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Naranjada (Sparkling Orange Agua Fresca)

A  naranjada  is a carbonated  agua fresca  made with freshly squeezed orange juice, sugar, and mineral or sparkling water. While a handful of aguas frescas have made their way to drink menus this side of the border, I’ve only tasted a naranjada in Mexico. It’s bright, refreshing, and extremely easy to make at home as long as you have fresh oranges and a little bubbly (water, that is).



  • High in vitamin C: since I use fresh squeezed orange juice for this authentic agua fresca recipe, it’s loaded with immune-boosting vitamin C.
  • No artificial sweeteners: you can leave out the sweeteners altogether or use homemade simple syrup made with pure cane sugar.
  • Sparkling twist: while traditional aguas frescas are typically still (non-carbonated), naranjadas incorporate sparkling water, adding a lively effervescence to the drink.


Agua fresca  literally translates to fresh, cold, or refreshing water, but literal translations do little to describe the true essence of these fruit-forward and fun drinks.

Aguas frescas  are non alcoholic beverages typically made by blending water and sugar with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Some are also made with dry ingredients such as rice , tamarind pods, and hibiscus , which are Mexican pantry staples. 

According to the author and Mexican confections queen, Fany Gerson,  aguas frescas have indigenous roots. “When Aztecs traveled from their farmlands to the markets in Tenochtitlan (what is now Mexico City), they would paddle through channels in the valley’s wetlands and mash some ripe fruit with water as a way to refresh themselves through the journey.”

Nowadays,  aguas frescas  are available just about everywhere in Mexico, from street-side food stands and ice cream shops in rural towns, to high-end restaurants in large cities. They are fresh, diversified, and vibrant and are part of daily life and culture in Mexico. While wildly popular in Mexico,  aguas frescas  are still relatively unknown in the U.S.

Aguas Frescas in Mexico


Not to be confused with agua de naranja , a naranjada is a type of agua fresca made with freshly squeezed orange juice, sugar, and sparkling or mineral water. Agua de naranja , on the other hand, is made with still water.


  • A naranjada , which is made with fresh orange juice and is sometimes referred to as orangeade, sparkling orange agua fresca , or naranajada preparada , is served with mineral water in Mexico.
  • Limondada , which is made with limes and is sometimes referred to as limeade, is also served with mineral water.
  • Agua de naranja and agua de limón are made with still water.
  • So when asked, “ ¿con agua natural o agua mineral? ” be sure to know the difference. Asking for agua natural in your agua fresca means it will be made with still water, while requesting agua mineral will mean it will be fizzy because it’s made with mineral water.



  • Oranges: Valencia oranges are great for juicing, but any variety will work.
  • Mineral water: I like to use Jarritos or Topo Chico, both Mexican brands, for a truly Mexican drink experience, but any mineral water will work. Sparkling water will also work in this recipe.
  • Simple syrup: Make your own simple syrup by boiling one cup of water with one cup sugar until it is completely dissolved. You can also just use granulated sugar as your sweetener for this recipe.



Manual citrus press.

Naranjada Recipe

This citrus press reminds me of the one my aunt from Mexico gifted me over 25 years ago. I still use it regularly, and my kids enjoy using it to make freshly squeezed orange juice and lemonade. VIEW PRODUCT


1. prepare orange juice.

  • Cut oranges in half using a citrus press, extract juice.


2. Mix ingredients

  • Fill glasses halfway with ice, mix in a 1:2 ratio with one part freshly squeezed orange juice to two parts mineral water (example: you would mix 4 ounces of orange juice with 8 ounces of mineral water). Mix it with the mineral or sparkling water just before serving to preserve the fizziness of the drink.
  • Add simple syrup (or your sweetener of choice), to taste. Start with one tablespoon at a time until drink reaches desired sweetness.


3. Serve and enjoy

  • Serve and enjoy immediately.



  • Use your favorite sweetener. I make a simple syrup by boiling equal parts water and sugar, but you can use regular sugar, honey, agave, or your sweetener of choice to make this recipe. Be sure to try this sparkling orange agua fresca recipe without sweeteners first – you might just like it, as-is!
  • Try it with different citrus fruits. Tangerines, cara cara oranges, or blood oranges will be delicious in this recipe as well.
  • Add a tropical twist. Mix in pineapple and coconut water for a fun new fusion.


Aguas frescas  are best served as soon as you make them – especially this one because it’s made with mineral or sparkling water and you want it to stay fizzy. You can store your fresh orange juice and simple syrup in an airtight container in the refrigerator and mix in the bubbly water just before serving.


How do you pronounce naranjada .

Naranjada is pronounced “nah-rahn-HAH-dah” with the stress on the second syllable.

Can I use bottled orange juice instead of freshly squeezed?

I prefer fresh squeezed orange juice, but if you’re pressed for time or making this to serve a large group, choose a high-quality, 100% pure orange juice without added sugars or preservatives, like Natalie’s Orange Juice .

Is a naranjada the same as an orange soda?

No, a naranjada is not the same as orange soda. While both beverages contain orange flavor, naranjadas are made with freshly squeezed orange juice and sparkling water, resulting in a lighter and more natural taste compared to the artificial flavor of orange soda.

Is a naranjada served with ice?

Yes, naranjadas and aguas frescas in general, are always served chilled and with ice.


  • Blood Orange Agua Fresca
  • Kumquat and Carrot Agua Fresca
  • Lime Agua Fresca with Chia Seeds
  • Iskiate (Chia Seed Juice with Limes)

Agua de Guayaba (Guava Agua Fresca)

  • Agua de Fresa (Strawberry Agua Fresa)
  • Maracuya Drink (Passion Fruit Agua Fresca)
  • Watermelon Lime Agua Fresca

Naranjada (Sparkling Orange Agua Fresca)

  • Cutting Board
  • Citrus press
  • Measuring cups
  • Glasses for serving

Ingredients    1x 2x 3x

  • 12 ounces orange juice freshly squeezed, from about 4-6 oranges
  • 24 ounces mineral water or sparkling water
  • simple syrup to taste


  • Cut each orange in half, and then extract the juice. Be sure to remove any seeds.
  • Fill glasses halfway with ice, mix in a 1:2 ratio with one part freshly squeezed orange juice to two parts mineral water. For example, you would mix 4 ounces of orange juice with about 8-9 ounces of mineral water. To preserve the fizziness of this drink, mix it with the mineral or sparkling water just before serving.
  • Mix well and enjoy immediately.

A Note from Lola

Lola’s Cocina is a small business that earns various revenue streams. This includes sponsored posts and affiliate commissions from linked products, which I use and love, at no extra cost to readers. This income helps sustains the site. 

Photography and Styling:  Cacey McReavy (images 1, 6 and 7 only)

naranjada travel foto

Lola Wiarco Dweck

Lola is a Mexican-American recipe developer, writer, and cooking instructor who loves sharing her culture with the world. Growing up in California and spending summers in Mexico, Lola celebrates her family’s Mexican recipes and vibrant culture through Lola’s Cocina.

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Naranjada o Limonada de Naranja


Nada mejor que acompañar tus comidas con un delicioso refresco natural como la naranjada. Lo mejor de todo es que es muy fácil de preparar y además, muy versátil. Puedes añadirle otros ingredientes para hacerla mucho más sabrosa. ¿Quieres aprender a prepararla? Acompañame.

Qué es una Naranjada o “Limonada” de Naranja

La naranjada, también llamada limonada de naranja, es una bebida a base de zumo de naranja, a la que se le agrega agua y azúcar. El resultado es una bebida ligera muy refrescante. A veces se le puede añadir un chorrito de limón, lo que acentúa los sabores de una deliciosa forma. 


Ingredientes naranjada

  • 1 litro de agua
  • 120gr de azúcar o cualquier otro endulzante al gusto

Naranjada Mineral

Si quieres preparar una naranjada mineral solo tienes que sustituir el agua natural por agua mineral. 

Cómo hacer Naranjada Natural Casera

Cómo hacer naranjada

  • Lava bien las naranjas y exprímelas.
  • Vierte el zumo en una jarra, añade el agua y el azúcar.
  • Revuelve hasta que quede homogéneo.
  • Si utilizas agua mineral, primero mezcla el zumo con el azúcar y agrega el agua poco a poco, evitando resolver demasiado. 
  • Una vez listo, guarda la bebida en el frigorífico para que se enfríe.
  • Sirve y disfruta. 

Truco-consejo para una naranjada perfecta tipo americana

Si queremos que el azúcar se quede uniformemente repartido y no al fondo, el truco es disolverlo previamente en el agua caliente . Puedes hervir el agua con el azúcar con cuidado de no pegarlo ni reducir el agua hasta que se disuelva homogeneamente, o bien calentar el agua e ir añadiendo el azúcar removiendo hasta que se integre.

Lo único malo es que tardarás más en tenerla lista y fresca esperando a que se enfrie.

Si usas un endulzante líquido como sirope, stevia líquida, edulcorante líquido etc no tendrás este problema

¿Cómo conservarla y servirla? Jarra y Copa

Jarra de naranjada

La naranjada es mejor consumirla recién preparada porque en ese momento su sabor, textura y nutrientes están en su punto óptimo. Los diferentes elementos ambientales como el oxígeno, la humedad y la temperatura pueden hacer que pierda sus propiedades.

Pero eso no significa que no puedas conservarla. En el refrigerador puedes guardar esta bebida uno o dos días. Es importante que lo hagas en una jarra de vidrio o en un recipiente de plástico, nunca de metal porque este material acelera el proceso de oxidación.

El recipiente donde almacenes la naranjada debe tener tapa y es importante que lo llenes completamente para que no queden espacios con aire. Al momento de servir la bebida, lo mejor es hacerlo en una copa para que luzca más bonita la presentación. 

Variedades y Consejos para la Receta

Naranjada con fresa y limon

La citada agua mineral

Si quieres una naranjada con más sabor, puedes usar agua mineral. Esta es un agua que tiene minerales, así como otras sustancias como sales y gases, que modifican su sabor y enriquecen sus propiedades. Además, su efecto efervecente hace que la bebida sea complemente diferente. 

Las naranjas

Utiliza naranjas bien maduras para facilitar la extracción del zumo. Cuando las compres, verifica que tengan buena apariencia y que no hayan estado muy expuestas al sol porque el calor y el aire inician el proceso de oxidación que hace que la fruta pierda la vitamina C.

Mezclarla con limonada u otras frutas

La naranjada puede combinarse con otras frutas para obtener sabores diferentes. Puedes mezclar esta bebida con limón, fresa, mango, maracuyá, entre otras. 

Echar o no echar hielo

La naranjada es un zumo de naranja aligerado con agua. Por ello, si pones hielo, su sabor podría diluirse. Lo mejor es refrigerar bien la bebida antes de servirla para no tener que añadir hielo. Si la quieres muy fría, una buena opción es preparar hielos de naranja para agregar a tu bebida. 

Hacerla en granizado

Otra forma de consumir la naranjada es en granizado. Para ello, solo tienes que usar hielo en lugar de agua. Exprime el zumo, agrégalo en la batidora de vaso y añade el hielo que necesites. En unos minutos tendrás un delicioso granizado para los días de verano.

autor alberto recortado

¡Hola! Soy Alberto, autor de este blog especializado en bebidas saludables, como batidos, licuados o jugos.

Puse en marcha este blog porque era una forma de combinar 4 pasiones que tenía con años de experiencia: Cocina, Vida Saludable, Nutrición y Blogging.

Además, te contamos también nuestra experiencia y opinión sobre las mejores batidoras y licuadoras del mercado .

Puedes saber más sobre mi en sobre nosotros .

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Naranjada casera, el refresco más natural y sencillo

Naranjada casera, el refresco mas natural y sencillo

Ingredientes para preparar 1 litro

  • 600 ml de zumo de naranja. Por supuesto, mejor si es exprimido en casa.
  • 1 naranja para cortarla en rodajas. No necesitas mucha cantidad, así que con una pequeña te sirve.
  • 400 ml de agua con gas.
  • 25 g de azúcar moreno.
  • Unas hojas de hierbabuena fresca.
  • Cubitos de hielo.

Es el refresco más natural y sencillo que puedes preparar y la receta no puede ser más rápida. En este caso la he preparado con un toque de hierbabuena pero puedes elaborar el refresco sin ella o incluso añadir otros condimentos que prefieras. Es una bebida que puedes tomarla en cualquier momento del día , ya sea para desayunar el típico zumo de naranja pero de una forma diferente, para el aperitivo, durante las comidas o incluso después de ellas.

Preparación, cómo hacer la receta de naranjada casera

  • Exprime las naranjas hasta conseguir la cantidad de zumo indicada y decide cuanto de grumoso quieres el zumo. En mi caso y sobre todo para esta naranjada me gusta colarlo, pero eso ya va en gustos.

Ingredientes naranjada casera

Vamos preparando los ingredientes de la naranjada

  • Lava la otra naranja que he indicado en ingredientes, sécala y córtala en rodajas finas.

Majado naranjada casera con hierbabuena

Ponemos los ingredientes del majado en el mortero

Majado naranjada

Así debe quedar de machacado, no mucho

  • Reparte este majado en los vasos, por ejemplo que tenga cada vaso 2 o 3 trozos de naranja junto con algunas hojas de hierbabuena y azúcar . Lo que te sobre puedes dejarlo en la jarra con el zumo de naranja y el agua con gas.
  • A la hora de servirla reparte hielos en los vasos, cantidad al gusto, y por encima la naranjada . Remueve un poco con una cuchara para que se mezclen los ingredientes con el majado , y ya la tienes lista.

Como hacer naranjada casera, el refresco mas natural y sencillo

Así de apetecible queda la naranjada casera

Tiempo: 15 minutos

Sirve y degusta.

Recién sacada de la nevera y en los vasos repletos de hielos resultará de lo más refrescante . Si te sobra puedes dejarla en la nevera 3-4 días perfectamente, aunque se le irá yendo el gas del agua con gas. Lo bueno es que sigue estando riquísima incluso sin gas, pero si lo prefieres puedes añadirle un poco más de agua con gas antes de tomarla.

Es una bebida que recuerda al famoso refresco de naranja pero con un sabor mucho más natural y, al menos a mi parecer, muchísimo más rica . Además, con el toque del azúcar moreno y la hierbabuena se convierte en una bebida de auténtico… ¡escándalo!

Receta de naranjada casera, el refresco mas natural y sencillo


Puedes cambiar el tipo de endulzante y la cantidad a tu gusto , o incluso no añadirle nada ya que las naranjas de por sí, si son de calidad, resultan bastante dulces. También puedes cambiar la proporción del agua con gas e incluso de la hierbabuena, ya sea no incluyéndola o poniéndole bastante cantidad.

Si quieres servirla granizada , tritura el zumo de naranja con unos hielos y añádele después el agua con gas. Para que la proporción siga bien, procura que entre los hielos y el agua con gas no haya más de 400 g.

Quien dice hierbabuena dice menta , jengibre , un palito de canela o incluso albahaca, ¡te sorprenderás!

Utiliza las mejores naranjas que puedas encontrar , aunque lo cierto es que el verano no es el mejor momento de las naranjas y sin embargo es cuando más nos puede apetecer esta bebida. Aún así, para mi es una bebida de todo el año, cuando me apetece un refresco pero prefiero una opción más natural y casera.

Recetas, secciones e ingredientes que te pueden interesar:

  • Zumos y Refrescos Naturales
  • Agua con gas
  • Hierbabuena

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Natalia, la cocinera de Recetas de Escándalo

La cocinera de Recetas de Escándalo

¡Hola! Soy Natalia Sala, la cocinera y autora de Recetas de Escándalo . Desde mi adolescencia empecé a interesarme por la cocina preparando mis propias recetas y aficionándome a probar cosas nuevas. Uniendo esto a que soy Ingeniera Informática y que me encanta la fotografía y la escritura nació Recetas de Escándalo.

Todas las más de 1000 recetas de la web han pasado por mis manos . Mi objetivo es que puedas cocinarlas de la forma más fácil y rica posible y que te queden igual que en la foto :)

2 comentarios en “Naranjada casera, el refresco más natural y sencillo”

Siempre es bueno beber cosas saludables y bajas en azúcar. -Gustavo Woltmann.

Hola Gustavo! Así es, cuantos más ingredientes naturales mejor 😉 Un saludo!

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This is essentially a fresh orange cooler with a little sparkling water, so it’s kind of like a natural soda. It isn’t as bubbly, but it is quite refreshing and flavorful.


makes about 4 cups


Combine the orange juice and sugar in a pitcher and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Taste and add more sugar if you like.

Refrigerate until completely chilled. Just before serving, add the sparkling water and serve over ice.

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Receta de Naranjada Guatemalteca

Receta de naranjada guatemalteca

Una refrescante naranjada guatemalteca fácil y rápida de preparar que en pocos minutos tienes una bebida natural para disfrutar. Solo sigue los pasos correctamente y sorprende a tus seres queridos con esta receta guatemalteca.

Poner a hervir 2 tazas de agua y azúcar en una pequeña cacerola; cocinar a hervir durante 3 minutos , revolviendo para disolver el azúcar, y creando un jarabe simple.

Combine el jarabe simple, 6 tazas de agua, jugo de naranja y jugo de limón en una jarra grande; refrigere hasta que se enfríe. Servir y disfrutar de esta naranjada guatemalteca .


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Recetas de cocina

  • 1 litro de agua
  • 120gr de azucar

Primero se exprimen las naranjas.

Despues se vierte el zumo en un vaso y se le añade agua hasta que el zumo lo necesite y mas tarde se le añade azucar y todo se remueve hasta que quede bien homogeneo.

Despues se mete la frigorifico y cuando este enfriado se sirve.

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Yellow burnt orange red fiery golden brown black abstract background for design. Color gradient. Rough, grain, noise. Colorful bright spots. Stock Photo

Orange fruit with orange leaves. Clipping path.

Orange fruit with orange leaves. Clipping path. Stock Photo

A vertical of wet oranges on the thick tree

A vertical of wet oranges on the thick tree Stock Photo

Glass of 100% Orange juice with orange sacs and slices fruits isolate on white background.

Glass of 100% Orange juice with orange sacs and slices fruits isolate on white background. Stock Photo

Squeezed orange juice garnished with orange slice on blue background

Squeezed orange juice garnished with orange slice on blue background Stock Photo

Orange with cut in half and leaves levitate isolated on white background.

Orange with cut in half and leaves levitate isolated on white background. Stock Photo

Minimal product placement background with palm shadow on plaster wall. Luxury summer architecture interior aesthetic. Creative product platform stage mockup.

Minimal product placement background with palm shadow on plaster wall. Luxury summer architecture interior aesthetic. Creative product platform stage mockup. Stock Photo

Fresh oranges with water droplets in wooden crate isolated on white background. Clipping path.

Fresh oranges with water droplets in wooden crate isolated on white background. Clipping path. Stock Photo

Bright oranges set. Cut on halves, round slices, quarter pieces fruits closeup, different sides isolated on white background. Summer fresh citrus fruits - design element for advertising, card, poster.

Bright oranges set. Cut on halves, round slices, quarter pieces fruits closeup, different sides isolated on white background. Summer fresh citrus fruits - design element for advertising, card, poster. Stock Photo

orange tree branches with ripe juicy fruits. natural fruit background outdoors.

orange tree branches with ripe juicy fruits. natural fruit background outdoors. Stock Photo

Set of fresh whole and cut orange and slices isolated on white background. From top view

Set of fresh whole and cut orange and slices isolated on white background. From top view Stock Photo

Stack of Orange falling or flying.Creative levitation food on orange color background with vertical frame

Stack of Orange falling or flying.Creative levitation food on orange color background with vertical frame
 Stock Photo

Orange podium and minimal abstract background for Halloween, 3d rendering geometric shape, Stage for awards on website in modern.

Orange podium and minimal abstract background for Halloween, 3d rendering geometric shape, Stage for awards on website in modern. Stock Photo

Orange and black abstract gradient dynamic background

Orange and black abstract gradient dynamic background Stock Photo

Empty orange room with deep artistic shadow. Minimalistic space concept

Empty orange room with deep artistic shadow. Minimalistic space concept Stock Photo

Abstract pink color gradient studio background for product presentation. Empty room with shadows of window and flowers and palm leaves . 3d room with copy space. Summer concert. Blurred backdrop.

Abstract pink color gradient studio background for product presentation. Empty room with shadows of window and flowers and palm leaves . 3d room with copy space. Summer concert. Blurred backdrop. Stock Photo

orange fruit slice isolated

orange fruit slice isolated  Stock Photo

Fresh orange fruit on tree at orchard

Fresh orange fruit on tree at orchard Stock Photo

Soft Gradient background. Vibrant Gradient Background. Blurred Color Wave. Blue, pink gradient background. summer and spring concept. Pastel gradient background. Abstract blurred wallpaper texture.

Soft Gradient background. Vibrant Gradient Background. Blurred Color Wave. Blue, pink gradient background. summer and spring concept. Pastel gradient background. Abstract blurred wallpaper texture. Stock Photo

Orange and red steam on a black background. Copy space.

Orange and red steam on a black background. Copy space. Stock Photo

Orange fruit with orange slices and leaves isolated on white background.

Orange fruit with orange slices and leaves isolated on white background. Stock Photo

Orange garden

Orange garden Stock Photo

Close up bright orange juice texture for health and nature waves

Close up bright orange juice texture for health and nature waves Stock Photo

Orange fruit. Orang slice isolate on white. With clipping path.

Orange fruit. Orang slice isolate on white. With clipping path. Stock Photo

Slice of fresh orange isolated on white background

Slice of fresh orange isolated on white background Stock Photo

Exploding star burst texture japanese radius cartoon pattern abstract background

Exploding star burst texture japanese radius cartoon pattern abstract background Stock Photo

Empty wood table with free space over orange trees, orange field background. For product display montage

Empty wood table with free space over orange trees, orange field background. For product display montage Stock Photo

Summer background. Lemon garden

Summer  background. Lemon garden Stock Photo

Orange fruit with cut half sliced and green leaf flying in the air isolated on white background.

Orange fruit with cut half sliced and green leaf flying in the air isolated on white background. Stock Photo

Orange citrus isolated on white background. Orange with clipping path. Orange with leaves

Orange citrus isolated on white background. Orange with clipping path. Orange with leaves Stock Photo

Vector gradient orange background. Abstract texture of the orange squares for publication, design, poster, calendar, post, screensaver, wallpaper, postcard, cover, banner, website. Illustration

Vector gradient orange background. Abstract texture of the orange squares for publication, design, poster, calendar, post, screensaver, wallpaper, postcard, cover, banner, website. Illustration Stock Photo

Closeup of sliced oranges on a market

Closeup of sliced oranges on a market Stock Photo

Two orange fruits hanging with branch isolated on white background. Clipping path.

Two orange fruits hanging with branch isolated on white background. Clipping path. Stock Photo

Healthy food, background. Orange

Healthy food, background.  Orange Stock Photo

Pouring orange juice into the glass on wooden table in orange farming.

Pouring orange juice into the glass on wooden table in orange farming. Stock Photo

Beauty skin care product presentation podium and display made with porous stones and oranges on white sunny background. Studio photography.

Beauty skin care product presentation podium and display made with porous stones and oranges on white sunny background. Studio photography. Stock Photo

Orange Abstract Background. Painted Orange Color Stucco Wall Texture With Copy Space. Bright Art Wallpaper

Orange Abstract Background. Painted Orange Color Stucco Wall Texture With Copy Space. Bright Art Wallpaper Stock Photo

Beautiful orange cosmos flower falling in the air isolated on white background. Levitation or zero gravity flowers conception. Creative floral layout. High resolution image

Beautiful orange cosmos flower falling in the air isolated on white background. Levitation or zero gravity flowers conception. Creative floral layout. High resolution image Stock Photo

Orange and red background wall to put products. Bodegon 3d for cosmetic products. Light natural and realistic with shade of palm leaf.

Orange and red background wall to put products. Bodegon 3d for cosmetic products. Light natural and realistic with shade of palm leaf. Stock Photo

Orange fruit with green leaves on the wood. Home gardening. Mandarine oranges. Tangerine oranges. Orange color. Fresh orange juice.

Orange fruit with green leaves on the  wood.  Home gardening. Mandarine oranges. Tangerine  oranges. Orange color. Fresh orange juice. Stock Photo

Neroli white flowers and buds set isolated on white. Citrus bloom. Five orange tree blossoms.

Neroli white flowers and buds set isolated on white. Citrus bloom. Five orange tree blossoms. Stock Photo

Glass of 100% Orange juice with sacs and sliced fruits isolate on white background.

naranjada travel foto

Fiery red brown burnt orange copper black abstract background. Geometric shape. Color gradient. 3d effect. Noise rough grungy grain. Neon light metallic. Design. Template. Web banner. Wide. Panoramic.

Fiery red brown burnt orange copper black abstract background. Geometric shape. Color gradient. 3d effect. Noise rough grungy grain. Neon light metallic. Design. Template. Web banner. Wide. Panoramic. Stock Photo

Orange background

Orange background Stock Photo

Ripe orange isolated on white background Clipping Path

Ripe orange isolated on white background Clipping Path Stock Photo

a branch of an orange or tangerine tree with fruits and flowers, isolated on a white background

a branch of an orange or tangerine tree with fruits and flowers, isolated on a white background Stock Photo

Black dark blue gray copper red brown burnt orange gold yellow abstract background. Color gradient ombre. Geometric shape. Stripe line angle. Rough noise grungy grain texture. Design. Template. Shine

Black dark blue gray copper red brown burnt orange gold yellow abstract background. Color gradient ombre. Geometric shape. Stripe line angle. Rough noise grungy grain texture. Design. Template. Shine  Stock Photo

Fresh Orange juice dripping isolated on white background.

Fresh Orange juice dripping isolated on white background.  Stock Photo

Orange fruit with slice isolated on white background. Orange with clipping path

Orange fruit with slice isolated on white background. Orange with clipping path Stock Photo

Bright colourful abstract background made by transparent and ribbed acrylic glass. Empty showcase for makeup and cosmetics product commercial. Podium for new package demonstration and advertisement.

Bright colourful abstract background made by transparent and ribbed acrylic glass. Empty showcase for makeup and cosmetics product commercial. Podium for new package demonstration and advertisement. Stock Photo

orange fruit slice isolated on white background

orange fruit slice isolated on white background 
 Stock Photo

Sunset Sky Clouds in the evening with Red, Orange, Yellow and purple sunlight on Golden hour after sundown, Romantic sky in summer on Dusk Twilight

Sunset Sky Clouds in the evening with Red, Orange, Yellow and purple sunlight on Golden hour after sundown, Romantic sky in summer on Dusk Twilight  Stock Photo

sliced orange isolated on the white background

sliced orange isolated on the white background  Stock Photo

front view fresh sliced orange on dark background ripe mellow fruit juice color citrus tree citrus, Whole and sliced ripe oranges placed on marble background, half orange fruit.

front view fresh sliced orange on dark background ripe mellow fruit juice color citrus tree citrus, Whole and sliced ripe oranges placed on marble background, half orange fruit. Stock Photo

Male and Female engineer with orange safety vest and hard hat work in train garage

Male and Female engineer with orange safety vest and hard hat work in train garage  Stock Photo

Glass of cool orange juice with water droplets isolated on white background.

Glass of cool orange juice with water droplets isolated on white background. Stock Photo

Single orange peel on a white background. Vitamin C, beauty health skin concept.

Single orange peel on a white background. Vitamin C, beauty health skin concept. Stock Photo

Stack of Orange falling or flying.Creative levitation food on orange color background with Horizontal frame

Stack of Orange falling or flying.Creative levitation food on orange color background with Horizontal frame
 Stock Photo

floating brown steam smoke with from the humidifier on a black background

floating brown steam smoke with from the humidifier on a black background Stock Photo

Creative summer pattern made of oranges and green leaves on pastel yellow background. Fruit minimal concept. Flat lay.

Creative summer pattern made of oranges and green leaves on pastel yellow background. Fruit minimal concept. Flat lay. Stock Photo

Orange fabric cloth texture for background and design art work, beautiful crumpled pattern of silk or linen.

Orange fabric cloth texture for background and design art work, beautiful crumpled pattern of silk or linen. Stock Photo

Sunset Sky, Beautiful nature in Early Morning with Orange, Yellow sunlight clouds fluffy, Golden Hour Sunrise Background

Sunset Sky, Beautiful nature in Early Morning with Orange, Yellow sunlight clouds fluffy, Golden Hour Sunrise Background  Stock Photo

Beautiful purple gradient background smooth and texture

Beautiful purple gradient background smooth and texture Stock Photo

White round concrete podium on orange background with shadows. Mock up for cosmetic products and presentation. Product display.

White round concrete podium on orange background with shadows. Mock up for cosmetic products and presentation. Product display. Stock Photo

Calendula officinalis flower isolated on white background. Marigold medicinal plant, healing herb. Set of three calendula flowers.

Calendula officinalis flower isolated on white background. Marigold medicinal plant, healing herb. Set of three calendula flowers. Stock Photo

Tilted drinking glass with orange juice spilling out and a flying orange slice isolated on white background. Real studio photo.

Tilted drinking glass with orange juice spilling out and a flying orange slice isolated on white background. Real studio photo. Stock Photo

Orange fruits hangging with branch and green leaves isolated on white background. clipping path.

Orange fruits hangging with branch and green leaves isolated on white background. clipping path. Stock Photo

Orange fruit isolate. Orange citrus with drops on white background. Whole wet orange fruit with leaves. Full depth of field.

Orange fruit isolate. Orange citrus with drops on white background. Whole wet orange fruit with leaves. Full depth of field. Stock Photo

Golden yellow orange red abstract background. Color gradient. Bright fiery background. Space for design. Poster. Mother's Day, Valentine, September 1, Halloween, autumn, thanksgiving. Hot sale. Empty.

Golden yellow orange red abstract background. Color gradient. Bright fiery background. Space for design. Poster. Mother's Day, Valentine, September 1, Halloween, autumn, thanksgiving. Hot sale. Empty. Stock Photo

Abstract art background light yellow and golden colors. Watercolor painting on canvas with soft orange gradient. Fragment of artwork on paper with amber pattern. Texture backdrop.

Abstract art background light yellow and golden colors. Watercolor painting on canvas with soft orange gradient. Fragment of artwork on paper with amber pattern. Texture backdrop. Stock Photo

Isolated oranges. Collection of whole, half, slice, piece orange fruits with leaf isolated on white background with clipping path

Isolated oranges. Collection of whole, half, slice, piece orange fruits with leaf isolated on white background with clipping path Stock Photo

Glass of fresh juice isolated on white background

Glass of fresh juice isolated on white background Stock Photo

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Receta fácil para preparar una naranjada con agua mineral en minutos

Receta fácil para preparar una naranjada con agua mineral en minutos

El jugo de naranja es igual de delicioso que refrescante, por ello existen cientos de bebidas que podemos preparar con él, incluso tragos sin alcohol aptos para el consumo de todos, justo como esta naranjada con agua mineral, la bebida perfecta para darle ese toque fresco y dulce a tu menú de hoy, lo mejor de todo es que es muy fácil de preparar así que puedes tenerla lista en minutos sin muchas complicaciones.

La naranjada clásica es una variante de la limonada clásica y al igual que esta bebida podemos preparar varias versiones de naranjada tomando como base el jugo de naranja y agregando los ingredientes que mas te gusten a tu bebida, esta vez te enseñaremos a preparar la versión tradicional y popular de la naranjada , pero tu puedes experimentar con los sabores y preparar una según tu imaginación y gustos.

Naranjada con agua mineral


  • 10 naranjas
  • 1/4 taza de Jarabe natural
  • 1 litro de Agua mineral

Comienza cortando las naranjas por la mitad excepto una, esta la reservaremos para la decoración de nuestra naranjada, el resto de naranjas deberás exprimirlas para extraer su jugo , una vez que tengas el jugo de naranja fresco tienes que colarlos para eliminar los huesos y la pulpa fibrosa de la naranja que pudo haberse incorporado al jugo , ya que puede resultar un poco molesta en tu bebida , la naranja que reservaste córtala en rodajas finas.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by GastroLab (u0040heraldogastrolab)

Agrega en una jarra el jarabe natural y el jugo de naranja , revuelve muy bien hasta que los dos ingredientes se incorporen bien, añade las rodajas de naranja y rellena tu jarra con agua mineral hasta el tope, agita de manera suave para evitar crear demasiada espuma con el agua mineral, una vez que todos los ingredientes estén bien mezclados, complementa con hielo y sirve tu bebida en vasos.

Otras Noticias

¿Buscas un cuerpo marcado para lucir en esta primavera? Conoce el licuado de proteína natural que te ayudará a aumentar la masa muscular en solo 30 días.

Aumenta tu masa muscular en solo 30 días con este licuado de proteína natural

Aumenta tu masa muscular en solo 30 días con este licuado de proteína natural

¡Sigue estos sencillos pasos para preparar una margarita tradicional y sorprende a tus conocidos con este delicioso cóctel!

Aprende a preparar este coctel tradicional: Margarita de limón para el calor

Aprende a preparar este coctel tradicional: Margarita de limón para el calor

La canela, por su parte, nos ayuda también a mejorar la digestión gracias a todos los antioxidantes que tiene

Receta para hacer un agua de horchata con avena y canela para el calor

Receta para hacer un agua de horchata con avena y canela para el calor

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naranjada travel foto

The art of the travel diary – in pictures

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For the past 13 years, Spanish artist José Naranja has been combining sketches, calligraphy and collage to create personal notebooks inspired by his travels. “I collect ideas, dreams and experiences,” he says. Naranja quit his job as an aeronautical engineer to dedicate himself to his art, through which he says he creates “a little space of freedom” for himself. He has completed 15 notebooks, their pages filled with musings, illustrations, and stamps and tickets from his travels. After using Moleskine notebooks for many years, he now binds his own by hand, selling facsimiles under the title The Orange Manuscript . Based in Madrid, Naranja hopes his work can speak to a global audience: “Even if they don’t understand the language, they can feel something.”

Tasha Kleeman

Sat 24 Nov 2018 12.00 EST Last modified on Wed 19 Oct 2022 11.03 EDT

Illustrated notebooks by artist José Naranja

Photograph: All images copyright: José Naranja

Illustrated notebooks by artist José Naranja

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Travel Memories in Ink: An Insight into José Naranja’s Travel Sketchbooks

' src=

José Naranja , an artist renowned for his keen eye for detail and his nomadic lifestyle, prefers to etch his travel memories into sketchbooks rather than merely flicking through digital snapshots. As a seasoned explorer and attentive observer, his vivid recollections manifest in the form of personalized journals filled with meticulous illustrations and informative notes. These sketchbooks are a fusion of reality and his artistic interpretation, where the collected mementos of his trips from far-off lands and the pages of his trusty Moleskines converge.

Naranja's artistic repertoire is quite expansive, with a predilection for using watercolors and ink to breathe life into his sketches . His favorite subjects include the majesty of aeronautics, iconic movie characters, and intricate maps. However, Naranja's explorations were grounded during the recent past, much like many global travelers, due to circumstances beyond his control. Despite these setbacks, the seasoned voyager managed to restart his journeys, painting vibrant pictures of his Asian exploits, particularly in Thailand , in his latest notebook entries.


Adding to his list of ongoing projects, Naranja is currently channeling his artistic vision into an avant-garde oracle deck, offering glimpses of the year 2050. This speculative project is a blend of various disciplines, including science, art, and philosophy, all seen through Naranja's imaginative lens, adding a whimsical touch to potential futures.

Moreover, Naranja has recently published a new book, " The Nautilus Manuscrip t". Readers can dive deep into the world of this author, artist, and explorer, gaining insights into his creative process and his unique perspective on the world. To stay updated on Naranja's latest works and projects, followers can track his journey on Instagram . His social media presence acts as a live window into his life, artistry, and adventures, offering an authentic glimpse into the narrative of his extraordinary life.


As an artist, José Naranja's work is a testament to the beauty of keeping traditions alive, reminding us of the charm of tangible mementos in an increasingly digital world. His love for travel, keen observation skills, and artistic prowess blend together in his sketchbooks, creating a compelling journey for everyone who flips through their pages. Whether it's his books, his oracle deck, or his social media presence, Naranja invites us all to join him on his voyages and partake in his unique view of the world.

text, calendar, whiteboard

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Art Illustration

#drawing #josé naranja #maps #stamps #travel, maps, everyday ephemera, and watercolor drawings record josé naranja’s travels with fantastic detail, june 29, 2023, grace ebert.

An open sketchbook shows an illustrated map of thailand with pens and watercolors nearby

All images © José Naranja, shared with permission

Rather than scrolling through photos from a recent trip,  José Naranja ( previously ) remembers his travels through exceptionally detailed sketchbooks with notes, illustrations, and ephemera collected during his visits. The artist and author is an avid tourist and dedicated observer, and he saturates the blank pages of his Moleskines with watercolor and ink drawings of airplanes, film characters, and maps. Like most of us, Naranja was unable to travel during much of the last few years, although he’s resumed his adventures and frequented Thailand and other parts of Asia, which are reflected in his latest spreads.

Currently, Naranja is working on an experimental illustrated oracle deck that envisions the year 2050 through the lens of science, art, and philosophy, all tinged with his signature fantastical approach. The artist’s latest book, The Nautilus Manuscript , is available now, and you can follow updates on his work on Instagram .

An open sketchbook shows drawings of pens, pouches, notes, and ephemera with pens and watercolors nearby

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Naranja vs Anaranjado: The Color Orange In Spanish

naranjada travel foto

“Naranja” and “anaranjado” are two words used in the Spanish language and that in English have the same meaning: “Orange”. Spanish-speaking people, thanks to the fact that it is their native language, can use both words correctly and naturally without any problem, understanding in which context to use them since they may have minimal differences.

However, it is not so easy for a non-Spanish-speaking person to know the difference between these two words and to use them correctly, although, to tell the truth, you could say the word “naranja” all your life and never mention “anaranjado/a” in any context, and you will always have spoken correctly. However, whoever wants to learn a new language will always have the intention of improving their vocabulary and learning to use as many words as possible, no matter how many synonyms are included in their learning.

This is why, at SpanishVIP, we want to teach you how to say “naranja” and “anaranjado/a”, so that you learn the difference between the two words, and that, about colors, you have no problem using these terms at any time.

DID YOU KNOW…?    As in English, “orange” also refers to the fruit. However, the word “orange” only refers to the color.

Difference between “naranja” and “anaranjado”

According to one of the meanings of “naranja”, the only difference between this and the other word is that the first one is a fruit, and “anaranjado” is a color (the same color as this fruit). However, when we speak directly of the second meaning of “naranja”, which is color, there would be no difference between the two words, being an adjective used to refer to an object, animal, or person that is of this color.

what are the differences between anaranjado and naranja

According to the Royal Spanish Academy , the meaning of “naranja” can be both the fruit and the color, so at the official or popular level there are no disagreements about using this word in the way each individual wishes, depending on the context.

On the other hand, there is a group of people who, when they use the word “orange”, refer more than anything to the nuances that complement a color that is not completely orange. Still, most Spanish speakers do not make much difference between “orange” and “orange” when referring to the color of something.

Another simple difference that we could find between “naranja” and “anaranjado” is that “naranja” is a neutral word, that is, it has no gender:

  • Esta camiseta es naranja. ( This shirt is orange).
  • El árbol naranja de mi patio trasero se va a caer. ( The orange tree in my backyard is going to fall).
  • No hay una rosa naranja en mi jardín, pero sí un fruto naranja. (There is not an orange rose in my garden, but there is an orange fruit).

Meanwhile, the word “anaranjado” can have a gender (female: anaranjada), so it is necessary to correctly use the gender of this color depending on whether the object, animal, or person spoken of is feminine or masculine:

Masculine :

  • Necesito unos pantalones anaranjados para ir a la escuela. (I need some orange pants to go to school).
  • Si te pintas el pelo de anaranjado , te verás raro. (If you dye your hair orange, you’ll look weird).
  • Las mandarinas son anaranjadas cuando maduran. ( Tangerines are orange when ripe).
  • La gaseosa anaranjada es la que más me gusta. ( The orange soda is my favorite).
⚡ QUICK NOTE… Remember, there is only one definite article, “the” In Spanish, you must choose between four definite articles: el, la, los, and las. Which one you choose depends on the noun which follows. The definite articles in Spanish address two things: gender, and if a word is singular or plural.  El – Masculine singular La – Feminine singular  Los – Masculine plural Las – Feminine plural

Vocabulary to differentiate all the words related to “orange” in Spanish depending on whether it is an adjective or a noun.

Use of “naranja” and “anaranjado” singular and plural

There is a big difference between the word orange in English and Spanish, and that is that, in addition to the fact that the word in Spanish has a gender, it can also be plural as long as it is describing a group of two or more things, animals, food, people, etc.

Naranja – Anaranjado / Anaranjada Some examples are:

  • Tengo una camisa naranja – I have an orange shirt.
  • Cuando el sol se oculta, la vista es anaranjada – When the sun goes down, the view is orange .
  • Mi pastel es anaranjado gracias a que tiene un poco de calabaza – My cake is orange since it has a little bit of pumpkin.

Naranjas – Anaranjados / Anaranjadas Some examples are: 

  • No hay tantas frutas naranjas como frutas rojas. – There are not as many orange fruits as red fruits.
  • Tu pantalón tiene rayas anaranjadas , ¡Que genial! – Your pants have orange stripes, how cool!
  • Los labios de Vanessa están un poco anaranjados. – Vanessa’s lips are a bit orange.
QUICK NOTE…   Discover the vibrant world of colors in Spanish ! Dive into this article to explore a kaleidoscope of hues and expand your Spanish vocabulary today.

Shades of oranges in Spanish

As you well know, colors have many shades and tones, and one of the ways to differentiate one color from another is by highlighting whether it is dark or light. There are more than 130 shades of the color orange, but the ones most used in the everyday language of Spanish speakers are the following:

  • Naranja claro. – Light orange.
  • Naranja oscuro. – Dark orange.
  • Naranja paste l. – Pastel orange.

Some examples are:

  • Debes utilizar el naranja oscuro para colorear este dibujo. – You must use dark orange to color that drawing.
  • Normalmente, el pico de los patos es color naranja claro. – Duck bills are normally light orange in color .
  • Me encanta ese vestido color naranja pastel. – I love that pastel orange dress.

Orange objects in Spanish

Nothing better than learning more vocabulary that is related to the color orange than learning how objects, food, or animals of this color are translated into Spanish. In this case, when talking specifically about orange objects in Spanish, we have a table with the best known below:

Look at some phrases related to these orange objects:

  • Las cajas negras de los aviones son anaranjadas. – Black boxes on airplanes are orange.
  • Las hojas son verdes en primavera, mientras que en otoño son naranjas. – The leaves are green in spring, while in the fall they are orange.
  • Toma la cabeza de calabaza anaranjada que ves allí. – Take the orange pumpkin head you see there.
  • Existen varios tipos de macetas para plantas , las marrones o las naranjas. – There are several types of pots for plants, brown or orange.
  • Si tomas las pastillas anaranjadas obtendrás un buen contenido de vitamina C. – If you take the orange pills you will get a good content of vitamin C.
  • ¿Por qué el balón de baloncesto es anaranjado ? – Why is the basketball orange?
  • Los ladrillos no son naranjas antes de fabricarlos. – Bricks are not orange before they are made.
  • Esa flor anaranjada que ves allí es una flor gerbera. – That orange flower you see there is a gerbera flower.

how do you say oranges in spanish

Orange Food in Spanish

There are different orange foods, mainly fruits and vegetables or foods from nature, so here is a list of the best-known orange foods:

Look at some phrases related to these orange foods:

  • En Halloween , los niños decoraron una calabaza de color naranja. – The orange fruit that I like the most is pumpkin.
  • Las naranjas son anaranjadas cuando maduran. – Oranges are orange when ripe.
  • El jugo de mandarina tiene color naranja , pero el jugo de naranja es de color amarillo. – Tangerine juice is orange in color, but orange juice is yellow in color.
  • Comer mucha zanahoria podría poner la piel de los niños anaranjada. – Eating too much carrot could turn children ‘s skin orange.
  • El jugo de papaya con naranja es una mezcla perfecta de frutas anaranjadas. – Papaya juice with orange is a perfect mix of orange fruits.
  • Los duraznos y los albaricoques se parecen mucho, pero los primeros son anaranjados y los segundos amarillos. – Peaches and apricots look a lot alike, but the former are orange and the latter are yellow.
  • El boniato también es conocido como la papa naranja. – The sweet potato is also known as the orange potato.
  • El níspero no es un alimento tan conocido, pero por su color anaranjado , se parece a algunas frutas. – The medlar is not a well-known food, but due to its orange color, it resembles some fruits.

Orange animals in Spanish

Although it is not usual, different animals are orange in color or have orange stripes or spots on their direct skin or their fur. Learn about some of these animals and how they are translated into Spanish.

Look at some phrases related to these orange animals:

DID YOU KNOW…?    You can also say “naranjo” or “naranjado/a”, but the former is usually used to refer to the orange tree and the latter is often used to refer to orange juice.

what is the color orange in spanish

Colorín colorado…

As you have seen, in Spanish Vocabulary , the words “naranja” and “anaranjado” can be interpreted in the same way when we want to mention the color orange in Spanish. They may have some grammatical or gender differences that are easy to classify depending on whether we are talking about a female or male animal, person, or object.

Without a doubt, it is great to know how to differentiate these words and recognize these details, which, although they are minimal, allow you to improve your Spanish and appear to have a more native accent. Details like those that make the difference are what we at SpanishVIP want to highlight, and for this reason, if you are interested in improving your way of speaking, we want to give you a free Spanish lesson or a 7-day trial in our group classes that will motivate you to perform great speaking conversational Spanish like Spanish speakers.

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Independent Travel to Moscow and St. Petersburg

My wife and I have traveled independently to many European countries and, after reading many of the comments in this forum, feel like we may be able to do so in Moscow and St. Petersburg as well, although we feel somewhat less comfortable than the other countries where we have traveled in Europe.

My biggest question is how much we will miss by visiting the main sites without a tour guide. In the other European countries we have visited on our own we have been comfortable and satisfied with the level of knowledge we have gained by studying and visiting on our own, although we believe a tour guide or tour company in any country would normally be able to provide greater insight than visiting a site on our own, but about in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Unless you speak at least some Russian and read the alphabet it would be difficult without a guide. Very few signs in English especially in Moscow. Also not too many people speak English there.

I visited St Petersburg last Autumn for a protracted period , and did not find it anymore daunting than any other European city . As Ilja says , learning the Cyrillic alphabet is a big plus . I also found that it was fairly easy to grasp . It will , among other things , enable you to read signs with relative ease . I would answer the main part or your question ( about tour guides ) thus - I am not enamored of tour guides or tours. While I only use a tour under duress ( A sites rules prohibiting an independent visit - ie Glasgow School of Art , Municipal House in Prague , etc ) . Doing your own preparation and homework is the best way , in my opinion . My wife and I ventured through St Petersburg with nary a concern ,and made two day trips outside of the central district ( one was twenty five miles away , and no English speakers in sight ) Figuring out the logistical details , did not present any difficulties . While I never use tours , I am an inveterate eavesdropper , have done so many times , and find , that on balance , the information that they impart is fairly elementary . If you want greater detail , they are unlikely to supply it . I also prefer to go at my own pace , not being rushed and being able to dwell on things that most other visitors barely give a passing glance . If you are interested , let me know . I would be happy to provide you with information that will enable you to travel independently

Thank you, Steven. I am encouraged by your comments and feel the same way you do about tour groups. We are very much willing to prepare in advance and learn the basics of the Cyrillic alphabet to help us have a better experience.

I would be very interested in learning more about your experience in Russia and receiving any additional information you can provide on independent travel there, starting perhaps with obtaining the visa.

I am not opposed to hiring a private or small group guide for a specific site or for a day trip outside St Petersburg and Moscow, but, like you said, I much prefer the freedom of staying at places as long or short as I want and seeing the sites that interest me most. For example, neither my wife nor I are big into shopping, yet most tour itineraries leave afternoon time for just that. Not interested!

Please provide whatever you may feel would be helpful for us.

Russ , I see you are quite near San Francisco - you can start by looking at the VISA procedure , it's fairly straightforward . Since there is a consulate in San Francisco - look here

And here -

Having always traveled independently, we thought we could do a better job than any tour. How misguided (pun intended) we were. Now that we have had the experience of having someone native to the area walk us around and explain things through a personal perspective we realize how much we missed. For St. Petersburg I highly recommend . This is not a traditional guided tour, but an opportunity to receive some orientation to the area as well as insight into the "Russian soul". I think if you did this upon arrival the rest of your time would be much more meaningful. We really liked the . The location is superb (just around the corner from the Hermitage square), the rooms lovely, the included breakfast at the restaurant next door ample and overall an excellent value. We used this company to get our visa: Note that it costs about the same for a 3-year visa as a one-year, and you never know if you might want to return within that more extended window of time. It is not cheap, so factor that into your planning.

If you like traveling without a guide in other countries and find this satisfying, the same will be true in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Of course it's not either/or - you can certainly take a guided walk or boat tour, for instance.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of learning Cyrillic if you're going on your own. The book I used was Teach Yourself Beginner's Russian Script, which was great. It breaks down the alphabet into letters that are the same as English, letters that look the same but are pronounced differently, etc. It's out of print, but you can get used copies on Amazon:

Russia is indeed a bit more "foreign" than say, Italy. However, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, I found enough English to be able to get by. Many restaurants had English menus and/or English speaking staff, for instance. This was most emphatically not true in Vladimir and Suzdal (two cities in the Golden Ring outside Moscow). I went with my sister, a Russian speaker, and if she hadn't been there, I would have been in big trouble. So, if you want to see places outside these two big cities, use a guided tour (even if just for that part). Also, Moscow and St. Petersburg are huge cities. Coming from New York, I wasn't intimidated, but those not used to a megacity may not be so cavalier (even I found them overwhelming at times, especially Moscow).

I found both Lonely Planet and Rough Guide to be helpful, and both to have various errors. Look at both, buy whichever one has a more recent edition, and then be prepared to have to discard some of the advice therein. Also, these places change more quickly than places in Western Europe. Be very careful of outdated advice. For instance, I was there in 2001 and 2010, so I won't give you any specifics on getting a visa - that changes constantly.

Just as a teaser, two things I saw and loved that I doubt would be included in any escorted tour are the Gorky House in Moscow (an Art Nouveau wonder) and the Sheremyetov Palace in St. Petersburg (it's now a museum of musical instruments, and the decor is amazing, particularly in the Etruscan Room).

Thanks for all the good advice. Any additional thoughts are welcomed.

One of history's seminal works pertaining to Russian history and culture and a MUST for anyone contemplating a visit or simply interested , is this fine work from 1980 -

This is about you and not about Petersburg. Do you like guided tours? We don't and didn't find that a guide added to our experience in China where we did hire private guides mostly for the logistics; it was easy to have someone drive us places. But once at a site, we didn't need the guide. I felt the same way about our 9 nights in Petersburg. We did hire a guide for the trip to the Catherine Palace again for the ease of logistics for us Olds. Here is our visit: There are also snapshots of the Church on Spilled Blood in this photo journal. Having someone pick us up at the apartment and get us in without line ups and shepherd us through the palace steering clear of the tour groups was lovely. But we didn't need commentary because we can read and prepare.

You certainly don't need a guide for the Hermitage (we spent 4 days there), the Russian Museum, the Kazan Cathedral or Church on Spilled Blood or the Faberge Museum. We enjoyed a number of self guided walking tours including a couple from Rick Steves guidebooks. We took the canal cruise suggested by RS that had an English commentator. I would not take one without that as you will be totally clueless. The commentator was not all that good but at least we had some idea what we were seeing. So for people like us who like to do our own thing and can read a guidebook and don't particularly like to be led about, a tour is not needed. If you enjoy tour groups, then go for it. Petersburg is easy to negotiate. It helps if you can read the cyrillic alphabet and it is also useful to have the google translate ap on your phone. We found ourselves translating packages in grocery stores with it and the occasional museum sign or menu. I have one food I need to avoid and so it was handy to have the translator to talk with waiters (I could either show them the sentence, or play it for them or play it to myself and then repeat it to the waiter -- that all worked well)

Dear Russ, I cannot help you with Moscow, but about four years ago, my husband and I went to St Petersburg on our own. But, we did use a private guide for 4 half days. We both feel that our guide absolutely made our trip (we stayed 6 or 7 nights). We used a company owned by Tatyana Chiurikova, I cannot say enough good things about her and our experience. I emailed her and we worked out a schedule/ sights that was tailored to our interests. She also offered some recommendations, which we took. The guide will meet you at your hotel. And frequently, at certain places, with the guide, we were able to skip the long entrance lines. We had an half day driving tour of the city (car, driver, & guide). You are taken to & go in places such as Peter & Paul Fortress, some of the cathedrals, etc. We had a half day with the guide at the Hermitage which ensured that we would see the major sights there. And, of course, you can stay after your guide leaves or return another day. Also, we had the guide for Peterhof (a must & go by boat) and Catherine's Palace. I hope that you will go to the website. As I said, our guide made our trip. I am positive that we would have missed quite a bit on our own everyday. And I'm sure we would have wasted a lot of time trying to get to various place.This was the best of both worlds, a guide where needed and plenty of time on our own. Whatever you do, I'm sure that you will love St Petersburg! Ashley

I am curious about the lines as we encountered no lines on our trip -- but it was in September. We got tickets for the Hermitage at machines and skipped those lines and our guide for the Catherine Palace which was our only guided experience (as noted before, chosen for the logistics of getting there) had arranged tickets and we didn't have a line, but then we also didn't see lines. We did not find lines at any other site.

Both Moscow and St Petersburg I've done on my own, that is together with the Dear Partner. I can't remember any problem getting where we wanted to go. The Metro systems are well signed, and with a little exercise and patience you can recognize the station names. With a good map and a good guide - we had the Rough Guides - that part of the logistics is solved. The language is a major problem, but the usual tricks of pointing, looking helpless, and making a joke of it all do wonders. I would hate to be led by a guide, but for others it is a comfortable thought.

We also did both cities on our own. I found the DK Eyewitness guide for Moscow has the best map. I used the one from our library (kept the book at home). Took the smaller RS book for St. Petersburg ( his book on northern cities). His map and restaurant ideas were all good. We also downloaded the Google maps in our Android Samsung tablets/phones for both cities and then could get directions to any place we typed in. The blue ball guided us everywhere. I'm sure we missed somethings by not having a guide, but we just enjoy walking around and getting a sense of a place. If you like art, The Hermitage is great. We went 3 times and still missed alot. In St. Peterburg we stayed at the 3 Mosta which we loved (quite and not far from the Church of Spilled Blood.) We also loved the Georgian food in both cities. There's a great Georgian restaurant near the 3 Mosta hotel. We're now in Belarus- very scenic. Enjoy your trip!!

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  10. Receta fácil para preparar una naranjada con agua mineral ...

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    In addition to our standard services, Grand Russia offers tours packages to Moscow and St Petersburg. You cannot resist our Two Hearts of Russia (7 Days &6 Nights), Golden Moscow (4 Days &3 Nights), Sochi (3 Days & 2 Nights), Golden Ring (1 Day & 2 Days), and many more. As a leading travel agency specializing in the tour to Russia and Former ...

  16. The art of the travel diary

    Tasha Kleeman. Main image: A detail of one of José Naranja's beautifully illustrated notebooks. Sat 24 Nov 2018 12.00 EST Last modified on Wed 19 Oct 2022 11.03 EDT

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    José Naranja, an artist renowned for his keen eye for detail and his nomadic lifestyle, prefers to etch his travel memories into sketchbooks rather than merely flicking through digital snapshots.As a seasoned explorer and attentive observer, his vivid recollections manifest in the form of personalized journals filled with meticulous illustrations and informative notes.

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    According to one of the meanings of "naranja", the only difference between this and the other word is that the first one is a fruit, and "anaranjado" is a color (the same color as this fruit). However, when we speak directly of the second meaning of "naranja", which is color, there would be no difference between the two words, being ...

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