Morandi Tour

Morandi Tour

morandi tour bus

Informazioni su Morandi Tour

Orari di apertura

  • lunedì: 10:00–13:00, 17:00–19:00
  • martedì: 10:00–13:00, 17:00–19:00
  • mercoledì: 10:00–13:00, 17:00–19:00
  • giovedì: 10:00–13:00, 17:00–19:00
  • venerdì: 10:00–13:00, 17:00–19:00
  • sabato: 10:00–13:00
  • domenica: Chiuso

Agenzia Viaggi Varese - Viaggi di gruppo - Morandi Tour

Morandi è un Tour Operator e Bus Operator, siamo specializzati nel trasporto di persone, nel viaggio confezionato su misura e nelle soluzioni di in-coming.

Con Morandi Tour, il tuo viaggio sarà un'esperienza indimenticabile. Offriamo servizi di noleggio bus di alta qualità, garantendo comfort e affidabilità. I nostri autisti esperti ti condurranno verso le tue mete desiderate in totale sicurezza. Scegli Morandi Tours per un viaggio senza preoccupazioni e pieno di piacevoli ricordi.# da controllare

Personale qualificato, gentile e soprattutto giovane! Un sacco di proproste di viaggi offerti e organizzati direttamente da loro in posti meravigliosi....

Viaggio a Matera il 29-30 aprile e 1 maggio, viaggio super. Dal viaggio,collegamenti,scelta dell'Hotel ,scelta dei luoghi da visitare. Stefania una...

Tel +39 0332 287146 Fax +39 0332 284627 Mob +39 342 1657457 Agenzia: [email protected] Gruppi: [email protected] Lu-Ve 10.00/13.00 - 17.00/19.00 Sa 10.00 - 13.00

Morandi Tour: Opinioni

Esperienza fantastica: Sempre molto professionali, gentili, simpatici e colossali!

Esperienza fantastica: Primo viaggio con Morandi e con Stefania. Tutto organizzato alla perfezione,anche nei soddisfare ogni tipo di richiesta. Stefania è molto preparata e la sua passione e' coinvolgente. È stato il primo ma non l'ultimo viaggio con loro. A presto!

Esperienza fantastica: I’m leaving 5 stars because there isn’t a 10 start option. I would describe this company as highly efficient and very well organized. Their drivers are very honest and polite. The buses are comfortable and work on time. The manager Cristina is extremely helpful. Highly recommended! Thanks Morandi!!!

Esperienza fantastica: Ottime proposte di gite in giornata. Organizzazione impeccabile e sempre rivolta alle esigenze dei partecipanti.

Esperienza fantastica: Grande professionalità e competenza. Una garanzia per viaggi a corto o lungo raggio, tagliati su misura del cliente e organizzati con sensibilità e attenzione per il dettaglio. Ottimo team!

Esperienza fantastica: Molto gentili,preparati e disponibili.

Esperienza fantastica: Top.

Esperienza fantastica: Organizzo pellegrinaggi da anni, in questi ultimi due anni ho richiesto il noleggio pullman presso la loro attività. Ho trovato i mezzi puliti ed efficienti, gli autisti Fabrizio e Alessandro competenti, precisi e soprattutto cordiali con i partecipanti. Grazie

Esperienza fantastica: Agenzia molto efficente e valida, ringrazio tutto lo staff, soprattutto la Signora Franca, per la bellissima vacanza da lei organizzata. Grazie Francesca

Esperienza fantastica: Ho fatto diversi viaggi con voi e sono stati tutti bellissimi, grande la Stefania!! Organizzati al top e ho sempre trovato persone stupide e fatto nuove amicizie. grazie.

Esperienza fantastica: Viaggiare con Stefania ed il suo team è sempre una bellissima esperienza, sono sempre attenti a soddisfare tutte le esigenze e ci fanno sentire parte di una famiglia. Ancora grazie per il bellissimo week end a Roma

Esperienza fantastica: Con Morandi ho effettuato negli anni svariati viaggi, sia di giornata che di più viaggi, e mi sono trovata sempre benissimo. Stasera sono appena tornata da un Weekend lungo a Roma con un programma particolarmente interessante, che ci ha permesso di visitare luoghi poco conosciuti veramente speciali. Grazie a Stefania, che con la sua passione e la sua competenza è sempre capace di organizzare al meglio i viaggi!!!

Esperienza fantastica: Gita con il treno del Bernina accompagnati da Stefania e Roberto. Tutto perfetto. Organizzazione curata nei più piccoli particolari. Esperienza unica e da rifare assolutamente. Stefania e Roberto il TOP.

Esperienza fantastica: Non sono un amante delle “gite organizzate” e ho approcciato alla cosa con tutti i pregiudizi del caso. Ho fatto con loro la gita del trenino del Bernina. Sono veramente bravi e la gita è stata molto ben organizzata. Stefania è bravissima davvero. Firmato “l’uomo con la felpa verde”

Esperienza fantastica: Viaggiare con questa magnifica azienda è sempre sinonimo di garanzia.

Esperienza fantastica: Organizzazione: fantastica Bus: nuovissimi e curatissimi Autisti: professionali e disponibili Stefania: il valore aggiunto, la sua passione ed esperienza sono entusiasmanti! 5 stelle sono poche!!!

Esperienza fantastica: Positive: Professionalism Tour operator molto attento alle esigenze del cliente e molto professionale. Viaggiare in gruppo con Morandi Tour è come essere in famiglia. Complimenti a Stefania e a tutto lo staff Morandi! Bravi!

Esperienza fantastica: Vuoi viaggiare in sicurezza vuoi il divertimento e tanta voglia di divertirsi vuoi vistare luoghi meravigliosi segli morandi tour di Varese le stelle sono 5 +5 Claudio viva morandi grande Stefania ciao

Esperienza fantastica: Grande esperienza di Tour e gentilezza da parte di Stefy e dei suoi collaboratori

Esperienza fantastica: Siamo stati in Provenza e ai Campi di lavanda per 3 giorni intensi, ben organizzati, meravigliosi. Abbiamo visitato posti incantevoli immersi nella natura. Ci ha accompagnati Stefania Morandi che con il suo entusiasmo ci ha reso ancora più piacevoli questi giorni. Da rifare!

Esperienza fantastica: Primo viaggio con loro,soprattutto con Stefania. Tutto organizzato alla perfezione,anche i piccoli dettagli come l'abbigliamento,il cibo,le bancarelle migliori.... Abbiamo avuto tempo per un "fuori programma" meraviglioso. Stefania è una guida entusiasta che trasmette la passione e gioia coinvolgenti. È talmente preparata che descrive anche cosa si vede dall'autobus nel tragitto! Top!

Esperienza fantastica: Ottima agenzia , Stefania la titolare persona eclettica , piena di verve , sempre attiva e attenta. Vi farà amare i luoghi che visiterete , con eloquenti spiegazioni, ricaricando le vostre batterie per l intera giornata. Comodo e spazioso il bus . Consiglio di recarvi in agenzia o di seguire su internet le loro mete. Ogni mese ricche di programmi , dalla gita giornaliera , al fine settimana al viaggio !!

Esperienza fantastica: Today we did lake como and bellagio was superbly taken by guide Andrea and Martina..both were having good knowledge of the place. We strongly recommend to go with this 2 guides.

Esperienza fantastica: Attività di tour operator e agenzia viaggi gestita dalla compagnia di famiglia Morandi che offre ai suoi clienti la possibilità di confezionare secondo le proprie esigenze differenti tipologie di viaggi, escursioni, spostamenti. Lo staff di Morandi Tour accoglie il cliente con sorriso e grande professionalità, mettendo sul tavolo competenza in merito all'offerta di viaggi e destinazioni in tutto il mondo. Da elogiare anche la grande cortesia dello staff presente in agenzia che è risultato essere sempre pronto per la risoluzione di un qualsivoglia dubbio o richiesta e per venire incontro ad ogni incombenza burocratica che ogni viaggio richiede. Chapeau!

Esperienza fantastica: Stefania è fantastica e così anche il suo team. Super disponibili e attenti al cliente, hanno sempre ottimi consigli e proposte di viaggio. Inoltre, in vacanza con Stefania il divertimento è assicurato!!!

Esperienza fantastica: Efficienza e meravigliosa imprenditrice Stefania Morandi coglie il desiderio di ogni persona. Mary Duettini

Esperienza fantastica: Dopo tante chiusure finalmente si riparte. Gita in Camrgue appena conclusa. Scoprire che questa struttura non ha fatto passare il tempo invano è un piacere: Grande professionalità, ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo, autobus comodi ed efficienti. Non secondaria la grande disponibilità degli accompagnatori, preparati e all'altezza di ogni situazione. GRAZIE

Esperienza fantastica: Appena rientrata da una divertente e bellissima vacanza a Matera di giorni tre. Stefania professionale e divertente grazie della compagnia ed allegria

Esperienza fantastica: Fantastica agenzia di viaggi, simpaticissima la titolare Stefania, ottimo staff e collaboratori. Io la consiglio.

Esperienza fantastica: 3 Tour con Morandi, vacanze indimenticabili, con Stefania sempre al di sopra di ogni aspettativa. Grazie di cuore e a tutto lo staff i migliori complimenti.

Esperienza fantastica: Sono reduce dal viaggio in Provenza per vedere i campi di lavanda ed ho molto apprezzato la professionalità e simpatia di tutto lo staff

Esperienza fantastica: Positive: Professionalism , Punctuality , Quality , Value Viaggio campi di lavanda 2020. Viaggio indimenticabile con un simpatico gruppo accompagnati da Stefania Morandi, guida super! Consigliatissimo!

Esperienza fantastica: Morandi Tour è sinonimo di professionalità, competenza ed attenzione al cliente.

Esperienza fantastica: Primo viaggio in pullman. Genova-Ginevra. Ottimo servizio, autisti straordinari! i Sigg. Orazio e Max oltre alla loro simpatia e cordialità hanno assistito noi viaggiatori con tantissima professionalità e gentilezza! Complimenti!!!!

Esperienza fantastica: Matera mi è entrata nel cuore accompagnata in questo magico viaggio dalla consueta eccellente organizzazione della Morandi Tour che garantisce di poter vivere la vera essenza del viaggiare in tutti i suoi aspetti. Grazie Stefania e a presto per una nuova meta.

Esperienza fantastica: bellissimo primo viaggio con Stefania e il suo gruppo.Puntuale,precisa,attenta a tutti i particolari;nonostante ti abbiamo messo a dura prova,non hai mai perso la calma.Grazie per la scelta delle guide,dei siti da visitare,dei percorsi etnogastronomici,nulla di lasciato al caso

Esperienza fantastica: Felicissima di aver partecipato al trekking del Gran Paradiso. Giornate stupende in ottima compagnia :)

Esperienza fantastica: Personale disponibile, gentile ed educato. Ottima compagnia flixybus. Prezzi giusti.

Esperienza fantastica: Esperienza unica per professionalità, competenza e simpatia! La presenza di Stefania Morandi quale accompagnatrice del gruppo è stato il tocco di qualità per raggiungere l'eccellenza!

Esperienza fantastica: Dopo 4 giorni di pellegrinaggio ad Assisi voglio fare i complimenti all'autista Alberto. Un ragazzo semplice, educato e sempre disponibile... Oggigiorno difficili da trovare.. Bravo Alberto!!!!!

Esperienza fantastica: Viaggio a Matera il 29-30 aprile e 1 maggio, viaggio super. Dal viaggio,collegamenti,scelta dell'Hotel ,scelta dei luoghi da visitare. Stefania una accompagnatrice super per professionalità e simpatia.Attenta ad ogni esigenza, è bravissima anche nella scelta dei ristoranti con piatti tipici.e nella scelta delle guide veramente meravigliose.una agenzia che consiglio vivamente. Il punteggio 5 stelle è riduttivo. Se dovessi dare un punteggio da 1 a 10 ,per me 10 com l'ode e bacio accademico. Al prossimo tour. Sergio Giacon

Esperienza fantastica: Sono diversi anni che viaggio con Morandi, ottimo autista e Stefania ottima accompagnatrice, preparata e sempre a disposizione..... Li consiglio a tutti...

Esperienza fantastica: Personale qualificato, gentile e soprattutto giovane! Un sacco di proproste di viaggi offerti e organizzati direttamente da loro in posti meravigliosi. Prezzi equilibrati.

Esperienza fantastica: Morandi Tour una Agenzia con la "A" Maiuscola lo Staff veramente di professionisti e di grande Umanità sempre attenti ad ogni bisogno di suoi clienti, la gentilezza ed accoglienza sono la loro bandiera, guide turistiche con ottime capacità, gli autisti esperti e di fiducia e i loro Bus nuovi e super confortevoli muniti completamente di tutto quello che ogni passeggero si aspetta di godere del meglio, facendo di ogni gita e vacanza una sperienza unica ed indimenticabile, e perché non dirlo anche creando soprattutto un clima di amicizia e solidarietà che non è da tutti. Un immenso grazie a Stefania Morandi per il suo grande cuore ed a tutto lo Staff di questa grande famiglia di MORANDI TOUR!!!

Esperienza fantastica: Abbiamo viaggiato con flixbus tratta Strasburgo aosta con Max e collega ottimi autisti e professionisti. Gentilissimi. Complimenti e grazie

Esperienza fantastica: Ottima accoglienza e personale preparato e la Sig.ra Stefania disponibile a qualsiasi richiesta di viaggi.

Esperienza fantastica: Personale qualificato e gentilissimo viaggio stupendo I signori Orazio e Gianluca grandissime persone e squisite

Esperienza fantastica: Personale cordialissimo, competente e molto disponibile. Ho partecipato a diversi viaggi e mi sono sempre trovato benissimo! Lo consiglierei a tutti per viaggi di giornata molto belli e spettacolari! Stefania è una grande!

Esperienza fantastica: Personale professionale ed educato. Ho partecipato ad un Tour in Sicilia che ha rispettato le mie aspettative. Stefania una garanzia. Consigliatissimo

Esperienza fantastica: Servizio a dir poco eccellente. Poche volte mi è capitato di sentirmi così seguito e, perché no, coccolato. Semplicemente il Top

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Moranditour srl

morandi tour bus

Private tour, From Varese: Orta San Giulio, Stresa & Laveno

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


Moranditour srl - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

Maggiore Lake and Borromean Islands

morandi tour bus

  • Guided walking tour in Stresa
  • Cruise on Lake Maggiore with stop at Isola Pescatori
  • Stop at Santa Caterina del Sasso
  • Leisurley time in Arona
  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Expert multilingual tour leader
  • Entry/Admission - Island of the Fishermen (Isola dei Pescatori)
  • Food & beverage
  • Personal expenses
  • Piazza IV Novembre, 4, 20124 Milano MI, Italy at the bus stop, close to Hotel Gallia
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • No heart problems or other serious medical conditions
  • Most travellers can participate
  • This experience requires good weather. If it’s cancelled due to poor weather, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund
  • This experience requires a minimum number of travellers. If it’s cancelled because the minimum isn’t met, you’ll be offered a different date/experience or a full refund
  • This tour/activity will have a maximum of 35 travellers
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.
  • Eremo di Santa Caterina del Sasso

Similar experiences

morandi tour bus

  • You'll start at Piazza IV Novembre, 4 Piazza IV Novembre, 4, 20124 Milano MI, Italy at the bus stop, close to Hotel Gallia See address & details
  • 1 Stresa Stop: 60 minutes See details Pass by Isola Bella
  • 2 Island of the Fishermen (Isola dei Pescatori) Stop: 2 hours - Admission included See details Pass by Eremo di Santa Caterina del Sasso
  • 3 Arona Stop: 60 minutes See details
  • You'll return to the starting point

More to explore in Milan

morandi tour bus

Buy it with

morandi tour bus

Maggiore Lake and Borromean Islands provided by Morandi Tour

morandi tour bus

  • Cinque Terre

Milan in One Day

Best of lake como, milan, duomo cathedral & la scala, milan & last supper, milan, duomo rooftop, lugano, cruise experience.

Destination Destination Milan Como Lugano Rome Florence Venice Turin Naples Verona Cinque Terre

Genuine Italian Experience

Italian Company, based in Italy

Faster Access

Pre-booked tickets, no wasted time

Knowledge of the local territory

Legally licensed local Guides and Tour Leaders

Top requested destinations


Top Attractions


Duomo Cathedral


Last Supper

Types of Experience


Italians Tours made in Italy

Years of Experience

Satisfied customers.

News & Articles

Veditalian’s Blog

A fun-filled day trip to Bellagio

A fun-filled day trip to Bellagio

We began a fun-filled day trip to Bellagio by riding the bus from Milan, which is less than an hour to Como, the historical village at the southern end of the left arm of Lake Como. From this ancient city, established by the Roman Empire in the first century after...

Discovering Lugano

Discovering Lugano

Today I could finally visit Lugano, a picturesque town lying on the eponymous Swiss lake, an Italian-speaking district of southern Switzerland called Canton Ticino. The bus left us In the heart of the historic city centre, a very intimate part of the city close to the...

A day in Como: ancient stones and silken dreams

A day in Como: ancient stones and silken dreams

I finally got to see Como, a city older than Rome, rich in history where ancient Romans had driven away the Celtic tribes inhabiting the shores. It was here where Julius Caesar ordered 5,000 of his men to drain the swamp at the southern end of the lake and establish...


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Como, Lugano and Bellagio One Day Experience with Exclusive Boat Cruise

Como, Lugano and Bellagio One Day Experience with Exclusive Boat Cruise

From Milano Como, Cruise on the Como Lake and Relax in Bellagio

From Milano Como, Cruise on the Como Lake and Relax in Bellagio

VIP Experience to Lake Como and Lugano

VIP Experience to Lake Como and Lugano

From Como: Lugano, Bellagio and Lake Cruise with exclusive boat

From Como: Lugano, Bellagio and Lake Cruise with exclusive boat

Request information.

Fill out the form below or call us on Tel. T. +39 0332 287146 . We are here to answer all your questions and offer you the necessary support for an unforgettable trip.

Thanh Travels

Photo of Thanh Travels  - San Jose, CA, US. Guided tour to Crater Lake Oregon

Review Highlights

Katie O.

“ We've used General Airport Shuttle several times over the last couple of years. ” in 3 reviews

Bala B.

“ Safe driver and got her to the airport on time. ” in 2 reviews

John E.

“ The day before our reservation we received a telephone call to confirm the pick up time and address . ” in 2 reviews

Location & Hours

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1969 Tully Rd

San Jose, CA 95122

East San Jose

Serving San Jose Area

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About the business.

Business owner information

Photo of Thanh T.

Business Owner

Thanh Travels, a guided tour operator is here to meet some of your travel needs in three different services below: 1/ Airport ride. We serve drop-off & pickup for SJC, OAK, SFO, Pier 27, as well as charter service. 2/ Bus tour, guided tour, tour guide Thanh Tran, We operate one-day & multi days tours tours such as Yosemite, Monterey, San Francisco, Napa, Hearst Castle, Lake Tahoe, Santa Cruz, Glass Beach, etc… Las Vegas - Utah - Arizona, Los Angel, Oregon, Florida, Japan, Korea, Hawaii, New York, We also have multi-days tours like Las Vegas, Rose Parade Pasadena, etc… 3/ Travel service. We sell airfare. We can help you apply or renew US passports, as well as Visa. …

Ask the Community

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Can you pick up from two places, both in Cupertino?

Hello Shirley, Yes, we can pick up from two places in Cupertino. Thank you! Thanh Tran… more

Recommended Reviews

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  • 1 star rating Not good
  • 2 star rating Could’ve been better
  • 3 star rating OK
  • 4 star rating Good
  • 5 star rating Great

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Overall rating

Photo of On N.

Thank you driver Thanh He pick up on time and good service to SFO airport and return trip

Photo of Christine C.

I would never travel with this company; their staff member never been trained, very unprofessional! They just want your money ; but not doing any good service to you! It's like a scam travel agency. Be aware not to be hooked up! Once you paid, money never refund if you have any concerns!!! 1 star rate!!!

Photo of Hoa T.

Mar 12, 2024

Wait a minute. I never have this customer.

Photo of Bill F.

The communications and transportation from GAS was very good. The driver was on time (actually early), friendly and helpful getting our large group of 7 to the San Jose airport. I will definitely use their services in the future. This company is well run and prides themselves on great customer service.

Photo of Caroline A.

Called last minute for a 4:30am pickup. Prompt and nice service - will definitely use again!

Photo of Danny V.

I've been using these guys for a few years now on a monthly basis to take me to SJC. I find it more convenience than having to park my vehicle at the airport then shuttling in. Knock on wood but they've never been late. The service has always been pretty good with the occasional times where i get a new driver who doesn't know his way to the airport. What I like most is every month, I just send them a quick text with time and date and they'll be there. They know you by name and exactly where to pick you up. Most of the time, I find them arriving a little earlier than schedule, which is a good thing. Rather early than late. Most of these drivers will probably not speak perfect English or any at all, but like most of the cab drivers, they hardly speak English either. So don't trip, they're not disrespecting.

Photo of Kenneth K.

Highly recommended! They are always on time (early, in fact). Very responsive and helpful via email and phone. Lowest prices around (student discount is available too). Clean and comfortable vehicles. Courteous, friendly, and safe drivers. You'll wonder why you bothered with supershuttle.

Photo of Catherine G.

Great service. I had a very good expirence. Thank you. They dropped me off at SFO and two weeks later, picked me up from SFO.

Photo of Melissa T.

Not so great. I used them on my departure and arrival for an international flight. They had to pick me up and return me to a long-term parking facility in the south bay. Apparently this was confusing somehow (at least on the return) but I will get to that. When I was picked up, the (same) driver was about 20 minutes early. Not a big deal particularly since I happened to be there and ready but if I had not been there I have to wonder if he would have tried to charge me for it or left. Either way, I was there and we took off. It was a hot day and he did not turn on the A/C even though I commented that it was pretty hot. Minor annoyance. When we got to SFO and my bags were unloaded and it was time to pay, I gave him my debit card and he relayed the numbers over in another language (Vietnamese?) and did it improperly or too fast several times and then claimed the card would not go through. This was total b.s. since there was more than enough money on the account for a freaking taxi ride. I was pretty ticked off and just handed him a credit card instead of my debit and magically that one went through, and I left. He did not help me load my bags onto a trolly or make sure I got more than an inch away from the van. Off he went.. Upon my return, I used them again because they quoted me the same rate (still about $5-10 cheaper than other south bay shuttles) and I knew they could at least go to the same route with hopefully minimal hassle. I had an evening arrival after a 16 hour flight and was in no mood for nonsense. I warned them over e-mail to allow time for customs since it was an international flight and gave them my cell phone number. The driver arrived too early again and did not allow enough time and when I made it through customs I had a bunch of weird frantic calls on my phone, as if I'd been hanging out avoiding my ride at SFO for fun. Yeah right. Then I could not find him or understand him once I got him on the phone. That took a bit of time. When I finally tracked him down (he'd been circling in his car) and got in the van, he seemed to not have a clue where we were going and relied on GPS. When we got close to the location, it became clear he truly had not entered the address *at all* into his GPS or even written it down and was not prepared to even slow down for me to look it up and give it to him. He began angrily circling the industrial park and demanding I tell him "where I lived" and muttering under his breath that I should know. Um, sorry buddy, I do not live in the storage facility where I stored my car. Please catch up. I tried to explain several times but he was not paying attention. Then he got super pissy and was driving poorly and ran into a curb and dented the rim of his van and started swearing up a storm. So when we finally sorted out where the place was, I'd been locked out of the gate since it was now closed. The driver was at least nice enough to stand there for 5 minutes til I could get a manager on the phone to help buzz me in to collect my car. That's about where the niceness stopped. When it was time to collect the money, he claimed they did not accept credit or debit cards (since when?) and the fact that I had no cash on me and needed to use one for payment would add a 10% surcharge to the total and this was standard practice. Since I was stranded in a dark parking lot in the middle of the night I had no choice and had to just agree and pay. I do not think I'd use them again.

Apr 22, 2016

I could not find the record of Melissa. We have been accepting credit card for payment since 2006. We picked up passengers who flew back from oversea in court yard G where we parked & waited for customers. We do not apply surcharge regardless of hours for service. We felt sorry for the experience Ms. Melissa had been through. Hoa T General Airport Shuttle (GAS)

Photo of Bala B.

Excellent service. Had to use some airport service from San Jose to SFO for my cousin who is new to the area. I wanted someone reliable. Was a little hesitant but with 2 good reviews decided to use their services and I was glad I did. The shuttle was to pick up on Fri at 6:30p, which I reserved on Thur. Called on Friday around 2p and the guy should have seen my # on the caller ID, he said 6:30p shuttle to SFO, right? I was impressed. Gave my cousin's #. At 6:25p, he called as he approached the address and was on time. Safe driver and got her to the airport on time. $60 was worth it. Since I was pleased with the service, I chose to use the same on the return journey. Called on Sunday evening for Mon morning pick-up. He was very precise to know what airline, where from and what is the ETA. Flight was late but he was there and my cousin reached her office safe. Fantastic experience. Highly recommend. Thanks guys!

Photo of Y F.

We've used Gereral Airport Shuttle for the last few years and have never been disappointed with their service. He has never been late to pick us up either at our home or at the airport. I have their phone number saved in my contacts on my cell phone. I send a text with all the details and I quickly get a response. I just scheduled my next round trip pick up.

I just used General Airport Shuttle for our trip to the San Jose Airport. There were 6 of us with lots of luggage and we fit perfectly comfortable in the large van. Our driver was on time to pick us up at 5:30 AM. We also arranged to have him pick us up when we returned and as we were waiting at the baggage claim for our luggage to roll on down I turned around and there he was standing next to me. Wonderful shuttle service I would highly recommend anyone needing a shuttle to give them a call.

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1 dead, several injured in Honolulu after shuttle bus crashes outside cruise terminal

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One person has died and multiple people were injured in a shuttle bus crash in Honolulu , Hawaii on Friday.

"Nine Carnival Miracle guests were hit by a shuttle bus in the transportation area outside the Honolulu cruise terminal on Friday morning," Matt Lupoli, senior manager of the Carnival Cruise Line , told USA TODAY. "Sadly, one guest has died from her injuries. She was traveling with her husband, who was also injured and is expected to recover."

The shuttle bus crashed into pedestrians and two concrete barriers at the terminal. The shuttle bus driver mistakenly stepped on the gas pedal instead of the break when they attempted to stop the bus from moving, Hawaii News Now reported.

All of the victims were taken to local hospitals and are being treated for their injuries. The victims are in different conditions ranging from serious to stable, the news outlet said.

"Members of the Carnival Care Team are assisting the guests. Our thoughts are with the guests affected and their loved ones," Lupoli said.

USA TODAY has reached out to the  Honolulu Police Department and the Honolulu Emergency Medical Services for comment.

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Eyewitnesses share their experience after the Honolulu shuttle bus crash, reports state

Eyewitness told KITV Island News that the relaxing Friday morning turned deadly after the shuttle bus crash.

"We heard the tire of a vehicle screeching," Lillian Le, a visitor from Denver told the broadcast station. "We looked and it was a bus running over people and hit against a wall."

An employee at the complex said he has never experienced this before.

"We saw the first responders coming, it was substantial, probably about 10 a.m., four or five ambulances, two fire trucks, ten cop cars, looked pretty bad - it's really distressing," Mark Elwell, an employee at the complex wher the accident occurred. "I've worked here 21 years, I've never seen anything to this magnitude, really sad to see, obviously people were hurt pretty bad to be taken away by ambulance."

Jessica Lani Rich, a visitor at the Aloha Society of Hawaii told KITV Island News that the woman who died was celebrating her 46th wedding anniversary with her husband.

Ahjané Forbes is a reporter on the National Trending Team at USA TODAY. Ahjané covers breaking news, car recalls, crime, health, lottery and public policy stories. Email her at  [email protected] . Follow her on  Instagram ,  Threads  and  X @forbesfineest.

Mobilize Recovery Cross-Country Bus Tour Galvanizes Community, Prevents Overdoses

Fifteen cities to host events in partnership with iHeartMedia, Meta, SAMHSA, Inseparable, and dozens of community partners coinciding with nationwide Mobilize Recovery Day of Service events throughout September and October 2024.

LAS VEGAS, NV / ACCESSWIRE / April 18, 2024 / Mobilize Recovery announces its sixth annual initiative bringing together people in recovery and their allies, local and national nonprofits, private companies, policymakers, and federal agencies to celebrate recovery from substance use disorder and mental health challenges, raise public awareness, and prevent overdoses during National Addiction and Mental Health Recovery Month and throughout October 2024.

Mobilize Recovery Across America 2024

Kicking off from Southern California on September 20, Mobilize Recovery Across America 2024 will depart on a cross-country bus tour, stopping in 15 cities during September and October. At each stop, community members, partners, and volunteers will offer community trainings, listening sessions, overdose response support, and they will engage local policymakers and communities on issues that matter to the recovery movement.

Each event will be specific to the area in which it is held. Mobilize Recovery executive director Ryan Hampton states, "Building community is at the heart of the recovery movement. This tour will help center the voices, experiences, and hard work of local communities across the country who are on the frontlines of America's addiction and mental health crisis. Each person's recovery journey is unique and should be celebrated. Through this unifying experience, we hope to shine a light on their stories-and uplift recovery to the masses in a unique, meaningful, and moving way."

Examples of local activation on tour stops include:

  • Distributing overdose prevention education, trainings, & resources (such as naloxone) at pop-up stations in local retail, commercial, & residential areas.
  • Engaging policymakers in listening sessions with residents in their hometowns.
  • Convening roundtables with local employers & businesses around topics such as mental health wellness for employees & recovery-ready workplace initiatives.
  • Engaging schools through TEDx-style talks by recognizable individuals in recovery from addiction and/or mental health challenges.
  • Empowering families through practical prevention tools & strategies offered through organizational partners & peers.
  • Connecting participants to partner resources, advocacy tools, and discussion forums.
  • Linking locally based events happening as part of Mobilize Recovery's Day of Service with the national tour.

Meta and iHeartMedia will renew their longstanding support for Mobilize Recovery's mission by providing substantial promotional support, including mass-market broadcast radio, public service announcements featuring notable recording artists and personalities, and digital promotions. In addition, major support for the 2024 initiative is coming from Braeburn, Inseparable, the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, and Opioid Response Network.

"Both Meta and iHeartMedia have been critical to the success of Mobilize Recovery-and their commitment to the recovery community is an example for other major corporations to follow. When we mainstream recovery, more people find help and more lives are saved," said Ryan Hampton.

"We are committed to helping connect people with resources to raise awareness about the dangers of illicit drug misuse and support individuals in recovery and their families. We're proud to partner with Mobilize Recovery and continue our shared mission of supporting those affected," said Neil Potts, Vice President of Trust and Safety at Meta.

"The 2024 Mobilize Recovery initiative leverages the creativity, commitment, knowledge, and resilience of the recovery community to break stigma and celebrate the achievements of the nearly 50 million Americans in recovery from substance use and mental health conditions," said Miriam E. Delphin-Rittmon, Ph.D., HHS Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use and the leader of SAMHSA. "The bus tour will visit communities across the country, providing lifesaving resources including training, naloxone, and importantly, hope."

Executive Vice President of iHeartMedia Unified Partnerships, Alexandra Cameron, said, "This award-winning recovery program has been part of a longstanding commitment, and we are thrilled to continue to elevate our partnership supporting the important mission of Mobilize Recovery. iHeartMedia delivers public education, promotes available resources to help prevent overdose and reduce stigma-telling the positive and inspiring stories of America's recovery community. These efforts are central to our annual iHeart Recovery Month. Every year, we also invite influencers with lived experience to join us in celebrating recovery and amplify those messages, proving that recovery is real. From across the iHeartMedia universe to on the ground support and activations, iHeart Recovery Month contributes to meaningful behavior change outcomes supporting all the communities we serve. "

"The connections between people are so important-sharing stories, supporting each other, knowing we're all in it together," said Bill Smith, founder and CEO of Inseparable, a national nonprofit committed to advancing mental health advocacy. "We are so proud to be partners in the Mobilize Recovery bus tour as it facilitates these connections in communities across the country. This is how we come together to ensure that people have the support they need to live their best lives."

The 2024 Mobilize Recovery initiative is being co-chaired by Melissa Etheridge, Danny Trejo, Noah Thompson, Fitz and the Tantrums, former NBA player Chris Herren, Dr. Miriam Delphin-Rittmon (Administrator of SAMHSA), Neil Potts (VP of Trust and Safety at Meta), and Dr. Karen DeSalvo (Chief Health Officer at Google).

The bus tour route and local events will be announced on Facebook through Mobilize Recovery's Facebook page on Monday, June 10th, and on their website. Individuals and community organizations interested in participating are encouraged to sign up for updates at .

For many, the power of Mobilize Recovery is its ability to reach partners of all kinds across the country. At every stop on the bus tour, participants sign the bus in honor of their own recovery or that of a loved one, or to memorialize someone they've lost. By the end of the tour, the bus is covered in signatures and messages, connecting individuals in very different places, all of whom have been touched by addiction and mental health challenges.

These participants are a diverse group, made up of advocates, creators, people in recovery and their family members, and people working on the front lines of the overdose epidemic gripping the United States. Mobilize Recovery engages them all to develop action-oriented goals that can be measured and scaled, and to empower and inspire their communities to make change.

In addition to cornerstone support from iHeartMedia, Meta, SAMHSA, and Inseparable, Mobilize Recovery partners with national and local organizations for substantial support and other significant participation. Some of these partners include Google, Opioid Response Network, Braeburn, Masimo Foundation for Ethics, National Council for Mental Wellbeing, Partnership to End Addiction, Young People in Recovery, Bicycle Health, Arnall Golden Gregory, Shatterproof, Behavioral Health Group, The Kennedy Forum, Foundation for Recovery, The Phoenix, The Herren Project, Truth Initiative, Hazelden Betty Ford, McShin Foundation, Aliya Health Group, Caron Foundation, Release Recovery, Discovery Institute for Addictive Disorders, CCAPP, Pew Charitable Trusts, Oxford Houses, Get Help, NAATP, and more.

About Mobilize Recovery

Mobilize Recovery brings together recovery advocates, nonprofit organizations, allies, business leaders and brands, government partners, and like-minded community-based organizations with an interest in creating sustainable change and community solutions. Engaging year-round with our Mobilizers, we provide partnership support and education to uplift and sustain their work, developing action-oriented goals that can be measured and scaled. We believe in the power of a bottom-up approach that supports advocates, creators, and communities on the front lines.

About Mobilize Recovery Day of Service

Mobilize Recovery Day of Service is a constellation of connected public service events taking place nationally, harnessing the power of people in recovery and their allies for positive change in local communities. Since 2019, Mobilize Recovery has convened people in recovery and their allies to advocate for policy change and awareness. Together, we have built a "constituency of consequence" that cares about substance use and mental health recovery. The Mobilize Recovery Day of Service harnesses the power of that community to effect positive change in localities all over the nation. We invite partners of all kinds-businesses, nonprofits, federal agencies, recovery groups, and more-to host a service event in their local area during the months of September and October that creates positive change.

How to learn more and participate:

Mobilize Recovery:

Recovery Day of Service:

Contact Information

Tim Sullivan Media [email protected] (732) 816-0239

SOURCE: Mobilize Recovery


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David Spade to bring ‘Joe Dirt Country Bus Tour’ to Wilson Center

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) - David Spade is set to perform at the Wilson Center on Wednesday, June 26, according to a Wilson Center announcement.

“Known for his memorable roles in ‘Just Shoot Me,’ ‘Grown Ups,’ ‘Joe Dirt,’ and his many appearances on NBC’s ‘Saturday Night Live’ David Spade has become a household favorite. Now, he’s bringing his wise-cracking, comedic talent to CFCC’s Wilson Center for his Joe Dirt Country Bus Tour this summer!” the Facebook announcement states.

The show, part of the Joe Dirt Country Bus Tour, is scheduled for 8 p.m., and tickets are available now on the Wilson Center website .

Copyright 2024 WECT. All rights reserved.

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Sir Paul McCartney’s Wings tour bus could fetch up to £200,000 at auction

A bus once used by Sir Paul McCartney during the 1972 Wings Over Europe tour is going under the hammer at auction.

The eye-catching double-decker bus was used by Sir Paul and Linda McCartney, as well as the rest of Wings, to travel more than 7,500 miles across nine countries and 25 cities during the summer of 1972 – with its psychedelic colour scheme ensuring nobody missed it wherever it went.

Completely and faithfully restored to its original heyday condition, the bus features wooden bunk beds, bright yellow colours and a bespoke cover for the upper deck which features “1972 Wings Tour Bus” graphics.

The top deck itself has been engineered as a performance space – now referred to as The McCartney Stage.

Sold by Car and Classic via online auction, the bus could fetch up to £200,000 by the time the hammer falls. The auction is set to run from April 22-29.

The bus is accompanied by artefacts and memorabilia donated by founding Wings member Danny Seiwell, while an official licence permits the use of artwork, logos and the names of both Paul and Linda McCartney.

Dale Vinten, Car & Classic head of editorial, said: “Just as [John] Lennon’s Rolls-Royce and the notable cars of other Beatles members carry the weight of history, tour buses tell a different story, and bear witness to the behind-the-scenes magic that fuels the onstage brilliance.

“This essence is perfectly encapsulated in the Wings tour bus, still adorned in its psychedelic colours, and restored to how it would’ve been when the McCartneys and the rest of the band toured Europe over the summer of 72.”

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Melissa Etheridge and Danny Trejo Co-Chair Mobilize Recovery Bus Tour to Raise Awareness About Addiction (EXCLUSIVE)

By Marc Malkin

Marc Malkin

Senior Editor, Culture and Events

  • Melissa Etheridge and Danny Trejo Co-Chair Mobilize Recovery Bus Tour to Raise Awareness About Addiction (EXCLUSIVE) 1 day ago
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Melissa Etheridge and Danny Trejo

Melissa Etheridge and Danny Trejo are among the co-chairs of this year’s Mobilize Recovery initiative.

Kicking off from Los Angeles on Sept. 20, Mobilize Recovery Across America 2024 will depart on a cross-country bus tour, stopping in 15 cities during September and October. At each stop, community members, partners, and volunteers will offer community trainings, listening sessions, overdose response supports, and they will engage local policymakers and communities on issues that matter to the recovery movement.

Popular on Variety

Activations during the bus stops include distributing overdose prevention education, moderated roundtables and TEDx-style talks about addiction, recovery and mental health.

Additional co-chairs include “American Idol” winner Noah Thompson, Fitz and the Tantrums, former NBA player Chris Herren, Dr. Miriam Delphin-Rittmon (Administrator of SAMHSA), Neil Potts (VP of Trust and Safety at Meta) and Dr. Karen DeSalvo (Chief Health Officer at Google).

The bus tour route and local events will be announced through Mobilize Recovery’s Facebook page on June 10 and on their website. Individuals and community organizations interested in participating are encouraged to sign up for updates at .

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  8. Moranditour srl

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  20. 1 killed, several injured in shuttle bus accident at Honolulu cruise

    KGMB/KHNL. CNN —. One person is dead and several others injured after a shuttle bus rammed into them at a Honolulu cruise terminal in Hawaii on Friday, according to police and Carnival Cruise ...

  21. Honolulu shuttle bus crash: 1 dead, several hurt at cruise terminal

    Eyewitnesses share their experience after the Honolulu shuttle bus crash, reports state. Eyewitness told KITV Island News that the relaxing Friday morning turned deadly after the shuttle bus crash ...

  22. Mobilize Recovery Cross-Country Bus Tour Galvanizes Community, Prevents

    Kicking off from Southern California on September 20, Mobilize Recovery Across America 2024 will depart on a cross-country bus tour, stopping in 15 cities during September and October. At each ...

  23. David Spade to bring 'Joe Dirt Country Bus Tour' to Wilson Center

    WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) - David Spade is set to perform at the Wilson Center on Wednesday, June 26, according to a Wilson Center announcement. "Known for his memorable roles in 'Just Shoot Me,' 'Grown Ups,' 'Joe Dirt,' and his many appearances on NBC's 'Saturday Night Live' David Spade has become a household favorite. Now ...

  24. Sir Paul McCartney's Wings tour bus could fetch up to £200,000 ...

    A bus once used by Sir Paul McCartney during the 1972 Wings Over Europe tour is going under the hammer at auction.. The eye-catching double-decker bus was used by Sir Paul and Linda McCartney, as ...

  25. From Milan: Lugano, Bellagio and Como exclusive Boat Tour

    Discover and book From Milan: Lugano, Bellagio and Como exclusive Boat Tour on Tripadvisor. Help. If you have questions about this tour or need help making your booking, we'd be happy to help. Just call the number below and reference the product code: 161321P22. +1 855 275 5071.

  26. RSVP for Black Voters Matter Pennsylvania GOTV Bus Tour

    RSVP for Black Voters Matter Pennsylvania GOTV Bus Tour. Join Black Voters Matter on our Pennsylvania GOTV Primary Bus Tour. Happening from April 20th to April 23rd, 2024, from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and everywhere in between, BVM will be in your community building power. You don't want to miss FREE food, t-shirts, resources, and much more.

  27. Melissa Etheridge and Danny Trejo Co-Chair Mobilize Recovery Bus Tour

    Kicking off from Los Angeles on Sept. 20, Mobilize Recovery Across America 2024 will depart on a cross-country bus tour, stopping in 15 cities during September and October.