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GUAYAQUIL Av. 9 de Octubre 424, Edif. Gran Pasaje P.B. Of:9A Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador. EC090313 [email protected] | Teléfono: +593 4 3810920 | Celular: +593990073222 Horario de atención en oficina: Lunes a Viernes 09:00 - 18:00 | Sábados 10:00 - 13:00 Envíanos un mensaje por: Whatsapp - Facebook

MIAMI 7315 SW 140TH CT, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33183 [email protected] Mobile: +1 (786) 681-4999 Horario de atención en oficina: Lunes a Viernes 09:00 - 18:00 | Sábados 10:00 - 13:00 Envíanos un mensaje por: Whatsapp

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Congreso Eucarístico 2024 en Quito - Viaje y asiste [ IEC 2024 ]

El congreso eucarístico internacional 2024 es un evento de gran trascendencia religiosa que tendrá lugar en la histórica ciudad de quito, capital de ecuador. este congreso representa una destacada reunión de fieles católicos de todo el mundo para celebrar y profundizar en el misterio de la eucaristía, considerado el sacramento central de la fe cristiana..

Con un contexto lleno de significado, Quito se convierte en el epicentro de esta cita eclesial al haber sido la sede del Primer Congreso Eucarístico Nacional del mundo en 1886. De este modo, la ciudad se destaca como una nación bendecida y pionera en el ámbito eucarístico, y ahora, 138 años después, se prepara para ser anfitriona del 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional.

El evento está previsto para llevarse a cabo del 8 al 15 de septiembre de 2024 . Durante estos días, miles de participantes provenientes de distintos rincones del planeta se congregarán en la "mitad del mundo" para compartir y fortalecer su fe en la presencia real de Jesús en la Eucaristía.

El lema que guiará este Congreso, "Fraternidad para sanar el mundo" , toma inspiración de las palabras evangélicas "Todos sois hermanos" (Mt 23,8). Así, se invita a la comunidad cristiana a convertirse en un espacio fraterno de inclusión, pertenencia compartida y profunda hospitalidad. La búsqueda de la unidad y la solidaridad, basadas en el amor de Cristo, se erigen como pilares fundamentales para enfrentar los desafíos y aflicciones del mundo actual.

El Congreso Eucarístico Internacional de Quito 2024 también destaca por la presentación de su himno y logo oficial, que simbolizan la centralidad de la Eucaristía en la vida de los fieles. Este evento representa una oportunidad única para renovar el compromiso de la Iglesia con la fe, la comunión y la evangelización, proyectando un mensaje de esperanza y paz a nivel global.

En este marco, la Arquidiócesis de Quito y la Conferencia Episcopal Ecuatoriana despliegan esfuerzos y preparativos para recibir a todos los peregrinos con calidez y devoción, consolidando así a Quito como un lugar de encuentro espiritual y de celebración de la fe cristiana en el mundo actual.

Fe y Fraternidad en el Congreso Eucarístico Internacional 2024: Un Encuentro que Sanará el Mundo

El Congreso Eucarístico Internacional 2024 en Quito promete una agenda llena de eventos significativos y enriquecedores para todos los participantes. Durante los siete días de celebración, se llevarán a cabo una serie de actividades que profundizarán en la espiritualidad eucarística y fortalecerán los lazos de fraternidad entre los fieles católicos provenientes de diversas culturas y naciones.

  • Eucaristías Diarias: El corazón del congreso estará marcado por la celebración diaria de la Santa Misa, con una gran diversidad de celebrantes que representarán a diferentes regiones del mundo. La Eucaristía será el momento cumbre de encuentro con Cristo en el Sacramento, donde los peregrinos podrán vivir una experiencia de comunión y adoración.
  • Catequesis y Conferencias: Destacados teólogos, obispos y líderes eclesiásticos ofrecerán catequesis y conferencias sobre diversos temas relacionados con la Eucaristía y su impacto en la vida de los fieles. Estos espacios de reflexión permitirán profundizar en la fe y enriquecer el conocimiento sobre el misterio eucarístico.
  • Procesiones y Adoración Eucarística: El congreso contará con solemnes procesiones eucarísticas por las calles de Quito, donde los peregrinos podrán manifestar públicamente su fe y devoción al Santísimo Sacramento. Asimismo, se habilitarán espacios para la adoración continua del Santísimo durante todo el evento.
  • Encuentros Culturales y Misioneros: El Congreso será un lugar de encuentro y diálogo intercultural, donde las diversas comunidades eclesiales podrán compartir sus tradiciones, música, danzas y expresiones artísticas propias. También se impulsarán espacios de formación misionera para fortalecer el llamado a la evangelización en el mundo contemporáneo.
  • Eventos Juveniles y para Familias: Se organizarán actividades especiales para jóvenes y familias, buscando involucrar a las nuevas generaciones en el compromiso con la fe y la misión evangelizadora. Estos momentos estarán llenos de alegría, oración y encuentro con Cristo Eucaristía.
  •   Acto de Clausura "Statio Orbis": El punto culminante del congreso será la solemne "statio orbis", una emotiva ceremonia de clausura que congregará a todos los participantes en un acto de comunión espiritual con la Iglesia universal. Será un momento de oración y envío para continuar difundiendo el mensaje de amor y fraternidad que el congreso inspira.

El Congreso Eucarístico Internacional 2024 en Quito se proyecta como un acontecimiento que trascenderá fronteras, en el que la fe, la fraternidad y la esperanza se unirán para sanar el mundo y fortalecer la presencia de la Eucaristía como fuente inagotable de vida y amor. La Iglesia en Quito se prepara para recibir a los peregrinos con los brazos abiertos, esperando que este encuentro de comunión eucarística renueve el compromiso de todos los fieles con la construcción de un mundo más justo y fraterno.

Quito: Sede de un evento un Evento Trascendental para Quito y la Fraternidad Mundial

Quito: Sede de un evento un Evento Trascendental para Quito y la Fraternidad Mundial

Quito, conocida como la "Carita de Dios" debido a su hermosa arquitectura colonial y paisajes impresionantes, se enorgullece de ser la anfitriona del 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional. Esta histórica ciudad, situada en los Andes ecuatorianos, es el escenario perfecto para un evento de tanta importancia religiosa y cultural.

Los asistentes al congreso tendrán la oportunidad de experimentar la riqueza histórica y religiosa de Quito mientras participan en las actividades del evento. La ciudad cuenta con un patrimonio arquitectónico bien conservado, que incluye impresionantes iglesias y catedrales que datan de la época colonial. La majestuosa Catedral Metropolitana, la Basílica del Voto Nacional y la Iglesia de La Compañía de Jesús son solo algunas de las joyas arquitectónicas que los visitantes pueden admirar.

Además de su patrimonio religioso, Quito ofrece una gran variedad de atractivos turísticos para explorar. El Centro Histórico de Quito, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, es un laberinto de calles adoquinadas, plazas y edificios coloniales que cuentan la historia de la ciudad. Los asistentes al congreso pueden realizar fascinantes recorridos a pie por este vibrante barrio y descubrir los tesoros escondidos que albergan sus rincones.

Uno de los aspectos más destacados de Quito es su ubicación geográfica única, justo sobre la línea ecuatorial. Los visitantes pueden visitar el Monumento a la Mitad del Mundo, un lugar emblemático que marca la división entre el hemisferio norte y sur. Este sitio simbólico brinda la oportunidad de estar en dos hemisferios al mismo tiempo y ofrece experiencias interactivas para comprender mejor la ciencia detrás de la línea ecuatorial.

Los amantes de la naturaleza también encontrarán en Quito una diversidad de paisajes impresionantes. A solo unas horas en automóvil desde la ciudad, se encuentra el Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, hogar del majestuoso volcán Cotopaxi y un paraíso para los amantes del trekking y el senderismo.

Durante el congreso, los asistentes también podrán disfrutar de la deliciosa gastronomía ecuatoriana, que ofrece una amplia variedad de platos tradicionales, desde ceviches frescos hasta deliciosos platos de carne y dulces típicos.

La Melodía de la Fe y el Símbolo de la Unidad: Himno y Logo del 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional Quito 2024

El himno: "en torno a tu mesa".

El Logo: Un Símbolo de Fe y Esperanza

Congreso Eucarístico 2024 en Quito un simbolo de fe y esperanza

Un canto de unidad y amor: La Oración para el 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional Quito 2024

Oración para el 53° congreso eucarístico internacional quito 2024, galasam, centro de peregrinaciones: un itinerario espiritual para los fieles en el congreso eucarístico quito 2024 .

Galasam, Centro de Peregrinaciones: Un Itinerario Espiritual para los Fieles en el Congreso Eucarístico Quito 2024

53 congreso Eucarístico Ecuador 2024 6 días/5 noches

  • Martes, 10 de septiembre: Arribo internacional en Quito - Ecuador
  • Miércoles, 11 de septiembre: Quito patrimonio cultural de la humanidad y museo de sitio Intiñan latitud 0.0’0’’
  • Jueves, 12 de septiembre: Mercado de los ponchos o Mercado de Otavalo
  • Viernes, 13 de septiembre: Congreso
  • Sábado, 14 de septiembre: Congreso
  • Hotel en Quito
  • Hotel Rio Amazonas
  • Zapatos cómodos para caminar y con buen labrado.
  • Ropa de calle
  • Chaqueta, rompe vientos o chubasquero.
  • Chaqueta de lana mediana o suéter.
  • Camiseta de algodón.
  • Recuerde que Quito también puede ser frio y caluroso en el mismo día.
  • Camisas & Blusas
  • Camisetas, polos, blusas ligeras de preferencia de maga larga para las noches más frías y protección solar.
  • Pantalones & Faldas
  • Pantalones cortos para senderismo.
  • Pantalones largos sintéticos o de algodón, son lo mejor para las noches.
  • Mujeres se recomienda traer un vestido casual o una falda.
  • Hombres un pantalón de vestir.
  • Artículos para la cabeza
  • Sombrero o gorra para el sol. Los sombreros de ala ancha con correa para la barbilla en caso de que tengamos vientos fuertes.
  • Pañuelo excelente para proteger el cuello.
  • Lentes de sol con correa de seguridad (los lentes polarizados ayudan a tener mejor visión).
  • Calcetines cómodos para caminar.
  • Accesorios de viaje
  • Si usted utiliza medicamentos con receta, esté seguro de traer todas sus medicinas.
  • Kit de aseo personal: pasta de dientes, cepillo, afeitadora, etc.
  • Repelente de insectos si es sensible a las picaduras.
  • Protector solar con SFP de 15 o superior y gel de aloe vera de alta calidad.
  • Brillo de labios con protector solar de SFP de 15 o superior.
  • Desinfectante de manos para mantener de forma rápida las manos limpias.
  • Binoculares.


Uso de cajeros automaticos.

  • Las propinas para guías, choferes o personal del hotel no están incluidas en la tarifa.
  • En restaurantes es recomendable dar el 10% de la cuenta a menos que ya esté en la factura, esto suele ocurrir en los hoteles especialmente.


  • Ecuador: 110 voltios, 60 ciclos AC.


  • Beba sólo agua embotellada, que está ampliamente disponible. No beba agua del grifo, ni siquiera en los principales hoteles.
  • Evite comer de los vendedores ambulantes.
  • Date tiempo para aclimatarte. Cuando llegue a gran altura, procure no hacer ejercicio ni fumar.
  • Con el tiempo, su cuerpo se adaptará a la nueva altitud y los síntomas del mal de altura desaparecerán.
  • Camina despacio. Cuando empiece a caminar a gran altura, tómese su tiempo. Si te esfuerzas demasiado, es posible que tengas dolor de cabeza y te sientas enfermo.
  • Tomar tabletas especiales. Puede tomar algunas pastillas para ayudar a prevenir el mal de altura, como la acetazolamida (nombre de marca Diamox). Por lo general, se toman dos veces al día y deben comenzarse dos días antes de que planee ascender a gran altura.
  • También es posible que deba continuar tomando las píldoras después del evento para asegurarse de no enfermarse después de abandonar el área de gran altitud. Funciona haciendo más ácida la sangre, lo que aumenta la ventilación y mejora la saturación de oxígeno en la sangre. Asegúrese de consultar a su médico primero.
  • Prueba ibuprofeno. Se ha demostrado que el antiinflamatorio alivia los efectos secundarios del AMS en algunas personas, especialmente si padece dolor de cabeza.
  • Beber abundante agua. La aclimatación a menudo va acompañada de pérdida de líquidos, debe intentar beber al menos 3-4 litros por día.
  • Coma una dieta alta en calorías. Tome más del 70% de sus calorías de los carbohidratos.
  • Evita las comidas pesadas: Tu digestión se ralentiza, ¡trata de evitar las comidas pesadas
  • No fume ni beba alcohol. Es mejor no beber alcohol ni fumar unos días antes de ir a un lugar de gran altitud, y cuando esté allí no beba alcohol ni fume, ya que esto puede aumentar los síntomas que pueda tener.
  • Tomar mate de coca ¡Funciona! Un método tradicional de prevención y cura que es originario de la región del altiplano andino, los lugareños a menudo invitan a los viajeros a un té de coca caliente (mate de coca) tan pronto como llegan. Se cree que tanto el té de coca tiene propiedades médicas: digestivas, antisépticas, analgésicas, antiinflamatorias y anti-flemas. El té de coca en particular alivia el hambre y la fatiga para mejorar el rendimiento físico.
  • Quédate donde estás. Si comienza a sentirse enfermo y tiene dolor de cabeza mientras camina a gran altura, deténgase y permanezca en la altitud en la que se encuentra hasta que se sienta mejor. Después de que se sienta mejor, debería ser seguro continuar, pero asegúrese de tomar el resto de su viaje despacio y con cuidado.
  • Si sus síntomas empeoran, descienda. Si comienza a sentirse peor, asegúrese de descender inmediatamente hasta que se sienta mejor. Continúe bajando hasta que se sienta mejor y no intente comenzar de nuevo hasta que se sienta completamente mejor de nuevo.
  • Ser paciente. Si estás sufriendo, aguanta ahí. Tu cuerpo es realmente muy bueno para adaptarse (¡aunque no lo parezca!) y después de 2 días a la misma altitud se aclimatará y te sentirás mucho mejor.
  • Tomar tabletas. Las mismas tabletas preventivas, Diamox, ayudarán a minimizar los síntomas causados por la mala oxigenación. Si necesita tomar algo, asegúrese de consultar primero a su médico (o a un médico), ya que estas tabletas tienen efectos secundarios.
  • Tomar una prueba. Si puede caminar en línea recta de talón a punta (como una prueba de sobriedad), entonces está aclimatado. Si no puede, entonces tiene AMS y necesita ser tratado de inmediato.
  • Paquete Opcional Galapagos Islands (Pre o Post Tour)

Fe y Naturaleza en Armonía: Un Viaje Espiritual a las Islas Galápagos durante el Congreso Eucarístico 2024

Fe y Naturaleza en Armonía: Un Viaje Espiritual a las Islas Galápagos durante el Congreso Eucarístico 2024


Precio por persona $ 759,00.

  • Transfers en Galápagos
  • Acomodación en Hotel Turista Standard
  • Alimentación completa, desayunos, almuerzos y cenas.
  • Visitas según el itinerario
  • Guía naturalista para todos los recorridos.
  • Equipo de Snorkel
  • Boleto Aéreo a Galápagos
  • Entrada al Parque Nacional Galapagos $ 100 extranjeros
  • Tarjeta de Control de Tránsito INGALA $ 20
  • Gastos personales y propinas
  • Taxis Acuáticos, Impuesto en Isabela

Encuentro Trascendental: El Congreso Eucarístico 2024 y la Experiencia Inolvidable con Galasam

Encuentro Trascendental: El Congreso Eucarístico 2024 y la Experiencia Inolvidable con Galasam

Preguntas Frecuentes del 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional (IEC 2024)

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Peregrinación a Tierra Santa 2023 desde Miami, Marzo 13 al 25, Israel y Jordania.

Peregrinación a Tierra Santa 2023 desde Miami, Marzo 13 al 25, Israel y Jordania.



mensaje de whatsapp a galasam desde ecuador


2.- precio por persona:.

  • El Precio con descuento, en efectivo, por persona, USD.  4.495.00, en habitación doble. 
  • Suplemento por habitación sencilla desde USD. 760,00.


  • Boletos aéreos con todos los impuestos y tasas aeroportuarias.
  • Alojamiento en hoteles 4* en acomodación doble.
  • Acompañamiento espiritual de un sacerdote. 
  • Guía local, de habla hispana, acompañante durante todo el recorrido.
  • Traslados aeropuerto – hotel – aeropuerto.
  • Entradas a lugares de visita según itinerario 
  • Mapas, gorras y botella para regresar con agua del río Jordán.
  • Régimen de alimentación completa, 3 comidas diarias: desayuno, almuerzo y cena.
  • Los almuerzos en ruta. 
  • Visitas como está mencionado en el itinerario.
  • Todos los traslados y visitas en un vehículo lujo último modelo, con aire acondicionado.
  • La propina de maleteros en hoteles y aeropuertos.
  • Seguro de asistencia en viaje. 


  • Propina para Guía y Chófer USD. 88,00 por persona.
  • Cualquier visita que no está mencionada en el programa.
  • Bebidas y gastos personales.
  • Tasas fronterizas en Israel y Jordania, aproximadamente USD. 67,00 por persona.
  • Traslados no grupales.
  • Todo lo que no está especificado en el ítem "El precio incluye".
  • Almuerzo el día libre en Jerusalén.
  • Almuerzo el último día que se va al aeropuerto 


7.- inscripciones y reservas:, 8.- hoteles:, 9.- vuelos: air europa, 10.- requisitos:.

  • Pasaporte vigente por lo menos hasta 6 meses después de la fecha de retorno. 

11.- NOTAS:

  • El orden de las visitas puede variar sin que afecte al contenido del viaje.
  • Las celebraciones de la Eucaristía se realizarán en los Santuarios previstos.

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Peregrinación a Israel y Turquía 2022, Noviembre 14 a Diciembre 1

Peregrinación a Israel y Turquía 2022, Noviembre 14 a Diciembre 1

  • El Precio con descuento en efectivo, por persona, USD. 4995,00, en habitación doble.
  • Suplemento por habitación sencilla desde USD. 800,00
  • Cuotas de 24 meses con tarjeta de crédito desde USD. 254,00
  • Boleto aéreo internacional Ecuador – Tel Aviv – Ecuador.
  • Boleto aéreo Tel Aviv – Estambul – Tel Aviv.
  • Boleto aéreo Estambul – Capadocia
  • Boleto aéreo Esmirna - Estambul   
  • Acompañamiento espiritual de un sacerdote.
  • Acompañamiento de Tour Líder desde Ecuador para la logística de la peregrinación.
  • Guía en español durante el recorrido en todos los países.
  • Traslados aeropuerto – hotel - aeropuerto.
  • Autobús de lujo con aire acondicionado
  • Servicio de maleteros.
  • Acomodación en habitaciones dobles
  • Régimen de alimentación de media pensión: desayuno y cena.
  • Entradas según itinerario indicado.
  • Seguro de asistencia de salud y enfermedad obligatorio. Consultar tarifa según edad.  USD 85,00
  • Total, propinas USD. 120,00:
  • Visados y tasas
  • Bebidas durante las comidas
  • Extras personales
  • Pruebas de covid de acuerdo al país de destino 


6.1.- Depósito inicial:

Para hacer la reserva de hoteles y espacios aéreos se requiere de un depósito de USD. 300,00 por peregrino; valor que  no es   reembolsable y puede ser endosado a otra persona hasta 45 días antes del viaje .

La reserva se puede hacer con depósito a una de las siguientes cuentas bancarias:

·     Banco del Pacífico.

·     Cuenta corriente No. 0739776-3

·     A nombre de Agoturismo S.A.  

·     RUC 0992723505001

·     Banco Produbanco.

·     Cuenta corriente No. 1051167002

6.2.- Pago del saldo:

El saldo debe irse abonado progresivamente, de tal forma que 35 días antes de la salida de la peregrinación esté cancelado el valor total de la misma.

  6.3.-Pagos en Caja, depósitos o transferencias

Todos los pagos tendrán que ser realizados en Caja de GALASAM INTERNACIONAL S.A. o con depósito o transferencia bancaria.   


El valor de la inscripción es de USD. 300,00, que se rebajan del costo total de la peregrinación y no son reembolsables.

Hoteles 3, 4 y 5 estrellas o casas religiosas.


Se cuenta con reserva aérea en AIR EUROPA.

FECHA             DESTINO          VUELO       HORA

14/11/2022      GYE-MAD          UX0040     1115-0500

15/11/2022      MAD-TLV           UX1301     0845-1420

30/11/2022      TLV-MAD           UX1302     1605-2020

01/12/2022       MAD-GYE         UX0039      0145-0855 


  • Pasaporte vigente por lo menos hasta 6 meses después de la fecha de retorno. Llevar fotocopia del mismo a las oficinas de GALASAM INTERNACIONAL S.A.
  • Tener cancelada la peregrinación.
  • Certificado Internacional de vacunación contra Fiebre Amarilla
  • Los ecuatorianos no requerimos tramitar visa en Ecuador para ingresar a Israel y Turquía.

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About IGOEcuador

  • Our Company

IGOEcuador is a travel agency located in the city of Guayaquil-Ecuador whose main objective is to provide the best national and international tours to our clients, with the best services and at the best price.

Offer a personalized service of quality and warmth, through the attention of our clearly trained staff, capturing unique trips, at affordable prices, managing to exceed the expectations of our clients and satisfying their needs!

To become the best Travel Agency in our country, due to the satisfaction received from our clients, making known the most beautiful places in our Ecuador, thus promoting Tourism throughout the national territory.

Our services

IGOEcuador offers you transfers in modern and highly comfortable units for all your trips.

In our tours IGOEcuador offers you medical service so that you have a safe trip.

In our tourist packages we offer you refreshments and lunch during the trip.

Attention 24/7

At IGOEcuador we offer you personalized attention to make your trip as pleasant as possible.


At IGOEcuador we offer you the best destinations inside and outside the country.

Buy or Reserve your Air tickets in IGOEcuador in our office or through our whatsapp.

Featured Tours

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Shopping Tour, Colombia

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Tour Galapagos, Ecuador

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Tour Mancora, Perú

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Lic. Javier Cerezo Y.

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Ammy Lalangui

Operations Manager

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Leonor Paredes


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Lic. Karen Pigüave

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Lic. Alex Masabanda

Nacional Guide

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Lic. Andrea Piguave

Tours igoecuador it is waiting for you.

Our agency offers travelers various tours and excursions throughout Ecuador. Browse our website to find the tour of your dreams!

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The Reef Coco Beach

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$ 1190 / persona.



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¿Viajarás a Galápagos? 5 datos importante para tu viaje

¿Viajarás a Galápagos? 5 datos importante para tu viaje

Coco Bongo, Cancún

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Laguna de Quilotoa

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Isla Bartolome, entre las islas mas lindas del mundo.

Isla Bartolome, entre las islas mas lindas del mundo.

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  • +593-997031382

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Family trip planner, thinking like a creative, looking for best trip, we offer best services, we plan your trip, best available choice in town.

  • Category:: Tourist Class Tourist Superior Class First Class Luxury Class Super Luxury Class Diving Cruises

Tours to Galapagos with Galasam

Super luxury, first class, superior class, tourist class, hotel based tours, last minute, galapagos islands, a dream that must come true.

It is on your bucket list bullets, to experience the marvelous of paradise? ; For sure at least once. Or, are you dreaming to switch off your daily city routine and move on to a mix of adventure and relax? The evident answer is YES, so here is Galasam Galapagos Tours to make it happen.

travel agency guayaquil ecuador


travel agency guayaquil ecuador


travel agency guayaquil ecuador


Our latest blogs.

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Synopsis of the super enriching trip of Westminster College

While some of us were bundling up in these frigid temperatures, Dr. Marosh Furimsky and Dr. Joseph Balczon led a group of 30 Westminster students in traveling throughout Ecuador as part of a two-week academic field experience. Westminster’s biology program offers both domestic and international travel experiences as part of the curriculum for students. While in Ecuador, the group observed and identified many different species of native and endemic animals and plants including the famous Darwin’s finches, giant tortoises and blue-footed boobies.

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Internal transportation at the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos offer several transportation services depending of the tourist needs. For internal transportation, it´s very common to take taxis, which are white pickups that can be taken on the way around the main towns and at the airports. The costs are generally cheap, but only can be paid cash; there are also bike rentals.

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

5 incredible birds that you will find in Galapagos:

This is a selection of 10 species of the many birds that exist in Galapagos:

  • 33 years' experience
  • 100 % guarantee

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  •    ✭ Discover  ITK Voyage  Colombia
  •    * Traveling to Galapagos in a State of Emergency

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Ecuador Travel: ITK Voyage Ecuador & Galapagos

Artisans of luxury custom-made tours, cruises & travels.

Embark on an exciting adventure & travel with ITK Voyage, the leading bespoke custom tour & cruise agency in Ecuador & Galapagos islands

Customer reviews: Our travel agency experiences

ITK voyage Equateur & Galapagos

Free Galapagos & Ecuador Travel Guide 2024

All you need to know to get ready for Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.

galapagos and ecuador travel guide 2023 cover

Get to know ITK Voyage Ecuador & Galapagos: Your ultimate adventure partner

2010-2024: 14 years of outstanding personalized journeys with itk voyage ecuador & galapagos.

Founded in Quito in 2013 by the French duo Antoine Grouazel-Krauss and Laetitia Camara, our local Ecuadorian tour agency thrives on their multicultural background. A unique personal heritage that has fueled their shared passion for crafting extraordinary travel experiences for global travelers and adventurers from all around the world.

Luxury tailored tours in stunning Ecuador & Galapagos islands

At ITK Voyage Ecuador and Galapagos, we specialize in tailoring custom, adventure, and luxury tours as well as family and tour packages in this stunning South American gem, nestled between Colombia (where we also have another tour agency) and Peru.

Booking perks with our local Ecuadorian travel agency

Here is what you will get when booking with our local Ecuadorian travel agency :

Antoine Grouazel-Krauss and Laetitia Camara ITK voyage Ecuador and Galapagos

Expertise & Support

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Customization & Flexibility

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Convenience & Personalization

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Safety & Sustainability

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Outstanding Service

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Value for Community

Itk voyage ecuador: customized tours & travels to ecuador & galápagos.

If you are planning a customized tour to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands , we highly recommend booking with our local travel agency. We will be able to help you create a tour that is perfect for you , and we will make sure that you have a safe and amazingly enjoyable experience.

Discover Ecuador & Galapagos: Benefits of Custom Tours with ITK Voyage

Here are some of the benefits of booking a customized tour to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands with our local travel agency ITK Voyage Ecuador :

  • Expertise : Our local travel agency has a deep knowledge of Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, including the best places to visit, the best times to go, and the best activities to do. We can also help you avoid tourist traps and ensure that you have a truly authentic experience.
  • Customization : Our local travel agency can customize your tour to fit your specific interests and budget. We can help you choose the right destinations, activities, and accommodations.
  • Convenience : Our local travel agency can take care of all the logistics of your trip, including booking flights, accommodations, and transportation. This can save you a lot of time and hassle.
  • Support : Our local travel agency can provide you with support throughout your trip. We can help you with any problems that arise and ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience.
  • Safety : We’re not just any local agency – we’re at the cutting edge of what’s happening in Ecuador. Every tour and itinerary we create is not only exciting but also designed with your safety in mind.

Customized Tours to Ecuador & Galapagos: Other local Agency Advantages

Here are some additional advantages of booking with our local travel agency that offers customized tours to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands:

  • Sustainability : Book with a sustainable travel agency liek ours for eco-friendly adventures that make a positive impact. Travel responsibly and help preserve our planet’s beauty for future generations.
  • Personal attention : Our local travel agency can give you personal attention and help you create a tour that is perfect for you. We will take the time to understand your interests and budget, and we will make sure that your tour is everything you want it to be.
  • Flexibility : Our local travel agency is more flexible than larger tour operators. We can change your itinerary at the last minute if needed, and we can accommodate any special requests you may have.
  • Value for money : Our local travel agency can offer good value for money. We have access to discounted rates on flights, accommodations, and activities, and we can pass these savings on to our customers.
  • Community support : By booking with our local travel agency, you are supporting the local community. Our local travel agency employ local people and use local businesses. This helps to boost the local economy and create jobs.

4 ways to visit and discover Ecuador & Galapagos with our travel agency ITK

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Luxury tours & cruises (Galapagos Islands)

Discover the Galapagos Islands in absolute luxury with our specialized travel agency. Our luxury tours and cruises will redefine your travel experience by combining the breathtaking natural beauty of the Galapagos with the highest level of comfort and service . Wait no more and dive into the unparalleled, where elegance meets adventure, on our premium Galapagos luxury tours and cruises.

bespoke custom made trips to Galapagos and Ecuador

Unique tailor-made tours (Ecuador)

Unleash the full potential of your Ecuadorian adventure with our travel agency, offering meticulously tailored tours that will bring your unique travel dreams to life . Ecuador, a land of astounding diversity, is yours to explore as we meticulously craft an experience that resonates with your preferences and passions. Let us be your personal guide, translating your aspirations into a one-of-a-kind journey that captures the very essence of this captivating country .

Ecuador & Galapagos family vacation

Ecuador & Galapagos family vacation

Embark on a remarkable Ecuador and Galapagos family vacation and join us for an extraordinary holiday to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Our travel agency specializes in crafting experiences that cater to every member of your family . Our expertly curated itineraries will ensure that your family creates cherished memories. Dive into education, adventure, and relaxation, all designed for the perfect family getaway trip .

Galapagos & Ecuador tour packages

Galapagos & Ecuador tour packages

Unlock the wonders of Ecuador with our expertly crafted tour packages . Our travel agency specializes in designing comprehensive journeys that showcase the diverse landscapes, rich culture, and captivating history of this South American gem. Whether you seek adventure, culture, or relaxation, our Ecuador tour packages will cater to your every desire . Contact us now to create lasting memories and discover the best of Ecuador.

An incredible journey awaits…

Embrace an adventure blast., from the sierra to the amazon, 4 amazing regions of ecuador to explore while traveling, amazon rainforest, pacific coast, galapagos islands & ecuador tour with itk voyage (4 min video).


Discover milestones and emblematic features of Ecuador

Message Us!

Don't hesitate to reach out with any inquiries about your upcoming travel endeavours. We're here for you!


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« Comfort » category : charming and comfortable accommodation 2/3*** « Superior » category : charming accommodation 3/4**** « Luxe » category: luxury accommodations 4/5*****



Would you be interested in exploring more of Ecuador during your trip?

Amazon Rainforest Galápagos Islands Andean Highlands Pacific Coast

THE 10 BEST Guayaquil Tours & Excursions

Guayaquil tours.

  • Private Tours
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

1. PREMIUM: Half-Day City Tour in Guayaquil

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

2. Half day tour of Guayaquil: history, cocoa and Ecuadorian taste.

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

3. Indigenus Shuar Comunity and Cloud Forest Bucay Private Day-Tour from Guayaquil

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

4. Guayaquil City Tour Including the Light House of Cerro Santa Ana

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

5. Small Group Guayaquil and Cocoa Farm Full-Day Tour

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

6. Cloud Forest and waterfalls private Day trip

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

7. Birdwatching in Cerro Blanco from Guayaquil

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

8. Cocoa and Gastronomy Tour at Hacienda CacaoyMango

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

9. 1-hour Pacari Wine and Chocolate Tasting Experience

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

10. City Tour around Guayaquil

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

11. Churute Mangrove Ecological Reserve and Cocoa Farm

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

12. Day trip from Guayaquil to Howler Monkey Trail and Cacao Farm

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

13. Transfer from Guayaquil Airport to Hotel or vice versa

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

14. Day Trip: Meet Howler Monkeys at Churute & Make Organic Chocolate

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

15. Guayaquil to Cuenca one-way tour with Cajas Park and a Cacao Farm visit

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

16. Cocoa farm and Chocolate making!

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

17. Half day tour Cacao Farm & Guayaquil City a perfect combination..

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

18. Cuenca to/from Guayaquil Private Shuttle

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

19. Private Navigation through Mangroves forest/ Beach time/ Chocolate experience

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

20. Guayaquil Layover Sightseeing Tour with Round-Trip Airport Transport

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

21. Full day private tour Mangroves, dolphins and birds from guayaquil

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

22. The Best of Ecuador & Galapagos 12 Days / 11 Nights

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

23. Private Experience of Flavors and Wine Pairing in Guayaquil

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

24. Cacao Farm Excursion Day Trip from Guayaquil

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

25. Ecuador Classic 8 Days Tour

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

26. Half day tour cocoa farm, fruits and plantations from Guayaquil

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

27. Ecuadorian cuisine with cocoa: class and tasting from Guayaquil.

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

28. Cocoa Biking Tour

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

29. Guayaquil PRIVATE Arrival Transfer from the Airport to Hotels

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

30. Full day : Forest and the fisherman Trail (From Guayaquil)

What travelers are saying.

Ginny G

  • Churute Mangrove Ecological Reserve and Cocoa Farm
  • Cacao Farm Excursion Day Trip from Guayaquil
  • Cocoa and Gastronomy Tour at Hacienda CacaoyMango
  • PREMIUM: Half-Day City Tour in Guayaquil
  • Cloud Forest and waterfalls private Day trip
  • MeetEcuador - Travel Agency
  • Land Tours and Expeditions
  • Viasam Day trip
  • Free Tour Guayaquil
  • Bananatours
  • Galapagos and Guayaquil Visit
  • My trip to Ecuador - Day Tours
  • Guayabera Adventure
  • Trips and Dreams Galapagos Travel Agency
  • Make Ecuador
  • Galapagos Best - Guayaquil Day Trips
  • Tortuga Divers

You Travel Agency

  • Quiénes somos
  • Mis Reservas
  • +593 4 3701800


Actividades, aéreos + hotel, habitaciones, habitación 1, habitación 2, habitación 3, habitación 4.

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Las mejores ofertas de hoteles

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Habitación doble

precio por noche desde

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Los Angeles

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Puerto Vallarta

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

Vuelos más buscados

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

  • [email protected]
  • (+593) 99 158 1574
  • US Phone: +1 724 374 3967
  • Wilson OE7-56 y Diego de Almagro, Quito - Ecuador

travel agency guayaquil ecuador

This is Nature at its Best!

Activate your energy by exploring the best sites in Ecuador, and feel the freedom.

We have the best

Ecuador tours

We are specialized in Ecuador – Galápagos Tours, providing fascinating cultural and adventurous experiences in the Andes; relaxing beach holidays on the sandy shores of the Pacific Coast; trips into the mysterious verdant world of the Amazon rainforest; comfortable hotel accommodation in major cities; and cruises that allow you to explore the enchanted Galápagos Islands.

Our all inclusive Ecuador tours are ideal if you want to visit Quilotoa Lake, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Yasuni National Park, among others.

Responsible Travel is the most recommended travel agency in Ecuador by travelers.


Gran tour en barco de última hora

Fue una reserva de última hora de un tour en barco por Galápagos y nos ayudaron en todo momento. Grandes profesionales y el tour fue maravilloso


Outstanding service

Responsible Travel Ecuador helped us find the outfit that met our needs in our visit to Galapagos. Interaction with our agent was easy and effective. She was really responsive and provided us with all the information we needed - also suggestions for further visits in Ecuador's mainland. I definitely would recommend Responsible Travel Ecuador for any travel needs in that beautiful country.

Gabi Ramos

Una experiencia inolvidable con Responsible Travel: Descubriendo la magia de Ecuador

Responsible Travel es una agencia de viajes que ha dejado una huella imborrable en mi corazón. Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de explorar las maravillas de Ecuador a través de su excelente servicio, y no puedo dejar de elogiar su enfoque responsable y comprometido con la sostenibilidad. Desde el momento en que me puse en contacto con ellos, su equipo demostró una gran atención y pasión por brindar experiencias auténticas y respetuosas con el entorno local.

Daniel Larrea

Fantastic Experience!

I did multiple family treks with this company and the service is impeccable. Staff always has a smile and big energy to inspire you to expand your horizons. A big shout to everyone and thank you for such a wonderful experience!

Santiago Cardenas

La millor experiencia per Sudamerica va…

La millor experiencia per Sudamerica va ser a L' Ecuador amb aquesta experimentada empresa que em ajudar abans, durant i despres del viatge. Totalment recomendada


Exceptional trip to Ecuador & the Galápagos Islands

Excellent & professional services! Highly recommended.


Great time- Great Service


12 unforgettable days in Ecuador and The Galapagos Islands

Tom Contos

Effortless Amazonian adventure

Chihiro A

Once in a lifetime trip to the Galapagos

Joanna J

Galapagos islands day tours

Jiří B

3 week tour in Ecuador continent and Galapagos islands

Sandi W

Amazing visit to Sacha lodge

Amit U

WOW! Amazing experience of the Amazon rainforest

Aracely Guadalupe



Excellent itinerary. Super personal attention. Definitely recommend.

Scott S

When I tried to plan a quick tour to Ecuador, Angel at Responsible Travel Quito took care of me. At first I was only booking an Amazon Basin 5 day tour to Napo Cultural Center with them as I usually book my own trips. They came thru on short notice answering ALL my emails. Then I told Angel that I planned to go to Mindo & Otavalo for 2 overnights. He gave me the options of having a driver/guide take care of me on those & it was a great decision. Excellent English speaking driver/guide Sebastian was provided. I had trouble booking my Quito hotel - he took care of it. His choices in Mindo & Otavalo were just right. He checked on my throughout my trip. You could not have a better agent than Angel. As to going to the Amazon thru them?? A dream come true.


Let Angel of this Great Agency take care of you in Ecuador

Billyana T

Jungle sounds, animal species, communities welcoming you...

Daniela Torres

Excelente 👌🏼

Gabriela Cazar

My second home 😊

Alvaro Pereira

5 star service, professional advisors and off the beaten path trips.

Laurie C

Natural Paradise (appropriately named) 5 day Itinerary A (San Cristobal - Baltra)


Exceptional and personalised service

Jeremy Fernandez

8-day Route B Natural Paradise Cruise


Itamandi loge

Saraí E. Álvarez

Exceptional experience and amazing service by Responsible Travel Jackeline. You are the BEST !!

Edward O

Daniel Larrea - Great Travel Agent for Ecuador Travel

Bartolome Saro

Hemos hecho un súper viaje en Ecuador, visitando Quito durante varios días, después la Amazonia ecuatoriana, en Coca, Sacha Lounge, en Galápagos, varios días en Santa Cruz e Isabela y por último crucero en las Islas del norte de Galápagos con el Infinity, y todo ello perfectamente organizado por Responsible Travel de Quito, Jackeline y su equipo en lis diferentes sitios. Personas extraordinarias y dirigentes con vocación de que estemos satisfechos. En resumen viaje irrepetible y perfecto!! Gracias

Klaudia Milz

Muy contenta y feliz de elegir esta agencia de viaje con la organización, con los tiempos de todos los excursiones previstas , ningún retraso en la programa , todo perfecto , gracias a los organizadores

Paola Gutierrez

super organización de la agencia, muy recomendado para tener una experiencia segura, tranquila y responsable con las comunidades y el ambiente.

Juli S

Top organization,awesome experience

Daniel Larrea (Rettan)

The perfect partners to plan a perfect escape! I took a trip with them in the middle of the pandemic and all biosecurity measures were taken for our safety. Communication was great and 24/7. It was ideal if you are looking for off the beaten path trips.

Sabina D

Awesome experience in Ecuador

Tomas Erazo

Excelente atención! muy recomendados

Maria Paula Erazo

Son muy amables, atienden de forma muy rápida y con las mejores opciones que cumplen con todas mis necesidades. Saben rsolver los problemas muy bien. Los vendedores son realmente muy divertidos!


Amazing itinerary, amazing nature (land and sea) but the boat was too small and unstable

Flor Maria Gaona

For the price, food disappoints


Choose the best Ecuador tours from Quito and Guayaquil

Galapagos tours, andes mountains ecuador, ecuador amazon rainforest, ecuador coast, galapagos tours.

Ecuador Galapagos tailormade - Reconnect with life

Why buy a tour with a travel agency in Ecuador?

Enjoy all-inclusive tour packages to Ecuador in cities like Quito, Guayaquil, and Cuenca. Also all inclusive tours to the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador.

24/7 assistance during your vacations in Ecuador. Our customer service team is available for you.

We are experts in tailor-made tours in Ecuador, We have +10 years connecting travelers with the best experiences in Ecuador.

We have the best prices for flights, cruises and excursions to Ecuador. We have low cost cruises to the Galapagos Islands, all inclusive tours to the Ecuadorian Amazon and more!

Go & Discover

Breathtaking Places

Traveling through ecuador: andes, amazon & galápagos islands, ecuador vacation packages all inclusive.

Ecuador Galapagos tailormade Cruises icon 2019

Last-minute Cruises

The Galápagos Islands are a very exclusive travel destination, and availabilities for cruises and travel are often scarce.

Hotels icon for responsible travel ecuador 2019 Ecuador Galapagos tailormade

Hotels in Ecuador

Ecuador offers many good places to stay, including comfortable hotels in all major cities.

Adventure tours icon for responsible travel 2019- Ecuador Galapagos tailormade

Adventure travel

We are your support If you want to experience an unforgettable time full of outdoor activities and adventures.

Activities icon responsible travel 2019-Ecuador Galapagos tailormade

Shops & Tips

We give you the best tips if you want to buy handicrafts or enjoy a great time by yourself while travelling.

Book the perfect Ecuador tour for you

ecuador and galapagos experience

Dreaming of the Perfect Getaway?

Complete our form today for a tailored travel experience. Let's turn your wanderlust into reality!🌍✈️

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We are passionate about travelling and will help you get the best travel experience!

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Privacy Overview

Still can't find what you were looking for.

Send us a message and we will gladly help you find the perfect tour for you


Ecuador is a country straddling the equator on South America’s west coast. Its diverse landscape encompasses Amazon jungle, Andean highlands and the wildlife-rich Galápagos Islands.

Visit Ecuador’s Pacific coast with pristine sandy beaches, water sports opportunities, and characterful towns and villages aplenty.

For more information and tours click here .

The  Andean Highlands or the Andes  is a region in the central part of Ecuador. It extends from north to south. This region is Ecuador’s most visited area.


Exceptionally rich in biodiversity, the Ecuadorian Amazon offers unparalleled opportunities to experience the rainforest in its pristine state.

The Galapagos Islands is a volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. It’s considered one of the world’s foremost destinations for wildlife viewing.

Check our cruises here

A destination you must visit

This beautiful country is a real paradise. Let yourself be amazed by its culture expressed  in its churches, buildings and heritage cities

For example, in Quito, discover the Best Preserve Historic Center in South America. In the Coast, you’ll fall in love with its views, beaches and the abundance of fauna that they enclose. Increase your adrenaline by practicing a variety of adventure sports that Ecuador has to offer. And do not forget to delight yourself with the taste of its gastronomic diversity, which you’ll find while touring this country full of magic and charm…

Live a unique experience, live Ecuador!

5 extraordinary reasons to visit Ecuador

travel agency guayaquil ecuador



Private Policy

Hostel services.

  • Following the new protocols due to COVID-19, the best way to communicate with the office, even if you are already in the hostel is by WhatsApp. Number +593(0)999483953.
  • The green door next to the soaking-pool is the access in and out of the hostel. When you check-in you will receive two keys: one to your room and one to this door.
  • We have free WIFI service in the public areas of the hostel. After check-in is finished, the receptionist will provide the password.
  • If you need a taxi, we would be happy to arrange a taxi for you. If you are leaving early to go to the airport, it is best to arrange a taxi the night before. To organize this service contact us on our WhatsApp number +593(0)99483953.
  • If you are staying more than one night and would like to have your room cleaned, please let us know before 12:00 noon to clean your room, change the bedsheets, new towels, etc.
  • If you are a client of the hostel and want to leave your bags for some days after checking out, you can store them in our Luggage Storage. Luggage storage is $1,00 per day per bag. This amount is to be paid in advance. Please make sure you lock your luggage.
  • If you are a non-client of the hostel and want to leave your bags for some days at Dreamkapture, you can store them in our Luggage Storage. Luggage storage will be $5,00 the first day and $2,00 from the second day on for each item being stored. This amount is to be paid in advance Please make sure you lock your luggage.
  • If something is not working properly in your room, please inform us in the office. We will do our best to address any issue you may have with your room as soon as possible.
  • Dreamkapture Hostel does not offer 24 hours reception service.
  • Dreamkapture Travel, your online Travel Agency. Contact us: [email protected]

Hostel Policies

  • The check-out time of the rooms is 12:00 noon. Check-out time from the hostel is at 5:00 p.m. After 5:00 p.m. an extended stay in the hostel until 11:00 p.m. is available for $3 per person. If you have not checked out of the room by noon and you do not have a reservation for the next night, Dreamkapture staff may have to pack your belongings to be placed in the storage room, so the room can be cleaned for new arrivals.
  • If you would like to stay another night or purchase the extended-stay option, talk to the receptionist before 12:00 noon in the office to see if your room is available or to pay the $3.00.
  • As a matter of respect for all the guests at the hostel: Please keep the noise down after 11:00 p.m. and early in the morning in the hostel.
  • We kindly ask you not to throw any bulky objects in the toilet; not even toilet paper. Use the trash bins for these items.
  • We do not have a laundry service. You will find a laundry place on the same street as Dreamkapture. As a matter of respect for the other guests, please, do not dry your clothes in public areas. Clothes in public areas will be removed.
  • If you are in the dorm, you are entitled to one bed. If you are staying several nights and you would like to change beds, please let us know in the office by 12:00 noon. This way we can have your previous bed cleaned and ready for another person.
  • Dreamkapture Hostel is environmentally conscious. For conservation reasons, please turn off lights, A/C, and fans before leaving your room, and please make sure the water tap is closed. Clean plastic bottles go in the special blues bins in the public areas.
  • There is a $5.00 charge for lost room keys, $10 for missing or damaged towels, and $15 for missing or damaged sheets. Please do not mistreat towels and sheets, if you need any cleaning material; ask for it in the office.
  • DO NOT LET PEOPLE IN THE HOSTEL! For everyone’s safety ONLY the manager is authorized to do this.
  • People visiting you at Dreamkapture need to come through the office door and be registered as a visitor. Visitors of guest at the hostel they are allowed in the pool patio area and Tv room or public areas. They are not allowed in the rooms. The main green door must remain closed at all times.
  • We have a safe in the office where we will gladly secure your valuables. Please keep your room locked at all times. Dreamkapture is not responsible for any lost or missing items in the hostel. The dormitories Do Not have lockers.
  • In case of a fire, natural disaster, or another emergency you will hear an alarm sounding. Please remain calm and make your way to the patio area between the soaking pool and the office, by the green door.

By Law In Ecuador

  • We do not sell alcoholic drinks to people under 18 years old.
  • Use of any drugs, including marijuana, is not allowed and will not be tolerated in Dreamkapture Hostel. If it is discovered or even suspected that you have violated this rule you will be removed from the hostel immediately and if necessary, the police will be called. There will be no refunds for lodging when you removed from the hostel.
  • All our rooms are Non-smoking rooms. Smoking is permitted only in open outside open areas. Please, always use ashtrays.


1 pax     2 pax     3-5 pax     6-9 pax     10-15 pax     16-30 pax.

$359                $196               $267                     $161                      $144                           $111

02:00 Pick up at your Hotel Visit the Quilotoa Lagoon Descent and ascent to the lagoon Lagoon tour Typical lunch of the area Drop Off at your Hotel

We will visit one of the most famous lagoons that Ecuador has, the Quilotoa lagoon, we will make the descent and ascent of this magical place. Tour from 12 to 13 hours.

Transportation     Food       Tickets      Guide


  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Nothing not specified above


  • After the 1st subscription 15 days before the trip - A penalty of $50 USD (NON-REFUNDABLE)
  • 31 or more days before the trip - Penalty of 0% of the reserved tour
  • 21 to 30 days before the trip - Penalty of 50% of the reserved tou
  • 16 to 20 days before the trip - Penalty of 75% of the reserved tour
  • Within 15 days prior to the trip - A penalty of 100% of the tour reserved


  • All activities are shared tours.
  • First deposit required to confirm USD $50 per person – NO REFUNDABLE
  • The balance must be paid 15 days before the departure of the program
  • Rates are per person
  • In the event that the passenger does not show up on the day, at the time, and/or in the designated place, it will be considered a NO SHOW, which will have a penalty of 100% cancellation.
  • A valid ID is required at the time of the reservation for all participants
  • The itinerary is subject to change without prior notice, due to weather problems, operational inconveniences, and orders from each place. Or situations that put endanger the integrity of the passengers.
  • The order of activities may vary depending on the operation and availability.
  • Reservations are subject to availability.
  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

Price with lunch: $87 pp  - Minimum 3 people

Price without lunch: $65 pp - Minimum  2 people

10:00     Pick-up from the hotel 11:00     Arrive at the Hacienda. Welcome snack. Tour the plantation. 12:00     Lunch 13:00     Back to the hotel

Arrive at the hacienda and you will get delicious fried plantains and cocoa juice. You will go through an amazing cocoa plantation, and will also see mangos, papayas, and other species from the Dry Tropical Forest. You can participate in the harvesting of cacao and the fermentation and drying process... The art of making chocolate from scratch! Back at the hacienda's house, you will get a typical coastal lunch.

Transportation     Food       Tickets      Local Guidance

  • Lunch (depending on the tour you choose)
  • Nothing not specified
  • Free cancellation at or before 00:00 at least 1 day before the date of use
  • Cancellations made after 00:00 at least 1 day before the date of use will incur a cancellation fee of 100%
  • Partial cancellation of this booking is not permitted

Frequently Asked Questions

When planning a visit to new place, especially a foreign country, it is perfectly normally to have many questions. This is why Dreamkapture Travel and Hostel provides you with this easy guide to the often-asked questions about our hostel and the city of Guayaquil.

Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions about Dreamkapture and Guayaquil. We have separated the questions in two groups: Most Commonly Asked Questions and More Specific Questions.

If you have a question which is not addressed here you can always contact us, and we will happy to answer your question.

Where is Dreamkapture?

Dreamkapture is in Guayaquil - Ecuador, located in the north of city center near the intersection of Francisco de Orellana and Benjamin Carrion which is close to the La Rotonda Mall.

There are many good restaurants nearby where you can enjoy our local crab dishes, ceviches, and other typical foods. Our neighborhood is friendly, and the people are nice and helpful.

How do I get to Dreamkapture?

If you are coming to Guayaquil by plane or by bus:

The best way to get here is by Taxi

Dreamkapture is only about 10 minutes from the Bus Station and the Airport by Taxi.

We are on Juan Sixto Bernal, which is the same street that “Hamburguesa El Colorado” is on. This street is directly across from where the restaurant Cafe de Tere is located on Benjamin Carrion. This is only a few city blocks away from the La Rotonda Mall and City Mall.


What should a Taxi cost?

Taxis are the best way to get around in Guayaquil. Here are some approximate prices for destinations in Guayaquil.

To and from the airport and Bus Station (Terminal Terrestre) to Dreamkapture Hostel: $5.00

City Center: Malecon 2000 / Las Peñas: $4.00 - $5.00

Mall de Sol: $3.00

Urdesa $4.00

What is around Dreamkapture?

There are lots of things around Dreamkapture Hostel:

Shopping mall – “City Mall”

Clothing, Shoes, etc                                     ATM’s

Optometrist                                                  Camera's, Computers, and other electronics

Theaters with movies in English                Large food court

Banks with ATM's                                         Pharmacy

Cell phones, Providers and Services         SuperMarket (Mega Maxi)


  • Cajape 2: Typical Ecuadorian Food
  • Chifa Amistoso: Chinese food
  • El Cafe de Tere: Typical Ecuadorian Breakfast
  • Hamburguesa de Colorado: Local Hamburger Stand
  • Many Sea Food, Fish, Crabs, Ceviche places (Encocao de Mitya is recommended)

How do I make a room reservation?

The best way to make a reservation is by using our “Contact” or “Book Now” link.

You will find a list of the rooms and prices; as above in “What are the room rates for Dreamkapture?

Can I make a reservation for a group?

Yes, Dreamkapture often is the lodging for various groups; youth groups, religious groups, families, numerous people traveling together, etc.

When making a reservation for a group there are some different issues that need to be determined and understood.

We will need to know the normal details:

  • Which dates you need lodging?
  • How many people are in the group?
  • Is the group made up of Adults? Children? Are there pets?
  • Which rooms (or type of rooms) you will need for the group?
  • When will the group be arriving?
  • Group reservations require a 50% deposit of the entire cost prior to arrival.
  • There needs to be a representative for the entire group.
  • Each member of the group is responsible for the entire group's financial obligation.(If members of the groups no not show, the total price still needs to be paid.)
  • Our cancellation policy applies to the entire group; NOT just to individuals who do not show up without notice. “Cancellation policy”

You will find a list of the rooms and prices; as above in the “What are the room rates for Dreamkapture?”

Please tell of us which of the rooms listed on the “Contact” link page you are interested in, and if the room is available, we will confirm your reservation request or make another room suggestion.

It is best if you make your group's reservation in as much time as possible in advance.

What are rates of the rooms at Dreamkapture?

If one of the next options will be acceptable to you, you can make your reservation directly on our website clicking the reservation button BOOK NOW, note that for reservations with multiple days or multiple rooms a deposit is required to guarantee the reservation.

  • Mixed sex dorm (men & women) bunk beds and fan

$10.00 per bed

  • Women’s shared dormitory with bunk beds and fans

$12.00 per bed

  • Men’s shared dormitory with bunk beds and fans
  • Private room with 2 single beds, shared bath and fan

$26.00 for two people

  • Private room with 1 matrimonial bed, shared bath and fan

$18.00 for one person, $26.00 for two people

  • Private room with 1 matrimonial bed, private bath and fan

$20.00 for one person, $28.00 for two people

  • Private room with Air Conditioning, 1 matrimonial bed and private bath

$24.00 for one person, $33.00 for two people

  • Private room with 3 single bunk beds, private bath and Air Conditioning

$35.00 for two people, $45.00

  • Private room with 4 single bunk beds, shared bath and fan

$35.00 for three people, $45.00 for four people

More Specific Questions:

1 - Airport Pickup

Airport pick-up is available by a private service which Dreamkapture can arrange for you. There is a base cost for this of $10 per vehicle. A driver will be in the airport to meet you with a sign with your name on it. He will wait 20 minutes. After 20 minutes there will be an additional hourly charge.

In order for us to arrange this service for you.

You need to confirm with Dreamkapture that you want this service.

We usually set the time of the pick at one hour past your arrival time to allow for customs, luggage claim and inspection. You can always request a specific time for the Pick-up.

It is your responsibility to notify Dreamkapture Travel of delays or missed flight. This way we can reschedule your pick-up.

You can complete a simple Online request form for this service by clicking here:  Private Taxi Pick-up

3 - Cancellation policy:

  • More than 72 hours prior to the date of your arrival: 0% fee.
  • Less than 72 hours prior to the date of your arrival: 50% of the room will be charged.
  • Less than 24 hours prior to the date of your arrival: 100% of the cost of the room will be charged.
  • This also includes changes in the number of people per reservation.
  • The Cancellation policy also includes No Show reservations. You are still responsible for payment of a room which was blocked and reserved for you.
  • It is the client’s responsibility to contact us if they are unable to keep their reservation.

4 - Check Out and Arrival Times at the Hostel

Check In time starting at 1:00 p.m. This is after rooms have been vacated and cleaned. If the room is ready before 1:00 p.m. you will be allowed to check in sooner.

Check Out time for your room is 12:00 p.m. noon.

Check Out time from the hostel is 5:00 p.m.

5 - Extended Stay

If you are leaving on a late bus or flight, we offer an extended stay option for $3.00 per person until 11:00 p.m. With the extended stay option, you will not have a room and are only allowed in the public areas (kitchen, Internet, TV, bathrooms, soaking pool).

6 - Children

  • The accommodations are limited to the rooms we have available and the capacity of the rooms.
  • Children under 5 years old stay for Free.
  • Children There is a charge of $6.00 in addition to the price of the room for children older that 5 years old.

Children occupying a single bed will be charged the same price as an adult.

  • In rooms with only one matrimonial bed, a child can share the bed with one or both parents.
  • Children always need to be monitored by their parents.
  • In addition, children and parents need to keep noise levels at a minimum, especially during early morning hours, and be respectful of another guest staying at the hostel.

7 - Clothing...What should I wear?

Guayaquil is HOT year-round. If you are not used to the heat it is best to be prepared by having light clothing, for example: t-shirts, shorts, skirts, light blouses.

Footwear: running/tennis shoes are always good, sandals, flip-flops (usually on tourist wear theses) are good options.

At night it can get cool and during the rainy season there can be mosquitoes. Pants and a long sleeve shirt or light jacket will often be enough to keep you comfortable.

8 - Dogs or Cats: Pets at the Hostel

At Dreamkapture, Clients are allowed to bring small dogs or cats, under next conditions:

  • There will be an additional charge of $10  per night  for the dog, cat, etc.
  • Pets are only allowed in Private Rooms... NO PETS ARE ALLOWED IN THE DORMITORIES.
  • The pet must have a travel carrier (kennel cage).
  • The pet is not allowed to be on the bed or to sleep on the bed at any time.
  • The pet must be quiet and pose no threat or disturbance to any of clients at the hostel.
  • You will be responsible for ANY damages caused by the pet.
  • You will be responsible for cleaning up any accidents your pet has in the room or in the hostel immediately.
  • You are NOT to use the hostel towels for this clean up.
  • While the pet is outside your room it must be on a leash or its travel carrier.
  • There are some parks and open spaces very close to our hostel where you can take your pet for a walk, and for it to go to the bathroom.

If you agree with these conditions, let us know and we will send you a room confirmation.

9 - Electricity

Here at Dreamkapture we have 110v electricity as does the rest of Ecuador. The plug-ins are north American standard. If necessary, you should bring your own adapter.

10 - Laundry Services

There is a laundry on the same side of the street of the Hostel, just before arriving at the main avenue where you can wash your clothes at an affordable price.

It opens from Monday to Saturday starting at 8:00 a.m.

Sunday is closed!

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Ecuador and Galapagos Travel Agency


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  • Mon - Fri: 09.00 - 18.00


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Travel to Ecuador with a local agency

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  • Nature and Wildlife
  • 7 days and less
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  • Between 14 and 21 days
  • More than 21 days
  • Terra Collection
  • Photography
  • Family Tour

Your travel agency in Ecuador

Our local travel agency in Ecuador is based in Quito and a destination expert. Our team is passionate about their country and are constantly discovering new locations to share with you. They'll help you build a trip that is 100% customized, and just right for you in terms of activities and budget. Terra Ecuador is an active member of Terra Group, a network of 19 local agencies around the world, with more than 20 years of expertise in tourism.

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Tour of ecuadorian biodiversity and wildlife

Tour of ecuadorian biodiversity and wildlife

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From the Pacific to the Caraibean: Ecuador and...

Treasures and Diversity of Ecuador and Peru

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Secret honeymoon in Ecuador

Ecuador Highlights Tour: From the Andes to the...

Unleash Your Adventurous Spirit : Sports tour at...

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Romain Ju. | 25/03/2024

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Vacancy Details

We encourage you to read and understand the Eight (8) Qualities of Overseas Employees before you apply.

The work schedule for this position is: Full Time (40 hours per week)

Start date: Candidate must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of time (two weeks) of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.

This position involves up to 80% travel to often remote worksites across the Guayaquil Consular District.

The Logistics and End Use Monitoring (EUM) Coordinator is responsible for developing and establishing procedures for monitoring INL-funded property donated to Ecuadorian security agencies to ensure compliance with EUM requirements.  Performs a full range of logistical functions in support of INL foreign assistance programs.  Responsible for the receiving, storing, issuing, ordering, record keeping, of expendable and non-expendable materials, equipment, and real and personal property at INL-supported Government of Ecuador sites, located throughout the country. Plans and executes over 280 K-9 inspections annually.  Oversees property management procedures and EUM of over 50,000 property items throughout Ecuador.  Serves as a Contracting Officer Representative (COR) when required. 

Qualifications and Evaluations


Three years working in a professional setting in business management, operations, logistics, or supply chain management is required.  Including at least one year experience in logistics management is required.

Job Knowledge : 

General knowledge of business skills, including logistics and property management controls.  Job holder must have basic knowledge of the organizational structure of Ecuador National Police and Ecuador Coast Guard and awareness of Government of Ecuador logistics and property control regulations.

Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Management, Logistics, or Operations required.

English level IV (Fluent) Written/Speaking/Reading is required. Spanish level IV (Fluent) Written/Speaking/Reading is required. This will be tested.

Skills and Abilities:

Good working knowledge using Microsoft software (Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). This may be tested.

Job holder must be able to drive and hold a valid Type B driver license.

EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (EEO):   The U.S. Mission provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation.

All applicants under consideration will be required to pass medical and security certifications.

Benefits and Other Info

Locally Employed Staff, including Members of Household (MOHs), and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs), working at the U.S. Mission in Guayaquil, Ecuador may receive a compensation package that may include health, separation, and other benefits.

For EFMs, benefits should be discussed with the Human Resources Office.

The pay plan is assigned at the time of the conditional offer letter by the HR Office.

HIRING PREFERENCE SELECTION PROCESS:  Applicants in the following hiring preference categories are extended a hiring preference in the order listed below.  Therefore, it is essential that these applicants accurately describe their status on the application. Failure to do so may result in a determination that the applicant is not eligible for a hiring preference.

HIRING PREFERENCE ORDER: 1. AEFM / USEFM who is a preference-eligible U.S. Veteran* 2. AEFM / USEFM 3. FS on LWOP and CS with reemployment rights **

* IMPORTANT:  Applicants who claim status as a preference-eligible U.S. Veteran must submit a copy of their most recent DD-214 (“Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty”), Letter from Veterans’ Affairs which indicates the present existence of a service-connected disability dated within the past six months, equivalent documentation, or certification.  A “certification” is any written document from the armed forces that certifies the service member is expected to be discharged or released from active duty service in the armed forces under honorable conditions within 120 days after the certification is submitted by the applicant. The certification letter should be on letterhead of the appropriate military branch of the service and contain (1) the military service dates including the expected discharge or release date; and (2) the character of service.  Acceptable documentation must be submitted in order for the preference to be given. 

** This level of preference applies to all Foreign Service employees on LWOP and CS with re-employment rights back to their agency or bureau.

For more information (i.e., what is an EFM, USEFM, AEFM, MOH, etc.?) and for additional employment considerations, please visit the following link .

How to Apply

All candidates must be able to obtain and hold a Public Trust clearance. 

To apply for this position click the “Submit Application” button.  For more information on how to apply visit the Mission internet site.

To qualify based on education, you MUST submit the requested degree and / or transcripts as verification of educational requirement by the closing date of this announcement. Failure to provide requested information, or the information is insufficient to verify eligibility, may result in disqualification for this position.

All Applicants: • Residency and/or Work Permit • Degree (not transcript) • Driver’s License

Eligible Family Member Applicants: • Copy of Sponsor's Orders/Assignment Notification (or equivalent) • DD-214 - Member Copy 4, Letter from Veterans’ Affairs, or other supporting documentation (if applicable) • SF-50 (if applicable)

Applicants who are invited to take a language or skills test, or who are selected for an interview will be contacted via email. 

For further information - the complete position description listing all of the duties, responsibilities, required qualifications, etc. may be obtained by contacting the Human Resources Office.

Thank you for your application and your interest in working at the U.S. Mission in Guayaquil, Ecuador.


Having Trouble?

We can reset your 2-Step verification using the email address we have on file.

  • The information that I provide while filling out this online employment application form and completing the application process, including possibly sensitive data, will be transferred online, stored, and processed on a server in the United States of America. This information may or may not be provided the same level of data protection as provided in my home country.
  • The information that I provide will be retained and destroyed in accordance with U.S. Department of State record retention policies and procedures.
  • The information that I provide will be reviewed and used for official purposes by the government of the United States of America.
  • All data transfers via the internet are not 100% secure and there might be some security vulnerabilities.
  • I may decide not to consent to these terms, but, if I do not consent to all of these terms, then I agree not to proceed with creating an account or moving forward with filling out the application, and I understand that I will not be considered for hiring.



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  5. MeetEcuador

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  6. My Travel Agency S.A. en Guayaquil, GUAYAS (agencias-de-viajes)

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  1. Agencia de Viajes GALASAM

    Agencia de Viajes en Guayaquil, Ecuador . Destinos turísticos: Nacionales, Internacionales, Galápagos, Peregrinaciones. +59343810920.

  2. IGOEcuador / Travel Agency & Tour Operator

    Nuestra agencia ofrece a los viajeros varios tours y excursiones en todo el Ecuador. ¡Navegue por nuestro sitio web para encontrar el tour de sus sueños! Ver Destinos. Galeria. Contactenos. +593 42 107 380. [email protected].

  3. MeetEcuador

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  4. IGOEcuador / Travel Agency & Tour Operator

    Our agency offers travelers various tours and excursions throughout Ecuador. Browse our website to find the tour of your dreams! See Destinations. Gallery. Contact Us. +593 42 107 380. [email protected]. Professional Center Building, 2nd Floor, Office 219. Facebook.

  5. Delgado Travel

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  6. YOU Travel Agency

    YOU Travel Agency, Guayaquil, Ecuador. 51,528 likes · 703 talking about this · 209 were here. Con You Travel Agency, ¡vive la increible experiencia de un viaje hecho a tu medida! ...

  7. Easytravelgye

    Our travel agency is here to provide you with expert assistance. Whatever your needs may be, get in touch with us today. ... (04) 506-4629; 096 851 0387; 097 956 5533; Address. Get directions. Victor Emilio Estrada 420A. Guayaquil 090511. Ecuador. Business Hours. Mon: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM: Tue: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM:

  8. Skytravel

    Visite nuestras oficinas ubicadas en la ciudad de Quito y Guayaquil, también podrá utilizar nuestro sistema digital de atención personalizada realizando consultas en las diferentes plataformas sociales. En definitiva, Sky Travel es su mejor opción a la hora de viajar, más de 8 años en el mercado avalan nuestro trabajo.

  9. Galasam

    Galapagos Tourism Operator located in Ecuador. We are your best option for Galapagos Tours & Cruises. Book Now! +593-42304488 +593-997031382 ; ... Westminster’s biology program offers both domestic and international travel experiences as part of the curriculum for students. While in Ecuador, the group observed and identified many ...

  10. Custom-made tours & travels in Ecuador & Galapagos

    Customized Tours to Ecuador & Galapagos: Other local Agency Advantages. Here are some additional advantages of booking with our local travel agency that offers customized tours to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands: Sustainability: Book with a sustainable travel agency liek ours for eco-friendly adventures that make a positive impact.

  11. THE 10 BEST Guayaquil Tours & Excursions

    from. $100. per adult. 3. Indigenus Shuar Comunity and Cloud Forest Bucay Private Day-Tour from Guayaquil. 2. Full-day Tours. 10-11 hours. Spend a day amongst the waterfalls and history a native tribe from the amazon of Ecuador on a full-day private tour to a….

  12. You Travel Agency

    La Agencia de Viajes del Ecuador . Toggle navigation. Inicio; Quiénes somos; Contacto; Mis Reservas +593 4 3701800 > Las mejores ofertas de hoteles. link Miami. Habitación doble. precio por noche desde ... YOU TRAVEL AGENCY. Quiénes Somos; Políticas de privacidad; Términos y Condiciones; FORMAS DE PAGO. Pagos Online; Tarjetas de Crédito ...

  13. Ecuador tours

    Responsible Travel is the most recommended travel agency in Ecuador by travelers. Rating . 4.8 . Read our 132 Reviews . David B. July 19, 2023. Gran tour en barco de última hora ... Choose the best Ecuador tours from Quito and Guayaquil. Galapagos Tours Andes mountains Ecuador Ecuador amazon rainforest Ecuador Coast Galapagos tours ...

  14. Travel

    Dreamkapture Travel, your online Travel Agency. Contact us: [email protected]; Hostel Policies. The check-out time of the rooms is 12:00 noon. Check-out time from the hostel is at 5:00 p.m. After 5:00 p.m. an extended stay in the hostel until 11:00 p.m. is available for $3 per person. ... Dreamkapture is in ...

  15. Expedition Ecuador

    Expedition Ecuador is a Local Agency based in Quito Ecuador, with more than 13 years of experiences of creating unforgettable adventures. We would happy to plan your next vacations to Ecuador to explore the enchanted Galapagos Islands or the Exhuberant Amazon Rainforest. No matter where you want to go or what you like to do, Our Travel Agency ...

  16. El Muy Viajero

    El Muy Viajero - Travel Agency, Guayaquil. 1,662 likes · 25 talking about this. Descubre la aventura y la naturaleza del Ecuador. ¡Únete a las experiencias y se El Muy Viajero!

  17. MY Travel Agency SA

    MY Travel Agency SA, Guayaquil, Ecuador. 828 likes · 32 were here. Somos una agencia de viajes ecuatoriana, que ofrece un servicio distinto, rompiendo los esquemas y l MY Travel Agency SA | Guayaquil

  18. Book your personalised tour in Ecuador & Galapagos

    Your travel agency in Ecuador. Terra Ecuador. Our local travel agency in Ecuador is based in Quito and a destination expert. Our team is passionate about their country and are constantly discovering new locations to share with you. They'll help you build a trip that is 100% customized, and just right for you in terms of activities and budget.

  19. Guayaquil Ecuador Guayaquil Ecuador´s main port and vibrant commercial

    Welcome to Guayaquil, Ecuador´s largest city and main port. Until now it was mainly a destination for business travelers. But Guayaquil is transforming itself and is on its way of becoming a tourist destination. ... You will get a general impression of what Guayaquil is like. Still need a travel agency to organise your trip or a place to stay ...

  20. Every Travel Agency

    Every Travel Agency, Guayaquil, Ecuador. 280 likes · 1 talking about this. Viaja y crea recuerdos.

  21. Ecuador Guayaquil travel agencies tour operators in Guayaquil Ecuador

    EXPLORE ECUADOR General information Introduction to Ecuador Costa Highlands Jungle Galapagos Islands Descriptions Brief history of Ecuador ... RTA, Republic Travel Agency: Location: Guayaquil: Address: Edif. Centro del Norte, oficina 201 (Kennedy Norte) Tel: Fax: E-mail: Web: Name: Salmor: Location: Guayaquil:

  22. Agencia Top Travel

    Agencia Top Travel, Guayaquil, Ecuador. 1,380 likes. Agencia de Viajes en Guayaquil

  23. Seeker

    Agency Benefits: Locally Employed Staff, including Members of Household (MOHs), and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs), working at the U.S. Mission in Guayaquil, Ecuador may receive a compensation package that may include health, separation, and other benefits. For EFMs, benefits should be discussed with the Human Resources Office.

  24. ÈLITE

    ÈLITE - Travel Agency Ecuador. 94 likes. Travel Company