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Cruise control diet by jorge cruise: ultimate guide | does it work.

what is the cruise control diet

This content has been Fact-Checked by a Certified Nutritionist in our Publishing Team. Learn more here . Always consult a medical professional before commencing any diet.

The Cruise Control Diet is an effective way to lose weight and improve your health. This is a lifestyle change that promises long-term results and improvement in terms of weight loss and overall well-being.

The best of all? You don’t need to count calories or restrict your diet.

Created by James Ward, Cruise Control focuses on whole foods and eliminates processed and packaged foods.

This approach helps your body burn fat more effectively without restrictions.

This results in a healthier lifestyle, which is ideal for maintaining perfect weight and improving your well-being.

The Cruise Control is a perfect dietary plan for those who struggle with the yo-yo effect and want more permanent results.

It is also a great choice for those who don’t want to restrict their foods and who actually want to enjoy their meals!

What is the Cruise Control Diet?

cruise control diet

What exactly is the Cruise Control diet? It is best described as a lifestyle change and not a traditional diet.

In the Cruise Control diet, you are not restricting your food intake: It also doesn’t cut away numerous food types: most foods are allowed with Cruise Control.

So, what’s the catch?

Cruise Control Diet follows four basic principles:

1. Eat Natural

This dietary regime encourages you to eat whole, natural foods. Such foods will keep you full and will help you burn those persistent pounds.

2. Don’t eat processed packaged food

The key to Cruise Control is to avoid all processed and packaged foods. These foods contain unhealthy ingredients that make you hungry and encourage your body to store fat.

These ingredients and additives prevent your body from eliminating toxins. As a result, you feel hungry often, you eat a lot and store unwanted calories and fat.

Check out how processed foods are harming people . And the relationship between processed foods and obesity .

3. Treat yourself from time to time

Cruise Control Diet eliminates restrictions and cravings. You can eat cookies, chocolate and candies from time to time.

As long as you do it in moderate quantities, there is nothing you should worry about. Treating yourself in moderation is better than restricting yourself and then overeating once a craving hits.

4. Don’t count calories

what is the cruise control diet

Cruise Control discourages calorie counting, food journal, points, even portion control!

That’s all!

As you can see, the Cruise Control Diet is not restrictive.

On the contrary: it wants to encourage you to make a lifestyle change towards healthy living and a balanced diet.

All you need to do is eliminate processed and packaged foods. An approach like this might seem strange compared to typical diets.

Dieting, in many people’s minds, includes restrictions, control, and calorie counting.

The thing is, such diets are often difficult to maintain and offer short-term results at best. Not to mention that they often prove to be unhealthy or even dangerous.

Cruise Control focuses on intuitive eating.

No more calculating portion sizes, no more counting calories.

More than restricting your food choice, it gives you a wide selection of nutritious, healthy and tasty foods. By focusing on intuitive eating, you are making a lifestyle choice rather than a simple diet.

How Does it Work?

By applying the cruise control diet, you will get into two phases:

1. Boosting zone : you choose 8 hours of the day and you will eat your meals during this period. Your meals have to consist of 50% fat, 30% carbohydrates, and 20% protein.

2. Burning zone : here you will fast for 16 hours, meaning that you will stop eating any meals but you can enjoy treats and beverages made of 100% healthy fats then you will sleep.

Cruise Control Diet Pros and Cons

feel good and healthy

Cruise Control diet offers numerous health and lifestyle benefits:

1. It helps you lose weight

By consuming natural, non-processed foods, your body uses calories more efficiently, which results in weight loss. All without the need to make your portions smaller or your food choices restrictive.

2. It improves health

Cruise Control is a healthy approach that will improve your health. Even if you don’t need to lose weight, switching to Cruise Control is a healthy lifestyle change.

You will feel stronger and more energized. It will help you eliminate toxins and it will boost your metabolism.

3. It is enjoyable

Let’s face it: diets can be many things, but they are rarely enjoyable. They typically force you to abandon many foods you enjoy eating.

Diets make you waste too much time and energy on calorie counting, portion measuring and food journaling.

With such an approach, all you can do is think about food!

Cruise Control eliminates all of that: you can eat many different foods, you don’t have to worry about portion sizes, and you can even treat yourself with sweets from time to time.

4. It is a real lifestyle change

Don’t think of Cruise Control as a diet. It is a lifestyle change. This is a step towards healthy living that can benefit you in many different ways.

As you can see, there are numerous health benefits of Cruise Control that are not limited to weight loss.

That being said, this is definitely a way to lose weight – it gives effective, long-term results without yo-yo consequences.

On the other hand, it is important to use this dietary regime as an informed choice.

It is important to know of potential negative sides of Cruise Control Diet :

1. It does require a certain effort

You need to eliminate all processed foods from your diet, and it often means shopping at different stores or reading labels more carefully.

2. Weight loss might not be fast

In the Cruise Control Diet, you are making a choice towards a healthy diet, which should bring long-term weight loss results.

Many people notice changes within days, but some people need to stick to this dietary regime for a while before noticing results. This is not a quick weight loss scheme.

3. Potential investment of money and time

Cruise Control Diet is not expensive: many foods and ingredients are affordable and easy to find.

However, it might require certain changes. Also, many recipes require you to prepare them, which asks for some time investment.

The good news is that many of the recipes are easy and quick to prepare, and no, they don’t cost a lot! However, if you are used at eating packaged snacks instead of a lunch, be prepared for some changes.

4. Elimination of certain foods

Cruise Control Diet is not restrictive, but certain types of foods are forbidden.

If your present diet relies too much on these foods, be prepared to go through a period of adjusting.

For example, Cruise Control doesn’t allow potato chips and similar snacks. Those who consume such foods on a regular basis will feel restrictions.

Cruise Control Diet Food List

Natural foods

There are many foods you can eat with the Cruise Control Diet. This is one of the best things about this dietary regime. There is basically only one rule: it has to be natural (not processed).

Here are some of the foods you can eat on the Cruise Control Diet:

  • Vegetables: asparagus, avocado, bell peppers, bok choy, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, collard greens, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, green peas, kale, leeks, mustard greens, okra, onions, pumpkins, potatoes, radishes, Romaine lettuce, spinach, squash, Swiss chard, tomatoes, zucchini.
  • Fruits: apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, cranberries, dates, gooseberries, grapes, figs, kiwi, lemons, limes, oranges, peaches, papaya, pears, pineapple, plums, pomegranate, prunes, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, watermelon.
  • Meat: lean cuts (pork, grass-fed beef), chicken, turkey, wild-caught fish (cod, halibut, salmon, sardines, tuna), prawns, shrimp.
  • Dairy and eggs: grass-fed animal milk, butter, cheese, ghee; eggs.
  • Grains: barley, buckwheat, rice (brown rice, wild rice), spelt, rye, quinoa.
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, cashew nuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, pistachio, pumpkin seeds, walnuts.
  • Spices and herbs: basil, cardamom, cilantro, cinnamon, chili (dried, flakes), clove, coriander, curry leaves, dill, garlic, ginger, mace, mint, oregano, peppermint, parsley, pepper, rosemary, sage, saffron, thyme.
  • Beverages: water, freshly pressed fruit juice, freshly pressed vegetable juice, coconut water.
  • Oils: olive oil, coconut oil, rice bran oil.
  • Other: peanut butter, almond butter.

Foods to Avoid

what is the cruise control diet

What can you not eat on Cruise Control Diet? Generally speaking, you should avoid any processed foods. Main things to avoid include:

  • Deep-fried and fried foods
  • Frozen foods
  • Potato chips and other similar snacks
  • Packaged fruit juice
  • Energy drinks
  • Low-fat yogurt (it is typically full of artificial flavors and stabilizers)
  • Deli meat full of additives (salami, sausage)
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Any product with artificial flavors and colors
  • Any products with added nitrates or other additives

As you can see, the rules are simple: avoid anything that is processed and full of additives. Yes, it means spending more time reading labels, but it’s worth it!

Cruise Control Diet Plan

Girl chopping veggies

One great thing about Cruise Control is that you can create your own diet plan. You know what you like to eat, and this program doesn’t want to force you into consuming something you dislike.

Also, it doesn’t force you to make serious changes: if you are a vegetarian, you stay a vegetarian.

Meal plan example:

Breakfast: Toast with a boiled egg is one choice. Or you may opt for homemade egg muffins or a spinach frittata.

Snack: This snack should prepare you for lunch. Ideally, you should eat one large fruit or a cup of smaller fruits.

Lunch: It is best to combine vegetables with a side protein. A salad with pieces of grilled chicken is one choice. Soups are also a good lunch option. On the other hand, if you want a hefty meal, you can get a steak.

Afternoon snack: If you need a snack between lunch and dinner, you can eat another cup of fruit or nuts.

Dinner: Your dinner should contain a type protein with side vegetables. Grilled chicken or salmon is a good choice. If you are feeling hungry, a steak or a wider selection of side dishes is a good way to go.

Bedtime snack: A cup of milk and a cookie can make a good bedtime snack.

The program encourages healthy night rest and plenty of sleep. It is best to go to bed by 10-10:30pm. You should not take your bedtime snack later than this.

Cheat meals: Cruise Control incorporates “cheat meals” two times per week. You can eat pasta, your favorite snacks, pizzas, desserts and other things that are typically not allowed on traditional diets.

Cruise Control Diet Recipes

Healthy salad

Here are a few easy recipes you can prepare for your Cruise Control diet regime:

Eggs with Vegetables


  • 1-2 cups sweet potatoes (diced)
  • 1 cup zucchini (diced)
  • 1 bell pepper (chopped)
  • ½ cup onion (chopped)
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil
  • salt, pepper (to taste)


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  • Pour olive oil in a pan and cook diced potatoes until the bottoms turn golden and cubes start to soften.
  • Add zucchini, onion, bell pepper, salt, pepper and onion. Cook until the vegetables start to soften.
  • Remove from heat and divide into two. Break one egg into each pile.
  • Place in the oven and bake 10-15 minutes. Serve.

what is the cruise control diet

Blueberry Almonds

  • ½ cup blueberries
  • ½ cup almonds
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • In a cup, mix almonds and blueberries.
  • Sprinkle with cinnamon and sesame seeds. Serve.

Lunch or dinner

Chicken tomato salad

what is the cruise control diet

  • 2x chicken breast, grilled and cut into small pieces
  • 4-5 tomatoes, chopped into small pieces
  • ½ cup chopped parsley
  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
  • salt and pepper
  • optional: other chopped vegetables (cucumber, bell peppers, onion)
  • Grill chicken and chop it into small pieces.
  • Cut vegetables and mix them in a salad bowl. Add chicken.
  • Add olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Toss carefully.

Avocado Tuna Steak

  • 1 garlic clove (grated)
  • 2 Ahi tuna steaks
  • 1 teaspoon ginger (grated)
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
  • 3-4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 lemon (juiced)
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 ripe avocado (halved, peeled, pitted, and sliced)


  • In a mixing bowl, combine lemon juice, salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, ginger and garlic. Stir until the ingredients are well-mixed.
  • Add the remaining oil to the pan. Season tuna steaks with salt and pepper. Add to the pan and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side. Pour half of the mixture to coat the fish. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Prepare a serving plate. Place the tuna and add sliced avocados. Pour the remaining sauce over the whole plate and add sesame seeds.

what is the cruise control diet

Does Cruise Control Diet Work?

All this sounds great, but does it work? If you want to lose weight, you want to see results, and that’s understandable.

A great thing about the Cruise Control diet is that it works, and it works long-term. Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting and shot-term results.

This dietary regime is made for real results and a true lifestyle change. In fact, it is a recommended step if you are looking for a healthier and wholesome diet.

Of course, there are certain things you can do to improve your results.

Doing light exercises 2-3 times per week is always helpful. However, you don’t have to engage in strenuous exercise in order to notice results.

Regular walks are extremely helpful for your well-being, and they don’t require difficult exercises. The goal is to move towards a healthier lifestyle, and Cruise Control diet can help you get there.

One thing you need to remember about Cruise Control: it is made for long-term results.

It means that you might not notice significant weight loss straight away.

Unlike fad diets, Cruise Control doesn’t mask water loss as weight loss, and it doesn’t starve your body for short results.

Just keep going and you will notice that you lose weight naturally – no more tiny portions or food cravings. Think of it as a lifestyle change and not a weight loss scheme.

The best of all?

It will help you lose weight, and it will prevent the dreaded yo-yo effect.

Atkins vs Cruise Control Diet

The Atkins diet is one of the most well-known diets in the world, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is harmless.

Atkins is a low-carb diet, specially designed to promote quick weight loss and not a lifestyle change.

The idea behind the Atkins diet is that weight loss is achieved through a diet that is high on protein and even fat, but extremely low in carbs.

While there are people who can achieve results with the Atkins diet, it is easy to slip into unhealthy dietary regime with this one.

Atkins can work short-term, and if you are careful enough not to cut too many essential foods.

Cruise Control is not so restrictive. In fact, it encourages a balanced diet with all the major food groups present.

This balance helps you stay healthy and gradually make you adopt a better dietary regime. Unlike the Atkins diet, Cruise Control is not limiting.

It is a long-term solution that promotes health and a better lifestyle choice.

If you like a diet high on protein, no need to go for Atkins: Cruise Control allows you to consume proteins on a daily basis.

The key is balance and natural ingredients.

Verdict: Cruise Control wins.

Are There Any Warnings for the Cruise Control Diet?

Cruise Control diet is safe and effective. Unlike so many other diets, it doesn’t cut away any important food groups.

It’s all about balance and natural ingredients, not starving yourself or counting calories. As such, it doesn’t come with any specific warnings.

Consult your doctor before starting Cruise Control or any other dietary regime. Your doctor can advise you on how to make your diet balanced and will tell you of any potential warnings that apply to you.

While Cruise Control Diet is safe, its individual effects depend on the individual’s overall health, age, BMI, medical history, and other parameters.

This content has been Fact-Checked by a Certified Nutritionist in our Publishing Team. Learn more here .

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Penguin Random House

Look Inside

The Cruise Control Diet

The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to Conquer Weight Loss Forever

Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever

By Jorge Cruise Introduction by Jason Fung, M.D.

By jorge cruise read by jorge cruise , brooke burke and jason fung, m.d. introduction by jason fung, m.d., category: nutrition & dietary needs | dietary cookbooks, category: nutrition & dietary needs | dietary cookbooks | audiobooks.

Jan 07, 2020 | ISBN 9780525618713 | 6-1/8 x 9-1/8 --> | ISBN 9780525618713 --> Buy

Apr 02, 2019 | ISBN 9780525618706 | ISBN 9780525618706 --> Buy

Apr 02, 2019 | 231 Minutes | ISBN 9780593150801 --> Buy

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The Cruise Control Diet by Jorge Cruise

Jan 07, 2020 | ISBN 9780525618713

Apr 02, 2019 | ISBN 9780525618706

Apr 02, 2019 | ISBN 9780593150801

231 Minutes

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About The Cruise Control Diet

Activate your weight-loss autopilot—use the power of simple intermittent fasting to lose the pounds and keep them off, from Hollywood trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author Jorge Cruise. Timing is everything when it comes to losing weight. Or, as celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise explains:  When we eat is as important as what we eat. Building on the scientifically proven but hard-to-sustain day-on, day-off technique known as “intermittent fasting,” Cruise has developed a revolutionary masterplan that simplifies your calendar and eliminates between-meal hunger. He divides every day into two easy-to-remember nutritional zones: a 16-hour evening and overnight “burn zone” ( semi -fasting) followed by an 8-hour “boost zone” (eating). Ingeniously, his plan also includes “bumper foods” that can be consumed in either zone—around the clock—to keep you satiated and burning fat throughout. You’ll never be hungry if you don’t really ever have to fully fast! Backed by the very latest research and client-tested for optimal results, The Cruise Control Diet unlocks the key to dramatic results with   • recipes for deliciously unexpected boost zone foods, such as Portobello Mini Pizzas, Zoodle Spaghetti & Meatballs, Sheet Pan Salmon & Asparagus, and even Almond Butter Cookies • high-fat, no-sugar burn-zone recipes for craving-quenching foods like Double Chocolate Fudge Mousse and Vanilla Chai Tea Latte • weekly menus and handy grocery lists to take the guess work out of the equation • candid testimonials from Cruise’s clients and test-panel participants • an optional burn-zone exercise program with instructional photos With The Cruise Control Diet you’ll automate your diet and finally conquer weight loss forever! Featuring a foreword by Brooke Burke and an introduction by Jason Fung, M.D. Praise for Jorge Cruise “Jorge gets it right. His recipes make eating smart easy. I recommend them highly.” —Andrew Weil, M.D., #1  New York Times  bestselling author of  Why Our Health Matters   “Jorge knows how to make weight loss simple and easy without feeling hungry.” —Tyra Banks, model, actress, CEO, and  New York Times  bestselling author   “Recipes from my friend Jorge Cruise—where healthy food meets great flavor.” —Emeril Lagasse, chef, restaurateur, and  New York Times  bestselling author

Activate your weight-loss autopilot—use the power of simple intermittent fasting to lose the pounds and keep them off, from Hollywood trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author Jorge Cruise. Timing is everything when it comes to losing weight. Or, as celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise explains:  When we eat is as important as what we eat. Building on the scientifically proven but hard-to-sustain day-on, day-off technique known as “intermittent fasting,” Cruise has developed a revolutionary masterplan that simplifies your calendar and eliminates between-meal hunger. He divides every day into two easy-to-remember nutritional zones: a 16-hour evening and overnight “burn zone” ( semi -fasting) followed by an 8-hour “boost zone” (eating). Ingeniously, his plan also includes “bumper foods” that can be consumed in either zone—around the clock—to keep you satiated and burning fat throughout. You’ll never be hungry if you don’t really ever have to fully fast! Backed by the very latest research and client-tested for optimal results, The Cruise Control Diet unlocks the key to dramatic results with   • recipes for deliciously unexpected boost zone foods, such as Portobello Mini Pizzas, Zoodle Spaghetti & Meatballs, Sheet Pan Salmon & Asparagus, and even Almond Butter Cookies • high-fat, no-sugar burn-zone recipes for craving-quenching foods like Double Chocolate Fudge Mousse and Vanilla Chai Tea Latte • weekly menus and handy grocery lists to take the guess work out of the equation • candid testimonials from Cruise’s clients and test-panel participants • an optional burn-zone exercise program with instructional photos With The Cruise Control Diet you’ll automate your diet and finally conquer weight loss forever! Featuring a foreword written and read by Brooke Burke, and an introduction written and read by Dr. Jason Fung. Additional narration provided by Kris Koscheski and Elizabeth Wiley. *Includes a bonus PDF with recipes, shopping lists, meal plans, workout routines, questions & answers, tips for staying on track, and resource lists Praise for Jorge Cruise “Jorge gets it right. His recipes make eating smart easy. I recommend them highly.” —Andrew Weil, M.D., #1  New York Times  bestselling author of  Why Our Health Matters   “Jorge knows how to make weight loss simple and easy without feeling hungry.” —Tyra Banks, model, actress, CEO, and  New York Times  bestselling author   “Recipes from my friend Jorge Cruise—where healthy food meets great flavor.” —Emeril Lagasse, chef, restaurateur, and  New York Times  bestselling author

Listen to a sample from The Cruise Control Diet

Also by jorge cruise.

Inches Off! Your Tummy

About Jorge Cruise

JORGE CRUISE struggled with his weight for years. Today, he is one of America’s leading fitness experts and the author of three consecutive New York Times bestsellers. Each Sunday his USA Weekend column is read by more than 50 million… More about Jorge Cruise

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Category: nutrition & dietary needs | dietary cookbooks, category: nutrition & dietary needs | dietary cookbooks | audiobooks, you may also like.

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PRAISE FOR JORGE CRUISE “Jorge knows, as I do, that excess sugar in our diets is among the most important factors conspiring against our waistlines and our health.” —David Katz, M.D., director, Yale University Prevention Research Center “Jorge sets you up to win!” —Tony Robbins, philanthropist and #1 New York Times bestselling author “Jorge continues to inspire and make losing weight fun and part of your life forever.” —Mariel Hemingway, author of Healthy Living from the Inside Out

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Introducing Prevention's 19-Day Weight Loss Plan for 2020

It requires some changes in your life and on your plate, but it's simple and incredibly effective.

Healthy ketogenic low carb food for balanced diet

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Before You Start

Our weight-loss plan is based on the concept of intermittent fasting, also known as time-restricted eating or interval eating. That means you eat and drink only within a specific window of time. Our plan calls for an eight-hour period of eating. Other types of intermittent fasting call for longer fasting times or entire days with very low calorie intake, but we worked with Jorge Cruise on the eight-hour plan because it’s a good way to be more mindful of your choices without feeling totally restricted—and he’s got clever ways to “cheat” your fast too, below.

Why 19 days?

It’s the perfect amount of time to learn a new way of eating—and see results. Intermittent fasting doesn’t work as well if you dip in and out of it every few days or take a break on the weekends: If you stick with it, your body will learn its new rhythm, and the 19 days will help you find meals you love and prove to yourself that you can do this.

Will you lose weight?

When 23 obese adults restricted their eating to between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. for 12 weeks, they ate around 350 fewer calories per day compared with a control group, according to a recent Nutrition and Healthy Aging study. They also lost a few pounds and saw a drop in their systolic blood pressure (the top number).

Going for longish periods without eating seems to send the body into fat-burning mode and limit blood sugar spikes. “Those two factors combined mean you’re reducing the blood sugar highs and lows that make you hungrier,” says Courtney Peterson, Ph.D., assistant professor of nutrition at the University ofAlabama at Birmingham.Time-restricted eating also keeps your appetite in check by lowering levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, she adds.

Jorge Cruise answers more FAQs about the 19-Day Weight-Loss Plan here .

Is it healthy?

In general, for most people, intermittent fasting is safe and can even improve health and longevity. “What we know is that it seems to be beneficial for biomarkers of aging and even for extend-ing the life of our bodies’ repair systems,” says Michael Roizen, M.D., emeritus chief wellness officer at Cleveland Clinic. But if you have diabetes or take medication that changes your glucose level, downward shifts in blood sugar might not be safe for you. (Anyone should talk to a doctor before making health changes, but diabetics in particular should take note.)

Keto diet concept. Ketogenic diet food. Balanced low carb food background. Vegetables, fish, meat, cheese, nuts, seeds

How It Works

Your days (and nights) will now be broken into two parts, which Jorge calls the Blue Zone and the Red Zone. Here’s what to know:

Blue Zone: This is the eight hours each day during which you eat. There’s guidance for choosing foods ahead, but the bottom line is to plan what you’re going to eat within those hours for the most success. Dr. Roizen recommends setting your eating window to include the morning hours. “Our bodies make us more insulin-sensitive in the morning: If you eat most of your calories before 2 p.m., you will lose more weight than someone who eats the same number of calories later in the day,” he says.

Red Zone: This is when you don’t eat—for 16 hours, some of which you’ll spend asleep. Consume only water, coffee, or tea. Your body will be burning off fat, so you’ve got to give it a chance to do that work without interruption.

Greek salad with fresh vegetables, feta cheese and kalamata olives. Healthy food. Top view

Your 19-Day Eating Plan

So, what are you going to eat for the next 19 days? There isn’t a magic meal or shake that’s going to do the work for you—but you can’t eat absolutely anything you want either. A day of cheesecake and french fries isn’t going to give you the nutrition you need, nor will it keep you satisfied when you’re in the Red Zone. Jorge says you don’t have to count calories, but follow these guidelines to make choices that are good for your body.

How to fill your plate

Every time you eat, think about building a varied plate of vibrant food that will really fill you up. Some of Jorge’s favorite go-tos are Greek salads, portobello mushroom pizzas, and cashew chicken with veggies. These recipes plus tons more from Cruise are featured here . But the basics are:

  • 50% HEALTHY FATS as in olive oil, nuts, and avocado 30% carbs from veggies and whole grains
  • 30% CARBS from veggies and whole grains
  • 20% PROTEIN from chicken, eggs, salmon, and other lean, nutrient-dense foods

Don't forget to drink water: It’s easy to get dehydrated when you’re limiting the times you eat. Avoid that energy-zapping fate by carrying a water bottle or setting reminders on your phone to drink up.

What to avoid

The usual baddies: sugar, overly processed carbs, and foods high in saturated fat. Maybe you’ve tried to cut these out before, but here’s why it’s going to be easier this time: You’ve got only eight hours to eat—why waste it on food that’s not going to give you energy? You do not want to be hungry two hours into the Red Zone! Use your Blue Zone time to fill up on yummy food that will work as hard for you as you are working to lose weight.

How to “cheat” your fast

Jorge’s best secret to adopting his Cruise Control way of eating: Eat when you’re supposed to be fasting! Not just anything, of course, but a treat that’ll both taste good and be easily digested. Have a Cruise Control coffee (that’s coffee with a tablespoon each of cream and butter) or a chia smoothie made with water and a plant-based sweetener like stevia (Jorge loves flavored SweetLeaf drops).

delicious macadamia nuts on a wooden rustic background

5 great snacks

Crunchy, creamy, salty, sweet: Jorge has you covered between meals in the Blue Zone.

  • Frozen grapes
  • Toasted chickpeas
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Avocado sprinkled with sea salt
  • Strawberries and whipped cream

Get the book

There’s more from Jorge in his New York Times best-selling guide, The Cruise Control Diet , now updated and out in paperback. You can also sign up for a free week of coaching at .

This article originally appeared in the January 2020 issue of Prevention.

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Drop 52 Pounds in 30 Days With This ‘Super-Treat’ Keto Plan

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Want keto diet results without depriving yourself of carbs? America’s favorite weight-loss coach can make it happen. “I’ve discovered a hack that gives you keto’s fat-burning benefits but still lets you have foods like fruit, whole grains, chocolate and wine,” reveals Jorge Cruise , author of the new Cruise Control Diet ( $16.80, Amazon ) . Proof it works: Cruise has thousands of Facebook followers testing the science-based strategy. “The average woman is losing a pound every 24 hours — and I’ve already seen losses of up to 12 pounds and five inches of belly fat a week,” he reports. “There’s no hunger, no cravings. You don’t have to exercise or restrict calories. People say they forget they’re on a diet — until they need smaller clothes!” 

To understand how Cruise’s new plan works, first you need a little backstory. “When you’re overweight, it almost always means you have too much insulin, a hormone that tells the body to store fat ,” notes nutrition expert Jason Fung, MD , author of The Obesity Code ( $12.88, Amazon ) . 

Insulin is released to regulate blood sugar we make from carbs and large portions of protein. Trouble is, many of us constantly overload on these foods, causing our systems to malfunction. We wind up with chronically elevated insulin that locks us into burning sugar instead of fat, and it also quickly sends most blood sugar directly to fat cells. Luckily, says Dr. Fung, “Bringing insulin down means weight comes down automatically.” 

While a keto diet eliminates carbs to slash insulin , Cruise says, “It’s too extreme for a lot of us. That’s why my ‘fat cheat’ is key. It allows you to gently lower insulin and dip into ketosis — a state during which the body burns pure fat instead of sugar — without any struggle. And it’s actually better than keto at unleashing your metabolism!”

The Cruise Control Diet

“Research shows that as long as you’re eating 100 percent fat — with no carbs or protein mixed in — insulin stays down,” notes Cruise. So for 16 hours each day, Cruise Control dieters enjoy “super-treats” made almost entirely from fat, including creamy coffee drinks, homemade peppermint patties, macadamia nut butter. and even fudgy chocolate mousse. “These options are delicious and extremely satisfying, so it doesn’t feel like a diet at all,” explains Cruise, “Yet little or no insulin is being produced, so you enter a light state of ketosis. It’s what I call the ‘burn zone’ because you’re burning fat like crazy.” 

After you burn, you enter the “boost zone.” Choose the same eight-hour window each day — such as 11 am to 7 pm — during which you’ll eat traditional meals and snacks, adding plenty of metabolism-boosting protein , veggies, and moderate amounts of healthy carbs to your regimen. Yes, you do make some insulin, but not enough to slow your progress. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. 

“There is actually research that shows cutting carbs for too long slows your thyroid and metabolism. It’s a real problem for keto dieters ,” Cruise warns. “The carbs you get on the cruise control diet keep your thyroid and metabolism humming. Healthy carbs also energize your brain and elevate your mood.” All this while the scale drops! The cruise control diet is new, but folks have already shed up to 52 pounds in 30 days! 

Cruise Control Diet Reviews

After reading excited posts on Facebook, Doris Beyer, 46, was game to try the cruise control diet, but worried it would leave her “hangry.” Then she started sampling fat bombs and other fat-rich treats. “It’s like the fat coats the inside of your stomach and leaves you calm and craving-free,” says the California hairstylist, who eats regular meals between 1 pm and 9 pm daily. Dropping up to a pound a day, she’s traded her size 18 for a 10. “This way of eating has done great things for my body!”

Bronwyn Minin, 47, agrees. Outside of her 11 am to 7 pm eating window, she sticks to fat only — including a decadent coffee made with whipping cream, coconut oil, and a sprinkling of pink Himalayan sea salt. “Before, I was always thinking about food,” recalls the New York life coach. “Now I barely think about it at all. My cravings are gone, my hunger is low, and my energy is fantastic. I’m down from a size 20 to a 12. This plan is so easy to follow, and the results are amazing!” 

Cruise Control Diet Meal Plan

To start, choose any eight-hour window that’s convenient for you — such as 11 am to 7 pm — during which you’ll eat most of your meals and snacks each day. During that window, enjoy two meals and two snacks; emphasize protein, non-starchy veggies, and healthy fat, but also allow yourself a couple servings of healthy carb-rich foods such as fruit, unprocessed starch, dark chocolate, or wine. During the remaining 16 hours each day — your “burn zone” — enjoy up to three servings of Cruise Control Coffee or any treat that gets almost 100 percent of its calories from fat. As always, get a doctor’s okay to try any new plan.

Burn Zone: Cruise Control Coffee — Whip 12 oz. coffee, 1 Tbs. grass-fed butter, 1 Tbs. MCT oil and a pinch of salt until frothy. Or choose any option that’s mostly fat, like one of the keto treat recipes below.

Lunch: Easy chicken platter — 1 palm-sized chicken breast, grilled or baked with seasoning to taste; enjoy with unlimited roasted green beans and side salad plus an optional 1⁄2 ear of corn on the cob.

Dinner: Fiesta shrimp platter — Brush 8 to 10 shrimp and unlimited veggies with olive oil; dust with fajita or taco seasoning and grill or sauté. Serve with an optional whole-wheat tortilla, salsa, Greek yogurt, and cilantro. 

Snack: Choose any two during your eating window — 1 oz. cheese; 2 oz. roasted chickpeas; 2 Tbs. nut butter; 4 oz. red wine; 1 oz. dark chocolate, or 6 chocolate-dipped berries.

Keto Treats

Eat healthy meals during an eight-hour window each day. During the remaining 16 hours, enjoy up to three servings of Cruise Control Coffee or any of these high-fat snacks: 

Ultra-Slimming Fudge Mousse — Whisk one 1.4-oz. pkg. sugar-free chocolate pudding mix with 2 cups heavy cream for 2 minutes. Chill 10 minutes. Makes 2 servings.

Fat-Melting Peppermint Patties — Mix 10 Tbs. melted coconut oil, 1 Tbs. zero-carb sweetener, and 1 tsp. peppermint extract. Pour half the mixture evenly into a candy mold; refrigerate. Add 2 Tbs. unsweetened cocoa to remaining mixture and pour evenly on top of white layer in mold. Freeze 3 hours. Makes 6 servings.

This article originally appeared in our print magazine.

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Everything You Need to Know About the Cruise Control Diet

A diet where you can eat whatever you want and lose weight? "There's no food that's off limits, absolutely none, there's no deprivation," Jorge Cruise, celebrity trainer and author of "The Cruise Control Diet," told Inside Edition. There is one caveat, however: He says you can only eat within an eight-hour window every day. It's called intermittent fasting. "It's really understanding that you can enjoy fasting without starvation," Jorge said.

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The Cruise Control Diet Can Help You Drop 12 Pounds in 7 Days

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Over the past several years, intermittent fasting has emerged as a darling of the weight-loss world. Countless experts have chimed in to recommend extending the time between meals, and research shows impressive results in the lab too. In an animal study at the University of California at San Diego, mice that had access to unlimited food for just nine hours each day lost 73 percent more weight than those with access to food all day.

“It’s the magic formula for accelerating your metabolism ,” asserts nutrition and fitness pro Jorge Cruise, bestselling author of more than 20 books, including his latest, The Cruise Control Diet ( $17.47, Amazon ) . “By lengthening your period of not eating, you can trigger effortless weight loss and increased energy.”

Why is intermittent fasting so effective? Because the body switches between two states: the fed state and the fasted state, explains Jason Fung, MD, author of The Complete Guide to Fasting ( $20.36, Amazon ) . In a fed state (after a meal), the body burns some of the incoming food as fuel — but it doesn’t need much. The “excess” fuel is ferried to fat cells by the hormone insulin , where it can be stored for later. “If we spend our entire day in the fed state, then we are constantly storing fat,” explains Dr. Fung.

In a fasted state (when you haven’t eaten for several hours), insulin levels are lower. Because there’s no excess fuel, there’s no need for the hormone, so the body switches to burning stored fat for fuel. That’s where the weight loss happens, Dr. Fung asserts. But it’s also where things fall apart for many busy women: The “hanger,” brain fog and fatigue caused by switching from one fuel to the other, make it hard to stick with the plan in the real world.

How Fasting Fights Aging

All of the cells in the human body have an innate “recycling” program — allowing them to reuse damaged or non-useful cellular parts to build new, functional cells. With each passing year, this mechanism (called autophagy ) starts to slow. We experience this as aging: wrinkles, dull skin, and low energy. 

But studies show that intermittent fasting is an effective way to dial up the body’s recycling program: “It’s the only known dietary way to stimulate autophagy,” asserts fasting expert Jason Fung, MD. “Simply put, fasting cleanses the body of unhealthy cellular junk. At the same time, fasting also signals the production of some new snazzy cell parts, giving our bodies a complete renovation. Fasting may be considered one of the most potent anti-aging methods in existence.” This brings incredible anti-aging benefits, including 30 percent fewer wrinkles and 25 percent more even skin tone. Research also shows that boosting the body’s natural recycling program can improve cognitive function, strengthen the immune system and reduce cancer risk.

Fortunately, Cruise has discovered how to trick the body into thinking you’re fasting… without actually forgoing food! “I found a scientific loophole that demolishes hunger pangs and keeps energy revved up so no one has to struggle to get the benefits of intermittent fasting,” cheers Cruise.

His delicious, easy secret: healthy fats . “It turns out, certain healthy fats don’t disrupt the body’s fasting state, so you can eat them during your fast, but your body won’t ‘know’ you’ve eaten — it just keeps burning up fat stores as if you haven’t eaten anything at all.” 

According to Dr. Fung, pure dietary fat has almost no effect on insulin levels, so the fat isn’t stored in fat cells. Instead, it is immediately burned for fuel, providing an instant energy boost. That means you can eat pure fat snacks without “breaking” the fast, putting the brakes on fat burn or stalling body-fat loss. 

What’s more, the weight loss comes without any of the uncomfortable hunger pangs that make dieting so frustrating. “Dietary fats kill hunger pangs, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of fasting without feeling deprived,” asserts Dr. Fung. 

Indeed, researchers at Texas Tech University in Lubbock report that eating fat decreases the body’s production of key hunger- promoting hormones and increases the production of satiety hormones — and the combined effect reduces calorie intake by 40 percent for four hours each time you enjoy a pure-fat snack.

The results go beyond hunger-free weight loss. “You really can reap all the benefits of intermittent fasting with none of the adverse effects. You don’t have to exercise or restrict calories,” promises Cruise. “This strategy transforms health dramatically — I regularly hear stories of women being taken off blood pressure medication, of radiant skin, of shiny hair, of clarity and focus that’s been missing for years.” 

In fact, studies show that burning fat for fuel boosts energy by 88 percent, improves sleep quality by 21 percent, and boosts mood as effectively as prescription antidepressants — often within as little as eight days. Ready to start your transformation? Read on for the easy plan!

How to Do the Cruise Control Diet

While on the Cruise Control diet, you’ll enjoy two meals and two snacks between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. each day. “Aim to eat real food,” says Cruise, who has designed meals to keep metabolism humming and minimize fat storage.

That means filling up on 6 oz. of protein (about two large eggs or a serving of fish or poultry the size of two decks of cards), at least 2 cups of dark leafy greens and unlimited non-starchy vegetables (like asparagus and eggplant) per day. You can also enjoy whole-grain bread or pasta at one meal. Cruise suggests eating these carbs with dinner because they foster the production of sleep hormones.

You’ll top off each meal with plenty of high-quality fats (coconut, olive, and avocado oils; nuts and seeds; avocado; and organic dairy), while avoiding fats that stall slimming, including canola, corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, and palm oils.

A sample day to get you started

Pizza for Two: Mix 11⁄2 cups riced cauliflower, 1 egg, and 1 cup shredded mozzarella. Spread on pan. Bake at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 min. Top with cheese and toppings. Broil 5 min.

Roasted Chickpeas: Toss 4 cups cooked chickpeas with 2 Tbs. olive oil and 1 tsp. salt. Spread on baking sheet. Bake at 400°F for 25 min., stirring often. Makes 4 servings.

Steak Salad: Mix 1 cup spinach, 1⁄2 cup carrot ribbons and 3⁄4 cup bell pepper slices with 3 tsp. olive oil. Top with 6 oz. steak, broiled to desired temperature.

Lemon Cake: Mix 1 egg, 2 Tbs. lemon juice, 2 Tbs. cream, 1⁄2 tsp. lemon stevia, 2 Tbs. flour, and 1⁄4 tsp. baking powder. Microwave for 90 sec. Top with whipped cream.

How to Fast for Weight Loss

During your “fasting” window, you can enjoy a pure-fat snack to stave off hunger and sidestep fatigue while keeping insulin levels steady and prodding the body to burn stored fat for fuel.

If you feel hungry during your fast, enjoy a pure-fat treat, like one of the examples below. “You can enjoy as much as you want,” says Cruise, who has developed a line of healthy oils, fat-infused coffee creamers and fasting-friendly sweeteners (available at ). “Pure fat doesn’t trigger insulin, so your body will still think you are fasting.”

One note of caution: “If you’re shifting from a low-fat, high-carb or vegan diet, you may experience some tummy trouble at first,” says Cruise. To ease any discomfort, he suggests taking a digestive enzyme that contains fat-digesting lipase before your pure-fat snacks to help the body break down the fats. One to try: Enzymedica Lypo Gold ( $22.49, Amazon ). 

High-Fat Snacks

Cruise Control Coffee: In blender, combine 12 oz. cooled coffee , 1 Tbs. Cruise Control Latte Creamer (or 1 Tbs. each MCT oil and room temperature grass-fed unsalted butter), 1 Tbs. cinnamon, 2 tsp. monk fruit (optional) and a pinch of sea salt. Pour over ice and enjoy. Not a fan of coffee? Try using 12 oz. of black or dandelion tea as a base instead.

Strawberry Pops: In small saucepan, bring 1⁄2 cup water to a boil. Remove from heat. Add 1 box sugar-free strawberry gelatin, stirring constantly until dissolved. Pour mixture into blender. Add 1 cup heavy cream. Blend until smooth. Pour into 6 Popsicle molds and freeze for 4 hours. 

Chocolate Butter Bombs: Over double boiler, mix 1 cup coconut butter, 1 cup coconut milk, 2 Tbs. unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 1⁄2 tsp. cinnamon, and 1⁄2 tsp. monk fruit. Transfer to bowl; refrigerate until solid. Roll into 10 (1-inch) balls. If desired, sprinkle with unsweetened coconut flakes or cocoa powder.

Margarita Panna Cotta: In bowl, sprinkle 3 Tbsp. gelatin onto 12 oz. coconut cream. While gelatin softens, heat 1⁄4 cup coconut oil, 2 Tbs. stevia and 3 tsp. vanilla extract over low heat until melted and combined. Stir in gelatin mixture. Once combined, remove from heat and stir in the juice and zest of 2 limes. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Garnish with lime, then serve.

This story originally appeared in our print magazine.

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Food and Nutrition Articles

Does the Cruise Control Diet Work?

Does the Cruise Control Diet Work

The Cruise Control Diet is a trending approach for weight loss.

You can lose an average of 30 pounds in 8 weeks without relying on pills, gimmicks, restrictions or protein shakes. The weight loss is also sustainable.

At least, that’s what the marketing says.

It sounds amazing. But, does the Cruise Control Diet work? That’s what we’re looking at in this review. Read on to find out what the diet is and what you can expect.

What is the Cruise Control Diet?

Cruise Control Diet

The Cruise Control Diet is promoted as a healthy way to lose weight and keep it off. It is meant to be especially powerful for anyone who struggles with yo-yo dieting. 

There are four key components to the system:

  • Eat natural foods that help fat burning
  • Avoid processed foods , packaged foods and other foods that cause fat storage
  • Allow yourself some treats
  • Don’t count calories , don't keep food journals and don't do anything similar. Instead of those techniques, focus on the way that your body responds and on your hunger

The first two are common pieces of weight loss advice. The third is an idea that some people advocate, while others don't.

The last approach is what sets this diet apart. This is promoted in the marketing too. 

But, before we go into that, let's talk about what you get. 

The Cruise Control Diet PDF

The main aspect of the program is simply a PDF guide. 

Signing up costs $39.99 (so, $40 basically) and gets you a physical version of the core program book, along with a cookbook and a jumpstart guide. You pay $9.99 shipping if you’re in the United States or Canada, more if you’re overseas. This gives a total price of around $50.

You also get a digital version (of the core book) once the order has been made. This basically gives you a digital and a physical version of the same book - which is convenient.

That's a decent amount to pay for one book and a few extra bonuses. But, if it works, the price might be worth it. 

You don't need to buy any pills or specific meals, making this cheaper than many other diets. 

Even so, you might find your grocery bill increases, especially if you're switching from processed meals to whole food alternatives. Still, you can find ways to lower costs on a whole foods diet, like focusing on meal prep.

In fact, a whole foods diet tends to be less expensive in the long run, provided that you plan effectively and shop well.

Are There Any Guarantees?

The Cruise Control Diet does come with a 60-day money back guarantee. To obtain this, you need to return the physical product within that 60-day window. You also need to pay for shipping and tracking for the product you're returning. 

The diet relies on whole foods and is not restrictive. Most of the details are provided in the form of a PDF

How the Cruise Control Diet Works

The Cruise Control Diet claims that it isn't restrictive and that you don't need to record or count anything. So, how do you lose weight? 

There are two key concepts at play. 

1. Whole Foods

The general idea is that you're moving away from processed foods, towards meals that you prepare yourself, using whole ingredients. 

Doing so is powerful for health and for weight loss. Whole foods are often more satisfying and can help you feel full. This aspect alone promotes weight loss. You're also putting more time and thought into your meals, which is a good thing. 

2. Intuitive Eating

The other idea is basically intuitive eating. 

Instead of cutting food out, you're focusing on how your body responds. This involves paying close attention to hunger cues.

Intuitive eaters often avoid viewing foods as 'good' or 'bad'. That approach can reduce emotional association with food and make weight loss much easier. 

Cruise Control Meal Plan

The site for the Cruise Control Diet is intentionally vague. So, beyond the idea of ‘natural foods’, there isn’t much information about what you are eating.

There also isn’t a meal plan as such. You are meant to simply be focusing on whole and healthy foods, which includes avoiding processed options. This also means you’re mostly cooking meals yourself.

The foods that you focus on include the following:

  • Fruit and vegetables (like figs and pomegranate )
  • Whole grains
  • Pulses (e.g. lentils, chickpeas and dry beans)

You’ll notice that the choices are mostly conventional ‘healthy foods’. This means you are still consuming carbs and grains. Likewise, the diet isn’t suitable for vegans or anyone who needs to avoid gluten. 

Still, you could modify the principles to account for any food restrictions or preferences. 

The diet is similar to intuitive eating and includes a focus on healthy and unprocessed food

Reviews for the Cruise Control Diet

There are surprisingly few realistic Cruise Control Diet reviews, which is an immediate indication of quality. I did find some reviews that suggest the program works well. At the very least, you do seem to get the physical book and it does teach some weight loss concepts.

Cruise Control Review 1

The reviewer goes on to mention email support being sent most days. That would be a key advantage and the feature is highlighted on the site as well.

Other people also mentioned that the diet worked for them and they lost weight.

Cruise Control Review 2

These are great outcomes. They’re also not surprising, as many of the concepts are legitimate. Even so, I found no more than half a dozen reviews that seem to come from actual users. That’s not encouraging for a diet that is meant to be incredible.

There are also indications that the book itself is poor quality . The sites Consumers Compare and Birth Order Plus both highlight this aspect. They refer to reviews for an Amazon product that has since been removed.

Given the nature of Cruise Control Diet’s site, I would be surprised if the book was decent. This is a serious problem because most of the information can easily be found elsewhere .

There are hardly any reviews for the approach online – although the reviews I found were mostly positive

Does it Work?

what is the cruise control diet

The simple answer is yes, the Cruise Control Diet does work. 

  • It relies on sound principles, including whole foods, intuitive eating and cutting out processed alternatives. 
  • The approach is less strict than many other diet types, making it more realistic in the long-term. 
  • It may be especially powerful for people who struggle with restrictive diets and rules.

The diet also doesn't rely on pills, shakes or other products you need to buy regularly. This makes it more practical in many situations, especially if you're on a budget. 

But, it has limitations too. 

  • Intuitive dieting is hard (we'll talk about why it is shortly). It works well for some people but not for most. 
  • You're just getting a book, which mostly relies on general principles. That's not going to be enough in many cases.
  • You can learn the same approaches by picking up a book on intuitive eating (like this one ) or finding articles on that topic.

In fact, there are many intuitive dieting experts out there. They are likely to offer more support and guidance than you could ever find through Cruise Control. They will also have a better sense of how to best approach this concept.

And honestly, intuitive dieting is harder than it sounds. If you want it to work, you are going to need more support than the Cruise Control Diet can ever offer.

Personally, I wouldn't trust Cruise Control Diet itself. The website is too full of hype and is vague in most areas. Still, the approach is more reliable than many fad diets, so it's not a horrible approach either. 

One final note - the underlying concepts can also be applied to other diet types. 

For example, Healthy Gamer Girl talks about how intuitive eating can be relevant to the keto diet . The idea is often combined with intermittent fasting as well, especially for people who fast some days and eat ‘regular’ food other days.

Cruise Control Diet Side Effects

There aren't any significant side effects associated with the diet - partly because it just relies on whole foods. But, you may experience side effects like sugar cravings if your diet was heavy in sugar or processed food previously.

Those side effects are associated with the change to your diet, not from the Cruise Control approach itself. 

Who Made the Cruise Control Diet?

While the diet sounds powerful, there are some red flags from the beginning.

For one thing, the website offers little information about the company or person behind the diet. We’re told that the creator is James Ward. But, nothing much is said about who James Ward is and even whether he is a real person.

The most information I could find is the image below, which is pretty useless.

James Ward

Contact information is provided, including a mailing address (in Billerica, MA), a phone number and a contact form. That’s about it.

This isn’t much information about who created the approach. There’s no way of knowing whether they have any skills or background in the field.

Instead, the website mostly feels like someone is trying to cash in on the weight loss trend.

Cruise Control and Slimbiotine

I also want to point out one odd pattern.

The Cruise Control Diet is promoted as a powerful way to lose weight and includes the idea of focusing on food, not supplements. Yet, the site’s sidebar includes a link to a 20-page special report that promotes SlimBiotine.


This product is a “probiotic slimming solution”, and is basically a probiotic with a few extra ingredients (including cinnamon extract). Probiotics can be powerful for health and may even offer some weight loss benefits.

But, that’s beside the point. There are countless probiotic supplements out there and you can also turn to fermented foods for the same benefits.  

I’m more concerned about the way this is being promoted, which includes phrases like this:

Promotional Material

That’s a concerning pattern for a site that offers a food-based weight loss approach.

There is little information about the author or company behind the Cruise Control Diet, which is very concerning

Weight Loss Claims

The Cruise Control Diet makes many bold claims, right from the beginning. This includes ideas like losing 30 pounds in 8 weeks. 

Claims like this aren't typically realistic. Instead, the amount of weight loss depends on how much you have to lose (as it normally does), along with your previous eating patterns. The site for the diet highlights this as well.

Speed of Weight Loss

To me, the style feels like manipulation. They do make it clear that not everyone will lose 30 pounds in 8 weeks. Yet, their marketing claims remain over-the-top. 

This is another reason to be wary with the site. 

The Cruise Control Diet website makes bold weight loss claims but they're not realistic for most people

Cruise Control versus Intuitive Eating

Eating a salad

As we mentioned before, Cruise Control is basically just a variation on intuitive eating .

Intuitive eating has become popular recently and there are many sites and books out there that focus on it. The concept is that you’re supporting and nurturing your body , responding to its needs – rather than trying to follow a strict diet and arbitrary restrictions.

Because intuitive dieting sounds so good, many sites have published articles detailing exactly what you can (and cannot) expect. One example is Dr. Axe , who has a fascinating breakdown of the idea.

This style tends to be more sustainable than most diets. And, like the Cruise Control site claims, it can work well for yo-yo dieters .

The advantage is that this isn’t an all-or-nothing approach . That means you can never fail at the diet. You don’t even have cheat days because eating ‘bad’ food is a standard part of the diet.

For people who struggle to stick to a diet, this aspect is powerful.

Intuitive dieting suggests the main reason people aren’t losing weight isn’t food at all. Instead, it focuses on emotional concepts and the way we often eat based on how we feel , not what we need. Key advantages include:

  • Less stressful. With no counting or calorie control, intuitive eating and the Cruise Control diet are easy approaches to follow.
  • No guilt . The approach allows for ‘guilty pleasures’, so there is no sense of blame if you decide to have ice cream for dessert (or even for breakfast).
  • Psychological benefits. The idea helps break the idea of ‘good food’ and ‘bad food’, along with the deprivation effect. This should help promote a healthy relationship with food. It also means you’re not likely to binge on chocolate because it is forbidden. Many people find that allowing treat food actually decreases the chance that they will eat it.
  • Can be inexpensive . There are no specialized foods to worry about and no need to source obscure ingredients. This makes the diet cheaper than most other alternatives.
  • Can be tailored. The idea of healthy food can be interpreted in many ways. This allows you to alter the approach so it suits your own needs and choose the food that makes you feel good.
  • Enjoyable and satisfying. Intuitive eating has a strong focus on enjoying food and listening to your body. This can be satisfying. It’s a key reason why the approach is so easy to follow.
  • Supported by research . There are many studies that suggest intuitive eating can work well. Benefits include weight loss, improved psychological health ( 1 ), better self-acceptance and satisfaction ( 2 ), increased physical activity ( 3 ), improved overall health and decreased risk of eating disorder symptoms ( 4 ).

Many authors support the idea or similar approaches, such as in this article from Refinery 29 .

Limitations of the Idea

In principle, intuitive eating and the Cruise Control Diet are both solid concepts. Like most approaches, they do work for some people and they can be effective.

Simply eating good food and listening to your body should be enough to promote weight loss. But, if that were true, people wouldn’t struggle with weight loss so much.

Instead, there are some reasons why intuitive dieting often doesn’t work. These include:

  • Easy to overeat. Like the idea of moderation, intuitive eating is a vague concept. It’s easy to eat too much high-calorie food or to eat too frequently. With no counting and tracking, you may not even realize you’re doing so.
  • Hunger signals aren’t always accurate. Listening to your hunger is great – but it won’t always work. For example, some hormonal issues or health problems can mean people feel hungry even when they’re not. Other issues can also present like hunger.
  • Making good food choices is tough . The general concept here is that you’re choosing healthy food. But, definitions of what is healthy vary. Many recipes with healthy ingredients are also high in calories. Balancing your food intake is not easy when most of the guidance you get is vague.

As The F*** it Diet points out, intuitive eating can also be a very bad fit for some people. It can make them obsessional about hunger and create additional eating issues.

Overall, there are more advantages than disadvantages . But, the idea won't work for everyone. Some people will struggle with the ideas and may even gain weight rather than losing it.

For that matter, intuitive eating is often promoted as having mental and emotional benefits first and foremost. While many people do lose weight, weight loss often isn’t the main goal .

Intuitive eating is generally powerful and offers many benefits. But, it has some challenges as well and won’t suit everyone

Final Thoughts

The Cruise Control Diet is better than most. It follows sound principles, ones that could lead to weight loss. Some people also like having a single guide that they can follow. 

Still, none of the concepts are unique. You could find more guidance and support from other resources. Intuitive dieting mightn't be a good fit for you either. You might find that the idea is simply too vague or is difficult to follow. 

You could also consider other whole food focused diets, like the following:

  • Paleo or Whole30
  • Mediterranean Diet
  • Weight Watchers
  • Low Carb or Keto

Some of these are better than others but they are all other options that can be effective.

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Weight loss is a huge industry, with no shortage of hype. But, long-term weight loss doesn't come from a crash diet or a popular fad .

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Does the Cruise Control Diet Work?

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2 thoughts on “Does the Cruise Control Diet Work?”

I have been on the Cruise Control Diet for just over 2 months. It has been wonderful from the start. I have followed the plan very carefully, have avoided sugar, processed foods, and foods high in sodium. I am 73 years old and have not felt this good in many, many years. I have lost 29 lbs so far, about 12 to go to hit my goal of 200 lbs. I also started the SlimBiotene product which I also feel is very helpful. At least 1 or 2 times a week James Ward sends out helpful and encouraging emails. And, contrary to your negative comments, I have found his program book extremely helpful and easy to follow. This was, in fact, the best $39.95 I have ever spent. I look at this as a lifestyle change, and not a “diet”.

I’m glad you did. Like most diets, this approach would work for weight loss. It’s rare to find a diet that doesn’t. The real question is whether the idea is sustainable – and whether it’s worth the money. You could easily find similar programs and information online for free, and the effectiveness of supplements is always debatable.

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The Cruise Control Diet – How It’s Different from Other Diets

what is the cruise control diet

General Facts and How the Diet Functions

  • Boost the body’s ability to burn fat by consuming natural, healthy foods.
  • Avoid any packaged and processed foods that might lead your body to store up fat. This includes bottled drinks with added sugars, juices and smoothies. However…
  • To alleviate the psychological burden associated with dieting and culinary restrictions, you are allowed to plan the occasional cheat day. If you feel like ordering a pizza, drinking five pints of beer in a row or downing a whole bottle of soda, more power to you. This will prevent you from dropping the program and falling back into your old, destructive habits. Obviously, just make sure you do not turn every single day into a cheat day.
  • Avoid, or at least do your best not to count calories, frequently check how much weight you have dropped and portion your meals to the point of obsession.

Dieting Process

What kinds of foods are you allowed to eat.

  • Vegetables – cabbage, avocado, leeks, onions, tomatoes, spinach, Brussel sprouts, carrots, asparagus, broccoli, potatoes, squash, cauliflowers, green beans, chard, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, mushrooms.
  • Fruits – lemons, prunes, limes, raspberries, figs, cantaloupe, apricots, blueberries, bananas, watermelon, pears, strawberries, oranges, apples, limes, pineapple, peaches.
  • Grains – barley, rye, brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, millet, spelt, oats, buckwheat.
  • Seeds and nuts – walnuts, pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds, cashews, peanuts, flaxseed, almonds.
  • Lean meats – turkey, salmon, sardines, prawns, shrimp, halibut, cod, tuna, chicken, lean beef.
  • Others – Milk, yogurt, eggs, feta cheese.
  • Quick Cornish Hens
  • Pork With Cabbage Casserole
  • Eggplant Parmesan
  • Spring Lamb Steaks
  • Beef Pot Roast
  • Roast Pepper Salad
  • Greek Village Salad

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What is The Cruise Control Diet – Jorge Cruise

Updated on August 16, 2019

Steve Calvert

The Cruise Control Diet is a popular weight loss program developed by celebrity trainer and fitness expert Jorge Cruise. Loved by Oprah Winfrey and a host of celebrities – can you really Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever

Cruise Control Diet

In 2019, Jorge published his diet as a book and it quickly became a #1 Best Seller.

Sounds simple enough, right? Unfortunately, things are far from being simple. Jorge’s diet is not the only Cruise Control Diet .

There is another one.

That’s right, believe it or not, there are two different diets sharing the same name. How’s that for a big slice of crazy?

The other Cruise Control Diet was developed by a fitness fanatic called Peter Ward. He published his diet as a book as well and got there first.

Peter Ward’s launched his Cruise Control Diet book in 2016.

Cruise Control Diet", James Ward' Diet

However, although both diets are generally referred to as the “Cruise Control Diet”, James Ward’ Diet is published as The Cruise Control Diet Core Program.

To give it, its full name Jorge Cruise’s diet is called The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever .

Although James Ward’s diet was well received within the medical community, Jorge’s book made a significantly bigger splash on its release. In fact, many celebrities are using his Cruise Control Diet to stay in shape.

It’s also worth mentioning the fact that Jorge has far better credentials as a weight loss expert. The guy knows his stuff.

These days, when people go online looking for information about the Cruise Control Diet, they are probably interested in finding out about Jorge’s Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever.

That’s weight loss system this article is about.

However, once you are familiar with the diet, I will also provide a brief explanation of the main differences between the two diets.

Content Table

Who is Jorge Cruise?

Jorge Cruise is a celebrity fitness trainer, health expert, and author. Although his Cruise Control Diet book is the one that gets the most attention now, he’s written a number of other weight loss books as well.

More than 20, in fact.

He has also appeared on several TV programs including The Today Show, Good Morning America, and the Dr. Oz Show.

However, Jorge got his big break when Oprah Winfrey hired him as her personal trainer.

She also gave him guest spots in her shows and featured him in her magazine.

Many big-name celebrities admit to using his diet plants. Angelina Jolie, Miley Cyrus, and Jennifer Lopez are just a few.

Jorge’s interest in weight loss and health and fitness stems from personal experience. He was overweight during most of adolescent years and early adult life.

After suffering a burst appendix and learning of his father’s prostate cancer, Jorge became more health conscious and lost over 40 pounds in weight.

His early weight loss philosophy centered heavily on building lean muscle mass to increase metabolism. This was a key concept in his 8 Minutes in a Morning series of books.

Jorge’s book, The 3-Hour Diet focuses on eating smaller, more frequent meals. The Belly Fat Cure extols the benefits of meals that are low in carbs and sugar.

His #1 New York Times bestseller, The 100, concentrates on sugar calories. The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever, focuses more on the role insulin can play in weight gain and weight loss.

How Jorge’s Cruise Control Diet Works

Jorge’s Cruise Control Diet is a form of intermittent fasting. As with other diets of this type, it involves periods where food is allowed and periods of fasting.

what is the cruise control diet

In this case, there is an 8-hour window where Cruise Dieters can eat and a 16-hour period of semi-fasting.

Jorge calls the 8-hour period “The Boost Zone” and, for obvious reasons, when Cruise Control dieters enter the following 16-hour period, they are in

“The Burn Zone”.

If there’s a big problem with intermittent fasting in general it’s hunger. Jorge gets around this with his special Cruise Control Fasting system.

One of the key selling points of the system is dieters can allegedly lose weight without feeling hungry or having to fully fast.

Jorge’s system permits certain “bumper foods” dieters can eat in both periods. These help satiate appetite, while also supporting fat burning.

During the 8-Hour Boost Zone, Cruise Control dieters can also eat “indulgent foods” such as tacos, burgers, and pasta. That’s a fact that will appeal to a lot of people.

What are Bumper Foods?

According to Jorge, the bumper foods provide healthy fats that make it possible to “cheat the fast” and avoid hunger.

Avocado and detoxing

Coconut oil, avocado oil, butter, and even heavy cream are just a few of the fats dieters can include in their Bumper Zones.

During an interview on The Rachael Ray Show, Jorge admits he often adds 2 tablespoons of heavy cream or butter to his morning coffee.

Will a coffee full of butter ever catch on? That seems unlikely, but it’s not a compulsory addition and The Cruise Control Diet is proving to be a very popular way to lose weight.

As for sweetener, Jorge avoids sugar entirely and opts for a natural sweetener such as monk fruit instead.

Insulin Vs Calories

Jorge believes insulin plays a far bigger role in weight gain than calories do.

Insulin levels often rise after a meal. Jorge says if levels become too high it pulls extra glucose into the cells, causing belly fat.

Using diagrams on a blackboard to illustrate his theory to Rachael Ray and her audience he said, when people are very overweight high insulin is to blame.

Going further, he states it’s just carbs and proteins that usually cause this, along with certain vegetable fats. However, the “good oils”, such as avocado oil and olive oil, do not.

As for the people who are only 20 pounds overweight, Jorge says they have “balanced insulin.”

According to Jorge, the key to losing weight is to have no insulin during the 16-hour Burn Zone.

With no insulin, the energy does not enter the cells and the body has to use the healthy fats, along with its stores of fat, as a source of energy instead. A similar claim is made for the Keto Diet.

Jorge states his diet delivers weight losses of up to 28 pounds in 28 days. That’s a pound a day.

Before going any further, it’s important to point out many health professionals state a safe rate of weight loss involves losing no more than 2 pounds a week.

Be aware of that before going all googly-eyed at the thought of losing a pound per day. ( )

It’s also important to point out, although avocado oil is a Bumper Food, avocado pears are not. The fruit contains carbs and protein as well as healthy oils. Cruise Control dieters can only eat fruit during the 8-hour Boost Zone.

Dietary Ratios

16-Hour Burn Zone

During the Burn Zone, only Bumper Foods are permissible, which provide 100% (healthy) fats.

8-Hour Boost Zone

During the boost zone the ratios are:

  • 50% Healthy Fats (avocado fruit, olives nuts, etc. Even chocolate!)
  • 30% Healthy Carbs (bread, pasta, carrots etc.)
  • 20% Protein (eggs, bacon, burgers, chicken, etc.)

However, during his presentation on the Rachel Ray show, Jorge states certain cheeses are permissible during the fasting window. This is is contradictory because cheese is a source of protein.

He also mentions a glass of wine at night.

Presumably, this is a slip of the tongue because wine is not a source of healthy fats.

It is a source of simple carbs (sugars) and alcohol though. Alcohol is high in calories. There are 7 calories per gram of pure alcohol. Many wines are between 11% and 13% alcohol.

Jorge Cruise’s Diet Vs. the Peter Ward Cruise Control Diet

The thing to know is, these two diets are not just variations on a theme. Peter Ward’s diet is very different from the one developed by Jorge Cruise.

Ward’s Cruise Control Diet involves a whole-food approach to weight loss and overall good health.

There are four general rules:

  • Eat natural foods that support fat burning
  • Avoid processed foods and other types of food that encourage fat storage
  • Have occasional treats, such as cookies and chocolate
  • Don’t count calories, keep food journals, or attempt portion control. Go with your natural hunger instincts instead.

It also involves 3 stages.

The Metabolic Reset stage lasts for 3 weeks. It helps you to reset your body’s blood sugar and insulin levels and learn to avoid processed foods. Additionally, it teaches you to listen to genuine hunger instead of cravings.

The Cruise Control stage lasts for 3-5 weeks.

It helps you become used to eating well-balanced natural food. However, at this stage, you may also eat junk food two times each week. This helps your body get the fat it needs.

The Rapid Fat Burning stage kicks in somewhere during weeks 6-8 of the diet.

As you can see the two systems are not comparable. Jorge’s diet allows burgers, sausages, and processed meats (during the Boost Zone). Ward’s diet initially prohibits such foods and then only permits them two times per week.

Further Support from Jorge

Jorge also has an official website. It focuses on his Cruise Control Diet. None of his other books feature on the site.

Although The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever is available to buy via many booksellers (online and in-store), Jorge’s site offers visitors the opportunity for extra support via his Cruise Control Fasting Club.

The first week is free. After the free week, membership involves a weekly cost. This is billed annually, at a cost of $199.97.

Club membership involves a live weekly accountability meeting with Jorge, via the internet. Members also have access to his team of Cruise Control Ambassadors when they need extra support. There are a few other perks as well, including weekly meal plans.

The site also has a new shop. At the time of writing, the only item was a keto-approved Cruise Control Latte Coffee, which was marked as “coming soon.”

Celebrity Endorsements

Television host, model, actress, and New York Times Best-Selling Author, Brooke Burke Charvet states Jorge’s Cruise Control Diets has helped her control her body and given her freedom with her diet.

Other celebrities, including Khloe Kardashian and Tony Robbins, give positive endorsements via Jorge’s website as well. However, they don’t mention any particular diet and, let’s not forget, he’s created a few.

Cruise Control Diet Customer Reviews

Although most readers offer plenty of praise and the book is a best seller, there is also a lot of criticism.

One reader describes it as nothing new and “just a rehash of several low-carb/keto gurus.”

Some readers also dislike the fact the book contains a sales pitch for Jorge’s coffee, bars, and shakes.

Bearing in mind the fact that the coffee is not yet available and the other two products are not mentioned on his site, it would seem there has been a lot pre-planning done on the marketing side of things.

Another unhappy book buyer states, “Every time he mentions how rich he is, the toys he has, or posh place he lives I want to throw the bloody book across the room. I don’t care about it.” The reader adds, “I’m looking for health advice.”

Jorge has a lot of credibility and the majority of reader reviews suggest his Cruise Control Diet may work for some people.

However, with or without “Bumper Foods”, intermittent fasting is not for everyone. Many people find it hard to do and it’s not just about hunger. Eating within a restricted window of time can be a very alien experience.

Bearing in mind the high-fat nature of the diet, it’s possible it may cause a state of ketosis. This could result in bad breath—a common problem with ketosis.

The book actually discourages use of the Keto Diet, stating it can entail health risks. However, that does not stop Jorge from promoting his coffee as a keto-friendly product.

There another point to bear in mind before doing this diet.

Apart from promising a rate of weight loss that may not he healthy, Jorge’s diet plan also goes against accepted recommendations on healthy eating.( )

It also has to be remembered, this is a diet built around the theory that “good fats” support weight loss. What if the theory is wrong? Fat is a high-energy food that provides 9 calories per gram.

Despite his credibility, the fact that Jorge wastes time boasting about his wealth may make some readers question the motives behind the book. Especially with the plugs for products that have yet to become available.

If you can handle fasting, and think the Cruise Control Diet may be for you, all you will need is the book. 

However, for most people, this type of diet is a big departure from the norm. Before making such major lifestyle changes it is always advisable to seek expert medical advice.

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About Steve Calvert

Steve Calvert (CPD Certified in Nutrition for Weight Loss) Steve is an experienced writer and researcher with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fitness, nutrition and weight loss sector. He has a background in bodybuilding and the martial arts and continues to use a combination of exercise and healthy eating to stay in shape. Steve has reviewed hundreds of supplements since 2012. He is very accurate and methodical in his approach and understand the importance using correctly dosed ingredients. LinkedIn

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The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to Conquer Weight Loss Forever

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Jorge Cruise

The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to Conquer Weight Loss Forever Kindle Edition

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  • Print length 372 pages
  • Language English
  • Sticky notes On Kindle Scribe
  • Publisher Ballantine Books
  • Publication date April 2, 2019
  • File size 15477 KB
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Cruise Control Diet Coffee

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Make your coffee: Brew 1 cup (8-12 ounces) of coffee.

Spike it with fat: Add 1 teaspoon MCT.

Add electrolyte: Add a pinch of Himalayan salt.

Butter it up: Add 1-2 tablespoons of grass-fed unsalted butter, grass-fed ghee, coconut oil, or heavy whipping cream. Make sure your butter is unsalted.

Blend: Mix it all in a blender for 20-30 seconds until it looks like a creamy latte. There will be a good amount of foam on top.

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  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07FLNSPD1
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Ballantine Books; 1st edition (April 2, 2019)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ April 2, 2019
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 15477 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 372 pages
  • Page numbers source ISBN ‏ : ‎ 0525618694
  • #367 in Healthy Cooking
  • #507 in Weight Maintenance Diets
  • #538 in Weight Loss Diets (Kindle Store)

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The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever

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About the author

Jorge cruise.

JORGE CRUISE is a 13X New York Times best-selling wellness author with over eight million books in print. He contributes to Good Morning America, The Today Show, Rachael Ray Show, EXTRA TV, LIVE with Kelly and Ryan, The View, Khloe Kardashian’s Revenge Body, First for Women Magazine, and Women’s World Magazine. He is also the creator of Zero Hunger Water and hosts the JORGE CRUISE Podcast with over 125,000 listeners.

Jorge received his Bachelor's degree from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD); fitness credentials from the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

Jorge’s health journey catapulted to the next level at the age of 25 after the passing of his dear mother, Gloria. Twelve months later, he appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show (November 1998). Jorge credits The Oprah Winfrey Show as the launching pad for his career in the public eye. This appearance led to a feature in Oprah Magazine (January 2005 issue) and again in her book, O's Guide to Life.

Over the years, Jorge has developed a celebrity following of his wellness protocols. These celebrities include President Bill Clinton, Steve Harvey, Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Kyle Richards, Eva Longoria, Brooke Burke, Tony Robbins, Countess Luann, and Dorinda Medley.

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What Is Cruise Control Diet?

Cruise Control Diet

With the increasing number of people looking to lose weight , it is no surprise that there are new weight-loss diets and workout plans emerging. The Cruise Control Diet is one of the few weight loss diet plan that has proved to be effective and pocket-friendly.

You may not have heard about this diet prior to your reading this article, and that’s not even a bad thing.

The cruise control diet was created by James Ward and people who have tried this weight-loss diet plan claim it not only helped them shed a few pounds, it also helped them to maintain their new figure.

The success of the cruise control diet lies in its emphasis on leading a clean and healthy lifestyle. If you have tried other plans but seem to hit a brick wall with burning stubborn fat, this plan is exactly what you need.

Read further to learn all about the cruise control diet, how to get desired results, and how to maintain a healthy body through this diet.

What is the cruise control diet and how did it begin?

The Cruise Control Diet is a healthy weight-loss eating plan that dwells on an all-natural whole foods approach to fat burning. Which means you get to lose as much weight as you want without dealing with too many restrictions.

This plan is beneficial to the dieter because he or she is able to incorporate a new and healthier lifestyle, which is a better option than just burning fat and battling with weight maintenance.

James Ward, the brain behind the cruise diet, pointed out that before this diet plan, he was a yo-yo dieter. This means that he would be on a weight-loss plan and successfully shed some fat, but would quickly bulk up again like he never lost any weight.

After trying different diets and getting the same results, he figured that what he needed was a sustainable diet plan that would not stop him from eating the foods he loved and still help him maintain a healthy weight .

That was how the story of the cruise control diet began. The official cruise control diet website was up and running in 2011, and has been as useful as possible to people who need it.

But you may wonder, why is this cruise control diet so successful? The simple answer lies in the four basic principles this diet follows.

How the cruise control diet works?

The Cruise Control Diet functions via the following four principles:

  • Consume only natural, whole food options that will not only keep you satiated but help you burn excess fat.
  • Avoid snacking on junk or consuming processed and packaged foods.
  • Don’t completely avoid the consumption of chocolate, cookies, or even candies. It is OK to enjoy them every once in a while.
  • Do not engage in counting calories or even bother to maintain a food journal. Allow your natural instinct to guide you on what is OK for you to consume and the right quality of it.

These four simple principles, to some people, might seem pretty odd especially as most dieters have become so used to highly restrictive diets that usually don’t give room for the consumption of just about anything that the dieter feels like eating.

But that is also the reason why many dieters find it hard to keep up with their diet. The main point of the Cruise Control Diet is very simple; not to hinder the natural hunger of the dieter and to keep eating healthy .

The only thing that the Cruise Control Diet restricts are packaged foods and foods that are not natural. You should take a look at the section after this to get a clearer picture of what I mean.

Foods to eat

Carrot, broccoli, tomato, cauliflower, kale, spinach, bell pepper, Chinese cabbage, purple cabbage, cabbage, radish, turnip, snake gourd, beans, drumsticks, radish greens, scallion, collard greens, Swiss chard, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, okra, brinjal, bitter gourd, squash, bottle gourd, edamame, striped gourd, bok choy, and peas.

Strawberries, pineapple, watermelon, banana, gooseberries, apple, peach, plum, pomegranate, cranberries, dates, lime, orange, lemon, apricot, tangerine, pluot, star fruit, apricot, papaya, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, and sweet lime.

Soy chunks, free-range eggs, soybeans, wild-caught fish, kidney beans, chicken , grass-fed beef, kidney beans, pork, lentils, soy milk, and mushroom.

Cheese, grass-fed cow’s milk, butter, and ghee.

Nuts And Seeds

Melon seeds, almonds, pistachio, chia seeds, cashew nuts , macadamia, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds.

Fats And Oils

Olive oil, cheese, rice bran oil, peanut butter, butter, almond butter ghee, and coconut oil.

Water, vegetable juice , fresh coconut water, freshly pressed fruit juice, herbal tea, and homemade buttermilk.

Herbs And Spices

Cilantro, garlic, dill, thyme, basil, mint, curry leaves, oregano, bay leaf, dried red chili, cardamom, onion, ginger, saffron, mace, clove, cinnamon, ginger powder, parsley, rosemary, black pepper , cayenne pepper, chili flakes, garlic powder, onion powder, fennel seeds, and white pepper.

Foods To Avoid

  • Potato wafers
  • Fried foods
  • Salami and sausage
  • Frozen foods
  • Energy drinks
  • Packaged fruit juice
  • Added artificial flavours and colours

Now that you know all the needs you need to buy when next you go grocery shopping or pay a visit to the supermarket, below is a sample diet chart you might find useful.

This diet chart is a good one because it will help you stay satiated for a long duration of time, and also prevent you from feeling like you’re deprived of eating good and delicious foods.

Nevertheless, you must avoid any form of trans fat and package or processed foods. You have to consume only homemade food.

We also know how busy your life may be, and we have decided to share some amazing, quick, and delicious cruise diet recipes that you’ll love. Read about these recipes in our cruise control diet recipe article .

Cruise Control Diet Benefits

  • Helps to burn calories fast and aids weight loss .
  • Helps to Increase stamina.
  • Improves overall lifestyle.
  • Helps to improve body composition.
  • Greatly increases energy levels.
  • Helps to improve sleep life.
  • Lowers stress.
  • Improves digestion and gut function.

So, as you can already see, there are numerous health benefits that come with the Cruise Control Diet. However, it is only normal to feel somewhat sceptical about a strange diet that is nothing like the traditional restrictive weight loss diets.

The other question you may want to ask, is this diet safe?

Is The Cruise Control Diet Safe?

Absolutely! the Cruise Control Diet is completely safe for you. Initially, you may find yourself overeating and may assume that the diet is not working.

However, as you begin to avoid the processed foods and all the fried foods that are unhealthy and contain a bunch of calories and a truckload of added sugar and salt – you will begin to lose all of that excess weight naturally.

So, does this mean that people with overweight BMI can opt for the cruise control diet? How exactly can you decide if this diet is right for you?

Is The Cruise Control Diet For You?

The Cruise Control Diet is great, but it’s especially for yo-yo dieters.

As explained earlier, If you are one of those who lose weight when on a specific diet and begin to gain the fat and flab back as soon as you stop following your diet, then the cruise control diet will help to stop your body weight fluctuations.

Below is what you must keep in mind.


Have a talk with your doctor before you try this diet . While it has proven to be effective, whether it works for you or not will greatly depend on your age, your BMI, current weight, medical history, and other factors.

Leave a comment below if you have questions or opinions you’ll Love to share. We look forward to hearing from you.

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What are the 5 Foods You Should Avoid on the Cruise Control Diet?

The Cruise Control Diet offers individuals who want to lose weight with a flexible diet program that makes getting in shape simpler. It’s designed to avoid all the limitations and strict rules often found in diet programs today. The program is created by James Ward, and while it only has a few rules, there are certain foods to avoid on the Cruise Control Diet . Here’s a closer look at the 5 foods you shouldn’t eat.

The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss...

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1 – Low-Fat Yogurt

You probably think that low-fat yogurt is a great addition to your diet. After all, it’s low in fat. However, low-fat yogurt is one of the foods to avoid on the program . Why should you stop eating low-fat yogurt when it sounds so healthy? Unfortunately, this yogurt is often packed with artificial stabilizers, added flavors, artificial colors, and a lot of sugar to make it more pleasing to the eye and your taste buds. All the additives can add belly fat instead of helping you to lose weight. Don’t forget, your body actually needs some fat so it can absorb the vitamin D from the yogurt, and the addition of some fat keeps you feeling satisfied as well. It’s better to go with full-fat yogurt that is low in sugar and additives for better weight loss results.

2 – Artificial Sweeteners

Maybe you’ve been using Splenda or other artificial sweeteners to add sweetness without the calories. After all, it’s got to be better than sugar, right? Actually artificial sweeteners are on the list of 5 foods you shouldn’t eat. One of the big problems with artificial sweeteners is that they actually make you crave more sweets. While you shouldn’t deprive yourself of your favorite treats when you’re trying to lose weight, you shouldn’t be eating sweets all the time. The more artificial sweeteners you use, the more you’ll crave those unhealthy sweets. Some studies even show that artificial sweeteners may be harmful to your overall health as well.

Veggie Video

3 – Whole Grain or Whole Wheat Bread

Many people stop eating white bread because they have heard about how unhealthy it is. However, if you’re continuing to eat whole grain or whole wheat bread, you’re probably sabotaging your efforts to lose weight. This is another of the important foods to avoid on the program . While true whole grains, such as barley, wheat berries, millet, quinoa, and wild rice can be great for you, whole wheat breads and breads labeled “whole grain” are generally made with flour. In most cases, the whole grain or whole wheat bread has the same glycemic index of most white breads, which means they are still high glycemic index foods. Foods that have a high glycemic index are quickly turned into fat by the body, so they should be avoided.

4 – Dried Fruits

Fruits are amazing. They’re packed with many important nutrients and many include a lot of fiber. When you’re dieting, dried fruit probably seems like a freebie food. After all, it sounds nutritious. However, dried fruit has been depleted of all its water, which means that it’s more calorie dense than fresh fruits. It also takes a lot more dried fruit to make you feel full. Some companies even add chemicals or additional sugar to friend fruit. When you’re tried to lose weight, you should severely limit or completely avoid dried fruits for the best results.

5 – Orange Juice and Other Fruit Juices

Orange juice and other fruit juices also sound healthy, but they are on the list of 5 foods you shouldn’t eat on the Cruise Control Diet. Eating an orange is a great way to get important vitamins and minerals, and oranges are relatively low in calories. However, drinking a glass of orange juice is just like injecting yourself with several oranges. There’s a lot of sugar in fruit juices, you don’t get the fiber from the fruits, and the juicing process often destroys some of the beneficial antioxidants and compounds found in fruits.

Don’t let those foods deter you, as there are plenty of delicious and healthy foods/recipes recommended for people on Cruise Control.

Last update on 2024-03-23 at 04:06 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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Discussion 9 comments.

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The presentation was so long, I couldn’t keep watching it.

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It was SO LONG! But I stayed with it. In the end I purchased the program . 39.00. No sugar no flour no bread no pasta. Nothing artificial processed or low fat. Crazy but it’s working. One week later I’ve lost 3 pounds and I’m not starving myself

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I totally agree! I hung in there for about 1/2 hour and ….gave up!

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Can you eat American or Swiss cheese,blue cheese, heavy cream, milk, dairy.

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Stating orange juice is an enemy is completely wrong. I think most of your information is correct, but even though orange juice (and grapefruit juice) has a lot of sugar (up to 33%), it contains polyphenolics such as hesperidin, naringin, tangeretin, etc that actually manage carbohydrate metabolism. This information is readily available in scientific publications, such as on pubmed. You can actually lose weight by drinking citrus juice and other tropical juices, unlike temperate juices such as Apple and grape.

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I agree, and moderation is always a good way to go with fruit juices. Chances are you might just be a bit thirsty and vulnerable to drinking too much too fast. For this reason, fill your glass with mostly water, and ice if desired, and topped off with a bit of orange juice and unsweetened cranberry juice stirred in. Then splash in a smidge of tonic water and lightly stir. This is my favorite way to hydrate, if I’m not drinking a cool glass of tea or water. Cheers!

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I am a sandwich lover, a pasta lover, a dark chocolate lover so this diet would never work for me. I guess I will just stay a bit overweight since I am not willing to give up these things.

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I believe the key is staying focused on NOT over eatting. Dark chocolate is actually good for you. Cutting back on bread , pasta should help lose weight..

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Is there any other kind of bread on the market that we can try?

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Finding the right diet for your needs can be challenging. Learn the pros and cons of many popular diets.

​Amid all the buzz surrounding a new generation of weight loss drugs, it’s easy to forget about diet. For anyone looking to lose weight — and keep it off — what you eat and don’t eat still matters.  

Question is: With so many eating plans offering an assist, how do you know which diet is the most effective for you?  

A review of studies published in 2021 in the Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome shows there is no single best strategy. The best one for you should take into account your food preferences, access to particular foods, cooking ability, lifestyle and — perhaps most important for anyone over 50 — your medical history. If you have a chronic condition, such as diabetes, kidney disease or heart disease, consult your health care provider before beginning any weight loss plan.  

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“The one thing all successful weight loss programs have in common is they lower total calories,” says Liz Weinandy, dietitian at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and instructor of practice in medical dietetics at OSU. “If more calories are burned compared to those taken in, then weight loss will occur. ... Beyond looking at total calories, consider if the weight loss plan is healthy, meaning it includes all food groups and offers plenty of variety. Perhaps most important is if the weight loss plan is sustainable long-term, meaning not too restrictive and manageable for real life.”  

The ripple effects of even modest weight loss include improvements in blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugars, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Healthy weight involves a lifestyle with healthy eating patterns , regular physical activity and stress management. Some people prefer to follow a specific diet plan when launching, or relaunching, their weight loss journey. Keep reading to learn about popular diets that might be right for you. 




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How do the diets work?   

1. mediterranean  .

There are practically as many versions of this diet as there are countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, but what you’ll find in each one is an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, healthy fats and fish (especially those rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, sardines and mackerel). Even though the Mediterranean diet wasn’t designed for weight loss, research suggests it’s good not only for that but for weight maintenance. One study found that people who followed the Mediterranean diet for a year lost as much as twice the weight as those who followed a low-carb diet.

  • Especially appealing to : People who want the freedom to have a glass of wine with dinner.  
  • Pros : The Mediterranean diet has long been associated with heart health. More recent research shows a link to reduced risk of dementia, type 2 diabetes and cancer. 
  • Cons : If you prefer a regimented diet with specific do’s and don’ts, this one may be challenging. The Mediterranean diet is more about an approach to eating with an emphasis on fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables and enjoying meals with family and friends. Staying physically active is also part of the overall plan.
  • Potential pitfall: Serving sizes aren’t specified, so it’s important to watch portions — especially given the diet’s emphasis on heart-healthy fats found in avocados, nuts and olive oil , all of which are high in calories. 

Formerly known as Weight Watchers, WW doesn’t promote a specific meal plan but rather a program based on a points system. Every food is assigned a certain number of points based on nutritional data, and it’s up to you to determine how you want to spend those points. The WW app helps you track what you eat; you’re awarded bonus points for physical activity. WW also promotes and sells weight loss drugs, including Wegovy and Saxenda. According to WW’s website, these drugs can help to address the biological and psychological factors that contribute to obesity.

  • Especially appealing to : People who like having the guesswork taken out of their weight loss plan. WW offers motivational coaching, as well as online and in-person communities to help give support and keep you accountable.
  • Pros : Research funded by WW showed that the program works for those who stick with it. One study published in 2022 in JAMA Network Open found that participants on WW lost more than twice as much as those who relied on a do-it-yourself approach. 
  • Cons : You must be a member to follow the WW plan. Members pay a starter fee of $20; subscriptions start at $23 per month, although sale prices are available at various times. You can cancel at any time. Six- and 12-month contracts are also available.
  • Potential pitfall : You can’t follow the points system outside WW, making the plan hard to continue if you cancel your subscription.



The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH, for short) plan was designed to reduce blood pressure. Turns out, it’s also good for weight loss. Though you’ll find the usual suspects on this plan — fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, poultry, beans and nuts — a few things distinguish DASH from similar plant-focused diets: Sodium intake is capped at about 2,300 mg per day (the amount in one teaspoon of salt), and since calcium has been found to help lower blood pressure, the plan calls for at least three servings a day of low-fat dairy. 

  • Especially appealing to : People looking to improve heart health.
  • Pros : In an American Heart Association’s evaluation of 10 popular dietary patterns, DASH received high scores for heart-healthiness. In addition to lowering blood pressure and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, research shows, the DASH diet helps prevent type 2 diabetes and reduces the risk of kidney disease.
  • Cons : Although the diet suggests a specific number of servings of recommended foods, it’s up to you to plan your daily menus based on the allowed servings. Important to keep in mind: “Without creating a calorie deficit, DASH will not yield weight loss,” notes Holly Lofton, M.D., director of the Medical Weight Management program at NYU Langone Health.
  • Potential pitfall : If you have an aversion to dairy or you’re lactose intolerant, you’ll need to modify the plan (i.e., swap regular milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products for lactose-free versions).  

An offspring of the Mediterranean and DASH diets, the MIND (short for the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) plan focuses on plant-based foods and limits foods high in saturated fat. Unlike its forerunners, MIND zeroes in on brain health with 10 “brain-healthy” food groups to eat — including vegetables, berries, olive oil, nuts, whole grains and beans — and five unhealthy foods to limit (red meat, fried foods, cheese, pastries and sweets). This diet could be helpful for those who may be at risk for cognitive decline and who also may need to lose weight.

A 2023  randomized controlled tria l followed 604 adults 65 and older who were overweight and considered at risk for dementia . One group followed a MIND diet, while a control group consumed their usual diet. Both groups reduced their intake by 250 calories a day. The study's authors found improved cognitive performance in both groups. Additionally, both groups lost about 11 pounds, but the MIND diet group showed greater improvements in their diet quality score.

  • Especially appealing to : People with a family history of Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia who want to focus on brain health as they age.
  • Pros : The MIND diet contains foods rich in certain vitamins and antioxidants that are believed to protect the brain by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Research suggests the diet may help prevent or improve cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain cancers.
  • Cons : Since there’s no specific meal plan, you’ll need to create your own based on the specific foods recommended.
  • Potential pitfall : If you can’t stomach dark green leafy vegetables or you can’t get through the day without cheese, the MIND diet may not be for you.  

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5. Plant-based 

A way of eating that focuses mostly on whole plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. Key word: mostly. In other words, meat, fish, eggs and dairy are all allowed on a plant-based diet , but they’re meant to play a supporting role. Whole plant foods are the star of the plate.

  • Especially appealing to : People who care about animal welfare or reducing their environmental footprint.  
  • Pros : In addition to a lower body mass index (BMI), multiple studies have linked plant-based diets to an improvement in blood pressure and cholesterol, reduced risk of heart disease, better diabetes management and prevention and kidney health.
  • Cons : This diet is more about a way of eating than a specific meal plan. If you like a precise road map, this one might lead to too many detours. Case in point: The term “plant-based” isn’t regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, so it can be tempting to succumb to the many highly processed plant-based meat and dairy substitutes and energy bars.
  • Potential risks : Make sure you get enough high-quality protein. That includes tofu, broccoli, chickpeas, lentils, nuts and seeds, as well as navy, pinto, red kidney and black beans. It’s important to make sure you get all the nutrients you need. Some plant-based diets are poor in vitamin B12, iron, zinc and calcium.

This app-based weight loss program uses the results of an interactive quiz to create a calorie plan based on your specific needs and goals. The Noom app allows you to log what you eat and how much you exercise, and some app versions measure blood pressure and other important health info. In a study published in 2023 in Obesity Science & Practice , 75 percent of participants maintained at least 5 percent weight loss after a year; 49 percent maintained 10 percent weight loss. Another study showed the potential positive influence of having this type of nutritional knowledge for weight loss on a self-managed commercial program.

  • Especially appealing to : Dieting newbies who need guidance on making healthy food choices. 
  • Pros : Noom provides nutritional information, easy-to-understand guides on what you should eat (based on a color-coded system) and lots of recipes. There are no “good” or “bad” foods. Instead, the app encourages consuming more green-tagged foods (i.e., fruits and veggies) and fewer orange-tagged ones (pizza, fried foods, alcohol).
  • Cons : Membership is about $70 per month. According to Noom, most users start with a four-month subscription, which comes out to $42.25 per month.
  • Potential pitfall : It doesn’t provide a full meal plan, so you’ll have to subscribe to plan meals as you go. The tracking can be time-consuming.

Diets That Need More Research

Though some diets get tons of splashy headlines and online chatter, the scientific support for their effectiveness for weight loss can be limited. Here are two diets that need further research:​

​While most diets preach a message of calorie-cutting, the Golo plan works off the notion that hormone imbalances are at the root of weight loss struggles, leading to hunger, fatigue, binge eating and poor sleep quality. Golo was designed to help balance hormones through its Release supplement and personalized meal plans featuring the kind of foods you’d find in any balanced diet (chicken, fish, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds), as well as a few less commonly allowed (beef and butter).

  • Especially appealing to : People who don’t like to count calories. Golo focuses instead on portion sizes.
  • Pros : The Golo plan isn’t overly restrictive, and it offers a 60-day money-back guarantee on your first order.
  • Cons : A relative newcomer on the diet landscape, Golo needs randomized clinical trials and observational studies to back up its weight loss claims.
  • Potential pitfall : You’re required to pay for the Release supplement to get access to the plan and other materials. Though Golo says its supplement (a proprietary formula made of seven plant-based ingredients and three minerals) is safe for most people, it is not FDA-approved and you should consult your health care provider before taking it. “Many plans that sell an additional item, either a supplement or a device or an extra service, should raise a red flag — unless the item has been tested rigorously in research,” says William Yancy Jr., M.D., medical director of the Duke Lifestyle and Weight Management Center and professor in the Department of Medicine at Duke University School of Medicine. “Dietitians and medical providers can help tease out whether there is evidence (to support the claims) or not.” 

​The granddaddy of high-fat, low-carb plans, the keto (short for ketogenic) diet was conceived in the 1920s to treat medical conditions such as epilepsy. There are several variations, but most keto plans allow 70 to 80 percent of your daily calories to come from fat, 10 to 20 percent from protein and 5 to 10 percent from carbs. Keto meal plans are built on meats, nuts, avocados, cheese, fish, poultry and nonstarchy vegetables such as broccoli and leafy greens. Bread and pasta? Don’t even think about it. 

  • Especially appealing to : Carnivores.
  • Pros : Going keto can help you shed pounds if you can stick with it. One small study published in 2020 in  Nutrition & Metabolism  found that participants, ages 60 to 75, lost an average of nearly 15 pounds after eight weeks.
  • Cons : In the beginning, you may suffer what’s known as “keto flu” symptoms (nausea, fatigue, headaches), as your body adjusts. Over the longer term, research suggests, following a keto plan can increase the risk of kidney stones and digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea and bloating. It could also lead to nutrient deficiencies,  high cholesterol , heart disease and cognitive decline. Many dietitians and health care providers  do not endorse the KETO diet .
  • Potential pitfalls : A low-carb, high-fat plan can be hard to sustain. If you return to carbs, you may gain the weight back. “Any diet that is restrictive in a particular type of food or food group, like carbohydrates, should not be followed unless there is a medical reason,” says Liz Weinandy, dietitian at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and instructor of practice in medical dietetics at OSU. “Even for someone with blood sugar disorders like diabetes, carbohydrates shouldn’t be eliminated but rather limited, and the type of carbohydrates should be a focus.

Intermittent Fasting  

Under this plan, it isn’t so much what you eat as when you eat. The three most popular approaches are alternate-day fasting (fast every other day); 5:2  intermittent fasting  (eat as you normally would five days a week, then fast or sharply restrict calories for two days); and time-restricted eating, in which you choose a six- to eight-hour daily eating window, which means you are then fasting for 16 to 18 hours a day.  

  • Especially appealing to : People who want a simplified approach to eating.
  • Pros : Although the science is far from conclusive, some research suggests that intermittent fasting may be as effective as calorie-cutting. One review of studies, published in 2022 in  Frontiers in Nutrition , suggests that intermittent fasting is more beneficial in reducing body weight, insulin resistance, cholesterol and triglycerides, compared with nonintervention diets.
  • Cons : Intermittent fasting may not be a good choice for people with health conditions that require eating at regular intervals (people with diabetes, for instance) or people who are on medications that must be taken multiple times a day and/or with food. “People with serious chronic conditions that require monitoring or medication adjustment should be more careful,” notes William Yancy Jr., M.D., medical director of the Duke Lifestyle and Weight Management Center and professor in the Department of Medicine at Duke University School of Medicine. Studies have also raised concerns about the long-term sustainability and potentially serious health effects of this type of fasting, including  cardiovascular disease .
  • Potential pitfall : Overeating on nonfasting days or during your eating window. More research is needed about this method’s sustainability and health effects.

Kimberly Goad is a New York-based journalist who has covered health for some of the nation’s top consumer publications. Her work has appeared in  Women’s Health, Men’s Health  and  Reader’s Digest. Dr. Merle Myerson is a board-certified cardiologist with specialties in sports medicine, lipids, women’s health and prevention of cardiovascular disease.   

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Princess cruise food: The ultimate guide to restaurants and dining on board


Booked on a Princess cruise ? Then it's time to start figuring out your dining strategy. With everything from casual seafood shacks and barbecue joints to refined steakhouses, sushi bars and even experiential, sensory dining, the food on Princess Cruises has something to pique everyone's palate, from those looking to indulge to guests who want to stick to a healthy diet at sea .

For cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's cruise newsletter .

Alfredo's/Gigi's Pizzeria by Alfredo/Alfredo's Pizzeria

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Fixed price or a la carte

If one pizzeria isn't enough, Princess has another option. Alfredo's and Gigi's are sit-down pizzerias with decor inspired by the colors and vibe of Amalfi Coast. The venues serve authentic Neapolitan pizza made from scratch.

Available on: Coral, Diamond, Discovery, Enchanted, Grand, Island, Majestic, Regal, Royal, Sapphire, Sky, Sun Princess

Related: Which line has the best cruise pizza? I tasted slices from 7 brands

Burger & Hot Dog Grill

Included, but a la carte pricing applies for a few menu items on select ships

This poolside American grill serves up hamburgers, hot dogs and french fries.

Available on: Coral, Diamond, Island, Majestic, Regal, Royal, Sapphire

Chopsticks Noodle Bar

Chopsticks is a casual spot with a rotating menu of cooked-to-order Asian fare. Options include wonton noodle soup and wok-fried dishes like Sichuan dan-dan noodles.

Available on: Majestic Princess

Horizon Court/World Fresh Marketplace

what is the cruise control diet

All Princess cruise ships feature a buffet restaurant, called World Fresh Marketplace on some ships and Horizon Court on others. Either way, the buffet is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The ever-changing options include regional specialties, comfort food, fresh fruit, salads, vegetables and desserts.

Available on: All ships

Related: Cruise ship buffet taboos: 10 things you should never do at mealtime

Sushi and sashimi specialties, appetizers, nigiri and maki rolls including tempura shrimp, spicy tuna and hamachi scallion are available separately or in a set menu or combination at Kai Sushi.

Available on: Diamond Princess, Sun Princess

Main dining room

what is the cruise control diet

Princess Cruises' main dining rooms offer a waiter-served, sit-down dining experience. Multicourse menus of global cuisine are offered for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some options change daily, but a selection of "Princess Favorites" signature dishes is always available.

Ocean Terrace Sushi/Seafood Bar

Overlooking the Piazza, this sushi and sashimi bar was inspired by the view of the ocean. Starters, sushi, sashimi, raw, cooked and torched rolls are available a la carte.

Available on: Discovery, Enchanted, Regal, Royal, Sky Princess

O'Malley's Irish Pub

A contemporary Irish pub with traditional tunes and interactive entertainment, O'Malley's serves pub fare like pan-fried Guinness chicken, ribeye burgers, Scotch eggs and fried pickles.

Available on: Enchanted Princess, Sun Princess

This casual, rustic eatery serves ample portions of barbecued meats, including pulled pork, tri-top, smoked sausage, smoked chicken and pork ribs, along with sides, sauces, salads and more.

Available on: Caribbean Princess, Emerald Princess

Related: The ultimate guide to cruise ship food and dining

Reserve Collection dining

Included for guests in Reserve Collection cabins

Passengers booked in Reserve Collection cabins can access an exclusive area of the main dining room with a private entrance, expedited seating, no reservations required and a dedicated waitstaff. On Star Princess and Sun Princess, Reserve Collection Dining also includes access to a private restaurant.

Salty Dog Gastropub

what is the cruise control diet

The Salty Dog Gastropub features handhelds like burgers, chicken sandwiches and grilled cheese, as well as elevated takes on comfort food including lobster mac and cheese and stout-braised short ribs. It's located inside the Wheelhouse Bar on certain days.

Available on: Crown, Discovery, Emerald, Ruby Princess, Sapphire, Grand, Coral, Island Princess

Salty Dog Grille/Cafe

The famous Hilton Head, South Carolina eatery takes to the seas on Princess Cruises. This casual poolside restaurant is a great pitstop between dips. Order from their menu of craft burgers (including a veggie burger), sandwiches, chicken strips, street tacos, loaded fries and hot dogs.

Available on: Caribbean, Crown, Discovery, Emerald, Enchanted, Grand, Ruby, Sky Princess

Related: Which line has the best cruise burger? Here are TPG's top picks

This poolside pizzeria has plenty of pie options, including thin crust and deep dish, as well as stromboli and avocado and caprese toasts.

Steamers Seafood

At this casual eatery, you can satisfy your seafood craving with steamed shellfish pots with mussels, scallops, kielbasa and corn on the cob. The most popular pot arrives with broiled scallops, shrimp and crab-stuffed flounder; lobster and crab can be added to any dish.

Vines Wine Bar

Located in the Atrium, with an extensive list of wines and Champagnes, Vines Wine Bar serves light bites, including antipasti and tapas.

Available on: Caribbean, Crown, Emerald, Grand, Majestic, Regal, Royal, Ruby, Sapphire, Sky Princess

Bayou Cafe & Steakhouse

what is the cruise control diet

Fixed price

Prime steaks and seafood are served in a laid-back, New Orleans-inspired setting, with live music on select nights. Highlights include Chilean sea bass with king prawns, New York strip and New Zealand rosemary double lamb chops.

Available on: Coral Princess, Island Princess

Related: The best cruise ship steakhouses and steak-serving restaurants

The Catch by Rudi

Seafood-focused collaboration with renowned Austrian chef Rudi Sodamin featuring playful takes on sustainable seafood like Asian-fried calamari, lobster with garlic butter crust and tiered shellfish towers. Order the Salzburger Nockerl for dessert; it's a can't-miss Austrian souffle baked over tangy fruit jam.

Available on: Discovery, Enchanted, Majestic, Sky, Sun Princess

Churrascaria Brazilian Grill

Servers carve grilled meats including picanha, sirloin, lamb, linguica and sausage tableside at this South American-inspired steakhouse. Round out your meal with options from the teeming salad bar.

Available on: Diamond Princess

A rustic seafood pop-up, Crab Shack will serve casual starters including popcorn shrimp and Manhattan clam chowder, as well as steamed and boiled pots of shellfish, potatoes, corn and herbs.

Available on: Forthcoming, ships to be announced

Crown Grill

Princess' signature steak and seafood house with a theater-style open kitchen is a perennial favorite with guests. On the menu are aged and hand-cut steaks and chops, seafood and a selection of salts curated from around the world to sprinkle on dishes.

Available on: Caribbean, Crown, Discovery, Emerald, Enchanted, Grand, Majestic, Regal, Royal, Ruby, Sky, Sun Princess

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Harmony is a contemporary Chinese restaurant with a five-course menu of dishes. Highlights include Peking duck salad, braised pork belly ribs with star anise and fried rice with scallops.

Sabatini's Italian Trattoria

what is the cruise control diet

At the cruise line's signature Italian restaurant, traditional flavors meld with regional influences. Handmade pastas like pappardelle alla Bolognese are joined by ossobuco Milanese, heirloom cheeses and air-cured salume.

Available on: Caribbean, Coral, Crown, Diamond, Discovery, Emerald, Enchanted, Grand, Island, Regal, Royal, Ruby, Sapphire, Sky, Sun Princess

Sterling Steakhouse

This premium chophouse features high-quality cuts of meat from corn-fed beef, including Kansas City strip, filet mignon, Madeira-glazed veal and surf and turf, served with shareable sides like loaded baked potatoes and sauteed wild mushrooms. (Sterling Steakhouse is similar to the Crown Grill, but the two steakhouses have different menus.)

Available on: Sapphire Princess

Love by Britto

Princess Cruises has collaborated with Romero Britto, the Brazilian artist known for his bold and joyful style, to create a seven-course, prix fixe artistic-inspired dining experience on its newest ship. Standout dishes include oysters with Champagne pearls, Wagyu Chateaubriand Rossini and hot chocolate souffle with hot Bing cherries.

Available on: Sun Princess

Umai Teppanyaki

what is the cruise control diet

Your meal at Umai Teppanyaki is a three-act show of Japanese cuisine prepared on an iron teppan grill. Starters include pork belly yakitori and spicy tuna on the rocks, followed by dishes like black cod in soy reduction and filet mignon with Champagne Cognac flambe and a chocolate bento box.

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The Butcher's Block by Dario

The Butcher's Block is another collaboration, this time a partnership with renowned eighth-generation butcher Dario Cecchini, who owns a butcher shop and restaurants in the Tuscan village of Panzano, Italy. Enjoy a meal of his signature cuts of meat at one large shared table with friends old and new.

360: An Extraordinary Experience

what is the cruise control diet

This seven-course, wine-paired dinner is enhanced by immersive technology, including a 360-degree projection screen displaying scenes of the Mediterranean and additional images projected onto the tabletop. You'll find yourself as captivated by the food as the music and storytelling that will virtually transport you to Santorini, the Amalfi Coast, Barcelona and Provence. The dining experience is invite-only, so if you're not some kind of VIP (suite guest, top-tier loyalty program member, casino high roller and the like), don't expect you will be able to dine here.

Available on: Discovery Princess, Enchanted Princess

Chef's Table/Chef's Table Lumiere

Fixed price (with or without wine)

The Chef's Table is a unique culinary experience that kicks off with Champagne and hors d'oeuvres and a stroll through the kitchen to meet the executive chef, followed by a multicourse dinner paired with wines. For Chef's Table Lumiere, the table is surrounded by a curtain of lights after guests are seated.

Available on: Caribbean, Coral, Crown, Diamond, Emerald, Grand, Island, Ruby, Sapphire Princess (Chef's Table); Discovery, Enchanted, Majestic, Regal, Royal, Sky Princess (Chef's Table Lumiere)

Balcony Breakfast/Dinner

what is the cruise control diet

Start or end the day with an intimate, romantic meal for two served on your cabin balcony. Dinner is a four-course affair including hors d'oeuvres, lobster and steak and your choice of beverages.

Caymus Winemaker's Dinner

During this intimate dining event, a five-course dinner is paired with wines from Chuck Wagner's Napa Valley winery, Caymus Vineyards. This recently launched experience for just 12 guests is offered two to three times per sailing.

Silverado Winemaker's Dinner

A collaboration with winemaker Jon Emmerich of Silverado Vineyards, this dinner pairs five courses (not including a palate cleanser) with the Napa Valley winery's sauvignon blanc and cabernet sauvignon.

Available on: Discovery, Enchanted, Majestic, Regal, Royal, Sky Princess

Princess cruise dining FAQ

what is the cruise control diet

Is food on Princess Cruises included?

Sit-down meals in the main dining room, which serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, are always included on a Princess cruise, and the menu varies somewhat daily. Also included is a buffet, either called World Fresh Marketplace or Horizon Court, depending on the ship, as well as fast casual and grab-and-go spots on board that serve pizza, tacos, burgers, pastries and ice cream.

Specialty restaurants including Crown Grill, Princess's steak and seafood house, and Sabatini's, the signature Italian restaurant, require a surcharge that's priced at a flat rate per adult or child; some menu items also require an additional surcharge no matter the age of the guest.

Related: The ultimate guide to Princess Cruises ships and itineraries

Are drinks included on Princess cruise ships?

Select beverages are always included: iced tea, hot tea, brewed coffee, hot chocolate, milk, fruit juice, lemonade and tap water. Everything else, including soft drinks, wine, beer, cocktails, spirits and specialty coffees, must either be purchased a la carte or through one of the cruise line's beverage packages .

Do I need reservations?

Reservations are encouraged for the main dining room and the specialty restaurants, and it's best to make them as early as possible ; walk-in parties will be accommodated on a space-available basis. Guests can make reservations via the Princess MedallionClass app or at guest services once you're on board. If you wish to eat at the same time every night, you can do so by reserving your tables in advance.

Platinum and Elite Captain's Circle members have early access to reservations. Passengers booked in a Full Suite or Reserve Collection Mini-Suite don't need to make dining reservations as they will always be accommodated; they also have access to a dedicated space in the main dining room with expedited seating and an expanded menu.

Does Princess Cruises have an evening dress code?

"Smart casual" attire will be appropriate for the main dining room, buffet and fast-casual restaurants. You might want to pack something dressier for the specialty restaurants or one of the more upscale dining experiences like Chef's Table, 360 or a winemaker dinner.

On sailings that are five nights or longer, there will be one or more formal nights, which do require adhering to a dress code in the dining venues . Cocktail dresses, evening gowns or dressy pantsuits are appropriate for women, while dark suits, tuxedos or dinner jackets and slacks are required for men , along with dressy footwear. If you don't want to dress up or forgot appropriate attire, you're welcome to dine at the buffet or any of the other casual dining options on board during formal night.

Is there assigned seating in the main dining room?

There is no assigned seating at any dining venues on board Princess ships. However, if you are a solo diner or part of a couple or small group, your host might ask if you would like to sit with another party of a similar size in the main dining room; the choice is up to you.

What if I have dietary restrictions?

You can use the Cruise Personalizer to indicate your dietary preferences, including requests for low-sodium, low-fat, low-sugar and vegetarian diets. Kosher meals and baby food are available with advanced written requests. If you have allergies or medical needs related to food, you must inform Princess in writing — check the line's website for more details. Princess Cruises also recently introduced a series of vegan menus for dinner in the main dining room, including starters, soups, salads, pastas and main dishes.

Where can I get snacks on board?

what is the cruise control diet

You'll find lots of spots to grab a quick bite, dessert or coffee, including Coffee & Cones, Patisserie, Swirls Ice Cream Bar, The Pastry Shop, International Cafe and Gelateria — options vary depending on the ship. Food at these venues is included, but there is a charge for specialty coffees and teas unless you have a beverage package.

Is room service included on Princess Cruises?

Guests can use the designated button on their cabin's phone to order room service 24 hours a day; each order incurs a $5 delivery fee, which is waived for those with Princess Plus or Princess Premier status.

You can also use the OceanNow feature in the Princess Medallion Class app to order food to be delivered to your cabin or anywhere else on the ship, like the pool deck. This feature is included with Princess Plus and Princess Premium; otherwise, there is a one-time access fee of $14.99 per person per voyage and a $5 delivery fee per order. Food and beverage surcharges may apply for some items ordered via room service.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • Top ways cruisers waste money
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin


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  1. Cruise mode activated! Won’t tell you how many soft serves we eat a day! 🤣 #shorts


  1. The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss

    I have been on the diet now for 4 weeks and am down 35.5 pounds so am updating the review to 5 stars. I turn 69 tomorrow, so 35.5 pounds in a month is huge. I get up early, and the Cruise Control coffee made with coconut oil is creamy, delicious and keeps me full for hours until my first meal. It is an EASY plan to follow.

  2. Jorge Cruise Answers Your Biggest Questions About Our 19 ...

    Until that happens (in fewer than 19 days!), remember that it takes your stomach about 20 minutes to register food you've eaten, so eat slowly. Taking your time will help you notice when you are ...

  3. Exactly What to Eat During Prevention's 19-Day Weight-Loss Plan

    These 19 recipes, from Jorge's book The Cruise Control Diet, are a great place to start. Supplement them with meals that follow Jorge's guidelines (50% healthy fats, 30% carbs, 20% protein ...


    In short, Cruise Control is a comprehensive approach to boost your overall well-being with four powerful secrets: Step 1: Nutrient Timing: The secret weapon of Cruise Control is the consumption of ...

  5. Cruise Control Diet by Jorge Cruise: Ultimate Guide

    The Cruise Control Diet is an effective way to lose weight and improve your health. This is a lifestyle change that promises long-term results and improvement in terms of weight loss and overall well-being. The best of all? You don't need to count calories or restrict your diet. Created by James Ward, Cruise Control focuses on whole foods and eliminates processed and packaged foods.

  6. The Cruise Control Diet Recipes, Foods & Groceries List

    Heat some olive oil in a medium saucepan. Sauté the garlic and onion in the olive oil over medium heat. Cook for four minutes and then stir in parsley. Allow to cook for two more minutes. Add the tomato paste and diced tomato, allowing to cook for two minutes. Place the clam juice, wine, and fish into the saucepan.

  7. 'The Cruise Control Diet' Explained

    Summer is right around the corner and many people are trying to lose weight just in time for beach season.Not sure what the right diet and exercise plan for ...

  8. The Cruise Control Diet

    Activate your weight-loss autopilot--use the power of simple intermittent fasting to lose the pounds and keep them off, from Hollywood trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author Jorge Cruise. Timing is everything when it comes to losing weight. Or, as celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise explains: When we eat is as important as what we eat.

  9. The Cruise Control Diet

    About The Cruise Control Diet. Activate your weight-loss autopilot—use the power of simple intermittent fasting to lose the pounds and keep them off, from Hollywood trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author Jorge Cruise. Timing is everything when it comes to losing weight.

  10. Introducing Prevention's 19-Day Weight Loss Plan for 2020

    Have a Cruise Control coffee (that's coffee with a tablespoon each of cream and butter) or a chia smoothie made with water and a plant-based sweetener like stevia (Jorge loves flavored SweetLeaf ...

  11. How to Lose Weight on The Cruise Control Diet

    All this while the scale drops! The cruise control diet is new, but folks have already shed up to 52 pounds in 30 days! Cruise Control Diet Reviews. After reading excited posts on Facebook, Doris Beyer, 46, was game to try the cruise control diet, but worried it would leave her "hangry." Then she started sampling fat bombs and other fat ...

  12. Everything You Need to Know About the Cruise Control Diet

    A diet where you can eat whatever you want and lose weight? "There's no food that's off limits, absolutely none, there's no deprivation," Jorge Cruise, celebrity trainer and author of "The Cruise ...

  13. The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss

    In short, Cruise Control is a comprehensive approach to boost your overall well-being with four powerful secrets: Step 1: Nutrient Timing: The secret weapon of Cruise Control is the consumption of food nutrients in rhythm with your body's burning (fasting) and boosting (eating) cycles. I believe this is a missing link to building a healthy ...

  14. The Cruise Control Diet Can Help You Drop 12 Pounds in 7 Days

    How to Do the Cruise Control Diet. While on the Cruise Control diet, you'll enjoy two meals and two snacks between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. each day. "Aim to eat real food," says Cruise, who has designed meals to keep metabolism humming and minimize fat storage. That means filling up on 6 oz. of protein (about two large eggs or a serving of ...

  15. Does the Cruise Control Diet Work?

    The Cruise Control Diet is promoted as a powerful way to lose weight and includes the idea of focusing on food, not supplements. Yet, the site's sidebar includes a link to a 20-page special report that promotes SlimBiotine. This product is a "probiotic slimming solution", ...

  16. The Cruise Control Diet

    Activate your weight-loss autopilot—use the power of simple intermittent fasting to lose the pounds and keep them off, from Hollywood trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author Jorge Cruise. Timing is everything when it comes to losing weight. Or, as celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise explains: When we eat is as important as what we eat.

  17. The Cruise Control Diet

    The Cruise control diet is built around four important rules that every dieter has to follow for this program to work: Boost the body's ability to burn fat by consuming natural, healthy foods. Avoid any packaged and processed foods that might lead your body to store up fat. This includes bottled drinks with added sugars, juices and smoothies.

  18. What is The Cruise Control Diet

    The Cruise Control Diet is a popular weight loss program developed by celebrity trainer and fitness expert Jorge Cruise. Loved by Oprah Winfrey and a host of celebrities - can you really Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever. In 2019, Jorge published his diet as a book and it quickly became a #1 Best Seller.

  19. What You Need to Know About the Cruise Control Diet

    A diet where you can eat whatever you want and lose weight? "There's no food that's off limits, absolutely none, there's no deprivation," Jorge Cruise, celeb...

  20. The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to

    Jorge Cruise is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty titles with more than eight million books in print, including 8 Minutes in the Morning, The Belly Fat Cure, and The 100. Internationally recognized as a leading fitness trainer, Cruise has transformed the lives of millions of people, including Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Khloe Kardashian, Steve Harvey, Miley Cyrus ...

  21. Cruise Control Diet

    The cruise control diet was created by James Ward and people who have tried this weight-loss diet plan claim it not only helped them shed a few pounds, it also helped them to maintain their new figure. The success of the cruise control diet lies in its emphasis on leading a clean and healthy lifestyle. If you have tried other plans but seem to ...

  22. The Cruise Control Diet

    The Cruise Control Diet, Westford, Massachusetts. 5,787 likes · 1 talking about this · 2 were here. The Cruise Control Diet is a whole-foods approach to weight loss and general health. Through its...

  23. The Cruise Control Diet: 5 Foods to Avoid

    5 - Orange Juice and Other Fruit Juices. Orange juice and other fruit juices also sound healthy, but they are on the list of 5 foods you shouldn't eat on the Cruise Control Diet. Eating an orange is a great way to get important vitamins and minerals, and oranges are relatively low in calories. However, drinking a glass of orange juice is ...

  24. 6 Popular and Effective Diets for Weight Loss

    One group followed a MIND diet, while a control group consumed their usual diet. Both groups reduced their intake by 250 calories a day. The study's authors found improved cognitive performance in both groups. Additionally, both groups lost about 11 pounds, but the MIND diet group showed greater improvements in their diet quality score.

  25. Princess cruise food: The ultimate guide to dining on board

    Sit-down meals in the main dining room, which serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, are always included on a Princess cruise, and the menu varies somewhat daily. Also included is a buffet, either called World Fresh Marketplace or Horizon Court, depending on the ship, as well as fast casual and grab-and-go spots on board that serve pizza, tacos ...