17 Tolkien Travel Quotes About Adventure From The Lord Of The Rings & The Hobbit

Last Updated on April 3, 2023

Often on this blog, I talk about the mundane travel practicalities; like how to pack a suitcase, the various TSA rules and regulations, all that boring but useful stuff!

But travel can be magical and otherworldly. I don’t think anyone captures that spirit better than J.R.R. Tolkien who I have loved ever since I was a little boy reading The Hobbit under the covers with a flashlight.

Things wouldn’t have been the same if JetBlue flew direct from The Shire to Mordor so the Tolkien quotations are not always relevant to modern globe-trotting.

Our airports are bland and sanitized and online trolls don’t turn to stone if they are still up tweeting at dawn. More’s the pity.

But there is something to discover in middle earth for every courageous traveler. So here’s a collection of advice gleaned from my favorite Tolkien quotes to inspire your next adventure!

Some of the best quotes are from the songs and poems of Tolkien so I have included videos of the songs where I could.

Lord Of The Rings Quotes About Travel & Adventure

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” Bilbo by J.R.R. Tolkien

One of the most popular LOTR quotes. This was a line said by Frodo, who quoting Bilbo at the time. So it was Bilbo that originally said it.

Hopefully, you won’t face the same level of danger that Bilbo or Frodo faced on your next vacation. Last time I checked there were no ringwraiths in Bangkok.

The danger that Tolkien speaks about is that your life could be changed forever. When you set off on an adventure you never know where you are going to end up!

Isn’t that thrilling?

Use Your Time Wisely

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us” Gandalf

J.R.R. Tolkien lived through some grim times. He served in the British Army during World War I and participated in The Battle of the Somme.

He didn’t have a choice in that, all he had to decide was what to do with the time he was given. Tolkien had to choose how to live his life in the time and place in which he lived.

In The Lord Of The Rings, Frodo had to decide what to do with his life. He chooses to travel to Mordor alone. Thankfully his buddy Sam wouldn’t let him take a solo trip.

You can relive that scene in this short video below.

What do you want to do with the time that you have been given? Do you want to wander the world? If so, why? Check out my post on positive travel if you are unsure how to answer.

Don’t Be Afraid To Get Lost

“Not all those who wander are lost” J.R.R. Tolkien

This is probably one of the most famous Tolkien quotes. “Not all those who wander are lost” is actually said by Gandalf in a letter to Frodo. But it’s a line that is part of a poem that Bilbo later reveals he wrote about Strider (Aragorn).

It’s short and to the point. That makes it catchy, but what exactly does it mean?

To wander is to move around aimlessly. If you move around without a clear aim people might assume that you are lost or disoriented.

But if the very reason for you traveling is to get lost, then you’re not really lost, you’re exactly where you wanted to be. Even if you are not entirely sure where that is.

One of my favorite things to do in a new city is to wander around going wherever my feet or my nose take me.

I don’t follow a map.

From a birds-eye view, I may look lost as I take an inefficient route through the city, but I’m not lost. It’s exactly these types of random routes that make for the most serendipitous discoveries.

What about you? Do you like to wander around a bit lost or do you prefer to have a tight itinerary when you’re on a trip?

The World Is Not As Scary As It Sometimes Seems

“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.” Haldir to Merry

Things have changed a lot since Tolkien’s days. Now we are all connected and information flows quickly. If “bad news travels fast” was true in Tolkien’s day how fast does bad news get around now! It’s everywhere!

“The News” should really be called “The Bad News”. Since good news stories are so very rarely encountered.

And so it can seem that the world is full of danger and darkness. This impression could lead us to lock the doors and stay home since the world outside seems like such a dangerous place.

But let me play the role of Haldir here…

As you journey around the world you’ll mostly find good people. The world isn’t as scary as “The Bad News” would make us think.

There are still many fair places out there for you to discover. There is more love in the world than darkness.

So get out there and switch off “The News”!

Stay True To Your Travel Companions

“Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens” Gimli

If you are traveling, and times get tough, you should stick together. Don’t leave your buddies when they need you.

If you’ve read the book or seen the movies you’ll know that Tolkien’s works are all about fellowship and sticking together to overcome darkness.

That sounds like not a bad travel philosophy too.

Your Destiny Awaits

“The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can” J.R.R. Tolkien

I think Tolkien is talking about destiny here.

Wherever you are right now you are traveling down a road, the road of life.

Maybe you’ll get to explore new places and take some detours as your travel. But you must follow your path if you can.

Adventures Never Have An End

“Don’t adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on the story” Bilbo Baggins,  The Fellowship of the Ring

The drama of life is played by an ensemble cast. It’s more like an ongoing soap opera than a TV series or film.

Your storyline is just one part of the overall continuing drama.

Are your adventures over? They don’t need to be. Not yet.

I’ll say it again. Travel is a state of mind.

So long as your heart is beating, there is still time for your character to be involved in a dramatic twist.

It only takes a moment, and you don’t need to go anywhere.

You are always surrounded by the awe-inspiring spectacle of life and existence if you keep your heart and your mind open to seeing it.

Take The Hidden Paths

“Still round the corner there may wait a new road or a secret gate, and though I oft have passed them by, a day will come at last when I shall take the hidden paths that run west of the moon, east of the sun” Frodo

Curiosity. This, right here, is why we travel.

To see what is behind the secret gate.

To take the hidden path and discover what’s out there.

Keep Going!

“Though here at journey’s end I lie in darkness buried deep, beyond all towers strong and high, beyond all mountains steep, above all shadows rides the sun and stars forever dwell: I will not say the day is done, nor bid the stars farewell” Samwise Gamgee

No matter how bleak Sam refuses to give up. He knows that the good times are out there, even if he’s in the shit right now.

So the end of the journey is never the end. Sam keeps his traveler’s mindset right to the very end. He can endure all because he knows somewhere out there is eternal peace.

Is this a travel quote? It’s about traveling through life that’s for sure.

Take Your Home With You In Your Heart

“I feel that as long as the Shire lies behind, safe and comfortable, I shall find wandering more bearable: I shall know that somewhere there is a firm foothold, even if my feet cannot stand there again” Frodo

This is similar to the last quote. Though this time it’s Frodo dreaming of home. Just knowing that The Shire is out there and safe gives Frodo an anchor.

As you go traveling, do you have somewhere anchoring you and keeping you grounded?

Always Be Ready For The Next Adventure

“I think i’m quite ready for another adventure” Bilbo

This cheeky little quote is from Bilbo before he sets off to leave middle earth. By this time he is getting old but he still has a bold and courageous spirit.

Face The Right Direction

“Home Is Behind, The World Ahead” A Walking Song

I love this simple quote that beautifully captures that feeling when you start a new trip.

As Lao Tsu says “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Once you take that step home is behind you and the rest of the world stretches out before you.

You Are Always Traveling

“The Wide World Is All About You: You Can Fence Yourselves In, But You Cannot For Ever Fence It Out” Gildor To Frodo

There is another travel quote that I like – “Travel Is A State Of Mind” by Paul Theroux. Is it possible to be mixed up in that sense of adventure even when you have not gone anywhere?

Maybe if you realize that you can’t escape the world.

You are surrounded by the world right now. So why not be a traveler at home too?

Take a staycation! Try to experience your home with this same sense of adventure that you do when you travel to foreign lands.

After all, your mundane neighborhood would feel exotic to someone from another culture. Can you capture that feeling yourself?

Put Down That Travel Guide!

“The World Is Not In Your Books And Maps, It Is Out There” Gandalf

Put down your travel guide. Leave your map at the hotel. Stop looking at your destination through a camera lens. Forget your Instagram feed.

Now get out there and look, listen, smell, taste, and touch your destination.

Travel planning and sightseeing are fine, but make time during your trip to just soak up the experience.

There And Back Again – Hobbit Quotes About Adventure

Even a baggins can have an adventure.

“This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected.” J.R.R. Tolkien

Did you ever find yourself doing things altogether unexpected?

If you travel to a new place and you might just meet a new version of yourself when you get there!

Don’t Worry About Being Late For Dinner

“I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone. I should think so — in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!” Gandalf & Bilbo in The Hobbit

You’ll never have an adventure if you can’t be late for dinner.

Someone said, “life begins at the edge of your comfort zone”, Bilbo had to get out of his comfort zone for his life to really begin.

It would have been a boring book and movies if Bilbo never left Bag End that’s for sure!

Your Nest Waits At The End Of Your Journey

“Farewell,” they cried, “Wherever you fare till your eyries receive you at the journey’s end!” That is the polite thing to say among eagles. “May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks,” answered Gandalf, who knew the correct reply.” J.R.R. Tolkien

Farewell in this sense means, Travelwell.

Your nest as somewhere you go to at the end of your journey.

In the meantime, keep on traveling, and may the wind carry you far!

Don’t Take Your Sword As Carry-On Luggage

“Then Something Tookish Woke Up Inside Him, And He Wished To Go And See The Great Mountains, And Hear The Pine-Trees And The Waterfalls, And Explore The Caves, And Wear A Sword Instead Of A Walking-Stick” J.R.R. Tolkien

Is there something Tookish inside you?

Did you see your great mountains yet?

Did you listen to the trees and the waterfalls?

Did you explore the caves?

If not…

What are you waiting for!

But leave your sword behind ! You won’t be able to take that in your carry on luggage!

J.R.R. Tolkien is buried in Oxford, England. His grave is in the photo at the start of this post. He was a wonderful man who took his horrific experiences war and processed and repackaged them into thrilling and delightful stories about adventure and fellowship that brought great pleasure to millions of people. Not bad for a life’s work.

Bilbo once asked “Don’t adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on the story” .

Tolkien’s adventure is over but it’s your job to carry on the story and have your own adventure. I think I know what Tolkien would have suggested!

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40 Hobbit Quotes To Inspire Your Next Adventure

40 Hobbit quotes to inspire your next adventure featured image

This post is all about inspiring Hobbit quotes about home, friendship, and adventure.

Whenever I suffer from travel hesitation (which happens quite a lot these days), I go back to these hobbit quotes. These hobbit quotes give me motivation. They spur my inner need for adventure. I’ve said it once before and I’ll say it again, The Hobbit allows my Tookish side to take over, to overwhelm me, to make me crave movement.

Early twenty-something Anshula had itchy feet . Mid-twenty-something Anshula has idle feet and cozy slippers that she slips neatly into a shoe closet. She’s regained her childhood love of books. She’s put together. She knows how to cook (and has an alarmingly large cookbook collection )!

Needless to say, I’ve become a homebody.

But these hobbit quotes make me forget about my hobbit-ish ways and my hobbit-ish life. If you’re looking for a sign to go on the journey of a lifetime (even if it’s in your own backyard), this is it.

Here are forty hobbit quotes to inspire your next adventure!

P.S. This is the specific edition of The Hobbit that I own . All of the page numbers included are in relation to this edition.

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28 Hobbit Quotes To Inspire Your Next Adventure

funny hobbit quotes about adventure (with page numbers)

  • “There is little or no magic about them, except the ordinary everyday sort…” – Narrator (about hobbits, pg. 4)
  • “We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things. Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.” – Bilbo Baggins (pg. 6)
  • “And you do know my name, though you don’t remember that I belong to it.” – Gandalf (pg. 6)
  • “I will go so far as to send you on this adventure. Very amusing for me, very good for you – and profitable too, very likely, if you ever get over it.” – Gandalf (pg. 7)

favorite quotes from The Hobbit

  • “The dark filled all the room, and the fire died down, and the shadows were lost, and still they played on. And suddenly first one then another began to sing as they played, deep-throated singing of the dwarves in the deep places of their ancient homes.” – Narrator (pg. 14)
  • “As they sang the hobbit felt the love of beautiful things made by hands and by cunning and by magic moving through him, a fierce and a jealous love, the desire of the hearts of dwarves.” – Narrator (pg. 16)
  • “He wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick” – Narrator (pg. 16)
  • “Then Mr. Baggins turned the handle and went in. The Took side had won. He suddenly felt he would go without bed and breakfast to be thought fierce. As for little fellow bobbing on the mat it almost made him really fierce.” – Narrator (pg. 18)

best hobbit quotes about adventure

  • “To the end of his days Bilbo could never remember how he found himself outside, without a hat, a walking-stick or any money, or anything that he usually took when he went out; leaving his second breakfast half-finished and quite unwashed-up, pushing his keys into Gandalf’s hands, and running as fast as his furry feet could carry him down the lane, past the great Mill, across The Water, and then on for a mile or more.” – Narrator (pg. 28)
  • “Where did you go to, if I may ask?” said Thorin to Gandalf as they rode along. / “To look ahead,” said he. / “And what brought you back in the nick of time?” / “Looking behind,” said he. (pg. 42)
  • “Is that The Mountain?” asked Bilbo in a solemn voice, looking at it with round eyes. He had never seen such a thing that looked so big before. “Of course not!” said Balin. “That is only the beginning…” – Balin (pg. 43)
  • “Now they rode away amid songs of farewell and good speed, with their hearts ready for more adventure, and with a knowledge of the road they must follow over the Misty Mountains to the land beyond.” – Narrator (pg. 51)

hobbit quotes about adventure

  • “There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something.” – Thorin Oakenshield (pg. 55)
  • “You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.” – Narrator (pg. 55)
  • “Go back?” he thought. “No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!” – Bilbo Baggins (pg. 66)
  • “Farewell!” they cried, “wherever you fare, till your eyries receive you at the journey’s end!” – Eagles (pg. 106)

the hobbit quotes with page numbers

  • “Do we really have to go through?” groaned the hobbit. “Yes, you do!” said the wizard, “if you want to get to the other side. You must either go through or give up your quest. And I am not going to allow you to back out now, Mr. Baggins. I am ashamed of you for thinking of it…” – Gandalf (pg. 128)
  • “There are no safe paths in this part of the world.” – Gandalf (pg. 129)
  • “Already he was a very different hobbit from the one that had run out without a pocket-handkerchief from Bag-End long ago. He had not had a pocket-handkerchief for ages.” – Narrator (pg. 196)
  • “Going from there was the bravest thing he ever did.” – Narrator (pg. 197)

hobbit quotes funny

  • “Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo, you fool!” he said to himself, and it became a favorite saying of his later, and passed into a proverb. “You aren’t nearly through this adventure yet,” he added, and that was pretty true as well. – Bilbo Baggins (pg. 209)
  • “Come, come!” he said. “While there’s life there’s hope!” – Bilbo Baggins (pg. 214)
  • “It was a terrible battle. The most dreadful of all Bilbo’s experiences, and the one which at the time he hated most – which is to say it was the one he was most proud of, and most fond of recalling long afterwards, although he was quite unimportant in it.” – Narrator (pg. 257)
  • “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” – Thorin Oakenshield (pg. 263)

hobbit quotes short

  • “May you ever appear where you are most needed and least expected!” – Elvenking (pg. 267)
  • “There is a long road yet,” said Gandalf. / “But it is the last road,” said Bilbo. (pg. 272)
  • Gandalf looked at him. “My dear Bilbo!” he said. “Something is the matter with you! You are not the hobbit that you were.” (pg. 274)
  • “You don’t really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck, just for your sole benefit? You are a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all!” – Gandalf (pg. 276)

12 Hobbit Movie Quotes To Inspire Your Next Adventure

hobbit movie quotes

  • “My dear Frodo, you asked me once if I had told you everything there was to know about my adventures. And while I can honestly say I’ve told you the truth, I may not have told you all of it. I am old, Frodo. I am not the same hobbit as I once was. It is time for you to know what really happened.” – Bilbo Baggins
  • “I’m looking for someone to share in an adventure.” – Gandalf
  • “No. No. No – Wait – We do not want any adventures here, thank you. Not today.” – Bilbo Baggins
  • “I’m going on an adventure!” – Bilbo Baggins

hobbit quotes about home

  • “Can you promise that I’ll come back?”- Bilbo Baggins / “No. And if you do, you will not be the same.” – Gandalf
  • “The world is not in your books and maps. It is out there.” – Gandalf
  • “Look, I know you doubt me, I know you always have. And you’re right. I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair. And my garden. See, that’s where I belong. That’s home. That’s why I came back, cause you don’t have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can.” – Bilbo Baggins
  • “True courage is not knowing how to take life, but when to spare it.” – Gandalf

hobbit quotes inspirational

  • “Loyalty, honor, a willing heart, I can ask for no more than that.”- Thorin Oakenshield
  • “One day it’ll grow. And every time I look at it, I’ll remember. Remember everything that happened: the good, the bad… and how lucky I am that I made it home.” – Bilbo Baggins
  • “Home is now behind you. The world is ahead.” – Gandalf
  • “It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps because I am afraid, and he gives me courage.” – Gandalf

sincerely anshula

Did you enjoy these Hobbit quotes on adventure? What are your favorite Hobbit quotes? Let me know in the comments below! As always, I love hearing from you.


the hobbit travel quotes


a gorgeous fully illustrated edition of J.R.R. Tolkien’s beloved classic

the hobbit travel quotes


Reading Journal

a guided tracker for avid readers looking to document their bookish thoughts

the hobbit travel quotes

cherry tree

Annotation Tabs

the tabs we personally use to bookmark all our favorite quotes

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Anshula grew up with a love of stories and places. Thirty-five states and 100 bookstores later, she's made her hobbit home in Middle Tennessee. Her Tookish side still takes over and leaves her chasing window seats, literary destinations, adventure books, sunrise coffee, and indie bookshops. She's appeared as a travel source on HuffPost, Reader's Digest, and MSN.

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One comment.

Wow, I absolutely adored this collection of Hobbit quotes! It feels like stepping into the enchanting world of Middle-earth all over again. Each quote perfectly captures the whimsical and adventurous spirit of Bilbo Baggins and his unique companions. This post is a true treasure for any Tolkien fan like me, providing not only inspiration but also a delightful trip down memory lane. Thank you for sharing these amazing quotes!

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25 Best J.R.R. Tolkien Quotes To Inspire Your Next Adventure

"the wise speak only of what they know.".

By Meaghan Summers — Written on Mar 29, 2019

J.R.R. Tolkien QUOTES about adventure wanderlust

John Ronald Reuel, J.R.R., Tolkien has inspired generations of fantasy lovers since he published his classic fiction series  The Lord of the Rings  and its prequel The Hobbit in 1948 and 1932, respectively. From movies and visual media to costumes and figurines, it's hard not to become immersed in the world Tolkien created.

Middle-earth, as it is now known, has its own map, language and species of human-like creatures . His fictional world has become so commonplace today that it's almost as if it is real.

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You'll still see people dressed as Gandalf on Halloween and find people debating the books' lore on Reddit. Dragons, wizards and elves are very much alive in Tolkien's world, and he brings them to life in such a convincing way that you might find yourself asking if they just may be hidden as one of the world's best kept secrets. 

But the true reason why The Lord of the Rings  and  The Hobbit  have survived this long in our hearts is because Tolkien wrote in a way no other author had ever written before. He included songs and limericks, poems, sketches and more that made his storytelling come to life. He could really show his readers everything he needed to about Middle-earth and fashion dynamic characters that we all fell in love with in the process.

Even if you haven’t read the books, you can appreciate Tolkien’s attention to detail and his love for the craft.

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Here are 25 of the best J.R.R. Tolkien quotes that will make you want to pick up the books again and go on another breath-taking adventure with Bilbo Baggins by your side. They are guaranteed to help you make it through another day in your Hobbit hole.

1. Embrace wanderlust.

the hobbit travel quotes

“Not all those who wander are lost.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

2. Get to know people before judging them. 

the hobbit travel quotes

“I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

3. Take a chance on adventure.

the hobbit travel quotes

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

4. Reading is your best escape plan.

the hobbit travel quotes

“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisioned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien

5. Love like no one is watching.

the hobbit travel quotes

“And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien

6. Don't mess with wizards.

the hobbit travel quotes

“Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

7. Seek out entertainment.

the hobbit travel quotes

“I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien

8. Enjoy the world because it isn't going away.

the hobbit travel quotes

“The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot for ever fence it out.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

9. Fighting isn't productive.

the hobbit travel quotes

“The world is full enough of hurts and mischances without wars to multiply them.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

10. It's dangerous to go alone — take a buddy!

the hobbit travel quotes

“Don't go where I can't follow!”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

11. Have faith in yourself.

the hobbit travel quotes

“Living by faith includes the call to something greater than cowardly self-preservation.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien 4-Book Boxed Set: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings

12. Actions speak louder than words.

the hobbit travel quotes

“Fair speech may hide a foul heart.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

13. Advice isn't always right.

the hobbit travel quotes

“Advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

14. Hobbits are real.

the hobbit travel quotes

“I am in fact, a hobbit in all but size”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien

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15. Keep going. And singing.

the hobbit travel quotes

“The road goes ever on and on.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit or There and Back Again

16. There's another adventure ahead.

the hobbit travel quotes

“Don't adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on on the story.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

17. You are as old as you feel.

the hobbit travel quotes

“I am old, Gandalf. I don't look it, but I am beginning to feel it in my heart of hearts. Well-preserved indeed! Why, I feel all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread. That can't be right. I need a change, or something.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

18. Keep talking to the wise.

the hobbit travel quotes

“I was talking aloud to myself. A habit of the old: they choose the wisest person present to speak to.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

19. Don't focus on your enemy.

the hobbit travel quotes

“It is perilous to study too deeply the arts of the Enemy, for good or for ill.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

20. You can't bring back the dead.

the hobbit travel quotes

“The way is shut. It was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it, until the time comes. The way is shut.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

21. Don't live in denial.

the hobbit travel quotes

“False hopes are more dangerous than fears.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Children of Húrin

22. Know when to be quiet.

the hobbit travel quotes

“The wise speak only of what they know.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

23. Riddles are for grown-ups, too.

the hobbit travel quotes

“A box without hinges, key, or lid, Yet golden treasure inside is hid.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit or There and Back Again

24. We all need a friend.

the hobbit travel quotes

“A hunted man sometimes wearies of distrust and longs for friendship."  ―  J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

25. Love is the (not so) secret ingredient.

the hobbit travel quotes

“For we put the thought of all that we love into all that we make.”  ―  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

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Meaghan Summers is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.

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Nine ‘Hobbit’ Quotes About Adventure

Eighty-three years ago today, J.R.R Tolkien’s The Hobbit was published. In celebration of the tale that introduced readers to Middle Earth and started the rise in epic fantasy with The Lord of the Rings, we’ve compiled this list of quotes from The Hobbit to celebrate the thrill of budding adventure.   1. “This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected.” It’s interesting that Bilbo, a hobbit who is originally dead-set against anything that interrupts his routine, would come to see such a radical growth in character. At the onset of …

the hobbit travel quotes

Eighty-three years ago today, J.R.R Tolkien’s The Hobbit  was published. In celebration of the tale that introduced readers to Middle Earth and started the rise in epic fantasy with The Lord of the Rings , we’ve compiled this list of quotes from The Hobbit  to celebrate the thrill of budding adventure.

1. “This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected.”

It’s interesting that Bilbo, a hobbit who is originally dead-set against anything that interrupts his routine, would come to see such a radical growth in character. At the onset of the tale, he proclaims, “I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not today!” He calls them “nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!” And yet, he soon finds himself launching out of his cozy home and racing over the hills shouting, “I’m going on an adventure!”

2. “Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.”

the hobbit travel quotes

When Bilbo is unexpectedly thrust into the path of adventure, he discovers something alive within himself; something waiting to explore. Yes, he often misses the safety of his hobbit hole, the warmth of his fireplace and a singing kettle, but he realizes that these comforts are not nearly enough for him. There’s a life that calls to him beyond the gardens and glades of The Shire. There’s an adventurer in Bilbo, buried deep in his ancestry and blazing in his heart.

3. “It was at this point that Bilbo stopped. Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did. The tremendous things that happened afterward were as nothing compared to it. He fought the real battle in the tunnel alone, before he ever saw the vast danger that lay in wait.”

the hobbit travel quotes

Sometimes the real obstacles are those inside us, rather than before us. The darkness that can be found in the mind is more impenetrable than the darkest cave. And sometimes, taking the first step is the hardest hurdle to overcome.

4. “You are come to the very Edge of the Wild.”

the hobbit travel quotes

There is nothing more thrilling, and frightening, that standing at the threshold of new terrain. And this delight, mingled with fear, sets  your heart pounding, reminding you that you’re alive. Your racing pulse is sparked from stepping outside of your comfort zone, and the transition from what you have experienced so far to what you’ve never encountered. Gandalf describes this intermediate period as “the Edge of the Wild,” though Wild is more than an adjective for Bilbo. It’s a definitive and dangerous place. A spot on the wizard’s aged map where all the untamed and unkempt are kept. At the very Edge of the Wild, an adventure begins in all of its sheer and honest danger.

5. “There are no safe paths in this part of the world. Remember, you are over the Edge of the Wild now, and in for all sorts of fun wherever you go.”

the hobbit travel quotes

Whether wandering into a terror-filled forest or skulking into a dragon’s cave, there is always the promise of entertainment. Comfort alone may lead to boredom, whereas excitement follows a fearful journey.

6. “Now they rode away amid songs of farewell and good speed, with their hearts ready for more adventure, and with a knowledge of the road they must follow.”

the hobbit travel quotes

This passage comes as the party departs the safety they find in Rivendell after a perilous beginning. They originally left The Shire with a goal in their hearts and treasure in their mind’s eye, but after meeting a few hungry trolls, they know that the rest of their journey will be much harder. It’s never easy to leave a comfortable dwelling. It’s almost painful to step into uncertain danger, and most certainly aggravating to step into wet shoes. It’s even harder to return to this mode of travel after a nice, warm rest. However, they know that victory is achieved for those willing to put their small treasures aside in search of a greater one, so they continue on.

7. “You must depend on your luck and your courage.”

the hobbit travel quotes

The party’s shape shifter friend and gracious host, Beorn, leaves them with this pearl of insight at the end of his warnings for their further journeys through the Wild. He means it to say that there isn’t much he can give them to aid the beasts they will meet along their path, but doubtless, encouragement is found inside the admonition. There is hope in their luck and in their courage, even when all other hope to prevail seem dim.

8. “He felt a different person, and much fiercer and bolder in spite of an empty stomach, as he wiped his sword on the grass and put it back into its sheath. ‘I will give you a name,’ he said to it, and I shall call you Sting .'”

the hobbit travel quotes

When you can defeat a foe on an empty stomach, you know you’re living out an adventure.

It’s one thing to begrudgingly partake in adventure, or even to set off on one and wish you hadn’t, but it’s entirely another to take life by the horns (or, in this case, fangs). After Bilbo’s first use of his sword, when slaying the giant spiders, he doesn’t just name his tool, but also renames himself. He’s not just a whiny hobbit any longer, but a warrior that can stand in his strength to defend his friends. In overcoming this trial, Bilbo has discovered his resolve, his luck and his courage, and he is now someone worthy of a sword with a name.

9. “The road goes ever on and on.”

the hobbit travel quotes

Whether you’re one for comfort or for the riches of the world, The Hobbit  teaches us all one thing for sure: Whichever pathway you decide to take in life, there’s no end to adventure.

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32 Tolkien Quotes for Hobbit Day and Your Next Adventure

the hobbit travel quotes

September 22 nd  is Hobbit Day , the birthday of both Frodo and Bilbo Baggins. Author J.R.R. Tolkien continues to inspire the imaginations of writers of all ages.  These quotes can spark in us that hidden flame for adventure that he created all those years ago in the magical world of Middle Earth. Just be careful if you wander too far from The Shire and too close to Mordor.

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35+ The Hobbit Quotes To Inspire Your Own Adventure

The Hobbit quotes

Bilbo Baggins was a small man… maybe three feet? That’s to be expected of Hobbits, of course. Less expected of Hobbits? To be brave adventurers. Before the many adventures that he undertook, Bilbo was a rather squirrelly hobbit. While certainly polite and friendly enough, he had no interest in seeing what fun lay in the world beyond his home at Bag End. And yet, as we witnessed many times afterward, Gandalf could be quite a convincing wizard. When he asked Bilbo to set out to travel , it took some persuasion. But what Hobbit doesn’t love a good story to tell? None, if we’re going by The Hobbit quotes.

The Hobbit might just be our favorite book by fantasy genre author J.R.R. Tolkien. While we’ll happily sit through all three Lord of the Rings movies any day of the week, we lived for the traveling tales of young(er) Bilbo. Say what you want about Tolkien (and there’s plenty to say), the world he created and the characters he conjured will always be our favorites. These quotes are just a sampling of some of Tolkien’s writing and some of the wonderful and inspiring moments from The Hobbit .

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The Hobbit Quotes: Bilbo Baggins

Warner Bros./Giphy

  • “I’m going on an adventure!”
  • “Go back? No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!”
  • “Victory, after all, I suppose! Well, it seems a very gloomy business .”
  • “I should think so — in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.”
  • “Never laugh at live dragons !”
  • “The road goes ever on and on.”
  • “If ever you are passing my way. Don’t wait to knock! Tea is at four, but any of you are welcome at any time!”
  • “Your lullaby would waken a drunken goblin!”
  • “I like visitors, but I usually get to know them before they visit.”
  • “I do believe the worst is behind us!”

The Hobbit Quotes: Gandalf

  • “Home is now behind you, the world is ahead!”
  • “Surely you don’t disbelieve the prophecies just because you helped them come about. You don’t really suppose do you that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck ? Just for your sole benefit? You’re a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I’m quite fond of you. But you are really just a little fellow, in a wide world after all.”
  • “Do you wish me a good morning , or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not, or that you feel good this morning, or that it is a morning to be good on?”
  • “The world is not in your books and maps, it’s out there.”
  • “I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.”
  • “There is a lot more in Bilbo than you guess, and a deal more than he has any idea of himself.”
  • “It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations if you live near him.”
  • “May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails, and the moon walks.”
  • “True courage is knowing not how to take a life, but when to spare it.”
  • “I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay.”
  • “Well, he could! In the Battle of Greenfields, he charged the Goblin ranks. He swung his club so hard it knocked the Goblin King’s head cleaned off and it sailed a hundred yards through the air and went down a rabbit hole. And thus the battle was won and the game of golf invented at the same time.”
  • “You’ve been sitting quietly for far too long!”

Other Great The Hobbit Quotes & Conversations

  • “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat. It was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.” — Narrator
  • “There is nothing like looking if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.” — Thorin
  • Thorin: “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

Bilbo: “No, I would have doubted me too.”

  • “There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom , blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” — Thorin
  • “Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling, anyway.” — Narrator
  • “And what would you do, if an uninvited dwarf came and hung his things up in your hall without a word of explanation?” — Narrator
  • “Everything tastes like chicken, except chicken itself.” — William Troll
  • “Loyalty, honor, and a willing heart. I can ask no more than that.” — Thorin
  • “Nor will I be responsible for his fate.” — Thorin
  • “I can’t just go running off into the blue. I’m a Baggins of bag end!” — Bilbo
  • ( Talking about Radagast ) “It is his excessive consumption of mushrooms. They have addled his brain and yellowed his teeth!” — Saruman
  • “Do you smell it? The scent of fear.” — Azog
  • “All good stories deserve embellishment!” — Gandalf
  • “Frodo, although I must admit I have told you the truth, I might not have told you all of it.” — Bilbo
  • “And now leave me in peace for a bit! I don’t want to answer a string of questions while I am eating. I want to think!” — J.R.R. Tolkein
  • “Thrór’s love of gold had grown too fierce. A sickness had begun to grow within him. It was a sickness of the mind. And where sickness thrives bad things will follow.” — Bilbo

This article was originally published on Jan. 18, 2021

the hobbit travel quotes

Selected Quotes From 'The Hobbit' by J.R.R. Tolkien

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" The Hobbit " is a book by J.R.R. Tolkien, a famous Oxford professor, essayist and writer, published in 1937. The story centers on Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who is caught up in a grand adventure. Here are a few quotes from "The Hobbit." 

Baggins' quest takes him from a quiet, rural life to more dangerous territory to try to win a share of a great treasure guarded by Smaug the dragon. Along the way, he meets, confronts and is helped by a cast of characters, both good and bad.

"I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it's very difficult to find anyone." - Chapter 1 "I should think so -- in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!" - Chapter 1 "Also, I should like to know about risks, out-of-pocket expenses, time required and remuneration, and so forth" -- by which he meant: "What am I going to get out of it? and am I going to come back alive." - Chapter 1 "There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something." - Chapter 4

The Golden Treasure

Baggins is trying to help Thorin Oakenshield, the head of a band of dwarves. This group used to inhabit Lonely Mountain until Smaug the dragon pillaged the dwarvish kingdom, then ruled by Thorin's grandfather, and took the treasure.

"Far over the misty mountains cold / To dungeons deep and caverns old / We must away ere break of day / To seek the pale enchanted gold." - Chapter 1 "Some sang too that Thror and Thrain would come back one day and gold would flow in rivers, through the mountain-gates, and all that land would be filled with new song and new laughter. But this pleasant legend did not much affect their daily business." - Chapter 10

Baggins is initially more of a hindrance than help on the quest until he finds a magical ring that allows him to become invisible.

"He guessed as well as he could, and crawled along for a good way, till suddenly his hand met what felt like a tiny ring of cold metal lying on the floor of the tunnel. It was a turning point in his career, but he did not know it. He put the ring in his pocket almost without thinking; certainly it did not seem of any particular use at the moment. - Chapter 5

Bilbo Baggins

Baggins lived a life of quiet—though sparse—comfort ​until he was called upon to start his quest.

"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort." - Chapter 1​ "Chip the glasses and crack the plates! / Blunt the knives and bend the forks! / That's what Bilbo Baggins hates." - Chapter 1

Monstrous Characters

Tolkien based many of the characters Baggins encounters on fairy tales such as Grimm's fairy tales and "Snow White."

"Trolls are slow in the uptake, and mighty suspicious about anything new to them." - Chapter 2 "It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him. Dragons may not have much real use for all their wealth, but they know it to an ounce as a rule, especially after long possession; and Smaug was no exception." - Chapter 12
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39 Best 'The Hobbit' Quotes (Or There and Back Again)

J.r.r.Tolkien artistic picture

The Best 'The Hobbit' Quotes

Quotes by bilbo baggins, gandalf quotes.

'The Hobbit' is undoubtedly one of the most popular children's books in literature by J.R.R Tolkien.

It records the adventures of a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, who sets out on a quest to win treasure which is guarded by Smaug the dragon. It is a story of personal growth, strength, maturity, and courage; all of which Bilbo acquires in this episodic quest.

'The Hobbit' is a standalone book (not part of a 'The Hobbit' series), but it can be understood as a prequel to 'The Lord Of The Rings' series. It can be read independently though, since the plotlines are quite different, you don't have to read 'The Hobbit' before reading 'The Lord Of The Rings' series.

It has previously been banned several times as well, due to its discussion of satanic witchcraft, but it is still a very popular read. It is a single adventure book set in Middle Earth.

Here is a list of some of the best quotes from the novel. If you like our content, you can also check out other articles like these [Tolkien quotes] and ['Lord Of The Rings' quotes].

Are you looking for some iconic ' The Hobbit ' book quotes? Check out this list.

1.  "No dragon can resist the fascination of riddling talk and of wasting time trying to understand it."

-Narrator, Chapter 12.

2. "There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something… You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after."

-Thorin, Chapter 4.

3. "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hold, and that means comfort."

-Narrator, Chapter 1.

4. "If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."

-Thorin, Chapter 18.

5. "Now is the time for Bilbo to perform the service for which he was included in our company; now is the time for him to earn his reward."

-Thorin, Chapter 12.

6. "Trolls simply detest the sight of dwarves (uncooked)."

-Narrator, Chapter 2.

7. "Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling anyway."

-Narrator, Chapter 3.

8. "Elvish singing is not a thing to miss, in June under the stars, not if you care for such things."

9. "Is it nice, my preciousss? Is it juicy? Is it scrumptiously crunchable?"

-Gollum, Chapter 5.

10. "Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks, and the setting sun with the last light of Durin’s Day will shine upon the key-hole."

-Elrond, Chapter 3.

11. "You have nice manners for a thief and a liar."

-Smaug, Chapter 4.

12. "And what would you do, if an uninvited dwarf came and hung his things up in your hall without a word of explanation?"

13. "The quiet was so deep that their feet seemed to thump along while all the trees leaned over them and listened."

-Narrator, Chapter 8.

14. "It seemed like all the way to tomorrow and over it to the days beyond."

-Narrator, Chapter 5.

15. "My armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws pears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!"

-Smaug, Chapter 12.

16. "There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West."

Here is a list of quotes said about and by the protagonist Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins.

17. "Every worm has his weak spot."

-Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 11.

18. "So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their ending!"

-Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 18.

19.  "Your lullaby would waken a drunken goblin!"

-Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 19.

20. "This hobbit was a very well-to-do hobbit, and his name was Baggins. The Bagginses had lived in the neighborhood of The Hill for time out of mind..."

21. "This is the story of how a Baggins had an adventure and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected."

22. "Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

23. "Truly songs and tales fall utterly short of the reality, O Smaug the Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities."

-Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 12.

24. "I came from the end of a bag, but no bag went over me…I am the friend of bears and the guest of eagles. I am Ringwinner and Luckwearer; and I am barrel-rider."

25. "Go back...Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!’ So up he got and trotted along with his little sword held in front of him and one hand feeling the wall, and his heart all of a patter and a pitter."

-Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 5.

26. "Please don’t cook me, kind sirs! I am a good cook myself, and cook better than I cook, if you see what I mean."

-Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 2.

27. "Gandalf: I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.

Bilbo: I should think so—in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them."

-'The Hobbit', Chapter 1.

28. "I come from under hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.

And through the air, I am he that walks unseen… I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly. I was chosen for the lucky number… I am he that buries his friends alive and drowns them and draws them alive again from the water."

Gandalf was a powerful sorcerer in 'The Hobbit.' Here is a list of Gandalf quotes from 'The Hobbit' that all fans will love.

29. "May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

-Gandalf, Chapter 7.

30. "‘What do you mean?’ he said. ‘Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?’"

-Gandalf, Chapter 1.

31. "There are no safe paths in this part of the world. Remember you are all over the Edge of the Wild now, and in for all sorts of fun wherever you go."

32. "What a lot of things you do use Good morning for!... Now you mean that you want to get rid of me and that it won’t be good till I move off."

33. "He charged the ranks of the goblins of Mount Gram in the Battle of the Green Fields, and knocked their king Golfimbul’s head clean off with a wooden club.

It sailed a hundred yards through the air and went down a rabbit-hole, and in this way the battle was won and the game of Golf invented in the same moment."

34. "Gandalf thought of most things; and though he could not do everything, he could do a great deal for friends in a tight corner."

-Narrator, Chapter 4.

35. "Mr. Baggins has more about him than you guess."

-Gandalf, Chapter 6.

36. "I have chosen Mr. Baggins and that ought to be enough for all of you...There is a lot more in him than you guess, and a deal more than he has any idea of himself."

37. "It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations if you live near him."

-Gandalf, Chapter 12.

38. "Never you mind. I was finding things out, as usual; and a nasty dangerous business it was. Even I, Gandalf, only just escaped. I tried to save your father, but it was too late."

Here at Kidadl , we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 'The Hobbit' quotes from JRR Tolkien, then why not take a look at these Gandalf quotes, or Bilbo Baggins quotes for more quotes from books?

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Second Image Editorial credit: Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com

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An aspiring media professional, Srija is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Mass Communication at St. Xavier's University, Kolkata, after completing her degree in journalism. With experience in PR and social media, she has also honed her leadership skills through her participation in a youth parliament. Srija's interests include devouring books, watching movies, and exploring new places through travel.

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the hobbit travel quotes

J.R.R. Tolkien

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Coming of Age Theme Icon

This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected.

Coming of Age Theme Icon

As they sang the hobbit felt the love of beautiful things made by hands and by cunning and by magic moving through him, a fierce and jealous love, the desire of the hearts of dwarves. Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walkingstick. He looked out of the window. The stars were out in a dark sky above the trees. He thought of the jewels of the dwarves shining in dark caverns. Suddenly in the wood beyond The Water a flame leapt up – probably somebody lighting a wood-fire-and he thought of plundering dragons settling on his quiet Hill and kindling it all to flames. He shuddered; and very quickly he was plain Mr. Baggins of Bag-End, Under-Hill, again.

Greed, Trust, Fellowship Theme Icon

The master of the house was an elf-friend-one of those people whose fathers came into the strange stories before the beginning of History, the wars of the evil goblins and the elves and the first men in the North. In those days of our tale there were still some people who had both elves and heroes of the North for ancestors, and Elrond the master of the house was their chief. He was as noble and as fair in face as an elf-lord, as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves, and as kind as summer. He comes into. many tales, but his part in the story of Bilbo's great adventure is only a small one, though important, as you will see, if we ever get to the end of it.

Home and Birthright Theme Icon

The goblins were very rough, and pinched unmercifully, and chuckled and laughed in their horrible stony voices; and Bilbo was more unhappy even than when the troll had picked him up by his toes. He wished again and again for his nice bright hobbit-hole. Not for the last time.

"Both wrong," cried Bilbo very much relieved; and he jumped at once to his feet, put his back to the nearest wall, and held out his little sword. He knew, of course, that the riddlegame was sacred and of immense antiquity, and even wicked creatures were afraid to cheat when they played at it. But he felt he could not trust this slimy thing to keep any promise at a pinch. Any excuse would do for him to slide out of it. And after all that last question had not been a genuine riddle according to the ancient laws.

The Power of Language Theme Icon

Bilbo almost stopped breathing, and went stiff himself. He was desperate.

He must get away, out of this horrible darkness, while he had any strength left. He must fight. He must stab the foul thing, put its eyes out, kill it. It meant to kill him. No, not a fair fight. He was invisible now. Gollum had no sword. Gollum had not actually threatened to kill him, or tried to yet. And he was miserable, alone, lost. A sudden understanding, a pity mixed with horror, welled up in Bilbo's heart: a glimpse of endless unmarked days without light or hope of betterment, hard stone, cold fish, sneaking and whispering.

He crept still nearer, and suddenly he saw peering between two big boulders a head with a red hood on: it was Balin doing look-out. He could have clapped and shouted for joy, but he did not. He had still got the ring on, for fear of meeting something unexpected and unpleasant, and he saw that Balin was looking straight at him without noticing him. "I will give them all a surprise," he thought, as he crawled into the bushes at the edge of the dell.

Mr. Baggins saw then how clever Gandalf had been. The interruptions had really made Beorn more interested in the story, and the story had kept him from sending the dwarves off at once like suspicious beggars. He never invited people into his house, if he could help it. He had very few friends and they lived a good way away; and he never invited more than a couple of these to his house at a time. Now he had got fifteen strangers sitting in his porch!

He looked at the 'black emperors' for a long time, and enjoyed the feel of the breeze in his hair and on his face; but at length the cries of the dwarves, who were now simply stamping with impatience down below, reminded him of his real business. It was no good. Gaze as much as he might, he could see no end to the trees and the leaves in any direction. His heart, that had been lightened by the sight of the sun and the feel of the wind, sank back into his toes: there was no food to go back to down below.

Somehow the killing of the giant spider, all alone by himself in the dark without the help of the wizard or the dwarves or of anyone else, made a great difference to Mr. Baggins. He felt a different person, and much fiercer and bolder in spite of an empty stomach, as he wiped his sword on the grass and put it back into its sheath. "I will give you a name," he said to it, "and I shall call you Sting."

He had never thought that the dwarves would actually dare to approach Smaug, but believed they were frauds who would sooner or later be discovered and be turned out. He was wrong. Thorin, of course, was really the grandson of the King under the Mountain, and there is no knowing what a dwarf will not dare and do for revenge or the recovery of his own. But the Master was not sorry at all to let them go. They were expensive to keep, and their arrival had turned things into a long holiday in which business was at a standstill. "Let them go and bother Smaug, and see how he welcomes them!" he thought. "Certainly, O Thorin Thrain's son Thror's son!" was what he said. "You must claim your own. The hour is at hand, spoken of old. What help we can offer shall be yours, and we trust to your gratitude when your kingdom is regained."

"If you mean you think it is my job to go into the secret passage first, O Thorin Thrain's son Oakenshield, may your beard grow ever longer," he said crossly, "say so at once and have done! I might refuse. I have got you out of two messes already, which were hardly in the original bargain, so that I am, I think, already owed some reward. But 'third time pays for all' as my father used to say, and somehow I don't think I shall refuse. Perhaps I have begun to trust my luck more than I used to in the old days" - he meant last spring before he left his own house, but it seemed centuries ago -"but anyway I think I will go and have a peep at once and get it over. Now who is coming with me?" He did not expect a chorus of volunteers, so he was not disappointed.

There it is: dwarves are not heroes, but calculating folk with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad lots; some are not, but are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don't expect too much.

"I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly. I as chosen for the lucky number." "Lovely titles!" sneered the dragon. "But lucky numbers don't always come off." "I am he that buries his friends alive and drowns them and draws them alive again from the water. I came from the end of a bag, but no bag went over me."

"These don't sound so creditable," scoffed Smaug. "I am the friend of bears and the guest of eagles. I am Ringwinner and Luckwearer; and I am Barrel-rider," went on Bilbo beginning to be pleased with his riddling.

"Now I am a burglar indeed!" thought he. "But I suppose I must tell the dwarves about it sometime. They did say I could pick and choose my own share; and I think I would choose this, if they took all the rest!" All the same he had an uncomfortable feeling that the picking and choosing had not really been meant to include this marvelous gem, and that trouble would yet come of it.

As you see, the Master had not got his position for nothing. The result of his words was that for the moment the people quite forgot their idea of a new king, and turned their angry thoughts towards Thorin and his company. Wild and bitter words were shouted from many sides; and some of those who had before sung the old songs loudest, were now heard as loudly crying that the dwarves had stirred the dragon up against them deliberately!

Bilbo thought that Thorin would at once admit what justice was in them. He did not, of course, expect that any one would remember that it was he who discovered all by himself the dragon's weak spot; and that was just as well, for no one ever did. But also he did not reckon with the power that gold has upon which a dragon has long brooded, nor with dwarvish hearts. Long hours in the past days Thorin had spent in the treasury, and the lust of it was heavy on him. Though he had hunted chiefly for the Arkenstone, yet he had an eye for many another wonderful thing that was lying there, about which were wound old memories of the labors and the sorrows of his race.

“Misery me! I have heard songs of many battles, and I have always understood that defeat may be glorious. It seems very uncomfortable, not to say distressing. I wish I was well out of it."

From that treasure Bard sent much gold to the Master of Lake-town; and he rewarded his followers and friends freely. To the Elvenking he gave the emeralds of Girion, such jewels as he most loved, which Dain had restored to him. To Bilbo he said: "This treasure is as much yours as it is mine; though old agreements cannot stand, since so many have a claim in its winning and defense. Yet even though you were willing to lay aside all your claim, I should wish that the words of Thorin, of which he repented, should not prove true: that we should give you little. I would reward you most richly of all." "Very kind of you," said Bilbo. "But really it is a relief to me. How on earth should I have got all that treasure home without war and murder all along the way, I don't know. And I don't know what I should have done with it when I got home. I am sure it is better in your hands."

"Then the prophecies of the old songs have turned out to be true, after a fashion!" said Bilbo. "Of course!" said Gandalf. "And why should not they prove true? Surely you don't disbelieve the prophecies, because you had a hand in bringing them about yourself? You don't really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck, just for your sole benefit? You are a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all!" "Thank goodness!" said Bilbo laughing, and handed him the tobacco-jar.

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Important Quotes

By j.r.r. tolkien.

Throughout 'The Hobbit,' J.R.R. Tolkien crafts a story of adventure, bravery, heroism, greed, and loss.

About the Book

Emma Baldwin

Article written by Emma Baldwin

B.A. in English, B.F.A. in Fine Art, and B.A. in Art Histories from East Carolina University.

Bilbo Baggins changes from a mild, home-loving hobbit to a brave one who is willing to risk his life in defense of his friends and in order to save their home . While he never loses the parts of himself that are integral to his character– a love for song, food, drink, and home. 

The Hobbit Important Quotes


Let’s have no more argument. I have chosen Mr. Baggins and that ought to be enough for all of you. If I say he is a Burglar, a Burglar he is, or will be when the time comes. There is a lot more in him than you guess, and a deal more than he has any idea of himself. You may (possibly) all live to thank me yet.

These lines come from the first chapter of The Hobbit and are spoken by the wizard, Gandalf. He is reacting to Bilbo and the dwarves’ belief that he’s wrong in his selection of the hobbit for this particular job and journey. To the dwarves, not to mention Bilbo himself, Bilbo is a simple person. He’s quite small, not partially strong or clever seeming, and is certainly very much attached to his home. Plus, the hobbit has no stake in the quest.

The dwarves, and likely the reader, are all doubtful that he’ll make a very good “burglar.” But, Gandalf attempts to assuage their doubts (while also silencing any protests) by telling everyone that there is a “more” to him than anyone knows, even himself. These lines are a great example of foreshadowing. They allude to the courage Bilbo’s soon going to find and the important role he plays in their quest. 

There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.

Thorin speaks these lines when talking to Bilbo in Chapter 18, shortly before he dies. He asks Bilbo’s forgiveness for the way he spoke to him before the Battle of the Five Armies while also acknowledging the important role Bilbo played in their quest. There is “more” to Bilbo, Thorin realizes, just as Gandalf promised at the beginning of the novel. Thorin also comments on the fact that if more people cared about what Bilbo cares about, “food and cheer and song,” then the world would be a better place. 

He felt a different person, and much fiercer and bolder in spite of an empty stomach, as he wiped his sword on the grass and put it back into its sheath. ‘I will give you a name,’ he said to it, ‘and I shall call you Sting.’

In these lines, which come from Chapter 8, Bilbo thinks about how he’s just killed the giant spider. He felt “fiercer and bolder” despite the fact that he’s hungry—something that would’ve consumed his thoughts had he been at home. This is a turning point for Bilbo. He now knows how courageous and strong he can be. He’s capable of taking the initiative and protecting his friends as much as they are capable of protecting him. He also names his sword in these lines. When he does so, he marks the sword’s importance to him and in a specific battle. 

This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected.

In the first chapter of The Hobbit, the narrator describes Bilbo with the above lines. This sentence sets the stage for the tale that’s going to follow. The narrator tells the reader that Bilbo is going to change, stretch himself, and find himself doing things he never thought he would. This is an exciting way to begin a novel and should inspire the reader to find out exactly what the narrator is alluding to. 

Greed and Treasure

“This is the Arkenstone of Thrain,” said Bilbo, “the Heart of the Mountain; and it is also the heart of Thorin. He values it above a river of gold. I give it to you. It will aid you in your bargaining.

In these lines from Chapter 16, Bilbo is speaking to the Wood-elves and to Bard. He’s handing over the Arkenstone that Thorin so greedily lusts after. Bilbo knows that he must betray Thorin in order to save him from himself and perhaps avert an even worse outcome to the events about the play out at the Lonely Mountain. Thorin believes if he can get possession of the stone then his birthright will be realized and he’ll finally come to fully own the treasure in the mountain. It’s a symbol of his greed and the way that treasure corrupts. It finally takes the Battle of the Five Armies for the two sides to unite against a common foe. 

He guessed as well as he could, and crawled along for a good way, till suddenly his hand met what felt like a tiny ring of cold metal lying on the floor of the tunnel.

At this point, in Chapter 5, when Bilbo discovers the ring for the first time, all it is is a bit of “cold metal lying on the floor.” He has no idea what its importance is or how it is going to change him. He thinks it’s a nice find, something to take home with him. He puts it in his pocket, soon to realize the power it holds.

There it is: dwarves are not heroes, but calculating folk with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad lots; some are not, but are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don’t expect too much.

These lines come from Chapter 12 of The Hobbit. The narrator describes how the dwarves would do what they could to save Bilbo, should he ever fall into harm’s way, and they would certainly pay him for the “nasty job” they brought him along to complete. But, they are themselves “not heroes.” Their greed is part of who they are and they can’t change that. Just like the hobbits are simple folk who love their homes, song and drink, the dwarves are greedy and sometimes deceptive, the orcs and goblins are evil, and so on. 

Emma Baldwin

About Emma Baldwin

Emma Baldwin, a graduate of East Carolina University, has a deep-rooted passion for literature. She serves as a key contributor to the Book Analysis team with years of experience.


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Screen Rant

10 most inspiring quotes from the hobbit films.

The Hobbit is a trilogy to inspire - and these are some of the best lines from all three films.

While The Lord of the Rings series might be better known as a story because of the popularity of the movies, The Hobbit is what started it all. Generations of fans have enjoyed the story of Bilbo’s adventure with Thorin and Company, and it was this story that laid the foundation of everything that would happen in The Lord of the Rings.

RELATED: 5 Reasons Why The Hobbit Trilogy Wasn't As Good As The Lord Of The Rings (And 5 Why It Was Better)

While the book is loved by many, the trilogy of movies expanded on the book and included information from appendices of the LOTR series, too. The story of Bilbo is one that is full of a lot of excitement and inspiration, and we’ve collected a list of the ten most inspiring quotes from all three of the films.


This is definitely one of the most iconic and easy to quote lines from the first Hobbit film, An Unexpected Journey. While Bilbo is hesitant at first to agree to go on the adventure with the dwarves, his courageous and curious side gets the better of him.

RELATED: 8 Bilbo Baggins Quotes Fiercer Than Smaug

When he decides to join the company he is already running late, and he has to run as quickly as he can to meet up with them. This line that he says while on the run is definitely fun to quote and a good line to say when you’re about to go on your own adventure.


This line is one that Thorin says to Balin towards the beginning of the first film. While there is obviously concern that their small company of dwarves won’t be enough to be able to return to the mountain and defeat Smaug, Thorin says that he would rather have this small ragtag group than an entire army. The reason for this is that these dwarves showed their loyalty to him by answering his call for help. This is a great quote because it illustrates Thorin’s heart and what kind of leader he tries to be.


This line is definitely quite an intense one, and it’s also one that many fans of the films were quoting a lot after they came out. Smaug says this line at the end of The Desolation of Smaug, the second film in the trilogy. When Smaug is released upon Laketown, it definitely doesn’t bode well for the inhabitants. However, this quote is a pretty awesome thing for a dragon to say. And, it’s pretty easy to apply in a very dramatic way if you’re looking for inspiration to overcome something difficult in your own life.


The Gandalf of The Hobbit books is quite different than the Gandalf that audiences came to know and love in Lord of the Rings. The movie version of The Hobbit attempts to merge these two versions together for continuity, but luckily it keeps some of the humor and mystery of a younger Gandalf. This entire quote is one from the books, and it shows that Gandalf can be a bit difficult to deal with at times. It’s also quite funny, and it’s definitely a delight to see how Bilbo reacts to this line of questioning.


This quote is one that isn’t from the book, but it does capture the spirit of the book in many ways. Gandalf says this line to Bilbo in the first film, and it’s definitely an inspiring line as it can be applied to many real-world situations.

RELATED: Lord Of The Rings: 10 Wisest Quotes Gandalf Ever Said

While enjoying life behind books or screens can be appealing, this line calls people to experience the real-world and push outside of their comfort zones just like Bilbo did. Of course, he also deals with a lot of trouble, but he learned a lot along the way.


This is another quote from The Desolation of Smaug, but this line is said by elven King Thranduil. While most of the most known and inspiring lines from the trilogy come from Bilbo and Gandalf, the supporting characters in the series are definitely compelling. This line says a lot about Thranduil and who he is as a ruler. He says this line as he and Legolas are interrogating an orc, and it speaks to the trials that the elves are about to face.


This is another quote said by Thorin Oakenshield. This is quite an inspiring quote, and it is also very in line with many of the themes and messages of the book. While the quest to defeat Smaug and reclaim the Lonely Mountain might be a quest for gold, there is something to be said for people who value other things more than money. Thorin says this to Bilbo as he lays dying, and it’s quite the emotional moment between them that shows Thorin’s, as well as Bilbo's journey.


When Gandalf first goes up to Bilbo when he is sitting outside of Bag End, he isn’t too keen on the adventure that Gandalf is proposing. The idea of being the burglar for a group of dwarves doesn’t really appeal to him, and he tries to send Gandalf away.

RELATED: The Lord Of The Rings: 10 Gandalf Mannerisms From The Books Ian McKellen Nails

He gets flustered and can’t quit talking as he moves to go inside. This is definitely a hilarious and well-known moment from the series.


Of all the quotes from The Hobbit trilogy, this one is often talked about as being the most inspiring. It’s easy to see why given that it’s all about the ways that all people can do good in the world. This quote speaks to many of the themes in the franchise such as the fact that even small, not so powerful people can change the world.


This is another one of Gandalf’s quotes. Unsurprisingly, he has many of the most inspiring quotes from the franchise likely because of his role as a wise, old wizard. Gandalf says this line to Bilbo after Bilbo first acquires Sting from the Troll Hoard. It’s definitely wise advice that impacts the story as Bilbo spares Gollum’s life.

NEXT: 10 Most Inspiring Bilbo Baggins Quotes

30 The Hobbit Quotes on Bravery & Overcoming Self-Doubt

Check out this list of The Hobbit quotes that every J.R.R. Tolkien fan will enjoy!

The Hobbit tells the story of Bilbo Baggins and his adventure. He’s someone who keeps to himself and thrives in the comfort of his own home.

However, with Gandalf’s arrival in the Shire, his life unexpectedly turns upside down. Bilbo is challenged to go on an adventure to reclaim the treasure of the Kingdom of the Dwarfs. 

This task is enormous compared to Bilbo’s size. Though he was initially afraid to take it on, he mustered up the courage to overcome every challenge. Through this, Bilbo teaches us that we can succeed, no matter how demanding and perilous our life’s journey is.

Learn more about Bilbo, Gandalf, and their adventure through this list of quotes. We’ve gathered the best ones we’re sure you’ll love.

Let’s start our adventure here.

And don’t forget to check out these The Lord of the Rings quotes and Bilbo Baggins quotes .

Best The Hobbit Quotes

1. “The world is not in your books and maps; it’s out there.” – Gandalf

2. Bilbo Baggins: “I have—I have never used a sword in my life.”

Gandalf: “And I hope you never have to. But if you do, remember this: true courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one.”

3. “Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I found it is the small things—everyday deeds of ordinary folk—that keep the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.” – Gandalf

4. “Loyalty, honor, and a willing heart. I can ask no more than that.” – Thorin II Oakenshield

5. “There is more in you of good than you know, Child of the Kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” – Thorin II Oakenshield

6. “Such is the nature of evil. In time, all foul things come forth.” – King Thranduil

7. “It is our fight. It will not end here. With every victory, this evil will grow. If your father has his way, we will do nothing. We will hide within our walls, live our lives away from the light and let darkness descend. Are we not part of this world? Tell me, Mellon, when did we let evil become stronger than us?” – Tauriel

8. “Where there’s life, there’s hope.” – Bilbo Baggins

9. “There is nothing like looking if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.” – Thorin II Oakenshield

10. Bilbo Baggins: “Good morning.”

Gandalf: “What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning. Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on?”

Bilbo Baggins: “All of them at once, I suppose.”

The Hobbit Quotes That’ll Take You on an Exciting Adventure

11. Hobbit: “You! Mr. Bilbo, where’re you off to?”

Bilbo Baggins: “I’m already late.”

Hobbit: “Late for what?”

Bilbo Baggins: “I’m going on an adventure!”

12. “Sorry, I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not today. Good morning!” – Bilbo Baggins

13. “Go back? No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!” – Bilbo Baggins

14. “The road goes ever on and on.” – Bilbo Baggins

15. “May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks.” – Gandalf

16. Gandalf: “I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.”

Bilbo Baggins: “I should think so—in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.”

Gandalf: “You’ll have a tale or two to tell when you come back.”

Bilbo Baggins: “You can promise that I’ll come back?”

Gandalf: “No. And if you do, you will not be the same.”

17. “Do you smell it? The scent of fear.” – Azog the Defiler

18. “You will have to do without pocket handkerchiefs, and a great many other things before we reach our journey’s end, Bilbo Baggins. You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire, but home is now behind you. The world is ahead.” – Gandalf

19. Thorin II Oakenshield: “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

Bilbo Baggins: “No, it’s fine. I would have doubted me too. I’m not a hero or a warrior—not even a burglar.”

The Hobbit Quotes to Reflect On

20. “All good stories deserve embellishment!” – Gandalf

21. “There is a lot more in Bilbo than you guess, and a deal more than he has any idea of himself.” – Gandalf

22. “Surely you don’t disbelieve the prophecies just because you helped them come about. You don’t really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck? Just for your sole benefit? You’re a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I’m quite fond of you. But you are really just a little fellow, in a wide world after all.” – Gandalf

23. “In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole full of worms and oozy smells. This was a Hobbit hole, and that means good food, a warm hearth, and all the comforts of home.” – Bilbo Baggins

24. Thorin II Oakenshield: “Where did you go, if I may ask?”

Gandalf: “To look ahead.”

Thorin II Oakenshield: “And what brought you back?”

Gandalf: “Looking behind.”

More The Hobbit Quotes for Everyone Who Enjoyed the Book

25. “And what would you do, if an uninvited dwarf came and hung his things up in your hall without a word of explanation?” – J.R.R. Tolkien, Author

26. “So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, Author

27. “It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, Author

28. “There are no safe paths in this part of the world. Remember you are all over the Edge of the Wild now, and in for all sorts of fun wherever you go.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, Author

29. “This is the story of how a Baggins had an adventure and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, Author

30. “No dragon can resist the fascination of riddling talk and of wasting time trying to understand it.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, Author

What’s Your Main Takeaway From These The Hobbit Quotes?

Life is an adventure, and it’s up to us whether to partake in it or not. If we don’t and stay cooped up in our comfort zones, we’ll miss out on the best things life has to offer. But, if you go for it, even if you fail, then, in the end, you can say that you lived a life worth living. 

Bilbo Baggins was also faced with the same questions in The Hobbit. Will he go on an adventure with Gandalf and try to make a lasting difference in the world, or will he stay in the comforts of the Shire?

Though he was afraid, he took on the challenge and did his best until the very end. It’s the same in life; we’ll face many unknowns, and we can decide to give up right then and there. However, what makes a difference in our lives and others is if we make the most of what we have.

Yes, hardship will follow us wherever we go, but we can make something great out of it. You will never be able to choose the card life gives you, so why not just enjoy it?

Let these The Hobbit quotes serve as your inspiration. May the wise words from Bilbo, Gandalf, and their friends take you on an adventure of a lifetime!

  • 25 Bilbo Baggins Quotes on Courage, Adventure, and More
  • 35 The Lord of the Rings Quotes on Hope, Courage, and Faith
  • 45 Gandalf Quotes That’ll Make You Hope for Better Days

the hobbit travel quotes

Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen , a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn .

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20 Inspiring Quotes From The Hobbit

The Hobbit, written by J.R.R. Tolkien, is a beloved fantasy novel that has captivated readers for decades. Filled with adventure, magic, and unforgettable characters, this timeless tale has also inspired countless people with its wise and inspiring quotes. In this article, we will delve into the power of words and uncover twenty awe-inspiring quotes from The Hobbit.

The Power of Words: Find Inspiration in These 20 Quotes from The Hobbit

The power of words is evident throughout The Hobbit, as the characters share their wisdom, courage, and insight through their dialogues and monologues. One particularly inspiring quote that resonates with readers is “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” These words, spoken by Gandalf the Gray, remind us that despite the uncertainties and challenges we may face, it is our choices and actions that ultimately shape our destiny.

Another memorable quote comes from Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of the dwarves. He says, “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” These words highlight the importance of finding joy and contentment in the simple pleasures of life, rather than pursuing material wealth and possessions. It serves as a reminder to prioritize the things that truly matter.

Unleashing the Magic: Discover the Most Inspiring Quotes from The Hobbit

The Hobbit is a treasure trove of magical moments and enchanting quotes that transport readers to the wondrous realm of Middle-earth. One such quote is from the wise wizard, Gandalf, who declares, “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” These words emphasize the potential for greatness within every individual, regardless of their physical stature or perceived limitations.

Additionally, the character of Bilbo Baggins, the protagonist of the story, provides us with many inspirational quotes. One memorable quote from Bilbo is, “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.” This quote serves as a poignant depiction of feeling overwhelmed and overburdened. It reminds us to prioritize self-care and balance in our lives, as pushing ourselves too much can lead to exhaustion and burnout.

Journey Through Middle-earth: 20 Inspirational Quotes from The Hobbit

The journey undertaken by the characters in The Hobbit is not just a physical one, but also a metaphorical exploration of personal growth, perseverance, and self-discovery. One quote that reflects this theme is from the wise old hobbit, Gandalf, who says, “The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.” These words inspire us to embrace the unknown, to step out of our comfort zones, and to embark on our own personal journeys of self-discovery.

Another inspiring quote comes from Bilbo Baggins, who proclaims, “I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.” This quote reminds us of the importance of companionship, teamwork, and the support of others in our own quests and endeavors.

A Quest for Inspiration: 20 Memorable Quotes from The Hobbit

The Hobbit takes readers on a quest filled with danger, challenges, and triumphs. Along the way, many memorable quotes emerge, offering insights into bravery, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit. One such quote is from Thorin Oakenshield, who expresses, “There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom blended in measure.” These words remind us that we often underestimate our own inner strength, and that we possess the ability to overcome adversity and make a positive impact in the world.

Bilbo Baggins, known for his unexpected heroism, also provides us with numerous memorable quotes. One powerful quote is, “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” These words resonate with anyone who has experienced the twists and turns of life’s journey, reminding us that sometimes the unexpected path leads us to exactly where we are meant to be.

Wisdom and Adventure: Uncover the Most Inspiring Quotes from The Hobbit

The Hobbit is replete with both wisdom and adventure, offering readers an abundance of inspiring quotes that not only captivate the imagination but impart valuable life lessons. One such quote comes from the wise wizard, Gandalf, who states, “It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near one.” This quote reminds us to consider all potential risks and obstacles when making decisions, as overlooking an important factor can have dire consequences.

Another memorable quote from Bilbo Baggins is, “Adventures are not all pony-rides in May-sunshine.” These words serve as a reality check, reminding us that true growth often comes through facing challenges and stepping out of our comfort zones. It encourages us to embrace the unknown and seize opportunities for personal and intellectual development.

Words that Stir the Soul: 20 Inspirational Quotes from The Hobbit

The words spoken by the characters in The Hobbit have a profound impact, often stirring the soul and resonating with readers long after they have finished the book. One such quote that leaves a lasting impression is from Gandalf, who says, “True courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one.” These words echo the eternal struggle between right and wrong, highlighting the importance of empathy, compassion, and the preservation of life.

Bilbo Baggins, with his wit and wisdom, provides us with another inspiring quote: “Go back?” he thought. “No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!” These words embody the spirit of perseverance and determination, urging us to keep moving forward in the face of adversity and uncertainty.

Into the Realm of Imagination: Explore 20 Inspiring Quotes from The Hobbit

The Hobbit takes readers on a remarkable journey into the realm of imagination, where fantastical creatures and magical landscapes come to life. Within this realm, we encounter inspiring quotes that ignite our own sense of wonder and possibility. One such quote is from Thorin Oakenshield, who declares, “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” These words encourage us to prioritize joy, laughter, and the simple pleasures of life, reminding us of the importance of finding contentment in the present moment.

Gandalf also provides us with a memorable quote that resonates with fans of The Hobbit: “I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay.” These words serve as a reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness, compassion, and bravery have the power to make a significant difference in the world.

Lessons from Bilbo Baggins: 20 Inspiring Quotes from The Hobbit

Bilbo Baggins, the unassuming hobbit who emerges as the unlikely hero of The Hobbit, imparts many valuable lessons throughout the story. One inspiring quote from Bilbo is, “I want to see mountains again, Gandalf, mountains!” These words encapsulate the yearning for adventure and the desire to explore, reminding us of the importance of seeking new experiences and embracing the unknown.

Another memorable quote from Bilbo is, “You can only come to the morning through the shadows.” These words serve as a reminder that growth often comes from facing challenges and hardships, and that the journey to a brighter future may require us to navigate through difficult times.

Embrace Your Inner Adventurer with These 20 Inspiring Quotes from The Hobbit

The Hobbit encourages readers to embrace their inner adventurer and embark on their own quests for personal and spiritual growth. One inspiring quote comes from Gandalf, who wisely states, “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.” These words remind us of the power of hope and optimism in the face of adversity, inspiring us to persevere and believe in the possibilities that lie ahead.

Bilbo Baggins also offers us a memorable quote: “I like half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.” This humorous quote resonates with readers, reminding us of the complexities and nuances of relationships, and encouraging us to appreciate and value the diverse individuals in our lives.

Words that Echo through Middle-earth: Explore 20 Inspirational Quotes from The Hobbit

The words spoken by the characters in The Hobbit have a timeless quality, reverberating through the vast landscapes of Middle-earth and leaving a lasting impression on readers. One such quote is from Thorin Oakenshield, who proclaims, “If we must part in sorrow, let it not be in sorrow that binds us, but in love.” These words encapsulate the power of love and connection, reminding us that even in the face of separation or loss, the bonds we form with others can transcend distance and time.

Gandalf provides us with another quote that resonates deeply: “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” These words inspire us to recognize our own potential and the significance of our individual actions, reassuring us that we have the power to make a positive impact on the world, regardless of our perceived limitations.

Journey of Self-Discovery: Unearth 20 Inspiring Quotes from The Hobbit

The Hobbit takes its readers on a captivating journey of self-discovery, as the characters confront their fears, overcome challenges, and forge their destinies. One quote that exemplifies this theme is from Bilbo Baggins, who declares, “I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.” These words symbolize the desire for companionship and connection, as well as the courage to seek out new experiences and embrace the unknown.

Gandalf, ever wise and insightful, offers us another inspiring quote: “Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay.” These words remind us that even the simplest acts of kindness and goodness have the power to ward off darkness and make a profound impact in our world.

Guiding Light in Dark Times: Find Inspiration in These 20 Quotes from The Hobbit

The Hobbit is not only a tale of adventure but also a beacon of hope and resilience in the face of darkness. Many inspiring quotes within the story provide solace and inspiration to readers, even in times of hardship. One such quote comes from Gandalf, who states, “I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.” These words remind us that it is okay to experience sadness and grief, as they are a natural part of life. They also encourage us to find strength and hope even amidst difficult circumstances.

Bilbo Baggins, with his characteristic wit, shares another memorable quote: “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” These words capture the essence of the journey of life, conveying the inherent risks and uncertainties we face when we dare to venture beyond our comfort zones. They remind us to embrace change and the unknown, for it is in these moments that we often find our truest selves.

Epic Fantasy and Profound Wisdom: 20 Memorable Quotes from The Hobbit

The Hobbit seamlessly weaves together epic fantasy and profound wisdom, crafting a narrative that resonates with readers on multiple levels. One memorable quote that combines these elements is from Thorin Oakenshield, who proclaims, “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” These words capture the timeless theme of seeking joy and contentment in the simple pleasures of life, rather than obsessing over material possessions.

Bilbo Baggins, with his insightful musings, presents us with another quote that encourages self-reflection: “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.” These words serve as a poignant reminder to prioritize self-care and balance in our lives, as spreading ourselves too thin can lead to exhaustion and diminished well-being.

A Tale of Hope and Perseverance: Discover the Most Inspiring Quotes from The Hobbit

Above all, The Hobbit is a tale of hope and perseverance, demonstrating the power of determination and courage in overcoming adversity. Many inspiring quotes emerge from the story, providing readers with encouragement and motivation. One quote that resonates deeply is from Gandalf, who declares, “There is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.” These words remind us to hold onto hope, even in the darkest of times, and to strive for a better future.

Bilbo Baggins, ever the optimist, provides us with another memorable quote: “You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.” This quote serves as a reminder that our expectations may not always align with reality, but that there is often something valuable to be found if we approach life with an open mind and a willingness to adapt.

In conclusion, The Hobbit offers a rich tapestry of inspiring quotes that resonate with readers on a deep level. From the power of words to the embrace of adventure, from the lessons of courage and wisdom to the enduring themes of hope and perseverance, these quotes remind us of the beauty and wisdom present within Tolkien’s enchanting story. Whether you are a fan of epic fantasy or seeking personal inspiration, The Hobbit has something to offer everyone.

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134 funny quotes that are laugh-out-loud good

Laughter is arguably the best medicine.

When life feels gloomy, a dose of humor is the easiest way to brighten up your day.

In fact, studies show that laughter actually has real-life health benefits: a good giggle can decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Even forced laughter can improve your mood — look in the mirror and chuckle at yourself, and you might be surprised at how much better you feel.

If that doesn't do the trick, it's time to bring in the experts. Cue up an episode of Larry David's hilarious show "Curb Your Enthusiasm," watch old specials from classic comics like George Carlin , or put on a comedy podcast during your morning commute.

Laughter is contagious, so bring your high spirits with you wherever you go. With a well-timed wisecrack (you can even borrow some from this list), your sense of humor is sure to brighten your coworkers, family , friends, and loved ones' days.

Whether you're looking for a mood boost on a bad day, some inspiration for your water cooler chats, or just a little extra amusement , these hilarious quotes are sure to tickle your fancy.

Read on for 135 funny quotes about life, work, and family that are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.

Best funny quotes

  • “Whoever established the high road and how high it should be should be fired.” — Sandra Bullock 
  • “Keep calm and carry a wand.” — A.W. Jantha, “Hocus Pocus & The All New Sequel”
  • “Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?” — George Carlin
  • “If I’m not back in five minutes, just wait longer.” — Ace Ventura, “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective”
  • “I like my money where I can see it: hanging in my closet.” —Carrie Bradshaw, “Sex and the City”
  • “The suspense is terrible. I hope it’ll last.” — Willy Wonka, “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory”

Funny Quotes

  • “Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?” — Robin Williams 
  • “Don’t be so humble — you are not that great.” ― Golda Meir
  • “If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.” ― Judith Martin
  • “There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” ― Oscar Wilde, “The Picture of Dorian Gray”
  • “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” ― Oscar Wilde
  • “In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra.” — Fran Lebowitz

Funny Quotes

  • “Instant gratification takes too long.” ― Carrie Fisher
  • “Accept who you are. Unless you’re a serial killer.” — Ellen DeGeneres
  • “Whoever said that money can’t buy happiness, simply didn’t know where to go shopping.” ― Bo Derek
  • “So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom, and if you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is wise, and then just behave like they would.” — Neil Gaiman
  • “I’m not good at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” — Chandler Bing , “Friends”
  • “I’m sick of following my dreams, man. I’m just going to ask where they’re going and hook up with ’em later.” ― Mitch Hedberg

Funny Quotes

  • “I’d love to stand here and talk with you...but I’m not going to.” — Phil Connors, “Groundhog Day”
  • “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” ― Charles M. Schulz
  • “People say that money is not the key to happiness, but I always figured if you have enough money, you can have a key made.” — Joan Rivers
  • “I’m not offended by blonde jokes because I know I’m not dumb…and I also know that I’m not blonde.” —Dolly Parton
  • “It is useless to try to hold a person to anything he says while he’s madly in love, drunk, or running for office.” — Shirley MacLaine
  • “I remember it like it was yesterday. Of course, I don’t really remember yesterday all that well.” — Dory, “Finding Dory” 

Funny Quotes

  • “The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” ― Terry Pratchett, “Diggers”
  • “To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! I’ve known sheep that could outwit you. I’ve worn dresses with higher IQs.” — Wanda, “A Fish Called Wanda"
  • “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” ― Isaac Asimov
  • “The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” ― George Carlin
  • “I’m not superstitious…but I am a little stitious.” — Michael Scott, “The Office”
  • “Here’s something to think about: How come you never see a headline like ‘Psychic Wins Lottery’?” — Jay Leno

Funny family quotes

  • “I’m sure wherever my Dad is, he’s looking down on us. He’s not dead, just very condescending.” — Jack Whitehall
  • “Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet to see who they really are.” — Will Ferrell
  • “I’d like to have a kid, but I’m not sure I’m ready to spend 10 years of my life constantly asking someone where his shoes are.” — Damien Fahey
  • “I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them.” — Phyllis Diller
  • “My husband and I fell in love at first sight. Maybe I should have taken a second look.” — Halley Reed, “Crimes and Misdemeanors” 
  • “When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they’re finished, I climb out.” ― Erma Bombeck

Funny Quotes

  • “When I was a kid my parents moved a lot, but I always found them.” ― Rodney Dangerfield
  • “As I learned from growing up, you don’t mess with your grandmother.” — Prince William
  • “I’m not insane. My mother had me tested.” —Sheldon Cooper, “The Big Bang Theory”
  • “I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” — Rita Rudner
  • “Good parenting means investing in your child’s future, which is why I am saving to buy mine a hoverboard someday.” — Lin-Manuel Miranda
  • “Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them.” ― P. J. O’Rourke

Funny Quotes

  • “When your children are teenagers, it’s important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you.” — Nora Ephron
  • “You can kid the world, but not your sister.” ― Charlotte Gray
  • “I generally avoid temptation unless I can’t resist it.” ― Mae West
  • “There is no such thing as fun for the whole family.” — Jerry Seinfeld
  • “If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.” ― George Bernard Shaw, “Immaturity”

Funny Quotes

  • The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.” — George Carlin
  • “The man who says his wife can’t take a joke, forgets that she took him.” — Oscar Wilde
  • “Love is blind but marriage is a real eye-opener.” — Pauline Thomason
  • “Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.” — George Burns
  • “Everybody wants to save the Earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.” ― P.J. O’Rourke, All the Trouble in the World
  • “The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they’re too old to do it.” — Shirley MacLaine

Funny quotes on aging

  • “People say, ‘How you stay looking so young?’ I say, well, good lighting, good doctors, and good makeup.” — Dolly Parton
  • “You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.” — Bob Hope
  • “My mother always used to say, ‘The older you get, the better you get. Unless you’re a banana.’” ― Rose Nylund, “Golden Girls”
  • “You know you’re getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you’re down there.” ― George Burns
  • “People say, ‘But Betty, Facebook is a great way to connect with old friends.’ Well, at my age, if I want to connect with old friends, I need a Ouija board.” —Betty White
  • “A good rule to remember for life is that when it comes to plastic surgery and sushi, never be attracted by a bargain.” — Graham Norton

Funny Quotes

  • “I saw a study that said speaking in front of a crowd is considered the number one fear of the average person. Number two was death. This means to the average person, if you have to be at a funeral, you would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.” — Jerry Seinfeld
  • “Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you’ve got to start young.” — Theodore Roosevelt
  •  “You know you’ve reached middle age when you’re cautioned to slow down by your doctor, instead of by the police.” — Joan Rivers
  • “Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.” ― Isaac Asimov
  • “As you get older, three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two.” ― Norman Wisdom
  • “Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.” — Redd Foxx

Funny Quotes

  • “Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours.” ― Yogi Berra, “When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It!: Inspiration and Wisdom from One of Baseball’s Greatest Heroes”
  • “I was surprised when I started getting old. I always thought it was one of those things that would happen to someone else.” — George Carlin
  • “The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” — Lucille Ball
  • “Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese.” ― Luis Buñuel
  • “It must be around forty, when you’re “over the hill.” I don’t even know what that means and why it’s a bad thing. When I go hiking and I get over the hill, that means I’m past the hard part and there’s a snack in my future. That’s a good thing as far as I’m concerned.” — Ellen DeGeneres
  • “Death is nature’s way of saying, “Your table is ready.” — Robin Williams

Funny nature quotes

  • “There is no sunrise so beautiful that it is worth waking me up to see it.” — Mindy Kaling, “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?”
  • “A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.” — Steve Martin
  • Someone asked me, if I were stranded on a desert island what book would I bring: ‘How to Build a Boat.’” — Steven Wright

Funny Quotes

  • “I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.” ― Noel Coward
  • “Never follow anyone else’s path. Unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path. Then by all means follow that path.” — Ellen DeGeneres
  • “It was so beautiful today that I only watched four hours of ‘Law & Order’ in my apartment.” — John Mulaney
  • “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” — Jack Handey

Funny well-being quotes

  • “My ability to turn good news into anxiety is rivaled only by my ability to turn anxiety into chin acne.” ― Tina Fey , “Bossypants”
  • “Reality continues to ruin my life.” ― Bill Watterson, “The Complete Calvin and Hobbes”
  • “Even if I wanted to go, my schedule wouldn’t allow it. 4:00, wallow in self pity; 4:30, stare into the abyss; 5:00, solve world hunger, tell no one; 5:30, Jazzercise; 6:30, dinner with me — I can’t cancel that again; 7:00, wrestle with my self-loathing...I’m booked.” — The Grinch, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”
  • “Sometimes you lie in bed at night and you don’t have a single thing to worry about. That always worries me!” — Charlie Brown
  • “When I’m in social situations, I always hold onto my glass. It makes me feel comfortable and secure, and I don’t have to shake hands.” — Larry David

Funny Quotes

  • ​​“My friends tell me I have an intimacy problem. But they don’t really know me.” — Garry Shandling
  • “People can’t drive you crazy if you don’t give them the keys.” —Mike Bechtle
  • “People waste their time pondering whether a glass is half empty or half full. Me, I just drink whatever’s in the glass.” — Sophia Petrillo, “The Golden Girls”
  • “Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude toward your family.” — Bo Bennett
  • “From the ages of 8-18, me and my family moved around a lot. Mostly we would just stretch, but occasionally one of us would actually get up to go to the fridge.” — Jarod Kintz

Funny Quotes

  • “Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard
  • “I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.” ― Edgar Allan Poe
  • “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounding yourself with assholes.” — William Gibson
  • “My therapist says I’m afraid of success. I guess I could understand that, because after all, fulfilling my potential would really cut into my sitting-around time.” — Maria Bamford
  • “The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true.” ― James Branch Cabell, “The Silver Stallion”

Funny Quotes

  • “Why can’t you just be happy for me and then go home and talk behind my back later like a normal person?” —Lillian Donovan, “Bridesmaids”
  • “Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level. It’s cheaper.” ― Quentin Crisp
  • “I told my doctor I broke my arm in two places. He told me to keep out of those places.” — Rodney Dangerfield
  • “I’m not crazy — I’ve just been in a very bad mood for 40 years.” — Ouiser Boudreaux, “Steel Magnolias”
  • “Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane.” — Philip K. Dick
  • “I never feel more alone than when I’m trying to put sunscreen on my back.” — Jimmy Kimmel

Funny work quotes

  • “Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I’m not there, I go to work.” — Robert Orben
  • “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” — Douglas Adams
  • “I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early.” ― Charles Lamb
  • “I like work. It fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.” ― Jerome K. Jerome 
  • “When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: ‘Whose?’” — Don Marquis
  • “By all means, move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me.” — Miranda Priestly, “The Devil Wears Prada”

Funny Quotes

  • “Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.” — George Carlin
  • “Trying is the first step toward failure.” — Homer Simpson, “The Simpsons”
  • “Work is the greatest thing in the world, so we should always save some of it for tomorrow.” — Don Herold
  • “By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may eventually get to be boss and work 12 hours a day.” — Robert Frost
  • “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.” ― Mark Twain
  • “If it’s a good script I’ll do it. And if it’s a bad script, and they pay me enough, I’ll do it.” — George Burns

Funny Quotes

  • “Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?” — Edgar Bergen
  • “Adults are always asking children what they want to be when they grow up because they’re looking for ideas.” — Paula Poundstone
  • “When you’re good at something, you’ll tell everyone. When you’re great at something, they’ll tell you.” ― Walter Payton
  • “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.” ― W.C. Fields
  • “The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.” — Oscar Wilde
  • “When in doubt, look intelligent.” — Garrison Keillor

Funny Quotes

  • “Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn’t the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment.” — Robert Benchley
  • “Employers are at their happiest on Mondays. Employees are at their happiest on Fridays.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
  • “An office is a place to live life to the fullest, to the max. An office is a place where dreams come true.” — Michael Scott, “The Office”
  • “Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.” ― Rita Mae Brown, “Alma Mater”
  • “If you think your boss is stupid, remember: You wouldn’t have a job if he was any smarter.” ― John Gotti 
  • “A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof was to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” — Douglas Adams

Funny quotes

  • “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” — Vince Lombardi 
  • “If hard work is the key to success, most people would rather pick the lock.” — Claude McDonald
  • “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” ― Bill Gates
  •  “When I was growing up, I always wanted to be someone. Now I realize I should have been more specific.” — Lily Tomlin
  • “Doing nothing is very hard to do…you never know when you’re finished.” — Leslie Nielsen
  • “I’m not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

Funny quotes

  • “It’s just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up.” ― Muhammad Ali
  • “It’s a shame that the only thing a man can do for eight hours a day is work. He can’t eat for eight hours; he can’t drink for eight hours; he can’t make love for eight hours. The only thing a man can do for eight hours is work.” — William Faulkner 
  • “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.” ― Mark Twain
  • “If you had to identify in one word the reason why the human race has not achieved and never will achieve its full potential, that word would be ‘meetings.’” — Dave Barry
  • “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.” ― A.A. Milne, “Winnie-the-Pooh”
  • “No man goes before his time — unless the boss leaves early.” — Groucho Marx

Keep the laughs coming ...

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Sarah Fielding , MS, is an acclaimed journalist focusing on mental health, gender rights, and social issues. She's also the co-founder of  Empire Coven , a space for highlighting trailblazing women across New York. She has written for The Washington Post, The New York Times, Insider, Verywell, The Guardian and more. 

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Associate Lifestyle Reporter

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Parliamentary Secretary Oliphant to travel to Kosovo

From: Global Affairs Canada

News release

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today announced that the Honourable Robert Oliphant, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, will travel to Pristina, Kosovo, from April 14 to 17, 2024.

April 12, 2024 – Ottawa, Ontario - Global Affairs Canada

During his trip, Parliamentary Secretary Oliphant will attend the second International Forum for Women, Peace and Security (WPS Forum), where he will participate in various activities and panel discussions aimed at developing new strategies and frameworks for action in the wake of an ever-changing security environment in the Western Balkans, Europe and beyond. He will deliver an address at the WPS Forum, in a ministerial discussion titled "Voices matter: A global call to end conflict related sexual violence". Parliamentary Secretary Oliphant will also engage with leadership from both Kosovo Force (KFOR) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Mission on Canada’s role in supporting efforts for peace and stability in the region.

While in Kosovo, Parliamentary Secretary Oliphant will also meet with regional leaders, senior government officials and key partners. During these meetings, he will discuss how Canada can support the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue towards a comprehensive agreement between Serbia and Kosovo, and identify further opportunities for Canada and Kosovo to continue promoting peace, political stability, and economic progress in the Western Balkans. He is also scheduled to visit Canada Fund for Local Initiatives projects supporting the empowerment of women and youth in Kosovo.

“I am thrilled to participate in the WPS Forum and work with Canada’s international partners to create tools and policies to address rising global challenges. As we mark 25 years since the arrival of thousands of Kosovar refugees in Canada, I’m also looking forward to engaging with representatives of the Kosovar government to explore opportunities that will allow the relationship and cooperation between our two countries to continue growing.” - Robert Oliphant, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Quick facts

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia on February 17, 2008, and was recognized by Canada on March 18, 2008. Both countries established full diplomatic relations on April 7, 2009.

Canada continues to provide small grants through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, to assist local partners in Kosovo with projects aimed at improving respect for the rule of law and human rights, increasing citizen engagement and combatting corruption.

On March 28, Canada released “Foundations for Peace’’, its third national action plan on the Women, Peace and Security agenda aimed at addressing the most pressing peace and security challenges of the day. This action plan also prepares the Government of Canada to respond effectively to the inevitable challenges and crises that will materialize in the coming years.

In the spring of 1999, Canada sponsored over 5,000 Kosovar refugees through “Operation Parasol’’ as part of an international emergency evacuation organized by the United Nations for hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled or were forced into neighbouring countries like Albania and Macedonia from war in Kosovo. Refugees airlifted to Canada were sheltered at military bases in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Ontario.

Associated links

  • Canada-Kosovo relations
  • Foundations for Peace: Canada’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security – 2023 to 2029

Media Relations Office Global Affairs Canada [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter: @CanadaFP Like us on Facebook: Canada’s foreign policy - Global Affairs Canada

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In a Rare Interview, a Former Royal Aide Opens Up About Life at the Palace

Samantha Cohen worked closely with royals including Queen Elizabeth, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle, for almost 20 years.

the duchess of sussex undertakes her first official engagement with queen elizabeth ii

For starters, Cohen spoke highly of the late Queen Elizabeth as an employer, and even even revealed that she had her own room at the royal residence. “I was away working a lot with a young family but the Queen made it easy, if there was an evening function I’d stay over and sleep in my own bedroom at Windsor so I didn’t have to drive back to London at night," she said told the publication. "When we were on duty at Balmoral we could bring our families, my children had summer holidays there and, when I was on duty every two years at Sandringham, they came there for Christmas, it was a beautiful time." She added, "The Queen and I used to talk a lot. I miss her, she was a special woman."

And while one might assume that the queen only expected the highest levels of precision, Cohen reveals that Elizabeth actually "loved it" when things went awry, explaining the late monarch's delight in the unexpected, "if a cake was not cutting, or a plaque didn’t unveil, because everything was so perfectly organized it spiced her life up when things went wrong.”

It echoes a sentiment both Prince William and Prince Harry shared in a documentary about their grandfather, Prince Philip, in 2021. "Both my grandparents love [when things go wrong]," William said, "because you can imagine they live a life where everything has to go right the whole time, so when things go wrong, they both chuckle an awful lot. Everyone else gets mortally embarrassed, but they love it."

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Cohen was so close with the late queen, that she was often photographed traveling with the royal. She later worked on a team for Harry and his wife Meghan Markle, before they stepped back from their roles as working royals, and even accompanied them on their 2019 royal tour of South Africa.

Of course, it wasn't all laughs managing the royal goings-on. In fact, Cohen was once dubbed "Samantha the Panther" by the media for rejecting a celebrity would-be-guest. “The name came about when I was in a junior position at Buckingham Palace and overseeing an event with high profile celebrities when an agent called asking if someone was on the guest list and I said ‘sorry they’re not’," she explained, "They kept phoning back and I said ‘I’m sorry we can’t invite everyone’. The next day I was in the press. I hadn’t shouted. If anything I was new and trying hard to be nice.”

preview for The Life of Queen Elizabeth II

Lauren Hubbard is a freelance writer and Town & Country contributor who covers beauty, shopping, entertainment, travel, home decor, wine, and cocktails.

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Free Taylor Swift tickets: Company will pay 2 friends to travel to London, attend Eras Tour

Lucky swifties will receive premium tickets to wembley stadium and a $5,000 travel stipend.

San Francisco 49ers President Al Guido weighs in on the success of third-string quarterback Brock Purdy and Taylor Swift's impact on the NFL.

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San Francisco 49ers President Al Guido weighs in on the success of third-string quarterback Brock Purdy and Taylor Swift's impact on the NFL.

Taylor Swift fans are being offered the opportunity of their "wildest dreams."

Flytographer, a Canada-based platform that connects travelers with photographers around the world, is looking to hire two Swiftie BFFs to attend the Eras Tour at Wembley Stadium in London on Aug. 19, 2024.

The company launched three Taylor Swift-inspired photo tours in London, Paris and New York, according to a press release.


"The Capture Your Era Photo Tours will include stops inspired by iconic moments in history, including Cornelia St. in New York, Pont des Arts in Paris, and the West End in London," the company wrote.

"To debut these new tours, Flytographer is hiring two best friends as the company’s Chief Memory Makers, tasked with taking the trip of their wildest dreams to test out the new Capture Your (London) Era Photo Tour."

friends in london and taylor swift on stage

Three Swifties walking in London next to an image of Taylor Swift onstage for the opening night of "The Eras Tour" at State Farm Stadium on March 17, 2023, in Glendale, Arizona. (Flytographer; Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management / Getty Images)

The lucky new hires will test out the London-based photo tour experience, capturing pictures and videos for Flytographer’s Instagram account.


The job includes a $5,000 travel stipend, premium tickets to the Eras Tour at Wembley Stadium, and a Flytographer photo shoot.

The two hires will also receive a $100 salon credit and $100 shopping credit to buy the "ultimate Eras Tour outfit," the release said.

swifties make hand hearts in front of the london eye

Flytographer will offer a $5,000 travel stipend and premium tickets to the Eras Tour at Wembley Stadium. (Flytographer / Fox News)

Flytographer founder and CEO Nicole Smith shared her hopes for the future hires in a statement sent to Fox News Digital.

"My hope for this ‘job,’ as a fan of Taylor myself, is that the Chief Memory Makers will be able to make memories that will last a lifetime, at the event of a lifetime, and have photos that help them capture and remember the magic of the entire experience," she said. 


"We’ve all seen the tremendous impact Taylor Swift has had, with millions of fans coming together to celebrate the Eras Tour with their best friends. From mothers taking daughters to their first concert to lifelong best friends reconnecting to go to a show together, and some even going solo and meeting fellow fans for the first time to celebrate an icon together, it’s been inspiring to see."

hand heart with taylor swiftie handmade bracelets

The job description says the chief memory makers should "most importantly, [have] fun with your best friend!" (Flytographer / Fox News)

The CEO noted that Flytographer wanted to be a part of Swiftie history "by capturing the special moments for fans traveling abroad and giving two best friends the experience of a lifetime."


Interested applicants can apply and prove their fan "reputation" at flytographer.com until May 9. 

Applicants must be at least 21 years old, though the BFF they bring along can be younger.

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'Family Guy' Season 22 Is Cancelling Christianity in Epic Time Travel Finale

Brian is using Stewie's time machine for nefarious purposes again.

The Big Picture

  • Jesus returns in an epic time-travel finale for Family Guy Season 22.
  • Brian falls for a religious woman and tries to go back in time to cancel Christianity so she'll sleep with him.
  • The Family Guy finale promises the show's trademark offensive humor and some unexpected twists.

Our dear lord and savior returns to Family Guy in the Season 22 finale. At this point, Jesus has made so many appearances that he might just move in with The Griffins . It's been a while since he's appeared to clarify some things or respond when he's called upon, but tonight he returns in an epic time-travel episode. In an interview with TV Insider , showrunners Richard Appel and Alec Sulkin previewed the season finale, which airs tonight on Fox, and what Jesus has to do with it all.

This time around, he doesn't appear to the characters, and like when he was crucified all those millennia ago, he is seemingly innocent. His only crime is being associated with a religion that puts a damper on Brian's (voiced by Seth MacFarlane ) plans. In the "Faith No More" episode, the official episode synopsis (below) teases another one of Stewie (voiced by MacFarlane) and Brian's classic adventures.

"Brian becomes romantically interested in someone and it inspires him to use Stewie's time machine. Strange consequences result from their journey"

Brian Falls In Love With A Religious Woman

The dog is in love again. He falls in love with a devout vet technician (voiced by Mae Whitman ) and pretends to be religious himself to score with her. However, things don't play out in a neat rom-com manner, something Sulkin calls a mislead. "You go a little bit down a road with something that seems like it could be a Family Guy story, and then it turns into something else," he said.

What does a dog have to do to get frisky when his girlfriend has decided she's not having sex until marriage because she doesn't want to go to hell? For Brian, however, the answer is obvious. The dog will use Stewie's time travel tech . The goal? To cancel Christianity. How? By stopping Jesus before religion was invented and evolved to ruin his chances in the present. Stewie is not one to be left behind during a time-travel adventure, so the duo will jump back in time together.

They find themselves in medieval Israel circa A.D. 30, and they've already messed up. What can go wrong in a place and time they don't understand? And all this just so the dog can get lucky? The last time Jesus was on the show was in Episode 10 of Season 19, as Peter faced off with his mortal enemy: The Giant Chicken. It seems that we should be ready for another round of humor that will most definitely be deemed offensive , with Appel saying, “I never thought I’d hear myself say this as a writer, but the Standards and Practices department at Fox is easy to work with and pretty good with us.”

Catch the Family Guy Season 22 finale tonight on Fox. Stream past episodes on Hulu.



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    The irritating quote underscores the dragon Smaug's boastful personality, which he soon learns will be part of his downfall. Smaug isn't as invincible as he thinks he is, and all it takes is one ...

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  23. Parliamentary Secretary Oliphant to travel to Kosovo

    The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today announced that the Honourable Robert Oliphant, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, will travel to Pristina, Kosovo, from April 14 to 17, 2024.

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  25. In a Rare Interview, a Former Royal Aide Reveals What Life at the

    Samantha Cohen worked closely with royals including Queen Elizabeth, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle, for almost 20 years.

  26. Free Taylor Swift tickets: Company will pay 2 friends to travel to

    Flytographer is looking to hire two "Chief Memory Makers" to attend the Eras Tour in London. Lucky Swifties will receive a $5,000 travel stipend, premium tickets to Wembley Stadium and other perks.

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    This hobbit was a very well-to-do hobbit, and his name was Baggins. The Bagginses had lived in the neighbourhood of The Hill for time out of mind, and people considered them very respectable, not only because most of them were rich, but also because they never had any adventures or did anything unexpected. Here, the narrator introduces Bilbo ...

  28. 'Family Guy' Season 22 Is Cancelling Christianity in Epic Time Travel

    Brian is using Stewie's time machine for nefarious purposes again. Our dear lord and savior returns to Family Guy in the Season 22 finale. At this point, Jesus has made so many appearances that he ...

  29. The Hobbit: Gandalf Quotes

    Gandalf. Let's have no more argument. I have chosen Mr. Baggins and that ought to be enough for all of you. If I say he is a Burglar, a Burglar he is, or will be when the time comes. There is a lot more in him than you guess, and a deal more than he has any idea of himself. After the dwarves question Gandalf's judgment in bringing Bilbo ...