CityGames Dresden

CityGames “ESCAPE” Tour Dresden

Rettet ihr dresden vor der katastrophe.

Ihr habt Lust auf eine actiongeladene Sightseeingtour, bei der ihr knifflige Rätsel lösen und spannende Escape-Aufgaben meistern müsst? Dann ist unser Escape Game Dresden genau das richtige für euch. Die Elbstadt braucht dringend kluge Köpfe mit Mut und Geschick, die sie vor der drohenden Gefahr retten. Seid ihr die Richtigen? Zwischen Semperoper, Zwinger und der Frauenkirche, versucht ihr mit tickender Uhr im Nacken die Lösungen für das Problem zu finden. Unser Escape Game ist eine mit Adrenalin angereicherte Schnitzeljagd. Bei unserem Fluchtspiel werdet ihr einiges von der Stadt sehen, aber die Zeit sitzt euch auch ein wenig im Nacken. Immerhin wollt ihr die Stadt retten.

Frauenkirche und Wandskulptur vom Georgentor in Dresden


Preis pro person:, teilnehmer:, 5-40 personen*.

* Bei größeren oder kleineren Gruppen bitte vorab Kontakt mit uns aufnehmen.

Mach die Stadt zu eurem Spielfeld beim Escape Game Dresden

Zu euren Stärken gehört logisches Denken, Teamgeist und Allgemeinbildung? Dann bringt ihr die wichtigsten Voraussetzungen mit, um das Escape Game Dresden zu meistern. Als weitere Unterstützung gibt es von uns ein Tablet, mit dem ihr die Tour spielen werdet. Unser interaktives CityGame schickt euch quer durch die Sachsen-Metropole und zeigt euch, wo ihr eure Aufgaben und Rätsel lösen müsst.

Dresden, mach dich bereit!

Bevor ihr als Team zu Helden werden könnt, treffen sich unsere Teamer mit euch Seestraße 10 . Hier bekommt ihr alle Infos zu eurer Mission und euch werden alle nötigen Utensilien ausgehändigt. Dann kann es auch schon losgehen, denn die Uhr tickt!

CityGames: Der Ablauf

Was wir euch schon mal verraten können. Eure Flucht beginnt nicht beim Treffpunkt. Es bleibt zunächst geheim, wohin ihr flüchten müsst. Zu den verschiedenen Missionen leitet euch dann unsere App per GPS den Weg. Seid ihr an den richtigen Koordinaten angekommen, starten die Aufgaben automatisch. Also noch mal kurz in die Hände gespuckt und dann geht’s los.

Stadt gerettet? Lasst euch feiern

Alle Aufgaben gelöst? Puh, Glück gehabt, dann sollte das XXX noch stehen. Hier treffen wir uns nach der Tour wieder mit euch und schauen uns euren Punktestand an. Danach könnt ihr mit ein paar Radebergern auf euren Erfolg anstoßen. Wie soll es danach weitergehen? Wir sind euch natürlich gerne bei der Bar- oder Restaurantsuche behilflich, damit ihr den Tag perfekt abschließen könnt.

city escape tour dresden

Ein unvergesslicher Tag!

Für das Familienalbum oder als Erinnerung an der Wand. Für die Fotos, die bei der Tour mit den Tablets gemacht wurden schicken wir euch einen Link, über den Ihr eure Bilder ganz einfach kostenlos runterladen könnt.

CityGames „Escape“ Tour Dresden

Anfrage hier:, buchen hier:, da geht noch was….

Darf es etwas mehr sein? Wir haben euch einige Extras zusammengestellt, mit denen ihr eure Tour aufwerten könnt:

Bei jeder Tour haben wir natürlich auch Zeit zum Anstoßen für euch eingeplant. Wann dafür der beste Zeitpunkt ist, liegt an eurer Tour-Auswahl. Gerne Begrüßen und Verabschieden wir euch mit Bier, Sekt oder Cocktails. Während der Tour dürfen unsere Backpacks nicht fehlen, die es in leckeren Varianten gibt. Prost!

Ob 6 oder 500 Personen – ganz gleich wie groß eure Gruppe ist, wir haben das passende Angebot für euch. Dafür haben wir in der Stadt die passenden Kooperationspartner, die euch vom kleinen Snack bis zum ausgewachsenen Menü alles kredenzen können.


Unsere Elbmetropole hat zu jeder Jahreszeit viel zu bieten. Deshalb könnt ihr unsere Touren auch jederzeit buchen. Dabei haben diese im Herbst oder Winter einen ganz besonderen Charme – und an den Sehenswürdigkeiten auch weniger Touristen.

Extras & Specials

CityGames Dresden Escape Tour: Biergrüßung auf einer coolen Tour in Dresden


Auf zu einer coolen Tour! Ihr stoßt mit einem leckeren lokalen Bier auf einen tollen Tag an! Bei eurer Ankunft gibt’s ein Bierchen für jeden! (kann vor Ort gegen ein Sekt/Softdrink getauscht werden)

CityGames Dresden Escape Tour: Sektempfang


Schön, dass ihr da seid! Ihr stoßt mit einem Glas Sekt auf eine tolle Tour an! Bei eurer Ankunft gibt’s ein Glas Sekt für jeden! (kann vor Ort auch gegen ein Bier/Softdrink getauscht werden)

Preisliste „ESCAPE“ Tour


* Bei kleineren bzw. größeren Gruppen bitte vorab Kontakt mit uns aufnehmen.

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Escape Tour Dresden

Escape the city.

Escape Tour Dresden


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Das Escape-the-City-Erlebnis

Outdoor escape dresden.

Lest auch den Escape-the-City Erfahrungsbericht.

2-8 Personen

Wir empfehlen Gruppengrößen von 2-8 Personen. Falls ihr mit mehr Personen teilnehmen wollt empfehlen wir eine Aufteilung auf 2 Teams!

Nur 79,90 € pro Team

Der Preis für eure gesamte Gruppe beträgt 79,90 €. Der Versand der Unterlagen ist für euch kostenlos!

frei wählbarer Termin

Ihr seid bei der Bestellung an keinen Termin gebunden, sondern könnt frei wählen, an welchem Tag und zu welcher Uhrzeit ihr spielt.

3 Stunden Spaß

Die Episoden sind jeweils auf eine Dauer von bis zu 3 Stunden ausgelegt. Mit uns könnt einfach eine tolle Zeit an der frischen Luft genießen! Die Stadt ist euer Outdoor Escape Room!

Der goldene Orden (Großer Garten Dresden)


Eine Highlight-Tour in dem Großen Garten, das ideale Outdoor Escape-Erlebnis in Dresden!

Vor 500 Jahren existierte ein mächtiger Geheimbund, der in einer verborgenen Bibliothek unter der Stadt wertvolle Schätze gesammelt haben soll. Geschützt durch Rätsel und Fallen, wartet dort der Legende zufolge ein Geheimnis, das euer Leben für immer verändern wird. Uns ist es nun gelungen, den versteckten Eingang aufzuspüren. Wagt ihr die atemberaubende Schatzjagd? Hier sind Spannung und Abenteuer garantiert!

Derzeit bereiten wir die Veröffentlichung weiterer Touren in Dresden vor! Solltet ihr die Tour "Der goldene Orden" im Großen Garten bereits gespielt haben, steht euch aber schon jetzt eine weitere Tour in Leipzig  zur Verfügung.

Ihr sucht ein gelungenes Teamevent für eure Firma oder eine Schulklasse in Dresden? Dann ist unsere Escape-the-City Outdoor Escape Tour genau das Richtige. Unsere außergewöhnlichen Abenteuer stärken Teamarbeit, Kommunikation und Problemlösungskompetenzen, während sie gleichzeitig für Unterhaltung sorgen und ein unvergessliches Erlebnis garantieren.

Outdoor Escape Dresden


Bildet Teams aus etwa 6-8 Personen und beginnt das jeweilige Abenteuer in leicht versetzten Zeitabständen (ungefähr 5 Minuten). Während des Spiels werdet ihr eure Teams immer wieder treffen und somit für aufregende Momente sorgen!

Bestellt einfach die Anzahl der benötigten Pakete der gewünschten Tour über unseren Shop. Wir empfehlen, je 8 Personen ein Paket zu bestellen. Mit 30 Personen werden daher beispielsweise 4 Pakete benötigt.


Mit Escape-the-City seid ihr maximal flexibel. Sowohl die Startzeit als auch die Gruppengröße kann jederzeit und ohne Rücksprache mit uns angepasst werden.

Zahlung auf Rechnung

Ihr wollt als Unternehmen per Rechnung bezahlen? Kein Problem! Kontaktiert uns einfach mit der gewünschten Anzahl an Paketen sowie der Rechnungs- und Lieferadresse. Wir kümmern uns um den Rest!

RuhrEscape GmbH

  • Ruhrallee 12, 45138 Essen
  • 0152-23636757
  • info(at)


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City Escape Dresden – Sightseeing in Dresden mit Outdoor Escape Tour Sponsored Post

Veröffentlicht von Teenfluencer | 20.09.2020 | Have Fun! , Spiele | 0

City Escape Dresden – Sightseeing in Dresden mit Outdoor Escape Tour<span class="sponsored_text"> Sponsored Post</span>

Startseite » Have Fun! » City Escape Dresden – Sightseeing in Dresden mit Outdoor Escape Tour

Habt ihr schon einmal daran gedacht, dass Stadttouren in Dresden auch alles andere als langweilig sein können? Nein? Dann überzeugt euch selbst und macht mit Euventure eine Outdoor City Escape Tour in Dresden.

Egal ob ihr als Tourist die deutsche Perle des Barock – wie man Dresden auch nennt – näher kennenlernen wollt oder ob ihr die Stadt schon in und auswendig kennt, diese Stadttour ist alles andere als gewöhnlich und hat es definitiv in sich. Mit Euventure lernt ihr die Stadt spielerisch und auf eine ganz andere Art und Weise kennen. Unter dem Motto: „Bella Ciao“ werdet ihr versuchen, in 90 Minuten kniffelige Rätsel in der gesamten Altstadt von Dresden zu lösen und somit Teil des durchdachten Planes vom Professor zu werden.

Wer jetzt denkt „Das ist doch bestimmt nur was für Familien mit Kindern“, liegt komplett falsch, denn hier kann jeder dabei sein. Wie in den bekannten Escape Räumen müsst ihr verschiedene Rätsel lösen um zum Ziel zu gelangen. Dabei ist Konzentration , Ausdauer und logisches Denken gefragt, denn einem Professor zu helfen ist kein Kinderspiel.

Am Anfang der Tour bekommt ihr eine Tasche mit diversen Gegenständen in die Hand, die euch helfen sollen, schnellstmöglich zum Ziel zu gelangen. Dabei seid ihr komplett auf euch allein gestellt, denn der Guide wird nur an einzelnen Punkten auf euch warten. An diesen Punkten stehen bekannte Sehenswürdigkeiten von Dresden, zu denen ihr ein paar Informationen erhaltet, ehe die nächsten Aufgaben auf euch warten. Aber hört gut zu, denn zum einen sind es interessante Informationen zu Dresden und zum anderen kann es gut möglich sein, dass ihr diese Infos auch für das ein oder andere Rätsel benötigt.

Werdet ihr es schaffen in der vorgegebenen Zeit alle Rätsel zu lösen um den Professor davon zu überzeugen, dass ihr die Richtigen für seinen Plan seid?

fun4family City Escape Tour Euventure Rätsel Sehenswürdigkeiten

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Escape Room und Outdoor City Escape?

Im Grunde genommen haben Escape Room und City Escape eines gemeinsam: Ihr müsst Rätsel lösen um am Ende ein Ziel zu erreichen. Ein Wettkampf gegen die Zeit. Es gibt bei beiden Varianten immer ein Kernthema, um welches sich die Rätsel drehen, egal ob Sherlock Holmes , Knast-Abenteuer oder eben ein Bankraub in der Stadt.

Wir haben vor allem im Live Escape Game Berlin schon einige Rätsel gelöst, die uns sehr viel Spaß gemacht haben. Als wir vom City Escape in Dresden erfuhren, mussten wir dies natürlich auch gleich ausprobieren.

Der Unterschied zwischen Escape Room und City Escape liegt darin, dass Escape Room in einem Raum und City Escape draußen in der Statdt stattfindet. Bei Escape Room werden die Spieler quasi eingesperrt und müssen sich durch Lösen von Rätseln in einer vorgegebenen Zeit befreien. Bei City Escape gibt es auch eine Zeitbegrenzung , allerdings ist man nicht in einem Raum, sondern mehr oder weniger in einem Stadtteil „ausgesetzt“ und muss durch Lösen von Rätseln an das richtige Ziel kommen. Dabei lernt man zusätzlich und quasi spielerisch die Stadt kennen – Sightseeing und Stadttour mal anders.

Escape Room vs. Outdoor Escape: Was sind die Vorteile einer City Escape Tour?

Zum einen bewegt man sich die ganze Zeit im Freien und lernt gleichzeitig auf eine andere Art und Weise bekannte Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt kennen. Oft ist es doch so, dass durch die eigene Wissensaneignung mehr Informationen im Gedächtnis bleiben, als wenn man viele Informationen einfach so im Rahmen einer Stadtführung vorgelesen oder erzählt bekommt.

Zum anderen ist diese Tour für 3 bis 30 Personen geeignet, was in normalen Escape Räumen schon schwierig wird, da man dort meistens nur bis zu 10 Personen mitnehmen kann. Die City Escape Tour von Euventure ist also perfekt für Familien , Teamevents , Gruppenausflüge oder Junggesell(innen)abschiede .

fun4family City Escape Tour Euventure Rätsel Truhe

Wir sind echt begeistert von der Tour. Wir kennen Dresden zwar relativ gut, doch durch diese Tour und unseren tollen Guide haben wir Elbflorenz noch einmal von einer ganz anderen Seite kennen gelernt und Dinge erfahren, die wir so teilweise auch noch nicht gehört hatten. Die Rätsel haben es an manchen Stellen zwar echt in sich, doch durch cleveres Kombinieren und logisches Denken ist das alles lösbar. Wir können euch die Touren von Euventure nur weiterempfehlen, denn Spaß steht hier an oberster Stelle.

Tipp: City Escape von Euventure ist grundsätzlich zu jeder Jahreszeit möglich. Egal ob es regnet oder schneit, bei Euventure gibt es die perfekte Ausstattung, sodass ihr nicht im Regen oder Schnee „stehen“ müsst.

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City Escape Dresden

City Escape in Dresden

Ihr wollt ein JGA Erlebnis, bei dem ihr als Team zusammen funktionieren müsst? Beim City Escape in Dresden, warten knifflige und spannende Rätsel darauf von euch gelöst zu werden. Das spannende Event verbindet Elemente des Escape Rooms mit denen der klassischen Schnitzeljagd. Mit verschiedenen Herausforderungen und interessanten, spannenden Geschichten geht es quer durch Dresden. Seid ihr als Team pfiffig genug die Rätsel zu lösen und den bösen Mächten der Stadt zu entkommen? Dann stellt jetzt euere Truppe zusammen und stellt euch den Aufgaben des Outdoor Escape Rooms in Dresden. Ein unvergessliches Abenteuer wartet auf euch!

✅ 3 Stunden Challenges für Grips & Teamwork ✅ Entdeckt Dresden Outdoor ✅ Mobiler Guide für eure JGA Gruppe ✅ Überraschungsbox vorab zu euch nach Hause

Beim City Escape in Dresden begebt ihr euch in 1,5 Stunden quer durch Dresden. Um ans Ziel zu gelangen, müsst ihr viele packende Challenges meistern. Das gelingt euch aber nur mit ausreichend Geschick und Wissen als Team. Ein erfahrener Guide von Mister Neo leitet die Tour und zeigt euch die Stadt von einer ganz neuen Seite! Wenn ihr bis zum Ende durchgehalten habt, die Rätsel und Mysterien Dresdens gelüftet habt, wartet am gegen Ende des Events eine Überraschung auf euer Team!  Dieser Junggesellenabschied geht auf jeden Fall nicht spurlos an euch vorüber. Bucht jetzt das Outdoor City Escape Programm um spannend in den Junggesellenabschied zu starten!

City Escape JGA

Häufig gestellte Fragen zu City Escape in Dresden

Wer begleitet uns bei Schlag den…- City Edition?

Ihr bekommt einen Mobilen Guide zur Seite gestellt. Über die App bekommt ihr eure Hinweise und Challenges aus den verschiedensten Kategorien. Hier habt ihr einen Überblick über Aufgaben und Rätsel und der mobile Guide leitet  euch während der gesamten Tour durch Dresden!

Wie viele Personen können beim City Escape teilnehmen?

Die Teilnehmerzahl ist in Dresden vollkommen flexibel. Egal ob ihr eine große Gruppe seid oder nur zu 5 die Challenges meistert – Spaß kommt hier immer auf.

Party in Dresden

Limo Tour

Action in Dresden

Schlag den…! Sport Edition

Quiz & Rätsel in Dresden

City Escape

Kulinarisch in Dresden


Kreativ in Dresden

Graffiti Workshop

Für Frauen Empfohlen in Dresden

Für männer empfohlen in dresden, weitere erlebnisse in dieser stadt.

Strip Dinner

City Escape in anderen Städten außerhalb von Dresden

Ihr kennt euch in Dresden bereits aus und wollt eine andere Stadt erkunden? In den folgenden Städten könnt ihr ebenfalls euer City Escape Event buchen:


Power Traveller

Dresden – Escape the City: Bohemian & Saxon Switzerland Tour

Nestled in the heart of Germany, the city of Dresden offers a wealth of cultural and historical attractions. However, for those seeking to escape the urban bustle, a day trip to the captivating Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland National Parks promises a rejuvenating experience. This all-inclusive tour invites travelers to enjoy the region’s natural wonders , from the iconic Bastei Bridge to the majestic Pravčická Brána , Europe’s largest natural sandstone arch. Under the guidance of knowledgeable local experts, you will explore the rich heritage and awe-inspiring landscapes that have inspired artists and adventurers alike. With seamless transportation, delectable meals , and a focus on safety, this tour presents a chance to venture beyond Dresden’s boundaries and uncover the serene beauty that lies just beyond.

Dresden - Escape the City: Bohemian & Saxon Switzerland Tour - Key Points

  • All-inclusive day trip from Dresden to explore the natural wonders of Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland National Parks.
  • Highlights include the iconic Bastei Bridge, Neurathen Castle, Pravčická Brána, and the Tisa Rocks Labyrinth.
  • Convenient transportation with hotel pickup and drop-off, and a comfortable air-conditioned minivan for a hassle-free experience.
  • Moderate hiking distance of approximately 12 km, suitable for most visitors with a reasonable fitness level.
  • Includes a 1-hour scenic lunch featuring regional Czech dishes, with vegetarian and special dietary options available.

More tours and experiences nearby.

  • Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland National Park Day Trip From Dresden
  • Entrance – Meissen Porcelain Manufactory
  • Dresden in One Day Walking Tour
  • 1.5 Hours Segway Elbe Mini Tour

Tour Overview

Dresden - Escape the City: Bohemian & Saxon Switzerland Tour - Tour Overview

This all-inclusive day trip from Dresden takes travelers to explore the natural wonders of Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland National Parks.

The tour lasts 10 hours and allows visitors to skip the lines and explore the parks in a small group of 12 people or fewer.

Highlights include the iconic Bastei Bridge , the ruins of Neurathen Castle, the Pravčická Brána natural arch , and the Tisa Rocks Labyrinth. Guided tours, walks, and scenic views are provided at each location.

Travelers will also enjoy a 1-hour lunch at a scenic restaurant in Bohemian Switzerland.

Transportation is provided in an air-conditioned minivan, and hotel pickup and drop-off are included.

Itinerary Highlights

Dresden - Escape the City: Bohemian & Saxon Switzerland Tour - Itinerary Highlights

The tour’s itinerary highlights the natural wonders and historic landmarks visitors can explore across Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland National Parks.

At the iconic Bastei Bridge , travelers marvel at the impressive sandstone formations and take in panoramic views of the Elbe River valley.

The group then ventures to the ruins of Neurathen Castle , where a guided tour uncovers the site’s rich history.

Next, they visit the iconic Pravčická Brána , the largest natural sandstone arch in Europe, before seeing the mystical Tisa Rocks Labyrinth .

Throughout the day, local guides provide expert commentary, ensuring participants gain a deep understanding of the region’s natural and cultural heritage.

Transportation Arrangements

Dresden - Escape the City: Bohemian & Saxon Switzerland Tour - Transportation Arrangements

The tour includes convenient pickup and drop-off services from select locations in Dresden, allowing participants to sit back and enjoy the ride. An air-conditioned Ford Tourneo Custom minivan transports the small group of up to 12 people comfortably throughout the day’s activities.

The transportation arrangements ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience, enabling participants to focus on the stunning landscapes and cultural highlights without worrying about logistics.

Inclusions and Exclusions

Dresden - Escape the City: Bohemian & Saxon Switzerland Tour - Inclusions and Exclusions

The tour includes a comprehensive set of inclusions to ensure a hassle-free and memorable experience for participants. These cover hotel pickup and drop-off, a live guide, all entry tickets, a 1-hour lunch at a scenic restaurant in Bohemian Switzerland, as well as bottled water and snacks throughout the day.

The tour’s inclusions are designed to provide visitors with:

  • Seamless transportation and convenience with door-to-door service
  • Knowledgeable guidance to enhance their understanding of the natural wonders
  • Uninterrupted enjoyment of the attractions without worrying about additional costs

Suitability and Fitness

Dresden - Escape the City: Bohemian & Saxon Switzerland Tour - Suitability and Fitness

Participants with heart problems or low fitness levels may find the moderate hiking distance of approximately 12 km (7.5 mi) challenging, as the tour includes walking at each location.

However, the tour is suitable for most visitors who can manage this level of activity.

Vegetarian and special dietary options are available upon request, accommodating various dietary needs.

The tour isn’t recommended for those who struggle with physical exertion or have significant health concerns.

Guests are encouraged to assess their physical capabilities and speak with the tour operator if they’ve any questions or concerns about the suitability of the tour.

Departure Locations

Dresden - Escape the City: Bohemian & Saxon Switzerland Tour - Departure Locations

The tour offers convenient pickup and drop-off at two designated locations in Dresden, providing easy access for participants. This allows guests to start their adventure without the hassle of navigating to a central meeting point.

The pickup locations are:

  • Dresden Main Station (Hauptbahnhof)
  • Dresden City Center (Altstadt)

These strategic pickup spots ensure a smooth and efficient start to the day, allowing travelers to join the tour directly from their accommodations or other points in the city. With this customer-centric approach, the tour makes it simple for Dresden visitors to embark on an immersive exploration of the stunning Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland National Parks.

Lunch and Refreshments

Dresden - Escape the City: Bohemian & Saxon Switzerland Tour - Lunch and Refreshments

A delectable 1-hour lunch at a scenic restaurant in Bohemian Switzerland is included, catering to various dietary preferences like vegetarian and special diets upon request. Refuel after the morning’s adventures with a hearty meal featuring local specialties. Quench your thirst with complimentary bottled water and refreshing snacks.

This nourishing break in the day ensures you have ample energy to continue exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland.

Safety Considerations

Dresden - Escape the City: Bohemian & Saxon Switzerland Tour - Safety Considerations

Given the rugged terrain and moderate hiking distance, it’s crucial for participants to have a reasonable level of physical fitness and mobility. Those with heart conditions or low fitness levels may find the tour challenging and should consult their healthcare provider before booking.

The tour may not be suitable for:

  • Individuals with mobility issues or difficulties navigating uneven surfaces
  • Visitors who struggle with heights, as the tour includes crossing the Bastei Bridge
  • People with respiratory or cardiovascular problems, as the hikes can be strenuous at times

To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, the tour operator recommends that all participants wear appropriate footwear, bring sufficient water, and follow the guide’s instructions throughout the day.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we think you'll like.

  • Dresden: Tour of VWS Transparent Factory With Breakfast
  • Terrifying Tour of Dresden Led by a Dungeon Master
  • Full-Day Escape to Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland From Dresden
  • Dresden: Complete Walking Tour With Frauenkirche Visit
  • Dresden: Semperoper Guided Tour for Families
  • Dresden: Guided City Tour by Bike

Frequently Asked Questions

Dresden - Escape the City: Bohemian & Saxon Switzerland Tour - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Bring My Pet on the Tour?

Unfortunately, pets are not allowed on this tour. The tour provider has a strict no-pet policy to ensure the safety and comfort of all participants. Travelers should make alternative arrangements for their pets during the tour.

Is There an Option to Explore the Parks Independently?

The tour offers a guided group experience, but there may be opportunities for independent exploration. Visitors should check with the tour operator about options to explore the national parks on their own if desired.

Do We Get to Interact With Local Wildlife on the Hike?

No, the tour does not include opportunities to interact with local wildlife. The focus is on scenic viewpoints, guided walks, and exploring the natural rock formations and landscapes of the national parks. Wildlife sightings may occur, but are not a guaranteed part of the experience.

Can We Request a Customized Itinerary for the Tour?

Yes, travelers can typically request a customized itinerary for the tour. The tour operator may accommodate specific interests or needs, though the core destinations and activities remain set. Flexibility exists within the overall structure of the all-inclusive day trip.

Is There a Discount for Booking Multiple Tours at Once?

Yes, many tour operators offer discounts for booking multiple tours at once. This can provide significant savings, as well as the convenience of combining multiple excursions into one booking. Customers should inquire about any discounted packages or bundles when planning their trip.

Not for you? Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • 2 Day Ticket Grand City Tour Hop on Hop off 22 Stops
  • From Dresden: Bohemia and Saxon Switzerland Winter Tour
  • Dresden: First Discovery Walk and Reading Walking Tour
  • Segway Classic Tour in English (3 Hours)
  • Dresden: Semperoper and Old Masters Picture Gallery
  • Dresden: Winterlights Evening River Cruise With Dinner
  • Dresden: Smile Tour With Prosecco
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At the Democratic Convention, a Historic Nomination

What story did the democrats tell about kamala harris and will it be enough to win.

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I’m standing in a sea of people coming out of this vast convention. And people are holding signs, smiling. There’s confetti everywhere. There are balloons, white, red, and blue. And there’s a lot of excitement.

From “The New York Times,” I’m Sabrina Tavernise. And this is “The Daily” from inside the Democratic National Convention Hall, where Kamala Harris has just accepted her party’s nomination, becoming the first woman of color in US history to do so.

Today, the story this convention told about Harris and whether that story could be enough to win.

It’s Friday, August 23.


The work and prayers of centuries have brought us to this day. What shall our our legacy be? What will our children say? Let me in my heart, when my days are through, America, America, I gave my best to you.

On night one of the Democratic National Convention, the evening was really defined by this very emotional, quite bittersweet goodbye from President Biden.

And there’s nothing we cannot do when we do it together.

God bless you all. And may God protect our troops.

It was the closing of one chapter so that another could begin. It was Kamala Harris’s moment.


So right now, it’s 7:40. We are on the floor at the Democratic National Convention. It is a crazy party atmosphere, which is like a massive understatement.

Day two kicked off with delegates gathering on the convention floor, casting their votes in a kind of symbolic way to make Harris the party’s nominee.

This giant festival of lights, people in cowboy hats, people with blinking bracelets, people with Christmas lights wrapped around their hats, heads, shoulders, people wearing donkey hats. I mean, it’s very, very, very celebratory in here.

We need to see that we’re moving on. We are turning a chapter in America.

How do you feel right now?

Awesome, excitement, energized. Ready to win this election.

I love it. I love it. People are just excited, electrified, and they’re just loving it, and they’re happy.

This has been the most electrifying event I’ve ever attended in my life. It’s my first convention. But what a convention to come for, right? To make history right now, as we charge forward to November 5, to elect the first female Black president. I’m excited.

So with Harris now the nominee, a new campaign slogan appeared everywhere. And that was, “A new way forward.” But in a campaign that’s just four weeks old, it was really an open question what “a new way forward” actually meant.

We’re not going back!

We’re not going back! We’re not going back!

And then over the course of the week, as speaker after speaker took the stage, we started to get an answer. The story of forward would be told through the story of Kamala Harris herself. And the question hanging over the week was really whether that story could appeal to a broad majority of Americans, voters outside of the convention hall who will ultimately decide the election.


Astead, welcome to the show.

Thank you for having me.

Again. The second time in a week. And I’m very excited for it.

So Astead, we had on the show on Monday to answer a question for us, that I think a lot of people have, which is, who is Kamala Harris? And you ended that conversation by saying that the Democratic Party also recognizes this reality, that for a lot of people, she is still this unknown quantity.

And that the party had a big task here at the convention this week, which was to find a way to finally tell her story. It does seem like they’ve tried to do that. Let’s walk through the case that they’re making for her. And what you’ve seen here in your reporting for your show, “The Run-Up.”

Yeah, I mean, I think that the Democrats have definitely laid out a case for her as a candidate, but also a story for her as a person. They have leaned into the different parts of her biography to really follow through on what, I think, is the best version of her campaign, which is a little bit for everybody. There is a story there about more moderate legislation, but pieces of progressive history. There’s different parts of her bio that speak to Black communities, immigrant communities.

Of course, the historic nature of her gender and the roles like that. And I really think it has followed through on what I expected for this week, which is that she seems to function politically as a mirror of some sort, where the party wants to position her as someone who basically, no matter what you’re looking for in terms of a vessel to beat Donald Trump, you can find it in this candidate.

Let’s dig into that more. Where did the convention start, that story?

Hello, Democrats!

Yeah, I think it really starts in her personal biography.

And I’m here tonight to tell you all about the Kamala Harris that I know.

They have told a story that she often tells about her being a first generation American.

Her mother moved here from India at 19.

And being a daughter of an immigrant mother who really raised two daughters in the Bay Area from working class roots. And that’s been a real thing that they’ve tried to own.

Kamala was not born into privilege. She had to work for what she’s got.

When she was young, she worked at McDonald’s.

They talk about her working at McDonald’s in college.

And she greeted every person without thousand watt smile and said, how can I help you?

I think it’s overall about trying to present this as someone who pulled himself up by bootstraps. It represents the American dream. And I think for Democrats, it really returns them back to the place they want to be. Democrats like thinking of themselves as a party who appeals to the diversity of America, both in racial ways, in gender ways, but also in class ways.

In Kamala Harris, we have a chance to elect a president who is for the middle class because she is from the middle class.

And I think they used other parts of her identity, specifically thinking about being the first Black woman to accept a major party’s nomination.

We know folks are going to do everything they can to distort her truth.

And I think Michelle Obama’s speech, specifically, spoke to the power and anxiety that sometimes that identity can bring.

My husband and I sadly know a little something about this.

For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. See, his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hard-working, highly educated, successful people who happen to be Black.

And I would also say that it was an implicit response to what Republicans and others have been trying to say, talking about Kamala Harris as a DEI hire, someone who was only in their position because of their identity. But the way that Michelle Obama framed it was that those identities have power.

I want to know. I want to know. Who’s going to tell him, who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?

Just because someone the first to be in a position, does not mean that is the only reason in the position. But it also doesn’t make those identities meaningless. The fact that she is a Black woman should be seen as a strength, not as a weakness.

Is there a risk to that, though? I mean, by openly talking about race, is there a risk that goes too far and begins to alienate voters outside the convention out in the world who they need to win in November.

I mean, there’s always a risk. But I don’t really think so. Democrats have had increasing trouble with Black voters. There’s been a downturn in Black vote share all the way dating back to 2012.

In Biden’s now suspended candidacy, that was one of the things driving his polling weaknesses was kind of tepid reception from Black voters. A pitch to them is something that is a upside of the Kamala Harris campaign. And the hope that they could consolidate that community is where any Democratic nominee needs to be as a baseline.

We both got our start as young lawyers, helping children who were abused and neglected.

One thing I noticed that came up a lot during the speeches was her background as a prosecutor. How did the party present that part of her biography?

As a prosecutor, Kamala stood up for children who had been victims of sexual abuse.

She put rapists, child molesters, and murderers behind bars.

They talk about it in the way that I think fuels what they want to say is the reason she can take on Trump, that this is someone who has stood up to bullies before, who’s not going to be intimidated easily —

And Kamala is as tough as it comes.

— who’s tough, and who doesn’t shirk away from a challenge.

And she knows the best way to deal with a coward is to take him head on, because we all know cowards are weak. And Kamala Harris can smell weakness.

I think all of that adds up to say, you can trust this person to go up against Donald Trump. You can trust this person to go up against the Republican Party, because she’s not someone who is scared.

She never runs from a fight.

A woman, a fierce woman for the people.

But then, of course, we heard about another side of Kamala Harris, a more personal side.

Yeah, and I think this is the part of Kamala Harris where I think was kind of most missing in the presidential run. Frankly, it’s the part that she keeps most private. She is a warm family member and friend.

Hello to my big, beautiful blended family up there.

And I think what the speech from her husband did was really show and lay that out.

I got married, became a dad to Cole and Ella. Unfortunately, went through a divorce, but eventually started worrying about how I would make it all work. And that’s when something unexpected happened, I ended up with Kamala Harris’s phone number.

He talks about the kind of awkwardness of their first interaction.

I got Kamala’s voicemail, and I just started rambling. “Hey, it’s Doug.”

And I think you have a real kind of sense of their genuine connection to one another.

By the way, Kamala saved that voicemail. And she makes me listen to it on every anniversary.

Like, yes, this is someone who is tough, who is taking on corporations and cartels and all of that stuff by day. But this is someone who also makes a point to cook Sunday dinner for family every week.

And she makes a mean brisket for Passover.

And makes sure to really go close to his kids and is very close with her family.

That’s Kamala. She’s always been there for our children. And I know she’ll always be there for yours, too.

Going back to the last time the Democratic Party nominated a woman, Hillary Clinton, she had presented herself in a very different way. She kind of ran away from that stuff. She was saying, I don’t bake cookies, that’s not what I do. I’m kind of out there with the men, fighting.

And this convention and this candidate, Harris, is very different. She’s a newer generation. And she can do her career and bake cookies. Those things are not in conflict. This is a different type of woman leader.

This week we talked to Senator Elizabeth Warren on “The Run-Up,” and one of the things that she mentioned was she feels that there’s been a big change from 2016, even 2020 to now. Not just the amount of women in public office, but she said they don’t have to choose between sides of themselves. And I think that’s what diversity means.

Of course, Kamala Harris can be a tough politician and also bake cookies. Hillary Clinton did that, too. It was just that she was told that was not the way that she had to present herself. What Kamala Harris is benefiting from is there’s a greater space and ability to choose multiple things at once. And so particularly if others are going to talk more directly about gender or race or other things, that kind of frees her from having the burden of doing that herself.

And in fact, Hillary Clinton, herself, did speak, of course, on day one. She talked about that glass ceiling in the history that has led to now, including her own experience in 2016.

Yeah, I thought the Hillary Clinton speech was really powerful. I think a lot of the speakers put this moment in historical context, both politically and personally.

My mother, Dorothy, was born right here in Chicago before women had the right to vote. That changed 104 years ago yesterday. And since that day, every generation has carried the torch forward. In 1972, a fearless Black congresswoman named Shirley Chisholm —

— she ran for president. In 1984, I brought my daughter to see Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman nominated for vice president. And then there was 2016, when it was the honor of my life to accept our party’s nomination for president.

The last time I was here in my hometown was to memorialize my mother, the woman who showed me the power of my own voice. My mother volunteered at the local school.

I’m the proud granddaughter of a housekeeper, Sarah Daisy, who raised her three children in a one-bedroom apartment. It was her dream to work in government, to help people.

My grandmother, the woman who helped raise me as a child, a little old white lady born in a tiny town called Peru, Kansas.

I want to talk now about somebody who’s not with us tonight. Tessie Prevost Williams was born in New Orleans not long after the Supreme Court ruled that segregated public schools were unconstitutional. That was in 1954, same year I was born. Parents pulled their kids out of the school.

There was a way that I think the candidacy and the person was placed in a long legacy, both about gender identity and racial identity that kind of teed up this Thursday as a culminating moment, both politically and I think, in a broader historical context.

Together, we put a lot of cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling. And you know what? On the other side of that glass ceiling is Kamala Harris raising her hand and taking the oath of office as our 47th president of the United States!

I wish my mother and Kamala’s mother could see us. They would say, keep going. Shirley and Jerry would say, keep going!

I think you can do a lot to set up a candidate to be in a good position. All of this stuff adds up to some part of the puzzle, but the biggest piece is the candidate themself. At the end of the day, they have to close the deal. And I think this moment is her chance to tell her own story in a way that sometimes she has not decided to. And that’s still what this whole convention success and failure will ride on.

We’re going to watch tonight. We’re going to watch with our colleague, Reid Epstein. And you are going to have a great episode of “The Run-Up” on Friday. We will all be tuning in.

Thank you. I appreciate you doing this, Sabrina.

Really thanks a lot, Astead.

Are you a delegate?

Sorry, we caught you mid French fry eating. What’s your feeling about Kamala and what her story has been? Are you getting to know her this week? Are there things you’ve learned about her this week?

Yeah, I’m learning more and more as we go along. The more and more I learn about her, the more I’m impressed with her. I mean, she worked at McDonald’s when she was going to college to try to pay her way through.

Her very small beginnings. Not a trust fund baby type of thing. I relate to that. Like, I was on food stamps this year. So it’s like if she can do it with that background, it gives everybody hope.

Hillary was my girl. When Hillary ran, I championed her as well. But I didn’t feel this way as I feel about Harris. I’m like, do I want to run for office? If she can do it, I can. She looks just like me, right? She represents, she works at McDonald’s. She paid for every. It’s relatable. And that’s what everybody needs.

We’re going to break that glass ceiling. I’m getting teary, teary in my eyes. And it just means so much to be inclusive.


What does it mean to you that Kamala Harris is a woman? What does it mean to you that she’s a Black woman?

To have a Black woman become the president of the United States, and for her to turn the world upside down in 30 days, to know that I’m in the midst of this miraculous history is phenomenal.

One delegate who really stood out to us was Beverly Hatcher, a 76-year-old Black woman from Texas.

I was raised by a wonderful Baptist mama. I just lost her. But I am who I am because of my mother. We were always pushed to do whatever we wanted to do. I’ll never forget. I wanted to be a majorette. I taught myself, because we had no money for, what is it called, lessons

And a majorette is like the baton twirler, right?

Yes. And when I did finally try out in my 11th grade, I won right off. And my classmates, who were predominantly white, as years have gone by, have told me at class reunions and stuff, Beverly, the sleepy town of Wellington woke up.

Oh, my god, we got a Black girl getting ready to be the head majorette. But it happened because I had the drive and the will. My mother and my family stood behind me, and didn’t miss a parade, or a football game, or a basketball game.

And you see that in Harris?

Beverly, what would your mom say if she saw this?

My sisters have been telling me every day how proud my mom is. And I’m just happy. I’m happy to make her happy. Yeah.

We women, who have had mothers like Kamala, like Michelle, I remember Hillary’s mother, we women value their strength and their wisdom. And we’re just glad that they gave us a legacy to pass it on.

Thank you very much.

We’ll be right back.

Reid, hello.

OK. Kamala Harris just wrapped up her acceptance speech. Before we talk about what she said and the case she presented, tell us how her campaign was thinking about the stakes of this moment.

Sabrina, this evening was one of two opportunities, along with the debate next month, for her to speak to tens of millions of people at once. And so for that, the stakes were really high.

Her goal was to present herself as a serious person and a serious candidate, who was not the candidate who flamed out in 2019 or the unsteady vice president from the beginning of her term. She had to show that she had the gravitas to be the commander in chief, the political aptitude to reach out to the middle, and also to progressives in her party all at the same time.

A very tall order. Tell us how she went about doing that.

Good evening, everyone. Good evening.

Well, she started talking around 9:30 Chicago time to a packed United Center with 14,000 or 15,000 people, many, many wearing all white, the color of the suffragettes, a color that makes a statement just by wearing it. And when Harris took the stage —

— they erupted in a cheer that forced her for a couple of minutes to wait before she could start talking.

Thank you. OK, let’s get to business. Let’s get to business. All right.

And what did she finally say once she started talking?

She told the story of her life.

The path that led me here in recent weeks was, no doubt, unexpected. But I’m no stranger to unlikely journeys.

My mother, our mother, Shyamala Harris, had one of her own. And I miss her every day, and especially right now.

She talked about the influence of her mother, who raised her and her sister.

And she also taught us, “And never do anything half-assed.” And that is a direct quote. [LAUGHS]

She spoke about her family’s humble beginnings in Oakland.

Before she could finally afford to buy a home, she rented a small apartment in the East Bay.

Then she started talking about her career as a prosecutor.

In the courtroom, I stood proudly before a judge and I said five words.

She brought back one of the lines that she used in her 2020 campaign about how when she stood up in a courtroom, she began with the same words.

Kamala Harris for the people.

And she said she would bring that same philosophy to the White House, that she was not working for specific individuals, but for the people at large.

And so on behalf of the people —

Eventually she did a bigger wind up to formally accepting the nomination.

— on behalf of every American, regardless of party, race, gender, or the language your grandmother speaks —

And listed the people on whose behalf she did so.

— on behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on Earth —

It was really a kind of a feat of speech writing to build up to this big emotional moment.

— I accept your nomination to be president of the United States of America.

And what did you make of that, how she was doing that?

It was building up this speech to be a serious political document and present her as a serious figure in this moment. And so she still has to prove to people that she is capable of being the commander in chief and running the country.

And how does she try to prove that she’s capable of being a commander in chief?

What she did was try to draw the distinction between herself and Donald Trump.

In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man. But the consequences, but the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious.

And she warns that Trump would not have guardrails on him if he were elected to a second term.

Just imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails.

And how he would use the immense powers of the presidency of the United States not to improve your life, not to strengthen our national security, but to serve the only client he has ever had, himself.

The speech was very clear-eyed about the stakes of the election.

They know Trump won’t hold autocrats accountable because he wants to be an autocrat himself.

There was a whole section in the middle of the speech where she ticked through, one by one, a whole series of warnings about things that Trump would do to the country if he were back in the White House.

Get this, he plans to create a national anti-abortion coordinator and force states to report on women’s miscarriages and abortions.

Simply put, they are out of their minds.

What else stuck out to you?

It was remarkable, the section of the speech where she talked about Gaza.

President Biden and I are working around the clock, because now is the time to get a hostage deal and a ceasefire deal done.

She did not veer too far to the left.

I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself.

She managed to say things that would be appealing to both sides.

President Biden and I are working to end this war, such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom, and self-determination.

It was a remarkable moment to hear the arena erupt at the end of that section, to hear her support for both the Israelis and the Palestinians reveal that kind of enthusiasm, after the party has been really ripped apart for months about how to handle the situation.

Fellow Americans, I love our country with all my heart.

She ended this speech with a paean to patriotism.

We are the heirs to the greatest democracy in the history of the world.

She dove headlong into the American exceptionalism argument that is native to Republicans and to older generations of politicians, like Joe Biden.

It is now our turn to do what generations before us have done. Guided by optimism and faith to fight for this country we love. To fight —

But is not something you always hear from younger Democrats, who are a little less comfortable with some of the flag waving.

Let’s vote for it. And together, let us write the next great chapter in the most extraordinary story ever told. Thank you. God bless you and may God bless the United States of America. Thank you all.

She seemed to really be taking aim at this criticism of her, which is that she’s this radical California liberal and she can’t be trusted with the keys to the country.

I mean, that was one of the tasks that she had tonight, was to make the argument, particularly to voters in the middle, the suburban voters that used to vote for Republicans, but have been repelled by Trump and driven to Democrats in the last several years, that they can vote for her without worrying that she’s some kind of Bernie Sanders acolyte.

And some of that is based on the way she ran her last presidential campaign. Some of it, frankly, is because she’s a Black woman from California. And that the voters who will determine this election are voters in less diverse states, for the most part.

So Reid stepping back here, it feels worth remembering just where we were at the end of the Republican National Convention that was just over a month ago. Things couldn’t have felt more different. The GOP was on top of the world, while the Democrats were in disarray over Biden’s refusal to leave the race.

And now here we are. And it feels like things couldn’t be better for the Democrats. At least that’s the feeling I’m having coming out of this convention.

I mean, the whole race has turned upside down from where it was when we left Milwaukee. And Democrats are upbeat. They are confident. It is a party that is remarkably united behind their candidate.

But you have to remember, this election will be very close. It is, indeed, a game of inches in the key battleground states. And what she was trying to do was to present herself as someone who can be trusted as commander in chief to win over the tiny slices of the electorate that will determine the winner in places like Wisconsin, and Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona.

And those are the states that will determine the election. And they have made a calculated decision that those voters needed to see her as a commander in chief, something they had not seen from her before. And we will see in the coming days and weeks whether she’s accomplished that in a way that brings enough of those people on board for her to win a term as president.

Reid, thank you.

Thank you, Sabrina. [WHIMSICAL MUSIC]

Here’s what else you should know today. On Thursday, the Supreme Court allowed Arizona Republicans, for now, to impose tougher voting requirements, including a new rule that people registering to vote there before the coming election must show proof of citizenship.

As a result, Arizonans newly registering to vote for this year’s presidential election must provide copies of one of several documents, such as a birth certificate or a passport, in order to prove that they are US citizens. Democrats have denounced the new rule as an attempt to prevent legal immigrants from voting.

And US Health officials have approved the latest slate of annual COVID vaccines, clearing the way for Americans six months and older to receive updated shots in the coming days. The approvals come amid a prolonged surge of COVID infections, which have risen all summer.

Remember to catch a new episode of “The Interview” right here tomorrow. This week, Lulu Garcia-Navarro talks with Jenna Ortega, the star of the Netflix series “Wednesday,” and the new “Bettlejuice” sequel, about her head-spinning success over the past few years.

One day I just I woke up in somebody else’s shoes. I felt like I had entered somebody else’s life. And I didn’t know how to get back to mine.

Today’s episode was produced by Lynsea Garrison, Rob Szypko, Jessica Cheung, Asthaa Chaturvedi, and Shannon Lin. It was edited by Rachel Quester, contains original music by Rowan Niemisto, Dan Powell, Diane Wong, and Marion Lozano, and was engineered by Chris Wood. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly.


That’s it for “The Daily.” I’m Sabrina Tavernise. See you on Monday.

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  • August 23, 2024   •   37:44 At the Democratic Convention, a Historic Nomination
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Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Featuring Astead W. Herndon and Reid J. Epstein

Produced by Lynsea Garrison Rob Szypko Jessica Cheung Asthaa Chaturvedi and Shannon Lin

Edited by Rachel Quester

Original music by Rowan Niemisto Marion Lozano Dan Powell and Diane Wong

Engineered by Chris Wood

Listen and follow ‘The Daily’ Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | YouTube | iHeartRadio

Last night, at the Democratic National Convention, Vice President Kamala Harris accepted her party’s nomination, becoming the first woman of color in U.S. history to do so.

Astead W. Herndon and Reid J. Epstein, who cover politics for The Times, discuss the story this convention told about Ms. Harris — and whether that story could be enough to win the presidential election.

On today’s episode

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Astead W. Herndon , a national politics reporter and the host of the politics podcast “ The Run-Up ” for The New York Times.

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Reid J. Epstein , who covers politics for The New York Times.

Kamala Harris and her husband, Doug, stand in front of a photo of the American flag, smiling and embracing.

Background reading

Kamala Harris promised to chart a “new way forward” as she accepted the nomination.

“The Run-Up”: It’s her party now. What’s different?

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Michael Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Astead W. Herndon is a national politics reporter and the host of the politics podcast “The Run-Up.” More about Astead W. Herndon

Reid J. Epstein covers campaigns and elections from Washington. Before joining The Times in 2019, he worked at The Wall Street Journal, Politico, Newsday and The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. More about Reid J. Epstein



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    city escape tour dresden

  3. Weltretter gesucht: Spielt die CityGames Escape Tour Dresden

    city escape tour dresden

  4. City Escape Dresden

    city escape tour dresden

  5. Escape Tours

    city escape tour dresden

  6. 2024 (Dresden) Dresden City Escape

    city escape tour dresden


  1. Weltretter gesucht: Spielt die CityGames Escape Tour Dresden

    Dann bringt ihr die wichtigsten Voraussetzungen mit, um das Escape Game Dresden zu meistern. Als weitere Unterstützung gibt es von uns ein Tablet, mit dem ihr die Tour spielen werdet. Unser interaktives CityGame schickt euch quer durch die Sachsen-Metropole und zeigt euch, wo ihr eure Aufgaben und Rätsel lösen müsst.

  2. Escape Tour Dresden. Play a City Escape Room outdoors!

    Dresden. Start location: Cholerabrunnen. Book this game in the language: English. Dutch. German. Dresden, a beautiful city full of beautiful buildings and old stories. Playing the Escape Tour Dresden, you will dive into the story of Polish King Frederick August II. He caused Dresden to blossom into a city full of splendor.

  3. Escape Tour Dresden. Spiele einen City Escape Room im Freien!

    Jetzt buchen. Tjitske. Carli Dresden. Ingrid Dresden. Escape The City Dresden - Escape Tour Anstelle von Escape Rooms in Dresden! - Links - Partner. Entdecken Sie die schönsten Ecken Dresdens mit dem Escape Tour citygame. Gehen Sie in Teams von 2-4 Personen auf die Suche nach dem geheimen Ausgang.

  4. 2024 (Dresden) Dresden City Escape

    - 90 minutes - City tour and escape room connected - Final reward and surprise We offer our participants a new type of city tour, which is associated with puzzle fun and excitement. For this reason it is the perfect opportunity to get to know the city of Dresden and its historical facts in a different way and to have fun.

  5. Outdoor Escape Dresden

    Neu: Das Outdoor Escape-Adventure in Dresden! Euch erwarten spannende Sherlock Holmes-Fälle. Für 2-8 Personen. 3 Stunden Spannung und Spaß! ... Dann ist unsere Escape-the-City Outdoor Escape Tour genau das Richtige. Unsere außergewöhnlichen Abenteuer stärken Teamarbeit, Kommunikation und Problemlösungskompetenzen, während sie ...

  6. Dresden Escape Room, City Escape, Teamevent

    Review of: Dresden City Escape - Bella Ciao Tour. Written August 2, 2020. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards.

  7. Escape Tour: Play an Escape Room outdoors. Escape the City

    Take up the challenge and try to find the secret exit of the city. A Escape Tour is a unique way to explore a city with friends or family. Last played Escape Tour was in Ghent ... You just start when it is convenient. The Escape Tour Dresden can be played from 2-5 persons, and it might be even more fun to play with several teams at once! ...

  8. Escape Tours

    Aug 24, 2024 - Discover a city in a unique way with the Escape Tour. Enjoy a fun, self-guided city game through the city. Dive into the story, solve riddles and puzzles and discover the secret exit. ... Escape Tours - Dresden. See all things to do. Escape Tours - Dresden. See all things to do. See all things to do. Escape Tours - Dresden #35 of ...

  9. Dresden Escape Room, City Escape, Teamevent

    C$237.75. per adult. City game scavenger hunt Erfurt - independent city tour I discovery tour. 3. City Tours. from. C$59.29. per group (up to 10) Dresden Escape Room, City Escape, Teamevent.

  10. Dresden Escape Room, City Escape, Teamevent

    We offer you innovative Dresden Escape Games, in which enigmatic outdoor scavenger hunts are combined with historical city tours. Ideal for spending time with friends and family, with the school class or as a team event with work colleagues. Revenue impacts the experiences featured on this page, learn more.

  11. Dresden: Outdoor Interactive Escape Game

    Private tour Dresden: Outdoor Interactive Escape Game. Activity provider:Dresden & Frankfurt Secrets. 4.5 / 5 35 reviews. From $31.72 per person. Check availability. ... Experience an exciting and eventful city tour in the form of an interactive game played on a modern iPad. Become a secret agent for the day and use the tools and clues on your ...

  12. Escape Tour . Play a City Escape Room outdoors!

    City not found Play an Escape Tour in these countries: Australia - Belgium - Bonaire - Canada - Chile - Curaçao - Denmark - Dominican Republic - Germany - Finland - France - Greece - Britain - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Croatia - Latvia - Luxembourg - Netherlands - Norway - Austria - Poland - Portugal - Serbia - Slovenia - Slovakia - Spain ...

  13. Dresden: Escape Tour

    Explore Dresden in a unique way with the Escape Tour. Wander through the city and search for new clues and tasks to find the secret exit of Dresden. Will you find the secret exit within two hours?

  14. Escape Tour self-guided, interactive city challenge in Dresden

    Discover Dresden in a unique way: find clues and complete the puzzle in an escape app-guided tour!

  15. City Escape Dresden

    Dann überzeugt euch selbst und macht mit Euventure eine Outdoor City Escape Tour in Dresden. Egal ob ihr als Tourist die deutsche Perle des Barock - wie man Dresden auch nennt - näher kennenlernen wollt oder ob ihr die Stadt schon in und auswendig kennt, diese Stadttour ist alles andere als gewöhnlich und hat es definitiv in sich.

  16. City Escape in Dresden

    Beim City Escape in Dresden begebt ihr euch in 1,5 Stunden quer durch Dresden. Um ans Ziel zu gelangen, müsst ihr viele packende Challenges meistern. Das gelingt euch aber nur mit ausreichend Geschick und Wissen als Team. Ein erfahrener Guide von Mister Neo leitet die Tour und zeigt euch die Stadt von einer ganz neuen Seite!

  17. Dresden

    Captivating natural wonders await beyond Dresden's city limits in this immersive tour of Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland National Parks.

  18. Escape the City: Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland Tour from Dresden

    By Saxon Tours - Bohemian & Saxon National parks Day Trips from Dresden. 19 reviews. Recommended by 100% of travellers. 71. About. from. £120.90. per adult (price varies by group size) Lowest price guarantee Reserve now & pay later Free cancellation.

  19. Escape Tours®

    A Escape Tour is a unique way to explore a city with friends or family. ... Frequently asked questions. Preparation. Package deal. Combo deals. Working at. Contact details. Login; Play Escape Tour in the following cities: Choose your language This game is available in several languages. ... Dresden: Düsseldorf: Essen: Frankfurt: Freiburg ...

  20. Dresden Escape Room, City Escape, Teamevent

    Review of: Dresden City Escape - Bella Ciao Tour. Written 2 August 2020. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

  21. Escape the City: Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland Tour from Dresden

    Escape the city and join us for a day of discovery and natural splendor! - See the Bastei Bridge, Pravcicka Gate, and Tisa Rocks in a day - Savor the taste of local Czech specialties: Lunch is included - Family-friendly tour is suitable for hikers of all levels - Experience the exclusivity of a small group

  22. 2024 (Dresden) Dresden City Escape

    Dresden Hotels Things to Do Restaurants Flights Holiday Rentals Car Hire Forums. Europe. Germany. Saxony. Dresden. Dresden Attractions. Dresden Tours. See all things to do ...

  23. Escape the City: Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland Tour from Dresden

    By Saxon Tours - Bohemian & Saxon National parks Day Trips from Dresden. 19 reviews. Recommended by 100% of travelers. 71. About. from. $157.86. per adult (price varies by group size) Lowest price guarantee Reserve now & pay later Free cancellation.

  24. At the Democratic Convention, a Historic Nomination

    The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan ...