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Read This Before Your Next Trip to the Dentist

Here’s how to evaluate your dentist’s advice—and ways to pay less for pricey dental procedures

hand with teal rubber glove moving dentist light in dentist's office

When you’re in the dentist’s chair, being told that you need a filling, a crown, a root canal, or some other procedure, should you trust that advice? Or is there another option?

Many factors—apart from what’s best for you—may play a role in how some dentists decide what to recommend. Plus, the scientific evidence supporting some dental procedures is often lacking. When it comes to the best way to handle a problem with a tooth, there’s a whole lot of gray area.

Plenty of teeth do need dental work, and no repair lasts forever, so a tooth with a filling could require ongoing attention. A small filling may be replaced by a larger filling, the tooth might eventually need a crown and a root canal, and you could finally need to have the tooth taken out, says Alexander Holden, PhD, clinical associate professor of dentistry at the University of Sydney. But when should all these steps occur? Or are they even necessary?

In many cases, there are no hard-and-fast rules. “Even among skilled, ethical dentists, there can be discrepancies in treatment plans,” says Olivia Sheridan, DMD, a professor of clinical restorative dentistry at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Recommendations about many medical treatments come from respected groups that pore over all the evidence. But fewer such guidelines exist for most dental treatments.

In the absence of such data, a dentist can weigh considerations such as a person’s age, the shape of their bite, and more. But other influences might sometimes play a role, too.

For example, private-equity-owned dental service organizations may encourage some dentists to sell people unnecessary treatments to maximize profits. And in a 2020 Canadian study , researchers found that dentists who reported more debt were more likely to recommend more aggressive (and probably more expensive) treatments. Such research shows why people should ask about the benefits, risks, and alternatives of any proposed treatment, says study author Abdulrahman Ghoneim, a dentist and PhD student at the University of Toronto. Yet only 27 percent of Americans have ever gotten a second opinion on a recommended dental treatment or procedure, according to a nationally representative survey of 2,116 adults conducted by CR in March. Here, we take a look at five common procedures to help you figure out if and when you really need them.

Note: Prices are from the American Dental Association Health Policy Institute’s 2020 Survey of Dental Fees. They represent the average total amount dentists reported they expect to be paid for procedures (insurance may not reimburse the full amount). The actual cost to consumers will vary.

CR's Guide to Treatments

Filling Replacement What it is: Fillings, the standard treatment for cavities, eventually wear out. They can be made with materials such as metal or tooth-colored resin, which can crack, or they can decay around the edges. For a replacement filling, the old filling (plus any new decay) is removed, and a new one is placed.

When it’s needed: The experts we spoke with had a wide range of opinions on when fillings should be replaced vs. simply repaired. Gerald Simmons, BDS, a general dentist in Palmdale, Calif., says he almost always advises replacing the whole filling because the cost to the consumer is the same, and he can ensure that there’s no decay underneath the filling that could be missed if it is only repaired. Still, a repair also has potential advantages—it may help preserve more of the tooth’s original structure and can be less traumatic for patients. Nathaniel Lawson, PhD, director of the division of biomaterials at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry, says he prefers repairing—if they’re fillings he originally performed. The scientific literature is of little help: In 2014, the Cochrane Collaboration, an independent group that reviews evidence about tests and treatments, found that there was insufficient support to determine whether repair or replacement was preferable . Ultimately, you’ll need to have a conversation with your dentist about the risks and benefits of each option.

When to question it: Replacing or repairing fillings can be important when they’re damaged or there’s new decay. But you should push back if a dentist recommends replacing your fillings just because they’re old. Age alone shouldn’t indicate a need for new fillings, according to the American Dental Association’s Choosing Wisely recommendations , which aim to reduce unnecessary care.

What the alternatives are: A filling repair involves removing and replacing only the defective part of the filling, rather than the whole filling.

Cost of a filling: $104 to $472, depending on material used and the number of sides of the tooth it covers.

What it is: A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that replaces part of your natural tooth above your gumline. To place one, a dentist removes some of the tooth’s outer material and cements the crown on top of your remaining tooth. “We use a crown to restore a tooth to its original shape and size,” says Edmond R. Hewlett, DDS, consumer adviser for the American Dental Association and a professor at the UCLA School of Dentistry in Los Angeles.

When it’s needed: A crown is meant to reinforce a tooth whose structure has been weakened by other dental work or decay. If you’ve had a root canal on a molar, for example, you need a crown on the tooth, too, because you need strong molars for chewing. (A crown may be optional for nonmolars with root canals.)

When to question it: The decision can be subjective. For some people, preserving their natural tooth structure is most important; others, such as those who have a forceful bite or who grind their teeth, may benefit more from the added strength of a crown. Crowns are expensive, so it’s always reasonable to ask for options.

What the alternatives are: A larger filling may work instead of a crown in some cases, according to Simmons, who says he tries to use this approach when he can because the natural tooth surface will be less prone to collecting plaque than the crown (particularly at its edge). On the other hand, crowns tend to have a longer life than fillings. Dentists also have the option of using a partial crown, known as an onlay, which caps only part of the tooth. This preserves more of the tooth’s natural structure, but it is somewhat more complicated to perform because it must be bonded to the tooth. Your dentist might not routinely do them, and insurance might not cover it. Still, Lawson calls onlays “a great conservative option.”

Cost of a crown: $400 to $1,698, depending on the materials and how much of the tooth is covered.

What it is: Deep cavities, extensive or repeated dental procedures, or trauma to the tooth can leave a tooth’s soft insides, or pulp, inflamed and eventually infected. During a root canal, a provider drills into the root of your tooth to remove infected, necrotic (dead) pulp in the center of your tooth. The inside of the canal is cleaned, disinfected, filled, and sealed.

When it’s needed: The pulp contains a tooth’s nerves, and once that tissue has begun to decay, there’s no option but to take it out, Simmons says. Otherwise, the infection can spread to other parts of the body. Although it’s rare now, before the advent of antibiotics untreated infected tooth pulp could sometimes be fatal.

When to question it: It’s important that your dentist perform adequate testing to determine that your tooth’s pulp is necrotic and not salvageable, because some people who need root canals don’t experience pain as a symptom. Testing may include X-ray imaging, and your dentist should do a sensitivity test, such as placing something cold against the suspect tooth and assessing your reaction. If you can’t feel the cold at all, the tooth is probably dead and needs a root canal, Lawson says. Significant or extreme pain is also a concerning sign. A few seconds of pain, however, may mean that the tooth’s pulp is inflamed but not irreversibly so. (If the tooth is crowned, a temperature-based test might be less effective.) The dentist should also place the cold object against one of your other teeth for comparison.

What the alternatives are: For a tooth that definitely needs a root canal, the only alternative is to extract the tooth (and potentially place an implant). But for a tooth that has reversible inflammation (known as reversible pulpitis), a filling plus a pulp cap—a much less expensive procedure in which pulp exposed by drilling is covered with protective material—can suffice, Lawson says. But keep in mind that this option isn’t always successful. If consumers go with that choice, he says, “they have to assume the risk that they might continue to hurt because it didn’t work, and they might be paying for two treatments.”

Cost of root canal treatment: $620 to $1,472, depending on whether it’s a molar, premolar, or front tooth. A crown, if needed, will add to the cost.

What it is: When an infected, cracked, or decayed tooth can’t be fixed with a filling, crown, or root canal, sometimes it has to be pulled. An implant, a medical device surgically implanted into your jaw to support a crown, is one common treatment for replacing the tooth with a prosthetic. The procedure generally involves a surgery of several hours to place the implant in your jaw, and then months waiting for the surgery site to heal before the artificial tooth is placed on top of the implant.

When it’s needed: Some types of severe fractures can’t be repaired with a root canal or crown, so extraction is the only solution. And sometimes the tooth has too much decay or damage to save it. According to Lawson at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, “if the decay goes below the level of the bone, then we can’t get rid of it all and have enough tooth structure to hold a crown on with.” That’s when it’s better to remove the tooth.

When to question it: Whether a tooth can be restored or needs to be fully removed can be highly subjective, but usually extraction should be the last resort—after fillings, a crown, and possibly a root canal. “If you start skipping paths on that journey, you’ll reach the part where you lose the tooth sooner,” says the University of Sydney’s Holden. So if a dentist is recommending extraction and has skipped one or more of those steps, it’s reasonable to ask whether there are ways to extend the life of the tooth instead.

One type of extraction you may want to think twice about if you’re not in pain: removal of wisdom teeth (shown below). Millions of people have their third molars, or wisdom teeth, removed every year, even in the absence of pain or infection. But a 2020 analysis by the Cochrane Collaboration concluded that the available evidence was insufficient to be able to say whether asymptomatic, disease-free wisdom teeth should be routinely removed.

What the alternatives are: Fillings, crowns, and root canals are all procedures that can help preserve your natural tooth. There’s also a procedure called crown lengthening that can be used to expose more of your tooth’s surface, which can make a crown a possibility. The challenge, however, is figuring out whether multiple procedures—a root canal, plus crown lengthening, plus a crown—are really worth all the time, effort, and cost. If you have “a weak tooth that requires a lot of procedures just to keep it there . . . taking it out and replacing with an implant is very commonly preferable,” says UCLA’s Hewlett. Still, Sheridan says, implants require scrupulous oral hygiene to maintain and might not be the right choice for people with certain types of bites. Bridges and dentures are also alternatives to implants, as is simply not replacing the tooth.

Cost of an implant: $3,080 to $5,825, including the placing of the implant, crown, and metal connector.

Photo: Getty Images Photo: Getty Images

Custom Night Guard

What it is: A night guard can protect your teeth while you sleep if you have bruxism—unconscious grinding and clenching of your teeth. Night guards made by dentists are fit to your bite by taking an impression of your teeth.

When it’s needed: Teeth grinding can lead to chipped or cracked teeth, pain, and other problems, and night guards can provide protection. Simmons, the general dentist in Palmdale, Calif., says he also sometimes recommends one for patients who have porcelain crowns because a night guard can help protect repaired teeth from breakage.

When to question it: Generally, if you don’t grind and clench your teeth, you don’t need a night guard. But diagnosing bruxism can be tricky without a sleep study, says Geoffrey Gerstner, PhD, associate professor of dentistry at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and sleep studies can be expensive and inconvenient. Two typical signs are visible wear on the teeth and reports from your sleeping partner that you’re grinding.

What the alternatives are: Over-the-counter night guards are available. Some require you to perform a fit procedure at home, and some are one-size-fits-all. These are generally fine for a week or so if you need immediate relief, but they should not be used long-term, Sheridan says. A guard that doesn’t fit could cause your teeth to become misaligned, Gerstner says. The self-customizable OTC options don’t appear to solve this problem. In Gerstner’s 2020 study of such night guards , only four out of 31 participants were able to craft their guards with acceptable quality—and most of them were dental students.

Cost for a bite/night guard: $324 to $788.

Paying for Dental Care

Dental costs can be high—even if you have insurance. “Dental insurance, even at its best, is a fee-reduction service,” says the University of Pennsylvania’s Olivia Sheridan. “You have copays, and you have a yearly maximum that is embarrassingly small.” Delta Dental insurance, for example, says its yearly maximums are between $1,000 and $2,000. But there are ways to save.

• Find coverage. Sign up for an employer-subsidized dental plan if you have the chance. Some state Medicaid programs cover dental care for adults. Medicare doesn’t cover dental care, but some Medicare Advantage plans do.

• Consider a dental savings plan. These are similar to buying club memberships: You pay an annual fee and gain access to a large network of dentists who offer discounts. Fees range from about $80 to $200 per year, for discounts of 10 to 60 percent off various procedures. Search for one in your area at

• Get care at a dental school. Services performed by dentists or hygienists in training will often take longer because the students will be supervised by faculty members. But schools offer care at lower costs. Pueblo Community College’s Dental Hygiene Clinic in Colorado, for example, charges $30 for an exam and cleaning. Find an accredited school through the Commission on Dental Accreditation .

• Try a community health center. Some of these are federally funded and may provide free or low-cost care. Look for one in your area through the Department of Health & Human Services .

• Plan your treatment wisely. If you need a lot of work, talk with your dentist about scheduling it to make optimal use of your dental insurance, Sheridan says. Two expensive procedures can sometimes be scheduled in different calendar years, for example.

Dental Specialists 101

A general practice dentist is a good place to start for many tooth-related problems. If you have a problem that your regular dentist can’t address, they’re likely to refer you to a specialist. These professionals have the same basic training as general dentists, plus additional years of education in their specialty field.

• Endodontists focus on problems inside your teeth and are especially skilled at performing root canals. (The American Association of Endodontists says an endodontist may do as many as 25 root canals per week.)

• Periodontists diagnose and treat periodontal (gum) disease, which affects the gum and the bone tissue surrounding teeth.

• Oral and maxillofacial surgeons specialize in surgical treatment of injuries or other problems of the head, neck, and jaw. Extraction of wisdom teeth and placing of implants are two common procedures for oral surgeons.

• Prosthodontists specialize in dental prosthetics, including implants, dentures, and bridges.

• Orthodontists use braces, retainers, and other techniques to treat misaligned teeth and jaws, and problems with your bite.

How to Say No to Your Dentist

Given all the room for interpretation between necessary and unnecessary care, saying no, or at least “not right now,” can be useful. Here’s how.

Ask Good Questions “The doctor is obliged to explain the risks, the benefits of the procedure being discussed, as well as any alternative, and make sure that all of your questions are answered,” says UCLA’s Edmond Hewlett. Along with asking about risks, benefits, and alternatives, Sheridan recommends asking what will happen if you do nothing. You should also ask about the expected life span of the work, says the University of Sydney’s Alexander Holden.

Watch for Red Flags When you ask why your dentist has recommended a procedure, they should explain their medical reasoning. Proceed with caution if they won’t do so, or if a treatment plan seems out of the ordinary—if, for example, you’ve rarely needed anything and then suddenly need work costing $10,000, says general dentist Gerald Simmons.

Get a Second Opinion A trustworthy dentist shouldn’t be offended by this. “If somebody wants a second opinion, that would not hurt my feelings,” says the University of Alabama’s Nathaniel Lawson. In CR’s nationally representative survey, we found that about 4 in 10 people who got a second opinion about a dental procedure ended up not having the procedure, postponing it, or having a different procedure. To find a dentist for a second opinion, ask friends and family members, or search for a specialist using the ADA’s tool . Ask for copies of your X-rays to give to the second dentist, Lawson says. If your dentist refuses to or is reluctant to provide your records, that’s another red flag. When you ask for a second opinion, Lawson recommends, you should refrain from explaining what the first opinion was, so the new dentist can look at your mouth and X-rays without any preconceived notions.

Make Your Decision Be sure to ask both the first and second dentists you consult why they’re recommending a particular treatment. If the two opinions diverge, you can decide which path to take based on which provider best aligns with your preferences, Holden says—be it a more aggressive proactive approach to try to prevent future problems, or a more conservative approach of doing only what’s necessary at the moment.

Editor’s Note:  A version of this article also appeared in the September 2022 issue of Consumer Reports magazine.

Clarification: This article, originally published on Aug. 4, 2022, has been updated to clarify that the pricing estimates provided by dentists may not reflect what consumers pay.

Catherine Roberts

Catherine Roberts is a health and science journalist at Consumer Reports. She has been at CR since 2016, covering infectious diseases, bugs and bug sprays, consumer medical devices like hearing aids and blood pressure monitors, health privacy, and more. As a civilian, her passions include bike rides, horror films and fiction, and research rabbit holes. Follow her on Twitter @catharob .

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50+ Great Dentist Review Examples to Copy & Paste

Since our post for Airbnb Host Reviews become popular and proved to be useful for the readers we decided to make similar article, but this time for Dental Studios . Find bellow Dentist review Examples that you can copy and paste.

Dentist Review Examples

  • City Name – (CN)
  • Dentist Name – (DN)
  • Studio Name (SN)

1 . Great office located directly in downtown ( CN ). The front desk staff makes you feel right at home immediately when you walk in the door. Everything was on time and it was an extremely professionally run office. A fantastic experience that is super easy for anyone that works downtown.

2 . This is a great place to go take care of your teeth. The team was very professional examining and providing with solutions by priority. I had to do periodontal root cleaning and ( DN ) did a great job, I felt that I was in good hands. All the people here were very gentle and kind to me. They explained very well what was going on. Thanks to ( DN )!

3 . The best dental care I have ever experienced! Professional, courteous, and friendly staff made me feel like family… would highly recommend to anyone!!!

4 . The staff was great. Very welcoming and friendly. The dentist was very nice and informative. I call him ( DN ) because he made me feel right at home and as if I was a friend. He provided excellent service and I will be coming here for all my future dental needs!

5 . The professionalism and friendliness of the whole team is outstanding. I’ve been going with them for a complicated process and then for keeping up and cleaning. Every visit is like visiting friends. I couldn’t be happier with the results.

6 . The staff was very friendly and helpful and the dentist was honest and straight forward. I have been to other dentists that exaggerated what my needs were in order to make more money. So it was a relief to find a dentist with integrity.

7 . Always have a great, smooth experience here. The staff and ( DN ) are friendly, respectful, caring and courteous of your time. The office is run very smoothly and efficiently. Definitely recommend.

8 . I wish I had switched to them sooner. Great attention and service. You know you are in good hands when you learn things about your bone structure that you had no clue about. Keen eye on detail!

9 . Is always amazing service very quality of customer service and fantastic results. One of the only place in ( CN ) that is a seriously highly recommended and takes very good care of you.

10 . I’ve been going to ( SN ) for a while now and it is a really great place. Everyone from the dentists to the staff are very friendly and my hygienist, ( DN ), does such a great job! I highly recommend ( SN ) if you’re looking for a dentist’s office in the downtown area.

More great Dentist review examples on the next page…

How to Find a Good Dentist

Look for a doctor you can trust to put your interests first.

This article is based on reporting that features expert sources.

Karen Vasso, a 47-year old farmer from Chelmsford, Massachusetts, takes good care of her health. In addition to the copious amounts of physical exercise she gets while working, she's an avid swimmer and triathlete. She also has a background in nutrition and knows that good dental health is an important aspect of overall wellness.

Young man visiting a dental office. Examination and repair of teeth.

Getty Images

She's long sought to make visiting a dentist regularly a priority. However, a couple of bad experiences over the years have caused her to think carefully about what makes a good dentist and how to find the right one for her.

The first incident occurred several years ago. At the time, Vasso was a single mother and her health insurance wasn't terribly robust, so her options of which dentist she could see were limited. "I went to this quiet, dark office in the basement of a building" in a nearby town. The office was mostly empty, save for the dentist himself, and Vasso recalls thinking, "this is scary."

Undeterred by her gut intuition, she went through with the appointment. "He cleaned my teeth and at the end he said, 'you have a cavity. I'm going to need you to come back for a filling.' I know my teeth. I have extensive knowledge about nutrition and how that affects dental health ," and she says she suspected she didn't actually have a cavity.

She asked the dentist to show her on the X-ray where the cavity was. "He kind of backed out of it. He had nothing, so I left and never went back. Because he was the only dentist my insurance covered, I didn't go to the dentist for several years," she says.

Fast forward a few years to a new town and new dental health insurance , and Vasso decided it was time to do something about the lack of routine dental care she'd had for the past few years and scheduled an appointment with a local dentist.

She opted for "a very big chain dental practice" that was in her insurance plan and made an appointment. "They did a cleaning and a cursory exam and told me I had six cavities. It blew my mind – there's no way I have six cavities," she says, feeling outraged.

Before she was even able to get clarification on where and how severe these cavities were, she'd been herded to the front desk to settle her bill and make several more appointments for additional dental work.

Vasso decided she didn't trust that dentist and made an appointment elsewhere for a second opinion . As suspected, that subsequent dentist confirmed she had no cavities at all, let alone six of them. "Can you imagine them drilling into my teeth for no reason? It blows my mind," she says.

Trust Is the Bedrock of the Dentist-Patient Relationship

While Vasso's experience may be extreme, it illustrates how important it is to find a dentist you can trust. "The dentist has an obligation to be truthful," says Dr. Ada Cooper, a dentist in private practice in New York City and a spokesperson for the American Dental Association.

"The best doctor-patient relationships are based on truth and trust, and trust in treatment planning is absolutely critical. Once you and your dentist have that trust, you can go forth and be partners in a way that will help you gain so much in terms of your dental health," she says. She refers to this as "finding your dental home," a place where you can be assured that the provider has your best interests at heart and offers the right care that you actually need.

But it can be hard to know whether what your dentist is telling you is accurate. Cooper says that, as Vasso did, you should consider whether what you're hearing makes sense.

"If it doesn't seem or sound right – if the recommended treatment doesn't make sense or the dentist doesn't seem willing to answer questions or is unable to provide clear enough answers or you don't feel comfortable asking, then it's time to look for another dentist."

What to Look for in a Dentist

When looking for a dentist, there are several factors to consider including:

  • Location and hours.
  • Competence and compassion.
  • Communication styles or issues.
  • Professional affiliations and accolades.
  • Preventive care emphasis.

Location and hours

You should seek one that practices close to your home or work and that has convenient hours. If you aren’t available when the doctor is, you’re unlikely to be able to make the relationship work. Telehealth options have become more widely available since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, but you'll still have to visit the doctor in person for cleanings and checkups from time to time.

Competence and compassion

“Competence, communication and compassion are all key features of a good dentist,” says Dr. John Luther, chief dental officer for Western Dental, a large Orange, California–based dental management organization serving 220 locations.

“Dentists should facilitate an open dialogue with their patients to fully address their needs and concerns,” Luther adds. And that includes understanding “your full medical history, since oral health is an important component of whole-body health care.”

Communication styles or issues

Your dentist also needs to be able to communicate so that you can understand what’s happening. For example, "if English isn't your first language, do you need a translator ? In my practice, I have a lot of patients who are Japanese," Cooper says, and although these patients "speak English perfectly well out in the world," when it comes to the specific or technical vocabulary of health care, having a translator to convey this information in a patient's native language can facilitate better understanding.

Professional affiliations and accolades

As a spokesperson for the ADA, Cooper also encourages people to look for dentists who are members of the American Dental Association. The ADA represents more than 162,000 member dentists across the United States and Puerto Rico.

"The ADA requires that their members make certain promises," Cooper says. "Those are promises that are critical for patients but they're also critical in helping to determine whether a dentist is a good dentist."

These promises include:

  • Preserving patients' rights to be involved in making decisions about their treatment.
  • Doing no harm.
  • Staying current with dental science and developments in treatment options through continuing education, professional groups and research studies.
  • Offering appropriate technology and medical innovations.
  • Providing patients the highest quality care.
  • Being fair and not discriminating against individuals from any walk of life.
  • Being as truthful and honest as possible with every patient.

Preventive care emphasis

“A good dentist will also prioritize and underscore the important of preventive care,” Luther says, such as regular checkups and fluoride treatments. And “when oral health issues do arise, they’ll ensure that their patients know the full scope of their treatment options.”

He adds that preventive care is a key component of how dentists support overall health and wellness. “Dental caries, also known as cavities, are by far the most common condition seen by dentists, along with gum disease, which occurs in around 40% of adults. Oral cancer is not as frequently seen but is often life-threatening and needs immediate intervention. The good news is that all these conditions are preventable with regular dental care both at home and at the dentist’s office.”

What to Know Before Your First Visit

Luther recommends arriving at your first visit with a new dentist with a list of any over-the-counter or prescription medications you’re taking, “even if they aren’t directly related to oral health” and your medical history.

You should also expect to spend a little longer at the office than you will during follow up appointments. “A good dentist will take the time to collect all dental and historic health information in order to provide the best care and may even perform a dental cleaning at the initial appointment,” Luther says.

Why Dental Health Matters

Being sure you're getting adequate dental care regularly is important for longevity and overall wellness. Although dental health can sometimes be overlooked (many health insurance plans don't even include dental coverage). Oral health is a key component of overall health .

Problems that originate in your mouth can have lasting repercussions for the rest of your body. Poor oral health has been connected with several conditions and diseases, including:

  • Endocarditis, which is an infection of the inner lining of the heart. 
  • Cardiovascular disease .
  • In pregnant people, premature birth and low birth weight of the baby.

It's a two-way street between oral and overall health, and certain diseases, can all negatively impact your oral health. These include:

  • Alzheimer's and other dementias .
  • Eating disorders .
  • Certain autoimmune diseases such as  rheumatoid arthritis .
  • Osteoporosis .

A good dentist can spot signs of cancer and other diseases before other doctors might and can help keep small problems from becoming big ones. That's why regular checkups are so important. "The most frustrating part (of being a dentist) is seeing patients who had very manageable dental problems but who let them grow into bigger problems. By the time they have treatment, the problem involves much more expense and time to treat, or it's gotten to the point where the tooth is not restorable ," Cooper says.

The common misconception that "if it doesn't hurt, then you can wait to address it," isn't the best way to approach dental health. "If you wait until it hurts, invariably the treatment is going to be more extensive and expensive," she says.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene Every Day

In all cases, maintaining good oral hygiene is an important way for you to reduce the chances of developing oral health problems. This means:

  • Brushing your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste .
  • Flossing daily.
  • Eating a  healthy diet .
  • Replacing your toothbrush every three to four months.
  • Avoiding smoking and tobacco use.
  • Scheduling regular checkups and cleanings with your dentist.

Because "dental health is such an important part of your overall health. It's important to find a dental home," whether you're dealing with a serious condition or just need routine cleanings and X-rays, Cooper says. Finding the right dentist for you might not be the easiest thing to do, especially within the constraints of insurance, but advocating for yourself and looking for a dentist you can trust is a process that will pay health dividends down the road.

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The U.S. News Health team delivers accurate information about health, nutrition and fitness, as well as in-depth medical condition guides. All of our stories rely on multiple, independent sources and experts in the field, such as medical doctors and licensed nutritionists. To learn more about how we keep our content accurate and trustworthy, read our  editorial guidelines .

Cooper is a dentist in private practice in New York City and a spokesperson for the American Dental Association.

Luther is chief dental officer for Western Dental, a large Orange, California–based dental management organization serving 220 locations.

Tags: dental health , dentists , patient advice

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Dental Visits – The Dentist Visit And What To Expect

Medically Reviewed By Colgate Global Scientific Communications

child rinsing before dental exam

What Happens During a Dental Visit?

First, it is important to find a dentist with whom you feel comfortable. Once you've found a dentist you like, your next step is to schedule a check-up — before any problems arise.

On your first visit to a dentist, they will take a full health history. On subsequent visits, if your health status has changed, make sure to tell them.

Most dental visits are checkups. Regular checkups (ideally every six months) will help your teeth stay cleaner, last longer and can prevent painful problems from developing.

  • A thorough cleaning Checkups almost always include a complete cleaning, either from your dentist or a dental hygienist. Using special instruments, a dental hygienist will scrape below the gumline, removing built-up plaque and tartar that can cause gum disease, cavities, bad breath and other problems. Your dentist or hygienist may also polish and floss your teeth.
  • A full examination Your dentist will perform a thorough examination of your teeth, gums and mouth, looking for signs of disease or other problems. His or her goal is to help maintain your good oral health and to prevent problems from becoming serious, by identifying and treating them as soon as possible.
  • X-rays Depending on your age, risks of disease and symptoms, your dentist may recommend X-rays. X-rays can diagnose problems otherwise unnoticed, such as damage to jawbones, impacted teeth, abscesses, cysts or tumors, and decay between the teeth. A modern dental office uses machines that emit virtually no radiation — no more than you would receive from a day in the sun or a weekend watching TV. As a precaution, you should always wear a lead apron when having an X-ray. And, if you are pregnant, inform your dentist, as X-rays should only be taken in emergency situations. Your dentist may ask for a Panoramic X-ray, or Panorex. This type of film provides a complete view of your upper and lower jaw in a single picture, and helps the dentist understand your bite and the relationship between the different teeth and your arch.

How Long Should I go Between Visits?

If your teeth and gums are in good shape, you probably won't need to return for three to six months. If further treatment is required — say to fill a cavity, remove a wisdom tooth, or repair a broken crown — you should make an appointment before leaving the office. And don't forget to ask your dentist any questions you may have —this is your chance to get the answers you need.

Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider.


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8 Out of 10 Americans Choose Their Dentist Based on Online Reviews

Online reviews have emerged as a significant influence in guiding Americans' choices of dental service providers. Thanks to the increasing number of online forums and platforms for information sharing, Americans now have access to various sources of information that affect their decision-making regarding dental care.

Typically, 8 out of 10 Americans select their dentist based on online reviews, but that's not all. Our research delves into the evolving nature of online reviews, their impacts on American dental patients, and the interaction between consumer behavior and the pursuit of the ideal dentist in today's digital era.

Key Findings

83% of Americans use online reviews to evaluate a dentist.

8 out of 10 surveyed Americans use online reviews as the first step in choosing a new dentist.

Google reviews are most used by 85% of respondents when choosing a new dentist.

Over 90% of Americans prioritize quality of treatment when choosing a dentist.

More than half (52%) of surveyed Americans would only consider a dentist who has at least 10 online reviews.

Negative reviews can make 95% of surveyed Americans think twice about choosing a dentist.

Nearly 80% of respondents want dentist to response to negative reviews, but only 35% dentists actually respond.

The Importance of Online Reviews When Choosing Dentists

Online reviews have become a primary source of information for americans in selecting dentists..

A significant 83% of individuals rely on them as a key instrument to evaluate and choose their dental care providers.


8 out of 10 surveyed Americans use online reviews as the first step in choosing a new dentist

For a majority of Americans, the search for a new dentist starts not in a dental office or through personal recommendations, but by using their smartphones and computers. Our survey indicates that 8 out of 10 Americans prioritize online reviews as the initial step in finding a new dentist.

Digital testimonials on search engines and in online forums are pivotal.

Google tops the list as the most trusted platform for online dentist reviews, with 85% of respondents relying on it.

Yelp is the next most popular site, with 37% of users, followed by Healthgrades and Whatclinic with 25% & 6% of users, respectively.


The growing importance of a dentist's online presence, as reflected in reviews, for building credibility and trust with potential patients.


52% of those surveyed stated they would only consider a dentist who has at least 10 online reviews.


A particularly striking finding is that 3 out of 10 survey participants were willing to choose a highly reviewed dental clinic, even if it fell outside their insurance network.

Key Considerations in Choosing a Dentist

When choosing a dentist, Americans weigh multiple factors to find a reliable oral health specialist.

Our survey revealed that the most crucial consideration for 90% of respondents is the quality of treatment.

Additionally, the cost of treatment and the convenience of the dentist's clinic location are significant factors, with 59% and 46% of respondents, respectively, prioritizing these aspects.

The following table provides a summary of all the considerations and the percentage of individuals who prioritize each.


Quality of dental treatment


Convenient Location


Range of dental services offered


Customer Support


Waiting times


Equipment & Technology


How the dentist responds to reviews

Do Patients Leave Positive Reviews Online?


Many patients often post their dental experiences online, showing the different ways they behave when leaving reviews for dental clinics.

Our findings show that over a third of respondents, or 36% , have left a review at least once for a dental clinic they visited.


A significant 72% of those surveyed cite personal satisfaction and positive experiences as their main reasons for leaving reviews.

Conversely, 46% of respondents say they leave reviews to help others in their decision-making process.

This reflects the sense of community fostered in the digital era, with patients contributing to a collective effort to steer others towards dependable and praiseworthy dental care. Negative experiences frequently motivate online reviews, with 22% of respondents citing dissatisfaction as a reason for their feedback. For these individuals, online reviews serve as an outlet to express their frustrations, offer constructive criticism, or raise concerns.

The table below details all the reasons patients cite for leaving digital reviews of their oral care providers.


Despite this, a significant 91% of online dentist reviews left by clients are positive.

Impact of Social Media on Dental Service Choices

As social media continues to surge in popularity, an increasing number of Americans are utilizing these platforms to find reviews of dentists.


Our research indicates that 63% of individuals now use social media to evaluate a dentist prior to soliciting their services. The online persona and digital presence of dentists are scrutinized closely by these users.


Additionally, our study found that 42% of those surveyed have less trust in dentists who promote their services on platforms like TikTok.

The Influence of Negative Reviews



Negative reviews can significantly affect the reputation of any business, dental practices included.

Our research shows that 95% of Americans surveyed admit that negative reviews cause them to reconsider choosing a dentist. This highlights the powerful role that online feedback plays in influencing opinions and decisions in the dental industry. Furthermore, 80% of those surveyed express a preference for dentists to actively respond to negative reviews. For these individuals, a response signifies the dentist's commitment to their clients and their dedication to communication and resolving issues.

Unfortunately, only 35% of dentists actually engage in responding to such feedback.

Online reviews have emerged as the primary guide for Americans seeking quality oral healthcare. Dentists are increasingly evaluated based on their online reviews, their engagement with these reviews, and their presence on social media.

Clients are also more likely to share their experiences online, whether to praise excellent service or to offer warnings. Given this trend, it's more important than ever for dentists and oral healthcare providers to closely monitor their online presence, make efforts to respond to online reviews, and provide services that will garner positive feedback in the digital world.


To obtain the data presented above, we conducted a survey among 1,099 Americans in October 2023. To maintain accuracy, any unqualified responses were excluded from the results. However, it is important to acknowledge that the survey’s reliance on self-reporting may introduce telescoping and exaggeration, potentially influencing the responses. Furthermore, it is essential to emphasize that the results of this survey are impartial and do not reflect our opinions or biases.

For the findings, “91% of online reviews about dental services are scored positive” and “35% of dentists respond to negative reviews”:

Information was gathered by extracting data from platforms such as Yelp and Whatclinic. A total of 10,000 reviews were analyzed from clinics worldwide on each platform. Subsequently, sentiment analysis was conducted using the NLTK library in Python to determine sentiment scores. Negative scores indicated bad reviews, while positive scores indicated good ones. Additionally, we gathered clinic responses to calculate the percentage of responses to each type of review.

Top 10 Dentist Review Sites That You Should Follow in 2024

Top 10 Dentist Review Sites That You Should Follow

Did you know that 98% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase decision and that 84% trust the reviews as much as a personal recommendation?

Yes, that’s how influential online reviews can be.

A positive online reputation for your dental practice is essential to gain potential patients’ trust and book more appointments. That’s why gathering patient reviews and staying active on dental review sites is a smart way to attract new patients.

Also, dentist reviews provide social proof of your practice and serve as direct communication between you and your customers. They help dentists to identify areas in need of improvement.

By reading honest patient feedback, dentists can learn what is working well and identify areas that need to be changed to provide the best possible care.

Before diving into the top 10 dental review sites , let’s see what great dental reviews should have to impact patients positively.

What Do The Best-Rated Dentists Have In Their Reviews?

While it is true that you need great dental reviews to be a top-rated dentist, don’t think for a second that just any review will help potential patients convert.

Smart and successful dentists know that reviews need to have certain elements in order for them to be effective:

Reviews should be detailed and specific

Generic reviews that say, “ The staff was friendly, and the services were great ”, will get lost in the mix. Patients want a real feel for your practice. So, ensure each review covers topics such as the doctor’s bedside manner, wait times, and any other information that could be helpful to potential patients.

Reviews should be relevant

The relevance of reviews is another essential element that a great dentist practice must have. A patient’s experience and opinions about a specific dental procedure, such as wisdom teeth removal or root canals, are more useful and effective than a generic review.

Reviews should be honest

Patients get turned off by reviews that are fabricated or one-sided. Focus on getting real and honest reviews from patients who have actually used your services, as these will be more valuable to potential patients.

Negative Reviews are Okay

Top-rated dentists usually have a healthy mix of 4 and 5-star reviews. Because let’s be honest, patients find all 5-star ratings unbelievable. So, don’t get discouraged if you get the occasional negative review. Remember to respond to those reviews professionally and politely, and keep providing the best patient care possible!

Reviews for your Staff

Reviews for your Staff

Image Courtesy: Tulsa Premier Dentistry

Respond to reviews

Professional dentists not only provide quality treatments, but they also proactively respond to patients’ reviews. This shows potential patients you are concerned about their dental health and satisfaction.

By getting this quality of feedback, you will be able to start getting more dental reviews and build credibility with potential patients. Keep in mind that it takes time, but if you invest your efforts into getting quality reviews, you will start to see your patient base grow.

Take the time to reach out to your patients , ask them for their honest feedback, and thank them for reviewing your practice. Your dental practice will surely reap the rewards in no time!

Now let’s have a look at the top 10 dentist review sites that you should follow to get genuine reviews for your practice:

Top 10 Dentist Review Sites That You Should Follow in 2023

1. google business.

Google is a popular search engine for people looking for healthcare information. In fact, 77% of people use Google to start their patient journey.

Google My Business

Google reviews appear in both Google Maps and Google Search, making it a powerful tool for increasing your visibility and attracting new patients.

2. Facebook Ratings

Facebook is another powerful platform for promoting dental practices, with over 2 billion monthly active users. The 5-star dentist reviews of your dental office place you at the top of the list when patients search for local dentists on Facebook.

High ratings on Facebook are a sure way to become a reputable and successful dentist. Encourage your patients to leave detailed reviews of your dental services on Facebook, as each review matters.

Facebook Reviews

3. Yelp Reviews

Yelp is another popular review site, with over 140 million reviews of businesses in more than 30 countries.

Yelp allows patients to search for practices by location and speciality. Dental practices can create a free business listing on Yelp and encourage patients to leave reviews there.

Getting reviews on Yelp is great because, according to the HBD study , a one-star increase in Yelp rating leads to a 5-9% increase in revenue.

Yelp Reviews

4. Healthgrades

Healthgrades is a leading source of reliable information about healthcare providers. It offers detailed profiles of dentists, millions of dental care reviews and an online appointment booking system.

Healthgrades Example

Earning positive reviews here means you are destined to be successful as a dentist. By creating a profile on this site, dentists can attract more patients.

Every positive dental review patients leave there will immensely boost your dental practice.

5. 1-800 Dentist Review

1-800 Dentist 1-800 Dentist is a popular dental referral site. They offer a suite of products and services for dentists to market their practice, connecting them with patients and helping them communicate with them.

1800 Dentist Example

Moreover, the site matches each patient with a suitable dentist based on the five questions they ask. After a dental visit, patients review their experience and services from the dentist.

6. Dentistry

Dentistry is another great site where you can list your practice and increase visibility and patient base.

Plus, you can interact with other community members, patients, and dental professionals. You can answer questions about dentistry, write dental-related articles, and encourage patients to book appointments and leave reviews through this site.

Dentistry Example

Vitals is the largest online source of information about dentists and other healthcare professionals. It helps potential patients get detailed reviews about the practice, making it easier for them to choose a dentist.

Vitals Example

Vitals provide patients with a list of local dentists and encourage them to schedule appointments. Once the patient visits the practice, it sends review reminders to the patients so they can rate their experience on Vitals.

RateMDs provides ratings and reviews for healthcare professionals, including dentists. It allows patients to get detailed information on the services offered by different dentists in a particular location.

RateMDs Example

Patients can also leave comments regarding their experience with a dental practice. This helps potential patients get an in-depth understanding of dental practices.

9. Caredash

Caredash hit a major milestone in 2019 when it reached one million users, and since then, its database of patients has only grown larger. It is a transparent review platform with reviews and ratings for dental practices from real patients who follow their review guidelines.

Caredash Exmple

Caredash makes it easy for patients to find reputable dentists in their area. Patients can then share their experiences and leave reviews and ratings.

10. Yahoo Local

Yahoo Local is a great platform for dental practices to get feedback from patients. It allows dentists to create their own listings on the site and add details about their services and contact information.

Moreover, it helps potential patients easily find dentists in their area by providing them with reviews left by current and past patients. This will help them make an informed decision regarding which dentist to choose.

Although it may be simple to only focus on getting reviews from one site, it’s crucial that you cast a wider net and get dental reviews from various platforms. It will increase your visibility and build trust with potential patients.

What’s important: Real Reviews

Patients’ reviews and ratings on dental review sites can help dentists build trust and credibility with potential customers, leading to more appointments.

However, it is important to remember that you should always be honest and swift when responding to reviews. This will help you build a good reputation with current and potential patients.

All of the review sites mentioned above will improve any dental practice . But you can expand your patient base by growing your online reviews ten times with DemandHub.

Book a free demo with DemandHub today.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Dental Review Websites

What are dental review sites.

Dental review sites are online platforms where patients can share their experiences and rate dental practitioners and clinics. These sites provide valuable insight into the quality of care and services provided by different dental practices, making it easier for potential patients to make informed choices.

How do dental review sites help patients?

Dental review sites can guide patients in choosing the right dentist based on feedback and ratings from other patients. They provide a platform for patients to share their experiences and help others make informed decisions about their dental care.

Why are dental review sites important for dentists?

Dental review sites are crucial for dentists as they help build their online reputation. Positive reviews can attract new patients and boost the overall image of the dental practice. Additionally, they can provide feedback to help dentists improve their services.

How can dentists encourage patients to leave reviews on these sites?

Dentists can encourage patients to leave reviews by requesting them directly after an appointment or sending follow-up emails. It’s important to make the review process easy and accessible, such as providing a direct link to the review platform.

Which are some of the most popular dental review sites?

Some of the popular dental review sites include Google Business (Google My Business or GMB), Yelp, Healthgrades, ZocDoc, and RateMDs.

What is the purpose of a dental website?

The primary purpose of a dental website is to offer a virtual platform where potential and existing patients can learn more about your dental practice. It serves as a medium to provide necessary information about your services, operating hours, and location. Furthermore, it plays a vital role in attracting new patients and retaining existing ones by offering an easy way to book appointments, showcase reviews and testimonials, and provide valuable content.

What should a dental website include?

An effective dental website should include the following:

  • Professional Branding: Your logo, color scheme, and other branding elements should be consistent across your website to create a professional and cohesive look.
  • About Us Page: This page should provide information about your dental team, your practice’s mission, and values.
  • Services Page: List all the dental services you offer. Detailed descriptions of each service can help patients understand what to expect.
  • Contact Information: Clearly display your phone number, email address, and physical location.
  • Appointment Booking: An online appointment booking system can make it easy for patients to schedule appointments at their convenience.
  • Patient Testimonials and Reviews: Sharing positive experiences from existing patients can build trust with potential patients.
  • Blog or Resources: Regularly updated educational content can help your site rank better in search engines and establish your practice as a leader in the dental field.
  • Social Media Links: If your practice is active on social media, include links to those profiles to help visitors connect with you on those platforms.
  • Responsive Design: Your site should be mobile-friendly, as many people use their smartphones for online browsing.

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10 Ways to Ask Dental Patients to Leave Reviews

February 22nd, 2021 by Tyson Downs Leave a Comment

10 Suggestions to Ask Dental Patients for Reviews the Right Way - Square

The chances are good that many people who book their first appointment & ultimately accept a treatment plan with you have read online reviews of your practice before they call you. About 71% of consumers read reviews as the first step in finding a new healthcare provider .

It is worth noting that consumers tend to trust online reviews from strangers as much as they would a personal recommendation from a friend. In other words, yesterday’s word-of-mouth has become today’s review on Google or Yelp.

Getting good reviews for your practice is a must if you want to attract new patients. The tricky part is understanding how to ask dental patients for reviews without pressuring them. Reviews must be genuine to be useful.

So, how do you ask for reviews? We'll get there, trust me. First, we need to understand why reviews are important.

dentist visit review

BONUS: DOWNLOAD NOW: Double Your 5 Star Google Reviews in 90 Days! Learn how to double your 5 star Google Reviews in the next 90 days and leverage them to get more new patients. <----- DOWNLOAD NOW

Why Reviews Matter

You already know that consumers are using reviews to evaluate healthcare providers before making appointments. Let's talk about the specific things that make reviews popular as a means of choosing a new provider.

Online Reviews Raise Your Visibility

Google prioritizes local businesses based on their reviews. If you have enough positive reviews, your practice has a better chance of qualifying for Google Local Service ads , which highlight businesses that are Google-verified. The listings highlight your average review rating to help people choose your practice over others in your area.


Online Reviews Help Your Dental Practice Stand Out from the Competition

Unless you live in a sparsely populated area, you have local competition. When people in your target audience search for a dentist, reading online reviews can affect a patient's decision-making process, helping them choose your practice over others in your area.

For example, reviews may mention treatments you offer, team members who deliver excellent service, possibly even the design of your office , the music you play , or feedback about your professionalism and your ability to make patients feel comfortable during treatments.

Online Reviews Build Authority and Credibility

When choosing a healthcare provider, people need to feel confident they can trust the person treating them to do a good job. In other words, they need to feel that their chosen provider has authority and credibility.

Online reviews can help with that because each time someone writes a review highlighting your skill and knowledge, it signals that your practice is trustworthy.

Another way of looking at it is that online reviews help to alleviate doubts that prospective patients might have and make them comfortable choosing your practice. Online reviews can also improve your dental SEO performance and attract new patients . If you live in an area where you compete with several other practices, this can make a big difference.

Barriers That Prevent Dental Practices from Getting More Reviews

You might wonder why your dental practice isn't getting many reviews. Some common barriers can prevent your practice from getting the needed online reviews.

  • You're waiting too long to request patient reviews. People are more likely to leave reviews in the hours and days after leaving your dental practice. If you delay asking them, they may not feel the same urgency that they would after leaving your office with clean teeth.
  • You're making requests manually. If your team members are busy all day, they may not have time to ask patients for reviews one at a time. Not using automation can turn asking for reviews into a cumbersome task.
  • You're worried about negative reviews. We all want positive reviews, but you can't let a fear of negative feedback prevent you from asking for online reviews. Even negative feedback presents an opportunity for you to fix a problem. Another point is that consumers tend not to trust sites with perfect five-star reviews across the board. While you might strive for excellence, nobody gets it right 100% of the time.

If any of these barriers ring a bell, it's time to revamp your system and ensure you and your team members have a plan for soliciting the patient reviews you need.

Claiming Your Listings on Review Sites

examples of the review sites

The first step you need to take before you encourage people to write a dental review is to claim your listings on online review sites like Yelp and Google Business Profile .

Claiming your listings allows you to verify the information about your business, including your address, URL of your website, telephone number, hours of operation, and other key data that patients need to find you.

Here’s a quick overview of how to do it:

  • For Yelp, search for your practice and when you find it, click the “Claim My Business” button on the page. You’ll be prompted to enter your telephone number, and you’ll get an automated phone call to verify your listing. After that, you’ll get an email link that you can use to edit your information. If your practice isn’t listed, you’ll need to click the “Add a Business” button and follow the instructions.
  • For Google Business Profile , you’ll start by logging in to Google and searching for your practice. When you find it, you’ll have to provide some basic information and wait for Google to mail you a postcard to verify that you are the owner. Once you’ve verified that, you can edit your listing and add relevant information.
  • The process for Bing is like Google’s. You’ll need to verify that you own your practice first and then you’ll be able to update and edit your listing.

When you’re updating your information, make sure to do the following:

  • Double-check your address, phone number, and other relevant information. Remember that all your NAP listings (that’s name, address, and phone number) online should be identical. If you use Avenue in one listing, don’t use Ave in another. This will dilute your online presence.
  • Add business hours, pricing information, a link to your website, and any other information that patients might need.
  • Include photos of both the interior and exterior of your practice.

Doing these things ensure that your listings are accurate and complete. These things will also prevent you from being confused with another dental practice in your area.

It’s good to link to your Yelp profile on your website and social media profiles. That way, patients know you have a presence there and they may click through to leave a review.

Get More Reviews Template-1

How to Ask Dental Patients for Reviews

Now that you know how to claim your review listings, let’s talk about how to ask the dental patient to write a review. There are 10 basic techniques you can use depending on your comfort level and budget.

1. Send a Personalized Email

The first method to try is emailing new and long-term dental patients to ask for reviews. Dental email marketing is cost-effective and can help you build patient trust.

When a new patient comes to your office, get their email address when they fill out their preliminary paperwork. That way, you can add them to your mailing list and reach out to ask for a review after you’ve treated them.

In the email, thank them for coming to see you and ask them to consider leaving a review. You can make it easy by linking out to your listings on Google listing and perhaps Yelp listing. (As you likely know, Yelp is notorious for suspending listings that they think are soliciting reviews-proceed at your own risk)

2. Ask Them Face to Face

If you’re comfortable with it, the next method to try is to ask patients to write a review of your practice when they’re in your office for an appointment. Don't ask in the middle of a cleaning or treatment, but you can ask when you’re done or have a team member ask for you.

Ideally, you want to ask at their height of satisfaction. When is that? Usually AFTER their treatment and BEFORE they've paid.

Not everyone is comfortable with this kind of face-to-face interaction, but if you are, then you might want to try it. Even if you aren't, you may need to suck it up and do it. Asking for a review face to face and mentioning one specific phrase*, can GREATLY increase the chances of you getting a review left. You can even provide a business card or hand-out with links to your review sites.

Face-to-face requests feel personal and are an effective way to get the reviews you need.

*What is that specific phrase?

Thank you. I look forward to reading your comments online.

Obviously, variations of this would work as well such as:

Thank you. It really means a lot to me that you are helping me out. I can't wait to read your feedback.

They 'know' that you will be checking up on them.

3. Ask for Reviews on Social Media

If your practice isn’t on social media then it’s time to start. You don't need to be everywhere. Having a Facebook page can boost your visibility and make it easy to connect with current and prospective patients. By sharing relevant and valuable posts on your dental practice social media , you can remind patients who haven’t seen you in a while of the services you provide.

On your Facebook page, you can list more than one URL. For example, you can link to your site, Yelp, and Google Business Profile. You can even ask patients directly for reviews. For example, you might post something like this:

Did you know that we’re one of the top-rated dental practices in Lake Forest? Click here to let us know how we’re doing.

Then, you can include a link to Google or HealthGrades, or whatever else. The chances are good that some of the people who see your post will click through and leave a review.

4. Ask via Direct Mail

Compared to some of the other methods listed here, soliciting reviews via direct mail might seem like an old-fashioned approach. However, it can be effective because a piece of mail is harder to ignore than an email or a Facebook post.

Bulk mailing rates are still quite affordable. For some patients, getting mail from you may feel more personal and compelling than getting an email. The fact that you took the time to send them something might tip them toward wanting to leave a review. If you go that route, be sure to make it easy! Have a QR code that goes directly to where you want them to leave a review. Here's an example below.

Postcard - Aesthetic Family - 3x5 - AI - Google Reviews - 2

5. Solicit Reviews On Your Website

Do patients use your website to schedule appointments or ask questions? If so, then you may want to put a call to action (CTA) asking for reviews on the pages that get the most traffic.

Repeat clients who haven't previously reviewed your practice may be inspired to do so if they see the CTA on your site. Your CTA should link directly to a third-party review site. We suggest directing people to Google since reviews there have the greatest impact. Alternatively, you could link them to an internal page of your dental website that has links to all your online listings that allow people to review businesses.

What we like to do for our clients is add it on their website somewhere. Depending on the client and their situation, maybe in the header, or in the footer, or create a specific page for it. But here's an example of asking for reviews on your website.

review us

6. Appointment Cards

Handing out appointment cards when someone books a new appointment is a good way to minimize no-shows . What you might not have considered is that it's a good way to get people to leave a review for you.

Our suggestion is to put the URL for your Google and Facebook listings on the back of the card and point it out when you distribute the cards.

The example is provided below.

asking for review dental business card

7. Take-Home Instructions

Some of your patients are certain to be experienced at reviewing the businesses they frequent. Others may never have written an online review and may need some help. Providing them with take-home instructions can help get less-experienced people through the process to leave a review.

Your instructions should include the URLs of your online listings and some guidance on what to include in a review. For example, you might suggest that people explain which treatments they received, who treated them, and what their experience was like.

If you prefer, you can provide patients with a template to use. It might look something like this:

I came to Dr. _____ for ______. When I arrived, the front desk ________. My treatment was ______ and I found Dr. _____ to be _____.

Simply providing some guidance when people aren't sure what to write can help them overcome any reluctance they might have to leave an online review about their experiences with you.

8. Promotional Items

Many dentists buy small promotional items to give their patients. These items are an inexpensive option used to keep your brand in the front-of-mind in between appointments. Here are some examples of promotional items you might have or consider buying:

  • Pencils or pens
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothbrush covers
  • Tube squeezers

If you have promotional items on hand, they probably have your name and contact information on them. To get more reviews, consider adding the URL of your Google or another review site with a note like this:

Please leave a review:

Everybody loves a freebie and people who receive your promotional items will be inclined to want to return the favor by leaving a review.

9. Postcards

We already talked about direct mail, but postcards deserve a special mention. They are small and inexpensive to print; if you use them properly, they can encourage people to leave online reviews about their experiences with you.

The best way to handle postcards is to send them out when you've experienced a milestone event, such as a business anniversary or an expansion of your services. The postcard should do several things.

  • Feature a cute or funny picture that will catch people's attention and make them want to keep it.
  • Address the recipient in a brief note that thanks them for choosing you as their dentist and acknowledges their role in your success.
  • Ask for a review and let them know that writing one will help others find you when they need dental services.

A follow-up postcard after an appointment can get you a lot of easy reviews from people that simply forgot when you talked to them earlier.

10. Text Messages

Text messaging has become increasingly common as a way for dentists to stay in touch with their patients. Texts have a higher open rate than emails and they are easy to read and respond to.

If you regularly text appointment reminders, why not add review requests to the mix? The best time to do it is right after an appointment or procedure when the recipient is already thinking of you and their experience is fresh.

A sample text message might say:

We hope that you're feeling good after your appointment! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns and we'll get back to you right away. We'd appreciate it if you'd leave us a review to help others find us. Click here to write a review now!

We recommend including a live link to your Google Business Profile so people who receive your text messages can tap it and write the review immediately.

Guiding Patients through the Review Process

Getting a 5 star review rating

Some patients who you talk to about reviews may be reluctant or nervous about writing one. If that’s the case, then you can provide some general guidance about how to proceed.

It’s important to note that we’re not talking about telling reviewers what to say about you. Rather, we’re talking about giving them some pointers that can help them get started.

Examples of Good Dental Reviews

All of the below can be best accomplished if you have a review funnel in place. Be sure to read our blog post:

Dentist Reputation Management: 5-Star Guide to Review Management for Dentists

The first thing you can do is to provide patients with examples of well-written dental reviews by getting a few reviews on your profiles first. If you’ve already got an established listing on Yelp, you can simply direct them to your Yelp page and suggest they read other reviews to get ideas.

If you’re just getting started and don’t have any online reviews, then you may want to find a sample review from another practice (not one of your competitors) and share it with patients.

Dental Review Highlights

Another thing that may be helpful to patients who want to write reviews is providing them with a list of potential topics to address in their reviews. Here are some examples:

  • Cleanliness/appearance of your practice
  • Quality of patient services/friendliness of the staff
  • Waiting times
  • Effectiveness of dental treatments
  • Technology/equipment
  • Overall patient experience

By providing them with details to cover in their reviews, you can help them get started.

Patient Interactions

While not directly related to writing reviews, focusing on your interactions with patients is one of the most important ways to encourage them to review your dental practice and leave the kinds of comments that will help you attract new patients.

The more accommodating and friendly you and your staff are, the more likely it is that patients will be moved to leave a review. The truth is that consumers tend not to leave reviews for middle-of-the-road services. Instead, they review businesses that they love or hate.

Providing excellent patient services can do a great deal to encourage reviews. If patients love coming to your office, they’re going to want to help you out by writing a review.

How to Moderate Review Sites

Soliciting reviews of your dental practice is important, but your job doesn’t end there. You’ll also have to get in the habit of moderating review sites to ensure that your reputation isn’t damaged by a negative review.

Nobody likes to get negative reviews, but most businesses must cope with one eventually. How you handle negative reviews can have a huge impact on the way potential patients view your practice.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when monitoring your review pages:

  • Make sure to check your pages regularly for new reviews. If you waited to claim your business and have old reviews there, it may be too late to respond. However, responding to new reviews – good and bad – can help demonstrate that you care about your patients and what they think.
  • When you’re responding to a negative review, you have two options. One is to respond on the review site itself and try to have an interaction with the patient there. This may work for minor issues, but if a patient is upset, then it is better to encourage them to call you so you can work it out privately.
  • Even if a negative review upsets you, maintain control and keep your cool. Losing your temper will only tarnish your reputation and hurt you with other patients. If you can’t respond calmly, give yourself time to process your negative feelings before you write anything. You may even want to ask someone neutral to read your response before you post it to ensure no anger or resentment is coming through.
  • If you’re successful in alleviating a patient’s problem, don’t be afraid to ask them to consider revisiting their review of your practice. They may not always be willing, but you have nothing to lose by asking.
  • Responding to positive reviews isn’t necessary, but it’s certainly a nice thing to do. Patients who take the time to leave a good dental review deserve to receive some thanks and appreciation for the time it took them to write it.

If you ask an employee to respond to reviews on your behalf, make sure that you specify how you want them to reply to negative reviews. Let them know the appropriate tone to use and what they are empowered to do to try to help the reviewer.

Even if you’re not the one monitoring reviews, we recommend checking in periodically to ensure that things are being handled properly. If reviews are not responded to promptly or handled professionally, future reviews can be impacted.

In the end, positive reviews of your dental practice can help you solidify your relationships with current patients and attract new ones. Considering how important online reviews are to the average consumer, it’s time to start using patient reviews to your advantage.

Get More Reviews - 1

Are you worried about finding time to get more reviews? We can manage your review system for you!

  •  Tyson Downs
  •  Reviews , Dental

About the Author

Tyson Downs is the founder of Titan Web Agency, a company specializing in marketing for dental professionals. With an impressive track record of working with over 100 dental practices, Tyson has a deep understanding of the unique marketing needs within the dental industry. His expertise has helped numerous dental practices flourish by meeting and surpassing their revenue goals and established him as a thought leader in healthcare marketing. His insights and strategies have been featured in esteemed dental publications, including the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. Before dedicating his career to helping dental professionals thrive through effective marketing, Tyson honed his skills in SEO and web design as a freelancer, while also gaining valuable experience in the corporate sector. As an alumnus of Brigham Young University, he brings a strong educational background to his entrepreneurial endeavors. Outside of his professional life, Tyson is a devoted father of five, who cherishes time spent with his family, especially when they're all enjoying America's pastime on the baseball field.

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How to Leave Your Favorite Dentist a Google+ Review

Avatar for Andrew Rudnick, DMD

Picture this: You just had the most amazing dental visit! The service was excellent, the staff was friendly, the cosmetic dentist was incredibly talented, and the list goes on and on. You’re definitely feeling the love, and while you highly recommend your dentist to others in conversation, have you ever considered leaving your dentist a Google+ review?

Google+ reviews help other like-minded people in your area make well-informed decisions about local businesses and the products and services they offer.

Download this guide to easily leave a Google+ review

Leaving a Google+ review is quite simple, and to make it even easier, we’ve prepared a handy sheet to walk you through the basic steps. Click on the image below or download it here  to get started now.

A super simple tool to use that aids people in writing Google reviews for your business.

What should you include in your Google+ review?

There are three main things that make a Google review meaningful. Including these details helps show Google that we take customer service seriously and truly want to be the best at what we do.

  • People: Name staff members who really stood out to you during your visit.
  • Location:  Include your geographical location or community’s name.
  • Information:  Share specific services you underwent.

Writing tips

  • Be informative and insightful:  Don’t be afraid to be specific and relevant; describe what other visitors are likely to experience. Highlight what makes the dentist or office so unique. From Invisalign to fillings to five-star service, reviews should exhibit the unique expertise the practice offers.
  • Be real: Authenticity is key. Review your experience, and describe why you loved or disliked your visit. Endeavor to be as accurate as possible, and incorporate both positive and negative (if there were any) aspects of your visit.
  • Be respectful: Not every experience is going to be perfect. Sometimes you’ll want to share negative feedback. Even if you’re frustrated, please ensure your analysis is constructive, as we often use your comments to help improve our services.
  • Write with style:  Keep your reviews readable and avoid excessive capitalization or punctuation. Use good grammar, check your spelling, and choose the right length – about a paragraph is great.

What does a great review look like?

Sample Patient Testimonial using a Google Review

One of the fundamental reasons why people write reviews is because they have a desire to help others. They consider the information they would want to see when weighing an important choice and share it so others can make an educated decision.

So help us help others, by posting your Google+ review today!

Here's how to leave a Facebook review for your favorite dental team.

How To Respond to Positive Online Dental Reviews

by YAPI | Mar 10, 2017 | Dental Office Reviews , Positive Reviews

dentist visit review

Most of us tend to obsess over an occasional negative online review. We fume about it for days. We complain to our team, our spouse, and anyone who’d listen.

It’s understandable. Negative feedback hurts. We work so hard to take good care of our patients, and we are very sensitive to any criticism that seems unjustified or inflated.

The problem is that while we spend so much energy on an occasional negative review, we often ignore dozens of glowing reviews from our happy and loyal patients. It may be human nature to concentrate on the negative, but ignoring the positive feedback is a missed opportunity to build your online reputation.

Online reputation management is not just about fighting negative feedback; it’s about crafting your message, sharing your story, and humanizing your business.

According to a study done by Modern Comment, a social media marketing firm, 78% of consumers say that when they see a business owner respond to reviews, they believe that the business cares more about its customers. When you respond to your positive reviews, you let your existing and potential patients know that you are genuinely interested in creating exceptional experiences for them.

What is the best way to respond?

Give Thanks

Your patient took the time to write a glowing review for your practice. Take a few minutes to show your appreciation.

“Hi Lisa, Thank you for your kind words. It’s always a pleasure to see you. We are looking forward to your next visit.”

It might be tempting to go a step further and either send a gift, offer a discount, or add some promotional material. Don’t do it. It may be a guideline violation of some review sites, and it may make the reviewer feel uncomfortable. If you’d like to add a special touch, send a thoughtful handwritten thank-you note. In today’s word of overstuffed email inboxes, a handwritten note is always noticed and appreciated.

dentist visit review

With online review platforms such as Google, the office has the ability to respond back to it’s published reviews. 

Get Personal

Take the time to personalize each response. Adding a personal touch to your response or commenting on anything specific the reviewer mentioned makes it much more meaningful and sincere. Avoid giving away any private information. A public response should not contain any personal, health, or appointment information. Sign off with your name.

“Hi Suzie, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I will never tire of hearing that the kids are looking forward to coming here. It’s always a pleasure to see you and your family. Dr. Mark.”

Pay a Compliment

Your patients are a reflection of your practice. Compliment them when appropriate.

“Everyone is so nice here because we have the best patients. We are here to help with whatever you need!”

A personal thank you from the practice / doctor will go a long way. Try thanking your patients at their following check ups, they’ll be impressed that you remembered their positive feedback! 

Sprinkle Some Marketing

Your response is not just for the reviewer – a lot of potential patients will read it. Take the opportunity to brag a little about your practice.

“Hi Jenny, Thank you for much for such great review! We work hard to deliver great dentistry in the most comfortable environment, and I am happy to see that reflected in your last visit.”  

Share the Love

Recognize your team and share the feedback. Keep in mind that a positive review is important for your online reputation, but it can also do wonders for your team’s morale.

“Hi Jane, thank you for your kinds words. I made sure that Jessica got the recognition she deserved. She was so happy to see your reviews. See you soon!”

Sharing the positive reviews with your team during your daily huddle is an awesome way to start the day right and energize your team. And, for a longer lasting effect, a prominently positioned Kudos Board, featuring the latest and greatest reviews, is a powerful reminder to your employees that their work is valuable and their contributions are truly appreciated.

Craft HIPAA Compliant Responses to Build Trust and Credibility

That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive template filled with tips and ideas to help you craft the perfect response every time.

Download our HIPAA compliant online review responses template to:

  • Ensure patient privacy is protected in every response
  • Build trust and credibility with potential patients
  • Learn best practices for responding to both positive and negative reviews

Click the button below to download the template and start crafting responses that will make your practice stand out!

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10 Dental Review Sites Your Patients Visit

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Learn about dental review sites that your prospective patients rely on for reviews, ratings and recommendations of dentists in their local area

Patients are typically selective about their choice of a new dentist. Your dental practice’s online reviews can ease your prospective patients’ concerns and encourage them to visit your practice. These reviews are essential to building a positive online reputation for your practice. As such, it is important to know the dental review sites that your prospective patients rely on as they decide on a new dentist. 

Online reviews help dental practices rank higher on Google’s search engine result pages (SERPs) and generate more leads. You must have a system in place that encourages your current patients to share their reviews on the dental review sites that your prospective patients will likely visit. With Connect The Doc , dentists can automatically gather authentic reviews from their patients and publish them where they matter. 

In this article, we will discuss 10 dental review sites that your prospective patients visit. Over the years, these review sites have become a key source of information about dentists. By reading reviews and ratings on these sites, patients can make informed decisions about their choice of a dentist. 

Here are the 10 dental review sites your patients visit:

  • Healthgrades
  • 1-800-Dentist
  • GoogleMyBusiness

With an average of 178 million visitors per month, Yelp is one of the most popular review sites in the world . Although it mostly includes reviews for restaurants, home services, auto services and other business types, it is a great review site for dentists. Many patients, who already read Yelp reviews for different service providers, rely on Yelp for their dentist reviews, ratings and recommendations. 

With a Yelp Business page, you can manage your dental practice’ listing on Yelp and respond to reviews. You can engage with your prospective patients and direct them to your dental website for more information about your dental practice. 

Unlike Yelp, Healthgrades showcases reviews and ratings of professionals and organizations in the health industry. With more than 3 million health care providers currently listed on Healthgrades, it is the leading source of information about healthcare providers. Several patients visit Healthgrades to learn more about their dentists, physicians, hospitals and other healthcare providers. 

As a dentist, you can claim and update your dental practice’s free profile on Healthgrades. You can also promote your practice on Healthgrades through the site’s advertisement program so more patients can read your reviews. This review site also provides solutions for encouraging your patients to schedule an appointment with you after they read your dental practice’s reviews. 

ZocDoc doubles as a review site and an online scheduling tool for healthcare providers. With ZocDoc, patients can find dentists in their local area, read their reviews and ratings, schedule an appointment, and meet with their dentist virtually. The review site suggests dentists to patients based on their insurance carrier and coverage. This is why more than 5 million patients, across the United States, use ZocDoc every month. 

Dentists can list their dental practice on ZocDoc to manage their listing, update their availability and meet their patients virtually. ZocDoc ranks dentists based on their proximity to patients, specialties, treatments and insurance policy. This makes it easier for you to match with prospective patients who are more likely to schedule an appointment with you. 

1-800-Dentist provides custom recommendations of dentists to patients based on key compatibility factors. Patients who visit the review site answer a few questions about their location, dental care, insurance amongst others. 1-800-Dentist’s search algorithm uses patients’ information to match patients with dentists in their local area. Once a match has been made, a referral specialist calls patients and informs them about their options. 

1-800-Dentist has matched more than 11 million patients with dentists. With 1-800-Dentist, patients can schedule same-day appointments and get 24/7 emergency support. After their dental appointments, patients are encouraged to leave reviews about their experience with the dentist. These reviews help 1-800-Dentist to improve their criteria and system for matching patients with dentists. 

RateMDs connects patients to dentists, physicians and other healthcare professionals by providing them with information, reviews and ratings on several aspects of healthcare professionals’ expertise and practice—such as punctuality, overall knowledge, staff, helpfulness, cleanliness etc. It allows patients to locate dentists in their local area and read other patients’ reviews. In addition to their location, dentists are also ranked according to their specialty. 

Dentists can claim their profiles on RateMDs and update them with pictures and contact details to boost their online visibility . The site allows dentists to manage their reviews by responding to them, requesting that unfair and fake reviews be removed or outsourcing the management of their profiles to online reputation managers. RateMDs ranks high on Google’s SERPs and as such, it is a very popular review site amongst patients. 

Like ZocDoc, Opencare allows patients to find and schedule appointments with dentists. After answering a short quiz, patients are shown a list of dentists in their local area who specialize in the treatments and procedures that the patients need. The premium review site also provides patients with content and information that helps them improve their overall oral wellbeing. 

Unlike a number of the review sites mentioned in this article, Opencare focuses exclusively on the dental industry. To maximize patients’ experience, dentists are vetted and approved before they can be listed on the Opencare. Dentists with a track record of positive online reviews, reputation and business practices have a good chance of being listed. 

CareDash is one of the fastest-growing healthcare search directories. The review site allows patients to find and compare dentists, physicians and other healthcare professionals in their local area. Over 2 million patients visit CareDash every month. These patients can read other patients’ reviews, leave their reviews about their dentists, and enjoy a host of healthcare-related resources.

CareDash uses proprietary technology to detect and remove fake reviews. This allows more than 3 million active healthcare providers on the platform to benefit from verified reviews. Dentists can claim and manage their free CareDash profiles. When you claim your profile, it becomes verified and this signals to your prospective patients that your information is updated and trustworthy. 

Vitals is a leading resource for healthcare reviews, ratings and information. With over 9 million reviews and ratings, this robust review site is one of the largest online databases of healthcare professionals. Patients who visit the review site can search for dentists by name, location, specialty, insurance, years of experience, ratings and virtual appointments.

More than 1 million healthcare professionals and 165,000 healthcare organizations are listed on Vitals. Dentists can claim their Vitals profile and update details about their expertise, specialty, practice, education and awards. The review site allows dentists to report fake reviews and request their deletion. 

Marketed as the digital home of dentistry, provides extensive resources for patients who are looking to improve their dental healthcare and find dentists in their neighbourhood. In addition to reading reviews and ratings, patients can learn about dentists’ practice, education, awards, the procedures dentists specialize in, the insurance coverages or policies they accept, and request an appointment with the dentist of their choice. 

Dentists can claim their dental practice’s profile on . To do so, dentists have to create an account on the website. has a community forum that allows dentists to connect and engage with dental professionals. 

GoogleMyBusiness is a free Google service that allows patients to learn more about dentists and other local business owners. A typical GoogleMyBusiness listing contains the business’ contact details, media, hours of availability, reviews, ratings and links to the business’ website. This listing appears right at the top of Google’s SERPs and makes it easier for patients to find information about the dentist or local business they are searching for.

To claim your GoogleMyBusiness profile , you can start by searching for dental practice on Google. If Google currently has some information about your dental practice, you will be able to modify the knowledge panel of your dental practice by clicking ‘Own this business?’. If no information exists about your dental practice online, you can visit GoogleMyBusiness’ website or contact a Connect The Doc specialist to help you improve your dental practice’s online presence. 

Patients visit social media platforms for dental reviews

In addition to these commonly-viewed dental review sites, patients also rely on social media for reviews and recommendations about dentists and dental practices. If your dental practice has social media pages, you should make sure your pages include important updates and contact details. As a rule of thumb, you should develop an online reputation management strategy that guides you and your team members on how to manage your online presence and reviews across different review sites. More so, when responding to online reviews, you should always adhere to the regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) .

Start gathering and sharing authentic reviews about your dental practice

The more online reviews there are about your dental practice, the better your online visibility and chances of attracting more patients to your practice . If your dental practice has none or just a few online reviews, contact a Connect The Doc specialist today. With Connect The Doc’s review tool , dentists automatically ask their patients for reviews and ensure those reviews are published on the dental review sites their prospective patients visit. Contact us to start gathering and sharing authentic reviews about your dental practice.

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How to Craft a Winning Review for Dentist with Examples

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Table of Contents

Whether you are a dental professional or a patient seeking dental care, reviews play a significant role in decision-making. This blog will dive into the importance of reviews for dentists and how they can impact a dentist’s reputation and business. We will also provide tips on writing a detailed and balanced review and how to interact with others in the reviewing process. So, let’s get started on crafting a winning review for dentists! 

Why Reviews Matter for Dentists?

Reviews are a powerful tool for dentists to showcase their services and build a positive reputation. In today’s competitive market, potential patients are likelier to choose a dentist with more positive reviews. This is because reviews act as social proof, giving potential patients a sense of trust and credibility in the dentist’s practice.

Moreover, reviews also provide valuable feedback for dentists. They can learn about their strengths and areas for improvement, allowing them to enhance their services and provide better patient care. This can ultimately lead to increased patient satisfaction and loyalty.

Impact of Reviews on a Dentist’s Reputation and Business: 

Positive reviews can significantly impact a dentist’s reputation and business. Many positive reviews can attract more patients, leading to a higher influx of business. On the other hand, negative reviews can damage a dentist’s reputation and deter potential patients from seeking their services.

 In today’s digital age, reviews are easily accessible to anyone with an internet connection. A few negative reviews can quickly spread and harm a dentist’s credibility. It is crucial for dentists to actively manage their online reviews and promptly address any negative feedback.

How Reviews Can Help Potential Patients Make Decisions?

When choosing a dentist, potential patients want to feel confident in their decision. Reviews can play a significant role in helping them make an informed choice. By reading about the experiences of others, potential patients can get a sense of the quality of service, the dentist’s expertise, and overall patient satisfaction.

Reviews can also provide insights into the dentist’s communication style, office atmosphere, and other essential factors influencing a patient’s decision. This information can help potential patients feel more comfortable and confident in their choice of a dentist.

In addition, reviews can also help patients understand the type of procedures and treatments offered by a dentist. This can be particularly helpful for those seeking specialized services or a specific treatment.

Dentist Review Examples

1. With a genuine concern for his patients’ oral health, Dr. Smith has proven to be an outstanding dentist. His vast knowledge, gentle approach, and thoroughness make him an excellent choice for anyone seeking dental care. 2. Following my root canal procedure with Dr. Johnson, I was delighted with the results. Thanks to his skillful and pain-free approach, everything went smoothly. 3. Dr. Lee has an incredible ability to connect with children and make their dental check-ups a fun and relaxed experience. It’s no wonder my kids always look forward to seeing her. 4. For anyone seeking orthodontic braces, Dr. Garcia is a remarkably gifted professional. His expertise is evident in the amazing job he did realigning my teeth. I strongly endorse his services. 5. Dr. Chang has provided me with top-notch dental care for many years. With her friendly personality and informative approach, I’m always in good hands. 6. If you’re looking for an expert in cosmetic dentistry, look no further than Dr. Mitchell. I had the pleasure of having my teeth whitened by him, and the results were nothing short of fantastic. 7. Though I had a complicated wisdom tooth extraction performed by Dr. Baker, he made me feel as comfortable as possible throughout the process. His skill and professionalism are second to none. 8. I highly recommend Dr. Nguyen’s premium denture services to anyone. My father is genuinely thrilled with his new dentures, which fit perfectly and allow him to speak and eat with ease. 9. Dr. Patel’s expert explanations and willingness to answer questions made me feel very confident in moving forward with the recommended treatments. I found his chair-side manner to be very reassuring. 10. Dr. Wilson’s availability over the weekend during my dental emergency was a lifesaver. He was extremely helpful and made the experience as comfortable as possible. 11. Dr. Kim is a highly compassionate dentist who always prioritizes her patients’ needs. She goes above and beyond in improving my smile, and I couldn’t be more grateful for her care and attention. 12. My dental implant procedure with Dr. Murphy was an unqualified success. The results are so perfect, I can’t even tell the difference between my original teeth and the implant. 13. Dr. Jones has a unique and special approach with pediatric dental patients that immediately puts them at ease. She is an excellent choice for families in search of exceptional dental care for their children. 14. Dr. Hernandez was able to offer me an orthodontic solution that completely transformed my self-conscious smile. Her expert skills are truly impressive. 15. Dr. Davis helped me reverse gum disease and maintain my oral health with her exceptional skills and knowledge as a periodontist. 16. I’m grateful to Dr. Brown for his kindness and willingness to see me during my dental emergency. His help was greatly appreciated. 17. Dr. Green’s passion for dental work is evident in his extensive knowledge of the latest technology and techniques. He is a true leader in the dental community. 18. Thanks to the exceptional skills of Dr. Perez, my crown looks and feels amazing. I couldn’t be more pleased with it.

19. Going to the dentist can be a pleasure when you visit Dr. Wilson and his team. Their friendly and warm approach is sure to put you at ease. 20. Dr. Martin’s exceptional talent for fixing broken teeth is second to none. She produces stunning results that are truly top-notch! 21. If you’re anxious about visiting the dentist, Dr. Sanchez and her team are experts at providing a comfortable and relaxing experience. 22. Dr. Taylor is a highly skilled dentist who has carried out numerous procedures for me, all of which were completed without issue. He’s a caring individual who ensures his patients receive the best possible care. 23. Dr. Lewis is an outstanding oral surgeon who prioritizes patient comfort. When I had a difficult wisdom tooth extracted by him, I experienced very little pain. 24. Dr. Rodriguez is the dentist I’ve trusted for years. She is exceptionally thorough and knowledgeable, and I have complete confidence in her abilities. 25. Dr. White is a periodontist who is a master at designing custom dental appliances that not only fit perfectly but also look incredibly natural. 26. My routine cleaning experience with Dr. King was amazing. She was gentle yet thorough and I felt like my teeth were in great hands. 27. Dr. Cooper’s warm and patient demeanor is a total winner with his patients. He always takes the time to completely address any concerns or questions. 28. My first time visiting Dr. Collins was wonderful. She was extremely thorough and from the start put me at ease. 29. Dr. Scott’s dental office is decked out with all the latest technology, making every patient visit a breeze. 30. Dr. Thompson’s expertise in braces is second to none. In a short amount of time, I’m already seeing a noticeable improvement in my teeth. 31. Dr. Davies is an exceptional dentist who truly cares about his patients’ oral health. His kindness and compassion are evident in everything he does. 32. I had an excellent teeth cleaning experience with Dr. Ramirez. She was very thorough and even gave me valuable tips on how to improve my oral hygiene. 33. My root canal completed by Dr. Russell was a pain-free experience. He is truly a skilled endodontist who delivers superior results. 34. Dr. Stewart’s devotion to patient comfort is evident in all he does. His work is always of the highest quality and his patients’ satisfaction is his top priority. 35. Dr. Simpson’s Invisalign treatment worked wonders for me, and I’m overjoyed with the results. My teeth are now perfectly aligned! 36. Dr. Taylor’s team is friendly and inviting, making every visit to the dentist a delight. 37. Dr. Robinson earned my trust by providing an honest opinion about my dental needs without pushing unnecessary treatments. His knowledge and skills are unparalleled.

38. Thanks to Dr. Davis’ expertise in creating a personalized oral appliance, my sleep apnea has greatly improved. 39. My Hollywood smile is owed to the talented cosmetic dentist, Dr. Foster. 40. My gratitude goes to Dr. Torres who, through her expertise in gum disease, helped me reverse the effects of periodontitis. 41. Dr. Wilson’s top priority is patient comfort and I have never had a negative experience with him or his staff. 42. Dr. Reed and his team have a way with kids that makes dental visits something my children look forward to. 43. Optimal oral function and aesthetics are the goals of the brilliant prosthodontist, Dr. Stone. 44. The impressive results of my teeth whitening are owed to Dr. Mitchell’s skill in the procedure. 45. Dr. Phillips, the expert oral and maxillofacial surgeon, was able to provide me with the relief I needed for my TMJ issues. 46. A beautiful, straight smile can be achieved with the talent of the orthodontist, Dr. Campbell. 47. Dr. Johnson made my tooth extraction an experience as comfortable as possible thanks to his gentle bedside manner. 48. The wonderful dentist, Dr. Brown, always takes time to address any concerns or questions I have. 49. Dr. Green’s ability to talk me through the process of a dental crown made the procedure go smoothly. 50. During a late-night dental emergency, Dr. James was able to alleviate my pain with his prompt assistance.

 How to Find Dentists to Review: 

Ask for recommendations:  .

The first step in finding a dentist to review is to ask for recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues. They can provide valuable insights and personal experiences with their dentists.

Search Online:  

In today’s digital age, the internet is an excellent resource for finding dentists. You can search for dentists in your area and read reviews from other patients. Look for dentists with many positive reviews and note any recurring themes in the reviews.

Check with Professional Organizations:  

You can also check with professional organizations such as the American Dental Association or your state’s dental board for a list of qualified dentists in your area.

Utilize Social Media:

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can help find dentists. Many dentists have a social media presence where they showcase their services and interact with patients.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Dentist to Review: 

Qualifications and experience:  .

It is essential to choose a dentist who is qualified and experienced in their field. Look for dentists who have completed their education from reputable institutions and have a good amount of experience in the field.


Some dentists may have specializations in certain areas, such as cosmetic dentistry or orthodontics. If you have a specific dental need, choosing a dentist who specializes in that area is essential.

Location and Office Hours:

Consider the location of the dentist’s office and office hours. You want to choose a conveniently located dentist with office hours that fit your schedule.

Insurance and Payment Options:  

If you have dental insurance, ensure the dentist you choose accepts your insurance. It would help if you also inquired about their payment options and any financing options they may offer.

Importance of Having First-Hand Experience with the Dentist: 

Having personal experience with a dentist is crucial when writing a review. It allows you to provide an honest and accurate account of your experience. 

Here are some reasons why first-hand experience is essential:


When you have personally visited a dentist, your review will come across as more authentic and genuine. It will be evident that you have experienced their services and are not just writing based on hearsay.

Specific Details:  

Personal experience allows you to provide specific details about your visit, such as the cleanliness of the office, the friendliness of the staff, and the effectiveness of the treatment. These details can be helpful for potential patients looking for a dentist.

Balanced Perspective:  

Having first-hand experience allows you to provide a balanced perspective in your review. You can mention both the positive and negative aspects of your visit, which can help readers make an informed decision.

Elements of a Good Review:

In today’s digital age, online reviews have become an essential part of the decision-making process for many consumers. This is especially true when choosing a healthcare provider like a dentist. As a professional blog writer, I understand the importance of crafting a winning review to help potential patients make informed decisions. This section will explore the elements of a good review and provide tips for writing a detailed and balanced review while emphasizing the importance of honesty and respect.

 What makes a review helpful and informative?

A helpful and informative review should provide potential patients with a clear understanding of the dentist’s services, expertise, and overall patient experience. It should also highlight any standout qualities or areas for improvement. Here are some key elements that make a review helpful and informative:

Specific details:  

When writing a review, it’s essential to be clear and provide details about your experience. This could include the type of treatment you received, the level of care the dentist and their staff provided, and any notable interactions or experiences.

Personal experience:  

Reviews based on personal experiences are more valuable to potential patients. Sharing your thoughts and feelings is essential rather than regurgitating generic information from the dentist’s website.

A balanced perspective:  

A good review should provide a balanced perspective, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of your experience. This helps potential patients get a more accurate picture of the dentist and their practice.

Use of language:  

The tone and language used in a review can significantly impact its effectiveness. Using clear and concise language is essential, avoiding overly emotional or biased statements.

Tips for writing a detailed and balanced review: 

Be thorough:  .

Take the time to write a detailed review that covers all aspects of your experience. This could include the booking process, waiting time, treatment, and post-treatment care.

Use a star rating system:

Many review platforms use a star rating system, which can help potential patients quickly assess the overall satisfaction of previous patients. Make sure to use this system to provide a clear and concise rating.

Be specific:  

As mentioned earlier, providing specific details about your experience can significantly enhance the value of your review. This could include mentioning the name of the dentist, their staff, and any particular procedures or treatments.

Avoid generalizations:  

While providing a balanced perspective is important, avoid making generalizations or sweeping statements. Instead, focus on your personal experience and avoid speaking on behalf of others.

The importance of being honest and respectful: 

When writing a review, it’s crucial to be honest and respectful. This not only helps potential patients make informed decisions, but it also reflects positively on your integrity. Here are some reasons why honesty and respect are essential in reviews:

 Builds trust: Honesty and respect are vital in building trust with potential patients. If your review is seen as biased or dishonest, it can harm the dentist’s reputation and credibility.

Encourages improvement: 

Honest and respectful feedback can help dentists identify areas for improvement and work towards providing better experiences for their patients.

Sets a good example: 

You set an excellent example for others to follow by being honest and respectful in your review. This can lead to a more positive and constructive online community.

Structuring Your Review:

Introduction: .

When choosing a dentist, reviews are crucial in helping potential patients make informed decisions. As a professional blog writer, I understand the importance of reviews for dentists and how they can impact their reputation and business. This chapter will discuss the key elements of crafting a winning review for a dentist, starting with setting the context for your review in the introduction.

The body of your review is where you will share your experience with the dentist. This is an opportunity to provide details about your visit, the services you received, and your overall impression of the dentist. Here are some points to consider when discussing your experience:

The quality of service:  

Did the dentist provide high-quality care? Were they attentive and thorough in their work? Did they address all your concerns and questions?


How was the dentist’s communication style? Did they explain procedures and treatments clearly? Were they friendly and approachable? This is important to mention as it can significantly impact a patient’s experience.

Atmosphere and cleanliness:  

The environment of a dental office can also play a role in a patient’s overall experience. Was the office clean and well-maintained?

Cost and insurance:

Mentioning the cost of your visit and whether or not the dentist accepts insurance can be helpful for potential patients. This can also include any additional fees or charges not mentioned beforehand.

Dos and Don’ts of Reviewing Dentists:

As a patient, sharing your experience with a dentist is essential to help others make informed decisions. Writing a review for a dentist can be a powerful tool in shaping their reputation and attracting new patients. However, it is essential to approach the task with care and consideration. 

Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind when writing a review for a dentist.

Do provide specific details:

When writing a review, it is essential to include specific information about your experience with the dentist. This could consist of the quality of their work, bedside manner, or any other aspect that stood out to you. This will help potential patients get a better understanding of what to expect.

 Do be honest and respectful:

It is essential to be honest in your review, but also to be compliant. Remember, your goal is to provide helpful feedback, not to criticize or harm the dentist’s reputation.

Do proofread your review:  

Before submitting it, proofread it for spelling or grammatical errors. This will ensure that your review is straightforward and easy to understand.

Do consider the dentist’s perspective:

While it is important to share your experience, it is also essential to consider the dentist’s perspective. Keep in mind that they are human and may make mistakes. If you had a negative experience, try to provide constructive criticism rather than solely focusing on the negatives.

Do provide suggestions for improvement:

If you had a less than satisfactory experience, it is helpful to give recommendations for improvement. This can help the dentist to address any issues and improve their services for future patients.

  Don’t exaggerate or fabricate:  

It may be tempting to exaggerate or fabricate your experience to make it seem more dramatic, but this can harm the dentist’s reputation. Stick to the facts and be honest in your review.

Don’t use offensive language:

Using foul language or making personal attacks in your review is not only unprofessional, but it also undermines the credibility of your review. Stick to providing constructive feedback and avoid any derogatory remarks.

Don’t disclose personal information:  

It is essential to respect the privacy of yourself and the dentist. Avoid disclosing any personal information in your review, such as your full name or the dentist’s personal information.

Please don’t make assumptions:  

It is essential to base your review on your experience and not make assumptions about the dentist or their practice. Avoid making generalizations or assumptions about their qualifications or abilities.

 Providing Constructive Feedback:

When writing a review, it is essential to provide constructive feedback to help the dentist improve their services. Here are some tips for giving constructive feedback in your review:

Instead of stating that you had a negative experience, provide details about what went wrong. This will help the dentist to understand the issue and make necessary improvements.

Offer suggestions for improvement:  

Along with pointing out any issues, it is helpful to offer suggestions for improvement. This can be in the form of constructive criticism or helpful tips.

Please focus on the positive:  

While addressing any negative aspects of your experience is essential, it is also helpful to mention any positive aspects. This can provide a balanced review and show that you are not solely focusing on the negatives.

Promoting Your Review and Interacting with Others:

Congratulations! You have written a detailed and informative review for your dentist. Now, it’s time to share it with the world and make an impact on the dentist and their practice. This chapter will discuss the importance of promoting your review and how to interact with others in the review process.

Sharing Your Review on Different Platforms:

One of the best ways to promote your review is by sharing it on different platforms. This could include social media, online review sites, or even the dentist’s website. By sharing your review, you are not only helping potential patients make informed decisions, but you are also showcasing your appreciation for the dentist’s services. Additionally, sharing your review can help the dentist gain more visibility and attract new patients.

Responding to Comments and Feedback: 

Once you have shared your review, watching for any comments or feedback is essential. This is an opportunity to engage with others and further promote your review. If someone has a question or a different experience with the dentist, take the time to respond respectfully and provide additional information. This will show your dedication to writing a thorough review and help others make a well-informed decision.

The Impact of Your Review on the Dentist and Their Practice:

 Your review can have a significant impact on the dentist and their practice. Positive reviews can boost their reputation and attract new patients, while negative reviews can have the opposite effect. Remembering this when writing your review and being honest and respectful is essential. Your review can also provide valuable feedback for the dentist to improve their services and address concerns.

In addition to the impact on the dentist, your review can also positively impact the community. By sharing your experience, you are helping others make informed decisions and improve their oral health. Your review can also contribute to your area’s overall quality of dental care.


In conclusion, reviews play a crucial role in the success of dentists. They impact a dentist’s reputation and business and help potential patients make informed decisions. As a responsible patient, conducting thorough research before choosing a dentist to review is essential. This includes considering their qualifications, experience, and patient reviews.

When writing a review for a dentist, it is essential to include all the elements that make a review helpful and informative. This includes sharing your personal experience, being honest and respectful, and providing constructive feedback. By following these tips, you can craft a detailed and balanced review that will benefit other potential patients and help the dentist improve their services.

Structuring your review is also essential to effectively communicate your thoughts and impressions. A well-structured review should have an introduction that sets the context, a body that discusses your experience, and a conclusion that summarizes your overall appearance and recommendation.

As you write your review, it is essential to remember certain dos and don’ts. Avoid making common mistakes such as being biased or using inappropriate language. Instead, focus on providing constructive feedback that can help the dentist improve their services.

Once you have written your review, promoting it on different platforms and engaging with others who may have read it is essential. Your review can significantly impact the dentist and their practice, so it is vital to respond to comments and feedback respectfully and professionally.

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Dental Reviews by Patients: A Guide for Your Practice

Dental Reviews by Patients: A Guide for Your Practice

Schedule a Marketing Breakthrough Call today!

Posted on: 07/26/2020 by Xaña Winans . Posted in Dental Marketing

There is no doubt that word of mouth advertising is the best kind of dental marketing you can have for your practice. A patient referral is obviously the best outcome you can get from a satisfied patient, but a positive review for a dental office is also valuable, since it has the potential of reaching a large audience. Most dentists find it challenging when it comes to getting dental reviews by patients , but it isn’t really as daunting as it may seem.

Asking Patients for Reviews: Best Practices

The typical dental office doesn’t really have any sort of strategy or process when it comes to generating patient reviews. But if you just follow some of the best practices outlined below, gathering dental reviews by patients will get easier, and you’ll get more of them!

Set up a Google Business Profile

Google reviews for dentists are important, and to get them, the first thing you should do is set up a Google Business Profile. If you don’t already have one for your dental practice, here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up a Google Business Profile:

Sign in to Google My Business

Visit the Google My Business website and sign in using your existing Google account, or create a new one.

Add your business information

Click on the “Add location” button and enter your practice name. If your business already exists on Google Maps, claim it. Otherwise, provide the necessary details like address, phone number, website, and category.

Verify your business

Google will send a verification code to the address you provided. This can be done via mail, phone, or email. Follow the instructions to verify your business and complete the setup process.

Optimize your profile

Once verified, optimize your profile with additional information such as business hours, photos, a description, and services you offer. This will help potential patients learn more about your business.

Remember to regularly update and engage with your profile, especially the dental reviews by patients you receive.

Ask About Their Experience at Check Out

The best time to get honest feedback from your patients is immediately following their appointment, before they exit the office. This interaction can provide good feedback comments for dentists. Plus, every positive response represents an ideal opportunity for you to ask for an online review. Dental offices should also ask patients about their visit during check-out for several other important reasons:

Patient satisfaction: Asking patients about their visit shows that you value their feedback and satisfaction. It provides an opportunity for them to express any concerns, share positive experiences, or provide suggestions for improvement. This feedback can help you identify areas where you excel and areas that may need your attention, ultimately enhancing the overall patient experience.

Quality improvement: By asking about their visit, you can gather valuable insights into the patient’s perspective, identifying areas where improvements can be made in your practice. This feedback can help you refine your processes, enhance communication, and deliver better care, leading to improved patient outcomes.

Patient retention: Regularly seeking feedback from your patients shows a commitment to their long-term satisfaction and well-being. When your patients feel heard and valued, they are more likely to develop a sense of loyalty towards your dental office. Satisfied patients are more likely to return for future appointments, recommend the dental office to others, and leave positive reviews!

Reputation management: Positive reviews and testimonials can attract new patients, but negative feedback can turn potential patients away. By proactively asking patients about their visit, you can address any concerns or issues promptly, potentially preventing negative reviews and maintaining a positive online reputation.

Send a Follow-Up Text

Even the patients who intend to post an online review may forget to do so after leaving the office. Sending a reminder text can be a great way to prompt them. You can also include a link to your Google profile to simplify the process for them so they’ll be more likely to follow through on their intention and write a great review.

Create an Incentive

One solution for how to get patients to write reviews is to offer an incentive. Keep in mind, it is essential to comply with laws and regulations regarding offering incentives for favorable patient reviews. You should always follow ethical practices and ensure that any incentives offered are within the boundaries of professional guidelines. Consider offering a small non-monetary token of appreciation as a gesture of gratitude for patients who take the time to leave a review. This can be an entry for a prize drawing, or a dental care product.

Respond to Online Reviewers

When you do receive a review online, you should always respond. By responding to all reviews, dentists can actively manage their online reputation and address any negative feedback. This proactive approach can help mitigate the impact of negative reviews and showcase the dentist’s dedication to patient satisfaction.

Know How to Ask

If you’re wondering how do you politely ask for a review, we have some tips to go about doing it the right way, so you’ll get more reviews, and better ones at that. For clever ways to ask for reviews, examples include…

Ask the right people

It goes without saying that you’ll get the best reviews from your happiest patients. While you can’t do anything to discourage or prevent dissatisfied people from expressing their opinions on public review sites like Yelp or Google, you can actively encourage those who will say positive things about you.

Have your team help compile a list of your best and happiest patients, then keep track of whether or not they have ever provided you with a review or testimonial.

Ask at the best time

The best reviews follow the moments when patients have the best experiences at your office. The very first visit by a new dental patient is often your best opportunity to create a positive impression and make their previous experiences at other offices pale in comparison.

Asking them on the spot for a review (better yet, a video testimonial) is your best chance to get their cooperation. Once they leave the office, your odds of collecting a review will decrease greatly, but at least make sure they walk out the door with easy instructions for leaving a review on your website or Facebook page.

Ask them more than once

Even if your first opportunity slips by, it doesn’t hurt to ask again (and again) for reviews from your patients. Email and text messages are great ways to follow up without being too pushy. If you’re sending personal emails, include a reminder of why their most recent appointment was such a great experience. If you’re seeking reviews on a larger scale and sending automated emails, your messaging will need to be less specific, but should still remind them how much you would appreciate their opinion. Either way, include links to the web page, social media, or review site where you’d most like them to post their review.

Ask great questions

When you do get your chance to collect that perfect review, use open ended questions to help guide your patient to give a response that is more detailed than just “Dr. Jones is the best.” Suggest that they describe their experience at your office, what impressed them, why they chose your office, or why they would recommend your office to their friends.

Ask how you can be better

The biggest key to getting great reviews is being the best you can be and consistently exceeding the expectations of your patients. Positive reviews can reinforce things you already knew you were doing well, but bad reviews can be red flags for things you’ll need to fix. If you do receive negative feedback, reach out to the patient and have a conversation about what went wrong. It can be even more valuable than positive feedback.

Where Should You Ask Patients to Review You?

In addition to Google reviews for dentists, there are several other online locations where you can ask your patients to express their opinions about you.

Make sure you have a dental Facebook page , as it’s one of the first places potential new patients will check out when looking for a dentist.

Yelp is a widely recognized review platform that allows users to search for and review local businesses, including dentists. It provides detailed reviews, ratings, and photos to help patients make informed decisions.


Healthgrades is a trusted online resource for finding medical and dental care providers. It offers comprehensive profiles with patient reviews, ratings, and other relevant information to help users find the right dentist for their needs.

RateMDs is a platform that focuses on healthcare provider reviews. Users can find and leave reviews based on their experiences, helping others make informed decisions about their dental care.

Zocdoc is an online platform that allows users to search for and book appointments with doctors and dentists. It also provides patient reviews and ratings to help users choose the right dentist for their needs.

Grow Your Practice with Golden Proportions Marketing

Positive patient reviews and dentist online reputation management are important parts of your dental marketing strategies – and we can help! Contact us today to set up your Marketing Breakthrough Call !

Posted on: 26/07/2020 by Xaña Winans. Posted in Dental Marketing

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Moscow Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Moskovskaya oblast: Moscow .

Moscow Oblast - Overview

Moscow Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the Central Federal District. Moscow, the capital city of the country, is the administrative center of Moscow Oblast. At the same time, Moscow is not part of this region, it is a separate federal subject of Russia, a city of federal importance.

The population of Moscow Oblast is about 7,769,000 (2022), the area - 44,379 sq. km.

Moskovskaya oblast flag

Moskovskaya oblast coat of arms.

Moskovskaya oblast coat of arms

Moskovskaya oblast map, Russia

Moskovskaya oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

23 June, 2022 / Natural Spring Gremyachiy Klyuch in Moscow Oblast .

23 March, 2022 / Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces .

31 January, 2022 / Vasilyevsky (Shcherbatovsky) Castle in Moscow Oblast .

1 August, 2021 / Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery near Moscow .

4 August, 2020 / Sights of Moscow Oblast - the heart of Russia .

More posts..

History of Moscow Oblast

The territory of the Moscow region was inhabited more than 20 thousand years ago. In the first millennium AD, this land was inhabited mostly by the Finno-Ugric peoples (Meryane and Meshchera). In the 9th-10th centuries, the Slavs began active development of the region. The population was engaged in hunting, fisheries, agriculture, and cattle breeding.

In the middle of the 12th century, the territory of the present Moscow region became part of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, the first towns were founded (Volokolamsk in 1135, Moscow in 1147, Zvenigorod in 1152, Dmitrov in 1154). In the first half of the 13th century, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality was conquered by the Mongols.

In the 14th-16th centuries, Moscow principality became the center of unification of Russian lands. The history of the Moscow region is inextricably linked to military events of the Time of Troubles - the siege of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery by the troops of False Dmitry II, the first and second militias.

More historical facts…

In 1708, by decree of Peter the Great, Moskovskaya gubernia (province) was established. It included most of the territory of present Moscow oblast. In 1712, St. Petersburg became the capital of the Russian Empire and the significance of the Moscow region as the country’s economic center began to decrease.

In 1812, the Battle of Borodino took place near Moscow. It was the biggest battle of the Russian-French War of 1812. In the second half of the 19th century, especially after the peasant reform of 1861, the Moscow province experienced economic growth. In 1851, the first railway connected Moscow and St. Petersburg; in 1862 - Nizhny Novgorod.

The population of the Moscow region increased significantly (in 1847 - 1.13 million people, in 1905 - 2.65 million). On the eve of the First World War, Moscow was a city with a population of more than one million people.

In November, 1917, the Soviet power was established in the region. In 1918, the country’s capital was moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow that contributed to economic recovery of the province. In the 1920s-1930s, a lot of churches located near Moscow were closed, a large number of cultural monuments were destroyed. On January 14, 1929, Moscow Oblast was formed.

In 1941-1942, one of the most important battles of the Second World War took place on the territory of the region - the Battle for Moscow. In the postwar years, the growth of economic potential of the region continued; several science cities were founded (Dubna, Troitsk, Pushchino, Chernogolovka).

In the 1990s, the economy of Moscow Oblast experienced a deep crisis. Since the 1990s, due to the motorization of the population and commuting, road traffic situation in the Moscow region significantly deteriorated. Traffic jams have become commonplace.

Pictures of Moscow Oblast

Moscow Oblast scenery

Moscow Oblast scenery

Author: Mikhail Grizly

At the airport in the Moscow region

At the airport in the Moscow region

Author: Evgeny Davydov

Nature of Moscow Oblast

Nature of Moscow Oblast

Author: Alexander Khmelkov

Moscow Oblast - Features

Moscow Oblast is located in the central part of the East European Plain, in the basin of the rivers of Volga, Oka, Klyazma, Moskva. The region stretches from north to south for 310 km, from west to east - 340 km. It was named after the city of Moscow, which however is not part of the region. Part of the administrative authorities of the region is located in Krasnogorsk.

On the territory of the Moscow region, there are 77 cities and towns, 19 of them have a population of more than 100 thousand people. The largest cities are Balashikha (518,300), Podolsk (309,600), Mytishchi (262,700), Khimky (256,300), Korolyov (225,300), Lubertsy (209,600), Krasnogorsk (174,900), Elektrostal (149,000), Odintsovo (138,900), Kolomna (136,800), Domodedovo (136,100).

The climate is temperate continental. Summers are warm, winters are moderately cold. The average temperature in January is minus 10 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19 degrees Celsius.

One of the most important features of the local economy is its proximity to Moscow. Some of the cities (Odintsovo, Krasnogorsk, Mytishchi) have become in fact the “sleeping districts” of Moscow. The region is in second place in terms of industrial production among the regions of Russia (after Moscow).

The leading industries are food processing, engineering, chemical, metallurgy, construction. Moscow oblast has one of the largest in Russia scientific and technological complexes. Handicrafts are well developed (Gzhel ceramics, Zhostov trays, Fedoskino lacquered miniatures, toy-making).

Moscow railway hub is the largest in Russia (11 radial directions, 2,700 km of railways, the density of railways is the highest in Russia). There are two large international airports - Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo. Vnukovo airport is used for the flights within the country.

Attractions of Moscow Oblast

Moscow Oblast has more than 6,400 objects of cultural heritage:

  • famous estate complexes,
  • ancient towns with architectural monuments (Vereya, Volokolamsk, Dmitrov, Zaraysk, Zvenigorod, Istra, Kolomna, Sergiev Posad, Serpukhov),
  • churches and monasteries-museums (the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, Joseph-Volokolamsk monastery, Pokrovsky Khotkov monastery, Savvino Storozhevsky monastery, Nikolo Ugresha monastery).

The most famous estate complexes:

  • Arkhangelskoye - a large museum with a rich collection of Western European and Russian art of the 17th-19th centuries,
  • Abramtsevo - a literary and artistic center,
  • Melikhovo - an estate owned by A.P. Chekhov at the end of the 19th century,
  • Zakharovo and Bolshiye Vyazyomy included in the History and Literature Museum-Reserve of Alexander Pushkin,
  • House-Museum of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky in Klin,
  • Muranovo that belonged to the poet F.I. Tyutchev,
  • Shakhmatovo - the estate of the poet Alexander Blok.

The architectural ensemble of the Trinity Sergius Lavra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The largest museum of the Moscow region is located in Serpukhov - Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum.

The places of traditional arts and crafts are the basis of the souvenir industry of Russia:

  • Fedoskino - lacquer miniature painting,
  • Bogorodskoe - traditional manufacture of wooden toys,
  • Gzhel - unique tradition of creating ceramics,
  • Zhostovo - painted metal crafts,
  • Pavlovsky Posad - fabrics with traditional printed pattern.

Some of these settlements have museums dedicated to traditional crafts (for example, a toy museum in Bogorodskoe), as well as centers of learning arts and crafts.

Moskovskaya oblast of Russia photos

Landscapes of moscow oblast.

Nature of the Moscow region

Nature of the Moscow region

Country road in the Moscow region

Country road in the Moscow region

Moscow Oblast landscape

Moscow Oblast landscape

Author: Mikhail Kurtsev

Moscow Oblast views

Moscow Oblast scenery

Author: Asedach Alexander

Country life in Moscow Oblast

Country life in Moscow Oblast

Author: Andrey Zakharov

Church in Moscow Oblast

Church in Moscow Oblast

Author: Groshev Dmitrii

Churches of Moscow Oblast

Church in the Moscow region

Church in the Moscow region

Church in Moscow Oblast

Cathedral in Moscow Oblast

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    What to expect at your dental visit Your dentist will craft a customized treatment plan that outlines exactly what dental services they recommend to enhance your smile. During your visit, they'll go over details about the timeframe, cost, insurance details and anything else you need to know to get the dental care you need.

  8. Dental Visits

    What happens during a dental visit? Find out more about what to expect when you visit the dentist, from the cleaning to the x-rays and the examination.

  9. First Visit to Dentist: What to Expect

    Discover what to expect during your first dentist appointment. Learn about common procedures, ask questions, and get tips for a great experience.


    Specialties: At Smile Avenue Family Dentistry - Cypress, our dentist in Cypress, TX, is dedicated to providing you with the best oral care. Being your first choice for "dentist near me," we provide services in various categories of dentistry, such as cosmetic dentistry, sedation dentistry, gum treatment, and orthodontics. Our dental office is located at 9212 Fry Rd #120, near Cypress Springs ...

  11. 8 Out of 10 Americans Choose Their Dentist Based on Online Reviews

    For a majority of Americans, the search for a new dentist starts not in a dental office or through personal recommendations, but by using their smartphones and computers. Our survey indicates that 8 out of 10 Americans prioritize online reviews as the initial step in finding a new dentist.

  12. Top 10 Dentist Review Sites That You Should Follow

    Follow these top 10 dental review sites to get dental reviews from various platforms to increase your visibility, and build trust and credibility with potential patients.

  13. Dental review requests: a guide for patient feedback

    Review requests are key for collecting authentic patient reviews. Here's a quick guide for Dental Offices on how to send review requests.

  14. 10 Ways to Ask Dental Patients to Leave Reviews

    Online reviews can make or break your dental practice. Learn 10 proven ways to encourage your patients to write a review that will attract new patients.

  15. How to Leave Your Favorite Dentist a Google+ Review

    Picture this: You just had the most amazing dental visit! The service was excellent, the staff was friendly, the cosmetic dentist was incredibly talented, and the list goes on and on. You're definitely feeling the love, and while you highly recommend your dentist to others in conversation, have you ever considered leaving your dentist a Google+ review?

  16. How To Respond to Positive Online Dental Reviews

    Responding to positive online dental reviews will show your patients that you truly appreciate their feedback and will help with marketing your practice.

  17. 10 Dental Review Sites Your Patients Visit

    Here are the 10 dental review sites your patients visit: With an average of 178 million visitors per month, Yelp is one of the most popular review sites in the world. Although it mostly includes reviews for restaurants, home services, auto services and other business types, it is a great review site for dentists.

  18. How to Craft a Winning Review for Dentist with Examples

    This blog will dive into the importance of reviews for dentists and how they can impact a dentist's reputation and business. We will also provide tips on writing a detailed and balanced review and how to interact with others in the reviewing process. So, let's get started on crafting a winning review for dentists!

  19. Dental Reviews by Patients: A Guide for Your Practice

    Ask at the best time. The best reviews follow the moments when patients have the best experiences at your office. The very first visit by a new dental patient is often your best opportunity to create a positive impression and make their previous experiences at other offices pale in comparison. Asking them on the spot for a review (better yet, a ...

  20. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Domodedovo (2024)

    Things to Do in Domodedovo, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 3,033 traveler reviews and photos of Domodedovo tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in August. We have reviews of the best places to see in Domodedovo. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  21. Moscow Oblast, Russia travel guide

    Moscow Oblast - Overview Moscow Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the Central Federal District. Moscow, the capital city of the country, is the administrative center of Moscow Oblast. At the same time, Moscow is not part of this region, it is a separate federal subject of Russia, a city of federal importance.


    Guest House Atlas, Domodedovo, Moscow Oblast: See traveler reviews, 5 candid photos, and great deals for Guest House Atlas, ranked #19 of 21 B&Bs / inns in Domodedovo, Moscow Oblast and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor.


    Samy Luchshiy Den, Domodedovo, Moscow Oblast: See traveler reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Samy Luchshiy Den, ranked #16 of 17 hotels in Domodedovo, Moscow Oblast and rated 1 of 5 at Tripadvisor.