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Enzo, Betreuer in La Dogana

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Wir sind alle gemeinsam morgens um halb sechs nach Montone hinauf gewandert und dann haben wir von diesem mittelalterlichen Bergstädtchen aus gesehen, wie die Sonne über Umbrien aufging - Wahnsinn.

Andrea, Urlaub in Il Mulino

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Nils, Betreuer

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11 Best Cartagena Tours – Best Tours to Do in Cartagena, Colombia

  • Post author: Adam McConnaughhay
  • Post published: January 10, 2023

To do tours or not to do tours?

That’s a question I know I find myself asking a lot when visiting a new place.

On the one hand, I really like going at my own pace and feeling like I’m not just seeing the “tourist trap” sites.

On the other hand, I’ve done some awesome tours that I got a lot out of in terms of learning more about a destination and seeing places or things I might not have otherwise. Usually, I can also get a lot more into a day than if I am just exploring on my own.

There are a lot of fun things to do in Cartagena , including a lot you can do on your own, but there is also a lot to be gained by doing some Cartagena tours or guided experiences. There is a good reason after all that Cartagena is considered one of the best places to travel in South America !

I’ve got a whole list of more than 75 things to do in Cartagena I put together myself, a lot of them geared towards exploring on your own. However, there are a lot of great tours in Cartagena de Indias too.

Photo of a fountain with the clocktower in the background with some people walking on Cartagena tours.

Here, I’ll run down 11 great Cartagena tours and Cartagena excursions that you could opt to do if you do want a guided experience.

They are especially great choices for those with limited time, those who like to learn a bit more, and those who want access to some places outside the city that are hard to do on your own.

So read on to learn about my picks for the 11 best tours in Cartagena, Colombia, ranging from Cartagena boat tours, to walking tours of Cartagena, to Cartagena food tours to decide which ones would be good fits for your visit!

* Want to take the hassle of out planning your trip ? Let the experts at our partner BnB Colombia Tours help you! Check out their predesigned packages or fill out this form and they will work with you to design a truly unforgettable, custom made trip. Especially nice, nearly all their tours are private with great, bilingual guides. Packages start at $250 USD a day per person.

Photo of a church with tall building behind it like what you can see during Cartagena tours.

Best Tours in Cartagena Quick List

I’ll be going into more detail about each of these tours and excrusions in Cartagena below, but if you want a quick guide here is a quick summary of the 11 Cartagena, Colombia tours I’ll be discussing here:

  • Tour to the Rosario Islands – This is the one absolutely unmissable in Cartagena excursion. There are a lot of options for Cartagena island tours. The top ways to do it are in a private boat rental , a catamaran boat tour , or a day trip to a resort .
  • City Tour – A Cartagena city tour hits all the highlights, including the historic Castillo San Felipe and the Walled City.
  • Walking Tour of the Walled City – Take a walking tour of Cartagena’s historic center to learn even more details on the historic charm of the Walled City.
  • Walking Tour of Getsemaní – A great way to learn more about the history and see the cool street art of this historic district is to go on a Getsemaní walking tour or Getsemaní graffiti tour .
  • Bike Tour of Cartagena – A unique way to do a city tour of Cartagena is a bike tour .
  • Sunset on the Bay – A great way to end the day with terrific views is a sunset cruise on a catamaran .
  • Tour the Bazurto Market – A unique look into the less touristy side of Cartagena is on a Bazurto Market tour , plus you get food! Consider combining it with Getsemaní .
  • Do a Cooking Class – A neat way to learn more about the culture and culinary traditions of Cartagena is doing a cooking lesson . Plus, you get more food!
  • Take a Dip in a Mud Volcano – Cartagena’s oddest attraction is taking a dip in the mud volcano , which can be combined to include a bonus trip to the Pink Sea of Galerazamba.
  • Take a Day Trip to Palenque – Another chance to see the less touristy side of Colombia and learn about this unique historic community .
  • Take a Ride on the Hop on and Hop Off Bus – A surprisingly good value and way to see lots easily is buying a ticket for the Hop On Hop Off Cartagena .

Got your Cartagena hotel reservations yet? If not, be sure to check out our guide to the best areas to stay or see the best luxury hotels , best beach hotels , best boutique hotels , or best hostels .

Photo of empty chairs on a beach during a Cartagena island tour.

11 Best Cartagena Tours Details

Ok, let’s dive into each of these top tours in Cartagena de Indias in more detail. For each, I’ll run down what to expect, why you should consider doing it as a guided experience, and some options for booking it.

1. Rosario Islands – You Can’t Miss a Cartagena Island Tour!

A visit to the Rosario Islands is an absolute must in Cartagena!

Yes, there are beaches in Cartagena proper, but they tend to be crowded and have lots of vendors. They also aren’t nearly as pretty as the islands!

Playa Blanca is another popular choice, but in my opinion, it’s become way too crowded in recent years too.

So, it’s well worth spending the little bit extra to go out to the islands!

Photo of a girl sitting on a beach overlooking the ocean during a Cartagena tour to the islands.

Since they are roughly an hour boat ride away, even if you are a DIYer and don’t like doing organized tours, you will need to do something organized to the islands, whether it be a day pass at a resort or a ticket for a Cartagena boat tour.

Undoubtedly the coolest way to do a Cartagena island tour is via private boat .

While more affordable than you might think, it is most cost effective if you traveling with or can put together a group. Having dance parties at party spot Cholón , stopping for snorkeling at the reef or site of a submerged plane, and checking out secluded beaches are the advantages of doing a private Cartagena boat tour.

Photo of people on a private boat tour in Cartagena Colombia.

If you can’t manage to swing the private boat, there are some other great options for Cartagena tours to the islands.

However, a word of warning.

Be wary of cheap tours to the Cartagena islands sold by street vendors. They are notorious for packing lots of people on tiny boats and having lots of upsells along the way like paying for chairs at the beach or paying extra to enter the oceanarium. Be sure you have clear what your tour will and will not include. Unless you really want to see the oceanarium, I’d avoid booking one that stops there.

My second choice for a Cartagena islands tour is to do the day trip on the Bonavida Catamaran . It’s a great boat and it includes lunch and snorkeling.

It’s without a doubt the best choice for a shared boat tour in Cartagena.

Photo of a catamaran sailboat doing an island tour in Cartagena.

For those who want a proper beach, a day trip to IslaBela is also great (if you book at that link use the code ExploreColombia10 for a discount!).

This is Susana and my favorite spot in the islands. If you have the time, say more than 4 nights total in Cartagena, I’d also encourage spending the night here or at one of the other resorts in the Rosario Islands .

Some other possible fun ways to do the islands is with a multi-island boat tour , a shared party boat with open bar to Cholón , or doing a day trip aboard a pirate boat .

You can see even more options at my guide to the best Rosario Islands day trips . You can also compare different options for doing the islands in my complete guide to the Rosario Islands .

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2. City Tour of Cartagena

Well, what would a list of the best tours in Cartagena be without your classic city tour!

There are of course different variations of this tour, so be sure to find out what is and is not included.

Typically, they will include a visit to the Castillo San Felipe Fort , the convent atop the hill known as La Popa, and a walking portion of the Walled City.

This is a great way to see the highlights and main historic sites of the city and learn a lot about Cartagena’s history in a day to half day, depending on which of the tours of Cartagena, Colombia you pick.

While it’s plenty fun to just explore on your own, you can really get a lot out of a guided experience.

You can book a private city tour with our partners BnB Colombia Tours (be sure to use the discount code ExploreColombia10!) or book one via GetYourGuide . There is also this shared tour that includes some street food tastings!

Photo of the Castillo San Felipe fortress on a tour in Cartagena.

3. Walking Tours of the Walled City

Perhaps you’d like to get the benefit of a guided tour in the historic city but explore the fort and other sites on your own?

If so, you might want to just opt for a historic walking tour (once again use that discount code ExploreColombia10!). This tour not only includes the Walled City but also the adjacent district of Getsemaní, home of the colonial era artisan class and considered to be the birthplace of Cartagena’s culture (and the next place on this list, so you can’t beat the value!).

You can also book a walking tour via GetYourGuide .

There are also some free walking tours of Cartagena where you pay what you feel like is fair at the end.

Photo of a near empty street during a walking tour of Cartagena's Walled City.

4. Tour of Getsemaní

As mentioned above, Getsemaní was the home of the colonial artisan class, many of them freed slaves. In fact, the area remained a largely working class neighborhood until only about a decade or so ago.

Now it’s home to lots of trendy bars, cafes, restaurants, hotels, and hostels but keeps a local vibe that isn’t quite as evident in the Walled City.

It’s a great place to learn more about the history of the city, especially Cartagena’s independence , as the support of the artisan class for independence was crucial.

Three girls standing under little flags with the colors of the Colombian flags strung up across the street during Cartagena walking tour of Getsemaní.

There is also some terrific graffiti and street art.

Not to mention, there are lots of neat photo ops with colorful umbrellas and flags over several streets. In short, whether you decide to explore here on a tour or on your own, it’s a can’t miss area of Cartagena.

You can book a private walking tour of Getsemaní (don’t forget that ExploreColombia10 discount code), or do this unique tour that focuses on the graffiti .

There is also this neat tour that includes rum tastings. Drinking rum and talking history, what could be more fun!

5. Bike Tour of Cartagena

If you’d like to do a guided experience to Cartagena’s historic highlights that isn’t quite your typical Cartagena walking tour, consider doing a bike tour!

While it’s worth keeping in mind Cartagena gets hot (you’ll definitely want to do a bike tour in Cartagena early morning or late afternoon), it’s a neat way to do a Cartagena tour while also being active. This would especially be fun for families.

You can book a private bike tour with our partners at BnB Colombia (use the ExploreColombia10 discount code) or a shared one via GetYourGuide .

Photo of a bike next to a yellow building with white wooden window in Cartagena Colombia.

6. Sunset on the Bay

Outside the more traditional Cartagena city tours and Cartagena walking tours noted above and doing a trip to the islands, this would be my top choice for a fun tour in Cartagena you should absolutely consider doing.

There’s nothing quite like a beautiful sunset over the Caribbean.

While Cartagena has some great sunset spots (my two favorite are definitely Hotel Movich’s rooftop bar and Café del Mar atop the wall), doing a sunset cruise on the bay is also a lot of fun.

In addition to getting a great view of the sun setting over the ocean, you also get a unique perspective of the city, which is particularly pretty lit up once it gets dark on the return trip.

Photo of a girl on the front of a boat during a Cartagena tour on the bay with sunset behind her over the water.

My top choice for a sunset cruise is on the Bona Vida Catamaran .

Susana and I have done this and agree it’s the coolest boat ( see our review here ). It includes a couple drinks and snacks.

For those looking to do a bit more imbibing, there is also an open bar sunset cruise on the Sibarita . We’ve also done that one on the smaller Sibarita Express boat and enjoyed it a lot ( see our review here ). Sibarita also has a dinner cruise that looks like it would be a lot of fun.

Finally, the pirate boat also offers a sunset cruise with an open bar that looks like it would be good fun!

Or for something unique and active, you could do a kayak tour at sunset .

Photo of a girl on a tour in Cartagena overlooking the sun setting behind big buildings across the water.

7. Tour to the Bazurto Market

If you’ve seen the Anthony Bourdain episode where he visits Cartagena, you got to see him head to the hectic Bazurto Market of Cartagena to get fresh ingredients with one of the chefs he visits.

After that visit, a place that does not look like your typical tourist attraction became one.

Tours to the market are quite common now, and given its location and the fact that parts can be a bit dodgy, I would not recommend going here except with a tour.

Photo of the Bazurto Market on a tour in Cartagena.

There are a few variations of the Cartagena Bazurto Market tour, but usually they include fruit tasting and a fresh lunch prepared with fish caught that morning.

It’s a unique tour in Cartagena and a chance to see a bit of the other side of the city away from the hotels and attractions of the historic districts.

You can book a private a tour to the market with out partners BnB, or for a better value book a half day experience that includes a walking tour of Getsemaní and the tour to the market (use discount code ExploreColombia10 on either!). You can also book a tour to just the market on GetYourGuide .

8. Do a Cooking Class

If the Cartagena market tour interested you, you might also enjoy a cooking class.

I guess this isn’t a tour per se, but it’s a neat experience that is a bit different and allows for some hands on fun and learning. Plus, you get to eat what you make!

Photo of a man with of a big plate of lobster.

The best cooking class is at Cafe Lunático.

It includes preparation of several dishes, which vary according to the day of the week. It’s a fun way to combine a bit of learning about culture and tradition with one of everyone’s favorite activities on vacation, eating!

If you want to do a Cartagena food tour that doesn’t require you to do any work or head to the hectic market, you could also consider doing a street food tasting tour . Or for dessert, consider a rum and chocolate tasting (use discount code ExploreColombia10).

And, be sure to check out my guide to the best restaurants to try in Cartagena too!

9. Tour to the Mud Volcano (and Pink Sea depending on season)

The Totumo Mud Volcano is probably Cartagena’s oddest and most unique attraction!

My experience is usually this is a love it or hate it kind of experience.

I remember going here during my first year in Cartagena. It was, well unique. Not something I’d repeat to be honest, but it was kind of neat, and is certainly a good story.

Supposedly, the mud is great for your skin too.

Photo of people on one of the Cartagena tours to the mud volcano.

While it is possible to do this on your own by hiring a taxi or doing a combination of bus and motorcycle taxi, there are plenty of tours to the Cartagena mud volcano that are reasonably priced, so I’d recommend just doing it that way.

Depending on season, some tours here also include a visit to the Pink Sea of Galerazamba , which is itself a unique attraction. The only thing is the pink effect can be a bit unpredictable, so treat it more as an added bonus.

Our partners BnB Colombia offer both shared and private tours to the mud volcano as well as shared and private tours to the mud volcano and to the mangrove forests north of Cartagena (use that discount code ExploreColombia10 for a discount on any of them). You can also book this Cartagena tour via GetYourGuide .

Read more about this unique Cartagena attraction at my complete guide to the mud volcano .

10. Day Trip to Palenque

The town of San Basilo del Palenque, often just called Palenque, was a colony of runaway slaves.

They were so successful at repelling Spanish attempts to destroy them and at carrying out raids to free other slaves in Cartagena, that the Spanish crown actually negotiated a peace treaty that granted them recognition as a free town.

Photo of a statue of a slave breaking his chains in the town of Palenque.

This designation is why it is often called the first free black town in the Americas (it almost assuredly was not the first colony of runaway slaves, which were collectively known as palenques, due to the fact they were usually fortified with wooden walls).

Many of the town’s colonial era residents kept alive their West African traditions, including traditional belief systems and language. In fact, the language that is still spoken by many of the town’s elders is the only known Spanish-African blended creole language, sort of akin to a Spanish patois.

The town in addition to being a site of cultural preservation has also produced several successful boxers, and more recently, musicians, especially of the African inspired Champeta music that was cultivated here and in Cartagena’s barrios.

While it used to be quite off the beaten path, it’s really grown as a tourist destination in recent years, and is a common Cartagena tour today.

Located in the Montes de María region that was site to some of the worst violence of Colombia’s internal conflict, it’s a neat largely community driven type of tourism that highlights Colombia’s under-recognized Afro-Colombian cultural traditions.

It also offers a glimpse of the neglected state of much of rural Colombia.

You can book a private tour with BnB Colombia (one final time, use that discount code ExploreColombia10!).

11. See Lots at Your Own Pace on the Hop On Hop Off Bus

I know, I know, your first reaction here is probably similar to mine: this looks and sounds kind of cheesy.

However, the Cartagena Hop On Hop Off Bus is actually a pretty good value, especially because the ticket is good for 2 days.

It has stops at a lot of Cartagena’s top attractions, including the fort and can be a much cheaper way to get to these sites than doing individual taxis.

If you want to see the main sites in Cartagena without necessarily doing a full guided experience but just get easy transportation there, it’s a really good option.

For that reason, I’m ending this list of the best Cartagena tours with it.

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Some More Honorable Mentions for Tours in Cartagena

Here are handful more Cartagena tours I considered for this list that may make for some more fun ways to explore the city:

  • Salsa Lessons – book this private lesson to get ready for hitting the dance floor.
  • Colombian National Aviary – the Cartagena Aviary is really well done, and you can book a private tour that includes transportation and a guided experience.
  • Playa Blanca – I still think you’re better off doing the Rosarios for a Cartagena islands tour or beach tour in Cartagena, but if you really want to do Playa Blanca or perhaps do both, this tour that includes lunch is a good option.
  • Bioluminescent plankton tour – Seeing the bioluminescent plankton doesn’t look quite as cool as in the pictures, at least in my experience, but it is neat.
  • Horseback riding on the beach – this would be especially fun for families or as a couple. Book with our partners or via GetYourGuide .
  • Paratriking Over the Beach – a unique and more extreme experience is this paratriking over the beach tour .
  • Nightlife and barhopping tour – this tour that includes drinks at several bars would be a fun way to meet some other travelers to party with.
  • Cruise excursion – this tour is designed for those arriving to Cartagena on cruise boats and is a good way to see the highlights similar to what you’d see on a Cartagena city tour if you are arriving by cruise for the day.

Photo of a street with flows overhanging during a tour in Cartagena.

Which of these Cartagena tours will you do?

There you have it, my picks for the best tours in Cartagena, Colombia! All of these are good ways to see different attractions in the city while learning more about its fascinating history and culture.

Whichever of these Cartagena tours you do, I hope this guide was useful and, most importantly, you enjoy them and your entire time in Cartagena!

Cheers and Happy Exploring!

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Check out these others you might like: Guide to Tayrona National Park Guide to the San Bernardo Islands Getting Around Cartagena Cartagena Safety Tips Cartagena Nightlife Guide including the Best Bars and Clubs

Planning a trip to Cartagena?

Be sure to check out the rest of the site to help you plan!

In particular, you might want to check out my guide to the best areas to stay , my list of over 75 things to do , my picks for the best Cartagena tours , the best day trips from Cartagena , my suggested packing list , my guide to the Rosario Islands , and my guide to all the beaches of Cartagena .

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"We all enjoyed a lot and had a very pleasant experience with your kind services and we are very thankful for your guidance especially. My best wishes , Keep it up."

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  • Putno osiguranje

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Odaberi zemlju

Leto Grčka 2024

Odlučili ste da više putujete ove godine? Počnite sada! Rezervišite putovanje kojem ćete se radovati u 2024!

Vila Fanis - najlepša vila u Polihronu na samoj obali mora. Uživajte u prelepom dvorištu sa bazenom za odrasle i decu, renoviranim smeštajnim jedinicama i engleskim servisu. Sve sobe poseduju kuhinju, LCD TV, WiFi i klima uređaje, a čišćenje se obavlja svakodnevno.

Vila Loukakis

Vila Loukakis je novoizgrađeni objekat koji se nalazi u novom delu Sartija. Luksuzno je opremljen i poseduje prostrano dvorište bogato zelenilom.

Vila Aegean Blue

Vila Aegean Blue je vila novijeg datuma u Leptokariji i poseduje igralište za decu i prostrano dvorište puno zelenila.

Vila Aegean White

Vila Aegean White sa odličnom lokacijom, prostranim dvorištem, igralištem za decu i modernim smeštajnim jedinicama učiniće Vaš odmor potpuno opuštajućim i prijatnim.

Hotel Agios Nikitas 3*

Hotel Agios Nikitas 3* se nalazi u jednom od najatraktivnijih mesta na Lefkadi i na 150 metara udaljenosti od jedne od najpoznatijih plaža.

bambino tours


Shopping ture, garantovano najniže cene na tržištu, first minute 2024 – 17% popusta, top 5 destinacija po našem izboru:, grčka – leptokarija, top destinacija za porodice – sitonija, čarobna lefkada, preporuke za porodični odmor, magični tasos, najtraženije vile u grčkoj:, vila sarti inn.

Vila Sarti Inn se nalazi u starom delu i jedan je od najpoznatijih objekta u Sartiju.

Vila Mary 2

Vila Mary 2: Trokrevetni studiji i četvorokrevetni apartmani na samo 70 metara od plaže. Smeštajne jedinice imaju kuhinju, terasu sa garniturom za sedenje, klimu i TV. WiFi i peškiri su uključeni. Posteljina i peškiri se menjaju na pet dana.

Hotel Oscar 3*

U našoj ponudi imamo dvokrevetne sobe i dvokrevetne sobe sa pomoćnim ležajem. U neposredoj blizini vile nalazi se parking prostor. Hotel poseduje recepciju, restoran, bazen, ležaljke i suncobrane oko bazena koji su besplatni za goste, bar pored bazena.

Hotel Flisvos 3*

Hotel Flisvos 3*, čini kompleks od više zgrada i nalazi se na samoj plaži Ligije.

Najtraženiji hoteli u Grčkoj:

Hotel sousouras.

Odličan za porodice sa malom decom, koje su u porazi za jednostavnim odmorm, istovremeno na plaži i u gradu. Hotel ima dostupan bazen i malo igralište za decu u svom sklopu. Karakterističan je po vrlo standardizovanom doručku.

Hotel Lagomandra Beach

Luksuzno opremljen hotel namenjen svima koji uživaju u prirodnim bogatstvima i plaži sa kristalno čistoom vodom. Hotel se preporučuje odraslim osobama koje putuju u grupama, ali ima i program za dočekivanje dece.

Lagomandra Hotel & Spa

Hotel u neposrednoj blizini najlepše i najpopularnije plaže na Sitoniji. Pogodan za boravak parova, kao i ljubitelja komfornog odmora u mirnom i prirodnom okruženju. Izdvaja se po neverovatnom pogledu na Toronski zaliv.

Hotel Alexandra Beach Thassos Spa Resort

Jedan od najprodavanijih hotela na Tasosu. Smešten na samoj plaži na ulsaku u Potos. Preporuka za porodice i za one koji žele miran odmor u prijatnom okruženju.

Hotel Thassos Grand Resort

Ovaj fantastičan hotel nalazi se na ostrvu Tasos u oblasti Agios Joanis i od glavnog grada Limenasa udaljen je oko 19km.Hotel izlazi na privatnu peščano-šljunkovitu plažu.

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Poštovani putnici,

Usled novonastale situacije i blokade računa Barcino Toursa, obaveštavamo sve putnike koji imaju uplaćene aranžmane za 2024. godinu da se obrate osiguravajućoj kući Millenium Osiguranje, , oko naplate svojih potraživanja. Potrebno je da tom prilikom imate Ugovor o Putovanju, Program putovanja, koji imate u download sekciji našeg websajta, Opšte Uslove Putovanja, koje imate na našem websajtu, Priznanicu o uplaćenim sredstvima i Garanciju Putovanja, koju ste dobili prilikom zaključenja ugovora.

Za sva dodatna pitanja se možete obratiti na email  [email protected] .

Srdačan pozdrav,

Barcino Tours

Christina Cherry

I love you cherry much!


Living in a family-friendly atmosphere, bambino-tours

bambino tours

We attach great importance to the selection of our houses. Indispensable features are: the location in a special, diversified region of Central Europe, a family-friendly atmosphere and a typical regional ambience, as for example. can be found on old wineries, farms or mills. In holiday villages are the apartments reserved for our guests in a selected, quiet location together, so that there is a pleasant, individual atmosphere in which you and your children can settle in quickly and feel good .

travel in a sustainable and aware manner

Our destinations are located in the most scenic and culturally charming regions of Europe. We deliberately cooperate with small, family-run quarters, using as much as possible local and regional offers for meals, activities and other cooperation. For 30 years now, Bambino-Tours has been offering the opportunity to travel in a sustainable way, thereby supporting regional providers and family-run companies. In addition, Bambino Tours has always offered almost exclusively destinations in Central Europe. As a result, air travel should be largely avoided – and our environment and climate protected. The closeness to nature of our quarters should also strengthen the awareness of children , parents and caregivers.

Worth knowing about the apartments

Your on-site hosts, our coaching staff and a travel guide we have created for you will help you find your way around and provide many insider tips so you can get started quickly and discover the hidden beauties of the area from day one.

Many of our destinations are reserved exclusively for Bambino Tours families. They always meet nice, like-minded families with children . Your children will find plenty of room to play in our destinations and the right friends in the immediate vicinity to spend the holidays with lots of fun and no boredom. The Bambino Tours family vacation is regularly followed by long-term friendships between children and adults .

Important information about living:

Our family hotels and holiday resorts are usually not standardized units, but consist of individually designed apartments and family rooms. Room layout and maximum occupancy correspond to the information given in the table below.

Unless otherwise stated, our prices are inclusive prices, i. They include the usual additional costs (gas, water, electricity, final cleaning). Only energy costs (for example heating, hot water) are to be paid on the spot in some quarters after consumption. All apartments are heated during the heating season.

The apartments are available on the day of arrival usually from 17.00 clock and must be left at the departure until 10.00 clock.

Not always are the apartments belonging to the apartments free in front of the apartment, but can be reached after a few meters or by a staircase.

In all destinations without half board offer a fully equipped own kitchenette is available. For those who do not want to cook on vacation, there are always opportunities to eat well in the facilities or in the immediate vicinity. Our holiday accommodations are beautiful, individually designed apartments with normal security standards. Extra safeguards for infants (for example, drawer or stove fuses) are usually not available. You can, however, if necessary, e.g. Stair gate or a bed-loss protection at the reception or by our staff received.

Some owners require a deposit. If you do not cause any damage to the rented apartment, you will receive this amount in full (or shortly after) departure.

Also, more and more holiday regions charge tourist tax, which is payable locally.

The opening times of the pool facilities in our quarters are weather-dependent and are subject to the decision of the operator (regular opening time mid-May to mid-September, but sometimes also March to October).

Washing machine use or intermediate cleaning are possible by arrangement on spot in almost all destinations . Sheets, towels, travel cot and high chair are provided in most destinations. They are only to be brought in a few houses or can be rented locally for a fee.

In order to make it easier for you to choose the right type of apartment, we have categorized the apartments of our destinations according to the number of rooms and the maximum number of occupants:

bambino tours

Type A: 1-room apt, kitchen *, bath / WC; up to 2/3 pers. Type B: 2-room apt, kitchen *, bath / WC; up to 2/5 pers. Type C: 2-room apt, kitchen *, bath / WC; up to 3/5 pers. Type D: 2-room apt, kitchen *, bath / WC; up to 4/5 pers. Type E: 3-room apt., Kitchen *, bath / WC; up to 4/5 pers. Type F: 3-room apt, kitchen, 1 or 2 bathrooms / WC; up to 4/5/6 pers. Type G: 3-room apt., Kitchen, 1 or 2 bathrooms, up to 5/6/7/8 pers. Type H: 4-room apt., Kitchen, 1 or 2 bathrooms / WC; up to 5/6/7/8 pers. Type J: 5-room apt., Kitchen *, 3 bathrooms / WC; up to 8 pers.

* Kitchenette, kitchenette or small separate kitchen

Deviating characteristics can be found in the respective district description. Your advantage: We know each of our goals personally and will gladly and competently advise you on the selection.

Note for people with reduced mobility

We point out that not all our apartments are handicapped accessible. Please let our staff advise you.

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Italy Family Vacations

Spain family vacations, japan family vacations, australia family vacations, how to plan an incredible family trip to scotland.

  • By Lisa Frederick
  • October 23, 2019

Given the spectacular landscapes, dramatic ruins, wild coastal beauty and wealth of culture, a family trip to Scotland offers so many tempting possibilities that it can feel daunting to choose. The good news? That also means it’s hard to go wrong. Our top itinerary suggestion for first-time visitors pairs a few days of immersion in Edinburgh’s ancient past and modern-day buzz with a retreat to the rural Highlands for a taste of life in the countryside and an eyeful of some of the most stunning scenery on the planet. The list of ideas for a family vacation in Scotland is as vast as the gorgeous views.

Best Places to Visit in Scotland for Families

If you have time for only one Edinburgh attraction, make it  Edinburgh Castle . Hunkered down on a hilltop, this behemoth presides over the city with all the gravitas of its 1,000-plus-year history. You can take as much time as you like to explore the castle and its museums, but plan on at least one and a half to two hours to get a thorough overview. Try to catch the firing of the One O’Clock Gun, which has gone off every day (except Sundays, Christmas Day and Good Friday) since 1861.

Afterward, make a stop at Camera Obscura and World of Illusions, a 19th-century funhouse right next to the castle that’s filled with mazes, optical illusions, holographs and other interactive fun. Its namesake and showpiece is an old-fashioned camera obscura through which you can peer at the streets below. Or see the  Museum of Childhood , a quick but fun — and free — detour on the Royal Mile that highlights the evolution of toys over the years. On a rainy day, its one of our favorite things to do with toddlers in Scotland. If the kids are game for a more intensive museum visit, pop into the National Museum of Scotland . The collection is vast and eclectic, but excellent kids’ programs and cool interactive activities help younger ones get the most out of it.

TIP : If you have two or three days to spare between the city and the Highlands, spend them at Gleneagles , located in the countryside about 60 miles northwest of Edinburgh. This magical luxury retreat is bliss for all ages, offering a nearly endless list of family-friendly activities: pony trekking, fishing, biking, falconry, a gundog school, indoor games, a toy-filled playroom, a teen lounge and many more. Parents, meanwhile, will be partial to the spa, the golf course and the first-rate onsite dining.

Ciao Bambino can help you plan an incredible family vacation in Scotland

Our Family Travel Advising Team will work with you to book accommodations, recommend activities and more, all with one-on-one support. Click here to send us a request >

Inverness and the Scottish Highlands

A few hours’ drive west of Edinburgh, Inverness — a hub of the Scottish Highlands — makes a convenient base for one of this region’s signature sights:  Loch Ness . Reserve a spot on a  Jacobite Cruises  boat tour to cruise the waters and keep an eye out for the fabled Loch Ness Monster. Although parents may or may not buy into the Nessie lore, kids will get a kick out of searching for her with the radar monitor that combs the depths of the water. And the setting, with views of evocative Urquhart Castle (an optional stop), is a highlight for everyone.

For a totally unique glimpse into life in the Highlands, plus memorable time together as a family, book a lesson at  Scottish Highland Art , deep in the countryside about 30 minutes from Inverness. Artist Ros Rowell welcomes guests to her cozy studio and does a fantastic job instructing families in different painting techniques, making sure they create pieces they’ll be proud to show off at home.

The classic itinerary for a family trip to Scotland includes a visit to the Isle of Skye or another of the Hebrides , and that’s certainly doable from Inverness. But for a more offbeat coastal excursion, drive north to Spey Bay for dolphin watching and strolling along the bay’s pretty beach. The  Scottish Dolphin Centre  has a staff of naturalists who can help you spot the sea creatures, plus a small educational center. On the way there or back, make time for a stop at  Dunrobin Castle . It flies under the radar compared to big-name cousins such as Stirling and Eilean Donan, but its rooms and gardens are well worth touring, and its small museum displays a collection of taxidermy and Celtic stones.

Where to Stay in Scotland with Kids

Luxury-loving families will adore the iconic Balmoral Hotel as well as the Waldorf-Astoria Edinburgh – The Caledonian . Both of these 5-star properties are located on Princes Street a stone’s throw from the Royal Mile, and both pamper guests in every imaginable regard. We offer our clients wonderful perks when their stay is booked through our agency.

Depending on where you travel to in the Scottish countryside, we can recommend full-service resorts or intimate castle stays or quiet bed and breakfasts. Reach out to our family travel advisors to beginning planning your perfect getaway to Scotland!

Relevant Links:

Browse all-family friendly activities and destinations in Scotland with kids

72 hours in Edinburgh with kids

Best things to do in Glasgow with kids

Best luxury hotels in Scotland with kids

A taste of Adventures by Disney Scotland

A dream home base in rural Scotland with outdoor activities galore

Start a Discussion

The vibrant colors and vivid descriptions in your blog transport me to another world. Thanks for the virtual escape!

Hi Team. I am new to the UK and we would like to plan a trip to Scotland. My wife and I, along with our son (2.5 years), would love to go on a 3 day trip to Scotland. Please help me with this. Thank you.

Hi Karthik, our Family Vacation Advisors will be happy to help! Someone will reach out in email about next steps.

Another important point is while you are traveling in the Highlands to bring some insect spray as the small insects (midges) can be really irritating and the bit although not dangerous is uncomfortable. And dress in layers!

We are planning to go to Edinburgh on November 28th with 1.5 years baby. We are interesting to go highland, castle and lochness as well. Could you please advise the suitable tour for us?

Hi Aries, thanks for using our site! We can book tours as part of our complete family vacation planning service. I’ll have a Family Travel Advisor get in touch via email to explain more about how we work. Enjoy your trip!

  • Pingback: Things to Do in Edinburgh | Edinburgh Family Holidays | Ciao Bambino

Hello My sister & I are planning a wee road trip in Scotland with our 5 kids boy 10 girl 7 girl 4 boy 4 & baby In August, we’ve done the East coast so keen to do a bit more maybe an Inverness starting point then ending back in in Glencoe and would majorly appreciate a pre-tried itinerary for travelling with kids in Scotland. Time wise 3/4/5 days worth TIA

Hi Kim, sounds like a fun adventure! I’ll pass this along to our Family Travel Advisor team, and the right person will reach out in email to see if our planning service is a good fit. Happy travels!

Hi there ! We are planning a trip to Scotland in May with our 5 year old and 2 year old. Would you point us in the right direction ? Thanks !

Hi Usmaan, we’d be happy to help! A Family Travel Advisor specializing in Scotland will follow up via email. Have a wonderful trip!

Hi there! Planning a trip to Scotland in June with my family of 7/ 3 children (4yr, two 2yr olds) 4 adults. Looking for advice on best stops for then to run and enjoy the wilderness while still having fun visiting unique places. As well as the best affordable places offering larger room accommodations or catering to families as we’ll be traveling on a budget. Thanks!

Hi April, thanks for reaching out! One of our Family Vacation Advisors will be in touch via email to discuss next steps and how we can help with your plans. While our specialty is upscale to luxury accommodations, we do maintain a select list of more affordable properties. Best of luck with your travels.

Good day, We are staying in Edinburgh, Scotland this Dec. for 1 week with a 2.5 year old. Any tips and advise will be appreciated (what to wear, pram or baby carrier) and advise on kids friendly places to go to in Edinburgh and outside.

Hi Chandre, thanks for reaching out! We’d be glad to help. One of our Family Travel Advisors will get in touch via email and explain more about our trip planning service. Happy travels!

We have our 1.5 yrs baby coming with us to Scotland this February and would love to do loch ness, Glencoe and highland tour. Could you advise on how we can arrange this.

Hi Nadya! We’d be happy to help as part of our full planning service. Would you like one of our Family Travel Advisors to reach out in email?

We would love to do the same as Nadya with our 2 year old in April. Could somebody help us with an itinerary?

Hi Sophie! Let me relay your request to our Family Travel Advisor team, and one of our planners will reach out in email. Happy travels!

Would like to know about packages for a 3 or 4 day visit to Scotland strating from Edinburgh. Family of 3 with a kid 3 years old.

Hi there! We do offer a Scotland package and you can find out more here: . Our Family Travel Advisor Team can also arrange a custom trip for you if you decide to go that route. I’ll have a colleague reach out in email. Thanks!

Hi, Me , my wife and our 2 year old daughter will be on our Scotland tour from 3rd Nov to 6th Nov ’18). Could you suggest a 3 days itinerary for us. we would like to visit Lochness, Isle of Skyee , is it advisable to visit during November ? if not what are the other options

Hi Krishna, thanks for your request! One of our Family Vacation Advisors specializing in Scotland will reach out in email to see how we can help. Happy planning!

Hi, Me , my wife and our 22 months old son will be on our Scotland tour(11th Aug -14th Aug ’18). Could you suggest a 3 days itinerary for us on an urgent basis. Thanks,

Hi Jeetendra – Thanks for using Ciao Bambino! I’ll have a Family Travel Advisor specializing in Scotland reach out in email. Best of luck.

Hi, my family and I are going next summer and my daughter will be 4.5. We love golf and are partially coming to play 3-5 courses, but also want fun for the whole family and especially my daughter. Can you help?

Hi Michael, absolutely! One of our Family Vacation Advisors specializing in Scotland will reach out in email. Happy planning!

Hi We are a total of : Adults : 4 Children : 2 ( both children between 6 – 7 Years of age ) Infants : 2 (Infant 1 – 8 months old & Infant 2 – 1 Year 8 months ) We want to book the Family 1 day tour of – Loch Ness , Glencoe & the Highlands on 20th June 2018 . Pls let me know the following : 1. Are infants allowed on this tour ? 2. Is car seat mandatory for infants on this tour ?

Hi Shagun – Your best bet is to reach out to the tour company directly to check availability. They can advise about age limitations and car seats. Best of luck and thanks for using our site!

We have our 1.5 yrs baby coming with us to Scotland this October and would love to do loch ness, Glencoe and highland tour. Could you advise on how we can arrange this

Hi Farah, absolutely, we can help with this. One of our Family Travel Advisors specializing in Scotland will reach out in email to see how we can help. Happy travels!

we want to travel on the 18-22nd June with our 2 and half year old. please can you advise re itinerary – would like to go to Loch Ness, isle of Skye if possible. could you please email us over options many thanks

Hi Davina, thanks for using Ciao Bambino! One of our Family Travel Advisors will reach out in email to see how we can help. Happy planning!

Hi , I am planning to come with my family including 3 kids(9,14 and 3 Year old). Not many tour planners offer with less than 5 year old and the ones which have are very expensive. Can you please suggest

Hi Aman, thanks for reaching out! Our specialty is 4- and 5-star itineraries. If you’d like to find a budget travel-focused operator for Scotland, we recommend that you check in with the Scotland Tourist Board and have them direct you, . Happy planning!

Hey, we are a family of three with a 14 months toddler. We plan to take a day trip from Edinburgh. Do you have anything in store for us?

Hi Rutuja, we’d be happy to help. One of our Family Travel Advisors specializing in Scotland will reach out in email. Happy travels!

I am planning a trip to Scotland with my 2 year old daughter and would be staying at Glasgow. Please advice

Hi Tony, thanks for using Ciao Bambino! We’ll have a Family Travel Advisor reach out in email to talk about how our service works and how we can help. Happy planning!

We will be travelling to Scotland in April/May with our 2.5 year old and would love some information on the best things to see/do in Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Inverness and the Scottish Highlands… as well as the best way to go about it logistically in 10-14 days. Any information would be great! Thank you.

Hi Christie, we’d be glad to help! A Family Vacation Advisor specializing in the UK will reach out in email to talk about next steps. Thank you for using our site.

We are attending a wedding in Aberdeen July 24/25 2018 and would like to take our then 1.5 and 4.5 yo kids with us. Could you help us plan logistics and a great vacation?

Hi Jenny, thanks for reaching out. We’d be happy to help – one of our Family Travel Advisors will contact you in email about next steps. Best of luck!

Hi My husband n me are planning to go to scotland at the end of November 2017 with my 2.5 years old daughter.we are staying in Portsmouth now.we don’t want whole day tour…we want three days tour but 3 to 4 hours in a day for the sake of my baby…is it possible ? Please let me know as soon as possible

Hi Soma, thanks for using Ciao Bambino! A Family Travel Advisor specializing in Scotland will reach out in email to talk about next steps. Happy travels!

I would like more information about traveling with a 1 year old and two adults please 🙂

Hi Monica! Thanks for using Ciao Bambino. We’ll have a Family Travel Advisor specializing in Scotland reach out in email. Best wishes!

hi I am travelling with 5 month old and would like to do a tour of the highlands with my mom and the baby. my mom wants to see Eilean Donan Castle

Hi Joy, are you currently traveling or planning for the future? Let us know, and we’ll have the right Family Travel Advisor reach out in email to help. Thanks!

Hi We are planning for a trip to Edinburg between 26th Oct (reaching night 11:30) till 29th (by around 6:30 PM – tour you may end by dropping us on Edinburgh Waverley station)) and looking for an all-inclusive package (accomodation and travel). We are 2 family, as in 4 adult and 2 kids (of 3 year and 2 year old). Can you please provide a option to cover best places in these 3 days with a cost? We haven’t decided the places to cover and would like your advice over same.  For accommodation, we would need 2 separate twin or double room. Looking forward for your response.

Hello Aniket, thanks for using Ciao Bambino. We’ll have a Family Travel Advisor specializing in Scotland reach out in email to see how we can help with your plans.

hi, we are travelling with 2 kids.. one is an infant (1yr) and other one 4 yr old. can u let us know if there are any 3day tour in scotland for the same. please contact me on [email protected] regards Sahil..

Hi Sahil – Thanks for reaching out! A Family Travel Advisor will be in touch via email to talk about next steps. Happy travels!

Hello, I am interested to travel Scotland and England from London with my wife and 3 year old Daughter in October, 2017. Please provide details.

Hi Gaurav! Thank you for using Ciao Bambino as a travel resource! We’ll have one of our Family Travel Advisors specializing in Scotland and England reach out in email. Happy planning!

Hi We are 4 adults travelling to Edinburgh for a 4 day holiday in August. We will have a 9 month old baby with us. We would like to go for a day tour in the Highlands. Any suggestions please? Thanks

Thank you MaryAnne for your using Ciao Bambino as a family travel resource! We have sent you a message about your inquiry. Happy travels!

Hi, I am planning to visit Edinburgh this year in the end of june. I am travelling with a a 1.5 years old child and looking for a tour company that will allow young toddlers too. Could you suggest someone? thanks Sunny

Hi Sunny – Thanks for reaching out! Our focus is on providing full itineraries for parents traveling with kids rather than standalone tour and activity recommendations. If we can be of help with a more comprehensive trip plan, please let us know!

Hi, We are planning to visit Scotland by end of june for 5d/4n with two kids 16 month n 9 yrs. Can you suggest good bus tour guide who is ready to take kids along as most of the travellers are not allowing kids. Please suggest Thanks Monika

Thank you Monika for your message! We sent you a private message in response. Happy travels!

Hi we will be traveling with our 22 month old daughter to Scotland from July 19-25 and would love some help with going to and getting around the Highlands and Loche Ness!

Thank you Missi for your message! We have sent you a private message. Happy travels!

Hi, I am planning to Visit Scotland this late June. The problem I am facing is that all the bus tours are not ready to take along with my 6 months old Infant daughter. Can you suggest me any bus tour guides who will allow it. We are not weighing private cab tours because of our budget constraints. Please suggest. Thanks Raj

Thank you Raj for your message! For this we would suggest to contact the Tourist Board. Here is their official website.

Hi. I’m traveling to Scotland with my husband and 2 year old daughter fro 17-23 June 2017. We intend to base ourselves out of Edinburgh, but I haven’t been able to find any tours that take us to the surrounding areas that allow toddlers – can you please help?

A Family Travel Advisor will connect with you soon. Thanks for your patience!

Hi, I’m visiting Edinburg with my family on June 8, 2017 with 2 year old and would like to make a 2 day trip to highland, Glancoe , Lochness, Fort williams etc Could you please advise on the family support tours? Thanks, Manali

Hi Manali – We can help with tours as part of our comprehensive vacation planning service. I’ll have a Family Vacation Advisor specializing in Scotland reach out via email and explain more about how we work. Thank you!

Plan to visit the highlands with a 10 month old baby in July – from Cairynryan. Can someone please contact me with suggestions for a base location? Thanks

Hi Louise – We’ll be glad to help! A Family Vacation Consultant specializing in Scotland will reach out in email. Enjoy your travels!

Hi, I’m visiting Edinburgh with my family on 20 May 2017 with 1 year old baby and would like to make a day trip to highland, Glancoe and Lochness. Could you please advise on the family support tours? Thanks, Charlie

Hi Charlie, thanks for using Ciao Bambino! We work with several local family-friendly companies who offer tours – I’ll have a Family Travel Advisor specializing in Scotland reach out in email to discuss options.

Hi I am planning to travel with my Kid 2 years old in Scotland for a short tour in June.Can you recommend the places to visit and the option of transport please ?

Hi Somnath – thanks for using Ciao Bambino! One of our Family Travel Advisors specializing in Scotland will reach out in email. Happy travels!

Hi lisa, We would be travelling to scotland for 4 nights in june with our 6 year old daughter can you pleasevhekp us plan our itenary with some stay at farm bookings. Thanks, Ami

Hi Ami, one of our Family Travel Advisors specializing in Scotland will reach out in email to talk about next steps. Thanks and happy planning!

Hi Lisa, We are here in Edinburgh right now with our 14 Month Old daughter. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We are having a hard time finding ways to take kids this age through tours or even dining for Dinner. We will be here for the next 4 weeks so we have time to look into any suggestions. Thank you.

Hi Felix – Thanks for using Ciao Bambino! Our focus is on full itineraries and accommodations. If you’d like help booking hotels and activities, we can have a Family Travel Advisor specializing in Scotland reach out in email.

Hi Lisa, We would be in London from May 24 to June 2 n plan a Scotland tour of 3 days. We are a couple accompanied by ouy 2.25 yr old son. Thanks

Hi Prashant, one of our Family Travel Advisors specializing in Scotland will reach out in email to see how we can help. Thanks!

Hi, we are travelling to Scotland with a 5.5 year old boy in June/July for a week, can you please help us plan our trip considering there’s a child with us Thank you

Hi Patel – Absolutely. One of our Family Travel Planners specializing in Scotland will be in touch via email. Happy planning!

Hi, I and my wife were planning to visit Scotland with our 2yrs old daughter. Would love to get some help in arranging our plans for this July. Thanks

Hi Ryan – We’re happy to help! One of our Family Travel Advisors specializing in Scotland will reach out in email. Thanks!

Hi. Can u help me out with recommendations to travel with 5 year old in the month of April -may

Hi Sanam – Absolutely! Our Family Travel Advisor specializing in Scotland will reach out in email to see how we can help. Thanks!

Hi Interested in recommendations for travel with two and half year old in Scotland around july

Hi Angela – We’re happy to help! Our Family Travel Advisor specializing in Scotland will reach out to you in email. Happy planning!

Hi. We are an Indian family of four, 2 adults and our 2 children aged 16 &8 yrs. We are planning to fly straight to Edinburg fromNew Delhi this June and cover the best of Scotland in 4-5 days. Then we plan to head onwards to Brussels, London, Paris and end our European escapade withSwitzerland. Can one of your local experts help us in planning our trip? Much thanks

Hi Tandons – Thank you for your message. One of our Family Vacation Advisors specializing in those destinations in Europe will reach out in email to help. Happy Planning! -Amie

Ciao! I will be traveling with two children: 2.5 y/o and 7 y/o. I’d like to be contacted by a Scotland focused family travel advisor please. Thank you!

Hi Jen, Wonderful! One of our Family Vacation Advisors specializing in Scotland will be in touch to help. Happy Planning! Best, Amie

Hi, I am planning to reach Edinburgh on 25th Sep and want to go for some places in Scotland. Could you please suggest some places or tour packages which allows 10 months baby in it. I am coming with my wife and my 10 months baby. My mail id: [email protected]

Hi there, and thanks for using Ciao Bambino! We’ll have a Family Travel Advisor specializing in Scotland reach out in email to help.

Hi! My husband and I and my 16 months would want to take a 3 day tour in Scotland in June. Can you please recommend something for us?

Hi Renalyn – One of our expert Scotland planners will reach out to you in email. Thank you for your interest!

Hi Amie, Can i also have your contact for the toddler-friendly Scotland tour? we have our 2.5 yrs baby coming with us to Scotland this October and would love to do loch ness, Glencoe and highland tour. regards, Axaya

Hi Axaya, Indeed, I’ll have our Scotland-focused Family Travel Advisor reach out. Thanks! -Amie

I also plan to do a 3-4 day tour to Scotland with a 20 month old. Please help

Regards Anurag

Hi Anurag, thanks for reaching out to us. When do you plan to travel? Let us know and we can determine how best to help!

Hi we have a 7 month old infant and we are keen to do isle of skyre tour please can you suggest the best way

Hi Sargam, I’ll have one of our Family Vacation Consultants specializing in Scotland reach out. Thanks! -Amie

hi Amie, can i also have your contact for the toddler-friendly scotland tour? we have our 20 months baby coming with us to Scotland this Dec and would love to do loch ness, glencoe and highland tour. thanks

Hi Cendana, Thanks for your message. I’ll have one of our Scotland specialists reach out to help (she will email you). Best, -Amie

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  1. Urlaub mit Kinderbetreuung

    Die Bambino Tours Betreuung ist inklusiv! Bitte kontaktiert uns in jedem Fall telefonisch oder per E-Mail, damit wir gemeinsam eine individuelle Reise planen. Hier findet ihr ausführlichere Informationen zum Urlaub mit Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Beeinträchtigung.

  2. Ciao Bambino!

    Ciao Bambino Travel Advisors specialize in planning and booking luxury vacations in destinations around the world. From city stays and beach resort getaways to comprehensive international itineraries, we have an extensive network of vetted travel resources at our fingertips.

  3. Italy Family Vacations

    Ciao Bambino's roots run deep when it comes to planning kid-friendly family vacations to Italy — indeed, it's how we got our name! Our clients consistently rank it as one of the very best destinations for children and adults alike. The ancient cities dazzle, and children love pretending to be gladiators in Rome as they visit the Colosseum ...

  4. Meet our team, bambino-tours

    For 30 years, Bambino Tours has specialized in family holidays with "handmade" child care and exciting youth programs. Heinz Bender - Managing Director. Founder of Bambino-Tours (1988) - After years of study in Italy and France, the convinced non-aviator lives happily with his wife, children, donkeys, sheep, chickens, dogs and cats in ...

  5. Best Tours to Do in Cartagena, Colombia

    Doing a bike tour in Cartagena is a unique and fun way to explore the city. 6. Sunset on the Bay. Outside the more traditional Cartagena city tours and Cartagena walking tours noted above and doing a trip to the islands, this would be my top choice for a fun tour in Cartagena you should absolutely consider doing.

  6. Family Vacation Packages & Itineraries

    Ciao Bambino's expert Family Travel Advisors have access to a deep pool of vetted guides, accommodations and bespoke activities that correspond with the ideas you'll find in these pages. Reach out to us today to take the first step toward booking an unforgettable vacation tailored just for your family. Portugal.

  7. bambinotours

    Bambino-Tours GmbH - Urlaub mit Kindern - ist seit über 30 Jahren Anbieter für Familienreisen. Sorgfältig ausgewählte, charmante Urlaubsziele in den attrakti...

  8. Bambino Tours GmbH

    Bambino Tours GmbH, Marburg, Germany. 592 likes · 1 talking about this. Reiseveranstalter für Familienreisen

  9. Family vacations greece, bambino-tours

    Family vacation Greece Holidays with children in Greece, the land of 3000 islands. Greece is not only for a history-loving family a real highlight to spend the holiday. There are many things to discover outside Athens. The approximately 3000 Greek islands attract tourists, not only from Germany but from all over the world. Almost 100 of the Greek islands are inhabited.

  10. Perfekter Familienurlaub mit Bambino-Tours Ein perfekter Familienurlaub mit attraktivem und abwechslungsreichem (deutschsprachigem) Betreuungsangebot in Altersgruppen für...

  11. Bambino Tours Familienreisen (@bambinotours)

    Something went wrong. There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. Reload page. 606 Followers, 376 Following, 72 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Bambino Tours Familienreisen (@bambinotours)

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  13. Family-Friendly Tour Guides

    At Ciao Bambino!, we often recommend using a vetted guide to enhance sightseeing and to get the lay of the land in a way that's designed just for your family. The right kids' tours and guides know how to captivate children of every age with little-known details, fun facts, and compelling storytelling. And experienced, family-friendly guides ...

  14. Barcino Tours

    Poštovani putnici, Usled novonastale situacije i blokade računa Barcino Toursa, obaveštavamo sve putnike koji imaju uplaćene aranžmane za 2024. godinu da se obrate osiguravajućoj kući Millenium Osiguranje,, oko naplate svojih potraživanja.Potrebno je da tom prilikom imate Ugovor o Putovanju, Program putovanja, koji imate u download sekciji našeg websajta, Opšte Uslove ...

  15. Family holidays on Lake Garda

    The manifold offer around the Lake Garda Ideal for those who enjoy a more active holiday. Our varied and sporty -active program provides the perfect setting for a vacation time, which always focuses on the family. A taster course in surfing, a climbing course or a hiking tour in the mountains - everything is possible with and with Bambino Tours!

  16. How it Works

    Getting Acquainted. Fill out our contact form and one of our highly qualified Family Travel Advisors will set up an introductory call with you. We will discuss your family's travel style, vacation preferences, specific needs and interests so that we can begin to craft the perfect family vacation. Every itinerary we plan is 100% customizable.

  17. Bambino Tours Familienreisen (@bambinotours)

    Bambino Tours Familienreisen. Travel Company. Wir planen Familienurlaube mit Leidenschaft 🎨 Handgemachte Kinder- und Jugendbetreuung 🏡 Quartiere zum Wohlfühlen ☀️ Herzensangelegenheit seit 1989. Posts. Reels. Videos Tagged. Meta. About. Blog. Jobs.

  18. Living in a family-friendly atmosphere, bambino-tours

    The Bambino Tours family vacation is regularly followed by long-term friendships between children and adults. Important information about living: Our family hotels and holiday resorts are usually not standardized units, but consist of individually designed apartments and family rooms. Room layout and maximum occupancy correspond to the ...

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  20. Best Itinerary for a Family Trip to Scotland

    Where to Stay in Scotland with Kids. Luxury-loving families will adore the iconic Balmoral Hotel as well as the Waldorf-Astoria Edinburgh - The Caledonian. Both of these 5-star properties are located on Princes Street a stone's throw from the Royal Mile, and both pamper guests in every imaginable regard.

  21. Bambinos TOURS

    Bambinos TOURS. 3,350 likes · 2 talking about this. Autobuses de turismo Bambinos Tours a su servicio.