mobil travel medan berastagi

Layanan Rental Mobil Profesional

Untuk Kenyamanan Perjalanan Anda

mobil travel medan berastagi

Mulai Perjalanan Anda Bersama Alfalindo menawarkan beragam layanan dan jenis kendaraan yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda mulai dari sewa kendaraan harian, bulanan paket perjalanan wisata Medan, Berastagi dan Danau Toba.

Layanan rental mobil yang kami layanai mulai dari mobil operasional hingga berbagai mobil mewah lainnya, kami juga menyediakan bus pariwisata dengan berbagai ukuran, mulai dari bus pariwisata besar, bus pariwisata sedang, micro bus elf coaster dan minibus hiace yang dapat digunakan untuk seluruh kebutuhan kegiatan anda.

Gunakan layanan kami sekarang juga, kami siap melayani anda

Harga Sewa Rental Mobil

Kami menyediakan beberapa pilihan mobil untuk kebutuhan anda

mobil travel medan berastagi

Toyota Agya

Rp.350000 / hari, inc. supir (+ rp. 200.000).

mobil travel medan berastagi

  • Automatic , Manual

mobil travel medan berastagi

Rp.3500000 / Hari

Butuh bus pariwisata, atau mobil dengan spesifikasi khusus, hubungi admin untuk mendapatkan penawaran terbaik.

  • 0812 7549 6779

mobil travel medan berastagi

Paket Wisata menyediakan paket wisata dengan harga yang ekonomis, cocok untuk anda yang ingin liburan beserta keluarga

mobil travel medan berastagi

Private Trip Explore Toba + Berastagi

  • IDR. 6000000
  • 3 Malam 4 Hari

mobil travel medan berastagi

Private Trip Explore Toba

  • IDR. 4500000
  • 2 Malam 3 Hari

Jual - Beli Mobil & Sparepart juga menyediakan layanan jual – beli mobil dan sparepart,

mobil travel medan berastagi

Sample Ayla

mobil travel medan berastagi


Desa Gongsol Gundaling Kecamatan Merdeka

Kec. Berastagi, Kabupaten Karo, Sumatera Utara

© 2023 Alfalindo. All rights reserved

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The Picturesque Town of in the Beautiful Karo Highlands

The picturesque town of Berastagi in the beautiful Karo highlands, is 70 km from Medan on the way to Lake Toba . Situated at an altitude of 1,300 meters, the town has a cool climate, ranging between 17-20 degrees Centigrade, making a refreshing break from the heat of the city. Days are extremely pleasant while nights can be quite cool.

The town developed in the 1920’s as Dutch hill station and today has become a popular weekend destination for Medan residents. The landscape here is dominated by distant views of the smoking volcanoes Mt Sinabung and Mt Sibayak. On the western edge of the town, Gunaling Hill rises above the surrounding plateau to provide some spectacular views of these two towering volcanoes. Berastagi is famous for its flowers, vegetables and fruits and its markets constantly hum with activity.

Berastagi is a small town with one main street so you can explore it easily on foot or using public transport. Opelet, local public mini van buses, operate to the surrounding villages and are run from the bus terminal. For more flexibility, you can rent a motorbike from Villa Flores Restaurant or other rentals you can find around the town. Try getting around the traditional way by taking a leisurely ride in a horse carriage called a ' sado '.

From  Kualanamu International Airport , you can hail a cab or take a bus to Berastagi. It's located about 66 km from Medan and the journey will take around two hours.

Berastagi in Moving Frames

An exploration of the wondrous labuan bajo, borobudur - the grand temple, mandalika - where the waves collide, likupang - escape to the new world, the heartbeat of toba, what they say, romantic bandung - the paris of java.

Well, I just love Bali so much, and we fell in love with the culture, people, the food. Everything was just amazing. I feel like in Bali, you can find serenity anywhere, literally. It's our favorite place that we've been to on our entire trip.

Romantic Bandung - The Paris Of Java!

by Jack Morris Influencer

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mobil travel medan berastagi

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mobil travel medan berastagi

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mobil travel medan berastagi

mobil travel medan berastagi

  • Wisata Medan
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Rental Mobil Medan Berastagi: Pilihan Terbaik untuk Wisata Murah dan Aman

Rental Mobil Medan Berastagi

Menikmati keindahan Sumatera Utara, khususnya kota Medan dan Berastagi, kini semakin mudah dan ekonomis dengan layanan Rental Mobil Medan Berastagi.

Menawarkan pilihan kendaraan yang beragam dan terawat, layanan kami dari Rentalcarmedan menjadi solusi terbaik untuk wisata murah dan aman.

Dengan memilih untuk menyewa mobil, Anda dapat menjelajahi berbagai destinasi wisata menarik di kedua kota ini dengan lebih santai dan nyaman.

Tak perlu khawatir tentang navigasi atau parkir, karena semua sudah ditangani oleh layanan profesional ini. Jadi, jika Anda merencanakan perjalanan ke Medan dan Berastagi, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan Rentalcarmedan , pilihan cerdas untuk pengalaman wisata yang tak terlupakan.

Mengapa Memilih Rental Mobil?

Daftar harga rental mobil di medan berastagi, faktor yang mempengaruhi tarif sewa, pilihan mobil yang tersedia, menyewa mobil di medan ke berastagi.

Mobil adalah salah satu pilihan transportasi favorit wisatawan saat berkeliling kota. Dengan mobil , Anda bisa bergerak dengan bebas dan fleksibel, tanpa harus terikat dengan jadwal transportasi umum.  Rental mobil Medan dan rental mobil Berastagi menawarkan berbagai pilihan mobil berkualitas dengan tarif yang murah.

Harga Sewa Mobil di Medan Berastagi

rental mobil innova reborn medan

Tarif sewa mobil Medan dan Berastagi sangat bervariasi, tergantung pada beberapa faktor. Beberapa di antaranya adalah jenis mobil yang disewa, durasi sewa, dan layanan tambahan yang dipilih.

Misalnya, sewa mobil ukuran kecil seperti Avanza dan Xenia biasanya lebih murah dibandingkan dengan sewa mobil ukuran besar seperti bus dan Toyota Hiace.

Selain itu, sewa mobil untuk jangka waktu yang lebih lama, seperti seminggu atau sebulan, biasanya lebih hemat dibandingkan dengan sewa harian.

Harga sewa mobil di Medan Beratagi sangat terjangkau. Anda bisa memilih paket sewa harian, mingguan, atau bulanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Harga yang ditawarkan sudah termasuk biaya sopir yang berpengalaman dan mengetahui lintas Medan dengan baik. Jadi, Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang menyetir di kota yang asing.

Berikut adalah daftar harga sewa mobil di Medan Berastagi (tidak menerima lepas kunci) :

Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi tarif dari jasa rental mobil di Medan dan Berastagi. Berikut adalah beberapa di antaranya:

  • Jenis Mobil : Mobil dengan spesifikasi lebih tinggi atau lebih baru biasanya memiliki tarif sewa yang lebih tinggi. Misalnya, sewa Toyota Hiace biasanya lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan sewa Avanza atau Xenia.
  • Durasi Sewa : Durasi sewa juga mempengaruhi tarif. Biasanya, semakin lama durasi sewa, tarif per hari akan menjadi lebih murah.
  • Layanan Tambahan : Layanan tambahan seperti pengemudi, asuransi, dan layanan antar-jemput juga bisa menambah biaya sewa.
  • Waktu Pemesanan : Pemesanan yang dilakukan jauh-jauh hari biasanya bisa mendapatkan tarif yang lebih murah dibandingkan dengan pemesanan mendadak.

Ada berbagai pilihan armada mobil yang bisa Anda sewa, mulai dari mobil ukuran kecil seperti Avanza dan Xenia, hingga mobil ukuran besar seperti Toyota Hiace. Jika Anda berencana untuk berwisata bersama keluarga atau rombongan, bus dan Toyota Hiace bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat. Sementara itu, untuk perjalanan lebih intim, Avanza dan Xenia bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat.

Ada banyak penyedia rental mobil di Medan dan Berastagi. Salah satu yang terkenal adalah Rental Car Medan. Kami menawarkan berbagai pilihan mobil, mulai dari mobil ukuran kecil hingga bus.

Selain itu, mereka juga menawarkan layanan paket sewa mobil medan ke berastagi dengan menggunakan sopir yang memungkinkan Anda menikmati perjalanan dengan nyaman

Rental mobil Medan Berastagi adalah pilihan terbaik untuk wisata murah dan aman. Dengan menyewa mobil, Anda bisa menjelajahi berbagai destinasi wisata di Medan dan Berastagi dengan lebih santai dan nyaman. Jadi, jika Anda berencana untuk berwisata di Sumatera Utara, jangan ragu untuk menyewa mobil.

Apakah ada layanan sewa mobil lepas kunci di Medan dan Berastagi?

Ya, beberapa penyedia rental mobil menawarkan layanan lepas kunci. Namun untuk layanan dari Rentalcarmedan tidak menyediakan layanan sewa mobil lepas kunci.

Apa saja pilihan mobil yang bisa disewa?

Pilihan mobil yang bisa disewa bervariasi, mulai dari mobil ukuran kecil seperti Avanza dan Xenia, hingga mobil ukuran besar seperti Toyota Hiace.

Bagaimana cara menyewa mobil di Medan dan Berastagi?

Anda bisa melakukan pemesanan online melalui website penyedia rental mobil Rentalcarmedan. Setelah melakukan pemesanan, Anda bisa menjemput mobil di lokasi yang telah ditentukan, atau meminta mobil diantar ke lokasi Anda.

Berapa tarif sewa mobil di Medan dan Berastagi?

Tarif sewa mobil bervariasi, tergantung pada jenis mobil dan durasi sewa. Biasanya, tarif dihitung per hari. Namun, beberapa penyedia juga menawarkan paket sewa mingguan atau bulanan yang lebih hemat.

Apakah sewa mobil di Medan dan Berastagi aman?

Ya, sewa mobil di Medan dan Berastagi aman. Penyedia rental mobil biasanya memastikan bahwa mobil yang disewakan dalam kondisi baik dan layak jalan. Selain itu, mereka juga menawarkan asuransi untuk melindungi Anda dari risiko yang mungkin terjadi selama perjalanan.

Daftar Rental Mobil Medan Lainya

  • Rental Alphard Medan
  • Fortuner VRZ
  • Innova Reborn
  • Toyota Hiace Commuter
  • Toyota Hiace Premio
  • Toyota Avanza

mobil travel medan berastagi

Explore Hidden Gems in North Sumatera with Us

Lake Toba – Samosir – Bukit Lawang (Orang Utan Tour) – NORTH SUMATERA


Tour package, airport pickup, berastagi rental mobil.

Selamat datang di situs resmi

Berastagi Rental Mobil adalah Perusahaan penyedia jasa sewa atau rental mobil harian, bulanan dan tahunan di Medan, Berastagi dan Kabanjahe. Berdiri sejak tahun 2016 dengan nama Qlaksmana Rentcar kini hadir dengan sistem dan tampilan yang fresh guna mempermudah anda dalam menyewa mobil.

Layanan sewa atau rental mobil yang kami layani, mulai dari mobil operasional hingga berbagai mobil mewah lainnya, k ami juga menyediakan jasa sewa bus pariwisata dengan berbagai jenis ukuran, mulai dari bus pariwisata besar, bus pariwisata sedang (bus 3/4), microbus elf coaster dan minibus hiace yang dapat digunakan untuk seluruh kebutuhan dan kegiatan Anda.

Sewa Mobil Pribadi dan Bus Pariwisata kami sekarang juga! Kami siap melayani Anda!

mobil travel medan berastagi

Beragam pilihan mobil untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rental anda

isuzu elf minibus

Lokasi Armada

Butuh rental mobil dengan spesifikasi khusus?  Hubungi kami untuk penawaran terbaik

Siap sedia melayani anda 24/7

mobil travel medan berastagi

Paket Wisata

Our happy customer.

Berastagi Rental Mobil adalah Perusahaan penyedia jasa sewa atau rental mobil harian, bulanan dan tahunan di Medan, Berastagi dan Kabanjahe. 

Produk & Layanan

Alamat medan.

Jln. Karya Wisata Medan Johor

Alamat Berastagi

Jln. Mimpintua No,63  Sempajaya Kec. Berastagi Kabupaten Karo, Sumatera Utara 22152, Indonesia

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mobil travel medan berastagi

Berastagi Adventure

10 Things to Know Before You Go to Berastagi, Indonesia

sibayak volcano tour

Berastagi is located in North Sumatra province. A popular destination for travellers who want to immers in themselves in cultural and hiking beautiful volcano. This article will explain things to know before you go to Berastagi.

1300 meters over sea level made Berastagi a perfect place to escape from crowded city Medan, with just 2 hours drive from Medan. Mostly local tourist will visit Berastagi during weekend or public holiday.

Berastagi is a district in Karo Regency, this area is popular for producing farm product such as vegetables and fruits. Karo Regency has 2 volcanos Sibayak and Sinabung.

If you plan to visit Berastagi or hiking Mount Sibayak for Sunrise Trekking, here are some important things to know before you go to Berastagi.

1. How to acces Berastagi from Medan Airport or others city in North Sumatra

If you just arrive in Kualanamu Airport, there is many option to reach Berastagi. First you can find bus named ALMASAR in train station, it will bring you directly to Berastagi the price is Rp 50.000 (3 dollars).

Second, using Gojek or Grab from airport to Simpang Pos, Medan. In Simpang Pos you will see Bus Station who can bring you to Berastagi, there is 3 option bus you can choose MURNI Express, Sinabung Jaya and Sutra, price is Rp 20.000 ( quite cheap, right?).

Third option is hire a private car to pick you up from airport or from any hotel in Medan and drop off to Berastagi, this will very good option if you are with big luggage or travel with friends. The price from Airport or from Medan to Berastagi with private car is Rp 600.000 – 650.000

2. Where to stay in Berastagi

There are many option to stay in Berastagi from 5 stars hotel, budget hotel or homestay. Just check online in accommodation booking platform which fit in you.

4 Four Star Hotel – Hotel International Sibayak – Sinabung Hills Hotel – Mickey Holiday Resort – Simalem Resort (Merek, 35 km from Berastagi)

Budget Hotel & Homestay – Smiley Homestay – Wisma Sibayak Guest House – Sapo Rumbia – Kaesa Homestay – Nachelle Homestay – Sunrise View Homestay

3. There is plenty of ATM, no worries when run out of cash.

Yes, Berastagi is a district in Karo Regency but don’t worry when you run out of cash because there is plenty of ATM in Berastagi. Just go to the center of the town near the Tugu Perjuangan (Hero Monument) you will find there.

4. A lot of option for food.

Many option for food in Berastagi from local dishes, Chinese food or Western Food. Also there is food night market in Berastagi where you can find a lot of choice local dish, from Ayam Bakar (grilled chicken), Ikan Bakar, Nasi Goreng, Sate (satay) and many more. If you mis western for just go to restaurant such as Jabu Café or PE 88 Tavern thera are many option western food there, from pizza to steak. Things to know before you go to Berastagi

5. How long to stay in Berastagi

If you are not in a hurry, 2 nights is enough to stay in Berastagi. It will enough time to explore all the main attraction. But if you want to digg and explore more stay longer, so you can explore and stay in different area in Area.

6. Thing to do in Berastagi, Mount Sibayak sunrise trekking, visiting Ghost Town and many more.

The main attraction or place must to visit in Berastagi is Mount Sibayak Sunrise Trekking, is only 90 minutes hike from starting point and you can enjoy the magnificent view from the top of volcano. After that, don’t forget to relaxation in Natural Hot Spring before heading back to the town.

natural soda water and hot spring

If you want to do Mount Sibayak Sunrise Trekking, make sure you hava a guide. Because, there some tourist who get lost in Mount Sibayak, some founded alive and the last one in 2017 German guy founded died after 7 days lost.

mobil travel medan berastagi

Actually, Mount Sibayak is easy to hike because there is path we could follow through, but often tourist and local people underestimate about this mountain.As we know, the weather change so quick in the mountain, some the foggy very thick, its make visibility very short.

So, hired a guide would be a good option, they can lead you up and down the mountain and also the cost hired guide is no that expensive.

Sunrise from Medan : Sunrise tour from Medan

7. don’t hike mount sinabung .

mount sinabung eruption

Important ! things to know before you go to Berastagi

Sinabung is active volcano, first eruption is August 2010 and still some volcanic activity until this article posted (we will update the situation). More than 5 village on the feet of Mount Sinabung is already relocated to Siosar Area.

But, you could visit the village on the feet of the Sinabung we called Ghost Town make sure you go with guide, so they can tell you story behind it.

8. Renting a Motorbike explore Sipiso – piso, Tongging Village and Gajah Bobok

Renting a motorbike is very good option to explore South part of Karo Regency such as Sipiso-piso Waterfall, Tongging the village by the lake where you can eat fish fresh from the Lake Toba, and also small hike to the Gajak Bobok Hill to enjoy magnificent view of Lake Toba. If you want you can try paragliding from the hill and landing in Togging Village.

9. Is it possible to do jungle trekking Berastagi

Yes, that’s possible to do jungle trekking, but starting point is little bit far from Berastagi, it takes 90 minutes to drive by car to the Kuta Male Village. The village is right in the border of the Gunung Leuser National Park.

This place is not popular like Bukit Lawang and Ketambe, where you can do jungle trekking to see wild orangutan and many other wildlife. There is one animal you can find here but hard to find in other place, that’s Slow Loris, the slow move guy and nocturnal animal. If you want to do this trekking, don’t hasitate to reach us.

10. Easy to go to other destination from Berastagi

If you plan to move from Berastagi to other destination such as Bukit Lawang, Lake Toba, Ketambe, Singkil (Pulau Banyak) or back to Medan to catch flight from Kualanamu Airport is easy reach those places, because Berastagi is right in the middle of those destination.

There is many option of transportation to go to other destination, from private car, public bus or tourist bus (private car sharing with other tourist, ask your accomodation or guide to book this tourist bus). That’s some things to know before you go to Berastagi

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  • Tour & Travel Package
  • Flight / Ticketing
  • Hotel & Reservation
  • Visa Document & Passport
  • Bus & Car Rental

Bus and Car Rental

07.00 - 19.00 WIB : IDR 130.000 / Mobil

19.30 - 06.30 WIB : IDR 150.000 / Mobil


  • Gratis Akses Internet ( Free WIFI )
  • Sistem keamanan GPS TRACKER
  • Ontime 24 Jam
  • Supir Sopan & berpengalaman
  • Kabin luas & bersih
  • 1x Gratis Antar / Jemput bandara kualanamu
  • 1 Set produk Tupperware

“Kembali Dalam Sehari” Rental Hino ( 16 Seater )

  • Hotel - Airport                           IDR.450.000,-
  • Medan City Tour                    IDR.750.000,-
  • Medan - Berastagi                 IDR.850.000,-
  • Medan - Pantai Cermin          IDR.750.000,-
  • Medan - Tebing Tinggi            IDR.900.000,-
  • Medan - Bahorok                    IDR.900.000,-
  • Medan - Pematang Siantar     IDR.900.000,-
  • Medan - Sipisopiso                  IDR.950.000,-
  • Medan - Parapat via Siantar    IDR.950.000,-
  • Medan - Taman Simalem         IDR.950.000,-
  • Medan - Parapat via Berastagi IDR.950.000,-       

mobil travel medan berastagi

• Rental Mobil di Medan

• Rental Toyota Avanza di Medan

• Rental Toyota Innova Reborn di Medan

• Rental Toyota Hiace Medan

• Rental Bus Pariwisata Medan

• Rental Toyota Alphard Medan

• Rental Mobil Bandara Kualanamu

• Rental Mobil Bandara Silangit

• Rental Mobil Pelabuhan Belawan

• Rental Mobil Medan ke Siantar

• Rental Mobil Medan ke Berastagi

• Rental Mobil Medan ke Kabanjahe

• Rental Mobil Medan ke Parapat

• Rental Mobil Medan ke Danau Toba

• Rental Mobil Medan ke Kisaran

• Rental Mobil Medan ke Tanjung Balai

• Rental Mobil Medan ke Rantau Prapat

mobil travel medan berastagi


mobil travel medan berastagi


Member hemat minimal 10% di lebih dari 100.000 hotel di seluruh dunia apabila login

mobil travel medan berastagi

Bandingkan sewa mobil Berastagi, Sumatra Utara

Bandingkan supplier mobil untuk berhemat serta buat paket penerbangan, hotel, dan mobil agar lebih hemat.

Member akan mendapatkan penghematan tambahan sebesar 10% di hotel tertentu, mobil, dan properti liburan. Daftarlah hari ini.

Nikmati fleksibilitas maksimal dengan pembatalan bebas denda untuk hampir semua rental mobil.

Pertanyaan umum

  • Pasang sabuk pengaman Anda untuk mengitari kota Pematangsiantar. Berada sekitar 65 kilometer dari Berastagi, destinasi ini menawarkan daftar destinasi seru yang tak boleh dilewatkan, seperti Taman Bunga Pematang Siantar.
  • Sekitar 55 kilometer dari Berastagi, Bukit Lawang adalah lokasi lain yang layak dicantumkan dalam rencana perjalanan Anda. Jelajahi Jembatan Bukit Lawang di kota ini.
  • Setelah perjalanan yang melelahkan, manjakan diri Anda dengan menikmati alam di Taman Nasional Batang Gadis. Kurang lebih 330 kilometer dari Berastagi.

Temukan Bandara Populer yang dekat dengan Berastagi

  • Rasakan tempat-tempat baru dengan Expedia
  • Rental mobil di Bandara Kuala Namu Intl. (KNO)

Kota di dekat Berastagi

  • Rental mobil di Sumatra
  • Rental mobil di Merek
  • Rental mobil di Tongging
  • Rental mobil di Sibolangit
  • Rental mobil di Bohorok
  • Rental mobil di Tiga Binanga
  • Rental mobil di Kabanjahe
  • Rental mobil di Dokan
  • Rental mobil di Kutalimbaru
  • Rental mobil di Lingga

Lain tujuan sewa mobil

  • Rental mobil di Las Vegas
  • Rental mobil di New York
  • Rental mobil di Orlando
  • Rental mobil di London
  • Rental mobil di Paris
  • Rental mobil di Cancun
  • Rental mobil di Miami
  • Rental mobil di Los Angeles
  • Rental mobil di Roma
  • Rental mobil di Punta Cana
  • Rental mobil di Riviera Maya
  • Rental mobil di Barcelona
  • Rental mobil di San Francisco
  • Rental mobil di San Diego County
  • Rental mobil di Oahu
  • Rental mobil di Chicago

Suplier Rental Mobil di Berastagi

  • Rental mobil Alamo Rent A Car di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Budget di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Enterprise di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Hertz di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Thrifty Car Rental di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Avis di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Dollar Rent A Car di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Sixt di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil National di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Fox Rental Cars di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Payless di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Europcar di Berastagi

Temukan Kelas Mobil Lainnya di Berastagi

  • Rental mobil Mini di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Economy di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Compact di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Midsize di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Standard di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Fullsize di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Premium di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Luxury di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Convertible di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Minivan di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Van di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil SUV di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Pickup di Berastagi
  • Rental mobil Sportscar di Berastagi

Hotel Berastagi Terpopuler

  • Sinabung Hills Berastagi
  • OYO 581 Serdika Pavilion
  • Mikie Holiday Resort & Hotel
  • OYO 1696 Sapo Rumbia
  • Penginapan Puncak DP
  • Berastagi Nachelle Homestay
  • Alloyna Country Cottage
  • Villa Keluarga Bre Batunanggar
  • OYO 799 Hotel Dieng

Tren Terbaru Expedia

Informasi tambahan tentang expedia group.

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  • 1 Understand
  • 3.1 By public transport
  • 3.2 By foot
  • 9.2 Mid-range
  • 9.3 Splurge

Berastagi is a town in North Sumatra , Indonesia . It is home to two famous volcanoes, Sibayak and Sinabung, the latter of which has been erupting quite frequently since 2013.

Understand [ edit ]

A small town in the main road connecting Medan with Karo highland and Lake Toba, it's a popular weekend getaway town for locals from Medan. The town is located in the Barisan mountains ( Bukit Barisan ), the longest mountain range in Indonesia extending from Aceh to Lampung. With a height of about 1300 meters above sea level, the annual mean level temperature is about 23° C. In the rainy season, fog may occur frequently and wind may get chilly. A light jacket or windbreaker may help. You might check the market for second hand jackets.

Get in [ edit ]

The nearest airport is Medan 's Kuala Namu International Airport. A taxi direct from the airport takes around 3 hours. Buses also go right from the airport to Kabanjahe via Berastagi (Rp 40,000).

Berastagi is only 67 km from Medan, but the road is often jammed, particularly on weekends, so travel time is often north of two hours. Bus Rp20,000 (Mar 2024), duration 1h30-2h, with Pt. Almasar Indonesia shop (loket), near Citra Garden 2, south of Medan. No bus from Amplas terminal.

Renting a car is expensive, but if you are short of time and plan to continue your journey beyond Berastagi, it's a viable option. Motorbikes are also available to rent in Berastagi.

While bus can stop in Berastagi mostly on-demand, the nearest bus terminal seems to be Kabanjahe. It can be reached via local yellow minibus written Karya from Berastagi main road, south direction. From there, you can take bus to Medan , Lake Toba , and elsewhere.

Get around [ edit ]


By public transport [ edit ]

Buses service many of the surrounding villages as is the case in the rest of Indonesia. Prices are similar to those elsewhere in Indonesia. You may get to ride on the roof of local minibuses. Many run along the main road all the time. Central market is main stop.

By foot [ edit ]

Berastagi is a small city and walking around is possible if you stay at the city. You can cover the whole city in less than an hour. Walking to surrounding villages, though, is not recommended.

See [ edit ]

The tourist info is very helpful. However, booking trips is cheaper with local agencies, for example Losmen Sibayak Guesthouse (in the center, next to BRI bank).

  • 3.20687 98.53775 1 Bukit Barisan National Forest ( Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Barisan ), Jl. Letdjen Jamin Ginting . Popular among locals for picnicking and camping, especially on weekends. The forest is poorly managed and in poor condition, though. ( updated Apr 2018 )
  • 3.1923 98.50134 2 Gundaling hill ( Bukit Gundaling ), Jl. Gundaling, Berastagi . A small hill that give panorama view of nearby Sibayak and Sinabung. Sadly, it's packed with many small stalls around. You can take a picture with Sinabung with its volcanic plume as your background on a very clear day. Or you can ride a horse or horse carriage around Gundaling. Skyview at "Jembatan kaca puncak gundaling berastagi" for Rp20,000. ( updated Mar 2024 )

Do [ edit ]

mobil travel medan berastagi

  • 3.224 98.51435 1 Lau Debuk Debuk hot springs ( Pemandian air panas Lau Debuk Debuk ) ( From Berastagi, catch a yellow KT minibus on the main drag, but ask to make sure it's going all the way there. Rp 6k. It's also possible to walk to Lau Debuk Debuk in about two hours, but it's a jungle path that is frequently unmaintained and overgrown. Only go with someone who's been over it recently. ). At least some of the pools are open all hours, though minibuses back to Berastagi stop around 7pm. . Take a dip in the hot springs on the foot of Gunung Sibayak while enjoying the view of the mountain. Feels so good, especially after having just climbed the volcano. There are so many hot springs around that it may confuse you, but just pick one which is clean. You can purchase a small pack of sulfur powder and rub it in your skin before dip inside. The powder is supposedly very good for skin. In late afternoon the springs become crowded with local families. There are also several hotels in the hot springs town with prices from around Rp 150,000. Entry price varies, around Rp 5,000 - 10,000, and you can stay as long as you like. . ( updated May 2018 )

There are several waterfalls around, some can be reached with car/motorcycle, but some required trekking for several hours.

  • 3.275988 98.53647 4 Two Colors waterfall ( Air Terjun Dua Warna ). This waterfall's source origin from Gunung Sibayak and to reach it will need long trekking through rainforest. Guide is necessary. Start point trekking usually is from Sibolangit camp, but several other routes exist. The waterfall is uninspiring, but the trekking is quite adventurous. ( updated Apr 2018 )

If you bring kids, you may want to visit the theme parks.

  • 3.2037 98.52562 5 Mikie Funland , Jl. Letdjen Jamin Ginting, Berastagi ( About 5 km before Berastagi city ), ☏ +62 821 6288 7888 , [email protected] . 10:00 to 18:00 (weekend), weekday closed except for school holiday period . The largest theme parks with many varieties of attractions. Always packed full with people, especially on weekend. Check for promotion. Rp 100,000 per ticket, free for seniors above 55 years old and child with height under 90 cm . ( updated Apr 2018 )

Buy [ edit ]

If you want to experience a local narcotic, try betelnuts from the market. You buy the leaves, a paste, tobacco and a red nut. All are mixed on the leaf, rolled and chewed. The paste is lime so it has a kick to it.

Karoland coffee is very nice, and may be purchased in shops all over town.

  • 3.1952 98.5082 1 Fruit market ( Pasar buah ) ( from Medan after reaching small roundabout of Heroic monument, turn to right, across gas station ). 8AM - 6PM daily . The Berastagi area supplies Medan and in part also Singapore with local fruits and vegetable. The wet market is famous for selling fresh fruits, vegetables, potted flowers and decorative shrubs. Prices are generally acceptable but possibly higher than the more local Pusat Pasar market. Haggle is recommended. ( updated May 2018 )
  • 3.2109 98.5083 2 PIMS (Putra Indo Mandiri Sejahtera) ( Gundaling Farm ) ( There are 2 way to go here - enter the road beside Hotel Sibayak until a Y junction with sign mention to left is to Sibayak volcanoes, turn right and follow the road about 500 meters. The farm is to the right side after a small chapel and may be hard to see the entrance. The other way is from main road Medan - Berastagi, after National Forest and Y junction, continue the road about 200 meters until you see a road to the right. Enter the road and continue about 15 minutes until you see the entrance to the farm to your left. ). A dairy farm that sell fresh pasteurized-milk and yogurts. Come early as it sold out very fast. Rp25,000 per liter for plain milk; Rp30,000 per liter for flavored milk . ( updated May 2018 )

There are two banks with ATMs: Mandiri and BRI.

Eat [ edit ]

Chinese restaurants in the main street have some good eating options and hot food.

Food tents are set up along the side of the main street after dark. Many types of Indonesian foods are available, like 'Ikan Bakar' (Grilled Fish). They also sell a spicy tea called Bandrek, which is perfect on a cold mountain evening. Best with milk (Bandrek susu).

There are now several cafes along the main street. Ask to try the local coffee. Sumatra coffee is world class, and Karoland coffee, though not yet famous, is as good as it gets.

Samudera Bakery on the main street has nice bread.

For an adventure try the local specialty called babi panggang karo or BPK (grilled pork served with spicy pig blood and cooked cassava leaves), saksang (pork/beef/dog meat in a special sauce) or ikan mas arsik (sauteed goldfish with spices).

  • 3.2659 98.5454 1 Ingot Babi Panggang , Bandar Baru , ☏ +62 85362474315 . Specialty is BPK, options are lemak (pork belly, very juicy!) or merah (loin or leg, without the fat). If you want mix of both, just ask for campur . Served with cooked cassava leaves and pork soup. Rp100,000 for 1 kg roasted pork . ( updated May 2018 )
  • Wisma Sibayak , Berastagi ( at the city center, near the road to Lake Kawar ), ☏ +62 628 91104 . Western dishes. They use mainly fresh ingredients. They have also European quality natural yoghurt. Be prepared to wait as it takes time to prepare meals from fresh ingredients. ( updated May 2018 )
  • Raymond Restaurant , Jln Veteran, just south of Wisma Sibayak ( On main street, just after the giant cabbage (tugu kol) ), ☏ +62 8126 096 9066 . A backpacker favorite for decades, this friendly source of banana pancake trail eats is not to be missed. It's moved around the town several times over the years, but Raymond's is still dishing up huge portions of delicious food for Westerners and locals. They also rent motorbikes, have a small book nook, and Juli is a great source for info on the local area. ( updated May 2019 )
  • Dio ( Rumah Makan Ayam Pecak Dio ), Jl. Veteran-Berastagi No.121, Tambak Lau Mulgap I, Kec. Berastagi, Kabupaten Karo, Sumatera Utara 22152 ( south of Sibayak guesthouse on main road ). 08:00-22:00 . Free wifi. Meal 10-35k, drink 4-12k . ( updated Mar 2024 )

Drink [ edit ]

Try the palm wine known as tuak at a local tuak house. Don't be surprised if someone breaks out a kecapi and starts singing. You can also snack on snake, monitor lizard, and dog meat.

Very good quality coffee is grown in these highlands, though it's not yet well known outside of local cognoscenti. Ask for it!

Sleep [ edit ]

Budget [ edit ].

  • 3.19892 98.51359 1 Hotel Citi Holiday StoomVaart , Jl. Letjen Jamin Ginting, Berastagi , ☏ +62 61 4554787 , fax : +62 61 4149981 , [email protected] . Located at the historic site of Djakarta Lloyd resort house (old Dutch colonial resort), dated from 1922. It is nestled on top of a small hill with nice view and breezy wind. Next to old Bukit Kubu park. This hotel is excellent for budget traveler. Usually only open on weekends and public holidays. Will also open for group booking on weekdays. Rp 160,000/night (non-peak season) . ( updated Apr 2018 )
  • Guest House Talitha , Jl Kolam Renang 60B ( 15 minutes walk north of the center ), ☏ +62 813-70664252 . Check-out: 12:00 . Single/double room with breakfast. Rp 100.000 . ( updated Mar 2017 )
  • Hotel Mexico , Jl. Veteran no.18 , ☏ +62 628 93252 , [email protected] . Hotel with a restaurant. Services provided by the hotel include free Wi-Fi, hot shower, car rental and tourist information. Better not eat there, food does not taste at all. Rates start at Rp 150,000 .  
  • Losmen Sibayak , Jalan Veteran 19 , ☏ +62 628-91122 . Check-out: 12:00 . Double room with shared bathroom. Rp 90,000; Rp 150,000 with warm shower in room . ( updated Mar 2017 )
  • Sunrise View Guest House , Jalan Perwira Atas 5 , ☏ +62 852-76353222 . Check-out: 12:00 . Double room with own hot water bathroom. Rp 150,000 .  
  • 3.18885 98.50889 2 Wisma Sibayak Guest House , Jl. Udara No 1, Berastagi ( Southern end of the Berastagi main street near a giant cabbage sculpture (tugu kol) ), ☏ +62 628 91104 . Check-out: noon . Decades running budget favorite, well run, well maintained, and friendly. Cheaper rooms are in a quiet courtyard, with shared toilets/cold showers. Hot showers are available for Rp 10,000. There are also new motel style rooms with inside facilities. Wifi, restaurant and tourist info. Rp 60,000 and up . ( updated Apr 2018 )
  • 0 0 3 Kaesa Homestay , Gundaling I, Kec. Berastagi, Kabupaten Karo, Sumatera Utara 22153 ( 15min walk from Berastagi main road monument and fruits market ), ☏ +62 822-7308-2538 . Check-in: 2pm , check-out: 12pm . private bathroom, towel, soap, wifi, breakfast included (banana pancake, scramble eggs, or fried rice, fried noodle), offer trek activities (sunrise volcano/mount sibayak east peak 2212m high +260m elevated steep, hot spring 4.30am-10.30am, 200k), opened in 2018, very clean, very friendly and knowledgeable owner. room 200-300k . ( updated Mar 2024 )

Mid-range [ edit ]

  • Green Garden Hotel ( A few turns above the center of Berastagi on the road to Medan. ), ☏ +62 62 891 777 . A large hotel by Sumatran standards, with one main building facing the main road (reception and restaurant are here) and three detached buildings encircling the swimming pool. 3-star plus. Rooms have hot showers. No AC in the ground-floor room, but there was a TV set with several Indonesian programs. Large dining hall; seems to be popular for family parties and group meetings. A rather basic breakfast is included in the room price. ( updated Apr 2016 )
  • 3.20169 98.52524 4 Rudang Hotel ( Formerly Horison Hotel ), Jl. Letdjen Jamin Ginting No. 16, Berastagi , ☏ +62 628 91999 , [email protected] . 72 rooms equipped with Wi-Fi, mini-refrigerator, sofa and table. The hotel has a swimming pool, restaurant, bar and room service. Hotel has an outdoor swimming pool, garden, and views of the mountains. Start from Rp 650,000 . ( updated Jun 2022 )

Splurge [ edit ]

  • 3.27787 98.54824 5 The Hill Hotel & Resort , Jl. Letdjen Jamin Ginting Km. 45,3, Sibolangit ( Across Hillpark theme parks about 100 meters ), ☏ +62 821 6424 2512 , [email protected] . Most expensive hotel around Berastagi with a swimming pool, a mini zoo, large parks, bamboo forest, and ponds. Hillpark is the only nearest attraction. To Berastagi town will need about 30 - 45 minutes, nearest Bandar Baru village is a viable option for local cuisine. Start from Rp 950,000 . ( updated Apr 2018 )
  • 3.20069 98.50478 6 Hotel Sibayak Internasional , Jalan Merdeka, Berastagi , ☏ +62 628 91301 , fax : +62 628 91307 , [email protected] . A four-star property on the road leading up to Gundaling Hills which is the scenic point for viewing the two volcanoes : Sibayak and Sinabung. The hotel has 112 rooms divided into several types including cottages. Facilities include heated swimming pool, restaurant, lounge, pub, karaoke and business center with internet access. The decor is mostly wooden with ornamental colours of the local Batak tribe. It is the only starred-hotel within walking distance ( 5 minutes ) of the traditional fruits and vegetables market of Berastagi. A good discount on the already low published rate is readily given if you ask for it, barring peak holiday seasons of Muslim New Year or Christmas-New Year. Start from Rp 700,000 . ( updated Apr 2018 )
  • 3.202401 98.52176 7 Grand Mutiara Hotel , Jl. Peceren No 168, Berastagi , ☏ +62 628 91311 , [email protected] . A big five-star hotel just besides Mikie Holiday. It's a complete opposite of bustling Mikie Holiday (due to its nearby Funland), the mood here is peaceful. If you want seclusion, this is the place. Start from Rp 800,000 . ( updated Apr 2018 )
  • 3.20206 98.52512 8 Mikie Holiday Resort & Hotel , Jl. Letjen. Jamin Ginting ( 10 minutes from Berastagi, near Funland amusement park ), ☏ +62 61 4539957 , fax : +62 61 4530008 , [email protected] . Check-in: 15:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Offers 172 rooms in categories of superior, deluxe, family, 4 theme rooms, 4 floral theme rooms, 2 suites and a presidential suite. All rooms are equipped with Wi-Fi access. Also serves international and local food. The resort provides a heated pool, a game room and private karaoke rooms. If you stay in the hotel, you can enter Funland free. Start from Rp 750,000 . ( updated Apr 2018 )

Connect [ edit ]

Consult with your hotel if they provide free Wi-Fi hotspot. If you need an internet cafe, Berastagi city center has several. Do not expect blazing speed - you can get by for browsing and e-mail, but streaming movies will need a lot of patience.

Although in mountainous region, cellphone coverage is very good except if you find yourself in the middle of forest! Phone internet may be limited to around town only, with surrounding villages offering only 3G or lower coverage, at best.

Area code for telephone is 628.

Go next [ edit ]

Public transport to Lake Toba/Parapat is possible but involves 3 minivan changes and takes around 5 hours. Easier to charter a taxi/minivan from the guesthouse and get there in 4 hours than whole day or Taxi Trans for Rp 500,000 (private van); like [email protected]/+6285261492668. You could also stop at the waterfall on the way; Bukit Lawang seems to be best reached via Medan.

For public transport:

Frequent ordinary buses to Simpang Kuala/ Simpang Pos on Jln Ginting in Medan are Rp 15,000. From there you can get minibuses into central Medan for around Rp 5,000.

-Walk to the bus station south of the roundabout in central Berastagi and take the next bus headed towards Kabanjahe - 20 min, Rp 5,000 (you can tell the driver you're going to Parapat and this message may be passed along to the other drivers making it slightly easier to communicate).

-In Kabanjahe grab the next bus going to P. Siantar and ask to be dropped off at Sinpong Dua - 3 hours - Rp 25,000

-When dropped off at the Sinpong Dua junction, you'll need to cross the road and walk south a few minutes (just ask any local where the bus stop to Parapat is) Big bus costs Rp 15,000 and takes about an hour - drops you off right near the ferry to Samosir Island/Lake Toba

Total time takes about five hours or so including transfer time and it's best to leave Berastagi by about 10:00 in order to leave plenty of time to catch the ferry to Samosir (as of August 2015).

July 2012: For transport to Lake Toba (Rp 130,000/person; leaves at 13:30 or 14:00 and arrives in time for last ferry to TukTuk - as of August 2015) , Medan and Bukit Lawang, seats in one of the tourist buses (minivan 5-7 persons; PT Bagus Holiday's Taxi) can be arranged through the local tourist agencies. This is much quicker and easier than public transport and just a little bit more expensive.

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Car rental in medan, renting a car in medan would be easier and more prudent by online. compare the best options from traveloka's many car rental partners. our partners provide the best quality service to support your activities..

Planning a trip in Medan needs careful consideration. One of them is choosing a vehicle that is ready to take you comfortably. Car rental in Medan is the best solution. For that, you can rely on Traveloka as a car rental provider from many trusted partners. You can compare car choices and adjust to the needs while in Medan. With a car rental, your trip will be more comfortable and time efficient. See the following car rental rates in Medan:

Vehicle Options

All New Avanza

General Requirement

  • Use within Medan area
  • Use up to 12 hours or up to 23:59 on each rental day
  • Fuel, parking, toll fees, driver’s meals and tips
  • Excludes driver’s accommodation in case of out of town use
  • Use outside Medan (additional fees may apply)

Free pickup and drop-off are included for the following areas:

  • Inside Medan
  • Kualanamu International Airport
  • Premier Holiday Medan
  • TJ Rent Car Medan
  • Pravda Holidays Medan
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  • Zikmal Trans Wisata Medan

Add-ons (Optional)

Out of town usage, out of town pickup/drop-off, all in one (in-town use only), driver’s accommodation, welcome to medan.

The capital city of North Sumatra was formerly a village that settled in confluence line of Deli River and Babura River. From swampy settlement in the bank of Deli River, Medan transforms into a big city, even the third biggest city in Indonesia, behind Jakarta and Surabaya. Medan has a vital role as the gateway to western Indonesia. This city has Kuala Namu International Airport which is named as one of the most sophisticated airports in the country. The airport is the first Indonesian airport to be operated the airport train system. Also, the location that directly bordered by Malacca Strait also pushed Medan became business, trade and industrial city. Medan is best known as a multicultural city. The culture in this city is vibrant and contributes to tourism. Therefore, the most of Medan’s tourist destinations are focused on nature, culture and history. Talking about Medan tourism, the best attraction that is always mentioned by people is Lake Toba. The biggest lake wonder in Southeast Asia deserves a place in anyone’s heart. Especially due to its natural charm can blend perfectly with the local ancestral culture. Another thing that also cannot forget from Tanah Deli (the Land of Deli) is its culinary delight, which has proven well known all over Indonesia. Soto medan, mie gomak (gomak noodle), karo roasted pork and kwetiau medan are some of the best culinary here. About the infrastructure, tourists who visit Medan will feel very comfortable to get around because of the good transportation system. Car rental services in Medan are also available to offer more convenient mobility services with a quality car. Traveloka is now ready to pamper users with online car rental services in Medan via the latest version of the app.

Things To Do in Medan

Medan Special Souvenirs

The Most Popular Destinations in Medan

This Medan’s icon offers the splendor the Sultanate of Deli palace with blending the architectural styles from Malay, Italia, Middle East, India and Spain. The striking palace design dominant with shades of green and yellow made tourists happy in here to spoiling eyes while learning about Medan history. Inside the building, there are many historical objects. One of the most interesting is Meriam Puntung which is believed as the embodiment of the one of Deli Tua Kingdom’s daughters named Mambang Khayali. Tourists are often curious about cannons that are said to emit the mysterious sounds often. Maimun Palace is located at Jalan Brigadir Jenderal Katamso, Sukaraja. Tourists can rely on car rental service in Medan with a driver who can to take to Maimun Palace more quickly and comfortably. This palace is open every day from 08:00 to 17:00. The entrance ticket is IDR 5,000 per person.

mobil travel medan berastagi

Mentioning the name of Medan, it will bring people to imagine the beauty of Lake Toba. The world’s largest volcanic lake offers natural wonders at an altitude of 900 meters above the sea level, with a total area of 1,145 square kilometers filled with waters. Lake Toba is a family recreational lake. Not only enjoy the freshness of nature, the tourists also can do activities such as getting around the lake by boat, swimming, cycling and slightly running. Tourists can spend the night at the Lodgings which is readily available around the lake. A trip to Lake Toba is incompleted if the tourists have not yet visited Samosir Island in the middle of the lake. The island covering an area of 647 square kilometers is ready to invite tourist closer to the Batak people’s life.

The famous waterfall in Medan is falling from a height of 120 meters on the slopes of Mount Sipiso-piso. Its height made this waterfall became one of the highest waterfalls in this country. Sipiso-piso Waterfall is located at the altitude of 800 meters above the sea level. Tourists must descend about 1,000 steps to reach the falls. With this location, plus thousands of pine trees surround, Sipiso-piso waterfall has a perfect freshness. Sipiso-piso waterfall is hiding in Tongging Village, Merek, Karo Regency. The location is approximately equal to two-hour-drive from the downtown. Tourists are safer to rely on a rental car with driver to visit here. So that, the trip will be more effective and certainly avoid exhaustion.

An old mansion owned by a Chinese tycoon and famous philanthropist, Tjong A Fie. It is currently open to the public as the favorite tourist destination in Medan. This mansion is a historical site that has Chinese, Malay and Europe influences in its architectural style. Built since 1900, the Tjong A Fie’s Mansion until today still maintains the beauty of its original shape and contents. Tourists can enjoy a tour around to see the beauty of the classic mansion. Tourists are also invited to recognize the figure of Tjong A Fie who has a big role in embracing a surrounding community. The Tjong A Fie’s Mansion can be found at Jalan Ahmad Yani VII No 105, Kesawan, West Medan. Hopefully, this tycoon’s family story can be such an appropriate lesson in family vacations in Medan. For that, make sure to bring your family here and use trusted car rental services for convenience experience.

Merdeka Walk is the perfect destination to enjoy the delightful Medan foods while watching art shows. The tourist attraction located in the Merdeka field has always become a favorite hangout spot, especially for Medan’s youth people. This culinary and entertainment area has been open since 2005 on an area of 6,000 square meters. In Merdeka Walk, the tourists soto medan, durian pancake, kwetiau medan, nasi lemak and medan coffee are some of the must-try dishes. Merdeka Walk is more fun at the night. Tourists are free to hang out here, either for dinner or hunt many souvenirs. For those who like photography, you can find many interesting spots in the area, which are many classic buildings. For an exciting experience, bring your families or friends here by rental car through the night.

mobil travel medan berastagi

The name of Lumbini Nature Park ranks amongst the best destination in Medan. The location of this green open park is in Berastagi, Karo District, which is about 50 square kilometers or equal to 2 hour-drive from Medan. However, the extraordinary charm always attracts tourist to book a rental car from Medan to visit this park. Lumbini Nature Park covers an area of 3 hectares. Compared to its natural splendor, this park is famous because of the Shwedagon Pagoda replica. A 46.8-meter gilded pagoda is a replication of the Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon, Myanmar. The pagoda is stunning surrounded by green parks with many statues of monks scattered at several areas.

Medan is famous for having various the unique religious tourism sites. One of the examples is Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni, which displays the architectural grandeur of the church with the temple of Hindu architecture style. Its magnificent becomes a symbol of acculturation and tolerance in Medan. This church formerly was built as a place of worship for Tamil Catholics in Medan. Since October 2005, the church has been opened to the public, even becoming one of the leading tourist destinations. The uniqueness of the building was made Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni always visited by many tourists who want to see it closely. This Medan’s cultural site is located at Jalan Sakura III No 7, Taman Sakura Indah Residence, Tanjung Selamat. Catholics frequently visit this church to pilgrimage by bus or rental car.

Traveling Around Medan by Car

Getting around in Medan can be done in various ways. The public transportation has developed and able to access many famous places. However, driving a car is still the most preferred. Renting a car enable the tourists to get comfortable because they are protected from various weather conditions. Cars are also very suitable for long trips. It will be even better if you use a car rental service with a driver. The driver is ready to take the tourists with more security guarantee. Since he already knows about the terrain. Recently, online car rentals in Medan is available, one of them is via Traveloka App. Through this app, searching the best car rentals in Medan is no longer complicated as previously.

The Best Time to Visit Medan

Either fun or not experience tourists traveling in Medan indeed depends on the time of visit. Some of the best time to visit Medan are:

  • Medan’s peak season is May, July and October. Accommodation and transportation prices tend to be higher at this time.
  • The most appropriate time to relax here is in the quietest time of year, namely August, September, June and April.
  • The tourists who are curious about the biggest and the most exciting exhibition in North Sumatera can come to Medan in the middle of March to April. In this time, Pekan Raya Sumatera Utara will be held for one full month, featuring exhibitions of local products and cultural arts performances.
  • Chinese New Year is also the best time to visit Medan. On holiday, Medan held Chinese New Year event at CBD Polonia, which offered a variety of culinary booths and enlivened by the string of typical Chinese Year Performance.
  • To avoid the rainy season, visit Medan except between November and December.

Traveling Tips in Medan by Car

Using a car for mobility in Medan is a good choice. However, the trip must be equipped by practicing these habits:

  • To keep your trip free-tired, use car rental services in Medan with the local driver rather than carrying your car.
  • The driver is more experienced in navigates various roadworthy conditions in Medan. The trip is safer also tourists can visit many interesting places that may not be known by many people due to driver recommendation.
  • In choosing a car rental provider, use Traveloka to be more practical. Traveloka provides complete cars from the verified providers. Tourists are even able to compare rates and determine the order package directly through on one site/app only.
  • Choose the type of a car as needed. Consider the size of car for more convenience if you travel with a family.
  • Ask for a new car with good condition from the provider for a long trip. Check also completeness and validity period of the car letter to be used.
  • Prepare fuel money as needed. Ask about the estimated how much it will cost to the verified provider in Medan.

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Medan Travel Agency

Medan wonderful holidays, book 3 nights, medan lake toba tour.

Medan Lake Toba, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Image credit:

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Most Popular Medan Packages

Lake Toba Medan Indonesia

4D3N Medan Lake Toba Tour

Indonesia North Sumatra attraction lake toba

3D2N Lake Toba Medan Tour Package

5D4N North Sumatra Parapat Berastagi Travel Itinerary

5D4N Medan Lake Toba Tour

4-Day Samosir Island Taman Simalem Trip

4D3N Medan Lake Toba, Taman Simalem Tour

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4D3N Medan Golf Tour (18 Holes)

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4D3N Medan Samosir Island Lake Toba

Medan travel operator.

In terms of customers volume, price, and product quality, we are the top and most established Indonesia Medan Travel Agency. Our company focuses on providing tour and transportation services solely for travellers coming to Medan and North Sumatra.

Whether you’re visiting Medan city, Parapat, Berastagi, Bukit Lawang and attractions like Lake Toba (Danau Toba) , Samosir Island, Mount Sinabung, Mount Sibayak, or Sipiso-Piso Waterfall, Indonesia Medan Travel Agency can do them all.

As the top Medan travel agent, we have served customers from Malaysia, Singapore, China, Europe, Australia, and the United States. They range from a single traveller up to a group of more than 100 persons.

You can book any of our Medan tour packages , customize a personalized itinerary, or just rent a vehicle with a driver for your medan trip . 

lake toba medan indonesia pixabay

Where is Medan

The 3rd largest city in indonesia.

Medan is the capital city of North Sumatra Province and Indonesia’s foruth biggest city, after Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung . Besides Batam and Bintan , Medan is geographically one of Indonesia’s closest cities to both Malaysia and Singapore. As the leading Medan Tour Agent, our office is located right in the heart of the city. 

The main entry point for international visitors to Medan Indonesia, would be the KualaNamu International Airport. It’s the second largest airport in Indonesia.

Indonesia Map - Indonesia.Travel

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What to See and Do in Medan

Attractions and activities.

When tourists come to Medan, most are after the famous attractions like Lake Toba (Danau Toba) , the biggest crater lake in the world,  Samosir Island , Mount Sinabung , Mount Sibayak , Sipiso-Piso Waterfall , Maimoon Palace , Medan Great Mosque  (Grand Mosque), Gunung Leuser National Park and more. 

In terms of places & towns, there are quite a number to visit beyond the main Medan city itself; Parapat , Berastagi , Bukit Lawang, Bukit Tinggi, and even Pematang Siantar.

Not sure what to do and where to go in Medan Indonesia and North Sumatra? Save your time & money and let us plan and serve you. 

For your easy reference, we have collated the top attractions in Medan Indonesia, and things to do in medan and north sumartra . 

Tomok Village Samosir Island Medan Indonesia

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Places to Visit in North Sumatra

Berastagi town, parapat town, medan city.

attractions and places to visit in Berastagi Sinabung Gundaling

Attractions & Places to Visit in Berastagi

places to visit in parapat Harbour Lake Toba Medan Sumatra Indonesia

Attractions & Places to Visit in Parapat

Things to do in Medan attractions and places to visit in Medan

Attractions & Places to Visit in Medan

Lake Toba Medan Indonesia

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How to Explore Medan

Tours & transportation.

If you prefer a full-fledged & convenient tour service, you could opt for one of our standard 3D2N Medan Lake Toba Tour , 4D3N Medan Lake Toba Tour , or 5D4N Medan Lake Toba Tour Package . Depending on your budget and preference, we can even customize the most suitable travel itineraries for you and your group.

Read more on interesting places to explore in Medan Indonesia .

Alternatively, if you have your own itineraries and plans, you could just rent one of our vehicles together with a driver throughout your entire stay. Alternatively, if you only have one day to explore medan, arrange with us for a 1-day medan city tour. Our new and reliable vehicles range from 5-seater and 7-seater cars to 40-seater buses.

Medan Indonesia Travel Guide

We have researched and written the following articles to identify the best places to visit, food to eat, places to stay for your trip to Medan Indonesia. Feel free to read and comment on the articles and share with us any new ideas or interesting places in Medan and North Sumatra that we are able feature for our readers.

Lake Toba Medan holiday packing tips

Holiday Packing Tips to Lake Toba

Things to do in Medan attractions and places to visit in Medan

7 Things to Do in Medan and North Sumatra

best medan restaurants, cafe, & food restoran garuda

12 Best Medan Restaurants, Cafe, & Food

Medan Lake Toba Samosir hidden north Sumatra places to visit Bukit Gundaling

9 Unusual & Hidden North Sumatra Places to Visit

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Good & Cheap Medan Hotels Below USD55 per night

Medan City Indonesia

11 Top Attractions in Medan Indonesia - wonderful medan holidays review, user review, enquire with us now.

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Taksi & Layanan Antar Jemput Terbaik di Berastagi, Indonesia

Taksi & layanan antar jemput di berastagi.

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  • Peringkat hal yang dapat dilakukan ditentukan menggunakan data Tripadvisor, termasuk ulasan, penilaian, foto, dan popularitas.

mobil travel medan berastagi

1. Nachelle Homestay Tour and Travel

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2. Berastagi Tours

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3. Family Travel & Tour Silangit

  • Nachelle Homestay Tour and Travel
  • Berastagi Tours
  • Family Travel & Tour Silangit

Mobil Sewaan 0812 8898 2100

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Sewa Mobil Lepas Kunci Medan


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Rp350.000 – Rp500.000 (Harian / Dalam Kota) Rp600.000 – Rp900.000 (12 Jam + Sopir)

Rp2.250.000 / Mingguan Rp7.000.000 / Bulanan

mobil travel medan berastagi


Rp600.000 – Rp750.000 (Harian / Dalam Kota) Rp750.000 – Rp1.300.000 (12 Jam + Sopir)

Rp4.200.000 / Mingguan Rp13.500.000 / Bulanan

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Hubungi Untuk Informasi Harga dan Ketersediaan Unit

mobil travel medan berastagi


Rp350.000 – Rp500.000 (Harian  / Dalam Kota) Rp600.000 – Rp900.000 (12 Jam + Sopir)

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mobil travel medan berastagi


Pricelist khusus lepas kunci.


Untuk tipe mobil, tahun, harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu bergantung dengan tujuan pemakaian/ ketersediaan mobil/ High Season/ Hari Libur Nasional

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mobil travel medan berastagi

Anda ingin berlibur di Medan?

Rental mobil medan lepas kunci, armada terlengkap dengan harga termurah hanya di mobil sewaan.

Solusi  harga sewa mobil di medan  murah dan hemat dengan armada kendaraan sewa mobil keluaran terbaru serta kepuasan para pelanggan yang telah lama kami layani sejak 5 tahun yang lalu, menjadikan Mobil Sewaan Medan exist dan berdiri sebagai mitra keluarga, perusahaan, agent travel sebagai penyelenggara serta pengadaan armada sewa mobil di Medan sesuai permintaan anda. Sewa mobil avanza xenia di medan menjadi lebih mudah, kami juga menyediakan sewa mobil agya ayla, innova, fortuner, hiace, elf, pajero sport, alphard di medan dengan harga terjangkau.


Layanan  rental mobil matic di medan  dengan terhitung pemakaian per 12 jam dan full day tergantung yang disepakati sewa mobil lepas kunci atau tanpa supir selama di dalam kota Medan. merupakan  rental mobil medan terpercaya  dan terbaik dalam bidang sewa mobil lepas kunci serta menjadi rekomendasi partner keluarga tercinta dengan menggunakan layanan  rental mobil lepas kunci di medan .


Seperti mengunjungi tempat wisata favorit di Medan ataupun mengikuti aktivitas liburan seru seperti waterfun yang berada di Parapat, Danau Toba, Panorama Indah Berastagi, Kabanjahe, hiking seperti mengarungi Bukit Lawang serta aktivitas rafting tour yang ada di Medan.

Sewa Mobil di Medan  untuk kebutuhan atau pelengkap perjalanan wisata anda dalam mengunjungi objek wisata di Medan sangatlah penting, selain dapat menghemat anggaran travelling, juga dapat membuat perjalanan lebih meriah dan menyenangkan menjadi rekomendasi terbaik   sewa mobil lepas kunci di medan  dan  sewa mobil di medan dengan supir .

  • Durasi sewa 12 Jam dan Full Day
  • Tersedia  rental mobil avanza di medan
  • Travel Mobil Medan
  • Gratis Pengiriman mobil ke Hotel terdekat
  • Gratis antar dan jemput mobil di Medan dan Bandara Kuala Namu  Apabila dengan sopir

Rental mobil di medan  yang kami sajikan dengan durasi penyewaan mobil harian dengan syarat dan ketentuan berlaku di

Pastikan terlebih dahulu ketersedian  sewa mobil di medan lepas kunci  yang anda harapkan sebelum atau setibanya di Bandara Kualanamu / Hotel tempat anda menginap dengan menghubungi kami via  Chat WhatsApp  yang telah tersedia.

Persyaratan rental mobil lepas kunci di medan.

SYARAT 1 (dalam bentuk foto WA)

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  • Motor + STNK ditahan (a.n sendiri & minimal tahun 2017 )
  • Copy KTP = alamat ktp wajib sama
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  • Uang Jaminan Rp5.000.000 ( di luar uang sewa )

Pilih dari syarat 1 atau 2 atau 3 tersebut mana yg di sanggupi !!

Penawaran spesial

Gratis antar.

untuk sewa minimal 3 hari


Tentang kami, layanan kami.

Sewa Mobil Lepas Kunci Medan

Jalan Alumunium Raya, Komplek Cemara Indah No 8NN, Tanjung Mulia Hilir, Medan Deli, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara.

Senin-Minggu 24 jam

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Berita Karo Terkini

Update jalur medan-berastagi terkini setelah sempat ditutup karena demo, setelah ditutup oleh massa yang melakukan aksi demo pada senin (25/3/2024) kemarin, hari ini jalan jamin ginting sudah bisa kembali dilintasi., penulis: muhammad nasrul | editor: randy p.f hutagaol.

Update Jalur Medan-Berastagi Terkini setelah Sempat Ditutup karena Demo

Coba Kabur saat Ditangkap, Pengedar Sabu di Karo Berhasil Diciduk di Perladangan, KARO - Setelah ditutup oleh massa yang melakukan aksi demo pada Senin (25/3/2024) kemarin, hari ini Jalan Jamin Ginting sudah bisa kembali dilintasi.

Informasi yang didapat, kemarin puluhan orang menggelar aksi demo di seputar Desa Rambung Baru, Kecamatan Sibolangit , Kabupaten Deli Serdang hingga membuat jalur utama Medan-Berastagi macet total.

Berdasarkan informasi yang didapat dari Kanit Lantas Polsek Pancur Batu Iptu M Rizal Purba, mengungkapkan untuk hari ini Selasa (26/3/2024) jalur Medan-Berastagi sudah kembali normal. Dirinya menjelaskan, bagi kendaraan yang melintas baik dari Kota Medan menuju Berastagi maupun sebaliknya sudak tidak ada hambatan yang berarti.

Kanit Lantas Polsek Pancur Batu Iptu M Rizal Purba, melakukan patroli di Jalan Jamin Ginting, tepatnya di lokasi bekas demo warga di Desa Rambung Baru, Kecamatan Sibolangit, Kabupaten Deli Serdang.

"Arus lalulintas dari Medan menuju Berastagi maupun sebaliknya, hari ini sudah lancar," ujar Rizal.

Dijelaskan Rizal, aksi demo oleh puluhan orang yang melakukan aksi bakar ban hingga menutup akses utama Medan-Berastagi, berakhir sekira pukul 17.00 WIB. Setelah usai aksi tersebut, situasi lalulintas sudah mulai bisa dilintasi sejak pukul 18.00 WIB.

"Sudah bisa lewat itu pukul 18.00 WIB, tapi benar-benar lancar baru bisa melintas sekira pukul 21.00 WIB hingga pukul 22.00 WIB," ucapnya.

Atas aksi demo yang terjadi kemarin, membuat masyarakat sangat merasa dirugikan. Pasalnya, demo yang dilakukan sampai menutup jalan membuat masyarakat terkendala untuk beraktivitas terlebih yang memiliki keperluan mendesak.

Seperti yang diungkapkan oleh seorang warga bernama Raja, dirinya mengaku mendapatkan kabar adanya kemacetan akibat aksi demo ini dari kerabatnya.

"Tau dari keluarga tadi bilang enggak bisa lewat karena ada demo," ujar Raja.

Diungkapkan Raja, kemarin dirinya yang baru saja tiba dari luar kota karena ada keperluan pekerjaan dan akan kembali ke rumahnya di Kabanjahe. Namun, akibat adanya penutupan jalan ini membuat dirinya harus mencari pilihan jalan lain.


Kecamatan Sibolangit

Macet total medan-berastagi, jalur medan berastagi lumpuh total.

Rekomendasi 12 Susu Penggemuk Terbaik di Indonesia, Terbukti Naikkan Berat Badan di Minggu Pertama


Berita populer.


Terekam CCTV Seorang Pria Curi Sepeda Motor di Lokasi Pusat Kebugaran, Pemilik Sedang Berolahraga


Pria Ditangkap di Karo karena Kedapatan Bawa Dua Paket Sabusabu


Polres Tanah Karo Cek Kesiapan Personel Ops Keselamatan Toba 2024, Ini Kata Kapolres


Pemkab Karo Edarkan Aturan Jam Masuk Kantor Selama Puasa, Masuk Lebih Lama Pulang Lebih Cepat


Situasi Arus Lalulintas di Berastagi di Akhir Pekan Terakhir sebelum Puasa, Terpantau Landai

Rumah Minimalis Siap Huni Dalam Cluster di Godean

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  1. Medan to Berastagi

    Drive • 54 min. Drive from Medan to Berastagi 63.1 km. Rp110000 - Rp160000. Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between.

  2. Rental Mobil Berastagi

    Fasilitas : Mobil + Sopir + BBM. Rental mobil Hiace. Durasi 12 Jam : 1,500.000. Durasi Fullday : 1,700,000. Fasilitas : Mobil + Sopir + BBM. Ketentuan Tarif Rental Mobil Medan Wisata ke Berastagi. - Harga tidak termasuk ticket masuk ke objek wisata, parkir dan makan supir. - Biaya overtime dikenakan 10% dari harga sewa mobil.


    Mulai Perjalanan Anda Bersama Alfalindo. menawarkan beragam layanan dan jenis kendaraan yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda mulai dari sewa kendaraan harian, bulanan paket perjalanan wisata Medan, Berastagi dan Danau Toba. Layanan rental mobil yang kami layanai mulai dari mobil operasional hingga berbagai mobil mewah ...

  4. Diskon 52% Bus Medan ke Berastagi, harga mulai dari

    Harga lebih rendah dari di loket) * Foto Bus hanya untuk referensi * Durasi trip hanya perkiraan. Pesan Tiket Bus Ekspress dari Medan ke Berastagi. Cek jadwal dan harga tiket bus serta pesan tiket bus di sini, lebih hemat. Ayo segera pesan tiket bus online di Easybook (ID)

  5. Berastagi

    The Picturesque Town of in the Beautiful Karo Highlands. The picturesque town of Berastagi in the beautiful Karo highlands, is 70 km from Medan on the way to Lake Toba. Situated at an altitude of 1,300 meters, the town has a cool climate, ranging between 17-20 degrees Centigrade, making a refreshing break from the heat of the city.

  6. Home

    Berastagi Car Rental is a company that provides daily, monthly and yearly car rental or rental services in Medan, Berastagi and Kabanjahe. Founded in 2016 under the name Qlaksmana Rentcar, now it comes with a fresh system and appearance to make it easier for you to rent a car.

  7. Paket Tour Berastagi (Paket Wisata Berastagi)

    Fasilitas Paket Tour Berastagi (Paket Wisata Berastagi) Menginap di hotel selama 3 malam yakni 1 malam di danau toba international cottage *** parapat - superior lake view + 1 malam di green garden hotel **** berastagi - superior pool view + 1 malam swiss belin hotel *** medan - superior room. transportasi full ac ,nyaman & aman ...

  8. Rental Mobil Medan Berastagi: Solusi Hemat untuk Perjalanan Anda

    Jadi, Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang menyetir di kota yang asing. Berikut adalah daftar harga sewa mobil di Medan Berastagi (tidak menerima lepas kunci) : Jenis Mobil. Harga Sewa Dalam Kota (per 14 Jam) Toyota Alphard. Rp.2.100.000. Toyota Fortuner. Rp.1.100.000.

  9. berastagi rental mobil

    Berastagi Rental Mobil. Selamat datang di situs resmi Berastagi Rental Mobil adalah Perusahaan penyedia jasa sewa atau rental mobil harian, bulanan dan tahunan di Medan, Berastagi dan Kabanjahe. Berdiri sejak tahun 2016 dengan nama Qlaksmana Rentcar kini hadir dengan sistem dan tampilan yang fresh guna mempermudah anda ...

  10. 10 Things to Know Before You Go to Berastagi, Indonesia

    Third option is hire a private car to pick you up from airport or from any hotel in Medan and drop off to Berastagi, this will very good option if you are with big luggage or travel with friends. The price from Airport or from Medan to Berastagi with private car is Rp 600.000 - 650.000. 2. Where to stay in Berastagi

  11. Bus and Car Rental

    Tour & Travel Package Flight / Ticketing Hotel & Reservation ... 19.30 - 06.30 WIB : IDR 150.000 / Mobil. FASILITAS : Gratis Akses Internet ( Free WIFI ) Sistem keamanan GPS TRACKER; Ontime 24 Jam ; ... Medan - Berastagi IDR.850.000,-Medan - Pantai Cermin IDR.750.000,- Medan - Tebing ...

  12. Rental Mobil Medan Wisata ke Berastagi

    Follow Us on Our Social Media. Hubungi Kami :Mobile Phone : 0813-7540-5300 Mobile Phone : 0852-9700-0264Office : 061-8212940Email : [email protected]. • Car Rental Medan • Car Rental Medan Airport • Car Rental Lake Toba. PESAN RENTAL MOBIL DI MEDAN SEKARANG JUGA. Toyota Avanza + SupirRp. 500.000.

  13. Day Tour Berastagi dan Istana Maimun dari Medan

    Rp 345,000Rp 365,000. Keluarlah dari kehidupan kota yang sibuk dan pergilah menikmati suasanya tenang Berastagi. Lihatlah kemegahan Pagoda bergaya Theravada di Taman Alam Lumbini, yang merupakan replika dari Shwedagon Pagoda di Myanmar. Kunjungi Istana Maimun, masjid peninggalan kesultanan Deli yang menggabungkan elemen Timur Tengah, India dan ...

  14. Rental Mobil di Berastagi

    Pilih kendaraan yang Anda inginkan di Rental Mobil Berastagi dan jelajahi daftar destinasi liburan di bawah ini: Pasang sabuk pengaman Anda untuk mengitari kota Pematangsiantar. Berada sekitar 65 kilometer dari Berastagi, destinasi ini menawarkan daftar destinasi seru yang tak boleh dilewatkan, seperti Taman Bunga Pematang Siantar. ...

  15. Berastagi to Medan

    Drive • 54 min. Drive from Berastagi to Medan 62.9 km. Rp110000 - Rp160000. Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between.

  16. Paket Wisata Medan

    Pusat sewa mobil Avanza Medan murah dengan layanan 24 jam, pilihan terbaik untuk perjalanan Anda. Hubungi kami 08116191987. Medan Berastagi Tour ... Armada Car Rental adalah jasa rental mobil berkedudukan di Medan yang menyediakan paket wisata Medan - Berastagi dengan tarif yang kompetitif dan bersahabat. Jenis Mobil: Harga: Keterangan: Avanza ...

  17. Berastagi

    Berastagi is only 67 km from Medan, but the road is often jammed, particularly on weekends, so travel time is often north of two hours. Bus Rp20,000 (Mar 2024), duration 1h30-2h, with Pt. Almasar Indonesia shop (loket), near Citra Garden 2, south of Medan.

  18. Jadwal, Rute, Harga Tiket Bus Antar Lintas Sumatera

    Berdiri pada 29 September 1966, Perusahaan Otobus (PO) ini pada awalnya hadir dengan nama PT Pengangkutan dan Industri Antar Lintas Sumatera di Kotanopan, Mandailing Natal. Rute yang ditawarkan pun terbatas, yaitu trayek pulang pergi Medan - Kotanopan dan Medan - Bukittinggi, menggunakan bus Chevrolet C50.

  19. Beli Tiket Medan

    Tiket Bus & Travel Antar Jemput Bandara Rental Mobil Atraksi dan Aktivitas. More. Cari. Cari. Xperience / Indonesia / Sumatra Utara / Karo / Berastagi / Medan - Berastagi - Tur 1 Hari. ... Berastagi at Medan - 1 Day Tour, Berastagi, Gundaling II, Berastagi, Karo Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

  20. Car Rental in Medan from Rp200k/day

    Maimun Palace is located at Jalan Brigadir Jenderal Katamso, Sukaraja. Tourists can rely on car rental service in Medan with a driver who can to take to Maimun Palace more quickly and comfortably. This palace is open every day from 08:00 to 17:00. The entrance ticket is IDR 5,000 per person. 2.

  21. Indonesia Medan Travel Agency

    4D3N Medan Golf Tour (18 Holes) Medan Tour Package Price from S$ 275 / RM 695 per person By far our most popular medan package. Visit, the renown Lake Toba and explore the interesting Ambarita Village where you can learn about the history and culture of the Batak people.

  22. Taksi & Layanan Antar Jemput Terbaik di Berastagi

    Berastagi Tours. 1. Taksi & Layanan Antar Jemput • Tur Panjat Tebing. 3. Family Travel & Tour Silangit. Arung Jeram & Tubing • Tur Bus Wisata.


    Jasa Rental Sewa Mobil Lepas Kunci Avanza Xenia Innova Agya Ayla Brio Fortuner Pajero Hiace Murah, Terbaik, Bersih, Nyaman, Syarat Mudah. Bisa Harian, Mingguan, Bulanan. Melayani Wilayah Medan dan Sekitarnya. Melayani Penyewaan Mobil untuk Perjalanan Wisata, Perjalanan Bisnis, Operasional Kantor.

  24. Kondisi Jalan Medan

    Seperti diberitakan, puluhan orang menggelar aksi demo di seputar Desa Rambung Baru, Kecamatan Sibolangit, Kabupaten Deli Serdang hingga membuat jalur utama Medan-Berastagi macet total. Suasana di Jalan Lintas Medan - Berastagi, tepatnya di Desa Rambung, Kecamatan Sibolangit, Deliserdang, yang sempat diblokade Warga. (HO/TribunMedan)

  25. Jalan Medan, MEDAN - Sejumlah warga melakukan aksi protes penutupan jalan Lintas Medan - Berastagi, tepatnya di Desa Rambung, Kecamatan Sibolangit, Deliserdang. Penutupan jalan tersebut pun sempat terekam dengan menggunakan kamera amatir warga dan beredar di media sosial. Amatan tribun-medan, sejumlah warga telah memadati jalan lintas tersebut dan sambil membakar ban bekas.

  26. Update Jalur Medan-Berastagi Terkini setelah Sempat Ditutup karena Demo, KARO - Setelah ditutup oleh massa yang melakukan aksi demo pada Senin (25/3/2024) kemarin, hari ini Jalan Jamin Ginting sudah bisa kembali dilintasi. Informasi yang didapat, kemarin puluhan orang menggelar aksi demo di seputar Desa Rambung Baru, Kecamatan Sibolangit, Kabupaten Deli Serdang hingga membuat jalur utama Medan-Berastagi macet total.