places to visit in hazratbal srinagar

🗓 Best Time To Visit: April to October

⏰ Open Hours: 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM

📌 Things To Do: Pray, Explore the architecture, Visit the nearby Dal Lake

💰 Entry Fees: Free

👥 Traveller Types: Family, Solo, Religious, History & Culture Enthusiasts

🔍 Known For: Being a revered Muslim shrine housing a relic believed to be a hair of the prophet Muhammad

📍 Distances: 20 km from Srinagar Railway Station, 28 km from Srinagar International Airport

🚗 Parking Facilities: Available nearby

📸 Photography: Allowed outside the shrine

♿ Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible

👗 Dress Code: Conservative, Cover head while entering

Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar: A Sacred and Scenic Destination for Muslims and Tourists

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to visit a place that is revered by millions of Muslims and admired by countless tourists? A place that combines the spiritual and the scenic, the historical and the architectural, the sacred and the serene? If yes, then you should definitely plan a trip to Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India.

Hazratbal Shrine is a holy site that houses a relic of Prophet Muhammad’s hair, which is believed to have miraculous powers and blessings. The shrine is located on the banks of the Dal Lake, offering a stunning view of the lake and the mountains. The shrine is also a masterpiece of Mughal and Kashmiri architecture, with a white marble dome, four minarets, and intricate carvings.

In this article, we will explore the origin, journey, and display of the relic of Prophet Muhammad’s hair, the history and architecture of the shrine, and some tips and suggestions for visitors. Whether you are a devout Muslim or a curious tourist, you will find something to appreciate and enjoy at Hazratbal Shrine.

The Relic of Prophet Muhammad

The relic of Prophet Muhammad’s hair is the most precious and sacred object at Hazratbal Shrine. It is a strand of hair from the head of Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, who lived and died in Medina, Saudi Arabia, in the 7th century CE. The relic is believed to have healing and blessing powers, and is venerated by Muslims all over the world.

But how did the relic come to Kashmir, which is thousands of miles away from Medina? The story goes that the relic was given by Prophet Muhammad to one of his companions, Syed Abdullah, who was his barber. Syed Abdullah passed it on to his son, Syed Hamid, who brought it to India. Syed Hamid settled in Bijapur, Karnataka, where he became a respected saint and teacher.

The relic remained in Bijapur for over 200 years, until it was taken by a Kashmiri businessman, Nur-ud-Din Ishbari , who was a disciple of Syed Hamid. Nur-ud-Din brought the relic to Kashmir in 1634 CE, and kept it in his house, which was later converted into a shrine. The relic was revered and guarded by the Kashmiri Muslims, who considered it a symbol of their faith and identity.

However, the relic also attracted the attention of the Mughal emperors, who ruled over most of India at that time. The Mughals were also Muslims, and they wanted to possess the relic for themselves. In 1658 CE, Aurangzeb, the last of the great Mughal rulers, ordered his governor in Kashmir to seize the relic and send it to him in Delhi. The governor complied, and the relic was taken away from Kashmir.

But Aurangzeb soon regretted his decision, as he had a dream that disturbed him. He dreamt that Prophet Muhammad was angry with him for taking away his hair, and that he should return it to Kashmir immediately. Aurangzeb woke up in fear, and decided to follow the prophet’s command. He sent the relic back to Kashmir, along with a letter of apology and a gift of money and jewels. The relic was received with joy and gratitude by the Kashmiri Muslims, who celebrated the occasion as Eid-e-Milad, or the birthday of the prophet. This event is still commemorated every year, on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal , the third month of the Islamic calendar.

The relic is displayed to the public on special occasions, such as the birth and death anniversaries of the prophet, and the Friday following Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, the two major festivals of Islam. Thousands of devotees flock to the shrine to catch a glimpse of the relic and seek its blessings. The relic is kept in a silver casket, covered with a silk cloth, and placed on a wooden pedestal. The display is accompanied by prayers, chants, and songs, creating a solemn and festive atmosphere.

The History and Architecture of the Shrine

The history and architecture of Hazratbal Shrine are also fascinating and impressive. The shrine has evolved from a modest wooden structure to a magnificent marble edifice over the centuries. The shrine has also witnessed some of the historical and political events that have shaped the destiny of Kashmir and its people.

Photo of Hazratbal Shrine 1/2 by

The original shrine was built by Nur-ud-Din Ishbari, the Kashmiri businessman who brought the relic to Kashmir in 1634 CE. He constructed a small wooden house, where he kept the relic and prayed. He also invited other Muslims to visit and venerate the relic. The house soon became a popular and respected place of worship, and was named Hazratbal, which means “the abode of the revered one” in Urdu.

The shrine was renovated and expanded by various rulers and patrons over the years. The first major renovation was done by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, who built a larger and more elaborate wooden structure in 1653 CE. He also added a garden and a fountain to the shrine. The second major renovation was done by the Afghan governor, Atta Muhammad Khan, who replaced the wooden structure with a brick and stone one in 1767 CE. He also added a dome and four minarets to the shrine. The third and final major renovation was done by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, the first chief minister of Jammu & Kashmir, who replaced the brick and stone structure with a white marble one in 1979 CE. He also added a courtyard and a library to the shrine.

The architecture of Hazratbal Shrine reflects the influence of Mughal and Kashmiri styles. The shrine has a rectangular plan, with a central hall, a verandah, and four porches. The central hall is where the relic is kept and displayed. The verandah is where the prayers and rituals are performed. The porches are where the visitors can sit and relax. The shrine has a white marble dome, which is the largest in Kashmir. The dome is supported by four pillars, which are decorated with floral and geometric motifs. The shrine also has four minarets, which are slender and elegant. The minarets have arched windows, which offer a view of the lake and the mountains. The shrine also has a courtyard, which is paved with marble tiles and surrounded by a colonnade. The courtyard has a fountain, which adds to the beauty and tranquility of the shrine.

The shrine has also been the site of some of the historical and political events that have marked the history of Kashmir and its people. The shrine has been a symbol of the Kashmiri Muslim identity and resistance, as well as a target of the Indian state and military. Some of the notable events that took place at or near the shrine are:

The theft and recovery of the relic in 1963, which sparked a massive uprising and agitation among the Kashmiri Muslims, who demanded the return of the relic and the autonomy of Kashmir. The relic was recovered after two weeks, and the Indian government agreed to some of the demands of the Kashmiri Muslims.

The siege and firing by the Indian Army in 1993, which resulted in the death and injury of several civilians and militants, who had taken refuge in the shrine. The siege lasted for two months, and ended with a negotiated settlement between the Indian government and the militant groups.

The protests and clashes in 2010, which erupted after the killing of a teenage boy by the Indian security forces near the shrine. The protests were part of the larger Kashmiri uprising of 2010, which claimed the lives of over 100 civilians and injured thousands more.

Tips and Suggestions for Visitors

If you are planning to visit Hazratbal Shrine, you should keep in mind some of the tips and suggestions that will make your visit more enjoyable and memorable. Here are some of them:

Photo of Hazratbal Shrine 2/2 by

The best time to visit the shrine is during the spring or autumn seasons , when the weather is pleasant and the Dal Lake is full of water and flowers. The shrine is also more crowded and lively during these seasons, as many festivals and events take place around the shrine.

The dress code for the shrine is modest and respectful, covering the head, shoulders, and legs. Shoes must be removed before entering the shrine. You can borrow a scarf or a cloak from the shrine’s staff, if you don’t have one. You should also avoid wearing any leather items, such as belts, wallets, or bags, as they are considered impure in Islam.

Photography is allowed outside the shrine, but not inside or near the relic. You should also refrain from making loud noises or disturbing the prayers and rituals. You should also respect the sentiments and beliefs of the devotees, and avoid any offensive or insensitive remarks or gestures.

The shrine is open from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm on all days, except on Fridays, when it is closed for the afternoon prayers. The entry is free for all visitors, regardless of their faith or nationality. You can also make a donation or offer a gift to the shrine, if you wish to.

How to Reach

One of the ways to reach Hazratbal Shrine is by taking a shikara ride on the Dal Lake, which is a traditional wooden boat that offers a scenic and relaxing view of the lake and the mountains. The shikara can also take you to the other side of the lake, where the Nishat Bagh , a famous Mughal garden, is located.

You can find many shikara operators near the Dal Gate, which is the main entrance to the lake. The shikara ride costs about Rs. 500 per hour, and you can negotiate the price and the duration with the operator. The shikara ride is a unique and enjoyable way to experience the beauty and culture of Srinagar.

Another way to reach Hazratbal Shrine is by taking a local bus from different parts of the city. The shrine is well-connected by road and local buses, and you can find many bus stops near the shrine. The bus fare is very cheap, ranging from Rs. 10 to Rs. 20, depending on the distance. The bus ride is a convenient and economical way to travel to the shrine, but it can also be crowded and noisy. You can also take a taxi or an auto-rickshaw, which are more comfortable and faster, but also more expensive. The taxi or auto-rickshaw fare can vary from Rs. 100 to Rs. 300, depending on the distance and the traffic.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned something new and interesting about Hazratbal Shrine. If you have any feedback, comments, questions, or experiences about the shrine or the article, please feel free to share them with us.

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Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar: History, Relevance, and How to Visit

Nestled on the northern shores of the picturesque Dal Lake in Srinagar, the Hazratbal Shrine stands as a revered testament to the rich cultural and religious tapestry of Kashmir.

This sacred abode, with its intricate architecture and profound history, beckons pilgrims and tourists alike to witness the spiritual resonance that permeates its hallowed grounds.

As we embark on a journey to explore the Hazratbal Shrine, let us unravel the layers of its significance, delve into the historical threads that weave its story, and discover the enchantment that makes it a cherished jewel in the crown of Kashmir’s spiritual heritage.

The gateway to Hazratbal Shrine.

Interesting Facts about Hazratbal Shrine

The Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar holds immense religious significance for the Muslim community, both regionally and beyond.

At the heart of this significance is the relic believed to be a hair from the beard of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. This relic, known as “Moi-e-Muqqadas,” is considered extremely sacred by Muslims, and its display on special religious occasions attracts thousands of devotees.

The presence of the holy relic makes Hazratbal one of the holiest shrines in the region. It serves as a place of veneration and spiritual connection for Muslims, who visit the shrine to offer prayers and seek blessings.

The belief in the sanctity of the relic fosters a deep sense of reverence among the devotees, and its display is a moment of profound religious significance, drawing pilgrims from various parts of the Kashmir Valley and beyond.

The entrance to Hazratbal Dargah

The Hazratbal Shrine, dating back to the 17th century, was initially established by Inayat Begum, the daughter of Khwaja Nur-ud-Din Eshai, who became the custodian of the holy relic.

The first construction of the shrine, known as Ishrat Jahan, took place in the 17th century during the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. In 1634, Shah Jahan ordered the conversion of the building into a prayer hall.

The blessed holy relic, known as Moi-e-Muqaddas, was brought to Kashmir by Syed Abdullah Madani, a descendant of Muhammad, who settled in Bijapur in 1635. Following Abdullah’s death, the relic passed to his son Syed Hameed.

However, during the Mughal conquest of the region, Hameed was stripped of his family estates, leading him to entrust the relic to Khwaja Nur-ud-Din Eshai, a wealthy Kashmiri businessman.

The Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, upon learning of the relic’s existence, had it seized and sent to the shrine of Sufi mystic Mu’in al-Din Chishti in Ajmer. After a divine dream, Aurangzeb returned the relic to Eshai and allowed him to take it to Kashmir.

Unfortunately, Eshai had already passed away while imprisoned. In 1700, the relic, along with Eshai’s body, reached Kashmir. Inayat Begum, Eshai’s daughter, became the custodian and established the Hazratbal Shrine, initiating a legacy where her male descendants, known as the Banday family, have since been caretakers of the relic.

The current structure of the shrine, commenced in 1968 and completed in 1979, stands as a testament to its enduring historical and religious significance.

The relic is displayed for public view on special Islamic occasions, such as the birthdays of Muhammad and his four main companions, under the care of the nishandeh, the eldest male heirs of the previous custodian.

This legacy ensures the continuation of the sacred tradition associated with the Hazratbal Shrine.

As of 2019, key members of the Banday family, including Manzoor Ahmad Banday, Ishaq Banday, and Mohiuddin Banday, continue the important role of safeguarding and presenting the holy relic to the general public during significant Islamic events.

Reflection of Hazratbal Shrine on Dal Lake.

Architecture of Hazratbal Shrine

The Hazratbal Shrine boasts a distinctive and captivating architectural style that reflects a harmonious blend of Islamic and Kashmiri influences.

At the center of this architectural marvel is the shrine’s prominent dome, an iconic feature that graces the skyline with its elegant silhouette. This dome, characteristic of Islamic architecture, not only serves as a structural element but also holds deep symbolic significance, symbolizing a connection between the earthly and the divine.

Constructed in the 17th century during the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, the initial building, known as Ishrat Jahan, laid the foundation for the shrine’s architectural legacy.

Over the years, the structure underwent transformations, and in 1634, Shah Jahan ordered its conversion into a prayer hall, marking a pivotal moment in the architectural evolution of Hazratbal.

The shrine’s exterior, crafted from white marble, contributes to its pristine appearance, creating a striking contrast against the surrounding landscape.

The use of marble not only aligns with Islamic architectural traditions but also imparts a sense of purity and sanctity to the sacred space.

Intricate geometric patterns and calligraphy adorn the exterior, adding to the visual richness and detailing that characterize the architectural finesse of the shrine.

Surrounding the main structure are well-maintained gardens, a typical feature in Islamic architecture.

These gardens not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the shrine but also provide a serene environment for contemplation and prayer. The thoughtful landscaping complements the overall design, creating a harmonious blend of architecture and nature.

Venturing inside, the interiors of the Hazratbal Shrine reveal further architectural elegance. Islamic art and calligraphy adorn the prayer spaces, creating an immersive atmosphere for worship.

The layout of the interior spaces reflects careful consideration for the needs of prayer and congregation, emphasizing functionality without compromising on aesthetic appeal.

Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar

Useful Information for Tourists

If you are a tourist in Kashmir and want to visit Hazratbal Shrine, here are some useful information.

  • Hazratbal Shrine is open to people of all religions, irrespective of religion or race.
  • Women can only enter the designated outer prayer hall and not the main prayer hall.
  • Always keep your head covered with a scarf and dress modestly.
  • You will need to leave your footwear outside before entering the prayer hall.
  • Avoid visiting on Fridays if you are a tourist as the Shrine will be crowded with devotees on their ritualistic prayers.
  • If you visit in the early morning, you will get to see the spectacular sight of hundreds of pigeons flying over the white marble arched gateway.
  • If you are visiting in the evening, I would suggest you stay in the Shrine complex to capture the setting sun behind the dome of the mosque. I didn’t get to do it as I visited in the morning, but I saw some stunning photos and wish I was there in the evening!
  • Spent some time in the park by the Shrine. It is a very peaceful and tranquil place. Also, don’t forget to click photos of Dal Lake from here!
  • I would recommend you explore the Dargah Market located right behind the Shrine. This is where the locals shop so everything is cheap and authentic. Do check out the local snacks and quick bites here for a taste of the authentic flavors.

If you are planning a trip to Kashmir, here is a comprehensive Kashmir Travel Guide for a ton of useful information on the various attractions and activities to explore.

Pigeons flying across Hazratbal Shrine

Tourist Attractions Near Hazratbal Shrine

Here is a list of tourist attractions in Srinagar to check out close to Hazratbal Shrine.

Dal Lake: A pristine jewel of Srinagar, Dal Lake offers enchanting boat rides with views of floating gardens and historic houseboats, providing a serene escape near the Hazratbal Shrine.

Nigeen Lake: Adjacent to Dal Lake, Nigeen Lake is a quieter retreat, surrounded by lush greenery and charming houseboats, offering a peaceful ambiance just a short distance from Hazratbal.

Jamia Masjid: A magnificent example of Indo-Saracenic architecture, Jamia Masjid is a historic mosque in Srinagar, known for its grandeur and spiritual significance, located not far from the Hazratbal Shrine.

Hari Parbat: Offering panoramic views of Srinagar, Hari Parbat is a hilltop fort with a rich history and a sacred temple, attracting visitors with its cultural and historical allure near Hazratbal.

Badamwari: A beautiful almond garden, Badamwari boasts a vibrant display of blossoms during spring, creating a picturesque setting near the Hazratbal Shrine for a leisurely stroll amidst nature.

Shankaracharya Temple: Shankaracharya Temple provides breathtaking views of Srinagar and Dal Lake, making it a revered site for both spiritual seekers and tourists alike.

Pari Mahal: Pari Mahal is a terraced garden with Mughal architecture, offering stunning views of the city and Dal Lake, providing a tranquil retreat near Hazratbal.

Hazratbal Shrine stands as not just a religious sanctuary but a living testament to the enduring spirit of Kashmir. Its architectural grandeur, coupled with the historical echoes of devotion, creates an atmosphere that transcends time.

As we conclude our exploration of this sacred site, we carry with us not just the visual imprints of its beauty but a deeper understanding of the cultural mosaic that defines Kashmir. The Hazratbal Shrine, with its timeless allure, remains a sanctuary of peace and reflection, inviting all who venture near to partake in the serenity and spirituality that have graced its sacred halls for centuries.

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Vargis Khan

Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar – How to Reach, What to See

The Hazratbal Shrine is a Muslim shrine located in Srinagar, on the banks of Dal Lake. Also known as, Dargah Sharif, is considered to be one of the holiest Muslim shrines. It contains a relic, Moi-e-Muqqadas, which is widely believed to be the hair of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

The shrine is a place of high religious importance and also has quite a bit of history related to it. But other than that, it is also a very beautiful shrine that has also been gaining tourist attention in the last few years. Several of the tour operators include a visit to Hazratbal in their Srinagar sightseeing tour.

I do not want to go into the entire history and religious significance of the shrine. Much of that has already been written about on the web and there is really no point in repeating it here. You can take a look at the Wikipedia Page where all this information is mentioned in detail.

What I instead want to cover in this post is information that will be relevant to you as a tourist like how to reach, what to see, and the best time to visit. For other details on visiting Kashmir like how to reach, where to stay, and what to see, please take a look at How to Plan a Trip to Kashmir .

You can also take a look at the video of Hazrat Shrine below to get more details.

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How to Reach Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar?

Hazratbal is located right next to Dal Lake. The place is in close proximity to both Shalimar and Nishat Bagh. From both these gardens, it will hardly take you 5 to 10 mins to reach the Shrine.

Just drive on Boulevard road right next to Dal Lake and you will get there. If you got confused anywhere, just ask the locals for directions and they point you in the right direction.

The best way would be to travel by your own car or bike or a rented one. Finding public transport in Srinagar City can be a little tricky. It is there but there is really no set time or route that you can follow.

Finding a bus will really be a task almost impossible and you are better off looking for a shared cab. You will definitely not find a shared cab from your hotel to any place in Srinagar and will have to change a few to get to your destination.

The same rule applies to Hazratbal Shrine as well. You should look to reach either Dal Gate or Nishat Bagh. It will be easier to find a shared cab to Hazratbal from both of these places.

Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar

What to See at Hazratbal?

Is Hazratbal a Tourist Place? The answer is no, it is not. It is really a shrine and a mosque and there isn’t much for a tourist to do here.

But with that being said, the architecture of the building and the entire setting of the place is definitely worth seeing. That is what you should visit here for. The white building of the shrine really looks majestic during the day as well as the night.

There is a well-maintained garden on its premises that adds to the overall charm of the place. Right next to Hazratbal is Dal Lake which offers a good view of the sunset.

Best Time to Visit Hazratbal Shrine

The first picture I posted in this article was clicked early in the morning. The shrine seems home to thousands of pigeons. If you visit here in the morning, you will find a lot of people coming to the shrine to feed these pigeons.

There are a couple of shops out at the front where you can buy some seeds for the birds. It is really very also. People will come, buy the seeds, feed the birds, and be on their way.

I loved doing that as well. It is both fun and satisfying as well. It presented an opportunity to both feed the birds as well as click a few pictures. With the sun rising in its backdrop, the shrine really looks majestic.

So my recommendation will be that you visit here early in the morning, before sunrise. There is a market near the shrine where you can also have your breakfast. There will hardly be any people around and you will really enjoy being here.

The next best time will be during the sunset. But the problem is that you may not find a place to park your vehicle and it will be a little crowded as well. It will be the time of the evening prayers and there will be a lot of people around.

night view

Other Places of Interest

The two other places of tourist interest near Hazratbal Shrine are Shalimar Bagh and Nishat Bagh . Since you will be standing right next to Dal Lake, I am not stating that name because it is an obvious one.

The shrine is about 5 to 10 minutes of drive away from both these gardens. If you drive for another 5 kilometers, you will reach the area that houses Pari Mahal , Chashm-e-Shahi garden , and the Tulip Garden.

Hazratbal Shrine Timing

Hazratbal remains open from early morning till late in the night, from the morning prayers to the night prayers.

I hope the information above on the Hazratbal shrine was of help. If you have any questions, you can  contact me on Instagram  and I will be happy to answer. You can also consider  subscribing to my YouTube channel  and asking a question there.

A Timelapse captured in Nubra Valley of Ladakh


Not much to write about me really except for that I love to travel around whenever I can and to wherever I can. This blog is just a small attempt to share my travel experiences with the world. Hope you like it !!!

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Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar

Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar

Hazratbal Dargah, near Dal Lake, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Open on all days 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM

Approx 01 Hour

Relic of Prophet Mohammed

Hazratbal is probably the holiest Islamic shrine in Kashmir. It is visited by a large number of the Muslim faithful. Called Hazratbal Dargah in local parlance, Hazratbal Shrine, situated on the shores of Dal Lake in Srinagar , Kashmir, is important as it possesses a sacred relic or the Moi-e-Muqaddas, a brown hair of the head of the Prophet Mohammed. This relic has an interesting history. For several centuries the hair was in the possession of certain descendants of the Prophet till it came into the hands of Syed Abdullah, the keeper of the Prophet’s mosque at Medina. Abdullah left Medina, came to India in 1634 AD and stayed in the city of Bijapur, capital of a flourshing Muslim kingdom of South India at the time. When Abdullah died, the relic came into the possession of his son and heir, Syed Hamid.

Towards the close of the seventeenth century, Aurangzeb conquered Bijapur, and Hamid who now lost his patron, fell on evil days. Daring these lean years, he borrowed money heavily from a Kashmiri trader named Khwaja Nurruddin, and eventually released himself of his financial obligation by surrendering the sacred hair to the Khwaja, who proceeded to Kashmir with the relic. But he was not allowed to go to Kashmir without hindrance. Aurangzeb, on coming to know of the trade in the relic, intercepted the merchant on his way and seized the sacred object as the emperor considered Khwaja Mohinuddin Chishti’s tomb at Ajmer (which the Mughal thought the greatest shrine in their empire) the fittest place for housing the relic. Poor Khwaja could do nothing but wail. But on the night of the seizure of the lock, Aurangzeb had a dream in which the prophet, it is said, appeared before him, threatened to punish him for his high handedness and peremptorily ordered him to return the hair to its rightful owner. Thus chastened, the Mughal ruler returned the relic to the Khwaja with as good a grace as he could command.

Nurruddin (or his friend Khwaja Medinesh, according to certain legends, which say that Nurruddin died of grief on the seizure of the hair by Aurangzeb) took the relic to Kashmir. For some time the sacred hair was kept in certain mosques in Kashmir, but it was eventually housed in the Hazratbal mosque, its present resting place. The hair is normally kept in a glass bottle locked up in a cabinet, and is exhibited to pilgrims on important Muslim festivals. Only certain male members of a family who trace their descent from the Khwaja, are allowed to touch the bottle and show it to the people.

It may be mentioned that on the feast of Shab-e-Barat in 1963 AD, when the reliquary was opened for public exhibition of the hair, the precious relic was found missing. Lamenting, highly excited crowds paraded the streets of Srinagar, and there was considerable disturbance in the city and its suburbs over the loss; but fortunately the relic was found shortly after under mysterious circumstance, to the great relief of Muslims all over India, and also of the government.


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Hazratbal Shrine

₹ 12,209 onwards

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Hazratbal Shrine, Srinagar Overview

The Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar is the holiest Muslim shrine and mosque in Kashmir, located on the banks of the Dal Lake. The silvery-white mosque houses a relic known as Moi-e-Muqqadas which is believed to be a sacred hair of Prophet Muhammad's beard. The hair is brought before the general public only on specific occasions.

The shrine takes its name from the Kashmiri language, where Hazrat means 'holy', and the word bal stands for 'place'. Known by multiple names such as Assar-e-Sharief, Madinat-us-Sani and Dargah Shari, the Hazratbal Shrine is a beautiful structure made of white marble and is the only domed mosque in Srinagar.  Women are allowed only till the first part of the Hazratbal Shrine. Situated on the banks of Dal Lake facing the Nishat Bagh, it affords a picturesque view of the lake and surrounding mountains. The weekly prayer at the Hazratbal Shrine takes place every Friday.

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History of hazratbal shrine, the relic at hazratbal shrine, theft of the holy relic from hazratbal shrine, srinagar travel packages.

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18 Places to Visit in Srinagar That You Must Know About

Probably the most common questions when planning your trip are where to go, what to see, and how to prepare for the entire journey.

As it happens, we are taking up Srinagar in this write-up, and we know that Srinagar has become one of the best family destinations in the last few decades and the best place to go for a honeymoon in Kashmir valley.

Srinagar is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, serene lakes, magnificent Mughal gardens, and ancient religious sites.

This scenic town is a treasure trove of natural bounties and architectural marvels, which you should explore to make your trip memorable.

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Srinagar is a paradise for nature lovers, adventure enthusiasts, and history buffs. However, if you are looking for the best places to visit in Srinagar, we have mentioned the list of popular attractions of the city that can save you from hassles.

18 Famous Tourist Places to Visit in Srinagar For Incredible Vacations

Famous lakes in srinagar, 1. dal lake.


Dal Lake is the prime attraction of Srinagar; that is why Dal Lake deserves the top position in the list of tourist places in Srinagar. The best view of  Dal Lake  can be enjoyed from boulevard road.

It is one of the best and most picturesque lakes in Kashmir valley, surrounded by zabarban hills from three sides and embraced by numerous gardens and orchids along with its outer rings.

This serene lake is fondly referred to as the “Jewel in the Crown of Kashmir” and Srinagar’s Jewel, every tourist who has visited Kashmir, has come to this lake.

It is the second-largest lake in the state and is also a source for commercial functions in fishery and water plant harvesting.

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The lake is about 18 sq. km (9.6 mi) long and encompassed by a line of Mughal-era gardens, parks, and the famous houseboats, and it has an average of 5 ft and a maximum of 20 ft. depth.

The Dal lake is a part of a natural wetland that covers an area of about 21 sq. km; it includes ‘Rad’ or floating gardens.

During the middle of the year, lotus blossoms through the floating gardens, which lights up the whole area.

It is a popular place to visit in Srinagar with family and kids. You can enjoy the Shikara ride and houseboat stays here to make your trip memorable.

It is divided into four basins, Bod Dal, Nagin, Gagribal, and Lakut Dal, and some even have their island in the center.

The lake’s splendor has attracted not only the tourists but also the filmmakers who think it to be the perfect place to shoot.

Location : Boulevard Road, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Timings : 24-hours

How to reach Dal Lake: Srinagar International Airport is the nearest airport to Dal Lake, which is at 21 km. The cabs and taxis are easily available from the airport and bus stand. From Lal Chowk, it will take only 20 minutes to reach the lake.

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2. Nigeen Lake

Nagin Lake Srinagar

Nigeen Lake is located on the east side of the city, at the foothills of the Zabarwan Mountains. Though the thought of as a separate lake, the Nigeen Lake is an offshoot of the Dal Lake.

They are only divided by narrow causeways, which allow only bikers and walkers; it also carries the water supply pipeline to the Srinagar city.

The water of this lake is crystal clear that the reflection of the edging trees and hills of Shankaracharya (Takht-e-Suleiman) on the south and Hari Parbat on the west can be mirrored. The surrounding trees are mainly willow and poplar trees.

The water in Nigeen Lake is good for swimming and there are fiberglass boats available. This lake gives a wholesome view of the ranges and the hills, and the pretty shikaras and houseboats flatter the sight even more.

Location : Near Nigeen Lake, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

How to reach Nigeen Lake : The nearest airport from Nigeen Lake is Srinagar International Airport, which is situated at 17 km. The cabs and buses are easily available from the airport and bus stand.

Best Time to visit Srinagar How to Reach Srinagar

3. Manasbal Lake

Manasbal Lake Srinagar

About 20 km north of Srinagar lies the deepest lake in the Kashmir Valley, Manasbal Lake. The name of the lake is in relation to the sacred lake of Mansarovar and is enclosed by three villages of Kondabal, Jakorbal, and Gratbal.

Manasbal is considered the ‘Gem of all Kashmir Lakes’ and is developing stable summer stratification. On the lake’s borders, you can find the lotus fringe in abundance.

It is a paradise for peace seekers, bird watchers, and nature lovers. From the lake towards the north, you have the view of the ruins of an old Mughal fort, and towards the south is the view of Hillock-Achtung.

Location : Safapora, Ganderbal, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Timings: 24 -hours

How to reach Nigeen Lake: Located in Ganderbal, Manasbal Lake is situated 33 km from Srinagar International Airport. Therefore, cabs, buses, and taxis are easily available from the city center, airport, and bus stand.

Famous Gardens in Srinagar

4. mughal gardens.

mugal garden

Mughal Gardens are a group of gardens like Nishat Garden, Shalimar Garden, Chashme Shahi, Pari Mahal, etc. All these gardens were constructed during the Mughal era in the style of Persian architecture, which is known as Mughal Gardens.

Thousand of visitors come to Srinagar to visit the the Mughal Gardens and delight in the serene aura of these scenic gardens.

Walking through the gardens brings out the essence of natural beauty. The group of Mughal Gardens included canals and fountains inside the park.

Their style is based on the koranic concepts of paradise, significant in the use of layouts.

Location : Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Timings : 9 AM to 6:30 PM

How to reach Mughal Gardens : Located in the heart of Srinagar, Mughal Gardens are near Srinagar International Airport. These are well-connected by roads. The cabs, buses, and taxis are easily available from the city center, airport, and bus stand.

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5. Nishat Bagh

Nishat Garden Srinagar

Nishat Bagh  is the garden made by the father of Empress Nur Jahan. Nishat garden gives you a clear view of Dal Lake and the snow-capped range of Pir Panjal on the east side. Originally this garden had 12 terraces; at present, only 9 of them exist.

Each terrace rises higher up towards the mountainside (east) and lowers towards the lake. Furthermore, there are two main pavilions, one at the lower and another at the upper end of the garden. In the middle is a reservoir of about 14 sq ft and 3 ft deep with few fountains.

Location : Boulevard Road, Near Dal Lake, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Timings : 9 AM to 5:30 PM

How to reach Nishat Bagh : Located on the bank of the Dal Lake, Nishat Bagh is situated 20 km from Srinagar International Airport. These are well-connected by cabs, buses, and taxis from the city center, airport, and bus stand.

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6. Shalimar Bagh

Shalimar Bagh Srinagar

Nestled on the bank of the Dal Lake, Shalimar Bagh is one of the most beautiful Mughal Gardens in Srinagar. This part is said to have been a village and is the abode of love.

Four terraces are rising symmetrically, one above the other. The fourth terrace was the private part of the  Shalimar Garden , the females stayed there.

Mughal Emperor Jahangir built this garden for his wife, Nur Jahan. This lush and beautifully manicured garden is known as the ‘Crown of Srinagar.’ The paradisical beauty of this garden attracts nature lovers and peace seekers.

Location : Chinar Chowk, Near Dal Lake, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

How to reach Shalimar Bagh : Shalimar Garden is located on the bank of the Dal Lake, 23 km from Srinagar Airport. The garden is well-connected by cabs, buses, and taxis from the city center, airport, and bus stand.

7. Chashme Shahi

Chasme Shahi Garden

Chashme Shahi  Garden is primarily famous for its natural springs. Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan commissioned it for his eldest son Dara Shikoh. It was built by his governor Ali Mardan in 1632. Situated 9 km from the city and is known for its pure, calm, and sparkling springs.

This place was believed to be discovered by a great female saint of Kashmir, Rupa Bhawani. This is a popular place to visit in Srinagar for couples and rejuvenate amidst the serene environs. You can witness the Persian influence in the garden’s architectural style, which is a visual retreat for the visitors.

Location : Boulevard Road, Chashme Shahi, Rainawari, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Timings : 8 AM to 7:15 PM

How to reach Chashme Shahi : Situated at 19 km away from Srinagar International Airport, which is well-connected by the major cities and states of the country. The garden is easily accessible by cabs, buses, and taxis from the city center, airport, and bus stand.

Ecstatic Kashmir Tour

8. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Botanical Garden

botanical garden srinagar

Built-in, in the memory of the well-known Jawaharlal Nehru, set up in 1969. The garden is strikingly covered with a large variety of trees and shrubs, and the colorful and exotic flowers add to its beauty. It is placed at the Zabarwan mountain range’s foothills and offers visitors a fantastic experience.

Like Mughal Gardens, this one is also surrounded by the great Dal Lake, which enhances the location. The forest department has kept in mind to keep the garden maintained.

On reaching the Botanical garden, you can see four more sections: the sporting garden, the research section garden, the botanical garden, and the center of plant introduction.

You can enjoy the boat ride and admire the garden for the variety of flora it offers.

Location : Boulevard Road, Chashme Shahi, Muja Gund Ghat, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Timings : 7 AM to 7 PM

How to reach Botanical Garden: Situated near Chashme Shahi, 19 km from Srinagar International Airport, which is well-connected to the rest of the country.

The garden is easily accessible by cabs, buses, and taxis from the city center, airport, and bus stand.

Religious Places in Srinagar

9. shankaracharya temple.

Shankaracharya Temple Srinagar

Shankaracharya Temple  in Srinagar is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It stands at the height of about 1852 m above sea level on the land on the top of Shankaracharya Hill. This temple is also famous for other names like Jyesteshwara temple or Pas-Pahar.

The temple got its name after the saint Shankaracharya, who visited the valley around the 10th century to spread his philosophy of Vedanta. He was well known for popularizing the worship of Lord Shiva in Kashmir.

The architectural beauty of this abode is noteworthy; the support of this temple is an octagonal platform. You have to climb a flight of around 100 stairs to enter the temple.

Shankaracharya Temple is also famous sight in Srinagar to add to the list of favorite places of Srinagar to visit during the Kashmir trip.

It is among the best places to visit in Srinagar with family. The Shankaracharya Temple has undergone several changes and renovations. However, the tranquil atmosphere of the temple fills you with great peace of mind.

Location : Durgjan, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Timings : 7 AM to 8 PM

How to reach Shankracharya Temple : The temple is situated 18 km away from Srinagar Airport. The temple is 11 km away from the city center and well-connected with the road network. You can hire a taxi and cab from the airport and bus stand to reach the temple.

10. Kheer Bhawani Temple

Kheer Bhawani Temple Srinagar

Kheer Bhawani Temple  is one of the most famous Hindu temples in Kashmir Valley and the best place to visit in Srinagar with family.

This temple is situated just 14 miles from Srinagar near the village of Tula Mula and is dedicated to the goddess Kheer Bhawani.

The term kheer refers to rice pudding offered in the spring by the devotees. The exciting thing about kheer Bhawani Temple is that it is believed that the color of the spring turns black, which indicates disaster.

The associated legend says that Lord Rama, during his 14 years of exile, was a devotee of Ragnya Devi. Later, when his exile got over, Lord Hanuman shifted the seat of the goddess and brought him to this place.

Her wish was to be placed in the temple covered with smooth and beautiful stones, with old grown chinar trees (under this, the pilgrims reside). Maharaja Pratap Singh constructed the temple in 1912.

The eighth day of the full moon in May is considered significant, so the devotees fast on this particular day and gather at the temple as it is believed that the goddess changes the color of the spring water.

The Kheer Bhawani temple hosts an annual festival with countless followers and tourists. This temple is significant to the Kashmiri pundits.

Location : Tulmul, Ganderbal, Jammu & Kashmir

Timings : 6 AM to 8 PM

How to reach Kheer Bhawani Temple : The temple is situated 34 km away from Srinagar International Airport.

From the city center, the Kheer Bhawani Temple is 22 km away and is well-connected with the road network. You can reach here by local transport and taxi.

11. Hazratbal Shrine

Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar

On the left bank of the famous Dal Lake is the Hazratbal Shrine, one of the best places to visit in Srinagar. It is home to the most sacred relic for Muslims, which is the hair of Prophet Muhammad.

The public display of the relic takes place on certain occasions. Hazrat means respected in Urdu, and Bal in Kashmiri means place, which gives the place the reverence it deserves.

Considered one of the most sacred Muslim pilgrimage sites in India, the mosque offers a spectacular view of the lake and the mountains, and the white marble structure of the shrine reflects on the lake displaying a picture of beauty.

Initially, Hazratbal Shrine was constructed as a pleasure house; when Shah Jahan visited the place in 1634, he turned it into a prayer house. To date, the place offers Friday prayers which attract Muslim residents in large numbers.

It is the only domed mosque in Srinagar. Other names of this shrine are Assar-e-Sharief, Madinat-us-Sani, and Darga Sharif; it is one of India’s most respected Muslim shrines.

Location : Near Fire Brigade Station, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Timings : 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM

How to reach Hazratbal Shrine: The mosque is situated 19 km away from Srinagar International Airport.

From the city center, the shrine is 9 km away and is well-connected with the road network. You can reach here by local transport and taxi.

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12. Jama Masjid

Jamia Masjid Srinagar

It is yet another example of the old Islamic architecture, located at Nowhatta, in the middle of the ancient city. The place is not only a religious site for Muslims but also a spot for history buffs and architecture lovers.

It is believed that this mosque has been renovated thrice, and even after this, its magnificence remains the same. The serene environs of the mosque are opposed by the busy and noisy market right outside. However, each Friday the followers assemble here to offer their prayers.

Location : Nowhatta, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Timings : 3 PM to 7 PM

How to reach Jama Masjid: Situated in the heart of the city, Jama Masjid is located just 2 km away from the city center. From the airport, it is located 13 km away is easily accessible by taxi and local transports.

13. Chatti Padshahi Gurudwara


Chatti Padshahi Gurudwara In The Memory of 6th Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji. The city of Srinagar offers a pilgrimage for almost all the religions of India.

Chatti Padshahi Gurudwara marks an important center for the Sikh religion. This Gurudwara is situated quite in the middle of the city, outside the Hari Parbat Fort ( South Gate).

The legend of this shrine dates back to the 6th Sikh guru who came to Kashmir and preached ardently in this spot.

This Gurudwara emits spiritual vibes, bringing tranquility and a line of history for all Sikhs. Though not an elaborate place, it still has appeal and simplicity.

How to reach Chatti Patshahi : The gurudwara is located just 4 km away from the city center. From the airport, it is located 14 km away and is easily accessible by taxi and local transport.

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Famous Wildlife Sanctuary in Srinagar

14. dachigam national park.

Hangul In Dachigam National Park.

Situated amongst Himalayan mountains, 22 km from Srinagar and spread over an area of 141 sq km, is the  Dachigam National Park . Although it is home to the endangered Hangul or Kashmiri stag, the area was previously a game preserve of the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir.

Since 1910 the Park has become a protected area; it has the catchment area for the Harwan reservoir that supplies clean drinking water to the city. “Ten villages” is the literal meaning of Dachigam.

To create the game preserve and the catchment area, about 10 villages had to be repositioned. In particular, the park possesses over 500 species of herbs, 20 shrubs, and 50 different trees.

The park varies in altitude, and because of this, it is distinguished into upper and lower regions, and so has the vegetation.

This national park is home to Leopards, Himalayan black bears, musk deer, Himalayan Grey Langur, and many more. There are various birds too like Pygmy owlet, Himalayan Monal, koalas pheasant, Oriole, etc.

Because of its extreme height, the park can be seen covered in snow during the winter, and during the summer is filled with flowers, especially blue poppy and grasslands. This significant reserve has so much to hold and to give at the same time.

Location : Near Harwan, Dachigam Road, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Timings : 9 AM to 5 PM

How to reach Dachigam National Park: The national park is located 20 km away from the city center. From the airport, it is located 27 km away and you can reach here by taxi and local transports.

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Best Places to Visit in and Around Srinagar

15. yousmarg.


Yousmarg is among the beautiful places to visit in Srinagar by couples and honeymooners. It is located in Budgam district, about 47 km from Srinagar. This scenic hill station of Yousmarg is a paradise for nature lovers and peace seekers.

The place’s pleasure starts right from the beginning of your journey up the hills. The view on the way seems like photo-shopped posters, the long stretching grassland and the hills covered with dense forests.

Also, to heighten the beauty of the mountains with snow. Though it is less crowded, this place offers you to come across nature more closely. It is an excellent spot for picnics and long hikes, and you will fall in love with this place during your Srinagar trip.

Location : Yousmarg, Jammu & Kashmir

How to reach Yousmarg: Srinagar International Airport is the nearest international airport to Yousmarg and is situated 50 km away.

From the airport, you can hire a private taxi or board a bus to Yousmarg. It is easily accessible by road from Srinagar.

16. Sinthan top (Kokernag)

Sinthan Top Kokernag

This is another hill station at an elevation of 3,784 m above sea level. Sinthan Top is gaining popularity for its view of the lowlands and its peaceful, scenic nature. The top lies on the midway of the recently opened Anantnag-Kokernag-Sinthal-Kishtwar road.

Sinthan Top is very elevated, most of the time, the area is covered with a thick blanket of snow, so the recommended time to visit would be April to September.

It is a paradise for thrill-seekers and a popular place to visit in Srinagar among adventure lovers. You can indulge in numerous activities here, including hiking, trekking, and nature walking. It is a perfect spot to explore and feel nature up close.

Location : Kokernag, Jammu and Kashmir

How to reach Yousmarg : Srinagar International Airport is the nearest international airport to Yousmarg and is situated 50 km away.

17. Doodhpathri


A recently known spot, Doodhpathri, is an unbelievable spot that extends endlessly with the green meadows and exotic flowers. About 50 km from Srinagar, this bowl-shaped valley will surely bring a smile to your face and make your heart full.

It is believed that shepherds from distant places used to come to this land to graze their cattle because the cattle grazed in Doodhpathri produced high quality and quantity of milk.

The name itself means “The Valley of Milk.” It is connected to another great valley, Gurez, in its North. The unending carpet of grassland is a great spot for family picnics and functions.

Location : Chil, Bras, Jammu and Kashmir

Timings : 7 AM to 9 PM

How to reach Doothpathri : Srinagar International Airport is the nearest international airport to Doodhpathri and is situated 43 km away.

The airport is well-connected with the major cities and towns of the country. From the airport, you can hire a private taxi or board a bus to Doodhpathri. It is easily accessible by road from Srinagar.

18. Hari Parbat

Hari Parbat

Overlooking the city of Srinagar stands this hill of Hari Parbat. The mountain is imposingly visible from all parts of the town; the view is spectacular from Dal Lake.

Hari Parbat is an abode to three main religions of India: bearing the famous Shakti Temple on the Western slope and the Muslim Shrines on the southern slope.

Further on the outer wall of the south is a Gurudwaras. On top of the hill is a fort built during the Mughal reign, it looks like a crown, even in a dilapidated state, and the fortification is still impressive. Hari Parbat is an essential center in this area.

Location : Nohata, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir

How to reach Hari Parbat: Srinagar International Airport is the nearest international airport to Hair Parbat and is situated 15 km away.

The airport is well-connected with the major cities and towns of the country. From the airport, you can hire a private taxi or board a bus to Hari Parbat.

It is located at just 4 km from the city center. It is easily accessible by road from Srinagar.

Now, you have the list of the best places to visit in Srinagar to help you plan your Kashmir trip . This beautiful town has something for tourists, including families, kids, couples, honeymooners, solo travelers, and friends.  So, plan your Srinagar tour and ensure you have these unique places on your itinerary for a memorable experience. Also, we give an excellent point of coordination with family members. So, contact us and book 4 nights 5 days Kashmir package . With this package, you can explore all these famous destinations.

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Such a Beautiful blog !! A beautiful place to visit with family, friends and partner….”Kashmir”….aaaahhhh…just love the beauty, surroundings, nature and lot of more things that can never forget.

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Explore the vibrant culture and stunning natural beauty of Srinagar

Srinagar Top Attractions


Get ready to set out on a journey to the Shankaracharya Temple, situated atop a hill called Takht-e-Suleiman in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. Built during the reign of King Gopadatya in 371 BC, it is believed to be one of the oldest temples in India. You can soak in the peaceful ambience at this historic shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva. Also known as Jyesteshwara Temple, it pays homage to the great philosopher Shankaracharya, who visited Srinagar around a thousand years ago. The temple houses the revered Shiva Linga which was worshipped by Adi Shankaracharya himself. You can learn more about the legend here which states that Shankaracharya attained spiritual enlightenment at this sacred site. Experience the stunning beauty of the valley and the famous Dal Lake as you gaze from the circular chamber at the main shrine, forming a captivating view.Visit this spiritual and historical landmark in Kashmir as it is also a remarkable piece of architecture that gives insight into ancient forms of art. Additionally, the stunning views from the temple allow you to marvel at the city and appreciate the natural beauty around it.

Dal Lake

They also enjoy shopping authentic Kashmiri items from the floating market or lake market. These markets lay amidst the lake and sell a number of items like saffron and handicrafts. The houseboats on Dal Lake feature floral motifs and intricate carvings and offer breathtaking sights of the majestic lake. These boats are equipped with single rooms and luxury suites and offer comfortable accomodation to the visitors. During the winter season, the visitors also enjoy ice skating on the frozen lake.Location: Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir.Timings: Anytime.Best Time to Visit: May to November. 

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13 best places to visit in srinagar, kashmir.

places to visit in hazratbal srinagar

The summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar is undoubtedly a tourist attraction spot in India that everyone should visit once in a lifetime. A dream destination for many, Srinagar resembles a canvas of an artist filled with natural beauty, glistening lakes, colourful gardens, snow-clad mountains and warm-hearted people. The city, situated on the banks of Jhelum, Srinagar is surrounded by picturesque lakes, offering magical views all around. Not ending with that, the snow-covered peaks of the mountains in the background of the lakes entices the whole scenery and make the place more beautiful.

So, here is a guide for the best travel destination in the country and its beautiful sightseeing places. Have a read.

13 Best Places to Visit in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir

  • Nigeen Lake
  • Shalimar Bagh
  • Hari Parbat
  • Tulip Garden
  • Shankaracharya Temple
  • Nishat Bagh
  • Dachigam National Park
  • Hazratbal Mosque
  • Betaab Valley

Most Popular Srinagar Kashmir Holiday Packages

Dal Lake, Kashmir Ki Kali!

Dal Lake Kashmir

The most picturesque lake in the foreground of an urban city, surrounded by cloud-clad Pir Panjal ranges, Dal Lake has been one of the top tourist places in Srinagar over the years. A large stretch of water covering an area of 18 square kilometres, elevated at 1,583 metres, Dal Lake is the second largest lake in Jammu and Kashmir.

Popular for being the ‘Jewel in the crown of Kashmir,’ Dal Lake resembles two totally different looks in two different seasons, summer and winter. In summer, on a bright sunny day, witnessing the reflection of the clear sky on the water, whereas, witnessing a frozen lake when the temperature reaches -11 degrees centigrade in winter – the beauty of Dal Lake on any day in any season, is indeed enthralling and praiseworthy.

How to Reach Dal Lake From Srinagar Airport?

The distance of Dal Lake from Srinagar Airport (Sheikh Ul Alam International Airport) is around 22 kilometres, which can be covered by a cab in around 50 minutes.

Top Things to Do in Dal Lake

  • Enjoy a shikara ride.
  • Enjoy a houseboat stay on the lake.
  • Buying things from the floating market while having a boat ride.
  • Enjoy the stunning views of the sunset.

Also Read: Other Must Visit Lakes in Kashmir

Nigeen Lake, A Peaceful Shikara Ride!

Nigeen Lake Kashmir

A mildly eutrophic lake, connected to the Dal Lake by a narrow strait, Nigeen or Nageen Lake is one of the best places to visit in Srinagar. Comparatively less crowded than Dal Lake, Nigeen Lake is located adjacent to a hillock, called Hari Parbat at an elevation of 1,582 metres.

The welcoming poplar and willow trees standing in a line encompassing the beautiful lake, referred to as ‘nageena,’ which gives the lake its name. A quiet atmosphere amidst serene nature, Nigeen Lake has been on the list of travellers who want to enjoy a Shikara ride away from a crowd, in a relaxing way.

How to Reach Nigeen Lake From Srinagar Airport?

The distance of Nigeen Lake from Srinagar Airport (Sheikh Ul Alam International Airport) is around 22 kilometres. It will take around 50 minutes to reach the lake.

Top Things to Do in Nigeen Lake

  • Have a shikara ride.
  • Stay in a houseboat.
  • Take a swim in the pristine water.
  • Enjoy the sunrise and sunset from the houseboat.

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Wular Lake, The Largest Freshwater Lake!

Wular Lake Kashmir

The largest freshwater lake in India, located in the Bandipora District, embraced by majestic hills, Wular Lake has been famed as one of the best tourist attractions in Srinagar. It spreads across an area of 200 square kilometres covering a width of ten kilometres and a length of 24 kilometres.

The quaint lake has an island in the middle, which was constructed by King Zainul-Abi-Din, presently home to exotic birds, a paradise for ornithologists. The lake draws water from the Jhelum River and contributes a large portion to the fish production and livelihoods of people living on the banks. Watching a stunning sunset while having a boat ride on the lake and talking to a native fisherwoman – is all you can experience in Wular.

How to Reach Wular Lake From Srinagar Airport?

Wular Lake is located at a distance of around 60 kilometres from Srinagar Airport. It takes approximately two hours and ten minutes to reach the lake from the airport.

Top Things to Do in Wular Lake

  • Enjoy spotting the birds such as Barn Swallow, the Himalayan Woodpecker, Alpine Swift and many more.
  • Enjoy a boat ride on the water.
  • Have a stroll on the banks of the lake.
  • Have a picnic with your dear ones on one of the banks.

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Shalimar Bagh, The ‘Crown of Srinagar’!

Shalimar Bagh Kashmir

A garden built by an emperor for his queen, Shalimar Bagh has been a top honeymoon destination over the years. An architecture, flaunting the Islamic garden layout, known as Persian gardens, Shalimar Bagh is the largest among all Mughal gardens in Srinagar. It features three terraced areas, which used to be treated for different purposes. The uppermost area was for the women of the royal family and the central one, called ‘Diwan-i-Khas’ was for the emperor. ‘Diwan-i-Aam’ was the outer portion of the garden, which was open to the public.

Shalimar Bagh was built in 1619 by Mughal Emperor Jahangir for his wife Nur Jahan. It used to be their Royal Court and residence during the summer. The highlights of the garden are Chini Khanas, which are placed behind the waterfalls and decorated with flowers, offering an amazing visual effect. The place remains open throughout the week except for Friday and during the peak tourist season, from May to October, the authority arranges a light and sound show in the evenings.

How to Reach Shalimar Bagh From Srinagar Airport?

Shalimar Bagh is located around 13 kilometres from Srinagar Airport. It can be reached within 30 minutes by road.

Top Things to Do in Shalimar Bagh in Srinagar Kashmir

  • Explore the garden and its surroundings.
  • Learn about its architecture and history.
  • Enjoy the light and sound show in the evening.
  • Capture beautiful photographs of the place.

Also Read: Must Visit Gardens in Jammu and Kashmir

Hari Parbat, A Signature of Secularism!

Hari Parbat Srinagar Kashmir

A hillock, not so far from the centre of Srinagar city, surrounded by lush greenery, home to three shrines belonging to three different religions, Hari Parbat represents secularism for what our country is famed across the world. The hill has a fort on the top of it, a part of which was first built by Emperor Akbar, who planned to shift his capital to Hari Parbat but failed to do so. Later, Atta Mohammad Khan, the Afghan governor completed the whole fort.

On the southern slope, the fort has two famous Muslim shrines of Akhund Mullah Shah and Khwaja Makhdoom Sahib and on the western slope, there is a Shakti Temple, dedicated to Goddess Jagdamba. There is also a Gurdwara on the southern side of the outer wall. One of the unexplored places in Srinagar Hari Parbat is indeed an amazing place to get amused by the views of the city from the top. The place has been maintained by the Archaeological Survey of India and guarded by the Indian Army for years.

How to Reach Hari Parbat From Srinagar Airport?

It will take approximately 40 to 45 minutes to cover around 15 kilometres to reach Hari Parbat from Srinagar Airport.

Top Things to Do in Hari Parbat

  • Seek blessings at the Muslim Shrines, Temple and Gurudwara.
  • Explore the nature surrounding the fort.
  • Capture the breathtaking landscapes of Srinagar City and Dal Lake from the top.

Also Read: Top Things to Do in Jammu and Kashmir

Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, A Bouquet of Colours!

Tulip Garden Srinagar Kashmir

One of the top places to visit in Srinagar in summer, Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden is the largest tulip garden in Asia. Previously known as Siraj Bagh, the garden was opened in 2007 owing to boost tourism and floriculture in Kashmir. Home to around 15 Lakh tulips in more than 60 varieties, the garden opens in spring every year (around March) and attracts lakhs of visitors all over the country.

The tulip garden is located on sloping ground at the foothills of the Zabarwan Mountain range, overlooking the picturesque Dal Lake. It is built in a terraced manner consisting of seven layers. Apart from the main attraction, tulips, people can also enjoy other flowers like daffodils, ranunculus and hyacinths. However, the date of the opening may change every year, so it is recommended to check the website and news before going to visit the garden.

How to Reach Tulip Garden From Srinagar Airport?

The tulip garden is located around 22 kilometres from Srinagar Airport, which can be covered within 45 minutes to one hour by road.

Top Things to Do at Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden

  • Click beautiful pictures of the tulips and other flowers.
  • Enjoy a walk along the garden.
  • Buy souvenirs from the stalls.
  • Indulge in Kashmiri street food outside the garden.

Also Read: Film Tourism in Kashmir

Shankaracharya Temple, A Peaceful Place Away Crowds!

Shankaracharya Temple Kashmir

The oldest Hindu temple in Kashmir, Shankaracharya Temple is a top tourist destination in Srinagar. As legend has it, Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya stayed in the temple in the 8th century while he visited Kashmir Valley and since then, it has become a popular Hindu pilgrimage. The temple is now protected nationally under the Archaeological Survey of India.

The temple is also famous among the Hindus as it remains an important part of the Amarnath Yatra. Thousands of pilgrims visit this Shivalaya while having their Amarnath Yatra. It is located at a height of 335 metres at the top of Shankaracharya hill, on the Zabarwan Mountain range. The bird’s eye view of Srinagar City and Jhelum valley from the temple are other attractions of the place.

How to Reach Shankaracharya Temple From Srinagar Airport?

The temple is located around 19 kilometres from Srinagar Airport, which can be covered within one hour by road.

Top Things to Do at Shankaracharya Temple

  • Enjoy the trails while trekking to the temple.
  • Spend time in peace and serenity.
  • Explore the architecture of the temple.
  • Seek blessings from Lord Shiva and Adi Shankaracharya.
  • Enjoy the views of Srinagar City from the top.

Also Read: Pilgrimage Tourism in Jammu and Kashmir

Pari Mahal, An Epitome of Nature!

Pari Mahal Kashmir

One of the best places to explore in Srinagar, Pari Mahal resembles heaven on earth. Yet unexplored by many, the place offers stunning views of nature that one can expect in a Srinagar Kashmir sightseeing tour. An all-year-round destination in Srinagar, Pari Mahal can be easily reached from any part of the city.

The mahal was built in the mid-17th century by Dara Shikoh, son of Shah Jahan to be used as a summer retreat. It is situated at the top of the Zabarwan Mountain range comprising a palace and a terraced garden, which is home to a variety of plants. The building was once converted into an observatory and teaching centre for astrology and astronomy students, now treated as one of the best sightseeing places in Srinagar.

How to Reach Pari Mahal From Srinagar Airport?

One of the popular points of tourist interest, Pari Mahal is located 21 kilometres away from Srinagar Airport. The distance can be covered within one hour by car.

Top Things to Do in Pari Mahal

  • Explore the monument and learn about the architecture.
  • Spend some relaxing time in the gardens.
  • Click photographs of the city from the top.
  • Explore various kinds of flowers and plants in the gardens.

Also Read: Heritage Tourist Places in Kashmir

Dachigam National Park, The Residence of Kashmir Stag!

Dachigam National Park

One of the best places to visit in Srinagar in winter, Dachigam National Park is home to a rich collection of flora and fauna found in Jammu and Kashmir. The name ‘Dachigam’ stands for ‘ten villages,’ which were relocated due to its formation owing to the supply of clean drinking water to Srinagar City. Later in 1981, the area, spreading across 141 square kilometres, was declared a national park.

The impressive views of the unspoiled forests and natural beauty surrounding the park attract flocks of tourists throughout the year. People also visit this park for the collection of Kashmir stag (hangul), the endangered species of red deer found in India. Apart from hangul, the park also gives shelter to two varieties of leopards, musk deer, Himalayan black beer and various exotic Himalayan birds like golden eagles, bearded vultures, crimson togo pan and koklass pheasant.

How to Reach Dachigam National Park From Srinagar Airport

Dachigam National Park is located 19 kilometres away from Srinagar Airport. It takes around 45 minutes to reach the park from the airport.

  • Enjoy a safari in the lower region of the park.
  • Enjoy trekking to the upper part of the park.
  • Enjoy spotting exotic flora and fauna.
  • Enjoy clicking pictures of the animals and birds along with the natural beauty of the place.
  • Spend some time at the banks of Masrar Lake.

Also Read: Wildlife Tourism in Kashmir

Hazratbal Mosque, A 17th-Century Architectural Marvel!

Hazratbal Mosque Kashmir

Popularly known as Dargah Sharif, Hazratbal Mosque is one of the must see places in Srinagar. The only domed architecture with a mix of Kashmiri and Islam styles, Hazratbal Mosque is situated on the western (left) bank of Dal Lake along with the snow-clad Himalayas in the background. An anecdote of history, respect and serenity, the mosque can be reached by road or by shikara through Dal Lake.

The building was originally a garden and Ishrat Mahal, built in 1623 by Sadiq Khan, who was Shah Jahan’s subedar. Later, it turned into a place for offering prayers following the orders from Shah Jahan. The mosque holds religious importance as it is home to a sacred relic, Moi-e-Muqaddas, a hair of Prophet Muhammad’s beard. The place attracts thousands of pilgrims on special festivals when the relics are displayed.

How to Reach Hazratbal Mosque From Srinagar Airport?

Hazratbal Mosque is situated on the western bank of Dal Lake, 19 kilometres away from Srinagar Airport. You will reach the place within 50 minutes by hiring a taxi or cab from the airport..

Top Things to Do at Hazratbal Mosque

  • Explore the mosque and learn about its history.
  • Explore the nearby must visit places, such as Dal Lake, Nigeen Lake and Nishat Bagh.
  • Offer a prayer and seek blessings at the mosque.
  • Click some beautiful photographs of the mosque and its surroundings.
  • Spend some time amidst a peaceful atmosphere.

Also Read: Popular Pilgrimage Sites in Kashmir Valley

Yusmarg, A Place From The Postcard!

Yusmarg Kashmir

On the outskirts of Srinagar, some 50 kilometres away from the city, there is a stunning place called Yusmarg in the Budgam District, that looks exactly like a picture on a postcard. A place for a digital detox, for rejuvenating yourself away from the hustle and bustle of cities, Yusmarg is such a place that does not see many tourist footfalls.

In the native language, the name of the place is derived from two words, where Yus means Jesus and marg means meadows. As legend has it, Jesus once passed through the meadows. With the undulating stretch of grassland, scattering flowers along the pathways overlooking the snow-capped hills and the ponies wandering here and there – Yusmarg is a perfect definition of a place that refreshes one’s soul and mind.

How to Reach Yusmarg From Srinagar Airport?

The distance between Yusmarg and the airport is around 45 kilometres. It will take one hour and 50 minutes to cover the distance by car.

Top Things to Do in Yusmarg

  • Spend quality time refreshing yourself with the breathtaking views.
  • Experience the hospitality of a homestay.
  • Enjoy the companionship of Kashmiri people and indulge in authentic Kashmiri food.
  • Enjoy a bit of real Kashmir away from the crowd.

Also Read: Top Destinations of Jammu and Kashmir

Betaab Valley, A Day Trip Destination from Srinagar!

Betaab Valley Kashmir

One of the best places to explore in Srinagar, Betaab Valley derived its name from a Bollywood movie named ‘Betaab,’ starring Sunny Deol. Originally known as Hagan Valley, it is a place for spending a relaxing time with your loved ones, watching over the breathtaking views of the Lidder River flowing down on the foothills of the mountains, which are covered by pine and deodar forests.

Betaab Valley is located in Pahalgam, around seven kilometres from the city centre. The picturesque verdant valley lies between two ranges of the Himalayas, Pir Panjal and Zanskar, has a park inside where you can sit for hours and soak into nature. The place remains open from 8 AM till the sunset offering enough time for some activities to do.

How to Reach Betaab Valley From Srinagar Airport?

A total distance of around 100 kilometres from Srinagar Airport, Betaab Valley can be reached within two to three hours.

Things To Do in Betaab Valley

  • Enjoy a walk along the valley.
  • Enjoy some time in the park.
  • Have a pony ride around the valley.
  • Capture awesome photographs of the surroundings.

Also Read: Best Time to Visit Srinagar Kashmir

These above-mentioned places are mandatory to include in a Srinagar Kashmir itinerary. However, if you wish to plan for these places and want the best things to do in Srinagar, you can contact us for any assistance. We have several tour packages for Srinagar , the best summer /winter destination in India, which you will find at your budget.

Other Important Srinagar Kashmir Tourism Links

  • How to Reach Srinagar
  • Kashmir Family Tour Packages
  • Kashmir Honeymoon Tour Packages
  • Kashmir Houseboat Tour Packages

Other Interesting Blogs to Read

  • Top Best Snow Destinations to Enjoy in Kashmir
  • Offbeat Travel: 10 Lesser Known Places to Visit in Kashmir
  • 12 Top Things to Do and Places to See in Gulmarg Kashmir
  • 15 Best Places to Visit in Kashmir Valley
  • Igloo Cafe in Gulmarg is the New Tourist Attraction for Travellers to Kashmir
  • Top Tourist Places in Jammu and Kashmir

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top attractions of srinagar tourism.

There is no dearth of places in Srinagar for tourists to visit. Some of the top tourist places to visit in Srinagar Kashmir are:

  • Indira Gandhi Tulip Garden
  • Hazratbal Masjid
  • Shalimar Bagh Garden

What is the best time to explore the best of Srinagar Tourism?

Srinagar has been named a popular family destination over the years for spending holidays in summer, as well as in winter. This popular hill station can be explored in winter too if one can enjoy extreme cold. However, for planning a Srinagar trip the best time is between the months of April and October, as the temperature remains perfect for sightseeing.

What are the top things to do in Srinagar Kashmir?

There are umpteen things to do while on a vacation trip in Srinagar. Here is a list of top things to do, without which your trip cannot be completed.

  • Witness the magical tulips in full bloom in Indira Gandhi Tulip Garden.
  • Seek blessings for humanity at Shankaracharya Temple.
  • Enjoy a shikara ride and buy local things from the floating market on Dal Lake.
  • Explore the gardens, the creativity of Mughals.
  • Enjoy a stay in a houseboat on Dal Lake or Nigeen Lake.
  • Incite your tastebuds with the popular local cuisines.
  • Enjoy a subtle view of sunrise and sunset from the lakes.

Which is the best time to experience snowfall in Srinagar?

Srinagar turns into a winter marvel after two-three days of continuous snowfall. If you want to explore the marvellous landscapes in winter, then the best time for planning trip to Srinagar is between October and March.

How many days are required to explore the best of the Srinagar Sightseeing Tour?

To explore the best visiting places in Srinagar, one needs a minimum of five to seven days.

What are the nearest airports and railway stations to Srinagar?

The nearest airport to Srinagar is Sheikh Ul Alam International Airport, which is connected to Delhi, Mumbai and Chandigarh via daily flights. The airport is located just 15 kilometres away from the city centre. As of now, Srinagar has no operational railway station of its own. Either you have to board a train to Jammu Tawi Station or Udhampur Railway Station, from where you have to cover a distance of around 256 kilometres and 185 kilometres, consecutively to reach Srinagar.

How are the accommodation facilities for tourists in Srinagar in terms of budget and luxury hotels and resorts?

There are plenty of accommodation facilities for tourists to stay in Srinagar. They can choose whatever option suits them well, be it a budget hotel or a luxury one. One can also choose a houseboat on Dal Lake or Nigeen Lake to stay, for a different experience.

Published: 01 Jul, 2022

About the author

Nandini Bhattacharya

Nandini Bhattacharya

From the ‘City of Joy,’ Kolkata, Nandini Bhattacharya is a Travel Writer by profession and traveller by passion. She loves to explore places around the world, new cultures, different cuisines and all new things that one can learn outside the home. She also loves to document her journey so that people can be inspired and travel more. Nandini is a nature lover and talks about sustainable tourism. She wants to make this world a good place where people can live healthy and happily.

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Hazratbal Shrine, Srinagar Overview

The Hazratbal Mosque an important Islamic shrine that is located in the village of Hazratbal that is located on the banks of the Dal Lake. During your tours to the historical monuments in Kashmir, India you must visit this shrine built of pure white marble. The shire is famous as it contains a strand of hair of the prophet Muhammad. This hair is kept on display for pilgrims during certain fairs and festivals. During your tours to the Hazratbal mosque in Srinagar, Kashmir, India you will notice that this is the only mosque in Kashmir that has a dome as all the other mosques have pagoda like roofs.

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31 Top Tourist Places to Visit in Srinagar

places to visit in hazratbal srinagar

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places to visit in hazratbal srinagar

#1 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 3 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Dal Lake is an urban lake located in Srinagar. Also known as the 'Jewel of Srinagar', it is the largest lake in Jammu & Kashmir and among the top places to visit in Srinagar . Enclosed by splendid Pir Panjal mountains and Mughal Gardens, Dal Lake covers over an area of 18 square kilometers. It is on an average 5 ft deep and goes to a maximum of 20 ft at some places. Dal Lake is part of a natural wetland that covers 21 square kilometers including floating gardens. The wetland is divided by causeways into four basins- Gagribal, Lokut Dal, Bod Dal, and Nigeen. Lokut Dal and Bod Dal each have an island in the center, known as Rup Lank or Char Chinar and Sona Lank respectively. According to legend, there are two theories for the origin of the lake. One states that it is a post-glacial lake that has undergone a lot of changes in size over the years whereas ..... more

Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden

Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden

#2 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 7 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip garden is a beautiful garden located in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. Previously Model Floriculture Center, it is the largest tulip garden in Asia and among the must include places in Srinagar packages . Situated on the foothills of Zabarwan Range, the Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden is opened in 2007 to boost floriculture and tourism in Kashmir Valley. Spread over an area of about 30 hectares, it is a seven-terraced garden built on a sloping ground overlooking the Dal Lake. The garden houses about 48 varieties of tulip flowers. When in the full bloom the tulips sprawl in about 12 hectares of area and provide a mesmerizing view. The garden also has several types of other flowers including daffodils, hyacinths, roses, narcissus, and other ornamental plants. The water channel running through the terraces adds more charm to the place and makes it a perfect .....

Chashme Shahi

Chashme Shahi

#3 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 8 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Chashme Shahi is a beautiful Mughal garden located in Srinagar. Situated near Raj Bhawan, it is one of the three Mughal Gardens in Srinagar, and among the Srinagar tourist places . Located in the Zabarwan range & overlooking the Dal Lake, Chashme Shahi was built in 1632 AD by the Mughal Governor Ali Mardan Khan on the orders of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his eldest son Dara Shikoh. The garden is built around a freshwater spring that was unearthed by Rupa Bhawani, a renowned female Kashmiri saint from the Sahib clan of Kashmiri Pandits, and the garden was named Chashme Sahibi after the saint. Later, the name got corrupted and today the garden is known as Chashme Shahi which means the Royal Spring. With 108 m long and 38 m wide, the garden is spread over an acre of land and is considered the smallest garden among the three Mughal gardens of .....

Shalimar Garden

Shalimar Garden

#4 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 13 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Shalimar Bagh is a beautifully laid out Mughal garden located in Srinagar. Situated at Shalimar, it is one of the popular gardens in India, and among the must-include places in Srinagar holiday packages . Overlooking the scintillating waters of the Dal Lake, Shalimar Bagh was built in the year 1619 by the Mughal emperor Jahangir for his beloved wife Noor Jahan and was called 'Farah Baksh' ('the delightful'). Later in the year 1630, under Emperor Shah Jahan's orders, Zafar Khan the governor of Kashmir extended the garden and named it 'Faiz Baksh' ('the bountiful'). It then became a pleasure place for the Sikh governors of the province. It is now a public park and is also referred to as the 'Crown of Srinagar'. It is now a public park and is known as the 'Crown of Srinagar'. Spread across a vast area of 31 acres, Shalimar Bagh is the largest of the three Mughal gardens in Srinagar, .....

Nishat Bagh

Nishat Bagh

#5 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 10 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Nishat Bagh is a terraced Mughal garden located in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. Popularly known as the 'Garden of Bliss', it is one of the most beautiful Mughal Gardens in India and among the best Srinagar places to visit . Nishat Bagh is situated on the eastern shore of the enchanting Dal Lake. It is the second-largest Mughal garden in the Kashmir Valley while Shalimar Bagh is the largest, which is also located on the bank of the Dal Lake. In Urdu, Nishat Bagh means 'Garden of Joy', 'Garden of Gladness', and 'Garden of Delight'. Nishat Bagh is a garden of bliss that commands a magnificent view of the lake beneath the snow-capped Pir Panjal mountain range that stands far away to the west of the Kashmir Valley. Nishat Garden was designed and built-in 1633 by Asif Khan, the elder brother of Noor Jahan. The then emperor of Mughal India, Shah Jahan .....

Nigeen Lake

Nigeen Lake

#6 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 7 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Nigeen Lake, also called Nageen Lake, is a splendid lake located in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. Situated adjacent to the Hari Parbat hillock, it is one of the major tourist places in Srinagar . Nigeen Lake is renowned for its pristine waters and stunning ambiance. It is sometimes considered a part of the Dal Lake and is connected to it via a narrow strait. It is also connected to the Khushal Sar and Gil Sar lakes via a channel known as Nallah Amir Khan. Nigeen Lake is surrounded by a large number of willow and poplar trees. Hence, it has come to be referred to as a 'nageena', which means 'the jewel in the ring'. The word 'nigeen' is a local variant of the same word. The water of this lake is crystal clear that the reflection of the edging trees and hills of Shankaracharya (Takht-e-Suleiman) in the south and Hari Parbat in the west can be mirrored. .....

Pari Mahal

#7 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 9 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Pari Mahal is a seven terraced garden located in the city of Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. Situated near Chashme Shahi, it is one of the popular places of sightseeing in Srinagar . Also known as the 'Abode of Fairies' or the 'Home of Angels', Pari Mahal was built by Mughal Prince Dara Shikoh in the mid-1600s. It served as a library and residence for the Mughal prince. It is believed that Dara Shikoh lived in this area in the years 1640, 1645, and 1654. Later, it was used as an observatory, useful for teaching astrology and astronomy. Shortly after India's independence in 1947, the garden became the property of the Jammu & Kashmir Government. At present, Pari Mahal is administered by the Archaeological Survey of India and happens to be a popular tourist destination in Srinagar. Depicts an example of traditional Islamic architecture, the breathtaking .....

Hari Parbat

Hari Parbat

#8 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 5 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Hari Parbat is a magnificent mountain overlooking Srinagar city in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. Also called Koh-i-Maran, it is one of the popular places of pilgrimage in Jammu & Kashmir, and among the must-visit places in Srinagar sightseeing packages . Hari Parbat lures a huge number of visitors owing to its historical and religious significance. It is the site of several important edifices, which include the Durrani Fort, Parvati Temple, a Gurudwara, and shrines of Akhund Mullah Shah and Khwaja Makhdoom Sahib. The first fortifications on the site were constructed by the Mughal emperor Akbar in 1590 who built an outer wall for the fort as part of his plans for a new capital at the site of modern-day Srinagar in Kashmir. However, the fort was never completed. The present fort was built in 1808 under the supervision of Atta Mohammed Khan, the Governor of Kashmir Province .....

Jawaharlal Nehru Botanical Garden

Jawaharlal Nehru Botanical Garden

#9 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 6 km from Srinagar Railway Station, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Botanical Garden is a botanical garden located in Srinagar, Jammu, and Kashmir. Situated near Tulip Garden, it is one of the must-visit tourist attractions in Srinagar . Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Botanical Garden lies in the foothills of the Zabarwan mountain range and overlooks the picturesque Dal Lake. This well-manicured garden covers an area of around 80 hectares, of which 17 hectares are occupied by a beautiful lake. This garden was built in the year 1969 in the fond memory of the first Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The major aim of creating this garden was to promote the beautiful flora of Kashmir Valley. This well-planned garden is maintained and administered by the Indian Forest Department. The garden is divided into four main divisions namely Plant Introduction Centre, Research Section, Recreational .....

Badamwari Garden

places to visit in hazratbal srinagar

#10 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 5 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Badamwari Garden or Badamwari Park is a municipal park and garden in Srinagar. Situated at the foothills of Hari Parbat, it is one of the least crowded places to visit in Srinagar. Sprawling over the hills of Koh-i-Maran, Badamwari Garden is a piece of heaven tucked away in Srinagar. The park is known for the early bloom of stunning almond flowers. These flowers bloom around March, marking the arrival of the spring season in Kashmir bidding farewell to the harsh winters. Though there was no record to suggest who laid the garden historians say it existed even before the rule of Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin in the 14th century. The park was revived and opens to the public in 2008 by the Jammu & Kashmir Bank. The garden is spread over more than 300 kanals of land and replete with vibrantly blooming bushes and shrubbery. It houses a magnificent dome named after an Afghan ruler, Warris Shah at the center. The park also has trails carved .....

Jamia Masjid

Jamia Masjid

#11 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 4 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Jamia Masjid is a religious mosque located in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. Situated at Nowhatta, also called as Downtown, Jama Masjid is the biggest mosque in Kashmir Valley and amongst the top places to visit during your Srinagar trip . Lying in the heart of the Srinagar city, Jamia Masjid happens to be one of the most ancient places to visit in Srinagar. This majestic mosque was built by Sultan Sikandar Shah Kashmiri Shahmiri in 1394 CE, under the orders of Mir Mohammad Hamadani, who was the son of Said-ul-Auliya Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani and was completed in 1402 CE. Later on, Zain-ul-Abidin, the son of Sultan Sikandar extended the mosque by adding a turret in the primary structure. This colossal structure has been damaged by fire thrice, but luckily restoration work was carried out after each mishap to correct the damaged portions. The existing construction was erected by Emperor .....

Shankaracharya Temple

Shankaracharya Temple

#12 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 8 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Shankaracharya Temple or Jyeshteshwara Temple is an ancient Hindu temple situated in Srinagar, Jammu, and Kashmir. Perched on the top of Shankaracharya Hill, it is one of the popular Hindu twmples to visit in Kashmir , and among the must visit Srinagar tourist places . Placed at a height of 1,000 feet, Shankaracharya Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is one of the oldest shrines in Kashmir. Also known as Jyeshteshwara Temple, the temple is named after the great philosopher Shankaracharya. It is believed to be the place where Adi Shankaracharya attained spiritual enlightenment. After this, he formed the four Hindu schools of Advaita or the philosophy of non-dualism. The Shivaling he worshipped is now placed inside the temple. The Shankaracharya Temple dates back to 200 BC, but the present-day .....

Hazratbal Dargah / Hazratbal Mosque

Hazratbal Dargah / Hazratbal Mosque

#13 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 8 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Hazratbal Dargah is a holy Muslim shrine located at Hazratbal locality of Srinagar city in Jammu & Kashmir. Popularly called Dargah Sharif, it is one of the popular places of pilgrimage in India , and among the best places to visit as part of the Srinagar tour . Situated on the banks of the famous Dal Lake, Hazratbal Dargah is considered to be Kashmir's holiest Muslim shrine. The major attraction of this majestic shrine is a unique relic called Moi-e-Muqaddas which is believed to be the holy hair from the beard of Prophet Muhammad. The hair is well-preserved inside the structure and is presented before the devotees only on special Islamic occasions like Shab-e-Meraj. The mosque derives its name from two Kashmiri words, 'Hazrat' which means 'holy', and 'bal' which stands for 'place'. According to legend, the relic was first brought .....

Dastgeer Sahib

Dastgeer Sahib

#14 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 3 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Dastgeer Sahib is a sacred Sufi shrine located in the Khanyar locality of Srinagar. Surrounded by a large market, it is one of the famous mosques in Kashmir and among the best Srinagar places to visit. Dastgeer Sahib is a 200-year-old shrine dedicated to Sheikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jelani. The shrine is known for housing the hair strand of Abdul Qadir Jelani, locally called Mouia Pak, and the old Quran written by Ali Ibn Abi Talib AS. According to history, the holy relic belonging to the renowned Sufi saint Syed Abdul Qadir Jelani was presented to the Sardar Abdullah Khan, the then governor of the state by an Afghan traveller on a visit to Kashmir. The relic was deposited with Syed Buzargh Shah, a prominent Qadri order Sufi of that time. A shrine was constructed at Khanyar in 1806 AD, and from where the relic was displayed on various religious festivals. The shrine was enlarged in 1877 AD by Khwaja Sanaullah Shawl. Spread over an .....

Shri Pratap Singh Museum

Shri Pratap Singh Museum

#15 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 3 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Shri Pratap Singh Museum, commonly known as SPS Museum, is a heritage museum located in Srinagar. Situated in Lal Mandi, it is one of the best museums in Kashmir and among the must-visit places as part of Srinagar tour packages. Shri Pratap Singh Museum provides an insight into the history and traditions of Kashmir. In 1889, a proposal for the foundation of an archaeology museum in the Indian city of Srinagar was formulated by Amar Singh and S.H. Godmerry. The pair produced and submitted a memorandum to Pratap Singh, the then ruler of Srinagar. The Maharaja accepted the proposal and agreed to allow for the establishment of the museum. The museum was set up in a state building in Srinagar under the supervision of Sir John Marshal from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). Later, the museum was opened to the public in 1898. Later in 2017, the Government decided to raise a new modern building to house the museum in line with modern .....

Chatti Padshahi Gurudwara

Chatti Padshahi Gurudwara

#16 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 4 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Chatti Padshahi Gurudwara is an important Sikh pilgrimage site located in Srinagar. Situated outside the Hari Parbat Fort's southern gate, it is counted as one of the most important religious places to visit in Srinagar. Chatti Padshahi Gurudwara is probably the largest Sikh gurdwara in the entire Kashmir valley. The legend of this gurudwara associates it with Guru Hargobind Singhji, the sixth Sikh Guru, and his ardent devotee Mai Bhagbhari. It is said that she yearned for a long to get a glimpse of the Guru, who finally visited her. During the visit, he preached the virtues of Sikhism. The Gurdwara comprises a rectangular hall with the sanctum in the middle and a spacious terrace in front. An old well nearby is said to have been dug on the orders of Guru Hargobind. It also has accommodation facilities and langar food is offered to all visitors every day of the year. Timings: 6 AM - 7 PM Entry: Free

Khanqah Of Shah Hamdan

Khanqah Of Shah Hamdan

#17 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 4 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Shah-e-Hamadan Masjid and Khanqah is a renowned Sufi shrine located in the Old City of Srinagar, Jammu, and Kashmir, India. Also known as Khanqah-e-Moula, it is one of the oldest Islamic sites in Srinagar. Situated on the right bank of the river Jhelum between the Fateh Kadal and Zaina Kadal bridges, Khanqah of Shah Hamdan is the first mosque in Jammu & Kashmir. The mosque was commissioned by Sultan Sikandar Butshikan in 1395 CE in memory of the Islamic preacher Mir Sayyid Ali Hamdani, the central figure involved in the widespread conversion to Islam in Kashmir. The shrine was destroyed by a fire in the year 1480 AD. The then ruler, Sultan Hassan Shah, expanded its premises and rebuilt it. In 1731 CE, the Khanqah was again destroyed by fire and then rebuilt by Abdul Barkat Khan. The mosque is an excellent example of wood architecture that draws inspiration from Buddhist, Hindu, and Islamic styles. Standing on a square platform, .....

Avanti Swami Temple Ruins

Avanti Swami Temple Ruins

#18 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 26 km from Srinagar, Avanti Swami Temple is a ruined Hindu temple located at Awantipora near Srinagar. Situated on the banks of the Jhelum River, it is one of the best places of heritage in Jammu & Kashmir, and among the prominent places to visit as part of Srinagar tour packages . The Awantiswami Temple is a complex consisting of two temples, one for Lord Shiva and another one dedicated to Lord Vishnu. These temples were built in the 9th century CE under king Avantivarman, the first king of the Utpala dynasty who ruled Kashmir from 855 to 883 AD. It is said that the town of Awantipora was founded by Avantivarman. He built a Hindu temple in Awantipora dedicated to Vishnu called 'Avantisvamin' before he became king, and during his reign, he built a second Hindu temple in Awantipora called 'Avantisvara' dedicated to Shiva. Locals call these temples Pandav Lari which means the 'house of the Pandavas'. Before .....

Challi Point

Challi Point

#19 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 5 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Challi Point is a vantage point situated in Srinagar. Lies right next to Dal Lake on Boulevard road, it is one of the famous places of sightseeing in Srinagar. Challi Point is one of the most relaxing places in Srinagar to enjoy a laid-back evening. It is equally popular among tourists as well as locals owing to its beautiful charm. From this viewpoint, one can enjoy the gorgeous view of Dal Lake along with the Shankaracharya hill serving as a scenic backdrop. the point is an ideal spot for spending some leisurely moments and enjoying the natural beauty. This lovely landscape is a treat for photo fanatics and worth a million clicks. The uniqueness of the spot is the peace and serenity around it as against the hustle and bustle of the city life. There are small stalls dotted in the area selling seekh kebabs and corn that you can relish while you spend a pleasurable and balmy evening. Visitors can also book fascinating Shikara .....


#20 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 79 km from Srinagar, Chatpal is a beautiful hill town in the Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir. It is one of the unexplored places in Kashmir, and among the most scenic places to visit near Srinagar . Tucked away in the quaint corner of south Kashmir, the quaint town of Chatpal is endowed with breathtaking stretches of lush greenery which are dotted with yellow and white wildflowers, the aroma of pine trees, a clear blue sky, and a fantastic view of the majestic mountains. Apart from the pristine beauty of the valley, there are not many tourist places to visit in Chatpal. However, Visitors can indulge in long nature walks through the rich green valleys, taste the local Kashmiri chai at a local store, embark on a trekking journey through the mountain trails that connect Chatpal to the rest of Kashmir valley where you can witness even more of nature's beauty. One can walk through the lines of apple and walnut orchards .....

Zero Bridge

Zero Bridge

#21 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 1 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Zero Bridge is an old wooden arch bridge located in the city of Srinagar. It is one of the offbeat Srinagar tourist places. The Zero Bridge is originally constructed in the late 1950s under the then prime minister Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad and was closed for vehicular traffic in the late 1980s owing to the weakening of its wooden structure. It crosses the Jhelum River in a roughly North-South direction connecting Sonwar in the north to Rajbagh in the South. Officially it is said to have been named Zero Bridge since traditionally the Amira Kadal Bridge was regarded as the first bridge on the Jhelum River and the name Zero Bridge was given to this wooden bridge. The Zero Bridge is still the first bridge downstream of the Jhelum while entering the Srinagar city and the next upstream crossing is located near Pantha Chowk in the city outskirts. At present, the old wooden structure of the bridge is being replaced by a new one, preserving .....

Dachigam National Park

Dachigam National Park

#22 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 17 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Dachigam National Park is a wildlife and environment conservation area located in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. Situated outside the city of Srinagar, it is one of the popular national parks in Jammu Kashmir , and among the top places to visit in Srinagar . With lush green environs, exotic flora, and fauna, Dachigam National Park is a paradise for nature enthusiasts and wildlife buffs. Dachigam literally means 'Ten Villages', which stands for the number of villages that were relocated to create the park. The area was previously a game preserve of the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir. Since 1910, the park became a protected area as it has the catchment area for Harwan Reservoir which supplies clean drinking water to the city of Srinagar. Later, it was declared as a National Park in the year 1981. Covering .....

Harwan Garden

Harwan Garden

#23 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 16 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Harwan Garden is a beautiful garden located in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. Situated at Harwan village, it is one of the best Srinagar sightseeing places . Set against the backdrop of majestic snowy mountains, Harwan Garden is a picturesque natural garden known for its natural beauty. A channel from the neighboring dam (Dachigam Nallah) passes through the middle of the garden flanked by an age-old Chinar tree on one side. The garden has a neat and clean concrete pathway with arched gates. There are climbing roses that adorn the arched gates and eventually enhanced the beauty of the garden. The attractive flower beds all around the garden can captivate the soul of the visitors. Unlike the Mughal Gardens of Kashmir, the Harwan Garden doesn't have any exquisitely designed terraces and beautiful fountains. However, it relies on its pure natural beauty .....

Char Chinar

Char Chinar

#24 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 6 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Char Chinar is an island in the mesmerizing Dal Lake of Srinagar. It is one of the famous Srinagar tourist places. Char Chinar is one of the most beautiful islands on the periphery of Dal Lake. Dal Lake includes 3 islands, 2 of which are marked with beautiful Chinar trees. The island located on the Bod Dal is known as Rupa Lank or Silver Island and is marked by the presence of majestic Chinar trees at the four corners, thus known as Char-Chinari (Four Chinars). Murad Baksh, brother of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, constructed the Rupa Lank. The second Chinar Island, known as Sona Lank or Gold Island is located on the Lokut Dal which overlooks the holy shrine of Hazratbal. A hub of unblemished beauty, it attracts nature lovers from across the globe. A Shikara ride on the pristine Dal Lake cannot be completed before making a stop at this scenic island. Timings: 6 AM - 6 PM Entry: Rs. 50 for Adults & Rs. 25 for Childre .....

Kheer Bhawani Temple

Kheer Bhawani Temple

#25 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 25 km from Srinagar, Kheer Bhawani Temple is a Hindu temple situated at Tulla Mulla village near Srinagar. Also known as Ragnya Devi Temple, it is one of the must-visit religious places while holidaying in Srinagar. Kheer Bhawani Temple is dedicated to Hindu Goddess Ragnya Devi, an incarnation of Goddess Parvati. Maharaja Pratap Singh built this temple in 1912, which was later renovated by Maharaja Hari Singh. The temple was originally named Bhawani Mandir but eventually came to be known as Kheer Bhawani due to the famous Indian dessert Kheer, which is the main offering to the goddess. Goddess Ragnya Devi is prominently worshipped as Kuldevi or the patron deity by the Kashmiri Pandits. According to Hindu mythology, the image of Kheer Bhawani was formerly set up in Sri Lanka by the demon king Ravana. This happened when Ravana was blessed for his devotion by Maharagnya. Enraged by Ravana's unrighteous ways of life, the goddess exclaimed to Lord Hanuman to transport .....

Wular Lake

#26 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 67 km from Srinagar, Wular Lake is a freshwater lake located near Bandipora town in Jammu and Kashmir. Situated on the foothills of the Haramuk Mountains, it is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Asia and among the popular places to visit near Srinagar . Situated at an altitude of 1580 m, Wular Lake is the largest freshwater lake in India. The lake basin was formed as a result of tectonic activity due to which the area covered by the water body varies throughout the year, which is unique to this destination. The size of the lake is 24 km long and 10 km wide, but it varies according to season and the varying water levels. The maximum depth of the lake is 14 m. Wular Lake is replenished by the water of the mighty Jhelum River and is one of the 49 wetlands designated as Ramsar sites in India. Mythology has it that Kashmir was once entirely covered by water bodies known as Satisaras (after Sati, the consort of Lord .....

Burzahom Archaeological Site

Burzahom Archaeological Site

#27 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 14 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Burzahom Archaeological Site is a prehistoric settlement located in the village of the Burzahom in the Srinagar district of Jammu and Kashmir. Situated in the Kashmir Valley, it is one of the popular places of heritage in Kashmir , and among the best places to visit in Srinagar. Located on a 'karewa' between the banks of the Dal Lake and the Zabarvan Hills, the Neolithic site of Burzahom showcases different stages of the evolution of people from food gatherers to food producers, between 3000 BC and 1000 BC. The site was discovered by H De Terra and TT Peterson of a Yale-Cambridge expedition in 1935. Burzahom in Kashmiri means home of birch, a tree species, and it seems that there were a lot of birch trees in the area during that period. During the excavations, the archaeologists unearthed a large number of artifacts, many in good condition, and they have provided an insight .....



#28 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 33 km from Srinagar, Charar-e-Sharif is a Sufi Muslim shrine and mosque situated in the town of Charari Sharief in the Budgam district of Jammu and Kashmir. Popularly known as the Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Wali, it is considered one of the holiest places for Muslims in India and among the top places to visit as part of Srinagar packages. Charar-e-Sharief is around 600 years old shrines built to commemorate Sheikh Noor-ud-din or Nund Rishi, who is regarded as the Patron saint of Kashmiris. Sheikh Wali was the first person to preach Rishism in the valley and propagated non-violence, vegetarianism, communal harmony, and tolerance. It is said that when he died in 1438, about 9-lakh ardent followers gathered at the Charar-e-Sharief to pay homage to him. His remains were buried at this shrine and ever since it holds significant religious importance. Later, the eighth sultan of the valley Zain-ul-Abidin laid the foundation stone of the Charar-e-Sharief shrine at the burial site .....

Yusmarg / Yousmarg

Yusmarg / Yousmarg

#29 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 50 km from Srinagar, Yusmarg or Yousmarg is an extremely beautiful hill station in the Budgam district of Jammu & Kashmir. Located in the western part of Kashmir Valley, it is one of the most scenic places to visit near Srinagar, and among the must-include places in Kashmir tour packages . Yusmarg is a small and scenic hamlet situated at an altitude of 2396 m towards the southwest of Srinagar. Sprawling green meadows, aromatic pine forests, splendid water bodies, and blossoming spring flowers make this hill station a heavenly destination in the Valley of Kashmir. River Doodhganga traverses these meadows, making the entire landscape even more enchanting. Often called as mini Switzerland, it is the quietest place out of all tourist destinations in Kashmir. Yusmarg is home to some of the highest peaks in the Pir Panjal range including Tattakutti (4,725 m) and Sunset Peak (4,746m). The beauty of its snowcapped .....



#30 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 43 km from Srinagar, Doodhpathri is a secluded hamlet located in the Budgam district of Jammu & Kashmir. Also called the Valley of Milk, it is one of the offbeat places to visit near Srinagar while holidaying in Kashmir. Situated at an altitude of 2,730 m, Doodhpathri is a beautiful resort that lies in a bowl-shaped valley in the Pir Panjal Range of the mighty Himalayas. It is an alpine valley covered with lush green meadows, and an adjoining river meandering through pine trees of the surrounding forests. The natural meadows are covered with snow in winter and carpeted with colorful wildflowers such as daisies, forget-me-nots, and butter cups during spring and summer. It is a pristine, untouched beauty that attracts tourists who want to spend their vacation in solitude. The literal meaning of Doodhpathri is 'valley of milk', and it got the name because the water flowing through the meadows here looks like milk from a distance. There is also a story that goes .....

Manasbal Lake

Manasbal Lake

#31 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar

At a distance of 30 km from Srinagar, Manasbal Lake is a freshwater lake located in the Ganderbal district in Jammu and Kashmir, India. Situated in the Safapora, it is one of the scenic lakes in Kashmir, and among the best places to visit as part of Srinagar packages. The name Manasbal is said to be a derivative of Lake Manasarovar. Seated in the Jhelum Valley, Manasbal covers an area of 2.81 square kilometers and is encircled by three villages such as Jarokbal, Kondabal, and Ganderbal. With 13 m or 43 ft. depth, the lake is considered to be the deepest lake in India. The drainage basin for the lake has no major inlet channels and is thus fed mainly by precipitation (rain and snowfall) and springs (more than 1,200 springs). Lake water outflows to the Jhelum River through a regulated outflow channel. The lake is the source of water for fishing and for obtaining food and fodder plants. The large growth of lotus at the periphery of the lake adds more beauty to the clear waters .....

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Hazratbal Shrine

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The Hazratbal Shrine - A Jewel in the Heart of Srinagar

Founded in the 17th century, the Hazratbal Shrine is a significant religious monument situated on the northern shore of Dal Lake in Srinagar, Kashmir, India. Revered for housing a relic believed to be the hair of the Prophet Muhammad, the shrine attracts thousands of Muslim worshippers and tourists alike.

Historical Significance

The Shrine takes its name from the Urdu word 'Hazrat', meaning respected, and 'Bal', meaning place. Originally built as a pleasure house by Suleiman, the son of the then ruler of Kashmir, it was later converted into a prayer house by his mother, who had been influenced by a dream. This transition marked the inception of the site as a sacred space for devotees. Over the years, the structure of the Hazratbal Shrine has been reconstructed and renovated several times, with the present marble structure being built through the efforts of the Muslim Auqaf Trust in the 1960s.

Architectural Beauty

The Shrine is noted for its pristine white marble elegance, reflecting the Mughal architectural style, and offers a panoramic view of the lake and the surrounding majestic mountains. The architecture of the Hazratbal Shrine is a blend of Kashmiri and Mughal styles, creating a serene and enchanting ambiance for visitors.

Tourism Attraction

The Hazratbal Shrine is a central part of the religious tourism circuit in Srinagar . Aside from its religious importance, the location of the shrine is a major draw for tourists looking to experience the natural beauty of Kashmir. The shrine's precincts offer a tranquil escape from the bustle of city life, with the lush lawns and the backdrop of the Dal Lake providing an impeccable setting for moments of quiet reflection.

Visitors to the shrine can also explore the local culture and cuisine by visiting the nearby markets, which are a hive of activity and traditional Kashmiri craftsmanship. Houseboat stays and Shikara rides in Dal Lake are among the adjoining attractions that tourists often indulge in before or after visiting the shrine.

Religious Significance

The Hazratbal Shrine's chief religious draw is the relic of the Prophet Muhammad, which is displayed to the public on religious occasions, drawing vast crowds. The larger celebrations occur on significant Islamic events such as Milad-un-Nabi (the Prophet's birthday), at which time pilgrims from all over the country and even across the world visit the shrine.

Latest Tourism Trends

In recent years, sustainable and experiential tourism has been gaining traction in the area. Tourists are not only visiting the shrine but also immersing themselves in the local culture and environment-friendly practices. This includes participation in traditional Kashmiri lifestyle experiences, such as staying in eco-friendly accommodations, eating local organic cuisine, and using eco-friendly transport options like cycling tours around the city.

Despite the political challenges that have periodically affected tourism in Kashmir, the Hazratbal Shrine remains a testament to the timeless devotion and resilience of the people, and a beacon of spiritual solace for both pilgrims and tourists from around the globe.

Shankaracharya Temple

Other Suggested Reads for Hazratbal Shrine

  • About Hazratbal Shrine Tourism
  • Best time to Visit in Hazratbal Shrine
  • FAQS about Hazratbal Shrine
  • Hazratbal Shrine Tourist Map

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Hazratbal Shrine

  • Timings : Monday to Saturday : 09:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Sunday: Closed
  • Entry Fee : No fee

My Holiday Happiness

Hazratbal Shrine is the holiest place in Kashmir, where a piece of Prophet Mohammed's hair is kept safe. The hair is also famous as "the relic" or "the Moi-e-Muqaddas." The word Hazrat means "holy" or "respected," and the word Bal means "place." These words say "a holy place" or "a respected place." 

The Hazratbal Shrine is a popular tourist place to visit in Srinagar . However, Muslim followers from all over the country make it a point to visit this holy place at least once in their lifetime.

On special days, like the birthdays of Prophet Muhammad and his four main friends, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, Hazrat Umar ibn Khattab, Hazrat Usman ibn Affan, and Hazrat Ali, the holy hair of the Prophet comes out to the public. Many devotees and guests from all over the country come to these events.

What is Hazratbal Shrine famous for?

Muslims highly regard the Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar as a holy place. Local views say that it holds Moi-e-Muqaddas, the sacred hair from Prophet Muhammad's beard.

Because of its fame, Hazratbal Shrine is the most visited place in Srinagar. It also has beautiful architecture. The dome and tower are in both Mughal and Kashmiri styles. The shrine, on the other hand, is more like a mosque.  

Are non-Muslims allowed in Hazratbal?

The Hazratbal Mosque is the holiest place for Muslims. It is pure white marble located on the shore of Dal Lake. The place welcomes everyone without any discrimination in religion. The people are very friendly. The place is worth visiting during the Kashmir tour package .

What is the old name of Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar?

People often call the Dargah Sharif the Hazratbal Shrine, which comes from the Kashmiri word for "holy place" (Hazrat) and "bal." Moi-e-Muqaddas, the hair of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), is inside the shrine. Assar-e sharif and Madinat-us-Sani are some other names for it.

11 places to visit & things to do in Srinagar

Cheshma Shahi Garden

Cheshma Shahi Garden

Dal lake Srinagar

Dal lake Srinagar

Kishtwar National Park

Kishtwar National Park

Lal chowk

Mughal Gardens

Nishat Garden

Nishat Garden


Shalimar Bagh

Shankaracharya Temple

Shankaracharya Temple

Strawberry valley

Strawberry valley


Popular Hazratbal Shrine Tour Packages

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Planning a Trip to Hazratbal Shrine ?

8 hazratbal shrine tours from ₹12800.00.


  1. 52 Best Places to visit in Srinagar

    Places To Visit in Srinagar . The Hazratbal Shrine is the holiest Muslim shrine and mosque in Kashmir. It houses a relic known as Moi-e-Muqqadas which is believed to be a sacred hair of Prophet Muhammad's beard. Situated on the banks of Dal Lake facing the Nishat Bagh, it affords a picturesque view of the lake and surrounding mountains.

  2. Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar: A Sacred and Scenic Destination for

    Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar is a holy site that houses a relic of Prophet Muhammad's hair. Learn about its history, architecture, and tips for visitors. About Hazratbal Shrine, opening hours, entry fee, approx trip budget, activities to do at Hazratbal Shrine, Itineraries, how to reach, nearby hotels, reviews, best time to visit.

  3. Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar: History, Relevance, and How to Visit

    History. The Hazratbal Shrine, dating back to the 17th century, was initially established by Inayat Begum, the daughter of Khwaja Nur-ud-Din Eshai, who became the custodian of the holy relic. The first construction of the shrine, known as Ishrat Jahan, took place in the 17th century during the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan.

  4. Hazratbal Shrine Tourism (Srinagar) (2024)

    Hazratbal Shrine, situated on the left bank of the Dal Lake in Srinagar, is an iconic religious site and a place of serene beauty. This white marble edifice with its impressive dome and minarets is venerated for housing a relic â€" the Moi-e-Muqqadas â€" believed to be a hair strand of the Prophet Muhammad.

  5. Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar

    The Hazratbal Shrine is a Muslim shrine located in Srinagar, on the banks of Dal Lake. Also known as, Dargah Sharif, is considered to be one of the holiest Muslim shrines. It contains a relic, Moi-e-Muqqadas, which is widely believed to be the hair of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The shrine is a place of high religious importance and also has ...

  6. Hazratbal Shrine

    It is situated on the northern bank of the Dal Lake in Srinagar, and is considered to be Kashmir's holiest Muslim shrine. [2] The name of the shrine is a combination of the Arabic word hazrat (lit. ' respected ') and the Kashmiri word bal (lit. ' place '). [3]

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  8. Hazratbal Shrine

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  9. Hazratbal Shrine, Srinagar: How To Reach, Best Time & Tips

    Location: Hazratbal Rd, Hazratbal, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 190006. Timings: 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM, on all days of the week. Best Time to Visit: Throughout the year. Read More.

  10. Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar

    Hazratbal is probably the holiest Islamic shrine in Kashmir. It is visited by a large number of the Muslim faithful. Called Hazratbal Dargah in local parlance, Hazratbal Shrine, situated on the shores of Dal Lake in Srinagar, Kashmir, is important as it possesses a sacred relic or the Moi-e-Muqaddas, a brown hair of the head of the Prophet Mohammed.

  11. Hazratbal Shrine, Srinagar

    The Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar is the holiest Muslim shrine and mosque in Kashmir, located on the banks of the Dal Lake. The silvery-white mosque houses a relic known as Moi-e-Muqqadas which is believed to be a sacred hair of Prophet Muhammad's beard. The hair is brought before the general public only on specific occasions.

  12. Hazratbal Dargah / Hazratbal Mosque, Srinagar

    At a distance of 8 km from Srinagar Bus Station, Hazratbal Dargah is a holy Muslim shrine located at Hazratbal locality of Srinagar city in Jammu & Kashmir. Popularly called Dargah Sharif, it is one of the popular places of pilgrimage in India , and among the best places to visit as part of the Srinagar tour .

  13. Hazratbal Shrine

    Overview. Hazratbal Shrine is a revered religious site located on the western banks of the Dal Lake in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India. The shrine is believed to house a relic of the Prophet Muhammad, making it a significant pilgrimage site for Muslims. Suggested Duration - 1 to 2 hours.


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    The Ksheer Bhawani Temple situated at Tullamulla Srinagar in the Gsnderbal district is an important historical shrine built by maharaja Pratap Singh in 1912. The temple housed diety of Godess Ragnya worshipped by Ravana. She is the goddess of knowledge and learning. The place is well preserved with facilities and shops. There are water bodies ...

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    11. Hazratbal Shrine Hazratbal Shrine Counted In Most Religious Muslim Shrines of India. On the left bank of the famous Dal Lake is the Hazratbal Shrine, one of the best places to visit in Srinagar. It is home to the most sacred relic for Muslims, which is the hair of Prophet Muhammad. The public display of the relic takes place on certain ...

  17. Hazratbal Shrine, srinagar, India

    The Hazratbal Shrine, is a Muslim shrine in Hazratbal, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. It contains a relic, the Moi-e-Muqqadas, believed by means of many Muslims of Kashmir to be a hair of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. The name of the shrine comes from the Urdu phrase Hazrat, that means "reputable", and the Kashmiri phrase bal, that means "area".

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    Dal Lake, Kashmir Ki Kali! The most picturesque lake in the foreground of an urban city, surrounded by cloud-clad Pir Panjal ranges, Dal Lake has been one of the top tourist places in Srinagar over the years. A large stretch of water covering an area of 18 square kilometres, elevated at 1,583 metres, Dal Lake is the second largest lake in Jammu and Kashmir.

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    Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar India - Get detailed information on Hazratbal Shrine like How To Reach, Where To Stay, Best Time To Visit, Hazratbal Shrine Photos, Reviews, Attraction & Activities The Hazratbal Mosque an important Islamic shrine that is located in the village of Hazratbal that is located on the banks of the Dal Lake.

  21. 31 Best Places to Visit in Srinagar, Things to Do & Sightseeing

    Manasbal Lake. #31 of 31 Places to Visit in Srinagar. At a distance of 30 km from Srinagar, Manasbal Lake is a freshwater lake located in the Ganderbal district in Jammu and Kashmir, India. Situated in the Safapora, it is one of the scenic lakes in Kashmir, and among the best places to visit as part of Srinagar packages.

  22. Hazratbal Shrine (Srinagar) History

    The architecture of the Hazratbal Shrine is a blend of Kashmiri and Mughal styles, creating a serene and enchanting ambiance for visitors. Tourism Attraction. The Hazratbal Shrine is a central part of the religious tourism circuit in Srinagar. Aside from its religious importance, the location of the shrine is a major draw for tourists looking ...

  23. Things To Do In Kashmir

    Visit The Iconic Hazratbal Shrine. Visiting the Hazratbal Shrine located on the edge of Dal Lake, is one of the top things to do in Kashmir, it's a spiritual journey you won't forget. This famous tourist place in Kashmir is known for keeping a relic which is believed to be a strand of hair from the Prophet Muhammad.

  24. Hazratbal Shrine, Srinagar

    Hazratbal Shrine is one of the prime places to visit in Srinagar. Discover the details of Hazratbal Shrine timings, nearby places, entry fees & things to do etc. +91 98865 25253