Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies/Vocations

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  • Level Grinding

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  • Angel Falls
  • Alltrades Abbey
  • Porth Llaffan
  • Slurry Quay
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  • Swinedimples Academy
  • Wormwood Creek
  • The Goretress and the Gittish Empire
  • Observatory: The Final Battle
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  • Party Tricks

During the prologue, your initial vocation is a guardian. Afterwards you become a minstrel. Once you clear Alltrades Abbey, you can freely change your vocation by talking to Jack of Alltrades. There are six vocations available and six more that are locked until you clear their associated quest.

  • 1.2 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 2.3 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 3.3 Abilities
  • 3.5 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 4.2 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 5.3 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 6.3 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 7.2 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 8.2 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 9.2 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 10.1 Skills
  • 10.2 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 11.1 Skills
  • 11.2 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 12.1 Skills
  • 12.2 Vocation-Related Quests
  • 13 Attributes

Warrior [ edit ]

Mighty fighters who make good use of swords, spears and knives, and who courageously cover their companions.

Skills [ edit ]

  • Sword Skill
  • Spear Skill
  • Knife Skill
  • Shield Skill

Vocation-Related Quests [ edit ]

Quest Avalible at Alltrades Abbey Inn. ask at counter and stay too abtain avalible quest.

Mage [ edit ]

Specialists in martial magic that can make mincemeat of many monsters. They can also equip wands, knives and whips.

Spells [ edit ]

  • Safe Passage

Priest [ edit ]

Specialists in medical magic who can also mix it up with spears, wands and staves when combat is called for.

  • Staff Skill
  • Cock-a-doodle-doo

Abilities [ edit ]

  • Benediction
  • Care Prayer

Traits [ edit ]

  • Natural Magical Mending+20
  • Natural Max. MP+10
  • Natural Magical Mending+60
  • Natural Max. MP+20
  • Natural Magical Mending+100

Martial Artist [ edit ]

Able employers of the potential of tension, they value strength and agility above all, and can fight with fans, claws and staves.

  • Fisticuffs Skill

Thief [ edit ]

Versatile vagabonds with a keen nose for treasure, they are also fierce fighters, skilled with swords, knives and claws.

  • Acquisitiveness

Minstrel [ edit ]

All-round entertainers who encourage those around them with all manner of marvels, and wage war with whips, fans and swords.

Gladiator [ edit ]

Fierce fighters who rain continuous carnage on the foes who face them with swords, axes and hammers.

  • Hammer Skill

Armamentalist [ edit ]

Powerful proponents of the formidable Fource, they can also fight with wands, bows and swords.

Paladin [ edit ]

Noble knights whose purpose is to protect the powerless with wands, spears, hammers and an array of altruistic abilities.

Ranger [ edit ]

Sage [ edit ], luminary [ edit ], attributes [ edit ].

All characters have the following attributes:

  • Magical Mending
  • Magical Might

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  • Les fruits de l'arbre sacré
  • L'Abbaye des Vocations
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  • Le sentier de lumière
  • Le Héros des Cieux
  • La prison de Morteresse
  • Au coeur de Lanfair
  • Aux oubliettes
  • La Tour du Puissant
  • L'Ange Déchu
  • Epilogue (Piloter l'Orion Express)

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tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Suite à votre atterrissage sur un grand arbre scintillant, vous pouvez partir à la découverte de l'île Neuvie (Image 1) . Partez tout d'abord vers l'est pour trouver l'Abbaye des vocations qui vous permettra, si vous le souhaitez, de changer de classe (Image 2) . A l'intérieur de l'Abbaye, avancez tout droit pour vous apercevoir que les changements de vocation sont pour le moment impossibles. Allez parler au responsable au fond de la pièce pour avoir le fin mot de l'histoire (Image 3) .

Image 1

Il semblerait que le père Blaise, le responsable des changements de vocation, soit porté disparu, il aurait également trouvé un fruit étrange. Empruntez les escaliers à droite et commencez à enquêter sur la mystérieuse disparition. Parlez avec le jeune homme devant l'auberge puis allez parler avec la serveuse du restaurant un peu plus bas (Image 4-5) . Vous apprenez que le père Blaise a mangé un fruit d'Yggdrasil et qu'il est depuis parti vers la Tour des Vocations. Remontez à l'étage et parlez à nouveau avec le prêtre, celui-ci vous apprendra la pose « inclinaison » qui vous permettra d‘ouvrir la porte de la Tour (Image 6) .

Image 4

Sortez de l'Abbaye et partez vers l'est pour trouver la Tour des Vocations (Image 7) , la tour est fermée et ne peut être ouverte avec une clef. Approchez-vous de la porte et effectuez la pose « inclinaison » pour ouvrir la tour (Image 8) . Une fois à l'intérieur, débarrassez-vous des monstres et empruntez l'escalier de gauche pour commencer votre ascension (Image 9) .

Image 7

Montez au sommet de la tour où vous trouverez une porte magique (Image 10) , traversez-la afin de rencontrer le père Blaise. Parlez avec le vieil homme pour le voir se transformer en Blaisephème (Image 11) . Le monstre est plutôt coriace et dispose d'un panel de coups très puissants, soyez donc sur d'avoir un bon stock de plantes médicinales avant d'engager le combat. Pour le vaincre, utilisez en priorité la magie (Glace ou bang) et essayez de mettre vos personnage en état de haute tension pour lui infliger de gros dégâts, avec un peu de persévérance, le boss devrait plier sous vos coups. Après votre victoire, le père Blaise retourne à l'Abbaye et vous récupérez le premier fruit sacré. Vous pouvez désormais changer de classe à tout moment du jeu en vous adressant au père Blaise (Image 12) .

Image 10

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4 Fantastic Vocation Combinations | Dragon Quest 9

Choosing the right Vocations for your party members is critical in Dragon Quest IX. Technically speaking, it’s possible to level each of your teammates in every single vocation, such is the scope of this massive game, but in reality the average player is going to pick two or three for each member on their way to the end of the game. Assuming that this is the case, after all the grinders out there will experiment more than enough on their own, we’ve put together a few of our favourite options, in which we’ll combine 2 or more vocations to great effect.

Thief & Ranger

  • 55 Points Minimum in Acquisitiveness (Thief).
  • 100 Points in Ruggedness (Ranger).

Ranger Vocation, Dragon Quest 9

Our first combination choice is likely to seem rather obvious, after all it’s somewhat of a natural progression for your Thief to turn into a Ranger, but we’re highlighting it here for one thing and one thing only: Half Inch, which is DQIX’s version of stealing items from opponents. We apportion quite a bit of importance on this skill, because this particular entry in the series has a massive selection of alchemy recipes, some of which are very powerful pieces of equipment.

Why the Ranger then, if the Thief has the necessary skill? Well, the Ranger has the highest Deftness in the game, which is the statistic that scales your chance of successfully stealing an item. On top of this, it also has Deftness stat increases within it’s Ruggedness skill tree. All of which combines to make it the best option for pilfering items, which is something you’ll want to do as much as possible. It helps that the Ranger actually has a reasonable spell list too, with a few handy heals included.

Vocation Combination Benefits

  • Massive Deftness bonus from the Ranger will benefit the success rate of Half Inch, which is a steal skill learned by the Thief. In a game such as DQIX, with it’s massive Alchemy list, having a steal skill with a high success rate is invaluable.
  • The Ranger, with the support of the Thief skills and statistics, will be powerful enough to support progress throughout the story portion of DQIX. 
  • Whilst the above is true, towards the end game it’s performance may begin to wane, even when supported by some excellent equipment. This is even more true in the post game, where you’ll need a powerful and well optimised team, and the Ranger will fall behind better damage options. Still useful for stealing and completing Alchemy, however.
  • It’s worth considering returning to the Thief. Whilst their overall Deftness is not as high as the Ranger, they do have the ‘Itemised Kill’ coup de grace skill, which guarantees an item drop after battle. It’s debatable whether this is more worthwhile than the additional Deftness provided by the base stats of the Ranger class, and you’ll be dealing with a reduced spell list on the Thief.


Mage, Priest & Sage

  • 100 Points in Spellcraft (Mage).
  • 100 Points in Faith (Priest).
  • 100 Points in Enlightenment (Sage).

Sage Vocation, Dragon Quest 9

Well, this is likely to be by far the most ‘obvious’ of vocation combinations in this article, but it’s one that is worth highlighting nonetheless. Yes, the three main casters available to you should be combined to make one all-powerful Sage, the result of which is a unit that is capable of restoring large amounts of health to your team whilst simultaneously removing vast chunks of it from the opposition. This being a Dragon Quest however, and a relatively modern one in fact, things aren’t quite that simple…

For the duration of the story section in DQIX, whatever is left of it by the time you get the Sage and level it, this particular combination will perform immaculately. However, by the time the late and post game roll around, things start to get a little dicey, specifically because even a powered up Sage such as this can no longer provide enough healing. Thus the choice becomes, either design a party to have more than one of these, through which multiple casts of multiheal are enough, or to switch it back to the Omniheal casting Priest, hence our recommendation to level both fully. We’ll admit that it’s unlikely to ever be a requirement to have a max level Mage on the team, but this is contingent on your Sage having the Magical Might that comes from getting said Mage all the way to 100 points, so it’s the same amount of work either way!

  • This combination ensures that the eventual Sage will deal high damage and heal for large amounts of health. For the story portion, and indeed some of the post game, this combination makes the ideal spell caster.
  • It’s possible to simply choose to fully invest into either Mage or Priest prior to the Sage, however this will mean there is a loss in either Magical Might or Magical Mending respectively. All three are invariably best, but may require some grinding to complete.
  • Defensively this unit will be lacking, so be sure to master Shields and potentially even take some points into the Paladin tree for additional Resilience.
  • In the very late game, post game actually, the Sage will lack in overall party healing because it misses out on Omniheal. In this case, you can pivot back into the Priest class whilst enjoying the statistical benefits of the Sage.

Paladin & Armamentalist

  • 82 Points in Litheness (Minstrel).
  • 100 Points in Virtue (Paladin).
  • 100 Points in Fource (Armamentalist).

Armamentalist Vocation, Dragon Quest 9

The temptation in any game, RPG or otherwise, is to make your main character the most powerful of all, but things in DQIX are a little different. You are forced to start out life as a Minstrel, and it’s a fair few hours before you get the opportunity to change this. This being the case, our preference tends towards creating 3 very focused additional party members, and having our main unit be the ultimate supportive type, for which this combination is excellent.

What is formed by this particular selection is the ultimate party buffing unit that can survive almost anything and keep going. By taking the Minstrel up to 82 points you’ll gain access to Have a Ball, which is a multi hit skill that can be used either for damage or taking down Metal Slimes. Taking on the Paladin next, you’ll gain access to excellent party defence options, such as Forbearance which shields every member, and indeed have access to it’s excellent passive buffs to your own defence. Finally, taking up the end result in Armamentalist will garner you access to tremendous buffs, including the excellent elemental Fource buffs and the almighty Oomph! Having one of these alongside one of our final combinations makes for quite the party.

  • Ideal combination for the main character, which will naturally level through the Minstrel vocation at the start of the game.
  • Through Paladin and Armamentalist, you’ll gain access to the very best party buffs, both defensive and offensive in nature. 
  • Having pushed through the Virtue skills, your unit will gain excellent survivability.
  • Whilst being somewhat unspectacular, the Minstrel does gain Have a Ball at 82 points, which can be used for taking down Metal Slimes. It’s also an offensive damage spell, which the eventual Armamentalist does not naturally have in its kit at all.

Warrior, Paladin & Gladiator

  • 90 Points minimum in Courage (Warrior).
  • 100 Points in Guts (Gladiator).

Gladiator Vocation, Dragon Quest 9

Opting simply for the Warrior into Gladiator combination is certainly a good progression option for a physical damage dealer. However, whilst your character will pick up a good amount of HP and Resilience from the Warrior skill tree, the Gladiator is still very weak defensively. As you progress into the late and post game, such a shortcoming will become a bit of a liability.

Enter the Paladin, otherwise known as the defensive passive battery of DQIX. We’re not interested in the skills here, after all the eventual Gladiator will have no time to cast a great deal of spells, but rather those amazing statistics. Pushing through the Virtue tree will grant your Glad vital further Resilience and HP. No, it won’t offer any additional damage and yes, you can attempt to glass cannon the Glad, but going the extra mile to make it more survivable will make all the difference, especially in the post game.

  • Warrior and Gladiator form a very powerful physical attacker, of which the latter has the highest Strength in DQIX.
  • Levelling through Paladin will grant the member a host of Resilience, which reduces all forms of damage, and HP. These make the eventual Gladiator much more survivable.
  • Focusing on the Sword during the initial levelling through Warrior and Paladin will allow the Gladiator to focus on skilling up the Guts and Axe tree. The Spear is an excellent secondary option here, to allow farming of Metal Slimes.
  • Shields too will make the eventual unit very survivable, and should be prioritised for levelling.

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Tour des Vocations

La Tour des Vocation est un donjon du Protectorat dans Dragon Quest IX .

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List of vocations in Dragon Quest IX

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List of vocations in Dragon Quest IX

There are a total of twelve vocations in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies . Six are available initially, while others must be unlocked via quests . The vocations are: Armamentalist , Gladiator , Luminary , Mage , Martial Artist , Minstrel , Paladin , Priest , Ranger , Sage , Thief and Warrior .

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Similar to Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation , a vocation defines all initial attributes of a character such as stat growth and party function, which can then be customized by the player via stat enhancing seeds and by mastering skills. Note that unlike Dragon Quest III , there is no "Hero" vocation; the Hero starts out as a Minstrel and can freely change into any other profession.

  • 1 Changing vocations
  • 2 Change mechanics
  • 3 Revocation
  • 5.1 Level 99 Stats (Base)
  • 5.2 Level 99 Stats (Passive Bonuses added)
  • 5.3 Class/Skill matrix

Changing vocations Edit

Vocational change can only take place at Alltrades Abbey , which is located on Newid Isle . This is not available until after a specific plot point that takes place approximately one-fifth into the game, and the player must find Abbot Jack in the Tower of Trades before they will be available to change a character's vocation.

Once the Sage is unlocked, characters can learn " Jack's Knack ," which enables changing jobs on the field.

Change mechanics Edit

When changing vocations, the character's gear will be swapped out to whatever they wore the last time if the new vocation allows it to be equipped, otherwise they must be outfitted with new armaments. Levels are separately tallied for each vocation, and the player can review a character's vocations (and their stats for each) by selecting "Attributes" under the main menu.

A mastered skill is permanently memorized by a character and can be freely transferred between jobs, but spells are locked to a vocation and cannot be carried over. For information about skills available to each vocation, see Lists of skills in Dragon Quest IX .

Revocation Edit

After completing the main storyline, Abbot Jack will offer revocation services to any character that reached level 99. Revocation resets the character back to level 1, allowing them to accumulate more skill points. They must still re-obtain all their spells and stat progression (though seed bonuses remain intact). A commemorative accessory is granted the first time any particular vocation is revocated.

A character can only revocate an individual class up to ten times maximum. If the hero revocates a vocation up to this maximum, a special accolade is presented. Furthermore, revocation is a way for players to influence the Grotto map generation system to develop caves with stronger monsters and items, as well as improve the chances of getting rare items from blue chests.

Quests Edit

The following quests are required to unlock the six additional vocations:

Attributes Edit

Level 99 stats (base) edit, level 99 stats (passive bonuses added) edit.

The following only adds the passive bonuses from the respective class. Stats increased by passive bonuses are in bold.

Class/Skill matrix Edit

This table shows the weapon families available to each class. Investing 100 points into a given weapon skill tree enables the character to use the weapon regardless of vocation.

Gallery Edit

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

A party group shot used for the European box art

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Armamentalist (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Armamentalist (female)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Gladiator (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Gladiator (female)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Luminary (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Luminary (female)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Mage (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Mage (female)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Martial artist (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Martial artist (female)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Minstrel (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Minstrel (female)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Paladin (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Paladin (female)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Priest (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Priest (female)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Ranger (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Ranger (female)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Sage (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Sage (female)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Thief (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Thief (female)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Warrior (male)

tour des vocations dragon quest 9

Warrior (female)

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Quête de vocations.


Ce topic regroupe les différentes quêtes liées aux vocations. Chaque vocations offre deux quêtes : La première, au niveau 15, permet d'obtenir un ou deux vétements exclusif à cette vocation. La seconde, au niveau 40, permet d'obtenir une aptitude ou un bonus spécial. Les vocations avancées doivent être débloquées.

Vocations de base Guerrier


Mage Complété avec l'aide d'Angelo97 et Flavshodan

Artiste martial Complété avec l'aide de Sembei

Voleur Complété avec l'aide de Tomthomas et Agart

Vocations avancées Gladiateur Compléter avec l'aide de Sembei

Armagicien Compléter avec l'aide de Sembei Lieu : Abbaye des vocations Qui : Peter, au carrefour dans l'Abbaye

Comment le débloquer?

Ranger Lieu : Abbaye des vocations Qui : Un armagicien

Comment le débloquer


Solution des quêtes: Tintin Images et mise en page: Negi Quelques astuces suplémentaires : Cliquez-ici. Les liens de Tintin Débloquez toutes les vocations ! Cliquez-ici. Gagner des vêtements et des aptitudes spéciales ! Tu y est déjà ! Découvrez les forces et les faiblesses, ainsi que les compétences de chaque vocations ! Cliquez-ici. Découvrez l'auberge améliorée de Bérangère ! Cliquez-ici. Découvrez tous les parchemins ainsi que leurs effets ! Cliquez-ici.

tour des vocations dragon quest 9


  1. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

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  2. Abbaye des Vocations (Dragon Quest IX)

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  4. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies Guides and Walkthroughs

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  5. Dragon Quest IX Alltrades Abbey After Tower of Trades and Changing

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  6. List of vocations in Dragon Quest IX

    tour des vocations dragon quest 9


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  1. List of vocations in Dragon Quest IX

    Edit. History. The Hero and the vocations. There are a total of twelve vocations in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies. Six are available initially, while others must be unlocked via quests. The vocations are: Armamentalist, Gladiator, Luminary, Mage, Martial Artist, Minstrel, Paladin, Priest, Ranger, Sage, Thief and Warrior .

  2. La tour des vocations

    Un nouveau monde dont je suis un gardien, mais des milliers de monstre arrive! Il est temps de prendre les armes et de partir a l'aventure dans Dragon quest 9!

  3. Vocation system (Dragon Quest IX)

    The vocation system in Dragon Quest IX is composed of 12 vocations. Six are available initially, while others must be unlocked via quests. Note that unlike Dragon Quest III, there is no "hero" vocation; instead, the Hero starts out as a Minstrel, and can freely change into other vocations whenever they please. Warrior Mage Martial Artist Priest Thief Minstrel Gladiator (available after ...

  4. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies/Vocations

    During the prologue, your initial vocation is a guardian. Afterwards you become a minstrel. Once you clear Alltrades Abbey, you can freely change your vocation by talking to Jack of Alltrades. There are six vocations available and six more that are locked until you clear their associated quest.

  5. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

    Dragon Quest IX: This is a RPG for the Nintendo DS made by Square Enix. This guide is designed to aid in determining what skills/spells/abilities each vocation and/or weapon has. It also shows how to unlock the different vocations and short descriptions of each one.

  6. Dragon Quest IX #9

    Hey, ça faisait longtemps que j'avais pas fait du Dragon Quest 9. Aujourd'hui, on repart à l'aventure pour une nouvelle quête.En espérant que cela vous plaise !

  7. L'Abbaye des Vocations

    Sortez de l'Abbaye et partez vers l'est pour trouver la Tour des Vocations (Image 7), la tour est fermée et ne peut être ouverte avec une clef.Approchez-vous de la porte et effectuez la pose « inclinaison » pour ouvrir la tour (Image 8).Une fois à l'intérieur, débarrassez-vous des monstres et empruntez l'escalier de gauche pour commencer votre ascension (Image 9).

  8. 4 Fantastic Vocation Combinations

    Vocation Combination Benefits. Warrior and Gladiator form a very powerful physical attacker, of which the latter has the highest Strength in DQIX. Levelling through Paladin will grant the member a host of Resilience, which reduces all forms of damage, and HP. These make the eventual Gladiator much more survivable.

  9. Tour des Vocations

    De Wiki Dragon Quest. Aller à la navigation Aller à la recherche. Tour des Vocations Fichier:Tour des Vocation Rez de chaussée.png Rez-de-chaussée de la tour. ... Boss Blaisephème: La Tour des Vocation est un donjon du Protectorat dans Dragon Quest IX. Monstres . A compléter. Coffres . A compléter. Boss . Le joueur doit affronter ...

  10. Dragon Quest IX

    Sergent-major : Être niveau 99 dans la vocation guerrier. Imperturbable guerrier : Se renouvoquer 10 fois en tant que guerrier. En bref : Le guerrier est une vocation indispensable dès le début du jeu. En avoir au moins un dans l'équipe est un réel atout ; de plus, il monte très rapidement de niveau.

  11. Base stats for all vocations at level 99 in Dragon Quest IX?

    Gladiator: 500 124 322 256 90 0 0 540 41. Paladin: 354 73 360 9 116 164 0 600 175. Armamentalist 351 173 243 110 185 0 282 540 226. Ranger: 305 264 241 500 61 200 0 510 229.

  12. Dragon Quest 9 Vocation question : r/dragonquest

    Nope, 9 has a really fun and flexible vocation system. The quests to unlock certain vocations involve abilities from certain classes, but beyond that there's no vocation "path" you need to follow. Putting points into one vocation will benefit the character forever, so the health bonuses from Paladin will always be in effect, the Magic ...

  13. Revocation

    Revocation is the process of changing a character from the maximum level (99) to the minimum level (1) in a single vocation in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies.This process is useful for acquiring additional skill points, getting special items, and increasing the chances of getting higher quality treasure maps.. For a single character, revocation can be used 9 times in each vocation.

  14. Dragon Quest IX

    Guide Stratégique des Vocations. Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles, Messieurs, Bienvenue sur ce guide stratégique dédié aux vocations de Dragon Quest IX ! Depuis toujours, quand je fais des recherches sur le jeu, je vois toujours des gens déclarer que telle ou telle vocation ne sert à rien. J'aimerais venir à bout de cette injustice !

  15. List of vocations in Dragon Quest IX

    List of vocations in Dragon Quest IX. This page has been marked for deletion. Reason: Vocation system (Dragon Quest IX) Remember to check what links here and the page history before deleting. Categories. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Fantasy. Dragon Quest.

  16. List of vocations in Dragon Quest IX

    Changing vocations Edit. Vocational change can only take place at Alltrades Abbey, which is located on Newid Isle.This is not available until after a specific plot point that takes place approximately one-fifth into the game, and the player must find Abbot Jack in the Tower of Trades before they will be available to change a character's vocation.. Once the Sage is unlocked, characters can ...

  17. Advice on "best" four vocations?

    You will want to get everyone in your party to level 99 eventually, but you only need to revocate the main character. Revocating your support characters will get you the revocation accessories and opportunity to earn more skill points, but the grotto formula ONLY counts revocations for the main character (in one job!).

  18. L'abbaye des vocations

    Un nouveau monde dont je suis un gardien, mais des milliers de monstre arrive! Il est temps de prendre les armes et de partir a l'aventure dans Dragon quest 9!

  19. any experienced DQ9 plays let me know how changing my vocation ...

    Skill points that aren't assigned go into reserve, and you can assign them via "Misc." menu. The points in reserve are carried on if you change vocation, so you can level up skills even as a level 1 character. If you level a vocation to level 99, you can restart it at level 1 again, in order to farm skill points.

  20. Personal vocation list in order of usefulness

    What the title says, list all vocations in the order that you find most useful to least useful. You can list a reson for their placing if you want to. Remember, it's a personal list so no bashing what anyone thinks...unless they have luminary in numbers 10 - 1...jk. 1. Gladiator - Gladiators are ...

  21. best starting vocations?

    for relative ease, you could do 3 warriors and a priest for healing. Switching your warriors to gladiators when you get that vocation. *sigh* this is not easier than a balanced team with some speed and versatile utility. And, actually, priests are below average until late in the game. My favorite starting team is Minstrel, Warrior, Mage, Thief ...

  22. Dragon Quest IX

    Quête de vocations. Ce topic regroupe les différentes quêtes liées aux vocations. La première, au niveau 15, permet d'obtenir un ou deux vétements exclusif à cette vocation. La seconde, au niveau 40, permet d'obtenir une aptitude ou un bonus spécial. Les vocations avancées doivent être débloquées.

  23. Which Vocation? : r/dragonquest

    Dragon Quest IX Hello guys! Thing is: I want to start a new run at DQ IX and use a party based on the Alexandria Town populace: ... Kiryl and Abel were actually very hard, as I couldn't change the initial holding weapon due to the vocation restriction. So I had to put a Oaken Staff and a Soldier's Sword in their primary weapon and then hack ...