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Overtime, Comp Time, and Credit Hours

This Handbook page provides a brief overview of overtime, comp time, and credit hours.

There are several factors which affect how you could be compensated for working extra hours. One is your salary: if your salary is at - or close to - the maximum GS salary ($183,500 in FY23). Another factor is whether you are an , external, exempt or non-exempt employee .

You should obtain supervisor approval prior to working extra hours. And, your supervisor should understand your specific situation prior to approving overtime.

The guidance below is only a high level overview. You and/or your supervisor can reach out to PeopleOps anytime with questions about your specific situation.

Overtime and Comp Time

Overtime and comp time can be approved by your supervisor no matter what type of work schedule you have.

Overtime is when you are paid for extra hours that you work, whereas comp time is when you receive hours of leave instead of pay. To determine the maximum number of comp time hours that you can accrue per pay period, please use the , external, TTS-only, Bi-weekly Comp Time Cap Calculator .

You should use your accrued comp time before using Annual Leave. However, if the end of the leave year is approaching, your supervisor can approve your Annual Leave requests first if you are in danger of losing Annual Leave because of “ Use or Lose .”

Comp time expires one year (26 pay periods) after it is earned. When you reach the expiration date, what happens depends on whether you are an , external, exempt or non-exempt employee :

  • If you are exempt: you will forfeit the leave.
  • If you are non-exempt: you will be paid out the hours (at the overtime pay rate that was in effect when you earned the hours).

If you leave GSA, your comp time will follow the parameters above: either forfeited or paid out, depending on your exemption status.

Credit Hours

Note: Credit hours are only available if you are on a flexible work schedule .

You can be approved for credit hours if you want to voluntarily work additional hours to your normal/approved schedule. If you are required to work additional hours, you will receive overtime or comp time.

  • You can have up to 24 credit hours accrued, at any given time.
  • The hours will rollover from one pay period to the next, and they never expire.
  • Credit hours cannot be converted to cash, unless you leave GSA (then they will be paid out).

Credit hours example

You are on a Gliding schedule , and you work 8 hours every day. You are not required to stay late, but you are in a productive headspace and want to work an extra hour to finish your project. You can talk to your supervisor and ask to work 1 more hour, therefore receiving 1 credit hour. You will need to request the 1 hour in HR Links, and your supervisor will need to approve it.

Religious comp time

You can request an adjustment to your work schedule for religious observances, instead of taking leave. Document your request to your supervisor, via email, in advance of the time you’ll need to miss, along with the schedule of the time you will work outside of normal hours to compensate.

Note: religious comp time does not follow the salary cap rules that are outlined in the beginning of this document. Anyone can request religious comp time, regardless of their salary and what type of work schedule they are on.

Travel comp time

When you travel in connection to TTS, the time you spend traveling may be regular time, overtime, or travel comp time, depending on when the travel occurs.

You’ll complete overtime and comp time requests after you travel because you may encounter delays. Keep a copy of your travel itinerary to help you remember your trip.

Refer to the , external, TTS-only, Compensation for Government Travel slidedeck to determine the breakdown of your hours. This slidedeck is only open to GSA employees. Please contact your Timekeeper or an HR Specialist at your agency with questions.

Note: travel comp time does not follow the salary cap rules that are outlined in the beginning of this document. Anyone can request travel comp time, regardless of their salary and what type of work schedule they are on.

Entering the overtime, comp time, and/or credit hours you will be working into HRLinks

Entering your hours is a two step process.

Step 1 - Submit a time request in HRLinks

You need to enter your overtime, comp time, or credit hours into HRLinks. To determine the maximum number of comp time hours that you can accrue per pay period, please use the , external, TTS-only, Bi-weekly Comp Time Cap Calculator . Your supervisor will be notified to approve the hours requested.

  • Click on the Employee Time Requests tile
  • Select Additional Time Requests
  • For Overtime , you will need to select a reason you worked overtime.
  • Select Additional Time Type
  • Enter Start Date and End Date
  • Enter Requested Hours
  • Enter Comments
  • Click Submit

You’ll receive emails after submitting the request, and after it is approved. There is a step-by-step guide to submitting time requests .

Step 2 - Update your timesheet

Currently, HR Links is not connecting Comp/Credit/Overtime hours to your timesheet. This means you will need to manually add the hours you earned to your timesheet on the day(s) when you earned them. You’ll do this after your supervisor has approved the hours in step 1.

There is a step-by-step guide on adding the hours to your timesheet . Reach out to , external, TTS-only, #people-ops if you need assistance.

Using the comp time and/or credit hours you’ve earned

You will submit a leave request , just like you do for other types of leave. When searching in HR Links for the leave type to request, the codes and leave names are:

  • 041 - Comp Time Used
  • 037 - Credit Hours Used
  • 047 - Religious Comp Time Used
  • 043 - Travel Comp Time Used

OPM Resources

  • , external, Adjustment of Work Schedules for Religious Observances
  • , external, Overtime Fact Sheet
  • , external, Comp Time Fact Sheet
  • , external, Credit Hours Fact Sheet

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Special compensatory time off for travel.

This program allows employees to accrue compensatory time off for time spent by an employee in a travel status away from the employee’s official duty station when such time is not otherwise compensable. The travel must be officially authorized for work purposes and approved by an authorized official. 

An employee as defined in Title 5 U.S.C. 5541(2), who is employed in an “Executive Agency,” as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105, ) is entitled to earn and use compensatory time off for travel regardless of whether the employee is exempt or non-exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Coverage includes employees in Senior Level (SL) and Scientific of Professional (ST) positions, Federal Wage System (or Wage Grade, WG), and commissioned (tenured) Foreign Service Officers (in pay plan FO) and Commissioned Foreign Service Officers (in pay plan FO). 

Senior Executive Service members and intermittent employees (who do not have a scheduled tour of duty for leave purposes) are excluded from coverage.

Effective Dates of Coverage

Final regulations implementing compensatory time off for travel for most employees was effective May 17, 2007. Coverage for WG employees was effective April 27, 2008. Coverage for Foreign Service Officers (in pay plan FO) and Commissioned Foreign Service Officers (in pay plan FO) was effective June 8, 2006. 

Creditable Travel Time 

Time in a travel status includes the time the employee spends traveling between the official duty station and a temporary duty station (or the lodging in the temporary duty station) or between two temporary duty stations (or the lodging in the temporary duty station) and the “usual waiting time” that precedes or interrupts such travel. 

“Usual waiting time” is the time required to arrive at the airport (or other transportation hub) for security checks-ins, etc., prior to a designated departure time. 

Time spent at an intervening airport (or transportation hub) waiting for a connecting flight also is creditable time.

In the Department, “usual waiting time” is 2 hours for domestic travel and up to 4 hours for international travel. 

Non-Creditable Travel Time 

The following do not qualify as creditable time:

  • Unusually long or extended waiting periods that occur prior to an employee’s initial departure time or between actual periods of travel if the employee is free to rest, sleep, or otherwise use the time for his/her own purposes;
  • Long waiting periods that occur during an employee's regular scheduled working hours; these periods are compensable as part of the employee's regularly scheduled administrative workweek;
  • Time spent traveling outside of an employee’s regular working hours to or from a transportation terminal that are within the limits of the employee’s official duty station;
  • Time spent traveling in connection with the performance of union representational activities;
  • Time spent traveling on a holiday or an “in-lieu-of” holiday; the employee is entitled to his or her rate of basic pay for the holiday hours; and
  • Time spent at a temporary duty station between arrival and departure times; and
  • Meal times. 

Once an employee arrives at the temporary duty station (i.e., TDY work site, training site, or hotel at the temporary duty station), the employee is no longer considered to be in a travel status. Any time spent at a temporary duty station between arrival and departure is not creditable for earning compensatory time off for travel. 

Offsetting Normal Commuting Time

When an employee travels directly between the home and a temporary duty station that is outside the limits of the employee's official duty station, the employee's normal “home-to-work/work-to-home” commuting time must be deducted from the creditable travel time. 

Normal commuting time must also be deducted from the creditable travel time if the employee is required to travel outside of regular working hours between the home and a transportation hub outside the limits of the employee's official duty station.

Travel between Multiple Time Zones 

When an employee’s travel involves two or more time zones, the time zone from the point of first departure must be used to determine travel status for accruing compensatory time off. For example, if an employee travels from his official duty station in Washington, DC, to a temporary duty station in Boulder, CO, the Washington, DC, time zone must be used to determine hours in a travel status. However, on the return trip to Washington, DC, the time zone from Boulder, CO, must be used to determine hours in a travel status 

Timeframes for Use

An employee must use accrued compensatory time off by the end of the 26th pay period after the pay period during which it was earned and reported on the webTA. 

All compensatory time off for travel must be used in the chronological order in which it was earned; that is, time earned first is used first. 

Forfeiture of Unused Hours

Accumulated compensatory time that is unused by the end of the 26th pay period after the pay period in which it was earned is forfeited. Unused balances are also forfeited when an employee voluntarily transfers to another agency or separates from Federal service. Forfeited hours may not be paid or restored. 

When an employee fails to use accumulated compensatory time balances within the required timeframe due to an exigency of the public service beyond the employee’s control, the time limit for using the hours may be extended for up to an additional 26 pay periods. Additional extensions are not authorized and forfeited hours may not be restored. 

Exceptions to Forfeiture of Unused Hours

Unused compensatory time off for travel must be held in abeyance for an employee who separates, or is placed in a leave without pay (LWOP) status, and later returns:

  • To perform service in the uniformed services (see 38 U.S.C. § 4303 and 5 CFR § 353.102) with restoration rights; and 
  • Due to an on-the-job injury with entitlement to injury compensation under 5 U.S.C. Chapter 81. 

In these cases, the employee must use all of the compensatory time off for travel held in abeyance by the end of the 26th pay period following the pay period in which he/she returns to duty, or the compensatory time off will be forfeited. 

Biweekly Salary Limitation and Aggregate Limitation on Pay

Compensatory time off for travel is not considered in applying the bi-weekly pay cap under 5 U.S.C. 5547 or the aggregate limitation on pay under 5 U.S.C.507. 

Alternate Mode of Transportation

When an employee is allowed to use an alternate mode of transportation, or travels at a time/route other than what is initially approved by the authorizing official, creditable time for travel status must be estimated. The estimate is based on the amount of time the employee would have had if the mode of transportation or the time/route initially approved by the authorizing official was used. In determining the estimated amount of creditable time for travel that an employee would have had, the employee will be credited with the lesser of the:

  • Estimated time in a travel status the employee would have had if the employee had traveled at the initially approved time, or
  • Employee's actual time in a travel status at a time other than that initially approved.

Applying for Compensatory Time off for Travel

Employee must officially request the earning of compensatory time prior to the actual travel or within 10 calendar days of termination of the travel. The request may be submitted via the webTA Leave and Premium Pay Request functionality, Commerce Department Form CD-81, “Authorization for Paid Overtime and/or Holiday Work, and for Compensatory Overtime”, electronic mail, or memorandum. The request should estimate the number of hours the employee expects to earn. Upon the employee’s return from travel, the employee must provide a chronological record of travel information including:

  • Duration of the normal home-to-work commute;
  • Time and place of departure (i.e., the employee’s home or official duty station);
  • Actual time spent traveling to and from the transportation terminal if the terminal is outside of the employee’s official duty station;
  • Usual waiting time; and
  • Time of arrival at and departure from the temporary duty station. 

Earning Limitations 

There is no limit on the amount of compensatory time for travel that may be earned. 

Using Compensatory Time off for Travel 

Compensatory time off for travel is credited and used in 15 minute increments with the compensatory time off for travel earned first being charged first. Additional leave will be charged in corresponding units. Employees must request permission from their supervisor or leave approving official to schedule the use of accrued compensatory time off via the webTA Leave and Premium Pay Request functionality, a SF-71, Application for Leave, or Form OPM-71, Request for Leave or Approved Absence. 

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Compensatory Time Off for Travel

To:   All U.S. Geological Survey Employees From:   S. Kaye Cook /signed/ Chief, Office of Human Resources Subject:   Compensatory Time Off for Travel

Beginning January 28, 2005, employees are eligible to earn compensatory time off for time spent in a travel status away from their official duty station when such time is not otherwise compensable. This provision does not apply to employees in the Senior Executive Service and Wage Grade employees.

Until the Department of the Interior issues additional guidance, the following will apply: Whenever possible, supervisors should schedule officially approved travel within regularly scheduled work hours. If travel during regularly scheduled work hours is not possible, supervisors may authorize compensatory time off in accordance with the guidance issued by the Office of Human Resources Management (OPM).

For information about what qualifies as time in travel status and the restrictions of this new provision, see  OPM’s interim regulations . You may also review  OPM’s questions and answers , and  see examples of creditable travel time .

Compensatory time off for travel is credited in increments of 15 minutes. You should use pay code 046 for “Travel Compensatory Time – Earned” and pay code 047 for “Travel Compensatory Time – Used” in Quicktime. Any compensatory time off for travel must be used by the end of the 26th pay period after the pay period in which it was earned, or it will be forfeited. Payment is not authorized for compensatory time off for travel.

Both earned and used compensatory time off for travel will initially be combined with the regular compensatory time balances on the leave and earnings statements. The National Business Center is currently working with Employee Express to ensure that compensatory time off for travel balances will be displayed separately in the near future.

If you have any questions, please contact your  servicing Human Resources Office  for assistance.

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Special compensatory time off for travel.

This program allows employees to accrue compensatory time off for time spent by an employee in a travel status away from the employee’s official duty station when such time is not otherwise compensable. The travel must be officially authorized for work purposes and approved by an authorized official. 

An employee as defined in Title 5 U.S.C. 5541(2), who is employed in an “Executive Agency,” as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105, ) is entitled to earn and use compensatory time off for travel regardless of whether the employee is exempt or non-exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Coverage includes employees in Senior Level (SL) and Scientific of Professional (ST) positions, Federal Wage System (or Wage Grade, WG), and commissioned (tenured) Foreign Service Officers (in pay plan FO) and Commissioned Foreign Service Officers (in pay plan FO). 

Senior Executive Service members and intermittent employees (who do not have a scheduled tour of duty for leave purposes) are excluded from coverage.

Effective Dates of Coverage

Final regulations implementing compensatory time off for travel for most employees was effective May 17, 2007. Coverage for WG employees was effective April 27, 2008. Coverage for Foreign Service Officers (in pay plan FO) and Commissioned Foreign Service Officers (in pay plan FO) was effective June 8, 2006. 

Creditable Travel Time 

Time in a travel status includes the time the employee spends traveling between the official duty station and a temporary duty station (or the lodging in the temporary duty station) or between two temporary duty stations (or the lodging in the temporary duty station) and the “usual waiting time” that precedes or interrupts such travel. 

“Usual waiting time” is the time required to arrive at the airport (or other transportation hub) for security checks-ins, etc., prior to a designated departure time. 

Time spent at an intervening airport (or transportation hub) waiting for a connecting flight also is creditable time.

In the Department, “usual waiting time” is 2 hours for domestic travel and up to 4 hours for international travel. 

Non-Creditable Travel Time 

The following do not qualify as creditable time:

  • Unusually long or extended waiting periods that occur prior to an employee’s initial departure time or between actual periods of travel if the employee is free to rest, sleep, or otherwise use the time for his/her own purposes;
  • Long waiting periods that occur during an employee's regular scheduled working hours; these periods are compensable as part of the employee's regularly scheduled administrative workweek;
  • Time spent traveling outside of an employee’s regular working hours to or from a transportation terminal that are within the limits of the employee’s official duty station;
  • Time spent traveling in connection with the performance of union representational activities;
  • Time spent traveling on a holiday or an “in-lieu-of” holiday; the employee is entitled to his or her rate of basic pay for the holiday hours; and
  • Time spent at a temporary duty station between arrival and departure times; and
  • Meal times. 

Once an employee arrives at the temporary duty station (i.e., TDY work site, training site, or hotel at the temporary duty station), the employee is no longer considered to be in a travel status. Any time spent at a temporary duty station between arrival and departure is not creditable for earning compensatory time off for travel. 

Offsetting Normal Commuting Time

When an employee travels directly between the home and a temporary duty station that is outside the limits of the employee's official duty station, the employee's normal “home-to-work/work-to-home” commuting time must be deducted from the creditable travel time. 

Normal commuting time must also be deducted from the creditable travel time if the employee is required to travel outside of regular working hours between the home and a transportation hub outside the limits of the employee's official duty station.

Travel between Multiple Time Zones 

When an employee’s travel involves two or more time zones, the time zone from the point of first departure must be used to determine travel status for accruing compensatory time off. For example, if an employee travels from his official duty station in Washington, DC, to a temporary duty station in Boulder, CO, the Washington, DC, time zone must be used to determine hours in a travel status. However, on the return trip to Washington, DC, the time zone from Boulder, CO, must be used to determine hours in a travel status 

Timeframes for Use

An employee must use accrued compensatory time off by the end of the 26th pay period after the pay period during which it was earned and reported on the webTA. 

All compensatory time off for travel must be used in the chronological order in which it was earned; that is, time earned first is used first. 

Forfeiture of Unused Hours

Accumulated compensatory time that is unused by the end of the 26th pay period after the pay period in which it was earned is forfeited. Unused balances are also forfeited when an employee voluntarily transfers to another agency or separates from Federal service. Forfeited hours may not be paid or restored. 

When an employee fails to use accumulated compensatory time balances within the required timeframe due to an exigency of the public service beyond the employee’s control, the time limit for using the hours may be extended for up to an additional 26 pay periods. Additional extensions are not authorized and forfeited hours may not be restored. 

Exceptions to Forfeiture of Unused Hours

Unused compensatory time off for travel must be held in abeyance for an employee who separates, or is placed in a leave without pay (LWOP) status, and later returns:

  • To perform service in the uniformed services (see 38 U.S.C. § 4303 and 5 CFR § 353.102) with restoration rights; and 
  • Due to an on-the-job injury with entitlement to injury compensation under 5 U.S.C. Chapter 81. 

In these cases, the employee must use all of the compensatory time off for travel held in abeyance by the end of the 26th pay period following the pay period in which he/she returns to duty, or the compensatory time off will be forfeited. 

Biweekly Salary Limitation and Aggregate Limitation on Pay

Compensatory time off for travel is not considered in applying the bi-weekly pay cap under 5 U.S.C. 5547 or the aggregate limitation on pay under 5 U.S.C.507. 

Alternate Mode of Transportation

When an employee is allowed to use an alternate mode of transportation, or travels at a time/route other than what is initially approved by the authorizing official, creditable time for travel status must be estimated. The estimate is based on the amount of time the employee would have had if the mode of transportation or the time/route initially approved by the authorizing official was used. In determining the estimated amount of creditable time for travel that an employee would have had, the employee will be credited with the lesser of the:

  • Estimated time in a travel status the employee would have had if the employee had traveled at the initially approved time, or
  • Employee's actual time in a travel status at a time other than that initially approved.

Applying for Compensatory Time off for Travel

Employee must officially request the earning of compensatory time prior to the actual travel or within 10 calendar days of termination of the travel. The request may be submitted via the webTA Leave and Premium Pay Request functionality, Commerce Department Form CD-81, “Authorization for Paid Overtime and/or Holiday Work, and for Compensatory Overtime”, electronic mail, or memorandum. The request should estimate the number of hours the employee expects to earn. Upon the employee’s return from travel, the employee must provide a chronological record of travel information including:

  • Duration of the normal home-to-work commute;
  • Time and place of departure (i.e., the employee’s home or official duty station);
  • Actual time spent traveling to and from the transportation terminal if the terminal is outside of the employee’s official duty station;
  • Usual waiting time; and
  • Time of arrival at and departure from the temporary duty station. 

Earning Limitations 

There is no limit on the amount of compensatory time for travel that may be earned. 

Using Compensatory Time off for Travel 

Compensatory time off for travel is credited and used in 15 minute increments with the compensatory time off for travel earned first being charged first. Additional leave will be charged in corresponding units. Employees must request permission from their supervisor or leave approving official to schedule the use of accrued compensatory time off via the webTA Leave and Premium Pay Request functionality, a SF-71, Application for Leave, or Form OPM-71, Request for Leave or Approved Absence. 

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Credit Hours Under a Flexible Work Schedule

Fact sheet: credit hours under a flexible work schedule.

Credit hours are hours that an employee elects to work, with supervisory approval, in excess of the employees basic work requirement under a flexible work schedule. (Information on flexible work schedules is available in OPMs Handbook on Alternative Work Schedules .) The basic work requirement for full-time employees is 80 non-overtime hours in a 2-week pay period. Agency policies or union agreements may place restrictions on earning or using credit hours.

Employees are not paid basic pay or overtime pay for credit hours when they earn them. An employee may use credit hours during a subsequent day, week, or pay period, with supervisory approval, to allow the employee to be absent from an equal number of hours of the employees basic work requirement with no loss of basic pay. (See the definitions of basic work requirement and credit hours in 5 U.S.C. 6121(3) and (4), respectively.)

Full-time or part-time employees under flexible work schedules may earn credit hours if agency policies for flexible work schedules or union agreements permit. Agencies may permit GS employees, wage employees, senior level or scientific professional employees (SL/ST) and DOD nonappropriated fund employees under flexible work schedules to earn credit hours. Members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) may not earn credit hours. See 5 U.S.C. 6121(2) and 5 CFR 610.408.

Agency policies or union agreements may permit part-time employees to earn credit hours if they elect to work in excess of their basic work requirement. Part-time employees under flexible work schedules may have a basic work requirement of between 32 and 64 hours during a biweekly pay period. See 5 U.S.C. 3401(2). Overtime pay standards do not have to be met before part-time employees may earn credit hours. Part-time employees may accumulate a maximum of one-fourth of the hours in their biweekly basic work requirement as credit hours for carryover to the next biweekly pay period. See 5 U.S.C. 6126(a).

Yes. An employees election to work a flexible work schedule and earn credit hours is subject to limitations prescribed by an agency to ensure that the duties and responsibilities of a position are fulfilled. Subject to any applicable negotiated agreement, the head of an agency may determine that any organization within the agency is being substantially disrupted in carrying out its functions or is incurring additional costs because of use of flexible work schedules. If such a finding is made, the agency head may restrict the use of credit hours, limit flexible time bands, or exclude any employee or group of employees from using flexible work schedules.

Even without such a finding, an agency may establish limitations on how credit hours are earned and the number of credit hours that may be earned. (See 5 U.S.C. 6122(b).)

The definition of credit hours in law (5 U.S.C. 6121(4)) provides that credit hours may be earned only within an employees flexible work schedule. This means that an employee may earn credit hours only by working within the flexible time bands established by the agency or union agreement. Hours that will count toward the basic work requirement may not be considered credit hours. For example, if an employee would otherwise complete 9 hours of his or her 80-hour basic work requirement on a workday, the ninth hour is not a credit hour. If the agencys flexible time bands are broad enough, the agency may permit the employee in this situation to work a 10th hour voluntarily and earn 1 credit hour.

Yes, agency policies or an applicable union agreement may permit employees to earn credit hours on Saturdays or Sundays. An agency that wishes to permit employees to earn credit hours on Saturday or Sunday must establish flexible time bands on Saturdays or Sundays.

No. Credit hours are worked voluntarily by employees in excess of their regularly scheduled 80-hour biweekly basic work requirement, which may include flexible hours. (See 5 CFR 610.111(d).)

For a full-time employee, only 24 credit hours may be carried over to the next pay period. For a part-time employee, not more than one-fourth of the hours in the employee's biweekly basic work requirement may be carried over to the next pay period. An agency policy or union agreement may place stricter limitations on how many credit hours may be accumulated or carried over.

Only 1 credit hour is earned for each hour of voluntary work in excess of the basic work requirement. (See 5 U.S.C. 6126(a).)

No. There is no authority in law or regulation to advance credit hours. Time cannot be charged against credit hours until credit hours have been earned. For this reason, some agencies do not permit employees to use credit hours until the pay period following the one in which they are earned.

Even if an agency has such a policy, the agency may still permit supervisors to approve changes in the time when employees will work flexible hours (part of the basic work requirement) after the beginning of a week or a pay period. For example, an employee may be permitted or required to shift some flexible hours from the first week of a pay period to the second week of the pay period. As long as the employee completes his or her 80-hour basic work requirement during the pay period, this can be done without any charge to leave. (See OPM Handbook on Alternative Work Schedules, Flexible Work Schedules, Overtime Work Determinations, paragraph 2).

A full-time employee receives pay for a maximum of 24 unused credit hours at his or her current rate of basic pay when Federal employment ends, when the employee transfers to another agency (as defined in 5 U.S.C. 6121(1)), or when the employee otherwise is no longer subject to an agency's flexible work schedule program. A part-time employee who is no longer subject to an agency's flexible work schedule program receives basic pay for accumulated credit hours that are not in excess of one-fourth of the hours in the employee's biweekly basic work requirement. Agencies should have policies for determining whether employees continue to be subject to an agency's flexible work schedule program after other personnel actions or work schedule changes occur. (See 5 U.S.C. 6126.)

The premium pay limitations in 5 U.S.C. 5547 do not apply to payment for credit hours even though they apply to payments for unused compensatory time off.

Typically, credit hours may not be earned for travel since travel is always ordered by an agency. Travel hours are not hours that an employee elects to work with supervisory approval. Subject to agency policies or the provisions of negotiated agreements, agencies should consider placing employees on standard work schedules during extended periods of travel. (See OPM Handbook on Alternative Work Schedules , Flexible Work Schedules, Travel, paragraph 5.)Under certain conditions, an agency may permit an employee to earn credit hours by performing productive and essential work while in a travel status. For example, while traveling, employees may use a laptop computer to write speeches and draft or edit reports and other correspondence. Since travel itself does not generally constitute hours of work, the work that is done must be approved and verified by a supervisor. All of the following conditions must be met to allow an employee to earn credit hours while in a travel status are:

  • The employee must be under a flexible work schedule;
  • The employee must perform work within designated hours when credit hours may be earned under the agencys flexible work schedule policy (see 5 U.S.C. 6122(a)(2));
  • The employee must elect to perform the work voluntarily;
  • The hours of work must be in excess of the basic work requirement for the employee;
  • Travel must be scheduled during the regularly scheduled working hours for the employee to the maximum extent practicable (see 5 U.S.C. 6101(b)(2) and 5 CFR 610.123); and
  • The agency must ensure that a policy permitting employees to earn credit hours for working during travel time is consistent with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, as well as with agency policies.

If work is required during travel time outside of the employees basic work requirement, overtime pay must be paid for work that is ordered in excess of 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in a week. (See 5 U.S.C. 6121(6).)

No, credit hours cannot be earned if training or homework is required by an agency. If training is required, it does not constitute hours that an employee elects to work with supervisory approval. (See the definition of credit hours in 5 U.S.C. 6121(4).)

Agencies may place employees on a standard work schedule (8 hours a day, 5 days a week, Monday through Friday) during a period of training or on a work schedule that corresponds to the hours of training. Employees must be notified of changes in their basic work schedule in advance of the agencys administrative workweek.

No overtime pay or compensatory time off may be paid when employees earn credit hours or when credit hours are liquidated because Federal employment ends. (See 5 U.S.C. 6123(b) and 6126.)

No night pay may be paid when credit hours are earned. That is because when employees earn credit hours, they are not performing regularly scheduled work. By contrast, night pay is authorized for work performed at night during an employees regularly scheduled tour of duty. See 5 U.S.C. 5545(a).

No night pay may be paid for credit hours that are used at night to be absent from the employees basic tour of duty. This is because under 5 U.S.C. 5545(a) and OPM regulations, employees must generally perform work at night to earn night pay. There is no provision of law or OPM regulations that permits night pay to be paid when credit hours are used to be absent from regularly scheduled nightwork.

For requirements on entitlement to night differential when credit hours are earned by wage (prevailing rate) employees and employees employed under title 38, United States Code, see 5 U.S.C. 6123(c)(2).

No. Credit hours may be earned only when employees work voluntarily, with supervisory approval, in excess of their regularly scheduled basic work requirement. Sunday premium pay is paid only when full-time employees are required to work during a Sunday tour of duty that is part of their regularly scheduled basic work requirement. Sunday premium pay is limited to 8 hours for each regularly scheduled basic tour of duty that begins or ends on Sunday. Thus, Sunday premium pay may not be paid when employees earn credit hours.

Also, employees may not receive Sunday premium pay if they are permitted to use credit hours in order to be absent from their regularly scheduled basic work requirement on a Sunday. Employees may not receive Sunday premium pay for any period of time when they do not actually perform work on Sunday. (See Section 624 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 1999, which is a permanent restriction.)

When a GS employee performs work during any part of a day for which hazardous duty pay is authorized, the employee is entitled to hazardous duty pay for all hours in a pay status on that day. (See 5 CFR 550.905). This means that if an employee is entitled to hazardous duty pay during any part of a day when credit hours are earned or used, the employee must be paid hazardous duty pay for the credit hours as well. Subject to the provisions of any applicable negotiated agreement, an agency may establish a policy that employees cannot earn and/or use credit hours on any day when the employee is entitled to hazardous duty pay.

No. Excused absence means that employees are excused from their basic work requirement on that day. As explained in the answer to the first question above, credit hours are hours worked voluntarily by employees in excess of the their basic work requirement, with supervisory approval.

If employees work during the hours of their basic work requirement despite having been excused from work, they are not entitled to any additional compensation or to credit hours. However, if permitted by agency policies or negotiated agreements, supervisors may approve requests from employees under flexible work schedules to earn credit hours for work in excess of their basic work requirement on a day when excused absence is granted.

Employees may not earn any additional compensation or credit hours for working voluntarily during holiday hours. If permitted by agency policies or negotiated agreements, supervisors may approve requests from employees under flexible work schedules to earn credit hours for work in excess of their basic work requirement on a holiday.

Full-time employees under flexible work schedules are excused only from 8 hours of their basic work requirement because of a holiday. (See 5 U.S.C. 6124.) Therefore, an agency may find it desirable to schedule only 8 hours of an employees basic work requirement on a holiday. Flexible work schedules may be changed to accommodate this policy. If an employee is scheduled to complete 9 or 10 hours of his or her basic work requirement on a holiday, the agency may permit the employee to use previously accrued credit hours or annual leave in order to be absent with pay during the 9 th and 10 th hours.

If employees under flexible work schedules are required by an agency to work during holiday hours (their basic work requirement if not for the holiday), they are entitled to holiday premium pay for a maximum of 8 hours.

  • 5 U.S.C. 6120-6133
  • 5 CFR part 610, subpart D
  • Comptroller General opinions: 60 Comp.Gen. 6 (1980); B-199206, October 7, 1980; B-201031, August 3, 1981
  • OPM Handbook on Alternative Work Schedules


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  1. Compensatory Time Off for Travel

    Crediting and Use. Compensatory time off for travel is credited and used in increments of one-tenth of an hour (6 minutes) or one-quarter of an hour (15 minutes). Employees must comply with their agency's procedures for requesting credit within the time period required by the agency. Employees must also comply with their agency's policies and ...

  2. Compensatory Time Off for Travel

    A. No. Compensatory time off for travel may be used by an employee when the employee is granted time off from his or her scheduled tour of duty established for leave purposes. (See 5 CFR 550.1406 (b).) Also see the definition of "scheduled tour of duty for leave purposes" in 5 CFR 550.1403. Employees who are on intermittent work schedules are ...

  3. Compensatory Time Off for Travel

    In this example, the employee's compensatory time off for travel entitlement is as follows: Total travel time: 13.5 hours. minus. Travel time within regular working hours: 5.5 hours. Travel to/from airport within limits of official duty station: 2 hours. Compensatory time off for travel: 6 hours.

  4. Overtime, Comp Time, and Credit Hours

    Using the comp time and/or credit hours you've earned You will submit a leave request, just like you do for other types of leave. When searching in HR Links for the leave type to request, the codes and leave names are: 041 - Comp Time Used; 037 - Credit Hours Used; 047 - Religious Comp Time Used; 043 - Travel Comp Time Used; OPM Resources

  5. 5 CFR Part 550 Subpart N -- Compensatory Time Off for Travel

    The employing agency must credit an employee with compensatory time off for creditable time in a travel status as provided in § 550.1404. The agency may authorize credit in increments of one-tenth of an hour (6 minutes) or one-quarter of an hour (15 minutes). Agencies must track and manage compensatory time off granted under this subpart ...

  6. eCFR :: 5 CFR 551.531 -- Compensatory time off

    If the earned compensatory time off is not taken by the end of the pay period ending 3 years after May 14, 2007, the employee must be paid for overtime work at the dollar value prescribed in paragraph (g) of this section. ( f) If an employee with unused compensatory time off under paragraphs (a), (b), or (e) of this section separates from ...

  7. PDF Questions and Answers on Compensatory Time Off for Travel

    A. For the purpose of earning compensatory time off for travel, bona fide meal periods are not considered time in a travel status. For example, if an employee spends an uninterrupted hour eating a meal at an airport restaurant while waiting for a connecting flight, that hour is not considered time in a travel status. Q9.

  8. OPM clarifies pay rules for teleworkers who must travel during work

    OPM clarifies pay rules for teleworkers who must travel during work - Government Executive. Heavy traffic moves along Interstate 395 on Nov. 22, 2022 in Washington, D.C. Under the Fair Labor ...

  9. PDF New Compensatory Time Off for Travel Provision and New Time Limit for

    The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recently issued interim regulations in 5 CFR Part 550, subpart N, making this new form of compensatory time off for time in a travel status effective on January 28, 2005. After a public comment period, OPM will issue final regulations that may affect the administration of this new employee benefit.

  10. PDF Compensatory Time for Travel

    Forfeiture. • Compensatory time-off for travel is forfeited: - If not used within 26 pay periods after it is effected. - Upon voluntary transfer to another agency - Upon movement to a noncovered position (SES) - Upon separation from the Federal Government. Forfeiture Exception.

  11. Special compensatory time off for travel

    Coverage. An employee as defined in Title 5 U.S.C. 5541 (2), who is employed in an "Executive Agency," as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105, ) is entitled to earn and use compensatory time off for travel regardless of whether the employee is exempt or non-exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Coverage includes employees in Senior Level (SL ...

  12. PDF Tools for Determining Compensatory Time Off for Travel

    How long does an employee have to use accrued compensatory time off for travel? An employee must use his or her accrued compensatory time off for travel by the end of the 26th pay period after the pay period in which it was earned or the employee must forfeit such compensatory time off, except in certain circumstances. (See Scenario 13.) -

  13. Compensatory Time Off

    Both 5 CFR 550.114 and 5 CFR 551.531 are derived from the statutory authority governing compensatory time off in 5 U.S.C. 5543 and, for employees under flexible work schedules, 5 U.S.C. 6123 (a) (1). An employee's unused compensatory time off is subject to the regulations under which it was earned, regardless of the employee's current FLSA ...

  14. PDF United States Department of the Interior

    revision is based on the final regulations issued by the United States Office of Personnel Management on April 17, 2007, effective Government-wide on May 17, 2007. ... intermittent work schedules are not eligible to earn and/or use compensatory time off for travel because they do not have a scheduled tour of duty for leave purposes. (6) Travel ...

  15. Compensatory Time Off for Travel

    Compensatory time off for travel is credited in increments of 15 minutes. You should use pay code 046 for "Travel Compensatory Time - Earned" and pay code 047 for "Travel Compensatory Time - Used" in Quicktime. Any compensatory time off for travel must be used by the end of the 26th pay period after the pay period in which it was ...

  16. PDF Questions and Answers on Compensatory Time Off for Travel

    ON COMPENSATORY TIME OFF FOR TRAVEL . Updated April 17, 2007 . Q1. What is compensatory time off for travel? A. Compensatory time off for travel is a separate form of compensatory time off that may be earned by an employee for time spent in a travel status away from the employee's official duty station when such time is not otherwise ...

  17. Special compensatory time off for travel

    Coverage. An employee as defined in Title 5 U.S.C. 5541 (2), who is employed in an "Executive Agency," as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105, ) is entitled to earn and use compensatory time off for travel regardless of whether the employee is exempt or non-exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Coverage includes employees in Senior Level (SL ...

  18. Supplemental Guidance Regarding Compensatory Time Off for Travel

    Compensatory time for travel should be reported by the date that an employee's travel voucher is completed; it should be reported during the pay period in which it is earned or used to the extent possible to avoid a supplemental time record. Compensatory time for travel may be denied if not reported on time in accordance with 5 CFR 550.1405(b).

  19. What is compensatory time off for travel?

    Personnel Documentation FAQ Toggle submenu. General; Personnel Documentation; Political Appointees and Career Civil Service Positions FAQ Toggle submenu. General; Qualifications FAQ Toggle submenu. General; Retire FAQ Toggle submenu. Court-Ordered Benefits; Leaving the Government; Pre-Retirement; Post-Retirement; Senior Executive Service FAQ ...

  20. Hours of Work for Travel

    For FLSA-covered employees, travel time is credited if it is qualifying hours of work under either the title 5 rules or under OPM's FLSA regulations-in particular, 5 CFR 551.401(h) and 551.422. Employee Coverage. Title 5 overtime laws and regulations apply to most FLSA-exempt Federal employees, including General Schedule and prevailing rate ...

  21. PDF Compensatory Time Off for Travel

    The request must be made using the Compensatory Time Offfor TDY Travel Worksheet, MMS-0047. The completed worksheet with actual time must be submitted to the supervisor within 5 working days after travel is completed. B. Earning and Calculating Compensatory Time Offfor Travel.

  22. Human Resources and Organizational Management > Labor & Employee

    An employee must use accrued travel comp time by the end of the 26th pay period after it was credited. Under no circumstance will payment be made for unused travel compensatory time. An employee who voluntarily transfers to another Federal agency or who separates from the Federal service will forfeit any unused travel compensatory time.

  23. Credit Hours Under a Flexible Work Schedule

    The definition of credit hours in law (5 U.S.C. 6121 (4)) provides that credit hours may be earned only within an employees flexible work schedule. This means that an employee may earn credit hours only by working within the flexible time bands established by the agency or union agreement. Hours that will count toward the basic work requirement ...