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student travel zima

Marzy Ci się wyjazd, z którego nie chcesz wracać? Jesteśmy ekspertami w organizowaniu takich wypadów, a to dlatego że stawiamy na ludzi. Umiemy rozkręcić najlepsze imprezy, odpalamy gry i animacje, które wciągają każdego! Na wyjeździe panuje powszechny zakaz nudy, a Ty wracasz z całą masą niezwykłych wspomnień i grupą znajomych, z którymi nie chcesz się rozstać. Ale wiesz co? Tak naprawdę nie musisz - do zobaczenia na wyjeździe!

student travel zima

Studenci mają -100zł zniżki na każdy wyjazd!

student travel zima

Pilot ST to nie wychowawca kolonijny, ale zaufany przyjaciel

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Program "skarbonka"pozwala jeździć na wyjazdy po taniości!

student travel zima

Sami jesteśmy w wieku 18-35 lat i wiemy jak zorganizować wyjazd, którego nigdy nie zapomnisz

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Dlaczego my?

+ 19 lat na rynku + 100 destynacji + 2 000 zorganizowanych wycieczek + 100 000 zadowolonych uczestników + 600 000 PLN gwarancji ubezpieczeniowej + 5 mln przejechanych kilometrów  

Student Travel jest 16 lat na rynku

Kiedyś Student Travel - teraz ST!

Przez wiele lat byliśmy kojarzeniu jako największe biuro podróży organizujące najlepsze wyjazdy dla studentów. Wielu z Was skończyło już studia i nadal chce z nami jeździć mimo braku legitymacji studenckiej. Dlaczego zmiany?

Zmiany podyktowaliście Wy - nasi obecni i przyszli uczestnicy wyjazdów. Często dostawaliśmy pytania, czy można jechać z nami nawet jeśli nie jest się studentem lub mylono nas z biurem pośrednictwa pracy dla studentów. Uważnie słuchamy Waszych potrzeb i czujemy, że to właściwy czas na zmiany. Ale tylko takie, które sprawią, że Wasz komfort, przeżycia i satysfakcja będą WIĘKSZE!

Kim jesteśmy? - jeśli jeszcze nie znasz ST.

Zapomnij o nudnych wakacjach , podczas których myślisz wyłącznie o powrocie do domu. Zamiast tego wyobraź sobie najlepszą przygodę w swoim życiu. W otoczeniu wspaniałych ludzi, w miejscu, w którym naprawdę chcesz być. Przygodę, po której zostaną Ci wspomnienia do końca życia. Tak właśnie wyglądają podróże z ST.

Jesteśmy największym biurem podróży dla osób w wieku 18 - 35 lat w Polsce . Działamy od 2005 roku, zorganizowaliśmy już kilka tysięcy wyjazdów. Przez ten czas dowiedzieliśmy się o studentach naprawdę wiele! Wiemy, co lubicie w podróżach, co Was nakręca, co nudzi, czego nie możecie znieść i co daje Wam największą moc.

Bogata oferta podróży przez cały rok

Wiemy też, że każdy z Was jest inny! Dlatego nasza oferta wyjazdów za granicę jest naprawdę zróżnicowana i niezwykle bogata. Tak naprawdę, nie ma miejsca w Europie, do którego nie docieramy. Na nasze obozy wybieramy tylko najlepsze europejskie kurorty, w których liczy się dobra zabawa, a słońce jest gwarantowane.

Jakie wyjazdy wakacyjne znajdziesz w ofercie ST?

Naszą ofertę wakacyjnych wyjazdów możemy podzielić na kilka grup, są to oferty: 

  • Party - dla osób nastawionych na imprezowe wyjazdy. Do takich kierunków na pewno zalicza się Bułgaria Złote Piaski czy Grecja Kavos. 
  • Chill - dla tych studentów, którzy lubią odpocząć na pięknej plaży, czy pozwiedzać, ale dobra zabawa też jest dla nich ważna. Tutaj z naszych ofert możemy wyróżnić Chorwację Makarską czy Włochy Rimini.
  • Zwiedzanie - to oferta dla tych, dla których poznanie nowych krajów jest na pierwszym miejscu! Kultowy Eurotrip, ze zwiedzaniem kilku europejskich stolic po drodze? Odkrywanie Bałkanów, na BałkanTripie? Czy rejs statkiem po Bałtyku - BałticTrip? Każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. 
  • Camp - to nasze największe imprezowe wyjazdy. Kilkaset osób w jednym miejscu i koncerty na żywo największych polskich muzycznych gwiazd. 
  • City Break - jeśli lubisz, krótkie weekendowe wycieczki za granicę. Jeśli masz tylko 3-4 dni, a chcesz spędzić fantastyczny czas w grupie rówieśników i poznać nowych ludzi, sprawdź oferty city breaków.
  • Rejsy po Bałtyku - to oferta dla tych, którzy lubią zwiedzać, a wieczorem lubią dobrą zabawę. W ciągu kilku dni zobaczysz kilka europejskich stolic, a wieczorem odpoczniesz i pobawisz się na luksusowym statku wycieczkowym

Nasza oferta już od kilku lat nie zatrzymuje się tylko na Europie. Podbijamy kolejne kontynenty. Dzięki nam w studenckiej grupie możesz polecieć na wakacje do Tajlandii, odpocząć na plażach Meksyku czy odkrywać Islandię. Z ST wyjazdy egzotyczne są też na wyciągnięcie ręki.

Wszystko to składa się na to, że u nas wakacje trwają od początku czerwca do końca września. Tak abyście mogli zdążyć na uczelnie!

Wyjazdy na ferie zimowy

U nas wyjazdy to nie tylko wakacje! U nas znajdziesz również oferty wyjazdów sylwestrowych i w czasie ferii studenckich. W sylwestra znajdziesz wiele wycieczek tych  znanych z wakacji takich jak Eurotrip, sylwester we Włoszech czy impreza sylwestrowa na statku podczas naszego rejsu po Bałtyku. Tym razem możesz zobaczyć miasta, czy kraje w innej zimowej odsłonie. A wszystko to w prawdziwej studenckiej atmosferze witając Nowy 2024 Rok. Jeżeli jesteś fanem zimowych sportów, też znajdziesz coś dla siebie.

W czasie ferii studenckich organizujemy wiele wyjazdów w Alpy. Wolisz narty czy snowboard? Dla nas nie ma znaczenia, na naszych obozach zimowych trafisz na jednych i drugich! W czasie ferii zimowych wybieramy najlepsze kurorty narciarskie - włoskie Val di Sole czy Livigno, francuskie Risoul czy Chopok na Słowacji. 

Wyjazdy na majówkę - jeszcze nam mało!

Zazwyczaj zimą i na początku wiosny pogoda w Polsce nas nie rozpieszcza. A jeśli jeszcze chcesz odpocząć przed zbliżającą się sesją w czerwcu, wybierz się z nami na majówkę . Krótki wypad do Paryża i Amsterdamu, zwiedzanie Rumunii czy Słowenii, a może chill w Czarnogórze lub Albanii? Jak co roku możesz również wybrać się na autokarową wycieczkę do Portugalii, czyli znany i lubiany wszystkim Eurotrip w majowym wydaniu. W związku ze zmianą ze Student Travel na ST w ofercie majówek mamy też wyjazdy poza Europę, możesz polecieć do Tajlandii, Gruzji.

Dlaczego wybrać ST - wyjazdy z najlepszą ekipą?

Gwarantujemy Wam świetnie przygotowany i dopracowany w każdym calu plan podróży, sprawdzone noclegi, komfortową podróż, opiekę najlepszych pilotów wycieczek i ekipę, która sprawi, że organizowane przez nas wyjazdy już nie tylko "studenckie" będą magiczne. Z nami zawsze jest spoko!

Nie siedź w domu w wakacje, ferie czy majówkę!. Nie spędzaj kolejnego takiego samego Sylwestra. Spędź ten czas z nami - zwiedzaj, odpoczywaj, poznawaj nowych ludzi, odkrywaj nowe kultury, smaki i zapachy. Studia to nie tylko nauka. To przygoda, którą możemy wspólnie przeżyć! Pamiętaj nasze hasło “ Nie ważne gdzie! Ważne z kim! ”

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Student Travel Simplified.

Make memories with your students that will last a lifetime. leave everything else to us..

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Our Student Travel Philosophy

Easy safe travel for students, educators, and their parents. We are exclusively a school travel company, that partners with schools to identify where they want to go, and get them there safely, and seamlessly while enhancing the travel experience along the way.

Simplified Student Travel has experience traveling to many destination spots from coast to coast and into Canada. Pick your destination spot from our home page and start putting together your trip.

No more envelopes with miscounted amounts, and no more faded and ripped currency to hand over to accounting.   Parents and Teachers can register and pay for trips online.  Parents can even take advantage of our payment plans which gives families plenty of time to plan and budget for their trip.

One of our biggest value adds is that we will be sending at least one Simplified Point person on every trip.  They will be responsible for every detail from departure to arrival back and everything in between.   Meal stops, Hotels, Transportation, Site Visits, reservations – we will take care of it all.  

Popular Destinations

Here are a few of our most popular destinations. Contact us if you see a destination you are interested in that is not listed.

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5 Carry-On Essentials Every Student Needs On A Trip

5 things to know before traveling to south korea, disney on broadway student guide, colonial williamsburg student guide, discover kaleidoscopes adventures, welcome student travel planners.

Understanding the pivotal role you play in crafting meaningful travel experiences for students, we are here to aid and inspire your journey.

Designed specifically with teachers and youth travel planners in mind, our resources offer an invaluable reservoir of articles, curated guides, and expert insights. Our content is meticulously chosen to ensure you have access to the most relevant, up-to-date, and practical information. Whether you're mapping out a historical tour, seeking creative excursion ideas, or simply need advice on smooth and safe travel logistics, we've got you covered.

Navigate with ease, discover our top recommendations, and equip yourself with tools and knowledge to transform student travel into unforgettable learning experiences. Your commitment to enriching students' lives through travel deserves the best resources, and we're here to deliver just that.

Craft your next student adventure with confidence and inspiration!

student travel zima

Engage Young Minds at George Mason’s Gunston Hall

Field Trip Ideas , Mid-Atlantic

A perfect destination for field trips for schools and youth groups, George Mason’s Gunston Hall stands as an educational gem offering enriching experiences to those interested in the nation’s foundational history.

The Lessons of Gettysburg

The Lessons of Gettysburg

The Presidential Places of Gettysburg

The Presidential Places of Gettysburg

Students Explore and Learn with City Cruises

Students Explore and Learn with City Cruises

Mid-Atlantic , Site InSpections

Visit Historic Fredericksburg

Visit Historic Fredericksburg

Adventures Await At Mystic Seaport Museum

Adventures Await At Mystic Seaport Museum

Exploring The Museum of Modern Art

Exploring The Museum of Modern Art

The Best Places to Go Camping in Florida

The Best Places to Go Camping in Florida

If you’re looking for a low-cost, flexible, and fun vacation, then a camping trip is just what you need.

Asheville Student Itinerary

Asheville Student Itinerary

Itinerary , Southeast

Colonial Williamsburg Student Guide

Featured , Locations , Mid-Atlantic , Southeast

Deliver an Authentic Smokies Experience with Tour Tennessee

Deliver an Authentic Smokies Experience with Tour Tennessee

Smoky Mountain STEM and Dollywood Thrills in Pigeon Forge

Smoky Mountain STEM and Dollywood Thrills in Pigeon Forge

Site InSpections , Southeast

Fun in the Sun at Ron Jon Surf Shop—Cocoa Beach

Fun in the Sun at Ron Jon Surf Shop—Cocoa Beach

6 Must-See National Parks in the Southeastern United States for Students

6 Must-See National Parks in the Southeastern United States for Students

Southeast , Where to Go

Coastal Adventures Quest in Corpus Christi

Coastal Adventures Quest in Corpus Christi

Itinerary , Southwest

This 3-day student group travel experience in Corpus Christi is designed to ignite curiosity and create lasting memories against the backdrop of the Texas Gulf Coast.

A River Runs Through It

A River Runs Through It

A Historic Garden Party at Houmas House

A Historic Garden Party at Houmas House

STEM City Hosts Virtual STEM Nights beginning May 3

STEM City Hosts Virtual STEM Nights beginning May 3

Southwest , STEM , Student Travel News

Embark on a Virtual STEM Experience with the Southwestern Institutions

Embark on a Virtual STEM Experience with the Southwestern Institutions

Southwest , STEM

Five Fun Theme Parks in the Southeast That Aren’t Disney

Five Fun Theme Parks in the Southeast That Aren’t Disney

Band and Choir Trips , Mid-Atlantic , Southeast , Southwest

Heritage Sites and Museums to Explore in the Southwest

Heritage Sites and Museums to Explore in the Southwest

History & Education , Southwest

Navigating Cincinnati’s Best Field Trip Opportunities

Navigating Cincinnati’s Best Field Trip Opportunities

Field Trip Ideas , Midwest

As you begin to plan your next field trip, contact the group sales or educational departments directly at each of these institutions to start exploring the diverse opportunities Cincinnati presents

America Sings! Choral Group Event Returns to Chicago Southland

America Sings! Choral Group Event Returns to Chicago Southland

Band and Choir Trips , Midwest

Midwestern State Park Programs STEM Students Will Love

Midwestern State Park Programs STEM Students Will Love

Midwest , STEM

7 Midwestern Theme Parks for Your Next Student Performance Trip

7 Midwestern Theme Parks for Your Next Student Performance Trip

Midwestern STEM Experiences for Students

Midwestern STEM Experiences for Students

Midwest , Virtual Field Trips

Lewis & Clark Come to Life at These 6 Interpretive Centers

Lewis & Clark Come to Life at These 6 Interpretive Centers

Frontier West , History & Education , Midwest

Immersive Midwestern Virtual Art Experiences

Immersive Midwestern Virtual Art Experiences

Colorado Connections

Colorado Connections

Discover the many joys of Colorado’s history—from a historic trading post to a museum of the...

Engaging, Student-Friendly Historic Sites in the Frontier West

Engaging, Student-Friendly Historic Sites in the Frontier West

Frontier West , History & Education

7 Virtual National Parks For Your Next Virtual Science Adventure

7 Virtual National Parks For Your Next Virtual Science Adventure

Frontier West , STEM

8 Stunning Frontier West Student Performance Venues

8 Stunning Frontier West Student Performance Venues

Band and Choir Trips , Frontier West

Pioneer and Natural History Things to Do in Colorado Springs for Students

Pioneer and Natural History Things to Do in Colorado Springs for Students

Frontier West , History & Education , Site InSpections , Where to Go

Old West Reenactment Sites in the Mountain West

Old West Reenactment Sites in the Mountain West

Frontier West , History & Education , Where to Go

The Best Kayaking Trips in the Pacific Northwest

The Best Kayaking Trips in the Pacific Northwest

West Coast , Where to Go

Enjoy the picturesque sights of the best kayaking trips in the Pacific Northwest with your students. They’ll surely remember all the fun they had forever.

Why Maui is the Perfect Choice for a Student Trip

Why Maui is the Perfect Choice for a Student Trip

Virtually Discover the West from Home

Virtually Discover the West from Home

History & Education , West Coast

Virtually Visit These West Coast Zoos and Science Centers

Virtually Visit These West Coast Zoos and Science Centers

Virtual Field Trips , West Coast

Top Natural Science Museums in the West

Top Natural Science Museums in the West

History & Education , West Coast , Where to Go

Beyond Disney: Planning Your Los Angeles STEM Experience

Beyond Disney: Planning Your Los Angeles STEM Experience

STEM , West Coast , Where to Go

Seattle: A Pacific Northwest STEM Adventure

Seattle: A Pacific Northwest STEM Adventure

Rhode Island Field Trip Guide

Rhode Island Field Trip Guide

Field Trip Ideas , New England

Whoever said size matters has never been to Rhode Island. While the smallest state in size, Rhode Island punches way above its weight when it comes to adventure, charm, luxury, natural beauty and artistic endeavors. Known for its sandy shores and seaside colonial towns, this New England state is also home to several large cities, including Newport, famed for its Gilded Age mansions. And with...

Vermont Field Trip Guide

Vermont Field Trip Guide

New Hampshire Field Trip Guide

New Hampshire Field Trip Guide

Massachusetts Field Trip Guide

Massachusetts Field Trip Guide

Maine Field Trip Guide

Maine Field Trip Guide

Connecticut Field Trip Guide

Connecticut Field Trip Guide

Transportive Virtual New England History Experiences

Transportive Virtual New England History Experiences

History & Education , New England , Virtual Field Trips

Time Traveling In Virginia

Time Traveling In Virginia

At Jamestown Settlement and the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown history lives on Jamestown...

Now You See It, Now You Don’t at the Museum of Illusions

Now You See It, Now You Don’t at the Museum of Illusions

Travel Ideas for Students Ready to Explore

Travel Ideas for Students Ready to Explore

Canada , Student Travel News

Life as a student has its own unique challenges. You spend your days studying and also have to...

Brightspark’s International Student Tour Options

Brightspark’s International Student Tour Options

Canada , Site InSpections

6 National Parks for your Next Winter School Excursion

6 National Parks for your Next Winter School Excursion

Canada , Where to Go

Students Are Blown Away by Niagara Falls in Canada

Students Are Blown Away by Niagara Falls in Canada

Great Unknown Destinations Across the 7 Continents

Great Unknown Destinations Across the 7 Continents

Experience France Closer to Home: Quebec City

Experience France Closer to Home: Quebec City

How to choose your next student travel destination.

Canada , Planning Advice

Why Students Should Travel During Semester Breaks

Europe , Locations

You have probably struggled the whole year in school to get a well-deserved break when you could get some rest and forget for a while all the tests and exams. Sleepless nights and stressful days may turn into a great wish to...

Places To See and Things To Do in Istanbul

Places To See and Things To Do in Istanbul

Europe , Planning Advice

A Student’s Guide to Surviving London

A Student’s Guide to Surviving London

Exceptional Study Abroad Nations in Europe

Exceptional Study Abroad Nations in Europe

Top Travel Destinations in the UK for Students

Top Travel Destinations in the UK for Students

Europe , Where to Go

How to Travel in Europe: Research and Budgeting Tips for Students

How to Travel in Europe: Research and Budgeting Tips for Students

Authentic Italian Eateries for Students in Rome

Authentic Italian Eateries for Students in Rome

5 Things to Know Before Traveling to South Korea

Asia , Featured

As is always the requirement for any foreign trip, preparations should be made for the trip, well ahead of time. As to what those preparations should be, let’s take a look.

Budget International Travel Destinations for Students

Asia , Latin America , Locations

Top Five Reasons Why Japan Is Awesome

Top Five Reasons Why Japan Is Awesome

Asia , Where to Go

Study Abroad at These Asian Universities

Study Abroad at These Asian Universities

Asia , Band and Choir Trips , History & Education , Locations

5 Amazing Natural Sights to See in Australia

5 Amazing Natural Sights to See in Australia

Asia , Global , Where to Go

Exploring Bali: A Student Guide

Exploring Bali: A Student Guide

4 Activities You Have to Try While Traveling Southeast Asia

4 Activities You Have to Try While Traveling Southeast Asia

Best Destinations for Students to Travel

Best Destinations for Students to Travel

Costa Rica is known for beautiful beaches, variety of accommodations and rugged mountain terrain that holds the opportunity for adventure.

Ecotourism Opportunities for Students in Costa Rica

Ecotourism Opportunities for Students in Costa Rica

Latin America , STEM

Top Student Tours of Costa Rica’s Environment

Top Student Tours of Costa Rica’s Environment

Latin America , Locations , STEM

Peru is the South American Country Students Should Visit Next

Peru is the South American Country Students Should Visit Next

Latin America , Where to Go

Our Top 5 Accommodations Picks in San José

Our Top 5 Accommodations Picks in San José

Top 5 Authentic Eateries for Students in San José

Top 5 Authentic Eateries for Students in San José

student travel zima

St. Catharines Museum and Welland Canals Centre

Chanhassen Dinner Theatres Presents!

Chanhassen Dinner Theatres Presents!

Band and Choir Trips , Field Trip Ideas

Iconic Ford’s Theatre for Student Groups

Iconic Ford’s Theatre for Student Groups

Field Trip Ideas , History & Education

Virginia Beach is for Students

Virginia Beach is for Students

Field Trip Ideas , Graduation Trips

Holiday Magic at Madison Square Garden

Holiday Magic at Madison Square Garden

Explore the Museum of the American Revolution

Explore the Museum of the American Revolution

Journey beyond the classroom: trusted guides for student travel.

Embrace the rejuvenated spirit of student travel with our latest editions of the Student Travel Planning Guide and the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Field Trip Guide . Dive into curated insights, from language-focused adventures and top Central Florida theme parks to mesmerizing attractions nationwide, ensuring every journey is as enlightening as it is thrilling. Whether you're seeking hands-on experiences, virtual expeditions, or regional gems, these guides are meticulously crafted for educators and planners to create the most impactful trips for their students.

Tap Cover to Explore

student travel zima

8 Virtual Mid-Atlantic STEM Experiences

Mid-Atlantic , STEM

6 Summer STEM Camps at Midwestern Colleges

6 Summer STEM Camps at Midwestern Colleges

Student Adventures Home

Lifelong Memories Await!

Chart your course towards discovery, identity, and authenticity with Student Adventures. Embark on transformative journeys that lead you towards your true north, where adventure, growth, and discovery await.

student travel zima

Crafting Transformative Experiences

Welcome to Student Adventures, where we’re dedicated to crafting educational travel experiences that go beyond the ordinary. As guides on the path to discovery, we’re committed to providing safe, affordable, and enriching adventures that spark curiosity and foster personal growth.

Our technology

Empowerment at your fingertips.

Equip your students with the tools they need to thrive with our innovative mobile app. Designed to enhance safety and convenience, our app serves as a trusted companion, providing essential information and seamless communication throughout the journey.

student travel zima

Our approach

Create unforgettable memories.

Every journey with Student Adventures is an opportunity for students to embark on an adventure of a lifetime. From exploring historic landmarks to immersing themselves in new cultures, our carefully curated tours offer experiences that inspire, educate, and enrich the lives of students.ere

Why choose student adventures?

Empowering your journey, exceptional service.

We prioritize understanding partners, crafting unforgettable tours. With a focus on enhancements, we’re here whenever you need us.

Competitive Pricing

Our extensive network of partnerships nationwide enables us to offer competitive pricing while maintaining top-quality experiences.

Safe Travel Team

From destination assessments to vendor monitoring, we ensure compliance with CDC, WHO, and local health guidelines.

celestial journeys

Dream destinations await you.

Embark on an unforgettable adventure to some of America’s most iconic destinations. From the historic landmarks of Washington DC to the vibrant streets of New York, the possibilities are endless, and the memories are limitless with Student Adventures as your guide.

student travel zima

Washington D.C.

Mackinac Island

Educators Love What We Do

Many thanks to David Johns, who worked tirelessly from start to finish – and beyond – to ensure the students at Notre Dame experience the safest, most memorable 8th grade trip possible.

Jill Mistretta

Notre Dame Marist Academy, Middle Division

I have worked with Student Adventures for many years.  They are by far the best student travel company I have ever used.  From sign-up, registration to organizing right on through the trip execution, they are very professional and they always go above and beyond to make the trip a great experience.  I would be happy to recommend Student Adventures to other schools and teachers.

Grand Blanc East Middle School

Every detail of our trip is planned out well in advance of our tour.  The tour guides know the area and not only make sure students are safe and well cared for, but educate them along the way.  The Student Adventures Team is amazing. The thing I am most amazed with is their ability to manage the unexpected such that nobody even knows that something isn’t going as initially planned.  I will never consider a different student travel company.

Mark Wilson

Scranton Middle School

I enjoy working with your staff. I feel like everyone is constantly working very hard for me and the success of my trip. I also feel like everyone there has my back with the hard decisions that need to be made. I love the “family owned” aspect/feel of

Amber Dorsey

Licking Heights Middle School

student travel zima

Start Planning Your Adventure

Begin your journey with Student Adventures. Explore our educational tours and start planning your unforgettable adventure today.

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Experiențe uimitoare și aventuri distractive cu Work & Travel USA.

Ești tânăr, aventuros și independent? Îți dorești cea mai tare experiență de vară? Prin programele noastre poți să călătorești, să câștigi bani, să îți faci prieteni noi și să trăiești experiențe de neuitat.

Work & Travel

Programul Work & Travel USA este una dintre cele mai bune modalități de a experimenta viața în Statele Unite și de a-ți petrece vacanța universitară descoperind cum este să trăiești,  să  lucrezi și călătorești în SUA.

Află cum poți pleca în State și cum poți obține cel mai tare job!

Descoperă america cu cea mai bună experiență de vară.

student travel zima

Eagle Mountain House and Golf Club

The Eagle Mountain House is a historic 96 guest room hotel in Jackson, NH, offering sweeping views of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The hotel has a number of amenities including a 9-hole golf course, Highfield’s Restaurant dining room, the Eagle Landing Tavern, and the seasonal outdoor Veranda Cafe. The area is perfect for those who love the outdoors – in the summer, enjoy kayaking, swimming, biking hiking, and so much more.

student travel zima

Bayfield Inn

The Bayfield Inn has been voted #1 hotel by TripAdvisor for seven consecutive years. The two-story, 21 room boutique hotel is located on Lake Superior with gorgeous views of the Bayfield Harbor. The hotel boasts three dining facilities: the lakeside dining room; the separate lounge with additional food service and the outstanding upper deck known for the best views of Lake Superior in Bayfield.

student travel zima

Refuge Golf and Bumper Boats

Nestled on Chincoteague Island in Virginia, our family-owned Family Entertainment Center boasts over 30 years of providing unforgettable experiences. With attractions like miniature golf, bumper boats, and go-karts, along with a diverse staff including local youth and international J-1 students, there’s never a dull moment at Funland. Plus, our prime location offers easy access to nearby attractions like the annual pony swim, pristine beaches, and major cities such as Ocean City, Virginia Beach, and Washington DC.

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Iulia Balaj

E posibil să ajungi și tu în state.

Dacă cineva mi-ar fi spus acum 2-3 ani, că eu am să merg în Statele Unite probabil i-aș fi râs în față crezând că e o glumă. Știam cât de greu se obține viza, știam cât de scumpă și diferită e viața aici, știam cât de departe de casă este, știam că e… imposibil. Însă iată-mă acum aici, petrecând cea de a doua mea vară în State, vizitând, explorând, trăindu-mi viața în cel mai nebunesc și frumos mod posibil, însă muncind din greu.

Roland Sraum

Am avut o experiență fantastică.

Călătoria în America a fost luungă (30 de ore), superbă cu compania Delta, am ajuns la cazare in jurul orei 9 seara, iar atunci am aflat că o să încep lucrul următoare zi la ora 8 🤕 Prima săptămână a fost cea mai grea, până am făcut trainingul, am învățat unde este locul la toate, a trecut cumva, eram maxim de obosit. Prima zi libera ii cea mai tare, am mers la shopping, am rămas uluiți de cate lucruri noi văzusem. După două săptămâni am lucrat deja singur in partea mea de bucătărie, fiind destul de multe comenzi, abia așteptăm să ajungă noii colegi din Romania.

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Alexandra Samoilă

Primii pași spre „visul american”.

Dacă ești student și visezi să te plimbi pe străzile aglomerate ale New York-ului, să te pierzi printre clădirile înalte, să te bucuri de soare pe plajă, la umbra unui palmier înalt în Miami Beach, să te lași vrăjit de luminile din Las Vegas și să te simți constant ca un actor care joacă în filmul său american preferat pe care obișnuiai să-l vizionezi de nenumărate ori când erai copil, atunci răspunsul pentru tine este programul Work and Travel.

Andreea Bianca Asman

Cum m-a schimbat experiența work and travel.

Acum doi ani începea aventura mea cu Work&Travel. Entuziasmată, dar ușor speriată, am aplicat pentru acest program în toamna anului 2021. Pe atunci nu știam că viitorul avea să-mi aducă experiențe unice, noi prieteni și amintiri pe care le voi prețui toată viața.

Vreau să vă împărtășesc experiența mea, peripețiile și ce înseamnă acest program pentru mine, dar pentru asta trebuie să ne întoarcem de unde a început totul.

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Pe lângă programul Work & Travel USA, oferim o gamă largă de alte experiențe în SUA și Islanda

Internship and training usa, work and travel islanda, au pair usa.

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Work & Travel USA este un program de schimb cultural al Departamentului de Stat al Statelor Unite ale Americii, prin care doar studenții au posibilitatea să muncească legal în America, pe perioada vacanței universitare de vară.

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Empowering Students Through Education-Focused Travel Programs

Bridging Education and Wanderlust with Tailored Travel Experiences for Students

Excursion Programs

Explore educational excursions bridging gap between studies and travel opportunities.

man sitting on gray concrete floor during daytime

Unique Study Abroad

Discover new cultures.

silhouette of man holding luggage inside airport

Global Immersion Trips

Immerse in diverse cultures worldwide.

Empower Students

Bridging education and travel, our programs cater to student's wanderlust and academic needs.

Explore Opportunities Through Education

Take action in studies while exploring opportunities for personal growth and learning.

world map with pins

Personal Work Experience

Experience. With our intuitive design and user-friendly interface, your website will captivate visitors. 2

Empowering Students Through Education and Travel

At Simplified Student Travel, we bridge the gap between education and wanderlust, offering programs tailored to student needs. Explore new opportunities while excelling in your studies.

person holding passports

Inspiring journeys

Contact us today for excursions.

Reach out to us for more information on our educational travel programs and how we can help empower students through exploration.

[email protected]

Bridging the gap between education and wanderlust of travel.

(770) 795-8924

© 2024. All rights reserved.

5330 BROOKSTONE DRIVE NW, PO BOX 801349, ACWORTH, GA, 30101-7183, USA

All Programs

High school, middle school, apply now & login.

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"On these programs, I repeatedly witness students maturing and gaining skills in self-reliance, collaboration, science, and critical thinking. In short, I watch students become leaders." Dr. M. Jackson, National Geographic Explorer

Student Programs to Inspire Your Inner Explorer

Explore with Nat Geo This Summer

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Anthropology, Culture, & Tradition

Understand the links between the ancient and present worlds, communities, and traditions, encountering traces of past civilizations and experiencing vibrant traditions that exist today.

Understand the links between the ancient and present worlds, communities, and traditions, encountering traces of…

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Climate & Geology

Examine Earth processes, witness dramatic geological forces at work, and discuss the science of global climate change with local researchers.

Examine Earth processes, witness dramatic geological forces at work, and discuss the science of global…

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Innovation, Technology & Robotics

Get a firsthand look at new technologies that are being created to address challenges facing the world today.

Get a firsthand look at new technologies that are being created to address challenges facing…

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Set out on shoots to improve your photography or film skills, leveraging storytelling to illuminate the places you encounter.

Set out on shoots to improve your photography or film skills, leveraging storytelling to illuminate…

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Wildlife Conservation

Delve into underwater ecosystems and better understand how the health of our oceans, seas, and shorelines impacts all life on Earth.

Delve into underwater ecosystems and better understand how the health of our oceans, seas, and…

View All Putney Student Travel Programs

View Programs

On these programs, I repeatedly witness students maturing and gaining skills in self-reliance, collaboration, science, and critical thinking. In short, I watch students become leaders. Dr. M. Jackson, National Geographic Explorer

High School & Middle School Programs

National Geographic Student Travel programs enable high school and middle school students to engage with the world in the spirit of National Geographic Explorers—fueled by curiosity, collaboration, and a desire to understand our planet and its people.

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Engineering & Robotics on the MIT Campus

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  • Canadian Arctic Exploration
  • Costa Rica Exploration
  • Ecuador & the Galápagos Exploration
  • Engineering & Robotics on the MIT Campus University Workshop
  • Iceland Exploration
  • Japan Exploration
  • Namibia Exploration
  • Norway Exploration
  • Thailand Exploration
  • Yellowstone Photography Workshop Photography Workshop
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  • Middle School Italy & Greece Middle School
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Putney Student Travel operates student programs under license from the National Geographic Society. The name of \\\\\\\"National Geographic\\\\\\\" and the Yellow Border are trademarks of the National Geographic Society and Putney Student Travel is an authorized user.

877.877.8759 | [email protected] | 345 Hickory Ridge Rd. Putney, VT 05346

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June 1, 2020

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Your first study-abroad trip is an experience you'll never forget, but student travel has its challenges. You've got to stay healthy, be safe and manage your money well. Here's how.

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Student Travel Insurance Benefits

Study-abroad and student travel programs are an incredible opportunity for... More »

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5 Ideas For Study Abroad Alternatives

Most traditional study abroad programs include daytime classes and a home... More »

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Travel Insurance for Students

Allianz Global Assistance is there when you can't be. We offer travel insurance plans that... More »

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Insurance benefits underwritten by BCS Insurance Company (OH, Administrative Office: 2 Mid America Plaza, Suite 200, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181), rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233), rated “A+” (Superior) by A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C series or 101-P series, depending on your state of residence and plan chosen. A+ (Superior) and A (Excellent) are the 2nd and 3rd highest, respectively, of A.M. Best's 13 Financial Strength Ratings. Plans only available to U.S. residents and may not be available in all jurisdictions. Allianz Global Assistance and Allianz Travel Insurance are marks of AGA Service Company dba Allianz Global Assistance or its affiliates. Allianz Travel Insurance products are distributed by Allianz Global Assistance, the licensed producer and administrator of these plans and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage due to the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. Plans include insurance benefits and assistance services. Any Non-Insurance Assistance services purchased are provided through AGA Service Company. Except as expressly provided under your plan, you are responsible for charges you incur from third parties. Contact AGA Service Company at  800-284-8300 or 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233 or [email protected] .

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Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist

Meaningful and authentic teen travel. explore our 2024 programs..

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Language Immersion

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Community Service

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Cultural Exploration

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Photography Workshops

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For Older Teens

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For Middle School

Authentic travel.

We are committed to our mission of inspiring youth and providing transformative travel experiences. We use a hands-on approach to discover what it means to live like a local in each destination. Our programs instill a love for travel, hunger for learning, and genuine curiosity about different cultures.

Ditch the tour bus and have a real traveler’s experience with us this summer!

Ready for an authentic teen travel experience?

Choose from 46 countries to explore.

Canada Adventure

Featured Programs

Thrill Walk

Ultimate European Explorer

  • Jun 29 - Jul 23 Full

Current Grades

Program length.

turtle snorkel

Hawaii Sea Turtle Service & Adventure

  • Jun 29 - Jul 9 Full
  • Jul 10 - Jul 20 Full
  • Jul 21 - Jul 31 Full
  • Aug 1 - Aug 11 Full
  • Jun 19 - Jun 29 Full


Europe for Middle School: Greece, Italy & the Islands

  • Jul 11 - Aug 4 Full

Teenage travelers explore Amsterdam on summer travel program in Europe

Europe for Older Teens: Amsterdam, Munich, Swiss Alps & Venice

  • Jun 29 - Jul 11 Full
  • Jul 3 - Jul 15 Full
  • Jul 23 - Aug 4 Full

Teen enjoys surfing in Costa Rica on summer student travel program.

Costa Rica for Older Teens: Adrenaline

Teens enjoy the beach in Costa Rica on their summer travel tour.

Costa Rica for Middle School: Adrenaline

Teen poses in front of a traditional temple in Japan during their summer high school program.

Japan Discovery & Service

  • Jun 25 - Jul 11 Full
  • Jun 29 - Jul 15 Full
  • Jul 11 - Jul 27 Full
  • Jul 27 - Aug 12 Full

9, 10, 11, 12

High School boy on Thailand Teen Tour

Thailand Elephant Service & the Islands


Canada for Middle School


Canada Adventure


South Korea Discovery & Service

  • Jul 15 - Jul 31 Full

Teen Boy In Santorini

Greece, Italy & the Islands

summer camp

Peru Service

An excited teen celebrates atop Machu Picchu on her summer adventure tour of Peru.

Peru, Ecuador, & the Galápagos Service

  • Jun 29 - Jul 19 Full


Bali: Healthcare Education & Medical Outreach

  • Jul 21 - Aug 6 Full

Dancing Lesson Greece

Greece Island Hopping Summer Break for College Students

  • Jun 18 - Jun 28 Full

Ireland Student Travel

Europe for Middle School: Sláinte Ireland

  • Jul 29 - Aug 8 Full


Scotland & Ireland Adventure

  • Jul 27 - Aug 8 Full

Students help baby sea turtles to the water on their summer service program in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica Sea Turtle Service & Adventure

costa rica animal rescue

Costa Rica Wildlife Rescue & Service


Tanzania Service & Safari


Barcelona & Paris

  • Jun 23 - Jul 3 Full
  • Jul 15 - Jul 25 Full
  • Jul 27 - Aug 6 Full


Europe for Older Teens: Ultimate European Explorer

  • Jun 21 - Jul 15 Full

Students watch a sloth climb through the trees on their summer service program in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica Animal Rescue Service

  • Jul 21 - Aug 10 Full


Europe for Older Teens: Berlin, Krakow, Vienna & Budapest

  • Jul 15 - Jul 27 Full


Greece: Athens & the Islands

  • Jun 21 - Jul 3 Full
  • Jul 11 - Jul 23 Full

Browse Our Teen Travel Programs by Grade

Explore our programs by grade and find the perfect unforgettable trip.

7th & 8th Grade Programs

9th & 10th Grade Programs

11th & 12th Grade Programs

College Programs

Why TFT is the best in youth travel

Local experiences.

Our mission is authentic travel. We partner with local experts to create enriching experiences that teach teens to be savvy travelers. Every program is designed to be hands-on—emphasizing doing and feeling, in addition to just seeing, so teens discover what it means to live like a local in every country we visit.

Small and Diverse

Group sizes of 16-24 students allow us to travel comfortably and to make real connections to each other and the host community. Participants come from a mix of different states, regions, and countries. We also welcome solo travelers — 75% of our teens join us without a friend!

Transformative Teen Travel

Travel isn’t just about new places; it’s about new perspectives. We encourage teens to step outside their comfort zone and into cultural immersion. They leave our programs with a better understanding of the world and with the confidence to keep exploring!

The Most Variety

We offer more programs in more destinations than any other teen travel company. With over 100 programs and 40+ countries to choose from, you’re sure to find a program that’s the perfect fit.

Travel with us and discover why we are consistently winning awards for Top Youth Travel Organization.

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Authenticity is ingrained in everything we do. Eat, stay, and travel like a local.

Check out what past travelers have to say about TFT and discover why we are consistently winning awards for Top Youth Travel Organization.

"Finding your program was a gift! It is the BEST opportunity out there for children to travel the world with like-minded peers & reasonable responsible and fun-loving young adults who want to go and explore these incredible cultures and countries. I appreciated how clear you made it that kids can come without friends and a willingness to make new friends. The trip had it all… adventure, history, independence, amazing people, great food, and beautiful lodging all while keeping mom and dad at home informed and feeling like all is well with their child as they grow and experience this incredible gift of grace. I am very grateful for you all and the HUGE team that makes this program work so smoothly. Thank you tons and tons. Travel on and keep up the great work!!!" Parent Europe for Older Teens: Prague, Austria, Slovenia & Croatia
"This is simply one of the best things we ever did for Ethan. That first trip opened him to a new world. Different cultures, food, diversity, sights, relationships, team building, confidence, independence...only a few of the positive gains for Ethan. Now, he is off to George Washington University with confidence, excitement, and an awareness for others for which we are so grateful. We are pleased and appreciative beyond words to be a member of the TFT family for a lifetime!" Diana S. Paoli, PA
"Thank you for giving Kat such a great experience. She had a wonderful time. You guys are terrific. The great parental bonus -- and I'm sure you hear this all the time -- is the photographs and the daily email. We get to see what the kids are seeing and we get to see the group and we get to see our teen. What could be better? Viewing the pictures became our evening ritual: out on the deck overlooking suburbia, sipping cold drinks, and oohing and ahhing over the photos, feeling almost like we were there. I'm sure you're awash in praise like this -- as you should be. Kat had such an enriching trip. Thank you very much! With any luck she'll be back next summer." Tom and Madora K. Old Lyme, CT
"I have traveled with TFT for four summers now, exploring Costa Rica, Croatia, Fiji and Greece. These trips have been the highlight of my summers. They have broadened my horizons and strengthened my confidence. Going on these trips and meeting new people changed how I view the world. I love having conversations with locals and people I meet along the way. The small TFT groups and the knowledgeable and enthusiastic group leaders make for a fun and eye-opening experience. What sets TFT apart is that we immerse ourselves in the culture and we are not just tourists. We meet locals, hear stories about their lives, and it is truly invigorating. Travel For Teens has given me so much more than fun memories over the summer. They have given me the ability to be comfortable talking to anyone, being in new places, having a widened perspective on other cultures, and to be independent. On my Costa Rica and Fiji trips, we volunteered with school children. In a very short time we made deep connections that I will always cherish. I feel so fortunate to have had my eyes opened through TFT to so many beautiful places and memorable people." Anna F. Basking Ridge, NJ

Unforgettable Adventures Off the Beaten Path

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  • Abbie Andrew
  • Angela Barnhart
  • Colin Burke
  • Amber Burks
  • Evan Czyzowski
  • Robert Delorie
  • Peggy Durbala
  • Justin Fecteau
  • Kristin Gillett
  • Jennifer Hunter
  • Brad Johnston
  • Chris Kauffeld
  • John Maattala
  • Peter McGowan
  • Carolyn Nichols
  • Matt Pachniuk
  • Tracy Peterson
  • Chris Pomeroy
  • Karalee Rocker
  • Rodrigo Rosa-Blackburn
  • Peter Schmidt
  • Colleen Sheehan
  • Tove Stigum
  • Antonia Van Twisk
  • Jennifer Vogelsong
  • Tad Williams
  • Our Travel Insurance
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  • Madrid, Toledo & Segovia | 7 Days
  • Madrid & Barcelona | 8 Days
  • Madrid & The Basque Country | 8 Days
  • Seville, Cordoba & Granada | 9 Days
  • Eco-Adventure | 7 Days
  • Wildlife Rescue | 8 Days
  • Pura Vida! | 9 Days
  • Essential Puerto Rico | 5 Days
  • Eco Puerto Rico | 6 Days
  • Discover Puerto Rico | 7 Days
  • Explore Puerto Rico | 8 Days
  • The Sacred Valley | 7 Days
  • Beyond the Sacred Valley | 8 Days
  • The Inca Heartland | 9 Days
  • Essential Cuba | 5 Days
  • Cuba Highlights | 6 Days
  • Best of Cuba | 7 Days
  • Essential Paris | 6 Days
  • Paris Highlights | 7 Days
  • Paris & Brittany | 7 Days
  • Paris & Normandy | 7 Days
  • Paris, Brittany & Normandy | 9 Days
  • Paris, Chambord & Chenonceau | 7 Days
  • Paris & The Loire Valley | 9 Days
  • Paris & The Côte d'Azur | 7 Days
  • Paris, Provence & The Côte d'Azur | 9 Days
  • Expérience | 6 Days
  • Écologique | 7 Days
  • Énergique | 8 Days
  • Nautique | 9 Days
  • Quebec City: Classic Experience | 3 Days
  • Quebec City: Winter Adventure | 3 Days
  • Quebec City: Carnival | 3 Days
  • Quebec City: Summer Adventure | 4 Days
  • Montreal | 3 Days
  • Montreal & Quebec City | 5 Days
  • Beijing | 7 Days
  • Beijing & Xi`an | 8 Days
  • Beijing, Xi'an & Shanghai | 9 Days
  • Beijing, Xi'an & Hangzhou | 9 Days
  • Beijing to Shangri-La | 11 Days
  • Mainz, Heidelberg & Köln (9 Days)
  • Berlin, Leipzig & Dresden (9 Days)
  • Munich, Salzburg & Vienna (10 Days)
  • Berlin & Munich (10 Days)
  • Rome & Ostia Antica | 7 Days
  • Rome & Florence | 8 Days
  • Rome, Vesuvius & Pompeii | 8 Days
  • Rome, Florence & Venice | 9 Days
  • Rome & Tuscany | 9 Days
  • Rome & Campania | 9 Days
  • Republic of Ireland | 7 Days
  • The Emerald Isle | 8 Days
  • Land of Saints & Scholars | 9 Days
  • London & Oxford | 9 Days
  • Caribbean SCUBA Certification | 6 Days
  • Ireland & Iceland | 10 Days
  • Discover Europe | 16 Days
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Houston Public Media

September 01, 2024 84 °F PBS Passport .st0{fill:#0A145A;} .st1{fill:#5680FF;} .st2{fill:#FFFFFF;} UH Search for: Search MENU CLOSE News & Information Features Hello Houston inDepth Topics Local News Texas Education News Politics Criminal Justice Transportation Energy & Environment Weather Hurricane Tracker All Stories >>> Arts & Culture Arts & Culture Main Classical Music Music Opera & Musical Theater Dance Visual Art Literature Theatre & Film Voices and Verses: A Poem-A-Day Series Awareness Hispanic Heritage Pride Month: Better Together! Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Black History Women’s History Education Programs & Podcasts Local Programs Party Politics Houston Matters with Craig Cohen I SEE U Texas Standard UH 100 Years of Houston Bauer Business Focus Briefcase Engines of Our Ingenuity Health Matters UH Moment Features Dead and Buried Career Frontier Podcasts Below the Waterlines: Houston After Hurricane Harvey Party Politics Skyline Sessions Encore Houston All Podcasts >> Support Membership Update Payment Method Upgrade Your Monthly Gift Give a Gift Membership Giving Programs Affinity Council Studio Society In Tempore Legacy Society Innovation Fund Volunteers Foundation Board Young Leaders Council Mission Ambassadors Donations Vehicle Donation Giving Opportunities Employee Match Program More Ways to Give Partnerships Corporate Sponsorship About About Us Meet the Team Join the Team Contact Us Ethics and Standards Reports & Financials Press Room Listen Watch Donate Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Linkedin Mastodon googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1488818411584-0'); }); Crime

51-year-old man arrested, charged with capital murder in houston college student’s death.

A GoFundMe seeking to raise money to cover the costs of Muna Pandey’s funeral and transportation costs for her mother to travel to Houston from Nepal had raised more than $15,000 as of Thursday.

Muna Pandey

A 51-year-old man accused of shooting and killing a Houston Community College student Saturday was arrested and charged with capital murder early Thursday.

Later in the day, an additional charge of unlawful carry of a weapon was filed against 51-year-old Bobby Singh Shah.

Shah allegedly shot and killed 21-year-old Muna Pandey during an aggravated robbery over the weekend. Her body was discovered with multiple gunshot wounds inside of an apartment and responding paramedics pronounced her dead at the scene.

The Houston Police Department on Wednesday released a photograph of a person suspected in Pandey’s death taken on a surveillance camera at an apartment the day she was killed.

Shah was located and arrested Wednesday during a traffic stop in northwest Houston in coordination with Houston Police Department SWAT officers, according to the department.

No defense attorney was listed for Shah on Thursday morning.

A GoFundMe seeking to raise money to cover the costs of Pandey’s funeral, and transportation costs for her mother to travel to Houston from Nepal, had raised more than $15,000 Thursday.

Pandey moved to Houston in 2021 and attended Houston Community College, according to the fundraiser.

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  • Facility Reservations
  • Group X Fitness Program
  • Bowling Lanes
  • Climbing Tower
  • WT Outdoors
  • Sports Clubs
  • Recreational Pool
  • WTAMU ESports
  • Jack B. Kelley Student Center
  • Meeting and Conference Rooms
  • Production Services
  • Venues at WTAMU
  • University Post Office
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Mail drop boxes
  • Student Government
  • Executive Branch
  • Legislative Branch
  • Judicial Branch
  • Eternal Flame
  • Student Travel Information
  • Academic Dishonesty
  • Reporting Violations of WTAMU Academic Integrity Code
  • Initial Finding of Fact and Review of Case
  • Hearings Before a College Integrity Committee (CIC)
  • Findings of a CIC
  • Student Registration
  • Transfer Credit
  • English Proficiency
  • Student Drop Procedure
  • Withdrawal Procedure
  • Change of Curriculum
  • Distinguished Students
  • Semester Grading
  • Academic Standing
  • Classification
  • Degree Requirements
  • University Honors Program
  • Tuition Laws
  • Payment of Fees and Charges
  • Tuition Refunds
  • Classroom Behavior
  • Computing Services: Rules for Responsible Computing
  • Students' Rights and Responsibilities
  • Reporting Violations of the WTAMU Student Handbook
  • Leave Policy
  • Community Standards
  • Standard of Evidence
  • Student Conduct Proceedings
  • Interim Measures and Sanctions
  • Student Conduct Files & Records
  • Departure from Campus Following Suspension/Expulsion
  • Parental Notification
  • Abuse of the Student Conduct System
  • Alcohol Beverages
  • Animals on Campus
  • Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)
  • Campus Security Report
  • Damage to Property
  • Expressive Activity
  • Failure to Comply & Disorderly Conduct
  • Firearms, Ammunition, & Weapons
  • Fire Safety
  • Food & Beverages
  • Illegal Substances
  • Lost, Found, or Abandoned Property
  • Misuse of Transportation
  • Photography and Recording of Students and Employees
  • Sexual Misconduct
  • Soliciting on Campus
  • Unauthorized Areas
  • Violation of Federal, State, Local Law and/or University Procedures
  • Violation of Published University Rules or TAMU System Regulations
  • Title IX, Sex-Based Misconduct & Civil Rights Adjudication Process
  • All Other Civil Rights Complaints (Non Sex-Based)
  • Decisions (Non Sex-Based Cases) Involving Employees as Respondents
  • Appeal of Decisions and/or Sanctions of Allegations of Sex Discrimination
  • Appeals – Allegations of Discrimination Not Based on Sex
  • Residence Hall Rights and Responsibilities
  • Alcohol Containers
  • Business Operations
  • Candles and Incense
  • Car Washing
  • Child Supervision and Endangerment
  • Community Living
  • Cooperation with University Officials
  • Damages or Theft of Property
  • Decorations
  • Early Arrivals
  • Emergency and Safety Equipment
  • Exterior Door Locking
  • Hall Sports
  • Identification
  • Laundry, Ice, or Vending Machines
  • Lost or Found Property
  • Offensive Odor
  • Posting Notices
  • Prohibited Items
  • Solicitation
  • Windows/Window Screens
  • Rule & Policy Resources
  • Part 6: Propose Revisions
  • The Student Handbook Rule Revision Process
  • Rule Additions, Changes, and Deletions
  • Definitions

The following documents are helpful to you and your club or organization when planning events that involve student travel.

  • Online Student Travel System (includes release, manifest, and personal vehicle authorization forms)
  • Individual Release Form for volunteers, under 18, and anyone without a WT login
  • Student Travel Online Guide
  • Student Travel Procedures and Guidelines

Sabrina Pugh, OSEL Administrative Assistant Jack B. Kelley Student Center, Office of Student Engagement and Leadership - Suite 103 806-651-2313 [email protected]



  • Testimonials
  • Teacher PD Travel

Student Educational Tours

Lead your Students on the Science Adventure of a Lifetime

Science Travel Adventures specializes in teacher-led educational student travel adventures. Our custom student tours focus on fun, science and cultural adventures. We have expertise developing teacher-led student trips that include young adventurers in elementary school as well as students in middle school, high school and college.

Teacher Benefits

Are you a school teacher who wants to lead an adventure of a lifetime for your students? Ask about how you can travel free while earning a generous cash stipend.

Where will your adventure lead you? Every group is different. Our itineraries are custom built so they're just right for each teacher-led student group. Our adventures range from off-the-beaten path experiences to resort-style experiences. Explore our example itineraries to start thinking about your adventurous destination.

Participant Reviews

Copyright © 2024 Science Travel Adventures - All Rights Reserved.

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  1. Student Travel Zima 2019/20

    student travel zima

  2. Student Travel

    student travel zima

  3. Sigma Travel » Zima 2022/2023 od Exim Tours

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  4. middle_Incentive_travel_zima_i_narty

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  5. A tour to FTII campus(2019)

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  2. Student Travel

    http://Student.Travel.plhttp://StudentCAMP.plFind us on facebook:https://www.facebook.com/studenttravelpl // https://www.facebook.com/StudentCAMP

  3. Smithsonian Student Travel

    Smithsonian Student Travel offers high school students opportunities for educational discovery, fun and adventure, and cultural immersion through engaging summer travel programs in the U.S. and abroad. Alongside their peers, students can explore incredible destinations and program themes guided by passionate Smithsonian Student Travel Experts and experienced trip leaders.

  4. Work and Travel USA Program

    view all articles. InterExchange Work & Travel USA matches U.S. host employers with English-speaking international students for short-term, seasonal jobs across the United States.A nonprofit with 50 years of connecting young people with life-changing international cultural exchange opportunities.

  5. Student Travel Made Simple

    We are exclusively a school travel company, that partners with schools to identify where they want to go, and get them there safely, and seamlessly while enhancing the travel experience along the way. Simplified Student Travel has experience traveling to many destination spots from coast to coast and into Canada.

  6. Home

    August 9-13, 2024 - New York, NY. The Student & Youth Travel Association is proud to present the SYTA Annual Conference on August 9 - 13, 2024. SYTA will bring you updates from industry leaders, insights into association advancements, motivational keynote speakers, the ever-so-important Business Appointment sessions and more.

  7. Student Travel Planning Guide • Essential Information for the Student

    Journey Beyond the Classroom: Trusted Guides for Student Travel. Embrace the rejuvenated spirit of student travel with our latest editions of the Student Travel Planning Guide and the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Field Trip Guide.Dive into curated insights, from language-focused adventures and top Central Florida theme parks to mesmerizing attractions nationwide, ensuring every journey is as ...

  8. Student Travel Universe

    Thank you STU for your patience in accommodating our large group. Student Travel Universe for faculty and students traveling US and abroad. Fun and exciting for college students spring break and high school graduation trips. Affordable travel made easy for everyone. Best company to work for in 2019.

  9. Student Adventures

    Create Unforgettable Memories. Every journey with Student Adventures is an opportunity for students to embark on an adventure of a lifetime. From exploring historic landmarks to immersing themselves in new cultures, our carefully curated tours offer experiences that inspire, educate, and enrich the lives of students.ere.

  10. Student Travel Romania

    Eagle Mountain House and Golf Club. The Eagle Mountain House is a historic 96 guest room hotel in Jackson, NH, offering sweeping views of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The hotel has a number of amenities including a 9-hole golf course, Highfield's Restaurant dining room, the Eagle Landing Tavern, and the seasonal outdoor Veranda Cafe.

  11. Empower Students Through Educational Travel Experiences

    Reach out to us for more information on our educational travel programs and how we can help empower students through exploration. Bridging the gap between education and wanderlust of travel. 5330 BROOKSTONE DRIVE NW, PO BOX 801349, ACWORTH, GA, 30101-7183, USA. Simplified Student Travel offers programs bridging education and wanderlust.

  12. National Geographic Student Travel

    Anthropology, Culture, & Tradition. Photography. x. June 26-July 12, 2024. July 12-July 28, 2024. Venture to Norway this summer to experience its stunning fjords and soaring peaks, and immerse yourself in the country's culture and traditions. Norwegians have a storied history of connecting with the natural world and their kinship with the ...

  13. Travel Insurance for Student Travel

    Everything you need to know about buying travel insurance for students, including coverage details and reasons to buy student travel insurance for a study abroad or mission trip. June 1, 2020. Due to travel restrictions, plans are only available with travel dates on or after.

  14. Student Travel Zima 2019/20

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  15. Back to Uni: Money Saving tips for students

    To equip students ahead of the new university year, check out our top tips to help you make savings on travels and excursions. Always carry your Railcard Save 1/3 off most rail fares across Britain with a 16-25 Railcard (external link, opens in a new tab), saving an average of £192 a year on rail fares*.

  16. Login

    Login. Username. Password Never share your password with anyone. Forgot your password? Login.

  17. Gap Year & Student Travel 2024/2025

    Find your favourite or mix a few together into an epic customised gap year or mini gap. With more than 50 years' experience, Trailfinders has developed the skills and expertise needed to put together all the pieces for a successful gap year. Our expert travel consultants are mines of information, gathered from personal travel experience and ...

  18. Travel For Teens: Safe Tours for Middle & High School Travelers

    Our 2024 summer travel trip experiences transform teens into travelers. Book a tour with Travel For Teens this summer for a safe & happy teen traveler! Find a Program ... Group sizes of 16-24 students allow us to travel comfortably and to make real connections to each other and the host community. Participants come from a mix of different ...

  19. Students Love Travel

    Students Love Travel designs, promotes, and operates private guided-travel programs for small groups of students at the middle school, high school, and college level. Highlights: Program Directors are all based in the USA, and most are World Language, History, Science, Art or Literature Teachers; No Group-Size Stress (no supplement for groups under 15 students); No Stranger-Stress (no ...

  20. 51-year-old man arrested, charged with capital murder in Houston

    Crime 51-year-old man arrested, charged with capital murder in Houston college student's death. A GoFundMe seeking to raise money to cover the costs of Muna Pandey's funeral and transportation ...

  21. Student Travel

    Individual Release Form for volunteers, under 18, and anyone without a WT login. Student Travel Online Guide. Student Travel Procedures and Guidelines. Contact Us. Sabrina Pugh, OSEL Administrative Assistant. Jack B. Kelley Student Center, Office of Student Engagement and Leadership - Suite 103. 806-651-2313. [email protected].

  22. Student Educational Tours

    Lead your Students on the Science Adventure of a Lifetime. Science Travel Adventures specializes in teacher-led educational student travel adventures. Our custom student tours focus on fun, science and cultural adventures. We have expertise developing teacher-led student trips that include young adventurers in elementary school as well as ...