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Vidéo Le jeu de bonneteau, une triche organisée mais "pas une escroquerie"

bonneteau tour eiffel

L'organisateur du bonneteau travaille souvent avec des complices qui font mine de gagner pour inciter les passants à jouer.  Les touristes, surtout chinois, se font souvent avoir aux abords de la tour  Eiffel .

Un homme qui tenait un jeu de bonneteau a été condamné par la cour d'appel de Paris pour organisation de jeu de hasard sans autorisation. En revanche, le chef d'"escroquerie" a été écarté. En première instance, le tribunal correctionnel de Paris avait estimé qu'en organisant un jeu de bonneteau aux abords de la tour Eiffel, le prévenu s'était bien rendu coupable d'une arnaque et l'avait condamné à huit mois d'emprisonnement ferme.

Le bonneteur et ses complices, les "barons"

Le bonneteau est un jeu qui consiste, pour l'organisateur, à montrer, pour commencer, une carte à jouer à des joueurs qui ont misé une somme en argent liquide. La carte est ensuite placée, retournée, sur une table de fortune puis mélangée le plus vite possible avec deux autres cartes à jouer, face cachée également. Les joueurs doivent retrouver la carte initiale en ayant suivi les mouvements rapides de l'organisateur. L'organisateur du bonneteau travaille souvent avec des complices, les "barons", qui simulent une partie sous les yeux des badauds et font mine de gagner, pour inciter les passants à jouer.  Les touristes, surtout chinois, se font souvent avoir aux abords de la tour  Eiffel .

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Paris: démantèlement d'un gang spécialisé dans le jeu de bonneteau au pied de la Tour Eiffel

La police judiciaire a interpellé lundi et mardi 22 membres d'un groupe criminel roumain qui arnaquait les touristes, notamment près de la Tour Eiffel

La police judiciaire a interpellé lundi et mardi 22 membres d'un groupe criminel roumain qui arnaquait les touristes, notamment près de la Tour Eiffel - GERARD JULIEN © 2019 AFP

La police judiciaire a interpellé lundi et mardi 22 membres d'un groupe criminel roumain qui arnaquait les touristes, notamment près de la Tour Eiffel , et dont l'activité rapportait plus d'un million d'euros par an, a-t-on appris mardi de sources proche du dossier et judiciaire.

Les suspects ont été placés en garde à vue dans les locaux du Service central des courses et Jeux (SCCJ) et de la Sous-direction de la lutte contre l'immigration irrégulière (SDLII), co-saisis des investigations, a-t-on appris de mêmes sources, confirmant une information du Parisien .

20 tables de jeu clandestines installées quotidiennement

Selon la source proche du dossier, le chef du réseau, basé en Roumanie, a échappé aux arrestations, mais sa compagne, considérée comme sa lieutenante, fait partie des interpellés.

Le réseau est soupçonné d'avoir abusé des touristes aux abords du Champs-de-Mars avec le jeu du bonneteau . Le principe: promettre à la victime de pouvoir facilement gagner de l'argent en retrouvant une balle sous un gobelet.

En réalité, les seuls gagnants sont les complices de celui qui manipule les gobelets. Ils jouent le rôle de faux joueurs et incitent les touristes à parier de l'argent, avec une mise initiale de 50 euros en général, avant de faire monter les enchères.

Au total, le groupe pouvait installer sur la voie publique jusqu'à 20 tables par jour, générant chacune jusqu'à 3.000 euros de gains quotidiens. Soit un chiffre d'affaires annuel estimé à plus d'un million d'euros par la PJ, mise sur la piste des escrocs grâce à un renseignement de la police roumaine en 2022.

"Un vrai groupe criminel organisé"

Si la police interpelle régulièrement des "petites mains" de ces réseaux, cette opération a permis d'appréhender "des chefs" et de "démontrer qu'on a affaire à un vrai groupe criminel organisé", selon la source proche du dossier.

Le coup de filet, réalisé avec l'appui de la Brigade de recherches et d'intervention (BRI) et le Raid, a eu lieu au niveau du Trocadéro, de la Tour Eiffel, en Seine-Saint-Denis et à l'aéroport du Bourget.

D'après la source judiciaire, une enquête préliminaire a été ouverte en décembre 2022. Elle a été confiée le 1er juin à un juge d'instruction.

Les investigations portent sur plusieurs infractions en bande organisée : escroquerie, opérations de jeux d'argent et de hasard prohibés, blanchiment aggravé, corruption active et passive.

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Paris Arnaque au pied de la Tour Eiffel : un gang spécialisé dans le jeu de bonneteau démantelé

22 membres d'un groupe criminel roumain qui arnaquait les touristes ont été interpellés lundi et mardi.

Le principe du « jeu » : promettre à la victime de pouvoir facilement gagner de l'argent en retrouvant une balle sous un gobelet. Photo Sipa/Houpline Renard

 Le principe du « jeu » : promettre à la victime de pouvoir facilement gagner de l'argent en retrouvant une balle sous un gobelet. Photo Sipa/Houpline Renard

La police judiciaire a interpellé lundi et mardi 22 membres d'un groupe criminel roumain qui arnaquait les touristes, notamment près de la Tour Eiffel, et dont l'activité rapportait plus d'un million d'euros par an.

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Les suspects ont été placés en garde à vue dans les locaux du Service central des courses et Jeux (SCCJ) et de la Sous-direction de la lutte contre l’immigration irrégulière (SDLII), co-saisis des investigations, a appris l'AFP de sources proches du dossier, confirmant une information du Parisien .

Le chef du réseau en fuite

Selon une source proche du dossier, le chef du réseau, basé en Roumanie, a échappé aux arrestations, mais sa compagne, considérée comme sa lieutenante, fait partie des interpellés.

Le réseau est soupçonné d'avoir abusé des touristes aux abords du Champs-de-Mars avec le jeu du bonneteau. Le principe : promettre à la victime de pouvoir facilement gagner de l'argent en retrouvant une balle sous un gobelet. En réalité, les seuls gagnants sont les complices de celui qui manipule les gobelets. Ils jouent le rôle de faux joueurs et incitent les touristes à parier de l'argent, avec une mise initiale de 50 euros en général, avant de faire monter les enchères. Au total, le groupe pouvait installer sur la voie publique jusqu'à 20 tables par jour, générant chacune jusqu'à 3 000 euros de gains quotidiens. Soit un chiffre d'affaires annuel estimé à plus d'un million d'euros par la PJ, mise sur la piste des escrocs grâce à un renseignement de la police roumaine en 2022.

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Hauts lieux touristiques

Si la police interpelle régulièrement des « petites mains » de ces réseaux, cette opération a permis d'appréhender « des chefs » et de « démontrer qu'on a affaire à un vrai groupe criminel organisé », selon la source proche du dossier. Le coup de filet, réalisé avec l'appui de la Brigade de recherches et d'intervention (BRI) et le Raid, a eu lieu au niveau du Trocadéro, de la Tour Eiffel, en Seine-Saint-Denis et à l'aéroport du Bourget.

D'après la source judiciaire, une enquête préliminaire a été ouverte en décembre 2022. Elle a été confiée le 1er juin à un juge d'instruction. Les investigations portent sur plusieurs infractions en bande organisée : escroquerie, opérations de jeux d'argent et de hasard prohibés, blanchiment aggravé, corruption active et passive.

  • France - Monde
  • The Eiffel Tower

Official Eiffel Tower Ticket Office

  Official Eiffel Tower Ticket Office

  • Contact information

When do you want to visit the Eiffel Tower?

How many tickets do you need.

Young (12-24 years)

Children (4-11 years old)

Small children (younger than 4 years old)

Disabled individuals

RSA (earned income supplement) recipients

An order may include a maximum of 9 tickets

An order may only contain a maximum of 5 children’s tickets (4 years or younger)

An order may only contain a maximum of 2 RSA (earned income supplement) tickets

An order containing only children’s tickets (-4 years old and 4-11 years old) is not permitted.

“Adult”: Normal rate for adults 25 years old and over.

“Youth (12-24 years old)”: Rate for youth between 12 and 24 years old. Proof of age required.

“Children” (4-11 years old)”: Rate for children between 4-11 years old. Proof of age required. Mandatory purchase of an adult or youth ticket.

“Small children (younger than 4 years old)”: Free for children younger than 4 years old. Ticket and proof of age required. There is no left luggage office available, in particular for strollers.

“RSA (earned income supplement) recipients”: Rate applied to French RSA (earned income supplement) recipients only, available at the Tower's ticket offices.

“Disabled individuals”: Rate for disabled individuals only applicable upon presentation of valid certificate. Access to the Summit and stairs is not permitted for individuals with reduced mobility.

Online help

How much does it cost to visit the eiffel tower.

To check the prices for the Eiffel Tower, please visit this page on the official Eiffel Tower site . The Eiffel Tower online ticket office provides the official prices. The adult price applies to adults 25 years and over.  There are discount rates for young people (12-24 years old), children (4-11 years old) and for those with disabilities. Admission is free for children under 4 years old. The price of the ticket varies upon how you go up (elevator and/or stairs) and the destination (2nd floor or the upper floor) you select. 

The desired visit date is not available, what should I do?

Certain days (weekends, days during peak season between July and August) are in high demand and we sell out quickly, especially for e-tickets for the top floor, which are the most popular. If you are flexible, select another date that is shown as available. The dates marked in orange indicate that the last tickets are available. Lined out or grayed out dates are no longer available. If there is no more online availability, note that tickets to visit the Eiffel Tower are also sold on site at the ticket offices at the monument. Regardless, we sell our tickets online up to 60 days in advance (for lift tickets) and 14 days in advance (for stairs tickets to second floor). If you can, plan your visit well in advance, so you will have the choice of date, destination and time.  

How many tickets can I buy?

On the online ticket shop, you can buy up to 9 tickets for the same order. Groups who want to buy tickets, regardless of the number, must use the ticket office site reserved for groups.

The Eiffel Tower’s online box office allows you to purchase your ticket online for the 2nd floor or the Summit at the official rate. You can purchase individual e-tickets for up to 9 people. Tickets can also be purchased several weeks in advance. With the e-ticket system, experience no lines! You will directly receive your ticket by e-mail so you can print it at home or store it on your smartphone. If e-tickets are sold out for the date/time or destination that you search, it is always possible to purchase tickets on the spot on the day of your visit.  At the scheduled hour, go directly to the lifts or stairs without having to wait at the ticket stands. There are mandatory security checks at the Eiffel Tower’s entrance and before entering one of the pillars.

Tourism professionals, schools, associations:  professional ticketing website .

Destination to the top

An engrossing experience

« The Eiffel Tower Summit »

bonneteau tour eiffel

The most marvelous view of Paris

At the top of the Eiffel Tower, enjoy the highest view of Paris and its surroundings. With its 2 floors (one open-air and the other indoor), experience for yourself the majesty of Paris from all angles: witness the most eye-catching architectural beauties, monuments, and the Seine.

bonneteau tour eiffel

The office of Gustave Eiffel

At the top of the Tower, you will also discover a reconstitution of Gustave Eiffel’s office, the Tower’s creator. With its wax models, this scene depicts Gustave Eiffel and his daughter Claire receiving the famous American inventor, Thomas Edison.

Destination to 2nd floor

At the heart of the Tower :

« The Eiffel Tower’s 2nd floor »

bonneteau tour eiffel

The most all-encompassing experience

On the 2nd floor, you’ll be transported with amazement: With several monoculars located on both levels, Paris and its monuments will offer a scintillating pleasure to your delighted eyes. Take advantage of the large selection of activities, boutiques and restaurants!

bonneteau tour eiffel

Be at the forefront of a spectacular lighting show

During evening visits, the 2nd floor is the best spot to be to witness the Tower and its magnificent lit structure. Also don’t forget, Paris is the “City of Lights.” On the 2nd floor, you’ll have a front row seat for an unforgettable moment of scintillation at all hours!

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the tour guy travel blog

The Eiffel Tower: How To Plan Ahead

Sean Finelli Last Updated: March 4, 2023

Planning to visit Paris’ iconic Eiffel Tower? Every year, over 7 million people climb the tower to see the breathtaking views of the City of Light. Because it’s so busy, it’s a good idea to plan ahead, especially if you’re traveling from afar. To make sure your experience of the Eiffel Tower is hassle-free and filled with positive memories, here are a few important things to know.

Pro Tip: Planning what to do on your trip to the Eiffel Tower in Paris? Bookmark this post in your browser so you can easily find it when you’re in the city. Check out our guide to Paris and the Eiffel Tower for more planning resources, our top Paris tours for a memorable trip, and find out if a tour of the Eiffel Tower is worth it .

How To Plan Ahead for your Eiffel Tower Visit

The Eiffel Tower is instantly recognizable and stands as a beacon for architecture in Paris and the world. For most travelers, it will be a top highlight of their stay in Paris. If you’re planning to visit the Eiffel Tower, you’ll find all the practical information you need to prevent long waits, avoid disappointment, and make the most of your visit. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Tickets and opening hours
  • Best time to visit
  • How to get there
  • Access for the mobility-impaired
  • Guided tours and tickets
  • Things to do near the Eiffel Tower

Opening Hours and Tickets

bonneteau tour eiffel

Before you visit the Iron Lady, you need to think about how far up you want to go and how you want to get there. The Eiffel Tower lift price costs slightly more, but it will save you plenty of time and energy. The Eiffel Tower stairs price is more economical, but also more exhausting.

Opening Hours:

Visiting the Eiffel Tower is a magical experience regardless of when you visit. Seeing the Iron Lady during the day allows you to take in every inch of the structure while visiting it at night gives you one of the most romantic vistas the city has to offer. 

To accommodate 7 million visitors a year, the Eiffel Tower is open all year round and even has extended hours of operation, so that it can host as many travelers as possible. 

September 1 – October 20:

  • 9:30 am – 10:45 pm by lift (last admission), monument closes at 12:45 am
  • 9:30 am – 6 pm by stairs

Hours for the rest of the year:

  • 9:30 am – 10:45 pm by lift (last admission), monument closes at 11:45 pm
  • 9:30 am – 10:45 pm by stairs

Ticket with Access Lift (second floor):

  • Adult – €17.10
  • Youth (12 – 24) – €8.60
  • Child (4 – 11) / Disabled – €4.30
  • Under 4 – Free

Ticket with Access Lift (top floor):

  • Adult – €26.80
  • Youth (12 – 24) – €13.40
  • Child (4 – 11) / Disabled – €6.70

Ticket with Access Stairs (second floor):

  • Adult – €10.70
  • Youth (12 – 24) – €5.40
  • Child (4 – 11) / Disabled – €2.70

Ticket with Access Stairs and Lift (second and top floor):

  • Adult – €20.40
  • Youth (12 – 24) – €10.20
  • Child (4 -11)/Disabled – €5.10

Not ready to book a tour? Check out our  best Eiffel Tower tours to take and why .

The Best Time To Visit the Eiffel Tower

When people contact us about the Eiffel Tower, they typically want to know if they should visit the Eiffel Tower during the day or at night. The truth is, you’re going to have a unique experience regardless of when you see the tower.

If possible, try going at night and during the day. Trust us, you could see the tower one thousand times and every time you would walk away with a new perspective.

Eiffel Tower During the Day

As a general rule of thumb, going during the day will offer you a better opportunity to see the finer details of the structure and of the city, especially when you are on the second level looking out over the Parisian skyline. When the sky is clear, you can see over 50 miles away. 

From the second level, you can see a whole swath of famous sites and monuments, including Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, Hôtel de Ville, and the Arc de Triomphe. You can see practically all of Paris’ architectural beauty in a single view. Want a selfie with a panoramic view of the city in the background? Then, you’re going to want to go during the day.

Eiffel Tower at Night

bonneteau tour eiffel

Everyone loves to see the Eiffel Tower during the day. We get it. You want to see it in all of its glory. But if you want to see magic, then you have to see it at night. 

Every night, there’s an Eiffel Tower light show that we can’t possibly put into words (but we’re going to try to). The tower is powered by 336 spotlights that feature a twinkling effect, which brings the tower to life for the first five minutes of each hour from nightfall to 1 am.

If you go to the second level of the tower, you’ll also be able to see other illuminated monuments, such as the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre, and more.

Did you know that during commemorations, Christmas, and other world events, the tower has a special light concept that is completely unique to that event?

Please keep in mind that no matter when you go, hours are subject to safety recommendations. Before you go to the tower, make sure you check for inclement weather, because admission and hours of operation may be temporarily restricted.

bonneteau tour eiffel

Likely to Sell out

Privileged Access Eiffel Night Tour with Seine River Cruise

Sometimes the most amazing moments happen by chance. Other times, they are orchestrated by professionals. In this case, you’ll have an evening to remember as you cruise the Seine for an hour, sipping champagne and taking in the sites like Notre-Dame, the Louvre, and more. Afterwards, follow your guide past the long lines and take the elevator to the Eiffel Tower’s second floor for an unforgettable view.

bonneteau tour eiffel

Likely to Sell Out

Skip the Line Palace of Versailles and Gardens Tour from Paris

Versailles isn’t that difficult to get to by train, but why deal with the stress on your own? Our guide will meet you in central Paris, purchase your train tickets, and ensure you get off at the right stop in Versailles. With skip-the-line tickets, you’ll bypass the crowds and get right into this incredible palace as your guide explains the most incredible (and controversial) history of France’s favorite palace.

Not ready to book a tour? Check out our  best Paris tours to take and why .

How To Get To the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is located on the Champs de Mars at 5 Avenue Anatole France in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. There are a few different ways to get there including the metro and bus.

The best way to get around Paris is by train. It helps you avoid traffic jams and saves you time. Depending on what app you use, if you enter the Eiffel Tower’s address into your smartphone you’ll likely see one of four lines:

  • Line 6 (Metro) Ecole Militaire
  • Line 8 (Metro) Etienne Marcel
  • Line 4 (Metro) Champ de Mars – Tour Eiffel, (RER C line)

If you’re not familiar with the metro system, it might be a good idea to take a bus to the Eiffel Tower. There are several stops that will take you close to the tower’s base:

  • Tour Eiffel
  • Line 42 Tour Eiffel
  • Line 82 Champ de Mars
  • Line 87 Champs de Mars
  • Line 69 Champs de Mars

Eiffel Tower Access for the Mobility-Impaired

If you or a loved one is mobility-impaired, the Eiffel Tower has reserved access to the pillars without steps and turnstiles. People with reduced mobility will have complete access to the first and second levels via elevator. Unfortunately, the very top of the tower is inaccessible for safety reasons.

Eiffel Tower Tours and Tickets

While seeing the Iron Lady is a wonderful experience if you go by yourself or with friends, the historical value is often lost on visitors. Joining a small group tour of the Eiffel Tower guarantees you get to skip all of the lines, learn from a professional historian, and see Paris’ most famous structure in all of its splendor. Here are our most popular Eiffel Tower tours:

Privileged Access Eiffel Tower Night Tour with Seine River Cruise

This top-rated tour is one of the best Eiffel Tower tours for families, solo travelers, and couples looking for a romantic evening. Your evening starts with a serene cruise on the Seine seeing the Louvre, Musee d’Orsay, and Notre Dam as the sun begins to set. On your way back, the Eiffel Tower will be lit up to guide your way to the elevator that will take you to the popular second floor. And with skip-the-line tickets, you’ll avoid the extra long lines in the evening!

See tour itinerary, price, and description

Paris in a Day Tour with Louvre, Eiffel Tower, and Notre Dame (includes river cruise)

Paris is home to three famous attractions and you’ll see all of them on this tour. It’s the perfect way to get to know this incredible city from the streets of Montmarte to the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. In just one day, you’ll take pictures of the famous Mona Lisa , gaze upon Notre Dame, cruise the Seine River, and view Paris from the second floor of the Eiffel Tower!

Twilight Magic: Eiffel Tower Summit Tour with Seine Cruise

This Eiffel Tower tour is the most sought-after tour we have in Paris. Not only do you sip champagne on a river cruise, skip the line past the general public, and get a local tour guide, but you also get to visit the summit of the tower for the best view in Paris! Oh, and you’ll even stop at the second floor before heading to the top. It’s an incredible deal that is worth every penny for the memories you’ll make.

Private Eiffel Tower Tour with Champagne and Seine River Cruise

Booking a private tour is always the way to go if your budget allows. With a private guide, you’ll hear explanations about what you’ll see during your Seine River cruise, then be escorted at your own pace past the lines at the Eiffel Tower. The private Eiffel Tower tour with a Seine River cruise is the most elegant way to visit the Eiffel Tower!

Eiffel Tower Climbing Tour with Summit Access

For the active traveler, this climbing tour of the Eiffel Tower is another solid choice. With skip-the-line tickets and a local guide, you’ll climb 674 steps to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. Take in the awesome views from this popular level before getting in the elevator to the summit. You can enjoy your time on either level as long as you like, so don’t forget to make a restaurant reservation!

Not ready to book a tour? Find out if an Eiffel Tower tour is worth it .

Things To Do Near the Eiffel Tower

When you’re done visiting the Eiffel Tower, your journey isn’t complete. You should check out the Trocadéro Gardens, where you’ll get excellent views of the tower and Warsaw Fountain. 

Also nearby is the Champs de Mars gardens. It’s a great spot for some of the best views of the Eiffel Tower. For more cool options, check out our article on the top things to do near the Eiffel Tower . Going to see the Louvre? Make sure you read our Know Before You Go Louvre Travel Guide to plan an amazing experience.

bonneteau tour eiffel

Where To Stay in Paris

With a city as magnificent as Paris, it can be hard to find the perfect hotel at the perfect price. Explore the best hotels and places to stay in these incredible neighborhoods in Paris.

Things to do at and near the Eiffel Tower

About Sean Finelli

Sean is a co-founder and owner of The Tour Guy and its subsidiary The Roman Guy. He studied finance and statistics, but that is his "Dr. Jekyll" side! His "Mr. Hyde" is in love with travel, art, history, and culture. Sean has read libraries of historical text and believes that all internet content should come from books. A practice he follows!

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Exhibition at the Eiffel Tower

Check out the exhibition, “Eiffel, Higher and Higher”

Wednesday 12 July 2023

Modified the 10/08/23

Throughout 2023, the Eiffel Tower is paying tribute to its creator, Gustave Eiffel, to mark the centenary of his death. A highlight of this special year is this free exhibition that can be viewed on the esplanade of the Eiffel Tower. The “Eiffel, Higher and Higher!” exhibition is based on historic research undertaken by the curator, Savin Yeatman-Eiffel, for the Association of the Descendants of Gustave Eiffel (ADGE) . 

Savin Yeatman-Eiffel is a descendant of Gustave Eiffel

It features 12 richly illustrated large panels, positioned in the center of the esplanade, and “invites you to rediscover the incredible race to construct the highest buildings, in which Gustave Eiffel was the main contender, and to see his work from a new perspective,” says Savin Yeatman-Eiffel, Gustave Eiffel’s great-great-great-grandson. Though nowadays, the Eiffel Tower seems like a natural part of the Parisian landscape, the exhibition immerses us in the incredible technical and aesthetic challenges that Gustave Eiffel had to overcome to impose his project, and in particular, the battle that he had to wage, and win, against other plans for tower monuments in competition with his own, which have now been forgotten.

The exhibition recounts the incredible story of various projects for a “1000-foot tower” that followed one after the other for the different World Exhibitions in the 19thcentury, until “ironman” Gustave Eiffel arrived on the scene, for the 1889 World Exhibition . You will learn more about the difficult fight that the engineer and industrialist had to wage to make his project a reality. And the struggle was not over once his Tower was built, because he then had to put up a strong defense to save it from destruction after only 20 years.  

It is an exciting and highly visual story, accessible to all - just head through the security checks at the Tower’s main entries and you can visit the esplanade and gardens of the Eiffel Tower for free. The exhibition will be open until the end of the year.  

Panneaux d'exposition sur le parvis de la tour Eiffel

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Opening times & Ticket prices

Today : 09:30 - 23:00

Price : 29.40€

Take Paris’ most spectacular ride to the top for €29.40 or less (€29.40 for adult ticket with access to top by lift).

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