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Cocktailviaggi .it - COCKTAIL VIAGGI TOUR OPERATOR - Viaggi Guidati - Tour in pullman (No review yet)

Lingua: italiano

COCKTAIL TOUR OPERATOR, specialista in viaggi in Europa, nasce nel 1991 con gia´ alle spalle una decennale esperienza nelle destinazioni Irlanda e Gran Bretagna, che ne rappresentano i primi prodotti della programmazione, sviluppata inizialmente int

Parole chiavi: Tour in Auto in Pullman Offerte Speciali Voli

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  • Social / Links

Content and keywords

Important and popular websites, links to this website and profiles in social networks, most important links to this website.

The table shows the most important links to The table is sorted in descending order by importance.

Most frequently referenced pages by external sources

The table shows websites of, which are often linked by other websites and therefore they are classified as important content.

Profiles and accounts in social networks

Technical information, information about the server of the website, technical information about the technology of the website, safety and classification. Valutazione media

siti web simili


Hey there, welcome to the exciting world of Siam Viaggi, the ultimate tailor-made Tour Operator specializing in unforgettable journeys to Oceania, North America, and Southern Africa.

We're absolutely stoked to have you here and grateful that you've chosen to give us a bit of your precious attention.

If you're yearning for a travel experience that's truly unique and off the beaten path, crafted exclusively to match your wildest aspirations and ideas, then Siam Viaggi is the Tour Operator you've been searching for.

Forget about those cookie-cutter travel packages plucked from a generic catalog. We're all about building jaw-dropping itineraries and personalized stays from scratch, right alongside you. With our extensive experience and first-hand knowledge of the territories, we'll deliver concrete, tailor-made solutions that will blow your mind.

Our biggest ambition is to make your travel dreams come true, ensuring that the journey you embark on is not just another run-of-the-mill, one-size-fits-all experience. It's going to be YOUR journey, like no other. Get ready for an adventure that's as unique as you are!


Discover some of our travel inspirations. They are born out of the passion and experience we have gained from personally traveling in these territories.

You can consider them as simple ideas, helpful to give you inspiration and suggestions and to start imagining your next trip.

Each itinerary is fully customizable and you can tailor it to your liking, choosing the duration, accommodation options, attractions, and experiences you can't wait to enjoy once you reach your destination.

To come up with customized travel programs, we need to have in-depth knowledge of the locations and territories we talk about. But exploring every country in the world just isn't feasible, plain and simple.

That's why we've chosen to focus on specific geographical areas:

Australia and New Zealand, Cook Islands and Fiji, French Polynesia, USA and Canada, South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Botswana.

These are the destinations we specialize in, gathered within our 3 brands.

cocktail viaggi tour operator

E' stata inviata una email all'indirizzo specificato.

Cocktail Holidays

  Cocktail Holidays este un tur operator de top din Europa de Est. Fondat ca business de familie în anul 1993 în România, dar mereu condus după standarde internaționale. Vrei să afli mai multe despre noi?

100% Made in Romania

Cocktail Holidays este un tur operator de frunte.

Fiind una dintre primele companii care a organizat călătorii în străinătate pentru români, am dezvoltat o înțelegere foarte bună a nevoilor clienților noștri și un portofoliu cuprinzător de produse.

Colaborăm cu peste 2000 de agenții partenere și ne mândrim cu cea mai mare rată de satisfacție din industrie: peste 99%!

Află mai multe despre noi și povestea noastră

Cocktail Holidays are o rețea excelentă de parteneri revanzatori de încredere

De-a lungul anilor, am cultivat o rețea remarcabilă de agenții de turism de încredere. În prezent, peste 2000 de parteneri aleg în mod regulat produse Cocktail Holidays pentru clienții lor.

Suntem recunoscători pentru parteneriatele pe termen lung cu revânzătorii noștri și ne angajăm pe deplin să dezvoltăm un business sănătos și durabil cu ei.

Citește mai multe despre partenerii noștri

Credem în practici de afaceri durabile și în produse de călătorie care sprijină dezvoltarea comunității noastre locale.

Avem ca obiectiv o creștere solidă și stabilă. Ne-am depășit constant previziunile anuale din ultimul deceniu.

Ne concentrăm pe revânzători și parteneri de top, pentru a rămâne mereu relevanți pe piață.

Produse de calitate superioară, parteneri de încredere, suport 24/7 și multe alte beneficii!

Devino partener Cocktail Holidays!

Experiența și cunoștințele noastre au fost apreciate și premiate de mai multe ori de-a lungul anilor. Cocktail Holidays continuă să fie recunoscut că fiind unul dintre principalii jucători de pe piața turistică.

Echipa noastră este calificată și instruită în mod regulat de către mentori de top. În medie, personalul Cocktail Holidays are 16 ani de experiență în turism și călătorii.

Nu există destinație pe care nu o putem oferi. Lucrăm cu parteneri internaționali și locali de top. Suntem mândri de rădăcinile noastre românești și facem eforturi pentru a ajuta comunitatea noastră locală.

Cunoaște familia Cocktail Holidays!

O echipă puternică de profesioniști în domeniul călătoriilor, pe deplin angajați față de valorile și viziunea fondatorilor noștri. Ei reprezintă atuul real al Companiei noastre!

Echipa Cocktail Holidays, Team, Travel Fair

Departamentele noastre

Vânzări & operaţiuni.

Vei fi surprins de cantitatea sarcinilor de care avem grijă zilnic la Cocktail Holidays! Menținerea unei relații solide cu clienții și partenerii este esențială pentru noi. Pentru a fi întotdeauna la zi cu toate solicitările, acest lucru este gestionat de departamentul nostru de operațiuni.

Iată unde se petrece magia. Punem accent pe cercetare, fapt care face pachetele și circuitele noastre atât de diferite. Fiecare Manager de Produs este responsabil de o destinație, strategia de dezvoltare și de vânzări aferentă.

Sistem și suport

Fiind una dintre primele companii de turism din România care a pus bazele unui sistem de rezervări computerizat, ne mândrim cu inovarea constantă și adaptarea la noile tendințe. Departamentul responsabil de buna funcționare a sistemului IT se preocupă în permanență de dezvoltarea acestuia.

Prin activități tradiționale, dar și digitale, de branding, PR și evenimente publice, departamentul de marketing are sarcina de a proiecta și promova imaginea profesionistă a companiei, reflectând calitatea serviciilor oferite.

Contabilitate & finanțe

Fiind o afacere de succes de peste 25 de ani, Cocktail Holidays necesită o monitorizare atentă și extrem de precisă a activelor și a pasivelor sale. Eforturile noastre zilnice sunt evaluate, în cele din urmă, trecând prin filtrul contabilității.

Ticketing specializat

Membru oficial IATA, oferim bilete de avion pentru rute interne și internaționale. Consultanții noștri sunt instruiți pentru a te ajuta cu cele mai bune tarife, companii aeriene, clase, durate de zbor, număr de escale și multe altele. Oferim bilete de avion și pentru companii low-cost.

Travel consultants at your disposal

Customer satisfaction

Average experience in the industry

Happy customers

Trusted partners worldwide

Servicii de Călătorie

  • Vacanțe din România
  • Pachete Vacanță
  • Asigurarea de Calatorie
  • MICE și evenimente
  • Servicii Corporate
  • Vacanțe în Romania
  • Discover Romania
  • NFT & Web3.0

Oferte Speciale

  • Early Booking 2024
  • Flash Sales – Oferte Speciale
  • Oferte Speciale via Whatsapp
  • Oferte Circuite si Grupuri via Whatsapp

Cele Mai Cautate Destinaţii

  • Sharm el Sheikh
  • Costa del Sol
  • Creta Chania
  • Creta Heraklion

Brochures 2024

Cocktail Holidays

  • Press & Media
  • Careers #hiring

Informații Utile

  • Informatii de Calatorie
  • Termeni si Conditii
  • Documente și Certificări
  • Politica de Cookies
  • Prelucrarea Datelor Personale

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Newsletter cu Oferte si Reduceri

Prin abonarea la "Newsletter-ul", esti de acord sa ne transmiti datele tale in scopul informarii prin newsletter despre produsele si parteneriatele noastre. Ai posibilitatea oricand de a te dezabona.


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Agenzie di viaggio

Benvenuto in Olympia Viaggi Registrati Aggiungi Ai Preferiti

  • Volo + Hotel

Tour Guidati

  • Noleggio Auto
  • Volo+Hotel Mare
  • Esci dalla modalitá itinerario
  • Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Macintosh) 2018-06-27T17:17:58+02:00 256 140 JPEG /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f Hx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f/8AAEQgAjAEAAwER AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ qbnJ2en5KjpKWmp6ipqqusra6voRAAICAQIDBQUEBQYECAMDbQEAAhEDBCESMUEFURNhIgZxgZEy obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A69+bP5+eTPy34Wl96mo6 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  • Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Macintosh) 2018-06-27T17:21:32+02:00 256 256 JPEG /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f Hx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f/8AAEQgBAAEAAwER AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ qbnJ2en5KjpKWmp6ipqqusra6voRAAICAQIDBQUEBQYECAMDbQEAAhEDBCESMUEFURNhIgZxgZEy obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9Eee/PflzyP5cn1/X5zD 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Soggiorni Mare

  • Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Macintosh) 2018-06-27T17:22:49+02:00 256 144 JPEG /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f Hx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f/8AAEQgAkAEAAwER AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ qbnJ2en5KjpKWmp6ipqqusra6voRAAICAQIDBQUEBQYECAMDbQEAAhEDBCESMUEFURNhIgZxgZEy obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9U4q84/Pj811/LjyU2o2 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Hotel A ROMA

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The epicenter of modern Russia, Moscow booms with shiny new skyscrapers, the bulbous onion domes of the tsars and politically-rich Red Square. Explore the metropolis with a tourHQ guide.

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Moscow Tour Guides

Jorge De Reval

Jorge De Reval

I am a happy, enthusiastic, amusing Spanish guy. Lively and hyperactive. Recently became qualified ...

Julia Koval

Julia Koval

Hello!My name is Julia and I work as a guide last 4 years, but before together with my friends we ...

Ekaterina Smirnova

Ekaterina Smirnova

Please note: I'm away from Moscow June 11-26, 2021. I am a native Muscovite but traveled ...

Tanya Neyman

Vasil Valiev

Occupation: Senior guide-translator. Guiding since 2012 in Altai mountains, North of Russia ...

Marina Spasskaya

Marina Spasskaya

Hi there! My name is Marina and I'm a licensed Moscow city guide.Moscow is like ...

Ali Haider

Greetings from Saint Petersburg. This is your private tour guide Ali in Saint Petersburg. I was ...

Maria Deulina

Maria Deulina

Dear friends,My name is Maria, I am a licensed guide about Moscow. Being a native Muscovite I have ...

Ashraf Rabei

Ashraf Rabei

My name is Ashraf ...I'm graduated from faculty of tourism and hotel guidance department, in Egypt ...

Hengameh Ghanavati

Hengameh Ghanavati

My name is Hengameh Ghanavati. Im a licenced international tour guide since 2014 and I have ...

Todd Passey

Todd Passey

We are a cooperative of highly experienced, certified, professional guides. Each guide takes ...

Tim Brinley

Tim Brinley

Young at heart, adventurous, organized, good people skills, a good speaker, entertaining, ...

Nikolay Borkovoy

Nikolay Borkovoy

Hace 32 años nací en la ciudad de Moscú. Tengo experiencia trabajando como guía turístico en ...

Anika Socotra-International

Anika Socotra-International

Our mission is to provide you with the kind of holiday you want: where you can relax in wonderful ...

Al'bina Andreeva

Al'bina Andreeva

Moscow guide&photo! Feel Putin vibes and explore the enigmatic Russian soul through history ...

The sprawling, mind-boggling metropolis of Russian Moscow has long been one of the theatrical stages on which the great dramas of Europe and Asia have been played out in grand style. Burned by Napoleon in 1812, immortalised by Tolstoy, utilised by the Bolsheviks and championed as a bastion of heroic defiance by the post-war communists, it’s almost hard to believe just how defining the historical events that found their home on Moscow’s streets have been. Moscow tour guides will easily be able to mark the major must-see landmarks on the map, from the onion-domed orthodox Saint Basil's Cathedral, to the political powerhouse of Red Square just next door, while others will be quick to recommend a ride on Moscow’s famous subterranean metro system, or a visit to the UNESCO-attested Novodevichy Convent on the city’s southern side. But Moscow is a city also in the throes of a cultural wrangling between the old and the new. Creative energies abound here: Boho bars and pumping super clubs now occupy the iconic mega structures of the old USSR; high-fashion outlets, trendy shopping malls and luxurious residential districts stand as testimony to a city that’s now the undisputed playground of the world’s super-rich, while sprawling modern art museums dominate the cultural offering of the downtown districts north of the Moskva River.  

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Russian River Cruises

History, review, itineraries, ships, deck plans, news.

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Russian River Cruises fleet

Ms pyotr velikiy, ms mustai karim, scenic tsar, viking akun, viking ingvar, ms general lavrinenkov, ms lunnaya sonata, viking truvor, ms yuri andropov, ms zosima shashkov, ms crucelake-lebedinoe ozero, ms leonid sobolev, ms mikhail sholokhov, review of russian river cruises.

CruiseMapper's "Russian River Cruises" hub provides detailed information on ships, itineraries, tours and prices on cruises along rivers and lakes in Russia. Here you'll also find concise info on the largest Russian cruise companies, including Vodohod , Mosturflot , Infoflot , Doninturflot-Orthodox , Imperial River Cruises Russia .

In the "Fleet" section you will find an extensive list or Russian cruise ships. By following each ship link you will find the ship's review, deck plans, scheduled itineraries and cruise pricing information. Live ship tracking is also provided on a digital map. It shows the vessel's current location, cruising speed and course.

In the "Itinerary" section you will find maps and day-by-day scheduled activities planned by Europe's largest cruise companies, also operating in Russia via chartered riverboats.

Russian flag - CruiseMapper

Volga River Cruises in Russia

Volga river cruising in Russia places you in another time. The longest and largest river in Europe stretches from Ivan the Terrible to Catherine the Great. Today, live along the central artery of Russia looks like it always has - the villages, the churches, the people, just like an old painting you have seen in a gallery.

The Volga flows through central Russia into the Caspian Sea and is often called the national river of Russia. 11 of the 20 largest cities of the country, including the capital Moscow, are in Volga's watershed. Some of the world's largest reservoirs can be found along the river, which has a symbolic meaning in Russian culture, referred to as Mother Volga (Volga Matushka) in Russian folklore and literature.

Explore the land of the Tsars while sailing down the historic Volga river, typically between Moscow and St Petersburg , the traditional homeports (of embarkation and debarkation). Tour landmarks are the Red Square and Kremlin in Moscow, the Hermitage and Catherine Palace in St Petersburg.

Russian River Cruises - CruiseMapper

Once unthinkable as a cruise vacation destination, Russia is today more accessible than ever, with stops along its largest European lakes and rivers. For river travel lovers accustomed to European itineraries, the Russian experience will be quite different. Russia has a special feel of uniquely designed riverboats. Built to handle larger lakes (Lake Ladoga for example, is the largest European freshwater body of water), these vessels usually feature larger size and capacity (up to six decks), deeper draft, and most of them are refurbished instead of being newbuild.

The itineraries offered are activity-intensive in Moscow and St Petersburg, with long periods of cruising and less ashore time in the middle. Smaller "Golden Ring" cities (so named due to their historic significance) are full of icon-riddled monasteries and Orthodox churches. Most cruise lines hire local experts and fill the days of sailing along the river with lectures on country's history, cooking demonstrations and language lessons.

Most of the tours offered by the companies sailing along Volga River are identical, so customers choosing between the different itineraries should look at how the river ships spend the time within Moscow and St. Petersburg. Some lines have their guests stay onboard, which can be as far as 1 hour out of both cities. Others put their clients up at hotels near the center of the city, with several meals at customer's expense.

Compared with other river routes, Russia features a short season, between early May and late October, with high season in June (known as White Nights because of the endless daylight), July and August. Even if the weather is chilly, there are some advantages to sailing early or late: you'll beat the crowds which can make a visit to the Hermitage a bear. Most Russian museums lack air-conditioning, and while the climate is generally temperate, in the summer Moscow often experiences high humidity heat waves.

Remember to think about your Russian visa at least 2 months before your voyage, to have enough time to fill out the paperwork, including a lengthy online application. And don't forget that the Russian language uses the Cyrillic alphabet. Even in the cities, you'll rarely find signs in English, so learning some letters and a few phrases will help you get around.

Doninturflot-Orthodox Cruise Company

Orthodox Cruise Company operates a fleet of USSR-design large river ships and serves mainly foreign tourists. The parent company Doninturflot (established in 1992) is the shipowner and manages the fleet.

  • Doninturflot started operations with the ships MS Maxim Litvinov, MS Mikhail Sholokhov and MS Sergei Dyagilev.
  • Since 2002, Docturflot charters Akademik Glushkov (currently MS Igor Stravinsky) owned by OOO Rosflotinvest.
  • In 2004 was acquired MS Anton Chekhov from Yenisei River Shipping Company (Russia).
  • In 2006 were acquired MS Peter Tchaikovsky and MS Ivan Bunin from the Moscow-based cruise shipping company "Passenger Port".
  • In 2008 was bought MS General Lavrinenkov from "Ukrrechflot" (Ukraine).
  • In 2011 was bought MS Marshal Koshevoy (from Ukrrichflot, Ukraine) but in April 2013 the ship was sold to Viking Cruises (now operates as Viking Akun ).
  • In 2016, was purchased MS Tikhi Don from the UK-based Grand Circle Travel company. In 2017, the ship started operations for Orthodox Cruise Company serving international tourists.

Imperial River Cruises Russia

"Imperial River Cruises Russia" was founded in 1992 and operates on inland waterways in both Russia and Ukraine. Company's chartered ships navigate on the rivers Volga, Don, Neva, Svir, Dnieper (also on the Danube) and the Russian lakes Onega and Ladoga.

The most operated itineraries are between Moscow and St Petersburg (visiting Uglich, Kostrom, Yaroslavl, Goritzy). Specially designed itineraries visit Vladimir, Suzdal, Zagorsk, Solovki Island. Also offered are itineraries Moscow-Volgograd and Moscow-Rostov, roundtrips from Kiev, and even grand voyages connecting two seas - Baltic and Black. Also offered are themed cruises - especially on food and music, with live performances by grand orchestras and choirs.

Imperial River Cruises Russia has an exclusive partnership with "Orthodox Cruise Company" - one of Russia's largest tour operators. As their names suggest, both companies target mainly foreign tourists - booking in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia. Ships' capacity varies between 180-250 passengers. English (or German) speaking licensed tour guides are provided on all excursions. The daily onboard entertainment program offers live musical performances, folk shows, enrichment lectures.

Russian river cruise deals

  • Departure port (dock/berth), check-in, boarding and landing times are indicated on the company's website and on passenger boarding passes. Ship's exact departure time is clarified on the website the day prior departure.
  • Kids discount ticket prices are offered for children up to 14 years of age (14-yo including), the age being fixed on departure day.
  • Kids from 2 to 5 years of age (5-yo including) travel free of charge, but without providing an additional bed (if there are no free beds in the cabin). Shore excursions are also free of charge.
  • Toddlers (kids under 2) travel free of charge, but the bed, food, and tour services are not provided. Extra beds in staterooms (baby cribs, cots) are not available on the ship.
  • TWIN (double cabin) single supplement rate is 75%.
  • Ticket prices are inclusive of 3 meals a day. Onboard dining includes Breakfast (buffet style, drinks - cocoa, milk, juices, hot-cold dishes), Lunch (buffet style) and Dinner (waiter-served, 1 Starter, 1 Main course (choice of 3 / meat-fish-vegetarian), 1 Dessert (choice of 2 or fruits). Water in pitchers is always provided. Tea/coffee is served.
  • On embarkation day and disembarkation day (at the end of the voyage) meal times depend on landing times. If a land tour coincides with a meal time (lunch), passengers are provided with complimentary food at a local restaurant (cafe) or given "dry rations".
  • Ticket price inclusive onboard events are Welcome Aboard ("bread and salt" ceremony), Welcome Cocktail (complimentary 1 glass of champagne or juice per person), "Tea Ceremony" (with traditional pies), "Vodka Show" (blini and vodka tasting), Cocktail Party (once per cruise, complimentary 1 cocktail per person), Captain's Dinner (gourmet menu, once per cruise), mulled wine or ice tea (weather-depending / upon returning from excursions), complimentary Coffee Station (coffee, hot water, packed tea, milk, cocoa, cookies), 1 bottled water (0.33l pp per day in cabins). Tickets are also inclusive of foreign language speaking guide services, onboard entertainment (language class, singing lessons, live music, nightly dancing music, Wheelhouse tour).
  • Complimentary excursions are detailed in the ship's cruise itinerary program. Optional tours are available for onboard booking. For excursion services, foreigner passengers may be charged with additional fee pp per day (varies by cruise tour length).
  • Cruise tickets don't include land transfers (excepting foreign travel agency bookings), beverages and snacks (in onboard bars-lounges), phone calls, sauna visits, optional excursions, travel insurance, gratuities, personal spendings. Ticket prices include 18% VAT.
  • Smoking on the ship is allowed only in designated areas (marked with "Place for smoking" signs). Smoking is prohibited in all interior spaces and on open decks (except at designated areas).
  • On most ships are available health gymnastics and morning exercises (led by a certified physician/ship's doctor), oxygen cocktail, dietary food.
  • On most ships are provided (free of charge) the following medical services - emergency medical care (assistance required for sudden acute illnesses, conditions, exacerbation of chronic diseases), measurement of blood pressure and body temperature, primary treatment of wounds.
  • Boarding starts 2 hours prior to departure. All passengers must be boarded at least an hour prior to departure. Late passengers missing their cruise tour are not refunded.
  • Russia's main river cruise departure ports are Moscow , St Petersburg , Astrakhan , Nizhny Novgorod , Perm , Samara , Kazan , Volgograd , Rostov-on-Don , Saratov .

Russian cruise ships

Currently, in Russia is operated a huge fleet of over 200 river cruise ships. All these vessels were built during the USSR (Soviet Union) times, roughly in the period between 1950-1990. Depending on class and series, these boats differ in terms of size, equipment (different engine designs), passenger capacity, onboard facilities and venues, cabins (types and number). Amenities additionally differ by shipowner (cruise company).

Russian river cruise ship

All these old-design Russian ships were completely refurbished and rebuilt for their new shipowners, Some of these ships are operated (via partnerships or under charter) also by foreign companies (like Viking, CroisiEurope, Uniworld, AMAwaterways, Grand Circle, Nicko). During their multi-million-dollar drydock refits, vessels passenger capacities were considerably reduced to improve travel comfort and safety.

Most boats are of the following classes:

  • "Rossiya" (Project 785, 36 vessels built 1952-1958)
  • "Baykal" (Project 646, 15 units built 1953-1956)
  • "Rodina" (Project 588, 49 vessels built 1954-1961)
  • "Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya" (Project 26-37, 14 units built 1957-1962)
  • "Dunay" (Project 305, 47 vessels built between 1959-1964)
  • "Kuybyshev" (Project OL400, 9 units built 1975-1983)
  • "Vladimir Ilyich" (Project 301, 22 vessels built between 1975-1983)
  • "Dmitri Furmanov" (Project 302, 27 vessels built between 1983-1991)

Regardless of their age, all these motor ships undergo regular drydock refurbishments , machinery and safety checks, scheduled repairs (including annual surveys). Drydocks are every 5 years and include repairs, hull inspection, propulsion-steering inspection, general maintenance works.

Each ship is equipped with life-saving appliances (lifeboats and rafts) in amounts exceeding the boat's max passenger and crew capacity. Each cabin is equipped with lifejackets with illustrated instructions in several languages. All ships are equipped with modern fire-fighting systems. Crew and staff are experienced and highly professional certified employees.

Itinerary of Russian River Cruises

CruiseMapper's "Russian River Cruises" itinerary section provides information on itineraries and ports of call offered by the largest Russian and European river cruise companies - Vodohod, Viking, Uniworld, Scenic, CroisiEurope. Each foreign company has a partnership with a local company and operates as a joint venture one or more Russian ships.

For detailed itinerary information (routes) visit our pages of the following departure ports - Saratov , Volgograd , Samara , Perm , Nizhny Novgorod , Cheboksary , Rostov-on-Don ,  Kazan , Astrakhan , Moscow , St Petersburg .

Volga River cruise ports highlights

  • St Petersburg (Russia's second-largest city - after Moscow) was built by Tzar Peter the Great in 1703. It is located in the Neva River delta (Gulf of Finland's east coast). Saint Petersburg includes the territories of more than 130 islands interconnected by over 300 bridges. The city has a huge number of cultural and historical sights, architectural landmarks, museums, magnificent palaces (Russian Tsars' former residences), grand parks, wide avenues, bridges, numerous monuments. Among its most famous tourist attractions are the Hermitage museum (housing over 2 million pieces of art). Two days is never enough to see everything in this remarkable city. However, passengers will usually visit the Hermitage, admire the city's 19th-century architecture during a canal cruise tour, take in a cultural performance, visit one of the Versailles-style palaces in St. Petersburg's countryside (Pushkin or Peterhof).
  • Moscow (Russian Federation's capital and largest city) was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The city was destroyed several times - by the Mongolians, Napoleon, the Nazis. The heart of the city lies in the Red Square, which contains Lenin's Tomb, St Basil's Cathedral, and GUM Department Store. Kremlin's red walls also border the square. Inside the fort are the Armoury (containing the Faberge eggs) and 9 onion-domed churches. Art-fans can seek out Pushkin Gallery or see a show at Bolshoi Theatre.
  • Yaroslavl is one of the Golden Ring cities of Russia, and the largest city to visit during the middle of your Volga cruise. The town is famous for its gorgeous churches. It also offers several pedestrian-only streets full of shops and cafes, as well as a lovely embankment used as a park.
  • Uglich has a provincial setting. It was found in the 10th century and was a scene of some of medieval Russian history's most remarkable events. Here were exiled the Ivan Terrible’s 7th wife and her son Tsarevich Dmitry. Soon after, Tsarevich was mysteriously murdered here. Soon after, a dedicated to this event church ("Church of St. Demetrius on the Blood") was erected. Within the Uglich Kremlin walls is the town's oldest building - "Prince’s Palace". Other attractions are St. John’s Church and the Transfiguration Cathedral.
  • Astrakhan was founded at the end of the 13th century and is located on the Volga's left bank. Port’s activities extend 100 km downstream and over 300 km upstream along the river. The city is a major trading center and its main business is freight shipping (coal, timber, salt, food, industrial products). Astrakhan is not linked to the railroad network. Cargoes are transferred by floating cranes from river ships to seagoing vessels.
  • Goritsy is a small village on River Sheksna, famous for its Resurrection Convent, At approx 4 ml (7 km) from Goritsy is Kirillov - a pilgrimage site with many historical and architectural monuments. Among those are the Kirillo-Belozerski monastery, Ferapont monastery (UNESCO site), 12 churches, 25 civil monuments.
  • Kizhi Island (Lake Onega) is located approx 70 km (40 ml) to the northeast of Petrozavodsk. The island has two onion-domed churches. Also here is the 17th-century-built 22-domed church - constructed without using a single nail. Its "Church of the Transfiguration of our Savior" and "Church of the Intercession" were rebuilt several times and are preserved in their original 17th-century design.
  • Mandrogi (Mandroga) is a small village on the Svir river recently created as a tourist attraction. It features small wooden log cabin houses. Its “town of masters” is a market for hand-made Russian art craft, including paintings, painted wooden dolls, embroidery, pottery. Other attractions are the elk nursery and the quail farm, horse-riding tours, food tasting (pastry), vodka tasting (museum of Russian vodka).
  • Kostroma is also one of the Golden Ring cities, and once was one of Russia's 3 largest cities - after Moscow and Yaroslavl, It is located at the confluence of the rivers Volga and Kostroma. Among the attractions are the St Ipathy monastery, an open-air museum (traditional wooden architecture- izbas, mills, churches are gathered in one place).
  • Kizhi is famous the whole world over. It has become the symbol of the grandeur of unique Russian culture. Visiting the Kizhi Islands gives a great chance to appreciate the enchanting medieval atmosphere and get acquainted with the customs and free spirit of men living in a spacious area with a rigorous climate
  • Kazan. The largest port in the Volga basin, it transships cargoes transported by water alone or by water and rail. The port receives coal from Kuznetsk Basin for Kazan's heat and electric power plant, food and industrial products, and ships out products of city's enterprises and Siberian timber. The port includes Tsentral’nyi, Kama, and Volga cargo areas, as well as a number of landings, the biggest of which is Naberezhnye Chelny and Chistopol’. The basin of the Tsentral’nyi Cargo Area and passenger area are protected by a breakwater.
  • Novgorod (Nizhniy Novgorod) is an ancient stronghold founded by Gran Prince Yuri as a frontier post, is now the 5th largest city of Russia as well as one of the main centers of river tourism in the country. In the 19th century, Nizhniy became the trade center of the whole state as it was the place of the biggest fair in the Russian Empire. A proverb of that time says: "Moscow is the heart of Russia, St. Petersburg is its head, and Nizhniy Novgorod - its pocketbook". The city was renamed "Gorky" in Soviet times, in honor of the writer Maxim Gorky, born there. Until 1990, Nizhniy Novgorod was “closed” to foreigners as USSR protected its military secrets. Nizhniy Novgorod is included in the UNESCO list of 100 cities constituting world cultural and historical value.
  • Samara - during the Soviet period the city was named Kuybyshev, in honor of the Soviet party figure Valerian Kuybyshev. The shortest ways from Central and Western Europe to Kazakhstan, Siberia, and Central Asia run through Samara. The city has a rich cultural heritage: Alexey Tolstoy spent his childhood and youth there. Maxim Gorky started his literary career in the city - he worked in "Samara Newspaper". The Czech writer Yaroslav Gashek also worked in Samara, during the Civil war. Famous artists like Ilya Repin, Ivan Ayvazovsky, Vasily Surikov, lived in the city. During the Great Patriotic War, the Seventh Symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich was performed in Samara for the first time.
  • Tver - the White Trinity Church (1564) is the sole ancient monument of Tver as in 1763, there was a great fire after which the city was rebuilt in Neoclassical style. There are also a lot of buildings of Catherine the Great. Tver State University is highly rated in the region. In 1931, Tver received the name Kalinin, in honor of the Soviet leader Mikhail Kalinin. The city was occupied by the German army in 1941. Only 2 months later it became the first big city in Europe liberated from the occupation.
  • Ulyanovsk is located on the right bank of the Kuibyshev Reservoir. Port's activities extend 90 km downstream and 100 km upstream along the Volga. The port unloads mineral construction materials, food, and industrial products for the cities of Saransk and Uljanovsk, and ships out coal from Kuznetsk Basin, automobiles, foodstuffs. Its passenger area was rebuilt in 1969 and includes a large number of landings, the biggest being Melekess and Sengilei. The basin of the port of Ulyanovsk is protected by a breakwater.
  • Saratov (founded in 1590) is the capital city of a huge province that as size equals the territories of Albania, Belgium and Switzerland combined. In the late 19th century, Saratov became a center for industry and trade, Among the city's attractions, are Moskovskaya street (Europe's longest straight street), one of Europe's longest bridges (2,8 km long), children’s theater, puppet theater, Russia’s oldest circus, musical conservatory, beaches, Art Galleries, Lipki Park, two large casinos.
  • Volgograd (currently Stalingrad) was founded in 1589. This is a major port and shipping hub linking Donets Basin with the Urals and Upper Volga Region. It ships grain, coal, food, and industrial products upstream and receives mineral construction materials and timber. The port’s districts are situated within the cities of Volzhsk and Volgograd (Tsentral’nyi). Kamyshin is the biggest landing belonging to the port. Among Volgograd's attractions is the Mamayev Hill with numerous sculptures devoted to the WW2 victims and topped with the world’s largest freestanding statue “Mother Russia” (height 52 m / 171 ft). Adjacent is the "Museum of the Defense" (war artifacts, weapons, uniforms).

All ships listed here operate on Russian waterways. To this long list should be additionally added the following boats, which are currently listed in the fleets of their own companies:

  • Scenic Tsar (company Scenic Cruises )
  • River Victoria (company Uniworld )
  • Viking Rurik , Viking Akun , Viking Helgi , Viking Ingvar , Viking Truvor (company Viking Cruises )

Viking River Cruises in Russia - Itinerary "Waterways of the Tsars"

Viking's itinerary is named "Waterways of the Tsars" (13-day cruise) inclusive of:

  • all transfers and port charges
  • Riverview stateroom
  • 10 guided tours (audio headsets provided)
  • all onboard meals (including 12 breakfasts, 11 lunches, 12 dinners, Welcome Cocktail Reception, Gala Dinner)
  • complimentary beverages (wine, beer, and soft drinks with all dinners and lunches)
  • complimentary Wi-Fi
  • visiting four UNESCO World Heritage Sites
  • enrichment events (onshore live music and dance performances), onboard Russian language lessons, history-themed lectures, Russian cooking workshop, Russian tea time).
  • Viking's Russian cruise fares are between USD 5,100 - 5,600 PP. Prices are inclusive of international airfare from 30 USA airports.
  • Airport transfers (meet & greet) are included only when flights are purchased through Viking Cruises.

Optional (additionally priced) extensions are:

  • (pre-cruise) 2-night Moscow hotel package (Radisson Royal Hotel or similar), with included 2 breakfasts, Moscow Subway guided tour, Viking host services.
  • (post-cruise) 3-night Helsinki hotel package (Radisson Blu Plaza or similar), with included 3 breakfasts, guided walking tour, Viking host services, train travel (St Petersburg to Helsinki), all hotel and ship transfers.

Itineraries are two: northbound (Moscow to St Petersburg) or the reverse southbound (St Petersburg to Moscow).


  • (Day 1) Moscow arrival, airport to ship transfer, onboard dinner
  • (Day 2) half-day Moscow tour (Bolshoi Theater, Red Square, St Basil’s Cathedral, GUM Department Store, Moscow Metro)
  • (Day 3) free time full-day Moscow touring, or an optional morning tour to Tretyakov Gallery Russian fine art museum). Other optional tours are in the afternoon (Cosmonaut Museum, Jewish Moscow) and in the evening (Moscow by Night).
  • (Day 4) Moscow tour to Kremlin (Tsar’s Canon, Tsar’s Bell, 2 cathedrals), scenic Moscow Canal cruise (after lunch) as the ships departs the city.
  • (Day 5) Uglich arrival (after lunch), disembarkation for a guided walking tour (Kremlin of Uglich, Church of St Dmitry on the Blood, tea at a local family home), before dinner departure
  • (Day 6) Yaroslavl arrival in the morning, guided tour (covered food market, handcrafted souvenirs shopping), free time, ship lunch, departure.
  • (Day 7) Kuzino morning arrival, tour to Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery (guided walk- wooden chapels, Assumption Cathedral, museum), children’s school, ship lunch, afternoon departure.
  • (Day 8) Kizhi Island (Lake Onega cruising) afternoon arrival, walking tour (Open Air Museum of Architecture- wooden houses, windmills, churches, Preobranzhenskaya Church), evening departure.
  • (Day 9) Mandrogy (Svir River cruising) afternoon arrival (Vodka Museum, handmade Russian craft shopping, optional banya / Russian bathhouse visit, optional tour (matryoshka doll making workshop), Lake Ladoga cruising to Neva River.
  • (Day 10) — St Petersburg (Neva River cruising), early morning arrival, onboard breakfast, guided tour (Winter Palace, Hermitage Museum), onboard dinner and evening live Russian ballet performance.
  • (Day 11) St Petersburg tour to Pushkin district (Catherine Palace), ship lunch, city tour (St Isaac’s Cathedral, Peter and Paul Fortress, Nevsky Prospekt), optional evening folklore performance.
  • (Day 12) free time St Petersburg touring (optional morning tour to Peterhof Palace, optional afternoon kommunalka tour, optional St Petersburg canal cruise from), onboard lunch and dinner.
  • (Day 13) St Petersburg - onboard breakfast, ship disembarkation, ship to airport transfer for the return flight.

Uniworld Cruises in Russia - itinerary "Imperial Waterways of Russia"

The 13-day long itinerary is named "Imperial Waterways of Russia" and operated by the ship River Victoria. Uniworld's Russian cruise fares range between USD 5,200 and 9,900 PP (depending on cabin category.

  • Day 1 – Moscow (Sheremetyevo Airport arrival, ship transfer, embarkation)
  • Day 2 – Moscow (city tour, metro tour, Arbat Street) - Bolshoi Theatre, Red Square, St Basil’s Cathedral, Russian lunch included, onboard Captain’s Welcome Reception, Gala Dinner
  • Day 3 – Moscow (Kremlin, Armory Museum)
  • Day 4 – Moscow (leisure day)
  • Day 5 – Moscow Canal and Volga River cruising to Uglich (walking tour)
  • Day 6 – Yaroslavl (Lake Rybinsk cruising) - city tour
  • Day 7 – Goritsy (Lake Onega cruising) - monasteries, St Cyril of the White Lake Monastery, Children’s Arts and Crafts,
  • Day 8 – Kizhi Island (Lake Onega cruising) - Open-air Museum of Wooden Architecture
  • Day 9 – Svir River cruising to Mandrogi, Lake Ladoga cruising - Mandrogi walk tour (picnic lunch)
  • Day 10 – St Petersburg (city tour, canal cruise, Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, ballet performance at Alexandrinsky Theatre)
  • Day 11 – St Petersburg (Catherine Palace, Pushkin Park)
  • Day 12 – St Petersburg (Winter Palace - Hermitage Museum, Captain’s Farewell Reception, Gala Dinner)
  • Day 13 – St Petersburg (disembarkation, transfer and return flight).

Scenic River Cruises in Russia - itinerary "The Imperial Wonders Of Russia"

The itinerary is operated by Scenic Tzar and named "Imperial Jewels of Russia". Its duration is 15-day, along Volga and Svir rivers. Scenic Cruises deals are inclusive of:

  • Scenic Enrich - handcrafted, Scenic passengers exclusive tour experiences (private shows, family meals prepared by local hosts)
  • Scenic Sundowners - exclusive cocktail events
  • all onboard meals (including complimentary wine, beer and soft drinks with lunches and dinners)
  • onboard doctor
  • onboard entertainment
  • in-cabin room service
  • Wi-Fi internet (Mac mini infotainment system via the cabin's TV)
  • all gratuities
  • Scenic's Russian cruise fares are USD 11,500 PP.

Day-by-day itinerary info: Day 1 (Moscow), Day 2 (Moscow, Sundowners canal cruise), Day 3 (Moscow - Kremlin), Day 4 (Moscow - Cosmonaut meeting), Day 5 (Moscow - Tretyakov Gallery), Day 6 (Uglich), Day 7 (Yaroslavl - city tour), Day 8 (Goritsy - Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery), Day 9 (Kizhi Island - Church of Transfiguration), Day 10 (Mandrogi - Museum village), Day 11 (St Petersburg - Hermitage), Day 12 (St Petersburg - Peterhof Palace), Day 13 (St Petersburg - Private Ballet performance), Day 14 (St Petersburg - canal cruise), Day 15 (return flight).

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  12. Siam Viaggi Tour Operator

    da. 2.309 €. a persona. Scopri il tuo prossimo viaggio. United States 1883: il viaggio della famiglia Dutton. This tour is inspired by the series 1883, a Yellowstone spin-off. A long journey crossing Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and ending in Montana or Oregon, depending on the chosen route. ...

  13. Despre noi & compania noastră

    100% Made in Romania. Cocktail Holidays este un tur operator de frunte. Fiind una dintre primele companii care a organizat călătorii în străinătate pentru români, am dezvoltat o înțelegere foarte bună a nevoilor clienților noștri și un portofoliu cuprinzător de produse. Colaborăm cu peste 2000 de agenții partenere și ne mândrim ...

  14. Russian Tour Agency

    Welcome to Russia! Grand Russia is a Russian Tour Agency based out of the cosmopolitan Moscow city. We are a prominent Russia Travel Agency engaged in providing travel experiences to the people wishing to explore Russia for more than ten years. We specialise in providing guided tours, custom made packages, exclusive excursions, visa facility services, unexplored destinations and lot more.

  15. Home Page

    Benvenuto in Olympia Viaggi Registrati Aggiungi Ai Preferiti. Home Hotel Volo + Hotel Volo ... Aggiungi un Tour Guidato al diario di viaggio. Scegli la destinazione. BALTICO. BELGIO. CAPITALI IMPERIALI. DANIMARCA. FINLANDIA. FRANCIA. GALLES, LONDRA E CORNOVAGLIA. GERMANIA. GIORDANIA. GRECIA.

  16. Tours, sightseeing tours, activities & things to do

    Tours, things to do, sightseeing tours, day trips and more from Viator. Find and book city tours, helicopter tours, day trips, show tickets, sightseeing day tours, popular activities and things to do in hundreds of destinations worldwide, plus unbiased tour reviews and photos of tours and attractions from thousands of travelers

  17. Private Local Guides & Guided Tours in Moscow

    Tell us your destination, date, and group size. Our team of travel experts and guides will design a tailored itinerary just for you. Enjoy your trip with peace of mind knowing everything is taken care of. The epicenter of modern Russia, Moscow booms with shiny new skyscrapers, the bulbous onion domes of the tsars and politically-rich Red Square.


    COCKTAIL TOUR OPERATOR, specialista in viaggi in Europa, nasce nel 1991 con gia´ alle spalle una decennale esperienza nelle destinazioni Irlanda e Gran Bretagna, che ne rappresentano i primi prodotti della programmazione, sviluppata inizialmente int. 2.50 Rating by CuteStat.

  19. Russian River Cruises

    Infoflot (Инфофлот) is a Russian cruise and tour operator company founded in 2003 and headquartered in St Petersburg. Infoflot's fleet includes the boats Lebedinoye Ozero (Swan Lake), Lunnaya Sonata (Moonlight Sonata), Dmitry Furmanov, Nekrasov, Karl Marx, Alexander Benois, Vasily Chapaev, Solnechnoy Gorod (Sunny City).