
Derniere minute – offres a saisir, envie de chaleur et de soleil .

8 jours / 7 nuits à partir de 590 € en méditerranée

14 jours / 13 nuits à partir de 1 400 € aux Caraïbes

Le Japon avec Queen Elizabeth

Embarquez pour le Pays du Soleil Levant et découvrez une culture ancestrale, des paysages uniques et grandioses, à bord d’un navire iconique, Queen Elizabeth. Pourquoi ne pas profiter de votre voyage pour aller visiter l’Exposition Universelle à Osaka !

 10 jours / 9 nuits à partir de 1720€ pp

Traversées Transatlantiques 2024-2025

Découvrez en majesté la plus emblématique des croisières. Un voyage unique à ne pas manquer, à partir de 756€ par personne

Cunard de retour en Amérique du Sud en 2025 !

En 2025, Cunard fera son grand retour en Amérique du Sud, avec un Tour complet du continent à bord de Queen Victoria .

Un voyage extraordinaire de 85 jours pour découvrir des paysages  à couper le souffle et des cultures ancestrales.

Tours du monde

Voyagez autrement avec Cunard et ses mythiques Tours du Monde. Au gré d’un slow tourisme tendance, Cunard vous fait découvrir la quintessence du voyage, pays après pays, dans un cadre exclusif. Voyagez au rythme de la mer et rencontrez une diversité culturelle et historique exceptionnelles, où chaque escale vous ouvrira le monde en plus grand. 

Vivez l’évasion à l’état pur et partagez des moments d’échanges, en ville ou en pleine nature, avec les populations rencontrées. Singapour, Hong-Kong, Sydney, Hanoi, Tokyo, Le Cap, Honolulu, New York, Rio de Janeiro : des villes mythiques comme autant de souvenir précieux pour un voyage inoubliable. A noter qu’il est possible de n’effectuer qu’une partie de ces itinéraires : ce sont les « Grands Voyages ».

Queen Elizabeth

Majestueux, Queen Elizabeth , sistership de Queen Victoria vous offre des croisières exceptionnelles à destination des plus beaux rivages du monde. 

Mythique liner de la compagnie Cunard , Queen Elizabeth est le reflet d’un passé glorieux et fascinant à souhait où la haute société se réunissait pour profiter, le temps d’un voyage, des traditions intemporelles, du savoir-faire et du service de grande qualité en gants blanc de la Cunard . 

Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria ne cesse de séduire par sa magnificence et son ambiance si évocatrice des grands liners du passé. 

Avec à son bord une majorité d’officiers britanniques et son atmosphère aux allures glamour, Queen Victoria assure de véritables voyages hors-du-commun et indéniablement hors-du-temps.

Découvrez le Queen Anne, la toute nouvelle reine de la compagnie Cunard. Elle rejoint les trois iconiques navires de la compagnie pour former un luxueux quatuor avec le Queen Mary 2, le Queen Victoria et le Queen Elizabeth.

A son bord, vous retrouverez les espaces signature de la flotte mais également de nouvelles expériences gastronomiques et de divertissement. Le Queen Anne est une parfaite alliance entre ce qui se faisait de mieux avant et aujourd'hui pour réinventer encore une fois l'expérience même de la croisière en mer. 

Queen Mary 2

Construit en France, aux Chantiers de l’Atlantique à St-Nazaire,  Queen Mary 2 est synonyme de grandeur et magnificence. 

Le plus célèbre navire de la compagnie iconique Cunard , liner incontesté avec ses mythiques transatlantiques qui relient le vieux continent aux Etats-Unis , sera le vaisseau de votre plus beau voyage en mer. 

Bien que moderne, Queen Mary 2 garde l’empreinte du style   Cunard .


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Les côtes européennes de l’Atlantique sont tumultueuses et offrent de ce fait des paysages et des rivages déchiquetés. De la Bretagne, avec ses falaises et ses reliefs torturés où se dissimulent de magnifiques plages de sable, jusqu’aux longues étendues des Landes ou encore les vagues ravageuses de la côte Basque, les côtes françaises ont de multiples trésors à faire découvrir aux visiteurs.

De même, plus au sud, l’Espagne et le Portugal proposent une large variété de paysages, avec des villes majeures qui recèlent une richesse culturelle exceptionnelle, ou bien des endroits paradisiaques sculptés par la mer comme les côtes de l’Algarve.

Des archipels de renom sont également à découvrir, comme les Canaries, les Açores ou encore Madère.

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Ses latitudes sont élevées, ses contrées froides et sa nature préservée et brute : l’Europe du Nord et la Scandinavie sont aux antipodes de tout ce que vous avez connu auparavant. Ses villages colorés, ses fjords majestueux et ses peuples fiers et chaleureux font de la région un « must see » pour tous les amoureux des voyages. Prenez le temps de découvrir la Norvège, la Suède, la Finlande, le Danemark ou l’Islande dans le cadre d’une croisière inoubliable. Reconnectez-vous à vous-même et profitez de la nature à l’état pur.  Là où les contrastes de bleus, de verts et de blancs sont saisissants, vivez des aventures enneigées, visitez des églises mythiques à l’architectures anciennes, émerveillez-vous devant des fjords majestueux, volcans et geysers ou tout simplement flânez dans des villes dynamiques et cosmopolites. En immersion totale, votre voyage ne fait que commencer…

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Véritable « riviera bulgare » avec son climat méditerranéen, celle qui constitue l’intégrale frontière orientale de la Bulgarie doit son nom à ses reflets anthracite. La Mer Noire, ses plages de sable fin et les nombreuses stations balnéaires luxueuses qui y sont établies, attirent toujours plus de touristes européens et internationaux. A proximité des plages désertes, lacs, parcs naturels et autres trésors naturels se dévoilent. Aventuriers en herbe, vous explorerez de superbes cités anciennes, d’authentique villages de pécheurs et plus encore. En visite dans les villes animées et cosmopolites de la région, les musées et autres commerces vous feront découvrir une culture aux antipodes de tout ce que vous aurez pu connaitre auparavant. Terre de contrastes, les panoramas de la région titilleront votre imaginaire et seront propices à des aventures pleines de sensations et d’émotions. 

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Les charmes de la méditerranée et de la côtes Adriatique vous séduiront et offriront des moments riches en émotions. Enchanteresse, la côte Adriatique émerveille depuis des siècles. Ses pages séduisantes, ses côtes inspirantes et ses vagues voluptueuses en font une région fascinante à découvrir. Profonde, la Méditerranée séduit avec ses panoramas ensoleillés promesse de moments intenses de détentes et de relaxation. Profitez de vues panoramiques sur les rivages bruts de la Méditerranée et de l’Adriatique aux abords de vignobles et des villages côtiers authentiques. Promenades au grand air le long des plages blanches et eaux saphir, virées en shopping dans les plus grandes maisons de couture, et visites de monuments médiévaux historiques, ne seront que quelques-unes de vos activités. Cultures diverses et saveurs authentiques se mêlent lors d’un voyage hors du commun au cœur du berceau de toutes les civilisations. 

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La mythique compagnie Cunard vous invite à la conquête de l’Amérique ! En croisière à bord de Queen Mary , de Queen Elizabeth ou de Queen Victoria , Cunard vous emmène à la rencontre des plus belles et mythiques villes du continent Américain, tout en longeant ses mers et rives. Québec, Hawaii, San Francisco, New York, Vancouver, Miami : l’Amérique est à vos pieds. Découvrez les Etats-Unis et le Canada à travers une traversée d’exception, dont chaque escale vous permettra d’apprécier la richesse et la diversité immenses des villes et capitales du continent. Cunard vous emmène, à travers des contrées irréelles et hors-du-temps, explorer les grands espaces Américains et vous aventurer dans les splendides étendues glacées Canadiennes. L’Amérique n’attend plus que vous !

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A tous ceux qui rêvent d’un voyage dans des parcs naturels majestueux, qui rêvent de découvrir des cultures d’un temps lointain ou encore de vivre des expériences inoubliables dans des lieux extraordinaires : l’Amérique du Sud est faite pour vous !  Cette région, où les paysages à couper le souffle et les plages idylliques sont propices à l’évasion et toutes les rêveries, vous offrira des sensations uniques. Entre des somptueux panoramas, ses grands espaces et forets luxuriantes, sa faune diversifiée, ses sites incontournables et autres patrimoines classés à l’UNESCO, l’Amérique du Sud est l’endroit idéal pour les amoureux de culture, les aventuriers les plus courageux ou encore les voyageurs à la recherche de détente et séjours farnientes. Pleine de promesse, l’Amérique du Sud, avec sa forêt équatoriale Amazonienne, ses haut plateaux Péruviens, le mistique Machu Picchu et ses nombreux déserts inspire à l’évasion. Nichés au cœur de la planète, vous vivrez un séjour fabuleux et inoubliable.

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Découvrez les charmes d'Hawaï le temps d'une croisière à bord de l'un des luxueux navires de la compagnie Cunard . 

Archipel paradisiaque situé en plein cœur de l’océan Pacifique , Hawaï et ses îles volcaniques accueillent de nombreux visiteurs, attirés par le charme des lieux : falaises abruptes sculptées par la mer, forêts tropicales et vallées luxuriantes, volcans aux éruptions spectaculaires, cascades vertigineuses et plages de sable fin , sans oublier la culture hawaïenne, omniprésente, et la douceur de vivre des îles du Pacifique… 

Hawaï est définitivement l'une des destinations de croisière Cunard qui fait le plus tourner la tête tant le dépaysement est grand et la nature exceptionnelle !

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Dans une mer de saphir, vivez un séjour exceptionnel au cœur de milliers d’îles aux paysages paradisiaques.  Les croisières caribéennes de la compagnie Cunard vous proposent l’évasion à l’état pur. Avec ses eaux turquoise, ses habitants chaleureux et souriants ou encore sa culture à l’héritage multiple, l’archipel des Caraïbes a tout à offrir !

Découvrez une multitude d’îles, toutes différentes : îles Vierges américaines, îles Vierges britanniques, plus sauvages, ou celles situées au sud de l'arc des Caraïbes et moins connues comme les îles d'Aruba ou de Curaçao où flotte encore une influence néerlandaise.  

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Découvrez l'Alaska et ses merveilles le temps d'une croisière à bord d'un navire Cunard . 

Bienvenue « Into the Wild », dans les solitudes glacées d’une Alaska immense, 3 fois la France pour bien moins d’un million d’habitants. Ce territoire aux neiges éternelles, situé sur le cercle arctique est l'une des destinations de croisière Cunard de tous les possibles. Observez plus près que jamais une faune exceptionnelle où orques, éléphants de mer et grizzlis cohabitent ensemble ; découvrez des fjords majestueux au milieu de paysages immaculés propices aux rêveries les plus envoutantes ou encore vivez des moments d’émotions inédits en partageant les secrets du peuple inuit ou marchez tout simplement sur les traces des explorateurs. Assurément le voyage de rêve de tous les amateurs de grands espaces, de terres lointaines et d’aventures, l’Alaska révèle, au lever du jour, ses trésors les plus chers. Chaque aspect de l’Alaska est un spectacle qui n’attend plus que vous !

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La région d’Amérique Centrale est considérée comme la destination idéale pour une escapade en couple ou entre amis et pour vivre des moments uniques et des expériences inoubliables. Cette région s’est imposée comme l’une des principales destinations touristiques grâce aux nombreux trésors naturels cachés dont elle regorge, qui vous offriront, à coup sûr, un voyage multi-destination palpitant ! Les sept pays d’Amérique Centrale offrent en effet la possibilité de pratiquer les sports les plus amusants et les plus extrêmes, que ce soit sur terre, en mer ou dans les airs. Sur place, vous vous affranchirez de défis sportifs personnels, rencontrerez des populations différentes et de nouvelles cultures tout en vivant des aventures inédites et palpitantes dans des endroits extraordinaires où la vie sauvage tropicale est reine. Traditions nationales et sites archéologiques vous permettront de vivre un voyage mêlant histoire et diversité.  L’Amérique Centrale, où l'énergie, l'aventure, l'intimité et la magie de ces terres se conjuguent parfaitement pour créer un cadre idéal et profiter d'un séjour inoubliable, n’attend plus que vous !

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Avec son tier de population mondiale, l'Extrême-Orient est plein de paradoxes et de mystères. Avec le succès de son économie et ses villes rayonnantes, la découverte de l’urbanisme Extrême-Oriental sera un véritable plaisir pour les yeux. Etonnement et fascination seront au rendez-vous tant au sur le plan architectural des grandes villes que sur le plan culturel où tradition et modernité se mêlent dans les villages éloignés où le temps semblent s’être arrêté. Les panoramas extrême-orientaux sont riches et divers, faisant de chaque escale une nouvelle aventure, garante de souvenirs exceptionnels.

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L'Inde fait son cinéma ! Les paysages superbes de la région, les rizières, les arbres à palmes, la végétation tropicale, les réserves d’animaux, mais aussi des plages à perte de vue, les palais somptueux, les éléphants ou encore la cuisine très épicée font de l’Inde le berceau de toutes les découvertes. Véritable promesse vers des espaces inconnus l’Inde se distingue par son élégance et ses mouvements. La mer des Indes, elle, étonne, éblouie et fascine par sa pureté et sa beauté. En croisière dans la région, vous découvrirez des panoramas d’un autre monde, où la nature regagne sa grandeur. Les îles de l’Océan Indien vous surprendront par leur pureté et leur calme. Plages et sable fins. En croisière, les incontournables de l’Inde et de l’Océan Indien s’offrent à vous.

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Le Moyen-Orient et ses beautés n’attendent plus que vous ! Berceau des premières civilisations et premiers empires, le Moyen-Orient se dévoile en croisière pour vous faire découvrir, sous une ambiance de conte des Mille et Une Nuits des images d’exotisme et des parfums d’eau de rose. Cultures étonnantes, gastronomie époustouflante et paysages renversants, les territoires du Moyen-Orient sont riches en diversité, à tous les niveaux. Jouant avec vos songes, vos escales au Moyen-Orient vous feront escalader les pyramides, explorer les tombeaux, goûter des épices hors du commun et plus encore. Avec des monuments historiques et modernes pleins de puissance, des paysages où la nature ruissèle et des uses et coutumes qui ne cessent d’étonner et d’émerveiller, le Moyen-Orient se découvre et se dévoile le long des eaux qui l’entourent.

Océanie et îles du Pacifique

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Au sommet de leur beauté, l’Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande s’offrent à vous. Lors d’un séjour unique, découvrez deux pays que tout sépare. Explorez une Australie fascinante avant de rejoindre une Nouvelle-Zélande profonde et féérique. Offrez-vous de belles parenthèses urbaines, filez sur des routes du bout du monde, découvrez les cultures ancestrales aborigène et maorie ou explorez une nature encore intacte et des paysages à couper le souffle. Dans cette région, le champ des possibles promet des aventures riches en surprises ! Les paysages emblématiques et sauvages de l’Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande n’en finiront pas de vous émerveiller. Entre fjords, glaciers, vignobles, lac et autres trésors naturels, à l’autre bout du globe, le voyage ne fait que commencer !

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Le Pacifique regorge d’îles et d’archipels mêlant authenticité, traditions des peuples insulaires et décors paradisiaques. Véritable paradis pour les amateurs d’aventure, les curieux ou les personnes rêvant d’évasion à l’état pur, les îles du Pacifique s’offrent à vous et vous dévoilent leurs plus belles richesses. Faune sous-marine, volcans majestueux, plages de sable fin et cocotiers géants, les beautés du Pacifique sont nombreuses et vous donneront des sensations de dépaysement. Là où le bleu se décline à l’infini et le vert se conjugue en de multiples nuances, les joyaux véritables de la région se mettent à nu et vous charment. Fermez les yeux et sentez le soleil vous caresser la peau, écoutez le chant harmonieux des oiseaux et évadez-vous, tout simplement. Votre voyage dans les îles du Pacifique vous réserve des instants exclusifs, promesses de souvenirs inoubliables. Là où chaque détail est un spectacle qui n’attend plus que vous.

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Séjournez au paradis le temps d’un moment exclusif de détente et de découvertes. Là où végétation luxuriante contraste avec plages de sable blanc et cocotiers, tout n’est que luxe, calme et volupté. La Polynésie Française est sans nul doute un des endroits les plus beaux du monde dont la réputation n’est plus à faire. Promesse de vacances idylliques, que ce soit entre amis, en famille ou en couple, la Polynésie Française vous accueillera les bras grands ouverts pour vous offrir des instants intenses, au-delà de vos rêves. Avec sa végétation tropicale luxuriante et une déclinaison de nuances de bleu infinie, la richesse de la Polynésie Française ne se retrouve pas seulement dans ses paysages mais également chez son peuple chaleureux dont la culture est grande. Terre de contrastes, les panoramas de la région titilleront votre imaginaire et seront propices à des aventures pleines de sensations et d’émotions.  Vivez un rêve éveillé lors de ce voyage au bout du monde.

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Entre paysages grandioses, sentiers pittoresques et faune majestueuse, l’Afrique du Sud se dévoile par la mer à bord de nos croisières d’exception. Destination riche en sensations, ses plages et montagnes encadrent des rues animées et pleines de couleurs, entre modernité et traditions. Préparez-vous à voyager au plus près d’une faune magnétique où règnent lions, éléphants, buffles, léopards et rhinocéros, et d’une flore scandaleusement généreuse faite de déserts de dunes rouges et de paysages verdoyants. Vous découvrirez les paysages désertiques et sauvages du continent, où l’homme est rare et où mère nature domine. La chaleur de la population locale vous emmènera à la découverte de cultures, saveurs et langues exotiques. Que vous soyez aventurier ou plutôt à la recherche d’un séjour pour vous détendre, l’Afrique du Sud est la destination qui répondra à toutes vos attentes et qui vous offrira un dépaysement total.

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Le Cap-Vert et ses richesses s’offrent à vous : Beautés sauvages et paysages lunaires vous attendent sur cet archipel métissé au carrefour de l’Afrique, de l’Europe et de l’Amérique du Sud. Découvrir le Cap-Vert en croisière est à coup sûr le meilleur moyen de parcourir les beautés de cette région pleine d’allure : Plages paradisiaques, volcans majestueux, et nature luxuriante, vous serez surpris par les contrastes qui dominent le Cap-Vert. Riches en surprises, les sublimes îles du Cap-Vert vous permettront de profiter de moments de détente ultimes tans dis qu’à terre, de chaleureux Capverdiens vous accueilleront les bras ouverts pour vous faire découvrir tous les attraits de leur région : une culture unique et étonnante, l’architecture coloniale de leurs villes, et une cuisine aux saveurs du monde.

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Le Kenya évoque le mythe du safari dans toute sa splendeur. Grande plaines ensoleillé, trésors sauvages, le Kenya est un véritable paradis aux traditions ancestrales qui en fait une destination dépaysante par excellence. Des forêts majestueuses aux marais asséchés, avec pour toile de fond le Kilimandjaro, vous assisterez au spectacle d’une vie sauvage où la nature, omniprésente, cache de vastes landes aux eaux rosés et turquoise, des éléphants, lions, zèbres et tous les autres animaux de la savane. En mer vous découvrirez des récifs coraliens magnétiques tandis qu’à terre, vous vivrez de véritables aventures Kenyanes entre explorations fascinantes des villages traditionnels Masaï et visite de villes cosmopolites, contemporaines et étonnantes. Au coucher du soleil, les éléments en pleine harmonie vous offriront des spectacles émouvants de toutes splendeurs. Votre voyage au Kenya vous réserve des instants exclusifs, promesses de souvenirs inoubliables.

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Avec une faune et flore d’une richesse incomparable, Madagascar est considérée par beaucoup comme un véritable sanctuaire de la nature et berceau des espèces endémiques et exceptionnelles qu’abrite l’île. Sa réputation internationale fait de Madagascar un « must see » à visiter absolument, à découvrir et à contempler par tous les amoureux de nature, d’aventures et de rencontres. L’île est également propice aux séjours détente et fariente avec ses paysages des plus variés et hauts en couleurs, véritable paradis de nature sauvage avec ses forêts tropicales et ses campagnes verdoyantes, ainsi que des paysages balnéaires idylliques où se mêlent sable fin et coraux regorgeant de poissons multicolores. En immersion totale, vous découvrirez à terre la richesse des Malgaches tandis qu’en mer, vous vous évaderez à la vue de décors ensoleillés et fascinants où l’homme se fait rare. Avec sa biodiversité exceptionnelle et sa palette de paysages divers, Madagascar est propice à un dépaysement total et à la découverte d’autres cieux.

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Pépite du Maghreb, le Maroc envoûte, se découvre et se savoure. Vous sillonnerez ses déserts, ses montagnes et ses océans et découvrirez ses villes impériales et animées, ses souks authentiques, ses somptueux riads et d’incroyables charmeurs de serpents. Le Maroc offre de captivants lieux à découvrir, des cultures colorées et chaleureuses et des villes emblématiques, à l’architecture colorée avec de multiples arabesques telles que Casablanca, Agadir, Tanger ou Rabat. La nature dorée de soleil et le climat idyllique du Maroc seront les garants de moments de détente ultime. Destination féerique, le Maroc vous donnera des sensations d’évasion infinie de par ses saveurs orientales, ses somptueuses nuits étoilées et ses eaux d’émeraude. A coup sûr, les attraits du Maroc vous dépayseront !

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Laissez-vous envoûter par la Namibie, ses déserts parmi les plus anciens du monde, ses canyons, ses montagnes, ses plaines lunaires et ses couchers de soleil flamboyants. Depuis la mer, vous observerez les dunes vertigineuses d’un ocre somptueux dont regorge la Namibie, naviguerez à proximité d’un littoral aux allures de sanctuaire de bateaux naufragés et apercevrez des otaries dans leur milieu naturel. A terre, les amoureux de nature sauvage et d’aventures seront émerveillés par la magnificence des animaux qu’ils pourront aisément observer dans certaines des réserves les plus reconnues d’Afrique. Lions, éléphants, rhinocéros ou encore zèbres sont les gardiens de cette région riche en saveurs et en couleurs. La Namibie et son impression de bout du monde vous offriront une sensation de dépaysement inégalée.

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Riche en aventures et en émotions, la Tanzanie est aussi et surtout le paradis de la faune africaine. Un voyage en Tanzanie est l’occasion rêvée d’inoubliables rencontres avec une nature sauvage et majestueuse où lions, zèbres, éléphants, gazelles et autres espèces endémiques vivent en harmonie. Contrée lointaine où tout est propice au dépaysement, la Tanzanie a énormément à offrir. Farniente sur les magnifiques plages paradisiaques de l’océan Indien, randonnée sur le mythique Kilimandjaro, rencontre avec les redoutables guerriers Masaï…  Artisanat local de qualité, avec des sculptures en bois ou des gravures ancestrales, traditions culturelles d’un autre temps ou encore pittoresques marchés nocturnes… Destination enchanteresse, la Tanzanie n’attend plus que vous !

Cunard en Images

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Depuis plus de 180 ans, Cunard a su conserver ce qui a fait sa renommée mondiale, entre tradition et modernité : son savoir-faire, la qualité de ses prestations à bord et la richesse de ces itinéraires.

Découvrez l’univers et l'art de vivre de la plus célèbre compagnie de croisière britannique  composée des Queen Mary 2 , Queen Elizabeth , Queen Victoria et Queen Anne .

Consultez ici toutes les brochures actuelles et autres supports de présentation des croisières Cunard et de la vie à bord des navires.

A noter que de nombreux prix prestigieux sont régulièrement décernés à l’ensemble de la compagnie Cunard . 

Queen Anne, la presse en parle

Le 3 mai dernier à Southampton, la célèbre compagnie Cunard a inauguré en grande pompe, son nouveau navire Queen Anne , le 249ème de la flotte. Le navire était en provenance d'Italie où avait eu lieu la cérémonie officielle de livraison au chantier naval Fincantieri Marghera à Venise le 19 avril dernier Lors de son arrivée à Southampton, de nombreux petits bateaux de la communauté nautique locale l’ont accueilli avec ferveur. Tout comme des milliers de spectateurs postés le long de l’estuaire "Southampton Water". 

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Queen Anne is coming !

C’est un événement pour la compagnie Cunard ! Le 3 mai 2024, débute en effet la croisière inaugurale de Queen Anne, le nouveau navire de la compagnie !

14 ans après le lancement de Queen Elizabeth, c’est en grandes pompes que la célèbre compagnie britannique fête l’arrivée de sa nouvelle Queen. Le navire est attendu à Southampton ce mercredi 30 avril, avant de prendre la mer pour sa croisière inaugurale.

La cérémonie de baptême se tiendra le 3 juin 2024 à Liverpool, lors de la croisière autour des îles britanniques. Le nom de la marraine n’a pas encore été dévoilé !

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Cunard est dans le magazine l’Express

L’hebdomadaire L’Express du 29 février dernier a mis en lumière la compagnie Cunard et son nouveau navire Queen Anne dans son dossier spécial tourisme. Avec un lancement prévu début mai, Queen Anne effectuera son voyage inaugural autour des îles britanniques avec un itinéraire le long des côtes de la Grande-Bretagne, de l’Irlande et de l’Ecosse. 

Le magazine souligne la beauté des escales ainsi que l’art de vivre à bord du navire, une véritable bulle de confort rythmée par la mer au sein de laquelle les passagers se laisseront porter par l'esprit ‘so british’ de Cunard, à la fois joyeux, chic et classique.

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La presse en parle

La mythique compagnie britannique Cunard a été mise à l’honneur dans la presse en ce mois de février. Le magazine féminin « Femme Actuelle » a mis en avant la prochaine traversée transatlantique qui reliera Le Havre à New York le 18 octobre prochain.

Le « Figaro Magazine » a quant à lui consacré une page au nouveau navire de la compagnie, Queen Anne, qui viendra agrandir la flotte le 3 juin 2024.

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Immersion "into the wild" : grands espaces et paysages majestueux

Cunard , la compagnie de croisières de luxe, vient d’ouvrir ses ventes pour ses itinéraires en Alaska en 2025.

Les amoureux d’aventure, de nature et de faune pourront ainsi découvrir ce territoire aux neiges éternelles, situé sur le cercle arctique où orques, éléphants de mer et grizzlis cohabitent. Place aux fjords majestueux au milieu de paysages immaculés propices aux rêveries les plus envoutantes.

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Vancouver (BC Canada)

Cruise port schedule, live map, terminals, news.

Vancouver cruise port

Region Alaska

Local Time 2024-08-23 03:37

Port Vancouver cruise ship schedule shows timetable calendars of all arrival and departure dates by month. The port's schedule lists all ships (in links) with cruises going to or leaving from Vancouver, BC Canada. To see the full itineraries (ports of call dates and arrival / departure times) and their lowest rates – just follow the corresponding ship-link.

Port Vancouver is Canada's "Alaskan" cruise port and homeport for Alaska-based liners during summer. The port handles annually between 240-270 cruise ship calls and over 1 million passengers through Canada Place cruise terminal. Port's total annual economic impact is ~USD 1,6 billion.

As the number and sizes of cruise liners to Vancouver constantly increase, the port is more and more often ranked as congested. The average passenger capacity of the vessels increased by 138% (up to 3100 pax) and the average LOA length increased by 50%, (up to 300 m / 985 ft). However, Canada Place Terminal's capacity is limited as the facility was built for older design ships.

Port Vancouver

Vancouver's cruise shipping business generates nearly US$3 million by each visiting vessel (at Canada Place), nearly 7000 Canadian jobs, ~US$300 million in wages, ~US$840 million to Canada's GDP. As cargo port, Vancouver BC is ranked North America's 3rd largest - after South Louisiana (along Mississippi River) and Houston TX . It serves shipping lines connecting Canada with 170+ countries. Port's annual trade volume is estimated at ~USD 200 billion. It sustains a total of 115,300 Canadian jobs, and generates US$7 billion in wages and US$12 billion in GDP.

The Port Authority company Vancouver Fraser manages the federal seaport lands in and around the city. Vancouver is Canada’s largest cruise port and main homeport for Alaskan cruises. The port has 28 marine terminals serving Ro-Ro ships (car carriers), break-bulk and bulk carriers, container ships and cruise vessels.

  • In 2019, BC Government, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority and FortisBC (natural gas and electricity provider) signed a deal to establish Westcoast Canada's first STS LNG (ship-to-ship LNG ) marine bunkering. The new service is for ocean-going and large-sized vessels, including BC Ferries ships .
  • The project includes a 5-year construction period for building the needed infrastructure. The project's economic contribution was estimated at CAD 1,8 billion (to BC's GDP/during the construction) and an annual impact of CAD 930 million.
  • State's LNG bunkering business was inaugurated in 2017. Currently, 5x Ro-Pax ships (BC Ferries) and two cargo ferries (Seaspan) are truck-fuelled with LNG by FortisBC. By the new project, large vessels are LNG-fuelled via barge, being filled up at a jetty on Fraser River (Tilbury Island).

Port's cruising season is May through late-September / early-October. Since 2008, the seaport voluntary purchases renewable / wind energy. At Canada Place terminal, port's cruise business generates (direct economic activity) an average of USD 3 million per visiting vessel. Ship types vary from large and mainstream to top-luxury and small expedition vessels. Inaugurated in 2009, Canada Place terminal's shore-to-ship power capabilities reduce significantly the amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated by visiting vessels. The new technology allows docked cruise ships to shut down completely their diesel engines and connect to BC Hydro’s electrical grid for all the needed onboard electrical power while berthed. The volume of reduced emissions per year is over 2200 tons. Approx 40% of all cruise vessels visiting the port are shorepower enabled. As incentives for using shorepower, the port offers 50% reduction in harbour dues.

In 2010, the port was visited by around 600,000 cruise ship tourists. In 2014 was closed the Ballantyne Pier terminal. Since then, Canada Place is city's only remaining cruise ship terminal.

In 2015, the cruise port handled a total of 228 ship visits (32 different vessels) and over 800,000 passengers. During season 2015, Princess Cruises introduced new roundtrip Vancouver itineraries to Hawaii and US West Coast (California) on Ruby Princess . Port's 2016 statistics included directly generated nearly 7,000 jobs (country-wide), USD 300 million in paid wages and USD 840 million to Canada's GDP.

On May 20, 2017, the cruise port reported a record day with 3 ship calls ( Emerald Princess , Star Princess , ms Nieuw Amsterdam ) and a total of 15,800 cruise tourists. Vancouver police units were assigned to direct traffic. The port authority warned of transportation delays. The record day resulted in hours-long waits at Canada Place terminal (for customs processing) and additional long waits for taxis. The taxicab problem was mainly due to the limited number of cab licenses issued in Vancouver City, as well as the local prohibition of ride-sharing services.

Over Canada Day 2017's long weekend (July 1, 2, 3), a fleet of 8 cruise ships came into Vancouver harbour docking at Canada Place. These ships ( Golden Princess / overnight, Star Princess , Nieuw Amsterdam , Noordam , Celebrity Infinity , Norwegian Sun , Crystal Serenity and Disney Wonder) had total economic impact on local businesses estimated at USD 24 million. It was based on the average USD 3 million per cruise liner ashore passenger spending (on restaurants, shopping, pre- and post-voyage hotel stays, local transportation, day tours). In 2017, the cruise port had scheduled a total of 236 ship calls (2% increase over 2016) and handled nearly 843,000 passengers (3% increase over 2016). During season 2017, the port had scheduled 33 different liners from the fleets of 15 different companies. The port's economic impact in 2017 is USD 3 million per ship call (including spending on tours, hotels, taxis, shopping, etc).

For season 2018, the cruise port reported a record year - 243 ship calls (7% increase over 2017), 33 different ships, 14 different companies, over 900,000 passengers. On May 23 was celebrated port's 25 millionth arriving cruise ship tourist. Port's largest liner so far is NCL's Norwegian Bliss (capacity 4200 passengers). NCL Bliss departed from Vancouver (Oct 1, 5-day repositioning cruise) to Los Angeles via San Francisco . Port's 1 millionth cruise passenger mark was reached in 2002 (1,060383 million).

In 2018-H1 (first half), port's containerized cargo volumes increased by 5% (over 2017-H1) to the record number 1,64 million TEU-containers. The increase was due to increasing international demand for Canadian goods and Canadian demand for Asian goods. Beside container shipping trade, port's results also showed:

  • increase in potash (22,7%), autos (8%), coal (8,9%), forest (4%) and petroleum (40,2%) products
  • decline in grain (10,2%, crops-feed), chemicals-minerals (5%), ores-concentrates (27,8%). Port's 2018-H1 cargo traffic (over 2017-H1) report included:
  • Overall cargo increased 4,4% - to total 72,1 million tons.
  • Auto units increased 8,3%, to total 236396.
  • Breakbulk cargoes increased 14,4 % - to total 8,8 million tons, including 21,1% in domestic traffic.
  • Drybulk cargoes increased 0,7%.
  • Liquid bulk cargoes increased 28,3%, including 40,2% in petroleum products.
  • TEU-container shipping increased 5,1% - to total 1,64 million.
  • Cruise shipping traffic increased 12,7%.

For season 2019 (March 29 through November 1), the number of handled ship calls was 288 (+22% over 2018), with estimated 1,077 million passengers. Berth bookings 2019 were made by 24 brands/companies for 41 different vessels. New cruise lines included Azamara (ship Azamara Quest ), Cunard ( MS Queen Elizabeth ), Viking Ocean ( MS Viking Orion ) and Hurtigruten ( MS Roald Amundsen ). Other new liners (with maiden port calls) included Ovation OTS , Celebrity Eclipse , Norwegian Joy , Royal Princess , Star Legend , Silver Muse , L’Austral .

In mid-July 2020 was opened G3 Terminal Vancouver (grain export terminal, construction works started in March 2017.) featuring modern design, loop track elevators, a direct railway link for taking Canadian Prairies grain via trains (and loading it onto drybulk cargo ships), max capacity 3x 150-car trains and storage capacity 180,000 MT (metric tonnes). Trains unload while in motion and go back to the terminal’s elevators without detaching from the locomotives. At G3’s berth/dock are installed 3x loaders that move the grain (max capacity 6500 tons per hour) onto the ship. G3 Terminal Vancouver is a joint-venture between Western Stevedoring Company Ltd and G3 Global Holdings - a joint-venture between Bunge Ltd (US-based agribusiness and food company) and SALIC Canada Ltd (subsidiary of SALIC-Saudi Agricultural and Livestock Investment Company).

Despite the Coronavirus crisis, 2020 became a record-breaking year in Vancouver Port's 108-year history by revenues (~USD 50 million / ~EUR 42M) or 15% increase over 2019. Moved through the seaport were 7+ million MT (metric tonnes) of commodities, 5,4+ million MT of grain, 0,3+ million MT of copper concentrate, 2700+ wind turbines, ~90,000 automobiles.

For season 2022 (April 10 thru November 2) the cruise port handled 307 ship calls (+6,5% over 2019's 288 visits/~85% from homeported vessels, including 10x maiden calls and 18x shorepower berthings) and ~815,000 tourists.

2023 (April 12th thru October 24th) was Port Vancouver's record year, with booked a total of 332 cruise ship berthings (~9% increase over 2022) and ~1,25 million tourists (+54% over 2022 and +10% over 2019).

For 2024 (March 11th thru October 29th), the Port had scheduled/booked a total of 329 ship berthings, with projected ~1,27 million passengers to pass through the Canada Place Terminal (~2% increase over 2023).

In October 2023, Seaspan Vancouver Drydock (in North Vancouver/on 203 Esplanade E) received permit approval from the Port Authority to extend its drydock facilities and expand the infrastructure in order to be able to provide services (ship repairs and maintenance works) to larger vessels. The project included the extension of Seaspan's water lot by 130 ft/40 m and the addition of two new drydocks (smaller) plus a floating pontoon, located to the west of the old drydocks. The project's completion was slated for 2024-Q4.

Vancouver cruise terminal

Canada's Government established Port Metro Vancouver (locode CAVAN) in January 2008. Today, the Port is ranked North America's fourth-largest and Canada's largest by annually handled tonnage. Port Vancouver is in western Canada, at British Colombia’s southwestern corner. Its cruise schedule lists voyages from spring through fall, with vessels departing from Canada Place Ship Terminal.

The Terminal's address is "Canada Place Pier, 99 Canada Place Vancouver, BC, Canada".

Canada Place Cruise Ship Terminal

The Canada Place Vancouver terminal was inaugurated on April 28, 1986. The facility's design features 5 sail-shaped roofs. Except the building, other facilities include VINCI Car Park, Port Metro Office, World Trade Center Office, Pan-Pacific Hotel.

At Canada Place Terminal are available restrooms, baggage trolleys, a snack shop. From the Terminal are directly accessed ship berths North (length 274 m / 900 ft), East (506 m / 1660 ft) and West (326 m / 1070 ft).

In May 2015, Canada Place Vancouver became the world's first cruise terminal with a total of 10x BorderXpress APC kiosks (abbrev "Automated Passport Control"). The project was a collaboration of Port Metro Vancouver and the Vancouver Airport Authority.

  • In comparison to the traditional clearance process, the new computerized kiosks increased 4 times the terminal's passenger processing rates. The terminal's US Customs and Border Protection area is utilized prior to ship embarkation on Canada to Alaska cruise itineraries.
  • Cruise tourists using BorderXpress APCs at Port Metro Vancouver proceed directly to the self-service kiosks in the passenger processing area. Then they simply have to follow the on-screen instructions, scan their passports and answer some customs declaration questions. Then embarking passengers receive a receipt that confirms their information and continue to a US Customs officer to finalize their processing.
  • The overall result was increased efficiency, less congestion, faster customs processing and shorter wait times.
  • Cruise passengers eligible for BorderXpress APCs are American and Canadian passport holders, as well as US Permanent Residents.
  • The service is available at no cost to the user and pre-registration is not required.

Cruise terminal luggage storage and delivery

For cruise ship passengers in Vancouver, PorterGenie offers the only curbside luggage pick-up/delivery and storage service. Pick-up and delivery locations can be anywhere: Vancouver International Airport, hotels in the Metro Vancouver area, train and bus stations, etc. PorterGenie can pick-up your luggage from anywhere in Metro Vancouver, store as long as you need, and deliver it back to you anywhere you like.

You can use PorterGenie to transport your luggage from the airport to Canada Place Terminal or the other way around. You can schedule service online at or call PorterGenie toll-free at 1-888-411-5260. No payment is required for scheduling and cancellations are free. You are encouraged to schedule in advance before the busy season.

Ballantyne Pier Terminal

The Ballantyne terminal is located on 851 Centennial Road, Vancouver. It looks like a commercial dock after its 1995 renovation and extensions. Amenities include luggage carts, restrooms, snack concessions, security and taxi ranks. The berth is only one – East, 1200 ft.

  • Address: Ballantyne Pier, 655 Centenniel Road, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Parking:$15 Canadian daily ($10 US – depends on exchange rate).
  • Vancouver's second cruise terminal (Ballantyne Pier) ceased operations in 2014.

Vancouver tours, shore excursions, hotels

City tours and shore excursions.

Harbour Center Tower: enjoy beautiful city panorama from the 581 ft roof.

Gastown: located at the old Vancouver, nice and quiet place for a coffee.

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden: the perfect equilibrium located at the city center, blended with the four elements, architecture and rock, plants and water.

Stanley Park: enjoy the native American Totem Poles and the Vancouver Aquarium in the biggest North America urban park.

Vancouver Aquarium: variety of sealife – dolphins, beluga whales, sea turtles and sea lions

Capilano Suspension Bridge: located over Capilano river, hundreds of feet tall.

Grouse Mountain: enjoy Wildlife Refuge situated on 5 acre with its wolves and bears.

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To sail with Cunard® is to step into a world that revolves around you.

The timeless elegance of these luxurious ships incorporates a rich history of a bygone era. Cruises between Southampton, England, and New York are a specialty of Cunard®. A planetarium, Canyon Ranch Spa, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts classes, elegantly appointed libraries and Oxford University enrichment lectures make for a memorable, if not once-in-a-lifetime, sailing experience.

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4.3 of 5 stars

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Let Queen Anne® become your home away from home as you explore some of the world’s most enticing locations during her inaugural season. Whether you seek plentiful sea days to truly enjoy the ship, or you’d prefer a voyage on which you’ll discover a new destination almost every day, Queen Anne’s choices do not disappoint. Be a part of history as Cunard's newest ship is welcomed for the very first time, turning heads in destinations all over the world.

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Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth® invites you to an uncrowded world where spacious decks set the perfect backdrop for you to savor a flawless Cunard experience. Immerse yourself in endless entertainment, luxurious accommodations, and an array of dining choices. Her Art Deco features and gleaming chandeliers mix with contemporary attractions to ensure a remarkable vacation. Enjoy croquet on her Games Deck, stunning entertainment in her Royal Court Theatre, or relax in her elegant conservatory. The choice is yours.

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Queen Mary 2

4.1 of 5 stars

Queen Mary 2® is a true heir to the timeless elegance, legacy and inspiration of the great Cunard liners of legend. You'll notice it the moment you walk through the doors into the soaring Grand Lobby, and from the first instance you experience the famous Cunard White Star Service®. This sophisticated flagship also boasts the pampering services of Mareel® Spa and the Cunard Insights® Enrichment Program led by prestigious experts.

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Queen Victoria

4.2 of 5 stars

Queen Victoria® is known for her elegance and her graceful splendour. Her unique facilities are amongst the most modern you will find and yet she has a special ambience so evocative of great liners past. With luxurious marbles, woods and rich fabrics she exudes elegance and is adored by her crew and passengers alike. Queen Victoria is infused with a sense of luxury and tradition, from the Royal Court Theatre, which includes the first private viewing boxes at sea, to the signature two-story library, featuring a spiral staircase and nearly 6,000 volumes, and "Cunardia," the first Cunard museum display at sea.

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  • Cunard Line

QE Alaska Review From A First Time Cunard Cruiser

By ceilidh1 , August 9, 2023 in Cunard Line

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I recently sailed on the QE, roundtrip Vancouver-Alaska, and figured I would share some thoughts. Ordinarily, I do live reviews from the ship, but the wifi was SO bad that it had to wait until I got home! As a first time Cunard cruiser, I was quite anxious and not sure what to expect - hoping this will be helpful for other first timers!

While I have never sailed Cunard before, I am a seasoned cruiser with well over 40 cruises under my belt - almost half of which were to Alaska. The reason being - I live within walking distance of the port in Vancouver, so anything that I can do without flying is a win! I primarily sail Princess, but also enjoy NCL and my new favorite Virgin Voyages. Usually, I sail with my kids but this time it was just myself and BFF.

I did a lot of research and video watching to prepare for this sailing, since I really had no idea what to expect. I'm not one for dressing up and I was very worried about having to dress for dinner each night. Luckily, my thoughts on what it mean to "dress for dinner" were way over the top - no, you don't need a full on ballgown each night! We had two gala nights - Ice White and Masquerade - so I treated myself to a nice white dress and a cute black dress and accessories. The other nights, we just dressed in either a cocktail type dress or nice pants and blouse.

I typically like to buy a drink package, simply because I don't want to worry about having a bill when I disembark. Sadly, Cunard priced me out of this - $70USD per day and both guests had to buy. That's $1400USD for drinks. Nope. We ended up deciding to just pay-as-you-go and it was definitely the right choice.

We did purchase the thermal suite for both sea days. The way it is set up online is that you choose a day and a 2-hour time slot. This is not the way it works once you board - the booking is actually for the entire day, rather than two hours, and it was much more to purchase on the ship than to purchase ahead of time. This worked out in our favour!

We also did the two Lido specialty dining, which we pre-purchased online for $25USD per person. I believe it was more to purchase once on the ship. 

We did not book excursions since we had both been to Alaska many times and planned on either just walking around town or enjoying the empty ship. Given that we had pretty crummy weather all trip, this turned out to be the right choice!


Anyone that has ever sailed from Vancouver will know what a gong show this port can be. I used to work shoreside at the port, so know the process like the back of my hand. I still hate it. We were fortunate that there were only two ships in for our embarkation - Disney and QE. We were assigned a 2pm check in time, but decided to arrive around noon (having worked there for so long I know that it's better to arrive right around boarding time). As is the usual process at Canada Place, we dropped our bags at the terminal level, took the escalator up to street level for check in, took the escalator back down to terminal level for security and US CBP, and then boarded the ship. It really is an awkward process! There was a line for check in, but it seemed to move quickly and we were headed back down to a much longer line for security. Once again, if you have sailed from Vancouver, you will know that to go through security and US CBP it's every man (or woman) for themselves. All passengers, regardless of ship or status, go through the exact same lines. It was pretty easy to tell who were on Cunard and who were on Disney - lots of frazzled parents, kids melting down, and the vacation hasn't even started. I'm always amazed at the security points when, after standing in line for half an hour, the person in front of me suddenly realises (or not) that they need to empty their pockets. Then the line gets held up even more as we wait for that person to either proceed through the metal detector with their cell phone, money, and keys in their pocket or hold up everyone behind as one by one they empty every pocket they have. Despite the line, we were still in good spirits and got through in around half an hour. Next up is US CBP - they have the same machines they use at the airport but if you aren't travelling on US or Canadian passports, you have to line up to see an officer. That line was pretty significant, but we got through to the machines quickly, punched in all the details and were on our way. This is where the ships branch off - Disney went to the left and Cunard to the right. The ship had just started boarding at this point and the rep asked if we were priority - nope. We were told to take a seat. There were a bunch of empty rows (I assume folks who had been sitting there had been called to board) and then 5 or 6 rows with people sitting in them. We asked the rep where we should sit and my BFF jokingly said "Can we sit in the first row" - to which the rep said, "Of course!". Huh? Well, we sat there and then were told to come on aboard...but all the other rows were still sitting and waiting. Confused? Us, too! From arrival to stepping foot on the ship was one hour and fifteen minutes. Not the best but definitely not the worst at this port!


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First Impressions

From the first step onto that red carpet, seeing the staff decked out in their cute red outfits and hats I knew this ship would be classy. I was right! The ship was stunning. So tasteful and elegant. I loved the fresh flowers, the art, the decor, and the feeling that you were on a traditional ocean liner as opposed to an amusement park at sea (I'm looking at you RCCL)!


We were delighted to find our cabin was available to us to drop our bags, so that was our first stop. We had an oceanview on deck one. I was initially concerned that this would be a problem as it seemed so low and it was midship next to guest services. The opposite was true! The cabin was so convenient for everything and so quiet. We felt no movement and it was a great set up. I loved the fact there was a sofa in the room!



Thanks for your thoughts on embarkation. Gong show? I had a different name for it a year ago when, on top of the other stages, we had ArriveCAN and proof of covid test to show! Even without those extras, I always feel like a rat in a maze embarking in Vancouver. 

But once you're on the ship, QE is worth it! She is elegant, although I wish Cunard would get over the feather arrangements. 

After dropping our bags and checking into the muster station, we headed off in search of lunch. I was hoping to find the pub open, or at least a dining room, but it seemed the only option was the buffet. And, like all buffets on embarkation day, it was madness! The food looked great but was lukewarm at best. There were no tables and, if one was vacated, there were no staff to clear them. We ended up standing next to a newly vacated table, with plates in hand, for a good 5-10 minutes hoping that someone would come clear away the remains from the last guests. No one did. In the end, I ended up holding our plates of food while BFF cleared the table and walked the dirty dishes up to the counter. Only then did someone approach and wipe down the table. Not a great first impression, especially after we had been so wowed up to this point! Not surprisingly, no one came to ask if we wanted drinks, so BFF headed off the the drink dispenser and came back with...pineapple juice!? Huh? No lemonade, out of cranberry juice, so pineapple it was. Not that I have anything against pineapple - just seemed kind of random. 

By the time we were done eating and exploring, it was around 4:30pm and time for sailaway...or so we thought. We found a place at the aft of the ship (this quickly became our favorite hangout) and settled in to watch the sailaway. My kiddos texted while we were there to say they were coming down to wave us off (we literally live a 7 minute walk from the port). It was so nice to see them and say a final goodbye...except we didn't actually go anywhere. We sat. And sat. And waved. And waved, Then it became awkward, and the kids wanted dinner so they left. We didn't. I'm not sure what the hold up was but we didn't end up leaving until close to 6pm, by which time we had headed in to find dinner!


Apologies for the upside down pictures....

Food is obviously subjective and, after the first not-very-impressive, impression at the buffet you might think I'm here to say the food was awful. Not at all. Hands down, this was the best cruise line food I have ever had - and I've been on my fair share of cruises. The buffet is never my favorite place, but the buffet on QE had some great options - afternoon tea was outstanding, as was the pizza station. I didn't love breakfast, simply because it never changed. The sushi station was wonderful. The food in the dining rooms was consistently great, and don't even get me started on the pub lunch - awesome! We did the Lido specialty - Frontier and Coriander - and loved both. So good and so worth the upcharge. We also enjoyed some good food on deck at the Lido Grill and had some nice pastries at Cafe Corinthia. The room service menu was outstanding - and complimentary. Honestly, I would have been happy to just to have every meal off there! The only problem we had was deciding where to eat as we didn't want to miss anything! I really can't say a bad thing about the food on this ship.

Service in the dining rooms was hit and miss - it often took forever to get drinks (if you were even lucky enough to have a drink server come over). Which leads me to another observation - as two females, we found that we were largely ignored in terms of drink service. It started out amusing but by day three I was mad! We would sit in a lounge and get completely ignored, while a male/female couple would sit on the next table and get approached immediately. In the dining room, I asked our waiter and the food server to send over someone to take a drink order - never came. Is this normal? It became kind of embarrassing having to constantly flag down someone to get us drinks - I felt like they thought I had a drinking problem. The only place this wasn't an issue was in the pub, so we spent much of our time in there!

Pictures of some of the amazing food we had



Like food, I feel that entertainment is somewhat subjective. While I appreciated the pure talent of every entertainer on this ship, the offerings were just not my style. That's not to say they weren't excellent. I just don't want to listen to classical music, pianists, violinists, or harpists every night and I don't have any interest in ballroom dancing, so I felt like I was always wondering what to do. Luckily for me, the pub and the Garden Cafe had the Irish Duo Cula each night and they were fantastic! Have I mentioned how much I loved the pub? I should also say that the production shows we watched were excellent and I really enjoyed them. However, overall, the lack of things that I, personally, am interested in would likely make me think twice about cruising on Cunard again - this trip was great in that it served its purpose of me just relaxing and doing nothing. Most trips I like to go-go-go and experience everything. I didn't feel as if there was enough for me to experience.


Ports on this ship were the usual Alaska ones - Ketchikan, Skagway, Juneau, Sitka and Glacier Bay and Hubbard Glacier. We had been to all multiple times so just roamed around. In Alaska we went to our fave places - The Asylum and Jellyfish Donuts, in Skagway we got caught in a torrential downpour, in Juneau we just walked through town, and in Sitka we went to our fave thriftstore. We got closer to the glaciers in Glacier Bay than I have been in many years, so that was pretty cool! I feel guilty being so ambivalent about ports that many experience as a "once in a lifetime" thing - I really am spoiled. Also of note is that we saw whales from the ship several times, many eagles, otters, and a bear off in the distance. Once again, I am spoiled - these sightings are a daily occurrence where I live...


Oops I forgot Victoria! We stayed on the ship!


As mentioned previously, drink service was a bone of contention throughout the cruise. I have never had such an issue getting a drink before - and it's not even as if I had the drink package, so Cunard actually lost money with me!

For the most part, service on this ship was good - I was actually expecting a little more, given what I had read beforehand. Staff definitely did not fall over themselves or go above and beyond (there were a few exceptions to this) and I did find myself faced with the word "no" several times. I was shocked to witness a waiter tell guests in the Commodore Club that they couldn't eat their food from the buffet in there (glacier day and everyone had staked out tables there), I was shocked to hear a bartender in Cafe Corinthia tell a guest that she could not take her pastries up to her room, and I was shocked to be told by guest services that the crappy wifi we had purchased was "out of their control" (by far the worst wifi we have had on any ship). Now, there were exceptions - two staff from the Bookstore giftshop were wonderful, a waitstaff in the pub became a firm friend, the host at Britannia was fantastic, and waitstaff we had in Lido alternative dining were excellent. Our cabin steward was also great!

NE John

28 minutes ago, ceilidh1 said:

Menu looks fantastic, but no fish and chips?


The worst day ever is when you get the info telling you that you have to leave! We received the usual Canada customs forms prior to arriving in Victoria. I was also surprised at a blurb from Cunard informing guests that they could not leave the ship in Victoria as embarking in one Canadian port and disembarking in another violated the PVSA. I'm pretty sure that isn't true - this is an American law, no? We were given the option to walk off with our bags, or do the usual route of putting them out the night before. We chose the latter as we had nowhere to be and planned on taking our time. We ended up with a disembarkation time of 10:00am - perfect. We had a leisurely breakfast in the dining room and were pleasantly surprised with the lack of people around the ship - disembarkation morning is usually survival of the fittest and involves hurdling over luggage and pushing through people waiting in the hallways. None of that on this ship. We heard disembarkation groups getting called as we were eating and then it seemed to stop. Around 9:30, we gathered our stuff and headed down to the gangway - we asked what colour they were calling and were told everyone could get off. So off we got. Bags were right where they should be, and I was home by 10:15! Easy peasy.

5 minutes ago, NE John said: Menu looks fantastic, but no fish and chips?

That's dinner -fish and chips was only lunch!

As mentioned previously, we had pre-purchased thermal suite passes. This worked out well as, not only did we save a fair amount of money, but we had access for the entire day rather than just 2 hours as we thought. The spa was nice but very small - only 6 heated stone loungers (and they weren't that hot), two steam rooms, a sauna that was out of order (but there was a working one in the change room), and the hydrotherapy pool. I was most looking forward to the pool, but it turned out to be like a warm bath. There were no jets other than the huge firehose type ones that knocked you off your feet, and it was really dark in there. The stone loungers had a great view but needed to be hotter. The steam rooms were nice, as was the sauna in the change room. It should be noted that anyone can use this sauna, as well as the showers in the change room - you didn't need to pay for the spa to do so.

Final Thoughts

We had a great time on this ship and really enjoyed the elegant, traditional feel of it. I'm not sure I'm quite the typical demographic that Cunard is designed for - I somewhat missed the cheesy, tacky gameshows and I prefer disco to ballroom. As someone that typically sails with kids, I can't say I would rush to take them on this line - they would LOVE the food, but not sure there would be enough to keep them entertained. For a girls/adults trip it was perfect!

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Cunard Cruise Line, Alaska cruise from Vancouver, 11 June, 2024

Cunard Cruise Line Alaska 10-day route

Cruising from: Vancouver, British Columbia ;

Departure Date: 11 June, 2024 ;

Cruise Line: Cunard Cruise Line ;

Cruise Ship: Queen Elizabeth ;

Duration: 10 days ;

Ports of Call: Vancouver, Sitka, Skagway, Icy Strait, Glacier Bay, Ketchikan, Misty Fjords, Victoria, Vancouver ;

10-day Alaska cruise on board Queen Elizabeth.

Day 0 vancouver, british columbia.

Vancouver is located in British Columbia, and is considered one of the most beautiful and livable cities in the world, with a thriving cultural scene, stunning natural surroundings, and a diverse and welcoming population....

Day 1 At Sea, At Sea

Wonderful day at Sea....

Day 2 Sitka, Alaska

Sitka, Alaska is a popular departure port for many Alaskan cruises, offering visitors a chance to explore the Last Frontier's stunning natural beauty, rich history, and culture....

Day 3 Skagway, Alaska

Skagway, located in the Upper Lynn Canal is a place in Alaska where the past lives on. The Port of Skagway is the northernmost ice-free, deep-water port in North America, and serves as a year-round transportation hub between Alaska, the Yukon Territory, Northern British Columbia, the Northwest...

Day 4 Icy Strait, Alaska

Icy Strait Point is a unique and remote destination in Alaska that offers visitors the chance to experience the authentic culture and natural beauty of the region. This former cannery town is located on the remote Chichagof Island, and is only accessible by boat or plane.

One of the...

Day 5 Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacier Bay National Park is a pristine wilderness area in southeast Alaska that is famous for its stunning glaciers, towering mountains, and abundant wildlife. A cruise through Glacier Bay is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that offers visitors the chance to witness the raw beauty of this...

Day 6 Ketchikan, Alaska

An Alaskan cruise from Ketchikan is an unforgettable adventure that will take you through some of the most stunning natural landscapes in the world....

Day 7 Misty Fjords, Alaska

Misty Fjords National Monument, located in the Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska, is a popular destination for cruise ships due to its stunning natural beauty and unique landscape. Visitors to Misty Fjords can expect to be awed by the towering cliffs, dramatic waterfalls, and...

Day 8 At Sea, At Sea

Day 9 victoria, british columbia.

Victoria, British Columbia's capital, is an occasional Cruise Port during the Alaska cruise season, especially at the beginning or the end of the cruise season, when cruise lines have unique itineraries as they reposition their ships from the south to the north, or vice versa....

Day 10 Vancouver, British Columbia

Experience wildlife, wilderness, and native culture on this Alaska cruise with Cunard Cruise Line. Visit Vancouver, Sitka, Skagway, Icy Strait, Glacier Bay, Ketchikan, Misty Fjords, Victoria, Vancouver. Queen Elizabeth leaving Vancouver, British Columbia, for 10 days from 11 June, 2024.

Alaska cruise from Vancouver June 2024

Please note that port orders, dates, and itinerary details, including content, are subject to change. Verify specific details for your chosen sailing date on the Cunard Cruise Line website.

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  1. Cunard Line makes its return to Vancouver with the Queen Elizabeth

    cunard cruises vancouver

  2. Queen Elizabeth Cunard Cruise Ship Vancouver Stock Photo 2178291271

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  3. Cunard Line makes its return to Vancouver with the Queen Elizabeth

    cunard cruises vancouver

  4. Cunard Line makes its return to Vancouver with the Queen Elizabeth

    cunard cruises vancouver

  5. Cunard Line makes its return to Vancouver with the Queen Elizabeth

    cunard cruises vancouver

  6. Cunard: The official luxury cruise line of the RCGS

    cunard cruises vancouver


  1. Cruises from Vancouver 2024 & 2025

    Cruises from Vancouver. Roam through icy inlets, toast Independence Day at sea, and traverse ancient temples when you cruise from Vancouver with Cunard. Voyage on Queen Elizabeth, one of just three ships in Cunard's fleet, and immerse yourself in the culture of the Far East and Alaska.

  2. Vancouver cruise port

    Experience the beautiful Vancouver in Canada on board one of our luxury cruises. Book your luxury cruise experience today.

  3. Cruises from Vancouver

    Cruises from Vancouver. Roam through icy inlets, toast Independence Day at sea, and traverse ancient temples when you cruise from Vancouver with Cunard. Voyage on Queen Elizabeth and immerse yourself in the culture of the Far East and Alaska.

  4. Cunard Line • Site Officiel de la Compagnie en français

    En croisière à bord de Queen Mary, de Queen Elizabeth ou de Queen Victoria, Cunard vous emmène à la rencontre des plus belles et mythiques villes du continent Américain, tout en longeant ses mers et rives. Québec, Hawaii, San Francisco, New York, Vancouver, Miami : l'Amérique est à vos pieds. Découvrez les Etats-Unis et le Canada à ...

  5. Cunard Cruises from Vancouver, Canada 2024/2025

    Find great deals on Cruises from Vancouver, Canada 2024/2025 offered by Cunard including last minute cruise deals, discount luxury cruises and cheap Cunard...

  6. Cunard Line makes its return to Vancouver with the Queen Elizabeth

    After a 24-year-long hiatus, the legendary Cunard Line now has one of its ships calling Vancouver's Canada Place its homeport. ADVERTISEMENT. Built in 2010, the MS Queen Elizabeth made its inaugural sailing from Vancouver last week with an itinerary that takes a round trip to Alaska.

  7. Cunard Cruises to Vancouver

    Find and plan your next Cunard cruise to Vancouver on Cruise Critic. Choose from a variety of sail dates and departure ports for your Vancouver Cunard cruise.

  8. Cunard Cruises from Vancouver (2024): CHEAP Cruise Deals

    Find cheap Cunard cruises from Vancouver on Tripadvisor. Search for great cruise deals and compare prices to help you plan your next Cunard cruise vacation from Vancouver.

  9. Cunard Cruises Starting In Vancouver

    Start your journey from Vancouver with 3 unique Cunard cruise itineraries to choose from. September is the most popular month to begin your cruise from Vancouver and Cunard have 3 trips departing this season.

  10. Cunard Cruises From Vancouver

    Looking for Cunard Cruises out of Vancouver? Find the perfect Cunard cruise leaving from Vancouver for you with a variety of dates and ships to choose from.

  11. Cunard Cruise Line, Alaska cruise from Vancouver, 20 June, 2023

    Experience wildlife, wilderness, and native culture on this Alaska cruise with Cunard Cruise Line. Visit Vancouver, Juneau, Skagway, Hubbard Glacier, Sitka, Glacier Bay, Ketchikan, Victoria, Vancouver. Queen Elizabeth leaving Vancouver, British Columbia, for 10 days from 20 June, 2023.

  12. Vancouver (BC Canada) cruise port schedule

    Port Vancouver cruise ship schedule shows timetable calendars of all arrival and departure dates by month. The port's schedule lists all ships (in links) with cruises going to or leaving from Vancouver, BC Canada.

  13. Vancouver, Canada

    Vancouver, Canada cruises . Find voyages. Find voyages

  14. Alaska

    Read 9 reviews and enjoy exclusive savings on Cunard's 12 Day Alaska beginning and ending your journey in Vancouver. 1000 season departures.

  15. Cunard Cruise Line, Alaska cruise from Vancouver, 30 June, 2023

    Experience wildlife, wilderness, and native culture on this Alaska cruise with Cunard Cruise Line. Visit Vancouver, Glacier Bay, Sitka, Juneau, Ketchikan, Vancouver. Queen Elizabeth leaving Vancouver, British Columbia, for 7 days from 30 June, 2023.

  16. Cunard Cruise Line, Alaska cruise from Vancouver, 8 June, 2023

    Cunard Cruise Line, Alaska cruise from Vancouver, 8 June, 2023. Cruising from: Vancouver, British Columbia; Departure Date: 8 June, 2023; Cruise Line: Cunard Cruise Line; Cruise Ship: Queen Elizabeth; Duration: 12 days;

  17. Luxury Alaska Cruises 2024 & 2025

    Experience incredible scenery and vibrant wildlife on a special Cunard cruise to Alaska. Depart Vancouver on Queen Elizabeth and discover the majesty of the USA's 49th state.

  18. Cunard Cruise Line, Alaska cruise from Vancouver, 7 July, 2023

    Experience wildlife, wilderness, and native culture on this Alaska cruise with Cunard Cruise Line. Visit Vancouver, Sitka, Skagway, Hubbard Glacier, Juneau, Icy Strait, Glacier Bay, Ketchikan, Vancouver. Queen Elizabeth leaving Vancouver, British Columbia, for 10 days from 7 July, 2023.

  19. Cunard (3 Night Cruise from Vancouver to San Francisco)

    Read 9 reviews and enjoy exclusive savings on Cunard's 4 Day Pacific Coastal beginning your journey in Vancouver and travelling through to San Francisco. 1000-24 season departures.

  20. Cunard

    Cruises between Southampton, England, and New York are a specialty of Cunard®. A planetarium, Canyon Ranch Spa, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts classes, elegantly appointed libraries and Oxford University enrichment lectures make for a memorable, if not once-in-a-lifetime, sailing experience.

  21. Cunard Cruise Line Alaska cruise from Vancouver 2024 schedule

    Embark on an Cunard Cruise Line voyage from Vancouver and let the beauty of Alaska unfold before your eyes. Witness the majestic tidewater glaciers, delve into the rich cultural heritage of charming towns, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

  22. QE Alaska Review From A First Time Cunard Cruiser

    I recently sailed on the QE, roundtrip Vancouver-Alaska, and figured I would share some thoughts. Ordinarily, I do live reviews from the ship, but the wifi was SO bad that it had to wait...

  23. Cunard Cruise Line, Alaska cruise from Vancouver, 11 June, 2024

    Experience wildlife, wilderness, and native culture on this Alaska cruise with Cunard Cruise Line. Visit Vancouver, Sitka, Skagway, Icy Strait, Glacier Bay, Ketchikan, Misty Fjords, Victoria, Vancouver. Queen Elizabeth leaving Vancouver, British Columbia, for 10 days from 11 June, 2024.