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Last Minute Reiseschnäppchen: Bedeutung des Extra-Pakets für Reisende

Reisen Extra Pack Last Minute: Bedeutung und Vorteile für Spontanreisende. Entdecken Sie, wie dieses Zusatzpaket Ihnen helfen kann, Ihre Last-Minute-Reisen zu optimieren. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Vorteile und Möglichkeiten, die Ihnen dieses Angebot bietet, um Ihren Urlaub in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Buchen Sie jetzt und erleben Sie unvergessliche Abenteuer in letzter Minute!

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Reise-Extra-Paket: Bedeutung und Vorteile für Last-Minute-Reisende

Das Reise-Extra-Paket ist eine Option, die speziell für Last-Minute-Reisende entwickelt wurde. Es bietet zusätzliche Vorteile und Dienstleistungen, um den Aufenthalt angenehmer und stressfreier zu gestalten.

Mit dem Reise-Extra-Paket können Last-Minute-Reisende von verschiedenen Vorteilen profitieren. Dazu gehören beispielsweise ein bevorzugter Check-in, der ihnen ermöglicht, schneller am Flughafen einzuchecken und Zeit zu sparen. Darüber hinaus erhalten sie Zugang zu exklusiven Lounges, in denen sie sich vor dem Flug entspannen können.

Ein weiterer Vorteil des Reise-Extra-Pakets ist die Möglichkeit, flexibel auf Änderungen reagieren zu können. Last-Minute-Reisen sind oft mit Unsicherheiten verbunden, da sich Pläne kurzfristig ändern können. Mit diesem Paket haben Reisende die Möglichkeit, ihre Flüge oder Unterkünfte ohne zusätzliche Kosten umzubuchen oder zu stornieren.

Zusätzlich bietet das Reise-Extra-Paket weitere Annehmlichkeiten wie kostenfreies WLAN im Hotel, kostenlose Nutzung von Fitnessstudios oder Spa-Bereichen sowie besondere Rabatte auf Ausflüge oder Restaurants vor Ort.

Insgesamt bietet das Reise-Extra-Paket eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen für Last-Minute-Reisende. Es ermöglicht ihnen einen stressfreien und komfortablen Aufenthalt sowie Flexibilität bei der Planung ihrer Reise. Wenn Sie gerne spontan reisen und von zusätzlichen Annehmlichkeiten profitieren möchten, könnte das Reise-Extra-Paket die richtige Wahl für Sie sein.

Vorteile des Reise-Extra-Pakets:

– Bevorzugter Check-in am Flughafen – Zugang zu exklusiven Lounges – Flexibilität bei Umbuchungen oder Stornierungen – Kostenfreies WLAN im Hotel – Kostenlose Nutzung von Fitnessstudios oder Spa-Bereichen – Besondere Rabatte auf Ausflüge oder Restaurants vor Ort.

Die Bedeutung des Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Pakets erklärt

Die Bedeutung des Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Pakets erklärt

Das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket ist eine Option, die von Reiseveranstaltern angeboten wird, um den Kunden zusätzliche Vorteile und Services zu bieten. Es handelt sich dabei um ein Paket, das kurz vor der Abreise gebucht werden kann und verschiedene Extras beinhaltet, die den Urlaub noch angenehmer machen sollen.

Was beinhaltet das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket?

  • Zusätzliche Hotelleistungen: Das Extra-Paket kann zum Beispiel einen kostenlosen Zimmerupgrade oder Zugang zu bestimmten Hotelanlagen wie dem Wellnessbereich oder dem Fitnessstudio beinhalten.
  • Ausflüge und Aktivitäten: Mit dem Extra-Paket können auch Ausflüge oder Aktivitäten vor Ort gebucht werden. Dies ermöglicht es den Reisenden, ihre Reise flexibel zu gestalten und besondere Erlebnisse hinzuzufügen.
  • Gepäckservice: Ein weiterer Vorteil des Extra-Pakets ist ein spezieller Gepäckservice. Dies bedeutet, dass das Gepäck der Kunden direkt vom Flughafen zum Hotel transportiert wird und sie sich nicht darum kümmern müssen.

Das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket bietet den Kunden die Möglichkeit, ihren Urlaub mit zusätzlichen Annehmlichkeiten zu bereichern und gleichzeitig Zeit und Aufwand bei der Organisation zu sparen. Es lohnt sich daher, diese Option in Betracht zu ziehen, wenn man kurzfristig verreisen möchte.

Warum das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket wichtig ist

Warum das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket wichtig ist

Das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket ist eine wichtige Option für Reisende, die kurzfristig buchen. Es bietet zusätzlichen Schutz und Sicherheit während der Reise.

Vorteile des Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Pakets:

  • Stornierungsschutz: Mit diesem Paket können Sie Ihre Reise stornieren und erhalten eine Rückerstattung, falls unvorhergesehene Umstände eintreten.
  • Reiseschutz: Das Extra-Paket bietet auch eine Versicherung für medizinische Notfälle, Gepäckverlust oder -beschädigung sowie andere unerwartete Ereignisse während Ihrer Reise.
  • Zusätzliche Leistungen: Je nach Anbieter können Sie mit dem Extra-Paket zusätzliche Leistungen wie Flugumbuchungen oder Hotelupgrades erhalten.

Es ist ratsam, das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket in Betracht zu ziehen, um sich vor unvorhergesehenen Situationen abzusichern und Ihren Urlaub stressfrei zu genießen.

Alles, was Sie über die Bedeutung des Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Pakets wissen müssen

Alles, was Sie über die Bedeutung des Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Pakets wissen müssen

Was ist ein Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket?

Ein Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket ist eine Option, die von Reiseveranstaltern angeboten wird, um zusätzliche Leistungen oder Annehmlichkeiten für Reisende zu bieten. Diese Pakete können verschiedene Extras enthalten, wie zum Beispiel einen Flughafentransfer, zusätzlichen Gepäckservice oder Zugang zu exklusiven Aktivitäten vor Ort. Sie sind in der Regel als Upgrade erhältlich und können kurzfristig vor der Abreise gebucht werden.

Warum sollte man ein Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket in Betracht ziehen?

Ein Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket kann viele Vorteile bieten. Zum einen ermöglicht es den Reisenden, ihre Reiseerfahrung aufzuwerten und zusätzlichen Komfort zu genießen. Durch den Zugang zu exklusiven Dienstleistungen oder Aktivitäten können sie ihr Urlaubserlebnis individualisieren und bereichern. Darüber hinaus kann ein solches Paket auch Zeit und Aufwand sparen, da bestimmte Services bereits im Voraus organisiert sind.

Liste möglicher Extras eines Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Pakets: 1. Flughafentransfer: Ein bequemer Transport vom Flughafen zum Hotel. 2. Zusätzlicher Gepäckservice: Die Möglichkeit, mehr Gepäck mitzunehmen als bei der regulären Buchung erlaubt. 3. Zugang zu exklusiven Aktivitäten: Die Teilnahme an besonderen Touren oder Veranstaltungen vor Ort. 4. Upgrades in der Unterkunft: Eine bessere Zimmerkategorie oder zusätzliche Annehmlichkeiten im Hotel. 5. Erweiterte Verpflegungsoptionen: Ein Upgrade auf All-Inclusive-Verpflegung oder Zugang zu exklusiven Restaurants.

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass die Verfügbarkeit von Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paketen begrenzt sein kann und sich je nach Reiseveranstalter und Zielort unterscheidet. Es lohnt sich daher, frühzeitig nach solchen Angeboten zu suchen und diese rechtzeitig vor der Abreise zu buchen, um von den Vorteilen dieser Extras profitieren zu können.

Die Vorteile des Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Pakets im Detail erklärt

Das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket bietet eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen für Reisende, die spontan und kurzfristig verreisen möchten. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Vorteile im Detail:

Günstige Preise

Mit dem Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket können Sie von besonders günstigen Preisen profitieren. Reiseveranstalter bieten oft Rabatte und Sonderangebote für kurzfristige Buchungen an, um ihre Restkontingente zu füllen. Dadurch können Sie erheblich Geld sparen und dennoch eine tolle Reise erleben.

Flexibilität bei der Auswahl

Das Extra-Paket ermöglicht es Ihnen, aus einer breiten Palette von Reisezielen und Unterkünften zu wählen. Da viele Menschen ihre Reisen langfristig planen, bleiben oft attraktive Optionen für Last-Minute-Bucher übrig. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, spontan zu entscheiden, wohin es gehen soll und finden vielleicht sogar noch genau das Angebot, nach dem Sie gesucht haben.

Zusätzliche Extras

Das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket beinhaltet oft zusätzliche Extras, die Ihren Urlaub noch angenehmer machen. Dazu gehören beispielsweise kostenloser Zugang zu bestimmten Freizeiteinrichtungen wie Pools oder Fitnessstudios, kostenlose Upgrades auf höhere Zimmerkategorien oder besondere Verpflegungsleistungen. Diese Extras können Ihren Aufenthalt bereichern und Ihnen ein besonderes Erlebnis bieten.

Spontanität und Abenteuer

Eine Last-Minute-Reise bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, spontan zu sein und neue Abenteuer zu erleben. Sie können sich überraschen lassen und ohne große Erwartungen an einen Ort reisen. Dies kann zu unvergesslichen Erlebnissen führen und Ihnen eine ganz neue Perspektive auf das Reisen ermöglichen.

Insgesamt bietet das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket viele Vorteile für kurzentschlossene Reisende. Von günstigen Preisen über Flexibilität bei der Auswahl bis hin zu zusätzlichen Extras und dem Spaß an der Spontanität – es gibt viele Gründe, warum sich eine Last-Minute-Reise lohnen kann.

Wie das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket Ihre Reiseerfahrung verbessern kann

Wie das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket Ihre Reiseerfahrung verbessern kann

Ein Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket kann Ihre Reiseerfahrung erheblich verbessern, indem es Ihnen zusätzliche Annehmlichkeiten und Vorteile bietet. Mit diesem Paket können Sie verschiedene Extras hinzufügen, wie zum Beispiel einen Flughafentransfer, eine bevorzugte Sitzplatzwahl im Flugzeug oder Zugang zu exklusiven Loungebereichen.

  • Zusätzlicher Komfort: Durch die Buchung eines Extra-Pakets erhalten Sie zusätzlichen Komfort während Ihrer Reise. Ein Flughafentransfer erspart Ihnen die Suche nach einem Taxi oder den Stress der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel. Eine bevorzugte Sitzplatzwahl ermöglicht es Ihnen, bequem zu reisen und mehr Beinfreiheit zu haben.
  • Exklusive Vorteile: Mit dem Extra-Paket erhalten Sie Zugang zu exklusiven Loungebereichen an Flughäfen. Hier können Sie sich vor Ihrem Flug entspannen, kostenlose Getränke und Snacks genießen und von schnelleren Sicherheitskontrollen profitieren.
  • Mehr Flexibilität: Das Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket bietet Ihnen auch mehr Flexibilität bei der Planung Ihrer Reise. Sie können je nach Bedarf verschiedene Extras hinzufügen oder entfernen, um Ihre individuellen Anforderungen zu erfüllen.

Wenn Sie also Ihre Reiseerfahrung aufwerten möchten, sollten Sie in Betracht ziehen, ein Last-Minute-Reise-Extra-Paket zu buchen. Es bietet Ihnen zusätzlichen Komfort, exklusive Vorteile und mehr Flexibilität während Ihrer Reise.

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Should I trust Lastminute's flight & travel deals? A 2024 review

Should I trust Lastminute's flight & travel deals? A 2024 review

Travel deals are well known to be a great way to save money while traveling. Lastminute's hotel and flight deals claim to be legit, but should you trust them? What's the verdict on booking with Lastminute? Keep reading to find out more before booking.

travel extra pack last minute bedeutung

Before I travel, I'll always look for a great deal. Whether it's flight tickets, hotel rooms, or event reservations, I'll always try to exhaust all of the cheaper options before paying the total price. I'm sure I'm not alone either.

If you're a spontaneous traveler and like to head where deals are the best, then could be a resource. After all, saving on flight tickets could give you more budget to eat local dishes and enjoy more traveling experiences!

With Lastminute, you can find deals on flights, hotels, all-inclusive holidays, and even travel experiences. Feel like travel deals are too good to be true? Read on to see if you should use for your next travel adventures! travel deals logo.

What is Lastminute?

As its name implies,  allows you to find some discounted deals at the last minute. As accommodation is a pivotal aspect of any travel, finding a deal on your hotel is always a win. With, you can find excellent  hotel deals  on last-minute bookings. If you find your hotel cheaper on any UK website within 24 hours, will give you the difference.

You can also use their  deal finder  tab to see what's currently on offer and where you might find the best rates! This tab also covers trips that include flights and hotels and other experiences like the theatre or car rentals. 

Lastminute holiday booking deals.

The best features

All-inclusive holidays.

Sometimes, you just want to kick back, relax, and not have to worry about anything once you arrive at your destination. All-inclusive holidays are the perfect way to travel like this. At, they have  all-inclusive deals  for holidays all over the world. The one caveat with these true last-minute deals is that they have set departure dates, so you have to be willing to travel for when the deal is running. 

However, we've come across many past travelers who have written about up charging them on the final bill without indicating that the price online wouldn't be the actual price charged. Make sure you're keeping track if you book with Lastminute!

Last-minute holidays

Just because their deals tend to be for last-minute holidays, that doesn't mean that you're limited in destination choice. You can use their  Holidays Sitemap  page to explore various locations to travel with, regardless of whether you're looking for a beach getaway or a city adventure.

Not sure where to go? Their  GetAway Magazine  provides travel content and a guide for inspiration on new destinations for you to explore.

Flash Sales

While has some wonderful travel deals, they also have  flash sales  available for a limited time. These deals include offers of the week, summer 2022, UK holidays, and last-chance discounts that you won't want to miss. If you're someone with a lot of flexibility on where and when you travel, this would be a great first stop when consulting where to find the best prices.     


One fun feature that has is the ability to book  experiences  and even nights at the  theatre . As is a UK company, these experiences and theatre evenings are limited to the UK, and some, mainly to London. If you're planning on taking a trip to the UK soon and want to try something special or unique, be sure to check out their experiences on offer! experiences London Eye.

Payment plans

In addition to offering deals on flights and hotels, one of their selling features is that they offer payment plans for the cost of your travels. You'll first pay a deposit, which is taken in two payments, two weeks apart. The remaining amount will be split into payments of equal amounts, and they'll be automatically charged, so you don't even have to set yourself a reminder!

It is important to note that the payment plan options are currently only available for holiday packages and flight/train and hotel combinations. There is no monthly payment plan option for bookings of one product only, such as only a hotel or only a flight. 

lastminute payment plans.

Contact information

When you make any kind of booking, it's good to know the customer support available to you. isn't very upfront about their contact information. If you don't have a booking ID, there isn't a way to contact anyone directly. They have an  FAQ page , and of course, you can try to contact them via their social media, but there are no direct contact details on the website. The lack of a good customer support system is frequently brought up in negative reviews of

Sometimes, circumstances out of your control come up that leave you to cancel your trip. How does fare with refunds? 

Not well, unfortunately. In 2020, they were listed as 49th worst out of 53 companies for refunds. This issue worsened during the Covid pandemic as was threatened with legal action for not meeting refund deadlines due to pandemic cancellations.

On their website, refunds are only available due to flight cancellations. You'll have to contact them directly for refund claims if you book a single low-cost flight. Many reviews on Trustpilot speak to poor refund service and bookings not being confirmed after payment has been issued. 

Is worth it?

We're on the fence about this one. While lastminute's services are inherently excellent at sourcing good deals on all aspects of your travel journey, their customer feedback is of concern. Overall, we believe that you should use Lastminute to look for good deals. However, try to see if you can match these deals on other travel booking sites with a more reliable refund/cancellation policy.

Even if some deals look enticing, their recent reviews and traveler experiences make it so we wouldn't really recommend booking through them. They would be an excellent resource for travel inspiration, though, and certainly if you're traveling to the UK, for booking experiences.

Lastminute refund and cancellation policy.

My review: 2.5/5

  • Flash sales and deals
  • Provides travel content.
  • Deals on all-inclusive holidays
  • No customer service support until you've made the booking.
  • Poor refund/cancellation policy.
  • Poorly reviewed by past users.
  • Many experiences are limited to the UK.

Plan your trip with Pilot

Can't seem to find good deals on these travel booking sites? Why not check out some  budget-friendly vacation rental sites  a try for a broader accommodation option? They're a great alternative to conventional hotels and certainly do not compromise quality.

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Useful Last Minute Travel Checklist: 27 Pre-travel Checklist Things To Do

Embarking on a last-minute trip can be thrilling, but it can also leave you scrambling to get everything in order.

Don’t let the rush dampen your excitement—use this last minute travel checklist to ensure you have everything you need for a memorable and stress-free vacation. 

This comprehensive last-minute packing checklist has got you covered. From packing must-haves to crucial documents and vacation essentials, I’ve compiled the ultimate guide to help you prepare the things to remember to bring on a vacation.

So, grab your bags and get ready to embark on a spontaneous journey with peace of mind, knowing you’re fully prepared for the ultimate travel experience. Let’s make your last-minute escape a seamless and enjoyable one!

A young woman sitting on the ground checking her travel checklist with a suitcase and bag

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Last Minute Travel Checklist

In this last minute holiday checklist, I’ve compiled a concise yet comprehensive guide to ensure you’re fully prepared for your spontaneous holiday. 

From last minute travel tips to important items to remember, this got you covered. 

Whether it’s a quick weekend getaway or an unexpected adventure, this checklist will help you stay organized and make the most of your last-minute travel plans. 

Pre-Travel Checklist

Here are some items for your holiday reminder list to prioritize a few days before you depart. The key to a stress-free trip is being organized, so get these things out of the way as soon as you’ve booked your trip. 

1. Double Check Your Travel Plans

Double-checking your travel plans before a trip is essential for a smooth and stress-free journey . 

Take a moment to review your flight details, hotel reservations, and any transportation arrangements you’ve made. Verify the dates, times, and locations to check they are accurate. 

By confirming your travel plans, you can avoid any last-minute surprises or complications and enjoy a worry-free travel experience from the start. 

A man packing his clothes in a living room for his travel

2. Make Reservations for Accommodation and Car Rental

It’s best to make reservations for accommodation and car rental as far in advance as possible – this might only be a few days in advance, but it’s better than showing up somewhere on the day hoping you can book. 

Securing your preferred lodging ensures you have a comfortable place to stay while booking a rental car provides convenience and flexibility during your journey. 

By making these arrangements before you arrive, you can guarantee availability and potentially save money . Take the time to research, compare options, and make reservations to ensure a seamless travel experience.

Read Next: 70+ Travel Hacks & Tips

3. Empty Memory Cards and Backup Devices

Don’t forget to empty your memory cards and back up your devices! 

This ensures you have sufficient storage space to capture all the wonderful moments during your travels. Additionally, backing up your devices provides an extra layer of security in case of loss or damage. 

Stay prepared and ready to capture memories by clearing your memory cards and creating backups before you set off on your adventure.

4. Order Foreign Currency

To ensure smooth financial transactions during your trip, consider ordering foreign currency in advance.

This allows you to have cash on hand for immediate expenses upon arrival, such as transportation and small purchases. Ordering currency ahead of time also allows you to compare exchange rates and potentially save on fees. 

Mother and daughter packing their luggage for their trip

5. Purchase Travel Insurance

Another crucial item on your travel checklist is purchasing travel insurance. 

It provides a buffer against unexpected events such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or lost luggage. Having travel insurance offers peace of mind and ensures you’re prepared for any unforeseen circumstances during your journey. 

6. Clear Out Your Travel Wallet/ Purse

Before your trip, take the time to clear out your travel wallet or purse. Remove unnecessary cards, receipts, and any items that you won’t need during your travels. 

This helps streamline your wallet, making it easier to access important documents like identification, credit cards, and travel-related information. 

A woman holding a folded pants in her hand as preparing things for a vacation

7. Check You Have the Correct Adapter Plugs

Before travelling to a different country, it’s essential to check that you have the correct adapter plugs for your electronic devices. Different countries have different electrical outlets, so having the right adapter ensures that you can charge your devices without any issues. 

Stay connected and powered up by verifying your adapter plugs before you depart.

Read Nest: 40 Essential Gadgets for Travel

8. Arrange Housesitters or Pet Care

If you have pets or need someone to take care of your home while you’re away, it’s important to arrange for housesitters or pet care in advance. This ensures that your furry friends are well taken care of and your home remains secure. 

9. Make Sure Bills Are Paid

Part of your checklist to travel should include making sure you’ve paid any outstanding bills. 

Before heading off on your trip, it’s crucial to make sure your bills are paid or ensure there’s enough money in your accounts for upcoming payments.

Settle any outstanding balances, such as rent, utilities, and credit card payments. This ensures you won’t have any late fees or disruptions in services while you’re away. 

10. Get a Travel Guide

A travel guide can be a valuable companion for your trip, providing valuable information about your destination. From recommended attractions and activities to local customs and transportation options, a travel guide offers insights that enhance your travel experience.

Grab a travel guide tailored to your destination to help you make the most of your trip.

A woman sitting on the floor with a suitcase, checking her map / travel guide

The Day Before You Go – Last Minute Travel Reminders

Now, before you begin on that incredible voyage, here are a few additional things to remember before travelling. Make sure you have finished this checklist before leaving on vacation.

11. Check-in Online

One of the last minute things to do that a lot of people overlook is to check in. To save time and avoid long queues at the airport, take advantage of online check-in. 

Most airlines offer this convenient option, allowing you to select seats, print boarding passes, and even drop off your luggage in advance. Online check-in streamlines the airport process, giving you more time to relax and enjoy your journey.

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12. Look up the Weather Forecast

Before finishing packing for your trip, be sure to check the weather forecast for your destination. This helps you pack appropriate clothing and accessories, whether it’s sunny and hot or rainy and cool. 

By staying informed about the weather conditions, you can better plan and prepare for a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience.

13. Prepare the House

Take some time to prepare your house. 

Secure all windows and doors, turn off lights and appliances, and adjust the thermostat to an energy-saving setting. Consider forwarding mail, arranging for plant care, and setting up timers for lights to give the appearance of someone being home. 

By preparing your house, you can have peace of mind knowing it’s in order while you’re away.

A man and woman sitting on the floor preparing and packing their luggage for a vacation

14. Print Out Important Documentation

As part of your last-minute travel checklist, don’t forget to print out important documentation. This includes your travel itinerary, hotel reservations, flight tickets, and any necessary visas or permits. 

Having physical copies of these documents serves as a backup in case of electronic device failure or connectivity issues. Keep your important travel information handy and easily accessible by printing it out before you embark on your journey.

15. Drink Lots of Water

Staying hydrated is crucial, especially during travel. Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your trip. 

Aeroplane cabins and unfamiliar environments can be dehydrating, so keep a refillable water bottle handy and aim to drink water regularly. Proper hydration contributes to your overall well-being and ensures a more comfortable travel experience.

16. Make Sure Electronics Are Charged

Before leaving for your trip, ensure that your electronic devices are fully charged. This includes your smartphone, tablet, camera, and any other gadgets you’ll be taking with you. 

Having fully charged devices ensures that you can use them for entertainment, communication, and capturing memories without worrying about running out of battery power.

Little girl packing her clothes in a suitcase

Last Minute Packing Checklist

Don’t be rushed, and be sure to complete your last-minute packing list! These are the final details to remember and that I always make sure to pack with me for a vacation!

17. Pack Something Warm

One item to add to your last minute vacation travel checklist is something warm. Even if you’re travelling to a warm destination, it’s always a good idea to pack something cosy.  

Weather can be unpredictable, and you may encounter cool evenings or heavily air-conditioned spaces. A light jacket, sweater, or scarf can provide comfort and ensure you’re prepared for any unexpected temperature changes during your vacation.

18. A Book or Something to Read

Don’t forget to pack a book or something to read for your vacation. Whether you prefer a paperback, e-reader, or audiobook, having something to delve into during travel or relaxation time can be a delightful escape. 

A good book can entertain, inspire, and enhance your vacation experience, allowing you to unwind and immerse yourself in different worlds.

19. Pack Reading Glasses And/or Sunglasses

Reading glasses ensure you can comfortably enjoy books, maps, or any fine print you may come across. Sunglasses protect from the sun’s glare and UV rays, allowing you to explore and enjoy outdoor activities without straining your eyes. 

Don’t forget to include these essential things you need for a vacation for clear vision and eye protection on your trip.

20. Medication and First Aid Kit

It’s always essential to pack any necessary medications and a basic first aid kit. Bring an ample supply of your prescription medications, along with any over-the-counter remedies you may need. 

Additionally, include items like band-aids, antiseptic ointment, pain relievers, and any other essentials for minor injuries or ailments. Having these items on hand ensures you’re prepared to address any health concerns that may arise during your trip.

21. Snacks and Water Bottle

Snacks and a reusable water bottle are essentials for the last minute things to pack for vacation. Having snacks on hand can help keep hunger at bay during long journeys or when you’re on the go. 

A refillable water bottle allows you to stay hydrated throughout your trip and helps reduce single-use plastic waste. By packing snacks and a water bottle, you’ll be prepared for hunger pangs and can easily quench your thirst while enjoying your vacation.

Family with their two children packing up their suitcase for a holiday trip

22. Pen and Notebook

When preparing things to pack for vacation, remember to pack a pen and notebook. 

A pen can come in handy for filling out customs forms, jotting down important information, or even leaving notes for housekeeping. 

A small notebook allows you to capture memorable moments, make travel journal entries, or simply jot down any thoughts or ideas that come to mind during your trip. 

23. Lipbalm and Moisturiser

Climate changes, sun exposure, and air travel can cause dryness and discomfort. Keep your lips hydrated and your skin moisturized by applying lip balm and moisturizer regularly. These small but essential items will help keep your skin and lips feeling soft, nourished, and protected throughout your trip.

24. Chargers for Phones, Laptops and Other Electronics

Ensure you pack chargers for your phones, laptops, and other electronic devices as part of your last-minute holiday essentials. 

Having the necessary chargers will keep your devices powered up and ready for use during your trip. Whether you’re capturing precious moments, staying connected, or navigating with maps, having fully charged electronics is essential for a smooth and enjoyable vacation experience.

25. Hand Sanitizer

As part of your travel preparations, don’t forget to pack hand sanitizer. It’s important to maintain good hand hygiene while travelling, especially in public spaces and during transit. 

Hand sanitizer helps kill germs and prevents the spread of illnesses. Keep a travel-sized bottle of hand sanitizer in your bag or pocket for convenient use whenever soap and water are not readily available. 

26. Tissues

Tissues come in handy for various situations, such as wiping hands, cleaning surfaces, or even as a makeshift napkin. They’re lightweight and easy to carry, making them a practical addition to your travel essentials. 

27. Mints or Chewing Gum

Include mints or chewing gum in your vacation checklist. These small treats can freshen your breath and provide a pleasant taste during long flights, road trips, or sightseeing adventures. Whether it’s for a burst of freshness or to help alleviate ear pressure during flights, mints or chewing gum can be a refreshing addition to your travel essentials.

Download This Last Minute Travel Checklist

You can get this last minute holiday packing list sent straight to your inbox so it’s ready when you need it. Click here to download.

Last Minute Vacation Trip Checklist – FAQs

I’ve given you a comprehensive list of things that you might overlook on a last minute holiday. This next section includes other useful bits of information when going through your packing checklist for a holiday vacation. 

What Are the Most Important Things to Remember to Bring When Going on a Trip?

When going on a trip, the most important things to remember to bring include travel documents (passport, tickets), essential medications, sufficient clothing, toiletries, and money/cards. 

Additionally, don’t forget electronic devices and their chargers, a travel adapter , a first aid kit, and any specific items based on your destination and activities planned.

What Things Do I Need to Do Before Traveling?

Before travelling, there are several important things to do. These include booking accommodations and transportation, packing necessary items, checking visa requirements, informing your bank of your travel plans, arranging travel insurance, notifying important contacts, and securing any required vaccinations. 

It’s also essential to double-check your travel itinerary and ensure all necessary reservations are in place.

How Do I Prepare My Body for Travel?

To prepare your body for travel, focus on getting enough rest, maintaining a balanced diet, and staying hydrated. Engage in regular physical activity to improve stamina and mobility. If travelling to a different time zone, gradually adjust your sleep schedule beforehand to minimize jet lag. Consider consulting a healthcare professional for any specific health concerns related to your destination.

What Should I Do 3 Days Before a Vacation?

Three days before a vacation, there are several important tasks to complete. Confirm your travel reservations, pack your suitcase, and check the weather forecast for your destination. Make a holiday packing checklist of essential items to bring, and ensure your travel documents are in order. 

Have You Ticked Everything off Your Last Minute Checklist for Travel?

In this last-minute vacation items checklist, we’ve compiled a list of essential things to pack for your vacation. From travel documents to clothing, toiletries, electronics, and health essentials, it’s crucial to ensure you have everything you need for a smooth and enjoyable trip. 

By following this last minute vacation checklist and ticking off each item, you’ll be well-prepared and ready to make lasting memories on your vacation. 

Don’t leave anything to chance and use this handy guide to ensure you have everything packed and ready to go.

Happy travels!

Looking for more travel tips and guides to help plan your trip?…

  • 40 Best Gadgets for Travellers
  • Tried & Tested Travel Hacks
  • 70+ Essentials for a Road Trip

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If you found this last minute packing tips article useful, save this post for future reference. Know someone else who will find this helpful, then why not share it with them?

Have a question about planning your last minute vacation? then head to the Contact page and drop me a message.

Useful Last Minute Travel Checklist: 27 Pre-travel Checklist Things To Do 2

Hey, I'm Becki......and I'm a self-confessed travel addict and experience connoisseur!

In other words, I’m a bucket-list traveller, on a mission to experience the best things our fabulous little planet has to offer with the least environmental impact.

When I'm not climbing mountains, scuba diving, spotting wildlife or exploring ruins, you'll probably find me sipping coffee, or with a glass of wine in hand planning my next adventure.

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Want to pack light but don't know where to start? Let's find the perfect size bag using this quiz !

Her Packing List

Packing Lists

The ultimate last-minute packing list when you need to leave now.

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You’re a morning-of packer, but overslept. An emergency alert came in and you have to evacuate your home. Your best friend stops by on her way out of town and asks you to join her on a weekend road trip.

Whatever the reason, you have to leave in five minutes and you’re not packed yet!

What do you need for your trip? Can you pack and not miss anything important? Read on for the ultimate last-minute packing list .

Your Priority: Get ID, Meds, Money, Tickets

There are a few things you can’t buy on a trip (like money!) or that would be very time-consuming and expensive to track down and/or buy. Make sure you add these to your go-bag (or your pockets or handbag ).

  • Passport/Driver’s License
  • Prescription medications
  • Prescription eyewear
  • Daily medications & supplements
  • Credit card and another form of payment
  • Phone (plus charger)

Bonus: Insurance card

Having proof of insurance can be important. Check if you can access your insurance card digitally. (Reading this before a trip? Make sure you set this up in advance.)

You might not have to pack it. Although, it’s helpful to have the physical copy, especially if traveling internationally, in case your phone gets damaged or you don’t have internet access.

You may be able to buy your daily non-prescription medications on the trip, but if you have a few minutes, packing enough vitamins and pain pills to last your trip can give you more time to explore.

Your Second Priority: Evaluate What You’re Wearing

Unless you’re wearing pajamas , a swimsuit, or a ball gown, you can probably use what’s already on you as part of your official travel wardrobe.

Don’t run out the door just yet! Follow the steps below to make sure your outfit is optimized for traveling with the least amount of thought possible.

Step 1: Look at what you’re wearing from top to bottom .

Step 2: Make sure comfortable shoes are on your feet . That’s the most important aspect of your footwear, but use your best judgment. If you’re heading out on an overnight where you’ll be lounging around with friends drinking wine – you can probably make do with just about any type of shoes.

Step 3: Add a layer to your outfit . A pair of leggings under a dress or a cardigan are highly valuable for just about any type of trip.

Step 4: Stick a spare pair of underwear in your pocket or handbag . If you have no real time to pack a travel wardrobe, spare underwear will give you the ability to keep up with some important hygiene in terms of clothing.

Step 5: Add a winter coat, raincoat, etc . If the weather calls for it, of course!

If There’s Still Time: Pack Toiletries and Clothing

Avoid scooping up an entire drawer and dumping it in your bag because you’re too rushed to plan out a packing list. Use this list to cover your essentials. 

ultimate last minute packing list clothes and toiletries

Remember that you can always buy toiletries on the road or get them for free at your accommodation, so they aren’t as vital to pack if you’re in a rush.

You typically need fewer clothes than you think. Remember, you can always handwash clothing or even buy clothes cheaply if absolutely essential. There’s no need to pack everything just in case . 

This list will help you pack just what you need. When in doubt, go with the lower amount of items.

  • Toothbrush and paste
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Conditioner
  • Face Moisturizer
  • 1 – 7 Pairs Underwear
  • 1 – 7 Pairs Socks
  • 1 – 3 Shirts
  • 1 – 3 Bottoms

More Last-Minute Packing Tips

If you’ve made it this far and still have a minute to spare (and are finding yourself in a panic!), remember this:

  • When packing, the first list of tasks is the most important. Make sure you have your essentials covered and then everything else can be bought or borrowed.
  • Don’t stress too hard. You need way less than you think! Even if you feel a little off because you don’t have everything you would normally pack, commit to fully engaging with the travel experience and you and your friends will have a great time.
  • Most toiletries can usually be bought or acquired at your destination. So whether staying at a hotel or with friends, there might be some freebies on offer – and a shop is usually not far away either. Your favorite brands or products may not be available, but a trip is not forever.
  • Most clothing can be worn multiple times before washing … seriously! Did you grab some extra underwear in the midst of your last-minute packing? If so, you’re going to be fine. And let’s not forget about handwashing as an option.

 Get the Last Minute Travel Checklist

last-minute packing list when you need to leave now

And there you have it.

With this last minute packing list you’ll pack everything you need and nothing you don’t in record time.

Give up the stress, pack light, and enjoy your trip!

Download This Packing Checklist Now

Plus get access to 100+ more FREE downloadable packing lists.

Not on Your Way Out the Door? 6 Ways to Prep in Advance

Do you see the potential for spontaneous travel in your future? 

Before a last-minute trip comes up, put these tips into action. A little foresight and minimal planning can save so much stress and drama in the final minutes. And, they may make packing for your not-last-minute trips easier, too! 

1 – Gather Your Make-or-Break Items

Ask yourself what one thing would cause you to completely hate the trip, if you were without it, to the point that you’d wish you hadn’t gone. Prepare for that thing so that when you’re packing at the last minute , you grab what you need to have a good trip.

This could be a few things, not just one.

  • Is it not having your meds?
  • Is it needing feminine hygiene products and not having any?
  • Is it not having lipstick for photos?

You could make sure that a minimum amount of these items are in your daily carry, placed in a memorable location, or you can wrangle up your item(s) into a go-bag.

This bag is a cute way to have a go-bag packed with those things you don’t want to forget.

Ready in 2 minutes packing bag

Again, don’t stress too much. The experience is what you’ll remember, not what color shirt you wore or if your hair had flyaways. 

2 – Keep a Small Toiletry Kit Stocked

Keep it stocked with enough product, including a toothbrush, to last a long weekend. Remember to check expiration dates and update perishable toiletries that haven’t been used in a while. This could be part of your quarterly house-cleaning routine.

3 – Keep a Packed Weekend Bag

You could also keep a weekend bag packed with clothes and toiletries. If you don’t use this bag often, be sure to check every few months that the clothes still fit you, that you still like them, and that they are suitable for the season and your lifestyle.

4 – Create a Go-Time Packing List

This list would have everything you need to pack, including which bag to use and if you’ll also need a small purse. Be specific where possible.

When we’re in a rush, it can be hard to make good decisions. Having a list that tells you which bag to pack and everything to put in it can save you from remembering the knitting but forgetting your phone charger. 

5 – Take an HPL Program

If planning like this feels overwhelming, we can help! The HPL Packing Method walks you through making your perfect packing list. It includes plenty of worksheets and guidance to help you.

A little work and investment upfront can save you time, stress, and money in the long run!

What would be the first thing you grab on your way out the door?

The ultimate last minute packing list when you need to leave now

Written by Jill

Jill Hames is a freelance writer, musician, and ESL teacher who, at the age of four, said she wanted to learn every language in the world. She hasn’t managed that yet, but is proud to have taught herself enough Swahili to understand context from native speakers. She's too busy having fun with music and language to be found online.

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Travel resources, hpl learnables.

H PL Packing Method – Learn to pack your lightest bag ever in this revolutionary packing course by HPL founder, Brooke.

Book Your Trip

Viator – Enhance your trip experience by booking from thousands of tours across the globe. – Search for hotels, hostels, and apartments using this one resource. Use it for flights, car rentals, and airport taxis as well.

Trusted Housesitters – Save money on travel accommodation by becoming a housesitter. Housesitters often have extra duties, like caring for pets and gardens.

Reader Interactions

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December 18, 2023 at 10:52 pm

When my late husband was battling pancreatic cancer, I had a “to go bag” ready and by the door because we made many, many trips to the cancer center and emergency rooms. My “to go bag” was for *my* comfort and needs. I included something to read (an e-reader worked well for this), a tablet computer, one of my needle work projects, a journal and pen, a scarf/wrap, food and water for me, some medications ( advil, peptobismal, imodium), two days worth of prescription medications, wipes, hand sanitizer, lotion and lip balm, a comb, toothbrush & toothpaste, a small flashlight, a change of clothes, some cash and several dollars worth of change, and a summary of my husband’s medical treatments and medications. This all fit into a small totebag/backpack, This packed “to go bag” was a lifesaver for me, and helped me help my husband through this terrible time.

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Last Minute Packing Checklist – Why it is important?

The last minute packing checklist is a lifesaver in most of the cases. There is always this thing when we think we got it and we have everything planned out but because of the adrenaline or the pressure of leaving on time to catch your commute be flight, train or bus five times out of ten you often forget something which you were supposed to carry.

The thing which you forget could be some essentials which you really needed during the trip or maybe the electronics which you just plugged in for charging but you missed to take that out and pack.

If you haven’t checked our post related to  The Ultimate Travel Packing List you will ever need , Make sure to  download the free  copy for  travel packing list  from here which you can print it out later.

I will try to divide the Last minute packing checklist in categories which will help you close or mark what you have already packed and you don’t have to worry about that.

You can save some link for your future read in case you want –

Top 12 cheapest countries in Europe to visit from India Covid19 Vaccine Expiration Date for Travel

Last Minute Packing Checklist

Last minute Packing CheckList

Camera gears and accessories –.

Make sure that you have packed the battery for your camera along with the camera charger. In case you have extra batteries which you would like to carry just cross-check whether you have packed that or not.

If you are carrying GoPro Just cross-check that you have packed extra batteries, GoPro related gears , Tripod along with it. Fun Fact – During our trip to Zurich and Rhine Falls I carried my Camera without any battery, I kept it for charging and went for office and in the evening I was in a hurry that I forgot and rushed and just packed my Camera back. I realized it when I was near Rhine Falls in the morning 05:00 Am in Switzerland and I tried taking the picture and guess what? I felt like shit.

I had to bear with that and manage with the resources I had, My Phone and GoPro for this complete trip. That when I though that writing about the last minute travel packing list is a must on the blog and here we are.

Extra Memory Card

The importance of memory card is unexplainable for any travel blogger or photographer there is a story about this as well which I will share in the Fun Fact. But before that just check that you have packed your extra memory card.

Fun Fact – During our trip in Asia when I bought the action camera for this first time, I was using a class 6 memory card on my action camera and the action camera was struggling to record anything, I wish I could have checked that before because I ended up paying five times to grab a new San Disk Memory Card from the shop.

Extras Cables and Chargers

Make sure you have packed all the cables which you need charging cables and data transfer cables, Cross check that you have packed all the chargers and Power Bank .

A Travel Voltage Adapter

If you are travelling to a different region then it is recommended that you carry a voltage adapter with you. I also try to carry extension along with me just in case if I need it when the power sockets are less in the hotels, Because I have all the electronics gadget to charge. It comes in handy in all my trips.

Here is the one I use mentioned below –


If you are on medication don’t forget to pack your essentials which you need while travelling, Make sure you are carrying the prescription for your medications because most of the borders have the control check related to the drugs which you can carry along with you during your travel.

Do make sure you have a couple of Band-Aid in your wallets or in your Rucksack, Make sure it is in your reach it comes in handy when you get a cut sometime during travelling. It can also help you in case you are having a shoe-bite. Well I use in this way often when I end up travelling with a new shoes which I just bought.

Glasses or Sunglasses

It comes as an important point for me because I wear glasses, It is always good to carry spare glasses if you have power.

And yes, of course, the Sunglasses , I can’t imagine myself getting a perfect shot when the sun is up high ready to bite us.

Make sure you grab a good book to read

I can’t imagine myself just listening to music when I have a layover for more than three hours or so, I get bored exploring the duty-free area and yes it is fascinating only for one hour but then what? It is then when books come to our rescue, I think I have read most of the books while travelling, Be it travelling to the office during the commute or some trips.

Alternative, You can also try downloading some movies on your tablet or maybe downloading some new books on your Kindle Reader , The choice is yours. Just make sure you have a plan for your waiting time.

Take Nail Clipper , Nail Polish Remover and Nail Polish or Go to Make up essentials

This one is for the ladies. Make sure you have packed your go-to make up essentials which you need it right before starting your day trip. Well you have to look fresh, Don’t you.

Certainly a thing which I often realise I should carry during the trip but I don’t, I realise it only during the trip when my lips gets dry from. So this one is a point for me to pack the Lip Balm and keep it in my rucksack.

An Umbrella

The last thing which you want is Rain messing up with you trip, It happened with us during your trip to Belgium and also in Italy, So It is wise that you are check that you have kept your Umbrella along with you.

An Insect Repellent

You never know which kind of hotels you are checking in, Mosquitoes are everywhere so it is wise that you are carrying Insect Repellent with you.

Pack something Warm

Even if you´re traveling to a warm place. Make sure you have a light cover up for your commute it gets little cold in the morning.

Maps and Direction

If you are travelling to a place where you have Internet Connectivity or you are planning to buy the Local Sim card there then that is fine, But in case you are not going to have internet, Make sure you are carrying the Maps with you and Also you have downloaded the offline maps of Google or Here Platform.

Don’t forget to carry your Beach Towel

I always like to carry my personal Towel, Just in case I don’t like the towel which I get in Hotels. In case you are backpacking then this becomes one of the essentials things to carry . So just cross check that you have packed one set of towels.

Cross Check that you are carrying your house keys along with you , you certainly have to come back home and I am sure you don’t want to be locked outside.

I usually keep these two things at the very end as they are literally my last minute packing checklist item because I couldn’t afford to miss them.

Travel Documents and Passport

I start my packing list by checking these documents and end with rechecking this before leaving my house, Make sure you are carrying your passport, Your Visa Document with you and all the travel essential Documents, Be it your Itinerary your round trip plain tickets.

Your booking tickets for the attractions.

The last and the most important one in my last minute packing checklist is Money, Make sure you have packed the currencies well and if you got that converted don’t forget to carry the receipt with you.

travel extra pack last minute bedeutung

In case you feel like downloading the checklist and printing it you can get it from here, Download Last Minute Packing Checklist .

If there is something which you think should be included in the last minute packing checklist then make sure you drop us a comment and we will include it here along with the credit, these will help us make a perfect and go to last minute travel packing checklist

If you find our Last Minute Packing list Helpful then don’t forget to pin our Post.

Last Minute Packing Checklist Chasing Whereabouts

Sankalp Singh is the Founder and Author of Chasing Whereabouts. He is passionate about travel, photography, and food. He has travelled across Europe extensively to experience its quirks, culture, and diversity. He is a self-taught traveller and he has been exploring the world since the age of 25. When he is not travelling, you can find him at work being a Software Engineer in 9-5 Job.

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Opiniones sobre el Pack Travel Extra de Booking: ¿merece la pena?

A la hora de planificar un viaje, es común que saquemos la calculadora y nos pongamos a hacer números. En nuestra búsqueda de las mejores ofertas en el mercado, hemos encontrado una interesante propuesta dentro de los paquetes de vuelo y alojamiento de Booking: el servicio Pack Travel Extra.

¿Conoces sus ventajas y cómo se utiliza? ¿Realmente vale la pena contratarlo o es simplemente un truco para cautivarnos?

Acompáñanos, porque vamos a descubrirlo.

¿Qué es el Pack Travel Extra de Booking?

travel extra pack last minute bedeutung

En Booking, no solo tienes la opción de contratar vuelos y alojamientos de forma individual, sino que también te ofrece la posibilidad de adquirir paquetes de viaje que pueden simplificar tu búsqueda y, lo que es más importante, ahorrarte dinero. Dentro de estos paquetes se encuentra el servicio Pack Travel Extra, que no solo te brinda descuentos en la reserva, sino que también te proporciona un bono para utilizar en el próximo viaje.

¿Qué incluye?

Una característica destacada del Pack Extra Travel es su descuento directo en el precio total de la reserva. Este descuento, generalmente de unos 80€, se indica durante el proceso de reserva y se refleja en el precio final que los clientes debemos pagar por el paquete de vuelo y hotel.

Además del descuento directo, el Pack Extra Travel también proporciona a los viajeros un bono de descuento de 35€ en crédito, el cual puede ser utilizado en futuras reservas de paquetes turísticos (vuelo + hotel) a través de la plataforma de Booking.

¿Dónde y cuándo recibiré el bono de descuento para mi próximo viaje?

El bono será enviado a tu correo electrónico dentro de los 7 días posteriores a la compra del paquete turístico y podrás utilizarlo en un plazo específico, que generalmente abarca 12 meses, a partir de la fecha de entrega. Es importante tener en cuenta que este bono puede ser utilizado para reservar nuevos paquetes turísticos a través del sitio web de Booking, aunque esto está sujeto a ciertas condiciones y requisitos de gasto mínimo.

Es relevante destacar que, para hacer uso de este descuento, deberás realizar un gasto mínimo de 1.250€. Este monto puede parecer bastante elevado en relación con el descuento de 35€, aunque es probable que sea fácil de superar, especialmente si reservamos un viaje para dos personas. Sin embargo, es importante tener presente este requisito si tienes la intención de utilizar el bono y deseas evitar sorpresas desagradables al descubrir que tu reserva no alcanza el gasto mínimo establecido.

¿Cuánto cuesta contratar el Pack Extra Travel?

El costo de adquirir este servicio es de 55€. No obstante, es importante destacar que, teniendo en cuenta que se aplica un descuento directo de 80€ y un bono para futuras reservas de 35€, el beneficio económico que se obtiene es significativo.

¿Por qué es más económico contratar el Pack Extra Travel que no hacerlo?

A pesar del coste de 55€ del Pack Extra Travel, resulta más rentable incluirlo en nuestra reserva debido a los descuentos que ofrece en comparación con la opción «Basic», que solo contempla vuelo y hotel sin extras. 

Aunque en primera instancia pueda parecer desconcertante, debemos tener en cuenta que estas estrategias promocionales son prácticas comunes diseñadas para aumentar la cantidad de reservas. Booking ofrece el Pack Extra Travel como una táctica destinada a fomentar el uso continuo de su plataforma en nuestros futuros viajes. Esto se logra no solo a través de descuentos directos, sino también mediante la recompensa de bonos para futuras reservas, incentivando así a los clientes a seguir eligiendo esta plataforma.

Por otro lado, las negociaciones que una plataforma tan importante como Booking puede llevar con los proveedores también desempeñan un papel importante en la fijación de sus precios. Estas negociaciones le permite asegurar acuerdos exclusivos con aerolíneas y hoteles, lo que, en principio, hace posible que pueda ofrecer tarifas más bajas en este tipo de paquetes turísticos en comparación con las reservas individuales de vuelos y hoteles.

Cuidado: no es posible cancelar el Pack Extra Travel

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Sin embargo, dispones de un período de 20 días a partir de la fecha de compra para ejercer tu derecho de desistimiento, sin necesidad de proporcionar una razón específica. Ten en cuenta que al ejercer este derecho, perderás los beneficios asociados con el Pack Extra Travel, incluyendo el descuento aplicado durante la reserva.

Conclusión: ¿merece la pena contratar el Pack Extra Travel?

De entrada, no existe ningún inconveniente en considerar la opción del Pack Extra Travel para tu viaje, ya que no implica un compromiso adicional en la reserva. Como mencionamos anteriormente, este servicio se enfoca más en proporcionar descuentos que se acumulan al reservar el paquete de vuelo y hotel, en lugar de ofrecer beneficios especiales para mejorar tu experiencia de viaje.

Ahora bien, la verdadera cuestión que debemos plantearnos es si reservar un paquete de vuelo y hotel a través de Booking es realmente beneficioso. Aunque hemos explicado que este tipo de plataformas suelen negociar acuerdos con proveedores para ofrecer descuentos significativos en reservas conjuntas, al comparar los precios por separado de vuelo y hotel con los paquetes, nos encontramos con la sorprendente realidad de que, en ocasiones, resulta más costoso reservarlos juntos o el descuento ofrecido es mínimamente significativo.

Obtendrás un ahorro, aunque no muy significativo

Puede resultar extraño que el ahorro no sea más sustancial, ya que normalmente se esperaría que reservar ambos servicios juntos generase un descuento más significativo. Esto es, en parte, porque Booking busca asegurarse de que contrates los dos servicios a través de su plataforma, obteniendo un beneficio mayor.

Ahorrar algo, por poco que sea, siempre es una ventaja. Por esta razón, te recomendamos que compares tanto el precio del paquete como el de las reservas individuales y, además, que consideres explorar otras plataformas de reserva de viajes antes de tomar tu decisión final. 

Paga tu viaje en cuotas sin intereses

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Ten en cuenta que, a diferencia de los alojamientos con opción de cancelación gratuita, los vuelos deben pagarse en el momento de la reserva. Por ello, una de las ventajas de elegir este paquete es la posibilidad de pagar tu viaje a plazos sin intereses. Todo lo que debes abonar inicialmente es un depósito, que se descontará del coste total de tu compra. Esta opción resulta especialmente beneficiosa si estás planeando un viaje costoso y prefieres evitar desembolsar una gran suma de dinero de una sola vez. Además, tienes la flexibilidad de adelantar los pagos según tu conveniencia. 

Cabe destacar que los plazos de pago son determinados por Booking y varían según el importe total del viaje: a mayor coste, más opciones de pago a plazos disponibles.

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A History of Moscow in 13 Dishes

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Table des matières

Les destinations incontournables pour l’été 2022

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  • Taormine, Sicile, Italie
  • Londres, Royaume-Uni
  • Santa Fe, Nouveau-Mexique, États-Unis
  • Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis
  • Ljubljana, Slovénie
  • Ischia, Campanie, Italie

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En outre, comment ça marche Lastminute ? Le principe est simple : vous pouvez trouver des voyages complets à petits prix en vous rendant sur la page d’accueil du site et en choisissant ce qui vous intéresse le plus, que ce soit des vacances à l’étranger, des séjours courts ou des croisières.

Où partir en été à petit budget ?

Si vous cherchez des destinations estivales abordables, voici 10 pays où partir en vacances à petit budget :

  • Hongrie, à partir de 17 euros aller-retour
  • Bulgarie, à partir de 19 euros aller-retour
  • Grèce, à partir de 32 euros aller-retour
  • Inde, à partir de 375 euros aller-retour
  • Sri Lanka, à partir de 408 euros aller-retour
  • Cambodge, à partir de 517 euros aller-retour
  • Vietnam, à partir de 541 euros aller-retour
  • Honduras, à partir de 423 euros aller-retour

Les pays à visiter en 2022

Voici le top 10 des destinations et pays à visiter en 2022 :

  • Californie, le rêve américain
  • Bretagne, côté îles
  • Alentejo, le Portugal rural et authentique
  • Thaïlande, côté mer
  • Québec, au fil du Saint-Laurent
  • Bourgogne gourmande
  • Les îles du Dodécanèse, une Grèce au goût d’Orient

Où partir en vacances cet été en France à petit prix ?

Si vous souhaitez passer vos vacances en France à petit prix, voici quelques destinations avec leur prix moyen par nuit :

  • Paris – 152 €
  • Marseille – 125 €
  • Nice – 174 €
  • Marne-la-Vallée – 150 €
  • Porto-Vecchio – 323 €
  • Cannes – 270 €
  • Les Epesses – 121 €
  • Ajaccio – 181 €

Comment contacter Lastminute France ?

Si vous avez besoin de contacter Lastminute France, vous pouvez le faire par téléphone au 01 70 96 86 71 pour toutes les catégories : vol, train, hôtel, vol+hôtel, train+hôtel, séjour, croisière (prix d’un appel national).

Le meilleur moment pour acheter son billet d’avion

Pour acheter un billet d’avion au meilleur prix, il est préférable de le faire entre le mardi et le jeudi, de préférence dans la nuit du mardi au mercredi. De plus, les heures creuses, c’est-à-dire entre minuit et 6 heures du matin (surtout de 4 heures à 6 heures), sont souvent propices aux offres spéciales et aux réductions des frais de dossier.

Les jours de la semaine les moins chers pour les vols

Selon une enquête publiée par Air indemnité et Liligo, le jeudi matin est le meilleur moment pour réserver votre vol si vous souhaitez réaliser des économies. Les départs les mardis sont généralement moins chers, mais ils peuvent également être plus sujets aux retards et aux annulations.

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Jean Claude

Things to do in Moscow: how to visit Moscow | Unmissable, cool & unusual

  • September 2, 2023

Things to do in Moscow best

What are the best things to do in Moscow? What to do in Moscow? First, I will list the main places to visit by theme, passing by the must-sees, but also more unusual places in Moscow. Then, I will describe what to see in Moscow in one day and how to visit Moscow in 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 days. Let’s go!

Good to know. For more information, click on the places to open the dedicated blog posts.

Main places to visit in Moscow & best things to do in Moscow

I worked in Moscow and I loved this city for its dynamism and energy. We find there from time to time to see friends, remember good memories and enjoy this giant city! Then the time has come for us to share with you our practical guide.

TOP 5 must-see places in Moscow

  • Moscow Red Square
  • St. Basil’s Cathedral
  • Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • Bolshoi Theatre

Places of cultural, historical and religious interest in Moscow

  • Novodevichy Convent and cemetery
  • Tretyakov Gallery
  • Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
  • Kremlin Izmaïlovo (pseudo-historic place, recently built in the image of the old, one of the best things to do in Moscow for your Instagram account 😉 )
  • Park and ancient village of Kolomenskoye

Visit Moscow of the Soviet era

  • Moscow State University and Sparrows Hill
  • VDNKh and the Museum of Astronautics, one of the key landmarks of the Soviet era in Moscow
  • GULAG Museum
  • Metro stations
  • The Stalinist skyscrapers, scattered all over the city

Less touristy places in Moscow

  • Gorky Park and the GARAGE museum
  • The old Krasny Oktyabr factory
  • Zaryadye Park
  • Center for Contemporary Art, WINZAVOD
  • Business center, Moscow City

Main districts of Moscow to visit

  • Patriarch Ponds
  • Tchistye Prudy
  • Kuznetsky most
  • Arbat Street

However, regardless of the length of your stay, whether you are going to visit Moscow in 4 days or in 2, you need a visa. The article Obtaining a tourist visa for Russia could then be useful in any case.

What to do and see in Moscow in one day?

List of things to see and do in Moscow in one day:

  • Go to Red Square
  • Visit St. Basil’s Cathedral
  • See Kremlin walls (but not to visit)
  • Visit Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • Discover Kuznetsky most districts and see Bolshoi Theatre building
  • And if you have time at the end of the day: go to the Sparrows Hill or to the Moscow City for a beautiful view

Things to do in Moscow in 2 days

If you want to visit Moscow in 2 days, there are 2 purposes: do not miss the essential places of Moscow and optimize travel.

  • First day: Red Square , Saint Basil’s Cathedral , Zariadye Park, Bolshoi Theatre , Kremlin
  • Day 2: Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the former Krasny Oktyabr factory on Balchug Island, Gorky Park, Moscow State University (one of the Seven Sisters buildings ) and Sparrow Hill

As 2 days os really short, be sure to choose an accommodation in the best districts where to stay in Moscow .

Walking on Red Square in Moscow: one of the unmissable things to do in Moscow

Iconic place and one of the must-see places in Moscow and even in Russia! Besides, if there was only one place to visit in Moscow in 2 days, this place would then be Red Square, without hesitation. Therefore, starting the city tour with Red Square is ideal . Several buildings are on the square, but not all of them have to be visited. Check out my blog post about Moscow’s Red Square in detail to learn more and not miss anything.

Red Square Moscow

Visiting Saint-Basil’s Cathedral inside

Even more emblematic than Moscow’s Red Square! Built in the middle of the 16th century under the orders of Tsar Ivan Le Terrible, this cathedral is one of the most beautiful monuments of Orthodox art, and definitely one of the unmissable places in Moscow. Visiting Saint-Basil’s Cathedral inside is one of the most beautiful things to do in Moscow!

  • Visit estimate time : 1h30
  • Entry ticket : 700 RUB. Tickets can be purchased on the cathedral’s official website 45 days before the tour.
  • Audio guide (recommended): 500 RUB
  • Opening hours : June to August 10 am-6pm; from November to April: 11 am-5pm; May, September, October 11 am-5pm. Cathedral closed on Wednesdays. Entrance is closed 45 minutes before closing.
  • Find out more in the dedicated article: Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow

Saint Basil's Cathedral

Take a walk in Zariadye park: one of the coolest things to do in Moscow after visiting Red Square

Zaryadie Park is just a 10-minute walk from St. Basil’s Cathedral, so it’s easy to include in your itinerary if you’re going to visit Moscow in 2 days. From its heights, you can see the red walls of the Kremlin. But, the most impressive point of view is the platform which overlooks the Moskva river. A must see! And clearly one of the coolest things to do in Moscow!

  • Open 24 hours a day
  • Good to know! Park Zaryadye is also a place to visit in Moscow in winter. Find out more here: What to do in Moscow in winter?

What to do in Moscow

See the Bolshoi Theatre and discover the Kuznetsky Most district

The Bolshoi Theatre is the most famous Russian theater in the world. The most economical way to see a presentation at the Bolshoi Theater is to take the tickets on the theater’s official website in advance, so here is our tutorial to help you: How to buy entrance tickets to the Bolshoi? In addition, several pedestrian or one-way streets

The Bolshoi Theater is the most famous Russian theater in the world. The most economical way to see a presentation at the Bolshoi Theater is to take the tickets on the theater’s official website in advance, so here is our tutorial to help you: How to buy tickets to the Bolshoi? In addition, several pedestrian or one-way streets are located north of the theater. It is therefore very pleasant to find them to leave the main axes of the megalopolis.

IMG_3040 tickets Bolshoi Theatre dress code

Visit the Moscow Kremlin

Visit Kremlin is on top of things to do in Moscow. A place of power for centuries, the Kremlin then shows us a whole different image when viewed from the inside. If you want to visit Moscow in 2 days, the Kremlin is certainly one of the must-see places in Moscow.

  • Opening hours : Daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., except Thursday.
  • See our blog post about visiting the Moscow Kremlin

Moscow Kremlin: skip-the-line tickets and 8 things not to miss

Visit the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

This impressive Moscow Cathedral is the seat of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is a must see if you visit Moscow in 2 days and clearly one of the things to do in Moscow. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was first built in 1883 in memory of Russia’s victory over Napoleon’s Grand Army. Then in 1931 Stalin ordered its destruction. It was then rebuilt again (identically) only in 2000.

  • Where? Ulitsa Volkhonka 15. At the foot of the Kropotkinskaya metro station.
  • Opening hours . Daily: 10: 00-17: 00, except Monday: 13: 00-17: 00
  • Free entry (some closing restrictions, for example a short)

Good to know! In orthodox religious places, one must avoid excessively uncovered clothing. Women should cover their heads. After visiting the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, you can explore Bolotny Island and Gorky Park. This is one of the routes our guide to Moscow.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

The old Krasny Oktyabr factory: one of the coolest things to do in Moscow

If you cross the Moskva River by a pedestrian bridge which is located just in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, you will enjoy a beautiful view of the city and at the same time you can discover Balchug Island. Furthermore, if you want to visit Moscow in 2 days, you can include this island in your itinerary between the cathedral and Gorky park. Here is the old confectionery factory Krasny Oktyabr, which has gradually turned into a fashionable micro-district. There are then some elements of street art, cafes and restaurants and some Moscow bohemian side. At the end of the island you can see a gigantic 98-meter-high monument dedicated to the Russian reforming tsar Pierre The Great.

Good to know! You can find on this island are the trendiest nightclubs in Moscow. On weekends, there are taxi caps after midnight so there are so many people. On the other hand, if you go there in winter and during the day, the island is quite empty and less interesting to see.

Gorky Park is one of the TOP places to visit in Moscow, because it allows you to better understand the life of the locals and their rhythm. In fact, it’s a huge entertainment park. For example, in winter there is a giant ice rink and in summer – free dance or yoga lessons, sandy beaches for playing volleyball, an outdoor cinema. So, like the locals, have a Stakantchik (ice cream or cooked corn), and enjoy the atmosphere of the place: that’s one of the interesting things to do in Moscow to discover the city.

  • Where? Krymsky Val 9. 20 minutes’ walk from Krasny Oktyabr, along the quays.

Sparrow Hill and Moscow State University

The Sparrow Hill, Vorobiovy Gori in Russian, is the highest point in Moscow. It is rather known to Russians, but less to travelers. A nice view on Moscow opens from the hill, and in particular on the Luzhniki Stadium. In addition, on the hill itself is the Moscow State University: an impressive skyscraper from the Soviet era.

  • How to get there? By bus T7 (35 min) from Oktyaborskaya station, near Gorki Park. By metro (Vorobiovy Gorki station) + climb the hill on foot. On foot along the Moskva along the Gorky Park (1h30) + climb in funiculars.

Good to know! It is possible to cross the Moskva river by funicular. We actually tested it and it was pretty cool! That is one of our favorite things to do in Moscow!

What to do in Moscow

What to do in Moscow in 3 days?

If you are going to visit Moscow in 3 days, it would be interesting to dive into the Soviet era which strongly marked the country and the city. After the Bolshevik Revolution, the capital was transferred from Saint Petersburg to Moscow, in order to mark the change of power. Moscow then became the world showcase for communist ideology. Here are the best things to do in Moscow for 3-day-trip!

VDNKh, visit Moscow of the Soviet era

VDNKh is a large exhibition center in the north of Moscow, where there are still several striking witnesses of the USSR. The most interesting are the Museum of Cosmonauts and the Statue of the Worker and the Kolkhozian , which will certainly impress you with its size!


GULAG History Museum

The explanations of the museum are very well done. We really have the feeling of going back in time. If you are going to visit Moscow in 3 days and you are interested in history and this subject in particular, I recommend this museum. Visit the GULAG History Museum is one of the most interesting things to do in Moscow.

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Discover the Patriarche Pounds district

It’s a nice neighborhood in Moscow where you can come across rather affluent locals, but not necessarily very bling-bling. Take a walk in this area is really a cool thing to do in Moscow! In addition, the Ponds of Patriarch is one of the places of Bulgakov’s novel “Master and Margarita”. As this is an interesting area to see, we have included it in a walking tour of Moscow. The route ends at the Moscow Kremlin, which is very convenient, because you will be able to visit Moscow in 3 days by optimizing your trips.

travel extra pack last minute bedeutung

What to visit in Moscow in 4 days: TOP things to do in Moscow in 4 days

If you want to visit Moscow in 3 days, you will already see a lot of things. On the other hand, if you stay one more day, you have plenty to do! The Novodevichy Convent, the Tchistie Proudy district and the Izmaylovo Kremlin are very good candidates for you, if you are going to visit Moscow in 4 days.

Visiting Novodevichy Convent in Moscow

The Novodevichy Convent is one of the most brilliant examples of Russian architecture, according to UNESCO. This beautiful complex was built in 1524 and today consists of the convent, but also of a cemetery whose status could be compared to that of Père-Lachaise in Paris. Visiting Novodevichy Convent is one of the great things to do in Moscow, if you want to go a little bit outside of the center!

What to see in Moscow in one day

Discovering Tchistye Proudy district

It’s one of the most popular areas of Moscow, with many cafes, restaurants and bars nearby. It is therefore a place to discover if you want to visit Moscow in 4 days. It is just as pleasant for a stroll as for the discovery of local life. For example, in winter the pond turns into an ice rink.

Visiting the Izmaylovo Kremlin, one of the coolest things to do in Moscow!

The Izmaylovo Kremlin is more of a tourist than a historic place. On the other hand, it is a pretty impressive place to discover, especially on weekends. Inside the Kremlin, there is a flea market where you can find a little bit of everything, but mostly good souvenirs to bring from Moscow. For example, chapka, traditional Russian scarves or matryoshka (Russian dolls). Add the Kremlin and the Izmaïlovo market to your itinerary if you are going to visit Moscow in 4 days, because it is a nice and very colorful place! Visiting the Izmailovo Kremlin is one of the things to do in Moscow, if you want to put colors in your Instagram account! 😉

Things to do Moscow blog

In 4 days, we will have the opportunity to see several Moscow: Classic Moscow, Moscow of old Russia, Soviet Moscow and a little bit of the new Moscow. So what to visit in Moscow on the 5th day of travel?

What to visit in Moscow in 5 days?

Art lovers will be delighted to discover the Tretyakov Gallery and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, while others will prefer to stroll along Arbat Street, see the buildings of Moskva-City or visit Bunker 42.

Admiring Russian art at Tretyakov Gallery

Founded in 1856 by an industrialist and great lover of art, the gallery has grown over the decades, and then bequeathed to the state. Today the collection includes more than 140,000 pieces, 15,000 of which are paintings. Visiting the Tretyakov Gallery is one of the things to do in Moscow if you want to discover Russian art!

  • Where? Pereoulok Lavrouchinski 10. A 5-minute walk from Tretiakovskaya station
  • Opening hours. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Closed on Mondays.
  • Entry tickets. 500 RUB.

Museum to see

Visiting the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts presents the treasures of ancient Egypt, the paintings of Rembrandt and Cézanne, a fine collection of Impressionism.

  • Where? Ulitsa Volkhonka 12
  • Opening hours. Daily: 10: 00-20: 00, except Thursday: 11: 00-21: 00. Closed on Mondays. The boxes close an hour before closing.
  • Entry tickets. The prices vary according to the collections from 300 to 750 RUB.

Walking on Arbat Street

All Russians know Rue Arbat. So, walking on Arbat street is one of the things to do in Moscow. However, after the years, little by little it became very touristy. This is a pedestrian street only. There are souvenir shops, restaurants and cafes there, but it is no longer the most authentic neighborhood in the city.

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Seeing the buildings of Moskva-City (Moscow City)

Moskva-City is Moscow’s business center, much like Paris’s Defense district. The skyscrapers of Moskva-City are among the tallest in Europe: 373 meters high! Very nice place to see at dusk.

Good to know! You can admire a nice view of Moscow City from the docks of Tarasa Shevchenko. It’s especially beautiful in the evening with all the lights on.

Bunker 42, one of the most unusual things to do in Moscow

Bunker 42 is a secret military complex which was to be used by the Soviets in the event of a nuclear attack: a space of 7000 m² 65 meters underground!

  • Where? 5 Kotelnitcheski Lane, 11.
  • Prices. 2200 RUB per person
  • Opening hours. Open daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Restaurant inside. Original, but rather a tourist trap.

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What to visit in Moscow in 6 days or more?

There are still so many places to see, because Moscow is a big megalopolis and there is always something exciting to do there. For example: the ancient Kolomenskoye village or the WINZAVOD contemporary art center .

If you are interested in history and want to see Russian cities on a rather “human scale”, it would certainly be interesting for you to discover the cities of the Golden Ring . For example, it is very easy to get to Sergey Posad from Moscow (less than 2 hours in train). Visiting the Golden Ring is one of the best things to do in Moscow if you are staying more than a 5-6 days.

There are still plenty of places to see in Moscow, however I did my best to list here the best things to do in Moscow, what to see in Moscow in one day, but also in 2, 3, 4 or 5 days in Moscow!

Moscow travel tips:

  • Airport transfer: how to go to Moscow?
  • Where to stay in Moscow (hotels, districts)?
  • Tourist voucher for Russian visa
  • Christmas and New Year in Moscow
  • What is the best time to visit Moscow?

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  • Historic Hotels (314)
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  • Hotels with smoking rooms (99)
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Moscow City Neighborhoods

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Top Points of Interests in Moscow City

  • Hotels near Red Square
  • Hotels near Moscow Kremlin
  • Hotels near Crocus City Hall
  • Hotels near Bolshoi Theatre
  • Hotels near St. Basil's Cathedral
  • Hotels near Crocus Expo Center
  • Hotels near Lenin's Mausoleum
  • Hotels near Armoury Chamber
  • Hotels near Arbat Street
  • Hotels near Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy
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  • Hotels near Moscow State University
  • Hotels near Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
  • Hotels near State Tretyakov Gallery
  • Hotels near Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • Hotels near Gorky Park
  • Hotels near Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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  • Hotels near Embassy of the United States of America
  • Hotels near New Tretyakov Gallery - Museum of Modern Art

Cities near Moscow City

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Visiting Moscow City

Phenomenal Globe Travel Blog

Moscow Itinerary: How To Spend 3 Days In Moscow

By: Author Lotte

Posted on Last updated: March 2, 2023

Categories Trans Mongolian Express

Moscow is the capital of Russia and there are few cities in the world that have played such a significant part in history.

Home to the Kremlin, the Red Square, the colorful St. Basil's Cathedral, and many more famous landmarks, Moscow is a city like no other.

This Moscow itinerary will help you plan your trip and make the most of your time in Moscow. From the best places to see in Moscow to how to get around, this post has got you covered.

Moscow itinerary

View of the Kremlin Moscow

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Moscow 3 day itinerary: map with highlights

Moscow itinerary map

Click here for the interactive map .

What to do in Moscow in 3 days

  • Day 1: The Red Square, GUM Department Store, St. Basil's Cathedral, Lenin's Mausoleum, and the State Historical Museum.
  • Day 2: The Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Gorky Park, and the Bolshoi Theatre.
  • Day 3: Izmailovsky Market, Bunker 42, and Zaryadye Park.

The famous pedestrian street Nikolskaya Street (Никольская улица) located in Kitay-Gorod Moscow with thousands of fairy lights.

Important things to know when planning a trip to Moscow

The best time to plan a trip to Moscow is April-May and September-October . During these months temperatures are (generally) quite comfortable, though even in April there can be a bit of snow! The summer months are hot, both in regard to temperature as well as activities in the city. While it's a nice time to visit, it's also the busiest time of the year to visit Moscow. Hotel prices reflect this as well and summer definitely isn't a great time for budget travelers to visit Moscow. Winter in Moscow is cold, and I mean seriously cold (-15°C isn't rare). However, if you can withstand the subzero temperatures and freezing winds, it can be a magical time to visit. A snow-covered St. Basil’s Cathedral is a sight you will never forget. Keep in mind that days are short in winter and be sure to bring plenty of warm winter clothes!

The official currency in Russia is the Russian Ruble (₽ or RUB). Here you can find the current exchange rates, at the time of writing €1 is approximately 70RUB and $1 is around 62RUB.

Yes, you probably do. Getting a visa for Russia requires a bit of time and effort. You need to fill out several forms and provide a detailed travel itinerary and information about your accommodation. Also, you will need a Visa Support Letter which can be provided by your travel agency or your hotel. Depending on your nationality, there may be additional requirements, please refer to the information provided on the website of your country's Embassy in Russia.

While most of the things to see in Moscow listed in this post are within walking distance of each other, sometimes you will have to travel a bit further afield. The best way to get around in Moscow is by metro. It's cheap and efficient and a sightseeing activity in itself, because Moscow has the most beautiful metro stations in the world ! Among the most exquisitely decorated stations are Komsomolskaya, Novoslobodskaya, Mayakovskaya, Taganskaya, and Prospect Mira Station, but there are many more worthwhile stations to be found in the Moscow underground. You can purchase a single ticket from one of the ticket machines or get a rechargeable Troika Card when you plan on taking the metro several times. Read more details on how to use the Moscow metro here . If you prefer to get around by taxi, that's possible too. We used the Gett app to order a taxi (similar to Uber) to avoid confusion about our intended destination and having to negotiate in Russian. A convenient extra for families is the Gett Kids option, these cars are outfitted with a car seat.

Moscow metro station

The best things to do in Moscow

While you could easily spend a week in Moscow (or more), most of us, unfortunately, don't have that much time available.

This 3-day Moscow itinerary will guide you to the most popular and important places to visit in Moscow, as well as to some of the more unusual things to do in Moscow.

Below you can find the list of the Moscow sightseeing highlights included in this post.

The Red Square

Gum department store, st. basil's cathedral, lenin's mausoleum, the state historical museum, the kremlin, cathedral of christ the saviour.

  • The Bolshoi Theatre

Izmailovsky Market

Zaryadye park.

Planning a trip to Moscow? Click through to read about the best things to do in Moscow and practical information to plan your Moscow trip. #Moscow #Russia #CityTrip

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Moscow itinerary day 1

The Red Square Moscow Russia

There is no better place to start your first day in Moscow, than at the world-famous Red Square.

This square is considered the central square of Moscow, not just because all the major streets start here, but also because no matter where you look when standing on this square, there are historic buildings all around.

Starting with the impressive GUM store and going clockwise, there is the colorful Saint Basil's Cathedral, the Kremlin, Lenin's Mausoleum, the State Historical Museum, and the Kazan Cathedral.

However, before entering any of these Moscow must-see attractions, allow yourself a moment to take in the view and let it sink in that you're standing on historical grounds (and a UNESCO site).

The Red Square was the official address of the Soviet government and played an important part in history. Many military parades have been held (and are still being held) here. It's the place where protests have taken place, as well as high-profile concerts from famous international artists.

All in all, it's one of the places in Moscow you can't miss during your Moscow city trip!

Red Square with GUM department store in Moscow

Yulia from That's What She Had: it might seem like visiting a department store is not something you’d do on the first visit to Russia’s capital.

But GUM is not like any other department store and is well worth your time, if only for its unique architecture.

First of all, it’s located right on Red Square which makes it an easy stop on your Moscow trip itinerary. Second, GUM is not a simple mall, but an institution built in the late XIX century.

The abbreviation stands for  Glavniy Universalniy Magazin or Main Universal Store. Its impressive facade extends for over 240 meters along the eastern side of Red Square.

Inside you’ll find a beautiful glass ceiling supported by a metal framework, not unlike the ones found in the old train stations of Great Britain. 

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While shopping in GUM will cost you an arm and a leg, there’s one reason why tourists and locals come here anyways:  traditional Russian food  at Stolovaya #57. Stolovaya is Russian for canteen and this is where you can get your  pelmeni , borsch , and  pirozhki  fix!

Afterward, don’t forget to get the famous  plombir  ice cream in one of the kiosks on the ground floor.

Saint Basil's Cathedral Moscow

Saint Basil's Cathedral with its colorful domes is easily recognizable and one of the most popular Moscow tourist attractions. The building, built on orders from Ivan the Terrible, was completed in 1561 to commemorate the victory over Kazan and Astrakhan.

Until the construction of Ivan the Great Bell Tower (which can be found within the walls of the Kremlin), it was the tallest building in Moscow.

The design of St. Basil's Cathedral is truly unique; it's shaped like the flame of a bonfire and not one building in a similar style can be found in the whole of Russia.

A legend tells the story of how Ivan the Terrible had the architects of the Cathedral blinded so they could never build anything comparable.

This is a myth, however, but the fact remains that Saint Basil's Cathedral is one of a kind and it's not surprising it has become the symbol of Russia.

Lenin Mausoleum Moscow Russia

Wendy from The Nomadic Vegan: Lenin Mausoleum is hard to miss. It's a stepped-pyramid construction that sits right at the base of the Kremlin walls on the western side of Red Square.

Entrance is free but note that opening hours are quite limited, with visiting hours lasting only from 10 am to 1 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

If seeing Lenin's embalmed body is important to you, be sure to take this into account when planning your itinerary in Moscow.

One of my  top tips for travelers to Russia  is to arrive early, well before the mausoleum opens, as the queue is usually quite long. However, usually, the queue does move pretty quickly.

This is especially true now that they have lifted the ban on bags and cameras.

It used to be that all cameras, smartphones, and bags of any size had to be checked at a left-luggage office nearby. But now you can bring a small handbag or backpack as well as your camera and phone.

Photography inside the mausoleum is still strictly forbidden, but you are allowed to take photos of the graves of various other important Russian figures that line the path leading to the mausoleum.

Once you finally enter the mausoleum, the atmosphere is surprisingly peaceful and uncrowded. It doesn't feel nearly as rushed as when visiting Mao Ze Dong's tomb in Beijing or Ho Chi Minh's body in Hanoi , for example.

The illumination of the body is very well done and would make for superb photography if it wasn't forbidden. As an added bonus, just after you exit, you'll see the grave of Joseph Stalin outside.

State Historical Museum Moscow

Rai from A Rai Of Light: the imposing crimson building at the northern end of the Red Square is the State Historical Museum.

By decree of Alexander III, the museum was built with the support of Russian historians, philosophers, and artists. The red brick building, dating from 1875, was designed in the Russian revival style by Vladimir Shervud.

The National Museum of Russia houses a collection of over four million items, devoted to the history of the country's ancient and imperial period.

The exhibitions include many items previously owned by members of the Romanov dynasty, such as documents, artwork, personal items, furnishings, and decorations from the palace interiors.

Another exhibit features relics of the prehistoric tribes that once inhabited this region.

Notable items include ancient manuscripts, birch-bark scrolls, a longboat excavated from the banks of the Volga River, and the largest coin collection in Russia, sourced from the museums in St Petersburg .

The State Historical Museum is open daily from 10 am to 6 pm. The entrance fee is 700₽ per adult.

Moscow itinerary day 2

Cathedral Square inside the Kremlin

When listing the best Moscow things to do, one cannot miss the Kremlin! The Kremlin houses the current seat of power in Russia and has done so for several decades.

Within its walls, the offices of the Russian Government can be found. During Soviet rule, the Kremlin was where all the important decisions were made but its history goes back for many centuries.

The first mention of the Kremlin in history books was in 1147, however, the current citadel dates from the 16th century.

The Kremlin is one of the major fortifications found in Europe, with walls that are up to 6.5 meters thick and 19 meters high in particular sections.

Inside the complex, there are many government buildings, however, these aren't accessible to the public.

Around Cathedral Square you'll find (as the name suggests) many churches and cathedrals, such as the Cathedral of the Archangel, Annunciation Cathedral, the Church of Laying Our Lady's Holy Robe, and Ivan the Great Bell-Tower.

While Cathedral Square is definitely worth visiting, the highlight of the Kremlin is a visit to the Armoury.

Inside you can find an impressive collection of Faberge eggs, beautiful dresses worn by Catherine the Great, intricately decorated thrones used by the Tsars, and much more. Unfortunately, photography is forbidden inside the Armoury.

Practical information about visiting the Kremlin

In order to visit both Cathedral Square and the Armoury, you will have to buy two separate tickets. A ticket to Cathedral Square costs 700₽ and a ticket to the Armoury is 1000₽. Prices mentioned are for adults, children below 16 years old are free.

Tickets can be bought at the ticket office onsite on the same day, however, there's no guarantee tickets will be available, especially during peak season.

Conveniently, tickets can be bought online as well, which is highly advisable if you want to make sure you'll be able to visit the Kremlin during your city trip to Moscow.

How much time to spend at the Kremlin

Be sure to allow plenty of time to explore the Kremlin, at least half a day but it's easy to spend more time as there is so much to see.

Please note there isn't any food sold inside the Kremlin, so bring a snack and enough water (especially in summer when it can get pretty hot).

Luggage storage

Backpacks aren't allowed inside the Kremlin, they can be stored (for free) in the cloakroom, but you can bring your camera and a small purse.

We could also take our Babyzen Yoyo stroller inside, which was very convenient as our 10-month-old son could take a nap while we explored the sights.

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour Moscow

After the original Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was demolished by Stalin in 1931, a new version was completed in 2000.

The imposing building is the tallest Orthodox Christian church in the world (103 meters high), and is beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside.

Visiting the Cathedral is free of charge and it's open any day of the week from 10 am to 5 pm (except on Mondays when the opening hours are 1 to 5 pm).

When visiting the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour it's important to dress appropriately. For men, this means no shorts or tank tops.

Women can't enter with mini skirts or shorts, strap tops, or anything too revealing. Also, women are advised to cover their heads with a scarf as a sign of respect.

Inside the Cathedral photography isn't allowed, but believe me when I say there is plenty to see. There are beautiful frescoes, colorful icons, impressive statues, and other vivid decorations.

For a beautiful view over Moscow, walk up the stairs to the 40-meter high observation deck (entrance fee 400₽).  

Visit Gorky Park

Gorky Park ice skating Moscow Russia

Helen from Holidays from Hels : Gorky Park, named after the Soviet writer Maxim Gorky, has recently undergone extensive regeneration to become Moscow's central leisure hub for young Muscovites.

Every day of the week you can find many Moscow residents strolling along the banks of the river in the summer, hiring bikes, picnicking on the grass, or dining at one of the many restaurants.

Open-air cinemas, petanque, and ping pong are all on offer. Not to be missed is the iconic white stone entranceway and museum, complete with columns carved with Soviet hammers and sickles.

In winter, look out for the ducks waddling across the frozen Moskva River, and watch boats attempting to navigate through the cracked ice. However, the real winter highlight is to try ice skating on one of the biggest rinks in Europe!

Ice skating in Gorky Park

The park’s maze of pedestrian pathways is transformed into one huge skating rink, which can play host to up to four thousand skaters. 

Not surprisingly, Russians are talented ice skaters and there is a good chance you will find yourself next to a pirouetting ballerina.

Handily, you will find you will already be wearing most of what you need – gloves, hat, scarf, and thick socks and you can hire skates on-site. Lockers are included in the price if you don’t fancy skating with your day pack.

Disco tunes fill the air, and the whole arena is backlit in spectacular neon lights. Rest your weary legs and warm up at one of the cafes dotted along the frozen pathways, with the added bonus of not having to take off your skates.

Opening times

The rink is open from 10 am until 11 pm on weekdays and until midnight at weekends but closes between 3 and 5 pm. Like most attractions in Moscow, the rink is closed on Mondays. 

The prices range from 350-650₽ and go up in the evening, which is the best time for the light show. Arriving at 5 pm, just as the rink opens for the evening session will give you time to find your ice legs before it fills up with more confident skaters.

Whilst waiting for the rink to open, try out the nearby tubing track where you can shoot down a snowy hill on an inflatable ring repeatedly for a very enjoyable half an hour!

How to get to Gorky Park by metro

The nearest metro is Park Kultury Station, on the other side of the river. As always, check out in advance what this looks like in the Russian Alphabet so you know when to get off!

Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theater Moscow

James Ian at Travel Collecting : one of the best places to go in Moscow is the famous Bolshoi Theater, located only a short walk from Red square. Bolshoy means big in Russian, and the theatre is not only big but also beautiful.

There are two ways to see the theater: on a guided tour or by watching a performance .

Take a guided tour

  • English tours are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11:30 am. Tickets for these tours can be bought (on the same day) at the ticket office located in the Historic building of the theatre (door #12).
  • A ticket costs 2000₽ per person, tours last one hour, and the number of people on a tour is limited to a maximum of 20. The tour takes you inside the theater and to the historic main stage.

Watch a performance

My favorite way to see the theater, though, is to enjoy a performance and experience the theater as a patron.

The entrance is a little underwhelming when you first arrive, the street lobby is small and quite plain and you will be immediately directed up to your floor.

There are helpful attendants on each floor to guide you to the correct door. Arrive a little early and head up to the Grand Salon on the top floor where you can enjoy a glass of champagne while people-watching (Russians dress up for the theater).

Then head to your seat and take in the stunning theater before enjoying the famous Bolshoi Ballet or another performance.

Be sure to book a show at the historic stage, there is a modern stage as well but that isn't nearly as much fun.

Moscow itinerary day 3

Izmailovsky Market Moscow

Karen from WanderlustingK : one of the most interesting Moscow places to visit is the Izmailovsky Market .

This flea market and tourist attraction a bit outside of the tourist center is a recreation of a Tzar’s Palace, known as a Kremlin, produced in a colorful 16th-century style.

The market is filled with tiny stalls that sell everything from snacks to kitsch to authentic items from Soviet times such as hats, pins, and other pieces of memorabilia.

You'll also find authentic antiques such as vases, paintings, and other religious items if you're looking to splurge within the interior parts of the market.

Negotiating in English is not always possible as many vendors only speak Russian, so be sure to practice your Russian numbers and see how well you can do with haggling.

It's important to carry cash when you visit given that many vendors do not accept cards. We ended up purchasing a series of hats at the market, along with a beautiful hot tea glass with a metal holder with a typical Russian scene.

Elsewhere in the market, you’ll also find a few tourist shops that sell typical Russian products. It takes a few hours to see the market in full, so arrive early as the best items go quickly! 

Hallway in Bunker 42 Moscow

Lindsey from Have Clothes, Will Travel : Bunker-42 was once a top-secret, Soviet military complex. Stalin commissioned its construction after the United States succeeded in creating a nuclear bomb.

An impressive 65 meters (or about 213 feet) underground, was the desired depth to protect Russia’s top officials from a nuclear attack.

Bunker 42 became operational in 1954. Fortunately, it was never needed for its true purpose, and instead it was used as the command center of strategic bombers for nearly 30 years.

Nowadays it's a museum dedicated to the Cold War and visiting is a truly unique experience!

You will need to join a tour in order to see the museum. You can call ahead to book your tour (the number is: +7 499 703-44-55), there are several English tours throughout the day that are held at 13:30, 16:30, and 18:30 (the price is 2200₽).

On Mondays, there is an extra tour at 17:30, which lasts an additional 30 minutes and costs 2800₽ per person. There is also the option to book a private tour. However, I am unsure of the price for this.

You will have to wait until exactly 15 minutes before your tour begins before you'll be admitted inside. After paying for your tickets and a quick restroom stop you will descend 65 meters underground…

Another option for visiting Bunker-42, if you would rather not do the tour, is to visit the restaurant inside Bunker-42. Actually, I highly recommend visiting the restaurant before or after a tour as well!

While the food is not that great, it’s worth visiting for a drink. The restaurant is also located within the bunker and is decorated in the old Soviet style.

From time to time there will be live performances and visiting Bunker 42 is definitely an experience worth having while in Moscow! After all, how many people can say they've had a drink in a top-secret Soviet military bunker?

If you’re visiting Moscow during peak season (June-July-August), it would be worth making a reservation, to avoid having to wait. Otherwise, I would not say you need to worry about a reservation at the restaurant.

Bunker-42 is a short cab ride away from Red Square (10-15 minutes). But I recommend taking the metro to get there. The closest station is Taganskaya, which is a beautiful metro station very much worth visiting.

Pedestrian boardwalk in Park Zaryad'ye (also called Zaryadye Park)

Park Zaryad'ye or Zaryadye Park is a lovely place for a stroll and a nice place to relax after a day of sightseeing in Moscow, especially when exploring Moscow with kids.

There are many things to see and do in this park, but I recommend starting your visit at The River Overlook , a 70-meter-long boardwalk with beautiful views over the river and the Kremlin.

Other interesting places to visit in Zaryadye Park are the Ice Cave, The Museum of Nature, and The Glass Crust. But most importantly, do as the Muscovites do and find yourself a nice place in the park to sit down and relax.

Enjoy the view, do some people-watching, and take a moment to think back about all the Moscow top sights you've seen in the past couple of days.

View from Zaryadye Park Moscow

Where to stay in Moscow

There is a huge amount of hotels in Moscow, ranging from budget hostels to exquisite 5-star hotels. Below you can find three well-reviewed Moscow hotels (rating of 8.5+ on Agoda and  Booking ).

3-star hotel in Moscow: MIRROS Hotel Mokhovaya

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This 3-star hotel is one of the best budget Moscow hotels and is all about location! From the hotel, it's just a 10-minute walk to the Kremlin and only 600 meters to the Christ the Savior Cathedral.

Set in a historic 19th-century mansion, the hotel features classic rooms with ensuite bathrooms.

The staff is friendly and there is a metro station nearby (Borovitskaya), making it easy to get to the Moscow attractions a bit further afield.

Click here to book

Modern hotel in Moscow: Barin Residence Myasnitskaya

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The Barin Residence Myasnitskaya is a newly built hotel, located about 1.2km from the Red Square (about a 15-20 minute walk).

The rooms and bathrooms are very modern and clean, the beds are comfortable and room service is available. This hotel is an excellent choice for travelers looking for a nice hotel without a hefty price tag.

Luxury hotel in Moscow: Hotel National Moscow

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Hotel National is potentially the best Moscow hotel. It's a gorgeous 5-star hotel located just a stone's throw away from the Bolshoi Theater, the Red Square, and the Kremlin.

The building was designed by architect Alexander Ivanov and completed in 1903 and has been welcoming international travelers ever since.

With its imperial architecture, luxury design, and charming classic rooms (some with a view of the Kremlin!), the Hotel National is a unique property.

Furthermore, you can enjoy an indoor pool, sauna, and fitness center as well as the well-reviewed Beluga restaurant that serves both Russian and European dishes.

While this hotel doesn't come cheap, your stay at the Hotel National will make your trip to Moscow an unforgettable experience.

Moscow itinerary and travel guide: in conclusion

I hope this guide to Moscow will help you plan a trip to this interesting Russian city. Feel free to ask any questions you may have by leaving a comment or  sending me an email !

Below you can find my other posts about the Trans Mongolian Express , and the stops we made along the way:

  • St. Petersburg itinerary
  • Irkutsk and Lake Baikal itinerary
  • Ulaanbaatar itinerary
  • Trans-Mongolian Express travel guide

Planning a trip to Moscow? This detailed Moscow itinerary will help you plan your trip and discover the best things to do in Moscow. #Moscow #Russia #CityTrip

This post was updated in December 2020.


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    As its name implies, allows you to find some discounted deals at the last minute. As accommodation is a pivotal aspect of any travel, finding a deal on your hotel is always a win. With, you can find excellent hotel deals on last-minute bookings. If you find your hotel cheaper on any UK website within 24 hours ...

  12. last extra charge after booking

    17 March 2022 at 6:08PM. My son booked 2 flights to Bangkok in April through He recieved an email confirming his booking but it WASNT a confirmation email (we've only just seen it says pending confirmation). They've just rung and said they want an extra £54 as the flights have gone up?

  13. Useful Last Minute Travel Checklist: 27 Pre-travel Checklist Things To Do

    17. Pack Something Warm. One item to add to your last minute vacation travel checklist is something warm. Even if you're travelling to a warm destination, it's always a good idea to pack something cosy. Weather can be unpredictable, and you may encounter cool evenings or heavily air-conditioned spaces.

  14. The Ultimate Last-Minute Packing List When You Need to Leave NOW

    Step 4: Stick a spare pair of underwear in your pocket or handbag. If you have no real time to pack a travel wardrobe, spare underwear will give you the ability to keep up with some important hygiene in terms of clothing. Step 5: Add a winter coat, raincoat, etc. If the weather calls for it, of course!

  15. Last Minute Packing Checklist

    Make sure you grab a good book to read. Take Nail Clipper, Nail Polish Remover and Nail Polish or Go to Make up essentials. Lip Balm. An Umbrella. An Insect Repellent. Pack something Warm. Maps and Direction. Don't forget to carry your Beach Towel. Keys.

  16. Opiniones sobre el Pack Travel Extra de Booking: ¿merece la pena?

    A pesar del coste de 55€ del Pack Extra Travel, resulta más rentable incluirlo en nuestra reserva debido a los descuentos que ofrece en comparación con la opción «Basic», que solo contempla vuelo y hotel sin extras. Aunque en primera instancia pueda parecer desconcertante, debemos tener en cuenta que estas estrategias promocionales son ...

  17. C'est quoi le pack travel extra last minute? Tout ce que vous devez

    Le pack travel extra last minute propose différentes options pour répondre aux besoins des voyageurs. Voici quelques-unes des options les plus populaires : Hébergement. Le pack travel extra last minute offre des options d'hébergement abordables, allant des hôtels économiques aux complexes hôteliers de luxe.

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    So why not add our Travel Extra Pack to your booking - you'll get an extra saving on your holiday, plus a... Log In. Log In. Forgot Account? · June 13, 2022 · There are so many fantastic bargains in our summer offers that it's hard to pick just one. So why not add our Travel Extra Pack to your booking - you'll get an extra ...

  19. 21 Things to Know Before You Go to Moscow

    1: Off-kilter genius at Delicatessen: Brain pâté with kefir butter and young radishes served mezze-style, and the caviar and tartare pizza. Head for Food City. You might think that calling Food City (Фуд Сити), an agriculture depot on the outskirts of Moscow, a "city" would be some kind of hyperbole. It is not.

  20. Les avantages du Pack Travel Extra Last Minute propose une option appelée Pack Travel Extra qui inclut à la fois l'hébergement et le vol, le tout à un prix avantageux de 884,50€ par personne au lieu de 914,50€ par personne en formule Basic. En plus de cela, vous recevrez un bon de réduction de 35€ par personne à utiliser lors d'un prochain séjour.

  21. Things to do in Moscow: how to visit Moscow

    Krymsky Val 9. 20 minutes' walk from Krasny Oktyabr, along the quays. Open 24/24; Free; Sparrow Hill and Moscow State University. The Sparrow Hill, Vorobiovy Gori in Russian, is the highest point in Moscow. It is rather known to Russians, but less to travelers. A nice view on Moscow opens from the hill, and in particular on the Luzhniki Stadium.

  22. Last Minute Hotel Near Moscow City, Moscow City Centre

    When you book with Hotwire, finding a cheap hotel near Moscow City in Moscow City Centre is quick and easy. Spend the time saved booking a hotel room on planning a travel itinerary that will make your trip one to remember. Take advantage of that extra time by getting a deeper understanding of the area and get clued into some of its hidden gems.

  23. Moscow Itinerary: How To Spend 3 Days In Moscow

    What to do in Moscow in 3 days. Day 1: The Red Square, GUM Department Store, St. Basil's Cathedral, Lenin's Mausoleum, and the State Historical Museum. Day 2: The Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Gorky Park, and the Bolshoi Theatre. Day 3: Izmailovsky Market, Bunker 42, and Zaryadye Park.