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Hyperspace travel times calculator (new and improved).

A while ago, I made a bare-bones hyperspace travel times calculator with Google Sheets. It did the basics of what needed to be done, but it wasn’t all that impressive and could be difficult to use. As I’ve learned more how to use spreadsheets (specifically Excel), I’ve made a new and improved version here: Hyperspace Calculator (.xlsx)

Every number is completely malleable. There are NO numbers hard-coded into formulas, making personalization and modification much easier. NO Excel knowledge required! Just change the numbers in the tables, you won’t have to touch any formulas.

If you just want to use this tool at its most basic, read the quick start guides. If you want to know how to get the most out of this tool, read the advanced guides, although it may be worth skimming the quick start guides first.

In the “Ships (table)” sheet, enter the appropriate stats for the ship you want to use (Hyperdrive class, fuel consumption modifier [I use 1, +1 for each point of silhouette past 4], and campaign name) and delete the other rows (Ctrl&-).

In the “Games (table)” sheet, enter your campaign name, the desired number of inches per hour (default is one), and the desired number of fuel cells consumed per hour (default is 0.5). Note: Hour:Inch is based on a 500 parsecs (1/3 grid square) per inch measurement. If you are working off a different measurement, see “Advanced setup>Games (table)>Hour:Inch.”

You’re good to go! Move on to “Calculation quick start” to see how to get your results.

Once you’ve entered the necessary data (see “Setup quick start”), you’re ready to get your results!

  • Choose your ship.
  • Add a new row (see “Expanding tables (tutorial)”).
  • Name your route.
  • Measure your route and enter the number (decimal please!) in the “Distance (Inches)” column.
  • Select a class of hyperlane (not sure what class? Enter something not on the list and read the error message).
  • Select region. (Note. If a trip crosses regions or travels over different classes of hyperlane, you will need to list separate “legs” of the journey. Alternatively, choose “Minor” and “Outer Rim” to multiply by 1 and ignore the variance in modifiers.)
  • Enter any additional modifiers (such as from Advantage or Threat) in the “Additional Modifiers” cell. Positive numbers increase the time, negative numbers decrease the time.
  • Filter out any unwanted entries and look at the “Total” row. Ta-da! (If you don’t know how to filter, it’s the little drop-down arrow beside the column’s header.)

For more on fuel, see “Advanced calculation.”

Before you can use the “Calculator” sheet, you need to input some basic data.

You need to do this first, as it is the source of another table’s Data Validation drop-down list.

Under “Campaign,” put the name of each campaign.

Under “Hour:Inch” put the base number of inches travelled in an hour. I’m basing my measurements off a galaxy grid of 3 inches per square, so 500 parsecs per inch. If you’re using a different measurement, you’ll need to adapt this number to fit your grid’s size. Here are some common alternatives to get you started:

  • 500 parsecs on the galaxy map in any given CRB is 3/16s of an inch, so you’d need 5.33 to get the (approximately) same result as 1 if you were using that map.
  • For my anywhere-else-in-the-world friends, you’ll be using centimeters. If 500 parsecs=1 inch, it equals 2.54 centimeters (so 2.54). If 500 parsecs=3/16 of an inch, it equals 0.476cm (so 13.54). I know it’s a bit complicated, but that’s what happens when you convert Imperial to Metric (hence a nice, neat number like “.50” becoming “12.7mm”).

From there, just adjust it however you want to get the number you’ll personally use. Heck, just round it off and make it easier on yourself. I’m just telling you how to match the default of 1 hour=1 inch.

Under “Hour:Fuel” put how much fuel is consumed in an hour of hyperspace travel. If you want a fuel-intensive, more expensive campaign, increase the number. If you want a less expensive campaign, tone it down. Default is 0.5, or one fuel cell every two hours. (I run it that sil 3-4 ships have a capacity of 50, while sil 5 ships have a capacity of 100 and sil 6+ ships increase by additional 100 cells each.)

Under “Ships” put the names of your ships. Under drive class, put the ships’ hyperdrive classes. Under fuel cost (“consumption” was too long), put an appropriate number. This basically multiplies fuel consumption. I use 1, +1 for each point of silhouette past 4. If you don’t want to bother with fuel costs, set it to 0. Under “Game,” put the name of your game or campaign. This is so you can easily use the sheet for multiple campaigns that may have different settings for some of the variables (such as how fast hyperspace travel is).

You shouldn’t have to do any adjustment here, but this shows the modifiers added to your time based on what region of space you are navigating. The Deep Core is very clustered and slow to navigate, while the Outer Rim is far less dense. Here, you can add regions (“Hapes Cluster”), manipulate the modifiers, or even flatten them out. To see how to add to tables, see “Expanding Tables (tutorial).”

Like “Region Modifier,” you shouldn’t have to do any adjustment here. But this shows the modifiers added to your time based on the hyperlane you are navigating. The Corellian Run is much faster than the Bakura Trace (like an interstate highway compared to a back road). Here, you can add hyperlane types, add specific hyperlanes, manipulate the modifiers, or even flatten them out. To see how to add to tables, see “Expanding Tables (tutorial).”

This shows the cost to purchase fuel at a given class of port. Higher-class ports have higher docking fees, but provide better service (including security, which may or may not be a good thing) at a better price. I only list the cost for fuel here, however. This is straightforward enough, manipulate it however you want.

Once you’ve entered the necessary data (see “Advanced setup”), you’re ready to get your results!

  • From the drop-down menu, select the name of the ship you want to use. This will automatically fill the Hour:Inch and Hour:Fuel cells, besides telling the formulas what your hyperdrive class is.
  • Add more rows. The “IFERROR” part of the formula keeps the new rows from giving you a bunch of annoying #N /A errors.
  • Name your route. I recommend “Start-Destination.” If your trip will cross various regions and hyperlane speeds, you’ll need several entries, adding an entry in the “Leg” column to order and group each piece of the single route.
  • Measure your route and list it under “Distance (Inches).” Remember region boundaries and hyperlane speeds! For more information on the Hour:Inch ratio, see “Advanced setup>Games (table)>Hour:Inch.”
  • Select hyperlane from the drop-down menu. A major hyperroute would be like the Perlemian, while a minor route would be something like the Bakura Trace. Indeterminate just means it’s probably there, but not listed on your map, and uncharted means you aren’t following a mapped hyperlane.
  • Select region from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter any additional modifiers in the “Additional Modifiers” cell, such as effects from Advantage or Threat, or just variables you as the GM want to throw in there. My method for Advantage/Threat is 5% per, or 15% for a Triumph/Despair, to a max of 25% +/-. Positive numbers increase the time by X%, negative numbers decrease the time by X%.
  • Filter your “Route” column so you only see the routes you’re actually taking and look at the “Total” row.
  • Enter the class of starport you’ll patronize upon reaching your destination in the “Starport Class” cell.
  • Look at your totals.
  • “Fuel”: How many fuel cells you consumed on each leg, and across the whole trip.
  • “Trip Cost”: The cost to replace the fuel cells expended on each individual leg . It rounds down to a whole fuel cell!! The “Trip Cost” “Total” row calculates NOT based on adding up the rows above it, but based on the TOTAL number of fuel cells consumed, again rounded down to a whole fuel cell. This is because you don’t buy partial fuel cells.
  • “Real Cost”: The exact cost for the exact amount of fuel consumed. Straightforward, but not the most helpful when you’re at the pump and need to buy a whole number of fuel cells.
  • “Proportional Cost”: The proportional cost of each leg of the trip based on the TOTAL COST TO REFUEL, rounded down to a whole fuel cell. This is not a particularly useful feature, but adding it provides a complete economic review of the refueling costs. If I only left the previous two columns, it would be somewhat incomplete.

To expand a table, simply type on a subsequent row. Alternatively, click on the tiny gray triangle in the bottom right-hand corner and drag. Then enter your data in the new rows.

Don’t worry! This won’t mess up any of the formulas, and you won’t have to change any named ranges or Data Validation lists. Because of how I’ve set it up, they’ll expand automatically with your table.

I include examples of all of this in the calculator, hopefully that makes it easy to figure out how to use this. I know it may seem intimidating, but it’s a pretty easy learning curve. The basics are simple, and once you’re more acquainted with how it works modifying it should be a cakewalk. But if it isn’t, I’ll be happy to help you.

Warning: For whatever reason, VLOOKUPs don’t like words that start with “Alt” or entries that start with “Clone” or “Clown” (why clown, I have no earthly idea). Please do not attempt to use such words in the names of ships, campaigns, hyperlanes, or regions. You will get an error.

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Star Wars’ Hyperspace Explained

One of the star wars galaxy's most iconic visuals is more fascinating than ever right now..

Han Solo and Chewbacca look out of the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon, as it accelerates to Lightspeed in preparation to jump into Hyperspace.

Lucasfilm’s version of faster-than-light travel—hyperspace—is as fundamental to the worldbuilding of Star Wars as the Force . It’s the backbone of making its galaxy an interconnected universe of potential , a concept that has become more and more integral to some of the franchise’s biggest storytelling pushes. But how it works, and how people use it, has become more complex and fascinating than ever.

So What Is Hyperspace?

Hyperspace is one of the oldest elements of Star Wars we know, having first glimpsed it in action when the Millennium Falcon raced on its way from Tatooine towards Alderaan (or, what was left of it) in 1977's A New Hope . Although the concept of faster-than-light travel is no stranger to science fiction, how Star Wars has started playing with it in recent years has made it one of its most quietly compelling worldbuilding mechanics. It can be charted, traveled, manipulated, even weaponized—and the very ramifications of using it outside of the expected point-a-to-point-b mechanics can upend what we thought we knew about the galaxy far, far away in an instant.

On its most simple level, hyperspace—not unlike Star Trek ’s warp speed or myriad other sci-fi series’ take on interstellar travel—is an alternate dimension of reality that vessels (among other things) can slip in and out of at speeds unbound by the rules of physics in realspace. Accessible only by breaking the speed of light (j umping to lightspeed, as it’s known in Star Wars lingo), time and velocity operate differently in hyperspace, vastly reducing the time it takes to get from one point to another. Its discovery formed the possibility for galactic civilization as we know it in Star Wars to actually exist.

Image for article titled Star Wars’ Hyperspace Explained

It’s not all that easy though. Navigating it is still not fundamentally unlike traveling in realspace, it just happens at impossible-to-comprehend speeds. Things that exist in realspace cast adjacent shadows in hyperspace, meaning navigation can be difficult without proper knowledge or, as we will see become common in the Star Wars galaxy, pre-charted safe routes. Traveling in hyperspace can be incredibly dangerous both during the process and coming out of it.

As Han tells Luke in A New Hope , an unplanned exit (intentional or otherwise) could lead you to come out of hyperspace in the middle of a star, or within the gravity well of a planet or spatial anomaly. Hitting another ship or debris in hyperspace can have massive ramifications—in hyperspace and realspace—even beyond the fatal consequence of hitting something else at FTL speeds. We’ve witnessed this in the Great Distaster of the High Republic era , when debris from a ship destroyed mid-hyperspace travel was shot across the known galaxy and accelerated to speeds capable of wiping out entire planets . Hyperspace might be fundamental to how the Star Wars galaxy works, but it’s also something that, even by the time of the movies, people generally just don’t know all that much about.

How Do You Travel Through Hyperspace?

Most hyperspace travel we see in Star Wars media is technological; s tarships, everything from as small as an X-Wing to as large as a Star Destroyer, as long as it had a hyperdrive, could enter and exit the dimension. Fuelled by hypermatter, the engines shoot vessels to the speed that allows them to break into hyperspace in the first place, maintaining their mass and velocity (which is how Admiral Holdo’s maneuver in The Last Jedi proved to be so devastating ). This travel takes place along hyperspace lanes, safe passageways in the dimension that had been charted out hundreds and hundreds of years beforehand by the earliest explorers of the Old Republic, marked by beacons which provide route data and computational power as well as physical guide points to ships as they made jumps. In “contemporary” Star Wars —for want of a better word about a story that takes place a “ long time ago”—the computation power and layouts of those routes required to travel was now handled by onboard navigational systems known as navicomputers, or, to enhance limited computers in smaller vessels, an astromech droid’s internal systems.

Vessels could also fall out of hyperspace, intentionally or otherwise, at other points. Failure of a hyperdrive, for example, would cause a ship to jerk back into realspace. But they could also be forced: a gravitational pull could affect the velocity needed to breach hyperspace (which is why attempting to jump to lightspeed within the atmosphere of a planet was considered dangerous enough to be close to impossible) and a strong enough pull could block or terminate the process. The Empire built specific cruisers, known as the Interdictor class, that generated powerful gravity wells that could both stop nearby ships from entering hyperspace and pull them out mid-jump. This technology was vital to the Empire as, for much of Star Wars ’ history, it was deemed impossible to track a vessel once it made the jump to lightspeed. Just decades later, however, Imperial successor the First Order cracked the ability to do so. It broke a generation of conventional wisdom by isolating a computer system in a localized hyperspace field and accelerating its programming capabilities.

Are There Other Ways to Travel in Hyperspace?

Yes, there are other ways to navigate hyperspace. The Chiss Ascendancy existed in the “Unknown Regions” of the galaxy which had not been charted by hyperspace prospectors for the Galactic Republic or the Empire. They employed a secretive corps of hyperspace navigators (known in their language as ozyly-esehembo ) to help facilitate the computations required to navigate the volatile spaces in the region. Translated into basic as “Sky-walkers,” these Chiss were primarily very young girls between the ages of eight and 13. Sensitive to the Force, they had what was known in Chiss culture as “Third Sight,” the precognitive ability to help ships navigate through realspace and to map limited hyperspace jumps. Kept secret from all except the upper echelons of Chiss military and public society, each ship in the Ascendancy navy would be assigned a Sky-walker, and they would rotate out frequently. Why? Because Sky-walkers, no matter what training or preventative measures were taken, largely lost their ability to use Third Sight by the time they were teenagers.

Image for article titled Star Wars’ Hyperspace Explained

The Chiss were not the only Force-sensitive species that could use those abilities in such a manner, however incredibly rare such a manifestation of power actually was. In the time of the High Republic —roughly 200 years before the events of the main Star Wars movies—a force-sensitive human named Mari San Tekka could use her abilities to detect safe, but unconventional passageways through hyperspace known simply as “Paths.” Deemed too risky or even impossible by traditional prospectors’ standards, San Tekka’s paths could defy previously held conventional wisdom—like the ability to enter and exit hyperspace near spatial anomalies, or within and near the gravitational pull of a planet.

Due to the rarity of her abilities, however, San Tekka was an extremely valuable asset. She was captured and utilized exclusively by the pirate force known as the Nihil and sustained well beyond her natural lifespan by being hooked into medical systems aboard the flagship of the Nihil’s leader Marchion Ro (and his father before him, Asgar), the Gaze Electric . As they accelerated their operation outside of the Outer Rim territories they originated in and became a galactic-scale threat to the Republic, every ship was equipped with a “Path Engine.” It was a secondary hyperdrive that translated  t he data provided by San Tekka’s abilities into more standardized navigational information.

But humanoids weren’t the only sapient beings that could tap into this biological method of navigation. Introduced in Star Wars Rebels , the Purrgil were a species of whale-like semi-sentients that lived in deep space and had the unique natural ability to manifest “simu-tunnels” in hyperspace. While rare in and of themselves, Purrgils have taken on an almost folkloric status among space pilots and navigators. They’re ancient enough that it’s believed the study of their travel is what inspired galactic society to develop their own means of traveling through hyperspace in the first place, thousands of years before the Star Wars films. Additionally, their biological ways of travel and thought-processing formed the basis for the technology behind everything from the Wayfinders of ancient Force orders like the Jedi and Sith, to the hyperspace beacons and drives that made early intergalactic scouting possible.

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Hyperspace Travel Times

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Hyperspace Travel Times rules created by Wikia user ShadowDragon8685.

See also: House Rules

Hyperspace travel is based on the grid system found on standard maps of the galaxy. Travel times depend on the number of grid squares the travel will take you through. Different parts of the galaxy take different amounts of time to travel through.

  • In most of the galaxy, each grid square of distance traveled takes 16 hours to traverse.
  • The Deep Core is extremely densely populated with stars and stellar phenomena that make Hyperspace travel very difficult, and The Outer Rim is very poorly charted. Traveling through these regions increases the travel time to 24 hours per square.
  • Major Hyperspace lanes and minor trade lanes alike are very well charted and constantly kept up-to-date. These lanes override the difficulty of traveling through The Deep Core (As the best routes have already been found and are kept marked,) and The Outer Rim (As the routes have obviously been charted.) Travel along these routes is safe and secure, taking only 8 hours per grid square traveled.

All times are multiplied by the class multiplier of your Hyperdrive .

For example, a ship with a Class 1 Hyperdrive would take 24 hours to travel down the Rimma Trade Route from Sullust to Thyferra , a distance of 4 grid squares. A ship with a Class 0.75 Hyperdrive would take 72 hours to travel from Kuat to Ryloth , down the Hydian Way and transitioning to the Corellian Run.

This is how the majority of the galactic starfarers travel- down the charted Hyperspace Routes. Mishaps almost never happen, the routes are generally well-patrolled and their hazards frequently updated within minutes of being discovered, which is usually soon after they occur. You'll probably want to use the major lanes and the trade lanes to get as close to your destination as possible before going off the mainstream of travel, but you don't have to.

To go off the major space-lanes, however, is more difficult. You'll need a galactic star-chart, the most recently-updated the better. You can plot a "Hard" course from anywhere to anywhere, ignoring the main travel corridors entirely. This is how The Rebel Alliance operated back during the Galactic Civil War, to avoid Imperial patrols and random searches. Even if they were going to a place that was down a major spacelane, they would often travel parallel to it on an unpredictable vector, so the Empire couldn't intercept them.

If you have up-to-date charts and a Navicomputer or an Astromech Droid that can function as a Navicomputer (Or both), this is not significantly more risky than traveling along the space-lanes, just slower. If you're plotting your Hyperspace jump with out-of-date charts (More than a month old) or without the benefit of a Navicomputer or Astromech, you may be in trouble. If you're doing a jump with old charts and no Navicomputer , you're in real trouble. If you're trying to jump into uncharted sectors; such as into Wild Space , or exploring a star system nobody has visited before, you're in trouble. You're going to have to take your chances. Calculating a Hyperspace jump is a Use Computer check.

Exploring deep space is no simple matter. Going off-the-charts is dangerous, no less so today than when the first Duros exploration ship tested their first prototype Hyperdrive , lost to the mists of history. Long before the installation of Hyperspace beacons, which were themselves replaced with Navicomputers , Hyperspace jumps had the be calculated the hard way. They still do, if you're making a jump into unknown territory. You'll have to crunch the numbers, set your course, throttle up the Hyperdrive and pray. Beseeching The Force for help couldn't hurt.

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Rhett Allain

The Physics of the Millennium Falcon's Jump to Hyperspace

inside smuggler's run ride at star wars galaxy's edge at disneyland

I'm a fan of both Star Wars and physics , but I have to admit I don't know what the "jump to hyperspace" means. In short, it's a way for spaceships in the Star Wars universe to travel great distances in very little time. It should be clear that hyperspace travel is not at the speed of light . Light has a speed of 3 x 10 8 meters per second. This means that even traveling to the closest star (from Earth) would take a couple of years. Some other weird things would also happen according to Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity—but suffice it to say that a jump to hyperspace is not just a matter of traveling at the speed of light.

One common idea about hyperspace is that it involves extra dimensions . Perhaps traveling through this extra dimension allows a starship to take a short cut through space so that a trip that would take years instead takes hours. It's just a thought.

But what about something we can actually measure? Can we determine the acceleration of a vessel as it makes the jump to hyperspace? Oh, yeah—we totally can, and we will. For this analysis I am going to use the shot of the Millennium Falcon as it jumps to hyperspace at the end of The Empire Strikes Back . To estimate the acceleration, we can look at the angular size of the back of the Falcon as it moves away.

What does angular size have to do with this anyway? Our eyes (and movie cameras) don't see the size of things. Instead, they see the angular size of objects. If you draw an imaginary line from your eye out to one side of an object and then another line to the other side of the object, you would make a tiny wedge. The angle between these two lines is the angular size.

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This is why when things get farther away, they appear smaller. But if you know the angular size (θ) in radians and the actual size ( L ), you can find the distance ( r ). Oh, I know what you're thinking. That relationship only works for the arc-length of a circle. Yes, that's technically true. If the object is sufficiently far away, however, then the difference between arc-length and width is super tiny, and we can ignore the distinction.

Now for some data. All I need to do is measure the position of the sides of the Falcon and use that to calculate the angular size in each frame of the video during the jump to hyperspace. Of course there is a big problem. I don't actually know the angular size at the beginning of the jump. I'm just going to have to estimate it. Let's say that the Millennium Falcon is 25 meters wide and starts off at a distance of 100 meters from the camera. With that, I can set the angular field of view for the scene. This gives the following plot of angular size vs. time for that Falcon as it escapes.

With that angular size and the width of the Millennium Falcon, I can calculate the distance from the camera to the starship.

There is a quite a bit to consider in this graph. Just look at the final position—around 8,000 meters. So, in about half a second the Millennium Falcon goes from a position of just 100 meters to about 5 miles. If you consider the average speed (change in position over change in time), that's about 29,000 miles per hour (for Imperial readers). No matter the units, that's a super fast speed.

OK, but what about the acceleration? I can fit a quadratic function to the data (as seen in the graph). This is useful since an object moving with a constant acceleration also will have a quadratic for the equation of motion. Since the motion of an object with constant acceleration comes up quite often in physics courses, we give this equation a special name—the kinematic equation. It gives the position of an object at different times based on the acceleration (and the initial position and velocity). Here is the fitting equation along with the kinematic equation for constant acceleration.

Image may contain Text

Here you can see that the fitting number in front of the t 2 term should be equal to half the acceleration. That puts the Falcon's acceleration at 33,922 meters per second squared. Ummmm ... that is a super high acceleration. If you drop an object on the surface of the Earth, it will have an acceleration of 9.8 m/s 2 . If you eject yourself from a fighter aircraft , you will have the painful acceleration of something like 60 m/s 2 . This spaceship jumping to hyperspace accelerates a little bit more than that.

What about the g-force? OK, let's be clear about two points here. First, surely the Millennium Falcon has some type of "inertial damper" that allows people inside the ship to accelerate without dying . Second, Star Wars isn't real life so it doesn't matter (but it's still fun to analyze). Now, for the g-force. This is a fake force. It's a way to make an accelerating reference frame behave like a non-accelerating reference frame. In this case, the fake force is essentially just a measure of the acceleration of the inside of the Millennium Falcon.

The measure of this fake force is in terms of the gravitational force on Earth—this is the acceleration in g's. If the ship accelerated at 9.8 m/s 2 , that would be a fake force of 1 g. Inside the ship, it would feel like an extra gravitational weight pushing on you in the opposite direction that the spaceship accelerates. So, the acceleration in the jump to hyperspace would be a g-force of 3,461 g's. That's a large enough acceleration to easily squish a human if you don't have something like an inertial damper.

But wait! We also have an idea about the g-forces inside the Millennium Falcon during this jump. First, you can see Leia in the cockpit getting thrown back into her seat. Second, R2-D2 rolls back and falls down into an access panel. Surprisingly, there is enough data to measure R2's acceleration inside the ship. Here is a plot of his position as a function of time along with a quadratic fit.

Image may contain Plot

From this, it seems that there is an internal fake force of 2.73 m/s 2 or 0.28 g's. Yes, this is much less than the acceleration as seen from outside the ship. Obviously the inertial dampers are still mostly working.

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Star Wars: hyperdrive and interstellar travel times

  • Thread starter Starcrash
  • Start date Dec 22, 2020

star wars galaxy travel times

Tiberius "Starcrash" Smith (he/him)

star wars galaxy travel times

  • Dec 22, 2020

So this has been bothering me for a while, and I think the sequels really brought it into focus for me with the amount of explicit galaxy spanning journeys they do, and the greater examination of "things to do with a hyperdrive for fun and profit". How long does a hyperspace trip take in Star Wars? Can we put a number on it like light years per hour (assuming a Class One drive and normal conditions) and work from there, or should we treat it like the Immaterium with less daemons and say we're rolling dice for anything that's not next door. It's one thing to say, "the speed of plot," but when you're playing a RPG there needs to be some kind of rule, right? And another thing: what's the deal with sublight travel? I'm thinking of that episode of the Mandalorian in particular.  


Validated User

Starcrash said: So this has been bothering me for a while, and I think the sequels really brought it into focus for me with the amount of explicit galaxy spanning journeys they do, and the greater examination of "things to do with a hyperdrive for fun and profit". How long does a hyperspace trip take in Star Wars? Can we put a number on it like light years per hour (assuming a Class One drive and normal conditions) and work from there, or should we treat it like the Immaterium with less daemons and say we're rolling dice for anything that's not next door. It's one thing to say, "the speed of plot," but when you're playing a RPG there needs to be some kind of rule, right? Click to expand...
Starcrash said: And another thing: what's the deal with sublight travel? I'm thinking of that episode of the Mandalorian in particular. Click to expand...

Active member

My head cannon is that they have a slower backup hyperdrive. But then an X-Wing supposedly pulls 1700 Gs. Here my head cannon is that repulsor field thrust is inversely proportional to distance so the farther out you get the faster you go. Mostly, the writers have no sense of scale. There's a comic I keep meaning to draw where a storm trooper sets a cup of jawa juice in the middle of a round table where another storm trooper is sitting. He has to dive to catch the cup as it falls off the edge. Then he yells at the first storm trooper, "You idiot! Don't you know that rising tension is a proven physical force in this universe!?"  


Damn fool idealist

Hyperspace is a wizard: it is neither late nor early. You arrive precisely when you mean to.  


Part Time Dilettante

FTL travel times, and STL's for that matter, move at the speed of plot and exist in service of it in the Star Wars universe. That's totally in the spirit of the setting.  


Exhausted Parent

Dropkicker said: FTL travel times, and STL's for that matter, move at the speed of plot and exist in service of it in the Star Wars universe. That's totally in the spirit of the setting. Click to expand...


Playing mind games! Woo!

star wars galaxy travel times

Scurrilous said: My head cannon is that they have a slower backup hyperdrive. Click to expand...


Spam Sweeper

star wars galaxy travel times

Starcrash said: So this has been bothering me for a while, and I think the sequels really brought it into focus for me with the amount of explicit galaxy spanning journeys they do, and the greater examination of "things to do with a hyperdrive for fun and profit". How long does a hyperspace trip take in Star Wars? Can we put a number on it like light years per hour (assuming a Class One drive and normal conditions) and work from there, or should we treat it like the Immaterium with less daemons and say we're rolling dice for anything that's not next door. It's one thing to say, "the speed of plot," but when you're playing a RPG there needs to be some kind of rule, right? And another thing: what's the deal with sublight travel? I'm thinking of that episode of the Mandalorian in particular. Click to expand...

Gaming is the spice of my life.

As others have said, the "official" (as in Lucasarts / Disney ) answer appears to be that hyperspace speeds are governed by a particular story's plot needs. Here, however, is someone's attempt to provide a calculator for a consistent set of hyperspace travel times: http://d6holocron.com/astrogation/system.php?system=2216 I think in old EU sources, there's some details about the fact that the hyperspace lanes are like the "super highways" of space travel, with lots of work to keep them clear of navigational hazards and such. They are heavily patrolled by whatever governmental body claims a bit of space through which these lanes travel, but otherwise allow much faster travel between two points directly on or near such lanes. Travel on smaller "spur" hyperspace routes is slower. And travel across wild (aka not part of a hyperspace lane) space is slower still. Again, in some EU sources this difference in "speed" is down to the need to be more careful of navigational hazards the less traveled a given route is. A close reading of such explanations, in my opinion however, reveals that such details are lampshades for the answer given above (e.g. speed of plot) On the FFG Star Wars discussion forums, a rule of thumb developed that 1 "square" traveled on their galactic map took 1 day with a class 1 hyper drive. Then multiply the time required by the hyperdrive class to get the final time elapsed for travel.  



Considering that until the Solo movie a "parsec" which is a measure of distance was apparently being used as a measure of time, there really is now clear rule. We are told that you can't track a ship through hyperspace. We are also told that hyperspace jumps need to be plotted carefully or you might pass too close to a star or pop out in an asteroid field or such. The trips we are shown take some time, but not a consistent amount. Luke is able to leave Dagobah and travel to Bespin while Han, Leia & Co and having their time with Lando, and that doesn't seem to be very long. Then again it really is speed of plot. Compare what Luke does between Hoth and Bespin in Empire Strikes Back with what Han, Leia & Co. do in the same time with the same Hoth to Bespin end points.  

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  • Wildly prolific author James A. Moore passed away March 27th at the age of 58. James wrote for the World of Darkness, Shadowrun, Fading Suns, and many other roleplaying settings. He was also a Stoker-finalist horror and fantasy novelist. He will be missed. Locus Magazine has a more detailed obituary here .

Star Wars Galaxy Map

The galaxy far, far away:.

Units are measured in parsecs. Each grid square is 1500 parsecs on a side.

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Timeline of galactic history

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This article details a subject that is considered canon.

The story of galactic history involved countless beings over thousands of generations.

This is a timeline of galactic history —a chronological record of events relevant to the galaxy . This timeline uses dates in terms of years before the Battle of Yavin (BBY) and after the Battle of Yavin (ABY).

  • 1.1 Before the Republic (eons–25,025 BBY)
  • 1.2.1 Dawn of the Jedi (c. 25,025 BBY)
  • 1.2.2 Expansionist Period (25,000 BBY)
  • 1.2.3 Millennia before the Imperial Era
  • 1.2.4 22,000–5000 BBY
  • Battles with the Jedi (c. 5000 BBY)
  • c. 5000 – c. 1000 BBY
  • Defeat of the Sith (1032 BBY)
  • 1.3.1 Reformation of the Republic (c. 1000 BBY)
  • 1.3.2 c. 1000 – c. 500 BBY
  • 1.3.3 High Republic Era (c. 500 – 100 BBY)
  • 1.3.4 c. 100 – 32 BBY
  • Prelude to galactic war (32–22 BBY)
  • 22 BBY
  • 21 BBY
  • 20 BBY
  • 19 BBY
  • 1.4.1 Clone Wars (continued; 19 BBY)
  • 1.4.2 "The Dark Times" (19–0 BBY)
  • 1.4.3 Battle of Yavin
  • Renewed hope (0–2 ABY)
  • Empire ascendant (3 ABY)
  • Crimson chaos (3–4 ABY)
  • Return of the Jedi (4 ABY)
  • Fall of the Empire (4 ABY–5 ABY)
  • 1.5.1 Galactic Civil War (continued; 5 ABY)
  • 1.5.2 Peace (5–28 ABY)
  • 1.5.3 Cold War (29–34 ABY)
  • 1.6 First Order-Resistance War (34 – 35 ABY)
  • 1.7 New Jedi Order (35 ABY–)
  • 1.8 Thereafter
  • 2 Behind the scenes
  • 4 Notes and references

Timeline of galactic history [ ]

Before the republic (eons–25,025 bby) [ ].

Midi-chlorian homeworld

The Wellspring of Life

  • The universe begins forming. [2]
  • The galaxy is formed around a super-massive black hole . [3]
  • Midi-chlorians are birthed from the Wellspring of Life . They are microscopic symbiotic organisms in all living things that connect the Living Force —the energy of all life—to the Cosmic Force , allowing the will of the all-encompassing energy field known as the Force to communicate with lifeforms. [4]
  • The Father , the Son , and the Daughter exist as powerful Force wielders who come to live in the ethereal realm of Mortis . [5]
  • Billions of years before the Imperial Era , mineral matter that would infuse rock walls on the planet Ilum with valuable constituents, including rare crystals such as the Force-attuned kyber , begin to accumulate. [6]
  • Billions to millions of years before the Imperial Era, lava flows on Dagobah and form Mount Dagger before disappearing to allow for the flourishing of non-sentient life. [7]
  • A non-sentient species lives on the world of Bravais , eventually evolving into the sentient Bravaisian . [8]
  • A non-sentient species lives on the planet Crul millions of years before they evolve into the sentient Crolute . [8]
  • A primitive species lives on the planet Abednedo , eventually evolving into the sentient Abednedo . [8]
  • In ancient times, beings from a distant galaxy built a reflex point on the planet Seatos which pointed the way to the extragalactic planet Peridea . [9] The people become known as the Dathomiri . [10]
  • A star map pointing the way to Peridea's galaxy was also stored inside a former Nightsister stronghold on Arcana . [11]
  • Beginning of the construction of the first city levels of Coruscant in the Core Worlds . [12]
  • Utapau is settled [13] by colonists who eventually evolve into the Pau'an and Utai species. [14]
  • Batuu , a planet on the edge of the Outer Rim Territories , is colonized millennia after a great cataclysm resulted in the planet's giant trees being destroyed and eventually petrified. [15]


  • Devaronians , naturally adept as scouts, become active as galactic explorers from their native planet Devaron , independently developing the hyperdrive. [7]
  • The Outer Rim planet Benetage is abandoned. [7]
  • Felucia is colonized by Gossam Courivers [18]
  • By this point, human civilization had developed on Empress Teta in the Deep Core . [7]

The Old Republic (c. 25,025 – c. 1000 BBY) [ ]

Dawn of the jedi (c. 25,025 bby) [ ].

  • The Dai Bendu , the religious group that would be attributed with the first holocrons , exists as the precursor to the Jedi Order . [19]

Prime Jedi

Mosaic depiction of the Prime Jedi

  • The First Jedi Temple is built on Ahch-To, [20] and the Jedi village is constructed on the Temple Island soon afterward. [21]
  • Shortly after the founding of the Jedi Order, the world Ilum is discovered by a Jedi scout through Force-assisted hyperspace navigation. [7]
  • Professor Huyang powers up. [20]
  • The Galactic Republic is formed [20] [22] by the Core Founders , twenty-two Core Worlds which include such planets as Alderaan . [23]

Expansionist Period (25,000 BBY) [ ]


Dawn of the Jedi era

  • Duros explorers discover and colonize the planet Neimoidia . [25]
  • The planet Cato Neimoidia joins the Republic. [26]

Millennia before the Imperial Era [ ]

  • The comet Kinro is predicted to carve its way through the Core Worlds. Before it can enter the Mid Rim, members of the Jedi Order come together and will it apart, although several Jedi lose their lives or minds in the process. [27]
  • By this point, the ice moon Mesula had been shattered . [28]
  • The first Grand Zigoth of Utapau, Krynbalt Kyr , dies . [28]
  • The Predori empire opposed the Galactic Republic. [29]
  • A sentient species constructs a wormhole gate that leads between the seams of time and space, facilitating their exodus from the wider galaxy. [30]


Jedha was an ancient world sacred to the Jedi.

  • Hylemane Lightbringer is born and later bludgeoned to death by a chair, disproving the myth that "he could not be killed by mortal weapons ." [27]
  • The Zygerrian Slave Empire is defeated by Jedi Knights . [32]
  • A rogue Jedi [33] leads a group of Force users to seek greater power through embracing the dark side of the Force . They split from the Jedi Order [16] during the schism known as the Hundred-Year Darkness , [34] becoming the rivaling Sith . Defeated, they are exiled by the Jedi Order, which serves the light side of the Force , and flee from known space to Korriban , a world of red sands that was later known as Moraband. [33]
  • Unbeknownst to others, the Sith on Korriban rebuild and prepare their revenge, [33] erecting massive Sith temples and tombs in the Valley of the Dark Lords . [35]
  • Over time , the Sith Empire , with the use of enslaved beings, [36] vies for control of the galaxy. They build gargantuan superweapons powered by kyber crystals to battle the Jedi. [37] [38]
  • The carbonite mines of the Empress Teta system are conquered by the Krath . [39]

22,000–5000 BBY [ ]

Neimoidia TEA

Neimoidia, colonized by the Duros species, some of whom evolved into Neimoidians

  • The Blood Monarchy is established on Thisspias , the site of many battles during the Great Manifest Period . [19]
  • An attack on Garn , later known as the Doom of the Ordu Aspectu, occurs—the Fortress of Garn was possessed by the Ordu Aspectu , a splinter group of the Jedi Order. Led by Rur [41] and related to the Massassi , [42] their experiments on immortality led to conflicts with Jedi orthodoxy, beginning the Entruvia Conflict . A dating system based on the signing of the Domancion Accord was used around this time, [43] and the conflict ended with a Jedi—Ordu Aspectu peace treaty : Jedi inspectors arrived at Rur's citadel, and, believing they intended to deactivate him, an artificial intelligence made of Rur's knowledge seized control of the citadel's droids and slaughtered its inhabitants. Rur sacrificed himself to deactivate the machine, hyperspace-jumping the citadel across the galaxy. [41]
  • Rodia officially joins the Galactic Republic. [44]
  • The physical distinctions between the Neimoidian and Duros species becomes clear on Neimoidia. [25]
  • Settlers from Corellia colonize a planet that becomes an Ordance/Regional Depot known as Ord Mantell . [45]

The Old Republic era

  • The Coruscant reckoning calendar is introduced. [39]
  • Civilization on Bardotta begins, with the Frangawl Cult reigning over a militant society. [7]
  • The Rimma Trade Route is established. [24]
  • The Chiss Ascendancy is formed. [20]
  • The Chiss start exploring the Unknown Regions. [20]

Wars of the Old Republic (c. 5000 – c. 1000 BBY) [ ]

Battles with the jedi (c. 5000 bby) [ ].

  • Soon after Empress Teta 's Unification Wars , [7] the Great Hyperspace War is waged by the Sith Lord Naga Sadow according to the Qel-Droma Epics . [47]
  • The Sith wage a war against the Jedi and [14] the Galactic Republic, [22] which sees the fall of the Republic capital and cityworld Coruscant. [14] This allows the Sith to build a shrine on the planet which exudes the force of the dark side. However, the Jedi eventually repel the Sith and reclaim Coruscant. [16]

Yavin 4 Temple

Massassi warriors built great temples on Yavin 4.

  • The original Rammahgon was thought to have been destroyed at around this point. [50]
  • The Great Temple is built by the Massassi on Yavin 4 . [51] [52]
  • The Chiss obtain the alien Starflash superweapon. [20]

c. 5000 – c. 1000 BBY [ ]

  • A war occurs between the Chiss Ascendancy and a Chiss enemy . The war ends with the Final Assault on Csilla , where the Starflash is used. The Ascendancy wins the war, but the star flash damages the output of Csilla's sun . [53]
  • The Chiss begin a clandestine exodus from Csilla to colony worlds. [20]
  • Human explorers from Grizmallt in the Core discover a Mid Rim world they name Nabu , later known as Naboo. The native Gungans retreat into their swamps and lakes. [7]

Gungan Sacred Place

The Gungans and the Elders lived on Naboo together until the latter civilization's sudden withdrawal, leaving ruins in the swamplands.

  • Later, the Gungan tribes are united under Boss Gallo and commence the building of Otoh Gunga as their capital city. Meanwhile, the humans, calling themselves "the Naboo," split into warring factions; the Time of Suffering is begun. [7]
  • According to the Qel-Droma Epics, the Crusade of Krath occurs in which thousands of Jedi are felled by a new Sith Empire until the redemption of Ulic Qel-Droma . [7]
  • According to the Qel-Droma Epics, Ossus is devastated by the Cron Supernovae , which were triggered by Naga Sadow. [7]
  • By this point, galactic travelers navigate hyperspace using hyperspace sextants . [54]


Many individuals, Jedi and Sith, met their end on Malachor.

  • Eventually, a cataclysmic event [57] at the Battle of Malachor, [58] later known in legends as the " Great Scourge of Malachor ," [57] occurs during the era of great conflict that began around 5000 BBY; [58] Jedi Knights of the Old Republic era [57] uncover the battle station and confront the Sith. All participants are petrified by the superweapon, [55] including a witch who led the Sith forces, [59] although an entity known as the Presence remained in a Sith holocron within the Malachor temple. [55] Afterwards, Jedi are forbidden from traveling to Malachor, and data on the location is removed from the Jedi Archives . [57]
  • By the time of the Great Scourge, the crossguard lightsaber design has become common among Makashi practitioners. [60]
  • Ord Mantell becomes a trading post for spacers . [45]

Chiss Ascendancy map

The Chiss Ascendancy existed in an isolated enclave in the galaxy's Unknown Regions.

  • The Chiss withdraw from the wider galaxy. [20]
  • The Lothal Calendar is introduced. [61]
  • The Drengir ally themselves with the Sith. However, the latter capture the Great Progenitor on Amaxine Space Station and the Drengir fall into a state of dormancy. [20]
  • Taanab is colonized by settlers who introduce transplanted farmstock to the world, transforming it into an agricultural outpost. [62]
  • The Force vergence Acablas on Auratera comes to be a known destination for Jedi Masters and Sith Lords, with Auratera aligning itself with the Galactic Republic or whichever Sith Empire that controlled the surrounding star systems. [7]
  • Bardotta's Jour-un becomes a trading hub and the planet's major spaceport . [7]
  • The Cron Drift asteroid field is established in the Auril sector , preventing expeditions to the ancient Jedi world of Ossus. [7]
  • Iktotch is incorporated into the Galactic Republic. [7]
  • Weik is colonized by sentients. [7]
  • The Klorri-clan battle shield is introduced. The Wookiees of Kashyyyk would reserve the battle shield for use in important rituals and ceremonies. [65]
  • Boothi XII is settled by farmers [66] who lead simple lives and whose architecture of sheds would outlast the Republic's existence. [67]
  • The Jedi code used by the Force wielders on Mortis to draw in Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano during the Clone Wars is last used around this time. [68]
  • The Dagoyan Order takes hold of Bardotta after a series of successful and strategic small-scale wars; the once ruling Frangawl Cult goes into hiding. [7]
  • The Arakein Monks set in stone a clock atop Mount Arakeirkos . According to legend, whoever watches each swing of its pendulum for a day will have the lifespan of the universe revealed before their eyes . [69]
  • Following the B'ankora homeworld cataclysm , Republic Chancellor Chasen Piian grants the B'ankora survivors sanctuary on Coruscant. [70]

Dark Lord 22 Momin

Many such as Momin (pictured) were labeled heretics in the Orders of the Jedi and Sith, and much of their journeys have been dismissed from history.

  • Momin is trained by Lady Shaa . [20] Eventually, Momin kills his Master and travels the galaxy honing his craft. Later, he and his acolytes are slain by a pair of Jedi during his destruction of a city through the use of a superweapon , although Lord Momin's spirit survives through his mask . His story is deemed heretical by the Sith and is suppressed. [71]
  • The first Mandalorian Jedi, Tarre Vizsla , creates the Darksaber . [20]
  • The Mandalorians had been waging war against the Jedi [73] and against the Republic , [74] during which the Mandalorian crusades , [73] the devastation of Ubduria , [8] and, in the final stages, the cataclysm that reduced Mandalore to a wasteland occurred. [75]

Mustafar DB

The fiery world of Mustafar

  • Before the time of the Galactic Republic, the lushly forested planet Mustafar was inhabited by off-worlder Lady Corvax , who lived in harmony with the native Mustafarians along with her husband . The latter died as a result of an attack on Mustafar, leading to Corvax's theft of the most sacred Mustafarian relic, the Bright Star , in an attempt to use it in a ritual to resurrect her love. [76] The ritual failed; instead, the Bright Star's energies pushed Mustafar into a new orbit , reducing the world to an unbalanced, chaotic state. A volcanic wasteland is created [76] as tiny Mustafar is torn between gas giants Lefrani and Jestefad . [14] Thus, Sith seeking the secrets of eternal life were attracted to the world. [49]
  • Radaki [77] had left the Jedi Order, believing that Jedi should retain their family ties and wealth. Thus he was seduced by the dark side of the force, becoming the Sith Lord Darth Krall. [78]
  • Sith victory at the Battle of Wasted Years ; this would be attributed to Darth Krall, who would also be remembered for taming the Nightmare Conjunction and as one of the Lost Twenty . [78]
  • By this point, the Middle Era of the Old Republic has occurred. [72] Bith operas existed at that time. [79]
  • The Four Masters [14] construct the Jedi Temple [20] atop the ruins of the Sith shrine on Coruscant in an attempt to contain and eliminate its power, [16] as well as to take advantage of the area's strength in the Force . [14]

Defeat of the Sith (1032 BBY) [ ]

Mandalore mural

A Mandalorian mural depicts the slaying of a Jedi

  • By this point, Coruscant and the Jedi Temple are liberated by Jedi and Republic forces. [72]
  • The Brotherhood of Darkness , [81] an army of the Sith in which Darth Bane served, [82] are defeated by the Jedi's Army of Light [81] as a result of infighting amongst themselves. [83] The Sith, who once numbered thousands, [84] are driven into hiding [16] and are eventually thought extinct. [85]
  • The sole Sith survivor, Darth Bane, [86] creates the Grand Plan —a plot to destroy the Jedi and the Republic from within for the coming of Sith rule over the galaxy [87] —and establishes the [88] Rule of Two , [35] a lineage of Sith who would operate in the shadows, preserving the Sith's vendetta against the Jedi whilst preparing for their own return. Centuries before the Clone Wars, the Rule of Two is revealed to the Jedi Order, though still they presume the Sith's eradication and believe that Bane's plan is ruined with his defeat [88] allegedly at the hands of his apprentice, Darth Zannah , in a duel on the Inner Rim planet Ambria . This pattern is repeated by nearly all Sith thereafter. [89]
  • The Sith Lord becomes the last of his kind to be laid to rest on Moraband's Valley of the Dark Lords . [88]
  • The Sith Wars waged between the Republic and the Sith Empire [90] has ended by this point. [91] The Sith Wars saw the participation of the Jedi Order on the side of the Republic [7] as well as the participation of the Chiss Ascendancy, which encountered multiple alien species before retreating to their borders. [90] The Jedi Cervil the Uncanny had left begind testimonies about lightwhips being effective against the Sith's Forbidden Forms , [92] and Ithorian population of Auratera continues restoring the world to its natural state following the Sith Wars. [7]
  • The Amaxine warriors disappear from the known galaxy. [20]
  • The Massassi become extinct. [20]
  • The translation of Sith runes is outlawed. [20]
  • In the aftermath of the Corsair Wars , Master Oo'ob breaks with Jedi doctrine, pursuing a pre-emptive method of dealing with threats to galactic peace. He and his partner, noted crystallist Var-Whill , develop the Farkiller , and use it to kill a number of "emergent" despots. Within the decade , the Jedi Council pronounces them apostate and eventually purges them, [93] with Oo'ob's expulsion taking place around 1000 BBY. [20]

Republic Era (c. 1000 – 19 BBY) [ ]

Reformation of the republic (c. 1000 bby) [ ].

Emblem of the Galactic Republic

Great Galactic Seal , of the Galactic Senate

  • Around this time, the Coruscant Jedi Temple begins serving as the Jedi Order's operational and spiritual headquarters. [96]
  • The Yavin Code is established at the Yavin Convention . [97]
  • The Bardottan Royal Palace is constructed. (Approximate date) [98]
  • The construction of the Royal Palace of Alderaan begins. [99] After the initial buildingwork, additional chambers are added every few decades. [100]
  • What will be remembered as the most unpredictable and thrilling instance of the Dragon Void race until the race involving Han Solo occurs. [101]
  • The Anchorite sect , a light side group on Jakku believing that suffering was the basis of life, binds itself to the Jedi Order. [102]
  • Auratera is concealed from official charts and isolated from the galaxy at large by the Jedi and its populace to prevent future Sith or other dark side Force users from accessing the planet's Acablas vergence. [7]
  • Ilum's Jedi Temple is built. [103]
  • Galactic Accord of Systems establishes rules for any future armed conflicts. [20]

c. 1000 – c. 500 BBY [ ]

  • Maz Kanata is born. [104]
  • The Dai Bendu Monastery [105] is constructed on Mount Izukika of the planet Kijimi . [106]
  • Sky Three is first manufactured by North River Freight . [107]
  • Yoda is born. [20]
  • Maz Kanata settles on Takodana . [20]
  • Naboo joins the Galactic Republic. [20]


Constructed under King Jafan, Theed was perched atop the tributaries of Naboo's Solleu River .

  • General Jafan ends Naboo's longstanding Time of Suffering [7] and restores peace to the planet. [14]
  • Theed is founded, and the Theed Royal Palace is constructed in the same year under the direction of King Jafan. Uniter [7] and ruler of all the Naboo, Jafan becomes the first ruler of the Great Time of Peace . [14]
  • Kuat Drive Yards purchases the planet Rothana , eventually leading to the establishment of Rothana Heavy Engineering . [108]
  • Yoda begins to train Jedi in the ways of the Force. [20]
  • The Antarian Rangers are founded to assist the Jedi Order as a security force on Antar IV . [109]
  • Jabba Desilijic Tiure is born on Nal Hutta . [20]
  • The Citadel is built on Lola Sayu to imprison rogue Jedi. [110]
  • With the Kallidahin believing themselves to be descendants of the extinct Eellayin people, the Archaeological Research Council of Kallidah establishes a Research Base on one of the largest fragments of ancient Polis Massa , which was once home to the Eellayin and had suffered a planetary cataclysm long ago. Archaeologists begin to survey and excavate the entirety of the Polis Massa asteroid belt, seeking to discover more of their ancestors as well as other alien species with cloning skills learned from the Kaminoans . [14]
  • The planet Jelucan is colonized by off-worlders exiled from another world for not breaking allegiance to their king. [112]
  • Yaddle is born. [113]
  • The armor that will become Sabine Wren 's is forged. [114]

High Republic Era (c. 500 – 100 BBY) [ ]


High Republic Era

  • The Path of the Open Hand is formed. [115]
  • Jedi Barnabas Vim performs a mission to Angcord [116]
  • The Ikkrukkian Porter Engle and the Kage Barash Silvain train as Jedi younglings. [117] [118]
  • Rumors persist of Planet X . [20]
  • Thomas Toov is born. [119]
  • Republic and Jedi pathfinder teams start exploring the Outer Rim. [20]
  • The Forever War between Eiram and E'ronoh begins . [20]
  • The Great Hyperspace Rush occurs, [20] making hyperspace travel safer. [92]


Representatives of various Force-based religions meet on Jedha

  • By this point, the Convocation of the Force has been established on Jedha. [20]
  • The Rod of Seasons is stolen by the Children of the Open Hand . [120]
  • Jedi Zallah Macri and Kevmo Zink investigate the Path of the Open Hand on Dalna in search of the Rod of Seasons. [120]
  • The Ambush on Thelj occurs. [120]
  • The Path of the Open Hand leaves Dalna for Jedha. [120]
  • The Chancellors of the Republic negotiate a peace between Eiram and E'ronoh during a summit aboard the Paxion . [20]
  • The Wedding of Phan-tu Zenn and Xiri A'lbaran , the heirs of Eiram and E'ronoh respectively, occurs. [121]
  • Jedi Masters Porter Engle and Barash Silvain [118] undertake a mission to Gansevor . [20] Silvain blames herself for the losses at the siege there, led by General Abediah Viess , and vows to distance herself from the rest of the Jedi Order, including her brother, Engle. Engle later breaks the siege of Bardotta , earning the nickname "Blade of Bardotta." [122]
  • The summit is bombed . [121]
  • The Temple of the Kyber is bombed . [121]
  • The Battle of Jedha occurs. [20]
  • The Path of the Open Hand retreats to Dalna, and some of its members undertake a mission to Planet X to retrieve the Nameless , a creature that fed on Force-sensitives. [123]
  • While the Jedi investigate the Path of the Open Hand on Dalna, they found the Path of the Closed Fist and attack the investigators. [123]
  • The Jedi defeat the Path on the Night of Sorrow . [20] Jedi Azlin Rell falls to the dark side after devoting his life to studying the Nameless after encountering them during the battle. [124]
  • The Path of the Open Hand is dissolved. [125]
  • Marda Ro founds what will become the Nihil pirate organization. [126]
  • The Trade Federation is founded by Neimoidians. [25]
  • The Jafan family leads a people to colonize what became known as the planet Jafan in the Chommell sector . The planet is ruled by the Jafan family until at least 32 BBY . [127] [128]
  • By this point, the mining industry on Elphrona , [129] a world located on the edge of the Unknown Regions in the Outer Rim, [130] is established. [129]
  • The third volume of the Aionomica book is subject to a forgery scandal . [131]
  • Mustafar comes into the possession of the Techno Union . [132] The Union charges the native Mustafarians rent [49] whilst providing the technology for them to mine their mineral-rich world. [65] The natives' labor serves to pay their rent, and the planet becomes known for its mining activities. [49]
  • The modern Chiss Syndicure is formed, ending an era where armed conflicts between rival Chiss families was common. [53]
  • Invaders surface on Pamarthe for the last time until at least 28 ABY . [134]
  • Lourna Dee is born. [135]
  • Faddaff Davenspon is born. [136]
  • Avar Kriss is born. [137]
  • The Jedi Order's T-1 shuttle sees action in [138] the Eiram–E'ronoh crisis . [139] Fillithar Jedi Master Simmix is killed in a ship crash, leaving his Padawan, Cohmac Vitus , conflicted over the Jedi ways of non-attachment. Vitus nevertheless resolved the crisis alongside Master Laret Soveral and her Padawan, the Umbaran Orla Jareni . [138]
  • Lourna Dee is rescued by Oppo Rancisis and joins the Carida military academy . [20]
  • Innamin is born. [140]
  • By this point, Pra-Tre Veter had joined the Jedi High Council. [141] While Veter is still a new member, Grandmaster Yoda responds to the raids on the Scalvi , teaching him patience and trust and inspiring the conflict between the Scalvi and the Crulkon to be resolved peacefully. [142]
  • Bell Zettifar is born. [143]
  • Lourna Dee joins the Nihil . [20]
  • Affie Hollow and Reath Silas are born. [144]
  • Vernestra Rwoh is born. [145]
  • Bell Zettifar joins the Jedi Order. [143]
  • Lourna Dee saves Asgar Ro from an assassination attempt and is promoted to Tempest Runner . [20]
  • A largely isolated colony is established on Sedri Minor . [146]
  • Avon Starros is born. [147]
  • Serj Ukkarian is born. [148]
  • Dez Rydan passes the Jedi Trials and becomes a Jedi Knight. [149]
  • Lina Soh is elected Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. [20]
  • Ady Sun'Zee overcomes her fear at the Batuu Jedi temple with the help of Grand Master Yoda. [150]
  • By this point, the Jedi had stopped a droid uprising on Kligson's Moon . [151]
  • A raid on Hap's Sap Tap takes place on Tenoo . [152]
  • The Kublop Springs festival occurs. [153]
  • The Skirmish in Kublop Springs marketplace occurs. [154]
  • The Kublop Classic occurs. [155]
  • The Search for the Star Seeker occurs. [156]
  • The Search for the Yara leaves occurs. [157]
  • A Wellagrin migration occurs on planet Andraven . [158]
  • The Jellyfruit Festival occurs. [159]
  • A Discovery of burrowberry bird occurs. [160]
  • The Test flight on Dedoon occurs. [161]
  • The Search for Figgles occurs. [162]

Starlight Beacon High Republic Trailer

With the breakdown of hyperspace throught the galaxy, Knights of the Jedi Order gathered at Starlight Beacon and were tasked to protect those stranded in the darkness of space.

  • The Coruscant-based Republic Chancellor Lina Soh envisions a galaxy of Great Works that ranged from infrastructure to culture in an effort to expand the Republic's reaches, better connect the peoples of the galaxy, and bring inspiration and peace for all citizens. Efforts are made to negotiate a new peace treaty between the Quarren and the Mon Calamari , as well as to mass-produce bacta —a "miracle" substance [163] primarily made from a barley originally cultivated on Thyferra [164] that was intended to replace juvan —in the hopes of revolutionizing medicine. [163]
  • As part of Chancellor Soh's pledge to maintain the Republic's hold on [163] the hard-to-navigate Outer Rim, [165] outreach programs are established in the Rim. [163]
  • The Starlight Beacon space station is constructed as part of the series of outreach programs, [163] featuring a Jedi temple designed by Palo Hidalla and located in the center of the Rim's dark zones to guide travelers [165] and boost the region's transmission times, intended to be the first Beacon of a new galactic communications relay network. [163]
  • A conclave between the Jedi Order and the Republic involving Jedi Master Avar Kriss and Admiral Pevel Kronara of the Republic Defense Coalition is held at Starlight Beacon. [163]
  • The strain from the Jedi mission to Zeitooine leads Dez Rydan to request a transfer to the Starlight Beacon. [138]
  • In hyperspace, the Legacy Run , a Kaniff Yards Class A modular freight transport of the Byne Guild , encounters a Nihil ship and is destroyed. [163] The Byne Guild's Kezarat Convoy disappears on the same day. [166] Starships across the galaxy are abruptly knocked out of hyperspace by missiles of debris from the Legacy Run , which also threaten to destroy space stations, moons, as well as planets. The Republic turns to the Jedi for help in saving lives and ending the crisis, [163] and Jedi activity sees a significant increase. [130]


Starlight Beacon better connected citizens, and the joint Jedi–Republic effort marked a golden age for life in the galaxy.

  • Vernestra Rwoh, having been the Padawan of Stellan Gios , is made a Jedi Knight at the age of sixteen, becoming one of the youngest Knights of the Jedi Order in a generation. [167]
  • Vernestra Rwoh is stranded on a jungle moon with several other individuals, including Avon Starros of the Starros Clan , when their transport ship, the Steady Wing , is sabotaged by the Nihil. [92]
  • The Jedi Wayseeker Orla Jareni, Jedi Knight Dez Rydan , Jedi Padawan Reath Silas, and Jedi Master Cohmac Vitus, as well as the cargo ship Vessel ' s Captain Leox Gyasi , co-pilot Affie Hollow , and the navigator Geode are ripped out of hyperspace as a result of the Great Disaster. They take refuge in a seemingly abandoned Amaxine Station . [138]
  • Aboard the Amaxine Station, The Jedi passengers of the Vessel are disturbed by dark visions . Believing that a set of four binding statues contained the dark side influence, the Jedi take away the Force artifact for purification in the Sith shrine located beneath the Coruscant Jedi Temple. However, they are proven wrong, and realize that the statues had contained something else. [138]
  • A series of Emergences come to threaten star systems across the galaxy. [163]
  • Following the First Emergence in the Ab Dalis system , the Nihil attack an evacuation convoy belonging to Garello Technologies . [163]
  • The Nihil attack Trymant IV as the Trymant IV disaster occurs. Zeen Mrala joins Lula Talisola 's group of Jedi Padawans in defending Bralanak City from hyperspace debris and raiders. [168]
  • The San Tekka clan , having risen from a family of hyperspace prospectors in the outer reaches of the galaxy to a dynasty privy to leading technology that allows Chancellor Soh's Republic to continue expanding safely to new areas about a century ago, operates alongside the galactic government as it responds to the Great Disaster. [163]
  • While restoring the statues aboard the Amaxine Station, the Jedi are attacked by the Nihil. To defend themselves against overwhelming forces, the Jedi are forced to destroy the statues to unleash what it contained. A group of Drengir , who were put into stasis by the Sith through the binding statues long ago, are thus awakened from their slumber. While the Vessel ' s crew escape amidst the chaos, several Drengir are released into open space in the process. [138]

Lake retreat

Omar Berenko penned the disturbing epic Defense of Naboo at his scenic lake retreat at Varykino.

  • The Jedi High Council convenes to discuss the threat of the Nihil, and after a contested debate between Grandmaster Xo Lahru and Jedi Masters such as Yarael Poof , Rana Kant , Oppo Rancisis , Keaton Murag , Ada-Li Carro , and the stand-in of Grandmaster Yoda—who was on sabbatical from Council affairs— Ephru Shinn , approves a joint effort between the Jedi and the Republic in a mission against the Nihil as proposed by Chancellor Soh. [163]
  • The Nihil conduct a raid on Elphrona , capturing Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm and farmer Ottoh Blythe . Marchion Ro executes the farmer but keeps Geatstorm for future plans. Porter Engle returns to active Jedi service. [163]
  • The Battle of Kur occurs. Marchion Ro sends Kassav's Tempest to death in the Kur Nebula , intending to trick the Jedi and the Republic that they had destroyed the Nihil. The Trandoshan Jedi Master Sskeer loses his left arm and blames himself for the death of Master Jora Malli . [163]
  • The medical substance kolto is in common use at this point. [138]
  • Jedi Grandmasters Pra-Tre Veter and Yoda join other Jedi and Republic personnel, amongst them Chancellor Lina Soh, the newly minted Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis , and the newly appointed marshal of the Starlight Beacon, Avar Kriss, aboard the latter station in its dedication ceremony for light and life. [169]
  • Sskeer hides a devastating secret that was tearing him apart, [170] drawing a private emotional outburst from him soon after Starlight's dedication. [169]
  • Surik , which formed a part of a phrase used by the Jedi Sskeer, existed by this point. [164]
  • By this point, the Hutt Clan is sanctioned from trading openly in Republic space. [164]
  • The Drengir abduct children on Sedri Minor. [164]


Avar Kriss relies on the Song of the Force , battling the Drengir threat.

  • The Nihil attack a Hutt Clan ship in the recently–Republic-aligned Kazlin system , prompting the Jedi Sskeer, Keeve Trennis, and the Kotabi bond-twins Terec and Ceret to investigate the resulting wreckage. Tracing the Hutt craft's origin to the Sedri system , Sskeer and Ceret take a T-1 shuttle to Sedri Minor. Avar Kriss and Vernestra Rwoh take the Ataraxia to join Trennis aboard the Hutt craft. [164]
  • On Sedri Minor, Ceret is captured by the Drengir, and Kriss, Terec, Trennis—traveling aboard the Ataraxia —join Sskeer on the moon. Ceret yields to the powerful shadow cast by the Drengir and joins their collective mind. Sharing the same mind with Ceret, Terec also succumbs to the Drengir's influence and becomes crazed. While Kriss and Trennis confront the Drengir at their underground dwelling, Sskeer dispairs that he could not help Terec, who was uncontrollable and inconsolable. [171]
  • While Avar Kriss and Keeve Trennis free Ceret as well as a local boy from the Drengir, they are surrounded by more Drengir, who are accompanied by Sskeer. Sskeer had had his mind joined with the Drengir's collective consciousness, and had grown a botanical, plant-like left arm. [171] Sskeer captures Kriss' crew, and the secret history of the Drengir is revealed. [172]
  • The Jedi and the Republic's Starlight Beacon is threatened by an age-old enemy. [172]
  • The Drengir, hungry for Jedi, arrive at a serene and remote Jedi outpost that the Jedi Lily Tora-Asi lived in. [173]


Jedi glory was at its peak in the High Republic Era, although dark forces rising in the new frontier of the Outer Rim threatened the Force itself.

  • Marchion Ro acquires the Great Leveler , a powerful Nameless creature that specifically targeted Jedi. [23]
  • The First Battle of Cyclor occurs when the Nihil raid the Cyclor Shipyards above Cyclor . [23]
  • The Valo Republic Fair is held on Valo by Supreme Chancellor Soh to show how the galaxy had recovered from the Great Hyperspace Disaster. [23]
  • Jedi Council member Stellan Gios, Ty Yorrick , and Padawan Bell Zettifar face Nihil marauders. [23]
  • A second attack on Cyclor occurs. [23]
  • The Battle of Grizal occurs. Despite the Jedi and Republic forces' victory over the Nihil, Master Loden Greatstorm is murdered by the Great Leveler. [23]
  • Master Gios delegates the Jedi investigation of the mysterious creature to Master Emerick Caphtor . Chancellor Soh then assigns investigator Sian Holt and Caphtor to work together in uncovering an attempt to sell the creature by criminal Arathab Fal and Nihil doctor Kisma Uttersond . [176]
  • Sylvestri Yarrow and Jordanna Sparkburn fall in love on Tiikae , but they are forced to separate as Sylvestri leaves the planet with her mother, Chancey Yarrow . [177]
  • Chancey is believed by her daughter to have been killed during a Nihil raid on their ship, the Switchback . Chencey had been presented an opportunity to pursue her personal gravity well projector project by the Nihil Lourna Dee with the help of Mari San Tekka. [177]
  • Jedi Cohmac Vitus, Vernestra Rwoh, Reath Silas, and Imri Cantaros assist in repelling the Nihil attack on Tiikae. [177]
  • Genetian civil war [177]


Jedi of the High Republic

  • The Dalnan evacuation occurs. [178]
  • The Eiram celebration occurs as Starlight Beacon provides aid to Eiram. [179]
  • Despite the protests of her friend Master Gios, Avar Kriss leaves Starlight to lead the Battle for No-Space and gives into her rage, nearly executing Lourna Dee. [180]
  • The Battle of the Corellian Shipyards occurs, and Yoda returns from his absence. [179]
  • Marchion Ro collects several more Nameless creatures from Planet X. [181]
  • The Nihil unleash the Nameless, killing many, including Jedi such as Stellan Gios. Many other Jedi remain missing. [179]
  • During the Nihil celebration , Marchion Ro reveals himself as the leader of the Nihil and gloats of his victory to the Republic and the Jedi. [179]
  • The Jedi Council invokes the Guardian Protocols , recalling all Jedi to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Yoda works with Azlin Rell to uncover the mystery of the Nameless. [124]
  • The Nihil expand their territory using the Stormwall , engulfing ten sectors of space within their Occlusion Zone . Avar Kriss and Porter Engle are among the Jedi trapped behind the Stormwall. [124]
  • A civil war occurs on Corellia. [20]
  • Ady Sun'zee and Nooa train on Valron . [182]


Sean meditates amongst the lights and lives of the Aakaash system.

  • At some point during the High Republic Era, Nihil raiders have torched the paradise planet Nelgenam ; [183] Padawan Klias Teradine discovered the forbidden Bogan Collection and is exiled from the Jedi Order; [78] and the Jedi abandon the Jedi outpost on Elphrona. [130]
  • Chewbacca is born on Kashyyyk. [184]
  • The Jedi Mostima and Sean undertake a mission to Begamor . [185] [186]
  • By this point, Sean had constructed his lightsaber with a crystal that he bonded with on Ilum. [185] As Ilum and its crystals grew in prominence for the Jedi, the number of Padawans traveling to Zoph for its Zophis crystal is decreased. [80]
  • Mostima and Sean undertake a mission to Aakaash , revealing the corruption of the ruling Land & Sky Corporation . [185]
  • By this point, legends of Jedi using the Force to destroy entire planets have spread to Nan Holi's star system. [185]
  • By this point, the Judicial Department 's peacekeeping fleet had been established as military arbiters of the Republic. [185]
  • The Mining Guild had been founded and operational by this point. [185]
  • By this point, bacta had become a common medical substance in the Aakaash system and human replica droids were invented. [185]


Vaale, home of the artisans who crafted the twni Rings of Vaale.

  • By this point, the cathedral-like ceiling of the landing pads of Basteel 's Eladro City is carved. [188]
  • By this point, the Jowloon community had settled on Jaresh because they did not want change. They farm fertilizers on the fertile lands of Jowloon. [189]
  • Con Star Mining Corporation establishes mining colonies on Parnassos . [190]
  • The Chiss Ascendancy's Syndicure removes the Coduyo family from the Ruling Families , demoting them to a Great Family . [192]
  • The Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs hosts a competition at Maz Kanata's Takodana Castle to uncover Robbs Ely 's murder. [20]
  • A former Jedi Padawan reunites with her Master to investigate a series of crimes. [193]
  • By this point, a treaty ensuring Mandalore's independence from Galactic Republic intervention had been put in place. [195]
  • The Skree space station is established within a nebula . [196]
  • Kedpin Shoklop is born on Werma Lesser . [197]
  • Janyor is born on Garel . [72]

Dooku palace by night

Serenno, of House Serenno, was home to Counts Ramil and Dooku.

  • Ramil is born on Serenno . [199]
  • Dooku is born [20] on Serenno. [200] He joins the Jedi Order that same year. [201]
  • Sifo-Dyas is born [20] on Minashee . [78]
  • Arath Tarrex is born [202] to the Jedi Yula Braylon . Tarrex's lineage is kept a secret from the Jedi High Council. [78]

White Loth-wolf wbw K

From this point onwards, Loth-wolves are not reported to be seen for a hundred years.

c. 100 – 32 BBY [ ]

  • The Cosmatanic Steppes , a layer of mantle suspended above a gas giant , [67] becomes a center of archaeological digs and scavenging as part of the historical art rush , [204] with participants seeking the reasons for the Steppes' existence and selling relevant artifacts to the Archaeological Association at Archaeo-Prime . [67]
  • Wat Tambor acquires the Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix [205] with the intent to study it. Tambor is soon frightened of the matrix and sends it to quarantine. [206]
  • Iakar begins to be visited for interstellar trade, with pharmaceutical corporations being drawn to the world's valuable organic compounds. [207]
  • Meggone is born. [208]


The long-lived pirate Maz Kanata and her holocron would reunite after over a century.

  • Along with Jedi younglings including Dooku and Sifo-Dyas, Jedi High Council members Yula Braylon, Tera Sinube , and Yoda visit a festival on Serenno. [78]
  • Dooku discovers his heritage after meeting Jenza , his sister, during the festivities. [78]
  • The Great Assembly House is destroyed in a groundquake during the Serennian festival. [78]
  • Dooku and Sifo-Dyas break into the Jedi Temple's Bogan Collection . [78]
  • By this point, Jedi Master Trennis had left the Jedi Order and became known as a member of the Lost Twenty. [78]

Tera Sinube HS

Jedi Master Tera Sinube

  • Protobranch is devastated by a solar storm . [78]
  • Pell Baylo is born by this point. [210]
  • Sheev Palpatine is born on Naboo. [20]
  • Gretz Droom is born. (Approximate date) [211]
  • The funeral of Countess Anya and an ensuing mission to Asusto occurs. [20]
  • Maarva Carassi Andor is born. [20]
  • Rael Averross becomes Dooku's Padawan. [20]
  • Qui-Gon Jinn is born [212] on Coruscant. [86]
  • Ky Narec is born [213] on the Cosmatanic Steppes. [201]


The Kallidahin sought to uncover the mysteries of their supposed forebears at the ruins of Polis Massa.

  • Rael Averross becomes a Jedi Knight. [20]
  • Kallidahin researchers discover the ruins of Wiyentaah at Polis Massa. [14]
  • Rahara Wick is born on Hosnian Prime . (Approximate date) [215]
  • Kedpin Shoklop begins to sell vaporators for VaporTech . [216]
  • Anglang Lehet begins working for [217] the Cularin Syndicate . [39]
  • Members of Jedi Councilor Tera Sinube's Heliost Clan —amongst them Ima-Gun Di , Gretz Droom, Qui-Gon Jinn, Ky Narec , and Yeeda —are selected to undergo their Initiate Trials . Droom is apprenticed to High Council member Jor Aerith , Narec is apprenticed to Master Mana , and Jinn is apprenticed to Jedi Master Dooku. (Approximate date) Eventually, they expose the corrupt nature of the Jedi Arath Tarrex, who is sent to work in the Jedi Archives as a punishment. Tarrex is also discovered to be the son of Jedi Master Yula Braylon, who loses her seat on the High Council as a result. [78] [20]
  • Pirates enslave the family of Shmi Skywalker . [20]
  • The Radiant VII enters the service of the Republic Diplomatic Corps . [218]
  • The Libertine is constructed by Guild d'Lanseaux . [219]

Theed Generator Complex

Palpatine presided over the opening of the Theed power generator.

  • After centuries of using energy from small outlying mines, [14] the Theed power generator is built by Outer Rim Construction and Assembly as part of a joint venture between Damask Holdings and Naboo to expand the planet's plasma refining industry. The power generator complex also serves as headquarters of [7] the Royal Naboo Security Forces and its Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps , [220] [221] and is unveiled with ceremonies presided by Senator Palpatine of Naboo. With its efficient, mechanistic design breaking with Naboo's tradition, the power generator becomes a popular attraction with its tours while mining much more than needed, with surplus plasma sold off-world and directly to the Trade Federation. [14] Theed Spaceport is also expanded by ORCA as part of Damask Holding's business venture with Naboo. [7]
  • Raddus is born on Mon Cala . [222]
  • Wilhuff Tarkin is born on Eriadu . [16]
  • Cad Bane is born [223] on Duro . [224]
  • A mission to Mathas occurs. [20]
  • Qui-Gon Jinn has a romantic relationship on Felucia. [20]
  • Pell Baylo establishes the Defiance Flight Training Institute . [225]
  • Lemuel Tharsa , later named Denetrius Vidian, is born on Corellia . [226]
  • Mitth'raw'nuruodo is born on Rentor . [90]
  • Jedi Master Dooku is offered a seat on the Jedi High Council, and Qui-Gon Jinn becomes a Jedi Knight. [20]

Jedi Temple spires ROTS

Obi-Wan Kenobi was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

  • Within six months of his birth, Kenobi is discovered and taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant by the Jedi Order to be trained as a Jedi. [227]
  • Brookish Boon is born on Sy Myrth . (Approximate date) [228]
  • Galen Walton Erso is born on Grange . [229]
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi begins training as a Jedi. [20]
  • Baze Malbus is born on Jedha . [230]
  • Palpatine is elected Senator of Naboo. [20]
  • Chirrut Îmwe is born. [231]
  • Orson Callan Krennic is born [232] in Sativran City , Lexrul . [31]
  • Asajj Ventress is born and then sold to Hal'Sted . [233]
  • Babu Frik is born. [234]
  • Réillata is born on Naboo. (Approximate date) [235]
  • Nim Pianna becomes Rael Averross' Padawan. [20]
  • Zodu Onglo is born. [39]
  • A mutiny takes place aboard the cargo freighter Advent . [20]


Wilhuff Tarkin's childhood on his homeworld Eriadu

  • Lyra Erso is born on Aria Prime . [236]
  • Wilhuff Tarkin participates in counterstrikes against the Greater Seswenna raids led by the pirate Q'anah . [237]
  • Padmé Amidala (née Naberrie ) [238] is born on Naboo. [20]
  • Antoc Merrick is born on Virujansi . [239]
  • Mon Mothma is born on Chandrila . [240]
  • Tsabin , later known as Sabé, is born on Naboo. [235]
  • Future Alliance Intelligence Operations leader Davits Draven is born on Pendarr III . [31]
  • Cikatro Vizago is born on Devaron. (Approximate date) [241]
  • Lor San Tekka is born. (Approximate date) [242]
  • The Naboo Reformations occur around this time, and Ekay is elected for her first term as Queen of Naboo . [20]
  • Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn chooses Obi-Wan Kenobi as his Padawan learner. [20]
  • Ky Narec rescues Asajj Ventress on Rattatak and takes her on as a Padawan. [20]
  • Pitina Mar-Mas Voor is born. [243]
  • Landonis Balthazar Calrissian is born on Socorro . [244]
  • By this point, Yoda had brought Gheyr from a battle between Wookiees and Trandoshans on Alaris Prime to the Jedi Temple to train as a Jedi. The friendships between younglings Gheyr, Jak'zin , and Krrsish were threatened by the latter's dark visions, and Gheyr eventually leaves her Jedi training and departs Coruscant with Master Dooku. [245]
  • Gallius Rax is born on Jakku. [29]
  • Queen Ekay's second term begins. [20]
  • Rael Averross introduces Dooku to Palpatine. [20]
  • Ramil, the Count of Serenno , orchestrates an invasion of Serenno . With the Republic refusing to aide the supposedly independent world, Dooku is asked by his sister Jenza to provide Jedi assistance. Despite the disapproval of Councilor Gretz Droom and his Mirialan master, Jor Aerith, the Jedi Council chooses to follow the Republic's decision. [78] [20]
  • Ramil is killed and replaced by Dooku as the Count of Serenno, the Jedi Master becoming the wealthiest man in the galaxy. Dooku leaves the Jedi Order and eventually becomes the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, apprenticed to Darth Sidious. [78] [20]
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi undertakes a mission to the planet Lenahra , [20] where he discovers the findings of Orla Jareni. [246]
  • Qui-Gon Jinn takes Obi-Wan Kenobi to a Wookiee Life Day celebration on Kashyyyk to teach Kenobi that Life Day was a celebration of harmony in Wookiee culture; the balance of the Force. Trandoshan hunters disrupt the festivities, kidnapping Jinn and several Wookiees. [247] (Approximate date) [20]
  • Jedi Eno Cordova and his Padawan Cere Junda are sent by the Jedi Council to oversee the excavation of a temple on Ontotho . The pair are caught in a battle for Ontotho . [248] [20]


Shmi Skywalker's child was a vergence in the Force, one Darth Sidious came to manipulate to further his own power.

  • Grogu is born. (Approximate date) [249]
  • Rae Sloane is born [250] on Ganthel . [251]
  • Queen Ekay's term expires and Queen Amee's first term begins. [20]
  • Galen Walton Erso joins the Republic Futures Program on Brentaal IV . [70]
  • Kirames Kaj serves as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic around this time. [252] [253]
  • Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, undertake a mission to Pijal after a mission to Teth . [252]
  • Qui-Gon Jinn turns down an offer extended by Jedi Master of the Order Mace Windu to take the seat of retiring Jedi High Council member Poli Dapatian . [252]

Shadow of the mountains

Yoda—the Deliverer—embarked on a journey of stone and human; fear and forgiveness; selflessness and selfishness. Ultimately, balance is restored through sacrifice.

  • Yoda finds an embattled world of warring children powerful in stonepower , a Force power attained from connection to the Living Force –imbued blue stone .
  • Yoda, deemed to be the Deliverer of an ancient local prophecy, learns from the conflict of fear, hatred, and greed between the mud dwellers , the rockhawkers , the Old Ones (Vagadarr system) , and the giants of living stone , and his journey is later recorded in the Journals of Ben Kenobi . [255]
  • Subsequent to Yoda's visit, most human inhabitants leave their world in curiosity. [256]
  • Maul becomes the Sith apprentice of Darth Sidious. [20]
  • The Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet is formed. (Approximate date) [20]
  • Sifo-Dyas joins the Jedi High Council. (Approximate date) [20]
  • Padmé Naberrie, her father , and Onaconda Farr help relocate the entire populace of Shadda-Bi-Boran . The populace later dies off as they were unable to replicate Shadda-Bi-Boran's environment at their new home. [235]
  • Thrawn becomes a military cadet . (Approximate date) [20]
  • By this point, Duke Adonai Kryze [257] of Mandalore had proudly watched his daughter Bo-Katan Kryze publicly take the Mandalorian Creed at the Living Waters . [258]
  • Kenobi offers to leave the Jedi Order for Satine. [20]
  • After Adonai Kryze's death, [257] Satine's New Mandalorians win the war. [20]
  • Pre Vizsla of Death Watch eventually plans to usurp Satine's leadership by allying with Count Dooku. [257]
  • Queen Amee begins her second term. [20]
  • Wald is born on Tatooine . [261]
  • Padmé Naberrie joins the Apprentice Legislature at the age of eight. [86]
  • Gardulla Besadii the Elder loses [75] Anakin and Shmi Skywalker in a bet to the junk dealer Watto . (Approximate date) [20]
  • Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi are sent to peacefully resolve a dispute on Bri'n . Jinn, concerned that the Jedi are seen as warriors of the Republic, seeks guidance from the Cosmic Force. Jinn realizes that the Jedi should pursue balance, for light to finds its way and live through the darkness, coexisting in harmony, through means beyond conflict and violence. [262]
  • Orson Krennic and Galen Erso meet for the first time on Brentaal IV. [70]
  • Ahsoka Tano is born [20] on Shili . [86]
  • Queen Amee's reign ends; beginning of Queen Réillata's first term. [20]
  • Maketh Tua is born on Lothal . (Approximate date) [263]
  • A skirmish in the Kinoss system marks the start of the Chiss Ascendancy's Lioaoin pirate campaign . (Approximate date) [20]
  • Lauren Mel Coelho is born [264] on Tangenine . [3]
  • Tiaan Jerjerrod is born [265] on Tinnel IV . [86]
  • Kaeden Larte is born. (Approximate date) [266]
  • Wazellman is born on Wick 111 . (Approximate date) [267]
  • The Lioaoin pirates are defeated by the Chiss Ascendancy at Stivic . (Approximate date) [20]
  • By this point, Mace Windu had rescued a young girl named Depa Billaba , who was born on Chalacta . The youngling was brought to the Jedi Temple for training. [268]
  • By around this point, Finis Valorum had replaced Skor Kalpana as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. [16]
  • Mace Windu, Depa Billaba, Plo Koon, Qui-Gon Jinn, and other Jedi liberate the child soldiers used by Hutt-assisted warlord Guattako on Oosalon . While Windu wanted the child soldiers to find new lives, Grandmaster Yoda asserts that the Jedi Order cannot interfere in local laws, and that the children must face imprisonment for their role in terrorist attacks. [269] [20]
  • Battle of Malastare Narrows ; [20] the Harch Admiral Trench is presumed dead after being defeated by a task force [270] led by Jedi Master Kep-She . [271]
  • At age 12, [95] Padmé Naberrie's [238] participation in the Legislative Youth Program leads to her meeting and falling in love with the slightly elder [95] Palo Jemabie . [72]
  • Anakin Skywalker starts gathering parts to build C-3PO . [20]
  • Crix Madine is born on Corellia . [39]
  • Darth Sidious brings Maul to Malachor, where the ashes of the fallen Sith fuels the apprentice's hatred for the Jedi. [20] [272]
  • Queen Réillata's first term ends; Sanandrassa becomes queen, [20] advocating an isolationist policy. [127]


Plo Koon brought Ahsoka Tano from Shili for her to be trained as a Jedi.

  • Sifo-Dyas secretly orders the creation of a clone army for the Republic on Kamino . [20]
  • The Naboo Crisis is fermented as the Eriadu Conference occurs; [273] as planned by the Sith Darth Sidious, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum survives an assassination attempt with a temporary boost in popularity [80] whilst the Trade Federation leadership, [16] as well as potential candidates for the position, including several key executives of Kuat Drive Yards, are killed [274] by the radical political group known as the Nebula Front . Nute Gunray ascends to the position of the Viceroy of the Trade Federation and appoints his allies to powerful positions within the Federation. [80]
  • Around this time, Darth Sidious deploys Darth Maul to prevent his plans from being exposed by eliminating all participants and witnesses of a pirate attack on a Trade Federation fleet . [275]

Darth Maul 5 textless

Darth Maul and his first Jedi target, Eldra Kaitis

  • Through the fictitious Kaitis Cartel , Maul begins to build his contacts in the criminal underworld. [272]
  • Caleb Dume , later known as Kanan Jarrus, is born [251] on Coruscant. [86]
  • Padmé Naberrie [238] defeats Sanandrassa in an election for the throne. [127] Naberrie is crowned [75] during the Day of Ascendancy ; [72] The new monarch adopts Amidala as her regnal name. [238] [20]
  • Amidala and Captain Quarsh Panaka recruit Royal Handmaidens . [20]
  • By this point, Wilhuff Tarkin had become the Governor of Eriadu with backing from Palpatine. [16]
  • The Geonosian hives manufacture battle droids for the Trade Federation. Those droids would be used in the Federation's upcoming invasion of Naboo . [278]
  • The Millennial Celebration Invitation poster is commissioned by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum to celebrate one thousand years of peace since the founding of the modern Republic. [72]
  • A taxation propositional is pushed through by the popular Chancellor Valorum; Prop 31-814D is passed by the Galactic Senate of the Republic and the Free Trade Zones are taxed. [72]
  • Padmé Naberrie hosts the Chommell sector summit in hopes of rebuilding relations with worlds of the Chommell sector. [127]

Fall of the Republic (32–19 BBY) [ ]

Prelude to galactic war (32–22 bby) [ ].


The Trade Federation marches upon Theed

  • As planned by Darth Sidious, the Trade Federation blockades Naboo in protest of the Senate's decision to tax their much-used Free Trade Zones, escalating the trade disputes. [279] [85]
  • Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas had foreseen an upcoming full-scale conflict, but was accused of war-mongering and removed from the Jedi Council. [95] [58] He is sent by the Jedi Council to resolve a tribal dispute on Felucia, but instead secretly goes to negotiate with the Pykes on Oba Diah along with Chancellor Valorum's aide, Silman , per the Chancellor's initiative. [280] [20]
  • Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum secretly dispatches Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to serve as the ambassadors for scheduled negotiations with the Federation in hopes of resolving [85] the Naboo Crisis. [274]
  • The Capture of Theed ; the Trade Federation Droid Army establishes itself at the Naboo capital and begins forcefully removing its citizens to prison camps. [85]
  • Anakin Skywalker wins the Boonta Eve Classic ; with Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn's interference, he is freed from the Toydarian junk dealer Watto and follows the Jedi. [85]
  • As the Jedi group leave Tatooine, a duel ensued as Darth Maul attempts to fell them; Jedi encounters Sith for the first time since the Sith were thought extinct nearly a millennium ago. [85]
  • Dooku deletes the Kamino system from the Jedi Archives records. [281]

Naboo celebration

The Jedi, as well as the newly elected Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, watch on as a new era of peace is celebrated between the Gungan and Naboo societies.

  • Darth Sidious orders Dooku to arrange for Sifo-Dyas' murder. [20] Dooku fakes Sifo-Dyas' death on Felucia during the tribal conflict there. [280]
  • Dooku turns his back on the Jedi Order, secretly killing Jedi Master Yaddle and becoming Darth Sidious' Sith apprentice, Darth Tyranus. [281]
  • Hired by the Sith Lord Tyranus, the Pyke Syndicate murders Sifo-Dyas while Silman is secretly captured by the Pykes for leverage against Tyranus. [280]
  • Senator of Naboo Palpatine is elected Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, replacing Finis Valorum. [85] Oshadam takes Palpatine's place as senator of the Chommell sector. [235]
  • The Jedi High Council promotes Obi-Wan Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight and permits him to train Anakin Skywalker as a Jedi per the late Qui-Gon Jinn's wishes. The Council, the Chancellor, the Naboo leadership, Kenobi, and Skywalker later attend the funeral of Qui-Gon Jinn and a victory parade at Theed. [85] The Gungans host a funeral at their sacred place for their fallen warriors afterwards. [127]
  • Maul goes into hiding on Lotho Minor . [20]

Jango Fett meets with Dooku

Sidious' new apprentice, Lord Tyranus, hires the infamous bounty hunter Jango Fett for the creation of a clone army of the Republic to orchestrate a costly galactic war.

  • Under the control of the Sith, the clones from the template of Fett had behavioral modification biochips inserted which would activate Protocol 66 under the command of the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. [280] [20]


Inhibitor chips overrode clones' wills, submitting them to the whim of the Supreme Chancellor.

  • Omega is born after Alpha. Her genome is near-identical to that of Jango Fett and Alpha. Unlike Boba, Omega is kept on Kamino and raised by Nala Se as her assistant. [284]
  • Han is born on Corellia. [285]
  • Miara Larte is born. (Approximate date) [286]
  • Disappearance of Doctor Nuvo Vindi , who eventually serves as a Separatist scientist on Naboo. [287]
  • Hetto begins working at World Window Plaza . [251]
  • Lemuel Tharsa , an inspector for the Interstellar Thorilide Guild , contracts Shilmer's syndrome while inspecting the Introsphere refinery on Gorse . [288]
  • Kaeden and Miara Larte moves to the remote moon named Raada along with their parents . [289]
  • Apailana is born [290] on Naboo. [291]
  • A secret buyer orders massive quantities of weapons and warships from Kuat Drive Yards. [20]
  • Paodok'Draba'Takat Sap'De'Rekti Nik'Linke'Ti' Ki'Vef'Nik'NeSevef'Li'Kek , simply known as Pao, is born on Pipada . [31]
  • Qi'ra is born on Corellia. [285]
  • Construction of Darth Sidious' Jakku Observatory begins. [20]
  • Padmé Amidala is re-elected [95] Queen of Naboo. [235] [292]
  • Rinnrivin Di is born. [293]
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker undertake a mission to Dallenor as a result of the Dallenor Excavation , [294] which is Skywalker's first field mission. [295]


Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine and Jedi in the latter's Temple, on Anakin Skywalker

  • Anakin Skywalker searches for his first kyber crystal on Ilum. (Approximate date) [20]
  • Palpatine takes Skywalker undercover in Coruscant's lower levels. [20]
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker travel to Carnelion IV following a distress signal sent from the planet. The Jedi find a war-torn world, split between the Open and Closed factions in the Open-Closed War . The Jedi Order and a Galactic Republic Judicial Forces fleet arrive shortly after, enforcing a cease in hostilities. (Approximate date) [296] [20]
  • Padmé Amidala steps down following two two-year terms as Queen of Naboo. Réillata defeats Jamillia in her campaign to succeed Amidala. [235] [20]
  • During Réillata's coronation , the new monarch requests that Padmé Amidala take Oshadam's place as senator of the Chommell sector. Amidala accepts and begins leading the Naboo delegation in the Galactic Senate with Jar Jar Binks. [235] [20]
  • Sabé begins investigating ending slavery on Tatooine at the behest of Amidala. [235] [20]
  • Groundquakes at Bromlarch ; Senator Padmé Amidala proposes the Mid Rim Cooperation Motion in hopes of aiding the populace of Bromlarch , where she is assisted by fellow senator Rush Clovis . [235] [20]
  • Ryoo Naberrie is born. [235] [20]
  • Bom Vimdin is born. [39]
  • Theed Spaceport is developed with haste using Republic reparation money provided for the Trade Federation invasion. Ignoring the Naboo design aesthetic save for its curved docking platform, it receives immigrants seeking the prospect of spice -mining Naboo's moons and increased traffic resulting from the high-profile tenure of Senator Padmé Amidala. (Approximate date) [14]

Zillo beast attacks

Zillo Beasts were hunted to near-extinction by the Dugs of Malastare.

  • Cliegg Lars buys Shmi Skywalker from Watto and sets her free; the two then marry. [95] [20]
  • The Zillo Beasts are believed to be extinct. [297]
  • Enfys Nest is born. [298]
  • Enric Pryde is born [20] on Alsakan . [49]
  • Tyranus is sent by Darth Sidious to secure a business arrangement with the weapons-dealing Kaldana Syndicate on Sullust . Tyranus does so while also establishing a business agreement between Serenno and Sullust's SoroSuub Corporation as Count Dooku. Having been sent by the Jedi Council to investigate the underground weapons-dealing on the planet for the Republic, Jedi Knight Jak'zin is killed by Dooku during the latter's mission to Sullust. [299] [20]
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker rescue Yoda as part of a test by the Jedi Council. [20]
  • Queen Jamillia's first term begins. [20]
  • Lyra meets Galen Erso on Espinar . [31]
  • Pitina Mar-Mas Voor is married off by her family to a male senator . [243]
  • Kassa , later known as Cassian Andor, is born. [20]
  • Numa is born [300] on Ryloth. [301]
  • The individual who came to be known as TK-462 is born on Eriadu. (Approximate date) [302]
  • Yupe Tashu , advisor to Darth Sidious, instructs droids to excavate Jakku's Plaintive Hand plateau for the Jakku Observatory. Gallius Rax enters Sidious' service as the project's guard. [303]
  • Bodhi Rook is born. [304]
  • Yendor is born [305]
  • Wedding of Lyra and Galen Erso [31]

2000 Senators propaganda

A Separatist propaganda piece , complete with a Separatist hex icon above the Republic Senate Building

  • Thousands of star systems leave the Republic and join the Confederacy, [95] and they establish the Separatist Senate . [31]
  • The Republic Senate passes the Emergency Powers Act to ensure Palpatine could remain Supreme Chancellor long after his term's expiry. Palpatine forms his own Loyalist Committee . [20]
  • The Galactic Senate debates the Military Creation Act to determine whether the Galactic Republic should raise an army. [95] [20]
  • Han joins the White Worms as a Scrumrat [285] after his father leaves him. [20]
  • Queen Jamillia begins her second term. [20]
  • Chelli Lona Aphra is born. [20]
  • Senator Amidala, though a member of Palpatine's Loyalist Committee, [95] begins working to defeat the Military Creation Act. [20]
  • Ky Narec is murdered by pirates, and a distressed Asajj Ventress [306] takes on the role of Rattatak's warlord before she is captured by the warlord Osika Kirske . However, she is freed by Dooku, who takes her on as an apprentice. [20]
  • Dalven Kyrell is born on Jelucan. [307]
  • Jango Fett takes his son, Boba, on a hunt on Ord Mantell with a team of three other hunters. The Fetts are betrayed by two of the hunters, though they are killed by Boba, who lets the third hunter go to spread word of the incident. Boba Fett thus begins to build his reputation. [283] [20]
  • The mother of the individual who came to be known as TK-462 gives birth to Xea on Eriadu. (Approximate date) [308]
  • Border dispute on Ansion occurs with Skywalker and Kenobi involved. [95] The result of the border dispute left the galaxy staggered. [16]
  • By this point, [95] the Naboo spice-miners' strikes that occurred after the Invasion of Naboo has begun [100] for months. [14]
  • Plot to assassinate Senator Amidala . Separatist leaders hope to silence the senator from Naboo, who opposes the Military Creation Act. The bounty hunter Jango Fett is hired. He uses Zam Wesell in two attempts which failed. Zam is captured, but Jango kills her to prevent the Jedi from questioning her. [95]

Anakin at Varykino

Entangled by his duty as a Jedi, his commitment to freeing his mother, and his passion for Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker contemplates his choices at the onset of war at Varykino.

  • Anakin is charged with the protection of Senator Padmé Amidala. They go covertly travel to the latter's homeworld while Kenobi searches for the assassin . As they spend more time together, the two fall in love. [95]
  • Anakin is haunted by dreams of his mother dying. Believing them to be true, he returns to his homeworld of Tatooine and conducts a mission to prevent her from dying . He finds Shmi in a Tusken Raider camp , who then dies in his arms . In a fit of rage, he slaughters the Tusken Raiders and swears that he will never again be powerless in the face of death after his mother's funeral . [95]
  • Jar Jar Binks proposes that Chancellor Palpatine be given emergency powers to raise an army without the interference of the Senate. The proposal is accepted, and the clone army developed by the Kaminoans is recognized as the Grand Army of the Republic . [95]
  • Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser , an long-time, ardent supporter of the Separatist cause, hosts the Separatist Council [278] within the hive galleries of his ruling Stalgasin hive colony. [14]


The Sith exploited the galaxy's budding corporate interests to create a confederacy against the Republic.

  • Obi-Wan Kenobi is captured on Geonosis whilst reporting his findings of the Trade Federation presence and the Separatists' battle droid production to Jedi Councilors Yoda and Mace Windu. Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala go to his rescue but are captured also. The three are set to be executed after their refusal to join the Sith and surrender to Poggle and the Separatists. [95] Amongst themselves, the Jedi assemble a strike team of over two-hundred to save those captured by the Geonosians , whilst Jedi Master Yoda travels to Kamino to gather the Republic's new army. [14]

Clone Wars (22–19 BBY) [ ]

  • Mace Windu kills Jango Fett, fueling Boba Fett's hatred towards the Jedi. [95]
  • Most of the Jedi strike team are killed in their attempt to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala from execution. [95]
  • Led by Yoda, the Grand Army of the Republic engages Separatist forces on Geonosis, grounding many enemies vessels and thus most of their forces. However, the attack of the clones failed to prevent the escape of the Separatist Council. [14]
  • Anakin Skywalker loses his right forearm to Count Dooku. [95]
  • Darth Tyranus escapes Geonosis with the plans of a battle station designed by the Geonosians. The Sith apprentice presents the plans to Darth Sidious on Coruscant. [95]
  • Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala secretly wed on Naboo. [95]

Grand army formation

The Grand Army of the Republic assembles on Coruscant

  • With their victory on Geonosis, the Republic occupies the world, though they find that they could not afford to maintain the occupation. [278] The planet is retaken by Separatist forces within a year [86] and Poggle the Lesser quickly restarts his droid foundries. [278]
  • Skywalker and Kenobi are deployed to the Moon of Staggec to rescue Amidala and senator Yarua . Kenobi duels Grievous and Yarua sacrifices himself to save his daughter Viiveenn . [311]
  • Sabé and Captain Tonra visit Tatooine and attempt to free enslaved individuals there. [312]
  • A siege on Hebekrr Minor occurs. [312]
  • High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Commander " Cody ," Jedi Commander Anakin Skywalker, and clone trooper " Sister " battle Separatist droids together. [313] [314]
  • A strike on Bracca occurs. [313] [314]
  • The Jedi-Republic aid mission to Langston occurs following an attack there. [313] [314]
  • The Cadesura disaster takes place on Cato Neimoidia. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker embark on a mission to Cato Neimoidia , where they first meet Asajj Ventress. [313] [314]
  • The Jedi Knights are made Jedi Generals of the Republic. [313] [314]
  • Operation on Hissrich ; Mace Windu brings a Jedi strike force consisting of himself, Kit Fisto , Prosset Dibs , and Rissa Mano to the planet Hissrich to stop a Separatist mining operation. [315]
  • An attack on a downed Republic troop transport occurs, and Cut Lawquane deserts the Republic during the battle. [316]
  • Knighted to fight in the Clone Wars, [31] Jedi General Anakin Skywalker leads Clone Captain Rex in the Battle of Arantara . [317] [318]
  • Anakin Skywalker gains a scar by his right eye. [318]
  • Anakin Skywalker leads a mission to Benglor in an investigation of Separatist activity. [319] [318]
  • Battle of Corvair , in the Corvair sector . Skywalker's forces discover and destroy a Separatist droid factory on Kudo III with the assistance of Admiral Wullf Yularen . [320] [318] [321]
  • Jedi General Plo Koon and the Wolfpack lead a mission to Quarmendy ; the Nexus trading post is destroyed by Separatist leader Emir Wat Tambor. [322]
  • The Separatist siege of Hisseen occurs; Republic forces are sent to prevent the fall of Hisseen to Separatist hands. [319]
  • The Battle of Christophsis ensues as Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi send supplies to Senator Bail Organa and his relief effort on Christophsis . [270] [323] [324]

Padme talks to Jabba

The Republic negotiated with Jabba the Hutt, who fathered a son named Rotta.

  • Dispatched by Ziro the Hutt , KRONOS-327 fails in his assassination mission to the twelfth moon of Yout . [323]
  • The Battle of Teth occurs. [323]
  • Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano return Rotta to Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine. [323]
  • The raid on Ziro's Palace occurs. [323]
  • Ryloth is invaded by Separatist forces; the Battle of Ryloth begins. [325] [324]
  • The mission to Toydaria occurs. [325]

View from the mountaintop

The incompetence of Ventress' ill-inspired droids and the assassin's frustration were the underpinning factors of her failure.

  • The Battle of Abregado occurs. [328]
  • The Battle of the Ryndellia system occurs. [329]
  • The Battle of the Kaliida Nebula occurs. [330]
  • The Battle near the Kaliida Nebula occurs. [330]
  • By this point, Captain Rex and Commander Cody were assisted by Jedi on Tibrin . [331]
  • The Battle of Mimban occurs. [331] [317]
  • The Defense of Rishi Station occurs, preventing a Separatist invasion of Kamino. [331]
  • The Republic's Falleen battle group is lost . [332]
  • The Battle of Bothawui occurs; R2-D2 is captured by Grievous' forces, greatly angering Anakin Skywalker. [332]
  • Skywalker investigates the Vulture's Claw for R2-D2 to no avail. [332]
  • The mission to sweep outer corridor of space occurs. [332]
  • The mission to Skytop Station occurs; R2-D2 is rescued by Anakin Skywalker, Skytop Station is destroyed. [333]
  • The mission to Rodia occurs. [334] [335]
  • Ketsu Onyo is born on Shukut . (Approximate date) [336]
  • Queen Jamillia's reign ends and Neeyutnee is elected to her first term. [20]
  • The rescue on the Tranquility occurs. Viceroy Nute Gunray is rescued from Galactic Republic custody by Separatist forces with the help of Republic traitor Captain Faro Argyus , who is later executed by Ventress. [337] [338]
  • The mission to Vassek 3 occurs. [339] [338]
  • The skirmish at Vanqor occurs. [340] [338]
  • Jar Jar Binks leads a mission to Florrum after the death of the Gran Senator Kharrus . [341] [338]
  • Jedi General Aayla Secura 's task force is destroyed in the Battle of Quell , but she is rescued by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. [342] [338]


The Lurmen chose to take the path of resistance

  • The native Talz of Orto Plutonia are caught in the Clone Wars, [344] leading to the One-Day War between the Talz and the Pantorans . Pantoran Senator Riyo Chuchi negotiates peace with the Talz, conceding Orto Plutonia's sovereignty to the natives. [344] [338]
  • Senator Amidala and Representative Binks investigate the Blue Shadow Virus and lead the raid on the laboratory of Doctor Nuvo Vindi. He is arrested and the virus outbreak is contained. [345] [338]
  • The mission to Iego occurs. [346] [347]
  • The destruction of the blockade over Ryloth occurs. [348] [324]
  • The landing at Nabat occurs. [349] [324]
  • The rescuing of the Nabat prisoners occurs. [349] [324]
  • The Battle of Ryloth ends. [350] [324]
  • The First Battle of Felucia occurs. [351] [352]
  • Hired by Darth Sidious, Cad Bane takes on a Raid on the Jedi Temple , where he steals a holocron necessary for accessing the kyber memory crystal , which contained the names of future Jedi younglings. [351] [352]
  • During the battle of Devaron , Rodian Jedi Master Bolla Ropal , keeper of the Kyber memory crystal, is captured by Separatist commanded by Cad Bane, who tortures Ropal to death over Deveraon after the Jedi's refusal to give the bounty hunter access to the memory crystal. Bane instead threatens to kill Ahsoka Tano and thus forces Anakin Skywalker to do so at the battle before escaping. [353] [352]
  • Cad Bane embarks on a series of kidnappings of Force-sensitive children listed in the memory crystal, taking potential younglings from Glee Anselm , Rodia , and Naboo . However, Bane is intercepted by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano at Naboo's underwater Jan-gwa city , [354] [352] which gains local notoriety as a result. [80]
  • The destruction of the Felucia Medical Station HCTFF2 occurs. [355] [356]

Felucian farmers

Seven warriors taught the otherwise defenseless farmers of Akira to fight for their own place on the perilous world of Felucia

  • The Battle of Malastare occurs. [297] [356] [58]
  • The Zillo Beast incident occurs. [357] [356]
  • The mission to Cato Neimoidia occurs. [358] [356]
  • The Battle near Dorin occurs. [359] [356]
  • Beneath the Progate Temple , the Jedi and the Republic kill Karina the Great , the Queen of Geonosis. Poggle the Lesser returns to Republic custody. [278]
  • As Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Darth Sidious presents the battle station plans given to him by Dooku at the outbreak of the Clone War to the Republic Strategic Advisory Cell , which begins building the battle station in secret over Geonosis with unlimited funding for fear that the Separatist Alliance was developing a similar weapon elsewhere. [70]
  • The defense of Dantooine occurs. [360] [356]
  • The skirmish aboard TB-73 occurs. [360] [356]
  • The capture of Eeth Koth occurs. [361] [356]
  • The Battle of Saleucami occurs. Jedi Councilor Eeth Koth is rescued from Grievous' Separatist forces in the Saleucami system by Republic forces led by Adi Gallia , Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker. [361] [356]
  • While Koth is part of the High Council, the mission to Enthenium occurs; Yoda duels Grievous and finds that Operation: Titan is underway on Golatha . [362] There, he and Anakin Skywalker battle the Separatists' new megadroid . [363]
  • Koth is eventually forced to step down from the High Council and decides to leave the Jedi Order, being replaced by Agen Kolar on the Council by the end of the Clone Wars [364] and retiring as a priest in the Church of the Ganthic Enlightenment . [365]
  • The Separatist Alliance leads an invasion of Saleucami . [70]
  • A sneak attack on Roche in the Mid Rim occurs. [70]
  • The attack on a Republic cruiser occurs. [73] [356]
  • The bombing of the Memorial Shrine occurs. [73] [356]
  • The skirmish on Concordia occurs. [73] [356]
  • The skirmish aboard the Coronet occurs. [260] [356]
  • The bombing on Kalevala occurs. [366] [356]
  • The plot to assassinate Satine Kryze occurs. [366] [356]
  • The sabotage of the Endurance occurs. [367] [356]
  • The mission to Vanqor occurs. [368] [356]
  • The second mission to Florrum occurs. [369] [356]
  • The Mandalorian black market conspiracy occurs. [370] [356]
  • The skirmish at the Sundari docks occurs. [370] [356]
  • The Balith Civil War occurs. [371] [356]
  • The Alderaan Refugee Conference occurs. [371] [356]
  • The Battle of Kamino occurs. [372] [58]
  • The skirmish on Risha Synata's ship occurs. [373]


Clone troopers defended their home against the Separatist onslaught at Tipoca City .

  • The kidnapping of the Papanoida daughters occurs. [374] [375]
  • The rescue on the Pantora Droid Control Ship occurs. [374] [375]
  • The rescue in Chalmun's Cantina occurs. [374] [375]
  • The Senate hostage crisis occurs. [376] [375]
  • The showdown on Teth occurs. [377] [375]
  • An unidentified Jedi ceremony occurs. [378] [375]
  • Senators Padmé Amidala and Mina Bonteri attempt a Confederate–Republic peace initiative , but it is disrupted by Count Dooku with the bombing of Coruscant's central power distribution grid . [379] [58]
  • Sabine Wren is born on Krownest . (exact chronology undefined) [380] [61]
  • Jyn Erso is born to Galen and Lyra Erso on Vallt . (Approximate date) [381] Soon after, the Erso family is detained by the native Koorivar , sympathizers of the Separatist cause. Having captured Morseerian scientists for a prisoner exchange, Krennic leads Republic forces in rescueing the family, who then move to Coruscant. [70]
  • The Confederacy of Independent Systems besiege Grange. [70]
  • A farming accident on Raada injures Selda and kills the Larte sisters' parents. (Approximate date) [382]
  • By this point, the Republic Special Weapons Group 's plans for both an automated battlemoon asteroid and a torpedo siege platform —developed after the Naboo Crisis—were ruled out at the design stage as a result of the Republic's then pacifistic leanings and the consequent lack of funding. [70]
  • The Coruscant mandatory blackouts occur. [383] [384]
  • The attack on Confederate people occurs. [383] [384]
  • The funeral of Onaconda Farr occurs. [385] [386]
  • Lolo Purs is arrested for the murder of Farr [385] [386]
  • Construction of the Death Star begins over Geonosis. [387]
  • The Battle of Sullust occurs. [306] [335]
  • The mission to Serenno occurs. [306] [388]
  • The Devaron massacre occurs. [389] [388]
  • The showdown at Toydaria occurs. [390] [388]


Through improvised tactics, a Republic strike team won the Battle of Lola Sayu.

  • The capture of Even Piell occurs. [392] [388]
  • The Battle of Lola Sayu [65] occurs. [392] [388]
  • The funeral of Even Piell occurs. [393] [388]
  • The Second Battle of Felucia occurs. [394] [388]
  • The battle on Wasskah occurs. [394] [388]
  • The Battle of Mon Cala occurs. [395] [335]
  • The battle of Horain occurs. [396]
  • The skirmish on Naboo occurs. [397] [388]
  • The mission to Aleen occurs. [398] [388]
  • The Battle of Patitite Pattuna occurs. [399] [388]
  • Plo Koon rescues Adi Gallia from Grievous. [399] [388]
  • The Battle of Umbara occurs. [400] [388]
  • The battle on Kiros occurs. [401] [388]
  • The mission to Zygerria occurs. [402] [388]
  • The Battle of Kadavo occurs. [36] [388]
  • The Confederate–Republic peace conference occurs. [403] [388]
  • The skirmish on Carlac occurs. [403] [388]
  • The funeral of Obi-Wan Kenobi occurs. [404] [388]
  • The riot at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center occurs. [404] [388]
  • The showdown on Orondia occurs. [405] [388]
  • The tournament on Serenno occurs. [406] [388]
  • The 847th Festival of Light occurs. [407] [388]


Darth Sidious orchestrated a chain of events that furthered Anakin Skywalker's distrust of his Master and the Jedi Council.

  • The Battle of Dathomir occurs. [408] [409]
  • The safe cargo objective occurs. [410] [409]
  • Nightbrother Savage Opress finds his lost brother, Maul, on Lotho Minor. The forgotten Sith Lord is brought back to his homeworld of Dathomir . Mother Talzin restores Maul's sanity and memories through magick and rebuilds him with droid parts. Thinking Obi-Wan Kenobi had robbed him of his destiny at the Battle of Naboo, Maul takes Opress as his apprentice and ventures to take revenge on the Jedi. [411] [409] [282]
  • The mission to Retta occurs. [412]
  • The massacre on Raydonia occurs. [413] [409]
  • The skirmish above Raydonia occurs. [413] [409]
  • The Onderonian Civil War ends. [414] [415]
  • The funeral of Steela Gerrera occurs. [414] [415]
  • The Gathering occurs. [416] [415]
  • The raid on the Crucible occurs. [417] [418]
  • The attack on Obi-Wan Kenobi's fleet occurs. [419] [418]
  • The rescue on Florrum occurs. [419] [418]
  • Still angered by his capture at the hands of Hondo Ohnaka, Dooku orders for a Separatist invasion of Florrum , [420] [418] nearly crippling the Ohnaka Gang. [421]
  • Shortly after yet another naval battle against Separatist forces, the Republic prepares to convene a conference over Carida . The Republic also assembles D-Squad , their secret weapon to steal the Confederacy's encryption module , which scrambled all Separatist communication in the region. [422] [418]
  • D-Squad steals the encryption module aboard Aut-O's flagship . [422]


D-Squad's M5-BZ , who was lost in action saving his newfound friends.

  • Apailana is elected Queen of Naboo. [423]
  • Despite having stolen the encryption module, D-Squad are left stranded on Abafar . [424] [418]
  • With the help of the amnestic clone CC-5576-39 "Gregor," D-Squad escape from Abafar . [424] [418]
  • As the Republic strategy conference convenes, the Carida incident occurs. [425] [418]
  • The duel at unidentified Outer Rim spaceport occurs. [421] [418]
  • The raid on the Cybloc Transfer Station occurs. [421] [418]
  • The skirmish on Florrum occurs. Jedi High Council member Adi Gallia is killed by Savage Opress. [421] [418]
  • The mission to Mustafar occurs. [426] [335]
  • The mission to Nal Hutta occurs. [426] [324]
  • Maul renders the influencial Morubas crime family powerless, thereby eliminating their potential complication in the expansion of his Shadow Collective. [427]


The Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi holds Satine for a final time.

  • Maul betrays Pre Vizsla of Death Watch and kills him, taking the Darksaber with the intent to rule over Mandalore. [428] He captures Duchess Satine Kryze in order to lure his nemesis and her lover, Obi-Wan Kenobi; though Maul murders Kryze and takes Kenobi captive during the Battle of Mandalore , the Jedi is freed by Death Watch dissidents led by Satine's sister, Bo-Katan Kryze, who continues resisting against the Shadow Collective. [429]
  • Darth Sidious secretly travels to Mandalore, killing Savage Opress and seizing his former apprentice, Maul. [429]
  • The defense of Cato Neimoidia occurs. [430] [324]
  • The funeral of the Jedi Temple bombing victims occurs. [431] [324]
  • The escape from the Republic military base occurs. [431] [324]
  • The capture of Ahsoka Tano occurs. [432] [324]
  • The trial of Ahsoka Tano occurs. [433] [324]
  • The duel at the Jedi Temple occurs. [433] [324]
  • The Battle of Ringo Vinda occurs. [434] [324]
  • The escape from Tipoca City occurs. [435] [324]
  • The escape from the Grand Republic Medical Facility occurs. [436] [324]
  • The mission to Level 1325 occurs. [436] [324]
  • Shortly after the Chiss Ascendancy's military success and political disaster in the Vagaari pirate operations , which was preceded by the Lioaoin pirate campaign , the Ascendancy intervenes in the Nikardun conquests . [90]
  • By this point, the Midorian Era had occurred, with some academics believing that a trade relationship was established between the Vaks and Garwians during that time. [90]
  • Anakin Skywalker accidentally renders the planet Mokivj mostly lifeless whilst destroying the Separatists' cortosis mine there. [437]
  • The mission to Scipio occurs. [438] [324] [57]
  • The Battle of Scipio occurs. [439] [324]
  • The mission to Bardotta occurs. [440] [324]
  • The mission to Zardossa Stix occurs. [441] [324]
  • The mission to Oba Diah occurs. [280] [324]


Jedi Master Yoda embarked on a journey of acceptance, admitting his faults and facing his fears.

  • The mission to Utapau occurs. [443] [335]
  • The funeral of Tu-Anh occurs. [443] [442]
  • Ahsoka Tano meets the Martez sisters . [444]
  • After being stationed on Coruscant with the Open Circle Fleet , Anakin Skywalker takes part in the Outer Rim Sieges campaign. [444] [58]
  • As the Outer Rim Sieges begins to turn the Clone Wars in the Republic's favor, the Separatist Bracca Invasion occurs. [6] [58]
  • The Battle of Anaxes [445] occurs. [446] [442] [58]
  • The insurrection on Yalbec Prime occurs. [446] [442]
  • The mission to Skako Minor occurs. [447] [442]
  • The atrocity on Mahranee occurs. [448] [442]
  • The capture of Moregi occurs. [448] [442]
  • The rescue of Marg Krim's family occurs. [448] [442]
  • The mission to Raxus Secundus occurs. [448] [442]
  • Separatist forces led by General Grievous battles the Shadow Collective at the latter's camp on Zanbar. The Collective is defeated and retreats to Ord Mantell. [449] [442]
  • Anticipating a major Separatist strike spearheaded by Count Dooku and General Grievous, the Shadow Collective prepares a trap for the two pair. As a Battle of Ord Mantell ensues, Maul springs his trap, capturing both Dooku and Grievous. [450] [442]
  • The assault on Vizsla Keep 09 occurs. [451] [442]
  • The Second Battle of Dathomir occurs; Darth Sidious, Dooku, and Grievous kill Mother Talzin, who sacrifices herself for Maul to live. [452] [335]
  • Maul adds Dryden Vos ' Crimson Dawn to the Shadow Collective's ranks. [201]
  • Asajj Ventress hires Boba Fett's syndicate to assist her in the rescue of Quinlan Vos from Dooku's Serenno fortress . Shattered by Dooku's well-woven words and confused by the lying of Ventress that occurred prior, Quinlan Vos furiously battles his lover instead, joining Dooku and forcing the infiltrators to escape. [448] [442]

Dark Disciple Cover Detail

Though having tread the path of darkness, the journeys Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress took wound in redemption.

  • The destruction of the Separatist supply storage base occurs. [448] [442]
  • The destruction of the Vanqor listening station occurs. [448] [442]
  • A battle on Christophsis occurs; Asajj Ventress guides Quinlan Vos to return to the light with her sacrifice. [448] [442]
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos brings the recovered body of Asajj Ventress to the Nightsister lair on Dathomir. Under Kenobi's watch, Vos lets go of Ventress and returns her to her kin, resting his lover's body in the waters of the Nightsister cavern, leaving her to the embrace of green waters and voices of her sisters. [448] [442]
  • The bombing at the Jedi Temple occurs. [453]
  • The skirmish on Kardoa occurs. [454]
  • The Third Battle of Mygeeto occurs. [455]
  • The Funeral of Stance occurs. [456]
  • Anticipating the fulfillment of Darth Sidious' Grand Plan with Anakin Skywalker as the Sith Lord's apprentice, Maul enters the Mandalore city of Sundari in an attempt to lure Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker and prevent the Plan's completion by killing them. [457]
  • The Battle of Yerbana concludes. Lady Bo-Katan Kryze and Ahsoka Tano request assistance from Kenobi and Skywalker to capture Maul and take Mandalore. [195]


Maul realized the Great Plan that Darth Sidious had set in place and was determined to thrive in the chaos to come and overthrow the Dark Lord.

  • Ahsoka Tano and Rex lead a division of Skywalker's 501st Legion to Mandalore, initiating the Siege of Mandalore . [195]
  • Maul tells the Shadow Collective leaders to go into hiding, [457] and the syndicates soon split up. [459]
  • Kenobi and Skywalker rescue Chancellor Palpatine at the Battle of Coruscant, where Skywalker executes Count Dooku. [460] [335]
  • Senators concerned with the Chancellor's growing powers join the Delegation of 2,000 and take part in the Cantham House meetings hosted by Senator Bail Organa. Key figures at Cantham House include Padmé Amidala and Mon Mothma , who sign the Petition of 2,000 requesting Chancellor Palpatine's relinquishment of his emergency powers. [265]
  • The Jedi Council assigns Anakin Skywalker to secretly spy on Palpatine. [457]
  • Maul attempts to recruit Ahsoka Tano as an ally against Darth Sidious, revealing his insight that Anakin Skywalker would become his new apprentice, but instead Tano defeats and captures Maul. [457]
  • Bo-Katan Kryze's Mandalorians and the clones take Sundari from Maul's forces, capturing Rook Kast and Gar Saxon. [457]
  • The Siege of Saleucami , one of the longest lasting campaigns of the Outer Rim Sieges, [461] comes to an end. Jedi General Quinlan Vos moves his troops to Boz Pity , [460] the siege of which was one of the most intense of the Clone Wars. [445] Stass Allie , a Jedi High Council member and cousin to the late Adi Gallia, [462] leads the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps in securing Saleucami. [461]
  • The Battle of Kashyyyk occurs. [460] Jedi Generals Luminara Unduli , [460] Quinlan Vos, [463] and Yoda lead Republic forces in defending Kachirho from the Separatists alongside Wookiee warriors , [460] who are led by Grakchawwaa , King of Kashyyyk, [464] and Chieftain Tarfful. [463]
  • The Battle of Utapau occurs. General Grievous, now leader of the Separatists, is killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi shortly after the other leaders are sent to the Klegger Corp Mining Facility at the order of their secret master, Darth Sidious. [460]
  • The Mygeeto Campaign continues with the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto . [460] [465]
  • The Battle of Felucia occurs. [460]
  • The capture of Cato Neimoidia occurs. [460]
  • The conquest of Kaller occurs under the leadership of the Jedi Depa Billaba, CC-10/994 "Grey," and Billaba's Padawan, Caleb Dume. [466]
  • With the end of the Clone Wars in sight, the Jedi Council instructs Anakin Skywalker to confront Palpatine about his emergency powers and term as Chancellor. [460]
  • Ahsoka Tano meets with the Jedi Council, but decides not to relay Maul's words about Sidious' plans. Tano is tasked with escorting the captive Maul to Coruscant. [457]
  • The duel in Palpatine's office occurs; realizing that Palpatine himself was Darth Sidious but promised the power to save Padmé Amidala, Skywalker disobeys the Jedi Council and sides with the Sith Lord. [460]

Anakin Padme Hug

Consumed by his fear of losing his lover and the resulting lust for power, Anakin Skywalker was transformed into Darth Vader in his inability to let go.

  • Per the Supreme Chancellor's command, Order 66 is executed by clones throughout the galaxy, spelling the end of nearly all Jedi. [460] [467]
  • Maul, Ahsoka Tano, and Rex escape from the clone forces sent to Mandalore, [467] with the latter two faking their own deaths. [468]
  • Snoke , created by Darth Sidious, [49] had memories reaching back to at least this point. [469]

Imperial Era (19–5 ABY) [ ]

Clone wars (continued; 19 bby) [ ].

  • The escape from Geonosis occurs. [70]
  • The Battle on Lokori begins. [70]

Reign of the Empire

  • The mission to Mustafar occurs; Darth Vader wipes out the Separatist leaders on Mustafar and orders the deactivation of the droid armies at the orders of the Emperor, thus ending the Clone Wars. [460]
  • Kenobi changes the beacon luring Jedi to the Temple into a message warning them away. [460]
  • The ambush in the Coruscant system occurs, with Caleb Dume receiving Kenobi's message and then retreating back to Kaller. [471]
  • Kenobi and Yoda learn Anakin Skywalker has fallen to the dark side. [460]

"The Dark Times" (19–0 BBY) [ ]

Twin Suns thumb

With the Force drenched in darkness, many Jedi detached themselves from the wider galaxy, allowing for the reign of the New Order.

  • The duel in the Galactic Senate occurs. [460]
  • Skywalkers Luke and Leia [472] are born to Padmé Amidala on Polis Massa. Amidala dies after childbirth due to heartbreak at her lover's fall to the dark side, though she remains adamant that there is still good in her husband. In order to protect the Skywalker twins from the Sith, Obi-Wan Kenobi leaves Luke with Anakin's stepbrother Owen Lars on Tatooine while Bail Organa adopts Leia into the Alderaanian royal house . [460]
  • The funeral of Padmé Amidala is held on Naboo. [460]
  • After the funeral, Bail Organa secretly meets Ahsoka Tano and gives her a line of contact in the case of emergency. Tano then departs with Rex, [473] and the pair soon part ways. [474]
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda go into exile on Tatooine and Dagobah respectively. [460] Kenobi is tasked with ensuring the future of the Jedi by watching over Luke Skywalker, while Yoda uses Dagobah's strength in the Living Force to ponder ancient Jedi texts and the mysteries of the Force, as well as to communicate with other Jedi exiles and monitor the Skywalker twins. [14]
  • Ezra Bridger is born to Mira and Ephraim Bridger on Lothal. [61] [475]
  • Rex meets Cut Lawquane on Saleucami, speaking about inhibitor chips. [476]
  • Ahsoka Tano settles on Thabeska with the Fardi clan , taking on the name "Ashla." [474]
  • With the Jedi Order's overseer of Kamino's clone army facilities, Shaak Ti, having been murdered by Darth Vader in the Jedi Temple, [335] Governor Tarkin arrives in Tipoca City to assess the viability of using clones in the New Order. [477]
  • The celebration of the Jedi Order's eradication occurs. [478]
  • Darth Vader recaptures a starship gifted to him by the Emperor. [478]
  • Vader's attack on Brighthome occurs. [479]
  • Clone Force 99 is dispatched to end an insurgency on Onderon. However, the clones let go of the insurgents, who were mainly refugees led by Saw Gerrera, and decide to desert the new Empire. [477]
  • Vader's mission to Al'doleem occurs, where he kills Jedi Kirak Infil'a . [480]
  • Clone Force 99 returns to Kamino and, with the exception of Crosshair , who remained loyal to the Empire, rescue Omega with the assistance of Kaminoan cloner Nala Se . Wary of the Empire's intentions, the Kaminoans keep secret the clones' defection. [477]
  • Aboard the Marauder , the clones escape to meet Cut Lawquane on Saleucami. They help the Lawquane's family escape the Empire. [476]


Recruits are favored over clones as standard soldiers as the Empire builds up its new army.

  • The Kaminoans hire bounty hunter Fennec Shand to track down Omega. The Bad Batch and Omega escape Pantora and ask informant Ciddarin Scaleback to identify the hunter on their tail. In return, the clones retrieve the rancor Muchi for Cid, who in turn gives Muchi to Jabba's majordomo , Bib Fortuna , for a payment. [482]
  • The Bad Batch and the Martez sisters undertake a mission on Corellia. [483]
  • The hunt for Jocasta Nu occurs. [484]
  • The Bad Batch retrieve the lizard Ruby . [485]
  • The clones escape from Elite Squad on Bracca, but Omega is captured by Cad Bane, hired by the Kaminoans. [486]
  • Prime Minister Lama Su sends Taun We to obtain Omega's genetic material and then terminate the clone. However, Nala Se hires Fennec Shand to rescue Omega from Taun We and Cad Bane at the Bora Vio cloning facility . Ultimately, Omega is rescued by the Bad Batch at Bora Vio . [284]
  • The Batch extract Senator Avi Singh from the Imperial- occupied Raxus Secundus , the former Separatist capital. [487]
  • On Imperial-occupied Ryloth, Admiral Rampart frames the freedom fighter Cham Syndulla for attempting to assassinate Senator Orn Free Taa , [488] and sends Captain Howzer to pursue Syndulla's daughter, Hera. Together with Howzer and the Bad Batch, Hera and the Ryloth freedom fighters rescue Cham and Eleni Syndulla . [489]
  • Cid and the Bad Batch steal sansanna spice from Roland Durand on Ord Mantell. [490]


The clones cross a mountain range on Daro to rescue an old friend from the new stormtroopers.

  • The Empire cancels all its contracts with the Kaminoans and mobilizes its clone forces for departure from Kamino. Fearing their own doom, the Kaminoans attempt to evacuate Kamino with some of their clones as well, but are caught by Rampart's forces. Rampart thus takes away Nala Se for her expertise and deposes Lama Su. [491]
  • The Bad Batch rescue Hunter and confront Crosshair in Tipoca City. While Crosshair maintains his belief that they must serve the Empire, he turns on his own Elite Squad members, wishing to join his brothers-in-arms. [492]
  • As per Tarkin's command, Rampart's forces destroy Tipoca City's cloning facilities and other Kaminoan cities. The Bad Batch flee the city alongside Crosshair, Omega, and AZI-345211896246498721347 . [492]
  • Secure as Emperor, Darth Sidious begins to delve deep into dark side arcana, including the hunt for immortality. (exact chronology undefined) [49]
  • Shortly after the rise of the Empire, entire populations of one species or planet are enslaved [16] as manufacturing worlds such as Riosa of the Inner Rim are annexed and pushed to produce components for Imperial military projects, including the Death Stars . [305] Meanwhile, dissent and resistance emerges with the beginning of the Ryloth Insurgency . [70]
  • The Crab Heist [493]
  • Amid the Empire's occupation of Serenno , the Bad Batch launch the mission to Castle Serenno . [493]
  • The Mission to Desix occurs. [494]
  • The Safa Toma Classic [495]
  • The Discovery on Skara Nal [496]
  • Kashyyyk's Wookiees face persecution by Trandoshan hunters who are aided by Imperial clones. The Bad Batch safely return the Wookiee Jedi Gungi to Kashyyyk. [497] (Approximate date) [498]
  • Rampart is exposed for the ruin of Kamino in the Imperial Senate and is arrested, but senators nevertheless approve his Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill at the Emperor's persuasion, formalizing the transition from a clone military into one made up of stormtrooper recruits. [499]
  • Echo leaves the Bad Batch to join Rex in secretly supporting fellow clone troopers facing decommissioning. [499]
  • The Bad Batch’s ship gets stolen on Ipsidon whilst they are on a mining mission for Cid, but they steal it back and commence the liberation of Mokkotown .
  • Cid sends the Bad Batch on a job to get valuable cargo from a crashed transport. It turns out to be an Imperial science vessel , and the Batch encounters a cloned Zillo Beast that terrorizes a village for energy to grow before being abducted by imperial forces and taken to Mt. Tantiss .
  • Imperial chief scientist Dr. Royce Hemlock and his assistant Emerie Karr arrive to take over the secret work on Mt. Tantiss, where Hemlock visits with the imprisoned Kaminoan scientist Nala Se, and requests Lama Su to come to the base. He tells Hemlock that Se’s weakness is her attachment to Omega.
  • Rex would eventually join fellow clones Wolffe and Gregor on Seelos . [500]
  • Queen Apailana's reign ends. [20]


Two Chiss, both alike in dignity, of the Ascendancy

  • A Nikardun commander is defeated, and his blockade of Rapacc is lifted . [192]
  • Senior Captain Thrawn foils a plot at Hoxim to prevent Chiss families from infighting. [192]
  • Generalirius Nakirre of the Kilji Illumine and Jixtus meet Thrawn together. [53]
  • The attack on Rapacc occurs. [53]
  • The Sunrise incident occurs. [53]
  • Nakirre is killed by Jixtus, who also dies after Thrawn defeats his forces . [53]
  • Thrawn is exiled for his treason at the previous battle. [53]
  • The Paataatus Hiveborn destroys Nakirre's Illumine Kilhorde battle fleet with data retrieved from Tildnis' warship. [53]
  • The Graf family is pursued by the Empire. [501] [502]
  • The rescue of Caleb Dume occurs. Caleb changes his name to Kanan Jarrus and begins a new life. [503]
  • Darth Vader eliminates a Geonosian queen and her group of Geonosians who were attempting to sabotage the Empire's Death Star project . Vader then inspects the Death Star plans on Scarif without neither Tarkin nor the Emperor's permission. [504] [20]
  • The Antar Atrocity . [505]
  • The campaign at Salient occurs. [70]
  • The Invasion of Mon Cala occurs. [506]
  • By this point, the first Empire Day had occurred, marking exactly one year after the initiation of the Jedi Purge, the end of the Clone Wars, and the founding of the Galactic Empire. [474]
  • The Empire begins a large terraforming project on Ilum after finally claiming it; [49] the planet's core is exposed and exploited by Star Destroyers for kyber crystals. [474]
  • The Raada Uprising occurs; citizens of Raada, including Kaeden and Miara Larte, join Bail Organa's resistance movement . [474]
  • At this point, the Empire continues to deploy Clone Wars-era prefab buildings and walkers of the Republic's military. [474]


Inspired by Ahsoka Tano, the people of Raada rose up against Imperial oppression.

  • The Western Reaches pacification operations begin in response to rebellion from remaining Separatist holdouts . [70]
  • Attack on Namzor , attack on Ahn Krantarium , and attack on Phelzepham ; Darth Vader and Governor Ahr lead Imperial attacks on insurgents with a Venator -class Star Destroyer and its complement of V-wings . Ahr is then killed in the Kankalo Belt Containment Zone . [507]
  • Mon Mothma begins to organize military and intelligence movements for an anti-Empire coalition known then as the "Alliance" . [508]
  • The Erso family flees from Coruscant. [70]
  • Unkar Plutt is born on Crul . [509]
  • The Lars moisture farm is attacked by mercenaries . Obi-Wan Kenobi tries to defend young Luke Skywalker, who was playing outside, and together with Owen lars, drive the bandits away. However, Lars then punches Kenobi and tells him not to go anywhere near Luke. [510]
  • The Western Reaches pacification operations are brought to a close. [16]
  • As orchestrated by the Emperor himself, Gallius Rax joins the Imperial Starfleet with the rank of commander . [29]
  • Thrawn is discovered on his "exile" planet by the Galactic Empire and, upon meeting Emperor Palpatine, joins the Imperial Military. Over the ensuing years, he will rise through the ranks, with Eli N. Vanto always at his side. [511] [512]

Mission to Ryloth

Master and apprentice, Darth Sidious and Vader journeyed through the hostile lands of Ryloth.

  • Fortress Vader begins construction on Mustafar. [513]
  • Xea dies of an incident caused by the rebel-conducted theft of an air scrubber farm on Eriadu. (Approximate date) [514]
  • By this point, the mother of the individual who came to be known as TK-462 had passed away. (Approximate date) [515]
  • A mission to hijack an Imperial weapons shipment occurs. [516] [517]
  • The Free Ryloth Movement led by Cham Syndulla attempts to assassinate the two Sith Lords. [516] [517]
  • Deaths of Belkor Dray and Isval . [516] [517]
  • The Berch Teller campaign occurs. [16] [518]
  • Moff Wilhuff Tarkin enunciates the Tarkin Doctrine . [16] [518]
  • A major shift in the Imperial bureaucracy occurs as a result of the Berch Teller campaign; the Deputy Director position of Imperial Intelligence 's Naval Intelligence Agency is filled by Colonel Wullf Yularen of the Imperial Security Bureau whilst ISB Deputy Director Harus Ison is reassigned to the Ubiqtorate . Additionally, Admiral Nils Tenant is promoted to the Joint Chiefs , Wilhuff Tarkin is appointed to the position of Grand Moff and Governor of the Outer Rim, and the Imperial Ruling Council members Conan Antonio Motti and Cassio Tagge are also promoted. [16] [518]
  • With its newly installed hyperdrive recovered from Berch Teller 's insurgency, the Death Star leaves Geonosis' orbit and moves into deep space. [16] [518]
  • The Inquisitorius senses an echo in the Force from the former Padawan Cal Kestis in hiding on Bracca , and the Second Sister and Ninth Sister move to apprehend him. Following a tense confrontation, Kestis escapes the planet aboard the Stinger Mantis . [6]
  • Cal Kestis sets out with former Jedi Cere Junda, pilot Greez Dritus , and the droid BD-1 to recover a holocron containing a list of Force-sensitive children sealed within a vault on Bogano by the Jedi Master Eno Cordova . Following Cordova's instructions to open the Vault, Kestis travels to Zeffo , where a Project Auger outpost, by order of the Emperor himself, excavates the tombs of Zeffo Sages Eilram and Miktrull . Kestis is then tasked to find Chieftain Tarfful, a friend of Cordova's. [6]
  • Saw Gerrera and the Partisans attack an Imperial Refinery on Kashyyyk. With the help of Cal Kestis, they successfully free numerous Wookiees, though Gerrera retreated from the planet in thinking that Kashyyyk was already lost. Several Partisan fighters choose to stay; led by Mari Kosan , they flee into the Shadowlands to join Tarfful's resistance. [6]
  • Kestis, in addition to having a large bounty placed on him by the Haxion Brood , is wanted by the Imperial Inquisition. Nevertheless, the Jedi learns to let go of his fear as well as to keep rising up from the Origin Tree .


Survivors of Sith purges accept and let go of their past suffering, moving on to rise and work to restore their kind with respect to choice and the trust in the Force.

  • After building a new lightsaber on Imperial Ilum, which now houses a world-wide artificial trench, Cal Kestis returns to Dathomir, where he and Merrin realize that they were both survivors who shared a similar past of loss and aim to restore their kind. They thus join forces, allowing the intricate Force of Dathomir to consume the fallen Taron Malicos. [6]
  • While Merrin expresses her concern that recruiting the children of the Force would instead endanger the potential Jedi, Kestis presses on his quest for the holocron at Bogano as the Empire approaches. While Kestis overpowers the Second Sister, the echo of her past and suffering overwhelms Kestis, allowing the Inquisitor to steal Eno Cordova's holocron for the Empire. [6]
  • Cal Kestis and Cere Junda discuss the Second Sister's past, with Junda accepting the pain of the past, letting go and willing to move on. Kestis is knighted, and together, the two Jedi storm the Fortress Inquisitorius on Nur to recover Eno Cordova's holocron. The Second Sister dies, though not before she sees pass her hate for Junda's failure regarding Padawans, instead desiring her kind to be avenged. Kestis and Junda barely escape the facility with their lives and the holocron, and back aboard the Stinger Mantis , Kestis destroys the holocron; the Jedi chooses to let go of forging the destinies of children, instead letting their destinies lie before the will of the Force. [6]
  • Berch Teller fails in attempting to assassinate Wilhuff Tarkin on Eriadu's Tarkin family –owned Carrion Plateau . [16] [518]
  • Tarkin's tightening of the Empire's grip on the Outer Rim, including his homeworld Eriadu, ensures a safer environment for Imperial citizens on Eriadu. One such citizen was the brother of Xea, who leaves home to enlist as a stormtrooper after Governor Tarkin's visit to his farm despite his father's warnings. The brother of Xea joins the Junior Academy in Phelar , Eriadu. (Approximate date) [519]
  • The chain code of bounty hunter Boba Fett is encoded into a set of armor once worn by his father , Jango Fett. (Approximate date) [520]
  • While hiding on the planet Lah'mu with his wife, Lyra, and his daughter, Jyn Erso, Galen Erso is taken away by Orson Krennic to continue his work on the Death Star. Jyn is taken in by Saw Gerrera . [521]


Han and Qi'ra chose to flee from a life of slavery on Corellia, though Han wounds up a cadet of the Empire and Qi'ra becomes indebted to Crimson Dawn.

  • Han and Qi'ra partake in an auction on Corellia for a data cube with plans for a shield generator ; originally won by the Droid Gotra , the Kaldana Syndicate ultimately wins the bid. [523]
  • Han and Qi'ra attempts to escape from the Imperial– and White Worm Gang –controlled Corellia; only Han is successful, with Qi'ra being later rescued by Crimson Dawn's Dryden Vos and enlisted as his lieutenant . [524]
  • Han enrolls in the Imperial Starfleet with the hopes of being a pilot. As Han lacks a family name, the enroller gives him the surname "Solo." [524] [285]
  • Han Solo trains alongside the brothers Lyttan and Tamu Dree , Kanina Nico , and Beilert Valance at the Imperial Carida Academy as TIE pilot cadets . [525]
  • During the final stages of the mission on Qhulosk , Han Solo disobeys Instructor Yurib Nakan 's orders to rescue Valance, saving his life. Solo's crew becomes disillusioned with the Empire and lets Ghular miners to escape from both their Qhuloskian slavers and the Empire. Valance is fitted with cybernetics to compensate for his injuries whilst Kanina Nico rejoins her love in the nearby Huru system to escape from the oppression of the Empire. [526]
  • The brother of Xea graduates from the Junior Academy to the Imperial Academy of Eriadu . He eventually becomes the stormtrooper TK-462 and requests to be reassigned to combat rebels on Lothal. (Approximate date) [527]

Wont let go

The former Anakin Skywalker would not let his lover go, and an apparition of her in his Force vision was destroyed.

  • Lord Momin constructs Fortress Vader on Mustafar's Gahenn Plains for Darth Vader, [528] who then kills the dark side servant and artist after a battle against Mustafarians disturbed by the castle's construction. [529] Vader then enters the portal within the Sith cave beneath his fortress, encountering apparitions of his past and losing his lover, Padmé Amidala, once again in his inability to let go. After witnessing the future coming of a figure who was, unbeknownst to the Dark Lord of the Sith, his son Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader destroys the portal in his anger, accepting that it gave him what he needed. [530] [531]
  • Ephraim and Mira Bridger are captured by the Galactic Empire. [532]
  • Hera Syndulla leaves Ryloth to fight against the Empire. [335]
  • K-2SO is constructed on Vulpter . [31]
  • Darth Sidious creates a being later known as Dathan on his secret Sith world of Exegol . [533]
  • Cal Kestis and Merrin duel the Fifth Brother on Murkhana . [535] Within years, the crew of the Stinger Mantis break up. [536]
  • The Gorse Conflict occurs. [251]
  • Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus join forces. [251]
  • Birth of Temmin Wexley on Akiva . [27]
  • Death of Enfys Nest's mother , [537] leader of the Cloud-Riders , the mantle of which passes down to the teenage Enfys Nest. [538]
  • The Galactic Empire establishes the Imperial security complex on Scarif's surface. [539]

Han Solo Imperial Cadet 1 Charretier textless

Han Solo was demoted to the Imperial Army for saving a fellow pilot by disregarding protocol and orders.

  • Lando Calrissian and L3-37 take up a weapons smuggling job to Kullgroon . They supply the local Petrusian resistance, [541] assisting Kristiss to liberate her people from the Empire. Later, Calrissian denies Kristiss' offer to pioneer a new future for Petrusia , and instead tracks down the Millennium Falcon , which had been captured by the Empire and impounded on Vandor . Calrissian and L3-37 arrive at Vandor's Fort Ypso one week after leaving Kristiss' people. [542] [543]
  • Han Solo is expelled from the Imperial Flight Academy for insubordination. He is reassigned to Mimban as an Imperial Army trooper . [298] [544]
  • The Mimban Campaign occurs; Han Solo meets his future lifelong friend Chewbacca and deserts from the Empire on Mimban to join Tobias Beckett 's gang , who wish to steal valuable coaxium hyperspace fuel in order in order to pay off Crimson Dawn. [524]
  • Beckett's gang conduct a heist on Vandor . [524]
  • Enslaved workers, organics and droids alike, are liberated from the Spice Mines of Kessel, including the Wookiee Sagwa . L3-37 is destroyed while leading the rebellion, and Han Solo makes the Kessel Run in just under thirteen parsecs, which Solo rounds down to twelve. [524]


Embroiled in various complications amid a coaxium affair inundated with duplicitous betrayals on all sides, Han Solo was left behind by Qi'ra in her struggle for survival in the criminal underworld.

  • Qi'ra joins Maul, leader of Crimson Dawn, on Dathomir. [524] The Dawn disappears a few years later. [459]
  • Han Solo wins the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian in a game of sabacc on Numidian Prime . [524]
  • The Empire sterilizes Geonosis, eventually leaving Klik-Klak and Karina as the only remaining Geonosians on the planet. [545]
  • Construction of the Death Star moves from Geonosis to Scarif . [539] [31]
  • Kestis faces Senator Daho Sejan on Coruscant, retrieving data for Saw Gerrera and killing the Ninth Sister. [536]
  • Kestis finds the High Republic Jedi Dagan Gera on Koboh , but Gera had fallen to the dark side and the Bedlam Raiders rallies to Gera. While the Empire battle the raiders, Kestis kills Gera with the help of Bode Akuna and acquires the Abyss compass . [536]
  • Akuna, an Imperial agent and fallen Jedi, betrays Kestis; the Empire raids Cere Junda and Eno Cordova's Jedi Archives on Jedha, battling Hidden Path insurgents while Vader kill the Jedi. [536]
  • Kestis and Merrin duel Akuna on Tanalorr . The pair then begin preparing the world to host the Hidden Path. [536]
  • Miara Larte is promoted to the Rebel Alliance rank of captain at a ceremony on Alderaan. [546] [547]
  • Admiral Jyrom Ottdell of the Imperial Navy is murdered with poisonous zolall extract . [39]
  • Imperial Security Bureau's Agent Andressa Divo investigates the Malkite poisoners as a result of Jyrom Ottdell's murder, though Divo receives " Malkite poisoner kits " with an inscription warning against continuing the investigation. [39]
  • Jak is born on Coruscant. [27]
  • Nari is hunted down by the Grand Inquisitor , the Fifth Brother, and the Third Sister . [548]
  • Leia Organa is kidnapped ; Bail Organa travels to Tatooine and begs Obi-Wan Kenobi for help to find his beloved daughter. [548]
  • Mission to Daiyu occurs; Obi-Wan Kenobi rescues Leia but is hunted by the Inquisitorius. [549] Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader confront each other at a battle on Mapuzo . [550]
  • Kenobi, alongside Imperial Captain Tala Durith , infiltrate the Fortress Inquisitorius on Nur to rescue Leia. [551]
  • Vader leads an attack on Jabiim and its Hidden Path fighters. Tala Durith sacrifices herself while the Third Sister reclaims her identity as Reva Sevander and betrays Vader. [552]
  • Vader and Kenobi duel ; the latter is victorious and leaves. [553]


Obi-Wan Kenobi lived in exile on Tatooine to protect Luke Skywalker.

  • Obi-Wan Kenobi, having found his inner peace, is finally able to see and converse with the Force ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn. [553]
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi saves Luke Skywalker when the boy confronts Jabba the Hutt's henchmen about their master's " water tax ," under which the local farmers are suffering during the Great Drought . Kenobi carries the unconscious Skywalker to the Lars family homestead and leaves before he wakes up, but the child's courage reassures Kenobi that the Jedi have not yet met their end; his waning hope is renewed. [554]
  • Keln , a loved one of Boushh 's, is born. [555]
  • Jabba sends Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Greedo to travel to Corellia to recover the ashes of archrival Krestrel D'Naran . [557]
  • Han Solo meets Corbus Tyra , who claims to be his father, Ovan . [557]
  • Chewbacca rescues Han Solo from bounty hunter Krrsantan [558] and they later conduct a heist on Coruscant . Although the urn they have been after does not contain the ashes, it contains the neural core of Ajax Sigma , which Han Solo and Chewbacca bury away. [559]
  • Jabba Desilijic Tiure sends Krrsantan to hunt down Obi-Wan Kenobi. [560]
  • Bodhi Rook enters the Terrabe Sector Service Academy to train to be a pilot. [304]
  • The mission to Horuz occurs. [561]
  • Un'hee is born. [562]
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi rescues 12-year old Luke Skywalker and his friend Windy after they are left unconscious during a sandstorm . [563]
  • The mission to Inusagi occurs. [561] [ source? ]
  • The Malkhani Insurrections occurs. [3]
  • The Leonis family migrates to Lothal. [564]
  • The Westhills massacre occurs. [564]
  • Dhara Leonis is kidnapped by the Grand Inquisitor and forcibly inducted into Project Harvester . [565]
  • The Westhills skirmish occurs. [564]
  • Miramir is born. [566]


Cassian Andor on Ferrix

  • As the Empire occupies Ferrix , Cassian Andor leaves the planet with the help of rebel Luthen Rael and undertakes a heist on Aldhani . [567]
  • The Empire ramps up its security measures in response to the events on Aldhani , invoking the Public Order Resentencing Directive and the Imperial Emergency Act . [568]
  • The Imperial Security Bureau initiates a hunt for Cassian Andor , headed by Supervisor Dedra Meero . [569]
  • Luthen Rael evades Imperial capture above Segra Milo . [570]
  • A prisoner uprising occurs in the Imperial Prison Complex on Narkina 5 . Cassian Jeron Andor and Ruescott Melshi are among the prisoners that escape. [571]
  • The rebel Anto Kreegyr and his group are destroyed by the Empire. [572]
  • In order to hide her illicit rebel fundings from the Empire, Mon Mothma begrudgingly lets her daughter, Leida , meet Stekan Sculdun , the son of oligarch Davo Sculdun . [572]
  • A riot breaks out on Ferrix following Maarva Andor's funeral . Supervisor Meero is saved by Syril Karn , while Cassian Andor escapes, rescuing his friends and helping them off-world before joining Rael's cause. [572]
  • The mission to Tamsye Prime occurs in which Jyn Erso is abandoned by Saw Gerrera. [561]
  • Assisted by street orphan Ezra Bridger, Bossk is hailed as an Imperial hero on Lothal. [573] Bridger then finds Baron Valen Rudor suffering from a crash caused by the Ghost . [574]
  • The Spectres raid an Imperial supply convoy [575] and attack an Imperial airfield on Lothal. [576]
  • The Spectres conduct a mission in Capital City , meeting the Force-sensitive, Lothalite thief Ezra Bridger. He is recruited by the Spectres as their leader, Kanan Jarrus, takes up the ways of the Jedi once more and takes on Bridger as his Padawan learner. [577]
  • Senator Bail Organa sends his droids, C-3PO and R2-D2 , to stop an Imperial plan to mass-produce T-7 ion disruptor rifles on Lothal. The droids are helped by Spectres. [578]

Spark of Rebellion GA

A rebel group known as the Spectres began efforts to undermine Imperial control on Lothal.

  • An attack on Imperial Troop Transports occurs. [579]
  • Merei Spanjaf stages a data breach at the Imperial Transportation Ministry on Lothal. [565]
  • The Spectres embark on a mission to destroy a kyber crystal with the assistance of Imperial cadet Zare Leonis . [565]
  • An attack on an Imperial convoy occurs. [580]
  • Beaumont Kin is born. [581]
  • The Spectres disrupt the Empire Day celebration in Lothal's Capital City , prompting an Imperial crackdown on Lothal. [475] [582]
  • TK-462 is killed in action on Lothal. (Approximate date) [583]
  • The rescue of Tseebo occurs. [475]
  • Ezra Bridger passes his trial to overcome his fears and receives a kyber crystal. He uses it in the construction of his lightsaber , which is completed several weeks later. [584]
  • The mission to Lando Calrissian's farm occurs. [585]
  • The assault on the Gray Syndicate occurs. [582]
  • The trap in the Old Republic Senate Building occurs. [586]
  • The raid near Jalath occurs. [587]
  • Kanan Jarrus is captured by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin on Lothal. [587]
  • Ezra sends out a message inciting rebellion which is heard on Lothal and in surrounding star systems. [587]

Ezra transmits a message of rebellion

Jedi-learner Ezra Bridger of the Spectres made a call for action against years of Imperial rule. The spark of hope is shared by Lothalites despite attempts to quell the rebel resolve by the dispatchment of high-ranking Imperials.

  • The resulting action at Mustafar [265] is one of the earliest victories in the Galactic Civil War [589] waged by the rebelling galactic populace against the Galactic Empire. [14] The skirmish also marks an escalation of resistance in the Outer Rim. [590]
  • The tribunal of Zare Leonis occurs. [591]
  • The Rescue of Dhara Leonis occurs. [591]
  • The mission to rescue Janard occurs. [592]
  • The Spectres conduct a mission to steal Imperial shield generators , where they are personally confronted by Darth Vader. [593] [58]
  • Siege of Lothal ; a blockade is imposed by the Empire on Lothal, and the Phoenix Cell rebel fleet is crippled by Darth Vader. The Empire fails to capture the Spectres, however, who escaped with the remaining rebel fleet. [593]
  • Darth Vader dispatches the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister to hunt down the Jedi Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, and Ezra Bridger. [593]
  • The assault on Seelos occurs. [500]
  • Rex joins Phoenix Squadron. [500]
  • The mission to Absanz occurs. [594]
  • A skirmish aboard a Republic medical station occurs. [595]
  • The skirmish in Nixus Hub 218 occurs. [596]
  • The blockade of Ibaar occurs. [597]

Stealth Strike ep guide

Through their actions and experiences made together, clone and Jedi uprooted the distrust sowed between them by Darth Sidious.

  • The skirmish on Thrad occurs. [598]
  • The skirmish in the Garel City Spaceport occurs. [599]
  • The rescue on the Imperial Interdictor occurs. [600]
  • The battle with Phoenix Squadron occurs. [601]
  • Brene is exiled from the Ubese homeworld of Uba IV . [602]
  • Leia Organa's Day of Demand occurs. [100]
  • The attack on Calderos occurs. [100]
  • The assassination of Quarsh Panaka occurs. By this point, Dalné became Queen of Naboo, though the position was made ceremonial by the Galactic Empire. [100]
  • The arrests on Christophsis occurs. [100]
  • The evacuation of Paucris Major occurs. [100]
  • The mission to Garel occurs. [603]
  • Inquisitors attempt to kidnap Force-sensitive younglings at Takobo but are stopped by the Spectres and Ahsoka Tano. [604]
  • The duel on Blizen occurs. [605]
  • The skirmish on Imvur occurs. [606]
  • Mira and Ephraim Bridger stage a breakout in an Imperial prison on Lothal, freeing many prisoners, but are killed during the escape attempt. [532]
  • The Empire attacks Phoenix's Squadron's hidden base on the planet Garel. [532]
  • Princess Leia Organa supplies three Sphyrna -class Hammerhead corvettes to Phoenix Squadron on Lothal. [607]
  • The mission on Lothal occurs. [607]
  • The dogfight over Concord Dawn occurs. [608]
  • The mission to the third moon of Concord Dawn occurs. [608]

Concord Dawn protectors

Debating the employment of either diplomacy or explosives over the Protectors of Concord Dawn, the Spectres ultimately captured their leader by force for peaceful negotiations.

  • Rediscovery of Lasat homeworld of Lira San . [609]
  • A Mining Guild Asteroid Belt Gas Refinery on an unidentified planetoid is destroyed by Spectres with the help of a purgill herd. [610]
  • Spectres with the help of Ryloth freedom fighters led by Cham Syndulla hijack an Imperial bomber carrier . [611]
  • The mission to Oliu occurs. [612]
  • Ambush on an Imperial construction module above Geonosis; Garazeb Orrelios and Agent Kallus form an unlikely friendship on Bahryn . [613]
  • Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger are ambushed by two Inquisitors on Oosalon while scouting for a rebel base. [614]
  • The rescue of Ezra Bridger occurs. [615]
  • Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka Tano head to the Lothal Jedi Temple to seek guidance on from Master Yoda to defeat Darth Vader and his servants [614]
  • Attack on Phoenix Squadron ; Chopper and AP-5 helped the rebellion to discover the planet Atollon . [616]
  • Phoenix Squadron establishes Chopper Base on Atollon; Rex and the Spectres secure the base against krykna . [617] [618]
  • The rescue of Ojo occurs. [619]
  • The mission to Thune City occurs. [620]

Maul and Ezra

Tempted by knowledge that could destroy the Sith, Ezra Bridger joined forces with Maul on Malachor, though the encounter ultimately led to the loss of Ahsoka Tano at her former master's hands.

  • Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Ahsoka Tano, and Chopper travel to Malachor. There, they forge a temporary alliance with the former Sith Maul to fight several Inquisitors and to obtain a Sith holocron containing knowledge on how to defeat the Sith. [55]
  • Ahsoka Tano and the Jedi are confronted by Darth Vader. [55] [58]
  • Destruction of the Malachor Sith temple ; Jarrus, Bridger and Chopper escape back from Vader and the exploding temple to Atollon; [55] Ahsoka Tano is saved from Vader by Bridger through [621] the World Between Worlds , [49] afterwhich the former Jedi parts ways with Bridger and embarks on a spiritual journey that changes the course of her life as she returns to Malachor and ventures beneath its Sith temple [57] [622] to find Morai , [623] who leads her [624] down [625] into another portal of the World Between Worlds. [626]
  • Brene joins Boushh's crew . [602]
  • With the assistance of the Imperial Security Bureau's Colonel Wullf Yularen, Thrawn and Eli N. Vanto foil the anti-Imperial efforts of " Nightswan ." [511]
  • Thrawn, Eli Vanto, and Arihnda Pryce resolve the Batonn insurgency . [511]
  • With Thrawn's help, Pryce rises to the rank of Governor of the Lothal sector . [511]
  • With Pryce's help, Thrawn is promoted by the Emperor to the rank of Grand Admiral and is given command of the Imperial Starfleet's Seventh Fleet . [511]
  • Eli Vanto and Thrawn discover that a steady stream of Imperial transports containing enslaved Wookiee continually traveled to an unknown location. Thrawn also discovers that extremely large amounts of Imperial resources have disappeared and been pooled into an unknown project. [511]
  • Thrawn sends Eli Vanto to Admiral Ar'alani to assist the Chiss in return for his services to the Empire. [511]
  • Governor Pryce solicits the services of Thrawn and his Seventh Fleet in dealing with the growing rebellion on Lothal. [627]
  • Rescue of Hondo Ohnaka [627]
  • Mission to Reklam Station [627]
  • Maul kidnaps the crew of Ghost in order to secure their holocrons; after experiencing a vision revealing that his nemesis, Obi-Wan Kenobi, still lives, Maul parts ways. [628]
  • A massacre near Teralov occurs. [629]
  • Sabine Wren recruits Wedge Antilles and [629] Derek "Hobbie" Klivian [86] into the Rebellion. [629]
  • The second mission to Ryloth occurs. [630]

Ezra reasoning with Rex and Kalani

Clone and droid reconciled at their last battle. Opposing Clone Wars veterans realized their mutual fall to the machinations of the Sith.

  • The second mission to the third moon of Concord Dawn occurs. [632]
  • A skirmish over Mykapo involving Mart Mattin occurs. [633]
  • The blockade over Synistahg occurs. [633]
  • A mission to loot an Imperial cargo ship occurs. [634]
  • The infiltration of the Imperial Armory Complex occurs. [635]
  • Maul returns to the Spectres and attempts to take Ezra Bridger as his apprentice; after a skirmish on Dathomir proved Bridger's Jedi compassion, a disappointed Maul parts ways in order to find Obi-Wan Kenobi alone. From Maul's lair, Sabine Wren claims the Darksaber. [636]
  • The rescue of Ketsu Onyo occurs. [637]
  • The rescue of the argora occurs. [638]
  • The mission to investigate Geonosis occurs. [5]
  • EXD-9's infiltration of Chopper Base occurs. [639]
  • Sabine Wren undergoes training with the Darksaber. [640]
  • Sabine Wren's Clan Wren of Krownest battles Clan Saxon , killing the Imperial-allied Mandalorian Governor Gar Saxon. The Mandalorian Civil War begins. [641]
  • The rescue of Alexsandr Kallus occurs. [642]
  • Operation Handoff occurs. [643]
  • Declaration of the Rebel Alliance ; [265] Mon Mothma forms the Alliance to Restore the Republic above Dantooine , joining together scattered rebel cells [643] to challenge the growing tyranny of the Galactic Empire [49] in one of the most important moments of the Galactic Civil War; [57] the war officially begins. [618]
  • The mission to recover Imperial codes occurs. [644]
  • Mission to Tatooine . Maul falls to Obi-Wan Kenobi's blade and dies. [645]

Maul dies but for real this time

Maul accepted his death, learning of Obi-Wan Kenobi's task in nurturing a new hope for the galaxy imbalanced by the Sith.

  • Rebel Alliance intelligence agent Captain Cassian Andor meets the Imperial security droid K-2SO. [648]
  • K-2S0 leads a Rebel Alliance group to infiltrate an Imperial facility on Mustafar for intelligence vital to the survival of the Rebellion. [649]
  • Andor and K-2SO embark on a raid on an Imperial freighter where they free three Wookiees. [650]
  • Alliance High Command sets up base on Yavin 4. [618]
  • After sensing a disturbance in the Force on Batuu, on the edge of the Unknown Regions, Darth Sidious dispatches Darth Vader and Chiss Grand Admiral Thrawn to investigate the area. [437]
  • The rebel mission to Mandalore occurs. Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger rescue the former's father, Alrich Wren , from an Imperial prison. Aided by the Spectres, several Mandalorian clans unite and eliminate the forces of Imperial-allied Mandalorian Governor Tiber Saxon . Sabine Wren passes on the Darksaber to Bo-Katan Kryze, who leads as Mand'alor . [651]
  • At some point afterward, the Empire would launch the Great Purge of Mandalore , destroying much of the planet and its people, with survivors scattering throughout the galaxy. The Imperial forces were led by Gideon , [652] who eventually seizes the Darksaber. [653]
  • The mission to Jalindi occurs. [654]
  • The mission to Faos Station occurs. [654]
  • Imperial forces led by Vader and Thrawn battle the Grysk Hegemony . Thrawn speculates that the Grysk would become a major threat to the Empire, and is concerned that the Chiss are on the verge of civil war as some Chiss had aligned themselves with the Grysk. Vader sees that Thrawn's true loyalty lies with Chiss, but despite their differences, Vader makes recommendations on Thrawn's TIE Defender program, which rivalled against Krennic's Death Star project that was endorsed by Tarkin, the Emperor, and Vader himself. Thrawn and Vader return to Coruscant, and Thrawn relays Vader's recommendations to Lothal. [437]
  • Old Jho is captured and executed by the Empire, allowing Imperial Baron Valen Rudor to take over Old Jho's Pit Stop . [655]
  • The theft of the TIE Defender Elite occurs. [655]
  • Ezra sees a Loth-wolf , the first sighting of one for over 100 years. [655]

Hera shot down

Phoenix Squadron's attack on Lothal was foiled by Thrawn's blockade, and Imperial forces captured Spectre leader Hera Syndulla in the streets of Lothal.

  • Hera Syndulla attacks the Imperial blockade over Lothal with twenty-four T-65B X-wing starfighters , attempting to raid Lotha's TIE Defender assembly line . However, Grand Admiral Thrawn's blockade shoots down all of the rebel fighters. [657]
  • Grand Moff Tarkin informs Thrawn that his TIE Defender program has been halted in favor of Krennic's Project Stardust. Considering that the loss of his TIE Defender program would outweigh the loss of Hera Syndulla, Thrawn leaves Lothal to the incompetence of Governor Pryce to plead his case to Emperor Palpatine. [658]
  • Thrawn agrees to handle a gralloc problem for Krennic's Project Stardust in return for the continuation of funding for the TIE Defender program. While handling the gralloc infestation, Thrawn and the Chimaera traces a missing freighter to find that it had been raided by the Grysks. While battling a Grysk warship at the scene, the Chimaera is joined by Chiss Ascendancy forces led by Admiral Ar'alani. Thrawn reunites with the Chiss as well as Eli Vanto. [658]

Aralani and Vanto

Thrawn's friend, Eli Vanto, serving under Admiral Ar'alani of the Chiss Ascendancy.

  • Dayja Collerand , sent by the Security Bureau's Colonel Yularen, joins Vanto on Aloxor . Processing gathered intelligence, Thrawn deduces that Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit was responsible for stealing supplies from Project Stardust in the guise of grolloc infestations. When confronted, Savit explains that he did so because he believed that Stardust was a waste of resources, and that he hoped to funnel the stolen supplies to aid the Imperial Starfleet. [658]
  • Grand Admirals Thrawn and Savit thus commit their forces in a non-lethal battle. Savit is defeated and captured by the Chimaera , Collerand, Ronan, Captain Boulag of the Firedrake , and Captain Gilad Pellaeon of the Harbinger . With the help of Thrawn's TIE Defenders, the Chiss defeat the Grysks. [658]
  • Kanan Jarrus is killed sacrificing himself to save the rest of the Spectres. [659]
  • Ezra Bridger enters [621] the World Between Worlds [49] and saves Ahsoka Tano from Darth Vader's blade at Malachor. With the former Jedi's guidance under the eyes of Morai, he then lets go of his master as Tano did hers, resisting the temptation to prevent Kanan Jarrus' death and thus Darth Sidious and the dark side of the Force. Parting ways with Tano, Bridger returns from the mystical realm and rejoins the Spectres. [621]
  • Ronan gives an unfavorable report of Thrawn to Governor Tarkin, and Project Stardust becomes the sole recipient of funding over the TIE Defender program until Stardust is completed. Before such point, Vader is assigned to protect Stardust. Having received news that the situation on Lothal is "critical," Thrawn returns to the world with the escort of Captain Pellaeon aboard the Harbinger . Before leaving for Lothal, Thrawn takes the gamble of convincing Ronan to travel with Ar'alani back to the Chiss Ascendancy despite Ar'alani's warning that growing chaos amongst the Chiss threatened civil war. Thrawn also recommends Commander Faro to take command the Eleventh Fleet . [658]
  • With Thrawn's loyalty to the Empire in serious doubt, the Emperor orders him to return for a long talk after handling the rebellion on Lothal. Palpatine also tells Thrawn to reconstruct a part of the Lothal Jedi Temple within the Chimaera to tempt Ezra Bridger, and further instructs the Chiss to persuade Bridger to join him. [658]

Force Gods of Mortis

Ezra Bridger accepts the passing of his parents and mentor, who sacrificed themselves to save the ones they loved. Thus resisting darkness and foiling the plans of the Sith, Bridger later does likewise for his new-found family.

  • The Liberation of Lothal occurs. Ezra Bridger lets go of a Force illusion of his parents, defying Darth Sidious' ploy before sacrificing himself to free Lothal, the planet, and the people he cared about, from Imperial forces under the command of Thrawn. Together with Thrawn, Bridger is taken by a pod of purrgil away [660] [58] to Peridea, in another galaxy. [9]
  • Jacen Syndulla is born on Lothal. [661]
  • Armitage Hux is born on Arkanis . [472]
  • Farnay's mother dies. [662]

Battle of Allst Prime

The Sixty-First Mobile Infantry on Allst Prime .

  • Between 2 BBY [663] and this point, the Sixty-First Mobile Infantry has participated in the battle of Ferrok Pax , [664] the battle of Allst Prime , [665] and the battles at Mygeeto ; [666] an Alliance starfighter squadron earns the name Riot Squadron at the latter battle. [3]
  • Two months before the Battle of Yavin, the Battle of the Tower is won by the Sixty-First Mobile Infantry. [667]
  • Around this point, [668] Bansu Ro , having lived on Coruscant as the seventh generation of his family since they became established as a family of pilots, sets off to train at the Imperial Academy [669] on Carida. [670]
  • By this point, the Rebel Alliance has discovered the existence of the Death Star. [671]
  • The mission to the Ring of Kafrene occurs. [521]
  • The liberation of Erso occurs. [521]
  • The battle on Jedha occurs. [521]
  • Jedha City is destroyed by the Death Star. Saw Gerrera is killed and his Partisans' campaign to end the imperial occupation of the planet ends. [521]
  • The Jedha insurgency ends. [521]


The Rebellion won a hardfought victory at Scarif, marking the beginning of open war against the Empire.

  • Battle of Scarif . Jyn Erso, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Îmwe, Captain Cassian Andor, and Bodhi Rook die while on a mission to steal the blueprints for a secret Imperial superweapon called the Death Star. Destruction of the Imperial Scarif Deployment , Surface Command , and Orbital Command ; first major Alliance victory against the Empire. The Death Star plans are transferred to Princess Leia Organa's Tantive IV [521]
  • Owen and Beru Lars are murdered by Imperial stormtroopers; the Lars Homestead and its droid inhabitants are destroyed. [674]
  • Luke Skywalker leaves Tatooine and begins training to become a Jedi. [674]

Leia honors Han and Luke

Luke Skywalker and Han Solo's bravery and selflessness were awarded by Leia Organa. The trio continued to serve the Rebellion together throughout the Galactic Civil War.

  • One week before the Battle of Yavin, Grand Moff Tarkin sends his protégé, Ellian Zahra , to assassinate the warlord Burnium Ro , who has connections with the Nihil of old. [675]
  • The Imperial Senate is dissolved . [674]
  • The Disaster . Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star. [674]
  • A battle on Vir Aphshire is fought between the Sixty-First of the Rebel Alliance and the forces of the Galactic Empire. Rebel forces ultimately secure victory soon after the Battle of Yavin . [3]
  • Protests on Coruscant erupt as citizens become angered at rumors of the Empire's part in the destruction of Alderaan. [676]

Age of Rebellion

Battle of Yavin [ ]

  • The Battle of Yavin . The Death Star is destroyed by the Rebel Alliance. [674] [335]

Galactic Civil War—after the Battle of Yavin (0–5 ABY) [ ]

Renewed hope (0–2 aby) [ ].

Enclave center

Leia Organa earned respect as a leader from fellow Alderaanians by personally recruiting survivors of the Disaster.

  • The evacuation of Yavin 4 begins. [677]
  • The Imperial credit encounters some turbulence. [678]
  • Having just escaped from an ambush on Taanab , where the Imperial Security Bureau's Alecia Beck wiped out the Shrikes —special reconnaissance personnel who identified, secured, and prepared new Rebel Alliance locations— Caluan Ematt contacts the Alliance on Yavin 4 for help as he travels to Cyrkon . [2]
  • Leia Organa sends Han Solo and Chewbacca to extract Ematt. [2]
  • Mission to rescue the survivors of Alderaan . Against Jan Dodonna 's orders, Leia Organa and Evaan Verlaine leave Yavin 4 overnight to search the galaxy for surviving Alderaanians . [677] [679]
  • Han Solo and Chewbacca successfully conduct the Cyrkon Extraction , earning the trust of Caluan Ematt. [2]
  • Solo is given his seventeen thousand credits by the Rebellion as promised by the late Obi-Wan Kenobi, though he loses it during a mission done as a favor for Luke Skywalker. Solo is then continually redirected by rebels across the galaxy to save lives. [2]
  • The Empire garrisons Basteel with a token presence in response to rumors of a resistance movement there. [680]
  • Chewbacca accidentally crashes his A-wing on Andelm IV , a world taken over by the gangster Jaum , who forces his workers to mass-produce dedlanite to secretly supply the Empire's war machine for profit. The Wookiee Chewbacca is persuaded by a local girl named Zarro to free Andelm IV from slavery. [678]
  • Recalling his experience of being enslaved by Trandoshan hunters alongside other Wookiees, [681] Chewbacca frees the enslaved miners on Andelm IV. [682]
  • While Chewbacca and Zarro are captured by Imperials, the latter are misled into thinking that Jaum is a member of the Rebellion and no longer desire to expand their reach to Andelm IV. After making their escape, Chewbacca and Zarro part ways on Andelm IV, though not before the Wookiee gives Zarro the medal he himself earned at the Battle of Yavin. [683]
  • With his A-wing repaired, Chewbacca proceeds to Kashyyyk to return the bandolier of a fallen Wookiee before leaving with the Millennium Falcon . [683]
  • Several weeks after the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker is involved in a Skirmish over Llanic . He then undertakes a mission to Rodia and a mission to Fex . After a mission on Denon , Skywalker and Nakari Kelen go on a mission to Pasher . [540]


Han Solo and Leia Organa rekindled their relationship after Solo chose to serve the Rebellion, albeit with flair and arrogance, instead of living dishonestly as a smuggler doing odd jobs.

  • For the mission, Solo is to rescue the spies and capture the traitor while under the guise of competing in the Dragon Void race with the Millennium Falcon . With all of the spies aboard the Falcon , Solo competes in the race, though it is attacked by Imperial forces. Nevertheless, the Falcon perseveres, and its rebel crew discover the mole amongst them and detain the brainwashed traitor . While he could have gone through the race's endpoint—a gate that created a wormhole leading to the race's starting point—Solo instead allows Loo Re Anno , the last of her kind , to return home using the gate, which was created by Anno's kind for their exodus from the wider galaxy. [30]
  • Returning Han Solo's favor, Anno leads her people from between the seams of time and space to attack the Imperials pursuing the Dragon Void racers, allowing the latter to escape. Anno's people intends their return to be the last; before they leave the world forever. [30]
  • Having accomplished his mission, Solo returns to the Rebellion and realizes that he could not lie to himself and deny reality any longer; that he had to decide who he really is and what is worth living for. Han Solo thus chooses to remain with the Rebellion, reconciling his friendship with Leia Organa and renewing the spark of romance between them. [30]
  • The wedding of Famma and Yendiv Bensek occurs. [685]
  • The mission to the Tellik Four Station occurs. [685]
  • The infiltration of the Dreamers occurs. [685]
  • The mission to Affadar occurs. [685]
  • The mission to Anukara occurs. [685]
  • The mission to neutralize blackmailers occurs. [685]
  • Assault on Cymoon . The Rebels destroy Weapons Factory Alpha , causing a significant setback in the operations of the Imperial Military . [686] [687]
  • Skirmish over an unidentified green planet . [688] [689]
  • Attack on an unidentified pirate base . [688]
  • Theft of the Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix . [690]
  • Secret mission to Geonosis . [690]

Darth Vader 6 Full

With the recent failures in crushing the Rebellion, Darth Sidious continued to test Vader with his past amidst civil war.

  • A few months after the Battle of Yavin, a mission to Giju occurs, following which Luke Skywalker embarks on a mission to recover Imperial communication logs . En route, he is diverted to Devaron , where he engages in his first duel with a lightsaber in the Temple of Eedit . [692] [20]
  • Hired by Vader to uncover Luke Skywalker's identity, Boba Fett travels to Tatooine and duels the aspiring Jedi there. [693]
  • The first attack on the Son-tuul Pride occurs. [694]
  • The Son-Tuul Pride robbery occurs. [694]
  • The mission to the Anthan system occurs. [695]
  • Solo wins the Rion Swoop race. [696]
  • The mission to Shu-Torun occurs. [697]
  • The mission to Tibrin occurs. [698]
  • The escape from the Monsua Nebula occurs. [699]
  • The rescue of Luke Skywalker occurs. [699]
  • The Battle of Vrogas Vas occurs. [700] [58]
  • The Arrth-Eno Mission occurs. [701] [702]
  • The prison siege at Sunspot occurs. [703] [702]
  • A battle at a delving citadel occurs. [704]
  • The attack on the ancestral retreat occurs. [705]
  • The Battle at Rubix's citadel occurs. [706]
  • The hijacking of the Executor occurs. [707]
  • The skirmish on the Ghost Moon occurs. [708] [702]
  • The hijacking of the Harbinger occurs. [709] [702]
  • The siege on Tureen VII occurs. [710] [702]
  • The escape from Skorii-Lei occurs. [711] [702]
  • Luke Skywalker undertakes a mission to the stonepower-strong world Yoda once journeyed to following the writings of Obi-Wan Kenobi; the Jedi-aspirant confronts Garro , a selfish rockhawker left bitter, power-hungry, and hoarding stonepower following Yoda's visit. Skywalker convinces Garro to let go of his power and sacrifice for his planet, restoring the balance of life. [256] [702]
  • The raid at the Great Temple occurs. [41]
  • The twilight of the Ordu Aspectu occurs; Chelli Aphra obtains the Rur Crystal , which contains the artificial intelligence of Rur. [42]

The queen and her minions

The Queen of Ktath'atn was an abersyn symbiote who leached upon the life force of her subjects.

  • Aphra's auction of Rur occurs; the artificial intelligence of Rur, the self-proclaimed "Eternal Rur," escapes from captivity. [713]
  • The Imperial skirmish aboard the Sorca Retreat occurs; many wealthy and influencial parties are slaughtered by Rur and Imperial forces. Darth Vader confronts Rur as Aphra escapes. [714]
  • The escape from an unidentified ocean planet occurs. [715] [702]
  • The mission to Akiva occurs. [716] [702]
  • The mission to Horox III occurs. [717] [702]
  • R2-D2 concludes his successful mission to rescue C-3PO . [718] [702]
  • Arrests on Zeitooine . [307]
  • Evacuation of Ivarujar . [307]
  • The battle for Jedha occurs. [719] [702]
  • The Alliance considers Crait as its potential central base, [618] and the mission to Crait [720] occurs. [721] [702]
  • Assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks occurs. [721] Rogue Squadron is formed, and a large portion of the Alliance Fleet is lost when Darth Vader's [722] Death Squadron [723] attacks the Mako-Ta Space Docks . Alliance High Command suffers heavy casualties. [722] [724]

Shu-Torun bombardment

The rebels set in motion the destruction of the traitorous Trios' world, though Leia Organa later realized their mistake and vowed to defend it.

  • The rebels conduct a mission to Shu-Torun ; seeking revenge, Leia Organa plans to bring the traitor, Queen Trios , to ruin. Beginning with Trios' Empire-allied world, Organa found her and her own forces' mistakes after dueling Trios, who died fighting against the vengeful Partisans' threat of destroying her world. Ultimately, Organa's team acts to save Shu-Torun, and the Heroes of Yavin emerge victorious. [729] [728]
  • Han Solo and Leia Organa undertake a mission to the Core World Lanz Carpo to trick the Empire into suspecting the Carpo Crime Syndicate is working with the Rebellion. [730]
  • Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 undertake a mission to protect a rebel refueling station on Sergia in the Inner Rim. [730]
  • Chewbacca and C-3PO undertake a mission to K43 on the edge of Wild Space to divert the Imperial Starfleet. [730]
  • Members of the Rebel Alliance gather on a new base on Hoth , [731] the sixth planet in the Hoth system . [732] The rebels' Echo Base is constructed over the course of two years up until the Battle of Hoth [14] in 3 ABY. [335] Months before the battle, Rogue Squadron begins to be stationed at Echo Base. [733]
  • Undead Troopers invasion . [734]
  • Poe Dameron is born [54] to rebels Shara Bey and Kes Dameron . [735]

Empire ascendant (3 ABY) [ ]


The Sixty-First Mobile Infantry's base ship, the Thunderstrike , and its escort, Apailana's Promise .

  • Battles are fought between the Empire and the Rebellion's Sixty-First Mobile Infantry on Phorsa Gedd , Ord Tiddell , and Bamayar . [3]
  • The Empire regains territory in the Mid Rim, pushing out the Alliance. The rebels decide to halt their offensive, and the Mid Rim Retreat begins. Some Mid Rim revolutionaries follow the Alliance, though many stayed to continue their struggle locally.
  • Attack on Haidoral Prime ; Imperial Governor and Ruling Council member Everi Chalis defects to the Rebel Alliance. [3]
  • After a battle in the Kontahr sector , the Sixty-First Mobile Infantry is sent by the Rebel Alliance to protect the Coyerti and secure their world in an effort to distract Imperial forces from the rebel withdrawal. The Coyerti campaign begins, ultimately resulting in an Alliance-Coyerti victory. [3]
  • Rebel groups are sent throughout the Mid Rim to conduct missions designed to distract Imperials from the Mid Rim Retreat. The Twenty-First travel to Bestine IV on one such mission. [3]
  • The Hidden Hand crime syndicate puts together a crew—amongst them Arr-Nine-Nineteen , Dengar , Chio Fain , Gita , Honnah , and Beilert Valance—to hunt for Vader . [738] The crew fails with the betrayal of Dengar [739] and the Hidden Hand is silenced. [740]
  • Valance arranges for his people on Chorin , including his lover, Yuralla Vega , to be sheltered by rebels on Lowik in exchange for supplying the Hand's weapons to the Rebellion. [741]

Love is letting go

"Love is letting go." Leaving her loved ones, Chelli Aphra delayed Darth Vader's tenacious pursuit of the Rebellion.

  • Death Squadron is misled in their search for the Rebellion's main base of operations by Chelli Lona Aphra to [743] the long-lost Jedi world of Tython . [14] With the Empire redirected from probing Hoth, the Rebel Alliance is given an extra few weeks to prepare for an imminent Imperial intrusion. [743] [744]
  • Despite the Alliance's efforts, Imperial forces continue to find rebel groups, such as the Sixty-First in the Metatessu sector , and conduct attacks on the insurgents, tracking and pursuing them relentlessly. [3]
  • Desperate for supplies, the Sixty-First make a raid on an Imperial heavy freighter in the Redhurne system . [3]
  • The Battle of Hoth occurs. The Alliance suffers a costly blow when the Empire attacks Echo Base, although Carlist Rieekan 's evacuation order helps rebels escape in time to avoid a complete catastrophe. [745]
  • Prelate Verge of the Imperial Ruling Council continues to hunt down the Sixty-First, commanding the unsuccessful infiltration of the rebel vessel Thunderstrike . [3]
  • By around this point, Lando Calrissian had freed the enslaved people held at the Fantanine mining colony . [746]
  • Following advice from the Force spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker heads to Dagobah to begin his training with Jedi Master Yoda. [745]
  • Darth Vader hires bounty hunters Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, IG-88B , Zuckuss , and 4-LOM to track down the Millennium Falcon , which travels across the Anoat sector , eventually reaching Bespin 's Cloud City from the Hoth asteroid belt . [745]

Carbon-freeze chamber SWB

Luke Skywalker chose to leave his training on Dagobah to save his friends.

  • Han Solo is frozen in carbonite and taken by Boba Fett. Aboard the Millennium Falcon , Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 escape from Cloud City , which is occupied by Imperial forces. [745]
  • Darth Vader embarks on a quest for revenge against those who hid his son Luke Skywalker from him. [747] With the forensics droid ZED-6-7 , [748] Vader returns to the Lars moisture farm and later to Padmé Amidala's apartment on Coruscant for clues. [747]
  • " The Contessa " is faced with rebuilding her rebel [749] Corona Squadron after it fought at the Battle of Hoth and regrouped aboard the Liberty . [307] Tasked by Mon Mothma to organize the starfighter defense at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three , "the Contessa" assigns Wedge Antilles to reform Red Squadron from Rogue Squadron veterans and other individuals. [749]
  • Under Commander Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron foils the plans of a group of hostile pirates. [749]
  • Dengar gambles with and is indebted to the Ohnaka Gang , whose original leader, Hondo Ohnaka , had been replaced by Skragg . [750]

Rendezvous Point Delta-Three

The Empire relentlessly pursued the scattered rebel forces in the aftermath of their near-destruction on Hoth.

  • The Falcon arrives at a battle at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three . The new arrivals aide in the rebels' escape from Imperial forces led by Ellian Zahra, [751] who was reassigned by Darth Vader and the Emperor from a non-essential post at the spice mines of Kessel to hunt down remnants of the Rebellion. [752] Following the incident, Commander Zahra received explicit instructions from Lord Vader: Luke Skywalker was not to be harmed. [751]
  • After taking a fork-nosed ice worm fossil from Imperial forces on Hoth to sell to the Shadow University through Sava Estat , Chelli Lona Aphra embarks on a job to find the Rings of Vaale, which allegedly grants eternal fortune, immortality, and abilities to rival the most powerful Force user when used together. Doctor Aphra, archaeology student Detta Yao , the bounty hunter Black Krrsantan, and the mercenary " Just Lucky " pursue the rings against Ronen Tagge , scion of the Empire's aristocratic Tagge family . After losing years of research to Tagge at the Ruins of Kolkur , Professor Eustacia Okka and her droid, TA-418 , who had done research on the rings, join Aphra aboard the Ark Angel III , [753] traveling to Vaale, Dianth , the home of the The Architects of Vaale who made the rings. They discover murals of High Republic iconography warning that when used independently, one ring would grant eternal life at the cost of the user's madness, while another would grant fortune at the cost of hastening the user's eventual demise. [754]


A replica of the Nihil Path engine set both the Unbroken Clan and the Tagge dynasty in pursuit; while the clan was reputed for not letting go, Tagge hired the rogue archaeologist Doctor Aphra for the hunt.

  • Nakano Lash resurfaces near Kessel. [757] Having been informed by Aphra and Black Krrsantan on Burnin Konn that she has resurfaced, Bossk races to find Lash. The latter is also sought by her former protégé, Beilert Valance, as well as Boba Fett, who deviated from delivering Han Solo in carbonite to settle a personal score with Lash. Lash had torn apart the group of hunters years ago on Corellia, when she killed their client and the sole heir of the Mourner's Wail Syndicate , Khamus , as well as causing the death of Krynthia , the sole heir of the Unbroken Clan , instigating a continuation of violence between the two groups, which formed the three crime syndicates of Corellia with the addition of Lady Proxima 's White Worms. [758]
  • Leaving her lover, Losha , and her peaceful life on the Moon of Logal Ri behind, T'onga pursues Lash to avenge the death of her brother, T'ongor , while Thisspiasian hunter Ooris Bynar pursues Lash with the help of the bondsman Syphacc . [757]
  • Amanaman agrees to notify Lando Calrissian should Boba Fett appear at Jabba's Palace. Jabba himself forces Calrissian to agree to spy on the Rebellion on his behalf with the threat of death. [165]
  • Having deduced alongside Commander Grek's Fourth Division they have saved at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three that the Empire was using Alliance codes to hunt down rebels at rendezvous points, the crew of the Millennium Falcon leave the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Redemption at Backup Rendezvous Point Gamma-Nine to return to Cloud City. [759]
  • While the Liberty and Corona Squadron, previously at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three, did not join the rebels at Backup Rendezvous Point Gamma-Nine. Instead, Corona Squadron undertake a series of reconnaissance missions for the Rebellion, charting the planet D'Qar shortly before the Battle of Endor. [307] D'Qar would house only a small Alliance outpost during the Galactic Civil War before becoming the base of the Resistance decades later. [14]

Destiny SW4

Through a vision, Luke Skywalker lets go of his lightsaber and sets off to save Leia Organa.

  • Skywalker lets go of his weapon following a vision through the Force. He then joins with Calrissian and Lobot to rescue Leia Organa from the Empire. In doing so, they accidentally free the Bespin Wing Guard , who are admitted into the Rebel Alliance. [760]
  • Luke Skywalker parts ways with the crew of the Millennium Falcon . With R2-D2, he travels to the planet he envisioned earlier in search of a woman , whom Skywalker also witnessed in his vision, for help in his Jedi future and the fate of the Rebellion. [761]
  • Skywalker meets Verla, a former disciple the Jedi Ferren Barr who rejected the Jedi, the Sith, and the Force in order to live her life. On Luke Skywalker's promise that he would not disturb her again be it the will of the Force, Verla gives the aspiring Jedi the location of a yellow-bladed lightsaber for him to claim for the extinct Jedi Order. After a duel of wills against the phantom Grand Inquisitor, who found himself tied to a fate worse than death as he is bound by Darth Vader to the mortal realm despite dying years ago over Mustafar, Skywalker asserts his understanding that the Jedi believed in self-sacrifice; compassion—dying for a greater cause. [762]
  • Darth Vader and ZED-6-7 trail a transmitter from Padmé Amidala's apartment and travel to Vendaxa [748] after being led to a false finding of Luke Skywalker. [761] On Vendaxa, the pair encounter a group [748] of Amidalans —individuals seeking to avenge the mysterious death of Padmé Amidala [763] — being attacked by native fauna whilst investigating the cause of Amidala's death. [748]
  • Darth Vader and his droid finds the group's sole survivor: Sabé, a handmaiden of the late Padmé Amidala. Sabé's group intent on avenging Amidala's death, Vader tells the handmaiden that he as well sought revenge on those who hid the cause of Amidala's death, and Sabé joins Vader and leads him to Naboo, where she had hidden the security recordings taken from Amidala's apartment. [748]
  • Now on a hunt for the truth of Padmé Amidala's death, Darth Vader comes across Sabé's associates, former Royal Naboo Security Forces guards of Amidala Captains Gregar Typho and Tonra, who long suspected the senator was murdered after leaving for Mustafar during the last moments of the Clone Wars. With their presumption that Darth Vader had killed Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker confirmed by the Sith Lord himself, Sabé's group ambush him, though their confrontation is interrupted by an [764] elder sando aqua monster . [75] [763]


Rejected by his son, the cyborg Vader struggled with his desire for power and his chosen destiny as a Jedi and current servitude to the Sith, tearing through his past only to be reminded of his losses.

  • Darth Vader and ZED-6-7 trace a med implant at Amidala's tomb to Polis Massa, which had been attacked and abandoned by this point. Vader and his droid are followed and attacked by the Amidalans, who are defeated. Finding a holorecording of his wife's death at the maternity ward, Vader destroys ZED-6-7 in his rage before wallowing in grief, hearing his lover's last words that there is still good in Anakin Skywalker as he returns to the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, where he submits to the Emperor. [765]
  • Mourner's Wail kills Unbroken Clan soldiers in a bombing on Chorgad . In retaliation, General Vukorah of the clan attacks [766] a Mourner's Wail spice run [767] in the Kessel Sector , [766] prompting the latter group to bomb a Caviness IV settlement. [766]
  • Ooris Bynar is killed by Nakano Lash after tracing the latter to Ruusan , and Bossk is left on the graveyard world of Galmerah by Boba Fett. Valance and T'onga reach Lash, who reveals that she only killed Khamus because they were sent to murder a pregnant Krynthia. Lash further reveals that she had been raising Khamus and Krynthia's child, Cadeliah , in the hope that she would unite the two warring syndicates as their joint heir. [767]


With the criminal underworld at war amidst the galactic struggle against the Empire, Valance had to navigate through fragments of his past while honoring the selfless acts of Nakano Lash, his mentor, and his savior, Han Solo.

  • Vukorah finishes purging those loyal to the old line of the Unbroken Clan and hires Zuckuss and 4-LOM to hunt down Valance and Cadeliah to secure her own place as leader of the clan. [769]
  • Remy delivers a replica of the Nihil Path engine to De'Rruyet Industries on Corellia before assisting Sana Starros with a drop-off on the world. [770]
  • The Gortus 4 colony signs over rights to their moon, prompting the Tagge Construction Division to be tasked with establishing an ore factory within a week. [771]
  • The strikes on the Keshk lunar colony continue for the eighth day as a result of wage disputes with the Keshk Corporation . [771]
  • Beol De'Rruyet reveals that his De'Rruyet Industries has found a way to replicate the Nihil Path engine with the potential to completely change the galactic economy or end the galactic war. [771]
  • Lucky reports Ronen's fall to Lady Domina Tagge , [756] who captures Aphra to Tagge Space after bounty hunter pursuits through Taris , Burnin Konn , and Arveesh Station . The head of Tagge Corporation hires Aphra to gather more information on the De'Rruyet Path engine replica. [771]
  • Aphra enlists the help of Sana Starros to gain an audience with Lady Proxima at the Den of the White Worms on Corellia, who directs them to the Unbroken Clan. After clan leader Vukorah finished interrogating Remy, Aphra and Starros steal a datapad containing a transcript of Remy's interrogation, following a lead to [770] an ancient battlefield on Dol'har Hyde . There, Aphra and Starros are attacked by Vukorah and the Unbroken Clan. [772]
  • Working alongside "Just Lucky" in Canto Bight, Ariole Yu offers to let Koz go if the latter pays his debt to Wen Delphis , leader of the Sixth Kin , although Kin enforcers are ambushed by traitors. [773] With treason apparent amongst the ranks of the Kin, Wen Delphis sends "Just Lucky" and Ariole Yu to eliminate the alleged traitor Gallin Crae and his contact off-world. [774]
  • Emperor Palpatine instructs Domina Tagge to capture Beol De'Rruyet's Nihil Path engine replica. [773] Aided by Lapin Tagge , Domina Tagge discovers that slicers had stolen confidential data from TaggeCo as well as its competitors. [774]
  • For wallowing in grief, Vader is deposited by Darth Sidious to the black sands of Mustafar, on the spot where the Sith apprentice was immolated decades prior. To turn Vader's anger back into fear and the fear into pain, Sidious sends Ochi of Bestoon, assassin of the Sith , as a reminder. [775]
  • The Eye of Webbish Bog calls out to Vader, reminding the cyborg of his inner conflicts between his personal desire for power, his current servitude to the Sith and destined servitude to the Force, and his personal needs for family. After receiving a wayfinder to Exegol from the Eye, [776] Vader defeats Ochi's droid army and departs Mustafar holding Ochi captive in an escape pod retrofitted onto his green Jedi starfighter . [777]
  • Darth Vader and Ochi reach the vicinity of Exegol, [777] where they fly through an Imperial blockade led by Administrator Sly Moore as well as a creature of a summa-verminoth sub-species . After receiving a vision of his son, Luke Skywalker, striking him down and taking his place at the Emperor's side, Vader makes a forbidden use of the Force to subdue the beast, thereby violating his master's command. Through fear of the Emperor's plans, Vader had become angered and was fueled by hatred, leading to a demonstration of power whereby the cyborg gained control over the beast and rode it to Exegol's Sith Citadel . [778]
  • Vader confronts his master but is subdued by pain. Vader's beast lies dead, and Ochi loses his eyes; overwhelmed by the power of the Emperor, Vader chooses to yield to his Master. Vader, the Emperor, Ochi, Sly Moore, and Mas Amedda then leave Exegol—leaving its Sith cultists , minions, experiments, and a growing fleet of planet-destroying Star Destroyers . [779] Dathan escapes from Exegol by hiding in Vader's shuttle. [780]
  • The Rebellion's Fourth Division joins forces with the Seventh Division after battling Ellian Zahra's assault group [675] at Elessia . [781]
  • The Pathfinders of the Rebel Alliance conduct a heist at Coruscant's Imperial Museum with help from Lando Calrissian and Lobot to steal the Autonomous Translator Module, Mark II droid, through which the Fourth and Seventh Divisions intend to establish new secret communications with other rebels. [781]

Lando apologizes to Lobot

Lando Calrissian insisted on saving Lobot despite the latter's loss of mind and the lives of rebels being at stake.

  • Starlight Squadron finds the ruins of the Sixth Division instead and is ambushed by Imperial probe droids . Amidst the chaos, Lobot begins to die in his efforts to keep the rebels' linguistics droid operational. While Lando Calrissian remains adamant in telling Lobot to cease maintaining the droid, Kes Dameron, fearing for his love, Shara Bey, demands Calrissian to let Lobot die in exchange so that Bey may be saved. [782]
  • Calrissian is detained by order of Leia Organa. After secretly learning its language, C-3PO deactivates the Rebellion's linguistics droid in its refusal to yield its self-interest to save Lobot. With command of the droid's language, communications are reestablished with Starlight Squadron, which escapes from Zahra and her flagship, Tarkin's Will , by exploiting the Empire's disregard for its own droids. [783]
  • However, Shara Bey, Starlight's commanding officer, is captured by Zahra's forces. While a despaired Kes Dameron is counseled by Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian is reunited with Lobot and, seeing that the Rebellion would not care for them, offers to pay off his debt to Jabba the Hutt by stealing the deactivated linguistics droid and its embedded rebel codes. [783]
  • Having traced the location of Tarkin's Will , the Rebellion plans to strike back at the Empire. [783]
  • Aphra, Starros, and the Unbroken Clan attempt to seize the replica on Midarr . The engine is destroyed during the resulting firefight, but Aphra steals the crystal core of the original Path engine and gives it to Domina Tagge. In refusing to let Aphra and Starros go yet again, Vukorah loses an eye while chasing them. [774]
  • Valance and Cadeliah flee to meet Valance's lover, Yuralla Vega, at a rebel outpost on Lowik. [769] Valance leaves Cadeliah in the care of Yuralla Vega as Zuckuss and 4-LOM attack the Lowik rebels, [784] who are separated from Rebel Command as the Empire had broken the rebel security codes. While Valance distracts the hunters by visiting random ports throughout the galaxy, the Lowik rebels evacuate before the Empire's arrival, though they ask Valance to save a lone transport that was lost in the process. Valance does so to settle his debt to Han Solo, but is shot down by the Ohnaka Gang, which is led by Skragg, advised by a captive Dengar, [785] and in pursuit of the locations of the rebel armada. [750]
  • Working for Jabba alongside the Hutt's majordomo, Bib Fortuna, the hunter Bossk joins the hunted in the Great Hunt of Malastare , sparing Grummgar and killing the InterGalactic Banking Clan Vice Chair Exum Jermit , who had been refusing to do business with Jabba. [786]

WOTBH1Giuseppe Camuncoli

Dozens of galactic figures battle for Han Solo, frozen in carbonite, after Boba Fett lost Solo on the Smuggler's Moon, Nar Shaddaa.

  • Crimson Dawn resurfaces under Lady Qi'ra. They steal Han Solo from Boba Fett [788] with the help of Deva Lompop , who in doing so betrays Jabba. [789] Qi'ra aims to bring the great factions of the galaxy together in an auction for Han Solo —hosted by Crimson Dawn on Jekara for a frozen figure wanted by all. [788]
  • Jabba places a large bounty on Boba Fett, [790] believing that he had betrayed him by selling Solo to another party. [791] T'onga is thus motivated to take up arms again against Fett, and T'onga's wife, Losha, follows. [790]
  • Valance battles Skragg's Ohnaka Gang, saves the rebel transport, and secures the rebel locations for the Rebel Alliance's Private Blanch Sproull . Hearing of Han Solo's capture by Boba Fett from Dengar, Valance takes Dengar captive to rescue Solo. [750] Aboard a Corona -class armed frigate stolen from the Ohanak Gang, the two hunters pursue Boba Fett and his Slave I . [786]
  • Vader, believing that any attempts to rebel against the Emperor is futile, changes his strategy of keeping Luke Skywalker and his friends alive; Vader decides that killing his son is the only way, and sets out to hunt for Han Solo using the services of Bokku the Hutt and Ochi of Bestoon. [792]
  • Aboard Jabba's yacht , the Star Jewel , alongside Bib Fortuna, Bossk learns of Jabba's bounty on Boba Fett. [790]
  • Intent on killing Fett and rescuing Solo, Valance is tracked down by Zuckuss and 4-LOM in the Y'Toub System . Dengar arranges a deal between the four of them to postpone pursuing the Unbroken Clan's bounty on Cadeliah and instead hunt down the wanted Fett. [790]
  • Boba Fett is confronted by Zuckuss and 4-LOM. They are defeated and left for dead on Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine, respectively. [788]
  • Chewbacca hears from Sagwa a lead on Han Solo's location. [793]


The assassin Deathstick was under the employ of Lady Qi'ra, leader of Crimson Dawn.

  • Valance and Dengar are pursued by Deathstick at Qi'ra's behest. In a brief interlude, Dengar contacted Bib Fortuna, seeking reassurance that [459] his love interest, the Aruzan [794] Manaroo , remained safe under Jabba's captivity [459] while the bounty hunter remained indebted to the Hutt. [795]
  • Valance and Dengar quietly escape to Canto Bight. While he remains indebted to Wen Delphis of the Sixth Kin, Dengar reclaims his ship, the Punishing One , on the condition that he and Valance stir up trouble at the Crimson Dawn gathering. [796] Before they leave, Dengar promises to give Deathstick the location of Cadeliah. [795]
  • Crimson Dawn attacks the Mourner's Wail. T'onga and Losha are cuaght amidst the attack. [791] After repelling the Dawn, T'onga informs Mourner's Wail leader Khamdek that he has a granddaughter—Cadeliah. Khamdek asks T'onga to keep Cadeliah safe from the Dawn. [459]
  • T'onga and Losha recruit gladiator champion Tasu Leech , who seeks a worthy challenge, and Zuckuss, who was left bitter by the fact that his own friend, 4-LOM, had lost memory of him and attempted to kill him. [796]
  • On Nar Shaddaa, General Vukorah is invited to the Crimson Dawn gathering by Deathstick. [796]
  • R2-D2, C-3PO, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, and Sagwa are ambushed by the Kanji gang on Nar Shaddaa, and the rebels escape aboard the Falcon . The gang reports their sighting of Luke Skywalker to Imperial Garrison on Vandor. [793]
  • R2-D2 informs Skywalker of the locations of dozens of Jedi outposts. Sagwa joins the Rebellion, and the Falcon is recalled to the Rebel Fleet by General Leia Organa after an unknown party contacted the Alliance regarding Solo. [793]


Durge resurges

  • Sly Moore and her court hire IG-88 to destroy Vader in the fear that he could overpower the Emperor. After defeating IG-88 at Zee-Nine City Seven in Hutt Space, Vader, Ochi, and Bokku find a Crimson Dawn lead to Han Solo. Bokku is tasked by Vader with obtaining Solo, [799] as is Sly Moore. [798]
  • Bounty hunter Boushh and his crew, hired by Crimson Dawn, attempt to assassinate the corporation's executive board. In the ensuing fight, Domina Tagge roots out Tagge Corporation's mole, Silas Tagge , and kills him. She then persuades Boushh's crew to work for her, promising as payment to take them back to their homeworld, Uba IV, from which they had been exiled by Ubese society. [800]
  • Domina Tagge sends Aphra and Starros to track down Ebann Drake , who had left TaggeCo [774] for Crimson Dawn's auction. Aphra and Starros betray the bounty hunter Durge , who had also taken a bounty on Drake, and take Drake's invitation to Crimson Dawn's auction, which they attend per Domina Tagge's instructions. [797]
  • Amilyn Holdo , who had been working amongst the crime syndicates, informs Leia Organa that Solo was no longer with Fett, and is instead held at an auction hosted by Crimson Dawn. Organa asks Chewbacca to reach out to Lando Calrissian about the matter, and C-3PO accompanies the Wookiee to handle urgent tasks relating to Starlight Squadron's efforts to find the remainder of the Alliance Fleet. [801]


Rebel victory at Ab Dalis liberated Alliance High Command's Admiral Ackbar and Chancellor Mon Mothma from a relentless seige.

  • Calrissian agrees to help rescue Solo, although he also promises Jabba via Fortuna that his package would be delivered over Jekara. Upon the Falcon ' s arrival over the world, Calrissian secretly jettisons the rebels' linguistics droid into space. As the droid drifts away, it attempts to bargain with Calrissian, temporarily repairing Lobot's implants and restoring his personality. [801]
  • Calrissian regrets his actions and vows to revive Lobot, although Chewbacca, Organa, and C-3PO pilot the Falcon down to Jekara. [801]
  • On Jekara, Boba Fett leaves Bossk for dead after the Trandoshan attempted to capture him for Jabba. [788]
  • Fett infiltrates the auction venue , and Jabba successfully outbids everyone for Solo with one million credits. [803] Back stage, Crae battles Ariole Yu and Lucky. Darth Vader arrives claiming Solo as his own. [804]
  • Qi'ra duels Lord Vader while Imperial General Romodi takes Han Solo aboard an Imperial shuttle headed for the Executor . [805]
  • Wishing to maintain the Hutts' relationship with the Empire, Jabba lets his prize go before leaving the auction halls himself. Dissatisfied that the Hutts' reputation is at risk, Bokku leads dissident Hutt Council members to take back Solo from Romodi's Imperial shuttle with a Hutt fleet. [805]
  • The rebels pursue the same shuttle aboard the Millennium Falcon . [805]
  • Wishing to save Han Solo, Valance teams up with his hated rival, Boba Fett, to pursue the same shuttle aboard the Slave I , leaving Dengar stranded on Jekara. [805]
  • Vader, sensing the presence of Luke Skywalker above Jekara, pursues the Jedi-trainee in orbit. [805]
  • Chelli Lona Aphra and Sana Starros steal a Black Sun necklace containing data crystals from the Crimson Dawn gathering and make their escape. [806] While escaping, work alongside Ariole Yu and Lucky, and Aphra kills Crae. [807] Aphra's electro-tattoos are fried after activating the Thought Dowser to incapacitate a pursuing Deathstick. [806]
  • Ariole Yu and Just Lucky are stranded at the Crimson Dawn venue by Aphra and Starros, who escape and find that a network of Crimson Dawn spies had infiltrated Black Sun, the Empire, the Rebellion, the Sixth Kin, as well as the Tagge Corporation. [806] Ariole Yu and Just Lucky eventually depart as well, back to Canto Bight. [808]


Qi'ra brought about the re-emergence of the Crimson Dawn, challenging the might of the Empire.

  • T'onga, Losha, Tasu Leech, and Zuckuss track Dengar and Valance to Jekara, where they find Bossk, who frees himself using Zuckuss' knife. [795]
  • Dengar is recued by Deathstick, to whom he hands the location of Cadeliah as Deathstick promises to pay off Manaroo's debt to Jabba. [795]
  • At the Dawn's urging, the Hutt Council armada attacks the Executor , although the shuttle containing Han Solo is safely delivered to the Imperial flagship. [809]
  • Certain that his son's fear is keeping him from being a Jedi, Darth Vader leaves Luke Skywalker and, at Emperor Palpatine's command, personally executes the Hutt Council, including Bokku, over Jekara. [809] Vader thus also learns that Palpatine wants Skywalker alive and is fearful of losing the boy. [810]
  • Ochi apprehends Sly Moore for attempting to save Skywalker from Vader, but the Sith Lord lets Moore go to fulfill his next mission from the Emperor—to hunt down Crimson Dawn's operatives within the Empire. [810]
  • Crimson Dawn also arranges for the crew of the Millennium Falcon to board the Executor and rescue Solo. However, he is instead taken by Boba Fett, who injures Valance and leaves him for dead aboard the Executor . [809]
  • Crimson Dawn, the rebels, and Boba Fett depart Jekara. [809]
  • Working for Crimson Dawn, Deva Lompop has IG-88 restored to take Solo back from Boba Fett. While IG-88 fails, the droid retreats to a junk world in order to bide his time and improve his systems. [811]
  • Boba Fett sells Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine, where Fett remains. Having become the sole leader of the Hutt clans, Jabba remains unfettered in regard to the Hutts' relationship with the Empire. [809]
  • Declaring the success of the "dawn," Qi'ra gathers warriors such as Ren's Knights of Ren in preparation for the reign of her organization. [809]
  • Having had her group of Amidalans killed by Imperial forces, [812] Sabé infiltrates Crimson Dawn, and on Polis Massa, the former handmaiden reactivates a repaired ZED-6-7 so that the droid could work for her in uncovering Vader's interest in Padmé Amidala. [813]

Crimson chaos (3–4 ABY) [ ]

  • By this point, the Archivist had visited Yoda on Dagobah, having been tasked by Qi'ra to find him so that the Jedi Master could assist in her plans. However, Yoda taught the Archivist, and she reports to Crimson Dawn the lie that Yoda was dead. [814]
  • Ochi is ordered by Vader bring his assassin associates under the Sith Lord's fold. However, on Saki , Ochi kills his fellow master assassins to free an imprisoned Lady Qi'ra, joining Crimson Dawn. [810]
  • Vader restores Valance and presses him into his service, tasking him with killing Admiral Tarl Sokoli . [815]


Crimson Dawn machinations spell chaos within the Empire and among the crime syndicates

  • Domina Tagge tasks Aphra and Starros with recovering Ascendant technology similar to the Thought Dowser, [817] but the pair run into rogue archaeologist Kho Phon Farrus , who works for the Archivist of Crimson Dawn and has been assembling Ascendant technology as well, in the hopes of finding the Spark Eternal . [818] Aphra, Starros, Kho Phon Farrus, and Iglan'tine Nos enter the Unyielding Heart on Bar'leth , where the Spark Eternal possesses Aphra. [819]
  • Starros and Kho Phon Farrus inform Domina Tagge of the Spark Eternal, and Tagge tasks them with retrieving both the artifact and Aphra. An ambitious Ronen Tagge also wishes to acquire the Spark Eternal. [819]
  • Vader leads his group to attack Laecor's Crimson Dawn forces and retrieve a list of their collaborators in the Empire. Unbeknownst to them, Sabé and ZED-6-7 had planted the list there. [816]
  • Vader and his group purges the suspects on Coruscant and on the Executor . [813]
  • Sabé and ZED-6-7 question Ochi and Sly Moore—fellow Crimson Dawn collaborators—about Vader's motives. In a later mission to Tranchar , Vader uncovers Ochi's betrayal—intending to use him as a pawn against the Dawn—and follows him to Sabé's place on Naboo. [812]
  • Vader and Sabé join together, united by their belief in making the galaxy orderly— [812] Sabé concludes that Vader was Anakin Skywalker, [820] who had fathered Luke Skywalker alongside Padmé Amidala. [813]
  • Ochi also helps General Romodi, who has been unhappy about some of his soldiers being killed by Vader's crew, and informs Romodi's forces about the location of Vader's crew. While Romodi's forces attack the crew, they are occupied by Crimson Dawn forces called in by Ochi, allowing the treacherous assassin to take Vader's crew away from the site. Vader then orders Romodi's forces to battle the Dawn until their end, and a pulse bomb annihilates all the combatants. [820]
  • On Gabredor III , Vader and Sabé reunite with Kitster Banai and Wald and target the corrupt Imperial Governor Tauntaza , a Crimson Dawn collaborator; while she escapes, Vader, Sabé, and Ochi discover that she had been developing technology that drains power from living things to the extent of entire planets—the world Karolia had already been devestated. [821]


Sabé working alongside Darth Vader

  • Vader, accompanied by Sabé, confronts Darth Sidious. However, Vader, still troubled by his suffering in his former self as Anakin Skywalker, turns her over to the Emperor, who asserts that the former handmaiden could be a powerful asset. She and Vader are sent to quell an uprising on Skako Minor . [823]
  • Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 search the galaxy for Jedi sites, and on Al'doleem , they find a holocron by Yoda that leads them to Gazian , where Skywalker speaks with an imprint of Jedi Elzar Mann and obtains a sacred Jedi text . [824]
  • Chanath Cha and the Orphans sow mistrust and chaos among the galaxy's leading criminal syndicates by secretly attacking their facilities. [825]
  • Qi'ra informs the surviving Rebel Fleet—assembled from the Fourth, Seventh, and Eleventh Divisions—that Zahra's hunter fleet had destroyed all but one remaining rebel division—the Second Division on Panisia . The Rebellion also strikes a deal with Crimson Dawn to organize its supplies, which have been disrupted by the Syndicate War, through Leia Organa's friend Amilyn Holdo. [826]
  • Kes Dameron leads Starlight Squadron and the Pathfinders on an unauthorized mission to rescue Shara Bey from Zahra's flagship, Tarkin's Will , which the Pathfinders infiltrate. [826]
  • Deathstick alerts the Empire to Panisia's rebel base, captures Cadeliah from the rebels, and brings her to Qi'ra. [828]
  • The Tarkin's Will is destroyed by the Pathfinders, who also rescue Shara Bey successfully, but not before the Star Destroyer eliminated the entire rebel base and several of the incoming Rebel Fleet's vessels—Zahra had relished forcing the rebels to kill some of their own members in their hopes of saving the rebel base. [827]
  • Leia Organa duels Ellian Zahra and leaves her to the mercy of Panisia's animals, stating that the Rebellion only kills as a necessity and always for justice. [829]
  • Ochi assassinates ten of the Emperor's Royal Guards in the Imperial Palace. [828]
  • The Knights of Ren raid Fortress Vader to acquire the Screaming Key . [830]
  • T'onga, Losha, Tasu Leech, Bossk, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM attempt to rescue Cadeliah from Crimson Dawn. However, Cadeliah chooses to stay with Qi'ra, who further offers T'onga's crew employment. [831]
  • Palpatine speaks with the leadership of the Hutts, Black Sun, the Pykes, the Droid Gotra, and Zerek Besh and instructs them to cease their infighting and defeat Crimson Dawn. [833]
  • T'onga's crew accept a Crimson Dawn mission to Bestine IV , and Vader tasks Valance to stop the Dawn there. [834] T'onga reveals that the entire rebel base containing Valance's loved ones had been eliminated by the Empire, save for Cadeliah, turning a guilt-ridden Valance to destroy the Imperial naval base . In retaliation, Vader's forces bomb the Bestine insurgents [835] and sends Inferno Squad to track down Valance and wipe his memory—his cybernetic memories had glimsped plans for a new Death Star. [836]
  • Taking Imperial bounties, IG-88 eliminates Son-tuul Pride leaders and hunts Vukorah, leader of the Unbroken Clan. [834]

Doctor Aphra 21 textless cover

The Spark Eternal possesses Doctor Aphra

  • Starros' crew finds 0-0-0 and BT-1 on Birukay , while Ariole Yu and Just Lucky find Doctor Aphra and the Spark with Crimson Dawn. Both groups confront the Spark, but it convinces Kho Phon Farrus to let it go and leaves with the Null Blade and 0-0-0 and BT-1 in her service, [838] with the aim of destroying the Sith. [839]
  • The Archivist and the Knights of Ren recover the Fermata Cage for Crimson Dawn using the Screaming Key. [832] They are joined by Kho Phon Farrus as they prepare the Fermata Cage to defeat the Sith. [833]
  • The Imperial Unity Day parade on Bar'leth is incinerated by a hit-and-run attack by the Rebellion—the event has been broadcast across the entire Empire. [840]
  • The Imperial Security Bureau is alerted to an incident on Al'doleem, which Major Sharin , inspecting the second Death Star , intends to investigate. [840]
  • At this point, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader are reported by the Rebellion to be aboard the Executor in the Mid Rim. [841]
  • Death Star workers Bevelyn and Jon Melton , as Crimson Dawn agents, kill Major Sharin and take her shuttle in order to inform the Rebellion the existence of the new superweapon. The couple bring with them their children, Reen and Zelly , hail the Rebel Alliance for help, [840] and flee to the Coruscant underworld. They are rescued by Luke Skywalker, and Alliance High Command learns of the new Death Star's construction. [841]
  • Amilyn Holdo bring Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, and Lobot to a resort on Spira for a vacation. They steal a Nihil Path engine from an auction and enter No-Space , in pursuit of much-needed fuel from the long-lost Kezarat Convoy. [166]
  • The other former handmaidens of Queen Amidala work alongside Ochi in order to retrieve—or stop—Sabé from Vader's service. However, when Sabé has herself captured by nationalist revolutionary leader Jul Tambor , Vader intercepts the handmaidens and attempts to turn them to his service too. [842] Although he fails, the Sith Lord rescues Sabé, who chooses to join him and leave her sisterhood. [843]
  • Sabé finds a diplomatic solution; she unveils to the Skakoan refugees Jul Tambor's true colors as a power-hungry individual willing to sacrifice his own people—he has ordered his forces to bomb a city despite being informed that his people were present there along with Vader, discrediting Tambor. His refugees are granted amnesty by the Empire, saving hundreds of lives. [843]
  • Vukorah resigns from the Unbroken Clan, allowing IG-88 to eliminate its leaders and leaving unscathed herself. [844]
  • Having been rescued by Ariole Yu and Just Lucky just prior to the Empire's attack, Starros' crew enter the service of Ronen Tagge, who had joined Crimson Dawn. [839] Ronen's Crimson Dawn forces attempt to eliminate Domina Tagge but they are thwarted, with Starros' crew aiding Domina instead and thus clearing their debt to the Tagges. [845]
  • The Empire finds and attacks Crimson Dawn's flagship. The Emperor speaks with Qi'ra, who loses the battle but orders the Fermata Cage to be activated, lying that she wishes to free an ancient Sith trapped by the artifact. [833]


Qi'ra's plans to topple the Sith fail at the Amaxine Station, though her efforts in destabilizing the Empire succeeded, and her agents had alerted the Rebellion to a second Death Star.

  • Starros' crew and Kho Phon Farrus help Doctor Aphra expel the Spark Eternal from her body near the Fermata Cage. Starros successfully forces the "hopelessly emotionally constipated" Aphra and Magna Tolvan to have a real conversation, and the crew part ways afterward. [847]
  • Vader joins Sidious before the Fermata Cage. Qi'ra activates it, beginning to trap the Dark Lords, but they are freed by the Knights of Ren. [848]
  • Qi'ra acknowledges her failure and scatters the Dawn fleet. She leaves her remaining resources to Cadeliah, her protégé. [848]
  • Vader loses control of his powers, and Sabé attempts to calm him down, taking him to an isolated world . However, while Vader demands her loyalty, Sabé refuses to give in to hate, and the Sith Lord casts her away in an ocean. The Emperor tasks his Empire to hunt for the rogue Vader. [849]
  • Luke Skywalker is similarly affected, with his powers intermittently augmented uncontrollably or weakened. Nevertheless, with his help, the rebels recover much of the Kezarat Colony , who give their fuel to the Rebel Fleet, though some of its population decides to remain in No-Space and colonize the former Great Hall of the Nihil . [850] Lando Calrissian and Amilyn Holdo had become romantically involved while in No-Space, and they reaffirm their commitment to the rebel cause. [851]
  • Inferno Squad successfully wipes Valance's memories. [852]
  • As the Alliance prepares for an aerial assault on Coruscant , [853] Luke Skywalker travels to Christophsis to obtain a kyber crystal and build his own lightsaber along with R2-D2. He receives help from Gretta and Dr. Cuata , communicates with a Sith and Yoda, and leaves with a red and a green crystal. [854]
  • Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, Nien Nunb, Freyta Smyth, and Bryen Rowne battle Corusant's defenses and attack the Emperor's statue in Monument Plaza . The latter two rebels are lost, but the burning statue is broadcast on the HoloNet. [853]
  • Vader acquires a shield of kyberite to focus his raw Force powers with Doctor Aphra's help on Ringo Vinda . [855]
  • By Imperial mandate, ZED-6-7 leads a group of droids who had been wronged by Vader to hunt down the cyborg Sith. However, ZED helps Vader to defeat the droids and rebuild them to his allegiance, forming a droid army, and Aphra escapes, as does 0-0-0 and BT-1. [856]
  • Aphra, Luke Skywalker, and R2-D2 find a Jedi temple on Sason [857] and battle the Starweird . [858]
  • T'onga reassembles her crew, wishing to save Valance's deteriorating mind. Boba Fett gives them coordinates to cyborg-fixer Tarr Kligson after they eliminate a rival Black Sun leader . [852]
  • Having merged with the Spark Eternal, the insatiable Scourge spreads, wishing to control all beings. [151] Ajax Sigma's Second Revelation droid movement attempts to destroy it. [859]
  • Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar, General Madine, Princess Organa, Luke Skywalker, and Commodore Grek convene to discuss the mysterious second Death Star. Meanwhile, C-3PO succumbs to the Scourge, which wishes to control Force-wielders too. [859]
  • Lando Calrissian and Lobot attempt to use Talky in Jabba's Palace to restore Lobot's mind. [860]
  • Vader and his droid army battles the Scourge aboard the Executor . [861]
  • Working for Domina Tagge, Aphra and Just Lucky face the Scourge on Havel Prime . [862]
  • The Scourge targets Vader on Mustafar. [863]
  • R2-D2 reassembles D-Squad to combat the Scourge. [864]
  • Tarr Kligson works with the Scourge to suppress Valance's consciousness. The Scourge abaondons Kligson and wishes to experiment with Valance, but T'onga and her crew attempt to kill their former friend. [865]
  • Ajax Sigma and D-Squad defeat the Scourge. [866]
  • Valance's memories are restored. [867]
  • Rebels attack Imperial forces on Mardona III , and the Sixty-First attack the Dockyards of Najan-Rovi . [3]
  • By ths point, the Obumubo Imperial garrison had been fighting Obumubo 's sea creatures for months, and prove to be experienced when fighting the Sixty-First on the liquid-metal moon. [3]
  • The Sixty-First move on to fight on Nakadia , Naator , Xagobah , and the Imperial Kuliquo belt asteroid mines . [3]
  • The Siege of Inyusu Tor on Sullust occurs; a portion of the world is liberated from Imperial rule. [3] [868]

Return of the Jedi (4 ABY) [ ]


Calm and collected, Leia Organa proceeded to disarm Boushh with a single blaster shot.

  • After eliminating a rebel cell in the aftermath of the Battle of Hoth, [869] Squadron Five of Shakara Nuress 's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing , also known as Shadow Wing, reclaim the Kudo system from the defecting Admiral Gratloe 's private faction . The 204th's Lyttan Dree and Zin Graw are killed amidst an attack by the Rebel Alliance after Graw, secretly wanting to defect to the rebels, leaked intelligence to the Alliance. [669] [20]
  • Leia Organa travels to Ord Mantell to find Maz Kanata for assistance in rescuing Han Solo. Boushh attacks Organa, though the bounty hunter was defeated by the latter, who took from Kanata's teachings of patience. Organa wears Boushh's armor as a disguise, thanking Maz Kanata before leaving in the Millennium Falcon with Chewbacca and R2-D2. [870] [871]
  • Boushh attempts to blackmail Black Sun. He fails and falls to agents of the crime syndicate, though his demise is not well-known. [872] [871]
  • Leia Organa, disguised as Boushh, rescues Lando Calrissian from bounty hunters on Arkanis. One hunter, Bossk, attempts to capture Chewbacca, although the Wookiee is later rescued. Organa thus cements Boushh's reputation with Bossk. [873]
  • With the Millennium Falcon , Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca attempt to find Han Solo, [745] eventually arriving at Jabba's Palace . [874]
  • Corona Squadron is involved in a dogfight in the Hudalla system . [307]
  • Less than one week before Operation Yellow Moon, Bothan operatives obtain footage of the second Death Star at Endor . [680] The Bothans bring the information to the Rebellion's Mon Mothma, Gial Ackbar, and Airen Cracken at the cost of many lives. [874]
  • Rebel intelligence chief and general Airen Cracken's men report a confirmed sighting of Boba Fett's ship over Tatooine, and that Fett has been paid for the delivery of Han Solo and is continuing to work for Jabba the Hutt. [680]
  • With the Rebellion's fleet still scattered across the galaxy to prevent another major defeat, the rebel convoy protecting Princess Leia Organa withstands an attack by Imperial forces. [680]

Death Star II revealed

Barely recovering from their defeat at Hoth, the Rebellion was forced to face the Empire's new Death Star.

  • On Zastiga, while Mon Mothma, Gial Ackbar, Airen Cracken, Crix Madine, Leia Organa, Carlist Rieekan, and a number of top admirals and generals—amongst them Nantz and Massa , as well as Veertag and Tantor —meet at a safe house to discuss the second Death Star, Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, and Nien Nunb meet for a discussion of how Nunb saved Antilles at Hagar Secundus . [680]
  • Luke Skywalker, who had rejected Antilles' offer for him to rejoin Red Squadron [875] and had been delaying his return to Yoda on Dagobah to await news of Han Solo, expects that he would return to the Redemption . Skywalker also tells Leia Organa of his need to master patience to become a Jedi. [680]
  • The next day, taking from Skywalker's lesson, Organa proposes Operation Yellow Moon to buy much-needed time for the Rebellion and the galaxy at the risk of her life. Mon Mothma approves of the proposal after telling Organa not to deny herself another chance at love; duty cannot provide the comfort love would bring. [680]
  • Rebels leave Zastiga the following day. [680]
  • Imperials led by Captain Khione garrison Basteel and Sesid in retaliation for Organa attempting to recruit for the Alliance on the two worlds, imposing greater fear and oppression on their populace in the goal of instilling absolute obedience. [680]
  • Unwilling to cause more lives of others to be lost while doing their duty for the fate of the Rebellion and the galaxy, Organa's crew decide to go beyong their mission parameters and assist in a civilian uprising against the Empire on Jaresh, ensuring that the local resistance succeeds. [680]

Yellow Moon crew

Operation Yellow Moon taught that while duty was crucial, people struggled against the Empire for inter-personal love; whether to honor those who died in the conflict or to fight for a brighter future for those still living.

  • With the individual voluntary sacrifices of two members of Organa's crew, as well as a surprise return of the rebel recruits, the crew destroys the Shieldmaiden using the Mellcrawler as a bomb , escaping Khione's Star Destroyer with a stolen Imperial shuttle named Tydirium . [680]
  • Aboard the shuttle Tydirium , Leia Organa, Nien Nunb, and Kidi Aleri reach Kothlis , where they join Luke Skywalker. Skywalker reports that they had gathered that Han Solo is still in carbonite, held at Jabba's Palace. [680]
  • Iden Versio escapes from the Invincible Faith with Moff Derrek Raythe 's message, in which Death Squadron is ordered to move to the far side of Endor as part of the Empire's plans to trap the Rebel Alliance during what the rebels think to be their surprise assault on the Emperor's new battle station . [876]
  • With his green-bladed lightsaber , Luke Skywalker leads a raid at Imperial Refining Platform M36 to secure an entire year's worth of fuel supplies for the Rebel Alliance. With the rebels skeptical of Skywalker for his Force abilities sometimes giving false positives of potential threats, the rebels refuse to heed Skywalker's call to risk jumping into hyperspace and are attacked by an Imperial Star Destroyer as a result. Skywalker resists Darth Sidious' telepathic urges to abandon the rebels for being weak and the temptation to leave the war to live a quiet life, rejoining the rebels aboard their transport. Controlling his anger that festered from his guilt of nearly abandoning the rebels, Skywalker assists their leader in helping the rebels escape to safety. [877]


Leia Organa rescued her beloved Han Solo from the clutches of the crime lord Jabba the Hutt.

  • Rescue of Han Solo ; on Tatooine, Han Solo is rescued from Jabba the Hutt, who is killed by Leia Organa. Boba Fett is consumed by the sarlacc of the Great Pit of Carkoon . [874]
  • EV-9D9 is temporarily disabled [878] but later becomes a bartender at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina by [879] 9 ABY . [880]
  • Lando Calrissian defeats a pirate fleet at the Battle of Taanab , earning himself the rank of general in the Rebel Alliance. [86]
  • Squadron Five is replenished with the newly graduated Bansu Ro and Rac Syrmo and destroys the rebel recruitment base traced from Zin Graw's leak. [670]
  • Yoda dies on Dagobah; Luke Skywalker discovers that he is not only truly the son of Darth Vader, but also the brother of Leia Organa. [874]
  • By this point, the rebels had fought the Spice Runners of Kijimi, whose leader, Zarah Bliss , is replaced by Zeva Bliss . [881]
  • The Alliance Fleet gathers in the Sullust system ; days before their offensive, the Spice Runners had been bribed and manipulated by the Empire to set up an assassination attempt on Mon Mothma, but it is foiled by rebel spy Tomasso , Shara Bey, and Kes Dameron. Tomasso additionally informs Mothma that the Imperial leadership is aboard the second Death Star. [881]
  • A strike team led by Alliance General Han Solo lands on the Forest Moon of Endor with the shuttle Tydirium . They gather Ewok allies from Bright Tree Village . [874]

Luke Leia BTV RotJ

Luke and Leia share a moment in Bright Tree Village, Endor.

  • Departing Sullust, the Alliance Fleet flies into the trap set for them by the Emperor in the Endor system. Led by Admiral Ackbar from aboard the Home One , the rebels destroy the Executor . [874]
  • Han Solo's strike team and Ewok allies destroy the Death Star's shield generator , allowing rebel starfighters to infiltrate the Death Star's reactor core. [874]
  • Vader duels his son in the Emperor's Throne Room , but is defeated by the furious Jedi, whom Darth Sidious wishes to turn to the dark side as his new apprentice. Realizing his own fear and anger, Luke Skywalker throws away his lightsaber and refuses to kill Vader. While Sidious attempts to destroy the Jedi, Darth Vader's compassion for his son overwhelms him, and, resuming his duty to the Force as the Chosen One , Anakin Skywalker kills his former Sith Master at the cost of his own life. By destroying the Sith, Anakin brings balance to the Force and passes away in peace, and Luke Skywalker escapes from the Death Star as a true Jedi. [874]


Compassionate for the selflessness of his son, Anakin Skywalker let go of his hatred and cast away the Sith, bringing balance to the Force, fulfilling his destiny, and passed away with peace and purpose.

Fall of the Empire (4 ABY–5 ABY) [ ]

  • An Imperial armada launches a surprise attack on the Core Worlds, though it is defeated at the border of the Hosnian system . [882]
  • News of the deaths of the Emperor and Darth Vader as well as the destruction of the second Death Star and the Executor at the Rebellion's hands is broadcast across the galaxy. [27]
  • Luke Skywalker gives his late father a funeral on Endor, and Anakin Skywalker joins Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi as Force spirits. [874]
  • Celebrations of the Empire's fall at Endor takes place throughout the galaxy, including bonfires in Bright Tree Village, gatherings on Cloud City, a rally on Naboo , and parades on Tatooine . [874] However, celebrations on Coruscant lead to a crackdown at Monument Plaza, sparking the Coruscant civil war . [27]
  • Rebel celebrants attend the wedding of Han Solo and Leia Organa . [29]
  • Billions of sentient beings are conceived in direct celebration of the Battle of Endor, leading to the large generation of victory kids . [883]
  • An assault on an Imperial outpost on the far side of Endor occurs. [884]
  • The Beltire Liberation occurs. [885]
  • While Han Solo and Leia Organa enjoy their time on Endor [886] and would later go on a honeymoon aboard the Halcyon , [887] Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, Nien Nunb, and Shriv Suurgav undertake a mission to Neskar Station aboard the Millennium Falcon . With the battle-racer Sebulba in debt to the Hutts and having connections to pirates who have been robbing rebel supply lines, the rebels contact Sebulba over Neskar and acquire a lead on the pirates. [886]
  • Battle of Cawa City . [885]

SWBF2 Battle of Naboo Space

The Alliance to Restore the Republic battled against Imperial attempts of wanton annihilation per the Sith's Contingency.

  • Garrick Versio receives his instructions from a Sentinel, leading to the attack on Fondor and the mission to Pillio , after which the Versio's operation is moved to Vardos , prompting a skirmish there. [876]
  • Imperial forces launch Operation: Cinder against Naboo. At this point, Sosha Soruna had become the Queen of Naboo. [885] Leia Organa coordinates resistance efforts in the streets of Theed. [876]
  • Raid at the Wretch of Tayron ; [888] the Rebellion gain the intelligence needed to discover and fight against Operation: Cinder. [889]
  • The mission to Vetine occurs. Two fragments of the Great Tree are retrieved by Jedi Knight and Alliance Commander Luke Skywalker and Lieutenant Shara Bey. [891]
  • Imperial forces launches Operation: Cinder against Abednedo , Burnin Konn, Candovant , and Commenor . (Approximate date) [891]
  • The 204th carries out Operation: Cinder on Nacronis , wiping out its inhabitants despite the Rebel Alliance's efforts to save the world. Yrica Quell of the 204th deserts as a result, and would later be found by the New Republic. [892]
  • The 204th attacks the Hellion's Dare over Jiruus . [893]
  • Darth Sidious is reborn within a clone body in Exegol's Sith Citadel, but the clone body rapidly decays in his Sith Eternal 's care. [894] They install Snoke into the galaxy. [58]
  • Rebels depart their outpost on D'Qar. [618]
  • Leia Organa begins training in the ways of the Force on Ajan Kloss , per her choice of location, under the tutelage of her brother, Luke Skywalker. [895]
  • Imperial Governor Ubrik Adelhard locks down the Anoat sector under the Iron Blockade . Deprived of the Rebellion's help, those trapped inside the blockade start an uprising . [896]
  • The Liberation of Sullust occurs. [265]
  • The battle of Malastare [897] ends. [27]
  • Four years after their victory at the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance to Restore the Republic declares the formation of the New Republic . [58]
  • Operation: Cinder against Abednedo is over by this point. [893]
  • New Republic Special Forces and Alphabet Squadron hunt for Shadow Wing . [893]


While the Empire was fractured at Endor, Imperials remained throughout the galaxy with deadly intent, desperately attempting to quell the flames of rebellion.

  • New Republic agent Wedge Antilles conducts a scouting mission to Akiva . [27]
  • The Imperial Future Council holds an emergency summit on Akiva . [27]
  • Battle of Naalol . [27]
  • Rebellion on Akiva . [27]
  • Republic forces lead a successful attack on the Imperial dockyard at Var-Shaa . Veteran of the Battle of Jeyell and flagship of Titan Squadron , the Imperial Star Destroyer Overseer , is retrofitted after winning the battle. [898]
  • Commanded by Lindon Javes , the New Republic Vanguard Squadron is assigned to the Bormea sector aboard the MC-75 cruiser, the Temperance . [899]
  • At Nadiri Dockyards , [900] the Republic's Project Starhawk [901] produces the Starhawk , a prototype vessel [900] made from salvaged Galactic Empire starships at the debris field of Sissubo [901] for the development of the Starhawk -class battleship . [900]

New Republic Era (5–34 ABY) [ ]

Galactic civil war (continued; 5 aby) [ ].

Shara and Kes go home

The Great Tree was replanted as the galaxy saw a new day, a new beginning.

  • Shara Bey and Kes Dameron move to Yavin 4, planting a fragment of the Great Tree within their property . [891]
  • The Rebel Alliance officially reorganizes into the New Republic, accomplishing its goal of restoring the Republic. [27] [903]
  • The New Republic restores the Galactic Senate on Chandrila , its capital. [27]
  • The skirmish on Takodana occurs. [876]
  • Having turned against the Empire, Inferno Squad undertakes a mission to Chinook Station on Bespin to capture former member Gideon Hask and shut down the Imperial fueling operations there. [876]
  • Lando Calrissian liberates Cloud City . [896]
  • The hunt for Shadow Wing leads to an Imperial operation at Jarbanov . Concurrently, the Republic 61st Mobile Infantry participates in a campaign in the Cerberon system . (Approximate date) [899] [904]
  • Attack on the Hyborean Moon . [29]
  • Capture of Perwin Gedde . [29]
  • The battle of Nag Ubdur occurs with the ambush at Govneh Ridge and massacre at Binjai-Tin . [29]
  • Siege of Arkanis . [29]
  • Battle for Kuat Drive Yards . [29]
  • Liberation of Kashyyyk . [29]
  • The Empire attacks Chandrila during the Imperial–Republic peace talks . [29]
  • The Empire launches three invasions of Naboo , though they are foiled by Corona Squadron. [307]

Liberty for all

Many worlds overcame the control of the Empire with popular unrest throughout the galaxy.

  • Having been ordered by the late Emperor Palpatine himself to destroy the Empire for failing him, Gallius Rax concentrates the bulk of Imperial forces under his command to Jakku in the hopes of luring the Republic into battle there and obliterating the entire planet mid-battle, thus ensuring the death of the fragmented Empire. However, Rax also plots to retreat into the Unknown Regions with a select few Imperials whom he had deemed worthy to forge a new empire in the shadows. [905]
  • The New Republic engages in border skirmishes with the New Separatist Union . [892]
  • New Republic General Hera Syndulla leads Alphabet Squadron in pursuit of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing after spotting the Imperials in the Ciaox Verith system . [892]
  • General Syndulla leads Alphabet Squadron on a mission to Chadawa , where they battle Imperial loyalist forces enforcing Operation: Cinder, including the 204th, and the Chadawan government . Before the battle, Imperial loyalists had inflicted Operation: Cinder upon Dybbron III and Kortatka . [892]
  • General Ria reports to New Republic High Command of the Repulic's Xagobah campaign against the local Imperial-Royalist coalition . [892]
  • The newly founded Confederacy of Corporate Systems and the New Separatist Union adds to New Republic Chancellor Mon Mothma's worries as the Republic prepares to move its seat of power from Chandrila to the agriworld Nakadia . [905]
  • By this point, Brin Izisca had become a leader of the Church of the Force , and made holographic recordings of his teachings, including himself reading from the Journal of the Whills . [905]
  • The Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya 's Star Dreadnought , the Liberty's Misrule , destroys three Imperial II -class Star Destroyers . [905]


Chaos over Jakku; New Republic emerged victorious, and peace is restored to the wider galaxy as dark forces retreat into the shadows of the Unknown Regions.

  • Imperial leader Brendol Hux offers local orphans a chance to leave the suffering of Jakku by recruiting them as child soldiers under the leadership of his son, Armitage. [905] Infinitely loyal, the soldiers included Archex . [906] Gallius Rax is killed by Rae Sloane while attempting to obliterate Jakku in the goal of eliminating all Imperial forces. [905]

The New Republic

Peace (5–28 ABY) [ ]

  • The taming of the Unknown (5 ABY–15 ABY) : The Imperial remnant that fled to the Unknown Regions is met by secret reinforcements in uncharted space. There, the remnant of the Empire grows in power, eventually becoming the First Order , and Imperial-era leaders, such as Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, General Brendol Hux, and Allegiant General Enric Pryde make way for the rise of Snoke, heir apparent to the fallen Emperor. Some come to realize that their new leader was himself subservient to an unseen force. [49]
  • The Ryloth Insurgency ends. [29]

Han Leia and Ben

Balancing family and service, Leia Organa found her place in leading the galactic populace from the Core Worlds with her newborn son, Ben Solo.

  • Luke Skywalker begins searching the galaxy for lost lore of the Force. [907]
  • After the Galactic Civil War, the Cosmic Force becomes dormant and is seemingly quieted to those who could sense its presence. (Approximate date) [54]
  • An Imperial remnant led by Grand Moff Randd has fled to the Queluhan Nebula in the Unknown Regions. [307]
  • Tamara Ryvora is born. [908]
  • Team Fireball is found. [908]
  • Paige Tico is born [909] on Hays Minor . [910]
  • Terex travels to Kaddak . [911]
  • Phasma is born on Parnassos . [912]
  • Terex obtains the Carrion Spike . [911]
  • The Vorantis beat the Brightfox . [28]
  • The second skirmish in the Mesulan Remnants Belt occurs. [28]
  • Poe Dameron begins to learn to fly starships from his mother, Shara Bey. [913]
  • Gideon's Imperial remnant issues a bounty to multiple hunters on "the Child"—a Force-sensitive member of Yoda's species named Grogu. Multiple parties clash in the ensuing hunt for Grogu , with the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin emerging as the victor after undertaking a mission to Arvala-7 . [915]


The Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin had become like a father to Grogu, a child who was sought by others for his potential in the Force.

  • The skirmish on Sorgan occurs. [917]
  • A hunt for Fennec Shand occurs. [879]
  • The Bothan-Five incident occurs. [918]
  • The Clash on Nevarro occurs, liberating Nevarro from the Imperial remnant of Moff Gideon. [653]
  • Din Djarin undertakes a mission to Tatooine and later another to Trask . [919]
  • Din Djarin joins Bo-Katan Kryze's group of Mandalorians in a mission to steal weapons from Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant. Before parting ways, Kryze instructs Djarin to find her friend Ahsoka Tano on Corvus . [920]
  • Djarin attacks Moff Gideon's Nevarro Imperial base , discovering that Grogu, "the Child," was sought for his midi-chlorians. [921]
  • They liberate the city Calodan together, where Tano defeats despot Morgan Elsbeth and interrogates her for the whereabouts of Grand Admiral Thrawn. [922]
  • Tano sees that she could not train Grogu, as Djarin had formed a paternal bond with the child, and in turn suggests that Djarin take Grogu to Tython, where the child could find his path in the Force. [922]
  • Grogu is captured by Moff Gideon's dark troopers from Tython and taken to Gideon's light cruiser . [923]
  • Djarin takes the Darksaber while Gideon is taken into New Republic custody, though he is broken out en route to trial. [926]
  • As Bo-Katan Kryze returned to her forces without the Darksaber, her Mandalorians abandon her and become privateers under Axe Woves . [926]
  • The Jedi Luke Skywalker beckons Grogu to train as a Jedi with him. Removing his Mandalorian helmet, Djarin gives his blessing to Grogu before letting the latter go. [925]

Boba and fennec on the throne

Jabba's Palace under new management

  • Boba Fett and Fennec Shand attack Jabba's Palace, replacing Bib Fortuna's place as master of the palace. [925]
  • A gang war erupts on Tatooine, with Daimyo Boba Fett's Fett gotra defeating the Pyke Syndicate presence on the world and emerging as its leading criminal syndicate. [928]
  • With Bo-Katan Kryze's help, Din Djarin bathes in the Living Waters of Mandalore in order to redeem his position in the Children of the Watch , in the process discovering that Mandalore is still habitable. While also submerged in the Living Waters, Bo-Katan witnesses a live Mythosaur. [929]
  • A large force of TIE fighters destroy the castle of Bo-Katan Kryze. [929]
  • The Shadow Council , among which include Brendol Hux and Gideon, anticipates Gilad Pellaeon's promise of the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn. [930]
  • The Children of the Watch liberate Nevarro by defeating the pirates of Gorian Shard , [931] who had captured the the planet at the behest of Moff Gideon. [926]
  • Bo-Katan Kryze is accepted into the Children of the Watch, and the Armorer tasks Kryze with reuniting all Mandalorians. [931]
  • Kryze returns to Axe Woves' group of Mandalorians with the Darksaber in hand, regaining their allegiance and her Mandalorian fleet . [926]
  • Together with the Children of the Watch, Kryze and her forces retake Mandalore from Imperial remnant forces and defeat Moff Gideon. [930]

AhsokaS1 Logo

The Jedi Sabine Wren, Ahsoka Tano, and Ezra Bridger face Thrawn's forces

  • Elsbeth's Eye of Sion intergalactic transport is completed over Seatos. The Dark Jedi capture the pursuing Sabine Wren and together they depart for the galaxy of Thrawn's exile. [10]
  • New Republic General Hera Syndulla defies orders to help Tano and Wren in their pursuit on Seatos, and is recalled for trial by senators such as Hamato Xiono . [932]
  • Wren, Tano, and Ezra Bridger reunite on Peridea and kill Morgan Elsbeth. [933]
  • The Dathomiri Great Mothers help Thrawn's forces with their return to the known galaxy, arriving at Dathomir. [933]
  • Baylan Skoll leaves Hati, who leads a band of nomads, to attend to the mysteries of the Force on Peridea. [933]
  • While Wren, Tano, and Huyang also remain on Peridea, Ezra Bridger returns to the New Republic. [933]
  • CS-9147 is born [934] in the Otomok system . [49]
  • HF-3311 is born [935] on Gannaria . [49]
  • Shara Bey dies of bloodburn . [20]
  • Births of Rose Tico , [936] of Hays Minor, [910] and Finn . [20]
  • Korr Sella is born to Sondiv Sella and a fellow New Republic politician. [305]
  • Tallissan Lintra is born. [21]
  • Births of ST-I4191 , [937] Kadara Calrissian , [20] and Kaydel Ko Connix ; [938] the last on Dulathia . [21]
  • Naka Iit begins a career as a scavenger on the planet Jakku. [469]
  • Births of Devi , Strunk , [883] and Kazuda Xiono ; the latter is the son of New Republic Senator Hamato Xiono. [939]
  • Finn is abducted by the First Order at the age of three from his family. [940]
  • Rey is born from Dathan and Miramir on Hyperkarn . [20]


Ben Solo was sent to train under Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa eventually resumed her work in the Senate.

  • Ben Solo begins training with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. [58]
  • Kadara Calrissian is abducted. [20]
  • Izal Garsea is born [942] on the Meridian . [943]
  • Luke Skywalker teaches his new padawans in the ways of the Force. [20]
  • NK-Witell -class freighter is introduced. [883]
  • Torra Doza is born [944] to Venisa and Imanuel Doza . [945]
  • Jac Lodain is born. [946]
  • Poe Dameron leaves New Republic service and joins the Spice Runners of Kijimi. [20]
  • Ransolm Casterfo leaves Riosa's planetary security force to start a career as a politician. [20]
  • Yama Dex is born on Corellia. [947]
  • Exantor Divo graduates from the Hosnian Prime Academy of Law Enforcement . [39]
  • Tomasso dies. [20]
  • Sela Trune is born. [20]
  • Mission to Elphrona ; during his attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order, Luke Skywalker visits the Elphrona Outpost with his Padawan Ben Solo and the explorer Lor San Tekka, encountering Ren and the Knights of Ren, who also wish to claim the artifacts inside the outpost. [948]
  • Mattis Banz is born on Durkteel . [949]


Sith Eternal cultists kept Darth Sidious alive on Exegol. Through Sith loyalists, the Dark Lord prepared for a final conquest of the galaxy.

  • Sith loyalist Ochi of Bestoon kills Rey's father and mother after the pair sold [49] Rey to Unkar Plutt on Jakku [20] in hopes of isolating the youngling from the reach of the Sith. [49]
  • Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian undertakes a mission to Pasaana , [950] in which the duo tracks Ochi of Bestoon after Skywalker sensed a disturbance in the Force. The two fail to find Ochi, who eventually dies on Pasaana . Calrissian stays on the planet after finding peace and a sense of community amongst the local Aki-Aki . [49]
  • The First Order is formed. [20]
  • The First Order begins using Rinnrivin Di's cartel and the Amaxine warriors to procure funds for constructing its navy . [305] [20]
  • Egil dies on Parnassos . [951]
  • Poe Dameron leaves the Spice Runners of Kijimi and returns home. [952]
  • Captain CD-0922, the bodyguard of Brendol Hux, lead stormtrooper trainer of the Finalizer , and formerly the Jakku orphan Archex, is presented a personalized set of red stormtrooper armor and given the name Cardinal by Hux, his father figure. [906]
  • Aboard the Naboo yacht of the late Emperor Palpatine, Brendol Hux and a small group of stormtroopers crash on Parnassos. They leave Parnassos after recruiting the Scyre warrior Phasma , who betrays her people to seek a better life, and the girl Frey , who is placed in the stormtrooper training program. [906]
  • Cardinal is tasked with introducing Phasma to First Order technology and protocols, and Cardinal's duty as the lead stormtrooper trainer is split with Phasma. Cardinal is transferred to the Absolution , and Brendol Hux acquires a new bodyguard. [906]
  • Joph Seastriker enrolls in the New Republic Academy . [305]
  • Phasma forges her own stormtrooper armor from chromium that was salvaged from the Emperor's favorite yacht, sparking greater jealousy from Cardinal. [906]
  • Greer Sonnel is diagnosed with Bloodburn syndrome. [305] [953]
  • Ten year old Rey crafted a toy doll of a Rebel pilot using debris she found in the junkfields of Jakku. [54]
  • Rose and Paige Tico crash a Z-95 Headhunter in a flight simulation . [954] (Approximate date) [955]
  • The New Republic issues a wanted poster for crime lord Rinnrivin Di . [956]
  • Temmin Wexley joins the New Republic Defense Fleet . [957]

First Senator Leia poster

Failing to inspire action in the Senate and with public outcry over her parentage, Leia Organa founded the Resistance to act outside Republic restrictions.

  • The Bail Organa statue-dedication ceremony occurs. [305]
  • Amaxine warrior crisis . [305]
  • The mission to Bastatha occurs. [305]
  • The Napkin Bombing occurs. [305]
  • The mission to Sibensko occurs. [305]
  • Tai-Lin Garr's assassination occurs. [305]
  • Tai-Lin Garr's memorial service occurs. [305]
  • Senator Leia Organa resigns from the Galactic Senate following revelations of her parentage. Organa then begins forming the Resistance paramilitary group. [305] [960]
  • Carise Sindian is expelled from Elder Houses . [305]
  • Brendol Hux contacts Snoke through the latter's sentry droid . [130]
  • Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple is destroyed [961] and the new generation of Jedi are killed by Ben Solo, [58] who is surrounded by darkness. [49] Solo flees the site, but he is pursued by students Hennix , Tai , and Voe . [962] Fueled by the words of Snoke and Darth Sidious at the Drengir's Amaxine station and the Sith Citadel on Exegol, respectively, Solo is torn apart by expectations as the heir to galactic heroes and thinks that he had no choice. Assuming the name Kylo Ren, he turns to the dark side of the Force and takes the place of Ren as master of the Knights of Ren, in the process killing [963] Hennix in a Battle of Elphrona [964] and Voe in a skirmish on the Minemoon of Mimban. [963] Kylo Ren later becomes a First Order warlord. [54]
  • Luke Skywalker goes into exile over Kylo Ren's fall to the dark side; he ultimately retreats to the ancient world of Ahch-To by a route inscribed upon a holographic map with his personal X-wing . [965]
  • Han Solo and Leia Organa drift apart following their son's fall. [49]
  • Allegiant General Enric Pryde is issued the Steadfast Resurgent -class Star Destroyer by Supreme Leader Snoke. [49]

Cold War (29–34 ABY) [ ]

Rise of the First Order

  • The Resistance is staffed to operational levels. [966]
  • Leia Organa begins to search for Luke Skywalker. [966]
  • R2-D2 goes into low-power mode. [966]


Burdened with expectations of galactic heroes, frustrated with their vision of himself, and seeing himself abandoned, Ben Solo renounced his family's legacy.

  • BB-8 is assigned to Poe Dameron. [967]
  • Brendol Hux is killed [968] under suspicious circumstances, and his son, Armitage, takes over as head of the First Order infantry. [906]
  • Hunt for Dooku's Treasure . [969]
  • Poe Dameron and BB-8 leaves the New Republic for the Resistance. [970]
  • Gannis Ducain steals Millennium Falcon from Han Solo . [971]
  • Poe Dameron forms Black Squadron and begins searching for Lor San Tekka; the Hunt for Lor San Tekka commences. [972]
  • Senator Lanever Villecham is elected Chancellor of the New Republic. [54]
  • The Suraz engagement occurs. [883]
  • The skirmish in OR-Kappa-2722 occurs. [883]
  • The mission to Taul occurs. [973]
  • The rescue of Admiral Ackbar occurs. [973]
  • The mission to rendezvous with the Resistance occurs. [908]
  • Operation: Sabre Strike occurs. [883]
  • The mission to Ovanis occurs. [974]
  • The mission to Megalox Beta occurs. [975]
  • Rey saves the junk boss Unkar Plutt from a kidnapping by the Zendiat Collective . [976]
  • The skirmish on Pheryon occurs. [977]
  • The mission to Kaddak occurs. [911]


Both in search of the self-exiled Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron served Leia Organa faithfully and without compromising others, whilst First Order forces led by Agent Terex razed through worlds and pursued their own ambitions en route.

  • The funeral of L'ulo L'ampar occurs. [979]
  • A mission to obtain fuel occurs. [980]
  • The mission to Spalex occurs. [981]
  • The mission to Cato Neimoidia occurs. Terex travels to the Absolution to meet with Captain Phasma. [982]
  • The mission to Pillio occurs. [876]
  • Rescue of Lor San Tekka occurs. [983]
  • Missions against pirates in the Cassander sector occurs. [984]
  • Paid by the First Order, Kragan Gorr leads a pirate raid on the Colossus , [985] and the Order's Baron Elrik Vonreg attempts to coerce the station's Captain Imanuel Doza to accept First Order protection. [986]
  • Xiono saves refugees Eila and Kel from the First Order's Commander Pyre . [987]
  • A second raid on the platform occurs. [988]
  • The Platform Classic takes place. [989]
  • Xiono spies on negotiations between Captain Doza and Baron Vonreg. [990]
  • Xiono and Dameron destroy Station Theta Black . [991]


Imanuel Doza yielded the Colossus to "First Order protection" following threats to his daughter. However, Doza eventually atoned for his apathy, joining his family and friends in confronting the oppression of the First Order.

  • The Bibo incident occurs. [993]
  • Xiono stops the First Order's theft of a phase connector . [994]
  • Gorr's Warbird gang abducts Torra Doza, Captain Doza's daughter, [995] forcing him to accept the First Order occupation of the Colossus . [996]
  • Escape from the Colossus [996]
  • Mission to the Dassal system [997]
  • Rescue on the Colossus [998]
  • Mission to contact the Resistance [999]
  • Attack on Tuanul . The village of Tuanul is sacked by the First Order, which had been pursuing a clue to missing Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's location. [1000]
  • FN-2187 and Poe Dameron escape from the Finalizer . [1000]
  • The scavenger Rey, the former First Order stormtrooper Finn, and the Resistance astromech droid BB-8 escape from Jakku aboard the retrieved Millennium Falcon , previously stolen by Unkar Plutt, to evade the First Order. [1000]
  • Skirmish aboard the Eravana . [1000]
  • The mission to Athulla occurs. [876]

First Order-Resistance War (34 – 35 ABY) [ ]


Believing that purging of his past would make himself stronger, Ben Solo, hiding behind the façade of "Kylo Ren," ended his father's life.

  • The Cosmic Force is reawakened as individuals, such as Rey and Finn experience an awakening in their connection to the Force. [54]
  • The battle of Kestro occurs. [876]
  • The Colossus resistance led by Kazuda Xiono, Jarek Yeager , and Captain Doza expel First Order forces from the Colossus and take the station into hyperspace. Tamara Ryvora, a mechanic who had been working for Yeager, joins the First Order. [1001]
  • Battle of Takodana . The First Order sacks Takodana Castle, searching for Resistance astromech droid BB-8. [1000]
  • Battle of Starkiller Base . Resistance forces engage with First Order at their stronghold, destroying the Starkiller Base superweapon. Kylo Ren murders his father, Han Solo. [1000]
  • The skirmish on the Retribution occurs. [876]
  • The hunt for Rivas occurs. [1002]
  • With the exposure of their base on D'Qar, the Resistance begins evacuating . The First Order attacks in the midst of the evacuation, but the Resistance fleet escapes. [965]
  • General Leia Organa sends Inferno Squad and Black Squadron on a mission to the Outer Rim Territories to find allies of the Resistance. [876] [1003]

Siroc and Black Squadron

Siroc was adamant in flying in "the way the wind is blowing," thinking that resistance against the new order would only lead to more suffering, and that the new order would peacefully negotiate with his people.

  • Battle on Pastoria . Black Squadron fails to persuade King Siroc to ally with the Resistance against the First Order. [1003]
  • Rey and Chewbacca find Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To, a planet in the Unknown Regions. Skywalker briefly trains her before she departs to try to redeem Kylo Ren. [965]
  • The First Order fleet ambushes the fleeing Resistance, having deployed their recently developed means of tracking a ship through hyperspace. [965]
  • The Resistance mission to Canto Bight occurs. [965]
  • Rey's lightsaber is destroyed during the fight. [965]
  • The Resistance fleet is effectively wiped out in the Crait system while fleeing the First Order fleet, but are able to score a victory of their own as Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo launches a suicide attack which heavily damages the Supremacy and destroys many Star Destroyers. [965]

Luke interrupting Rey and Kylo Ren

Both lost and alone, a bond of compassion formed between the Jedi-aspirant Rey and Kylo Ren.

  • Luke Skywalker dies with peace and purpose on Ahch-To, becoming one with the Force in a sacrifice that inspires hope for the rebel fighters, who have Rey amongst them to ensure that the spark of rebellion would not die, and that Skywalker with his legendary bloodline would not be the last Jedi. [965]
  • In order to feed the station, Ace Squadron , local racing pilots trained by Yeager to defend the station, battle a jakoosk . [1005] After the Colossus was briefly sabotaged by the First Order, [1006] Team Colossus obtain fuel from Drahgor III [1007] and attempt to resupply from Ashas Ree , but barely escape First Order Raiders in search of the world's Sith relic with the help of archaeologist Mika Grey . [1008]
  • On Torra Doza's birthday, the Colossus attempts to meet Torra's mother, Venisa, who was serving the Resistance, but the station is chased away by the First Order, and Venisa Doza is captured aboard the Thunderer . She escapes after encountering cadets Tamara Ryvora—whom she advises about the failings of the First Order—and Jace Rucklin . Ace Squadron celebrates Torra's birthday. [945]
  • With the Colossus in need for credits, Ace Squadron takes part in the Voxx Vortex 5000 . [1009]
  • The Colossus moves through Guavian Death Space . [1010]
  • Xiono and his best friend and engineer, Neeku Vozo , and CB-23 infiltrate the Titan to secure a trans-binary deflector necessary to prevent cosmic radiation from killing all those aboard the Colossus , disrupting a meeting between General Hux, Commander Pyre, and Agent Tierny. Unbeknownst to Xiono, Tamara Ryvora secretly helps him escape. [1011]
  • Team Colossus rescues Resistance agent Norath Kev on Varkana , with them all narrowly escaping First Order capture. [1012]
  • Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang stages a mutiny on the Colossus for their own gain, using B2 battle droids and a B1 repaired by Neeku Vozo; however, Vozo had reprogrammed the droids, with Xiono and Synara San helping to foil the mutiny and expel the pirates. [1013]
  • First Order forces attack a former Rebellion outpost on Aeos Prime , devastating a local village . [1014]
  • With Captain Doza hopeful that Aeos Prime would provide a suitable home for the Colossus , Ace Squadron scouts the surrounding ocean but are attacked by hostile Aeosians . Thanks in part to Xiono, their queen calls off the attack and makes peace with Doza, negotiating the Colossus ' stay. Xiono remains restless and does not wish to stay in their new home, and wishes to continue fighting the First Order. [1014]
  • Xiono decides to leave and rejoin Norath Kev and the Resistance near Batuu. However, he encounters a First Order probe droid over Aeos Prime, and the Thunderer promptly attacks the Colossus . It flees with the help of the Aeosians. [1015]
  • Venisa Doza and Team Colossus break the First Order's blockade of Dantooine , evacuating several Resistance recruits. [1016]
  • As retaliation against Team Colossus and the Aeosians, the First Order bombards Aeos Prime. [1017]
  • Tamara Ryvora defects from the First Order with the help of her friends Kazuda Xiono and Jarek Yeager, leading to a skirmish in which the Thunderer is destroyed. [1017]
  • The Battle of Grail City occurs. [1018]
  • The Resistance's Falcon , Zay Versio and Shriv Suurgav, and Black Squadron reunite. They are joined by rebel veterans Carlist Rieekan, Orrimaarko , Phantom Squadron , Wedge Antilles, and Norra Wexley, and they shelter at Yendor 's Ryloth Defense Authority cave base . They launch a mission to Corellia and a mission to Bracca to secure a list of people targeted by the First Order, take much-needed starships, and recruit several more individuals, including Leia Organa's old friend Ransolm Casterfo. [947]
  • After fleeing Ryloth, the Resistance move to a Collective safe house [947] on Helmaxa , [20] beginning to recruit more people to the cause. [947] Having received supplies from Tah'Nuhna , the Resistance then relocates to Anoat . [1019]
  • Rebuilding his command, Kylo Ren discovers the First Order's reserve forces under the leadership of Allegiant General Enric Pryde, who is given a seat on the Supreme Council . [49]
  • The First Order annihilates Tah'Nuhna. [1019]
  • Black Squadron secures munitions from the moon of Avedot . [1019]
  • Leia Organa leads a mission to Mon Cala , securing their people's support and Aftab Ackbar 's ships just as the First Order invades the waterworld. [1019]
  • Blockade of Kashyyyk ; the Resistance, among them Chewbacca and Beaumont Kin, battles First Order jet troopers subjugating the Wookiee world. [1020]


Leia Organa persuaded the initially reluctant people of Mon Cala to unite and wage war in sacrifice for their world's freedom against the tyrannical First Order.

  • The Resistance stops the First Order on Minfar [1022] and conducts a mission to Garel, [1023] a mission to recruit Horizon Base 's Oruans , [1024] and a livestock-gathering mission on Kamil . [1025]
  • Strono Tuggs, having been forced to leave Maz Kanata's castle after the Battle of Takodana, sets up shop at Batuu's Black Spire Outpost with a Sienar-Chall Utilipede Transport and publishes his cookbook The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook . [1026] [1027]
  • Four months after the Hosnian Cataclysm, Resistance spy Vi Moradi and former stormtrooper Archex journey to Batuu and establish a Resistance base at the galaxy's edge. Their presence draws the attention of the First Order. [1027] [1028]
  • Six months after the Hosnian Cataclysm, [1027] the First Order's 709th Legion occupies Black Spire Outpost. Kylo Ren leads the search for Resistance fugitives. [1029]
  • The Resistance and the First Order compete over Batuu. [1027] [1030]
  • The Finalizer is crippled in battle above Batuu and is retired from service. Half a year after the Starkiller Incident, Kylo Ren transfers his command to Allegiant General Pryde's flagship, the Steadfast . [49]
  • At some point, Kylo Ren rummages through the galaxy using the Steadfast , haunted by his defeat by Luke Skywalker's phantom at the Battle of Crait. He orders the ruins of Skywalker's Jedi Temple to be bombarded. [1031]


Kylo Ren was determined to follow the footsteps of his grandfather, Darth Vader, heeding his example as a lord of destruction.

  • The voice of the former Galactic Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, threatens revenge via a broadcast transmitted throughout the galaxy. [1032] [1033]
  • Determined to eliminate any threat to his power, Kylo Ren travels to Mustafar for a calling Force-imbued Sith wayfinder . Ren travels to the co-ordinate pre-defined within the wayfinder —the planet Exegol—and discovers a resurgent Darth Sidious. Initially intending to bring an end to the dark power he found behind Snoke, Ren hears Sidious reveal that the voices of Snoke and Darth Vader in his head were that of his doing. Sidious then unravels the Final Order , a massive fleet of Xyston -class Star Destroyers built by the Sith Eternal , trying to persuade Ren to join forces and kill Rey, although he actually intended to make her his successor as she was his granddaughter . [1032]
  • The Mission to Sinta Glacier Colony occurs; the First Order Supreme Council recognizes a hidden spy within a their ranks. [1032]


Realizing his parents and Rey still loved him, Ben Solo sought to find his strength and do what must be done.

  • The mission to Kijimi occurs. Armitage Hux reveals himself to be the spy who has been helping the Resistance and lets them escape, with Rey discovering that Darth Sidious is her grandfather thanks to Kylo Ren. However, Allegiant General Enric Pryde sees through Hux's deception and executes him, taking control of the First Order military . [1032]
  • The crew of the Millennium Falcon conducts a mission to Kef Bir in search of the Emperor's whereabouts. [1032]
  • Rey, in fear after learning of her true lineage and from her tendencies of falling to the dark side of the force, takes Ren's starfighter and attempts to exile herself on Ahch-To, following the footsteps of Luke Skywalker, but is persuaded by the latter to face her destiny and confront her grandfather. Bestowed the lightsaber of Leia Organa and Skywalker's submerged X-wing starfighter , Rey uses the wayfinder aboard the late Kylo Ren's ship to uncover the path to Exegol, throneworld of the Darth Sidious' Sith Eternal, his personal Sith cult. [1032]
  • Allegiant General Enric Pryde assumes control of the First Order and pledges himself to Darth Sidious. [1032]


The return of the Sith and the coming of an eternal Final Order is ended with the dyadic strength of Rey and Ben, culminating in the rise of Skywalker.

  • The Resistance confronts the Sith Eternal army and the Sith fleet. In face of apparent defeat, Lando Calrissian leads a Citizens' Fleet of allied starships gathered from across the galaxy against the Sith Eternal forces . [1032]
  • Ben Solo arrives at the Sith Citadel to assist Rey, battling through defending Knights of Ren into the throne room . [1032]
  • Darth Sidious fights against Rey and Ben Solo before the Throne of the Sith . Rey dies destroying Sidious, the last of the Sith. [1032]
  • Ben Solo sacrifices himself to revive Rey by giving her what remains of his life Force. Solo becomes one with the Force together with his mother, Leia Skywalker Organa Solo. [1032]
  • The allied forces win the battle against the remaining Sith forces. [1032]
  • The Resistance and their allies hold celebrations [1032] and mourn their losses on Ajan Kloss; [1031] an uprising against the First Order takes place across the galaxy. [1032]

New Jedi Order (35 ABY–) [ ]


Jedi Master Rey Skywalker aims to create a new Jedi Order

  • Rey finalizes the construction of a yellow-bladed lightsaber —her new personal weapon. [894]
  • Rey and BB-8 arrive at Tatooine with the Millennium Falcon . Rey buries the Skywalker twin 's lightsabers by the Lars Homestead and, with the blessing of Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker Organa Solo, recognizes herself as a Skywalker. [1032]
  • With the destruction of the Sith, a new era is ushered in, to be shaped by the Force in ways as yet unknown. [1034]
  • Rey Skywalker's new blade would go on to honor the Skywalker legacy, [1035] and she works to restore peace in the galaxy as a Jedi Master. [58]


The New Jedi Order era

Thereafter [ ]

  • Fey Zara operates a cantina in a distant corner of the galaxy which hosts a series of holotables upon which patrons may play games based on pivotal conflicts of galactic history. [1037]
  • An artist, possibly Gammit Chond , creates maps based on tales of the galaxy, and his works end up in the Shadow Stacks of the Graf Archive . Later, the drawings are exhumed by a trainee archivist . [335]

Life-Day DB

Dissatisfied by recorded galactic history in the Journal of the Whills, a Whill lets go of it and forges their own story of the celebration of Life Day.

  • A Whill is asked by other Whills to chronicle events that transpired in the galaxy into the Journal of the Whills. After a lifetime of preparation, the Whill begins writing an entry titled "Episode IV" for an audience far away from the galaxy. [1]
  • A dissatisfied Whill instead writes about how Chewbacca's family celebrated Life Day in another journal [1] while the former Whill goes on to write how the Empire strikes back in the next episode. [1039]

Behind the scenes [ ]

Star Wars creator George Lucas had intended the fictional universe to be a mythology, with stories taking place throughout a timeline. [1040] Since 2014 , Lucasfilm has been creatively aligning all storytelling in the current canon, aiming to keep all content consistent and interconnected in all aspects. Some content draw inspiration from the Expanded Universe that is now branded as a separate continuity— Star Wars Legends [1041] —which has its own timeline of galactic history on Wookieepedia , an unaffiliated online Star Wars encyclopedia maintained by volunteers.

Lucasfilm's Star Wars eras for the current canon continuity comprise of "Dawn of the Jedi," "The Old Republic," "The High Republic," "Fall of the Jedi," "Reign of the Empire," "Age of Rebellion," "The New Republic," "Rise of the First Order," and "New Jedi Order." [1042]

Sources [ ]


  • The Star Wars Book
  • Star Wars: Timelines


Notes and references [ ]

  • 1 Asajj Ventress
  • 2 The Bad Batch Season 3
  • 3 The Harbinger

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Discussion   Handy travel time calculator

  • Thread starter Odanneth Mal (Darth Nyx)
  • Start date Dec 24, 2020

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Odanneth mal (darth nyx), darth maliphant's apprentice.

Odanneth Mal (Darth Nyx)

  • Dec 24, 2020

Hi everyone, Perhaps you're already familiar with this resource, but I found this neat calculator. Not canon or a must by any means, but it helps me with immersion when figuring out getting from point A to point B. It takes hyper-routes and all sorts into consideration. Enjoy and Merry Xmas! astrogation system  

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows.

Ashin Cardé Varanin

DANG cool  

Major Faction

Tiland Kortun

The jedi iroh.

Tiland Kortun

Yep! It’s a pretty neat one!  

Major Faction

Hazel Scheler


Hazel Scheler

Ashin Cardé Varanin said: DANG cool Click to expand...

Major Faction

Deaf Clone Trooper


Love this source! Thank you for sharing.  

Hazel Scheler said: Didn't you at one point make a blog that featured general costs for ship maintenance and fuel as well? Click to expand...
  • Utapaun P-38 fighter, 3,000 light years, or less than 1 square across. Vanilla starfighter, minor government usage, with a class 2 drive.
  • ARC-170 fighter: 5,000 light years, or 1 square across. Heavy line starfighter, major government usage, with a class 1.5 drive.
  • Theta-class shuttle: 8,000 light year range, or about 1.5 squares across. Palpatine's personal shuttle, class 1.0 drive.
  • Nubian H-type yacht: 20,000 light years, or 3-4 squares across. Light, fast luxury yacht with a class 0.7 drive.
  • Recusant-class light destroyer: 30,000 light years, or 5-6 squares across, Core to the start of the Outer Rim. Light star destroyer with a class 2.0 drive.
  • Invisible Hand , modified Providence-class flagship: 40,000 light years, or 6-8 squares across, enough to get a quarter of the way across the galaxy. Unique flagship with a class 1.5 drive.
  • Venator-class Star Destroyer: 60,000 light years, or 10-12 squares across, maybe enough to get from the Core to the Outer Rim and back. Star Destroyer with a class 1.0 drive.
  • Nubian J-type diplomatic barge: 80,000 light years, or around 14-15 squares across, almost enough to get from Naboo to Coruscant and back. Heavy diplomatic ship with a class 0.7 drive.
  • Delta-7 Aethersprite Jedi starfighter: 150,000 light years, more than the diameter of the galaxy. Tiny, very fast Jedi expedition ship with a class 1.0 drive. Can get from the Core to Wild Space and back on a single tank of gas.
  • Acclamator assault ship: 250,000 light years. A lot. Hyperdrive class 0.6. Dang.
  • Combat starfighters either have no hyperdrive or a quick drive with a low range, enough to cross a sector but no more. One square on the Essential Atlas map.
  • Most capital ships can travel 30-60,000 light years, or 1/4 to 1/2 the diameter of the galaxy. Roughly 5-12 squares on the Essential Atlas map. That's more than enough to fight most reasonable campaigns in the short to medium term.
  • Elite personal transports either have enough range to navigate a certain area without refuelling, like the Core or Tion Hegemony, or they have enough range to get from their home port to the Core and back. That's roughly 1/3 to 2/3 the diameter of the galaxy, or maybe 7-15 squares on the Essential Atlas map.
  • Expeditionary ships (like long-range Jedi starfighters) and long-range strategic transports can go an obscenely long way without refuelling, on the order of 1-2x the diameter of the galaxy. Bastion to Tatooine and back, plus or minus fifty thousand light years.
  • They fit most reasonable strategies.
  • Starship technology didn't improve an awful lot between the Clone Wars and the Rebellion Era. It spiked by the Legacy era, but we don't have numbers for that, and the Dark Age was a thing. And in the end, I suspect development priorities in canon timelines would mirror ours: why improve your starship's gas tank size when you can improve its shields, guns, hangar capacity, and engines? Especially when average hyperdrive speeds haven't changed and travel time remains about the same?
  • These numbers are inevitably going to increase if people start caring about them enough to use them in Factory subs, so why not start with numbers we know?
  • They have more than enough flexibility for people to get crazy -- you want your personal fighter to go 200,000 light years on a single tank of gas? You've got precedent -- but they also provide a useful way to nerf aspects of ships you design. 'It's hypercapable, but it's got a 500-light-year range, so barring a lot of friendly and secure gas stations, it needs a carrier or it's stuck in a defensive role.' Great weakness right there. Factory judges are never going to reject more useful detail, as long as it's not ridiculous. Including a hyperdrive range in the description or the 'Hyperdrive' template line -- while completely optional and never before suggested -- is a great way to give some character to the way you use your ships, personally and strategically.

Yaaaasss. Maybe repost the blog, since you found it, so I can bookmark it again. >_>  

I tracked down a bunch of stuff and curated them here: https://www.starwarsrp.net/group_discussions/rimward-trade-league.174/view?id=2939  

Hazel Scheler said: Yaaaasss. Maybe repost the blog, since you found it, so I can bookmark it again. >_> Click to expand...

I support either/or.  

Tiland Kortun said: I tracked down a bunch of stuff and curated them here: https://www.starwarsrp.net/group_discussions/rimward-trade-league.174/view?id=2939 Click to expand...

Hazel Scheler

Ah, genius! I had looked for that when I was putting it together but hadn’t found it.  


Chaos Map: Member-Made Hyperlane Edition [Updated August 2018]


Dracken Pryce

Beautiful, isn't she.

Dracken Pryce

  • Dec 25, 2020

Its a cool site, but it doesn't even have Korriban cri face  

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From blue milk to Falcon rides: All about Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Walt Disney World

Summer Hull

Editor's note : This post has been updated with the latest information.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge brings the far-away planet of Batuu inside the gates of Walt Disney World in Florida. There's Chewbacca, the Millennium Falcon, Rise of the Resistance, Rey, a cantina, blue milk, a hideout where you can construct a lightsaber and so much more.

Related: Guide to Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disneyland

You can find the Star Wars planet of Batuu at both Disneyland and Disney World. The two versions of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge share many elements, but they aren't identical twins. Here's an overview of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge within Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World and a peek at what differs between this location and the Disneyland version, located in California, more than 2,100 miles away as the Millennium Falcon flies.


star wars galaxy travel times

Galaxy's edge basics

Set in Disney's Hollywood Studios, Galaxy's Edge has two entrances — one near Muppet Vision 3-D and one next to the Alien's Swirling Saucer side of Toy Story Land .

It has roughly the same 14-acre footprint as its counterpart at Disneyland, and the two lands share these main key components: Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run (ride), Rise of the Resistance (ride), Oga's Cantina (themed bar, kids allowed), Docking Bay 7 (serves food all day), Ronto Roasters (serves a limited, but quite good menu), Savi's Workshop (build a lightsaber), Droid Depot (build a droid), Milk Bar (blue and green "milk") and other assorted shopping and snacking outlets.

Related: How to use points to buy Disney tickets

star wars galaxy travel times

Rides at Galaxy's Edge

Millennium falcon: smugglers run.

A cornerstone of Galaxy's Edge at both parks is unquestionably the life-size Falcon, parked right outside the entrance to the ride that bears its name. For a die-hard Star Wars fan, seeing the Falcon for the first time is a moment to remember. If you're going to go all teary-eyed living out your Star Wars dreams, this is probably where it's going to happen first.

star wars galaxy travel times

Regular waits for the ride often top out at around 60 to 90 minutes, which isn't awful for a Disney ride. However, if you go to Hollywood Studios right at the park's opening, you can likely cut your wait time down dramatically. Note that FastPass+ is no longer running and the new paid Genie+ and Lightning Lane services haven't rolled out yet. Short of a VIP tour , your only option is to wait.

Once it's your turn, you'll be given ride instructions from a very lifelike Hondo. Hondo is quite impressive and leaves the animatronics of yesteryear firmly in the space dust.

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star wars galaxy travel times

The Millennium Falcon is an interactive simulated flying ride, where what happens on the ride depends somewhat on your crew, with riders assigned positions randomly as they enter. There's no doubt the two pilots are the most involved of all the positions, which also include gunners and engineers. I prefer the right pilot seat (which controls movements up and down) to the left (which controls side to side), but both are fun. The enjoyment of this ride is greatly influenced both by your assigned position and who else is flying with you in the cockpit. Riding it with my young girls flying was a ton of fun — though we wrecked the Falcon from tip to tail.

(Oh, and we totally spotted a " Hidden Mickey " on the wall right before entering the ride part of the attraction, so Mickey has indeed made his way to Batuu.)

star wars galaxy travel times

Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance

While Smugglers Run can be a lot of fun with the right crew, it is the Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance that is the land's main attraction. It's not just a ride, it's an almost 30-minute experience that takes you fully into the world of Star Wars in a way unlike any attraction before it.

star wars galaxy travel times

The attraction has multiple components and more than one ride vehicle and location. You'll encounter a legion of stormtroopers, bad guy Kylo Ren, a holographic Rey, a "real" BB-8, a "red hot" lightsaber and so much more.

In a major shift, Disney World appears to have abandoned (or at least indefinitely paused) the virtual queue for Rise of the Resistance. The virtual queue was a true cornerstone of what made Rise one of the most incredible attractions at any Disney park. It was absolutely a bit of a crap shoot to score a boarding group. However, if you were lucky enough to snag one, you knew that you would have a relatively short wait in line.

Going forward, we expect the standby line to be about as legendary as the attraction itself. The wait times on Rise of the Resistance alone will likely drive many folks to purchase the new Genie+ or Lightning Lane services.

star wars galaxy travel times

Related: Best rides at Disney Parks around the world

Make reservations

You can make reservations to build a lightsaber at Savi's, visit the Droid Depot or enjoy a cool drink at Oga's Cantina, space permitting. Waiting in line the old-fashioned way for these activities is sometimes permitted when space allows, but try and make a reservation 60 days in advance if you can.

star wars galaxy travel times

To visit Oga's, you can make dining reservations up to 60 days in advance of your visit on Disney's website. Note that you aren't going to enjoy a full meal at Oga's, but you absolutely want to reserve a spot to check out the space and enjoy a snack and a drink.

star wars galaxy travel times

You can also make reservations to construct a lightsaber at Savi's or a droid at the Droid Depot, both of which are very cool experiences. Building a droid costs about $100 and lightsabers start around $220. You really do need to make reservations in advance for these experiences when possible due to capacity controls.

star wars galaxy travel times

Related: Save money on Disney hotel stays renting Disney Vacation Club points

Buying Galaxy's Edge merchandise

There are other shopping options on Batuu where items cost fewer "credits" (as they are called in this galaxy) than a crafted droid or saber. There's an entire marketplace where you can browse, buy and chat with shopkeepers.

star wars galaxy travel times

A stuffed porg and Yoda have certainly followed us home from Batuu.

star wars galaxy travel times

However, if you want traditional Disney and Star Wars-branded pins, T-shirts or other merchandise, you have to get those provisions after you leave Galaxy's Edge in other areas of Hollywood Studios. The only items sold within the land are ones mimicking items that you would find on the real planet of Batuu, such as toy creatures, Jedi cloaks and bottles of soda shaped like thermal detonators.

Eating in Galaxy's Edge

During normal times, the lunch line for Docking Bay 7, the only true quick-service restaurant in the land, can stretch out of the building. You'll currently be restricted to mobile ordering, though we expect in-person ordering to return in the months ahead.

Here are our favorite food items in Galaxy's Edge . Hint: The blue and green milk are not our favorite items, but can be worth trying once if you're a Star Wars fan. Also note that this area isn't the best place to eat if your crew is craving theme park staples like burgers and fries.

star wars galaxy travel times

I recommend the sausage wraps from Ronto's for a quick and tasty bite. In fact, it is one of our favorite grab-and-go foods at Disney World . There's also a new vegetarian version of the wrap that gets high marks. If you just want a snack, the red and purple popcorn isn't bad, either. It's a good idea to use mobile ordering to order in advance here, too.

star wars galaxy travel times

Comparing Galaxy's Edge at Disney World and Disneyland

Having visited both versions of Galaxy's Edge, I felt like the Disney World version differed in subtle ways from Disneyland. The coloring and details of the two lands are not identical, even though the main elements remain constant.

For example, I found the colors at Disney World to be a bit brighter and more vibrant than at Disneyland. While I didn't count tables and chairs, the Galaxy's Edge at Disney World also appeared to offer more seating throughout than what was available in California.

star wars galaxy travel times

Then there's the issue of alcohol. It is served in both parks, but only within Oga's Cantina at Disneyland. In fact, Oga's is the only public spot in all of Disneyland where you can order an adult beverage.

At Disney World, you can purchase alcohol throughout the park, including at Docking Bay 7 in the form of a Takodana Quencher, made of berry rum, pineapple and kiwi, or a Gold Squadron lager. For those feeling a little braver, $14 gets you alcoholic blue or green milk at Disney World — with rum for the blue and tequila for the green.

star wars galaxy travel times

Food items on Batuu vary a little too, though not in huge ways. For example, the ronto morning breakfast wrap ($12) comes with what seemed like an egg patty at Disney World, whereas the eggs were scrambled at Disneyland. I preferred the Disneyland version by a small margin, though both were solid choices. Here are our favorite Galaxy's Edge food picks .

The weather

Even if the lands were 100% identical, the experience and functionality of the land in California vs. Florida will inherently differ because of climate. According to Best Places, Anaheim experiences precipitation on average 35 days per year while Orlando experiences more than three times that number, with 114 annual days with some precipitation. During the summer months, Florida afternoon storms are the norm at Disney World . The reality is that there are not a lot of built-in places to escape from showers on Batuu if you aren't in one of the two attractions.

For example, the open-air Black Spire market is lovely, but the stores aren't nearly large enough to hold many shoppers looking to wait out the rain, especially in the era of social distancing.

star wars galaxy travel times

Even on a nice day, there's not a ton of respite from the Orlando sun on Batuu. Disney does have some umbrella shades up, but pack your neck cooling towels and water bottles or try to plan an early or late-day visit during the summer months.

star wars galaxy travel times

Overall impressions

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is similar enough at both Disney World and Disneyland that there's no reason to visit both parks unless you are a true die-hard. Rise of the Resistance is a true marquee attraction. It's breathtaking for Star Wars fans and is likely impressive even to a park-goer who isn't normally into all things inter-galactic.

star wars galaxy travel times

Galaxy's Edge as a whole is not only beautifully well done but also brought to life by a cast that owns their roles. From Kylo Ren's patrol throughout the land and the First Order guards on the Rise of the Resistance attraction right down to the shopkeepers and cashiers in the marketplace, cast members stay in character.

Galaxy's Edge is a Disney World must-visit. The suspension of the virtual queue for Rise of the Resistance, however, significantly changes the strategy. Instead of hanging out in your hotel room trying to get a boarding group, there is no choice other than to wait in (a very long) line.

If I were making a wish list of future additions post-pandemic, I'd love to see the addition of a Star Wars parade, a scheduled show, more of the original trilogy's characters and maybe an interactive themed play area for little kids. But, my wish list aside, there's plenty to do in Galaxy's Edge if you've ever wanted to experience a galaxy far, far away.

And, of course, with the Star Wars Hotel (which is really more of a multi-day experience) opening in 2022, we expect all things Star Wars at Disney World to only continue to improve and evolve.

star wars galaxy travel times

To plan your adventure to the other side of the galaxy, here are some tips:

  • Guide to visiting Disney World
  • Best restaurants at Disney World
  • Best times to visit Disney World
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  • How to save money at Disney World
  • Everything we know about Disney's Star Wars Hotel

Additional reporting by Edward Pizzarello.

Screen Rant

Star wars' next tv show is disney's first truly new project in 12 years - but it still honors george lucas in the best way.

The Acolyte is set to break truly new ground in the Star Wars galaxy, but the show will also pay homage to the franchise's creator, George Lucas.

  • The Acolyte is Disney's most original Star Wars story yet, as it breaks from the company's trend of building off Lucas' established lore and Legends.
  • The Acolyte still honors the diverse inspirations Lucas used to create Star Wars in the first place, but it also puts a fresh spin on them.
  • The show could usher in a new era for Star Wars and allow Disney to tell even more truly unique stories.

The Acolyte is set to be the most original Star Wars story Disney has ever told on-screen, but it also has the perfect connection to the franchise's original creator, George Lucas. The Acolyte 's story will follow several Jedi of the High Republic era as they investigate a rash of killings and try to find the dark power that caused them. It promises to be a darker tale than Star Wars is used to telling, which could make The Acolyte one of the most exciting entries in the list of upcoming Star Wars shows .

The trailer for The Acolyte included several details that proved it will be very different from the Star Wars stories that came before it. The Jedi, for instance, were shown to be at the absolute height of their power, with several extremely powerful members. Everything about The Acolyte 's story seems to be different from previous Star Wars movies and shows . Those differences extend far beyond the plot, though, and they show that Disney is taking its biggest chance with Star Wars ever.

Star Wars: The Acolyte Cast & Character Guide

The acolyte is bringing something fresh & new to star wars.

For a long time, a major part of Disney's plan for Star Wars seemed to be using elements that were left over from Lucas' time at the helm. All of Disney's live-action stories so far have been set in the Skywalker saga and expanded upon elements of the galaxy that have already proven to be successful , like Rogue One 's focus on the Death Star plans. Recent stories have also used some of Lucas' ideas that never came to fruition, such as The Mandalorian fulfilling the plan originally intended for Boba Fett . Even aspects of Legends have been canonized and used in new stories.

The first two episodes of The Acolyte will premiere on Disney+ on June 4.

The Acolyte 's setting in the High Republic era gives it the perfect opportunity to be something completely different from Disney's previous Star Wars stories. The High Republic is a new area of Star Wars lore that's completely separate from Lucas' time with the franchise. As such, The Acolyte will mark the furthest Disney has strayed from Lucas' plan since acquiring Star Wars . There isn't a road map like Legends or the Skywalker saga for The Acolyte to follow anymore, so it will have to find its own way. That could completely shake up the Star Wars formula Disney has been following for years and revitalize the entire franchise.

The Acolyte Still Honors George Lucas' Inspiration

While The Acolyte will be Disney's first genuinely independent Star Wars story, it also keeps Lucas' legacy at its heart. When Lucas first created Star Wars , he drew inspiration from a wide variety of sources and combined them together to create something truly original. Lucas especially drew from samurai films, martial arts in general, Western movies, and fantasy stories while creating Star Wars . While those influences have remained a staple of the series since its creation, more recent additions to the franchise have begun using them even more.

One of the first examples of Star Wars ' renewed dedication to its origins under Disney comes from The Mandalorian . The story of Din Djarin and Grogu brought Star Wars ' Western influences to the forefront and put a sci-fi spin on the genre's staples like shootouts and bounty hunters. Another great example comes from Ahsoka , which focused more on the samurai elements of Star Wars . Many of the lightsaber duels in the show, particularly Ahsoka's final fight against the Inquisitor Marrok , channeled the suspense and drama that made samurai duels so iconic.

The Mandalorian and Ahsoka are some of the most successful shows Disney has produced yet, largely thanks to their stylistic influences. Now, The Acolyte will heavily feature another set of Lucas' inspirations: fantasy and martial arts . The show's High Republic setting clearly implements elements of high fantasy that can be seen in the trailer, from the Jedi's flowing gold and white robes to the natural planets and settings. The Acolyte 's mysterious Mae was also shown using knives and acrobatics in her fight against Jedi Master Indara , which proves that the show will be incorporating martial arts.

The Acolyte Is The Next Step In Star Wars' Evolution

The Acolyte isn't just drawing from Lucas' inspirations, though; it's also fulfilling his original plans for the franchise. George Lucas' decisions about the direction Star Wars should take weren't always well received, but they were extremely creative. When writing the prequel trilogy, for example, he could have taken fewer risks and made it more similar to the original trilogy, but that was never his intention. To Lucas, Star Wars was always supposed to use existing concepts in exciting ways that would allow the series to break new ground .

The Acolyte is similarly risky, as it depends on the strength of Disney's Star Wars storytelling without Lucas serving as a guide, but that risk could pay off in dividends.

The Acolyte is the perfect show to make Lucas' dreams of a constantly changing and evolving Star Wars into a reality. The Acolyte will stay true to the same timeless and classic sources that Lucas did while adding a unique and original spin to them . Taking the franchise in a bold new direction is exactly what Lucas envisioned for Star Wars ' future, and Disney is finally living up to his vision. The Acolyte will also present some challenges for Disney, but the potential rewards of making a truly original show far outweigh the risks.

Disney's departure from the Lucas-led Star Wars lore is a risk, which is precisely why The Acolyte could become popular. Some of the franchise's biggest successes in recent years have come from the riskiest - and most original - chances that Disney has been willing to take . Andor was more mature than any other Star Wars story before it, while Ahsoka took a chance on migrating its main character from animation to live-action, yet they were both exceptionally well-received. The Acolyte is similarly risky, as it depends on the strength of Disney's Star Wars storytelling without Lucas serving as a guide, but that risk could pay off in dividends.

The Acolyte is also the first sign of a shift in Disney's plans for Star Wars . The slate of upcoming Star Wars movies includes several stories that take place far beyond the reaches of the Skywalker saga, and they could be the first of many such stories. If The Acolyte becomes a success, it could give Disney more reason to move beyond Lucas' original plans for the franchise and further into the realm of original stories. The Acolyte could even change the entire face of Star Wars and spawn new movies and shows set in the High Republic era, which makes it an even more exciting show.

The Acolyte

March to May 4th Campaign Unveils Lightsabers, Blue Milk, and More Star Wars Goodies

The products were unveiled with the help of Darth Vader himself, Hayden Christensen.

The Big Picture

  • Get ready for May the 4th with new Star Wars products, including Vader toys and watch timepieces.
  • Disney and Lucasfilm also unveiled non-dark side products like blue milk jugs and Phantom Menace memorabilia.
  • Fans can look forward to the Skywalker Saga films returning to theaters and exclusive merchandise at Disney Parks.

The biggest day of the year is nearly here for Star Wars fans, as the galaxy prepares for the arrival of May 4, better known as Star Wars Day. With the day just over a month away, Disney and Lucasfilm have unveiled a series of new product launches tied in with the day, which they are calling their "March to May the 4th." Many of these products are related to the villains of the Star Wars world , as Lucasfilm is currently in a month-long celebration of the bad guys of the galaxy far, far away.

The new products were launched in New York City during a ceremony at the Empire State Building led by Darth Vader himself, Hayden Christensen . This was followed by a Star Wars- themed light show which was displayed on the skyscraper. "We're excited to unveil a broad range of new products for fans of all ages with our extensive roster of licensees and retailers as we all march to May the 4th," said Paul Southern , Senior Vice President, Global Brand Commercialization, Lucasfilm, Disney Experiences.

A pair of these flagship products, unsurprisingly, had to do with Vader . The first is the Force n' Telling Vader from Hasbro, a poseable toy that features 40 different responses from the Dark Lord of the Sith. The other Vader highlight was the Imaginext Vader Bot from Fisher-Price, a two-foot-tall robot with lights, sounds and an extendable lightsaber. Sticking with the dark side, also unveiled were a trio of Citizen Watch timepieces depicting an Imperial stormtrooper, Vader, and the second Death Star, as well as a slew of Black Series figures (including a holographic Vader with a light-up holopuck).

Not All the Products Were Dark Side-Related

Disney and Lucasfilm also unveiled some other products that were less Sith-like. This includes a grocery jug of blue milk from TruMoo in a nod to the iconic substance drank by Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. However, while the blue milk drank on set was infamous for its bad taste (as stated by Luke Skywalker himself , Mark Hamill ) TruMoo's version is simply vanilla milk with blue food coloring.

In addition to this, a series of products were also created for the Disney Store in celebration of the 25th anniversary of Star Wars: Epsiode I: The Phantom Menace . This includes a collection of Darth Maul and Anakin Skywalker-related memorabilia, including a Darth Maul limited edition legacy lightsaber set. Also created for the Disney Store were a series of artistic offerings from Will Gay . And starting in April, guests at Disneyland will also be able to purchase park-exclusive merchandise at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge as well as Disney's Hollywood Studios.

And for those who can't get enough Star Wars, all nine films of the Skywalker Saga will be returning to theaters ahead of Star Wars Day. Pre-order information for the new products can be found here .

Cosmic gold rush! Astronomers find 49 new galaxies in just 3 hours

"I did not expect to find almost 50 new galaxies in such a short time!"

three deep-space images, showing newfound distant galaxies as blue, orange, yellow, green and red dots

Astronomers have been surprised by a "gold rush" of new galaxies, racking up 49 discoveries in just 3 hours. 

The gas-rich galaxies were uncovered by a team using the MeerKAT radio telescope located in South Africa. They have been dubbed the "forty-niners," a callback to the nickname given to the thousands of gold miners who flocked to California during the state's Gold Rush, which peaked in 1849. The nickname is now carried by the San Francisco 49ers American football team.

The team of astronomers certainly wasn't playing around when it stumbled across the nearly 50 new galaxies. They were attempting to study star-forming gas in a single radio galaxy . Instead, they found 49 new galaxies in observations lasting about 180 minutes, thus demonstrating the power of MeerKat when it comes to revealing star-forming gas.

Related: Scientists find galaxy supercluster as massive as 26 quadrillion suns

Research leader Marcin Glowacki, from the Curtin University node of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) in Western Australia, views the 49 new galaxies as "gold nuggets" for astronomers. Their discovery is arguably no less fortuitous than the discovery of the first gold chunks at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California, which kick-started the California Gold Rush in 1848. 

"I did not expect to find almost 50 new galaxies in such a short time," Glowacki said in a statement. "By implementing different techniques for finding galaxies, which are used for other MeerKAT surveys, we were able to detect all of these galaxies and reveal their gas content."

a view of a patch of space, with dozens of distant newfound galaxies circled in blue and green.

Many of the 49 newfound galaxies are located in close proximity to each other and form galaxy groups . 

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Of these collections that come in an array of different shapes and sizes, three in particular have captured the imagination of Glowacki and colleagues. Of four galaxies seen in the same image, three are connected by the gas content that runs throughout them. 

view of a patch of deep space, with red, yellow, blue and orange dots representing distant galaxies. white contour lines outline clouds of gas that connect three of these galaxies

"These three are particularly interesting, as by studying the galaxies at other wavelengths of light, we discovered the central galaxy is forming many stars," Glowacki said. "It is likely stealing the gas from its companion galaxies to fuel its star formation, which may lead the other two to become inactive."

— The James Webb Space Telescope hones in on star-forming region in the Triangulum Galaxy (images)

— Oldest 'dead' galaxy ever seen defies current models of the ancient universe

— The James Webb Space Telescope may have found some of the very 1st stars

"We hope to continue our studies and share even more discoveries of new gas-rich galaxies with the wider community soon," said Glowacki. 

Glowacki recently teamed up with ICRAR summer student Jasmine White, who also analyzed short observations made by MeerKAT to discover even more gas-rich galaxies.

"This discovery highlights the raw power of the MeerKAT telescope as an imaging instrument," research co-author and  University of the Western Cape researcher Ed Elson said. "The methods we developed and implemented to study the forty-niners will be useful for MeerKAT large science surveys and smaller observing campaigns such as ours."

The team's research was published online Tuesday (March 26) in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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Robert Lea

Robert Lea is a science journalist in the U.K. whose articles have been published in Physics World, New Scientist, Astronomy Magazine, All About Space, Newsweek and ZME Science. He also writes about science communication for Elsevier and the European Journal of Physics. Rob holds a bachelor of science degree in physics and astronomy from the U.K.’s Open University. Follow him on Twitter @sciencef1rst.

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star wars galaxy travel times

Pieces of Disney's closed 'Star Wars' hotel are coming to Disneyland

A long time ago — March 2022 — in a galaxy far, far away, Disney opened its most immersive and wildly ambitious project. For $5,000 or more, “Star Wars” fans could board the Galactic Starcruiser , a two-night experience in which guests acted out their Jedi, Resistance and First Order fantasies, following storylines and carrying out missions on a trip through the cosmos. According to the company, it was the best-reviewed experience Disney ever offered. The cost was too high for most fans, however, and it closed  after 18 months . 

But now, for the Season of the Force, a tiny microcosm of the Galactic Starcruiser experience is coming to Disneyland — for a fraction of the price. Starting April 5, according to the Disney Parks Blog , Oga’s Cantina inside Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will be serving cocktails from the Galactic Starcruiser, along with souvenir glassware. Disney describes the Fiery Mustafarian as having “El Mayor Añejo Tequila, Aperol Aperitivo Liqueur, peach purée, peach syrup, and lime juice served with a dropper of spicy lava syrup.” The Silver Sea Martini will have “Hendrick’s Gin, Minute Maid Lemonade, ginger syrup, honey, and mint syrup topped with a shimmery butterfly pea flower tea.”

Both drinks are available without souvenir glassware, but if you want the martini with something from the Starcruiser, you’ll order the Chandrilan Chalice. For the spicy cocktail, you’ll order the Chandrilan Orb Glass. Both cocktails and souvenir glasses were served on the Starcruiser’s Sublight Lounge and come emblazoned with a “Chandrila Star Line” logo. In the now-closed hotel, the storyline was that you were taking an interstellar cruise on the Chandrila Star Line, aboard the Halcyon starcruiser. 

In a parallel universe, aboard the Disney Wish cruise ship, the “Star Wars”-themed Hyperspace Lounge serves those same drinks and glasses with a Hyperspace Lounge logo. 

Season of the Force, Disneyland’s annual “Star Wars” celebration, runs through May, and is set to include the Hyperspace Mountain overlay of Space Mountain, new characters in Star Tours, new foods and experiences, and special after-dark events. 

Singer, songwriter and galactic superstar Gaya performs as the first passengers experience the two-day Walt Disney World Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, a live-action role-playing game that doubled as a high-end hotel in Orlando.


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  5. Black Cat's Star Wars Hyperspace Travel Times Page

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  13. Hyperspace Travel Calculator : r/swrpg

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  15. Star Wars Galaxy Map

    The Galaxy Far, Far Away: Units are measured in parsecs. Each grid square is 1500 parsecs on a side. Star Wars is a trademark and copyright of Lucasfilm and Disney. Map created by Henry Bernberg in CARTO.

  16. Time it takes to travel in hyperspace : r/StarWars

    A subReddit dedicated to in-depth discussion of the Star Wars franchise with an emphasis on in-universe lore. Named after Grand Moff Tarkin's secret Imperial Research Center, from Legends, where the Death Star was designed, MawInstallation is for in-depth discussion of all Star Wars lore, as well as also examining it as a work of fiction.

  17. Star Wars

    Calculating Hyperspace Travels. If no relevant source is available then to calculate how long a hyperspace travel would take, follow these guidelines. First determine the number of jumps, using a galaxy map of your choice and plot a route from jump to jump. Multiply this number by the modifier on table 2.2 for the route's complexity.

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  25. Does anyone know a good astrogation time calculator?

    Dedicated to the Star Wars Saga Edition roleplaying game by Wizards of the Coast. ... There is no good way to plot hyperspace travel times other than "speed of plot." Reply reply ... but still pretty simple. You need a galaxy map. I use this one. Reply reply

  26. Star Wars' Next TV Show Is Disney's First Truly New Project In 12 Years

    For a long time, a major part of Disney's plan for Star Wars seemed to be using elements that were left over from Lucas' time at the helm.All of Disney's live-action stories so far have been set in the Skywalker saga and expanded upon elements of the galaxy that have already proven to be successful, like Rogue One's focus on the Death Star plans.. Recent stories have also used some of Lucas ...

  27. Star Wars

    The biggest day of the year is nearly here for Star Wars fans, as the galaxy prepares for the arrival of May 4, better known as Star Wars Day. With the day just over a month away, Disney and ...

  28. Cosmic gold rush! Astronomers find 49 new galaxies in just 3 hours

    They were attempting to study star-forming gas in a single radio galaxy. Instead, they found 49 new galaxies in observations lasting about 180 minutes, thus demonstrating the power of MeerKat when ...

  29. Pieces of Disney's closed 'Star Wars' hotel are coming to Disneyland

    A long time ago — March 2022 — in a galaxy far, far away, Disney opened its most immersive and wildly ambitious project. For $5,000 or more, "Star Wars" fans could board the Galactic ...

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    Star Wars fans no longer have to travel to a galaxy far, far away in order to enjoy a glass of Blue Milk. Star Wars Blue Milk by Dairy Farmers of America TruMoo will be hitting store shelves ...