Flying Visit

meaning of idiom flying visit

What Does "Flying Visit" Mean?

Examples in sentences.

  • I'm just here for a flying visit; I have to leave in an hour.
  • She made a flying visit to the city for the conference.
  • Unfortunately, it was only a flying visit, and we didn't get to spend much time together.

meaning for flying visit

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Definition of 'flying visit'

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flying visit

  • 1.1 Pronunciation
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English [ edit ]

Pronunciation [ edit ], noun [ edit ].

flying visit ( plural flying visits )

  • 2022 November 7, “The Guardian view on Rishi Sunak’s Cop27 trip: placing the planet on a road to hell”, in The Guardian ‎ [1] : Rishi Sunak is not interested in the climate emergency – and everyone knows it. Forced to make a flying visit to Cop27, Mr Sunak’s intransigence made him an outcast at the UN summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
  • 2022 November 16, Paul Bigland, “From rural branches to high-speed arteries”, in RAIL , number 970 , page 55 : COVID seems to have increased traffic to such locations, as 'staycations' have become more popular. But for me, it's a flying visit . I am merely changing trains to continue along the coast to Hastings, aboard another Southern Class 377.

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Definition of flying visit noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

flying visit

  • to pay a flying visit to Paris
  • The president made a flying visit to the festival.

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meaning of idiom flying visit

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Fill in the form below and receive news in your email box, flying by: definition, meaning, and origin.

The term "flying by" is often used to describe something passing quickly or happening in a short period. It's a versatile phrase that can refer to a range of situations, from a quick visit to how fast time seems to be going. Whether talking about objects in motion or fleeting moments, "flying by" captures the essence of speed and brevity.

  • It describes something moving or happening quickly.
  • It can be used to talk about a quick visit, a fast-moving object, or time zooming by.

What Does "Flying By" Mean?

When you hear the term "flying by," think of something happening quickly or passing swiftly. The phrase can be used in different settings. For example, you might hear someone say, "The weekend just flew by!" to express how quickly it passed. Alternatively, "I'll just fly by your place to drop off the package" would mean making a quick, possibly unexpected, visit.

Here's a breakdown of its core meanings and uses:

  • It's used to talk about things that happen or move faster than expected.
  • You'll hear this phrase when people are surprised at how quickly time has passed or an event has occurred.
  • The term helps people point out that something didn't take long or lasted only a short while.
  • It's a handy phrase for formal situations like business meetings and casual chats among friends.
  • Similar terms you might hear include "zooming by," "rushing by," or "blazing by."

Where Does "Flying By" Come From?

While the exact origins of "flying by" aren't well-documented, the phrase likely stems from the literal sense of something flying, like a bird or plane, which naturally moves quickly. As time has passed, this phrase has come to describe not just fast-moving objects but also the quick passage of time.

10 Examples of "Flying By" in Sentences

To help you understand how to use "flying by," here are some examples from different situations:

  • The weekend was so fun that it felt like it was flying by .
  • In a time crunch , the hours are just flying by , and it's hard to keep up with everything.
  • He said he would fly by the office to grab some documents.
  • When she saw the sale sign, she couldn't help but fly by the store.
  • Oh snap , I just realized how quickly my vacation days are flying by !
  • The race car flew by the spectators at incredible speed.
  • They were having such a good time that the evening just flew by.
  • He told her he'd fly by her place to say a quick hello.
  • My bad for not calling you sooner; the days have been flying by, and I lost track of time.
  • The project was so engaging that the week just flew by for the team.

Examples of "Flying By" in Pop Culture

This phrase shows up quite a bit in popular culture, often used to describe fast action or fleeting moments.

Let's check out some examples:

  • In his book "Time Flies When You're Alive," Paul Linke writes, "Time is flying by so fast." The book talks about Linke's experience with love and loss.
  • The movie "The Time Traveler's Wife" features the line, "Life's flying by so fast for me, every day is a blur." The film is a romantic drama that explores a complicated relationship affected by time travel.
  • Billy Ray Cyrus, in his song "Flying By," sings, "It's bottles and bibs, rattles and cribs. Three am's again and again. Comfort the cry. Man, it's flying by." The song discusses the challenges and joys of parenthood.
  • The TV movie "Flying By," released in 2009, is a drama about a real estate developer who rediscovers his passion for music.
  • An article titled "The Years Are Flying By: How to Make the Most of It" offers advice on how to make the most of your time as it seems to be "flying by." The article focuses on time management and life priorities.

Synonyms: Other Ways to Say "Flying By"

Here are some other phrases that mean roughly the same thing:

  • Sweeping by
  • Passing quickly
  • Breezing by
  • Whizzing by
  • Speeding by
  • Blasting by

10 Frequently Asked Questions About "Flying By":

  • What does "flying by" mean?
"Flying by" can mean moving past quickly, either literally or figuratively. It's often used to describe how time seems to pass quickly or how someone or something moves fast.
  • How can I use "flying by" in a sentence?
You can use "flying by" to talk about something going quickly. For instance: "The car flew by the bus" or "Time is flying by so fast."
  • Is "flying by" more common in certain situations?
"Flying by" is pretty flexible and can pop up in many situations. You'll hear it in casual chats about how fast a weekend went or in more serious contexts, like a project deadline quickly approaching.
  • Does it refer to a real action or just a feeling?
It can mean both. "Flying by" can describe actual fast movement, like a plane or car, or express a feeling that time or events are passing quickly.
  • Is it a positive or negative phrase?
The phrase itself is neutral, but its tone can change based on the situation. If you're enjoying yourself, "time flying by" is good. If you're up against a deadline, it might be stressful.
  • Does it imply speed?
Yes, "flying by" usually suggests that something is happening or moving at a quick pace.
  • Can it be used in a work setting?
Yes, you can use "flying by" in a work setting, usually to indicate that time or deadlines are quickly approaching.
  • Does the phrase appear in pop culture?
Yes, the phrase is pretty common in movies, songs, and TV shows to talk about quick action or passing time.
  • Is "flying by" used worldwide?
The phrase is mainly used in English-speaking countries but can be understood in many parts of the world.
  • How does it compare to "time flies"?
Both phrases talk about the quick passage of time, but "flying by" is more versatile. You can use it to describe other things moving quickly, not just time.

Final Thoughts About "Flying By"

The phrase "flying by" is a go-to way to talk about things or time moving quickly. It's flexible and can be used in different settings, from casual conversations to more serious or work-related topics.

Here's a quick recap:

  • "Flying by" can mean that something is moving past quickly or that time is passing fast.
  • The phrase can have either a positive or negative tone, depending on the situation.
  • It's versatile and can appear in various settings, from casual to professional.
  • You can use it to describe actual movement and the feeling that time or events are quickly passing.

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10 English idioms with the word FLY

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#1 – fly by

If you say that time is  flying by,  it means that it feels like the time is passing very quickly.

How can it be September already? This summer just  flew by!

We also have the expression time flies when you’re having fun  – meaning that time seems to pass quickly when you’re enjoying yourself.

10 English idioms with the word FLY Espresso English

#2 – on the fly

Doing something  on the fly  means without previous planning; you are doing it at the same time as your action is in progress.

Right before my presentation, I was informed that I only had 10 minutes to speak instead of 30 – so I had to shorten the presentation  on the fly.  (=shorten the presentation while giving it)

#3 – fly by the seat of your pants

If you are  flying by the seat of your pants,  it means that you are operating with luck and intuition (and without previous planning or preparation).

We don’t really have a marketing plan – we’ve just been  flying by the seat of our pants.

#4 – sparks fly

If  sparks fly  between two people, it means they are having an angry and intense argument.

Sparks fly every time she has to interact with her ex-husband.

10 English idioms with the word FLY Espresso English

#5 – fly in the face of

When a fact, idea, or statement challenges or goes against some established fact, we say it  flies in the face of  (the fact).

The scientist’s radical theories  fly in the face of  everything we know about physics.

#6 – fly into a rage / fly off the handle

Both of these idioms mean to get angry very quickly, to lose your temper.

He completely  flew off the handle  when I suggested that he was lying.

#7 – It’ll never fly

If you say that something  will never fly,  you are saying it will not succeed.

You can suggest a change to the company policy… but I’m warning you,  it’ll never fly.

#8 – When pigs fly! / Pigs might fly.

This idiom is a funny way to say you very much doubt that something will happen… you think it is almost impossible for it to happen.

“My favorite team is definitely gonna win the championship this year!” “Yeah… and pigs might fly! That team is the worst in the league.”

10 English idioms with the word FLY Espresso English

#9 – pass with flying colors

If you pass a test or evaluation, or complete a difficult task  with flying colors,  it means you passed it successfully and excellently.

Sarah passed her driver’s test  with flying colors  – the instructor said she was the best in the class.

#10 – fly-by-night

Describing a person or company as  fly-by-night  means they are unreliable and irresponsible, and their work is probably not of good quality.

I bought this watch from some  fly-by-night  shop, and it broke within three weeks.

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10 English idioms with the word FLY Espresso English

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Shayna Oliveira

Shayna Oliveira is the founder of Espresso English, where you can improve your English fast - even if you don’t have much time to study. Millions of students are learning English from her clear, friendly, and practical lessons! Shayna is a CELTA-certified teacher with 10+ years of experience helping English learners become more fluent in her English courses.

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Flying visit

Posted by Jonty Jones on April 28, 2007

For years I have tried to remember the name of a man that is exclaimed when you wish to describe a person who pays a flying visit. I think the original person was a country farmer in 18th Century England who would turn up to social functions and leave almost immediately, just turning up to pay his respects to the host.

Not much more information I can give, sorry.

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meaning of idiom flying visit

Meaning of "flying visit" in the English dictionary

Pronunciation of flying visit, grammatical category of flying visit, what does flying visit mean in english, definition of flying visit in the english dictionary.

The definition of flying visit in the dictionary is a hurried or fleeting visit.


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    FLYING VISIT definition: 1. a very short visit 2. a very short visit. Learn more.

  2. Flying visit

    a ˌflying ˈvisit a very brief visit: The Prime Minister paid a flying visit to Brussels this afternoon.

  3. A flying visit

    Definition of a flying visit in the Idioms Dictionary. a flying visit phrase. What does a flying visit expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.

  4. Flying Visit

    An idiom is a commonly used expression whose meaning does not relate to the literal meaning of its words. In other words, if you were to translate "Flying Visit" word for word, there is no guarantee the translation would help you to understand the meaning.

  5. FLYING VISIT definition and meaning

    A hurried or fleeting visit.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  6. FLYING VISIT definition in American English

    flying visit in British English. (ˈflaɪɪŋ ˈvɪzɪt ) noun. a hurried or fleeting visit. The prince is paying a flying visit to the town during a tour of Wales. Collins English Dictionary.

  7. a flying visit

    a flying visit meaning, definition, what is a flying visit: a quick visit because you do not have mu...: Learn more.

  8. flying visit

    (idiomatic) A very short visit. My favorite novelist was on a flying visit to London last week for a book signing. 2022 November 7, "The Guardian view on Rishi Sunak's Cop27 trip: placing the planet on a road to hell", in The Guardian‎[1]: Rishi Sunak is not interested in the climate emergency - and everyone knows it. Forced to make a flying ...

  9. flying visit noun

    Definition of flying visit noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  10. 103 Travel Idioms And Phrases (Meaning & Examples)

    31. Cool One's Jets. Meaning: to calm oneself down. Use In A Sentence: You need to take a moment and cool your jets. You aren't thinking rationally right now. 32. Fall Off The Wagon. Meaning: to return to practicing a damaging behavior. Examples: drinking, overeating, drub abuse, being lazy, etc.

  11. Flying-visit Definition & Meaning

    Flying-visit definition: (idiomatic) A very short visit. . Toni Morrison was on a flying visit to London last week, for a book signing.

  12. Flying

    Definition of flying in the Idioms Dictionary. flying phrase. What does flying expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Flying - Idioms by The Free Dictionary ... This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical ...

  13. Flying By: Definition, Meaning, and Origin

    November 15, 2023. The term "flying by" is often used to describe something passing quickly or happening in a short period. It's a versatile phrase that can refer to a range of situations, from a quick visit to how fast time seems to be going. Whether talking about objects in motion or fleeting moments, "flying by" captures the essence of speed ...

  14. Understanding the Phrase "Flying Visit": A Quick Guide

    Unlocking the Mystery: Decoding the Phrase 'Flying Visit' • Discover the true meaning behind the enigmatic phrase 'Flying Visit' with this quick and informat...

  15. 10 English idioms with the word FLY

    You can suggest a change to the company policy… but I'm warning you, it'll never fly. #8 - When pigs fly! / Pigs might fly. This idiom is a funny way to say you very much doubt that something will happen… you think it is almost impossible for it to happen. "My favorite team is definitely gonna win the championship this year!".

  16. Flying visit

    3. (of time) to pass quickly. The days flew past. 1. a person who flies an aeroplane etc or is in one. 2. a sheet of paper advertising a product, event etc. handing out flyers to passers-by. a strange flying object thought possibly to come from another planet. a very short, often unexpected, visit.

  17. Flying visit

    For years I have tried to remember the name of a man that is exclaimed when you wish to describe a person who pays a flying visit. I think the original person was a country farmer in 18th Century England who would turn up to social functions and leave almost immediately, just turning up to pay his respects to the host.

  18. flying visit

    Definition of flying visit by the Dictionary of American Idioms. flying visit idiom meaning. What does flying visit expression mean? How to use flying visit idiom? Example sentences with flying visit idiom.

  19. Meaning of "flying visit" in the English dictionary

    «Flying visit» Meaning of flying visit in the English dictionary with examples of use. Synonyms for flying visit and translation of flying visit to 25 languages. Educalingo cookies are used to personalize ads and get web traffic statistics. We also share information about the use of the site with our social media, advertising and analytics ...

  20. FLYING

    FLYING definition: 1. A flying creature or object moves or is able to move through the air: 2. a very brief visit: . Learn more.

  21. Flying Visit synonyms

    Synonyms for Flying Visit (other words and phrases for Flying Visit). Synonyms for Flying visit. 52 other terms for flying visit- words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. words. phrases. Parts of speech. nouns. Tags. brevity. meet. visit. suggest new.