panda safari bogor


panda safari bogor

Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

Where are you from, indonesian (ktp/kitas), for indonesian nationals with ktp/student card or foreigners with valid kitas berlaku untuk warga negara indonesia dengan ktp/kartu pelajar atau orang asing dengan kitas yang berlaku 1. one (1) ktp/student card/kitas is valid for one (1) ticket. satu (1) ktp/kartu pelajar/kitas berlaku untuk satu (1) tiket. 2. please present either mobile or printed voucher along with your kitas at the counter for redemption 3. for more information about our promotion and programs please follow our instagram @taman_safari, please prepare your id card, student card or passport information as references for your booking.

panda safari bogor

  • Bird Aviary
  • Komodo Island
  • Penguin House
  • Primate Center
  • Reptile Tunnel
  • Safari Siang
  • Istana Panda
  • Safari Malam
  • Safari Trek & Outbound
  • Conservation
  • Amusement Area
  • Special Experience
  • Royal Safari Resort
  • Safari Lodge Hotel

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ISTANA PANDA TAMAN SAFARI Tiket Masuk dan Atraksi - September 2024

Cepi Sapta Maulana

  • Diperbarui: 25/06/2024

Istana Panda Taman Safari

Istana Panda Taman Safari Cisarua

  • Harga Tiket Masuk: Rp195.000 - Rp255.000
  • Jam Buka: 09.30 - 17:00
  • Nomor Telepon: 1500212 / +6281213729900

Istana Panda Taman Safari Cisarua merupakan zona wisata baru di Taman Safari. Dua Panda lucu Cai Tao (jantan) dan Hu Chun (betina) yang langsung didatangkan dari Cina siap menghibur para pengunjung.

Istana Panda Taman Safari Indonesia diproyeksi akan menjadi rumah Panda termegah di Dunia. Didesain khusus semirip mungkin dengan tempat asal Cai Tao (jantan) dan Hu Chun (betina) di Sichuan, Cina . Menempati areal tidak kurang dari 5000 meter persegi dengan luar areal mencapai 3 Ha.

Baca: Promo Jungle Land Bogor Diskon 40%

Harga Tiket Masuk Istana Panda Taman Safari

Untuk bisa melihat dan berkeliling kawasan wisata ini pengunjung dibebankan tiket masuk mulai dari Rp195.000 – Rp255.000. Berikut harga tiket masuk Istana Panda Taman Safari Indonesia.

Baca:  THE RANCH Puncak Cisarua Bogor Tiket Masuk & Aktivitas

Beberapa hal yang perlu mendapat perhatian pengunjung:

  • Harga tiket masuk sudah mendapat akses ke wahana: Safari Journey/Keliling Lokasi Satwa, Istana Panda, Wahana Permainan (menyesuaikan), 8 Presentasi Edukasi Satwa seperti Cowboy Show, Oriental Sircus, Presentasi Edukasi Gajah, Harimau, Lumba-lumba, Singa Laut, Burung – Burung Pemangsa & Aneka Satwa. Gratis memasuki area Baby Zoo, Birds Aviary, Komodo Dragon, Kampung Papua, Penguin House, Primate Center, Reptile House, Air Terjun Curug Jaksa
  • Bus safari gratis berlaku bagi pengunjung yang tidak membawa kendaraan pribadi.
  • Semua usia dapat berkunjung ke Taman Safari.
  • Pembelian tiket masuk dapat melalui website resmi Taman Safari atau di loket.

Baca:  TAMAN SAFARI Cisarua Tiket Masuk, Jam Buka, Atraksi, Fasilitas, Transportasi & Alamat

Jam Operasional Istana Panda Taman Safari

Jam buka Istana Panda mengikuti Taman Safari Cisarua. Buka setiap hari mulai dari jam 9.30 pagi hingga jam 5 sore.

Baca: Taman Bunga Nusantara Cianjur Tiket Masuk & Aneka Taman

Atraksi Istana Panda Taman Safari Cisarua

Istana Panda Taman Safari Cisarua berlokasi di ketinggian 1800 mdpl dengan suasana alam yang asri dan sejuk. Panda-panda ditempatkan di dua kandang indoor dan outdoor. Kedua kandang ini bisa dikunjungi wisatawan untuk melihat langsung aktivitas panda. Selain itu, terdapat juga beberapa area yang bisa dikunjungi seperti:

Baca: Tiket Masuk Safari Siang & Malan Taman Safari & Jadwal Show

Ruang Edukasi: Menampilkan beraga fakta-fakta menarik tentang pada-panda raksasa ini.  Skywalk: Rasakan berjalan di ketinggian di atas kaca tebal dengan latar pegunungan hijau.

Panda Souvenir Store: Dapatkan kenang-kenangan cinderamata yang bisa dibeli toko-toko area ini. Panda Food Court: Nikmati beragam sajian di food court yang dirancang khusus bertemakan panda.

Baca: Tiket Masuk Jungle Land Reguler dan Annual Pass

Beberapa peraturan larangan yang juga wajib dipatuhi pengunjung antara lain: merokok, menyalakan flash kamera, makan dan minum di area panda, kecuali di restoran, mengetuk-ketuk kandang panda, memanjat dinding kandang panda, membunyikan ponsel dan bersuara keras, memberi makan panda.

Kontak & Alamat

Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan menghubungi Taman Safari di 1500-212. Atau ke alamat   TSI  Jalan Kapten Harun Kabir No. 724, Cibeureum, Cisarua, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16750.

Ulasan Pembaca

4.6 - 31 Pembaca

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Cara Beli Tiket Taman Safari Bogor dan Harganya money whats new, isna rifka sri rahayu,, muhammad idris.

Tim Redaksi

Isna Rifka Sri Rahayu

Penulis muhammad idris.

Harga tiket Taman Safari Bogor beraneka macam nominalnya tergantung pada paket Tour taman Safari Bogoryang dipilih. Berikut rincian tiket Taman Safari Bogor berdasarkan pilihan paket Tour taman Safari Bogor :

Safari Siang

Program Safari Siang ini pengunjung dapat berpetualang selama 45 menit menggunakan mobil pribadi,dapat menikmati lebih dari 20 wahana permainan, 7 exhibit satwa, 9 pertunjukkan di area rekreasinya, dan mengunjungi air terjun.

Berikut rincian harga Tiket Taman Safari Bogor paket Safari SIang:

  • Hari biasa. Tiket Taman Safari seharga Rp 195.00 untuk usia di atas 6 tahun dan Rp 170.000 untuk di bawah 5 tahun.
  • Hari libur dan akhir pekan. Tiket Taman Safari seharga Rp 230.000 di atas 6 tahun dan Rp 210.000 di bawah 5 tahun.
  • Sementra untuk turis asing. Tiket Taman Safari dibanderol Rp 400.000 untuk 6 tahun ke atas dan Rp 350.000 untuk 5 tahun ke bawah. Berlaku di hari biasa maupun akhir pekan dan hari libur.

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Istana Panda di Taman Safari Bogor, Jawa Barat. Berapa harga tiket Taman Safari Bogor dan cara pesan paket tour Taman Safari Bogor?

Safari Malam

Pada paket tour Taman Safari Bogor Safari Malam ini, pengunjung akan merasakan pengalaman yang berbeda dari Taman Safari Bogor biasanya.

Pada paket tour Taman Safari Bogor ini, pengunjung dapat menjelajahi area satwa liar dengan mengendarai kereta wisata terbuka dan dipandu oleh pemandu yang sudah disediakan.

Pengunjung juga dapat menikmati wahana permainan dan menonton dua pertunjukkan spektakuler seperti wild hunter show dan firedance. Safari malam ini dibuka pukul 19.00 dan tutup 23.00.

  • Adapun harga tiket Taman Safari Malam ini lebih murah dari Safari Siang, yaitu:
  • Untuk pengunjung lokal berusia 6 tahun ke atas seharga Rp 180.000 dan di bawah 5 tahun Rp 160.000.
  • Untuk pengunjung asing berusia 6 tahun ke atas Rp 350.000 dan 5 tahun ke bawah Rp 300.000.

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Safari Trek and Outbound

Pada paket Tour taman Safari Bogor Safari Trek and Outbound ini, pengunjung dapat menyusuri trek sekaligus mempelajari jenis-jenis tanaman obat, mengunjungi Safari Poo Paper and Composting, dan diakhiri permainan outbound .

Loket dan pemberangkatan Safari Trek and Outbound dibuka pukul 08.00-11.00. Pengunjung wajib melakukan reservasi dan deposit terlebih dulu. Pengunjung juga tidak diperbolehkan membawa makanan dari luar.

Berikut harga tiket paket Tour taman Safari Bogor Safari Trek and Outbound:

  • Harga tiket Safari Trek and Outbound individu Rp 100.000 per orang. Hanya berlaku hari libur dan akhir pekan saja. Minimal 10 orang dan sudah termasuk kegiatan hiking, 5 outbound games , pemandu, dan snack box .
  • Harga tiket Safari Trek and Outbound group Rp 125.000 per orang. Program ini berlaku Senin-Jumat minimal 25 orang dan akhir pekan atau hari libur minimal 10 orang.

Baca juga: Daftar Lengkap Paket First Media dan Cara Bayarnya

Jerapah di Taman Safari Bogor, Jawa Barat. Berapa harga tiket Taman Safari Bogor dan cara pesan paket tour Taman Safari Bogor?

Cara pesan tiket Taman Safari Bogor

Saat ini tiket Taman Safari Bogor dapat dibeli langsung di tempat, melalui e-commerce seperti Shopee dan Tokopedia, aplikasi pemesanan tiket online seperti dan Traveloka, dan laman resminya.

Siapkan terlebih dahulu identitas pemesan berupa KTP/Kitas, SIM atau Kartu Pelajar. Berikut cara pesan tiket Taman Safari Bogor:

  • Kunjungi laman resmi Taman Safari Bogor di .
  • Pilih Domestic atau Foreign kemudian klik Continue.
  • Pilih tiket masuk di halaman Products.
  • Pilih tanggal kujungan dan astikan tiket masih tersedia dan tanggal sudah benar. Lalu klik Pesan Sekarang.
  • Halaman Product Details akan menampilkan keterangan tiket masuk secara terperinci seperti tanggal kunjungan, harga tiket, biaya parkir, jumlah tiket, dan keterangan lainnya. Pastikan semua informasi yang tercantum sudah benar.

Baca juga: Praktis, Cara Beli Spotify Premium Lewat OVO dan Dana

  • Masukkan kode promosi di laman ini jika ada.
  • Klik Continue Reservation.
  • Isi identitas pribadi untuk keperluan pemesanan tiket Taman Safari Bogor. Kartu identitas pemesan harus dibawa saat berkunjung.
  • Cek detail pemesanan kemudian centang pada tulisan I Agree to the Terms and Conditions. Selanjutnya, klik Continue to Payment dan lakukan pembayaran.
  • Jika pembayaran sudah selesai, maka e-tiket akan dikirim via e-mail. Tunjukkan e-tiket ini saat akan di gerbang masuk Taman Safari Bogor.

Sementara untuk pemesanan tiket Taman Safari Bogor di tempat bisa dilakukan di loket yang ada di gerbang masuk. Pengunjung hanya perlu mengatakan kepada petugas jenis tiket yang akan dibeli dan membayar tunai.

Demikian rincian harga paket tour Taman Safari Bogor dan cara pesan tiket Taman Safari Bogor secara online.

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Jakpost guide to Taman Safari Indonesia – Bogor

Taman Safari Indonesia offers a rich experience as a zoo and animal theme park that has grown to become one of Indonesia's most famous destinations.

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Jakpost guide to Taman Safari Indonesia – Bogor

aman Safari Indonesia (Bogor) is located in the mountainous area of Cisarua, Bogor regency, West Java. The vast complex is a zoo and animal theme park that has become a popular destination, drawing visitors from nearby areas as well as from across the nation and even from abroad.

Taman Safari Bogor is one of three safari parks in Indonesia, the two others being Taman Safari Prigen in East Java and the Bali Safari and Marine Park. 

How to get there 

Entrance to Taman Safari Indonesia

Located in Cisarua in the Bogor regency, the easiest way to get there from Jakarta is by car, which would also be convenient for visitors wanting to experience the park's Safari Journey. 

Alternatively, visitors can catch the train to Bogor Station, taking them to the city of Bogor, which is still approximately 28 kilometers away from the park. From there, travelers can continue by ride-hailing app services or use the local angkot (public minivans) plying three routes. 

Weekday entrance tickets for domestic visitors cost Rp 195,000 (US$13) per person and Rp 170,000 for children below the age of 6 years. Prices go up on weekends to Rp 230,000 for adults and Rp 210,000 for children. 

Tickets are valid for one day only.

Meanwhile, international visitors are charged Rp 400,000 for adults and Rp 350,000 for children five years and below, regardless of the day of the week.

The entrance ticket includes access to the Panda Castle, the park's newest addition, which welcomed giant pandas Hu Chun and Cai Tao last year on a 10-year loan from China. 

The ticket does not include a parking fee. Visitors without private vehicles can still enjoy the safari journey with on-site buses serving tours around the area. 

Read also: Jakpost guide to Ragunan Zoo

What to wear

Elefant shows are one of the attractions.

Situated more than 1,000 meters above sea level at the foot of the Gunung Gede Pangrango national park, Taman Safari enjoys a cooler tropical climate than much of the country. The Panda Castle, the highest point in the park, sits at 1,800 meters above sea level and is surrounded by lush forests. Make sure to bring a jacket to stay warm.

Spanning over 160 hectares, it would also be convenient to wear comfortable shoes to enjoy an easy walk around the mountainous grounds, which also include a short hike to see a waterfall. 

A bawean deer roams freely inside the safari park.

Taman Safari is a vast complex with a plethora of activities, including a zoo cluster named "Baby Zoo" that allows up close interactions with a wide range of bird species, along with rides and various animal shows, such as elephants, sea lions and dolphins. There's also swimming with dolphins. For nature lovers, there is the Jaksa Waterfall to check out. 

The following are the highlights of Taman Safari. 

Safari Journey

The Safari Journey allows for a close look at animals along the way, including African Ankole-Watusi.

One of the park's main draws points is the Safari Journey. Here, visitors can see, interact and learn about various animals from the comfort of their vehicle. 

A wide range of animals roam the open grounds, and guests are strictly forbidden to exit their vehicles. Visitors can get close up to elephants, emus, giraffes, hippos, wildebeests and crocodiles, among other animals.

Visitors can see hippos relaxing by the water while they go on the Safari Journey.

Along the way, several sections are also safe for visitors to feed various animals, who would approach the car window for a munch, such as deer and zebras. To know when it is appropriate for a feed, pay attention for signs that say "Feeding Starts Here!", with a picture of a hand holding carrots, along with images of the animals that may be fed. 

Clusters with dangerous predators, such as tigers, lions and bears, are gated separately. Inside these areas, visitors must keep the windows closed at all times. There are always zookeepers overseeing each cluster to ensure the safety of both visitors and animals. 

Sumatran tigers play with each other.

The Safari Journey also provides a night adventure, which is only available on Saturday evenings. 

Panda Castle

The Panda Castle opened in 2017 and houses two popular pandas, Hu Chun and Cai Tao.

Taman Safari in 2017 opened its Panda Castle - a Chinese-style pavilion - to accommodate special guests from China. Giant panda bears Hu Chun and Cai Tao share the home with four red pandas named Shing Shing, Mey Mey, Pai Pai and Hao Hao. 

Red pandas can also be found in the Panda Castle.

To get there, visitors must catch the shuttle bus, as it is forbidden to drive up to the castle area. If you’re prone to carsickness, note that while the drive is short, it take you up along a steep and winding road. 

Once there, visitors can enjoy the fresh mountain air, with temperatures averaging 15-24 degrees Celcius. The cool climate is deemed a suitable environment that resembles the pandas' natural habitat. 

Cai Tao is one of the two pandas currently living in Indonesia.

Don't forget to take in the view, as the castle is surrounded by lush forests and mountains. 

Stay inside Taman Safari

With so much ground to cover and so many things to see, it's unlikely visitors can explore the entire park within one day. Those who are curious to see everything the park has the offer could opt to stay inside the Taman Safari complex, as it provides a Safari Lodge for accommodation, with options ranging from a treehouse to a caravan and a bungalow. Guests staying do not need to pay for another entrance ticket.

Read also: Jakpost guide to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Where to eat

A traditional rice dish is among the options available from various eateries found inside Taman Safari.

There are numerous places to eat inside Taman Safari, where visitors can find a rich selection of cuisine, including restaurants serving traditional Indonesian dishes, food courts with varied fast food options, as well as cafes. 

Among them is the Rain Forest Restaurant, conveniently located in the center of the park. Uniquely designed to live up to its name, the restaurant features a jungle design. The food available includes local delights such as rice dishes and satays.

The interior of the Rain Forrest Restaurant is designed to live up to its name.

Meanwhile, for a caffeine fix, there is Cafe Onta, located just across from the Rain Forest Restaurant.  

However, for a more exotic and exciting selection, opt for the Panda Castle. Upon reaching the area, visitors are welcomed by an outdoor cafe, which offers a picturesque view of the mountains and a range of snacks, some of which come in the shape of a panda face. 

There is also a glass floor view point balcony that stretches out toward the mountain. Be sure to obey the limit for the number of people allowed onto the platform at a time.

There is a spacious food court inside the Panda Castle area, with a wide range of Chinese cuisine to choose from.

  • During the Safari Journey, look out for signs to ensure safety and be reminded that it is forbidden to exit the vehicle at all times. 
  • Buy carrots at stalls selling vegetable prior to entering the Taman Safari complex. The carrots can be fed at certain parts along the Safari Journey. When driving along the Safari Journey, watch out for the signs indicating what animals you may feed. (wng)

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Giant Panda di Istana Panda Taman Safari Bogor. (*)

panda safari bogor

🗓 Best Time To Visit: May to September, the dry season in Jakarta.

⏰ Open Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, daily

🏞 Things To Do: Safari journey, night safari, animal shows, baby zoo, waterpark

💰 Budget: Admission fee is IDR 160,000 for weekdays and IDR 200,000 for weekends

🧳 Traveller Types: Families, Animal Lovers, Adventure Seekers

🔍 Known For: Home to various endangered species, provides a thrilling safari experience, animal education center

🚉 Distances: 70 km from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, 80 km from Jakarta city center

🎒 Tips: Bring a hat and sunblock to protect from the sun. Don't feed the animals.

📅 Open Days: Open every day of the year including public holidays

🍽 On-site Facilities: Restaurants, picnic areas, prayer rooms, restrooms, and souvenir shops

🚗 Parking: Ample parking available with additional parking fee

Taman Safari: The Ultimate Wildlife Adventure in Bogor

Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to explore the rich and diverse wildlife of Indonesia? Do you want to experience the thrill of meeting the animals at a touching distance? Do you want to learn more about the conservation efforts and the educational value of zoological gardens? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should definitely visit Taman Safari, a modern zoological garden with various collections of flora and fauna in Bogor, Indonesia.

Taman Safari is not your ordinary zoo. It is a place where you can enjoy a drive-through park, watch wildlife shows, see pandas, go on a night safari, take pictures with baby animals, and relax at a waterfall. Whether you are travelling with your family, friends, partner, or solo, you will find something to suit your interest and budget at Taman Safari.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Taman Safari, including its attractions, prices, timings, location, and nearby places to visit or stay.

Things to do at Taman Safari

Photo of Taman Safari 1/3 by

1. Drive-through Park

One of the main features of Taman Safari is the drive-through park, where you can drive your own car or rent one from the park and get up close and personal with the animals. You will see different zones and habitats of the animals , such as herbivores, carnivores, primates, and more. You will also see some of the endangered species that are protected and bred in the park, such as the Bali mynah and the pandas.

2. Wildlife Shows

Another feature of Taman Safari is the wildlife shows, where you can watch various shows and performances that feature the animals of the park. You will see amazing acts and skills of the animals , such as the Wild West Show, the Dolphin Show, the Elephant Show, and more. You will also learn more about the animals and their characteristics, as well as the animal welfare and enrichment aspects of the shows.

3. Panda Castle

One of the star attractions of Taman Safari is the Panda Castle, where you can see the pandas, which are the rare and adorable animals that are native to China. You will see two pandas, named Cai Tao and Hu Chun , who are the first and only pandas in Indonesia. You will also see their exhibit, which is designed to resemble their natural habitat and to provide them with comfort and care. The Panda Castle is a special exhibit that showcases the partnership between Indonesia and China, as well as the conservation and research of the pandas.

4. Night Safari

A unique feature of Taman Safari is the night safari, where you can experience the park at night and see the nocturnal and crepuscular animals that are active and visible at night. You will see animals such as owls, bats, leopards, hyenas, and more. You will also see the animals in a different light, literally and figuratively, as they show their natural behaviors and adaptations to the dark. The night safari is a thrilling and educational opportunity to see the animals in a new perspective, as well as to raise awareness about the environmental and ecological issues.

5. Exhibit Resembling the Taj Mahal

A popular spot for taking pictures with baby animals is the exhibit that resembles the famous monument of India, the Taj Mahal . You will see a replica of the Taj Mahal, which is a symbol of love and beauty, and you will also see cute and adorable baby animals, such as lion cubs, tiger cubs, and more. You will be able to take pictures with the baby animals, and have a memorable and fun experience. The exhibit resembling the Taj Mahal is a place where you can capture the moments and share them with your loved ones.

6. Jaksa Waterfall

A natural attraction near Taman Safari is the Jaksa Waterfall, which is a scenic and refreshing spot for visitors. You will s ee a waterfall that is about 15 meters high, and that flows into a clear and cool pool. You will also see the green and lush surroundings of the waterfall, which are home to various plants and animals. The Jaksa Waterfall is a place where you can relax and enjoy the nature, as well as have some fun and adventure.

Best time to visit

Photo of Taman Safari 2/3 by

The best time to visit Taman Safari is from April to October , which is the dry season in Indonesia. The weather is sunny and pleasant, and the animals are more active and visible.

Other Places in Bogor

If you want to extend your visit to Taman Safari, you can also explore other places and hotels in Bogor that are relevant to your interest and budget. Bogor is a city that offers a variety of attractions and activities, such as botanical gardens, museums, parks, and more. You can also find the best and affordable hotels in Bogor, as well as the ratings and reviews from previous guests.

Some of the other places in Bogor that you can visit are:

Bogor Botanical Gardens: A large and beautiful garden that has more than 15,000 species of plants, as well as a museum, a library, and a zoo.

Bogor Palace: A historical and cultural landmark that is the official residence of the president of Indonesia, as well as a museum and a park.

Kebun Raya: A fun and educational park that has various attractions, such as the Jungle Waterpark, the Jungle Fest, the Jungle Land, and the Jungle Theater.

Taman Bunga Nusantara: A colorful and fragrant park that has various types of flowers, such as roses, orchids, sunflowers, and more. You can also see the Maze Garden, the Musical Fountain, and the Miniature Train.

How to Get There

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If you are interested in visiting Taman Safari, you need to know how to get there from Jakarta or other cities, as well as the best time to visit and the weather conditions. Taman Safari is located in Cisarua, Bogor , which is about 80 kilometers away from Jakarta. You can reach Taman Safari by car, bus, or train, depending on your preference and budget.

By car , you can drive from Jakarta to Taman Safari via the Jagorawi toll road, which takes about 2 hours, depending on the traffic. You can also rent a car from Jakarta or Bogor, which costs about 500,000 IDR per day, including the driver and the fuel.

By bus , you can take a bus from Jakarta to Bogor, which costs about 20,000 IDR per person, and then take another bus from Bogor to Cisarua, which costs about 15,000 IDR per person. The bus ride takes about 3 hours, depending on the traffic.

By train , you can take a train from Jakarta to Bogor, which costs about 10,000 IDR per person, and then take a taxi or an ojek (motorcycle taxi) from Bogor to Cisarua, which costs about 100,000 IDR or 50,000 IDR per ride. The train ride takes about 1.5 hours, depending on the schedule.

Taman Safari is a place that offers a lot of fun and excitement, as well as a lot of learning and awareness. It is a place that you should not miss when you visit Bogor, Indonesia. Whether you want to see the animals, watch the shows, visit the pandas, go on a night safari, take pictures with the baby animals, or relax at the waterfall, you will find something to suit your interest and budget at Taman Safari. So, what are you waiting for? Book your tickets now and enjoy the ultimate wildlife adventure in Bogor.

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Harga Tiket dan Jam Buka Taman Safari Bogor Terbaru Desember 2021 travel jalan jalan, faqihah muharroroh itsnaini,, anggara wikan prasetya.

Tim Redaksi

Faqihah Muharroroh Itsnaini

Penulis anggara wikan prasetya.

Mengikuti aturan dari pemerintah, Taman Safari Bogor masih meniadakan sejumlah wahana dan atraksi, termasuk Safari Malam.

Maka, jika ingin berkunjung ke Taman Safari Bogor saat ini, jam operasionalnya adalah 08.30 WIB hingga 17.00 WIB setiap hari.

Baca juga: 5 Tempat Makan di Sekitar Taman Safari Bogor, Salah Satunya Cimory Mountain View

Pengunjung wajib menunjukkan bukti vaksinasi melalui aplikasi PeduliLindungi, mencuci tangan pakai sabun atau hand sanitizer , menjaga jarak, memakai masker , dan menerapkan protokol kesehatan lainnya.

Harga tiket Taman Safari Bogor Desember 2021

Sementara itu untuk periode Natal dan tahun baru, pihak Taman Safari Bogor menerapkan harga tiket untuk  high season .

“Kita berlakukan harga tiket high season sejak 18 desember 2021 sampai 4 januari 2022 karena sudah dekat Natal sama tahun baru, libur akhir tahun juga,” kata Area General Manager Emeraldo Parengkuan kepada , Rabu (22/12/2021).

Pengunjung berusia enam tahun ke atas harus membayar tiket sebesar Rp 250.000. Sedangkan untuk pengunjung yang berusia lima tahun ke bawah, biayanya adalah Rp 220.000.

Taman Safari Bogor, Jawa Barat DOK, Shutterstock/Greg PW

Harga tiket ini sudah termasuk beberapa program kegiatan, seperti Safari Journey, Istana Panda Indonesia , enam pameran satwa, tujuh pertunjukan edukasi, dan Curug Jaksa Waterfall.

Khusus tarif parkir, untuk bus adalah Rp 30.000, mobil Rp 20.000, dan parkir motor Rp 10.000.

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Meski bisa memesan tiket langsung dan membayar di tempat, pihak pengelola Taman Safari Indonesia mengimbau pengunjung untuk melakukan pemesanan online melalui . 

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  • Giant Panda in Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor

Istana Panda at Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor

Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor welcomes its newest member: a couple of giant pandas, a 10 years loan from the government of the People's Republic of China.

Cai Tao, the male giant panda at Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor

Since their arrival in the late of September 2017, people are eager to see them. 

These 2 pandas were born in 2010, the male is Chai Tao and the female is Hu Chun. Once they have settled down and adapted well to their new environment, Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor will try to breed them, hopefully starting 2018.

Visiting Panda Palace at Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor

Cai Tao, the male giant panda at Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor.

There are three types of ticket offered by Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor (TSI): - Daytime TSI tickets including panda - Daytime TSI tickets excluding panda - Night safari on weekends

Ticket: Daytime TSI incl. Panda

Domestic: < 5 years Rp.210,000 > 6 years Rp. 230,000 International: < 5 years Rp. 310,000 > 6 years Rp. 350,000

Therefore, make sure you buy tickets including panda in the ticket booth at the entrance gate. You still can buy separate panda ticket inside TSI but it will be more expensive than the combo ticket.

You can explore safari journeys and other places first, but we, at the, prefer to go to Panda Palace first. It is located at the far end of TSI, you should park your car at parking lot D or go to Safari train terminal D or Cowboy Show.

Then, you take a panda shuttle bus to go further uphill. You will see various bamboo planted along the way. Some of them are special food for the giant panda.

Istana Panda (Panda Palace) at Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor.

The home of the two giant pandas in Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor is called Istana Panda (Panda Palace). It is approximately 1,800 meters above mean sea level, on the slope of the famous mount Pangrango. The climate is cool with lots of cold wind and the mist is often clouded the area. It is a very beautiful and peaceful place.

The palace is a three storey building that was designed as a classic Chinese palace. The first floor is designated as a souvenir shop. As you can imagine, almost all of the merchandise there are related to panda :)

Souvenir Shop in Istana Panda (Panda Palace) at Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor.

The second floor is a food court with various asian foods, such as dim sum, noodle, bento as well as rice set of Indonesian food. A small part of the dining room is in front of the glass wall of Hu Chun's external habitat. Unfortunately, it is a closed area, we are not sure who has the privilege to sit there.

China Miniature Map at Istana Panda (Panda Palace) in Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor.

The third floor is the area where we will be introduced to the giant panda, starting with the map of China showing where they came from, panda's diet and habit. Then, we will be escorted to an auditorium to watch a short movie about the journey of these 2 pandas from their natural habitat in Wolong Nature Reserve and fly from Chengdu to Jakarta. At the end of the movie, the left curtain is opened, revealing the indoor habitat of Cai Tao and Hu Chun. Since Panda is a solitary animal, they have separate rooms, both indoor and outdoor habitats. All of these four habitats have glass walls, so we can observe these two pandas on their daily actions.

Do you know?

Giant Panda never takes a bath nor swim. Whenever they feel too warm, they will soak their bottom in the pond.

Cai Tao, the male giant panda at Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor.

When we visited these giant panda in the mid December 2017, both Cai Tao and Hu Chun were in the outdoor habitats. Hu Chun was taking a long nap then had a lunch while Cai Tao ate and played. They are so cute :)

Hu Chun, the female giant panda at Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor.

In addition to the 2 giant pandas, the Panda Palace also has separate habitats for other animals from China, such as the golden pheasants, takin, and red panda.

Takin, another wild animal from China, at Istana Panda, Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor.

You also can ride ponies or camels, although it is only a short track.

Camel ride at Istana Panda, Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor.

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Visit Cai Tao and Hu Chun, the two giant pandas, and their friends, other wild animals from China, in Istana Panda [Panda Palace] at Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor | #ExploreSunda #TamanSafari

Taman Safari Indonesia has the largest collection of wild animals in Indonesia, which is spread in Java and Bali. Some of them are:

Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua, Puncak

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Taman Safari

Tags : Wildlife Safari

Safari Timings : 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

For Foreigners:

IDR 400,000 - Adults IDR 350,000 - Children below 5 For Indonesians (Weekdays): IDR 195,000 - Adults IDR 170,000 - Children below 6 for kids below 6 years during

For Indonesians (Weekends):

IDR 230,000 - Adults IDR 210,000 - Children below 6

Planning a Trip? Ask Your Question

Taman Safari, Bogor Overview

Taman Safari is located between Jakarta and Bandung which has a collection of 2500 animals, including Bengal tigers, Malayan Sun bears, giraffes, orangutans, hippos, Zebras, and Sumatran elephants. The Bali mynah come under the endangered species, in the conservation projects. The most interesting part of this tour is that you can drive through this park and meet the animals at a touching distance. There are 6 wildlife shows offered, Wild West Show, Dolphin Show, Elephant Show, and if you wish to stay at the park there are camping sites and bungalows available. There is a night safari available on Saturdays.

The park also offers an exhibit resembling the Taj Mahal where the guests can click pictures with baby lions, tigers, orangutans, leopards, long tailed macaque and Plantain Squirrel. The rare species of birds that can be found here are the Pagai Island macaque, Malayan porcupine, Bali Mynah, White Lion, Eastern grey Kangaroo, Ring-tailed lemur and many more.

There is a Panda Castle which is located on the highest point surrounded by forests, ensuring the tropical climate exclusively for the comfort of the Pandas, there are a total of 6 pandas, Hu Chun, Cai Tao, Shing Shing, Mey Mey, Pai Pai and Hao Hao. To get there you need to get onto the shuttle bus. The nature lovers don’t forget to visit the Jaksa Waterfall. 

Read More on Taman Safari

Things to know.

  • The entrance fee includes the entry to the Panda Castle, however it does not include parking fees. Visitors who do not have private vehicles can enjoy the Safari on-site buses.
  • During the Safari look out for the signs and instructions provided by experts.
  • You are strictly prohibited from exiting your vehicle at all circumstances. 
  • Feed the animals, only after you see the sign.
  • The signs are important and must be followed for the safety of both visitors and animals. Only feed the animals that visitors are specifically allowed to feed.

Top Hotels Near Taman Safari

7.4 (57 reviews)

 6 kms

Rp 138,996 onwards

8.3 (55 reviews)

 8 kms

Rp 475,000 onwards

8.1 (55 reviews)

Rp 368,082 onwards

6.3 (41 reviews)

 5 kms

Rp 104,501 onwards

6.3 (26 reviews)

 10 kms

Rp 144,300 onwards

7.8 (22 reviews)

 9 kms

Rp 247,520 onwards

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Taman Safari Bogor

Promo harga tiket masuk taman safari bogor untuk pelajar di jawa barat, lengkap link pesannya, taman safari bogor di kecamatan cisarua, kabupaten bogor, jawa barat menawarkan promo harga tiket masuk untuk pelajar se-jawa barat., penulis: nurul intaniar, editor: nurul intaniar.

Promo Harga Tiket Masuk Taman Safari Bogor untuk Pelajar di Jawa Barat, Lengkap Link Pesannya

TRIBUNTRAVEL.COM - Liburan akhir pekan ini, Bogor bisa jadi tempat berwisata yang pas.

Ada banyak pilihan tempat wisata di Bogor yang menarik buat dikunjungi.

Seperti Taman Safari Bogor misalnya.

Wajit / Wajik Cililin Asli Makanan Bandung. 

Destinasi ini terletak di Jalan Kapten Harun Kabir No.724, Cibeureum, Kec. Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Baca juga: Kampung Tajur Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, Wisata Ngehits untuk Staycation di Kaki Gunung

Koleksi satwa di Taman Safari Bogor Kecamatan Cisarua, Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Taman Safari Bogor bukan hanya sekadar tempat rekreasi saja, tapi juga tempat konservasi satwa.

Taman Safari Bogor merupakan tempat wisata edukatif.

Kamu bisa mempelajari tentang semua satwa di sana sepuasnya.

Tape Singkong Mentega - Peyeum Bandung Manis 1kg. 

Taman Safari Bogor menghadirkan banyak kegiatan seru dan menarik buat dicoba, seperti Safari Siang, Safari Malam, pertunjukan, dan lain sebagainya.

Sebagai tempat wisata yang digemari oleh wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara, belum lama ini Taman Safari Bogor kembali menghadirkan promo tiket masuk.

Adapun promo tersebut berupa potongan harga tiket masuk khusus untuk wisatawan yang masih berstatus sebagai pelajar.

Wisatawan berenang sambil melihat buaya di Taman Safari Bogor Kecamatan Cisarua, Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Keripik Tempe Bulat Oleh-oleh Bandung 100 Gram. 

Promonya berlangsung dari Agustus sampai November 2024 mendatang.

Baca juga: Harga Tiket Masuk Farm House Lembang, Termasuk Cara ke Sana Naik Angkot & Mobil Pribadi

Sumber: Tribun Jabar

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Celebración por 14 cumpleaños de panda gigant Hu Chun en Indonesia

Una visitante posa para una fotografía con la panda gigante hembra Hu Chun durante una celebración por su 14 cumpleaños en el parque zoológico Taman Safari, en Bogor, Java Occidental, Indonesia, el 7 de septiembre de 2024. Hu Chun, de la provincia de Sichuan, en el suroeste de China, ha estado viviendo en el parque desde 2017. (Xinhua/Sandika Fadilah)

Personas observan a la panda gigante hembra Hu Chun durante una celebración por su 14 cumpleaños en el parque zoológico Taman Safari en Bogor, Java Occidental, Indonesia, el 7 de septiembre de 2024. Hu Chun, de la provincia de Sichuan, en el suroeste de China, ha estado viviendo en el parque desde 2017. (Xinhua/Sandika Fadilah)

La panda gigante hembra Hu Chun come bambú durante una celebración por su 14 cumpleaños en el parque zoológico Taman Safari en Bogor, Java Occidental, Indonesia, el 7 de septiembre de 2024. Hu Chun, de la provincia de Sichuan, en el suroeste de China, ha estado viviendo en el parque desde 2017. (Xinhua/Sandika Fadilah)

 La panda gigante hembra Hu Chun come bambú durante una celebración por su 14 cumpleaños en el parque zoológico Taman Safari en Bogor, Java Occidental, Indonesia, el 7 de septiembre de 2024. Hu Chun, de la provincia de Sichuan, en el suroeste de China, ha estado viviendo en el parque desde 2017. (Xinhua/Sandika Fadilah)



    ISTANA PANDA INDONESIA. Ayo temui Cai Tao dan Hu Chun, sepasang Giant Panda dari China yang menggemaskan. Dengan bangunan berarsitektur Tiongkok, Anda seolah-olah sedang berada di negeri China. Lihatlah sekeliling, betapa indahnya pemandangan kaki gunung Gede Pangrango. Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) bukan sekadar sebuah tempat rekreasi ...

  2. Taman Safari Indonesia

    2. Please present either mobile or printed voucher along with your KITAS at the counter for redemption. 3. For more information about our promotion and programs please follow our instagram @taman_safari. Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) Cisarua, Bogor is a world-class zoo and titled the best conservation site by Indonesian Ministry of Forestry.

  3. Taman Safari Indonesia

    Founder Taman Safari Indonesia Beri Mata Kuliah Konservasi dan Tantangan Iklim untuk Mahasiswa IPB. Promo Lunch With Giant Panda di Taman Safari Bogor, All Menu Hanya Rp208 Ribu! Berlaku Mulai 1 Juli 2024, Tiket Masuk Taman Safari Bogor Dibagi Reguler dan Premium!

  4. Taman Safari Bogor Cashback 10% Harga Tiket Masuk 2024

    Safari Journey, Istana Panda, Safari Malam, Safari Trek & Outbound, Baby Zoo, Safari Waterpark, Komodo Dragon Island, Kubah Burung, Animal Edutainment Show. 🕛Jam Buka. 09.00-17.00 (Weekdays) ... Tips Mengunjungi Taman Safari Bogor. Sudah dapat tiket Taman Safari Bogor? Nah, agar kunjungan kamu ke Taman Safari Bogor lebih menyenangkan, tidak ...

  5. Taman Safari Bogor Ticket Price Cashback Promo up to 10%

    Taman Safari Bogor is a zoo in the peak area which occupies an area of 55 hectares. This location is home to 3,000 animals consisting of 300 species. ... At Taman Safari Bogor, you can enjoy Day Safari and Night Safari, see pandas at Panda Palace, and watch various animal shows. There is also a fun children's play area for families.

  6. ISTANA PANDA TAMAN SAFARI Tiket Masuk dan Atraksi

    Istana Panda Taman Safari Cisarua Alamat: Jalan Kapten Harun Kabir No. 724, Cisarua , Bogor , Jawa Barat , Indonesia , 16750. Harga Tiket Masuk: Rp195.000 - Rp255.000 Jam Buka: 09.30 - 17:00 Nomor Telepon: 1500212 / +6281213729900

  7. Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua

    Visited Taman Safari Bogor with family last month. Was concerned if it would be good plan or not but glad we went. It's a superb safari, with all animal walking freely. It has animals from deer, Rhino, Panda to White tiger. Carry enough carrots as animals likes to eat there and you will enjoy feeding them.

  8. Cara Beli Tiket Taman Safari Bogor dan Harganya

    Seekor Panda berada di areal kandang Taman Safari Indonesia, Cisarua, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (5/2/2021). Takin bergabung sebagai keluarga besar TSI dari tahun 2017 bersamaan dengan sepasang Giant Panda yang berasal dari Tiongkok.

  9. Taman Safari Bogor, Harga Tiket Dan Aktivitas Yang Bisa Dilakukan

    Jam Buka dan Harga Tiket Taman Safari Bogor. Bila ingin menikmati Taman Safari Bogor yang tidak ramai, berkunjunglah di hari kerja. Untuk Safari Siang dan Istana Panda, jam operasionalnya setiap hari adalah mulai pukul 08.00 WIB sampai 17.00 WIB.

  10. Jakpost guide to Taman Safari Indonesia

    Taman Safari in 2017 opened its Panda Castle - a Chinese-style pavilion - to accommodate special guests from China. Giant panda bears Hu Chun and Cai Tao share the home with four red pandas named ...

  11. National Panda Day 2024, Yuk! Kunjungi Istana Panda Taman Safari Bogor

    Hu Chun dan Cai Thao yang Menggemaskan Sudah lima tahun Istana Panda berdiri di Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) Bogor. Sejak kedatangan satwa panda bernama Hu Chun dan Cai Tao dari China pada 28 September 2017 lalu, Istana Panda menjadi primadona tujuan pengunjung Taman Safari Bogor. Keduanya hadir untuk menjawab rasa penasaran warga Indonesia terhadap wujud asli panda raksasa ini.

  12. Harga Tiket Masuk Taman Safari 2024 dan Cara Membelinya

    4. Tiket masuk Safari Malam. Dewasa: Rp 180.000; Anak-anak (1-5 tahun): Rp 160.000; Cara Beli Tiket Taman Safari 2024. Melansir laman resminya, Taman Safari Bogor memberikan berbagai kemudahan untuk pengunjung yang ingin memesan tiket masuk. Tiket masuk Taman Safari Bogor bisa dipesan melalui dua jalur, yaitu online dan offline.

  13. Taman Safari: The Ultimate Wildlife Adventure in Bogor

    The Panda Castle is a special exhibit that showcases the partnership between Indonesia and China, as well as the conservation and research of the pandas. 4. Night Safari. A unique feature of Taman Safari is the night safari, where you can experience the park at night and see the nocturnal and crepuscular animals that are active and visible at ...

  14. Harga Tiket dan Jam Buka Taman Safari Bogor Terbaru Desember 2021

    Harga tiket Taman Safari Bogor Desember 2021. Sementara itu untuk periode Natal dan tahun baru, pihak Taman Safari Bogor menerapkan harga tiket untuk high season. "Kita berlakukan harga tiket high season sejak 18 desember 2021 sampai 4 januari 2022 karena sudah dekat Natal sama tahun baru, libur akhir tahun juga," kata Area General Manager ...


    ISTANA PANDA INDONESIA. Ayo temui Cai Tao dan Hu Chun, sepasang Giant Panda dari China yang menggemaskan. Dengan bangunan berarsitektur Tiongkok, Anda seolah-olah sedang berada di negeri China. Lihatlah sekeliling, betapa indahnya pemandangan kaki gunung Gede Pangrango.

  16. Istana Panda at Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor

    Some of them are special food for the giant panda. The home of the two giant pandas in Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor is called Istana Panda (Panda Palace). It is approximately 1,800 meters above mean sea level, on the slope of the famous mount Pangrango. The climate is cool with lots of cold wind and the mist is often clouded the area.

  17. Taman Safari Bogor: Wildlife Adventure In Indonesia's 1st ...

    Welcome to Bogor's Safari Park. Literally translated as Safari Park Bogor, it is Indonesia's first safari park, built in 1980 and it occupies 170 hectares (420.1 acres). Taman Safari Bogor contains more than 2,000 animals from around the world, and is a great place for you and your kids to spend an entire day feeding the animals, watching ...

  18. Harga Tiket Masuk Taman Safari Bogor Terbaru 2022 Serta Rute ...

    Taman Safari Bogor. Dikutip dari laman resminya, Taman Safari Bogor merupakan pusat konservasi kelas dunia dan dinobatkan sebagai situs konservasi terbaik oleh Kementerian Kehutanan Indonesia. Di sini, terdapat tiga zona kunjungan yang bisa dipilih yakni Safari Siang Istana Panda, Safari Trek, dan Outbound, serta Safari Malam.

  19. Taman Safari Indonesia

    Taman Safari Bogor. MORE INFO >> ANIMAL INTERACTION "Still can't believe I was this close to this magnificent animal" Ajo Visitor of Taman Safari Prigen. Ajo Visitor of Taman Safari Prigen. MORE INFO >> Previous. Next. Our Parks. DISCOVER MORE >> Expand Your Journey. Previous. Next. Tiket Taman. Hotel.

  20. Taman Safari, Bogor

    Taman Safari, Bogor Overview . Taman Safari is located between Jakarta and Bandung which has a collection of 2500 animals, including Bengal tigers, Malayan Sun bears, giraffes, orangutans, hippos, Zebras, and Sumatran elephants. ... There is a Panda Castle which is located on the highest point surrounded by forests, ensuring the tropical ...

  21. Taman Safari Indonesia

    Bagi-bagi Doorprize, HUT Giant Panda Hu Chun Bakal Digelar Dua Hari 7-8 September 2024 di Istana Panda! Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) bukan sekadar sebuah tempat rekreasi. Melainkan, tempat konservasi satwa sekaligus edukasi bagi seluruh anggota keluarga. TSI lahir dari kepedulian terhadap satwa-satwa yang makin kehilangan habitatnya.

  22. Taman Safari

    Taman Safari I, also known as Taman Safari Bogor, is located in the district of Cisarua in Bogor Regency, on the old main road between Jakarta and Bandung, West Java.It is approximately 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta and 78 kilometers (48 miles) from Bandung. Taman Safari I is situated in Puncak, a popular tourist area in West Java.

  23. Promo Harga Tiket Masuk Taman Safari Bogor untuk ...

    Tape Singkong Mentega - Peyeum Bandung Manis 1kg.. Taman Safari Bogor menghadirkan banyak kegiatan seru dan menarik buat dicoba, seperti Safari Siang, Safari Malam, pertunjukan, dan lain sebagainya.. Sebagai tempat wisata yang digemari oleh wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara, belum lama ini Taman Safari Bogor kembali menghadirkan promo tiket masuk.. Adapun promo tersebut berupa potongan harga ...

  24. Celebración por 14 cumpleaños de panda gigant Hu Chun en Indonesia

    La panda gigante hembra Hu Chun come bambú durante una celebración por su 14 cumpleaños en el parque zoológico Taman Safari en Bogor, Java Occidental, Indonesia, el 7 de septiembre de 2024. Hu ...