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What A Business Travel Manager Does

What does a corporate travel manager do.

 Corporate travel manager making travel arrangements

A look at what makes up a travel manager’s job description

Travel managers play a critical role in the success of a corporate travel program. But the scope of their job reaches far beyond reserving flights, making hotel reservations, and booking car rentals. Travel managers interact with many – if not all – of the stakeholders in a company to make sure the corporate travel program supports business objectives, aligns with company culture, helps retain talent by keeping travelers happy, and much, much more.

Travel managers oversee and administer corporate travel policies and are traditionally tasked with travel expense management, leading vendor and partner contracts, monitoring business travelers’ needs and identifying cost savings. Their work could also involve procurement or working with external partners to get reimbursements for cancelled trips. It takes years of experience to master all of this. Working with a travel management company (TMC), travel managers make sure your travel program and policies meet the needs of your business and travelers.

Download the toolkit to redesign your travel program

Defining and implementing an effective business travel program is no easy task. Business requirements can change quickly, and the travel program must adapt just as fast. The business travel environment can shift unexpectedly, and the travel manager must proactively put travel policies in place to speed the corporate response and safeguard against risk. Effective business travel programs are built on a foundation of:

  • Clearly defined travel policies and procedures
  • Easy-to-use travel management tools and technologies
  • Traveler safety and risk management tools
  • Travel optimization programs

The travel manager works with various stakeholders to build and direct that foundation.

Defining travel policies and procedures

Clearly defined travel policies and procedures help rein in costs and promote traveler wellbeing. Consistency in policy definition and enforcement are key. Because business travel maps to business objectives, there are policies and rules in place that we don’t see when we book our leisure travel.

Corporations may have preferred vendors for hotels and car rentals, for instance. Setting limits for travel, accommodation and per diems can be defined for specific regions and countries and take into account cultural differences in various parts of the world. Duty of care policies also take a front seat when it comes to determining your travel policy.

All of this allows an organization to manage costs, measure return on investment and help keep travelers safe. For instance, NASDAQ discovered the benefits of thinking through their travel policy and leading a change in policy and process that benefitted business travelers’ experiences and the bottom line.

Managing all these moving parts is the role of the travel manager. It’s also the reason that many companies work with a TMC like Egencia. Choosing the right TMC is critical to the success of your travel program. You want a partner with the booking tools and technology that will make it easier for you to manage everything from making travel arrangements to refining the specifics of your travel policies. They should be a leader in the travel industry that’s able to help you negotiate the best rates and discounts for all of your business trips.

Using technology to create a better travel experience

The entire travel booking experience has been changed by technology. Your employees are consumers too, and they expect the same seamless, easy-to-use experience when it comes to business travel. The travel program has to serve them the way they want to be served.

For some, that’s on the web. For others, they want to book a business trip with just a few taps on their phones. Some still want to be able to call someone who will take care of things for them. The booking tools you offer employees have to meet their expectations and requirements, as investment firm West Park Management Services discovered when their switch to Egencia propelled them from 11% online adoption to more than 80% in the first month.

And you have to meet those traveler expectations while satisfying all the organization’s needs for travel program compliance. Today’s travel manager has to strike that balance — meeting business travelers’ needs and those of the business.

Fortunately, technology is available to do that. Beyond the very visible apps and websites, technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) are making it easier for travelers to make the best choices that meet their preferences and stay compliant. Egencia customers are using AI every day, even if they don’t know it. Some of the latest travel technology is working in the background to improve experiences and compliance.

Traveler safety and risk management

As a travel manager, you’re responsible for the health and wellbeing of your business travelers. This falls under the definition of duty of care as a legal principle. Companies are legally required to have safety and security measures in place across all business functions, including travel.

When employees travel, the business is still responsible for them. Where are your employees? What is their situation? Do they need help?

Travel managers need business travel tools that allow them to anticipate issues or contact and locate travelers in a time of emergency. In fact, eight out of 10 companies integrate security factors into their travel policy and many companies have prioritized duty of care as a key component of their travel program strategy.

Crisis management is a critical aspect for the travel manager. Taking care of travelers while they’re on the road is one of the key jobs of the travel manager. In an emergency, you need to know where your travelers are and help them get to safety. When everyone books through the Egencia platform, you can access their location with Traveler Tracker .

Optimizing your travel program

Travel managers add value to the organization with travel program optimization through savings, reporting, duty of care and change and expense management. They are expected to advocate for the advantages that business travel creates. This requires understanding the business well enough to show the value of travel on competitive advantage, revenue and employee retention.

Egencia offers a powerful online platform so that travel managers have the tools to perform the analysis to find cost savings and demonstrate ROI. Egencia Analytics Studio gives travel managers visual dashboards with robust drill-down capabilities to analyze their programs and find cost savings. At  NTT Singapore , they use our data tools to monitor travel spend, analyze travel by individuals or business groups and report back to executives with visual reports on any aspect of their travel program. The company gains actionable insights from their travelers data, and their travelers get to enjoy an easy booking experience that meets their needs.

Corporate travel managers lead the journey

Travel directly affects organizational culture and the bottom line. The travel manager guides the program to serve those aims.

From policies and procedures to choosing the right TMC, corporate travel managers play a key role in building successful organizations.

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  • Gastos de los empleados Gestiona automáticamente todos los tiques
  • Facturas de proveedores Automatiza la gestión de gastos
  • Tarjetas de empresa Emite tarjetas bancarias en segundos
  • Analisis de gastos Todos los gastos en un solo vistazo
  • Viajes de empresa Integra tu agencia de viajes o reserva viajes directamente.
  • Asistente de viaje La app de guía de viajes de empresa todo en uno.
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Accordion Item #1

Travel manager: consejos para ser mejor gestor de viajes corporativos.

viajes travel manager

El trabajo de travel manager no es sencillo, hay que saber gestionar presupuestos a la vez que gestionar personas. Equilibrar estas dos vertientes puede ser complicado y, más ahora que la sociedad ha cambiado su forma de vida y los viajeros, su forma de viajar. Por eso en este artículo te ofrecemos una serie de consejos que te pueden ayudar a mejorar tu trabajo de travel management. 

1. La importancia del travel management 2. El perfil del travel manager 3. El travel manager español tiene nombre de mujer 4. Políticas de viajes 5. Plan de movilidad 6. Duty of care 7. Negociación con proveedores 8. Buenas prácticas del travel management 9. Herramientas para el travel manager

1. La importancia del travel management


El  buen travel manager es el experto en gestión de viajes corporativos . No es una figura muy habitual en las empresas pese a los beneficios que puede suponer. El reto al que se enfrentan ahora las empresas y la figura del travel manager pasa por prepararse para un rearranque de la actividad y por la recuperación de la confianza de un viajero corporativo que volverá a viajar, pero de otra manera, con otros matices y con nuevas exigencias.

Su trabajo, a grandes rasgos, consiste en:

  • Controlar los gastos en viajes corporativos.
  • Gestionar de forma óptima los costes para intentar reducir el presupuesto.
  • Analizar los datos y la información de la empresa sobre los gastos de viajes para encontrar las tendencias de los viajeros y posibles vías de mejora.
  • Negociación con los proveedores de servicios relacionado con los viajes para conseguir un servicio adecuado a las necesidades de la empresa con un coste mínimo.
  • Supervisar y revisar el contenido las políticas de viajes de la empresa para proponer mejoras, asesorar a los viajeros de empresa al respecto, etc.
  • Crear y gestionar  el plan de crisis  de viajes de empresa así como lo relativo a la seguridad y la gestión del riesgo.

Como puedes ver, no se trata de un trabajo fácil que cualquiera sin formación y experiencia especializada pueda realizar de forma eficiente. Un travel manager profesional te puede aportar muchos beneficios:

  • Más control sobre los costes y el presupuesto.
  • Mejora la calidad de los viajes aumentando la satisfacción y la productividad de los viajeros.
  • Mejor comunicación entre la dirección de la empresa y los empleados en movilidad.
  • Aplicación y control de las políticas de gastos.
  • Confianza y calidad en la gestión de crisis y situaciones que puedan afectar a la seguridad de los trabajadores en movilidad.

2. El perfil del travel manager

Los  travel managers  s uelen ser profesionales con formación en turismo,  especializado en turismo de negocios, o bien en administración de empresas , con especial hincapié en la gestión tanto de equipos como de recursos y presupuestos. Un especialista en viajes de empresa debe conocer en profundidad el entorno.


El sector del turismo de negocios ha cambiado mucho en los últimos años y todavía más éstos dos últimos con el contexto de la pandemia. La forma de viajar ya no es igual. La crisis ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia del duty of care y también  la importancia que tiene el compromiso de las empresas con la sostenibilidad y con la reducción de la huella de carbono. Pero en cuanto al perfil del travel manager ha quedado demostrado que debe tener una competencia importante de flexibilidad y de actualización y formación constante. 

El gestor de desplazamientos de una empresa tiene un trato directo con los viajeros, así como con los proveedores. Por un lado, lograr la satisfacción del b usiness traveller no siempre es fácil pero resulta de gran ayuda un   trato cordial y agradable, empático . Por otro lado, un buen trato con los proveedores también facilita las negociaciones y la relación entre proveedores y empresa. Y es que hay que estar en contacto directo con los “aliados”: los   proveedores preferentes u homologados   por la empresa, que pueden ser una ayuda en la organización de los viajes corporativos.

3. El travel manager español tiene nombre de mujer

Este rol profesional, que ha ido cogiendo fuerza en los últimos años,  está desarrollado por mujeres  en más de un 70%  en el caso español . Una de las características de estas mujeres es la capacidad del multitasking , la empatía y la gestión de equipos, entre muchas otras.

Descarga la infografía: El Travel Manager español tiene nombre de mujer

4. Políticas de viajes

La política de viajes de la empresa es la biblia de la gestión de los gastos de viaje en el seno de la empresa y el travel manager la figura clave para interpretarla y optimizar los recursos destinados.


La política de viajes de una empresa debe incluir las normas que permitan a la empresa realizar y controlar el conjunto del proceso de gestión de viajes , optimizando los recursos y garantizando la seguridad del viajero. El travel manager diseñará en detalle estas reglas que formarán la organización de los desplazamientos de la empresa, la asignación de determinadas categorías de hoteles a profesionales en función del puesto que ocupen en el organigrama de la empresa, la gestión del transporte, las dietas y otros muchos aspectos relacionados con el business travel . Todo esto regido por un objetivo claro:  conseguir organizar los mejores viajes corporativos, relación calidad precio, y que resulten lo máximo de cómodos para el trabajador en movilidad para lograr una productividad real. 

No obstante, hay que tener claro que el travel manager   no es quién controla la aplicación por parte de los viajeros de las políticas de gastos . Sin embargo, sí puede valorar si se están siguiendo o no, tener información de por qué no se aplican o si existe alguna justificación para que los viajeros no se ciñan a las líneas maestras diseñadas. 

Por otro lado, la empresa debe ser consciente de la necesaria flexibilidad de las políticas de viajes y el encargado de valorar y revisar estas políticas aportando su criterio profesional es el  travel manager . De hecho, es el encargado de canalizar las opiniones tanto positivas como negativas de los viajeros para que se tengan en cuenta y buscar soluciones.

Además de aplicar estas "normas" a las gestiones que él o ella realiza, el travel manager también realiza una   función de consulting   con sus compañeros: en caso de duda pueden recurrir a esta figura para que los asesore sobre la aplicación de las reglas.

5. Plan de movilidad


6. Duty of care

El plan de riesgos en la empresa ya no es una opción y ha pasado a ocupar un papel relevante en el programa de los viajes de negocios con la situación actual: el travel manager debe tomar medidas para garantizar la seguridad de los business travellers y gestionar la aplicación correcta de estas medidas. Se impone un sistema de aprobaciones previas integrado con los flujos de reservas que debe ser ágil, antes de que los empleados viajen, para saber cuándo y porqué se van, a dónde se dirigen y cuándo se espera que vuelvan; y todo esto con total transparencia de costes.

7. Negociación con proveedores

Como hemos visto anteriormente, una de las  tareas básicas de un travel manager es la negociación de las tarifas de vuelos, alojamientos y demás servicios para los business travellers a su cargo.

A continuación te presentamos algunos consejos que pueden ser útiles para lograr negociar el mejor precio posible.  No siempre es fácil lograrlo, dependerá entre otros muchos factores de la habilidad del  travel manager para la negociación. Pero hay algunas cosas que pueden ser tomadas en cuenta para asegurarse una tarifa interesante:

  • Intenta ser realista: antes de empezar la negociación tienes que conocer muy bien el mercado y saber hasta dónde puedes llegar en los precios, las condiciones, etc. Esto te permitirá apurar la negociación al máximo con tus proveedores.
  • Vigila con los cargos adicionales: en cualquier viaje, sea profesional o de ocio, hay que vigilar con los cargos adicionales que pueden aparecer: por facturar en un vuelo una maleta suplementaria, por consumiciones extra en el hotel, por la conexión al servicio wifi, etc. Intenta que se incluyan en el precio pactado con el proveedor, a poder ser sin (demasiados) costes adicionales, pero prevé una cantidad de dinero para los gastos extra que no hayas previsto.
  • Blinda el precio final:  las tarifas de los servicios de viajes pueden oscilar un porcentaje considerable a lo largo del año, así que no está de más incluir en el contrato con el proveedor alguna cláusula o garantía conforme vuestro acuerdo no está sujeto a estos cambios, sobre todo cuando se negocia un gran volumen de servicios.
  • Busca fechas más favorables: cuando se trate de eventos internos, reuniones, etc. en que la fecha no dependa tanto de factores externos, intenta organizar los desplazamientos en momentos del año de temporada baja para lograr mejores precios. Si no hay elección intenta evitar los vuelos, trenes o alquiler de coches en fines de semana, puentes u operaciones salida de vacaciones.
  • Unifica tus proveedores: será más fácil negociar un volumen grande de operaciones con un solo proveedor que muchas operaciones más pequeñas con múltiples de ellos. Intenta hacer acuerdos globales siempre que sea posible.

8. Buenas prácticas del travel management

travel manager

1. La importancia de la negociación

Una parte importante del trabajo del responsable de viajes de empresa está ligado a la   negociación con los proveedores . Esto podrá afectar de forma indiscutible el gasto en viajes corporativos, pero también tendrá una incidencia importante en la satisfacción de los viajeros, la calidad de su entorno para poder desarrollar su trabajo, etc.

Tener información de calidad es importante en cualquier negociación y en este caso todavía más. Conseguir una tarifa muy reducida  no representará siempre un ahorro para la empresa, sino que incluso puede darse el caso contrario. Si la rebaja del presupuesto se hace en detrimento de otros factores, como servicios adicionales, se puede dar el caso de tener que contratar estos servicios a parte suponiendo un gasto extra que puede ser más elevado que la rebaja conseguida en la tarifa. Es el caso, por ejemplo, de la conexión a internet, comidas y/o bebidas incluidas en el hotel, incluso hoteles o aeropuertos alejados del lugar de reunión, cosa que significará transporte adicional.

Por eso, el   travel manager   tiene que ser muy consciente de qué negocia y de las necesidades reales de los trabajadores a los que da servicio: qué necesitan y qué no en su día a día.  

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2. Ten buen trato

Nunca hay que perder de vista que el trabajo del gestor de viajes  tiene mucha incidencia en la vida de los trabajadores a los que da servicio, a nivel profesional pero incluso a nivel personal. Por eso es normal que puedan surgir tensiones en ciertos momentos. Tener buen trato, ser empático y agradable facilitará mucho el día a día del gestor de viajes de empresa.

Incluso en la negociación con los proveedores un buen trato cálido,   más allá de la simple relación comercial   estipulada, puede ser muy beneficiosa. Al fin y al cabo los proveedores son, o pueden llegar a ser, aliados del travel manager  que pueden ayudarle a lograr una mejor gestión.

3. Formación contínua

El sector de los viajes corporativos cambia mucho y muy rápido como hemos visto estos últimos años con el impacto de el Covid-19.  Lo que hoy sirve puede estar desfasado mañana y es bien sabido que los procesos anticuados muy a menudo suponen más gastos, más recursos y menos eficiencia. Así que es vital trabajar en la formación,   no darlo todo por sentado , ser curioso de las novedades del sector, etc.

9. Herramientas para el travel manager

Las tareas del travel manager de una empresa contienen todo lo relacionado con los desplazamientos laborales. Esto incluye, obviamente, planificación de los viajes, gestión de equipos y optimización del tiempo . Estas tres características son totalmente compatibles con Emburse Captio, la plataforma para la gestión de gastos de los empleados.

travel manager

Captio integra un nuevo módulo de solicitud de viajes  para facilitar y automatizar este proceso de planificar y gestionar las reservas correctamente . Además, la plataforma puede  aumentar la eficiencia en la gestión del tiempo de los   business travellers  de la empresa.

Captio es una solución digital que te permite, con un sólo click, capturar los tiques generados por los desplazamientos  a través de la cámara de tu smartphone y  guardarlos en la nube de Captio hasta que el trabajador en movilidad decida hacer un informe que después se enviará de manera automática al supervisor y al departamento de finanzas, quienes realizarán la posterior aprobación.   Así se construye un flujo de trabajo   que permite optimizar al máximo el tiempo destinado a la gestión de los gastos de viaje . 

Además, Captio ofrece la posibilidad de olvidarte del papel ya que es una solución digital homologada por la Agencia Tributaria   y, por tanto, la captura digital es válida a todos los efectos legales. De este modo se puede prescindir del original en papel.

Por otro lado, Captio no sólo facilita el reporte de los gastos de viaje de empresa sino que, además, hace más cómoda la supervisión ya que cuenta con un sistema de alertas que permite controlar qué gastos sobrepasan los límites establecidos por la política de viajes . De este modo se facilita la tarea al supervisor y al departamento de finanzas. Además, la solución digital Captio de gestión de gastos de viajes corporativos permite la integración de los datos con el sistema contable de la empresa.

Así pues, Captio mejora la optimización del tiempo y recursos destinados a la gestión de los gastos de los viajes de empresa convirtiéndose en una herramienta indispensable para el  travel manager . ¿Quieres saber más? Solicita una demo gratuita ahora o déjanos tu comentario a continuación :-)

digitaliza gestion gastos empleados

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  • Job Descriptions
  • Hospitality and Tourism Job Descriptions

Travel Manager Job Description

Travel managers direct, administer, and monitor the travel policies, guidelines, and budgets for businesses and travel agencies. When working for travel agencies, they will assist customers with travel plans and itineraries. When working for corporations, they will make business travel arrangements for executives and employees.

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Travel Manager Job Description Template

We are looking for a detail-oriented individual to join our team as a travel manager. The responsibilities of the travel manager include optimizing our travel operations, making travel arrangements over the phone or the internet, providing guidance on travel arrangements, and preparing budget reports.

To be a successful travel manager, you should have a strong working knowledge of travel management processes and excellent attention to detail. Ultimately, a top-notch travel manager is skilled at maintaining positive relationships with airlines and hotels and at providing a smooth travel experience.

Travel Manager Responsibilities:

  • Maintaining positive relationships with vendors of direct travel, such as car rentals, hotels, and airlines.
  • Negotiating preferred rates with vendors of direct travel.
  • Planning travel accommodations, booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and coordinating activities.
  • Managing and processing all travel-related documentation, including payments, itineraries, visas, medical, and legal forms.
  • Assisting with any travel-related issues that may arise.
  • Researching travel deals and evaluating prices and services.
  • Arranging travel accommodations for business visitors.
  • Creating, optimizing, and monitoring corporate travel policies.
  • Preparing travel budget reports.
  • Analyzing and preparing reports on travel spend.

Travel Manager Requirements:

  • A bachelor's degree in tourism, travel or hospitality is required for corporate travel managers.
  • A minimum of 5 years experience in the travel industry.
  • A minimum of 1 year supervisory experience may be preferred.
  • Certification in travel or hospitality may be advantageous.
  • Knowledge of travel management processes.
  • The ability to build and maintain positive relationships with vendors of direct travel (existing relationships may be advantageous).
  • Excellent attention to detail and organizational skills.
  • Good communication, customer service, and interpersonal skills.
  • A basic understanding of Geography.
  • Strong computer skills.

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What makes a successful travel manager in 2022?

viajes travel manager

  • Factors Leading Job to Departures
  • Tie Raises to Performance
  • Ask Employees What They Want from Their Workplace — and Their Worklife
  • Flexible Work
  • Dialing into Flexible Work Arrangements

As the demand for corporate travel grows year after year and companies eschew working with travel agencies, the role of the corporate travel manager has begun to take shape.  But being a travel manager isn’t for the faint of heart.  Not only are they under immense pressure to keep employees safe while traveling, but they also have to oversee all aspects of corporate travel.

From setting travel policies to optimizing travel spend to managing costs, negotiating, and communicating policies—being a travel manager is far from easy. You’re an accountant, a master negotiator, a customer service rep, and a policymaker, all wrapped into one.

As such, good travel managers need to have certain traits and characteristics. In this guide, we’ll discuss the qualities and habits of successful travel managers. But first, a quick primer on travel managers and their roles.

What Is a Travel Manager?

A travel manager is responsible for managing all aspects of business travel in an organization. They help design a company’s travel policy, manage travel arrangements, ensure compliance with relevant travel policies, and assist in all travel-related matters.

Post-trip, corporate travel managers are responsible for collecting data and analyzing it to improve future travels.

Most startups prefer to outsource the role to a travel agency. But medium and large enterprises bring in a dedicated travel manager who oversees all aspects of business travel. In this piece, we’ll focus on corporate or in-house travel managers.

What Does a Corporate Travel Manager Do?

A corporate travel manager’s duty may vary. In general, they’re responsible for managing a company’s travel services. They usually develop, administer, and monitor travel policies and guidelines to ensure efficient and risk-free travel.

Here’s a rundown of the key duties and responsibilities of a travel manager.

  • Creating, optimizing, and monitoring travel policies and programs
  • Arranging travel accommodation for business visitors
  • Processing and managing all travel-related documentation, including payments, visas, itineraries, medical, etc.
  • Planning travel accommodation, flight bookings, ground transportation, and coordinating activities
  • Maintaining trustworthy relationships with vendors of direct travel, such as mobility companies, airlines, hotels, etc.
  • Managing expenses and travel budget
  • Analyzing and preparing travel budgets and reports
  • Negotiating contracts with travel service providers
  • Staying ahead of the technology curve

Qualities of a Successful Corporate Travel Manager

To be a successful corporate travel manager, you should have a strong working knowledge of the travel and hospitality industry. Aside from the working knowledge of the industry, a good travel manager should possess the following skills and traits.

They Have Impeccable Communication Skills

The catalyst for success or failure of a travel manager depends on their interpersonal skills.

Communication and negotiation skills, in particular, are a must-have for any aspiring travel manager. In their line of work, travel managers come across people from diverse backgrounds. A good travel manager must know how to communicate with them all.

They also have to develop fruitful relations with airlines, hotels, and other vendors, which requires excellent interpersonal skills. Plus, travel managers have to keep everyone informed of the new processes and travel frameworks, which require good communication skills.

They Keep the Corporate Travel Policy Updated

As a travel manager, it’s your duty to create and manage the company’s travel policies. This can be challenging as costs, procedures, and preferences are always changing.

Your policies and procedures need to be updated regularly to adapt to industry trends and best practices. It should contain the most up-to-date information regarding:

  • Price changes for hotels, transportation, and other expenses
  • Expense reimbursements
  • Changing travel rules and regulations
  • Company credit cards
  • Car rental details
  • Vendors the company prefers to work with
  • Company-approved booking tools

If your company policies are updated frequently and easily understood, fewer people will come to you for answers.

They Possess Deep Industry Knowledge

In a role as complex and diverse as a travel manager’s, the breadth of challenges facing them means they must have vast industry knowledge to remain competitive.

Having deep knowledge of the industry dynamics, including the best tools to use and processes to adopt, will allow them to better overcome challenges, improve the efficiency of their policies, and increase the safety of their corporate travelers.

And owing to the changing nature of the hotel and tourism industry, staying ahead of the technology curve can give the company a competitive advantage.

They Possess Leadership Skills

As a travel manager, you hold a supervisory position.

As such, you should have a reasonable amount of leadership experience to better perform your duties and make decisions to improve the travel docket. Your junior staff and even senior executives need to count on you when they encounter any travel-related obstacles.

Successful travel managers know how to lead by example.

They know how to build rapport quickly and effectively to develop strong relationships with others—whether peers or key stakeholders.

They Don’t Micromanage

Who likes being micromanaged? Hardly anyone. A survey conducted by Trinity Solutions showed that 79% of employees had experienced micromanagement. Of these, 69% said they considered changing jobs because of micromanagement. Travel managers should never micromanage. Micromanaging employees will have a negative impact on the business and the company’s travel culture. Instead of breathing down each traveler’s neck, successful managers give their employees autonomy when booking trips. However, managers should also be vigilant as too much autonomy can increase the chances of off-policy bookings, leading to policy violations and increased costs.

They are Tech Savvy

With the changing world of online travel bookings, travel managers need to be tech-savvy. Successful travel managers stay abreast of the latest travel technology to give corporate travelers the best experience from booking to ground transportation. Speaking of ground transportation, savvy travel managers leverage mobility services, like HQ Corporate Shuttle services, that integrate with expensing apps while giving employees access to advanced features like secure Wi-Fi and USB charging ports. Corporate shuttle services provide a safe and secure way to get to and from your company for employees, eliminating the need for public transportation.

There you have what we believe are the key qualities and habits of successful travel managers.  The travel manager role is very demanding. It requires the candidate to have certain skills unique to the industry. Successful travel managers are master communicators, born leaders, tech-savvy, and analytical decision-makers.

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One of the world’s largest asset managers. Offers investment management, risk management, and advisory services. Operates in 30 countries with 70 offices and 18,000 employees.

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HQ returned to GBTA 2023 for the second year as we stepped out in hot and humid Dallas, Texas! It was a…

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At HQ, our business model is based on transparency for our clients and supplier partners. At a time of changing market dynamics, recession fears, inflation, and market volatility, this transparency is now business-critical. In particular, providing your employees, and travel managers, with access to the right information at the right time to make informed decisions. It’s about empowering your employees so they have the freedom and flexibility to manage their ground travel arrangements autonomously. At the same, proactively ensuring they are mindful of ride prices. That is why accurate ride price estimations are essential.

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Travel and Expense

Travel manager: ¿por qué es un cargo clave para su empresa.

Un travel manager es la persona encargada de todos los aspectos relacionados con los viajes corporativos, como elegir las mejores opciones de los servicios relacionados con el viaje y velar por la seguridad de los viajeros.

En el pasado, las funciones correspondientes a la gestión de viajes eran responsabilidad de alguien de la administración o incluso de recursos humanos, sin embargo, en la actualidad se ha vuelto una necesidad contar con alguien con los conocimientos y preparación correspondiente para desempeñar este cargo en las empresas.

Aunque es más común en compañías grandes, un travel manager puede trabajar en empresas de menor tamaño si sus ejecutivos viajan con frecuencia, algo que probablemente sea cada vez más común, considerando la importancia de los viajes como parte de la estrategia corporativa.

En este artículo le explicaremos las funciones del travel manager y la relevancia que tiene en el ámbito corporativo actual, además de las soluciones tecnológicas relacionadas que pueden optimizar su labor.

¿Qué hace un travel manager?

Un travel manager es un experto en la gestión de viajes corporativos que generalmente posee excelentes habilidades de organización, comunicación y capacidad de pensar estratégicamente.

Entre sus tareas y responsabilidades se encuentran:

  • Planificar y desarrollar una política de viajes corporativos para la organización.
  • Establecer presupuestos de viaje.
  • Negociar tarifas con las agencias de viajes y otros proveedores de servicios.
  • Reservar vuelos, hoteles y autos de alquiler.
  • Conseguir un servicio adecuado basándose en las necesidades de la empresa.
  • Controlar los gastos de los viajes corporativos.
  • Gestionar los desembolsos de los viajes.
  • Brindar orientación a los colaboradores sobre documentos de viajes, seguros y leyes.

Un travel manager también analiza los datos después de cada viaje, con el fin de mejorar y optimizar los viajes futuros, y así garantizar la satisfacción de los viajeros.

¿Cuál es la importancia del travel manager?

Considerando que los viajes corporativos suponen uno de los principales gastos para muchas empresas, y que este tipo de viajes se están recuperando luego de la caída en el 2020 por el COVID-19, el hecho de que sean gestionados de manera profesional cobra cada vez más sentido.

El travel manager debe conocer en profundidad el entorno relacionado con los viajes corporativos, por ende, la persona ideal para desempeñar este cargo debería ser un profesional con formación, especializado en turismo de negocios, turismo o administración de empresas.

Si este rol es desempeñado por personas de otros departamentos de la empresa sin los conocimientos ni la formación específica, la gestión de los viajes corporativos puede que no sea la óptima, generando falta de coordinación y, con ello, gastos más elevados e inesperados.

Herramientas para optimizar el trabajo de un travel manager

Las soluciones tecnológicas permiten automatizar la gestión de viajes, ayudando significativamente en las labores del travel manager . Entre las herramientas que pueden optimizar su trabajo, encontramos:

Sistemas de gestión de viajes corporativos

Una solución integral para la sistematización y automatización de estos procesos mejorará significativamente los resultados y la efectividad de la implementación de la política de viajes en su empresa.

Por eso, implementar una solución tecnológica facilitada por una organización externa que permita efectuar reservas, administrar los recursos y obtener un análisis completo es la mejor opción para optimizar la labor del travel manager.

Aplicaciones móviles

Las aplicaciones móviles, que por lo general son parte de las soluciones ofrecidas para el control de viajes y gastos (T&E), han permitido a muchas compañías darle paso a la innovación y llevar a cabo un proceso de transformación digital.

Estas aplicaciones facilitan y optimizan muchas tareas, logrando un ahorro de tiempo y esfuerzo tanto para los travel managers como para los viajeros.

Estas son algunas de las ventajas que pueden ofrecer:

  • Mejorar la gestión correspondiente para la recuperación del IVA, incluyendo en muchos casos espacios compartidos a los que los empleados pueden subir las facturas y optimizar este proceso.
  • Facilitar el cálculo de los gastos por kilometraje, evitando perder tiempo al hacerlo de forma manual.
  • Gestionar de forma más eficiente todos los procesos relacionados con el viaje, como la reserva de hoteles y desplazamientos.
  • Permitir que la compañía pueda controlar y limitar los pequeños gastos corporativos basándose en sus necesidades.

Tarjetas corporativas

Las tarjetas corporativas son dispositivos que le entrega la compañía a sus trabajadores para gestionar y controlar los gastos de una mejor manera.

En las empresas de gran tamaño, muchas veces se dificulta controlar al detalle los gastos, por lo que las tarjetas corporativas pueden ser una gran herramienta para evitar dar anticipos de efectivo a sus ejecutivos para los gastos de viajes.

Además, estas tarjetas suelen ser gratuitas y ofrecen una gran cantidad de beneficios para los viajeros, como ofertas en hoteles, vuelos y hasta el trato preferencial por algunas aerolíneas, entre otros.

Los tipos de tarjetas corporativas que hay disponibles son:

  • Crédito: en este caso, el banco adelanta a los ejecutivos el dinero necesario para sus gastos en representación de la empresa.
  • Débito: los empleados pueden hacer uso directo de los fondos de la compañía debido a que estas funcionan con el mismo mecanismo que cualquier otra tarjeta de débito.
  • Prepago: con estas, la organización puede ingresar una cantidad de dinero específica para que los ejecutivos hagan uso de este durante sus viajes, pero una vez consumido el monto, no dispondrá de dinero adicional.
  • Servicio: permite que las empresas puedan acceder a una línea de crédito.

En definitiva, las tarjetas pueden mejorar la gestión del presupuesto para los viajes por parte del travel manager y de la organización en general, por lo que le recomendamos considerarlas si aún no las han incorporado en su empresa.

Beneficios de contar con un travel manager en la empresa

En resumen, contar con un travel manager en su organización puede aportar algunos beneficios importantes, como:

  • Controlar mejor los gastos y la administración del presupuesto.
  • Asegurarse de aplicar la política de viajes establecida.
  • Mejorar la comunicación entre la empresa y los viajeros.
  • Brindar más confianza a los viajeros al gestionar de forma eficiente cualquier suceso que pueda poner en riesgo su seguridad.
  • Mejorar la experiencia de viaje de los ejecutivos.
  • Asegurarse del cumplimiento del deber de protección (duty of care).

¡Eso es todo! Esperamos que la información compartida sobre las funciones que realiza un travel manager resulte útil para evaluar la incorporación de este cargo a su empresa.

¿Desea una solución que lo ayude a mejorar la productividad y a tomar el control de sus gastos empresariales? ¡ Agende una cita con nosotros !

La guía completa de la figura del travel manager en el 2024: ¿qué cosas hace?

¿qué hace el gestor de viajes/travel manager.

El gestor de viajes, o también conocido como travel manager es la figura de una empresa que se encarga de organizar los viajes de negocios.

Suele estar en grandes empresas que viajan mucho, debido a los altos costes que hay que gestionar. Sin embargo, en las empresas más pequeñas, suele ser la secretaria de dirección o recursos humanos.

¿Qué hace el travel manager? 

El travel manager debe ser capaz de organizar viajes de negocios manteniendo los gastos de la empresa bajo control. Veamos las principales tareas del gestor de viajes:

  • Organizar el viaje de trabajo

La principal tarea de un gestor de viajes es organizar los viajes de negocios, asegurarse de que el empleado llega a su destino y de que todo está preparado para recibirlo en el viaje. Esto significa que el gestor de viajes, si no tiene una agencia de viajes o una plataforma de gestión de viajes de referencia, tiene que encargarse de reservar o supervisar cada reserva que haga el empleado como por ejemplo, el hotel, el vuelo, cualquier transporte y toda la documentación que conlleva.

  • Travel policy 

El gestor de viajes es el responsable de redactar la política de viajes (más información al respecto aquí ), asegurarse de que se cumpla y actualizarla constantemente. Por lo tanto, es importante recoger las opiniones de los viajeros para mantener la política de viajes actualizada y garantizar que se siga sin que haya ningún malentendido. Además de la política de viajes, el gestor de viajes también es responsable de elaborar la política de la travel risk management (ver aquí ):

Asistencia al viajero  

Una de las tareas del travel manager es ocuparse de cualquier problema que los viajeros puedan encontrar durante su viaje, actuando como intermediario entre las dos partes.

  • Presupuesto e informes

El gestor de viajes se encarga de gestionar los gastos y la organización de los viajes, pero también de buscar acuerdos para mejorar la calidad y el precio de los servicios, ya sea con proveedores o con agencias de viajes. En cuanto a los gastos y los informes, una de sus tareas es calcular el rendimiento de todos los viajes de los empleados.

El travel manager es responsable de supervisar todos los viajes de negocios y comprobar que todos los documentos necesarios están en orden desde el punto de vista legal y administrativo.

  • Organizar las visitas a los clientes  

Las tareas del gestor de viajes también incluyen la organización de cenas o visitas de clientes.

¿Qué habilidades debe tener un travel manager?

  • Buena capacidad de organización.
  • Buena capacidad de diálogo.
  • Buena capacidad de negociación.
  • Buen conocimiento del sector de los viajes, especialmente de los viajes de negocios.
  • Conocimientos de economía y administración de empresas.
  • Buen conocimiento de los programas informáticos del sector de los viajes.
  • Competencias técnicas y profesionales. 

viajes travel manager

¿Por qué un travel manager es importante?

Los gastos de viajes corporativos son uno de los mayores costes dentro de una empresa, contar con una figura que controle constantemente estos gastos puede ayudar a la empresa a realizar grandes ahorros. Además, tener una figura establecida a cargo de la organización de los viajes evitará la sobrecarga de los departamentos.

Diferencia entre travel manager y mobility manager

A menudo se confunden los puestos de travel manager y mobility manager o no se entiende bien la diferencia. Como ya hemos mencionado, el travel manager o gestor de viajes se encarga de la organización de los viajes de negocios, tanto nacionales como internacionales, mientras que el mobility manager o gestor de movilidad, que puede ser un director de empresa o de área, es el que se encarga de elaborar el plan de viajes desde el domicilio habitual hasta el trabajo de los empleados de su empresa con el objetivo de reducir el uso de los medios de transporte individuales y organizar los horarios para limitar los atascos. La figura del mobility manager se introdujo en 1997, cuando se firmó el pacto de Kioto para la reducción de las emisiones contaminantes.

A causa de la pandemia, la introducción del smartworking  por parte de muchas empresas y al intento de reducir la circulación en horas punta para evitar los atascos, el puesto de mobility manager se ha convertido obligatori o para las empresas y administraciones públicas con más de 100 empleados ubicadas en ciudades grandes con una población de más de 50.000 habitantes.   

Estos itinerarios deben presentarse antes del 31 de diciembre de cada año y, además de contribuir a mejorar la calidad del aire, permite a la empresa reducir costes y desplazamientos. Las tareas del mobility manager consisten en analizar la demanda de movilidad de los empleados , realizar un análisis de la oferta de transporte e identificar posibles estrategias para fomentar los desplazamientos sostenibles. Todas estas tareas se llevan a cabo tras un cuidadoso análisis del escenario territorial.

¿Cómo puede BizAway ayudar a tu travel manager?  

El uso de una plataforma de gestión de viajes automatizada puede facilitar mucho el trabajo del gestor de viajes y, en consecuencia, ahorrar dinero a su empresa. Con BizAway, tus viajeros pueden reservar de forma independiente porque la política de viajes  se establece directamente a través de la plataforma, fijando los flujos de aprobación, los límites de gasto y muchas otras reglas. Esto también es muy ventajoso por el lado del reembolso: con la reserva automatizada el empleado puede hacer la reserva por sí mismo a través de la plataforma utilizando las tarjetas de crédito de la empresa , esto significa que no tendrá que obtener ningún reembolso (excepto algunos gastos extra o reembolso de kilometraje) por lo que el cobro de esas reservas será un proceso más rápido de lo habitual. Puede disfrutar de un ahorro de costes de más del 20% y de un servicio de asistencia 24/7. Además, gracias a nuestra asociación con Riskline , ¡la gestión del riesgo en los viajes también está bajo control! Dentro de la plataforma hay un mapa dinámico en el que se puede ver dónde están los viajeros en tiempo real y, si están en una situación de riesgo, recibirán automáticamente una alerta .

El travel manager es, por lo tanto, la figura dentro de una empresa que tiene la tarea de organizar los viajes de la empresa, redactar la política de viajes pero, sobre todo, mantener los costes de los viajes bajo control para que la empresa ahorre dinero a la vez que proporciona comodidad al empleado.

Automatización, autonomía y un ahorro de más del 20% Descubre la solución BizAway para tus viajes de negocios!

1929 Group

Travel Manager or Travel Manager What is your role?

The travel manager is the person who is in charge of managing, optimizing, and enforcing the company travel policy .

This policy is a set of rules that enables the company to manage, control and optimize your business travel expenses while maintaining the safety and comfort of travelers.

In these cases, and due to its high degree of involvement in the management of the business trip What is his or her role and how does he or she influence travel policy?

The business travel manager must be fully aware of these rules contained in the travel policy, and know which people or positions can book a certain category of hotels, transportation, etc.. Having to apply these rules to the travel policy.

He must therefore apply these regulations to the management he performs while at the same time acting as a consultant to his colleagues. They can call on him to advise them on the application of the standards.

However, we should be aware that it is not always the travel manager who controls the application of spending policies by travelers. But instead, he/she can evaluate whether they are applied or not, collect information on why they are not applied and for what reasons. For example, during a trip to a foreign country where the cost of hotels or meals are much higher than average.

Travel policies are dynamic and evolve with changes in the company and the environment. Therefore, the travel manager must also be aware of their application during travel and have a real vision of these rules. Evaluating and reviewing them throughout the year to provide their professional judgment. And from there, propose changes and improvements to implement.

The company's travel manager also collects both positive and negative feedback from your company's travelers to take into account when revising these policies.

travel manager management panel

Vyootrip - Tool to facilitate the work of travel managers

With our platform, the travel manager saves time in their work, allowing them to integrate their corporate travel policy, and providing their travelers with a booking tool that will allow them to be autonomous when traveling, while automatically complying with this policy.

The travel manager will be able to have in one place the control of what all your travelers do. As well as managing and monitoring transactions, expenses, reservations, etc. at all times.

Learn more about the best tool for travel managers.


We make it easy to manage your business trips with our smart technology.

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Joinup aumentó un 30% su facturación en 2023

  • COVID-19 (128)
  • coronavirus (91)
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  • Estudios de mercado internacionales y locales (80)
  • Premios Business Travel IBTA (75)
  • Ruta aérea (72)
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Top 20 best travel management software tools in 2024

What is travel management software, top travel management software, business travel management booking tools.

travelperk app

  • Industry-leading travel inventory: find the best travel options for your business, including air travel, rail tickets, car rentals, and more.
  • Flexible trips : receive up to 80% of the cost back for canceled travel when booking with FlexiPerk.
  • Carbon offsetting : offset your carbon emissions with TravelPerk’s GreenPerk—managed by a dedicated Sustainability Team.
  • 24/7 support : get support in 15 seconds or less when traveling for business to ensure your employees are never left stranded.
  • G2 rating : 4.6 / 5, based on 1418 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.8 / 5, based on 376 reviews
  • Starter: first five bookings each month are free
  • Premium: $99/month + 3% per booking
  • Pro: $299/month + 3% per booking
  • Enterprise: custom pricing
  • Languages supported : German, English, French, Spanish

Traveler Street Coffee

See how to save money on business travel

Salestrip Screenshot

  • OCR receipt scanning: capture receipts and submit expense claims on the go.
  • Configurable policy and approval process rules: use your existing Salesforce approval hierarchy and approve on the go or in the office.
  • Non-employee expenses: enables temporary workers and other non-employees to submit expenses quickly and easily.
  • G2 rating : 4.5 / 5, based on 16 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.8 / 5, based on 13 reviews
  • Starter: $9/user/month
  • Plus: $15/user/month
  • Languages supported : English


  • Miles and upgrades: maximize your loyalty benefits with each trip and transaction.
  • One-click amendments: no more back and forth with hotels or airlines—Flightfox handles all changes and cancellations
  • Maximum savings: the platform’s deep technical analysis to beat retail prices.
  • G2 rating : 4 / 5, based on 3 reviews
  • Capterra rating : no ratings available
  • Startup: free
  • Corporate: $100/month
  • Enterprise: $250/month

Airbnb for Work


  • Airbnb experiences: help your team connect with interesting experiences when traveling for business.
  • Travel dashboard: contact employees while they travel and eliminate expense reports with the Airbnb for Work dashboard.
  • Ample accommodation options: choose from homes, boutique hotels, unique stays, and more for your traveling employees.
  • G2 rating : no ratings available
  • Pricing : no information available
  • Languages supported : Over 50 languages, including English, Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish

Tools for managing travel expenses

Payhawk 1 1024x622

  • Accounting data: set up cost centers, categories, and VAT in Payhawk.
  • Digitized bookkeeping: leverage a powerful OCR with machine learning that learns from your input to automate manual data entry.
  • Up to $250,000: qualify for credit limits up to $250,000 based on assessment.
  • G2 rating : 4.4 / 5, based on 107 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.8 / 5, based on 4 reviews
  • Pricing : You can choose from three plans—Premium Cards, All-In-One Spend, and Enterprise Suite—with varying features, get in touch for a quote.
  • Languages supported : Bulgarian, German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish


  • Financial modeling: Pry, Brex’s financial planning platform, makes it easy for founders to manage budgets, hiring plans, financial models, and runway.
  • Global spending: spend in 100+ countries with your Brex card.
  • Whatsapp receipt submission: get Brex messages and submit receipts via Whatsapp free of charge.
  • G2 rating : 4.7 / 5, based on 912 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.5 / 5, based on 123 reviews
  • Pricing : Contact sales for pricing

Spendesk Expenses 780x364 1

  • 7-in-1 spend management solution: company cards, expenses, invoices, accounting, approvals, budgets and spending reports as one simplified stack.
  • Spending reports: accurate and timely spending reports in a single interface.
  • Accounting automation: automate VAT extraction, expense account allocation and receipt reconciliation.
  • G2 rating : 4.7 / 5, based on 345 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.8 / 5, based on 203 reviews
  • Pricing : Contact sales to talk about the three plans available—Starter, Essentials, and Scale.
  • Languages supported : German, English, French, Italian, Spanish

Ramp 2 1024x890

  • Branded cards: personalize your company cards with your branding. Top up cards with precise spending allowances for 100% policy compliance.
  • Receipt collection: instant receipt collection via deep integrations with Gmail, Lyft, or Amazon Business, and easy employee coding via SMS or email.
  • Automated data entry for bill payment: bills are mapped to general ledger categories and any missing payment details are automatically collected from vendors.
  • G2 rating : 4.7 / 5, based on 975 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.9 / 5, based on 40 reviews


  • Paperless expenses: eliminate countless hours spent on data verifications, receipt chasing, and cross-checking murky expense records.
  • Built for the whole team: comprehensive tools for finance managers, and an effortless experience for employees.
  • Fraud detection: check for fraud (fictitious, overstated expenses), dubious merchants, duplicates, weekend or holiday expenses or unusual spends.
  • G2 rating : 4.6 / 5, based on 947 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.5 / 5, based on 144 reviews
  • Standard: $8.99/user/month
  • Business: $14.99/user/month
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing

Yokoy 1 1024x503

  • Actionable insights: full transparency and comprehensive spend insights in real time.
  • Individual process flows: set up your own approval flows and enforce internal policies, as well as local tax laws and regulations.
  • Account payable solution: a seamless and fully automatic accounts payable process.
  • G2 rating : 4.5 / 5, based on 3 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.6 / 5, based on 16 reviews
  • Pricing : no pricing information available
  • Languages supported : German, English, French, Italian, Chinese (Simplified)

Divvy 4 1024x498

  • Expense approval notifications: get a push notification to give initial approval or reject the employee reimbursement request with a note.
  • Automatically categorize transactions: set card, merchant, budget, and user rules to categorize transactions.
  • Multi-platform visibility: track, manage, and control all the ways your business spends in one place.
  • G2 rating : 4.5 / 5, based on 459 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.7 / 5, based on 397 reviews
  • Pricing : Free, always.

Expensya 1024x502

  • Secure data: an entirely paperless process that responds perfectly to security and compliance issues.
  • Self-learning tech: the OCR receipt capture tool learns as you upload more and more receipts to ensure accurate data management.
  • Expert support: 24/7 support and fast access to important information.
  • G2 rating : 4.6 / 5, based on 108 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.4 / 5, based on 378 reviews
  • Starte: €6.99/month/session
  • Gold: €9.99/month/session
  • Languages supported : German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish

Circula 1 1024x500

  • Employee benefits: strengthen your employer branding with modern and tax-optimized employee benefits—such as a lunch benefit, internet benefit, and relax benefit.
  • Customized approval flows: create advanced approval logics based on your org structure, cost centers, and projects.
  • G2 rating : 4.6 / 5, based on 154 reviews
  • Capterra rating : 4.6 / 5, based on 62 reviews
  • Basic: €10/license/month
  • Professional: €15/license/month
  • Languages supported : Czech, German, English, Dutch, Slovak, Spanish

Remember: for whatever travel management software and expense management software you choose, make sure they can integrate with your existing software stack.

Other interesting tools and add-ons.

Rocketrip 1024x502

  • Reporting dashboard: report on real-time savings, booking, and behavioral data alongside customizable spend alerts and traveler safety information.
  • Dedicated support: get high-quality support from Rocketrip’s skilled support team.
  • Forecast the cost: the technology forecasts a Price to Beat for every itinerary, based on your organization’s unique travel policy, pre-Rocketrip spend, and real-time market pricing.
  • G2 rating : 4.3 / 5, based on 10 reviews
  • Capterra rating : no reviews available

Tripkicks 1024x500

  • Motivators: motivate travelers to make specific decisions or change existing behaviors with spend targets and incentives.
  • Travel insights: provide travelers with all the important information they need to be better prepared, before they book their trip.
  • G2 rating : no reviews available
  • Premium: $29/user/month
  • Pro: $49/user/month

Traxo 1024x500

  • Generate savings: with data-backed price assurance, reshopping, and continuous provider sourcing.
  • Sync your services: improve productivity by automating workflows and automatically sharing your travel data.
  • Duty of care solution: complete duty of care coverage with zero blind spots no matter where employees book.
  • G2 rating : 4.3 / 5, based on 2 reviews
  • Pricing : Traxo offers three plans, but you’ll have to get in touch for pricing information.

Travelcare 1024x503

  • Safe business travel: important details about what’s going on at your destination, even before you book.
  • Trip Assistant App: travelers receive notifications about any changes, advisories, and disruptions while on the road.
  • Traveler map: ensure your travelers’ safety with full visibility into all traveler locations and associated risks for comprehensive employee travel management.
  • Pricing : TravelCare is included in all TravelPerk plans at no additional cost.
  • Languages supported : English, French, German, and Spanish.

Captrav 1024x503

  • Aggregate travel data: from bookings made through multiple sources, such as TMCs, online travel agents (OTAs), online booking tools, supplier websites, or more.
  • Spend dashboard: quickly assess your travel leakage data in comparison to your overall spend
  • Pricing : Get in touch for pricing information.
  • Languages supported : English.

Packpoint 1024x500

  • Add trip details: for personalized packing suggestions and lists.
  • Easy-to-use app: make sure you’ve got everything you need with the intuitive app.
  • Pricing : Free

App in the Air

App In The Air 1024x478

  • Manage trips: get a real-time view into business travelers' booking details.
  • Set up travel policy: to ensure business travelers can access key information on the go.
  • Apple watch compatibility: get important travel updates instantly.
  • Pricing : Free, contact the team for business pricing.
  • Languages supported : Over 15 languages, including English, Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Portuguese


Business Travel Booking Solution That Travelers Love

Features to look for in travel management software.

  • Ease of booking for administrators
  • Self booking for travelers
  • Free 24/7 support
  • Massive travel inventory
  • Automatic travel policy compliance with customizable policies and approval workflows
  • Future-ready tool that will scale and adapt
  • Around-the-clock travel support including direct line, chat, and email
  • No additional charge for travel support
  • Consolidated invoicing
  • Travel spend reporting

Geeky insights into the travel management software market

Smbs: new adopters of travel management software.

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¿cuáles son las responsabilidades de un travel manager.

viajes travel manager

Publicado: 28 junio, 2018

Actualizado: 13 noviembre, 2020

El Corporate  Travel Manager  es la persona que se encarga de administrar los viajes corporativos de una empresa.

En el pasado, esta función era desempeñada por gente del departamento de finanzas o recursos humanos, pero hoy en día las organizaciones le están dando más importancia por la relación estrecha que los viajes tienen con la  estrategia corporativa.  Actualmente queda claro que la efectividad de viajar (y en este sentido, la rentabilidad de la inversión que viajar representa), depende de tener claros los objetivos del viaje. Este trabajo puede ser realizado por alguien que forme parte del  organigrama de la compañía  o por alguien que pertenezca a una firma especializada en el manejo de viajes negocios. El trabajo de quien ocupa este puesto abarca toda la cadena de viaje, desde antes de las reservaciones hasta la conciliación de gastos posterior. Se trata de una labor con muchas responsabilidades en la que hay que ir de la mano con la empresa, conocer su modelo de negocios y sus objetivos a corto, mediano y largo plazo, así como el historial de viajes pasados para ofrecer mejorías en viajes futuros. En este sentido, parte fundamental de la labor del  Travel Manager  es  alinear los objetivos de los viajes con los de la organización en general.

Responsabilidades y deberes

Un  Travel Manager  debe:

  • Diseñar la política de viajes en concordancia con los objetivos de la empresa.
  • Manejar la relación entre la corporación y la agencia de viajes contratada.
  • Manejar la relación con proveedores directos como aeorlíneas, renta de autos, hoteles, etc.
  • Estar al día en las  tendencias en viajes  y organización de eventos.
  • Supervisar la administración del crédito corporativo destinado al rubro de gastos de representación.
  • Desarrollar y administrar las políticas de gastos para los viajeros de la empresa.
  • Monitorear la conciliación de gastos.
  • Desarrollar un plan de seguridad de viajes para los empleados de la empresa.
  • Establecer metas y planes de operación.

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Use Apple Vision Pro on an airplane with Travel Mode

With Travel Mode, Apple Vision Pro adapts to give you the best experience while traveling on an airplane.

Apple Vision Pro uses an array of sensors to see the environment around you and keep the items in your view stable. If Apple Vision Pro senses that you're on an airplane, it asks if you want to turn on Travel Mode to adapt to the unique motion and environment of commercial air travel.

You can turn on Travel Mode when Apple Vision Pro suggests it, or any time in Control Center.

In some situations, Apple Vision Pro may think you're on an airplane when you're not, and prompt you to turn on Travel Mode. Remember to never use Travel Mode if you're not on an airplane.

How to turn Travel Mode on or off from Control Center

the Control Center Expand Menu button

Tap Turn On Travel Mode to confirm.

To exit Travel Mode, go back to Control Center, then tap Turn Off.

Travel Mode is for use only when you're a passenger on an airplane. Never use Apple Vision Pro while operating a moving vehicle, bicycle, heavy machinery, or in any other situations requiring attention to safety. Get more tips for using your Vision Pro safely .

Keep these things in mind when using Travel Mode

Stay seated while using Travel Mode, and take off your Apple Vision Pro before you stand up.

Take off your Apple Vision Pro during taxiing, takeoff, and landing, and if the flight has turbulence.

Avoid looking out the airplane's windows, since this can affect your device's ability to track your surroundings.

Be aware of your surroundings. When you use Travel Mode, features that help you see and stay aware of your surroundings are turned off.

If content in Apple Vision Pro appears tilted or off-center, long-press the Digital Crown to re-center your view.

Restarting Apple Vision Pro turns off Travel Mode.

Availability of some Apple Vision Pro features in Travel Mode

If you have Pointer Control turned on and set to use your head as the pointer, you might not be able to turn on Travel Mode after the airplane begins moving. To use Travel Mode when your head is set as the pointer, turn on Travel Mode before you board the plane, or when you find your seat. Remove Apple Vision Pro for takeoff, then put it back on when it's safe to do so. Travel Mode will still be on and ready to use.

Persona isn't available when you're using Travel Mode.

You can’t set up your Apple Vision Pro while traveling on an airplane.

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Baltimore bridge collapse: What happened and what is the death toll?

What is the death toll, when did the baltimore bridge collapse, why did the bridge collapse, who will pay for the damage and how much will the bridge cost.

NTSB investigators work on the cargo vessel Dali, which struck and collapsed the Francis Scott Key Bridge, in Baltimore


What ship hit the baltimore bridge, what do we know about the bridge that collapsed.

The 1.6-mile (2.57 km) long Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland collapsed into the water overnight after a cargo ship collided with it on March 26.


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Writing by Lisa Shumaker; Editing by Daniel Wallis and Bill Berkrot

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. , opens new tab

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Thomson Reuters

Lisa's journalism career spans two decades, and she currently serves as the Americas Day Editor for the Global News Desk. She played a pivotal role in tracking the COVID pandemic and leading initiatives in speed, headline writing and multimedia. She has worked closely with the finance and company news teams on major stories, such as the departures of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and significant developments at Apple, Alphabet, Facebook and Tesla. Her dedication and hard work have been recognized with the 2010 Desk Editor of the Year award and a Journalist of the Year nomination in 2020. Lisa is passionate about visual and long-form storytelling. She holds a degree in both psychology and journalism from Penn State University.

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April Fools' Day pranks: Apps to translate baby stoner sayings, a ghostbuster at Tinder

Every april 1, brands and companies want to get some laughs – and attention – with goofy new 'product' launches. here are some ideas from companies such as sweetgreen, welch's and omaha steaks..

If you don't like Mondays, this one may especially be grating. It's April Fool's Day , when you should trust no one and question everything.

The roots of April Fools' Day may date back before to before the 15th century. But the modern-day April Fools' Day has become a day to prank a friend, family member, co-worker − or your customers.

Even though some companies have had April Fools' pranks backfire , marketers continue to issue spoof products in attempts to get some laughs and attention.

Already ahead of April Fools' Day, 7-Eleven has hinted at a possible prank product: In addition to new Lemon Lime, Green Apple and Sweet Orange flavored 7-Select sparkling waters, out now with partner Miracle Seltzer, there's a fourth flavor coming April 1: Big Bite Hot Dog.

The hot dog-flavored water "combines the mouthwatering experience of 7-Eleven’s iconic Big Bite Hot Dog into one refreshing beverage – ketchup and mustard included," the convenience chain says in a press release . "Say goodbye to the days of alternating bites of a hot dog with sips of a beverage, now those on the go can swap the bun for bubbles."

Krispy Kreme: A special doughnut deal for April Fools' Day

Will Big Bite Hot Dog sparkling water be sold? Its availability will be announced April 1. However, some reporters were sent a can of the drink. USA TODAY can confirm that it definitely smells like hot dog water and has a smoky aftertaste.

If you are interested in trying it, both 7-Eleven and Miracle Seltzer have hinted at having some to give away on their Instagram pages. (If you get a can, share with a friend as it's 16 ounces.)

Here's a roundup of many of the brand-related April Fools’ gag announcements. You've been warned.

Sour cream & onion flavored soda

Despite the proliferation of crazy-flavored products including Peeps-flavored Pepsi , Frank's RedHot sauce-flavored Vlasic pickles and Doritos Nacho Cheese-flavored liquor , healthy soda brand OLIPOP and Pringles are not really teaming up to bring to market a Sour Cream & Onion soda.

The product would have been "a match made in heaven … to bring the delicious, tangy flavor of Pringles’ Sour Cream & Onion flavor to life in liquid form with prebiotic benefits," the companies said.

Stoner lingo translation app

Another dream team prank product: Rosetta Stoned, a mobile app from Rosetta Stone and medical marijuana company Fluent , that "bridges the conversational gap between novice users and seasoned stoners in any social setting."

Da da decoder

Infant equipment site BabyQuip has its own language-bridging lark: the “Baby Translator” app, to decode your baby's secret language.

"Say 'goodbye' to restless nights as you decode your baby's coos and cries instantly, providing you with the understanding you need as a parent, all in one convenient app," it promises.

An AI-powered plush doll

Custom stuffed animal maker Budsies already makes selfie plush dolls with a built-in voice recorder. Its April Fools' spoof: Artificial intelligence-enabled dolls that "come programmed to learn everything about you and to become your new best friend."

A 50-pound Bearabuddy

Sorry to the 3,500 or so who have already signed up to buy Bearaby's Jumbo Benji plush toy, which is four times the size of its regular weighted plush toys and twice as heavy as its heaviest weighted blanket . This isn't actually going to be sold. But it is real and will be making its home in the lobby at The Child Mind Institute in Harlem to welcome children and their families. More weighted plushies are due the day after April Fools' Day, the company says.

A sleeping bag to go bananas over

The Dole Banana Peel Sleeping Bag, conveniently promoted as being available on April Fools' Day only, is made from actual banana fiber and "allows parents to escape into their own cocoon of sensory deprivation."

A full-body cleaning suit

Outrageous clothing company Tipsy Elves has a special product for April Fools' Day: The Mopsie. You don't need paper towels anymore, you can use your body to clean up those messes, with this "innovative, wearable microfiber towel jumpsuit" for "effortlessly soaking up spills and messes with ease." There's also a Baby Mopsie for "hard to reach places."

Korean BBQ deodorant

Kevin's Natural Foods , which has paleo- and keto-certified ready-to-cook and easy-prep entrées, is touting a new line of personal care products inspired by its food dishes including Korean BBQ Deodorant, Cilantro Lime Toothpaste, Lemongrass Basil Shampoo and Tikka Masala Sunscreen.

"These new face, body and hair care essentials will help fans prioritize self-care inside and out," the company says. 

Omaha Steaks' meaty sprays

Omaha Steaks has its own personal care prank product: Meaty Spritz sprays with flavors such as Omaha Fog, Hog Haze, and Cock-a-Doodle-Dew.

"The world’s first protein-infused, flavor-packed, portable pump spray … (to) enjoy all the mouthwatering flavors of your Omaha Steaks gourmet favorites no matter how far away from the kitchen you are!" the company says.

Sriracha toothpaste

Asian sauce maker Lee Kum Kee , which makes Sriracha Chili Sauce and Sriracha Mayo Dressing, is introducing – not – its Siracha Mayo Toothpaste. It's "fiery and creamy goodness … is sure to spice up your morning dental routine."

Post-salad dental kit

Need some less powerful toothpaste? Sweetgreen offered these fanciful personal hygiene products as part of its Sweetgreen After Salad Kit, which is "designed with your pearly whites in mind … offering everything you need to freshen up post-meal."

Choose from Miso Ginger Toothpaste, Spicy Cashew Mints, Lime Cilantro Dental Floss, and Sweetgreen Toothbrush and Floss Picks.

Fruit juice lip gloss

More personal care prank products: Welch’s Juicyfuls Juicy Fruit Lip Gloss – now available in five flavors: grape, orange, peach, strawberry and raspberry – made with real juice from Juicefuls fruit snacks so "you get that irresistible sweet flavor you love, all in a lip gloss that's as fun as it is nourishing."

Protein-powered seasonings

Quest Nutrition , maker of protein powder, snacks and other products, has a prank product line of seasonings including All Purpose, Lemon Pepper, and Garlic Herb, each of which deliver "21g of protein, 2g of net carbs and less than 1g of sugar."

If you want to try Quest's real products, you can use code NOJOKE for free shipping on online orders over $49 April 1-3.

Superpowered Superfeet?

These would certainly come in hand on a run, but – sorry – it's a jogging joke. Superfeet SuperBoost Power E-Soles gives you 8 hours of continuous battery-powered boost, for almost Iron Man-like propulsion. "All the comfort and support of Superfeet , now with electrifying performance," the company says in a video about the prank product. "It's like having a powerful electric motor in your shoes."

Scotch tape-branded Scotch?

This shenanigan seems like a blend that could stick: Scotch Whisky by Scotch Brand. The whisky "features a nose of cherry wood and a delightfully smooth finish that hits like a well-wrapped gift."

Who you gonna call when ghosted? This new title at Tinder

Dating app Tinder announced a new April Fools' Day hiring quest for a Vice President of Ghost Hunting to help combat "one of dating culture’s most prevalent vices – ghosting," a practice inflicted on 78% of singles already in 2024 (an untrue fact from Tinder).

Patrón's bringing back a beloved liqueur. No kidding.

Patrón patrons get some good news today. The premium tequila maker chose April Fools' Day to announce the return of its Patrón XO Cafe tequila-based coffee liqueur, which was discontinued in 2021. Since production ceased, devotees took to social media and signed a petition asking parent company Bacardi to bring it back.

Made with Patrón Silver tequila and Arabica bean coffee – the dry liqueur can be sipped straight, in cocktails and as dessert topping – Patrón XO Cafe will begin arriving in stores again later this month.

Say it with dead flowers

Don't forget to put roses on your April Fools' Day list. UrbanStems has this "special" delivery, The Dead Inside Collection, "an assortment of dead flower bouquets, dead plants, half empty vases, and more for the pessimist in your life." But, for real, check UrbanStems' social media accounts including Instagram for how to get 20% off an order of real flowers.

Cheesecake Factory's real deals

The Cheesecake Factory  also has a deal that's no joke: Sign up for the chain's Cheesecake Rewards loyalty program on April 1 to get an Any Slice, Half Price reward, redeemable for 50% off any slice of cheesecake or layer cake, with any food or beverage purchase (no gift cards).

Those who were members before April 1 will find something special in their account on Monday, too: either a free slice of cheesecake each month for a year, a free whole cheesecake, a free slice of cheesecake, $5 off $25 purchases, or $10 off $40 purchases. (All rewards redeemable by April 16; can be redeemed for dine-in, to-go and DoorDash.)

New merch from Dunkin', bonus points in app

Dunkin' announced it is going back to its roots and rebranding to just "Donuts'" on Monday, April 1. To celebrate the rebrand, the company is selling "Donuts'" merch, including sweatshirts that read "DONUTS," on .

Additionally, Dunkin' Rewards members will receive 3x bonus points on any donut order through the mobile app on April 1.

Urban Outfitters launches 'Name Three Shirts' movement

Urban Outfitters said it is launching a global movement to "stand in solidarity against band-tee-shaming" by launching a new collection called "Name Three Shirts."

The t-shirt line "playfully mocks the gatekeeping attitudes of older generations who insist that band-shirt wearers should be required to name songs by those artists," the company said in a news release.

The line, which features revamped logos from bands such as The Grateful Dead, Joy Division and Led Zeppelin, is a "playful jab at the attitudes of older generations, and fights back against the misogynistic undertones of the infamous ‘name three songs’ line of questioning," Urban Outfitters said in the news release.

The collection of shirts is available online and in select Urban Outfitters stores starting April 1. You can shop the collection online here .

Auntie Anne's, Frontier Airlines collaborate on Pretzel Plane

Auntie Anne's pretzels and Frontier Airlines announced they have collaborated on the newest addition to Frontier's fleet: the Pretzel Plane.

According to a news release, the plane includes new in-flight entertainment featuring Auntie Anne's pretzels rolled seat-side, the "luxurious" smell of hot, fresh pretzels throughout the cabin and airplane-shaped pretzels if you're feeling hungry.

Moe's Southwest Grill, Sonic team up to introduce a Queso Slush

Two popular fast food chains announced a collaboration that is sure to be polarizing.

Moe's and Sonic announced a new beverage, the Queso Slush, a queso-flavored slushie. "The frozen goodness of a Sonic Slush meets the delicious flavor of Moe's queso."

Follow Mike Snider on X and Threads:  @mikesnider  & mikegsnider .

Gabe Hauari is a national trending news reporter at USA TODAY. You can follow him on X  @GabeHauari  or email him at [email protected].

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  2. Travel Manager : L’Expert de la Gestion des Voyages d’Entreprise

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  5. Gestión de políticas de viajes de empresa: el papel del Travel Manager

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  6. Travel Manager nº 1 (edición México) by revista Travel Manager

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  1. Travel Manager: Todo sobre su rol y funciones

    5 funciones clave de un Travel Manager. 1. Redactan e implementan la política de viajes de empresa. Una de las funciones principales del Travel Manager consiste en establecer una política de viajes de empresa. Para ello deben tenerse en cuenta todos los posibles costes de los viajes y establecer reglas y pautas que los empleados deben ...

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    2 Skills and Abilities. As a travel manager, you need to possess a variety of skills and abilities to fulfill your job responsibilities effectively. Communication skills are essential, as you need ...

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    As a travel manager, you're responsible for the health and wellbeing of your business travelers. This falls under the definition of duty of care as a legal principle. Companies are legally required to have safety and security measures in place across all business functions, including travel. When employees travel, the business is still ...

  4. Travel manager: consejos para ser mejor gestor de viajes ...

    8. Buenas prácticas del travel management. Todo travel manager tiene sus secretos para conseguir una buena gestión de los viajes de negocios y garantizar la comodidad y seguridad de los viajeros. Por la complejidad del trabajo, la profesionalización de la figura del travel manager puede ser muy beneficiosa para la empresa. A continuación tienes consejos que todo buen gestor de viajes ...

  5. The 2024 Guide to Corporate Travel Management

    If your company has negotiated hotel rates, you want your corporate solution to be able to book those rates for you, so you don't lose the travel data by booking directly. 5. Improve collaboration between admin and finance. The most important thing in modern travel management is that it serves the whole entire company.

  6. Travel Manager Job Description

    Travel Manager Responsibilities: Maintaining positive relationships with vendors of direct travel, such as car rentals, hotels, and airlines. Negotiating preferred rates with vendors of direct travel. Planning travel accommodations, booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and coordinating activities. Managing and processing all travel-related ...

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    As a manager, you can forget what it's like to be micromanaged yourself, and it isn't great. As the employee, you feel you can't be trusted with your job's responsibilities, you're always being watched, and every move you make is analysed. Instead of breathing down each travellers' neck, give them autonomy when booking trips.

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    Manager Registered Nurse - MICU manager is 8-5 most days but remains flexible to meet the needs of the unit. Routine flexing to see the night shift is an expectation. Will be discussed in interview Flexible contract length. 1 Year management experience required. Will consider strong house manager only if vent experienced.

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    Read more September 20, 2023 Case Study 2023: How a Fortune 500 company saved $460,000 in yearly ground transportation costs. One of the world's largest asset managers. Offers investment management, risk management, and advisory services. Operates in 30 countries with 70 offices and 18,000 employees.

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    Successful business travel is also determined by the management of the work team. A travel manager will have to manage his team so that each of the members have clear roles and missions within the trip and with them achieve improve efficiency. Traveling workers must be coordinated with each other and with the company, and good communication ...

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    Today's top 955 Travel Manager jobs in Florida, United States. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Travel Manager jobs added daily.

  12. Travel Manager's Role

    As business travel becomes integral to the success of a company's goals and culture, travel managers are strengthening cross-departmental collaborations - including those with stakeholders from human resources, finance, sustainability, and the C-suite. "Over the last 18 months, the travel team played an extremely important and elevated role.

  13. Travel manager: ¿por qué es un cargo clave para su empresa?

    Un travel manager es la persona encargada de todos los aspectos relacionados con los viajes corporativos, como elegir las mejores opciones de los servicios relacionados con el viaje y velar por la seguridad de los viajeros. En el pasado, las funciones correspondientes a la gestión de viajes eran responsabilidad de alguien de la administración o incluso de recursos humanos, sin embargo, en la ...

  14. Apply for Travel Manager Jobs Today

    Fort Myers, FL 33913. Typically responds within 3 days. $60,000 - $80,000 a year. Full-time. Monday to Friday + 1. Easily apply. Diamond Tours, Inc. *is looking for a energetic, organized, bright employee with depth of experience and an understanding of superior customer service to manage….

  15. Revista Travel Manager

    Revista Travel Manager | 3,245 followers on LinkedIn. La revista líder de viajes de negocio | TravelManager se presenta como la publicación profesional de referencia para compradores y gestores ...

  16. La guía completa de la figura del travel manager en el 2024 ...

    ¿Qué hace el gestor de viajes/travel manager? El gestor de viajes, o también conocido como travel manager es la figura de una empresa que se encarga de organizar los viajes de negocios. Suele estar en grandes empresas que viajan mucho, debido a los altos costes que hay que gestionar. Sin embargo, en las empresas más pequeñas, suele ser la ...

  17. Travel Manager or Travel Manager What is your role?

    The travel manager is the person who is in charge of managing, optimizing, and enforcing the company travel policy.. This policy is a set of rules that enables the company to manage, control and optimize your business travel expenseswhile maintaining the safety and comfort of travelers.. In these cases, and due to its high degree of involvement in the management of the business tripWhat is his ...

  18. Revista Travel Manager

    Ámsterdam y Nueva York son las ciudades más visitadas por los viajeros de negocios europeos, según el informe "Cities & Trends Europe 2023" de BCD Travel. El informe, basado en... En portada / Movilidad Corporativa Terrestre / Temáticas del Business Travel. 18/03/2024.

  19. travelmanager Publisher Publications

    Revista profesional para gestores de viajes y reuniones de empresa. Travel Manager es la publicación especializada líder mundial en habla hispana.

  20. The 20 best travel management software in 2024

    Ramp. Ramp is a popular expense management and accounting automation software used by small and big businesses alike. It offers physical and virtual cards for spending and a comprehensive platform to control, analyze, and optimize spending. Plus, its 1000+ integrations make it a great tool to add to your tech stack.

  21. ¿Cuáles son las responsabilidades de un Travel Manager?

    Un Travel Manager debe: Diseñar la política de viajes en concordancia con los objetivos de la empresa. Manejar la relación entre la corporación y la agencia de viajes contratada. Manejar la relación con proveedores directos como aeorlíneas, renta de autos, hoteles, etc. Estar al día en las tendencias en viajes y organización de eventos.

  22. Traveling Manager Jobs, Employment

    Traveling Sales Manager. Milan Laser Hair Removal. Minneapolis, MN 55450. $75,000 - $95,000 a year. Full-time. Weekends as needed. Pay: Average salary $75k-$95k (base + commission). With our continued growth and success, we are excited to hire an experienced, full-time Traveling Sales…. Posted 7 days ago ·.

  23. Use Apple Vision Pro on an airplane with Travel Mode

    With Travel Mode, Apple Vision Pro adapts to give you the best experience while traveling on an airplane. Apple Vision Pro uses an array of sensors to see the environment around you and keep the items in your view stable. If Apple Vision Pro senses that you're on an airplane, it asks if you want to turn on Travel Mode to adapt to the unique ...

  24. Baltimore bridge collapse: What happened and what is the death toll

    Work is underway to begin clearing the wreckage of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge a week after a cargo ship crashed into it, sending the span crashing into the harbor and killing six ...

  25. April Fools' Day 2024: Big brands and companies unveil pranks, jokes

    April Fools' Day pranks: Apps to translate baby stoner sayings, a ghostbuster at Tinder Every April 1, brands and companies want to get some laughs - and attention - with goofy new 'product ...