Recreational vs Travel Soccer: A Comprehensive Guide

For many enthusiasts and hobbyists, soccer serves as a wonderful universe of thrill, enjoyment, companionship, and continuous learning. There are two main types of soccer most players get involved in: Recreational Soccer and Travel Soccer. This discussion unravels the nuances of both, delving into their strategies, benefits, structure, and even the cost. You’ll find this read beneficial whether you’re a novice looking to understand and start your soccer journey or an existing player, contemplating transitioning from recreational to travel soccer. Beyond understanding how these soccer categories differ, you’ll discover how to excel in both and tips on balancing your passion for soccer alongside other aspects of life.

Understanding Recreational Soccer

Recreational soccer, also known as “rec soccer”, is a type of soccer aimed at allowing individuals of all skill levels to participate and enjoy the sport. The primary focus of recreational soccer is to foster enjoyment, exercise, and good sportsmanship, making it an excellent platform for beginners or less competitive players who want to learn the game in a casual, relaxed, and stress-free environment.

Age Group and Commitment Level in Recreational Soccer

There’s no set age group when it comes to recreational soccer, as it is a type of soccer that caters to all age levels—from younger children who are starting out in the sport, teenagers who want to have fun and exercise, to adults who want to enjoy the sport in a less competitive setting. The commitment levels are also adaptive, with recreational soccer requiring less time compared to travel soccer. Recreational soccer seasons are usually short, allowing players to participate in other activities or sports.

Benefits of Recreational Soccer

Recreational soccer provides many benefits, including enhancing players’ health, fitness levels, and interpersonal skills. Playing soccer helps improve coordination, stimulates fat loss, and can promote muscle and bone strength, alongside increased cardiovascular health. Besides physical benefits, recreational soccer also helps cultivate teamwork, sportsmanship, and social interaction amongst players.

The Cost and Structure of Recreational Soccer Games

Compared to travel soccer, recreational soccer is much more affordable. The fees for recreational soccer typically cover the cost of equipment, referees, and field maintenance. The structure of recreational soccer games depends on the organization but commonly a balanced approach is used, where all players get equal time on the field, regardless of their skill level. Players are encouraged to try different positions to understand and appreciate every aspect of the game.

Differences Between Recreational and Travel soccer

While both recreational and travel soccer provide a platform for players to enjoy the sport, there are notable differences. Travel soccer is more competitive, and players are usually required to try out for the team. Also, commitment levels are higher in travel soccer, with more practices, longer seasons, and travel to play against other teams – hence the name. In comparison, recreational soccer focuses less on competition and more on learning the sport, enjoying the game, and promoting physical fitness. It requires a lesser commitment, and players typically join the team without going through a selection or try-out process.

In summary, youth sports can immensely benefit from both recreational and travel soccer programs, each offering valuable experiences tailored to the player’s unique needs, commitment, and willingness for competitiveness. Those just starting their soccer journey often find recreational soccer as an excellent foundation, whereas travel soccer caters more towards those ready for a tougher, more competitive undertaking.

Understanding Travel Soccer

Diving into travel soccer: a higher level of competition.

Better known as select or premier soccer in American parlance, travel soccer stands as a beacon of advanced competitiveness within youth soccer. Unlike its recreational counterpart, selection into travel soccer teams often involves a tryout process, seeking players endowed with exceptional skills and unwavering commitment.

A travel soccer team usually engages in seasonal leagues and tournaments , which may require traveling. This can vary from short local journeys within a specified region or even a cross-state expedition based on the league or tournament they are participating in.

Travel Soccer vs Recreational Soccer: Differences in Cost, Competition Level, Training Frequency, and Commitment

Both travel soccer and recreational soccer have distinctive attributes that set them apart. One of the defining differences resides in the cost. Travel soccer fees are typically much higher than recreational soccer because they cover professional coaching, extensive practice sessions, high-quality equipment, league fees, and travel-related costs.

Competition level in travel soccer is also more intense than recreational soccer. While recreational soccer encourages equal participation and emphasizes fun and enjoyment, travel soccer pursues higher degrees of competition where results matter more.

Regarding training frequency, travel soccer players usually have multiple training sessions per week, including regular physical conditioning, where the focus is on skill development, tactical understanding, and physical fitness. Conversely, recreational soccer typically involves fewer practice sessions with more emphasis on basic skills and enjoyment of the game.

Lastly, the commitment level required by travel soccer is substantially high. Players, parents, and coaches are expected to prioritize soccer over other activities due to the rigorous schedule of practices, games, and travel.

The Appeal and Advantages of Travel Soccer

Those learning the beautiful game of soccer can gain many benefits by stepping into travel soccer. This form of the sport offers a stimulating opportunity to engage with a higher caliber of play, exposing them to more experienced referees and tough competitors with a similar mindset. This environment helps enrich players’ skills as they encounter an array of playing styles and soccer techniques.

Travel soccer also acts as an effective stepping stone to more advanced tiers of the sport, whether that’s high school, college, or even professional soccer. The challenging atmosphere and intense competition in travel soccer are invaluable in equipping players for these higher levels of gameplay, making travel soccer a legitimate pathway for aspiring advanced or pro-level soccer players.

To wrap up, while recreational soccer provides an enjoyable, relaxed introduction to the sport, travel soccer is a solid next step for more ambitious players who want to amplify their skills and compete at a higher level, even potentially at a professional level.

Making the Transition from Recreational to Travel Soccer

Evaluating readiness for the step up to travel soccer.

Moving up from recreational soccer to travel soccer hinges on the player’s readiness, which can be determined by a few key signs. These signs include the player’s passion for the game, their willingness to show commitment, and their existing ability level. If a player displays an intense desire to experience a more challenging level of soccer, exhibits a readiness to devote time for extra practice, and has a demonstrable skill level, then they could be ripe for the transition to travel soccer. Furthermore, a solid grasp of the fundamental rules and tactics of soccer is essential for navigating the more competitive landscape of travel soccer.

Typical Transition Age

The age at which a player typically transitions from recreational to travel soccer can vary. However, most players make the transition between the ages of 8 and 12. There isn’t a set perfect timing for when a player should move because it largely depends on the player’s readiness and passion for higher competition. Parents and coaches should jointly assess the player’s maturity, skill, and readiness before making the transition.

Player and Family Impact

Transitioning from recreational to travel soccer can greatly impact both the player and their family. The time commitment rises significantly due to more training hours, more frequent games, and extensive travel time to and from games. This increase in commitment can affect families in various aspects, including schedule arrangements, financial investment, and emotional support to the player. The intensity and competitiveness of games can create a pressure-filled environment, which can be challenging for some players.

The Potential for Player Development in Travel Soccer

Transitioning to travel soccer indeed involves more commitment and the ability to adapt. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the potential it provides for players seeking to advance their skills in a competitive setting. Travel soccer facilitates a player’s ability to grow and develop on the pitch. As they face stronger competition, players can refine their strategic thinking, problem-solving, and ability to work as part of a team. Regular interaction with a diverse range of playing styles and gameplay tactics from different regions also serves to deepen a player’s understanding of the game.

Moreover, Travel soccer can significantly enhance exposure for those aspiring to play soccer at higher levels such as high school or college. Many travel soccer teams take part in competitive tournaments that draw the attention of college scouts. Therefore, if a player has ambitions to progress in their soccer path, moving from recreational to travel soccer could be the boost they need to achieve their objectives.

How to Excel in Both Recreational and Travel Soccer

Distinguishing between recreational and travel soccer.

Although Recreational and Travel soccer are both variations of the same sport, they cater to different levels of commitment and boast different competitive natures. Recreational soccer offers a more easy-going, inclusive environment and less competitive gameplay. It is essentially about the enjoyment of the game, focusing less on serious competitive matches. Conversely, Travel Soccer is a level up – it’s a structured activity involving a more competitive spirit and requires more time investment, as it often involves travel to play in games and tournaments.

Improving as a Player in Recreational Soccer

Recreational soccer is often seen as a starting point for many players. To excel in it, one needs to develop basic skills such as passing, dribbling, and shooting. Regularly practicing these skills can lead to significant improvements. Drills that enhance foot coordination, agility, and speed are also helpful for recreational players. Additionally, understanding the rules of the game and developing good sportsmanship are fundamental for every soccer player.

Becoming a Pro in Travel Soccer

Travel soccer demands a higher level of commitment, both in terms of time and energy. Players are expected to have a solid grasp of basic soccer skills and further improve them. Advanced techniques such as controlling the ball with different parts of the body, executing strategic plays, and developing positional awareness are essential elements to focus on in this more competitive arena. More intensive drills and training programs that build stamina, speed, and strength are routinely practiced by travel soccer players.

Training Tips for Both Categories

One of the key strategies for both recreational and travel soccer players is regular practice. This can include going through drills, playing games, or working on individual skills. Additionally, maintaining fitness is crucial; this can involve regular exercise routines, eating a balanced diet, and ensuring sufficient rest.

Balancing Sports with Life Responsibilities

While soccer can be a fulfilling activity, it’s essential to balance it with other life responsibilities. This could mean scheduling practice times around school or work, ensuring adequate time for rest and relaxation, and maintaining a healthy social life. It’s also important to manage stress and avoid burnout by taking breaks when needed and making sure soccer remains an enjoyable activity.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Professional coaching can make a significant difference in a player’s development. A qualified coach can offer helpful feedback, suggest targeted drills, and develop a training plan that matches the player’s skills and goals. Participating in soccer clinics or joining local soccer organizations can also lead to valuable learning opportunities.

Competitive Spirit and Enjoyment in Soccer

Regardless of the category, having a competitive spirit is helpful. However, it’s also important to enjoy the sport. Keeping an enthusiastic attitude, embracing the learning process, and celebrating small victories can make the soccer journey more rewarding. In both recreational and travel soccer, a love for the game can drive improvement and make the experience enjoyable.

Whether you’re enthusiastically kicking about in recreational soccer or taking bolder leaps in travel soccer, the skills and knowledge you acquire in either journey are invaluable. Understanding the distinctive structure, expectations, and requirements of both soccer types empowers you to make informed decisions about where you want to be. Remember, the transition between them is less about the destination and more about the journey, the friends you make, the resilience you build and the satisfaction you gain from the sport. Whether on a bustling local field or a stadium far from home, the opportunities to grow are endless. Keep honing your skills, enjoying the process, and striking a balance between your sports commitment and other significant areas in your life.

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What is Travel Soccer

Soccer ball car sticker

The question comes up frequently, What is travel soccer? Well, there's a lot more to it than the obvious element of traveling. Travel soccer involves more on several levels.

You're probably wondering exactly what is involved, is travel soccer worth it, and what age does travel soccer start. Let's start with an overview.

Generally speaking, travel soccer is a more competitive level of youth soccer where kids have to try out to be selected to play on a travel soccer team. Travel to games and tournaments is more regional than local. Travel soccer has a bigger time commitment and costs more than recreational soccer.

what age does travel soccer start

When to start travel soccer depends on several factors. Deciding to play or not is not just about the age, ability and soccer maturity of your child. It's also about the added time commitment (and money) that comes along when you want to enroll your child in a travel soccer league.

Generally, travel teams start with 9 year olds, but some leagues provide an opportunity for 7 years olds to play travel soccer. Many child development experts agree that kids are not yet ready emotionally to play travel soccer until they're 8 years old or older.

rec soccer vs. travel soccer benefits

Both travel soccer and recreational soccer give benefits to children. See the illustration below.

Participation in travel soccer or recreational soccer builds a foundation for success in many aspects of our kids' futures. One potential downside with travel soccer is reduced playing time for marginally skilled players. In recreational soccer kids tend to get equal playing time during the soccer matches.

travel soccer vs. rec soccer

travel soccer vs. recreational soccer comparison

The following tables highlights the main difference between not-too-serious recreational soccer and more competitive travel soccer.

is travel soccer worth it

Travel soccer is worth it if you and your child know what's involved. It can be both fun and rewarding. You will get both physical and emotional benefits by participating in travel soccer. Soccer is the number 1 sport in the world for many reasons.

youth soccer tournament sign

Just do your due diligence and find out the competitive level of the travel soccer league you're researching. Talk to a few parents who have kids participate in the travel league already. There you'll get a realistic idea of the time and money involved.

The most important thing is to find out if your child really wants to play soccer in a league where the intensity is a bit higher than the average "in-house" recreational soccer league. Some kids naturally gravitate toward enjoy a highly competitive environment. Other kids really just enjoy the social aspect and are more interested in just having a good time playing.

how much does travel soccer cost. 

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Travel soccer cost can vary quite a bit. Travel soccer leagues may use high level coaches that get paid for their coaching skills.

Participation in soccer tournaments adds cost of the basic price of small town type of youth soccer. It varies widely by area of the country as well as the age of the players and the level of play.

Youth soccer registrations are as low as $170 and as high as $900 for a season of travel soccer. You also may have soccer uniform costs. Additionally, a big part of the expense with youth travel soccer can be your accommodations if you're traveling a significant distance from home and staying in a hotel.

10 local descriptions  of what travel soccer is

You should understand that there's a lot more to it than just how far you drive to get your child to the game. Usually, there are several things than come along with participating in a travel league for soccer. You'll see these differences in rec soccer and travel soccer if you look at these 10 descriptions taken directly from youth soccer league websites in a variety of states, all over the country.

Read the descriptions of travel soccer below and you'll see it a totally different level of competitiveness and commitment by players, parents, and coaches.

Travel soccer player

NJ TRAVEL SOCCER . Washington Township travel soccer provides the opportunity for teams from our club to compete against similarly skilled teams from other clubs in the South Jersey area.

TEXAS YOUTH SOCCER. Co mpetitive (Select or Travel) soccer is for U11+ players seeking the highest level of competition and coaching, and who are willing to make the required time and financial commitment.

COLORADO. The Rush Competitive division is for the player who is ready to take their development in this sport to the next level. Led by a highly experienced, professional Rush coaching staff, your player will experience an increased volume of soccer in a focused, goal-oriented, competitive environment. Our competitive teams train regularly to further develop their technical skills and tactical understanding of the Rush style of play.

VIRGINIA SOCCER. Shenandoah County Soccer (SCSL)Travel is a competitive program for players with above average skills and a strong drive to develop their soccer abilities and love of the game. Boys and girls that are ready to play competitive soccer, want to learn new skills, are ready to make the necessary commitment to play travel soccer and are ready to be coached by licensed coaching staff will benefit from playing travel soccer.

ILLINOIS YOUTH SOCCER. Travel soccer is a competitive program. All players are welcome to attend tryouts, but not all will be asked to join a team. Once asked to join, playing time is not guaranteed. Additionally, once on a team, players will continue to have to try-out every June to keep their roster spot.

MASSACHUSETTS TRAVEL SOCCER.  The travel program has a competitive focus and requires a commitment by players and parents. Although, the program also emphasizes fun, skills development, and continued learning of the game.

TRAVEL SOCCER IN MARYLAND . Towsontowne travel soccer is targeted at players whose skills and inclinations suggest participation in a more competitive environment. Payers must try out for and make a travel team, whereas, subject to space limitations, all players who sign up for recreation soccer participate.

ALABAMA. The BUSA-South Competitive Program is dedicated to offering players the chance to compete at the highest level, both regionally and nationally; providing a platform to give players the highest quality of training and competition; and encouraging players to participate on state, regional and national teams.

CALIFORNIA . Travel soccer team play not only requires that your son or daughter be capable of playing at a high level relative to the rest of their age group, but also involves a substantial commitment in time, energy, and money from both the player and their families.

INDIANA. The Indiana Fire Juniors Travel Soccer program is geared toward players that have a desire to develop their skills at a competitive level especially for those who would like to play at the high school or collegiate level. The Travel soccer program is designed to advance the development of our players, enhancing individual and team skills. Travel players receive soccer technique and tactics training each week from a licensed youth soccer coach, under the supervision of the Indiana Fire Directors of Coaching.

Clearly, the term travel soccer is interpreted as a level above rec (recreational) soccer, but there are no specific rules or universal guidelines that define exactly what constitutes travel soccer. For additional insights into other soccer lingo like travel soccer, you may enjoy this post on other soccer words .

how serious is travel soccer

A more appropriate way to describe the higher level of play in travel soccer is to call it "Competitive Soccer." Competitive soccer is known as club soccer in some states and known as travel soccer in others. These more competitive teams are for kids to aspire to play for an extended number of years, perhaps at the college level or above.

Girls playing recreational soccer

Not all travel soccer is super competitive. It really varies by location. This was the situation for my kids when they played "travel soccer" in southern New Jersey.

In my own small town of about 9,000 people all the kids over the age of 7 travel to other towns for their youth soccer matches. The area in South Jersey is full of similar small towns that have their own soccer organization. Most of them offer the recreational style of kids soccer for only the youngest age groups.

Kids over 7 years old travel for their soccer games because there aren't enough kids in each town to have an in-house recreational league in the older age groups.

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final thoughts on travel soccer

We all want what's best for our kids, no doubt, and we can too easily assume that means playing competitive soccer for a travel team. A true barometer of their passion to play the sport is to watch the expressions they make with their faces and their body language.

girl having fun playing soccer

If you see passion, excitement, and self-directed effort at a high level of effort, your child will likely love to participate in travel soccer. If the kids get stressed or burned out, then recreational soccer might be the better road to take.

Keep it safe. Keep it fun!

rec vs travel soccer

Soccer coach Bruce Lovelace started playing soccer in 1974 when, as a young boy, he constructed his own makeshift soccer goal. He played in high school, then in college and beyond. He started to coach his own children in the 1990s and then ran a Soccer Shots franchise for 12 years. Now, Coach Bruce publishes the website.  Find out more abou t youth soccer coach Bruce Lovelace   and what inspires this website.

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What's the Difference Between Travel Soccer and Recreational Soccer?

What's the Difference Between Travel Soccer and Recreational Soccer?

What's the real difference between travel and recreational soccer and how do I know which is right for my child? Here's a quick breakdown to help you decide. While most children start out playing recreational soccer, some will move on to travel soccer. A big question for many parents is - what's the difference?

Here's a quick overview.

Recreational soccer, also referred to as in-house soccer, is usually run through a local community or town program and is the place where most kids are first introduced to the sport. In recreational programs, kids are placed on teams and receive equal playing time. Ability is not a factor, and all kids are welcome to play. The emphasis is on participation and having fun. Coaching is typically done by team parents and games are against teams within the program at the same facilities each week.

Travel Soccer, also referred to as club soccer, is a competitive program for kids and families looking for a more rigorous challenge and the opportunity to develop a higher degree of athleticism. Players need to try out to earn a spot on a team and the emphasis is on skill development. As the name implies, teams play teams outside their club and travel to many games although the degree of travel can vary significantly. Most clubs play within their region and limit overnight trips to a few tournaments a year.

Ultimately, the decision to play on a travel or rec team should be based on the child's level of interest and what fits with the family's lifestyle and budget. Here's a useful comparison that can help you decide which is a better fit for you and your child.

Comparing Travel & Recreational Soccer

Age of Players

While there are differences between the two, keep in mind that both travel soccer and recreational soccer offer common benefits to children. Both provide opportunities to learn about the game, improve activity level and overall fitness, develop good sportsmanship, and build character. In the end, both are activities that contribute to raising healthy and happy children.  

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The Difference Between Rec and Travel Teams

What is the difference between recreational and travel soccer?

In recreational programs, all children who register will be assigned to a team, and will receive equal playing time. Ability is not a factor, and all interested players are welcome. Coaches are almost always novice, and usually are parent volunteers who offer to coach their children and their friends. Travel soccer is a competitive program. All players are welcome to attend try-outs, but not all will be asked to join a team. Once asked to join, playing time is not guaranteed. Additionally, once on a team, players will continue to have to try-out every spring to keep their roster spot. Coaches are licensed, often professionals, and bring a wealth of personal playing and training experience to the teams they lead. Travel is a competitive world and players' development is important. Who should play travel soccer?

Travel soccer is not for everyone and, in many cases, a player and his or her family may be best served by recreational programs. To be successful in travel soccer, children should show a high level of ability and their families should recognize that a greater commitment, both in terms of attendance at practices and games as well as financially, is required.

Competitive Youth Soccer: Levels, Leagues & Programs Explained

Having trouble wrapping your head around all the youth soccer leagues and all the new programs that keep popping up? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Figuring out the pros and cons of these programs can be like chasing a moving target. And as your kids move up the ranks, it just gets more confusing to know what’s the right step for their growth.

Check out the link below for the lowdown on each program and how they fit into your player’s development journey:

  • Recreational Youth Soccer Programs

Super Recreational (Super Rec) Youth Soccer

  • Local Competitive Soccer Programs
  • National Premier Leagues (NPL) & Pre-NPL

Girls Academy (GA)

Development player league (dpl), e64 (elite 64).

  • Youth Soccer Academy Programs

Recreational (Rec) Youth Soccer Programs

Most cities offer a local recreational soccer program, typically run by a volunteer board of directors and volunteer coaches. These programs are designed to offer an inexpensive and easily accessible option to get your child exposure to soccer.

Pros of Rec Soccer Programs

  • Accessible and Inclusive: Recreational soccer programs are often open to players of all skill levels, providing an inclusive environment for children to enjoy the sport.
  • Low Pressure: These programs emphasize fun, learning, and personal growth over intense competition, reducing the pressure on young players to perform at a high level.
  • Affordable: Recreational soccer is typically more affordable than competitive options, making it accessible to a wider range of families.
  • Balanced Schedule: Recreational leagues often offer a balanced schedule with fewer practices and games, allowing for a more relaxed family schedule.

 Cons and Considerations of Rec Soccer Programs

  • Limited Skill Development: The focus on fun can sometimes lead to limited skill development compared to more competitive programs.
  • Less Competitive Experience: Recreational leagues may have less competitive play, which can hinder the development of players seeking higher levels of competition.
  • Limited Exposure: Recreational soccer may not provide the exposure to college scouts or professional opportunities that more competitive programs offer.
  • Varied Coaching Quality: Coaching quality can vary widely in recreational leagues, impacting the development experience for young players. Most cities offer a local recreational soccer program, typically run by a volunteer board of directors and volunteer coaches. There are no cuts, everyone plays, and it is an optimal way to get your child exposure to the sport before committing more – financially and logistically – than a competitive program.

Many recreational soccer programs offer a Super Rec program, which is a hybrid between recreation and competitive where players are selected to join a team that participates in a higher level of competitive play. Super Rec youth soccer programs offer a balanced approach, focusing on skill development while maintaining a fun and inclusive atmosphere. While they come with some additional costs, they can be an excellent option for players looking to enhance their skills without the high-pressure environment of fully competitive leagues.

Pros of Super Rec Soccer Programs

  • Enhanced Skill Development: Super Rec programs often provide a higher level of coaching and focus on improving players’ skills compared to traditional recreational soccer.
  • Inclusivity: Like recreational soccer, Super Rec programs are generally open to players of varying skill levels, promoting inclusivity and a positive learning environment.
  • Balanced Approach: Super Rec programs strike a balance between the fun and enjoyment of recreational soccer and the skill development found in more competitive options.
  • Less Pressure: While skill development is emphasized, the pressure to win is typically lower in Super Rec programs, allowing players to enjoy the game without excessive stress.

Cons and Considerations of Super Rec Soccer Programs

  • Higher Costs: Super Rec programs often come with higher registration fees compared to traditional recreational soccer due to the enhanced coaching and resources provided.
  • Limited Competition: Super Rec leagues may have fewer teams or a less competitive environment than fully competitive leagues, which could limit exposure to diverse playing styles.
  • Varying Quality: Coaching and program quality can vary in Super Rec leagues, impacting the overall experience for players.
  • Limited Exposure: Similar to recreational soccer, Super Rec may not provide the same exposure to college scouts or professional opportunities as more competitive pathways

Competitive Soccer Programs

When your child begins to outgrow recreation and super rec, you may notice their passion, focus and commitment to the sport stands out compared to many of the other children they are playing with, and their coach may not be able to offer them the level of development or competition than they are ready for. That’s when it’s time to consider joining a competitive soccer program.

Levels of Play

Regional competitive soccer leagues, such as the NorCal Premier League, often have multiple levels of play to accommodate players of various skill levels and aspirations. These levels typically include:

  • Copper/Bronze: These are entry-level divisions suitable for beginners and players looking for a more relaxed soccer experience. It’s a great starting point for young players new to competitive soccer.
  • Silver: The Silver level represents a moderate level of competition and skill development. Players in Silver divisions have typically gained some experience and are looking to advance their skills further.
  • Gold: Gold divisions offer a higher level of competition and skill development. Players here are usually more experienced and committed to advancing their soccer abilities.
  • Premier: Premier divisions are the most competitive within the league, featuring the highest level of skill and competition. These divisions often attract players with college and professional aspirations.
  • NPL / ECRL / ECNL: see below

Progression Through Levels

The progression through these levels is typically based on factors such as player performance, team success, and the desire for greater competition and development:

  • Promotion: Players or teams that excel in their current level may earn promotion to a higher division in the following season. This advancement is typically based on strong performance and the ability to compete at a higher level.
  • Relegation: Conversely, teams that struggle or underperform may be relegated to a lower division. This ensures that teams are competing against others of similar skill and competitiveness.
  • Player Development: Players can also move through these levels individually based on their skill development and readiness. As players improve and gain experience, they may progress from Copper/Bronze to Silver, Gold, and even Premier divisions over time.
  • Personal Goals: Progression may also be driven by players’ personal goals. Some may aim to compete at the highest level possible, while others may prefer to enjoy the game at a more relaxed pace.
  • Coaching and Support: Coaches and club administrators often play a role in helping players find the appropriate level of play that aligns with their skill and development goals.

Pros for Competitive Soccer 

  • Higher Competition: Local competitive leagues like NorCal Premier provide a higher level of competition compared to recreational or Super Rec programs, allowing players to test their skills against stronger opponents.
  • Skill Development: These leagues often offer enhanced coaching and player development programs, aiding in the advancement of players’ soccer abilities.
  • Structured Season: Local competitive leagues typically follow a structured season with regular practices and games, fostering consistency in players’ training and development.
  • Exposure to College Scouts: Stronger competition and organized play can increase exposure to college scouts and recruiters, making it a viable pathway for players seeking college soccer opportunities.

Cons and Considerations for Competitive Soccer 

  • Travel Commitments: Depending on the region and league, players may need to travel for games, which can be time-consuming and may involve additional costs for families.
  • Intense Competition: The higher level of competition can lead to increased pressure to perform, potentially affecting the enjoyment of the game for some players.
  • Costs: Local competitive leagues often have higher registration fees compared to recreational or Super Rec programs due to the additional coaching and resources provided.
  • Limited Professional Exposure: While local competitive leagues can offer opportunities for college recruitment, they may not provide direct pathways to professional opportunities or exposure to professional scouts.

NPL (National Premier Leagues) & Pre-NPL

The National Premier Leagues (NPL) is a competitive youth soccer platform in the United States, encompassing age groups typically starting from U-13 (under 13) and older. It is organized into regional leagues across the country, creating localized competition opportunities. While NPL programs aim to provide a pathway for talented players, the specifics can vary by region and league. Pre-NPL is also a sub-league of NPL which is available to players at the U-12 level (players under the age of 12). However, the availability of pre-NPL programs and the specific age groups they cover can vary by region and league.

Pros of NPL

  • Regional Focus: NPL’s organization into regional leagues reduces travel commitments, making it more accessible for players in certain areas. Localized competition allows players to face opponents from nearby regions.
  • Path to College: NPL can serve as an excellent pathway for players aspiring to compete at the collegiate level. Many NPL players go on to play college soccer and achieve successful collegiate careers. The league’s competitive nature helps players attract college recruiters’ attention.

Cons of NPL

  • Variability in Quality: The quality of NPL programs can differ from region to region. While some NPL leagues offer highly competitive play, others may have a lower level of competition. This variation can impact the development experience.

ECNL (Elite Clubs National League)

ECNL is an elite, nationwide league that features high-level competition and is not directly affiliated with MLS or any particular professional league. ECNL provides a highly competitive environment with a strong emphasis on player development, making it an attractive option for young soccer players aspiring to excel in both collegiate and professional soccer. However, families should also consider factors like travel commitments and their child’s specific goals when evaluating whether ECNL is the right fit.

Pros of ECNL

  • Highly Competitive Environment: ECNL provides a highly competitive soccer environment, challenging players to excel and elevate their skills.
  • Player Development and Collegiate Success: ECNL is renowned for its emphasis on player development, and many ECNL players go on to have successful collegiate soccer careers.
  • Proven Player Development: ECNL has a track record of producing players who have achieved success at the professional and national team levels, making it an attractive option for aspiring athletes.
  • National Competition: The league offers a higher level of competition across the entire nation, attracting top talent from various regions.
  • Holistic Development: ECNL focuses on the overall development of players, including their mental and physical aspects of the game, preparing them for success both on and off the field.

Cons and Considerations of ECNL

  • Not Directly Tied to Professional League: ECNL is not directly affiliated with a specific professional league, which means the pathway to professional opportunities may not be as direct as in some other programs.
  • Travel Considerations: Due to its national scope, ECNL often involves extensive travel, which can be time-consuming and costly for families.

ECRL (Elite Clubs Regional League)

The Elite Clubs Regional League (ECRL) is a competitive youth soccer league in the United States. It is part of the Elite Clubs National League (ECNL) infrastructure, providing a development pathway for players looking to progress in their soccer careers.

Pros of ECRL

  • High-Quality Competition: ECRL offers a high level of competition within its regional scope. Players have the opportunity to test their skills against other talented players in their area.
  • Affiliation with ECNL: ECRL operates within the broader ECNL framework, which means players may have access to ECNL events, showcases, and exposure opportunities.
  • Collegiate Connections: Like ECNL, ECRL maintains strong connections with college coaches and recruiters, increasing the exposure of players looking to pursue collegiate soccer.
  • Holistic Player Development: ECRL emphasizes holistic player development, focusing on not only on-field performance but also mental and physical aspects of the game.
  • Quality Coaching: ECRL often features experienced and qualified coaches who can aid in player development.

Cons and Considerations of ECRL

  • Regional Focus: ECRL operates at the regional level, which means that the level of competition and the extent of travel may vary depending on the region. This can be an advantage or limitation based on the area.
  • Professional Pathway: While ECRL offers a strong platform for player development and college recruitment, it is not directly tied to a specific professional league. The pathway to professional opportunities may not be as direct as in some other programs.
  • Overall Benefits: ECRL serves as a valuable platform for youth soccer players seeking high-level competition and player development within a regional context. It offers connections to college soccer programs and a commitment to holistic player growth. Additionally, its affiliation with ECNL provides added exposure and opportunities for aspiring players.

MLS Next is an elite youth soccer development platform in the United States and Canada focused on boys’ youth soccer development. It is operated by Major League Soccer (MLS), the top-tier professional soccer league in North America.

Pros of MLS Next

  • Direct Affiliation with MLS: MLS Next is directly affiliated with MLS clubs, providing young players with access to professional coaching, training facilities, and opportunities to interact with MLS first teams.
  • Clear Path to Professional Soccer: MLS Next offers a more direct pathway to professional opportunities within the MLS system. Talented players may have the chance to sign Homegrown contracts with MLS clubs.
  • High-Quality Competition: The league attracts top talent from across the region, ensuring a consistently high level of competition. This environment challenges players to elevate their skills and soccer IQ.
  • National Exposure: MLS Next often hosts national showcases and events that draw the attention of college coaches and professional scouts. This exposure can benefit players pursuing collegiate and professional careers.
  • Professional Scouting: MLS Next provides a platform for professional scouts to identify and track young talent. This can lead to opportunities for players to join professional academies or clubs.
  • Top-notch Coaching: Players in MLS Next often benefit from top-notch coaching, which can significantly impact their development.

Cons and Considerations of MLS Next

  • Travel Commitments: Depending on the region and the specific MLS Next program, extensive travel may be required for league matches and showcases.
  • Intensive Competition: The high level of competition can be demanding, and players may face increased pressure to perform.
  • Limited Geographic Coverage: MLS Next primarily operates in regions with MLS clubs, so availability may be limited in certain areas.
  • Overall Benefits: MLS Next is an excellent pathway for young players aspiring to reach the highest levels of soccer. Its direct affiliation with MLS clubs offers unique opportunities for development, exposure to professional environments, and a clear path to professional soccer. The league’s competitive nature challenges players to excel and prepares them for success in collegiate and professional soccer.

Girls Academy (GA) is an elite, nationwide league focused on girls’ youth soccer development. It operates independently and is not directly affiliated with MLS or any specific professional league. GA offers a competitive and development-focused environment for young female soccer players. It emphasizes holistic player growth and has a proven track record of preparing players for collegiate success. While it is not directly affiliated with a specific professional league, GA serves as a crucial stepping stone for young athletes on their soccer journey. Families should assess their child’s goals and travel considerations when considering GA as an option for their soccer development.

Pros of Girls Academy

  • Player Development and Collegiate Success: GA is highly regarded for its player development focus, and many GA players go on to have successful collegiate soccer careers.
  • High-Level Competition: GA offers a high level of competition, attracting top talent from across the country. This competitive environment challenges players to elevate their skills.
  • Holistic Development: GA places emphasis not only on on-field performance but also on the overall development of players, including their mental and physical aspects of the game.
  • Strong Collegiate Connections: GA maintains strong connections with college coaches and recruiters, increasing exposure for players seeking collegiate soccer opportunities.
  • Community and Resources: GA provides a supportive community of like-minded players, coaches, and families. It offers resources for player development and support.

Cons and Considerations of Girls Academy

  • Not Directly Tied to Professional League: GA is not directly affiliated with a specific professional league, which means the pathway to professional opportunities may not be as direct as in some other programs.
  • Travel Considerations: The extent of travel in GA can vary by region and league structure, potentially involving significant travel commitments for families.

The Development Player League (DPL) is a competitive youth soccer league in the United States designed to bridge the gap between grassroots soccer and elite competition. It is a part of the Elite Clubs National League (ECNL) infrastructure. DPL serves as a valuable middle ground for youth soccer players seeking a balance between high-level competition and player development. It offers strong connections with college soccer programs and a commitment to holistic player growth. Additionally, its affiliation with ECNL can provide added exposure and opportunities for aspiring players.

Pros of the Development Player League

  • DPL offers a high level of competition, with a focus on player development. It provides an environment where players can hone their skills and soccer IQ.
  • Affiliation with ECNL: DPL operates within the ECNL framework, which means players may have access to ECNL events, showcases, and exposure opportunities.
  • Strong Collegiate Connections: Like ECNL, DPL maintains strong connections with college coaches and recruiters, increasing the exposure of players looking to pursue collegiate soccer.
  • Holistic Development: DPL emphasizes holistic player development, encompassing not just on-field skills but also mental and physical aspects of the game.
  • Quality Coaching: DPL often features experienced and qualified coaches who can aid in player development.

Cons and Considerations for the Development Player League

  • Limited National Scope: DPL may have a more limited geographic reach compared to ECNL, which means less extensive national travel. This could be an advantage or limitation depending on the region.
  • Professional Pathway: While DPL offers a strong platform for player development and college recruitment, it is not directly tied to a specific professional league. The pathway to professional opportunities may not be as direct as in some other programs.
  • League Variability: The level of competition and league structure can vary by region, so families should research the specific DPL programs available in their area.
  • Travel Commitments: Although DPL typically involves less national travel compared to ECNL, families should still consider the travel commitments associated with league play.

The Elite 64 league (which started in 2022) offers year-round competition in six age groups (13-U through 19-U) for the top 64 boys clubs and top 64 girls clubs across the country. The annual competition calendar includes the league season, national showcases and the Elite 64 National Finals. There is also an Elite 64 (E64) Regional League, a club-based second tier of Elite 64. Both leagues are very new, so it is hard to accurately assess the pros and cons just yet. We will update as they get more seasons under their belt.

Youth Academy Soccer Programs

Youth academy soccer programs affiliated with Major League Soccer (MLS) and the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) provide a pathway for talented young players to develop their skills and potentially progress to professional soccer. It’s important to note that academy programs are highly competitive, and only a small percentage of aspiring players make it into these programs. Players and their families should be prepared for a rigorous and demanding commitment if they are accepted into an academy program. Additionally, staying informed about the specific requirements and tryout schedules of the club in question is essential for aspiring young soccer players.

Here are a few examples of MLS and NWSL academy programs:

MLS Youth Academy Programs

  • LA Galaxy Academy: Affiliated with the LA Galaxy, this academy program provides development opportunities for young players in Southern California.
  • New York Red Bulls Academy: Associated with the New York Red Bulls, this program focuses on player development and talent identification in the New York metropolitan area.
  • FC Dallas Academy: FC Dallas operates a renowned academy program that emphasizes player development and a clear pathway to the first team.
  • D.C. United Academy: D.C. United’s academy system offers opportunities for youth players in the Washington, D.C., region to hone their skills.
  • Atlanta United Academy: Atlanta United’s academy is known for its commitment to developing young talents in the Southeastern United States.

NWSL Youth Academy Programs:

  • Portland Thorns Academy: The Portland Thorns, an NWSL team, have an academy program that focuses on developing female soccer talent in the Pacific Northwest.
  • OL Reign Academy: OL Reign, based in Washington state, has an academy program dedicated to nurturing young female soccer players.
  • North Carolina Courage Academy: The North Carolina Courage, one of the top NWSL teams, operates an academy program to foster the development of young players in North Carolina.

Requirements for Acceptance into Academy Programs

The specific requirements for acceptance into MLS or NWSL academy programs can vary by club and region, but some common factors include:

  • Skill and Talent: Players must typically demonstrate above-average soccer skills and talent to be considered for academy programs. Scouts and coaches evaluate players’ technical abilities, tactical understanding, and overall soccer IQ.
  • Age: Academy programs typically accept players at various age levels, starting as young as U-12 (under 12) or U-13. The exact age cutoffs can vary by club and program.
  • Tryouts: Most academy programs hold tryouts or identification events to assess potential candidates. These tryouts are highly competitive, and players are evaluated based on their performance during these sessions.
  • Commitment: Acceptance into an academy program often requires a significant commitment from both the player and their family. This may include regular training sessions, games, and travel to competitions or showcases.
  • Academic and Behavioral Expectations: Some academy programs may have academic and behavioral expectations to ensure that players are well-rounded individuals.

We hope this overview has proved helpful in guiding your youth soccer player through the journey of progressing through competitive soccer in the United States.

Are we missing any? Let us know and we’ll update this as more information becomes available! 

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Youth Soccer Levels in the U.S. Explained

rec vs travel soccer

Youth soccer in the U.S. has evolved tremendously over the past decade. Let me tell you! It is very confusing.

Where town travel used to rule the soccer scene, soccer clubs have advanced to support young athletes looking to play more competitively. 

rec vs travel soccer

With all the changes taking place in recent years, you may want answers. Here we go…

At the youth level, there are three dominant organizations: USYS, USSSA, and US Club Soccer. These soccer organizations have various leagues that they endorse and manage.

Key Takeaways From This Article :

  • Youth soccer in the United States has three main buckets: recreational, travel, and club.
  • It depends on the region but Girls Academy and MLS NEXT (boys) are typically at the top of the youth soccer pyramid. ECNL and National Academy League are a close second.
  • Each youth league and club tries to have a player pathway to develop as they get older.
  • The higher up the soccer pyramid a player goes, the more travel and competition.

Choosing the right fit for your player is important to their overall development.

But, keep in mind that it’s fluid and you can always choose a different path at different stages of your soccer development. 

What is the U.S. Youth Soccer Pyramid?

In the U.S., the soccer pathway builds up as a pyramid at various levels and ages.  Here is the current breakdown for boys and girls youth soccer .

This is a general breakdown. The exact pathway will vary depending on a player’s soccer club and the area they are in.

rec vs travel soccer

  • Town Recreational Leagues
  • Town Travel Leagues

Youth Academy

  • National League Conferences: NPL and ECNL Regional Leagues
  • USYS National League

Development Player League (DPL)

  • Elite National Club League (ECNL) and National Academy League (Created in 2023)
  • Girls Academy (GA) and MLS Next

Organizations of Youth Soccer in the U.S. 

Because soccer has evolved, various organizations now sanction different levels. Let’s take a look at the sanctioning bodies in the U.S. 

United States Sports Specialty Association (USSSA) : A non-profit entity whose mission is to develop and expand the game of soccer in the U.S. The USSSA has been affiliated with U.S. Soccer since 2001. It now sanctions the Development Player League (DPL) and Elite Academy League (EA). 

U.S. Youth Soccer (USYS) : The nation’s largest youth sports organization, the USYS registers nearly 3 million soccer players and 10,000 clubs annually. They sanction multiple levels for boys and girls soccer including the MLS Next (in partnership with MLS), GA, and National League Conferences. 

U.S. Club Soccer : A national organization and member of the U.S. Soccer Federation, U.S. Soccer Club works to develop and support soccer clubs in the U.S. They endorse ECNL, ECNL Regional Leagues, NPL, and ENPL. 

What Are The Pathways for Youth Soccer in the United States?

Soccer Positions Youth

Here is a breakdown and summary of each youth soccer club level.

Most soccer clubs in your region will offer some type of youth academy soccer. From U-8 through U-10, these teams are more competitive than town travel and typically provide more advanced coaching. That is not always the case but you typically move from a volunteer coach to a salaried coach . 

Clubs are always looking for a bigger pool of youth players at this level to help identify talent at a younger age. 

National Premier League (NPL)

The NPL is sanctioned by U.S. Club Soccer and clubs can participate if they have teams in every age group. The NPL offers Showcase events and a playoff system for the top teams in each NPL member league. 

National League Conferences: Premier I is the NLC’s top conference and is broken down by region. In most cases, there’s an additional division called Premier II. 

ECNL Regional Leagues (ECRL)

The ECRL was developed to improve coordination and collaboration between teams of different levels within the same ECNL club. ECRL is limited to playing teams in their region, whereas ECNL teams play nationally. 

DPL is an all-girls national league providing an elite competition for top youth soccer clubs in the U.S. Their motto is “To develop the player and empower the person in a purposeful and memorable environment.” 

National Academy League

The National Academy League is another newly formed league that almost feels like a takeover of ECNL in the east. Many clubs have made the switch to the competitive league. It’s only in its infancy but has shown a lot of promise to succeed as a top-level league in the U.S. 

Elite Clubs National League (ECNL)

Originally formed specifically for girls, ECNL has expanded to include a competitive boy’s program as well. Each club member must maintain a high standard for facilities and coaching. 

ECNL is one of the most innovative youth soccer leagues in the U.S. and most large soccer organizations are part of it. 

Girls Academy (GA)

Sanctioned by the USYS, the GA was formed to replace Girls DA and aims to develop female players for college soccer and possibly the women’s National Team . 

Formerly known as the Development Academy (DA), MLS Next is the highest level for boys’ soccer teams. Starting at U13, MLS Next is affiliated with Major League Soccer (MLS) and can be a pathway for their respective professional teams.

Middle School & High School Soccer

How does middle school and high school soccer fit into the youth soccer landscape? In my opinion, it doesn’t.

Playing for your school fits outside of the pathway of club soccer . With many leagues and teams to choose from, school soccer is supplemental for those players who choose to play. 

With that said, many players opt not to play for their schools because the top leagues have better competition. In addition, club soccer typically goes almost year-round while school soccer is only a fall sport. 

What is the Best Pathway for a Youth Soccer Player?

rec vs travel soccer

Depending on how serious and committed your soccer player is, choosing the right club and league can be difficult. Especially at younger ages, keeping options open can be the best path. 

Each of the above has its pros and cons. For example, the MLS Next pathway requires a good amount of travel. Players can sometimes be required to travel 5-6 hours for a single game in a fall or spring season. And, fly across the country to attend a MLS Next Fest Showcase . But, players are getting coached and competing at the highest level. 

You should consistently gauge your child’s interest in competitive soccer .

Players sometimes  lose their passion when the games become more competitive. In these situations, it could be best to stick to town travel or a school team.

Not only should you consider your player’s needs and desires but take into account your family’s situation.

Club soccer in the U.S. can get expensive and the time commitment can be taxing on some families. Weigh out all the options before committing to a soccer club.

Remember, your kid probably won’t turn pro. Some kids will play college. But, all kids should have the opportunity to have fun playing the game of soccer!

rec vs travel soccer

I'm Beau. A proud Dad of a MLS NEXT player, former soccer coach of 7 years, soccer enthusiast, and board member of our local youth sports program. I continue to love the game of soccer today the same way I did when I was 7. I love watching and teaching young players the game. I created to share what I know about the game and provide a platform so other parents can learn more about youth soccer in the U.S. I also authored an eBook ' Soccer Coach Made Simple '.  Learn more about Beau .

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10 things to know about travel soccer

Parent · Player

When it comes to travel soccer there are some things every parent should know .  First, don’t think you have to do what everyone else is doing.  Too many people jump on the bandwagon and think for success, their kid has to play in a certain league.  Your family is different from every family on earth, so make sure you know these important tips before diving into travel soccer. 

If your kid loves the sport and will put in the work, travel soccer is usually the best option. 

You can find a team that travels less than others, if you desire less travel.  Depending on the league and the coach, you could travel out of state 10-15 times each season.

Just remember, do what’s best for your family ! 

Learn why checking away from the ball is such a key skill to have! travel soccer

What is travel soccer?

Travel soccer is more competitive than recreation soccer by far.  Some use the terms club or select soccer, but club/select soccer can stay local, where “travel soccer” is literally where you will usually travel for multiple out-of-state competitions. 

Depending on the city/state you’re from, depends on how much travel you will do.  

Depending on where you live makes a big difference.  The big soccer cities have tons of choices for youth soccer, where the smaller soccer cities and states have way less options. 

More than anything it depends on the league your team qualifies for. 

The top leagues require more travel for league games, plus there are regional and national tournaments to qualify for.  

Player commitment for club soccer

The commitment is pretty high. 

Most travel soccer coaches want you at the majority of the practices and games .  Players who miss either one on the regular will not be expected to play. 

Again you need to find a team that fits your style.  It more depends on the coach more than the actual club.

Some coaches will expect you to play tournament over holidays like Thanksgiving and Memorial Day.  If traveling out of town or chilling with family and friends is important to you on holiday, make sure you ask the coach their tournament plans on during these holiday weeks. 

Club /travel soccer kids sign a ‘contract’ each year.  Often times the teams have a “signing party” at a players house.  It’s really a big deal to the kids. In this contract the player commits to play with the team for the season and they can’t leave until the contract is up. 

Sometimes players will ask for a “release” and most of the time the coach won’t give it. 

Remember, all coaches and clubs are different.  Find the one that fits your style.

Cost for travel soccer

When considering the cost you have to know that there are club fees which help pay the coaches.

Another big piece of the pie is paying for the league fees .  For the higher level “classic” leagues, which by the way they just added a 4th div classic league.  Why? Money, that’s why.  Many parents want “classic or the best”.  So the leagues give it to them and charge for it. 

The price for these leagues run between $3,500 – $5,000 per team .  So about $250 per player . 

Then uniform cost is separate and some teams only have to pay for these every 2 years.  Some pay for new uniforms every year.   

On top of this some teams travel several out of state 3-12 times per year.  Many of these trips are via airplane, so add in airfare and hotel .  If not by plane then you can add up the gasoline for your car. 

travel soccer

Travel commitments for travel soccer

Some of the kids I train play on teams that flew to Las Vegas , Florida and California in 12 months time. 

These kids were 10 years old!  I think that’s crazy, but others don’t.  I’d say 70% of them have no problem paying for this, while the other 30% have a harder time. 

If this is what you want do it, but please don’t think you have to.  It’s not going to help your child develop any more.  Really all it does is get you to experience another state and play different teams.  

You have to find a team/coach that fits your commitment level .  Some coaches enter for tournaments or friendly games where you travel 2-4 hours for 1-2 games.  Other coaches only do the local leagues with 1 or 2 tournaments out of town/state. 

If you live in a big soccer city there’s not as much need to travel out of state, compared to a state like Louisiana or Oklahoma who don’t have the best soccer, but do have a few good teams. 

Competitive youth tournament locations

Here’s a list of 15 of the biggest & best youth soccer tournaments in the America   via ‘the’. 

These tournaments are held in Maryland , Florida , Texas , California , Minnesota , Virginia , New York and Las Vegas . 

Teams are from all across the country at these national tournaments. 

travel soccer

Tournaments vs leagues [options for your teams]

I grew up 5 hours from Dallas, TX and even further from other soccer cities. 

So we had 3 options … 

  •  Travel on the highway every week or two to play in 1-2 league games .
  • Play only local lower level teams. (Not an option after age 12).
  • Go to tournaments instead of playing in a league and then play some other competitive friendly games against teams 2-3 hours away. 

Most of my high school years we did option #3 and I think it was best!  No reason to drive 5 hours every week or two plus tournaments promised us 3 games, 5 if we got to the finals. 

The other good travel/club team did option #1.  My last year in high school our coach moved to Florida, so we all had to play for the other club.  I had lots of fun traveling with buddies and their parents carpooling, but I sure am glad that only was for 1 year. 

I share this story because if you live far away from the big soccer cities, these are some choices you can make. 

To me it doesn’t make sense to drive that long year round and then the kids don’t even play college soccer.  But hey, that’s my opinion.  Some of my buddies who didn’t play college, probably would have done it all over again.  We did have a great time together.  We all had and have different goals, so again, do what’s best for you. 

Ages for travel soccer

Again, location plays a big role when it comes to ages for travel soccer. 

The larger cities have more opportunity. 

Some kids as young as 7 years old start traveling to play competitive soccer.  I would guess that most kids who end up playing for the best clubs by ages 14-16 start playing competitively by age 8 .  Travel soccer goes all the way up to age 17-18 years old. 

The gamble starting so young is, what if your child gets burned out by age 13 ?  I think if you’re going to start them playing travel soccer at age 8, make sure they really enjoy it and will put in the work. 

One thing I bring up a lot is the kids I know who started playing club/select/travel soccer at age 10 and ended up playing college soccer.  There are tons of soccer parents who would think I’m crazy for saying age 10 because the kids would be so far behind.  True they would be behind, but that’s what catching up is for. 

Alex Morgan started club at age 13.  Taylor Twellman was a multisport athlete, so he didn’t commit to soccer full out at a young age.  Both of these players ended up on the US national team and made great money. 

rec vs travel soccer

Are there any financial scholarships offered?

Most of your big clubs offer scholarships to 1-2 players per team .  This is usually the coaches choice and often comes out of their pocket.  Coaches usually get paid per player, so if a coach picks 2 players who need scholarship that is less money compared to having 100% of the players paying full price. 

Now of course the players who get scholarship are going to have to produce.  I don’t see a coach picking many players who will sit the bench and get free dues. 

How is the coach chosen? 

Hey, for the most part club soccer is a business . 

So the biggest clubs have a mix of good coaches and not so good coaches. 

The bigger the club, the more players they have which means the higher demand for coaches. 

Some of the top clubs in America will literally ask parents to coach.  I ask parents and coaches the question, “are the dues less in this case”?  The answer is no.  But hey you get to where the fancy jersey and socks:) 

In short, coaches find clubs and clubs find coaches. 

Some of the clubs require their coaches to have a D license.  Most don’t. 

If you look at the websites, very few hold the A or B license which is the highest and it goes down to a C, D, E and F.  A, B and C are rare, while most club coaches either have D, E or F.  The ‘F’ and ‘E’ only require you to take a 2-3 hour in-person course locally. The A license is a 10 day course usually held in California.  

Youth soccer coaches move around from club to club as much as the players.  Sometimes it’s because of choice and other times they get forced out.  It could be another club offering a couple hundred more dollars per month, per team.  With 3-5 teams this could mean $12,000 more per year. 

How to improve soccer skills at home

Kids who train even a little bit on their own give themselves a BIG advantage.  Especially the ones who practice the right skills! 

You can go out and spend 2 hours kicking a ball into the goal, but are you striking the ball properly ?  Are you getting enough reps. 

Kicking the ball against a wall or rebounder is better than into a goal.  The reason is because with a wall the ball comes right back to you.  This helps you develop your first touch and kicking.  Shooting into the goal doesn’t help with 1st touch. 

Now let’s talk about controlling the ball and developing better footskills/dribbling.  Go to YouTube and the YouTubers will have you brainwashed to believe that getting 1,000 touches is what the pros do.  Well it’s not.  Pros don’t work much on this all.  Also youth players shouldn’t train like the pros in many aspects.  

Youth players need to develop better form when dribbling and bringing the ball out of the air. 

You don’t need thousands of touches to do this. 

Instead you need to teach your muscle memory to do it correctly.  On top of this players need to learn how to control the ball with different parts of the feet and be smooth between touches. 

If you’ll spend just 20-30 mins per week on your own – get my online ball control courses . 

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Is Playing With Travel Soccer Teams Really Worth It?

travel soccer teams

To travel or not to travel? So many questions about travel soccer teams aren't you glad you found this page?

Every kid is dying to make the travel team at their club but when parents hear travel club all they see is the same team as before just a lot more expensive. While this is a fair question we need to break down what travel soccer teams actually means versus other levels at the club soccer level.

To make it simple a travel team is basically a team that is at the competitive level versus the recreational level. 

So the question you really need to ask yourself is, do you think your kid has the chance to use soccer as a platform to play at the professional level or possibly get a scholarship to a University? Or is this more of a fun thing that they like to do on the side combined with all the other things they have going on in their lives.

To help figure that part out the best way to know for sure is to ask them and see how they feel about it and what they really want to do.

If you're struggling to make the choice then you can find all the advantages, disadvantages and comparisons between the competitive level (travel soccer teams fit in this category) and the recreational level.

Oh by the way, I hope you have some cash to burn because the travel teams cost a pretty penny more than the recreational level.

Video Examples Of Travel Soccer Teams

Top 5 advantages of travel soccer teams, 1. get to play more & better competition.

  • Travel soccer teams have more games throughout the their season including weekend tournaments that may take some travelling to get to.
  • Not only are there more games but there are also more quality higher level games as you play the best teams from a greater region of the country instead of just the ones in your local area.
  • With this comes higher quality players, coaches and teams that you get to test your skills against each and every week.

2. More Exposure

  • If your kid is looking to get scouted by University coaches, professional coaches or higher club teams their age than being part of travel soccer teams is a must.
  • This level will help you gain more exposure as this is exactly the type of teams coaches recruit from and of course the better the team does the more attention they will start to attract.
  • You want to give your kid the best chance to use their game to get a scholarship or play pro so a travel team is something they need to be a part of right away.

3. Competing At A High Level

  • We all want to play at the highest level to see how your kids compare against the best of the best.
  • Travel teams provide the opportunity to play against the best players and teams from your region (and other regions) to see how well you compare.
  • Not only is this a great measuring stick it will also raise the level of your game knowing what is waiting for you every weekend from an opposition stand point.

4. More Training & Commitment

  • If you'er looking to get your kid more training more often than you will definitely get it with a travel team.
  • Travel teams give you training about 3 to 5 times a week with a game on the weekends so the level of commitment and development is significantly increased.

5. High Level Coaching

  • As you can imagine just like the players are a higher level with travel teams so are the coaches.
  • Part of the increased cost is paying for higher level coaches to train and develop your son or daughter.
  • These coaches will give you a higher level of knowledge, development and attention to develop your kid at a higher rate than playing at the recreational level.
  • If you want to learn more about travel soccer teams and their connection to the MLS feel free to read more about it here, US and MLS Soccer Travel Teams.

Top 5 Disadvantages Of Travel Soccer Teams

1. costs more.

  • Travel teams as expected are going to cost you more than playing at a lower level. Some travel teams can cost up to $3000 a year to train, travel and play all year round.
  • I know it sounds like a lot (and it is) but this is the going rate these days for a team with top coaches, training at top facilities and getting the exposure to the next level.
  • Some travel teams can cost in the $1000 range but expect to pay a significant premium if you're looking to play at the next level.

2. Playing Time Isn't Guaranteed

  • Welcome to the world of competitive sports. When you join travel soccer teams it isn't holding hands everyone gets to play even minutes time.
  • You have to earn your spot on the team and the amount of time you play as winning becomes and important factor at this next stage of competition.
  • You may play every minute, you may play some or you may not play at all in certain games and you need to know that that is what you signed up for.

3. More Time & Commitment Needed

  • I hope you like soccer 24/7 because that's what you're getting when you commit to playing on travel soccer teams.
  • Less weekends at the cottage and more weekends on the pitch, along with more training, more travelling and higher demands from your coaches to train on your own as well.
  • If playing at the next level is something you want to do then learning the meaning of sacrifice at a young age is something you will get from these travel teams.

4. More Pressure To Perform

  • Now that there are standings, winners, losers, trophies and scholarships on the line the pressure that kids take with them on the field grows every year.
  • It's no longer okay to play a C+ game, you need to bring your best game every time you play if you want to win and achieve things you and your team have set out to achieve.
  • Not everyone loves to play the game when the stakes start to rise, hopefully it's something they can learn to deal with and adapt to.

5. Kids Can Fall Out Of Love With The Game

  • It's only normal as the older your kids get and the less they may play that your kid could start to resent the game and stop playing.
  • Not everyone on the team can play the exact minutes and role they want so as competition gets more fierce it's only normal that some players will stop loving the game like they once did.
  • Hopefully those that no longer wish to play at the highest levels can find love for the game at a lower level and keep playing.

Recreational Soccer Teams VS Travel Soccer Teams

Should i sign my kid up for travel soccer teams is it really worth it.

rec vs travel soccer

To be honest the real question you need to ask your kid is if playing the game at the University or professional level is something that THEY really want.

Too often parents assume what their kids want to play at the next level or try and live out their own dreams through their kids when the kid just likes messing around with friends and doesn't care to take it as seriously as the parents do.

Now if your kid is really turning into a proper player and wants to one day get a scholarship, play professionally or just want the next challenge at the club level they they definitely need to be playing on the best travel soccer teams they can find.

It is certainly worth it because of the opportunity and fun it can bring to your kid along with some of the best memories they will reminisce about as they get older.

How Much More Is It Going To Cost To Be A Part Of Travel Soccer Teams?

rec vs travel soccer

Of course it will depend on which travel team you join but typically for year round training it will cost somewhere in the $2500-$4000 range to be a part of these travel soccer teams.

Now if you break it down it's about $200-$300 a month which isn't cheap but is the going rate for any player to be a part of these teams.

What you are really paying for is better coaching, competition, more games, more training, more exposure to the next level and probably some nice gear that includes a track suit, some training shirts and shorts and a bag.

Compared to the recreational level which will be significantly less then the number above (probably somewhere close to $400 for the year) it can be a significant jump but is certainly worth it if your kid has ambitions to get a scholarship or play professionally.

This is not only a financial decision you need to consider but also a time and commitment one. Not only will your kid be training 3-5 times a week and travelling on certain weekends they will also be spending less time doing other extra curricular activities, hanging out with friends and even schoolwork.

Their attention will be spread thin so it's important to understand what you're getting yourself into before you start to have all these different conflicts in sport, school and other social activities.

How Does Playing Time Work Exactly? What If My Kid Isn't Getting Much Time?

rec vs travel soccer

What I would say right off the bat is it's better to find travel soccer teams that your son or daughter will be able to compete for playing time right away versus a top team that they may struggle to get playing time. You can find travel soccer teams that provide the experience of playing at a higher level, with better coaches and players that also gives your kid the best chance to play. 

Now that they are on a team where they can compete for playing time they have to earn every minute that they play. I'm sure most coaches will do their best to get everyone some time but in the difficult games where you really need a win some players will be prioritized more than others to get the result.

You have to be aware and ready for this as your kid may not get the playing time that you want and this can also serve as a great lesson and motivator for them with regards to having to improve and develop to beat out the person in your position.

The older they get and as they move into the University setting one day they need to understand that if they aren't playing they have nobody to blame but themselves, too often parents want to blame the coach but if your son or daughter was clear and away the best player on the team they wouldn't be getting limited playing time.

This is one of the toughest lessons players learn as they join travel soccer teams, having to bring their best performance to every practice and game to get more and more time and prove to the coach why they should be starting.

Pro FIFA Soccer Agent Contact List

rec vs travel soccer

Pro Pre-Season Soccer Conditioning Program

rec vs travel soccer

Vestal Youth Soccer Association

What is the difference between recreational soccer and travel soccer.

Recreational soccer is usually run through the local town program and is the place where most kids start their soccer playing. With recreational programs all kids are placed on teams and receive equal playing time. Ability is not a factor and all kids are welcome to play. Coaching is usually parent volunteer coaches.

Travel Soccer is a competitive soccer program for those kids and families that want to get more out of their soccer experience. Teams will typically play indoor soccer in the winter, play spring league and may participate in tournaments around the area. The training for travel soccer is usually with more experienced coaches who have obtained coaching licenses or are in the process of obtaining certifications.

soccer best 4 u logo

What is Travel Soccer and Should my Child play?

What is travel soccer.

If your child is currently playing on a recreational soccer team and stands out among his or her peers and seems to not be challenged enough, it may be a sign that he or she is ready to play on a travel soccer team. Travel soccer is a more competitive form of recreational soccer, and as the name suggests, calls for traveling to different locations on game day. Oftentimes the players on a travel team are more even in terms of skill, and they have a more ambitious and strong mindset to really improve every time they step foot on the field. Another major difference is that in travel soccer, players need to not only EARN their place on their team roster, but also earn their playing time.  

eric aslanyan during a travel soccer game

What age do you need to be to play travel soccer?

There is no nationally agreed upon minimum age restriction, you would need to find out with your nearest youth soccer club, however, generally the youngest age is 8 years old, or the u9 age group. It is important to note that in the younger age groups, the rules can be different than the normal rules of soccer. Oftentimes the oldest age group for travel soccer is the u19 group, or 18 years old. 

How much does travel Soccer Cost?

Admittedly there is A LOT of debate and controversy related with the cost of travel soccer programs and leagues. The simplest answer for this question is: it varies. There was one article where two parents from California spent around $17k per year for both of their boys to play for their club. However, this is an extreme case and only the vast minority pay $8k per year per child. According to USA Today , the average is much more closer to $2,000 – $5,000 per year along with traveling costs such as hotels, transportation, food etc, but it really depends on your location and the club. Some clubs offer membership dues that come out to even less than $2,000. 

Is Travel Soccer Worth It?

the pros and cons of travel soccer

1. Competition/Ambition

There’s no doubt that competition creates a strong character and helps you become a better, stronger version of yourself. Just as the only way a bodybuilder gains muscle is by pushing his limits during his exercise, is the same way any athlete grows and gets better. As any athlete meets an opponent of equal skill, they are forced to dig deep within themself to overcome the obstacle so that they can win. These achievements are amazing moments and allow these athletes to gain some awesome levels of self confidence, which will help them throughout their life. 

2. Physical and Mental Health

What better way to stay fit than to join a team sport. The best part is that you are doing this while having fun! This is becoming especially more important as kids nowadays are more prone to sit around the house and be entertained by millions of distractions on the internet. 

3. Social Impact

Being surrounded by teammates who love the sports just as much as your child has the potential of offering lifetime friendships, which lead to a better quality of life and feeling of accomplishment. Other social benefits include better communication, teamwork skills, and time management, as well a huge impact on self confidence. 

Like we talked about earlier, cost could be one of the most prohibitive factors for youth travel soccer. Again, location and club is a huge factor in the affordability of travel soccer. 

2. Time commitment

Like our previous comparison to recreation soccer, travel soccer calls for more practices and away games that result in multi hour road trips. Some may see this as a pro, as it allows you to spend quality time with the family, but this could easily be a major problem for many families. 

One of the most alarming problems with travel soccer is burnout due to the many hours per week spent on training, games, and infrequent breaks. Having said that, Soccer Wire just released a great article on tips of how to avoid youth soccer burnout.  

two players trying to win the ball during a travel soccer game

Where can You Sign up for Travel Soccer

The good news is that travel soccer clubs can be found in almost every American city throughout the country. Consider making a quick google search, check out the clubs website and determine if their values seem like a good fit. If you are reading this, then chances are that your child already plays recreational soccer. If that is the case then consider asking the coach or some other parents about some local travel teams. 

Hopefully the information we provided to you helps in your decision to help your child on their journey within travel soccer. If you are still unsure, keep your child in the rec league and take your time in making the decision and allow them and your family to continue to enjoy the beautiful game! If you happen to be located in the NYC area, consider taking a look at the programs we offer as well as our club philosophy. 

Mission Statement

The Club is committed to generating activities for all people with interest in learning, training, and participating in organized soccer activities including camps, team events, training, competitions, and tournaments. The Club goals are to incorporate the fundamental skills of soccer while playing within safe and positive team environments.

501 Brielle Ave

Staten Island, New York 10314


Bringing soccer to pinellas county families since 1970, comparing competitive soccer to recreational soccer.

Ever wonder what the difference is between Competitive and Recreational soccer? This article tells you the basic differences between the two.

Competitive Soccer is also known as "Club Soccer" and "Travel Soccer" in other states, but is one of the same. This is meant for the aspiring player who wants to take soccer to the next level including college and beyond.

These are some of the areas you will see the difference between Recreational and Competitive soccer.

  • Competitive teams train a minimum of 2 times per week and, in some cases, 3 times per week for 1.5 – 2 hours each time. A strong slant is put on the technical ability of the player and also tactical awareness (this starts around age 13).
  • Recreational teams typically train 1-2 times per week for 1 – 1.5 hours each time – varies greatly depending on age.
  • Both groups learn teamwork and how to translate that to the field of play. Training typically includes information, skill training and fun!
  • Competitive coaches are normally licensed and have played at a high level of soccer. Coaches receive fees for their services, which vary depending on licensure and experience. Coaches normally serve a period of 3 years with any given team, unless a just reason can be given for an extended period.
  • Recreational coaches are typically parents who play or have played soccer. This level of service fulfills the parental volunteer requirement for their child/children.

Commitment Level and Attendance

  • Competitive players agree to a much higher commitment level and are required to attend all scheduled training sessions, games and tournaments. Lack of attendance may reduce game playing time.
  • Recreational players are expected to attend all scheduled practice sessions, games and the included GYSA tournament at the end of the season. Lack of attendance at practice may reduce game playing time.  
  • Competitive players’ parents sign a contract for the season agreeing to both expectations and financial commitments.
  • Recreational players’ parents agree to expectations and financial commitments when signing up online.

Competitive soccer is more expensive than Recreational soccer.

  • Competitive game travel is normally within 60 minutes of Puryear Park and requires approximately 50% of games to be away games. Tournament travel can be further, depending on where the tournament location is.
  • Usually, all recreational games are played at Puryear Park. Occasionally, teams will play a team nearby once or twice per season. The one recreational tournament included in a season is typically no more than 45 minutes away.


  • Normally, Competitive teams will attend 2 to 3 tournaments per season with either an FYSA Region C or State Cup end of regular game season tournament. All tournament fees are funded by the parents (often accomplished with fundraising).
  • Recreational teams play in one end of season tournament typically. There are options for additional tournaments.
  • Competitive players are required to wear training uniform to all training sessions and are required to purchase and wear both home and away game uniforms.
  • Recreational players receive the one game uniform they need from the Club. Practice attire is any appropriate soccer clothing (cleats, shin guards, socks, athletic shorts, t-shirt).

Game Schedules Competitive

  • Junior Season, ages 8-14, normally starts at the end of October and finishes in February or March.
  • Senior season, ages 15-18, starts in August and pauses in October (for school soccer season) then resumes in February until April.

Recreational season is similar to the competitive Junior season – normally starts the end of October and finishes in February or March.

Leagues and Affiliations

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Field Insider

Competitive Soccer vs Recreational Soccer: All You Need to Know

Soccer, a sport beloved around the globe, offers diverse pathways for participation that cater to a wide range of aspirations, skill levels, and lifestyle needs. At the heart of this diversity lies the distinction between competitive and recreational soccer— each offering unique experiences, challenges, and rewards.

Understanding the differences between these two forms of the sport is crucial. This knowledge is essential for players, parents, and coaches as they navigate the soccer landscape. This article delves into the defining characteristics of competitive and recreational soccer.

Key Takeaways

Competitive soccer: the real deal.

Competitive soccer represents the pinnacle of commitment and dedication in the soccer world. It attracts players who are serious about their development and performance. This segment of the sport is not just about playing soccer; it’s about striving to be the best.

High-level Commitment

Competitive soccer demands an unparalleled level of commitment from its participants. Players are often required to attend multiple training sessions each week and travel for games. They also participate in tournaments and leagues that test their skills and endurance.

This commitment extends beyond the field, encompassing physical conditioning, nutritional discipline , and mental preparation. The time and financial investment in competitive soccer can be significant, but the rewards, in terms of personal and athletic development, are substantial.

Skill Development and Performance

At the heart of competitive soccer is the relentless pursuit of skill development and performance excellence. Players work tirelessly to improve their technical abilities, tactical knowledge, and physical fitness.

Coaches in competitive leagues are often highly experienced and provide structured, intensive training to help players reach their potential. This focus on continuous development is what sets competitive soccer apart. It aims to prepare players for collegiate, semi-professional, or professional opportunities.

Organized Competition

Competitive soccer offers a structured pathway for players to test and showcase their skills against equally motivated and skilled opponents. Leagues, tournaments, and championships provide a platform for athletes to compete at local, national, and sometimes international levels.

These organized competitions are not just about winning ; they are about learning to deal with pressure, overcoming challenges, and experiencing the highs and lows of the sport. The journey through competitive soccer leagues and tournaments is a crucible that shapes players. It imparts lessons in teamwork, discipline, and resilience.

Challenges and Benefits

While the challenges of competitive soccer—such as the physical demands, time commitment, and emotional pressure—are significant, the benefits can be life-changing. Players develop a strong work ethic , leadership skills, and a competitive edge that transcends sports and applies to all areas of life.

The opportunity to earn scholarships, gain exposure to professional scouts, and make lifelong friendships are few of the rewards that come with competing at this level.

Moreover, the sense of achievement and personal growth experienced through competitive soccer is unparalleled, making every challenge worth the effort.

Recreational Soccer: Playing for Fun

Recreational soccer stands as a testament to the joy and happiness that the sport can bring, emphasizing the love of the game over the pressures of high-stakes competition. It caters to a wide audience, from children to adults, providing a welcoming environment for all who wish to play.

Recreational Soccer: Playing for Fun

Flexible Scheduling and Low-pressure Environment

One of the hallmarks of recreational soccer is its flexible approach to scheduling. This accommodates players with varying availabilities and commitments outside of soccer. This flexibility allows individuals to enjoy the game without the stress of rigorous training schedules.

The low-pressure environment encourages players to focus on the fun aspects of soccer, making it an ideal choice for those looking to stay active, enjoy the sport, and balance other life responsibilities.

Recreational leagues understand that soccer is just one part of a player’s life, offering a supportive and accommodating atmosphere.

Focus on Enjoyment and Social Interaction

Recreational soccer places a significant emphasis on enjoyment and social interaction, making it more than just a sport—it’s a community activity . Players often join recreational leagues to meet new people and enjoy time with friends. They also bond with family members on the field.

The social aspect of recreational soccer is as important as the physical activity, providing a sense of belonging and a way to connect with others who share a love for the game. This focus on fun is what draws many to recreational soccer, as it offers a stress-free environment to play and make lasting memories.

Varied Skill Levels and Inclusive Atmosphere

The inclusive nature of recreational soccer is one of its most appealing features. Leagues and teams welcome players of all skill levels, from beginners to those with experience . This includes individuals who may not wish to commit to the demands of competitive play.

This diversity creates a unique and supportive environment where players can learn from each other, improve their skills at their own pace, and enjoy the game without the pressure to perform.

The emphasis on inclusivity ensures that everyone, regardless of their soccer ability, can participate and feel valued within the team .

Advantages and Limitations of Recreational Soccer

Recreational soccer offers numerous advantages, including physical exercise, stress relief, and the opportunity to engage in a team sport without the intensity of competitive play. It’s an excellent way for individuals to stay active, enjoy the outdoors, and partake in a healthy lifestyle.

However, those seeking to pursue a path in competitive soccer might find the limitations in coaching and skill development opportunities within recreational soccer.

Despite these limitations, the benefits of recreational soccer—fostering friendships, enjoying leisure time, and improving physical health —make it a cherished part of many people’s lives.

The Recreational Game: A Catalyst for Physical Well-being

A random sample of 15 male participants, all engaged in amateur football recreationally, served as the subject of the study , “Psychophysical benefits of recreational five-aside football” that informed the creation of following bar chart.

Within this group, 13.3% had experience in competitive football , highlighting a transition to a more leisurely engagement with the sport.

The Impact of Recreational Football on Participants

The bar chart visually encapsulates the physical well-being participants experience through recreational football.

It shows a substantial majority reporting an improvement in their physical state , with 60% feeling “Better” and 26.7% feeling “Much Better,” while a smaller segment of 13.3% reported feeling “Normal” following their participation in the game.

This chart not only presents statistical data but also underscores the importance of recreational football as a beneficial physical activity. It provides compelling evidence that recreational soccer, even when practiced with varying frequency, can have a positive impact on physical well-being.

This emphasizes recreational soccer’s role not just as a pastime, but as a contributor to a healthy lifestyle , showcasing its value in the realm of amateur sports.

Key Differences Between Competitive and Recreational Soccer

Understanding the key differences between competitive and recreational soccer is crucial for players, parents, and coaches to make informed decisions that align with their goals, abilities, and interests. These distinctions shape the experience and expectations of all involved.

Key Differences Between Competitive and Recreational Soccer

Level of Competition and Intensity

The level of competition and intensity is a defining difference between competitive and recreational soccer.

In competitive soccer, players and teams strive for excellence. Every match and training session is designed to push athletes to their limits.

Conversely, recreational soccer offers a more relaxed atmosphere where the emphasis is on enjoyment, participation, and the social aspects of the game rather than the outcome of matches.

Time and Financial Commitments

Competitive soccer requires a significant time and financial commitment from players and their families. This includes extensive training schedules, travel for tournaments, and additional costs for equipment, coaching, and league fees.

The dedication to competitive soccer can impact other areas of life, requiring careful balance and prioritization.

On the other hand, recreational soccer is designed to fit into a more balanced lifestyle, with fewer demands on time and money . This makes it accessible to a wider range of participants who may have other commitments or limited resources.

Coaching and Training Standards

The quality and intensity of coaching and training also vary significantly between competitive and recreational soccer. Competitive teams typically have access to highly qualified coaches who employ advanced training methods, tactical instruction, and performance analysis.

In contrast, recreational soccer coaches may be volunteers or less experienced coaches focusing on basic skills, teamwork, and ensuring that all players have a positive experience. While still valuable, the coaching in recreational soccer is generally not as focused on elite skill development.

Opportunities for Advancement and Recognition

Competitive soccer provides players with opportunities for advancement and recognition that are not available in recreational soccer. Competitive leagues and tournaments often serve as platforms for players to showcase their talents and gain exposure.

Recreational soccer, while offering its own rewards, does not typically provide a pathway to higher levels of play . The focus is on personal enjoyment and community involvement rather than career advancement in the sport.

Overall Objectives and Motivations

Finally, the overall objectives and motivations behind participating in competitive versus recreational soccer highlight a fundamental difference.

Competitive soccer players are often driven by a desire to excel, achieve personal and team goals, and pursue opportunities in soccer beyond the youth level.

Recreational players, while also motivated by a love for the game, prioritize fun, health, and social engagement over competitive success. These differing motivations influence the approach to training , the nature of competition, and the community culture within each sphere of soccer.

Making the Right Choice: Factors to Consider

Deciding between competitive and recreational soccer is a significant decision that can impact a player’s enjoyment of the game, development, and lifestyle. Several factors should be considered to ensure the choice aligns with the player’s goals, abilities, and personal circumstances.

Personal Goals and Aspirations

The decision should start with a clear understanding of the player’s personal goals and aspirations in soccer. Those who dream of playing at a higher level , may find competitive soccer more aligned with their ambitions. This path offers rigorous training, high-level competition, and exposure to scouts.

On the contrary, if the goal is to enjoy the game, stay active, and meet new people, recreational soccer provides a platform that emphasizes fun, community, and a love for the game without the pressure of intense competition .

Time Availability and Lifestyle Considerations

Time availability and lifestyle considerations are critical factors in this decision. Competitive soccer requires a considerable time commitment, not just for training and matches but also for travel and recovery. This can impact academic responsibilities, family time, and other interests.

Recreational soccer, with its flexible scheduling and less demanding nature , may be more suitable for those balancing multiple commitments or seeking a more relaxed involvement in the sport.

Skill Level and Competitive Mindset

Assessing the player’s current skill level and competitive mindset is essential. Competitive soccer can be highly rewarding for those with the skills and desire to challenge themselves against the best .

However, it can also be frustrating and demotivating for those not yet at that level or who do not thrive in highly competitive environments.

mindset to be considered

Recreational soccer offers a platform for players of all skill levels to enjoy the game, improve at their own pace, and participate in a less pressure-filled environment.

Social Preferences and Desire for Teamwork

Consideration of social preferences and the desire for teamwork can guide players to the right choice. Competitive soccer often fosters a strong team bond and camaraderie , born out of shared goals and challenges.

However, the competitive nature may not suit everyone’s social preferences. Recreational soccer is known for its inclusive and friendly atmosphere, making it ideal for those who prioritize socializing and enjoying the game in a community setting.

Balancing between Competitiveness and Enjoyment

Finally, finding the right balance between competitiveness and enjoyment is crucial. This involves weighing the desire to improve and compete at a higher level against the wish to play soccer for the joy and social aspects it brings.

The ideal choice allows the player to fulfill their competitive aspirations while still enjoying the game and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

In conclusion, the choice between competitive and recreational soccer is deeply personal and depends on a variety of factors, including personal goals, time availability, skill level, and social preferences.

Competitive soccer offers a pathway for those with the dedication, skill, and ambition to push themselves to higher levels of the sport, providing opportunities for advancement, rigorous training, and a focus on performance.

Recreational soccer, with its emphasis on fun, social interaction, and flexibility , caters to those seeking enjoyment and community through the beautiful game.

Whether aiming for the heights of professional play or simply looking to enjoy the game with friends, the most important aspect is finding joy and personal growth in the journey of soccer.


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I'm the 25-year-old former footballer, who could have gone pro was it not for my knee injury! Never heard that before, have you? Jokes aside, my life nowadays really revolves around work, fitness, watching A LOT of sports and spending time with the ones I love (add blogging to that!).

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Rec Program vs Travel Program

Some of you may wonder-, "what should i be registering my child for".

Our club provides  three different soccer experiences.  

  • Travel Transition
  • Travel (Developmental & Competitive)

REC is  where the love of the game begins .  Our program serves ages 3-18. There is no tryouts and everybody gets equal playing time. Ages 11 and above are co-ed.  It is all about the kids having fun playing soccer while developing their skills.  We offer Spring and Fall Rec Sessions.


The Travel Transition Program is for U7 & U8 players that will be transitioning to travel soccer at U9 or for players that wish to improve their skills and learn more about the game of soccer. The Travel Transition Program trains 2-3 times per week in the Spring and 1 time per week in the Fall. Over 8-10 weeks they will learn and train on dribbling, shooting, collecting and receiving, passing and shape/space. In the spring we will spend about 5 sessions on each topic and 2 sessions in the fall. The Travel Transition group does not play other teams. We run our training sessions just like a travel team would. We start out by warming up and doing small sided activities with a lot of touches on the ball and progress to small sided scrimmages at the end of each training session. The Travel Transition group is coached by a certified paid coach. Parent coaches that have coached in Rec or in Travel, or parents wishing to start coaching are encouraged to help with the group. The goal of our Travel Transition Program is to provide a fun and positive atmosphere where our players can learn the techniques and tactics that will allow them to transition into the travel program. We offer Spring sessions only at this time.

TRAVEL SOCCER Traveling soccer is a more competitive environment and requires a higher level of commitment by the player (and parents).  Traveling Soccer is comprised of Developmental (U9-U10) and Competitive (U11 and older).  For the U9 and older teams tryouts are held each fall to arrange the teams.  Games are played against other soccer clubs primarily in the Eastern MN & Western WI suburbs.  In addition to league play,  Teams will register for tournaments to gain more experience .  We host one tournament annually in Hudson (the Rivertown Classic), but other tournaments would be played out of town.  Indoor training is included in the cost.

rec vs travel soccer


Listed below are three possible options for each soccer player to take in our program.  There are many other options available through our program but these are the most typical.  

PLEASE NOTE: Due to US soccer mandate of age assignment by birthyear the ages below could be +/- one year.


  • Play Rec through age 6
  • Play Travel Transition ages 7 and 8
  • Start Travel program at age 9
  • Play Rec through age 8
  • Start travel at age 9
  • Play Rec through age 18
  • Programs for all
  • Advanced Rec

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Hudson Physicians

Platinum Sponsor & Official Sports Medicine Provider for Hudson Soccer

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Twin Cities Orthopedics

Platinum Sponsor & Official Sports Medicine Provider for Hudson Soccer

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Volkswagen of Inver Grove

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

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The issue we are having in our rec league for our 8yo daughter is that the quality of players and coaches is going down hill. Previously, we have been happy with the quality of the coaching and the sportsmanship and skill of the players. Sadly, the best coaches and players have moved out of the league into the clubs and the rec league is left with coaches who exist only to build a team around their daughter. The low skilled players do little more than commit yellow card fouls all game long and the refs call none of them. So, our high-skilled daughter is getting elbowed in the face and kicked in the shins all game and she is playing against teams that do nothing but have the their coach's daughter sit in front of the the goal waiting for her teammates to bring her the ball. We are going to try the club league out as they play a better level of soccer (more strategy and passing), the refs actually call fouls, and my daughter will be able to play against girls that will be challenging her with skill, not deliberate elbows in the face.

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A traveler's guide to Novosibirsk, the unofficial capital of Siberia

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Trans-Siberian heritage

Residents of Novosibirsk love trains and are proud of the fact that their city played a significant role in the history of the grand Trans-Siberian railway, which spans the breadth of Russia. The railway is such a part of Novosibirsk identity that it is even depicted on the city’s emblem, along with the bridge that crosses the Ob river and two Siberian sables standing on their hind legs.  

In the city, there are as many as five monuments to trains, and an open-air locomotive museum is located in the vicinity of the train station Seyatel’. The museum has more than 100 steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and carriages, reflecting the history of rail transportation in Russia from pre-revolutionary times to the present day. Wondering around the stationary trains and comparing your height with the diameter of the gigantic iron wheels of the first steam locomotives is all very well, but why not climb inside the carriages and see how the nobility once traveled across Russia in pre-revolutionary times? These tours will however need to be booked in advance. The museum opens from 11:00 until 17:00 every day except Mondays. 

Novosibirsk spans both sides of the river Ob. In the early twentieth century, the border of two different timezones passed right through the city which led to a strange situation- morning on the east bank started one hour earlier than on the west bank! The two-kilometer covered metro bridge that crosses the river is considered the longest in the world. Due to the fluctuations in temperature across the year (on average +30 °C to -30 °C), during the summer the metro bridge expands, and in the winter it contracts by half a meter. To counter these effects, the bridge’s supports are equipped with special rollers that allow it to move.   

The cultural center of Siberia

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The repertoire of the theatre can be viewed on its official website . The theatre season runs from September to July, and comprises mainly classical performances, like the ballet “The Nutcracker” by Tchaikovsky, Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor” and Verdi’s “La Traviata”.  

The large Siberian sea and ligers

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Weekends are best spent at the Novosibirsk zoo . The zoo is known for breeding big cats, although surrounded by controversy, hosts a successful crossing of a tiger and lion, which of course would not otherwise breed in wildlife. Ligers, or exotic cubs of an African lion and Bengal tigress, feel quite comfortable in the Siberian climate and even produce offspring. The zoo is open to visitors year-round, seven days a week, and even has its own free mobile app, Zoo Nsk .

Every year at the beginning of January, the festival of snow culture takes place bringing together artists from across Russia and around the world to participate in a snow sculpting competition. The tradition started in 2000 inspired by the snow festival in Sapporo, Novosibirsk’s twin-city.

Siberian Silicon Valley

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Despite the fact that Akademgorodok was built half a century ago in the middle of the uninhabited Siberian taiga, architecturally it was ahead of its time. No trees were destroyed for its construction, and houses were built right in the middle of the forest. A man walking through the woods would seemingly stumble upon these structures. At that time, no one had built anything similar in the world and ecovillages only became fashionable much later.

For residents of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok is a different world. When you step out the bus or car, you are immediately on one of the hiking paths through the forest, between the scientific buildings and clubs. On a walk through Akademgorodok, it is possible to unexpectedly encounter art-like objects handmade by residents of the city which have been erected as monuments and some monuments fixed up by city authorities. For example, the monument to the laboratory mice, which knits a strand of DNA on to some needles, can be found in the square alongside the Institute of Cytology and Genetics. In Akademgorodok there are many cafes and restaurants, in which it is possible to rest after a long walk. Grab a coffee and go to eat at Traveler’s Coffee , or eat lunch at the grille and bar People’s or Clover .

Winters in the Akademgorodok are slightly colder than in the city, so wrap up. Spring and summer are usually wetter, so waterproof boots are recommended. In the summer the Ob sea provides respite from the heat, so do not forget your swimsuit to go for a dip.

Memento Mori

rec vs travel soccer

Among the exhibits of the museum is one dedicated to world funeral culture — hearses, memorial jewellery from the hair of the deceased, samples from a specific photo-genre of  "post mortem", a collection of funeral wear from the Victorian era, deathmasks, statues and monuments. There’s also an impressive collection of coffins. One of them, resembling a fish, was manufactured on a special visit to Novosibirsk by a designer coffin-maker from Africa, Eric Adjetey Anang, who specializes in the production of unusual coffins.

Surprisingly, the crematorium itself does not look at all gloomy in appearance and definitely does not look like infernal scenes from movies, or like crematoriums of other cities that gravitate towards gloomy temple aesthetics. The Novosibirsk crematorium is decorated in “cheerful” orange tones and is surrounded by a park with a children’s playground nearby. A visit to the museum then leaves you with mixed feelings. 

Novosibirsk underground

rec vs travel soccer

Tourists from all over the world go down into the Moscow metro to take a ride and a few selfies in the most famous underground museum. The Novosibirsk metro is also quite a museum in itself — it has 13 stations, the most beautiful of which is Gagarinskaya, Sibirskaya and Rechnoy Vokzal.

The ultramodern Gagarinskaya station is like a real cosmos underground. Its technologically themed design includes marble walls with metallic elements, dark blue backlighting and portraits of Yuri Gagarin. The Sibirskaya station looks like an underground treasure trove, decorated by Altai masters craftsmen with mosaics of precious Siberian stones. The Rechnoy Vokzal station is framed with ten glowing stained glass windows depicting the largest cities of Siberia, including Novosibirsk itself, Omsk, Barnaul and others. The platform resembles a big ship sailing on the Ob, from which ancient Siberian cities are visible through its windows.  

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Novosibirsk is by plane with Aeroflot or Novosibirsk airline S7 with one-way tickets from Moscow costing from 200-250 USD. If you decide to take from the train from Moscow, you’ll have to travel approximately a third of the Trans-Siberian Railway. That’s 3,300 kilometers over almost a three-day journey. 

Where to stay

There are many great hotels in Novosibirsk. Amongst the best include a four-star Doubletree hotel by Hilton , which is located near Lenin Square (per room from $200). After renovations and repairs, the congress-hotel Novosibirsk has improved (per room from $100) and is located across from the train station. Less expensive but of a similar standard is the four-star River Park hotel near Rechnoy Vokzal metro station, which costs $80 per night.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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rec vs travel soccer

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  1. Recreational vs Travel Soccer: A Comprehensive Guide

    Travel soccer is more competitive, and players are usually required to try out for the team. Also, commitment levels are higher in travel soccer, with more practices, longer seasons, and travel to play against other teams - hence the name. In comparison, recreational soccer focuses less on competition and more on learning the sport, enjoying ...

  2. What is Travel Soccer All About

    Let's start with an overview. Generally speaking, travel soccer is a more competitive level of youth soccer where kids have to try out to be selected to play on a travel soccer team. Travel to games and tournaments is more regional than local. Travel soccer has a bigger time commitment and costs more than recreational soccer.

  3. What's the Difference Between Travel Soccer and Recreational Soccer?

    Recreational: Teams generally start at 4-5 years old and are available for players up to 12-14 years old, depending on the size of the program. Time Commitment. Travel: Between scheduled games and practices, expect the team to meet 3-5 times per week during the soccer season. In addition to league play on weeknights, most teams will play in 2-3 ...

  4. What is Travel Soccer? A Parent's Guide

    Travel soccer is a type of club soccer that emphasizes competitive play and requires travel to games and tournaments usually within state borders. On the other hand, club soccer is the next tier up and usually has paid coaches and more travel requirements. For this reason, club soccer costs much more than travel soccer.

  5. The Difference Between Rec and Travel Teams

    Travel soccer is not for everyone and, in many cases, a player and his or her family may be best served by recreational programs. To be successful in travel soccer, children should show a high level of ability and their families should recognize that a greater commitment, both in terms of attendance at practices and games as well as financially ...

  6. Competitive Youth Soccer: Levels, Leagues & Programs Explained

    These levels typically include: Copper/Bronze: These are entry-level divisions suitable for beginners and players looking for a more relaxed soccer experience. It's a great starting point for young players new to competitive soccer. Silver: The Silver level represents a moderate level of competition and skill development.

  7. Youth Soccer Levels in the U.S. Explained

    Youth soccer in the United States has three main buckets: recreational, travel, and club. It depends on the region but Girls Academy and MLS NEXT (boys) are typically at the top of the youth soccer pyramid. ECNL and National Academy League are a close second. Each youth league and club tries to have a player pathway to develop as they get older.

  8. 10 things to know about travel soccer

    Competitive youth tournament locations. Here's a list of 15 of the biggest & best youth soccer tournaments in the America via 'the'. These tournaments are held in Maryland, Florida, Texas, California, Minnesota, Virginia, New York and Las Vegas. Teams are from all across the country at these national tournaments.

  9. Travel Soccer Teams, What's the Difference and How Do I Join One?

    Recreational Soccer Teams VS Travel Soccer Teams. 1. Everyone gets to play equal minutes. 2. Fun, stress free environment where the result doesn't matter. 3. Enough time to yourself to do other things like go to the cottage, hang out with friends and travel with the family. 4.

  10. PDF What is the difference between Travel and Recreational Soccer?

    Recreational soccer is primarily devoted to the enjoyment and development of soccer players without the same emphasis on travel or high level competition. The purpose of recreational soccer is to provide an opportunity for the participants to have fun, learn the sport and develop life skills including a life long love of the game. Travel Soccer ...

  11. Travel Soccer: What is it and Is it Worth It?

    In addition to how teams are formed, another big difference between recreational soccer and travel soccer is the cost associated with it. Families spend an average of around $1,188 a year on soccer costs, and travel soccer can cost $2,000 or more. Personally, our family paid $2,000 just for the team initiation fee this season.

  12. What is the difference between Recreational soccer and Travel Soccer

    With recreational programs all kids are placed on teams and receive equal playing time. Ability is not a factor and all kids are welcome to play. Coaching is usually parent volunteer coaches. Travel Soccer is a competitive soccer program for those kids and families that want to get more out of their soccer experience. Teams will typically play ...

  13. What is Travel Soccer and Should my Child play?

    Like we talked about earlier, cost could be one of the most prohibitive factors for youth travel soccer. Again, location and club is a huge factor in the affordability of travel soccer. 2. Time commitment. Like our previous comparison to recreation soccer, travel soccer calls for more practices and away games that result in multi hour road trips.

  14. Comparing Competitive Soccer to Recreational Soccer

    Cost. Competitive soccer is more expensive than Recreational soccer. Travel. Competitive game travel is normally within 60 minutes of Puryear Park and requires approximately 50% of games to be away games. Tournament travel can be further, depending on where the tournament location is. Usually, all recreational games are played at Puryear Park.

  15. Competitive Soccer vs Recreational Soccer: All You Need to Know

    Conclusion. In conclusion, the choice between competitive and recreational soccer is deeply personal and depends on a variety of factors, including personal goals, time availability, skill level, and social preferences. Competitive soccer offers a pathway for those with the dedication, skill, and ambition to push themselves to higher levels of ...

  16. Rec Program vs Travel Program

    The Travel Transition Program is for U7 & U8 players that will be transitioning to travel soccer at U9 or for players that wish to improve their skills and learn more about the game of soccer. The Travel Transition Program trains 2-3 times per week in the Spring and 1 time per week in the Fall. Over 8-10 weeks they will learn and train on ...

  17. Youth Soccer: The Differences Between Select (Travel) and Recreational

    A club's status is based on how many teams they have in the upper divisions, so they emphasize winning. 6) Cost - Select soccer can cost anywhere from $600 per year to $2600 per year (even more for CUP). Recreational soccer costs about $70 per year. Labels: Coaching, Multi-Sport Athletes, Youth Soccer.

  18. Rec vs Travel

    There are a number of differences between Travel and Recreation soccer. It is important to understand the differences before registering for one of the programs. Travel Soccer. Recreational Soccer. Includes Fall & Spring Season. Single Season Only (Fall/Spring independent) Two practices per week in Fall. Typically one per week in Spring.

  19. Difference between club and travel soccer? : r/youthsoccer

    HairyEyeballz. •. Probably depends on where you are. Where I am, "travel" implies town teams that travel around the state (rarely beyond 30-45 minutes) to play other town teams. Kind of a step above rec. "Club" implies professional coaching, much higher competition level, regional travel (or beyond), and all the fees that come with those things.

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  21. Nature expeditions and hiking

    Answer 1 of 7: Hey, Any common routes to travel along the siberian natural reserves area from the city? Any advice for someone who wants to see Siberia now in November? Thanks.

  22. Novosibirsk

    Understand [edit] With a population of over 1.6 million people, Novosibirsk is the third most populous city in Russia. The city was founded in 1893 as a transport hub. The city was originally called Novonikolayevsk (Новониколаевск), in honor of both Saint Nicholas and of the reigning Tsar Nicholas II. It became a large industrial ...

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    Hi there. I have received some information through my college and am thinking of going for 2 weeks in the summer. I also have asked the center's director for further info, and she has been incredibly helpful and approachable.

  24. A traveler's guide to Novosibirsk, the unofficial capital of Siberia

    Travel Sept 11 2014 Grigory Kubatian, for RBTH Lori/Legion-Media Novosibirsk is the third most populated city in Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is home to exotic animals such as the ...