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Seit mehr als 20 Jahren zählt FERIEN Touristik zu den führenden dynamischen Reiseveranstaltern in Deutschland. Seit Sommer 2018 werden in Deutschland mit der Marke „Coral travel“ auch klassisch produzierte Pauschalreisen mit der kundenfreundlichen Möglichkeit von Optionsbuchungen angeboten. Coral travel und FERIEN Touristik  sind  in über 6000 Reisebüros buchbar und wurde n  2021 in die TOP 5 der   Großveranstalter beim Globus Award für den besten Reisebüro Service gewählt.

Im Jahre 2023 gab es eine Umfirmierung von der Ferien Touristik GmbH in die Coral Touristik GmbH.

Die Coral Touristik GmbH ist ein Unternehmen der Coral travel Group, welche seit mehr als 30 Jahren über 30 Millionen Reisegäste in den Urlaub geschickt hat und aus 22 Ländern heraus operiert. Die Coral travel Group ist heute ein international agierendes Unternehmen und zählt mit ihren Reisebüros, Hotels, Incomingservices, Fluggesellschaften und Sicherheitsfirmen in allen Bereichen der Tourismuswirtschaft zu einem der führenden Anbieter.

Zur Coral travel Group gehören u.a. bekannte Marken wie das Xanadu High Class Resort und dem neuen Xanadu Makadi Bay, den Seven Seas Hotels und die OTIUM Hotels.

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Coral Reefs

Learn the risks our world's coral reefs are facing and what they mean for our future and the future of the ocean.

Biology, Ecology, Health, Earth Science, Oceanography, Experiential Learning

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Coral reefs are important ocean habitats and offer a compelling case of the risks of climate change . Reefs provide a large fraction of Earth’s biodiversity —they have been called “the rain forests of the seas.” Scientists estimate that 25 percent of all marine species live in and around coral reefs, making them one of the most diverse habitats in the world. Paulo Maurin, education and fellowship coordinator for NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program, says the reefs are invaluable to our planet’s biodiversity. “They act as productive nurseries to many fish species, giving the small fish a home and a chance to grow,” he says. “Coral reefs’ diversity is so rich that we do not have a firm count on all the species that live within it and every year discover new species.” Reefs provide a variety of economic benefits, including recreational activities, tourism , coastal protection, habitat for commercial fisheries, and preservation of marine ecosystems . “Corals are important to us for many reasons,” Maurin says. “From a practical point of view, they can help protect coastlines from storm events, for instance, and help maintain fisheries that are essential to a lot of people. And complex compounds found in coral reefs hold promises in modern medicine . These are what we call ecosystem services that would be very difficult and expensive to replace. “They also have a unique ability to inspire us to explore and visit the ocean. Can you think of any other invertebrate that people would come from afar just to see?” Corals live with algae in a type of relationship called symbiosis . This means the organisms cooperate with each other. The algae, called zooxanthellae, live inside the corals, which provide a tough outer shell made from calcium carbonate . In return for that protection, the algae provide their host with food produced through photosynthesis . Zooxanthellae also provide corals with their striking colors. This symbiotic relationship is strongly dependent on the temperature of the surrounding water. As the water warms, zooxanthellae are expelled from a coral’s tissue, causing it to lose its color and a major source of food. This process is known as “ coral bleaching .”

Coral bleaching does not always mean the death of a coral reef. Corals can recover their zooxanthellae in time, but the process requires cooler temperatures. Warmer ocean water also becomes more acidic . Ocean acidification is making it more difficult for corals to build their hard exoskeletons . In Australia’s Great Barrier Reef , coral calcification has declined 14.2 percent since 1990—a large, rapid decline that hasn’t been seen for 400 years. Ocean acidification also occurs because of rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. The ocean absorbs carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere . Carbon dioxide alters the chemistry of seawater by reducing pH , a measure of acidity. Water that has a lower pH is more acidic. “When the pH of seawater is lowered as a result of CO2, the availability of carbonate ions—one of the main building blocks in their calcium-carbonate skeletons—is reduced, and corals have a tougher time building up, or even maintaining, their skeleton,” Maurin says. The combination of rising ocean temperatures and increased acidity will likely cause major changes to coral reefs over the next few decades and centuries. New research suggests that corals may begin to dissolve at atmospheric CO2 concentrations as low as 560 parts per million, which could be reached by the middle of this century if emissions are not curbed. In 2010, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were around 390 parts per million. Maurin believes there are several ways people can help preserve these valuable resources. “Over the long term, we need to reduce the amount of CO2 that is up in the atmosphere that is causing both increased bleaching and acidification,” he says. “But in the more immediate time, there are other ways to help. By understanding that bleaching and acidification stress corals, we can help by building up what we call ‘reef resiliency.’ That is, making sure that reefs have this capacity to bounce back. “For instance, ensuring that there is less pollution entering the ocean can help far-away corals. Also, people can help by making sure that the seafood consumed is sustainable and not contributing to a depletion of fish species that keep algae in check, following fishing regulations when fishing, as well as supporting marine protected areas in key conservation sites .”

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The Great Barrier Reef in Queensland experienced its fifth mass coral bleaching event in eight years this summer

‘Tourists ask a lot of questions’: Great Barrier Reef guides face up to bleaching tragedy

Tour boat divers have long borne witness to mass bleaching events. Once reluctant to wade into discussions about global heating, they are now opening up

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“You can see it on their faces,” says scuba diving instructor Elliot Peters. “There’s definitely some remorse and sadness.”

Peters works at a resort on Heron Island in the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef and, in recent weeks, he’s had to tell curious guests why so many of the corals around the island are turning bone white.

The reef is in the middle of its fifth mass bleaching event in only eight years – an alarming trend driven by global heating in a year that has seen record global ocean temperatures.

Peters has never seen a mass coral bleaching event up close before, but this summer he’s seen ancient boulder corals that can live for hundreds of years bleaching and showing signs of death.

“If anything it’s motivating me,” he says. “It’s opening the doors to get people talking about climate change and the health of the reef. People are thanking us for telling the truth about what’s going on here.”

The Great Barrier Reef is a major export industry for Australia, with one 2017 report estimating the reef supports 64,000 jobs and contributes $6.4bn to the national economy.

But as the impact of global heating on the reef started to make global headlines in 2016 and 2017, tensions in the tourism industry started to emerge. One tourism head called stories of catastrophic bleaching a “great white lie”.

“The reef is the most significant natural attraction that this country has to offer,” says Daniel Gschwind, a professor at Griffith University’s tourism institute and the chair of the committee that represents reef tourism to the government’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

“It’s a challenge because as a phenomenon, [global heating] is affecting what we ultimately sell.”

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‘If the reef dies, we die’

Gschwind says for many years, tourism operators were reluctant to talk to guests about the threat of climate change.

The reef has experienced mass bleaching in 2002, 2016, 2017, 2020, 2022 and now again in 2024. But for an ecosystem the size of Italy, the effects are not uniform.

What is coral bleaching?

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Coral bleaching describes a process where the coral animal expels the algae that live in their tissues and give them their colour and much of their nutrients.

Without their algae, a coral’s white skeleton can be seen through their translucent flesh, giving a bleached appearance.

Mass coral bleaching over large areas, first noticed in the 1980s around the Caribbean, is caused by rising ocean temperatures.

Some corals also display fluorescent colours under stress when they release a pigment that filters light. Sunlight also plays a role in triggering bleaching.

Corals can survive bleaching if temperatures are not too extreme or prolonged.  But extreme marine heatwaves can kill corals outright.

Coral bleaching can also have sub-lethal effects, including increased susceptibility to disease and reduced rates of growth and reproduction.

Scientists say the gaps between bleaching events are becoming too short to allow reefs to recover.

Coral reefs are considered one of the planet’s ecosystems most at risk from global heating. Reefs support fisheries that feed hundreds of millions of people, as well as supporting major tourism industries.

The world’s biggest coral reef system – Australia’s Great Barrier Reef – has suffered seven mass bleaching events since 1998, of which five were in the past decade. 

In any given year, some reefs escape the heat stress, some turn white but then regain their colour, while some corals will die. Bleaching can make corals more susceptible to disease, slow their growth and impede their reproduction.

Government scientists were this week carrying out in-water and aerial surveys to assess the bleaching across the whole reef, but it could be weeks, or even months, before there’s a clear picture of how severe this year has been.

The long-term prognosis for the reef is not good. As global heating continues, the chances of ever more intense heat stress events is rising.

Diver & Coral Bleeching-1A diver examines bleached coral at Heron Island in the southern Great Barrier Reef.

“It’s difficult to communicate a bleaching event accurately,” says Gschwind. “With an event like this one, by the time it’s communicated to a consumer in London or Shanghai the message received could be ‘the reef is not worth visiting any more’. That’s the challenge to the tourism industry and it’s why many operators struggle with this.”

Divers on tourism boats are often the first to raise the alarm, and this year operators have sent more than 5,000 observations to the marine park authority.

“That’s where the industry and operators see their social role. They’re the communicators of this story – operators are the sentinels,” says Gschwind.

“They see what global warming is doing to the natural environment that we all depend on. If the reef dies, then we die. We’re the early warning system for what’s going on on the planet.”

Some Great Barrier Reef guides are suffering ‘ecological grief’ this year, says marine biologist Fiona Merida, as the natural wonder experiences its fifth mass bleaching event in eight years.

The emotional toll of a bleached reef

Since back-to-back mass bleaching events in 2016 and 2017, the park authority has worked with the tourism industry to establish Master Reef Guides, a growing cohort of more than 120 dive professionals trained by scientists and traditional owners on how to communicate the health of the reef and its threats.

Fiona Merida, a marine biologist and director of reef education and engagement at the park authority, says giving tourism operators detailed information on what was happening at the sites they visited “takes the emotion out of it” and gives them confidence to talk to visitors about bleaching.

But she says some reef guides are themselves suffering “ecological grief” this year at seeing the places they love suffer. Reef guides have established a “buddy check” system where guides can check in on each other’s mental health.

Yolanda Waters is founder of advocacy group Divers for Climate and has been diving in the southern section of the reef in recent weeks.

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“It was bleached coral as far as the eye could see,” she says. “I didn’t want to get back into the water. It’s a restorative place for me and to not want to go back in is awful.”

Waters is a former dive instructor and as part of research at the University of Queensland , she has interviewed more than 650 reef visitors in recent years.

“I noticed how difficult these conversations were,” she says. “Tourists ask a lot of questions and it can feel confronting if people have paid $300 to go on to the reef. A big question tourism gets asked is: ‘Is the reef dying? Tell me.’

“The reality is far more complicated, but they want to know from the people who see the reef every day.

“We found [tourists] are actually open to hearing about climate change. In fact the majority weren’t only open to the information, but wanted more. And they wanted to know what they could do.”

“It’s a tricky line: how do we do this in a way that motivates action and does not turn people off. But you have to face the reality – there is still so much to save, and that gets left out a lot.”

A cowtail stingray glides over bleached coral.

‘The time is now’

Tahn Miller has been working as a dive instructor and guide at Wavelength Reef Cruises in Port Douglas in far north Queensland for 15 years.

Miller remembers hearing stories from a decade ago of how some dive guides in other parts of the reef would be told not to mention climate change to guests for fear of perpetuating ideas the natural treasure was either dying or not worth visiting.

But he says there’s been an evolution in the industry, and now far more divers are feeling empowered to talk to visitors about climate change – but only if the visitors want to hear it.

“You have climate sceptics in every group, but I find that’s becoming less and less,” he says. “I tell them I’m not there to change anyone’s minds, but this is what I have witnessed. I try and be honest with them.”

Miller says after the 2016 bleaching, he saw reefs recovering. But his optimism has been eroded in recent years.

There are several tour operators that are also running small reef restoration projections in the areas they visit, including replanting corals.

“Some of the corals I’ve planted – hundreds of them – have already died [this summer],” he says.

“The time is now … we have to make change because if we don’t, we lose massive expanses of reef.”

Back on Heron Island, Peters says he gets stopped by tourists asking him what they can do to help the reef.

“I start by getting them to acknowledge their appreciation for the reef and that we have to do more. I leave them with one or two tips,” he says.

“I say they should ‘use their voice’ and find out about the policies of the people they might vote for. And I ask them to think about where their money is being held – is it in a bank that invests in fossil fuels?”

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30 yılı devirmiş köklü bir grubu temsil eden OTI Holding ismi, 26 Ekim 2022 itibari ile, grubu geleceğe daha güçlü taşıyacağına inandığımız Coral Travel Group olarak değişmiş bulunmaktadır.

Coral Travel Group (OTI Holding); tur operatörlüğü, konaklama, destinasyon hizmetleri havacılık, seyahat acenteliği, bilgi teknolojileri ve güvenlik alanlarında sektörün en güvenilir markalarıyla uluslararası turizm endüstrisinin önemli oyuncuları arasında yerini almaktadır.

Coral Travel Group (OTI Holding), 22  ülkedeki 37  şirketi ve 4300 profesyonel çalışanıyla 1992 yılından bu yana turizm sektöründe faaliyet göstermekte ve yıllık 3 milyonun üzerinde turiste hizmet vermekte olup, kalite ve müşteri memnuniyeti ilkelerinden ödün vermeden yeni pazarlar ve destinasyonlarda büyümeye devam etmektedir.

Kurulduğu 1992 yılından bu yana, tur operatörlüğü ve satış acenteliği alanında;

Coral Travel markasıyla (Almanya, Belarus, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Estonya, Gürcistan, İsviçre, Letonya, Litvanya, Polonya, Romanya, Rusya, Türkiye, Ukrayna),   Sunmar (Rusya) ve FERIEN Touristik (Almanya)

Destinasyon hizmetlerinde ODEON Tours ile (Türkiye, Mısır, Yunanistan, İspanya, BAE, Tayland, Vietnam)

Konaklamada Coral Group Hotels çatısı altında   Seven Seas Resorts & Hotels, Otium Hotels, Xanadu Resort markalarıyla (Türkiye, Mısır, Vietnam, Yunanistan)

Bilgi teknolojilerinde ODEON Yazılım ve Teknoloji (Türkiye),

Güvenlik alanında ise Odeon Güvenlik ve Danışmanlık (Türkiye) markalarıyla turizm sektöründe yer almaktadır.

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Deneyimli Tatil Danışmanları

Keyifli anlarla dolu, unutulmaz bir tatil yaşamak istediğinizi biliyoruz! Siz yeter ki beklentilerinizi bize aktarın, gerisini her biri konusunda uzman satış temsilcilerimiz halledecektir.

Yaygın Satış Ağı

Türkiye'nin dört bir yanındaki ve Kıbrıs'taki satış ofislerimiz, kaliteli hizmet için gerekli her türlü donanıma sahip olup, yaptırdığınız rezervasyonları online sistemle zaman yitirmeden merkezimize iletmekte ve bu sayede otel teyidiniz satış ofisimiz aracılığıyla anında tarafınıza verilebilmektedir.

Yer Hizmetleri

Bizimle birlikte çıkacağınız tatillerinizi, dilerseniz güvenilirliğini kanıtlamış havayollarıyla, dilerseniz de konforlu ve lüks otobüslerimizle yapabilirsiniz. Size özel ikramlarımız sayesinde keyifle yolculuk edecek, gittiğiniz bölgelerde transferleriniz klimalı özel araçlarla gerçekleşecektir. ODEON Tours çalışanları, sizi yol boyunca rahat ettirmek ve özel taleplerinizi karşılamak için daima görev başında olacaktır.

Tur Liderleri

Yıl boyunca verdiğimiz özel eğitimlerle her an hizmete hazır bekleyen tecrübeli rehberlerimiz, tatiliniz süresince ne zaman isterseniz yanı başınızda olacaktır. Rehber kadromuzun bilgi birikimi ve misafirperverliği sayesinde tatilinizin daha da keyifli hâle geleceğine inanıyoruz.

Koşulsuz Memnuniyet İlkesi

Coral Travel Group (OTI Holding) şirketleri olarak bizi farklı kılan en önemli özelliğimiz, 1992 yılında kurduğumuz ilk şirketimiz ODEON Tours ile Türkiye'de ilk kez, seyahat acenteliği hizmetlerinin tamamını kapsayacak şekilde ISO 9001:2008 Kalite Yönetim Standardı'nı sağlıyor olmamızdır. Ayrıca 2008 yılında Ulusal Kalite Hareketine katılmış bir kurum olarak, bir yaşam biçimi ilkesine dönüştürdüğümüz Kalite Yönetimi anlayışımızı bir kez daha somutlaştırmış bulunuyoruz. EFQM Mükemmellik Modeli doğrultusunda yapılan değerlendirmelerle, Eylül 2008'de EFQM Mükemmellikte Kararlılık, 2011 Haziran ayında  EFQM Mükemmellikte Yetkinlik belgelerini alarak, 2013 Nisan’ında 5 yıldız seviyesinde sertifikalandırılarak misafirlerimize sunduğumuz kaliteli hizmeti tescilledik.

Coral Travel Group (OTI Holding), 30 yıldır ülkemizde ve dünyanın dört bir köşesinde ağırladığı  milyonlarca konuğun ona katmış olduğu gücü, kazandığı deneyimleri ve edindiği avantajları sizinle paylaşmaya daima hazırdır.

Odeon Tours ve Coral Travel Türkiye

Türkiye’nin en çok tercih edilen seyahat acentelerinden Odeon Tours, 2014 yılında Coral Travel Türkiye ismini alarak iç pazardaki operasyonlarına devam ediyor., ve Odeon Tours, Odeon Tur, Odeon Tatil isimleri ile bilinen Odeon markası artık Coral Tatil / Coral Travel Türkiye ismi altında çatısı altında aynı şekilde hizmet veriyor olacak. 

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Coral Gables

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  • 10.1 Consulates

Coral Gables is a city in Greater Miami , in Florida .

Just south of downtown Miami is beautiful Coral Gables , or simply "The Gables" as it is known to natives. The city is perhaps best known as the home of the University of Miami , one of the nation's leading private universities.

Understand [ edit ]

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The University of Miami is well known for its top academic programs in business, marine science, medicine, music and other fields. It also is well known for its premiere athletic programs. With five national championships since the early 1980s, the University of Miami football team has won more national championships than any other Division I football program. Its baseball team also is a national powerhouse and has won the College World Series numerous times.

This planned section of town is an oasis of quiet stately homes, shopping and Miami restaurants in the heart of Miami. If you're tired of South Beach and the downtown scene and are looking for some classy fun, take a trip to the Gables.

The city is home to many historic landmarks as well as 22 parks, 33 public tennis courts, two public golf courses, and other first-class recreation amenities. Among them: the largest tropical botanical garden in the continental United States, a spring-fed grotto swimming pool made of native coral rock with underwater caves, tree-lined bike paths and walking trails, and more.

In the past three decades, the city has experienced healthy growth, which has bolstered the economic base. Today, Coral Gables is home to 175 multinationals, 26 consulates and trade offices and more than 30 fine art galleries. It is also known as the Fine Dining Capital of South Florida and has the highest concentration of live theater in Miami-Dade County. Growth in the commercial sector has brought a wealth of new activities for residents, including nighttime entertainment, live music, casual and fine dining, and new retail options. It has also helped maintain low property taxes. At the same time, the residential areas have remained protected from commercial intrusion.

The city supports both the residential and business sectors with excellent city services, having attained the highest possible standards in every field. In fact, Coral Gables is the only city in the state of Florida and one of only two cities nationwide to have a Class 1 Fire Department, a fully-accredited Police Department, and the highest awarded Building and Zoning Department rating. In addition, Coral Gables has been named a "Tree City USA" for 14 consecutive years, it has an award-winning Communications Division and offers one of the most comprehensive Parks and Recreation programs in the state.

Coral Gables is well-known for its outstanding restaurants. With more than 40 great places to eat, all within walking distance in the downtown area, the hardest decision will be which one to try first. There are places to meet for a casual outdoor lunch as well as elegant, top-rated restaurants for fine dining.

Get in [ edit ]


As part of the Miami urban area, there are many routes that can be taken to access Coral Gables. Miami International Airport is not far north of Coral Gables. FL-953 (42nd Ave) goes south from the airport to Coral Gables. FL-976 enters the city from the west. US-1, or the Dixie Highway passes through Coral Gables coming out of Miami.

If going via mass transportation, the University stop (for University of Miami) is the station in Coral Gables.

Get around [ edit ]

Miami-Dade Transit runs buses around Coral Gables and to nearby MetroRail stations.

The Coral Gables Trolley [dead link] is a free circulator through the city. It runs primarily north and south along Ponce de Leon Boulevard with stops at the central retail district, Miracle Mile. It also connects to the Douglas Road MetroRail station and local buses.

See [ edit ]

coral travel wikipedia

  • 25.72534 -80.24257 2 The Barnacle Historic State Park , 3485 Main Highway, Miami , ☏ +1-305 442-6866 . Su-W 9AM-5PM . A preserved house built in 1891. $2 per person . ( updated Dec 2021 )
  • Coral Gables Congregational Church , 3010 De Soto Blvd , ☏ +1 305 448-7421 . Historic church built by George Merrick, founder of Coral Gables, in the Spanish Renaissance style.  

Do [ edit ]

Buy [ edit ].

  • 25.73405 -80.25903 3 The Collection , 200 Bird Road . Whether you're in the market for a new car or simply like to drool over Ferraris, Porches, and Maseratis, The Collection helps fulfill your need for speed.  
  • 25.70529 -80.28625 4 Sunset Place , 5701 Sunset Dr , ☏ +1 305-663-0482 . M-Th 11AM-10PM, F Sa 11AM-11PM, Su 11AM-9PM . In addition to nationwide chains such as the Gap, Urban Outfitters and Victoria’s Secret, this mall has a Niketown store, and a large movie theater.  

Eat [ edit ]

  • 25.7492 -80.2611 1 Cafe Abbraci , 318 Aragon Ave , ☏ +1 305 441-0700 . ( updated Aug 2021 )
  • Talavera , 2299 Ponce de Leon Blvd . M–F 11:30AM–11PM, Sa 11AM–11:30PM, Sun 11AM–11PM . Mexican. Its cuisine is refined (think chicharones with the guacamole) with a full bar. The margaritas are highly touted.  

Drink [ edit ]

  • 25.7512 -80.2582 1 The Bar , 172 Giralda Ave ( 2 Blocks from the Hyatt and Westin Omni ), ☏ +1 305 442-2730 . 11:30AM–2AM daily . The Bar's kitchen is open late and the food has been voted "Best Bar Food in Miami." Another accolade comes from Maxim Magazine 2002 claimed The Bar was the "Best Bar in America.". Has drink specials every night of the week.  

Sleep [ edit ]

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  • 25.75211 -80.25579 2 Hyatt Regency Coral Gables , 50 Alhambra Plaza , ☏ +1 305 441-1234 . Mediterranean-style hotel.  
  • 25.7097 -80.28187 3 Terrace Inn , 1430 South Dixie Highway . Good location for the university campus.  

Cope [ edit ]

Consulates [ edit ].

Most consulates in the area are in Miami , and a few honorary consulates are in Fort Lauderdale .

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Coral Gables is in the metropolitan area of Miami . Nearby is Crandon Park Beach in Key Biscayne (on an island in the Biscayne Bay) and Parrot Jungle Island in Miami (close to the port).

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A coral superhighway in the Indian Ocean

Despite being scattered across more than a million square kilometres, new research has revealed that remote coral reefs across the Seychelles are closely related. Using genetic analyses and oceanographic modelling, researchers at Oxford University demonstrated for the first time that a network of ocean currents scatter significant numbers of larvae between these distant islands, acting as a 'coral superhighway.' These results are published today in Scientific Reports .

Dr April Burt (Department of Biology, University of Oxford, and Seychelles Islands Foundation), lead author of the study, said: 'This discovery is very important because a key factor in coral reef recovery is larval supply. Although corals have declined alarmingly across the world due to climate change and a number of other factors, actions can be taken at local and national scale to improve reef health and resilience. These actions can be more effective when we better understand the connectivity between coral reefs by, for instance, prioritising conservation efforts around coral reefs that act as major larval sources to support regional reef resilience.'

The researchers collaborated with a wide range of coral reef management organisations and the Seychelles government to collect coral samples from 19 different reef sites. A comprehensive genetic analysis revealed recent gene flow between all sample sites -- possibly within just a few generations -- suggesting that coral larvae may be frequently transferred between different populations. The results also hinted at the existence of a new cryptic species of the common bouldering coral, Porites lutea .

The genetic analyses were then coupled with oceanographic modelling, simulating the process of larval dispersal. These simulations allowed researchers to visualise the pathways coral larvae take to travel between reefs across the wider region, and determine the relative importance of physical larval dispersal versus other biological processes in setting coral connectivity.

This revealed that dispersal of coral larvae directly between reefs across the Seychelles is highly plausible. For example, coral larvae spawned at the remote Aldabra atoll could disperse westwards towards the east coast of Africa via the East African Coastal Current. From here, they would then travel north along the coast, with some potentially even reaching the South Equatorial Counter Current, which could bring them eastwards again back towards the Inner Islands of Seychelles.

While these long-distance dispersal events are possible, it is likely that much of the connectivity between remote islands across the Seychelles may be established through 'stepping-stone' dispersal. This suggests that centrally located coral reefs in Seychelles, and possibly East Africa, may play an important role in linking the most remote islands.

Dr Noam Vogt-Vincent (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, now based at the Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology) who led the oceanographic modelling, said: 'This research suggests that the broad agreement between predicted connectivity and observed genetic patterns supports the use of such larval dispersal simulations in reef system management in Seychelles and the wider region. These simulations also allow us to investigate how regular these connectivity patterns are in time, because a regular larval supply will be essential for reef recovery in the face of climate change.'

The modelling data can be visualised in a new app: with just one click you can see how coral larvae from Seychelles potentially reach reefs across the whole region. The researchers suggest that this data could help identify major larval sources to be prioritised for inclusion in marine protected areas or active reef restoration efforts.

Professor Lindsay Turnbull (Department of Biology, University of Oxford), senior author, said: 'This study couldn't come at a more timely moment. The world is once again watching, as El Niño devastates coral reefs throughout the Indian Ocean. Now we know which reefs will be crucial to coral recovery, but we can't pause in our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stopping climate change.'

Dr Joanna Smith and Helena Sims (The Nature Conservancy) who support the Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan Initiative said: 'The WIO coral connectivity study, by illustrating the connectivity of reefs within a network, can be used at national and regional scales in the Western Indian Ocean for Marine Protected Area design and management, as well as directing restoration activities. We look forward to using the results and Coral Connectivity app to inform implementation of the Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan.'

  • Marine Biology
  • Ecology Research
  • Coral Reefs
  • Environmental Awareness
  • Oceanography
  • Ocean current
  • Southeast Asia coral reefs
  • Coral bleaching
  • Dinoflagellate
  • Yellowstone Caldera
  • Eutrophication

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Materials provided by University of Oxford . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • April J. Burt, Noam Vogt-Vincent, Helen Johnson, Ashley Sendell-Price, Steve Kelly, Sonya M. Clegg, Catherine Head, Nancy Bunbury, Frauke Fleischer-Dogley, Marie-May Jeremie, Nasreen Khan, Richard Baxter, Gilberte Gendron, Christophe Mason-Parker, Rowana Walton, Lindsay A. Turnbull. Integration of population genetics with oceanographic models reveals strong connectivity among coral reefs across Seychelles . Scientific Reports , 2024; 14 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-55459-x

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  3. Coral Travel

    Coral Travel Czech Republic. Coral Travel Estonia. Coral Travel Georgia. Coral Travel Germany. Coral Travel Latvia. Coral Travel Lithuania. Coral Travel Poland. Coral Travel Romania. Coral Travel Russia. Coral Travel Switzerland. Coral Travel Türkiye. Coral Travel Ukraine

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    Letecky k moři. Jako přední síla v oblasti cestovního ruchu jsme pod značkou Coral Travel Group překonali hranici 30 milionů spokojených zákazníků. Našim službám můžete věřit a prožít tak příjemnou dovolenou. Jsme členy skupiny Coral Travel Group, působící od roku 1992 a specializující se na prvotřídní služby.