easy to add waypoints, so if you know you need to take a detour en route then you don’t need to workout separate journeys.

The route planner will give you a list of directions to your destination, and each individual direction has its own mileage, helping you to keep on track and stay clear of wrong turnings.

Before you head out make sure you’re covered with breakdown cover so you can get back on the road if anything should happen on the way.

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travel times and distances uk

The Complete Guide To Driving Times And Distances In The Uk

In the vibrant and diverse landscape of the United Kingdom, navigating the roads can be a daunting task for even the most experienced drivers. From bustling city traffic to serene rural routes, each journey presents its own unique challenges and opportunities.

This complete guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of driving times and distances across the UK, empowering you with the knowledge to plan your journeys efficiently and safely.

Delving into the intricacies of urban travel, we explore effective strategies for tackling city traffic and minimising delays. Venturing beyond metropolitan areas, we delve into the idyllic countryside, uncovering hidden gems along rural routes while considering factors such as road conditions and scenic detours. Additionally, we shed light on motorway driving by examining speed limits, rest stops, and service stations.

To aid in your journey planning endeavours, this guide offers insights into online tools that provide real-time traffic updates and accurate estimations of travel times. Furthermore, we provide tips for efficient driving practises that not only save time but also promote safety on UK roads.

Join us as we embark on this informative voyage through the intricate web of driving times and distances in the UK. Prepare to take control of your travels with our data-driven approach that ensures you reach your destination smoothly and confidently.

Key Takeaways

  • It is important to plan routes carefully and consider alternative transportation options to minimise delays and navigate city traffic efficiently.
  • Familiarity with the complex road networks in cities and awareness of pedestrians and cyclists are crucial for safe driving in urban areas.
  • Exploring rural routes in the UK can provide tranquillity, absence of traffic congestion, and opportunities for unexpected discoveries and authentic experiences.
  • Understanding motorway driving, adhering to speed limits, and utilising motorway services for refuelling and rest breaks are essential for a smooth journey on the highways.

Navigating City Traffic

travel times and distances uk

Navigating city traffic requires a comprehensive understanding of the road network and a strategic approach to minimise delays and congestion. City driving presents unique challenges that can be overwhelming for even the most experienced drivers.

The sheer volume of vehicles, complex intersections, and unpredictable behaviours of other drivers all contribute to the intricacies of city driving.

One of the main challenges when navigating city traffic is dealing with congestion. Cities are often characterised by high population densities, resulting in heavy traffic during peak hours. This can lead to significant delays, frustration, and increased travel times.

To mitigate these challenges, it is important for drivers to plan their routes carefully, taking into account known congested areas or utilising alternative transportation options such as public transport or cycling.

Additionally, navigating through cities requires familiarity with complex road networks. Cities have intricate systems of one-way streets, roundabouts, and multiple lanes that can be confusing for newcomers. Having a clear understanding of the local road infrastructure is crucial to avoid getting lost or making wrong turns.

Furthermore, city driving also involves being aware of pedestrians and cyclists who share the roads. Urban areas are often bustling with foot traffic and cyclists commuting to work or leisure activities. Drivers must remain vigilant and respect the rights of vulnerable road users by giving them enough space and yielding appropriately.

Successfully navigating city traffic necessitates a deep knowledge of the road network combined with strategic planning to minimise delays caused by congestion. It is essential for drivers to be mindful of alternative transportation options available in cities while being familiar with complex road layouts.

By mastering these skills, drivers can confidently manoeuvre through urban environments smoothly before transitioning into exploring rural routes without any interruption in their journey flow, ultimately improving the overall efficiency and convenience of their travel experience.

Exploring Rural Routes

travel times and distances uk

Exploring the rural routes in the United Kingdom unveils a picturesque landscape that offers a serene escape from urban areas. The scenic drives through the countryside showcase breathtaking views of rolling hills, meandering rivers, and charming villages. Off-road exploration allows travellers to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the UK, with hidden gems waiting to be discovered around every corner.

To evoke emotion in the audience, consider these four aspects of rural exploration:

Tranquillity: Driving along quiet country lanes surrounded by lush green fields and peaceful farmland creates a sense of calm and tranquillity. The absence of traffic congestion allows for uninterrupted enjoyment of the journey.

Serendipity: Exploring rural routes opens up opportunities for unexpected discoveries. From stumbling upon ancient ruins to stumbling across quaint tea rooms or traditional pubs, there is always something new and exciting to find.

Authenticity: Rural areas provide an authentic glimpse into local culture and traditions. Engaging with friendly locals at farmers' markets or witnessing traditional festivals adds depth and richness to the travel experience.

Freedom: Embarking on off-road adventures gives travellers a sense of freedom and independence. With no strict schedules or predetermined itineraries, individuals can tailor their journeys according to their preferences and explore at their own pace.

Understanding motorway driving comes next as we transition into this topic without explicitly stating 'step'.

Understanding Motorway Driving

travel times and distances uk

To fully comprehend the intricacies of traversing motorways, one must grasp the fundamental principles of high-speed road networks within the United Kingdom.

Motorways in the UK are designed to facilitate efficient and rapid travel between major cities and regions. Understanding the rules and regulations governing motorway driving is crucial for drivers seeking to navigate these fast-paced routes.

Motorway speed limits are an essential aspect of safe driving on these roads. In general, cars and motorcycles are permitted to travel at a maximum speed limit of 70 miles per hour (mph) on most motorways in the UK. However, it is important to note that certain motorway sections may have lower speed limits due to ongoing construction or other specific circumstances. Adhering to these speed limits not only ensures safety but also helps maintain a steady flow of traffic.

In addition to speed limits, another vital consideration when driving on motorways is access to motorway services. These services are strategically located along major motorways and provide amenities such as fuel stations, rest areas, food outlets, and restroom facilities for motorists. They offer convenient opportunities for drivers to refuel their vehicles, take breaks during long journeys, or grab a quick meal before continuing their trip.

Understanding both the importance of adhering to motorway speed limits and utilising available motorway services can greatly enhance one's experience while traversing these high-speed road networks in the UK. By following established rules and taking advantage of provided facilities, motorists can maintain control over their journey and ensure a smooth travel experience.

Transitioning into the subsequent section about planning your journey with online tools:

With this understanding of motorway driving in mind, it becomes imperative for travellers to plan their journeys effectively using online tools that offer real-time traffic updates and route recommendations without any undue delay or inconvenience caused by unexpected events on the road network.

Planning Your Journey with Online Tools

travel times and distances uk

Efficiently planning journeys is essential, and utilising online tools that provide real-time traffic updates and route recommendations can help travellers avoid unexpected events on the road network and ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

When planning a journey, it is important to consider alternative routes in order to avoid congestion or delays. Online tools such as Google Maps, AA Route Planner, or TomTom offer options for choosing alternative routes based on current traffic conditions. These tools take into account factors such as accidents, roadworks, and heavy traffic to recommend the fastest and most efficient route.

Another useful feature provided by online journey planning tools is the option to avoid toll roads. Some drivers prefer not to pay tolls or simply want to save money during their journey. Online tools allow users to select the 'avoid toll roads' option when calculating the route, ensuring that they are directed along non-toll routes.

By using these online tools, travellers gain control over their journey by being able to choose the best possible route based on real-time information. They can make informed decisions about alternative routes and avoiding toll roads, ultimately saving time and money.

Incorporating online tools into journey planning provides significant advantages for travellers. The ability to choose alternative routes based on real-time traffic updates helps avoid congestion and delays. Additionally, the option of avoiding toll roads allows drivers to save money while reaching their destination efficiently. By leveraging these digital resources, individuals can have a more enjoyable driving experience with reduced stress levels due to unforeseen circumstances on the road network.

Transition: Now that we have explored how online tools can assist in planning journeys effectively, let's move on to discuss some tips for efficient and safe driving without compromising control over one's travel plans.

Tips for Efficient and Safe Driving

travel times and distances uk

One important aspect of driving is maintaining a consistent speed and following the recommended speed limits. This not only ensures safety on the road but also contributes to fuel efficiency. By adhering to speed limits, drivers can optimise their fuel consumption and reduce the amount of pollution emitted by their vehicles.

To further enhance fuel efficiency, it is essential to practise defensive driving techniques. Defensive driving involves anticipating potential hazards and taking proactive measures to avoid accidents or collisions. This can include keeping a safe distance from other vehicles, staying alert for any sudden changes in traffic patterns, and using turn signals to communicate intentions with other drivers.

In addition to these practises, there are several tips that can help drivers achieve efficient and safe driving:

Maintain a steady pace: Frequent acceleration and deceleration consume more fuel than maintaining a constant speed. Smoothly accelerating and decelerating when necessary can improve fuel efficiency.

Avoid unnecessary idling: Idling for extended periods wastes fuel unnecessarily. If stopped for longer than 30 seconds, it is advisable to turn off the engine.

Plan routes in advance: Proper route planning helps minimise unnecessary detours or congested areas, reducing both travel time and fuel consumption.

Reduce vehicle load: Extra weight in a vehicle increases fuel consumption. Removing unnecessary items from the car can contribute to better fuel efficiency.

Regular vehicle maintenance: Keeping tyres properly inflated, getting regular tune-ups, and changing filters as recommended by the manufacturer will ensure optimal performance and improve overall efficiency.

By implementing these tips along with defensive driving techniques, drivers can maximise their control over their vehicles while promoting safer roads and reducing environmental impact through improved fuel efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common road signs and traffic signals to look out for when navigating city traffic.

Common road signs and traffic signals play a crucial role in navigating city traffic efficiently.

Some common road signs include:

  • Speed limit signs
  • Yield signs
  • Pedestrian crossing signs

Traffic signals such as red, green, and amber lights further regulate the flow of vehicles.

To navigate city traffic successfully, it is essential to:

  • Be aware of these road signs and traffic signals
  • Obey them diligently
  • Stay alert for any changes or updates in the signal patterns.

Are there any scenic viewpoints or landmarks to visit while exploring rural routes?

Scenic viewpoints and local landmarks dot the rural routes of the UK, providing captivating sights for explorers.

One noteworthy statistic is that there are over 15,000km of scenic roads in the country, offering stunning vistas at every turn.

From the breathtaking landscapes of the Lake District to the historical wonders of Stonehenge, these routes showcase England's rich natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Discovering these hidden gems allows travellers to have a truly immersive and memorable driving experience.

How can I effectively merge onto a motorway and navigate multiple lanes of traffic?

Motorway etiquette and effective lane changing strategies are essential for navigating multiple lanes of traffic.

When merging onto a motorway, it is crucial to match the speed of the traffic already on the motorway, using the slip road to adjust your speed accordingly.

Signal early and cheque your blind spots before changing lanes, ensuring you leave enough space between vehicles.

It is also important to maintain a consistent speed and be aware of other drivers' intentions through regular mirror cheques.

Which online tools or websites are recommended for planning a journey in the UK, including finding the best routes and avoiding traffic congestion?

To efficiently plan a journey in the UK, it is advisable to utilise online tools or websites that provide real-time traffic updates. These apps, such as Google Maps and Waze, offer detailed information on the best routes and allow drivers to avoid traffic congestion.

Additionally, when driving through busy city centres, it is important to follow certain tips such as anticipating lane changes, being aware of pedestrians, and remaining patient amidst heavy traffic.

By employing these resources and strategies, drivers can gain better control over their journeys.

What are some additional tips for driving in adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain or fog?

Tips for driving safely in heavy rain or fog include reducing speed, increasing following distance, and using headlights.

In heavy rain, it is important to avoid sudden manoeuvres and maintain a steady pace.

In foggy conditions, drivers should use low-beam headlights and fog lights if available.

Additionally, caution should be exercised when encountering slippery road conditions by avoiding abrupt braking or acceleration.

These tips can help drivers navigate adverse weather conditions with control and minimise the risk of accidents.

Road Route Planners

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United Kingdom Driving Distance Calculator

Driving distance between united kingdom cities.

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Click on any distance in the table below to go to a page with more information.

Tap on a city to see distances to that city. Tap on a distance for more details.

Air Mileage Chart of United Kingdom

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Map of United Kingdom with Flight Distances

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Enter up to 100 city names or geographic coordinates in this field in the following format: latitude, longitude. Enter each city on a separate line.

Mileage charts of regions in the United Kingdom

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  • Create a distance matrix or travel time matrix & calculate travel times from thousands of origins to thousands of destinations
  • Network analysis / travelling salesman problem: use spatial analytics to solve routing problems
  • Commute time map - plot thousands of employee commute times for an office relocation
  • Create up to 3 time polygons visualising where's reachable within 2 hours or less. Our API can create large travel time areas, talk to sales.
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  • Per Diem Lookup

Privately owned vehicle (POV) mileage reimbursement rates

GSA has adjusted all POV mileage reimbursement rates effective January 1, 2024.

* Airplane nautical miles (NMs) should be converted into statute miles (SMs) or regular miles when submitting a voucher using the formula (1 NM equals 1.15077945 SMs).

For calculating the mileage difference between airports, please visit the U.S. Department of Transportation's Inter-Airport Distance website.

QUESTIONS: For all travel policy questions, email [email protected] .

Have travel policy questions? Use our ' Have a Question? ' site


1 choose a location.

Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. Please try again later.

No results could be found for the location you've entered.

Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense .

Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department .

2 Choose a date

Rates are available between 10/1/2021 and 09/30/2024.

The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.

Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.

Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."

Per diem localities with county definitions shall include "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."

When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.


How the Key Bridge Collapsed in Baltimore: Maps and Photos

By Weiyi Cai ,  Agnes Chang ,  Lauren Leatherby ,  Lazaro Gamio ,  Leanne Abraham and Scott Reinhard

On Tuesday, a major bridge in Baltimore collapsed into the water seconds after it was struck by a cargo ship, sending vehicles on the bridge into the river below. The ship lost power and issued a mayday call shortly before it hit the bridge.

travel times and distances uk

The ship, a 948-foot-long cargo vessel called Dali, was about a half hour into its journey toward Colombo, Sri Lanka, when it hit a main pillar of the bridge. All crew members are safe, according to the ship’s owners.

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A mayday call from the ship gave officials enough time to stop traffic at both ends of the bridge. The waters where the bridge collapsed are about 50 feet deep. By Tuesday morning, six construction workers who had been fixing potholes on the bridge remained missing as divers and other emergency workers on boats and helicopters continued to search for them. Two others had been rescued, and one was in the hospital.

Francis Scott

Patapsco River

The ship left the Port

of Baltimore around

1 a.m. on Tuesday.

Where impact occurred

Direction of the ship

The ship hit the

bridge at 1:28 a.m.

The ship hit the bridge at 1:28 a.m.

Where impact

Source: Spire Global

The New York Times; satellite image by Google Earth

The lights of the ship flickered on and off as it lost power in the minutes before the ship changed bearing and hit the bridge.

Ship approached from

the Port of Baltimore

Road repair crews

Ship changed heading

as it neared pillar

Ship hit pillar

Southern and central spans

of bridge began to collapse within

seconds of impact

Northern span began to

collapse seconds later

Within 30 seconds of impact,

the central part of bridge had

entirely collapsed.

Source: StreamTime Live via YouTube

Timestamps are from StreamTime Live video.

The New York Times

The Francis Scott Key Bridge was opened in 1977 and carried more than 12.4 million vehicles last year. The bridge was one of the three major ways to cross the Patapsco River and formed part of Baltimore’s beltway.

The Port of Baltimore is a major trade hub that handled a record amount of foreign cargo last year. It is an especially important destination — the nation’s largest by volume last year — for deliveries of cars and light trucks.

Ship impact

To Chesapeake Bay

Sources: Maryland Port Administration, OpenStreetMap, MarineTraffic

Note: Ship positions are as of 2:46 p.m. Eastern time.

Overall, Baltimore was the 17th biggest port in the United States in 2021, ranked by total tons, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. The bridge collapse brought marine traffic there to a standstill, with seven cargo or tanker ships stranded in the harbor as of Tuesday afternoon.

Gov. Wes Moore declared a state of emergency for Maryland and said that his office was in close communication with Pete Buttigieg, the U.S. transportation secretary. The White House issued a statement saying that President Biden had been briefed on the collapse.

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Erin Schaff/The New York Times

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This is the best time to renew your passport to save money

A travel expert recommends when to renew if you want to be cost-effective, article bookmarked.

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Passport renewal costs are becoming increasingly expensive

Simon Calder’s Travel

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With the online passport application fee increasing to £88.50 from 11 April , those with upcoming travel plans may be wondering if it’s worth renewing their passport early.

Travel Supermarket has analysed whether renewing both adult and child passports ahead of the price increases is worth it, mainly taking into account the remaining validity left on the document.

For adults, anyone who was planning on renewing their passport before 17 December 2024 will save money if they renew before the April 11 deadline. For children’s documents, the important date is 14 August 2024.

If you renew your passport early, any time on your current passport’s validity will not be added to the 10-year validity of your new passport, so those who currently have more time on their validity (beyond December 2024 for adults and August 2024 for children) need not renew early.

The prices hikes are applicable for both online and postal applications for adult and children passports, with fees for adult applications rising from £82.50 to £88.50 for online applications and £93 to £100 for postal applications. For children, the rises are £53.50 to £57.50 and £64 to £69 respectively.

The increase is the second price rise in as many years. The Home Office states that fee increases are necessary in order to ensure that passport services are self-funded. Fees have to cover the costs of processing applications, supporting citizens with lost or stolen passports, and processing people at UK borders. The government does not make any profit on the fees.

The price hike comes among confusion on passport validity dates for those entering and exiting Europe and the Schengen Zone , with HM Passport Office still giving incorrect advice as recently as August 2023 .

The BBC has estimated that 32 million British passport holders could potentially fall foul of post-Brexit rules on validity for travel to the European Union. Travellers are not allowed to enter EU nations on a passport issued more than 10 years ago.

The Schengen Area also requires UK travellers to have at least three months remaining before the expiry date on their passport on the day of departure from the European zone.

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Where is the Francis Scott Key Bridge? What to know about collapsed Baltimore bridge

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge , a major transportation link in the Baltimore area, sparked a massive search and rescue effort early Tuesday morning.

The bridge has been a critical transportation passageway along the East Coast for decades. Video captured the collapse , after Singapore-flagged container ship, the Dali, collided with one of the bridge's pillars.

The ship had caught fire, and several vehicles fell into the river below.

Here's what to know about the Francis Scott Key Bridge.

Follow here for live updates → Baltimore's Key Bridge collapses after ship collision; rescue effort underway

Where is the Francis Scott Key Bridge located?

The bridge crosses over the Patapsco River on I-695 and is the final link on the Baltimore Beltway, according to the Maryland Transportation Authority .

It is the outermost of the three tollways that cross Baltimore's Harbor.

How long is the Francis Scott Key Bridge?

The 4-lane bridge structure alone is 1.6 miles long. The facility also includes the Curtis Creek Drawbridge. Including approach roadways, the entire stretch is around 10.9 miles long, MDTA said.

Why did a ship hit the Francis Scott Key Bridge?

The ship, a container vessel chartered by Maersk, apparently lost power a few minutes before striking the bridge, a senior U.S. official told USA TODAY .

No Maersk crew or personnel were onboard the vessel when it struck the bridge, according to a statement from the company. It was operated by a charter company, Synergy Group, and owned by Grace Ocean Pte., based in Singapore, and ultimately bound for Sri Lanka.

Accidents like this, called Marine casualties, are not uncommon, the official told USA TODAY, with an allision (an immobile object being struck by a ship) occurring about every 10 years or so. Investigators will likely look into the cause of the power outage and whether there was a mechanical failure on the ship.

How old is the Key Bridge in Baltimore?

The Francis Scott Key Bridge opened in March 1977, according to the Maryland Transportation Authority .

What type of bridge is the Francis Scott Key?

The steel-arched bridge was the second-longest continuous-truss bridge span in the world when it was built and remains the second longest in the United States and third in the world,  according to the American Civil Engineering Society .

When was the Francis Scott Key Bridge built?

Construction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge began in 1972.

Francis Scott Key Bridge has a deep history

According to the MDTA, the bridge crosses over the Patapsco River, near where Francis Scott Key, the bridge's namesake, was inspired to write the lyrics of the Star Spangled Banner.

Key is believed to have witnessed the bombardment of Fort McHenry on the night of Sept. 12, 1814, within 100 yards of the modern-day bridge. That battle is what inspired him to the national anthem.

How vital is the Francis Scott Key Bridge?

The bridge is critical to East Coast shipping. The port’s private and public terminals handled 847,158 autos and light trucks in 2023, the most of any U.S. port. The port also handles farm and construction machinery, sugar, gypsum and coal, according to a Maryland government website.

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How to travel around the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore: A look at the traffic impact and alternate routes

By Rohan Mattu

Updated on: March 27, 2024 / 8:04 AM EDT / CBS Baltimore

BALTIMORE -- The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday  led to a major traffic impact for the region and cut off a major artery into and out of the port city. 

A bridge column was hit by a large container ship around 1:30 a.m., sending bridge workers and vehicles into the Patapsco River. A water search for six missing workers turned to a recovery effort Tuesday night.

Drivers are told to prepare for extra commuting time until further notice.

Locator map showing the typical traffic routes of cargo vessels passing beneath the bridge and the trajectory Dali followed prior to the allision.

Alternate routes after Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse

Maryland transit authorities quickly put detours in place for those traveling through Dundalk or the Curtis Bay/Hawkins Point side of the bridge. The estimated 31,000 who travel the bridge every day will need to find a new route for the foreseeable future. 

The outer loop I-695 closure shifted to exit 1/Quarantine Road (past the Curtis Creek Drawbridge) to allow for enhanced local traffic access. 

The inner loop of I-695 remains closed at MD 157 (Peninsula Expressway). Additionally, the ramp from MD 157 to the inner loop of I-695 will be closed. 

Alternate routes are I-95 (Fort McHenry Tunnel) or I-895 (Baltimore Harbor Tunnel) for north/south routes. 

Commercial vehicles carrying materials that are prohibited in the tunnel crossings, including recreation vehicles carrying propane, should plan on using I-695 (Baltimore Beltway) between Essex and Glen Burnie. This will add significant driving time.   


Where is the Francis Scott Key Bridge? 

The Key Bridge crosses the Patapsco River, a key waterway that along with the Port of Baltimore serves as a hub for East Coast shipping. 

The bridge is the outermost of three toll crossings of Baltimore's Harbor and the final link in Interstate 695, known in the region as the Baltimore Beltway, which links Baltimore and Washington, D.C. 

The bridge was built after the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel reached capacity and experienced heavy congestion almost daily, according to the MDTA. 

Tractor-trailer inspections

Tractor-trailers that now have clearance to use the tunnels will need to be checked for hazardous materials, which are not permitted in tunnels, and that could further hold up traffic. 

The MDTA says vehicles carrying bottled propane gas over 10 pounds per container (maximum of 10 containers), bulk gasoline, explosives, significant amounts of radioactive materials, and other hazardous materials are prohibited from using the Fort McHenry Tunnel (I-95) or the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel (I-895).  

Any vehicles transporting hazardous materials should use the western section of I-695 around the tunnels, officials said. 

Rohan Mattu is a digital producer at CBS News Baltimore. Rohan graduated from Towson University in 2020 with a degree in journalism and previously wrote for WDVM-TV in Hagerstown. He maintains WJZ's website and social media, which includes breaking news in everything from politics to sports.

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