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10 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik  [Ditinjau oleh Tour Consultant] 1

  • 10 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik [Ditinjau oleh Tour Consultant]

Kami telah menyusun tips memilih di artikel ini bersama  tour consultant kami, Farianty Gunawan. Temukan juga rekomendasi merek tas travel yang bagus, seperti Troveast, Heylook, hingga EVERNEXT. Selamat membaca!

Farianty Gunawan

Farianty mengawali karier di bidang pariwisata sejak lulus D3 bidang Tours and Travel di Stiepar Yapari Bandung tahun 1992. Setelah itu, ia melanjutkan studi S1 tahun 2012. Farianty menekuni dunia tour leader sejak tahun 1996 dan sudah membawa group tour ke berbagai belahan dunia. Pada 2015, Farianty membuka pelayanan Travel Agency bersama beberapa rekannya di Jakarta hingga kini. Kegemarannya melakukan perjalanan dan berbagi pengalaman membawanya lulus sebagai trainer bersertifikat BNSP Indonesia Januari 2022. Pengalamannya juga ditayangkan pada channel YouTube dan tulisan di Kompasiana.

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mybest adalah situs layanan informasi produk rekomendasi berdasarkan uji coba menyeluruh serta bantuan pendapat oleh pakar. Menghasilkan konten setiap hari, mybest menyediakan pengalaman memilih terbaik bagi lebih dari 3 juta user per bulannya. Berbagai tema konten, mulai dari kosmetik, kebutuhan sehari-hari, elektronik rumah tangga, hingga jasa bisa ditemukan di mybest.

Apakah travel bag boleh dimasukkan ke dalam bagasi kabin?

Apa itu carry-on bag.

  • Carry-on bag dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menyimpan barang-barang penting . Pasti terasa sulit jika Anda ingin mengambil barang dari dalam koper saat di bandara atau tempat lainnya. Nah, jika Anda menyimpan barang-barang penting tersebut di dalam carry-on bag , Anda bisa mengambilnya kapan saja. Tas ini paling cocok diletakkan di atas koper.
  • Carry-on bag yang bisa dilipat dapat digunakan sebagai tas cadangan tatkala dibutuhkan . Saat traveling atau melakukan perjalanan bisnis, Anda mungkin membeli banyak oleh-oleh hingga tidak muat dimasukkan ke dalam koper. Carry-on bag dapat diandalkan untuk menampung oleh-oleh atau kelebihan barang-barang tersebut.
  • Carry-on bag juga dapat digunakan sebagai ransel, tas jinjing, atau tote bag . Tas ini dapat Anda gunakan sebagai tas utama saat Anda berjalan-jalan.

Cara memilih Travel Bag

Sesuaikan ukurannya dengan koper.

Selain itu, carry-on bag yang terlalu berat dan penuh barang akan menambah beban koper Anda. Jika ukuran lebar dan kedalamannya sesuai dengan ukuran koper, tas tidak akan menonjol keluar saat dikaitkan . Anda tidak perlu khawatir akan terjadi selip.

Pastikan ukuran back strap (lubang selipan) pas dengan handel koper

Cek juga ukuran tinggi dari selipan tersebut. Makin tinggi ukurannya, makin mudah selipan dipasang dengan lebih firm . Berhati-hatilah jika bahannya tipis karena akan lebih cepat sobek.

Pilih ukuran dan kapasitas yang sesuai muatan

Ukuran kecil: bisa digunakan sebagai tas jinjing atau tas utama.

Carry-on bag berukuran sekitar 15 liter sudah cukup untuk memuat barang-barang pribadi, suvenir traveling , hingga oleh-oleh . Apabila Anda ingin menaruh barang seperti dompet, tas dengan saku di bagian dalam adalah pilihan terbaik. Keberadaan saku tersebut memudahkan Anda saat ingin mengambil barang.

Ukuran besar: Untuk membawa barang yang tidak muat masuk koper

Anda bisa meringankan beban koper dengan memindahkan barang-barang ekstra lainnya ke dalam carry-on bag ini. Tipe ini disarankan terutama jika Anda berencana membeli banyak oleh-oleh . Carilah travel bag yang bagus dan kuat agar nyaman dibawa dan barang-barang pun aman.

Selain itu, carry-on bag berukuran besar dapat membawa barang yang sulit dimasukkan ke dalam koper. Contohnya adalah barang seperti kotak sepatu yang membuat koper Anda menggelembung kepenuhan.

Nah, di bawah ini kami memiliki rekomendasi tas buat traveling model duffle bag. Anda dapat menaruh banyak barang mencapai 20 liter atau lebih. Untuk informasi lebih lengkapnya, klik tautan di bawah ini.

10 Merk Duffle Bag Terbaik (Terbaru Tahun 2024)

10 Merk Duffle Bag Terbaik (Terbaru Tahun 2024)

Perhatikan ukuran travel bag yang hendak dibawa ke dalam kabin pesawat

Jika Anda ingin membawa travel bag ke dalam pesawat, cek bisa tidaknya tas disimpan dalam kabin. Berhati-hatilah jika Anda membawa tas berukuran besar. Dilansir dari Kompas.com , berikut ini adalah ketentuan ukuran tas untuk kabin pesawat dari beberapa maskapai di Indonesia.

  • Lion Air dan Batik Air: Dimensi tas: 40 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm・Berat maksimal: 7 kg.
  • Citylink: Dimensi tas: 56 cm x 36 cm x 23 cm (untuk pesawat Airbus A320) dan 41 cm x 36 cm x 23 cm (untuk pesawat ATR72-600)・Berat maksimal: 7 kg.
  • Garuda Indonesia: Dimensi tas: 56 cm x 36 cm x 23 cm dan 41 cm x 34 cm x 17 cm (untuk penerbangan kelas ekonomi menggunakan pesawat CRJ dan ATR)・Berat maksimal: 7 kg. 
  • Sriwijaya Air: Dimensi tas: 56 cm x 33 cm x 23 cm・Berat maksimal: 7 kg
  • Air Asia: Dimensi tas: 56 cm x 36 cm x 23 cm ・ Berat maksimal: 7 kg
  • Super Air Jet:  Dimensi tas: 40 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm・Berat maksimal: 7 kg

Maskapai penerbangan luar negeri tentu memiliki aturan yang berbeda dan lebih ketat. Meskipun carry-on bag Anda hanya kebesaran sedikit saja, Anda mungkin harus membayar untuk kelebihan muatan tersebut .

Pertimbangkan tas berbobot ringan, compact, dan bisa dilipat

Sementara itu, jika Anda ingin menyimpan carry-on bag di dalam koper, pilihlah yang bisa dilipat secara compact . Dengan begitu, Anda mudah menyelipkannya di dalam koper dan dapat mengambilnya kapan pun dibutuhkan. Apabila bisa dilipat sekecil mungkin, carry-on bag tersebut akan makin portabel dan mempermudah Anda.

Cek keberadaan tali selempang agar kian mudah dibawa

Sebagai contoh, saat menyerahkan paspor ke petugas imigrasi, Anda mungkin harus meletakkan tas travel tersebut di lantai. Ada banyak orang di bandara sehingga risiko kehilangan barang sangatlah besar. Untuk keamanan, pilihlah carry-on bag yang bisa disandangkan di bahu.

Panjang tali selempang sekitar 100 cm atau lebih adalah ukuran yang pas untuk orang dewasa . Lebih baik lagi apabila Anda bisa mengatur ukuran panjang talinya. Jika ingin menggunakan carry-on bag sebagai tas utama selama traveling , pilihlah yang dilengkapi tali selempang.

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Tas Travel Lipat 1

Harganya terjangkau, coraknnya pun menggemaskan

Apabila Anda ingin memiliki tas travel lipat dengan corak yang cute , pertimbangkanlah produk ini. Tas Travel Lipat ini hadir dengan delapan pilihan corak menarik. Ada corak domba, kotak, pelangi, flamingo, domba, dan lainnya yang dapat Anda pilih. Bahan yang digunakan juga tahan air sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir jika terkena cipratan air. Dari semua kelebihan yang ada, produk ini memiliki harga yang terjangkau.


Hummer 1

Tersedia slot untuk menyambungkan earphone dan charger

Anda yang sering menggunakan smartphone  selama perjalanan, tentu tidak boleh melewatkan travel bag ini. Pasalnya, tas Hummer dari  EVERNEXT  ini dirancang dengan slot untuk menyambungkan  earphone dan charger . Alhasil, Anda jadi makin mudah mengakses earphone di tas saat ingin mendengarkan musik. 

Bukan itu saja, Anda juga bisa dengan mudah mengisi daya smartphone sambil memegangnya karena ada slot khusus untuk charger . Perjalanan dijamin makin menyenangkan, deh!

Polo Team Tas Travel Mini Duffel

Tas Travel Mini Duffel 1

Travel bag bergaya klasik sekaligus stylish

Pilihlah tas dari  Polo Team  ini jika Anda tidak hanya mengutamakan fungsi, tetapi juga fashion .  Motif kotak-kotaknya akan menciptakan kesan klasik dan elegan. Ditaruh di atas koper ataupun dijinjing sebagai tas utama akan membuat penampilan Anda  auto   stylish . Selain itu, ukuran tas ini tidak terlalu besar, sangat pas untuk kebutuhan short trip Anda. 

TORCH Fujisawa

Fujisawa 1

Temani perjalanan panjang Anda tanpa drama

Rekomendasi tas ransel traveling satu ini cocok digunakan bagi  traveller yang sering melakukan perjalanan panjang. Pasalnya, tas travel ini memiliki kapasitas 45 L dengan tambahan 3 L space ekstra. Dengan begitu, Anda dapat membawa banyak barang untuk trip selama satu minggu.

Ritsletingnya dapat dibuka hingga 270° sehingga memudahkan untuk mengatur barang bawaan. Poin plus lainnya adalah Air Bender Foam Back System yang mampu mencegah panas saat dipakai. Perjalanan pun makin nyaman tanpa drama saat memakai produk dari  TORCH ini.

Heylook Foldable Bag

Foldable Bag 1

Praktis menyimpan barang di kabin pesawat dengan travel bag ini

Pertimbangkanlah tas ini jika Anda memiliki banyak barang bawaan untuk dibawa naik ke pesawat. Travel bag dari brand Heylook ini tentu memiliki semua fungsi yang Anda butuhkan untuk sebuah carry-on bag .

Bahannya antiair dan terdapat lubang selipan untuk ditaruh di atas koper, serta bisa dilipat seukuran saku. Selain itu, ukurannya sesuai dengan kabin pesawat kebanyakan sehingga sangat cocok dijadikan tas kabin. 

PRANA Travelling Bag Dry

Travelling Bag Dry 1

Travel bag multifungsi untuk berbagai kegiatan

Produk keluaran Prana ini tidak hanya nyaman digunakan untuk bepergian. Namun, Anda juga bisa memakainya untuk kegiatan lainnya, seperti saat work out ataupun ke pantai. Bukan hanya itu, produk ini juga dapat dipakai dalam berbagai gaya, lho. Anda bisa menjadikannya sebagai backpack , crossbody bag , shoulder bag , bahkan tas jinjing. Selain cocok dipilih oleh Anda yang ingin memiliki tas multifungsi, produk ini juga dapat dipilih oleh penyuka warna pastel!

Troveast Travel Bag Bimo

Travel Bag Bimo 1

Lengkapi perjalanan dengan model backpack atau duffle bag

Apabila Anda mencari tas yang cocok untuk traveling  dan bisa dipakai untuk kegiatan harian lainnya, ini jawabannya. Produk dari Troveast ini bisa Anda andalkan untuk kebutuhan perjalanan, olahraga, ataupun gym . 

Desainnya yang modern membuat Anda terlihat bergaya dan trendi. Terlebih lagi, tas ini bisa digunakan sebagai backpack ataupun duffle bag . Sesuaikan saja dengan style atau kebutuhan yang Anda inginkan.

Scratchline Tourmaline Duffle Bag

Tourmaline Duffle Bag 1

Terbuat dari material yang durable, aman dibawa perjalanan outdoor

Tas travel jinjing ini menampilkan merek Scratchline , salah satu  brand lokal kekinian. Terbuat dari bahan  cordura , tas ini tidak mudah sobek, lecet, ataupun tergores. Anda bisa menjadikannya sebagai opsi untuk menemani Anda selama perjalanan outdoor . Tas yang direkomendasikan untuk traveling  ini juga dilengkapi ritsleting samping sehingga Anda dapat menaruh sepatu dengan rapi.

Elfs Active Travel Bag Keeve | ZD05

Travel Bag Keeve 1

Travel bag yang juga bisa dijadikan tas gym

Apakah Anda mencari tas travel multiguna untuk mendukung mobilitas harian misalnya berolahraga? Pertimbangkanlah tas dari  Elfs Active ini. Tas travel ini terdiri dari beberapa ruang penyimpanan untuk berbagai kebutuhan, baik untuk gym maupun short trip . 

Ada dua saku di luar untuk meletakkan botol minum, sepatu gym, pakaian, hingga sarung tinju. Ada juga kompartemen terpisah untuk meletakkan pakaian laundry. Tas ini juga kuat untuk menahan beban hingga 10 kg.

ARTCH Pukoro

Pukoro 1

Hadirkan kombinasi warna colorful yang trendi

Ini dia travel bag yang cocok untuk Anda penyuka tampilan kekinian. ARTCH  merancang tas Pukoro ini dengan kombinasi warna kontras yang chic sekaligus trendi. Meskipun begitu, ada juga pilihan warna hitam yang dapat dipilih oleh penyuka warna netral. Tak hanya tampilannya yang menarik, produk ini juga tahan terhadap air serta dapat untuk meletakkan laptop berukuran 14". 

Travel bag boleh dijadikan sebagai bagasi kabin. Jika Anda membawa koper kabin juga, pastikan berat keduanya tidak melebihi 7–10 kg (tergantung peraturan maskapai).

5 Rekomendasi Travel Bag terbaik

No. 1: YooWoo | Tas Travel Lipat

No. 2: EVERNEXT | Hummer

No. 3: Polo Team | Tas Travel Mini Duffel

No. 4: TORCH | Fujisawa

No. 5: Heylook | Foldable Bag

Rekomendasi Produk Terlaris dalam Travel bag

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Luggage shop by size

The Ultimate Luggage Size and Weight Guide

Crew Versapack soft sided luggage including large & medium check-ins, carry-on spinner, & underseat baggage.

Your trip can go from exciting to frustrating quickly if you end up at the airport and discover your luggage isn't the right size. Suddenly you're shelling out more money than expected because your baggage has to be checked, and now you don't have access to your carry on. Before heading to the airport, check out our luggage size guide to stay within the limits.

When to use a Checked Bags

There's a certain convenience that comes with checking your bags. You can pack your carry on minimally, enjoy the lightened load, and still bring everything you need on the trip. With much more freedom to pack what you need, the most difficult decision will now be what bag you bring? Peruse the  Travelpro Checked Luggage page to find the perfect bag for

Checked Baggage Size and Dimensions

While you certainly can pack more when you check a bag, you still have to follow limitations. Checked luggage sizes vary depending on the airline and whether or not you are a "frequent flier" with that particular airline.

We've rounded up all the major airlines and listed the  checked luggage sizes and their limits to help you know what you're getting into.

Checked Suitcase Weight Limits

Airlines impose a luggage weight limit to ensure the plane isn't overloaded and to reduce the possibility of injuring the baggage handlers. Most domestic flights have a checked bag weight limit of around 50 pounds (unless you want to pay a fee to pack something heavier). However, your  international checked baggage size  varies considerably depending on which airline you choose.

When to Carry On

Many airlines allow a free carry on (usually for the overhead bin) and a free personal item (usually for under the seat in front of you). Domestic flights limit their size but don't pay much attention to the weight. International flights have specific size and weight requirements.  Travelpro has a lineup of stylish and functional carry on bags  for every type of trip. Related: See what you should bring in your TSA-approved carry on .

Carry On Bag Size and Dimensions

Domestic flights follow similar guidelines for carry on dimensions: roughly 22x14x9 inches. Check out our rundown of maximum carry-on sizes by airline to ensure you meet the TSA carry on size limits.

When you’re heading overseas, there are different rules to follow. International flights have different guidelines for size, and most also limit the weight of the carry on. Before you fly, make sure you’re not over the weight limit. You can read more about the international luggage standards here.

Helpful Tip: Our modern luggage collections all contain a variety of carry on suitcases that will meet your preferred airlines size restrictions.

22 x 14 x 9 are the common regional and domestic airline dimensions for carry on size limits.

Personal Items Limitations

Personal items get stowed beneath the seat in front of you. This space is designed to give easy access to items you might need while flying: laptops, medication, books, and more.

Space is limited, though. If you exceed it, you may have to store your personal item in the overhead bin – and that could result in added fees.

Related: Learn more about  what counts as a personal item and their size limitations .

Knowing what to bring and how big your luggage sizes can be, will make your trip much smoother and more enjoyable. As you plan your next getaway, find the perfect bag that accents your personality , and review the size guidelines to know whether you should check or carry on.

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How To Choose the Right Sized Travel Bag for Any Trip

Finding a properly sized travel bag is a key part of any successful trip, from a simple weekender to a month-long adventure.

How To Choose the Right Sized Travel Bag for Any Trip

Getting Started

There’s a travel bag out there for everyone, and we’re here to help you find it. The process can be a little overwhelming, but narrowing down what needs to fit into your pack is a great place to start. In this post, we’re going to be talking about different bag sizes and their uses. By the time we’re done, you’ll know just what size pack you need (or at least be headed in the right direction).

We’ll cover everything from 1L slings that keep your pockets free all the way up to 60L outdoor adventure packs for carrying the whole shebang. Whether you’re searching for the perfect pack for daily commutes or are ready to jump off the deep end into backpacking across Asia, we’re psyched to help you get started.

Before we get into it, there are a few essential things to consider. When we mention liters, we mean it in terms of volume, not dimensions. Two different 40L travel bags may not fit the same amount of gear. This is highly dependent on the built-in organization, available compartments, and shapes that the pack implements. We notice the most significant differences between different brands, but sometimes even two travel backpacks made by the same company will differ in packability. Ensuring all your gear will fit inside is one of many critical pieces to the intricate puzzle of picking your next travel bag.

Here at Pack Hacker, we have a ton of travel gear reviews, guides, and how-to videos that will help get you started, continue your journey, or find your magnum opus.

Okay—now let’s get into the fun stuff.

Pocket Dump Sling (1L)

Starting off on the small end of the spectrum is the 1L sling, or what we like to call the Pocket Dump Sling. It might seem tiny, but we promise, 1L is bigger than you think! It’s small enough for you to wear it all day without getting uncomfortable, but it will fit just about anything you usually store in your pockets (hence the name).

Pocket Dump Sling

Use it to carry your daily essentials: a cell phone, keys, wallet, headphones, and even a small point-and-shoot camera or snack. We also love using these packs while traveling to store a passport, earbuds, travel wallet, and other travel documents like a boarding pass. Pocket dump slings are great at the airport because instead of removing all the items from your pockets and slowing up the line, everything is already in the sling. Just throw it on the conveyor belt and continue through the checkpoint.

From this category, we recommend the Patagonia Ultralight Black Hole Hip Pack . It’s pretty versatile, as you can wear it as a sling or on your waist, and it packs away nicely for compact storage when not in use.

The Patagonia Ultralight Black Hole Hip Pack all packed up.

We’ve also found that a sling of this size is great for walks around a new town, city, or nature area while abroad. You can throw your essentials (and maybe a friend or partner’s essentials too, if you’re feeling generous), head out on the town, and keep your hands and pockets free the whole time.

Pockets Plus (2.5L)

If you love slings like we do but crave a little more space, try something around the 2.5L size. We call them Pockets Plus because they fit all the items we usually carry in our pockets, plus a few extra goodies.

Pockets Plus

This size is excellent for daily use and while traveling because it offers a little more flexibility in what you can bring along with you. Similar to a Pocket Dump Sling, you can leave your pockets empty when you head through a TSA checkpoint. You will also have additional space to bring entertainment like a Nintendo Switch or a small tablet, a couple of snacks, a battery bank, and a few cables to keep everything charged up while you’re on the move. We’ve even been able to fit a packable rain jacket and set of wet wipes, so long as they have a small enough form factor!

The Aer City Sling 2 all packed up.

We love the Aer City Sling 2 , which comes in right at 2.5L. It’s one of the more comfortable carries that we’ve tested, and it has ample space for stowing your gear. We also love its low-profile design, especially while traveling to ensure that we don’t look too touristy. While on the plane, have quick access to entertainment like a Nintendo Switch without digging around below the seat. You can even hook it onto the seat in front of you using a HeroClip for easier access. You’d better stow it during turbulence, though!

Messenger Bag (13L)

If you need to bring along more gear than a basic sling allows, we recommend you grab a messenger bag between 9L and 13L. These packs are great for when you don’t necessarily want the weight of a backpack, but your list of essential items is a little larger, like on short hikes or day trips to nearby towns abroad. If you are set on carrying a sling, there’s also a travel bag subset that's a cross between a messenger bag and a sling.

Messenger Bag

A 13L messenger bag is a good pick for commuters who want something that won’t take up much space on trains or buses. It’s also a low-profile option if you’re exploring a new city and need more space but don’t want a full travel backpack. These bags are also great for cycle commuting because they aren’t too heavy and allow access to your gear while in transit.

There are many different styles to go with, so it's essential to think about which features are important for your usage needs. A pack with a large main compartment will hold the most gear but lacks the organization that some crave. A pack with more organization may not have as much room for larger items, but each item has a home.

The Peak Design Everyday Messenger all packed up.

In the 13L range, we like the Peak Design Everyday Messenger pack, as it can fit all of our daily go-to gear inside the large main compartment. It does have some organizational capabilities with the included FlexFold dividers, but in our experience, the dividers aren’t the most durable. As we said, it all depends on your specific usage needs.

Daily Bag (15L)

Some people don’t like slings and would prefer to wear a backpack while commuting to work or exploring a new city, which is just fine by us. For a travel bag you can wear every day and carry most of your work essentials, we recommend something between 15L and 18L. This should give you enough space to bring all the gear you need, plus a little bit extra.

Daily Bag

Although just a minor step-up from the 13L messenger, we’ve found that those two to five liters can make all the difference. Not only can a daily bag carry everything you need for work, but it will also be versatile enough for extracurriculars, too. So much room for activities!

Hit the gym after work, stop at the coffee shop for a drink and to get your side-hustle on, or even head out for a hike somewhere on the way home. The biggest draw of a daily bag over the smaller packs listed above is the ability to do an abundance of different activities without stopping home to drop off and grab more gear.

The Tom Bihn Luminary 15 all packed up.

We recommend the Tom Bihn Luminary 15 , Able Carry Thirteen Daybag , and Away Small Zip Backpack in this range. Each of these packs will be able to carry a laptop, water bottle, packable jacket, and even a few extra goodies like a tech pouch, phone, wallet, or change of clothes. They all keep a pretty low profile, so you won't feel like you're lugging around a giant travel bag.

Personal Item Backpack (20L)

Shifting from a daily bag to a personal item bag is another small jump, but we’ve found that a 20L travel backpack has just enough space for a weekend trip, or longer if you pack smart. We like this size travel bag because it will likely fit under the seat in front of you on a flight, which means no pesky carry-on fees or worrying about your bag getting lost, which is a big plus. They're great for heading straight to the airport from the office, as they can handle your work needs with your travel accessories added in, too.

Personal Item Backpack

It's important to note that it's ultimately up to your airline to decide whether or not a travel bag is allowed to be used as a personal item, but we’ve found that most packs around 20L will fit the bill. It's always a good idea to check the specific rules and dimensions of who you'll be flying with before you start packing, though. There isn't much worse than getting to the airport to find out that your personal item has evolved into a carry-on and that you're stuck with the bill.

After you've stowed your laptop and other travel essentials, you should have room for a packing cube or two. This is great for organization and ensuring that you have all the items that you need for the duration of your trip. If you pack minimally and strategically, you can make a personal item backpack work for week-long trips, too!

The Bellroy Tokyo Totepack all packed up.

In this range, we recommend the Bellroy Tokyo Totepack . It has an open main compartment that is great for getting the most out of the volume. Toss in a few packing cubes and a tech pouch, and you're ready to take on the weekend!

Daypack/Travel Backpack Hybrid (30L)

We love the daypack and travel backpack combo because it enables you to pivot between everyday activities and traveling with ease. We like travel bags around 30L for this purpose because anything larger will be a bit too big for daily use, and anything smaller won't have enough gusto for longer trips. Finding that happy medium is vital for a comfortable journey without sacrificing any essential gear along the way.

Daypack Travel Backpack Hybrid

For us, a good daypack and travel backpack combo needs to fit a laptop, tablet, toiletry kit, several small or medium-sized packing cubes, a tech pouch, and other various odds and ends. However, your packing list may vary depending on how you like to travel.

We keep an eye out for ways to compress or expand a hybrid travel bag because this enables it to be more versatile. Compression straps and compression zippers are both great features that will allow you to adjust the size depending on your needs at the time, but not all brands include these options.

When you arrive at your destination, take out packing cubes and other items that don't need to be with you at all times. Then you can compress the pack (if it has that feature), fill it with what you need for the day, and head out into adventure mode. When it's time to head home, load the gear and cubes back up with any souvenirs you picked up along the way and go to the airport. If you've picked up too many presents for your family back home, a travel backpack with attachment points is great because you can clip additional pouches and accessories on the outside of the pack.

The Knack Pack Series 2 all packed up.

The Knack Pack Series 2 is a pack with a lot of features for more efficient travel. Uncompressed, the pack is 35L, a great size for traveling, but it sizes down to a handy 24L for daily usage. It has a ton of internal organization, ensuring that every item will have a home and nothing will get lost on the journey. Both of these features make it a great contender to get you to and from your destination stress-free, which means you will be able to enjoy your trip more.

Travel Backpack (40L to 45L)

We're now on the edge of what can be considered a carry-on bag, and we have to admit, we’re loving every minute of it. Most 40L packs are about as large as you’ll be able to bring onto the plane, but adding a few more liters is worth it if you can (and want to) check a travel bag.

Travel Backpack

These packs are the standard size for one-bag travelers who will be away from home for extended periods of time. Suppose you will be spending a few months bouncing around different countries in Europe, a year exploring what Asia has to offer, or country hopping through Central and South America. In that case, this size travel bag has your name all over it!

Now that we’ve made our way to the larger end of the size spectrum, we tend to look for a few features that add quality of life. We like clamshell packs because they give you the ability to see the entire main compartment at once, rather than digging through to make sure you have everything you need for a day's work or specific adventure. It's almost like a suitcase you can wear on your back, and we find we can be most organized and comfortable this way.

The Osprey Fairview all packed up.

One of our favorites in this category is the Osprey Farpoint. The pack comes in both men’s ( Farpoint ) and women’s ( Fairview ) styling at 40L. Our team has tested this travel bag for over a year in over a dozen different countries worldwide and found that it can hold all of our gear and remain comfortable in almost every situation. No bag is perfect, but a quality travel backpack will quite literally be by your side through it all, so ensuring that you get all the features you need is essential.

Gear Hauler (60L)

Ah, finally. The granddaddy of them all.

Have you ever heard the phrase “everything but the kitchen sink” and thought, well, what if I want to bring the kitchen sink, too? Then you're in the right place. A gear hauler is a great fit for a road trip where the size of your travel bag isn't the biggest concern. This normally comes in the form of a duffel, but there are a couple of colossal travel backpacks out there if that's your preference.

Gear Hauler

In the 50 to 60 L range, gear haulers are also great for outdoor adventures and hobbies that require a lot of equipment, like camping. Another great use for such a pack is to transport coats, snow pants, boots, and skiing and snowboarding gear in the winter.

We’ve also run into on-the-move creators who find them useful when packing audio and video equipment alongside their clothes on trips where they won't be able to stop back at home between gigs. The great thing about a huge travel bag is that you don't need to worry about what you’re bringing because of the sheer volume these packs offer. Unless you quite literally bring your kitchen sink, odds are, it will fit.

The YETI Crossroads 60L all packed up.

In this range, we like the YETI Crossroads 60L Duffel . It has a monumentally large main compartment that's complete with two stowable dividers, which is great for separating different kinds of gear. You could do clothes in one, camera equipment in another, and food and snacks in the last one for an epic cross country photography road trip. Or you could fill all three sections with the Pokemon cards you've been collecting since you were a kid and stow it on the top shelf of your closet so your partner thinks you finally got rid of them after all these years. The opportunities are endless!

Wrapping Up

As you can probably tell, there are a ton of travel bags out there, and each one thrives in a different setting. Odds are, you’ll have a use for almost all of the packs we listed here, but it’s about figuring out what works best for you and your specific usage needs. Be sure to check out our gear reviews , guides , and blog for more assistance finding your perfect pack!

January 31, 2022


Author: Eric Hergenreder

Eric has been across the globe, but his favorite place to explore is his home state of Michigan. His love for photography has taken him all around the Great Lake State, often writing about his travels so that others can enjoy them, too. Eric loves messing around with analog photography, watching soccer, and searching for the world’s best burger in his spare time.

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Perjalanan Semakin Mudah & Praktis dengan 15 Travel Bag Terbaik Ini! (Update 2024)

Bikin pengalaman travel lebih menyenangkan.

Sumber foto: Freepik.com

Saat ini, travelling sudah menjadi hal yang paling digemari bagi kebanyakan orang, untuk menunjang perjalanan agar lebih mudah dan nyaman tentunya diperlukan perlengkapan seperti travel bag yang berguna untuk menyimpan barang-barang bawaan agar lebih praktis.

Nah, kali ini ProductNation akan memberikan 15 rekomendasi travel bag kualitas terbaik yang bisa kamu gunakan saat travelling. Yuk, simak artikel di bawah ini!

  • Faktor Penting dalam Memilih Travel Bag

ukuran travel bag

Sumber foto: Pexels.com

Dalam memilih travel bag, beberapa faktor penting perlu kamu pertimbangkan untuk memastikan kenyamanan dan kepraktisan selama perjalanan.

Bahan Berkualitas Tinggi

Pertimbangkan material travel bag yang tahan lama dan kuat. Pilih tas dengan bahan tahan air untuk melindungi barang bawaan kamu dari cuaca buruk dan potensi kerusakan selama perjalanan.

Desain Ergonomis

Pilih travel bag dengan desain ergonomis, termasuk pegangan yang nyaman dan tali bahu yang dapat disesuaikan. Hal ini akan meningkatkan kenyamanan ketika membawa travel bag, terutama selama perjalanan yang panjang.

Keamanan yang Optimal

Pastikan travel bag dilengkapi dengan sistem kunci atau resleting yang kuat. Fitur anti-pencurian, seperti resleting tersembunyi, juga dapat menambah tingkat keamanan untuk melindungi barang berharga kamu.

Kepatuhan Aturan Maskapai

Pastikan travel bag sesuai dengan aturan ukuran dan berat bagasi maskapai penerbangan, hal ini untuk menghindari biaya tambahan. Dengan memilih tas yang memenuhi persyaratan maskapai, akan memudahkan proses perjalanan kamu.

  • 15 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik dan Awet 2024

Table of Contents

  • Torch Fujisawa Travel Backpack 45L + 3L
  • President TSA 5259A
  • Eiger Folded Duffle Bag L Concisor 60L
  • Nike Hypervenom
  • Elle Travel Bag
  • Polo Hunter Cabin Trolley 593
  • Rei Fastune Travel Pouch
  • Trunki Luggage
  • Navy Club - Ransel Trolley Travel Tr HAGF
  • Herschel 37L Heritage Duffle Bag
  • Xiaomi 90 Fun Foldable Sports Bag Backpack
  • Onepolar Tas Travel Foldable
  • Eiger 1989 Border Pass-2 Cabin Pack 89 Backpack
  • Elfs Active Foldable Duffle Bag Keeve
  • Qlavinka Tas Travel Bag Lipat Koper Jumbo Lexa

Cara Memilih Travel Bag Terbaik yang Bagus

Tips merawar travel bag agar tetap awet, artikel terkait travel bag (tas travel) terbaik 2024.

travel bag terbaik

Editor's Choice: Untuk kamu yang sedang mencari tas traveling untuk perjalanan lebih dari 5 - 7 hari, rekomendasi tas ransel yang satu ini bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat untukmu. Tas ransel dari Torch ini terbuat dari bahan berkualitas dan memiliki berbagai macam fitur multifungsi yang akan membantumu selama dalam perjalanan. Dengan kapasitas 45 liter + 3 liter, travel bag ini memiliki banyak slot penyimpanan, sehingga mampu membawa berbagai perlengkapan yang kamu butuhkan. 

Torch merupakan brand yang gokus untuk perlengkapan traveling (Travel Gear), termasuk travel bag. Tersedia berbagai pilihan backpack maupun tas punggung yang bisa dipilih sesuai kebutuhan kamu.

Tas ransel Fujisawa 45L memiliki desain yang inovatif, mampu memuat banyak barang untuk traveling hingga 1 minggu. Tas travel bag ini juga memiliki kompartemen tambahan 3L dengan fitur roll top. Dilengkapi 270 zipper, ritsleting yang sangat lebar agar mudah dibuka dan tutup. Ada pula kompartemen khusus untuk laptop terpisah dengan Suspension System, sehingga laptop aman dari goncangan.

Terdapat Air Bender Foam Back System yang berguna mencegah panas saat dipakai. Juga ada Towel Loader dan Under Cloth Mesh untuk memisahkan baju/handuk basah. Kamu bisa menggunakan tas ini sebagai troli dengan mengikatkan trolley strap yang tersedia.

Jangan khawatir saat kamu kehujanan ketika traveling, karena Tas ransel Fujisawa 45L sudah diilengkapi Rain Cover dengan lubang khusus untuk mencegah tertampungnya air saat hujan.

Hadir dengan kapasitas 20 inch

Koper merk President TSA 5259A menggunakan aerolite frame sebagai penutupnya. Faktor keamanan adalah kelebihan dari produk ini sehingga kamu tidak perlu khawatir membawanya saat melakukan perjalanan jauh. Selain itu, roda koper President TSA 5259A dapat berputar 360 derajat sehingga sangat mudah untuk digerakkan.

Kamu juga dapat menentengnya karena koper ini sudah dilengkapi dengan pegangan di bagian samping bodi. Meskipun memiliki banyak kelebihan, koper ini dibanderol murah. Koper President TSA 5259A mempunyai kapasitas yang besar, yaitu 20 inch.

Pada bagian depannya terdapat kantong tambahan dengan ukuran cukup besar yang dilindungi oleh resleting, sehingga mudah diakses. Travel bag koper yang satu ini terbuat dari material ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) yang elastis dan kuat, sehingga membuatnya lebih tahan debu dan air. Dengan begitu, barang-barang kamu dijamin aman saat memakai koper ini.

travel bag

Pria seringkali lebih memilih tas yang simpel untuk berlibur. Jika kamu adalah salah satunya, travel bag ini sangat cocok untuk menjadi pilihan idealmu. Duffle bag berwarna dark grey ini dilengkapi dengan kompartemen utama yang luas untuk kebutuhan travelling.

Eiger Concisor 60L ini merupakan tas duffel praktis untuk menyimpan barang bawaan kamu saat traveling ataupun perjalanan singkat. Travel bag Eiger ini juga dilengkapi saku samping yang berguna sebagai saku tambahan dan shoulder strap yang bisa dilepas pasang untuk diselempangkan di bahu.

Dengan fitur lipatnya, tavel bag ini dapat dilipat menjadi ukuran yang lebih kecil ketika tidak digunakan, sehingga memudahkan penyimpanan saat tidak digunakan.

ukuran travel bag

Travel bag multifungsi beberapa bisa digunakan untuk berbagai kegiatan, seperti travelling maupun berolahraga. Tas ransel ini cocok untuk kamu yang ingin tetap terlihat sporty saat memakainya. 

Kamu tidak perlu khawatir jika terkena hujan karena tas ini terbuat dari bahan yang anti air. Selain itu, travel bag ransel ini juga dilengkapi slot untuk menaruh sepatu pada bagian sampingnya. Dibanderol dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau, tas ini mampu menampung berbagai perlengkapan kebutuhanmu selama traveling.

Dilengkapi dengan trolley untuk memudahkan

Salah satu brand tas yang sudah tak asing lagi. Elle kembali hadir dengan pilihan travel bag yang berbeda dari tas-tas lainnya. Produk ini dilengkapi dengan tali webbing bahu yang kuat untuk memudahkan mobilisasi saat kamu sedang liburan. 

Travel bag ELLE ini terbuat dari bahan polyester micro yang tebal dan high quality . Kompartemen di dalamnya juga cukup luas yang terdiri dari 2 ruang dan dilapisi dengan busa, sehingga menjadi kokoh. Travel bag ini cocok untuk perjalanan singkat yang tidak memiliki banyak mobilitas. Tas ini bisa dijadikan 2 fungsi yaitu tas jinjing dan tas bahu. 

Ideal untuk ukuran kabin

Jika kamu mencari travel bag yang pas dengan ukuran kabin pesawat, produk ini merupakan solusinya. Mempunyai ukuran sekitar 23 inch yang pas untuk dimasukkan ke dalam kabin. Travel bag  ini memiliki desain yang ringkas dan kokoh serta dilengkapi dengan roda yang dapat ditarik maupun didorong.

Bahannya yang ringan membuat tas ini sangat nyaman untuk dipakai saat berlibur. Tas travel yang sesuai dengan ukuran kabin pesawat ini dilengkapi dengan trolley yang memudahkan kamu membawa barang bawaan.

Kompartemen utama dilengkapi dengan kepala resleting double dan bisa digembok untuk alasan keamanan barang bawaan kamu. Tas travel ini memiliki ruang yang besar.

ukuran travel bag

Selempang Fastone cocok digunakan Areingers untuk membawa barang berharga tanpa harus membawa tas besar saat berpergian. Dilengkapi kompartemen utama dan beberapa kompartemen lainnya untuk mengatur barang Singers agar lebih rapi.

Travel bag ini merupakan tas multifungsi karena dapat digunakan sebagai sling bag , tas selempang maupun tas pinggang. Ukuran tas ini juga tidak terlalu besar dan terdiri dari satu ruang utama dan kantong depan. Sangat efisien dan tentunya tidak akan memakan tempat yang besar.

Terbuat dari bahan cordura yang kokoh, tas ini memberikan ketahanan ekstra terhadap penggunaan sehari-hari. Terdapat kompartemen utama yang luas untuk menyimpan barang-barang kamu dengan rapi, serta kantong depan yang tersembunyi untuk kebutuhan yang lebih spesifik. Bagian belakang tas travel dilengkapi dengan pengait yang memungkinkan kamu untuk memakainya di pinggang, menjadikannya pilihan yang nyaman untuk kegiatan di luar ruangan atau perjalanan.

Berbentuk mobil-mobilan untuk anak

Koper anak Trunki memang dirancang agar anak bisa membawa semua barang favorit yang mereka butuhkan dalam satu koper. Selain memisahkan barang bawaannya dengan orangtua, kamu juga bisa mengajarkan kemandirian pada anak dan bertanggung jawab atas barang miliknya. 

Travel bag anak ini memiliki kapasitas 18 liter untuk mengemas pakaian dan mainan si kecil. Bagian dalamnya terdapat strap untuk memastikan isi dalam koper aman dan tidak hilang, serta dilengkapi dengan karet untuk melindungi jari-jari-jarinya saat mereka sedang mengemas barang bawaan. Terdapat pula kantong di bagian dalam koper yang mudah diakses untuk menyimpan barang berharganya.

travel bag terbaik

Untuk wanita yang gemar berpergian, kamu bisa melirik travel bag ini sebagai teman perjalanan. Navy Club mendesaintas laptop  backpack yang mudah dibawa karena ringan dan memiliki daya tahan yang cukup kuat.

Tas ransel trolley Navy Club sendiri terbuat dari bahan nylon serat halus yang waterproof . Bentuknya yang kecil juga membuatnya bisa dibawa ke dalam pesawat dan dimasukkan ke kabin. Tas ini memiliki kemampuan untuk diubah dari ransel menjadi trolley, memberikan fleksibilitas dalam membawa barang-barang kamu ketika bepergian.

Selain itu, tas ini cocok untuk membawa laptop dan perangkat elektronik lainnya dengan aman dan nyaman. Kompartemen utamanya dapat menampung laptop serta barang-barang lain yang Anda butuhkan selama perjalanan. Selain itu, terdapat ruang tambahan di bagian depan yang memungkinkan kamu untuk mengatur aksesoris, dokumen, atau barang kecil lainnya dengan mudah.

Desainnya yang serbaguna membuatnya cocok untuk berbagai jenis perjalanan, baik itu perjalanan bisnis atau liburan. Bahan berkualitas dan konstruksi yang kokoh memberikan perlindungan yang baik untuk barang-barang kamu.

Dengan travel bag ransel dari Navy Club ini, kamu akan mendapatkan kombinasi yang efisien antara ransel dan trolley dalam satu produk, sehingga memberikan kenyamanan dan gaya saat bepergian.

travel bag terbaik

Herschel 37L Heritage Duffle Bag adalah pilihan yang solid untuk kamu yang sedang mencari tas travel duffle yang stylish dan fungsional dan ukuran yang cukup besar, untuk menampung kebutuhan perjalanan atau aktivitas sehari-hari kamu. Sebab, travel bag ini merupakan bagian dari koleksi Heritage dari Herschel yang dikenal dengan desain klasik dan gaya yang timeless .

Tas duffle ini dirancang untuk memberikan fleksibilitas dalam membawa barang-barangmu, baik itu untuk perjalanan singkat, olahraga, atau keperluan sehari-hari. Dengan kapasitas 37 liter, tas ini dapat menampung pakaian, sepatu, perlengkapan olahraga, atau barang-barang lain yang kamu butuhkan.

Desain Heritage yang khas menghadirkan sentuhan retro dan minimalis. Tas ini biasanya memiliki satu kompartemen utama yang luas yang dapat diisi dengan barang-barang besar. Beberapa model juga memiliki kantong sisi atau kantong depan untuk barang-barang kecil yang perlu diakses dengan cepat.

Bahan yang digunakan oleh Herschel umumnya berkualitas tinggi dan tahan lama. Tali bahu yang dapat disesuaikan memungkinkan kamu membawa tas dengan nyaman di bahu atau dipegang seperti tas tangan.

ukuran travel bag

Sering kali kamu ribet sendiri saat travelling karena harus membawa dua tas bahkan lebih (koper dan backpack). Namun bagi saya, untuk selama perjalanan satu koper saja sudah cukup.

Untuk kebutuhan backpack saat city tour bisa kita simpan di dalam koper. Apalagi sekarang sudah semakin menjamur tas-tas lipat untuk city tour, seperti Xiaomi 90 Fun Foldable Sports Bag Backpack ini.

Jika tidak diperlukan, travel bag ransel ini bisa tinggal kamu lipat saja lalu masukkan ke dalam kantong celana jeans. Jika butuh, tinggal dibuka kembali. Selain itu, merek Xiaomi juga sudah terkenal sehingga dijamin travel bag Xiaomi ini akan awet dan nyaman saat dipakai.

ukuran travel bag

Travel bag ini memiliki kapasitas jumbo yang bisa dilipat kecil untuk tas cadangan. Kapasitas tersebut cukup untuk menampung oleh-oleh makanan atau pakaian ganti yang butuh diambil dengan cepat.  Tas ini juga memiliki tali yang terbuat dari bahan tahan air.

Tidak hanya unggul pada materialnya, tas ini juga memiliki kapasitas kompartemen yang luas yang memungkinkan kamu untuk membawa berbagai barang berharga. Desain tas ini dibuat supaya bisa dilipat menjadi kecil, sehingga dapat di simpan. Kemudian bila tas travel ini dibutuhkan, baru bisa di buka menjadi tas travel yang besar.  

ukuran travel bag

Borderpass Cabin adalah backpack serbaguna yang cocok digunakan untuk menemani kegiatan traveling kamu. Tas berkapasitas 40 liter ini dirancang sesuai ukuran carry-on, sehingga dapat dibawa bersama kamu ke dalam kabin.

Tas multifungsi ini mudah dibawa karena memiliki beberapa pegangan.  Dilengkapi dengan shoulder strap yang dapat disembunyikan agar mempermudah penyimpanan di overhead compartment. Terbuat dari bahan kuat dan water repellent, tas ini juga memiliki backsystem dan berbahan busa yang lebih empuk untuk kenyamanan.

Terdapat pula saku di bagian depan, handle di bagian samping dan atas, saku di bagian dalam, dan tali elastis untuk menyimpan pakaian. 

ukuran travel bag

Travel bag Keeve 35L juga cocok  digunakan untuk keperluan travelling . Desain tas cocok untuk membawa barang bawaan yang banyak. Saat berangkat, biasanya barang bawaan belum banyak, lipat tas menjadi kecil dan masukan kedalam tas utama. Gunakan tas untuk membawa barang belanjaan & oleh oleh sepulangnya dari trip.

Tas travel ini juga muat masuk kabin pesawat, tidak perlu khawatir kelebihan beban karena material tas sangat ringan. Cocok sekali untuk travel karena memiliki keunggulan tahan air dan noda, ringan, kuat menahan beban sampai 10kg, bisa dilipat jadi kecil sehingga memudahkan penyimpanan.

ukuran travel bag

Produk ini tepat untuk kamu yang sering bepergian dengan pesawat. Pertimbangkanlah tas ini jika kamu memiliki banyak barang bawaan untuk dibawa naik ke pesawat. Tas ini tentu memiliki semua fungsi yang kamu butuhkan untuk sebuah carry-on bag .

Bahannya anti air, terdapat lubang selipan untuk ditaruh di atas koper, dan bisa dilipat seukuran saku. Selain itu, ukurannya sesuai dengan kabin pesawat kebanyakan sehingga sangat cocok dijadikan tas kabin. 

Foldable travel bag ini memungkinkan kamu untuk menggabungkan barang bawaan dengan koper, cukup masukkan ke pegangan koper dan tarik, memberikan kenyamanan luar biasa selama diperjalanan kamu. Produk ini juga tersedia dalam 5 pilihan warna pastel yang menarik dan cantik.

Agar kamu tidak salah pilih tas bepergian atau travel bag terbaik yang bagus dan sesuai kebutuhan, sebaiknya perhatikan hal-hal berikut ini.

Sesuaikan dengan ukuran dan muatan

ukuran travel bag

Ukuran sebaiknya disesuaikan dengan koper yang akan dibawa agar bisa dikaitkan di bagian trolley. Apabila ukuran travel bag lebih besar, maka akan menyulitkan kamu untuk membawanya.  Kamu bisa mengukur terlebih dahulu panjang dan lebar dari travel bag yang akan dibawa. Sedangkan, untuk muatan di travel bag sebaiknya tidak terlalu berat karena akan lebih banyak dijinjing atau dibawa dengan tangan.

Perhatikan bahan utama travel bag

ukuran travel bag

Selain ukuran dan muatan, hal lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bahan utama dari travel bag. Pilihlah produk yang terbuat dari bahan ringan namun tetap kuat seperti kanvas, polyester atau nylon. Bahan polypropylene bisa kamu pilih jika travel bag tersebut berbentuk koper karena tidak mudah pecah.

Sesuaikan dengan budget

ukuran travel bag

Travel bag saat ini sudah tersedia dengan berbagai pilihan brand, ukuran, bahan maupun harga. Kamu bisa memilih tas yang sesuai kebutuhan dan selera. Jangan membeli hanya karena keinginan, padahal tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Pilihlah tas dengan kualitas terbaik yang sesuai dengan budget-mu.

Merawat travel bag dengan baik adalah kunci untuk memastikan keawetan tas selama digunakan untuk berbagai perjalanan. Berikut ini, ada beberapa tips sederhana yang perlu kamu ketahui untuk menjaga travel bag agar tetap awet dan tahan lama.

Hindari overpacking

Jangan melebihi kapasitas maksimal tas. Overpacking dapat merusak zipper dan membuat tas rentan terhadap robekan. Kamu bisa sesuaikan barang bawaan dengan kapasitas yang direkomendasikan.

Gunakan pelindung cuaca

Saat cuaca sedang tidak bersahabat, gunakan penutup tas atau cover anti aor untuk melindungi travel bag dari hujan atau salju yang dapat merusak material dan merusak barang bawaan kamu.

Perhatikan zippers atau resleting

Pastikan zippers atau resleting dalam keadaan baik dan bersih. Kamu bisa oleskan sedikit pelumas khusus zipper untuk mencegah keausan dan memastikan kelancaran penggunaan.

Bersihkan secara teratur

Bersihkan travel bag setelah pulang dari perjalanan, dengan membersihkan noda atau debu. Hindari menggunakan bahan kimia yang agresif yang dapat merusak material travel bag.

Simpan dengan benar

Simpan travel bag di tempat yang kering dan hindari paparan langsung sinar matahari. Simpan dalam posisi yang tepat untuk mencegah deformasi atau kehilangan bentuk tas.

Tas menjadi salah satu benda yang wajib dibawa saat melakukan perjalanan. Tas juga bisa menampung bawaan ekstra yang tidak cukup dimasukkan ke koper utama. Oleh karena itu, sebelum membelinya kamu harus benar-benar menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhanmu. Semoga 13 produk rekomendasi diatas bisa membantumu dalam menemukan travel bag yang ideal, happy shopping!

  • 15 Merk Koper Terbaik Kualitas Bagus di Indonesia
  • 11 Koper Kecil Terbaik, Kuat dan Keren Temani Perjalanan
  • 10 Rekomendasi Travel Pouch Terbaik & Terbaru
  • 15 Merk Koper Terbaik Kualitas Bagus di Indonesia 
  • 10 Rekomendasi Duffle Bag Terbaik di Indonesia
  • 11 Rekomendasi Terbaru Koper Polo Terbaik di Indonesia
  • 10 Vacuum Bag yang Praktis, Hemat Tempat Untuk Menyimpan dan Membawa Berbagai Barang
  • 11 Troli Barang Terbaik, Andal dan Kuat untuk Mengangkut

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ukuran travel bag

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Luggage sizes

Which luggage to take when travelling, cabin sized (19 to 22 inches).

Due to their compact size and easy handling, these bags can be brought on board a train, plan or automobile. They are ideal for use as an overnight bag, with enough room for one or two outfits, toiletries, medications and other personal necessities.

Mid-size (23 to 26 inches)

Perfect for trips that are a week long or less, these bags have to be checked when travelling.

Large (27 to 30 inches)

Ideal for long trips or carrying the belongings of more than one traveller, these also have to be checked. New airline regulations limit individual luggage size to 30″ in length and 62″ total (height + width + depth). The fines for not abiding to the size rule are hefty.

Capacity measurements

These are based on the main compartment inside the suitcase, and are measured in litres. This is best used to simply compare different suitcases as it is difficult to visualise. As a guide, cabin cases have an average capacity of 20 litres, whilst most large cases have an average capacity of 100 litres. If you would like advice on the correct size case for your trip, we would be delighted to help.

Average suitcase sizes

The height measurements are taken from the bottom of the wheels to the top of the case when the trolley handle is down.

Cabin allowance

Joy of Clothes uses the BAA standard cabin allowance guideline for hand luggage, which is 56cm x 45cm x 25cm. This is used by leading airlines such as American Airlines, Iberia and BMI. Budget airlines such as easyJet, First Choice and Ryanair often use a smaller cabin allowance of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm. So, it is best to check with your airline for hand luggage cabin allowances.

The information below is to be used as a guide only!

* indicate US weight allowance. You can take 2 pieces

WTH = Size restriction, no weight limit within reason

UNLTD = As heavy as you want, size still applies

Extra pieces in cabin consist of overcoat, umbrella, handbag, laptop bag etc

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The 21 Best Travel Bags, According to Frequent Fliers

By Alyssa Lapid

Young woman preparing for road trip packing suitcase

All products are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Whether you have travel lined up or your friend’s recent travel posts are inspiring your next out-of-office getaway, it’s high time to shop for the best travel bags. The type of travel bag you decide to get will depend on your travel destination, your budget, and your personal style. But with so many choices, it's hard to know what to pick. We spoke with frequent fliers and travel experts on the best tips to pick the right travel bag for comfortable, secure, and easy travel. Below are the expert-recommended picks and tips to help you choose. And if you’re flying, remember to try to keep up with safety travel precautions as best as you can.

  • Makeup and Toiletry Bag

How to choose a travel bag

When it comes to shopping for luggage , experts agree that you should never sacrifice quality. “If you plan to travel often or take longer trips, it’s worth investing in higher-quality luggage,” Ciara Johnson , full-time travel blogger at Hey Ciara , tells SELF. Big-ticket items like suitcases should be long-lasting and durable. Otherwise, you’d be shelling out way more to keep replacing damaged bags. 

We know that wear and tear can’t be avoided, especially with luggage taking a beating on planes and buses. Megan Homme , a travel blogger who also works in the airline industry, has a tip for that. She says to opt for a dark-colored suitcase to hide scuffs better. “Lighter colors will show wear and age much more quickly,” she says. Pro tip: Add a unique luggage tag to make your bag stand out from the others at the conveyor belt seat.

If possible, try to opt for carry-ons to save time at check-in lines and speed through baggage claim—just make sure it passes the size requirement. “These days, it’s more important than ever to use carry-on because of the chaotic systems at understaffed airports,” says Caroline Eubanks, writer and author of This Is My South: The Essential Travel Guide to the Southern States . “You should ideally be able to manage your own bags and not rely on flight attendants.” Her pro tip: Always look up what type of plane you’ll be on. She notes, “for small, regional routes, the standard carry-on bag won't fit in the overhead bin.”

Shopping tips

When it comes to the actual shopping part, Johnson recommends shopping by need and tendencies. Will you be staying in hotels or hostels? Will you be taking shorter or longer trips? Will you be traveling in places with an established or developed infrastructure? Spinner wheels are easier to haul through airports, but if you’re backpacking in Europe, ditch the spinners for a backpack to avoid the cobblestone streets that will surely wreck the wheels.

Johnson also adds, “If possible, you should examine the product in-store. However, the most innovative luggage brands typically only exist online." She recommends doing research and comparing various luggage brands before you make a purchase. She adds that some brands even offer a “try-before-you-buy policy, along with a lifetime warranty.” Generally speaking, travel bags are not the place to save some money on your travels, but there are ways to find deals, especially during shopping holidays like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. And if you enjoy the thrill of secondhand shopping, Eubanks says she’s gotten a deal or two shopping thrift. “Secondhand can be a good way to save money.” 

You also don’t need to be a pro packer or inherently organized to pack well. All you need are pockets. Johnson says a good rule of thumb when shopping for any travel bag is “the more pockets [and] organizers, the better.” Use them for separating clean clothes from sullied ones. You can even separate gifts for loved ones to take home after your vacation. According to Johnson, you can’t go wrong with the following features for luggage options: 360 spinner wheels, expandability, compression straps, endless pockets, a side handle, built-in TSA locks, and polycarbonate material.

Best travel bags

Here are 21 expert-recommended travel bags for every kind of traveler to help you narrow down your options and focus all that logistical planning on your itinerary. We broke it down by luggage and suitcases, carry-on bags, backpacks, fanny packs , crossbody bags, tote bags, and makeup and toiletry bags.

Beis The 29 Inch Rolling Spinner Suitcase

Béis The 29-Inch Rolling Spinner Suitcase

As far as check-in bags go, Johnson says the Beis 29-Inch Large Check-in Roller is “one of the most functional suitcases on the market.” Beis is owned by Pretty Little Liars alum Shay Mitchell and has been a hit since its launch. Its many features include everything you’d need in a check-in suitcase: multiple pockets and organizers, a built-in TSA lock, a laundry and shoe bag, and an ergonomic handle for easy lugging. Her favorite feature? “There's a built-in weight indicator that tells you if your bag is overweight.”

Black Hartmann Ratio 2 Global Carry On Expandable Spinner on white background

Hartmann Ratio 2 Global Carry On Expandable Spinner

For soft-side suitcases, the technologically-advanced Hartmann Carry-on comes highly recommended. Eubanks loves the bag’s “flexibility,” including the pockets for reading materials and documents that are often lacking in hard-shell cases. The best features are the padded, trifold garment suiters it comes with for keeping formalwear or business outfits tidy and pressed, and the bag has built-in USB ports, so you can charge your gadgets while in transit.

Black Away The Carry-On Flex on white background

Away The Carry-On Flex

Away Travel

Frequent fliers love Away’s suitcases. Homme, who always travels carry-on only, prefers Away’s The Carry-on Flex because its expandable feature ensures extra storage allowance for shopping. Plus, she points out, “I recommend hard-shell luggage because you never know what could leak out of someone else’s bag in the bins.”

Away The Bigger Carry On with Pocket

Away The Bigger Carry-On with Pocket

“The quality of Away luggage is incredible across the board,” says Johnson, who is a fan of the brand and prefers The Bigger Carry-on with Pocket. Most hard-shell suitcases in the market don’t have external pockets, but this one features a water-resistant front pocket—perfect for keeping your travel documents and boarding passes available for easy access. It can even hold a 15-inch laptop. It has a removable, washable lining and a hidden laundry bag.

Black LuggageWorks Stealth Premier 22" 737 Rolling Bag on white background

LuggageWorks Stealth Premier 22" 737 Rolling Bag


Cierra Mistt, a flight attendant and TikTok travel influencer , only has one carry-on go-to: LuggageWorks’s Stealth Premier 22-Inch 737 Rolling Bag. Apparently, her crew feels the same way. “I know pilots and flight attendants who have had the same roll-aboards for 10 years and never had to get another,” she says, adding, “Durable is an understatement.”

Black Tumi Alpha 3 Continental Expandable 4 Wheeled Carry-On on white background

Tumi International Expandable 4 Wheeled Carry-On

Another expert favorite brand is Tumi for “extremely resistant and durable” bags. Though just in case it breaks when you’re on the go, Tumi offers worldwide support anytime, anywhere. Mar Pages, co-founder of Solo Female Travelers and Solo Female Travelers Tours, says the Tumi Carry-on in particular is a popular choice for vacationers for a reason. “You will recognize this bag because they have been making it for well over 20 years with minimal improvements.” She particularly enjoys the “nifty details” like “outside hooks to hang your laptop bag” and “double bar handles so you can slide your laptop bag.”

Black Béis The Backpack on white background

Béis The Backpack

Another Béis favorite is The Backpack. “It is really, really spacious,” Kristina Rodulfo , beauty content creator and former Elle editor, tells SELF. Rodulfo notes that the bag “opens really wide which makes for easy packing” while still looking sleek as a solo bag for short getaways. It's designed to carry everything from your laptop to your gym stuff. If you want to pair it with a trolley, use the sleeve to attach it to your luggage.

Black Pacsafe Citysafe CS300 Anti-Theft Compact Backpack on white background

Pacsafe Citysafe CS300 Anti-Theft Compact Backpack

This Pacsafe Citysafe backpack is a great hands-free, anti-theft option thanks to its slash guards, smart-zipper security, and an RFID-safe pocket. “The zippers can be attached with a clip, and one shoulder strap has a locking mechanism if you want to secure it around a table leg,” adds Eubanks. There are also a ton of pockets and compartments, including a laptop sleeve and two side pockets for holding water bottles or umbrellas.

Dark green Osprey Porter 46 Travel Backpack on white background

Osprey Porter 46 Travel Backpack

If you're looking for an outdoor backpack , check out the Osprey Porter Travel Pack 46. Kristen Bor, founder of Bearfoot Theory Outdoor , recommends it if you're going on an adventure or outdoor trip and need a bag that can double as a daypack. “The U-zip compartment allows for easy packing and access to your gear, while the stowaway shoulder harness and hip belt give you options on how you want to carry your luggage: backpack style or over the shoulder like a duffel.” Osprey has been continuously perfecting the bag with slight improvements yearly, and it’s built with recycled fabrics making it an eco-friendly option.

Grey and purple Osprey Daylite Daypack on white background

Osprey Daylite Daypack

Think a short hike will be on your itinerary? According to Bor, Osprey’s smaller Daylite Pack is a great find for light outdoor adventures. The lightweight backpack has compartments for a laptop and two water bottles for an itinerary that’s incredibly versatile. Take it to a coffee shop, a festival, or to a mountain summit.

Multicolored Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack Del Dia on white background

Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack Del Dia

Bor dubs the Cotopaxi Allpa 35 Del Día Travel Pack an “all-around functional, rugged carry-on bag” that can weather rougher terrain. “The exterior polyester and nylon shell resists moisture and defends your belongings against rough scrapes or tears during transit,” says Bor. It even comes with a rain cover.

Dark green Herschel Seventeen Hip Pack on white background

Herschel Seventeen Hip Pack

Fanny packs are a great option for hands-free travel, and this versatile Herschel Seventeen Hip Pack Fanny comes highly recommended by Eubanks, who wears it on her hip and as a crossbody. Plus, she loves that there are some 25 colors to choose from. You could even wear it with a backpack like she does to have easy access to essentials like documents or a camera. 

Lululemon Clean Lines Belt Bag

Lululemon Clean Lines Belt Bag

This Lululemon bag is another great, stylish option with several pockets that make grabbing smaller items like lip balm, credit cards, and headphones easy. “I always recommend a belt bag for the airport to breeze through security and keep your ID and ticket easily accessible,” says Homme. Keep it on your hip during your flight if you’d rather not dig through the bag under the seat. 

Burgundy Travelon Hobo Crossbody Bag on white background

Travelon Anti-Theft Parkview Hobo Crossbody

Many frequent fliers prefer anti-theft bags for venturing out during travels—especially when traveling alone. Pages recommends using the Travelon Anti-Theft Parkview Hobo Crossbody for places where pickpocketing might be a concern. “These bags are specifically designed with these types of thefts in mind and have added security features such as anti-slash straps to avoid the common motorbike run theft.” The bag also features other security features like secure zip locks and anti-RFID mesh compartments to keep credit card information safe.

Lululemon Easy Access Crossbody Bag

Lululemon Easy Access Crossbody Bag

Here's another great crossbody bag option. “I normally keep my passport, cards, and phone in there when I’m walking through the airport and can easily access that when I get off the plane. In fact, it’s so easy that when we’re boarding, I can easily just slip it into my personal item and stow it under my seat with no worries," says Mistt.

Tde. Mini Black Saffiano Leather Cross Body Bag with gold monogram in center

The Daily Edited Mini Black Saffiano Leather Cross Body Bag

“Everyone needs a crossbody purse for travel,” Rodulfo insists, and her choice is TDE’s mini leather bag. It fits daily essentials including documents, a camera, and even sunscreen . The bag’s minimalist style also allows for outfit versatility. "It works for evenings out as well as during the day,” says Rodulfo. It helps not to look like a tourist all the time. Another cool feature? TDE items can be monogrammed, making it a great travel gift .

Dark turquoise Tumi Everyday Tote with leather straps on white background

Tumi Everyday Tote

Lord & Taylor

If roomy tote bags are more your style, check out Tumi’s Everyday Tote. The lightweight nylon material makes it easy to lug around without hurting your back. The small details are what make it stand out, such as its pen loop, key ring, and magnetic snap phone pocket to ensure you don’t spend time rummaging through your belongings each time you need to get something. Pages likes to slide her tote on top of her Tumi Carry-on when traveling.

Dark pink Travelpro Maxlite 5 Travel Tote Bag on white background

Travelpro Maxlite 5 Travel Tote Bag

The Travelpro Maxlite 5 is a great hybrid tote with several organizational compartments. "It’s roomy enough to fit all of my actual personal items including electronics, chargers, and even snacks,” says Mistt. And it’s compact enough to fit comfortably under the plane seat or in the overhead bin. 

Makeup bag

Kusshi Makeup Bag Plum Collection

You don't have to strip down your beauty or skin-care routine on vacation—at least, not with Kusshi’s Vacation Makeup Bag, which can hold 20 to 25 products. “Kusshi [bags] are by far my favorite because they are washable, fit a ton (including full-sized products), and have plenty of pockets for easy organization,” says Rodulfo. If you have a bigger beauty arsenal that includes makeup brushes and other skin-care tools , just add the attachments. “You could even include attachments like the makeup brush organizer for less fuss and digging while getting ready.”

Herschel Travel Kit

Herschel Travel Kit

Another option for toiletries big and small is the Herschel Travel Kit. Johnson laments that it’s surprisingly difficult to find the perfect toiletry bag. She recommends this bag because it is extremely spacious with multiple pockets and slots for easy organization. It also comes in multiple colors, proving that toiletry kits don’t need to be boring.

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Tas Travel Bag untuk Traveling Nyaman dan Praktis!

Mau liburan atau berpergian jauh? Yuk, siapan Tas Travel Bag agar barang-barang keperluanmu tersimpan aman dan rapi nanti. Tas Travel Bag atau traveling bag memiliki fungsi yang mirip dengan koper, yaitu untuk membawa banyak barang untuk bepergian. Hanya saja, keduanya memiliki bentuk yang berbeda. Tas Travel Bag cocok bagi kamu yang merasa membawa tas di pundak atau dijinjing lebih efisien daripada membawa koper. Tak hanya untuk perbekalan pakaian saat liburan, Tas Travel Bag juga berguna untuk membawa perlengkapan lainnya atau bahkan menyimpan oleh-oleh dari liburan!

Apa Keunggulan Tas Travel Bag Dibandingkan Koper?

Salah satu dilema saat bepergian jauh mungkin adalah memilih membawa koper atau Tas Travel Bag. Perbedaan ukuran dan bentuk keduanya tentu memberikan beberapa perbedaan. Untuk kamu yang bingung, yuk, ketahui keunggulan Tas Travel Bag dibandingkan koper berikut!

  • Bergerak lebih leluasa dengan traveling bag. Walaupun koper memiliki roda, terdapat beberapa kondisi di mana bentuk koper bisa memperlambat pergerakan, terutama jika harus melewati tangga. Dengan menggunakan Tas Travel Bag, kamu akan lebih leluasa bergerak dan tak harus selalu mencari permukaan yang rata.
  • Lebih mudah diletakkan. Bagi kamu yang berpergian menggunakan transportasi umum, traveling bag cenderung lebih mudah diletakkan. Misalnya, bisa diletakkan di bawah kursi kereta dengan mudah dibandingkan koper. 
  • Harga relatif lebih terjangkau. Ya, Tas Travel Bag umumnya memiliki harga yang relatif lebih murah dibandingkan koper. Dengan harga Rp500.000 - Rp1.000.000, kamu sudah bisa mendapat travel bag yang oke. Sedangkan, koper di sekitar harga tersebut biasanya memiliki kualitas yang kurang bagus atau low-end.

Itulah beberapa keunggulan Tas Travel Bag dibandingkan koper. Dalam memilihnya tentu saja sesuaikan dengan kebutuhanmu. Pertimbangkan juga tujuan traveling dan barang apa saja yang ingin kamu bawa agar dapat memilih dengan tepat!

Temukan Tas Travel Bag dan Perlengkapan Traveling Lainnya di Tokopedia

Sudah menentukan pilihanmu? Atau masih bingung memilih jenis Tas Travel Bag seperti apa untuk liburan nanti? Jangan khawatir, kamu bisa temukan berbagai macam Tas Travel Bag atau traveling bag di Tokopedia! Mulai dari aneka warna, ukuran, bahan, dan kapasitas. Temukan juga perlengkapan traveling lainnya, seperti Koper , Bantal Leher , Travel Pouch , dan banyak lagi. Jangan lewatkan juga Ekstra Cashback Gopay Coins, Cicilan 0%, dan Bebas Ongkir ke seluruh Indonesia dari Tokopedia yang pastinya akan membuatmu lebih hemat!

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IDN Times

5 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Merek Lokal Terbaik, Muat Banyak Bawaan!

  • 26 Apr 22 | 10:19

5 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Merek Lokal Terbaik, Muat Banyak Bawaan!

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Travel bag merupakan tas yang biasa dipakai untuk traveling atau bepergian dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama. Travel bag juga biasa juga disebut duffel bag karena memiliki bentuk seperti silinder dan muat banyak barang bawaan. Travel bag tentu bisa jadi alternatif selain koper jika hendak dipakai untuk berpergian.

Karena travel bag memiliki beberapa keunggulan yaitu kapasitasnya yang besar, praktis, pilihan modelnya beragam dan harganya yang jauh lebih murah jika dibandingkan dengan koper. Kini sudah banyak merek lokal yang memproduksi travel bag dengan kualitas yang mempuni dengan harga yang terjangkau.

Berikut ini adalah lima rekomendasi travel bag lokal yang bisa kalian pilih untuk kebutuhan traveling kalian. Penasaran apa saja? Simak ulasannya di bawah ini sampai selesai!

1. Traver bag Heylook

5 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Merek Lokal Terbaik, Muat Banyak Bawaan!

Pertama ada travel bag dari merek Heylook. Tas ini memiliki ukuran yang cukup besar yaitu memiliki panjang 50 cm, lebar 20 cm dan tinggi 23 cm. Ukuran yang besar tentu akan membuat kalian bisa membawa banyak barang seperti baju, handuk, sepatu, dan perlengkapan lainnya dengan nyaman dan aman.

Tas ini juga anti air, memiliki bahan yang kuat sekaligus tebal, jahitan yang kokoh dan memiliki runag penyimpanan yang cukup banyak. Kalian bsia menggunakan tas ini dengan tiga model yaitu backpack, sling bag, dan hand bag . Tas ini juga cocok kalian pakau untuk gym, travelling dan mudik lebaran. Harga tas ini adalah Rp198 ribu dan hanya ada satu pilihan warna yaitu hitam.

2. Travel bag SFIDN FITS

5 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Merek Lokal Terbaik, Muat Banyak Bawaan!

Tas ini memiliki ukuran yang cukup besar yaitu memiliki volume 27 liter dan memiliki tali selempang dengan panjang 120 cm. Untuk warna yang bisa dipilih hanya ada warna hitam saja. Bahan yang digunakan adalah polyester yang anti air dan tidak kaku.

Selain ruang penyimpanan utama, tas ini juga memiliki lima kantong tambahan yang bisa kalian gunakan untuk menyimpan barang-barang kecil. Ada dua cara menggunakan tas ini yaitu dengan dibawa menggunakan tangan dan menggunakan tali selempang di bahu. Tas ini dijual dengan harga Rp288 ribu.

3. Tas travel Coastline

5 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Merek Lokal Terbaik, Muat Banyak Bawaan!

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Berikutnya ada travel bag dari merek Coastline. Tas ini terbuat dari bahan polyester berkualitas tinggi yang anti air dan terdapat lapisan busa yang cukup tebal sehingga barang bawaan kalian tetap aman. Ada tiga pilihan warna yang bisa kalian pilih yaitu hitam, biru navy, dan cokelat.

Kapasitas tas ini  adalah 30 liter yang bisa nemapung kamera, laptop, dan baju untuk durasi 3-4 hari. Ruang penyimpanan kecil di tas ini juga cukup banyak sehingga kalian bisa meletakkan barang-barang kecil seperti tiket, kunci, gawai, dan masih banyak lagi. Dengan kualitas yang ditawarkan, harga Rp265 tentu sangat worth to buy .

Baca Juga: 5 Tips Merawat Tas Pria Sesuai Bahannya, Perlu Dipahami!

4. Travel bag ELFS Active

5 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Merek Lokal Terbaik, Muat Banyak Bawaan!

Berikutnya ada travel bag dari ELFS Active. Tas ini memiliki kapasitas sebesar 35 liter dan bisa dilipat menjadi sangat kecil ketika tidak digunakan. Ada tiga pilihan warna yang bisa kalian pilih yaitu hitam, biru tua, dan ungu tua. Bahan yang digunakan memiliki bobot yang ringan ringan dan sudah anti air serta bisa menahan beban hingga 10kg.

Kalian bisa menggunakan tas ini dengan ditenteng atau menggunakan tali selempang bahu. Harga travel bag ini sangat terjangkau, hanya dengan Rp125 ribu kalian bisa mendapatkan tas yang praktis dan muat banyak barang.

5. Travel bag Ozonebag

5 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Merek Lokal Terbaik, Muat Banyak Bawaan!

Terakhir ada travel bag dari merek Ozonebag. Tas ini berkapasitas 33 liter yang bisa digunakan dengan diselempang atau dijinjing. Tas ini terbuat dari bahan cordura  yang kuat dan awet, namun belum anti air sehingga kalian perlu membeli raincover secara terpisah.

Pada bagian dalam tas juga terdapat tempat khsusus menyimpan sepatu dan pakaian yang cukup besar. Hanya ada satu pilihan warna yang bisa dipilih yaitu kombinasi hitam dan abu. Harga tas ini adalah Rp189 ribu.

Itulah lima rekomendasi travel bag merek lokal yang bisa kalian pilih untuk berpergian atau mudik Lebaran. Dengan travel bag yang bagus tentu bisa muat banyak barang dan awet dipakai dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Ada yang nyari travel bag ?

Baca Juga: 9 Rekomendasi Tas Pinggang Terbaik untuk Pria, Simpel dan Stylish!

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7 Travel Bag Terbaik yang Murah tapi Berkualitas!

Memiliki travel bag terbaik sepertinya sudah jadi keharusan buat kamu yang punya hobi traveling. Sebab, tas yang satu ini bisa memuat lebih banyak bawaan selain dalam koper.

7 Travel Bag Terbaik yang Murah tapi Berkualitas!

Travel bag juga akan memudahkanmu untuk membawa barang-barang secara lebih efisien. Apalagi jika kamu termasuk orang yang suka membawa banyak barang, travel bag akan sangat bermanfaat.

Lalu, bagaimana sih travel bag terbaik yang harus kita beli? Sebelum membelinya kamu perlu memerhatikan beberapa hal.

Pertama, perhatikan kualitasnya. Kamu perlu ingat kalau membeli kebutuhan seperti travel bag itu termasuk investasi jangka panjang dan kamu harus memilihnya dengan cermat .

Jadi, pastikan travel bag yang kamu beli itu bahannya bagus dan tahan lama. Lalu, bagaimana dengan harganya?

Tentu saja, harga travel bag adalah salah satu hal yang pasti masuk dalam pertimbangan. Tidak perlu harga yang mahal untuk mendapatkan travel bag terbaik pilihanmu. 

Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik

Sekarang, sudah banyak kok jenis travel bag dengan harga yang murah namun kualitasnya gak murahan. Berikut beberapa di antaranya.

1. Mark Ryden MR7045

Rekomendasi travel bag terbaik yang pertama datang dari merk Mark Ryden. Tas yang satu ini bentuknya seperti tas jinjing namun dilengkapi juga dengan tali selempang.

Tas ini juga bisa dibawa ke bandara karena ukurannya yang bisa masuk kabin bagasi pesawat. Untuk ukurannya sendiri adalah 45 cm х 28 cm х 26 cm.

Terbuat dari bahan Nylon, tas ini bisa dilipat dan ringan ketika dijinjing. Bisa juga dibawa sebagai tas tambahan selain koper.

Dengan kapasitas 33 L, tas ini juga punya slot untuk botol minum, obat-obatan, kamera, dan laptop. Untuk harganya mulai dari Rp275.000 saja dan bisa dibeli di e-commerce .

2. Polo Milano x Verage Foldable Organizer

Rekomendasi travel bag terbaik selanjutnya adalah tas dari travel bag dari Polo Milano. Tas ini cocok buat kamu yang perlu tas yang bisa muat banyak barang.

Tas ini terbuat dari bahan ripstop fabric, bisa tahan air, namun tidak memiliki banyak back strap atau selipan. Selain itu, tas ini juga bisa dilipat sehingga tidak memakan banyak tempat.

Untuk ukurannya ada dua, yaitu ukuran M dan L. Ukuran M berdimensi 35,5 x 8 x 25,5. sementara ukuran L dimensinya 45,5 x 8 x 33.

Kalau tertarik membeli travel bag yang satu ini, kamu bisa mendapatkannya dengan harga mulai dari Rp225 ribu saja. Tas ini juga tersedia di berbagai e-commerce .

(Baca Juga: Tips Agar Budget Biaya Liburan ke Bali Murah Meriah )

3. elfs active foldable duffle bag keeve.

Rekomendasi travel bag selanjutnya adalah produk dari Elfs Active Foldable Duffle Bag Keeve. Desain tas ini cocok untuk membawa barang bawaan yang banyak. 

Saat berangkat tavelling , biasaya barang bawaan belum banyak, sehingga tas bisa dilipat dan dimasukan ke dalam koper. Setelahnya, bisa kamu isi dengan barang bawaan setelah liburan.

Tas ini bobotnya ringan sehingga tak perlu khawatir untuk menyimpannya di kabin pesawat di bandara. Meski begitu, ukurannya cukup besar dan muat hingga 35 L.

Ukurannya yang besar bisa membawa sepatu, botol air besar, handuk, baju ganti dan keperluan lainnya. Supaya tidak tercampur, baju kotor dapat ditaruh di kompartment luar yang bisa dikencangkan dengan strap.

Untuk harganya juga terjangkau, mulai dari Rp194 ribu saja. Murah kan?

4. HEYLOOK Travel Bag Razor

Rekomendasi travel bag selanjutnya adalah produk dari Heylook. Dengan kapasitasnya yang besar, travel bag ini mampu membawa barang seperti baju, handuk, sepatu dan perlengkapan lainnya. 

Untuk ukurannya adalah 50 cm x 20 cm x 23 cm. Tas ini juga punya 3 mode, yaitu mode backpack, sling bag, dan hand bag.

Jadi, tas ini cocok untuk kamu yang suka tas ransel, tas jinjing, ataupun tas selempang. Tas ini juga waterproof sehingga barang-barang di dalamnya jadi lebih aman.

Harga travel bag ini mulai dari Rp317 ribu. Dengan harga yang murah, kamu sudah bisa dapatkan tas berkualitas dengan tiga mode sekaligus!

5. Rave Travel Bag

Travel bag dari Rave juga layak masuk daftar travel bag terbaik dengan harga yang murah. tas ini terbuat dari bahan baby ripstock dengan lapis busa tebal sehingga kualitasnya terjamin.

Resleting yang digunakan besar dan kokoh serta menggunakan pengait besi (bukan plastik). Bahan lapisan dalam nya adalah saten babyrip.

Ukuran tas ini 50 x 30 x 30 cm. Bisa juga digunakan sebagai tas ransel, tas  jinjing, atau diselempangkan dengan panjang tali selempang 120 cm. 

Tas ini juga dilengkapi dengan tempat penyimpanan sepatu. Untuk harganya mulai dari Rp148 ribu saja.

6. Navy Club Tas Selempang Waterproof Travel IAE

Navy Club Tas Selempang Travel IAE juga masuk daftar tas travel terbaik dengan harga murah. Terbuat dari bahan nylon tebal dan terdiri dari 1 kolom utama dilengkapi kolom untuk tablet atau Ipad serta beberapa kolom pendukung lainnya guna menyimpan beberapa tambahan barang bawaan.

Ukurannya adalah 50 cm x 20 cm x 23 cm dan harganya mulai dari Rp119 ribu saja. Untuk fitur lengkapnya, berikut rinciannya:

  • Terbuat dari bahan nilon.
  • Terdiri dari 1 kolom utama dan 2 kolom aksesoris.
  • Tali selempang dapat diatur panjangnya.
  • Sekat busa tablet/ipad up to 7inch.

7. Navy Club Tas Selempang Travel USB Port Cross Body Tas Pria EEHC

Masih dari Navy Club, tas travel yang satu ini dilengkapi dengan USB Port yang bisa digunakan untuk mengisi daya handphone. Ada juga kolom tambahan di bagian depan tas untuk menyimpan barang yang sering diakses dan lubang dibagian atas untuk kabel earphone.

Harganya mulai dari Rp145.000 saja dan bisa dibeli di e-commerce. Untuk fiturnya, berikut rinciannya selengkapnya.

  • Ukuran 18 x 8 x 33 cm.
  • Tas selempang punggung berbahan nylon.
  • Terdapat USB charging Port.
  • Sekat untuk tablet dan saku dengan resleting dibagian dalam tas untuk menyimpan barang berharga.
  • Kolom tambahan dibagian depan tas untuk menyimpan barang yang sering diakses.
  • Busa punggung yang empuk untuk kenyamanan dalam pemakaian.

(Baca Juga: 4 Daftar Pinjaman untuk Liburan )

Itu dia beberapa rekomendasi travel bag terbaik dengan harga murah namun barangnya berkualitas. Mana yang jadi pilihanmu?

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The Wedding Vow

10 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik di Indonesia 2023: Stylish dan Praktis

Travel bag, dengan ukuran lebih kompak dan mudah dibawa, sering menjadi solusi tas tambahan selain koper utama saat bepergian. Ia memang solusi yang praktis untuk menyimpan barang-barang penting yang akan selalu kita bawa saat bepergian. Namun terkadang memilih travel bag membuat kita bingung. Manakah travel bag yang cocok untuk kita? Nah, sekarang sudah tidak perlu khawatir lagi. Di artikel ini, kami telah mengulas 10 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik di Indonesia , dengan berbagai pilihan berkualitas untuk setiap harga. Baca juga rekomendasi koper kabin terbaik ya!

Artikel ini terakhir diperbarui pada 1 April 2023

Trave Bag Terbaik di Indonesia

1. polo classic travel bag trolley t5601.

Polo Classic Travel Bag Trolley

Dengan fitur trolley yang praktis

Polo memang selalu menjadi nomor jika bicara satu soal tas. Dari koper kabin hingga travel bag, Polo selalu menawarkan kualitas yang sangat worth it . Salah satu tas seri terbaru dari Polo, Classic Travel Bag Trolley T5601 ini memberikan fleksibilitas tinggi saat Anda bepergian. 

Fleksibel dan tanpa lelah!

Selain bisa dibawa dengan cara dijinjing, ia juga dilengkapi dengan trolley yang bisa ditarik tanpa harus menguras energi. Trolley tas ini juga dapat disimpan rapi dan ditutup dengan resleting saat tidak perlu dipakai. Bawa banyak barang nggak perlu keberatan lagi deh! Apalagi, berat kosong tas ini hanya 2.5kg saja. 

Kelebihan selanjutnya adalah ukurannya yang lebar dan kapasitas kantong yang luas, sehingga memungkinkan Anda untuk membawa lebih banyak barang pribadi. Ia terbuat dari bahan polyester yang tahan lama dan tidak mudah pudar. 

  • Dilengkapi trolley agar mudah dibawa
  • Trolley dapat disimpan rapi dan ditutup resleting
  • Ukuran lebar untuk membawa banyak barang
  • Berat kosong 2.5kg

2. Arnold Palmer Travel Bag Trolley 08082

Arnold Palmer Travel Bag Trolley

Tas dengan trolley untuk perjalanan singkat

Suka dengan tas travel trolley namun ingin yang harganya lebih terjangkau? Arnold Palmer Travel Bag Trolley 08082 ini adalah pilihan yang bagus. Hadir dengan desain trolley yang bisa disimpan dengan resleting, tas ini memberikan fleksibilitas tinggi tanpa harus mahal. Namun, ukurannya sedikit lebih kecil dibandingkan tas Polo sebelumnya, yaitu berkapasitas 19inci. Tapi tidak perlu khawatir, tas travel ini tetap dapat membawa keperluan traveling Anda selama 1 hingga 3 hari. 


  • Dilengkapi fitur trolley
  • Cocok untuk perjalanan singkat
  • Bahan polyester
  • Berat kosong kurang dari 2kg

3. HEYLOOK Travel Bag Razor Waterproof

heylook travelbag razor

Gayanya anak muda banget

Heylook Travel Bag ini hadir dengan desain stylish yang pas banget untuk anak muda yang suka traveling. Desain dan warnanya elegan, dan bisa digunakan dalam 3 mode, yaitu backpack, slingbag, dan handbag mode. Tetap keren walau sedang traveling! Uniknya, selain untuk travel bag, tas ini juga cocok untuk aktivitas berolahraga, mulai dari nge-gym, futsal, hingga main basket. Serbaguna!

Kelebihan selanjutnya yang patut dipertimbangkan dari tas ini adalah bahannya yang bersifat waterproof. Jadi, kamu tidak perlu khawatir pakaian dan barang-barang bawaan akan basah saat cuaca tidak bersahabat. Dengan kapasitas 50x20x23cm, tas ini cukup besar untuk membawa banyak barang. 

  • Kapasitas besar
  • Juga cocok untuk dibawa olahraga
  • Bisa dipakai dengan banyak cara
  • Bahan waterproof, kuat, dan tidak sobek

4. Pierre Cardin Tas Backpack

pierre cardin backpack

Dengan fitur khusus untuk keamanan laptop

Suka bepergian untuk alasan bisnis? Jika iya, maka tas dari Pierre Cardin ini memungkinkan Anda membawa laptop lebih mudah dan aman. Dengan desain yang elegan dan classy, tas ini memiliki ruang khusus laptop dengan velcro strap agar menjaga keamanan laptop saat di perjalanan. Uniknya, juga terdapat port USB di bagian samping tas yang bisa digunakan untuk mengisi daya smartphone dan tablet Anda saat diperlukan. 

Tentu, tas ini juga sangat unggul dari segi kualitas. Ia menggunakan bahan kulit dan lapisan polyester rainproof di bagian luar. 

  • Desain elegan
  • Bahan kulit
  • Ruang khusus laptop dengan velcro strap

5.  Les Catino Suika Satchel Nl Tan Lacos

tas travel les catino

Tetap stylish dan bawa banyak barang saat liburan

Traveling tidak melulu harus membawa tas besar yang terlihat ribet. Dengan tas Les Catino ini, Anda tetap dapat terlihat stylish sekaligus dapat membawa banyak barang di tas selempang Anda. Baik itu makeup, skincare, dan barang-barang pribadi lainnya. Selain kapasitasnya yang besar, tas selempang ini juga memiliki dua kantong utama dan satu kantong tambahan dengan zipper. Pasti muat banyak deh!

Terbuat dari synthetic leather PVC berkualitas tinggi, tas ini ramah lingkungan sekaligus awet dan tahan lama. Kamu tidak perlu khawatir bentuknya akan berubah meskipun sudah lama dipakai. 

  • Tampilan stylish 
  • Bahan synthetic leather berkualitas tinggi

6. REFRESOP PLP0102HD Tas Selempang Army Tactical

REFRESOP army tactical

Desain tactical army yang nggak ada saingan

Suka dengan traveling untuk aktivitas outdoor dan camping? Tas Army Tactical dari Refresop ini wajib jadi pertimbangan utama. Dengan desain yang terinspirasi dari tas militer, tas ini dibuat dengan bahan polyester dengan military-coating yang sangat kuat, anti jamur, dan tahan air untuk hujan intensitas sedang. Tas ini sangat tahan lama karena ia tidak berkerut meskipun sering dipakai dan terkena air. 

Tentu saja, tas ini berkapasitas cukup besar, dengan tinggi 74cm dan diameter 33cm. Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk traveling, mudik, hingga aktivitas camping. Menariknya, tas ini dibekali fitur busa tali sandatan dengan busa tebal yang bisa diatur agar tidak membuat punggung sakit saat membawa beban berat. Ada pula fitur Double Buckle yang berfungsi menambah kekuatan tas saat membawa banyak barang. 

  • Desain terinspirasi tas militer
  • Waterproof dan anti jamur
  • Multifungsi

7. Oakland Brown Duffle Bag


Tas kulit premium yang bikin kamu terlihat kece

Tas kulit memang memiliki kesan tersendiri bagi setiap pemakainya. Sedang cari tas kulit untuk bepergian? Oakland Brown Duffle Bag ini adalah pilihan yang bagus. Terbuat dari premium synthetic leather, tas kulit ini ramah lingkungan namun terlihat seperti kulit asli. Kualitasnya pun tidak kalah bagus dengan tas kulit asli!

Tas Oakland ini memang tidak memiliki banyak kantong. Tampilannya simpel, namun bagian dalam tas cukup roomy dan bisa membawa banyak barang pribadi. 

  • Bahan premium synthetic leather

8. ARTCH Travel Bag Sport

ARTCH travel bag sport

Juga bisa dibawa nge-gym

Jika Anda suka dengan penampilan sporty, ARTCH Travel Bag Sport ini akan membuat Anda tampil semakin tampan. Dengan desain sporty yang dilengkapi banyak kantong luar dan kapasitas ruang utama 30L, tas ini sangat praktis digunakan. Bahkan, tali selempangnya dapat diperpanjang hingga 120cm untuk bisa diatur sesuai kenyamanan. Baik Anda jinjing atau diselempangkan ke bahu, tas ini mudah dibawa tanpa ribet. 

  • Tali selempang dapat diperpanjang 120cm
  • Banyak kantong luar
  • Kapasitas utama 30L
  • Bahan polyester water-resistant

9. Eiger Pangolin Folded Duffle Bag


  • Bisa dilipat ke ukuran sangat kecil

Jika kamu suka membawa tas tambahan saat bepergian, Eiger Pangolin Folded Duffle Bag wajib dimiliki. Ia merupakan tas travel multifungsi yang bisa dilipat ke ukuran sangat kecil saat tidak digunakan. Sehingga, kamu bisa dengan mudah menyimpannya di tas yang lebih besar. Saat ingin berjalan-jalan di kota tujuan, kamu jadi tidak perlu lagi membawa tas besar yang ribet. 

Untuk tas tambahan, tas ini memiliki ukuran yang cukup besar dengan kapasitas 30L. Anda juga bisa membawanya dengan mode backpack agar tangan Anda tidak capai. 

  • Cocok untuk tas tambahan saat traveling
  • Kapasitas 30L

10. Choral Volcan Traveling Bag

Choral Volcan Backpack

Juga cocok untuk ngampus

Choral Volcan Traveling Bag ini hadir dengan gaya stylish ala anak muda yang juga cocok dibawa untuk aktivitas sehari-hari. Dengan kapasitas 25L, tas bergaya modern dan simpel ini dapat membawa laptop 14inci sehingga juga bisa digunakan untuk ke kampus. Uniknya, terdapat fitur earphone slot dan USB Charging Portable agar smartphone Anda bisa tetap aktif selama bepergian. 

Selain desainnya yang gaya banget, tas Choral Volcan ini juga cukup ringan dengan berat kosong hanya 775g. Namun bukan berarti kualitasnya dikorbankan. Faktanya, tas ini menggunakan material Bimo Polyester untuk bagian luar dan Torin 210D Urex untuk bagian dalam. Material yang dikenal dengan keawetannya!

  • Juga cocok dibawa ke kampus
  • Fitur earphone slot dan USB charging portable
  • Ringan dengan berat hanya 775g

Apa saja merk travel bag terbaik di Indonesia?

Merk Polo, dengan berbagai tas travel berkualitas dengan fitur-fitur yang praktis, masih menjadi salah satu merk travel bag terbaik yang nyaman dibawa traveling. 

Dimana tempat berbelanja travel bag terbaik di Indonesia?

Kita terbiasa membeli perlengkapan rumah tangga di toko secara langsung, padahal harga travel bag terbaik di toko online jauh lebih murah dibandingkan toko offline. Dari semua marketplace online di Indonesia, Shopee adalah rekomendasi kami untuk membeli alat elektronik rumah tangga. Selain harga yang lebih murah, pilihan di Shopee juga jauh lebih banyak!

Semoga rekomendasi 10 Trave Bag Terbaik di Indonesia ini dapat membantu kamu untuk menemukan pilihan travel bag terbaik yang tepat sesuai kebutuhanmu. Baca juga rekomendasi produk rumah tangga lainnya di webite kami. Jika kamu menganggap tulisan ini berguna, silahkan bagikan terhadap teman dan kerabat kamu ya. Tunggu rekomendasi-rekomendasi lainnya!

This post was brought to you by The Wedding Vow.

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12 Travel Garment Bags to Look Good Everywhere

Be wrinkle-free everywhere you go

street style in paris may 11th 2020

Every product on this page was chosen by a Harper's BAZAAR editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

But choosing the best travel garment bag for your needs can be a challenge. There are a lot of options on the market, so we asked an expert about how to find the right one. According to Tumi creative director Victor Sanz, “Your garment bag should be sturdy, functional, and sleek. If you’re frequently traveling by plane, a garment bag that folds to fit carry-on requirements is essential.” He adds, “You want to find the size that will fit all your clothes without having to overfold them and will allow you to reach your destination in style.”

Michael Garment Bag

Best Quilted Garment Bag

Mz wallace michael garment bag.

Alpha Garment Bag Trifold Carry-On

Best Luxury Garment Bag

Tumi alpha garment bag trifold carry-on.

The Garment Duffel

Best Garment Duffel

Halfday the garment duffel.

Boxford Garment Bag

Best Timeless Garment Bag

Longchamp boxford garment bag.

Packable Garment Bag

Best Packable Garment Bag

Calpak packable garment bag.

Premium Garment Bag

Best Affordable Garment Bag

Amazon basics premium garment bag.

Metropolitan Two-Garment Sleeve

Best Durable Garment Bag

Hartmann metropolitan two-garment sleeve.

Commuter 2-in-1 Garment Bag

Best Personalized Garment Bag

Mark & graham commuter 2-in-1 garment bag.

Ascella 3.0 Softside Expandable Luggage

Best Expandable Garment Bag

Samsonite ascella 3.0 softside expandable luggage.

Ultimate Garment Bag

Best Water-Resistant Garment Bag

Stitch ultimate garment bag.

It’s also important to consider bonus features, like pockets and organizational compartments, and, as Sanz notes, “A crucial function is to ensure that you’re able to hang your garment bag when you arrive at your destination, so that you can prepare your outfits as easily as possible and to ensure that all your clothes are crisp.” Keeping all this in mind, we found the 12 best travel garment bags out there today. Once you start using one of these, you’re never going to go back.

MZ Wallace’s signature quilting isn’t limited to the brand’s totes, appearing here in garment bag form. The thin design is extremely lightweight, ideal for quick trips when you need to bring one to three outfits. There is even an exterior pocket for bonus storage.

Dimensions: 22" × 3" × 39"

Materials: Oxford, leather

What reviewers are saying: “I have been interested in a MZ Wallace garment bag for a while. It is perfect! Just right proportions and size. Thoughtful design and construction details.”

Tumi always delivers premium luggage that will last you over a decade, and this garment bag is no exception. Sanz says: “It’s foldable, with a sturdy handle for easy carrying, making it convenient and compact for every type of travel. I also love that it has several zipper pockets, so I can pack my toiletries and other travel essentials all in one bag. When I arrive at my destination, I hang it in the closet and I know that I will be ready to go.”

Dimensions: 15" x 22" x 6"

Materials: Ballistic nylon

What reviewers are saying: “This bag stores so much for a carry on. I was able to comfortably fit 2 suits and more for a destination wedding!”

This duffel has been receiving high praise ever since its release. A few of the reasons it’s so popular: The duffel is carry-on friendly, water-resistant, and has interior and exterior pockets. And those are only a few of its distinguishing features. Choose an original or compact size for the style that suits your needs.

Dimensions: 22" x 12" x 12"

Materials: Polyester

What reviewers are saying: “The Garment Duffel is a great purchase, especially for anyone in an industry that takes short frequent trips. I was actually able fit quite a bit more clothes than I had anticipated. Took the bag to work and my company bought 20 of them to give to customers. Great purchase.”

Longchamp’s iconic nylon and leather trim takes on a garment bag silhouette. The two-tone design exudes sophistication, with practical touches like a top carry handle, built-in hanger, and front zip pocket.

Dimensions: 23.25" x 41.25"

Materials: Nylon, leather

What reviewers are saying: “I bought this as a gift for my boyfriend who travels a lot and needed a nice garment bag particularly for his suits. This bag is perfect! It fits his suit as well as a few extra shirts. The fabric is an amazing, durable quality, and the leather details make this product look incredible.”

This garment bag is actually designed to fit inside of your carry-on, rather than serving as a stand-alone piece. The water-resistant exterior protects against spills, and exterior zip pockets hold small accessories. It gets the job done, while taking up the least possible amount of space.

Dimensions: 40" x 19"

What reviewers are saying: “I use this bag when I need to workout at work. I go from a suit to athleticwear in minutes.”

Looking for an affordable option that is available ASAP? Amazon’s garment bag holds up to three suits or dresses and boasts multiple zipper compartments.

Dimensions: 40" x 4" x 20.5"

What reviewers are saying: “I bought this bag in 2019 and it has held up incredibly well since then, performs all functions advertised at a great price value. I have taken it on many flights, buses and train rides and have never had an issue with fitting it in the overhead bin on both longer-haul flights and short budget-airline carriers.”

Hartmann’s garment bag adds contemporary touches to an otherwise traditional design. The result? A chic, useful travel accessory that will stand the test of time. The padded shoulder strap and multiple interior pockets enhance the convenience of this style.

Materials: Nylon

What reviewers are saying: “Hartmann was an anniversary gift from my work place, and I am still proud to own it 35 years later.”

Mark & Graham Commuter 2-in-1 Garment Bag

Another convertible duffel, but this time with a personalized touch. That’s right—Mark & Graham lets you monogram your duffel. With a plethora of zippered and snap interior and exterior pockets, this bag gets creative with its storage solutions.

Dimensions: 22" x 10" x 10"

This spinner-style garment bag makes navigating a chaotic airport easy. The ergonomic design has expandable capabilities, as well as various compartments, a hanger bracket, and a pocket for liquids.

Dimensions: 20.5" x 24" x 9.5"

What reviewers are saying: “It’s easy to maneuver and overall great quality and very neat design (many compartments and zippered areas).”

For golfers and non-golfers alike, Stitch makes a duffel that is water- and stain-resistant, and includes a hanger hook, shoulder strap, elastic shoe pockets, and webbed handles. You can even get it customized with your initials.

Dimensions: 22.5" x 11.5" x 12"

What reviewers are saying: “Love it! Fits into the airplane overhead bin, no trouble bringing it along as a carry-on bag. Very sturdy, zippers are tough enough. Shoulder strap is removable. My suit arrived in top shape using this garment bag. Highly recommended.”

Ralph Lauren Leather-Trim Hybrid Garment Duffel

Leather-Trim Hybrid Garment Duffel

Ralph Lauren’s duffel design is the epitome of understated elegance. An accompanying shoulder strap makes it easy to carry around.

Dimensions: 15" x 21.5" x 9"

Materials: Polyester, leather

Gucci Savoy Garment Bag

Savoy Garment Bag

Embrace the bold luxury aesthetic with a Gucci bag covered in the house’s monogram. Containing a big compartment with a hanger and two zip pockets, this garment bag will hold all your essentials.

Dimensions: 21.5" x 16.1" x 6.7"

Materials: Canvas, leather, cotton

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ukuran travel bag

The best packing cubes to save space and keep you organized

These travel cubes will keep your suitcase in order, whether you’re going on a short getaway or a round-the-world adventure.

Whether you’re packing for a weekend getaway or planning an around-the-world adventure, packing cubes can help streamline the packing process. Packing cubes are bags that come in different sizes in a set. They can help organize clothing and save room in your suitcase. Frequent traveler Kayli King uses packing bags daily to keep clothes organized in her van while traveling. “Honestly, after traveling so long, I can’t imagine not using them,” she says.  

After talking to King, we compared packing bags, looking for durable travel cubes with functional designs and a wide variety of sizes. Our top overall pick is the Gonex Compression Packing Cubes. Compression zippers, handles, and a low price tag make this set the best all around.

Our picks for the best packing cubes for travel

The best packing cubes for travel, best overall: gonex compression packing cubes.

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Buy it now on   Amazon

Why we like it:   The Gonex Compression Packing Cubes are our choice for the best overall packing cubes. Despite being one of the more affordable travel cube sets on this list, these compression bags have plenty of features, including ripstop nylon, reinforced seams, and handles. They compress via double zippers that pull the edges of the travel packing bag together. The packing cubes can hold everything from socks to jackets and are designed to fit together like puzzle pieces. They’re also available in over 10 colors.

Keep in mind:   These packing cubes unzip only halfway, so you have to stuff your clothes inside rather than lay them flat. Some reviewers note that the compression zippers are difficult for people with arthritis or reduced mobility.

Product details: Size: 4-piece set: 9.8 x 7.5 x 3.54 inches (small), 11.8 x 8.9 x 3.54 inches (medium), 14.5 x 10.6 x 3.54 inches (large), and 17.3 x 13 x 3.54 inches (extra large) | Material:   Ripstop nylon | Weight: 12 ounces (set)  

Best for traveling light: Eagle Creek Pack-It Isolate Cube Set  

ukuran travel bag

Buy it now at   Backcountry

Why we like it: At 4.2 ounces, the Eagle Creek Pack-It Isolate Cube Set is half the weight of other packing cubes on this list, but they’re far from flimsy. They’re made of ripstop polyester and have “self-repairing” zippers—if a gap opens in the chain, you can slide one of the zippers over it to close it. Eagle Creek also offers a warranty that covers fabric tears and zippers. Because they’re lightweight and sturdy, these travel cubes are great for hikers and campers who want to organize their backpacks.  

Keep in mind: The set includes only three smaller-sized travel cubes. While great for backpacks and carry-ons, you may want bigger packing cubes for checked luggage.

Product details: Size:   3-piece set: 4.5 x 7.5 x 2.5 inches (extra small), 7.25 x 10 x 3.25 inches (small), and 10 x 14.25 x 3.25 inches (medium) | Material:   Ripstop polyester | Weight:   4.2 ounces (set)  

Best for overpackers: REI Co-op Expandable Packing Cube Set

ukuran travel bag

Buy it now at   REI

Why we like it:   The packing cubes in the REI Co-op Expandable Packing Cube Set are the opposite of compression bags. Each cube has a second zipper that, when unzipped, increases its width to six inches—double the size of other packing bags on this list. They’re designed to last with ripstop polyester treated with a durable water-repellent (DWR) finish. The packing cubes also meet the Bluesign criteria, the highest environmental standard for sustainable textile manufacturing.

Keep in mind:   REI Co-op recently updated its packing cubes, and some buyers believe the quality has suffered as a result. Third-party reviews mention thin material, unreinforced zippers, and mesh that snags.

Product details: Size:   3-piece set: 8 x 6 x 3 inches (small), 12 x 8 x 3 inches (medium), and 14.5 x 10.5 x 3 inches (large) | Material:   Ripstop nylon, polyester mesh | Weight: 8.3 ounce (set)  

Best upcycled option: Cotopaxi Cubo Packing Cube Bundle

ukuran travel bag

Why we like it:   The brightly colored Cotopaxi Cubo Packing Cube Bundle is an upcycled option you can feel good about. The packing bags are made of 100-percent repurposed nylon and mesh. Kayli King likes that the mesh panels allow your things to air out and that you can hang them up by their handles.

Cotopaxi’s sustainability initiatives extend beyond its packing cubes. The company says that 94 percent of its products use repurposed, recycled, or responsible materials. They also offer programs to repair items and trade them in to avoid landfills.

Keep in mind:   Despite its competitive price, this bundle comes with only three packing cubes. The size range is small compared to other packing cube sets. However, King prefers this set for longer trips.

Product details: Size: 3-piece set: 7 x 8 x 2 inches (2-liter bag), 6 x 11.5 x 3 inches (3-liter bag), 10 x 11.5 x 5 inches (10-liter bag) | Material:   100 percent repurposed nylon and mesh | Weight: 9 ounces (set)

Best style: Calpak Packing Cubes Set

ukuran travel bag

Buy it now at   Calpak

Why we like it:   While many packing cubes seem to favor function over fashion, the Calpak Packing Cubes Set balances both. The packing bags come in over 20 colors, with patterns like “cheetah” and “lime viper.” They’re durable, with thick polyester sides and mesh covers that let you see inside. Each packing cube has a zippered pocket for smaller essentials and an ID tag to write down the contents. If five travel cubes aren’t enough, you can buy additional Calpak travel organizers, like shoe bags and laptop totes.

Keep in mind:   The Calpak Packing Cube set is by far the heaviest and most expensive option on this list. You may want lighter packing cubes if you travel with just a carry-on or are concerned about overweight luggage.

Product details: Size:   5-piece set: 13 x 10 x 1.5 inches (envelope), 12 x 8.8 x 3 inches (small x 2), 5 x 11 x 3 inches (medium), 17 x 12 x 3 inches (large) | Material: Polyester and mesh | Weight: 1 pound, 12.8 ounces (set)  

Best set: Tripped Checked Bag Set

ukuran travel bag

Why we like it:   The Tripped Checked Bag Set has a travel cube for almost every packing need. The set includes seven packing bags, including two extra large sizes, a slim cube, a shoe bag, and a roll-top laundry bag. Mix and match the travel cubes to fit your suitcase and packing needs. Most of the packing cubes in the Checked Bag Set also have a compression feature. Plus, they come in a wide range of colors and an illustrated set featuring national parks.  

Keep in mind:   While the packing cubes are made from a ripstop blend, reviewers mention that the material and stitching feel thin and flimsy. Some of the travel cubes don’t unzip all the way, making packing more difficult.

Product details: Size: 6-piece set: 12.5 x 6.5 x 6.5 inches (shoe bag), 12.5 x 4.5 x 3 inches (slim cube), 21 x 11.5 x 0.1 inches (laundry bag), 10 x 7 x 4 inches (small), 14 x 10 x 4 inches (large), 16 x 12 x 4 inches (extra large x 2) | Material:   Ripstop nylon-polyester blend | Weight:   15.5 ounces (set)  

Best budget: Veken 6 Set Packing Cubes

ukuran travel bag

Why we like it: The Veken 6 Set Packing Cubes come with six packing cubes, including a laundry bag and a shoe bag. They cost less than half the price of most other packing bag sets on this list. The low price doesn’t mean low quality, though. The Veken 6 Set Packing Cubes are made of thick polyester, with sturdy zippers and mesh panels to help keep clothes fresh. Plus, they come in 12 colors.  

Keep in mind: The laundry and shoe bags are small. The polyester is not ripstop and can melt if dried on high heat.

Product details: Size: 6-piece set: 4.7 x 17 inches (shoe bag), 14 x 20 inches (laundry bag), 11 x 6.75 x 4 inches (small), 13.75 x 9.75 x 4 inches (medium), 13.75 x 12.75 x 4 inches (large), 17.5 x 12.15 x 5 inches (extra large) | Material:   Polyester | Weight:   10.4 ounces (set)  

How we chose the best travel packing cubes

We weighed the following qualities when curating the best packing cubes:

Third-party reviews:   We considered reviews from sources other than company websites and spoke with seasoned travelers to find out what they liked.  

Brand reputation: Anything you use for traveling should be functional, long-lasting, and, preferably, good for the planet. We looked for brands that value high-quality gear and sustainability.

Quality of material:   We chose travel cubes that were made to last, with durable materials like ripstop nylon and polyester, reinforced seams, and strong zippers.

Size range: Different-sized packing bags make for an easier packing experience. We chose packing cube sets in a range of sizes, from extra small to extra large.

Compression options: Some packing cube brands offer compression bags, which can be a nice feature if you’re tight on space.  

Tips for buying packing bags

Here’s what to consider when picking your own packing cubes:

Brand reputation  

Choose a trusted brand with a proven reputation. Brands with zipper and fabric warranties or repair programs will also help you get as many vacations as possible with your travel organizers.

If you only use carry-ons or smaller luggage, choose a packing cube set with fewer, smaller travel cubes. If you prefer to use checked luggage, go for a packing cube set with more travel cubes and bigger sizes.  

If you travel with just a carry-on or want to use packing cubes for hiking, choose an ultralight packing cube set. Every ounce counts when packing light, and some travel cube sets are nearly 1.5 pounds lighter than others.

Packing cubes are typically made of polyester or nylon, both strong synthetic fabrics. If you need something even more durable, look for ripstop nylon or polyester, which has extra threads to prevent tears from becoming bigger.

Some brands offer compression bags, which can save space. However, King finds that compressed bags can be awkwardly shaped, making them harder to fit together in your suitcase. If you are a heavy packer, travel cubes for shoes or laundry can help keep the rest of your luggage clean.

Frequently asked questions

Are packing cubes worth it?

Packing cubes can help save space in your suitcase and improve organization, reducing stress while traveling.

Does TSA allow packing cubes?

Packing cubes are TSA-approved, provided everything inside is within the regulations. Check with your airline on what is allowed in carry-on and checked bags.

How many packing cubes do you need for a suitcase?

How many packing cubes you need depends on the length of your trip and the size of your suitcase. Four to six packing cubes is a great starting point. You can adjust the number as needed.

How much does a packing cube cost?

The packing cube sets recommended here cost between 20 and 70 dollars. Some companies may sell individual packing cubes for less.

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Best Luggage in 2024: Save $375 on a 3-Piece Luggage Set

You're going to look like a travel pro with these luggage options from calpak, royce & rocket, and paravel..

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The products featured in this article are from brands that are available in the NBCUniversal Checkout Marketplace. If you purchase something through our links, we get a commission.

Your spring and summer travel plans deserve the best luggage . No matter if you're gearing up for business travel, international travel, or just a quick weekend trip across state lines, you need carry-on luggage and checked luggage that can stand the test of time and trends.

Travel with the best luggage in 2024! Our shopping experts have rounded up the best luggage, including the best luggage brands, to help you create the best luggage set for you and your journey.

These suitcases, rolling luggage, and travel bag options will help keep your things organized and safe while helping you look put together at the airport or on the road.

Below, you'll find customer-loved rolling luggage, carry-on bags, hard-side luggage, soft-side luggage, bags with a TSA lock, packing cube options to maximize organization, and so much more .

These travel must-haves from bestselling luggage brand options offer more than just wheels. We chose rolling luggage and travel bag carry-ons that include tons of pockets and pouches for toiletries, electronics, pet supplies , and wet items like swimsuits.

Many of our selected suitcase options offer expandable capacity, which is a great option for travelers who tend to bring a souvenir (or 10) home for friends and family.

Shop a must-see luggage set from Badgley Mischka, a fun patterned luggage set from CalPak, as well as editor-loved soft-side luggage options, including bags that are pink!

Discover an on-sale suitcase from the luxury travel brand Royce & Rocket, plus the best travel backpack option, with a peak design that features space for a laptop, and a duffel bag option that's actually easy on your shoulders.

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Anatomy of a Classic: Il Bisonte's Consuelo Bag

Let quality craftsmanship speak for itself.

il bisonte town and country anatomy of a classic

Every item on this page was chosen by a Town & Country editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

This edition of Anatomy of a Classic is presented by Il Bisonte.

His name may not be familiar, but you’d know a Jacques Adnet piece if you saw one. The champion of French modernism was famous for crafting furniture that was supremely luxurious in its ingenious simplicity. It’s not a surprise, then, that the designer has been a staple of mood boards for decades. Most recently he was the inspiration for Il Bisonte’s latest venture: a capsule suite of leather canteen trays made in collaboration with interior designer Shawn Henderson to accompany the brand’s line of cardholders, bookmarks, and other home accessories.

il bisonte town and country anatomy of a classic

Subtlety has long been Il Bisonte’s MO, ever since the brand was founded by Wanny Di Filippo in 1970. His secret weapon was a Florentine artisan named Consuelo, who worked with Di Filippo for nearly 30 years, studying, shaping, and enhancing the beauty of cowhide to transform it into briefcases and totes, belts and backpacks.

il bisonte town and country anatomy of a classic

In 2019 Consuelo was honored with a namesake handbag, a supple construction of vegetable-tanned vacchetta leather that is refreshingly simple and free of fluff—and, as is Il Bisonte’s signature, lets the quality do all the talking. Consider it a valuable lesson: Shouting for attention can be effective, but sometimes a whisper is the true power move.

Shop the Consuelo

Il Bisone Consuelo Leather Bag

Consuelo Leather Bag

Style News Editor at Town and Country covering society, style, art, and design.  

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The trains and stations of the Moscow Metro

2 Comments · Posted by Alex Smirnov in Cities , Travel , Video

The Moscow Metro is the third most intensive subway system in the world after Tokyo and Seoul subways. The first line was opened on May 15, 1935. Since 1955, the metro has the name of V.I. Lenin.

The system consists of 12 lines with a total length of 305.7 km. Forty four stations are recognized cultural heritage. The largest passenger traffic is in rush hours from 8:00 to 9:00 and from 18:00 to 19:00.

Cellular communication is available on most of the stations of the Moscow Metro. In March 2012, a free Wi-Fi appeared in the Circle Line train. The Moscow Metro is open to passengers from 5:20 to 01:00. The average interval between trains is 2.5 minutes.

The fare is paid by using contactless tickets and contactless smart cards, the passes to the stations are controlled by automatic turnstiles. Ticket offices and ticket vending machines can be found in station vestibules.

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Tags:  Moscow city

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' src=

Tomás · August 27, 2012 at 11:34 pm

The Moscow metro stations are the best That I know, cars do not.

' src=

Alberto Calvo · September 25, 2016 at 8:57 pm

Great videos! Moscow Metro is just spectacular. I actually visited Moscow myself quite recently and wrote a post about my top 7 stations, please check it out and let me know what you think! :)


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I Travel Alone Often, and These Are the 16 RFID-blocking Bags I Recommend to Keep Your Info Safe — From $10

They’ll give you serious peace of mind.

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We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation. Learn more .

Travel + Leisure / Madison Woiten

I first started traveling solo internationally long before my career as a professional travel writer began, back in college when protecting my belongings involved keeping a death grip on my airline tickets (remember cardstock tickets?) and cashier’s checks. I remember nervously walking around London — wearing my backpack in front, of course — and assuming everyone on the Tube was trying to figure out where I had stashed my cash. I learned from that trip that traveling in fear is no fun as a solo traveler (or as any sort of traveler, for that matter), and it’s definitely not necessary. What is necessary is being aware of your surroundings and making smart decisions, like not walking alone through dimly lit passageways and not letting others know you’re traveling alone.   More than eight dozen countries later — and hundreds of stories filed from hotel rooms and cafes around the world — and I can now attribute much of my safety success while on the road to being smart, being aware, and being prepared with gear that protects my personal info (like these data blocking charging cables ).  You’ll still often see me traveling with my backpack on my front while riding on crowded Metros around Europe where I live … only now that backpack is equipped with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-blocking technology. Digital theft is a growing problem around the world, and not just in crowded cities, where a simple skim (i.e., scan) of your bag could give thieves access to your name, address, credit card numbers, and expiration dates. For that reason, I always use an RFID-blocking wallet or bag to keep my credit cards and IDs un-skimmable and recommend travelers do the same. From bags that are meant to be worn on the front to bags that are both slice- and skim-resistant, these are my favorite RFID-blocking bags for anyone looking to protect themselves while traveling.  

Travelon Anti-Theft Classic Essential Messenger Bag

This roomy messenger is lightweight but durable, and by durable I mean slash-proof, cut-proof, and equipped with locking hardware to strap it down while at a restaurant or café. Travelon makes one of the top anti-theft bags out there, and this bag doubles as a wallet with built-in card holders and zipper pockets, all RFID-blocking, of course. 

Daitet Money Belt Bag

Travelers love this RFID-blocking money belt for “ peace of mind ” and that it’s easy to conceal when they’re on the go, saying it’s “ almost unnoticeable under a T-shirt ” and is “super light, durable, and works great.” Coming in at just $10 thanks to a 50 percent off sale, it’s also a steal. And Amazon shoppers have taken note, with more than 2,000 selling in the past month alone. 

Falanko Laptop Backpack

The RFID-blocking pocket is large enough to protect a wallet, a phone, and a passport all at once. I also love that this backpack is waterproof, so it can also protect a laptop against spills or unexpected weather. The built-in charging port and luggage strap come in handy, too. 

Baggallini Essential Crossbody Bag

Amazon reviewers love this crossbody’s multiple zipper pocket options, but I love how easy it is to keep clean. The entire bag is machine washable, which does not hinder the RFID-blocking capabilities in any way. 

Sherpani Geo, Anti-Theft Tote Bag

Although this anti-theft bag is smaller than the average tote, it’s great for storing a 10-inch tablet and perfect for protecting your digital identity with a spacious RFID-blocking pocket built right in. Even better, you can wear it as a tote, a crossbody, or a shoulder bag.

Kroser Laptop Backpack 

There are no less than 13 pockets in this TSA-friendly backpack. Some are mesh, some are zippered, but the most important ones are RFID-blocking. Reviewers obviously love its functionality, but many also mention how comfy it is to wear. 

Nautica RFID-Blocking Mini Crossbody

The RFID-blocking pocket in this crossbody is almost as big as the entire bag itself. This also comes with an interior zipper coin pocket as well as an exterior zippered pocket, but I love that it can be worn as a wristlet or a crossbody depending on which strap you use. 

Travelon Anti-Theft Metro Convertible Small Crossbody 

Don’t let the size deceive you — this durable bag is surprisingly spacious. It comes with Travelon’s signature 5-point anti-theft security system (i.e., slash-resistant strap, lock down straps, locking compartments, an RFID-blocking organizer, slash-resistant mesh), and it can be worn as either a waist pack or a crossbody. 

Wrangler RFID-Blocking Crossbody Purse 

Simply thread your belt through the belt loop for a hands-free RFID-blocking bag that’s great for travel. Designed to resemble an old-school camera bag, this petite purse is perfect for stashing the essentials, and keeping those essentials safe no matter where you go. 

Travelon Anti-theft Classic Sling Bag

Amazon has this popular travel sling on sale for up to half off right now in select colors. It’s an organized traveler’s dream bag, with multiple pockets and specific RFID-blocking card slots and passport pockets. I love that it has the versatility of a sling with the functionality of a backpack.

S-Zone Duffel Bag

Even without the RFID-blocking zippered pocket — which is huge, by the way, at 12.6 inches long — this bag is one of my favorites to recommend for travel due to its smart design. This anti-theft duffel can hold way more than you’d expect and opens like a suitcase to keep things organized.  

Bagsmart Laptop Bag

Leave it to Bagsmart to come up with one of the smartest laptop bags on the market. This TSA-friendly briefcase is fully padded for laptop protection and comes with a secret anti-theft RFID-blocking pocket for digital protection. It’s also water-resistant and big enough for a 15.6-inch laptop. 

AM Sea Blue Laptop Tote Bag

This unassuming floral tote is surprisingly techy, with an external USB charging port and earphone jack on one side and an RFID-blocking zippered pocket on the other. The bag is great for toting a laptop, but it’s also a perfect carry-on, with a full zipper closure for added security between gates and in flight. 

Vera Bradley Mini Hipster Crossbody Purse

I view this bag as more of a wearable wallet, with built-in RFID-blocking card slips and an ID window taking away the need for packing a bulky wallet. It has multiple zippered pockets and pouches for extra organization, and the small size makes it easy to stash in a larger carry-on or tote. 

Vankean Expandable Waterproof Laptop Briefcase 

This bag had me at “expandable.” It’s small, but mighty, with anti-theft features that include multiple RFID pockets. Aside from being expandable, I like that it’s waterproof, TSA-compliant, and holds up to a 17-inch laptop. 

Samsonite Classic 2.0 RFID Crossbody Bag

Samsonite loyalists will love this classic crossbody, especially because it has a solid RFID-blocking lining that protects against skimming. Multiple pockets and a sturdy shoulder strap keep it ideal for travel, and the main compartment is roomy enough to even hold up to a 10.1-inch tablet.  Love a great deal? Sign up for our T+L Recommends newsletter and we’ll send you our favorite travel products each week.

Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

  • Train Times
  • Seasonality
  • Accommodations

Moscow to Elektrostal by train

The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is .

Get from Moscow to Elektrostal with Virail

Virail's search tool will provide you with the options you need when you want to go from Moscow to Elektrostal. All you need to do is enter the dates of your planned journey, and let us take care of everything else. Our engine does the hard work, searching through thousands of routes offered by our trusted travel partners to show you options for traveling by train, bus, plane, or carpool. You can filter the results to suit your needs. There are a number of filtering options, including price, one-way or round trip, departure or arrival time, duration of journey, or number of connections. Soon you'll find the best choice for your journey. When you're ready, Virail will transfer you to the provider's website to complete the booking. No matter where you're going, get there with Virail.

How can I find the cheapest train tickets to get from Moscow to Elektrostal?

Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. You can find train tickets for prices as low as , but it may require some flexibility with your travel plans. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets. Unfortunately, no price was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find price results. Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets.

How long does it take to get from Moscow to Elektrostal by train?

The journey between Moscow and Elektrostal by train is approximately 32.44 mi. It will take you more or less 2 hr 7 min to complete this journey. This average figure does not take into account any delays that might arise on your route in exceptional circumstances. If you are planning to make a connection or operating on a tight schedule, give yourself plenty of time. The distance between Moscow and Elektrostal is around 32.44 mi. Depending on the exact route and provider you travel with, your journey time can vary. On average, this journey will take approximately 2 hr 7 min. However, the fastest routes between Moscow and Elektrostal take 1 hr 3 min. If a fast journey is a priority for you when traveling, look out for express services that may get you there faster. Some flexibility may be necessary when booking. Often, these services only leave at particular times of day - or even on certain days of the week. You may also find a faster journey by taking an indirect route and connecting in another station along the way.

How many journeys from Moscow to Elektrostal are there every day?

On average, there are 71 daily departures from Moscow to Elektrostal. However, there may be more or less on different days. Providers' timetables can change on certain days of the week or public holidays, and many also vary at particular times of year. Some providers change their schedules during the summer season, for example. At very busy times, there may be up to departures each day. The providers that travel along this route include , and each operates according to their own specific schedules. As a traveler, you may prefer a direct journey, or you may not mind making changes and connections. If you have heavy suitcases, a direct journey could be best; otherwise, you might be able to save money and enjoy more flexibility by making a change along the way. Every day, there are an average of 18 departures from Moscow which travel directly to Elektrostal. There are 53 journeys with one change or more. Unfortunately, no connection was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find connections.

Book in advance and save

If you're looking for the best deal for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal, booking train tickets in advance is a great way to save money, but keep in mind that advance tickets are usually not available until 3 months before your travel date.

Stay flexible with your travel time and explore off-peak journeys

Planning your trips around off-peak travel times not only means that you'll be able to avoid the crowds, but can also end up saving you money. Being flexible with your schedule and considering alternative routes or times will significantly impact the amount of money you spend on getting from Moscow to Elektrostal.

Always check special offers

Checking on the latest deals can help save a lot of money, making it worth taking the time to browse and compare prices. So make sure you get the best deal on your ticket and take advantage of special fares for children, youth and seniors as well as discounts for groups.

Unlock the potential of slower trains or connecting trains

If you're planning a trip with some flexible time, why not opt for the scenic route? Taking slower trains or connecting trains that make more stops may save you money on your ticket – definitely worth considering if it fits in your schedule.

Best time to book cheap train tickets from Moscow to Elektrostal

The cheapest Moscow - Elektrostal train tickets can be found for as low as $35.01 if you’re lucky, or $54.00 on average. The most expensive ticket can cost as much as $77.49.

Find the best day to travel to Elektrostal by train

When travelling to Elektrostal by train, if you want to avoid crowds you can check how frequently our customers are travelling in the next 30-days using the graph below. On average, the peak hours to travel are between 6:30am and 9am in the morning, or between 4pm and 7pm in the evening. Please keep this in mind when travelling to your point of departure as you may need some extra time to arrive, particularly in big cities!

Moscow to Elektrostal CO2 Emissions by Train


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  1. 10 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik [Ditinjau oleh Tour Consultant]

    Jika Anda ingin membawa travel bag ke dalam pesawat, cek bisa tidaknya tas disimpan dalam kabin. Berhati-hatilah jika Anda membawa tas berukuran besar. Dilansir dari Kompas.com, berikut ini adalah ketentuan ukuran tas untuk kabin pesawat dari beberapa maskapai di Indonesia.. Lion Air dan Batik Air: Dimensi tas: 40 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm・Berat maksimal: 7 kg.

  2. Guide to Suitcase & Luggage Sizes

    The standard size for checked luggage is 30 inches (76 cm), with dimensions of 76×52.5x30cm (30×20.6×11.8 inches). Carry-On Suitcase: Dimensions: Typically between 18 and 22 inches (45 and 56 cm) in height, 13 to 14 inches (33 to 36 cm) in width, and 8 to 9 inches (20 to 23 cm) in depth.

  3. Master All Suitcase Sizes with Our Luggage Size Guide

    Carry On Bag Size and Dimensions. Domestic flights follow similar guidelines for carry on dimensions: roughly 22x14x9 inches. Check out our rundown of maximum carry-on sizes by airline to ensure you meet the TSA carry on size limits. When you're heading overseas, there are different rules to follow. International flights have different ...

  4. How To Choose the Right Sized Travel Bag for Any Trip

    The Knack Pack Series 2 is a pack with a lot of features for more efficient travel. Uncompressed, the pack is 35L, a great size for traveling, but it sizes down to a handy 24L for daily usage. It has a ton of internal organization, ensuring that every item will have a home and nothing will get lost on the journey.

  5. 15 Rekomendasi Travel Bag yang Bagus & Terbaik 2024

    Pastikan travel bag sesuai dengan aturan ukuran dan berat bagasi maskapai penerbangan, hal ini untuk menghindari biaya tambahan. Dengan memilih tas yang memenuhi persyaratan maskapai, akan memudahkan proses perjalanan kamu. 15 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik dan Awet 2024.

  6. 10 Best Travel Bags of 2024

    Long-term quality questions. Not enough padding for high-capacity. The Yorepek Travel Extra Large is a high-capacity laptop-capable travel bag that is great for work trips and weekend getaways alike. Its 50 liters blows away the volume of every other pack in our review of the best laptop backpacks.

  7. Guide to cabin bag sizes and weight

    40x30x15cm. 12-18kg combined weight. (depending on ticket type) British Airways. 1 cabin bag +. 1 personal item. 56x40x23cm. 40x30x15cm. You must be able to lift it into the overhead lockers.

  8. Luggage Size Chart and Advice

    Joy of Clothes uses the BAA standard cabin allowance guideline for hand luggage, which is 56cm x 45cm x 25cm. This is used by leading airlines such as American Airlines, Iberia and BMI. Budget airlines such as easyJet, First Choice and Ryanair often use a smaller cabin allowance of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm. So, it is best to check with your airline ...

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    It has a removable, washable lining and a hidden laundry bag. LuggageWorks Stealth Premier 22" 737 Rolling Bag. $430. Luggageworks. Cierra Mistt, a flight attendant and TikTok travel influencer ...

  10. Travel Bag Pilihan Terlengkap & Produk Terbaru

    Pilihan Travel Bag Terlengkap, Original, Harga Terbaik. Beli Travel Bag terbaik hanya di Tokopedia ... Kipling Travel Bag Lipat Ukuran Besar. Rp145.000. Jakarta Utara ddshopsun (75) Tambah ke Wishlist. Tas Travel Elle Bag / Tas Pakaian / Tas Mudik / Tas Besar / Tas Baju. Rp41.990.

  11. Tas Travel Bag Bahan Berkualitas & Muat Banyak

    Tas travel bag untuk pakaian & keperluan traveling berbagai model. Dapatkan Bebas Ongkir, Cicilan 0%, Cashback Gopay Coins! ... Mulai dari aneka warna, ukuran, bahan, dan kapasitas. Temukan juga perlengkapan traveling lainnya, seperti Koper, Bantal Leher, Travel Pouch, dan banyak lagi. Jangan lewatkan juga Ekstra Cashback Gopay Coins, Cicilan 0 ...

  12. 5 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Merek Lokal Terbaik, Muat Banyak!

    1. Traver bag Heylook. Pertama ada travel bag dari merek Heylook. Tas ini memiliki ukuran yang cukup besar yaitu memiliki panjang 50 cm, lebar 20 cm dan tinggi 23 cm. Ukuran yang besar tentu akan membuat kalian bisa membawa banyak barang seperti baju, handuk, sepatu, dan perlengkapan lainnya dengan nyaman dan aman.

  13. 12 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik (Terbaru 2024)

    Rekomendasi produk travel bag dari Samsonite ini sangat elegan dan punya desain yang modern. Ukuran dari tas travel ini mencapai 43 cm x 49 cm x 18.5 cm dengan beratnya mencapai 0.72 kg. Untuk kapasitas yang diberikan pada tas ini adalah 24 liter yang terbuat dari bahan berkualitas yaitu PU 10% dan recycled nylon 90%.

  14. The Lululemon Belt Bag Is My Ultimate Travel Hack

    The Lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag is spacious, sleek, and the best way to enjoy hands-free travel, according to this travel writer who wore it on a 10-day trip to Italy. This high-quality fanny ...

  15. 7 Travel Bag Terbaik yang Murah tapi Berkualitas!

    Untuk ukurannya ada dua, yaitu ukuran M dan L. Ukuran M berdimensi 35,5 x 8 x 25,5. sementara ukuran L dimensinya 45,5 x 8 x 33. Kalau tertarik membeli travel bag yang satu ini, kamu bisa mendapatkannya dengan harga mulai dari Rp225 ribu saja.

  16. 9 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik 2023, Kuat dan Praktis!

    Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik 2023 . YooWoo Tas Travel Besar Lipat Hand Carry Anti Air. ... Salah satu kelebihan utama dari tas ini adalah kemampuannya untuk dilipat menjadi ukuran yang lebih kecil ketika tidak digunakan, yang membuatnya sangat praktis untuk disimpan dan dibawa. Lebih dari itu, Eiger adalah merek terkenal dengan reputasi yang ...

  17. The 11 Best Travel Purses of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

    We selected 11 purses that received the highest praise and broke down why we think you'll love them, too. Our Top Picks. Best Overall: Lo & Sons O.G. 2 at Loandsons.com (See Price) Jump to ...

  18. 10 Rekomendasi Travel Bag Terbaik di Indonesia 2023: Stylish dan Praktis

    10 Trave Bag Terbaik di Indonesia. Dengan fitur trolley yang praktis: Polo Classic Travel Bag Trolley T5601. Tas dengan trolley untuk perjalanan singkat: Arnold Palmer Travel Bag Trolley 08082. Gayanya anak muda banget: HEYLOOK Travel Bag Razor Waterproof. Dengan fitur khusus untuk keamanan laptop: Pierre Cardin Tas Backpack.

  19. The 12 Best Travel Garment Bags of 2024

    Longchamp's iconic nylon and leather trim takes on a garment bag silhouette. The two-tone design exudes sophistication, with practical touches like a top carry handle, built-in hanger, and front ...

  20. This Calpak Backpack Is the Ultimate Carry-on Bag

    One travel writer shares how the Calpak Terra Laptop Duffel Backpack kept her organized while traveling to Thailand and the Maldives. The durable carry-on bag features convenient pockets ...

  21. Women's Luggage

    Odyssee Terre Duffle bag Color. $4,300. Herbag Zip cabine bag Color. $5,400. Herbag Zip retourne cabine tilt bag 50 Color. $4,150. Herbag Zip cabine bag Color. $4,425. Odyssee Terre Duffle bag Color.

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  23. 9 best smart luggage pieces 2024

    This suitcase comes with a fast-charging 10,050 mAh charger with 18W USB C and A ports that claim to charge your devices halfway in less than thirty minutes. It's also worth noting that the ...

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    Our picks for the best packing cubes for travel. • Best overall: Gonex Compression Packing Cubes. • Best for traveling light: Eagle Creek Pack-It Isolate Cube Set. • Best for overpackers ...

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    Best Luggage in 2024: Save $375 on a 3-Piece Luggage Set. You're going to look like a travel pro with these luggage options from CalPak, Royce & Rocket, and Paravel. By Lily Rose Apr 16, 2024 9:15 ...

  26. Anatomy of a Classic: Il Bisonte's Consuelo Bag Review

    A classic silhouette is updated for contemporary needs. The accordion-style design allows the bag to expand when you need extra storage. Subtlety has long been Il Bisonte's MO, ever since the ...

  27. The trains and stations of the Moscow Metro · Russia Travel Blog

    2 Comments · Posted by Alex Smirnov in Cities, Travel, Video. The Moscow Metro is the third most intensive subway system in the world after Tokyo and Seoul subways. The first line was opened on May 15, 1935. Since 1955, the metro has the name of V.I. Lenin.

  28. 16 RFID Bags Under $50 for Safer Solo Travel

    Buy on Amazon $32 $19. Leave it to Bagsmart to come up with one of the smartest laptop bags on the market. This TSA-friendly briefcase is fully padded for laptop protection and comes with a secret ...

  29. Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

    The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is . Journey Duration.

  30. Elektrostal to Moscow

    Drive • 1h 3m. Drive from Elektrostal to Moscow 58.6 km. RUB 450 - RUB 700. Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between.