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Prepaid Kreditkarten

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Swiss Bankers

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Die Prepaid Kreditkarte für Reisen.

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Die Prepaid Karte für jeden Tag.

The best in Finance & Insurance

Zur Übersicht

Überblick über Ihr Kartenkonto

Wichtige Information:

Am 10. April 2024 werden das Kundenportal sowie der Web-Zugriff auf das Kartenkonto eingestellt. Bitte laden Sie die Swiss Bankers App herunter, um weiterhin uneingeschränkten Zugriff auf alle Dienste zu haben.

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PIN ändern Immer sicher: selbst bei Verlust der Karte Karte aufladen Swiss Bankers App

Finance & Insurance

Travel - Die kostenlose Prepaid Kreditkarte für Reisen.

Travel von Swiss Bankers ist die sichere Prepaid Kreditkarte für Ihre Reisen. Sie erhalten die Karte sofort, können Guthaben nach Bedarf laden und weltweit bezahlen – ohne Jahresgebühr und mit voller Kostenkontrolle.

Ihre Vorteile mit Travel, der neuen Travel Cash Karte.

Ohne jahresgebühr..

Reisen Sie unkompliziert und ohne Risiko mit der aufladbaren Travel Reisekarte ohne Jahresgebühr und mit kostenloser Ersatzkarte bei Verlust. 

Weltweit bezahlen.

Die Karte wird in über 70 Millionen Geschäften und Hotels sowie beim Online-Bezahlen akzeptiert. Bargeldbezüge sind an Bancomaten im In- und Ausland möglich. Bei Fragen hilft Ihnen unser kostenloser Kundenservice weiter.  

Sofort erhältlich.

Travel ist bei verschiedenen Verkaufsstellen  und bei fast allen Banken schnell und ohne Bonitätsprüfung erhältlich – für alle Personen ab 16 Jahren und mit Vollmacht der Eltern schon ab 12 Jahren. Wahlweise in CHF, EUR oder USD. 

Einfaches Aufladen.

Ihre Karte können Sie bei der Verkaufsstelle , mit der Swiss Bankers App , in unserem Kundenportal oder per E-Banking mit Beträgen bis maximal CHF/EUR/USD 10’000 aufladen. 

Bis zu 10 % Cashback bei Booking.com.

Sparen Sie bis zu 10% auf Booking.com bei über 28 Mio. Unterkünften weltweit – zusätzlich auf vergünstigte Unterkünfte und dem Genius-Treueprogramm.

Swiss Bankers App.

Die Swiss Bankers App bietet praktische Funktionen wie Überblick über Guthaben und Ausgaben, Karte aufladen, sofortige Sperrung bei Verlust, sofortiger digitaler Kartenersatz in der App und mehr. Profitieren Sie auch vom Mobile Payment . Sie bezahlen bequem mit Ihrem Smartphone oder Ihrer Smartwatch, z.B. via Apple Pay oder Samsung Pay.


Nützliche Informationen zu Ihrem Reiseziel.

Weltweit immer sicher.

Bei Verlust oder Diebstahl wird Ihnen die Karte inklusive Guthaben weltweit kostenlos mit Kurierservice ersetzt. Digital in der Swiss Bankers App hinterlegte Karten werden umgehend neu aktiviert.

Mehr zur Sicherheit

Gebühren und Karteninformationen.

travel cash card kontostand


Jahresgebühr CHF 45

Monatsgebühr CHF 2.90

1.5% 1 , Karte über Verkaufsstelle bezogen Schnelle Ladung per Kreditkarte / Debitkarte (ca. 15min): Zusätzliche Kosten von 1.5% (auf Ladebetrag mit Ladegebühr). Ladung mit PostFinance Karte: Zusätzliche Kosten von CHF 6.  Tipp: Die Aufladung über E-Banking erfolgt in der Regel innerhalb von einem Arbeitstag. Es fallen keine zusätzlichen Kosten zu den Ladegebühren an.

Keine,  Karte bei Swiss Bankers bezogen Keine 1 , Karte über Verkaufsstelle bezogen Schnelle Ladung per Kreditkarte / Debitkarte (ca. 15min): 1.5%. Ladung mit PostFinance Karte: CHF 6.  Tipp: Die Aufladung über E-Banking erfolgt in der Regel innerhalb von einem Arbeitstag und ist kostenlos 1 .

Keine Schnelle Ladung per Kreditkarte / Debitkarte (ca. 15min): 1.5%. Ladung mit PostFinance Karte: CHF 6.  Tipp: Die Aufladung über E-Banking erfolgt in der Regel innerhalb von einem Arbeitstag und ist kostenlos. 1

1.5 % 1 Schnelle Ladung per Kreditkarte / Debitkarte (ca. 15min): Zusätzliche Kosten von 1.5% (auf Ladebetrag mit Ladegebühr). Ladung mit PostFinance Karte: Zusätzliche Kosten von CHF 6.  Tipp: Die Aufladung über E-Banking erfolgt in der Regel innerhalb von einem Arbeitstag. Es fallen keine zusätzlichen Kosten zu den Ladegebühren an.

Abhängig von den Konditionen 1

Keine 1 Schnelle Ladung per Kreditkarte / Debitkarte (ca. 15min): 1.5%. Ladung mit PostFinance Karte: CHF 6.  Tipp: Die Aufladung über E-Banking erfolgt in der Regel innerhalb von einem Arbeitstag und ist kostenlos.


- Banküberweisung / E-Banking - Kreditkarte / Debitkarte / PostFinance Karte - Verkaufsstellen Tipp: Öffnen Sie die Swiss Bankers App und drücken Sie auf «Laden». Sie finden dort Ihre persönlichen Zahlungsinformationen. Alternativ können Sie diese auch im Kundenportal einsehen.

Gebühr pro Zahlung

CHF 1 / EUR 1 / USD 1

Bearbeitungsgebühr Währungswechsel

Bargeld-Bezugsgebühr in der Schweiz

CHF 5 / EUR 5 / USD 5

Nicht verfügbar

Abhängig von den Konditionen

Bargeld-Bezugsgebühr Ausland

CHF 7.50 / EUR 7.50 / USD 7.50


Weltweit kostenloser Ersatz bei Verlust oder Diebstahl in der Regel innerhalb von drei Arbeitstagen, inklusive Kartenrestwert. Umgehender Ersatz digital hinterlegter Karten. 

Ersatz bei Verlust oder Diebstahl inklusive Kartenrestwert gegen die Gebühr von CHF 20.00 in der Schweiz und CHF 50.00 im Ausland. Umgehender Ersatz digital hinterlegter Karten.

Umgehender Ersatz bei Verlust oder Diebstahl inklusive Kartenrestwert gegen die Gebühr von CHF 20.00.

abhängig von den Konditionen

Ersatz bei Verlust oder Diebstahl inklusive Kartenrestwert gegen eine Gebühr von CHF 20.00 in Deutschland und CHF 50.00 ausserhalb Deutschlands. Umgehender Ersatz digital hinterlegter Karten.


Min. CHF 100 / EUR 100 / USD 100 Max. CHF 10 000 / EUR 10 000 / USD 10 000

Min. CHF 100 Max. CHF 10 000

Min. CHF 100 / EUR 100 / USD 100 Max. CHF 20 000 / EUR 20 000 / USD 20 000




- Bancomat (Bargeldbezug) - Bezahlterminals/Automaten - Kontaktloses Bezahlen - Internet/Online Zahlungen

- Bezahlterminals/Automaten - Kontaktloses Bezahlen - Internet/Online Zahlungen

Mobile Payment

- Apple Pay - Samsung Pay - Google Pay - Garmin Pay, Fitbit Pay, SwatchPAY!

In EUR / USD:  Verkaufsstellen aufrufen

Online Shop öffnen , Banken, SBB Verkaufsstellen aufrufen

Via  Swiss Bankers App

Ausgewählte Privatbanken  

Verkaufsstellen aufrufen

Anzahl Karten pro Person

5 Karten über die Verkaufsstellen

1 Karte über Swiss Bankers 5 Karten über die Verkaufsstellen

Swiss Bankers App Funktionen

- Karte mit Geld aufladen - Karte sperren - Geo-Blocking - Ausgaben Statistik - Viele weitere Funktionen

- Karte sperren - Geo-Blocking - Ausgaben Statistik - Viele weitere Funktionen


1  Ladegebühr kann je nach Vertriebspartner abweichen 

Alles anzeigen

Bis zu 10% Cashback auf Booking.com – zusätzlich auf vergünstigte Unterkünfte!

Sparen Sie bis zu 10% zusätzlich bei 28 Mio. Unterkünften weltweit mit der Travel Karte

Gilt auch bei bestehenden Rabatten wie z. B. dem Genius-Treueprogramm

Die Travel Karte ist kostenlos und hat keine Jahresgebühr

Buchen Sie jetzt Ihre nächste Unterkunft mit der Travel Karte über die Swiss Bankers Buchungsseite

Wichtig: Der Cashback ist nur über die Swiss Bankers Buchungsseite verfügbar und sofern Sie die Unterkunft mit der Travel Karte bezahlen. Sie benötigen zudem ein Konto bei Booking.com.

Jetzt zur Swiss Bankers Buchungsseite**

** Bitte beachten Sie, dass Booking.com nicht dem Bankkundengeheimnis unterliegt und Kundendaten ausserhalb der Schweiz übermittelt werden können. Auf der Webseite bzw. App von Booking.com gelten die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen von Booking.com. Die Swiss Bankers Prepaid Services AG übernimmt keine Haftung bei Nutzung der Angeboten von Booking.com.

Häufige Fragen.

Antworten auf allgemeine Fragen zu PIN-Code, Sicherheit, Mobile Payment sowie Services finden Sie unter Häufige Fragen allgemein .

Wo ist die Prepaid Karte Travel erhältlich?

Travel erhalten Sie bei unseren  Verkaufsstellen . 

Wie viele Karten darf ich besitzen?

Maximal 5 Karten über Verkaufsstellen , diese Anzahl variiert jedoch je nach Vertriebspartner.

In welchen Währungen gibt es Travel?

Travel ist in Euro, US-Dollar oder in Schweizer Franken erhältlich.

Mehr anzeigen

Alles noch einfacher mit der Swiss Bankers App.

Mit den praktischen Funktionen der Swiss Bankers App wird der Umgang mit Travel noch bequemer und übersichtlicher.

travel cash card kontostand

Informationen über die Travel Prepaid Kreditkarte

Suchen Sie eine gratis Prepaid Kreditkarte für Reisen?

Sie wollen mit einer gratis Kreditkarte verreisen und in tollen Hotels, vom einfachen Bed & Breakfast bis zum 5-Sterne-Luxushotel, zu besten Konditionen übernachten? Dann haben wir die Lösung für Sie: Die Travel Karte von Swiss Bankers bietet alles auf einmal. Die Travel Karte ist kostenlos und gleichzeitig sparen Sie bis zu 10% auf Booking.com bei über 28 Mio. Unterkünften weltweit – zusätzlich auf vergünstigte Unterkünfte! Ob für Reisen in der Schweiz, City-Trips in Europa oder USA-Reisen – die Travel ist der perfekte Reisebegleiter und in den Währungen CHF, EUR und USD erhältlich.

Wie kann ich mit der Travel Geld sparen?

Wenn Sie gern in Hotels übernachten, ist die kostenlosen Travel genau die richtige Wahl. Vom Hostel bis zum luxuriösen 5-Sterne-Hotel -  in mehr als 600 Hotels in der Schweiz, Deutschland, Österreich und Italien bekommen Sie mit der Travel bis zu 50 % Rabatt. Dank der integrierten Hotelcard-Mitgliedschaft sparen Sie bei rechtzeitiger Buchung Ihrer Reisen bares Geld.

Mit Ihrer Travel Karte können Sie sämtliche Hotelcard-Vorteile nutzen. Das Gute daran ist, dass Swiss Bankers für Sie die Hotelcard-Mitgliedschaft übernimmt – so sparen Sie sich die reguläre Hotelcard-Gebühr in Höhe von CHF 99 pro Jahr. Es steht Ihnen frei, ob Sie als Travel Karteninhaber das Angebot an vergünstigten Hotelübernachtungen nutzen wollen oder nicht. Nutzen Sie diesen Vorteil ohne zusätzliche Kosten und sparen Sie bei einer künftigen Hotelbuchung bares Geld! Einfach Ihre Travel Karte hier registrieren , Ihr Hotel über die Plattform Hotelcard.com buchen und vor Ort mit der Travel Karte die Hotelrechnung bezahlen.

Warum ist die Travel Prepaid Kreditkarte ideal für Reisende?

  • Bis zu 50 % Rabatt in mehr als 600 Hotels – vom Hostel bis zum 5 Sterne Hotel
  • Kostenlose Ersatzkarte weltweit (in der Regel innerhalb von 3 Arbeitstagen)
  • Keine Jahresgebühr
  • In den Währungen CHF, EUR und USD erhältlich ohne Wechselgebühren
  • Über 70 Millionen Akzeptanzstellen weltweit
  • Volle Kostenkontrolle über die Swiss Bankers App
  • Mobile Payment mit Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay u.v.m.
  • Keine Bonitätsprüfung
  • Für alle ab 16 Jahren erhältlich (mit Zustimmung eines gesetzlichen Vertreters ab 12 Jahren)

Für wen ist die kostenlose Prepaid Kreditkarte geeignet?

Wenn Sie eine sichere Bezahlkarte ohne Jahresgebühr suchen, mit der Sie Ihre Ausgaben unter Kontrolle haben, ist die Travel Prepaid Kreditkarte genau die Richtige. Sie ist ideal für alle, die keine fixen Gebühren bezahlen und die Karte weltweit auf Reisen einsetzen möchten. Bei Verlust wird die Karte weltweit kostenlos inkl. Guthaben in ein bis zwei Tagen per Kurier ersetzt. Digital kann eine Ersatzkarte sogar sofort auf ihrem Smartphone verfügbar gemacht werden.

Nur beim Aufladen und Einsetzen der Karte fallen Gebühren an.  Wenn Sie gelegentlich eine Prepaid Kreditkarte benötigen, sind Sie mit der Travel bestens bedient. Mit der kostenlosen Swiss Bankers App profitieren Sie von weiteren Vorteilen: Zu jeder Zahlung erhalten Sie eine Benachrichtigung in Echtzeit und behalten so alle Ausgaben im Blick und Ihr Budget unter Kontrolle. Sie können mittels Mobile Payment mit dem Smartphone bezahlen, jederzeit Ihre PIN ändern und Ihre Karte mit Sicherheitseinstellungen maximal schützen, wie z. B. das Sperren von Ländern.

Welche Vorteile hat eine Karte ohne Jahresgebühr?

Wenn Sie noch nicht so genau wissen wann und wie oft Sie die Karte einsetzen möchten, ist die Travel genau die richtige Karte für Sie. Mit der Travel Prepaid Kreditkarte haben Sie keine Fixkosten. Es fallen nur bei der Nutzung Gebühren an. Auch wenn Sie noch nicht so genau wissen, ob und wann Sie eine Prepaid Kreditkarte benötigen, ist es durchaus sinnvoll, die Travel kostenlos online zu beantragen. Benötigen Sie die Karte eines Tages, müssen Sie diese nur aufladen und diese ist dann sofort einsatzbereit.

Fallen Transaktionsgebühren an?

Die Travel Prepaid Kreditkarte ist ideal für alle, die ihre Karte nur gelegentlich nutzen. Das Guthaben kann je nach Bedarf aufgeladen werden. Dafür wird i. d. R. eine Ladegebühr von 1.5 Prozent des geladenen Betrages erhoben (bei einigen Verkaufsstellen sind Abweichungen möglich). Wird die Karte nicht weiter genutzt, fallen keine weiteren Kosten an. Nur wenn Sie mit der Karte bezahlen, belastet Swiss Bankers 1 CHF Gebühr pro Transaktion (oder je nach Kartenwährung 1 EUR bzw. 1 USD).

In welchen Währungen ist die Prepaid Kreditkarte verfügbar?

Sie können die Karte nicht nur in Schweizer Franken (CHF), sondern auch in Euro (EUR) und US-Dollar (USD) bestellen. Die Ladegebühr ist für alle Währungen gleich.

Wie kann ich die Karte aufladen?

Die Travel können Sie schnell und bequem in den Filialen des Vertriebspartners aufladen, bei dem Sie die Karte bestellt oder erworben haben. Viele Swiss Bankers Partnerbanken bieten das sofortige Aufladen im E-Banking an. Zusätzlich können Sie die Travel Karte über die Swiss Bankers App oder das Kundenportal per Banküberweisung oder mittels Kreditkarte, Debitkarte oder PostFinance Karte aufladen. Bei der Aufladung per Kreditkarte oder über PostFinance, ist das Guthaben innerhalb weniger Minuten auf der Karte verfügbar. Eine Einzahlung per Banküberweisung kann zumeist noch am gleichen Arbeitstag Ihrer Karte gutgeschrieben werden.

Mit wie viel Guthaben kann ich die Karte aufladen?

Der minimale Ladebetrag beträgt EUR/USD/CHF 100, der maximale Ladebetrag bzw. der maximale Kartensaldo beträgt EUR/USD/CHF 10'000.

Wie schnell geht eine Aufladung?

Sie können die Karte einfach und schnell aufladen. Per Banküberweisung steht Ihnen das neue Guthaben zumeist noch am gleichen Arbeitstag zur Verfügung. Bei Aufladung über Kreditkarte oder Postfinance Karte wird der Ladebetrag innerhalb weniger Minuten Ihrer Karte gutgeschrieben.

Wer kann die Karte aufladen?

Eine Einzahlung per Banküberweisung kann uneingeschränkt entweder durch Sie oder über eine andere Person erfolgen. Das Aufladen über Kreditkarte oder PostFinance ist nur mit einer auf Sie ausgestellten Karte möglich. Alternativ können Sie sich von einem anderen Swiss Bankers Karteninhaber auch Geld per Send – unserem innovativen Geldtransferservice – jederzeit zusenden  lassen.

Wie werden die hohen Sicherheitsstandards gewährleistet?

  • Mit der Swiss Bankers App können Sie die Karte für bestimmte Länder sperren oder entsperren.
  • Der PIN-Code kann jederzeit in der Swiss Bankers App geändert werden.
  • Bei Verlust einfach und schnell die Karte per Swiss Bankers App sperren. Eine neue Travel Karte mit Ihrem vorhandenen Guthaben senden wir Ihnen weltweit kostenlos per Kurier innerhalb weniger Tage zu.
  • Überwachung verdächtiger Transaktionen rund um die Uhr durch unsere Sicherheits-Experten.
  • Bei erkanntem Betrugsverdacht sofortige Benachrichtigung und Sperrung der Karte durch Swiss Bankers.

* Der Cashback ist nur verfügbar, wenn dieser bei der Auswahl der Unterkunft angezeigt wird. Dieser wird erst nach einem Aufenthalt und der Bezahlung der Unterkunft ins Booking.com-Wallet gutgeschrieben. Der Cashback beträgt zwischen 5% und 10%. Das Angebot kann jederzeit innerhalb von 5 Tagen durch Booking.com geändert oder eingestellt werden. Barauszahlung und Rechtsweg sind ausgeschlossen.


Travel Deals





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Swiss Bankers Travel Card

Without annual fee. Worldwide free card replacement including remaining credit in case of loss or theft. The Travel Card can be topped up via the Swiss Bankers App, client portal or distribution partner. The card is available in three currencies (CHF, EUR, USD) - there are no foreign currency fees in the corresponding currencies.

The Travel Card is available from numerous banks (Migros Bank, Bank Cler, cantonal, regional and Raiffeisen banks) as well as SBB. Available with parental consent from the age of 12.

Maximum load amount: CHF 10,000 (or EUR or USD).

A fee of CHF/EUR/USD 1 is charged per transaction (does not apply to cash withdrawals).

Other services: Individual card blocking, geoblocking, issuing statistics and free hotline for customer support.

Recharge by bank transfer: free of charge, via PostFinance: CHF 6, by credit card: 1.5%.

Customer satisfaction

--> --> --> --> --> --> --> costs.

Maximum 4 additional cards.

More products

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Swiss Bankers «Travel»

Reisen Sie unkompliziert und ohne Risiko: Mit der Swiss Bankers Travel Karte. Schnell aufgeladen, weltweit akzeptiert und ohne Jahresgebühr.

Ihre Vorteile auf einen Blick

Weltweit Bargeld beziehen und bargeldloses Bezahlen

Erhältlich in CHF, EUR und USD

Hohe Sicherheit und kontaktloses Bezahlen

Weltweit kostenloser Ersatz bei Verlust  

Keine Jahresgebühr

Bis zu 10% Cashback auf Booking.com

Swiss Bankers Travel Karte

Kartenfunktionen und Sicherheit

Für Entdecker und Pendler: Die Swiss Bankers Travel Karte ist Ihr treuer Begleiter auf Reisen.

Weltweit an über einer Million Bancomaten Bargeld in der entsprechenden Landeswährung beziehen 

An 43 Millionen Mastercard-Akzeptanzstellen bequem und sicher bargeldlos bezahlen

Bei Verlust wird die Karte kostenlos weltweit ersetzt 

Mit der kostenlosen Swiss Bankers App haben Sie die volle Kontrolle über Ihre Karte

Preise und Konditionen

Für die genauen Kosten und Konditionen wählen Sie Ihre Bank.

Häufige Fragen

Wie funktioniert die Swiss Bankers Travel Karte?

Die Swiss Bankers Travel Karte ist eine wiederaufladbare Prepaid-Karte mit PIN-Code. Die Karte wird von der Swiss Bankers Prepaid Services AG unter dem Namen, der Adresse, Nationalität und dem Geburtsdatum der wirtschaftlich berechtigten Person eingetragen. Der Name ist nicht auf der Karte ersichtlich. Laden Sie nach Bedarf Guthaben auf die Karte – der entsprechende Betrag steht Ihnen auf der ganzen Welt zur Verfügung.

Wo bestelle ich die Swiss Bankers Travel Karte?

Die Swiss Bankers Travel Karte bestellen Sie direkt bei Ihrer Raiffeisenbank. Sie benötigen lediglich ein Raiffeisen Spar- oder Transaktionskonto.

Wo kann ich die Swiss Bankers Travel Karte einsetzen?

Swiss Bankers Länderinformation

ATM-Locator weltweit: Mastercard

Haben Sie weitere Fragen?

Unter  Hilfe & Kontakt  finden Sie die häufigsten Fragen unserer Kunden.

Ihr nächster Schritt.

  • de Aktives Element

Mit der Travel Karte sicher auf Reisen gehen

Mit Swiss Bankers Travel, der Reisekarte zum Aufladen, zahlen und beziehen Sie Geld weltweit wie mit einer Mastercard-Kreditkarte ohne Verbindung zu einem Bankkonto.

travel cash card kontostand

Ihre Vorteile

  • Sie bezahlen und beziehen Geld weltweit.
  • Sie haben keine Jahresgebühr.
  • Sie laden die Karte einfach per Telefon mit neuem Guthaben auf.
  • Sie erhalten bei Verlust kostenlosen Ersatz inklusive Restwert.
  • Sie kontrollieren die Ausgaben mit der App «Swiss Bankers».

Konditionen und Leistungen

Für Privatkunden, die viel reisen und ein Zahlungsmittel auf Guthabenbasis suchen.

  • Aufladbar via Telefon ( 0800 88 99 66 ), via Swiss Bankers App, oder via Zahlungsauftrag im E-Banking
  • Übersicht über das Kartenkonto mit der App «Swiss Bankers» oder hier  (mit Internet-Code) sowie unter der Swiss Bankers Hotline unter +41 (0)31 710 1215 (mit PIN-Code)
  • PIN-Code der Travel-Karte kann in der Schweiz und in Liechtenstein am Bancomaten, in der Schweiz auch am Postomaten und weltweit via Swiss Bankers Hotline +41 (0)31 710 1215 geändert werden
  • Kontaktloses Bezahlen
  • Weltweiter kostenloser Sofortersatz inklusive des Restwertes bei Verlust oder Diebstahl
  • In Euro, US-Dollar und Schweizer Franken erhältlich

Inklusive Hotelcard - die besten Hotels mit 50 % Rabatt Travel bietet Ihnen jetzt zusätzlich die Vergünstigungen der Hotelcard . Wenn Sie Ihre Buchung über hotelcard.ch mit der Travel Karte bezahlen, profitieren Sie vom halben Preis.


  • Travel. Die Prepaid Karte für Reisen (PDF)
  • Weitere Informationen

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Swiss Bankers Travel-Karte

travel cash card kontostand

Für alle, die auf Reisen nicht ans Geld denken möchten: einfach Travel-Karte aufladen und sofort überall auf der Welt Geld in der Währung des Reiselands beziehen oder bargeldlos zahlen – auch online. Bei Verlust ersetzen wir Ihre Karte sofort – Restbetrag inklusive. 

Aus «Travel Cash» wird neu die Swiss Bankers «Travel» Karte! Ihr treuer Begleiter auf Reisen in fremde Länder und in der Schweiz erhält ein neues Design und bietet zusätzliche Vorteile, wie 50% Ermässigung bei 600 Hotels in der Schweiz.

  • Kostenlose Travel-Karte zum Aufladen
  • Kontaktlos und bargeldlos bezahlen oder Geld abheben – einfach, schnell und sicher in der Schweiz und weltweit
  • Unabhängig vom Bankkonto
  • Wird bei Verlust sofort weltweit kostenlos ersetzt – inklusive Restbetrag
  • Erhältlich in den Währungen CHF, EUR und USD
  • Mit der kostenlosen Swiss Bankers App Länder sperren, Karte sperren, PIN neu setzen und mehr
  • Rasche und flexible Aufladung dank Kartenzugriff im E-Banking
  • Mobiles Bezahlen mit Apple, Google, Samsung etc.
  • Bis zu 10% Cashback auf Booking.com erhalten
  • Bargeldbezug in der Schweiz: CHF/EUR/USD 5.00
  • Bargeldbezug im Ausland: CHF/EUR/USD 7.50
  • Bargeldlos zahlen: CHF/EUR/USD 1.00
  • Ladekommission: 1,5%
  • Produktbeschrieb Travel-Karte (pdf 51 KB) file_download
  • Kartenübersicht (pdf 307 KB) file_download
  • Basisdokument (AGB) (pdf 194 KB) file_download
  • Sicherheitshinweise Swiss Bankers Travel-Karte (pdf 2309 KB) file_download

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Whether to Use Cash, Credit, or Debit While Traveling

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Traveling with money is a task that makes many people uneasy, especially when foreign currency is involved. Carrying cash abroad can be deemed as risky, but credit and debit cards can be notoriously finicky because of bank security and the fees that come with international credit charges can have a major effect on your funds in the long run. So, what's a poor old wandering soul to do?

These are questions to bring up with your bank, of course, but the safest method is perhaps to use them all. In other words: The "don't put all your eggs in one basket" saying applies. Using a mix of cash, credit, debit, and maybe even the odd traveler's check ensures that if the fees for one method are particularly astronomical, your bank account won't take as much of a toll. It also helps if one of your cards or a wad of cash is lost or stolen. 

Cash is convenient and relatively cheap to exchange . You can take money from your home country into a foreign bank almost anywhere in the world and they'll easily exchange it without the worry of tiny bank fees adding up, pesky ATM fees, or losing out on a bad exchange rate. Alternatively, though, carrying coins and paper money is a security risk. When stolen, it cannot be replaced. The key is to have just a small amount of backup cash stashed away in a safe money belt.

If properly protected, a debit card can't be stolen as easily as cash. Debit cards can be used across many countries , although you should notify your bank of international usage first. Better yet, they can be used to retrieve cash—if the occasion calls for it—at an ATM and are all-around less bulky than carrying cash on your hip.

Be aware, however, that not all ATM machines (especially in more rural places) accept foreign debit cards and certainly not every restaurant and store will, either. Shops have been known to ban foreign debit altogether, so carrying a form of backup currency is always wise. Additionally, using debit regularly could lead to an accumulation of transaction fees. At ATMs, for instance, you'll be charged for converting funds into local currency and , if outside of your network, an additional ATM fee.

You may also need to change your PIN before you go, seeing as some countries' ATM machines can't process PINs with more than four digits. Others can't process ones with zeros. Lastly, before swiping your debit card abroad, educate yourself on ATM scams and learn how to avoid them.

Credit Cards

Like debit cards, credit cards are small and packable. They're replaceable and reliable. In fact, some hotels only accept authorization via credit, so this may be an integral method for you. MasterCard and Visa are widely accepted in other countries and you can use them for ATM transactions, too.

The bad news is that unscrupulous merchants can steal your credit card information and while you can dispute fraudulent charges and eventually get them removed from your account, the process can be grueling. You may need to cancel your card mid-trip to resolve fraud issues. It would be wise to also find out what your bank charges in international transaction fees before swiping your card haphazardly.

Prepaid Travel Cards

Prepaid travel cards like Visa TravelMoney look like credit cards but function more like a modern version of travelers checks. You simply load the card with money from your bank account and use it like a debit card at ATMs or like a credit card at merchants and hotels. They're locked with a PIN number, as your other cards are, for extra security, but they can sometimes be difficult to use at ATM machines. Additionally, fees for foreign currency transactions can be extremely high—as much as 7 percent in some cases.

Traveler's Checks

Although traveler's checks are historically secure and can be replaced if lost or stolen, they're hardly used anymore. Not many merchants or banks still accept them, even if they're written in their local currency. Merchants may charge you an additional fee for paying with traveler's checks, which are expensive to purchase in the first place (on top of the standard service fee, you'll also pay for shipping if you order them online). Not only are they one of the bulkiest means of payment to carry with you, they're one of the least useful, too.

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Should You Use Cash or Credit Card When Traveling?

by Julie Ball - Last updated on January 8, 2022

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Traveling to a new place can be exhilarating, but also intimidating. You’ve most likely spent a good chunk of change (not to mention time) preparing for your trip, from booking transportation , to activities , to accommodation . After that, you’ll also need to spend a bit more time thinking through how you’ll handle expenses while abroad, and whether to use cash or credit card when traveling. Trust us: The best time to start thinking about money is before you’re spending it!

person shopping on laptop with a credit card

Time to do some budgeting and calculations!

Just a few of the additional costs of travel to keep in mind before, during, and after your trip include exchange rates, foreign transaction fees, and ATM fees. All that considered, you’ll need to decide for yourself whether it’s better to use cash or credit cards when traveling.

READ MORE: Traveling on a Student Budget? You Need This Budget Planner

Is it better to travel with cash or card.

Okay, let’s get right down to it. Is is better to travel with a credit/debit card or local cash? Lots of people think it’s better to take cash out of local ATMs when you arrive at your destination, in order to save on exchange fees and credit card fees. On the flipside, others prefer using a credit card while traveling because it can be more reliable and earn you points on your account.

So, is one better than the other? It depends. When deciding to travel with cash or card abroad, consider the following pros and cons:

Pros and cons of using a credit card abroad

  • Pro : May offer a better exchange rate than when using cash
  • Pro : If lost or stolen, a card is easier to replace and potentially get your money back
  • Pro : More secure than carrying cash
  • Pro : Score points on credits that can be used for future travel and other purchases
  • Con : If you forget to alert your bank, your charges could be flagged as fraudulent (and they may shut off your card, leaving you stranded)
  • Con : You may be charged international transaction fees on every purchase

Pros and cons of using cash while traveling

  • Pro : Avoid international transaction fees on your purchases
  • Pro : You’ll always have money available for tips or cash-only vendors
  • Pro : It supports the local economy more directly
  • Pro : You can order local currency in advance from your bank or organizations like AAA
  • Con : Less secure than carrying a card (lost or stolen cash is most likely gone forever)
  • Con : ATM fees and account fees for cash withdrawls abroad can be huge, especially at out-of-network ATMs
  • Con : Difficult to know how much you’ll need, potentially leaving you stranded if ATMs or Western Union are scarce

READ MORE: 5 Best Credit Cards for Travel Rewards

Is it cheaper to use credit cards or cash abroad.

is it cheaper to use credit card or cash abroad

Whether cash or credit is cheaper comes down to exchange rates and transaction fees.

Since many of the pros of using cash or card depend on exchange rates, you’ll want to first understand what they are and how they can determine if it’s cheaper to use credit cards or cash during your travels.

For those who aren’t familiar, exchange rates can be defined as “the value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another.” Anywhere you travel that doesn’t use the same currency you use at home, you’ll need to convert money so you can spend it.

In some countries, you’ll be able to use your own currency which the vendor then exchanges, but it’s best to take the “when in Rome” attitude, and make the exchange yourself at a kiosk, hotel, or other reputed place of business that offers exchange services.

Keep in mind that exchange rates vary by location. For example, airport kiosks don’t often have the best rates, so it’s a good idea to shop around or go to a local bank instead. It’s very easy to Google what a good rate would be.

Additionally, when you use a credit card, you must also keep in mind exchange rates. Some cards may have better rates than others (this information is also searchable).

This brings us to international and foreign transaction fees! Even with a good exchange rate, you’ll often be charged a foreign transaction fee when making credit card purchases abroad. Luckily, some credit card companies have partnerships with banks abroad, and offer lower (or zero) fees, especially credit cards intended for travel .

It’s best to do some research prior to your trip to see which of your credit cards is better to use (or if this time around you should stick to cash)!

Pro tip : Some vendors will ask you if you want to pay in local or foreign currency when you’re making a credit card purchase. It’s best to select local currency, as that will get you the closest to the fair market rate!

What’s the best way to get cash when traveling abroad?

ATM in a decorative brick wall

Be sure to research how easy it is to find an ATM in your destination.

Most likely the easiest way to get cash when traveling is by using the same debit card you’d use at home at a local ATM . Just as with credit card foreign transaction fees, when you use your debit card to take out cash at the ATM, you may be charged a fee. Usually, it’s $2 to $7 dollars on any cash withdrawal.

That being said, it’s better to withdraw a large amount of cash at once to avoid multiple fees . The percentage charged by your bank on international withdrawals is most likely fixed, so by making larger withdrawals, you’re actually getting more bang for your buck where ATM fees are concerned.

Avoid scams by going to an actual bank to withdraw funds. Make sure you’re checking that you’re not being charged an exorbitant fee to withdraw your cash, and there isn’t a large minimum amount (you don’t want to carry too much money around with you with the risk that it will be lost or stolen).

Again, your bank may have a partner in the country you’re traveling to where you can withdraw cash with no fee, so try to find out if this is the case prior to jetsetting!

Another reason to get in touch with your bank prior to leaving your home country is to avoid the hassle of them potentially flagging any of your international purchases as fraudulent. Some banks will flag an international transaction until you verify you are indeed out of the country , which may delay being able to use your cards.

Honestly, it’s a great idea to pre-order some cash in the local currency through a travel agency (like AAA) to make sure you have a backup method of payment, at least for your first day or two abroad— especially if you won’t have phone service when you land . No phone service and no cash on hand will leave you stressed AF, especially if you’re landing in the middle of the night.

If for any reason you are not able to use a credit card abroad, other options include prepaid cards from Visa, Mastercard, or other large credit card companies, or even travelers’ checks. While it’s not ideal to carry around large amounts of cash, travelers’ checks can be refunded if lost or stolen.

Should I carry local cash when traveling?

how much cash to travel with

It’s always a good idea to have some local cash on hand.

While credit cards are easy to carry and more secure than cash, you should always have some local cash on you when traveling. It’s just good sense. Besides the fact that some local shops and vendors won’t accept credit cards, having some cash provides a safety net in case your bank shuts off your card for any reason. Plus, cash tips are always more appreciated than digital.

How much cash should I travel with?

How much cash you should travel with largely depends on your destination: How much is the cost of living? Is tipping expected? How long will you be staying? Do many of the activities you want to do or places where you want to do business accept credit cards or online booking?

These are all questions you should ask yourself when determining to use cash or card when traveling, and just how much cash you should travel with. But, if you want a number to work with, we suggest having $200 on hand when you land in your destination , just to be safe. If you decide to go cash-only for your entire trip abroad, then maybe factor in a bit more for your first few weeks.

Keep in mind you’ll also want a safe place to keep your cash. Take with you what you need for the day, perhaps in a money belt or other secure item, and leave the rest in your accommodation, ideally locked up. Most hostels and hotels around the world provide safes or lockboxes in their rooms, so you’ll be golden.

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Cash or credit card it’s up to you.

So, should you use cash or credit cards when traveling? A mix of both may be the answer! If you do a bit of research prior to your trip, you’ll be able to safely estimate how much cash you should bring with you, how much and where to withdraw, and what your bank and credit card company’s policies are regarding international expenditures.

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Frugal Traveler

Credit Card Swipe Fees Are Going Down. Are Points Going With Them?

A new agreement by Visa and Mastercard to reduce fees charged to merchants may drain the lucrative rewards that grant free travel to many credit card users.

A close-up photograph of someone inserting their Visa credit card into a credit card swiper.

By Elaine Glusac

Elaine Glusac is the Frugal Traveler columnist, focusing on budget-friendly tips and journeys.

On Tuesday, the largest credit card companies in the United States reached an agreement with merchants to reduce the so-called swipe fees retailers pay for accepting credit card payments, potentially saving the retailers $30 billion.

These fees also help fund the credit card rewards programs that many travelers redeem for things like free flights and hotel stays, leading points hawks to wonder: Are loyalty programs at risk?

Here’s what we know so far about the changes.

What are the terms of the deal?

Last year, credit card payments generated an estimated $72 billion in fees paid by merchants, which are generally passed along to customers in the form of higher prices. For nearly 20 years, merchants have been seeking reductions in the fees they pay Visa and Mastercard for handling transactions where the cards are used.

The proposed settlement , awaiting approval in a federal court, reduces and caps those fees for five years. It would also allow merchants to potentially charge consumers more based on the card they pay with. For example, a person paying with a premium card like the Chase Sapphire Reserve, which costs $550 a year, could be charged more than someone paying with the more basic Chase Sapphire Preferred card, with an annual fee of $95.

Why does it matter?

The majority of the fees collected go back to the banks that issue the credit cards. Those banks have used the funds to push premium credit cards that offer loyalty points, which can be redeemed for free travel and other perks. The cards with the biggest benefits tend to be those that charge higher swipe fees.

While the reduction in the fees collected sounds small — averaging at least .07 percent — they represent an estimated $30 billion over the five-year term of the deal, which banks could try to make up by reducing points perks.

“It’s reasonable to think that,” said Brian Kelly, the founder of the Points Guy , a news site devoted to maximizing credit card points.

While he speculated that banks will be able to “find other ways to make up the difference,” he acknowledged that a points squeeze could emerge.

“Opportunities to earn probably aren’t going to flourish,” he said.

The idea that merchants could charge more to the holders of premium, perks-rich cards, which are expensive, might also deter consumers from using them. Some experts question the viability of the practice given the potential for consumer backlash.

Is the new agreement related to the Credit Card Competition Act?

The legal actions that led to the new credit card agreement date back to 2005. But the newer Credit Card Competition Act , proposed in 2023, aims to introduce more competition in the credit card payment system. By creating a cheaper alternative pipeline for processing payments, the proposed legislation is seen as a greater threat to rewards programs.

Responding to the just-announced agreement between the credit card companies and retailers, Senator Dick Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, and the lead sponsor of the Credit Card Competition Act, released a statement urging the act’s passage.

“I fear that this deal only provides temporary concessions negotiated by a few lawyers behind closed doors,” he said in the statement.

Other experts said the agreement may ease the pressure on Congress to pass the act.

“I think it’s a way for Visa and Mastercard to show that they are making a good-faith effort to help out merchants by lowering the fees they’ve been complaining about for 20 years, and hopefully enough to let senators know they’re doing their part,” said Chris Hassan, the social media and brand manager for Upgraded Points , a website that tracks credit card benefits.

Separately, the proposed merger between Capital One and Discover, which is pending federal approval, could introduce more competition among credit cards and potentially improve rewards for holders of those cards.

What should I do now?

The points and payments systems won’t change until the agreement is approved, which is expected in late 2024 or early 2025, according to a news release from Mastercard.

But the topic should remind travelers of the reality of playing with points: The rules always change. Values tend to fall as redemption levels rise, which companies issuing these currencies are free to adjust at will.

If you have points, spend them, say experts like Sara Rathner, a travel and credit card specialist at the financial website NerdWallet . “They’re not a trophy to dust and admire.”

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Mumbai:  Spend 36 hours in this fast-changing Indian city  by exploring ancient caves, catching a concert in a former textile mill and feasting on mangoes.

Kyoto:  The Japanese city’s dry gardens offer spots for quiet contemplation  in an increasingly overtouristed destination.

Iceland:  The country markets itself as a destination to see the northern lights. But they can be elusive, as one writer recently found .

Texas:  Canoeing the Rio Grande near Big Bend National Park can be magical. But as the river dries, it’s getting harder to find where a boat will actually float .

Both cards charge the same annual fee

Chase sapphire preferred has a more lucrative welcome bonus, autograph journey offers more flexibility for earning rewards, chase sapphire preferred has more options for redeeming rewards -- for now, chase sapphire preferred wins the travel insurance faceoff, both cards offer valuable general perks, the bottom line.

Why You Can Trust CNET Money

CNET editors independently choose every product and service we cover. Though we can’t review every available financial company or offer, we strive to make comprehensive, rigorous comparisons in order to highlight the best of them. For many of these products and services, we earn a commission. The compensation we receive may impact how products and links appear on our site.

Does Wells Fargo’s New Travel Card Beat Chase Sapphire Preferred at Its Own Game?

The Autograph Journey matches Sapphire Preferred in many categories, but comes up short on redemption options. That could change soon.

Holly Johnson

Holly Johnson


Holly Johnson is a credit card expert and writer who covers rewards and loyalty programs, budgeting, and all things personal finance. In addition to writing for publications like Bankrate, CreditCards.com, Forbes Advisor and Investopedia, Johnson owns Club Thrifty and is the co-author of "Zero Down Your Debt: Reclaim Your Income and Build a Life You'll Love."

Tiffany Connors

Tiffany Connors

Tiffany Wendeln Connors is a senior editor for CNET Money with a focus on credit cards. Previously, she covered personal finance topics as a writer and editor at The Penny Hoarder. She is passionate about helping people make the best money decisions for themselves and their families. She graduated from Bowling Green State University with a bachelor's degree in journalism and has been a writer and editor for publications including the New York Post, Women's Running magazine and Soap Opera Digest. When she isn't working, you can find her enjoying life in St. Petersburg, Florida, with her husband, daughter and a very needy dog.

Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card

Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

The new Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card * is the first card from Wells Fargo to offer points that transfer to airlines and hotels . It features a welcome bonus and impressive rewards rates for travel and dining purchases, which makes it a solid option for if you regularly spend in these categories. It was available to applicants starting this week.

The Autograph Journey shares some features with one of the top rewards credit cards on the market, the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card . The cards have similar welcome bonuses and annual fees, and they both have built-in travel insurance protections . They also have similar redemption options for their rewards, but they do differ in some respects.

We’ve set up a category-by-category matchup of these credit cards to see which one comes out on top as the better travel card.

Both the Autograph Journey and the Chase Sapphire Preferred have an annual fee of $95. Many other travel credit cards with points that transfer to airlines and hotels have annual fees of $395 or higher. This one ends in a tie.

These travel rewards credit cards have the same welcome bonus and the same minimum spending requirement. You can earn 60,000 points with either card after spending $4,000 on purchases within three months of account opening.

However, the Chase Sapphire Preferred’s bonus could be worth more than the Wells Fargo card’s. That’s because the Sapphire Preferred has a better redemption program. If you redeem the card’s bonus for travel through Chase Travel℠, you’ll get a 25% redemption bonus, which would push the value of the bonus to $750 – more than the $600 you’d see from the Wells Fargo card.

Here’s where things get interesting. While both credit cards offer the same rewards rate for airfare, you’ll need to book travel through Chase’s portal to get the best rate with the Sapphire Preferred.

On the other hand, Autograph Journey’s high rates still apply when you book travel directly with providers. So you can earn the two highest rewards rates on hotels and airfare, no matter which brand you’re booking with.

If you book other travel with this card, including hotels and airlines booked through online travel agents like Expedia or Priceline, you earn 3x points. You also earn 3x points on restaurants, which is a major plus.

While the rewards rates on both of these cards are exceptional, the Autograph Journey has a slight edge in this category since consumers have more options for booking travel while still earning bonus reward points.

Both of these rewards credit cards have similar redemption options, including gift cards, cash back to an eligible bank account or statement credits. They also let you transfer rewards to airline and hotel partners for added value and flexibility, and you can use points from either card to book travel through each issuer’s respective portal.

Interestingly, both cards also let you pool points with rewards cards that earn other rewards currencies. For example, you can pool rewards earned with Chase cash-back credit cards into your Chase Sapphire Preferred account for premium travel redemptions. You can also pool points earned with the no-annual-fee Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card account in your Autograph Journey account.

Still, the Chase Sapphire Preferred easily beats the competition in this category. Cardholders get 25% more value from their points when they use them to book travel -- airfare, hotels, rental cars or other travel expenses -- through Chase Travel℠. Outside of that, the Chase Ultimate Rewards program has what is arguably the best selection of transfer partners across all credit card rewards programs. There are also more transfer partners to choose from compared to Wells Fargo.

You can transfer points to the following Chase transfer partners at a 1:1 ratio:

Airline partners

  • Aer Lingus, AerClub
  • Air Canada Aeroplan
  • Air France (Flying Blue)
  • British Airways Executive Club
  • Emirates Skywards®
  • Iberia Plus
  • JetBlue TrueBlue
  • Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer
  • Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards®
  • United MileagePlus®
  • Virgin Atlantic Flying Club

Hotel partners

  • IHG® Rewards Club
  • Marriott Bonvoy®
  • World of Hyatt®

In contrast, Wells Fargo cardholders will only be able to transfer to the following partners starting on April 4, 2024:

You can transfer points to the following airline partners at a 1:1 transfer ratio:

  • Avianca LifeMiles
  • Aer Lingus AerClub

Choice Privileges: You can transfer points to Wells Fargo’s hotel partner at 1:2 transfer ratio.

Wells Fargo says it is just now building out its selection of airline and hotel transfer partners, and that more partners will join the program soon.

Both of these travel credit cards have a surprising number of travel insurance benefits that are automatically available. However, the Chase Sapphire Preferred wins in this category because it offers primary auto rental coverage that you can use in place of your own auto insurance when you rent a car.

Auto rental coverage offered through Autograph Journey works secondary to your own insurance in the US. This means you would have to exhaust limits on your own auto insurance policy before you can use it.

The Chase Sapphire Preferred also offers a few more types of coverage than the Autograph Journey. 

Each of these rewards credit cards also offers a few other perks that make them more valuable overall. Since their other benefits are difficult to compare, this category ends in a tie as well.

With the Autograph Journey, cardholders get cell phone damage or theft protection coverage worth up to $1,000 per claim (subject to a $25 deductible) when they pay their phone bill with their credit card. This benefit can apply up to two times per 12-month period for a maximum value of $2,000 each year. Cardholders also get a $50 annual statement credit with $50 minimum airline purchase.

The Chase Sapphire Preferred offers purchase protection against damage or theft and extended warranty coverage on eligible items that come with a manufacturer’s warranty. Cardholders also get some additional perks from DoorDash and Instacart, as well as the chance to earn bonus points on Lyft purchases through March 2025 and eligible Peloton equipment and accessory purchases.

Finally, cardholders with the Sapphire Preferred qualify for up to $50 in statement credits each anniversary year for hotel stays purchased through Chase Travel.

While it appears the Chase Sapphire Preferred is the better option, that may not be the case for long. Wells Fargo said in its press release that it is actively working on adding new transfer partners to its portfolio so that cardholders have more options in the coming year. 

Any new partners it gets could shake up the comparison of these two cards pretty quickly, especially since the Autograph Journey has great earning rates for both dining and travel.

* All information about the Wells Fargo Autograph Journey Card has been collected independently by CNET and has not been reviewed by the issuer.

The editorial content on this page is based solely on objective, independent assessments by our writers and is not influenced by advertising or partnerships. It has not been provided or commissioned by any third party. However, we may receive compensation when you click on links to products or services offered by our partners.

Robinhood’s new credit card goes after Apple Card with ability to invest cash-back perks

travel cash card kontostand

Eight months after acquiring credit card startup X1 for $95 million, Robinhood announced today the launch of its new Gold Card, with a list of features that could even give Apple Card users envy.

Robinhood, better known for its brokerage app aimed at the everyday investor, is touting all sorts of benefits with its new card in an attempt to attract users. The card has no annual or foreign transaction fees. However, it will only be available for Robinhood Gold members, which costs $5 a month, or $50 annually. ( Gold is a program that offers other benefits like 5% APY on an account’s uninvested brokerage cash.) 

Gold Card users can earn 3% cash back on all categories, including restaurants and groceries, and 5% cash bank when booking travel at Robinhood’s new travel portal. That cash back can be transferred to brokerage accounts, which can go toward making investments like stock purchases, the company says. The ability to invest using cash back is th e big innovation that X1 developed prior to getting acquired .

Another interesting feature of the Gold Card includes the ability to provide cards for family members. This is the first time that Robinhood has introduced a family-oriented financial product, Robinhood Money General Manager Deepak Rao told TechCrunch. Rao was the founder and CEO of X1 before joining Robinhood in the acquisition. 

Users will have the ability to add up to five family members as cardholders to their account with every cardholder receiving their own card. Additional cardholders can be any age, giving parents a way to help teens build credit and monitor spending. The ability to provide cards to family members will extend even to those visiting from other countries.

“A user can provide cards to parents, children or caregivers and set the right kind of controls and protection, while also helping them build their credit,” Rao said. “They don’t have to provide any other information than their name and date of birth and Social Security number if they have one. If you’re worried about spending limits, you can put a dollar amount limit and also a child-safe mode for kids.”

The Card also allows users to create and delete virtual cards for one-time purchases and will have an APR of 20.24% – 29.99%, which Robinhood said will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

Robinhood is also making its physical cards numberless so if they are lost or stolen, users won’t have to swap out all their card information. The company is also launching a new app to go along with the new Gold Card that will be completely separate from its investment app, Rao said. 

Generally, the Gold account offers up to $2.25 million FDIC insurance from a network of partner banks.

Robinhood’s entrance into the credit card market is clearly taking a cue from the likes of Apple, which has seen great success with its own card (despite hiccups with its partnership with Goldman Sachs ). By forgoing hidden fees like annual or late fees, and by applying its cash back daily, Apple Card topped more than 12 million users as of January.

Many cards offer cash back but often restrict it to certain categories. This card is generous in its cash-back offer. Apple, for instance, offers 3% cash back on all purchases made at Apple, and on purchases made at select merchants when using the Apple Card with Apple Pay. In general, purchases made on Apple Card with Apple Pay earn users 2% back. But Apple also offers a Family Sharing feature, and a high-yield savings account offering 4.5% interest.

Obviously, Robinhood will earn interchange revenue from the credit cards, standard transaction fees paid by the merchants. It has earned interchange revenue off of its debit cards, which launched in 2018 . Coastal Community Bank is Robinhood’s banking partner on the new Gold Card.

The new credit card is part of Robinhood’s evolving business model and offerings over the years. In December of 2022, the company announced Robinhood Retirement , which it described as the “first and only” individual retirement account (IRA) with a 1% match on every eligible dollar contributed. Gold Membership, a requirement to get the Gold Card, increases the eligible match to  up to 3% match.

“There’s always been special perks and opportunities reserved for the wealthy that make them even richer. It’s why we started Robinhood…” Robinhood co-founder and CEO Vlad Tenev said in a written statement. “Today’s announcements…bring us one step closer to the goal of giving everyone better access to the financial system.”

Robinhood Gold Card, explained:

What are the requirements to apply for a robinhood gold card.

You must be a Robinhood Gold card member.

You must first meet the following credentials in order to apply for a card:

  • Must have a Robinhood Gold account.
  • Be 18 years or older
  • Have a valid social security number (not a taxpayer identification number)
  • Have a legal U.S. residential address within the 50 states (exceptions may apply for active U.S. military personnel stationed abroad)
  • Be a U.S. citizen, U.S. permanent resident, or have a valid U.S. visa

Are there monthly fees associated with a Robinhood Gold Card?

You must be a Robinhood Gold member to apply for the card. It costs $5 a month, or $50 a year, to become a Robinhood Gold member.

Are there foreign transaction fees associated with a Robinhood Gold Card?

No, there are no foreign transaction fees.

Will my credit be pulled when applying for a Robinhood Gold Card?

Robinhood doesn’t do a hard pull on your credit until you accept the card offer. 

What are the cash back perks and benefits of this card?

  • Users can earn 3% cash back on all categories. That cash back can be transferred to brokerage accounts, which can go toward making investments like stock purchases.
  • Users will have the ability to add up to five family members as cardholders to their account with every cardholder receiving their own card. 
  • Cardholders can create and delete virtual cards for one-time purchases.
  • The physical cards will be numberless so if they are lost or stolen, users won’t have to swap out all their card information. 

Is Robinhood Gold FDIC insured?

Robinhood offers up to $2.25 million in FDIC insurance through a network of partner banks.

Want more fintech news in your inbox? Sign up for TechCrunch Fintech here .

This post was originally published March 26 at 4 p.m. PT, and has been updated to include Robinhood’s stream and additional remarks.

Prepaid credit cards

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Swiss Bankers

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The prepaid credit card for travel.

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The prepaid credit card for discerning customers.

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The prepaid credit card for companies.

To the overview

Overview of your card account

Important information:

On April 10, 2024, the customer portal and web access to the card account will be discontinued. Please download the Swiss Bankers App to continue to have unrestricted access to all services.

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Change your PIN What to do in case of loss or theft Top up your card Swiss Bankers App

Frequently asked questions

Do you have any more questions about our services? Below you will find answers to general questions about security, usage and service and specific questions about our various different prepaid credit cards.

  • Select topic

Card exchange

  • PIN and Internet code

Changeover to QR invoice

Mastercard identity check, mobile payment, swiss bankers app.

Why did I receive a new card?

Your card expires at the end of this year, and we are sending your new card already with a new number for even more security.

Why did I receive a new card number?

Your card number was changed for security reasons. However, all other details such as your PIN code and Internet code remain the same. 

Why does the card have a new name and new design?

Swiss Bankers was relaunched in 2020 with a new logo and new design.  However, the same conditions and functions still apply. The conditions for your particular card product are available here . 

What is my PIN?

The PIN and Internet code remain the same. You need the PIN code for cash withdrawals at ATMs, for direct payment in stores and for setting up your card in the Swiss Bankers app. You need the Internet code from Swiss Bankers to view your card account on the internet.  You can change your PIN code using the Swiss Bankers app , even if you no longer know your current code. If you have not installed the app or have forgotten your Internet code, please refer to our customer service (Monday to Sunday, 08.00 a.m.–10.00 p.m.).

How do I activate the new card in the app?

If you do not have the Swiss Bankers app yet, first download it and then register. After successfully registering, you can then add your card.  If you have already registered your previous card in the app, the card number will be automatically updated after you use the card for the first time (e.g. by making a purchase or cash withdrawal with the PIN code). 

Is a credit balance still available on my card?

Your credit balance is automatically available on the new card. Further information about your balance is available on the customer portal .

PIN and Internet Code / CVC (security code)

What's the difference between my PIN and Internet code?

You need the PIN code for cash withdrawals at ATMs, for direct payment in stores and for setting up your card in the Swiss Bankers app . The Internet code is required for viewing your card account online. You can change your PIN code (not your Internet code) at ATMs in Switzerland or by phone at +41 31 710 12 15.

How can I change my PIN-Code?

Once your prepaid card has been topped up and activated, you can change the PIN code at ATMs in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, as well as at post office cash dispensers in Switzerland and via the Swiss Bankers customer service +41 31 710 12 15 worldwide.

With the Swiss Bankers app you can set a new code without knowing the current one.

What do I have to pay attention to when changing the PIN-Code?

Changed PINs must not contain easily recognized combinations (such as phone number, date of birth, license plate number, etc.). Please note when choosing your new PIN code that often only four-digit codes are accepted abroad.

You forgot your PIN – what now?

You can change your PIN code using the Swiss Bankers app , even if you no longer know your current code. If you have not installed the app, please refer to our customer service (Monday to Sunday, 08.00 a.m.–10.00 p.m.).

You forgot your Internet code – what now?

If you forgot your Internet code, please call Customer Service +41 31 710 12 15.

What is a CVC and where do I find it?

The CVC (Card Verification Code) is a security code that is needed for making online payments, in particular. It is located on the back of your card next to the signature (last three digits). If you have saved the card in the Swiss Bankers app , you can display the CVC and the card number and expiry date using fingerprint, SmartCode, iris scan or Face ID.

Where can I access the new payment information for the changeover to QR billing?

On 1 October 2022, the orange payment slip (ESR) will be replaced by the new QR-bill in Swiss payment transactions.

For the next top-up, please use the new payment information that you will find in the Swiss Bankers app , in the client portal or at swissbankers.ch/ebanking . 

Note: Update your standing orders and payment templates. Your personal reference number will remain unchanged.

How can I load my card at the post office?

A payment slip with a QR code is required for that. You can create one with the QR code generator. For that, keep the payment information of your card at the ready.

To the QR generator

After that, print the payment slip with the QR code and with the payment slip, load your card at the post office.

Security of prepaid cards

Why are the prepaid cards of Swiss Bankers so safe?

A Swiss Bankers prepaid card offers you protection: Your card can only be charged when funds have been loaded. The prepaid cards are also equipped with the latest chip generation and offer additional protection against card misuse online with Mastercard Identity Check. The Swiss Bankers app offers additional security measures too, such as blocking the card for online purchases, contactless payment or certain countries. In the event of loss or theft, your card and its balance will be replaced immediately.

How secure is my card balance?

Your card stands out due to high security standards. What’s important is that you adapt your security settings to meet your needs and that you take our tips for optimum security and protection against fraud into consideration.

Your prepaid card is issued by Swiss-based Swiss Bankers. Swiss Bankers is the leading issuer of prepaid credit cards in Switzerland. The balances on these are insured in full, provided all due diligence obligations have been complied with.

Is the balance of the card insured?

The balance is insured in full, provided all due diligence obligations have been complied with. That means you should store your prepaid credit card in a safe place and regularly monitor your transactions. Do not pass on your data to other people. If you suspect fraud, you should block your card immediately via the Swiss Bankers app or call our customer service on +41 31 710 12 15 to have it blocked.

Are my deposits protected under the deposit insurance esisuisse?

In the event of a bank's bankruptcy, the deposit insurance scheme protects client deposits against loss up to the amount of CHF 100'000 (laid down by law). These protected deposits are paid out quickly. Deposits are covered by the deposit insurance scheme. You can find more information about the deposit insurance on the website www.esisuisse.ch

What are the due diligence obligations that must be respected?

You should keep your prepaid credit card in a safe place and check your transactions regularly. Do not pass on your data to other people. If you suspect fraud, you should block your card immediately via the Swiss Bankers app or call our customer service on +41 31 710 12 15 to have it blocked.

What is a phishing e-mail?

Fraudsters use phishing e-mails to try to gain access to personal data such as card number, expiration date, validation code, PIN, etc. in order to carry out transactions in the name of the cardholder.

What should I do if I suspect a phishing attempt?

Never answer an e-mail asking you to unblock a blocked card or to disclose personal data such as card number, expiration date, validation code, PIN, etc.

Inform the Swiss Bankers customer service immediately on +41 31 710 12 15 if you suspect that you have received a phishing e-mail or if you have already disclosed personal details.

What is Mastercard Identity Check?

Mastercard Identity Check (formerly “Mastercard SecureCode”) is an authentication procedure from Mastercard for making online purchases with the highest security requirements. This protects you from unauthorised use of your Swiss Bankers card by third parties. When making an online purchase, you will be asked to approve the payment in the Swiss Bankers app after entering the card details. This procedure checks two security factors: access to your smartphone and your credentials in the Swiss Bankers app.

How secure is Mastercard Identity Check?

New payment standards and European laws require two-factor authentication (2FA) for online purchases to meet the highest security requirements. With Mastercard Identity Check, this is guaranteed and your data is protected even more effectively. By checking two security features, it is guaranteed that a payment on the Internet can only be made by you. At the same time, this procedure ensures increased security and more convenience when shopping online with your Swiss Bankers card.

How can I use Mastercard Identity Check?

The prerequisite for using Mastercard Identity Check is the Swiss Bankers app. Download the Swiss Bankers app, log in and then add your card in the app. After that, Mastercard Identity Check is automatically activated. The next time you make an online purchase, the purchase amount must be approved in the Swiss Bankers app. This request will appear as a message on the smartphone and can be accepted or rejected. Pressing "Confirm” completes the online purchase.

Does the use of Mastercard Identity Check cost anything?

No, this service is available free of charge in the Swiss Bankers app.

What is Click to Pay?

Wherever you see the Click to Pay symbol, you will benefit from simple, fast and secure online checkout. You no longer need to enter a card number or fill in long forms when making a purchase. Enjoy the new way to pay with Mastercard wherever you see the Click to Pay icon, and Mastercard is accepted. Click here for more information and to create the Click to Pay profile.

Can online purchases be made without the Swiss Bankers app?

No. Mastercard Identity Check with confirmation of online purchases via the Swiss Bankers app offers the highest level of security when shopping online. This is achieved by combining two security factors: Access to your smartphone and your credentials in the Swiss Bankers app. Thus, the solution meets the applicable security requirements. In addition, simplicity is a major advantage: You do not have to enter an SMS code. A simple confirmation in the app completes the online purchase.

Service for our products

Where can the prepaid cards be used?

You can use Swiss Bankers prepaid cards just like a normal credit card at over 40 million locations in Switzerland and abroad. You can also withdraw cash at favourable rates at over two million ATMs worldwide. In many stores you can pay conveniently using your smartphone, your smartwatch or contactlessly using your card. Prepaid credit cards are accepted by all online shops: Ideal for people who do not have a credit card or prefer not to use it online.

How can i change my adress?

You can change your address under Contact . To do so, please select "Adress change" in the subject line and enter the new address in the "Message" field.

Filling up my car – can I use the Swiss Bankers card?

Yes, you can use your Swiss Bankers card for refuelling. Make sure that your card is topped up with at least CHF 150. This amount will be reserved on your card by the petrol station operators. The remaining amount will be released after refuelling. Swiss Bankers cannot influence the amount reserved, as this is set by the petrol station operators themselves.

Please note that certain petrol stations abroad (e.g. in eastern France) reserve up to EUR 500 on your card. If your card balance is lower, the payment will be declined."

Where can I go for traveller cheques?

As of 01 October 2013, Swiss Bankers is no longer responsible for servicing American Express Travelers Cheques. Please direct any questions regarding American Express Travelers Cheques in foreign currencies to the following point of contact.

Calls from Switzerland 0800 255 200 (free of charge)

Calls from abroad +44 207 365 4846

How can I find out the balanceof a Swiss Bankers prepaid card?

Once your card has been topped up and activated, you can check the balance in the Swiss Bankers app or by phoning the Swiss Bankers customer service on +41 31 710 12 15.

Is it possible to check the card balance at an ATM?

Yes, the balance of cards denominated in CHF can be checked at ATMs and PostFinance ATMs (Postomats) in Switzerland/Liechtenstein.

Contactless payment – what’s that?

All prepaid Swiss Bankers credit cards are equipped with the contactless payment function: Wherever you see the relevant symbol ⋑, you can pay for amounts of up to CHF 80.00 quickly and contactlessly. For higher amounts you will also need to enter your PIN code. Thanks to optimal encryption, contactless payment is just as secure as all other cashless payment methods.

What happens to prepaid cards that are lost or stolen?

Use the Swiss Bankers app and block your card immediately yourself. Report the loss of your card to the Swiss Bankers customer service immediately on +41 31 710 12 15 . Your card will be frozen immediately. After contacting customer service, you will be sent a new card that has the same balance as the card that was lost or stolen.

A replacement Life card costs CHF 20.00 in Switzerland and CHF 50.00 abroad (includes delivery).

The Travel and Prime cards are sent worldwide via courier and free of charge.

What happens after the card expires?

The validity period is shown on the card. Any credit balance is not lost when the card expires. Swiss Bankers is entitled to transfer the card balance to a new card before the expiry of the original card and to make this available to the cardholder. At the request of the cardholder, the card balance can also be transferred to another Swiss Bankers prepaid credit card or transferred to an account to be designated by the cardholder for a fee. If the card has not been used for a number of years and the credit card account falls below the minimum balance of CHF 100.00, Swiss Bankers reserves the right to refuse the card replacement and instead to charge an annual processing fee of CHF/EUR/USD 20.00 to the card account. Card accounts without any credit balance will be cancelled, once the card expires.

Local currency: «yes» or «no»?

When using your prepaid card to pay or withdraw cash abroad, always choose the local currency (e.g. baht in Thailand, euro in Germany or Spain, rand in South Africa, etc.) to avoid an expensive currency conversion.

Rent a car - can I use a Swiss Bankers card?

While you can easily pay the rental costs with Swiss Bankers cards, paying the deposit of the rental car is another matter. For the deposit you practically always have to provide a credit card with a credit limit. Since with a prepaid credit card the available credit can be used at any time, no credit limit is guaranteed. The car rental company therefore has no security and usually rejects prepaid credit cards.

However, there are companies that accept prepaid credit cards, as long as there is enough money on the card. You can clarify this directly with the company in advance.

An amount was charged to my card account although I did not make a payment. What do I have to do to have the amount refunded?

In most cases, the amount was not debited but merely pre-authorized. Pre-authorizations are e.g. common for hotel bookings, fuel purchases, or online purchases (e.g. iTunes). Reservations serve to assure merchants that the card is active and can be charged. Reservations are generally released again automatically but this can take up to 30 days.

How much cash can I withdraw from an ATM?

The amount per withdrawal is dependent on the limit of the relevant ATM operator and is the same for all prepaid, credit, and bank cards. The limit is determined by the relevant ATM operator and may vary between banks or countries. In most countries you can withdraw amounts with an equivalent value of between CHF 200.00 and 1,000.00 per withdrawal from ATMs. Exceptions exist in some countries where the living costs are very low. Our recommendation: Use your reloadable credit card mainly for cashless payments. The amounts mentioned also apply to EUR and USD for the Travel and Prime cards.

Can I reload my prepaid cards with cash at a bank?

No, it is not possible to reload your prepaid cards with cash at a bank.

Where can I get an account statement?

You can keep track of all your current transactions at all times via our Swiss Bankers app. You can access an account statement via the customer portal login in the top right-hand corner of swissbankers.ch.

Where can I see my credits?

You can check a credit/refund at any time in the Swiss Bankers app, or on our website under Card account . 

What do I do if I have a complaint about a transaction?

If you are disputing a transaction, please fill out the Disputed Transactions form. You can find this under Downloads. Please fill out the form completely and sign it. Please enclose all documents indicated and return everything to Swiss Bankers. 

The clarification process can take between six and eight weeks after receipt of the form.

What should I do if an unknown transaction is detected?

Block the card immediately in the case of unknown transactions. You have the option of blocking the card in the Swiss Bankers app or by calling our customer service on +41 710 12 15.

Please send a signed and completed Disputed Transactions form to Swiss Bankers within 30 days of the transaction date. You will find this form on our website under Downloads .

How can a card be cancelled in the event of the cardholder's death?

If the cardholder has died, the card must be closed. The card balance can be paid out to an estate account or an heirs account. 

Who receives information about the card from Swiss Bankers and is authorised to cancel the card in the event of the cardholder's death?

A person entitled to an inheritance must prove his or her identity to Swiss Bankers by means of the following documents in writing: 

  • Certificate of inheritance 
  • Copy of a valid identification document (ID/passport)

to get information about the card.

Executors of wills have to identify themselves by means of: 

  • Certificate of Execution of Will 
  • and valid identification document 

The kinship to the deceased person, a family documentary or death certificate are not sufficient to obtain information about a card.

Which documents are mandatory to be submitted to close the card account in the event of the cardholder's death?

Option 1: Payment of the card balance to an estate account

In order to be paid to an estate account (in the name of the deceased person) a  redemption form signed by all of the persons named in the certificate of inheritance must be submitted. A copy of the death certificate and the certificate of inheritance must also be submitted. In addition, the following documents are required:

- Copy death certificate  - Copy of certificate of inheritance - Copy of ID or passport of all heirs

Option 2: Payment of the card balance to a third-party account

Repayment to any third party account not belonging to the deceased person may only be used with written consent of all heirs (e.g. on the redemption form or a separate letter). A copy of the death certificate and of the certificate of inheritance must also be submitted. In addition, the following documents are required:

What is the customer portal for?

As soon as you have logged in to the customer portal, you can check all transactions and your account balance or look up your personal reference number for card loads. You also have the option of modifying your personal data such as your telephone number. Please note that you can only use one e-mail address for the customer portal.

I have a new mobile number. How can I adapt it for the Swiss Bankers app?

You can change your mobile phone number in the app under "Settings" > "Personal data" under "User data" by touching on Edit.

How much are the fees?

The service features and terms and conditions are described in detail for each card product on our website. There, you will find an overview of all of our products .

Gibt es Gebühren für die Rückzahlung von Kartenguthaben?

Für die Bearbeitung der Rückzahlung von Kartenguthaben über CHF/USD/EUR 50 erhebt Swiss Bankers je nach Kontowährung eine Gebühr von CHF/USD/EUR 20.

Why is there an international fee for online shopping on a .ch website?

Some online merchants offer their customers a webshop using a .ch domain, but they process the associated card payments using a foreign company’s registered office. The website concerned should show the foreign company's registered office, while the foreign currency surcharge results from this practice.

How much does it cost to withdraw cash at ATMs in Switzerland?

Withdrawals from ATMs using your prepaid card cost CHF/EUR/USD 5.00 in Switzerland and CHF/EUR/USD 7.50 abroad depending on the card currency. In some cases, additional charges are levied abroad directly by the bank itself. This information is subject to change.

How is the remaining amount refunded that cannot be withdrawn at an ATM?

Small amounts on Swiss Bankers prepaid card that cannot be withdrawn at an ATM can be used to make payment in a store or on the Internet. Remaining balances can also be transferred to a bank or post bank account for a fee of CHF/EUR/USD 20.00 by means of a form.

How does mobile payment work?

You can make mobile payments using a smartphone or smartwatch. Your credit card will be assigned a unique device account number, which is encrypted and securely stored on your advice. The information is shared via NFC (near field communication): you simply need to activate the screen of the device. It is not necessary to unlock your smartphone. The payable amount is transferred in no time.

Which devices support mobile payment?

Generally, all newer smartphones and smartwatches can be used to make mobile payments. Samsung, Apple, Google, Garmin, Fitbit and Swatch are the most commonly used brands. To find out which devices are specially designed for mobile payments, please refer to the product information offered by the manufacturers.

What are the requirements for using mobile payment?

You must have the following in order to make a mobile payment: 

A smartphone or smartwatch that supports NFC (near field communication)

A payment app installed on your smartphone or smartwatch

A contactless payment terminal at the store

Are there additional costs associated with using mobile payment?

No, there are no additional fees for making mobile payments beyond the usual fees for using a prepaid card.

What happens to the mobile payment data if my smartphone or smartwatch is lost or stolen?

Report the loss of your card to the Swiss Bankers customer service immediately on +41 31 710 12 15 . Your card will be frozen instantly. After contacting customer service, you will be sent a new card that has the same balance as the card that was lost or stolen.

Do you always need an internet connection to make mobile payments?

No, it is not necessary to have an internet connection to make mobile payments.

Are there any amount limits when using mobile payment?

There is no amount limit when using mobile payment.

What data is transferred when making a mobile payment?

Only information that is strictly relevant to the payment process is transferred when making a mobile payment. Once you activate your card on your smartphone or your smartwatch, you will be assigned a unique device identifier known as a token. Your token is encrypted and stored on the phone or watch, meaning that your confidential card information is not saved on the device.

What should I do if I would like to change my device?

Simply install the Swiss Bankers app on the new device as usual and activate your prepaid credit card for mobile payment.

How secure is mobile payment?

Mobile payment is a very secure alternative to the conventional credit card. The risk of loss or theft is extremely low: because the payment information is stored on your mobile device, you can leave your card at home. When making a transaction, the credit card number is not shared, only your unique device account number. And with fingerprint, Face ID or PIN authentication, you have an additional layer of security.

Is it possible to accidentally trigger a mobile payment?

No, that is not possible, because the terminal device would have to be very close to a payment terminal.

Where is the prepaid card Travel available?

You can get Travel in the online shop or from a number of banks and at SBB Change sales points. Please visit outlets for a current list of distributors. You can also order a card via the e-banking interface of many major banks.

How many cards can I have?

1 card via the Swiss Bankers online shop . Maximum 5 cards via outlets , but this number varies depending on the distribution partner.

In what currencies is Travel available?

The Travel card is available in euros, US dollars or Swiss francs.

Under what name is the prepaid credit card registered?

The prepaid credit card will be registered by Swiss Bankers under the name, address, nationality and date of birth of the cardholder (the economic beneficiary). The name is not shown on the card.

Which card currency is suitable for which destination?

When you travel in Europe or the United States, a prepaid credit card in euros or US dollars is recommended. If you directly apply for a card in the desired currency, it will be considerably cheaper. When you withdraw money at a foreign ATM or make a purchase abroad, you will not have to choose your currency and be charged exchange fees. Also, you have a better overview if the currency of your card coincides with the local currency of your destination. When you travel outside Europe or the United States, a card in Swiss francs is advised.

What do I receive together with the card?

When purchasing a Travel prepaid card customers will receive information about the card and the Swiss Bankers app . The PIN and the Internet code are shipped separately from the card.

Topping up my Travel card

Who is authorized to load the card?

The cardholder or other persons can load funds to the prepaid credit card , i.e. to the corresponding card account. Swiss Bankers reserves the right to restrict the number of people who may do this.

Where can I top up the card?

You can top up your card using the following payment methods:

  • Credit card
  • PostFinance card

Swiss Bankers card

You can access your personal payment information in the Swiss Bankers app , in the client porta l or on our website .

If you obtained your card through a distribution partner , you can also top it up there. The card cannot be topped up via Swiss Bankers customer service.

Tip: Set up a standing order so that your card is always topped up. Your personal reference number remains unchanged.

How much money can I load onto the card?

Minimum top-up amount: EUR/USD/CHF 100.00. Maximum top-up amount or card balance: EUR/USD/CHF 10,000.00.

Can I add money to the card by paying in cash at banks?

No, Travel cannot be reloaded at bank counters for cash. The card can only be loaded by charging a bank account.

How quickly is the money I add to the card available to be spent?

If the card is topped up with a distribution partner or via the Swiss Bankers app , the top-up amount is generally credited to the card within 15 minutes. With online banking, it can take one working day for the money to be available.

What are the fees for loading the Card?

You will not be charged an annual fee for your Travel prepaid card. At the time you load the card, you simply pay a modest commission, as a rule 1.5 % of the load amount – something like an insurance premium for theft or loss protection.

Additional loading options via online and app:

With online banking – up to two working days: free (may vary from one distribution partner to another)

With a PostFinance card via the Swiss Bankers app – quick top-ups within approx. 15 minutes: CHF 6.00

With a credit card / debit card via the Swiss Bankers app – quick top-ups within approx. 15 minutes: 1.5% on the total amount

Using Travel

The amount per withdrawal is dependent on the limit of the relevant ATM operator and is the same for all prepaid, credit, and bank cards. The limit is determined by the relevant ATM operator and may vary between banks or countries. In most countries you can withdraw amounts with equivalent values of between CHF/EUR/USD 200.00 and 1,000.00 per transaction from ATMs. Exceptions exist in some countries where the living costs are very low. Our recommendation: You can also use your Travel card for cashless payment in stores, restaurants and hotels.

How much does it cost to withdraw money at an ATM?

Withdrawals from ATMs using your Travel card cost CHF/EUR/USD 5.00 in Switzerland and CHF/EUR/USD 7.50 abroad depending on the card currency. In some cases, additional charges are levied abroad directly by the bank itself. This information is subject to change.

Can you withdraw euros in Switzerland using a Travel prepaid card in euros?

Yes, this is possible. Euros can be withdrawn using Travel regardless of the card currency.

What is geoblocking?

Geo-blocking is not activated for the Travel card. The Travel card allows you to make cash withdrawals and payments globally without activation. Countries can be blocked at any time in real time in the Swiss Bankers app.

Can you pay online with Travel?

Yes, the Swiss Bankers Travel card is connected to the global Mastercard acceptance network. That means you can use Travel to pay online with millions of providers.

What are the fees when paying for goods or services online or at a local shop?

The fee for using the card in stores or online is CHF/EUR/USD 1.00.

Travel – security and service

Why is the Travel card so secure?

If lost or stolen, the card will be replaced worldwide free of charge and including the remaining balance by courier. Unlike other cards there is no link between your bank account and your Swiss Bankers Travel card. Moreover, thanks to Mastercard Identity Check, the Card offers added protection against online card fraud.

Swiss Bankers App: You can fully block and unblock your card for all transactions yourself. Geoblocking is an additional way to protect yourself against card misuse. You can block your card for transactions in individual countries or entire continents which you are not planning to visit.

How long will it take for a replacement Travel card to arrive and how much does this cost?

The replacement card is immediately delivered by courier. Customers located in Europe will generally receive their replacement card on the following working day, customers in the USA in average after two working days, and customers in farther countries will receive it from three working days on. This fast replacement is only possible because there is no name printed on the Travel card and the Swiss Bankers customer service can send the replacement card out immediately. Delivery of the replacement Travel card is free everywhere worldwide. If you have activated your card for mobile payments such as Apple Pay or Samsung Pay, your replacement card will be ready for virtual use on your smartwatch or smartphone in real time after having requested it.

How to get Life

Where is the prepaid Life credit card available?

Life is available to all in the Swiss Bankers online shop , at 150 SBB train stations and from a number of banks. Please visit Outlets for a current list of distributors. By using  voucher codes from campaigns, you will receive the first annual fee of CHF 45.00. Redeemable up to three months after publication.

Is there a minimum age for obtaining the card?

Life prepaid credit cards are issued to all customers:

aged 16 years and over, without an authorization

You can have a maximum of five cards. However, this varies from one distribution partner to another.

When purchasing a Life prepaid card customers will receive information about the card and the Swiss Bankers app . The PIN and the Internet code are shipped separately from the card.

Topping up and using Life

Minimum top-up amount: CHF 100.00. Maximum top-up amount or card balance: CHF 10,000.00.

How long does it take to reload the card?

If you top up your Life card online via online banking, the funds will be credited immediately after the payment has been received, generally after approximately one working day. If you top up the card quickly and easily with the Swiss Bankers app using your credit card or PostFinance card or via a distribution partner, the amount will be available to you in approximately 15 minutes.

What does it cost to add money to the card?

If you order and load the Life card online with Swiss Bankers:

With online banking – up to two working days: free

With a PostFinance card via the Swiss Bankers app – quick top-ups within approx. 15 minutes: CHF 6.00.

With a credit card via the Swiss Bankers app – quick top-ups within approx. 15 minutes: 1.5% on the total amount

Distribution partner fees may vary.

Are there fees when paying for goods or services?

Swiss Bankers charges no fees for payments in shops or online.

Why was the annual fee charged in partial amounts?

Usually the full annual fee is debited to your account at once, provided the balance on your prepaid credit card is sufficient. If the balance is less than the annual fee due, only the remaining balance will be debited. As soon as you reload the card, the outstanding balance will be debited to your account.

Life Digital

What is a digital prepaid credit card?

The loadable digital credit card offered by Swiss Bankers works like a normal prepaid card. The only difference is that the card exists solely on your smartphone.

How can I obtain the digital card Life Digital?

Life Digital is a purely digital prepaid credit card. To use it, download the Swiss Bankers app from the App Store / Google Play Store. Then order Life Digital via the app. The card will be available on your phone within just a few seconds. Then you can use the app to load the card. The amount will be credited in just 15 minutes and the digital card is ready to use. Loading the card via online banking takes approximately two to three working days.

For whom is the digital prepaid card suitable?

This smartphone-only card is for people who enjoy the convenience of mobile and online payments. As a reloadable digital credit card , it is also great for students with pre-defined budgets.

How does the digital card Life Digital work?

With our digital prepaid card , all payment information is stored on your smartphone. It works just like a normal mobile payment: simply activate the screen of your smartphone, hold it next to the payment terminal and complete the transaction.

How much can be loaded onto the card?

Minimum top-up amount CHF 100.00. Maximum top-up amount or card balance CHF 10,000.00 – depending on identification level.

What are the fees for using Life Digital?

You will be billed CHF 2.90 on a monthly basis.

Can cash withdrawals be made with the virtual card?

At most locations you will still need a physical card to withdraw cash.

How secure is a digital prepaid card?

Life Digital is 100% secure. Thanks to the prepaid functionality, the card can only be charged in the amount of the currently available balance. Once you activate your card on your smartphone or your smartwatch, you will be assigned a unique device identifier known as a token. Your token is encrypted and stored on the phone or watch, meaning that your confidential card information is not saved on the device. Additional security settings, such as blocking or unblocking your card, can be stored in the Swiss Bankers app .

How can I load the Life Digital card?

You can top up your card via e-banking Switzerland or e-banking Europe (SEPA). To do so, you need your personal reference number . You can find it in the Swiss Bankers app or in the customer portal. You can also top up your card via the Swiss Bankers App or via customer portal using a credit card or PostFinance card.

Will I receive a physical card?

If you choose Life Digital, you will not receive a physical card. The card details are only visible in the Swiss Bankers app. You can use your card for online payments or for mobile payments.

How to get Prime

Where is the Prime prepaid card available?

Prime is available from selected private banks in Switzerland.

In what currencies is Prime available?

The Prime card is available in euros, US dollars or Swiss francs.

Under what name is the card registered?

The prepaid credit card will be registered by Swiss Bankers under the name, address, nationality and date of birth of the cardholder (the economic beneficiary). The name is not visible on the card.

Which card currency is appropirate for which destination?

When purchasing a prepaid Prime credit card customers will receive information about the card and the Swiss Bankers app . The PIN and the Internet code will be sent separately from the card.

Topping up Prime

The cardholder can load amounts of money onto the card or to the relevant card account. Swiss Bankers reserves the right to restrict the number of people who may do this.

Where can I load money onto the card?

You can add money to your Prime card via your bank.

The maximum top-up amount is subject to the terms and conditions of your bank. 

No, you cannot top up the Prime card using cash at banks. The card can only be loaded by charging a bank account.

If the card is topped up at your bank, the top-up amount is generally credited to the card within 15 minutes.

Using Prime

The amount per withdrawal is dependent on the limit of the relevant ATM operator and is the same for all prepaid, credit, and bank cards. The limit is determined by the relevant ATM operator and may vary between banks or countries. In most countries you can withdraw amounts with equivalent values of between CHF/EUR/USD 200.00 and 1,000.00 per transaction from ATMs. Exceptions exist in some countries where the living costs are very low. Our recommendation: You can also use your Prime card for cashless payment in stores, restaurants and hotels.

Withdrawals from ATMs using your Prime card cost CHF/EUR/USD 5.00 in Switzerland and CHF/EUR/USD 7.50 abroad depending on the card currency. In some cases, additional charges are levied abroad directly by the bank itself. This information is subject to change.

Can you withdraw euros in Switzerland using a Prime card in euros?

Yes, this is possible. Euros can be withdrawn using Prime regardless of the card currency.

Geo-blocking is not activated for the Prime card. The Prime card allows you to make cash withdrawals and payments globally without activation. Countries can be blocked at any time in real time in the Swiss Bankers app .

Can you pay online with the Prime card?

Yes, the Swiss Bankers prepaid Prime credit card is connected to the global Mastercard acceptance network. That means you can use the Travel card to pay online with millions of providers.

Prime – security and service

Why is the Prime card so secure?

If lost or stolen, the Card will be replaced worldwide free of charge and including the remaining balance by courier. Unlike other cards there is no link between your bank account and your Swiss Bankers prepaid Prime credit card. Moreover, thanks to Mastercard Identity Check, the Card offers added protection against online card fraud.

How long will it take for a replacement Prime card to arrive and how much does this cost?

The replacement card is immediately delivered by courier. This fast replacement is only possible because there is no name printed on the Prime card and the Swiss Bankers customer service can send the replacement card out immediately. Delivery of the replacement Prime card is free everywhere worldwide. If you have activated your card for mobile payments such as Apple Pay or Samsung Pay, your replacement card will be ready for virtual use on your smartwatch or smartphone in real time after having requested it.

General questions

 How can I send money to a UnionPay card?

To send money to a UnionPay card in four steps:

1. open the "Send" function in the Swiss Bankers app and select China as the destination country. 2. select the "Credit Card" payout option. 3. Select the payment method you want to pay with. 4. provide the recipient's name, address, document type (e.g. identity card, driver's license), document number and full UnionPay card number*.

* The send amount is usually available on the recipient's UnionPay card within 1 to 2 banking days after a successful transaction.Send may only be used by persons residing in Switzerland.

How do I send money to a cash withdrawal center?

Here's how to send money directly to a cash withdrawal center in six steps:   

1. open the "Send" function in the Swiss Bankers app and select your destination country. 2. select the "Cash pickup" payout option. 3. select the payment method you want to use to pay. 4. select the service provider 5 5. enter the name and address of the recipient. 6. inform the recipient and give him/her the code for cash collection.

5 The various cash withdrawal points of the selected service provider can be viewed via a link. The recipient can pick up the money at any cash withdrawal point of the selected service provider within 30 days (official ID and code for cash pickup required).

How can I use Send?

To use Send you need our Swiss Bankers App. As an existing Swiss Bankers card customer, you can start using the app right away by clicking on the Send tab at the bottom of the bar on the homepage. As a new customer you will be guided through a short photo or video identification. You can send money to a Mastercard card, a bank account, a mobile wallet or even to a cash pickup location. Pay with your Swiss Bankers Card, by bank transfer, by credit card (Mastercard/Visa, UnionPay) or PostFinance card.

How secure is it to send money with Swiss Bankers?

Security is central to Swiss Bankers when sending money, so that your money reaches the recipient reliably and quickly. In cooperation with our strong and long-standing partner Mastercard, money is sent worldwide smoothly and with confidence.

To which countries is it currently possible to send money?

Swiss Bankers is constantly working to expand its country network. New countries are listed on our website. Currently, it is possible to send money to the following countries:


Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Dominican Republic

Northern Macedonia

The Philippines

United Kingdom

Which options are offered for receiving funds?

Swiss Bankers offers the following options for receiving funds:

Mastercard card

UnionPay card

Bank account

Mobile wallet

Cash pickup location

Depending on the destination country, not all receiving options are available. The available receiving options are shown on the web page and can also be selected in the app in the corresponding destination country.

Swiss Bankers will continuously publish the new destination countries and new receiving options and communicate them on the website www.swissbankers.ch.

How much does it cost to send money via Send?

The transfer fees depend on the option for receiving the funds that you choose:

to a Swiss Bankers card: CHF 0

Exceptions: Transfer to a Travel or Prime: The usual loading fee, usually 1.5% on the total amount

to a Mastercard: CHF 2

to a UnionPay card: CHF 5

to a bank account: CHF 3

to a mobile wallet: CHF 3

The following charges are incurred in addition to the transfer fees depending on the method of payment used:

Paid from a Swiss Bankers Prepaid Card: CHF 0

Exceptions: The usual Travel or Prime transaction fee: CHF/EUR/USD 1

Bank transfer: CHF 0

Debited to credit card (Visa or Mastercard): 1.5% on the total amount, including transfer fees

Paid from a PostFinance Card: CHF 6

What means of payment can I use to transfer funds?

To send money, a Swiss Bankers prepaid credit card must be used as a means of payment, for example Travel or Life .

If you do not yet use a Swiss Bankers prepaid credit card you can apply for a card at www.swissbankers.ch or order a prepaid credit card ( Travel , Life , Prime ) through one of our distribution partners.

Would you like to order the fully digital prepaid card Life Digital, which you will receive on your smartphone in a few minutes? Download our Swiss Bankers App from the App or Google Play Store and follow the simple steps. As a starting credit we will give you CHF 5.00.

How long does a bank transfer take?

The duration of the transfer depends on the option for receiving the funds:

to another Swiss Bankers card: within 2 - 15 minutes

to a Mastercard: 2 minutes to max. 2 hours

to a bank account: 1-3 business days

to a digital wallet: 2 minutes to max. 2 hours

to a cash pickup location: few minutes

to a UnionPay card: 1-2 business days

Is it also possible to transfer money within Switzerland?

Only transfers within Swiss Bankers prepaid cards (also across customers) are currently possible in Switzerland.

What is the maximum amount of money that you can send?

If you have obtained your Swiss Bankers prepaid Life credit card directly via www.swissbankers.ch, the maximum amount you can send is currently CHF 500.00 per month and CHF 3,000.00 within 365 days. We are working to ensure that these limits are higher for you in the future.

If you obtained your prepaid Travel , Life or Prime credit card through one of our distribution partners, you can make use of the maximum limits set by Mastercard. These can vary per destination country and option for receiving the funds.

to another Swiss Bankers card: card limit

to a Mastercard: up to CHF 2,500.00

to a bank account: max. of CHF 10,000.00 to CHF 25,000.00

to a digital wallet: from CHF 140.00 (Sri Lanka) to CHF 700.00 (Philippines and Kenya) to CHF 2,500.00 (Pakistan)

Is there a minimum amount you can send?

The minimum amounts you can send are as follows:

to another Swiss Bankers card: CHF 1.00

to a Mastercard: CHF 1.00

to a bank account: CHF 20.00

to a digital wallet: CHF 6.00

What currency options are available for receiving funds?

Swiss Bankers lets you select several currency options for receiving money in certain countries. The selection of available currencies is displayed to you when determining the fee during transaction processing.

Are fees charged to the recipient?

Neither Swiss Bankers nor Mastercard charges fees to the recipient of the money. However, it cannot be ruled out that e.g. credit or withdrawal fees will be charged to the recipient in accordance with the conditions of the corresponding recipient bank. This also applies mutatis mutandis to credits to a mobile wallet (e.g. possible SMS fees) or to a Mastercard card (e.g. possible credit fees).

Is the exchange rate guaranteed?

An exchange rate is calculated for each transfer. This exchange rate is guaranteed by Swiss Bankers for a certain period of time. As long as the transaction is completed with the previously determined exchange rate, the recipient will receive the amount received at this rate in the selected payment currency.

Note: If you choose "Bank Transfer" as payment method, the financial institution will need about 1-3 bank working days for the transfer. Therefore we cannot guarantee the displayed exchange rate for this payment method.

How can I track the transaction?

Your transactions and recipient data are stored. You can view and track the status of every transaction made in the Swiss Bankers app . The following statistics are available:

«Waiting for payment confirmation» This status only appears if «E-Banking Transfer» has been chosen as the payment method. Such a transfer usually takes 1-3 business days. As soon as the money has arrived at Swiss Bankers, this status changes to «Sent».

«Pending» The transaction is being processed.

«Sent» The transaction was sent to a bank account, a Mastercard or a mobile wallet.

«Refunded» The money will be refunded to the sender.

How can I pay for the transfer?

See «Which means of payment can I use for the transfer of funds?»

How can I repeat a payment in the quickest possible way?

You can repeat a transaction you have already made with just a few clicks and, if desired, change the amount sent before the transaction is completed.

Can I send my transaction with a personal message?

At the end of each transaction you have the possibility to send a personal message to the recipient.

Can I send money by phone through Swiss Bankers Customer Service?

It is not possible to transfer money by telephone.

Does the recipient's name have to match exactly the name specified on their ID document?

If you enter the name of the recipient, please make sure that the recipient exactly matches the identification document so that the desired amount sent arrives quickly and safely at the recipient. If the specified name does not exactly match the identification document, the transaction may be denied.

Why do I need to activate the «Send» feature so I can use the money transfer service?

Swiss Bankers has not always stored all the necessary data of the card holder required for the transfer of funds. For this reason, the card holder is asked to provide the additional information necessary for the payment process when using Send for the first time. After this registration, the «Send» feature is activated.

Can I use Twint?

You cannot use Twint for the Send function.

Transfer of funds

How do I transfer money to a Mastercard?

Transfer money directly to a Mastercard card in four steps:

Open the Send feature in the Swiss Bankers app and select your destination country.

Select the «Mastercard» 1 payment option

Select the payment method by which you wish to pay

Enter the recipient's 2  official name, address and complete credit card number (13 – 19 digits)

The transfer amount will be available on the recipient’s credit card usually within 2 minutes to max. 2 hours after a successful transaction.

The «Send» service may only be used by persons resident in Switzerland.

How do I send money to a mobile phone?

Transfer money directly to a mobile phone in four steps:

Open the «Send» feature in the Swiss Bankers app and select your destination country.

Select the «Mobile wallet» 3 payment option

Enter the recipient's 2  official name, address and complete telephone number

Available countries and providers for transferring money to a mobile phone:

Kenya:  Equitel

Philippines: G-cash

Pakistan: Jazz Cash

Sri Lanka: eZ Cash

Vietnam: Vnpay

The transfer amount will be available on the recipient’s mobile phone within 2 hours after a successful transaction.

How do I transfer money to a bank account?

Transfer money directly to a bank account in four steps:

Select the «Bank account» 4  payment option

Enter the recipient's 2 official name, address and full bank account details (IBAN, account number and BIC)

The transfer amount will be available in the recipient’s account within 1-3 working days (mo-fr) after a successful transaction.

1  It is only possible to send money to Mastercard cards (debit, prepaid and credit cards). 2 Beneficiary's name must match exactly as it appears on the identification (ID, passport) otherwise the receiving amount will not be delivered to the beneficiary. 3  Sending amount will be applied to the beneficiary’s mobile wallet (mobile phone) specified on Swiss Bankers beneficiary’s data form. Additional fees may apply on receiver side. 4 Bank deposits take 1-3 business days. Availability depends on destination country and is subject to banking hours and compliance with regulatory requirements.


How can I cancel my money transfer and request a refund?

If you have sent money to a bank account, you can cancel the transfer as long as it has not yet been completed by the recipient’s bank.

To request a refund, call Customer Service.

How long does it take to receive a refund?

Refunds typically take up to 10 business days to complete.

What can I do to prevent fraud?

Be careful when transferring money abroad to people whom you do not know personally (e.g. purely Internet acquaintances). This is especially the case if you are asked to transfer unexpectedly large sums of money directly (e.g. due to emergency situations).

Where can I get more information about protection against fraud?

To learn more about how to protect yourself from fraud and how to assess the danger in your current situation, please visit the Federal Information Security Reporting and Analysis Centre MELANI:  www.melani.admin.ch

Why are you verifying my identity?

Your identity is verified to prevent fraud. With your identification, Swiss Bankers ensures that your personal data is correct. We call this process verification and it helps us protect your money.

Who is Value for?

The Value Card for SMEs is worthwhile from the very first card. As the manager, you decide how much credit is available to each employee, customer or cardholder for their worldwide business expenditures.

What are the advantages of a prepaid corporate credit card?

Value is suitable for all companies whose employees travel abroad and regularly have to pay additional fees for payments in foreign currencies. Project-related employees can also easily obtain a Value prepaid card to make quick payments when travelling. The prepaid corporate card also allows you to easily distribute expense allowances to employees. Processing fees for withdrawing cash are kept low.

When and where can a company obtain a Value card?

For all companies, organisations and public authorities based in Switzerland that load at least CHF/EUR/USD 100,000 annually. You as the managing director determine how much credit each employee, customer or other beneficiary receives for his business expenses worldwide. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and our sales team will contact you.

What should be done if the card is lost or misused?

In the event of loss, theft or misuse, the cardholder should preferably block the card immediately via the Swiss Bankers app . Our customer service should then be contacted immediately on +41 31 710 12 15 .

How does Value differ from a standard prepaid credit card?

The company is the beneficiary owner of the card balance. Furthermore, the cards are loaded by the company.

How can I load the card as a card user?

The Value card can only be loaded by the company/institution that issued your card. 

What are the fees for using Value?

There are no fees for making payments in shops. Cash withdrawal costs CHF/EUR/USD 5.00 depending on the card currency. Cash withdrawals in other countries are charged at CHF/EUR/USD 7.50.

If the company becomes insolvent, who is liable for the outstanding bills associated with the card?

For any outstanding bills, the company is liable to Swiss Bankers. Card balances can be blocked by Swiss Bankers.

Why do I have to log in to the app again?

For security reasons, it is no longer possible to remain logged in to the app for more than 30 minutes. This means that the next time you use the app, you have to log in again with your SmartCode, with your fingerprint or using Face ID. We recommend using your fingerprint or Face ID as the identification method. If your smartphone does not have these methods, it is necessary to log in using your SmartCode.

Have you forgotten your SmartCode?

To reset your SmartCode, you need the PIN code for all cards stored in the app. If you have forgotten your PIN code, you can now set a new PIN code in the app yourself: Cards > Card Settings & PIN code > Card data > Card PIN code. Repeat the process for all your cards. Then set your SmartCode as follows: Settings > Authentication mode > Forgot SmartCode. An SMS with a one-time password will then be sent. You then need to enter this password in the app. After that, a page on which you can redefine the SmartCode opens.

Setting up fingerprint or Face ID

Please go to the settings in the app: Authentication mode > Switch to authentication using Face ID or fingerprint. A new page opens, on which you can confirm the change. Please put in your SmartCode and confirm the entry.

The Swiss Bankers App does not work, what do I have to do?

Can't start the Swiss Bankers app or do you get an error message after logging in?  - Update the operating system of your smartphone if you have an outdated version installed - If you have an Android device, check whether you have installed an up-to-date version of the Google Play Store - Delete the Swiss Bankers app and install it again

To update the Google Play Store on an Android device: - Open the Google Play Store - Tap on the profile icon in the top right corner - Go to Settings - Tap on «Info» and then on «Play Store Version» - If an update is necessary, an option to update will be offered

If you continue to have problems with the Google Play Store, clear the app's cache: Clear Cache guide . 

If you are using an Android device and have modified the original operating system (jailbreak), you will not be able to access the Swiss Bankers app for security reasons, the same applies to the Google Play Store. In this case, make sure that you have installed an original version.

I have a new smartphone, do I need to uninstall the Swiss Bankers app from my old device?

Please uninstall the Swiss Bankers app from your old device and then install it on your new device. For security reasons, you can only use the Swiss Bankers app on one device. 

To activate the Swiss Bankers app on your new device, please proceed as follows:

  • open the Swiss Bankers app on your new device.
  • log in with your mobile number registered with Swiss Bankers.
  • enter the confirmation code you received by SMS in the app.
  • open the confirmation link that you also received by SMS to finalize the activation.

Your Swiss Bankers app and your account are now successfully activated. Next, unblock your cards by clicking on the respective card and entering the corresponding PIN code. If you have forgotten your card PIN code or are using a new mobile number, please contact Swiss Bankers Customer Support.

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Robinhood gold card announced — earn 3% cash back everywhere, this card isn't open to applications yet, but you can get on the waitlist..


The investing app Robinhood is making headlines with the announcement of the Robinhood Gold Card . This credit card features a minimum of 3% cash back on all purchases and there's even a limited-edition 10-karat gold version. When compared to other cards, that rewards rate is typically capped after a certain amount of spending or to a specific category of purchases (i.e. gas or dining), but with this card you'll be able to earn 3% cash back on all purchases — with no limit on the amount you can earn.

It's not open for applications yet, but you can add yourself to the waitlist . While it's technically a no-annual-fee card , it's only open to Robinhood Gold members, which costs $5/mo or $50 a year.

Below, CNBC Select has the details on what you need to know about the card's features and benefits.

Robinhood Gold Card

5% cash back on travel purchased through the Robin travel portal; 3% cash back on all other purchases

Welcome bonus

Requires a Gold membership which costs $5 a month or $50 a year

Regular APR

20.24% - 29.99% variable

Balance transfer fee

Foreign transaction fees.

Terms apply.

  • High cash-back rate on everyday purchases
  • No foreign transaction fees
  • Robinhood Gold subscription required

Robinhood Gold Card benefits

On top of the 3% cash back everywhere, cardholders also receive 5% cash back on travel purchases made through the Robinhood travel portal. Other benefits include:

  • Trip interruption protection
  • Travel and emergency assistance
  • Roadside Dispatch
  • Visa Signature Concierge
  • Rental car collision damage waiver
  • Purchase security
  • Return protection
  • Extended warranty protection

If you're on the Robinhood Gold Card waitlist and refer 10 people to both sign up for a Robinhood Gold subscription and join the Gold Card's waitlist too, you are eligible to receive a 10-karat gold version of this card. Learn more at Robinhood .

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Robinhood gold membership benefits.

Robinhood offers a 1.5% APY on uninvested cash sitting in your brokerage account , but once you upgrade to a paid Gold membership you'll receive a 5% APY on those balances. Gold members also receive a 3% match on eligible contributions to a Robinhood IRA . If you can take advantage of these perks, the Gold subscription fee may be worth it, and the benefits you receive from a Robinhood Gold Card are icing on the cake.

Robinhood Retirement

Minimum deposit and balance.

There is a $20 minimum to invest in the portfolio Robinhood recommends to you

Robinhood doesn't charge any management fees or commission fees for the IRA account. However, an IRA Match Early Withdrawal Fee may apply in some circumstances

The Robinhood IRA offers a 1% match on eligible contributions up to IRA contribution limits. Limitations apply.*

Investment vehicles

Traditional IRA and Roth IRA

Investment options

Stocks and ETFs (users can invest in Robinhood's selection of 5–8 recommended ETFs, pick their own, or do a combination of both). According to the website, eligible users will soon be able to trade options in their IRA

Educational resources

Robinhood offers education materials on their website

Terms apply. Does not apply to crypto asset portfolios.

*The IRA Match is automatically added after eligible contributions from an external bank account. Keep the contributions in your IRA for at least 5 years from the date you contribute.  IRA Match FAQ . Other fees may apply. See Fee Schedule  for more details.

This membership tier also comes with a handful of other features such as larger instant deposits and access to Morningstar research and NASDAQ Level II market data.

Alternate cards to consider

If you don't want to wait for the Robinhood Gold Card to open for applications or you aren't interested in joining Robinhood Gold, these alternate cards can help you start earning rewards right now.

The Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card earns an unlimited 2% cash rewards on purchases and new card members can earn a $200 cash rewards bonus after meeting the card's spending requirement (spend $500 in purchases in the first 3 months). This card earns 1% less than the Robinhood Gold Card on non-bonus spending, but it has no annual fee and you have to pay at least $50 a year for a Robinhood Gold membership. To earn $50 in rewards at 1%, you have to spend $5,000, so you'll get a head start on earning cash rewards back with the Active Cash Card , especially when you factor in the welcome bonus.

Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card

Unlimited 2% cash rewards on purchases

Earn a $200 cash rewards bonus after spending $500 in purchases in the first 3 months

0% intro APR for 15 months from account opening on purchases and qualifying balance transfers; balance transfers made within 120 days qualify for the intro rate

20.24%, 25.24%, or 29.99% Variable APR on purchases and balance transfers

3% intro for 120 days from account opening then BT fee of up to 5%, min: $5

Foreign transaction fee

Credit needed.


See rates and fees , terms apply.

The Discover it® Cash Back earns 5% cash back on up to $1,500 in combined purchases in rotating quarterly categories (when you activate), then 1% cash back (which you also earn on all purchases outside of the quarterly categories). The welcome offer makes this card even more enticing because it matches the cash back new cardmembers earn for the first year. With this offer, you're effectively earning 10% cash back from spending that qualifies for the rotating bonus categories for the first year, and then 2% cash back on all purchases for the remainder of that year.

Discover it® Cash Back

Earn 5% cash back on everyday purchases at different places you shop each quarter like grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, and more, up to the quarterly maximum when you activate. Plus, earn unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases-automatically.

Discover will match all the cash back earned for all new cardmembers at the end of your first year.

0% for 15 months on purchases

17.24% to 28.24% Variable

3% intro balance transfer fee, up to 5% fee on future balance transfers (see terms)*

Good / Excellent

* See rates and fees , terms apply.

Read our Discover it® Cash Back review.

Money matters — so make the most of it. Get expert tips, strategies, news and everything else you need to maximize your money, right to your inbox.  Sign up here .

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Bottom line.

Robinhood has announced a new cash-back credit card that will be available for its Gold members. The Robinhood Gold Card will earn at least 3% cash back on all purchases, which is an exceptional return for everyday purchases. A Robinhood Gold membership is relatively affordable compared to most credit card annual fees, which will make this card one of the best cash-back credit cards once it opens for applications.

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At CNBC Select, our mission is to provide our readers with high-quality service journalism and comprehensive consumer advice so they can make informed decisions with their money. Every personal finance article is based on rigorous reporting by our team of expert writers and editors with extensive knowledge of financial products .  While CNBC Select earns a commission from affiliate partners on many offers and links, we create all our content without input from our commercial team or any outside third parties, and we pride ourselves on our journalistic standards and ethics.

Catch up on CNBC Select's in-depth coverage of  credit cards ,  banking  and  money , and follow us on  TikTok ,  Facebook ,  Instagram  and  Twitter  to stay up to date.

For rates and fees of the Discover it® Cash Back, click here .


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April Fools' Day pranks: Apps to translate baby stoner sayings, a ghostbuster at Tinder

Every april 1, brands and companies want to get some laughs – and attention – with goofy new 'product' launches. here are some ideas from companies such as sweetgreen, welch's and omaha steaks..

If you don't like Mondays, this one may especially be grating. It's April Fool's Day , when you should trust no one and question everything.

The roots of April Fools' Day may date back before to before the 15th century. But the modern-day April Fools' Day has become a day to prank a friend, family member, co-worker − or your customers.

Even though some companies have had April Fools' pranks backfire , marketers continue to issue spoof products in attempts to get some laughs and attention.

Already ahead of April Fools' Day, 7-Eleven has hinted at a possible prank product: In addition to new Lemon Lime, Green Apple and Sweet Orange flavored 7-Select sparkling waters, out now with partner Miracle Seltzer, there's a fourth flavor coming April 1: Big Bite Hot Dog.

The hot dog-flavored water "combines the mouthwatering experience of 7-Eleven’s iconic Big Bite Hot Dog into one refreshing beverage – ketchup and mustard included," the convenience chain says in a press release . "Say goodbye to the days of alternating bites of a hot dog with sips of a beverage, now those on the go can swap the bun for bubbles."

Krispy Kreme: A special doughnut deal for April Fools' Day

Will Big Bite Hot Dog sparkling water be sold? Its availability will be announced April 1. However, some reporters were sent a can of the drink. USA TODAY can confirm that it definitely smells like hot dog water and has a smoky aftertaste.

If you are interested in trying it, both 7-Eleven and Miracle Seltzer have hinted at having some to give away on their Instagram pages. (If you get a can, share with a friend as it's 16 ounces.)

Here's a roundup of many of the brand-related April Fools’ gag announcements. You've been warned.

Sour cream & onion flavored soda

Despite the proliferation of crazy-flavored products including Peeps-flavored Pepsi , Frank's RedHot sauce-flavored Vlasic pickles and Doritos Nacho Cheese-flavored liquor , healthy soda brand OLIPOP and Pringles are not really teaming up to bring to market a Sour Cream & Onion soda.

The product would have been "a match made in heaven … to bring the delicious, tangy flavor of Pringles’ Sour Cream & Onion flavor to life in liquid form with prebiotic benefits," the companies said.

Stoner lingo translation app

Another dream team prank product: Rosetta Stoned, a mobile app from Rosetta Stone and medical marijuana company Fluent , that "bridges the conversational gap between novice users and seasoned stoners in any social setting."

Da da decoder

Infant equipment site BabyQuip has its own language-bridging lark: the “Baby Translator” app, to decode your baby's secret language.

"Say 'goodbye' to restless nights as you decode your baby's coos and cries instantly, providing you with the understanding you need as a parent, all in one convenient app," it promises.

An AI-powered plush doll

Custom stuffed animal maker Budsies already makes selfie plush dolls with a built-in voice recorder. Its April Fools' spoof: Artificial intelligence-enabled dolls that "come programmed to learn everything about you and to become your new best friend."

A 50-pound Bearabuddy

Sorry to the 3,500 or so who have already signed up to buy Bearaby's Jumbo Benji plush toy, which is four times the size of its regular weighted plush toys and twice as heavy as its heaviest weighted blanket . This isn't actually going to be sold. But it is real and will be making its home in the lobby at The Child Mind Institute in Harlem to welcome children and their families. More weighted plushies are due the day after April Fools' Day, the company says.

A sleeping bag to go bananas over

The Dole Banana Peel Sleeping Bag, conveniently promoted as being available on April Fools' Day only, is made from actual banana fiber and "allows parents to escape into their own cocoon of sensory deprivation."

A full-body cleaning suit

Outrageous clothing company Tipsy Elves has a special product for April Fools' Day: The Mopsie. You don't need paper towels anymore, you can use your body to clean up those messes, with this "innovative, wearable microfiber towel jumpsuit" for "effortlessly soaking up spills and messes with ease." There's also a Baby Mopsie for "hard to reach places."

Korean BBQ deodorant

Kevin's Natural Foods , which has paleo- and keto-certified ready-to-cook and easy-prep entrées, is touting a new line of personal care products inspired by its food dishes including Korean BBQ Deodorant, Cilantro Lime Toothpaste, Lemongrass Basil Shampoo and Tikka Masala Sunscreen.

"These new face, body and hair care essentials will help fans prioritize self-care inside and out," the company says. 

Omaha Steaks' meaty sprays

Omaha Steaks has its own personal care prank product: Meaty Spritz sprays with flavors such as Omaha Fog, Hog Haze, and Cock-a-Doodle-Dew.

"The world’s first protein-infused, flavor-packed, portable pump spray … (to) enjoy all the mouthwatering flavors of your Omaha Steaks gourmet favorites no matter how far away from the kitchen you are!" the company says.

Sriracha toothpaste

Asian sauce maker Lee Kum Kee , which makes Sriracha Chili Sauce and Sriracha Mayo Dressing, is introducing – not – its Siracha Mayo Toothpaste. It's "fiery and creamy goodness … is sure to spice up your morning dental routine."

Post-salad dental kit

Need some less powerful toothpaste? Sweetgreen offered these fanciful personal hygiene products as part of its Sweetgreen After Salad Kit, which is "designed with your pearly whites in mind … offering everything you need to freshen up post-meal."

Choose from Miso Ginger Toothpaste, Spicy Cashew Mints, Lime Cilantro Dental Floss, and Sweetgreen Toothbrush and Floss Picks.

Fruit juice lip gloss

More personal care prank products: Welch’s Juicyfuls Juicy Fruit Lip Gloss – now available in five flavors: grape, orange, peach, strawberry and raspberry – made with real juice from Juicefuls fruit snacks so "you get that irresistible sweet flavor you love, all in a lip gloss that's as fun as it is nourishing."

Protein-powered seasonings

Quest Nutrition , maker of protein powder, snacks and other products, has a prank product line of seasonings including All Purpose, Lemon Pepper, and Garlic Herb, each of which deliver "21g of protein, 2g of net carbs and less than 1g of sugar."

If you want to try Quest's real products, you can use code NOJOKE for free shipping on online orders over $49 April 1-3.

Superpowered Superfeet?

These would certainly come in hand on a run, but – sorry – it's a jogging joke. Superfeet SuperBoost Power E-Soles gives you 8 hours of continuous battery-powered boost, for almost Iron Man-like propulsion. "All the comfort and support of Superfeet , now with electrifying performance," the company says in a video about the prank product. "It's like having a powerful electric motor in your shoes."

Scotch tape-branded Scotch?

This shenanigan seems like a blend that could stick: Scotch Whisky by Scotch Brand. The whisky "features a nose of cherry wood and a delightfully smooth finish that hits like a well-wrapped gift."

Who you gonna call when ghosted? This new title at Tinder

Dating app Tinder announced a new April Fools' Day hiring quest for a Vice President of Ghost Hunting to help combat "one of dating culture’s most prevalent vices – ghosting," a practice inflicted on 78% of singles already in 2024 (an untrue fact from Tinder).

Patrón's bringing back a beloved liqueur. No kidding.

Patrón patrons get some good news today. The premium tequila maker chose April Fools' Day to announce the return of its Patrón XO Cafe tequila-based coffee liqueur, which was discontinued in 2021. Since production ceased, devotees took to social media and signed a petition asking parent company Bacardi to bring it back.

Made with Patrón Silver tequila and Arabica bean coffee – the dry liqueur can be sipped straight, in cocktails and as dessert topping – Patrón XO Cafe will begin arriving in stores again later this month.

Say it with dead flowers

Don't forget to put roses on your April Fools' Day list. UrbanStems has this "special" delivery, The Dead Inside Collection, "an assortment of dead flower bouquets, dead plants, half empty vases, and more for the pessimist in your life." But, for real, check UrbanStems' social media accounts including Instagram for how to get 20% off an order of real flowers.

Cheesecake Factory's real deals

The Cheesecake Factory  also has a deal that's no joke: Sign up for the chain's Cheesecake Rewards loyalty program on April 1 to get an Any Slice, Half Price reward, redeemable for 50% off any slice of cheesecake or layer cake, with any food or beverage purchase (no gift cards).

Those who were members before April 1 will find something special in their account on Monday, too: either a free slice of cheesecake each month for a year, a free whole cheesecake, a free slice of cheesecake, $5 off $25 purchases, or $10 off $40 purchases. (All rewards redeemable by April 16; can be redeemed for dine-in, to-go and DoorDash.)

New merch from Dunkin', bonus points in app

Dunkin' announced it is going back to its roots and rebranding to just "Donuts'" on Monday, April 1. To celebrate the rebrand, the company is selling "Donuts'" merch, including sweatshirts that read "DONUTS," on ShopDunkin.com .

Additionally, Dunkin' Rewards members will receive 3x bonus points on any donut order through the mobile app on April 1.

Urban Outfitters launches 'Name Three Shirts' movement

Urban Outfitters said it is launching a global movement to "stand in solidarity against band-tee-shaming" by launching a new collection called "Name Three Shirts."

The t-shirt line "playfully mocks the gatekeeping attitudes of older generations who insist that band-shirt wearers should be required to name songs by those artists," the company said in a news release.

The line, which features revamped logos from bands such as The Grateful Dead, Joy Division and Led Zeppelin, is a "playful jab at the attitudes of older generations, and fights back against the misogynistic undertones of the infamous ‘name three songs’ line of questioning," Urban Outfitters said in the news release.

The collection of shirts is available online and in select Urban Outfitters stores starting April 1. You can shop the collection online here .

Auntie Anne's, Frontier Airlines collaborate on Pretzel Plane

Auntie Anne's pretzels and Frontier Airlines announced they have collaborated on the newest addition to Frontier's fleet: the Pretzel Plane.

According to a news release, the plane includes new in-flight entertainment featuring Auntie Anne's pretzels rolled seat-side, the "luxurious" smell of hot, fresh pretzels throughout the cabin and airplane-shaped pretzels if you're feeling hungry.

Moe's Southwest Grill, Sonic team up to introduce a Queso Slush

Two popular fast food chains announced a collaboration that is sure to be polarizing.

Moe's and Sonic announced a new beverage, the Queso Slush, a queso-flavored slushie. "The frozen goodness of a Sonic Slush meets the delicious flavor of Moe's queso."

Follow Mike Snider on X and Threads:  @mikesnider  & mikegsnider .

Gabe Hauari is a national trending news reporter at USA TODAY. You can follow him on X  @GabeHauari  or email him at [email protected].

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    Ihr nächster Schritt. Swiss Bankers Travel Karte beantragen. Jetzt Beratungstermin vereinbaren. Ja, Bank wechseln. Zurück zu meiner Bank. Mit der Swiss Bankers Travel Karte haben Sie ihr Cash auf Reisen sicher dabei: >Prepaid Karte mit PIN >weltweit Bargled abheben & bezahlen >keine Jahrsgebühr.

  7. Take out cash abroad with the Travel Card

    The Travel Card is safer than cash and will be replaced free of charge by courier service worldwide in case of loss. The card can be loaded with an amount between 100 and 10,000 in your desired currency (CHF, EUR, USD). Your desired amount is paid for in Swiss francs. The daily exchange rate for loading the card in euros and dollars can be ...

  8. Travel Cash: Weltweit ohne Verbindung zum Bankkonto zahlen

    PIN-Code der Travel-Karte kann in der Schweiz und in Liechtenstein am Bancomaten, in der Schweiz auch am Postomaten und weltweit via Swiss Bankers Hotline +41 (0)31 710 1215 geändert werden. Kontaktloses Bezahlen. Weltweiter kostenloser Sofortersatz inklusive des Restwertes bei Verlust oder Diebstahl. In Euro, US-Dollar und Schweizer Franken ...

  9. Swiss Bankers Travel-Karte

    Auf einen Blick. Kostenlose Travel-Karte zum Aufladen. Kontaktlos und bargeldlos bezahlen oder Geld abheben - einfach, schnell und sicher in der Schweiz und weltweit. Unabhängig vom Bankkonto. Wird bei Verlust sofort weltweit kostenlos ersetzt - inklusive Restbetrag. Erhältlich in den Währungen CHF, EUR und USD.

  10. Swiss Bankers

    About this app. The Swiss Bankers App lets you adjust your Swiss Bankers Mastercard Prepaid Card to your needs. You can keep track of your expenses, card loads, cash withdrawals, and current card credit balance at any time and be notified after each transaction via the app or by SMS. With the Swiss Bankers Send Service you can send money abroad ...

  11. Reisezahlungsmittel Swiss Bankers Travel

    Kontakt Beratungszentrum. 0844 811 811. Servicezeiten. 07:30 bis 17:30 (Montag-Freitag; CHF .04/Minute) Kontakt via Formular. Unsere Niederlassungen. Mit der Travel Karte von Swiss Bankers erhalten Sie ein Reisezahlungsmittel mit integrierter Hotelcard - und das ganze noch ohne Jahresgebühr.

  12. Travel funds with the Travel Card

    Se­cure Travel Money. Make pur­chases at more than 40 mil­lion busi­nesses and with­draw money at roughly 2 mil­lion ATMs: The Travel Card 1 is a simple and se­cure form of travel funds for cli­ents with a dom­i­cile in Switzer­land or Liecht­en­stein. Be­fore tak­ing a trip, load the card like a pre­paid card at a Credit Suisse ...

  13. Which Travel Money Should You Use?

    Traveling with money is a task that makes many people uneasy, especially when foreign currency is involved. Carrying cash abroad can be deemed as risky, but credit and debit cards can be notoriously finicky because of bank security and the fees that come with international credit charges can have a major effect on your funds in the long run.

  14. Account

    The prepaid credit card for travel. Life. The prepaid credit card for daily life. Prime. ... Prepaid credit cards. Prepaid credit cards. Send. To the overview. Money transfer. Money transfer. ... On April 10, 2024, the customer portal and web access to the card account will be discontinued.

  15. Is it Better to Travel with Cash or Card?

    Pros and cons of using a credit card abroad. Pro: May offer a better exchange rate than when using cash. Pro: If lost or stolen, a card is easier to replace and potentially get your money back. Pro: More secure than carrying cash. Pro: Score points on credits that can be used for future travel and other purchases.

  16. Prepaid Travel Card by Mastercard

    Prepaid Travel Card by Mastercard | Reloadable Travel Cards. MASTERCARD BENEFIT INQUIRIES. Within the U.S.: 1-800-Mastercard (1-800-627-8372) | Outside the U.S.: Mastercard Global Service Phone Numbers. Availability of insurance benefits on your card may vary by card issuer. Please refer to your issuing financial institution for complete ...

  17. Qantas Travel Money Card

    Contact Mastercard Qantas Travel Money Global Support on 1300 825 302 (from within Australia), or +61 1300 825 302 (if overseas). If eligible, you can collect emergency funds from approved agent locations. The team will let you know the address details, telephone number and opening hours of the nearest agent location. Help & support.

  18. Why I got the Citi Custom Cash Card this year instead of another travel

    With the Citi Custom Cash Card, you'll earn $200 cash back, in the form of 20,000 ThankYou points, after spending $1,500 on purchases in the first six months of account opening. While that's ...

  19. Are Travel Loyalty Programs at Risk?

    Elaine Glusac is the Frugal Traveler columnist, focusing on budget-friendly tips and journeys. March 28, 2024. On Tuesday, the largest credit card companies in the United States reached an ...

  20. Does Wells Fargo's New Travel Card Beat Chase Sapphire ...

    Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card. Annual fee. $95. $95. Welcome bonus. 60,000 points after you spend $4,000 on purchases within three months of account opening. 60,000 points when you spend ...

  21. I Used to Be Skeptical About Credit Card Rewards. But Now I'm Going

    Featured offer: save money while you pay off debt with one of these top-rated balance transfer credit cards. Here are a few reasons why I'm going full throttle on credit card rewards in 2024. 1. I ...

  22. Prepaid Credit Card in Switzerland

    The digital card is only available virtually in an app. It has been developed for frequent everyday use and has no transaction fees. By not using a plastic card, you save money and protect the environment at the same time. For traveling, we have the prepaid Travel credit card on offer for you. This card offers you maximum security and ...

  23. How To Use The Citi Trifecta To Maximize Your Rewards

    Use the Blue Business Plus to earn 2 Membership Rewards points per $1 on everyday business purchases up to the first $50,000 spent per year, then 1 point per $1 on all other purchases. You'll ...

  24. 6 Ways To Maximize The Citi Double Cash Card

    6. Pay down high-interest credit card debt. In addition to a welcome bonus, the Citi Double Cash Card also offers an introductory balance transfer offer. New cardholders can get a 0% intro APR on ...

  25. Robinhood's new credit card goes after Apple Card with ability to

    Gold Card users can earn 3% cash back on all categories, including restaurants and groceries, and 5% cash bank when booking travel at Robinhood's new travel portal. That cash back can be ...

  26. FAQs: answers to frequently asked questions

    Here's how to send money directly to a cash withdrawal center in six steps: 1. open the "Send" function in the Swiss Bankers app and select your destination country. 2. select the "Cash pickup" payout option. 3. select the payment method you want to use to pay. 4. select the service provider 5.

  27. Robinhood Gold Card Announcement

    The Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card earns an unlimited 2% cash rewards on purchases and new card members can earn a $200 cash rewards bonus after meeting the card's spending requirement (spend $500 ...

  28. April Fools' Day 2024: Big brands and companies unveil pranks, jokes

    Already ahead of April Fools' Day, 7-Eleven has hinted at a possible prank product: In addition to new Lemon Lime, Green Apple and Sweet Orange flavored 7-Select sparkling waters, out now with ...