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Deutsche Bank Mastercard® Travel: Die Reisekreditkarte der Deutschen Bank

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Deutsche Bank Mastercard® Travel: Die Reisekreditkarte der Deutschen Bank

Deutsche Bank Mastercard Travel – der Name ist Programm. Eine Kreditkarte mit großem Reise-Versicherungspaket, null Euro Auslandseinsatzentgelt und sechs Prozent Cashback auf Reisen.

Klar, wer gerne und viel reist , ist mit einer Reisekreditkarte gut ausgestattet. Die Deutsche Bank MasterCard® Travel ist hierbei eine attraktive Wahl. Sie kommt zum Beispiel mit Versicherungspaket und Auslandsvorteilen daher. Welche Konditionen genau sie bietet, ob Gebühren anfallen und ob es nicht bessere Alternativen gibt, erfahrt Ihr hier.

Zur Kreditkarte

Deutsche Bank Mastercard Travel

Neben der MasterCard® Travel findet Ihr bei der Deutschen Bank auch viele weitere Kreditkartenmodelle , wie zum Beispiel die MasterCard® Gold oder Platinum . Wenn Euch diese ebenso interessieren, dann solltet Ihr in unserem allgemeinen Deutsche Bank Kreditkartenvergleich vorbeischauen. Dort erfahrt Ihr alles über die verschiedenen Varianten.


Die besten Alternativen

ING Visa Card


  • 0 € Jahresgebühr (dauerhaft)
  • 0 € Gebühr für Bargeldabhebungen (europaweit)
  • kostenfreies Girokonto bei 700 € Gehaltseingang oder unter 28 Jahre
  • Apple & Google Pay
  • Eff. Jahreszins: 10,99 % (variabel)

Zum Testbericht

TF Bank Mastercard Gold

TF Bank Mastercard Gold

  • 0 € Gebühren für Zahlungen weltweit
  • 0 € Abhebegebühr
  • Flexible Rückzahlungsmöglichkeit
  • zinsfreie Einkäufe bis 51 Tage
  • Reiseversicherungen inklusive
  • Eff. Jahreszins: 24,79%

Viabuy PM

Viabuy Prepaid Mastercard

  • kostenlose Zahlung im Euroraum
  • 19,90 € Jahresgebühr
  • einmalige Ausgabegebühr von 69,90 €
  • kein externes Bankkonto erforderlich
  • Eff. Jahreszins: nicht vorhanden

Fällt die Wahl weder auf die MasterCard® Travel noch auf eine der empfohlenen Alternativen? Schaut mal in unseren Kreditkartenvergleich von kostenlosen Karten vorbei und sucht Euch eine aus, die Euren Wünschen am ehesten gerecht wird!

Wenn Ihr doch bei einer Filialbank-Kreditkarte bleiben möchtet, dann empfehle wir Euch einen Blick in die folgenden Kreditkarten-Berichte zu werfen. Die  Volksbank Kreditkarte , die Sparda Bank Kreditkarte , die Sparkassen Kreditkarte , die  Postbank Kreditkarte und die Commerzbank Kreditkarte wären hierbei entsprechende Alternativen. Die restlichen Kreditkarten der Deutschen Bank könnten ebenfalls etwas für Euch sein.

Alle Vorteile der Deutsche Bank MasterCard® Travel

Wie der Name schon verrät, dreht es sich bei der Travelcard voll und ganz ums Reisen . Dementsprechend enthält die Karte ein umfangreiches Versicherungspaket , das mehrere Reiseversicherungen beinhaltet.

  • Reise-Versicherungspaket
  • inklusive Reiserücktrittsversicherung
  • kein Auslandseinsatzentgelt für Zahlungen
  • 0 € Haftung bei Verlust oder Diebstahl
  • 6 % Rückvergütung auf Reisebuchungen
  • ohne Girokonto
  • Kartenmotive zur Auswahl

Hierzu zählt beispielsweise eine Reiserücktritt- und Reiseabbruchversicherung , die Eure Stornokosten mit bis zu 5.000 Euro deckt. Ihr erhaltet damit einen Teil des Reisepreises beziehungsweise der Reiserücktrittskosten ohne Selbstbeteiligung zurück.

Eine Reisegepäckversicherung mit einer Deckungssumme in Höhe von 4.000 Euro und Selbstbehalt von 50 Euro pro Versicherungsfall, sowie eine Auslandsreise-Krankenversicherung für Mitreisende mit einem Aufenthalt von bis zu 90 Tagen, sind ebenso vorhanden.

Die Auslandskrankenversicherung beinhaltet eine Deckungssumme der Rettungs- und Bergungskosten bei Unfällen von bis zu 5.000 Euro .

Was die Karte noch mehr zu einer Reisekreditkarte macht, ist die Tatsache, dass die Bank bei der MasterCard® Travel gänzlich auf ein Auslandseinsatzentgelt verzichtet. Damit lässt sich die Karte weltweit beinahe gebührenfrei für Zahlungen nutzen. Zu beachten ist jedoch, dass ein Währungsumrechnungsentgelt von 0,5 Prozent für Zahlungsvorgänge in anderen Währungen als Euro fällig wird.

Ergänzt wird das Angebot der Travelcard um eine null Euro Haftung bei Verlust oder Diebstahl. Zahlen müssen Karteninhaber hierfür also nicht, in einem solchen Fall solltet Ihr jedoch in jedem Fall die Karte über den Sperrservice sperren lassen.

USA Miami Key West

Gut zu wissen : Die Deutsche Bank bietet Euch mit der MasterCard® Travel ein Angebot auf eine sechsprozentige Reiserückvergütung bei Reisebuchungen mit der Karte über den Partner PTG (Professional Travel GmbH).

Zudem könnt Ihr Euch darauf freuen, Eure eigene Travelcard ganz individuell mit einem von 70 verfügbaren Kartenmotiven zu gestalten, gegen eine Gebühr von 7,99 Euro pro Bildwechsel.

Die Funktion kontaktlos zu bezahlen , wird Euch bei der Karte ebenfalls nicht verwehrt. Apple Pay und die „Deutsche Bank Mobile“-App ermöglichen Euch zusätzlich mobile Zahlungsmethoden auf Euren Apple Watches, iPhones und Android-Smartphones. Hinweis : Google Pay wird momentan nicht unterstützt.

Eine flexible Teilzahlung gibt es nicht, demnach könnt Ihr Euch auf eine zinsfreie Nutzung der Karte freuen. Die Höhe Eures gewünschten Kreditrahmen könnt Ihr bei der Beantragung angeben. Dieses beträgt bei der Travelcard zunächst maximal 2.500 Euro im Monat mit einem 1.000 Euro Tageslimit für Barabhebungen.

Italien Venedig Brücke Kanal

Einfache Beantragung der Deutschen Bank MasterCard® Travel

Die Deutsche Bank MasterCard® Travel lässt sich ganz einfach in nur wenigen Schritten online beantragen . Zunächst möchte das Antragsformular wissen, ob Ihr bereits Kunde bei der Bank seid. Falls nicht, ist das halb so schlimm : Ihr benötigt nicht zwingend ein Girokonto bei der Deutschen Bank, um eine ihrer Kreditkarten zu besitzen.

Hierfür müsst Ihr lediglich ein von Euch verwendetes Girokonto als Referenzkonto hinterlegen. Bedenkt allerdings, dass Ihr mit dem „BestKonto“-Modell bei der Deutschen Bank eine geringere Jahresgebühr für die MasterCard® Travel zahlen müsst. Wie hoch diese ist, erfahrt Ihr in den unten stehenden Nachteilen .

Daraufhin könnt Ihr Euch die entsprechende Deutsche Bank Kreditkarte aussuchen, die Ihr möchtet, und Euren gewünschten Kreditrahmen festlegen.

Hierfür fragt das Online-Formular nach persönlichen Angaben wie nach Eurem Wohnstatus, Eurem monatlichen Nettoeinkommen oder der Anzahl von unterhaltsberechtigten Kindern in Eurem Haushalt. Nachdem Ihr das Formular ausgefüllt habt, müsst Ihr dieses unterschrieben per Post an die Deutsche Bank senden.

Deutschland Alpen Leutaschklamm Brücke

Zuletzt steht das Post-Ident- oder das bequemere Video-Ident-Verfahren an, mit welchem Ihr Eure Identität als künftiger Karteninhaber verifizieren sollt. Die Kreditkarte wird Euch innerhalb von ein bis drei Wochen zugeschickt, abhängig von der Prüfungsdauer Eurer Unterlagen.

Bestandskunden können die Karte auch über Ihren Online-Banking-Zugang beantragen, solange sie diese Funktion bei der Bank nutzen.

Jetzt beantragen

Alle Nachteile der Deutsche Bank MasterCard® Travel

Die Travelcard der Deutschen Bank ist nicht kostenlos. Bei der Nutzung fällt eine dauerhafte Jahresgebühr von 94 Euro an. Nutzer des „BestKonto“-Modells der Deutschen Bank zahlen neben der monatlichen Kontogebühr von 13,90 Euro zusätzlich 60 Euro pro Jahr für die Karte. Damit ordnet sich die Kreditkarte in die Jahresgebühren von konkurrierenden Premium-Kreditkartenmodellen ein.

  • 94 € Jahresgebühr, 60 € für „BestKonto“-Inhaber
  • Abhebungsgebühr im In- und Ausland
  • Währungsumrechnungsentgelt auf andere Währungen als Euro (0,5 %)
  • 60 €/Jahr für Partnerkarte
  • Versicherungen an Karteneinsatz gekoppelt

Beispiele hierfür sind die B arclays Platinum Double oder die goldene Variante der Miles & More Kreditkarten , die beide jedoch einiges zu bieten haben. Kann die MasterCard® Travel, inklusive ihrer Leistungen, ebenso mit den genannten Modellen mithalten? Die Antwort ist: Nicht ganz .

Die Tatsache, dass Karteninhaber sowohl im Inland als auch im Ausland mit hohen Gebühren für Abhebungen konfrontiert werden, ist neben der beträchtlichen Jahresgebühr eines der größten Nachteile der Kreditkarte.

Pro Abhebung werden 2,5 Prozent oder mindestens 5,75 Euro fällig. Vielreisende sollten sich demnach bewusst sein, dass sie als Karteninhaber der Travelcard Abhebungen an Geldautomaten auf Auslandsreisen am besten vermeiden sollten.

Bei Kartenverfügungen in Fremdwährung , also in anderen Währungen als Euro, wird eine Fremdwährungsgebühr fällig. Das heißt, dass Ihr bei Zahlvorgängen in Fremdwährung (Bargeldauszahlungen und bargeldlosem Zahlen mit Karte) den letzten von Mastercard gegenüber der Bank erhobenen Wechselkurs einberechnen müsst. Die Bank selbst erhebt ein Währungsumrechnungsentgelt in Höhe von 0,5 Prozent.

Portugal Benagil Kathedrale Algarve

Ebenso ist es schade, dass das Versicherungspaket an den Karteneinsatz gebunden ist. Die Kreditkarten einer konkurrierenden Filialbank hingegen, die der Sparda Bank , bieten Karteninhabern mit der MasterCard® Gold sowie mit der MasterCard® Platinum Kreditkarten, die das Versicherungspaket auch ohne Karteneinsatz gültig machen. Gleiches gilt für die vorher erwähnte Barclays Platinum Double .

Hinzukommen Gebühren für die sehr kostspieligen Partnerkarten , die die Jahresgebühr pro Jahr um weitere 60 Euro für jede Partnerkarte ergänzen. Möchtet Ihr die Karte mit dem Girokonto Eurer eigenen Hausbank nutzen, dann stehen für Euch bei der Nutzung einer zusätzlichen Partnerkarte also 154 Euro jährlich an.

Im Vergleich zu anderen Premium-Modellen hat die MasterCard® Travel nicht besonders viel zu bieten. Anders als bei den Miles & More oder Eurowings Kreditkarten , haben Karteninhaber hier beispielsweise keine Möglichkeit, jegliche Prämien zu erhalten, indem sie Bonuspunkte oder Meilen sammeln.

Mit einem solchen Bonusprogramm könnte eine Jahresgebühr in diesem Preissegment gerechtfertigt sein, jedoch erhaltet Ihr die MasterCard® Travel für einen ähnlich hohen Preis, ohne dass es sich großartig lohnt.

Für wen eignet sich die Deutsche Bank MasterCard® Travel?

Die Travelcard der Deutschen Bank bietet sich insbesondere für Bestandskunden der Filialbank an, die auf der Suche nach einer Karte für Auslandsreisen sind und nicht auf den Service ihrer Hausbank verzichten möchten.

Das Versicherungspaket das fehlende Auslandsentgelt sowie das niedrige Währungsumrechnungsentgelt von 0,5 Prozent könnten Euch überzeugen.

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Neukunden würden wir von der Beantragung der Karte allerdings abraten. Die vorhandenen Zusatzleistungen können die verlangten Gebühren nur schwer begründen . Andere Kreditkarten ermöglichen trotz hoher Gebühren zumindest rechtfertigende Angebote.

Insbesondere die hohe Jahresgebühr für die Haupt- und für die Partnerkarte sowie das dauerhafte Entgelt für Abhebungen an Geldautomaten könnten abschrecken. Reminder : Es wird Euch zwar kein Girokonto bei der Deutschen Bank aufgezwungen, jedoch müsst Ihr bei der Nutzung eines fremden Girokontos eine höhere Jahresgebühr bezahlen.

Falls Ihr jemand seid, der gerne des Öfteren Geld abhebt, dann seid Euch zudem im Voraus bewusst, dass sich bei der Karte mit Abhebungen sowohl im Inland als auch im Ausland enorme Kosten ansammeln können.

China Shanghai Skyline Lichter Nacht

Damit Ihr einen groben Überblick über die wichtigsten Konditionen der MasterCard® Travel habt, findet Ihr hierzu folgende tabellarische Darstellung:

Nicht viele Filialbanken bieten Kreditkarten an, die speziell für Reisen gemacht sind. Daher ist das Angebot der Deutschen Bank vom Prinzip her positiv zu bewerten . Inwiefern die MasterCard® Travel jedoch als ideale Reisekreditkarte angesehen werden kann, bleibt schwer zu sagen.

Flugzeug Landung

Der angebotene Versicherungsschutz sticht definitiv hervor. Das Reiseversicherungspaket, inklusive der Auslandskrankenversicherung und der Gepäckversicherung, bietet vielversprechende Versicherungsbedingungen und Reiseleistungen.

Bei einem Vergleich mit der Konkurrenz steht die Kreditkarte aber ziemlich unspektakulär da. Das wegfallende Auslandseinsatzentgelt ist zwar ebenso durchaus von Vorteil . Allerdings reicht weder das, noch der Versicherungsschutz aus, um bei einer derartigen Jahresgebühr überzeugen zu können.

Selbst einige kostenlose Alternativen schaffen es, bessere Konditionen ohne Aufpreis anzubieten. Deshalb empfehlen wir Euch im besten Fall nach einer Alternative zu schauen, die Euch beim Thema Auslandsreisen mehr zuvorkommt, als die Kreditkarte der Deutschen Bank.

Deutsche Bank AG Kontakt

  • Anschrift : Deutsche Bank AG, Kundenservice, 04024 Leipzig
  • Internet : www.deutsche-bank.de
  • Kundenservice : +49 (069) 910-10000, 24/7 erreichbar
  • Sperrservice : +49 (069) 910-10035

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Die Kreditkarte könnt Ihr ganz einfach online beantragen, indem Ihr ein entsprechendes Antragsformular ausfüllt und dieses unterschrieben an die Deutsche Bank sendet. Nachdem Ihr Eure Identität über das Video- oder Post-Ident-Verfahren bestätigt habt, findet eine Schufaprüfung statt. Damit sollte die Beantragung erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden.

Bei einer Nutzung der MasterCard® Travel fällt eine dauerhafte Jahresgebühr von 94 Euro an. Wenn Ihr Inhaber des kostenpflichtigen Deutsche-Bank-BestKontos seid, dann erhaltet Ihr die Karte für 60 Euro pro Jahr .

Die MasterCard® Travel verzichtet auf ein Auslandseinsatzentgelt, jedoch wird ein Währungsumrechnungsentgelt von 0,5 % fällig. Für Bargeldabhebungen werden pro Abhebung 2,5 Prozent beziehungsweise mindestens 5,75 Euro verlangt.

Nein , es wird nicht zwingend ein Girokonto bei der Bank benötigt. Bestandskunden des BestKontos erhalten die Kreditkarte jedoch für einen niedrigeren Jahresbeitrag von 60 Euro , anstelle von 94 Euro.

Reisekreditkarten im Überblick

  • American Express Centurion Card
  • American Express Gold Card
  • American Express Platinum Card
  • Barclays Platinum Double
  • Deutsche Bank Kreditkarte Travel
  • Diners Club Kreditkarte
  • Eurowings Kreditkarte
  • Miles & More Kreditkarte
  • TUI Card Kreditkarte

Autor: Alex

12 Kommentare

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Eichenberger Adam

3. Jan 2024

Habe bereits die Travel-Card.Muß ich mit dieser Karte die Reise bezahlen , um in den Genuß einer Reiserücktrittsversicherung zu kommen? Bitte um Rückantwort Danke mit freundlichem Gruß Adam Eichenberger

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4. Jan 2024

Hallo Adam Eichenberger,

vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar.

Auf Seite 5 der Versicherungsbedingungen steht: „Erfordernis des Karteneinsatzes (§ 4): Der Versicherungsschutz gilt abhängig vom Einsatz der Kreditkarte als Zahlungsmittel für die Reise.“

Genauer kannst du die Versicherungsbedingungen unter folgendem Link nachlesen: https://www.urlaubstracker.de/angebot/mctravel-versicherungen-0401

Liebe Grüße Alex

Katharina Marre

9. Okt 2023

Ich habe eine Frage zum Versicherungspaket der Mastercard Travel: sind auch die Versicherungen bei der Automiete gedeckt?

Hallo Katharina Marre,

vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar. In den Versicherungsbedingungen zur Deutsche Bank Mastercard Travel, steht nichts zum Thema Mietwagenversicherung. Die genauen Bestimmungen kannst Du unter folgendem Link nachlesen: https://www.deutsche-bank.de/content/dam/deutschebank/de/shared/pdf/ser_versicherungsbedingungen_mastercard_travel.pdf

Wenn Du auf der Suche nach einer Kreditkarte mit Mietwagenversicherung bist, schau doch auch mal hier vorbei: Deutsche Bank Mastercard Platin: https://www.urlaubstracker.de/kreditkarte/deutsche-bank/ American Express Platinum Card: https://www.urlaubstracker.de/kreditkarte/amex-platinum-aktion/ Barclays Platinum Double: https://www.urlaubstracker.de/kreditkarte/barclays-platinum-double/

Ich hoffe, ich konnte Dir weiterhelfen.

Viele Grüße Alex

22. Sep 2023

Schaut euch mal die Versicherungsleistungen an, 90 Tage im Ausland krankenversichert am Stück incl. USA/Kanada. Versicherer ist die Allianz, mehr geht nicht!!!

26. Sep 2023

Hallo Ralph,

vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar. Wir haben diese Info bereits unter Vorteile erwähnt.

16. Jun 2023

Es kommt halt immer drauf an… Für Backpacker oder Rabattjäger ist diese Karte sicherlich nicht die erste Wahl. Wer allerdings ein bis zweimal im Jahr (hochpreisige) Fernreisen bucht (Reiserücktrittversicherung für eine Reise (3000+ Euro) bei der ERGO kostet mehr als die Jahresgebühr) ist sie durchaus interessant. 17 Euro die die Auslandskrankenverischerung z.B. bei der HanseMerkur on Top kostet inklusive, für mich relevant auf Trekkingtouren 5000 Euro Bergungskosten (Nicht enthalten bei der Barcleys-Auslandskrankenversicherung soweit ich weiß) – aber zum kostenlosen Bargeldabheben kann man ja ne Barcley oder ähnliches noch dabei haben

19. Jun 2023

Hallo Matthias,

27. Jan 2023

hat die deutsche Bank eine App, in der ichnvorgemerkte Umsätze sofort sehe, die Karte sperren/entsperren kann, etc?

30. Jan 2023

vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar. Die Deutsche Bank bietet sogar zwei Apps an. Die App „Meine Karte“ ist speziell auf die Verwaltung von Karten vorgesehen. Die App „Deutsche Bank Mobile“ dient der allgemeinen Verwaltung deines Kontos. Schaue hierzu doch mal auf der Website der Deutschen Bank vorbei. Dort findest du auch ein Erklärungsvideo.

Andrea Adelhütte

21. Dez 2022

Habe jetzt eine Travel Mastercard 60 € im Jahr erhalten wegen der Reisezusatzversicherung wenn ich in Urlaub Fliege hatte vorher die Mastercard Gold wenn ich mit meiner Schwester nach Ibiza Fliege zb. und Bezahle mit meiner Mastercard ist sie mit Versichert?oder Reiserücktritsversicherung wieviel wird erstattet wenn man vorher Krank wird oder was passiert ? Flüge sind verspätet an wenn wende ich mich? Lieben Dank Adelhütte

' src=

27. Dez 2022

Wir informieren in unseren Artikeln über die Konditionen und Vorteile einzelner Kreditkartenangebote und wollen Euch so einen guten Überblick verschaffen. Für detailliertere Fragen zur Karte bzw. in Deinem Fall zum Versicherungsschutz, wende Dich bitte direkt an den Kundenservice der Deutschen Bank. Am besten telefonisch unter +49 (069) 910-10000.

Liebe Grüße Lena

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The types of relief credit card companies are offering during the coronavirus crisis

Katie Genter

The coronavirus crisis is affecting us in many ways, from canceled trips to lost jobs to closed businesses. If you've been adversely affected by the coronavirus crisis and are struggling to make payments on your credit cards, you may be wondering what type of relief credit card companies are offering to their cardholders.

(Photo by Shutterstock)

There is one constant across all of the issuers: relief won't be provided automatically. You'll need to actively seek out relief if you need it. Here's what we know about the types of relief being provided by the major issuers.

Find COVID-19 updates on TPG's coronavirus hub page and sign up for our daily newsletter for the latest news.

American Express

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

American Express has a coronavirus support page. No advice regarding relief is provided on it. But, if you're having trouble paying your Amex credit card bills, you may be able to get relief on a case-by-case basis.

After several TPG readers commented in our Facebook groups that they'd received relief from interest, late fees and other fees on both their personal and business American Express cards, TPG reached out to American Express to confirm this and ask how cardmembers can gain assistance. An Amex spokesperson provided the following response:

Yes, American Express is ready to assist our customers having financial difficulties due to the effects of COVID-19. They can reach our Customer Care Professionals anytime by calling the number on the back of their card or through our digital servicing channels – online chat or the Amex app.

As you know, the situation is changing rapidly, so our approach to providing the best possible support and service to our customers is also evolving in real-time. We will work together to find a solution for each customers' particular situation, which can include waiving late fees, return check fees, and interest charges. We have several financial hardship programs offering a range of short-term to long-term assistance. Details can be found here about these programs.

Who qualifies for this relief

Qualification decisions are made on a case-by-case basis, but the Amex spokesperson's statement references "customers having financial difficulties due to the effects of COVID-19."

How to claim relief

You'll need to call the number on the back of your card, log in to your online account or use the Amex App to discuss your situation with an Amex customer care representative. This representative can determine what relief, if any, is available to you.

Extra time to earn welcome bonuses

Amex announced on April 2 that the period to make purchases to earn a welcome bonus on eligible card accounts approved from Dec. 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020, will be extended for an additional three months . So, if you've opened an Amex card since Dec. 1, 2019 -- or if you do so by May 31 -- you will have extra time to reach your minimum spending requirement.

Related reading: Choosing the best American Express credit card for you

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Chase has a dedicated coronavirus webpage and JPMorgan Chase's CEO Jamie Dimon recently announced various coronavirus-related relief measures in his annual letter to shareholders . In his letter, he noted the following types of relief may be available to Chase cardholders:

  • Removing minimum payment requirements on credit cards and waiving associated late fees
  • Not reporting payment deferrals such as late payments to credit bureaus for up-to-date clients
  • Waiving or refunding some fees

Indeed, I could enroll each of my Chase cards -- either individually or all at once -- in a payment-assistance relief program that would allow me to delay three monthly payments. However, you can request this assistance only one time per account, so you may not be eligible if you've requested this type of assistance previously.

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Here are the terms and conditions that were listed for all of my Chase consumer and small business cards:

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

In the letter to shareholders, Chase's CEO said Chase cardholders "who tell us about their financial struggles as a result of the crisis" may be eligible for relief. If you request relief online, you'll need to click a checkbox asserting that "I acknowledge that I'm experiencing a hardship related to COVID-19."

You can visit Chase's dedicated coronavirus webpage to determine how to get general assistance with Chase products. But, if you're looking to delay payments on a credit card for yourself or your business, you'll want to go directly to Chase's credit card payment assistance page . You can enroll online for assistance without needing to visit a branch or wait for an account specialist online or over the phone.

Related reading: Maximize your wallet with the perfect quartet of Chase credit cards

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Citi has a webpage with information for cardholders looking for assistance related to the coronavirus crisis. Two main types of relief may be available to Citi credit cardholders upon request:

  • Waiver of the minimum payment due requirement and late fees for two statement cycles. Citi will report your account as current to the credit bureaus during the waiver period unless your account was delinquent before the waiver period began.
  • Collection forbearance program

Citi's webpage states that you may be eligible for relief if you've been impacted by COVID-19.

You can request assistance digitally for a waiver of the minimum payment due requirement and late fees for two statement cycles. Simply follow the link for this assistance from Citi's main coronavirus assistance page and log in to your account. However, note that you'll have to wait seven to 10 days to see if you've been approved for this assistance.

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Here's some additional information that's provided about this relief.

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Meanwhile, if you're looking to use the collection forbearance program, Citi encourages you to use the Citi Mobile App to send a secure message asking for relief.

Related reading: The best Citi credit cards

Bank of America

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Bank of America has a coronavirus help page detailing the support it's offering to cardholders through its Client Assistance Program. From this page, you can submit an online request for a payment deferral if you need help making credit card payments.

You can also call the number on the back of your card to work with a specialist from the client services team on a case-by-case basis to provide relief. In particular, consumer and small business credit card clients may be eligible to get late fees refunded.

There are no published guidelines on who can get relief. So if you've been affected by the coronavirus crisis and need relief, it is worth submitting an online request for a payment deferral or calling the number on the back of your card to determine your options.

You can submit an online request for a payment deferral. But you'll need to call the number on the back of your card to discuss your specific situation with a specialist if you're seeking any other type of relief.

Related reading: The best Bank of America credit cards

Capital One

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Capital One has a coronavirus customer assistance webpage . This webpage states:

We also understand that there may be instances where customers find themselves facing financial difficulties. We encourage customers who may be impacted or need assistance to reach out.

However, no specific relief is noted. So customers will need to contact Capital One to discuss options on a case-by-case basis.

There are no published guidelines on who can get relief. So, if you've been affected by the coronavirus crisis and need relief it is worth calling the number on the back of your card to determine your options.

You'll need to call the number on the back of your card to discuss your specific situation with a representative and determine your options.

Related reading: The best Capital One credit cards

Other banks

Many other banks, large and small, are offering various types of relief during the coronavirus crisis. If you need relief for yourself or your business, it doesn't hurt to log in to your account and check to see whether there are any notices. You can also contact your bank via secure chat or phone to see if they're willing to work with you during this crisis. In short, it doesn't hurt to ask.

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Does Credit Card Travel Insurance Cover the Coronavirus? 

Your card's policy may not help if you want to cancel a trip because of coronavirus concerns.

Does Card Insurance Cover Coronavirus? 

Situation at Vnukovo International Airport

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Your credit card may have travel insurance, but even that coverage may not come free.

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You've planned a trip overseas but worry that the coronavirus could trigger a cancellation. If you or your tour operator pull out, will your travel credit card' s trip cancellation insurance reimburse your expenses? The answer is likely no.

Even comprehensive travel insurance plans won't cover cancellations based on concerns about a pandemic. This is why you should check your card's policy before you attempt to cancel – or plan – a trip.

What Does Trip Cancellation Insurance Cover?

Some credit cards offer t rip cancellation coverage, which applies when you pay for travel with a card that has this insurance.

Most policies cover the cardholder and immediate family members for up to $10,000 each and $20,000 per trip for cancellations due to severe weather, illness or other covered incidents. The latter even includes terrorist action or court subpoena. You can cancel if you become seriously ill before or during your trip, but not because of coronavirus threats.

If you have a credit card with travel insurance, you could use that instead of purchasing a stand-alone travel insurance policy. But keep in mind that coverage may not be free: Cards with trip cancellation insurance usually have an annual fee ranging from about $100 to $500.

Do Most Travel Insurance Policies Cover Coronavirus?

Your credit card trip cancellation insurance might cover an issue related to the coronavirus, but it depends on the situation.

The coronavirus is a concern for everyone, but especially for travelers crisscrossing the globe. The virus has killed at least 2,918 people and infected more than 81,100 worldwide, mostly in China, reports the World Health Organization .

As the virus continues to spread across the world, the risk of catching it has increased. If you think that you might need to cancel a trip because of the coronavirus, here's how your credit card travel insurance may or may not help.

If you're concerned about traveling: You aren't likely to get reimbursement if you want to cancel a trip because you're worried about catching the coronavirus.

Neither Chase Sapphire Reserve nor Chase Sapphire Preferred Card, for instance, will cover trips canceled due to a "change of plans or financial circumstances," or "your disinclination to travel due to an epidemic or pandemic."

The Platinum Card from American Express offers trip cancellation insurance for seven types of incidents that could derail a trip: injury or death, severe weather, military orders, terrorism, court order, uninhabitable accommodations, or physician-imposed quarantine. Trying to avoid a pandemic doesn't pass muster.

"If you're just saying, 'I'm fearful of going there because of the potential of catching something,' I don't think they're going to cover you in that regard," says Lee Huffman, travel blogger and credit card expert at Bald Thoughts travel blog.

If you're sick before a trip and need to cancel: Your chances of reimbursement are much better if you have an illness or injury before a trip, though that may provide you with little comfort.

Policies will clearly state that this is a covered area, within reason. American Express, for instance, covers the accidental injury or death of the cardholder, his or her traveling companion, or a family member.

Get a doctor's note from an urgent care center or your primary care physician, Huffman says, if you canceled your trip and want to use your credit card travel insurance to get reimbursed. Keep in mind that coverage typically doesn't apply to issues related to preexisting conditions, such as a chronic medical problem.

If you get sick during a trip and need to interrupt it: Your chances of reimbursement are much better if you contract an illness that requires quarantine during a trip. The trip cancellation insurance for The Platinum Card from American Express, Chase Sapphire Preferred Card and Chase Sapphire Reserve counts doctor-ordered quarantine as a covered incident.

How Can You Get Trip Cancellation Reimbursement?

Credit card companies recommend a two-step process for claims. First, notify the company as soon as possible, and then, following its guidelines, submit your claim within two to three months of your canceled trip.

Say you have a Chase Sapphire card. You're asked to contact the benefit administrator within 20 days of a trip cancellation, and sign and file the claim form within 90 days, if possible. You can also file a claim online.

If you're going to provide a physician's recommendation as a reason for canceling a trip, you might have a quicker timetable. American Express asks that you send this information to the company within 48 hours.

Should You Try to Rebook a Trip?

If cancellation with a refund isn't an option through your credit card, you might try to rebook your trip directly with the airline and hotel. They may be willing to do so without penalties, though it's not guaranteed, unless the airline and hotel have policies for coronavirus-related cancellations.

Airlines have already canceled hundreds of thousands of flights – mostly to, from and within China – because of the coronavirus. And more cancellations are likely to come.

Several major airlines and hotel chains have policies in place to waive change and cancellation fees for some bookings. For example, JetBlue has suspended change and cancellation fees for new flight bookings made through March 11.

If you are concerned about the pandemic, Huffman says, pick up the phone. The airline may rebook your flight and waive fees, or a customer service agent may do the same.

"Every airline and hotel has a bit of gray area it can operate under," Huffman says. "If you've been a loyal customer, they're more willing to bend the rules for you."

Another way to get a new flight is to take advantage of an airline's schedule changes, which allow you to rebook without penalty .

"One of the great things about flights is that, especially if you book far in advance, there will be schedule changes that happen on a regular basis," Huffman says.

If a flight is moved – even by a half-hour – you can try to make a case to cancel your reservation or get a new flight because the schedule no longer works for you, Huffman says.

It pays to look into your options, even if you can't find an official coronavirus rebooking policy. With hotels, you can usually cancel anywhere from 24 hours to five days before your trip without a problem, Huffman says. If you are loyal to a hotel brand, you may have an easier time if you need help with a refund – say, you prepaid for your stay.

You might also catch a break if you paid for the canceled trip with reward points. In fact, getting the points could be easier than obtaining a cash refund.

Should You Buy Comprehensive Travel Insurance?

A typical comprehensive travel insurance policy may provide coverage beyond what you would get from your credit card. But it is still unlikely to cover a trip canceled out of concern for visiting a coronavirus outbreak area, says Kasara Barto, public relations manager at Squaremouth, a travel insurance comparison website.

You can purchase some travel insurance policies with "cancel for any reason" coverage. Each policy spells out requirements for canceling your trip and getting reimbursed. If you meet the requirements, you could be reimbursed for your cancellation due to coronavirus concerns.

You'll typically need to buy your coverage within 15 days of making your trip deposit and cancel your trip at least 48 hours before your scheduled departure. With this type of policy, you can cancel and get reimbursed for up to 75% of the cost of your trip, Barto says.

Squaremouth has seen sales of these policies increase by about 77% within the last month or so, she adds.

A typical travel insurance policy costs between 7% and 10% of the price of a trip, Barto says. But one that allows you to cancel for any reason costs about 40% more than that, she continues.

This is the best option if you're looking for peace of mind, Barto adds.

Just be sure to read the fine print. Some insurers are restricting coronavirus-related coverage because the issue is considered a "foreseen" event, Barto says.

That means cancellation and medical benefits might not be available for policies purchased after a cutoff date set by the insurer.

"This whole outbreak is really unprecedented," Barto says, adding that the Ebola and Zika viruses didn't have the widespread effect that the coronavirus has had. "Once the insurance providers believe the impact on travel becomes too high of a risk, that's when they start to exclude coverage for it."

Tags: credit cards , Coronavirus

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What COVID-Related Credit Card Help Is Available in 2021?

Gregory Karp

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Although 2021 is the year that the COVID-19 vaccine could offer hope for many Americans, the pandemic's lasting effects will undoubtedly leave some credit card holders struggling financially and looking for help from their card issuers.

Banks, credit unions and other issuers continue to offer cardholder-assistance programs, but such programs typically grant relief on a case-by-case basis and only when requested, which means you’ll have to contact your issuer for help.

Most major issuers have dedicated web pages that explain their COVID-19 financial-hardship options. You might have to log in to your account to see the help offered. You can call the phone number on the back of your card or use online correspondence via chat or secure message.

» MORE: What is a credit card hardship program?

Examples of relief some issuers continue to offer in 2021 include:

Allowing deferred, delayed or skipped payments.

Waiving fees or penalty interest rates.

Extending the time period for certain benefits.

» MORE: If credit card relief’s a no-go, check out debt management

Even so, don’t expect a free ride in 2021. There are potential downsides to participating in an issuer’s relief program. They might include:

Reduced credit limits.

Inability to get a card from that issuer in the near future.

Damage to your credit scores.

Here’s a sampling of assistance being offered by major credit card issuers in 2021. For a more comprehensive list, including changes made to the terms of specific credit cards, see NerdWallet's guide to credit card issuers' COVID-19 response .

» MORE: 7 credit card "rules" you can break in an emergency

American Express

Issuer page: American Express financial relief program.

AmEx allows you to enroll for assistance online. It says it might be able to temporarily lower monthly payments and interest rates. Eligibility factors include delinquency status, prior enrollment in the program and the balance on your account.

Note that the formal American Express program requires an immediate payment to enroll. AmEx's relief program page explains how joining the program could harm your credit scores and your ability to get a new account in the future.

For information, call 866-703-4169.

» MORE: AmEx COVID-19 credit card relief, explained

Bank of America®

Issuer page: Client resources.

Bank of America® has been offering help for credit card customers, including payment deferrals and waived or refunded late fees. Log in to your account to learn more about financial assistance. Or call 855-891-3401.

» MORE: Bank of America COVID-19 credit card relief, explained

Capital One

Issuer page: Capital One COVID-19 customer assistance.

Capital One encourages cardholders to contact its customer service representatives at 800-227-4825.

Issuer page: Chase payment assistance.

Chase offers assistance options such as being able to defer a payment. It recommends enrolling in its COVID-19 Payment Assistance Program online. Or call 888-356-0023.

» MORE: Chase COVID-19 credit card relief, explained

Issuer page: Citi COVID-19 assistance.

Citi said it ended its formal COVID-19 assistance program on Dec. 31 after a steady decline in the number of people enrolling in the program. But it continues to offer assistance on a case-by-case basis. Citi has offered options such as waivers on late fees and the deferral of minimum payments for two months. You can log in to your account and send a secure message to Citi customer service, or call the payment assistance team at 866-905-2784.

» MORE: Citi COVID-19 credit card relief, explained

Issuer page: Discover coronavirus FAQs.

Discover is still providing financial hardship assistance to cardmembers who have been affected by the pandemic, including options such as skip-a-pay, which defers payments temporarily without negatively affecting credit. It also offers support related to payment timing, fees and late payments.

Cardholders can make contact through the mobile app or website or by calling 800-347-2683.

» MORE: Discover COVID-19 credit card relief, explained

Wells Fargo

Issuer page: Wells Fargo COVID-19 FAQs.

Cardholders have been able to defer monthly payments, have fees and interest waived and receive “other expanded assistance” on a case-by-case basis.

Wells Fargo has additional information at its credit card help center or by calling 844-853-6686.

» MORE: Wells Fargo COVID-19 credit card relief, explained

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How to use your credit card to book safe travel this summer

Select reviews how you can use a credit card to help you plan, pay for and enjoy your summer vacations, despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic..


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Americans are thinking of ways to vacation this summer while also keeping everyone safe, whether they're renting an RV for a family road trip or relaxing at a beach-side Airbnb.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, you may have planned on cashing in your miles for your summer getaway, but now you might be wondering whether your  travel rewards credit card , co-branded airline card or hotel card  can be of any use this travel season.

Fortunately, there are still plenty of ways to use a credit card  that can still fit in with your new plans . Though we're all making a few adjustments, it's still possible to spend quality time with the people you love this summer.

Below, Select  reviews how you can still use your credit card to help you plan, pay for and enjoy your vacation.

Plan ahead with the help of concierge service

Over the past few months, many of us have established new routines to help us cope with this "new normal." You might have picked a new time to grocery shop when the stores aren't as crowded, or perhaps you've transitioned to meal kits  and food delivery  to help with the adjustment of working from home.

But when it's time to venture outside the boundaries of your house, city or town, you can check out The New York Times reopening map  to find out what services and businesses will be available as you travel by car or plane.

One under-utilized card perk  can help you plan like a pro: concierge service. Cardholders who carry a Visa Signature card , a  World Elite Mastercard  or select The American Express Platinum cards can lean on this helpful service to call businesses ahead of time and find out operating hours, inquire whether park facilities and campgrounds will be open and learn what kinds of entertainment is happening at a social distance.

Mastercard describes its concierge service as "a relentless personal assistant," and after juggling so many duties at home, this might be exactly what you need.

Popular Visa Signature cards include the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card , the Chase Freedom® and the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card (see rates and fees ). If you get approved for one of these cards, whether it comes with Signature benefits depends on your credit limit and creditworthiness. See the respective Guide to Benefits for details, as terms and exclusions apply.

Know whether your travel rewards expire

With general-use travel rewards credit cards, points and miles usually never expire. With no expiration date, you can stockpile your points until you're ready to use them again.

Under normal circumstances, many hotel and airline loyalty cards ask that you use your points within a set time frame. But a lot of loyalty programs are extending expiration dates due to coronavirus.

Here are some hotel programs that announced updates to their redemption policies over the past few months:

  • The Hilton Honors program is pausing the expiration of all points that were scheduled to expire before December 31, 2020. This is helpful information for  Hilton Honors American Express Aspire Card  members.
  • Marriott Bonvoy™ members have until August 1, 2021 to use points. Points will expire only if your account has been inactive for 24 months. This includes cardmembers with the Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant™ American Express® Card  and others. Marriott Bonvoy members can also redeem their rewards on groceries for a limited time.
  • The Radisson Rewards program is also suspending its points expiration policy for six months as of March 1, 2020.
  • The Wyndham Rewards  program is pausing the expiration of any Wyndham Rewards points until September 30, 2020 and has extended current Wyndham Rewards Member Levels for all members globally through the end of 2021.
  • IHG Rewards Club  is extending the expiration date for any points set to expire from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. So if you have the IHG® Rewards Club Premier Credit Card, you've got until the end of the year to plan a trip. 

Focus on quality time with fewer people

While you might want to avoid congested resorts and high-traffic destinations, you can still unwind with your close friends and family.  European Best Destinations  Organization (EBD) revealed a list of 20 European beaches  in areas that were least affected by coronavirus and are a little more off the beaten path. And if domestic travel is more realistic than international flights, you could rent an RV or an Airbnb for a low-key but memorable trip.

Before you book, learn about whether the companies you rent from have updated their cleaning standards. For example, Airbnb's new Cleaning Protocol  lists the company's guidelines for cleaning supplies and also requires that hosts wait 24 hours between guests to minimize airborne particles. Alternatively, hosts who opt out of the authority-approved cleaning supplies can instead utilize the "Booking Buffer" feature that gives 72 hours of time between guests so that germs can die naturally.

As you book your lodging for your trip, keep in mind that many restaurants are still only doing takeout. For a limited time, you can apply your travel rewards points to food delivery and carryout purchases , helping you save on food where you previously might have saved on airfare. Most recently, Chase announced that  Chase Sapphire Preferred® and Chase Sapphire Reserve® cardholders can apply their points towards dining (including restaurants, takeout and eligible delivery services).

Likewise,  Amex recently made similar changes to 11 of its premium cards , and Citi expanded the  Citi Prestige® Card travel credit to include takeout and groceries.

If you're staying at a rental house and want to stock the kitchen, use a popular cash-back credit card to maximize your earnings at the grocery store. The  Blue Cash Everyday® Card from American Express  and the  Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express  both offer introductory APR and are also two of the best credit cards for grocery shopping during coronavirus . These cards require good to excellent credit. Terms apply.

Information about the Hilton Honors Aspire Card, Citi Prestige® Card, and Chase Freedom® has been collected independently by Select and has not been reviewed or provided by the issuer of the card prior to publication.

For Capital One products listed on this page, some of the above benefits are provided by Visa® or Mastercard® and may vary by product. See the respective Guide to Benefits for details, as terms and exclusions apply.


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deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

What type of traveler are you? (Armchair is not an option.)

Maybe you consider a 25-hour airport layover completely reasonable if it saves you $25. Or maybe you consider a hotel without room service roughing it. When you get to your destination, do you head to the hottest restaurant in town or to the hiking trail least trekked?

Whatever your budget or taste, your travel plans were likely stalled by the pandemic. But Mastercard’s “Recovery Insights: Ready for Takeoff?” report on travel trends in 2021 reveals some notable shifts among types of travelers. As travel starts to pick up again, with one in five countries close to pre-pandemic levels of domestic bookings, budget travel has been the big leader, while long-haul and luxury travel continue to lag.

So what kind of traveler are you, and what do the reopening of borders and the loosening of restrictions mean for you?

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Are you up until midnight comparison-shopping vacation rentals and flights? (The country cottage is $50 cheaper a night, but it means renting a car — let me check my spreadsheet of local gas prices!)

No surprise: You’re a Budget Deal Seeker , and that means you’re in good company. Budget deal seekers dominated leisure travel in most markets in 2020, accounting for just over half of all travelers in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru, and just under half in Japan.

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Is caviar something you eat, or is it an ingredient in your  favorite spa treatment?

Either way, you may be a   Luxury Aficionado.  These are travelers who love to shop, especially for luxury goods and health and beauty items, and they spend more on boutique hotels and exclusive resorts. In 2020, Luxury Aficionados traveled less across the board, with the exception of those from Australia and New Zealand, where they traveled from their home countries for hidden gems. But the ranks of Luxury Aficionados could grow. Lockdowns and  stimulus payments have resulted in pent-up savings — $5 trillion globally since the pandemic began. Americans have amassed the most savings as a percentage of their personal consumption expenditures , followed by Canadians, Belgians and Australians.

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

If you prefer four wheels (or two, for that matter) to a pair of wings, and you’re always on the lookout for your next adventure, you may be an  Escapist .

Also known as destination snackers, they are on the lookout for new, less crowded locations away from the mainstream. Escapists  take short getaways mostly within their region or their country, and they helped to  jump-start the travel recovery in 2020. With local jaunts the only option for many during the pandemic, Escapists grew — in Japan, the Middle East and, most notably, the U.S., almost on a par with Budget Deal Seekers — or stayed steady compared with 2019. And it looks like this trend will continue for the near future: Global gas spending is up 13% over its 2019 peak, suggesting that ground travel is on the rebound.

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Is “It’s always 5 o’clock somewhere” your personal philosophy? If you don’t wait for your week off to enjoy life to the fullest, you’re a  Rejuvenator/Recharger .

These travelers are just as likely to spend on dining, bars and beauty services in their everyday lives as when on vacation. In many markets, including Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Africa, Nigeria and Mexico, Rejuvenators, combined with Budget Deal Seekers, formed the largest share of leisure travelers in 2020. The big exception: the U.S., where it accounted for the smallest segment as many destinations were on the Rechargers' "map" were highly crowded or considered less safe.

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Replace the Rejuvenators’ tapas with trail mix and facials with fishing, and you’ve got an  Adventurer .

These hardy types are always up for the great outdoors, but they’re not likely to spend any more – or any less – when they’re on vacation than when they’re at home. Adventurers grew as a percentage of total travelers from 2019 to 2020 in the U.S. and Australia, but stayed flat or dropped slightly in most other markets.

deutsche bank mastercard travel corona

Some of us go on vacation to escape our relatives; for others, family is the point of vacation, particularly when our loved ones live far away.

If you’re willing to cross continents for stays with family and friends that last longer, you’re a Long-Haul Traveler . Traditionally one of the smallest segments, it shrank even further during the pandemic, when lockdowns and travel restrictions made international travel difficult, if not impossible. The drop was most notable in Singapore and Hong Kong, from 9% to 3%.

On the horizon

International travel will continue to recover much more slowly than domestic, but with even cautious border reopenings, there are certain air travel corridors that are meeting and even exceeding pre-pandemic levels — between Australia and New Zealand, for example, and the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean, for example.

Vaccination rates are rising, and although we’re unlikely to see international travel return in full force in the near future, there is the tantalizing potential for travel beyond just where our two feet can take us, no matter if they’re clad in hiking boots, flip-flops or spa slippers. Bon voyage!

Illustration credit: Jihoon Kang 

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Mastercard, Deutsche Bank Team On Digital Payments Innovation For Businesses

digital payments

Mastercard and Deutsche Bank are linking up to develop “innovative digital payment solutions for companies.” According to a press release , the collaboration will target businesses, helping them reach new customers, “develop digital business models and expand sales channels in Germany and beyond.”

The target market includes digital platforms that allow businesses to “offer their products directly to consumers,” the release said, For this, companies need “an efficient payment management system for mobile and digital payments” that allows for an integration of their financial and accounting systems.

“Worldwide, only very few banks cover the entire spectrum of the payments area,” said Ole Matthiessen , global head of cash management at Deutsche Bank. This starts with card issuance and merchant acceptance and extends to cover payments clearing in the domestic and foreign markets,” along with such things as fraud management.

The two companies are “combining” their technological expertise, said Peter Bakenecker , divisional president for Germany and Switzerland at Mastercard. “This is a great opportunity to create new solutions for the complex issues pertaining to payments,” he said, per the release.

Noting “payments is currently one of the fastest-growing businesses in the banking industry,” the release said revenues in the payments realm are projected to grow by 6 percent annually until 2023, per McKinsey. In addition, the number of transactions is “forecast to rise by 11 percent per year over the same period,” the release said, citing Capgemini.

Deutsche Bank “is already among the biggest payment clearers worldwide,” according to the release.

Meanwhile, the expectations regarding payments are shifting. Both corporate customers’ and individuals’ payment goals are largely similar, Vikram Dewan , chief information officer of  Deutsche Bank ’s corporate banking division, told PYMNTS  in August. He said that, nowadays, both want payments to be delivered as quickly as possible with minimal hassle.

This comes against the backdrop of the digital shift brought on by the coronavirus . With that, consumers and merchants increasingly demand fast, easy and secure ways to get their money.


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New approaches to digital payments and their benefits for you

Digital payments are on the rise. Our colleagues describe how things are changing for consumers and retailers as well as current developments within Deutsche Bank in the payments segment.

Video: Comfort, control, new chances – find out what new digital payment-opportunities could mean for consumers

Video: many merchants are asking themselves: do i need digital payments or is it my customers who need it.

Most business people already have the all-important device at their disposal: their smartphone. If a retailer uses the SoftPOS app , then customers can use that retailer’s smartphone to pay for their purchases. SoftPOS is a combination of the terms “software” and “point of sale”.

With this app it is the seller who enters the amount to be paid. The customer holds their payment card (or their smartphone) next to the seller’s smartphone and the amount is debited. “SoftPOS is a truly ground-breaking product,” says product manager Lisa Zeller. “This is the first time that we as a bank are selling software to retailers that enables them to accept payments.”

The special thing about it is that up until now all bank solutions for making in-store payments were bound up with hardware – many different types of terminals or small readers had to be connected to the smartphone via Bluetooth. SoftPOS makes that a thing of the past. The app can replace conventional payment terminals in some cases, and for larger retailers especially it is a welcome addition to their existing terminals.


Holding the card close to a phone – that’s how you can pay with SoftPOS

That’s why Zeller likens SoftPOS to a camera. “In the past when you wanted to take photos you would use a camera,” she says. “Nowadays many people use a smartphone for that function. I believe it will be a similar story with SoftPOS.” SoftPOS is planned to be launched at the end of the year.

New business models call for new payment methods

Lots of changes may be coming, not only in stores but also in stadia. For example, Bundesliga football club Eintracht Frankfurt is rolling out mainpay , its new mobile payments system. It’s a virtual payments card that enables users to make online payments worldwide or at terminals that accept Mastercard. Unlike rival products this payment solution can be linked up to any existing bank account as a debit account. This means users don’t have to change their existing bank account or open a new account.


Eintracht Frankfurt develops new digital business models – new payment-options come along with that

The virtual card is available in both Apple and Google wallets. It was developed jointly by Deutsche Bank, Mastercard and the football club. The starting point was Eintracht Frankfurt’s decision to develop new digital business models and build out its own platform. The Eintracht Frankfurt app “ mainaqila ” is supposed to not only provide its users with access to Eintracht-related services but also to enable them to buy their public transport tickets and keep up to date with local news.

Simple solutions to complex problems

So Eintracht Frankfurt exemplifies how firms can establish their own platform presence. More and more businesses are attempting to use their own online shops to also offer other companies’ products and services – creating their own digital marketplace. Deutsche Bank wants to provide even greater support to firms with such projects going forward.

We save the platform’s participants from having to deal with this complexity Kilian Thalhammer

The financial infrastructure behind such marketplace solutions  is highly complex. “So we ensure that customers can use their preferred payment methods there and that the participants receive their money – the marketplace operator and the sellers offering their products on the marketplace,” says Kilian Thalhammer, Head of Merchant Solutions at Deutsche Bank. “We save the platform’s participants from having to deal with this complexity.”

Reducing complexity is also the aim of the recently founded joint venture with Fiserv , a leading global provider of payments and financial technologies. The joint venture will bring together several payment solutions under a single umbrella. This will create a product estate that means users will no longer have to conclude several contracts with a variety of payment service providers.  

About Thorsten Woelfel

About Thorsten

Together with his international team he is accountable for credit card acquiring, local debit schemes, eMobility, POS and BIN sponsorship worldwide.

Before he joined Merchant Solutions at Deutsche Bank, he worked in his own payment consultancy and was Global Head of Payments & Digital Operational Experience for adidas & Reebok.

About Lisa Zeller

About Lisa

Together with partners, she creates solutions which enable simple and innovative payments for merchants and their customers.

Before joining Deutsche Bank in January, she was a Payment Consultant at SHC in Augsburg.


Sonja Dammann

When Sonja joined Deutsche Bank 20 years ago, Europe still had various currencies that looked and felt very different. Sonja still loves the physical aspect of money but is also fascinated to learn from her colleagues in the Bank how digital payments can be a game-changer for companies and individuals at the same time.

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Lufthansa Group and Miles & More enter into new partnership with Deutsche Bank and Mastercard

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  • Europe's leading loyalty programme for people on the move remains on growth track with new partnership
  • Deutsche Bank AG and Mastercard successfully compete for credit card portfolio in Germany
  • The switch will take place in mid-2025

In the future, the Lufthansa Miles & More Credit Card will be issued by Deutsche Bank. Mastercard remains partner for the cards. In a global tender, both companies prevailed in the bidding process. The switch will take place in mid-2025.

Christina Foerster, Member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG, says: „I look forward to working with strong partners to offer our customers even better and more innovative services. In the Lufthansa Group, we are continuously expanding our premium offering – far beyond the actual flight. Long-term and trusting customer relationships are fundamental to this. Together, we will continue to develop Europe's leading loyalty programme – for our customers around the world.“

„Miles & More has one of the leading credit card portfolios in Germany and Europe. We are delighted that Lufthansa is relying on Deutsche Bank's payments expertise and reach for this growth product. We have a strong position in Germany in the business of issuing credit cards. Through Miles & More, we will further advance our important payments business as part of our growth strategy as a Global House Bank“, said Christian Sewing, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of Deutsche Bank.

„Mastercard has significant, long-standing partnerships with Deutsche Bank, Lufthansa Group and Miles & More. Together, we will make the future of travel more sustainable and optimize it with technical innovations. And we will use our momentum to do even more for Miles & More members “, explains Mastercard CEO Michael Miebach.

Customers benefit from attractive offers and services

The common goal is to redefine loyalty. Customers will benefit from even more personalized offers and digital applications. In addition, existing card services will be expanded, such as additional insurance services and offers that support sustainable consumer decisions.

Johann-Philipp Bruns, Managing Director of Miles & More GmbH, adds: „Miles & More has over 30 years of experience in the field of loyalty, which we want to use in the interests of our customers. With Deutsche Bank and Mastercard, we have two partners at our side with whom we can tap into new growth potential.“

Strong development of a successful product

The switch to Deutsche Bank as the issuing institution will take place in summer 2025. Those who already have a Lufthansa Miles & More Credit Card do not need to take any action. All existing cards will remain valid until the changeover. Cardholders will be informed in good time about the transition date. The existing services will also remain the same with Deutsche Bank as the new partner. These include, for example, earning award miles on credit card sales, unlimited validity of award miles and the premium insurance package.

Miles & More credit cards were introduced in Germany in February 1999 and are now used in 20 other countries. Users can use their card for purchases at more than 100 million Mastercard acceptance points worldwide and even redeem their miles with MilesPay.

Miles & More offers more information on its website at miles-and-more.com/en/deutsche-bank .

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    Eintracht Frankfurt develops new digital business models - new payment-options come along with that. The virtual card is available in both Apple and Google wallets. It was developed jointly by Deutsche Bank, Mastercard and the football club. The starting point was Eintracht Frankfurt's decision to develop new digital business models and ...

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    Contact Head Office U.S.A. Deutsche Bank One Columbus Circle New York, NY, 10019 Telephone: +1(212) 250-2500