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6 Tips Terhindar dari Penipuan Agen Perjalanan, Cek Website Resmi

Kompas.com travel travel tips, faqihah muharroroh itsnaini,, ni nyoman wira widyanti.

Tim Redaksi

Faqihah Muharroroh Itsnaini

Penulis ni nyoman wira widyanti.

Penting bagi wisatawan untuk tidak mudah tergoda dengan paket perjalanan wisata yang harganya murah, sampai terasa tidak wajar.

Menurut Shana, wisatawan sebaiknya bisa mengantisipasi peluang-peluang penipuan jika menemukan paket wisata yang terlalu murah dari agen perjalanan.

"Harus waspada kalau harganya terlalu murah. Misalnya harga Rp 2 juta untuk menginap di kapal lengkap fasilitas untuk tiga hari dua malam, ya itu sudah tidak wajar," jelasnya.

Ia mengungkapkan, harga paket wisata ke Labuan Bajo cukup tinggi, sehingga sebaiknya kamu mengecek harga di pasaran terlebih dahulu.

Baca juga: 5 Tips Liburan Mewah ke Labuan Bajo, Ini Kisaran Harganya

Foto dirilis Minggu (4/7/2021), memperlihatkan wisatawan menaiki sekoci untuk menuju Pulau Kelor, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Pandemi Covid-19 yang menghantam sektor pariwisata, membuat pemerintah terus melakukan penataan di kawasan Labuan Bajo dengan harapan dapat mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pariwisata yang menurun saat ini.

2. Dapatkan rekomendasi dari orang lain

Selanjutnya, sangat penting untuk mendapatkan referensi dari orang-orang yang kamu percaya.

Selain pemerintah, rekomendasi yang bisa kamu dapatkan mungkin berasal dari kerabat atau kolega yang tinggal di daerah tersebut, maupun yang pernah berkunjung.

"Sehingga benar-benar jadi jaminan meminimalisasi penipuan," kata Shana.

Baca juga: Jadi Lokasi Side Event, Labuan Bajo Siap Sambut G20

3. Cek review di media sosial

Meski terkadang apa yang ditampilkan di media sosial bisa dibuat lebih bagus dari kenyataannya, kamu bisa mengantisipasi dengan mengecek review atau ulasan dari warganet.

"Sekarang jaman digital, jangan mudah tertipu foto-foto bagus dan segala macamnya," pesan Shana.

Ia menambahkan, sebelum memesan, pastikan untuk mengecek keberadaan agen perjalanan tersebut. Salah satunya terkait apakah posisi atau kantornya bisa ditemukan di Labuan Bajo atau tidak. 

Baca juga: Itinerary Wisata 5 Hari 4 Malam di Labuan Bajo, Alam sampai Budaya

4. Bandingkan harga dengan travel agent…

Tag labuan bajo wisata labuan bajo wisata nusa tenggara timur badan pelaksana otorita labuan bajo flores (bpolbf) wisatawan di labuan bajo mengaku ditipu agen wisata video viral wisatawan ditipu agen wisata labuan bajo tips wisata labuan bajo tips hindari penipuan paket wisata tips hindari penipuan oleh agen perjalanan cara hindari penipuan oleh agen perjalanan tips menghindari penipuan travel agent tips menghindari penipuan agen perjalanan tips tidak kena tipu travel agent tips tidak kena tipu agen perjalanan tips liburan bebas penipuan.


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The Best Ways to Fly to Hawaii on Points

A loha my friends! Hawaii is the place that dreams are made of. If you haven’t been, stick with me and I’ll show you how to make your dream vacation a reality without costing you a small fortune. If you have been then you are probably like me and want to return again and again and again! When it comes to a Hawaiian vacation the biggest hurdle to cross is getting there! Luckily, through credit card points you can get there for nearly free! In this guide, I’ll explain all the best ways to get to Hawaii on points. We’ll talk Chase Ultimate Rewards , American Express Membership Rewards , Citi ThankYou Points , Capital One Venture Miles , and some co-branded airline cards.

I like transferable points when it comes to booking to Hawaii because you have multiple options. If you can’t find dates on one airline you can try another. That being said, sometimes award travel requires a little bit of flexibility. By changing your travel days and leaving a day or two earlier than you originally planned you can sometimes save a lot of points! I recommend searching using the flexible dates feature offered on the airline website when possible. One thing I want to stress is never transfer points from one of your transferable accounts to one of their partners until you have confirmed that the seats are available. Once points are transferred they are stuck in that particular loyalty account.

Using Chase Ultimate Rewards

There are a variety of ways to get to Hawaii using Chase Ultimate Reward points. The following three cards allow you to transfer your points to Chase travel partners:

Chase Sapphire Preferred 

Chase Sapphire Reserve  

Ink Business Preferred

You can also open any of the no-fee cards and combine those points with one of the cards listed above. To book flights to Hawaii using Ultimate Rewards you will be transferring your points into a loyalty account.

United Airlines

This is one of the most simple and straightforward options for flying to Hawaii on points, but not the cheapest. 

To Search and Book:

You will want to go to the United website and look for Saver Awards which will cost 22,500 points each way. Once you find the flights transfer the points from your Ultimate Rewards account to your United account. Points will show up in your United account instantly.

One really cool option is United allows you to do a free stopover on another island with an award booking. This is called the “Excursionist Perk”. Basically, outside of the continental U.S., Alaska, and Canada, you can book a multi-city booking for free as long as it is in the same region as your destination. To do this just click on “advanced search.”

Now you will want to click on “multi-city” where it asks for your trip type.

You’ll then be able to choose your flights, with the inter-island flight costing you $0! In the end, you will see your total is 45,000 points. Exactly the same as if you were to book roundtrip Salt Lake City to Honolulu! Pretty cool!!

This perk is also great if you are planning a trip to Europe and what to hit up another country!

British Airways

British Airways is a partner of American Airlines. This means that you can transfer your Chase Ultimate Rewards to your British Airways account and then book a flight on an American Airlines plane. British Airways uses a distance-based award chart; each segment of a flight is used to calculate the distance flown. The longer the flight and the more layovers, the more expensive it will be.

If you are flying out of the west coast or Phoenix, this is a fabulous option as they offer direct flights. Flights start at 32,000 points round trip. To see how many British Airways Avios (points) it would cost to fly from your home airport to one of the Hawaiian islands, or anywhere for that matter, you can use this handy tool .

You can search for American flights on the British Airways site . To do this you need to create an account with British Airways. Here is a sample flight from LAX-OGG (Maui).

Once you verify availability, transfer your points and book. Points transfer to British Airways instantly.

Singapore Airlines Krisflyer

Singapore is part of the Star Alliance along with United and many others. Because of this, you can book a flight on Singapore but actually be flying in a United plane. The great thing about Singapore is it cost 39,000 points round trip while United will cost you 45,000! On the exact same plane!

You will need to create a Krisflyer account and then click on redeem miles in the search box.

You can see that it will be 39,000 points to fly directly from San Francisco to Maui. This is the price roundtrip.

Singapore is also partners with Alaska Airlines, meaning you can use your Singapore miles to book a flight on an Alaska Airlines plane. Singapore will charge you per leg for this option, so it only makes sense to do this if you are taking a non-stop flight from the west coast. A one-way, direct flight ticket to Hawaii will cost you 12,000 points .

Search on American Airlines to see what partner availability is. If you find something call Singapore Airlines to confirm and then transfer your points and book. 

Southwest is my favorite option for flying to Hawaii! On our last trip, we booked flights for 22,000 points roundtrip from Salt Lake City to Maui! What’s even better is if you have the Southwest Companion Pass , you can fly someone with you for free! We have the pass, so our last flight was just 22,000 points for the two of us! The amount you pay in points is tied to the current cash price. To find out how many points it will take to get you there, do a search on Southwest.com. If you find a flight you like, transfer your points. Transfers are instant to Southwest. 

Air Canada 

Air Canada is part of the Star Alliance. What this means is you will book your flight through Aeroplan but actually be flying in a United plane. Search directly on Air Canada and select book with points Aeroplan. This won’t work for every departing city but I found luck searching from SFO and DEN.

Chase Travel Portal

The Chase Travel Portal is also an option. I always check the prices in the portal. If you find a great cash fare somewhere, definitely log into the portal and check how many points you can get a flight for. If it is more points than any of the options listed above then I wouldn’t do it.

Avianca LifeMiles

We have used Avianca LifeMiles for flights to Hawaii before. The cost was 22,500 one way and the flight was on a United plane. To do this search you’ll want to make an account with lifemiles and use the lifemiles.com site to search and book. 

You can transfer your Amex MR points into your Delta account. Delta doesn’t have an award chart so the prices fluctuate. You can find award sales sometimes but typically flights to Hawaii are around 45,000 points roundtrip, although sometimes much higher. Occasionally, Delta will run flash sales where you can find tickets for less than 45,000 points.

Singapore Airlines

Read about how to use Membership Reward points to book a flight on Singapore Airlines in the Chase UR section.

Membership Reward points instantly transfer to British Airways. To see how to search and book using British Airways, scroll back up to the Chase UR section.

Hawaiian Airlines

Hawaiian doesn’t offer the best price when it comes to booking an award seat but it can be nice for inter-island travel.

You will need to make an account with Hawaiian Airlines . When you find your flight transfer your points into your account. They should show up instantly. Then go ahead and book!

Using Citi ThankYou Points

Turkish airlines.

Citi ThankYou Points are one way to get very cheap flights to Hawaii! To get the points to book you will want the Citi Premier card . What you can do with those points is transfer them to Turkish Airlines Miles and Smiles. Turkish Airlines is part of the Star Alliance meaning you can book flights on United through Turkish. The great news is that a round-trip ticket to Hawaii on Turkish Airlines is just 15,000 points!  Sometimes you can book online but other times it requires calling or emailing Turkish Airlines to book these flights. You can check out this post to learn all about how to do this. 

In addition to Turkish Airlines, you also can look into Avianca Lifemiles and Singapore Airlines. We discussed those up above in Chase and Amex sections.

Using Capital One Venture Miles

Capital One Venture Miles are a good option for flying to Hawaii. Your points transfer to Air Canada, Avianca LifeMiles, British Airways, Singapore Airlines, and Turkish Airlines. We discussed all of those above so scroll up to the other sections to read about those options. 

Co-Branded Cards

If you already have a lot of points with a co-branded card then it may be a good idea to open up a transferable points card that is a transfer partner with that airline. For example, if I have a stash of Delta points I would open up an American Express Membership Rewards earning card to top off my Delta account.  

Southwest Airlines 

Southwest Airlines is a great option for flying to Hawaii on points. The cost in points is tied to the current cash price so it is hard to tell exactly how much it will cost in points. Do a search on the website to get an idea of what the cost would be. I’ve booked roundtrip flights for 22,000 points a person, 34,000 points, and 45,000 points. It fluctuates. If you can fly on a weekday, you will sometimes find cheaper flights. I recommend searching by flexible dates. I also recommend getting the Southwest Companion Pass ! Not only will you be able to fly someone free with you for a year+ but you will have a lot of Southwest Rapid Rewards to get your family to Hawaii! Another reason to love Southwest, bags fly free!

Alaska Airlines

The Alaska Airlines Visa Signature is an intriguing card. Currently, the bonus is 40,000 points plus one free companion fare (minus taxes) after spending $2,000 in 3 months. The companion fare can only be used with a cash ticket. Essentially you are getting a buy one get one free offer.

You can find tickets on Alaska that start at 17,500 points each way . This offer might be nice for a family. With this bonus, you would have enough for one roundtrip ticket. You would pay cash for one ticket, use the companion fare for another, and use points on the third. You would need to book the cash fare and companion fare together and then your points booking as a separate reservation. In this scenario, you are getting three tickets for the price of one. If your spouse were to get the card as well, you could get six tickets for the price of two! Keep in mind Alaska can have some painfully long flights so search online and make sure it’s an option that would work for you before you sign up for the card. My parents have the Alaska card and use the Companion Fare each year to fly a couple of grandkids to Hawaii with them .

American Airlines

The Barclay AAdvantage Aviator is a nice card if you don’t want to stress about meeting the minimum spend. You’ll get the bonuse after paying the $95 annual fee and making a purchase! I don’t think it gets any easier! A roundtrip flight to Hawaii will cost you 45,000 points if you find saver awards. Basically, you are buying a flight to Hawaii that cost $95. You and your spouse could each get this card and be off on a romantic getaway! If you rather not pay an annual fee, you can get the Citi AA card.  The $99 annual fee is waived for the first year.

Ok, so I know that was A LOT of info! There are so many options when it comes to getting to Hawaii on points! I wanted to include all these because I know certain things will work great for some people while others will feel more comfortable with a different option.

There is a lot of talk about getting the highest value possible out of your points. While I love a good value as much as anyone, sometimes it isn’t worth the stress, flexibility, etc. The best value for your points is whatever gets you when and where you want to go! 

Aloha my friends! Hawaii is the place that dreams are made of. If you haven’t been, stick with me and I’ll show you how to make your dream vacation a reality without costing you a small fortune. If you have been then you are probably like me and want to return again and again and again! When it comes to a Hawaiian vacation the biggest hurdle to cross is getting there! Luckily, through credit card points you can get there for nearly free! In this guide, I’ll explain all the best ways to get to Hawaii on points. We’ll talk […]

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Poipu Luxury Vacation Rentals & Condos

Price Range: $0 - $10000

Hale Keaka at Kukui'ula

Hale Keaka at Kukui'ula

Hale Pakika at Kukui'ula

Hale Pakika at Kukui'ula

OFB Hale Mala Ulu

OFB Hale Mala Ulu

Hale Mahina Hou

Hale Mahina Hou

Hale Pomaika'i Mau

Hale Pomaika'i Mau

Hale Kainani #6 E Komo Mai

Hale Kainani #6 E Komo Mai

Maluhia Hale at Kukui'ula

Maluhia Hale at Kukui'ula

JC Surf House

JC Surf House

Haupu Hale at Poipu

Haupu Hale at Poipu

Kiahuna Lani at Poipu

Kiahuna Lani at Poipu

Honu Hale at Kukui'ula

Honu Hale at Kukui'ula

Villas at Poipu Kai B300

Villas at Poipu Kai B300

Ulu Hale at Kukui'ula

Ulu Hale at Kukui'ula

Kukui'ula Villa #8

Kukui'ula Villa #8

Plantation Cottage at Poipu

Plantation Cottage at Poipu

Pili Mai 3B

Pili Mai 3B

Pili Mai 8D

Pili Mai 8D

Pili Mai 6K

Pili Mai 6K

Pili Mai 7M

Pili Mai 7M

Kiahuna Plantation Hale

Kiahuna Plantation Hale

Pili Mai 11I

Pili Mai 11I

Pili Mai 4C

Pili Mai 4C

Pili Mai 8C

Pili Mai 8C

Regency at Poipu Kai #323

Regency at Poipu Kai #323

Kauai Birdsong at Poipu Crater

Kauai Birdsong at Poipu Crater

Poipu: south kauai’s lovely, luxury destination.

The Poipu area of Kauai attracts a select group of travelers in search of ideal weather and stunning Hawaiian scenery. Lavish accommodations, magnificent beaches and golf courses, and upscale dining and shopping define this region on the sunny south side of the Garden Isle. The renowned Tree Tunnel , a section of road lined with 100-year-old eucalyptus trees, leads to the Poipu area and offers an introduction to the available beauty.

Once named America’s Best Beach by the Travel Channel, picturesque Poipu Beach features favorable conditions for swimming, snorkeling, body boarding, and surfing, as well as the opportunity to catch a glimpse of Hawaiian monk seals napping on the sand. Both Prince Kuhio Beach (referred to by locals as PK’s) and Lawai Beach also provide option for surfing and body boarding, and both have great snorkeling in the calmer winter months. Brennecke’s Beach is consistently good for swimming, snorkeling, and spotting sea turtles.

Other natural wonders abound in the areas surrounding Poipu. Less than a 10-minute drive takes visitors to the famed Spouting Horn blowhole or to Makauwahi, the largest limestone cave in the state. Historic Alekoko Fishpond , rumored to have been constructed overnight 1,000 years ago by the mythical Menehune, is accessible in less than 30 minutes. Less than an hour’s drive leads to Waimea Canyon , known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.

An approximately 20-minute drive from Poipu takes visitors to CJM Stables , where a morning or afternoon horseback ride showcases golden-sand beaches and dramatic sea cliffs bordered by green pastures. Another 20-minute drive leads to walking tours and tastings at Kauai Coffee Company , the largest coffee farm in the U.S. Poipu also delivers on recreation and relaxation in the form of exceptional golf (at Poipu Bay Golf Course and Kiahuna Golf Club ) and award-winning spas (including Anara at the Grand Hyatt and the Spa at Koloa Landing ).

Poipu’s Kukuiula Village boasts art galleries and well-known shopping options like Tori Richard and Tommy Bahama, along with local gems like Mahina clothing boutique, Malie organic spa/beauty products, and SoHa home décor. Dining possibilities include everything from Merriman’s Fish House and Roy Yamaguchi’s Eating House 1849 , to more casual choices like Tortilla Republic Grill & Margarita Bar , Bubba’s Burgers , and Uncle’s Shave Ice . Poipu Shopping Village provides additional restaurant options like Keoki’s Paradise , local shops like Na Hoku jewelers and Honolua Surf Company, and hula performances every Monday and Thursday at 5 p.m.

Tasting Kauai offers a South Shore Food Tour every Wednesday, allowing visitors to sample everything from local food trucks to gourmet cuisine. Among Poipu’s larger events are the annual Kauai Brewers Festival each April and the annual Koloa Plantation Days  celebration each July. The Kauai Marathon and Half-Marathon also begin in Poipu each September.

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A trip to Moscow

I'm going to organize a trip this summer. I want to plan everything. I’ll fly from London to Moscow, and I also want to visit St. Petersburg. Could you, please, advise me what places I should visit? I’ll stay in Moscow for about 10 days before going to St. Petersburg. Thank you!

Not a country I’d be spending my money in at the moment.

Ditto. Ditto!

I don't really see the point of shunning a country because you don't agree with its leader and/or its government. Would you go to Italy? China? Tourist dollars are more likely to get into the hands of the people rather than any corrupt bureaucracy and meeting friendly tourists might just change the locals opinions of foreigners and even give them some information they don't get from local news media.

Hopefully , I won't be starting a war here , but I must say I agree with Chani's comments . Having taken three year visas in 2015 , we have been to Moscow and St; Petersburg ( once to Moscow , and twice to St Petersburg ) . The History , Art , Music ( I am a classically trained musician ) and Culture , fascinate us . Much to experience there and advance preparation is essential , To get a good grounding for your visit , read this lavish and detailed book by Suzanne Massie , it's one of the best ways to immerse yourself in what you will experience - https://www.amazon.com/Land-Firebird-Beauty-Old-Russia/dp/096441841X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1521652009&sr=8-1&keywords=land+of+the+firebird+massie&dpID=51CPK13XKGL&preST=_SX218_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch

And while leaders of such countries can point to foreign visitor numbers as a sign of support ? I also believe that personal safety for certain travellers, especially obvious minorities, cannot be guaranteed, as fervent nationalism increases, and tolerance levels evaporate. Just as I may decide against a purchase at the supermarket because of a company’s behaviour, ethics will always be a consideration.

Well, I'd argue supermarket ethics does not readily translate to travel ethics - the latter is far more complex. Personally, I see the whole "vote with my hard-earned travel dollar" approach as overly simplistic, but if it's your position - I totally respect it.

What I don't understand is members volunteering ethical guidance in response to what seems an innocuous request for travel-related information.

Note a discussion on ethics hosted a year ago by the Webmaster of this very forum.


I appreciate Rick Steves' point of view in his "Travel As A Political Act". That said, Putin's Russia is not a place I would support. But, to each his or her own....

From a practical point of view, travel between the two countries can be difficult. I understand the Russians who traveled in the US this past winter had to go to the US Embassy in the country of Georgia to get visas because the Russians expelled American embassy personnel. If you do travel to Russia, you may be on your own. See the American travel advisory: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/russia-travel-advisory.html

Travel Advisory January 10, 2018 Russia – Level 3: Reconsider travel Reconsider travel to Russia due to terrorism and harassment. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory U.S. citizens are often victims of harassment, mistreatment, and extortion by law-enforcement and other officials. U.S. consular assistance to detained individuals is often unreasonably delayed by Russian officials. Russia also enforces special restrictions on dual U.S.-Russian nationals. Due to the Russian government-imposed reduction on U.S. diplomatic personnel in Russia, the U.S. government has reduced ability to provide services to U.S. citizens.

We have traveled to Moscow and St. Petersburg over the past few years. As in the US, most of the people we encountered helpful and not particularly political. In Moscow, we stayed at The Garden Ring Hotel which was a close walk to the metro. The hotel was very comfortable and quiet for being in the city. We loved the art museums and the Georgian restaurants. In St. Petersburg, we stayed at both The 3Mosta hotel near the Hermitage and the Art Hotel Demetra.. In St. Petersburg, we especially liked the Hermitage and Russian museum. Learning the Cyrillic alphabet and having a good map is a must.

As I think the point about ethical considerations has been made, please keep future replies more specific to the question at hand. Thanks.

Either read a good travel book or book a guide who can personally take you to the best places that interest you and tell about the sights you're seeing. We used Dan Petrov on 2 different trips to Moscow and found him to be wonderfully friendly and witty not to mention super knowledgeable.

Latest advice, Australian Governmemt, 1 April 2018. “Due to heightened political tensions, you should be aware of the possibility of anti-Western sentiment or harassment. While the Australian Government is not aware of any increased difficulties for Australians travelling in Russia at this time, you should follow the security and political situation closely and keep up to date with this travel advice. Remain vigilant, avoid any protests or demonstrations and avoid commenting publicly on political developments.”

We very much enjoyed our group trip to Moscow and St Petersburg last year. excellent guides and accommodations. While Steven who has replied here has excellent advice, ( and we took advantage of it), we felt an organized tour really facilitated our enjoyment of the country. You may want to consider a combination of an organized tour and than adding independent days . Some of the Australians on the tour had arrived a couple of days earlier than the tour stated and then some stayed later. If we were to go again (which I would), that"s how I would do it. And I must say , it was enlightening to have conversations with the Russian tour guides and the non Americans about the current world situation. Not that we went into any great depth, but I think we all went away with a little more understanding. Top places: allow lots of time in St Petersburg at the Hermitage- take a separate day for the Impressionist building. In Moscow, the Russian Art Museum was amazing.

Solid advice from Australian government quoted above, especially the keeping up to date part.

I checked the current version (Sep 18) of that advisory - and it hasn't been updated much. In fact, some sections don't seem to have changed since 2005 - their recommendations for importing/exporting currency and financial instruments, for example, are at least five years behind.

I do like reading governmental travel advisories for entertainment purposes - for instance, up until very recently the US one sternly advised potential travelers that Moscow was largely a cash-based economy (couldn't be further from the truth) and warned about intrinsic dangers of gypsy cabs (which had all but disappeared by 2015).

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Review: Private Airbus A340 First Class flight from Antarctica to Cape Town

Wednesday newsletters  always feature a  hotel  or  flight  review.

Last February, I enjoyed a sublime holiday that I will remember as my most epic journey ever: a trip to Cape Town (South Africa) and Antarctica (the 7th Continent). You can read my trip reports here:

  • Review:  KLM Boeing 787 Business Class from Amsterdam to Cape Town
  • Review:  One&Only Cape Town, South Africa
  • Review:  The Silo Hotel Cape Town, South Africa
  • Review:  Private Airbus A340 First Class flight from Cape Town to Antarctica

Review: Echo Camp by White Desert, Antarctica

  • Review: Trip to the South Pole & Emperor penguins
  • Review: Private Airbus A340 First Class flight from Antarctica to Cape Town (today)
  • Review: KLM Boeing 777 Business Class from Cape Town to Amsterdam

Today: First Class flight from Antarctica to Cape Town in a private Airbus A340 jet

Last February, I visited Antarctica with White Desert , the first operator taking guests into the rarely seen interior of Antarctica and managing Antarctica’s only luxury camps. This is my review of the return flight from Antarctica to Cape Town, a 5 hour and 30 minute journey in First Class onboard an Airbus A340 that was privately chartered by White Desert and operated by Hi Fly . Hi Fly is a fully certified airline with two air operator certificates, one issued by Portugal and the other by Malta. The A340 airframe that flew us back to Cape Town was built in 1997 and used to fly for Singapore Airlines (1997-2004) and later Emirates (2004-2013), before joining the Hi Fly fleet.

Since I’ve already published a detailed review of the outbound flight here (Cape Town to Antarctica), I decided to write this trip report in a somewhat different format, summarizing my flight experience from start to end, illustrated by dozens of photos. You can watch my YouTube video with my impressions during the return flight (including a phenomenal take off scene) here:

Have you ever traveled to Antarctica? If so, what was your experience? Leave a  comment .

  • Flight route : Wolf’s Fang Runway to Antarctica
  • Airline : Hi Fly
  • Aircraft type : Airbus A340-300
  • Aircraft registration number : 9H-TQZ
  • Departure time : 7 pm
  • Arrival : 10:30 pm
  • Miles : 2300 miles (4630 km)
  • Flight time : 5 hours and 30 minutes
  • Class : First Class

After an unforgettable week in the great outdoors of Antarctica’s Queen Maud Land, our time in the White Continent was coming to an end. The White Desert staff picked us up in a 4×4 Arctic truck and took us to Wolf’s Fang runway, a short 15 min drive through an otherworldly landscape. At Wolf’s Fang, a tented lounge – decorated in the style of the early explorers – was available, where we could wait a little while the plane was being loaded with cargo. The lounge provided a haven of comfort and warmth amidst Antarctica’s unforgiven climate.


After a short wait in the lounge and playing some board games with my travel companions, it was time to board the aircraft. The staff accompanied us on the short 15 min stroll from the lounge to the plane. I wished the short hike would have taken longer since the view of the massive Airbus A340 against a backdrop of jagged mountains and glacial icefields was beyond spectacular, unlike anything I had ever seen before. There was quite some activity on the airfield, since the return flight carried more passengers compared to the outbound flight. The passengers were a mix of White Desert guests & staff and scientists of a nearby research center who were leaving the continent as winter approached.


White Desert’s camp guests were seated in the First Class cabin, which still featured the old Emirates cabin design with lots of gold and wooden trims.


The First Class seat, while old, was still very comfortable and had loads and loads of leg room but nonetheless felt dated compared to  today’s First Class seats . A monitor – displaying the flight route – was hidden in the seat’s center armrest while the seat’s other armrest held the tray table, the seat controls and a handheld remote.


After boarding was complete, the doors were closed and it did not take long before we took to the skies. The takeoff roll on Wolf-Fang blue ice runway felt surreal (and bumpy) and the scenery right after lift off was breathtaking. The plane made a U-turn, allowing us one last glimpse of the White Continent, before we climbed through a thin cloud layer and proceeded in one direct line to Cape Town, a journey of 5 hours and 30 minutes across the Southern Ocean.


Shortly after takeoff, the crew handed out hot towels to refresh a little.


A tablet was provided to each passenger (with a small selection of movies and documentaries) as well as noise cancelling headphones. The Airbus A340 was not equipped with WiFi.


Dinner service started about 45 minutes after takeoff, while we left the shore of Antarctica behind. The menu read as follows:


As a starter, an antipasto platter was served with breadsticks and charcuterie.


As a main course, I choose braised beef shirt rib on sweet potato puree with roasted courgettes & carrots.


Chocolate malakoff was served as desert.


After dinner, it was time for a nap. The angled lie-flat First Class seat allowed a recline to a near 180 degrees, and the Hi Fly cabin crew provided a pillow and blanket.


The flight from Antarctica to Cape Town was remarkably smooth (no turbulence at all), which was also the case for the outbound (Cape Town to Antarctica) flight. I was expecting a lot of turbulence on both flights (since Antarctica is surrounded by a belt of stormy weather) but fortunately, that proved not to be the case. It allowed me to stretch my legs as often as I wanted, and also gave me the opportunity to explore the plane’s other cabins.

The 42 Business Class seats were assigned to White Desert staff and guests who had booked a daytrip to Antarctica.


Meanwhile, the scientists from some of Antarctica’s research centers were having a party in the front Economy Class cabin, celebrating the end of their mission on the White Continent.


I also checked out the lavatories, which were equipped with Charlotte Rys toiletries (a South African luxury brand).


The sun was setting as we approached Cape Town.


The plane landed at the city’s international airport at 9 pm local time, after which it was time to say goodbye to my travel companions and White Desert’s amazing staff.


*** Follow me on  Instagram ,  YouTube ,  Twitter  or  Facebook  for a daily moment of travel inspiration ***

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View when driving from Yelisovo airport to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

The first myth I want to disprove is that getting to Kamchatka is extremely costly. It’s not. Going between February and April, a return flight from Moscow can be had for 11,000 roubles (US$380 / £220). Not bad for 18 hours total flying time. In summer the flights are more expensive but still, if you book them a few months in advance, can be got for 16,000 roubles return.

It’s true, many people will tell you that March and April are the worst months to visit because the snow is starting to melt and everything’s a bit sloshy and dirty in settlements. On the other hand, these are great months for the independent traveller! During winter zimniki (temporary winter roads made of compacted snow or simply frozen river surfaces) open up all over Kamchatka, granting access to communities that in summer are totally isolated. Hitch hiking is possible right from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to the very north of the peninsula. Alternatively, vehicles can be hired in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky from tour firms. Also in the winter or early spring months places can be reached that are away even from the zimniki, either by snowmobile or by the use of cross country skis. For example, Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Eurasia’s largest active volcano, can be accessed from the village of Klyuchi without the need even for a guide by a traveller with a pair of cross country skis. Bears do not wake up until mid-April so this is not a danger, but bears almost never attack anyone anyway.

The main disadvantages of winter travel in Kamchatka are that it is cold, there is no greenery and there are no bears, which some people come here especially to see.

The second myth I’d like to dispel is that travel around the peninsula requires hiring a helicopter. As mentioned above, in winter you can get almost anywhere by hitch hiking. I even hitched a lift with bear hunters on snowmobiles from their village to a reindeer herder encampment 100km away. In summer snowmobiles are replaced by horses, and transport is reduced from long distance ice-road journeys to irregular inter-settlement all-terrain vehicle trips. Hitch hiking is possible on these all-terrain vehicles though.

Throughout the year there are fairly expensive public helicopter flights to all settlements which are nevertheless much cheaper than hiring your own helicopter. There is also one permanent, year-round dirt road leading halfway up the peninsula. Some distance after the town of Milkovo, about 350km north of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky , it forks. The right fork leads to Klyuchi , site of Eurasia’s largest active volcano, and further to the port town of Ust-Kamchatsk. The left fork leads to the indigenous Even villages of Anavgay and Esso. Daily buses go from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Klyuchi , Anavgay and Esso, costing about 1000 roubles each way. In winter a zimnik passable by lorries heads north from Anavgay 36 hours to the otherwise isolated town of Palana. From Palana more zimniki head further north to yet more isolated settlements. From the peninsula’s very northernmost settlements there are even EXTREMELY irregular snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle connections with Magadan Oblast and Chukotka. Another zimnik, only passable by all-terrain vehicle, heads from Anavgay to the village of Ust-Khayryuzovo on Kamchatka’s west coast.

  • Kamchatka’s Indigenous
  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

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Simple Flying

In photos: a look at hi fly's antarctic airbus a340 mission.

Portuguese wet lease specialist Hi Fly has become the first company to ever land an A340 in Antarctica. The flight, piloted by Captain Carlos Mirpuri and his crew, flew from Cape Town to the frozen continent on November 2 nd , using 9H-SOL, a 19 year old ‘preighter’ configured to carry both passengers and cargo.

Flying to Antarctica

Hi Fly was contracted to fly a return service from Cape Town to Wolf's Fang Runway, Antarctica (WFR), for the purposes of setting up base for a tour operator for the winter season. That tour operator is White Desert, a firm that offers once-in-a-lifetime experiences on the continent between November and January each year.

To date, White Desert has mainly used a Gulfstream 550 for its operations, an aircraft with an impressive payload against its flying range. But the firm told Simple Flying previously that it was eyeing the larger A340 for its operations. The aircraft’s increased capacity would allow White Desert to provide transpiration to scientists working on the base as well as their own tourists.

We spotted Hi Fly’s A340 heading down to Antarctica back on November 2 nd . The operator has now shared some breathtaking images of its arrival on the blue ice runway, and how the experience was for them.

The first A340

The A340 tasked with the honor of being the first to land in Antarctica was 9H-SOL, a 19-year-old A340-300 that has been with Hi Fly since February 2018. It was originally configured with 36 business and 218 economy seats, but was reconfigured as a ‘preighter’, with 24 passenger seats and lots of space for cargo, amid the 2020 pandemic.

Onboard the flight from Cape Town were 23 passengers, all staff from White Desert, as well as most of the ground support equipment required for the tourist season. The trip would take five hours and 10 minutes down, and five hours 20 minutes back. As there are no refueling facilities at WFR, Hi Fly had to tanker down enough fuel for the return trip too – 77 tons.

Captain Carlos Mirpuri, also vice president of Hi Fly, commented on the trip saying,

“9H-SOL is an A340-313HGW (High Gross Weight) with a maximum take-off weight of 275 tons. It is an airplane that delivers, every time. Robust, comfortable and safe, performs well in this environment. Its 4 engines redundancy and very long range, make it the ideal airplane for this type of mission.”

Mirpuri notes that the weather for the trip was perfect, something that is essential when flying into such a dramatic environment. As the flight approaches the airport, a specialist car runs down the blue ice runway taking measurements, to inform the crew of the conditions on arrival. Mirpuri says that the friction was enough for the quadjet, and so they continued their descent.

One can imagine that the first-ever landing of such a large aircraft was cause for apprehension, but Mirpuri and his team did a textbook job. Turnaround was completed faster than anticipated, and the A340 headed back to Cape Town without issue. The aircraft will now be used to operate tourist flights, transportation for research scientists and to deliver essential cargo to Antarctica.

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  • Flight Boston - Washington, D.C. (BOS - DCA) $99+
  • Flight Houston - Washington, D.C. (HOU - DCA) $99+
  • Flight San Francisco - Baltimore (SFO - BWI) $109+
  • Flight Boston - Washington, D.C. (BOS - IAD) $132+
  • Flight Seattle - Washington, D.C. (SEA - DCA) $139+
  • Flight Chicago - Washington, D.C. (ORD - DCA) $156+
  • Flight Atlanta - Washington, D.C. (ATL - IAD) $161+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Washington, D.C. (LAX - DCA) $169+
  • Flight Atlanta - Washington, D.C. (ATL - DCA) $174+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Washington, D.C. (LAX - IAD) $187+
  • Flight Seattle - Baltimore (SEA - BWI) $205+
  • Flight Dallas - Washington, D.C. (DFW - IAD) $228+
  • Flight Seattle - Washington, D.C. (SEA - IAD) $246+
  • Flight San Francisco - Washington, D.C. (SFO - IAD) $260+
  • Flight Houston - Washington, D.C. (HOU - IAD) $261+

Atlanta Flights

  • Flight Miami - Atlanta (MIA - ATL) $35+
  • Flight Houston - Atlanta (HOU - ATL) $36+
  • Flight Houston - Atlanta (IAH - ATL) $36+
  • Flight Chicago - Atlanta (ORD - ATL) $38+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Atlanta (FLL - ATL) $39+
  • Flight Baltimore - Atlanta (BWI - ATL) $40+
  • Flight Detroit - Atlanta (DTW - ATL) $40+

United States Flights

  • Flight Dallas - Las Vegas (DFW - LAS) $42+
  • Flight New York - Miami (LGA - MIA) $52+
  • Flight New York - Fort Lauderdale (LGA - FLL) $53+
  • Flight Newark - Fort Lauderdale (EWR - FLL) $60+
  • Flight Newark - Miami (EWR - MIA) $60+

Hawaii Flights

  • Flight Los Angeles - Hawaii (LAX - USHI) $197+
  • Flight San Francisco - Hawaii (SFO - USHI) $199+
  • Flight Seattle - Hawaii (SEA - USHI) $252+
  • Flight Ontario - Hawaii (ONT - USHI) $258+
  • Flight San Diego - Hawaii (SAN - USHI) $258+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - Hawaii (SLC - USHI) $288+
  • Flight Phoenix - Hawaii (PHX - USHI) $289+

Tampa Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Tampa (ATL - TPA) $38+
  • Flight Cleveland - Tampa (CLE - TPA) $38+
  • Flight Baltimore - Tampa (BWI - TPA) $46+
  • Flight Cincinnati - Tampa (CVG - TPA) $48+
  • Flight Detroit - Tampa (DTW - TPA) $59+
  • Flight Dallas - Tampa (DFW - TPA) $65+
  • Flight Chicago - Tampa (MDW - TPA) $67+

Houston Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Houston (ATL - IAH) $39+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Houston (FLL - IAH) $52+
  • Flight Chicago - Houston (MDW - IAH) $58+
  • Flight Miami - Houston (MIA - IAH) $60+
  • Flight Orlando - Houston (MCO - IAH) $63+
  • Flight Dallas - Houston (DFW - IAH) $72+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Houston (LAX - IAH) $74+

Las Vegas Flights

  • Flight Los Angeles - Las Vegas (LAX - LAS) $24+
  • Flight Burbank - Las Vegas (BUR - LAS) $34+
  • Flight San Francisco - Las Vegas (SFO - LAS) $39+
  • Flight Denver - Las Vegas (DEN - LAS) $48+
  • Flight Santa Ana - Las Vegas (SNA - LAS) $64+
  • Flight Seattle - Las Vegas (SEA - LAS) $68+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Las Vegas (MSP - LAS) $76+
  • Flight Atlanta - Las Vegas (ATL - LAS) $88+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Las Vegas (FLL - LAS) $90+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Las Vegas (DCA - LAS) $90+
  • Flight Chicago - Las Vegas (ORD - LAS) $93+
  • Flight Houston - Las Vegas (HOU - LAS) $96+
  • Flight Houston - Las Vegas (IAH - LAS) $96+

Miami Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Miami (ATL - MIA) $27+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Miami (PHL - MIA) $46+
  • Flight Baltimore - Miami (BWI - MIA) $50+
  • Flight Charlotte - Miami (CLT - MIA) $55+
  • Flight Houston - Miami (HOU - MIA) $55+
  • Flight Houston - Miami (IAH - MIA) $55+
  • Flight Dallas - Miami (DFW - MIA) $56+
  • Flight Detroit - Miami (DTW - MIA) $63+
  • Flight Raleigh - Miami (RDU - MIA) $63+
  • Flight Chicago - Miami (ORD - MIA) $66+
  • Flight Boston - Miami (BOS - MIA) $68+
  • Flight Cleveland - Miami (CLE - MIA) $90+
  • Flight Denver - Miami (DEN - MIA) $94+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Miami (DCA - MIA) $107+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Miami (MSP - MIA) $115+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Miami (LAX - MIA) $120+
  • Flight San Francisco - Miami (SFO - MIA) $123+
  • Flight New York - Miami (JFK - MIA) $135+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - Miami (SLC - MIA) $140+
  • Flight Ontario - Miami (ONT - MIA) $160+

San Francisco Flights

  • Flight Ontario - San Francisco (ONT - SFO) $35+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - San Francisco (SLC - SFO) $47+
  • Flight Portland - San Francisco (PDX - SFO) $48+
  • Flight Los Angeles - San Francisco (LAX - SFO) $64+
  • Flight San Diego - San Francisco (SAN - SFO) $65+
  • Flight Dallas - San Francisco (DFW - SFO) $88+
  • Flight Baltimore - San Francisco (BWI - SFO) $99+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - San Francisco (DCA - SFO) $100+
  • Flight Atlanta - San Francisco (ATL - SFO) $102+
  • Flight Santa Ana - San Francisco (SNA - SFO) $102+
  • Flight Denver - San Francisco (DEN - SFO) $103+
  • Flight Houston - San Francisco (HOU - SFO) $110+
  • Flight Minneapolis - San Francisco (MSP - SFO) $113+
  • Flight Chicago - San Francisco (ORD - SFO) $117+

Seattle Flights

  • Flight Phoenix - Seattle (PHX - SEA) $77+
  • Flight San Jose - Seattle (SJC - SEA) $95+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Seattle (DCA - SEA) $95+
  • Flight Dallas - Seattle (DFW - SEA) $96+
  • Flight Oakland - Seattle (OAK - SEA) $96+
  • Flight San Diego - Seattle (SAN - SEA) $96+
  • Flight Ontario - Seattle (ONT - SEA) $97+

Paris Flights

  • Flight New Windsor - Paris (SWF - CDG) $283+
  • Flight Baltimore - Paris (BWI - CDG) $299+
  • Flight Boston - Paris (BOS - CDG) $303+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Paris (IAD - CDG) $306+
  • Flight Newark - Paris (EWR - ORY) $365+
  • Flight Miami - Paris (MIA - CDG) $373+
  • Flight San Francisco - Paris (SFO - CDG) $410+

Europe Flights

  • Flight Newark - Paris (EWR - CDG) $403+
  • Flight Newark - Barcelona (EWR - BCN) $409+

Florida Flights

  • Flight Philadelphia - Florida (PHL - USFL) $46+
  • Flight Baltimore - Florida (BWI - USFL) $50+
  • Flight New York - Florida (LGA - USFL) $52+
  • Flight Newark - Florida (EWR - USFL) $60+
  • Flight Chicago - Florida (ORD - USFL) $62+
  • Flight Boston - Florida (BOS - USFL) $64+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Florida (DCA - USFL) $107+

Dallas Flights

  • Flight Chicago - Dallas (ORD - DFW) $37+
  • Flight Atlanta - Dallas (ATL - DFW) $51+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Dallas (MSP - DFW) $53+
  • Flight Ontario - Dallas (ONT - DFW) $57+
  • Flight Orlando - Dallas (MCO - DFW) $62+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Dallas (LAX - DFW) $65+
  • Flight New York - Dallas (LGA - DFW) $72+

San Diego Flights

  • Flight San Jose - San Diego (SJC - SAN) $56+
  • Flight Denver - San Diego (DEN - SAN) $58+
  • Flight San Francisco - San Diego (SFO - SAN) $58+
  • Flight Dallas - San Diego (DFW - SAN) $61+
  • Flight Oakland - San Diego (OAK - SAN) $66+
  • Flight Sacramento - San Diego (SMF - SAN) $67+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - San Diego (SLC - SAN) $67+

Frequently asked questions

What do i need to know before booking a flight.

There are various factors to consider when booking a flight including cost, fare classes, baggage policies, the complications of flying long haul, and complying with airport regulations. To make your booking journey smoother KAYAK has developed a comprehensive flight guide including insights on finding affordable flights, packing efficiently, and utilizing the best travel tools.

Which month of the year are flight prices lowest?

It’s well established that flights in the low season are generally cheaper than ticket prices during the high season. That means that knowing which month to find the lowest priced plane tickets will depend heavily on seasonality and your destination. While avoiding peak travel times can help you keep costs down, our data shows that the month with the lowest priced plane tickets for domestic flights based on all searches made on KAYAK in the last 12 months was January, while the most expensive was March. If you’re booking an international flight, then January is the cheapest month to fly and June the most expensive.

Can flying international flights with a layover save money on airfare?

For many long-haul international flights, flying non-stop is not possible and you will have to fly with a layover. Some routes will offer both and you could consider flying with a layover for a number of reasons. Firstly, breaking up what would otherwise be a long-haul flight, taking a rest and then completing the journey might make the flight more manageable. Secondly, prices can also be lower than non-stop flights, so while it might take longer for you to reach your destination, you could save money. We’ve looked at prices over the last 12 months for the 100 most popular international destinations for KAYAK users and on average, prices for non-stop flights were cheaper than flights with a layover.

How do I find the best flight deals on KAYAK?

A simple flight search at https://www.kayak.com/flights scans for prices on hundreds of travel sites in seconds. We gather flight deals from across the web and put them in one place. Then on the search results page you can use various filters to compare options for the same flight and easily choose the best flight deal from all of the deals coming straight from the travel sites to your screen, with no extra fee from KAYAK.

Does KAYAK query more flight providers than competitors?

Yes, KAYAK has access to more data and information than online travel agencies and consistently outperforms the competition in accuracy, globally.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you flights up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. That way, you can see if leaving a day or two earlier will find you a better deal. You can also select the flexible "weekend" or "month" search options to widen your search range and find the cheapest price that works for you.

What is the cheapest day of the week to book a flight?

The best day to book your flight depends on a number of factors, but there are general trends that you can follow to increase your chances of cheaper plane tickets. Based on an analysis of KAYAK data for all flights departing from inside United States over the last 12 months, the cheapest day to fly for domestic flights is Tuesday. For international flights, Thursday had the cheapest tickets on average.

When is the best time to buy plane tickets - Last minute or in advance?

Last minute flight deals are definitely up for grabs but when exactly to purchase your plane tickets will depend on where you’re traveling to and from. Based on all data for flight searches made on KAYAK over the last 12 months, prices for domestic flights remained below the average price up to 1 weeks before departure. For international flights, deals could still be had up to 1 weeks prior to the departure date, with prices remaining below average. If you’re flexible, KAYAK brings you both advance and last minute one-way and round-trip flight deals.

How does KAYAK find such low flight prices?

KAYAK processes over 2 billion flight queries annually and displays results from hundreds of airlines and third party sites, allowing it to find a variety of flight prices and options. It also displays results from 2M+ properties along with rental cars, vacation packages, activities and millions of verified reviews so users can see as many available travel options as possible.

How can Hacker Fares save me money?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets on different airlines when it can save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy?

KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a given destination and date is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

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Distance between Moscow and Tokyo

Flying non-stop from moscow to tokyo.

How far is Tokyo from Moscow? Here's the quick answer if you have a private jet and you can fly in the fastest possible straight line.

Flight distance: 4,661 miles or 7501 km

Flight time: 9 hours, 49 minutes

Because of the curvature of the Earth, the shortest distance is actually the "great circle" distance, or "as the crow flies" which is calculated using an iterative Vincenty formula. For a long distance, this appears as a curve on the map, and this is often the route that commercial airlines will take so it's a good estimate of the frequent flyer miles you'll accumulate as well.

This is a fairly long flight, so unless you have a Gulfstream G650 or your own Boeing or Airbus, you might be booking a commercial flight. In that case, your travel time would really need to include how many minutes to get to your local airport, wait for security, board and taxi on the runway, land at the other airport, and get to your destination. Scroll down to see a more realistic calculation that takes into account all these factors to get a more accurate estimate of your actual flight time .

Moscow to Tokyo airports and flights

In the quick calculation above, we assumed you had a private plane and just wanted to know the time in the air from city to city. But for most of us, we're going to be flying on a commercial airline (whether it's first class or coach). So that means we really need to account for all the extra travel time getting to the airport, waiting for our flight, and making it to the destination.

To give you a better estimate of real-life travel, we've put together a flight itinerary with actual airports. Eventually you'll be able to customize this plan, choosing your own airports and flights. But for now, here's an example we've selected to give you an idea of how traveling might work between airports.

Departure airport: Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO)

Arrival airport: Tokyo Haneda Airport (HND)

With the airports selected, we can estimate the travel time to and from the airport, based on how far the airport is from downtown.

Getting to the airport: 51 minutes

Getting to your destination: 28 minutes

Now finally, let's look at an actual flight from SVO to HND and figure out how long it would take to fly including take-off and landing, and time to taxi on the runway.

Commercial flight time: 9 hours, 49 minutes

So now we can finally get an idea of the total travel time from Moscow to Tokyo including time spent getting to/from the airports, an estimated wait time of 2 hours at the airport for TSA security lines and waiting at the gate, and the actual flight itself.

Total travel time: 13 hours

Plan a trip to Tokyo

Trippy has a ton of information that can help you plan your trip to Tokyo, Japan. Start by reading the Trippy page on where to stay in Tokyo . If you're looking for a place to stay, you might want to check out The Peninsula Tokyo . A great place to eat might be Golden Gai . Trippy members can suggest things to do in Tokyo like Akihabara . Check out some of the questions people have asked about Tokyo like Exploring Tokyo solo for 3 days: Where to stay and what to do? . Click the button below to explore Tokyo in detail.

How far is it the other way?

The distance is the same either way if you're flying a straight line. But for a real trip, there can be plenty of differences so go ahead and check the reverse directions to get the distance from Tokyo to Moscow , or go to the main page to calculate the distance between cities .

If you happen to know Moscow, don't forget to help other travelers and answer some questions about Moscow!

Land on a job of excellence

Hi Fly has specialized for almost two decades in worldwide aircraft leases and ACMI services on short, medium and long term contracts mainly for airlines, governments, tour operators, companies and individuals.

The high-quality services guaranteed to its customers are based in the best equipment, the best procedures and the best professionals.

Jobs in : English Português

CAMO Engineer

Lisbon, portugal.

HI FLY is a leading widebody aircraft wet lease specialist operating worldwide, with an Airbus fleet of A330 and A340.

The wet lease business market is very demanding, and airlines are increasingly opting for wet lease solutions as they are found to be reliable, safe, and efficient. For that reason, Hi Fly fleet is steadily growing with new widebody additions in the coming months.

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently recruiting highly motivated  CAMO ENGINEERS  to join our office in Lisbon, Portugal.


  • Build up applicable Maintenance Programs;
  • Assess mandatory documentation issued by Regulatory Authorities and applicable OEMs, such as ADs and SBs;
  • Ensure Defect Control monitoring and corrective actions needed;
  • Planning maintenance activities within contracted EASA P145 providers;
  • Perform Technical Reliability analysis;
  • Participate in SMS activities;
  • Support Area Coordinator towards an efficient and reliable area within the scope of CAMO responsibilities;
  • Promote Safety environment within the range of activities to be performed.


  • University degree in Aeronautical, Aerospace or Mechanic Engineering, or similar fields;
  • Professional experience of at least 1 year in EASA Organizations Part M Subpart G;
  • Knowledge of the legislation applicable to the aeronautical sector, in particular to EASA Part M, Part 145 and Part 66 Organizations;
  • Familiarization with manuals and technical documentation;
  • Strong organizational skills;
  • Easy adaptation to teamwork;
  • Fluent in English, both written and spoken;
  • Availability for occasional travels.

If this opportunity is for you, send us your CV and join us on board!

Do you want to be aware of all the opportunities we have? Visit us at our website.

Cabin Interior Mechanic

HI FLY  is a leading widebody aircraft wet lease specialist operating worldwide, with an Airbus fleet of A330 and A340.

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated Cabin Interior Mechanics to join our team.

What is the purpose of the team?

· To ensure cabin maintenance work packs issued to Cabin team are carried out IAW the cabin standards manual and all other relevant aircraft and vendor I.P.C’s, CMM’s, AMM’s and SRM’s;

· To maintain the fleet aircraft cabin condition in the highest possible standards matching the Customers and passengers expectations, and following the Board guidelines.

What should you have?

· 3 to 5 years’ commercial aircraft cabin maintenance experience or proven civil aircraft cabin maintenance experience (Holding an A or B1 licenses is an advantage);

· Proven experience in plastics and composite repairs is a plus;

· Good written and verbal communication skills;

· Fluency in English is mandatory;

· High computer literacy;

· Strong organizational skills and rigor;

· Easy integration into teams;

· Availability to travel.

Having in consideration the team valences the below aspects will also be considered:

· Proven Tailoring experience is a plus;

· Proven experience in leather works is a plus.

The main working place may be Lisbon or Beja , and the work may take place in a hangar or on-wing environment, as the need for the operation so dictates.

What are you going to do?

· Ensure all documentation is completed correctly for all aircraft being worked by him/her;

· Ensure all cabin maintenance activities are carried out to the clearly defined standards;

· Undertake cabin inspections as per task card and research and order part numbers required for defect rectification;

· Maintain, overall and carry out all Seat, Galley, Toilets, Lights, Carpets and all other aircraft interiors: inspection, maintenance, cleaning, and repair.

What do we offer?

· Opportunity to work in one of the biggest Portuguese aviation companies;

· Integration in a young, dynamic and multidisciplinary team;

· Possibility of career growth and progression;

· Salary proportional to demonstrated experience;

· Health insurance;

· Other benefits: free fruit, rooftop overlooking the city of Lisbon, birthday off and up to 25 days of vacation.

Do you want to be aware of all the opportunities we have open? Visit us on our website.

Training Department Assistant

HI FLY is a leading widebody aircraft wet lease specialist operating worldwide, with an Airbus fleet. The wet lease business market is very demanding, and airlines are increasingly opting for wet lease solutions as they are found to be reliable, safe, and efficient. For that reason, Hi Fly fleet is steadily growing with new widebody additions in the coming months.

Considering the forecasted growth, we are seeking a dynamic and experienced Training Department Assistant to join our team.

  • Support related to the training program approved by the National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC) and Transport Malta – Civil Aviation Directorate (TM-CAD);
  • Planning, coordination, maintenance and tracking of the validity and updates of the training program for the Technical Navigation Personnel;
  • Maintenance and updating of individual processes;
  • Communication with local and external authorities;
  • Communication with ATO's (Approved Training Organizations);
  • Monitoring of legislation related to Aviation Training.
  • University degree in relevant field;
  • Professional experience in the aviation industry (preferably);
  • Organizational skills and preference for teamwork;
  • Fluency in written and spoken English;
  • Good knowledge of MS Office tools.


Do you want to know about other job vacancies we have at Hi Fly? If so, we invite you to visit our Careers page at www.hifly.aero.

Cabin Crew Members

Join Hi Fly, the largest Airbus Widebody aircraft wet lease specialist in the world.

Hi Fly is an airline committed to provide the best service to passengers, meanwhile creating a more sustainable future for the industry. You will be working with a dynamic and experienced crew all around the globe, meeting exciting people and exploring different cultures.

Ready for take-off?


  • Age: at least 21 years old / Height: above 1,60 m (Women) and 1,70 m (Men);
  • Fluent in English and preferably another language;
  • High School diploma (Portuguese 12º Year);
  • Good swimming skills;
  • Availability for long periods abroad;
  • Responsible, team orientated and friendly personality;
  • Preferable: Cabin Crew Attestation, issued by our partner MACF - Aviation Training and Consultants.

B1/B2 Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers - Malta

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated Aircraft Maintenance Engineers to join our team.

  • Certified EASA Part-66 Aircraft Engineers CAT-B1 or B2, type rated on A330 or A340;
  • You're a qualified, experienced and motivated professional in the aviation industry;
  • Proactive, flexible, in good physical condition, always ready to embark on new adventures, being available to travel frequently;
  • Efficient with troubleshooting and line maintenance skills;
  • Fluency in English is a must.

What do we offer you?

  • Opportunity to work in one of the largest Portuguese aviation groups;
  • Integration in a dynamic and multidisciplinary team;
  • Possibility of professional development and growth;
  • Salary proportional to demonstrated experience.

Maintenance Controllers

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently recruiting highly motivated Maintenance Controllers to join our H24 Maintenance Control Center (MCC) in Lisbon, Portugal.

MCC, which operates under the regulatory oversight of CAMO, is part of the Integrated Operations Control Centre (iOCC) and plays a critical role in the day-to-day operations, liaising with various internal departments, such as Flight Crew Members flying across the globe when experiencing technical issues, Maintenance Planning, Logistics, Engineering and Operations, ensuring the airworthiness of Hi Fly fleet and enabling the Company to deliver the highest standards of service and safety to customers.

  • As an integral part of the iOCC, you will act as the focal point of contact with Flight Crew Members and contracted maintenance organizations for any operational maintenance/technical issue.
  • Monitor fleet AOG’s, assessing necessary technical activities and ongoing development.
  • Together with other Hi Fly iOCC teams, develop and communicate recovery plans, adequately.
  • Monitoring repetitive failures and necessary related maintenance activities.
  • AOG critical parts requisitions and coordination with other areas of the Company, as necessary, in order minimize operational impact on Hi Fly fleet activity.
  • Evaluate new ACMI Operations with aircraft technical limitations and existing maintenance programs requirements.
  • Contact manufacturers in case of AOG and support maintenance providers with recommended actions for troubleshooting.
  • Close coordination with CAMO Management on all continuous airworthiness activities.
  • Working with and updating respective databases and tracking programs.
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience as B1 or B2 licensed engineer working in Line Maintenance or, alternatively, Aeronautical/Mechanic Engineering with Academic degree working on an airline MCC/CAMO.
  • Working knowledge on maintenance planning activities along with understanding Operators’ approved maintenance programs requirements.
  • Knowledge of the applicable legislation, in particular EASA Part 145 and Part CAMO.
  • Experience with Airbus aircraft in terms of defect analysis, aircraft technical issues and troubleshooting will be an advantage.
  • Familiarization and work experience with manuals and technical documentation (AMM, IPC, TSM, SRM, MEL among others).
  • High capacity of multi-tasking and problem solving.
  • Highly flexible and ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Strong organizational skills.
  • Fluent in spoken and written English.
  • High degree of computer literacy.

This is an office-based role working shift patterns, 24/7/365. Due to the nature of the wet lease operations (ACMI and Charter), this is not an ordinary office job, and you can expect some very challenging and exciting days upon joining our Organization.

Flight Dispatcher / Flight Operations Officer

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated Flight Dispatchers or Flight Operations Officers to join our team in Lisbon-Portugal.

Hi Fly Flight Dispatchers provide flight crews with safe and timely operational flight plans and flight packages, containing any relevant information for the safe performance of the flight, weather charts as well as enroute actual weather and forecasts. Additionally, will interpret and provide the crews with navigation information briefings and the flight release. He is responsible for all pre-flight decisions concerning the initiation or termination of a flight, taking into consideration all the operational aspects related with suitability of aerodromes, route selection, meteorological conditions, and navigation aids, fuel quantity needed, ensuring, in conjunction with the flight crew, that all flights are planned in the safest and most efficient way in accordance with rules and regulations and company standard operating procedures.

  • Prepare operational flight plans and file ATC flight plans.
  • Prepare the required flight packages and disseminate to the flight crew, in a timely manner, in compliance with rules and regulations and company standard operating procedures.
  • Continuously monitor the daily flight activity, including initiation, continuation, diversion and/or termination of a flight and if necessary, in the interest of safety, establish direct communication with an airborne aircraft.
  • Participate and provide information to OCC and Senior Management regarding the activation of the Company’ Emergency Response Plan.
  • Hold a valid Flight Operations Officer/Flight Dispatcher ICAO License, issued or recognized by the Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC), or alternatively waiting for practical training (internship) to obtain the license.
  • Minimum 1 year of experience in a similar role (preferably).
  • Previous professional experience in the aviation industry will be an advantage.
  • Multicultural awareness, excellent interpersonal skills, and a clear communication style.
  • Fast learner and highly motivated.
  • Fluent in spoken and written English is mandatory.
  • Good proficiency in using Microsoft Office suite.

Fleet Engineer

Malta, malta.

HI FLY MALTA  is a leading widebody aircraft wet lease specialist operating worldwide, with an Airbus fleet of A320FAM, A330, A340 and A380.

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated  FLEET ENGINEERS  to join our team in Malta.

  • Interpretation of manufacture’s publications (Airbus Engines OEM such as Rolls-Royce, CFM, GE, Pratt &Whitney).
  • Airbus Avionics familiarization.
  • Familiarization/training with different types of engines in combination with Airbus airframe.
  • Planning maintenance activities.
  • Familiarization with Airworthiness Directives and Maintenance Programs.
  • Interpretation of wiring diagrams / flowcharts from the Manufacture’s Manuals.
  • More than 3 years’ relevant experience worked in Airworthiness EASA PART M or for an EASA PART 145 Organization.
  • University degree in Engineering (Aeronautical, Mechanical or similar).
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Excel is required.
  • Interest in informatics required to work with other internal software.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving skills are required in order to prioritize and manage multiple tasks.
  • Strong organizational skills, attention to detail and ability to manage multiple tasks are required.

Procurement Officer

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated Procurement Officers to join our Operations Procurement team in Lisbon-Portugal.

At the core of our organization's operational efficiency lies with the Planning and Operational Procurement Department, a vital component ensuring seamless procurement activities and management. The Procurement Officer plays a pivotal role in sourcing and negotiating essential activities for our daily operations. This position demands proactive and dynamic individuals capable of navigating the complexities of procurement in a fast-paced environment.

What will be your main responsibilities:

  • Conduct thorough market research to identify potential suppliers, evaluate bids, and negotiate contracts to secure cost-effective and high-quality goods and services;
  • Develop and manage supplier relationships and ensure compliance with established agreements;
  • Implement cost-saving initiatives and strategies while maintaining the highest standards of quality and reliability in the procurement process;
  • Work closely with various departments to understand their procurement needs and provide guidance on procurement processes;
  • Stay updated on relevant laws and regulations, ensuring that all procurement activities adhere to legal and ethical standards;
  • Develop and implement systems to assess supplier performance and responsiveness to issues;
  • Proactively identify opportunities for process improvement within the procurement function and implement best practices.

Some of our requirements:

  • Working experience in a similar role with other airlines (preferably);
  • Ideally have a background in the aviation industry, such as operations;
  • Capacity to work well in a fast-paced and demanding environment and be flexible to the changing needs of the business;
  • Must have excellent analytical and creative thinking;
  • Have a high level of professionalism and the ability to interact with all levels of leadership;
  • Must be detail oriented and able to work productively, independently or within a team;
  • Multicultural awareness, excellent interpersonal skills, and a clear communication style;
  • Good commercial awareness;
  • Excellent negotiation and communication skills;
  • Fast learner and highly motivated;
  • Good time management and organization skills;
  • Fluent in spoken and written English is mandatory;
  • Good proficiency in using Microsoft Office suite and be able to learn new systems quickly.

This is an office-based role working Monday to Friday. Due to the nature of the wet lease operations (ACMI and Charter), this is not an ordinary office job, and you can expect some very challenging and exciting days upon joining our Organization.

Other career opportunities:

Travel Desk Assistant

Considering the forecasted growth, we are seeking a dynamic and experienced Travel Desk Assistant to join our team.

The Travel Desk Assistant contributes to fiscal efficiency by analyzing and optimizing travel and accommodation costs, as well as negotiating, optimizing, and managing payment terms. With a keen eye for detail, this role supervises the intricacies of each employee and crew member's travel, as well as the customer, ensuring a seamless experience. In essence, this multifaceted role plays a vital part in maintaining cost-effective and efficient travel operations within the organization.

·Plan and book travel and hotels on different continents for employees and crew;

·Negotiate and administer purchasing contracts;

·Analyze and optimize travel and accommodation costs;

·Negotiate, optimize and manage payment terms;

·Supervise each employee and crew travel details;

·Analyze data to monitor performance and develop price improvements and demand.

·University degree in Tourism, International Studies, Languages or similar fields;

·Professional experience in corporate travel or similar roles;

·Strong organizational and analytical skills;

·Good knowledge of Microsoft Office tools;

·Fluency in English, written and spoken (mandatory).

·Previous professional experience with a Global Distribution System, e.g. Amadeus, is an an advantage.

In-flight Entertainment Manager

We are looking for an experienced professional In - flight Entertainment Manager to administer the programming of Hi Fly's fleet through various existing IFE systems, ensure the smooth functioning of the entire entertainment process offering a diverse and high-quality experience to passengers, and to collaborate with different departments to meet company and client objectives on both commercial and operational levels.

-In-depth knowledge of all installed IFE systems on the Hi Fly fleet and their capabilities.

-Plan and execute actions to ensure the effective operation of IFE, including content implementation and system components' functionality.

-Regularly engage with Commercial, Content Service Providers (CSPs), Engineering, and Maintenance departments for efficient coordination.

-Conduct regular supplier evaluations and financial, technical, and administrative controls.

-Implement cost-effective measures and continuously improve procurement processes.

-Define objectives for Inflight Entertainment Programming.

-Manage content planning for fixed IFE systems, portable IFE streaming, and iPads, aligning with Hi Fly's strategic positioning.

-Negotiate with distributors, independent producers, and CSPs for the acquisition of the latest content.

-Ensure the recording and encoding of analog and digital content to guarantee its display as per the outlined programming.

-Participate in Inflight Entertainment projects, proposing alternative scenarios for efficiency improvements.

-Supervise procedures related to portable Sierra boxes and iPads, from content planning to battery management.

-Establish regulations, workflow, and control procedures for the movement of trolleys, batteries, and iPads.

-Define processes for the regular movement of batteries and iPads to ensure efficiency, functionality, and safety.

-Oversee the charging process, including verification, movement, and timely and secure charging on the ground.

- Coordination Of products and services for consultation, drafting of specifications, and corresponding grids for international Request for Proposal (RFP) from suppliers and service providers, within the Logistics area;

-Definition of audio/video entertainment routines for Cabin Crew;

-Coordinate with the Engineering department in the phase-in and phase-out processes of the fleet and in various product upgrade and improvement projects;

-Management of information for retrofitting IFE equipment, for the current and new HiFly fleet;

-Participating in the phase-in process of aircraft into the HiFly fleet, from linefit to the integration of other aircraft already existing in the market, through:

-Surveys of aircraft, checking the status of IFE from software, graphical interface (GUI) to the state of all its components (head-to-end);

-Definition of GUI, monitoring software development with IFE system manufacturers (Panasonic and Safran), verification, and testing in our own rack before integration into the aircraft, ensuring its success within the defined timeframe.

-Working experience in a similar role with other airlines (preferably).

-Ideally have a background in the aviation industry.

-Capacity to work well in a fast-paced and demanding environment and be flexible to the changing needs of the business.

-Must have excellent analytical and creative thinking.

-Have a high level of professionalism and the ability to interact with all levels of leadership.

-Must be detail oriented and able to work productively, independently or within a team.

-Multicultural awareness, excellent interpersonal skills, and a clear communication style.

-Fast learner and highly motivated.

-Good time management and organization skills;

-Fluent in spoken and written English is mandatory.

-Good proficiency in using Microsoft Office suite and be able to learn new systems quickly.

Other Career Opportunities:

Do you want to know about other job vacancies we have at Hi Fly? If so, we invite you to visit our Careers page at www.hifly.aero. 

Occupational Health and Safety Technician

Hi Fly is a leading widebody aircraft wet lease specialist operating worldwide, with an Airbus fleet of A330 and A340.

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for a dedicated and highly motivated Occupational Health and Safety technician to join our team in Lisbon-Portugal.

In today's dynamic work environments, the role of occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals is pivotal in ensuring the well-being of workers and the integrity of facilities. From overseeing company activities to scrutinizing external contractors' operations, their responsibilities span regulatory compliance and proactive risk mitigation. Collaborating with various departments, they draft manuals, investigate incidents, and manage the stock and delivery of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). In essence, OSH professionals serve as guardians of workplace safety, fostering environments where individuals can perform their duties without compromising their health or safety.


  • Promoting the safety, health and well-being of employees by identifying and assessing risks
  • Suggesting, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of preventive measures
  • Drawing up and updating documentation on safety at work
  • Promoting awareness-raising, information and training activities
  • Making regular visits to the workplace
  • Monitoring internal and external audits and inspections
  • Training as a Occupational Health and Safety Technician (Level VI) - Valid professional qualification (e.g. CAP)- Elimination factor
  • Good knowledge of current occupational safety legislation
  • Knowledge of areas such as the environment and fire safety will be valued
  • Fluent in Portuguese and good knowledge of English;
  • Driving license
  • Willingness to travel and stay in Portugal
  • Good computer skills: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams

Due to the nature of the wet lease operations (ACMI and Charter), this is not an ordinary office job, and you can expect some very challenging and exciting days upon joining our Organization.

Flight Dispatcher

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated Flight Dispatchers to join our team in Luqa, Malta .

  • Prepare operational flight plans and file ATC flight plans;
  • Prepare the required flight packages and disseminate to the flight crew, in a timely manner, in compliance with rules and regulations and company standard operating procedures;
  • Continuously monitor the daily flight activity, including initiation, continuation, diversion and/or termination of a flight and if necessary, in the interest of safety, establish direct communication with an airborne aircraft;
  • Valid FOO license;
  • Minimum 1 year of experience in a similar role (preferably);
  • Previous professional experience in the aviation industry will be an advantage;
  • Highly flexible and ability to work in a fast-paced environment;
  • Fluent in spoken and written English (mandatory);

Cabin Design Engineer

The wet lease business market is very demanding, and airlines are increasingly opting for wet lease solutions as they are found to be reliable, safe, and efficient. For that reason, Hi Fly fleet is steadily growing with new widebody additions in the coming months while continues enhancing its Cabin standards.

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently recruiting highly motivated Cabin Design Engineers specialists to join our office in Lisbon, Portugal. Supporting Hi Fly’s new EASA Part-21 Organization application and maintaining current Cabin standards and configurations within the scope of EASA Part-CAMO activities.

  • Develop Cabin and In-Flight Entertainment System standards, with regular assessment and monitoring to the cabins condition;
  • Collaborate on Cabin, In-Flight Entertainment and aircraft liveries projects, from linefit definition, retrofits, maintenance and operational improvements;
  • Compile design and certification documentation within Hi Fly’s Part-21 scope;
  • Create the drawings (including parts lists) for installation and production within Hi Fly’s Part-21 scope;
  • Liaise with contracted Part-21 and Part-145 organizations, including but not limited to below activities:
  • Prepare internal and external presentations;
  • Request for proposals;
  • Create detailed working/technical specifications;
  • Analyze and dispatch the technical documentation received from the Part-21 or manufactures;
  • Analyze needs of special equipment, materials or facilities, to be in line with the implementation target date;
  • Provide technical support during the implementation phase, via remote or on-site assistance to contractors;
  • Manage and coordinate outsources modifications, ensuring they are completed within the timeline and budget defined;
  • In coordination with remaining Hi Fly’s Departments, maintain In-Flight Entertainment Systems standards and contents;
  • Support aircraft transaction projects (Phase In/Out) with documentation and physical analysis, along with the changes required to ensure the cabin is airworthiness and company standards are met on time;
  • Participate in Internal and External audits.
  • Professional experience of at least 3 years in EASA Organizations Part-CAMO/Part-145/Part-21;
  • Knowledge of the legislation applicable to the aviation sector (eg 2018/1139, 748/2012, 2015/640, 1321/2014 and 965/2012);
  • Design software knowledge is considered a plus;
  • Experience in cabin modifications and aircraft image changes, in particular, under a Part-21 organization is considered a plus;
  • Availability for travel.


Technical Transitions Engineer

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently recruiting highly motivated Technical Transitions Engineers to join our office in Lisbon, Portugal. Your primary responsibilities will consist of performing Technical Records analysis against Regulatory and Lease conditions, supporting Hi Fly’s Asset Transfer Center Coordinator to meet Hi Fly’s objectives. You’ll be working together with Hi Fly’s CAMO main technical areas, coordinating projects and follows delivery/re-delivery projects ensuring smooth transitions. You’ll also get the possibility to become part of Hi Fly’s Airworthiness Review Staff.

  • Aircraft/Engine Technical Records review;
  • Lead transitions projects, liaising with CAMO, all the involved Hi Fly Departments and Lessor towards a smooth transaction;
  • Perform ARC extensions and renewals;
  • Lead transitions projects, liaising with CAMO and Lessor towards a smooth transaction;
  • Ensure compliance with Lease Technical Acceptance and return conditions;
  • Apply for registration/de-registration processes;
  • Review Leasing contracts;
  • Perform Physical inspections per Lease conditions;
  • Professional experience of at least 5 years in EASA Organizations Part-CAMO/Part-145/Part-21;
  • Availability for long periods abroad.

Crew Controller

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for dedicated and highly motivated Crew Controllers to join our Integrated Operations Control Center (iOCC) team in Lisbon-Portugal.

As Crew Controller , you will need strategic thinking and problem-solver skills, paying attention to details when scheduling cockpit and cabin crew members.

The reporting line is to the Crew Control Supervisor.

As Crew Controller working in the Integrated Operations Control Center, you will be ensuring:

  • Monitoring and coordination of crew members’ daily activity.
  • Provide assistance to crew members on the line.
  • Crew activities are planned in a timely, efficient, and cost-effective manner and in accordance with regulatory Flight Time Limitations, Operations Manual as well as company Standard Operating Procedures.
  • Liaise, as and when necessary, with the Travel Department to organize crew positionings and logistics related to such movements.
  • All crew information and duty activities are accurately inserted in the company systems and are kept up to date.
  • Take informed decisions when unplanned operations occur.
  • Continuously track, update, and modify crew members rosters.
  • Previous professional experience in the aviation industry is an advantage.
  • Knowledge of EU-OPS Subpart Q, Flight and Duty Time Limitations and Rest Requirements will be an advantage.
  • Due to the nature of the job an analytical mindset and good mathematics skills is required.
  • Foster teamwork collaboration
  • Being able to work collaboratively in a team but also being capable of focusing and working independently when required to get analytical work done.
  • High capacity of multi-tasking, problem solving and strategic thinking.
  • Good commercial awareness.
  • Good proficiency in using Microsoft Office suite, especially Excel.

This is an office-based role in Lisbon-Portugal, working shift patterns, 24/7/365. Due to the nature of the wet lease operations (ACMI and Charter), this is not an ordinary office job, and you can expect some very challenging and exciting days upon joining our Organization.

Preparing our fleet to takeoff

Hi we are preparing your flight. what type of system do you have.

  • Normal computer Updated machines with reasonable connectivity.
  • Slow computer Older machines or limited connectivity.

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  16. Hi Fly

    Hi Fly is a Portuguese charter airline and wet-lease company that was founded in 2005 and based at Beja Airport (BYJ). Hi Fly was given its Air Operator Certificate (AOC) in 2006 and shortly after received first aircraft — an Airbus A330-300.Hi Fly doesn't operate any scheduled services but it does fly a number of irregular flights throughout the world, most notably around Europe and to the ...

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  23. Careers

    B1/B2 Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers - Malta. Apply. HI FLY is a leading widebody aircraft wet lease specialist operating worldwide, with an Airbus fleet of A330 and A340. The wet lease business market is very demanding, and airlines are increasingly opting for wet lease solutions as they are found to be reliable, safe, and efficient.