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Applying Oral Communication Skills in Your Career and Everyday Life

Deanna Dannels, associate dean of academic affairs in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and a professor in the Department of Communications, discusses the importance of oral communication skills for NC State students and graduates.

Deanna Dannels, associate dean of academic affairs for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and a professor in the Department of Communication

By Samantha Rich, director of DASA Assessment 

This article is part of a series on NC State’s Pack Proficiencies : the five competency areas in which all NC State undergraduates should develop before they graduate: written communication, oral communication, quantitative literacy, critical thinking, and creative thinking. 

Oral communication is ubiquitous in our everyday lives: we communicate with classmates and colleagues on Zoom calls, we demonstrate our content knowledge and expertise in oral presentations, and we communicate our career goals to potential employers in job interviews. Outside of the classroom and workplace, we’re chatting with our Lyft driver, calling in our take-out orders, and enjoying casual conversations with friends and family. NC State recognizes that oral communication is a skill that should be practiced and developed throughout your undergraduate career, and that’s why oral communication is one of our Pack Proficiencies . 

NC State faculty and staff provide students opportunities to develop oral communication skills in courses, within student organizations, through undergraduate research, and through myriad events and activities across campus. In the interview below, Deanna Dannels, associate dean of academic affairs in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and professor in the Department of Communication, describes how students engage with oral communication in their everyday lives and why it is important that students develop proficiency in this area. Interview excerpts are edited for brevity and clarity.

Question: What does it mean to be proficient in oral communication?

Deanna Dannels: Oral communication really involves a number of things: it involves clearly expressing your ideas, building and evidencing a sound argument using the evidence necessary to justify a position, and adapting your argument to a variety of different audiences. 

Question: Why is it important for students to develop their oral communication skills?

Deanna Dannels: Students communicate every day — from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep. Students communicate with their roommates; they communicate with their faculty; they communicate with their friends. But just because you do it every day doesn’t mean that you do it well. One of the benefits of developing oral communication skills is that students can develop competency in something that is very pervasive in their lives — to reflect on it, to practice it, to get feedback on it so that they can become better at accomplishing their goals.

You need to know how to communicate to be a person who can engage in multiple contexts. Our world is rapidly becoming more interdisciplinary, more multi-modal and more multi-contextual. In order to navigate those contexts, students need to be able to show a proficiency in oral communication. Very few of our students will graduate and sit in an office on their own without interacting with other people; it’s just not the way the workplace is and it’s not the way our community is. A well-rounded person really needs to be able to have those communication competencies in order to be a good citizen, be a good professional, and be a good person in general.

Question: How can students develop their oral communication skills at NC State?

Deanna Dannels: The obvious answer is to take a communication class. Avail yourself of your opportunity to use your fee electives to take a communication class. That said, within your discipline there is an opportunity to either formally or informally practice oral communication skills. You may have a presentation assignment or group work – these are opportunities to hone and refine your skills to not only learn the content but to practice oral communication.

Even if you’re not in courses that provide formal oral presentation assignments, go participate in a rally, go participate in a community event, go watch speakers we bring to campus, and start thinking about what makes them effective as a communicator. What do you like? What could you see yourself doing? Engage in that critical analysis of oral communication skills

Question: How will students engage in oral communication after graduation?

Deanna Dannels: After graduation, in whatever pathway a student chooses, they’re going to have to put a resume out, they’re going to have to inquire about opportunities, and all of those things require oral communication. It may not be face-to-face, it may be technologically mediated or driven, but still you’re using oral communication competencies to find your pathway. Then being successful depends on your ability to communicate well. It also depends on your ability to determine where things need to change and how you can use your voice to make those changes.

I think not only is communication after graduation part of the recipe for success; it’s part of the recipe for innovation, for change and for action in organizations and in our communities. Students with oral communication competencies can be activists in this way and can create workplaces that are more ethical and communities that are more inclusive. Oral communication provides you opportunity and the skills necessary to do that.

To learn more about the Pack Proficiencies and how they are assessed, visit go.ncsu.edu/PackProficiencies .

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Importance of Oral Communication

Importance of Oral Communication

Embark on a journey to understand the crucial role of oral communication in shaping our interactions and relationships. This guide provides an in-depth look at effective communication strategies, enriched with practical oral communication examples . From professional discussions to personal dialogues, learn how to harness the power of spoken words for impactful and meaningful connections. Our guide is tailored to equip you with the skills necessary for mastering the art of oral communication in various life scenarios.

What is the Importance of Oral Communication?

Oral communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas through speaking. It is a key aspect of human interaction, essential for understanding and being understood in both personal and professional contexts. This form of communication is valued for its immediacy and effectiveness. What is Oral Communication involves not just speaking, but also active listening and interpreting nonverbal cues. It’s a dynamic skill that encompasses various elements such as tone, clarity, and confidence. Understanding the importance of oral communication helps in various scenarios, from delivering a presentation ( oral communication examples ) to engaging in a casual conversation. Mastering this skill leads to better relationships, clearer information dissemination, and more effective leadership in the workplace.

Importance of Oral Communication in Business

importance of oral communication in business

In the business world, the importance of oral communication cannot be overstated. Effective oral communication skills are critical for successful business operations. They facilitate clear and efficient exchange of ideas, making it easier for teams to collaborate, solve problems, and make decisions. In business, oral communication is often the cornerstone of client relations, negotiations, and team building. Good communicators can articulate their ideas clearly, persuade others, and understand verbal feedback, which is essential in a dynamic business environment.

Effective oral communication in business also enhances leadership. Leaders who communicate well can inspire and motivate their teams, creating a productive and positive workplace. In sales and customer service, oral communication skills are vital for explaining products, addressing customer concerns, and building lasting relationships. Furthermore, oral communication is crucial in crisis management, where timely and clear communication can mitigate issues more effectively.

Business meetings, presentations, and negotiations all rely heavily on oral communication. Oral communication examples in business include pitching a new idea to investors, discussing strategies in meetings, and providing feedback during performance reviews. These scenarios underscore the significance of being articulate, concise, and clear in conveying messages.

In summary, the importance of oral communication in business lies in its ability to streamline processes, foster strong relationships, and drive business growth. It is a skill that, when mastered, can significantly impact a company’s success.

Importance of Oral Communication Essay

An essay on the importance of oral communication delves into the various facets of this essential skill. Such essays typically explore how oral communication impacts individual success and relationships. They examine the role of effective communication in personal growth, professional development, and the maintenance of social bonds. An essay on this topic might include oral communication examples such as a successful public speech, an effective classroom discussion, or a productive business meeting.

The essay can discuss the advantages of oral communication, such as immediate feedback, the ability to adjust the message in real-time, and the conveyance of emotion and tone. It might also explore challenges, such as overcoming barriers in cross-cultural communication or dealing with speech anxiety.

Furthermore, an importance of oral communication essay can compare oral communication with written communication, highlighting how each has its unique strengths and contexts where one might be more appropriate than the other. Essays may also delve into the components that make up effective oral communication, such as clarity, conciseness, empathy, active listening, and the use of nonverbal cues.

Lastly, such essays often emphasize the development of oral communication skills, outlining ways individuals can improve their speaking and listening abilities. This aspect is particularly relevant in an educational setting, where developing strong oral communication skills can significantly impact students’ academic and future career success.

Overall, an essay on the importance of oral communication provides comprehensive insights into how this skill affects various areas of life, emphasizing its significance in personal and professional contexts.

Importance of Oral Communication & Written Communication

importance of oral communication written communication

The importance of oral communication and written communication lies in their complementary roles in conveying information and ideas effectively. Oral communication, involving speaking and listening, offers immediacy and personal interaction. It allows for immediate feedback and adjustment of the message based on the listener’s responses. In contexts like meetings, negotiations, or casual conversations, the ability to communicate orally is invaluable. Oral communication examples include delivering a speech, participating in a debate, or engaging in dialogue.

Written communication, on the other hand, provides a permanent record and is essential for documenting and sharing complex information. It allows for careful structuring and revision of content, making it ideal for detailed explanations or legal documentation. Written communication is crucial in business for contracts, emails, reports, and more.

Both forms have their unique strengths and are important in different situations. Oral communication is key for interpersonal interactions and immediate problem-solving, while written communication is essential for maintaining records and conveying detailed information. Understanding when and how to use each form effectively is a critical communication skill.

Why are Oral Communication Skills Important?

Oral communication skills are important for several reasons. They are fundamental to forming and maintaining personal and professional relationships. Effective oral communication enables individuals to express their thoughts and emotions clearly and persuasively. It is crucial in settings like education, where teachers must communicate information to students, and in business, where clarity in communication can define the success of negotiations and collaborations.

Good oral communication skills also enhance an individual’s ability to listen, interpret, and respond appropriately to others, fostering mutual understanding and respect. This is vital in multicultural environments, where clear communication can bridge cultural differences.

Additionally, strong oral communication skills are often associated with leadership and influence. Leaders who communicate effectively can inspire and motivate their teams, articulate their vision, and manage conflicts and crises efficiently.

In summary, oral communication skills are essential for effective interpersonal interactions, successful professional relationships, and personal growth. They empower individuals to convey their messages confidently and clearly, making them indispensable in virtually every aspect of life.

Moreover, the significance of oral communication extends beyond personal and professional realms, contributing to societal advancement. Effective communication is the cornerstone of leadership and governance, influencing decision-making processes and public opinion. Leaders and public figures must master this art to inspire and lead effectively​​. Educational platforms such as Harvard University’s Program on Negotiation provide insightful resources on negotiation and communication, crucial for leaders and professionals in all fields.

In conclusion, the importance of oral communication cannot be overstated. It is essential for effective interpersonal relationships, professional success, and personal growth. This guide has provided insights, examples, and practical tips to enhance your oral communication skills. Remember, mastering these skills is a continuous journey, but with practice and awareness, anyone can become an effective communicator.

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Oral communication skills are important for students.


Communication skills are vital for a student’s academic success and future career prospects. In today’s challenging environment, students must not only possess academic expertise, but also the requisite skills to enhance their learning and employability prospects in the future.

Communication is a dynamic process as it involves an interaction between two or more people i.e. the sender and the receiver. The main purpose of communication is to transmit thoughts and beliefs to another person. The major components of communication are verbal communication or oral communication and non-verbal communication. Oral communication is the process of expressing ideas through the medium of speech and this plays a crucial role in the life of students.

Importance of Oral Communication for Students

An individual learns the basics of oral communication right at home. The school environment takes this learning a notch higher by teaching the student how to interact with peers and teachers alike. The quality of communication in student life will define professional communication later in life.

Good communication enables students to assimilate more from the learning process by empowering them to ask relevant questions and discuss doubts.

Effective verbal communication nurtures the process of socialization by facilitating new friendships and these in turn aid the learning process.

Productive communication is a boost to career development. An ability to convey thoughts in a clear and precise manner would help a student to make a favorable impression at an interview and get the job that he deserves.

Communication skills inculcate professionalism in speaking styles, ways of self-expression and attitudes towards others, and these traits would hold students in good stead in their professional lives.

Dynamics of Oral Communication

The hallmark of a good student communicator is that he has mastered the art of preparing, organizing and delivering successful oral presentations. Oral communication includes real-time presentations, video presentations and interviews, with accompanying visual aids such as handouts and power-points.

Message is the key to a good oral communication. The substance of the presentation should be relevant to the audience and goals of the presentation.

Self-awareness is the starting point of good oral communication. A person who is aware of his strengths and weaknesses can put in the required efforts to improve communication skills.

Confidence is another vital aspect of good communication. A person may know the subject and yet not communicate adequately if he lacks confidence.

Simplicity in messaging is indispensable for good communication as assimilation of the message is directly proportional to clarity of its presentation.

Awareness of the audience is an important tool in the hands of an effective oral communicator. A good communicator can guage the impact of the by observing the body language and feedback of the audience and adjust his approach accordingly.

Interaction is the path to effectiveness. A student oral communicator can keep the audience engaged by asking questions and soliciting opinions on the subject matter at hand. This would also help in fine tuning the message and style of presentation, based on the feedback received from the audience.

The tone of voice of the presenter carries a lot of weight in delivery of the message. A confident tone keeps the audience engaged, whereas a low and monotonous tone can be off-putting. Voice modulation can also be employed to highlight the key points in the presentation and retain the attention of the audience.

Body language is an important component of effective oral communication. The student should adopt a stable and confident posture, make appropriate gestures, avoid being fidgety and establish eye contact during the presentation.

Oral communication is not merely the ability to speak, but also the capacity to listen. A good communicator is one who is attuned to the audience and is able to calibrate his message accordingly. An aspiring oral communicator should be willing to acquire and hone his listening skills over a period of time.

  The Path to Effective Oral Communication

Oral communication is an art that can be learnt and polished through reading, presentation skills and practice.

An oral communicator should have intellectual curiosity. Reading is a means to the development of good communication skills. A well-educated mind would be able to communicate better as content is the soul of the communication process. He should also possess an attitude of discussion and deliberation as this would improve intellectual capabilities and thereby contribute to effective communication.

Effective writing skills and good verbal communication skills go hand-in-hand although they may appear antithetical to a newbie. A student with good writing skills would alone be in a position to organize and present his thoughts in a structured manner; an exposure to the nitty-gritty of essay writing would be immensely beneficial in that regard.

The age-old dictum ‘Practice makes a person perfect’ makes perfect sense in the world of oral communication. The first impression is the best impression and many students fail this test due to a various impediments such as stage fright, lack of self-confidence and performance anxiety. A student can conquer his fears and master the art of oral communication by participating in many real and mock presentations, and speech-based activities.

Active participation in the community would transform a student into a good communicator by honing his linguistic abilities. Moreover, a leadership position in an academic setting would be an important asset on the CV of a student.

To conclude, a student willing to put his nose to the grindstone can indeed make a smooth transition from a tentative speaker to an effective and seasoned oral communicator.

Byline –  Anton Lucanus is the Director of Neliti. During his college years, he maintained a perfect GPA, was published in a top cancer journal, and received many of his country’s most prestigious undergraduate scholarships. Anton writes for The College Puzzle as a means to share the lessons learnt throughout his degree and to guide current students to achieve personal and educational fulfilment during college life.

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Public Speaking as an Effective Skill Essay

Public speaking is a highly important and useful skill that carries multiple advantages for personal life and professional career. Public speaking skills are required for specialists of various kinds. In this regard, mastering public speaking is going to serve as great enforcement for anyone. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate different situations where public speaking skills play an important role to show the reasons why public speaking is considered an effective skill.

First of all, the knowledge of theoretical and practical sides of public speaking provides one with multiple benefits such as understanding the ways people think and process the information, communicating thoughtfully and with higher efficiency, using the critical thinking, knowing how to organise and prepare presentations, researching the unfamiliar audiences and using appropriate communication strategies (Coopman, Lull 2014, p. 12). It is a well-known fact that most people experience certain difficulties in adjusting to a new society. For example, in a situation when a person starts working at a new place, they would feel the need to fit into the group of new co-workers, find a common language and establish friendly atmosphere at the workplace.

Public speaking skills provide a person with an ability to evaluate the audience, analyse their needs, learn their potentials, and successfully build contact with them. Proper application of public speaking knowledge will allow the new member of a group to move through the stage of getting to know the colleagues and feel comfortable talking with new people in unfamiliar situations (Coopman & Lull 2014, p. 12). In this case, public speaking skills will allow avoiding the discomfort at the workplace, which may lead to disruption of the work process and create problems for the whole company.

The most obvious situation where public speaking skills are always very useful is an actual performance in front of a group of people such as a public address, presentation of a new project at work, or a motivational speech. In such situations, the speaker can represent a group of fellows or the ideas important for many people. Due to this, a successful performance and efficient delivery of information are highly valuable and important (Keith & Lundberg 2013, p. 4). When one person is chosen to speak on behalf of many, it creates a certain pressure and responsibility for the speaker. In the case of the successful performance of one, the whole group will benefit. The good public speaker has to be able to present the information, keep the audience interested in the delivered ideas, and defend the point of view in case of criticism or counter argumentation.

The skills of public speaking provide one with courage, confidence, and the ability to fluently express themselves. One more situation that demonstrates the importance of public speaking skills is a casual conversation with a stranger. People are social creatures, interpersonal relationships of different kinds are highly important for us. Starting and maintaining friendships, being close to family members, having romantic relationships makes our lives easier and fuller. A skillful speaker will be able to represent themselves in the best and most appropriate way. This can be quite a challenging occupation. Performing in front of just one person is another variation of public speaking (Goldwasser 2006, p. 42). Successful personal representation in any situation, will it be a first date or a job interview, is extremely meaningful for anyone. This is why the development of public speaking skills is considered highly beneficial.

To conclude, almost every day, people face situations where speaking in front of an audience is required. The size of the audience may vary from one to hundreds or thousands of people, but the importance of professional and efficient delivery of information is always high. Knowledge of theoretical and practical sides of public speaking will enable the speaker to feel confident and comfortable and to present themselves and the necessary information in the best ways.

Coopman, S. & Lull, J. 2014, Public Speaking: The Evolving Art. Cengage Learning United States, Boston.

Goldwasser, I. 2006, Interactive Communication: A Guide to Effective Communication. Pearson Education Australia, Sydney.

Keith, W. & Lundberg, C. 2013, Public Speaking: Choice and Responsibility. Cengage Learning United States, Boston.

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Self-reflection: Exploring Strengths and Weaknesses

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Introduction, identifying strengths, acknowledging weaknesses, utilizing strengths to address weaknesses.

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my journey in oral communication essay

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My Journey as a Communicator

14 Dec 2022

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Having learned the value of relationships and the factors needed therein, I must say the journey of discovering myself as a communicator has been insightful. I have learned the importance of employing just the right communication devices, and have moved from a shy speaker to a more confident one through learning to engage the proper channels of humor , and how to save face when such a channel flops (Booher, 2011). My entire thought process regarding communications has changed as well. I have learned that a lot goes into making a public appearance on stage. I have learned the value of creating the content of my communication, organizing the information in a sequential flow, and polishing on the points to ensure effective communication. Initially, I perceived information as just a ‘wing-it' aspect where you get on stage, pick on whatever phenomenon you find and ride it. But I realize a lot more goes into the process (Eemeren, Henkemans & Grootendorst, 2002). The part that I found more strategic to my line of duty was designing presentations. I learned that as a career person it is not just enough to blab out what I consider facts to my clientele, but instead have a backup of clearly developed data (Munter & Hamilton, 2013). 

As a commercial property manager, learning the art of persuasion has been key to improving my career interactions. Am now more able to relay facts in a more calm and collected manner to my clients. Having learned all this, it has for sure boosted my confidence as a communicator by guiding me through the right channels, and I intend to build more on the areas that still need improvement through taking more classes on lightening up my presentations and interactions with a little bit of humor . By nature, I tend to be an uptight person who comes across as serious thus hindering free interactions (Bateson, 1953). I am happy to note that my communication ability has improved from the novice to a more distinguished communicator capable of influencing the right reactions from my audience through enhanced communications skills. 

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Bateson, G. (1953). The position of humor in human communication. In  Cybernetics, ninth conference  (Vol. 147). Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation New York. 

Booher, D. (2011).  Speak with confidence . AudioInk. 

Munter, M., & Hamilton, L. (2013).  Guide to managerial communication . Pearson Higher Ed. 

Van Eemeren, F. H., Henkemans, A. F. S., & Grootendorst, R. (2002).  Argumentation: Analysis, evaluation, presentation . Routledge. 

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Oral Communication Essay

What I Have Learned In Oral Communication Essay

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful human interaction, and oral communication is a key component of this vital skill. In an era where communication has become increasingly digital, mastering the art of oral communication remains crucial for building relationships, conveying emotions, and fostering collaboration. In this essay, we will explore the significance of oral communication, its advantages and challenges, and the steps we can take to improve our oral communication skills. Whether it’s engaging in a heartfelt conversation, delivering a persuasive speech, or working effectively in a team, the power of oral communication cannot be underestimated. So, let’s dive into the world of oral communication and discover its impact on our personal, academic, and professional lives.

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Oral Communication Essay

Oral Communication Essay

Short essay about oral communication

Oral communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction and plays a crucial role in our daily lives. It refers to the process of conveying information, thoughts, and ideas through spoken words and gestures. From casual conversations to formal presentations, oral communication serves as a vital means of expression and connection among individuals and groups.

One of the primary advantages of oral communication is its immediacy. When we engage in face-to-face conversations or phone calls, we can receive instant feedback from the listener. This feedback allows us to gauge their understanding, adjust our message if necessary, and ensure effective communication. Unlike written communication, which can be delayed and lacks real-time interaction, oral communication facilitates rapid exchange of ideas and promotes active engagement between the speaker and the listener.

Furthermore, oral communication allows for non-verbal cues and gestures to enhance the message being conveyed. Facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and hand gestures can all contribute to the overall meaning and impact of spoken words. These non-verbal elements provide valuable context, convey emotions, and help in conveying complex ideas. By observing these cues, listeners can better understand the speaker’s intentions and emotions, thereby fostering a deeper connection and facilitating clearer communication.

Another significant advantage of oral communication is its adaptability. Unlike written communication, which often follows predefined structures and formats, oral communication is more flexible and adaptable to various situations. Depending on the audience, purpose, and setting, speakers can adjust their language, tone, and style to effectively communicate their message. This adaptability allows oral communication to cater to diverse audiences, ranging from intimate conversations with friends to large-scale public speaking events.

Moreover, oral communication promotes active listening skills. Effective oral communication requires both speaking and listening abilities. Active listening involves not only hearing the words but also understanding their meaning, asking questions for clarification, and providing appropriate responses. By actively listening, individuals can foster better understanding, build relationships, and avoid misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

However, it is important to acknowledge the potential challenges associated with oral communication. Unlike written communication, oral communication lacks a permanent record, making it more prone to miscommunication or forgetting important details. Additionally, factors such as language barriers, cultural differences, and noise can hinder effective oral communication. To overcome these challenges, individuals can practice effective listening skills, employ clear and concise language, and adapt their communication style to accommodate diverse audiences.

In conclusion, oral communication is a powerful tool that facilitates the exchange of information, ideas, and emotions among individuals. Its immediacy, incorporation of non-verbal cues, adaptability, and promotion of active listening make it a crucial aspect of human interaction. By honing our oral communication skills, we can enhance our ability to connect with others, express ourselves effectively, and build strong interpersonal relationships.

In the course of learning about oral communication, I have gained valuable insights and skills that have enhanced my ability to effectively communicate with others. Oral communication refers to the process of conveying information, thoughts, and ideas through spoken words and gestures. Through this learning experience, I have come to appreciate the importance of various aspects of oral communication and their impact on successful interactions.

Firstly, I have learned the significance of active listening. Active listening involves not only hearing the words being spoken but also understanding their meaning, asking relevant questions, and providing appropriate responses. By actively listening, I can better comprehend the speaker’s message, demonstrate genuine interest, and engage in meaningful conversations. This skill has allowed me to establish stronger connections with others and avoid misunderstandings.

Secondly, I have learned about the power of non-verbal communication. Non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, and gestures play a crucial role in conveying emotions, attitudes, and intentions. Understanding and utilizing these non-verbal elements have helped me to enhance the clarity and impact of my oral communication. By consciously observing and using non-verbal cues, I can effectively communicate my message and better understand others’ emotions and intentions.

I have also learned the importance of adapting my communication style to different audiences and contexts. Not everyone communicates in the same way, and tailoring my language, tone, and style to suit the specific situation can significantly improve the effectiveness of my message. Whether I am speaking with a colleague, a friend, or a large audience, adapting my communication style helps me connect with others on a deeper level and ensures that my message is received and understood.

Additionally, I have learned the significance of organizing my thoughts and ideas before communicating them orally. By structuring my message, outlining key points, and organizing supporting details, I can convey my thoughts more coherently and concisely. This practice has allowed me to deliver clearer and more compelling presentations, engage in focused discussions, and avoid rambling or tangential communication.

Furthermore, I have learned the value of practicing and preparing for oral communication situations. Whether it is delivering a presentation, participating in a group discussion, or engaging in a job interview, adequate preparation helps boost my confidence and ensures that I convey my message effectively. By researching, rehearsing, and anticipating potential questions or challenges, I can approach oral communication situations with a greater sense of readiness and competence.

Lastly, I have learned that effective oral communication involves mutual respect and empathy. Recognizing and appreciating diverse perspectives, actively seeking to understand others, and fostering a supportive environment all contribute to successful oral communication. By valuing and respecting the opinions and ideas of others, I can create an atmosphere of openness and collaboration, leading to more meaningful and productive conversations.

In conclusion, my learning journey in oral communication has equipped me with valuable skills and knowledge that have enhanced my ability to connect, convey, and collaborate with others. Active listening, understanding non-verbal cues, adapting communication style, organizing thoughts, and practicing preparation are among the key lessons I have learned. By continuously honing these skills and incorporating them into my daily interactions, I am confident in my ability to engage in effective oral communication and build strong relationships with others.

Why is oral communication important for students essay

Oral communication is of paramount importance for students as it plays a vital role in their educational journey and prepares them for future personal and professional endeavors. Here are several reasons why oral communication is crucial for students:

  • Expressing thoughts and ideas: Oral communication allows students to articulate their thoughts, ideas, and opinions effectively. By expressing themselves verbally, students can share their knowledge, perspectives, and insights with their peers and teachers. This fosters intellectual growth, encourages critical thinking, and contributes to a rich learning environment.
  • Active participation in classroom activities: Effective oral communication enables students to actively participate in classroom discussions, debates, and group projects. Through verbal interactions, students can collaborate with their peers, share their perspectives, ask questions, and engage in critical analysis. This active participation enhances their learning experience and promotes a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • Presentation skills: Oral communication helps students develop presentation skills, which are essential for academic success and future professional endeavors. Presentations allow students to convey complex information in a concise and engaging manner, enhancing their ability to communicate ideas effectively to an audience. These skills are transferable and valuable in various academic settings, such as delivering research findings, defending arguments, and showcasing creative projects.
  • Building interpersonal relationships: Oral communication is crucial for building and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships. Students who can express themselves clearly and listen actively are better equipped to form connections with their peers, teachers, and mentors. Effective communication fosters collaboration, empathy, and understanding, creating a positive and supportive learning environment.
  • Developing critical life skills: Oral communication is a key component of several critical life skills. Effective communication skills are vital for interviews, job applications, and professional networking. By honing their oral communication abilities, students develop confidence, persuasive skills, and the ability to adapt to diverse audiences and situations. These skills are instrumental in their personal and professional growth beyond the academic setting.
  • Enhancing confidence and self-expression: Oral communication provides students with opportunities to overcome shyness, fear, and stage fright. As students engage in oral presentations, debates, and public speaking activities, they build confidence in expressing themselves in front of others. This increased self-assurance extends to other areas of their lives, empowering them to actively participate in discussions, voice their opinions, and advocate for themselves effectively.
  • Cultivating effective listening skills: Oral communication is not just about speaking; it also involves active listening. By engaging in oral interactions, students learn the importance of attentive listening, understanding others’ perspectives, and responding thoughtfully. These listening skills are crucial for comprehension, empathy, and building strong relationships.

In conclusion, oral communication is essential for students as it allows them to express their thoughts, actively participate in classroom activities, develop presentation skills, build interpersonal relationships, cultivate critical life skills, enhance confidence and self-expression, and foster effective listening abilities. By nurturing their oral communication skills, students are better equipped to succeed academically, professionally, and personally, paving the way for lifelong growth and success.

Oral Communication essay 150 words

Oral communication plays a crucial role in our daily lives, enabling effective interaction and the exchange of ideas between individuals. It is a dynamic and direct form of communication that involves spoken words, tone of voice, and non-verbal cues such as gestures and facial expressions.

One of the key advantages of oral communication is its immediacy. It allows for real-time feedback and clarification, promoting better understanding and preventing misunderstandings. Moreover, oral communication facilitates emotional connection as it conveys the speaker’s emotions and intentions through intonation and body language.

In addition, oral communication fosters effective collaboration and teamwork. It enables individuals to discuss ideas, brainstorm, and negotiate in a more interactive and engaging manner. This leads to enhanced problem-solving and decision-making processes.

However, oral communication also has its challenges. It requires strong listening skills and active participation from all parties involved. Clear and concise articulation is crucial to ensure the message is conveyed accurately.

Overall, oral communication is an essential skill in both personal and professional contexts. It enables effective interpersonal relationships, promotes collaboration, and enhances overall communication effectiveness. Developing and honing oral communication skills can lead to better relationships, increased productivity, and improved overall communication competence.

Oral Communication essay 250 words

Oral communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction and plays a vital role in our daily lives. It refers to the exchange of information through spoken words, voice modulation, and non-verbal cues like gestures and facial expressions. This form of communication is dynamic and immediate, allowing for effective expression and understanding of ideas.

One of the key advantages of oral communication is its ability to convey emotions and intentions. The tone of voice, emphasis, and body language used during oral communication add depth and meaning to the message, facilitating a deeper connection between individuals. This emotional connection is crucial in building relationships, resolving conflicts, and fostering empathy.

Furthermore, oral communication enables real-time feedback and clarification. Unlike written communication, it provides an opportunity for immediate response, allowing for instant clarification of doubts and misunderstandings. This promotes better understanding and ensures effective communication.

Oral communication is also essential for successful teamwork and collaboration. It facilitates brainstorming sessions, group discussions, and presentations, allowing team members to exchange ideas and information in a more interactive and engaging manner. This leads to enhanced problem-solving, creativity, and innovation within the team.

However, oral communication also presents challenges. Effective oral communication requires active listening skills and clear articulation. Active listening involves attentiveness, understanding, and responding appropriately. Clear articulation ensures that the message is conveyed accurately, avoiding confusion and misinterpretation.

In conclusion, oral communication is a vital skill in personal, academic, and professional contexts. It enhances interpersonal relationships, fosters effective teamwork, and promotes overall communication effectiveness. Developing and honing oral communication skills can lead to better opportunities, improved relationships, and increased success in various aspects of life.

500 words Essay about oral communication

Oral communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, serving as a primary means of exchanging information, ideas, and emotions. It involves the use of spoken words, tone of voice, and non-verbal cues to convey messages effectively. Whether in personal, academic, or professional settings, strong oral communication skills are essential for building relationships, resolving conflicts, and achieving success.

One of the key advantages of oral communication is its immediacy. Unlike written communication, oral communication allows for real-time interaction and feedback. It enables individuals to engage in dynamic conversations, actively responding to each other’s thoughts and ideas. This immediate exchange fosters better understanding, as any doubts or misunderstandings can be addressed and clarified on the spot. It also promotes a sense of connection and empathy, as the tone of voice, emphasis, and body language convey emotions and intentions, enhancing the overall message.

Furthermore, oral communication is crucial for effective teamwork and collaboration. In group settings, oral communication allows team members to share ideas, discuss strategies, and work towards common goals. It enables brainstorming sessions, where individuals can contribute and build upon each other’s ideas, leading to innovative solutions. The interactive nature of oral communication also encourages active participation and engagement, promoting a sense of ownership and commitment within the team.

In addition, oral communication plays a significant role in presentations and public speaking. The ability to articulate thoughts clearly and confidently is essential for delivering impactful speeches and presentations. Through oral communication, speakers can captivate and engage their audience, conveying their ideas with conviction and persuasion. Effective public speaking skills can enhance career prospects, academic performance, and overall confidence levels.

However, mastering oral communication does present challenges. Active listening is a crucial aspect of effective oral communication. It involves giving one’s full attention to the speaker, understanding the message being conveyed, and responding appropriately. Active listening requires concentration, empathy, and the ability to interpret non-verbal cues. Developing active listening skills helps in building stronger relationships, preventing misunderstandings, and fostering effective communication.

Moreover, clear articulation is vital for successful oral communication. Pronunciation, intonation, and the use of appropriate vocabulary contribute to conveying messages accurately. Poor articulation can lead to confusion and misinterpretation, hindering effective communication. Therefore, practicing and refining articulation skills is crucial for enhancing oral communication competence.

To improve oral communication skills, individuals can engage in various activities and exercises. Participating in debates, group discussions, and presentations can help build confidence and enhance speaking abilities. Joining public speaking clubs or enrolling in communication courses can provide valuable guidance and practice opportunities. Additionally, actively seeking feedback from peers and mentors can help identify areas for improvement and refine communication techniques.

In conclusion, oral communication is a fundamental skill that plays a vital role in personal, academic, and professional contexts. Its immediacy, emotional connection, and collaborative nature make it an indispensable tool for effective interaction. Active listening, clear articulation, and confident delivery are key components of successful oral communication. By continuously honing these skills through practice and feedback, individuals can enhance their communication competence, build stronger relationships, and achieve success in various aspects of life.

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A Student’s Struggle to Speak English Leads to a Career as a Communicator

my journey in oral communication essay

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Fiorella Riccobono first contributed to Knowledge@Wharton High School back in 2015, when she was interviewed for her high school social entrepreneurship project helping coffee bean farmers in Northwest Haiti. She has stayed in touch ever since, sharing insights from her college and social-awareness experiences at Florida State University. You can check out Riccobono’s KWHS contributions in the Related KWHS Stories tab accompanying this article.

As always, we appreciated hearing from Riccobono this week, when she reached out to tell us about her new job (she graduated in December) and share her perspective on a very personal topic: how her journey learning to speak English has influenced her life and career decisions.

In this personal essay, she expresses why she hopes that “more people in our society, especially in today’s political climate, analyze their perceptions of disadvantage and accept that qualities like language “barriers” can in fact be personal strengths.”

I vividly remember the moment when I became a shy girl and developed a profound fear of public speaking. I was in my pre-k classroom sitting in a big circle of 4-year-olds, when our teacher asked us to share what we had eaten for breakfast. My parents had immigrated to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S. from Venezuela shortly before my brother and I were born, and we only spoke Spanish at home. However, this was my second year enrolled in school in Davie, Florida, so I had picked up enough English to understand the question. But I was still learning. I raised my hand and responded “cereal con leche.” My visibly angry teacher asked me again and again to repeat my answer, and I couldn’t understand why.

Falling Silent

Eighteen years later, I still recall the shame of being scolded for my inability to communicate in the appropriate way – in this case, fully in English. Luckily, my teacher’s aide spoke Spanish and translated that I was saying “cereal with milk.” But at that point, the damage had been done. I was wounded and crying. I remember thinking to myself that I wouldn’t speak in class unless I absolutely had to. It was an overwhelming feeling of inadequacy; something a four-year-old girl should never experience.

That feeling stayed with me. In high school, I would choose to be absent on days when I knew I had to present projects to the class. My eyes would water when I had to speak in front of my classmates, my voice would shake, and so would my legs.

This story marks the start of my improbable triumph.

My favorite author, Malcom Gladwell, poses an interesting question: “Why do we automatically assume that someone who is smaller or poorer or less skilled is necessarily at a disadvantage?” I believe that we have a very limited definition of what constitutes an advantage.

Now, at the age of 22, a recent graduate of Florida State University and a new employee of the Florida Senate, I am very clear on my own advantages. Being the daughter of two Venezuelan immigrants made me the professional woman I am today, and that identity has been a driving factor in my success.

Much of the credit goes to my so-called language “barrier” and struggle with “broken” English. During my years of learning English, my mom and I would sit down together to do my homework. When I was tired of studying, and I didn’t want to practice spelling out any more words, my mom would softly and persuasively say, “Dale Fiore, otro treinta minutos, porque cuando tu aprendes, yo aprendo tambien,” which translates to: “Let’s study another half hour, Fiore, because when you learn, I learn too.”

That phrase kept me going. We would sit there at the table laughing hysterically as we butchered the words we were spelling aloud to each other. When test day came, I would remember the mistakes we made, because they were so funny to me, and that helped me memorize the correct spelling. The way we had to study turned spelling and vocabulary tests into a fun game. I began to appreciate a certain joy and fulfillment of studying for the sake of knowledge, not to overcome an inadequacy, and I also had the deep satisfaction of watching my mom learn English.

Conventional thought suggests that if you live in the U.S. you should learn English, and we eventually did. But the truth of the matter is that not knowing English made me a better student. It meant that I had to work harder and couldn’t lose focus in class. I paid close attention to how people spoke and pronounced words. When I was tired and wanted to stop, I had to keep studying. Many would argue that my inability to fluently speak English in my childhood was a weakness, when in fact it turned out to be one of my greatest strengths.

While I still hold onto some of the feelings I had all those years ago in my pre-k classroom, I have grown to embrace my Venezuelan heritage and language as motivations for my achievements in the U.S. The fact that I am not a native English speaker has made me more empathetic. It has helped me truly understand why diversity of thought is such a strength in the workplace, and, ironically, has made me a far more effective communicator.

I majored in finance, economics , and social entrepreneurship at Florida State, and graduated a semester early in December 2018. I am now the reading clerk for the 2019 session of the Florida Senate. Our state constitution requires senators to read bills three times before voting on them. I stand at the podium and read these documents aloud for the 60 days that the Senate is in session, navigating the language that could ultimately become Florida law. That one-time shy, silent little girl actually pursued and landed a job that now requires me to regularly stand in front of 40 state senators and read proposed legislation – in English.

I also speak Spanish every day, with family and friends. My college roommate and best friend is from Mexico, so we speak to each other in Spanish. I am bilingual in my professional life, as well. Just this week, the Florida Senate phones were blowing up with citizens supporting or condoning a controversial bill that entered committee. This specific bill prompted lots of calls from Spanish speakers and I was the only person on staff who could speak Spanish. So I answered the phones and spoke with the Spanish citizens, communicating about their opinions on this piece of legislation. I helped the voices of non-English-speaking citizens be heard.

Shifting Perceptions

I see how speaking English as a second language actually adds to the richness of this country. As a Venezuelan immigrant, I grew up forcing myself into situations where I had no choice but to confront my fears, and I would do it again and again until that specific situation no longer made me uncomfortable. I have contributed deeply to my school and now my work communities because my “otherness” sparked my intellectual curiosity and my desire to work that much harder to achieve my personal goals.

My hope is that more people in our society, especially in today’s political climate, analyze their perceptions of disadvantage and accept that qualities like language “barriers” can in fact be personal strengths that open up entire worlds of opportunity and accomplishment.

To the students who relate to my experiences and who may be struggling with their inability or even lack of desire to learn English, I ask you to shift your perception and embrace the opportunity in your challenge. I ask you to consider how you can spin this perceived weakness and draw energy from it to become a stronger student, friend, and contributing member to society. Don’t accept the notion that you are disadvantaged. Learning English and being able to effectively communicate with your peers is rewarding. More importantly, how you speak, complete with your thick, beautiful accent, is an advantage and an asset, not an inadequacy you must overcome.

Related Links

  • Malcolm Gladwell on Facebook
  • Fiorella Riccobono at CNN Debate Night
  • New York Times Topics: Immigration and Emigration

Conversation Starters

Fiorella Riccobono says, “My hope is that more people in our society, especially in today’s political climate, analyze their perceptions of disadvantage.” What does she mean by this?

How would you describe Fiorella’s “improbable triumph?”

Does Fiorella’s story resonate with you? Can you relate to some of her struggles learning the English language and how that has helped to define her course? Why or why not?

9 comments on “ A Student’s Struggle to Speak English Leads to a Career as a Communicator ”

While scrolling through the articles listed on the webpage, this unique one caught my eye immediately. What it described is a complete mirror of my experience, my pain and my struggle. More importantly, when looking through it, I realized the way I should face myself, both strengths and weaknesses. Fiorella’s “improbable triumph” is truly “improbable”, at least that’s what I believed before finishing this article. She did undergo many challenging situations, difficulties that her first language Spanish but not English. And for me, a second language learner becomes a Florida Senate sounds totally incredible. Since my first language is also not English, I know how much struggles and courage it needs to be able to speak out in front of people, let alone standing in front of 40 state senators and read proposed legislation. But I believe that’s one of the main reason why she made to her position, it is because she already has a strong heart, enough self-confidence and a constant thirst for knowledge. These were all honed from her school years. I was always the top students back in my home country and English was one of my strongest subject. However, it was opposite when I came to Canada. The “barrier” of language discourages me from participating in school activities, being actively during class. During my first year, Every time I was in class, I was worried whether the teacher would ask me to answer questions or not. I always remember my first speech. I practiced it over and over again, but some students still didn’t understand what I was talking about and I couldn’t answer their questions. Same as Fiorella, my mom also played an important role. She practice my presentation’s script with me and she told me that there is no way to be ashamed by my accent or the fact that I am a second language learner. She told me that’s exactly the point I should be proud of myself because I am able to speak both two languages. I have always been grateful for my parents, without them I couldn’t be where I am today. I enrolled my school’s principle list every semester and honor roll on the Waterloo Math Contest. Now, I am preparing for my debate club as a leader with my friends. I always believe man grows in adversity, I don’t regret any of the attempts I’ve made, even if I fail and fall. Isn’t the realization of my shortcomings also a progress? Tribulation is accompanied by harvest. Just as Fiorella Riccobono says to “analyze perceptions of disadvantage.” I was contradict to communicate because my accent, lack of vocabulary, different culture, when I read the last paragraph of this article, I just found that all my worries and evasions were ridiculous and untenable. This article once again strengthens my heart and guides my future efforts, to become a stronger student, friend, and contributing member to society. Everything I have and experienced has made me who I am now, and it takes that to make me whole.

Hi Jasmine,

Thank you for your fantastic comment!

Also as an immigrant to Canada at an older age (14), I find your experience much more relatable than Fiorella’s. I believe that one of the reasons why I agreed to my parents’ idea of immigrating, is that I was confident in my “English” language, and that was partly because I was performing well during English class in my home country. However, it was really different being in an environment where you are forced to speak the language. My problem wasn’t during class and academics but in my social life. What a teenage girl needs the most perhaps is a social life, friends. At least for me. But it was extremely hard to make friends if I wasn’t willing to make a step out, to talk to people. Fortunately, with my mother’s little push, I was able to do so. Even though I stumbled through the beginning, attending lots of social events and making awkward conversations, I eventually made a couple of great friends and got to know many other people. Joining the debate club and filing applications to other councils was difficult because I wasn’t confident in my speaking and was afraid that I would make fun of myself. Which I did, modelling the motion “THW lift patents” supporting patents. But I gained a lot of valuable experience in the process, found my passion in debating, and ultimately improved my English speaking and confidence. However, I do believe that this struggle is just a part of the journey of fitting in the new language environment.

This unique title also did catch my eyes, but I wasn’t feeling related while reading the article. I thought that at the age of four, it would be really easy to learn English and be amalgamated into the American society. It was hard to believe that a four-year-old memory could be carved so deeply in her mind, also how does over ten years of living in an English environment she is still not confident of her language? With doubt and suspicion, I finished the article.

I agree with you and Fiorella that by analyzing and reconsidering our “perception of disadvantages”, we could learn how to embrace and turn our so-called disadvantages into motivation and strength. However, I do not believe that her “triumph” is “improbable”. In my opinion, her “triumph” is being confident of speaking English and eventually becoming an employee of the Florida state senate. Admittedly, she is quite successful in her confidence and career. But again, as a person living in the states, speaking English for so many years since childhood, her English will come as she grows. I believe that her “solving all the obstacles” is just a process of fitting into the new environment, what actually brought out her “triumph”, is her action of acknowledging and recognizing her former disadvantages, then turning it into her interest and continued pursuing it. 
The society is biased, being a good English speaker is important for our success in the future or just to be more like a part of the society, but the process of learning is crucial as well, it teaches us life-long skills — persistence and motivation for learning.

Jasmine, your story of progress and growth in language learning is truly inspiring. Your journey, from feeling apprehensive about participating in class due to language barriers to becoming a leader in the debate club in your second language, showcases a remarkable testament to your determination and perseverance. Reading about your experiences motivates me to push myself further in my own language studies. In a few years, I’ll be taking my AP Spanish exam, and your story constantly reminds me that with determination and continuous effort, I can overcome the challenges I currently face in learning Spanish and achieve my goals. Your narrative has given me valuable insights into the complexities of language acquisition, which directly resonates with the struggles my parents faced when learning English as a second language. I used to find humor in their pronunciation struggles, not fully comprehending the difficulties they were encountering. However, my own language-learning experiences have humbled me, and now I hold a profound respect for their determination in learning a second language. My language teacher once said, “Once you dream in a language, you know you’re fluent,” and this notion fascinates me as I strive to achieve a similar level of language mastery in Spanish. Your narrative also got me thinking about the remarkable ability of some individuals, including yourself, to learn languages quickly. This phenomenon is not limited to children but also extends to certain adults. I decided to conduct some of my own research on the topic to gain a better understanding. In my investigation, I found that certain cognitive factors and personality traits can contribute to accelerated language learning. For example, individuals with strong working memory and high levels of empathy tend to grasp language nuances more quickly. Moreover, the motivation to learn a new language, much like your own drive, can significantly impact the speed of acquisition. Additionally, exposure to immersive language environments and consistent practice plays a crucial role in fostering rapid language development. This would also explain why children have a unique advantage in language learning, primarily due to their lack of prior knowledge in the target language. Their immersion in an environment where the target language is consistently spoken enables them to develop an intuitive grasp of grammar, pronunciation, and cultural nuances. Imagine a child stepping into a world where everything they hear and see is in a new language. They don’t have preconceived notions or linguistic habits to overcome. It’s a blank canvas waiting to be filled with the colors of this unfamiliar language. As they interact with native speakers and engage in daily activities, they naturally absorb the language without conscious effort. This lack of pre-existing linguistic baggage allows them to embrace the new language wholeheartedly, much like effortlessly stepping into a racecar and taking the wheel without any previous experience in driving. Your efforts to learn a language is truly commendable, Jasmine, and it serves as an inspiration for others to follow. Your dedication and enthusiasm for language learning are evident throughout your essay, and I want to express my appreciation for sharing your journey with us. Your story has not only motivated me personally but also broadened my understanding of the multifaceted aspects of language acquisition. Keep up the incredible work!🚀

I think that perspective is one of the greatest traits that a person can have. It has the ability to bridge almost any gap of all sorts of disparity; economic, cultural, political, the list goes on and on. It’s this trait that is not found often enough in society that is key to understanding why others around you say what they say, do what they do, and believe what they believe. In the instance of Fiorella Riccobono, this was in regards to the perspective of a four year-old girl who had immigrated to the United States with her parents in search of a better life. Now 22, Fiorella boldly states “My hope is that more people in our society, especially in today’s political climate, analyze their perceptions of disadvantage”. Her saying is meant to imply that those of us who are at what we perceive as an adversity to our aspirations ought to gain more perspective to realize that it is often the greatest challenges that create the best people.

My view on Fiorella’s “improbable triumph” revolves around the idea that her success was reliant on her individual positive mindset. She disregarded society’s notion that her not knowing English was an inherent disadvantage that she would be restrained by, and rather turns it into an opportunity to show growth and determination. She says herself that “Many would argue that my inability to fluently speak English in my childhood was a weakness, when in fact it turned out to be one of my greatest strengths”. This ideal mindset is exactly what in my opinion needs to be emphasized in society; the concept that people’s ability to move up the ladder is mostly in their own hands, and even if there are inevitable obstacles, it is the individual’s responsibility to face them head on. This is why stories such as Fiorella’s must be celebrated and showcased more often, to teach communities and especially youth to not accept that they are disadvantaged and that there is nothing that they can do about it. Mindsets that accept there is nothing left to change the status quo are the most dangerous; they not only remove any potential to make change, but pass down ideology to younger generations, creating a cycle of lost opportunity. That’s why Fiorella’s “improbable triumph” and stories like it must be highlighted in communities all across the world.

In regards to Fiorella’s story, it resonates quite deep personally with my family and I. As the son of immigrants, it was easy to relate to the struggles she describes of getting past the initial language/cultural barrier that occurs when getting used to living in a new country. My parents came to the United States 17 years ago, knowing a few sentences they had learned from a Hindi-to-English pocketbook dictionary, a couple hundred dollars, and a 3 year old son, my older brother. I was born a year later, and then we eventually moved to Tampa, Florida as my dad had received a job offer. As I was born in the US and naturally learned the language, culture, and customs, I became more and more observant of the divide between what I saw as “normal” at school and what my parents did. They had been in the country for a number of years, but still were speaking that “broken English” that Fiorella references. Naturally as a kid, I met and hung out with my friends outside of school, often encountering their parents who had often either lived their whole life in America or had been living here for decades. They spoke perfect English, much better than that of a eight-year-old, and certainly better than that of a husband and wife that had only been in the country for a few years. As I came home from playing with my friends, I became frustrated at communicating in English with my parents as they were not as good as the moms and dads I met at my friends’ houses. Being naive, I did not understand why they were unable to speak that fluent English that I always listened to outside my home. I actually became embarrassed when friends came over to my home to hang out, only to be confused by how my parents tried to greet them using English that was often grammatically wrong and covered with a thick accent. I was ashamed of it for a long time, and looking back I even admit it made me angry that my family was different than others. I just wanted to be the acclaimed “normal” that every kid always desired. However, as I began to grow up, I had an experience that completely changed the lense that I was looking at my parents through. That year I had begun staying up later at night to complete homework and other commitments that started as high school began becoming more demanding. On a particular night that year, when I had finally finished my homework and whatever else I had to do that late night, I decided to get some water downstairs before I went to bed. When I came down, I saw that my father had left his computer on; so naturally, I went over to turn it off. When I was about to press the power button, the screen caught my eye: “Online Tutoring for English”. It had never occurred to me that my dad was taking lessons to improve his English – to say I was surprised would be quite the understatement. The realization had dawned upon me that specific moment how difficult life truly was for an immigrant – and in this case – my parents. Any notions to myself thinking that I had a lot of work and stress to deal with in high school quickly evaporated, as I really took a moment to reflect on my father’s journey all these years later. To leave his family and friends behind in India, travel thousands of miles to a foreign country, not knowing the language or anybody to help him, and having no other option than making it knowing he had a wife and young son counting on him finally hit me. I was humbled. I was washed over with a sense of regret and shame for always being mad all those years at my parents for not being fluent English speakers. That night was years ago. Today, as I write this, I have the upmost pride in knowing that those two immigrants who came to this country not knowing the language, are MY parents. I feel that this story is not exclusively mine, but rather one that millions of other immigrants who have come to this country have experienced as well, and it’s comforting know that all of us have made it against all odds. Just like Fiorella, I want to take this moment that showed a disadvantage that my family had gotten past and transform it into a showcase of how rewarding resilience can truly be. While I was privileged to learn the language as I grew up, I appreciate the perspective of someone who only had a pocketbook dictionary and a strong will to make it in a foreign country for their family, and that is something I will cherish for a lifetime.

The ability to turn a disadvantage into an advantage is what paves the way for “improbable triumph”.

In the words of Fiorella: “I believe that we have a very limited definition of what constitutes an advantage.” She could not be more correct.

As the son of immigrants, this is an article that resonated with me. Like Fiorella, English was not the primary language spoken within our house. Like Fiorella, I struggled with feelings of inadequacy for not being able to speak English as well as my peers. Like Fiorella, these feelings created shyness and timidity that affected my participation in class. But most importantly, like Fiorella, this ‘disadvantage’ of mine turned out to be the driving cause of one of my greatest accomplishments.

Fiorella says that not knowing English made her a better student. She cites the extra effort she had to put in to understand concepts as the root of her strong work ethic. My own childhood was characterized less by a struggle to learn English, but more by a persistent feeling of insecurity about cultural norms. In other words, while I was able to overcome the language barrier, the cultural barrier that existed created a constant pressure of inadequacy; it felt like everyone was part of an inside joke that I wasn’t allowed to know. But in the same way Fiorella responded to adversity by bouncing back with fervor, I responded to my perceived disadvantage by turning it into an advantage. I developed a passion for public speaking in middle school, determined to change my impression of “the quiet kid” into someone who was outspoken and confident. When I think back to what ignited that sudden change, I honestly think it was simply to spite those who underestimated me. It was a way for me to put myself out there and feel included despite the nagging feeling of cultural difference that made me feel separated.

This passion for public speaking developed into a passion for argumentation. I joined the debate team in high school and won many awards. More importantly, I made friends and broadened my perspective. Last year I was even fortunate enough to be selected for the USA development debate team, representing the nation while competing against international teams across the globe. The experiences I had as a part of this team are what makes Fiorella’s statement ring so true for me. Meeting debaters from all over the world changed my perspective – what society considers an advantage is extremely limited in its scope.

In the world of international debate, English is the lingua franca. You would think that the Western countries would then be at an advantage, being more comfortable with English and thus being better speakers. Yet, some of the best communicators I’ve met speak English as a second language. When we versed the national Bangladesh team, we were amazed by how skillfully they debated. Yes, they had an accent, and yes their grammar and word choice were awkward at times, but the meaning they conveyed was poignant. If the round felt difficult, the conversation I had with them in Bengali afterwards felt like they were running circles around me. I realized that they focused on meaning of the words not how they sound. They may not have been familiar with English, but their ideas were strong and they conveyed them directly and powerfully. Their articulation wasted no time, unlike them teams from Western countries, who used extravagant vocabulary and complicated metaphors. Team Bangladesh went on to do extremely well in the tournament despite their unfamiliarity with English, truly encapsulating the essence of “improbable triumph”.

From the shy, timid student, to the debater representing the USA, I had an improbable triumph of my own. As I found my voice and people listened, I realized that the cultural barrier I thought was inhibiting me was empowering me. At first it was simply by giving myself an obstacle to overcome, but then I realized how my own cultural experiences gave me a diverse worldview that enhanced everything I did. It propelled me to my position on the national debate team which served to further my diverse worldview. Aaditya mentioned his personal story about his parents in an earlier comment, Jasmine and Eileen discussed their hardships in immigrating to Canada, and Fiorella mentions her own struggles in the article above. However, in the end, the disadvantages we all faced made us stronger and gave us character. In a way, I am grateful for the disadvantages I had to deal with.

Throughout the article, and above in my own comment, the term improbable triumph has been used to describe success in the face of disadvantages. Yet, it seems that triumph becomes more probable in the face of disadvantages that must be overcome and learned from. We really should change our conception of advantage then, because disadvantages can be advantages in disguise and make improbable triumphs less improbable.

Diana wrote about her story as an immigrant who was having a hard time breaking the language barriers in the United States. I felt camaraderie with her story as a foreigner who has gone through a similar experience in adapting to a culture and language that I have never been exposed to ever since I was born. She said she was having a hard time breaking the implicit barrier between her and people in the States, and so did I. It took me so long to get used to just speaking and writing my thoughts in English to share with my friends, and many people are struggling with that too. I was admitted to my current school in the first year of the Pandemic, and trying to make friends when everyone had to stay inside their homes was a horrible experience. I took all of my classes virtually, without a single experience of speaking English. My school initially did not even provide an ESL program to help foreign students like me. Also, I was not able to socialize with other kids in the school because there were no chances. I finished my first year with a lot of struggles, and I moved into the school for the second year. I tried to make lots of friends because I realized that if I didn’t get used to this environment, I thought I would never be able to get friends in school. So, I decided to play some sports, join clubs, and be active in class.

During those times, I’ve seen many students who are also having a hard time like me. I’ve seen a lot of smart Asian students talented in many different fields, but are unable to express their creative ideas as they were not able to speak English fluently. I remember the time when, I was in my math class, and we were solving a hard calculus problem that required us to see it with a creative perspective that people normally cannot even imagine. However, Chan, my Chinese friend, raised his hand and tried to explain his thoughts on the problem in front of the whole class. It took a while for many students in my class to understand his words because of his accent and his fluency in English. Later, he had to just write down equations and variables on the board to enable others to understand what he was trying to understand. Though some people might think that it is Chan’s fault for not being able to fluently speak English while going to a public school in the United States. However, for those people, I want to ask, ‘since when did English become the Nation’s official language?’ I, knowing how talented Chan is in transforming hard math problems into simple solutions during when we worked on a math project together, felt sorry for his embarrassment. At that moment, I realized that the existing educational system does not support many talented students to overcome their language barrier to reach their full potential. As a person who also went through a similar experience of having a hard time, I wanted to make a change in the current form of education for future generations of students in the overlooked population. I did not want any more students to not reach their 100% potential just because of the language barrier. From my experience, I learned that the school’s ESL classes do not practically help foreign students to learn English in a short period of time. Even more, I realize that there is no support system in our education that could help foreign students who are struggling with their school work just because they cannot speak English fluently. Realizing that there has to be an end to this continuing educational disparity, I decided to run a student club “Near2Perfection” that can help talented students who are suffering because of language or cultural barriers. Currently, in the United States, the majority of people expect immigrants to speak English fluently, even when 14.4% of its total population consists of immigrants whose mother tongue is not English. Empathizing with these often overlooked populations in our society, I and Near2Perfection aim to support them to socialize with other students and break the language barrier to spread their innovative dreams that could change the world. For instance, one of my friends from Taiwan, Tiger Ding, was struggling in his language & literature class, and especially with speaking and writing an essay in English. Like me, he never left his home country before coming to Salisbury school, and it was the first time he came to an English-only learning environment. Our club helped him to get familiar with the different cultures and languages by introducing our club members and giving him a tour of our school. Throughout the semester, we helped him with writing essays, providing him notes on how to write a persuasive essay, while doing daily assignments together, and having lunch with other classmates to make them feel inclusive in the school community.

After reading this article and reading through the comment section, I’m so glad that there are others who also recognize that all people, regardless of race, gender, age, and fluency in speaking English, have remarkable talents, energy, knowledge, and creativity to innovate the world. Being motivated, In the near future, I want to build a non-profit organization that promotes collaborations among lots of companies in the private industry in different countries. The goal of this organization is to play a significant role in “breaking the barrier” to help companies in different nations to introduce their innovative business ideas more easily. With my unending passion to promote equity, I am eager to collaborate with many other innovative peers in different nations to put our heads together and make the world a better place.

“I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.” is a monumental quote stated by Kurt Cobain. This quote not only illustrates the social concern of insecurities but also reflected an image of my life in general. The article, “A Student’s Struggle to Speak English Leads to a Career as a Communicator”, was especially intriguing to me because it shows how one’s aversion towards a certain area may also make them emotionally stronger by forcing them to step outside of their comfort zone. As Fiorella Riccobono stated, “My hope is that more people in our society, especially in today’s political climate, analyze their perceptions of disadvantage.” This suggests that rather than viewing stereotypically bad behavior as something we should avoid, we should also consider the delight it has brought to us and the positive adjustments it has made to our lives as a whole. For example, Fiorella Riccobono’s inability to communicate in English when she was younger forced her to go through an ordeal that has damaged her internally, but ultimately acknowledged the idea that having communication problems is not necessarily a drawback. The student underwent the hardship of learning a foreign language and overcame her insecurities on self-consciousness which is ultimately, her “improbable triumph”. As a ten-year-old little boy stepped into a foreign country where the environment was completely new to him, it was inevitable for him to face issues like language barriers, culture shock and discrimination. When I immigrated to Singapore from my homeland China, where I had spent the previous ten years, I attended an international school and did not speak a single word of English. I used to be in the English as a Second Language(EAL) course for three years hoping that one day I could be moved to English as a First Language(EFL) class. Throughout these years, I have seen many of my fellow classmates get transferred to EFL after only a few months of learning English, but I still had not yet met the requirements for EFL. I often asked myself, “Am I dumb?”, “Why am I always different from others?” and “Why can’t I just be like them?” Every time I speak in front of the class, I feel that I am stuttering and making simple grammar mistakes in my speech. I used to always be afraid to look others in the eye because I knew they might be making fun of my accent and giving me judgemental looks. Later in life, I was inspired by an artist that promotes the concept of ‘self-love’. The artist has numerous songs implying that we should not try to pretend to be someone that we are not in order to fit into a specific type of community and we should always love ourselves and embrace who we are individually. That was the moment when I realized that my insecurities are confining my individuality and it is perfectly fine to be different. I joined a local service called “Her Journey” that advocates Migrant Domestic Workers’ Rights and some people questioned why I am involved in a ‘Her’ related activity. I simply replied, “I am just doing what I love”, that is empowering the women in my society and beyond. The younger me tried really hard to be a ‘normal’ student but soon acknowledged that there is no category of ‘normal’ in our modern society. I started not caring about my accent and whether I can speak ‘perfect’ English or not because as Fiorella Riccobono stated, “This story marks the start of my improbable triumph.”

Fiorella’s story as the child of Venezuelan immigrants inversely mirrors my own experience as the child of two Korean immigrants. Her story starts with the shame and insecurity of not knowing English in her pre-K classroom, leading her to the realization that this “barrier” bolstered her work ethic and beliefs on diversity. My own story is similar: my struggle to resonate with my Korean identity as a Korean-American made me curious and led me to building my own community.

“Conventional thought suggests that if you live in the U.S. you should learn English,” Fiorella writes, and while this is true, I present another version of this line in a way applicable to my life: Conventional thought suggests that if you have family from outside of the U.S., you should be able to speak their language. When I was in first grade, I traded my once-fluent Korean for perfect English. This sacrifice gave way to the insecurity and shame that Fiorella alludes to in her article. Whenever I went back to Korea to visit family, I felt a sense of isolation as the only one who wasn’t fluent in Korean. I felt like a particularly grotesque piece of artwork, while my family looked at me as if they couldn’t quite figure me out. “Can you try to speak Korean around us?” they would ask, but the moment I spoke, they would chastise my poor grammar and even poorer pronunciation. They would comment on my colored hair and clothes, blaming it on the “American influence.” Language was not the only barrier that separated me from my Korean family. Korean mannerisms and culture that my family had practiced all their lives were unfamiliar to me, only feeding my insecurity. As the shame grew, I marginalized myself from my Korean identity and pushed myself to become more American. I stopped speaking Korean altogether, because every time I did, I was reminded that I didn’t quite belong.

Self-acceptance took a lot of work over the years, and admittedly, I still harbor some of those feelings from when I was younger. But like Fiorella’s connection to her identity, mine blossomed into a unique strength. Being Korean-American caused me to ask questions about who I really was, leading me to discover a community where my hyphenated identity has evolved into something entirely its own. Discovering the Korean-American community in my town let me uphold a blend of what both cultures have to offer; for example, many Korean-Americans bond over our experiences in Korea, the struggle of learning a language, and aspects of Korean culture that we can only confide in each other in America, such as Korean music and fashion. The Korean diaspora in the United States is comprised of nearly 2 million individuals, and after connecting with those like myself, I realized that I had spent my entire life trying to conform to one group or another when really, all I had to do was recognize that I had been part of one all along.

At the end of her article, Fiorella writes, “To the students who relate to my experiences and who may be struggling with their inability or even lack of desire to learn English, I ask you to shift your perception and embrace the opportunity in your challenge. I ask you to consider how you can spin this perceived weakness and draw energy from it to become a stronger student, friend, and contributing member to society.” This is exactly what I aspire to do. Already, I have contributed to my school and community through the thing that made me different and made me doubt myself all my life – in this case, my Korean-American identity – because it ultimately sparked my intellectual curiosity and allowed me to cross barriers to reach people like myself. Our identities are not deficits, barriers, or obstacles, as Fiorella has found out for herself. No matter our challenges, our ethnic origins, beliefs, gender, religion, and nationalities make us who we are, and being Korean-American has allowed me to find a community between lands, oceans, and cultures that feels like home.

I deeply resonate with your experiences as an Asian-American navigating the waters of having many different cultural identities. As an immigrant who has lived in four countries, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, and the US, I can empathize with the challenges you faced in connecting with your Korean roots while adapting to American culture.

Although I have not experienced living in India and spent most of my formative years in Japan, my Indian heritage has always been an essential part of who I am. I always found it difficult to answer the seemingly simple question, “where are you from?” Whenever it comes up, I am faced with a dilemma: Should I say that I am Indian, even though I never lived in India, but my parents were born and raised there? Should I say that I am American, despite the fact that I have lived here for only 3 years? Or should I say I am Japanese, since I have spent many years immersed in their culture, but was always seen as a foreigner? These moments make me feel isolated from those around me, like I don’t entirely fit into one particular mold.

However, I have learned to make light out of my situation. Akin to Fiorella’s realization of the “barrier” being a catalyst for growth, my journey has allowed me to experience the world through differing and often contrasting perspectives, providing a greater sense of depth in my life. As you put it, “Our identities are not deficits, barriers, or obstacles… our ethnic origins, beliefs, gender, religion, and nationalities make us who we are.”

Reflecting on your story, I’m reminded of a quote from an Indian hero, Mahatma Gandhi: “No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.” Similar to how you’ve discovered a unique strength in your assorted identity, I have learned to embrace my diversity, allowing me to better understand myself and those around me.

Just like you, I agree that our identities are not limited to the place we currently live in, where we were born, or where we grew up; they are a culmination of our experiences and family heritage and are a part of what makes us unique. Learning about Indian values and traditions is a beautiful journey of self-discovery, and I find comfort in knowing that there are others, like you and Fiorella, who share similar experiences.

Today, when asked the question “Where are you from?” Instead of attempting to provide a simple one-word answer, I take the opportunity to share my journey through different cultures and the countries that have been an integral part of my life. I proudly acknowledge my Indian heritage while also showing gratitude for the Japanese customs and American values that have shaped my present day self. I have come to realize that my story cannot be explained by a single place; rather, it is a beautiful mosaic of influences from the various cultures that have touched my life.

Thank you for sharing your story and reminding us that our identities are all unique, and our ability to embrace diversity can lead to a richer, more connected world.

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Essay on Importance of Communication for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of communication:.

Communication is one of the important tools that aid us to connect with people. Either you are a student or a working professional, good communication is something that will connect you far ahead. Proper communication can help you to solve a number of issues and resolve problems. This is the reason that one must know how to communicate well. The skills of communication essential to be developed so that you are able to interact with people. And able to share your thoughts and reach out to them. All this needs the correct guidance and self-analysis as well.

essay on importance of communication

Meaning of Communication

The word communication is basically a process of interaction with the people and their environment . Through such type of interactions, two or more individuals influence the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes of each other.

Such interactions happen through the exchange of information through words, gestures, signs, symbols, and expressions. In organizations, communication is an endless process of giving and receiving information and to build social relationships.

Importance of Communication

Communication is not merely essential but the need of the hour. It allows you to get the trust of the people and at the same time carry better opportunities before you. Some important points are as follows –

Help to Build Relationships 

No matter either you are studying or working, communication can aid you to build a relationship with the people. If you are studying you communicate with classmates and teachers to build a relationship with them. Likewise in offices and organizations too, you make relationships with the staff, your boss and other people around.

Improve the Working Environment 

There are a number of issues which can be handled through the right and effective communication. Even planning needs communication both written as well as verbal. Hence it is essential to be good in them so as to fill in the communication gap.

Foster strong team

Communication helps to build a strong team environment in the office and other places. Any work which requires to be done in a team. It is only possible if the head communicates everything well and in the right direction.

Find the right solutions

Through communication, anyone can find solutions to even serious problems. When we talk, we get ideas from people that aid us to solve the issues. This is where communication comes into play. Powerful communication is the strength of any organization and can help it in many ways.

Earns more respect

If your communication skills are admirable, people will love and give you respect. If there is any problem, you will be the first person to be contacted. Thus it will increase your importance. Hence you can say that communications skills can make a big change to your reputation in society.

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Don’t Go Overboard With Your Point

The conversation is about to express your thoughts. And to let the other person know what you feel. It is not mean to prove that your point is correct and the other person is wrong. Don’t Overboard other With Your Point.

Watch Your Words

Before you say something to Watch Your Words. At times, out of anger or anxiousness, we say somethings that we must not say. Whenever you are in a professional meeting or in some formal place, where there is a necessity of communicating about your product or work then it is advised to practice the same beforehand

Communication is the greatest importance. It is important to sharing out one’s thoughts and feelings to live a fuller and happier life. The more we communicate the less we suffer and the better we feel about everything around. However, it is all the more necessary to learn the art of effective communication to put across ones point well.

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Effective Communication Essay Examples

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