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  • Inglese americano : outbound / ˈaʊtbaʊnd /
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What Is Outbound Tourism

Published: December 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Minne Rosenthal

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Overview of Outbound Tourism

Outbound tourism refers to the phenomenon of people traveling from their home country to other countries for various purposes, such as leisure, business, education, or healthcare. It is a key component of the global travel industry and has experienced significant growth in recent years.

With the increasing affluence of societies, improved transportation systems, and easier access to information, the number of outbound tourists has been steadily increasing. This trend has transformed the way people view travel, turning it from a luxury to a regular part of life for many individuals.

One of the primary motivations for outbound travel is the desire to explore new cultures, see iconic landmarks, and experience different lifestyles. People are drawn to the opportunity to broaden their horizons, gain new perspectives, and create lasting memories. Whether it’s standing in awe of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, immersing oneself in the vibrant streets of Tokyo, or relaxing on the picturesque beaches of Bali, outbound travel offers a chance to escape the routine and discover the wonders of the world.

Moreover, outbound tourism plays a vital role in fostering international cooperation and understanding. By engaging with diverse cultures and interacting with local communities, travelers can gain a deeper appreciation for global interconnectedness and promote a sense of unity among nations.

In addition to personal benefits, outbound tourism also contributes significantly to the economy of both the home and destination countries. It creates employment opportunities in various sectors such as transportation, accommodation, food and beverage, and entertainment. The influx of tourist spending also boosts local businesses, stimulates economic growth, and encourages infrastructure development.

Despite the numerous advantages of outbound tourism, it does present some challenges. Managing the environmental impact of increased travel, ensuring the safety and security of tourists, and addressing concerns related to overcrowding in popular tourist destinations are among the key issues that need to be addressed. It is essential to adopt sustainable practices, promote responsible travel, and strike a balance between economic development and conservation efforts.

In summary, outbound tourism has become an integral part of modern society. It offers individuals the chance to explore new cultures, broaden their horizons, and create lifelong memories. It also plays a significant role in economic development and cultural exchange. However, it is crucial to manage its impacts and promote sustainable practices to ensure the long-term sustainability of the global travel industry.

Definition of Outbound Tourism

Outbound tourism is a term used to describe the act of traveling from one’s home country to visit another country for various purposes, including leisure, business, education, or healthcare. It is essentially the opposite of inbound tourism, which refers to visitors coming into a country from abroad.

Outbound tourists are individuals who leave their home country with the intention of visiting and staying in another country for a specific period. These travelers seek experiences beyond their familiar surroundings, exploring different cultures, historical landmarks, natural wonders, and engaging in a range of activities that are unique to the destination they choose to visit.

The concept of outbound tourism has evolved over time due to advancements in transportation and the integration of technology. In the past, traveling to other countries was often viewed as a luxury reserved for the elite or experienced travelers. However, with the rise of affordable air travel, improved travel infrastructure, and the widespread accessibility of information through the internet, outbound tourism has become more accessible and popular among a wider range of people.

Outbound tourism can take various forms depending on the purpose and duration of the trip. For example, leisure tourism involves traveling for relaxation and enjoyment, while business tourism encompasses travel for professional purposes such as attending conferences, meetings, or negotiating business deals. Educational tourism refers to trips undertaken to broaden one’s knowledge through studying abroad or participating in workshops or training programs. Additionally, medical tourism has emerged as a significant category, with individuals traveling abroad to seek specialized medical treatments or procedures.

Outbound tourism is driven by various factors, including personal interests, curiosity, the desire for personal growth, and the need to build connections with people from different cultures. Improved living standards, rising disposable incomes, and the availability of travel incentives and discounts also contribute to the growth of outbound tourism.

Global tourism organizations and governments recognize the importance of outbound tourism in fostering cultural exchange, economic development, and diplomatic relations between countries. Efforts are being made to promote international cooperation, simplify travel procedures, and ensure the safety and well-being of outbound tourists.

Overall, outbound tourism reflects the human desire to explore, learn, and connect with the wider world. It offers individuals the opportunity to experience different cultures, broaden their horizons, and create lasting memories. As the world becomes more interconnected, outbound tourism is expected to continue its growth trajectory, playing a significant role in the global travel industry.

Importance of Outbound Tourism

Outbound tourism holds immense importance in both personal and global contexts. It enriches individuals’ lives by providing opportunities for exploration, cultural immersion, personal growth, and relaxation. Additionally, it plays a vital role in economic development, job creation, and international relations. Here, we delve into the key reasons why outbound tourism is significant.

First and foremost, outbound tourism allows individuals to expand their horizons and experience different cultures. Traveling to other countries exposes tourists to new languages, customs, traditions, and ways of life. This exposure fosters understanding, empathy, and tolerance, breaking down stereotypes and promoting cultural exchange. It enables individuals to gain a broader perspective of the world, appreciate diversity, and develop a sense of global interconnectedness.

Furthermore, outbound tourism is an essential driver of economic growth. It stimulates various sectors such as transportation, accommodation, food and beverage, entertainment, and retail. The income generated from outbound travelers contributes to the local economies of destination countries, creating jobs and generating tax revenue. This infusion of money also encourages investment in infrastructure development, benefiting both locals and future tourists.

In addition to economic impacts, outbound tourism plays a crucial role in international relations. It fosters diplomacy, encourages bilateral cooperation, and builds bridges between nations. Through personal interactions with people from different countries, stereotypes can be dismantled, cultural misunderstandings can be overcome, and mutual respect can be fostered. Such interpersonal connections facilitate diplomatic discussions, trade partnerships, cultural collaborations, and ultimately contribute to a more peaceful and interconnected world.

Outbound tourism also benefits the environment and wildlife conservation efforts. Responsible travelers prioritize eco-friendly practices, support sustainable tourism initiatives, and contribute to the preservation of natural resources and biodiversity. Moreover, the demand for sustainable practices in the travel industry encourages stakeholders to adopt environmentally friendly policies, reducing carbon footprints and promoting conservation efforts.

From a personal perspective, outbound tourism provides individuals with a break from their daily routine, reducing stress levels and promoting mental well-being. It offers opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and self-reflection. Travelers can gain new skills, overcome challenges, and cultivate a sense of confidence and independence.

In summary, outbound tourism is of great importance for both individuals and society as a whole. It broadens horizons, promotes cultural understanding, drives economic growth, fosters international cooperation, and contributes to personal well-being. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the significance of outbound tourism is expected to grow, encouraging individuals to explore and embrace the wonders of the global community.

Factors Influencing Outbound Tourism

Outbound tourism is influenced by a variety of factors that shape travel preferences, behavior, and decision-making. Understanding these factors is crucial for travel industry stakeholders, governments, and marketers to effectively cater to the needs and desires of outbound tourists. Here, we highlight some key factors that influence outbound tourism.

1. Economic Factors: The economic stability and prosperity of a country play a significant role in shaping outbound tourism. As individuals’ disposable incomes rise, they have more financial resources to allocate towards leisure travel. Economic factors such as GDP per capita, employment rates, and exchange rates influence people’s ability to afford international travel and impacts their spending patterns during their trips.

2. Destinations and Attractions: The availability and appeal of tourist destinations and attractions greatly influence outbound tourist flows. People are drawn to iconic landmarks, natural wonders, historical sites, cultural events, and unique experiences that different countries offer. The perceived safety, ease of travel, and accessibility of a destination also impact the decision to choose a particular location.

3. Travel Infrastructure: The quality and efficiency of travel infrastructure, including transportation systems (such as airports, airlines, and railways), accommodation options (such as hotels, resorts, and vacation rentals), and connectivity (such as internet and mobile networks), significantly impact outbound tourism. Well-developed infrastructure ensures smooth travel experiences and enhances the overall satisfaction of travelers.

4. Demographic Factors: Demographic characteristics, such as age, income level, and family composition, play a role in outbound tourism. Younger individuals and a growing middle class tend to have more disposable income and a desire for adventure, contributing to increased travel. Family dynamics and the presence of children can influence destination choices and the types of activities that families engage in during their trips.

5. Technological Advancements: The rapid advancements in technology have had a profound impact on outbound tourism. The widespread availability of the internet, social media platforms, and travel apps has made it easier for individuals to research, plan, and book their trips. Online travel agencies, price comparison websites, and user-generated content have revolutionized the way people make travel decisions, increasing the convenience and accessibility of travel information.

6. Cultural and Social Factors: Cultural and social factors influence outbound tourism by shaping individual preferences and motivations. People may be influenced by their social networks, including friends, family, and colleagues, who share their travel experiences and recommendations. Cultural events, festivals, and trends play a role in driving tourism to specific destinations, as travelers seek to immerse themselves in local traditions and experiences.

7. Government Policies: Government policies and regulations can both facilitate or impede outbound tourism. Visa restrictions, safety advisories, travel advisories, and tax policies can affect the decision to travel to specific destinations. Governments that actively promote tourism, provide financial incentives, and ensure safety and security often experience higher outbound tourist numbers.

8. Marketing and Promotional Efforts: Effective marketing and promotional activities can significantly influence outbound tourism. Destination branding, advertising campaigns, targeted messaging, and travel incentives can impact people’s perceptions of a destination and influence their travel choices. Collaborative efforts between tourism boards, airlines, travel agencies, and hospitality businesses are often employed to attract outbound tourists.

In summary, outbound tourism is influenced by a complex interplay of economic, cultural, technological, and demographic factors. Understanding these influences is crucial for destinations and stakeholders in the travel industry to attract, cater to, and meet the evolving preferences and needs of outbound tourists.

Benefits and Challenges of Outbound Tourism

Outbound tourism brings a range of benefits to individuals, communities, and economies. However, it also poses certain challenges that need to be addressed for sustainable and responsible tourism practices. Here, we explore the benefits as well as the challenges of outbound tourism.

Benefits of Outbound Tourism:

1. Economic Growth: Outbound tourism contributes to economic growth by generating revenue and creating employment opportunities in various sectors such as transportation, accommodation, food and beverage, entertainment, and retail. The influx of tourist spending stimulates local businesses, encourages infrastructure development, and boosts the overall economy of both the home country and the destination.

2. Cultural Exchange: Outbound tourism promotes cultural exchange by providing individuals with the opportunity to explore and engage with diverse cultures, traditions, and ways of life. Travelers can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for different customs, values, and perspectives, breaking down stereotypes and promoting global interconnectedness.

3. Personal Enrichment: Outbound tourism offers individuals the chance to broaden their horizons, learn new languages, develop cross-cultural communication skills, and gain a more profound understanding of the world. It provides opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and self-reflection.

4. Environmental Conservation: Outbound tourism can support environmental conservation efforts by promoting responsible and sustainable travel practices. Travelers who prioritize eco-friendly options and engage in activities that protect natural resources and wildlife contribute to the preservation of fragile ecosystems.

Challenges of Outbound Tourism:

1. Environmental Impact: The increase in outbound tourism has led to environmental challenges, such as pollution, resource depletion, and the degradation of natural sites. Managing the carbon footprint of transportation and implementing sustainable practices in accommodation and tourist activities are vital for minimizing the negative impact on the environment.

2. Overtourism: Popular tourist destinations are often overcrowded, leading to issues such as damage to infrastructure, strain on local resources, cultural commodification, increased waste, and loss of authenticity. Balancing tourism growth with the carrying capacity of destinations and promoting alternative destinations can help alleviate the pressures of overtourism.

3. Sociocultural Impact: The influx of tourists can impact local communities by altering social dynamics, traditions, and livelihoods. It is essential to respect local cultures, promote responsible behavior, and ensure that the benefits of tourism are distributed equitably among the local population.

4. Safety and Security: Ensuring the safety and security of outbound tourists is of utmost importance. Travelers may face risks such as theft, scams, natural disasters, or political unrest. Governments and tourism stakeholders must take measures to provide accurate information, enhance safety protocols, and establish effective communication channels to address emergencies.

5. Economic Leakage: In some cases, a significant portion of the revenue generated by outbound tourism can leak out of the local economy. This happens when international tour operators, foreign-owned hotels, or multinational corporations benefit more from tourism than local businesses. Promoting entrepreneurship and local ownership in the tourism industry can help address this issue.

It is crucial for destination management organizations, governments, and travelers themselves to address these challenges and implement sustainable practices. By doing so, outbound tourism can continue to bring economic, cultural, and personal benefits without compromising the natural environment, local communities, and unique identities of destinations.

Popular Destinations for Outbound Tourists

Outbound tourism offers individuals a wide variety of destinations to explore, each with its own unique attractions and experiences. From bustling cities to serene beaches, natural wonders to historical sites, the options are endless. Here, we highlight some of the most popular destinations for outbound tourists.

1. Europe: Europe attracts millions of outbound tourists each year, offering a rich blend of cultural heritage, historic landmarks, and picturesque landscapes. Destinations like Paris with the Eiffel Tower, Rome with the Colosseum, and Barcelona with the Sagrada Familia are perennial favorites. European cities, with their cobblestone streets, medieval architecture, and vibrant café culture, entice travelers seeking an immersive cultural experience.

2. Southeast Asia: Southeast Asia is a hotspot for outbound tourists, with countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia offering a mix of vibrant cities and breathtaking natural landscapes. The allure of beautiful beaches, ancient temples, exotic cuisine, and warm hospitality makes this region a top choice for leisure travelers seeking relaxation and adventure.

3. United States: The United States is a diverse destination that attracts outbound tourists with its iconic cityscapes, natural wonders, and world-famous attractions. New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Las Vegas offer a vibrant urban experience, while national parks like Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, and Yosemite captivate nature enthusiasts.

4. Australia and New Zealand: Australia and New Zealand are renowned for their stunning landscapes, unique wildlife, and outdoor adventures. From the Great Barrier Reef in Australia to Milford Sound in New Zealand, these countries offer a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural experiences.

5. East Asia: East Asian countries such as Japan, China, and South Korea are popular destinations for their rich history, traditions, modern innovation, and captivating landscapes. Travelers are drawn to the bustling streets of Tokyo, the ancient Great Wall of China, and the vibrant K-pop culture that attracts music and entertainment enthusiasts.

6. Africa: Africa’s diverse landscapes, wildlife, and cultural richness make it an exciting destination for outbound tourists seeking unique experiences. Safari adventures in countries like Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa, along with iconic landmarks such as Egypt’s ancient pyramids, draw visitors from around the world.

7. Caribbean and Latin America: The Caribbean and Latin American countries offer a mix of stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and historical sites. Destinations like Mexico, Brazil, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic attract travelers seeking relaxation, water sports, and the charm of Caribbean and Latin American heritage.

8. Middle East: Middle Eastern destinations like the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Oman are known for their futuristic architecture, luxury shopping, and rich traditions. Cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi have become global tourism hubs, offering a blend of modernity and Arabian culture.

These are just a few examples of the popular destinations for outbound tourists. Each destination has its own unique appeal, ranging from cultural attractions to natural wonders, historical landmarks to modern metropolises. The choices are endless, ensuring that travelers have a wide range of options to curate their ideal travel experiences.

Trends in Outbound Tourism

Outbound tourism has witnessed several trends in recent years, driven by changing consumer behaviors, advancements in technology, and evolving global travel preferences. These trends shape the way people plan, experience, and engage with outbound travel. Here, we explore some of the significant trends in outbound tourism.

1. Rise of Experiential Travel: Travelers are increasingly seeking authentic and experiential travel experiences. They want to immerse themselves in the local culture, engage with communities, and participate in meaningful activities. This trend has led to the growth of activities such as culinary tours, responsible tourism initiatives, volunteer programs, and cultural exchanges.

2. Focus on Sustainable Tourism: Travelers are becoming more conscious of the environmental and social impact of their travel choices. There is a growing demand for sustainable tourism practices, including eco-friendly accommodations, responsible wildlife tourism, carbon-neutral travel options, and support for local communities. This trend highlights the importance of preserving destinations for future generations.

3. Digital Transformation: Technology has revolutionized how people plan, book, and share their travel experiences. The rise of online platforms, mobile apps, and social media has made travel information more accessible, allowing travelers to research and book their trips with ease. Social media platforms have also become influential in shaping travel trends, with travelers seeking Instagrammable destinations and unique photo opportunities.

4. Multi-destination Trips: Travelers are increasingly opting for multi-destination trips, combining visits to multiple countries or cities within the same trip. This trend allows travelers to maximize their time and explore diverse destinations in a single journey. It is often facilitated by improved transportation networks, such as low-cost airlines and high-speed rail connections.

5. Niche and Adventure Tourism: Niche tourism segments, such as adventure tourism, wellness tourism, and cultural tourism, have seen significant growth. Travelers seeking unique experiences are now opting for activities like hiking, diving, wildlife safaris, yoga retreats, and cultural immersions. This trend reflects the desire for personal enrichment and the pursuit of new and transformative experiences.

6. Solo Travel: Solo travel has become increasingly popular, with more individuals choosing to embark on journeys alone. This trend reflects the desire for independence, self-discovery, and the freedom to tailor the travel experience to individual preferences. It has led to the emergence of solo-friendly destinations and services that cater specifically to solo travelers.

7. Medical and Wellness Tourism: The demand for medical and wellness tourism has grown significantly. Travelers seek destinations that offer high-quality healthcare services, specialized medical treatments, and wellness retreats to improve their physical and mental well-being. This trend is driven by the desire for advanced medical treatments, alternative therapies, and holistic wellness experiences.

8. Slow Travel: Slow travel advocates for a more relaxed and immersive travel experience, where travelers spend more time in a single destination, exploring it thoroughly and connecting with the local culture. This trend promotes a deeper understanding of a place, sustainable tourism practices, and a more meaningful travel experience.

These trends in outbound tourism reflect the changing preferences and priorities of travelers worldwide. The industry continues to evolve, and travelers can expect more personalized, conscious, and immersive travel experiences in the future.

Outbound Tourism and its Economic Impacts

Outbound tourism has significant economic impacts on both the home and destination countries. It generates revenue, creates employment opportunities, stimulates economic growth, and contributes to the overall development of the tourism industry and related sectors. Here, we explore the economic impacts of outbound tourism.

1. Revenue Generation: Outbound tourism is a major source of revenue for both the home and destination countries. Outbound tourists spend money on transportation, accommodation, food and beverage, shopping, entertainment, and other tourist-related activities. This influx of spending contributes directly to the local economies of the destination countries, supporting local businesses and generating tax revenue. In the home country, outbound tourism can also contribute to foreign exchange earnings, as tourists convert their currency to the currency of the destination country.

2. Employment Opportunities: Outbound tourism creates employment opportunities in various sectors of the economy. The growth of outbound tourism leads to increased demand for transportation services, such as airlines, cruise lines, and travel agencies. Accommodation providers such as hotels, resorts, and vacation rentals also benefit from the influx of outbound tourists. Furthermore, restaurants, cafes, tour operators, souvenir shops, and other sectors of the tourism industry experience increased business, resulting in job creation and economic stability.

3. Economic Multiplication Effect: Outbound tourism has a multiplying effect on the economy. The spending by tourists creates a ripple effect throughout the local economy, as the businesses that receive tourist spending, in turn, spend on goods and services provided by other local businesses. This multiplier effect stimulates economic activity beyond the tourism sector, contributing to overall economic growth and development.

4. Infrastructure Development: The growth of outbound tourism often leads to infrastructure development in both the home and destination countries. Governments recognize the economic benefits of tourism and invest in improving transportation networks, enhancing airports, upgrading roads and highways, expanding hospitality infrastructure, and establishing tourism-related amenities. These infrastructure developments not only benefit the tourism industry but also improve the overall quality of life for residents, attracting further investment and contributing to regional development.

5. Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Outbound tourism provides opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to participate in the tourism value chain. Locally-owned guesthouses, family-run restaurants, independent tour operators, and artisanal shops can benefit from the patronage of outbound tourists. This helps to distribute the economic benefits of tourism more equitably, supporting local entrepreneurship, and fostering sustainable economic growth in communities.

6. Contribution to Trade Balance: Outbound tourism can have a positive impact on a country’s trade balance. When outbound tourists spend money in the destination country, it helps to offset the outflow of funds for imported goods and services. The revenue generated from outbound tourism can help to balance the trade deficit and strengthen the country’s economic position.

In summary, outbound tourism has significant economic impacts, with the potential to drive revenue generation, create employment opportunities, stimulate economic growth, and contribute to infrastructure development. However, it is important to manage these economic impacts responsibly, ensuring that the benefits are distributed equitably, and that the negative effects, such as environmental degradation and economic leakage, are minimized through sustainable practices.

Outbound Tourism and Cultural Exchange

Outbound tourism plays a pivotal role in fostering cultural exchange between tourists and the local communities they visit. It provides a platform for people from different cultures and backgrounds to come together, share experiences, and learn from one another. Here, we delve into the significance of outbound tourism in promoting cultural exchange.

1. Exposure to Different Cultures: Outbound tourism exposes individuals to diverse cultures, traditions, customs, and ways of life. Through direct interactions with locals, tourists gain insights into the unique aspects of the destination’s culture, such as language, art, music, dance, food, and religious practices. This exposure broadens their understanding, tolerance, and appreciation for cultural diversity, ultimately promoting a more inclusive and understanding society.

2. Cultural Immersion: Outbound tourists have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture during their travels. They can participate in local traditions, festivals, and events, providing them with a firsthand experience of the destination’s cultural heritage. This immersion fosters empathy, respect, and a deeper connection with the local community.

3. Exchange of Ideas and Perspectives: Outbound tourism encourages the exchange of ideas and perspectives between tourists and locals. Through interactions, conversations, and shared experiences, both parties have the opportunity to challenge stereotypes, break down cultural barriers, and gain a broader worldview. This exchange of knowledge fosters mutual understanding and can lead to personal and societal growth.

4. Learning Opportunities: Outbound tourism provides valuable learning opportunities for tourists to understand different cultures. They can engage in activities such as cooking classes, language lessons, traditional craft workshops, or visits to historical sites and museums. These experiences enable tourists to gain a deeper appreciation for the destination’s cultural heritage, history, and contributions to the world.

5. Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Outbound tourism can contribute to the preservation and revitalization of cultural heritage. As tourists show interest in visiting historical sites, traditional villages, or cultural landmarks, local communities are encouraged to preserve and maintain their heritage for future generations. This helps to safeguard cultural assets, traditions, and practices that might otherwise be at risk of disappearing.

6. Building Bridges and Breaking Stereotypes: Outbound tourism has the power to build bridges between nations and break down stereotypes. When individuals from different countries interact and engage in meaningful exchanges, they gain firsthand experiences that challenge preconceived notions and stereotypes. This helps to foster goodwill, mutual respect, and long-lasting connections between people from different cultures.

7. Mutual Benefits: Cultural exchange through outbound tourism brings benefits to both tourists and host communities. Tourists gain a deeper understanding of the world, develop cross-cultural communication skills, and return home with a broader perspective. Local communities benefit from economic opportunities, preservation of cultural traditions, and the enrichment of their own cultural experiences through interactions with tourists.

In summary, outbound tourism facilitates cultural exchange, promotes understanding, and builds bridges between individuals from different cultures. It exposes tourists to diverse cultural experiences, challenges stereotypes, fosters empathy, and contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage. Through these interactions, outbound tourism plays a crucial role in promoting a more interconnected and harmonious global society.

Sustainable Practices in Outbound Tourism

Sustainable practices in outbound tourism aim to minimize the negative impact of travel on the environment, preserve cultural heritage, and promote responsible and ethical tourism. As the tourism industry continues to grow, it is crucial to adopt sustainable practices to ensure the long-term viability of destinations and the well-being of host communities. Here, we highlight some key sustainable practices in outbound tourism.

1. Reduce Carbon Footprint: One of the primary goals of sustainable tourism is to reduce the carbon footprint of travel. This can be achieved by opting for eco-friendly transportation options, such as using public transport or choosing airlines that prioritize fuel efficiency and carbon offset programs. Travelers can also minimize their environmental impact by participating in carbon offset initiatives and supporting renewable energy projects.

2. Support Local Communities: Sustainable tourism practices emphasize supporting local communities and reducing economic leakage. Travelers can achieve this by staying in locally-owned accommodations, eating at local restaurants, and purchasing locally-made products and crafts. Engaging in cultural exchanges, respecting local customs and traditions, and hiring local guides for tours can also contribute to the economic development and empowerment of local communities.

3. Respect the Environment: Responsible tourists should respect the natural environment and wildlife conservation efforts. This means adhering to guidelines for protected areas, national parks, and marine reserves. Travelers can minimize waste generation, practice proper waste disposal, and support organizations that focus on environmental conservation and sustainability initiatives. Additionally, participating in activities that promote wildlife conservation and avoiding attractions that exploit animals can help protect biodiversity.

4. Promote Responsible Cultural Interactions: Sustainable tourism encourages respectful interactions between tourists and local communities. Travelers should seek opportunities to engage with local cultures and traditions in a sensitive and responsible manner. This includes respecting cultural norms, seeking permission before taking photos, using appropriate language, and educating oneself about local customs and etiquette before visiting a destination.

5. Opt for Sustainable Accommodations: Sustainable accommodations aim to minimize their impact on the environment. Travelers can choose eco-friendly and certified accommodation options that implement practices such as energy conservation, waste management, water efficiency, and the use of renewable resources. Look for certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or Green Globe to ensure that accommodations meet certain sustainability criteria.

6. Conserve Resources: Responsible tourists should strive to conserve resources during their travels. This can be achieved by using water and energy efficiently, avoiding excessive plastic consumption by carrying reusable water bottles and bags, and supporting establishments that follow sustainable practices such as recycling and minimizing single-use plastics.

7. Educate Yourself: Sustainable tourism begins with education and awareness. Travelers can educate themselves about the destination’s environmental and cultural issues, as well as sustainable tourism practices. By understanding the local context, travelers can make informed choices and actively contribute to the sustainability of the destination.

Implementing sustainable practices in outbound tourism is crucial for protecting natural resources, preserving cultural heritage, supporting local communities, and ensuring the long-term viability of destinations. By adopting these practices, travelers can minimize their impact on the environment, respect local cultures, and contribute to the well-being of host communities, thus promoting a more responsible and conscious approach to tourism.


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Italian Odyssey Cruise September 1 thru 8, 2024 Come OUTbound with us as we tour the very best of Italy, from Rome to Venice and everywhere in between during this fascinating 8-day itinerary. On our spectacular Italian cruise, you’ll experience the epic history, beautiful landscapes and delicious food Italians cherish. Discover the magnificent Amalfi Coast from Sorrento where you’ll have your pick of visiting Naples, Pompeii or Capri for the day. Explore historic Kotor, Montenegro’s oldest coastal town. Next we’ll spend the day in the medieval stronghold of Dubrovnik and its famed city walls before stopping in undiscovered Zadar with its unique culture. And a rare overnight in Venice lets you immerse yourself in Italy’s most romantic city. Let OUTbound’s Italian cruise whisk you away to charming villages and legendary cities with a unique itinerary that lets you discover Italy as it was meant to be experienced.

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Azamara Pursuit 702 Passengers / 46 Suites / 201 Veranda Staterooms / 78 Oceanview Staterooms / 26 Interior Staterooms Launched in 2018, Azamara Pursuit provides our OUTbound guests with even more unforgettable, unique, and immersive experiences than ever before. As an upmarket cruise line, Azamara is known for small ship cruising and with a maximum of 702 guests in 351 staterooms on its ship, the experience feels exclusive and intimate.

Seven restaurants, cafes and lounges, a refreshing pool, sun-drenched decks, a revitalizing spa… the list goes on. With so many areas to explore onboard Azamara Pursuit, you’ll have all the amenities of a mega ship while still enjoying the intimacy and personal attention you’ve come to expect from OUTbound .

Always enchanting, the Eternal City will captivate you. Walk in the steps of gladiators at the Colosseum, channel your inner statesman at the Forum, or gaze up in wonder at Michelangelo’s masterwork at St. Peter’s Basilica. Then of course there’s the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps and as much gelato as your heart desires. Pasta and vino are a must, and there are plenty of places to relax and refuel after a day of exploration. Delight in the art, history and food of Rome before boarding our ship. Immerse yourself in the wonder of Ancient Rome and the Vatican as you lose yourself in one of OUTbound ’s favorite cities.

outbound trip in italiano

Sorrento is surely one of the world’s most beautiful towns, built on a coast with breathtaking views overlooking the bay of Naples. The town is the key point on the Sorrentine Peninsula and is one of the most popular destinations of the entire Campania region. How will you decide to spend your day in Sorrento? Ride the ferry to the isle of Capri and take a chair lift to the very top of the island for gorgeous views. Explore the ruins of Pompeii in the shadow of Mt. Vesuvius. Or head to Naples, a city full of splendor so grand that the Italians say life is not complete without visiting it.

outbound trip in italiano

Spend the day sailing in style aboard your boutique hotel at sea as we cruise the Messina Strait... the narrow strip of water between the island of Sicily and mainland Italy. This skinny strip of water is just 2 miles wide at its narrowest point. Indulge in a treatment at Sanctum Spa, stay ship shape with a class at our fitness center, or lounge the day away on our sunny pool deck. In the evening, savor inspired Italian cuisine at Aqualina, or relish in a classic steakhouse experience at Prime C. Plus, you’ll find plenty of exciting evening entertainment, from thrilling shows at Cabaret Lounge to intimate performances in the Living Room.

outbound trip in italiano

Where city meets coastline, you will arrive in this beautiful 12th century walled city in Croatia. From the moment you step beyond the stone walls that protect Dubrovnik, you’ll understand what makes it so special. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is adorned with charming squares and centuries-old red-roofed buildings. Walk the walls for a spectacular view of the city, and maybe even dare to recreate your own ‘walk of shame’ as seen on HBO’s “Game of Thrones”!

outbound trip in italiano

Kotor is filled with churches, shops, bars, restaurants, and hidden piazzas. Wander any of the narrow, twisting streets to discover the perfect cafe and enjoy a sampling of Montenegrin wines like the red Vranac or dry white Krstac. The entire city of Kotor is surrounded by stone, both in the form of imposing Mount Saint John and by towering ancient walls, creating a cozy feeling of protection when you walk the cobblestone streets. The charming streets of Old Town are filled with 12th century Baroque palaces and Romanesque churches. For a unique perspective, climb to the fortress on the hill for a view like no other.

outbound trip in italiano

Old meets new in beautiful, undiscovered Zadar. Walk quaint cobblestone streets from a bygone era that give way to modern marvels of architecture and technology. Escape the city and explore two national parks, Krka and Plitvice, both teeming with natural beauty and breathtaking waterfalls. Afterwards, sample Maraschino, a traditional liqueur made from marasca cherries that has been continuously produced in traditional Zadar distilleries since the 16th century.

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We end our cruise in Venice, arguably the most captivating and romantic city in the world. Ancient cobblestone streets lined with tiny ceramic and glass workshops and tempting cafes wind their way between fabulous palazzos and vast town squares along the banks of the canals. The city offers colorful markets, classic Baroque architecture and breathtaking sights like the Rialto Bridge, the Doge’s Palace, and the Bridge of Sighs. Take to the water and explore the canals on a gondola. As you make your way through the city, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to shop, sample delicious Veneto wines, or people watch in Piazza San Marco.

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Welcome aboard! Today we'll start our Italian Odyssey together. Our ship will be docked at the Port of Civitavecchia, about an hour and a half from Rome on the Mediterranean coast, depending on traffic. Boarding will start at approximately 2:00pm. You'll drop your bags and proceed to the check-in counters. Once you have completed the check-in process, you'll board our ship, have a quick lifeboat informational meeting, and then be free to explore our ship or grab a bite to eat at either the Windows Cafe or Patio Grill.

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Some Of Our Optional Excursions Include:

CAPRI: THE ISLE OF DREAMS Spend a full day immersed in the ambiance and soaking up the sensational views found only on Capri.

THE TOWN OF AMALFI Follow the picturesque coastline to Amalfi, known for its Italian history, boutiques and panoramic vistas.

NAPLES BY BIKE WITH PIZZA TASTING Discover hidden corners and artistic treasures as you pedal through Naples with stops and pizza along the way.

PANORAMIC SORRENTO Enjoy a spectacular overview of Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast on this panoramic 1.5-hour sightseeing drive.

* A full list of optional excursions and pricing for our cruise will be available for booking approximately 90 days before we sail.

outbound trip in italiano

Today is your day aboard our boutique hotel at sea as we cruise the Messina Strait... the narrow strip of water between the island of Sicily and mainland Italy. Indulge in a treatment at Sanctum Spa, stay ship shape with a class at the fitness center, or lounge the day away on our sunny pool deck. In the evening, savor inspired Italian cuisine at Aqualina, or relish in a classic steakhouse experience at Prime C. Plus, you’ll find plenty of exciting evening entertainment, from thrilling shows at Cabaret Lounge to intimate performances in the Living Room.

WALK THE HISTORIC WALLS OF OLD TOWN Discover Dubrovnik’s medieval walls on this walking tour like no other. Enjoy time to explore Old Town on your own.

TASTE OF STON: THE OYSTER CAPITAL OF CROATIA Tantalize your senses on a boat journey to the town of Ston, the Oyster Capital of Croatia, for a unique oyster-tasting experience.

SEA KAYAKING IN DUBROVNIK Paddle your kayak along Dubrovnik’s breathtaking city walls on this journey over the waters of the Adriatic Sea to a secluded cave and beach.

SEASIDE RESORT OF CAVTAT Journey to the resort of Cavtat where you’ll enjoy free time for a leisurely seaside stroll past the yachts, cafés, and shops.

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KOTOR CULINARY EXPERIENCE Learn to prepare Kotor cuisine in the home of Vlasta Mandic, a local legend who enjoys sharing the culinary arts over homemade brandy.

MEDIEVAL KOTOR WALKING TOUR Start the walking tour with a fabulous view of the town walls and continue to the biggest square of the Old Town built during Venetian rule.

WONDERS OF MONTENEGRO Discover the rugged natural beauty, charming local villages and the ancient royal capital of Montenegro on this eye-opening excursion.

KOTOR BY LAND & SEA Sail to the tiny islet Our Lady of the Rocks and explore the medieval coastal village of Kotor.

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KRKA NATIONAL PARK Embark on an exploration of Krka National Park, a magical landscape of waterfalls and gorges.

ZADAR ON FOOT & THE HISTORY OF MARASCHINO Discover the amazing history of Maraschino, a local spirit produced in Zadar since the 17th century using the fruit of the marasca cherry tree.

HIKING PAKLENICA NATIONAL PARK Embark on a guided hike through a wilderness of breathtaking canyons, caves, cliffs, and natural works of art known locally as “skrape”.

ZADAR BY BIKE Cycle the thousand-year-old city of Zadar, riding along ancient Roman roads and passing architecture that spans the ages.

outbound trip in italiano

SECRETS OF VENICE ON FOOT Get to know the ins and outs of exquisite Venice on this thorough and informative guided walking tour.

VENETIAN PANORAMA BY BOAT Glide along broad waterways and across the Venetian lagoon to discover some of the most picturesque islands and precious landmarks of Venice.

EVENING GONDOLA SERENADE Embark on the quintessential romantic adventure, a gondola ride through the Venetian canals by twinkling evening light.

MURANO GLASS AND BURANO LACE Board a motorboat for an exclusive cruise to the islands of Murano and Burano, both set in the Venetian Lagoon and home to master artisans.

outbound trip in italiano

The Cabaret Lounge onboard the Azamara Pursuit is where our OUTbound entertainers shine on stage! The main theater features amazing performers in an intimate, engaging atmosphere. A mix of favorites and new talent makes for an unforgettable LGBTQ+ onboard experience. But it doesn’t stop there. The Cabaret Lounge is where we’ll have all of our OUTbound family moments, from staff introductions to final goodbyes. Each night we’ll gather to share stories of the day’s adventures and look forward together to what’s yet to come.

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Located mid-ship on Deck 5, The Den is the perfect spot to enjoy a pre-dinner cocktail while listening to the sounds of a classical grand pianist. The Den features a flat-screen TV and full bar, making it the ideal place to unwind with friends, watch special events or simply sit around the tall tables and exchange stories with your fellow OUTbounders . Enjoy a glass of wine or a mixed drink while the talented pianist entertains you with soothing background music. The Den is also the place to get inspired with travel tools that transport you to all corners of the world with travel books, guides, and destination-focused activities.

outbound trip in italiano

The Living Room, located forward on Deck 10, is a fantastic space for grabbing a drink with friends and enjoying panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea and the gorgeous Italian coastlines. Late night is when our featured DJs spin the latest dance tracks along with your classic favorites. The Living Room is also the place where our guests take their turn on stage during karaoke nights. And OUTbound ABBA night lets you channel your inner dancing queen and recreate your favorite Meryl moments in true Mamma Mia style.

outbound trip in italiano

This library is one of the quiet jewels of our ship, a peaceful and beautifully appointed space for reading or relaxing after dinner. Browse the collection or simply relax in the tranquil atmosphere. But the library goes beyond just paper, with interactive digital tabletops available where you can make your own postcards and post to social media to share your OUTbound adventures with your friends back home. The library is also home to the impressive Inspiration Center, a digital way to explore the world with OUTbound and gain inspiration for your next voyage.

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The Mosaic Café is the coffee bar at the heart of Deck 5 serving cakes and light snacks. With the couple of small shops in this area, it has a vibrant village square vibe and is a great place to meet friends for a coffee and watch the world go by. The onboard coffee corner may very well become your favorite spot on the entire ship. It’s also one of the most stylish places, too. You’ll find all your favorite coffee drinks here, and of course everything is made to order just the way you like. Whether you’re looking for your favorite iced latte, a Nespresso specialty coffee or exotic herbal tea, Mosaic Café is the place.

outbound trip in italiano

Located just outside the main restaurant, this busy bar is a favorite gathering place for pre- and post-dinner drinks and conversation. Meet up with your fellow OUTbounders for a drink to talk about the day’s adventures before sitting down to dinner. Bar service includes a full selection of fine wines, mixed drinks, and premium spirits… plus the entertaining banter of our friendly bartenders. The Discoveries Lounge is the place to come to be social and connect with old friends and new.

outbound trip in italiano

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a more extensive collection of limited production, small label and rare vintage wines anywhere on the high seas. And with vintages from France to California, and Argentina to South Africa, you’re sure to find a wine to suit your palate and your OUTbound journey. The knowledgeable sommeliers can help you select the perfect wines for your evening meal, and be sure to join the Wine Corner gatherings... perfect for discovering and enjoying new wines and benefiting from the thoughtful guidance of a knowledgeable sommelier.

outbound trip in italiano

In the main restaurant, you’ll discover the world through dishes and flavors from the places we are visiting. Of course, you will also have a wide variety of nightly selections such as filet mignon with black truffle sauce. With its elegant yet lively dining and décor, it’s easy to see why this restaurant is the culinary heart of our ship and a hands-down favorite. Choose to have a romantic night at a table for two, or ask to be seated as part of a larger group of fellow OUTbounders ... which we highly recommend!

outbound trip in italiano

At Aqualina, you’ll find some of Italy’s most authentic dishes. Pastas made from scratch, traditional and authentic recipes, and scrumptious vegetarian dishes that make sure there’s something for everyone. Savor a traditional Spaghetti Bolognese, enjoy an Eggplant Parmesan or a hearty Rigatoni Pomodoro with fresh veggies. But save room. You won’t be able to say no to famous desserts like sorrento lemon liqueur mousse and hazelnut chocolate soufflé. The chefs love to be inspired, so after an on-shore visit to a local market, you can expect a delectable dish so authentic, you’ll feel like you’re still in town. Aqualina is a specialty restaurant onboard and can be enjoyed for $30 per person, per meal.

outbound trip in italiano

When it comes to steaks, cooked to perfection, Prime C is the place to be. You’ll also have your choice of crab and lobster cakes with fennel-aioli, herb-coated rack of lamb, duck confit and Chilean sea bass... all paired with savory sides. And last, but certainly not least, sample Azamara’s famous mini cinnamon-sugar donuts with dipping sauces for dessert. But at Prime C, you’re in for more than delectable dining. Expect a great evening with stunning views and lush décor. And of course, the company can’t be beat. Prime C is a specialty restaurant onboard and can be enjoyed for $30 per person, per meal.

outbound trip in italiano

Windows Café offers quick and casual dining, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Take in the fresh breeze at an outdoor table and relax in the easy atmosphere or enjoy your meal inside at any of the flexible seating options. Have your omelette made-to-order, try a selection of meats carved right off the bone or create the perfect salad just the way you like it. The delicious selections change daily. Choose from fresh sushi, stir-fry and pasta, salads, smoked lox and other cold fish, a carving station and of course, desserts. Windows Café is also the place to pick up a quick snack or piece of fruit when you get a craving during the day.

outbound trip in italiano

Adjacent to the Windows Café, the Sunset Veranda & Bar is a welcoming outdoor patio with covered and open-air seating. It's the perfect place for dining alfresco, enjoying a refreshing drink, taking in the sights of your favorite port, or simply watching the world sail by. For our OUTbounders looking to dine while watching the sunset, the Sunset Veranda & Bar is right out the back door, with a stylish look and stunning views.

outbound trip in italiano

The Patio is many things... casual “pool grill” by day, then fine tablecloths and flickering candles set the mood for a sit-down al fresco dining experience by night. Taste your way around Italy with exclusive personalized dishes using local flavors of the cities and towns we’ll visit on our cruise... served by our professional wait staff. And for a little touch of whimsy, treat yourself to a self-serve frozen yogurt from the self-serve station, Swirl & Top. With a variety of flavors and your choice of toppings, it’s the perfect way to cool off during the day or end your evening meal.

outbound trip in italiano

Staffed by professional aestheticians and therapists, the Sanctum Spa is an oasis of tranquility. Choose from an extensive menu of services including state of the art skin care and restorative facials. Spoil yourself with massage treatments like hot stone therapy, deep tissue, Swedish and other exotic massage treatments from around the world. Try a body sculpting session with options including a renewing seaweed wrap, cellulite reduction body sculpting, lime and ginger salt glows, and more. And to top it off, take advantage of an array of teeth whitening services for bright beautiful smiles.

outbound trip in italiano

There’s much more to the Sanctum Spa than just spa treatments. Treat yourself to some pampering at sea, and maybe even a fresh new look with some time in the salon. The Sanctum Salon offers hair styling, cutting, and coloring, eyebrow shaping, waxing, manicures, pedicures, and facial treatments by aestheticians so you will look (and feel!) your best while touring Italy on your OUTbound cruise! Just keep in mind that space is limited, and the salon and spa both tend to fill up quickly... so plan ahead and be sure to book your appointment early.

outbound trip in italiano

The Sanctum Terrace is your private spa deck with a bubbling salt water bath and powerful jets that massage you as you soak up the views. This private outdoor relaxation area spoils spa guests with a small plunge pool and a program of yoga and fitness classes. This is your special oasis to enjoy before or after your scheduled spa or salon treatment sessions. The Club Spa suites next to the spa with large bathrooms and an ocean view bath are especially popular for spa lovers.

outbound trip in italiano

Over indulge a little at the dessert bar? Too much gelato in Naples? We make it easy to maintain your fitness routine while away on vacation with complimentary group classes like sunset yoga on the deck, Pilates, cycling, core workouts, and nutrition classes. Not the class type? Then head to our well-equipped Fitness Center filled with lifecycles, treadmills, stair-steppers and weights and work out at your own pace as you enjoy spectacular ocean views. Ready to get inspired? Available certified personal trainers will work with you to develop a customized workout plan to take back home.

outbound trip in italiano

The main pool is the heart of our ship, the social hub where we connect, relax, sun and celebrate. Located mid-ship on Deck 9 just steps from the Windows Café and Patio Grill, the large pool is flanked by two hot tubs, and the nearby pool bar offers at-your-deck-chair drink and snack delivery. At night, the pool deck transforms into an open air party space for dancing under the stars. Strut your stuff and show off your costumes during our themed dance parties, or get a spot up on Deck 10 and admire all the action from above.

outbound trip in italiano

Starting at $10,997 per person Double Occupancy Spacious living room with separate master bedroom with queen size bed and 40” television. 55” television in living room. Marble master bathroom. Dressing room with vanity and ample closet space. Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors in living room and bedroom. Suite Amenities: English butler service. 240 complimentary Internet minutes per guest. One free bag of laundry service per suite. Complimentary dining in specialty restaurants. Priority embarkation and debarkation. Complimentary in-room spirits. In-suite afternoon tea service. (Approx 603 sqft; veranda 173 sqft)

outbound trip in italiano

Starting at $8,997 per person Double Occupancy Located next to the tranquil Sanctum Spa. Two twin beds convertible to queen-sized bed. Spacious glass-enclosed bathtub. Separate rain shower. Sitting area with 55” television. Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors. Veranda. Mini-bar. Spa Suite features: Luxurious cotton bed linens with duvet. Terry bathrobes and slippers. 24-hour room service. Fresh-cut flowers. Shoe-shine service. Turndown treats. 240 complimentary Internet minutes per guest. One free bag of laundry service per suite. Complimentary specialty dining. (Approx 414 sqft; veranda 60 sqft)

outbound trip in italiano

Starting at $7,897 per person Double Occupancy Spacious living room with separate master bedroom with queen size bed and 40” television and another 55” television in living room. Marble master bathroom. Dressing room with vanity and ample closet space. Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors in living room and bedroom. Suite Amenities: English butler service. 240 complimentary Internet minutes per guest. One free bag of laundry service per suite. Complimentary dining in specialty restaurants. Priority embarkation and debarkation. Complimentary in-room spirits. In-suite afternoon tea service. (Approx 478 sqft; veranda 173 sqft)

outbound trip in italiano

Starting at $6,597 per person Double Occupancy Starting at $9,997 for Single Occupancy Two beds convertible to one queen size bed. 55” television. Roomy bathroom with shower. Some also feature a tub. Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors. Veranda. Refrigerator with mini-bar. Continent Suites include: Select standard spirits, international beers and wines. Bottled water, soft drinks, specialty coffees and teas. Self-service laundry. English butler service. 235 complimentary internet minutes per person. One free bag of laundry service per suite. Complimentary dining in specialty restaurants. Afternoon tea service in-suite. (Approx 266 sqft; veranda 60 sqft)

outbound trip in italiano

Starting at $4,497 per person Double Occupancy Starting at $7,897 for Single Occupancy Two beds convertible to one queen size bed and a 40” television. Roomy bathroom with shower. Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors. Veranda. Refrigerator with mini-bar. Veranda Plus amenities: Select standard spirits, international beers and wines. Bottled water, soft drinks, specialty coffees and teas. Self-service laundry. Concierge services. 120 complimentary internet minutes per person. One free bag of laundry service per suite. One night of complimentary specialty dining for two. Priority embarkation and debarkation. (Approx 175 sqft; veranda 40 sqft)

outbound trip in italiano

Starting at $3,797 per person Double Occupancy Starting at $5,997 for Single Occupancy Two beds convertible to one queen size bed. 40” flat-screen television. Roomy bathroom with shower. Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors. Veranda. Refrigerator with mini-bar. USB ports under bedside reading lamps. In-room safe. Thermostat-controlled air conditioner. All Veranda Staterooms include: Select standard spirits, international beers and wines, bottled water, soft drinks, specialty coffees and teas. Self-service laundry. Concierge services. (Approx 175 sqft; veranda 40 sqft)

outbound trip in italiano

Starting at $2,497 per person Double Occupancy Starting at $4,297 for Single Occupancy Two beds convertible to one queen size bed. 40” flat-screen television. Roomy bathroom with shower. Refrigerator with mini-bar. USB ports under bedside reading lamps. In-room safe. Amenities: Terry bathrobes and slippers. 24-hour room service. Luxury soaps and fine toiletries. Welcome fruit basket. Fresh-cut flowers. Tote bag. Complimentary use of binoculars and shoe-shine service. Turndown treats. Select standard spirits, international beers and wines. Bottled water, soft drinks, specialty coffees and teas. Self-service laundry. Concierge services. (Approx 143 sqft)

outbound trip in italiano

Starting at $1,297 per person Double Occupancy Starting at $3,997 for Single Occupancy Two beds convertible to one queen size bed. 40” flat-screen television. Roomy bathroom with shower. Refrigerator with mini-bar. In-room safe. Amenities: Terry bathrobes and slippers. 24-hour room service. Luxury soaps and fine toiletries. Welcome fruit basket. Fresh-cut flowers. Tote bag. Complimentary use of binoculars and shoe-shine service. Turndown treats. Select standard spirits, international beers and wines. Bottled water, soft drinks, specialty coffees and teas. Self-service laundry. Concierge services. (Approx 158 sqft)

outbound trip in italiano

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Dear customer, before proceeding we consider it appropriate to inform you that, at the moment, the Volare area, the registration, your personal area and the correspondence relating to participation in the program are only available in Italian and English. ITA Airways has already taken steps to ensure that the entire Volare program and the connected communication flow are made available as soon as possible in the language of your country.

Terms and conditions Light Fares

Below are the costs for one piece of checked baggage and for a second or third piece of baggage:

  • The fares apply for each direction of travel (e.g. outbound trip and inbound trip).
  • The fare does not include checked baggage and allows only one piece of hand baggage with a maximum weight of 8 kg which, including handles, side pockets and wheels, does not exceed the following dimensions: 55 cm high, 35 cm wide and 25 cm thick. In addition, it is allowed to carry an accessory of your choice between: document bag; laptop; women's handbag. Verification of the conformity of hand baggage will be carried out at the boarding gate. 
  • For hand baggage that exceeds the permitted weight/size or baggage to be checked in the hold, a supplement is payable (per direction in the case of round trip tickets) for the first bag;
  • In the case of onward travel with codeshare flights operated by Air France, KLM and Delta partners, the purchase of baggage is only possible at the airport (ticket offices and airport check-in) where the journey begins. The standard baggage allowance is applied for additional checked baggage;
  • It is not possible to buy baggage online at the reduced price of €50, nor via the Contact Center, for flights operated by other carriers or departing from the following airports: Amsterdam, Geneva, Tirana, Zurich, Luxembourg, Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca, Heraklion, Rhodes, Corfu, Thessaloniki and Kefalonia.
  • Bookings made with travel agencies and on flights operated by other carriers may not be tracked in our systems
  • in case of purchase of the baggage service at the airport, the payment of a supplement defined by the Airport Manager may be required, which varies according to the airport of departure;
  • the above prices are subject to change. 
  • The Light fare is available on direct and connecting domestic flights, direct and connecting international flights and intercontinental direct and connecting flights to / from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. 
  • The Light fare is not applicable to flights to/from the following national destinations: Alghero-Milan Linate, Cagliari-Rome, Cagliari-Milan Linate.  Flights to/from the following international destinations are also excluded: Cairo, Casablanca, Podgorica, Tunis. 
  • For domestic and international destinations the fare is applicable only on ITA Airways flights operated by ITA Airways while on intercontinental flights, the fare is also applicable on codeshare flights operated by partners Air France, KLM and Delta Air Lines. 
  • domestic flights: before and after departure with a penalty of €65 per flight; 
  • international flights: before and after departure with a penalty of €65 per flight;
  • flights to/from Israel: before and after departure with a penalty of $120 per flight;
  • flights to/from the United States: before and after departure with a penalty of €150 per flight;
  • flights to Argentina and Brazil: before and after departure with a penalty of €200;
  • flights from Argentina and Brazil: before and after departure with a $190 penalty. 
  • The only exception for flights from Argentina and Brazil: refundable before departure with a $250 cancellation fee. 
  •  For domestic and international destinations, for round trip flights it is possible to combine the Light fare with other ITA Airways fares, while it is not permitted for intercontinental flights to/from the United States. 
  • The maximum stay allowed is 12 months. 
  • There are no discounts for children (from 2 to 11 years old) on national, international and intercontinental flights. 
  • Infants (0-2 years old) can occupy a seat as long as they travel with an approved car seat, in this case the 100% Light rate applies and no further discounts are applicable. 
  • The carriage of the pushchair is free of charge. 
  •  The Light fare does not allow the choice or change of the seat which is automatically assigned. In case of travel with children under the age of 12, if the system fails to automatically assign the child's seat next to at least one of the adults in the booking, free change is allowed. The request can be made directly at the check-in desk at the departure airport and is allowed for only one of the accompanying adults. 
  • Seat changes are available for a fee on alitalia.com during online check-in and in the 'My flights' section.  The rates applied for seat changes are available here
  • The price indicated is subject to change and refers to the time of purchase of the seat choice/change service. 
  • online on ITA-Airways.com 
  • via the app ITA Airways
  • fast check-in stations if available at the airport
  • In the remaining cases, passengers can check-in at the airport desks.



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Outbound Travel from the U.S.

Tourists in downtown Prague, Czech Republic

For all data, analysis and statistics on U.S. resident outbound travel click here .

US International Air Travel Statistics Program (I-92 data):

NTTO uses data collected from the Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection’s Advance Passenger Information System (APIS). The APIS based I-92 system provides air traffic data on the following parameters: number of passengers, by country, airport, scheduled or chartered, U.S. Flag, foreign flag, citizens and non-citizens. 

For specific information on the U.S. International Air Travel Statistics (“I-92” data) Program, click here.

Survey of International Air Travelers (SIAT) Program:

The  Survey of International Air Travelers  is an on-going primary research program which gathers statistical data about air passenger travelers in U.S. - overseas and U.S. - Mexican markets. Survey data provides information on passenger trip planning, travel patterns, demographics and spending.

For detailed information and data from the SIAT program, click here .

  • Trip Com Group-stock
  • News for Trip Com Group

Strong Buy on Trip.com: Outbound Travel Demand and Strategic Partnerships Fuel Growth Outlook

Trip.com Group Ltd. Sponsored ADR ( TCOM – Research Report ), the Consumer Cyclical sector company, was revisited by a Wall Street analyst on April 7. Analyst James Lee from Mizuho Securities maintained a Buy rating on the stock and has a $60.00 price target.

James Lee has given his Buy rating due to a combination of factors including the robust demand for outbound travel and the recovery of flight capacities. The profitability of outbound travel, being twice that of the domestic segment, suggests a positive impact on Trip.com’s operating margins for 2024. Despite macroeconomic uncertainties, the domestic travel sector remains strong, with Trip.com outperforming industry averages in air passenger volume and hotel bookings. Lee maintains Trip.com as the top pick within the China internet sector, with a price target of $60, which is based on an 18-times multiple of the projected FY25 EBITDA.

Lee’s optimism also extends to strategic partnerships aimed at capturing lower-tier market segments, which could drive user acquisition and increase travel spend per user. On the outbound front, improvements in airline capacity and visa regulations are notable tailwinds. For instance, the recent surge in flight capacity to 70% of pre-pandemic levels and Trip.com’s consistent outperformance in the industry positions the company to potentially reach a volume recovery exceeding 90%. Furthermore, the increase in travel to visa-free destinations during holidays indicates a favorable trend, with Trip.com likely to benefit from the easing of travel restrictions and growing interest in international travel from Chinese consumers.

In another report released yesterday, Morgan Stanley also maintained a Buy rating on the stock with a $60.00 price target.

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Trip.com Group Ltd. Sponsored ADR (TCOM) Company Description:

Trip.com Group Ltd. engages in the provision of travel-related services. It provides hotel accommodations, airline tickets, packaged tours, corporate travel management services, property management systems, and advertising services. The company was founded by Jian Zhang Liang, Min Fan, Nan Peng Shen, and Qi Ji in June 1999 and is headquartered in Shanghai, China.

Read More on TCOM:

  • Citi ups Trip.com target, opens ‘positive catalyst watch’
  • Trip.com price target raised to $53 from $45 at TD Cowen
  • Hong Kong Stocks: Analysts See More Upside in Trip.com (TCOM) After Q4 Performance
  • Trip.com Group price target raised to $53 from $43 at Bernstein
  • Trip.com Group price target raised to $53 from $49 at Citi

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