Alamat Agen Travel di Blitar

Agen Travel Blitar

Agen Travel Blitar By  Sanjaya Tour

seiring perkembangan dan kebutuhan akan mode transportasi yang praktis, fleksibel dan tepat waktu, tak sedikit mayarakat di blitar lebih memilih menggunakan jasa agen travel di blitar, karean mudah di cari, harganya relatif terjangkau dan terdapat layanan antar jemput di tempat yang menjadi nilai tersendiri jika di bandingkan dengan mode transportasi yang lain seperti halnya kereta apai dan bus

warga masyarakat blitar tak harus keluar rumah atau mengunjungi stasiun maupun terminal untuk bepergian ke luar kota, dengan menghubungi agen travel blitar menggunakan aplikasi chating bagi yang menggunakan smart phone, bisa juga melalui sms dengan format yang tersedia tak lama pesanan travel anda akan datang untuk menjemput

tak jarang masyarakat di blitar lebih memilih menggunakan jasa travel khususnya mahasiswa, maupun pebisnis karena angkutan ini lebih fleksibel dalam masalah waktu dan memenuhi unsur kepraktisan

karena setiap travel terdapat layanan door to door service atau sering kita kenal dengan layanan antar jemput penumpang, yang itu berarti anda cukup di tempat maka agen travel tersebut akan datang menjemput anda

kami melayani kerjasama bagi pemilik / perusahaan agen travel ingin beriklan atau ingin menjadi bagian dari sanjaya tour dengan cara menghubungi pada kolom komentar, atau chat E-mail

Daftar Alamat Agen Travel di Blitar

bagi anda yang tinggal di kabupaten blitar jawa timur dan hendak keluar kota dengan berbagai tujuan seperti jogja solo semarang malang juanda surabaya jember jombang dan banyuwangi mau menggunakan jasa agen travel dengan harga tarif tiket terjangkau jadwal keberangkatan setiap hari kami telah merangkumnya untuk anda simak di bawah ini

Baca juga: Rental Mobil di Blitar

1. Friends Travel Blitar Surabaya

Friends Travel merupakan salah satu perusahaan agen travel yang cukup berpengalaman, agen travel blitar ini melayani rute dengantujuan bandara juanda suarabaya untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar di sini, karena banyaknya permintaan warga blitar yang membutuhkan travel blitar surabaya pp atau sebaliknya dari surabaya ke blitar, untuk rute lain juga dapat di pesan di sini sperti tujuan malang, jember, dan banyuwangi

oleh sebab itu friends travel sebagai rekomendasi yang kami pilih karena jasa agen travel ini menggunakan armada terbaru bisa di katakan terbaik di kelasnya jadi lebih aman dan nyaman,

selain mengantarkan penumpang penitipan paket / barang / dokumen bisa dilakukan dengan tepat waktu, jadwal keberangkatannya pun ada di setiap hari jadi kapanpun anda kan ke surabaya bisa langsung order di sini

penjemputan di lokasi yang telah di tentukan selalu tepat waktu, karena di dukung oleh sumber daya manusia / driver yang berpengalaman mengetahui akan kondisi dan medan jalan tau akan rute – rute tercepat dan pastinya selalu mengutamakan keselamatan para penumpangnya

Jadwal Keberangkatan Travel

2. neo agen travel blitar malang.

mau ke malang untuk wisata? atau urusan pekerjaan secara mendaadak? pilihan tercepat anda bisa menggunakan jasa agen travel Neo Travel dengan scedul waktu / jam pemberangkatan pagi sampai malam ajdi setiap saat anda membutuhkan bisa langsung meghubungi agen travel ini karena layanan costumer service yang selalu siap 24 jam melayani anda

booking seervicenyapun cukup mudah anda hanya cukup mengisi formulir chat wahatsapp/ sms dengan contoh  sebagai berikut

  • # Hari / Tanggal:
  • # No. Kursi :
  • # Alamat Penjemputan :

3. Joy Agen Travel Blitar Solo

mengingat banyaknya mahasiswa khususnya dari blitar yang menimba ilmu di universitas ternama baik di solo maupun jogja, JOY Travel juga melayani penjemputan di kampus-kampus di Solo dan Jogja.

salah satunya di Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS), Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta (UTY), dan berbagai kampus lainnya.

selain Itu JOY Travel melayani pengiriman paket. adapaun jenis paket  yang bisa di titipkan berupa barang, dokumen, motor, elektronik, bahan makanan, produk jualan online dan lain-lain.

dengan layanan yang profesional dan hati hati dalam pengepakan barang pengiriman paket dijamin aman, cepat sampai dan tetap terjaga kondisinya seperti keadaan saat anda mengirim

Jadwal Keberangkatan

4. rizky transport.

Rizky Transport sebagai salah satu agen travel di blitar dengan melayani tujuan perjalanan utama dengan rute travel blitar Jogjakarta PP atau sebaliknya dari jogja ke blitar, melayani antar jemput / door to door di kabupaten blitar dan sekitarnya dengan jadwal yang tepat sesuuai scedule yang telah di pesan sebelumnya

Baca juga: Objek Wisata di Blitar

dengan di dukuung oleh sumber daya manusia secara profesional seperti costumer service yang akan membantu anda dalam menjawab pertanyaan dan pemesanan tiket, driver / sopir di sini tak kalah cekatan dalam menentukan arah tujuan pelanggan, jadwal tepat waktu sangat di jaga agar supaya tidak telat ini semua di tujukan untuk kepuasan para pelanggannya

selain itu di sini juga menerima titipan paket bagi anda yang mau mengirim barang atau dokumen denga perhitungan barang per Kg, barang yang anda titipkan akan cepat sampai karena paket tersebut akan langsung di kirim pada hari itu juga / saat barang di titipkan

Cara Pemesanan Agen

  • Hubungi marketing travel telephone / datang ke garasi
  • tentukan keberangkatan, tanggal jadwal penjemputan
  • berikan alamat penjemputan secara detail dan lengkap
  • pembayaran pembelian tiket

Tips dari Agen Travel

  • tentukan tujuan kota mana yang akan anda tuju
  • pilih jasa travel yang sesui dengan tujuan
  • siapkan barang bawaan secukupnya
  • simpan barang berharga anda di tempat yang aman
  • bawalah obat masuk angin / mabuk perjalanan sebagai antisipasi

*Keterangan: Harga tiket dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa adanya pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.

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Explore Blitar

View from the other side

Plan Your Trip to Blitar: Best of Blitar Tourism

Essential blitar.

info travel blitar

Blitar Is Great For

Sand & surf.

info travel blitar

Eat & drink

info travel blitar

The great outdoors

info travel blitar

  • Hotel Santika Blitar
  • Hotel Tugu Blitar
  • Puri Perdana Hotel
  • Patria Garden Hotel
  • Grand Mansion Hotel
  • Keshini Restaurant Blitar
  • de Classe Gelato & Coffee
  • Warung Lesehan dan Ayam Bakar Bu Mamik
  • Onze Grootouders Cafe
  • Karanganjar Coffee Plantation
  • Penataran Temple
  • Kampung Coklat
  • Bung Karno Museum and Library
  • Tambakrejo Beach

9 Fun and Interesting Things to do In Blitar

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I hadn’t planned to visit Blitar before Tugu Hotel invited me. The city is located in East Java, a two-hour drive from Malang. The city has a bit of everything and there are lots of things to do in Blitar. Surrounded by beautiful countryside and within easy reach of volcanoes, beaches and tea plantations the city reminded me of a smaller, quieter and more relaxed version of Yogyakarta.

Although not on the backpacker route, Blitar is a tourism destination for many Indonesians. The city is famous because it was the hometown of Soekarno, the first president of Indonesia. Before I arrived I had already decided to visit the old family home of Soekarno, but knew there had to be more things to do in Blitar (and I was right). If you’re planning to visit the city for a relaxing holiday away from it all, here are 9 of the best things to do in Blitar. I’ll start with my favorite. Let’s get started.

Candi Penataran is a Hindu temple dating back to the 12th Century. The temple is one of the highlights of Blitar.

Candi Penataran

Penataran Temple is a Hindu temple complex dedicated to the god Siva and built and expanded between the 12th to the 15th century. It is the largest Hindu temple complex in East Java and a beautiful place to explore. The temple grounds are surprisingly well preserved with intricate stone carvings of daily life and large statues that look like they could come from Central America. Candi Penataran is the main temple complex that is shaped like a stepped pyramid and a single tall rectangular shrine. The temple complex is a 20-minute drive outside of Blitar city center and is located in the middle of a small village. The site is being considered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and after visiting I can understand why.

Soekarno’s Grave

Soekarno’s grave is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Biltar. The grave is actually more of a mausoleum or national monument. To enter the site you pass through a huge stone gateway and enter a large open square. The grave is located under a large pointed wooden gazebo. The interior roof of the gazebo is decorated with carvings of flames that touch the sky. In the center of the gazebo is Soekarno’s grave. When I visited there were groups of people praying around the grave and taking photos. It’s a quiet peaceful place to visit. Make sure you leave the same way you entered. It took me almost 10 minutes to navigate through the endless row of shop stalls that line the exit.

Mount Kelud

Mount Kelud is one of the most active volcanoes in East Java and it’s also one of the highest points in the region. The highlight of visiting the volcano is the chance to see inside the crater. From the peak of the volcano you can look inside the boiling red magma as it comes out of the volcano. You also get panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. On the way from Blitar to Mt Kelud you pass lots of tea plantations. It’s a beautiful area to travel through.

The view from the outside of Soekarno’s family home in Blitar.

Soekarno’s Family Home

Soekarno’s old family home has been turned into a museum. It’s an interesting place to visit, especially if you don’t know much about Soekarno. When we visited a friendly and knowledgeable guide gave us a tour of the house. She told us about his 9 wives (4 official ones and 5 mistresses), showed some of his memorabilia and photos of his family and portraits of Soekarno at important state events. We spent about 30 minutes touring the house, which was probably a bit too long, but it was interesting nonetheless.

Pangi Beach

It takes almost one hour to get from Blitar to the coast. Like much of Java there aren’t very many beaches where you can swim close to Blitar, but there are a lot of nice beaches you can visit where you can also buy fresh fish. Some of the best beaches in the area include Pangi Beach, Serang Beach and Tambak Rejo.

Umbul Tuk Cave

Umbul Tuk Cave is located in the village of Tumpak Kepah. The cave is famous for its stalactites and stalagmites. The cave actually goes 2km underground. To enter the cave you need to put on a flashlight and go into the river. It’s slippery and the rocks can be sharp so you have to be careful. After about 500 meters you enter a large series of open caves. Only visit if you enjoy an adventure.

Some of the freshly picked star fruit from the Agrotourism farm in Blitar.

Agrotourism Star Fruit

Agrotourism Star Fruit is a local government funded star fruit farm. The farm covers over three hectares and the only crop grown here is star fruit. The trees are planted like an apple orchard in large square blocks of ten meters by ten meters that are broken up by small paths. The star fruit trees hang over the paths creating a natural arch of leaves that keeps you in the shade. I only visited the farm for 10 minutes, but it was a fun place to see.

Kampoeng Coklat

Kampoeng Coklat means Chocolate Village in Indonesian. Although you won’t find any Umpa Lumpas here you will find a lot of chocolate. If you visit the village you can see local chocolate production as well as taste and maybe even buy some of the locally produced Blitar chocolate. If you’re interested in chocolate production in Indonesia then you should definitely visit the village.

Join a Cycle Tour

There are a lot of different ways you can explore Blitar, but one of the most relaxing is on a cycle tour. These tours are an opportunity to see the forests and farmland surrounding the city and meet and greet local people. The best time to join a tour is early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the temperature is cooler.

Enjoying traditional afternoon snacks and a cup of tea at Tugu Hotel Blitar.

Final Thoughts

This article was made possible thanks to Tugu Hotel who shared with me some of the best things to do in Blitar. I really enjoyed my stay in Blitar. While it’s not on the tourist trail, the city has a lot of interesting things to do and see. Visiting Candi Penataran was a personal highlight and I’d definitely recommend visiting the site if you have the opportunity.

Have you visited Blitar? What did you think of the city? Is there anything I missed from the list? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

  If you are interested in booking accommodation for your holiday in Indonesia I recommend Airbnb. Book through this link to receive a special $25 discount . For hotel bookings I recommend Agoda for its low price and discounts.

Next post How to Arrange Your Bromo Tour (The Complete Guide)

Previous post indonesia's greatest sulphur mine: the ultimate guide to climbing ijen.


About the Author Firsta

Related posts, review: tugu hotel blitar.

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Dear Firsta, You are doing an excellent job. Thank you, Regads, Bader

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Wow amazing although I had never been to Blitar. read article you so want to go there

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Hi Khair, Thanks for stopping by here. Should go there 🙂 It is a lovely town.

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Blitar actually came from Balinese man. His name is Tar, then called Bli Tar.

*krik krik krik …

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I lived there for 2 years! And not so much changes since 25 years? Beringinnya masih berdiri, jalanannya masih sepi, dan lalu lintasnya amat teratur..

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Ke sana ketika aku masih jelek dulu. Masih kurus banget. Masih belum punya body kayak model. Kayaknya harus ke sana lagi untuk pemotretan lagi.

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Wow, im never thought before that blitar is an amazing place, i think i have to go to Blitar with my freind

Hi Endang, Yes! Blitar is so much fun 🙂

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what an awesome place, can’t wait to visit this place..thanks

It’s a great place. I’m sure you’ll have a good time.

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i’ve been come to this amazing city, and wanna be come back again…

Hi Adam, Where did you go during your visit in Blitar? So many things to see, right?

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Next time you need to visit Sirah Kencong Tea Plantation in Wlingi, Blitar. Its about 60 minute drive from the city. But worth to visit. Sometimes i just going there for a breakfast than back to the town :D. If you have more times, try to camp in Brak Papat Sirah Kencong, beautiful view of Kelud Mountain in the morning similiar with Borobodur in gigantic version.

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info travel blitar

Blitar travel guide

Blitar tourism | blitar guide, you're going to love blitar.

With a population of 132 416, Blitar is a must-see destination in East Java, Indonesia. It is among the most popular tourist destinations in the country. We recommend you stay at least 3 days in order to fully appreciate everything Blitar has to offer.

When to visit Blitar

How to get to blitar.

Although Blitar doesn’t have its own airport, you can fly to Malang (MLG), which is located 39 miles from Blitar. The shortest flight to Blitar from the United States departs from San Francisco and takes around 45h 50m.

Another option to get to Blitar is to pick up a car rental from Surabaya, which is about 71 miles from Blitar. You’ll find branches of Avis and TRAC Astra, among others, in Surabaya.

Airports near Blitar

Airlines serving blitar, where to stay in popular areas of blitar, renting a car in blitar.

Expect to pay $3.48 per gallon in Blitar (average price from the past 30 days). Depending on the size of your rental car, filling up the tank will cost between $41.79 and $55.72.

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  • 1 Understand
  • 2.2 By rail
  • 3 Get around

Blitar is a regency in East Java . Its capital city has the same name.

info travel blitar

Understand [ edit ]

The main claim to fame of this quiet and charming town is as the burial place of Indonesia's founding father, Sukarno. There is a misconception that he was born in Blitar; he was actually born in Surabaya. The other attractions for visitors are the largest ancient Hindu temple in East Java at Candi Penataran , the active volcano Mount Kelud, and a couple of nice beaches.

Blitar is the capital town of a regency with the same name.

Get in [ edit ]

By bus [ edit ].

Blitar is well served by buses from other major towns and cities in East Java. Visitors often arrive on an air-con bus from Malang which takes about 2 hours. Other options are from Surabaya and Jember (both about 4 hours).

By rail [ edit ]

Blitar is on one of the main East Java railway lines. There are daily services linking -8.1014 112.1628 1 Blitar railway station with other cities in the region and in Central Java , as well as longer distance rail access from Jakarta and Bandung . Check the PT Kereta Api ( Persero ) website [1] [dead link] for detailed schedules. One way of getting to Biltar is to catch the pleasant daily executive-class train which travels from Malang to Yogyakarta that passes through Blitar around 5.00pm; catching this train from Malang, one would normally need to plan to stay overnight in Blitar before visiting local sites the following day. The train is a convenient way to travel from Malang to Yogyakarta.

Get around [ edit ]


The main need to get around Blitar in any way other than on foot is to be able to visit Candi Penataran. Regular minibuses ply this route departing from Jalan Veteran in town and take about 30 minutes to reach the candi. If you ask the driver for "Makam Bung Karno" he will drop you near to the impressive Sukarno grave site en route (to or from) Candi Penataran.

There is a quite large, well-established parking area (cafe, rest rooms, information kiosk) a little south of the makam (grave) of Bung Karno. Pedicab ( becak ) drivers are ready to take visitors on a local tour to several sites (including Sukarno's house, and the nearby makam ): cost, around Rp 150,000 per person (for foreigners) in May 2014.

See [ edit ]

info travel blitar

  • -8.0855 112.1755 3 Sukarno Museum , Jl Sultan Agung 69, Blitar, East Java . This quite well-maintained and well-known museum and library (known locally as Istana Gebang ) is in the house where Sukarno lived as a young boy. It is full of Sukarno memorabilia, papers, photographs etc and is useful to visit in conjunction with a call to the grave ( makam ) site. (Price of entry: by contribution.)  
  • -8.3155 112.143 5 Tambakrejo Beach ( 30 km due south from Blitar - just follow the only reasonably major road leading south from Blitar ). This is an extensive and attractive 10 km stretch of white sand beach that is more often than not virtually deserted. It is not safe for swimming though.  

Other places listed by the East Java provincial tourist office as perhaps worth visiting near Blitar include:

  • -8.0988 112.2353 6 Sawentar Temple ( Candi Sewentar ). ( updated May 2020 )
  • -8.0745 112.3396 7 Plumbangan Temple ( Candi Plumbangan ). ( updated May 2020 )
  • -7.96279 112.368233 8 Rambut Monte Temple ( Candi Rambut Monte ). ( updated May 2020 )
  • -8.3319 112.3298 9 Jolosutro Beach ( Pantai Jolosutro ). ( updated May 2020 )
  • -8.3306 112.222 10 Serang Beach ( Pantai Serang ). ( updated May 2020 )
  • Embultuk cave (goa Embeltuk)
  • -8.094 112.177 11 The PETA monument . ( updated May 2020 )
  • -8.1019 112.1481 12 Aryo Blitar grave ( Makam Aryo Blitar ). ( updated May 2020 )
  • -8.096168 112.174386 13 Kebon Rojo Monument . It is surrounded by a little park. ( updated May 2020 )
  • Grebag Pancasila
  • -8.1129 112.157 14 Agrowisata Belimbing Karangsari ( Karangsari Star Fruit Agrotourism ). ( updated May 2020 )

Do [ edit ]

Hire a becak driver (who pedals a cart with a seat in front) to drive around town from the main Sukarno car park to various nearby sites -- to the Istana Gebang (Gebang House) where the young Sukarno lived and to the Makam Bung Karno (Sukarno's grave site) where there is an impressive establishment, including a museum.

  • -8.0917 112.1657 1 Sumber Udel . water park inside the capital city ( updated May 2020 )

Buy [ edit ]

Eat [ edit ].

Blitar has a typical selection of local restaurants (including several good Chinese). The areas in the town centre on Jalan Veteren and Jalan Merdeka are as good a place as any to look. If you are in any doubt at all, the golden rule applies: follow the local crowds.

The restaurant at Hotel Tugu is truly top class but you do of course pay for that privilege.

Drink [ edit ]

Sleep [ edit ].

There are several losmen type places in the town centre and budget travellers are urged to just turn up here. You will not have a problem finding somewhere to stay.

  • -8.09899 112.16171 1 Hotel Tugu ( Sri Lestari ), Jl Merdeka 173,Blitar 66111, East Java , ☏ +62 342 801766 , [email protected] . The smart side of this rather up-market hotel is very much along the lines of the other splendid Tugu Hotels (Bali, Lombok and Malang). Housed in a converted colonial building it is magnificently adorned with Javanese antiques. From Rp 280,000 to 2,000,000 . ( updated Nov 2018 )

Connect [ edit ]

Blitar area telephone code is 0342 .

Go next [ edit ]

  • Malang , the cultural heart of East Java, is around 2 hours away by road
  • Head west to Central Java and the delights of Yogyakarta , Borobudur and Prambanan
  • Head east, past Malang, to the outstanding Bromo national park

info travel blitar

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Navigation menu

First slide

  • Bung Karno’s Grave
  • Bung Karno Library
  • Bung Karno Monument
  • Bung Karno Museum
  • Gebang Palace
  • Kebonrojo Park Blitar
  • PETA Monument
  • Sumber Udel Waterpark

The Blue Adorable Sky On Serang Beach

Here go tambakrejo, karangsari tourism products, tambakrejo beach.

Sawentar Temple Blitar

Tourism Destinatons

  • Soekarno's Grave

Welcome to Blitar City

info travel blitar

Located about 73 km from Malang, and 167 Km from Surabaya, Blitar is one of regencies in East Java that bring the glorious from the past. Blitar is hometown and the last reside of Soekarno, the Indonesian first President. Moreover, this area wa also part of Majapahit Kingdom.

Blitar is known as Patria city because of struggle in past that popularly known as PETA (Pembela Tanah Air) or the homeland defense, againts Japan colonialization. This struggle was lead under the command of Suprijadi, on February 14, 1945. Fortunaltely, this struggle became the inspiration emergence of resistance to independence in other areas.

Among numbers of production, Koi fish that popular in Japan, can be cultivated in this city and becomes one of signature production, as it named as Koi City.

Looking at the historical background that Blitar has, it makes some heritages for tourism destinationa today. Among those historical tourism, we have Bung Karno’s graveyard or Istana gebang, together with the great Library and Bung Karno’s museum inside the area. Arya contemplation site and Supriyadi Monument. Other tourism sites that we may have in Blitar are Kebonrojo Park, Sumber Udel waterpark and others. Do not forget about the culinary, for Blitar is also has signature dishes that worth to be tasted like Pecel, Wajik Kletik, Opak Gambir, Geti and many more

Serang Beach Serang beach is located in Serang village, Panggungrejo sub-district, it ‘s about 40 Km from Blitar city. This beach is stunningly beautiful. The sea water has turquoise color and strong waves, typical of Indonesian south sea. Moreover, the greenish nuance is also can be found around the hill in the next side of the beach. The visitors who come to the beach can hike the cliff and fishing. In fact, there are numbers of fisherman who traditionally fishing the lobster and fishes. More info visit:

Tambakrejo Beach is located about 30 km from Blitar city, in Tambakrejo village, Wonotirto district. In this location, in every first Suro month (the new year in Java calendar) is performed a “Larung Sesaji” ceremony, and visited by thousands people from various areas. The south sea (Indonesia Ocean) waves splashing and the sunshine in the evening, make the situation feel peaceful. It is compatible for the townsman who had bored with the metropolitan life. They can enjoy the natural beach with its beautiful waves and beautiful sunset. The visitor can…

Karangsari Agro Tourism Karangsari Village, Regency of Sukorejo, Blitar is become popular because of the Star Fruit (Belimbing). What makes this star fruit become so famous is coming from the size, which has jumbo size, and it has sweeter taste than commonly star fruit, with tempting light yellow. While doing devotional visit to Bung Karno graveyard, you can spend your time visiting Karangsari village and buy the star fruit as a gift. While enjoying the atmosphere at Karangsari village you can also see the star fruit’s tree over the road,…

Tambakrejo Beach Tambakrejo Beach is located about 30 km from Blitar city, in Tambakrejo village, Wonotirto district. In this location, in every first Suro month (the new year in Java calendar) is performed a “Larung Sesaji” ceremony, and visited by thousands people from various areas. The south sea (Indonesia Ocean) waves splashing and the sunshine in the evening, make the situation feel peaceful. It is compatible for the townsman who had bored with the metropolitan life. They can enjoy the natural beach with its beautiful waves and beautiful sunset. The…

Champion Traveler

The Best Time to Visit Blitar, Indonesia for Weather, Safety, & Tourism

The best times to visit Blitar for ideal weather are

June 4th to October 14th

based on average temperature and humidity from NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Read below for more weather and travel details.

Blitar Travel Guide


  • Perceived Temperature
  • Rain and snow
  • Humidity and wind
  • The busiest and least popular months
  • Overall travel experience by time of year

Other Blitar Travel Info

Weather in blitar.

Average temperatures in Blitar vary barely at all. Considering humidity, temperatures feel hot all year with a fair chance of precipitation about half of the year. The area is less temperate than some — in the 17th percentile for pleasant weather — compared to tourist destinations worldwide. Weeks with ideal weather are listed above . If you’re looking for the very warmest time to visit Blitar, the hottest months are November, October, and then May. See average monthly temperatures below. The warmest time of year is generally late October where highs are regularly around 92.8°F (33.8°C) with temperatures rarely dropping below 76.8°F (24.9°C) at night.

Blitar Temperatures (Fahrenheit)

Blitar temperatures (celsius), “feels-like” temperatures.

The way we experience weather isn’t all about temperature. Higher temperatures affect us much more at higher humidity, and colder temperatures feel piercing with high winds. Our perceived temperatures factor in humidity and wind chill to better represent how hot or cold the day feels to a person.

Blitar Perceived Temperature (F)

Blitar perceived temperature (c), average blitar temperatures by month.

Daily highs (averaged for the month) usually give the best indication of the weather. A significantly lower mean and low generally just means it gets colder at night.

Show Fahrenheit

Show celsius, precipitation (rain or snow).

If dry weather is what you’re after, the months with the lowest chance of significant precipitation in Blitar are August, September, and then July. Note that we define “significant precipitation” as .1 inches or more in this section. The lowest chance of rain or snow occurs around early August. For example, on the week of July 30th there are no days of precipitation on average. By contrast, it’s most likely to rain or snow in late January and early February with an average of 5 days of significant precipitation the week of January 29th.

Chance of Precipitation

The graph below shows the % chance of rainy and snowy days in Blitar.

Snow on the Ground

The graph below shows the average snow on the ground in Blitar (in).

Average Rain and Snow by Month

Show inches, show centimeters, humidity and wind.

Blitar has some very humid months, and above average humidity throughout the year. The least humid month is September (60.3% relative humidity), and the most humid month is February (77.5%).

Wind in Blitar is usually calm . The windiest month is August, followed by October and January. August’s average wind speed of around 6.6 knots (7.6 MPH or 12.2 KPH) is considered “a light breeze.” Maximum sustained winds (the highest speed for the day lasting more than a few moments) are at their highest in early to mid January where average top sustained speeds reach 12.6 knots, which is considered a moderate breeze.

Relative Humidity (%)

The graph below shows the average % humidity by month in Blitar.

The graph below shows wind speed (max and average) in knots.

Average Wind Speeds

Show wind speeds.

All wind speeds are in knots. 1 knot = 1.15 MPH or 1.85 KPH.

Show Relative Humidity by Month

Is it safe to travel to blitar.

Our best data indicates this area is somewhat safe, but with extra warnings in a few regions. As of Dec 04, 2023 there are travel warnings and regional advisories for Indonesia; exercise a high degree of caution and avoid some areas. Check this page for any recent changes or regions to avoid: Travel Advice and Advisories . This advisory was last updated on Nov 14, 2023.

The Busiest and Least Crowded Months

The busiest month for tourism in Blitar, Indonesia is August, followed by October and June. Prices for hotels and flights will be most expensive during these months, though you can save if you purchase well in advance. Tourists are unlikely to visit Blitar in December. Those willing to visit at these times will likely find it the least expensive month.

Estimated Tourism by Month

Most popular months to visit, overall blitar travel experience by season, fall (march through may).

Humidity and temperatures combine to make this season feel warm. Highs range from 89.9°F (32.2°C) and 88.8°F (31.6°C) with similar temperatures in the later months. Rain is somewhat common with 5 to 14 days of significant precipitation per month. Fall is fairly slow for tourism, which makes it a good time for those looking for deals.

Winter (June through August)

The middle-year months have very comfortable weather with high temperatures that are quite warm. These months see the least precipitation with 0 to 2 days of precipitation per month. June – August is the busiest season for tourism in Blitar, so lodging and other accommodations may cost more than usual.

Spring (September through November)

Spring daily highs range from 92.8°F (33.8°C) and 89.8°F (32.1°C), which will feel very nice given the humidity and wind. It rains or snows a normal amount: 1 to 5 days per month. Tourism is the second busiest during these months due to the weather, so hotels may be slightly higher priced.

Summer (December through February)

Weather is perfect this time of year in Blitar to be enjoyable for warm weather travelers. The average high during this season is between 91.2°F (32.9°C) and 88.7°F (31.5°C). On average, it rains or snows a very great amount: 11 to 14 times per month. These times of year are the slowest with tourists.

Best Times to Travel › Indonesia › Blitar, Indonesia

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Map of Blitar — Best attractions, restaurants, and transportation info

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Top 9 attractions in Blitar

Bung karno's grave, penataran temple.

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Istana Gebang Blitar

Candi sawentar, fish garden blitar.

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Bung Karno Library

Wisata edukasi kampung coklat, bukit bunda, alun-alun kota blitar, top 10 restaurants in blitar, nasi pecel mbok bari 6, ayam bakar bu mamik, waroeng mak nyak mblitar, depot "anda" uceng, rumah makan pacific, warung mak ti, bakso gangsar 3, fresh resto, soto kudus bu is, transportation in blitar, nearby airports, juanda international airport, highways and major roads.

  • Jalan Ahmad Yani
  • Jalan A. Yani Utara
  • Jalan Sultan Agung
  • Jalan Soekarno Hatta
  • Jalan Merdeka Selatan
  • Jalan Pahlawan
  • Jalan KH. Agus Salim
  • Jalan Danau Rawa Pening
  • Jalan Letkol Untung Suropati
  • Jalan Raya Ikut Karangjati

Popular road trips from Blitar

What's the weather like in blitar.

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Blitar for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Blitar in January
  • Weather in Blitar in February
  • Weather in Blitar in March
  • Weather in Blitar in April
  • Weather in Blitar in May
  • Weather in Blitar in June
  • Weather in Blitar in July
  • Weather in Blitar in August
  • Weather in Blitar in September
  • Weather in Blitar in October
  • Weather in Blitar in November
  • Weather in Blitar in December

All road trips from Blitar

  • Blitar to Surabaya drive

Explore nearby places

  • Tulungagung
  • Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park
  • Kedunggalar

All related maps of Blitar

  • Map of Tulungagung
  • Map of Kediri
  • Map of Mojokerto
  • Map of Trenggalek
  • Map of Batu
  • Map of Malang
  • Map of Nganjuk
  • Map of Jombang
  • Map of Singosari
  • Map of Lawang
  • Map of Tumpang
  • Map of Trawas
  • Map of Prigen
  • Map of Pandaan
  • Map of Ponorogo
  • Map of Madiun
  • Map of Porong
  • Map of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park
  • Map of Sidoarjo
  • Map of Pasuruan
  • Map of Magetan
  • Map of Kendal
  • Map of Bojonegoro
  • Map of Ngawi
  • Map of Grajagan
  • Map of Surabaya
  • Map of Lamongan
  • Map of Pacitan
  • Map of Kedunggalar
  • Map of Lumajang

Blitar throughout the year

  • Blitar in January
  • Blitar in February
  • Blitar in March
  • Blitar in April
  • Blitar in May
  • Blitar in June
  • Blitar in July
  • Blitar in August
  • Blitar in September
  • Blitar in October
  • Blitar in November
  • Blitar in December

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  • 2-Day Blitar Itinerary
  • 3-Day Blitar Itinerary

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Agen Travel Blitar

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Jadwal Keberangkatan Travel

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Jadwal Keberangkatan

6. joy agen travel blitar solo.

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  • # No. Kursi :
  • # Alamat Penjemputan :

Cara Pemesanan

  • Hubungi No telphon / Hp / Sms / Chat agen travel
  • Tentukan Jadwal Keberangkatan Hari / Tanggal / Jam
  • Konfirmasi Alamat Penjemputan
  • Pembayaran Di Kantor / Sampai Di Tujuan (Online)

Tips dari Agen Travel

  • tentukan kota tujuan
  • pilih jasa travel yang memiliki rating baik
  • siapkan barang bawaan secukupnya
  • simpan barang berharga anda di tempat yang aman
  • bila perlu bawalah obat masuk angin / mabuk perjalanan

*Keterangan: Harga tiket dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa adanya pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu

Fast Respon : Alamat : Jl. Raya Jatitengah, Selopuro, Blitar Telepon & WhatsApp : 085 646 402 847 - 081 216 233 839 BBM : D27D3830

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Travel Guide Asia Indonesia Java East Java Blitar


Blitar - Kelud volcano lava dome

Blitar - Kelud volcano lava dome

© theo1006

Blitar is a quiet town in East Java with approximately 150,000 inhabitants. All Indonesians know it as the birth- and burial place of Ir Soekarno, the father of the Republic of Indonesia. Blitar deserves to be better known among foreign tourists, for it has something to offer for various interests. Close to the town is located the Penataran temple complex, dating at least from the 12th century AD. There are a cave adventure and several unspoilt beaches south of town. An hour's drive to the north lies scenic and active Kelud Volcano. For those who like to roam the countryside, there are seven lesser Hindu temples as well as several sites of historic and scenic interest to be sought out.

Sights and Activities

Candi penataran.

Candi Penataran is a former Hindu temple complex and the largest in East-Java, situated south of Kelud volcano at 450 m elevation. On the 1.3 ha grounds the remains of a score large and small structures have been found. It is fortunate that many of them are dated. Thereby it is known that site was already in use at the time of the Kediri kingdom (1135-1222 AD) and buildings have been added throughout the reign of the Majapahit kings (1294-1429 AD). Like of the Trowulan ruins, it was Raffles who first ordered an investigation of the Penataran site, he visited it accompanied by a Dr Horsfield in 1815. A partial restauration was effected in 1917 and 1918.

The main buildings to see are:

  • The bale agung , considered to have been a meeting place. It lies on the left of the entrance and only a base with floor remains, 1.5 m high. The pillars and roof likely were made of wood.
  • The pendopo teras , where ceremonies and offerings took place. This also now consists of a base only, the sides being elaborately decorated with reliefs of edifying stories (next tip). The pendopo is dated 1297 Saka (1375 AD).

The Year Number Temple

The Year Number Temple

  • The so-called Year Number Temple ( Candi Angka Tahun ) is the most completely restored temple. It derives its name from the year, 1291 Saka (1369 AD), on its lintel.. It is also called Candi Brawijaya, because the East-Java Brawijaya divison of the army has adopted it as their symbol.
  • The Candi Naga or 'dragons temple', named after the dragons or snakes which decorate the upper edge of the temple body, the roof is missing. The snakes are supported by effigies of what may be kings, nine of them. This temple may have served the same function as Pura Kehen in Bangli (Bali) and Pura Taman Sari in Klungkung (Bali), viz. for storing sacred objects or for sanctifying objects belonging to the king.
  • The Candi Induk or main temple. This originally stood within a walled space, but the (probably brick) walls have disappeared. Three levels or storeys have been restored, but the roof could only be partly assembled and stands at your left when you face the main stairs. The walls of the three storeys are decorated with scenes from the Kresnayana and Ramayana tales.
  • When you have reached the back of the compound, a short walk down to the right leads to the Kolam Berangka or 'dated pool'. This bathing place carries the year 1337 Saka (1415 AD).

Other Sights and Activities

  • Istana Gebang - Parental home of the late president Soekarno. Address: Jalan Sultan Agung
  • Makam Bung Karno - Mausoleum of the late president Soekarno. Address: Jalan Slamet Riyadi
  • Penataran museum - Museum of artefacts from the Hindu era, adjacent to the Penataran temple complex. Address: Jalan Penataran 11, Penataran village, Nglegok district, Hours: Mondays closed, Fridays from 8:00am to 11:00am, other days 8:00am to 2:00pm, Price: A voluntary donation.

Blitar - Goa Embultuk

Blitar - Goa Embultuk

Gunung Kelud after the 2014 eruption

Gunung Kelud after the 2014 eruption

  • Kelud volcano - A scenic volcano with an eventful history. Administratively it belongs to Kediri regency. It can be reached by car, both from Blitar and from Kediri. Since the February 13th 2014 eruption, a lake has replaced the lava dome inside the crater and the scorched crater is slowly turning green again. Address: 30 kilometres north of Blitar., Price: Foreign visitors: IDR 25, 000
  • Tambakrejo beach - The largest and most popular beach south of Blitar, but actually a fishermen's village and harbour between two estuaries. If you walk west and manage to cross the river, there is a stretch of deserted sandy beach. Address: Tambakrejo villiage, Wonotirto district, 35 kilometres from Blitar.
  • Pehpulo beach - Also referred to as 'Pasir Putih Sumbersih' (White Sand of Sumbersih). In a bay a couple of 100 metres wide, no habitation nearby and no food stalls. Accessed by a 'rabat' road, i.e. two concrete strips. Address: Sumbersih village, Panggungrejo district, 45 kilometres southeast from Blitar
  • Pangi beach - A sandy beach in a deep bay of 200 metres wide. On walking distance (1.5 kilometres) from Embultuk cave or 4 kilometres from the cave by car, but you have to walk the last 300 metres anyhow. A few houses and a warung nearby. As a bonus a fresh water shower at the western end.
  • Candi Simping - This Hindu temple was inaugurated in 1321 AD to celebrate the deïfication of the first king of Majapahit, Raden Wijaya. Some 40 years later it was damaged by an earthquake and restored. But nowadays only the base remains. In the compound an attempt to restore the top and a lot of loose blocks. Address: Sumberjati village, Kademangan district, 7 kilometres due south of Blitar
  • Candi Gambar Wetan - Located in Gambar Wetan plantation on the southern slopes of Kelud volcano. The remains of the temple seem to have been reassembled haphazardly. But the drive to get there - north from Penataran temple across a checkdam - offers interesting views. Address: Gambar Wetan plantation, Nglegok village

Sawentar Temple

Sawentar Temple

  • Candi Sawentar - Sawentar temple, locally also referred to as Candi Cungkup - was discovered in 1915. The temple now stands in a dugout, the base had been covered by sand from Kelud volcano. It was restored to it's present condition in 1992-3. The top could not be reconstructed, an attempt stands at the side. The temple is remarkably devoid of sculptures, it looks as if it was left half finished. A pair of wooden doors originally closed the entrance to the inner chamber, as can be seen from the bearings in the threshold. A seal on the ceiling inside proves that Candi Sawentar was built in the Majapahit era, a more precise dating has been impossible. The function of the temple is supposed to have been as a place of worship. Indeed, in our time followers of the Hindu religion still come here to pray. From the similarity of Candi Sawentar with Candi Kidal near Malang, it may also be inferred that Candi Sawentar was built during the Singhasari dynasty, preceding Majapahit. Address: Sawentar village, Garum district, 15 kilometres east of Blitar.
  • Candi Kotes - Kotes temple consists of two sites, Candi Kotes I and Candi Kotes II, a short walk apart. Of both temples just an andesit base remains plus several altars. These probably were covered with a roof made of wood, because there are some footing stones for wood pillars but not enough blocks for a bigger stone structure lying around. Both bases carry a date in Javanese script, 1223 Saka (1301 AD) and 1222 Saka (1300 AD) respectively. This would agree with the story that king Vijaya, the founder of Majapahit kingdom, went in exile here when his rule was challenged by a rebel named Jayakatwang. The temples would have been a gift to the local population in reconnaissance of their support. Another source states that they are monuments in memory of an aide to the king who died here. Maybe both explanations contain some truth. Address: Kotes village, Gandusari district, 20 kilometres northeast of Blitar via Garum and Sukosewu village.
  • Candi Watu Tumpuk - . The site is close to the market of Pagerwojo village.]Watutumpuk, or in Javanese Selotumpuk, means 'heap of stones'. It is an apt name for these ruins; the stones have been haphazardly heaped together to the semblance of the original temple. Reliefs of a kala head and partial human figures give some indication what it may have looked like. According to an Indonesian source on the internet, the temple was destroyed in 1965 by vandals who hated it (1965 being the year of Suharto's coup and suppression of leftist organizations!). But locals still take care of the site and its elevated location makes the trip worthwhile for the views. Address: Pagerwojo village, Kesamben district, 45 kilometres east of Blitar

Lintel of Plumbangan Gate, year 1312 Saka

Lintel of Plumbangan Gate, year 1312 Saka

  • Candi Plumbangan - Candi Plumbangan is not really a temple but a gate. It must have given access to a walled precinct, but none of this remains. The gate has been restored in colonial times and the site is well kept. On the lintel of the gate can be seen the year 1312 Saka (1390 AD), which would date it when Wikramawardana had succeeded Ayam Wuruk to the throne of Majapahit. However, at the entrance of the site stands a prasasti (stela) that is much older. This carries the year 1042 Saka (1120 AD), when Bameswara ruled the kingdom of Kediri. The inscription declares that the Buddhist community of Plumbangan was perdikan, i.e. exempt from paying tax to the king. One can only admire the scholars who deciphered the almost illegible lettering. The word perdikan has the same root as modern Indonesian merdeka = freedom. Address: Plumbangan village, Doko district, 25 kilometres east of Blitar.
  • Historic Site Rambut Monte - The route from Blitar via Wlingi, Selorejo and Batu to Malang is the longer one, but the most scenic. The road winds between two volcanoes, active Gunung Kelud and dormant Gunung Kawi. The site Rambut Monte is a convenient stop in the pass between the two. Of the Majapahit era temple remains only a heap of stones. Next to it is a lake with crystal clear water, fed by a spring. That source must must be the reason why the temple was built here. Swimming with the fish not allowed, but there is a swimming pool if you feel like it - the pool sides are slippery and the bottom muddy. Address: Krisik village, Gandusari district, 15 kilometres from Wlingi at 500 metres east of the road.

Relief at  Mleri Museum

Relief at Mleri Museum

  • Historic site Mleri - The historic site ( Kekunaan in Indonesian) Mleri is also referred to as Candi Mleri, but this is a misnomer. It is not a temple, but a royal burial ground, more precisely it is thought to be the place of the pendharmaan (deification) of the third king of the Singhasari kingdom, Visnuvarddhana. That would date it back to 1280 AD. But very likely the site was in use earlier. A prasasti (stela) carries the year 1144 Saka (1222 AD), and on the backside of a statue of the god Durga is carved the year 1102 Saka (1180 AD). So there is no temple here, but various andesit statues and reliefs standing around and kept inside the small office. Traditional Javanese still come here to pray for a blessing. Some believe that the 'white tiger' statue comes to life on certain nights. Address: Bagelenan village, Srengat district, about 10 kilometres west of Blitar near the Bagelenan mosque.
  • Nyunyur lake - Telaga Nyunyur or Waduk Nyunyur is an artificial lake fed by the runoff from Kelud volcano, located about 1 kilometre off the scenic road from Wlingi to Selorejo. Next to the dam is a shady picnic site with a modest warung. The elongated lake with a footpath along each side remains a green and cool oasis on a hot day. Address: Nyunyur plantation, Soso village, Gandusari district, 10 kilometres north of Wlingi.
  • The Trisula monument -

Getting There

Trains from Yogyakarta to Malang and v.v. stop at Blitar. Usually there are four trains daily in each direction. For schedules consult the official PJKA website, in Indonesian , or the website in English . Tikets can be prebooked at most railway stations and on both websites. For the PJKA website you need an account at an Indonesian bank, on the website you can use a foreign credit card but pay a charge.

  • Depot Pacific - Middle-of-the-road Chinese-Indonesian restaurant. Good food at low prices. Located a few paces from Hotel Tugu. Address: Jalan Merdeka 161, Phone: +62.342.806 324
  • Waroeng Mak Nyak - A garden restaurant where you can see the dishes prepared in the half open kitchen. Traditional as well as innovative Indonesian food and drinks, reasonably priced. Address: Jalan Ir. Soekarno 184 (near Makam Bung Karno), Phone: +62.342.779 3000

View our map of accommodation in Blitar

Keep Connected

Internet is becoming more widely used in Indonesia, and warung Internet (warnet) - Internet cafés - are emerging everywhere. A lot of restaurants and cafés in big cities normally have wireless internet available for free. Internet connection speed in Indonesia varies between ISP and location. Prices vary considerably, and as usual you tend to get what you pay for, but you'll usually be looking at around Rp3,000 to Rp5,000 per hour with faster access than from your own mobile phone. In large cities, there are free WiFi hotspots in many shopping malls, McDonald restaurants, Starbucks cafes, 7 Eleven convenience stores, and in some restaurants and bars. Some hotels provide free hotspots in the lobby and/or in their restaurants and even in your rooms.

See also: International Telephone Calls

You can use 112 as an emergency number through mobile phones. Other numbers include 110 (police), 113 (fire) and 118 (ambulance). The international phone code is 62.

If you have GSM cellular phone, ask your local provider about "roaming agreement/facility" with local GSM operators in Indonesia (i.e.: PT Indosat , PT Telkomsel , PT XL Axiata ). The cheapest way is buying a local SIM card, which would be much cheaper to call and especially use internet compared to your own cell phone's sim card.

The Indonesian mobile phone market is heavily competitive and prices are low: you can pick up a prepaid SIM card for less than Rp 10,000 and calls may cost as little as Rp 300 a minute to some other countries using certain carriers (subject to the usual host of restrictions). SMS (text message) service is generally very cheap, with local SMS as low as Rp129-165, and international SMS for Rp400-600. Indonesia is also the world's largest market for used phones, and basic models start from Rp 150,000, with used ones being even cheaper.

Pos Indonesia provides the postal service in Indonesia. Pos Indonesia is government-owned and offers services ranging from sending letters and packages to money transfers (usually to remote areas which have no bank branch/ATM nearby) and selling postcards and stamps. Sending a postcards, letter or parcel is relatively expensive, but fairly reliable. It takes several days at least to send it within Indonesia, at least a week internationally. It is recommended to send letters from a Pos Indonesia branch, not by putting it inside orange mailbox (called Bis Surat) in the roadside, because some of the mailboxes are in very bad condition and aren't checked regularly by Pos Indonesia. Opening times of post offices usually tend to follow general business hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm (sometimes shorter hours on Fridays), Saturdays from 8:00am to 1:00pm, closed on Sundays. Bigger cities, tourist areas and central post offices tend to keep longer hours, into the evenings.

Private postal services based in Indonesia include CV Titipan Kilat (CV TIKI) , Jalur Nugraha Ekaputra (JNE) , Caraka , and RPX . There are also foreign postal services that have branches in Indonesia, including DHL , TNT , UPS , and FedEx .

External Links

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Accommodation in Blitar

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4 Travel Malang Blitar PP (Jadwal, Harga, Fasilitas)

Travel Malang Blitar

Travel selalu menawarkan pelayanan yang berbeda dengan jenis transportasi lainnya. Contohnya adalah adanya pelayanan antar jemput penumpang bahkan hingga ke rumah. Rute yang dimiliki oleh travel juga sangat banyak, salah satunya travel Malang Blitar yang cukup banyak diminati.

Jarak antara kota Malang ke Blitar memang cukup jauh. Hal ini membuat beberapa orang yang ingin bepergian ke Blitar lebih memilih menggunakan travel. Alih-alih harus menyetir sendiri untuk waktu yang cukup lama, sehingga Anda akan lebih mudah lelah dan jenuh sepanjang perjalanan.

Rekomendasi Travel Malang Blitar

Munculnya travel dari Malang ke Blitar ini sangat membantu dalam memberikan layanan perjalanan. Bagi Anda yang memiliki mobilitas ke luar kota, menggunakan travel sangat praktis dan efisien.

Saat ini terdapat banyak travel Malang Blitar yang beroperasi dan siap memberikan pelayanan terbaiknya. Berikut beberapa rekomendasi yang bisa dipilih:

1. Azzam Travel

  • Nama Jasa : Azzam Travel
  • Alamat : Jl. Ringgolawe No. 27
  • Nomor Telepon : 082257570770
  • Layanan : 8 x Gratis 1
  • Armada : Avanza, Xenia
  • Harga Tiket : 95.000
  • Website :

Azzam Travel ini telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2013. Layanan yang diberikannya dengan membuka rute travel di beberapa daerah, terutama area Jawa Timur. Sebagai salah satu bentuk pelayanannya, Azzam Travel mempersiapkan call center yang dapat dihubungi selama 24 jam nonstop.

Kemudahan pelayanan pelanggan yang diberikan oleh Azzam Travel yang lainnya, seperti pemesanan atau reservasi tiket secara online. Hal ini membuat para calon penumpang tidak perlu datang ke agen travel, cukup gunakan aplikasi yang disediakan.

  • Layanan call center 24 jam dapat dihubungi pada nomor telepon 082257570770
  • Armada yang disediakan oleh Azzam Travel antara lain Avanza, Innova, Innova Reborn, Ertiga, Xenia, Minibus, dan Hiace.
  • Setiap armada tersebut telah dilengkapi dengan fasilitas seperti full AC, full musik, bagasi luas, kabin nyaman, reclining seat, port charger, dan LCD.
  • Semua unit merupakan armada baru dengan tahun keluaran diatas tahun 2012.
  • Armada telah melewati perawatan dan service secara rutin sehingga dapat dipastikan armada dalam kondisi baik pada saat dipergunakan.
  • Harga tiket untuk satu kali perjalanan mulai dari Rp 95.000 per orang.
  • Layanan antar jemput penumpang dengan sistem door to door service.
  • Jadwal keberangkatan setiap harinya pada pukul 06.00, 12.00, 15.00, dan 18.00 WIB dari Kota Malang.
  • Sedangkan keberangkatan dari Blitar akan berangkat pada pukul 03.00, 06.00, 12.00, dan 15.00 WIB.
  • Rute yang dilalui adalah Malang – Kepanjen – Blitar
  • Alamat kantor agen berlokasi di Jl. Ringgolawe No. 27, Kota Malang.

2. Ongis Travel

Ongis Travel menyediakan shuttle yang nyaman dan aman untuk perjalanan dari Malang ke Blitar maupun rute sebaliknya. Perjalanan Anda akan lebih menyenangkan dengan armada travel yang nyaman dan berkualitas. Fasilitas yang diberikan juga cukup lengkap.

Pelayanannya juga memuaskan dengan berbagai kemudahan yang diberikan. Salah satunya adalah layanan reservasi online yang mudah melalui telepon. Ongis Travel merupakan travel Malang Blitar yang sudah cukup lama berpengalaman dalam bidang travel.

Apa keunggulan dari Ongis Travel? Dalam satu kali keberangkatan, satu armada hanya diisi oleh 5-6 orang saja tergantung jenis armadanya. Tentu saja hal ini akan menghindarkan penumpang dari risiko berdesak-desakan dan tidak nyaman.

  • Pemesanan online atau booking online melalui telepon atau whatsapp ke nomor 082218888236.
  • Armada yang digunakan meliputi Innova, Avanza, Xenia, Hiace, dan Elf.
  • Pada masing-masing armada telah dilengkapi dengan fasilitas full AC, musik, audio, kabin yang nyaman, bagasi, reclining seat, dan driver yang ramah.
  • Sistem antar jemput penumpang menggunakan door to door system.
  • Harga tiket yang ditetapkan untuk satu kali perjalanan adalah Rp90.000/orang.
  • Untuk rute yang akan dilewati adalah Malang Kota – Kepanjen – Blitar (PP).
  • Adapun jadwal perjalanan baik dari Malang ke Blitar dan sebaliknya, dapat ditanyakan langsung pada petugas call center.

3. Bali Jaya Trans

Salah satu travel Malang Blitar yang melayani perjalanan selama 24 jam adalah Bali Jaya Trans. Tarif yang ditetapkan juga sangat terjangkau dengan pelayanan unggulannya. Armada yang digunakan sangat bersih dan terawat. Kondisi armada selalu di cek sebelum digunakan.

Bali Jaya Trans ini memiliki head office di Ruko Tuban Plaza, Komplek Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 1 Tuban, Kuta, Badung. Namun untuk pemesanan tiket tidak perlu datang ke kantor agen, silakan menggunakan layanan booking online yang telah tersedia.

Sesuai dengan layanan dasar travel yang akan menjemput dan mengantar hingga ke tujuan, maka Bali Jaya Trans juga memiliki layanan yang sama. Apabila alamat tujuan melebihi rute yang ditetapkan, maka Anda cukup menambahkan biaya tambahan yang masih terjangkau.

  • Armada yang digunakan meliputi Hiace, Elf, Avanza, dan Innova.
  • Masing-masing armada memiliki fasilitas yang memadai seperti full AC, musik, audio, reclining seat, bagasi yang luas, kabin nyaman dan bersih, serta port charger.
  • Harga tiket per orang adalah Rp100.000 untuk satu kali perjalanan.
  • Untuk anak usia 3 tahun telah dikenakan satu tiket dan tidak dapat dipangku oleh orang dewasa.
  • Bali Jaya Trans memberikan layanan antar jemput penumpang dengan sistem door to door.
  • Jadwal keberangkatan setiap harinya pada pukul 08.00, 12.00, 16.00, dan 20.00 WIB dari titik Malang maupun Blitar.
  • Untuk rute perjalanan dapat ditanyakan langsung pada call center agen.
  • Layanan booking online dapat dilakukan di nomor telepon 085370089090.

4. Erc Trans

Satu lagi travel yang memberikan pelayanan perjalanan dari Malang ke Blitar yaitu Erc Trans. Biro perjalanan ini sudah cukup banyak dikenal oleh para pelanggan travel. Moda transportasi travel memang lebih banyak digemari karena pelayanan yang cukup memanjakan penumpang.

Para penumpang tidak perlu jauh-jauh untuk datang ke agen, cukup menunggu di rumah atau titik lokasi penjemputan. Begitu juga akan diantarkan hingga ke alamat tujuan. Sistem antar jemput inilah yang menjadi keunggulan dari sebuah jasa travel.

Erc Trans ini berlokasi di Jl. Untung Suropati Selatan No. 6 Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur. Sedangkan untuk operasionalnya buka pada pukul 07.00 hingga 21.00 WIB setiap hari. Namun untuk layanan online akan dilayani selama 24 jam nonstop.

Dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada pelanggannya, Erc Trans senantiasa mengedepankan kenyamanan dan keamanan penumpang. Hal ini dilakukan terutama dalam hal kualitas kendaraan.

Semua kendaraan yang digunakan, di bawah pengawasan dari tim teknisi yang handal.

  • Harga tiket travel untuk satu kali perjalanan adalah Rp115.000 per orang.
  • Armada yang digunakan meliputi Toyota Avanza, Toyota Innova Reborn, Grand Innova, Toyota Hiace, dan Isuzu Elf.
  • Masing-masing armada telah diberikan fasilitas full AC, full musik, audio, port charger HP, reclining seat, driver yang ramah, bagasi yang luas, dan kabin nyaman.
  • Jadwal keberangkatan setiap harinya adalah pada pukul 06.00, 12.00, 15.00, dan 18.00 dari Malang maupun dari Blitar.
  • Rute yang akan dilalui meliputi Kota Malang – Kepanjen – Blitar (PP).
  • Terdapat layanan door to door atau layanan antar jemput penumpang hingga sampai ke depan rumah.
  • Selain travel terdapat juga layanan pengantaran paket kilat baik barang maupun dokumen, serta paket wisata lainnya.
  • Reservasi online melalui pesan whatsapp ke nomor 081233930143.

Jenis transportasi travel memiliki perbedaan dalam hal pelayanannya. Hal ini untuk lebih memberikan kemudahan dalam mendapatkan layanan. Travel Malang Blitar ini juga memberikan layanan antar jemput dimana para penumpang cukup menunggu di rumah dan diantar hingga alamat yang dituju.

  • Travel Blitar Malan g
  • Travel Surabaya Blitar
  • Travel Malang Jogja
  • Travel Semarang Malang
  • 9 Travel Surabaya Blitar PP (Jadwal, Harga, Fasilitas)
  • 5 Travel Lebak Bulus Bandung PP (Jadwal, Harga, Fasilitas)
  • 5 Travel Merak Bandung PP (Jadwal, Harga, Fasilitas)
  • 5 Travel Malang Mojokerto PP (Jadwal, Harga, Fasilitas)
  • 4 Travel Pekalongan Bandung PP (Jadwal, Harga, Fasilitas)
  • 4 Travel Blitar Malang PP (Jadwal, Harga, Fasilitas)
  • 5 Travel Semarang Tegal PP (Jadwal, Harga, Fasilitas)


  • Disabilitas


  • Home & Decor
  • Pesona Indonesia

6 Rekomendasi Tempat Wisata di Blitar untuk Isi Libur Lebaran 2024, dari Wisata Alam hingga Budaya

Siapa yang libur lebaran menghabiskan waktu di Blitar? Jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi tempat wisata agar bantu menggerakkan perekonomian daerah ya!

Rusmia Nely

Diperbarui 07 Apr 2024, 06:00 WIB Diterbitkan 07 Apr 2024, 06:00 WIB

6 Destinasi Wisata di Blitar yang Siap Isi Libur Lebaranmu, Mulai Wisata Alam, Sejarah, hingga, Jakarta - Jawa Timur menjadi salah satu destinasi tujuan utama para pemudik di musim libur lebaran 2024 , dan  Blitar  menjadi salah satunya. Kabupaten itu populer sebagai lokasi peristirahatan terakhir Presiden ke-1 RI Sukarno. Di luar itu, wilayah ini memiliki sederet tempat wisata menarik yang patut dikunjungi.

Terletak di selatan Gunung Kelud, Blitar juga kaya akan wisata alam . Dari gunung hingga pantai, wilayah ini bisa memberikan pengalaman liburan yang tidak terlupakan. Apalagi, Kota Lahar ini juga dilewati jalur selatan kereta api lintas Jawa yang membuat aksesnya jadi mudah.

VIDEO: Belasan Kotak Amal Ditemukan di Pinggir Sungai di Blitar

Berkah ramadan, jajanan jadul opak gambir khas blitar kebanjiran pesanan, video: diburu di bulan ramadan, jajanan opak gambir khas blitar laku terjual 100 toples per hari.

Jadi, sayang kan bila melewatkan kesempatan mengeksplorasi destinasi wisata di kota ini. Berikut beberapa rekomendasi tempat wisata di Blitar yang dijamin tidak membosankan.


1. Agrowisata Belimbing Karangsari

Taman wisata yang terletak di Jalan Jeruk, Kelurahan Karangsari, Kecamatan Sukorejo, Kota Blitar ini tidak hanya menawarkan kegiatan yang berkutat soal buah belimbing. Pengunjung akan diajak untuk mencoba hasil olahan belimbing para pedagang UMKM dan bermain dengan fasilitas outbond yang menyenangkan.

Taman wisata ramah anak ini juga menyediakan paket wisata dengan tarif mulai Rp15 ribu sampai Rp275 ribu, tergantung jenis paket wisata yang dipilih. Lokasinya hanya berjarak dua kilometer dari Stasiun Kota Blitar, bisa dijangkau memakai sepeda motor atau mobil.

Pihak Agrowisata Belimbing Karangsari juga siap untuk menjemputmu menggunakan shuttle car yang disediakan. Jam bukanya adalah dari pukul 8.00 hingga 16.00 setiap hari.

* Follow Official WhatsApp Channel untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terkini dengan mengklik tautan ini .

2. Candi Penataran

[Bintang] Jawa Timur

Tidak lengkap berlibur di Blitar tanpa mengunjungi Kompleks Candi Penataran yang terletak sekitar 13 km dari pusat Kota Blitar.  Kompleks candi terbesar di Jawa Timur ini memberikanmu pengalaman kilas balik soal sejarah masa klasik Indonesia.

Candi bergaya Hindu Siwa ini bisa diakses menggunakan sepeda motor maupun mobil ke arah utara Kota Blitar. Pengunjung hanya perlu membayar parkir, tanpa tiket masuk. Terdapat pula penjaga candi yang siap jadi pemandu untuk menjelaskan sejarah sisa kemegahan kerajaan Hindu di Pulau Jawa tersebut.

Turis juga bisa mampir ke Museum Penataran yang letaknya tak jauh dari candi. Di sini tersimpan berbagai arca dan bagian-bagian candi sekitar Penataran yang belum direkonstruksi. Tiket masuknya pun gratis dan bisa belajar sambil bersantai di area pendopo Museum Penataran.

3. Pantai Serang

Selain pegunungan, Blitar juga memiliki wisata pantai. Salah satunya Pantai Serang yang menghadap Samudera Indonesia, sekitar 40 km di tenggara Kota Blitar. Pantai ini terletak dalam kawasan Desa Wisata Serang, tepatnya di Kecamatan Panggungrejo, Kabupaten Blitar.  Warga setempat memiliki ritual melarung sesajen ke laut yang disebut Larung Sesaji setiap 1 Suro.

Pantai ini memiliki hamparan pasir putih yang landai dengan ombak yang tidak terlalu tinggi. Di bibir pantai tersedia gazebo yang bisa digunakan untuk bersantai. Harga tiket masuknya adalah Rp10 ribu per orang dengan biaya parkir terpisah. Pantai ini buka dari pukul 09.00 sampai 20.00 untuk hari kerja dan 24 jam saat malam minggu. 

4. Desa Wisata Semen

6 Destinasi Wisata di Blitar yang Siap Isi Libur Lebaranmu, Mulai Wisata Alam, Sejarah, hingga Budaya

Blitar juga punya berbagai destinasi desa wisata yang kaya akan budaya. Salah satunya adalah Desa Wisata Semen yang terletak di Kecamatan Gandusari, Kabupaten Blitar. Desa ini bisa ditempuh dalam waktu satu jam menggunakan kendaraan roda dua atau roda empat.

Desa wisata ini menawarkan berbagai paket wisata, seperti paket edukasi, wisata budaya, camping ground dan outbound , serta paket wisata live in . Di desa ini ada beberapa destinasi alam yang bisa dikunjungi, mulai dari area perkebunan teh, Air Terjun Laweyan, Kawasan Wisata Puspa Jagad, dan sebagainya.

Letak desa ini diapit oleh dua gunung, yaitu Kelud dan Lawu. Karena posisi geografisnya, jangan lupa untuk membawa jaket tebal ketika berkunjung ke sini.

5. Membeli Oleh-Oleh Khas Blitar di Makam Bung Karno

Lokasi wisata ini adalah yang paling ramai didatangi oleh peziarah dan turis. Selain berkunjung ke makan Sang Proklamator, di kompleks wisata ini juga banyak pedagang yang menjual jajanan dan oleh-oleh khas Blitar.

Hanya berjarak 3 km dari Stasiun Blitar, Kompleks Makam Bung Karno bisa dikunjungi dari pukul 07.00 hingga 17.00 dengan tiket masuk Rp3 ribu per orang. Di sana terdapat pasar oleh-oleh Makam Bung Karno yang menjual berbagai pernak-pernik dan makanan ringan khas Blitar. Di luar area kompleks, Anda juga bisa menemukan berbagai kafe dan restoran yang siap mengisi perutmu.

6. Taman Kebon Rojo

6 Destinasi Wisata di Blitar yang Siap Isi Libur Lebaranmu, Mulai Wisata Alam, Sejarah, hingga

Selain wisata sejarah dan alam terbuka, Blitar juga punya taman tengah kota yang bisa kamu jadikan lokasi untuk bermain atau sekadar bersantai. Terletak di Jalan Diponegoro No. 12, Kelurahan Bendogerit, Kecamatan Sanawetan, kamu bisa mengakses taman ini dengan berjalan kaki atau naik kendaraan sejauh 2 km dari Stasiun Kota Blitar.

Di taman ini, Anda bisa menjumpai berbagai atraksi wisata seperti patung dinosaurus besar, ayunan, papan seluncur, koleksi flora dan fauna, memberi makan rusa, dan berfoto ria bersama keluarga. Tman ini juga menyediakan wahana flying fox khusus untuk anak-anak.

Harga masuk untuk wisata Taman Kebon Rojo ini gratis. Pengunjung hanya perlu membayar parkir kendaraan. Di dalam Taman Kebon Rojo ini juga tersedia warung dan pedagang makanan sehingga tidak perlu khawatir harus jauh-jauh mencari tempat makan. Untuk fasilitas, di dalam taman terdapat gazebo dan toilet. Sedangkan untuk tempat ibadah, pengunjung bisa berjalan sedikit ke seberang taman menuju Masjid Syuhada.

Infografis Destinasi Wisata Berkelanjutan di Indonesia dan Dunia

* Fakta atau Hoaks? Untuk mengetahui kebenaran informasi yang beredar, silakan WhatsApp ke nomor Cek Fakta 0811 9787 670 hanya dengan ketik kata kunci yang diinginkan.

Blitar adalah sebuah kota yang terletak di Provinsi Jawa Timur

Rekomendasi tempat wisata

Tempat wisata, libur lebaran 2024, lebaran 2024, wisata alam, taman wisata.

Dinny Mutiah


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Sandra Dewi Pakai Sepatu Seharga Belasan Juta Rupiah Saat Jadi Saksi Kasus Dugaan Korupsi Harvey Moeis

Jampidsus bantah akan periksa artis lain selain sandra dewi terkait kasus korupsi timah.

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan memimpin Rapat Koordinasi Pembayaran Rafaksi Minyak Goreng, Senin (25/3/2024). (Dok Kemenko Marves)

Heboh Korupsi Timah Rp 271 Triliun, Menko Luhut Akhirnya Turun Tangan

Kate Middleton dan Pangeran Harry (Jeremy Selwyn / AFP)

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Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung) telah memeriksa aktris Sandra Dewi terkait kasus korupsi timah yang menjerat suaminya, Harvey Moeis. (Foto Dok. Kejaksaan Agung).

Saksi Mata: Sandra Dewi Dalam Pemeriksaan Penyidik Kejagung Terkait Skandal Korupsi Timah

Ramadhan 2024.

Kendaraan pemudik melintas di Jembatan Kalikuto di ruas jalan tol Batang - Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Minggu (2/6/2019). Memasuki H-3 Lebaran, kepolisian dan pengelola jalan tol masih memberlakukan jalan tol satu arah (One Way) dari Jakarta menuju Semarang. ( Zakharia)

Polri: Pemudik Jangan Terburu-buru Saat One Way Diberlakukan

Ilustrasi malam takbiran, Lebaran, Hari Raya Idulfitri. (Photo Copyright by Freepik)

Tradisi Unik Idul Fitri di 5 Negara dari Indonesia hingga Islandia, Berbagi Uang Sampai Tukar Hadiah

Jumlah pemudik yang menyeberang ke Pelabuhan Bakauheni, Lampung hingga Sabtu (6/4) atau H-4 lebaran 2024 melonjak drastis. ( Yuniar)

Pakar Sarankan Pemudik Istirahat 15 hingga 20 Menit Tiap 3 Jam untuk Cegah Statis Tubuh dan Kelelahan

Acara Danamon Syariah Travel Fair (DSTF) 2024 yang berlangsung pada 21—24 Maret 2024 di Gandaria City Mall, Jakarta. (Dok Danamon)

Danamon Syariah Travel Fair 2024 Penuhi Kebutuhan Haji Khusus dan Umrah

Selebrasi para pemain PSS Sleman merayakan gol keempat ke gawang Bhayangkara FC yang dicetak Ricky Cawor (kanan) pada laga pekan ke-25 BRI Liga 1 2023/2024 di Stadion PTIK, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (22/2/2024). ( Lazuardi)

BRI Liga 1 Kembali Bergulir usai Lebaran, PSS Sleman Sambut Positif

Pemain baru Persija Jakarta, Ryo Matsumura, saat mengikuti sesi latihan di Nirwana Park, Sawangan, Depok, Rabu (31/5/2023). Pemain asal Jepang itu didatangkan Macan Kemayoran dari Persis Solo dan diikat dengan kontrak berdurasi tiga musim. ( Iqbal Ichsan)

Pemain Persija Jakarta Dapat Kesempatan Berkumpul Bersama Keluarga di Akhir Ramadhan 2024

Pemain asing Persib Bandung asal Italia, Stefano Beltrame dalam debutnya di BRI Liga 1 2023/2024 kontra PSM Makassar di Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api, Senin (4/12/2023). (Instagram Persib Bandung)

Pemain Persib Bandung Dapat Libur Lebaran 4 Hari

Pemain Timnas Indonesia U-23, Ivar Jenner (kedua kiri) dan rekan-rekannya mendengarkan instruksi dari pelatih Shin Tae-yong (kedua kanan) saat laga Grup K Kualifikasi Piala Asia U-23 2024 melawan Turkmenistan di Stadion Manahan, Solo, Selasa (12/9/2023). Ivar mengaku bahwa golnya ke gawang Turkmenistan dipersembahkan untuk tim, pelatih, dan juga masyarakat Indonesia. ( Bagus)

Soal Penundaan BRI Liga 1, Bos Persebaya: Erick Thohir Ingin Bawa Indonesia ke Level yang Belum Pernah Dicapai

Menang Atas PSIS Semarang, Bali United FC Bersaing Ketat Dengan Persib Bandung di 4 Besar Klasemen (Dewi Divianta/

Klasemen BRI Liga 1 2023/2024: Tambah Penderitaan Persija Jakarta, Bali United Mantap ke Championship Series

Pemain Borneo FC, Fajar Fathur Rahman saat menghadapi Persija Jakarta pada laga pekan ke-7 BRI Liga 1 2023/2024 di Stadion Patriot Candrabhaga, Bekasi, Rabu (9/8/2023). ( Lazuardi)

Dukung Timnas Indonesia, BRI Liga 1 Bakal Rehat Selama Piala Asia U-23 2024

Ilija Spasojevic merayakan gol pertamanya ke gawang Barito Putera, Minggu (9/1/2022). (Dok. Bali United)

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info travel blitar

info travel blitar

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Benang Biru Adventure

www. benangbiruadventure .com


Kami merupakan penyedia jasa travel Jawa-Bali, serta transportasi di Jawa Timur, menyewakan kendaraan dengan kondisi prima untuk memenuhi kebutuhan transportasi Anda. Kami memiliki tim dan driver yang handal dan berpengalaman dalam menyediakan berbagai unit kendaraan yang berkualitas, fasilitas berkelas, performa kendaraan yang prima, dan tentunya dengan harga yang bersaing. Benang Biru Adventure juga menyediakan layanan transportasi dengan driver, selain itu kami juga menyediakan sewa jeep bromo & merapi, paket wisata (Bromo, kawah ijen, Gili labak, Gili ketapang, Tumpak sewu dll),  dan jasa penitipan paket kilat.

Rasakan kemudahan cari jasa tour & travel serta transportasi  hanya di Benang Biru Adventure. Bersama kami urusan tour & travel serta tranportasi semakin hemat, cepat, dan memuaskan. Untuk ketersediaan unit armada dan harga detail bisa menghubungi CS Benang Biru Adventure. Hubungi kami sekarang juga dan nikmati berbagai benefit dan keuntungan menggunakan jasa kami.

Layanan Kami

Travel Blitar - Surabaya PP

Travel Blitar - Surabaya PP

Travel Tulungagung - Surabaya PP

Travel Tulungagung - Surabaya PP

Travel Surabaya - Jakarta PP

Travel Surabaya - Jakarta PP

Travel Surabaya - Denpasar PP

Travel Surabaya - Denpasar PP

Travel Surabaya - Jember PP

Travel Surabaya - Jember PP

Titipan paket one day service

Titipan paket one day service

Pariwisata Jawa Bali

Pariwisata Jawa Bali

Tiket pesawat & Kapal laut

Tiket pesawat & Kapal laut

Umroh & haji

Umroh & haji

Kami memberikan perawatan rutin ke setiap unit armada untuk memastikan keamanan, keselamatan, dan kenyamanan setiap pelanggan.

unit mobil terawat

Kami menyediakan tour & travel serta transportasi yang lebih murah dibandingkan perusahaan lain yang tentunya terjangkau untuk semua kalangan.

harga bersahabat

Kami siap melayani Anda selama 24 jam dengan respon yang cepat dan melayani dengan sepenuh hati untuk setiap keinginan yang Anda butuhkan.

admin ramah & baik

Rute travel, benang biru adventure | rute travel.

armada-benang-biru-adventure-2 - Copy

Surabaya – Jakarta 

Jakarta – surabaya.

armada-benang-biru-adventure-1 - Copy

Surabaya – Denpasar 

Denpasar – surabaya.


Surabaya – Blitar

Blitar – surabaya, surabaya – tulungagung, tulungagung – surabaya, surabaya – kediri, kediri  – surabaya, surabaya – jember, jember – surabaya.

*tarif di atas tidak berlaku untuk high season (hari raya, natal, dan tahun baru


Beberapa dokumentasi kami.




Andi Afandi


Artikel Terbaru


Travel Blitar Surabaya


Tips Nyaman Ketika Naik Travel


Travel Reguler Jawa-Bali Door To Door Service – layanan Travel Jawa Bali

info travel blitar


Jasa Tour & Travel Jawa Timur, Melayani :

line alsa trans

Travel Reguler

Jasa Antar paket atau barang besar/kecil keluar kota untuk berbagai keperluan.

Antar Paket Kilat

Persewaan mobil untuk berbagai keperluan baik wisata, ziarah, perjalanan bisnis, dll.

Rental Mobil

Dari Jawa Timur ke Bali, Jogja, Batu, Bromo, Gili Ketapang, Pacitan, Dieng.

Paket Tour/Wisata

Menyediakan pemesanan tiket untuk tiket pesawat online, pelni, kai, bus akap, ppob, dll.

Melayani Jasa Ticketing

alsa trans - subheader 1

// Daftar Tarif //

Jadwal keberangkatan travel.

Blitar – Surabaya (Via Pare & Via Malang)

> 04:00, 07:00, 10:00, 15:00, 23:00

  • Blitar – Surabaya Kota 150.000
  • Blitar – Juanda 150.000
  • Blitar – Sidoarjo 170.000
  • Blitar – Perak 170.000
  • Blitar – Malang 125.000
  • Blitar – Lawang 150.000
  • Blitar – Pare 125.000

Surabaya – Blitar (Via Pare & Via Malang)

07:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00

  • Surabaya Kota – Blitar 150.000
  • Juanda – Blitar 150.000
  • Sidoarjo – Blitar 170.000
  • Perak – Blitar 170.000
  • Malang – Blitar 125.000
  • Lawang – Blitar 150.000
  • Pare – Blitar 125.000
  • Harga Tersebut Merupakan Tarif Dasar Pengantaran Kota – Kota
  • Bukan Termasuk Tarif Tambahan Luar Batas Pengantaran


// Sekilas Kami //

Kami merupakan perusahaan Travel terpercaya di Blitar. Sejak awal didirikan kami berkomitmen untuk menjadi sahabat perjalanan yang menyenangkan, dan senantiasa menyediakan travel dengan murah di Blitar.

Alsa berfokus sebagai jasa travel Blitar dengan layanan meliputi Travel Blitar Surabaya Kota (PP), Travel Blitar Juanda (PP), Jasa Antar Paket Kilat 1 Hari sampai hitungan Jam, Carteran Blitar, Jasa Pariwisata, Rental Mobil.

travel blitar surabaya, travel surabaya blitar, travel blitar, pariwisata blitar, tour murah.

Travel Berangkat Tiap Hari di Blitar…

// keunggulan kami //, perusahaan terpercaya.

Perusahaan tour & travel terpercaya berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun beroperasi memberi pelayanan perjalanan tak terlupakan.

Service All In One

Bagi anda yang ingin melaksanakan kegiatan liburan bersama pasangan, keluarga atau rekan bisnis kami adalah solusinya.

Harga Lebih Murah

Kami menawarkan paket perjalanan yang sangat terjangkau dan kami juga selalu memberi harga promo setiap bulannya.

galeri alsa trans 9

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Info Travel Blitar Semarang, Jadwal dan Tarif Lengkap !!

April 1, 2023 11 min read

Info Travel Blitar Semarang – Teman-teman yang mau ke Blitar Jawa Timur dari arah Semarang bisa bookingTravel Blitar Semarang. Sebenarnya kita bisa dengan mudah menemukan biro perjalanan Travel Blitar Semarang

Melayani rute ini. Biasanya layanan antar jemput Travel Blitar Semarang dan sebaliknya.

Rute perjalanan dari Kota Atlas ke Blitar yaitu : Salatiga, Solo, Ngawi, Kediri, Blitar berakhir di Kota Apel. Selain di Surakarta, ada juga layanan Gemolong, Jadi tidak lewat kota Solo dan Boyolali. 

Rute ini adalah Salatiga, Karanggede, Gemolong, Sragen, Ngawi, Kediri, Blitar dan berakhir di kota Apel.

Tarif untuk jalur ini adalah sekitar 150.000. Maka waktu keberangkatan yang dijadwalkan adalah malam hari.

Diantara travel agent yang akan diulas dalam artikel ini adalah Eltrans, Rodison Trans, Megantara Trans, Fajar Utama, Jolalisemar, Eling Travel dan Nusantara Indah.

1. Eltrans Travel Blitar Semarang

info travel blitar

Kalau bicara Travel Blitar Semarang, Eltrans bisa diandalkan. Tentu saja, dia melayani antar-jemput sehingga penumpang dimanjakan dengan pilihan.

Dibukanya jurusan ini karena melayani perjalanan SMG MLG, karena Blitar akan dilewati nanti, jadi buat kalian yang berada di kota Lumpia otomatis bisa order di Eltrans

  • Telp: 085777779957
  • WA: 085777779957
  • Alamat: Jl. Sanggung Raya No. 6 Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
  • Web:

Kendaraan yang digunakan sangat beragam yaitu Hiace, L300, Luxio, H1 dan Innova. Maka waktu pemberangkatan sekali dalam sehari

yaitu waktu penjemputan Travel Blitar Semarang sekitar jam 7 malam dan sebaliknya.

Door to Door Pickup / Antar Jemput

Salah satu layanan unggulannya adalah layanan door to door atau dikenal dengan layanan jemput penumpang

Dalam hal ini travel order tidak harus dikirim ke pool/garage atau tempat agen kami,

Cukup berada di titik penjemputan, tur ini akan menjemput Anda di lokasi yang telah dijadwalkan

Carter Mobil

Bagi yang ingin menggunakan jasa Travel Blitar Semarang namun tidak ingin digabung dengan penumpang lain atau ingin melakukan perjalanan di luar jadwal biasanya,

Akses ke layanan charter berarti Anda bisa mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari mobil perjalanan Anda

Sesuai dengan keinginan waktu dan tempat yang dituju, tentunya harga sewanya berbeda dengan harga tiket pesawat pada umumnya

Shuttle Bandara / Stasiun Kereta

Untuk penumpang yang bepergian ke dan menuju bandara/bandara atau stasiun kereta api

Kami menyediakan layanan transfer bandara Ahmad Yani. Transfer ini termasuk transfer langsung ke area bandara dan stasiun

Melayani Pengiriman Paket Barang

Selain untuk business Travel Blitar Semarang, pengiriman paket dan dokumen bisa Anda percayakan disini, karena selain harganya cukup murah, tracking dan keamanan barang juga lebih terjamin.

Mengingat barang yang Anda kirim akan langsung diantar, maka faktor kecepatan dan ketepatan waktu pengiriman juga bisa terjamin

Pada hari pengambilan barang oleh supir yang bertugas saat itu, dapat dilacak atau dipantau melalui lokasi barang tersebut

Layanan Eksekutif (Physical Distancing)

Apalagi di masa pandemi Covid-19, kami menawarkan layanan eksekutif di mobil Avanza hingga 3 penumpang. Promosi ini kami jalankan untuk mendukung program pemerintah

Menerapkan physical distance untuk menghindari penyebaran virus corona agar tidak semakin meluas.

Fasilitas Perjalanan Travel

Fasilitas Travel Blitar Semarang yang kami sediakan menggunakan prinsip kenyamanan, keamanan dan keselamatan.

Berikan penumpang pengalaman terbaik saat bepergian dengan Citra Travel. Di bawah ini adalah daftar teknis dari fasilitas yang kami tawarkan:

  • Jemput Antar Alamat
  • Gratis 1x Makan
  • Driver Profesional
  • Armada Nyaman dan longgar
  • Reclining Seat / Kursi dapat direbahkan

Armada Eksekutif

Kami menawarkan armada terbaik dan terawat yang selalu memberikan kenyamanan selama perjalanan Anda. Di bawah ini adalah jenis armada yang biasa kami gunakan

  • Daihatsu Luxio
  • Kijang Innova
  • Toyota Hiace

2. Rodison Trans

info travel blitar

Layanan antar jemput ini menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk Travel Blitar Semarang. Kendal Blitar travel tour juga tersedia

disediakan oleh layanan. Konsumen juga akan dijemput dari arah Kendal atau Semarang sekitar jam 7 malam.

  • Telp: 081215333400
  • WA: 081215333400
  • Alamat: Perum Cindelaras, Jl. Raya Timur Kaliwungu – Kendal, Penjor, Protomulyo, Kec. Kaliwungu Sel., Kabupaten Kendal
  • Web:

Selain untuk business Travel Blitar Semarang, pengiriman parsel dan dokumen bisa kamu percayakan disini, karena selain harganya cukup murah, tracking dan keamanan barang juga lebih terjamin.

Apalagi di masa pandemi Covid-19, kami menawarkan layanan eksekutif di mobil Avanza hingga 3 penumpang.

Promosi ini kami jalankan untuk mendukung program pemerintah

Fasilitas yang kami sediakan menggunakan prinsip kenyamanan, keamanan dan keselamatan.

Berikan penumpang pengalaman terbaik . Di bawah ini adalah daftar teknis dari fasilitas Travel Blitar Semarang yang kami tawarkan:

Kami menawarkan armada terbaik dan terawat yang selalu memberikan kenyamanan selama perjalanan Travel Blitar Semarang Anda. Di bawah ini adalah jenis armada yang biasa kami gunakan

3. Fajar Utama Travel Blitar Semarang

info travel blitar

Sebagai layanan transportasi darat, Fajar Utama tidak hanya menyediakan layanan penjemputan dan pengantaran Travel Blitar Semarang, tetapi juga menyediakan layanan penyewaan mobil, tur, dan pengemasan kargo.

Fajar Utama resmi berkantor di Malang. Jadi bagi yang akan keluar kota bisa datang ke kantor kami atau menghubungi nomor telepon/WA kantor. Berikut alamat lengkap agen kami.

  • Alamat: Jln. Kanguru Selatan 2/25, Semarang, Jawa Tengah.
  • Telp. : 081 225 229 678
  • Telp. : 085 62 808 678
  • WA : 085 62 808 678
  • Situs:

Kursus ini memiliki jadwal malam. Jadwalnya sehari sekali yaitu perjalanan malam bisa yaitu berangkat dari arah Kota Lumbia setiap jam 7 malam. Jika Anda berangkat dari Blitar, otomatis sudah menunggu di kota Apel.

Salah satu layanan unggula Travel Blitar Semarang adalah layanan door to door atau dikenal dengan layanan jemput penumpang

Berikan penumpang pengalaman terbaik. Di bawah ini adalah daftar teknis dari fasilitas Travel Blitar Semarang yang kami tawarkan:

4. Eling Travel Blitar Semarang

Eling travel menyediakan jasa Travel Blitar Semarang dan sebaliknya. Jika Anda ingin menggunakan layanan travel ini, Anda dapat menghubungi helpline di 082 335 303 888.

  • Kantor Semarang: Jl Sukun No 39 RT 05 RW 01 Kalipasir, Ungaran Timur
  • Kantor Malang: Jl Danau Semayang Blok C1 D12 Sawojajar
  • Telp/ WA: 082335303888
  • Telp/ WA: 085724303888
  • Telp/ WA: 087758303888

Rute perjalanan Eling ke Blitar yaitu : Semarang, Sera Tiga, Slagen, Njawi, Karuban, Ganzhu, Jidiri, Blitar, Kebanyan, Palay, Batu .

Berangkat dari arah ibu kota Jawa Tengah pukul 18.00. Dengan fungsi wisata malam, sangat membantu bagi teman-teman yang suka wisata malam.

Salah satu layanan unggulan Travel Blitar Semarang adalah layanan door to door atau dikenal dengan layanan jemput penumpang

Selain untuk business Travel Blitar Semarang, pengiriman parcel dan dokumen bisa kamu percayakan disini, karena selain harganya cukup murah, tracking dan keamanan barang juga lebih terjamin.

Biarkan pelancong mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik saat bepergian dengan Travel. Di bawah ini adalah daftar teknis dari fasilitas yang kami tawarkan:

5. Jolalisemar

info travel blitar

Jolalisemar Travel Blitar Semarang adalah biro perjalanan transportasi dan tiket yang menyediakan perjalanan antar kota, tiket pesawat dan kapal, pengiriman paket dan siap menjadi solusi perjalanan reguler atau wisata Anda.

Travel Blitar Semarang Service memberikan fasilitas yang nyaman dan pelayanan crew yang terbaik untuk kenyamanan selama menggunakan jasa travel ini.

  • Alamat: Jl. Raya Diponegoro 175 Ungaran
  • Alamat: Jl. Raya Kendalrejo 17 Talun

Kami juga menawarkan sewa minibus dan bus untuk perjalanan bisnis atau tamasya sekolah, reuni keluarga, perjalanan keluar, perjalanan bulan madu, perjalanan liburan untuk perjalanan spiritual – kami memiliki paket

Dengan Travel & Tourism, Anda memilih dan dapat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perjalanan grup Anda.

Perjalanan Jolalisemar akan melewati banyak kota mulai dari kota awal hingga perkotaan. Rute perjalanannya adalah: Semarang – Salatiga – Karanggede – Sragen – Kediri – Malang – Batu – Blitar.

Rute ini bekerja di arah yang berlawanan. Konsumen di kota-kota ini juga dapat memesan perjalanan atau mengirimkan paket. Jadwal perjalanan Joglosemar untuk rute ini adalah sekali sehari.

6. Nusantara Indah

Travel Nusantara Indah telah melayani penumpang selama bertahun-tahun, memberikan layanan antar jemput penumpang. Salah satunya adalah Travel Blitar Semarang PP.

Tak hanya itu, Nusantara Indah juga menyediakan layanan antar jemput di Semarang, Kitdiri, Batu, Blitar, dan Malang. Kepuasan dan keselamatan penumpang menjadi prioritas dalam Travel Blitar Semarang ini, didukung oleh driver yang berpengalaman

Khusus penjemputan di area Semarang dan pengiriman di area Jidiri, Malang, Batu, dan Malang relatif terjangkau.

  • Alamat: Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 75 Semarang,
  • No. telepon ( 024 ) 76430727, 76430808
  • Hotline : 081567633849, 082136197633

Waktu keberangkatan Nusantara Indah dari kota keberangkatan ke kota tujuan per Juli 2016. Jadwal perjalanan Travel Blitar Semarang dan Malang yaitu dari Semarang: 19.00 WIB

Bagi yang ingin menggunakan jasa Travel Blitar Semarang namun tidak ingin digabung dengan penumpang lain atau ingin melakukan perjalanan di luar jadwal biasanya

7. Megantara Trans

info travel blitar

Biro perjalanan pertama yang kami bahas adalah Megantara Trans. Travel memiliki website resmi yang menyediakan layanan Travel Blitar Semarang

ke Malang dan sebaliknya. Rute tersebut melewati Solo sehingga secara otomatis melayani travel Malang Solo.

  • Alamat: Dr.Cipto – Jl.Senjoyo 1 Kios No.3, Semarang
  • Hp: 082 335 42 9399
  • Web:

Armada yang digunakan adalah Luxio dan Grand max. Fasilitas yang diberikan adalah: antar jemput ke alamat, interior bersih dan nyaman, gratis 1x area lounge layanan tingkat VIP, interior tingkat tinggi full AC.

Demikianlah artikel agen Travel Blitar Semarang rekomendasi untuk anda. Semoga, artikel ini bisa bermanfaat untuk anda yang akan melakukan perjalanan Blitar Semarang dan sebaliknya

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Five Things You Should Do If Traveling to See the Eclipse

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info travel blitar

This NASA map shows the April 8 total solar eclipse path stretching from Texas to Maine. A partial eclipse will be visible throughout all 48 contiguous U.S. states.

A rare total solar eclipse will fill the skies from Texas to Maine on April 8, immersing people along its path into darkness. Millions are expected to travel to see the rare phenomenon and the American Red Cross has steps people should follow if planning a trip to see the eclipse.

Pack an emergency kit in case you get stuck in traffic or can’t find a place to stay . Include water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, battery-powered radio, first aid kit, medications, supplies for an infant if applicable, a multi-purpose tool, personal hygiene items including toilet paper, cell phone chargers, extra cash, blankets, maps of the area and emergency contact information. Make a plan for where you’ll stay overnight, if needed.

Check the weather forecast ahead of time and plan accordingly .

Keep your gas tank full so you don’t run out while stuck in traffic.

Let someone know where you are going and the route you plan to take to get there.

Pick an easy to remember meeting location if someone gets separated from your group.

The eclipse will begin at sunrise over the Pacific Ocean, cutting through Mexico’s Pacific Coast at about 11:07 a.m. PT (8:07 a.m. ET) and then enter the U.S in Texas. The path goes through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Small parts of Tennessee and Michigan will also experience the total solar eclipse. The eclipse will then enter Canada and exit North America around Newfoundland, Canada. Full details from NASA are available here .

Some 31 million people living along the eclipse path will witness the rare total solar eclipse, while people in all contiguous U.S. states will be able to see at least a partial eclipse. Compared to the most recent solar eclipse in Aug. 2017, the viewing path for the 2024 total eclipse is wider and passes over more cities and densely populated areas. The upcoming eclipse is also expected to last twice as long, for about 4.5 minutes. The next opportunity to see a total solar eclipse cross over the U.S. after April 8 is more than two decades away on Aug. 23, 2044, according to NASA.

RED CROSS GETTING READY With so many people expected to travel to view the total eclipse, there could be major traffic issues and potential fuel shortages. Communication systems may also experience disruptions due to heightened demand. As part of our regular collaboration for large-scale, public events, the Red Cross is coordinating with local emergency management agencies along the viewing path to respond if necessary.

In addition to the five safety steps above, you should download the free Red Cross First Aid app so you’ll know what to do if emergency help is delayed and the free Emergency app for weather alerts, open Red Cross shelter locations and safety steps for different emergencies. Choose whether you want to view the content in English or Spanish with an easy-to-find language selector. Find these and all of the Red Cross apps in smartphone app stores by searching for the American Red Cross or going to

EYE SAFETY It is not safe to look directly at the sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing. Viewing any part of the bright sun through a camera lens, binoculars or a telescope without a special-purpose solar filter secured over the front of the optics will instantly cause severe eye injury.

According to NASA, when watching the partial phases of the solar eclipse directly with your eyes, which happens before and after totality, you must look through safe solar viewing glasses or a safe, handheld solar viewer at all times. Eclipse glasses are NOT regular sunglasses. No matter how dark the lenses are tinted, regular sunglasses are not safe for viewing the sun. Safe solar viewers are thousands of times darker and ought to comply with the  ISO 12312-2  international standard. More information is available here.

About the American Red Cross:

The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to victims of disasters; supplies about 40% of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; distributes international humanitarian aid; and supports veterans, military members and their families. The Red Cross is a nonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to deliver its mission. For more information, please visit or , or follow us on social media.

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Earthquake maps show where seismic activity shook the Northeast today

By Lucia Suarez Sang

Updated on: April 5, 2024 / 7:51 PM EDT / CBS News

Residents across the Northeast were rattled by a  4.8 magnitude earthquake that shook  the densely populated New York City metropolitan area and much of the surrounding region on Friday morning. The U.S. Geological Survey was quick to release maps showing the spot where the quake was centered, in New Jersey, and the area where it was felt.

The USGS reported the quake occurred about 7 miles north of Whitehouse Station, New Jersey. It indicated that the quake might have been felt by more than 42 million people. There were several aftershocks later in the day, including one with a magnitude of 4.0.

Map shows area affected by earthquake centered in New Jersey

People in Baltimore , Philadelphia , New Jersey, Connecticut, Boston and other areas of the Northeast reported shaking. Tremors lasting for several seconds were felt over 200 miles away near the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border.

The map below shows the seismic intensity of the earthquake. The map, which is mostly a lighter shade of blue, shows that the intensity was light to weak, depending on the distance from the epicenter. 


Another map released by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre on X, formerly Twitter, highlights the eyewitness reports of shaking and possible damage levels during the seismic event. 

#Earthquake 18 mi W of #Plainfield (New Jersey) 23 min ago (local time 10:23:20). Updated map - Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience via: 📱 🌐 — EMSC (@LastQuake) April 5, 2024

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and New York City Mayor Eric Adams have been briefed on the quake. 

"We're taking this extremely seriously and here's why: There's always the possibility of aftershocks. We have not felt a magnitude of this earthquake since about 2011," Hochul said. 

People across the region were startled by the rumbling of the quake. One New York City resident told CBS New York's Elijah Westbrook, "I was laying in my bed, and my whole apartment building started shaking. I started freaking out," 

It's not the first time the East Coast and New York City have been hit by an earthquake. 

A 5.0 quake was measured in New York City in 1884. 

The shaking stirred memories of the Aug. 23, 2011, earthquake that jolted tens of millions of people from Georgia to Canada. Registering magnitude 5.8, it was the strongest quake to hit the East Coast since World War II. The epicenter was in Virginia.

That earthquake left cracks in the Washington Monument, spurred the evacuation of the White House and Capitol and rattled New Yorkers three weeks before the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

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When an Editor’s Job Is to Follow the Moon

As North America prepares for the total solar eclipse on April 8, Michael Roston, an editor on the Health and Science desk, prepares The Times.

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An illustration of people in a shadowed path on Earth’s surface, representing the total solar eclipse’s path of totality. The people use telescopes and protective glasses to look toward the sky.

By Emmett Lindner

On April 8, millions of people will look toward the sky for the total solar eclipse, the first to be visible in North America since 2017. The moon will cross directly in front of the sun, blocking light and casting a shadow on Earth as it makes its journey north from Mexico, over the United States and into Canada. For the more than 30 million people who live inside the path of totality — and the many more who are traveling to optimal viewing spots — daylight will momentarily disappear. In other areas, it will dim.

It will be the last time a total solar eclipse will be visible in most of North America for 20 years.

To cover a spectacle with such a wide scope, reporters across The New York Times banded together. Journalists from different desks, including Science, Weather Data, National and Travel, have written about what to expect ; the importance of protective gear for safe viewing; the cloud forecast ; and how different U.S. towns have prepared for large swaths of spectators .

The Times’s effort is largely coordinated by Michael Roston, a senior editor on the Health and Science desk. Over the past few months, he has assigned and edited numerous articles about the event, hosted brainstorming meetings and ensured The Times has been producing a robust collection of content.

On the day of the eclipse, Mr. Roston and other editors will lead 30 journalists reporting on the event for The Times’s live blog. In an interview, he discussed how The Times covers the moon … covering the sun. This interview has been edited and condensed.

How did you formulate The Times’s coverage plan?

Fortunately, this isn’t my first time with an eclipse. This will be the third time I’ve worked with reporters from the approximate beginning to end of an eclipse, and I’ve worked on a couple of other solar eclipse events that were a bit more mild mannered and didn’t require as much coordination.

You have some muscle memory. One of the most important things is to think, What is it that the readers want? We want to have an understanding of what they need and what they’re asking. That’s why we foreground some things, like a weather map. For the August 2017 eclipse, the weather, for the most part, was pretty good. In April, you’re more likely to have cloudy skies, which is why we’ve been reporting on visibility and the cloud cover forecast.

We also understand that there are people who just want to understand where the eclipse is. So we presented a pretty simple, straightforward map.

After an eclipse, a lot of people will say, “I missed this,” or “When can I see it next?” We asked a Graphics editor to produce something that gives you several eclipses into the future that people actually have a prayer of seeing.

How do you coordinate the efforts of reporters in the United States, Canada and Mexico?

I spent a lot of time in January talking to different editors and reporters about what they had in the works or what they were thinking about. After I had covered all that terrain, I had a lot of notes. If I just kept the notes in a notebook or in my brain, they were not really going to be very helpful to anybody else. So I tried to get it all into this format — an organized Google sheet — that makes it very clear what articles are coming, who is working on them and when they’re going to be published.

A piece of it is understanding all the different stories that have been assigned. There’s a piece of it in understanding where all the different reporters are going to be on eclipse day. And there’s a piece of it where we’re just trying to understand the schedule in which things are being published, because we don’t want lots of different stories from different desks publishing on the same day, overwhelming readers. By staggering that, we serve readers’ actual attention span for this stuff.

Several articles explore communities as they plan for influxes of tourists. Do you focus on those areas ahead of time or as they gain attention?

The New York Times fortunately has a lot of correspondents all over the place. When they’re talking to people in Texas, the South, New England or Western New York, these things are coming up. Sarah Maslin Nir on the Metro desk did such a great job writing about what’s going on in Buffalo (the total eclipse will pass directly over the city) and how excited everybody is. The National desk picked up on the fact that people in Maine are anxious because they just don’t know if they can logistically handle the influx of people.

That’s an exciting thing about the breadth of this place — it’s not like I have to ask a Science reporter to write a logistics and infrastructure story. That’s not to say that it’s something they couldn’t do, but we have reporters who are very good at specializing in different aspects of the eclipse.

This eclipse seems to have more buzz than eclipses in the past. Why do you think that is?

There’s definitely more buzz around this one than there was about the October 2023 Ring of Fire eclipse , as it’s covering so much more of the country and it’s going to be a total eclipse. What I’ve noticed for both the 2017 eclipse and for this one is that there are a lot of people who are really excited about it.

I started picking up on people in my world, outside of journalism, who were planning for this eclipse much earlier. People were talking about this last summer because they wanted to make sure that they had a good place to visit, like upstate New York. I’m hoping the weather will reward their investment.

The difference between this eclipse and the 2017 total eclipse is that this one is close to New York City, so if somebody wanted to, they could get in their car and drive six hours to the west, and they’d be in the eclipse zone. That wasn’t true in 2017, at least for the Eastern Seaboard. I think that’s a difference as well.

Emmett Lindner writes about breaking and trending news. He has written about international protests, climate change and social media influencers. More about Emmett Lindner

Our Coverage of the Total Solar Eclipse

Dress for the Occasion:  What should you wear for the eclipse? Our fashion critic weighs the options , including an unexpected suggestion from scientists.

Free to View:  Six inmates in upstate New York prisons who sued the state won their lawsuit to view the eclipse , arguing it “is a religious event.” But a statewide prison lockdown during the eclipse will remain in place.

Hearing the Eclipse:  A device called LightSound is being distributed to help the blind and visually impaired experience what they can’t see .

Sky-High Hotel Prices: One Super 8 hotel in the eclipse’s path is charging $949 a night . Its normal rate is $95.

Animal Reactions : Researchers will watch if animals at zoos, homes and farms act strangely  when day quickly turns to night.

A Rare Return:  A total solar eclipse happens twice in the same place every 366 years on average. But people in certain areas will encounter April 8’s eclipse  about seven years after they were near the middle of the path of the “Great American Eclipse.”

 No Power Outages:  When the sky darkens during the eclipse, electricity production in some parts of the country will drop so sharply that it could theoretically leave tens of millions of homes in the dark. In practice, hardly anyone will notice  a sudden loss of energy.

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People are seen as rain falls in Sydney.

Sydney weather: intense rain threatens major flooding in NSW as SES issues warnings for drivers

Storm claims a life in Queensland after body of man found by his ute near Logan, while rivers in south of state subject to flood warnings

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Major flooding could threaten parts of Sydney and drivers have been warned to avoid non-essential travel as a deadly storm brings intense rainfall along the eastern seaboard.

An inland low and coastal trough joining forces over New South Wales was forecast to bring heavy localised falls to much of the state on Friday.

Sydney has faced its highest daily rainfall in two years, recording 111mm of rain in the 24 hours to 9am Friday. The city is on track to surpass its average total rainfall for April before the weekend.

“We’ll see the heaviest rain falling overnight, probably from midnight to around 7am to 8am,” Weatherzone meteorologist Angus Konta said.

Authorities warned 24-hour rainfall totals could top 200mm in Sydney and the south coast, with as much as 300mm dumped on the Illawarra escarpment overlooking Wollongong.

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Major flooding was possible along the Hawkesbury-Nepean River bounding Sydney from late Friday, with Penrith likely to cop as much rain in a day as one-and-a-half times the April average.

NSW forecast rainfall: 50mm falls from Coffs to Wollongong for today, but the system will move south tomorrow. Heavy rain in Sydney both days. (via @BOM_au — Luca (@IttimaniL) April 5, 2024

Transport for NSW took the rare step of warning drivers statewide to avoid non-essential travel, while the NSW State Emergency Service warned coastal communities from Sydney to Goulburn to stay indoors.

The SES has already conducted seven flood rescues overnight, six related to people in vehicles, and has responded to more than 550 incidents across the state during the past 24 hours.

The majority of calls have related to leaking roofs, sky lights and gutters, but chief superintendent Dallas Burnes said the service was preparing for flash flooding and riverine rises.

Storms have led to 92 flights being cancelled or delayed at Sydney Airport, mostly across the domestic network, and the city’s train network is experiencing widespread delays.

Nine schools across NSW have shut down amid the severe weather, six of which are in the state’s north-east. The shutdowns are affecting seven public schools and two independent schools.

Almost every river in eastern NSW and numerous rivers in southern Queensland are subject to a flood watches or warnings, as heavy rain and possible flash flooding hit both states.

“What we’ve got is a trough along the NSW coast and it’s extending right up into Queensland, so it’s dragging quite a bit of subtropical moisture down,” Konta said.

The trough is deepening and interacting with an upper-level low over NSW, which is further boosting the moisture level in the atmosphere, he said.

Storms have already claimed a life in Queensland after the body of a man was found by his ute near Logan, while a 30-minute wave of rain in northern NSW flooded enclosures at a wildlife sanctuary on Thursday.

“Due to the amount of water dumped into the park, we have relocated our animals and the hospital [has been] relocated to a higher position,” the Byron Bay Wildlife Sanctuary said.

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With the catastrophic 2022 Northern Rivers floods fresh in minds, the SES said the silver lining for Friday’s system was that it was moving.

“If we go back to those northern river floods, it didn’t move as forecast,” the NSW SES commissioner, Carlene York, said.

“It stayed there, it kept dumping the rain and that’s obviously had the big impact.”

Volunteers had proactively deployed vehicles and vessels into danger areas.

Residents in such areas should clear gutters and tie down loose items ahead of time, SES metro zone commander Allison Flaxman said.

Severe weather is expected to gradually shift overnight to centre on NSW’s south coast, before easing throughout Saturday as the trough moves east to the Tasman Sea.

But persistent showers over the weekend will likely push Australia’s largest urban water supply dam to overflow on Monday.

Warragamba Dam, on Sydney’s south-western fringe, sat at 96% capacity as Friday’s storm approached.

“We require about 90mm of rain to fill Warragamba Dam … we’re expecting 100mm to 150mm,” Water NSW’s chief executive, Andrew George, told AAP.

“The spill will occur likely when the rainfall event has moved on, so it is very important that the community remain vigilant,” he said.

With Australian Associated Press

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