About 20 mins

Learning Objectives

Choose the right event for you, select a topic, write an abstract, define your audience, define your learning objectives, define your prerequisites, write your abstract.

  • Challenge +100 points

Choose the Right Event and Topic

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify the right Salesforce-related event for your presentation.
  • Create a compelling session title and abstract.
  • Write learning objectives for your presentation.

'A successful talk is a little miracle—people see the world differently afterward.' Chris Anderson (TED Curator)

“A successful talk is a little miracle—people see the world differently afterward.” —Chris Anderson (TED Curator)

There are many paths to becoming a speaker at a Salesforce-related event. Some come to their first Salesforce event and dream of being on stage presenting their pearls of wisdom. Others find a topic they love so much, they can’t help but share it with everyone. Whatever your path, this module is for you!

Speaker pointing out to the casual audience.

Throughout this module, we’ll follow Nyah Jackson, a force.com guru and Lightning Components developer, as she prepares to speak at a Salesforce event. She’ll create a stunning presentation and ultimately get a standing ovation, but only after careful preparation. Let’s join Nyah as she sets out to become a Salesforce speaker!

Good news for Nyah (and for all of you who want to present): there are many opportunities to speak at Salesforce-related events.

'What worked for me was starting small and then building from there...' Phillip Southern (clicks 2 code, Salesforce MVP)

“What worked for me was starting small and then building from there to gain confidence and practice. Start with something as small as team meetings and company meetings. Then branch out to presenting at user groups, those you attend and user groups you don't normally attend. From there try to present or speak at regional conferences, and build up to submitting and speaking at Dreamforce. It doesn't happen overnight. Having a path of stepping stones not only helps you as a speaker but gives you visibility in the community.”— Phillip Southern (clicks 2 code, Salesforce MVP)

To start with, there are a slew of Salesforce community-sponsored events, like user groups and developer groups , and a growing number of community-run conferences, like Forcelandia , London’s Calling , Midwest Dreamin’ , Southeast Dreamin’ , and Tahoe Dreamin’ .

There are also a number of official Salesforce events , like World Tours, and special audience and product-specific events like Connections (for digital marketers) and TrailheaDX (for Salesforce developers). And of course, there’s the big kahuna: Dreamforce.

Large, blue-lit presentation room with audience.

Some of these events are so large that they have multiple speaking tracks. Dreamforce, for example, has dedicated spaces for admins and developers, plus other areas focused on specific audiences like nonprofits, healthcare, and higher education. Each of these have different types of sessions, session lengths, and processes and deadlines for submission.

Large room, with breakout presentations and audiences sitting or passing by.

When you look for the right venue for your presentation, we recommend that you:

  • Go local —If you're just getting started with public speaking, start attending your local user, developer, nonprofit, or Women in Tech group. You'll see Salesforce presentations regularly and learn about what topics resonate with an audience. Plus you'll learn a lot of new stuff.
  • Start small —After you've become an active member of your local group, decide on a topic (more on that in a bit) and ask the organizer if you can present at an upcoming meeting.
  • Take it on the road —Once you've presented at your local group, work your way up to a community-run conference, Salesforce World Tour stop, or Dreamforce.

After researching her options, Nyah decides to go for broke and sets her sights on a developer breakout session at Dreamforce.

Nyah is super excited and can’t wait to dive in. She’s checked out the Dreamforce developer track call for submissions, read their tips for success (like many conferences, there is a list of topics they are hoping people submit), and looked at the requirements and deadlines.

If you speak about what you are passionate about, you both will walk away from your talk better for it, and that should always be the goal :-)” —Stephanie Herrera (NFP, Salesforce MVP)

Nyah sees that the organizers are specifically looking for content related to core platform technologies, including Lightning Components, so she feels good about her chances. She does some brainstorming and comes up with a list of four takes on this general topic.

  • Tips for People New to Lightning Components
  • Debugging Lightning Components
  • Use Cases for Lightning Components
  • Using Application Events with Lightning Components

These are awesome topics, but she only wants to submit a single idea—the one that will be the most fun to present and draw the biggest audience. She reaches out to her network on social media and on the success and developer communities, where she posts a poll to see what others think of these ideas. Turns out that not only is “Tips for People New to Lightning Components” the most popular idea, but her buddy Lek Bunyasarn is keen to present with her. Bonus!

Cartoon of tools of designing and plotting.

During this process, Nyah gets some feedback that the topic title is a little dull. Over a web conference, she and Lek brainstorm and come up with a new title, “Tips to Build Your First Lightning Component (for Smart People).”—Nyah and Lek are stoked about this title because:

  • It’s catchy —everyone loves tips (and being called smart).
  • It’s clear —the key phrases “Lightning Components” and “Build” are there so that people know immediately what the presentation is about (and can search for it).
  • It’s concise —people will be able to remember the title and they’ll be able to use it in social media to promote the session (it’s only 63 characters long).

That’s truly a #winning combination.

'Think about the titles on Buzzfeed...' Amber Boaz (CodeScience, Salesforce MVP)

“Think about the titles on Buzzfeed. They get you just enough info to get you interested, then get you to click for more. Your title should do the same. Also, list sessions/titles (‘Top 10 things…’) get folks every time!”— Amber Boaz (CodeScience, Salesforce MVP)

Now that Nyah and Lek have their topic, it’s time to write an abstract. An abstract is a short description of what the session will be about. In a great abstract, the details shine and you tell your audience just what they’ll get out of the session. Because this is a technical session, Nyah and Lek will also let participants know if they should have a certain level of experience to get the most out of the session.

Follow this general process for writing a winning abstract.

  • Define your audience.
  • Define two or three learning objectives.
  • Define your prerequisites.
  • Write your abstract (and make it interesting).

'Give'm just enough to get'm excited...' Amber Boaz (CodeScience, Salesforce MVP)

“Give'm just enough to get'm excited. Why should they come see your session? What will they learn?”— Amber Boaz (CodeScience, Salesforce MVP)

Whether you’re writing your abstract, building your slides, or coming up with your demo, it’s vital to keep your audience front and center. Ask yourself the following questions.

  • Who is your primary audience?
  • What is their skill level?
  • What prior knowledge do they have?
  • What matters to them?
  • How do they best absorb information?

You may be tempted to have more than one primary audience. This is natural (we all want everyone to come to our presentations), but resist the urge. If you dilute your focus, then you dilute your impact. A single focus leads to a happy audience.

Pondering these questions, Nyah and Lek define their audience.

Our Audience:

Our primary audience is intermediate force.com developers. They likely know about Lightning Components, but haven’t done much (or any) development of them. They are familiar with Apex and with Visualforce. They’re looking to get a jump start and learn from people who have done a decent amount of Lightning Components development. They learn best by seeing live code demos and by having resources to refer back to when they get back to their office.

'If you get to choose your audience, think about what makes you excited...' Brian Kwong (Better Partners, Salesforce MVP)

“If you get to choose your audience, think about what makes you excited and how much time you have. Twenty minutes is not a lot of time to provide an overview and then an in-depth topic. Either you need to skip the overview or keep things light.”— Brian Kwong (Better Partners, Salesforce MVP)

Having defined your audience, the first thing to do is nail down two to three learning objectives. Keeping it to just a few objectives ensures that your main message won’t be lost.

Begin by answering the question, “By the end of this presentation, what will attendees leave knowing?” Learning objectives start with a verb, and you generally want to stay away from generic verbs like “understand” and “learn.” See the resources section for more tips on writing learning objectives.

Over web conference, Nyah and Lek come up with the following learning objectives.

By the end of this presentation, attendees will be able to

  • Explain the Lightning Components Framework.
  • Describe some Lightning Component use cases.
  • Apply tips for planning, developing, testing, and deploying Lightning Components.

After defining your audience and learning objectives, deciding on prerequisites is the next important step. These will define what you need to cover in your presentation and what you can assume that your audience already knows.

The shorter your presentation duration, the more vital this step is, because you’ll have less time to get to the guts of your content. Your core audience wants to learn something new, not go over introductory information they may already know. As a general guideline, only spend 5–10% of your presentation time introducing your topic.

Use your abstract to clearly define your prerequisites. You don’t want anyone wishing they’d picked a different topic because the content was either too simple for them or over their head.

Nyah and Lek decide that their audience of intermediate developers should be familiar with what Lightning Components are. That way they can spend most of their time on their important tips.

Once you have your audience, learning objectives, and prerequisites, your abstract will almost write itself. The trick is to put all that information into a small amount of space, and make it as compelling as possible to attract the right audience.

Nyah creates the following abstract.

Are you an intermediate developer wanting to create amazing Lightning Components? We can’t wait to help! We’ll give a very brief intro to Lightning Components and then get straight into showing actual use cases. We’ll share invaluable tips for all stages of development (planning, development, testing, and deployment). If you have a basic understanding of what Lightning Components are, but haven’t built any yet, this session is for you. Bring your burning questions and see if you can stump our experienced Lightning Components developers!

Nyah checks all the other session submission requirements and submits her application. Stay tuned for the next unit to see if their submission is accepted. #fingersCrossed

  • Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Write Effective Learning Objectives
  • Why People Check Email When You’re Presenting
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Home » Article » The Dreamforce 2024 Admin Track Call for Participation Is Open!

Dreamforce 2024 Admin Track call for participation

  • The Dreamforce 2024 Admin Track Call for Participation Is Open!

We want YOU to present at Dreamforce!

Dreamforce ’24 is coming, and we’re looking for #AwesomeAdmin content for the Admin Track! The Admin Track at Dreamforce 2024 is the platform for admins to deliver and absorb engaging, actionable, and memorable content that helps them become awesome Salesforce Admins, drive success for their businesses, and showcase their creative solutions using AI and the newest Salesforce features.

Today, the Dreamforce ’24 Call for Participation is officially open!

The Dreamforce Call for Participation is open now and will remain open until Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific

For those of you who are new to speaking or have never attended Dreamforce before, never fear—as long as you’re passionate and knowledgeable, you’ll be fine! We love first-time speakers and provide a great deal of support as you get ready for the Dreamforce stage, including a wonderful Public Speaking Skills module on Trailhead.

There are a limited number of admin nominations that we can bring to life at Dreamforce 2024. Don’t be down if you aren’t selected this year—we have a variety of other events and joint marketing opportunities where we could highlight you. And, as always, feel empowered to share your learnings and tips in the Trailblazer Community.

Let’s talk about the submission process

We’ve made it simple—there’s one form for everyone and one open and close date for everyone. When submitting, it’s best to pay close attention to the values you choose because this one form collects information for a lot of different areas of the Dreamforce experience. I won’t cover all the fields, but I do want to highlight a few key fields and the values you should choose so that your submission is viewed for the Admin Track.

Session Proposal vs. Speaker Nomination

To fill the Admin Track with amazing content we review Session Proposals. These are submissions that include both a topic and speakers for a session. The Admin Track is for admins, by admins , so we want to make sure that admins who are solving challenges in their companies are able to present their ideas at Dreamforce. Speaker Nominations are used by teams who have existing content and are looking for speakers to present it. Of course you can submit your name as a speaker to be considered for a session, however, we will not be reviewing these nominations for the Admin Track.

Dreamforce call for participation page directing users to select the session proposal button.

What makes a good proposal?

First, let’s start with the Proposed Title . It should be something that will be of interest to Salesforce Admins, and you should word it in a way that makes it very clear to those attendees what you’ll be covering (in no more than 60 characters). Remember, at Dreamforce the content options are many, so you’ll want your topic to be very clear.

The Proposed Abstract field is where you’ll write a short paragraph (in no more than 200 characters) to quickly tell us what you’re going to talk about. Be creative! Don’t just explain your slide deck; be sure to share your ideas for interacting with the audience: What are you going to build/demo? What discussion will you lead? What will your audience be able to take home with them and show to their companies? Address the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?) benefits. Remember, this will eventually be published on the Dreamforce website and it will be the public-facing view of what your talk is about. It should be compelling and clearly communicate what attendees can expect to learn from your session.

One of the most important fields is the Why should this session be presented at Dreamforce? field. This field is your open letter to the review team about why it’s important for this proposed session to be presented. Think of it as your one opportunity to pitch your session and make it stand out! Don’t skimp on this field— you have 1,000 characters, so putting something like “Admins should know about this” or “This is important to admins” won’t cut it.

If you have more than one topic you’d like to propose, please complete the submission process again for each topic.

Session details

Breakout sessions are held in dedicated session rooms with seats. Breakout sessions allow you, the speaker, to dive deeper into a topic because the 40-minute time block gives you more time to cover it. This format also allows audience members to engage with the speaker and ask questions. Breakout sessions can be scheduled at any time during the Dreamforce event hours and throughout the Dreamforce campus; however, we do our best to keep Salesforce Admin sessions in the same location.

Theater sessions are held in the Admin Meadow on the theater stage or in related theaters nearby. Dreamforce attendees are free to walk up and listen to your session or take a seat in the audience. Theater sessions are shorter in length—they’re 20-minute blocks and often center around topics that are easy for Salesforce Admins to engage with. Theater sessions are best for quick, fast-paced topics. Because you’re presenting in an open theater, a strong format is to share actionable items for admins to learn in a short time period.

Community Campfire: Community Campfire Sessions are led by a Trailblazer, Tableau, MuleSoft, or Slack Community member. These informal sessions are designed to spotlight the skills, expertise, and learnings that can help elevate Trailblazers’ careers in the Salesforce ecosystem. Topics include: Community, career and soft-skills, technical tips and tricks, etc. These sessions are conversation-focused and in a smaller venue, so they should not include demos and only use a limited number of slides.

Suggested topics

We’re looking for fun, engaging sessions that provide actionable content that helps Salesforce Admins build their skills, elevate their careers, and deliver solutions for their companies. I really want you to center around a theme of “possibilities.” So every session, in both the title and abstract, should talk about possibilities, the ability to dream big, and strive for greatness! Einstein and AI are powerful tools for admins and our users. I want admins to look at sessions in the Admin Track and feel inspired to come to Dreamforce to build the future, not just solve for technical debt.

Here are some ideas for sessions we’d like to see:

  • Consider the newest features that Salesforce has launched: Einstein Copilot, Prompt Builder, Data Cloud, Flow, User Permission enhancements, Dynamic Pages, mobile enhancements, and more. New and experienced customers want to learn from you about your creative solutions using those products and features.
  • Speak about a comprehensive solution that uses multiple products and features. Admins are the best problem solvers, so use this opportunity to showcase how multiple products and features can solve a business challenge.
  • Speak on a topic that’s very relatable. The first step in getting your audience to love listening to you is for you to love what you’re saying and feel connected.
  • Strongly consider the takeaways and lessons your audience will gain by listening to your talk. Their time is valuable and they will have chosen to spend some of their Dreamforce agenda with you. It’s not enough that the presentation is interesting to you—it should interest your audience as well. Make sure to cover these points in your abstract. Be sure these things are highlighted in your abstract.
  • Be prepared to create more than slides. Salesforce Admins want to see your solution in action, so get ready to roll -up your sleeves and dive into setup to show some highlights and best practices for how you configured your solution.

This list is by no means exhaustive—if you have a great session proposal that we haven’t mentioned, we’d love to hear about it!

Note that this call for participation is aimed at sessions focusing on tools and technologies, by admins, for admins—show us the Setup Menu!

What to expect after your submission

Your session proposal will be reviewed by our core team, and selections will be made to ensure we have the best mix of valuable content for Salesforce Admins of all experience levels. If your session is chosen, be prepared to put in the work. From the time you submit your session to when you walk on stage, there will be check-ins, revisions, and rehearsals required. Be ready for a significant time commitment so we can help bring out the best content possible. If you have questions, please click on the link to email the CFP team in the Submission portal and check out the CFP FAQ also linked in the CFP portal.

Click to Submit to Dreamforce 2024

Mike Gerholdt

Mike Gerholdt is the Senior Director of Salesforce Admin Evangelism at Salesforce. He is part of a group of World-class Admin Evangelists who are helping Salesforce Admins realize their dreams by being technology leaders and advancing their careers.

  • How Can Solving Sudoku and Wordle Enhance Your Critical Thinking Skills?
  • 5 Essential Questions Salesforce Admins Must Ask for Effective AI Solutions
  • Why Salesforce Community Events Are Crucial for Professional Networking

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Dreamforce: The Ultimate Gathering of Trailblazers

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Dreamforce, the annual mega-event hosted by Salesforce, is a convergence of visionary leaders, industry experts, and tech enthusiasts from around the world. This unparalleled experience brings together the Salesforce community to explore groundbreaking ideas, discover the latest innovations, and foster meaningful connections. Let's dive into the key points that make Dreamforce the must-attend event of the year.

  Inspiring Keynote Sessions: Igniting the Spark of Innovation

Dreamforce kicks off with awe-inspiring keynote sessions delivered by industry visionaries and Salesforce executives. These sessions set the stage for the event, unveiling groundbreaking technologies, unveiling new products, and sharing insights on industry trends. Attendees gain valuable knowledge, discovering innovative ways to leverage Salesforce solutions to drive business growth and success.

  Expert-led Workshops and Hands-on Training: Elevating Skills

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  Trailblazer Community: Connecting with Like-minded Innovators

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Dreamforce is a hub of networking opportunities. The Trailblazer Community brings together a diverse range of professionals, encouraging collaboration, sharing best practices, and fostering connections that extend beyond the event. Attendees can engage with industry peers, thought leaders, and Salesforce experts, building relationships that can drive their careers and businesses forward.

 Innovation Expo: Exploring Cutting-edge Solutions

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 Industry-specific Sessions: Addressing Key Verticals

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  Thought Leadership Panels: Exploring Future Trends

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  Corporate Social Responsibility: Making a Positive Impact

Dreamforce goes beyond technology and business, emphasizing the importance of giving back to society. The event features numerous initiatives and activities focused on corporate social responsibility. Attendees can participate in volunteer programs, learn about sustainable practices, and contribute to causes that align with Salesforce's core values.

Dreamforce is more than just a conference; it's an experience that empowers attendees to dream bigger, think differently, and embrace the limitless possibilities of technology. It's an opportunity to connect with a vibrant community, gain invaluable knowledge, and shape the future of business. Join us at Dreamforce and embark on a transformative journey towards success!

Website Link-     https://www.salesforcevision.com

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Salesforce Brasil

Compartilhar artigo.

Neste mês, São Paulo foi palco do World Tour 2024. O evento é voltado para a comunidade Salesforce e reuniu mais de 4 mil pessoas, entre clientes e parceiros. Se você se interessa pelas últimas tendências em tecnologia e inovação e quer saber tudo o que rolou nesse WT, então siga conosco. 

Podemos adiantar que a agenda do evento foi recheada por conteúdos relevantes e exclusivos, priorizando temas como inteligência de dados , CRM e – claro – inteligência artificial.  

A IA, inclusive, foi a grande estrela do ano, pautando grande parte dos debates e mostrando como, quando aliada a um software de CRM, ela pode aumentar a capacidade de equipes e produtividade. 

A seguir, você confere as palestras que rolaram pelo World Tour 2024!

Data Cloud: a fundação da sua estratégia de IA: Caso de Sucesso do Sicredi

Para falar de data cloud, o banco de dados inteligente da salesforce, o evento contou com a presença de juliano polito , especialista em data cloud, e com richard leite , engenheiro de soluções. um dos principais pontos de suas falas foi o fato do data cloud ser mais do que um simples cdp (customer data platform). .

Isso ocorre devido à robustez da plataforma, que permite uma escalabilidade gigante: o software pode processar até 2 trilhões de registros por mês. Além disso, sua capacidade de integração é notável, podendo se integrar com diversos outros softwares – não necessariamente produzidos pela Salesforce. Mas, é claro, o Data Cloud tem o poder de potencializar outras clouds da nossa empresa. 

Entre as principais vantagens do Data Cloud , destacaram-se: 

  • Melhorias operacionais das equipes;
  • Capacidade de redução de horas de trabalho diárias;
  • Possibilidade de aumentar o ROI da empresa via produtividade;
  • Otimização do tempo gasto no tratamento manual de dados;
  • Autonomia no gerenciamento de dados; 
  • Unificação de perfis de clientes, criados através de inúmeras fontes de dados, sem risco de repetição ou cópia.

O case de sucesso do Sicredi

O maior desafio da organização não era simplesmente a coleta de dados dos clientes, mas justamente a centralização dessas informações em um único lugar, já que o Sicredi utiliza diferentes plataformas de captação. Além disso, a cooperativa tinha um alto nível de dependência dos times de TI, o que acabava sobrecarregando os colaboradores.

Com a implementação do Data Cloud para governança e processos unificados, o Sicredi conseguiu resolver todos os seus problemas em uma tacada só. Foi possível dar mais autonomia para os times que trabalham com dados, como marketing e vendas, além de unificar, de maneira segura, os dados colhidos. 

Quais são os próximos desafios do Data Cloud? 

Entre os próximos desafios que o data cloud precisa superar, estão: .

  • Integração do Data Lake com Databricks.
  • Financial Service Cloud: integração aos dados do Data Cloud.
  • Modelo PJ: Expansão da atuação no modelo Pessoa Jurídica.

Inovações do Commerce Cloud: Caso de sucesso da Natura

Para falar das inovações do Commerce Cloud , a Salesforce apresentou o VP de Product Management, Rafael Ruppel. Agora, a ferramenta conta com funcionalidades super ágeis e práticas, como:

  • Pay Now: dispositivo que disponibiliza um link de pagamento em qualquer plataforma da Salesforce. Sua chegada ao Brasil deve ocorrer até fevereiro de 2025, mas já está disponível para companhias de fora do país.
  • Composable Commerce: funcionalidade que possibilita a criação de templates próprios através de API. Além disso, ele também permite o uso de componentes personalizados no e-commerce, como carrinho, precificação e plataforma para hospedar store front.

De quebra, o Composable Commerce separa o storefront do backend, visando aumentar a produtividade do time de TI. 

  • Copilot for Shoppers: é um chatbot alimentado por IA que foca em criar conversas naturais. Assim, é possível fortalecer o relacionamento com o cliente mesmo antes da conversão ser efetuada.
  • Page Designer: inovação que permite a criação de componentes nas páginas, incluindo IA generativa.
  • Commerce and OMS: feature pensada para a gestão de e-commerce, orientada a resultados com maior nível de dados.

O case de sucesso da Natura 

A Natura , junto com a Salesforce, tem uma atuação que abrange grande parte da América Larina, incluindo Brasil, México, Chile e Argentina. Além do compromisso florestal e sustentável da empresa, há também uma preocupação em acelerar a transformação digital na empresa, incluindo as consultoras da marca, que trabalham atendendo presencialmente suas clientes. 

Desse modo, um dos maiores interesses da organização era atingir uma estratégia phygital de vendas, unificando as experiências físicas (loja e consultoras) com a compra online e mantendo as características específicas da marca, como a revistinha. 

Para isso, a Natura contou com a arquitetura modular e escalável da Salesforce e com a capacidade do Commerce Cloud de personalizar rapidamente a criação de componentes de página que enriquecem a experiência digital – tudo isso, embasado com inteligência artificial. 

Além disso, a alta capacidade de customização e agilidade na mudança de layouts somado à praticidade de integração das APIs contribuíram para que o e-commerce da marca se tornasse um headless commerce. O resultado? Desoneração da carga horária das equipes de TI. 

Outro ponto importante, que reafirma o compromisso da Natura com uma experiência phygital e a omnicanalidade é o uso que a marca deu para a personalização de componentes no e-commerce, criando a opção ship from store , dando a opção para que os clientes comprem no site e retirem os pedidos na loja mais próxima.

Reimagine o Marketing com Dados e IA: Caso de sucesso do PicPay.

Para falar de marketing e dados, o convidado foi Gustavo Resende, diretor executivo de Marketing & Growth na PicPay. Resende deu um panorama da área no Brasil e ressaltou os seguintes pontos:

  • Hoje, o mercado está voltado para a lógica mobile-first;
  • O Brasil tem uma população socialmente conectada , sendo o país que mais usa as redes sociais no mundo;
  • A crescente importância do marketing de influência, com 44% das compras sendo influenciadas por recomendações;
  • Empresas que investem em todas as etapas da jornada do cliente têm 45% mais retorno;
  • Um dos principais desafios enfrentados pelas empresas é a desconexão de 71% dos aplicativos e soluções que não focam na ativação dos dados para marketing.

Neste sentido, o Marketing Cloud, plataforma voltada para a aceleração da rotina de marketing da Salesforce, age para que as empresas alcancem esse aumento no ROI e nos níveis de influência dos seus consumidores. Tudo isso através de dados e empoderado pela IA.

Afinal, o Marketing Cloud não é apenas um “gerador de textos” ou um “disparador de e-mail”. Na verdade, ele atua na segmentação de dados para o perfil operacional dos clientes e trabalha para atingir um futuro cookieless.

Além disso, a plataforma atua no dia a dia das equipes, trazendo mais agilidade no copywriting com a feature Content Creation. O software também pode se integrar ao Einstein para gerar textos de e-mail e outros disparos de marketing que precisam de personalização.

Foi através do Marketing Cloud que o PicPay criou entregas unificadas entre os times de CRM e mídia, segmentando campanhas publicitárias no PicPay Ads através do inventário de dados ativo no Data Cloud.

Construa conexões mais saudáveis com CRM, Dados e IA: Caso de Sucesso do Hospital Albert Einstein.

Antes de mais nada, vale dar um contexto sobre o setor da saúde no país. Segundo dados divulgados na palestra:

  • O Brasil vive o envelhecimento da sua população;
  • O país se preocupa em buscar mais equidade na saúde;
  • Há um crescimento de modelos de cuidados alternativos;
  • Aumento na geração de dados em clínicas, hospitais e mais;
  • A tendência é que plataformas de CRM estejam no centro da jornada do cliente;
  • Maior utilização de dados em tempo real;
  • Incorporação de IA (preditiva e generativa).

Através das tecnologias da Salesforce , o Hospital Albert Einstein entendeu que pode usar dados para criar linhas de cuidado personalizadas para os pacientes. Assim, utilizando os recursos de IA disponíveis, foi possível prever os pontos de alerta na saúde do indivíduo e oferecer o suporte adequado, numa ação proativa de relacionamento com o cliente. 

Com o uso da Marketing Cloud e da Health Cloud , o HAS pode:

  • Transformar a experiência em saúde dos pacientes;
  • Criar uma jornada única física e digital;
  • Focar em omnicanalidade e uma visão 360;
  • Implementar chatbots receptivos e personalização da comunicação.

Empodere o sucesso financeiro dos seus clientes e crie engajamento: Casos de Sucesso do C6 e do Itaú BBA

Fernando Castro , Local CIO do Itaú , foi o palestrante que nos ajudou a desvendar o case de sucesso do banco. Ele apontou o desafio do mercado global após a pandemia de coronavírus, que exigia proatividade das empresas financeiras e inovação nas soluções oferecidas. 

Castro também reiterou a importância da tecnologia, mas enfatizou que momentos incertos (como a própria pandemia) mostram a necessidade de focar no cliente acima de tudo para continuar crescendo. Além disso, o CIO do Itaú falou sobre como os bancos podem se proteger e do papel da tecnologia nessa missão:

  • Para ele, é preciso estar aberto a quem está chegando no mercado com mindsets diferentes, aprendendo e incorporando isso em grandes companhias;
  • A tecnologia deve ser um catalisador e diferencial competitivo;
  • É necessário entender que investir em outras frentes e tecnologias agregam valor para o cliente. Por exemplo, o Itaú shop, que é o maior vendedor de telefonia do país. Por meio desse investimento, o Itaú ampliou a carteira de valor.

Vale ressaltar que o Itaú se mantém líder no mercado, mesmo depois de todos os desafios e mudanças. Boa parte do sucesso é atribuído à estratégia phygital e ao atendimento humanizado e personalizado prestado aos cliente. 

Além disso, graças à parceria com a Salesforce , o Itaú conseguiu potencializar a sua produtividade e criar uma jornada única, escalável e personalizada para cada um dos seus consumidores. 

Como seus próximos desafios, o banco cita a maior utilização de IA para facilitar a abertura de contas e a melhora na eficiência interna, que, espera-se, impacte positivamente na experiência do cliente. 

O case do C6Bank 

Alair Pereira , CRM Head de produtos e engenharia do C6Bank , focou sua palestra nos temas da lucratividade de novos produtos e controle de custos. Ele também deu destaque para a parceria entre a fintech e a Salesforce. 

  • A Salesforce está entre os 3 maiores fornecedores de tech do C6Bank ;
  • Graças ao bot do Einstein , a empresa soma mais de 75 milhões de casos; 8 consoles comerciais; 8 consoles de atendimento ao cliente;
  • O banco nasceu na nuvem e, desde sempre, contou com a Salesforce
  • Essa parceria já resultou em mais de 1.300 jornadas de clientes construídas e mais de 20 bilhões de disparos de e-mail. 

Hoje, o desafio do C6 é não aderir somente a um LLM (Large Language Model) , criar um processo de renegociação com clientes 100% automatizado, montar duas Provas de Conceito (POCs) para atuar como solucionadoras de dúvidas dos consumidores. 

Unifique a experiência do Varejo com CRM, Dados e IA: Caso de Sucesso do Grupo Boticário

Ficamos por dentro do case do Grupo Boticário graças a Rute Martins , diretora, e a Natália Calisto , diretora de gestão do consumidor do grupo. Para elas, a maior missão da empresa é criar oportunidades através da beleza – e isso é feito através de 3 grandes pilares da marca:

1 . Obsessão pelo cliente; 

2 . Profundo respeito e admiração por parceiros que compõem a cadeia junto com a marca;

3 . Obsessão por aprender 

Apesar dos pilares do Grupo Boticário serem perenes, nos últimos 5 anos passou por algumas transformações:

  • Primeiro, a empresa buscou cascatear a mentalidade tech-first para toda a organização. A lógica por trás dessa transformação é que pessoas tecnológicas criam tecnologias humanizadas – e tecnologias humanizadas são uma das prioridades do Boti, que pretende se tornar uma lovetech.
  • Depois, houve a implementação de 3 modelos de trabalho: presencial (varejo e fábrica); híbrido (time desenvolvimento); remoto (administrativo). Dessa forma, foi possível continuar tendo uma comunicação assertiva, inclusive internamente. Um ponto-chave para essa comunicação interna efetiva foi o Slack, que criou um ambiente amigável para a comunicação assíncrona, além de permitir a integração com outras ferramentas.

Marketing Cloud age aqui mais uma vez como uma aliada. Como o Grupo Boticário lida com uma grande quantidade de dados e insumos, a plataforma da Salesforce atua como uma facilitadora na gestão desses dados, permitindo uma personalização inteligente e escalável. Para se ter uma ideia, uma única jornada teve mais de 1.300 comunicações, e se mostrou 2x mais eficiente que a comunicação massiva. 

Gostou de saber mais sobre o World Tour 2024?

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Exclusivo pra você

Gráfico desenhado em um caderno que mostra um cifrão crescendo.

Share of Wallet: O que é e como aumentar?

Funcionária conversando com um cliente por ligação

Atendimento via WhatsApp: como fazer e integrá-lo a sua estratégia?

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Explorar tópicos relacionados

  • Atendimento ao cliente
  • Cultura de dados
  • Customer 360
  • Customer Data Cloud
  • IA Generativa
  • Marketing Cloud
  • Sucesso do cliente

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Somos uma plataforma de gerenciamento de relacionamento com o cliente (CRM) baseada na nuvem, que permite com que empresas possam gerenciar e integrar todas as suas operações, como vendas, marketing, atendimento, ecommerce e TI em um lugar só.

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Atendimento Humanizado: como oferecê-lo aos clientes?

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Análise SWOT: o guia para fazê-la corretamente

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Moodboard: O que é e como criar um?

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Líderes de TI podem lançar o poder da IA para criar uma empresa centrada no cliente

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  4. World Tour NYC

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  8. Salesforce

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    The Salesforce World Tour is a global series of events that brings together business leaders, trailblazers, and innovators from around the world. ... Salesforce World Tour, Boston June 19, 2024. Dreamforce, San Francisco September 15-17, 2024. Salesforce World Tour, New York December 2024 (Date TBC) Benefits of Attending.

  16. Salesforce+ Original Series and Events

    Salesforce+ includes live experiences, original series, podcasts, and other programming. With engaging stories, thought leadership and expert advice, Salesforce+ will illuminate the future of technology in the digital-first, work anywhere world and inspire millions of Trailblazers to learn new skills, pursue new career opportunities, and drive change in the world.

  17. World Tour NYC : r/salesforce

    I don't disagree, but note that there's a massive difference in cost. Generally, Dreamforce attendance is going to cost you about $8k if you don't live in the area. World Tour is free, flights are generally pretty cheap, and the hotels in the area are not priced through the roof.

  18. r/salesforce on Reddit: What's the deal with Dreamforce (for someone

    Think of it as a festival, but specifically for Salesforce. Instead of "bands" or "performers", we get discussion groups, and learning sessions. Though there is a concert on the last night. 3. [deleted] • 2 yr. ago. you just drink the kool-aid and you're "part of the ohana". 3. MrMoneyWhale.

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