The Tarot Guide

The Tarot Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Tarot. Discover Your Tomorrow!

Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles Tarot Upright Meaning by The Tarot Guide, Learn How to Read Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana, General Interpretation, Love, Relationships, Money, Finance, Health, Spirituality, Keywords, Tarot Reading, Tarot Readers, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Reiki, Palm, Online, Skype, Email, In-person Tarot Readings, Dublin, Ireland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, How Someone Sees You, Feels About You, Job Offer, Feelings¸ Outcome

Upright Meaning Guide

Page of pentacles upright tarot card key meanings:.

Good news in earthly matters, solid beginnings, setting goals, developing a plan, laying the foundations, taking advantage of opportunities, jumping in, consistency, excellent prospects, excelling in or seeking education/ training, ambitions, decide what you want and go for it, grounded young person, loyal, faithful, dependable, healthy lifestyle, Tarot/ divination, earth magic, nature,

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)

In a general context, the Page of Pentacles is the bearer of good news in earthly matters such as money, business, education, career, property or health. It represents making a solid start or laying the foundation for future success. The message with this Minor Arcana card is to decide what you want and really go for it. Jump in and seize your opportunities while you can. It tells you that if you make the right decisions now and put the groundwork in you will achieve your long terms goals. You may find yourself thinking about your long term future when it appears. If representing a person, the Page of Pentacles represents a young person, child or person who is young at heart, who is grounded, loyal, responsible, dependable and ambitious and who has common sense and excellent future prospects. They may be an Earth sign such as Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.

Love & Relationships (Upright)  

In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Page of Pentacles can indicate that there is great loyalty and faithfulness between you and your partner. However, it can indicate that some of the passion or spark may have gone out of the relationship. This is not an indication of a serious issue in the relationship, it simply tells you to inject some fun back into things! If you are single, the Page of Pentacles tells you that are plenty of opportunities for love you just have to grab them with both hands. If you are interested in a particular person, this Minor Arcana card tells you not to sit on the fence about. If you want them you need to jump in with both feet and take your chances. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Money & Career  (Upright)

In a career Tarot reading, the Page of Pentacles is an excellent omen signifying good news. It indicates putting in the groundwork to achieve success, setting goals and deciding what you want and going for it. Whether you’re self-employed or working for someone else or looking for work when it appears, this card tells you that opportunities are available to you and you should grab them with both hands. It can also indicate that you may be seeking further education or if you are already enrolled in a course that you will excel at it if you put the effort in. In a financial context, the Page of Pentacles also signifies good financial news usually in the form of rewards for hard work. It also represent putting things in place to secure your financial future. If you have been looking at buying a property or waiting to see if an offer on a property will be accepted, things should go in your favour.

Health (Upright)

In a health Tarot reading, the Page of Pentacles can indicate feeling young and healthy no matter what your age. You may be starting out on a new health or fitness regime when it appears. This card tells you that if you put the effort in you will reach your goals. Remember, Pentacles are associated with the element of Earth so getting back to Nature should be helpful in achieving your goals, for instance, taking up hiking or mountain climbing or swapping processed foods for more natural foods. It can also be an indicator of good news in terms of health, a birth or a pregnancy.

Spirituality  (Upright)

In a spiritual context, the Page of Pentacles can indicate that you are seeking to further your spiritual knowledge. You may be developing your powers of divination or studying the Tarot. Or you may find yourself experimenting with earth magic or nature religions such as Paganism or Wicca. Now is a great time to educate yourself in spiritual paths that will stand to you in the future.

Page of Pentacles Tarot Reversed Meaning by The Tarot Guide, Learn How to Read Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana, General Interpretation, Love, Relationships, Money, Finance, Health, Spirituality, Keywords, Tarot Reading, Tarot Readers, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Reiki, Palm, Online, Skype, Email, In-person Tarot Readings, Dublin, Ireland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, How Someone Sees You, Feels About You, Job Offer, Feelings, Outcome

Reversed Meaning Guide

Page of pentacles reversed tarot card key meanings:.

Bad news in earthly matters, lack of goals, lacking common sense, irresponsible, lazy, foolish, immature, sullen, rebellious, no groundwork, no follow through, unworkable plan, underachiever, procrastination, not taking advantage of opportunities, poor prospects, failing/dropping out, learning difficulties, frustration, disloyalty, unfaithfulness, unhealthy lifestyle, obsession with Tarot/ divination, dark magic,

General meaning and interpretation  (Reversed)

In a general context, the Page of Pentacles reversed can be the bearer of bad news in earthly matters. However, often it is an indicator that your present challenges are not due to some outside or unseen force, but rather a consequence of your own behaviour or inaction. It can indicate that lack of goals or lack of follow through may be holding you back and preventing you from reaching your potential. Laziness, foolishness, frustration and impatience are also represented by this card. The message with this Minor Arcana card reversed is to stop procrastinating and go after what you want. The world will not just deliver your destiny to you. You have to ride out to meet it. If you want to achieve your dreams you have to seize every opportunity that comes your way. If representing a person, the Page of Pentacles reversed represents a young person, child or person who is young at heart, who is lazy, immature, disloyal, irresponsible, sullen or rebellious, who has little common sense and poor prospects. They may be an Earth sign such as Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.

Love & Relationships  (Reversed)

In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Page of Pentacles reversed tells you to beware as there is potential for disloyalty or unfaithfulness in your relationship. It can be an indication of a lack of maturity or a moody or sullen temperament on either your part or your partner’s. If you deceive or mistreat your partner you will lose them and may live to regret it. There is also a sense of boredom or frustration indicated with this card so you may need to put some work in to making the relationship fun again. If you are single, the Page of Pentacles reversed tells you that you are not ready for a serious relationship at the moment and that’s OK as long as you are honest with potential partners. Have fun and enjoy yourself.

Money & Career  (Reversed)

In a career Tarot reading, the Page of Pentacles reversed is not a great omen to get as it can signify bad news. It indicates that you are not putting in the groundwork to achieve success or that you are lacking goals or follow through. There are opportunities are available to you but you are not seizing them or making the most of them possibly due to procrastination, laziness or just a basic lack of common sense. If you are in full or part time education this card can signify underachieving, failing, dropping out or experiencing learning difficulties. In a financial context, the Page of Pentacles reversed can also signify bad financial news or a lack of financial stability. It can indicate that a lack of money is causing you anxiety. However, it can also be an indication that you are not being responsible with your money. Even if you are on a low wage, try to live within your means and put something aside (even a small amount) so that you have a financial safety net.

Health (Reversed)

In a health Tarot reading, the Page of Pentacles reversed can indicate you may not be feeling great at the moment as it represents an unhealthy lifestyle. If you have been trying to get fit or healthy, this card can signify that you are not putting enough effort in. If so, you need to stop procrastinating! Alternatively, the exercise or fitness plan you are following may be unworkable or overly ambitious. Try setting yourself small achievable goals and build from there. It can also be an indicator of bad news in terms of health or difficulties with a pregnancy. It can also be a major warning not to be irresponsible in relation to alcohol or drugs.

Spirituality (Reversed)

In a spiritual context, the Page of Pentacles reversed can indicate that your desire for spiritual knowledge or power may be taking you down an unsavoury path. Your studying of the Tarot or divination may be turning into an obsession or you may be tempted to explore dark magic. You need to stay grounded and realise that with power comes responsibility. Everything you give out will come back to you times three. Lose sight of that at your peril!

Want to keep learning the meaning of the Tarot cards with The Tarot Guide? Continue to the next card…

Learn how to read Tarot, Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Upright and Reversed, Knight of Pentacles Tarot, Relationships, Love, Career, Money, Health, Spirit, Ireland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, Online Tarot Reading, how someone sees you, feels about you, future, work, single, outcome, personality, Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Kilkenny, Waterford, Belfast, Derry, Lisburn, London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Swansea, New York, New Jersey, LA, Florida, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Austin, Houston, Las Vegas, Detroit, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Auckland, Christchurch

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Page of Pentacles Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings

By Tina Gong

Published April 13


Page of Pentacles Keywords

Page of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

The Page of Pentacles card depicts a youth standing all by himself in a wide field surrounded by flowers. In the background, you will also notice several lush trees and a furrowed field. The young man seems to be walking in a slow manner and appears unaware of his surroundings, for his attention is completely captured by the coin he is holding, and all that it represents: ambition, security, wealth, nature, and sensuality. The Page of Pentacles symbolizes a person who is grounded, loyal and diligent.

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Upright Page of Pentacles Meaning

When we meet the Page of Pentacles, we see immediately that she is one that is ambitious and focused. She is protected, nourished, provided for by the suit whose name she bears. Guided by it, she is deeply tied to the earth, nature, and all of its gifts. She cherishes the body, for it too is something which is a manifestation of her element. Her diligence, ambition and loyalty drives her to quickly make plans for the future - for it is there where her focus lies.

Guided by the pentacles, she is deeply tied to the earth, nature, and all of its gifts. She cherishes the body, for it too is something which is a manifestation of her element.

When you meet her, she may be the bearer of news connected to all earthly and material matters. When you hear her message, be inspired as she is - lay down the foundations to follow your ambitions.

Generally, the Page of pentacles refers to the kind of energy that you need to complete all that is needed for your work. It may point to the determination, focus and the ability to stick with a particular task no matter how boring it may seem. In terms of work, the Page of Pentacles may signify that there are a lot of tasks you are responsible for, but your time to complete them is much too limited. This is not the time to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Assistance will be there for you, you just have to ask for it.  In relation to finances, the Page of Pentacles can refer to the reward for your hard work. For those who are investing their hard–earned money, this is not the perfect time for you to take the risk. Invest your money in a safe and traditional way - the diligence will pay you back. If you are currently experiencing a health issue, this problem may be the result of the continuous neglect. Let a professional make sure that this is not the case.

Tarot Love Meaning - Upright Page of Pentacles

The person symbolized by the Page of Pentacles is ambitious, loyal and practical; they may often be seen as studious, but once you get to know them well, they can also be quite funny. Their ambition and focus means that they are hardworking. They are likely to be as dedicated as they are to a lover, as they are to their goals. Their quiet demeanor may make them hard to notice at first, compared to other folks that may be more out going.

If this doesn’t represent a person that is entering your love life, the Page of Pentacles tarot love meaning can simply signal this Page’s dedication and loyalty in your relationship. While sometimes the relationship can lack passion and feel a bit boring, the love is there; you may only need to go out there and figure out how to inject some fun and excitement back into your romance. Try not to always put practicality before passion in the relationship and the two of you should be just fine.

Career Meaning - Upright Page of Pentacles

You may now be building a strong foundation for success. You’re likely to be creating your goals, planning strategies and putting those plans into action. You’re not afraid to put yourself out there in order to achieve your wildest dreams. It is likely that there are lots of work opportunities available for you, so go ahead and reach for them! Sometimes, this card can also suggest that you are going through or looking to start a higher education program. Study hard; if you do the work, you’re likely to do an amazing job.

Finances Meaning - Upright Page of Pentacles

Good news is coming in regards to your finances. The Page of Pentacles promises good rewards, so long as you take the steps to plan your future. Do the research, stay on track with your budget, and you’ll be seeing that your effort will make a big difference in your material situation.

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Reversed Page of Pentacles Meaning

When the Page of Pentacles card appears reversed, it may point to your lack of focus. There is a possibility that you are being distracted with lots of things. Try to borrow the talents of this page and focus your mind before moving on the next thing.

The Page of Pentacles may point to your lack of focus.

It may also indicate that you need to give yourself a break to refresh your mind. With regards to work, the Page of Pentacles reversed may signify that you are currently feeling overwhelmed due to the heavy demands in your workplace. Remember that it is always better to ask for assistance and complete the work rather than to try to finish it all by yourself and end up failing to do so. In terms of love, you are probably in a solid and steady romantic relationship, but perhaps someone else has caught your interest lately. When it comes to your finances, the Page of Pentacles reversed may refer to that urge to play and gamble. Be sure to stay responsible and be in control of your actions. In terms of health, do your best to stay away from dangerous activities.

Tarot Love Meaning - Reversed Page of Pentacles

The reversed Page of Pentacles tarot love meaning can signal a lack of commitment and dedication when it comes to matters of the heart. Instead of focusing on long term companionship, you may find yourself easily distracted by every new person. There’s nothing wrong with this, but make sure set clear expectations and not lead potential lovers on. Other times, this card can point towards an ambivalence to dating. If you’re in a relationship, this Page can suggest a relationship that has become stagnant and monotonous. There can be frustration stemming from this boredom. You and your partner will need to work hard to remain together and remember why you two fell in love in the first place.

Career Meaning - Reversed Page of Pentacles

Bad news can be coming when the Page of Pentacles is reversed. You may be neglecting your work or your studies right now, meaning that your foundations for success is feeling rather shaky. You may day dream about being successful, but when it comes to putting in the work, you can be lazy and unmotivated. Sometimes this comes from unrealistic ideals about success. We often see the result, but not the back-breaking work it takes to get there. Be realistic about what you want to achieve, and whether you are willing to sacrifice to get there. If you’re currently in school, you may not be doing well, or putting in your best effort.  

Finances Meaning - Reversed Page of Pentacles

The reversed Page of Pentacles can bring bad financial news, or sometimes material insecurity. You may be anxious and worried when it comes to finances. Sometimes this card can also suggest being irresponsible with your money. While it can be scary, it is important to know exactly what is going in and what is going out of your bank accounts. Don’t avoid this; make sure you spend within your means. Savings in case of emergencies can be helpful.

Page of Pentacles Meaning Tarot Cheat Sheet

Page of Pentacles Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings Cheat Sheet. Art from Golden Thread Tarot.

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Page of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

The card of ambition, desire, and diligence..

Last Updated: March 16, 2024.

The Page of Pentacles is one of my favourite cards in the deck. It speaks to the gorgeous potential that lies within each new endeavour, every seedling of an idea just waiting to blossom, and a message that your intent is on the way.

Imagine, right, an apprentice in a master craftsman’s workshop. They spend countless hours honing their skills, observing intently, absorbing every lesson like a sponge. Though still a novice, their eyes shine with the excitement of new knowledge. It really sparks them up inside. They study the materials used, and the techniques employed, envisioning the day when their own creations will take shape too. They’re diligent because they know their end game.

This Page embodies vibrant enthusiasm, that eagerness to roll up one’s sleeves and get to work building something tangible. Whether pursuing a creative passion, an academic degree or starting a new business venture, this card says the “student” is ready. The foundation is there, and the tools are gathered. Now is the time to apply yourself with diligence and an open mind.

But the Page does also cautions against reckless, impulsive actions borne of overconfidence. How does arrogance help you here? We are all eternal students, and no one should believe they know everything. Slow and steady wins the race, as they say. Study your craft, remain humble, and have the patience to properly prepare before charging forward. 

If you feel like that’s where you are currently in life, keep reading. I’ll touch upon what this card means for love, career, and much more.

Pictorial Symbolism in the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck

Page of Pentacles from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck

Each card in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck is filled with symbols and imagery that are rooted in traditional tarot iconography, but they also incorporate elements from a variety of esoteric traditions, including Kabbalah, alchemy, and astrology.

This makes the deck particularly appealing to tarotists who look beyond the surface images to understand the deeper, more hidden meanings.

Page of Pentacles: A Young Dreamer

Imagine you’re walking through a beautiful, lush garden, and you spot someone not much older than you, holding a shiny gold coin as if it’s the most fascinating thing in the world. That’s our Page of Pentacles. They’re all about setting sights on big dreams, especially the kind that can lead to something real and tangible down the line. It’s like when you have this nugget of an idea or a goal, and you just can’t wait to see where it’ll take you.

The Green Around: Opportunities Galore

Now, we’re picturing the garden around our Page. It’s not just any garden; it’s bursting with life and colour, signalling that this is the perfect spot for ideas to bloom. It’s as if the universe is saying, “Go for it! This is your time to plant those dreams and watch them grow.” Just like in real life, when everything feels like it’s aligning just right for you to take that first step toward something big.

Gold Coin: More Than Just Money

Let’s talk about that coin they’re holding. It’s not just about money or buying cool stuff. It represents something bigger—accomplishments, success, and maybe even building something that lasts. It’s a reminder that to get where you want to go, sometimes you need to focus and really put in the effort. Kind of like when you’re saving up for something you really want, and every penny counts.

Ready to Go: Dressed for Success

Notice how our Page is dressed and standing? They look like they’re ready for an adventure, maybe a bit unsure, but definitely excited about what’s ahead. That’s a bit like how we feel when we’re about to start something new, right? A mix of nerves and excitement, but ready to dive in and learn whatever we need to get closer to our goal.

Clear Skies Ahead: Smooth Sailing

And don’t miss that clear sky above. It’s as if all the clutter and noise have been cleared away, leaving nothing but peace and clarity. It’s a nudge to keep our eyes on the prize, knowing that right now, there might not be too many obstacles in the way. Just like those moments when everything seems to click, and you feel like you can tackle anything that comes your way.

The Page of Pentacles key correspondences

What does the upright page of pentacles mean in the tarot.

The Page of Pentacles is the eleventh card in the suit of Pentacles (also known as the suit of coins, suit of disks, or suit of rings) and one of the fifty-six suit cards from the minor arcana . In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Pentacles represents the physical, material, financial and earthly aspects of our lives.

The Page of Pentacles is the first court card in the suit of Pentacles and is a great balance of feminine and masculine energy. Upright, the Page of Pentacles tells you to make your dreams a reality, set things in motion, grow, and receive abundance. 

It can mean being realistic and not letting yourself daydream too much. The Page of Pentacles is also about trustworthiness and respectability, having faith in other people. 

Upright Page of Pentacles

When pulled in the upright position, the Page of Pentacles is associated with trust, prosperity, and practicality.

What does the upright Page of Pentacles mean in a love reading

Given the balance of feminine and masculine within the Page of Pentacles, it can mean having balance within a relationship or providing equal energy. In the context of love, the Page of Pentacles can also be about trusting your partner or potential partner. 

If you’re single, this card might suggest manifesting your ideal partner to draw them to you. It could also suggest being realistic and practical about your relationship instead of getting carried away with your fantasies of a “perfect” relationship.

What does the upright Page of Pentacles mean in a career reading?

The suit of Pentacles is strongly connected to money and career, so if the Page of Pentacles comes up in a career reading, it’s a sign of success for you in your job or career. It can refer to a promotion or other accolade, a raise, or a good performance review. 

If you’re wondering whether a job is a right fit for you, the Page of Pentacles suggests that it is. 

The Page of Pentacles as feelings/emotions

If you’re asking the tarot how someone feels about you, pulling the Page of Pentacles means they trust and admire you. They may even value your insight into practical matters and your straightforward, logical way of approaching and solving problems. 

They might even be slightly envious of you for your appreciation and collection of nice things and will probably seek you out when they’re not sure what items to spend their money on.

The Page of Pentacles as a person

As a personality archetype, the Page of Pentacles represents someone who is thoughtful, intentional, and trustworthy. They are likely a person who is good with money and down-to-earth. 

They may even have prominent Earth placements in their natal chart. This person is honest and isn’t likely to take shortcuts to get what they want. They may be new to your workplace, or maybe new to your building/neighborhood/community.

The Page of Pentacles as advice

If you are asking the tarot for advice regarding a specific situation in your life, pulling the Page of Pentacles indicates you should proceed thoughtfully and logically. The direct route is most likely the best one, even if it may not be the easiest. 

The Page of Pentacles tells you to trust your instincts and stay grounded, while also letting you know that it’s okay to appreciate the finer things in life. Spend your money wisely and save for what’s important, emphasizing quality over quantity.

What is the zodiac or astrological sign associated with the Page of Pentacles?

The Zodiac Sign most associated with the Page of Pentacles is Taurus . Taureans are ruled by Venus, and as a result, they love being surrounded by nice things. However, they aren’t ostentatious and often choose to spend their money on good quality, but simple items. 

Additionally, Taureans are known for being grounded and using a very direct communication style. It’s common for all Page of Pentacles to embody all Earth signs, however, as they are the “potential energy” across the court cards.

Is the Page of Pentacles a yes or no card?

The Page of Pentacles has typically positive associations , and can certainly be seen as a ‘Yes’ card .

Below are some of my interpretations based on different types of questions:

Question: Will I get the job?

Card Interpretation: Be honest, work hard and you are highly likely to see a job offer in the near future.

Question: Is this new person in my life good for me?

Card Interpretation: Absolutely. They may not have the most tactful way of saying things, but you always know they’re going, to be honest.

Question: Will I achieve my current goals?

Card Interpretation: You’ll need to put in the time and effort and be smart about where you put your energy, but if you do so wisely, you’ll achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Question: Should I start my own business?

Card Interpretation: You have a discerning eye and good instincts, so it should be a positive venture.

Page of Pentacles as Timings / Timeframes

Tarot timing involves assigning precise timeframes or durations to the events and transitions indicated by the tarot cards in a reading. Personally, I use the tarot decan wheel, an astrologically-based method that aligns each Minor Arcana card with a distinct segment of the zodiac calendar.

Based on that, I determined the timing of the Page of Pentacles to be from March 21 to June 22.

What does the reversed Page of Pentacles mean in the Tarot?

In a reversed position, the Page of Pentacles can mean insecurity, being stuck, stagnation, or stalling out, or it can represent feeling suspicious of others or of a situation. It takes the Taurean energy of being honest and forthcoming and turns it around to make a person or situation seem sneaky and self-serving. 

Reverse Page of Pentacles

When pulled in the reversed position, the Page of associated with stalling, suspicion, and insecurity.

What does the reversed Page of Pentacles mean in a love reading?

The reversal of this card in a love reading is pointing you toward a lot of the qualities mentioned above. This person is probably not good for you, or they’re being dishonest or untrustworthy. It could also indicate that you’re not on the same page as your partner with regard to your finances or what your goals and priorities are. 

What does the inverted Page of Pentacles mean in a career reading?

Court cards are often more representative of an individual person or energy than non-court cards, so in a career reading, the Page of Pentacles reversed could be a colleague or manager who is doing something untoward or even that the company as a whole is not doing everything above board. 

If you pull the Page of Pentacles reversed in a career reading and you currently have a job, you may want to watch your back or just pay attention. If you pull the Page of Pentacles reversed and you are searching for a job, the job you’re inquiring about might not be what it seems and likely isn’t a good fit for you.

Despite its association with mysticism and occultism, the tarot has grown to become much more than a simple “fortune-telling” tool. For many tarot practitioners, it is a complex system made of symbolic imagery and psychological considerations (Jungian archetypes for example) that can be used for self-exploration, meditation, and personal transformation.

The Page of Pentacles tarot card is a powerful symbol of trust, prosperity, and practicality. When this card appears in your reading, it is often a symbol of hope and potential, reminding us that we all have the power to make our dreams come true.

What does that card mean to you personally? How do you interpret this card in your own tarot practice?

Share your thoughts and experiences with me :). Additionally, If you want to know more about the different tarot cards, feel free to check out my complete list of all 78 tarot cards and their meanings .


Written by Jamie Kieltyka

Jamie is an eclectic witch, spiritual mentor, and tarot reader who is passionate about educating others and dedicated to helping people trust themselves. Born in Chicago, she has lived on both coasts and has worked in Education for 8 years. As a child she recognized the magic in everything, especially writing. She has been on a dedicated spiritual journey for five years and has learned so much that she wants to share. In her spare time, she likes to read, write, and get out to enjoy the beauty of nature. You can often find her baking cookies and dancing/singing to 90s music. A homebody at heart, she loves anything to do with making the home more magical. She currently resides in central California with her handsome ginger tabby, Tabasco.

Learn more about the Suit of Pentacles

Explore our comprehensive collection of articles that delve into the significance of each card within the suit of Pentacles.

Ace of Pentacles

Little Red Tarot

Little Red Tarot

Page of pentacles, joy in exploration.

As the child of the pentacles suit – whether ‘child’ here means youth, or more likely a childlike attitude – this person is curious and adventurous, interested in the world around her. She looks carefully at her surroundings, her body, her environment, and asks questions.

This is about taking pleasure in your studies. A fascination with how things work and what they mean, so that you are looking really closely at the elements of your life. You may decide to travel far and wide to gather more experience and information, to learn more.

Explorations befitting the Page of Pentacles include travel, sex, anything in the natural world, taking up new crafts and hobbies (especially things with your hands, or sensual experiences), exploring your own body or gender expression, house-hunting, job-hunting, and so on. Take that earthy realm we’ve looked at in the Ace and other pentacles cards, and place it in the hands of someone who is curious.

There is an optimism and a sense of wonder here, as with all the pages. Open minded, open hearted, you are willing to discover something good. Your mind is not made up yet. It’s a very light, very non-attached position, filled with potential, but not set on any specific destination. There’s a lot of freedom here, too.

The Page of Pentacles represents joy in the journey itself. You may have a clear idea where you’re going right now, or none at all – either is fine. Focus on enjoying the present moment, really savouring each stage in the journey.

As the pentacles can sometimes represent work, then this card encourages taking pleasure in your hard work. If you are job-seeking right now, try to move towards things you know you will find satisfying if you have the choice. If you’re about to start a project of any kind, make sure it’s something that will peak your curiosity and feel fulfilling to do.

Special skills: Curiosity, adventurousness.

Page of Pentacles

page of pentacles travel

In the abundant lush garden, the Page of Pentacles sits on a flowering branch. She allows the energy of blossoming life to enter her spirit as she stares into the pentacle. Envisioning the path she wishes to travel she holds in her mind's eye a clear vision for that she wants to manifest. The Page of Pentacles serves as a reminder that to achieve the success you will need to spend time developing a clear view and prepare for where the road may lead. It is with this skill you will be able to create the feeling of achieving your desire - and this is where the magic happens.

With focus and dedication, the Page of Pentacles indicates a great start, however, when reversed it may manifest in the form of blockage. Take the Page of Pentacles in the reserved position as a warning - its time to ask yourself if your enthusiasm has waned or does your desire require more dedication than you are willing to give?

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The Page of Pentacles b

The Page of Pentacles – The Apprentice

Earth Signs – Taurus , Virgo , Capricorn

Student,  College, Studious, Scholarly, Setting Goals/Targets,  Long-Term Goals, Practical Application,  Laying the Foundations, Seeking/Thinking Success, Abundance,  Excellent Prospects,  High Achiever, Aiming High, Ambitious, Seeking Qualification, Looking for Results, Tangible, Consistent Progress, Excelling in Exams, Training,  Apprentice,  Developing a Workable Plan, Solid Grounded Start, Making a Start, Pacing Oneself,  Seeking Financial Security, Thinking about your Future/Long-term, Penny Wise, Thrifty, Saving, Investing, Commitment,  Practical, Down to Earth, Grounded, Common Sense, Realistic, Resourceful, Effective, Hard Worker, Effort, Cautious, Scrutiny, Concentration, Detail,Trusting, Trustworthy, Faithful, Stable, Secure, Steady, Kind, Generous, Helpful, Friendly, Loyal, Responsible, Reliable,  Dependable, Determined, Diligent,  Disciplined, Conscientious, Consistent, Methodical, Thorough, Being Productive/Industrious, Manifestation, Healthy,   Healthy Eating, Investing in Ones Health,  Exercise, Out-doors, The Natural World, Nature, Wholesome, Animal Lover, Environmentalist, Collector, Traditional, Conservative, News of Study/Career/Money Matters/Business/Property/Land, Family Inheritance, Legacy, Following a Family Tradition/Career, Metaphysics, Tarot, Earth Magic, Scrying, 

Think About What you Want Out of Life, Think Success,  Start Small But Think Big,   Use the Resources you Have,  Think Long-term, Put the Effort In, Look for Results,  Make it Work for You, Be Effective, Settle Down to Study, Get the Necessary Training, Get Qualified and become Professional, Set High Standards for Your Self, Get off to a Good Start by doing the Necessary Groundwork, Start Laying Foundations for the Future, Work Hard For What You Want, There is no Subsitute for Hard Work if you Want to be Successful, Show Commitment, Set Goals for Yourself and Work Diligently Towards Them, Show a bit of Ambition, Be Productive and Industrious,  Be Proactive, Be Realistic, Think Practically, Be Down to Earth about the Situation,  Use  your Common Sense in this Instance, Be Patient, Only take Risks that have been well calculated and are in the interests of meeting your Goal,  Scrutinise all Documents, Contracts and Paper Work, Make sure to Read the Small Print,  Pay Special Attention to your Assets and Possessions,  Avoid any offers of Get Rich Quick Schemes, Think Abundance, Make Your Money Work for You, Don’t Waste Money, Be Frugal,  Start Saving Money for The Future,Start a Collection, Get out Doors and Exercise, Eat Healthy, Be Kind to Animals, Think about the Environment at all times

For Full Detailed Description (Card Imagery Description/Personality Profile, Keywords & Meaning –  Click Here

The Page of Pentacles  represents the immature part of  The Pentacles Royal Family .  His solid and grounded start in life will serve him well as he journeys and matures.  With such determination, hard-work, commitment and self-belief at such a young age, he has the makings of successfully maturing into  The Queen or King of Pentacles.   He has a long way to travel yet, much experience to gain and lessons to be learned, but this young  Page  has what it takes to succeed.

Traditionally,  The Page of Pentacles  was described as a child or young person of either sex.  He had a tanned or sallow appearance with brown or green eyes.  His hair was typically described as being dark-brown or black. Remember, these are the old traditional descriptions and bear no resemblance at all to the majority of people in the world.  It is his personality description that should be concentrated on and not his looks when interpreting  The Page of Pentacles.

All The Pages in Tarot are Messengers, News-bearers or Post-Persons.  The News   The Page of Pentacles brings will be about material matters; money, loan application, investments, savings and possessions.  He may appear in your Reading bearing news of a new course of study or college application. Because the Pentacles are very concerned with the financial world, news may be business related; such as contracts, products, expansion, accounts and profits.  You may be waiting on News relating to the purchase or sale of a business, or an excellent business opportunity. The need to scrutinise legal documents is advised as The Page is seen to scrutinise the Pentacle he holds for any defects. Then again, property and land are also of great importance to the Pentacles so you may be waiting to see if your offer has been accepted on a house, whether mortgage application has been approved or planning permission granted.

The Pentacles also represent the physical body and its health so you may be waiting for results after a medical check-up. He may be asking you to pay special attention to your health at this moment in time. News of pregnancy or birth are also associated with this Page due to his connection to mother Earth and creativity. All in all, when the Upright Page of Pentacles appears in your Reading as a News Bearer,  you are bound to be pleased, and very possibly relieved with the News or Messages he delivers.  His presence brings positivity, productivity and abundance.  There may even be News of a family inheritance or legacy, and possibly a windfall. As a Messenger he may be asking you to pay special attention to your assets and possessions. Very promising indeed.

The Page of Pentacles suggests a solid grounded start to whatever projects you are about to embark on. You are organised, prepared, and ready and waiting to get started. You are now ready to invest in your future. If you have been worried about having enough money, he is here to tell you that you have enough to get started with.  He asks you to use your money wisely and save hard whenever you can.  Do not waste or squander on superfluous or frivolous items right now.  Any money you have is to be used with a long-term view.  Being thrifty now will reap you great rewards in the long run. As the saying goes ‘if you look after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves’.

When The Page of Pentacles appears, it is time to think about your future, what you are going to do, and how you are going to establish long-term financial security. He asks you to think success and then go out and make it happen.  This Page needs to be able to see and feel the results of what he does.  If you have had your head in the clouds of late and been too busy daydreaming to do anything else, he asks you to come down to earth now and get down to some serious business instead of being airy fairy.  You need to start the ball rolling, start making things happen. Manifestation is what The Page of Pentacles is all about, and nothing is going to happen if you just sit there.   You want to be financially successful and secure, so you will have think about how you are going to achieve this. Think big and go for it.  Remember, there has to be a result that can be seen and felt by everyone. It is time to get started and become proactive instead of procrastinating. Hold onto your dream and guard it closely, then make it a reality. Start building it stone by stone, brick by brick. Believe in yourself that you can do it. Start and work with whatever you have and make it grow one step at a time. Financial security will be yours if you want it badly enough. Think abundance and prosperity. Remember never to lose your sense of purpose. Retain your integrity, morals and be conscientious about how you achieve your success. Start off in the right manner, build your reputation and credibility. Be remembered for all the right reasons. You certainly have splendid prospects.

The Page of Pentacles appearing in your Reading can suggest that you are studying, or about to embark on a course of studies that will bring great financial rewards for you in the future.  You may be starting college, and are looking forward to getting down to learning and study.  This Page augurs well for chosen careers and shows a determination to work hard and succeed.  You may even be following in the career footsteps of previous family members as you continue a family tradition. In the Upright Page of Pentacles, this is something you are very happy to do and are proud and honoured to be continuing the line. A scholarly attitude is suggested, along with excellent exam performance. You are certainly aiming at achieving the highest of qualifications.

All Pages represent students and studying, the learning stage of life, but it is The Page of Pentacles who is the most diligent and hardest working of all.  Sensible down to his toes, he is constant and consistent. Education is very important to him and he does not take it lightly. Generally, he comes from a background where high academic performance is expected, but it is also inherent within him too.  He does not have to be pushed or forced in studying, and you will never find him being hauled up for poorly worked or late assignments. He paces himself well throughout his studies and will not to be found cramming, or be content with getting a simple but acceptable Pass Grade in a subject.  His presence suggests that you are aiming high and are working towards the highest possible qualifications you can achieve. This may involve making sacrifices and missing out on a hectic social life, where you may find the other Pages burning the candle at both ends. The Page of Pentacles has his priorities in order from the start and will refuse to be budged off them by well meaning friends or colleagues.  However, you will find this Page successfully combining studies while working at the same time.  He suggests that  you can manage this too, but you do need to be very self-disciplined, and excellent at time management.  He reminds you to look at the Big Picture every now and then while you are beavering away in order to reconfirm your commitment and re-establish your aims. He tells you to keep your Pentacle (Goal) very close to you, and never let it out of your sight. Your Pentacle holds all your desires and ambitions for your future, so make sure you dust it down regularly and examine it closely for any changes that have occurred, or details you have forgotten about. Remember why you are working so hard and what it is you ultimately want to achieve.  It will keep you on track.

The Page of Pentacle’s presence in a Reading suggests that Goals are being set, and a very definite plan is being drawn up as to how and when they will be achieved.  You certainly know what you want and where you are going. Working with the serious Element of Air enables you to carefully develop a workable plan that will yield solid results. Your are prepared to put in the necessary work in order to get there. This Page suggests that you are a no-nonsense person who just gets on with what has to be done instead of complaining and moaning about everything. You want to see results for all your hard work, so you are very industrious and productive.

Taking risks and gambling is something that is not in your nature.  You don’t like taking a chance unless you are pretty sure it is going to work out.  You favour the safe and secure, the tried and tested instead of the unsure and unknown. This fear of risk can sometimes stand in the way of you availing of golden opportunities when they appear.  Your belief is that everything has to be worked hard for, and anything that promises otherwise is not to be trusted. You prefer to earn your reward and success off your own steam. You can sometimes delay your great success by treading too carefully all the time and overdoing things, but then again, your success typically lasts longer than those who arrive at it with little effort and ahead of schedule.

This Card suggests quite a serious nature which is often stubborn and single-minded.  Such seriousness in one at a young age can often be viewed as dull and boring by others. However, both you and those closest to you, know otherwise for you have a wonderful reputation for being kind, generous, helpful and amusing. For all your hard work and gritty determination, you have quite an easy going nature about you, and a lovely genuine sense of humour.  You get on well with everyone and never appear to have a hidden agenda or attitude about you.  In fact you make a great friend, but prefer a small circle of close friends to a large group of acquaintances.  You value loyalty and steadfastness in your friendships. Your friends are bound to hold you in high regard and are always there to give you a help when called. The Page of Pentacles asks you to keep your word and prove yourself dependable in turn.

When it comes to family you are all very close and there is a possibility that you are especially close to your mother. She might dote on you and pamper you, preparing your favourite dishes for when you visit, and singling you out for special attention.   The Page of Pentacles suggests that you have had a stable and secure upbringing, where you have been loved and well nurtured.  However, this Page can sometimes highlight tension or conflict with the Father who may not be as warm-hearted and generous as the Mother . You may not necessarily have had much money but you did not go without.  In some cases there may have been substantial monetary deprivation, and if so, The Page of Pentacles shows your determination to make a success of your life and become financially secure. Childhood and family deprivation may be the driving force behind your ambition.

The Page is the immature aspect of his Suit, so there is a strong message here of having patience, commitment and the ability to pace oneself.  Your Ultimate Goal may be far off in the future but this does not phase you at all.  You may feel unprepared at this stage, not yet ready, and are quite content to put in considerable time learning and accumulating more information.   The Page of Pentacle’s presence suggests that you like to be knowledgeable about something before attempting it. It is important that you are privy to all the details, and ins and outs of whatever it is you are going to get involved in.  You like to fully know what you are doing, how it is going to work and what the result will be from the outset.  This means that things can’t and shouldn’t be hurried.  His presence advises you to take no short cuts or try to fast track progress right now.  It will be worth the wait if you can just keep your eye on the ball and do not falter. This is no small venture you have embarked upon. Some aspects of it can be manipulated and controlled, while other aspects will have to evolve naturally.  You will have to bide your time before you see the longed for results.

The Page advises you to approach the task, the issue, your situation in a practical, methodical and thorough manner. Keep your feet firmly on the ground and think everything through very carefully.  Break it up into manageable sections and deal with each one individually instead of trying to sort the whole lot together. Where possible, roll up your sleeves and apply yourself physically.  Get down to the shop floor and discover for yourself what is going on.  If you haven’t got the exact tools you need for the job, take a good look around and see what you have at hand that could be used instead. Use your initiative and be resourceful when finding a solution to problems or challenges.

The Page of Pentacles , has a strong fondness for Esotericsm and Metaphysics .  He is of the Earth, and so can suggest you are drawn to the denser Magic of Earth instead of the Celestial Realm .  Therefore there may be a tendency to paganism, wicca, witchcraft (not the dark arts), the faerie realm, stone circles and crystals.   Oracle Cards of choice will be Tarot instead of Angel . The Page of Pentacles is a Student of the Occult.  His presence can suggest that you are thinking about embarking on a course of study in relation the older and more traditional crafts such as herbalism, palmistry or scrying with a crystal ball.  Then again, he may be highlighting your belief in, and habit of seeking out such services and therapies. This again reconfirms his need to know what his future holds for him. He is looking for guarantees, or at the  very least, pre-knowledge so that he can be well prepared for whatever is coming his way.

When The Page of Pentacles appears in a Health Reading he can bring several messages.  In his Upright Aspect, he praises you for looking after your body well, and reminds you to keep up the good work.  Make sure you put only the healthiest of food into your body, and to buy the best quality you can afford.  Looking after your body will ensure a constant, plentiful supply of energy and vitality which will sustain you through all your hard work and effort. There is no point toiling away to become successful if you lack physical health, especially through neglect and disregard for your body.  It will be a complete waste of your precious time and energy.   A lover of physical exercise and the great outdoors, The Page of Pentacles asks you to get out into nature as often as you can. Get moving, get active and feel alive. Keep your body fit and toned by getting regular exercise.  Get out into your garden and plant some flowers or vegetables. Feel the fresh air on your face and walk. Walking is free and uses only your own fuel so there is no excuse.

The Page of Pentacles reminds you to respect the land, your environment and to be kind to all God’s creatures, both little and large.  He asks you to take an active interest in recycling and to avoid polluting the land or dumping litter.  He begs you not to do anything that will damage the Earth or poison the creatures that dwell upon, and within it. He asks you to think about what you do in your daily life and how you run your household.  Are there ways you could improve? How can you make a difference in protecting the environment?

The Page of Pentacles has a strong connection with the land and all its inhabitants. If you are buying property or land, he may be advising you to have it dowsed for Geopathic Stress or any other irregularities.  His Upright Presence would suggest a positive outcome and that the proposed land is happy and healthy.  He has a strong belief that these are very important aspects that should not be overlooked in your rush to purchase, build and inhabit.  Happiness and health will only be possible once all connected to the land and property, from all dimensions,  are content and at peace with each other.  He warns you that some land is sour or contaminated, either naturally (geopathic stress) or from historical imprint (sites of battle grounds/massacres). You must be aware of this when house hunting or purchasing land.  He asks you to stand on it, connect with it and get a feel for it.  Do you feel well, light-hearted and happy when you are there, or do you feel headachy, ill, dizzy, bad-tempered or depressed? He asks you to scrutinise this area well, and not be tempted purely by a bargain price or the right location. He wants you to remember that the health of the land you stand or build upon is extremely important to your own continued health, happiness and relationships.

When making any large purchase, house, land, car, business or boat, The Page of Pentacles asks you to use your common sense and not allow yourself be lured by the  glamour, allure or hyped up marketing surrounding it.  Remain grounded and scrutinise all paperwork and legal documents.  Be 100% sure that every area has been covered, and that all is legit, above board and in order. Otherwise, in your rush to part with your hard earned cash, you could easily overlook some of the fine print. Examine everything carefully and make sure not to compromise on quality and high standards.

In affairs of the heart The   Page of Pentacles is committed and loyal. No great fireworks here, but being an Earth Sign he does have his own way of showing love and can be quite sensual. He may not win any prizes in the romance department but he has many wonderful qualities to bring to any relationship.  When he does decide to enter into a relationship, he can offer his partner much valued stability and security. His partner will feel protected and cherished, even if he is not constantly telling him or her how much he loves them.  With The Page of Pentacles , and most of his family too, he will expect you to know that if you are in a relationship with him or her (remember Pages represent both sexes), then it is because he or she loves you and wants to be with you. The Page of Pentacles does not have to keep going on about it all the time. He or she will make a steady, loyal and faithful partner who will turn up when they say they will. He is trustworthy and caring and will expect the same from you in return.

The Page of Pentacles generally bases his relationships on long-term goals.  He or she is not one for jumping in and out of relationships too often, like some of the other Pages .  This is a young man or woman who know where they are going and what they want. They will deliberately seek out partners who are like-minded.  It is rarely you will see any of the Pentacles in their Upright Aspect , lose sight of their dreams or goals because they have had their head turned by love or a flirtatious distraction. The Page of Pentacles admires ambition and independence in his partner but at times can be a little possessive. He or she is attracted to hard-working industrious partners, who understand the nature of ambition and its demands.   Collaboration of plans, ideas and goals often provide the sticking glue for their relationships. In this way, the relationship can be viewed as a long term investment, with expected bountiful results for all their combined efforts.   The Page of Pentacles will need a partner who accepts and understands his long working hours, or the frugality of their lifestyle while he is working his way to the top or building his empire.   Then again he will chose a partner who will be happy to support him or work alongside him during his climb to success. His partner, may also be making their own individual climb to the top which will again yield excellent results. We must remember that The Pages are young and only at the beginning of their journey.   The Page of Pentacles may appear older and more settled when compared to the other Pages. The Page of Pentacles will seek long-term security in a relationship from a young age.  

The Page of Pentacles often meets his ideal partner at an early stage, and more than likely through college or work because that is where he or she spends most of their time. The Page may also encounter a suitable partner through his connections with outdoor activities and the natural world.  Hill-walking, horse riding or encounters with animals such as in the vets or while out walking the dog.  He is not a mad social animal so is unlikely to be found hanging out till dawn in night clubs, or caught up in a circle of crazy partying.

Career wise , we will find this Page drawn in different directions of study. It may very much depend on the background he came from. There may be a family business, or a family tradition where careers are concerned. He may follow in the tradition of previous family members, especially parents or grandparents.

He can be found in studies of business, accountancy, banking and financial markets.  He likes to work with his hands and create, so building, property development, construction and engineering are firm favourites.  He also is drawn to architecture with its need for fine detail and precision.  When it comes to building and construction, he is likely to aim for high qualifications or specialised skills that represent quality, high standards and expertise.   However, he is a good all rounder, uses his initiative and is very resourceful. He will be able to turn his hand to anything that is asked of him from digging out the foundations to laying the roof tiles. He is the budding apprentice who is on his way to becoming a successful and masterful tradesman.

He will also be equally happy studying horticulture, veterinary, agriculture, organic farming and environmental awareness. His fondness of animals may find him gaining his apprenticeship in the equine or thoroughbred industry.   He can also happily embark on a career as a personal trainer or sports-person as the Pentacles are keenly aware of their bodies.  However, The Pentacles Page is happier on his own, and not as part of a team, so a career as a golfer or jockey would be preferable. In college he will probably join the Green Party and get involved in any marches against coursing or killing animal for their fur.  In his spare time he will volunteer or fund raise for animal rescue centres.

In Business, The Page of Pentacles represents the planning, or early start-up stage. You may be thinking about going out on your own, or saving before starting your own business.   He suggests that all the behind the scenes necessities of the business are being put in place before the launch. Goals and targets are being set or business plans drawn up.   You may be studying to get the necessary qualifications. Business may very well be starting on a very small scale, from the back bedroom, attic or garage.  Finances will be well tied down, with no waste on superfluous or unnecessary items. Be resourceful and use the tools you have to hand. Your aim here should be to think quality instead of quantity right now. Offer a top quality product or an excellent efficient service.  Start gaining a reputation for your business, regardless of how small it might look right now.  Getting it right at the start and putting all your effort into it now will pay off down the line and business will grow.  However, you must be prepared to work hard and give it all you have. You must be in this for the long run, and not to make a quick profit. Patience will be required of you and the ability to pace yourself.   Be trustworthy in business and keep your word and good name. Keep staffing down to a minimum. Doing as much of the work as you can will help you to learn every aspect of the business. If hiring, make sure to get the best you can afford.  Look to family and friends first as they will not expect any fancy set-ups or arrangements. Neither will they expect huge salaries.  They will be happy to sit in your attic or back bedroom knowing that they are helping you get up and going.  Make sure to start putting away money for a contingency fund so that you will be able to weather any minor storms or set-backs as your business is growing. Don’t be in a massive hurry to get to the top. Let your business grow and develop naturally without forcing or rushing it.  It will be worth waiting for. If you are entering business at a very young age, as many do in these days of on-line technology and marketing, it may take some time before people take you seriously and you can prove your worth.  Be prepared for this and act as professionally as you can at all times. Consistency, efficiency and reliability will be key to your success at such a young age.

The Page of Pentacles in a Business Reading can warn against making any hasty decisions or moves. Where contracts are concerned, examine closely all paperwork and double-check everything. Scrutinize, the fine detail for irregularities or clauses that may work against you.  Only take risks that have been well thought through and can be practically applied to your business. Stay away from get rich quick schemes. Use your common sense and keep your feet firmly on the ground when listening to the sales spiel of those who ask you to part with your hard earned cash.

As a Child, this Page is serious, intense and watchful. He enjoys a healthy appetite and loves the outdoors. Nature and animals bring him great enjoyment and he is often found playing alone in the garden or woods, entertaining himself for hours on end. He can be quiet and deep, and slow to join in on any social occasions. He is diligent and studious in school, keeping his head down and his eye on the ball. He probably does not hang around in a gang, preferring one or two close friends who are like himself. He causes very little trouble as a child and enjoys helping with the household chores.

The traditional description of The Page of Pentacles is that of a child of either sex, an unmarried or single woman, or a young teenager or adult of either sex up to the age of 22 years.  The traditional looks were of dark brown or black hair, with dark eyes of green or brown. The Page of Pentacles is known for his good looks, healthy physique, strong body and friendly smile.  He may appear quiet, intense or sullen looking at times but is very approachable and extremely helpful. He may also appear older than his age as he has a tendency to act in a mature manner. Remember it’s his personality description that is most important and not looks when it comes to interpretation.

Page of Pentacles Reversed

Unsuccessful, Lack of Commitment,  College Drop-Out, Skipping School, Learning Difficulties,  No Work, Hit by Recession, No Qualifications, Lack of Training, No Ambition/Drive, Underachiever,  No Prospects, Bleak Future, Going Nowhere, Not Pushing Yourself, Doing Nothing to Help Yourself, Self Sabotage, Lack of Effort/Focus/Concentration, Lack of Self-Discipline, Lack of Commitment, Lack of Interest, No Goals, Dropping The Ball, Not Taking Advantage of Golden Opportunities, Financial Problems/Insecurity,  Financial Ruin, Money Worries, Lack of Money, Living on Social Welfare, Accumulating Debt, Squandering, Living Beyond Your Means, Overspending, Splurging, Spendaholic,  No Savings, Setbacks, Delays, Blocks,  Failure to Launch, Bad Start,  Lack of Common Sense, Foolish, Foolhardy, Irresponsible,  Shirking Responsibility, Shoddy Workmanship, No Standards/Morals, Unreliable, Disloyal, Unfriendly, Unworkable Plan/Goal, Poor Preparation, No Groundwork, No Follow Through, Lack of Practical Application, Doomed to Fail,  Impatience, Frustration, Overly Analytical, Too Much Detail, Procrastination, Too Much Up In The Head, Stagnation, Lack of Productivity, Insecurity,  Workaholic,  Ruthless Ambition, Overdoing It, Over-Studying, Overwhelmed with Work, Obsessive, Possessive, Jealousy, Greed, Materialistic, Mercenary,  Having and Getting, Money Mad, Work Shy,  Slacker, Quitter, Drifter, Lazy, Sloth, Shoddy Work, Cheap, Tatty,   Money Mad, High Maintenance, No Fun, Boring, Un-Healthy/Sedentary Lifestyle, Unhealthy, Sedentary Lifestyle, Weight Gain, Poor Hygiene, Unkempt, Neglect, Bad Habits, Gambling, Squandering, Risk Taker, Gambler,  Scoundrel,  Shameless, Fortune Hunter, Social Climber, Shallow, Free-loading  Mean, Get Rich Quick Schemes, Scams, Loan Shark, Racketeering, Childhood Poverty/Deprivations, Rebellious, Sullen, Defacing, Vandalism, Littering, Animal Abuse, Worthless Inheritance, Disinherited, Immature, Obsessed with Occult/Earth/Magick (negative)/Divination,

Bad News regarding Money Matters/Jobs/Business,College/Exams/Land/Property/Health

As a News Bearer , The Page of Pentacles Reversed brings disappointing news regarding a job application, pay rise or promotion.  He may bring news about company or business closures and job losses. If you have been hoping to acquire a loan you might receive a rejection letter or phone call.  Calls or mail from debt collection agencies, or there may be stern contact from your credit card company regarding overspending.  You may be accumulating debt or have lost control of your finances.  You may get news of an inheritance you had hoped for or relied on been bequeathed, but it may be less than you expected, worthless or nothing at all. Regarding college offers and studies, news may be disappointing, or you may possibly turn an offer down for one reason or another.  If you are waiting for exam results, then this Reversed Page can suggest failure or disappointing grades.  This is generally as a result of poor application to studies.

Where land and property is concerned, your offer on a property or site might be turned down or your moortgage application may be declined. Surveys of potential land or property may bring news of faults with structures, boundary lines, unsuitable land or lack of planning permission.  In business, your accountant may bring some unsettling news about profits and financial forecasts.  If you have been spending time doing market research and feasibility studies for a new business idea then you may discover that it is not viable. Health-wise, your annual medical check-up may bring results that show you have been neglecting your health.

Generally, The Page of Pentacles Reversed  will bring news that causes set-backs, delays or frustrating blocks to moving forward with your plans or manifestation of your Goals.

The Page of Pentacles Reversed suggests financial problems that are totally consuming you at present.  Lack of money weighs heavily on you and you may be at a loss as to how you are going to manage.  Financially you feel unstable and insecure.  You may be worrying about holding onto your possessions, such as house, property, car etc. You may be out of work or struggling to survive on a small wage. Your self-esteem and morale is bound to be low. You may feel you have no prospects and the future may look bleak.

This Card be a sign that you are not too good with money.  You may find it hard to save or stick to a budget.  Failure to curb these tendencies in youth will only lead to bigger financial problems in the future.  It is essential that you live within your means by not overspending.  It may be time to cut up your credit cards and work out a repayment scheme for any debts you have accumulated.  The time to act is now and not let yourself get any deeper in debt.  If you need to free up money, sell some of the expensive clothes and items you have been acquiring and hoarding in recent months.  You really don’t need all those shoes and fancy gadgets.  If you still have the receipts and tags on, then bring them back for a refund. Stop splurging. As a parent you may be worried about a son or daughter who is in debt or are helping them out of financial difficulty. You may also be struggling to put your son or daughter through college and are feeling the financial strain.

When The Page of Pentacles Reverses he can become completely opposite to his lovely, hard-working and focused Upright Self.  He allows either the Element of Earth or Air to go into Extreme. However, when both Elements decide to Reverse , he can become a walking disaster.  If Earth Reverses, we find extreme materialism, greed, possessiveness, having and getting, enough is never enough, workaholic or work-shy tendencies. Reversed Earth can bring about neglect of self and one’s environment, laziness, sloth and lack of ambition. Reversed Earth can bring financial insecurity or ruin for one, or many.

When there is a lack of Upright Air influencing the situation,  we have an undisciplined mind in cahoots with Reversed Earth. Internally there is no inner voice offering the sound of reason or logic. The mind influenced by Reversed or Negative Air does not have the power to issue a warning to stop in one’s tracks, or to proceed cautiously.  There is no common sense applied or feeling the need to give one’s self ‘a good talking to’. The Negative or Reversed Air in the background with the Reversed Page of Pentacles, allows him to do whatever he wants without interceding.   Reversed Air doesn’t look or ask for a workable plan, or to set realistic goals. Like Reversed Earth, it can not apply self-discipline and control over its actions or functioning.  As the mind flits this way and that with no restraint, Reversed Earth too runs amok, attempting to produce or achieve results that make no sense, are ludicrous, foolhardy, totally unrealistic or doomed to fail.

When Negative or Reversed Air dominates, then we can find T he Reversed Page of Pentacles doing a lot of thinking about what he wants to do, but with very little practical or physical application.  He may be so consumed with detail, and all the ins and outs of everything, that he cannot get around to actually starting anything.  He may feel he doesn’t know enough yet, has to get yet another qualification before he feels confident to get up and running.  He could find himself never getting to the end of his research, or that he has talked about it so long, he has become bored and disinterested in it.   Negative Air can drag things out for too long, and delay the beginning of something, by having too many questions to ask or too much analysis.  Combine that with an overly methodical and overly thorough  Reversed Earth, stagnation can occur. The time is never right to get going. Procrastination takes over from what should be pro-activity and productivity.

The Reversed Page of Pentacles can represent the student who is still in college gaining more degrees and qualifications many years after his fellow students have left. However, the presence of the Page of Pentacles Reversed does not bode well for exams or achieving qualifications. Here we have the student who is not applying himself to his studies.  He lacks commitment and focus.  He may not have set any goals for his future, or lacks basic ambition. He may have thought that college was going to be a place where he would be free and easy, not a place of hard work and study. This Reversed Page can be a slacker in school or college.  He does the bare necessities and hands in late, half-finished  assignments that show his lack of effort and application. His work is shoddy and he has no interest in pushing himself any further.  He does not understand the impact it is going to have on his future for he is immature.

The Page of Pentacles Reversed has a tendency to skip school or drop out of college.  With Air influencing him he may change his mind several times about his choice of career.  He lacks staying power and commitment, so can be found hopping from one course to another as he loses interest easily.  He wants the end result, the qualification, but shrinks from doing the necessary study to achieve it. Frustration and a sense of failure are likely.

His Reversed presence in a Reading can suggest that you are not getting off to a good start in whatever the question is linked to.  A bit like The Page of Wands Reversed , there could be a failure to launch or get going.  This often suggests action without well thought out planning behind it. Prior preparation prevents poor performance is what The Upright Page of Pentacles would tell him.  If you have not done the necessary groundwork, then it will be hard to achieve the results you desire. What you want and what is realistically possible at this stage may be in total conflict.  You need to exert more patience, and be prepared to put in considerable effort if you want the situation to get moving or turn out as you wish.

In The Reversed Page of Pentacles we can find the wealthy college student who is there not because he is ambitious or determined, but merely because his parents are funding it and expect their offspring to go to college. He can breeze through college doing little because there is no personal drive. Mummy and Daddy are always going to look after him regardless.  He probably stands to inherit substantially and does not have the need to succeed that his fellows students have. He does not realise the wonderful opportunity he has, or how privileged he is.

The Reversed Page of Pentacles can also suggest learning difficulties or problems in school or college. You may find it hard to follow instructions or the curriculum. You may be a loner with few friends, preferring to keep to yourself.

Because, this is a Reversed Card , we can have a variation of meanings running from one extreme to another.  The eventual meaning of the Reversed Card is based on the surrounding Cards .  If the Card is drawn as a One Card Reading , it is advisable to draw two extra Cards to place either side of it in order to gain further insight.  This Reversed Page of Pentacles may be unhappy in college, or deliberately uncooperative with his studies.  He may have wished to pursue another career option, one of his own choice, but because of a family tradition has been forced under obligation into studies he has no interest in.  This can make him sullen and rebellious.  There is usually a strained and tense relationship between this Reversed Page and his Father .   The Reversed Page of Pentacles may be tightly controlled by his parents, especially his Father .  He is probably being maintained financially by his Father or parents, and so must tow the line and do as he is bid.  He may find it hard to stand up to his parents and can become quite negative and self-destructive by refusing to apply himself to his studies. He can self-sabotage his potential by dropping out of college just to spite them.  He may become disinherited or cut off from funds, or deliberately set up a pattern of under-achieving, and seeking jobs that are well below his capabilities.

Then again, you may be toying with the idea of going to college or enrolling on a course of studies, but feel you are too old to learn.  You may feel that you didn’t have the opportunity when you were younger or lacked the essential finances.  You may feel resentful about all the things you could have done with your life.  If only you had your time all over again you think. You think wrong. It is never too late to learn or study.   The Page of Pentacles is the constant student who never tires of assimilating knowledge, or sticking his head into books to learn.  There are thousands of college courses that are open to mature students. Learning and studying stimulates the brain and keeps the mind flexed and healthy.  Like a muscle that is not used or exercised, the mind too can shrivel and waste if it does not receive consistent stimulation.  You may find it difficult to get going at first, exactly the same as when you first start to physically work out, but in a very short time you will feel alert and mentally active.  Your brain will be able to store and assimilate more and more as time goes on.  Do not use your age as an excuse to not fulfil a personal goal or dream.

The Reversed Page of Pentacles turning up in your Reading can suggest that you have lost your focus and concentration. You may have lost sight of your goal and have begun to drift.   The Goal (Pentacle) you once found so absorbing, may now be lying under your bed gathering dust, as your plans for the future flit this way and that, changing from week to week. You are too up in your head. Progress has slowed down or come to a complete stop.  The path you chose may be turning out harder than you thought and you doubt your ability to succeed. You are bound to feel a sense of failure and frustration. It is normal to feel like throwing in the towel when our workload begins to overwhelm us or when the finish line is far, far away in the distant future.  If supporting or surrounding Cards are positive, then this is only a minor set-back and you will get your second wind shortly which will put you back in the driving seat, determined and focused once more.  If not, then you may need to give some deep thought as to what it is you want.  You need to examine the nature of your Goal and what it was that first drove you.  Did you set your Goal because it was something that you wanted? Did you do it to please someone else? Was it expected of you? Were you trying to prove something? If your original Goal is not what you want, if you have definitely changed your mind, the it is not too late at this stage to do something about it.  Use the influence of the Air Element to speak up and vocalise your feelings.  You are still young enough to explore other options.

On the other hand this Reversed Page of Pentacles can suggest you are putting in little to help your situation regardless of what you claim to be doing.  You may be sitting back waiting for something to happen, for somebody else to do it for you, or for an opportunity to come knocking at your door.  You need to move on this situation, not sit on it.

As a friend, T he Reversed Page of Pentacles can suggest a lack of loyalty and closeness.  You may be too occupied or wrapped up with your own stuff to consider others and their needs.   Your word may mean nothing. You may promise all sorts of things but will find it hard to deliver on them. Don’t fall into the trap of cutting yourself off from friends and family. You could be mean-spirited and slow to offer help to those in need. You might always be missing when it is your turn to buy a round.

As an Upright Page, The Page of Pentacles was ambitious and very materialistic.  As a Reversed Page, he is still ambitious and materialistic. However, there is a a massive difference between the two. Upright , he is conscientious and noble in his approach to success,  but when Reversed, he can become mercenary.  He doesn’t give a damn as long as he gets what he wants.

As an Upright Page , he is prepared to put in considerable time, sometimes years, consistent hard-work, and make sacrifices to achieve his goals. He is prepared to study, and steadily but consistently make his way to the top, or where he wants to go.  He is diligent, industrious and proactive. He sets long-term goals and keeps his focus on them.  He is conscientious, methodical and thorough.  He follows plans that have been carefully thought out and worked through, ensuring guaranteed results and manifestation of them.

If Earth goes into extreme when he Reverses , this can effect him in several ways.

In the Reverse this Page can want all that money can buy, but is not prepared to put in the effort to secure it through hard-work and slow but positive progress.  The Negative aspect of Earth along with  The Page’s  need for money and possessions, finds a ready and willing partner in a Negative Air Aspect . This scenario creates an undisciplined mind which only too delights in coming up with continuous hair-brained get-rich-quick schemes, which the Reversed Page continually acts on. These schemes are generally doomed from the start, but The Reversed Page of Pentacles seems to fall into a trap of addiction to them.  Just like the gambler who, after losing a fortune in one afternoon believes that the next time he is bound to strike gold and get lucky, and when he does, will make all his money back and plenty more besides.  This rarely happens as we all know, and when it does on occasion, the run of luck is not going to last forever.   The Reversed Page of Pentacles is bound to loose all his winnings on another day of gambling at the tables, or on horses. He finds it hard to accept the concept that if something appears too good to be true, than it generally is.  Because he has not had the experience of working darned hard over a long period of time to acquire such money, he has no respect for it. He craves riches and the good life, but he doesn’t understand what it takes to be successful. He lacks self-discipline and tenacity.  He doesn’t realise that he himself has to make all his dreams come true, through hard unrelenting slog and practical application.

He also entertains unrealistic and over-inflated notions of the outcome of his ventures. He can take reckless risks with money, especially if it is not his.  He gets carried away with the big picture, the Ultimate Prize, and wants to get there as fast as he can.  As a result he has a tendency to overlook the small details. He doesn’t stop to think it through or worry about potential pitfalls.  A Negative Influence of Air can give a restlessness and impatience about him to move fast on something he believes is a sure thing or a winner.  He can also drag others in with him too by using his influence of the Air Element to make it sound an extremely attractive and lucrative idea.   The Page of Pentacles Reversed can easily lose the shirt off this back, and cause the ruin of those who believed and invested in him.  If The Page of Pentacles Reversed does not sort himself out at this early stage by applying some discipline and self-control, he could very easily end up with gambling problems in later life which will destroy him on every level.  He needs to ground himself and come down to Earth. He needs someone to hit him with a hard slap of reality and bring him to heel. He has to come round to the understanding that very rarely do windfalls and big prizes fall into our laps all of their own accord.  Yes, there are people who go from rags to riches after a big win on the lottery but the majority of people need to work hard to make a living or treat themselves to the odd luxurious item or holiday.   The Page of Pentacles Reversed can have a problem accepting that he has to earn his money just like everyone else.  He can often feel that work is beneath him or that he was born to better things.  He needs to still his mind and get his finger out for this is no way to be living.  It is a one way street to financial disaster and doom.

The Page of Pentacles Reversed can be known as a scoundrel who is constantly in pursuit of material gain at the expense of other’s misfortune.  He has a nose for sniffing out where easy money is most likely to be found and taken advantage of.  He can be found wheedling his way into affluent social circles as the apparent successful, and financially secure, young up-and-coming person. In reality, he is penniless but few would guess. He can pretend he is someone he is not.  He seeks success and wealth off the back of others by hanging around them.  He believes that by being in the presence of successful people, some of this success will rub off on him.  When asked what his plans are for his future, he can dazzle people with his incredible plans and apparent ambition.  This is a man who likes people to think he is going somewhere and that they are lucky to be making his early acquaintance.  As a result, The Page of Pentacles Reversed can often worm his way into the company of people who are happy to be his patrons; pay his way, pick up the tab for him in restaurants, include him in their social occasions and take him free of charge on holidays with them.  He rarely puts his hand in his pocket for anything and certainly does not feel embarrassed by the generosity shown to him.  He can cruise through the early part of his life, living at every one else’s expense, believing it his due.

Ambitious and materialistic like his Upright Counterpart, he can become obsessed with climbing and acquiring when extreme Earth is driving him. Therefore, he can become an out and out workaholic who cannot cut off.  Work consumes him, leaving very little left of him for anything else.  However, in his Reversed Aspect , he is quite happy with this scenario.  Here is the successful up and coming young business person who is going to the top.  His desire to build an empire, and to be extremely wealthy, over-rides everything else in his life. His wealth or income will begin to accumulate from a very young age but he rarely gets time to enjoy any of it.  Enough is never enough with him. He needs to make more money, open another business, purchase more land, more property.  He wants to own everything. There are only two sides to this Reversed Page and they are ruthless ambition and consuming materialism. He is a hard task master and expects the same output, loyalty and unrelenting drive from any who decide to join his team. He will always put work and business before relationship, family and friends.

The Reversed Page of Pentacles , again like his Upright Counterpart is drawn to the esoteric world and metaphysics. However, he can become obsessed with it all.  His interest in the occult can find him joining secret organisations or studying ancient arts, some undesirable. He can become a master of divination and magick, or one who can not move an inch or make a decision without consulting the crystal ball, psychics, mediums and Tarot Readers . He is likely to dabble with Ouija boards and seances.  He can be secretive about his interests and abilities, or can bore the pants off everyone by constantly talking about them.  His obsessions can leave him ungrounded as he steps too far over into another dimension. He loses his contact with Earth and forgets that he is living in the physical.

Another form of obsessiveness can develop in the Reversed Page of Pentacles. The Page of Pentacles likes to acquire things. From a very young age, he can start collecting things, be they comics, toy cars, model trains, stones, fossils, stamps or coins.  He may become obsessed with seeking out and acquiring more and more. As he he grows and matures, so too do his collections, along with new ones such as art, rare books and antiques. He can be found at auctions spending considerable amounts of money to secure the desired items he wants to possess.

In Relationships don’t expect a lot of effort and input from The Page of Pentacles Reversed.  He can be despicably lazy. He prefers an easy going situation that doesn’t expect much of him.  He finds it hard commit or keep his word, so you are bound to be let down and disappointed.  This is the guy who says, ‘don’t worry, I will be there, you can rely on me’, and then forgets all about his promise two hours later or just can’t be bothered to keep it.  He may very well have good intentions at the time of making the commitment, but finds it hard to follow through. He can easily get distracted, absorbed in what he is doing, or think too much about himself and his needs.  Therefore, there can be the tendency to selfishness and self-absorption.

The Reversed Page of Pentacles often seeks a partner who will look after him. A mother figure, who will feed him, care for him, sort out his problems, and fetch and pick up after him. He may have been spoiled by an over-attentive mother who did everything for him and now you have to suffer the consequences of all her cosseting.   This Reversed Page may also be looking to be kept; as in bed, board and financially.  He can seek out partners with money, assets and resources, and then free-load for as long as he can.  He usually has a convenient spiel about paying back or returning the favour when he has secured a job, promotion, or when he sets up his ‘sure thing’ business enterprise.  He may refer to money that is coming to, or due to him from land, property or a possible inheritance.  Whether there is any foundation to his claims is debatable if not doubtful, but he may sound convincing.   The Page’s partner may fall for this and be happy to support him until his ship comes in. In the meantime, The Page of Pentacles Reversed  can be content to sit on his backside, taking, taking and taking, while offering very little in return.

In his very Negative Aspect , he can be shameless about taking his partner’s money, and sometimes when it has not been offered.  He can sneak money from purses or wallets, just enough so that it won’t be noticed.  He constantly needs money for one thing or another and can be underhand in how he goes about obtaining it.  This Reversed Page will squander his partner’s resources very quickly.

Staying with this theme, The Page of Pentacles Reversed has no problem seeking and entering relationships based on his partner’s financial status and connections. There may be no love, or even remote interest on his side. However, interest can always be feigned if he wants something.  Sex without love, but for financial or material gain is sometimes suggested. This Reversed Page is high maintenance and wants the good life without having to do much.  He can be drawn to wealthy partners much older than him, even those who are old enough to be his grandparents.  There can often be a scandal surrounding such relationships where the family of his partner object to the inappropriateness of the situation.  They may also see him for the fortune hunter and social climber he is. He may be after his partner’s golden egg, life savings or nest egg. He may even try to wheedle his way into their will.  Lacking respect and basic morals, he is shameless and shallow. He is driven by an obsessional greed and the need to possess.

The Reversed Page of Pentacles can also cause disturbance in the family by forming a relationship with a partner who they consider beneath their social class and status.

The Page of Pentacles Reversed in a Relationship Spread can suggest that you are shunning relationships, or getting close to someone, in favour of your career or work.   This Reversed Page , if he is studying or trying to get a new business off the ground, may have little time for relationships.  He may be a workaholic, and gives relationships or his partner little thought. This Card may be trying to tell you that he is just not interested, or is consumed elsewhere.  He may not be in a position to commit to you.

If you are looking for a partner with prospects or ambition like yourself, then he may not have anything to offer you. His presence in your Reading can suggest that a relationship you have entered has not got off to a good start, or is going nowhere. It may lack depth and foundation, and so may not be able to stand the test of time.  If too much Earth is present it can make for a boring partner who won’t go anywhere or do anything.  He may have little to say for himself and has very basic needs. This relationship can lack a sense of fun and adventure.

The Page of Pentacles Reversed can act as a warning signal in Relationships . The person represented by this Reversed Page , may be showing signs of jealousy and possessiveness with his partner.  We must remember that The Pages are just starting off and have not matured yet, but it can be an early indication of what is to come in the future.  In the early stages of a Relationship , jealousy and possessiveness may be confused with love and concern for a partner. You might think it cute that your partner rings to check up on you every half an hour or interrogates you intensely about who you were talking to or with. You might disregard the occasions you find him scrolling though your phone messages or emails.  You might be right, it may all be very cute and lovey-dovey, but if other controlling and Negative Cards surround this Reversed Page , jealousy, control and possessiveness may become entrenched, and escalate as the relationship progresses.

Healthwise , The Reversed Page of Pentacles can suggest that you are not looking after the needs of your body. Nutrition may be poor with not enough fresh fruit and vegetables.  Whereas the Upright Page, uses the resources that mother nature provides to feed his body, you may be guilty of eating too much processed food out of boxes rather than making the effort to use fresh ingredients.  Ready meals are full of additives, preservatives and hormones.  You could be abusing your body by eating the wrong foods, drinking too much and not getting enough rest or exercise. You may be suffering from exhaustion. His Reversed presence can be an indication that you are not getting out into the open enough or sufficient fresh air.  Laziness and lethargy will be evident. He can act a warning not to become a couch potato and unfit at a young age.  You may have lost your connection with the natural world around you. A visit or trip to the countryside may restore physical and psychological stability.  Studying for exams, working, or both, can leave little time for exercise, but these are the times when you need it most.  Time Management may be lacking.  You may need to schedule some short breaks from the computer or your books in order to get some fresh air.  Exercise is a natural de-stressor and excellent for re-vitalising the system and can help during times of exam and work pressure.

Regarding your environment, the area you inhabit and its surroundings, The Reversed Page of Pentacles may be pointing to neglect or abuse.  This Card can suggest a lack of basic personal and household hygiene.  Because, this is a Page , we may be looking at the sometimes perils of teenager angst or students sharing college accommodation.  Your living quarters may be filthy, you may be unkempt and have a care-less attitude about you.  Boxes with half eaten pizzas left lying under beds or in corners covered in mould and flies, overflowing rubbish bins with sinks and counter tops piled high with dirty dishes, dirty laundry littering the floor and bed linen in bad need of changing may be the type of accommodation you are keeping. This can often be a statement from rebellious teenagers and college students in accommodation. There is often a lack of respect for the property and its contents.  Not much is expected from the Reversed Page of Pentacles in relation to keeping the garden in order as this usually comes with maturity, but it can mark a lack of respect once more for the environment.  It can suggest littering, vandalism and contamination of the environment.  Neglect or an abusive attitude towards animals may also be present.  However, this Reversed Pentacle can suggest a person who is an ultimate loner and prefers the company of animals to humans.

Where work and career are concerned, yet again, there may be bad news.  Job loses or failure to secure work can be an issue.  Your career may be going nowhere or has got off to a very bad start. The Page of Pentacles Reversed can represent the present day climate of recession and lack of employment.  It can highlight the dilemma for college students graduating into a world that cannot offer them employment and the chance to utilise their skills and knowledge.  Except for the personal fulfilment of having achieved them, qualifications and degrees may amount to nothing on the job front . You may have to work very hard or take on multiple jobs just to survive. You may feel there is little financial reward for all your effort.

Unfortunately, this Reversed Page often points to a lack of effort and poor performance. You may have skipped school or college, or possibly dropped out early. You may not have the necessary qualifications to secure the job you are after.  You may not be putting in enough effort to find work. You may be work shy and content to live on social welfare or hand-outs from others. Menial work, work you consider beneath you, or hard manual labour can also be implied.

In the very Negative Aspect, work may be of a shady or illegal kind such as fraud, drug dealing, loan shark, and racketeering.

In Business, The Page of Pentacles does not bode well.  It can suggest your business is not getting off the ground and has had a poor start. Then again, it may have launched successfully but cannot maintain the momentum.  The long-term forecast may not be good.  It is doubtful, the business  will stand the test of time.  Yet again, you must look to the reasons behind this.  Are you attempting or expecting too much too soon? Do you have the necessary qualifications and knowledge? Unfortunately, The Page of Pentacles Reversed can suggest inferior products or services.  You may not have a head for business or lack management skills.  You may not have researched your market well or paid little heed to the small detail.  Business contracts signed may not be worth the paper they are written on when closely inspected.  You may have put no contingency plan in place, leaving your business vulnerable during quite times.  Lack of practical application and hard work may be behind your failing business.  You may have to get stuck in 24/7 in order to save it.

Lost opportunity or have dropped the ball.

Global recession may have hit your new foundling business hard regardless of all the effort put in and monies invested.

The Page of Pentacles Reversed can suggest illegal business dealings or money making rackets and schemes.  Shady businesses set-up to make a quick buck and then disappear over night with investors money.  The appearance of this Reversed Card at a time when you are considering investing in a business or partnership can act as a warning. Go through all paperwork with a fine tooth comb or have a professional third party view them.  Check out all references and testimonials because something is out of order.  You might be in danger of being lured into a scam.

The Reversed Page of Pentacles can suggest financial or physical deprivation in childhood.  Money many have been scarce or non-existant. He may come from a family who are work shy, lack ambition and are content to live on social welfare. There may be a history of gambling in his family. He may have gone hungry and neglected as a child and youth.  Education may not have been looked upon as important in his family. He might come from a background of low achievers. This Reversed Page may be dealing with deep shame and an inferiority complex.  He has a choice. He can either become one of them, or he can rebel against his family background and make something of his life. He can develop and grow into a born loser, acknowledged failure, waster and layabout who is content to live on social welfare indefinitely, or he can use his impoverished background to instil drive and a burning ambition to secure education, qualifications and substantial financial security for his future. Unfortunately, for many Reversed Pages of Pentacles, regardless of any financial success gained as they grow and mature, there may always remain the scars of poverty.  There may be a fear of scarcity, a terror of spending or treating oneself to rewards or little luxuries, and inferiority tendencies .  They can turn into workaholics and spend thrifts, wary, cautious and suspicious of of everyone and everything. They may live in fear of ‘rainy days’ and overcompensate by hoarding. They are afraid to spend and become negative and pessimistic. This will only cause another form of deprivation as they mature, not just for the growing Reversed Page but also for those he becomes involved with, especially in relationships, were he will penny pinch at every available opportunity.

The Reversed Page of Pentacles can suggest problems in school for a child.  There may be learning difficulties or difficulty following the curriculum.  Skipping school, poor attention and application, lack of focus and concentration may all be issues along with a lack of discipline and under-performance.  A child can become rebellious in school or show a lack of respect to fellow class mates and teachers. Expulsions and leaving school early may add to this Reversed Page’s instability and insecurity. One needs to look to the family background to see where this is coming from.

On the other hand, The Reversed Page of Pentacles may have been put under undue or unrealistic pressure to succeed in exams and now rebels against structure, study, careers or society.  He can become rebellious, unconventional and flout family traditions. Much to his parents shock, he may shun the material world and choose instead to backpack around the world, working trivial jobs as he goes. Parental pressure to succeed can leave little time for fun or play.  His childhood may have been all work and no play.  If this Reversed Pentacle grew up in a household of parents and siblings who were neither animal nor nature lovers, this side of him may have become repressed leaving him cold and unstable. Such deprivation would leave this Page with difficulty finding joy or happiness in anything.  A trip to the countryside or volunteering at the local stables could work wonders in restoring him to his natural upright state.

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The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Page of Pentacles is one of the most important cards of the Minor Arcana.

Below you will learn everything about its meaning both in the upright and reversed position.

In addition to the general interpretation, the topics of love, health, career, finances and destiny are also explained in detail.

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Table of Contents

The Page of Pentacles Keywords

Upright : Confidence, Pragmatic, Thirst for Knowledge, Awakening Reversed : Procrastination, Failure, Stagnation, Reflection

The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

The Page of Pentacles Tarot card shows a young man who is intensively studying a coin. He examines every detail of the Pentacle and wants to reveal all its secrets and increase his knowledge.

His colorful clothes convey a curious and lively mind. In his studies of the Pentacle, he takes an extremely pragmatic approach, not only gathering his information from books but holding a real coin in his hands and examining it.

In doing so, the Page has great faith in his abilities to unravel the secrets of the Pentacle and expand his knowledge.

The background reveals a fertile meadow and vigorous trees, which together represent new ideas and a wealth of knowledge. The boy has not retreated into a lonely chamber for his studies but seeks contact with the outside world.

It seems like a departure from the study room into the real world to combine his theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Furthermore, some mountains loom in the background. They testify to the obstacles and dangers still to come for the boy on his journey to knowledge.

But the Page is not impressed by this and continues on his path. He trusts his acquired skills and intellect, which enable him to overcome any obstacle.

Upright Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Page of Pentacles encourages you to acquire new skills and quench your thirst for knowledge. When learning, try to approach the new content with an open mind and with the curiosity of a child, this will make the acquisition of knowledge much easier.

Of course, at the beginning of your learning process, you will always encounter hurdles that you can not climb at the moment. But if you continue to research and persevere, you will eventually also climb the highest peak of knowledge.

Learning new skills takes a lot of patience and dedication to really grasp every detail and put all the pieces back together into a holistic body of knowledge, so be prepared for a long journey with many wonderful experiences.

Another characteristic of the Page of Pentacles is that you should have confidence in your abilities and knowledge. Especially unexpected challenges in life sometimes make us despair and doubt whether we are up to them.

Be aware of how many hurdles in life you have already mastered and what valuable insights you discovered. Trust in your inner strength and your mind. Both are always at your disposal and will help you to master any challenges.

The stronger your confidence in yourself is, the more you will trust yourself in life. Thereby you surpass yourself and realize even seemingly impossible projects.

In a Tarot session, the Page of Pentacles is a sign of departure and the beginning of a new phase in your life. The Pentacles Tarot cards reveal to you promising opportunities concerning material prosperity, your health or your professional career.

Start this new phase with a lot of self-confidence, then you will be richly rewarded and your initial investments will pay off in no time.

Use the initial energy inherent in any new departure wisely and remove any obstacles that stand in your way.

Especially in the beginning, you may have very high expectations of the new phase of your life that are far from reality, so you should always try to develop a realistic and pragmatic attitude towards your goals.

Do you want to know what today holds for you? Draw your Daily Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Page of Pentacles Tarot Love Meaning

In a love tarot reading, the Page of Pentacles signals a real upbeat mood for finding new love. The time of waiting and being alone is coming to an end. You feel energetic and motivated to find a new partnership.

Take advantage of this momentum and start looking for a new partner before the euphoria threatens to subside again. Your upbeat mood will also have a positive effect on your charisma and your inner attitude and will make you appear attractive and appealing in the eyes of your fellow men.

The Page of Pentacles also represents a pragmatic approach to dating. Although there are endless guidebooks on the subject of love and flirting, you will only find new love if you take your fate into your own hands.

Put your theoretical knowledge into practical action. You will learn from experience which flirting strategies are successful and which are not. The most important thing here is that you start actively looking for true love and not just wait for your dream partner to walk in the door.


In a partnership, the Page of Pentacles Tarot card stands for a high level of mutual trust. Knowing that you can rely on your partner one hundred percent in any situation, no matter how difficult, is one of the most important pillars of a stable and fulfilling relationship.

Such trust in each other enables you as a couple to face even the most difficult challenges of life calmly, as you can each rely on the strength and support of your partner. Therefore, it is very important to maintain and constantly deepen mutual trust.

Another meaning of the Page of Pentacles is your great common thirst for knowledge in your relationship. You have kept your childlike curiosity and explored different areas of life together for new knowledge.

You use these experiences to enrich your partnership and learn from each other. Maintain your thirst for knowledge because you will always have common projects that connect you by spending valuable and fulfilling time together.

Do you want to know how your love life is developing? Draw your Love Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Page of Pentacles Health Meaning

For your health, the Page of Pentacles means a fresh start in fitness or nutrition. Try out a new sport or diet and see what positive effects it has on your well-being.

Set clear and realistic goals so that your initial motivation remains until the new routine is firmly part of your everyday life.

Furthermore, the Page of Pentacles represents a pragmatic approach to improving your health. You don’t have to go to the gym to do something good for your body.

A simple walk or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are easy ways to increase your fitness. Your everyday life often offers free and effective ways to improve your health.

Do you want to know how your health situation is developing? Draw your Health Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Page of Pentacles Career Meaning

For your career path, the Page of Pentacles shows you that new career paths are open to you. This may include a promotion or a new job.

Use the opportunity for career change to gain new experience and expand your knowledge. With several job offers, you should be guided by your sense of construction.

In addition, the Page of Pentacles stands for professional development. Often you discover new solutions in your job or come up with new ideas.

The higher your expertise is, the more indispensable you are for your employer. At the same time, your work will be much easier for you, so you can face any challenge with confidence.

Do you want to know how your professional situation develops? Draw your Career Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Page of Pentacles Finances/Money Meaning

For your finances, the Page of Pentacles reveals that you have lucrative investment opportunities. You will benefit from currently favorable conditions, such as high discounts. However, these are only available for a limited time.

Therefore, do not think too long, but make a quick decision. Such an opportunity will certainly not return so quickly.

Furthermore, the Page of Pentacles encourages you to trust in your own financial skills. Banks or financial advisors usually only have their own commissions in mind.

Therefore, deal with financial issues yourself and make independent financial decisions. You will be surprised how much money you can save or increase when you are your own financial advisor.

Do you want to know how your financial situation is developing? Draw your Finance/Money Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Page of Pentacles Destiny Meaning

As a card of fate, the Page of Pentacles means that you should set out for new shores. Therefore leave your comfort zone.

You will be rewarded with new knowledge and experiences. Explore the world that lies at your feet and quench your thirst for knowledge.

Do you want to know what your destiny has in store for you? Draw your Destiny Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Page of Pentacles Personality

The Page of Pentacles symbolizes a pragmatic character. Such a person simply tackles his upcoming tasks without getting lost in lengthy theoretical deliberations.

In addition, a personality is described here, which feels a tremendous thirst for knowledge. He literally absorbs all new information and wants to fathom everything around him.

Upright Page of Pentacles Tarot Past/Future

Trust in your abilities and knowledge, with the help of which you have already overcome many past challenges. You can draw from them at any time.

Remember what thirst for knowledge you had as a child. Through your childlike curiosity, you can rediscover your past.

It’s time to get ready for a new phase of your life. It won’t be long now, so you should be prepared.

Future challenges should be approached pragmatically. Don’t think them through to the smallest detail. Just tackle them.

Upright Page of Pentacles Tarot Card – Yes or No

The Page of Pentacles indicates a yes answer to your question. You should look at the matter from a purely pragmatic point of view. With a spirited yes, you get the opportunity to finally set out and put your idea into action.

You already have everything with you that you need to do this thing in your sense.

Reversed Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Reversed Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Page of Pentacles Reversed Tarot card exhorts you not to postpone for too long new opportunities that are about to arise. Now you have the opportunity to make a decisive leap in your life, which can help you achieve greater prosperity.

But the fear of failure or strong self-doubt prevents you from seizing the opportunity. Instead, you keep postponing the opportunity in front of you until it is no longer within your grasp.

Good opportunities that can bring you great prosperity rarely arise, so it is important to seize them quickly.

Even in case of failure, you will have learned valuable lessons for yourself that you can use for the next opportunities in life.

The Page of Pentacles Reversed represents a period of reflection in life. Reflect on failures that you have suffered in the recent past. Then, work through the causes of your mistakes and learn from them.

At the same time, dealing with your failures offers you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and generate new solutions to problems because only through mistakes are you able to increase your knowledge and skills.

When reflecting, do not get lost in self-reproach or self-doubt, but focus on how you can deal with obstacles more effectively in the future and turn your failures into successes.

Another meaning of the Page of Pentacles Reversed is a persistent stagnation in your life. You are very much stuck in your old routines and thought patterns, allowing little new experiences in your life.

As a result, there is a danger that you will not be flexible enough in the face of new challenges in life that require a great deal of adaptation, and thus you will not move forward.

In the past, your proven thinking patterns have often helped you, but you must adapt them to changing conditions to develop your problem-solving strategies.

Become active and exchange new ideas and views with your environment, then you will be able to draw very flexibly and dynamically from a large reservoir of solution strategies and actively remove any obstacle, no matter how big.

Reversed Page of Pentacles Tarot Love Meaning

As a single person, the Page of Pentacles Reversed reveals that you have been putting off a new relationship for too long, missing out on many opportunities for a fulfilling relationship. You quickly get distracted by other things and therefore let dates or chances for flirting fall through.

As a result, you remain alone, even though the desire for a relationship continues to grow in you. Give the search for a partner a high priority in your life and be ready to invest time and energy accordingly.

Only if you take the opportunity now and become active, you have the chance for a new partnership.

Furthermore, the Page of Pentacles Reversed stands for the fear of failure in the search for a partner. Not every person with whom you develop deep feelings will reciprocate them to the same extent.

Therefore, rejections are a natural part of the search for a suitable partner.

Instead of letting your fear paralyze you, you should gather your courage and approach other people because only with patience and perseverance will you find the right love for your life.

The Page of Pentacles Reversed represents stagnation in a partnership. You have only a few common interests or goals, so your life together seems very monotonous and lethargic.

In addition, you are trapped in the same routines over and over again. Your relationship cannot develop further and you remain at a standstill.

Such a standstill leads to drifting apart over time and sooner or later ends any cohabitation. Instead, try to spend time together again and actively bring life and excitement back into your partnership.

The Page of Pentacles Reversed also represents a phase of reflection in your partnership. Take the time to reflect on your relationship. Look at the positive and the negative sides of your life together.

Reflect on your life together and you will gain new insights into how you can make your relationship even richer and more fulfilling. You will also develop new ideas for your future goals as a couple.

Reversed Page of Pentacles Health Meaning

The Page of Pentacles Reversed shows that you are putting off your health goals. You want to start something new, but somehow something always comes up.

Tell your friends or family about your plans and set a firm date for them. The social commitment will make you feel more committed to starting your sports or diet program.

Another meaning of the Page of Pentacles Reversed is that you have failed your health goals. Often this is because we set goals that are too high or unrealistic.

Instead of losing 10 kilos in two weeks, you should rather aim for one kilo in one month. This way you make sure that you reach your goal and take the pressure off yourself.

Reversed Page of Pentacles Career Meaning

The Page of Pentacles Reversed represents a reflection on your work life so far. Be aware of where you started from and where you are now on your career path.

Did everything work out the way you wanted it to? Or do you feel the urge for a new professional challenge? Answering these questions will be a great help for your future career path.

Another aspect of the Page of Pentacles Reversed is that you currently feel hindered in your job. You have many new ideas, but they are hardly noticed.

Don’t let the inertia of your job paralyze you. Instead, actively search for new professional challenges in which you can implement your impulses.

Reversed Page of Pentacles Finances/Money Meaning

The Page of Pentacles Reversed indicates a financial loss. An investment project did not turn out as you had hoped.

You have lost some money, but you have also gained important experience. Use this experience in your next projects to protect yourself against financial risks.

Another characteristic of the Page of Pentacles Reversed is that you should rather postpone larger financial projects. Your finances are currently not stable enough to afford major purchases.

Instead, work on building up a small financial cushion. Don’t buy anything until you have enough money in your account. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting into debt.

Reversed Page of Pentacles Destiny Meaning

The Page of Pentacles Reversed represents a delay in your life. You could not realize a hoped-for project according to your plans.

Use this delay in your project to improve your preparations. You are then better prepared for possible obstacles.

Reversed Page of Pentacles Personality

In the reversed position, the Page of Pentacles reveals someone who tends to postpone important matters. As a result, bigger and bigger problems accumulate over time.

Likewise, this card characterizes a person who has a strong tendency to reflect. It is difficult for them to get out of their carousel of thoughts.

Reversed Page of Pentacles Tarot Past/Future

In the past months, there was some standstill in your life. Try to release blockades from your past.

Explore life tasks where you failed at first sight. They can show you what you should pay attention to in similar projects.

In any case, it is worthwhile to reflect a little longer on your future plans. Maybe there are one or two more things to think about or to change.

A project that is important to you will soon be postponed indefinitely. Use the break to devote yourself more to other things.

Reversed Page of Pentacles Tarot Card – Yes or No

When asking your question, you should once again reflect on exactly what you actually want. Otherwise, your plan can quickly fail.

There is a clear “no” tendency in you because you are not yet ready to go further but want to have more clarity for yourself first.

The Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

  • Ace of Pentacles Meaning
  • Two of Pentacles Meaning
  • Three of Pentacles Meaning
  • Four of Pentacles Meaning
  • Five of Pentacles Meaning
  • Six of Pentacles Meaning
  • Seven of Pentacles Meaning
  • Eight of Pentacles Meaning
  • Nine of Pentacles Meaning
  • Ten of Pentacles Meaning 
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Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed)

January 8, 2024 by Sage & Moon

Disclaimer: Sage & Moon is a participant in affiliate programs, including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. We may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you if you choose to purchase through these links. Any product we choose is based on personal recommendations that we love and trust you will too. By using these links you are directly supporting us to keep writing + creating. Thank you!

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Page of Pentacles Tarot Card

Belonging to the Suit of Pentacles of the Minor Arcana , the Page of Pentacles tarot card represents ambition, focus, financial potential, learning, loyalty, and skill development .

The Page of Pentacles is a card of hard work and persistence, but also of recognition and reward. As the Earth of Earth court card in the tarot, the Page of Pentacles is the initial foundation upon which we might build all of our ideas and endeavors. It is the small seedling, who, at first may not seem like much, yet from it, big things grow.

Some questions the Page of Pentacles invites you to ponder…

  • What piques your curiosity right now? How open are you to learning new things?
  • What new ideas do you want to pursue? What projects do you want to start?
  • What practical steps can you take to begin working towards a certain goal?
  • How can you remain committed yet flexible?

In this post, we’ll be going over the Page of Pentacles’ Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as the Page of Pentacles as a person (or significator), the Page of Pentacles as feelings , and the Page of Pentacles as a yes or no .

Page of Pentacles Keywords

Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card!

Page of Pentacles (Upright)

The Page of Pentacles tarot card represents the student mindset . It’s about seeking new knowledge and abilities, especially those that are useful and practical. Being present in the moment. Believing in a project, plan, or process. Establishing a new regimen, whether it be for studying, eating, exercising, or improving one’s health or the home.

This card can also show planning and the implementation of a plan or project. It reveals sufficiency, the beginning of a season, or the beginning of a lengthy, successful project. It can also represent financial news or data, as well as gratitude for your possessions.

In general, the upright Page of Pentacles is a card of work, diligence, patience, and resourcefulness , so it tends to show up when you’re learning new skills or when you’re trying to get better at something. When you receive this card, it can be a sign that it’s time to start taking (practical) action.

In the tarot, pages are like the students of the court cards. Being of the Earth suit, the Page of Pentacles is about working hard for the things you want in life. It’s about taking responsibility for your actions and knowing that if you don’t put in the time and effort to get what you want out of life, no one else will do it for you. It might not be easy, but it’s worth it!


The Page of Pentacles is a sign to investigate. Learn. Explore. Initiate . Believe in your senses. Cultivate healthy habits and practices. Get to work. Prepare. Ensure you have everything you require. Use the resources you have available. Be willing to share or consider financial thoughts or facts. Create a budget and follow it. Spend time with people who are young or have youth in them. Take time to enjoy what is in front of you. Practice staying in the present moment. Enjoy the process.

The advice of the Page of Pentacles card is to take a moment to pause and reflect on what you have been doing so that you can make sure you are staying true to your goals and values. It’s also a time to look ahead at what’s coming up next since it’s likely that there are some major changes on the horizon if you stay committed and persistent. The key is to stay grounded and focused.

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Page of Pentacles (Reversed)

The Page of Pentacles reversed shows defiance, recklessness, and financial irresponsibility . It is apathy, laziness, and lack of planning. Being undervalued. Actual or perceived lack. Not having fun or a loss of motivation at work. Mistreatment or a slight injustice may be taking place (e.g. someone forgetting to pay you back). Loss. It can also signify minor health ailments or financial setbacks.

This reversal can point ti being stuck or limited in some way, perhaps financially or professionally. Its appearance in your reading can also be an indication that you may be struggling with trust issues, or that your hard work isn’t paying off the way you had planned.


Have you become disorganized? The reversed Page of Pentacles says that if you see that your focus has decreased, it could be time to figure out what’s going on and try to restart. Or you might wish to cancel your plans altogether, depending on the circumstances. This could just be a time for a pause or a break .

If needed, it might be a good idea to seek out the help of a mentor or tutor – get assistance with your academics or financials, and you might be able to change the course of events. The Page of Pentacles in reverse also advises you to hold onto your assets, particularly your money. Be thrifty. It might be a good idea to say no now if someone is asking for a favor or money; practice healthy boundaries around your finances.

Take extra care with your possessions. You could put things off because you want to be perfect – give up worrying about the specifics and take action instead!

(tarot decks are hyperlinked to each photo throughout this post; we may earn a commission should you purchase a deck.)

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Page of Pentacles as a Person

A person represented by the Page of Pentacles is grounded and responsible – they have a knack for business and making things happen. They value security and stability above all else, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve those things. Industrious and motivated, this is someone who is determined to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed. They are always ready to take on new challenges, and they enjoy learning from their mistakes.

Page of Pentalces people are pragmatic, but they are also highly artistic, creative, and inventive . They get very excited about their latest project, whatever it may be, whether it’s a book, a garden, or an outfit they’ve made from scratch out of old clothes from their closet. They’ll show you all the details with great pride – where they got the materials from, how hard it was to figure out how to get everything just right, how long it took them to make this thing happen exactly as they envisioned it in their mind’s eye…

While they may seem shy at first, the Page of Pentacles loves sharing their knowledge and passion for their interests (which often span many subjects) with others. They love to learn and they’re also very generous with their time, so if you ask them for help or advice, they’ll give it freely.

Page of Pentacles (Reversed) as a Person

The reversed Page of Pentacles is a sign of timidity and insecurity . This reversal can indicate someone who lacks confidence in themselves, is overly cautious, and is afraid to take risks. They may struggle with a fearful and lack-based mindset, and as a result, they might also perceive that they don’t have “enough” or that they don’t deserve what they do have.

On the other hand, the Page of Pentacles in reverse can show a person with a keen eye for detail . They have a reputation for being meticulous and exacting, but they also have a penchant for overthinking things — and that can lead to unnecessary stress or mistakes. This person may be very concerned with their appearance and how other people perceive them.

This reversal can also come up someone who is trying to use their good looks or their knowledge to get ahead in life without putting in the work that’s necessary for success. They may spend too much time daydreaming instead of doing meaningful work. If they aren’t careful, this person’s procrastination could hold them back from achieving their goals in life.

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Page of Pentacles as Feelings

When inquiring about how someone feels for you , the Page of Pentacles indicates that they are feeling devoted and loyal to you. This person is determined and ambitious – they are prepared to put in the necessary effort to carry out their objectives for your partnership, and they may be willing to risk everything for you. This card is a strong indication of respect and trust (which may be actively deepening). It can show growing feelings and curiosity about you.

For the most part, the Page of Pentacles denotes sentiments of focus, strength, and assurance . Even though this person may occasionally come across as reserved or pensive, they have good intentions and affection for you.

Associated with helpfulness and generosity, the Page of Pentacles can also mean that this person may feel like they want to give things to you without expecting anything in return. This can be something as simple as offering a ride when you need it, or it could be something more complicated like helping out financially if they have the means. They desire to help you or share their things with you.

Page of Pentacles (Reversed) as Feelings

Reversed, the Page of Pentacles indicates feelings of apathy, insecurity, or a lack of dedication or focus . It may mean that the person you’re asking about is finding it difficult to concentrate on long-term objectives since they are easily distracted right now – this can just be a passing phase, or it might be a sign of deeper problems in your relationship.

In a love reading, it’s possible with this reversal that one or both partners may feel that the relationship is growing stale and routine, and it might be causing them to feel bored and frustrated. The Page of Pentacles reversed can also indicate that you or your partner is feeling underappreciated, disrespected, or taken for granted.

Alternatively, when this card shows up reversed, it might mean that your feelings are clouding your judgment and making it difficult for you to make sound decisions (particularly financial decisions). It can also reveal that you’re spending too much time thinking about other people’s feelings rather than focusing on your own needs.

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Page of Pentacles: Yes or No

The Page of Pentacles is a card that represents new beginnings. It’s a sign that you’re on the right path and moving forward in the right direction, so when it appears in your yes or no reading, it almost always means a “ yes “!

If you get the Page of Pentacles as a yes or no, it might mean a “yes”, but you’re going to have to be patient and wait for the right moment. You shouldn’t rush into anything. This card is about building things — literally and figuratively.

It’s about taking action and making decisions, but it’s also about creating something from nothing. What are your goals? What do you want to accomplish? How can you make those things happen now?

If you’re feeling stuck or like things aren’t working out for you, then this card might be telling you to take some time to reflect on what’s really important so that you can make choices that will help bring your goals into reality.

Page of Pentacles (Reversed): Yes or No

In a yes or no reading, the Page of Pentacles Reversed can be either a “ yes ” or a “ no “, depending on the context.

Sometimes, the reversed Page of Pentacles indicates a “no”. It might mean that you need to pause and re-evaluate things. You are not currently ready to move forward with your plans – you should take a step back and assess what needs to be done before you can proceed.

Alternatively, the Page of Pentacles Reversed can be a “yes” card. It may mean that your current situation isn’t what you want it to be, but there’s still a chance for you to create something better. You need to be patient and wait for the right moment to make your move.

That’s all for the Page of Pentacles tarot card meanings! To learn more about the Tarot, check out our Tarot Guide for Beginners , or explore the meanings of the rest of the cards!

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Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Tarot, like astrology, has long been one of our favorite divination systems. Interpreting either takes practice. As you learn, we wanted to help you to quickly connect to the cards and use them in ways that are actionable and practical in every area of life. xoxo, Tali & Ophira

Co-authored by James Kerti

What does the Page of Pentacles tarot card mean?

The Page of Pentacles brings a prompt to begin planning for the future. Take consistent action and work diligently toward achieving a goal. When you see this court card in a reading, you’re being guided to move ahead one step at a time.

This card minor arcana card is usually associated with the beginning parts of that process while keeping an eye toward the future.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” is an aspect of the Page of Pentacles energy. It asks you to keep deliverables small and manageable so that they’re easier to achieve.

Like other Pages in the tarot deck, the Page of Pentacles often plays a messenger role, bringing news that you need to hear. With the Pentacles’ association with finances and the material role, this court card’s message might concern that area of your life.

What is the Page of Pentacles zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of the Page of Pentacles is Taurus

Page of Pentacles Tarot Guide

Keywords for the Page of Pentacles: Planning, pragmatic, consistent, diligent, loyal, dependable

Yes or No: Yes

Planet of the Page of Pentacles: Venus

Element of the Page of Pentacles: Earth

What does the Page of Pentacles card mean in a love reading?

With its message of loyalty and dependability, the Page of Pentacles describes a lasting bond or the potential for one to emerge.

If you’re already in a relationship, you might be nodding your head, that yes, this is how you feel with your partner. While stability is great, this card can appear as a reminder to also cultivate enjoyment and fun together. If you’re feeling at all bored in your relationship, you might take that suggestion to heart: get some playdates on the calendar ASAP!

For those who are single, the Page of Pentacles can indicate a lasting romantic opportunity that’s right around the corner. If there’s someone you’re interested in, this card’s appearance is a good signal for broaching the subject with them.

How to read your birth chart

Your cosmic code, what does the page of pentacles tarot card mean for career, money and finance.

When the Page of Pentacles comes up in a career or money reading, it represents laying the groundwork for success.

It’s about making a plan you can follow day after day, without biting off more than you can chew. While it doesn’t describe the most exciting version of success, it’s a sustainable victory that has a high probability of furthering your growth. This court card invites you to stay grounded and consistent as you move along your path. 

The Page of Pentacles has a connection with education. If you’re thinking about taking a class or enrolling in a course of study to develop your skills, this card might be confirmation, especially if doing so fits in with a plan of action you’re ready to put into place.

What does the Page of Pentacles tarot card mean for health?

The Page of Pentacles is associated with youthful energy, so you might be feeling spry and energetic if you see this card in a health reading.

Since it represents making plans and taking consistent action, this card can be an encouraging one to see—especially if you’ve recently started a new health or exercise regimen. Still procrastinating? The Page of Pentacles might be the nudge you need to work with a health coach, sign up for a 30-day challenge or try a new eating regimen.

This court card can be a bringer of good news like other Pages. If you’ve been waiting for a diagnosis or results, this card may indicate that you’ll soon get the news you’ve been hoping for.

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card in Reverse Meaning

When the Page of Pentacles appears in a reversed position, it often relates to the difficulty in putting plans into action.

With this card, that’s usually happening in the early stages of the game. Are you getting lost in daydreams? Or perhaps you’ve made a plan but are having trouble taking the first steps?

One thing to consider is whether you’ve broken the mission down into small enough steps. Sometimes people get thwarted because we’ve made a plan that feels so big that we’re not even sure where to begin. When that happens, it’s easy to feel discouraged or even encounter internal resistance.

The Page of Pentacles calls for small consistent action, rather than giant leaps. See if you can further divide your goal into smaller, bite-sized steps, that allow you to get back into the game.

As with other Pages, this card in reverse can be an indication of receiving bad or disappointing news. Given the connection of Pentacles to the material world, the news might be of a work or financial nature.

Is the Page of Pentacles tarot card a yes or no?

The Page of Pentacles is about making plans and taking diligent action, so it represents a yes in a yes or no reading.

What does the Suit of Pentacles mean?

Pentacles are associated with earth signs, which help you plant the deep roots needed for long-term growth. Earth energy is very physical, tangible, and sensual, and people with earth signs like to have a steady foundation and are the steadiest and most grounded bunch of signs.

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Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Quick Facts About The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Page of Pentacles is a card that represents the youthful energy of new beginnings, practicality, and the pursuit of knowledge and skills. In tarot, the Page cards often signify the start of a new phase or the emergence of new opportunities. The Page of Pentacles specifically relates to the realm of finances, material possessions, and the practical aspects of life.

As a symbol of youth and enthusiasm, the Page of Pentacles embodies a sense of curiosity and eagerness to learn. This card encourages you to approach life with a fresh perspective, open to new ideas and experiences. It signifies a time of exploration and growth, where you are motivated to gain practical skills and knowledge that will contribute to your long-term success.

Keywords for The Page of Pentacles Tarot

UPRIGHT:   Youthfulness, new beginnings, curiosity, learning, practicality, diligence, responsibility, growth, opportunities.

REVERSED:   Mental confusion, Miscommunication, Blocked thinking, Inner turmoil, False beliefs, Lack of clarity.

The Page of Pentacles Tarot Upright

The Page of Pentacles represents a youthful and enthusiastic energy that is eager to learn and explore the practical aspects of life. This card signifies new beginnings, curiosity, and a desire for growth and self-improvement. Like a student embarking on a new educational journey, the Page of Pentacles is ready to absorb knowledge and acquire practical skills that will serve them well in the future.

With a playful and adventurous spirit, the Page of Pentacles approaches life with a sense of wonder and optimism. They have a thirst for knowledge and are open to new experiences and opportunities. They understand the importance of laying a solid foundation for success and are willing to put in the effort and diligence required to achieve their goals.

The Page of Pentacles encourages you to embrace a practical mindset and focus on the tangible aspects of life. It is a reminder to stay grounded and take practical steps towards your aspirations. This may involve learning new skills, pursuing education or training, or engaging in hands-on experiences that contribute to your personal and professional growth.

This card also signifies the potential for material abundance and financial stability. The Page of Pentacles recognizes the value of hard work and responsible financial management. By being diligent and committed to your goals, you can create a solid financial foundation and attract opportunities for prosperity.

In relationships, the Page of Pentacles represents a reliable and dedicated partner who is willing to invest time and effort into the relationship. They approach love with a practical and grounded mindset, seeking stability and long-term commitment. Their youthful energy brings a sense of freshness and enthusiasm to the connection.

Overall, the Page of Pentacles encourages you to embrace a playful and inquisitive attitude towards life. Explore new possibilities, be diligent in your pursuits, and take practical steps towards your goals. With the right balance of curiosity and responsibility, you can lay a solid foundation for success and manifest your dreams into reality.

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The Page of Pentacles Tarot Reversed

In the reversed position, the Page of Pentacles still carries a sense of youthful energy and curiosity, but it may be slightly off balance or lacking focus. This card suggests that you may be feeling restless or unsure about your path, causing a temporary setback in your personal or professional growth. It’s important to acknowledge any feelings of uncertainty and take the time to reassess your goals and priorities.

The reversed Page of Pentacles reminds you to pay attention to your practical responsibilities and commitments. It may indicate a tendency to procrastinate or a lack of discipline in managing your resources and time. This card encourages you to be mindful of your actions and ensure that you are taking the necessary steps to achieve your aspirations. It may be helpful to seek guidance from a mentor or seek additional training or education to gain clarity and direction.

This card can also indicate a need to avoid becoming too rigid or stuck in routine. While stability and practicality are important, it’s essential to maintain a sense of curiosity and openness to new possibilities. The reversed Page of Pentacles suggests that you may need to step outside of your comfort zone and explore new avenues for personal and professional growth. Be willing to take calculated risks and embrace opportunities that may lead to unexpected rewards.

In relationships, the reversed Page of Pentacles may symbolize a lack of commitment or a tendency to be inconsistent in your interactions. It’s important to be honest with yourself and your partner about your intentions and level of readiness for a committed relationship. Take the time to reflect on your own values and priorities before making any significant decisions.

Overall, the reversed Page of Pentacles reminds you to regain focus, reevaluate your goals, and take practical steps towards your aspirations. Embrace a sense of responsibility and discipline, while also allowing yourself to explore new possibilities and maintain a sense of curiosity. By finding the right balance, you can navigate through any challenges and continue on your path of growth and self-improvement.

The Page of Pentacles Tarot in a Yes Or No Reading

In a yes or no tarot reading, the Page of Pentacles suggests a potential for positive outcomes – ‘yes’ – but it also reminds you to approach the situation with a grounded and practical mindset. The answer may lean towards yes if you are willing to put in the necessary effort and commitment to achieve your goals. The Page of Pentacles indicates that there may be opportunities for growth, learning, and material abundance. However, it advises you to consider the practical aspects, evaluate the potential risks, and ensure that you have a solid plan in place. With dedication and a focused approach, the Page of Pentacles indicates a favorable outcome.

Tarot Power Combination

The page of pentacles tarot card + the ace of pentacles.

The Page of Pentacles is a card that symbolizes potential, learning, and practicality. When combined with the Ace of Pentacles, the Power Tarot Combination emerges, amplifying the energy and significance of both cards.

The Ace of Pentacles represents new beginnings, opportunities, and material abundance. It signifies the potential for tangible rewards, financial stability, and a solid foundation. When paired with the Page of Pentacles, this combination suggests a powerful synergy between the practicality of the Page and the fresh energy of the Ace.

Together, the Page of Pentacles and the Ace of Pentacles inspire you to embark on a new venture or project that has the potential to bring significant material or financial rewards. This combination emphasizes the importance of grounding your ideas and ambitions in practical actions and diligent effort. It encourages you to adopt a methodical and detail-oriented approach, allowing you to make tangible progress towards your goals.

The Page of Pentacles brings a youthful enthusiasm and curiosity, while the Ace of Pentacles provides the opportunity for growth and prosperity. This combination encourages you to take calculated risks and invest your time and energy wisely. It signifies a time of fertile ground for growth and success, as long as you are willing to put in the necessary work and focus on practical steps.

Overall, the Page of Pentacles and the Ace of Pentacles Power Tarot Combination signifies a promising period filled with potential, new beginnings, and material rewards. It reminds you to stay grounded, take practical actions, and seize the opportunities that come your way. With dedication, determination, and a focus on practicality, this combination can lead to long-term success and fulfillment.

Tarot Technique

Page of Pentacles Meaning: Upright and Reversed

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The Suit of Pentacles 

The page in tarot card suits, symbolism and imagery of the page of pentacles, upright page of pentacles love meaning, upright page of pentacles career and money meaning, upright page of pentacles home and family meaning, upright page of pentacles health meaning, reversed page of pentacles love meaning, reversed page of pentacles career and money meaning, reversed page of pentacles home and relationship meaning, reversed page of pentacles health meaning, page of pentacles tarot card: faqs.

The Page of Pentacles, often nicknamed ‘The Apprentice,’ represents youth, hope, and opportunity. As the most junior of the pentacle court cards, the Page is transitioning to the adult world. 

Let’s see what messages and insights this card has to share.

Keywords for the Page of Pentacles Tarot Card

Upright keywords:  .

  • Goal setting
  • Manifestation
  • New beginnings
  • Financial growth
  • Learning opportunities
  • Consistency

  Reversed Keywords:  

  • Avoids responsibility
  • Underachieving
  • Not motivated
  • Poor prospects

page of pentacles travel

Each suite in the tarot card pack has its own meanings and connections. Here we focus on what the suit of Pentacles has to tell us. Let’s start with the broad clues and connections it covers.

The suit of Pentacles is linked to the element of earth. The place where natural life begins is nurtured, and dies, over and over. The cards in this suit represent newness, growth, and opportunity in all areas. 

The big five topics that concern people: work, education, finances, family, and love/relationships, are the primary concern of the Pentacles. 

In a tarot reading, the cards of this suit are concerned with two things. How you create and manage these five critical pillars of human life and how they all affect you emotionally.

Pages in all suits are primarily seen as messengers. They highlight often highlight either current or potential change, which when upright is mostly positive.

They may be the lowest ranking court card, but Pages are still very special. They stand on the edge of two realms, acting as the link between the ordinary, everyday aspects of life and the nobility’s powerful, privileged, confident, and achieving world. 

In a tarot reading, a Page card represents beginnings or new starts. Despite the symbol being a young person, the Page simply represents newness, so there’s no need to assume youth features in the reading.

Along with the positive things Page cards bring to a tarot spread, such as confidence, hope, and opportunity, there are some negatives to be aware of too. These include the effects inexperience and lack of focus may have on potential outcomes.

In a tarot reading, court cards can represent either the person the reading is for or someone else. When reading for yourself think about how the Page makes you feel.

page of pentacles travel

If the messages you receive bring strong emotions like excitement or fear, they are probably about you. If it all leaves you cold then this information concerns someone else.

The Page of Pentacles tarot card may have a unique design, depending on  which deck you choose . Here I’ve used the standard Rider-Waite version, which features a young male dressed in simple, peasant-style clothing, standing on open land.

In many tarot decks, the Page appears to be a young man, though sometimes a young woman or a gender-neutral figure is used instead. The Page may not be as glamorous as the Knight of Pentacles , but he’s not too worried.

Several trees and farming fields can be seen in the background, but the Page is concentrating on the Pentacle ornament he is holding gently with the fingertips of both hands. From the Page’s body language and expression, the Pentacle seems to be precious to him.

The Pentacle itself is a Wiccan talisman used to invoke positive, earthly protection. It is generally presented inside a circle, as it is in the Page of Pentacles card. In the 21st century, the pentacle is a symbol of faith, of possibilities. Here it represents the opportunities ahead and reminds you to believe in manifestation.

The Page is connected to Mother Earth and able to draw on her positive energy. He’s all about standing your ground, being open to what is out there, and believing in yourself. Did you notice this lowly courtier is most definitely looking up, away from the earth? This confirms he is focused firmly on the future and all it can offer.

Upright Page of Pentacles Meaning

Revealing the Page of Pentacles in its upright form creates an instant upbeat atmosphere. It tells us of abundance, positive prospects, and ambition that can be manifested through effort. The strong connections between the earth and the Page remind us that growth is a process, a journey. 

We see that future success depends on planning and nourishing our dreams so they can flourish. This way, they follow the same process as a plant or crop in a field, depending on nature’s cycle to thrive. 

When you turn the Page of Pentacles, it’s time to start sowing seeds of your own. Be careful here; it’s not always that easy. Getting something started depends on trust, self-belief, and vision, as the Page shows while gazing at the pentacle. However, there’s also plenty of hard work ahead, so be prepared and be willing.

In a tarot spread, the upright Page of Pentacles is more about manifesting your dreams and getting started than about getting a glimpse of the outcomes. So keep things current and don’t try to run before you can walk.

page of pentacles travel

​This card reveals several things about love when it pops up in a tarot reading. The Page represents someone with ambition and drive. Like the card, they are considered an upright person; decent, honest, and loyal.

If you are in a relationship, some things need attention from both parties. You are both guilty of neglecting some aspects of your twosome, but it’s not all bad. You at least have strong foundations to rebuild something bigger and maybe even better.

Singletons should note they have the whole world of love at their feet. It’s time to go out and mingle or declare your feelings for a secret crush. Remember, the Page of Pentacles is all about growth and prosperity, so what are you waiting for?

Turning this card in the work or finances section of reading deserves a smile. It’s packed with hints about positive outcomes like growth and achievement, but these come with a catch. 

If you are looking for career advice, it’s a good time to change things up. If retraining appeals look into it; make solid plans and work hard, and you can only succeed. Or go for the next promotion opportunity at your current job. 

Your finances are also at a critical point, and again there’s a clear plea for you to look up and see the possibilities. Start a pension if you don’t have one, or maybe it’s time to stop renting and look at buying a property?

This card reveals possibilities of growth, positive change, and nurturing new life in some form. In a reading, you may wish to focus on just one strand or consider both meanings.

Thinking about your home, the upright Page suggests a possible move to a bigger place. However, extending a current property would also work. Either way, if that’s on your mind you should go for it.

Regarding family matters, this card reveals expansion. This could mean a birth, a long-term visitor, or even a pet. If you are on the fence, go ahead. If there are doubts, take time out before making any decisions.

page of pentacles travel

Grab hold of the positive, youthful, infectious energy the Page brings, and wring out every ounce to stash away! Age is not a barrier here, as this card represents your journey towards healthy living.

Take this as a gentle hint that there are plenty of ways to live your best life; that it’s OK to avoid gyms and restricted diets. That hiking in nature’s gardens and eating more natural, unprocessed food is just as good.

Reversed Page of Pentacles Meaning

When a tarot card reveals a reversed image, don’t just assume it has a negative meaning; it’s not as simple as that. None of the tarot images in reversed cards are full of fun, but they do have plenty to teach us.

In the reverse position, the Page of Pentacles generally represents possible missed opportunities. Sometimes it acts as an early warning system, offering you the chance to change things up. At others, it helps you to reflect on mistakes and identify their causes.

The takeaway message has to be:

  • Concentrate more.
  • Plan ahead.
  • Don’t rush blindly into things.
  • Take time to secure one level before adding more on top. 

There’s no escaping it; reversed cards force you to face the truth. Although many factors may have contributed to your problems, ultimately, you must own them, learn from them, and work things out. That is the route to a successful future. 

Are you giving the people you love the care and attention they deserve? This card is a reminder of how important it is to be yourself in all relationships. To be honest and fair, not pick and choose when to be fake.

If you have a lover but can’t commit, take the risk and be honest. Single people looking for love should do the same. By respecting who you are, you will manifest a partner who is worthy of your attention. 

It’s probably not great news when the reversed Page of Pentacles represents your cash or job in a tarot reading. Though, to be accurate, this Page is more of a nag than a very gloomy messenger. 

This card gently reminds you to say yes more often. Say yes to the opportunities on the table at work or college, even if that is scary. If you are slacking, face up to the reasons for that. Accountability is a keyword here.

When looking at your finances, the reversed Page of Pentacles identifies some financial instability or concerns. The good news is, these things can be fixed, often quite quickly. Take on the responsibility for your spending, and you should then start to recover.

page of pentacles travel

In this position, the Page of Pentacles reversed indicates unrest or boredom. Its appearance often coincides with a flat period of your home, family, or social life.

Perhaps you’ve drifted away from once close friends as your lives take different courses. Or you are struggling to enjoy hobbies and activities that once captured your full attention.

Boredom is a symptom, not a condition, so make the most of this card’s message and explore your options. Now is the perfect time to forge a new path via this life-changing opportunity, so don’t hold back.

The primary health message from the reversed Page of Pentacles is more of a warning! It represents unhealthy living and the inevitable problems that kind of lifestyle leads to. Use this card’s appearance to trigger the action you need to take.

If you are on a fitness kick, re-evaluate it. Look for tweaks that might help you make progress and achieve your goals. Are you doing your best? Are your targets realistic? Perhaps this is the right time to face any addiction issues you are dealing with?

Question:   Is the Page of Pentacles a Yes or No Card?

Answer:  Generally, it’s a yes. This card has a positive vibe because it represents possibilities, plans, and potential. The Page of Pentacles tells of determination being the key to success.

Question:  What does it mean if my tarot reading features lots of Pentacle cards?

Answer:  Drawing several Pentacle cards is a sign you have either material or financial concerns to deal with.

Question:  When a female figure represents the Page, does it change the meaning? 

Answer: No. The Page of Pentacles represents youth, hope, and ambition, whether the image is male or female.

Question: Are the Page of Pentacles and the Page of Coins the same?

Answer:  They certainly are. This suit was originally known as The Coins, but once tarot cards were linked to magic the pentacle, (Wiccan symbol of faith), was used more often.

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Tarot Cards Revealed

Page of Pentacles

Card Meanings , Court Cards , Pentacles / December 10, 2021 by Tami Rose

Page of Pentacles – Keywords

Service, Idealism, Travel

Emotionally Tone Deaf, Self-involved

Page of Pentacles – Meanings

Page of pentacles feeling meaning.

This is the intern card. It is the feeling of just starting out on your career path . You are willing to make the coffee runs and pick up the laundry on the off chance that you will be in the right place at the right time when lightning strikes.

It is a card of travel and networking and being the new guy in the crowd. It is about being willing to be uncomfortable until you can get the lay of the land and develop the knowledge and contact base to actually become a player.

Page of Pentacles Love Meaning

Your partner is making a peace offering or bringing a gift. This will be a gift of lasting value or a long-term asset. They are willing to put their money where their mouth is concerning you and the way that they value the relationship.

Page of Pentacles Money Meaning

You have the ability to multiply and manage money. However, you are in the learning phase of your wealth creation right now. It is time to look for classes, a mentor or a model who was very successful at your given trade. The teacher will appear when the student is ready. Make yourself ready to be humble and absorb all that you can.

Page of Pentacles Health Meaning

You are in good health and this card may indicate children are planned or on the way. This is a card of increase and family stability. It may also indicate personal growth on a new path that you had not considered or have dreamed of but are unprepared for. 

Page of Pentacles Yes/No Meaning

Page of Pentacles is a hopeful card and indicates youthful exuberance for the outcome.

Page of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

Page of Pentacles reversed is the card of immaturity and brattiness. It is the card of someone who thinks of themselves as an expert but, in fact, really doesn’t understand the game.

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Tarot Card Meanings and More

Read our other articles to learn more about tarot card meanings and tarot spreads. We also cover how astrology, past lives, and personality affect your tarot readings!

page of pentacles travel

About Tami Rose

Tami Rose comes from a long line of psychics and seers. Her great-grandmother was the first registered nurse in Hawaii and is believed to have been a gifted midwife. Her Great-grandmother was known to keep up with her own 21 children by talking to the birds and the bees, as well as reading the signs in the cards.

Tami has studied the psychology of tarot cards extensively, and often uses them as a creative tool – in much the same way that Phillip K Dick did. She is passionate about helping people connect with their intuition, and believes that everyone has within them innate wisdom that can be accessed through introspection and self-reflection. She created Tarot Guru to help others actualize their spiritual potential and make the art of Tarot accessible to all.

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Page of Pentacles

Princess of the Echoing Hills

Rose of the Palace of Earth

Earth of Earth

Court Element: Earth

Suit Element: Earth

Golden Dawn Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini

Builders of the Adytum Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Hebrew Letter: Heh

Sephiroth: Malkuth

Feminine Energy (Earth)

Yes or No Questions: Yes

Page of Pentacles Description and Symbolism

The Page of Pentacles looks the least child-like. She is slightly turned to the right, while intently holding the pentacle. It looks like she doesn’t have a firm grip on the pentacle. She is unsure of how to hold it and is balancing it on her fingertips. This indicates that she is at the beginning of her craft. She’s taken the unmanifested energy of the Ace of Pentacle and is now learning to use it.

The Page of Pentacles is wearing a green tunic over an orange shirt and leggings. Her boots are basic brown. On her head sits a silk tubular shaped red hat. A gauze scarf is hung around the hat. Women usually wore these in 14 th century Medieval Europe. The hat looks exactly like the Page of Cups hat, except in a different color. This indicates that the Suit of Pentacles and the Suit of Cups work together and are complimentary to each other.

The sky is yellow, which represents intelligence and warmth. It also indicates that the sun is rising. The Page of Pentacles is the type who rises early to get things done. She may like the expression, “It’s the early bird who catches the worm.”

There are a cluster of trees in the background and compared to their size they don’t look full grown, though they stand firm and erect. There is also a small plot of land that the Page of Pentacles is cultivating and nurturing. There are rows of planted seeds that have not yet grown. It will take time to grow the seeds into fruit and harvest them. This indicates that she is at the beginning stages of development. The stable and a calm looking blue mountain in the background reinforces the Page of Pentacle’s solid perspective, thus encouraging her to keep going.

The earth all around the Page of Pentacles is fertile and green. There are small yellow and red wildflowers growing around her feet. This symbolizes her nurturing qualities and how things grow naturally around her when she is attentive, but these aren’t cultivated roses or lilies. These are wildflowers that are not yet under the control of the Page of Pentacles.

Page of Pentacles Interpretation and Divination

All pages send messages and communicate with people outwardly. It is usually a message, but you could definitely be getting a package through the mail or an expected email.

The Page of Pentacles can mean you get a notice from an attorney that ends a situation you had been worrying about.

You could be feeling very pensive and thoughtful about something. You are mulling it over in your head. This could lead to brooding and moody behavior.

The Page of Pentacle indicates a lot of chores to do around your house. Perhaps you are in the mood for some spring cleaning.

Money is coming to you, but it’s a trickle-down effect and doesn’t come as fast as you would like. You might have to work harder than you originally thought. Don’t be overwhelmed or surprised if the work starts to pile up.

Page of Pentacles as a Person

She is responsible, down-to-earth and level-headed. She brings messages of new jobs, promotions, and acceptance letters from schools.

She is hardworking. When they commit to their studies or job, they do all the necessary research and planning for it. The Page of Pentacles can be very organized. You might see her spending long nights in the library studying.

The Page of Pentacles also indicates someone who loves animals and nature. If she’s not outside enjoying the grass, plants, birds and sky, she is inside curled up watching shows about animals.

She might enjoy simple walks in the park or hiking. This page has a love for food, so going berry picking in the spring/summer or apple picking in the autumn is great fun.

The Page of Pentacles is conservative in her beliefs. They will probably agree with the majority or status quo. She doesn’t like to rock the boat or stand out like the Page of Cups.

Her wardrobe maybe very conservative as well. She will probably be very well groomed and they may even be drawn towards luxury items.  You won’t see the Page of Pentacles flashing a lot of skin or wearing trendy clothing. They buy quality clothing items that will last forever.

The Page of Pentacles is a pensive person. She loves to think over decisions. They will not make a quick decision, but would rather weigh all the pros and cons.

She moves very slowly, but patiently. Everything has to be perfect, so she meticulously dots all the I’s and crosses all the T’s. She is a perfectionist and doesn’t care how long it takes to get a project done. She will learn and practice until she gets things right. This page wants to be thorough. Unlike the Page of Wands, the Page of Pentacles finishes projects she starts.

Page of Pentacles as a Message

She can bring messages of inheritance, scholarships, new business opportunities. If you are expecting a message, this message will not be quick. You may have to wait for its arrival. Expect a hand written note in your snail mail.

If you are expecting a message of love look to the surrounding cards. If there are a lot of cups, then the message will eventually come in a thoughtful way. It might be you who is sending the message. Your message will be well thought out and not miss a beat. It’s something you’ve been contemplating for a while.

Page of Pentacles in Love

If you are asking about love, the Page of Pentacles is very secure, faithful and loving. She will be dependable, kind and soft spoken. They are very family oriented, but any Page in a reading indicates immaturity in a relationship. Abrupt change and whirlwind feelings do not occur to the Page of Pentacles, so they won’t change their mind or are slow to change. The Page of Pentacles may represent a relationship that moves so slowly that it never materializes into a fully committed relationship.

The Page of Pentacles in love is making future plans with this person. They might be very focused on the new love interest. They may feel very serious about the person. Do you see how the Page of Pentacles stares at the pentacle with intention? Though, if you look closely, you’ll see that she is balancing the pentacle. She doesn’t have a firm grip on it. It can sometimes suggest not having a firm handle on the relationship or situation. It isn’t the best card to get for a love reading because it can seem contradictory towards a happily ever after.

The Page of Pentacles in love wants a partner who complements them. They are not “head-over-heels” in love type. They may pick a partner based on mutual interests, compatibility and social factors.

Page of Pentacles as Feelings

The Page of Pentacles as feelings means that your love interest just isn’t sure. They are slowly learning about you. If the Page of Pentacles comes up as the feeling card for a relationship reading, I would move on. Their feelings are not mature enough to endure a long-term commitment.

Page of Pentacles as an Obstacle

When you see the Page of Pentacles as a crossing card or an obstacle, it indicates that you are stuck in a particular phase of development. In a romantic reading, this indicates that the relationship isn’t developing as fast as it should. You could still be in the ‘dating’ phase months after first meeting. On the other hand, you could want a baby and your spouse may not. Where ever you are in your relationship, the Page of Pentacles as an obstacle indicates that the relationship progress has halted.

If it’s an obstacle in a business reading, the Page of Pentacles indicates money is not coming in, poor sales and not moving forward due to lack of funds.

Page of Pentacles as Advice

As advice, the Page of Pentacles suggests that you might want to try investing for your future. Start making plans to pay off that student loan. Make sure all your finances are prioritized.

The Page of Pentacles asks you to think careful about making any big decisions and make sure they are grounded, safe and reliable. Make sure you are truly ready.

The Page of Pentacles as advice suggests you might even want to take a class or get a certificate to further your career.

Page of Pentacles at Work

The Page of Pentacles brings dedication and hard work to any new task. You could be embarking on a new business journey. It denotes that you are starting at the bottom up. The Page of Pentacles brings with you a sense of stability.

The Page of Pentacles is the apprentice card. You have to work at the bottom to get to the top. The Page of Pentacles understands this. You may have gotten a job at a dream firm, but have to do the basic work for several years before getting promoted. This is just part of the learning process.

Page of Pentacles Professions

Student. Horse Ferrier. Potter. Horse Trainer. Assistant. Cashier. Bank Teller. Entry level job. Nature Guide. Park Ranger. Librarian. Veterinarian Assistant. Waiter.

Page of Pentacles Reversed

When the Page of Pentacles comes up reversed, you are feeling slovenly and lack motivation. You may have been working so hard at something that never seems to develop and now you are getting depressed and unhappy about it.

The Page of Pentacles can indicate failing an exam probably due to lack of studying.

In rare cases, the Page of Pentacles reversed can indicate learning disabilities, dyslexia or other ailments that inhibit learning.

Additional Reading

Archetypal tarot.

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Tarot Court Cards

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Holistic Tarot

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The History of Tarot

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Occult Studies 201

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The Element Tarot Handbook

For a deeper, esoteric dive into Tarot, I recommend Naomi Ozaniec’s book. She takes cues from the Golden Dawn, Qabalah and Western Mysteries.

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Seventy Eight Degrees

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Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations

Page of Pentacles and Chariot a. Having major tunnel vision in finishing a project. b. Extreme focus.

Page of Pentacles and Two of Wands  a. Slowly making a decision. b. Taking time to reflect on your studies. c. Pausing to reflect on the kingdom.

Page of Pentacles and Ten of Wands a. Working so hard that it becomes overwhelming. b. Never giving up, no matter how hard the job becomes.

Page of Pentacles and Queen of Swords a. Working diligently on the project. b. Nothing will get in your way of working your way to finishing the new project.

Page of Pentacles and Nine of Cups  a. You’re happy when you get the internship. b. Being happy and content studying.

Page of Pentacles and Ten of Cups a. Starting a new family.

Tarot Decks Worth Owning

Thelema tarot.

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After Tarot Deck

“After Tarot explores what the cards would look like just moments after the usual scenes with which we are most familiar. For instance, what would happen to The Fool moments after putting his foot over the cliff? Find out in the revolutionary After Tarot.

Kit includes 78-card deck and a 160-page guidebook.” Excerpt from Amazon

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Lovers Oracle

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SoulMate Oracle Cards

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Oracle of the Mermaids

“Overflowing with Mermaid magic, legends and lore, the 168-page guidebook features in-depth messages and clear, accurate card spreads to help you to find answers for yourself, your loved ones, or your clients. Features 45 illustrations by renowned fantasy artist Selina Fenech.” excerpt from Amazon

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Ciro Marchetti Oracle Deck

“Through lush, Victorian-influenced images, the Oracle of Visions deck offers unique perspectives for insightful and intuitive readings. Rather than relying on a single theme, this eclectic oracle deck introduces archetypal figures from many areas of life, including the theater and the carnival. Ciro Marchetti’s imaginative scenes encourage us to set aside pre-conceived ideas and open ourselves up to new ways of looking at our choices, decisions, and potential outcomes. Oracle of Visions set includes 52 cards and 140-page illustrated guidebook. Following a career in advertising and graphic design, Ciro Marchetti has devoted the last decade of his life to the creation of several divination decks, including the Gilded Reverie Lenormand deck and the Tarot of Dreams. His award-winning digital artwork is popular around the world.” -Amazon

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Ciro Marchetti Gilded Tarot Deck

“One of Llewellyn’s bestselling tarot decks has been updated with brilliantly refreshed art and an updated guidebook. With borderless cards, richer colors, and stylish design improvements, the deck retains its powerful readability with a more contemporary look to engage its many fans and new users alike. Following the RWS style and abounding with medieval magicians, priestesses, emperors, and knights, the Gilded Tarot Royale will continue to inspire tarot readers for years to come.” Amazon Staff Writer

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Rider Waite Tarot Kit

The kit comes in a beautiful gift box and has lots of extras, including 78 beautiful tarot cards, in-depth guide, instruction booklet, luxurious velvet tarot card bag, 3 piece of tarot card holder stands, 7-color chakra stones, crystal pendulum, divination tablecloth and 2 decorative feathers. You will feel like you are participating in a personal ritual every time you pick up your tarot deck gift set.

page of pentacles travel

Rider Waite Classic

Rider-Waite Tarot has set the standard for hundreds of other tarot decks, which follow the archetypal images created by Pamela Colman Smith in 1909under the direction of Arthur Edward Waite. This edition includes Smith’s original hand drawn titles.”A unique feature of the Rider-Waite deck, and one of the of the principal reasons for its enduring popularity, is that all of the cards, including the Minor Arcana, depict full scenes with figures and symbols.

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Twin Flame Oracle Cards

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Thoth Tarot Deck

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The Tarot Lady

Tarot Advice – Guidance in Every Card: Page of Pentacles

Nov 10, 2017 | Tarot , Tarot Advice

Tarot Advice - Guidance in Every Card

Tarot isn’t just for divination – it can also be a wonderful tool for guidance.  In this series, we’ll explore the advice options for every card.

With a Tarot deck by your side, you can make clear decisions, deal with challenges confidently, and find alternate routes when necessary.  The result? The best possible guidance for the future you want.

Join me every Friday for a new installment – and get ready to add some helpful advice + loving support to your Tarot readings.

Tarot Advice - Guidance in Every Card: Page of Pentacles

This week: Page of Pentacles

Stay focused on your goal. Commit to it. It’s not enough to dream – you must do.

This card favors education. Sign up for that class, take that course, invest your time and energy into learning a new skill. It will prove to be a worthwhile investment. This card can also advise to learn while you work. For example, it can be advising to take an internship or an apprenticeship.

Take the first step. Plant that seed and tend it until it grows.

If you are offered a job or other money venture, the Page of Pentacles advises to go for it. It may be the first foray into a situation with a ton of potential.

Interested in a particular path? Reach out and communicate your interest. Write an email, make that phone call, communicate. It may open the door.

Page of Pentacles Reversed:

Have you lost your focus? If your interest has waned, it may be time to address what’s up and see if you can get back on track. Or, depending on the situation, you may want to abandon ship.

Because the reversed Page of Pentacles can indicate trouble with schooling, it may be wise to seek out a tutor. Get help with your studies and you may be able to turn the situation around.

Your need for perfectionism may be causing you to procrastinate. Stop fussing over the details.

If you’re feeling ungrounded, this card may be advising you to plant your feet firmly on the earth and come back into your body. Develop practical routines to keep structure in your life.

Questions to ponder:

What have you always wanted to study but didn’t have the time for? Are there any new skills you’d like to develop? What is currently piquing your interest? What role does curiosity play in your life?

Explore the whole series here:

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Page Of Pentacles AND The Hermit Tarot Card Combination

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The Page of Pentacles and the Hermit tarot cards are two distinct cards in the Tarot deck, but when combined in a reading, they can offer powerful insights into one’s personal and professional development.

The Page of Pentacles represents a youthful and curious energy, while the Hermit embodies solitude, introspection, and spiritual growth.

Together, these cards convey a period of learning, self-discovery, and dedication to mastering new skills or areas of knowledge.

The combination can also indicate a need to balance ambition with inner reflection and patience.

Exploring the Meaning of the Page of Pentacles and The Hermit Tarot Cards in Combination

page of pentacles and the hermit tarot cards together

Oh honey, let me tell you about the Page of Pentacles and The Hermit Tarot cards combined in a reading.

First off, let’s talk about the Page of Pentacles.

This little spitfire is all about new beginnings, learning, and taking action.

They’re the type of person who isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty and put in the work.

They’re eager to learn and willing to put in the effort to achieve their goals.

So if you’re seeing this card pop up in a reading, it’s likely that you’re about to embark on a new journey or learn something new.

Get ready to roll up your sleeves, honey!

Now, when we add in The Hermit, things get a little more introspective.

The Hermit is all about self-discovery, solitude, and taking time to reflect.

This card often comes up when we’re feeling lost or disconnected from ourselves and need to take a step back to reassess our situation.

So if you’re seeing this card in your reading, it might be time to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and spend some time alone.

It’s time to get cozy with yourself, boo.

But what happens when we combine these two cards? Well, honey, it’s like getting the best of both worlds.

You’re ready to take action and start something new, but you’re also willing to take the time to reflect and make sure you’re heading in the right direction.

You’re not just jumping in blindly, you’re taking the time to learn and make sure you’re on the right path.

You’re a boss, babe.

All things considered, the Page of Pentacles combined with The Hermit is all about finding balance between action and reflection.

It’s about taking the time to learn and grow while still moving forward and making progress.

So, honey, get ready to work hard and take some time for yourself.

You’ve got this!

See also: The combination of the Five Of Swords Reversed and Page Of Pentacles in a tarot reading can be a challenging one. The reversed Five of Swords suggests defeat and conflict, while the Page of Pentacles signifies new beginnings and opportunities for growth.

The Meaning of Page Of Pentacles and The Hermit Tarot Cards Combination in Career and Finances

page of pentacles

When the Page of Pentacles and The Hermit cards appear together in a tarot reading, they can indicate a period of learning and preparation in one’s career or financial endeavors.

The Page of Pentacles conveys a focus on practical skills and taking a disciplined approach to achieving one’s goals.

This can manifest as pursuing further education or training, seeking mentorship, or honing one’s craft in a particular field.

It encourages a willingness to learn and a dedication to hard work.

The Hermit, on the other hand, represents introspection, solitude, and seeking wisdom through reflection.

It can convey a period of introspection, where one takes a step back from the hustle and bustle of their career or finances to gain clarity and perspective.

This can involve seeking guidance from a trusted mentor, taking time for self-reflection and evaluation, or going on a retreat to disconnect and gain new insights.

Together, these cards convey that while hard work and practical skills are cardinal, taking time for introspection and seeking guidance can also be key to success in one’s career or financial pursuits.

For example, a recent college graduate may need to take some time to reflect on their strengths and passions before diving into a job search.

They may seek guidance from a career counselor or mentor, and then dedicate themselves to learning new skills and taking practical steps towards their career goals.

Another example could be a small business owner who is feeling overwhelmed by the day-to-day demands of running their business.

The Hermit card conveys taking time for self-care and introspection to gain clarity and perspective on their priorities and values.

The Page of Pentacles encourages them to seek out practical advice and training to improve their business operations and achieve their financial goals.

On the whole, the Page of Pentacles and The Hermit cards combination reminds us that achieving success in our career and finances requires both hard work and self-reflection.

It conveys that taking time for introspection, seeking guidance from mentors, and investing in practical skills and knowledge can help us achieve our goals and find fulfillment in our work.

More good stuff: When The Devil and The Hermit appear together in a tarot reading, it can indicate a time for inner reflection and confronting our shadow selves. Discover more about this powerful combination at The Devil and The Hermit .

Page of Pentacles Combined With The Hermit Tarot Card: Meaning in Love and Relationships

the hermit

The combination of the Page of Pentacles and The Hermit tarot cards convey a period of self-discovery and introspection in matters of love and relationships.

This can indicate a time of seeking out knowledge and understanding, particularly around the practical aspects of building and maintaining a relationship.

Practical and insightful points to consider:

  • Taking a step back from the dating scene to focus on personal growth and development.
  • Reflecting on past relationships to identify patterns and areas for improvement.
  • Seeking out mentors or guidance from those with experience in successful relationships.
  • Focusing on building a strong foundation and taking practical steps towards long-term commitment.
  • Emphasizing communication and honesty as key elements in building a healthy relationship.

This combination can also indicate a need to let go of superficial desires and focus on deeper, more meaningful connections.

It can be a time to slow down and take a more cautious approach, particularly when it comes to making major decisions about relationships.

The emphasis is on taking practical, grounded steps towards building a strong, meaningful connection that can withstand the test of time.

Never stop learning: The tarot combination of the Eight Of Wands Reversed and The Hermit Reversed can indicate a period of stagnation or a need to take a step back and reflect. It’s important to listen to your intuition and trust your inner wisdom during this time of reflection.

Description and Symbolism of Page Of Pentacles Tarot Card:

The Page of Pentacles is one of the 78 cards in a Tarot deck and is part of the suit of Pentacles.

The Page of Pentacles is depicted as a young person holding a pentacle, gazing at it intently.

The person is dressed in earthy colors, with a hat adorned with a feather.

The background is filled with greenery and mountains.

The Page of Pentacles symbolizes youth, enthusiasm, and a thirst for knowledge.

The young person represents the beginning of a journey, a new endeavor, or the start of a new project.

The pentacle held by the Page represents the element of earth and symbolizes material possessions, finances, and stability.

The Page’s gaze conveys a focus on practical matters and a willingness to learn.

The greenery and mountains in the background represent growth, stability, and a solid foundation.

The hat adorned with a feather conveys the Page’s connection to the spiritual realm and a desire for knowledge and enlightenment.

So, to sum up, the Page of Pentacles represents a time of learning, growth, and practicality.

It encourages a focus on the material world and building a solid foundation for future success.

It also reminds us to stay curious, open to new knowledge, and to approach things with a fresh perspective.

Description and Symbolism of The Hermit Tarot Card:

The Hermit card is the ninth card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck.

The card depicts an old man standing on a mountaintop with a lantern in one hand and a staff in the other.

He is dressed in a long grey robe and has a long white beard.

The background is dark, conveying that the Hermit is standing alone in the night.

The Hermit card represents introspection, solitude, and wisdom gained through experience.

The Hermit is a symbol of introspection and spiritual growth.

The Hermit’s lantern represents the light of wisdom and knowledge that he has gained through his experiences.

The lantern is also a symbol of guidance and conveys that the Hermit is leading others towards enlightenment.

The staff represents the Hermit’s authority and wisdom, and his long grey robe symbolizes his humility and detachment from material possessions.

The mountaintop on which the Hermit stands represents his spiritual journey and the isolation that he has chosen in order to pursue it.

The darkness in the background conveys that the Hermit has gone deep within himself to find the answers he seeks.

The snow on the ground conveys that the Hermit has endured many hardships in his journey and has gained strength and resilience as a result.

TL;DR, the Hermit card is a symbol of the inner journey towards self-discovery and spiritual growth.

The Hermit reminds us that sometimes we need to withdraw from the world and spend time alone in order to gain insight and wisdom.

The Hermit’s message is one of patience, introspection, and perseverance.

More Tarot Card Combinations:

  • Page Of Pentacles Reversed and Six Of Swords Combination Meaning
  • Nine Of Cups Reversed AND Page Of Pentacles Tarot Cards Together
  • Page Of Pentacles Reversed AND Five Of Swords Reversed Tarot Cards Together
  • The Hermit Reversed AND The Hierophant Reversed Tarot Cards Meaning
  • Five Of Swords AND The Hermit Tarot Card Combination

Naomi Jones from Tarot Bliss, expert in tarot cards meanings and readings

Howdy howdy! I’m Naomi Jones and I’m the mastermind behind Tarot Bliss . I’m a sassy tarot enthusiast who’s here to spread some tarot love and knowledge to y’all. I’ve been reading tarot cards quite some time and have learned a thing or two about these mystical cards and their meanings. My blog is dedicated to all things tarot – from tarot decks to card meanings, spreads and so much more. So, grab a cup of tea, get comfy and let’s delve into the world of tarot together!


  1. What does the Page of Pentacles tarot card mean?

    page of pentacles travel

  2. The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Guide For Beginners

    page of pentacles travel

  3. The Page of Pentacles Tarot

    page of pentacles travel

  4. Page of Pentacles

    page of pentacles travel

  5. Page Of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning : Page Of Pentacles Tarot Card

    page of pentacles travel

  6. Page of Pentacles

    page of pentacles travel


  1. Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

    Page of Pentacles Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Good news in earthly matters, solid beginnings, setting goals, developing a plan, laying the foundations, taking advantage of opportunities, jumping in, consistency, excellent prospects, excelling in or seeking education/ training, ambitions, decide what you want and go for it, grounded young ...

  2. Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

    Page of Pentacles Description. The Page of Pentacles depicts a young man standing in a grassy field of blooming flowers. In the distance behind him is a small patch of trees and a newly ploughed field, promising an abundant harvest. The mountain range in the horizon signifies the upcoming challenges and obstacles the Page must surmount along ...

  3. Page of Pentacles Meaning

    Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Description. The Page of Pentacles card depicts a youth standing all by himself in a wide field surrounded by flowers. In the background, you will also notice several lush trees and a furrowed field. The young man seems to be walking in a slow manner and appears unaware of his surroundings, for his attention is ...

  4. Page of Pentacles Explained

    The Page of Pentacles is the first court card in the suit of Pentacles and is a great balance of feminine and masculine energy. Upright, the Page of Pentacles tells you to make your dreams a reality, set things in motion, grow, and receive abundance. It can mean being realistic and not letting yourself daydream too much.

  5. Page of Pentacles

    Explorations befitting the Page of Pentacles include travel, sex, anything in the natural world, taking up new crafts and hobbies (especially things with your hands, or sensual experiences), exploring your own body or gender expression, house-hunting, job-hunting, and so on. Take that earthy realm we've looked at in the Ace and other ...

  6. Page of Pentacles

    Page of PentaclesIn the abundant lush garden, the Page of Pentacles sits on a flowering branch. She allows the energy of blossoming life to enter her spirit as she stares into the pentacle. Envisioning the path she wishes to travel she holds in her mind's eye a clear vision for that she wants to manifest. The Page of Pentacles serves as a reminder that to achieve the success you will need to ...

  7. The Page of Pentacles b

    The Page of Pentacles may appear older and more settled when compared to the other Pages. The Page of Pentacles will seek long-term security in a relationship from a young age. The Page of Pentacles often meets his ideal partner at an early stage, and more than likely through college or work because that is where he or she spends most of their ...

  8. The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

    In the reversed position, the Page of Pentacles reveals someone who tends to postpone important matters. As a result, bigger and bigger problems accumulate over time. Likewise, this card characterizes a person who has a strong tendency to reflect. It is difficult for them to get out of their carousel of thoughts.

  9. Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed)

    The Page of Pentacles is a card of hard work and persistence, but also of recognition and reward. As the Earth of Earth court card in the tarot, the Page of Pentacles is the initial foundation upon which we might build all of our ideas and endeavors. It is the small seedling, who, at first may not seem like much, yet from it, big things grow.

  10. Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

    The Page of Pentacles brings a prompt to begin planning for the future. Take consistent action and work diligently toward achieving a goal. When you see this court card in a reading, you're being guided to move ahead one step at a time. This card minor arcana card is usually associated with the beginning parts of that process while keeping an ...

  11. Page Of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

    The Page of Pentacles is a card that represents the youthful energy of new beginnings, practicality, and the pursuit of knowledge and skills. In tarot, the Page cards often signify the start of a new phase or the emergence of new opportunities. The Page of Pentacles specifically relates to the realm of finances, material possessions, and the ...

  12. Page of Pentacles Meaning: Upright and Reversed

    The primary health message from the reversed Page of Pentacles is more of a warning! It represents unhealthy living and the inevitable problems that kind of lifestyle leads to. Use this card's appearance to trigger the action you need to take. If you are on a fitness kick, re-evaluate it.

  13. Page of Pentacles

    Page of Pentacles Feeling Meaning. This is the intern card. It is the feeling of just starting out on your career path. You are willing to make the coffee runs and pick up the laundry on the off chance that you will be in the right place at the right time when lightning strikes. It is a card of travel and networking and being the new guy in the ...

  14. The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card

    The Page of Pentacles is one of four court cards for the suit of Pentacles. When any of the other three are in the reading, pragmatism, money and possessions are emphasized above issues of the Page. This is the privileging of the suit, the Pentacles, over the energy of the court member. The Knight of Pentacles combines to quickly deliver a ...

  15. Page of Pentacles

    The Page of Pentacles brings with you a sense of stability. The Page of Pentacles is the apprentice card. You have to work at the bottom to get to the top. The Page of Pentacles understands this. You may have gotten a job at a dream firm, but have to do the basic work for several years before getting promoted.

  16. Page of Pentacles as Intentions (Upright & Reversed ...

    The Page of Pentacles is the card of ambition, diligence, consistency, loyalty, and faithfulness. This card shows a young boy standing in a lush field of flowers. He seems unaware of his surroundings because his attention is completely captured by the single pentacle he is holding up to the sky. This represents his ambition, diligence, and ...

  17. Tarot Advice

    This card can also advise to learn while you work. For example, it can be advising to take an internship or an apprenticeship. Take the first step. Plant that seed and tend it until it grows. If you are offered a job or other money venture, the Page of Pentacles advises to go for it. It may be the first foray into a situation with a ton of ...

  18. Tarot Card Meaning: Page of Pentacles as Feelings

    The Page of Pentacles is the card of ambition, diligence, consistency, loyalty, and faithfulness. This card shows a young boy standing in a lush field of flowers. He seems unaware of his surroundings because his attention is completely captured by the single pentacle he is holding up to the sky. This represents his ambition, diligence, and ...

  19. Page of Pentacles as Love Outcome (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card

    The Page of Pentacles reversed as love outcome is a sign of theory not meeting practice. In the upright, this Page is grounded, realistic, and practical. However, when drawn in the reverse, they can be disconnected from reality. This is the energy of somebody who reads a lot of dating tips or romance novels, and thinks that everything they see ...

  20. The Hermit & Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Combination and Meaning

    The Page of Pentacles is one of the Minor Arcana cards and represents a new beginning in the area of finances, career, or education. The card shows a young person holding a pentacle, which represents material wealth and prosperity. The Page of Pentacles represents a fresh start with a focus on practical matters, such as finances or education.

  21. King Of Pentacles AND Page Of Cups Tarot Card Combination

    The King of Pentacles and the Page of Cups are two Tarot cards that, when combined, can bring a unique energy to your reading. The King of Pentacles represents stability, security, and success in material matters. This king is all about using his power and resources to create wealth and comfort for himself and those around him.

  22. Page Of Pentacles AND The Hermit Tarot Card Combination

    The Page of Pentacles and the Hermit tarot cards are two distinct cards in the Tarot deck, but when combined in a reading, they can offer powerful insights into one's personal and professional development.. The Page of Pentacles represents a youthful and curious energy, while the Hermit embodies solitude, introspection, and spiritual growth. Together, these cards convey a period of learning ...