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MBK Booster et Yamaha BW's avant 2004 : un peu d'histoire

Le très populaire MBK Booster , qui partage sa base avec le Yamaha BW's , a vu le jour en  Europe à la fin des années 80. Le concept initial appartient à Yamaha, qui le baptise "BW's" que l'on prononce "Bi-Ouiz" et serait l'abréviation des mots anglais "Big Wheels" qui signifient "grosses roues". MBK étant à cette époque racheté par Yamaha, le scooter sera produit en France et vendu sous les deux marques, en étant simplement rebaptisé Booster chez MBK.

De 1989 à 1999, ce scooter sera vendu (dans sa version basique) avec des roues de 10 pouces et deux freins à tambour. Certaines versions spécifiques (on pense au Booster Spirit par exemple) disposeront du frein à disque à l'avant dès 1994, puis toutes les versions disposeront du frein avant à disque dès 1999. On notera également l'apparition de quelques versions avec roues de 12 pouces durant ces années.

MBK Booster 50c avant 2004 : moteur

Le moteur est lui produit par Minarelli, un fabricant italien réputé. Ce moteur se veut léger , compact et dispose d'une excellente accélération très appréciée des utilisateurs.

  • Monocylindre 2 temps Minarelli "vertical"
  • Cylindrée : 49cc
  • Alésage x course : 40x 39,2mm
  • Norme : Euro 2 dès 1999
  • Puissance annoncée : 5,8cv à 6600 tours / min
  • Couple annoncé : 4,9N.m
  • Graissage : séparé (réservoir d'1L)
  • Admission : carburateur 12mm et clapets
  • Démarreur électrique + kick
  • Transmission : variateur + courroie + correcteur
  • Taille de galets : 15x12mm

Booster et BW's avant 2004 : partie cycle

Le châssis du Yamaha BW's, repris par le MBK Booster, a été conçu pour la circulation urbaine mais aussi pour une polyvalence maximale avec ses gros pneus. Il s'agit donc d'un scooter 50cc compact, extrêmement léger et maniable . Un gabarit idéal pour les adolescents qui en sont les principaux conducteurs.

  • Cadre tubulaire en acier
  • Fourche téléscopique, débattement 70mm
  • Mono amortisseur, débattement 70mm
  • Pneu avant 120/90-10
  • Pneu arrière 130/90-10
  • Jantes acier avant 99, alu dès 99
  • Frein avant : tambour 110mm jusqu'à 1998 / disque 180mm dès 1999 (sauf série spéciale)
  • Frein arrière : tambour 110mm
  • Longueur totale : 1740mm
  • Largeur au guidon : 665mm
  • Hauteur de selle : 745mm
  • Garde au sol : 125mm
  • Poids annoncé à sec : 70kg
  • Réservoir d'essence : 4,6L

MBK Booster Spirit : standard ou tuning !

Si les performances d'origine du Booster ou BW's sont limitées, il est possible de les préserver par l'entretien régulier ou alors les améliorer pour en faire une bête de course.

Grâce à son moteur Minarelli, nous sommes en mesure de vous proposer des kits cylindres de toute gamme de puissance, des vilebrequins renforcés, des allumages , des pots d'échappement, des variateurs ainsi qu'une multitudes de pièces tuning !

Concernant la partie cycle, nous disposons là aussi de nombreuses pièces tuning ou de rechange, tels que des carénages , des disques et plaquettes de frein , des leviers , des guidons , des clignotants ... une large gamme de produits que nous vous invitons à découvrir dans diverses catégories de notre shop.

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Compte-tours : fonctionnement, utilisation et prix

Trouvez le meilleur garage pour réparer votre voiture :

Plusieurs éléments sont intégrés au tableau de bord de votre véhicule. C'est notamment le cas des capteurs, des voyants, du compte-tours, etc. Ce dernier sert à déterminer la vitesse de rotation du moteur et d'améliorer le confort de conduite. En fonction du modèle de compte-tours, vous pouvez vous retrouver avec des modes de fonctionnement différents.

🔍 Qu'est-ce qu'un compte-tours ?

⚠️ comment fonctionne un compte-tours , 💳 quel est le prix d'un compte-tours .

définition compte-tours

Encore appelé tachymètre , le compte-tours est un indicateur de mesure situé sur le tableau de bord , à l'arrière du volant . Il est installé de manière particulièrement visible et accessible au conducteur , ce qui permet de faciliter la transmission de ses informations.

Le compte-tours est utilisé pour mesurer la vitesse de rotation du moteur à un moment précis par rapport à une unité de mesure temporelle. Il offre de nombreux avantages :

  • La transmission d'informations relatives au régime moteur ;
  • La préservation de la longévité des pièces ;
  • L' amélioration du rendement du moteur .

fonctionnement compte-tours

Il existe plusieurs modèles de compte-tours :

  • Les compte-tours mécaniques : ils sont principalement installés sur les anciens modèles de véhicules ;
  • Les compte-tours électroniques : vous les retrouverez essentiellement sur les voitures récentes. À titre d'exemple, vous avez le compteur PMH dont le mode de fonctionnement repose sur l' effet d'induction .

Généralement, le compte-tours transmet les informations sur le nombre de tours effectués par le vilebrequin en une minute . Il est doté d'un outil d'affichage sur lequel sont délivrées les informations à transmettre aux usagers.

En effet, de nombreuses zones figurent sur l'outil d'affichage du compte-tours :

  • La zone de ralenti : elle est chargée de déterminer le régime minimal nécessaire à la mise en mouvement du moteur . Elle varie entre 700 et 900 tours par minute .
  • La zone intermédiaire : elle indique que le niveau d'utilisation du moteur se situe entre la fin de la zone de ralenti et le début de la zone rouge. La puissance du régime peut aller de 700 à 900 tours voire de 4 5000 à 5 000 tours . Pendant cette phase, la consommation de carburant est réduite.
  • La zone rouge : il s'agit d'une zone de danger qui montre que vous atteignez le régime maximum ( entre 4 500 et 7 000 tours ). Au risque d'endommager le moteur, il est conseillé de passer à la vitesse supérieure. En cas de dépassement de la zone rouge, le rupteur est activé et entraîne l'extinction temporaire du moteur.

prix compte-tours

Le compte-tours n'est pas une pièce très onéreuse. Son coût varie en moyenne entre 20 et 100 € . Ce prix peut cependant être bien plus élevé selon le modèle, la marque : il peut aller jusqu'à 200 € environ, voire plus .

Le compte-tours est un indicateur qui permet de savoir quand changer de vitesse et de choisir les rapports adaptés en fonction de votre conduite. En ayant les bons réflexes, vous pouvez préserver la longévité de votre moteur. De plus, avec le compte-tours, vous pouvez réaliser d'importantes économies de carburant .

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Booster seats: A complete guide

A booster seat raises your child to the right height so the car's seat belts fit properly. Your child is ready for a booster when they outgrow the height or weight limit for their car seat. Don't be in a rush to move your child to a booster, because they're safer in a car seat with a harness.

Dawn Rosenberg, M.D.

What is a booster seat?

Why does my child need a booster seat, booster seat requirements, height and weight guidelines for booster seats, booster seat age: do 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds need a booster, are backless booster seats safe, booster seat safety tips.

A booster does exactly what its name suggests: It boosts your child high enough for your vehicle's lap and shoulder belts to restrain them safely – with the belts over the stronger places on their body, across the chest and the hips.

After your child outgrows a car seat with a harness, a booster seat is the next step. Your child will be riding in a booster seat for many years, so take time to choose a good one. In fact, you may need more than one. You may want a booster for each of your family's vehicles and for any other vehicles your child regularly rides in.

See the best booster seats  according to experts and parents in the BabyCenter Community. 

There are two types of boosters:

High back booster . If your vehicle has no head rest and a low seat back, a high back booster will provide support behind your child's head. It may also be more comfortable for a child who falls asleep in the car, because it provides a cradle for their heads.

Backless booster . A backless booster can be used if your vehicle has a seat back that's high enough to support your child's head. Your child's ears should be below the top of the seat back or head rest. Backless boosters are less expensive than high back boosters and easier to transport (from car to car, for example).

All-in-one car seats (3-in-1 and 4-in 1 seats) convert to a booster seat after having served as an infant seat , a rear-facing car seat , and a forward-facing car seat. Some (4-in-1 seats) also convert from a high-back to a backless booster. (A convertible car seat transitions from rear facing to forward facing , but not into a booster.)

Some boosters (often all-in-one seats) are equipped with a LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) system to connect them to the car. These connectors latch on to special metal anchors in the vehicle. (Note that there are weight limits for using lower anchors, so be sure to check your manual.) Boosters without LATCH – the most common – are held in place by a child's weight and the fastened seat belt.

Seat belts are still required to fasten your child in a booster that has been installed with a LATCH system. (When a LATCH system is used to install a harness car seat, it's used in place of the seat belt for installation. And your child is fastened into the harness, not the seat belt.)

Without a booster seat, an adult seat belt can actually cause injury during a car crash rather than prevent it. For example, if the lap belt rests on your child's tummy (which it's likely to do without a booster), they could suffer stomach, liver, or spleen damage in an accident.

And if the shoulder belt rests against their neck rather than their chest, it can cause neck injury. Or your child may try to move it under their arm (where it could crack their ribs and damage internal organs) or behind their back (where it offers no protection against head, neck, and spinal injuries).

Children ages 4 to 8 who use a booster seat reduce their chance of a crash-related injury by 45 percent when compared with seat belts alone. One study found that in states with booster seat laws, the death rate among 7-year-olds was 25 percent lower for children than in states without booster seat laws.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommend that all children who have outgrown their harness car seat continue to ride in a booster seat until they're big enough to fit in a seat belt correctly.

Your child is ready to use a regular seat belt only when they can keep their back against the car seat, their knees naturally bend over the edge of the car seat, and their feet stay flat on the floor of the car. The lap belt should rest naturally below their belly, touching the tops of the thighs, and the shoulder belt should be centered between their shoulder and neck.

Read more about when your child can stop using a booster seat .

Using a booster seat for your child until a specific age, weight, or height is probably the law in your state. But the requirements vary widely. To learn about car seat laws where you live, visit the Saferide4Kids Opens a new window website.

No matter what the law says, it's wise to use a booster seat until your child no longer needs one to be properly protected in a vehicle. In 2020, more than 63,000 kids were injured in car crashes, and 607 children died. More than a third of those children weren't properly restrained, which means that a booster seat could have prevented many deaths.

A child can ride in a forward-facing car seat until they outgrow its height and weight limits, which – depending on the seat – can be 65 pounds or more and 49 inches tall. (Check your car seat manual.)

Don't be in a rush to move your child to a booster, because they're safer in a car seat with a harness. Each transition – from rear-facing to forward-facing car seat, from car seat to booster – comes with a decrease in protection.

Your child can graduate from the booster seat once they can wear a seat belt correctly without one. This usually happens when a child reaches 4 feet 9 inches in height and is between the ages of 8 and 12.

Most 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-year-olds aren't big enough for a booster seat. The average 5-year-old is about 3 feet 7 inches tall and about 40 to 41 pounds, under the limits for forward-facing car seats. The average 6-year-old is about 44 to 45 pounds and 3 feet 9 inches tall. That means they should stay in their car seat, which is safer, rather than switching to a booster seat too soon.

In fact, many 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds are still small enough to ride in a rear-facing car seat, which is safest for children. Most convertible seats (which can be changed from rear to forward facing) are safe for children to ride rear-facing up to at least 40 pounds. (Check your car seat manual.)

Look at the maximum weight and height limits of your child's car seat for the rear-facing position, and keep them rear facing until they outgrow the weight or height specified. When they're too big to ride rear facing, you can turn the car seat around to face forward.

Once your child graduates to a forward-facing seat, keep them in it until they reach the maximum height or weight limit specified by the manufacturer. This may be 65 pounds or more.

Once your child weighs more or is taller than the forward-facing limit for their car seat, they should use a booster seat to allow the vehicle lap and shoulder seat belt to fit properly.

The NHTSA provides a car seat finder Opens a new window that will help you determine – according to your child's age, height, and weight – the best car seat for them.

Yes, backless booster seats are safe. They serve to position your child so they can be protected by a seat belt. Backless booster seats may be as safe as high back boosters, though there aren't many studies comparing the two.

One study concluded that seatbelt fit varied greatly among boosters of all kinds, but that backless boosters generally produced better lap belt fit than high back boosters. It also concluded that high back boosters resulted in more consistent shoulder belt fit because they have belt routing guides near the shoulder.

Another small study of injuries to children 4 to 8 years old in side impact crashes found that high back booster seats offered better protection (a 70 percent reduction in injury risk) than backless boosters, which didn't show a statistically significant reduction in injury when compared to seat belts in side impact crashes.

Some experts suggest that high back boosters may better protect a child in the case of a crash because they provide better protection for a child's head, neck, and torso. This may be especially true if your rear seat has a low back and if the high back booster has significant side wings. (The padded wings are also useful if your child tends to fall asleep in the car.)

The best type of booster for your child is the one that positions them best for using the seat belt correctly, and that may depend on their size and what kind of seats you have in your car.

Test the booster. Boosters are designed to work with your car's lap and shoulder belts, so they're easy to install. Before deciding to keep the booster seat you've purchased, test it in your vehicle, with your child.

Place the seat on top of your car's seat and make sure it sits flat against the seat (and doesn't tip over easily). Have your child sit in the booster. Fasten the seat belt and check to see if it fits your child correctly. Check that they're all the way against the back of the seat, with their knees bending at the edge of the seat cushion. If they're too small for the booster, their legs will stick straight out and they may slouch or slide forward in the seat, both of which can be dangerous.

Also check the position of the seat belts while your child is sitting in the booster and the belts are fastened. The lap belt should cross their hips – not their belly – and touch the top of their thighs. The shoulder belt should land on their shoulder – not their neck or upper arm – and cross the center of their chest.

Make sure your child's ready for a booster. One mistake many parents make is putting their child in a booster seat before they're truly big enough to use it safely. While the instructions on some all-in-one car seats say they can be used without the harness starting at 30 pounds, this is really true only for a very tall, thin child who's grown too tall for the harness but doesn't yet weigh 40 pounds.

Most kids can and should continue using the harness until they exceed the manufacturer's height or weight limit. This is especially true if your child tends to be active in the car, because they may wiggle out of a seat belt or push off the shoulder belt. (This is much more difficult when they're strapped into a five-point harness).

Make sure the booster is in the right spot. The safest place for most booster seats is in the center of the rear seat, so your child is best protected from a side-impact crash. The problem is that many vehicles have only a lap belt in the center back, rather than lap and shoulder belts. (A lap belt should never be used on its own to anchor a booster seat.)

If this is true of your vehicle, position your child's booster on either side of your backseat. It's easier to see your child if they're on the right side of the car, rather than directly behind you. This also makes it easier and safer for them to get out of the car when you're parked on a busy street.

If you have two kids in the car, booster seat placement will depend on the kind of seat belts you have as well as the contours of your backseat. If possible, it's best to put one child in the center and one on the right side of the rear seat (the curb side). But if sitting close together is an invitation for your kids to poke, pinch, and grab each other (distracting you from safe driving while you play referee), you'll probably need a buffer zone in the center.

In that case, put the younger child on the right side so you can check on them more often. If your car is an older model that has only lap belts in the rear seat, you have a real dilemma. Your best bet in that case is to purchase a retrofit kit and have shoulder belts installed.

Don't let any child younger than 13 ride in the front seat (with or without a booster seat), especially if you have an air bag on the passenger side. Air bags may be lifesaving for adults, but they can cause serious head and neck injuries to children when they inflate.

When the booster isn't being used, secure it with a seat belt so that it doesn't get thrown in a collision or sudden stop.

Use the booster's belt-positioning clips. If your child's booster came with belt-positioning clips – either on the sides of a high-back booster or attached to a special strap on a backless model – use them if you need to. These clips ensure that the shoulder belt crosses your child's torso correctly. However, you don't need them if your car's shoulder belt actually lands on your child's shoulder (rather than their neck or upper arm) and crosses the middle of their chest without the guides. Check your instruction manual for directions on using the clips if necessary.

Don't use any products, such as seat belt adjusters, that didn't come with the booster seat, however. If your child has the correct booster for them, the seat belt should cross their body in the correct places without additional products.

Make sure your child always uses the booster seat . If your child often rides with grandparents or a neighbor, consider purchasing a separate booster for their car. If they ride in a carpool, ask about booster use.

And in your vehicle, don't make exceptions. If your child views riding without a booster as a positive thing, they're more likely to balk at using it regularly. Explain that the booster makes the seat belts more comfortable for them and enables them to better see out the window. And, of course, stress that as their parent, it's your job to keep them safe.

Learn more:

When can my child ride without a booster seat?

  • Car seat safety
  • Using a car seat on a plane

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BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies .

AAP. 2021. Booster seats for school-aged children. American Academy of Pediatrics.  https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/Booster-Seats-for-School-Aged-Children.aspx Opens a new window  [Accessed October 2022]

AAP. 2018. Child passenger safety. American Academy of Pediatrics.  https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/142/5/e20182460/38530/Child-Passenger-Safety Opens a new window  [Accessed October 2022]

Arbogast KB et al.2005. Effectiveness of high back and backless belt-positioning booster seats in side impact crashes.  Annual Proceeding of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine  49: 201-213.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3217451/ Opens a new window  [Accessed October 2022]

CDC. 2022. Keep child passengers safe on the road. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  https://www.cdc.gov/injury/features/child-passenger-safety/index.html Opens a new window  [Accessed October 2022]

CDC. 2021. Transportation safety. Get the facts.  https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/child_passenger_safety/cps-factsheet.html Opens a new window  [Accessed October 2022]

CDC. 2015. Child passenger safety: Get the facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/child_passenger_safety/cps-factsheet.html Opens a new window  [Accessed April 2016]

Kendi S et al. 2021. Child passenger safety – Not just for infants.  JAMA Pediatrics  176(1): 108.  https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/2786463 Opens a new window  [Accessed October 2022]

Mannix R et al. 2012. Booster seat laws and fatalities in children 4 to 7 years of age.  Pediatrics  130(6): 996-1002.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23129070/ Opens a new window  [Accessed October 2022]

NHTSA. Undated. Car seats and booster seats. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  https://www.nhtsa.gov/equipment/car-seats-and-booster-seats Opens a new window  [Accessed October 2022]

NHTSA. 2015. Find the right car seat to fit your child. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  https://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/cfja/CRS/page1content.htm Opens a new window  [Accessed April 2016]

NHTSA. 2015. Traffic safety facts. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/812154 Opens a new window  [Accessed April 2016]

NHTSA. Undated. Car seat types. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  https://www.nhtsa.gov/equipment/car-seats-and-booster-seats#car-seat-types Opens a new window  [Accessed May 2016]

NHTSA. 2015. National child restraints use special study.  https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/812157 Opens a new window  [Accessed October 2022]

Reed MP et al 2009. Evaluation of the static belt fit provided by belt-positioning booster seats.  Accident Analysis & Prevention  41(3): 598-607.  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0001457509000426 Opens a new window  [Accessed October 2022]

Safe Kids Worldwide. Undated. Booster seats.  https://www.safekids.org/safetytips/field_risks/booster-seat Opens a new window  [Accessed October 2022]

Karen Miles

Where to go next

smiling toddler aged little girl rear facing in car seat

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HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74776-11D Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours analogique de 5" - Big Twin de 2011 à 2017 - MPH chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours analogique de 5" - Big Twin de 2011 à 2017 - KM/H & MPH

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 70900171C Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours analogique de 5" - Big Twin de 2011 à 2017 - KM/H & MPH chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours analogique de 5" - Big Twin de 2004 à 2013 - MPH & KM/H

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 70900072A Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours analogique de 5" - Big Twin de 2004 à 2013 - MPH & KM/H chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours analogique de 5" - Big Twin de 2004 à 2013 - MPH

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 70900070B Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours analogique de 5" - Big Twin de 2004 à 2013 - MPH chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Compte-tours de 4" - Touring & Trike de 2008 à 2013 - Chrome

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74692-10 Compte-tours de 4" - Touring & Trike de 2008 à 2013 - Chrome chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Kit d'enjoliveur de carénage intérieur - Touring à partir de 2014 - Chrome

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 61400200 Kit d'enjoliveur de carénage intérieur - Touring à partir de 2014 - Chrome chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Support de mini compte-tours - Road King de 1994 à 2013

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 67231-04A Support de mini compte-tours - Road King de 1994 à 2013  chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Compte tour Touring 2004-2013

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 67459-04C Compte tour Touring 2004-2013 chez KS MOTORCYCLES

dakota digital - Compte-tours digital 3000 Series - 3.37" de diamètre - Noir

DAKOTA DIGITAL 22110027 Compte-tours digital 3000 Series - 3.37" de diamètre - Noir chez KS MOTORCYCLES

416.00 € Special Price

Ancien prix : 448,00 €

dakota digital - Compte-tours digital multifonction 3000 Series Odyssey II - 2" de diamètre - Chrome & noir

DAKOTA DIGITAL DS250037 Compte-tours digital multifonction 3000 Series Odyssey II - 2" de diamètre - Chrome & noir chez KS MOTORCYCLES

drag specialties - Compte-tours - 60 mm - 8000 RPM - Harley-Davidson Big Twin de 1999 à 2003 & Sportster XL de 1986 à 2003 - Chrome & fond noir

DRAG SPECIALTIES 22110031 Compte-tours - 60 mm - 8000 RPM - Harley-Davidson Big Twin de 1999 à 2003 & Sportster XL de 1986 à 2003 - Chrome & fond noir chez KS MOTORCYCLES

133.00 € Special Price

Ancien prix : 149,00 €

drag specialties - Compte-tours - 60 mm - 8000 RPM - Harley-Davidson Big Twin de 1999 à 2003 & Sportster XL de 1986 à 2003 - Chrome & fond blanc

DRAG SPECIALTIES 22110032 Compte-tours - 60 mm - 8000 RPM - Harley-Davidson Big Twin de 1999 à 2003 & Sportster XL de 1986 à 2003 - Chrome & fond blanc chez KS MOTORCYCLES

drag specialties - Compte-tours - 48 mm - 8000 RPM - Harley-Davidson Big Twin de 1999 à 2003 & Sportster XL de 1986 à 2003 - Noir & fond noir

DRAG SPECIALTIES 22110055 Compte-tours - 48 mm - 8000 RPM - Harley-Davidson Big Twin de 1999 à 2003 & Sportster XL de 1986 à 2003 - Noir & fond noir chez KS MOTORCYCLES

136.00 € Special Price

Ancien prix : 153,00 €

DRAG SPECIALTIES 22110057 Compte-tours - 60 mm - 8000 RPM - Harley-Davidson Big Twin de 1999 à 2003 & Sportster XL de 1986 à 2003 - Chrome & fond noir chez KS MOTORCYCLES

89.00 € Special Price

Ancien prix : 100,00 €

DRAG SPECIALTIES 22110058 Compte-tours - 60 mm - 8000 RPM - Harley-Davidson Big Twin de 1999 à 2003 & Sportster XL de 1986 à 2003 - Chrome & fond blanc chez KS MOTORCYCLES

87.00 € Special Price

Ancien prix : 98,00 €

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74774-11D Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours analogique de 5" - Big Twin de 2011 à 2017 - MPH chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours analogique de 5" - Big Twin de 2011 à 2021 - KM/H

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74777-11C Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours analogique de 5" - Big Twin de 2011 à 2021 - KM/H chez KS MOTORCYCLES

cce - Mini compteur de vitesse (bouton de remise à zéro) - 140 MPH - 2:1 - Harley-Davidson Big Twin 1948-1990 & Sportster XL 1973-1990 - Chrome

CCE 27805 Mini compteur de vitesse (bouton de remise à zéro) - 140 MPH - 2:1 - Harley-Davidson Big Twin 1948-1990 & Sportster XL 1973-1990 - Chrome chez KS MOTORCYCLES

daytona - Compte-tours 48 mm, 9,000RPM, Velona

DAYTONA 889015 Compte-tours 48 mm, 9,000RPM, Velona chez KS MOTORCYCLES

daytona - Compteur Velona, LED blanche, Poli

DAYTONA 619376 Compteur Velona, LED blanche, Poli chez KS MOTORCYCLES

daytona - Compte-Tours Velona, LED blanche, Poli

DAYTONA 619377 Compte-Tours Velona, LED blanche, Poli chez KS MOTORCYCLES

daytona - Compte-Tours, LED blanche, Noir

DAYTONA 653941 Compte-Tours, LED blanche, Noir chez KS MOTORCYCLES











Harley-Davidson - Kit de compte-tours - Sportster de 2007 à 2010 - Noir

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 67182-07 Kit de compte-tours - Sportster de 2007 à 2010 - Noir  chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Compte-tours de 4" - Sportster, Dyna & Touring de 2004 à 2008 - Chrome

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 67522-04B Compte-tours de 4" - Sportster, Dyna & Touring de 2004 à 2008 - Chrome  chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours - Touring à partir de 2014 - MPH

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 70900293C Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours - Touring à partir de 2014 - MPH  chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours - Touring à partir de 2014 - MPH & KM/H

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 70900295B Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours - Touring à partir de 2014 - MPH & KM/H  chez KS MOTORCYCLES

Harley-Davidson - Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours - Touring à partir de 2014 - KM/H

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 70900777B Compteur de vitesse & compte-tours - Touring à partir de 2014 - KM/H  chez KS MOTORCYCLES

121.00 € Special Price

Ancien prix : 136,00 €

drag specialties - Compte-tours - 60 mm - 8000 RPM - Harley-Davidson Big Twin de 1999 à 2003 & Sportster XL de 1986 à 2003 - Noir & fond noir

DRAG SPECIALTIES 22110119 Compte-tours - 60 mm - 8000 RPM - Harley-Davidson Big Twin de 1999 à 2003 & Sportster XL de 1986 à 2003 - Noir & fond noir chez KS MOTORCYCLES

93.00 € Special Price

Ancien prix : 104,00 €

DRAG SPECIALTIES 22110125 Compte-tours - 60 mm - 8000 RPM - Harley-Davidson Big Twin de 1999 à 2003 & Sportster XL de 1986 à 2003 - Noir & fond noir chez KS MOTORCYCLES

130.00 € Special Price

Ancien prix : 146,00 €

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GET 22120825 Boîtier de contrôle de compte-tours - KTM & Husqvarna chez KS MOTORCYCLES

get - Boîtier de contrôle de compte-tours - Kawasaki

GET 22120826 Boîtier de contrôle de compte-tours - Kawasaki chez KS MOTORCYCLES

get - Boîtier de contrôle de compte-tours - Suzuki

GET 22120827 Boîtier de contrôle de compte-tours - Suzuki chez KS MOTORCYCLES

daytona - VELONA60 TACHO 8000RPM POL


154.00 € Special Price

Ancien prix : 174,00 €



Ancien prix : 180,00 €



daytona - Compte-tours Velona - Ø 60 mm - 9000 RPM - Noir

DAYTONA 22110192 Compte-tours Velona - Ø 60 mm - 9000 RPM - Noir chez KS MOTORCYCLES

171.00 € Special Price

Ancien prix : 211,00 €

daytona - VELONA80 TACHO9000/DIGI SPD


211.00 € Special Price

Ancien prix : 246,00 €

daytona - Compte-tours Velona - 48mm - 15000 tr/min - Noir

DAYTONA 22110200 Compte-tours Velona - 48mm - 15000 tr/min - Noir chez KS MOTORCYCLES

161.00 € Special Price

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DAYTONA 22110198 Compte-tours Velona - 80 mm - 18000 tr/min - Noir avec éclairage à LED bleu chez KS MOTORCYCLES

daytona - Compte-tours Velona - Ø 60 mm - 15000 tr/min - Noir avec éclairage à LED bleu

DAYTONA 22110197 Compte-tours Velona - Ø 60 mm - 15000 tr/min - Noir avec éclairage à LED bleu chez KS MOTORCYCLES

daytona - Compte-tours Velona - Ø 60 mm - 15000 tr/min - Noir avec éclairage à LED blanc

DAYTONA 22110194 Compte-tours Velona - Ø 60 mm - 15000 tr/min - Noir avec éclairage à LED blanc chez KS MOTORCYCLES

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DAYTONA 22110193 Compte-tours Velona - Ø 60 mm - 15000 tr/min - Noir poli avec éclairage à LED chez KS MOTORCYCLES

daytona - Compte-tours Velona - Ø 80 mm - 15000 tr/min - Universel - Noir- Éclairage à LED blanc

DAYTONA 22110191 Compte-tours Velona - Ø 80 mm - 15000 tr/min - Universel - Noir- Éclairage à LED blanc chez KS MOTORCYCLES

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  • Travel Agents
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Travel Booster for Travel Agents

Automate your day-to-day, augment your productivity, and provide excellent customer service with Travel Booster for Travel Agents.

Request a demo

How Would You Like To Boost Your Travel Business?

  • Connect & Streamline
  • Customer Service
  • Business Performance
  • Profitability
  • IT Efficiency
  • Architecture

Automate My Business To Save Time

Enjoy end-to-end automation, including reservation, invoice issuing, document sending, reconciliations, reports, and sending messages to travelers. Every aspect of a trip is gathered into one comprehensive travel file, including travelers, services, itineraries, and accounting documents. The travel file triggers payables to BSP and other suppliers, receivables from customers, and profit, and allows you to manage an unlimited number of travelers (FITs or Groups). Streamline management with an easy-to-use overview that provides detailed information on all suppliers, corporate customers, and travelers. Travel Booster’s financial module allows the financial teams to efficiently and automatically manage the reconciliation process with customers and suppliers and export all data to the General Ledger.

Connect & Streamline Technologies

Seamlessly integrate your existing reservation systems (GDS, low-cost, NDC, CRS, car rentals, daily tours, activities, and transportation) onto Travel Booster’s one desktop for maximum efficiency. Manage all of your sources from one easy-to-use platform that enables travel consultants to search and compare services from multiple content providers. Travel Booster’s ERP for travel agencies also supports traditional workflows. For example, Travel Booster captures and memorizes the full PNR lifecycle and automatically applies business rules to travel files, including markup, commissions, and transaction fees.

Provide Better Customer Service

Proactively engage with your customers using Travel Booster’s automatic messaging capabilities and e-mail direct marketing (EDM) that allow you to maximize touch points and communicate with them throughout the entire trip lifecycle. Understand customer value with data that provides insights into their preferences and travel history, with the ability to export data to corporate companies, procurement systems, global associations, and other external systems in various formats.

Gain Control & Visibility Of Business Performance

Maintain a clear view of your business with operations controls that include access permissions and restrictions, personnel efficiency analyses, and enable you to set sales targets for your employees. Utilize analytical reports and user-friendly dashboards to understand where you’re making profit and where you’re losing it, so you can make adjustments accordingly.

Boost Revenue & Optimize Profitability

Sell through multiple booking channels, including B2C, B2B, and B2B2C, and utilize Travel Booster’s API, which allows you to develop your own private UI to suit your needs. Set sales targets and incentives for your employees to promote certain products and maintain a constant view of performance. Increase margins with exchange rate optimization for buy and sell with up to 2 currencies in a booking file and up to 3 currencies in each transaction. Even more, enjoy cross selling capabilities by sending automated emails to customers with offers to book additional services, both before departure and while on their vacation. Use gift cards and offer promotion codes to build customer loyalty and support marketing efforts. Set up automated business rules, including service fees, markup, and reductions, for both corporate accounts and direct customers.

Maximize IT Efficiency

Travel Booster’s easy-to-use SaaS platform eliminates any need for hardware requirements and complex IT implementation and maintenance. Enjoy guaranteed 24/7 system availability, and a system that is always updated according to the latest market trends and technological developments. We strive to be ahead of the technological curve, constantly introducing advanced technologies and making adaptations to introduce emerging cutting-edge tools, making us a leading provider of world-class innovative solutions.

Increase Flexibility With Advanced Architecture

Travel Booster was specifically built with flexible architecture so that it can be configured to address your specific business needs. For example, the platform offers support for different countries and VAT regulations, document design capabilities, UI customization, multiple languages and currencies, and exporting hand-off files to your general ledger of choosing. Travel Booster’s travel agency ERP system includes our special TBGI (Travel Booster Generic Interface), which enables users to integrate their suppliers’ content into the platform. Furthermore, Travel Booster’s API guarantees a wealth of bidirectional integrations with third party systems.

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Sending proposals has never been easier

Travel Booster was built to make your life easier and your customers’ lives better. Enjoy the software’s flexibility as you build and customize trip proposals for your customers from our user-friendly, all-in-one desktop. Include various options for hotel, flight, experiences, and more, and then send your proposal to your customers, allowing them to choose and adjust details based on which choices they prefer. Travel, boosted.

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One platform with everything you need and more

Save your employees time and energy by integrating all external reservation systems and content providers onto Travel Booster’s holistic platform. Built for efficiency and ease of use, TB is intuitive and flexible in order to enable quick price comparison, product creation, and business management.

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Maintain communication with your customers

Use Travel Booster’s automated notification tool to send messages to your customers in real-time about important trip updates or travel restrictions, to both desktop and mobile. You can also craft messages ahead of time and set rules for automatic notifications. Easily filter through and choose which customers to send messages to. Be there for them, every step of the way.

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Sell more with cross-sell capabilities

Travel Booster enables you to send automated emails or text messages to your customers with options to add additional services, even after they have completed a purchase. For example, if a customer booked a train and activity for their trip but no car, offer them to elevate their trip with a car booking or insurance, etc.

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Pinpointed sales targeting

Not only does Travel Booster take care of all the classic travel agent needs, but it also helps your marketing department. Utilize our pinpointed sales targeting tool to push specific products, suppliers, airlines, etc. based on whatever you want to sell more of. How? Create customized banners and choose where users will see them. You can also set incentives for employees to encourage them to sell more of certain products.

This was just a sneak peek. Come discover our world and see 52 more use cases.

Together, let’s travel

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The Best and Cheapest Hour Boosting Service Currently on the Market

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We offer various Steam Hour Boosting Packages to meet your needs!

100 Hours / renewable when expired

1 Game Limit

2FA & Steam Guard Support

No VAC Risk (Allowed by Steam)

Appear Online/Offline

Hide Recent Activity from Profile

Auto Restarter

Auto-Accept Friend Requests

Chat History

Custom Away Message (Ad)

Custom In-Game Title (Ad)

600 Hours per Game

6 Game Limit

Custom Away Message

Custom In-Game Title

1200 Hours per Game

12 Game Limit

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6000 Hours per Game

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Unlimited Hours per Game

100 Hours for Free, Forever!

The Free Plan can be Renewed for FREE Instantly so you Never Run Out of Steam Boosting Hours!

Frequently Asked Questions

Instant Answers to some of our most Frequently Asked Questions. However you can always join our Discord for Direct & Live Support!

01. What Does This Service Do Exactly?

FreeHourBoost is a service to boost your Steam Game Hours. Often used to boost your TrustFactor and look more legitimate in certain games, For example: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

02. Can I Get Banned For Boosting My Steam Game Hours?

No. You can't get banned for boosting your Steam Hours. We use the official Steam API to run our service.

03. Can I play Games While Boosting my Steam Game Hours?

Yes, FreeHourBoost will automatically pause your plan when you launch a game on Steam. If you use the auto-restart feature it will automatically resume Hour Boosting when you closed your game.

04. Can I really Boost my Steam Game Hours for Free?

Yes. We offer Free Steam Hour Boosting with the Free Plan. It has 100 Hours but when you've used those you can click the "renew" button and get refilled with 100 new Hours Instantly!

Join Our Active Community

We have an Active Community on our Discord. Feel free to join for any Questions.

FreeHourBoost Discord


Quick links.

  • Video Tutorial
  • Term & Service
  • Privacy Policy
  • Developer API

2024 © FreeHourBoost. All Rights Reserved.


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À propos de TokCounter

TokCounter est le meilleur et le plus simple moyen de vérifier le nombre de followers en direct de n'importe quel utilisateur sur TikTok!

Si vous voulez changer d'utilisateur, il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton Changer d'utilisateur juste en dessous des compteurs, saisir votre nom d'utilisateur et sélectionner le profil!

Contrairement à d'autres services similaires, nous affichons des données 100% précises!

Nous avons également un outil de comparaison de followers en direct qui vous permet de comparer le nombre de followers de 2 utilisateurs TikTok et de montrer la différence entre eux!

La comparaison de followers en direct se trouve sur la barre latérale (utilisateurs PC) ou sur la barre de navigation (utilisateurs mobiles)

Merci d'utiliser TokCounter! Si vous avez des suggestions sur la façon dont nous pouvons améliorer notre service, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter sur nos plateformes de médias sociaux situées sur la barre latérale ou la barre de navigation.

TokCounter: Your Live TikTok Counter

TikTok is a prevalent platform but finding a live TikTok follower count is more complicated than it needs to be. That’s where TokCounter comes in. We’re a TikTok counter with truly live statistics and other beneficial features for you.

The TikTok Counter Problem

TikTok may be viral, but that does not mean growing your audience is easy. You need to know your content, your followers, and your competition to succeed. Unfortunately, however, TikTok does not make it easy to find a live TikTok follower count.

Unfortunately, the information listed on your profile for your TikTok follower count is often outdated. This lag is a proven fact of the platform. Relying on old data is often a bad idea if you’re genuinely interested in growing your TikTok account.

The same problem with the Tik Tok counter for followers also applies to views. If you do not know the minute a video starts to go viral, you may plan content that does not follow the same formula that took you viral.

The problems with lag also do not encompass the various TikTok glitches. For example, TikTok glitches have set follower and view counts to zero before. You know something is wrong, but do you have the data to continue producing content?

Plus, comparing your profile to your competition requires accurate TikTok follower counts. Without that, you cannot know how effective your content is and how it stacks up to other content in your niche.

All of these creator problems stem from the lack of updated, live TikTok follower count and view count on the platform. That’s why TokCounter began, and it’s why we provide some of the most comprehensive TikTok counter services available.

The TokCounter Solution to TikTok Follower Count

TokCounter offers the ideal solution. Our platform provides a live TikTok follower count and other statistics for any profile on the platform. We aim to provide all the necessary services of a Tik Tok counter plus useful tools for creators.

TokCounter’s significant advantage is that everything is available on a single platform. You do not need multiple websites to view your data, compare with other users, and download videos for analysis. It’s an elegant all-in-one solution combining these functions.

In addition to the functions, TokCounter is also a convenient Tik Tok counter. Our software is widely accessible, including on both Windows and Mac systems. We also have an Android application for easy access to your statistics from your mobile phone.

Best of all, TokCounter is free. There’s no required sign-up to view your statistics or that of your competition, nor for any other premium features. There’s no excuse not to use our live TikTok follower count software.

TokCounter TikTok Counter Features

TokCounter offers many impressive features for TikTok creators. We feel that all of these enhance your experience with our TikTok counter . In addition, each provides a vital piece of information for planning your next strategic move.

Real-Time Data

All data presented on TokCounter regarding live TikTok follower counts is live and real-time. This distinction ensures you have the most up-to-date data for decision-making. In addition, it prevents data discrepancies that could affect your profile significantly.

No matter how large or small a profile you want to look at, you will see an accurate TikTok follower count. This feature distinguishes us from many options since it’s easier to provide a non-live version for smaller profiles.

Our comparisons also use live data that refreshes often. Seeing the change a TikTok follower count undergoes every minute provides more context for the data. Plus, something is mesmerizing about watching how accounts change.

By using live data, TokCounter offers an improvement over many other services. We believe live data is the best data for any TikTok counter . We also enjoy seeing what our users do with accurate TikTok follower counts.

Android App

We also offer an Android application for mobile devices. This application combines our powerful live TikTok counter with the practicality of mobile technology. This distinction offers you a unique monitoring opportunity for your campaigns.

When you choose the Android app for our Tik Tock counter, you will see a format optimized for mobile devices. The ease of operation means you can quickly look at your statistics without any additional clutter on the screen.

Our TikTok counter displays only live TikTok follower count statistics on your screen. It’s a fast way to check in on your account from your home screen and see what you need, rather than waiting for your TikTok profile to change.

We’re always interested in adding new features users like you want to see. If you have a suggestion for improving the accessibility or usefulness of your TikTok follower count in our app, please let us know.

Compare Users

Our software also allows you to compare any two profiles in real-time. For example, you could compare yourself to the top performer in your niche. You could also decide to compare two popular profiles to see the differences broken down.

Even if you’re not comparing to your profile, comparing statistics is crucial to understanding where you stand on TikTok. Comparing live TikTok follower count statistics provides context and informs your options.

With this data, you can also develop effective plans. Generally, basing your goals on data rather than what you feel is the best option. With the emotional element removed, you can make the best decisions based on your follower interactions.

Once you launch a plan, you can also monitor its success with a Tik Tok counter. By regularly checking your statistics, you’ll know what a typical increase is and what the campaign is. This kind of monitoring can help you develop a better feel for your posting plan.

View Counter

In addition to followers, TokCounter also offers a TikTok counter for video views. Accuracy matters when you’re determining the success of a particular video, so choosing the most accurate TikTok count software makes sense.

TokCounter is both accurate and live. We do not delay your data to make it look better. Instead, the minute you request a TikTok view count, we deliver what it is immediately. This transparency helps you develop your audience.

Monitoring through statistics is a great option to determine what is working on your profile. Statistics often back up feelings on what performs well, but the objective data is still practical. When you know what’s working, you can produce more of it.

On the opposite hand, knowing what is not working using a Tik Tok counter is also beneficial. Since every TikTok video is something you create, it can be hard to divorce from the attachment that makes. However, using statistics, you can take an objective look at what’s hurting your profile.

TikStats Integration

TikStats is an accurate database of statistics on every profile that is updated daily. It offers more detailed information than our TikTok counter , so we’re excited to provide this integration. It’s a detailed statistics option for those interested.

On TokCounter, you can see either an overview or a detailed page for each profile. The overview chronicles recent changes. Meanwhile, the detailed page includes more data and amazing visualizations of various TikTok counter statistics.

Using the TikStats integration makes for easy change tracking and in-depth analysis. Since you can use these statistics for your accounts or your competition, it’s a great option for tracking changes over time as well with visualizations.

Try TokCounter today for all your live TikTok follower count, view count, and statistics needs.

© 2024 TokCounter


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    Tuto #87 - Changer son entraîneur de compteurDécouvrez dans ce tuto comment changer votre entraîneur de compteur rapidement.Nos entraîneurs de compteur : htt...

  7. Compte-tours : fonctionnement, utilisation et prix

    Plusieurs éléments sont intégrés au tableau de bord de votre véhicule. C'est notamment le cas des capteurs, des voyants, du compte-tours, etc. Ce dernier sert à déterminer la vitesse de rotation du moteur et d'améliorer le confort de conduite. En fonction du modèle de compte-tours, vous pouvez vous retrouver avec des modes de fonctionnement différents.

  8. Booster seat guide: Age, height and weight, requirements, and safety

    Booster seats: A complete guide. A booster seat raises your child to the right height so the car's seat belts fit properly. Your child is ready for a booster when they outgrow the height or weight limit for their car seat. Don't be in a rush to move your child to a booster, because they're safer in a car seat with a harness.

  9. Compte-tours

    Harley-Davidson - COMPTEUR / COMPTE TOUR ANALOGIQUE 5" SOFTAIL, DYNA TOURING 2010 et après Ajouter au panier. 538,00 € ...

  10. MyBooster

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    9. Will the booster talk to my friends while the boost is active? No, the booster will have the ability to play offline, which means that the in-game chat is unavailable and they can't receive or send any messages. This also means other players won't be able to spectate the game using the client.

  12. "Get Started" Guide

    Everything you need to prepare for a successful Booster Event. Custom Event Shirts. Build community and raise more on event day by ordering event shirts. Learn More About Your Fundraiser. Help your community and volunteers learn more about the fundraiser. Still Need Help?

  13. Pro Biker Shop

    Pro Biker Shop. July 14, 2020 ·. Compteur semi digital ovetto. Compteur booster Rocket. 🛒 pour passer une commande appelez-nous 📞 : 📞 50199277 / 25055067 📞. 🇹🇳🏠 Livraison à domicile dans toute la tunisie 🇹🇳. ℹ pour plus d'informations envoyez-nous un message 📭. 🛒🏠🛌 Frais de la livraison : 6dt 🛒.

  14. ERP System for Travel Agents

    Travel Booster's easy-to-use SaaS platform eliminates any need for hardware requirements and complex IT implementation and maintenance. Enjoy guaranteed 24/7 system availability, and a system that is always updated according to the latest market trends and technological developments. We strive to be ahead of the technological curve ...

  15. Compteur personnalisé MBK BOOSTER

    Dans cette 2ème vidéo je vais vous montrer comment personnaliser son compteur ou tableau de bord d'origine en un compteur avec sonde de température, voltmètr...

  16. Applications pour booster son compte Instagram

    Gagner de vrais abonnés, booster votre engagement et gérer votre communauté plus facilement. Essayer gratuitement. Essayez l'app InstaBOSS, n°1 en France 🇫🇷. Découvrez les meilleures applications gratuites pour booster votre compte Instagram tout en gagnant du temps.

  17. Compte Tour Magazine

    Compte Tour Magazine, Antananarivo, Madagascar. 8,176 likes · 1,129 talking about this. Compte Tour magazine couvre les sports mécaniques, interviews, vidéos et essais exclusifs, ainsi que... Compte Tour Magazine

  18. Top 5 des meilleurs sites pour booster vos abonnés Instagram facilement

    1. InstaBOSS - Le meilleur site pour booster ses abonnés Instagram. 2. TurboAbonnés - Obtenez plus de followers sur Instagram facilement. 3. Famoid - Un site de qualité pour gagner des followers Instagram. 4. Followers & Unfollowers - Gérez votre compte efficacement pour plus d'abonnés Instagram. 5.

  19. How do I register my student?

    Click Login and enter your email address and password (Choose Forgot Password? if you can't remember your login) Enter their profile details and submit ( Be sure to upload their photo to create a video with them as the star!) If you are still experiencing issues registering your student (s), please submit a Help Desk request and our Customer ...

  20. FreeHourBoost.com

    Ultimate. $9. 99. 6000 Hours per Game. 33 Game Limit. 2FA & Steam Guard Support. No VAC Risk (Allowed by Steam) Appear Online/Offline. Hide Recent Activity from Profile. Auto Restarter.

  21. Branchement d'un COMPTEUR DIGITAL ⚡

    Pour finaliser un guidon STREET quoi de mieux qu'un COMPTEUR DIGITAL ! Mais par contre, si on ne se pose pas un peu : OULALA la galère pour le brancher !PAS ...

  22. Facebook

    Create new account. Create a Page for a celebrity, brand or business. Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

  23. Compteur en direct des abonnés TikTok

    À propos de TokCounter. TokCounter est le meilleur et le plus simple moyen de vérifier le nombre de followers en direct de n'importe quel utilisateur sur TikTok! Si vous voulez changer d'utilisateur, il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton Changer d'utilisateur juste en dessous des compteurs, saisir votre nom d'utilisateur et sélectionner le profil!