Meaning of Journey To Aim High by Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas

"Journey To Aim High" by Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas explores the idea of pursuing one's dreams and aspirations in life. The song encourages listeners to strive for greatness, regardless of the challenges and obstacles they may face along the way.

The lyrics express a feeling of determination and a desire to experience and see more in life. The journey is depicted as both beautiful and terrible, suggesting that it may have its ups and downs, but the desire to achieve one's goals overshadows any worries or difficulties.

The song emphasizes the importance of not settling for an ordinary life or merely being a passive observer. The line "Our lives will not end up as just a story" suggests the desire for a meaningful and fulfilling existence. The lyrics emphasize the need to keep pushing forward and not stop until one's dreams are realized.

The song also emphasizes the need to overcome boundaries and limitations. The line "We want to go over borders" signifies a desire to break free from constraints and explore new possibilities. It encourages listeners to challenge themselves and exceed expectations, even if what they wish to achieve seems impossible or unimaginable to others.

Throughout the lyrics, there is a strong emphasis on the power of perseverance and the importance of having a strong will. The song acknowledges that there may be times when one feels like giving up or breaking down but asserts that having a strong will is crucial in overcoming such obstacles.

Overall, "Journey To Aim High" inspires listeners to have the courage to pursue their dreams, face challenges head-on, and keep striving towards their goals. It conveys a message of resilience, determination, and the belief in one's ability to achieve the seemingly impossible.

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15 Reasons Why Is It Important To Aim High To Success

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We live with our  dreams . Those dreams can make us grow , move forward, and  overcome  any challenges .  No matter what your goal is, starting a business, helping people be happy, or simply buying a car, your dream matters! As  Oprah Winfrey  says:

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”

We all know that It is essential to set goals in life because it defines where I am going, what I choose to do, and what I want from life.

In the famous book of Lewis Carroll , called  Alice in Wonderland , when Alice meets the Cat, she has an interesting conversation:

– Would you mind telling me, please, which way should I take from here? “That depends largely on where you want to go,” said the Cat. – I don’t much care where…! – Alice said. “Then it doesn’t matter the address,” said the Cat. 

But Why is it important to aim high to success?

Well, because when you have a big goal it will inspire us to move forward and keep on going against the odds. Also, it makes us responsible for taking action , and when we do that, we have no choice but to get out of our comfort zone, which will result in growing more and more.

OK, I know the answer was too short and probably you need more details. Don’t worry; Mindsetopia is going to tell you a short story for better understanding. Listen up:

Once upon a time, there was a sick father on his deathbed  who wanted to tell his  three children  about the hidden treasure on their farm.

“ There is a hidden  treasure  on the farm; it can make you all unbelievably  rich .” said the sick father.

“ Really father?  How  can we find it? Where is it? ” said the boys.

“ I don’t know my sons. But I am quite sure  that it’s hidden somewhere on the farm. take up the necessary tools and  plow  the farm with the oxen and horses, I promise you that you will find it! “

The next day the father passed away, and after the funeral, the boys searched for the treasure. They plowed every corner  of the farm in order to find the treasure, but there was nothing there! They all became disappointed.

Then their mother came to them with a  letter  from the father. 

The mother said: “ Your father gave this letter to me and told me to give it to you if you couldn’t find any treasure  on the farm .”

The boys opened the letter:

“ My dear sons, if you are reading this letter, it means that you haven’t found any treasure, but I have to tell you the truth. You have already  seen the treasure ! The  farm  itself is the real gold! I knew that you were too lazy  to work on the farm, so I told you about the farm treasure, which made you work on it! Now you can sow the seeds  on the farm, and after reaping, you will get your treasure!

All the best,

your father .”

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Although the boys were shocked but they had no choice  but to move forward. So, they did as the wise father asked, and finally, by  selling the crops , they became wealthy.

There are two important notes about this story: 

One , the boys  had a high purpose (treasure) and, although there was no treasure, they became rich. 

Two , that  aim and goal gave them the  motivation  to plow the whole farm without complaining about the difficulty. 

When you  aim high for success , you can  overcome  any difficulty because you know that  high aim requires high effort . Richard Branson , the legendry entrepreneur and the owner of 400 companies, says:

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small.”

Go for a  high purpose  and remember the secret to success is to  aim high, start something small and keep moving forward . But if you are not convinced yet and you need more details, then here are 15 reasons Why is it important to aim high to success .

1- It can turn us into a better version of ourselves

Consider this if you’re unsure why you should set such high purposes. Big dreams will help you develop and evolve as an individual, ultimately transforming you into a better version of yourself.

When you set a high goal for yourself, the mind understands that you must get up and work hard to reach it. There is no shortcut through it! Every big success goes through the valley of hard work, pain, and effort. 

Read More: How Do Students With A Growth Mindset See Their Mistakes

But at the end of the  journey  will not be the same person as you were at the beginning. You will  grow , and there is nothing more important than growing in life. 

Let me give you an example: suppose you have a high purpose of losing 20 kg weight and becoming a very in shape person. You know that it cant be achieved easily, so you start working hard when you get it you will be a totally new person. Just like a  caterpillar  who is now a beautiful  butterfly . It is incredible, isn’t it?

So, make a big goal in your life and try to achieve it. It can be the beginning of an incredible journey.

2- It can be the source of motivation and inspiration

It does not matter in which stage of your life you are right now. Motivation can move you  forward  at any level. It’s like  fuel  for our progress.

Motivating oneself to do something can be extremely successful and profitable. But what exactly is the root of motivation? There are many causes, but having a great goal and thinking about it can be one of the most powerful sources of motivation!

In other words, big goals are the fuel for motivation. Let me give you an example.

Do you think  Steve Jobs  could be motivated if he did not have a big goal to have a great company called Apple? Definitely not. As  Richard Brandson , the legendry entrepreneur and the owner of 400 companies, says:

This can be the formula:

Big goals are Motivation source > Motivation is needed to move forward >  Move forward and achieve big goals.

But don’t get confused; even  small goals can be motivating too . You don’t always need to aim for the moon. For instance, if you want to lose weight, you push yourself in the gym, and then at the end of the week you weigh a pound less, you’ll feel pretty good, and you should. You are doing what you decided to do.

Now, if you have still doubts, then this video from the TEDx Talks youtube channel can show you the importance of having big goals in life:

3- Big goals make you responsible

Another important advantage of setting big goals is that it makes you responsible for your decisions . If you’ve decided to do something, you must take the appropriate steps to make it happen.

If you’re not regularly achieving your purposes , you know you need to put in more effort and stop doing things that aren’t helping you achieve your goals.

The opposite is also true : If you’re achieving your goals quickly, you should probably step up your game. Big goals shouldn’t be too simple to accomplish; if they are, they aren’t really goals.

You can’t lie to yourself if you’ve set big goals. When you look at them, you will note that:

  • You are taking steps that will help you get closer to and reach your goals.
  • You take steps that get you closer to your goals, but your goals are unrealistic, so you fail to reach them.
  • You are not taking the necessary steps to reach your purposes.

You can’t use dishonest excuses like bad weeks or stress . If you want to achieve something valuable, you must take a lot of responsibility.

So, look in the mirror and say to yourself: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE!

Read More: Change Your Words Change Your Mindset

4- Big dreams make you more creative and intelligent

You face many obstacles and difficulties when you try to do something valuable. The point is that you cannot use old ways to resolve these new issues.

You must force the mind beyond its limits and that’s where the magic takes place . You will discover new ways and increase your imagination and creativity in order to reach your next level.

Allow me to give you an example. The purchase of a $3,000 car can only be accomplished by working a little harder or obtaining a loan . But how about buying a $70,000 car ?

Old plans don’t work here. In order to get what you want, you must begin to think and behave differently. It’s quite foolish to behave in old ways and expect new results!

This time, you just have to start a new company your own and try to win over it by becoming an employee. Then you would be more imaginative and smart than before.

So, dream big, start acting so small and believe in yourself.

If you need a little bit more motivation to start and keep on moving forward, then this video from Motiversity youtube channel can help you:

5- It helps you realize what you really want

Actions speak louder than words. You must step back and really evaluate your goals if you have a great goal you set for yourself each year and never succeed in accomplishing this aim.

There are several things that people think they should want, which is why they claim they want them but surprisingly they never act on them.

Let me give you an example. It’s one thing to say you want to be a digital marketer who can work from anywhere, but it’s quite another to take the requisite steps to get there. There is a reasonably clear framework :

  • Develop skills that will allow you to work primarily and remotely from a laptop and learn how to work with the necessary tools.
  • Find a website or a business that employs remote workers, or do it yourself as a freelancer.
  • Gaining the necessary expertise and qualifications to land the job.

However, if you like where you are, your colleagues , your work environment , and your business , maybe your purpose is not to be a remote digital marketer.

It’s the big goals that you don’t achieve, or actually don’t even try to take, that are most enlightening. Just look at what you haven’t achieved and why it can really help you decide what you want, not what you say you want, to understand your goals better.

Also, This podcast from Purpose in the Youth Spotify can help you to find your passion:

6- It gives you direction and takes you out of your comfort zone

One of the biggest factors is that they lead you to a place where you are growing from your area of comfort. You know that they will drive you out of your comfort zone, which can be a good reason for your progress, to achieve these goals.

As  Brain Tracy  says:

“The comfort zone is the greatest enemy of courage and confidence.”

By having a  big dream , you don’t have any other choice but to leave this zone and find your courage And confidence there.

Nobody has ever achieved a high aim without going beyond his or her comfort zone,  so shake it and move !

Here is what I suggest you:

  • Find your comfort zone. Maybe it’s your parent’s house, maybe it’s your job, whatever it is find it and try to get rid of it. Please don’t get so emotional! if your comfort zone is your only source of income then you have to be cautious about what you doing.
  • Make a plan to getting out of your comfort zone and start working on your dreams.

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7- You will be the source of inspiration for others

It’s not always about us, sometimes it’s about  others , the people, your friends, your little brother or sister, the world, or even poor people that you don’t know them.

When you set a  significant purpose  and get it, you will be an example that can be a perfect inspiration for other people. They will look at you and say, If he did that, then I can do it too.

You can change not only yourself but also other people, your neighbor or even the people. Let me give you an example:

Do you know how the world is changed since the invention of great companies like  Facebook and Microsoft ? Arent their founders, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, the source of inspiration for others now? Surely they are. 

You may say I can’t be like  Bill Gate , but the fact is that he is as same as you, just like he said many times. They had a big goal, tried very hard to achieve it, and they finally did! 

Can you see the impact of a big dream on the world now? 

I love this quote from the Pursuit of Happiness by Will Smith:

“Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do something. You got a dream, you gotta protect it.”

Don’t let other people’s opinions take you down, go on and turn this world into a better one!”

8- It can help you to attract people like you

When you have a big goal, you choose a path where only a few people like you go. But you will attract and find these people.  

You can’t be distracted by people who care only about celebrity news! Who live aimlessly! No, when you have a high dream, you will find people who are just like you.

I love this quote about your friends:


You ‘re the  average  of the  five or ten people you  spend the most time with, and that is the truth.

When you choose to aim high, then you will attract people who are just like you.

Also, this video from the Skillopedia youtube channel can help you to attract more people:

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9- It can help you overcome mental blocks

There are several blocks of mind, including laziness, procrastination, false priorities, and perfectionism . Setting a major purpose will help you resolve this suffering.

How? Let me give an example of  procrastination . 

If you’re spending too much time on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram while you should be working, goal-setting will help you get back on track.

Start by installing time management tools on your computer and setting a target of no more than 30 minutes of social media time each day during the workday.

Remember that the target must be precise, observable, realistic, appropriate , and time-bound: less than 30 minutes a day is acceptable, but going straight to zero is not very possible.

With a significant purpose in mind and a plan to achieve it , you’re ready to overcome procrastination.

You will see how you were able to limit your social media use to less than 30 minutes a day at the end of each day.

If you made it, well done, and congratulations! Pat yourself on the back and enjoy the little thrill of victory and personal pride . If not, you should figure out why you lost and try the next day again.

Whatever the mental block, there is a way to use goal-setting to get around or overcome it.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you are looking for a way to overcome mental blocks, then this video from Gabriela Blandy youtube channel can help you a lot:

10- It opens new paths and opportunities

When you want to have a clear goal , you can encounter several challenges along the way, and by overcoming these barriers, you will discover new possibilities that will lead to greater achievement.

That is why great entrepreneurs have created so many incredible opportunities along the way. They think big, pursue big goals, and eventually, big doors will open up for them.

Pushing and focusing on your mind will improve it, and as it achieves its full potential, you will discover new possibilities in life.

You will achieve more opportunities , much like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone , who wanted to be fantastic actors and eventually succeeded and found many opportunities along the way.

Read More: How To Have A Positive Mindset At Work In 18 Steps

11- It helps you to comprehend the meaning of life

Having a high goal can give you a new and unique  meaning  of life. Those who have a  dream  wake up at 5 a.m, work even 15 hours per day, and study many books! 

For these people, life has a  different  meaning. They have a totally different  perspective  toward everything! Hard-working is not unpleasant anymore! They  love  what they do!

As Marc Anthony says:

“If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life.”

Even after they achieve that high purpose, they act differently. The best example here is  Bill Gates , the founder of Microsoft. 

After building Microsoft, Nowadays Bill gates only purpose is to  change the world  and turn it into a better place. he spends a lot of his time and money  helping  people, and by the time he has died, he has planned to donate about of his  95%  wealth   for  charity purposes.

See? a big goal can turn you into a very extraordinary human. 

If you are struggling with finding meaning in life then this video from the MinuteVideos youtube channel can help you:

12- It will help you to unlock your true potential 

Do you really know what your biggest potential is? How far can you go? for most people, the answer is  not yet ! 

A big dream can unlock your  true potential . It can lead you to a place where you couldn’t even imagine before! 

Don’t get me wrong! There is nothing bad about  living small  and being happy! But what if you could be  extraordinary ?

What if you had a  destiny ? How would you feel if you knew that there is a  mission  in your life that you have to  accomplish ?  

13. It will help you to cultivate resilience

“The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived.” – Robert Jordan, The Fires of Heaven

Aiming high is a great way to cultivate resilience, which has become a sought-after skill in the ever-changing world of 2024. 

The ability to bounce back from setbacks, mistakes, and the unexpectedly trying times that life frequently throws our way is resilience. 

You will inevitably run across difficulties and obstacles as you set out on a path filled with lofty aspirations. 

These difficult events start giving you the strength you need to move through the uncertain and constantly shifting landscape of the modern world.

Resilience acts as a safeguard against the unpredictability of the future in a technology environment where change is a common companion. 

Instead of facing the winds of change head-on, it enables you to harness their power for your own development. 

Being resilient enables you to adapt quickly and successfully to changing circumstances, allowing disasters to serve as stepping stones rather than bottlenecks. 

The ability to adapt and flourish in the face of uncertainty is of the utmost importance and aiming too high will be your best friend in the pursuit of success in the year 2024. 

This gives you the strength to persevere through trying situations and emerge stronger than before.

14. It helps you to embrace continuous learning

“Learning never exhausts the mind.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Ambitious aspirations are encouraged to begin a lifetime of researching sources rather than just destinations. 

When you have too many interests, you decide to pursue an endless path of personal growth and an endless quest for knowledge. 

These lofty objectives force you out of your comfort zone and into an unfamiliar land, where you must develop new skills and knowledge to handle the challenging situations that are always there.

This commitment to learning about people motivates you to conform and adapt to a world that is constantly changing, acting as a catalyst for individual growth. 

Every step you take in identifying your ambitions demonstrates your dedication to pursuing personal success. 

It turns the activity into one that is fruitful and fulfilling, allowing you to develop a strong sense of adaptability, ingenuity, and inventiveness in addition to reaching goals.

Aiming too high requires accepting the transforming power of the journey, where each day presents an opportunity to develop, reflect on, and become a better version of yourself. 

Aiming too high entails more than just traveling to your desired location.

15. It can help you to experience fulfillment

“Fulfillment is often more about the journey than the destination.” – Unknown

The emotional and intellectual satisfaction that results from pursuing important and audacious goals is fulfillment. 

The sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that comes with achieving those lofty goals is really pleasurable while you make excessive proposals and devote all of your energy to them.

It’s a contentment that goes well beyond material benefits and enhances your way of life in ways that go beyond what is obvious to others.

When a voyage is made famous by guts and persistence, it turns into a source of real joy. Your daily efforts to realize your high objectives give your life a sense of direction. 

The undertaking stimulates personal growth and resiliency and has a long-lasting effect on your character. It is full of challenges and successes.

Setting high standards for yourself and exceeding them frees up time for a life that is almost enthralling and where each day presents the opportunity to enjoy the pleasure of pursuing your interests and objectives. 

It’s an adventure wherein getting there merely marks the beginning of a far more rewarding and interesting journey.

If you don’t know how you can unlock your full potential then maybe this amazing podcast from Devante Ellis podcast could help you:

So, what do you think? Is it important to aim high to become successful? Let me know in the comments. 

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Written by Saeed Ahmadi

Who am I? A blogger, mindset mentor, personal development coach, content creator, SEO Specialist, digital marketer, entrepreneur, reader by night, and writer by day.

Mindsetopia, my brainchild, is more than a platform, its my vision of a world where everyone has access to the tools and knowledge necessary for personal growth and self-growing.

What really makes me excited is helping people to unlock their true potential. So,I am here to give you the kick you need to change your mind and then your life :)

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Aim High Set to Release Debut Album “Local Band Forever”

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The energetic pop-punk outfit Aim High, from Columbia, SC, is set to release its first full-length album on July 23, 2021. What a wild journey it’s been for them since I met Caleb “CalebJustCaleb” Brown in 2019 shortly after the band formed. Since then, Aim High has worked with artists like Sleeping With Sirens, Like Pacific, Belmont, and Safehold. Their long-awaited full-length album, Local Band Forever, starts with an opening statement from the one and only Charlie Sheen asking if we’re ready. The features on this album are worth checking out based on that alone. Yet to add to that, Aim High is a band that was formed in 2019 and has achieved rapid growth since then. In that time, they have introduced their music video for ”The Hitchhiker’s Guide To Playing God ” to the world via a post on Alternative Press; have been featured on many Spotify playlists, including New Punk Tracks; and have played alongside such artists as Blessthefall, Palisades, Slaves, Glass Houses, Rarity, Never Loved, Young Culture, Brigades, and more. Fast forward to the present where they are releasing an album designed by the talented Mike Cortada, who has worked on album covers for bands like Pierce the Veil and Ice Nine Kills. It’s no easy task to follow the success they’ve had so far, but Local Band Forever does not disappoint. The first song on the album “EZCORE$$$ “, featuring Dan O’Connor of Four Year Strong, is a perfect opener, and quickly became my favorite track on the album. The entire album is infectious and lively. The choruses are catchy, and the features are right on track with complementing CalebJustCaleb’s voice. As Lindsay Lohan will tell you at the end of “ Counterparts” — “it’s gas”. The album proves that while Aim High may be a Local Band Forever, they’d best prepare themselves for bigger things. 


journey to aim high

Aim High Discography: 

  • Garnet Eyes EP 2020
  • Severed Ties EP 2020
  • Local Band Forever 2021

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Melanie Mae Bryan is a music photographer and journalist based in North Carolina.

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Journey to justice: Tornillo family finds closure after conviction in loved one’s murder

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FABENS, Texas (KVIA) -- After nearly six years, an El Paso-area man was convicted of capital murder, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He was sentenced to life in prison, plus 40 years, for a shooting that happened in 2018.

According to affidavits obtained by ABC-7, Eduardo Garza Santillana was employed by the murder victim, 64-year-old Miguel Rivera. However, documents say about two weeks before the shooting, Rivera fired Garza because he believed Garza was stealing from him.

Documents indicate that on July 25, 2018, El Paso County Sheriff's Office (EPCSO) Detectives were called out to 21443 Alameda to investigate a possible homicide. Deputies found two men, later identified as Rivera and his ranch hand, with gunshot wounds. Both men were taken to Del Sol Medical Center, where Rivera was later pronounced dead. His employee, however, survived.

After a seven-month-long investigation, EPCSO arrested Garza. According to court documents, Garza pleaded not guilty to both charges.

Rivera's daughter told ABC-7, it was not until March of this year that Garza's trial began.

After being presented with evidence, a jury found Garza, 46, guilty of the charges.

ABC-7 sat down with Rivera's daughter to talk about her father, and about the family's journey to justice.

"No sentence would ever be enough, you know, for what he did to my dad. But that's just something that we're going to have to accept," said Marlene Rivera.

Marlene said having to sit through Garza's trial years after the murder was like reopening a wound.

"To sit in that courtroom and listen to the testimonies, listen to everything in detail of what happened was very horrible," she said.  "Seeing the individual, you know, not have any remorse... him standing there, you know, like with no care in the world... I looked at the individual and, you know, I told him how we felt and what he did to us, how it hurt us and how it affected us. Never looked up at me once."

Now, Marlene and her family honor Miguel by sharing photos and videos of him, and talking about him with his grandkids.

"Mike Rivera, was the most humblest man that you could have ever met. He was a very caring, giving person amongst all," she said.

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A black placard that reads "The definition of normal changed on that day. (parent)" surrounded by red stone and a single red rose placed near the bottom.

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A woman with short blonde hair and wearing a black blouse smiles for a portrait outside with green trees in the background.

Today, Martin is a high school English teacher who prioritizes making her students feel safe and giving them the tools to understand and cope with trauma. She’s also the executive director of The Rebels Project, a nonprofit that supports survivors of mass tragedy. In March, she attended the State of the Union address as a guest of U.S. Rep. Jason Crow, a Democrat who represents the southeastern Denver suburbs.

Martin, who teaches at Aurora Central High School, talked to Chalkbeat about how she rediscovered her desire to teach after leaving college, what calming techniques she teaches students, and why she loves home visits.

Was there a moment when you decided to become a teacher?

When I was in elementary school, my friends and I used to “play school” when we would study for tests. We alternated being the teacher, and I think that really laid the foundation for me wanting to teach in some way.

After the shooting at Columbine in 1999, I struggled a lot with trauma while attending community college and ended up dropping out. One day, while filming some B roll for a documentary called ”Grieving in a Fishbowl,” I was asked to flip through my high school yearbook. I found where my English teacher had signed: “I hope you major in English and become a teacher - your students would love you!” it read.

It seems I had forgotten for a while where I wanted to go, but I eventually found my way back. After 10 years and a long road of healing, I went back to school, finished my degree, and earned my teaching license.

How did your trauma manifest during your initial college experience?

I had extreme anxiety and unpredictable panic attacks — or at the time I thought they were unpredictable. I developed an eating disorder, started ditching and failing classes, and even tried recreational drugs. I attributed many of these things to “normal” college behavior and refused to acknowledge that it had anything to do with the shooting. I told myself, “It’s been ___ months, I should be fine.”

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I had an English teacher assign a final essay that had a prompt related to school safety or guns in schools. When I finally worked up the courage to tell her why I couldn’t do the essay, she said it was required and if I didn’t do it, I would fail the class. I never went back to that class and, ultimately, ended up failing. I was already questioning my “right” to be traumatized, and her dismissal was extremely harmful.

When I took English again, I was assigned to write a 2-3 page personal narrative about an event that impacted me. This was about a year after the shooting, so I decided to actually tackle writing about it. I wrote upwards of 10 pages. On the due date, I printed my essay and brought it to the instructor. I told her how long it was, but I did not tell her the content. I wanted reassurance that the length was okay.

She said she would probably just grade me on the first few pages. Again, I felt dismissed and that my experience didn’t matter, and again, this amplified my questions about whether I had any right to feel and be traumatized. Again, I failed English class because I stopped attending.

My students love to hear that I failed English class twice in college!

What was it like to attend the State of the Union address?

The invite from Congressman Crow came as a surprise and I was very excited, and even a bit nervous, to attend. Every person I met was very interested and compassionate regarding long-term recovery from trauma. Congressman Crow and his staff were wonderful and did an excellent job of helping get the message out about the need for long-term support.

How did your own experience in school influence your approach to teaching?

I was a student who often felt like I wasn’t seen or noticed in school. I did just enough to stay off everyone’s radar — never a super-high or a super-low performer. As a teacher now, I look for students who may feel like I felt and am sure to connect with them as best I can. Also, obviously, the shooting and my subsequent healing journey help to drive my mission to make my classroom (and school community) as safe as I can — both in the physical sense and the emotional sense.

Tell us about a favorite lesson you teach.

I call it a “Mirror Poem.” We begin by comparing Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130 , “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun” to Sonnet 18 , “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” We focus on which is the “truer” love poem.

After many discussions, we decide which one represents a mirror. The answer always depends on what students view as a mirror’s purpose, so the responses are excellent. My favorite part is that after we read and analyze, students write their own poem using a mirror as a metaphor to describe how they see themselves and/or how others see them. The poems are INCREDIBLE and reading them never ceases to amaze me at how brilliant they are.

Tell us about The Rebels Project.

I co-founded the organization in 2012 with three other classmates from Columbine in the aftermath of the Aurora theater shooting. It’s named for the Columbine High School mascot. We wanted to provide support that we didn’t have access to after the shooting at our school — a space to share, connect, and heal alongside others who understand what it’s like to experience a similar event. Everybody on our leadership team has experienced a mass trauma themselves, which drives our decisions in every project we develop.

We connect survivors from all across the world. We hold support meetings, travel to impacted communities, educate the public on ways to support trauma survivors, and host an annual survivor retreat. We do this all as volunteers.

How do you incorporate trauma-informed practices into your classes?

Recently, we read ”The Kite Runner,” which has some disturbing content that may provoke some anxiety or trauma responses. We practice grounding techniques before reading, then I offer opportunities to use some of the techniques as we read. These can include coloring, folding origami, deep breathing exercises, and bilateral movements that use both sides of the body together, such as tapping, pacing, or walking.

Another way I practice this is through good old-fashioned modeling. I point out when I’m feeling activated, how I notice it, what it feels like, and how I ground myself. I’m also very open about my healing journey. I teach seniors, so it’s age-appropriate that I share my story about surviving a school shooting and how I struggled in the aftermath. I am honest about some of the struggles I still have, even 25 years later. I think it’s so important that they know that healing doesn’t always mean you “get over it,” it’s more about working through it. Experiencing trauma changes us, and I feel that acknowledging that change is important.

Tell us about a memorable time — good or bad — when contact with a student’s family changed your perspective or approach.

At our school, we conduct home visits to help connect with the parents and guardians. These are always positive — basically pumping up the kiddo and sharing how amazing they are. I’ve had such wonderful visits with parents who come from various countries around the world, including Afghanistan, Republic of the Congo, Mexico, and Burma. I absolutely love connecting with them and learning more about the lives of the students.

What are you reading for enjoyment?

Currently, I’m reading a few books. (Yes, I’m one of those weirdos that can read multiple books at a time!) They include ”The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store” by James McBride, the ”Skyward Series” by Brandon Sanderson, and Bruce Springsteen’s memoir, ”Born to Run” because he is MY FAVORITE!

Ann Schimke is a senior reporter at Chalkbeat, covering early childhood issues and early literacy. Contact Ann at [email protected] .

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What is Eid al-Fitr and how do Muslims celebrate the Islamic holiday?

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CAIRO -- Muslims around the world will soon bid farewell to the Islamic holy month of Ramadan and start celebrating the holiday of Eid al-Fitr. Eid is marked with congregational prayers and festivities that typically include family visits, gatherings and new clothes.

This year, Eid will come just after the Israel-Hamas war crosses the somber milestone of having stretched on for half a year. During Ramadan, as Muslims around the world savored the traditions of their diverse communities, advocacy, prayers and charity for Palestinians in Gaza were high on the minds of many.

What's Eid al-Fitr?

It's an Islamic holiday marking the end of Ramadan, the month when devout Muslims fast daily from dawn to sunset. Ramadan is a time of increased worship, charity, and good deeds.

Eid al-Fitr means the feast, or festival, of breaking the fast.

When is Eid al Fitr?

Islam follows a lunar calendar and so Ramadan and Eid cycle through the seasons. This year, the first day of Eid al-Fitr is expected to be on or around April 10; the exact date may vary among countries and Muslim communities.

What are some common Eid greetings?

Eid Mubarak, or Blessed Eid, and Happy Eid.

What are some of the traditions and customs associated with Eid al-Fitr?

In Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, many people embark on an exodus to their hometowns to celebrate the holiday with loved ones. This year, an estimated 193.6 million travelers are expected to crisscross the vast archipelago for Eid in a homecoming tradition known locally as "mudik."

In the past two years of Eid celebrations, Indonesians crammed into trains, ferries, buses and onto motorcycles as they poured out of major cities amid severe traffic congestion to return to their villages to celebrate the holiday with families. Flights were overbooked and anxious relatives, weighed down with boxes of gifts, formed long lines at bus and train stations for the journeys.

Before the holiday, popular markets teem with shoppers buying clothes, shoes, cookies and sweets.

In Malaysia, Muslims also have a homecoming tradition for Eid. The first day usually begins with a morning prayer in the mosque, seeking forgiveness from family and friends, and visiting loved ones' graves.

There's an "open house" spirit that sees friends and families trading visits to celebrate Eid and enjoy traditional delicacies such as ketupat, rice cooked in a palm leaf pouch, and rendang, a meat dish stewed in spices and braised in coconut milk.

Older Muslims give money in green packets to children and guests who visit their homes.

In Egypt, families partake in Eid prayers amid a festive atmosphere. Many visit relatives, friends or neighbors and some travel to vacation spots. Children, usually wearing new Eid outfits, receive traditional cash gifts known as "eidiya."

Making or buying Eid cookies dusted with powdered sugar is another fixture of marking the holiday in the country.

In the United States, where Muslims make up an ethnically and racially diverse minority, many come together for Eid prayers and for festivals featuring fun activities for children and families. These often include such things as face painting and balloon twisting.

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Boylan begins journey as Rockford's first high school lacrosse team. Will others follow?

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Boylan’s goal has never been to stand alone in lacrosse.

“I’d love for it to grow and have Boylan go against Hononegah or Guilford,” said Boylan junior attackman Weston Matula. “To be able to play in the NIC-10 and have fun.”

For now, though, Boylan is the first-ever high school lacrosse team in the Rockford area. Playing its first season. It’s a relatively short schedule with only an eight-game season, although some games may be added later. There will be no postseason. Boylan’s first season is mostly at the JV level. That looked easy at first, with a pair of blowout wins. But Monday, the Titans got their first taste of varsity competition, hosting Burlington Central at the Titans football stadium.

“It was nerve-wracking, especially at the beginning,” said Matula, who scored three goals in Boylan’s 17-7 loss. “The longer we went into the game, the more I was into it. But at the beginning, I was really nervous. ‘Oh, shoot, this is varsity now. I am playing against seniors, these big guys.’ ”

More: Fast-growing lacrosse has found a home at Rockford Boylan. Who will be next?

“The season has been going good,” Boylan coach Robert White said, “but this first varsity game was a step up in class. We are in the right spot (as a JV team). We are where we need to be. I think we will be competitive. But this was our first real test.”

This first season is all about learning — and spreading the gospel of lacrosse. One of the world’s oldest sports, lacrosse was invented by Native Americans 800 years ago. It first caught on in high schools in Eastern prep schools and wealthy California suburbs but is just now beginning to spread all over the country. Lacrosse is the NCAA’s fastest-growing sport. From 2003 to 2018, the NCAA almost doubled it’s women’s lacrosse teams, from 265 schools to 505. In Illinois, the IHSA started boys and girls state tournaments in 2018 and went from 78 boys teams to 96 in the first five years and from 55 girls teams to 82.

All that high school growth wiped out club-level lacrosse so the local Razorbacks team, which began in Belvidere, morphed into Boylan’s high school team. Half this team are Razorbacks who went to Boylan. The other half are Boylan students who had never played lacrosse before.

And because of IHSA rules, White could not coach them in any way until February.

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That makes this year a massive learning season. Even for the fans. The programs handed out at the gate include the normal roster and schedule, but also a long list of “basic lacrosse rules.” That includes the eight kinds of personal fouls, that can sideline a player from one to three minutes, plus the six types of technical fouls that draw a 30-second penalty.

It also explains each team has 10 players: a goalie, three defensemen, three midfielders and three attackmen. That only the midfielders can go anywhere on the field, while the attackmen must remain only on the offensive end and the defensemen only in the backfield. Even the equipment differs, with offensive sticks measuring from 40-42 inches and defensive crosses from 52-72 inches. Only four players can carry defensive sticks on the field at any one time. The goalie can use a special cross with a larger head.

There’s a lot to learn. But also a lot to entertain even novice spectators. Lacrosse is known for its non-stop action, high scoring and physical play with defenders trying to whack the ball out of an offensive player’s cross or knock him off balance with a fierce check.

And goalies get it worst of all, with collisions in front of the net and shots coming at them from all sides.

“It’s definitely terrifying,” Boylan junior goalie Colin Kossman said. “But once you get over the fear of the pain it’s the most fun position out there.

“You do whatever you can to save the ball. It’s a hard rubber ball, so I’ve got a lot of welts, usually on my knees and thighs. Sometimes you stick your foot out for a kick save. You do anything you can. I get bruises often. I take a lot of Ibuprofen.”

The whole Boylan team looked like it was dealing with a headache early, trailing 8-0 at the half.

The second half was much better, starting with junior attackman Hudson Dahm scoring Boylan’s first goal only 24 seconds into the second half on a 15-foot shot from the left side. He had another chance from the same spot only 15 seconds later but just missed.

“It was fun at the end,” Matula said. “That’s when we started picking up steam and actually playing as a team. In the beginning, we were playing more selfish. We realized that in the second half and started picking up momentum, scoring and running our offense.”

Those were Boylan’s first three lessons learned Monday: Varsity will be a big step up from JV, don’t get too nervous and play as a team.

But the whole season will be about learning. And growing lacrosse in Rockford.

“We definitely could have played a little better, but we play them again,” said Zach Tulley, a senior attackman. “We will see how much we improved then. We’ve just got to keep working hard and it will come. If we can improve across the season, it will be good and, hopefully, we can make the jump to varsity next year.”

Boylan should get better as time goes on. Especially next year; only one of its seven goals on Monday was scored by a senior. Junior midfielder Mikey Hernandez, a star defensive back on Boylan’s football team, had two goals. He has been playing lacrosse since seventh grade.

“Buddies of mine said I should try this lacrosse thing out. I tried it and fell in love right away,” Hernandez said.

“It’s way more fast-paced than football, but the physicality is still there. I run a lot. I love that aspect of it. I still get to play defense like I do in football and be physical, but I also get to score. That’s way more fun to be on the scoring side. I am not used to that in football.”

Nobody is used to this “lacrosse thing” in Rockford. Yet.

Boylan hopes to change that.

“We’ve gotten so much better,” Hernandez said. “It’s night and day from previous years. I just hope we keep getting better as the games go on.”

Contact: [email protected], @matttrowbridge or 815-987-1383. Matt Trowbridge has covered sports for the Rockford Register Star for over 30 years, after previous stints in North Dakota, Delaware, Vermont and Iowa City .

Finding Your Financial Ally: How To Pick The Perfect Advisor For Your 2024 Wealth Journey

Understanding the roles of a financial advisor, when to hire a financial advisor, when to consider diy investing, the different types of financial advisors, key factors to evaluate different financial advisors, fiduciary duty, experience and track records, fee structures, where to look for financial advisors, questions to ask financial advisors, red flags to watch for, bottom line.

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You may need the help of a financial advisor even if you aren't wealthy.

Ever wonder why Olympic athletes have coaches? These are individuals at the very top of their game possessing unparalleled skill and expertise, and yet there is no single Olympic athlete out there who does not have a coach.

The answer is that there is tremendous value in having someone in your corner supporting you, someone who can provide you with a roadmap and hold you accountable, someone to act as an objective sounding board, and who can point out your blind spots and correct your form.

This is true across all aspects of life. Whether pursuing an athletic goal, a career goal or a life transition–there are coaches who can help you get there. In the world of personal finance, the coaches are financial advisors. But how do you determine whether and when you need one, what type of advisor is best for your needs, and how to select one? These are the questions this article aims to help you answer.

A financial advisor is often described as the quarterback of your financial team. Their role is to survey the entire landscape of your financial life, encompassing your current financial position, portfolio allocation , goals, financial beliefs and values. Their leadership is crucial in prioritizing, strategizing and executing your plan to help you accomplish your goals. This could include engaging other experts such as an estate planning attorney or insurance broker, to ensure that all areas of your financial life are taken care of.

The cornerstone offering of a financial advisor is the financial plan, which illustrates how income, expenses, and short and long-term goals all interact to impact financial stability throughout your lifetime. With the help of the financial plan, an advisor can identify possible issues far down the road that require course correction today to avoid, and offer insights on proactive measures to navigate and plan for them. Whether it's ensuring sufficient liquidity before welcoming a new family member, embarking on a sabbatical or planning for a home purchase or retirement , the financial plan serves as a navigational tool throughout the advisory relationship.

The best financial advisors will do more than crunch the numbers, they’ll also help you develop a framework for financial decision-making.

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There are several situations when you may consider hiring a financial advisor.

  • You have a large investment portfolio (above $250,000): The larger your portfolio, the greater the stakes.
  • You have a complex financial situation with several competing goals : A financial advisor can help you prioritize your goals and identify possible conflicts between them. For example, if you would like to have kids in the next few years and want to step out of the workforce to be a stay-at-home dad, a financial advisor can illustrate what needs to happen in advance to prepare financially, and the long-term implications of that decision.
  • You are navigating a life transition, such as marriage, divorce, retirement, loss of a spouse, or you’ve received a large inheritance: Any time that you receive a big windfall or experience a financial shake-up in your life, it makes a lot of sense to engage a financial advisor who can help you understand how the change in circumstance impacts you in the near and long-term.
  • You don’t have the time or desire to dedicate to your finances: There are some people who don’t want to deal with the minutiae of their personal finances and prefer that someone else manage it and tell them the one or two things they need to focus on. You could have a demanding job and children leaving no time or energy to devote to personal finance, or you may simply have little interest in the subject. If you fall into either camp, a financial advisor can help you stay on track financially, while you take care of the rest of your busy life.
  • You want a second set of eyes on your finances: Whether you’re early on in your money journey or you’ve been managing your personal financial affairs confidently for years, there can be great value in meeting with an advisor to get a second opinion to ensure that you are on the right track.

Understanding whether you can manage your personal finances independently depends more on your personality and inclination than the size of your portfolio. Consider DIY investing if you genuinely enjoy personal finance, actively oversee your savings and investments and are confident in portfolio allocation. If married, ensure both partners actively communicate and collaborate on finances to avoid imbalances in decision-making.

While interest and confidence are important, competence is crucial. Be honest with yourself about your knowledge and abilities. Even if you are experienced in managing personal finances, occasional consultations with a financial advisor for a comprehensive review may still be beneficial.

Financial advisors can be found in three general flavors, differentiated by their level of human involvement, cost structure and tailored advice.

Robo advisors are algorithm-driven platforms that provide standardized portfolio allocations based on risk assessments. They offer cost-effective solutions with benefits such as consistent portfolio alignment, and automated features like tax loss harvesting and ongoing rebalancing.

Online financial advisors, a tier above robo advisors, may offer additional access to a financial planning professional, while traditional financial advisors rely on human expertise and relationships for personalized advice tailored to individual client goals, risk tolerance and financial situations.

Natalie Colley

The choice between these options depends on your level of investible assets, preferences, financial goals and the level of human interaction you desire.

When looking for a financial advisor, there are several important qualifications and details to assess.

Credentials and Qualifications

Believe it or not, no credentials are required to hold yourself out as a financial advisor or financial planner. Therefore, it is especially important to look for credentials as an initial indicator of a professional’s commitment to the industry and competence. The gold standard qualification in the financial advisor profession is the Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP) designation. This certification demonstrates comprehensive knowledge in financial planning, including investments , insurance, taxes , retirement and estate planning.

Secondary to the CFP designation, other credentials that indicate a high degree of experience and expertise in the profession include:

  • Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA): A credential focusing on guiding individuals through the financial complexities of divorce.
  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA): A credential for investment professionals, focusing on portfolio management and financial analysis.
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA): A professional accounting qualification that can be valuable for financial advisors, especially those involved in tax planning.
  • Personal Financial Specialist (PFS): A designation for CPAs who specialize in personal financial planning.
  • Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA): Emphasizes investment management and portfolio construction.
  • Registered Investment Advisor (RIA): While not a traditional credential, advisors registered with the SEC as RIAs must adhere to specific regulatory standards.

Just as not all professionals who hold themselves out to be financial advisors are credentialed, neither are they beholden to the same ethical standards. The highest ethical standard is called the Fiduciary Duty. An advisor who has taken an oath to act as a fiduciary (all CFP professionals) must put the client’s best interest ahead of their own, must act with diligence, prudence, and skill in managing the client’s affairs, and must provide full transparency in all actions.

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While more experience does not guarantee quality, experience in both life and in the profession can help to broaden an advisor’s perspective and refine their skills.

Many advisors specialize in helping clients with specific needs, such as those going through a divorce, LGBTQ+, doctors, etc. It can make sense to work with an advisor who regularly works with clients in a similar situation, as they will have deep expertise in the unique challenges that you face.

Importantly, review an advisor’s Form ADV to check for any disciplinary history. The ADV Part 2 Brochure has particularly useful information relating to the way an advisor charges their clients and the services they offer. To find the Form ADV for any firm and advisor, use the SEC’s Investment Advisor Public Disclosure database . Disclosures indicate that there may be a customer complaint or arbitration, regulatory action, bankruptcy filing, or some other event of which you need to be aware.

Financial advisors charge in various ways. At the highest level, fee models can be split into two buckets–fee-only or commission-based.

Fee-only advisors charge fees directly to clients based on a predetermined schedule and do not earn commissions on any investments or products they recommend. For example, if a fee-only advisor recommends that their client buy life insurance, they would not receive any compensation for the life insurance the client buys. The benefits of a fee-only arrangement are more transparent fees and a lack of conflict of interest with respect to recommendations.

The potential for conflicts of interest is one challenge associated with the commission-based model, and why it is not recommended. Advisors may be motivated to recommend products that generate higher commissions rather than those that best suit the client's needs. Commission-based advisors most often work for either insurance companies or banks (this often includes the advisor who helps your company with their 401(k) administration ).

It’s an excellent idea to speak with two or three advisors before making a selection. There are several trusted resources out there to help you curate an initial list of candidates.

  • Personal Recommendations : Odds are, many of your friends and family work with a financial advisor. Ask them about what services they receive, their advisor’s communication style and whether they are happy with the relationship.
  • Referral From Other Professionals: Your accountant, attorney or other professionals you work with may be able to recommend financial advisors. They often have a network of contacts and may know someone with the expertise you need.
  • Professional Organizations: Look for financial advisors who are members of reputable professional associations, such as the Financial Planning Association ( FPA ) or the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors ( NAPFA ). Members of these organizations often adhere to high ethical standards and professional conduct.

It can be nerve wracking to meet with an advisor for the first time. Here are some questions to get the conversation started.

  • How often do you meet with your clients?
  • Who will be working with me?
  • What type of clients do you specialize in working with?
  • What licenses, certifications or credentials do you have? How long have you worked in the profession?
  • What services do you offer beyond investment management? Do you provide a comprehensive written analysis of my financial situation?
  • How is the firm compensated? Do you charge separately for financial planning?
  • Are you fee-only? Do you accept commissions and/or sell insurance products?
  • Are you a fiduciary?

The Importance Of Communication

When selecting an advisor, pay close attention to their communication style and responsiveness. An advisor’s prompt responsiveness serves as a good indicator of their diligence, and communication style will give you a sense of whether they will be a good personality fit.

When hiring a financial advisor, there are several red flags to look out for.

Lack of Transparency

Particularly around fees, a lack of transparency is a clear indicator that the advisor may not act in your best interest at all times. If the fees are not easily understandable, if fees are only quoted on a quarterly basis (for AUM fees) to make them appear smaller than they are, or if the advisor is not up front about potential conflicts of interest, these could all be red flags.

High-Pressure Sales Tactics

No explanation is needed, as you’ll know it when you feel it. If you feel that you are being pressured to make a decision that is a huge red flag.

Unrealistic Promises

Beware any advisor who guarantees returns at any level or who says they can consistently beat the market. Investing is inherently unpredictable and ethical advisors will not guarantee specific outcomes.

Years ago, when assessing daycares for my then 4-month-old daughter, I was given good advice from another parent, who told me that “you likely won’t know for sure whether it’s the right fit until your daughter is actually attending. Once she’s enrolled and going every day, you’ll very quickly know.” The same could be said for finding a financial advisor. Because we’re talking about your hard-earned money here, it is a big decision and you should do your due diligence. However, there is also risk in letting analysis paralysis set in, and doing nothing.

Write down the top two or three things you aim to achieve via a relationship with a financial advisor, do some research to determine whether those can be accomplished via a robo, online or traditional advisor, interview/research a couple of options and make a decision. Once you begin working with the advisor, you will have a very good idea whether it is the right fit. And if it changes again in a few years as your situation evolves, you can always make a change.

Are financial advisors worth it?  

As it is with nearly everything, value is in the eye of the beholder. If you lack the time or desire to stay on top of your financial affairs, using an advisor can be worth the fee simply by keeping you fully invested in a well-diversified portfolio over your lifetime. The fee could easily pay for itself in returns you otherwise would have missed out on.

For those with complex financial goals, investments or tax situations, a financial advisor can provide valuable expertise. Their knowledge in areas such as retirement planning, tax strategies and estate planning can be particularly beneficial.

Even those who feel confident investing and navigating large expenditures and transitions would likely find value in working with an advisor periodically, who can provide an objective perspective.

How do financial advisors make money?  

Financial advisors make money either by charging fees directly to clients for services (fee-only), taking a percentage of assets under management or through commissions from product sales (not recommended). Some advisors use a hybrid model of some or all of the above.

What is a fiduciary financial advisor?

A fiduciary financial advisor must act in the client’s best interest at all times. Commission‑based advisors are often held to a "suitability standard," which means that the products they recommend must only be suitable for the client's financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance.

To understand the difference between the Fiduciary Standard and the Suitability Standard, imagine shopping for a dress. A sales clerk held to the Suitability Standard is only required to tell you whether the dress fits, whereas a sales clerk held to the Fiduciary Standard must tell you whether the dress actually looks good on you.

Are financial advisor fees tax deductible?

Following the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, financial advisor fees are no longer tax-deductible on a federal level. However, some states still allow a deduction.

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Vietnam aims to start work on high-speed rail lines to China by 2030

VIETNAM will aim to start building two high-speed railway lines linking its capital city Hanoi with China before 2030, the Ministry of Planning and Investment said.

One of the planned lines would run from Vietnam’s port cities of Haiphong and Quang Ninh through Hanoi to Lao Cai province, which borders China’s Yunan province, the ministry said late on Tuesday (Apr 9).

The other would run from Hanoi to Lang Son province, which borders China’s Guangxi region, passing through an area densely populated with global manufacturing facilities, including some owned by Chinese investors. REUTERS


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  1. 40 Dream Big and Aim High Quotes and Sayings

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  2. 6 Strategic Ways to Aim High and Achieve Your Goals

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  4. 120 Devotion Aim High Quotes (dream big aim high, always aim high

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  5. Why It Is Important to Think Big and Aim High to Succeed

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  6. 30+ Aim High Quotes

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  1. Journey To Aim High

    Provided to YouTube by VAP inc.Journey To Aim High · Fear, and Loathing in Las VegasFeeling of Unity℗ VAP INC.Released on: 2015-09-30Arranger: Fear, and Loat...

  2. [HD] Journey to Aim High

    Credit : channel : to Aim High w/ lyricsFrom live perform...

  3. The Meaning Behind The Song: Journey To Aim High by Fear, and Loathing

    In conclusion, "Journey To Aim High" by Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas is a powerful and motivational song that reminds us of the importance of pursuing our dreams and aiming for greatness. Its lyrics speak to the universal desire for a fulfilling and meaningful life. This song has been a source of inspiration for me, reminding me to stay ...

  4. Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas

    Our lives will not end up as just a story, woah. Not stopping to walk, until we get in our hands. Extending our own chances, goal, and dream. We want to go over borders. We can get to the end ...

  5. Meaning of Journey To Aim High by Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas

    Overall, "Journey To Aim High" inspires listeners to have the courage to pursue their dreams, face challenges head-on, and keep striving towards their goals. It conveys a message of resilience, determination, and the belief in one's ability to achieve the seemingly impossible.

  6. Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas

    The Lyrics for Journey to Aim High by Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas have been translated into 5 languages. Now and forever Middle of the journey Beautiful scene.

  7. 6 Strategic Ways to Aim High and Achieve Your Goals

    It's without question a requisite for aiming high and succeeding. 5. Accumulation of Small Successes. Aiming high and succeeding starts with taking the first step and accumulating small victories along the way. Let's take the example of a journey to get a PhD. A PhD isn't earned quickly or all at once.

  8. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  9. Journey to Aim High

    Watch the video for Journey to Aim High from Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas's Feeling of Unity for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. ... The band mainly plays heavy music with both high and low shouts, but unlike typical metal sounds, they have electronic beats and autotuned singing.

  10. Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas

    Journey to Aim High (4:40) Track rating : 90 / 100 Votes : 4 [ Rating detail] Now and forever Middle of (the) journey Beautiful scene, terrible scene More and more sights we want to see The place we are heading to, and lots more we wanna do And at the same time we have the same amount of worries but are madly into it that we don't feel them ...

  11. Journey To Aim High Guitar Pro

    Get access to Pro version of "Journey To Aim High"! Ultimate Guitar Pro is a premium guitar tab service, available on PC, Mac, iOS and Android. Try for free. Click the button to download "Journey To Aim High" Guitar Pro tab DOWNLOAD Guitar Pro TAB.

  12. Journey to Aim High

    Journey to Aim High by Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Karaoke Lyrics on Smule. | Smule Social Singing Karaoke app

  13. Journey To Aim High

    Journey To Aim High by Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas - Karaoke Lyrics on Smule. | Smule Social Singing Karaoke app

  14. USAF DD214 Upgrade process and journey (Aim High) : r/AirForce

    Well, I aimed a little too high and got a general discharge (Admin Sep) booo. But behold, all is not completely lost...yet. I'll spare you the whole story on here as I wanted to give some hope to folks that may be going through a similar circumstance. This is going to detail my experience from submitting the upgrade packet to upgrade answer.

  15. 15 Reasons Why Is It Important To Aim High To Success

    11- It helps you to comprehend the meaning of life. Having a high goal can give you a new and unique meaning of life. Those who have a dream wake up at 5 a.m, work even 15 hours per day, and study many books! For these people, life has a different meaning. They have a totally different perspective toward everything!

  16. Aim Safe or Aim High? How to Journey to your North Star

    The North Star goal has been popularized as the big hairy audacious goal (BHAG) by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras.² These goals are highly ambitious, high stakes, compelling, and risky.

  17. Journey to Aim High Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas

    Journey to Aim High is played at 102 Beats Per Minute (Andante), or 26 Measures/Bars Per Minute. Time Signature: 4/4. Use our Online Metronome to practice at a tempo of 102BPM. Find popular 102BPM songs Get Journey to Aim High Song Key. Similar Songs.

  18. Aim High… in All Aspects of Your Life

    Aim high. Whether you're setting expectations for yourself or for your team, aim high and don't settle for good enough. At the same time, be realistic, and set interim objectives to ensure you ...

  19. Aim High Set to Release Debut Album "Local Band Forever"

    The energetic pop-punk outfit Aim High, from Columbia, SC, is set to release its first full-length album on July 23, 2021. What a wild journey it's been for them since I met Caleb "CalebJustCaleb" Brown in 2019 shortly after the band formed. Since then, Aim High has worked with artists like Sleeping With Sirens, LikeRead More

  20. FALILV

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  21. home

    About us. Aim High supports exceptional founders in early stages of their journey providing funding and seasoned advice. Over the years we have built a sound track record investing in companies across different sectors in Europe and the Americas. Our team includes serial entrepreneurs, financial analysts, people and talent experts, and seasoned ...

  22. Textron Inc

    Textron Aviation today announced the entry into service of its enhanced Cessna Skyhawk , Cessna Skylane, Turbo Skylane and Turbo Stationair HD following first deliveries for each aircraft. These latest product investments aim to provide a modern and stylish tone that aligns with the newest Cessna Citation jets, while maintaining the renowned comfort, durability and performance of the iconic ...

  23. Journey to justice: Tornillo family finds closure after ...

    FABENS, Texas (KVIA) -- After nearly six years, an El Paso-area man was convicted of capital murder, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He was sentenced to life in prison, plus 40 years ...

  24. This teacher survived Columbine. Her healing journey led to the

    Aurora teacher Heather Martin survived the Columbine High School shooting, which happened 25 years ago on April 20, 1999. (Helen H. Richardson / Denver Post via Getty Images)

  25. What Muslim holiday is today? How to congratulate Eid al-Fitr after

    The journey to capture the Dome of the Rock. Man arrested in suspected hate crime at LA Islamic center, police say. ... Fairfax High School investigates inappropriate images shared online.

  26. Boylan begins journey as Rockford's first high school lacrosse team

    Nobody is used to this "lacrosse thing" in Rockford. Yet. Boylan hopes to change that. "We've gotten so much better," Hernandez said. "It's night and day from previous years. I just ...

  27. How to Find A Financial Advisor: The Essential Guide to ...

    A financial advisor is often described as the quarterback of your financial team. Their role is to survey the entire landscape of your financial life, encompassing your current financial position ...


    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  29. High-Level Summary Technical Assistance Reports

    The Government of Iraq has embarked on a considerable modernization journey for the General Commission for Taxes (GCT) with the goal of expanding the revenue base following a tax/GDP decline of 1 percentage point in 2022 (from 2 percent in 2020). Taking into account the internal and external challenges, and the findings of the 2022 Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) and the ...

  30. Vietnam aims to start work on high-speed rail lines to China by 2030

    VIETNAM will aim to start building two high-speed railway lines linking its capital city Hanoi with China before 2030, the Ministry of Planning and Investment said. One of the planned lines would run from Vietnam's port cities of Haiphong and Quang Ninh through Hanoi to Lao Cai province, which borders China's Yunan province, the ministry ...