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Published Mar 29, 2024

Deanna Troi Paved the Way For Those of Us Who Never Felt Like We Belonged

How the ship's counselor helped one fan navigate between cultures.

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Deanna Troi

When you’re a kid, you assume most people are fundamentally similar. Then one day, you realize this isn’t entirely true.

For me, this day was Halloween, 1988. I proudly wore my pirate costume to school — after watching The Goonies for the hundredth time — where we stuffed our faces with candy (this was the ’80s, candy was a food group back then), and watched scary movies in class (also totally acceptable in the ‘80s). After school, everyone in the neighborhood went trick-or-treating. Pretty typical, right?

What Makes Deanna Troi so Special?

What wasn’t quite so typical was my first pseudo-Greek American Halloween party at my aunt’s house later that day. It consisted of the following — pumpkin decorations painted blue and white like the Greek flag, my grandfather loudly playing Greek folk music in the background while wearing a cape (whether he was dressed as a vampire or a magician is still up for debate), and somewhere, someone was cooking lamb.

Amidst all this, my aunt kept saying, "Triki Triki!" I didn’t figure out until years later that she was actually saying "Trick or Treat," her accent altering the words. It was then that I realized I wasn’t quite like the other kids I knew. It was the first time that my two, very distinct cultures came into contact with one another.

Deanna Troi leans forward while eating a chocolate sundae in Ten Forward. Riker is sitting across from her, with his back to the camera.

"The Game"

Growing up, I spoke Greek and English interchangeably with my family. And sure, I’d heard tales of the "old country" and visited Greece almost every summer, but I didn’t really consider myself anything other than American. And yet, to everyone else, with my long, unpronounceable name and tendency to bring spanakopita to school for lunch, I was 100% Greek.

It was only when I actually moved to Greece years later, that I realized I didn’t quite belong there either. It was a strange predicament to be in. I felt as though everyone wanted to label me as one thing or another, and depending on where I was in my life, the answer would change. Reconciling where I fit in at any given time was one of the most challenging things I faced growing up. Throughout all of this, there was one character with whom I could identify — one character who seemed to be at the same crossroads as I, and that was Deanna Troi. Her cross-cultural heritage and the juxtaposition of both cultures influencing her seemed very familiar.

"The Loss"

Ship’s counselor Deanna Troi hailed from two distinct worlds — Betazed and Earth. She utilized her Betazoid abilities as an empath, both personally and professionally, and yet, her mannerisms, pursuits, and hobbies all seemed decidedly human. What appealed to me about her character was that, in a sense, Deanna was in a similar situation as I was — at the intersection of two very distinct cultures, and yet she catered to both sides, always embracing aspects of each, never holding one above the other. It was an acceptance and fluidity that I greatly admired.

As half-Betazoid, growing up on Betazed, Deanna was undoubtedly heavily influenced by the culture of her mother, given that her human father died when she was young. Physically, her empathic gifts stem from this side. Throughout her life, she never shies from using these abilities. In fact, when she loses them, it’s devastating; feeling as though she’s lost a part of herself (" The Loss "). We only see slight hesitation when communicating telepathically with her mother onboard the Enterprise , preferring instead to speak out loud in order to put her crewmates at ease.

Lwaxana Troi wraps her arm around Deanna Troi's shoulders in 'Haven'


In a sense, her mother Lwaxana Troi is symbolic of Deanna’s Betazoid side. She wears traditional Betazoid attire, stubbornly prefers telepathy — oftentimes making non-telepaths uncomfortable, namely Captain Picard. At any given chance, Lwaxana upholds Betazoid customs (even if they’re a tad difficult for non-Betazoids to handle, like showing up to her wedding without clothing). In many ways, Lwaxana reminds me of my own relatives — stubborn, traditional, and outspoken, oftentimes observing time-old practices that just didn’t make sense to my non-Greek friends (the time I had to bring garlic cloves with me to an awards ceremony at school so I wouldn’t get the evil eye is one for the books). Yet in the end, Lwaxana’s influence and the Betazoid culture are distinct, prominent parts of Deanna’s personality and background. She never shies away from either, always choosing acceptance, despite the circumstances.

Deanna also had to juggle the part of her that is distinctly human. While she spent her childhood on Betazed, most of her adult life took place among humans and other humanoids on a Federation ship. Many of her pursuits onboard the Enterprise-D lean towards her human side, including late-night poker sessions, workouts with Beverly, and her affinity for non-Betazoid cuisine, namely chocolate. In her professional life, it’s a given that her empathic Betazoid abilities gave her a leg-up as ship’s counselor, but her drive and ambition, her hope and desire to reach everyone who came to her in need, I’d like to think that’s credited to her human side. We also see Deanna thrive in more leadership-related roles during her tenure, undoubtedly putting to use all her prior experience onboard a starship.

In front of their home, Riker, Deanna Troi, and their daughter warmly greet Picard in 'Nepenthe'


Later on in life, when we visit her again in " Nepenthe ," she’s wholeheartedly embraced family life and motherhood, and puts a unique, truly Deanna spin on it all, perhaps harkening back to the style her own parents used to raise her.

Ultimately, Deanna Troi shows us that we can embrace every part of ourselves, and that it’s those components that make us who we are as a whole. There’s no need to prefer one aspect of our background or culture, in favor of another. In fact, I’ve personally found that the pressure we sometimes put on ourselves can be greater than any external pressure we might face. The beauty of Star Trek and the fundamental acceptance of infinite diversity in infinite combinations implies that you take in with open arms, all the individual parts that make you unique.

On the Enterprise-D bridge, Deanna Troi and Will Riker embrace in a hug in 'The Last Generation'

"The Last Generation"

There were many times in my life when I would conform for the benefit of one culture over another. I only realized later in life that I didn’t need to align myself with either my Greek or American side, and that it’s perfectly alright to proudly be a part of both and accept everything that’s special about each. Our favorite cross-cultural characters, like Worf, Michael Burnham, Spock, and Odo, mostly feel the pressure they put upon themselves — which is oftentimes greater than outside influence. Once we admit this, we can put the pieces of who we are together and move forward as a stronger whole.

Ultimately, I can’t think of a better quote to reference than Deanna’s own words, " Confidence is faith in oneself. It can't easily be given by another. " And in a way, having faith in who you are, embracing all parts of your heritage and cultural composition, is what instills confidence and puts at the forefront the importance of accepting your own uniqueness.

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This article was originally published on December 1, 2020.

Hrisoula Gatzogiannis (she/her) has a B.A. & M.A. in Classics and now works in digital strategy. She loves writing and has authored a few books on various subjects. She currently resides in Boston, but wishes she lived on Deep Space Nine. Find her on Twitter @ xrisoulabos

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Deanna Troi

I’m sensing you want to know more about Deanna Troi. Grab a chocolate sundae and let's get going!

Deanna Troi

10. The Role First Went To Denise Crosby

Deanna Troi

Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Deanna Troi

  • 1.1 Early life
  • 1.2 Young adulthood and early career
  • 1.3 The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
  • 1.4 The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
  • 1.5 Later life
  • 2 25th century
  • 3 Personal information
  • 4 Starfleet service record
  • 5.1 Connections
  • 5.2 Appearances
  • 5.3 External links

Biography [ ]

Early life [ ].

Deanna Troi, the second daughter of Lwaxana and Starfleet officer, Ian Andrew Troi , was born on March 29th 2336 , on the planet Betazed near Lake El-Nar . ( TNG episode : " Conundrum ", ST website : )

A few months after Deanna's birth, her elder sister Kestra drowned in Lake El'nar chasing the family dog. ( TNG episode : " Dark Page ")

One of Deanna's favorite pastimes growing up was having her father, Ian, read stories to her about Earth 's ancient west era and singing songs of the era. Deanna's favorite books were in the Cowboy Ralph series, written by an author named Ernest Pratt and her favorite song was Down in the Valley . Ian's nickname for Deanna was 'Durango'. The last time Deanna spoke to her father, he promised to return home with a surprise. Sadly, Ian Troi was killed in the line of duty before returning home when she was seven years of age. ( TLE novel : The Art of the Impossible , ST website : )

Troi also always longed to join a circus, but these were obsolete on Earth and had never existed on Betazed . ( TNG comic : " The Rich and the Dead! ")

Because Deanna was half-human, she could never be a full telepath, which she finally accepted at the age of 12 in 2348 , which caused her to experience feelings of isolation and inadequacy when compared to other Betazoids. ( TNG novel : Guises of the Mind ) She has "limited telepathic power" in that she could read emotions "and thought patterns of other sentient lifeforms" but with no reading of actual thoughts. ( TNG video game : The Transinium Challenge )

Young adulthood and early career [ ]

Deanna first met William T. Riker in the year 2354 at the wedding of her friend, Chandra Xerx , when Riker was temporarily assigned to Betazed. Riker actively pursued Deanna, and while the attraction was mutual, Deanna wished for Riker to mature emotionally before getting involved with him. Riker and Troi gave into their mutual passion in the Jalara Jungle after Riker rescued Deanna from a group of Sindareen raiders. At this point, Riker became Deanna's imzadi , or the first to touch her mind, soul, and body. The relationship was short-lived, as Riker tended to focus on his career and still had a roving eye for the ladies, combined with Deanna's overbearing mother. The two parted amicably, without saying "Good-Bye". ( TNG novel : Imzadi )

Deanna Troi, cadet

Deanna entered Starfleet Academy in 2355 . ( TNG episode : " Conundrum ")

Troi majored in psychology at the University of Betazed . ( TNG video game : Echoes from the Past ) and ( TNG novel : Imzadi )

In 2358 , Deanna began a four-month advanced behavioral psychology internship at Darona 's prison facility for the criminally insane. During her time at the prison, Deanna studied Hent Tevren , a Betazoid psychopath who had the ability to kill telepathically. ( TNG novel : The Battle of Betazed )

In 2359 , Troi graduated from the Academy. Later that year, she served with a senior officer named Masc . ( TNG episode : " Conundrum "; ST - Tales of the Dominion War short story : " The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned ")

In 2361 , Deanna Troi met Will Riker at the Janaran Falls on Betazed. The two arranged to meet on Risa, six weeks later, but Riker failed to arrive. The two did not see one another until they were both posted aboard the USS Enterprise -D in 2364 . ( TNG episode : " Second Chances ")

In 2363 , Admiral J.P. Hanson assigned Troi to the staff of Captain Jean-Luc Picard , ostensibly as a first contact specialist. Her actual role, however, was to judge the captain's mental state. Deanna immediately told the captain the truth, as she felt it would be unethical to do otherwise. She remained on his staff as both contact specialist and counselor, and aided him in dealing with his emotions concerning the Manraloth .

In late 2363, Troi was promoted to lieutenant commander . While on Vulcan during a lay over on her way to Earth for the launch of the Enterprise -D, she counseled Picard (who was on Starbase 52 ) when he discovered that Beverly Crusher had been assigned as Enterprise chief medical officer . Picard later surprised her when he told her he'd found his new first officer, William Riker. ( TNG novel : The Buried Age )

The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) [ ]


Deanna as the Enterprise -D's Counselor in 2367 .

Lieutenant Commander Troi was assigned to the Enterprise -D as chief counselor in 2364 . On the starship's first mission to Deneb IV , she was vital to Captain Picard in discovering the truth about Q and the Star-jellies captured by the Bandi . ( TNG episode & novelization : Encounter at Farpoint )

In 2365 , Troi had the short-lived responsibility of mother to the alien lifeform Ian Andrew Troi II . ( TNG episode : " The Child ")

Following Picard's assimilation by the Borg into Locutus , Troi counselled him on his traumatic experience. ( TNG episode : " Family ", DS9 novelization : Emissary )

In 2367 , the Enterprise was assigned to transport Luss and Coridanite ambassadors to Sindar . During the mission, Deanna was poisoned by Raxatocin , administered by a Chameloid from the year 2408 . However, Deanna's life was saved by the intervention of Admiral William Riker, also from 2408, who had traveled to the past to prevent Deanna's murder. ( TNG novel : Imzadi )

Deanna and Dr. Crusher were then sent to help with a Zelaznan fever outbreak on the Beta Hydros Four colony. After they returned to the Enterprise , they learned that Commander Riker and his team aboard the shuttle Albert Einstein disappeared. Deanna, however, kept her hope that the ever-resourceful Riker would find a way back to them. ( TNG comic : " The Flight of the Albert Einstein ")

She was hesitant at first to agree with Captain Picard to return to other duties. She also agreed to help with the memorial service to them. At the memorial service, she gave a eulogy about Lt. Worf . ( TNG comic : " Mourning Star ")

When the Enterprise was sent help in the evacuation of Lanatos , Deana sensed that the Lanatosians were hiding something. Thus, Captain Picard sent her down there, using her Lieutenant Commander rank, to find out what they were hiding.


Deanna making first contact with the Skriiti.

As she investigated, she sensed something calling out to her. She discovered a cave and inside was a herd of telepathic Skriiti . Unfortunately, the Lanatosians tried to keep her quiet by sealing her inside the cave. ( TNG comic : " Trapped ")

She was eventually rescued by Lieutenant Commander Data . She along with the captain and Data, were able to convince the Lanatosians to allow the Skriiti to be taken with them. ( TNG comic : " The Barrier ")

After Lanatos was destroyed, Deanna and one of the Skriiti talked about her sadness about Riker and the others. When the Enterprise arrived somewhere near the Klingon border, in response to a message from the IKS Ars'Lek about a ship, she sensed that ship was filled with klingons, Romulans , humans, Benzites , and Betazoids . Riker, his team from the Einstein , and the many aliens from the ship were rescued. ( TNG comic : " Homecoming ")

In 2370 , the Enterprise -D rendezvoused with the shuttlecraft Goddard , carrying retired Captain Montgomery Scott . Scott utilized the old logs of the original USS Enterprise and recreated the gravity slingshot that propelled the Bounty 2 back through time, with the Enterprise following. In this alternate universe , the Borg had assimilated Earth before they could develop warp drive, and were systematically assimilating the Alpha Quadrant . In addition, the Borg Queen had utilized several local species as unknowing technological farms; one such world was Narisias . One Narisian served on a ship the Enterprise encountered, the Wisdom , and Troi helped determine who she was by sensing a second presence in her mind controlling the body, so that the officer could not derail their plans. ( Star Trek novel : Engines of Destiny )

Also in that year, Deanna began a romantic relationship with Lieutenant Worf . ( TNG episode : " Parallels ")

After attending an Academy class reunion in 2370, Deanna returned to the Enterprise and applied to take the bridge officer's test. After working hard and taking advice from Commander Riker, Troi passed the test and was promoted to full Commander . ( TNG episode : " Thine Own Self ")

Later that year in a surprise attack on the Enterprise Deanna received substantial injuries, cranial trauma and massive internal hemorrhaging , she only survived thanks to Worf's instinct to check on her, defying orders to report to the bridge immediately. Despite Worf's efforts, she still almost died twice in sickbay. The aggressor later attacked again, however because Deanna had survived she could sense the ship had no crew which allowed the Enterprise crew to devise a way to block it's remote controlling communications and destroy the ship. Later when Troi had returned to her quarters Worf walked in on her and Riker engaged in a pillow fight, dropping the flowers he had bought her in shock. The two were just playing as friends though and as Riker departed to go on a date he reminded them the reason he had come round in the first place was to deliver Deanna's favorite dessert per Worf's suggestion. ( TNG comic : " Strategy ")

Following the destruction of the Enterprise -D in mid- 2371 , Worf proposed to Deanna and she accepted. After the couple met Lwaxana Troi on Betazed, Deanna and Worf's son, Alexander Rozhenko , were kidnapped by Sela and Thomas Riker . Deanna and Alexander were used as leverage to force Riker to assassinate Klingon Chancellor Gowron . Troi and Alexander were later rescued by Commander Elizabeth Shelby of the USS Excalibur . Following the rescue, Deanna and Worf called off their engagement, realizing that they were too different, and that Troi still had feelings for Will Riker. ( TNG novel : Triangle: Imzadi II )

The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) [ ]

Nearly at the end of the USS Enterprise -E 's first year of service, the Borg returned and launched an attack on Earth. Although their main cube was destroyed, a Borg sphere traveled back in time to 2063 and conquered the planet there. The crew followed them back to this time and, while Picard and the majority of the crew fought the Collective in orbit, Troi accompanied an away team to the planet.

There, she played an integral role in convincing Zefram Cochrane to fulfill his destiny and achieve first contact before returning to 2373 . She also got drunk with him. On stardate 50900, Captain Picard posted a log entry commending Troi for her work in convincing Cochrane in continuing with his warp flight. ( TNG movie : First Contact , ST website : )

In 2374 , Deanna went with the Enterprise to help convince the Gorn Hegemony to join them in their fight against the Dominion. She accompanied Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher as the ruling government was undergoing a coup backed by the Black Crest . Deanna was then taken hostage by warlord Slessshh and his soldiers. After Data defeated Slessshh, she found the last of the eggs of the political caste. ( TNG comic : " The Gorn Crisis ")

Later that year, at the height of the Dominion War , Betazed was invaded by the Jem'Hadar . In early 2375 , Deanna was part of a commando mission to free the planet. During the course of that mission, she was forced to gain the knowledge of how to use telepathic powers to kill, among other manipulative powers. Using one's powers in these ways is considered very evil by the peaceful Betazoid people. She imparted the knowledge of how to overwhelm others with emotions to her people, but kept the rest to herself. Only being a half-Betazoid, she is not a strong enough telepath to use these powers, but is the only living carrier of the knowledge of how to kill with one's mind. ( TNG novel : The Battle of Betazed )

Later that same year, the Enterprise diverted to the planet Ba'ku after Data disrupted a Starfleet operation there. After the android was neutralized as a threat, Troi and Picard led an away team to the planet with Dr. Crusher . There, Troi gave valuable insights on the peaceful, simple Ba'ku society. Shortly afterwards, Picard chose to defy the orders of Admiral Dougherty - a collaborator with the tyrannical Son'a - in order to save the Ba'ku, and Troi was among the staff that agreed to help him.

While Riker and La Forge fended off the Son'a in space, a team consisting of Picard, Data, Worf, Troi, and Crusher engaged their troops on the surface. The crisis was cut short when Riker destroyed the Son'a ship in the Briar Patch and Dougherty, along with Son'a leader Ru'afo , was killed in a conflict with Picard. With the threat vanquished Troi and Dr. Crusher helped the Ba'ku to return to normal.

It was during this assignment that Troi and Riker rekindled their romance. ( TNG movie : Insurrection )

Other missions that Troi participated in during this year included a rendezvous with the Palami, a temporal encounter with the creator of the transporter ( TNG comic : " Forgiveness "), and the rescue of Gemworld . ( TNG novel : Gemworld )

In early 2378 , Troi was serving on the Enterprise when the USS Voyager returned from the Delta Quadrant . Troi was sent to Voyager to speak to the crew as they had been through severe trauma and had not had a counselor on the ship. She worked overtime and was told by Captain Picard to treat the situation as a "catastrophic-level" duty assignment. ( VOY novel : Homecoming )

In 2379, Troi married William Riker on Earth, surrounded by her friends. She prepared to leave Captain Picard and her crewmates on the USS Enterprise -E behind, as she had chosen to accompany her husband onto the USS Titan . However, this did not occur quite as planned; the newly-married couple became embroiled in Picard's latest mission to Romulus, where the recently-appointed Praetor Shinzon had extended a hand of peace towards the Federation.

Troi was a member of the away team (comprised of Picard, Riker, Data , and Worf ) that opened negotiations, but they quickly took a sinister turn. Shinzon was revealed to be a biological clone of Picard and, with the help of the Reman Viceroy , telepathically assaulted Troi. When the crew realised that Shinzon was planning to use a thalaron radiation weapon to destroy Earth, they engaged his vastly powerful flagship - the Scimitar - in battle. The Enterprise was crippled and many were killed. She was on the bridge when the Scimitar managed to breach it. Deanna was nearly blown out of her chair and sucked into space, but she managed to grip her console in time, and hung on until the force field came up.

Troi manned the helm during this crisis, and executed Picard's order to ram the ship into Shinzon's vessel. It was with Data's sacrifice, though, that Shinzon was defeated and the Scimitar destroyed. After mourning the loss of her friend, Troi finally left the Enterprise and began a fresh chapter of her life aboard Titan . ( TNG movie : Nemesis )

Later life [ ]

In 2381 , she and Riker had their first child, named Thaddeus "Thad" Troi-Riker . Troi and Riker also had a daughter, Kestra Troi-Riker named after her late sister. She and her family eventually settled on Nepenthe hoping mitigate Thad's Mendaxic neurosclerosis after Federation banned synthetic lifeforms follow the Attack on Mars . ( PIC episodes : " Nepenthe ", " Maps and Legends ")

25th century [ ]

At some point in the 25th century , Deanna was a captain and supervised a team creating a new holoprogram. She also had three grandchildren. ( STO novel : The Needs of the Many )

Personal information [ ]

Deanna loved chocolate in various forms, including Ktarian chocolate puffs and chocolate ice cream. ( TNG episode : " Liaisons "; VOY episode : " Life Line ")

Starfleet service record [ ]

Appendices [ ], connections [ ], appearances [ ], external links [ ].

  • Deanna Troi article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Deanna Troi article at the Star Trek Timelines Wiki .
  • Deanna Troi article at Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
  • Troi, Deanna
  • 1 Larson class
  • 2 Odyssey class
  • 3 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews
  • Episode aired Nov 28, 1987

Anna Katarina in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

While on a mission to a planet called Haven, Counselor Troi meets her husband to be, a marriage arranged by her father years before, as the Enterprise encounters a ship far deadlier than any... Read all While on a mission to a planet called Haven, Counselor Troi meets her husband to be, a marriage arranged by her father years before, as the Enterprise encounters a ship far deadlier than any combat could provide. While on a mission to a planet called Haven, Counselor Troi meets her husband to be, a marriage arranged by her father years before, as the Enterprise encounters a ship far deadlier than any combat could provide.

  • Richard Compton
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Tracy Tormé
  • Lan O'Kun
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Jonathan Frakes
  • LeVar Burton
  • 19 User reviews
  • 13 Critic reviews

Marina Sirtis and Majel Barrett in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

Top cast 24

Patrick Stewart

  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Jonathan Frakes

  • Commander William Thomas 'Will' Riker

LeVar Burton

  • Lieutenant Geordi La Forge

Denise Crosby

  • Lieutenant Natasha 'Tasha' Yar

Michael Dorn

  • Lieutenant Worf
  • (credit only)

Gates McFadden

  • Doctor Beverly Crusher

Marina Sirtis

  • Counselor Deanna Troi

Brent Spiner

  • Lieutenant Commander Data

Wil Wheaton

  • Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher

Majel Barrett

  • Lwaxana Troi

Robert Knepper

  • Wyatt Miller
  • (as Rob Knepper)

Nan Martin

  • Victoria Miller

Robert Ellenstein

  • Steven Miller

Carel Struycken

  • Transporter Chief
  • Gene Roddenberry (showrunner)
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

Did you know

  • Trivia Second (albeit uncredited) Star Trek appearance of Armin Shimerman ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) 's Quark) as the face of the talking gift box.
  • Goofs When Lwaxana Troi transports to the Enterprise, the transporter chief has his arms folded behind his back, but the transporter sound and actual transport happen without him touching anything. But as we all know, beaming IN does not always require the receiving operator to use his controls. They are controlled by the sending operator.

Counselor Troi : Stop this petty bickering, all of you! Especially you, Mother!

[runs out of the dining room]

Lt. Cmdr. Data : [polite tone] Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.

  • Connections Referenced in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Past Prologue (1993)
  • Soundtracks Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title Composed by Jerry Goldsmith and Alexander Courage

User reviews 19

  • anarchistica
  • Mar 19, 2020
  • November 28, 1987 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official site
  • Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA (Studio)
  • Paramount Television
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 46 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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Marina Sirtis Confirms Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Role Isn’t The ‘Same Old Troi'

The star shared what she could about the upcoming season.

Deanna Troi in Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 is something that Trek fans seem to be very excited about, especially those who've watched The Next Generation . Fans have already seen glimpses of the classic TNG cast in action but, despite exciting trailers and news of unexpected appearances from classic villains, many are still pining for more details on the upcoming season. Well, while speaking with CinemaBlend, Marina Sirtis might’ve confirmed some of the wishes viewers had for Deanna Troi, as she promised that these upcoming episodes don’t just show the “same old Troi.” 

Deanna Troi is as beloved as any character on Star Trek: The Next Generation , but it’s no secret that some felt she was underutilized in the acclaimed series. I spoke to Marina Sirtis ahead of the release of her upcoming movie Control , which hits on-demand services on Thursday, December 1. During the chat, we also discussed whether or not Troi fans can expect more for the character in her latest appearance. When talking Picard Season 3, the actress said the following:

Yes. I can’t give too much away because, you know, I’ve signed so many NDA’s I feel like one of the Trump mistresses at the moment. But, yes, there is a development. I can say that. There is a development, it’s not same old, same old Troi. Not that there was anything wrong with Troi in my opinion! It’s 30 years on, geez, one would hope, right? We’re not doing cookie-cutter stuff.

Of course, Marina Sirtis couldn't really share any specific details about what’s going on with Deanna Troi on Star Trek: Picard Season 3, but she did give us just enough to confirm that we’re going to see a different side of her character. That’s certainly exciting to hear, considering fans didn’t get a ton of time with her in Picard Season 1 when she returned alongside Riker . The third season will apparently bring about a new “development” for her, though we can only speculate as to what that means. 

One interesting thing to note after this latest quote from the actress is that Deanna doesn’t have a lot of screen time in the latest trailer. There is a brief shot of her staring at something and looking shocked, but it’s impossible to say what’s going on. Though you could possibly interpret that as a sign that Troi has a significant and secret role in the story -- and that revealing more than that could lead to spoilers. 

Obviously, this "development" teased by Sirtis is one the show wants to play close to the vest unlike some other Picard nuggets we’ve learned . So we’ll just have to wait and see what’s happening with Troi and whether this season is the fitting send-off have fans wanted for the TNG crew.  

Until then, Star Trek fans can check out Marina Sirtis in the upcoming movie Control , which follows a USSR-raised man named Andrei who's struggling in America’s great recession in the late 2000s. Sirtis plays Andrei’s mother and in doing so, puts her masterful work with accents to good use.

Of course, anyone with a Paramount+ subscription can also catch the actress as Deanna Troi when Star Trek: Picard Season 3 premieres on Paramount+ on Thursday, February 16th. With the new year right around the corner, now is as good of a time as any to keep an eye out for the upcoming Trek shows that are slated for the calendar year!


Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News

Mick Joest is a Content Producer for CinemaBlend with his hand in an eclectic mix of television goodness. Star Trek is his main jam, but he also regularly reports on happenings in the world of Star Trek, WWE, Doctor Who, 90 Day Fiancé, Quantum Leap, and Big Brother. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Radio and Television. He's great at hosting panels and appearing on podcasts if given the chance as well.

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troy on star trek

Memory Alpha

Lwaxana Troi

Lwaxana Troi was a Betazoid Federation ambassador , and the mother of Deanna Troi . She was one of the more wealthy and colorful Federation diplomats , having led a life of both flamboyance and tragedy.

Lwaxana had a larger-than-life and extremely flirtatious persona, which caused severe friction with and embarrassment to her daughter Deanna, of whom she tended to be extremely overprotective.

  • 1 Early life
  • 2 Ambassadorial duties
  • 3.1 Marriage
  • 3.2.1 Kestra Troi
  • 3.2.2 Deanna Troi
  • 3.2.3 Child with Jeyal
  • 3.3.1 Timicin
  • 3.3.2 Campio
  • 3.4.1 Jean-Luc Picard
  • 3.4.3 Alexander Rozhenko
  • 4 Chronology
  • 5.1 Appearances
  • 5.2 Background information
  • 5.3 Apocrypha
  • 5.4 External links

Early life [ ]

Lwaxana's father was something of a traditionalist; he rarely spoke, saying it was for " offworlders and people who didn't know any better. " Both of Lwaxana's parents had died by 2372 , as had her sister. ( TNG : " Eye of the Beholder "; DS9 : " The Muse ")

Ambassadorial duties [ ]

Lwaxana candy fascination

Ambassador Troi aboard DS9

Lwaxana was a daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed , the holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx , and heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed . She had a tendency to remind people of this fact when she felt that she had been slighted or whenever she chose to establish her authority. ( TNG : " Haven "; DS9 : " The Forsaken ")

Lwaxana represented the Betazed government at the Pacifica Conference in 2365 . Shortly before arriving to the conference, she exposed two Antedian assassins who were planning to bomb the conference with ultritium explosives. ( TNG : " Manhunt ")

In 2366 , Deanna Troi fabricated a story involving Lwaxana visiting the USS Enterprise -D as part of an attempt to encourage Captain Jean-Luc Picard to take leave on Risa . ( TNG : " Captain's Holiday ")

Also in 2366, Lwaxana, along with Reittan Grax , was part of the delegation of the biennial Trade Agreements Conference on Betazed. Lwaxana irritated her daughter by communicating telepathically even though they were among non-telepaths, and later by gate-crashing her date with William T. Riker . She was kidnapped by Ferengi DaiMon Tog along with her daughter and Commander Riker. The trio was eventually rescued by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. ( TNG : " Ménage à Troi ")

Lwaxana was part of a delegation of four Federation ambassadors visiting Deep Space 9 in 2369 . Her fellow ambassadors included Lojal , Vadosia , and Taxco . ( DS9 : " The Forsaken ")

In 2371 , she visited Bajor and took a shuttle from there to visit Deep Space 9. Upon her arrival, she explained to Odo that " Officially I'm here as the Betazoid representative to the Gratitude Festival . But the truth is, I came to see you, you poor sweet tortured man. " ( DS9 : " Fascination ")

Personal relationships [ ]

Marriage [ ].

Ian Andrew Troi

Ian Andrew Troi

Lwaxana was married a number of times. Her first husband was a close friend of fellow ambassador Reittan Grax . Lwaxana described him as " not much of a conversationalist, but what a lover. " ( TNG : " Ménage à Troi ")

A subsequent marriage to Lieutenant Ian Andrew Troi produced two children: Kestra in 2330 and Deanna in 2336 . According to Deanna, Ian worshiped Lwaxana. Ian died in 2343 , although the circumstances of his death were unknown. Deanna later recalled how she cried after his death. ( TNG : " Ménage à Troi ", " Half a Life ", " Dark Page ")

Her marriage to Jeyal , a Tavnian , produced a son, but she ended the marriage by marrying Odo due to her disagreement over the Tavnian custom of separation of the sexes in child-rearing. ( DS9 : " The Muse ")

Children [ ]

Kestra troi [ ].

Kestra was the oldest of Lwaxana's children. Tragically, Kestra drowned during a family picnic at Lake El'nar . The incident left Lwaxana so broken with sorrow, guilt, and regret that she decided to repress all memories of Kestra. She also deleted all diary entries pertaining to her. She destroyed everything that could possibly remind her of Kestra and also made her husband promise never to mention Kestra again. A picture of Kestra remained, however, secretly preserved by Mr. Homn . ( TNG : " Dark Page "; DS9 : " The Muse ")

Deanna Troi [ ]

Deanna and Lwaxana Troi, 2364

With Deanna in 2364

Deanna and Lwaxana Troi, 2370

With Deanna in 2370

Deanna was Lwaxana's second daughter. She was born a few months before Kestra's death. Deanna often felt that she was the parent while Lwaxana was the child.

According to a scene cut from the final version of " Cost Of Living ", when Deanna was six years old, Lwaxana held a birthday party for her. Lwaxana disappeared halfway through the party and reappeared dressed up as a Koropian princess , carried in a sedan chair by four men.

Lwaxana often considered Deanna to be "all she had left," and thus was often protective of her, hoping she would find a husband to take care of her. ( TNG : " Haven ")

Child with Jeyal [ ]

In 2372 , Lwaxana was pregnant with her third child . This child was the product of her union with the Tavnian Jeyal. When their marriage was dissolved, Lwaxana returned to Betazed to raise the child. ( DS9 : " The Muse ")

The name of Lwaxana's son was given as Barin in the novel The Battle of Betazed and the short story The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned published in the anthology book Tales of the Dominion War .

In some ultimately unused dialogue from the first draft script of " Body Parts ", Odo recalled having felt this child, when it was at a fetal stage in Lwaxana's womb . Odo commented that, for a moment, he had sensed the child's thoughts, which Kira Nerys attributed to the fact both Lwaxana and the baby were Betazoid. In the final version of "Body Parts", neither of the two Betazoids are referred to.

Romance [ ]

In addition to her string of marriages, Lwaxana has also had numerous dalliances and flirtations with various others.

During a romance with a native from Rigel , the man named a star in Lwaxana's honor. ( TNG : " Half a Life ")

Timicin [ ]

Lwaxana and Timicin

Together with Timicin

In 2367 , Lwaxana fell in love with the Kaelon scientist Timicin while he was performing experiments on board the Enterprise -D. Unfortunately, he was to perform the " Resolution ," a ritual suicide which people of his race were expected to perform upon reaching the age of sixty. Although Lwaxana desperately attempted to convince Timicin not to go through with the ritual, Timicin ultimately decided it must be done, and Lwaxana eventually relented. She then opted to respectfully witness the ceremony along with Timicin's family. ( TNG : " Half a Life ")

In 2368 , Lwaxana exchanged personality profiles with Kostolain Minister Campio . Their profiles were very harmonious, but in real life, they couldn't have been more different. Campio was incredibly tied to protocol while Lwaxana was too free-spirited for him. Their marriage was canceled during the wedding when Lwaxana appeared to the ceremony in the traditional Betazoid way – without any clothes. ( TNG : " Cost Of Living ")

Lwaxana Troi without wig

Lwaxana without her wig

Lwaxana Troi and Odo dancing

Lwaxana embraces Odo

Lwaxana also had a romantic attraction to Constable Odo, the security chief of Deep Space 9. She first met Odo while visiting the station in 2369, along with several other Federation ambassadors. Odo returned a precious hair brooch for Lwaxana after it was stolen at Quark's , an act for which he caught her attention immediately. According to Lwaxana " All the men I've known... who've needed to be shaped and molded and manipulated. Finally, I've met a man who knows how to do it himself. " She tried to seduce him, unfortunately quite unsuccessfully. She didn't lose her interest, however, and further tried to attract his attention. A power failure caused the pair to get stuck in one of the station's turbolifts . During their time in the lift, they bonded and formed a special friendship: as he was the first person ever to see her without a wig , while Lwaxana used her skirt to contain Odo when he had to revert into his gelatinous "liquid state" to regenerate. ( DS9 : " The Forsaken ")

Lwaxana returned to the station in 2371 shortly before the Bajoran Gratitude Festival . Officially, she was there to take part in the festival, but in reality, she was there to visit Odo. Her continuous attempts of seduction once again proved unsuccessful. At the time, she was suffering from Zanthi fever , which caused her to project her amorous feelings for Odo to those around her. She was ultimately cured by Dr. Julian Bashir . While parting from Odo, she wished him good luck with Major Kira Nerys , whom she realized he was in love with. ( DS9 : " Fascination ")

Odo and Lwaxana Troi married

Lwaxana marrying Odo

She returned seeking Odo's help the following year, after she had run away from her new husband, Jeyal. She took refuge on the station, and at once depressed Worf , Jadzia Dax , and Kira with the sad story of her marriage. Her mood brightened after spending some time with Odo, who – unlike their previous encounters – had by now grown more comfortable interacting with others, to the point he expressed genuine enjoyment while spending time with her. Jeyal soon arrived in search of her, with the intent of claiming his unborn child. Odo and Lwaxana were married in order to prevent this, as the child would be the ward of any man who was married to the woman, not only the biological one. They parted some time later and she apparently delivered the child on Betazed. ( DS9 : " The Muse ")

Friendships [ ]

Jean-luc picard [ ].

Lwaxana and Picard on the bridge

Lwaxana in Picard's arms, after he saved her from Tog

Lwaxana first met Captain Jean-Luc Picard aboard the USS Enterprise -D in 2364 when she boarded the ship from planet Haven to meet her daughter, Deanna. Her attitude towards Picard was not the expected one as she initially treated him like a servant, embarrassing her daughter. Picard found Lwaxana's presence aboard his ship to be an annoyance, but Lwaxana did not seem to be bothered by it. She considered joining with Picard, but thought he was a little too old. As she departed, she commented that Picard's thoughts about her were very erotic. ( TNG : " Haven ")

She returned to the Enterprise in 2365 while she was in " the Phase ," a period in a Betazoid woman's life when her sexuality is in a heightened state. She decided to concentrate all her energy to a single man, Picard. Despite arranging a private romantic dinner, her advances for him failed. The captain hid from Lwaxana in a Dixon Hill holodeck program . ( TNG : " Manhunt ")

Picard was responsible for rescuing Lwaxana from DaiMon Tog after she was kidnapped by him. He managed this by convincing the Ferengi that he and Lwaxana had been lovers and that the Captain was insanely jealous; going so far as killing anyone who tried to take her away from him. In order to secure her release from Tog, the Captain played this role whereupon he recited Shakespeare while counting down from ten and threatening to destroy Tog's ship if she was not returned to him. Upon Lwaxana's return, she seemed eager to keep up the ruse, but Picard graciously returned her to Betazed – at warp 9. ( TNG : " Ménage à Troi ")

Lwaxana apparently "gave up the hope" for Picard, but the Enterprise still remained one of her favorite sites to visit. ( TNG : " Cost Of Living ", " Half a Life ")

According to Doctor Crusher , the arrival of Lwaxana made Picard shudder. ( TNG : " Remember Me ")

Ambassador Troi commonly referred to Worf as "Mr. Woof", to which he always politely corrected her with, " It is Worf, madam. " For a very brief time in 2365, when Lwaxana was going through "the Phase," she considered Worf as a mate, but decided Captain Picard made a better choice. In an alternate quantum reality , when Worf asked Deanna to become his son 's Soh-chIm , he did not consider that it would also make Ambassador Troi his stepmother; he ultimately decided to go through with it anyway. Worf once stated that Lwaxana was an "admirable woman." ( TNG : " Manhunt ", " Ethics ", " Parallels ", " Ménage à Troi ")

Alexander Rozhenko [ ]

Lwaxana befriended Alexander Rozhenko, Worf's son, while visiting in 2368 with the intention of marrying Minister Campio on board. Lwaxana taught Alexander how to have fun, angering both the boy's father and her husband-to-be. She called Alexander her "little warrior."

Additionally, young Alexander had something to teach Lwaxana, reminding his elder of the importance of being true to one's self. Lwaxana had resigned herself to compromising who she was in order to not be alone anymore, and she shared this resignation (without mentioning the specifics) with Alexander. He then asked, with characteristic childlike innocence, " why? " which got her to thinking about what she was doing... and why. It was that exchange that finally led to her appearance at the wedding ceremony in the true tradition of her homeworld. As she walked up to the altar wearing all her finest jewelry – and nothing else – Alexander looked up at her, beaming with pride (apparently he had figured out what the issue was). Lwaxana gave him a particularly meaningful, and appreciative, smile in return. ( TNG : " Cost Of Living ")

Attendants [ ]


Mr. Homn, Lwaxana Troi's second attendant.

Xelo was Lwaxana's attendant before Homn. She apparently had to fire him after his thoughts about her became too erotic. ( TNG : " Haven ")

Mr. Homn was Lwaxana's attendant for several years and he often accompanied her on her journeys. ( TNG : " Haven ")

Chronology [ ]

Lwaxana Troi aboard a shuttle

Troi on her way to the Enterprise -D.

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " Manhunt "
  • " Ménage à Troi "
  • " Half a Life "
  • " Cost Of Living "
  • " Dark Page "
  • " The Forsaken "
  • " Fascination "
  • " The Muse "

Background information [ ]

Lwaxana Troi was played by Majel Barrett-Roddenberry , the wife of Gene Roddenberry . According to Barrett-Roddenberry, " Gene came home one day and said to me, 'Majel, I have a great part for you, and guess what – you don't have to act! " She recalled that her husband went on to describe the character to her as " the Auntie Mame of the Galaxy. " ( Star Trek: The Next Generation 365 , p. 033) She is also called this in the DS9 series bible. [1]

Lwaxana Troi's costumes were regarded as a highlight by Costume Designer Robert Blackman , who remarked, " All of Lwaxana Troi's clothing is fun because it's fairly outrageous. " ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 32 , p. 77)

Apocrypha [ ]

In the novel Q-in-Law , Lwaxana formed a romantic attachment to Q . At first, Q seemed to return the feelings, even to the point of sharing his power with her. In truth, Q was just using Lwaxana in an experiment designed to prove the worthlessness of the Human emotion love. Q was initially prevented from removing Lwaxana's power by another member of the Q Continuum , who allowed Lwaxana to use the power to teach Q a lesson about interfering in people's lives. At one point, it is revealed that Lwaxana is in the habit of telling Deanna “Life is a banquet! And most poor bastards are starving to death!” A paraphrase of Auntie Mame's signature line.

In the eBook The Insolence of Office , Lwaxana gives birth to her son and names him Barin, meaning "Little One" in the Tavnian language, on Betazed in late 2372 .

In the short story "The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned" from the anthology book Tales of the Dominion War , Lwaxana was at her home on Betazed when the Dominion took the planet right out from under the nose of the Tenth Fleet in 2374 . Her elegant ancestral home was destroyed and Mr. Homn was killed protecting young Barin from the attack.

In the novel The Battle of Betazed , Lwaxana became a member of the Betazed underground movement to fight the Dominion's presence on Betazed. It was Lwaxana's idea to recruit the telepathic killer, Hent Tevron, to the cause of Betazoid freedom. Deanna had studied Tevron's case as a student, and had learned some of Tevron's telepathic secrets before he died. Using Tevron's knowledge, the most powerful Betazoid telepaths were able to empathically overload the Jem'Hadar 's minds. Many Betazoids died from the strain of the assault, but it was successful, and the world was liberated.

In a Star Trek Online in-universe blog, it is established that Lwaxana is still active in 2410 "despite her advancing years", and served as a councilor of sorts to the Federation President , Aennik Okeg, in deciding whether or not the Federation should give the Na'kuhl humanitarian help, after the loss of their homeworld. She also mediated the Lukari/Kentari terraforming crisis.

External links [ ]

  • Lwaxana Troi at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 2 Bell Riots
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)

Why Majel Barrett Was Known As 'The First Lady Of Star Trek'

Majel Barrett on microphone

If there's one person that's more important to the "Star Trek" universe than names like Kirk, Spock, Picard, and any other character that's graced the deck of an Enterprise ship, it's Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the now 58-year franchise . He molded a universe of brave heroes and explorers that sought out new life and new civilizations, changing science fiction forever in the process. It also left its mark on Majel Barrett, who would go on to marry Roddenberry and become what fans aptly dubbed The First Lady of Star Trek.

Though she and Roddenberry met prior to the show's creation, Barrett found her place among the stars when she was cast on the original "Star Trek" series as Nurse Christine Chapel after portraying Number One in the show's pilot episode. While not as prominent as some other characters, she remained a staple of "Trek" lore, appearing in all three seasons of the original series as well as "Star Trek: The Animated Series." The character of Chapel has regained greater prominence in the last few years as a key member of Captain Pike's (Anson Mount) team in "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds," though this time  Jess Bush has brought the character to life . However, when it comes to the original cast member behind the crew member, Barrett is one of the few original "Star Trek" legends who had multiple roles throughout the franchise's history.

Majel Barrett returned as the mother of Deanna Troi in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Deanna and Lwaxana Troi

In 1979, Barrett reprised her role as Chapel (who had at this point become a doctor) in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" and then again in "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" in 1986. A year later, Barrett returned to space in a brand-new role that would become just as beloved.

Appearing in nine episodes beginning with "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Season 1, Episode 11, she portrayed the legendary and incredibly flirtatious Lwaxana Troi, mother of Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis). The character, who would also go on to make multiple appearances in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," was a far cry from her previous role, which was exactly why Barrett had so much fun playing her.

In an interview for the show's official magazine in 1988 (via ), Barrett said, "She's a much more fun character, and I can play her forever, because I'm at an age where that's totally believable. I would like to continue to do that." That being said, Barrett still held a special place in her heart for Chapel as well. "I could leave Chapel very easily. However, if somebody gave me the chance to do her again, of course I would." Lwaxana would be Barrett's last on-screen acting role in the "Star Trek" universe, but there was still an integral part of the franchise that she was responsible for since 1966. And through TV and movie magic, she was able to stick with it even after her passing in 2008.

Majel Barrett voiced the Starfleet computer

Majel Barrett and Eugene Roddenberry

In addition to nursing injured members of the Enterprise's crew back to health, Majel Barrett was also the voice of the Starfleet Computer, a role she held since the original "Star Trek" series. If life signs needed to be read or food had to be ordered, it was Barrett's voice that responded to the crew's request. It's a detail that, once you know it, can't be unheard if you watch a lot of "Star Trek."

Thanks to Roddenberry's foresight of where technology was headed, and with his wife's voice guiding the way, major companies that would make these fantasies a reality got in touch with her years down the line. Before her death in 2008, Rod Roddenberry (son of Majel and Gene) revealed the big names in the world of smart devices that tried to beam Barrett in to work on their products. "​​Those companies actually reached out to her. Apple, I believe, and I know Google did before she passed," he told Cinema Blend . "Everyone had the same idea, which is still a great idea, 'We should have Majel Roddenberry, the voice of the Star Trek computer, be the voice of all our automated machinery out there.'"

While that didn't come to pass, Barrett's voice maintained its position in "Star Trek" right up until J.J. Abrams big screen reboot of the franchise in 2009, proving that, just like her husband, the First Lady of Star Trek and her legacy would echo through space even after she was gone.

troy on star trek

Riker & Troi Forgot Star Trek: Insurrections Cure For Their Dying Son

  • Riker & Troi lost their son Thad to a rare disease, unable to cure him due to the Federation ban on synthetics.
  • Ba'ku's regenerative properties could have saved Thad, but possible events may have changed its effectiveness.
  • Riker and Troi likely had a valid reason for not taking Thad to Ba'ku, despite their willingness to do anything to save him.

As revealed in Star Trek: Picard , Captain William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) lost their son, Thaddeus, to a rare disease, but why didn't they take him to Star Trek: Insurrection's Ba’ku? Picking up twenty years after the events of Nemesis in the Star Trek timeline , Picard season 1 checked in on Riker and Troi and their daughter, Kestra (Lulu Wilson). Riker and Troi had settled on the planet Nepenthe because of the planet's healing properties, in an attempt to heal their son, Thad.

Thad contracted a disease known as mendaxic neurosclerosis, a silicon-based virus that could be cured using an active positronic matrix. However, after the Federation banned synthetics following the synth attack on Mars in 2385, there were no positronic matrices available. Unfortunately, the healing properties of Nepenthe's soil were not enough and Thad tragically passed away. But this raises the question of why Riker and Troi didn't settle on the Ba'ku planet, as they had been there before in Star Trek: Insurrection and seen the healing properties of the Briar Patch firsthand.

Netflixs Star Trek Is The Best Chance To Finally Meet Riker & Trois Son

If Netflix greenlights Star Trek: Prodigy season 3, a trip to Nepenthe for the USS Prodigy crew to meet the Riker-Troi family is possible.

Riker & Troi Forgot To Take Their Dying Son To Star Trek: Insurrections Fountain Of Youth

Why didn't riker & troi take thad to ba'ku.

In Star Trek: Insurrection, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his crew disobey direct orders from Starfleet to protect the peaceful Ba'ku people and their planet from the villainous Son'a . Because of Ba'ku's location in the region of space known as the Briar Patch, the planet's inhabitants are effectively immortal and free from any disease. When Picard and his crew land there, they soon feel younger and rejuvenated. Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton) even gains natural eyesight, although the effects wear off when he leaves the planet.

Thad's death caused understandable strain in Riker and Troi's marriage, although they came back together in Star Trek: Picard season 3.

If the properties of Ba'ku could restore eyesight, then it seems likely they could cure Thad's illness. Unfortunately, a person must remain on the planet for the effects to work, meaning Thad's illness may have returned if he had ever left. Still, Riker and Troi would likely have seen settling on one planet as a small price to pay if it meant their son survived. After all, they moved to Nepenthe for that very reason. Perhaps some in-universe reason that has yet to be explained kept Riker and Troi from returning to Ba'ku.

Star Trek: Picard Hints What Could Have Happened To Insurrections Fountain Of Youth

Did something happen to ba'ku or its regenerative properties.

Will Riker and Deanna Troi were willing to relocate and settle in Nepenthe in order to help their son, which suggests something may have happened to the Briar Patch and/or Ba'ku. Although no explanation has been provided on screen, it's possible the Briar Patch region of space no longer has regenerative properties due to some anomaly or natural disaster. It's also possible the Son'a or some other species took over Ba'ku, and that it is unsafe. Or perhaps the Federation simply no longer has control of the planet and they do not allow visitors.

Riker and Troi seem like the types of parents who would do everything to save their son, so they must have had a good reason for not traveling to Ba'ku. While it would have been interesting to see them search for a way to save Thad, either by seeking a positronic matrix on the black market or traveling to a planet like Ba'ku, the story would have had to end in tragedy. Perhaps it's enough to know that Riker and Troi did what they could to save Thad before Star Trek: Picard , but, just like in the real world, some tragedies cannot be prevented.

Star Trek: Picard

Cast Orla Brady, Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Jonathan Frakes, Jeri Ryan, Patrick Stewart, Alison Pill, Isa Briones, Evan Evagora, Marina Sirtis, Amanda Plummer, Whoopi Goldberg, Gates McFadden, Todd Stashwick, Santiago Cabrera, Michelle Hurd, John de Lancie, Ed Speleers

Release Date January 23, 2020

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Showrunner Akiva Goldsman, Terry Matalas, Michael Chabon

Riker & Troi Forgot Star Trek: Insurrections Cure For Their Dying Son

Patrick Stewart Threatened Paramount With A Lawsuit Over One Star Trek Costume

Star Trek: The Next Generation, Patrick Stewart

In the first two seasons of "Star Trek: The Next Generation," the crew of the Enterprise-D wore zip-up, full-body jumpsuits as their uniforms. The jumpsuits had no collars and sported a diamond-shaped pattern that draped over the shoulders. They were very pajamas-like, but didn't look very cozy. Indeed, they weren't very flattering either. In Larry Nemecek's invaluable sourcebook "The Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion," actor Jonathan Frakes noted that the jumpsuit uniforms were so unforgiving that if one ate an extra donut for breakfast, everyone could see it for the rest of the day.

It wouldn't be until the show's third season that the uniforms would be redesigned. In addition to a small collar, the top portion of the uniform was replaced by a boxier, more roomy torso that zipped up the back. Although the actors can be seen constantly readjusting the new uniforms (in what came to be known as "the Picard maneuver"), they looked a heck of a lot more comfortable. The redesign was carried through to the end of the series.

For a while, though, everyone was constantly irritated by the jumpsuits. In fact, the jumpsuits were so tight and slung so snugly over the actors' shoulders that several of them started to suffer mild back problems. It was hard to stand up straight.

Indeed, the jumpsuits were so hard on Patrick Stewart's back that the Picard actor threatened to sue Paramount over the costume's designs. Stewart talked to Newsweek in 2008 about how much he hated the uniforms, and how he suspected they were all deliberately made in too-small sizes. He was relieved when complaints forced the studio to change the Starfleet uniforms with real human bodies in mind.

The Next Generation's season 1 costumes were a problem

Star Trek: The Next Generation cast

When asked if he ever got sick of the season 1 jumpsuit he had to wear, Stewart was rather frank:

"Sick of it? I came to loathe it. We actually got rid of it after the second season thanks to my chiropractor, who said if they don't take you out of that costume we are going to slap a lawsuit on Paramount for the lasting damage done to your spine. [...] They were made from Lycra and one size too small. The producers wanted to have a smooth, unwrinkled look. It put a terrible amount of strain on the shoulders, neck and back."

Imagine wearing a lightweight wetsuit every day to work, and you may have an idea of what Stewart and his co-stars had to go through. In early episodes of the series, some of the cast members, male and female, were permitted to wear minidresses ( seen on Troi actor Marina Sirtis in the photo above ), but those were abandoned rather quickly. Perhaps they were seen as too much of a sexist throwback to the minidresses worn by the women on "Star Trek: The Original Series."

The lawsuit, incidentally, was no idle threat. Stewart actually made moves toward legal action and personally appealed to show creator Gene Roddenberry, hoping to get the uniforms redesigned. The actor went into a little more detail in his excellent autobiography "Making It So: A Memoir."  The first version of the "Next Generation" uniforms were designed by William Ware Theiss, the Emmy-winning creator of the original "Star Trek" uniforms. The redesigned uniforms were constructed by longtime "Trek" costumer Robert Blackman, and, according to Stewart, they were a mercy.

Stewart lawyering up did the trick

Star Trek: The Next Generation Encounter at Farpoint

In "Making it So," Stewart wrote:

" Our one-piece uniforms, created by the original 'Star Trek's' costume designer, William Ware Theiss, were made of spandex and deliberately cut one size too small so that they never wrinkled and kept our bodies on constant display [...] The problem was these uniforms, beyond their leaving little to the imagination, were constricting to the point of causing pain [...] I campaigned to Gene directly to switch to different uniforms but my pleas fell on deaf ears."

It was then that Stewart was encouraged to get litigious. He was in Los Angeles, now, after all, and lawyering up is the town's equivalent of a friendly handshake. He continued:

"[M]y agent, Steve Dontaville, came up with a brilliant idea: I would consult my doctor and ask him to make an appeal, as a medical professional, to change the uniforms. Steve also threw his weight around, intimating to the Paramount execs that if the situation were not remedied, he would bring suit against them for any muscular and joint damage I suffered."

No legal papers were actually filed, of course, but Stewart's legal posturing was enough to rattle Paramount a little bit. Blackman constructed the newer, more comfortable uniforms, and all was well. Frakes no longer had to worry about extra donut s and, more importantly, no one was going to have to go home with a sore back anymore.

Also, to offer a brief editorial, Blackman's uniforms looked more formal. Theiss' uniforms looked fine, but they possessed a throwback sci-fi quality that made "Next Generation" seem a little dated. The newer uniforms felt a little more timeless.

Screen Rant

Netflix’s star trek is the best chance to finally meet riker & troi’s son.


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Star Trek: Prodigy Season 3 - Everything We Know

I’m so sad star trek: voyager didn’t do a planned borg zombie episode, 34 years later, star trek's most disappointing tng character exit still hurts.

  • Star Trek: Prodigy season 3 is the perfect opportunity to introduce Thad Troi-Riker, son of Captain Riker and Counselor Troi.
  • Season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy received high ratings and charted in Netflix's top 10 in multiple countries.
  • Thad Riker's fate was sealed by the Federation's synthetics ban, a tragedy that could be explored in Prodigy season 3.

Star Trek: Prodigy season 3 is the best chance to introduce Thad Troi-Riker, the son of Captain Will Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis). Netflix released all 20 Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 episodes on July 1st. Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 boasts a perfect 100% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes and a stellar 95% popcorn meter audience rating. Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 also charted in Netflix's top 10 in multiple countries. Hopefully, Netflix will renew Star Trek: Prodigy for season 3 , and the USS Prodigy can take a trip to the planet Nepenthe.

Star Trek: Picard season 1 offered the first update on the lives of Captain Riker and Counselor Troi after they married and took over the USS Titan at the end of Star Trek: Nemesis . In 2399, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) sought sanctuary for Soji Asha (Isa Briones) at the home of the Troi-Rikers on Nepenthe. There, audiences learned that Will and Deanna were mourning the death of their eldest son, Thad Riker, who died from mendaxic neurosclerosis. Although Thad was never seen in Star Trek: Picard save for a photo of Jean-Luc holding him as an infant, Star Trek: Prodigy season 3 can show Thad while he's still alive.

Netflix has the option to order Star Trek: Prodigy season 3. Here's what we know about the young Starfleet crew of the USS Protostar's return.

Star Trek: Prodigy Season 3 Can Introduce Riker & Troi’s Son Thad

The uss prodigy can travel to nepenthe.

Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 ended in 2385, not long after the Mars Attack on First Contact Day that was first seen in the Star Trek: Short Treks episode "Children of Men" and Star Trek: Picard season 1. As an answer to the United Federation of Planets ceasing Starfleet's galactic exploration, Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) assigned the new Protostar Class USS Prodigy to Gwyndala (Ella Purnell), Dal R'El (Brett Gray), and their young friends. The USS Prodigy's mission is to be a beacon of hope and bring the light of the Federation to worlds beyond its receding borders.

S tar Trek: Prodigy can show young Thad Troi-Riker forming friendships with Gwyn, Dal, and their friends.

The USS Prodigy could conceivably travel to Nepenthe in Star Trek: Prodigy season 3 so that its young Starfleet crew can meet Will Riker, Deanna Troi, Thad Riker, and daughter Kestra (Lulu Wilson) . This would allow Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, and Lulu Wilson to voice their characters , and Star Trek: Prodigy can show young Thad Troi-Riker forming friendships with Gwyn, Dal, and their friends. In 2385, Will and Deanna left the USS Titan and move to Nepenthe in the hopes that the planet's regenerative properties could cure Thad. Star Trek: Prodigy season 3 visiting Nepenthe would be another welcome connection to Star Trek: Picard.

Star Trek: Prodigy season 2's finale showed the reunion of Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) and his mother, Dr. Beverly Crusher, as well as Wes meeting his young half-brother, Jack Crusher.

Thad Riker Is Doomed Because Of Star Trek: Picard’s Mars Attack

The federation's synthetics ban was fatal for riker and troi's son.

Star Trek: Prodigy season 3 bringing its young heroes to Nepenthe to meet Thad Troi-Riker would shine a new light on the tragedies resulting from the Mars Attack of 2385 . As a result of rogue synthetics burning Mars, over 90,000 souls were lost and 20,000 starships under construction at Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards were destroyed. The Federation banned synthetic life forms, including androids and other forms of artificial life. This ban doomed Will and Deanna Troi's deathly ill son.

Thad Troi-Riker's mendaxic neurosclerosis could have been cured through an active positronic matrix, but the Federation's ban on synthetic life made this impossible. Thad died from his disease, and the loss of their son had a deleterious effect on Will and Deanna's marriage, which was revealed and finally resolved in Star Trek: Picard season 3. But while Thad is dying in Star Trek: Prodigy season 3's time frame, a visit by the USS Prodigy can finally show who Riker and Troi's son was and why he was so special, as well as Thad becoming special to his possible new, young friends from Starfleet Academy.

Star Trek: Prodigy

Not available

Star Trek: Prodigy

'I Loved It': Christopher Lloyd Reflects on Villain Role in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock


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Veteran actor Christopher Lloyd recently opened up about his memorable role as the Klingon Commander Kruge in the 1984 film Star Trek III: The Search for Spock .

In an interview with Variety , Lloyd shared his enthusiasm for the character, recounting the transformative experience of donning the extensive makeup and costume that brought Kruge to life. " I loved it ," Lloyd stated, emphasizing the connection he aimed to create between his character and the audience, even as a villain.

Christopher Lloyd Addresses the 'Phenomenal' Legacy of Back to the Future

Christopher Lloyd comments on how much the Back to the Future movies continue to resonate with fans.

Reflecting on his approach to the role, Lloyd revealed that he sought to infuse Kruge with relatable qualities, despite the character's villainous nature. "I tried to find what is it about this guy that I could relate to an audience whereby they will feel something about themselves in this guy—even if it’s somebody you don’t want at your dinner table," he explained. Lloyd’s portrayal of Kruge added depth to the character, making him more than just a typical sci-fi antagonist. “It doesn’t change his undesirable traits, but I want the audience to feel they’re not engaged with somebody off a different planet . They’re engaged with somebody they can talk to.”

They’re engaged with somebody they can talk to.

Lloyd was initially approached by director Leonard Nimoy, who envisioned him as the menacing antagonist in the film. The role required Lloyd to undergo hours of makeup each morning, arriving at Paramount Studios as early as 4 a.m. to prepare for the day’s shoot. The elaborate prosthetics, which included a pronounced forehead, intense brows, and a distinctive goatee, played a crucial role in helping Lloyd fully embody the ruthless Klingon leader.

Christopher Lloyd Drops in on Back to the Future's Broadway Cast With Surprise Visit

Back to the Future film star Christopher Lloyd surprises the Broadway adaptation's cast with a visit a month ahead of the stage show's premiere.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $76 million at the domestic box office. The film, which served as the second installment in a three-part story arc, followed the crew of the USS Enterprise as they attempted to reunite Spock's body and spirit. Lloyd’s performance as Kruge stood out, contributing to the film’s generally positive reception, although some critics were less enthusiastic about the plot and special effects.

Christopher Lloyd's Star Trek Role Is Among His Most Memorable

Lloyd’s role in Star Trek III remains a significant highlight in his career, further solidifying his place in pop culture history. Lloyd is best known for his iconic role as Doc Brown in the Back to the Future trilogy , where his portrayal of the eccentric, time-traveling scientist became a cultural touchstone. Additionally, Lloyd made a lasting impression as the sinister Judge Doom in Who Framed Roger Rabbit . He also starred as the quirky Uncle Fester i n The Addams Family films, further cementing his reputation for bringing eccentric and memorable characters to life.

The film’s enduring popularity among Star Trek fans is a testament to the impact of his portrayal, with Kruge continuing to be celebrated as one of the franchise's most memorable villains.

Source: Variety

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Admiral Kirk and his bridge crew risk their careers stealing the decommissioned U.S.S. Enterprise to return to the restricted Genesis Planet to recover Spock's body.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)


  1. 30 Greatest Moments From ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’

    troy on star trek

  2. What Happened To Star Trek's Counselor Troi?

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  3. Counselor Deanna Troi

    troy on star trek

  4. The 8 Best Deanna Troi Moments in Star Trek: The Next Generation

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  5. Troyian

    troy on star trek

  6. Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troy in Star Trek TNG

    troy on star trek


  1. Marina Sirtis

    Marina Sirtis (/ ˈ s ɜːr t ɪ s /; born 29 March 1955) is a British actress.She is best known for her role as Counselor Deanna Troi on the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and four Star Trek feature films, as well as other appearances in the Star Trek franchise.

  2. Deanna Troi

    Deanna Troi is a main character in the science-fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and related TV series and films, portrayed by English actress Marina Sirtis.Troi is half-human, half-Betazoid, and has the psionic ability to sense emotions.She serves as the ship's counsellor on USS Enterprise-D.Throughout most of the series, she holds the rank of lieutenant commander.

  3. Marina Sirtis

    Marina Sirtis. Actress: Star Trek: The Next Generation. Marina Sirtis was born in London, England, to Greek parents, Despina (Yianniri), a tailor's assistant, and John Sirtis. Her parents did not want her to become an actress. As soon as Marina completed high school, she secretly applied to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. After her graduation, she worked in musical theater, repertory ...

  4. Deanna Troi

    Deanna Troi was a female Betazoid-Human hybrid Starfleet officer. Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, she served as the counselor aboard the USS Enterprise-D and the USS Enterprise-E. In 2379, Troi transferred to the USS Titan (Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek Nemesis). By 2399, she and her husband William T. Riker lived on the planet Nepenthe with their daughter, Kestra ...

  5. Star Trek: TNG's Marina Sirtis & Counselor Troi Explained

    Counselor Deanna Troi made her Star Trek debut in the premiere episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1987. As a half-Betazoid and half-human, Troi can sense the emotions of those around her and speak telepathically to other Betazoids. Troi is trained as a psychologist and serves as the ship's counselor on the USS Enterprise for all seven seasons of TNG.

  6. What Happened To Star Trek's Counselor Troi?

    Marina Sirtis played Deanna Troi, the empathic counselor on Star Trek: The Next Generation, for seven seasons and four movies. She also voiced Demona on Gargoyles, Queen Bee on Young Justice, and other characters in animated shows and video games.

  7. Star Trek: Everything Counselor Troi Did After The Next Generation

    Deanna Troi was a staple on the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D, but she contributed plenty after her time on Star Trek: The Next Generation as well. Played by Marina Sirtis, Counselor Deanna Troi was the Enterprise's resident therapist, one of the first instances of televised science fiction acknowledging that space travelers have mental health needs too.

  8. Marina Sirtis

    Marina Sirtis (born 29 March 1955; age 69) is the English-American actress best known for playing Counselor Deanna Troi on Star Trek: The Next Generation. She later played the role in four Star Trek films, as well as episodes of Star Trek: Voyager, the series finale of Star Trek: Enterprise, episodes of Star Trek: Picard, and an episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks. Along with Colm Meaney (Miles ...

  9. Why Is Deanna Troi Important in Star Trek: The Next Generation?

    For seven seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation-- and its four subsequent films -- Counselor Deanna Troi played a pivotal role aboard the USS Enterprise, but her importance to the NCC1701-D's continuing mission is often overlooked.Early in the The Next Generation pilot episode, "Encounter at Farpoint," Troi and Riker's romantic history was established.

  10. The Radical Empathy of Deanna Troi

    Of all Star Trek: The Next Generation's top-notch, all-thriller, no-filler cast of characters, Deanna Troi is perhaps one of the more under-appreciated, despite appearing in all seven seasons, the TNG films, and even a few Star Trek: Voyager episodes. Though she was omnipresent through much of the series, the focus seldom fell on her. Yet, when it did, her cultivation of radical empathy ...

  11. 9 Things You Should Know About Marina Sirtis

    Sirtis hears all the time from fans who tell her how her portrayal of Troi inspired them to become counselors, social workers or therapists. One such person, a female attendee at last year's Star Trek: Mission New York, credited Sirtis for her becoming a social worker. After she hugged the woman, Sirtis explained to the audience, "That blows my ...

  12. Deanna Troi Paved the Way For Those of Us Who Never Felt Ship's counselor Deanna Troi hailed from two distinct worlds — Betazed and Earth. She utilized her Betazoid abilities as an empath, both personally and professionally, and yet, her mannerisms, pursuits, and hobbies all seemed decidedly human. What appealed to me about her character was that, in a sense, Deanna was in a similar ...

  13. Every Troi Star Trek Appearance After TNG

    2 Troi in Star Trek: Lower Decks. Troi made a fairly brief appearance in the Star Trek: Lower Decks season 1 finale "No Small Parts." The episode is set between the events of Nemesis and Picard, with Riker and Troi still aboard the Titan. The USS Cerritos found itself in a dire situation, under attack from a much more powerful Pakled vessel.

  14. Deanna Troi on Star Trek the Next Generation

    The one and only Marina Sirtis -- world-famous for portraying the beloved counselor Commander Deanna Troi in the iconic "Star Trek: The Next Generation" TV s...

  15. Marina Sirtis

    Marina Sirtis. Actress: Star Trek: The Next Generation. Marina Sirtis was born in London, England, to Greek parents, Despina (Yianniri), a tailor's assistant, and John Sirtis. Her parents did not want her to become an actress. As soon as Marina completed high school, she secretly applied to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. After her graduation, she worked in musical theater, repertory ...

  16. Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Deanna Troi

    10. The Role First Went To Denise Crosby. Paramount. Before filming began on Star Trek: The Next Generation, the producers were set on casting Denise Crosby in the role of Deanna Troi, and, at the ...

  17. The 8 Best Deanna Troi Moments in Star Trek: The Next Generation

    In one of the shows many holodeck-gone-awry episodes "A Fistful of Datas," Deanna fully gets into character as Deputy Durango, and is annoyed by Worf's lack of investment in the fantasy.

  18. Deanna Troi

    Deanna as the Enterprise-D's Counselor in 2367.. Lieutenant Commander Troi was assigned to the Enterprise-D as chief counselor in 2364.On the starship's first mission to Deneb IV, she was vital to Captain Picard in discovering the truth about Q and the Star-jellies captured by the Bandi.(TNG episode & novelization: Encounter at Farpoint) In 2365, Troi had the short-lived responsibility of ...

  19. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Haven (TV Episode 1987)

    Haven: Directed by Richard Compton. With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Denise Crosby. While on a mission to a planet called Haven, Counselor Troi meets her husband to be, a marriage arranged by her father years before, as the Enterprise encounters a ship far deadlier than any combat could provide.

  20. Marina Sirtis Confirms Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Role

    Paramount Plus Essential - Yearly. $59.99. /year. View. at Paramount+. Of course, Marina Sirtis couldn't really share any specific details about what's going on with Deanna Troi on Star Trek ...

  21. Star Trek TNG: 10 Questions About Deanna Troi, Answered

    Deanna Troi was born on Betazed, to Starfleet officer Ian Andrew Troi and Betazed Ambassador Lwaxana Troi. Her family lived near Lake El'nar, of which she has both happy and tragic memories. Kestra, her older sister, drowned in the lake when Deanna was just a baby. Her mother attempted to erase all memories of the incident, but they resurfaced ...

  22. Lwaxana Troi

    Lwaxana Troi was a Betazoid Federation ambassador, and the mother of Deanna Troi. She was one of the more wealthy and colorful Federation diplomats, having led a life of both flamboyance and tragedy. Lwaxana had a larger-than-life and extremely flirtatious persona, which caused severe friction with and embarrassment to her daughter Deanna, of whom she tended to be extremely overprotective ...

  23. Why Majel Barrett Was Known As 'The First Lady Of Star Trek'

    Appearing in nine episodes beginning with "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Season 1, Episode 11, she portrayed the legendary and incredibly flirtatious Lwaxana Troi, mother of Deanna Troi (Marina ...

  24. The Child (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

    In 2019, ScreenRant ranked it the 5th worst episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation based on IMDB ratings, which was 5.8 out of 10 at that time. [23] In 2020, Syfy highlighted this episode for the character of Troi, noting how it gives her a "dramatic moments of crisis" rather than having to more typically offer advice to others, along with ...

  25. Riker & Troi Forgot Star Trek: Insurrections Cure For Their Dying Son

    Picking up twenty years after the events of Nemesis in the Star Trek timeline, Picard season 1 checked in on Riker and Troi and their daughter, Kestra (Lulu Wilson). Riker and Troi had settled on ...

  26. Star Trek: Patrick Stewart Threatened Paramount With Lawsuit

    In the first two seasons of "Star Trek: The Next Generation," the crew of the Enterprise-D wore zip-up, full-body jumpsuits as their uniforms. The jumpsuits had no collars and sported a diamond ...

  27. Netflix's Star Trek Is The Best Chance To Finally Meet Riker & Troi's Son

    Star Trek: Prodigy season 3 is the best chance to introduce Thad Troi-Riker, the son of Captain Will Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis). Netflix released all 20 Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 episodes on July 1st.Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 boasts a perfect 100% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes and a stellar 95% popcorn meter audience rating.

  28. 'I Loved It': Christopher Lloyd Reflects on Villain Role in Star Trek

    Veteran actor Christopher Lloyd recently opened up about his memorable role as the Klingon Commander Kruge in the 1984 film Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.. In an interview with Variety, Lloyd shared his enthusiasm for the character, recounting the transformative experience of donning the extensive makeup and costume that brought Kruge to life."I loved it," Lloyd stated, emphasizing the ...