
Only Fans: Κερδίζουν έως και 10.000 ευρώ τον μήνα από «ροζ» φωτογραφίες & βίντεο

«πόσο τρελαίνομαι να με λέτε κυρία»..

Η Eva Mli, travel blogger, μοντέλο και content creator, σαρώνει στο Only Fans όπου ξεσηκώνει τους θαυμαστές της με τα βίντεο και τις φωτογραφίες της, κάτι που μεταφράζεται σε τρελά κέρδη.

Η παρουσία της στα κοινωνικά δίκτυα έντονη, το λογότυπό της σε ροζ χρώμα με ένα μήλο στη μέση και οι παρουσίες της αν μη τι άλλο εντυπωσιακές, είτε σε κάποιο τζακούζι είτε σε κάποια παραλία σε έγχρωμες ή πιο καλλιτεχνικές ασπρόμαυρες φωτογραφίες.

Η δημοφιλέστερη Ελληνίδα της δημοφιλούς πλατφόρμας

Οι στατιστικές του Only Fans τής δίνουν την πρώτη θέση στη δημιουργία περιεχομένου, παρότι η ίδια δεν έχει ως αποκλειστική ασχολία της το Only Fans αλλά ασχολείται επιχειρηματικά και με το μάρκετινγκ.

Σε κάθε περίπτωση υπάρχουν, όπως λέει, μήνες που τα κέρδη είναι μυθικά, ακόμα και 10.000 ευρώ τον μήνα από τη δημοφιλή πλατφόρμα.

«Μπορώ να κάνω τα πάντα. Και δεινόσαυρος έχω ντυθεί, ο καθένας με ό,τι θέλει ερεθίζεται. Βγάζω αρκετά για να ζω αξιοπρεπώς. Κάποιους μήνες μπορεί να είναι πενταψήφιο.

«Πίξελ πουλάω, όχι το σώμα μου»

Ο χαμός του Only Fans τραβάει σαν το μέλι τα κορίτσια που βλέπουν έναν τρόπο να βγάλουν εύκολα και γρήγορα χρήματα. Τα μεγαλύτερα mainstream έντυπα κατακλύζονται από τέτοιες ιστορίες.

«Πριν δημιουργήσει ένα από τα πιο επιτυχημένα OnlyFans προφίλ στην Ελλάδα, τη συνδρομητική πλατφόρμα που επιτρέπει το σεξουαλικό περιεχόμενο, η Εύα, 28 ετών σήμερα, θήτευε στη διαφήμιση. Με σπουδές στο Μάρκετινγκ και την Επικοινωνία, εργαζόταν 12ωρα για 600 – 700 ευρώ. Η Εύα δεν αυτοπροσδιορίζεται ως σεξεργαζόμενη. ‘Πίξελ πουλάω, όχι το σώμα μου’, λέει».

Η πλατφόρμα έχει, όπως φαίνεται, χώρο και πελάτες για όλους. Κάθε κορίτσι έχει το κορμί της με της ιδιαιτερότητές του, το κοινό του με τα γούστα του και τη φιλοσοφία του που του καθορίζει την πορεία του.

Κάθε κορίτσι διαχειρίζεται και τα τρία όπως νομίζει και πορεύεται όπως καταλαβαίνει.

«Γελάω με το τι θα πει ο κόσμος. Πόσο θα ζήσω; Μετά, ούτε που θα με θυμάται κανένας. Εγώ θα μου εξασφαλίσω μια καλή ζωή, όχι αυτός που θα με κρίνει. Όταν συνειδητοποίησα ότι θα δουλεύω 9 – 5 κάθε μέρα και θα ανοιγοκλείσω τα μάτια και θα έχω βγει στη σύνταξη, τρόμαξα».

Άλλες πάλι κοπέλες μπορεί να τρόμαζαν να βρεθούν στη θέση που είναι τώρα η Εύα αφού την ώρα που χιλιάδες ξεκινούν την παρουσία τους στο Only Fans, εκατομμύρια μένουν εκτός της πλατφόρμας δείχνοντας πως δεν βλέπουν όλοι με τον ίδιο τρόπο τα πράγματα στη ζυγαριά ακόμα και αν όλα εξαντλούνται στον ψηφιακό κόσμο.



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Η δημοφιλέστερη Ελληνίδα του Onlyfans στον Ευαγγελάτο - "Έπαιρνα 600 ευρώ και τώρα βγάζω 10.000"!

eva mli travel blogger

"Μπορώ να κάνω τα πάντα. Και δεινόσαυρος έχω ντυθεί, ο καθένας με ό,τι θέλει ερεθίζεται. Βγάζω αρκετά για να ζω αξιοπρεπώς. Κάποιους μήνες μπορεί να είναι πενταψήφιο", είπε μεταξύ άλλων η Εύα.

Η δημοφιλέστερη ελληνίδα της δημοφιλούς πλατφόρμας, «πίξελ πουλάω, όχι το σώμα μου».

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How I Became a Professional Travel Blogger

eva mli travel blogger

Hello Explorers!

Can you believe it’s been 10 years since I wrote my very first blog post ?

Over the last ten years, I have learned a thing or two about travel blogging , especially when I went full-time and became a professional travel blogger . I get a lot of questions on my journey and what better way to answer them than in a travel blog celebrating ten years in my longest and most passionate career to date.

Professional Travel Blogger

What did you want to be when you grew up?

A writer. I have several unpublished novels and books of poetry. I never knew my childhood dreams would transform into being a travel writer . But I am so glad it did.

Professional travel blogger baby Erin

What did you do before you were a professional travel blogger ?

Let’s see my first job was in a craft store with my aunty. After that, I spent 5 of my teen years working at McDonald’s. During my university days, I worked at Radio Rentals, before moving to London and becoming an office temp for a year. That was good money.

When I returned to Australia I become a receptionist for real estate and within 6 months I did my Property Management course and became a Property Manager. I climbed the ranks very quickly in that career and within five years had reached the top of the ladder with my dream company.

Professional travel blogger - Real Estate

2008 my daughter was born. I decided to go back to Uni and finish my Marketing degree while running a consultancy business with Real Estates in Property Management.

Come 2010 with 2 babies under 2 my husband had a web design business that he was struggling to keep up within the accounts department. So I took over-invoicing, chasing payments, and all the taxes, GST, PAYG, etc. I also started an arm of the business setting up social media accounts for businesses and found a passion. Social media marketing .

How did it start?

It was back in 2011 that my husband was determined we travel the world for a long period. I agreed to a six-month journey and started getting ready for our nomadic journey . During this getting-ready phase, I asked my friends on Facebook if I should start a travel blog ?

Everyone encouraged me to do so because it was such a fascinating thing for a family with 2 small children to travel the world for a long period. Of course, this was back in 2012 when it was unusual for such a lifestyle. These days I’m happy to say it is such a “normal” thing to do with ones family.

Professional travel blogger - family travel blogger

What did you first write?

So I became a brand new travel blogger . We arrived on a one-way ticket to Bali in May 2012 and I wrote my first blog post in our villa that we had rented for one month. It’s here – Arrival to Bali dated 10 May 2012! 

I started writing about my time in Bali. I wrote about how much things were costing us and what I was doing with my kids all day, which was the biggest challenge since they were daycare kids before our trip. The villa we had rented for a month had no aircon and chickens in the sink. And I quickly learned that was not the life I left Australia for.

As the travel blog continued to grow I started focusing on quality content . For every destination we visited I usually wrote a post based on three themes. 1. Where to stay. 2. What to eat. 3. What to do.

eva mli travel blogger

Where did you go?

For the first 6 months, I had planned our trip to a tee. We started with 2 months in Bali and had a month in Kuala Lumpur, Manila, and Bangkok with a few smaller trips to Hong Kong, Kota Kinabulu, and Boracay. Read about all 68 destinations here.

We stayed in Southeast Asia so that we could retreat home easily if needed and keep our costs down.

But as we came to the end of the 6 months, we decided it was working. We were saving money, we were creating experiences with the kids that were unheard of and I now had a new remote income stream. We ended up in a nomadic lifestyle for 5 years. 

Professional travel blogger Travel with Bender days

How did the blog start?

As I mentioned I started my first travel blog on my first day in Bali. It wasn’t too long before I changed the name to Travel With Bender (big mistake, always keep your personal blog in your own name, that way it it’s harder to steal).

It was only a few months later in Malaysia that I was watching a Chinese street festival in Penang when someone shouted out my name and ran up to me exclaiming, “OMG I can’t believe it’s you. I read your travel blog !”

I was gobsmacked. I truly believed only my family and friends were reading my blog, which was the main point. So I didn’t have to repeat the same stories to everyone they had one place to go and read.

Was I a travel blogger ?

When I got home I did some research on how to check who was reading my travel blog and far from the 200 I thought I would be lucky to have, there were over 6,000 readers. How could 6,000 people be reading my writing? Is this what a successful blog looks like?

Malaysia was a special country for me. While I was there I met my good friend Mary, who was an actual real life travel blogger running a blog called Bohemian Travelers . She told me she made money from her travel blog . And started to teach me.

eva mli travel blogger

So what is a travel blogger ?

Someone who has a “ travel blog “, or online journal, largely focused on sharing the story of their travels.

And what is a professional travel blogger ?

A professional travel blogger would be an individual who generates an income from their online travel blog . But I’d also suggest it is someone who delivers a professional level of service to their readers and clients, despite their income. Consistency, longevity, personalised.

Professional travel blogger phone

When did you receive your first freebies?

Never having heard of this kind of income I started to research even more. I remember one-day asking travel blogging Mary if she had ever worked with someone on the travel blog to promote them in exchange for a stay or something. She hadn’t and so I tried.

The very first hotel I presented my blog to and asked if they would like to feature on it, said yes! 6,000 followers and about 3 months into the blog. In return for several travel blogging articles and social media promotions our family received a night at a hotel, tickets to a theme park, and I even got a hot stone massage . 

Professional travel blogger press pass

Is it a freebie?

Hell no! I spent so much time producing content, plus the other expenses of getting there, etc. that I am sure we lost money on those first trips. But there were plenty of bonuses that came with travel blogging .

I got new content for my audience. I got to experience somewhere I never thought of going. The kids and I were bonding. And I got to share my travel tips to help solve the travel woes of other families.

If I can explain it in the simplest forms. If a burger meal costs me $20 and a restaurant asks me to come and promote them in exchange for said $20 meal. The burger place is 30 minutes from my house so I use my fuel to get there. I have a deadline on an article that day that is paying me $200, so I take away the time I need to work on that to drive to the burger place and back, and eat my meal. When I get home I formulate the content, which will take me anywhere between 1 – 4 hours depending on what the assignment is. Can you see where I’m going with this? All of a sudden the free $20 meal cost me more than $250.

Professional travel blogger award

BlogHer award – highlight achievement

What if something went wrong?

Throughout my years of travel blogging , I was determined to keep my audience at the front of my mind. During one such visit to a brand new theme park, we did not have an enjoyable experience.

My goal has always been to inspire families to travel, so I tended not to write about negative experiences so I let the brand know what had happened. I asked if they would like me to publish my experience or to just not publish anything at all. They asked me not to publish and requested that they would invite me back after they had made the changes that I informed them of.

This was such a relief for me because I was never in the business of negativity or complaining. I also didn’t want to destroy a business on what really could be a bad day or something easily fixed.

What happened after the first 6 months?

After the first 6 months, we decided our new lifestyle was working. My husband was a web designer working on his own business creating websites which I took care of all the accounts, and on top of that I was travel blogging and creating a part-time income. We had all the money we needed and I was spending more time with my kids than ever before.

So we decided to keep going. And booked a one-way ticket to the US for Christmas in New York .

Professional travel blogger Christmas in New York

Did the blog work in the US?

The US was a great idea. The population of the United States is 13 times bigger than Australia and so the travel blog kept growing.

I knew that the US would be so good for my travel blogging career that I initiated a move to the US in 2015 in which we spent two years travelling North America for the main purposes of growing my travel blog and my income.

But I am getting ahead of myself.

How did you know what to do with the blog?

As we continued to travel the world I heard about a travel industry conference for travel bloggers. I attended this conference in 2013 in Dublin, Ireland. I was also lucky enough to get a spot on a famil. A famil is where the tourism board or brand takes a group of people for a sample of what they have to offer.

That trip had me hooked on a successful travel blog career. And so did that conference.

I learned so much and I was pleased to realize I knew so much. I was on my way.

eva mli travel blogger

What was your pinch me moment?

2013 was also the year we attended WTM. You can find more about travel blogging conferences here . At WTM we met a gentleman who invited us on a press trip to Greece . I didn’t think much of it until about 6 months later when I reached out to him again and he told me the offer still stood.

After going back and forth multiple times my whole family was invited on a 15-day trip through Greece . 3 nights on 5 islands. It was the biggest thing I’d been invited to thus far. It was a magical, exhausting journey that I still cherish as an opening in my career to this day.

eva mli travel blogger

Trips after that followed consistently. Sri Lanka, Poland, Finland, Japan. They kept coming and I started to have a hard time keeping up with them. Something had to change.

Professional travel bloggers

Top 50 professional travel bloggers in Sri Lanka

How did you expand your travel blogging career?

By 2014 I’d have considered myself a successful travel blogger. My blog was making a full-time income and I had more invites than I knew what to do with. My husband, at the time, decided he wanted a change and sold his web design business to start a photography blog. It didn’t do well, so he started helping me while he attempted to grow it.

He edited pictures and took care of SEO and the backend part of the website. While I handled all the trips, writing blog posts, invoicing, and marketing of my travel brand . I started saying no to trips and sending him when I got too exhausted.

And then finally in 2015, I started charging for trips. If someone wanted our family there then they would need to pay us since a trip meant I was losing out on work time doing other paid assignments. I was saying no to other trips, and our following had grown enough that I knew I was making a significant impact on families everywhere.

Professional travel blogger - assignment Bali

What does a paid trip look like?

One of my favorite states in the US organized a 2-week road trip through the State. They included the transport, the accommodation, a restaurant budget, and activities and tours. On top of this, I was also paid just over USD$2,000 to produce the content for our blog and some articles for their website.

Check out this one trip I did with a VIP Disneyworld tour.

Do you always get paid?

No. There are times when an opportunity arrives and I have wanted to visit that destination enough that the trip itself is enough. I just want the travel story so bad.

There are times when the value of the family holiday equals the work I will need to produce so I accept the exchange of services.

And there are times when I was headed in that direction and therefore money saved is money earned.

How or what you charge is no one’s business but your own. After all, it’s your travel blogging business and that’s the best bit about being your own boss.

Professional travel blogger on phone

Why should you be paid?

In the very beginning when my blog had a mere audience of 10,000 people I likened it to this. First of all, give me 10,000 people in a room to share my experience, that’s daunting and huge so why are 10,000 readers not huge? It is! I ‘ve spoken to hundreds of people , but never 10,000. 

Second of all look at the cost to advertise in a cinema. Let’s say it’s $1,000. Now, who is coming to the cinema? Possibly 10,000 people are going to see your advertisement. And out of those 10,000 people who are the ones that aren’t retired, young children, teenagers, couples, singles? If your main audience is families, namely mum or dad who makes the holiday decisions, how many did you reach in that cinema?

Now go back to my blog, with its mere 10,000 readers per month. But every single one of those readers is a mum or dad family traveler who has come to the blog to read specifically about family travel . Your audience has all of a sudden been zeroed in on and tailored to you and you’re still hesitant to pay?

If people can be paid to write content for Matador Network or National Geographic, why would my work not be considered just as important on my travel blog. Especially since I have contributed my travel writing to both of those publications.

Professional travel blogger kekova boat trip

What hours does a professional travel blogger work?

It’s a fun job, but it does take a lot of hours. Especially in the beginning. There are days where I don’t work at all. Days I’m traveling or going out with friends. But there are days I will work until midnight to reach a deadline.

The best part is I do make my hours and work as much as I want. The more I work, the more money I see. Like most jobs. But that’s ok because when I did work I made enough to sustain my life for the rest of the month I chose to travel or not work.

I work hours that I want. When I was nomadic my hours consisted of usually checking emails for an hour or so in the morning and then hanging out with my kids all day. At 7 pm bedtime, I would then start working again until midnight.

Now that I have a semi “normal-life” in Australia I work usually after I drop the kids to school and after the gym, roughly 1030am to 230pm when I go pick the kids up from school. When they go to bed (much later now) around 830/9 pm I will pick up my laptop again and work another 2 or 3 hours.

My preferred time to work is at night. There are no emails, no phone calls, and no distractions.

Professional travel blogger working

Where does a professional travel blogger work?

Anywhere they want. Right now I am writing this blog post on my couch. I’ve worked on buses, planes, hotels, offices, and cafes. I’ve worked on the floor of an airport, or in the comfort of my bed. My favorite place to work is actually on a plane. No wifi gives me so much time to write and pump out content that I can sometimes be distracted with when I have emails coming in or social media to check.

eva mli travel blogger

How much money do professional travel bloggers make?

Throughout 2012 and 2013 I had made a good part-time income, roughly around USD $8k – $10k. By 2014 when I turned to professional travel blogging I started making a full-time income. 4 years from my very first travel blog post in 2016 I made over USD$150,000.

I have a complete article about ways travel bloggers make money here including some of the wages of superstar blogging champs like Nomadic Matt , Green Global Travel , and Adventurous Kate .

When I had to start Explore With Erin I used all the knowledge I had from 5 years running one of the most successful travel blogs and immediately made income.

In the first year I made – $9,951.80

The second-year – $17,610.80

Third-year – $26,402.65

The fourth-year the pandemic hit and I had to pivot my travel blog since I was stuck in Western Australia for two and a half years. I focused on revitalizing my old content on the blog, freelance writing , and making money from social media content to tide me over.

Professional travel

Is there any other career you wish to pursue?

I recently started working for an Xponential. Xponential is Australia’s leading fundraising and philanthropy consultancy. They specialize in assisting not-for-profit organizations to grow their fundraising income so they can have a greater impact on changing the world. I love working here, and giving back where I can.

I could also see myself in a career providing social media management if I needed to go down that path.

I would love to finish my latest book. It’s a fiction novel based on traumatic true-life events pre the 2020s that saw massive weight loss and the birth of Explore With Erin . Divorce is the worst, but it can be a new sparkly beginning if you dismiss all the lies .

The latest vision I’ve been working on is creating Turkey multi-day tours for single ladies, or families who have no idea what to see and how to get around in Turkey. With the help of my Turkish partner I have such great travel experience in Turkiye that I want to share it. In my opinion, it’s such a stunning country that does not get enough attention and I want to show it to you all. Stay tuned for this release date. Our first tour will most likely be September 2023.

eva mli travel blogger

Other than this being a professional travel blogger is all I ever want to be. I adore my job. I never get sick of working on it and with 2022 halfway through I’m starting to see a new increase in love for travel re-emerging that I hope people feel they can come to my blog and glean all the information they need. After all, I’ve been to a lot of places.

When will we see you on the road again?

Despite a pandemic, I did manage 12 flights last year in Australia.

This year I’ve already covered Singapore and Turkiye , which made for great content .

The rest of the year I have plans for Malaysia, Thailand, and possibly one of my favorites, Bali.

Travel is back in full swing and I am here for it!

I want to thank every one of you who supports me in any way you do. From reading my blog, leaving comments, and sharing posts to engaging with me on social media . Without you I don’t have a job, so please understand how much I value the contribution you make to my world, my kid’s life, and even my dog.

It’s been a hell of a ten-year ride and I can’t wait to write my next ten-year post. Because I will still be here. Older and wiser professional blogger maybe, but still bringing you the best travel adventures I can find.

Big hugs. Hope to see you soon, around the world.

Professional travel blogger

Related posts you may like to read: 15 Ways Travel Bloggers Make Money 5 Ways to Pivot Your Travel Blog Career Nomad No More: To Become A Travel Blogger How to start a Travel Blog in less than 5 minutes PROBLOGGER: 5 advanced techniques I use to make money on my travel blog Nomadic Lifestyle: The How, What, When, and Why of My Nomad Travel Nomadic travel destroyed my commitment levels


eva mli travel blogger


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eva mli travel blogger

I’ve loved watching your journey, and you inspired us to go live in Malaysia…one of the very best things we have ever done as a family xxx wishing you nothing but the best for the next 10!

eva mli travel blogger

Your support has been priceless. Thanks Gina.

eva mli travel blogger

Such an inspiring post. This is my ‘one day’ dream. I know it’s hard work, and it takes time to build, but I’m sure the benefits of a life well lived far outweigh the negatives.

You will get there! I have full faith in you. Good luck! Please email me anytime.

eva mli travel blogger

This is so inspiring! Starting and maintaining a blog is hard, and I would’ve LOVED to read this way back when I started blogging in 2010! (I did so, so many things wrong back then!) I’m just coming back to blogging after taking a break for a few years, and you’ve given me the motivation to know that big things are possible if I keep going!

Jumping back on the horse is huge. I’m so proud you came back to it and I look forward to hearing good things from you.

eva mli travel blogger

Hello Erin! I love this post! What a fun journey through your experience and I really want to squeeze you in that little girl pic. Thank you for your transparency in sharing your income. I am excited to follow in your footsteps and do some travel blogging of m own!

Awww thank you that’s so cute. Good luck on your blogging journey.

Oh wow. That means we have been friends for 10 years! I think I was something like your 30th follower…. might have been 16th now that I come to think about it

We met before the blog when I was scouting out places to live in Bali – a decade of friendship. <3

5 or 6 years. Can’t decide if it was 2016 or 2017 I found ya. Have loved following along. So very proud of you how you managed the TWB end and started explore with Erin. You’re awesome. Keep up the great work x

Must have been 2016 if you’re a TWB girl. But so glad you’re team EWE now 🙂

I’m not sure how many years but I started following when you and YTravel I think took over each others accounts? Something like that. I think you were in Mexico and then went to US and Canada, or they were in Mexico. Your kids were so little

Oh I think we were at a conference back in 2015. That was so fun! And thanks for sticking it out.

eva mli travel blogger

Awesome story! I’ve been around probably since 2013 timeframe, though I didn’t realize you had just started! I got into family travel blog when I was planning our month long trip to India with a new born and that’s when I found you. I noticed your son was the same age as mine. I remember all these trips you talked about here, and looked frantically for you when he who shall not be named stole the site. I was so excited when Explore with Erin was born. I’m so glad you are here and keep writing, I love reading your stories. You are such an inspiration!

Thanks Robin! I can’t believe you’ve been with me 10 years next year. We must schedule a meet up!

eva mli travel blogger

What an incredible journey! Thanks so much for sharing and massive Congratulations 🥳

Day one supporter. Thank you 🙂

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It’s not every day I get to personally say hello to you, but I am so pleased you gave me the opportunity to do so.

Thank you again for all your support and I hope you enjoy Explore With Erin.

eva mli travel blogger

World of Wanderlust

An Interview with Hello Emilie on how to make it as a Travel Photographer

An interview with Hello Emilie | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

An interview with Hello Emilie

For many years I have lusted over the ethereal destinations, nomadic backdrops and pastel-coloured skies of Emilie Ristevski’s travel photos (known professionally as Hello Emilie). And for years I have enjoyed watching Emilie’s photography style grow and evolve, to become who I believe to be one of the most talented photographers capturing travel in an ethereal, endlessly inspiring way.

So of course when I had the opportunity to interview Emilie, I had a bunch of questions I was burning to ask – like how Hello Emilie began and how her love for photography and travel became her full-time career. Read on for the full feature article with one of the most talented and equally humble creatives in this industry.

eva mli travel blogger

What do you describe yourself as professionally?

Professionally I fall into the Creative Industry as a photographer, published author & creative director. Although personally, it feels so much more than that – Visual storytelling and photography have always been more than what I do, it’s part of who I am. I wake up every day feeling grateful that I am able to document my love for our planet and capture the world around me.

An interview with Hello Emilie | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

How did your blogging journey begin?

I’ve always had an innate love of creativity. Growing up I experimented with different art forms and mediums from painting, drawing, ceramics, anything where I could create and let my imagination become tangible. My love for photography first started years ago when I discovered black and white film photography in a tiny darkroom. I remember the moment I saw my first photograph develop in the chemicals right before my eyes, I was immediately fascinated and it opened up a whole new world for me.

My journey has been a very long and intuitive one.

I do remember creating my Instagram account, although had absolutely no clue of what it would lead to. It all began through exploring a sense of curiosity and finding a creative and personal outlet. At the very beginning, I didn’t have many thoughts or intentions about the industry I was about to enter into, I was young and it all happened fast but somewhat seamlessly. I simply loved creating and sharing stories and with lots of time, energy and dedication I’m grateful to be able to keep creating for over 10 years now.

An interview with Hello Emilie | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

Do you remember the first paid campaign you took part in?

I do remember receiving my first commissioned travel campaign – it was exciting, overwhelming and I must say, I was a little naive. I was studying at the time and I remember considering turning the opportunity down as it felt really out of my comfort zone. I remember feeling both surprised and amazed to receive an opportunity to travel while also being paid for it, it was something I didn’t even realise was possible. Looking back on it now I do think it does come back to that one trip,  that allowed me to break through and lead to so many of the other incredible experiences along the way. Each project that I continued to feel out of my comfort really helped lead onto the next.

An interview with Hello Emilie | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

Did you ever want to do or be anything else?

Always! As a creative person, my mind is always wandering and thinking of the next thing I can explore or create. Focusing on travel was never intentional and while studying a Bachelor of Design at university I always imagined myself somehow in the design world.

However, photography was always something I came back to and I fell more and more in love with the process behind creating imagery and the ability to tell stories. The combination of travel and photography helped to me create a strong sense of story, a way to create work that felt transportive and capture the untold wonders of our planet.

I love how different creative pursuits can merge together with each set of skills helping to balance each other out and allowing me to create in a new way. At times I don’t think I could ever be defined as just purely a photographer or simply doing one thing as there are so many different elements that go into my work.

eva mli travel blogger

Instagram is still in many ways considered the premier platform for our industry, why do you think that is?

I have a feeling this will slowly shift over time. I’ve always had a bit of a love-hate relationship with Instagram and I definitely think I use it a little differently than most people. It started out as a place for creative expression and somewhere I could share my photography and over the last decade that has all dramatically changed. The way people share and consume social media is drastically changing and while I do think Instagram will develop new features to stay relevant, I’ve personally always viewed it as simply a tool. Although with saying that I do believe it can be a really powerful place to both inspire and find a community of like-minded people.

An interview with Hello Emilie | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

Can you share with aspiring travel photographers how you make money as a creator?

All those years ago when I started this journey I had no idea that this would lead to a career and a full-time income. Back in 2011 Instagram and social media marketing felt very new and there were so many grey areas around what to charge and offer clients. This was definitely a learning experience and over the last several years I offer the following creative services to make money: photography, video production, licensing of imagery & video, creative direction, travel writing, sponsored campaigns/social media marketing, hosted workshops and brand ambassadorships. I have a very collaborative approach when working with clients to help ensure I can deliver the highest quality of content to help form long term engagement. Sponsored content and social media campaigns are a large portion of my income, although I also have other smaller revenue streams like book royalties and other passive income streams I am currently working on.

An interview with Hello Emilie | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

What do you have on your career bucket list?

So many things! Somethings too many that I feel overwhelmed. At the moment I have a huge project I have been working on for over a year now that I hope to launch in early 2022 – It’s something highly requested so I am really excited to share soon!  In terms of bucket list – I could write an endless list of the things I would love to create and explore further, I actually feel as though creatively my career is only just beginning! I would love to explore more of my design background and get back into more styling and editorial work. There are still so many places and clients that would be an absolute dream to work with and tick off! I would also love to work with more non for profits and find more ways to give back to focus on the projects that are really close to my heart.

An interview with Hello Emilie | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

Do you find there is a difference between living in real time and living online?

Absolutely! A blessing and a curse – I’ve always seen my platform more as an escape, as I’ve created a little world of my own. I feel very lucky to have an amazing community of like-minded and wonderfully supportive people. My personal life has also remained very private, so I feel grateful to have found a healthy balance that allows me to stay grounded. However at times, it can definitely feel far from reality and I do think sharing more of what really goes on behind the scenes, including both the high and low moments is beneficial.

eva mli travel blogger

You and your partner Jason both capture the stunning images for Hello Emilie, how do you think working as a team helps or hinders the creative process?

I really believe collaborating and working with others is one of the most important aspects of the creative process and the industry as a whole. For myself it has been one of the best ways to learn, grow and also stay inspired, it’s also why we love sharing our creative process on our photography workshops! 

My partner and I have been creating and working alongside another for over 6 years and while there has been so many positives there are definitely challenges to working, travelling and spending nearly every second with your partner! Before we met, Jason and I were both photographers and creatives in our own right both with very different styles of work. (We actually met on the job, commissioned by the same clients 3 times in a row!) Creatively we see things very differently, something which has been extremely beneficial for our creative process. As a team we are able to take both of our unique skills and work together to create on a whole new level. We learn from one another, while also staying true to our very different creative visions.

eva mli travel blogger

What was the inspiration for starting photography tours?

After wandering across the globe to capture and share so many stories, we were initially inspired to find a way to connect more with our audience and develop real connections around the world. It was something we thought about for a while and we were lucky enough to have a client reach out to us with an opportunity to partner together to be logistically possible. It’s now been close to 5 years hosting our photography workshops and they have been some of the most rewarding and unforgettable moments I have ever experienced. It is an absolute privilege to meet so many like-minded people from all around the world and share some really magical travel moments together, all while teaching everything we know about photography, the ins and outs of how and why we create and the importance of meaningful storytelling.

eva mli travel blogger

What have been your favourite destinations where you have hosted tours?

Definitely Namibia – Pre Covid this was the annual tour we would host once a year. Namibia provides such a unique photogenic backdrop and is my favourite place to capture the perfect balance between surreal landscapes and African wildlife.

Hello Emilie Interview with Brooke Saward on World of Wanderlust

What are your upcoming tours (destinations/dates)?

Our next workshop is our Classic 13 day Namibia Tour and is scheduled for next year in late April & May! We were shocked by how quickly our first tour sold out so by demand we were able to offer a second photography workshop in May 2022 (which is now nearly sold out with only one spot available!) We will possibly be hosting one in Tanzania later in the year and also looking into some other exciting locations like Greenland!

Hello Emilie Interview with Brooke Saward on World of Wanderlust

How did you get approached to publish a book?

Like most of the unbelievable opportunities, I’ve been grateful to experience the offer came directly to my inbox one morning! I have actually been approached two other times over the years by other publishers although I did turn these offers down as the direction of the book was not in line with what I had in mind. For a few years beforehand, I was in contact with another author who supported my work and continued to license and purchase many of my images to use within books and also for several book covers. I’m not entirely sure but I believe the same publisher may have noticed this and looked into my work – They initially reached out to develop a book around slow living within nature and it developed from there.

Hello Emilie Interview with Brooke Saward on World of Wanderlust

What was the process like for you – was it harder than expected?

Much harder than I expected! It was actually a huge learning curve for myself, I had to let go of a lot of the creative control and attachment I have with my photographs and put my complete trust in experts in another field. I was able to learn so much about the publishing world and it allowed me to look at my archives of work from a completely new perspective and also grow creatively.

Hello Emilie Interview with Brooke Saward on World of Wanderlust

Would you ever release a second book after the success of your first book?

Definitely! It is something I have already been thinking about and conceptualising. My first book Forever Wandering contains a huge overview and archive of work from the past decade, so I do imagine my next book to be very different and explore more in-depth concepts and series.

eva mli travel blogger

Who would you say the book is for?

Anyone looking for inspiration and to re-discover a deeper connection with both our planet and ourselves. With so many uncertainties in the world right now, I hope Forever Wandering is able to transport your mind into the wilderness of our beautiful world and help you discover a depth of wonder and awe for our planet. At a time when our approach to travel is changing, and restoring nature’s balance is more pressing than ever, Forever Wandering is a visual insight into our natural world, telling a meaningful story of how we can find a deeper connection with our universe – and ourselves. I hope these pages will inspire you to re-ignite your connection with Earth to see the beauty that is hidden within every corner of our planet.

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Brooke Saward

Brooke Saward founded World of Wanderlust as a place to share inspiration from her travels and to inspire others to see our world. She now divides her time between adventures abroad and adventures in the kitchen, with a particular weakness for French pastries.

Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

A few snapshots from Island life in Koh Samui 🥹🌴 just shared my blog posts from this trip in Thailand and now craving mango sticky rice pudding, the kindness and hospitality of Thai people and those buffet breakfast spreads (the kinda ones that keep you full til dinner). My stay at @fskohsamui was like something out of a story book. Especially that last photo - that night was one to remember 🫶🏼 #kohsamui #thailand #travel #travelblog #thailandtravel

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Animator. Director. Artist. Scapegoat.

Moscow Travelblogue

eva mli travel blogger

Author: Nina Paley

Animator. Director. Artist. Scapegoat. View all posts by Nina Paley

8 thoughts on “Moscow Travelblogue”

Awesome! Congrats on the prize. And thanks for posting all the pics.

Adored your perfect, smack–em-in-the-eye Awards Nite dress.


Nina + Prize:

thank you for all the pics…..yes….you are a great artist

Congratulations. I finally got a chance to see the movie for myself last weekend and I’m glad to see it getting some positive reviews. Thank you for making such a beautiful, thought provoking, and funny movie.

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53 Best Travel Blogs and Bloggers To Follow (in 2024)

Ankit Singla Master Blogging

Written by Ankit Singla


Last Updated on:

by Ankit Singla

If you’re searching for the best travel blogs today, look no further.

As always, I created this list to help aspiring travel bloggers learn a thing or two from these established sites.

However, people who are only looking for travel ideas and tips will also enjoy this post.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the top travel blogs to follow in 2024.

Best Travel Blogs

  • Nomadic Matt
  • Backpacking Matt
  • Adventurous Kate
  • The Blonde Abroad
  • California Through My Lens
  • Dan Flying Solo
  • Travel With Lakshmi
  • Fluent in 3 Months
  • Cheapest Destinations Blog
  • Alex in Wanderland
  • I Am Aileen
  • Wandering Earl
  • Be My Travel Muse
  • Followtheboat
  • Matthew Woodward
  • The Opposite Travellers
  • We Seek Travel
  • Bucket List Journey
  • Migrationology
  • The Cranky Flier
  • Never Ending Footsteps
  • A Dangerous Business
  • Against The Compass
  • Everything Everywhere
  • The Longest Way Home
  • Global Grasshopper
  • Girl Gone Travel
  • Oneika The Traveller
  • The Adventurists
  • Time Travel Turtle
  • Hand Luggage Only
  • Travel4Wildlife
  • The Insatiable Traveler
  • View From The Wing
  • Uncornered Market
  • Jessie On a Journey
  • Legal Nomads
  • TravelFreak
  • The Everywhereist
  • Keep Calm and Travel
  • Practical Wanderlust
  • Expert Vagabond
  • The Voyageur
  • Amateur Traveler
  • Girl Eat World
  • The Adventure Junkies
  • A Broken Backpack
  • The World Travel Guy
  • Life Part 2

1. Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt

By:  Matthew Kepnes

I have to be honest with you — I love everything about  Nomadic Matt .  

Everything from his website’s design to his personal writing voice makes for an engaging reading experience. Not to mention that the name “Nomadic Matt” really sticks with me. 

Matthew Kepnes, AKA Nomadic Matt, was once a cubicle worker who admittedly wasn’t always a big traveler. On his first trip back in 2004, he went to Costa Rica where his perspective in life transformed forever. 

A single trip — that’s how easy it is to fall in love with travel. 

Today, Matthew continues living the life he was born for. He primarily blogs about travel tips, encompassing topics like how to save for a trip and things to do in Singapore. 

Blog Topics 

  • Travel Insurance
  • Travel planning
  • Saving money on travel
  • Travel gear
  • Destinations

Monetization Strategies

  • Display advertisements
  • Superstar Blogging online course
  • Affiliate marketing ( Check: Best Travel Affiliate Programs )

2. Backpacking Matt

Backpacking Matt

By:  Matt Kyhnn

I think there’s something about the name “Matt” that raises a person’s affinity for traveling. 

Backpacking Matt , owned and run by Matt Kyhnn, is a travel blog that has similar vibes with Nomadic Matt. It has a simplistic design, a memorable content tone, and striking travel photos that bring the blog’s stories to life. 

Matt Kyhnn also leverages videos — providing his audience a more immersive way to enjoy his content. 

Fresh out of college, Matt simply decided that he won’t settle for a 9-5 job. Instead, he spent months working and traveling across Ireland, Scotland, and other regions in mainland Europe. 

He then booked a one-way ticket to New Zealand where he now resides. In addition to his blog, Matt also runs his own travel planning and booking website — Planit NZ. 

Blog Topics

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Planit NZ travel planning and booking services
  • Brand collaborations

3. Adventurous Kate

Adventurous Kate

By:  Kate McCulley

Kate McCulley, AKA  Adventurous Kate , is a travel blogger with lots of adventures to tell.

She’s been to 83 countries, seven continents, and plenty of experiences to help women appreciate the traveling life. 

Kate’s blog was built during her time in Southeast Asia along with her freelance portfolio, which helped fund her travels. Her target audience is women who want to travel, but required guidance on how to do it safely and easily. 

The “Solo Female Travel” category on her blog consists of posts about travel safety, travel planning, destination guides, and more. She also compiled a list of travel resources that help turn her audience’s travel ideas into action plans. 

  • Travel safety for women
  • Sponsored posts

4. The Blonde Abroad

The Blonde Abroad

By:  Kiersten “Kiki” Rich

I covered Kiersten “Kiki” Rich of  The Blonde Abroad   in my list of the top lifestyle bloggers to follow in 2024. 

As her blog’s name suggests, she’s mainly a travel blogger who also discusses two other lifestyle-related topics — blogging and photography. 

Kiersten spent three, eye-opening months in multiple countries to re-envision the idea of “ success .” She succeeded in her goal and is now one of the most accomplished travel bloggers on the web. 

The Blonde Abroad covers a range of topics from travel photography to foreign cuisine. All of which draws wisdom from Kiersten’s personal travel experiences.

  • Photography
  • Travel destinations
  • The Travel Shop
  • Social media and influencer marketing consulting

5. California Through My Lens

California Through My Lens

By:  Josh McNair

Josh McNair, owner of  California Through My Lens , has a distinct writing style that vividly describes details of travel destinations. 

Unlike bloggers who discovered the love for travel in their adulthood, Josh has always been a passionate traveler at heart. He created California Through My Lens to document his adventures with the online audience. 

California Through My Lens is run by both Josh and his wife, Amy. The pair also has an active YouTube channel called Through My Lens where they share their experiences in video form. 

As you may have guessed, Josh’s content focuses on the beaches, caves, hiking trails, waterfalls, and various landmarks in California. Intricate details of each location, from hike distances to specific travel tips, are often included in his posts. 

  • National parks in California
  • Driving around California
  • California destinations
  • Selling eBooks
  • Advertisements through YouTube 

6. Dan Flying Solo

Dan Flying Solo

By:  Daniel “Dan” Clarke

Dan Flying Solo   is by Daniel Clarke — a travel blogger, photographer, and creative director at his own Portugal-based media company. 

Dan’s blogging life was ignited by his passion for photography. He was originally a frustrated restaurant manager who wanted more out of life.

Like me, Dan is a self-taught blogger. He worked day in and day out by doing free online courses, YouTube tutorials, and heaps of informative guides. 

What makes Dan Flying Solo an extra noteworthy blog is its library of video content. Daniel also makes it clear that the site has no particular theme — not unlike everything else in life.  

“ There’s not one particular theme to this blog because I don’t think that’s how life really is. We change and what we enjoy changes.”

7. Travel with Lakshmi

Travel with Lakshmi

By:  Lakshmi Sharath

Lakshmi Sharath worked on a desk job for multiple media organizations for 15 years. She then started her personal travel blog in 2005 — traveling to over 25 countries and across every corner of India. 

Travel with Lakshmi has only grown steadily ever since. It won multiple awards, including “India’s best travel blog of the year” award from Indiebloggie.  

As an Indian herself, Lakshmi made sure to highlight the country’s top travel destinations on the blog. She also documented her travels to foreign countries — from Abu Dhabi to the United Kingdom. 

As a way to support aspiring travelers around the world, Lakshmi also covers important tips on starting a travel blog. This includes essential tips on photography, travel planning, and travel writing.

  • Social media marketing campaigns
  • Content marketing and writing services
  • Digital media consulting services

8. foXnoMad


By:  Anil Polat

foXnoMad   is a unique travel blog run by digital nomad Anil Polat.

Anil was exposed to travel at a young age because his parents were journalists. Other than routine trips between Turkey and the United States, they also visited multiple destinations around the world. 

Even in his professional life as a computer security consultant, travel was a big part of Anil’s life. He eventually decided to quit his job and fixate on one goal: to visit every country in the world.

What makes foXnoMad unique is that Anil utilizes his knowledge in tech to provide insightful tips on traveling smartly. He also develops apps that can help travelers in situations like determining water drinkability and calculating tips.

You can check out his podcast where he talks about current events, new product tech releases, and all things travel-related. 

Blog Topics                                           

  • foXnoMad Shop
  • Paid mobile apps

9. Fluent in 3 Months

Fluent in 3 Months

By:  Brendan “Benny” Lewis

Fluent in 3 Months   by Brendan Lewis is created for travelers with a purpose. 

Apart from regular posts about travel planning and destinations, Brendan also writes a lot of guides on foreign languages. 

Remember, language is a crucial part of every culture. Brendan makes sure you learn dozens of useful words and phrases that will enrich your visit to any country. 

Some of the most prominent content formats in his blog are “ways to say” posts and phrase listicles. There are also fun, bite-sized stories like “How I Learned French on the Toilet in 6 Months.”

For more serious language learners, Fluent in 3 Months offers “The Challenge.” It’s a full-fledged online course that will enable you to hold a 15-minute conversation in a new language.

  • How to speak foreign languages
  • Language hacking 
  • Traveling jobs
  • The Challenge online course
  • Speaking engagements

10. Cheapest Destinations Blog

Cheapest Destinations Blog

By:  Tim Leffel

Cheapest Destinations Blog   is one of the oldest travel blogs on this list. 

It is created and run by Tim Leffel — an award-winning travel writer and author.  

Tim has made it his life’s goal to help people make the most out of travel while spending less. His blog contains posts that teach how to spend your travel money wisely and how to make every cent count. 

Other than Cheapest Destinations Blog, Tim also runs a handful of other blogs on different, travel-related topics. This includes Perceptive Travel, Travel Writing 2.0 Blog, and Cheap Living Abroad.  

  • Travel budgeting
  • Influencer marketing through 360 Degree Travel Network

11. Alex in Wanderland 

Alex in Wanderland

By:  Alexandra Baackes

Alexandra Baackes created  Alex in Wanderland   for two reasons. 

First, she’s been dealing with a case of wanderlust all her life. And second, she’s a fan of a beloved, fictional character — Alice in Wonderland. 

Alexandra is originally from Brooklyn, New York where she purchased her one-way ticket into the traveling life. She now blogs about the best travel destinations, outdoor activities, and her personal, travel-related gear.

One of the things I like about Alex in Wanderland is the presentation and categorization of content. 

On the “Categories” page, Alex makes sure articles are well-organized based on topics like travel inspiration, activities, and planning. This makes it easy for her audience to find the information they need at any given time. 

  • Outdoor activities

12. Hey Nadine

Hey Nadine

By:  Nadine Sykora

Nadine Sykora of  Hey Nadine   is a popular travel blogger, YouTuber, and social media influencer.

Over the past 10 years, she has traveled across 55 countries, spoken on expert panels, and became a keynote speaker. 

Nadine’s goal is simple: share her travel experiences with the world and help others do the same. 

Hey Nadine contains a host of content on travel advice, hacks, destinations, and inspiration. As a seasoned YouTuber, you can expect her blog content to contain a lot of embedded videos from her channel. 

  • Video production
  • Advertisements through YouTube
  • Sponsored content

13. I Am Aileen

I Am Aileen

Just like Kiersten Rich, Aileen Adalid is another travel blogger whom I also featured in my top lifestyle blogs listicle.

Aileen runs  I Am Aileen   — an award-winning blog that discusses just about everything there is to discuss in travel. She writes about destinations, the best travel activities, foreign cuisine, and more. 

What interested me the most about Aileen is her blogging background. At age 21, she quit her corporate job, which only paid $300 a month, to become a professional traveler. 

Since then, she’s been on a streak of smashing goals and breaking barriers. Thanks to her commitment to quality content, she’s recognized as one of the top bloggers in Asia. 

  • Online shop

14. Wandering Earl

Wandering Earl

By:  Derek Earl Baron

Here’s a fun trivia about  Wandering Earl . 

Unlike most bloggers who use their first names, the “Earl” in “Wandering Earl” is actually a middle name. Blog owner Derek Earl Baron only thought that “Wandering Derek” didn’t sound as catchy.

Derek is a one-of-a-kind, adventurous soul who discovered his purpose as a modern nomad relatively early into adulthood. After graduating in 1999, he planned a three-month vacation across Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. 

That three-month vacation continues to this very day. 

And that’s how Wandering Earl was created — documenting Derek’s adventures in over 100 countries. He also shares valuable pieces of wisdom on travel planning, food, budgeting, gear, and so on. 

Wandering Earl has that “old-school” look and feel to it. On the plus side, the site’s design only highlights 

  • Working while traveling
  • Selling “eGuides”

15. Be My Travel Muse

Be My Travel Muse

By:  Kristin Addis

Be My Travel Muse  is a solo female travel blog created by Kristin Addis. 

She studied in Taiwan and kept an investment banking job for four years. The only problem was, her daily routine rendered her creative, dreamer side claustrophobic. 

Her first step was a one-way ticket to Bangkok — envisioning a life of writing and travel. That’s exactly what she accomplished with her blog, which now caters to millions of readers all over the world. 

Kristin believes that solo traveling is the best way for women to feel empowered and more confident. She prioritizes solo female travel tips on her blog, including guides on safety, packing, and maintaining relationships. 

Be My Travel Muse also has heaps of content on popular travel destinations and self-care for women. 

  • Self-help for women
  • Relationships
  • The Photo Muse Masterclass online course

16. Followtheboat


By:  Liz Cleere and Jamie Furlong

Followtheboat   is a unique travel blog that focuses on a specific mode of transport: sailing. 

It is created with love by a travel writer Liz Cleere and photographer Jamie Furlong. There’s also Millie the rescue cat, which functions as a source of inspiration and encouragement for the blog’s human founders. 

Despite the focus on sailboats, Followtheboat’s content isn’t just made for sailors. The posts are tailor-made for travelers who also happen to be interested in the art and joys of sailing. 

Don’t be surprised at the humor and dynamic range of topics on the blog. You’ll find posts like “tools you need on a sailboat” and “is this the weirdest loo in the world?”

Followtheboat also has a library of podcasts, which record Liz and Jamie’s experiences on their travels. 

  • Boat maintenance
  • Patreon donations

17. Matthew Woodward

Matthew Woodward

By:  Matthew Woodward

If Followtheboat is about boats, you can probably guess what  Matthew Woodward   is a blog about trains. 

Not to be mistaken for  Matthew Woodward  the internet marketer, Matthew Woodward the rail adventurer loved trains as a child. He owned model railway sets, traveled alone by train, and watched shows about trains on TV. 

In his time as a geography student, he explored Europe with his trusty Interrail pass. He set his passion aside to focus on his career, which he eventually gave up to become a travel writer. 

Today, he blogs about railway systems over different continents. He’s also an accomplished author of three books: “The Railway to Heaven,” “A Bridge Even Further,” and “Trans-Siberian Adventures.”

  • Railway systems
  • Traveling by train
  • Selling books

18. The Opposite Travellers

The Opposite Travellers

By:  Ryan and Rachel Riel

The Opposite Travellers   were created by married couple Ryan and Rachel Riel. 

While both loved to travel, Ryan and Rachel had contrasting preferences when it comes to traveling. 

Rachel prefers to travel in style and luxury — through the accommodations and services offered by establishments and travel agencies. Ryan, on the other hand, leans toward daring adventures like biking and trekking — on $5 per night accommodations. 

The couple, however, utilized their differences as a selling point in The Opposite Travellers. 

As such, the website’s “Travel” section has two main categories: “Luxury Travel” and “Adventure Travel.” In other words, the blog has a diverse content library for travelers of all tastes and budgets.

The Opposite Travellers also boasts high-quality visuals taken and produced by Ryan Riel. All of the site’s videos are published on Ryan Riel Media — Ryan’s official YouTube channel.  

  • Content production
  • Social media marketing 
  • Influencer marketing

19. We Seek Travel 

olly gaspar travel blogger

By:  Olly Gaspar

We Seek Travel is an adventure travel blog by traveler and adventure photographer Olly Gaspar.

Olly has been living out of his bags full-time since 2018, turning his passion for global adventure into a treasure trove of useful travel guides accompanied by his inspiring photography.

His travel blog serves as a window to extraordinary experiences around the world– from backpacking in India to climbing Himalayan peaks, crossing deserts on camelback, cycling over the Arctic Circle, hiking with gorillas in Uganda, and even fighting Muay Thai in Thailand.

But We Seek Travel is more than just a diary of adventures. It’s a resource-rich hub where Olly shares his firsthand experiences to help modern explorers discover unique outdoor adventures, off-beat hiking trails, travel photography gear, and helpful accommodation and digital nomad resources.

  • Travel Planning & Accommodation
  • Outdoor Adventure
  • Hiking & Trekking
  • Travel photography
  • Travel Gear
  • Photography licensing
  • Adventure Photography shoots
  • Tourism development

20. Bucket List Journey

Bucket List Journey

By:  Annette White

Travel is all about adventures, and so is life. 

That’s the essence of the  Bucket List Journey   by Annette White. 

The blog’s tagline is “tools and inspiration to live your list.” It refers to a person’s “bucket list,” which is basically a list of goals and experiences they want in life. 

Annette didn’t always have such a positive outlook in life. She used to be diagnosed with anxiety, which caused her to miss out on life-enriching experiences and opportunities. 

Eventually, she decided that she’ll no longer become a prisoner of fear and uncertainty. She had courage and took charge of her life’s direction — something every aspiring blogger needs to do at one point. 

Bucket List Journey talks about bucket list-worthy destinations, motivation, money, and travel tips. Annette also imparts knowledge on people who also struggle with facing fear and making braver life decisions. 

  • Overcoming fear and anxiety

21. Migrationology


By:  Mark Wiens

When I first visited  Migrationology , I wasn’t sure whether to classify it as a food or travel blog. 

Then I checked out Mark Wiens’s “About” page. There, I learned that he viewed food as a way to connect with people in various cultures. 

And to be exposed to these cultures, Mark dedicates his time, money, and efforts to travel. 

Mark makes sure the blog only focuses on content based on his personal travels. It’s made for people who want to experience the flavors of the world — in person or through Mark’s posts. 

Apart from general food travel blog posts and city guides, Migrationology also offers readers a “Food Tour” service. It is the result of a year of research done by Mark himself — in partnership with  Bangkok Vanguards . 

  • Bangkok Food Tour

22. The Cranky Flier

The Cranky Flier

By:  Brett Snyder

We already mentioned a blog about boats and another about trains. It’s time to talk about a blog on airplanes and air travel.

Cranky Flier   is a unique blog created by Brett Snyder — President and “Chief Airline Dork” of Cranky Flier LLC. 

Brett has been fascinated with airlines all his life. When he was young, he collected airline timetables and even spent a birthday with his grandmother watching planes land. 

As an adult, he spent several years in the airline industry fulfilling multiple roles. He became a sales intern at USAir, senior analyst at America West, marketing planning product at United, and so on.

Today, Brett publishes his opinions about the airline industry on Cranky Flier. He also updates several series, like “Worst Airline Ever,” “Airlines We Lost,” and “Across the Aisle Interviews.” 

I’ll let you determine what these series are all about based on what they’re called. 

  • Airline industry
  • Cranky Concierge service

23. Never Ending Footsteps

Never Ending Footsteps

By:  Lauren Juliff

Lauren Juliff is one of those bloggers who already knew what they wanted to be from an early age. 

She dreamt of traveling to new places, meeting new people, and exploring new cultures.  Never Ending Footsteps   is proof that she accomplished all three. 

The blog consists of posts about Lauren’s fulfilling travels to different countries. But unlike a lot of famous travel bloggers, she also talks about the downsides of being a digital nomad.

Never Ending Footsteps has a “The Incidents” blog section where Lauren discusses the not-so-sexy aspects of traveling. She has been scammed, attacked by monkeys, locked out of her room, lost her passport, and more. 

Despite these incidents, Lauren’s love for travel only grew. Such experiences increased her wisdom and travel acumen — resulting in some of the most insightful travel articles ever published.

Lauren also helps her audience get into the world of travel blogging. Check out “How to Start a Travel Blog” for information on web hosting, working with WordPress, and so on.

  • Travel safety

24. A Dangerous Business Travel Blog

A Dangerous Business Travel Blog

By:  Amanda Williams

A Dangerous Business Travel Blog   is a straightforward blog made to help people travel. 

It is created by Amanda Williams, who is a former journalist with degrees in journalism, hospitality, and tourism management.

Amanda first got into journalism by editing obituaries — eventually becoming a copy and layout editor at a newspaper company. She started A Dangerous Business Travel Blog in 2010 out of boredom and her need for a creative outlet. 

Fast forward to 2024, the blog now averages over 340,000 page views per month. Amanda also maintains a strong social media presence with thousands of followers across networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

A Dangerous Business Travel Blog contains posts about travel planning, packing, destinations, and inspiration. Everything is sprinkled with high-quality photos to keep readers engaged and enthused.  

The centerpiece of A Dangerous Business Travel Blog is “The 10-Day Adventure Project.” Put simply, it’s a collection of ready-to-use, self-guided itineraries that will shave hours off your travel planning process.

  • Packing 
  • DangerousBiz online course
  • Freelance writing

25. Against the Compass

Against The Compass

By:  Joan Torres

How do you make a travel blog stand out?

Joan Torres has a surefire answer: covering the most unusual and “off the beaten track” destinations.

Against The Compass   is a unique blog that talks about the travel routes and destinations you probably haven’t heard of. It covers destinations that people don’t normally include in their bucket list, like Pakistan, Tunisia, Syria, and other high-risk countries. 

Of course, Joan makes sure to highlight the importance of safety when traveling in relatively low-popularity destinations. He has comprehensive guides for solo female travel, travel insurance, and general travel safety.

  • Travel insurance

26. Everything Everywhere 

Everything Everywhere

By:  Gary Arndt

In travel blogging, a picture is undeniably worth a thousand words. There’s simply no excuse for any travel blogger to forego the inclusion of visual content in their posts.

Gary Arndt’s absolutely nailed it with his photography work for  Everything Everywhere .

Gary actually won multiple, major travel photography awards — more than any travel photographer. His photography is so good that I suggest you check the “Travel Photos” page on Everything Everywhere.

Go ahead, take a break and thank me later. 

Other than taking breathtaking photos, Gary also publishes detailed blog posts about the places he’s been. He’s been on the go for roughly 9 years non-stop, which means readers will never run out of material.

27. The Longest Way Home

The Longest Way Home

By:  David Ways

The Longest Way Home   started as the personal travel journal of David Ways — a solo traveler in search of home. 

The blog originally started as David’s private, digital diary. As he journeyed across Europe and gained experience, it turned into a full-on blog with travel guides to specific locations. 

David finally found home in Nepal before traveling to other parts of Southeast Asia. 

He’s not the most nitpicky blogger in terms of grammar and spelling, but he’s definitely a brilliant storyteller. He’s also skilled in capturing and immortalizing moments into photos, which you can view on his blog’s gallery. 

The Longest Way Home has a library of content about various destinations, trekking, and travel planning. It also features in-depth travel guides to Nepal, Thailand, and overland travel — plus a mini-guide to Portugal.  

  • Travel planning 
  • Overland travel

28. Global Grasshopper

Global Grasshopper

By:  Becky Moore

Global Grasshopper   is a travel blog run by Becky Moore and her team of professional travel photographers and writers. 

Becky’s first adventure was a six-month voyage in Southeast Asia. She considers herself a “semi-nomad,” traveling from country to country while nestling in Ireland, Australia, or parts of Southeast Asia. 

Global Grasshopper contains posts about popular travel destinations, hotels, and other places that deserve more attention. Readers will also enjoy the blog’s posts about dog-friendly travel — covering topics like dog booster seats and pet-friendly hotels. 

Since the blog is run by a team of experts, expect the content quality to be top-notch across the board. The team also organizes boutique tours, which readers can participate in for a memorable travel experience. 

  • Traveling with a pet
  • Boutique tours bookings

29. Girl Gone Travel

Girl Gone Travel

By:  Carol Cain

Carol Cain is an accomplished professional in the field of communications. She is a social media marketing expert, public speaker, branding agency owner, and award-winning travel blogger.

Girl Gone Travel   is the result of Carol’s innate passion for travel and knack for digital marketing. It is a well-designed, engaging, and filled with quality content that shines with Carol’s personality. 

Other than her travel-related posts, Girl Gone Travel also publishes a lot of posts about blogging and online branding. This makes it an excellent place to start for hopeful travelers who plan to have their own blog one day. 

  • Destinations 
  • Online branding
  • Brave World Media company

30. HoneyTrek


By:  Mike and Anne Howard

Believe it or not,  HoneyTrek   is a travel blog about a honeymoon.

Yes — it’s probably the longest honeymoon ever.

Founders Mike and Anne Howard are a power couple with skills that can make any blog great. Anne is a former magazine editor whereas Mike’s a veteran digital media strategist and photographer. 

Together, they’ve honeymooned to over seven continents and 60 countries while creating the most romantic travel blog in the process. 

HoneyTrek contains a collection of posts about their travel destinations, experiences, and travel tips for all budgets. They also wrote two successful books: “Comfortably Wild” and “Ultimate Journeys for Two.” 

  • Travel budgeting 
  • Travel skills

31. Oneika The Traveller

Oneika The Traveller

By:  Oneika Raymond

Oneika The Traveller   is an award-winning travel blog by journalist, keynote speaker, and media personality Oneika Raymond. 

For those who don’t know Oneika, she’s the on-air travel and lifestyle correspondent for CTV Canada and NBC New York. Even more impressively, her blog won her a gold medal in the 2018 SATW Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism competition.

Oneika talks about travel destinations and her go-to tips for life on the road. With her experience in the field of journalism, she’s definitely one of the most engaging storytellers on this list.

  • Fashion and style while traveling
  • Traveling as a minority
  • Personal opinions
  • Social media marketing

32. The Adventurists

The Adventurists

By:  Tom Morgan

The Adventurists   is hands down one of the most well-designed travel blogs in this post. 

The blog proves that integrating tons of video content into one page doesn’t have to affect its loading speed. In fact, the site loads surprisingly fast despite having several video panels on the homepage.

I’m not going to delve too deeply into this technical feat. What I’m going to focus on, however, is the brilliant team behind The Adventurists. 

The site is founded by “Chief Idiot” — Tom Morgan. Apparently, most of the crazy ideas featured on the blog were his. 

Every page on the site reflects Morgan and his team’s wackiness and passion for great adventures. They do, host, and document daring outdoor activities on air, land, and sea — plus, a whole lot of charity.

Their audience can also participate in these activities, which can be held in various parts of the globe. The “Monkey Run,” for example, is an event where participants race through dirt trails on tiny bikes.

The bottom line is, it’s hard to come up with unique ideas that set you apart in the blogging landscape. The Adventurists, on the other hand, managed to do so multiple times. 

  • “The Adventures” events
  • The “Shop of Stuff”

33. Time Travel Turtle

Time Travel Turtle

By:  Michael Turtle

Time Travel Turtle   is created by Australian Journalist Michael Turtle. 

Michael was born to be a storyteller and he knew it from an early age. 

In school, he ran the student newsletter and contributed a weekly column. He also filled the role of deputy editor of a university newspaper. 

Time Travel Turtle’s contains mainly posts on the locations that Michael has visited over the years. 

Like most renowned travel bloggers, Michael captures amazing photos that travel enthusiasts can fall in love with. He puts some of these photos up for sale to companies who’d like to feature those locations or properties. 

Michael continues to explore the world as a digital nomad. He also shares practical travel tips so readers can experience these adventures themselves. 

  • Selling photography

34. Hand Luggage Only

Hand Luggage Only

By:  Yaya and Lloyd

Hand Luggage Only   is a hugely successful travel blog by couple Yaya and Lloyd. 

The site doles out travel advice, inspiration, photography tips, food reviews, and posts about must-see destinations. It also has a library of high-quality videos where Yaya and Lloyd describe their experiences in detail.  

Yaya and Lloyd started the blog in 2014 with a plan to share their travel stories with the world. Within a few hours, they published their first posts using photos they already took and edited. 

The moral of the story is, consider starting a blog if you already have a library of unused travel photos. 

35. Travel4Wildlife


By:  Christina Garcia and Hal Brindley 

It should only take anyone a second to figure out what  Travel4Wildlife   is all about. 

The blog is created by couple Christina Garcia and Hal Brindley out of their passion for wildlife. 

Hal is an experienced wildlife photographer for organizations like the Nature Conservancy Magazine, SEE Turtles, and RARE Conservation. Christina, on the other hand, is an experienced zoologist who worked on studies on wolves, cheetahs, and leopards. 

Travel4Wildlife’s goal is to increase awareness and increase the appreciation for wildlife. More importantly, it was Christina and Hal’s life goal to promote wildlife conservation through responsible tourism. 

Behind the scenes, the couple teams up to create compelling articles that focus on wildlife in specific destinations. The blog covers a range of species on different continents — from owls in South Africa to polar bears in Canada. 

  • Wildlife tour reviews
  • Responsible travel

36. The Insatiable Traveler

The Insatiable Traveler

By:  Susan Portnoy

Susan Portnoy, also called  The Insatiable Traveler   on her blog, is a seasoned travel writer and photographer. 

Susan’s last full-time job was VP of corporate communications at Condé Nast. When that door closed, she took on a freelancing career as she learned the art of photography. 

Fast forward a few years, and she has enough accolades to make photography degree holders envious. 

Her photographic works were featured by organizations like National Geographic and companies like Bing. She also won awards like the SATW Lowell Thomas Award and the 2018 Gold in the Muster Photo Competition. 

The main focal points of The Insatiable Traveler include destinations, cruises, photography, and travel gear. Susan also covers the safaris in various regions, like Tanzania, Namibia, and Kenya. 

37. View from the Wing

View From The Wing

By:  Gary Leff 

Just like Brett Snyder, Gary Leff of  View From The Wing   is an expert in all things air travel. 

Gary was named one of the “World’s Top Travel Experts” by Condé Nast Traveler since 2010. He also co-founded — a community made by and for frequent flyers.

View From The Wing is a goldmine of timeless tips on airline miles, credit cards, hotels, and business travel. No matter your sub-niche in travel, I recommend checking it out for ways to maximize your frequent flyer miles. 

Gary also publishes posts called “Trip Reports” about establishments, food, and various attractions. 

  • Hotel reviews
  • Credit cards

38. Uncornered Market

Uncornered Market

By:  Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott

Dan Noll and Audrey Scott are a pair of adventurers, storytellers, and tourism advisors who advocate for responsible traveling. 

They created  Uncornered Market   — a responsible tourism blog — after leaving their secure and stable lifestyle in Prague. Prior to that, they lived in San Francisco and took a leap of faith for the sake of avoiding regrets.  

It’s clear that both Dan and Audrey believed that fulfillment can’t be found within the confines of your comfort zone. They explored, made connections, and shared their experiences through their travel blog. 

Some of the topics you’ll find in Uncornered Market are about destinations, sustainable tourism, food, and trekking. Dan and Audrey also write about personal growth and experiential travel. 

Uncornered Market is also a tourism development and marketing consultancy company. They help travel companies, destinations, and tourism organizations build their brands and deliver their message to a wider audience. 

  • Responsible tourism
  • Tourism development and marketing consultancy services

39. Jessie on a Journey

Jessie on a Journey

By:  Jessica “Jessie” Festa

Like plenty of bloggers, Jessica Festa needed a taste of life before discovering her true calling. 

In her youth, Jessie traveled to mostly cruises in the Caribbean and road trips in North America. She also experienced being a sightseeing guide in New York. 

Jessie on a Journey   is the result of her pursuing her dreams of getting paid to do something she loves. She now blogs about being a solo female traveler, blogging it, and profiting off of it. 

I’m sure a lot of big-name bloggers are all too familiar with how Jessie made the blogging vision a reality.

For a long time, she felt that the workaday lifestyle isn’t for her. It made her feel like she’s living everyone else’s life — not the kind of life she wanted to keep. 

Despite the disapproval of loved ones, Jessie decided to quit her secure job in favor of being a travel blogger. 

She was just as unprepared as most people before starting their own blog. The key difference is, she went out there and took her first step. 

  • Travel blog consulting
  • Tour company consulting

40. Legal Nomads

Legal Nomads

By:  Jodi Ettenberg

Back when Jodi Ettenberg was in law school, she never would’ve guessed she’d run a successful travel and food business. 

That happens to a lot of people, especially those who never thought of giving priority to their passions. 

It’s just a hunch, but I think the name  Legal Nomads   had something to do with Jodi’s background in law. 

Legal Nomads highlights destinations and local cultures just as insightfully as other travel blogs. What makes it different is that Jodi focuses on local cuisines to experience and tell the stories of each destination. 

A huge part of Jodi’s blog is about wellness and gluten-free eating. She then utilized her knowledge and experience to create detailed restaurant cards, which travelers can use when visiting certain countries. 

  • Gluten-free restaurant cards
  • The Legal Nomads Shop

41. Indiana Jo

Indiana Jo

By:  Jo Fitzsimons

Like Jodi Ettenberg, Jo Fitzsimons also used to practice law before becoming a successful travel and lifestyle writer. 

Indiana Jo   started way back in 2010 where Jo can comfortably type away her thoughts and musings. Fed up with her full-time job, she went out to see the world as a digital nomad.

It wasn’t always smooth sailing for Indiana Jo, however. According to her, she thought about quitting the blog several times before finally realizing that it’s a lifetime thing. 

Jo writes about her travel experiences, destinations, wine, and food. She also shares travel planning tips along with a long list of content about topics that personally interest her. 

  • Travel health and safety

42. TravelFreak


By:  Jeremy Scott Foster

TravelFreak   is the brainchild of Jeremy Scott Foster who left America in the middle of a recession and to Australia. 

For a while, he racked up some savings as a traveling bartender. It took some time before he finally made the switch to be a digital nomad and online entrepreneur. 

Jeremy created the blog to help people create opportunities to achieve the fulfilling life they deserve. 

He writes about travel advice, destinations, gear, and ways to get your finances in order as you travel. This includes guides on how to land and keep a job abroad along with resources on reliable booking websites. 

I personally like the way Jeremy designed TravelFreak to provide the best possible user experience. Unlike a traditional layout, the site features a search bar so readers can jump right into the content they need.

TravelFreak has been featured in Forbes, National Geographic, The New York Times, and a few other big-name publications.   

43. The Everywhereist

The Everywhereist

By:  Geraldine DeRuiter

Before anything else, yes — that’s Rand Fishkin in the photo above. 

And yes, the next travel blogger on this list is Rand’s longtime sweetheart and wife. 

Geraldine DeRuiter was a former copywriter and went with Rand in his travels, which are often business-related. She then turned to the habit of documenting their travel experiences, which she described as “love letters” to her husband. 

Today, Geraldine works full-time on  The Everywhereist   — named by Time magazine as one of the best blogs in 2011. 

The Everywhereist contains posts about food and Geraldine’s travel experiences along with a comprehensive Philadelphia travel guide. The guide contains information on where to go, eat, shop, and stay. 

Geraldine also wrote a book called “All Over The Place.” It chronicles how she embraced her love for blogging after being laid off, which aspiring bloggers can draw inspiration from. 

  • All Over The Place book sales

44. Keep Calm and Travel

Keep Calm and Travel

By:  Clelia Mattana

Keep Calm and Travel   is a travel blog created by serial traveler Clelia Mattana. 

Ever since she was 19, Clelia is a certified sea lover and globetrotter. But like many travel bloggers, she was given a choice between a secure job and the traveling lifestyle. 

Clelia’s finalized her choice when she bought a one-way ticket to Asia. She then created Keep Calm and Travel to send a simple message:

“No matter what your age is, or your budget, or status, you can travel and live your life on your own terms.”

The blog’s topics include destinations across continents, photography, and travel gear. She also has a dedicated page for Sardinia, which is one of her absolute favorite travel destinations.

45. Practical Wanderlust

Practical Wanderlust

By:  Lia and Jeremy Garcia

Lia and Jeremy Garcia, who aptly labeled themselves a “travel couple” on Instagram, are the minds behind  Practical Wanderlust .  

Jeremy is a film degree holder whose passions include writing and directing. He also became a high school teacher who taught filmmaking and digital media art.

Lia, on the other hand, has a fashion design and apparel merchandising degree. She took on roles in corporate merchandising before becoming a business systems analyst. 

Why did I tell you all this? Simple: I want you to know what the pair had to give up pursuing their dreams of traveling. 

Practical Wanderlust’s goal is to help other people enjoy travel in the most realistic and sensible approach possible. The blog is filled with detailed content on planning memorable trips on a budget, where to go, and staying safe.   

Lia and Jeremy also host their own podcast, which is available on Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. 

  • Coaching and mentoring services
  • Sponsored podcast episodes

46. Expert Vagabond

Expert Vagabond

By:  Matthew “Matt” Karsten

Matthew Karsten, AKA the  Expert Vagabond , has been a travel blogger, photographer, and digital nomad for nine years.

He talks about budget travel tips, destinations, travel photography, and strategies to make the digital nomadic life work. 

Matt is a business degree holder who spent time freelancing as a nightlife and event photographer. While he admits it was fun, he knew that he wants and deserves something more. 

After a year of downsizing his life, eating homemade food, selling eBooks, and saving every penny, he was ready. He set out to obtain a different kind of wealth — that which is made with adventures and experiences.

  • Nomadic living

47. The Voyageur

The Voyageur

By:  Pauline Chardin

Pauline Chardin is a France-based fashion designer, photographer, and art director. 

She always had a soft spot for travel — driven by her appreciation for picturesque architecture, landscapes, and good food. She started  The Voyageur   to help people view the world through her voice and eyes. 

The Voyageur is a simple, yet aesthetic website achieved through Pauline’s incredible photography skills. Apart from itineraries and posts about hotels, food, art, and architecture, the site also has a sizeable photo gallery.

Images are accompanied by a brief article that describes the destination’s history and Pauline’s thoughts and emotions during her visit. I’m not sure what it is, but there’s something about this content format that’s truly engaging and relaxing. 

  • Art and architecture

48. Amateur Traveler

Amateur Traveler

By:  Chris Christensen

Don’t be fooled by the name —  Amateur Traveler   is by no means run by an amateur.

Chris Christensen is a skilled photographer, travel writer, and podcast host. The site also utilizes a long list of monetization strategies that I believe every blogger should learn. 

True, he wasn’t the most experienced traveler when he started the blog. Before he created Amateur Traveler, he was a full-time EVP of engineering and operations for a company based in Silicon Valley. 

In his defense, he grew up in a family that traveled a lot to national parks in a trailer. He also learned a lot of foreign languages, which he believes is a window into understanding and embracing different cultures. 

Amateur Traveler discusses destinations, travel budgeting, planning, gear, and booking. The site also features a weekly podcast on the top destinations around the world. 

  • Amateur Traveler Shop powered by Etsy
  • Podcast advertisements
  • Social media and content marketing consulting services
  • Content writing services
  • Paid guest posts

49. Girl Eat World

Girl Eat World

By:  Melissa Hie

Melissa Hie is the “Girl” in  Girl Eat World  — a name that encapsulates what the whole blog is all about. 

You see, Melissa’s three passions are food, travel, and storytelling. She started the blog in 2015 as a digital diary for herself and friends who need travel tips. 

Prior to her blog’s success, she amassed quite a following on Instagram. This springboarded her blogging career, which she put in the back burner after focusing on her full-time career.

Girl Eat World is essentially a compendium of Melissa’s travel stories and travel planning guides. She also has an iconic style of capturing Instagram posts, which must be seen to be appreciated. 

50. The Adventure Junkies

The Adventure Junkies

By:  Antonio Cala and Amanda Zeisset

The Adventure Junkies   is definitely not your average travel blog. 

It’s not just about the travel stories of founders Antonio Cala and Amanda Zeisset. Upon visiting the blog for the first time, you’ll realize that it’s all about the community the blog has built. 

New visitors are encouraged to join “ Summit ” — a free community for people who seek adventures through travel and outdoor activities. There, members can connect, plan events, share posts, ask questions, form groups, and discuss anything related to travel. 

The Adventure Junkies also compile guides and resources about outdoor activities like diving, kayaking, mountain biking, and snowboarding. There’s also a section for visitors who’d like to learn about outdoor and underwater photography.

Antonio and Amanda started The Adventure Junkies as a personal blog about their three years of cycling. Over time, their readers began asking questions on how they can plan their own adventures. 

The couple then realized that they need to create something more than a personal blog. As such, they transformed The Adventure Junkies as a one-stop shop for adventurists.  

  • The Adventure Junkies Store
  • Paid digital guides

51. A Broken Backpack Travel Blog

A Broken Backpack

By:  Melissa Giroux

Melissa Giroux used to be a social worker who only traveled once a year. 

Melissa created  A Broken Backpack   a year after her journey in the Canadian Rockies — hitch-hiking from point A to B. She continued working on her blog as a creative outlet while working on a farm in Australia. 

It didn’t take long before A Broken Backpack’s popularity gained momentum and gave Melissa a new frontier. 

The website contains crucial tips on travel gear, budgeting, destinations, and the life of a digital nomad. Melissa also put together in-depth guides on travel blogging, moving to another country as an expat, and backpacking.

  • SEO eBook on Nomad Life 101

52. The World Travel Guy

eva mli travel blogger

By : David Leiter

David Leiter is an American travel blogger currently based in Bali, Indonesia, with his wife Intan (who’s a Bali local).

They travel around the world and try to document the most scenic destinations by creating articles, photos, videos, and guides for other travelers.

David runs  The World Travel Guy , an adventure travel blog that he started when he was a solo traveler, but now covers their travels around the globe as a couple.

In total, they’ve visited dozens of countries, while also checking off some bucket list adventures like a Komodo dragon safari in Indonesia, the Mount Everest Base Camp trek in Nepal, and a bunch of world monuments like the Angkor Wat and Taj Mahal.

  • Adventure Travel
  • Destination Guides
  • Budget Tips
  • Travel Photography
  • Drone Videos
  • Affiliate Partnerships
  • Display Advertisements
  • Sponsored Trips
  • YouTube Videos

53. Life Part 2

Life Part 2

By:  Jonathan Look Jr. and Sarah Wilson

The last blog on this list that your best life can start at any time you choose. 

Let me tell you the story behind  Life Part 2   and the people behind it.

Jonathan Look Jr. and Sarah Wilson are both happy retirees with a simple mantra: “don’t waste your retirement.”

To them, retirement isn’t about being comfortable and secure. Rather, it’s all about the freedom to listen to your heart and follow where it takes you. 

Jonathan and Sarah met in Chiang Mai, Thailand where they both agreed to see the world as a couple. 

Life Part 2 is a mix of all things travel. At times, there’ll be a post about remote destinations and backpacking, and at other times, the theme is luxury travel. 

You will, however, notice that the content topics on the blog often revolve around retirement, minimalism, and travel. 

Planning to go on your own travel adventures? Perhaps you’re thinking of starting your very own travel blog?

It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a case of wanderlust or the desire to be a travel blogger yourself. 

The list above has some of the best travel blogs ever created. They can provide you with ideas and inspiration for your next trip or first-ever travel blog post. 

If you think I missed a great travel blog that everyone should read, let me know in the comments below. Good luck!

Ankit Singla Master Blogging

Ankit Singla

Ankit Singla is a full-time blogger, YouTuber, author, and public speaker. He founded and leads Master Blogging . With over 13 years of blogging expertise, he has assisted numerous aspiring bloggers in achieving their dreams of creating successful blogs.

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