Ukrainian Passport

The Ukrainian passport provides access to 117 countries without a visa. It grants e-visas in 50 countries. In 20 countries, visas are available upon arrival. However, visas are required in 53 nations.

Ukraine's population is currently estimated to be over 41 million. It is the eighth most populous country in Europe. The majority of the population resides in urban areas, with the capital city, Kyiv, being the most populous.

The Ukrainian passport is a travel document issued to citizens of Ukraine for international travel. It is valid for 10 years for adults and 4 years for minors. It contains 32 pages, although a 64-page passport can be issued upon request.

Visa-free map

Nearby countries.

The nearest visa free countries to visit for Ukrainian passport holders are Moldova, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Latvia .

Visa free countries

So, where can Ukrainians travel without a visa? We have listed all the countries where Ukraine citizens can travel visa-free, eliminating the hassle of visa paperwork.

  • 🇦🇱 Albania (90 days)
  • 🇦🇩 Andorra (N/A)
  • 🇦🇹 Austria (90 days)
  • 🇧🇾 Belarus (90 days)
  • 🇧🇪 Belgium (90 days)
  • 🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina (30 days)
  • 🇧🇬 Bulgaria (90 days)
  • 🇭🇷 Croatia (90 days)
  • 🇨🇾 Cyprus (90 days)
  • 🇨🇿 Czech Republic (90 days)
  • 🇩🇰 Denmark (90 days)
  • 🇪🇪 Estonia (90 days)
  • 🇫🇮 Finland (90 days)
  • 🇫🇷 France (90 days)
  • 🇩🇪 Germany (90 days)
  • 🇬🇷 Greece (90 days)
  • 🇭🇺 Hungary (90 days)
  • 🇮🇸 Iceland (90 days)
  • 🇬🇧 Ireland (90 days)
  • 🇮🇹 Italy (90 days)
  • 🇱🇻 Latvia (90 days)
  • 🇱🇮 Liechtenstein (90 days)
  • 🇱🇹 Lithuania (90 days)
  • 🇱🇺 Luxembourg (90 days)
  • 🇲🇹 Malta (90 days)
  • 🇲🇩 Moldova (90 days)
  • 🇲🇨 Monaco (N/A)
  • 🇲🇪 Montenegro (90 days)
  • 🇲🇰 North Macedonia (90 days)
  • 🇳🇴 Norway (90 days)
  • 🇵🇱 Poland (90 days)
  • 🇵🇹 Portugal (90 days)
  • 🇷🇴 Romania (90 days)
  • 🇷🇺 Russia (90 days)
  • 🇸🇲 San Marino (N/A)
  • 🇷🇸 Serbia (90 days)
  • 🇸🇰 Slovakia (90 days)
  • 🇸🇮 Slovenia (90 days)
  • 🇪🇸 Spain (90 days)
  • 🇸🇪 Sweden (90 days)
  • 🇨🇭 Switzerland (90 days)
  • 🇻🇦 Vatican City (N/A)
  • 🇽🇰 Kosovo (90 days within any 6-month period.)
  • 🇫🇴 Faroe Islands (90 days)
  • 🇦🇬 Antigua and Barbuda (180 days)
  • 🇦🇷 Argentina (90 days)
  • 🇧🇧 Barbados (28 days)
  • 🇧🇷 Brazil (90 days)
  • 🇨🇱 Chile (90 days)
  • 🇨🇴 Colombia (90 days)
  • 🇨🇷 Costa Rica (180 days)
  • 🇩🇲 Dominica (90 days)
  • 🇩🇴 Dominican Republic (30 days)
  • 🇪🇨 Ecuador (90 days)
  • 🇸🇻 El Salvador (180 days)
  • 🇬🇩 Grenada (3 months)
  • 🇬🇹 Guatemala (90 days)
  • 🇭🇹 Haiti (3 months)
  • 🇭🇳 Honduras (90 days)
  • 🇯🇲 Jamaica (30 days)
  • Netherlands (90 days)
  • 🇳🇮 Nicaragua (90 days)
  • 🇵🇦 Panama (90 days)
  • 🇵🇾 Paraguay (90 days)
  • 🇵🇪 Peru (90 days)
  • 🇰🇳 Saint Kitts and Nevis (90 days)
  • 🇻🇨 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (3 months)
  • 🇸🇷 Suriname (90 days)
  • 🇺🇾 Uruguay (90 days)
  • 🇬🇱 Greenland (90 days)
  • 🇬🇫 French Guiana (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇬🇵 Guadeloupe (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇲🇶 Martinique (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇧🇱 Saint Barthélemy (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇲🇫 Saint Martin (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇵🇲 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇦🇼 Aruba (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • Bonaire (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • Sint Eustatius (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • Saba (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇨🇼 Curaçao (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇸🇽 Sint Maarten (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇦🇲 Armenia (180 days)
  • 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan (90 days)
  • 🇧🇳 Brunei (30 days)
  • 🇬🇪 Georgia (3 years)
  • 🇮🇱 Israel (3 months)
  • 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan (90 days)
  • 🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan (90 days)
  • 🇲🇾 Malaysia (30 days)
  • 🇲🇳 Mongolia (90 days)
  • 🇴🇲 Oman (14 days / 30 days)
  • 🇶🇦 Qatar (90 days)
  • 🇹🇯 Tajikistan (90 days)
  • 🇹🇭 Thailand (60 days)
  • 🇹🇷 Turkey (90 days)
  • 🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates (30 days)
  • 🇺🇿 Uzbekistan (Unlimited)
  • 🇵🇸 State of Palestine (Arrival by sea to Gaza Strip not allowed.)
  • 🇭🇰 Hong Kong (14 days)
  • 🇸🇿 Eswatini (30 days)
  • 🇲🇺 Mauritius (90 days)
  • 🇲🇿 Mozambique (30 days)
  • 🇳🇦 Namibia (3 months)
  • 🇹🇳 Tunisia (30 days)
  • 🇾🇹 Mayotte (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇷🇪 Réunion (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇫🇯 Fiji (4 months)
  • 🇰🇮 Kiribati (90 days)
  • 🇫🇲 Micronesia (30 days)
  • 🇻🇺 Vanuatu (30 days)
  • 🇵🇫 French Polynesia (90 days within any 180 day period.)
  • 🇳🇨 New Caledonia (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇼🇫 Wallis and Futuna (90 days within any 180-day period.)
  • 🇨🇰 Cook Islands (31 days)
  • 🇳🇺 Niue (30 days)
  • 🇵🇳 Pitcairn Islands (14 days)

This data has been sourced from Wikipedia and was last updated on 9/1/2024.

  • Moldova visa free countries
  • Belarus visa free countries
  • Romania visa free countries

Everything you need to know about the Ukrainian passport

types of ukrainian passport internal external

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In some countries except an international passport which serves as a certificate when crossing the national borders, there is also a so-called internal passport – an identity card of the citizen of the State within this State. The internal passports are used to control the movement of persons within the country and their places of residence.

In many countries the passports have a single form and international format, most identification fields on the main page are filled with English. In many other countries (e.g. the USA and EU countries) the passport is not obligatory, and identification documents, passport cards or driver’s licenses take a role of an internal identity card.

Types of passports in Ukraine

Passport of the citizen of ukraine.

Passport of the citizen of Ukraine is a document confirming its owner’s identity and citizenship of Ukraine. It is issued by the central executive body implementing the state policy in the field of citizenship to every citizen of Ukraine aged 16.

To cross the border the citizen of Ukraine must have another passport (so-called “ international “), which is issued upon demand to the persons aged 18.

The internal passport is valid for conclusion of civil transactions, banking operations, execution of warrants for other persons in order to be represented before a third person only on the territory of Ukraine, unless otherwise provided by the international treaties of Ukraine.

The internal passport is issued by the territorial departments of the State Migration Service of Ukraine at the residence of the citizen of Ukraine aged 16, and further, if necessary, is exchanged, issued instead of the passport which has been lost, stolen or damaged.

To homeless citizens the passports are issued at the place of their preferred location. Issuance and exchange of the passports are held within a month.

To obtain a passport of the citizen of Ukraine a person submits the basic documents:

  • The application for issuance of the passport;
  • The application is filled by the applicant in person by hand, legibly, with exhaustive answers to all the questions, without abbreviations and acronyms. Filling in the application form by other persons instead of disabled persons, mentally ill persons etc. is allowed and the appropriate note is entered into the column “service marks” of the application;
  • The application and documents prepared improperly are not accepted and are returned to the applicant;
  • The birth certificate;
  • Two photos of 3.5 x 5 cm. The photos submitted for preparation of the passport must be done of one negative picturing only the full face without headdress, made on a thin white or color photo paper and without corner. For the citizens permanently wearing glasses, photographing in glasses is compulsory;
  • The state tax payment receipt or the copy of a document on state tax exemption.

Additional documents for issuance of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine (if necessary):

  • The certificate on registration of the citizen of Ukraine or the Ukrainian citizenship certificate;
  • The certificate on the person’s return to live in Ukraine with a corresponding mark in the international passport issued by employees of the territorial body of the citizenship, immigration and persons’ registration services in major departments, departments of MIA of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions, cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol, or the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad – for the citizens of Ukraine who had a permanent place of residence abroad, after their returning for residence in Ukraine;
  • The certificate on release from penitentiary, if before conviction the person had no passport or his/her passport was not withdrawn and attached to the personal file;
  • The certificate of registration issued by a specialized institution that provides accounting of homeless people (for the homeless citizens).

The passport and two photos of the specified size are submitted for gluing into the passport for the citizens aged 25 and 45.

Original documents are returned to the person with the issued passport.

Exchange of passport of the citizen of Ukraine is held within one month at the place of residence of the citizen. Gluing new photos into the passport of the citizen aged 25 and 45 is performed in five days.

Exchange Ukrainian passport is made in the following cases:

  • Change of name, given name or patronymic;
  • Ascertainment of differences in the entries;
  • Unsuitability for use

To exchange the passport of the citizen of Ukraine a person must submit:

  • The application of the form prescribed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
  • The passport to be exchanged;
  • Two photos of 3.5 x 5 cm

For exchanging the Ukrainian passport in connection with change of name, given name or patronymic, or by differences in the entries the documents confirming these facts are also submitted.

A citizen is obliged immediately to notify about the loss of the passport the passport department, which issues a temporary certificate confirming his/her identity. Form of the temporary certificate, procedure of its issuance is set by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

For exchanging the passport and gluing the new photos a citizen submits the documents and photos no later than a month after reaching the appropriate age or changing name, given name or patronymic, ascertaining differences in the entries or unsuitability of the passport for use.

  • Passport blank forms are made in the form of passport booklet or passport card upon a common model approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
  • Introduction terms of the passport card are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as a state automated system of population counting is developed.
  • Pursuant to the law all entries in the passport and information about its owner entered hereto must be done only in Ukrainian.
  • Additional information can also be entered into the passport on the glued sheets of the form specified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
  • Passport booklet is a cut booklet of 88×125 mm, consisting of a cover and 16 pages.
  • All pages of the booklet are numbered, on each of them the State Emblem of Ukraine is shown and a series and passport number are perforated.
  • The top of the cover front has the inscription “Ukraine”, below the State Emblem of Ukraine is placed and under it – the inscription “Passport”.
  • There is the image of the State flag of Ukraine in the center of the inner left side of the cover, below – the inscription “Passport of the citizen of Ukraine.”
  • Name, given name and patronymic, date and place of birth are entered on the first and second pages of the passport booklet. On the first page also the photo is glued and a place for the owner’s signature is given. On the second page data on sex, date of issue and the authority issued the passport are entered, the signature of the officer responsible for its issuance is put. The entries are certified with a mastic seal and the photo with a convex dry seal.
  • The first page or the first sheet can be covered up after filling the relevant entries and gluing the photo. In the case of covering up all sheets the entries and the photos are not certified with the seals.
  • The third, fourth, fifth and sixth pages are for photos, and the seventh, eighth and ninth – for special marks. On the tenth page a mark about the family status of the passport owner is made; the eleventh – sixteenth pages are for registration notes of the citizen’s residence.
  • Upon the citizen’s request data on children, blood group and Rh factor can be included into the passport (seventh, eighth and ninth pages) on the basis of the appropriate documents.
  • It is forbidden to enter into the passport entries not provided for this Regulation or laws of Ukraine.
  • Any entries, marks and photos gluing in the passport are performed by the passport service.
  • Validity of the passport made in the form of a passport booklet is not limited.
  • New photos are glued into the passport booklet of the citizen aged 25 and 45. The passport without such photos glued upon his/her owner’s achievement of the age aforesaid is considered invalid.
  • The passport in the form of a passport card (information sheet) has a size of 80×60 mm. In the information sheet the photo is glued and the information about its owner is entered: name and given name, patronymic, date of birth and personal number, date of issue and authority code issued it.
  • The information sheet is covered up on both sides.
  • Validity of the passport made in the form of the passport card is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
  • Passport blank forms are produced on request of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine by the Main Department for production of securities and important controlled documents of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine with high quality paper having special protection and are strictly accountable documents.
  • Documents for obtaining the passport should be given within 1 month after achieving the age of 16 (or you are required to pay a fine)

Passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad

Passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad ( international passport ) is a document certifying the identity of the citizen of Ukraine when crossing the Ukraine state border and staying abroad. Since Ukraine has been officially recognized on the international arena as a sovereign and independent state the official authorities faced with the task to provide their citizens with the relevant documents guarantying their right to cross the state border in order to visit any country or territory in the world.

According to the normative legal acts adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 1992 and 1993, President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk approved “Regulations on the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad” by his Decree of October 28, 1993 No 491/93 and charged the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to issue the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad from January 1, 1994. Thus the citizens of Ukraine became the right for their own Ukrainian document that would allow them to cross the state border and stay abroad.

INSTRUCTION: How to renew Ukrainian passport that is damaged

Despite this fact the passport of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1991 issued) was not ceased to be effective, and therefore a legal precedent was set when the citizens of Ukraine used the document of the non-existent country (USSR) for travel and stay abroad.

The advantage of getting the first Ukrainian passports was given to public officials, and ordinary citizens of Ukraine could receive the USSR passports more than one year.

Documents required for issuance of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad

  • the application form (application form is provided by the Foreign Ministry)
  • the state tax payment receipts (or a document confirming the right for exemption);
  • the passport of the citizen of Ukraine, and for persons aged under 16 – the birth certificate (after receiving the documents are returned to the service receiver);
  • the copy and original of the identification number (returns after receiving documents);
  • the paper issued by the internal affairs authority about loss of the passport (available only in case of loss of the passport).

A standard period for passport preparation is 30 working days. Tariff rate increases in 100% in case of exigent consular action. (10 working days).

How to get the Ukrainian passport for travelling abroad

  • To submit to the SMS (State Migration Service) department documents required (if living abroad to apply to the relevant diplomatic institutions);
  • When preparing the passport with an electronic chip the procedure of scanning the pointing fingers should be underwent by submitting the application in the SMS department. Scanning the child fingers can be carried out after their achievement of the age of 12 and only with the parents’ permission (or legal representatives).
  • To verify correctness of the personal information entered into the application form, paying special attention to spelling the name, given name, and to certify accuracy of such data by signing the application form;
  • To apply to the territorial agency or to the SMS department and obtain the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad giving the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for making an appropriate mark, or to receive the refusal in preparation and issuance of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad.

Cost of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad

  • The state tax – UAH 170. (Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 21.01.1993 No 7-93 «On State Tax”).
  • The cost of the services – UAH 87.15. (Decree of the CMU of June 4, 2007 No 795 “On approval of the list of paid services provided by the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Migration Service, and payment amount for their provision”)
  • The cost of the blank form is determined by the manufacturer (based on p. 4 of the order of providing paid services by the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Migration Service approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 26, 2011 No 1098 “Some issues of paid services providing by the MIA and SMS”)
  • with an electronic chip (biometric passport) – UAH 304. 32.
  • without an electronic chip – UAH 238. 32.  

The cost of issuance of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad in case of exigent preparation (within 7 days)

  • The state tax – UAH 340.
  • The cost of the services – UAH 174.30.
  • The cost of the blank form determined by the manufacturer
  • with an electronic chip
  • without an electronic chip – UAH 238.32.

The cost of Ukrainian passport increases from July 01, 2019

Documents required for receiving the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad

  • the application providing the information about the applicant: name, given name, patronymic, passport data (series, passport number, by whom and when issued, address), phone number. The application is executed by the employee of the SMS of Ukraine;
  • the payment document (receipt) with a mark of the bank, post office or code of the operation confirming payment of this administrative service and the passport blank;
  • the payment document (receipt) with a mark of the bank, post office or code of the operation confirming state tax payment or a document about full or partly absence of tax obligations
  • the passport of the citizen of Ukraine, and for persons aged  under 16 – the birth certificate (after receiving the documents are returned to the service receiver);
  • for issuance of the second passport/travel document or for simultaneous preparation of two passports/travel documents the citizens additionally submit an application justifying the need for regular travels abroad (e.g. providing passenger or freight services, participating in sport competitions or concert and theater tours, business, tourist or journalist activities etc.). By simultaneous preparation of two passports/travel documents two application forms with copies of required documents are submitted.
  • if the passport is prepared for the person who has not achieved the age of 12 or the person who can not move independently in connection with the lasting health malady, as confirmed by the relevant certificate of the medical center, two colored photos of 3.5×4.5 cm and one photo of 10×15 cm are given for making the person’s digitized image by scanning.

Consideration term for the application for issuance of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling aboard

The applications for issuance of the passport are considered for not more then 20 working days after submission of the documents, except of the following cases:

  • By urgent issuance (on request of the person) with double size payment of the state tax and the cost of the services – up to 7 business days.
  • If travel is related to emergency treatment of the departing person, departure of the person accompanying the seriously ill patient or death of the relative who lived abroad – within three working days.
  • In the case of departure for permanent residence (immigration) – up to 3 months

In the case when a child – citizen of Ukraine adopted by foreigners departs abroad for permanent residence, the passport is issued within a period of 10 working days.

Validity of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad

For the citizens under 16 years – 4 years, for the citizens aged over 16 – 10 years from the date of issue

Grounds for refusal to issue the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad

An exceptional list of grounds for temporary refusal to issue the passport of the citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad is defined in Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine “On procedure of departure from Ukraine and entry into Ukraine by the citizens of Ukraine”

  • possessing information constituting a state secret – up to the end of the period determined by the Law of Ukraine “On State Secret” (in the case of traveling abroad for permanent residence –after aged 16);
  • there are unsettled alimony, contractual or other outstanding obligations  – up to the time when the obligations are performed or the disputes are resolved by agreement of the parties in accordance with the law , unless otherwise provided by the international treaty of Ukraine;
  • preventive measure is applied against the person in the manner prescribed by the criminal procedural law, under which he/she is forbidden to travel abroad – up to the end of criminal proceedings or the repeal of the relevant restrictions;
  • conviction for committing a crime – up to the end of servicing sentence  or the release from sentence
  • evasion from performance of the obligations imposed by the court decision, the decision of other body (official) – up to the fulfillment of the obligations;
  • conscious providing the false information about themselves – up to the clarification of the causes and consequences of the false information;
  • a civil suit is brought against the citizen in the court, – by the end of the proceeding;
  • stay under the administrative supervision of the body of internal affairs – up to the termination of supervision.


ukraine travel passport

Introducing Ukraine

  • About Ukraine
  • Images of Ukraine
  • History, language & culture
  • Weather & geography
  • Doing business & staying in touch

Plan your trip

  • Travel to Ukraine
  • Where to stay

While you’re there

  • Things to see & do
  • Shopping & nightlife
  • Food & drink
  • Getting around

Before you go

  • Passport & visa
  • Public Holidays
  • Money & duty free

Book your flights

  • Kiev Boryspil International Airport
  • Lviv Danylo Halitskyi International Airport

Cruise Locations

Ukraine visa and passport requirements.

To enter Ukraine, a passport valid for the duration of stay is required by all nationals referred to in the chart above.

Passport Note

As a general rule, visitors requiring visas should apply before travelling. The passport must have two blank pages, must be valid for three months after the date of departure from Ukraine and must have been issued within the past 10 years.

Visas are not required by nationals referred to in the chart above for a maximum stay in Ukraine of 90 days within a 180-day period, except nationals of Australia. Nationals of the following countries also do not require a visa to visit Ukraine: Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Qatar, Russia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, San Marino, Serbia, South Korea, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay and Vatican City. Nationals not referred to in the chart above or list are advised to contact the embassy to check visa requirements for Ukraine.

E-visas were introduced in April 2018. Nationals of the following countries are eligible for an e-visa for entry to Ukraine: Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kiribati, Kuwait, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Oman, Palau, Peru, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Suriname, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. Visitors can apply online for an e-visa here ( )

Types and Cost

Varies depending on your nationality. 

Visas are usually valid for stays of up to 90 days within a six-month period, although the six months can be extended up to as much as five years according to individual circumstances.

Visitors requiring a visa who are merely passing through Ukraine can apply for a transit visa that allows a five-day stay in the country. Documentary proof, such as a visa for another country or an onward ticket, is required.

Application to

Consulate (or consular section at embassy). You need to make your initial application online ( ). 

Working days

Allow up to 15 days for visa processing. Some cases may take as long as 30 days. Consulates may consider granting visas in less than 15 days for double the normal fee.

Sufficient Funds

Foreign visitors to Ukraine must be able to show proof of sufficient funds to cover their stay. You must have at least US$100 per day plus a five-day reserve of US$500. Your proof can be in the form of cash, bank or credit card statements showing the appropriate balance, a confirmed accommodation booking, a tourist voucher, a letter of invitation from a sponsor stating he/she will cover your costs while in Ukraine, or a return/onward ticket.

Embassies and tourist offices

Embassy of ukraine in the usa.

Mon-Fri 0900-1800.

Embassy of Ukraine in the UK

Mon-Fri 0900-1300 and 1400-1800. Not open to personal callers.

A digital image at

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Process Of Getting A Ukrainian Passport

Published: December 10, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Lillis Roeder

  • Plan Your Trip
  • Travel Tips



Obtaining a Ukrainian passport is a significant milestone for individuals looking to establish their Ukrainian citizenship or to access the numerous benefits and privileges associated with being a Ukrainian citizen. Whether you’re a foreign national married to a Ukrainian spouse, an individual with Ukrainian heritage, or a resident of Ukraine, obtaining a Ukrainian passport is a straightforward process that can be accomplished by following a few essential steps.

A Ukrainian passport serves as a valuable travel document, enabling you to explore the world freely and providing visa-free access to several countries. Additionally, it serves as an official proof of identity and citizenship, making it easier to engage in various activities within Ukraine, such as opening bank accounts, obtaining employment, or participating in government services.

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of obtaining a Ukrainian passport. From determining your eligibility to collecting your passport, we will provide you with essential information and valuable tips to ensure a smooth and successful application process. So, let’s dive into the process and embark on your journey towards acquiring your Ukrainian passport!

Step 1: Determine eligibility for a Ukrainian passport

Before beginning the application process, it is crucial to determine if you are eligible for a Ukrainian passport. Ukrainian citizenship laws outline specific criteria for individuals who can apply for a passport. Here are a few common scenarios that may make you eligible:

  • Marriage to a Ukrainian citizen: If you are married to a Ukrainian citizen, you may be eligible for a Ukrainian passport. The marriage must be legally recognized in Ukraine, and you will need to provide documentation to prove your relationship.
  • Ukrainian ancestry: If you can prove your Ukrainian ancestry, you may be eligible for a Ukrainian passport. This typically requires providing comprehensive documentation, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, or other evidence of Ukrainian heritage.
  • Birth in Ukraine: Individuals born in Ukraine, regardless of their current citizenship, are generally eligible for a Ukrainian passport. You will need to provide a birth certificate or other documents confirming your birth in Ukraine.
  • Residence in Ukraine: If you are a legal resident of Ukraine, you may be eligible for a Ukrainian passport. You will need to provide proof of your residency status, such as a residence permit or other documentation.

It is important to note that each individual’s circumstances may vary, and it is advisable to consult with the relevant Ukrainian authorities, such as the State Migration Service or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to determine your specific eligibility requirements.

Once you have confirmed your eligibility for a Ukrainian passport, you can proceed to the next step, which involves gathering the necessary documents.

Step 2: Gather necessary documents

After determining your eligibility for a Ukrainian passport, the next step is to gather the necessary documents to support your application. The specific documents required may vary based on your individual circumstances, but here are some common documents that are typically needed:

  • Proof of identity: You will need to provide a valid government-issued identification document, such as a national ID card, driver’s license, or passport. This document should contain your full name, date of birth, and a clear photograph.
  • Proof of Ukrainian citizenship or eligibility: Depending on your situation, you may need to provide specific documents to demonstrate your Ukrainian citizenship or eligibility. This could include marriage certificates, birth certificates, residency permits, or other supporting documentation. It is essential to verify the specific requirements with the Ukrainian authorities or the embassy/consulate in your country.
  • Passport-sized photographs: Typically, two or more recent and identical passport-sized photographs are required for your application. These should meet the specific size and format requirements outlined by the Ukrainian authorities.
  • Completed application form: You will need to fill out the application form for a Ukrainian passport, providing accurate and complete information. The application form can usually be obtained from the State Migration Service or downloaded from their official website.
  • Supporting documents for special circumstances: In certain situations, additional supporting documents may be required. For example, if you are applying based on a Ukrainian ancestor, you may need to provide family history documents, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, or naturalization records.

It is crucial to gather all the required documents and ensure they are valid and up-to-date before proceeding with the application process. Keep in mind that some documents may need to be translated into Ukrainian and notarized.

Once you have collected all the necessary documents, you are ready to move on to the next step: completing the application form.

Step 3: Complete the application form

Completing the application form is a crucial step in the process of obtaining a Ukrainian passport. The application form gathers essential information about you as an applicant and helps the Ukrainian authorities assess your eligibility for citizenship and issuance of a passport. Here are the key steps to complete the application form:

  • Download the application form: The application form can usually be obtained from the State Migration Service’s official website or through the embassy/consulate in your country. Make sure to download the most recent version of the form to ensure accuracy.
  • Provide accurate personal information: Fill in your personal information accurately, including your full name, date of birth, place of birth, and current address. Double-check all the details to prevent any errors that could potentially delay your application process.
  • Answer all the questions: Carefully read and answer all the questions on the application form. Be honest and provide complete information to avoid any complications during the review process.
  • Enter your travel details: If you plan to use your Ukrainian passport for travel purposes, indicate your travel history and any planned trips. This information may be required for visa applications or passport verification.
  • Attach necessary documents: Make sure to attach all the required supporting documents to your application form. Follow the instructions provided and ensure that the documents are organized and clearly labeled.
  • Review and verify your application: Before submitting your application, carefully review all the details and documents attached. Check for any errors or missing information. It may be helpful to have a trusted individual review your application as well to ensure its accuracy.

Once you have completed the application form and attached all the necessary documents, you are ready to proceed to the next step: submitting the application.

Step 4: Submit the application

After completing the application form and gathering all the necessary documents, it is time to submit your application for a Ukrainian passport. The process of submitting the application may vary depending on your location and the Ukrainian authorities you are dealing with. Here are the general steps to follow:

  • Check the submission requirements: Before submitting your application, double-check the specific requirements outlined by the relevant Ukrainian authorities. This includes making sure you have included all the necessary documents, completed the form accurately, and met any additional criteria.
  • Submit in person or by mail: Depending on the requirements, you may need to submit your application in person at a designated office or consulate, or you may have the option to send it by mail. Ensure that you follow the specified instructions for submission carefully.
  • Pay any applicable fees: Some application processes may require payment of certain fees. Make sure to inquire about any fees associated with your application and arrange for the appropriate payment method.
  • Obtain a receipt or acknowledgment: Upon submission, request a receipt or acknowledgment as proof that your application has been received. This can be helpful for tracking the progress of your application and addressing any potential issues that may arise.

It is important to note that the submission process may take time, and you may need to exercise patience. The processing time can vary depending on various factors, including the volume of applications and the complexity of the case.

Once your application has been submitted, you can proceed to the next step by paying the processing fee, if applicable.

Step 5: Pay the processing fee

After submitting your application for a Ukrainian passport, you will need to pay the necessary processing fee. The fee amount may vary depending on the type of passport and any additional services requested. Here’s what you need to know about paying the processing fee:

  • Check the fee requirements: Before making the payment, ensure that you are aware of the specific fee amount and the acceptable payment methods. You can find this information on the official website of the State Migration Service or by contacting the relevant Ukrainian authorities.
  • Determine the payment method: The payment method for the processing fee can vary depending on the application process and your location. Common payment methods include cash, bank transfer, or online payment options. Verify the accepted payment methods and choose the most convenient option for you.
  • Keep a record of the payment: Once you have made the payment, ensure that you keep a record of the transaction. This can be in the form of a payment receipt, bank statement, or any other proof of payment. It is essential to have documentation in case there are any discrepancies or inquiries regarding the payment.

It is important to note that the processing fee is non-refundable, even if your application is denied. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that you meet all the eligibility requirements and provide accurate and complete documentation before proceeding with the payment.

After paying the processing fee, you may be required to attend an interview as part of the application process. This will be discussed in the next step.

Step 6: Attend an interview (if required)

As part of the Ukrainian passport application process, you may be required to attend an interview. The purpose of the interview is to verify the information provided in your application and to assess your eligibility for a Ukrainian passport. Here’s what you need to know about attending an interview:

  • Notification of the interview: If an interview is required, you will receive notification from the Ukrainian authorities specifying the date, time, and location of the interview. It is important to take note of this information and make necessary arrangements to attend the interview.
  • Prepare necessary documents: Before the interview, gather all the supporting documents you submitted with your application. It is advisable to review the documents and ensure they are organized and easily accessible for reference during the interview.
  • Be punctual and presentable: Arrive at the interview location on time to demonstrate your punctuality. Dress appropriately and professionally to create a positive impression. Remember, the interview is an opportunity to present yourself as a serious and eligible applicant.
  • Answer questions honestly and confidently: During the interview, be prepared to answer questions related to your application, personal background, and reasons for applying for a Ukrainian passport. Be honest, concise, and confident in your responses. If you are unsure about a question, it is acceptable to ask for clarification.
  • Be respectful and courteous: Show respect and courtesy towards the interviewers and any staff members assisting with the process. Maintain a professional demeanor throughout the interview to leave a positive impression.

Keep in mind that the interview is an important step in the application process, and the decision regarding your passport issuance may be influenced by the outcome of the interview. Therefore, it is crucial to be well-prepared and approach the interview with a positive mindset.

If an interview is not required, you can proceed to the next step, which involves waiting for the passport to be processed.

Step 7: Wait for the passport to be processed

After completing all the necessary steps, including submitting your application and attending an interview (if required), it’s time to wait for the processing of your Ukrainian passport. The processing time can vary depending on various factors, such as the volume of applications and the complexity of the case. Here’s what you can expect during this waiting period:

  • Processing time: The processing time for a Ukrainian passport can range from a few weeks to several months. It is important to be patient during this time and avoid unnecessary inquiries or follow-ups that may delay the processing further.
  • Tracking the progress: If you would like to track the progress of your application, you can reach out to the relevant Ukrainian authorities. They may provide an update on the status of your application, but keep in mind that the information provided may be limited.
  • Be prepared for additional requests: In some cases, the authorities may request additional documents, information, or clarification during the processing period. If this happens, promptly provide the requested documents or respond to their inquiries to ensure a smooth and efficient process.
  • Consideration of external factors: External factors, such as holidays, peak seasons, or unforeseen circumstances, may impact the processing time. It is important to factor in these possibilities and be prepared for any potential delays.

During the waiting period, refrain from making any travel plans that depend on the issuance of your Ukrainian passport. It is recommended to wait until you have received your passport before making any firm commitments or arrangements.

Once the processing is complete, you will be notified about the status of your application and instructed on how to collect your Ukrainian passport. This leads us to the final step: collecting your Ukrainian passport.

Step 8: Collect the Ukrainian passport

Congratulations! The moment has finally arrived to collect your Ukrainian passport. After a waiting period, you will receive notification from the Ukrainian authorities regarding the completion of the processing and instructions for collecting your passport. Here’s what you need to know about this final step:

  • Notification of passport availability: You will receive communication, either by email or mail, informing you that your Ukrainian passport is ready for collection. Take note of the designated location and any specific instructions provided.
  • Arrange a collection appointment (if required): If an appointment is required to collect your passport, make sure to schedule it within the specified timeframe. This ensures a smooth and organized process, minimizing any potential wait times.
  • Bring the necessary documents: When going to collect your passport, remember to bring the original documents that you submitted with your application. These documents may be required for verification purposes during the collection process.
  • Payment of any outstanding fees: In some cases, there may be outstanding fees or charges related to the passport issuance. Make sure to bring the appropriate method of payment to settle any outstanding payments at the time of collection.
  • Check the passport for accuracy: Before leaving the collection location, thoroughly inspect your Ukrainian passport to ensure that all the information, including your personal details and photograph, is accurate and matches your expectations.
  • Keep the passport secure: Once you have collected your Ukrainian passport, it is crucial to keep it in a safe and secure place. Protect it from damage, loss, or theft, as it is a valuable travel document and an official proof of your identity and Ukrainian citizenship.

Congratulations on successfully completing the process of obtaining your Ukrainian passport! Your new passport opens up a world of opportunities for travel, exploration, and enjoying the benefits of Ukrainian citizenship. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the specific privileges and responsibilities associated with being a Ukrainian passport holder.

Remember, if you have any concerns or questions regarding your Ukrainian passport, it is always advisable to seek guidance from the relevant Ukrainian authorities or the embassy/consulate in your country.

Enjoy your exciting journey as a Ukrainian passport holder, and may your travels be filled with adventure and discovery!

Obtaining a Ukrainian passport is a significant process that grants you the benefits of Ukrainian citizenship and opens up a world of opportunities for travel, work, and engagement in various activities within Ukraine. While the steps involved may seem daunting at first, this comprehensive guide has provided you with valuable information on each stage of the process, from determining your eligibility to collecting your Ukrainian passport.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate through the application process with confidence and efficiency. Remember to gather all the necessary documents, complete the application form accurately, and submit your application along with the required fees. If an interview is required, be prepared to present yourself as a qualified candidate. Finally, once your passport is processed, collect it promptly and keep it secure.

It is important to note that the specific requirements and procedures may vary depending on your individual circumstances and the Ukrainian authorities involved. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with the relevant Ukrainian authorities or the embassy/consulate in your country to gather the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Obtaining a Ukrainian passport is an exciting accomplishment that enhances your connection with Ukraine and grants you the privileges and rights associated with Ukrainian citizenship. Whether you are exploring your Ukrainian heritage, married to a Ukrainian citizen, or simply seeking new opportunities, the Ukrainian passport is your gateway to a world of possibilities.

Embrace the journey, enjoy your travels, and may your Ukrainian passport be a symbol of your connection to the rich and diverse culture of Ukraine.


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Entry requirements

This information is for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK who choose to travel despite FCDO advice. It is based on the UK government’s understanding of Ukraine’s current rules for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in Ukraine set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how these requirements apply to you, contact the Ukrainian Embassy in the UK . The Ukrainian State Border Guard Service has the final decision on whether a person is eligible to enter Ukraine.

Permanent residents

If you are a permanent resident of Ukraine, you do not need to show proof of insurance.

Passport validity requirements

If you’re travelling without a visa, your passport should be valid for the proposed duration of your stay. No additional period of validity beyond this is required. If you’re applying for a visa, your passport may need to have an additional period of validity. Check with the Ukrainian Embassy in the UK for further details.

Additional requirements at the border

At the border you will need to:

  • complete an immigration card
  • scan your fingerprints as part of biometric data collection at border crossing points if requested by the immigration officer
  • bank cards with bank statements
  • accommodation bookings
  • tourist vouchers
  • a letter of financial support from your sponsor
  • return or onward travel tickets

You can find more information on: - Ukrainian Embassy in the UK - State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Visa requirements

British Citizen passport holders can enter Ukraine without a visa for visits of up to 90 days within a 180-day period. Ukraine has confirmed that this policy will continue to apply to British citizens until 30 January 2025.

If you’re planning to stay in Ukraine for longer than 90 days in a 180 day period, you need to get a visa. For more advice contact the Ukrainian Embassy in London or Consulate General in Edinburgh .

Expired residence cards

If you have a temporary or permanent residence card that’s expired, you are still allowed to return to Ukraine. The expired document will remain valid while martial law remains in place and for 30 days afterwards. For more information see the Visit Ukraine website or contact the State Migration Service of Ukraine .

Visa overstays

If you need to extend your stay in Ukraine, check with the State Migration Service. If you overstay the 90 day allowance, you will be fined and may not be able to return to Ukraine for 90 days after leaving the country.

Non-government controlled areas

If you intend to go to any of the areas not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities, you must apply to the State Migration Service .

Vaccine requirements

For details about medical entry requirements and recommended vaccinations, see TravelHealthPro’s Ukraine guide .


The ongoing invasion has severely affected the availability of accommodation. You should book and confirm accommodation in advance. Find further information at Visit Ukraine .

Customs rules

There are strict rules about goods you can take into and out of Ukraine (in Ukrainian), including antiques and items of historical interest. You must declare anything that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty. If in doubt seek prior permission from the customs authorities .

Bringing your car to Ukraine

Non-residents are allowed to bring a vehicle for personal use into Ukraine for up to one year. There’s no need to complete a customs declaration form. The vehicle can only be used in Ukraine by the person that brought it into the country. The vehicle cannot be used for commercial purposes, dismantled, sold or rented to other people. If you want to do any of these things, you’ll need to register the vehicle in Ukraine and pay the appropriate customs tax.

You must take the vehicle out of Ukraine within the required timeframe, or place it into the customs regime of the State.

If your vehicle breaks down and cannot be fixed, you should inform the State Customs Service and provide them with evidence that it cannot be repaired. You may then dispose of the vehicle through the official channels of the State Customs Service.

If you bring a private vehicle into Ukraine with the intention of travelling through the country, you may be asked to complete a customs declaration form and pay a deposit.

For further information on bringing your car to Ukraine, contact the State Customs Service of Ukraine .

Crossing international borders

It is illegal to enter internationally recognised Ukrainian territory through a border point that is not currently controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. If you do, you risk arrest or a fine, and a travel ban.

International border crossings that are not currently under the control of the Ukrainian authorities include:

  • all land border crossings into Donetsk oblast
  • many of the land border crossings into Luhansk oblast
  • all air and sea ports in Crimea and the Kerch Bridge road and rail crossing into Crimea

Information on border crossing procedure, entry and exit regulations, and checkpoints are provided at the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine website .

Leaving Ukraine at international borders

Travelling from ukraine to poland.

If you plan to travel to Poland, check the travel advice page for Poland which includes information on entry requirements.

The Ukrainian government website lists the main border crossings into Poland .

Travelling from Ukraine to Hungary

If you plan to travel to Hungary, check our travel advice page for Hungary which includes information on entry requirements.

The Hungarian police website gives more information on crossing the Ukraine-Hungary border .

Travelling from Ukraine to Slovakia

If you plan to travel to Slovakia, check our travel advice for Slovakia which includes information on entry requirements.

For information about cross-border rail connections, see the Slovak national rail website . For information on crossing the border see Slovak government advice .

Travelling from Ukraine to Romania

If you plan to travel to Romania, check our travel advice for Romania which includes information on entry requirements.

Travelling from Ukraine to Moldova

If you plan to travel to Moldova, check our travel advice for Moldova which includes information on entry requirements.

FCDO advises against all travel to Transnistria.

Border with Belarus

Ukraine’s border with Belarus is currently closed.

FCDO advises against all travel to Belarus. See FCDO Travel Advice for Belarus .

Border with Russia

Ukraine’s border with Russia is currently closed.

FCDO advises against all travel to Russia. See FCDO Travel Advice for Russia .

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How to Renew a Ukrainian Passport in the U.S.

Home » Passports » How to Obtain a U.S. Passport

Ukrainian Passport

Ukrainian Embassy and Consulates in the U.S.

Completing the ukrainian passport application, required supporting documents.

  • Completed passport application form printed and signed
  • Proof of identity and Ukrainian citizenship (current Ukrainian passport)
  • Ukrainian Identification Code (both number and copy of the documents)
  • Proof of the right to reside in the U.S (green card, work permit etc)
  • Birth certificate plus a copy thereof
  • Two photos of 3.5 cm by 4.5 cm and 10 cm by 15 cm
  • Receipt of payment of passport fee ($155 for renewal)

Passport Photos Specifications

  • Applicant's shoulders and face should appear in the photo
  • Applicant's face should take up approximately 70% - 80% of the photo
  • The photo must be of good quality and not have an scratches or marks on it
  • Applicant should face forwards with eyes directed towards the camera
  • Applicant must hold a natural expression with closed mouth and no smile
  • No hair, glasses or anything else may obscure the face

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Visa-free travel for Ukrainians comes into force

"Today, we bring down a barrier between the people of Ukraine and the people of the European Union. No more visa for short trips between our countries,” said High Representative Federica Mogherini on the occasion of the entry into force of the visa liberalisation agreement between the EU and Ukraine.

ukraine travel passport

“We made it, and we made it together", Mogherini said in a video message to Ukrainian citizens."Ukraine has delivered the reforms its citizens were asking for. And we, in the European Union, we have kept our promise.

This is what we call a win-win solution. It will create new opportunities for all of us, strengthening our economies, our security and our friendship.

This is what our partnership is all about: making a difference to our citizens’ everyday lives."

Approved by the Council in May, the agreement provides for visa-free travel for Ukrainian citizens with biometric passports travelling to the EU for up to 90 days in any 180-day period, for tourism, to visit relatives or friends, or for business purposes, but not to work. The exemption applies to all EU countries, except Ireland and the UK, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

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Questions and answers:

Yes, the validity of a non-biometric Ukrainian international passport can be extended and it can be done in one day, if you get a consulate appointment. Also it should be noted that it can be done no earlier than 2 months before the expiration date. Check the following official info about the process .

Usually, we don't recommend extending the validity of Ukrainian international passports, since Ukrainians with such extended passports often encounter problems when traveling. But if your mother is not going to travel, then this option is fine.

Embassies and consulates of Ukraine do not provide the service of issuing Ukrainian ID cards, only international passports. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to obtain an internal Ukrainian passport in the form of an ID card abroad.

The Ukrainian state enterprise Document has offices in several European countries (not in the UK). Therefore, you can contact the mentioned state enterprise in these countries, provide the necessary documents and receive this service.

Based on information that I have found, your father still needs to have a valid document proving his identity and Ukrainian citizenship. But to return to Ukraine, it is not necessary to issue a new international passport. He can receive a so-called certificate of return (also known as identity card, white passport).

This can be done within one day. Official information on getting it is available on the site of the Ukrainian Embassy in the UK . I think you should try to contact the embassy directly to clarify all the details and perhaps, due to your urgent circumstances, they will be able to provide you with this service in a faster manner, avoiding online queue, which can take weeks.

As of December 2023, the state fees to issue a Ukrainian biometric international passport are 856 UAH (Ukrainian Hryvnias) or about 23 USD (20 working days) or 1,496 UAH or 40 USD (7 working days). There are no flights from Ukraine to the UK. No civilian flights are available in Ukraine at all at the moment. The embassy of the UK doesn't issue visas in Ukraine as well. A visa can be obtained in nearby countries.

As we receive similar requests almost every day, our advice is not to send any help to a person in Ukraine, especially in parts of Ukraine controlled by Russia, before you are absolutely sure that this person is real. The first step is to talk to this person directly via something like Skype, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. with a camera turned on.

Only after you have found a person with whom you can regularly speak directly (live video), you should arrange your live meeting in Ukraine (after the war in Lviv or Kyiv) or in nearby countries like Poland (during the war). A real person again can do it without your help, a fake one will find a number of issues why it is not possible or your help is required to do it. Otherwise you are doing it at your risk.

All the details of obtaining a new Ukrainian international biometric passport abroad are described in the following article on the site of the embassy of Ukraine to the US. The procedure will take several months.

You may be offered to extend your current passport, which is about to expire/already expired, but we don't recommend doing this. Although this can be done quickly during an embassy appointment, such an extended passport can cause a number of problems when traveling, so it is better to wait and get a new passport.

From the point of view of Ukraine, an expired Ukrainian international passport, which term has been extended at the embassy/consulate of Ukraine is still valid and can be used without any restrictions for travel, similar to a non-extended valid international passport.

However, in practice the situation may be different, and lately we have faced an increasing number of cases when additional questions arise regarding such extended passports when traveling between countries, since they are often displayed in databases as expired. The person with an extended passport has to explain that the passport is valid because it has been extended, but it doesn't always work. Therefore, we recommend to spend more time, but to obtain a new valid Ukrainian international passport as soon as possible, since relying on an extended passport is becoming increasingly risky and there may be difficulties with travel.

Having a Ukrainian permanent residence permit is not equal to having Ukrainian citizenship. If, nevertheless, we are talking about the official withdrawal from Ukrainian citizenship, then the main condition is that the citizen leaves Ukraine for permanent residence in another country and must first go through the procedure for leaving for permanent residence, and after arriving in the country of permanent residence, register with consular office of Ukraine. Otherwise, in the future, the termination of Ukrainian citizenship by withdrawing from it will be very difficult. Simply put, in this case, in order to undergo this procedure, the person will have to return to Ukraine.

I think that this person should not really worry about such procedures at all, if this person is not going to return to Ukraine and there is an opportunity to stay for a permanent residence in the current country of residence and it is possible to obtain citizenship of this country in the future.

Ukraine does not recognize dual citizenship, and the very fact of having another citizenship can become a reason for terminating Ukrainian citizenship, although in practice this is almost never done. Therefore, it is understandable why your friend was denied a Ukrainian biometric passport, since they apparently somehow became aware that she also has Russian citizenship.

So if she wants to get Ukrainian documents without any problems, then she will have to go through the procedure of renouncing her Russian citizenship. This can be done at the local Russian embassy/consulate and should not be a problem since she already has Ukrainian citizenship.

Their Ukrainian international passports can be extended (only once and not earlier than in 2 months before the expiration date) in the consulate of Ukraine in Dubai .

The only official way to get an embassy/consulate appointment is via the following online queue . This queue is 30 days long, which means that free spots appear all the time, but they are quickly taken, so you have to check it all the time and I mean literally every 10-15 minutes.

Currently, this online appointment is the only way to receive services from the embassy including issuing a new international passport or extending the validity of an expired one (although it can be extended only once, so if her international passport has already been extended, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do it again).

The problem that there are no free spots in the queue exists. The queue stretches forward for 30 days, and since the number of Ukrainian citizens who make an appointment is very large, there are no free spots at first glance. However, this means that free spots appear every day and randomly during the day. When I personally checked this online appointment service, I saw one free spot about 10 minutes long, which was soon not available again, that is, someone took it. So it is possible, she just needs to monitor the queue all the time.

A citizen of Ukraine can have only one valid international passport at any given time. It can be an expired passport, but extended for a certain period of time, or just a passport that has not yet expired.

The only case when a person can have two international passports in his/her hands is when, upon receiving a new passport, this person asks to leave him/her the expired passport, since it has visas that are still valid and can be used for some time to enter the respective countries. In this situation, it is possible, but again, there will be only one valid international passport (the new one), and only visas will be still valid in the old one.

Most likely you have this right, although if you are a US citizen now, then you will have to pledge to terminate your US citizenship, as Ukraine doesn't recognize dual citizenship.

The basis for the loss of citizenship of Ukraine is the voluntary acquisition by a citizen of Ukraine of the citizenship of another state, if at the time of such acquisition the person has reached the age of majority. But in practice it is rarely done. You can contact the embassy of Ukraine to the US to get more info.

My 1 year old daughter, Oksana who is a Ukrainian citizen is currently in Nigeria and we need to apply for her Ukrainian passport, but the embassy of Ukraine in Nigeria is saying it's not possible because of the war Russia waged against Ukraine. And we need to travel as a family to the UK, how do I leave a 1 yr old baby behind. Someone should kindly provide me with useful information. Thanks

I also applied for my permanent resident permit in Ternopil in October 2021 and I came for holiday on Nigeria, I was to return back to Ukraine on 23rd of February, 2022 but couldn't cos of the war. How do I get the PR I applied for as my temporary permit expired on 23rd of March, 2022.

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Extension of the foreign passport

Table of contents.

On February 28, 2022, the Government of Ukraine introduced a special procedure for extending the validity of foreign passports. Please note that applying for an extension of a passport does not preclude the possibility of submitting documents for a biometric passport

The extension period is counted from the date of expiration of the passport.

The maximum validity of the passport is up to 5 years, and for children under 16 – up to 4 years.

Renewal of the passport can be issued not earlier than 3 months before the expiration date.

Passport renewal procedure

Step 1 : Have the necessary documents according to the list

Step 2 : Arrive in person at the Consulate General of Ukraine in San Francisco and submit documents. Reception of documents is carried out without prior registration in the order of the live queue according to the schedule of reception of visitors. Such actions are performed free of charge on the day of application.

Necessary documents

  • Extension of the validity of the passport is free of charge on the day of application.

1. Completed application for passport extension.

2. Foreign passport

3. Birth certificate (in case of submission of the document by the legal representative for renewal of the child’s passport).

4. Passport of the legal representative (in case of submission of the document by the legal representative for renewal of the child’s passport).

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Strict eligibility conditions in place as IOC EB approves Individual Neutral Athletes (AINs) for the Olympic Games Paris 2024

The Executive Board (EB) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has decided that Individual Neutral Athletes (AINs) who have qualified through the existing qualification systems of the International Federations (IFs) on the field of play will be declared eligible to compete at the Olympic Games Paris 2024 in accordance with the the conditions outlined below. Individual Neutral Athletes are athletes with a Russian or Belarusian passport. The strict eligibility conditions based on the recommendations issued by the IOC EB on 28 March 2023 for International Federations and international sports event organisers will be applied.


Like all the other athletes at the Olympic Games, the Individual Neutral Athletes will also have to comply with the rules and regulations applicable at the Olympic Games, including anti-doping.

Like all the other athletes, they will also have to sign the updated Conditions of Participation applicable for Paris 2024. This contains a commitment to respect the Olympic Charter, including “the peace mission of the Olympic Movement”. Please find an excerpt of the new form here .

The Individual Neutral Athletes will be invited by the IOC and their respective IFs. Only a very limited number of athletes will qualify through the existing qualification systems of the IFs. Among the 4,600 athletes from around the world who have qualified for Paris 2024 so far, there are only 11 Individual Neutral Athletes (*six with a Russian passport plus five with a Belarusian passport). In comparison, to date more than 60 Ukrainian athletes have qualified for Paris 2024. It is expected that the Ukrainian delegation is going to be around the same size as at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.

The strict eligibility conditions for Individual Neutral Athletes at Paris 2024 are the very same strict eligibility conditions under which they qualified, namely:

Qualified athletes with a Russian or Belarusian passport will be entered as, and compete as, Individual Neutral Athletes (“AINs”).

Teams of athletes with a Russian or Belarusian passport will not be considered.

Athletes who actively support the war will not be eligible to be entered or to compete. Support personnel who actively support the war will not be entered.

Athletes who are contracted to the Russian or Belarusian military or national security agencies will not be eligible to be entered or to compete. Support personnel who are contracted to the Russian or Belarusian military or national security agencies will not be entered.

Any such Individual Neutral Athlete, like all the other participating athletes, will have to meet all anti-doping requirements applicable to them in the lead-up to and at the Olympic Games Paris 2024, and particularly those set out in the anti-doping rules of the IFs.

The sanctions against those responsible for the war, the Russian and Belarusian states and governments, remain in place for the Olympic Games Paris 2024. This means, in particular, that:

  • No flag, anthem, colours or any other identifications whatsoever of Russia or Belarus will be displayed at the Olympic Games Paris 2024 in any official venue or any official function.
  • No Russian or Belarusian government or state officials will be invited to or accredited for the Olympic Games Paris 2024.

The practical application of today’s IOC EB decision can be found in the “Principles Relating to the Implementation of the Participation for Individual Neutral Athletes and their Support Personnel with a Russian or Belarusian Passport at the Olympic Games Paris 2024”, which is a separate document and can be found here . It says amongst other things that the IOC will seek an independent evaluation of the eligibility of each qualified AIN proposed by the IF, and their support personnel.

The considerations of the IOC EB included, amongst others:

  • The call by the International Federations at the Olympic Summit on 5 December 2023 to take such a decision as soon as possible (please see here the communiqué of the Olympic Summit ). The call by the IFs was supported by the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC), the Continental Associations of National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and the NOCs present.
  • The view of the overwhelming majority of athletes not to punish fellow athletes for the actions of their government.
  • The fact that all these calls and views were reaffirmed and further strengthened in consultation calls with the stakeholders of the Olympic Movement this week: the IOC Members, the network of athlete representatives, the International Federations and the National Olympic Committees.
  • Olympic Truce Resolution A/RES/78/10 by the United Nations (UN) for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024, which supports the autonomy of sport and the political neutrality of the IOC, as enshrined in the Olympic Charter. It was approved by an overwhelming majority of 118 Member States, with only two countries abstaining (the Russian Federation and the Syrian Arabic Republic) and no votes against. ( Please find more information here )
  • The G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration, which said in September: “We also look forward to the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024 as a symbol of peace, dialogue amongst nations and inclusivity, with participation of all.” ( Please find more information here )
  • The declaration by the Non-Aligned Movement, comprising 120 UN Member States, which said: “The participation of athletes from all 206 National Olympic Committees in Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games would be a strong symbol of unity of humanity.” ( Please find more information here )
  • The concerns of two Special Rapporteurs from the UN Human Rights Council, requesting that the IOC ensure the “non-discrimination of any athlete on the basis of their nationality”.
  • The reassurances at the Olympic Summit by the President of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the Chair of the International Testing Agency (ITA) that doping controls in Russia continue. This year, more than 10,500 samples from Russian athletes in and out of competition have been collected despite the extremely limited number of AINs taking part in international competitions. This means that Russia remains among the top-ten nations being tested. In addition, it was indicated that the ITA had conducted well over 400 out-of-competition tests on athletes with Russian nationality in 2023. Both blood and urine samples are transported with a strict chain of custody to multiple laboratories outside the country. Any adverse analytical findings are actioned and monitored by WADA.
  • The fact that the ITA’s intelligence-led Pre-Games Testing Anti-Doping Programme, which targets athletes, sports and countries with the highest risks and athletes who are likely to qualify for Paris 2024, includes Russian athletes.

Despite the suspension of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) , the IOC EB did not change its recommendations concerning the participation of AINs under these strict conditions. The protection of the rights of individual athletes to participate in competitions despite the suspension of their NOC is a well-established practice, respecting human rights, and has been implemented across a number of suspended NOCs during past Olympic Games. The ROC had to be suspended because of its unilateral decision to include as its members the regional sports organisations under the authority of the NOC of Ukraine, which is a breach of the Olympic Charter because it violates the territorial integrity of the NOC of Ukraine.

The IOC EB also reaffirmed again the steadfast commitment of the entire Olympic Movement to help Ukrainian athletes in every way possible, in order to see a strong team from the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine at the Olympic Games Paris 2024 and the Olympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026. In order to achieve this, the IOC has tripled its Solidarity Fund for the NOC of Ukraine to USD 7.5 million.

At least 3,000 Ukrainian athletes and other members of the Olympic community of Ukraine have benefitted from the IOC Solidarity Fund through the NOC of Ukraine over the past 12 months, and from direct assistance from other Olympic Movement stakeholders, including the IFs and the NOCs. These efforts have taken the form of financial and logistical support, in order to ensure that Ukrainian athletes can continue to train and take part in competitions by providing travel support, training facilities, accommodation, equipment and uniforms, amongst other items.

*Previously published as ‘eight with a Russian passport plus three with a Belarusian passport’, corrected on 13 December.

The International Olympic Committee is a not-for-profit, civil, non-governmental, international organisation made up of volunteers which is committed to building a better world through sport. It redistributes more than 90 per cent of its income to the wider sporting movement, which means that every day the equivalent of USD 4.2 million goes to help athletes and sports organisations at all levels around the world.

For more information, please contact the IOC Media Relations Team: Tel: +41 21 621 6000, email: [email protected] , or visit our web site at .

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Ukraine Travel Advisory

Travel advisory may 22, 2023, ukraine - level 4: do not travel.

Do not travel to Ukraine due to Russia’s war against Ukraine. The Department of State continues to advise that U.S. citizens not travel to Ukraine due to active armed conflict. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

All U.S. citizens should carefully monitor U.S. government notices and local and international media outlets for information about changing security conditions and alerts to shelter in place. Those choosing to remain in Ukraine should exercise caution due to the potential for military attacks, crime, civil unrest, and consult the Department’s latest security alerts.

The security situation in Ukraine remains unpredictable. U.S. citizens in Ukraine should stay vigilant and take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness. Know the location of your closest shelter or protected space. In the event of mortar, missile, drone, or rocket fire, follow instructions from local authorities and seek shelter immediately. If you feel your current location is no longer safe, you should carefully assess the potential risks involved in moving to a different location.

There are continued reports of Russian forces and their proxies singling out U.S. citizens in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine for detention, interrogation, or harassment because of their nationality. U.S. citizens have also been singled out when evacuating by land through Russia-occupied territory or to Russia or Belarus.

U.S. citizens seeking emergency assistance should email [email protected] for assistance. Please review what the U.S. government can and cannot do to assist you in a crisis overseas . U.S. citizens may also seek consular services, including requests for repatriation loans, passports, and visa services, at U.S. embassies and consulates in neighboring countries .

On February 24, 2022, the Ukrainian government declared a state of emergency. Each province (oblast) decides on measures to be implemented according to local conditions. Measures could include curfews, restrictions on the freedom of movement, ID verification, and increased security inspections, among other measures. Follow any oblast-specific state of emergency measures.

Many in the international community, including the United States and Ukraine, do not recognize Russia’s purported annexation of Crimea in 2014, nor the September 2022 purported annexation of four other Ukrainian oblasts -- Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia. There is extensive Russian Federation military presence in these areas. There are also abuses against foreigners and the local population by the occupation authorities in these regions, particularly against those who are seen as challenging Russia’s occupation.

Although Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine severely restricts the Embassy’s access and ability to provide services in these areas, the Department of State and the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv continue to remotely provide certain emergency consular services to U.S. citizens in Crimea as well as four other Ukrainian oblasts partially occupied by Russia – Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia – to the extent possible given security conditions.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) prohibiting U.S. aviation operations into, out of, within, or over Ukraine. For more information, U.S. citizens should consult the FAA’s Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Notices .

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Ukraine.

Travel to High-Risk Areas

If you choose to disregard the Travel Advisory and travel to Ukraine, you should consider taking the following steps:

  • Visit our website on Travel to High-Risk areas .
  • Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney.
  • Discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc.), funeral wishes, etc.
  • Share important documents, login information, and points of contact with loved ones so that they can manage your affairs if you are unable to return as planned to the United States.
  • Leave DNA samples with your medical provider in case it is necessary for your family to access them.
  • Establish your own personal security plan in coordination with your employer or host organization or consider consulting with a professional security organization.
  • Develop a communication plan with family and/or your employer or host organization so that they can monitor your safety and location as you travel through high-risk areas. This plan should specify who you would contact first and how they should share the information.
  • Enroll your trip in the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist .

If you are currently in Ukraine:

  • Read the Department’s country information page on Ukraine.
  • Familiarize yourself with information on what the U.S. government can and cannot do to assist you in a crisis overseas .
  • Have a contingency plan in place that does not rely on U.S. government assistance.
  • Monitor local media for breaking events and adjust your contingency plans based on the new information.
  • Avoid demonstrations and crowds.
  • Ensure travel documents are valid and easily accessible.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Notices related to your travel.
  • Get a COVID vaccine to facilitate your travel.
  • Understand the COVID testing and vaccine requirements for all countries that you will transit through to your destination.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Review the Country Security Report for Ukraine.
  • Review the Traveler’s Checklist.
  • Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk areas .

Travel Advisory Levels

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  23. Ukraine Travel Advisory

    The Department of State continues to advise that U.S. citizens not travel to Ukraine due to active armed conflict. Read the entire Travel Advisory. All U.S. citizens should carefully monitor U.S. government notices and local and international media outlets for information about changing security conditions and alerts to shelter in place.