Tabela Fipe: Preço Volkswagen Voyage 2016 1.6 VHT Highline (Flex)

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Tabela Fipe Volkswagen Voyage 2016

Volkswagen Voyage

O preço do carro Volkswagen Voyage 2016 varia de R$ 41.353 até R$ 51.577 , a depender da versão.

9 Versões do Voyage 2016

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Anúncios de volkswagen voyage.

Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 16V Msi Total

Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 16V Msi Total

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0 12v MPi Total

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0 12v MPi Total

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0 TEC City (Flex)

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0 TEC City (Flex)

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0 Mi 8v

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0 Mi 8v

Volkswagen Voyage a venda


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Novo Voyage 2016 – Preço, Ficha Técnica, Consumo, Avaliação, Fotos e Opiniões


Ola leitores do Carro e Carros,

Hoje vamos falar sobre o Novo Voyage 2016 .

Iremos responder as principais dúvidas de nossos leitores, como Preço, Ficha Técnica, Consumo

No final passaremos nossa Avaliação e Opiniões. Tudo para você saber mais sobre o custo benefício do carro.

Então aperte os cintos e vêm com agente!

Novo Voyage 2016

Novo Volkswagen Voyage 2016 - Preço, Ficha Técnica, Consumo, Avaliação, Fotos e Opiniões

Novo Volkswagen Voyage 2016 – Preço, Ficha Técnica, Consumo, Avaliação, Fotos e Opiniões

Exibindo a nova característica da marca alemão o Voyage ficou mais moderno e sofisticado, parecido com o Jetta.

Seus principais concorrentes são Novo Siena 2016 , Nissan Versa 2016 , Prisma, logan e Polo.

Quando Chega ao Brasil? Lançamento

O carro da linha 2016 já começou a ser vendido em Março de 2015 e veio com algumas novidades interessantes.

Você poderá adquirir um modelo zero km com várias promoções com taxa zero.

O que mudou? Novidades

Você poderá notar qua ganhou novos itens de série como o sistema Eco Confort, qua da avisos sonoros no painel para aumentar o conforto do condutor.

Ex: Ele até aviso para fechar os vidros quando o ar condicionado está ligado. Chique neh?

Novo Volkswagen Voyage 2016 - Preço e Valor

Novo Voyage 2016 – Preço e Valor do Seguro

O sedan está disponível em 7 versões de acabamento e 2 tipos de motores 1.0 e 1.6.

A versão mais básica (Trendline 1.0) está custando cerca de R$ 40.390,00, já a versão mais completa top de linha (Highline 1.6 I-Motion) irá lhe custar R$ 59.610,00

Que diferença hein?

O valor do seguro é de mais ou menos R$ 1.447,00, mas pode variar muito de acordo com a seguradora e o motorista.

Confira abaixo todos os modelos e seus valores baseados na tabela fipe.

Modelos e versões (Quanto custa?)

Voyage Trendline 1.0 – R$ 40.390,00

Voyage Comfortline 1.0 – R$ 44.170,00

Voyage Trendline 1.6 – R$ 45.080,00

Voyage Comfortline 1.6 – R$ 49.170,00

Voyage Evidence Automatico – R$ 51.890

Voyage Comfortline 1.6 I-Motion – R$ 52.500,00

Voyage Highline 1.6 – R$ 56.280,00

Voyage Highline 1.6 I-Motion – R$ 59.610,00

Novo Volkswagen Voyage 2016 - Modelos e Versões

As cores disponíveis para vendas são preto, prata, branco, azul, bordo, preto e vermelho.

Interior e Itens de série

O interior desse sedan não mudou praticamente nada, a qualidade dos materiais e arremates são muito bons, afinal de contas estamos falando de um carro alemão.

O carro é bem gostoso de dirigir, principalmente na cidade.

O câmbio é macio e preciso.

Nossa nota para acabamento interno é 8.

A versão mais top que testamos vem com ar condicionado, ar quente, computador de bordo, volante multifuncional, direção assistida, vidros e travas elétricas e muito mais.

Veja como ficou o carro por dentro.

Novo Volkswagen Voyage 2016 - Interior e Itens de série

Porém nem tudo é mar de rosas, seu espaço interno poderia ser melhor.

Confortavelmente apenas 4 adultos e uma criança.

Nota para espaço interno 7.

Não deixe de ler também sobre a versão mais atual, o lançamento do Novo Voyage 2017 . Tenho certeza que você vai adorar as novidades.

Vêm com freios ABS e air Bags frontais.

Sua estabilidade é muito boa e faz curvas com tranquilidade.

Ponto positivo desse sedan que já possui encosto de cabeça para todos os passageiros.

Porém ponto negativo é que falta o cinto de três pontos para o passageiro que vai no meio no banco de trás. Pode?

Nossa nota para segurança e estabilidade é 8.

Novo Volkswagen Voyage 2016 - Consumo

Porta Malas e Dimensões

Seu porta malas têm capacidade para 480 litros, razoável para um carro que tem pretensões familiares.

Nota para porta malas 8.

Falando sobre as dimensões, sua altura é de 1463 mm, comprimento de 4215 mm, distância entre eixos de 2465 mm  e a largura de 1656 mm.

Novo Voyage 2016 – Ficha Técnica, especificações e Motor

A mecânica também não tem novidades, no modelo que testamos, Highline,  vêm com motor 1,6 com 104 cavalos de potência com etanol e 101 cavalos com gasolina.

Assim como na potência o torque no etanol é maior, 15,6 kgfm e 15,4 kgfm na gasolina.

Entrega bastante torque em baixas rotações, fazendo com que o carro tenha respostas rápidas.

Sua transmissão é manual de 5 velocidades, lembrando que o modelo Evidence 1.6 têm câmbio automático.

Conseguimos fazer de 0 a 100 km/h em apenas 10 segundos, uma boa marca.

Sua velocidade máxima é de 190 km/h.

Nossa nota em desempenho é 7.

Novo Volkswagen Voyage 2016 - Ficha Técnica e Especificações

Novo Voyage 2016 – Consumo

O consumo em nosso ponto de vista poderia ser melhor. Poucos comparados com seus concorrentes diretos.

Em nosso circuito de testes abastecidos com gasolina conseguimos 10,7 km/l na cidade e 13,7 km/l na estrada.

Com etanol, 7,3 km/l na cidade e 9,4 km/l na estrada.

Nota para consumo é 7.

Novo Voyage 2016 – Avaliação, Custo benefício e Opiniões

Sem grandes novidades o carro se agarra ao sinonimo de qualidade para se manter bem no ranking de vendas.

Nossa nota para custo benefício foi 8.

Porém indico vocês pesquisarem seus concorrentes são mais baratos e tem um maior espaço interno.

Vale a pena avaliar cada um!

Se você têm um desses gostaríamos saber a opinião do dono, vale a pena comprar um?

Quais são os prós e contras?

Novo Voyage 2016 Fotos

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Um grande abraço.

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8 thoughts on “ Novo Voyage 2016 – Preço, Ficha Técnica, Consumo, Avaliação, Fotos e Opiniões ”

Gostaria de mais informações sobre o Voyage automático a partir de que ano começou a sua fabricação, potência do motor, consumo de combustível e valor do carro, entre outros. Estou pagando um consórcio leve da Volkswagen, tendo como referência um veículo UP 4 portas, por isso gostaria de informações sobre esse carro Voyage de outros anos, pois o seu valor é superior ao valor do meu consórcio ( R$ 40.890,00). Aguardo retorno, obrigada.

comfortline 1.6 ano 2012/2013. Carro muito bom contudo o Ar condicionado não desembassa os vidros do carro, em dias chuvosos. Tenho sofrido muito em Rodovias pois se perde a visibilidade! Já andei queixando-me em várias Revendedoras de cidade e capitais diferentes. Dizem que tá ok! Tão de sacanagem…. Queria comprar um novo contudo prefiro continuar vivo, afinal uso a defensiva no transito e de que irá me adiantar? Caso alguém sofra com esse problema responda-me que ficarei satisfeito. Vou aguardar passar os mormassos para sair de casa pois não adianta se queixar.

Tenho um Voyage confort line e estou muito satisfeito porém estou com o mesmo problema do Tito Mioto que se refere ao barulho no porta malas fora isso me sinto muito a vontade pra elogiar o voyage

Tenho um Voyage 1.6, Trend line. Considero um bom carro, tem uma otima resposta de motor. Já o levei até para terrenos de barro e ramais e ele foi muito bem. Exceto nas decidas onde a caixa de rodas encheu de barro e a dirigibilidade ficou comprometida. Mas na cidade é show de bola.

tenho um voyagem,a quatro meses,primeira experiencia to amando

Gosto muito dos carros da VW,especialmente do voyage, mas é muito apertado e acanhado em relação aos outros, por este motivo escolhi o grand siena, mas se o voyage aumentar seu espaço interno,conforto e mala grand como o grand siena, é claro que eu e muitos compraram o voyage. Se liga VW! Tá perdendo muito VW.

Gosto muito dos carros da VW,especialmente do voyage, mas é muito apertado e acanhado em relação aos outros, por este motivo escolhi o grand siena, mas se o voyage aumentar seu espaço interno,conforto e mala grand como o grand siena, é claro que eu e muitos compraram o voyage. Se liga VW! Tá perdendo muito por causa disso, vejo 10 grand siena pra 2 voyage.

boa noite sou proprietário de um voyage confortiline, as portas deste modelo fazer muito barulho(como se tivesse algo solto nas portas). Nessa nova versão esse detalhe foi corrigido?

Aumentou o tamanho interno??? é mt apertado…podiam fabricar um Long Voyage…pq quem vai atrás que se fode…é um excelente carro…mas peca no espaço interno…espero que venha com corrente de comando…pq trocar correia dentada nos dias de hj tá ultrapassado…do mais só isso.

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Volkswagen Voyage Highline 2016

Precio: ARS 0

Es un sedán pequeño que conjuga las necesidades familiares de trabajo a costos no muy elevados. Su capacidad interior y, sobre todo, al de su baúl son sus caracterí­sticas principales. Mantiene el mismo motor nafta que el Gol de 1,6L y 101CV para toda la gama

voyage highline 2016 valor

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Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 Trenline 101cv

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Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 Highline 101cv

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

  • Moscow Tours

Our 20 Best Moscow Tours of 2022

Join us on an unforgettable tour to Moscow, the capital of Russia. Imagine visiting Red Square, St. Basil’s the Kremlin and more. Moscow is one of Europe’s most vibrant cities and one of Russia’s most historical. All of our tours to Moscow are fully customizable and can be adjusted to fit any budget. Our most popular tours are listed below. Please click on the tour details to learn more or contact us for more information about our Moscow tours using the form at the side of the page. You can also schedule a call with one of our Russian travel specialists to learn more.

Moscow Kremlin, photo by Walkerssk on Pixabay

Classic Moscow

This is our most popular Moscow tour that includes all the most prominent sights. You will become acquainted with ancient Russia in the Kremlin, admire Russian art in the Tretyakov Gallery, listen to street musicians as you stroll along the Old Arbat street, and learn about Soviet times on the Moscow Metro tour.



St. Basiils Cathedral, Moscow, Photo by vierro from Pexels

A Week in Moscow

This tour is a perfect choice for those who wish to get to know Moscow in depth. One of the highlights of this package is the KGB history tour which gives an interesting perspective on the Cold War. You will also have time for exploring the city on your own or doing extra sightseeing.

Photo by Andrey Omelyanchuk on Unsplash

Weekend in Moscow

This tour is a great way to get acquainted with the capital of Russia if you are short of time. You will see all the main attractions of the city, the most important of which is the Kremlin - the heart of Russia. The tour starts on Friday and can be combined with a business trip.

voyage highline 2016 valor

Group Tour Moscow Break by Intourist

Russia's capital has so much to offer, from the Kremlin and the Metro to the Old Arbat street and the Tretyakov Gallery. Besides these sites, you will also visit a fascinating country estate which today is quite off the beaten path, Gorky Estate, where the Soviet leader Lenin spent the last months of his life.

voyage highline 2016 valor

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Tours by car

voyage highline 2016 valor

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Armory Tour

The Kremlin is truly a fascinating structure, at the same time it is an ancient tower, the city’s former military fortification, a palace, an armory, the sovereign treasury...

Walking tours

voyage highline 2016 valor

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals, Armory, Diamond Fund Tour

voyage highline 2016 valor

Old Arbat walking tour

You will be told of the street’s interesting history and view the street’s artisan culture. You will also have the opportunity to view and purchase souvenirs from the...

voyage highline 2016 valor

Tour to Sergiev Posad with transport

Considered by some to be the Russian Vatican, Sergiev Posad is the temporary residence of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Trinity St. Sergius Monastery (Lavra)...

voyage highline 2016 valor

Tour to Kuskovo with transport

The Kuskovo Estate often called the Moscow Versailles due to its perfectly preserved French park, is an example of an 18th century, luxurious Moscow summer residence. Its history...

voyage highline 2016 valor

Tour to Tsaritsyno with transport

The Tsaritsyno Estate is located in the southern part of Moscow. The estate was constructed for Catherine the Great by the Russian architects Bazhenov and Kazakov in a romantic...

voyage highline 2016 valor

Moscow Metro and Old Arbat Tour

The Moscow Metro is one of the largest and most grandly built metro systems in the world. It was meant to be a showcase of the Soviet Union’s achievements for both the Russians...

voyage highline 2016 valor

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion and vodka tasting)

Vodka is an important component of Russian life, an element of national identity and everyday culture. We invite you to visit the Vodka Museum and feel the atmosphere of long-gone...

voyage highline 2016 valor

Mikhail Bulgakov Apartment Museum

This apartment museum located close to Patriarch Ponds became the prototype of the "bad apartment" described in the novel "The Master and Margarita." Currently the museum's...

Spasskaya Tower,Moscow Kremlin, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Diamond Fund Tour

Portrait of Leo Tolstoy by Ilya Repin (1887)

The State Museum of Lev Tolstoy Tour

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Novodevichy convent, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Novodevichy Convent Tour with transport

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St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

City Tour with Visit to St. Basils & Red Sq. with transport

Panoramic City Tour. This Moscow tour is a great start to your trip and the best way to get acquainted with many of the city’s major highlights. Our professional guide will...

voyage highline 2016 valor

City Tour of Moscow

Head to the heart of Moscow with a professional guide on a 4-hour private walk through the city center. See Tverskaya and Old Arbat streets, Theatre Square with the world-famous...

voyage highline 2016 valor

Moscow Metro walking tour

The Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Kremlin, Red Square and Cathedrals Tour

voyage highline 2016 valor

KGB Tour with transport

This is a very interesting and insightful tour. You will visit places connected with Stalin’s terror - a time of great repression and fear. You will be shown monuments to...

voyage highline 2016 valor

Soviet and Post-Soviet Moscow Tour

The tour begins with a drive or walk down Tverskaya Street – a Soviet masterpiece. In the years of Soviet power, Tverskaya began to undergo a transformation: it was widened...

Girl with Peaches by Alexander Serov

Tretyakov State Gallery Tour

This world-famous gallery contains masterpieces of Russian art beginning in the 10th century up until today. You will view exquisite Russian icons and paintings from the 18th and...

voyage highline 2016 valor

Jewish Heritage of Moscow Tour

This tour offers a detailed look into the history and present-day life of the Jewish community of Moscow. On the tour, you will visit sites connected with the cultural and religious...

Vodka, photo by Detonart at Pixabay

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion only)


Lena, our guide in Moscow was excellent. She was very knowledgable and could answer any question we had for her. We liked that she could pick up on our interests and take us places we might not have thought of to go. When we realized that one of the places we had chosen to see would probably not be that interesting to us, she was able to arrange entry to the Diamond Fund and the Armoury for us. Riding the Metro with Lena was a real adventure and a lot of fun. In Saint Petersburg we found Anna well versed in the history of the Tsars and in the Hermitage collection. Arkady in Veliky Novgorod was a very good guide and answered all of our questions with ease. Novgorod was perhaps a long way to go for a day trip, but we did enjoy it. Vasily was a great driver to have and kept us safe with good humour and skill. We enjoyed ourselves so much, my daughter says she is already planning to return. We would both have no hesistation to recommend ExpresstoRussia to anyone we know.

Just wanted to let you know that My grandson Bruno and I couldn´t have been more pleased with our week in Moscow (6/15 - 6/21). We were absolutely enchanted with the whole experience, including getting lost a couple of times in the Metro during our free time. Although both our guides (both Eleanas) were excellent, I would particularly commend the first one (she took us to the Tatiakov, the KGB tour, and to that beautiful cemetery where so many great Russian artists, authors, composers, musicians, militarists, and politicians are buried). Her knowledge is encyclopedic; and her understanding of today´s Russia as a product of its past was, for us, truly enlightening. I will be taking another tour in Russia, with my wife, within the next two or three years. I will be in touch with you when the time comes. Meanwhile, I will refer you to other potential visitors to Russia as I meet them.

Tours to Moscow

Our Moscow tours are land only meaning that you arrange your own air travel to Russia and our expert staff meets you at the airport and handles everything else from there. Our online Airline Ticket booking system offers some of the most competitive rates to Russia available on the web so if you need tickets, please visit our Russian air ticket center . Rest assured that you will be taken great care of on one of our Moscow tours. Express to Russia has a fully staffed office in Moscow that will help to make your visit fun, informative and unforgettable. Please remember that of all these tours are private and can be adjusted to your taste. You can add, replace or skip some sights; you can add more days to the package or cut the tour short. Our specialists will be glad to help you create the tour of your dreams!

Novodevichy Convent, Moscow

Moscow, a City Like No Other

Moscow is Russia’s largest city with a population of between 12 and 13 million. It is also Europe’s largest city and when you visit Moscow, you can feel it. The layout and architecture of the city is eclectic, ranging from crooked, ancient streets and alleyways to wide, bustling boulevards, from medieval churches to Stalin skyscrapers and to modern, glass buildings towering over everything and of course in the center of it all is the Kremlin and the magnificent Red Square. Moscow is also home to a fantastic, efficient and very beautiful metro system – each station having its own special design. In fact, Express to Russia’s Moscow metro tours and excursions are some of our most popular attractions that we offer. On our Moscow tours, you will see this and more.

Moscow Kremlin in the times of Ivan III

Moscow Tours centering on Russian History

Moscow has a long and interesting history and has been the capital of Russia in many of its different iterations – capital of the Grand Duchy of Moscow , the Russian Empire and of course the Soviet Union (who could ever forget the Soviet Union?). Moscow, was founded in the 12th century by Prince Yuri Dolgaruki (Yuri of the long arms – he really did have long arms!). From that time on, it was home to the Russian Tsars until Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1703. The city has survived invasions and sieges from the Mongols, the Tartars, the Poles, Lithuanians and Napoleon but has always persevered. Our Moscow tours will enlighten you on this great history and give you insights into Muscovites and their unique culture. Our Moscow tours show you what the city is like today but also brings to life the past. Moscow never seems to sleep and is bursting with energy. A Moscow tour with Express to Russia is truly the best way of getting to know Russia’s largest and most vibrant city.

Frequently Asked Questions From Our Travelers

What is the best time to visit moscow.

Any time of year is fine depending on what you plan to do. Summertime is pleasantly warm, ideal for exploring the city and its vibrant atmosphere, but Moscow will be much busier and accommodation is more expensive. Winter can be quite cold but beautiful nonetheless, and this is unproblematic if you intend to spend most of your trip in museums and galleries. There are also various festivals and events organised throughout the year. For more information about the best time to visit, read our guide

How many days are enough in Moscow?

If you plan your itinerary strategically and aren’t averse to a packed schedule, you can cover Moscow’s main sights over a long weekend. Most popular attractions are in the city centre, and the Moscow Metro allows you to cover much ground in a small amount of time. Ensure that your accommodation is fairly central and book tickets in advance, so that you can make the most of your days. For an informative and well-organised day out, check out our Moscow day tours with options to suit all interests.

Do they speak English in Moscow?

As Russia’s capital city, tourists are well accommodated in Moscow. There should be English-speaking staff in restaurants, bars, hotels, shops and attractions in tourist hotspots, and there are also English-speaking tourist police. Transport services have English translations on their maps and English announcements via intercom; alternatively, order taxis from the Yandex Taxi app (Russian Uber), though it’s unlikely that your taxi driver will speak English. If you get stuck and cannot communicate, it’s fine to use Google Translate.

Is it safe to travel to Moscow?

It is no less safe to travel to Moscow than to any European city if you exercise common sense and look after your belongings. As with every city some regions can be more unsavoury than others, but no tourist attractions are located there. The traffic in Moscow is notorious, so exercise caution when crossing roads. Do not take unlicensed taxis; book in advance or take public transport, which is widespread and perfectly safe. If you encounter any problems, look for the special tourist police who can help you. For more information, read our guide about staying safe in Russia .

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voyage highline 2016 valor

  • 1 Understand
  • 3 Get around
  • 4.1 The Kremlin
  • 4.2 Kitay-Gorod
  • 4.3 Other religious buildings
  • 4.4 Museums
  • 4.5 Monuments
  • 4.6 Fountains
  • 5.1 Parks, gardens
  • 5.3 Theatres
  • 6.3 Markets
  • 7.2 Mid-range
  • 7.3 Splurge
  • 8.1 Bars, clubs
  • 8.2 Beer and wine
  • 9.2 Mid-range
  • 9.3 Splurge
  • 10.1 Libraries
  • 10.2 Mobile phones

Central Moscow is the historical centre of Moscow , which is in the Garden Ring.

Understand [ edit ]

Get in [ edit ].


For information on getting into Moscow, see Moscow#Get_in

Get around [ edit ]

For information on getting around Moscow, see Moscow#Get_around

Monuments [ edit ]

voyage highline 2016 valor

Do [ edit ]

Parks, gardens [ edit ], sports [ edit ].

  • 55.75408 37.62035 5 Bosco rink ( GUM-skating rink ), Red Square , [email protected] . 10:00-23:59 . glamorous and easy, although bit costly and not too favoured by advanced skaters.  

Eat [ edit ]

Budget [ edit ].

For information on fast-food chains operating in Moscow, including street food, American-style fast food, and canteen-style cafeterias, see Moscow#Eat

Splurge [ edit ]

  • Mi Piace Italian restaurant , Chayanova, 22 , ☏ +7 495 250-0893 . A chain of Italian restaurants. Relatively expensive but quite popular among locals and expatriates working in Moscow. Addresses are: 13/9 B. Ordynka (951-52-50, 953-96-65); 20 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya (694-0001); 16/16 Pokrovka (623-4411); 7, 1st Tverskaya Yamskaya (970-1129)  

Cafes [ edit ]

  • Coffeemania chain . The most expensive coffee chain in Moscow. The cafe has great breakfasts and is excellent for people watching in the morning and pre-concert coffee in the evening as well. ( updated Jun 2017 )
  • Coffee Bean , Ulitsa Sretenka, 22/1 . Petrovka is most coffee-conscious place in the Coffee Bean chain (also Pokrovka, Pyatnitskaya, Leningradsky). Some of the Coffee Bean stores also provide free internet (eg. Pokrovka).  
  • Volkonsky , Maroseika 4/2 . For a late night nibble or a quick morning pick me up, Volkonsky is one of the better places in Moscow that doubles as a bakery/coffee shop. Great ambiance and a neighborhood feel.  
  • Starbucks Cafe , Mega-Khimki and Mega-Belaya Dacha; Moscow City; Sheremetyevo-3; Metropolis (M. Voykovskaya); Aeroport Gallery (M. Aeroport) . Starbucks has finally broken the wall into hard ground Russia. Promises to open another 10-20 stores.  

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Origin not known. Check the value and select between results suggested.

Destination not known. Check the value and select between results suggested.

You should at least select 1 adult passenger.

Additional Luggage?

Children + -

Please indicate child age.

Each passenger may carry one standard piece of luggage and one small item of hand luggage (for example a handbag or laptop). If you have additional or extra large baggage or sporting equipment, select from the options below:

Extra bag (max 20kg per unit)

Please insert the date and time of your flight arrival (not take off), as informed by the airline. The driver will take into account luggage collection and immigration formalities.

Please select hours.

Please select mins.

Please insert the date and time the flight takes off, as informed by the airline. The pick-up time will be calculated automatically taking into account journey time and check-in time at airport.

Moscow Vnukovo Airport Transfers

Need help? Contact us

The driver was most professional and took us straight to where we wanted to go.

Mr P O from South Africa

voyage highline 2016 valor

You’re in Moscow to take in the sights and sounds of Russia’s capital city, but instead, you’re in the arrivals terminal struggling to organise a safe and affordable transfer to your accommodation. This would not happen with Shuttle Direct. Our reputation is built on reliability, affordability, and world-class service. Our team are here to help you start your visit on the right foot. That means a safe, comfortable, and direct transfer from the airport to your destination of choice. We have shared rides, private rides, shuttle buses, and even limited care hire options. Find the right fit for you and experience airport transfers that make travel easy. Get a quote.

Low-Cost Transfers from Moscow Airport

Are you tired of expensive and unreliable taxis? Select one of our transfer packages, and you’ll never pay more than you have to again. Our services are ultra-competitive so that you have more spending power on your trip.

Getting a quote from us is easy. Simply use our website to pick your dates, and you will be offered a wide selection of transportation services. Choose the best fit for your particular needs (and budget) and secure your booking. You could travel in comfort with our chauffeur-driven private transfer or take a shared taxi. We also provide limited vehicle hire for those who want to go it alone, as well as shuttle buses that travel along predefined routes for those who wish to save as much money to spend in Moscow as possible. Whatever transportation you choose, know that our reliability, service and affordability are never compromised. We are here to do everything we can to make your Moscow visit as smooth and hassle-free as possible. This is the Shuttle Direct difference. Book today.

Arriving at Moscow Vnukovo (VKO) Airport

Avoid the typical headaches and hassle when you land by choosing Shuttle Direct. We’ll arrange everything so that your arrival is smooth and hassle-free. You’ll be enjoying Moscow in no time at all.

Private economy transfer

Private transfer with driver

  • Private hire with driver
  • Door to Door Service
  • Driver meets you personally
  • Vehicle exclusively for you

Shared ride Shuttle Service

  • Shuttle Bus Service
  • Shared ride
  • Predefined meeting point
  • Shuttle Service or similar

Travel suggestions from Moscow - Vnukovo Airport (VKO)

Explore russia’s capital city.

Moscow is a vibrant mix of old and new: Mother Russia meets Modern Russia. Visitors can enjoy cultural artefacts like the treasures found in the Armoury or the varied delights of the Kremlin Museums. High-brow, low-brow, any-brow will be raised in amazement at one of the performances at the world-renowned Bolshoi Theatre. The six-tier auditorium is the perfect place to take in an evening of dance and music. To really get in touch with the modern Russia, there is a thriving nightlife that has something for everyone. On a warm summer day a trip to the city’s green lung, Gorky Park, is truly essential.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my driver wait for me to clear customs? Your driver will wait for you for 60 minutes after you land. If you are held up for whatever reason, your driver won’t just leave you behind. They will contact immigration, customs and the airline to find out where you could possibly be. Your driver will only leave if, after these attempts, there is no sign of your whereabouts. If your arrival is delayed, please contact your supplier on the numbers provided on your voucher. This way we can inform your driver to ensure they are there to pick you up when you finally arrive.

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ShuttleDirect Moscow - Vnukovo Airport (VKO) Reviews

Shuttle Direct booking service

étant dans une zone sans connexiion => je n'étais pas atteignable, et ne recevais pas de messagerie. Shuttle s'est aperçu du retard de l'avion, le chauffeur était présent, comme convenu. j'ai reçu un sms,, mais n'ai étè connectée que juste a la sortie de l'aèroport,.. précisions donnes sur le sms, contrôle phonique fait par la centrale avec le chauffeur (qui parlait anglais) voiture impeccable, et conduite délicate et confortable dans le traffic , donc,

Transport company service

the booking form is not clear, resulting in having to give flight details that do not exist

prompt and professional service

The driver was waiting right at the door and took us straight tot he car

Puntuación del servicio : muy facil acceso Producto : muy puntuales muy buen coche

Service-Bewertung : DANKE! Produkt : hat alles bestens geklappt - vielen Dank dafür!!!

Service-Bewertung : Ich konnte, da mein Flug ausgefallen war, ohne Umstände den Shuttle Service auf den nächsten Tag verlegen! Ich bin sehr zufrieden!! Produkt : Der Fahrer hat am Flughafen mit einem Schild mit meinem Namen auf mich gewartet. Den vorher gebuchten Kindersitz hatte er auch dabei. Bin skr zufrieden und würde hier sofort wieder buchen.

Easy website to use

Very good and pleasant driver

dificult because the round trip was nt from to the same airport.


Session timed out

Session has timed out, you should fill in the form again and request a new quote.

voyage highline 2016 valor


  1. Volkswagen Voyage 2016: fotos, preços e especificações

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  2. 2016 Volkswagen Voyage

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  3. Teste: Volkswagen Voyage Highline 1.6

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  4. Novo Voyage 2016

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  1. Preços Volkswagen Voyage 2016: Tabela Fipe

    Consulte os preços de Volkswagen Voyage 2016 na Tabela Fipe Webmotors de forma fácil e rápida. Confira já! Ir para a Webmotors. Preços Volkswagen Voyage 2016 na Tabela Fipe. VOLKSWAGEN; ... 1.6 MI HIGHLINE 8V FLEX 4P AUTOMATIZADO 1.6 MI HIGHLINE 8V FLEX 4P MANUAL 1.6 MI TRENDLINE 8V FLEX 4P MANUAL Ver todas. Ver ofertas Home. Tabela Fipe.

  2. Tabela FIPE: Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 VHT Highline (Flex) 2016

    Veja o preço FIPE e KBB do carro Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 VHT Highline (Flex) 2016. Confira também o preço médio de mercado na sua região. É Grátis.

  3. Tabela Fipe: Preço Volkswagen Voyage 2016 1.6 VHT Highline (Flex)

    Veja o preço médio do carro Volkswagen Voyage 2016 na versão 1.6 VHT Highline (Flex). Confira todos os detalhes na Tabela FIPE Mobiauto. Entrar. Pessoa Física; Revenda; Comprar. ... Tabela Fipe: Preço Volkswagen Voyage 2016 1.6 VHT Highline (Flex) R$ 45.610. Este é o preço de compra do veículo. Mês de referência: Out/2023. Publicidade.

  4. Tabela FIPE Volkswagen Voyage 2016

    Variantes de carros Volkswagen Voyage 2016. Escolha um modelo pelo nome ou pelo código FIPE para ver o valor médio de mercado da Tabela FIPE Voyage para cada ano. Depois pode também consultar o gráfico de desvalorização do modelo escolhido ou escolher outro modelo. A Tabela FIPE de referência é de Abril de 2024.

  5. Volkswagen Voyage: Carros usados, seminovos e novos

    Você está procurando um Volkswagen Voyage usado, seminovo ou novo? Na Webmotors você encontra as melhores ofertas de carros de diversas marcas e modelos, com facilidade e segurança. Compare preços, quilometragem, condições e muito mais. Aproveite e faça sua proposta online!

  6. Volkswagen Voyage 2016 iCarros

    simular financiamento Veja o valor da parcela do seu ... Todas as informações sobre Volkswagen Voyage 2016 você encontra aqui. ... A configuração Highline acrescenta ainda frisos cromados nos ...

  7. Volkswagen Voyage 2016: Versões e Preços

    Compare as versões e preços do modelo Volkswagen Voyage 2016 lado a lado. ... simular financiamento Veja o valor da parcela do seu próximo carro. ... Voyage 1.6 VHT Highline (Flex) 2016

  8. Preço do Volkswagen Voyage 2016

    O preço do carro Volkswagen Voyage 2016 varia de R$ 41.353 até R$ 51.577, a depender da versão. 9 Versões do Voyage 2016. Clique na versão para obter mais detalhes: Versão ... Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 MSI Highline I-Motion (Flex) R$ 50.000. 2018 . 85.000 km Manual Porto Alegre (RS) Particular . Volkswagen Voyage 1.0 TEC City (Flex) R$ 34.000 ...

  9. Novo Voyage 2016

    Novo Voyage 2016 - Preço e Valor do Seguro O sedan está disponível em 7 versões de acabamento e 2 tipos de motores 1.0 e 1.6. A versão mais básica (Trendline 1.0) está custando cerca de R$ 40.390,00, já a versão mais completa top de linha (Highline 1.6 I-Motion) irá lhe custar R$ 59.610,00

  10. Volkswagen Voyage Highline 1.6 2017

    A Volkswagen Voyage Highline 1.6 2017 é um sedan compacto com um motor de 1,6 litro que produz 104 cavalos de potência e 15,6 kgfm de torque. Possui uma transmissão manual de 5 velocidades e tração dianteira. O carro tem um consumo de combustível de 9,4 km/L em direção urbana e 13,3 km/L na estrada. Possui um total de 440 kg de ...

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  12. Volkswagen Voyage Highline 2016

    Volkswagen Voyage Highline 2016. Precio: ARS 0 Es un sedán pequeño que conjuga las necesidades familiares de trabajo a costos no muy elevados. Su capacidad interior y, sobre todo, al de su baúl son sus caracterí­sticas principales. Mantiene el mismo motor nafta que el Gol de 1,6L y 101CV para toda la gama.

  13. Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 VHT Highline (Flex) 2016

    Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 VHT Highline (Flex) 2016: Ficha técnica completa. Motor, performance, dimensões, consumo, mecânica e itens de série.

  14. Autos y Camionetas Volkswagen Voyage 2016

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  15. Volkswagen VOYAGE HIGHLINE 1.6

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  16. The 20 Best Moscow Tours for 2022

    This tour is a perfect choice for those who wish to get to know Moscow in depth. One of the highlights of this package is the KGB history tour which gives an interesting perspective on the Cold War. You will also have time for exploring the city on your own or doing extra sightseeing. $ 941 From/Per person. Details.

  17. Moscow/Central

    55.749167 37.616667. 14 Moscow Kremlin Wall ( Кремлёвская стена ). aA defensive wall that surrounds the Moscow Kremlin, recognizable by the characteristic notches and its 20 towers, the oldest one, Tainitskaya dates to 1485 whilst the newest one-Tsarskaya to 1680. First part of the Wall made in 1156.

  18. Where to Stay in Moscow, Russia

    If you're in a hurry. Here are some best hotels and apartments in the center if you want to book something quick: Best luxury hotel - Four Seasons Hotel Moscow. Best mid-range stay - Mirros Hotel Moscow Kremlin. Best budget accommodation - Hostel "Red Moscow". Check the rates for Moscow. Here is a gif that shows 1 - Moscow overall ...

  19. Preço de Volkswagen Voyage 2016: Tabela FIPE

    Descubra qual o preço de mercado, com base na tabela FIPEtrue, para o Volkswagen Voyage 2016.

  20. Easy Transfers from Moscow Vnukovo Airport

    Our reputation is built on reliability, affordability, and world-class service. Our team are here to help you start your visit on the right foot. That means a safe, comfortable, and direct transfer from the airport to your destination of choice. We have shared rides, private rides, shuttle buses, and even limited care hire options.