one shamanism

Shamanic Meditation: Journeying Within to Embrace Your Inner Power

The Shamanic meditation is a profound spiritual practice that connects individuals with the deeper aspects of their consciousness and the universe. This ancient form of meditation, rooted in shamanic traditions found across the globe, is aimed at healing, guidance, and enlightenment by accessing altered states of consciousness. In these states, practitioners often encounter spirit animals , ancestors, and various spiritual guides that offer wisdom and support.

Table of Contents

The Essence of Shamanic Meditation

Shamanic meditation is characterized by its focus on the connection with the spirit world and the use of rhythmic sounds, such as drumming or chanting, to induce trance states. These trance states allow practitioners to journey beyond the physical realm and explore the spiritual landscape to seek healing, answers, and insights.

Key Elements of Shamanic Meditation

Intention setting.

Before beginning a shamanic meditation, setting a clear intention is crucial. Whether it’s for healing, seeking guidance, or connecting with a spirit animal, the intention helps to direct the journey and opens the path for specific insights and connections.

The Shamanic Journey

The core of shamanic meditation is the journey itself, where the practitioner, often guided by the beat of a drum or shamanic music, enters a trance-like state. This state facilitates the crossing from the physical world into the spiritual realm, where encounters with spirit guides, animals, and other entities can provide profound insights and messages.

The Shamanic Journey


After returning from the journey, it’s essential to take time to reflect on the experience and integrate the insights and lessons learned. This process can involve journaling, drawing, or discussing the journey with a trusted guide or community.

Practices and Techniques

Drumming and sound.

Shamanic drumming is a key tool in inducing the altered states of consciousness necessary for the journey. The repetitive rhythm acts as a vehicle for the soul to travel to the spirit world. Other sound tools include rattles, singing bowls, and chanting.

Shamanic Journeying

Visualization and Imagery

Visualization is a powerful technique in shamanic meditation. Practitioners may visualize entering a natural landscape, such as a forest or cave, which serves as the gateway to the spirit world. This imagery helps to focus the mind and guide the journey.

Breathwork can also play a crucial role in shamanic meditation, helping to alter consciousness and facilitate deeper states of trance. Techniques may vary, but the focus is on using the breath to enter a state of relaxation and openness to the spiritual journey .

Benefits and Insights

Practitioners of shamanic meditation often report profound healing, increased self-awareness, and a deeper connection with nature and the universe. The practice can lead to insights into personal and collective issues, offering solutions and new perspectives that are not easily accessed in ordinary states of consciousness.

Guided Shamanic Journey

Embarking on a guided shamanic journey meditation offers a profound pathway to self-discovery and healing, inviting participants to delve deep into the realms of their inner worlds. Through the process of a guided shamanic journey, individuals are led by experienced practitioners into a meditative state where they can connect with spiritual guides, access the wisdom of the Akashic field , and uncover insights that lie beyond the conscious mind.

This immersive experience is often accompanied by rhythmic drumming or other soundscapes, enhancing the journey and facilitating a deeper connection to the spiritual world. Whether it’s a journey to the Akashic field for cosmic wisdom or a meditative exploration for personal growth, guided shamanic meditation provides a sacred space for transformation, insight, and the fostering of a deeper connection with the universal energies that guide and shape our lives.

Learn the Art of Shamanic Journeying

Learning to shamanic journey is a transformative experience that can open your mind to profound spiritual insights and encounters. This time-honored practice, deeply embedded in indigenous cultures, invites you to enter a trance state and venture into non-ordinary realities. Here, you’ll seek wisdom, healing, and guidance from spirit guides, power animals, and other spiritual beings. As you become adept at shamanic journeying , you’ll learn to purposefully navigate these mystical terrains, uncovering the depths of your psyche and the intricate connections that bind all life.

Your journey often begins with the steady rhythm of drums or other sonic tools, designed to shift your consciousness and facilitate the deep, meditative state necessary for these spiritual expeditions. With practice and dedication, you’ll start to decode the symbolic language of your experiences, extracting meaningful insights and applying them to your everyday life . This process not only brings healing and empowerment but also fosters a profound sense of unity with the cosmos, enriching your journey through life with a deeper, more connected perspective.

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Free Spirit Animal Discovery Guide

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Spirit Animal Discovery Guide

What are Spirit Animals ?

Spirit Animal Stag

Spirit animals, also known as animal totems, power animals, or spirit guides, are integral to many cultures and spiritual traditions, providing guidance , protection , and wisdom through the traits of the animals they represent. This ancient practice, dating back to indigenous and shamanic traditions, serves as a bridge to the natural world and the deeper layers of one’s psyche.

Engaging with a spirit animal can be a powerful tool for self-discovery , personal growth , and overcoming life’s challenges by embodying the animal’s qualities. For instance, the bear symbolizes strength and courage, while the owl offers insight and wisdom. Whether encountered in meditation, dreams, or nature, spirit animals guide individuals towards greater harmony with the environment and themselves, offering lessons in resilience, intuition, and the interconnectedness of all life. Embracing these spiritual companions can enrich one’s journey with meaningful symbolism and empowerment.

Join the exclusive One Shamanism membership and embark on a journey of shamanic wisdom. Dive into the ancient practices and discover your unique spirit animal, alongside a wealth of spiritual insights. Our membership provides a deep dive into healing, spirituality, and the natural world, leading you to the power animal that mirrors your inner essence. Become part of our community for a transformative experience where your spirit guide awaits to elevate your spiritual path.


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Personal Reflections Meditation

How the Shamanic Journey Transformed My Meditation Practice

Is it possible for us to reclaim mysticism as a vital foundation of our path? 

How the Shamanic Journey Transformed My Meditation Practice

Many of my earliest childhood memories take place in nature. Sitting at the banks of a creek in rapt silence, marveling at the tenacity of crocuses blooming in late winter, and singing, drumming, and dancing surrounded by forests and fields. In my relationship to the earth, I found wisdom, enchantment, and magic. Truly, nature was my first dharma teacher. While I did not have the language for this at the time, my fingers can now trace the shamanic undercurrent present in these earliest experiences of the sacred.

It is this undercurrent that has become a transformative part of my dharma practice and my life. And, it appears I’m not alone in this. Whether through books like Zenju Earthlyn Manuel’s The Shamanic Bones of Zen , the rising popularity of wilderness meditation retreats, or even the growth of psychedelic-assisted therapies, we are now waking up to many of the shamanic foundations of meditation, dharma, and healing. 

It was only after many years of Buddhist practice that I found myself reconnecting with the powerful experiences of my childhood and training as a shamanic counselor. I now use shamanic journey work and other practices for spiritual inquiry, personal growth, and healing. While at times this kind of practice contrasted with my Theravada Buddhist background, it has also brought me back to the magic and wonder of some of my most meaningful meditation retreats, and given me new tools to strengthen my own practice and support others in theirs. 

At the heart of things, Buddhism and shamanism both share some essential traits: they seek to explore consciousness and to bring forth a type of liberation, balance, or healing. The word “shaman” even has etymological ties to the spiritual seekers of the Buddha’s day. Stemming from the term “saman,” meaning “one who knows,” in the Tungusic language family of Eastern Siberia, this root word is strikingly similar to the Pali “samana” and the Sanskrit “sramana”—a contemplative, wandering ascetic or monastic, much like the Buddha himself. The concept of shamanism is not specific to one culture or lineage, but rather refers to earth-based spiritual practices that can be found in the history of nearly every indigenous culture, from Tibet to Ireland to Senegal, and beyond. Wherever humans have connected in a sacred way with the earth, it appears that some form of shamanic practice has sprung forth.

One of the most common practices found across numerous cultures is the shamanic journey, a meditative form typically accessed through a process of visualization, accompanied by repetitive, rhythmic drumming, with the drum’s beat serving as an auditory driver that entrains the practitioner into a trancelike state. The practitioner enters into this altered state of consciousness and connects with a guide—a source of inner wisdom that can take the form of a light, a deity like Kuan Yin, an animal, an aspect of the earth itself, or something else entirely—for the purpose of healing and spiritual inquiry. Through this connection, a person may have visionary experiences and come away with insights that could not be accessed by our everyday, thinking mind. In fact, recent findings from the University of Michigan’s Center for Consciousness Science indicate that shamanic journey work can lead to experiences of unity, ego dissolution, and insightfulness at levels similar to or greater than a range of psychedelics.

In this practice, wisdom and healing are revealed through imagery, messages from a guide, and the intuitive sense of the person embarking on the journey. I have worked with clients who experienced collapse or harm in their sangha to gain, through the journey, a sense of closure where none was realistically possible in ordinary life. In the altered state of the journey, they received wisdom and support from their guides, spoke their mind to a teacher they were no longer in contact with, and reclaimed their own power and a newfound sense of peace. In other situations, those I work with have been pointed toward deeper truths: a young woman struggling with trauma was offered the safety and mirroring from her guide that she never received as a child and was able to glimpse her inherent worthiness. A man grappling with a profoundly painful inner critic was able to see the critical voice as empty of self and ready to be released.

I have seen this kind of journey support clients in deeply understanding the inner workings of their own suffering, building a deeper sense of trust in themselves and their practice, and bringing peace to places where confusion, craving, or aversion previously ran rampant. It is an incredibly powerful contemplative and therapeutic form, and I love to share it with longtime meditators for this reason.

But long before I came to the shamanic journey, I fell in love with the dharma. In my early days of dharma practice, I voraciously attended as many silent retreats as I could. I found in the silence a profound joy and a sense of reconnection to the states of awe and mystery I experienced as a young child. In my first retreats, long-forgotten memories rushed back: bringing chocolates and other offerings to a nearby stream and leaving them for the unseen beings I imagined lived there, closing my eyes and sitting alone in my bedroom as a 6-year-old, watching thoughts appear like bubbles from the bottom of a deep lake. Retreat practice brought me back to those formative experiences of the sacred.

As modern practitioners of an ancient mystic tradition, how do we make space for its inherent magic in the 21st century?

Over the years, I listened as elder teachers shared their experiences in India with iconic figures like Dipa Ma, who was known to have precise recall of past lives, among many other miraculous abilities. Dipa Ma became a beacon for me—not just as a mystic, but also as a woman practitioner and a householder. But while my teachers’ voices were filled with awe, their stories often left me feeling as though that possibility of powerful, mystic experience was relegated to another era. Where was the space for encounters with the sacred within our hectic, technology-driven lives? 

While communities around me rode the cresting waves of secular mindfulness , this question lingered. Beginning around 2010, as smartphone meditation apps gained prominence and many Western convert Buddhist communities embraced the scientific study of mindfulness, I began to encounter a dharma that was increasingly touched by the influences of capitalism; productivity culture ; the erasure of earth-based, Asian, and indigenous practices; and a patriarchal mistrust of the numinous. This modern dharma was in an accessible, secular language that even spiritual skeptics could trust, and research had shown over and over that these ancient practices were effective and evidence-based. But I wondered, how much of the mystic, intuitive side of practice were we sacrificing in exchange for scientific gravitas?

Throughout this time, I also encountered several teachers who could embrace and lead from this place of mysticism . One teacher, in a tone that seemed half reverent and half mischievous, smiled and exclaimed, “The Buddha was a shaman!” during her dharma talk on a two-month retreat. Even without shamanic training, something in those words rang with truth for me, and I held them close.

As I began to encounter the shamanic journey, this teacher’s words resonated even more, and it felt clear that the mystic aspect of my practice had found a welcoming home. Quickly, I saw that journey work and meditation complemented each other beautifully. Through the journey, I could more easily access many of the transcendent experiences and insights that occurred for me in periods of intensive silent retreat, and together, shamanic and Buddhist practices offered new avenues to explore my understanding of the dharma.

This shifted my relationship to practice. Instead of “just noting,” as so many teachers would encourage during more visceral or visionary experiences in meditation, I found that I could call on my journey practice for support on the cushion, listen to my own intuitive knowing, and be open to the experience itself as a teacher in a deeper way. With this approach, practice became more vibrant, more creative, and more connected to the natural world. The path began to have a greater sense of wholeness because no parts of myself or my experience were left out. 

Today, when I guide others in shamanic journey work, we often explore these territories of exclusion. What has been left out in our practice that longs to be integrated and included? What messages has our culture given us about spirituality, and how does that influence our experience of the sacred? Can we trust intuitive awareness, or are we gripped with doubt and skepticism? All of this is part of our practice and part of the path. 

Like most shamanic practitioners, the Buddha spent time in nature in a deep meditative state, connecting with seen and unseen aspects of reality, and bringing back wisdom that could ease suffering. While times have changed, and we may not be wandering ascetics or samanas anymore , this continues to be our task. As modern practitioners of an ancient mystic tradition, how do we make space for its inherent magic in the 21st century?

Perhaps it first begins with opening our minds and imaginations to new possibilities. So many Buddhist stories are shared through the more animistic or shamanic lenses of the Buddha’s time but today are seen only as metaphors. The devas appear at the birth of the Buddha, a group of monastics bring metta practice to a haunted forest, or the earth herself rises up on the eve of the Buddha’s awakening. In the shamanic context, these encounters might be seen as visionary messages emanating from an extraordinary field of wisdom and compassion, but in our modern culture they easily shrink down to a fiction. 

Of course, these stories are incredibly useful as simple allegories, but I wonder, has our history of mystic experience turned into myth because our modern imagination cannot contain the possibility of something more magical, more wild? Is it possible for us to reclaim mysticism as a vital foundation of our path? What would the historical Buddha advise—the one who sat at the foot of the Bodhi tree in a profoundly altered state of consciousness? I imagine he might smile gently and say, “ Ehipassiko ”—come see for yourself. 

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Shamanic Meditation: Your Guide to an Empowering Practice

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The benefits of meditation are well-known, allowing those practicing the technique to gain greater self-awareness, acceptance, and enhanced health and well-being. Shamanic meditation provides all these benefits, but it’s a practice which uses connections to the spiritual world to make empowering, meaningful changes to our lives.

What Is Shamanic Meditation & Its Benefits?

Meditation is something we’re each capable of doing, even if you’re a beginner. It requires an open mind, and for the shamanic form of meditation, some expert guidance or group sessions (e.g., drumming circles) can be particularly beneficial. This will help you learn about various helpful practices such as shamanic initiation techniques and shamanic healing rituals.

Where the shamanic journey differs from normal meditation, those practicing enter an altered state of consciousness (a shamanic dream-like state) to create a strong personal connection with spiritual realms. By forming such a deep communication with your spirit guides, it’s possible to embark on a journey of both discovery and healing. Use energies around you to restore balance where it’s required in your mind, body, and soul while gaining knowledge and insight into your true self, will empower you to embark on the changes you need to make.

What Can You Discover on Your Shamanic Journey?

The shamanic form of meditation aims to help the practitioner connect with spirit guides with the purpose of living more openly while seeking fulfillment in areas which had previously been occupied or controlled by other aspects such as negative thoughts, this is the core of Shamanism .   It acknowledges and addresses the ‘whole self’ and where suffering and concerns need healing. It’s not about gaining a new power – but uncovering the confidence and resilience that you already have.

  • Unblock whatever is stopping you from reaching your true potential.
  • Discover knowledge which is currently hidden from your awareness.
  • Experience a joyful transformation and share that happiness with others.
  • Love the real, authentic you and what you can achieve.
  • Find new inspiration, direction, and vision for your life.
  • Gain the inner strength and wisdom to resolve inner conflicts.
  • Enjoy the journeying process and meet other like-hearted people.

For those interested in exploring the shamanic experience, a spiritual retreat can be the perfect place to start. Even if looking for shamanic healing NYC treatments, it can be beneficial to lay the foundations of your shamanic studies in a relaxed setting away from your normal day to day routine.

Our series of three shamanic retreats offer rewarding experiences set in casual luxury. We look at the ancient rituals of different shamanic practices and how these can be applied to your everyday lives. We provide a ‘Joyful Transformation retreat’ which confronts the unhelpful thoughts and feelings which are holding you back and a Plant Medicine Retreat ’ for uncovering the ancient healing embedded in the wheel. We also host all-female sessions, and our ‘Shamanic Sisterhood retreat’ is popular for bringing together authentic, like-minded women to go on an empowering journey into feminine spirituality.

All of our retreats look at meditative practices and how they can benefit you.

Spiritual Retreat Centers

If you’d like to explore shamanic meditation and what it can do for you, take a look at our retreat information pages and book your place now .

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Shamanic Meditation: A Journey Within

  • January 10, 2018

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When pursuing a balanced life , building a strong personal connection to the spirit is essential to your journey. Most of us imagine shamans as being somewhat frightening — but really, shamans are people who use altered states of consciousness to access the spirit world.

In many respects, it’s a lot like what happens during very deep meditation! Many cultures throughout history have looked to Shamans as healers and spiritual guides, and shamans have been known to access and use both malevolent and benevolent spiritual energies to manifest certain outcomes in the physical world.

Your own Shamanic Journey is an evolution of communication with your spiritual guides (your higher self as well as others) — and by so doing, to lead you on a personal journey of healing and understanding.

Shamanic meditation is simple, even for beginners. It is similar to eastern meditation practices as they, too, push towards the discovery of and connection with the higher spirit in order to heal the mind and body and to gain a better understanding of the self and the world.

The difference between shamanic meditation and eastern meditation philosophies is that shamanic meditation seeks to connect with spiritual guides in order to live more fully and openly in physical reality rather than transcend physical reality, as is the general focus with eastern meditation practices.

Shamanic meditation does not concentrate on leaving behind the stresses and illnesses of daily life.  Instead, it focuses on using a spiritual connection to heal these worldly concerns.

Starting On A Shamanic Journey

Below are various concepts to meditate on. Some of these concepts are harder to understand intellectually than others, which means in order to understand them, we must move beyond logic into the realm of spirit.

When you feel you are ready to begin your personal connection to your spirit to access higher levels of spiritual awareness, you are initiating your Shamanic Journey. Entering an altered state of consciousness is the next step. Traditionally, this has been accomplished through the use of repetitive drumbeats, chanting, and in some cases  mind-altering substances .

The repetitive nature of drumbeats is a lot like brainwave entrainment: within minutes, you are in a deep meditative state (an altered state of consciousness). Then, the judgment of your logical mind is suspended and you can more easily access your spiritual guides.

Shamanic Meditation creativity

Expressing Creativity

“Creativity is not the making of something through a quality of the mind. It is a spontaneous movement of Spirit energy within the Soul, as the revolving of the Earth around the Sun which creates night and day.” Creativity is far less of an intellectual/mental ability than it is an expression of spirit. By accessing this spirit energy and allowing it to move through us, we reach our creative potential.

Finding Determination

“Determination is the power that gives momentum to desire.” Meditate on this. Many of us are stuck in unrewarding  careers  and relationships; your spiritual guidance will give you clarity and courage to pursue what you want and need.

Seeking Understanding

“Everything that can be understood is already within us.” This ancient wisdom is part of all of the world’s great spiritual traditions. Every question we have is already answered; and shamanic meditation will help you uncover whatever knowledge you seek. Like an archaeologist digging for lost civilizations, dig into your spirit to find the knowledge and understanding that is hidden from your awareness.

Following The Heart

“Follow your heart, for what you feel is nearer the truth than what you think.” Thought can carry too much weight and can have the tendency to turn negative. (If you have ever talked yourself out of doing something that felt intuitively right but on the surfaced looked logically wrong — only to regret your decision later —  you understand the repercussions of favoring intellect).

Sharing Happiness

“Happiness is unattainable alone for it can only be shared.” Happiness is not something to hoard, to keep for yourself. You can’t run out of it — instead, as you share your happiness with those around you, you’ll find that your own happiness expands. And there is no external force that can create happiness within. You can be happy if  you choose to be happy â€” and so,  your happiness can only be shared, not “found.”

Discovering Your Innocence

“Innocence is not that which is separate from moral wrong, for innocence is not divisive.” An innocent child lives for the moment. The past is forgotten and the future does not exist. Only the moment has importance. That is innocence; purity; peace. Meditate for the here and the now. Look to connect with what is happening to you and around you now. You cannot fix what has already happened and you cannot break that which has not yet come to pass. Focus your healing spirit energy on what is going on right now.

Appreciating The Journey

“Look to a Way that is not a route to a destination but rather the journey itself, for you cannot become what it is you aspire to unless you can be it where you are now.” Don’t try to move toward your destination. Bring the destination to yourself.

Shamanic Meditation nature

Love Your Real Self

“To love Nature is to love your Real Self, for Nature itself is an expression of the essence of what you are.” We do not see what is, we see what we are. In other words, what is within us determines our outlook.

Towards The Spirit, Out Of Ego

“Spirit is obscured when the Ego is allowed to get in the way.” Our egos make us prideful and afraid. The spirit is the essence of oneness, healing, and light. There is no fear of loss or feelings of being “less than” in the spirit.

Discovering Your Power

You alone have the power to make something of yourself simply by choosing to do so.

Shamanic meditation is not about searching for what you think you don’t have that you need. It is about discovering what was there all along.

Look to these meditations as ideas as your practice your Shamanic Journey. Choose the concepts that resonate with you most, or the ones you intuitively feel are most valuable to you; and get answers as you listen to your inner guidance!

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Guided Shamanic Journey. The Akashic Field:Meet Spirit Guide

by The Honest Guys

Shamanic journeys to the Akashic Field have been used since ancient times to help people with their lives. This guided shamanic journey is a gentle, rewarding and beautiful experience. In this easy-to-follow and powerful meditation, our narrator, an experienced practitioner of Shamanic journeys, will guide you to the quiet, lush forests of the Lower World to meet with your own spirit guides and receive enlightenment to help with your own life path.

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The Honest Guys

Since 2009 The Honest Guys have been creating enjoyable, high quality audio tracks that can bring positive life-changing health benefits, with virtually zero effort required. Their ethos is to be as all-inclusive and as neutral as possible. They have no religious or other affiliations and try to keep most of their meditations suitable for everyone. They have gained over 412 Million views and 1.2 Million subscribers on their YouTube channel so far. read more

Recent Reviews

February 11, 2024

I definitely felt a presence and look forward to any answers coming my way 🙏💜

February 9, 2024

I'm still very new to a lot of this, just started meditating about a month ago, and this was beautiful still❣️❣️ Will revisit further along my journey❣️❣️ Thank you, many blessings to you❣️ 🪷🙏🏼Namaste🙏🏼🪷

January 28, 2024

I am so light headed. Wow, that was a ride. Thank you.

January 6, 2024

Thank you for the journey in which i saw my grandfathers who died before i was born.. it was much needed

December 12, 2023

Different than my imagination. Animals appeared that I would never have chosen. However, they were lovely and full of insights. Very nice. Thank you Honest Guys!

November 15, 2023

Excellent journey that was very powerful. Sad it ended but will do this one again. Ty

October 29, 2023

Wonderful! Really fun and safe journey. Thank you for the guidance

October 26, 2023

Such an amazing connect with!! Thank you 🙏🥁☯️

October 13, 2023

Great guidance and, I loved the drums, the sound really helped to to find my way and let go of resistance

September 16, 2023

Wow that was an amazing meditation and insight to myself.

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Holistic Connections

The Eight Steps of a Shamanic Journey

Katie Oberlin

This morning I was in the backyard where I always begin the day with my spiritual practice. I was feeling stuck about what to write for this week’s blog. I know that when I meditate, it allows me to drop into my heart and find inspiration.

One of my favorite meditation tools is to go on a shamanic journey.

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Every shamanic journey begins by finding an opening into the Earth. This can be done physically in nature, or through visualization. Today I felt called to a large Pine. I noticed that it has an exposed root that splits into a fork and in that fork is an opening into the ground.

I crouched down, closed my eyes, and spent a few moments focusing on my breath to clear my mind and bring my attention into my heart. I imagined myself stepping into the small opening in the Earth and was immediately greeted by the image of a Wolf. Wolf has often been my guide during shamanic journeys. Whenever he shows up, I feel safe and happy that he is there to join me on the journey.

I greeted Wolf. “Hello! Thank you for showing up! You are a wonderful ally, so strong and loyal. I am struggling, trying to figure out what to write about and I would like to take a journey to find some inspiration.”

I felt my hand connect with the soft fur of his nape and off we went. We traveled into the root, and then I was surprised that we ascended up Pine to the very top, where I felt a cool breeze and heard the rustling branches. I sensed a connection with Spirit and received the message, “Don’t worry. It will come.” I spent a few more minutes thanking Spirit and reveling in joy and gratitude for this experience.

Then Wolf and I descended Pine and traveled back through the root to the place where the journey had started. I thanked Wolf again. He reminded me that he is there whenever I need him.

As I opened my eyes, I reflected on the message, “Don’t worry. It will come.” And it has. I realize my desire is to simply share with you the basic steps of a  journey and why it’s a powerful shamanic tool.

Why would you want to go on a journey?

Perhaps you’re seeking guidance around a particular question, or wanting to gain insight into a situation with a relationship or health concern. Or maybe you want to open yourself to creative inspiration. Shamanic journeying is also helpful in a type of healing called soul retrieval. Plus, it’s just a pleasant way to unplug, space out, and connect with other dimensions! It gets us out of left-brain thinking and into a state of openness and receptivity to intuition.

You can journey on your own or ask a shamanic healing practitioner to facilitate the journey using drumming and guided visualization. Either way, a shamanic journey traditionally follows these steps. You will:

  • Clarify your question: what do you want to gain, learn, or heal?
  • Spend some time clearing your mind. Sometimes I use drumming or rattling as a way to keep me relaxed and focused; other times, like today, I use breathwork for that purpose.
  • Find or imagine an opening in the Earth.
  • Be greeted by a guide. Compliment your guide, tell the guide why you are there,  and thank him for his protection.
  • See where the journey takes you. Be open to receiving visuals, sensations, and insights with no preconceived expectations.
  • Thank Spirit and all the allies that appear during the journey.
  • Return the same way you came.
  • Thank your guide.

Each journey is unique. Some can last 30 minutes or longer. My journey today occurred spontaneously and quickly and surprised me by taking me to the top of Pine rather than deep into the Earth. As soon as I heard the message “it will come,” and felt that my inspiration was already moving through me, I became calm, joyful, and grateful.

If you try shamanic journeying, you will also find the sense of insight, peace, and gratitude that I felt this morning.

For a great description and tips on successful journeying, read Secrets of Shamanism , by Jose Stevens and Lena Stevens.

Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) Portrait - captive animal

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Katie Oberlin

Katie Oberlin

Visiting Subconscious

Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide

Stephen K. Carper

April 14, 2023

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Have you ever felt disconnected from your spirituality or searching for a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you? Shamanic journeying may be just the tool you need to embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection with the spiritual realms. But what exactly is shamanic journeying? How does it work? And how can you get started? In this article, we will explore the basics of shamanic journeying, including its origins, benefits, and step-by-step techniques for practice. So, grab a journal and an open mind, and let’s dive into the world of shamanic journeying.

Card 1

What is Shamanic Journeying?

What Is Shamanic Journeying?

Definition and Origins

Shamanic journeying is an ancient practice that has been used by indigenous cultures around the world for centuries as a way to connect with the spiritual realm. Here are some definitions and origins of shamanic journeying:

  • Definition: Shamanism is an ancient practice that involves connecting with the spiritual realm through altered states of consciousness. Shamanic journeying is a specific shamanic technique that involves entering into a trance state to explore the spiritual realm.
  • Origins: Shamanic journeying originated in indigenous cultures around the world, including Native American, African, and Siberian cultures. Shamans were regarded as spiritual leaders and healers who could communicate with the spirit world to gain insight and wisdom.

The practice of shamanic journeying typically involves the use of a drum or other rhythmic instrument to induce a trance state. The shaman then travels to the spiritual realm to seek guidance, wisdom, or healing. In many cultures, shamanic journeying is seen as a way to connect with one’s ancestors and to receive guidance from them.

Shamanic journeying is a powerful spiritual practice that allows individuals to gain access to the wisdom and guidance of the spiritual realm. It can be a transformative experience that helps individuals to connect with their true selves and to gain insight into their lives.

How It Works

Shamanic journeying is a powerful technique that can open the door to the spirit realm and allow for deep personal transformation. It works by altering the brainwaves of the journeyer to facilitate a state of expanded awareness that allows them to interact with spirit guides, receive insights and learn important lessons.

Here is how shamanic journeying works:

  • Shift in Brainwaves: Shamanic journeying involves slowing down the normal waking beta brainwaves and entering into a deeper alpha or theta brainwave state. This shift allows the journeyer to access their subconscious and connect with other realms of consciousness.
  • Spirit Helpers: Once in this altered state of consciousness, the journeyer can communicate with their spirit helpers like power animals, ancestors, and angels. These helpers are believed to have access to vast knowledge and wisdom that can assist the journeyer in gaining greater understanding and insight.
  • Symbolic Language: The spirit realm often communicates with symbolic language, which may appear to the journeyer in the form of metaphors, images, or other sensory experiences. These symbols can be interpreted to reveal deep insights into the journeyer’s personal path, purpose, and potential.
  • Integration: Upon returning from the journey, the journeyer is encouraged to integrate their experience into their daily life. This can involve reflecting on the insights received, journaling about the journey, or simply allowing the experience to inform their thoughts and actions as they move forward.

By using shamanic journeying as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth, individuals can gain greater clarity, insight, and meaning in their lives. As with any spiritual practice, regular journeying can enhance one’s connection to their spirit guides, deepen their understanding of the self and the universe, and ultimately lead to greater spiritual fulfillment.

Why Practice Shamanic Journeying?

Why Practice Shamanic Journeying?

Benefits of Journeying

There are numerous benefits to practicing shamanic journeying that can positively impact one’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Some of the main benefits include:

  • Relaxation and Stress-Reduction: Shamanic journeying facilitates a state of relaxation and inner calm, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels.
  • Healing and Self-Discovery: Through meeting power animals and exploring the spiritual realm, shamanic journeying can help individuals gain insights into themselves and their life path, leading to personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Connection to Nature: Shamanic journeying involves connecting with the natural world and honoring the web of life, which can help individuals to deepen their connection to the earth and all its inhabitants.
  • Increased Creativity and Intuition: Journeying can enhance creativity and intuition by allowing individuals to tap into their subconscious and receive guidance from the spirit realm.
  • Enhanced Emotional Regulation: Shamanic journeying can help individuals learn to regulate their emotions by cultivating a sense of inner peace and balance.
  • Improved Mental Clarity: By quieting the mind and accessing a deeper level of consciousness, journeying can improve mental clarity and facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Heightened Spiritual Awareness: Through connecting with spirit guides and the forces of the universe, shamanic journeying can help individuals develop a deeper sense of spiritual awareness and connection.

The benefits of shamanic journeying are numerous and can lead to profound personal growth and transformation.

How It Can Help You

Shamanic journeying can be a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth. Here are some of the ways it can help you:

Shamanic journeying can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth. It can offer a unique and profound way of connecting with the world around you and discovering your own inner truth.

Preparing for the Journey

Preparing For The Journey

Setting Intentions

Before embarking on your shamanic journey, it’s important to set your intentions for the experience. Setting intentions will help you focus your mind and create a clear purpose for your journey.

Remember that setting intentions is a personal process, and there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to do it. The most important thing is to be clear about what you want to get out of your shamanic journey, so that you can fully engage with the experience and receive the insights and guidance you’re seeking.

Cleansing and Grounding

Preparing for a shamanic journey is essential for creating a safe and sacred space for the journey itself. One of the crucial components of preparation is cleansing and grounding . This involves clearing the mind and body of any negative energies or distractions so you can connect with the spirit world with clarity and focus.

To perform a cleansing and grounding ritual, there are several techniques you can use. These include:

These techniques can be used individually or in combination with one another, depending on what feels most effective for you. The goal is to release any negative energy and to create a clear and open space for the journey.

By cleansing and grounding yourself before journeying, you can approach the experience with a clear mind and an open heart. This can enhance your ability to connect with the spiritual realm and receive valuable insights and guidance.

Creating a Sacred Space

Creating a sacred space is an important part of preparing for a shamanic journey. This is because the sacred space acts as a container for the journey and helps to create a sense of safety and protection. Here are some steps to help you create a sacred space for your shamanic journey:

  • Cleanse the Space: Begin by physically cleaning the space in which you will be journeying. This will help to remove any negative or stagnant energy from the space. You can do this by dusting, sweeping, or vacuuming the area.
  • Set the Mood: Creating a calming atmosphere can help to relax your mind and body. You can do this by lighting candles, burning incense, or using essential oils.
  • Define the Space: Use items to define the space, such as a small table, altar, or special cloth. This will help to mark the space as sacred and separate from everyday life.
  • Call in the Spirits: You can also call in the spirits, such as the four directions, the elements, or your spirit guides, to help protect the space and support your journey.
  • Personal Items: Bring in personal items, such as crystals, feathers, or other sacred objects, to help connect you to the space and provide comfort during the journey.
  • Music: Playing soothing music or drumming can help to set the tone and induce a meditative state, which is ideal for shamanic journeying.
  • Avoid Distractions: Try to eliminate any possible distractions such as electronic devices or loud noises from outside by closing the door or putting on some noise-canceling headphones.

By taking these steps to create a sacred space, you are setting the intention for a safe and powerful journey. This will help you to connect with the spirit realm and receive insights and guidance from your spirit guides. Remember to trust the process and allow for whatever experience arises during the journey.

The Journey

The Journey

Entering the Lower World

To begin your shamanic journey, you must first enter the Lower World. This is a non-ordinary reality, where you can interact with spirit guides, discover insights about yourself, and even access deeper levels of consciousness. Here are the steps to entering the Lower World:

  • Set your intention: Before entering the Lower World, clarify your intention for the journey. What are you seeking guidance on? What questions do you want to have answered? Focus on this intention as you begin your journey.
  • Create a safe space: Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed for the duration of your journey. You may want to light candles or burn some incense to create a calming atmosphere.
  • Use rhythmic sounds: Rhythmic sounds like drumming or rattling can help you enter into a trance state. Find a drumming or shamanic journeying track, or use a physical instrument to create your own rhythm.
  • Breathe deeply: Take a few deep breaths to relax and clear your mind. Visualize yourself descending down a staircase or tunnel, getting deeper and deeper into a trance state with each step or breath.
  • Visualize the entrance: Imagine a hole, cave, or other entrance into the Lower World. Focus on this image in your mind’s eye, and visualize yourself passing through that entrance.
  • Meet your guide: Once you’ve entered the Lower World, you’ll likely encounter a spirit guide or power animal who will accompany you on your journey. Observe your surroundings and wait for your guide to appear.

Remember to trust the process and go with the flow. The Lower World is a unique and personal experience for each journeyer, so be open to whatever comes up for you. Stay focused on your intention and allow yourself to embrace the experience.

Meeting Your Power Animal

After entering the Lower World, it’s time to meet your Power Animal. Your Power Animal is an essential guide and ally for your shamanic journeying practice. They can provide you with protection, support, and valuable insight into your life.

Here are the steps to meeting your Power Animal:

  • Set your intention: Before meeting your Power Animal, focus your mind and set your intention to connect with them. It’s important to approach this encounter with respect and openness.
  • Call out to your Power Animal: To call out to your Power Animal, you can use a mantra, a drum or rattle, or simply your voice. Address them by name and ask them to appear.
  • Be open to different forms: Your Power Animal may not appear in the form you expect, and that’s okay. They may present themselves in the form of an animal you’ve never seen before, or even a mythical creature. Trust your intuition and embrace the experience.
  • Ask for their guidance: Once you meet your Power Animal, respectfully ask for their guidance and help. They may have wisdom to share or specific actions for you to take in your life.
  • Express gratitude: Before leaving, express your gratitude to your Power Animal for their guidance and support. This is a way to honor them and deepen your connection.

Meeting your Power Animal can be a profound and transformative experience. Trust the journey and the guidance of your ally.

Exploring the Spirit Realm

Now that you have met your power animal and established a rapport with them, it’s time to explore the spirit realm. This is where you may encounter other spirits or entities that have messages or guidance for you.

Step 1: Follow Your Power Animal

Allow your power animal to guide you through the spirit realm. Trust them to lead you to where you need to go. Don’t try to control the journey or where it takes you.

Step 2: Observe Your Surroundings

As you explore, take note of your surroundings. What do you see, hear, smell, or feel? Pay attention to any details that stand out to you. These could be symbols or messages from the spirit realm.

Step 3: Communicate with Spirits

If you encounter any other spirits or entities, approach them with respect and an open mind. Ask if they have any messages or guidance for you. It’s important to remember that not all spirits have your best interests at heart, so use your intuition and discernment.

Step 4: Trust Your Intuition

Don’t discount any messages or guidance that you receive during the journey, even if they don’t make sense at first. Trust your intuition and allow the insights to unfold over time. You may need to integrate the guidance into your waking life slowly.

Step 5: Prepare to Return

After you have explored to your heart’s content, it’s time to prepare for your return to reality. Check in with your power animal and thank them for their guidance. They will know when it’s time to return.

In the next section, we’ll discuss how to process and integrate any insights or messages from the journey.

Returning to Reality

Returning To Reality

Processing and Integrating Insights

After completing a shamanic journey, it’s important to take the time for processing and integrating insights to understand and internalize any messages received during the journey. This can be done through a variety of methods such as meditation, reflection, and discussion with others.

One effective way to process and integrate insights is through the use of a journaling practice. Writing down your experiences during the journey, your interactions with your power animal and other spirit guides, and any messages or symbols received can help to solidify the experience in your mind and create a record for future reference.

Another helpful technique is to engage in reflective exercises . This can involve asking yourself questions such as “What did I learn from this journey?” and “How can I apply these insights to my everyday life?”. Taking the time to think critically about the experience and its meaning can help to create a deeper understanding and promote personal growth.

It’s important to be patient with the process of integration , as it may not happen immediately. Insights may occur gradually over time, and it’s important to stay open and receptive to the messages received during the journey. Utilizing practices such as meditation and mindfulness can also help to deepen the integration process.

Ultimately, the goal of processing and integrating insights from a shamanic journey is to apply the lessons learned to your everyday life, creating a deeper sense of purpose and understanding.

Journaling and Reflecting

After completing a shamanic journey, it can be helpful to take some time to reflect on and integrate any insights or experiences you had during the journey. One way to do this is through journaling.

Journaling: Set aside some time to write down your thoughts and experiences from the journey. This can help you make sense of what you saw, felt, and heard, and may also help you remember details that you might forget otherwise.

Reflection: Take some time to reflect on what came up for you during the journey. What did you learn? Did you receive any messages or insights? How do you feel now? Reflecting on your journey can help you better understand the experience and how it relates to your life.

Gratitude: Consider expressing gratitude for any guidance or insights you received during the journey. This can help you to deepen your connection with the spiritual realm and cultivate a sense of trust in the process.

To organize your journaling and reflecting, you may find it helpful to use a table with different prompts or questions to guide your writing. Here is an example of what that might look like:


As with any spiritual practice, shamanic journeying can come with its own set of challenges. These obstacles can arise during any part of the journey – from preparing your intentions to processing the insights gained after the journey is complete. It can be discouraging and frustrating when obstacles arise, but with patience and persistence, they can be overcome. Let’s take a closer look at some common challenges that may arise during shamanic journeying and explore potential solutions to keep you on track for a transformative experience.

Common Challenges and Solutions

It’s common to face challenges when practicing shamanic journeying, but there are several solutions to overcome them. Here are a few examples:

  • Difficulty entering a trance state: If you find it hard to enter a trance state, try different techniques such as deep breathing, drumming, or visualization. Alternatively, practice meditation or another relaxation technique to help achieve a trance state.
  • Distracting thoughts: If your mind is distracted by thoughts during your journey, try focusing on your breath, repeating a mantra, or visualizing a peaceful scene to calm your mind.
  • No clear guidance: If you feel lost or unsupported during your journey, try setting a clear intention before you begin or ask for help from your spirit guides or power animal.
  • Fear or anxiety: If you experience fear or anxiety during the journey, try grounding yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet, connecting you to the earth. You can also ask your spirit guide for protection or envision yourself in a protective bubble of light.
  • No apparent results: If you don’t seem to receive any results or insights from your journey, don’t worry. Trust that the journey was helpful in some way, and try again later. Remember that each journey is unique and might not always produce immediate results.

Remember, these are just a few common challenges and solutions. Every journeyer’s experience is unique, and a variety of unique issues may arise. Embrace them as opportunities for growth and continue to trust in the process.

In conclusion, shamanic journeying is a powerful tool for self-discovery, healing, and connection to the spirit world. It allows individuals to explore their psyche, receive guidance from their higher self, and connect with their power animals and spirit guides. However, it is important to approach this practice with respect, intention, and grounding.

Preparing for the journey involves setting clear intentions, cleansing and grounding oneself, and creating a sacred space for the journey to take place. It is crucial to approach the journey from a place of openness and trust, allowing oneself to surrender to the experience and receive the gifts that the spirit world has to offer.

During the journey, individuals will enter the lower world and meet their power animal, who will guide and protect them on their journey. The spirit realm can be a place of incredible beauty, but also powerful emotions and insights. It is important to keep an open mind and heart, and trust in the journey as it unfolds.

After the journey, it is important to take time to process and integrate insights gained from the experience. Journaling and reflecting are powerful tools for integrating these experiences into daily life.

Troubleshooting is also important to consider, as journeying can sometimes bring up challenging emotions or experiences. It is important to approach these challenges with compassion and seek support if needed.

Overall, shamanic journeying is a valuable practice for connecting with the spirit world and accessing innate wisdom within oneself. With respect, intention, and grounding, it can be a transformative experience for personal growth and healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is shamanism.

Shamanism refers to a spiritual practice in which a person, known as a shaman, enters an altered state of consciousness to interact with the spirit world.

What is an altered state of consciousness?

An altered state of consciousness is a state in which a person’s normal waking state of consciousness is altered, often through the use of techniques such as meditation, hypnosis, or the use of psychoactive substances.

What is the Lower World?

The Lower World is a term used in shamanism to refer to a spiritual realm that is believed to exist beneath our physical reality, and which can be accessed through shamanic journeying.

What is a power animal?

A power animal is a spiritual guide believed to be present in the Lower World, which can assist the shaman in navigating the spirit realm and provide protection.

How can shamanic journeying benefit me?

Shamanic journeying can be beneficial for personal transformation, healing, and gaining insight into one’s life purpose and direction.

Do I need any special skills or abilities to practice shamanic journeying?

No special skills are required to practice shamanic journeying, although it can take practice to learn how to enter an altered state of consciousness and engage with the spirit realm.

Can shamanic journeying be dangerous?

While shamanic journeying is generally considered safe, it is important to approach the practice with respect and caution, and to work with a qualified practitioner if possible.

How long does a typical shamanic journey last?

The length of a shamanic journey can vary, but a typical journey can last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.

What should I do if I have a challenging experience during a journey?

If you have a challenging experience during a journey, it is important to remain calm and focused, and to seek guidance from your power animal or other spiritual guides that you may encounter.

Can anyone learn to practice shamanic journeying?

While shamanic journeying is a spiritual practice that can be learned and practiced by anyone, it is important to approach the practice with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow.

  • Journeying – A Shaman’s Meditation Technique

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    Your own Shamanic Journey is an evolution of communication with your spiritual guides (your higher self as well as others) — and by so doing, to lead you on a personal journey of healing and understanding. Shamanic meditation is simple, even for beginners. It is similar to eastern meditation practices as they, too, push towards the discovery ...

  15. Shamanic Journey Drumming With Callback

    Michael Drake. Shamanic drumming awakens your ability to commune with your inner self and retrieve information. You need only journey within to find answers to any question. For a journey to the Lower World, visualize an opening into the earth that you remember from sometime in your life. The entrance could be an animal burrow, hollow tree ...

  16. Guided Shamanic Journey. The Akashic Field:Meet Spirit Guide

    Shamanic journeys to the Akashic Field have been used since ancient times to help people with their lives. This guided shamanic journey is a gentle, rewarding and beautiful experience. In this easy-to-follow and powerful meditation, our narrator, an experienced practitioner of Shamanic journeys, will guide you to the quiet, lush forests of the Lower World to meet with your own spirit guides ...

  17. The Eight Steps of a Shamanic Journey

    One of my favorite meditation tools is to go on a shamanic journey. Every shamanic journey begins by finding an opening into the Earth. This can be done physically in nature, or through visualization. ... YouTube; Services. Shamanic Healing; Healing Touch; Workshops and 1-on-1 Training; Blog; For Clients. Frequent Questions; Make a Payment ...

  18. Easy Guided Meditation With The Shamanic Journey Script

    First, obtain a shamanic drum recording. These vary in duration from 10 minutes to an hour. Find several the resonate so you can practice for different lengths of time. Sandra Ingerman's book ...

  19. SHAMANIC JOURNEY • Activate Your Higher Mind

    Welcome to this Shamanic Journey! 🔥 The rhythm of shamanic drums will help you enter into a Shamanic Trance and Meditation, that will lead you into deeper...

  20. The Basics of Shamanic Journeying: What It Is and How to Do It

    Smudging. A practice that involves burning herbs, typically sage or palo santo, and using the smoke to clear the energy in a space or around your own body. Centering and Breathing. A technique that involves taking slow, intentional breaths and focusing on the present moment to calm and center the mind.

  21. Real Shaman Healing Drum Part 3! 45 min. shamanic journey

    0:00 / 0:00. Part 3 of 4. A powerful shamanic healing session. 45 minutes live recorded. With this real shamanic drum you can experience a shamanic journey or meditatio...

  22. Shamanic journeying: how to get started in 20 minutes

    I start going in slowly, somehow swaying to and fro. Eventually I am in and I instantly pop out on a huge plane of red sand and rocks — a barren and vast landscape under a dark sky. I ask the dolphin to show me around and he swims through the air forward as I run behind him. Then, all of a sudden I see Him.

  23. Shamanic Journey

    #shamanicjourney #shamanicmusic #freya #motherearth #vesna Spring is here and you can feel how life is moving forward again. In our modern, materialistic wo...