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Traveller Illustrated

Illustrations of Classic Traveller Starships 

Nov 04 2014

Traveller 5 – Starship List

This list was compiled by me, using Robert Eaglestones Traveller Ships ported to T5 resources, the notes below were taken from the Small Craft List  (also by Rob, who also generously provided me with a list of stats ) and expanded to account for starship specialities. The list is far from complete and will change as I see fit and eventually encompass all my favorite Classic Traveller (and a bit of MT) starships, empty lines may be intentional 😉

The list is currently work in progress (WIP) and there are likely numbers present that only function as place holders.

In the near future each and every starship I have modeled will be linked from the list below, allowing for a quick overview and access to the relevant information.

The stats I collected in the list below reflect only my personal taste and are neither stadardized nor official. The are all Traveller 5 based and I will likely build a second list to support Mongoose Traveller in the not too distant future.

NOTES: B = Lift Body. C = Cramped Bridge. K = Cargo Lock. L0 = Short Term Life Support. L2 = Long Term

Life Support. S = Spacious Bridge. +5 = Overtonnage by 5 tons.

Vol. Volume, in tons.

Name. Official name for the small craft.

TL. Technological Level at which this ship is manufactured.

Free. Open, configurable space, in tons. Basically cargo space (cargo bay may be a component that eats up free space, so that value would essentially be zero. Out of practical considerations I’m in the process of converting this value to true cargo space which can be considered somewhat configurable too).

Gs. Acceleration, in gravities.

Fuel/Duration. Fuel tank size, and operational time given a full tank. For starships this includes jump fuel (multiple jumps only when noted)

MCr. Price of small craft in millions of credits.

Computer. Computer model installed by default.

J = Distance in Parsec per single jump, PP = Power Plant rating

#j – number of jumps/ #jn number of jumps of n length

st – streamlined

#t – number of empty turrets (e.g.2t = 2 turrets, no weapons installed)

fs – fuel scoops

a/r – Air/Raft as subcraft, gc – Grav Carrier, alt. v4 – vehicle 4dt

s## = Sub craft of ## tons (e.g. s50 = Modular Cutter, s40 = Pinnace, 2s30 = 2x Ship’s Boat, s10/s30 = Life Boat & Ship’s Boat), this gives tonnage, not the actual subcraft

f## = Fighter Subcraft of ## tons (e.g. f10 = Fighter, 2f20 = 2x Gig, f40 = Assault Cutter)

CT = Classic Traveller, some ships were re-specified during T5 development (e.g. the Lurushaar Kilaalum and Gazelle were upgraded to 500t), ships that have this note are shown with their CT tonnage ported to T5 (as close as possible).

HG = High Guard Stats (LBB5)

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Sole Survivor Kickstarter Campaign Now Launches on May 6th

Sole Survivor Kickstarter Campaign Now Launches on May 6th. Although we had initially set the campaign to premiere on Alien Day, on April 26th. However, we have taken the tough decision to delay launch by a few weeks. We feel the extra time will help us to provide a much better product for you! Starship […]

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  • General Traveller Discussions

Big Naval Ships in the Traveller Universe

  • Thread starter robject
  • Start date Jul 3, 2024


  • Jul 3, 2024
  • Combat benefits which may, for example, mitigate technological disadvantage.
  • Might not be interesting from a game perspective, other than strategic time and resource requirement.
  • You can't install everything in every ship, nor can you afford to.
  • Supporting a navy demands the permanent allocation of finite resources.
  • Losses ("Out Of Action") take a LONG TIME to get rebuilt and replenished.
  • TL is critical. A +3 TL, or perhaps +2 TL, difference is decisive.
  • TL changes which weapons are effective -- what works in one TL might be invalidated in the next TL.
  • TL dictates a maximum standard-efficiency hull size.
  • I don't see sense or reason in allowing more than one spine per ship. Maybe it's just me.
  • Warships by number. Corvettes, Destroyers, and Escorts make up 80% of the fleet, Cruisers make up 15%, and Capitals 5%.
  • Missile platforms could be created from relatively weak ships, couldn't they?
  • They might have a screening function.
  • That could legitimately be a bone of contention. It might not be common enough to be fairly proven.
  • There appears to be a breakpoint in capability somewhere around TL-12.
  • Perhaps this is because smaller craft typically mean less capable craft.


The Tigress class appears to be the largest, feasible starwarship.  

Condottiere said: The Tigress class appears to be the largest, feasible starwarship Click to expand...

A great deal depends on the system plus tweaks. Good example, one tweak I put in without hesitation is more then one spinal weapon, and whether it is spinal or just is a really big turret is relative to the size of the ship. This in turn partially affects the style of BR vs large ship philosophy. How good is point defense? Screens? How much does kinetics increase missile damage? What is the effectiveness of armor vs x system at y TL? As a simple example, if a missile is launched at .01C, will it hit like a spinal weapon? If so large fleets cannot afford to be in close to planets in say a LS, a suicidal fast pass by light ships could rip them up all out of proportion. So really the question is what game do you want more then what is it given x Traveller version. They all impose more optimized designs then others by virtue of their resolution/cost matrix.  

Spinward Flow

  • Spinward Flow
Condottiere said: The Tigress class appears to be the largest, feasible starwarship. Click to expand...
  • Meson-N instead of Meson-T
  • Fewer Heavy Fighters requiring fewer Launch Tubes to launch and recover and smaller hangar facilities
  • Better "tailoring" of the secondary weapons to optimize the number of batteries bearing
  • Smaller hull size = smaller drives = smaller crew = lower construction and sustainment costs per copy

Or 3 x 100k battleships and a 2 x 100K carrier; that way outmatch the Tigress for Spinal mounts and have double the number of fighters.  


CT S9, p38: Although some older battleships of greater displacement remain in service, the Tigress class dreadnaught is the largest line-of-battle vessel currently in service with the Imperial Navy in the Spinward Marches. Click to expand...
AnotherDilbert said: Fighters are insignificant to warships, but effective to harass small civilian ships. Click to expand...
  • Code: 5 for Single Fusion Guns (TL=14+, short range offense only)
  • Code: 4 for Triple Beam Lasers (TL=13+)
  • Code: 3 for Triple Missiles (TL=13+), Triple Pulse Lasers (TL=13+), Single Plasma Guns (TL=12+, short range offense only) and Single Sandcasters (TL=10+)
  • Code: 2 for Single Particle Accelerators (TL=15)
AnotherDilbert said: The Tigress is a white elephant. It's a vanity project. It's not even the biggest, just the biggest battleship currently deployed to the Spinward Marches: By all the canon (e.g. S9+LBB5) I can remember, large scale combat has been dominated by meson spinals for thousands of years, since the Terrans first built them. The rules of some editions (e.g. MgT2022) may disagree, but canon still stands I believe... (Nuke-)Missiles are viable secondary armament, and dominates at lower TLs. Fighters are insignificant to warships, but effective to harass small civilian ships. Click to expand...
TamsinP said: As far as I can make out, in MgT2e fighters' main role in fleet battles is to provide an anti-missile screen deployed ahead of the fleet. Click to expand...
AnotherDilbert said: Depends on edition: In MgT2'16 fighters are a viable main combatant, in MgT2'22 they are non-competitive as far as I can see. I would see them more as patrol and reconnoissance elements in MgT2'22. Click to expand...
Spinward Flow said: Fighters are actually limited by tech level (of all things) by virtue of practical upper limits on how powerful of a computer you can install into small craft (under LBB5.80, of course). Fighters that lack "cutting edge for their tech level" computer models will rapidly fall behind the power curve and fade into irrelevance somewhat quickly, mainly because they "can't compete" as combatants when their computers get outclassed. Click to expand...
Spinward Flow said: Another limitation on fighters is that they get ONE turret (each). Click to expand...
Spinward Flow said: I can build fighters that are "pretty darn capable" in the TL=10-12 range, because the computers available at those tech levels are "relatively small" and don't have exhorbitant (for a small craft) EP demands, making it possible to have adequate EPs to spare for weapons and agility. ... ... but as a significant combatant force, fighters eventually become more or less obsolete as threats to capital ships when technology advances much beyond TL=13. I haven't made any explicit designs to prove it, but I suspect that TL=13 is the "last" tech level where fighter craft can be "competitive" combatants in a fleet. Click to expand...
Spinward Flow said: Patrol and recon is an IMPORTANT mission tasking that doesn't require exorbitant amounts of computer power to conduct. Fighters as a distributed Sensor Screen/Early Warning is an important job that is often times best handled by plentiful small craft doing picket duty, rather than relying on larger (and more expensive, therefore fewer) destroyers to fill that role and mission set. Click to expand...
TamsinP said: The big ships (battleships, fleet carriers) will make up a relatively small part of the fleet and will spend most of their (non-war) time at naval bases, maybe venturing out every so often as a group for naval exercises or individually to "show the flag". Click to expand...

Feasibility being the somewhat key term here. The Tigress design being considered successful enough to clone across the entirety of the Imperium, at a minimum of, I would suppose, eight per sector. Capital ship being a somewhat vague definition in the MongoVerse, but changing the size of the spinal mounts does bring into the fore that ratio between performance, fire power, and protection, bearing in mind that spinal mounts are capped at one per hull. Of course, commercially, there are megatonne freighters, though chances are few are larger than this, beyond special designs with rather specific cargo in mind.  

It's pretty clear that the rules as written don't support the ships as written, at least not under CT or MT. I don't know for other versions. There'd need to be some fairly significant changes to make something like a Tigress worthwhile.  

I agree that the tigress is someone’s idea of a wunderwaffe that certainly has issues. I do think however traditional big ship traveller glosses over some of the potential uses of small craft. First is as scouts/screens. While there is no horizon in space for ‘over the horizon’ combat there are various limits in sensors and ewar and sensor baffling is also probably a thing. Having a small relatively hard to hit scout relaying targeting information is probably something useful, especially if you’re enemy is ‘hiding’ on the other side of a planet. Second is as a remote missile platform. Nukes are still fairly effective in a world of nuclear dampeners since screens need to be aimed. If you’re focusing on the big guns a few fighters launching a salvo of nukes from behind can discombobulate you - not really a threat for the big battlewagons but the various screening ships and lighter capitals might need to worry. Third is as an interceptor working against the first two types. Aside from the interceptors they’d probably operate more akin to the PT boats of WW2 than modern combat aircraft.  


  • Jul 4, 2024

mike wightman

mike wightman

robject said: Assumption: this thread assumes a Big Ship universe, in some sense, for Traveller. Click to expand...
robject said: MY GOAL: A list of generalizations, restrictions, and expectations for Big Ship combat. Click to expand...
robject said: Given: there is a vast corpus of semi-compatible Traveller material. Given: some books have a greater influence than other material. Given: some people have a greater influence than others. Click to expand...
robject said: Then: What can we say generally about Big Navy Ships in Traveller? Click to expand...

The thing about one megatonne battle tenders, is that they are basically megafreighters carrying a rather specific cargo. Though I think the ratio is more six fifty kilotonne battleriders, and seven tenths of a megatonne tender.  

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Category:Ship Manufacturer

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  • Larleaftea Hryawaowya
  • LifeTech Corporation
  • Magash Shipbuilding & Spacedock Company
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