Memory Alpha

Dreadnought class

The Dreadnought -class was an experimental class of dreadnought warship designed by Section 31 of Starfleet with the help of Khan Noonien Singh . The only known vessel of this class, the USS Vengeance , was launched from a secret facility orbiting Io in 2259 . ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

  • 1.1 General overview
  • 1.2.1 Bridge
  • 1.2.2 Engineering
  • 1.2.3 Transporter systems
  • 1.2.4 Sensors
  • 1.2.5 Transport and cargo
  • 1.3 Tactical systems
  • 1.4 Propulsion systems
  • 2 Ships commissioned
  • 3.1 See also
  • 3.2.1 Designing the Dreadnought -class
  • 3.3 Apocrypha
  • 3.4 External link

General overview [ ]

USS Enterprise and USS Vengeance face off

The Enterprise and Vengeance

The Dreadnought -class was roughly twice the size of a Constitution -class starship. This class was designed to be operated by a minimal crew, one person if necessary. It had advanced weapon and propulsion capabilities allowing it to engage other vessels while traveling at warp velocities. ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Configuration [ ]

Dreadnought class bridge

The bridge of a Dreadnought ship was small and cramped compared to the more spacious bridge of the Constitution -class . Its design utilized highly advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems to reduce the number of crew needed to operate the vessel. Under extreme circumstances, Dreadnought -class vessels could be operated by the captain single-handedly. Use of AI systems allowed for the operation of the starship's navigation and propulsion subsystems via voice commands. Also, in stark contrast to the Enterprise bridge, the Dreadnought 's bridge was very dark – in lieu of bright lighting and shining white walls, the bridge was largely black, though still well lit. ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Art Director Harry Otto did technical drawings and a construction review of the Vengeance 's bridge. [1] [2]

Engineering [ ]

Dreadnought class corridor

A corridor aboard the USS Vengeance

Engineering was designed so that it could run autonomously if needed. Like the bridge, the engineering section was cramped and painted in shining black. The interior featured a more refined design compared with the engineering section on the USS Enterprise – for example, there were no coolant pipes or mains directly accessible by the crew. ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Transporter systems [ ]

The transporter system on the Vengeance could be operated from the bridge. The system could be used to site-to-site transport dozens of people or objects at the same time. It could for example transport all 72 photon torpedoes from the Enterprise . ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Sensors [ ]

This class was also equipped with multidimensional radar and space region observer systems. ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Legible graphics of computer screens with these systems labeled from the bridge of the Vengeance were released on the homepage of Jorge Almeida , the lead designer of the user interface elements for the film. [3]

Transport and cargo [ ]

Dreadnought class hangar 07

Hangar 07 aboard the USS Vengeance

A ship of this class had several hangars . Hangar 7 was located on Deck 13. ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Tactical systems [ ]

USS Vengeance drone

A drone launched by the USS Vengeance

Khan was involved with designing the weapons for the Dreadnought -class. The weapons were significantly more advanced than contemporary Constitution -class weaponry. While most other Starfleet ships were multirole designs for combat, exploration and research, the Dreadnought -class ships were designed solely for combat. The deflector dish could be covered by protective armor plates while the ship was not traveling at warp speeds to defend the dish from damage during a battle. The ship was extremely durable and could remain intact even after the internal detonation of 72 photon torpedoes and a high speed collision with a city.

The weapon systems included an array of advanced phaser emitters . The powerful discharges from these weapons arced indirectly at the target and could be fired while the ship was at warp. Single hits could penetrate through the shields and cause major hull breaches to a Constitution -class starship.

Dreadnought class weapon

One of the torpedo launchers

The weapon systems also included massive swivel-mounted torpedo launchers that could be deployed from under the saucer section from behind protective armor plating. They could rotate and launch a volley of torpedoes at various firing arcs from aft to forward of the ship. A Dreadnought -class ship could also launch drones that in turn were capable of launching several photon torpedoes before crashing into a target. ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Propulsion systems [ ]

The Dreadnought -class featured two angular warp drive nacelles, unlike most Starfleet ships that had featured cylindrical nacelles. The Vengeance was described by Khan as having "three times the speed" of the Enterprise . The Dreadnought -class ship had the capability of tracking down and attacking a fleeing enemy ship while at warp speed. ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Ships commissioned [ ]

  • USS Vengeance

Appendices [ ]

See also [ ].

  • Federation -class

Background information [ ]

The voice for the Dreadnought -class computer was provided by former Saturday Night Live cast member Bill Hader . [4]

Screenwriter of Star Trek Into Darkness Roberto Orci suggested on Twitter that the USS Vengeance had a countermeasure against transwarp beaming . Hence, Harrison fled to Qo'noS instead of commandeering the Vengeance directly. [5]

Before Khan fired a barrage of the red arcing bursts of energy from the Vengeance , Sulu stated that the ship was locking phasers on the Enterprise . Before the two large cannons were deployed in Star Trek Into Darkness , Admiral Marcus ordered the targeting of all aft torpedoes at the bridge of the Enterprise . According to the novelization of Star Trek Into Darkness , the two cannons were in fact massive banks of photon torpedoes, each holding an arsenal of more torpedoes than several ships the size of the Enterprise had combined.

According to the novelization of Star Trek Into Darkness , the advanced warp capabilities were called "Mark IV capabilities". They included special modifications to the warp drive and nacelles, that allowed a Dreadnought -class ship to momentarily exceed all accepted warp factors and catch up with a starship it was following inside its warp tunnel. According to a dossier of the Enterprise on the homepage of the previous film, the three times slower Constitution -class was capable of reaching speeds up to warp factor 8. [6] The terms "advanced warp capabilities" and "Mark IV" are similar to the prime universe classification "advanced fourth generation warp drive", that was according to the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology (p. 180) attributed to the new warp drive and angular nacelles installed to the USS Enterprise in its refit for Star Trek: The Motion Picture , that according to the reference book also made the Enterprise more than three times faster compared to warp factor 8, in the warp scale , with a maximum velocity of warp factor 12 .

Designing the Dreadnought -class [ ]


J.J. Abrams, who invented the Dreadnought -class, on the set for the Vengeance 's Bridge

To devise the layout of the USS Vengeance for Star Trek Into Darkness , the movie's production unit conducted extensive studies of spacecraft designs, ultimately conceptualizing the vessel as an angular black-hulled leviathan depicted by Concept Artist James Clyne . " One of the first images that popped into my head, " said Director J.J. Abrams , " was the idea of a big, terrifying stealth-like version of the Enterprise [...] It began as a visual concept of having a black ship. " Abrams also conceived the Vengeance as a militaristic Starfleet craft, more than twice the size of the Enterprise . ( Cinefex , No. 134, pp. 74-75 & 84)

USS Vengeance promo

Promotional image of the USS Vengeance

The Vengeance went on to be built by a team at Industrial Light & Magic , which included Digital Model Supervisor Bruce Holcomb . They constructed the ship, one of multiple intricate CGI models in the film, to far outdo the capabilities of other Federation crafts. The Vengeance wound up being, noted ILM Senior Visual Effects Supervisor Roger Guyett , "about two-and-a-half times the size of the Enterprise ." Guyett further remarked, " It was approximately 4,500 feet long, but we sometimes cheated that for dramatic needs. " As could be expected, the Vengeance became in Guyett's words, "another enormous model with a huge amount of detail." ( Cinefex , No. 134, pp. 84 & 75)

Combined with the darkness of space, the configuration of the Dreadnought -class vessel caused ILM difficulty with lighting the Vengeance . " The Vengeance design didn't lend itself to a lot of lights, " explained ILM Lighting Technical Director Robert Weaver , " so we played with rim-light and specular values. We gave the ship 'Aztec' textures, similar to the Enterprise ; so, anytime a light raked across the hull, it created interesting colors in the surface panels. We controlled those effects in specular mapping. We created different channels for different panel lights, the shaders wrote that information into EXR data files, and we could create as many channels as we needed. The Vengeance averaged three levels of specular, which compositors could adjust. " ( Cinefex , No. 134, p. 75)

Apocrypha [ ]

According to a 1987 comic book Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 2 , a class of Federation starships called the Dreadnought -class ( β ) also existed in the prime universe.

A Dreadnought -class is briefly mentioned by William T. Riker in the novel Dark Mirror as a starship class that is the closest analog the prime universe Starfleet in the 24th century has to the heavily-armed and armored version of the Galaxy -class from the mirror universe .

The Dreadnought -class makes an appearance in Star Trek Online as a playable ship, released alongside the "Agents of Yesterday" expansion pack. However, as the term "dreadnought" in the game refers to a specific type of ship (as contrasted to "cruiser" or "science vessel"), the ship is referred to as a "Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser" (referring to its temporal origin, unique traits, and performance characteristics), and more specifically the Vengeance -class. The ship possesses rapid-fire broadside phaser batteries and can launch automated assault drones to act as fighters. Unlike the on-screen version, the in-game version of the ship is also equipped with a cloaking device . A later update also allowed for a visible name and registry number to be displayed on the hull, with the baseline model displaying the name USS Vengeance and the registry NCC-1987.

External link [ ]

  • Dreadnought class at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
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Sunday 12 January 2014

Creating and destroying the uss vengeance.

What does the storied city of San Francisco look like in 2259? How does it function? Who lives there? All good questions -- these are exactly the questions that ILM VFX supervisor Roger Guyett, Co-VFX supervisor Patrick Tubach, VFX art director Yanick Dusseault, digital environments supervisor Barry Williams and model supervisor Bruce Holcomb had to answer to create a version of the city by the Bay that satisfied director J.J. Abram's vision for the film.

star trek into darkness vengeance


star trek into darkness vengeance

It's nice to see all of these concept pieces, but I still want an Art of book. Why hasn't one been produced?

star trek into darkness vengeance

Seconding that query!

star trek into darkness vengeance

I fear it may not be happening this time. The previous nuTrek art book came out in the November after the film, and that was oddly delayed compared to how most big movies have such things published around the release of the film. Despite the up-swing in Star Trek non-fiction of late, it still seems there's a lack of confidence in the brand reflected in books like this not showing up.

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Exclusive: Hi-res Image Of The Other Starship From Star Trek Into Darkness + It Gets A Name

| April 23, 2013 | By: Anthony Pascale 275 comments so far

star trek into darkness vengeance

The USS Vengeance

Today the official Star Trek app has a mission to scan an image from the official Star Trek Facebook page , which reveals the new USS Vengeance ship. This is the same ship that is also described as a "Dreadnought-class" in Star Trek Into Darkness . And here it is (in high res).

star trek into darkness vengeance

[ Download Link – Right Click and chose ‘save link as…’]

A look inside the USS Vengeance

The USS Vengeance is the ship that TrekMovie has been spotting in the various trailers and commercials and publicity photos. There has actually been quite a lot of imagery release from the interior of this ship.

Star Trek Into Darkness could have been ‘Star Trek Vengeance’ (and is in Russia)

This is not the first time the term "Vengeance" has come up in relation to the movie. Of course we have heard Benedict Cumberbatch’s dialog as John Harrison say "I have returned to have my vengeance." But if you recall back in December TrekMovie reported that one of the titles that was considered (and tested) for the new movie was "Star Trek: Vengeance." And in fact "Star Trek Vengeance" is the English translation of the title being used in Russia (even though all other foreign markets chose variations on the "Into Darkness" title.

star trek into darkness vengeance

Real Vengeances and non-canon Trek Vengeances

The United States Navy has had two ships with the name Vengeance. One was a former merchant ship that served under the command of John Paul Jones in the Revolutionary War. and the other was used as a "bomb ketch" against the Barbary pirates in the early 19th century. The Royal Navy has had eight ships bearing the name HMS Vengeance dating back to the 18th century. The latest is a Vanguard-class nuclear submarine launched in 1998 and still in service.

A Constitution-class refit (same as TOS movie era USS Enterprise) USS Vengeance was used in the "Klingon Academy" game released in 2000. Also the FASA Star Trek: The Role Playing game featured a Miranda-class (same as USS Reliant from Star Trek II) ship named USS Vengeance.     

POLL: Vengeance Vote

Weigh in on the new ship…

[poll id=”715″]

Nice mix of styles for the ship.

I will have MY Vengeance ?

It’s Harrison’s ship ?

I want the model of that thing!!!!!!!

It looks like a Michael Bay version of a Deceptacon. I mean that in a bad way.

Please, next time do not put the name of the ship in the headline! It was absolutely impossible to avoid the spoiler. Maybe i should avoid this site for the next 3 weeks.

I had liked the way the Trek 2009 Enterprsie and Kelvin got back to the clean lines and look of the TOS enterprise and TOS movie Trek ships. However, now it looks like they are “going Berman” on us with the US-Steel/military industrial look like we saw in Voyager and Enterprise. I hate this look for Star Trek ships. It’s tired, and will not stand the test of time.

Looks like a Borg-ified Enterprise-E.

also, it was detachable laser balls. lulz.

Enterprise-D saucer section!?!? :)

Nothing screams like spoiling something like naming the super-duper secret ship IN THE BYLINE OF THE ARTICLE. Seriously, so much for TrekMovie’s ‘No Spoiler’ policy. Not everyone (ie, outside the US) uses the STID app, and I was quite content to not knowing the name of this ship till I sat my ass in the cinema on May 9th.

TrekMovie, I bid you adieu till May 10th.

Looks like a LEGO ship.

Also, USS Vengeance?

Gene must be proud…

Check out the hole in the middle of the saucer. See the stars?

This makes the JJprise look beautiful!

@2 — That’s the first thing that popped into my mind as well!

So it does have voids in the primary hull.

Yeah, I just noticed that. Plus, I don’t think I’ll be the only one in thinking that the name for the ship is kinda lame and the saucer design is bizarre. Maybe it’s not something that translates well in a still image, maybe it has to be seen in motion on a screen to be appreciated more.

I find it odd that Starfleet would name a ship “Vengeance.”

@16 hi five !!

Looks like something I made out of Legos when I was 8. And the name…isn’t that a bit on the nose? It’d be like if a Captain were out to prove himself and did so at the helm of the USS Validation.

Also, I did some lightening of this image to bring out the details incase anyone wants a good look at it.

I’ve been with this franchise for the long haul and do not share your view. Don’t presume to speak for anyone but yourself.

I must say I haven’t had much issue with the new version of Trek, but this ship is ugly….

@12 it does look like Lego – I couldn’t place what it reminded me of, but that is it exactly.

Tis sucks – two yours of non-stop bitching that there are no details out there about the movie, and now that there are some out there, it’s non-stop bitching that there are details about the movie.

Can’t say I blame JJ for heading over to Disney…..

I have looked at the photos and the trailer of the Vengeance. And well, it’s one scary looking ship. I’m trying to figure out why. Because I was less afraid of the Narada than this thing. Maybe because she’s huge. Angular build. Dark in color. I wonder why she’s named Vengeance. Not very Starfleet is it? Perhaps that’s the controversy.

@21 if I was in command of the USS Validation I’d show you!

@19. A core planet of the Federation was destroyed. Why wouldn’t their military force be seeking vengeance?

Re: the spoiler nature..

It’s out there… I saw it on my FB page before I saw it here.

TrekMovie policy is that something on the official Star Trek facebook page and in the official Star Trek app is not a spoiler. Its only the name of a ship.

but i removed it from the headline

After seeing the name of this ship and reading a spoiler review (which I will not spoil on here) my hopes for this movie are fading fast.

The trailers made this movie seem like an improvement in every way over the 2009 JJTrek. I mean they had four years to come up with this story…four years! If what I read today is true, they didn’t use that time wisely. Why the obsession with Wrath of Khan? Why not boldly go into new stories and new thematic elements?

I will see the film all the same, but boy the news coming out today ain’t good.

@ Why was my post deleted, but other posts, that actually give spoilers, still exist?

Is this site really that far up the backside of Bad Robot?

Vengeance is a perfectly appropriate name for a vessel.

In fact, the Vengeance was one of the renamed vessels that Benjamin Franklin and John Paul Jones coaxed out of wealthy French industrialists’ wives to establish the Revolutionary Navy. It’s a very Kirk/Harrison-like chapter of American history. Franklin brought JPJ along on a trip to France, where they seduced wealthy women at court, who controlled several of the merchant marine fortunes that could spare a handful of ships. Sex and cannabis cigarettes were quite likely involved. JPJ then used these ships to -quite literally- terrorize the British coast–the first time such an attack on the British coast in more than a century. This relatively secret story of the founding of the US Navy is taught at Annapolis, where a client of mine graduated, in far greater detail than I can recall or find online.

Orci, if you knew all this, you’re a f genius.

Maybe the USS Vengeance has future technology. Thats not a typical 23rd century design. Saucer section like Enterprise-D, nacelles like Enterprise-E

@31…I can see that…I read the same stuff. It wasn’t disappointing. One part of it seemed done to death in TOS. Looks like it will make for a good film. Original? Maybe not, but then again nothing really is. Even the Dark Knight trilogy was made up of portions of comics books literally ripped from the pages and put on screen. Not original, but fun to watch.

Folks are obsessed with Wrath of Khan because it defines Star Trek films. Not the TV show, but the film franchise. It was the best of the best and even non fans know that film.

Gotta say that’s an f*ugly ship. Agree with a previous post – looks like a Transformer.

Phil, take a chill pill. I was simply commenting on one ship model in this movie that I didn’t like. What is your issue with that? The topic of this story is the photo of this ship; aren’t we suppose to be discussing that here???

I must say I don’t mind the name at all, and btw #22 thanks for the adjusted image.

Before going on a rampage to tell someone the obvious, that what they say is there opinion, please make sure you’re quoting the right person. Because all the person said that you were responding to is that the ship has a hole in the saucer section.

Well, the name IS a little on the nose. It would be like a band of terrorists calling their ship “Suicide Bomber” or something. Star fleet may want to get back at their enemies, though I think “justice” would be the more fitting name. Justice, Retribution. Throw in a Hornblower reference and go with the Indefatigable, maybe. Remember, nobody see’s themselves as the “bad guy.” They’re not going to do overtly silly and villianous type things, like name their ships according to the honesty of their intentions.

As far as the look of her. I can see why Star fleet would build a very large, heavily armed, super-heavy cruiser/dreadnought. It’s a weapons platform, probably with the capacity to take a fleet of ships on by itself. Designed to take a pounding form engagements with ships, like the one that destroyed the Vulcan rescue mission in the 2009 movie. I have no issue with it’s design.

Though one element that is curious, it almost looks like the central hole in the saucer acts as a guide rail for that large cannon.

Wicked looking ship. Vengeance reminds me of the Vengix virus from Power Rangers RPM. I keep calling it the USS Vengix. That’s kind of a better name, actually… When Harrison says that he has returned to have his vengeance, wouldn’t it be hilarious if he meant that he came to get his ship back?

That is one BADASS Starship, Battleship, Dreadnought, Whatever you want to call it!

The name isn’t particularly original or in keeping with what Starfleet is about but its becoming more and more obvious that this is the work of a clandestine fringe group within the Federation.

The design strikes me as an attempt to blend Star Trek’s classic design cues (primary hull, secondary hull, nacelles) with a more Star Wars sensibility (darker colors, more surface detail, openings in the ship). In fact, change the ship’s color and it starts to be a bit reminiscent of Ralph McQuarrie’s concept art for the aborted Planet of the Titans and Phase II projects. I don’t mind it as a one-off that gets destroyed by the Enterprise but I’d hate for it to be the direction for future designs.

I’m a bit concerned about the dark paint scheme; against the dark backdrop of space (and the extra darkening of the tinted 3D glasses) I just hope we won’t all be squinting to make this thing out on the big screen.

@39 that scary moment when a Power Rangers plotline would double as a good plotline for a future Star Trek film LOL

I see space balls. Actual space balls.

USS Vengeance? This is really cliche :(

I was responding to a comment that Anthony has since deleted, not the current #17.

It will make the Enterprise look beautiful in comparison, which is probably the goal ;) Notice the twin balls? I bet those are the Xindi-probe-like devices we saw in the last trailer! The saucer doesn’t look like the D at all, more like the E or Voyager.

I was very unhappy about some of today’s spoilers, but I like this ship. It looks appropriate for its purpose.

Anyone else remember that the original title for STAR TREK II was “THE VENGEANCE OF KHAN”?

“Meyer took all of these drafts and ideas and combined them into a script which he called Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country — but Paramount execs rejected that name because they didn’t get it, says Tenuto. So they went with Vengeance of Khan — except that Lucasfilm requested they change that title because it was too similar to their upcoming Star Wars: Revenge of the Jedi. Hence the “Wrath” title, which Meyer thought sounded weird.”

Wow, great ship!

STAR TREK the game is out today I just remembered!!!!

#47 – And what did Lucas end up doing…? He changed the title from Revenge to Return of the Jedi. Thus Meyer might have been able to use The Vengeance of Khan after all. -Maybe-

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Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness

  • After the crew of the Enterprise find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one-man weapon of mass destruction.
  • When the USS Enterprise crew is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one-man weapon of mass destruction. As our space heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew. — Paramount Pictures
  • The latest mission of the USS Enterprise crew takes them into deep space to rescue an endangered species from an active volcano. However, once again Captain Kirk's reckless behavior compromises the mission and nearly gets him booted from Starfleet. Turning back to his mentor Admiral Pike, Kirk is demoted to an academy cadet and has to start over. However, when a ruthless warlord attacks Starfleet and shoots Admiral Pike in the process, Kirk takes command and takes the Enterprise deep into the neutral zone and the Klingon homeworld. Unknown to the crew, a Starfleet renegade is manipulating the Federation and the Klingons into a possible war. Kirk, Spock and the rest of the crew must stop the war before all hell breaks loose. And what awaits the crew of the USS Enterprise on their forthcoming five-year mission? — Blazer346
  • The USS Enterprise is sent to Planet Nibiru to observe a pre-warp civilization. Captain James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) and Spock (Zachary Quinto) attempt to save the inhabitants from an imminent volcano eruption which would wipe out the civilization. When Spock's life is jeopardized, Kirk breaks the Prime Directive, exposing the Enterprise to the planet's civilization during Spock's rescue. A number of indigenous people begin to worship the ship as it leaves. Called back to Earth, Kirk is demoted to First Officer and Admiral Christopher Pike re-assumes command of the Enterprise. In London, Starfleet agent John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch) bombs a secret "Section 31" installation. In San Francisco, Pike and his first officer attend an emergency meeting of high-ranking officers at Starfleet headquarters. The meeting is attacked by a gunship piloted by Harrison, who kills Pike. Kirk destroys the gunship, but Harrison flees. With Pike dead, Admiral Alexander Marcus authorizes Kirk to hunt down Harrison, who has used trans warp beaming and fled to the Klingon home world of Kronos. Since Kronos lies deep in Klingon territory and the Federation is on the brink of war with the Klingon Empire, the Enterprise is supplied with 72 long-range prototype photon torpedoes and is ordered to fire them at Harrison's location once he is found. Thinking that the torpedoes could be dangerous to the ship, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott refuses to take them aboard and tenders his resignation (which Kirk accepts), whereupon Pavel Chekov is promoted to Chief Engineer. Admiral Marcus' daughter, scientist Carol Marcus (Alice Eve), joins the crew under a false identity. Arriving at the Klingon home world, the Enterprise's warp core malfunctions. With repairs underway, Kirk, Spock and Uhura use a previously commandeered trader ship to reach Kronos. After being detected by Klingon patrol ships, the three are forced to land. Despite Uhura's attempts to negotiate, the Klingons prepare to kill the trio. Harrison wipes out the Klingons in a show of superhuman strength and confronts the landing party, but surrenders after learning the precise number of photon torpedoes aimed at him. Returning to the Enterprise, Harrison reveals his real identity: Khan Noonien Singh, a genetically augmented superhuman, who has been in Cryo sleep for 300 years after his unsuccessful war to have his superhuman comrades rule the Earth. He advises Kirk to examine the 72 prototype torpedoes and also tells him a set of spatial coordinates. Kirk orders Leonard McCoy to examine the torpedoes, and contacts Scotty on Earth to check the coordinates. The torpedoes are found to each contain a genetically engineered human in Cryo sleep - the remaining members of Khan's colleagues. Khan explains that Admiral Marcus awakened him to use his superior intellect and savagery to develop advanced weapons for a war with the Klingons, keeping his colleagues as hostages. He also says that now Marcus wants to kill Khan to erase every trace of his association with a known war criminal. Kirk realizes that the Enterprise's warp core had been sabotaged on Admiral Marcus' orders, making the covert operation to kill Khan a one-way ticket. Scotty arrives at the coordinates and finds a secret Starfleet shipyard, which he infiltrates. The Enterprise's warp core is repaired, but the ship is soon confronted by an unregistered Federation battleship, the USS Vengeance - a massive vessel built for combat which dwarfs the Enterprise. Admiral Marcus reveals himself as the commander of the Vengeance, demanding Kirk hand over Khan. Kirk refuses, and the Enterprise warps toward Earth, to have Khan stand trial. In Earth's orbit, the Enterprise is attacked by the Vengeance. With the Enterprise severely damaged, Kirk offers to hand over Khan and the 72 bodies in Cryo sleep in exchange for the lives of his crew. Marcus refuses, beams his daughter to the Vengeance, and orders the destruction of the Enterprise-when the Vengeance suddenly suffers a complete power outage, caused by Scotty who had boarded the ship at the secret shipyard. As the Enterprise weapons are too damaged to continue the fight and knowing that Khan was the designer of the Vengeance, Kirk allies himself with Khan and boards the ship. They reunite with Scotty and take the bridge. Meanwhile, Spock contacts Spock Prime to learn of Khan's history and how to defeat him. Khan betrays Kirk and takes control of the Vengeance, killing Admiral Marcus. Khan negotiates with Spock, beaming Kirk and his boarding party back to the Enterprise in exchange for the 72 Cryo torpedoes. Khan plans to destroy the Enterprise, but Spock reveals that real - and armed - torpedoes were beamed to the Vengeance, keeping the Cryo pods on the Enterprise. The torpedoes incapacitate the Vengeance and anger Khan, who believes that his 72 colleagues have been killed. Both ships start descending towards Earth's surface. At the cost of his life, Kirk re-aligns the warp core, enabling the crew to regain control of the Enterprise. The Vengeance crashes into downtown San Francisco but does not kill Khan. Khan tries to escape in the chaos but is pursued by Spock. McCoy discovers that Khan's blood may reanimate Kirk and Uhura prevents Spock from killing Khan, capturing him instead. In the aftermath, Kirk is revived and returns to duty as Captain of the Enterprise. Khan is sealed into his Cryo pod and stored away with the rest of his crew. As the film ends, a restored Enterprise is re-christened and departs for a 5-year mission of exploration.

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Published Jul 16, 2013

FIRST LOOK: Hasbro's KRE-O U.S.S. Vengeance

star trek into darkness vengeance

Vengeance will be yours soon enough. The U.S.S. Vengeance, that is. The black starship featured in Star Trek Into Darkness will make its debut this fall in KRE-O form via Hasbro. Fans attending Comic-Con in San Diego should be sure to visit the Hasbro booth (#3213) to check out the new 326-piece Star Trek building set and, in the meantime, has a First Look.

star trek into darkness vengeance

Hasbro's KRE-O Vengeance will measure 18 inches long, boast a cockpit that opens and can fit a Kreon figure to navigate the ship, and will include "Lighttech Illuminated Stealth Light" and warp engines. Further, the Vengeance will be able to fire two on-board projectiles, and will come with four Kreon figures, namely Scotty and three villains.The KRE-O Vengeance will cost $49.99 and will be available at Toys R Us stores. Keep an eye on for additional details. Don't forget to get live Comic-Con updates at @StarTrek on Twitter!

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  • Memory Beta articles sourced from comics
  • Federation starships
  • Federation starships (Kelvin timeline)
  • 23rd century Federation starships
  • Kelvin timeline starships
  • Section 31 starships
  • Augment starships
  • 2259 spacecraft losses
  • Dreadnought class starships

USS Vengeance (Kelvin timeline)

In the Kelvin timeline , the USS Vengeance was a 23rd century Federation starship , the Dreadnought -class prototype in Section 31 service in the 2250s decade . It was under the command of the rogue Starfleet Admiral Alexander Marcus . ( TOS movie & novelization : Star Trek Into Darkness )

  • 1 Service history
  • 2 Technical specifications
  • 3 Command crew
  • 5.1 Connections
  • 5.2 External link

Service history [ ]

USS Vengeance under construct

The Vengeance under construction

USS Vengeance fires on the USS Enterprise

The USS Vengeance fires on the USS Enterprise

The Vengeance was built in secret by Section 31 at the Io Facility in orbit of Jupiter in order to prepare for war with the Klingon Empire . The vessel was designed by Khan under the pseudonym Commander " John Harrison ". There, Admiral Alexander Marcus put Lieutenant "John Harrison" on it to make everything from propulsion to the weapons systems better. In five months, Harrison was able to give the warp drive more unprecedented capability up to Warp 10 . ( TOS - Khan comic : " Issue 4 ")

After the terrorist attacks on London and Starfleet Headquarters , Admiral Marcus ordered Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise to pursue John Harrison to the Klingon homeworld Qo'noS . After Harrison's capture, Admiral Marcus used the Vengeance to travel to meet the Enterprise . Finding the ship on the edge of the Klingon Neutral Zone , the Vengeance pursued and opened fire on the Enterprise after Kirk refused to turn over Harrison (who had revealed his true identity as Khan).

The Enterprise attempted to escape the Vengeance by jumping to warp , but the Vengeance overtook the Enterprise and knocked it out of warp near Earth . The Vengeance was about to destroy Enterprise after Marcus labeled the crew as traitors and in league with Khan; however, Montgomery Scott was able to disable the Vengeance . Kirk and Khan then space jumped to the Vengeance to rescue Carol Marcus and stop the attack, but Khan tricked Kirk and assumed command of the ship after killing Marcus. Khan then demanded that Spock , in command of the Enterprise , return his people, who were cryogenically stored in 72 special long range torpedoes . Spock agreed; however, he removed the other Augments from the torpedoes and activated the warheads. The torpedoes were then beamed aboard the Vengeance where they detonated, crippling the vessel.

As the Vengeance fell to Earth, Khan set it in on a course towards Starfleet Headquarters, but was only successful in destroying a part of San Francisco 's water front, including the former Alcatraz prison. What became of the wreckage of the Vengeance is currently unknown. ( TOS movie & novelization : Star Trek Into Darkness )

Technical specifications [ ]

The Vengeance was a Dreadnought -class starship, designed by Khan Noonien Singh after the lives of his crew were threatened by Starfleet and Section 31. The vessel was two times larger than the Constitution -class of the era and was three times faster. The ship was heavily automated to the point that she could successfully function with a crew of one person aboard and had more spartan accommodations for personnel than other Federation vessels. The vessel was armed with phaser arrays capable of firing while at warp, multiple torpedo launchers , and other experimental weaponry. She was also faster than other ships of the era and was capable of interfacing with their warp bubble. Its bridge was smaller than contemporary vessels and it featured an expansive shuttle bay and, at minimum, nine hangar bays. ( TOS movie & novelization : Star Trek Into Darkness )

Command crew [ ]

  • Alexander Marcus
  • "John Harrison" (Khan Noonien Singh)
  • unnamed Section 31 personnel

When Section 31 allied themselves with the Romulans , they traded their advanced technology with the aliens, the blueprints of the Vengeance among them. Her advanced specifications were then applied to a new fleet of warbirds . Section 31 also used the Vengeance 's technology as a starting point to produce a fleet of even more advanced ships. ( TOS - The Khitomer Conflict comics : " Part 1 ", " Part 2 ", " Part 3 ", " Part 4 ")

In the primary universe , Federation Starfleet operated the Dreadnought -class, also known as Vengeance -class, replica USS Vengeance in the 25th century and during the Temporal Cold War . ( STO - Agents of Yesterday mission : " Welcome to Earth Spacedock ")

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ], external link [ ].

  • USS Vengeance (Kelvin timeline) article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Odyssey class
  • 3 DS9 relaunch

Screen Rant

Star trek into darkness’ bill hader cameo explained.


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Star Trek Isn’t Supposed To Have Money: What Is Latinum?

Star trek officially brands a surprising deep space nine hero as a war criminal, after 57 years, star trek settles the truth about trelane's godlike species.

Here's Bill Hader's unique Star Trek Into Darkness cameo explained. Following the box-office failure of Star Trek: Nemesi s in 2002, the big screen future of the series looked bleak. That's until J.J. Abrams came along with 2009's Star Trek , which took the original crew - Kirk, Spock, Uhura and all - and split them off on a different timeline from the classic series. The movie had great casting and action and proved to be a blockbuster. The resulting trilogy received mixed notices from longterm Trekkies, however.

Easily the most divisive entry was Star Trek Into Darkness , the 2013 follow-up. It's bizarre marketing campaign - which included flat out lying that Benedict Cumberbatch wasn't playing classic villain Khan - and a story littered with narrative and logical holes annoyed many, though it was still a hit. Justin Lin directed 2016's Star Trek Beyond and is arguably the best, playing like a big-screen version of a classic episode and it featured the warmth and interplay between the crew that was lacking in the previous entry. Sadly, it also performed the worst and has led to uncertainty about the Star Trek movie series moving forwards.

Related: Is Star Trek Into Darkness On Netflix, Hulu Or Prime?

The Kelvin Timeline Star Trek trilogy irritates some fans for sidelining the more thoughtful, philosophical side of the franchise in favor of explosions and spectacle. Star Trek Into Darkness is particularly guilty of this complaint, though it's not without its merits either, including Cumberbatch turning in a great villainous performance. His enhanced human Khan was forced by Starfleet head Alexander Marcus (Peter Weller, RoboCop ) to design weapons for him, which includes the hulking Federation ship the USS Vengeance .

Marcus' plan in Star Trek Into Darkness is to start a war with the Klingon Empire, with the Khan designed USS Vengeance built for that purpose. Fans of Bill Hader may recognize the voice of the ship's computer belongs to the actor too. It's a brief role and Hader revealed to Collider  it was recorded in a hurry and was added shortly before the film's release. Hader is also a prolific voice actor, including playing lead Flint Lockwood in the Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs series.

Bill Hader wasn't quite as well known during Star Trek Into Darkness' original release, but his voice is harder to miss on a rewatch. While various ideas have been pitched for a new Star Trek adventure on the big screen, including a Quentin Tarantino helmed version, the next chapter is currently trapped in development hell.

Next: DS9 Did Star Trek Into Darkness' Story First (& Way Better)

  • SR Originals

How to Play Vengeance Demon Hunter in The War Within - The War Within 11.0.2

Vengeance demon hunter cheat sheet, vengeance demon hunter hero talents: aldrachi reaver and fel-scarred, vengeance demon hunter changes in war within.

  • Live by the Glaive now restores 2% of maximum health (was 4%).
  • Vengeance All ability damage increased by 15%.
  • Thick Skin increases Stamina by 60% (was 65%).
  • Demonic Wards reduces physical and magic damage taken by 8% (was 10%).
  • Soul Cleave healing reduced by 20%.
  • Frailty heals for 8% of damage done (was 10%).
  • Void Reaver reduces damage you take from targets afflicted by Frailty by 3% (was 4%).
  • Illuminated Sigils grants 12% Parry chance (was 15%).
  • Down in Flames reduces Fiery Brand cooldown by 12 seconds (was 15 seconds).
  • Metamorphosis increases maximum health by 40% (was 50%).
  • Darkglare Boon now refreshes 15-30% of Fel Devastation 's cooldown (was 20-40%) and refunds 15-30 Fury (was 20-40).

How Vengeance Demon Hunter Feels in The War Within

Vengeance demon hunter gameplay in the war within.

  • Soul Fragment s, which heal us for 6% of our damage taken in the 5 seconds before they are absorbed.
  • Fury , which is generated or spent with nearly all our core rotational abilities.

Vengeance Demon Hunter Viability in The War Within

Best vengeance demon hunter talent builds for the war within, vengeance demon hunter rotation in war within.

  • Maintain Sigil of Flame whenever it is about to cap on charges.
  • Maintain Immolation Aura .
  • Use any long cooldown abilities whenever available. ( Fiery Brand , Metamorphosis , The Hunt , Sigil of Spite , Soul Carver )
  • Spend Souls on Spirit Bomb if you are at 4 or more in any multi-target situation.
  • Spend Fury on Fel Devastation and Soul Cleave if you will overcap from using any generators on the next global in Single Target, or if you cannot generate enough Souls to reach 4+ in the next 2 globals.
  • Generate Souls with Fracture , Soul Carver , Sigil of Spite , Immolation Aura if you can reach 4+ in the next 2 globals.
  • Generate Fury with any available spell.

Best Vengeance Demon Hunter Stats for War Within

  • Item Level (Agility+Stamina)
  • Versatility

Best Vengeance Demon Hunter Consumables for The War Within

  • Double Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power for general usage.
  • Double Enchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths for pure ST damage.
  • Double Enchant Weapon - Authority of Storms for AoE damage.

Best Vengeance Demon Hunter Trinkets for The War Within

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  1. ArtStation

    star trek into darkness vengeance

  2. USS Vengeance Attacks Enterprise

    star trek into darkness vengeance

  3. USS Vengeance Star Trek Into Darkness Review Analysis

    star trek into darkness vengeance

  4. Star Trek Into Darkness USS Vengeance Artisan Replica

    star trek into darkness vengeance

  5. Star Trek Into Darkness: USS Vengeance crashing into Starfleet Headquarters

    star trek into darkness vengeance

  6. In Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) the USS Vengeance, Admiral Marcus

    star trek into darkness vengeance


  1. USS Vengeance

    (Star Trek Into Darkness) The Vengeance's phaser armament was extremely powerful - a focused barrage could penetrate the defensive shields of a standard starship (even at warp velocities), breach the hull and damage critical systems, and thereby force the other ship from warp back into normal space.

  2. USS Vengeance Attacks Enterprise

    Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) IMAX - USS Vengeance Attacks Enterprise - Warp Battle SceneFilm description: The crew of the Starship Enterprise returns home ...

  3. Dreadnought class

    The Dreadnought-class was an experimental class of dreadnought warship designed by Section 31 of Starfleet with the help of Khan Noonien Singh. The only known vessel of this class, the USS Vengeance, was launched from a secret facility orbiting Io in 2259. (Star Trek Into Darkness) The Dreadnought-class was roughly twice the size of a Constitution-class starship. This class was designed to be ...

  4. Star Trek Into Darkness

    With the Vengeance in the hands of Khan and on the verge of destroying the Enterprise, torpedoes sent by Spock detonate and cripples the Vengeance right befo...

  5. Star Trek Into Darkness

    After Spock cripples the Vengeance, Khan attempts to crash it into Starfleet Headquarters in San Fransisco. And when Khan tries something, he usually gets it...

  6. Star Trek Into Darkness

    Star Trek Into Darkness is a 2013 American science fiction action film directed by J. J. Abrams and written by Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and Damon Lindelof. [4] It is the 12th installment in the Star Trek franchise and the sequel to the 2009 film Star Trek, as the second in a rebooted film series. It features Chris Pine reprising his role as Captain James T. Kirk, with Zachary Quinto, Simon ...

  7. FIRST LOOK: USS Vengeance & New Movie Clip

    FIRST LOOK: USS Vengeance & New Movie Clip. You first saw it, oh so briefly, in a recent Star Trek Into Darkness trailer: a massive black starship that seemed to dwarf the Enterprise. Now, thanks to the Star Trek Into Darkness app, we've got a better view of the ship and a name, too. She's called the U.S.S. Vengeance.

  8. Meet the USS Vengeance

    Look what you can make with the Star Trek Craft Book; Meet the USS Vengeance; Latest Star Trek Magazine details; New Starfleet issue pajamas; Another clip and more posters for Into Darkness; New Star Trek: The Video Game trailer and concept art; Into Darkness round-up; Latest Star Trek comic covers; From History's Shadow has the best cover ...

  9. star trek

    In Star Trek Into Darkness, the Vengeance was able to catch up to the Enterprise and attack it while in warp. According to the answer here, warp is a bubble around a specific ship. This would explain why Kirk was so surprised when it happened.

  10. Creating and destroying the USS Vengeance

    Creating and destroying the USS Vengeance. It seems the new year is the time to look back at Into Darkness, as here are some more behind the scenes goodies to enjoy. ILM has released a third video (following from the previous two a few days ago ), this time looking at their work building San Francisco of the future, and then crashing the USS ...

  11. Exclusive: Hi-res Image Of The Other Starship From Star Trek Into

    "Star Trek: Vengeance" (Russia's title for "Into Darkness") Real Vengeances and non-canon Trek Vengeances The United States Navy has had two ships with the name Vengeance.

  12. The Section 31 Dreadnought-class starship USS Vengeance ...

    The Section 31 Dreadnought-class starship USS Vengeance overtook the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 at warp and fired on the heavy cruiser, penetrating the hull and disabling the starboard nacelle, resulting in a catastrophic collapse of the warp bubble in the year 2239 of the Kelvin Timeline. ... In 'Star Trek Into Darkness', the USS Enterprise is ...

  13. USS Vengeance Star Trek Into Darkness Review Analysis

    This is an in-depth analysis of the USS Vengeance from Star Trek Into Darkness. It covers several aspects such as a scale size comparison and overall design...

  14. Star Trek Into Darkness Ending & Problems Explained

    The ending of Star Trek Into Darkness was an action-packed but bewildering spectacle that played like a funhouse mirror version of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan where the roles of Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) and Spock (Zachary Quinto) were strangely reversed. After Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch) killed Admiral Alexander Marcus (Peter Weller), he took over the USS Vengeance and threatened to ...

  15. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

    In London, Starfleet agent John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch) bombs a secret "Section 31" installation. In San Francisco, Pike and his first officer attend an emergency meeting of high-ranking officers at Starfleet headquarters. The meeting is attacked by a gunship piloted by Harrison, who kills Pike. Kirk destroys the gunship, but Harrison ...

  16. FIRST LOOK: Hasbro's KRE-O U.S.S. Vengeance

    The U.S.S. Vengeance, that is. The black starship featured in Star Trek Into Darkness will make its debut this fall in KRE-O form via Hasbro. Fans attending Comic-Con in San Diego should be sure to visit the Hasbro booth (#3213) to check out the new 326-piece Star Trek building set and, in the meantime, has a First Look.

  17. USS Vengeance (Kelvin timeline)

    (TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek Into Darkness) Technical specifications [] The Vengeance was a Dreadnought-class starship, designed by Khan Noonien Singh after the lives of his crew were threatened by Starfleet and Section 31. The vessel was two times larger than the Constitution-class of the era and was three times faster. The ship was ...

  18. Star Trek Into Darkness' Bill Hader Cameo Explained

    Marcus' plan in Star Trek Into Darkness is to start a war with the Klingon Empire, with the Khan designed USS Vengeance built for that purpose. Fans of Bill Hader may recognize the voice of the ship's computer belongs to the actor too. It's a brief role and Hader revealed to Collider it was recorded in a hurry and was added shortly before the film's release.

  19. U.S.S. Vengeance Model Update!

    While the U.S.S. Vengeance didn't have a registry number or decals in Star Trek: Into Darkness, we thought it would be a nice touch to allow the option to have your version of the Dreadnought decked-out with either the traditional red Starfleet decals or black Section 31 decals, the latter of which looks great if you apply a white or grey ...

  20. Star Trek Into Darkness

    The Vengeance appears and dwarfs the Enterprise. It is commanded by Admiral Marcus and demands that Kirk hand over Khan. He gets into a debate with Kirk in ...

  21. In Star Trek Into Darkness, how many died from the crash in San

    In the movie Star Trek Into Darkness, how many people were killed when the USS Vengeance crashed into San Francisco? Skip to main content. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, ...

  22. Into Darkness

    Into Darkness - Star Trek (Star Trek Into Darkness), noto nel fandom anche con l'acronimo STID o la sigla ST XII, [1] è un film di fantascienza del 2013 diretto da J. J. Abrams.. Sequel del film del 2009 che costituiva il reboot cinematografico della serie di Star Trek, è la dodicesima pellicola della serie e quella che ha riscosso i maggiori incassi. [2

  23. Star Trek: USS Vengeance (Dreadnought Class)

    Spacedock delves into the formidable Dreadnought Class USS Vengeance from #StarTrek's Kelvin Timeline.THE SOJOURN - AN ORIGINAL SCI-FI AUDIO DRAMA:https://ww...

  24. How to Play Vengeance Demon Hunter in The War Within

    Welcome to the Vengeance Demon Hunter guide for the World of Warcraft: The War Within Launch. This guide will help you get started in The War Within Expansion and teach you how to play Vengeance Demon Hunter in Dungeons and prepare for The War Within Season 1, providing the best Talent Trees to use and explaining changes from Dragonflight.

  25. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

    Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) - Vengeance Attacks EnterpriseUSS Enterprise attempts to flee from USS Vengeance but the latter has advanced capabilities and ...