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Tour Down Under 2024: percorso, italiani e favoriti

Alla prima corsa a tappe della stagione sono iscritti 13 ciclisti italiani


In programma ad Adelaide e dintorni, nell'Australia Meridionale, tra il 16 e il 21 gennaio, la 24esima edizione del Tour Down Under, Santos per motivi di sponsorizzazione, si annuncia emozionante.

Prima corsa del 2024 UCI World Tour, la kermesse australiana si articola in sei tappe per un totale di 824.6 km; spiccano l'assenza della cronometro di apertura introdotta per la prima volta nella scorsa stagione e la presenza di tre salite di prima categoria, concentrate nelle ultime due frazioni.

Prima tappa - Martedì 16 gennaio

Tanunda-Tanunda: 144 km

Mengler's Hill (quarta categoria): pendenza media 3.8% (da ripetere tre volte).

Seconda tappa - Mercoledì 17 gennaio

Norwood-Lobethal 141.6 km

Ashton (seconda categoria): pendenza media 5%

Fox Creek Climb (seconda categoria): pendenza media 8.8% (da ripetere due volte).

Terza tappa - Giovedì 18 gennaio

Tea Tree Gully-Campbelltown 145.3 km

Tea Tree Gully Hill (terza categoria): pendenza media 6%

Whispering Wall (quarta categoria): pendenza media 2.1%.

Quarta tappa - Venerdì 19 gennaio

Murray Bridge-Port Elliot 136.2 km

Gemmell Hill (terza categoria): pendenza media 3.9%.

Quinta tappa - Sabato 20 gennaio

Christies Beach-Willunga Hill 129.3 km

Willunga Hill (prima categoria): pendenza media 7.4%, massima 15.6% (da ripetere due volte).

Sesta tappa - Domenica 21 gennaio

Unley-Mount Lofty 128.2 km

Windy Point (prima categoria): pendenza media 6.0%

Mount Lofty (prima categoria): pendenza media 7.3% (da ripetere due volte).

Gli italiani

Nella UAE Emirates ci sono Alessandro Covi , che indosserà il dorsale numero 1 perché il vincitore dell'ultima edizione, l'australiano Jay Vine, non sarà della contesa, e Diego Ulissi , che si è piazzato terzo nel 2014 e secondo nel 2020.

Filippo Ganna ed Elia Viviani sono gli italiani della Ineos Grenadiers.

Nella Lidl-Trek di Bauke Mollema correranno Dario Cataldo e Jacopo Mosca .

L'Astana schiera addirittura quattro ciclisti azzurri: Samuele Battistella , Gianmarco Garofoli , Christian Scaroni , Michele Gazzoli .

Luca Vergallito debutta con l'Alpecin-Deceuninck, Manlio Moro è alla prima uscita con la Movistar, Simone Petilli è uno dei ciclisti della Intermarché-Circus-Wanty.

Stilare la lista dei favoriti di una corsa che molti ciclisti affrontano con l'intento di affinare la preparazione in vista dei veri obiettivi stagionali non è facile: proviamoci comunque.

Filippo Ganna, Diego Ulissi e Jacopo Mosca.

Caleb Ewan (Australia), Jack Haig (Australia), Lucas Plapp (Australia), Simon Clarke (Australia), Julian Alaphilippe (Francia), Simon Yates (Gran Bretagna), Bauke Mollema (Paesi Bassi).



Julian Alaphilippe

Getty Images Julian Alaphilippe

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Tour Down Under 2024: etape, datumi i favoriti

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Sezona 2024 je već startala i odvožene su prve manje utrke u novoj godini. Međutim, zemlje južne Australije ponovno će biti pozornica gdje će najbolje svjetske ekipe pokušati otresti paučinu nakon nekoliko mjeseci natjecateljske neaktivnosti na Santos Tour Down Under koji će se održati od 13. do 21. siječnja.

Sezona 2024. Počinje u Australiji

Okolice australskog grada Adelaide ponovno će biti pozornica događaja, još jedne godine, onoga što se smatra službenim početkom cestovne biciklističke sezone, iskoristivši odlične ljetne temperature na južnoj hemisferi.

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Međutim, to nije početak sezone jer su prije nekoliko dana održana Australska prvenstva na kojima je inspirirani Luke Plapp ostvario dvostruku pobjedu osvojivši i kronometarsku utrku i cestovnu utrku. U međuvremenu, na Novom Zelandu, ovih dana se održava New Zealand Cycle Classic, utrka kategorije 2.2 u pet etapa.

tour down under favoriti

No, kada govorimo o natjecanju najviše razine, zaista, Tour Down Under je premijera za World Tour ekipe tijekom svojih 6 etapa s dizajnom koji održava tradicionalnu liniju u ovoj utrci, nudeći rute bez pretjerane težine na kojima se biciklisti mogu prilagoditi povratku u natjecanje.

Etapne utrke na Tour Down Under 2024.

Natjecanje će započeti u subotu, 13. siječnja, Down Under Classicom, kriterijem na urbanoj stazi od samo 1,35 km kroz ulice Adelaide, koji služi kao tek zagrijavanje za natjecanje jer se ova etapa ne računa za opći poredak Tour Down Under. Utrka ima zanimljiv format sličan onome što smo navikli vidjeti u ciklokrosu, budući da će trajanje utrke biti 1 sat na koji će se dodati još 3 kruga staze nakon što se to vrijeme završi.

tour down under favoriti

Morat ćemo pričekati do utorka, 16. siječnja, kada Tour Down Under započinje sa 144 kilometara dugom etapom na stazi oko grada Tanunda koja će se tri puta obići. Staza je obilježena usponom na Mergiers Hill, blagim usponom smještenim 14 km od cilja, ali s maksimalnim nagibom od 14%, gdje netko može pokušati prekinuti predvidivi sprint.

Drugi dio između gradova Norwood i Lobethal pokriva sličnu udaljenost, iako ovaj put s raznolikijim rasporedom u kojem će dvostruki uspon, u dvije runde završnom krugu, do Fox Creeka, s njegovih 8,8% prosječnog nagiba omogućiti vidjeti jesu li penjači u pelotonu obavili svoj posao tijekom zime. U svakom slučaju, njegov vrh je daleko od cilja, pa ne bi trebao spriječiti još jedan od uobičajenih sprinteva kojima se odlučuju etape Tour Down Under.

Treća, s druge strane, nudi rutu koja je još manje zahtjevna od prethodnih na svojoj 145 km ruti između Tea Tree Gully i Campbelltowna. Slično tome, četvrti dio, potpuno ravna staza od svega 136 km, završava na obali u mjestu Port Elliot.

Obje etape su smiraj prije posljednja dva dana. Prva od njih, uobičajena kraljevska etapa, iako je posljednja teža, završetak pete etape na Willunga Hill postao je zaštitni znak Tour Down Under zahvaljujući strmim padinama koje dosežu 15% i koje su savršeno mjesto za “brdaše” da otvore svoj „palmares“.

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Za posljednji dan rezervirana je još jedna ruta koja postaje tipična i koja se suočava s finalnim krugom s trostrukim usponom na Mount Lofty, usponom od otprilike 10 kilometara s nepresušnih 7,3%, drugim riječima, pravim usponom koji će u svojoj trostrukoj vrpci, posljednjoj s ciljem na vrhu, poslužiti za konačno odlučivanje o ukupnom pobjedniku ovog Tour Down Under.

Favoriti za Tour Down Under 2024.

Sudjelovanje je malo skromnije nego inače na ovom Tour Down Underu 2024., kao i obično s važnim popisom sprintera i biciklista koji traže da budu spremni za prve europske ture i početak sezone klasika.

Nesumnjivo najrelevantniji biciklist među sudionicima ovog Tour Down Undera bit će Jullian Alaphilippe , koji će pokušati započeti godinu na pravom putu nakon dvije praktički nestale sezone. Među biciklistima većeg imena nalazimo i Simona Yatesa , jedinog neaustralskog člana od sedam koji predstavlja Jayco AlUla, koji s druge strane ima Caleba Ewana kao brzog čovjeka za dominaciju u prvim etapama.

tour down under favoriti

I upravo je u Tour Down Underu da sprinteri pronalaze idealno tlo na kojem mogu pokazati svoju snagu. Osim Australske “rakete”, među sudionicima pronalazimo imena poput Biniam Girmaya koji je imao neprimjetnu 2023. nakon obećavajuće 2022., te Phil Bauhausa u ime Bahrain-Victorious kao najznačajnijeg sprintera.

Ističe se tu i moćna momčad koju predstavlja INEOS Grenadiers, u kojoj se ističe Filippo Ganna , spreman dokazati da je više od vozača za kronometar, te kvalitetni biciklisti poput Jonathana Narv aeza ili obećavajućeg Joshue Tarlinga .

Također je konkurentan tu i Movistar Team s različitim profilima kako bi pokrili različite situacije atipične utrke poput Tour Down Undera, među kojima su imena poput Ivana Garcie Cortine, Rubena Guerrreira ili Gonzala Serrana .

tour down under favoriti

Kako gledati Tour Down Under 2024.

Kao i obično, Eurosport će preuzeti prijenos Australske utrke, iako radikalna promjena vremena u odnosu na Europu, što znači da će završetak etapa oko 6 ujutro natjerati nas da rano ustajemo kako bismo pratili natjecanje.

Jedini problem s pokrivenošću koju Eurosport nudi u 2024. godini jest to što se poklapa s teniskim Australian Openom, kojem kanal daje prednost, sprječavajući prijenos na kanalima 1 i 2, pa će samo pretplatnici na platformu moći pratiti Tour Down Under uživo, a s druge strane, nisu planirane reprize u popularnijim vremenima. Oni koji gledaju Eurosport 1 i 2 samo putem drugih televizijskih platformi ostat će bez mogućnosti praćenja utrke putem ovog kanala.

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Portal BikeMagazin.info, prvi regionalni biciklistički portal, pokrenut sa željom da unaprijedi, promovira i razvija biciklizam u jugoistočnoj Europi kao sport, ali i kao način življenja.

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Tour Down Under 2024: data, percorso, altimetria, elenco iscritti

Albo d'oro Santos Tour Down Under

Tour Down Under

Tour Down Under 2024 quando si corre, diretta TV, diretta Streaming, percorso, altimetria, favoriti, elenco iscritti, start list

Tour Down Under 2024 si svolgerà  dal 16 al 21 gennaio  e definirà chi sarà il successore di Jay Vine che ha vinto l’edizione post-Covid della corsa australiana. E’ il primo grande appuntamento della stagione 2024 e saranno in molti gli atleti di spicco ad essere presenti al Down Under.

Tour Down Under 2024: il percorso

Come di consueto, la corsa australiana presenterà tappe brevi e non troppo impegnative. Le priume due tappe saranno abbastanza mosse con la tappa di Tanunda che pare comunque adatta ai velocisti. Anche la terza e la quarta saranno adatte agli sprinter mentre l’ edizione 2024 vede il ritorno sulla salita di  Willunga Hill , che verrà affrontata due volte nella quinta frazione. La tappa conclusiva terminerà a Mount Lofty .

Tour Down Under 2024: le Tappe

Tappa 1 (16/01): Tanunda – Tanunda (144 km) Tappa 2 (17/01): Norwood – Lobethal (141,6 km) Tappa 3 (18/01): Tea Tree Gully – Campbelltown (145,3 km) Tappa 4 (19/01): Murray Bridge – Port Elliot (136,2 km) Tappa 5 (20/01): Christies Beach – Willunga Hill (129,3 km) Tappa 6 (21/01): Unley – Mount Lofty (128,2 km)

Tour Down Under 2024: altimetrie

Tappa 1 (16/01): Tanunda – Tanunda (144 km)

tour down under favoriti

Tappa 2 (17/01): Norwood – Lobethal (141,6 km)

tour down under favoriti

Tappa 3 (18/01): Tea Tree Gully – Campbelltown (145,3 km)

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Tappa 4 (19/01): Murray Bridge – Port Elliot (136,2 km)

tour down under favoriti

Tappa 5 (20/01): Christies Beach – Willunga Hill (129,3 km)

tour down under favoriti

Tappa 6 (21/01): Unley – Mount Lofty (128,2 km)

tour down under favoriti

Quando si corre il Tour Down Under 2024?

La corsa prenderà il via venerdì16 gennaio da Adelaide per concludersi domenica 21 gennaio al Mount Lofty.

Start list Tour Down Under 2024


TEAM JAYCO ALULA 11. Caleb EWAN (Australia) 12. Simon YATES (United Kingdom) 13. Luke PLAPP (Australia) 14. Kelland O’BRIEN (Australia) 15. Michael HEPBURN (Australia) 16. Chris HARPER (Australia) 17. Campbell STEWART (New Zealand)

BAHRAIN VICTORIOUS 21. NIKIAS ARNDT (Germany) 22. PHIL BAUHAUS (Germany) 23. JACK HAIG (Australia) 24. FRAN MIHOLJEVIC (Croatia) 25. JOHAN PRICE-PEJTERSEN (Netherlands) 26. CAMERON SCOTT (Australia) 27. TORSTEIN TRAEEN (Norway)

SOUDAL QUICK-STEP 31. JULIAN ALAPHILIPPE (France) 32. JOSEF CERNY (Czech Republic) 33. JAMES KNOX (United Kingdom) 34. CASPER PEDERSEN (Denmark) 35. PIETER SERRY (Belgium) 36. ANTOINE HUBY (France) 37. GIL GELDERS (Belgium)



ISRAEL – PREMIER TECH 61. GEORGE BENNETT (New Zealand) 62. GUILLAUME BOIVIN (Canada) 63. SIMON CLARKE (Australia) 64. DEREK GEE (Canada) 65. NICK SCHULTZ (Australia) 66. CORBIN STRONG (New Zealand) 67. STEPHEN WILLIAMS (United Kingdom)

INEOS GRENADIERS 71. FILIPPO GANNA (Italy) 72. LAURENS DE PLUS (Belgium) 73. LEO HAYTER (United Kingdom) 74. JHONATAN NARVAEZ (Spain) 75. JOSHUA TARLING (United Kingdom) 76. BEN SWIFT (United Kingdom) 77. ELIA VIVIANI (Italy)

BORA – HANSGROHE 81. SAM WELSFORD (Australia) 82. ROGER ADRIA (Spain) 83. PATRICK GAMPER (Austria) 84. FILIP MACIEJUK (Poland) 85. RYAN MULLEN (South Africa) 86. DANNY VAN POPPEL (Netherlands) 87. BEN ZWIEHOFF (Germany)

TEAM DSM-FIRMENICH POSTNL 91. MATT DINHAM (Australia) 92. PAVEL BITTNER (Czech Republic) 93. PATRICK EDDY (Australia) 94. CHRIS HAMILTON (Australia) 95. SEAN FLYNN (United Kingdom) 96. EMILS LIEPINS (Latvia) 97. OSCAR ONLEY (United Kingdom)

COFIDIS 101. PIET ALLEGAERT (Belgium) 102. RUBEN FERNANDEZ (Spain) 103. EDDY FINE (France) 104. MILAN FRETIN (Belgium) 105. OLIVER KNIGHT (United Kingdom) 106. SIMON GESCHKE (Germany) 107. AXEL MARIAULT (France)

ARKEA-B&B HOTELS 111. LOUIS BARRE (France) 112. ANTHONY DELAPLACE (France) 113. LAURENS HUYS (Belgium) 114. KEVIN LEDANOIS (France) 115. DANIEL MC CLAY (United Kingdom) 116. MILES SCOTSON (Australia) 117. ALESSANDRO VERRE (Italy)


TEAM VISMA | LEASE A BIKE 131. KOEN BOUWMAN (Netherlands) 132. ROBERT GESINK (Netherlands) 133. LENNARD HOFSTEDE (Netherlands) 134. JOHANNES STAUNE-MITTET (Norway) 135. MILAN VADER (Netherlands) 136. LOE VAN BELLE (Netherlands) 137. MICK VAN DIJKE (Netherlands)

EF EDUCATION – EASYPOST 141. HARRY SWEENEY (Australia) 142. STEFAN DE BOD (South Africa) 143. OWAIN DOULL (United Kingdom) 144. JACK ROOTKIN-GRAY (United Kingdom) 145. JONAS RUTSCH (Germany) 146. ARCHIE RYAN (Ireland) 147. JARDI CHRISTIAAN VAN DER LEE (Netherlands)

ALPECIN-DECEUNINCK 151. MAURICE BALLERSTEDT (Germany) 152. LARS BOVEN (Netherlands) 153. JURI HOLLMAN (Germany) 154. TOBIAS BAYER (Austria) 155. JASON OSBORNE (Germany) 156. LUCA VERGALLITO (Italy) 157. STAN VAN TRICHT (Belgium)


LIDL-TREK 171. DARIO CATALDO (Italy) 172. JUAN PEDRO LOPEZ PEREZ (Spain) 173. BAUKE MOLLEMA (Netherlands) 174. JACOPO MOSCA (Italy) 175. QUINN SIMMONS (United States) 176. NATNAEL TESFAZION (Eritrea) 177. MATTHIAS VACEK (Czech Republic)

GROUPAMA-FDJ 181. CLEMENT DAVY (France) 182. IGNATUS KONOVALOVAS (Lithuania) 183. FABIAN LIENHARD (Switzerland) 184. ENZO PALENI (France) 185. LAURENCE PITHIE (New Zealand) 186. RUDY MOLARD (France) 187. REUBEN THOMPSON (New Zealand)

AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL TEAM 191. MICHAEL STORER (Australia) 192. DAMIEN HOWSON (Australia) 193. DECLAN TREZISE (Australia) 194. TRISTEN SAUNDERS (Australia) 195. LUKE BURNS (Australia) 196. JACKSON MEDWAY (Australia) 197. LIAM WALSH (Australia)

Tour Down Under: i favoriti

Assente il vincitore della scorsa edizione, Jay Vine, saranno presenti tredici atleti italiani e molti big tra cui Caleb Ewan, Luke Plapp e Julian Alaphilippe. Interessante il ruolo di Filippo Ganna, di Adam Yates e di Jack Haig.

Dove vedere il Tour Down Under 2024 in televisione e streaming?

Sarà possibile vedere il Tour Down Under 2024 su Eurosport1 che offrirà la copertura delle tappe. La diretta streaming sarà garantita da Discovery+, EurosportPlayer, DAZN, TimVisione e Now.

Tour Down Under: Albo d’oro recente

2017 Richie Porte 2018 Daryl Impey 2019 Daryl Impey 2020 Richie Porte 2021 annullata per COVID-19 2022 annullata per COVID-19 2023 Jay Vine

Qui è possibile consultare l’albo d’oro completo

Albo d’oro Santos Tour Down Under

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Women's Race Results

See the results from the 2024 Santos Tour Down Under women's race.

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Men's Race Results

See the results from the 2024 Santos Tour Down Under men's race.

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Race Reports

Read the race reports from the 2024 Santos Tour Down Under.

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Men's Jersey Leaders

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Santos Leaders Jersey

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Ziptrak Sprint Jersey

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efex King of the Mountain Jersey

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Zwift Young Rider Jersey

Women's jersey leaders:.

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Ziptrak® Sprint Jersey

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Favorites stage 2 Tour Down Under 2024 | Right up Girmay's alley, or will Alaphilippe take the cake?

A fter the opening stage won by Sam Welsford, the Tour Down Under heads into the hills on day two. Starting from Norwood, we are looking at a day with 2,444 meters of elevation gain, spread out over 142 kilometers. IDLProCycling.com brings you up to speed.

Course stage 2 Tour Down Under 2024

The start in Norwood could prove to be very interesting: right from the beginning, the course goes uphill, thanks to the Ashton climb. This ten-kilometer climb with an average gradient of four percent is more of a steady rise, but early in the season, it can create quite some chaos, for example with a strong breakaway group. After a sprint in Woodside, the route heads towards Lobethal, the finish location of the day.

We reach this via Fox Creek, the critical climb of the day. This calf-biter, 1.6 kilometers long with an average gradient of 8 percent, must be conquered three times in a local circuit that the riders have to complete as many times, with the last summit within the final ten kilometers. That will be right up the alley of the guys who have strong legs - and courage!

Fox Creek is not the only obstacle that the riders encounter in that local 35-kilometer circuit. Right after the summit of the decisive climb, the course goes up steeply once again through a short descent, with several hundred meters of false flat. From there, the track descends slightly as we head towards the final one and a half kilometers, which are flat. The peloton has finished in Lobethal once before (with André Greipel emerging as the winner in 2013), but that time they did not go over Fox Creek. So, an interesting new discovery!

10.0 km: Ashton (10 km at 4%)

63.5 km: Fox Creek (1.6 km at 8%)

98.5 km: Fox Creek (1.6 km at 8%)

Start: 11:10 AM locally (01:40 AM Dutch time)

Finish: 2:52 PM locally (05:22 AM Dutch time)

Weather stage 2 Tour Down Under 2024

There should be no complaints from the participants of the Tour Down Under in terms of the weather. On Wednesday, temperatures will once again rise to well above 20 degrees Celsius, with a light breeze.

Favorites stage 2 Tour Down Under 2024

Well, it could go either way. Normally, we would say that a stage like this is too hard for the sprinters and too easy for the general classification riders, but what are these rules of thumb worth in mid-March? Probably not much. However, in the weeks leading up to the Tour Down Under, we have been able to pick up on some things, such as the form of Jonathan Narváez from INEOS Grenadiers. He won the introductory criterium, picked up bonuses on Tuesday, and also finished fifth in the final sprint.

Fox Creek is a hill that the better climbing sprinters should be able to handle, which leads us to start looking for potential winners among the guys who have already shown something in the (Flemish) Ardennes. Biniam Girmay, as a former winner of Gent-Wevelgem for Intermarché-Wanty, certainly fits the bill, as does GP Quebec podium finisher Corbin Strong. And what about super sprint lead-out Danny van Poppel, who also enjoys this kind of stage?

If the climbers or punchers get involved, we mainly look towards Jayco AlUla with Luke Plapp and Simon Yates, and UAE-Team Emirates with (among others) Finn Fisher-Black, Diego Ulissi, Alessandro Covi and Isaac del Toro. But we should definitely also consider riders such as Julian Alaphilippe ( Soudal Quick-Step), Milan Vader (Visma | Lease a Bike), Ruben Guerreiro (Movistar) and Oscar Onley (dsm-firmenich PostNL), each one of them a spirited racer.

Maybe we'll even see a group break away on the first climb of the day. In that case, Lidl-Trek with the likes of Bauke Mollema, Mathias Vacek, Natnael Tesfatsion or Quinn Simmons could try to pull something off, as well as riders like Derek Gee (Israel-Premier Tech), Filippo Ganna (INEOS Grenadiers), Franck Bonnamour (AG2R Citroën) and Harry Sweeny (EF Education-EasyPost). Although this is quite speculative...

Favorites stage 2 Tour Down Under 2024, according to IDLProCycling.com

Top favorites: Jhonatan Narváez (INEOS Grenadiers) and Biniam Girmay (Intermarché-Wanty)

Outsiders : Corbin Strong (Israel-Premier Tech), Danny van Poppel (BORA-hansgrohe), Luke Plapp (Jayco AlUla) and Julian Alaphilippe (Soudal Quick-Step)

Long shots : Simon Yates (Jayco AlUla), Milan Vader (Visma | Lease a Bike), Alessandro Covi, Isaac del Toro (UAE-Team Emirates), Natnael Tesfatsion, Quinn Simmons (Lidl-Trek), Ruben Guerreiro (Movistar) and Oscar Onley (dsm-firmenich PostNL)

Favorites stage 2 Tour Down Under 2024 | Right up Girmay's alley, or will Alaphilippe take the cake?

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How to buy Taylor Swift tickets: Eras Tour dates and prices compared

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Taylor Swift's reign continues as she ramps up for the next leg of The Eras Tour. The singer-songwriter will kick off the European portion of her world tour in Paris in May, which will continue throughout the summer. From there, she'll return to North America to tour Canada and a few remaining US cities in the fall. If you're hoping to attend, we've compiled all of the details of The Eras Tour, including how to get Taylor Swift tour tickets.

Swift's Eras Tour has taken the world by storm since March 2023. The three-plus-hour tour features hits from each of Swift's album eras, from "Lover" to her recent Grammy Award-winning "Midnights." Each show also features surprise songs and occasional guests, so fans never quite know what they're in for. Swift will release her latest album, "The Tortured Poets Department," in April, but it's unknown if any of those songs will make their way to the tour setlist. 

  • See also: Adele tickets | Olivia Rodrigo tickets | Bad Bunny tickets | Bruce Springsteen tickets  | Drake tickets | Stevie Nicks tickets

Getting tickets has become its own battle and many fans have waited hours in the Ticketmaster queue to hopefully snag some seats, if they could get a presale ticket code in the first place. While Swift continues to extend the tour, including new US dates, tickets remain hard to come by.

Below, we've put together a guide on everything to know about The Eras Tour, including the tour schedule, ticket purchasing details, resale ticket prices, and the concert film streaming options . You can also peruse resale vendors like StubHub and Vivid Seats at your leisure.

Taylor Swift international tour dates

The Eras Tour international dates resume on May 9 in Paris. The European tour will run until August 20 in London. UK prices are listed in pounds, and start times vary from city to city. US dates start in October and can be found under the following table.

Taylor Swift North American tour dates

The Eras tour will return to the US on October 18 in Miami. In addition to the Miami shows, Swift will perform multiple dates in New Orleans and Indianapolis. On November 14, Swift will head to Canada for several shows in Toronto and Vancouver. All North American shows start at 7 p.m. local time.

How to buy tickets for Taylor Swift's 2024 tour

Original standard tickets for Taylor Swift's 2024 sold out long ago for both international and domestic dates. All US tickets and many international tickets were sold through Ticketmaster , although select international locations used different services. 

Tickets for most dates are available on resale websites like StubHub and Vivid Seats . These are generally higher-priced than the originals, which are no longer available. Keep in mind that some countries have rules regarding reselling tickets.

How much are Taylor Swift tickets?

Ticket prices vary by date and location. International resale tickets tend to be a bit cheaper than US resale tickets. It's worth noting that some of the cheapest tickets have restricted views.

StubHub's cheapest European tickets range from $392 (Madrid, Spain, on May 29) to £978 (London, United Kingdom, on June 22). The latter is around $1,248 in USD. The lowest prices for most shows are around $450 to $1,000. On Vivid Seats , the cheapest tickets for these dates go for $549 and $683, respectively. 

When it comes to North American shows, the cheapest StubHub tickets range from $1,045 (Vancouver, Canada, on December 8) to $2,081 (Miami, Florida, on October 19). Most of the cheapest tickets are priced between $1,200 and $1,800. On Vivid Seats, the cheapest Taylor Swift tickets on these dates start at $1,133 and $2,212, respectively. The two resale vendors generally have similarly priced offerings, but this varies from show to show. 

  • Flights & hotel: Booking.com | Expedia | CheapOAir
  • Flights: Booking.com | Expedia | Tripadvisor | Skyscanner   | CheapOAir
  • Accommodation: Booking.com | Expedia | Airbnb | Tripadvisor | SkyScanner | CheapOAir
  • Parking: Spot Hero | The Parking Spot

Who is opening for Taylor Swift's tour?

Taylor Swift has a variety of opening acts, from up-and-coming singers to established groups. Opening acts vary by date. For the European leg of the tour, Paramore will open for Swift. In the US and Canada, Gracie Abrams will be the opening act. 

Will Taylor Swift add more dates to the Eras Tour?

Taylor Swift already added additional stops to her tour due to popular demand, including her US tour dates this fall. She also added additional dates to some of her European city stops, including bonus performances in France and the United Kingdom, among other locations. It's unknown whether Swift will end up adding even more tour dates, but by the end of the upcoming US leg she will have been touring for almost two years, so fans shouldn't be surprised if she takes a break. 

Where can I stream The Eras Tour concert film?

If you'd rather watch The Eras Tour from home, you could always stream it on Disney+. Check out everything you need to know about streaming The Eras Tour concert film in our guide . 

Note: Certain services and regions prohibit the resale of tickets. Business Insider does not endorse or condone the illegal reselling of tickets, and entry into an event is at the venue's discretion.

You can purchase logo and accolade licensing to this story here . Disclosure: Written and researched by the Insider Reviews team. We highlight products and services you might find interesting. If you buy them, we may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our partners. We may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. We operate independently from our advertising team. We welcome your feedback. Email us at [email protected] .

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Money blog: Lender to increase some mortgage deals in 'baffling' move

Skipton Building Society has announced it will be increasing some of its mortgage rates from next week - with the move facing some criticism. It comes after the Bank of England opted to keep interest rates at 5.25% yesterday.

Friday 22 March 2024 17:45, UK

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A warning has been issued over a proposed merger between Vodafone and Three. 

The £15bn deal would create the UK's largest mobile phone network if given the go ahead, but the Competition and Markets Authority has said it could lead to customers facing higher prices and reduced quality.  

"Whilst Vodafone and Three have made a number of claims about how their deal is good for competition and investment, the CMA has not seen sufficient evidence to date to back these claims," Julie Bon, phase one decisionmaker for the case at the CMA, said. 

"Our initial assessment of this deal has identified concerns which could lead to higher prices for customers and lower investment in UK mobile networks." 

Retail sales flatlined in February as "extremely" wet weather put off shoppers from heading to the high street.

There was 0% growth in the sector last month, according to new figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on Friday.

It said a good performance for clothes shops and department stores was offset by falls in food and fuel sales, possibly because of rising prices at the pumps.

However, it appears the weather also had a major impact as consumers shunned in-person stores in favour of online shopping.

You can read more here ...

Mobile networks will have to send roaming alerts to customers travelling abroad and provide information about the charges that apply under new regulator rules. 

Ofcom has said the regulations will help better protect mobile users against unexpected roaming charges. 

It comes after it found the quality of the information being provided can be "inconsistent and unclear" and 19% of customers were unaware of the extra charges. 

The new rules, which will come into force from 1 October, will require providers to give "clear, free to access information, so customers can make informed decisions about whether - and how - to use their mobile phone abroad". 

Uswitch has welcomed the news, but said there was "virtually nothing to stop providers from charging enormous sums" for using a phone abroad. 

"While we support these new rules, including roaming alerts and clear information on costs, they fall vastly short of the protections that consumers had come to expect," it said. 

"They will only come into force from October, so those travelling abroad this summer will still need to take extra precautions to avoid any surprises." 

The new England football kit has been making headlines this week for two reasons - its expensive price tag and its version of the St George's Cross. 

Here's what you need to know: 

An "authentic" version of the shirt costs £124.99 for adults and £119.99 for children, while a "stadium" version is £84.99 and £64.99 for children.

The high price makes it the most expensive football shirt in the country.

Last year, an adult stadium shirt cost £74.95 while a child's top cost £59.95. 

Nike, the designer of the kit, also made some changes to the St George's Cross that has sparked debate. 

The traditional red cross was tweaked and features purple and blue stripes.

The company dubbed it "a playful update" to the shirt ahead of Euro 2024, inspired by the training kit worn by England's 1966 World Cup winners.

A Nike spokesperson previously said: "The England 2024 home kit disrupts history with a modern take on a classic.

"The trim on the cuffs takes its cues from the training gear worn by England's 1966 heroes, with a gradient of blues and reds topped with purple.

"The same colours also feature an interpretation of the flag of St George on the back of the collar."

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak warned against "messing with" the national flags, saying they are "a source of pride, identity, who we are and they are perfect as we are". 

Responding to the Nike redesign, former England goalkeeper Peter Shilton, the country's most capped men's player, said he was against the design and the price. 

Passport application fees are set to rise next month, the government has announced.

While the proposals still need to be scrutinised by parliament for approval, it is likely they will be passed. 

If approved, it will mark the second year in a row the prices have been hiked following a 9% increase in February 2023. 

They are set to rise by around 7% on Thursday 11 April. 

What are the new fees? 

Under the proposals, a standard online application made from within the UK will rise by £6 to £88.50 for adults and by £4 to £57.50 for children. 

A postal application will go up by £7 to £100 for adults and £69 for children. 

The one-week fast track service is also increasing by £11.50 for adults (£155) and £9.50 for children (£135.50). 

If you are applying from overseas, the price is rising to £101 for adults and £65.50 for children. 

Why are they rising? 

The Home Office said the new fees will help it better meet "the cost of delivering passport and associated operations, reducing reliance on funding from general taxation". 

"The fees contribute to the cost of processing passport applications, consular support overseas, including for lost or stolen passports, and the cost of processing British citizens at UK borders," it said on the government website. 

"The increase will also help enable the government to continue improving its services." 

Is it worth renewing early? 

MoneySavingExpert says it is worth renewing early to avoid the increased rates - but only if you have less than 10 months left on your current passport. 

The time left on it your passport is no longer added on to the expiry date of your new passport.

A standard adult passport lasts for 10 years and used to cost £72.50 – which works out to around 60p per month of ownership, it said. 

This means you would save money by renewing early - but if it is valid for longer than 10 months, then you might be worse off. 

Basically, the closer your passport is to expiring, the more it's worth renewing before the new fees kick in.

Looking for a last minute Easter weekend break away? Helpfully, Which? has put together a list of the cheapest destinations for holiday cottages. 

The consumer champion found there are more than 14,000 properties still available to rent over the Bank Holiday weekend. 

Booking now will cost an average of £800 for a week's stay, it added. 

The cheapest region was found to be Shropshire, with the average holiday cottage costing a huge £400 less than a week in the most expensive area - the Outer Hebrides. 

Here are the destinations Which? found to be the cheapest: 

Nationwide has apologised after all payments in and out of customer accounts were delayed this morning. 

The issue, which has since been resolved, had affected the building society's faster payments system. 

Some users had complained online that they hadn't received their wages, and had been unable to pay their bills.

Others said they couldn't access their finances while their transfers were disrupted.

While the problem has been fixed, Nationwide has said it could still take "a few hours" for impacted payments to be processed. 

"We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused," it added.

Customers have been urged not to resend or duplicate payments because of the delays. 

By Ollie Cooper, Money team

We've all heard consumer advice that's repeated so often it almost becomes cliché. So, every Friday the Money team will get to the bottom of a different "fact" and decide whether it's a myth or must.

This week it is...

'Leaving devices on standby or on at the wall wastes cash' 

Should we really be switching the TV off at the wall every time?

For this one, we've got the help of Kelly Becker , president of Schneider Electric UK and Ireland .

"Switching the TV off at the mains to save electricity is a sensible idea but the savings are minimal," Kelly says. 

She describes the money you spend on devices on standby as "a drop in the ocean" compared to what we spend on hot water and heating. 

Those things are the biggest drain on our energy bills, accounting for roughly 80% of household energy. Lighting and appliances, however, account for only 13%, she says. 

Devices left on standby generally only account for a maximum of 1-2% of our monthly bill.

What does that look like?

"For instance, a [typical] boiler consumes around 200W when running and 600W just to get started," she says. 

By contrast, the average TV consumes roughly 60-120W when running and uses as little 0.5W in standby mode.

Running your standard LCD TV costs roughly 3p per hour under the new price cap that comes into effect on 1 April. 

Kelly and her team were unable to calculate the exact cost of how much a TV on standby would cost for one hour because the wattage was so low - but some energy calculators suggest it's as little as £0.000145. 

We aren't saying that savings are non-existent - and it's certainly better for the planet and (albeit to a very limited extent) your wallet - but to say it's making significant dents in your bills would be a drastic exaggeration. 

Want to maximise savings?

As we just said, we aren't saying don't do it - if you want to shave off every penny and don't mind putting in the work to do so, here are a few tips.

"We can economise by turning devices off before we go to bed or while we're at work - the cheapest energy is the energy we don't use, and this is a good place to start," Kelly says. 

Simple enough - but what about those things that have a standby mode?

"Unfortunately, games consoles, set top boxes, TV streaming devices and other appliances aren't designed to be switched off," Kelly says.

Standby tends to be the default setting when not in use - allowing for software updates but also the convenience of picking up exactly where you left off streaming or gaming.

So how do we tackle those?

"Using smart plugs combined with advanced energy monitoring systems, you can schedule sockets to turn on and off automatically to suit your daily patterns," Kelly suggests.

By using the latter, it is possible to monitor electricity consumption per device to work out what's worth switching off - although you'd obviously need to weigh up whether the expense of purchasing one is worth it. 

Smart plugs retail from £8 up to around £40. 

You could invest instead in timed automated switches, which can be cheaper and effectively do the same thing - but these are often battery powered, so you'd need to consider that cost, too. 

Myth or Must?

If you think you'll be saving a fortune religiously switching off every device in the house at the plug - you'd be incorrect.

That being said, if you want that 1-2% cut off the energy bill and don't mind the effort of reaching behind the telly every time (or investing in smart plugs), there's certainly no harm.

Skipton Building Society has announced it will be increasing some of its mortgage rates from next week. 

The lender will put up rates across its residential two-year fixed purchase only range, as well as its two and five-year remortgage deals. 

It is also withdrawing its five-year fixed rate purchase only products. 

The changes will be made from 26 March. 

The decision has been branded "baffling" by some mortgage experts, especially after the Bank of England opted to keep interest rates at 5.25% yesterday. 

Stephen Perkins, managing director at Yellow Brick Mortgages, said Skipton could be trying to increase its margins. 

"Skipton have either made these rate decisions in a dark room isolated from the news cycle, or are trying to increase their margins or reduce their application levels," he told Newspage.

Hannah Bashford, managing director at Model Financial Solutions, added: "This is just baffling. With a positive base rate decision meeting yesterday and expectations for rates to decrease by the summer, we've seen swaps reduce and yet lenders are increasing their rates.

"They can't all be claiming to stem business volumes when March has been much slower in terms of applications than January and February."

A Tesco in Preston has attracted attention online after pictures appeared to show the store placing security barriers around its reduced to clear section.

Images of the orange barricades were posted on social media sites, with some shoppers claiming there had been "scraps" in the aisle. 

The sections are used by Tesco to feature products that are close to their expiry date and therefore have been reduced in price. 

The areas tend to be popular with shoppers looking to bag a deal. 

Having barriers around a reduced to clear section isn't a company-wide policy, but using them is an option for staff. 

They are implemented at each store's discretion, usually to make sure employees have enough space to work. 

Tesco didn't wish to comment on the story. 

Waitrose is considering closing its warehouse in Enfield in July 2024. 

The move, if given the go ahead, would put more than 500 jobs at risk, but is not expected to have any customer impact. 

The supermarket is considering the closure of the site due to increasing rental costs and after finding capacity elsewhere in its network. 

However, no decision will be made until after a 12-week consultation process is held. 

A spokesperson told Sky News: "While it's not an option we are taking lightly, the proposal would maintain our high levels of customer service, whilst focusing our investment to make this even better in future.

"No decision will be made until we have fully consulted with all partners at our Enfield site, who are being supported throughout the process." 

Depop has scrapped selling fees for users in the UK, meaning sellers will get more money back from each of their sales. 

The secondhand clothes app said the move comes as part of a broader update to its fee structure that aims to make a "more circular fashion system". 

However, the update will also see a 5% marketplace fee introduced for UK buyers from 15 April, which will support "continued investment" across the marketplace. 

"With more and more people now looking at resale as an alternative to retail, we want to make it easier than ever for people to take their first step into secondhand, and sell the clothes they no longer wear," it said on its website. 

"To support this, we are saying goodbye to charging selling fees for sellers based in the UK."

Pub giant JD Wetherspoon has revealed a jump in profits for the past year as it witnessed higher customer demand. 

The company told shareholders that pre-tax profits surged by almost eight-fold to £36m for the year to January, compared with £4.6m a year earlier.

Founder Tim Martin said: "The company currently anticipates a reasonable outcome for the financial year, subject to our future sales performance."

It came as the pub group also confirmed it has trimmed the size of its pub estate further.

Wetherspoons said it now has 814 pubs after selling five pubs, terminating the lease of another five and subletting another three sites.

One in eight UK supermarkets now offer electric vehicle (EV) charging -  but Asda has deactivated most of its devices, research has shown. 

The number of supermarkets offering EV chargers rose from 1,015 at the end of 2022 to 1,616 by late 2023,the RAC and Zapmap found.

That's around 13% of all 12,839 supermarkets in the country. 

However, Asda was found to have charging facilities at just 2% of its stores after many of its devices were deactivated. 

An Asda spokesperson said its operating agreement with bp pulse came to an end in October last year.

"These EV charging points remain on site with clear signage to indicate to customers that the equipment is currently not in use, whilst we review our options," they added.

Morrisons was found to be the supermarket chain with the highest proportion of stores offering EV charging at 69%, followed by Lidl (30%).

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Tour de France 2024 - The GC favourites form guide

A look at how the men targeting yellow fared in their opening races of the season

Tadej Pogacar and Jonas Vingegaard are once again the front-runners for Tour de France glory after strong starts to 2024

Everybody takes a different path to the Tour de France , but all the contenders for overall victory in Nice have now started their seasons. Jonas Vingegaard got off to a thunderous start with wins at O Gran Camiño and Tirreno-Adriatico, while Tadej Pogačar delivered yet another performance for the ages at Strade Bianche .

Elsewhere, Remco Evenepoel and Primoz Roglič met at Paris-Nice , even if Visma-Lease A Bike issued an ominous warning about their strength in depth when Matteo Jorgenson carried off final overall victory.

Making comparisons between riders lining out in different races never makes for an exact science, but clashes between the ‘Big Four’ of favourites will be infrequent between now and July.

With that in mind, we present the first 2024 instalment of our ranking of the favourites for Tour victory. 

1. Jonas Vingegaard  

  • Team: Visma-Lease A Bike
  • Tour Experience: Winner in 2022 and 2023, runner-up in 2021
  • 2024 results: 1st & three stage wins at O Gran Camiño, 1st & two stage wins at Tirreno-Adriatico

The 2022 and 2023 Tour de France winner avoided a showdown against Remco Evenepoel and Primož Roglič at Paris-Nice, but he perhaps regretted it after dominating Tirreno-Adriatico with a show of superb early-season form.

The Dane won both mountain stages in the Italian stage race, surging away from Juan Ayuso, Jai Hindley et al when he felt like it to win alone and gain significant time. He was clearly on another level.

“The season is not only about the Tour de France. It’s better to try to do something now, win some races and win as much as possible,” Vingegaard suggested, clearly happy and at ease after riding so well at Tirreno-Adriatico.

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“I was in shape last year but for some other things, I didn’t perform that well, but I always believed in myself and my form. I think my level is still improving and I hope I can improve more for the Tour de France. I know I can peak in July.”

Vingegaard confirmed he is unlikely to ride the Ardennes Classics. Itzulia Basque Country is next but without a spell at altitude beforehand.

“I’m looking forward to racing those two guys too,” Vingegaard said of Roglič and Evenepoel, with genuine enthusiasm and a sense of a challenge.

“It was a good peloton here, but they are some of the best riders in the world, so you have to compare yourself against them. To be the best rider in the world, you have to beat those guys.”

2. Tadej Pogacar

  • Team: UAE Team Emirates
  • Tour Experience: Winner in 2020 and 2021, runner-up in 2022 and 2023
  • 2024 results: 1st at Strade Bianche

Tadej Pogačar has different ambitions from his Tour de France rivals and different characteristics as a rider, so he has a very different race programme from everyone else.

He is targeting the Giro d’Italia-Tour de France double and so is racing less in the spring to stay fresh and prepare to be at his best in May and then again in July.

The UAE Team Emirates leader dominated Strade Bianche with his 81 km solo attack but then skipped Tirreno-Adriatico, making Milan-San Remo his second race day of the season. The Volta a Catalunya will be the only stage race of the spring, with Liège-Bastogne-Liège his last race coming after an altitude camp before starting the Giro d’Italia in Turin on May 4.

“I have a really nice programme. I can be excited for each race,” Pogačar said after his Strade Bianche win, confirming he has enjoyed a productive pre-season and is already on great form and on track for his Giro-Tour double attempt.

“I’ve got back all the confidence that I maybe lost after the crash last year. It was a really great winter for me, I had really great preparation and I’ve got confirmation that all is good.”

A one-day race is no confirmation of Tour de France form, but Pogačar appears happier than ever after several months at home. He has a spring in his step and a smile on his face, a terrible sign for his rivals of what is likely to come in 2024.

3. Remco Evenepoel

  • Team: Soudal-QuickStep
  • Tour Experience: Debutant
  • 2024 results: 1st at Figueira Champions Classics, 1st & stage win at Volta ao Algarve, 2nd & stage win at Paris-Nice

Remco Evenepoel started his year in a similar manner to Vingegaard and Pogačar by delivering a remarkable solo exhibition at the Figueira Champions Classic. Later in the week, he ran through his scales on very familiar terrain at the Volta ao Algave, winning the race for the third time and in the usual manner, by dominating the time trial and tracking everything on the two summit finishes.

From the friendly confines of Portugal, Evenepoel moved on to new ground in March. Prior to this year, Evenepoel’s lone excursions across the Franco-Belgian border had come at the Chrono des Nations. With his Tour debut on the horizon, Evenepoel figured he might as well spend a bit more time on French roads, and so he opted for Paris-Nice over Tirreno-Adriatico or the Volta a Catalunya.

The Race to the Sun didn’t go entirely to plan for Evenepoel, though it was far from a disaster either, as he picked up second place overall and a stage win in Nice . His overall challenge was ultimately undone by the tactical error that allowed Matteo Jorgenson out of his sight on stage 6, but it will surely be a nagging concern that one of Vingegaard’s Visma-Lease A Bike domestiques dealt so ably with his onslaught on the final stage.

“It’s not yet the best Remco, but we’re getting there,” said Evenepoel, who will measure himself against Vingegaard at Itzulia Basque Country before an anticipated head-to-head with Pogačar at Liège-Bastogne-Liège.

Unlike his rivals, Evenepoel hasn’t yet trained at altitude in 2024, and he won’t do so until after the Ardennes. By his reckoning, there is still ample margin for improvement before July. “We can already be very positive with the feeling that we now have without altitude.”

4. Primoz Roglic

  • Team: Bora-Hansgrohe
  • Tour Experience: Runner-up in 2020, fourth in 2018, three stage wins
  • 2024 results: 10th at Paris-Nice

Primož Roglič remains in our top four on pedigree rather than performance, given that his 10th place at Paris-Nice marked his worst finish in a stage race of any description since he placed 15th overall at the same event in 2021. That statistic doesn’t tell the full story, of course, as Roglič crashed on the final day of that edition of Paris-Nice while wearing the yellow jersey.

In reality, then, this was Roglič’s most subdued outing in a stage race since he placed 29th overall at the 2018 Tirreno-Adriatico. In his subsequent 27 stage race appearances, Roglič crashed out on four occasions (three times at Grand Tours), but he finished on the podium 20 times out of his 23 finishes. The exceptions came at the 2018 Tour de France (4th), 2021 Paris-Nice (15th) and 2022 Itzulia Basque Country (8th).

What does this mean for Roglič’s prospects of Tour victory in July? Probably less than you think. His showing here was entirely in keeping with the vision Bora-Hansgrohe performance manager Rolf Aldag laid out at the team’s media day in January. In his Jumbo-Visma era, Roglič tended to win early and often. At Bora, Aldag insisted, the Tour is the only win that matters, and his programme has been designed accordingly.

“Where we want to clash with the ‘Big Four’ is at the Tour de France,” Aldag explained back then, with Roglič adding that it would be a “bonus” if he got victories before July. The Slovenian certainly looked a long way short of his usual March sharpness at Paris-Nice, but perhaps that’s just all part of the grand design for his fresh approach to the Tour.

Roglič never appeared in any undue difficulty during the week either, though as Philippa York pointed out, Bora-Hansgrohe’s tactical approach to the team time trial left much to be desired . For now, the 34-year-old appears content to fly under the radar, but Itzulia Basque Country will give a better indication of his progress.

5. Juan Ayuso

  • 2024 results: 2nd at Ruta del Sol, 1st at Faun Ardéche Classic, 2nd at Faun Drôme Classic, 3rd at Trofeo Laigueglia, 2nd overall & stage win at Tirreno-Adriatico

Juan Ayuso’s career has always been on a fast track and will accelerate even more this summer when he makes his Tour de France debut alongside Tadej Pogačar. He will be the Slovenian’s understudy, his apprentice and domestique. If Pogačar struggles during or after the Tour de France, then Ayuso will be ready to step up and play an even bigger role.

UAE Team Emirates also have Adam Yates and João Almeida in their 2024 Tour de France long list, but Ayuso arguably offers more potential. He is still only 21 but was third in the 2022 Vuelta a Espana and fourth last year after a disrupted season.

He was unable to match Jonas Vingegaard on the Tirreno-Adriatico climbs but that only gave him more motivation for the four months before this year’s Tour de France.

“If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best. To have these opportunities to race against the best riders in the world is very nice and motivating,” Ayuso told Cyclingnews in Italy.

“I wanted to get to know the Tour this year, the team thought it was a good idea, so that's the plan for 2024.

“The Tour is the biggest dream cyclists can have, and I think I moved one step forward last year. I’m a bit closer now to the guys that are at the top. With the winter and during the season before the Tour, I hope I can climb another big step and be ready.

6. Adam Yates

  • Tour experience: 7 appearances. 3rd overall in 2024, 4th overall in 2016
  • 2024 results: 1st & stage win Tour of Oman. DNF UAE Tour

Yates’ podium finish at last year’s Tour demonstrated that he is more than simply a luxury domestique, but a potential auxiliary leader should mishap befall Pogačar.

The Briton enjoyed a career year in his first season at UAE Team Emirates, winning the UAE Tour, Tour de Romandie and the Grand Prix de Montréal, and he started his 2024 campaign on a similarly buoyant note by conquering Green Mountain to take overall victory at the Tour of Oman.

The concussion sustained in a crash at the UAE Tour , however, has since arrested Yates’ progress. UAE Team Emirates took Yates out of that race as soon as the extent of his injury became clear, and, sagely, they also kept him out of the line-up for Tirreno-Adriatico.

It’s not yet certain when Yates will return to action. With Pogačar leading the line for UAE at the Volta a Catalunya, the Briton might be held back for Itzulia Basque Country or even the Tour de Romandie.

7. Simon Yates

  • Team: Jayco-AlUla
  • Tour experience: 6 appearances. 4th overall 2024. Two stage wins in 2019
  • 2024 results: 7th at Tour Down Under, 1st & stage win AlUla Tour

Like his brother, Simon Yates picked up a win on the Arabian Peninsula in February with a sponsor-pleasing victory at the Alula Tour . As ever in Saudi Arabia, there wasn’t considerable depth in the field, but winning is a useful habit nonetheless, and Yates overcame UAE’s strength in numbers to claim the concluding stage and final overall victory.

Having begun his campaign early with seventh overall at the Tour Down Under, Yates opted against racing Paris-Nice or Tirreno-Adriatico. Instead, the Briton will ride both the Volta a Catalunya and Itzulia Basque, giving himself a chance to measure himself against all of the ‘Big Four’ across the two events.

Vingegaard, Pogačar et al may be on a different level from Yates, but the 31-year-old remains a consistent yet strangely underrated performer. Expect him to be in the mix in late March and April.

8. Sepp Kuss

  • Tour experience: Four appearances. 12th overall in 2023. Stage winner in 2021
  • 2024 results: 6th at Clásica Jaén, 8th at Volta ao Algarve, DNF at Strade Bianche

Victory at last year’s Vuelta a España has surely changed Kuss’ ambitions for the summer, but it doesn’t appear to have unduly altered his approach to the early season.

While others at Visma-Lease A Bike – chiefly Vingegaard, Matteo Jorgenson and Jan Tratnik – have made fast starts to 2024, Kuss has been solid rather than spectacular in his first outings of the new campaign.

Kuss was sixth at the Clásica Jaén and he looked assured on the explosive summit finishes at the Volta ao Algarve, though a poor time trial restricted him to eighth overall. He was rather less impressive in abandoning Strade Bianche a week later, but the gravel event was something like bonus territory for the American.

A truer indication of his form will come when he races on familiar terrain at the Volta a Catalunya. In the absence of Vingegaard, it’s also a clear opportunity for Kuss to take the reins of leadership before he links up with the Dane for the first time this season at next month’s Itzulia Basque Country. 

The chasing pack

The 'Big Four' dominate pre-Tour discussion, but the early weeks of the season have again suggested that the road to victory in July will again run through two teams - Visma-Lease A Bike and UAE Team Emirates. For most of the rest of the peloton, there is a gap to be bridged.

Carlos Rodríguez is nominally Ineos’ leader for the Tour after his fifth place finish last year, but the Spaniard has been anonymous in the opening weeks of the season, placing 31st at O Gran Camiño and 28th at Paris-Nice.

His teammate Egan Bernal has been much more impressive. After impressing for the Colombian national team at the Tour Colombia, he proceeded to place third overall at O Gran Camiño and seventh at Paris-Nice. It’s not clear if Bernal will even ride the Tour, far less lead Ineos there, but it is heartening to see his steady, upward trajectory two years on from his life-threatening training crash.

David Gaudu (Groupama-FDJ), on the other hand, will be feeling the pressure after a disastrous Paris-Nice. Twelve months ago, the Frenchman raised his expectations for the Tour by placing second overall in Nice. This time out, his race unravelled when he crashed on the penultimate climb towards Mont Brouilly, and he was a non-starter on the final day. He will hope his season finally ignites at Itzulia Basque Country.

Richard Carapaz (EF Education-EasyPost) was mightily impressive at the Tour Colombia, winning the toughest stage to the Alto del Vino, but the Olympic champion has not yet caught the eye in Europe, finishing well off the pace at O Gran Camiño and crashing out at Tirreno-Adriatico. He usually times things just right for Grand Tours, mind, and he has designs on making an impression at the Ardennes Classics this Spring.

Enric Mas (Movistar) made his season debut at Tirreno-Adriatico, though he was nowhere to be seen when Vingegaard started running through his repertoire later in the week. The Spaniard ended the race in 12th overall, but he will hope to be more prominent at the Volta a Catalunya.

The most impressive member of the chasing pack, however, has been Jai Hindley (Bora-Hansgrohe). The Australian is set for a luxury domestique role in Roglič’s service at the Tour, but his performance and third place overall at Tirreno-Adriatico suggested a man ready to step into a leadership role if required. The 2022 Giro champion will head to Itzulia Basque Country next month with real intent.

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Barry Ryan

Barry Ryan is Head of Features at Cyclingnews. He has covered professional cycling since 2010, reporting from the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia and events from Argentina to Japan. His writing has appeared in The Independent, Procycling and Cycling Plus. He is the author of The Ascent: Sean Kelly, Stephen Roche and the Rise of Irish Cycling’s Golden Generation , published by Gill Books.

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Santos Tour Down Under

Race information.

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  • Date: 21 January 2024
  • Start time: 11:19 (01:49 CET)
  • Avg. speed winner: 41.481 km/h
  • Race category: ME - Men Elite
  • Distance: 128.2 km
  • Points scale: 2.WT.Stage
  • UCI scale: UCI.WR.C1.Stage
  • Parcours type:
  • ProfileScore: 110
  • Vert. meters: 2344
  • Departure: Unley
  • Arrival: Mount Lofty
  • Race ranking: 51
  • Startlist quality score: 374
  • Won how: Sprint of 4 riders
  • Avg. temperature:

Finishphoto of Stephen Williams winning Santos Tour Down Under Stage 6.

Grand Tours

  • Vuelta a España

Major Tours

  • Volta a Catalunya
  • Tour de Romandie
  • Tour de Suisse
  • Itzulia Basque Country
  • Milano-SanRemo
  • Ronde van Vlaanderen


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  • Strade Bianche
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Popular riders

  • Tadej Pogačar
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Moscow Metro 2019

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Will it be easy to find my way in the Moscow Metro? It is a question many visitors ask themselves before hitting the streets of the Russian capital. As metro is the main means of transport in Moscow – fast, reliable and safe – having some skills in using it will help make your visit more successful and smooth. On top of this, it is the most beautiful metro in the world !

. There are over 220 stations and 15 lines in the Moscow Metro. It is open from 6 am to 1 am. Trains come very frequently: during the rush hour you won't wait for more than 90 seconds! Distances between stations are quite long – 1,5 to 2 or even 3 kilometers. Metro runs inside the city borders only. To get to the airport you will need to take an onground train - Aeroexpress.


Paper ticket A fee is fixed and does not depend on how far you go. There are tickets for a number of trips: 1, 2 or 60 trips; or for a number of days: 1, 3 days or a month. Your trips are recorded on a paper ticket. Ifyou buy a ticket for several trips you can share it with your traveling partner passing it from one to the other at the turnstile.

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On every station there is cashier and machines (you can switch it to English). Cards and cash are accepted. 1 trip - 55 RUB 2 trips - 110 RUB

Tickets for 60 trips and day passes are available only at the cashier's.

60 rides - 1900 RUB

1 day - 230 RUB 3 days - 438 RUB 30 days - 2170 RUB.

The cheapest way to travel is buying Troyka card . It is a plastic card you can top up for any amount at the machine or at the ticket office. With it every trip costs 38 RUB in the metro and 21 RUB in a bus. You can get the card in any ticket office. Be prepared to leave a deposit of 50 RUB. You can get it back returning the card to the cashier.

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SamsungPay, ApplePay and PayPass cards.

One turnstile at every station accept PayPass and payments with phones. It has a sticker with the logos and located next to the security's cabin.


At the platfrom you will see one of these signs.

It indicates the line you are at now (line 6), shows the direction train run and the final stations. Numbers below there are of those lines you can change from this line.

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In trains, stations are announced in Russian and English. In newer trains there are also visual indication of there you are on the line.

To change lines look for these signs. This one shows the way to line 2.

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There are also signs on the platfrom. They will help you to havigate yourself. (To the lines 3 and 5 in this case). 

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Moscow Metro Tour - With Ratings

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Moscow Metro Tour

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Tour Information

Key Details

  • Free Cancellation
  • Duration: 1 Hr 30 Mins
  • Language: English
  • Departure Details : Get to the Biblioteka imeni Lenina (Lenin's Library, Red Line) or Alexandrovsky Sad (Alexander Garden, Light Blue Line) metro station. Use any exit. Find the Kutafia Tower of the Kremlin. The guide .. read more

The Moscow Metro has a long history to it. Also, the city has an extremely beautiful subway. It is very well maintained and is also extremely decorated. Each station and spot has a different artistic aspect to it. On this tour, experience the efficiency of Moscow Metro.

  • Roam around the Revolution Square, with magnificent sculptures of the Soviet people
  • Visit the Kurskaya Station Lobby, the Hall of Fame of the WWII
  • Be awestruck at the Komsomolskaya , with impressive mural mosaics of Russian glorious victories
  • See the artistic side of Novoslobodskaya , with the stained glass, although under the ground.

Know More about this tour

Take our Moscow Metro Tour and discover why our subway is recognized as the most beautiful in the world!

"They used to have palaces for kings, we are going to build palaces for the people!" said one of the main architects of the Soviet subway.

With us you will see the most beautiful metro stations in Moscow built under Stalin: Komsomolskaya, Revolution square, Novoslobodskaya, Mayakovskaya. Our guide will tell fascinating stories and secrets hidden underground, urban legends and funny stories.

How many babies were born on the Moscow metro? Where is the secret Metro 2? How deep is the Moscow metro? And where did Stalin give his speech in November 1941? Join out Metro tour and find out!

  • Metro ticket

Cancellation Policy

  • If you cancel between 0 hrs To 24 hrs before scheduled tour departure, the cancellation charge will be 100%
  • If you cancel between 1 days To 180 days before scheduled tour departure, the cancellation charge will be 0%
  • Please note that in case of No show, the cancellation charge will be 100% of the listed tour fare.
  • Please note tours booked using discount coupon codes will be non refundable.
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