Safari User Guide

  • Change your homepage
  • Import bookmarks, history, and passwords
  • Make Safari your default web browser
  • Go to websites
  • Find what you’re looking for
  • Bookmark webpages that you want to revisit
  • See your favorite websites
  • Use tabs for webpages
  • Pin frequently visited websites
  • Play web videos
  • Mute audio in tabs
  • Pay with Apple Pay
  • Autofill credit card info
  • Autofill contact info
  • Keep a Reading List
  • Hide ads when reading articles
  • Translate a webpage
  • Download items from the web
  • Share or post webpages
  • Add passes to Wallet
  • Save part or all of a webpage
  • Print or create a PDF of a webpage
  • Customize a start page
  • Customize the Safari window
  • Customize settings per website
  • Zoom in on webpages
  • Get extensions
  • Manage cookies and website data
  • Block pop-ups
  • Clear your browsing history
  • Browse privately
  • Autofill user name and password info
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  • View a Privacy Report
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  • Keyboard and other shortcuts
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Keyboard shortcuts and gestures in Safari on Mac

Here are shortcuts you can use, in addition to those that appear in Safari menus. To turn off or change keyboard shortcuts, see Create keyboard shortcuts for apps .

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Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari on macOS

Save time and clicks

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Many Safari users initially use the program's menu system for navigating the internet and performing other browser tasks, but using Safari shortcuts can save time and clicks. Here are a few of the most commonly used shortcuts for Safari on a Mac.

Safari Shortcuts for Moving Around on a Page

  • Option + arrow: Scroll page by a screenful, minus a small overlap.
  • Command + up arrow or home: Scroll to top left corner of a web page.
  • Command + down arrow or end: Scroll to the bottom left corner of a web page.
  • Page up or shift + space bar: Scroll the page up by a screenful, minus a small overlap.
  • Page down or space bar : Scroll the page down by a screenful, minus a slight overlap.

Safari Shortcuts for Navigating the web

  • Command + home: Go to your homepage.
  • Command + [link on a web page]: Open the selected link in a new window.
  • Command + shift + [link on a web page]: Open the selected link in a new window behind the current window.
  • Option + [link on a web page]: Download a file.

Commands in Safari

  • Command + [number from 1 to 9]: Select one of the first nine tabs.
  • Command + A: Select all.
  • Command + C: Copy.
  • Command + E: Use current selection for the Find feature.
  • Command + F: Find.
  • Command + G: Find next.
  • Command + M: Minimize.
  • Command + N: Open a new window.
  • Command + O: Open file.
  • Command + P: Print.
  • Command + Q: Quit Safari.
  • Command + R: Reload page.
  • Command + S: Save as.
  • Command + T: Open new tab.
  • Shift + command + T: Reopen the tab you just closed.
  • Command + V: Paste.
  • Command + W: Close window.
  • Command + Z: Undo.
  • Command + shift + G: Find previous.
  • Command + shift + Z: Redo.

Favorites and Bookmarks Shortcuts

  • Command + shift + D: Add a bookmark to the menu.
  • Command + option + B: Show all bookmarks.
  • Command + D: Add a bookmark.

Shortcuts for Views

  • Command + control + 1: Show/hide Bookmarks sidebar.
  • Command + control + 2: Show/hide Reading list sidebar.
  • Command + option + D: Show/hide Apple dock.
  • Command + option + U: Show source code and other developer options (provided Show develop menu is enabled in Preferences > Advanced ).
  • Command + H: Hide Safari.
  • Command + L: Open Favorites .
  • Command + ?: Load Help .
  • Command + ,: Load Preferences .

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How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts on Safari

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As the default browser on Apple devices, Safari offers users a range of features designed to make browsing easier and more efficient. One such feature is keyboard shortcuts. Using keyboard shortcuts saves time and effort, as they can help you perform various tasks and navigate through Safari without having to use your mouse or touchpad. In this article, we'll explore how to use keyboard shortcuts on Safari and take a closer look at some of the most commonly used shortcuts.

Understanding Keyboard Shortcuts in Safari

Safari is a popular web browser that comes equipped with a range of helpful keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts allow you to perform various tasks and navigate through the browser with ease. Understanding how these shortcuts work can significantly improve your browsing experience and increase your productivity.

Keyboard shortcuts can be especially handy if you have limited mobility or prefer to use a keyboard over a mouse or touchpad. By using these shortcuts, you can reduce the amount of time you spend clicking on buttons or using the mouse. This can be a welcome relief if you suffer from repetitive strain injury (RSI) or other conditions that affect your hand movement.

The Benefits of Using Keyboard Shortcuts

There are numerous benefits to using keyboard shortcuts when browsing Safari. For instance, using keyboard shortcuts can be faster and more efficient than using your mouse. With a bit of practice, you can quickly get used to using shortcuts and navigate Safari with greater ease.

Another benefit of using keyboard shortcuts is that they can help to reduce the strain on your hands and wrists. If you spend a lot of time browsing the web, you may find that using a mouse or touchpad can cause discomfort or pain in your hands. By using keyboard shortcuts, you can reduce the amount of time you spend using your mouse or touchpad and alleviate some of this discomfort.

Commonly Used Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are some of the most common shortcuts used in Safari:

Command + T: Opens a new tab on Safari

Command + W: Closes the current tab in Safari

Command + R: Refreshes the current webpage

Command + L: Highlights the address bar

Command + Option + F: Activates the “Find” bar, which lets you search for specific terms on a page

These shortcuts can be incredibly useful if you want to quickly navigate through Safari or perform specific tasks without using your mouse. For example, if you want to open a new tab, you can simply press Command + T instead of clicking on the “New Tab” button with your mouse.

If you’re new to using keyboard shortcuts, it may take some time to get used to them. However, with a bit of practice, you’ll soon find that they can significantly improve your browsing experience and make it easier to navigate through Safari.

Navigating Safari with Keyboard Shortcuts

One of the most significant advantages of using keyboard shortcuts on Safari is that they allow you to navigate through the browser easily. Here, we'll explore some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for navigating Safari.

Opening and Closing Tabs

To open a new tab in Safari, press Command + T . To close the current tab, press Command + W . If you have multiple tabs open, and you want to close a specific one, use the shortcut Command + Shift + W .

Switching Between Tabs

You can switch between tabs in Safari using keyboard shortcuts. To switch to the previous tab, press Command + Shift + { . To switch to the next tab, press Command + Shift + } .

Navigating Webpages

Safari's keyboard shortcuts make it easy to navigate webpages. To move down a page, press the spacebar. To move up a page, press Shift + spacebar .

Using the Address Bar and Search

To highlight the address bar in Safari, press Command + L . If you want to search the web, press Command + Option + F , which will activate the Find bar. From there, you can enter a search term, and Safari will search the page for it.

Managing Bookmarks and Favorites with Keyboard Shortcuts

Safari's keyboard shortcuts also allow you to manage your bookmarks and favorites with ease. Here's what you need to know.

Adding and Editing Bookmarks

To add a bookmark, press Command + D . This will add the current webpage to your bookmarks. If you want to edit or delete a bookmark, highlight it in the bookmark bar by using the arrow keys, and then press Command + Delete .

Organizing Bookmarks

Safari's keyboard shortcuts also make it easy to organize your bookmarks. To open the bookmarks sidebar, press Command + Option + B . From there, you can use the arrow keys to navigate through your bookmarks and folders. To move a bookmark from one folder to another, highlight it and press Command + X to cut it, then navigate to the target folder and press Command + V to paste it.

Accessing Favorites

You can also access your favorites using keyboard shortcuts in Safari. To open your favorites bar, press Command + Shift + B . From there, you can navigate through your favorites using the arrow keys.

Enhancing Your Browsing Experience with Additional Shortcuts

Zooming in and out.

If you want to zoom in on a webpage, press Command + Plus (+) . To zoom out, press Command +Minus (-) .

Viewing Your Browsing History

To view your browsing history, press Command + Y . This will bring up a list of recently visited sites that you can navigate using the arrow keys.

Using Safari's Reader Mode

If you're reading a long article and want to remove any distractions, use Safari's Reader Mode. To activate it, press Command + Shift + R . This will strip the page of any extraneous content, such as ads and pop-ups, leaving only the text of the article.

Using keyboard shortcuts on Safari can significantly improve your browsing experience and save you time and effort. With practice, you can quickly get used to these shortcuts and navigate Safari with greater efficiency. Whether you're looking to manage your bookmarks, navigate webpages, or access your browsing history, Safari's keyboard shortcuts make it easy to do so.

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How To Refresh Page On Safari

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Refreshing a web page is a common task that many of us perform daily while browsing the internet. Whether you're waiting for an updated news article to load or trying to see the latest changes on a website, knowing how to refresh a page efficiently can save you time and frustration. In this article, we'll explore various methods to refresh a page on Safari, Apple's popular web browser.

Safari, known for its sleek interface and seamless integration with Apple devices, offers several convenient ways to refresh web pages. Whether you prefer using a mouse, keyboard shortcuts, or context menus, Safari provides options to suit your browsing style. By mastering these methods, you can streamline your browsing experience and stay up to date with the latest content on your favorite websites.

In the following sections, we'll delve into three distinct methods for refreshing a page on Safari. From the classic approach of clicking the refresh button to utilizing keyboard shortcuts and context menus, each method offers its own set of advantages. By familiarizing yourself with these techniques, you can navigate Safari with ease and ensure that you're always viewing the most current content on the web.

Now, let's embark on this journey to discover the diverse ways of refreshing a web page on Safari. Whether you're a seasoned Safari user or just getting started with this innovative browser , these methods will empower you to navigate the web with confidence and efficiency. Let's dive into the first method: using the refresh button.

Method 1: Using the Refresh Button

Refreshing a web page using the refresh button is perhaps the most straightforward and commonly used method in web browsing. In Safari, the refresh button is conveniently located in the address bar, making it easily accessible for users. When you encounter a page that you want to refresh, simply click the circular arrow icon located to the left of the website address. This action prompts Safari to reload the page, fetching the most recent content from the web server.

The refresh button serves as a visual cue for users to initiate the page refresh process. It's a simple yet effective way to ensure that you're viewing the latest version of a web page. Whether you're checking for real-time updates on a news website or refreshing a social media feed, the refresh button provides a quick and intuitive solution.

One of the advantages of using the refresh button is its universal appeal. Users of all experience levels can easily grasp the concept of clicking a button to refresh a web page. This method is particularly useful for individuals who prefer a visual and tangible way to interact with their browser.

Moreover, the refresh button is designed to be responsive, providing immediate feedback to the user upon clicking. This responsiveness enhances the browsing experience, as users can quickly verify that the page is being refreshed without any delay.

In addition to its simplicity and responsiveness, the refresh button also serves as a reliable fallback option. In the event that keyboard shortcuts or context menus are unavailable or impractical, the refresh button remains a dependable method for refreshing web pages in Safari.

Overall, the refresh button in Safari offers a user-friendly and efficient way to update web content. Its intuitive placement in the address bar, universal appeal, responsiveness, and reliability make it a go-to option for users seeking a hassle-free method to refresh web pages. As we continue to explore other methods for refreshing pages on Safari, it's important to appreciate the convenience and accessibility that the refresh button provides.

Method 2: Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Utilizing keyboard shortcuts to refresh web pages in Safari offers a convenient and efficient alternative to clicking the refresh button. For users who prefer a hands-on approach to browsing, keyboard shortcuts provide a seamless way to perform common tasks without relying on the mouse or trackpad .

In Safari, the keyboard shortcut for refreshing a web page is simple and intuitive. By pressing "Command + R" on a Mac keyboard , users can instantly trigger the page refresh action. This key combination serves as a quick and direct method to update the content of the current web page, eliminating the need to navigate to the refresh button or context menus.

The use of keyboard shortcuts aligns with the principles of productivity and accessibility, catering to users who prioritize speed and efficiency in their browsing experience. By incorporating familiar key combinations, such as "Command + R," Safari empowers users to refresh web pages with minimal effort, allowing for a seamless transition between tasks.

Furthermore, keyboard shortcuts offer a level of control and precision that resonates with users who are accustomed to navigating applications using key commands. This method enables users to refresh web pages without disrupting their current keyboard-focused workflow, enhancing the overall browsing efficiency.

Another advantage of using keyboard shortcuts to refresh pages in Safari is the consistency it provides across different web pages and websites. Regardless of the content being viewed, the "Command + R" shortcut remains universally applicable, ensuring a standardized approach to page refresh functionality.

By embracing keyboard shortcuts as a method for refreshing web pages, Safari caters to users who value speed, precision, and consistency in their browsing habits. This approach aligns with the browser's commitment to providing diverse and user-centric options for interacting with web content, ultimately enhancing the overall browsing experience for its users.

Method 3: Using the Context Menu

Navigating the web with Safari involves exploring various methods to interact with web pages, and using the context menu to refresh a page offers a versatile and efficient approach. The context menu, accessed by right-clicking on a web page, provides a range of options for interacting with web content, including the ability to refresh the page seamlessly.

When users right-click on a web page in Safari, the context menu presents a set of actions and commands tailored to the specific elements and functionalities of the page. Among these options is the "Reload Page" command, which, when selected, triggers the page refresh process, ensuring that users have access to the most up-to-date content.

The context menu serves as a dynamic interface that adapts to the context of the user's interaction with the web page. By incorporating the "Reload Page" command within the context menu, Safari offers users a convenient and contextually relevant method to refresh web pages. This approach aligns with the browser's commitment to providing diverse and user-centric options for interacting with web content, ultimately enhancing the overall browsing experience for its users.

One of the notable advantages of using the context menu to refresh pages in Safari is the flexibility it offers. Unlike the refresh button and keyboard shortcuts, which are more direct in their functionality, the context menu provides users with a visual and contextual means of initiating the page refresh process. This visual representation can be particularly beneficial for users who prefer a more tactile and exploratory approach to interacting with web elements.

Furthermore, the context menu's inclusion of the "Reload Page" command underscores Safari's commitment to accessibility and user empowerment. By integrating this functionality into the context menu, Safari ensures that users have multiple pathways to refresh web pages, catering to diverse preferences and browsing styles.

In summary, leveraging the context menu to refresh web pages in Safari represents a user-centric and adaptable approach to interacting with web content. By integrating the "Reload Page" command within the context menu, Safari empowers users with a versatile and visually intuitive method to ensure that they are accessing the most current information on the web. Whether users prefer the directness of keyboard shortcuts, the familiarity of the refresh button, or the contextual nature of the context menu, Safari's diverse methods for refreshing web pages underscore its commitment to enhancing the browsing experience for all users.

In conclusion, mastering the art of refreshing web pages on Safari empowers users to navigate the web with efficiency and confidence. By exploring the diverse methods available, including the refresh button, keyboard shortcuts, and the context menu, Safari offers a comprehensive toolkit for users to ensure that they are accessing the most current and relevant content on the web.

The refresh button, with its intuitive placement in the address bar, serves as a visual cue for users to initiate the page refresh process. Its universal appeal, responsiveness, and reliability make it a go-to option for individuals seeking a hassle-free method to refresh web pages. Whether checking for real-time updates on news websites or refreshing social media feeds, the refresh button provides a quick and intuitive solution.

Keyboard shortcuts provide a seamless and efficient alternative to clicking the refresh button. By incorporating familiar key combinations, such as "Command + R," Safari empowers users to refresh web pages with minimal effort, catering to those who prioritize speed and efficiency in their browsing experience. This method offers a level of control and precision, enhancing the overall browsing efficiency and consistency across different web pages and websites.

The context menu, accessed by right-clicking on a web page, offers a versatile and efficient approach to refreshing a page. By integrating the "Reload Page" command within the context menu, Safari provides users with a convenient and contextually relevant method to refresh web pages. This approach caters to diverse preferences and browsing styles, ensuring that users have multiple pathways to access the most current information on the web.

In essence, Safari's commitment to providing diverse and user-centric options for interacting with web content underscores its dedication to enhancing the browsing experience for all users. Whether users prefer the directness of keyboard shortcuts, the familiarity of the refresh button, or the contextual nature of the context menu, Safari's diverse methods for refreshing web pages cater to a wide range of user preferences and browsing habits.

By familiarizing themselves with these methods, users can navigate Safari with ease and ensure that they are always viewing the most current content on their favorite websites. Whether you're a seasoned Safari user or just getting started with this innovative browser, these methods will empower you to navigate the web with confidence and efficiency.

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OS X Daily

Tips & Tricks

Troubleshooting, 31 useful safari keyboard shortcuts for mac.

Safari icon

Safari is the fast and lean default web browser bundled with every Mac and Mac OS X. You probably already know a keyboard shortcut or two, but there are tons of shortcuts in Safari worth remembering that can really improve your experience browsing the web.

We’ll cover 31 different keystrokes for Safari on Mac, they are grouped into different sections based on use case, and we’ve also included a few multi-touch gestures for those of us with multitouch capable Macs. You’ll get a grand total of 31 keyboard shortcuts for Safari on Mac, and 4 Safari gestures too!

8 Safari Shortcuts for Navigating Tabs & Web Pages

  • Switch to Next Tab – Control+Tab
  • Switch to Previous Tab – Control+Shift+Tab
  • Scroll Down by Full Screen – Spacebar
  • Scroll Up by Full Screen – Shift+Spacebar
  • Go to Address Bar – Command+L
  • Open New Tab – Command+T
  • Open Link in New Tab – Command+Click a link
  • Add Linked Page to Reading List – Shift+Click link

7 Safari Shortcuts for Reading & Viewing Pages

  • Strip Styling and View in Reader – Command+Shift+R
  • Increase Text Size – Command+Plus
  • Decrease Text Size – Command+Minus
  • Default Text Size – Command+0
  • Enter or Exit Full Screen – Command+Escape
  • Open Home Page – Command+Shift+H
  • Mail Link to Current Page – Command+Shift+I

5 Safari Shortcuts for Caches, Loading Pages, Source, and Pop Ups

  • Empty Browser Cache – Command+Option+E
  • Reload Page – Command+R
  • Stop Loading Page – Command+.
  • View Page Source – Command+Option+U
  • Disable Pop Up Windows – Command+Shift+K

3 Safari Shortcuts for Finding and Navigating Found Items

  • Find Text on Page – Command+F
  • Navigate Found Items Forward – Return
  • Navigate Found Items Backwards – Shift+Return

8 Safari Shortcuts for Toolbars, History, and Reading List

  • Hide or Show Toolbar – Command+i
  • Hide or Show Bookmarks Bar – Command+Shift+B
  • Hide or Show Status Bar – Command+/
  • Hide or Show Tab Bar – Command+Shift+T
  • Show Top Sites – Command+Option+1
  • Show History – Command+Option+2
  • Show Reading List – Command+Shift+L
  • Show Downloads – Command+Option+L

Bonus: 4 Safari Multi-Touch Gestures

  • Go Back – Two Finger Swipe Left
  • Go Forward – Two Finger Swipe Right
  • Zoom Out / Decrease Font Size – Pinch
  • Zoom In / Increase Font Size – Spread / Reverse Pinch

There are even more keyboard commands, but the above lists recommend the most useful. If you’re looking through the menus and wondering what some of those symbols are, our recent post on Mac keyboard symbols should help decipher some of the peculiar looking glyphs.

Want to learn more keystrokes for other apps? Browse through our other keyboard shortcut lists , you’ll notice there are often similarities between the shortcuts and apps, particularly those created by Apple.

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» Comments RSS Feed

Thanks for sharing

Try command + [ for back command + ] for forward

Thank you very much.

Look inside the folder. There’s a file called: Shortcuts.html


Great to make a Bookmark of, and to keep all the shortcuts close. :)

A four finger swipe gives you the last program opened consecutively.

If you use several web browsers, it may be helpful to standardize your keyboard commands across all applications using System Preferences. I set “Switch to Next/Previous Tab” to command+option+left/right arrow. Also, I used the System Preferences pane “BetterTouchTool” to perform those actions with three-finger left/right swipes.

It’s one finger swipe for go forward/back. Two finger swipe makes you go to dashboard or change despktop/full screen app.

This depends on input method and also on your settings. It can be a one finger swipe, two finger swipe or even a three finger swipe.

Hide or Show Toolbar – Command+i

Hide or Show Toolbar – Command+| (vertical divider)

Mail Current Page – Command+i (mails contents)

Hide or Show Toolbar does not work.

Every page I go to has this shortcut listed and it doesn’t. work.

The two finger dragging direction is counter-intuitive. Just as dragging up a page in Lion pulls the page up, I’d prefer to drag the page from left to right to pull in the previous page.

Navigate Found Items Forward – Return

Also, Command + G

Look up in dictionary ctrl + command + d when hovering a word with the cursor.

the three-finger tap can be used for this as well.

That’s great. Thanks!

Great list but Safari has some features I can’t stand right now, mainly the automatic refresh thing and other iOS inspired elements that make it difficult to use. I’m using Chrome for the time being since Firefox crapped the bed and never recovered from it’s mishap. Hopefully Apple fixes Safari, I like it a lot.

Yes the fact that Safari refreshes the page every time you hit the back button is very annoying. I don’t see any benefit in it either and it means you download the page contents again unnecessarily.

I Like Chrome .

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The Safari Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Mac

Mac users, make your browsing sessions a lot less work with these keyboard and link-based shortcuts for Safari.

Safari is one of the best browsers for Mac users and beats Chrome on many counts .

Have you decided to stick with this native macOS app for browsing? Then it's time to take your Safari experience a notch or two higher by adding a few choice shortcuts to your workflow. Take your pick from the shortcuts we've compiled in the cheat sheet below. (Using them all is even better!)

The cheat sheet contains several keyboard shortcuts as well as link-based shortcuts for handling tabs, bookmarks, webpage content, and more. These shortcuts can save you loads of time as you surf the web.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download The Safari Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Mac .

Personalize Safari for a Better Workflow

Despite being less versatile than popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, Safari remains the top choice for Mac users thanks to its seamless integration with macOS.

To make the best of Safari, personalize it with our Safari customization guide , keep it in top shape with our tips for boosting browser speed and performance and of course, use the shortcuts we've listed above.


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6 life-altering rstudio keyboard shortcuts.

Posted on January 4, 2021 by Business Science in R bloggers | 0 Comments

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The RStudio IDE is amazing. You can enhance your R productivity even more with these simple keyboard shortcuts.

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6 Keyboard Shortcuts (that will change your life)

Let’s speed up common activities with these 6 super-useful keyboard shortcuts.

r safari shortcut

1: Commenting & Uncommenting Code [Ctrl + Shift + C]

I use this all the time to turn text into commented text. Works with multiple lines too.

Go from this…

r safari shortcut

To this…

r safari shortcut

2: Add the Pipe %>% [Ctrl + Shift + M]

My students absolutely love this. You can easily add the Pipe %>% in any spot you’d like! Perfect for data wrangling with dplyr.

r safari shortcut

3: Insert The Assignment Operator [Alt + -]

My code has tons of assignment operators. This is a simple, time-saver that will make you more productive in building functions and assigning variables values.

r safari shortcut

4: Cursor-Select Multiple Lines [Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down/Click]

This is a recent addition to my portfolio of must-know keyboard shortcuts. Using Multi-Cursor Select has now become a go-to for editing R code .

Multi-Line Select

r safari shortcut

…And edit!

r safari shortcut

5: Find in Files [Ctrl + Shift + F]

THIS IS A SUPER POWER. Seriously. Learn to use this one right now!

Find in Files

r safari shortcut

Found every instance of ggplot by file!

r safari shortcut

6: Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet [Alt + Shift + K]

More shortcuts!!! Run this to get a Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet.

r safari shortcut

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21 shortcuts for Safari you need to know

Become a Safari Svengali by employing some of these keyboard shortcuts.

r safari shortcut

If you use Apple's own browser on your Mac, then I've got some shortcuts to share with you. With just a handful of these keyboard shortcuts, you can become a superior Safari surfer.

Tab and window management

1. open link in new tab.

Some links are coded to open in the current tab while others open in a new tab. To take control of this behavior, press Command when you click a link to stay on your current page while opening the link in a new tab in the background. Likewise, use Command-Shift-click to open link in new tab and switch to it.

2. Jump to next or previous tab

Use Command-Shift-right arrow to jump one tab to the right and use Command-Shift-left arrow to jump one tab to the left. Alternatively, you can use Control-Tab to move to the right and Control-Shift-Tab to move to the left

3. Jump to specific tab

To jump to a specific tab of the many you have open, press Command and any number key between 1 and 9 . Command-1 jumps you to your first (left-most) tab. Command-5 , for example, jumps you to the fifth tab from the left.

4. Bring back closed tab

You probably use Command-T to open a new tab, but did you know that Command-Z opens your previously closed tab. Undo that last tab closure! Unlike Chrome and Firefox that remember your last 10 closed tabs, Safari brings back only your last closed tab with this shortcut. For other closed tabs, you'll need to find them in Safari's History.

5. Drag tabs

Safari is quite flexible when it comes to moving your tabs around. You can click and drag a tab to move it to another spot among your row open tabs in the current window. You can also drag a tab out of the current window and start a new window or drag it from one window to another window.

6. M for minimize

Hit Command-M to minimize your current window.

7. Close current tab or window

This shortcut saves you from needing to click the little X to close a tab. Instead, use Command-W to close your current tab. To close your current Safari window, use Command-Shift-W .

8. Close all tabs but current tab

After an explosion of tabs, you can close all tabs but the current tab (and any pinned tabs) by hitting Command-Option-W .

9. Enter Reading Mode

Hit Command-Shift-R to enable Safari's reading mode to get a clean, clutter-free version of the page you are viewing.

10. Add to Reading List

Hit Command-Shift-D to add the current page to your Reading List so you can return to it later.

11. Open the Sidebar

Hit Command-Shift-L to open Safari's Sidebar to see your Bookmarks, Reading List, Shared links. Hit the keyboard shortcut again to close the Sidebar.

12. Go fullscreen

Hit Command-Control-F to move in and out of fullscreen mode.

13. Private, keep out

Hit Command-Shift-N to open a Private Browsing window.

14. Mute noisy tab

Like Chrome, Safari displays a speaker icon on any tab that is playing audio. Unlike with Chrome, with Safari you can click on the speaker icon to mute the tab. You can also click the blue speaker icon in the URL bar to mute all tabs.

Page navigation

15. forward and back.

You can go back a page on your current tab by hitting Command-left arrow . To move forward a page, use Command-right arrow .

16. Page up and down

When you are viewing a page (and not filling out a form, using Google Docs or otherwise engaging your cursor in Safari), hit the spacebar to page down on a page and Shift-spacebar to page up.

17. Top or bottom

Hit Command-up arrow to return to the top of the web page you are viewing and Command-down arrow to go to the very bottom of the page.

18. Stop a page from loading

If a page is taking too long to load, hit the Escape key to stop it from loading. To reload the page, hit Command-R .

19. Zoom controls

If you have trouble reading a small font on a page, hit Command-Shift-[equals sign] to zoom in. To zoom out, use Command-Shift-[minus sign] to zoom out. To return to the default zoom level, hit Command-Shift-0 (zero).

20. URL bar

Hit Command-L to take control of URL bar.

21. Find bar

Use Command-F to open the Find bar to search for text on the current page. When searching for text with the Find bar, hit Return to go to the next instance of your search term on the page and use Shift-Return to go to the previous instance.

Many of the shortcuts are the same, but I've got Chrome shortcuts and Firefox shortcuts if either is your preferred browser.

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50+ Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

Elevate your Safari browsing on macOS and iOS with 50+ keyboard shortcuts. From webpage navigation to bookmark management, find it all here

As Apple’s flagship browser, Safari is known for its speed, privacy features , and user-friendly interface. It is the go-to browser for many iOS and macOS users, ranging from professionals to students and casual surfers.

In this post, we’ll show you a list of more than 50 keyboard shortcuts for desktop Safari. Whether you’re a multitasking pro or someone who just wants to make their online activities a bit smoother, these keyboard shortcuts are sure to come in handy.

Related: Keyboard shortcuts for macOS Venture , iMessage , Apple Pages , and Terminal .

Current Webpage

Tabs and navigation, reading list, other shortcuts.

80 Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

Safari Shortcuts

You probably know tens of Safari shortcuts, but in reality, tons of Safari shortcuts can improve your experience while browsing the web. Sticking to this native Safari browser, it’s time that you level up a bit higher in the browser by learning Safari shortcuts.

Download Safari Shortcuts PDF

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Most used Safari Shortcuts
  • 1.2 Menu Shortcuts
  • 1.3 Navigation Shortcuts

Below is a list of the best and most useful Safari shortcuts that you can remember and make yourself more productive. Download the Safari Shortcuts PDF.

Most used Safari Shortcuts

Similar Programs: Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

Menu Shortcuts

Similar Programs: Internet Explorer Shortcut keys

Navigation Shortcuts

These are the most useful Safari shortcuts that speed up the workflow. However, even though Safari protects users’ privacy and safety, many people still prefer the competitive browsers Chrome and Firefox.

  • Slack Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Spotify Shortcuts
  • Sublime text Shortcuts
  • Visual Studio Shortcuts

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How can I force Safari to perform a full page reload, without using the mouse?

I'm using Safari to preview web pages as I develop them on my local server. I've got 'Disable Caches' checked in the Develop menu. And yet Safari is still working from a cached version of a stylesheet that's linked from the HTML file being displayed.

I can sometimes override this by Option-clicking the reload button in the location bar, but I want to refresh the page automatically when I save the CSS file. At the moment I'm doing it using an AppleScript that's bound to the Save action in my text editor. I could see using Keyboard Maestro instead. But I need some consistent way to force Safari to do a full reload from the keyboard.

  • browser-cache

Hennes's user avatar

  • Do you have any extensions installed. Had this problem once with Adblock... It messed up one page in particular, thought it was a stylesheet problem too, tried everything... but it was Adblock messing with it. –  unom Jan 8, 2014 at 22:08

9 Answers 9

Enable the Develop menu from Safari menu - Preferences - Advanced .

On Safari version 11.1 and above :

CMD + OPTION + R reloads the page ignoring cache.

On Safari version 9 and above :

CMD + SHIFT + R reloads the page ignoring cache.

Emptying caches seems not to reload the stylesheets everytimes…

On Safari below version 9 :

Empty cache and then reload so full "hot key" would be :


CMD + R to refresh the page

Of course probably turning opening and closing a New Private Window from the File would also work but…

Rob Nienburg's user avatar

  • that didn't work for me on Safari 8 –  Brian Tingle Sep 11, 2015 at 5:49
  • 3 Safari version 9.1.1 does not reload the page with Cmd-Shift-R. I have "Show Develop in menu bar" enabled. –  Jason Jun 21, 2016 at 13:46
  • cmd+shift+R didn't work for me in 9.1.3 either –  sfletche Oct 13, 2016 at 17:07
  • 1 Cmd+Shift+R didn't work in Version 10.0.1 (11602. –  Snowcrash Feb 14, 2017 at 10:59
  • Checkout @sayan's answer below for a working shortcut –  Vlad May 17, 2018 at 14:35

The shortcut has now changed to OPTION + CMD + R . (Safari 11.1)

sayan's user avatar

  • 1 Works perfectly! –  kerrin Apr 25, 2018 at 4:23

There is an option in the menubar Develop->Disable Caches. This is true for Safari 5.1. I'm not sure for the rest.


  • 2 Please read the second sentence of my question again. –  Gabe Jul 28, 2011 at 17:06
  • 1 Oops, I'm sorry :) –  mist Jul 29, 2011 at 7:01
  • I think the keyboard maestro method be to activate the “disable caches” menu bar item, reload the page, then deactivate it. –  BallpointBen Aug 23, 2023 at 4:42

Turn on Private mode and refresh the page. It won't get it from the cache in private mode.

Jawa's user avatar

Hard refresh was removed as a keyboard shortcut in Safari 5. The old command for that was ⌘ + SHIFT + R

CTRL + F5 May work but I can't test here.

Community's user avatar

  • Yes, that's how to refresh the page, but it doesn't bypass the cache. –  Gabe Sep 9, 2010 at 16:02
  • 2 Control-F5 just selects the location bar, like Command-L. –  Gabe Sep 9, 2010 at 16:45
  • Then it's been disabled completely. I found a number of threads complaining about it. There is an extension that I have NOT tested here: that may do what you want. –  JNK Sep 9, 2010 at 16:47
  • No, that extension just creates a button in the toolbar (which I guess some people prefer to the icon in the location bar). I also found a lot of threads complaining about it—i was wondering if someone on here had any special knowledge. –  Gabe Sep 9, 2010 at 19:37
  • Sorry! :( <15chars> –  JNK Sep 9, 2010 at 19:47

Workaround: in the develop menu, select "start debugging javascript" and it must reload the code properly. You can then stop debugging... I know it's not a clean solution and I'm not sure if it works always or in all versions, but it's working for me now.

Rico's user avatar

I stumble upon this question and apparently the current answers do not work.

Issue is currently CMD + ALT + R opens the Responsive design.

However if the inspector is open via CMD + ALT + I , then the same shortcut does a clean refresh.

Current Safari Version: 12.1.2

Ant's user avatar

CMD + L focus on the address bar SHIFT + ALT + ENTER full reload for the current address

It seems to work on Safari 9

rraallvv's user avatar

  • And how does one click without a mouse? –  qasdfdsaq Oct 23, 2015 at 12:51
  • 1 @qasdfdsaq My bad, edited the question. –  rraallvv Oct 23, 2015 at 13:00

Go to Safari's preferences and tick "Show develop menu". In the develop menu, click disable Caches.

cpast's user avatar

  • 1 Please read the second sentence of my question. –  Gabe Feb 21, 2013 at 11:55

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r safari shortcut

Safari Key Combinations

Safari is a graphical web browser developed by Apple, based on the WebKit engine. See how KeyCombiner can boost your Safari productivity .

A Public Collection

It is a core idea of KeyCombiner to not just practice any keyboard shortcuts, but to select what is useful for you.

Use this and other public collections to quickly build your own shortcut collections. The -icon shows at first glance which shortcuts are already in your collections. Hover over the icon to see the names of your collections that contain the respective shortcut.

These public tables can also serve as a cheat sheet to quickly look up keyboard shortcuts when you need them. However, the same can be done much quicker with KeyCombiner Desktop 's instant lookup.

Please note that we are not in any way affiliated to the applications, companies, and trademarks listed as public collections. The data is gathered solely from official and public sources. If you are the copyright holder and wish to see your software removed, please get in touch and we will remove it quickly.

Features on this page

The combination table supports all popular multi-selection patterns. Hold Shift for range-selection. Use Ctrl for selecting multiple areas, and drag the mouse to select adjacent entries.

Copy the selected combinations to a personal collection via the Collect -button on top of the table.

Use the sidebar on the right to quickly filter through your collection by preset criteria. Use the different search fields for more complex queries.

Use the buttons at the top-left of the combination table to export the keyboard combinations in different formats. (Pro only)

KeyCombiner Keyboard Shortcuts

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The MacRumors Show: Apple Shortcuts and iOS 18 ft. Matthew Cassinelli

Matthew Cassinelli, one of the minds behind Workflow, joins us on this week's episode of The MacRumors Show to talk Apple Shortcuts and potential improvements and AI features coming to the app in iOS 18 .

Last year, a report from The Information claimed that ‌iOS 18‌ will introduce some major AI features to Siri and the Shortcuts app. Apple apparently wants ‌‌Siri‌‌ to be able to help users automate complex, multi-step tasks with voice-based commands and have much deeper integration with Shortcuts, such as by potentially helping users build them.

We break down Apple Shortcuts for beginners and look at some of the many use-cases for the app, as well as consider where it could go next with AI. The MacRumors Show is now on its own YouTube channel , so make sure you're subscribed to keep up with new episodes and clips going forward:

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avaleenfromhawkes bay

Shift Command R

I have to press the above keys when ever I open a new page on line otherwise it appears as a word document and not the correct full screen

MacBook Air 13", macOS 10.14

Posted on Mar 19, 2020 4:33 AM


Posted on Mar 19, 2020 5:29 AM

Shift + command + R is the shortcut to show/hide Reader.

r safari shortcut

Control + command + F is the shortcut for enter/exit Full Screen.

r safari shortcut

Set Safari Websites preferences not to show Reader mode automatically.

Safari > Preferences > Websites >General > Reader

Click the Reader in the sidebar.

Click the box next to the website name and choose Off.

For other sites, choose On/Off for other sites " When visiting other websites:" at the bottom right corner.

r safari shortcut

You can also click the dark Reader button at the left most part in the search bar.

r safari shortcut

For more about websites preferences:

Loading page content

Page content loaded

Mar 19, 2020 5:29 AM in response to avaleenfromhawkes bay


Mar 19, 2020 5:54 AM in response to avaleenfromhawkes bay

avaleenfromhawkes bay wrote:

Full screen is Control Command F

Mac keyboard shortcuts - Apple Support

Safari Shortcuts

Web page shortcuts, bookmarks view shortcuts, menu shortcuts.

Note that the above includes some command-keys that depend on certain applications being installed. If OmniWeb isn't installed, for instance, its command-keys won't be available within Safari.

Custom shortcuts

To set up your own keyboard shortcuts for your bookmarks, quit Safari, open Terminal and type: defaults write NSUserKeyEquivalents '{" bookmarkName "=" keyCombo ";}' where keyCombo is one or more of the following:

followed by the desired key. For example, to set up a bookmark called "Foobar" with the shortcut Cmd-Option- C, you would type:

If there is more than one shortcut you want to set up, just duplicate the code within the braces. This example would assign Cmd-Option-D to MacDevCenter and Cmd-Shift-M to Macworld:

But keep in mind that the MacDevCenter and Macworld bookmarks would also need to exist and point to their respective sites; this line simply sets up the shortcuts, not the bookmarks themselves.

Last updated: 9 August 2004


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    8 Safari Shortcuts for Navigating Tabs & Web Pages. Switch to Next Tab - Control+Tab. Switch to Previous Tab - Control+Shift+Tab. Scroll Down by Full Screen - Spacebar. Scroll Up by Full Screen - Shift+Spacebar. Go to Address Bar - Command+L. Open New Tab - Command+T. Open Link in New Tab - Command+Click a link.

  9. safari shortcut : r/Safari

    safari shortcut . hey guys. anyone know the shortcut to the search area in a wesbite? ... This might be a stretch (and is pretty late, sorry lol), but a Safari extension called vimari (it's made to give you Vim-like keybindings in Safari, and Vim is a pretty popular text editor for code if you haven't heard of it) that can do exactly this ...

  10. The Safari Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Mac

    Toggle contents of selected bookmark folder. ¹Use Cmd + L and Cmd + Return in that order to duplicate current tab quickly. ²Shortcut works with bookmarks in Favorites bar also. ³Shortcut works in other macOS apps also. ⁴The Undo shortcut Cmd + Z also works as long as the Close Tab action was the most recent one.

  11. 6 Life-Altering RStudio Keyboard Shortcuts

    4: Cursor-Select Multiple Lines [Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down/Click] This is a recent addition to my portfolio of must-know keyboard shortcuts. Using Multi-Cursor Select has now become a go-to for editing R code. Multi-Line Select. …And edit!

  12. 21 shortcuts for Safari you need to know

    Hit Command-Shift-R to enable Safari's reading mode to get a clean, clutter-free version of the page you are viewing. 10. Add to Reading List. Hit Command-Shift-D to add the current page to your ...

  13. 50+ Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

    In this post, we'll show you a list of more than 50 keyboard shortcuts for desktop Safari. Whether you're a multitasking pro or someone who just wants to make their online activities a bit smoother, these keyboard shortcuts are sure to come in handy. Related: Keyboard shortcuts for macOS Venture, iMessage, Apple Pages, and Terminal.

  14. 80 Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

    Command + Left Arrow key. Page Forward. Command + Right Arrow key. These are the most useful Safari shortcuts that speed up the workflow. However, even though Safari protects users' privacy and safety, many people still prefer the competitive browsers Chrome and Firefox. READ NEXT: Slack Keyboard Shortcuts.

  15. macos

    Emptying caches seems not to reload the stylesheets everytimes…. On Safari below version 9 : Empty cache and then reload so full "hot key" would be : CMD + OPTION + E. Then. CMD + R to refresh the page. Of course probably turning opening and closing a New Private Window from the File would also work but…. Share.

  16. Wrote SafariGPT Apple Shortcut to summarize pages in Safari

    Add Shortcut While on Safari, click Share Scroll all the way down and click SafariGPT It will take around 30-40 seconds. ... r/shortcuts. r/shortcuts. This subreddit is devoted to Shortcuts. Shortcuts is an Apple app for automation on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. Members Online.

  17. Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

    Scroll to the top-left or bottom-left corner of the page. command + up or. command + down. Current webpage. Search the current webpage. command + f. Highlight the next field or pop-up menu on a webpage. tab. Highlight the next field, pop-up menu, or clickable item.

  18. The MacRumors Show: Apple Shortcuts and iOS 18 ft. Matthew Cassinelli

    Friday April 12, 2024 8:30 am PDT by Hartley Charlton. Matthew Cassinelli, one of the minds behind Workflow, joins us on this week's episode of The MacRumors Show to talk Apple Shortcuts and ...

  19. Safari 17 : switch between profiles with keyboard shortcuts

    Is there any shortcut just to switch between profiles (just switch, not open new one in new window) Reply reply ... I wish Safari would let me just keep the spatial complexities I make (over several Spaces), but at the same time manage resource usage better. That would be optimal in my view, but maybe better use of Profiles/Tab Groups can help.

  20. Shift Command R

    Safari. Shift + command + R is the shortcut to show/hide Reader. Control + command + F is the shortcut for enter/exit Full Screen. Set Safari Websites preferences not to show Reader mode automatically. Safari > Preferences > Websites >General > Reader . Click the Reader in the sidebar. Click the box next to the website name and choose Off.

  21. Shortcut for Safari : r/shortcuts

    Shortcut for Safari . Is there a secure shortcut that will allow me to download videos or movies through Safari? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. More posts you may like. r/shortcuts • Google Earth View Wallpaper Shortcut ...

  22. Safari Shortcuts

    Web page shortcuts. Up/down arrow keys. Scroll page vertically by a small amount. Left/right arrow keys. Scroll page horizontally by a small amount. Option-arrow keys. Scroll page by a screenfull, minus a small overlap. Cmd-up/down arrow key. Scroll to top-left or bottom-left corner of web page.

  23. Safari Profile : r/shortcuts

    Hi, I am looking to get or see if it's possible to create a shortcut to change the Safari profile based on the focus mode. Work Focus set then set the safari profile to work. Personal Focus set then set the Safari Profile to Personal. Any help here appreciated. In the respective focus settings, scroll down to focus filters and set one for ...