Choosing the Perfect Humidor for Storing and Aging Your Tobacco

For every cigar enthusiast, a reliable and high-quality humidor is an essential accessory. Whether you are just starting your collection or have been enjoying cigars for years, proper storage is crucial to preserve their flavor and freshness. In this guide, we will take a look at some of the best humidors available on the market and provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Why is a humidor important?

A humidor is designed to maintain the ideal humidity level for cigars, typically around 70%. Cigars are hygroscopic, which means they can absorb and release moisture from the environment. If cigars are stored in an environment without proper humidity control, they can dry out, lose their flavor, and become brittle. On the other hand, excessive humidity can lead to mold growth and ruin your prized collection. A humidor provides a controlled environment, ensuring your cigars are kept in optimal conditions.

What to look for in a humidor?

When choosing a humidor, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, the construction and materials used should be of high quality to ensure proper sealing and insulation. Look for humidors made from Spanish cedar, a wood known for its ability to absorb excess moisture and add aroma to cigars. The size of the humidor should also match your collection, with enough space to accommodate your current cigars and allow for future expansion. Additionally, consider the type of humidification system used, whether it’s a foam-based system or a crystal-based system, as this will impact the ease of maintenance.

In conclusion, investing in a reliable humidor is essential for any cigar lover. It allows you to create the perfect environment for your cigars, preserving their flavor and ensuring they can be enjoyed for years to come. By considering factors such as construction, materials, and humidification systems, you can find the best humidor to suit your needs and enhance your cigar storage experience.

Types of Humidors

When it comes to storing cigars, there are several types of humidors to choose from. Each type has its own unique features and benefits. Here are some of the most common types of humidors:

1. Desktop Humidors: These are the most popular type of humidor and are perfect for home use. They come in various sizes and can hold anywhere from a few cigars to several hundred. Desktop humidors typically have a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels and a humidification system to keep the cigars fresh.

2. Travel Humidors: If you’re always on the go, a travel humidor is a must-have accessory. These portable humidors are designed to withstand the rigors of travel and keep your cigars safe and properly humidified. They are usually smaller in size and can hold a limited number of cigars.

3. Cabinet Humidors: As the name suggests, cabinet humidors are large storage units that can hold a considerable number of cigars. Typically made of solid wood, they often feature multiple shelves and drawers for organization. Cabinet humidors are ideal for serious cigar enthusiasts and collectors.

4. Coolerdor: If you’re on a budget or have a large collection of cigars, a coolerdor may be a practical option. This DIY humidor is made by converting a cooler into a storage unit. It requires some modifications, such as adding a humidification device and hygrometer, but can provide a cost-effective solution.

5. Humidor Bags: For short-term storage or traveling, humidor bags are a convenient choice. These resealable bags are lined with a humidification element and can keep cigars fresh for up to 90 days. They are lightweight, portable, and perfect for those on a tight budget.

When choosing a humidor, consider your storage needs, budget, and usage frequency. Whether you prefer a desktop humidor for home use or a travel humidor for your adventures, investing in a quality humidor is essential for preserving the flavor and quality of your cigars.

Factors to Consider

When choosing a humidor for storing tobacco, there are several important factors to consider. These factors will ensure that your cigars are properly stored and maintained for the best smoking experience. Here are some key considerations:

The size of the humidor is crucial, as it determines how many cigars you can store. Consider the number of cigars you typically have on hand and choose a humidor with enough capacity to accommodate your collection. It’s also important to note that a larger humidor may provide more stable humidity levels.

Humidors can be made from various materials, including wood, metal, or acrylic. Wood is a popular choice due to its natural ability to absorb and release moisture, which helps maintain proper humidity levels. However, metal and acrylic humidors are known for their durability and resistance to mold and pests.


A hygrometer is an essential component of a humidor, as it measures the humidity levels inside. It allows you to monitor and adjust the humidity to ensure that your cigars are stored in the ideal environment. Look for a humidor with a reliable and accurate hygrometer.

Humidification System:

The humidification system in a humidor is responsible for maintaining the humidity at the desired level. There are different types of humidification systems, including foam-based, gel-based, or electronic. Consider your personal preferences and the climate conditions in your area when choosing the humidification system for your humidor.

A proper seal is crucial to maintain stable humidity levels inside the humidor. Look for a humidor with a tight seal to prevent moisture from escaping. A good seal will also keep out any external factors that could affect the quality of your cigars.

Last but not least, consider your budget when choosing a humidor. Humidors can range in price from affordable to high-end luxury options. While it’s essential to invest in a quality humidor, there are options available for every budget.

By considering these factors, you can select the best humidor for storing your tobacco and ensure that your cigars are always ready for a perfect smoking experience.

Reviews and Recommendations

When it comes to choosing the best humidor for storing your tobacco, there are many options available on the market. To help you make an informed decision, we have gathered some reviews and recommendations for the top humidors on the market.

1. The Classic Cigar Humidor

The Classic Cigar Humidor is a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts. It is made from high-quality materials and features an elegant design. This humidor has a capacity of up to 50 cigars and comes with a built-in hygrometer and humidifier, ensuring optimal conditions for your tobacco. The Classic Cigar Humidor is also known for its excellent seal, which helps maintain a consistent humidity level.

2. The Travel Cigar Humidor

If you are constantly on the go and want to bring your cigars with you, the Travel Cigar Humidor is a must-have. This humidor is compact and portable, making it perfect for travel. It is made from sturdy materials and features a secure lock and a foam interior to protect your cigars from damage. The Travel Cigar Humidor also includes a humidifier, allowing you to enjoy your cigars anywhere you go.

3. The Desktop Display Humidor

If you want to showcase your cigar collection, the Desktop Display Humidor is an excellent choice. This humidor is designed to be displayed on your desk or shelf, allowing you to admire your cigars while keeping them in optimal condition. It features a glass top and a beautiful wooden exterior, adding a touch of elegance to any space. The Desktop Display Humidor also includes a hygrometer and humidifier, ensuring your cigars stay fresh and flavorful.

Overall, the best humidor for tobacco depends on your specific needs and preferences. Whether you are looking for a classic humidor, a travel-friendly option, or a display piece, there is a perfect humidor out there for you. Consider the capacity, design, and features that are important to you, and choose a humidor that will keep your cigars in the best condition.

Maintenance and Care

To ensure the freshness and quality of your cigars, proper maintenance and care of your humidor is essential. Here are some important steps to follow:

  • Season your humidor: Before using your humidor for the first time, it is important to season it. This process involves wiping the interior surfaces with distilled water or a damp cloth to moisturize the wood and prevent it from absorbing moisture from the cigars. After wiping, leave a damp sponge or a shot glass filled with distilled water inside the humidor for 24-48 hours to further season the wood.
  • Monitor humidity levels: Use a reliable hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels inside your humidor. The ideal humidity range for storing cigars is between 65-70%. If the humidity falls below this range, you can use a humidification device like a humidifier, humidification gel, or beads to add moisture. If the humidity is too high, you can leave the humidor open for a while to let some moisture escape.
  • Rotate your cigars: To ensure even aging and prevent any mold or moisture build-up, it is recommended to rotate your cigars every few weeks. This means moving the cigars from the bottom to the top and vice versa, as well as from left to right.
  • Inspect for mold and pests: Regularly inspect your cigars and the inside of your humidor for any signs of mold or pests. Mold can appear as white or green spots on the cigars, while pests like tobacco beetles may leave small holes or chew marks. If you notice any signs of mold or pests, remove the affected cigars and clean the humidor thoroughly.
  • Clean your humidor: Cleaning your humidor once or twice a year is important to remove any dust, dirt, or residue that may accumulate over time. Use a soft cloth or sponge dampened with distilled water to gently wipe the interior surfaces. Avoid using any household cleaners or chemical solutions, as they can be harmful to the cigars.
  • Replace humidification devices: Over time, humidification devices can become less effective or stop working altogether. It is important to regularly check and replace these devices as needed to ensure proper humidity control.
  • Store cigars properly: When placing cigars inside your humidor, make sure to remove any cellophane or plastic wrappers. The cigars should be arranged in a single layer, without overcrowding, and with enough space for air circulation. It is recommended to separate different cigar types to prevent any flavor transfer.

By following these maintenance and care tips, you can ensure that your humidor keeps your cigars in optimal condition, ready for the perfect smoking experience.

Humidor Accessories

When it comes to maintaining the ideal environment for storing cigars, having the right accessories is essential. Here are some must-have items to enhance the functionality and performance of your humidor:

1. Hygrometer:  A hygrometer is a device that measures the humidity level inside your humidor. It is crucial to ensure your cigars are stored in the optimal humidity range of 65-75%. A digital hygrometer is recommended for its accuracy and ease of use.

2. Humidifier:  A humidifier is responsible for adding moisture to your humidor. There are different types of humidifiers available, including gel-based, crystal-based, and electronic humidifiers. Choose one that suits your preferences and the size of your humidor.

3. Humidification Solution:  To maintain the humidity level in your humidor, you will need a humidification solution. These solutions come in various forms, such as propylene glycol-based solutions or distilled water. Be sure to use a solution specifically designed for cigar humidification.

4. Spanish Cedar Trays and Dividers:  Spanish cedar is the preferred wood for humidors due to its natural moisture-retaining properties and ability to repel tobacco beetles. Adding cedar trays and dividers to your humidor helps organize and separate your cigars while providing additional humidity regulation.

5. Air Purification System:  An air purification system helps eliminate unwanted odors and maintains clean air circulation within your humidor. This is especially important if you store different cigar brands or flavored cigars that can impart their aromas to others.

6. Cigar Stand:  A cigar stand is a stylish accessory that keeps your cigar elevated and off any surface, preventing it from getting damaged or rolling off. It adds a touch of elegance to your smoking experience.

7. Cigar Cutter and Lighter:  A good quality cigar cutter and lighter are essential tools for any cigar aficionado. Invest in a sharp guillotine cutter or a punch cutter, along with a reliable torch lighter or double-flame lighter for a precise and effortless lighting experience.

8. Travel Humidor:  For those on the go, a travel humidor is a convenient accessory to keep your cigars safe and properly humidified while traveling. Look for a sturdy and compact design that can withstand the rigors of transportation.

By acquiring these essential humidor accessories, you can enhance the longevity and flavor of your cigars while ensuring they are kept in optimal condition for your smoking pleasure.

Tips and Tricks

When it comes to storing cigars, it’s important to create the perfect environment to preserve their taste and quality for a long time. Here are some tips and tricks to help you achieve this:

1. Choose the Right Humidor

Invest in a high-quality humidor that is specifically designed for storing cigars. Look for one that is made from Spanish cedar, as this wood helps to regulate humidity and prevent any unwanted odors from affecting the tobacco.

2. Maintain Proper Humidity Levels

Keep the humidity level within the humidor consistent at around 65-75%. Use a digital hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels and a humidifier to add moisture when needed. Avoid using tap water in the humidifier, as the minerals can affect the flavor of the tobacco.

3. Season Your Humidor

Before storing cigars in your humidor, it’s essential to season it properly. This process involves wiping the interior of the humidor with distilled water and allowing it to sit for 24 hours. This helps to condition the wood and prevent it from absorbing too much humidity.

4. Organize and Rotate Cigars

When placing cigars in your humidor, make sure to organize them in a way that allows for proper air circulation. Avoid overcrowding the humidor, as this can lead to uneven humidity distribution. Additionally, rotate the cigars every few weeks to prevent any potential damage from occurring.

5. Avoid Drastic Temperature Changes

Exposure to extreme temperatures can negatively impact the flavor and overall quality of your cigars. Keep your humidor in an area with a consistent temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat sources. A temperature range of 65-70°F (18-21°C) is ideal for cigar storage.

6. Inspect and Maintain Your Humidor

Regularly inspect your humidor to ensure that it is clean and free from any mold or insects. Wipe down the interior and exterior with a clean, damp cloth and mild soap if necessary. It’s also a good idea to check the condition of the seal to ensure a tight fit.

By following these tips and tricks, you can effectively store your cigars in the best humidor and enjoy their rich flavors for a longer period of time.

Q&A: Humidor for tobacco

How does the boveda 2-way humidity control system benefit both cigar and pipe tobacco enthusiasts in maintaining the quality of their collections.

The Boveda 2-way humidity control system is advantageous for both cigar and pipe tobacco enthusiasts as it precisely maintains the ideal humidity level within humidors. This system actively regulates moisture by either absorbing excess or releasing it, ensuring a stable environment that’s crucial for cigar preservation and keeping pipe tobacco fresh. For cigar aficionados, it helps maintain the flavor and burn quality of cigars, while for pipe smokers, it prevents tobacco from drying out or becoming overly moist.

Can a glass top humidor provide the same level of airtightness as a wood humidor, and how does this affect cigar storage?

A glass top humidor can provide a comparable level of airtightness to a wood humidor if it’s well-constructed with a good seal around the glass. The airtight environment is crucial for maintaining stable humidity and temperature, key factors in cigar preservation. While glass top humidors allow for easy viewing of the collection, it’s essential to ensure that the glass is tightly fitted to prevent moisture from escaping and to maintain humidity, just as with a solid wood humidor.

For a smoker new to cigars, what should be considered when choosing their first humidor, especially regarding capacity and materials?

When choosing their first humidor, a new cigar smoker should consider the capacity, opting for a size that can hold slightly more than their current collection to accommodate future purchases; a humidor that can hold 25 to 50 cigarettes is a good starting point. The material is also crucial; cedar wood is preferred for its moisture retention and aromatic properties. An easy-to-maintain option with a reliable humidifier and hygrometer, such as those found in Klaro or Case Elegance humidors, makes for a perfect gift for newcomers.

What are the unique benefits of a leather cigar case for a smoker, and how does it complement other cigar accessories?

A leather cigar case offers unique benefits for a smoker, including durability, style, and portability. It’s an excellent complement to other cigar accessories as it provides a sophisticated way to transport a small number of cigars, typically around 5 cigarettes, while protecting them from damage. The leather material also adds an element of luxury and can be a stylish statement piece in any cigar aficionado’s collection.

How does the humidification system in an acrylic humidor differ from that in traditional wooden humidors, and what are the advantages?

The humidification system in an acrylic humidor typically relies on a more sealed environment, which can be advantageous in maintaining a stable humidity level. Unlike wooden humidors, acrylic does not absorb moisture, so the humidity packs or Boveda packs used don’t have to work as hard to maintain humidity. This can result in more precise humidity control and less frequent need for maintenance, making acrylic humidors a practical choice for smokers in dry climates or those seeking a humidor that’s easy to maintain.

What makes a humidor cabinet an ideal choice for a serious cigar smoker with a large collection, say of 100 cigarettes or more?

A humidor cabinet is an ideal choice for a serious cigar smoker with a large collection because it offers ample space, often accommodating 100 cigarettes or more. Additionally, cabinets often feature advanced humidity control systems, including a humidifier and hygrometer, ensuring precise humidity and temperature regulation. The substantial storage space also allows for proper organization and separation of different cigar types, making a humidor cabinet a valuable investment for aficionados.

Why do aficionados prefer a cedar wood humidor for aging premium cigars, and how does it enhance the cigar preservation process?

Aficionados prefer a cedar wood humidor for aging premium cigars due to cedar’s natural ability to regulate humidity and impart a subtle aroma that complements the tobacco’s flavor. The wood’s porous nature helps absorb and release moisture, maintaining a stable environment inside the humidor. Cedar wood also repels tobacco pests, ensuring that cigars are not only aged but also protected, making it an integral part of the cigar preservation process.

When considering a humidor jar for a small collection of cigars, what are the benefits, and how does it compare to a traditional cigar box?

A humidor jar is great for a small collection of cigars, typically holding around 5 to 25 cigarettes. It offers a compact and often more affordable solution for maintaining the necessary humidity levels for cigar preservation. Compared to a traditional cigar box, a humidor jar is more space-efficient and usually comes with a built-in hygrometer and humidifier for precise humidity control. It’s an excellent choice for those with limited space or who are looking for a simple and effective way to store a smaller number of cigars.

What factors should be considered when selecting the best cigar humidor for cigars and tobacco, especially concerning humidity packs and the material of the humidor?

When selecting the best cigar humidor for cigars and tobacco, consider the material of the humidor, with cedar wood being a top choice for its moisture-regulating properties and pleasant aroma. The type of humidity control, such as Boveda packs or other humidity packs, is also crucial. These packs provide precise humidity control and are easy to use, making them ideal for both beginners and experienced smokers. Ensure that the humidor provides a consistent and airtight environment to maintain the proper humidity levels for optimal cigar and tobacco preservation.

How does the Boveda 72 pack specifically benefit cigar smokers in maintaining the desired humidity level inside their humidors?

The Boveda 72 pack is specifically designed to maintain a relative humidity of 72% inside a humidor, which is considered ideal for most cigars. This level of humidity ensures that the cigars retain their moisture, essential for preserving their flavor and burn quality. The Boveda 72 pack automatically adds or absorbs moisture as needed, providing consistent and precise humidity control. It’s especially beneficial in climates where humidity fluctuates, as it helps prevent moisture from your cigars from evaporating or becoming overly humid, ensuring your humidor is at the best condition for cigar preservation.

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Seth’s Humidor is more than just a website, it’s a lifestyle. Seth and his team are always on the lookout for what’s new in cigar culture, and they share their thoughts with you via great videos, reviews, and articles.

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Seth Lee has been in the cigar business for over 10 years. He’s been a tobacconist, sales rep, and manager of a cigar store. He also enjoys smoking cigars himself!

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 Travel Cigar Humidor Products

Travel humidors are small, humidity-controlled boxes that secure the transport of your cigars or pipe tobacco during travel or weather conditions. Travel humidors hold between 2 and 40 cigars at a time and come in a variety of styles and colors. The Cigar Caddy Travel Humidor comes in black or camouflage print. Travel humidors range in price from $14.99 to $54.99 depending on their material and cigar capacity. Pack cigars for your next trip with our selection of premium cigars , little cigars , and machine made cigars .

Cigar Caddy Black Travel Humidor - bnb-tobacco

Cigar Caddy Black Travel Humidor

Cigar Caddy Camouflage Travel Humidor - bnb-tobacco

Cigar Caddy Camouflage Travel Humidor

Marquis Leather Humidor (20ct) - bnb-tobacco

Marquis Leather Humidor (20ct)

Traveler Humidor (20ct)

Traveler Humidor (20ct)

Enjoying your favorite cigars on the go requires a reliable, portable storage solution. We understand how enjoying your favorite cigar during travel, near or far, is a must for many. That's why we offer this collection of travel humidors designed to keep your cigars fresh and full-flavored wherever your adventure takes you. Our travel humidors are designed to be portable without compromising the quality, humidity, and flavor of your much-loved cigar collection. Whether your travel is for business or pleasure, our compact, lightweight options are ideal for carrying or fitting seamlessly into your luggage, carry-on, or travel bag. Do you adore hunting season but wish you could take your cigars to enjoy in camp after the sun goes down? You might fall in love with our Camo Cigar Caddy travel humidor, specifically made for an avid outdoors person like yourself, protecting your cigars from the weather during the commute and holding up to five cigars. Do you prefer the sleek, timeless appeal of luxurious black leather? Look no further than our Marquis Leather Humidor. Able to protect up to twenty cigars, this intricately made, matching-stitched, with a magnetic locking lid and built-in-external digital hygrometer with an adjustable divider, is everything you need and more! In addition to these gorgeous features, it even comes with a strap to double-secure your cigars when traveling. Are you looking for something a bit more versatile? Please take a moment to look at our exclusive Cigar Caddy Black Travel Humidor. This delightful travel case comes in various sizes to hold the amount of cigars perfect for you. Are you traveling and staying overnight or just visiting for a few hours? You might love the black humidor of the two cigars. Will you be traveling for a week or more? Make sure you catch one of the Cigar Caddy Black Travel Humidors that can hold 40 cigars. Say goodbye to attempting to travel with your cigars in a plastic bag, easily broken or crushed, or a plastic container with little to no humidity or weatherproofing, and say hello to the best travel humidors found exclusively on BnB Tobacco. Would you love to know more about our travel humidors or any of our products? Our fantastic customer service team would love to assist you in finding anything you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a travel humidor?

A travel humidor has smaller dimensions than a regular at-home humidor. A travel humidifier generally has less space to hold anywhere from 2-40 cigars at a time.

How many cigars can you hold in a travel humidor?

You can choose various sizes, from a travel humidor with room for two cigars to upwards of 40 cigars.

Can I bring a travel humidor on a plane?

You may be able to take a travel humidor onto a plane in carry-on luggage or checked luggage, depending on each airline's set of tobacco regulations and guidelines. Before flying with a travel humidor, always call and speak to your airline to ensure you follow their guidelines and rules on cigar transportation. While Cuban cigars were prohibited within the U.S., that restriction was lifted with a few exceptions. Airport authorities tend to heavily question travelers who bring in Cuban cigars, so be prepared. Be aware of any laws and limits that might be imposed on cigars and traveling with them. Additionally, never travel with your humidification solution, as any bottle of liquid is prohibited in carry-on luggage, so leave it at home.

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Travel Humidors

Gurkha 15-Stick Traveling Humidor - American Flag

Gurkha 15-Stick Traveling Humidor - American Flag

Brand: Gurkha Model: 15 Stick Cigar Travel Humidor Length: 10.46 in. / 265.93 mm.  Height: 4.68 in. / 119.07 mm.  Width: 9.43 in. / 239.76 mm.  Weight: 37.7 oz.  / 1071 g.     *measurements are approximate  

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Best Travel Humidors

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Are you a cigar aficionado who loves to travel?

Do you constantly worry about how to maintain the quality and integrity of your cigars while on the move?

If you answered ‘yes’ to either of these questions, you’re in the right place.

The best travel humidors are essential accessories for any cigar enthusiast who doesn’t want to leave their beloved cigars at home when hitting the road.

They are designed to keep your cigars fresh and protected, no matter where you are.

However, with so many options available, finding the right cigar travel humidor case can seem like a daunting task.

This comprehensive guide will answer the most frequently asked questions about the best travel humidors, covering everything from their necessity, factors to consider when buying one, to their maintenance.

If you’re looking for more ways to enhance your travel experience, check out our list of the best travel accessories , featuring must-haves for every seasoned traveler.

Whether you’re a seasoned cigar smoker or new to the world of cigars, this guide will help you understand the importance of travel cigar humidors and how to select the best one to suit your needs.

So, sit back, light up a cigar, and delve into the world of travel humidors.

Best Travel Cigar Humidors Reviewed

Flauno travel cigar humidor case.

Flauno Travel Cigar Humidor Case

The Flauno Travel Cigar Humidor Case is a perfect companion for cigar enthusiasts on the go.

Compact yet spacious, with a unique combination of style and durability, it’s designed to keep your cigars at their best no matter where your travels may take you.

Design & Capacity

Flauno’s case is an exceptional blend of form and function.

The compact design easily accommodates up to 5 cigars, ensuring you have enough for your journey or event.

It’s not too large, fitting comfortably in your luggage or backpack.

The case even includes a built-in compartment for your cigar cutter and lighter.

The exterior dimensions are 8.80″ x 5.2″ x 2.1″, while the interior measures 8.2″ x 3.8″ x 1.55″, giving you ample space.

Portability & Durability

Manufactured from high-quality ABS material, this case is designed to last.

It’s waterproof and crushproof, with excellent sealing performance guaranteed by two strong locking clasps and inner seals.

An added bonus is the high-density U-shaped foam that provides superior cushioning, protecting your cigars from any accidental damage.


One of the standout features of the Flauno Cigar Humidor Case is its built-in humidifier disc, which ensures your cigars stay fresh and flavorful.

Simply add a few drops of distilled water, and your cigars will remain at the ideal humidity.

The Flauno case comes with a stainless steel cigar cutter, adding an extra touch of luxury to your cigar experience.

The cutter is robust, with self-sharpening double blades ensuring a clean and precise cut every time.

Final Thoughts

With a customer review score of 4.6 out of 5 stars from 805 ratings, the Flauno Travel Cigar Humidor Case is clearly a popular choice among cigar aficionados.

The robust construction, thoughtful extras, and excellent humidity control all add up to a top-quality product that more than justifies its #2 ranking in Cigar Humidors on Amazon.

This humidor is more than just a storage solution; it’s an all-in-one travel companion that ensures you’ll have the best cigar experience, whether you’re at home or on the road.

Stogie Safe Travel Humidor Cigar Case

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.4/5

Stogie Safe Travel Humidor Cigar Case

The Stogie Safe Travel Humidor Cigar Case is a premium cigar protection solution designed with the traveling cigar enthusiast in mind.

With robust construction and an impressive range of features, this case offers everything you need to keep your cigars in optimal condition, no matter where you go.

Stogie Safe’s humidor case is well-designed with a solid pattern, offering an elegant, understated aesthetic.

It’s spacious enough to fit up to 11 Petit Corona cigars and measures 8.3” x 4.9” x 1.5” on the inside & 9.3” x 5.7” x 1.6” on the outside.

It’s an ideal size for slipping into your travel bag or carrying by your side with the convenient wrist strap.

Durability & Protection

Constructed with strong ABS plastic, this case is practically indestructible.

It’s crushproof, capable of withstanding up to 100 pounds of force, and waterproof up to 100 feet, even floating on water.

The airtight seal ensures that your cigars stay perfectly fresh.

Moreover, the case comes with removable protective foam inserts that keep your cigars secure and safe from damage.

Humidification & Monitoring

One of the standout features of the Stogie Safe Cigar Case is its built-in hygrometer, which isn’t commonly found in portable humidors.

This feature allows you to monitor the humidity levels inside the case, ensuring that your cigars remain in ideal conditions during your travels.


This case is perfect for travel, with a lightweight yet sturdy plastic shell that can carry your cigars, cutter, and lighter for any adventure.

The case is designed to resist the rough handling that can sometimes occur during travels, and the foam inserts keep your cigars in place to prevent any dislodging.

Great Gift Idea

The Stogie Safe Travel Humidor Cigar Case is more than just a practical accessory—it’s an excellent gift for cigar lovers.

It’s an ideal present for your dad, boyfriend, brothers, or friends who appreciate a fine cigar.

The case’s rugged, practical design makes it perfect for fishing, boating, hunting, or golfing trips.

Scoring a solid 4.4 out of 5 stars from 228 ratings, the Stogie Safe Travel Humidor Cigar Case has earned its place among the top choices for cigar storage.

Its #21 ranking in Cigar Humidors on Amazon attests to its quality and customer satisfaction.

If you’re seeking a portable, durable, and convenient solution for cigar storage on the go, the Stogie Safe case is definitely worth considering.

Pardo Cigar Travel Humidor

Pardo Cigar Travel Humidors

The Pardo Cigar Travel Humidor are a top-notch, portable solution for cigar enthusiasts seeking a reliable storage and transport case for their favorite cigars.

Offering an airtight, waterproof design, built-in humidifier disc, and robust durability, these humidors make for an excellent companion for both short and long journeys.

Freshness & Storage

The Pardo Travel Humidor provides airtight storage that ensures freshness of your cigars.

It comes with a built-in humidifier disc that maintains the ideal moisture level to protect your cigars from drying out.

The case holds up to 5 medium ring gauge cigars or 4 cigars with 60 and above gauges, making it a versatile storage solution for various cigar sizes.

In addition, it has room to keep a cigar cutter and lighter for convenience.

Constructed with crush-proof hard materials, the Pardo Travel Humidor promises exceptional durability.

It features strong locking clasps and inner seals to offer waterproof protection, ensuring your cigars stay safe even in harsh conditions.

The removable foam inside provides extra cushioning to safeguard your cigars from damage.

The Pardo Cigar Travel Humidors make for a splendid gift, particularly for those who cherish their cigars.

Whether it’s for a birthday or Father’s Day, this cigar accessory is a fantastic choice loved by cigar aficionados around the world.

Customer Support

Pardo Cigar provides 24/7 customer support, ready to assist you with any questions or issues you might have.

This level of customer service adds to the overall quality of the product and your buying experience.

Ratings & Ranking

The Pardo Cigar Travel Humidors score an impressive 4.7 out of 5 stars from 1,871 ratings, signifying high customer satisfaction.

They also hold the #16 position in Cigar Humidors on Amazon, which speaks volumes about their popularity and quality.

In summary, the Pardo Cigar Travel Humidors are a robust, functional, and stylish solution for preserving and transporting your cherished cigars.

Its high-quality construction and thoughtful features make it an investment worth considering for any cigar enthusiast.

For its outstanding performance and customer satisfaction, it’s easy to recommend the Pardo Cigar Travel Humidors.

Galiner Travel Cigar Humidor Leather Case

Galiner Travel Cigar Humidor Leather Case

The Galiner Travel Cigar Humidor Leather Case is an elegant and practical solution for cigar enthusiasts who require a portable humidor.

Designed with high-quality PU leather and a solid Spanish cedar wood tray, this humidor exudes premium feel and ensures optimal storage for your cigars.

Design and Capacity

The Galiner Travel Cigar Humidor has a spacious interior that can comfortably accommodate up to four cigars of max length 7.0″ and ring gauge 56.

Its smart design allows you to store various cigar lighters and cutters, removing the need for multiple storage solutions while on the go

An air hole pocket designed for Humidity Control Packs helps keep your cigars fresh.

There is also a round humidifier included for use.

Convenience and Portability

With dimensions of 8″x5″x3.3″ and a weight of 1.48lbs, this humidor is compact and portable, perfect for home use or travels.

It is suitable for various occasions such as vacations, camping, road trips, parties, and more.

It also features an exterior pocket for your phone or small items, adding to its practicality.

Quality and Durability

The Galiner Travel Cigar Humidor is carefully crafted to ensure excellent quality.

Its robust construction includes a high-quality metal zipper that’s smooth and colorfast.

The manual process, including polishing, guarantees a product that’s worth your trust.

Perfect Gift

The Galiner Travel Cigar Humidor comes in a black gift box, making it an ideal gift for special occasions like Weddings, Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary, or Father’s day.

The brand offers excellent customer support.

In case of any issues, you can contact them for a best possible solution.

Moreover, they offer a 30-day hassle-free, no questions asked return and money-back policy.

The Galiner Travel Cigar Humidor has garnered an impressive 4.6 out of 5 stars from 115 ratings, reflecting high customer satisfaction.

It also ranks #99 in Cigar Humidors on Amazon, indicating its popularity among cigar enthusiasts.

In conclusion, the Galiner Travel Cigar Humidor Leather Case is a combination of elegance and functionality, perfect for both home use and travel.

It’s a practical and luxurious gift for any cigar aficionado.

Given its high-quality construction, convenience, and excellent customer reviews, it’s certainly a product worth considering.

COOL KNIGHT Leather Cigar Case

COOL KNIGHT Leather Cigar Case

The COOL KNIGHT Leather Cigar Case is an elegantly designed and highly functional accessory for every cigar enthusiast.

It offers a convenient and stylish solution for keeping cigars fresh and well-protected, making it an ideal choice for travelling, meetings, golfing, and more.

Materials and Design

The exterior of the humidor is made from high-quality PU leather, which is not only aesthetically pleasing but also easy to clean and water-resistant.

The inside of the case is lined with Spanish cedar wood, known for its superior moisture and air permeability.

This unique combination of materials effectively preserves the freshness and enhances the aroma of your cigars.

Functionality and Accessories

This portable cigar case can accommodate up to three cigars, making it a compact and convenient option for travel.

Included with the case is a durable 420 stainless steel cigar cutter that can be stored in the front pocket of the humidor, ensuring that you’re always prepared.

Gift Potential

The COOL KNIGHT Leather Cigar Case comes in an exquisite gift box, making it an ideal present for cigar lovers on any occasion.

Be it Father’s Day, Birthday, Anniversary, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year, or any other holiday, this set is a perfect choice.

COOL KNIGHT’s after-sales service is committed to providing the best possible solutions for any issues or queries.

Customers’ satisfaction is their top priority.

Quality and Ratings

The meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail reflect in the product’s quality.

With an impressive rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars from 869 reviews, this product stands out in customer satisfaction.

The humidor also ranks #8 in Cigar Humidors on Amazon, indicating its high popularity among cigar enthusiasts.

In conclusion, the COOL KNIGHT Leather Cigar Case is a stylish, portable, and practical accessory for any cigar aficionado.

Its high-quality materials, exquisite workmanship, and additional cigar cutter make it a valuable addition to your cigar accessories.

Given its excellent customer ratings and popularity, it is certainly a product worth investing in.

TOIKA Durable Travel Cigar Humidor Case

TOIKA Durable Travel Cigar Humidor Case

The TOIKA Durable Travel Cigar Humidor Case is an excellent choice for anyone seeking a durable, well-constructed, and stylish cigar accessory.

With an all-inclusive gift set that includes a humidor, cutter, and lighter, this product is a perfect companion for every cigar enthusiast.

Design and Construction

The sleek, solid black design of this cigar humidor case is not just pleasing to the eye, but also highly practical.

The case boasts a robust clip closure and two dedicated pockets for holding a cutter and lighter.

It’s lined with cedar wood to maintain the freshness of your cigars, and it also includes a built-in humidifier.


The set contains a solid stainless steel cigar cutter, a 2-flame butane torch lighter with a built-in cigar punch, a transparent dropper, and a humidifier, providing all the necessities for a sublime cigar experience in one package.

Note that to comply with USPS safety regulations, the lighter is delivered unfilled and needs to be filled with butane before use.

Capacity and Durability

The humidor is designed to hold up to 5 cigars with a maximum length of 7.5 inches and a ring gauge of 56.

The case’s dimensions are 7.88″ x 3.97″ x 1.55″, making it compact yet spacious.

Its durable design makes it waterproof, shockproof, and even able to float in water, making it ideal for outdoor activities like golfing, fishing, boating, hunting, or camping trips.

This is truly an everyday use humidor that can endure the rigors of travel.

Customer Ratings

The TOIKA Cigar Humidor Case enjoys positive feedback from customers, with a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars from 382 reviews.

It ranks #127 in Cigar Humidors on Amazon, indicating its reliable quality and popularity among cigar lovers.

In conclusion, the TOIKA Durable Travel Cigar Humidor Case is a versatile, robust, and practical accessory for any cigar aficionado.

It combines sleek design, great functionality, and robust construction in a package that provides exceptional value for money.

Whether you’re enjoying your cigars at home or during your outdoor adventures, this case is a worthy investment.

AMANCY Premium Leather Cigar Travel Case Humidor

AMANCY Premium Leather Cigar Travel Case Humidor

The AMANCY Premium Brown Leather Cigar Travel Case Humidor stands out as a beautifully crafted accessory for any cigar connoisseur.

Its well-thought-out design and additional features like a cutter and lighter make it a must-have for cigar lovers on the move.

Featuring a thick cedar wood lining on the inside and an elegant brown classic crocodile pattern PU leather exterior, the case is as much a style statement as it is functional.

With dimensions of 8.1x 5.2 x 3.1 inches, it can comfortably accommodate up to 4 cigars of a max length of 6.8 inches and a ring gauge of 58.

The case comes with several accessories including a premium durable stainless steel cigar cutter with guillotine dual blades, a 2 flames butane torch lighter with a built-in cigar punch, a transparent dropper, a humidifier, and a removable cedar wood tray.

These features add to the convenience and enhance the cigar smoking experience. However, note that due to postal regulations, the lighter is delivered empty and will need to be filled before first use.

This cigar case makes it simple to maintain the freshness of your cigars.

All you need to do is add distilled water to the humidifier or place humidor solution in the case to keep your cigars from drying out.

It’s a straightforward and practical solution for keeping your cigars at their best, whether you’re on the go or enjoying a smoke at home.

The AMANCY Cigar Travel Case is highly rated by customers, boasting an impressive 4.8 out of 5 stars from 503 reviews.

It’s also ranked #71 in Cigar Cases on Amazon, showcasing its popularity and customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, the AMANCY Premium Brown Leather Cigar Travel Case Humidor is an excellent accessory that blends style, functionality, and practicality.

Its high-quality materials, thoughtful design, and additional features make it a great value for money and a perfect gift for any cigar enthusiast.

With this case, you can enjoy your cigars anytime, anywhere, knowing they’re kept in the best possible condition.

AMANCY Classic Leather 4 Cigar Travel Case Humidor

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.8/5

AMANCY Classic Leather 4 Cigar Travel Case Humidor

The AMANCY Classic Black Leather 4 Cigar Travel Case Humidor stands out as an elegantly designed, functional, and comprehensive cigar accessory set.

It’s an ideal choice for cigar aficionados looking for a premium humidor with additional handy features.

This travel case boasts a high-quality leatherette exterior coupled with a thick cedar wood lining on the inside.

This combination ensures not only a stylish appearance but also optimal preservation conditions for your cigars.

The case has a zipper lock closure, ensuring your cigars stay secure.

With dimensions of 8.1 x 5.2 x 3.1 inches, it can comfortably hold 4 cigars of maximum length 6.8 inches and a ring gauge of 58.

The interior is designed with a removable cigar tray which holds 4 cigars in 4 partitioned areas.

When removed, it can fit up to 8 cigars horizontally and vertically.

Included with this case are several accessories, comprising a premium durable stainless steel cigar cutter, a 2 flames butane torch cigar lighter, a transparent dropper, a humidifier, and a removable cedar wood tray.

However, due to postal regulations, the lighter will be delivered empty and will need filling before the first use.

The humidor case is incredibly easy to use.

To keep cigars fresh, you only need to add distilled water to the humidifier or use a humidor solution.

The case is delivered in a sleek white gift box, making it an ideal gift for Father’s Day, birthdays, or for anyone who appreciates a good cigar.

The AMANCY Cigar Travel Case boasts an impressive customer rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars from 309 reviews, demonstrating the high level of customer satisfaction.

It also holds a rank of #152 in Cigar Cases, further emphasizing its popularity.

In conclusion, the AMANCY Classic Black Leather 4 Cigar Travel Case Humidor presents an exquisite blend of style, functionality, and practicality.

Its robust materials, thought-out design, and the addition of valuable accessories make it a fantastic value for money and an excellent gift option.

This case is an excellent investment for any cigar enthusiast, ensuring cigars are kept at their best while on the go or at home.

Mrs. Brog Cigar Humidor

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.7/5

Mrs. Brog Cigar Humidor

The Mrs. Brog Cigar Humidor presents a sturdy, reliable, and high-capacity solution for keeping cigars at their best.

With its remarkable features such as the ability to hold up to 20 cigars and an in-built humidifier, this travel humidor is an excellent choice for personal use or as a thoughtful gift.

Design and Durability

Constructed with robust heavy-duty ABS+GF material, this humidor guarantees longevity and reliable protection for your cigars.

Its design includes custom urethane foam inside, which offers an additional layer of protection for your cigars.

To ensure airtightness, it features two sturdy locking clasps that prevent air leakage and maintain the internal humidity.

A handy string handle is attached for effortless portability.

Performance and Capacity

This humidor is tailored to store up to 20 cigars measuring up to 8 inches.

It includes an in-built humidifier, a crucial feature for maintaining the freshness of your cigars over long periods.

The humidor is waterproof and shockproof, even floating in water, which makes it an exceptional choice for outdoor activities like fishing, boating, camping, or for daily use.

Value for Money

Mrs. Brog’s mission to provide high-quality products at affordable prices is evident in this humidor.

By prioritizing effective manufacturing practices, the company is able to deliver this well-crafted, high-capacity humidor at a competitive price.

Their strong reputation and customer satisfaction underline their commitment to quality.

Brand Reputation

Having sold over 2 million pipes and smoking accessories since 1947, Mrs. Brog has built an impressive customer base that values their commitment to customer satisfaction and high-quality products.

They’re a recognized leader in the European tobacco pipe market, with a reputation for producing affordable and quality smoking accessories.

Customers have awarded the Mrs. Brog Cigar Humidor a commendable rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars based on 1,474 reviews.

This humidor also ranks as #56 in Cigar Humidors in the Health & Household category, testifying to its popularity and high regard among users.

To summarize, the Mrs. Brog Cigar Humidor is a functional and durable choice for both everyday and outdoor use.

Its rugged construction, effective humidifier, high capacity, and affordability make it a compelling option for any cigar enthusiast.

With this product, you’re assured of an excellent cigar storage solution that prioritizes the longevity and quality of your cigars.

Time C Club 4-Finger Travel Leather Cigar Case

Time C Club 4-Finger Travel Leather Cigar Case

The Time C Club 4-Finger Portable Travel Leather Cigar Case presents an elegant and efficient solution to cigar storage needs.

Crafted with high-quality materials and offering functionality with style, this product is ideal for anyone who enjoys the classic luxury of a good cigar.

Material Quality

This cigar case is designed using top-grade leather and imported Spanish cedar wood, offering both durability and a polished aesthetic appeal.

The cedar wood lining is hand-polished, creating a natural storage space that helps maintain the cigars in prime condition.

Measuring 8”x 5.5” x 3”, this cigar case is easy to carry and provides ample space for up to four cigars of max length 6.9” and ring gauge 60.

The compact design is perfect for bringing your favorite cigars on vacations, camping trips, to bars, cafes, or simply for home use.

Additional Features

The Time C Club cigar case includes a 420 imported stainless steel cigar cutter, ensuring clean and precise cuts.

The cutter is rust- and corrosion-resistant, providing durable, safe, and eco-friendly use.

A humidifier is also provided, which when filled with cigar moisturizing liquid (or distilled water), helps maintain the required humidity for the cigars.

Multipurpose Gift

As a retro-styled, high-quality product, this cigar case makes an excellent gift for various occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, Father’s Day, and more.

It also makes for an ideal groomsman, best man, usher, golf party, poker party, or bachelor party gift.

The Time C Club 4-Finger Portable Travel Leather Cigar Case holds an impressive customer rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 464 reviews.

This further validates its high quality and customer satisfaction.

It also ranks as #25 in Cigar Cases under the Health & Household category.

Overall, the Time C Club cigar case is a superb product that successfully combines functionality, quality, and style.

Its carefully crafted features such as the high-quality leather casing, imported Spanish cedar wood lining, convenient size, and included cigar cutter and humidifier, make it an excellent choice for any cigar aficionado.

CiTree Cigar Travel Humidor

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.3/5

CiTree Cigar Travel Humidor

The CiTree Cigar Travel Humidor is a premium cigar case with a combination of style, functionality, and sophistication.

Expertly designed, this product ensures optimal protection and storage for your cigars, making it a must-have for any cigar enthusiast.

This humidor is crafted from Spanish cedar on the inside, offering excellent humidity control and preserving the aroma of the cigars.

The exterior is made of soft leather that is not only durable but also adds a touch of elegance to the case.

The leather and cedar wood construction give this product a luxurious feel, demonstrating the attention to detail and craftsmanship that goes into its design.

Storage and Portability

Equipped with a cedar wood tray that secures with a leather strap, this case can accommodate up to four cigars with a maximum length of 7.0″ and ring gauge 56.

With dimensions of 8″x5″x3.3″ and a weight of 1.48lbs, this compact case is perfect for travel or home use, ensuring your cigars are safe and well-protected wherever you are.

The CiTree Humidor comes complete with a refillable 3 jet flame lighter and a high-quality cigar cutter, providing all the essentials you need for your cigars.

The lighter does not come filled with butane fuel due to shipping regulations.

The case features a solid pattern, a zipper closure, and two enlarged practical pockets for added convenience.

Customer Service

CiTree is committed to delivering top-notch customer service with a 30-day hassle-free and no-questions-asked return and money-back policy, instilling confidence in your purchase.

The CiTree Cigar Travel Humidor has an impressive 4.8 out of 5 stars rating based on 789 customer reviews, further substantiating its quality and user satisfaction.

It also ranks as #19 in Cigar Humidors under the Health & Household category.

All in all, the CiTree Cigar Travel Humidor offers a combination of quality, convenience, and style.

With its premium materials, functional design, included cigar accessories, and excellent customer reviews, it stands as a top choice for any cigar lover.

Whether you are on vacation, outdoor trips, or gifting for a special occasion, this humidor is sure to impress.

Cigar Caddy 40-Cigar Waterproof Travel Humidor

Cigar Caddy 40-Cigar Waterproof Travel Humidor

The Cigar Caddy 40-Cigar Waterproof Travel Humidor is the perfect companion for cigar enthusiasts on the go or those who love outdoor adventures.

Designed with extreme durability and protection in mind, this product can securely store up to 40 churchill cigars and expose them safely to various elements of nature.

Material and Construction

Constructed from super strong ABS molded plastic, the Cigar Caddy is built to last.

Its hardy construction not only assures durability but also provides an airtight and waterproof seal that keeps your cigars in the best condition.

Interestingly, this humidor floats on water and can remain waterproof up to a depth of 100 feet, assuring the safety of your cigars even in the most challenging conditions.

Features and Functionality

Equipped with two removable and replaceable locking clasps and stainless steel latch hinges, this Caddy guarantees security for your precious cigars.

The built-in humidifier disc in the lid maintains the ideal humidity level, further preserving the freshness and quality of your cigars.

Notably, this Caddy has been designed to withstand a wide range of temperatures, from -10 to 175 Fahrenheit, making it versatile for various climates and conditions.

Customer Reviews and Rankings

This Cigar Caddy has an excellent customer rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars based on 276 customer reviews.

This score indicates high customer satisfaction and affirms the product’s quality and effectiveness.

It also ranks as #221 in Cigar Humidors under the Health & Household category, highlighting its popularity among cigar aficionados.

In summary, the Cigar Caddy 40-Cigar Waterproof Travel Humidor is an excellent investment for those who love cigars and often find themselves on the move.

Its robust construction, large capacity, impressive waterproof capabilities, and temperature resilience make it a top choice for preserving and transporting cigars.

Whether you are traveling, camping, boating, or just enjoying the outdoors, this Caddy can keep your cigars safe, fresh, and ready to enjoy.

SEGAPHY Cigar Humidor

SEGAPHY Cigar Humidor

The SEGAPHY Cigar Humidor , a combination of innovation, style, and convenience, delivers an exceptional experience for all cigar enthusiasts.

The design incorporates an IHCMAT (Invisible Humidity Control Mat) 2-way humidity control module, making it a perfect travel companion that caters to all your cigar needs.

Design and Material

Constructed with high-quality, wear-resistant PU leather and lined with 100% real Spanish cedar wood, this humidor offers a durable and elegant outer shell that effectively preserves your cigars.

The high-quality YKK zipper and PVD zipper puller add to the overall durability, ensuring longevity and ease of use.

Capacity and Functionality

The SEGAPHY humidor is designed to hold up to 4 cigars, compatible with various sizes such as Corona, Pyramid, Robusto, Churchill, or Toro.

In addition, it features two hidden slots compatible with most brands of small-size humidity control packs on the market, keeping your cigars at an optimal humidity level.

Integrated Accessories

This multi-functional humidor comes packed with essential cigar accessories including a twin jet flame lighter, stainless steel cigar cutter, and an aluminum multifunctional cigar draw enhancer tool.

These are compactly integrated into the portable travel case, providing everything you need for your cigar experience.

However, note that in compliance with USPS safety regulations, the lighter does not come filled with butane.

With a high customer rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 39 customer reviews, this humidor is well-received by users.

Although it is ranked #605 in Cigar Humidors, the overall customer satisfaction indicates the quality and utility of the product.

To sum up, the SEGAPHY Cigar Humidor stands out with its original design, high-quality materials, and included accessories.

Whether you’re at home, on a journey, or gifting a friend, this all-in-one portable cigar humidor offers a comprehensive solution to store, preserve, and enjoy your cigars anytime, anywhere.

Its high customer rating reinforces the product’s performance and satisfaction among users.

What is a Travel Humidor?

A travel humidor is a portable storage device designed to maintain a consistent humidity level for cigars while on the move.

Whether you’re going on a short business trip or a lengthy vacation, a travel humidor ensures that your cigars stay fresh, properly humidified, and ready to enjoy.

They vary in size, design, and material, but all have the common purpose of protecting cigars from harsh environmental conditions and physical damage.

They are specially engineered to combat pressure changes, temperature fluctuations, and other travel-related stresses.

Why is a Travel Humidor Necessary?

Travel humidors are necessary for several reasons.

When traveling, your cigars are exposed to varying humidity levels and temperatures, which can negatively affect their flavor and burn rate.

With a travel humidor, you ensure your cigars remain at their peak condition no matter where you are.

Moreover, travel humidors provide physical protection, preventing cigars from being crushed or damaged during transportation.

They are built to be durable and often come with secure clasps or locks to keep your cigars safe.

What Factors Should I Consider When Buying a Travel Humidor?

When buying a travel humidor, consider the following factors:

  • Size and Capacity: How many cigars do you plan to carry? Travel humidors can accommodate anywhere from 5 to 100 cigars.
  • Material: Travel humidors are made from various materials, including wood, leather, and plastic. The choice of material can impact the humidor’s durability and effectiveness in maintaining humidity.
  • Seal Quality: A good seal is crucial to prevent humidity from escaping. Check for a humidor with a strong, tight seal.
  • Portability: Consider the humidor’s weight and dimensions. If you’re a frequent traveler, opt for a lightweight, compact design.

What is the Best Material for a Travel Humidor?

Travel humidors are typically made from plastic, metal, or wood, each with its own pros and cons:

How Many Cigars Can a Travel Humidor Hold?

Travel humidors can hold anywhere from 1 to 100 cigars, depending on their size.

However, most travel humidors are designed to hold between 5 and 20 cigars, which is often enough for most trips.

How Do I Maintain a Travel Humidor?

Maintaining a travel humidor involves monitoring and regulating the humidity levels and occasionally cleaning the interior.

A hygrometer can help track humidity, while a humidifier (either a passive sponge-type or an active electronic one) can regulate it.

Clean the interior with a soft, damp cloth and mild soap, then dry thoroughly to prevent mold growth.

Does the Shape of the Cigar Matter When Choosing a Travel Humidor?

Yes, the shape of the cigar does matter when choosing a travel humidor.

Different cigar shapes require different storage space, and not all travel humidors can accommodate every cigar shape.

For example, a travel humidor that can hold 10 Coronas might only hold 6 Torpedos.

Always check the interior design and spacing of the humidor before purchasing.

Is a Travel Humidor Better Than a Regular Humidor?

A travel humidor is not necessarily better or worse than a regular humidor – it’s more about their different uses.

Regular humidors are ideal for long-term storage at home or in a stationary location, while travel humidors are designed for temporary storage during travel.

If you often bring cigars on your trips, a travel humidor is a necessary addition to a regular home humidor.

Are Travel Humidors Worth the Investment?

Yes, travel humidors are worth the investment, especially if you frequently travel with cigars.

They not only ensure the quality of your cigars by maintaining ideal humidity levels but also provide physical protection.

Without a travel humidor, cigars can dry out, become unsmokable, or even be crushed during transportation.

Wrapping Up

Before embarking on your next journey, make sure you’re equipped with all the necessary travel gear essentials , including a top-notch travel humidor.

Navigating the world of cigars can be a complex endeavor, particularly when it comes to preserving their freshness during your travels.

As we’ve discussed throughout this guide, a travel humidor is an invaluable asset for any cigar enthusiast on the move.

It provides an optimal environment for your cigars, safeguarding them against unfavorable conditions, and ensuring you can enjoy them at their best no matter where you are.

Remember, when selecting a travel humidor, prioritize its capacity, the quality of the material, seal, and portability.

Moreover, remember that routine maintenance is key to keeping your travel humidor at peak performance.

We hope this guide has shed light on the importance of the best travel humidors and how to choose the right one.

And for those of you wondering about cruise ship policies on smoking alternatives, our guide on ‘ Can you vape on cruise ships ‘ sheds light on the rules you should be aware of.

Here’s to many more flavorful and fresh cigars on your travels!

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travel pipe tobacco humidor

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Tobacco Jar Humidor Moisturizer for Smoking Pipe Tobacco

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Tobacco Jar Humidor Moisturizer for Smoking Pipe Tobacco

Purchase options and add-ons.

  • Material Light weight , high quality Solid Wood, natural clear polished.
  • Compact and Small in size, easy to carry along, Portable.
  • Comfortably Holds and stores Fresh Tobacco with place for humidification device inside.
  • Attractive Price. Perfect for Moisturized Fresh Tobacco Storage.
  • DIMENSIONS: 15 cm x 11 cm. ( 5.90” x 4.33”) Weight : 350 gm PERFECT GIFT – The absolute perfect gift for Valentine day, Birthdays, Fathers Day This elegant stand is a good accompaniment to any pipe collection displays. Humidification device not included.

Buy it with

Tobacco Jar Humidor Moisturizer for Smoking Pipe Tobacco

Customers who viewed this item also viewed

XIFEI Acrylic Humidor Jar with Humidifier and Hygrometer,humidor That can Hold About 18 Cigars (Clear)

Product Description

Manufactured by a fully professional team dedicated to superior quality smoking requisites over 30 years of experience to satisfied smoking lovers.. Made of Solid Real Wood , Usefully shaped. Easy to Clean, Easy to Store.

Product details

  • Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.9 x 4.8 x 4.75 inches; 1.23 Pounds
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ February 9, 2021
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ U.Like Relax Zone
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08W8BK9R8
  • #2,596 in Cigar Humidors

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Cigar Jar Humidor

The Acrylic Jar Humidor is a simple and effective way to keep your pipe tobacco and/or cigars fresh. The hinged, lever-sealed top has a silicone gasket to keep air from moving in and out, and the humidification device is more than sufficient. This may be the best way to maintain your stash for less than $20.

This jar has a capacity for up to 25 cigars or approximately 12 oz. of pipe tobacco depending upon the blend.

*Tobacco not included with the purchase of jar

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Pipe Tobacco in Moscow?

  • Thread starter pipinho
  • Start date Jun 22, 2013

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  • Jun 22, 2013

Are there any tobacco shops in Moscow? Also, any forum members here from Moscow?  


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hahaha, lordwolf!  


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  1. Humidors & Travel Cases Pipe Accessories

    From new and estate tobacco pipes to tin pipe tobacco and bulk pipe tobacco, we have everything you need. Email Us | (888)366-0345 Account Login Create Account. ... and the best way to maintain that quality is with the use of a humidor, whether for travel or at home. Our selection includes the solution to every contingency, from elegant desktop ...

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  3. Lotus VC-10 10-Stick Travel Humidor

    Get your Lotus VC-10 10-Stick Travel Humidor from the #1 in customer service and fast affordable shipping (and a small business)! free shipping on orders over $95 phone: 1-877-527-0007 Email: [email protected]

  4. Pipe Tobacco Humidor

    Check out our pipe tobacco humidor selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our tobacciana shops. ... Leather Zippered Pipe Bag, Leather Pipe Case, Personalized Mens Gifts, Leather humidor, Leather Pipe Pouch, Pipe Travel Case (169) Sale Price $118.58 $ 118.58 $ 169.39 Original Price $169.39 ...

  5. Lotus Travel Humidors

    Get your Lotus Travel Humidors from the #1 in customer service and fast affordable shipping (and a small business)! free shipping on orders over $95 phone: 1-877-527-0007 Email: [email protected]

  6. Friendswood Mercantile, Small Acrylic Pipe Tobacco Humidor Jar with

    PLAYWITH Acrylic Travel Cigar Humidor Jar/Case/Box with Handmade and Hygrometer Spanish Cedar Rolls,Humidifier for Humidity Control and Digital Hygrometer,Humidor That can Hold About 10-15 Cigars. ... This small acrylic pipe tobacco humidor jar is simple and portable. Made of durable acrylic, this humidor can store up to 2 oz of pipe tobacco at ...

  7. Pipe Tobacco Jar Tin Can Stainless Steel Cigar Humiditor with

    Stainless steel humidor jar:Keep your favorite products at the right humidity at the right place ; Capacity: 105mm x 97mm (4.13x 3.82 inch )( Dia *H) Air Tight Rubberlined Lid,Great for travel, perfect for gift ; what you get: 1x stainless steel jar + 1x Humidifier.For more products, please click " by MUXIANG".

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    After wiping, leave a damp sponge or a shot glass filled with distilled water inside the humidor for 24-48 hours to further season the wood. Monitor humidity levels: Use a reliable hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels inside your humidor. The ideal humidity range for storing cigars is between 65-70%.

  9. Travel Humidors

    Travel humidors are small, humidity-controlled boxes that secure the transport of your cigars or pipe tobacco during travel or weather conditions. Travel humidors hold between 2 and 40 cigars at a time and come in a variety of styles and colors. The Cigar Caddy Travel Humidor comes in black or camouflage print. Travel humidors range in price ...

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    Humidors. This is your one stop shop for all humidors from jars, desktop, locker, travel humidors and more, we have it all. Whether you have a small collection or a large selection, this will be the place you will find all your needs for your cigars. Make sure that you are keeping them fresh and properly stored with a humidor of your choice ...

  12. The BEST Travel Humidor for Perfect Cigars! (Top 13 Reviewed)

    Pardo Cigar Travel Humidor. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.7/5. The Pardo Cigar Travel Humidor are a top-notch, portable solution for cigar enthusiasts seeking a reliable storage and transport case for their favorite cigars.. Offering an airtight, waterproof design, built-in humidifier disc, and robust durability, these humidors make for an excellent companion for both short and long journeys.

  13. Travel Humidors and Cases

    Humidors. Travel Humidors and Cases. A great cigar doesn't need to stay home. Take your favorite cigars with you when you roam with travel humidors to suit all your travel needs. These portable, convenient humidors are ideal for frequent business trips, vacations, or even bringing along to family events or on long weekends.

  14. Tobacco Jar Humidor Moisturizer for Smoking Pipe Tobacco

    Tobacco Jar Humidor Moisturizer for Smoking Pipe Tobacco. Brand: Generic. $4900 ($49.00 / Count) Material Light weight , high quality Solid Wood, natural clear polished. Compact and Small in size, easy to carry along, Portable. Comfortably Holds and stores Fresh Tobacco with place for humidification device inside. Attractive Price.

  15. Travel Cigar Humidors

    Travel Humidors. Xikar Red 10-Cigar Travel Humidor. Save $ 10 00. Quick View. $48.99. Travel Humidors. Xikar X-Treme15-Cigar. Save $ 9 00. Quick View.

  16. Pipe tobacco in a humidor?

    If it does get a little too dry, rehydrating it is pretty easy. Pipe tobacco held by manufacturers is dried/hydrated several times during manufacture. Cigars are a different animal. And while I don't understand the dynamics, I have my Staebell humidor set at 64% humidity, and it usually holds around 63.5%.

  17. Morning Meerschaum (Moscow, Peterson's Old Dublin tobacco, no ...

    61K subscribers in the PipeTobacco community. A place for those of us who practice the art of smoking pipe tobacco. Coins. 0 coins. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming ... Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games Technology Travel Popular Posts Help Center ...

  18. Cigar Jar Humidor

    The Acrylic Jar Humidor is a simple and effective way to keep your pipe tobacco and/or cigars fresh. The hinged, lever-sealed top has a silicone gasket to keep air from moving in and out, and the humidification device is more than sufficient. This may be the best way to maintain your stash for less than $20. This jar has a capacity for up to 25 ...

  19. Pipe Tobacco in Moscow? :: General Pipe Smoking Discussion

    Pipe Tobacco in Moscow? Thread starter pipinho; Start date Jun 22, 2013 ...

  20. Tobacco & Smoke Shops in Moscow

    British American Tobacco is the market leader in more than 50 countries. Address: 3rd Yamskogo Polya str. 9 | Phone: +7 (495) 974-0555. By the virtue of honesty, efficiency, caution and high spirit, JSC MATUCO joins this potential and challenging field, gradually gaining the trust and favor from our business partners at home and abroad.

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    Value-Added Manufacturing Services — The Troxel Company. Call 901-877-6875 or Contact Us today to learn more about The Troxel Company. Phone 901-877-6875 • Fax 901-877-3439. 11495 Hwy. 57 • P.O. Box 276. Moscow, TN 38057-0276. Troxel offers a full range of manufacturing services, including precision cutting, fabricated tubular components ...