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Everything You Didn't Know About eTickets

In yesteryear, travelers would buy airline tickets from a local travel agent and the physical tickets were mailed to their address. These days, you almost always have to use an electronic ticket; it can cost up to $20 for the privilege of getting an airline ticket in the mail, although some travel agencies will still mail you tickets.

How eTickets Work

These days, when you purchase a flight online, you're  buying an eTicket , or a ticket that's stored online. Airline and travel agency sites will walk you through the purchase process, and it's super easy to follow. After you've selected your flight online, you'll be prompted to pay with a credit or debit card. The screen will then present you with your payment confirmation receipt, your eTicket, and your itinerary. Many travelers print the eTicket and itinerary or make sure they're saved together in their email for easy access.

While some people print their eTickets at home and bring them to the airport, most travelers today add the eTicket to their iPhone wallet or keep the eTicket link open to scan at the gate when boarding.

What to Bring to the Airport

Be sure to check out your airline's requirements for checking in and boarding the flight before you start packing. In some cases, you'll have to print out your eTicket to show to the staff at check-in (along with, of course, your passport and visa, if required). You may not need to show these to anyone if you check in with a self-service check-in kiosk. You'll also be able to check in online if that makes it easier for you. 

For the vast majority of cases, though, the only thing you need to worry about is your passport. if you're traveling internationally, hand your passport to the check-in staff and they'll check their computer system for a reservation in your name. They'll even be able to print out your boarding pass without needing to see your eTicket because everything is stored online.

Additionally, if they do need to see proof of your purchase or your ticket, you'll be able to get away with showing it to them on your phone or laptop, so make sure to download a copy before you head to the airport and keep your technology charged. 

What Happens at Check-In

After arriving at the airport, go to the check-in desk and show the agent your passport and eTicket. They'll compare your ticket against the airline's database and issue you a printed boarding pass when everything checks out. This boarding pass is what enables you to get on the plane. Check out what "SSSS" means on your boarding pass .

Many airports are installing self-service check-in desks, which can help save time as there are rarely any queues for them. If you see one, type in your information on the screen (usually your eTicket's reservation number, your passport number, and/or your flight details), and it'll print your boarding pass for you. It'll also print a tag for your luggage, which you should attach to your backpack or suitcase by following the on-screen instructions. Take your luggage to the bag drop queue, place it on the conveyor belt, and then you're good to go. Head to security and then make your way to your gate.

Well prepared travelers are those who are prepared for everything not to go smoothly, so be sure you arrive with plenty of time to spare in case of problems like computer glitches, flight delays, or more.

What if You've Checked in Online?

When you check in online, you'll enter the details of your eTicket into the airline's website and in exchange they'll email you a copy of your boarding pass. You can then choose to store this on your phone or print it out at home.

Once you get to the airport, if you're  traveling carry-on only , you can head straight to security at the airport without having to queue to check in or drop your bags, which helps you save time. 

What to Keep With Your eTicket

You may want to keep a copy of your air itinerary and your accommodation confirmation with your ticket, especially if you're taking many flights over a short period of time and are likely to forget dates/times. Your hotel may take you through the same online process and allow you to print lodging confirmation. Keep these copies of hostel and air itineraries in your checked baggage in case of lost luggage . If someone opens your bag, they'll immediately know what flight you were on and where you'll be staying.

Alternatively, if you don't have access to a printer, be sure to attach a luggage tag to your backpack or suitcase so that you can be easily contacted if they go missing. Keep your flight and hotel confirmations on your phone and/or laptop as well.

How to Use the Airport's Self-Service Check-In Kiosks

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Property grounds

Grey's Point Camp

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Teton Valley Resort

Image gallery for ocean villas at turtle bay.

Ocean Villas at Turtle Bay

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Lake Breeze Resort

Image gallery for bandy canyon ranch.


Bandy Canyon Ranch

Image gallery for bear creek lodge and cabins in helen ga - pet friendly, river on property, walking distance to downtown helen.

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Zion Mountain Ranch

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Front of property

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Aspects Big Sky

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8 Proven Ways To Find Cheaper Airline Ticket Prices

Posted: November 26, 2023 | Last updated: April 7, 2024

<p> Hopping online to purchase airline tickets can cause quite a shock due to their high prices. </p><p class="">  <a href="https://financebuzz.com/top-travel-credit-cards?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=1&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=Compare+the+best+travel+credit+cards+for+nearly+free+travel&synd_backlink_position=1&synd_slug=top-travel-credit-cards">Compare the best travel credit cards for nearly free travel</a>   </p><p>Thanks to the cost of gas, staffing issues, and pilot shortages, it’s not cheap to travel by plane. That’s why we’re here to help you get the best deals on airline tickets so you can <a href="https://financebuzz.com/ways-to-travel-more?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=1&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=start+traveling+more&synd_backlink_position=2&synd_slug=ways-to-travel-more">start traveling more</a>. </p><p class="">Here are the best tips to help you find the most affordable airplane tickets for the times you just need to get away.</p>

Hopping online to purchase airline tickets can cause quite a shock due to their high prices. 

Earn Points and Miles: Find the best travel credit card for nearly free travel

Thanks to the cost of gas, staffing issues, and pilot shortages, it’s not cheap to travel by plane. That’s why we’re here to help you get the best deals on airline tickets so you can start traveling more . 

Here are the best tips to help you find the most affordable airplane tickets for the times you just need to get away.

<p> One easy way to save on airline tickets is to purchase them with the <a href="https://financebuzz.com/best-travel-credit-cards?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=2&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=best+travel+credit+cards%2C&synd_backlink_position=3&synd_slug=best-travel-credit-cards">best travel credit cards,</a> which give you points for each dollar you spend. </p><p>The <a href="https://financebuzz.com/best-airline-credit-cards?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=2&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=best+airline+credit+cards&synd_backlink_position=4&synd_slug=best-airline-credit-cards">best airline credit cards</a> offer similar rewards programs, allowing you to acquire miles that you can save up and redeem for discounted or even free flights.  </p> <p> Some credit cards will also offer free companion tickets. Just be sure that you don’t carry a balance on either type of credit card, as interest rates and annual fees can negate any benefits you rack up if you let debt build up without paying it off in a timely manner.  </p><p class="">  <p class=""><a href="https://financebuzz.com/extra-newsletter-signup-testimonials-synd?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=2&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=Get+expert+advice+on+making+more+money+-+sent+straight+to+your+inbox.&synd_backlink_position=5&synd_slug=extra-newsletter-signup-testimonials-synd">Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.</a></p>  </p>

Use a travel or airline credit card

One easy way to save on airline tickets is to purchase them with the best travel credit cards, which give you points for each dollar you spend. 

The best airline credit cards offer similar rewards programs, allowing you to acquire miles that you can save up and redeem for discounted or even free flights.

Some credit cards will also offer free companion tickets. Just be sure that you don’t carry a balance on either type of credit card, as interest rates and annual fees can negate any benefits you rack up if you let debt build up without paying it off in a timely manner.

Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.

<p> You may have heard that there are magical times when you can book a flight to snag the best possible price on airline tickets. </p><p>However, that might not always be the case, especially considering the fluctuating price of oil and general market uncertainty.  </p> <p> To that end, it’s best to book your flight as soon as you know you will be taking one. Travel experts suggest booking your summer trip in winter, and vice versa. Think of it like buying a bathing suit when it’s chilly or a parka when it’s beach weather.</p>

Plan your trip far in advance

You may have heard that there are magical times when you can book a flight to snag the best possible price on airline tickets. 

However, that might not always be the case, especially considering the fluctuating price of oil and general market uncertainty.

To that end, it’s best to book your flight as soon as you know you will be taking one. Travel experts suggest booking your summer trip in winter, and vice versa. Think of it like buying a bathing suit when it’s chilly or a parka when it’s beach weather.

<p> You’d be hard-pressed to find a person who delights at getting up at 3 a.m. for an early flight or boarding at 11 p.m. for a red-eye flight. However, the discomfort and exhaustion of traveling at the crack of dawn or the dead of night might translate into some serious savings for you.  </p> <p> Also, purchasing your airline tickets on certain days of the week, like Thursdays, and planning to depart on a Wednesday can chip away at the cost as well. </p><p>Although the savings may not be huge, any savings helps. So yes, the days and times you both book and fly can spare your wallet.</p><p class="">  <a href="https://financebuzz.com/money-moves-after-40?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=4&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=10+brilliant+ways+to+build+wealth+after+40&synd_backlink_position=6&synd_slug=money-moves-after-40">10 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40</a>  </p>

Book on certain days and fly at unpopular times

You’d be hard-pressed to find a person who delights at getting up at 3 a.m. for an early flight or boarding at 11 p.m. for a red-eye flight. However, the discomfort and exhaustion of traveling at the crack of dawn or the dead of night might translate into some serious savings for you.

Also, purchasing your airline tickets on certain days of the week, like Thursdays, and planning to depart on a Wednesday can chip away at the cost as well. 

Although the savings may not be huge, any savings helps. So yes, the days and times you both book and fly can spare your wallet.

Grow Your $$: 11 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40

<p> Let’s face it, booking a direct flight is certainly the easiest and most hassle-free way to go about air travel. Your bag travels with you in one plane, you don’t have to run through the airport to catch a connection and delays will stress you out far less this way.  </p> <p> However, you’re likely to pay more for a direct route. If you want to save some cash, then book a connecting flight. </p><p>You do run the risk of arriving at your connecting flight a sweaty mess and will have to add extra time to your overall travel schedule, but you’re going to the same place in the end. </p>

Add a connecting flight

Let’s face it, booking a direct flight is certainly the easiest and most hassle-free way to go about air travel. Your bag travels with you in one plane, you don’t have to run through the airport to catch a connection and delays will stress you out far less this way.

However, you’re likely to pay more for a direct route. If you want to save some cash, then book a connecting flight. 

You do run the risk of arriving at your connecting flight a sweaty mess and will have to add extra time to your overall travel schedule, but you’re going to the same place in the end.

<p> We’ve all heard the horror stories of flying on a budget airline, but take those with a grain of salt. The reason? These airlines have grown significantly in recent years, and have quadrupled in size since the last time oil prices were soaring into oblivion.  </p> <p> Additionally, more people are turning to budget airlines to book their flights, from a mere 4% of travelers in 2008 to 15%, and growing today.  </p> <p> You do have to be mindful of hidden fees on budget airlines, including for carry-ons and such, but in the end, you can wind up with serious savings.</p>

Book with a budget airline

We’ve all heard the horror stories of flying on a budget airline, but take those with a grain of salt. The reason? These airlines have grown significantly in recent years, and have quadrupled in size since the last time oil prices were soaring into oblivion.

Additionally, more people are turning to budget airlines to book their flights, from a mere 4% of travelers in 2008 to 15%, and growing today.

You do have to be mindful of hidden fees on budget airlines, including for carry-ons and such, but in the end, you can wind up with serious savings.

<p> If you have flexibility about when and where you want to travel, you can find some of the best airline tickets and travel packages around on sites like Travelzoo.  </p> <p> This company has an entire staff of experts who spend their time scouring the web to find the best deals on a wide variety of trips, from quick beach getaways in Mexico to bucket list trips like African safaris, eco getaways to the Galapagos Islands, and more.  </p> <p> All you need to do to access these deals is sign up with your email address, and each week you will get a list of their top 20 picks, with cheap airfare included in many of them. </p><p class="">  <a href="https://financebuzz.com/retire-early-quiz?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=7&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=Will+you+be+able+to+retire+early%3F+Take+this+quiz+to+find+out.&synd_backlink_position=7&synd_slug=retire-early-quiz">Will you be able to retire early? Take this quiz to find out.</a>  </p>

Sign up for sites like Travelzoo

If you have flexibility about when and where you want to travel, you can find some of the best airline tickets and travel packages around on sites like Travelzoo.

This company has an entire staff of experts who spend their time scouring the web to find the best deals on a wide variety of trips, from quick beach getaways in Mexico to bucket list trips like African safaris, eco getaways to the Galapagos Islands, and more.

All you need to do to access these deals is sign up with your email address, and each week you will get a list of their top 20 picks, with cheap airfare included in many of them.

Retire Sooner: Take this quiz to see if you can retire early

<p> Another way you can save money on plane tickets is by booking your flight on sites like Expedia. For one, you can often (but not always) find cheaper flights on Expedia as opposed to booking them directly with a carrier. </p><p>Additionally, if you’re willing to bundle your flight, hotel, and car rental, you’ll often find that doing so comes out cheaper than the sum of its parts.  </p> <p> Expedia also offers last-minute deals similar to Travelzoo if you’re up for a spontaneous adventure. Just be sure to compare shops, and read the cancellation policies very carefully. Finally, Expedia also offers reward programs, but airline and credit card reward programs tend to be more lucrative. </p>

Book with a site like Expedia

Another way you can save money on plane tickets is by booking your flight on sites like Expedia. For one, you can often (but not always) find cheaper flights on Expedia as opposed to booking them directly with a carrier. 

Additionally, if you’re willing to bundle your flight, hotel, and car rental, you’ll often find that doing so comes out cheaper than the sum of its parts.

Expedia also offers last-minute deals similar to Travelzoo if you’re up for a spontaneous adventure. Just be sure to compare shops, and read the cancellation policies very carefully. Finally, Expedia also offers reward programs, but airline and credit card reward programs tend to be more lucrative.

<p> This last bit of advice might sound like a relic from a time gone by, but booking with a travel agency can still save you money, even in the era of oodles of travel websites. </p><p>For one reason, they have expertise that can be exceptionally valuable, especially if you are planning a complicated trip to a place you’ve never been, like South Asia or the Middle East. </p> <p> Additionally, you often don’t have to pay extra to utilize an agent, as their compensation comes from the hotels and services they work with. Just inquire about fees up front, and prepare to save.</p>

Use a travel agency

This last bit of advice might sound like a relic from a time gone by, but booking with a travel agency can still save you money, even in the era of oodles of travel websites. 

For one reason, they have expertise that can be exceptionally valuable, especially if you are planning a complicated trip to a place you’ve never been, like South Asia or the Middle East. 

Additionally, you often don’t have to pay extra to utilize an agent, as their compensation comes from the hotels and services they work with. Just inquire about fees up front, and prepare to save.

<p> While flying in general is more expensive lately, especially if you have to book at the last minute, it’s not impossible to score some savings. This is especially true if you do a little recognizance beforehand. </p> <p> If possible, consider <a href="https://financebuzz.com/ways-to-travel-more?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=10&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=saving+money+on+travel&synd_backlink_position=8&synd_slug=ways-to-travel-more">saving money on travel</a> by taking the train if you can reach your destination, as those fares can be far cheaper. You can see more of the country, too. </p> <p>  <p class=""><b>More from FinanceBuzz:</b></p> <ul> <li><a href="https://www.financebuzz.com/shopper-hacks-Costco-55mp?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=10&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=6+genius+hacks+Costco+shoppers+should+know.&synd_backlink_position=9&synd_slug=shopper-hacks-Costco-55mp">6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know.</a></li> <li><a href="https://financebuzz.com/offer/bypass/637?source=%2Flatest%2Fmsn%2Fslideshow%2Ffeed%2F&aff_id=1006&aff_sub=msn&aff_sub2=&aff_sub3=&aff_sub4=feed&aff_sub5=%7Bimpressionid%7D&aff_click_id=&aff_unique1=%7Baff_unique1%7D&aff_unique2=&aff_unique3=&aff_unique4=&aff_unique5=%7Baff_unique5%7D&rendered_slug=/latest/msn/slideshow/feed/&contentblockid=2708&contentblockversionid=21425&ml_sort_id=&sorted_item_id=&widget_type=&cms_offer_id=637&keywords=&ai_listing_id=&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=10&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=Can+you+retire+early%3F+Take+this+quiz+and+find+out.&synd_backlink_position=10&synd_slug=offer/bypass/637">Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.</a></li> <li><a href="https://financebuzz.com/supplement-income-55mp?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=10&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=7+things+to+do+if+you%27re+scraping+by+financially.&synd_backlink_position=11&synd_slug=supplement-income-55mp">7 things to do if you're scraping by financially.</a></li> <li><a href="https://financebuzz.com/extra-newsletter-signup-testimonials-synd?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=10&synd_postid=14659&synd_backlink_title=9+simple+ways+to+make+up+to+an+extra+%24200%2Fday&synd_backlink_position=12&synd_slug=extra-newsletter-signup-testimonials-synd">9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day</a></li> </ul>  </p>

Bottom line

While flying in general is more expensive lately, especially if you have to book at the last minute, it’s not impossible to score some savings. This is especially true if you do a little recognizance beforehand.

If possible, consider saving money on travel by taking the train if you can reach your destination, as those fares can be far cheaper. You can see more of the country, too. 

More from FinanceBuzz:

  • 6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know.
  • Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.
  • 7 things to do if you're scraping by financially.
  • 9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day

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Looking for cheaper Eras Tour tickets? See Taylor Swift at these 10 international cities.

ticket travel to

Swifties who want to snag tickets to Taylor Swift’s colossal Eras Tour know the experience won’t come cheap.  

This year, the billionaire will only visit three U.S. cities – Miami, New Orleans and Indianapolis – and prices for the in-demand shows are astronomical . For the Oct. 18 show in Miami, for example, cost of a single ticket ranged between $1,615 and $8,524 on StubHub.com as of Wednesday afternoon.

So, how else can fans see one of the world’s biggest singers? Go abroad .

In the past 30 days, searches for ‘Taylor Swift Europe tour 2024 tickets’ have increased by 300% in the U.S., indicating that some people are ready to take a long-haul flight to see the wildly popular artist live, according to travel website Islands.com .

Concert-goers who head to Europe for their Swift experience may actually save more money in the long-run . Not only are ticket prices across the pond cheaper, but many European cities, like Warsaw and Lisbon, are also budget-friendly, offering inexpensive food and lodging. 

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To determine the most affordable Eras Tour stops, Islands.com researchers compared the cost of a two-night trip, including one cheap ticket on StubHub.com, two nights at a four-star hotel, six inexpensive meals, two five-mile taxi rides, and one domestic beer. However, researchers didn’t account for airline tickets or concert merchandise.

With safety at the top of travelers' minds, the researchers also factored in the city’s safety rating out of 100. 

10 cheapest destinations for the Eras Tour in 2024

10. Vienna, Austria - total average cost: $1,089, safety score: 69.72

9. Cardiff, U.K. - total average cost: $1,061, safety score: 61.83

8. Lyon, France - total average cost: $1,047, safety score: 44.3

7. Lisbon, Portugal - total average cost: $1,028, safety score: 70.15

6. Munich, Germany - total average cost: $1,000, safety score: 78.88

5. Paris, France - total average cost: $971, safety score: 41.83

4. Stockholm, Sweden - total average cost: $935, safety score: 53.86

3. Hamburg, Germany - total average cost: $903, safety score: 57.51

2. Gelsenkirchen, Germany - total average cost: $749, safety score: 51.33

1. Warsaw, Poland - total average cost: $712, safety score: 72.98

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Automatic Refunds and No More Hidden Fees: D.O.T. Sets New Rules for Airlines

The Transportation Department issued new requirements on refunds when flights are canceled or delayed and on revealing “junk” fees before booking. Here’s what passengers can expect.

A blue airport screen showing extensive cancellations and delays is shown in close up with a man standing in front of it.

By Christine Chung

The Transportation Department on Wednesday announced new rules taking aim at two of the most difficult and annoying issues in air travel: obtaining refunds and encountering surprise fees late in the booking process.

“Passengers deserve to know upfront what costs they are facing and should get their money back when an airline owes them — without having to ask,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in a statement, adding that the changes would not only save passengers “time and money,” but also prevent headaches.

The department’s new rules, Mr. Buttigieg said, will hold airlines to clear and consistent standards when they cancel, delay or substantially change flights, and require automatic refunds to be issued within weeks. They will also require them to reveal all fees before a ticket is purchased.

Airlines for America , a trade group representing the country’s largest air carriers, said in a statement that its airlines “abide by and frequently exceed” D.O.T. consumer protection regulations.

Passenger advocates welcomed the new steps.

Tomasz Pawliszyn, the chief executive of AirHelp, a Berlin-based company that assists passengers with airline claims, called it a “massive step forward and huge improvement in consumer rights and protection” that brings the United States closer to global standards in passenger rights.

Here’s what we know about the D.O.T.’s new rules, which will begin to go into effect in October.

There’s now one definition for a “significant” delay.

Until now, airlines have been allowed to set their own definition for a “significant” delay and compensation has varied by carrier . Now, according to the D.O.T., there will be one standard: when departure or arrival is delayed by three hours for domestic flights and six hours for international flights.

Passengers will get prompt refunds for cancellations or significant changes for flights and delayed bags, for any reason.

When things go wrong, getting compensation from an airline has often required establishing a cumbersome paper trail or spending untold hours on the phone. Under the new rules, refunds will be automatic, without passengers having to request them. Refunds will be made in full, excepting the value of any transportation already used. Airlines and ticket agents must provide refunds in the original form of payment, whether by cash, credit card or airline miles. Refunds are due within seven days for credit card purchases and within 20 days for other payments.

Passengers with other flight disruptions, such as being downgraded to a lower service class, are also entitled to refunds.

The list of significant changes for which passengers can get their money back also includes: departure or arrival from an airport different from the one booked; connections at different airports or flights on planes that are less accessible to a person with a disability; an increase in the number of scheduled connections. Also, passengers who pay for services like Wi-Fi or seat selection that are then unavailable will be refunded any fees.

Airlines must give travel vouchers or credits to ticketed passengers unable to fly because of government restrictions or a doctor’s orders.

The vouchers or credits will be transferable and can be used for at least five years after the date they were issued.

Fees for checked baggage and modifying a reservation must be disclosed upfront.

Airlines and ticket agents are now required to display any extra fees for things like checking bags or seat selection clearly and individually before a ticket purchase. They will also need to outline the airline’s policies on baggage, cancellations and changing flights before a customer purchases a ticket.

The rules, which apply to all flights on domestic airlines and flights to and from the United States operated by foreign airlines, have varying start dates.

For example, automatic refunds must be instituted by the airlines within six months. But carriers have a year before they’re required to issue travel vouchers and credits for passengers advised by a medical professional not to fly.

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

Christine Chung is a Times reporter covering airlines and consumer travel. More about Christine Chung

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Mumbai:  Spend 36 hours in this fast-changing Indian city  by exploring ancient caves, catching a concert in a former textile mill and feasting on mangoes.

Kyoto:  The Japanese city’s dry gardens offer spots for quiet contemplation  in an increasingly overtouristed destination.

Iceland:  The country markets itself as a destination to see the northern lights. But they can be elusive, as one writer recently found .

Texas:  Canoeing the Rio Grande near Big Bend National Park can be magical. But as the river dries, it’s getting harder to find where a boat will actually float .

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Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock ( Lock A locked padlock ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Final Rule Requiring Automatic Refunds of Airline Tickets and Ancillary Service Fees

Rule makes it easy to get money back for cancelled or significantly changed flights, significantly delayed checked bags, and additional services not provided  

WASHINGTON – The Biden-Harris Administration today announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued a final rule that requires airlines to promptly provide passengers with automatic cash refunds when owed. The new rule makes it easy for passengers to obtain refunds when airlines cancel or significantly change their flights, significantly delay their checked bags, or fail to provide the extra services they purchased.

“Passengers deserve to get their money back when an airline owes them - without headaches or haggling,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg . “Our new rule sets a new standard to require airlines to promptly provide cash refunds to their passengers.”  

The final rule creates certainty for consumers by defining the specific circumstances in which airlines must provide refunds. Prior to this rule, airlines were permitted to set their own standards for what kind of flight changes warranted a refund. As a result, refund policies differed from airline to airline, which made it difficult for passengers to know or assert their refund rights. DOT also received complaints of some airlines revising and applying less consumer-friendly refund policies during spikes in flight cancellations and changes. 

Under the rule, passengers are entitled to a refund for:

  • Canceled or significantly changed flights: Passengers will be entitled to a refund if their flight is canceled or significantly changed, and they do not accept alternative transportation or travel credits offered. For the first time, the rule defines “significant change.” Significant changes to a flight include departure or arrival times that are more than 3 hours domestically and 6 hours internationally; departures or arrivals from a different airport; increases in the number of connections; instances where passengers are downgraded to a lower class of service; or connections at different airports or flights on different planes that are less accessible or accommodating to a person with a disability.  
  • Significantly delayed baggage return: Passengers who file a mishandled baggage report will be entitled to a refund of their checked bag fee if it is not delivered within 12 hours of their domestic flight arriving at the gate, or 15-30 hours of their international flight arriving at the gate, depending on the length of the flight.  
  • Extra services not provided: Passengers will be entitled to a refund for the fee they paid for an extra service — such as Wi-Fi, seat selection, or inflight entertainment — if an airline fails to provide this service.

DOT’s final rule also makes it simple and straightforward for passengers to receive the money they are owed. Without this rule, consumers have to navigate a patchwork of cumbersome processes to request and receive a refund — searching through airline websites to figure out how make the request, filling out extra “digital paperwork,” or at times waiting for hours on the phone. In addition, passengers would receive a travel credit or voucher by default from some airlines instead of getting their money back, so they could not use their refund to rebook on another airline when their flight was changed or cancelled without navigating a cumbersome request process.  

The final rule improves the passenger experience by requiring refunds to be:

  • Automatic: Airlines must automatically issue refunds without passengers having to explicitly request them or jump through hoops.   
  • Prompt: Airlines and ticket agents must issue refunds within seven business days of refunds becoming due for credit card purchases and 20 calendar days for other payment methods.  
  • Cash or original form of payment: Airlines and ticket agents must provide refunds in cash or whatever original payment method the individual used to make the purchase, such as credit card or airline miles. Airlines may not substitute vouchers, travel credits, or other forms of compensation unless the passenger affirmatively chooses to accept alternative compensation.    
  • Full amount: Airlines and ticket agents must provide full refunds of the ticket purchase price, minus the value of any portion of transportation already used. The refunds must include all government-imposed taxes and fees and airline-imposed fees, regardless of whether the taxes or fees are refundable to airlines.

The final rule also requires airlines to provide prompt notifications to consumers affected by a cancelled or significantly changed flight of their right to a refund of the ticket and extra service fees, as well as any related policies.

In addition, in instances where consumers are restricted by a government or advised by a medical professional not to travel to, from, or within the United States due to a serious communicable disease, the final rule requires that airlines must provide travel credits or vouchers. Consumers may be required to provide documentary evidence to support their request. Travel vouchers or credits provided by airlines must be transferrable and valid for at least five years from the date of issuance.

The Department received a significant number of complaints against airlines and ticket agents for refusing to provide a refund or for delaying processing of refunds during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. At the height of the pandemic in 2020, refund complaints peaked at 87 percent of all air travel service complaints received by DOT. Refund problems continue to make up a substantial share of the complaints that DOT receives.

DOT’s Historic Record of Consumer Protection Under the Biden-Harris Administration

Under the Biden-Harris Administration and Secretary Buttigieg, DOT has advanced the largest expansion of airline passenger rights, issued the biggest fines against airlines for failing consumers, and returned more money to passengers in refunds and reimbursements than ever before in the Department’s history.

  • Thanks to pressure from Secretary Buttigieg and DOT’s flightrights.gov dashboard, all 10 major U.S. airlines guarantee free rebooking and meals, and nine guarantee hotel accommodations when an airline issue causes a significant delay or cancellation. These are new commitments the airlines added to their customer service plans that DOT can legally ensure they adhere to and are displayed on flightrights.gov .  
  • Since President Biden took office, DOT has helped return more than $3 billion in refunds and reimbursements owed to airline passengers – including over $600 million to passengers affected by the Southwest Airlines holiday meltdown in 2022.   
  • Under Secretary Buttigieg, DOT has issued over $164 million in penalties against airlines for consumer protection violations. Between 1996 and 2020, DOT collectively issued less than $71 million in penalties against airlines for consumer protection violations.  
  • DOT recently launched a new partnership with a bipartisan group of state attorneys general to fast-track the review of consumer complaints, hold airlines accountable, and protect the rights of the traveling public.  
  • In 2023, the flight cancellation rate in the U.S. was a record low at under 1.2% — the lowest rate of flight cancellations in over 10 years despite a record amount of air travel.  
  • DOT is undertaking its first ever industry-wide review of airline privacy practices and its first review of airline loyalty programs.

In addition to finalizing the rules to require automatic refunds and protect against surprise fees, DOT is also pursuing rulemakings that would:

  • Propose to ban family seating junk fees and guarantee that parents can sit with their children for no extra charge when they fly. Before President Biden and Secretary Buttigieg pressed airlines last year, no airline committed to guaranteeing fee-free family seating. Now, four airlines guarantee fee-free family seating, and the Department is working on its family seating junk fee ban proposal.  
  • Propose to make passenger compensation and amenities mandatory so that travelers are taken care of when airlines cause flight delays or cancellations.   
  • Expand the rights for passengers who use wheelchairs and ensure that they can travel safely and with dignity . The comment period on this proposed rule closes on May 13, 2024.

The final rule on refunds can be found at https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/latest-news and at regulations.gov , docket number DOT-OST-2022-0089. There are different implementation periods in this final rule ranging from six months for airlines to provide automatic refunds when owed to 12 months for airlines to provide transferable travel vouchers or credits when consumers are unable to travel for reasons related to a serious communicable disease. 

Information about airline passenger rights, as well as DOT’s rules, guidance and orders, can be found at   https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer .

Airlines must cough up cancellation cash and can no longer hide fees under new federal rule

A federal rule announced Wednesday will require airlines to quickly give cash refunds — without lengthy arguments — to passengers whose flights have been canceled or seriously delayed, the Biden administration said.

“Passengers deserve to get their money back when an airline owes them — without headaches or haggling,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a statement.

The rule from the Transportation Department says passengers who decline other reimbursement like travel credits are to get cash refunds.

Image: Salt Lake City travellers

It applies when a flight is canceled or has a “significant change,” the administration said.

A “significant change” includes when departure or arrival times are three or more hours different from the scheduled times for domestic flights or six hours for international flights, and when the airport is changed or connections are added, it said.

Passengers are also to get refunds when their baggage is 12 hours late in delivery for domestic flights.

The new rule comes after promises to hold airlines accountable after major disruptions that made travel hell for passengers, including the 2022 Southwest Airlines meltdown , which resulted in almost 17,000 significantly delayed or canceled flights and a missing baggage nightmare.

The Transportation Department said that the new rule means refunds are automatic and that "airlines must automatically issue refunds without passengers having to explicitly request them or jump through hoops."

Also announced Wednesday was a rule requiring airlines to more clearly disclose so-called junk fees upfront, such as surprise baggage or other fees, the department said.

It said that rule is expected to save fliers around $500 million a year.

The surprise fees are used so tickets look cheaper than they really are, and then fliers get the unwelcome surprise of fees on checked bags, carry-on bags or reservation changes — or even discounts that are advertised but apply to only part of the ticket price, officials said.

Airlines will also have to tell fliers clearly that their seats are guaranteed and that they don't have to pay extra to ensure they have seats for flights, according to the Transportation Department.

Airlines for America, an industry trade group, said that its member airlines “offer transparency and vast choice to consumers from first search to touchdown” and that they do offer cash refunds.

The 11 largest U.S. airlines returned $10.9 billion in cash refunds last year, an increase over $7.5 billion in 2019 but slightly down from $11.2 billion in 2022, the group said.

“U.S. airlines are providing more options and better services while ticket prices, including ancillary revenues, are at historic lows,” Airlines for America said.

Left out of the federal changes announced Wednesday are those involving "family seating fees," but the Transportation Department said in a statement that "DOT is planning to propose a separate rule that bans airlines from charging these junk fees."

Travelers have complained to the Transportation D epartment that children weren’t seated next to accompanying adults, including in some cases young children, department officials said last year.

Fees on bags specifically have made up an increasing amount of airline revenues, the Transportation Department said Wednesday in announcing the new rules.

A Transportation Department analysis found that airline revenue from baggage fees increased 30% from 2018 to 2022, while operating revenue — which is from the flights themselves — increased by only half that amount, the department said.

Jay Blackman is an NBC News producer covering such areas as transportation, space, medical and consumer issues.

ticket travel to

Phil Helsel is a reporter for NBC News.

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How to buy New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival tickets: Dates and prices compared

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The 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival starts this week, and the official lineup is a can't-miss experience. The Rolling Stones are among the many performers slated to play, making it one of the most highly-anticipated stops on the festival circuit this spring. With the festival just around the corner, we've put together everything you need to know about how to buy New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival tickets, including who's playing what day and how to find tickets to sold-out dates. 

First established in the '70s, the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival has become a staple of the music scene for both Louisiana and the country as a whole. The Rolling Stones were originally slated to play five years ago but had to reschedule. They intended to play again a few years ago, but the entire festival was canceled, so their upcoming headlining performance has been a long time in the making. This year's festival will also bring Vampire Weekend, Hozier, and Neil Young Crazy Horse to the stage, among many others.

Whether you're looking to spend a few days at the festival or just hoping to see Mick Jagger perform, we've got you covered. Here's our breakdown of the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival schedule, purchasing details, and original and resale ticket prices. You can also peruse StubHub and Vivid Seats at your leisure. 

  • See also: Rolling Stones tickets | Bruce Springsteen tickets | Stevie Nicks tickets | Aerosmith tickets | Noah Kahan tickets

New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival Schedule

The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival will take place over two weeks, April 25-28 and May 2-5. Single-day tickets are available, in addition to multi-day ticket packages. Below, you'll find the cheapest starting prices listed on StubHub and Vivid Seats at the time of writing. 

  • Flights & hotel:  Booking.com  |  Expedia  
  • Flights:  Booking.com  |  Expedia  
  • Accommodation:  Booking.com  |  Expedia  |  Airbnb  
  • Parking:  Spot Hero  |  The Parking Spot

How to buy New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival tickets

Tickets to the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival are sold through AXS. Some tickets, like the May 2 single-day tickets and some multi-day packages, have sold out. Tickets and packages for every day are available through resale vendors like StubHub and Vivid Seats . 

How much are New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival tickets?

Original single-day tickets range in price from $85 (for the "Early Bird Ticket," which was available until February 19) to $225 (for the "Rolling Stones & More" single-day ticket on May 2). Original multi-day packages start from $240 (for a 3-day package on the second week that excludes May 2 performances).

There are several VIP ticket tiers like the GA+ 4-day, the Big Chief VIP, the Grand Marshall VIP, and the Krewe of Jazz Fest. Original VIP packages are still available for the festival's first week, but original VIP packages are sold out for the second week. VIP packages for all dates are still available on StubHub and Vivid Seats.

StubHub's cheapest single-day tickets start at $92 on April 26, April 27, and May 5. Vivid Seats' cheapest single-day ticket listings start at $88 on May 3. Four-day listings for the first week start at $201 on StubHub and $416 on Vivid Seats. Three-day listings for the second week start at $187 on StubHub and $334 on Vivid Seats. Four-day listings, which include the coveted May 2 tickets, start at $416 on StubHub and $535 on Vivid Seats.

Who is playing at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival?

The 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival has an impressive lineup. The first week includes performances from The Beach Boys (April 25), The Killers (April 26), Jon Batiste (April 26), Christ Stapleton (April 27), Vampire Weekend (April 27), and Anderson .Paak & The Free Nationals (April 28), among others. 

The second week features performances from The Rolling Stones (May 2), Foo Fighters (May 3), Hozier (May 3), Neil Young & Crazy Horse (May 4), Greta Van Fleet (May 4), Queen Latifah (May 4), Bonnie Raitt (May 5), and Earth, Wind & Fire (May 5), among others.

Note: Certain services and regions prohibit the resale of tickets. Business Insider does not endorse or condone the illegal reselling of tickets, and entry into an event is at the venue's discretion.

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Find cheap flights to the United States from $24

This is the cheapest one-way flight price found by a kayak user in the last 72 hours by searching for a flight from the united states to the united states departing on 5/14. fares are subject to change and may not be available on all flights or dates of travel. click the price to replicate the search for this deal., search hundreds of travel sites at once for deals on flights to the united states.

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Good to know

Faqs - booking united states flights, when i'm flying to any city in california and planning on renting a car, are there specific child seat laws i should know about.

Under California state law, children need to travel in the rear seat of a vehicle until they are eight years old, and they must travel in an appropriate car seat or booster seat for their height and weight. More specifically, children under the age of two need to travel in a rear-facing car seat, and above that age, they must travel in a forward-facing car seat until they outgrow that seat. After that, children must travel in a booster seat.

If I would like to fly to Florida for spring break, what are some good airport choices?

Travelers that want to visit the east coast of Florida for spring break should make their way to the Fort Lauderdale International Airport (FLL), and from Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD), passengers can find nonstop flights aboard United Airlines. If visiting the west coast of Florida, a good airport choice is Tampa International Airport (TPA), and from Denver International Airport (DEN), there are nonstop flight options and board United Airlines as well.

When will I need a REAL ID to travel in the United States?

Currently, the implementation of this program will begin on May 3, 2023, at which time federal law requires that every passenger traveling in the United States needs to have a REAL ID issued by their state. Instead of having this form of identification, you can always travel with a valid United States passport.

If I plan on flying to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), what are some of the transportation choices to get me into downtown Los Angeles?

One of the most convenient choices for transportation is to take the FlyAway bus travels from the airport to Union Station in downtown Los Angeles in about 40 minutes. One of the added benefits of this bus is that upon your arrival at Union Station, you will be at a major transportation hub for the entire Los Angeles metropolitan area.

Which airport is closest to Yellowstone National Park?

Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park in the United States. The huge park encompasses a portion of the states of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming and most major American airlines offer air service to Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport (BZN) in Montana.

Which airlines are some of the best to travel around the US?

American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Southwest Airlines and United Continental are some of the best airlines to choose from if you wish to travel across the US. These four airlines provide service to most of the major hubs across the country, including Hartsfield-Jackson Airport, San Francisco Airport and Newark Liberty Airport. Frequent flyers can take advantage of programs like AA Advantage and SkyMiles, which offer premium services and rewards.

Can I get a nonstop flight from Los Angeles to New York?

Yes, you can. Several carriers including United Airlines, Delta, American Airlines and Alaska Airlines offer nonstop service from Los Angeles to two New York metropolitan airports: JFK Airport in New York City and Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) in New Jersey.

Are there any domestic airlines that do not have baggage fees?

Southwest Airlines allows each passenger to check two bags for free on flights within the US, provided each bag is less than 50 pounds and neither of them is oversized. All other major air carriers will charge you for each checked bag - usually $25 for the first bag and $35 for the second.

How long is the flight to the United States?

An average nonstop flight from the United States to the United States takes 3h 57m, covering a distance of 1532 miles. The most popular route is Newark - Fort Lauderdale with an average flight time of 3h 00m.

What is the cheapest flight to the United States?

The cheapest ticket to the United States from the United States found in the last 72 hours was $15 one-way, and $24 round-trip. The most popular route is Newark to Fort Lauderdale and the cheapest round-trip airline ticket found on this route in the last 72 hours was $69.

Which airlines fly to the United States?

American Airlines, Delta & United Airlines fly the most frequently from the United States to the United States.

What are the most popular destinations in the United States?

The next most popular destinations are Las Vegas (6%) and Seattle (4%). Searches for flights to Chicago (4%), to Los Angeles (4%) and to Orlando (4%) are also popular.

How does KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a given destination and date is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

Top tips for finding cheap flights to the United States

  • Enter your preferred departure airport and travel dates into the search form above to unlock the latest United States flight deals.
  • One of the most popular routes of flight in the United States is from New York to Los Angeles. When flying from John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), passengers will find nonstop flights aboard JetBlue.
  • A beautiful spot along the coast of California that is quite popular with visitors is Monterey. To get here from Boston Logan International Airport (BOS), there are one-stop flights that have a layover at either Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) or Denver International Airport (DEN).
  • A popular destination in the heart of Texas is the city of Austin and the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS). When traveling from the Seattle Tacoma International Airport (SEA) to Austin, passengers can find nonstop flights aboard Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, and Delta Airlines.
  • During the wintertime, travelers will often make their way to Salt Lake City to take part in some of the great ski areas that surround the city. When traveling to the Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC) from the Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (ATL), there are several nonstop flight options aboard Delta Airlines every day.
  • Another popular destination in the center of the United States is the city of Chicago. When traveling from a city on the West Coast, such as San Francisco and the San Francisco International Airport (SFO), there are nonstop flights available aboard American Airlines and United Airlines to Chicago O' Hare International Airport (ORD).
  • Air travel across the US is common for locals and visitors alike and there are various hubs around the country that make flying a breeze. Los Angeles (LAX) is perfect for exploring the west coast and New York’s JFK fits the bill for the east coast while Dallas (DFW) is a great gateway to the southern states and Chicago (ORD) or St. Louis (STL) provide easy access to the northern and central US.
  • US citizens only require valid photo identification for flights within the US while permanent residents will need an unexpired green card along with a valid passport in order to fly from one city to another. Temporary visa holders will also require a passport in order to travel by air around the country.
  • For those who are planning a trip to the Outer Bank barrier islands off the coast of North Carolina, a flight into Norfolk International Airport (ORF) places you about 80 minutes away from the island of Kitty Hawk and the Wright Brothers Memorial as well as the beaches along Cape Hatteras, which are some of the best in the country.
  • Washington, DC has two airports: Washington Reagan Airport (DCA) is a hub for American Airlines and Washington Dulles (IAD) is a hub for United Airlines, so you can get a flight there from any state.
  • If you plan on visiting the Southern Californian cities of Los Angeles or San Diego, most major airlines have flights into LAX, while San Diego Airport (SAN) is a hub for Southwest Airlines so you should have few problems getting a flight.

Top 5 airlines flying to the United States

On my way home I had a layover. The flight from ATL to CLT was amended 5x while I was waiting. I could have driven home sooner. Overall from Dallas, Tx to Charlotte, NC I started my trip at 4:30pm, I didn’t get home until past midnight. I know things happen, but 5x to make me run back and forth in an airport from different terminals is excessive. I also upgraded to comfort + , I didn’t feel it was worth it. There was no benefit

On my way home I had a layover. The flight from ATL to CLT was amended 5x while I was waiting. I could have driven home sooner. Overall from Dallas, Tx to Charlotte, NC I started my trip at 4:30pm, I didn’t get home until past midnight. I know things happen, but 5x to make me run back and forth in an airport from different terminals is excessive.

They did a fine job. Can't wait to use Delta in the future.

There was a loud squeaky sound the whole time we were flying.

Had a broken tray in business class. Crew just shrugged it off.

Seat back monitors and outlets were dead and not working.

Everything was great except for the seat. The backrest would not stay in the upright position.

I usually have a positive experience with Delta. Complimentary upgrades are always nice!

Flight delayed about 2 hrs so it made it a VERY late night

It was a crowded flight. They did the best they could.

Due to one crew member not showing up to work, our flight was significantly delayed causing us to miss our connecting flight in Houston to Mississippi causing us to be delayed by more than 6 hours and missing our event all together. Very disappointing. All because ONE crew member called in sick. United did grant us a $15 meal voucher, which was a small but appreciated concession that I wasn’t able to use because I ordered my lunch and paid for it before applying the concession, and the staff said it was too late to use it. Ugh! We also had a TWO delay coming back from Mississippi, but that was on American Airlines and it was due to weather, so not their fault. Anyway, not at all impressed with United’s handling of our flight and the HUGE disappointment of missing our important family event for our 90 year old mother. All that money and all that stress and emotions for nothing. Having to wait the hour to bring an employee from LAX seemed like something that should not have happened. Why don’t you have a local back-up? Santa Ana is not a little airport in a rural area.

Flight delayed from Cape Town to Washington then got diverted to miami and in miami we had to fend for ourselves , im still trying to get to Shreveport now

delay several times and wait extra long to board. no entertainment service because there are problem for some rows. always encounter some delays for the last flight of the day.

I just wrote a text which was supposed to be for the flight from Denver to spokane not Frankfurt to Denver.

On time every leg of the journey and exceptional staff at counter, gate, and on board. I haven’t travelled in US for a long time and was genuinely surprised how pleasant this was.

The delays (5 hrs) were a comedy of errors, and the multiple safety issues encountered were very concerning.

flight delays, staff only communicating when pushed, food service lasting a grand total of 7 minutes, stuck in seat from 45mins into flight until landing

Crew was great and did their best to make us comfortable and captain came out at the beginning to announce why the flight was delayed, weather situation up ahead, and kept us updated throughout the flight.

they made me check my carryon. There was space in the overhead bins.

Nice flight, nice crew but no cookie or napkin with my seltzer.

This flight is frequently delayed. The connections seemingly are more frequently delayed. I’ve missed connections as a result twice on the same route to charlotte then Charleston. Final destination arrival has been the next day, twice in a row. No pilots, no crew. Too many excuses. Unfortunately, my days with American are over.

Entertainment was okay not because anything was wrong but it is a short flight so having no wifi is annoying but understandable. Crew was outstanding as usual

Those seats were way too narrow. I had the middle seat, one person was a very skinny person and we still couldn’t avoid touching each other anytime one of us moved. The other person was larger and we were basically sitting in each others lap the entire flight. There was zero entertainment. The flight was long enough to justify tvs, but no. Gotta sit there in your infant seat and twiddle your thumbs.

The Flight attendant had an attitude and didn't allow anyone any time to prepare for landing despite being absent throughout the entire trip

Flight boarded without pilots. Sat on plane for 3 hrs. after over an hour late boarding. Plane never took off. Had to deplane near midnight. Line for rebooking was 3 hours + long. I had to leave.

The flight was great but board was a nightmare. The gate was changed 4 times during the layover period

The experience was great and much better than the flight going out. of course I was in first class but the service was excellent

Cold air blew constantly on my legs almost making me numb.

Missed the flight because of them and up geting a rental car

Delayd flight out of atl as always miss my conection in dfw no flight untill next day

Pretty good. Would’ve been excellent if we would have left on time and the crew wasn’t late.

I do not like the customer service, I had an emergency and needed to cancel a pet reservation right after I had booked it and they would not do anything but issue a credit. I haven't flown in years as I have 7 kids and don't have spare time. I want my $125 back on my card please

Spirit airline tries to screw you at every opportunity. Spirit wanted 65$ for an extra pound in the suitcase Made me open the suitcase at the counter to remove 1 pound. Staff very cold and rude Will never fly spirit again and will recommend same to family and friends

Delayed..4 times...completely disorganized boarding. After 5 hours they scrambled to move ppl off plane bc they overbooked. Then they didn't have a cabin crew. WiFi on plane didn't work. Zero amenities. Once we boarded we sat on tarmac for an hour. Explore all alternate options including purchasing a pair of hiking boots and walking to your destination instead of flying spirit.

what I like about Spirit is that the pilot and crew are good communicators. The plane itself - well, its a budget airline and you get what is expected, But I generally just feel safer, somehow, when I know more about what is going on - and Spirit has always done a good job of telling me what is going on: why the delay, why the turbulence, why this and that... and that means a lot to me.

I paid just under 200 for flight and luggage, then paid 200 to change the flight, then paid 100 for a carry on. Then the cancelled the flight. Of the 500 I spent they refunded 250. I bought a delta flight for 270 never flew with spirit, but spirit kept 250, not even refunding the 100 for the carry on though they cancelled the flight (for weather on a day with only a slight rain ).

Flight attendants heavily pushed their affinity credit card. Very annoying

They charged me 212.00 for a heavy check in bag at the gate. The pricing and process was so confusing - as if it was designed to purposefully gouge customers who need to board plane. That experience combined with the outrageous price charged will prevent me from ever flying Spirit again. And I’ll be sure to tell the story to anyone who cares to hear.

On time and fast. Overall it was a pleasant experience.

The weight limit per bag was really low - 40 lbs - so we had to pay extra. Then, they said their carry on size was 14x18x8, and we measured our bag very carefully. It was within the limit, yet they said it was too big, so we ended up paying an extra $100 for that too!! So it wasn’t the cheap flight we thought it would be. Then, they moved up our initial flight to depart 3 hours earlier which meant we had to be out on the road by 7 am and then have a 6 hour layover and we got home at 2am. It was a grueling day. I won’t be flying with them again.

Flight was OK. Seats were good no cell phone charges on the plane no TVs or entertainment.

There were 3 leg for the trip and each leg was delayed by 90 minutes or more. The boarding process takes forever with people waiting on the jetway even though most folks do not have carry-on. The whole process is poorly managed.

Flight cancelled and was told by a rude gate agent that they don’t accommodate on other airlines. Had to wait 5 hours for a connecting flight that had a 7 hour layover. Would not allow bags to be checked early so we couldn’t go through security .Had to rent a car for the afternoon to store bags and get a meal. Also incurred a hotel fee. No apology or reason given for the cancellation- just rudeness.

They cancelled the flight then did nothing to help us rebook. It was awful - I won’t fly with them again

The process of buying the ticket and navigating all the hidden charges that Frontier throws at you was a terrible experience. The actual airport experience and flying was fine.

The truck that was refueling the plane drove away with the hose still connected to the plane and ripped part of the plane off with it

Not have to pay for every single item to take a flight. Seating and delays sucked.

Flight was cancelled and I had to spend the night in the airport lugging my suitcase around

If you don’t check in 24 hours in advance, they will charge you $110 to check your bag instead of the $30. I did not get an email with this information and did not check in. In addition, my flight home was cancelled at layover and I had to spend the night in the airport, and then have another layover at another airport before making it home. Will not fly frontier again.

Terrible. Seats are bad and the baggage policy is inconsistent

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Paris 2024 Olympics: How to plan a last-minute trip, from Games tickets to accommodation

If you are kicking yourself for not bagging tickets to the Paris 2024 Olympics when they first went on sale, all is not lost. A travel expert tells Sky News how sports fans can plan a last-minute trip this summer.

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News reporter @jos_franks

Monday 22 April 2024 14:08, UK

FILE PHOTO: Olympic rings to celebrate the IOC official announcement that Paris won the 2024 Olympic bid are seen in front of the Eiffel Tower at the Trocadero square in Paris, France, September 14, 2017. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann/File Photo

As the Paris Olympics draw closer, the hype is increasing - and it's only going to build from here. 

If you are kicking yourself for not bagging tickets when they first went on sale, all is not lost.

There are still ways you can get to Paris to see the Games.

Sky News talks to a travel expert to bring you all you need to know about securing your last-minute trip.

Can I still get tickets for the Olympics?

Yes, it is still possible to get tickets for the Games.

More than 250,000 tickets went on sale on 17 April to mark 100 days until the opening of the Games.

This is the last ticket sale, but tickets are still available for dozens of events.

The first sale involved a lottery and timeslots to buy packs of tickets for events.

In the final stretch of ticket sales, things are a lot simpler.

Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis and you can see the availability for different events in real time on the website.

While a lot of the final tickets on sale are pretty pricey, there is still the chance to bag a bargain.

Almost 20,000 tickets were put on sale for €24 and it is still possible to get tickets to see football for this price.

At the other end of the spectrum, there are ticket and hospitality packages available that will set you back hundreds of Euros.

What about the Paralympics?

The Paralympic Games will take place from 28 August to 8 September and there are still tickets available from €15.

The booking works the same as for the Olympics - first-come, first-served, with the remaining tickets now available on the website.

Avoid the scammers

Don't get caught out by scammers - make sure you only buy tickets through the official Paris 2024 ticketing website.

It's not too late to book - but don't wait

While the start of the Games is fast approaching, it's not too late to plan a trip - but you should "get booking ASAP", Jessica Dante, travel expert at Love and London, tells Sky News.

The Eurostar is not as "wildly priced" as you might expect, she says, with return fares available for the first week of the Games for under £200 - and the same is true of budget airlines.

But, Ms Dante cautions, "that will invariably only continue to go up" - so book soon rather than hold out for a last-minute deal.

FILE PHOTO: A general view from the Pont Alexandre III bridge shows an athletics track that floats on the River Seine, with the Eiffel tower in the background, in Paris, France, June 23, 2017 as Paris is transformed into a giant Olympic park to celebrate International Olympic Days with a variety of sporting events for the public across the city during two days as the city bids to host the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. REUTERS/Charles Platiau/File Photo

Could there be last-minute deals on accommodation?

Don't bank on it, Ms Dante says.

"I'm always in the camp of just book something so you have it. If something else pops up closer to the time then fine, you can try to make a switch if you've got something that you can cancel.

"But there's also the chance that something might not pop up that's going to be in your price range as well."

While there could be a small wave of accommodation deals open up as people cancel, a lot of accommodation will be non-refundable at least a couple of weeks before the Games, so any cancellations are likely to still be fairly far in advance, she says.

Tips for booking accommodation

There is still "decent availability" for hotels, she says, although some popular spots are already booked up.

Unsurprisingly, cost has a lot to do with location - so look away from central areas and places close to Olympic locations if you are looking to save money.

"The flip side of that is it then means that you're probably going to have to deal with taking the metro and you'll have to pay for the inflated cost of the rides."

The price of metro tickets will almost double during the Games, from €2.10 (£1.80) to €4 (£3.40).

But the surcharge on public transport is unlikely to match the price difference on a more central hotel. Ms Dante advises looking at suburban areas or the outskirts of the city.

What about staying in another town?

Staying in another town entirely and travelling to Paris for events is one option.

But you should consider the pros and cons carefully, Ms Dante says.

There is a looming threat of train strikes. The CGT public servants union has announced plans to strike during the Olympics, which could mean many transport workers walking out.

If you are staying outside Paris, that could scupper your plans to easily travel into the city.

Even if there are not strikes, trains into Paris are likely to be crowded, Ms Dante says.

"You do have to kind of balance that and just be prepared that you might have some difficulty."

Passengers walk in the Part-Dieu train station during a railway strike, in Lyon, central France, Wednesday, July 6, 2022. A strike by railway workers demanding higher pay amid cost of living increases is interrupting train service in France. National railway company SNCF said about one in four high-speed trains was canceled on Wednesday. It says regional service such as suburban trains in the Paris region is experiencing disruptions. (AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani)

Read more: Paris 2024 Olympics: Everything you need to know The Team GB athletes to watch at the Olympics

Can you go to the Olympics and avoid Paris entirely?

The Games may be headlined as Paris 2024, but there are events taking place across the country - and the surfing is even in Tahiti.

The cities of Lyon, Saint-Etienne, Nice, Bordeaux, Nantes and Marseille will host events.

The Olympic ticketing site allows you to filter available events by location, so if you are keen to give Paris a miss you can seek out what is happening in other places.

"They're going to be a little bit less popular than stuff that's right in the centre of Paris, so I think that's a really good option," Ms Dante says.

Consider the Paralympics

The Paralympics often gets overshadowed by the Olympics, but it's a great option if you want to experience the Games, Ms Dante says.

"It's going to be a little bit less crowded, the pricing will be better, probably a little bit more of a relaxed experience."

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Is it worth going to Paris if you don't have tickets to the Games?

Maybe there are no tickets left in your price range, or your favourite event is sold out - is it worth planning a trip to Paris anyway?

"Definitely," according to Ms Dante. "This whole summer it's going to be really buzzy there."

A lot of locals will leave the city, she says. It's French tradition in the summer, but the exodus is likely to be even bigger this year as Parisians flee the crowds - meaning some areas could end up being quieter than normal.

Attractions away from the main Olympic sites could also be quieter than normal, she says.

How to make the most of your trip

If you are keen to combine cultural activities with sporting ones, consider booking a guided tour to big attractions, Ms Dante advises.

That way, you have got your ticket secured and the tour guides will be up to speed on any road closures or access changes that could make your visit more tricky.

Also keep in mind that there will be a lot of security measures in place and getting around the city will take longer than normal.

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  • Paris 2024 Olympics


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    Actual price may vary based on time/date of search, booking date, travel dates, origin, and destination. Fares and rules are subject to change without notice. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights/dates. Lower fares on other airlines may be available to selected destinations. Tickets may be non-transferable and non-refundable.

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  19. Everything You Didn't Know About eTickets

    In yesteryear, travelers would buy airline tickets from a local travel agent and the physical tickets were mailed to their address. These days, you almost always have to use an electronic ticket; it can cost up to $20 for the privilege of getting an airline ticket in the mail, although some travel agencies will still mail you tickets.

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  21. 8 Proven Ways To Find Cheaper Airline Ticket Prices

    Hopping online to purchase airline tickets can cause quite a shock due to their high prices. Earn Points and Miles: Find the best travel credit card for nearly free travel Thanks to the cost of ...

  22. Go to Taylor Swift's Eras Tour for cheap in these 10 cities

    Swifties who want to snag tickets to Taylor Swift's colossal Eras Tour know the experience won't come cheap. This year, the billionaire will only visit three U.S. cities - Miami, New Orleans ...

  23. Cheap Flights to Florida from $24

    The cheapest ticket to Florida from the United States found in the last 72 hours was $17 one-way, and $35 round-trip. ... If you're planning to travel with your dog to Florida, be aware that dogs are only allowed on specific dog beaches. Top-rated dog beaches include Causeway Islands in Sanibel, Peanut Island in Riviera Beach, and Crescent ...

  24. What to Know About the New Rules on Airline Refunds and 'Junk' Fees

    April 24, 2024, 9:37 a.m. ET. The Transportation Department on Wednesday announced new rules taking aim at two of the most difficult and annoying issues in air travel: obtaining refunds and ...

  25. Biden-Harris Administration Announces Final Rule Requiring Automatic

    Travel vouchers or credits provided by airlines must be transferrable and valid for at least five years from the date of issuance. The Department received a significant number of complaints against airlines and ticket agents for refusing to provide a refund or for delaying processing of refunds during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

  26. Airlines must cough up cancellation cash and can no longer hide fees

    The rule from the Department of Transportation says passengers who decline other reimbursement like travel credits are to get a cash refund. Travelers pass through Salt Lake City International ...

  27. FACT SHEET: Biden-

    This ensures that consumers can avoid surprise fees when they purchase tickets from airlines or ticket agents, including both brick-and-mortar travel agencies or online travel agencies.

  28. How to buy New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival tickets: Dates and

    VIP packages for all dates are still available on StubHub and Vivid Seats. StubHub's cheapest single-day tickets start at $92 on April 26, April 27, and May 5. Vivid Seats' cheapest single-day ...

  29. Cheap Flights to the United States from $24

    The cheapest ticket to the United States from the United States found in the last 72 hours was $15 one-way, and $48 round-trip. ... Air travel across the US is common for locals and visitors alike and there are various hubs around the country that make flying a breeze. Los Angeles (LAX) is perfect for exploring the west coast and New York's ...

  30. Paris 2024 Olympics: How to plan a last-minute trip, from Games tickets

    A travel expert tells Sky News how sports fans can plan a last-minute trip this summer. If you are kicking yourself for not bagging tickets to the Paris 2024 Olympics when they first went on sale ...