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Last rides added.

24 mars 2024

24 mars 2024

Course du printemps 2024

Course du printemps 2024

Saint-Maur - Le Parc 3

Saint-Maur - Le Parc 3

Les 3 têtes : Arpettaz, Ronde et Noire

Les 3 têtes : Arpettaz, Ronde et Noire

Le Grand'Arc

Le Grand'Arc

Belvédère du Pas du Roc

Belvédère du Pas du Roc

Mont Charvaz depuis Ontex

Mont Charvaz depuis Ontex

Col de la biche - Grand Colombier

Col de la biche - Grand Colombier

All features of mapplanner.

Discover all the possibilities offered by MapPlanner to calculate the distances of all your types of routes (jogging, hiking, cycling or walking).

How far did I run or walk?

Map or draw a route using our map with all running or cycling path. Find your location by entering an address, city or place to begin or selecting directly on the map. Automatically, the route will follow the road and calculate the distance traveled. You can also view the elevation profile as you plot the route. By the way, you can only draw the one way trip, the round trip is automatically calculated!

How to calculate my time or speed of my ride?

Once the route is done with the map, you only have to enter your time or average speed, automatically the speed or the estimated time performed (by walking or running) will be calculated and displayed!

Automatically estimate the duration of the route

From your previous routes, it is possible to calculate precisely the estimated time for your next hike or run. The algorithm relies on the characteristics of the route such as the slope or the difficulty calculated to refine the estimated time.

Plan and save all your routes

Would you like to plan your next outing or save a route you've already taken (running, jogging, hiking, cycling, etc.)? Nothing could be simpler: once the route has been mapped out, you can save it in your account and find all the previous routes and their characteristics (duration, average speed, distance, altitude difference, associated description, etc.).

Import your GPX, KML or FIT courses

From your smart watch (Garmin, Suunto, Polar, Huawei, Amazfit, Samsung, ...), export your route in GPX, KML or FIT format and then directly import all the tracks of your route. It will be automatically displayed on the map with the associated time and speed. Moreover, if the watch measures your heart rate, you will also be able to consult the heartbeat graph.

Plan your future outings

Have you spotted interesting places for your next activities? Indicate your planned locations directly on the map. You can also create your own itineraries from the planned locations.

Compare the progression of your performance

From each type of your rides (running, walking, cycling, and hiking), follow the evolution of your performance over time. You can also share your routes publicly with the community and compare your routes.

Explore the routes and POIs already created

Browse all the routes of other joggers, hikers and walkers with the description, pictures, duration and level associated with the ride. When you create your own ride, you can also see the pictures from other users to indicate the best points of interest in the region!

Search for a route or a ride

Enter a place, city or point of interest to find all the routes and itineraries created by other users. Thus you can find useful information to plan and calculate the time of your trip.

Track your position in real time

Track your position in real time on the map with your orientation. You can easily know your position and calculate the remaining distance by indicating a place on the map.

Install the website as an apps

You can install the website as an application on your smartphone thanks to the PWA technology. When launching the website in your Chrome browser, it will offer you to install the website as an application on the homepage of your device. You can then enjoy all the features directly and even use the website offline! Just check out the ride and view it on the map and the data will be saved locally.

Want to use MapPlanner to its full potential?

Any ideas let us know.

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Mapplanner : subscriptions now available.

We're proud to launch MapPlanner subscriptions, giving you access to even more features with unlimited use! Subscribing to the Explorer version allows you to :

  • Explore and create your own unlimited routes!
  • Choose from a range of mapping styles: display elevation changes, terrain shadows, etc.
  • Benefit from maps adapted to each of your activities: paths, parking lots, orientation points, contour lines, water points, etc.
  • Select the type of route to follow automatically according to your activity: running, hiking, cycling, mountain biking and road biking.
  • Import and export your routes (unlimited) in GPX, TCX, KML and FIT from a file or your connected watch, with heart rate display if available.
  • Track your position on the map in real time and calculate distance, elevation gain and estimated time to your finish.
  • Plan your future outings by listing them directly on the map.
  • Enjoy fast access from the home page on your smartphone (like a PWA application).

At the same time, the site continues to evolve:

  • Improved contour lines on the map: calculation of vertical drop every 25m with the most accurate data possible (EU-DEM European mapping system).
  • More precise mountain map style to better differentiate different types of terrain (field, scree, glacier, etc.).
  • Automatic track selection: walking/jogging, hiking, biking and mountain biking.

Last but not least, new features are under development and will soon be available on the site:

  • Reachable distance from a point: do you have 2 hours for your outing? Display on the map all the places accessible from a starting point.
  • Display your route directly on your site: integrate the map with your route directly on your site.
  • 3D view of your route: visualize your route in 3D: walk your route in a relief view. See mountains, valleys and ridges as they really are.

Benefit from a 33% discount during the launch period! Pay securely with our payment partners Stripe/CB or PayPal.

Version 1.1 of MapPlanner

Following your feedback, new features have been added to explore and create more easily your routes and itineraries (walking courses, hiking, ...).

New features for MapPlanner

New languages available.

The site is now translated in 5 languages:

If you see any translation errors, please let us know :) In addition, each course description is also automatically translated to facilitate its understanding in other countries.

Site available in PWA

This technology allows you to install the site (through Chrome Mobile) as a mobile application on your smartphone. You can then launch the site directly from your list of applications. This also allows you to consult the route even if you don't have a network! Remember to visit the route on your phone before leaving to save it with the map.

New features for the rides

Locate your position.

Under each route map, you can geo-locate yourself to know your current position in relation to the route. Moreover, once located, another button appears to follow your position in real time with your orientation! You can then follow your location live and check if you are following the planned path.

Weather forecast

A new button appears in the route sheet: display the weather forecast. With the help of open-meteo, you can check the weather forecast for the next 7 days. And above all, know the temperature and precipitation to avoid surprises.

For all public routes, other users will be able to add comments on your route. This will allow you to give details about the difficulty, the changes of indication, ...

You can now indicate a pause time when adding a route or a performance. This time will be deducted from the total time for the calculation of your performances. This makes it easier to indicate the total time and the break will be automatically deducted.

New search features

Dedicated page for search.

A specific page to search for routes and trips has been added. You can now select different criteria:

  • Find a route by location or keywords
  • Display the routes around your current position
  • Filter the routes by difficulty level, time or distance

Elevation profile explanation

How is elevation profile calculated.

By definition, elevation gain is the difference in elevation between two points on the earth's surface. These points are defined by geographic coordinates. Let's go into more detail to understand how MapPlanner calculates this from your route. What is the purpose of the elevation change for your route (rides or hikes)? In order to prepare your routes well (and to establish your progressions precisely), it is necessary to base on the difficulty of the route by calculating the difference in altitude for each point of the route. On a flat area, the calculation is quite simple, the difficulty is constant over the whole route, so we use only the complete distance of the route. On the other hand, on a winding path, the calculation will depend strongly on the slope of the difference in level. The time taken will then become longer and longer depending on the slope of the terrain. Walking only 1km on a slope can be as difficult as running 3km on flat ground. The distance even becomes secondary to calculate the total difficulty.

Interest of the IBP index

The Hiking Federation uses a rating system for hikes based on 3 criteria: - the effort - technicality - the risk This score between 0 and 100 allows to evaluate a hiking itinerary and to deduce the physical condition and the time needed according to the person. MapPlanner uses an equivalent mechanism to determine the time required to hike a trail. It is not useful for running because it is often done on roads or paths.

A little theoretical point: what is elevation gain?

To complete the above definition, let's use an example to understand the concept of elevation profile. If your starting point is at 1000m and you ride to 2000m and then come back to 1000m, your global elevation will be 0 but the cumulated elevation will be 2000m. The global elevation is the difference between the altitude of the starting point (here 1000m) and the altitude of the arrival point (always 1000m), so in the end 0m! In the case of a hike, we ignore this data because it is not interesting. On the other hand, the cumulative difference in altitude is the sum of all the differences in altitude. In the previous example, it will be 2000m. We can also distinguish between the positive elevation (1000m) and the negative elevation (1000m). The positive difference in height, which represents the total of the elevation change, will be faster to cover than the negative difference in height, which represents the total of the descents. As a general rule, we consider that it takes twice as much time to go up than down. This rule is used by our algorithm to refine the calculation of the time needed to cover the route.

How to determine the difference in altitude in practice?

After a quick theoretical lesson, here are the different ways to know the difference in altitude. Using the MapPlanner ride creation tool, you can display the elevation change curve directly below your route. In addition, once the route is created, all the important information is summarized below the map. This way you can quickly see the positive and negative elevation changes of your route. After planning your route, we advise you to use a map to check in advance and during your trip, the difficulty required to achieve it in the estimated time. On the map, the contour lines are represented every 10 meters. The closer the curves are to each other, the greater the difficulty! Finally, you can also use a dedicated GPS (like Garmin) or an application on your smartphone, to know in real time your progress on the course.

First version of MapPlanner!

Welcome on mapplanner :).

We're are proud to present you the first version of MapPlanner, the online tool to calculate the distance covered of all your activities (runs, jogs, hikes or bike rides).

Let's discover all the functionnalities of MapPlanner.

Whether you are jogging, biking or hiking, you can quickly and easily determine the distance covered by your route:

First, select on the map your start point or enter an address, city, region, ... and draw your route. Automatically, the route will follow the road and calculate the distance traveled between the 2 last map points.

Then enter the time to calculate your average speed and know your performance.

Last but not least, the associated elevation profile well be calculated.

Plan and save your route

Do you want to know in advance how long it will take you to get there? Let's go and plan your route:

As with the distance calculation, you can estimate in advance the expected time or the average speed of your route. You can also take into account the difficulty of the route thanks to the difference in altitude.

Follow your performance

Once you have entered your routes or activities, you can follow your progress and the evolution of your performance over time.

For each type of route (running, cycling or hiking), the time taken, the average speed and the distance covered will be displayed according to the data of your routes.

Nothing could be easier than to follow your performance over time!

Improvements / Questions

You have ideas on how to improve our tools? Don't hesitate to leave us a message.

MapPlanner team.

  • Plot a Route

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  • Map and Compass
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Route Planner

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Plotting Functions

Display options (show/hide), edit directions at  , save the route, bookmarked - edit done, route information edit, filter search results.

The maximum number of search results has been reached in this area. Zoom in to another area to continue searching.

No routes were found in this area matching your criteria. Try zooming out or changing your search criteria.

Print the Route

Share this route.

Please save the route first before sharing it.

Download the Route

Download your route for use with other devices or applications.


Route timer, plot a radius map, route photos, upload route photos, snap route to map.

Supported formats: GPX, TCX, FIT, KML


Each request uses one daily credit and generates up to 10 routes to choose from.

Please confirm...

Compressing route for saving....

Large routes like this are compressed before saving so that they load more quickly. Please note that this can sometimes result in tiny adjustments to the measured distance.

Reload Unsaved Route?

  • Tap to locate map.
  • Choose plot mode (ROAD, FOOT, BIKE).
  • Tap PLOT then drag map to plot.
  • Tap PLOT again to pause plotting.
  • Double-tap to inspect map.
  • Tap in top right to save a route.

Choose a map location...

Where do you want to plot a route?

NO SYMBOL Select a symbol

Select a turn arrow, select a photo to use.

Enter your sign in details.

Go PREMIUM to use the full height of the screen for plotting routes. PREMIUM membership also gives you an ad-free experience across the site, higher usage limits and other benefits.

Premium Feature

  • additional features
  • an ad-free experience
  • faster route plotting
  • higher usage limits
  • PREMIUM member status

Road Side Plotting

Annotate the map delete relocate duplicate, usage limit reached.

You have reached your Private Routes limit.

Private Routes Limit: Private Routes saved:

We recommend that you save this route as a Public Route for now and review the Privacy status of your routes on the My Routes page.

UPGRADE NOW You can increase your limits by upgrading to PREMIUM Membership.

Points Limit Reached

You have exceeded your Route Points limit for this route. It has not been saved.

Points Limit: Points Plotted: REDUCE POINTS

We recommend that you use our Reduce Points feature to compress large routes with minimal loss of accuracy.

Photos Limit Reached

You have reached your Photos limit for this route.

Photos Limit: Photos Added:

Before uploading any new photos, you will need to delete existing photos to stay within your Photos limit.

My Abbreviations

Add a new abbreviation, edit a detour, select an option, by bike auto-plot options.

  • Avoid Unpaved - tries to avoid roads and paths with unmade surfaces that may not be suitable for road bikes
  • Avoid Major Roads - avoids the major classes of road where possible.
  • Prefer Off-Road - gives preference to off-road routes

These options are by nature more restrictive than the standard By Bike option, so you may need to turn them off if you find that you can't auto-plot a route to your next point.

Routing with both of these options is carried out using map data from OpenStreetMap (OSM). Their effectiveness will depend on the availability of surface and cycling access data in your local area. If you would like to help improve the map data in your area, please take a look at our How-To Guide .

It may sometimes be necessary to dismount from your bike. Please observe local laws regarding right of way.

On Foot Auto-Plot Options

Premium members have the option to refine this by selecting Prefer Off-Road . This will give priority to waymarked trails and other footpaths, while trying to avoid roads, particularly busier ones. Obviously this will depend on the availablity of suitable trails and paths in the area. It works best if there is a bigger distance between the points you plot, as there are then more alternative routes to consider.

Please be careful to observe all signs for rights of way when following routes you are not familiar with, as we cannot guarantee that they are safe for your chosen activity or that they do not cross private land.

Assign Tags

Local heatmap.

Select an activity type to continue.

  • For guidance only - Based on routes shared on Plotaroute. We cannot guarantee the suitability of routes created by other users.
  • Subject to usage limits - Standard: 1 per day, Premium 30 per day.
  • Zoom out first for a wider search and in for more detailed search.
  • Use the +/- controls on search results area to show/hide the routes.

Sign In Successful

You are now signed in!

The Make Me a Route feature generates a selection of routes for you, either circular or A to B, from a chosen start point.

NOTE: Usage is subject to daily credits, so you need to be signed in to use it.

Request Limit Reached

You have reached your Make Me a Route request limit for today.

Credits Per Day: Credits Used:

Credits are replenished 24 hours after they are used.

UPGRADE NOW You can increase your Make Me a Route credits and other usage limits by upgrading to PREMIUM Membership.

Checking if signed in...

Please wait while we check to see if you are signed in.

You are not currently signed in.

Please sign in first to do this.

Delete this route?

You are about to permenently delete the following route. Please confirm you want to do this?

Search for routes

  • Choose where you want to search.
  • Use the to refine your search criteria.

To search for a route by name select Shared Routes from the menu.

Choose sort order...

Private route.

This route is currently marked as Private. To share it you need to first make it Public.

Route Owned By Someone Else

 clear the map.

This will clear the current route from the map so that you can plot a new one. If the route has been saved it won't be deleted (you can do this on the My Routes page).

Please choose whether you would like to clear the current route completely from the map (CLEAR MAP) or leave it on the background map for future reference (LEAVE TRACE) . You can temporarily hide Traces using the switches under DISPLAY OPTIONS (click the Settings icon to access these). To permenently remove all Traces from the background map select CLEAR MAP.


Choose a Type of Map

Bookmark this place.

Do you want to bookmark this place to make it easier to select it next time?

Bookmarked places can be accessed by clicking

Route Planner

Map Pedometer - How far did you go?

  • Activity Log
  • Find Routes
  • Share Map Routes
  • Instructions
  • Log out (google [bot])
  • Enter a location in the location field and click find to locate a position on the map. The Google Pedometer will update the Google map to display your new location.
  • Click a location on the Map Pedometer map to mark your first point.
  • Click additional locations on the Map Pedometer map to draw your route. The Google Pedometer automatically computes your distance.
  • Click on the miles or kilometers radio box to switch the Google Pedometer between miles and kilometers.
  • Select Run/Walk, Cycle, Drive, or Straight line to modify the way the map route is computed between marked points.
  • Click and drag the last point marker to move point's location. The Google Pedometer will update with the new distance.
  • Routes, distances, map zoom level, and map units can be saved or retrieved.
  • Click on the Street View button to see a street level view of the last selected point (when available). Once enabled, the street view window will be updated as you add new points to your route. The street view indicator (pegman) can also be dragged to any location with an available street view.
  • Save your route by clicking on the Save Route button on the Map Pedometer home page. Bookmark the saved route link so that the route can be loaded in the future.
  • After saving a route, the page will be refreshed and your Map Pedometer route link will be displayed in your browser's navigation bar. You can send this link to your friends to share your Google Map Pedometer route.
  • Load your route by entering the route number in the route number box and clicking on Load Route. Map Pedometer will display the route.
  • You can download a GPX file of your route by clicking on the GPX download button on the map.
  • The Google Map Pedometer site uses Google maps technology to create a Gmaps Pedometer.
  • You may want to consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program, weight loss program, or diet. You should know your current fitness level.
  • Walking, biking/cycling, running, and hiking are all great exercises. But, be careful that you don't over do it.
  • Keeping a daily diet and exercise log is helpful in any exercise program. Record your walking, running, hiking, or biking/cycling distances. Calculate the number of calories burned during exercise. Some people find it very useful to record their daily calorie intake. Small changes in your diet in addition to your fitness program can make a huge difference. Try eating healthy low calorie snacks instead of high calorie sweets. Studies show that small changes in your diet and calorie intake can greatly help with weight loss.
  • Many experts recommend 30 to 45 minutes of exercise 3 to 5 days a week.
  • Start any exercise program slowly to avoid injuries.
  • Be sure you have the correct running shoes, walking shoes, hiking shoes, or biking/cycling shoes. Visit a specialty shoe store for expert advice on the proper shoes for your sport. Running, walking, cycling, and hiking use muscles in different ways. The experts at a shoe store can help determine if you have normal pronation, underpronation, or overpronation. The correct shoe will help support your foot and help minimize injuries. In addition to the correct shoes, orthotics can also be helpful.
  • A heart rate monitor can help you monitor your heart rate during exercise. You can calculate your target heart rate before you exercise and use the heart rate monitor to ensure your heart rate stays in a safe range while exercising.
  • A pedometer is a great way to keep track of how far you travel. You can find a good quality pedometer for sale at major online retailers for as little as $15. After exercising, you can compare your pedometer step count to the actual distance computed on the Map Pedometer / Google Pedometer website.
  • Set goals for yourself both in terms of weight loss and exercise milestones. If you are a runner and your doctor approves, you may want to run in a 5K, 10K, half marathon or even a full marathon.
  • Share the Map Pedometer site with your friends via Twitter or Facebook. For twitter users, you can easily cut and paste your map route and share the route with your friends.
  • As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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† RV-Friendly routing features (including routing warnings for vehicle hazards and propane restrictions) are available in the U.S. only.

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Walking Trails Near Me

Explore walking trails on

Use our comprehensive trail guides with descriptions, photos, and reviews to plan your next walking trail adventure.

Here you'll find long-distance trails in both remote regions of the West and in populated parts of the East and Midwest.

Find Walking Trails by State Helpful information about Walking Trail

Top Walking Trails Near Me

walking distance tourist spot near me

Chester Valley Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Coal & Coke Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Norfolk Avenue Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Tar River Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Walkway Over The Hudson

walking distance tourist spot near me

Morgana Run Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Upper Charles Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Winnipesaukee River Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Rend Lake Bike Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Bangor and Aroostook Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Rickenbacker Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Old Cutler Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Plum Creek Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Leon Creek Greenway

walking distance tourist spot near me

Ashton-Tetonia Trail

walking distance tourist spot near me

Milwaukee Road Rail-Trail (Pearson to Calder)

Find walking trails by state, register for free with traillink today.

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Helpful Information about Walking Trails

Ellen DeGeneres once joked, "My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-three today and we don't know where the hell she is." We maintain you don't always have to know where you are, as long as you're enjoying a good walk. But just in case, we provide walking trail maps anyway.

The most intimate way to get acquainted with a trail is to take a stroll. Whether walking for exercise, recreation, or commuting, walking trails make for peaceful alternatives to sidewalks along busy streets. The walking paths listed here are also a great way to ease into a more active lifestyle. Incorporate a trail walk into your daily routine and discover for yourself the easy pleasures a trail can afford.

All routes on are walking trails. Here you'll find everything from short, medium, and long routes and from easy, moderate, and sometimes more challenging trails that include hills. Also included are some fitness trails purpose-built to engage communities in staying healthy. Walking paths listed on pass through a variety of landscapes, including nature trails through city and county parks; urban passages that provide safe access across town; scenic trails with historical significance; and remotely located walking trails through forests and open rural stretches, or among lakes and mountainous regions.

When choosing the right walking path for you, consider the trail's surface, length, and distance between amenities, such as water fountains, bathrooms, shelter, or food. On those longer trail walks, going with a friend is a nice way to share the experience.

All trails listed on are multi-use, so whichever your mode of travel, keep in mind the common right-of-way rules of thumb: pedestrians always yield to horses, unless otherwise posted.

Explore walking trails, as well as walking trail maps on, and use our comprehensive trail guides with descriptions, photos, and reviews to plan your next walking trail journey. Use our advance search feature to find walking paths that are perfect for you. ( ) also has information on walking trails across the country.

Though we try to provide the most up-to-date walking path information, we don't always get it right. If you find any errors on, please let us know by clicking on the "edit this trail" link and providing us with the correct information; include as many details as possible. Also, post pictures and reviews of the trail for your fellow trail walkers. And if you run into Ellen's grandmother, tell her we say hello.

Find Trails by Activity

Explore by city, explore by activity, log in to your account to:.

  • View trail paths on the map
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  • Share photos
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We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation. Learn more .

Best Free Walking Apps for Fitness Walkers

Map My Walk is the best overall free walking app for its comprehensive suite of features

Wendy Bumgardner is a freelance writer covering walking and other health and fitness topics and has competed in more than 1,000 walking events.

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Michele Stanten is a walking coach, certified group fitness instructor, and running coach. She is the author of Walk Off Weight and The Walking Solution.

walking distance tourist spot near me

Sean is a fact-checker and researcher with experience in sociology, field research, and data analytics.

walking distance tourist spot near me

Increased physical activity has a strong association with reduced health risks. Walking more can have a meaningful impact, and walking apps can help track just how much your efforts are paying off. Depending on your goals, one extended walking session may be better than multiple shorter sessions. A study comparing one 60-minute walk per day with two 30-minute walks in sedentary people found the longer walk helped improve strength, while the shorter ones improved quality of life.

Some apps track your walking workouts , showing your speed , distance, and route. Pedometer apps  track all of your steps throughout the day. Some apps use GPS and an accelerometer chip in your mobile phone or connect with fitness wearables, such as watches. Review the best free walking apps for fitness walkers based on features, usability, and more.

Best Free Walking Apps of 2024

  • Best Overall: Map My Walk
  • Best for Hiking: Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS by Abvio
  • Best for Tracking Calories: Argus by Azumio
  • Best for Motivation: Fitbit App MobileTracker
  • Best for a Cause: Charity Miles
  • Best for Treadmills: Virtual Walk – Walk the Distance
  • Our Top Picks
  • Map My Walk
  • Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS by Abvio
  • Argus by Azumio
  • Fitbit App MobileTracker
  • Charity Miles
  • Virtual Walk – Walk the Distance
  • See More (3)
  • Final Verdict

Walking Apps vs. Running Apps

Frequently asked questions.

  • Methodology

Best Overall : Map My Walk

  • Platform: iOS, Android
  • Paid upgrade available: $5.99 monthly or $29.99 annually
  • Additional features: Ad-free, personal training plan, monitor heart-rate zones

MapMyWalk is one of the most comprehensive free apps online. With features like audio feedback, labeled routes, easy-to-see maps, metrics tracking, and data analysis, this app is one you should try.

Walking route marked in red for easy viewing

Audio feedback as you walk

Easy-to-read charts and graphs

Support community and connect with friends

Create and save custom routes

Need to upgrade for access to premium features

Advertisements may be annoying

Can freeze while in use

MapMyWalk is part of the MapMyFitness family of apps. It has stood the test of time and deserves to be at the top of any fitness walker's list. When you start a workout , you can see a map of the area, and your route is marked in red as you walk.

During your walk, you can see elapsed time, distance, pace, speed, elevation, and calories burned. GPS data helps the app determine your speed. When you finish, you can upload and save your workout data and view it on the app and the MapMyWalk website. Routes can be saved and loaded again.

The app can announce your distance, pace, calories burned, and other data at chosen intervals as you walk. It also connects with other apps and wearables such as Fitbit, Garmin, Jawbone, and MyFitnessPal. You can view your daily steps as recorded by these devices or mobile phones.

Best for Hiking : Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS by Abvio

  • Paid upgrade available: $9.99 annually
  • Additional features: Track daily steps, cadence coaching, treadmill support

Walkmeter stands out for its ability to track basic workouts like walking and running and complex activities like hiking and kayaking. 

Great for improving speed and distance

View time, distance, speed, and pace while walking

Records metrics for kayaking, cycling, hiking, walking, and more

Premium features require a subscription

GPS can be spotty if phone is not in the right place

The Walkmeter app has excellent features for fitness walkers who want to improve their speed and distance. It has features you used to have to get a fancy running watch and training coach to enjoy, such as splits, intervals , zones, and more.

It uses your phone's GPS to measure the distance of your walks and hikes. It includes audio and voice integration so you can hear alerts on your workout stats and listen to replies your friends send about your workout posts from Twitter while you walk. You can start and stop a workout with your earphone remote or use Siri voice commands.

This app maps your walk, and you can view time, speed, distance, and pace as you walk. It has many free training features. You can race against yourself or others on previous workout routes, getting updates on whether you are ahead or behind. The app has training plans for 5K, 10K, half marathon, and marathon events, or you can design your own and synchronize it with your iPhone calendar. You can set up repeating intervals and tempo workouts and analyze your performance afterward.

Upgrading from free to Elite is less than $10 per year, far less than with some other apps on this list. Upgrade features include tracking your daily steps, cadence coaching, treadmill support (distance and pace using your steps), and using the Apple Watch app.

Best for Tracking Calories : Argus by Azumio

  • Paid upgrade available: $9.99 monthly or $29.99 annually
  • Additional features: More fitness and diet plans

Argus by Azumio combines the best walking app features with an excellent calorie-tracking tool.

Measures heart rate, time, and distance

Food diary and barcode capability

Hourly graph tracks active time, distance, and steps

Does not work as well on Android

Accuracy is spotty

Premium upgrade is more expensive than other apps

Argus packs a lot into one lifestyle app. It functions as an all-day pedometer app using the motion sensor in your phone. But you also can track workouts with GPS.

The workout tracker displays your time, distance, and route map. When you finish, see your workout calories, steps, elevation gain, pace, graphs, and map.

Your daily step count updates from your phone's motion sensor data and includes active time, distance, calories, steps, and an hourly graph.

Measure your heart rate at any time using the integrated heart rate app (simply place your index finger on your cell phone camera lens). You can easily take your heart rate during exercise and at rest. You can also link to a heart rate sensor band.

The app also allows you to track your water intake, and it comes with a food diary (which includes a barcode scanner) and a sleep timer. Premium subscribers get a wide range of fitness and diet plans.

Best for Motivation : Fitbit App MobileTracker

  • Paid upgrade available: $9.99 monthly or $79.99 annually
  • Additional features: Daily inspiration, advanced sleep and stress insights

Community support and challenges with friends made the Fitbit App a shoo-in for our list.

Does not require a Fitbit watch to use

Tracks daily steps and distance based on stride length

Tracks heart rate

Participate in challenges and virtual races with friends

Some of the essential features cost extra

Does work better with a Fitbit device

Did you know that you don't need a Fitbit device to use the Fitbit app? The free app can track your steps using the motion sensor on your phone (unless you have a very old phone). This is good news if your Fitbit died or if you aren't ready to buy one.

You can download the free Fitbit app for your operating system. Then when you set up the app, it will ask which tracker you are setting up. Choose "Just the app," and it will set up the MobileTracker. Now it will track your all-day activity sensed by your phone's built-in accelerometer. You'll get a step count and hourly graphs.

Whether you have a Fitbit tracker or not, you can track speed and distance using the Track Exercise function. From the home screen, tap the + icon and select Walk, Run, or Hike.

You will see the elapsed time and your average pace when you start a workout. You can get voice cues and updates at selected times and swipe to see a map of your route.

When you finish and save your workout, you can review it by tapping on the Exercise tile on the home screen. Review your route on a map, distance, time, pace, mile split times, calories burned, and steps for each workout.

Best for a Cause : Charity Miles

Charity Miles 

  • Paid upgrade available: No
  • Additional features: N/A

Charity Miles gives users a platform to donate money to a favorite charity and exercise at the same time.

Company donates money to charities on your behalf

Tracks several activities such as walking, running, dancing, and biking

Walking earns money towards your favorite charity

Not ideal for fitness tracking

Limited features compared to other apps

Interface is on the lower end of apps

Charity Miles gives your walking a purpose (and your running and biking, too). Open up this free app (iOS or Google Play) and choose a charity. Start a workout, choosing walking, running, or cycling. For each completed mile, you'll have earned a donation for your chosen charity. The basic rate is 25 cents for walking and running miles and 10 cents for cycling miles, subject to a periodic cap.

Along the way, you can view your exercise time and miles. When done, you must post to Facebook or Twitter in order to accept sponsorship and earn money for your charity. You can also form teams and work together to raise money for charities.

Best for Treadmills : Virtual Walk – Walk the Distance

  • Paid upgrade available: $0.99 per walk
  • Additional features: Additional walks

The Virtual Walk – Walk the Distance app takes monotonous treadmill workouts and turns them into a scenic walk through the mountains, a popular tourist attraction, and national parks.

Tracks steps using treadmill speed

Virtually walk national parks, Appalachian Trail, Central Park, and Boston Marathon route

Additional walks available for a fee

Not as many activity tracking abilities as other apps 

Limited routes to walk 

Not able to customize

Virtual Walk is a motivating app that you can use to spice up your daily Walk indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. Your distance is plotted on a virtual walk through a scenic or historic place. These include the Appalachian Trail, the national monuments in Washington D.C., the Grand Canyon, and more.

At checkpoints along the way, you can view photos and information about the sights on your virtual Walk. Some routes are available for free, and others are for purchase. At the end of your Walk, you receive a medal.

Final Verdict 

Finding the right one to fit your needs may take trial and error when it comes to walking apps. The good news is all of the apps featured on this list are free to download and use. If you’re looking for a comprehensive walking app that can do just about everything, start with Map My Walk. The free tools are often enough for most people, but if you want access to more complex graphs and customization, you’ll need to upgrade. If step tracking and calorie counting are on your list of requirements, then consider Argus by Azumio. Its food diary and barcode scanner make this an excellent app for nutrition and fitness enthusiasts. 

In general, walking apps and running apps share the same features. Both are designed to track metrics like steps, miles, speed, distance, and time. They often come programmed with routes, trails, and workouts. Some have extra tools like calorie counters and heart rate tracking capabilities. The main difference between walking and running apps is likely the programmed workouts. With a walking app, the workouts will be slower in pace and often shorter in distance. On the other hand, a running app will have programmed plans that cover a longer distance at a higher speed.

What Is a Walking App?

Walking apps are simple programs that can be used on an iPhone or Android-based smartphone to help you track data, including your speed, distance, route, steps, calories burned , and activity. Some walking apps sync seamlessly with other wearables and apps, such as Fitbit, Garmin, Jawbone, and MyFitnessPal. Many are free to use, although there are opportunities to purchase premium features.

What Are the Benefits of Walking?

From reduced risk of chronic diseases to improvement in mental health and well-being, walking has many benefits for people of all ages. Regular exercise, including walking, may help lower your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain cancers. Walking can also improve bone health and strengthen muscles and is an effective way to manage stress, improve mood , and boost energy.

Can Walking Help Me Lose Weight?

Walking more can increase overall health. One long walk per day tends to be more effective than multiple shorter walks per day, but both approaches have health benefits.

Walking may help you lose weight , although weight loss will depend on many factors, including nutrition and overall health. Before starting a plan, consult a healthcare provider to develop a safe approach. Weight loss should not exceed one to two pounds per week.


To curate the list of best walking apps, we looked at six apps from reputable companies that offer platforms for both iOS and Android. All of the apps listed work for walking workouts and tracking steps. Most feature additional tracking abilities like cycling, fitness activities, running, and calorie counting. All of the apps on this list are free to download and use. And all but one come with the ability to upgrade for premium features.

jopstock / Getty Images

Reiner M, Niermann C, Jekauc D, Woll A. Long-term health benefits of physical activity - a systematic review of longitudinal studies . BMC Public Health . 2013;13:813. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-813

Monteagudo P, Roldán A, Cordellat A, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Blasco-Lafarga C. Continuous compared to accumulated walking-training on physical function and health-related quality of life in sedentary older persons . Int J Environ Res Public Health . 2020;17(17):6060. doi:10.3390/ijerph17176060

American Heart Association. Get real about getting active .

Arthritis Foundation. 12 benefits of walking .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  What is healthy weight loss? .

By Wendy Bumgardner Wendy Bumgardner is a freelance writer covering walking and other health and fitness topics and has competed in more than 1,000 walking events.

Winter is here! Check out the winter wonderlands at these 5 amazing winter destinations in Montana

  • Travel Destinations

15 Most Walkable Cities in the U.S.

Published: September 14, 2022

Modified: December 27, 2023

  • Plan Your Trip
  • Travel Tips
  • United States

Female tourist exploring a busy city street

Does the US have walkable cities ? Definitely! You’d be surprised by some of the most walkable cities in the US where you can easily reach different amenities on foot. From the East Coast which the Appalachian Mountains dominate to the sandy shores of the West Coast, walkable neighborhoods are sprinkled across different areas in the country. 

In this article, we break down not only the top 10 places to visit in the US but the top 15! Our list is based on the cities with high walkability scores . These scores factor in the city’s population density, overall distance to amenities and public spaces, and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure. So these walkability ratings are not just subjective. 

Read on and find out the 15 b est American cities to visit for pedestrians and backpackers. 

List of the Most Walkable Cities in the U.S. 2022

Here are the most walkable cities in the country, ranked according to their respective city ratings in Walk Score.

1. San Francisco, California 

Man walking in Chinatown, San Francisco, the most walkable city in the US

Photo by KseniaJoyg on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 88.7

Most Walkable Neighborhoods : Chinatown, Tenderloin, Downtown- Union Square 

What is the most pedestrian-friendly city in the US? San Francisco! With a top score of 88.7, San Francisco inches out New York City as the most walkable city in the US . That means you can do most daily errands on foot in the Golden City.

Spend your mornings in the colorful streets of Chinatown , take an afternoon stroll along the Bay Area ’s beachside, or walk along the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset. There’s plenty to see in San Francisco that your legs can most certainly bring you. Coupled with diverse and thriving cultural spaces, San Francisco is positively among the top cities in the US to visit this year or the next.

2. New York City 

People walking in Times Square, New York City, one of the most walkable cities in the US 

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Walk Score: 88

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Little Italy, NoLita, Boerum Hill

Coming in close in second place is New York City, a.k.a. the “ Big Apple ”. It is intriguing that the most densely populated city in the U.S is one of the most walkable cities in the world, and one of the best cities to travel to in the US as well. So, why is NYC so walkable ? 

For one, most amenities and establishments in the city are within walking distance from one another. Don’t worry about breaking your back to find basic necessities. But for the “city that never sleeps”, its greatest flex is its one-of-a-kind pub/bar crawling culture. Hop from one bar to another – all within shouting distance.   NYC also has the biggest 24-hour rapid transit system in the USA that can get you anywhere with ease. From bustling places like the central business district or art galleries in the metropolitan area to more touristy spots like Central Park , take the subway, bike, or simply walk to these places at any given hour .

3. Jersey City, New Jersey

City skyline from the Jersey City waterfront 

Photo by Damien on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 86.6 

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Historic Downtown, Journal Square, McGinley Square

If you’re drawn to walkable communities on the East Coast, Jersey City is definitely a destination to consider. This city is best explored on foot to get the best experience of its hip city center and scenic neighborhoods. Stroll relaxingly along the Hudson River Waterfront, learn about history from the sidewalks, and shop leisurely at the farmers’ markets. These are all accessible by foot from the city. What’s more, you won’t have to worry about breaking the bank in Jersey City because it’s among the more affordable walkable cities on this list.

4. Boston, Massachusetts 

Beacon Hill in Boston, MA during the fall

Photo by Chee-Onn Leong on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 82.8

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Bay Village, Beacon Hill, North End

Up next on our list is none other than the city of Boston, Massachusetts . It turns out that one of the oldest cities in the United States is coincidentally among the most walkable too. Like most walkable cities in the US , going around downtown Boston is a breeze. The compact and close-knit arrangement of the buildings in areas like Beacon Hill means getting around easily, even during bad weather.

This university town is one of the historically abundant cities with several colonial parks like the Esplanade and the Boston Common. Go on free walking tours at the Freedom Trail to explore these historic parts of Boston on foot.  There are also public food trucks all over Boston’s neighborhoods. So pick up some food and enjoy them in the generous green spaces accessible to all. 

5. Chicago, Illinois

People walking in Lincoln Park in Chicago, Illinois, one of the most walkable cities in the US

Photo by Maria Sbytova on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 77.2

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: West Loop, Lincoln Park, Ukrainian Village 

The Windy City has much to offer for anyone who loves to walk or take evening strolls. In Illinois,  there are more than city 500 parks of which many are within walking distance of major tourist sites like sports stadiums, museums, food festivals, and the Michigan beaches. 

Besides the Instagram-worthy scenery at Lake Michigan, there are other walkable eclectic neighborhoods that offer the same aesthetics. Walk through North Michigan Avenue, where an array of shops make a picturesque backdrop or Ukrainian Village where the vibrant scene of a dog-friendly farmers’ market is sure to brighten up your day. 

6. Washington DC

cobble stone pathway with flowered lamp posts at george town washington

Photo by Karlsson Photo on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 76.7

Most Walkable Neighborhoods : Dupont Circle, Mount Vernon Square, Adams Morgan  

Washington DC , the country’s capital, is among the most walkable cities in the US. Abounding in historical architecture, a stroll along the city center offers several historical landmarks like the US Capitol Building and National Mall. But other neighborhoods worth a marvel are the boutique galleries and bistros in Dupont Circle, and seasonal cherry blossoms and rustic cobblestone walkways in Georgetown.

Do expect big street blocks and long walks in Washington DC, though you do have the option of riding one of the trains or buses of the Washington Metro Area Transit (WMATA), especially if you want to explore areas outside of the metropolitan area.

7. Miami, Florida 

Miami Riverwalk in Miami, Florida

Photo by Gabriele Maltinti on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 76.6

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Miami Beach, Downtown Miami, Little Havana  

The sunny weather in Miami, Florida , as well as its diverse population, makes it one of the most walkable cities in the US . Dip your toes into the warm waters of one of its many beaches, like South Beach located at the city’s southernmost tip. Inspired by Art Deco Architecture , the buildings here are sleek yet evocative of nostalgia or the longing for the past. Make sure to take plenty of pictures of the city’s uniquely preserved skyline, and at night, hop around these buildings to take part in the city’s booming bar scene . 

8. Oakland, California 

View of Lake Merritt in Oakland, California, one of the most walkable cities in the US

Photo by Olga on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 75.3

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Chinatown, Civic Center, Downtown

Oakland, California, the city across the bay from San Francisco , is another walkable city worth exploring. Some of the most walkable neighborhoods here include the Civic Center and Oakland Chinatown District which are both commuter and bike-friendly. And with the recent implementation of “Slow Streets” also increases accessibility to other noteworthy attractions such as Koreatown, Waverly, and San Pablo Gateway.

This walkable city also boasts a sizable area of green scapes – from the wildlife refuge that is Lake Merritt to the enthralling Morcom Rose Garden. Its bustling waterfront and marina area of Jack London Square, historic Grand Lake Theatre, and family-friendly Oakland Zoo are all a stone’s throw away for you to experience the city all at once .

9. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

Children walking down Elfreth's Alley, Philadelphia

Photo by Kirkikis on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 74.8

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Avenue of the Arts, Rittenhouse Square, Washington Square West

Did you know that Philadelphia or “The City of Brotherly Love ” is almost entirely walkable? Their 10,000 acres of public parks and quaint cobblestone streets make exploring the entire city by foot possible. Apart from being a walkable community , there is also a plethora of things to do in Philadelphia . You can tour American revolutionary sites like the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Munch on highly raved hoagies and Philly cheesesteaks that proliferate the city, take pictures at the city’s green public squares, and just immerse yourself in this UNESCO World Heritage City.

10. Seattle, Washington

Bird's-eye view of a waterfront in Seattle, Washington

Photo by Jose Luis Stephens on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 74.4

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Belltown, Downtown Seattle, International District

One might describe a stroll around the country’s Emerald City as fragrant since its thriving coffee culture fills its air with the whiff of aromatic coffee beans. But its access points to places of interest are what cements its spot in this list of the most walkable cities in the US . It’s quite convenient because there are plenty of places to explore and things to do in Seattle

You can start your journey from the Museum of Pop Culture before hopping over to the Pacific Science Center and then the Space Needle , conveniently located in Seattle Center. Its busiest streets are rife with amenities, business establishments, and opportunities for different folks. And although it is highly walkable, tourists can also commute to and from different neighborhoods within the city. 

11. Long Beach, California

People walking in Shoreline Aquatic Park, Long Beach, California

Photo by Marcus Jones on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 73.3 

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Franklin School, Saint Mary, Downtown 

Long Beach, California, one of the most walkable cities in the US , is known for its jovial art and music festivals, as well as its inviting waterfront attractions. The Rainbow Harbor and Marina located at the heart of the city is where you can find beloved attractions in Long Beach, like the Aquarium of the Pacific , a modern aquarium that celebrates the world’s largest ocean. Tasteful eats are easy to spot near the seaside, too, from laid-back pubs like the Shenanigans Irish Pub & Grille to prestigious restaurants like the Sky Room. 

12. Minneapolis, Minnesota

People walking over the Stone Arch Bridge, with the Minneapolis skyline in the background

Photo by Stevengaertner on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 71.4 

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Lyn Lake, Downtown West, Lowry Hill East 

From its burgeoning art and cultural spaces to its pedestrian-friendly urban planning, Minneapolis is truly one of the best cities to vacation in the USA . Nothing compares to an afternoon frolicking at one of the parks in the city, connected by walk paths and bike lanes that anyone can access. These walkways also adjoin some of the 22 lakes in the city! You can access Kingfield and The North Loop for some coffee, shopping at boutiques and breweries, or a quick yoga session in one of their many studios, all at once. 

13. Portland, Oregon

Kids and adults playing at a fountain in Portland City Center

Photo by Jovannig on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 67.3 

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Pearl, Old Town Chinatown, Downtown 

Portland, Oregon is another incredibly diverse, walkable city with neighborhoods that range from craftsman homes to new condos. Downtown is adorned with historical establishments that are open to tourists. Some examples are the Portland Art Museum and the Oregon Historical Society. Near the Willamette River, Portland is also lined with sandy shores that make perfect picnic spots. Just walk, take a bus or light rail transit, or ride the aerial tram to explore tourist hotspots across the city. 

14. Honolulu, Hawaii

Man and woman with surfboards walking along the coast of Honolulu, Hawaii, one of the most walkable cities in the US 

Photo by Maridav on Adobe Stock

  Walk Score: 65.7 

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Downtown, Ala Moana – Kakaako, Mccully – Moiliili

Most people would agree that Honolulu, Hawaii is one of the best US cities to visit, especially during summer. Tanning on its pristine beaches, surfing through the waves, and feasting at festive luaus are some of the best things to do in Honolulu . The city’s vibrant district also makes it worthwhile in the fall season too. Historical monuments and preserved sites like Iolani Palace and Pearl Harbor are easily accessible by foot or public transit making it a charming utopia for strolling in the cooling weather.

15. St. Louis, Missouri 

Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, one of the most walkable cities in the US

Photo by Adam on Adobe Stock

Walk Score: 65.7 

Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Benton Park West, Downtown, Tower Grove East 

Rounding up our list of the most walkable US cities is St. Louis, Missouri’s central entertainment and business district. The past meets the present in downtown St. Louis, as it is thronged with buildings that represent a fusion of classic and modern architecture. Heading east toward the Mississippi River will lead you to Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Park where the colossal Gateway Arch stands. Meanwhile, on the other side of the city lies abounding green spaces, from Forest Park to St. Louis Zoo, one of the best zoos in the world this year! 

Time to Visit the Most Walkable Cities in the Country

The best cities to visit in the US are arguably the most pedestrian-friendly, too! If you agree, then it’s high time to start packing and planning a trip to the most walkable cities in the US . From more laid-back places like Honolulu to the bustling metropolis that is New York City, there is a walkable destination for people of all stripes. 


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Safer Senior Care

19 Vacations With Minimal Walking for Seniors

Last Updated: March 6, 2023

Megan Marrs

Getting old shouldn’t mean you have to give up traveling!

It’s true that foreign trips traditionally require you to walk around for hours and hours at a time. All that walking means pain in your feet, knees, hips, back… basically, everywhere! It can make a vacation feel more like a chore.

However, traveling to another city or country doesn’t have to require pounding the pavement all day. There are many destinations that are easy to get around with minimal walking while still allowing you to see tons of breathtaking sights!

In this article, we’ll be exploring several types of vacations for seniors that require minimal walking, as well as specific destinations we recommend for an easy-paced trip!

Best Types of Vacations That Require Minimal Walking

1. beach vacation.

beach vacation

When it comes to sitting back and relaxing, it’s hard to beat a beach vacation. Whether it’s in Hawaii, Mexico, or even the Bahamas; there are plenty of beaches with soft sand and gentle waves that will let you take things nice and slow.

The best part is, lounging on the beach is perfect for seniors with limited mobility, since soaking up the sun is the only work that needs to be done.

2. Resort Getaway


Resort vacations have a lot to offer. In addition to beautiful scenery, resorts are often filled with amenities that make it easy for seniors without much mobility to have a great time.

Many of them provide shuttles that can take guests from their rooms, right up to resort-run events, numerous pools, and hot tubs, as well as restaurants and cafes that cater to the guests’ needs!


Cruises are a great way to travel with minimal hassle. On a cruise, you don’t need to worry about packing, rolling, and carrying your bags from destination to destination. Instead, you can just sit back, relax, and keep your belongings settled in your suite as you disembark on fantastic destinations all along the cruise route.

In order to really experience your various destination stops, you will have to get off the cruise ship and walk around a little, but many cruises will run their own guided bus or van tours at various ports to make things easy.

On top of that, many cruise lines will provide fantastic shows and scrumptious meals onboard, making the entire cruise experience fun and unforgettable.

4. Bike Tours

bike tour

If you have plenty of stamina but you simply can’t handle the joint impact of walking, a bicycle tour might be an appropriate walking tour alternative. Plus, bike tours allow you to cover more ground and usually see more sites than you could by foot.

If a senior doesn’t have the best balance, consider seeing if bike tour organizers have an option to do the tour on an adult tricycle for seniors as well!

5. Boat Tour

canal boat

Boats offer a great way to see the sites of many seaside towns and tropical islands. While you won’t be seeing the same types of landmarks a city walking tour might cover, a boat tour offers a wonderful experience to spend time out on the ocean and get a feel for the natural landscape.

6. Train Trip

train trip

Trains trips can be a marvelous way to travel and experience new locations without requiring much walking. Observe scenic landscapes from the comfort of your cabin! The downside is that a train trip won’t allow you to get to know foreign cities intimately, but instead, you’ll get a great sense of an area’s vegetation and broader natural setting.

Some trips feature special vintage train cars, which may be a fun bonus for those who want to step back in time and experience travel as it used to be done in centuries past.

Amtrak has special deals for seniors , and offers some fantastic US vacation trips that will allow you to see all kinds of sights across the country without the hassle of airline travel.

7. Bus Tour

hop on bus

Bus tours are a convenient way to see the sights of a city without having to walk much and risk injury or exhaustion. These tours are easy for seniors to use and also contain the added benefit of a guide who can point out all the important landmarks in the city and even recommend top spots to eat! With a bus tour, you can see all the sites of a city without needing to hike around foreign streets.


RV-ing is an increasingly popular leisure activity for many seniors, and it’s no surprise why! RVs offer all the amenities of a home: beds, kitchens, bathrooms, and even televisions! RV travelers can explore new destinations and senior-friendly outdoor activities while still enjoying creature comforts from their home on wheels. An RV allows seniors to travel across the country and see famous national treasures and landmarks, all with minimal walking required! Seniors can even join RV clubs to meet up with like-minded grey-haired adults who appreciate life on the road.

9. Riverboat Trip


Riverboat tours are similar to boat tours in that they provide an easy way to get to know a water-soaked region without needing to walk.

Riverboat trips are generally shorter than traditional cruises, but not always.

One of the benefits of many older European cities is that they were set up long ago to use rivers and waterways as a way to connect cities so that supplies and passengers could easily travel between locations, before the advent of cars.

Many popular Europan cities feature riverboat cruises that will allow you to see plenty sights and sounds without needing to do much (if any) walking!

River cruises are a fantastic and intimate way to travel through scenic areas of Germany, Hungary, and Austria via impressive waterways like the Danube and the Rhine. See castles and villages that look like something out of a picturebook alongside picturesque landscapes!

US-based river cruises tend to be shorter and often focus on day trips, but many others offer overnights, the opportunity to dine on board, or even listen to live music, making any riverboat ride a special and unique experience.

Some riverboat trips will even have more of a theme element added, often with historical touches from the time when riverboats were a common means of travel.

19 Recommended Cities for Vacations that Require Minimal Walking

South africa.


South Africa’s Kruger National Park is a must-see for any animal-loving seniors. African safaris will allow you to experience the region’s incredible wildlife from an open-air jeep or all-terrain buggy for an unforgettable walk-free trip.

Las Vegas, Nevada

las vegas

Vegas can be quite a solid pick for any senior who appreciates nightlife! Las Vegas is known as the city that never sleeps, and with plenty of shows and events going on, you can see plenty without walking much. And of course, gambling doesn’t require you to do much walking at all!

The streets and sidewalks in Las Vegas are flat and easy to maneuver, plus there are plenty of shuttles and public buses that are ADA compliant and can get you where you want to go. There are also plenty of scooter and wheelchair rental options if needed.

The downside of Vegas is that there are few outdoor activities available. Vegas also has many hotels competing for customers, so you can usually find a decent hotel without breaking the bank.

Amsterdam, Netherlands


Amsterdam is another one of the easiest cities to travel in for seniors. First off, the city is quite flat, allowing for easy walking as well as easy use of mobility scooters if needed. And of course, with Amsterdam’s famous large system of water canals, a low-mobility senior can travel by boat and still see much of the city.

Plus, there are plenty of bus tours that can explore the outskirts of the city, even taking you to remote fishing villages. Amsterdam’s impressive tram system is another way that seniors can get around without needing to walk much at all.

Niagra Falls, Canada

niagra falls

Niagra Falls is quite a remarkable site, situated on the border of Canada and the USA. Niagra Falls can easily be taken in by car, and a closer look can be achieved by embarking on the Maid of the Mist Boat Tour! There are trolleys and bus tours in Niagra Falls as well.



While Switzerland is known as being a mountainous and hilly country (which it certainly is), it can still be a great place to visit for limited-mobility seniors.

Like many European cities, Switzerland has a fantastic rail system that makes getting around easy. There are also many cable cars, gondolas, and trams that can get you up the mountainside to take in beautiful, breathtaking sites without needing to walk or hike.

Switzerland also features several beautiful lakes such as in Brienz, Interlaken, or Luzern. Many of these lakes have paddle-steamer you can ride to your heart’s content!


Hawaii is a US state that falls under the jurisdiction of ADA, so public attractions, hotels, and transportation must cater to mobility impairments. This allows even seniors who can’t walk much to easily get out and about town. Plus, there’s no greater pastime in Hawaii than lounging on a beach, and that requires no walking at all!

However, for those who want a bit more movement, you can rent all-terrain wheelchairs for a roll down the beach – how fun does that sound? There are also plenty of buggy rides in Hawaii that will allow a senior to see all the breathtaking sites of Hawaii without a ton of walking.

New York City, New York


New York City is perhaps the most well-known city in the world, and there’s tons to see here that don’t require hitting the pavement.

You can experience some of New York City’s best attractions like The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park, and Times Square without needing to walk much at all!

Getting around isn’t usually too challenging, as NYC boasts an impressive subway system as well as a constant stream of taxis that can take you wherever you want to go.

To see as much of the city as you can, try one of the many hop-on-hop-off bus tours.

New Orleans, Louisiana

new orleans

With a culture that embodies living life to the fullest, it should come as no surprise that New Orleans is on this list!

The French Quarter in New Orleans is great for sightseeing since everything is condensed so there isn’t too much walking. There are also plenty of bus tours (even haunted ones) that you can join to get an even better understanding of the city’s history.

As a lively city with tons of European charm, you’ll find plenty of small museums as well as lots of live music to enjoy. Take a ride on a classic streetcar that runs through the city’s smaller neighborhoods, or sit out on a terrace and enjoy a Hurricane!

Madrid, Spain


Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. With a great metro system and a flat layout, Madrid is great for limited-mobility seniors who still want to experience a little bit of Spanish culture!

Madrid features stunning architecture, world-class art museums, and tons of great food with tapas abound!

Madrid is also home to plenty of parks like the Buen Retiro Park with its beautiful fountains or the iconic Plaza Mayor with all of its vibrant energy.

Rome, Italy


While Rome isn’t the easiest city to get around in (especially its narrow and busy streets), it can be good for seniors who want to explore the ancient Roman ruins.

Despite the uneven ancient stones, there are tons of bus tours that go around the city, and you can see many of Rome’s historical beauties from the comfort of a tour van or bus. And exploring churches and museums is usually doable via scooter or wheelchair.

It may be difficult to stroll down those famous stone roads from antiquity, but a visit here is worth it for history buffs!

Krakow, Poland


Krakow is another great European city that caters to those with limited mobility.

With beautiful architecture, clean walking paths, and plenty of public transportation (including a tram system), Krakow is an accessible option for seniors looking to see Europe without too much walking!

Krakow boasts a small, compact center that’s easy to navigate – especially since there are many golf-cart style buggies that can be hired to fly you around town!

Krakow also has several art museums as well as some nice parks, making it a solid hit for those with limited mobility.

London, England


London is another top European city that’s easily navigable and packed with history, culture, and tons of activities.

Getting around London will be easy for seniors thanks to a great metro system that can take you all over the city, or the classic double-decker buses that run through the city’s famous squares. Plus, it’s a fairly flat city, so the little walking that you do have to do should be easy.

Paris, France


Another great European city, Paris is made for seniors who want to see and do more than just sit around in their hotel room. With events occurring all over the city, like musical concerts and outdoor performances, you’ll never be bored!

Paris has a lovely metro system that’s easy to navigate as well as a host of disability-friendly bus and van tours. And with many impressive art museums that can be explored via a wheelchair or scooter, you’ll always have plenty to see.

Venice, Italy


Venice is another great European city with plenty of accessible sites to visit. While it may be painfully narrow, Venice does have a lovely water taxi system that will get seniors to their favorite sites in no time. However, you will have to contend with several sets of stairs that dot Venice’s bridges if you want to do some walking, so plan out your route well or prepare to do a bit of stair-stepping.

This historic city also has a number of charming restaurants and architectural wonders that make Venice an all-around enjoyable

Vienna, Austria


Vienna has a number of accessible sites to visit – especially for the art lover. The main attractions include the Kunsthistorisches Museum (the largest art museum in Vienna), Schönbrunn Palace, and Schloss Belvedere (a lovely palace with beautiful scenery).

The city is quite flat, making it easy to maneuver around. Plus, the city features extensive pedestrian avenues with many cafes & outdoor seating that allow you to sit back and enjoy the sites. There are also fun carriage rides that offer a unique way to see the inner city without trampling around on foot.

San Antonio, Texas

san antonio

San Antonio is a fun US city that has some great sites that don’t require tons of walking. In addition to the famous Alamo, San Antonio boasts a charming Riverwalk along the San Antonio River with cute Mexican eateries and stores.

While the pathways can be fairly narrow, they are fun to walk at a leisurely pace. The  San Antonio Disability Access map  can help you plan the best accessible paths and shows the locations of elevators. There are also small boats that travel the San Antonio River too, if you want to go totally sans-walking.

Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia


While most US destinations are known for high-energy and action, Colonial Williamsburg is the ideal place to slow down a bit. A great spot for any history buff, seniors can spend several days here reliving the past.

With rich colonial architecture, lovely gardens, and plenty of accessible walking paths you’ll have plenty to do with very little walking.

You can visit the homes and favorite hang-outs of legendary characters like George Washington, Patrick Henry, and Thomas Jefferson. You can even watch craftsmen perform traditional crafts, such as weaving cloth or forging jewelry!

Washington, DC

washington dc

The capital of the United States is filled with history and culture, making this a top destination for seniors who want to experience the country’s beginnings.

There are many museums (including the national monuments), historical landmarks, government buildings that are ADA compliant and easy to maneuver with a scooter or wheelchair! 

Washington DC also has great public transportation if you don’t want to walk around too much. And of course, there are several great bus tours as well, and many hotels will offer handy shuttle services to help you get around.


The Bahamas is a great choice for the senior who wants to relax on white-sand beaches and enjoy some sunshine.

The Bahamas has several barrier island resorts where you can stay in beachside bungalows that are wheelchair accessible with a ramp or elevator. Just dig those feet into the sand and forget about walking!

Tips for Planning a Vacation with Little Walking

  • Talk to Your Hotel. Many hotels offer mobility scooters that can be rented for disabled guests, so call ahead and ask what kind of services they offer.
  • Utilize the Concierge. A hotel’s concierge is there to help make your trip enjoyable! If you need to call ahead about wheelchair accessibility for a certain museum you want to attend or a highlighted restaurant, the concierge can call for you and can offer tips about what areas are best for exploring with minimal walking. Also consider checking out our guide to planning a wheelchair accessible outing with Google and other online resources.
  • Avoid Cobblestones. Some European cities are filled with cobblestone streets, which can be difficult to push a wheelchair over and can pose a fall risk. This may require you to avoid the “Old Town” region of many European cities – or at least make sure to travel there via bus.
  • Explore By Water. Many European cities feature canals or rivers that allow you to travel by boat. This is a great way for limited-mobility travelers to traverse the city without having to worry about stairs or cobblestone streets.

The best cities for seniors will be relatively flat and have great public transportation. Nearly all popular tourist destinations will have hop-on, hop-off buses or van tours that can help you see the city with minimal all day. We also recommend opting for cities with great waterways and canals that will allow you to explore by boat!

Are there any great minimal walking vacation destinations we missed? Share your favorite cities in the comments!

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Walk a While with Me

The Perfect Self-Guided Walking Tour of Seattle

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Table of Contents

The Perfect Self-Guided Walking Tour of Seattle

Seattle, Washington. The heart of the Pacific Northwest, Seattle is a city renowned for grunge music, Starbucks Coffee, and rain. With an abundance of awesome sights, from the (kinda icky) Gum Wall at Pike Place Market to the towering Seattle Space Needle, the best way to admire all of these iconic landmarks is on a self-guided walking tour of Seattle !

As I was born and raised in Vancouver, I’ve frequently embarked on a weekend trip to Seattle. And in all my time there, I’ve never gotten bored of a few key areas: the Pike Place Historic District, Seattle Center, Pier 57… and with all these spots being within easy walking distance, the best way to visit them is by foot.

A Public Market sign at the edge of Pike Place on a sunny day, an essential stop on every walking tour of Seattle

Needless to say, you’ll be visiting all of these top Seattle spots on this walking tour . So without further ado, let’s begin: this is my self-guided Seattle walking tour.

Before we dive into all the stops on our walking tour of Seattle, remember that you can make whatever changes and modifications you’d like. That’s the best thing about self-guided walking tours ; you have the ultimate freedom to decide where to go!

With that being said, according to Google Maps, this Seattle walking tour covers 1.9 miles (3.06 km) and will take 40 minutes to complete. However, it doesn’t include all the time (and steps) you’ll spend browsing around. So, I recommend taking a full day out of your itinerary to complete the tour.

Now, once again, let’s begin!

First, let’s start our free walking tour of Seattle at Pier 57.

Home of the Seattle Great Wheel and Miner’s Landing , Pier 57 is the perfect place to start our walking tour. Filled with unique retails shops, stunning ocean views, various family entertainment, and several popular restaurants including The Crab Pot and The Fisherman’s Restaurant, Pier 57 is a vibrant, fun-filled wonderland perfect for those traveling with family and friends.

Ocean view of the Seattle Great Wheel, Seattle skyline, and Miner's Landing Pier 57; stops on my walking tour of Seattle

Here are the three best things to do at Pier 57 in Seattle:

  • The Seattle Great Wheel : Offering panoramic views overlooking Elliot Bay, the Seattle Great Wheel is a relatively new yet iconic Seattle landmark. Adult tickets cost $15, and it’s typically open from 11 am to 10 pm.
  • Miner’s Landing Pier 57 : Housing the most popular restaurants in addition to Wings Over Washington, Salish Sea Tours, and the Carousel, Miner’s Landing is filled with entertainment (perfect for kids!).
  • Seattle Aquarium : For those interested in the diverse sea life of the Puget Sound, the Seattle Aquarium is the best educational resource . Adult tickets cost anywhere from $24.95 to $34.95 (depending on the day you’re visiting), and the aquarium is open from 9:30 am to 6 pm.

A clown fish at the Seattle Aquarium, near some sea anemone and two other clown fish - a possible stop on your Seattle walking tour

  • Pier 57 Address : 1301 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 98101, United States

Next, walk along the waterfront to Pier 62. The first completed section of Waterfront Park, Pier 62 offers breathtaking views of the Puget Sound, as well as some delightful art installations and a floating dock. Admire the incredible ocean scenery before heading to our next stop: Pike Place!

  • Address : 1951 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 98101, United States
  • Time to Get Here : It’ll take 5 minutes to walk from Miner’s Landing Pier 57 to Pier 62.
  • Hours : 6 am to 10 pm, open daily.
  • Website :

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Planning to visit the Canadian Rockies? If so, check out my 7-day Canadian Rockies road trip itinerary!

Pike Place Market

Next, it’s time to explore Pike Place Market. One of the most popular Seattle tourist attractions (and an essential stop on all walking tours of Seattle), Pike Place Public Market is my absolute favorite district in Seattle.

The "Public Market Center" sign at Pike Place Farmer's Market, the best stop on the walking tour of Seattle!

Historic and vibrant, Pike Place is filled with life. First opened in 1907, Pike Place remains one of the oldest farmer’s markets in the USA . From comic book stores, antique dealers, fresh fish and produce, artisan crafts, and more, Pike Place Market offers a plethora of goods.

While visiting Pike Place, don’t forget to check out these key sights:

  • The Gum Wall : While I personally find it a bit gross, Seattle’s Gum Wall is a prominent local landmark worth checking out. On the side of the Post Alley’s Market Theater, it’s one of the most popular Seattle photo spots!

A section of the Gum Wall at Pike Place Farmer's Market in Seattle, with small bits of the brick wall visible under several colorful gum pieces

  • Rachel the Pig : Located under the iconic red Public Market Center sign, Rachel the Piggy Bank is a bronze sculpture based on the 1985 Island County Fair prize-winning 770-pound pig. Here, you can take some photos and donate some coins to help support Pike Place Market.
  • The Original Starbucks : While the Starbucks located in Pike Place Market is commonly referred to as the Original Starbucks, it is actually the second store that opened. Nevertheless, as the first Starbucks no longer exists, the Starbucks located in Pike Place is the closest we can get to the original. Drop by for some souvenirs and great photo ops!
  • Beecher’s Handmade Cheese : While I’m not a huge cheese enthusiast, I still adored having some of Beecher’s macaroni and cheese. Stop by to try some handmade artisan cheese!

A crowd of people huddled around a fresh fish stand as a fisherman throws fish onto the display of ice at Pike Place Public Market in Seattle

With so many sights to see in Pike Place Market, don’t rush this part of our walking tour of Seattle. Take your time and explore the shops and restaurants, before heading to our next stop!

  • Address : 85 Pike St, Seattle, WA 98101, United States
  • Time to Get Here : It’ll take 7 minutes to walk from Pier 62 to the Pike Place Public Market.
  • Hours : Most businesses are open from 9 am to 5 pm.
  • Website :

Two women walking by a produce stand at Pike Place Farmer's Market on a walking tour of Seattle

Victor Steinbrueck Park

Next, walk from Pike Place Market to Victor Steinbrueck Park. A small but charming park offering pleasant ocean views, it is worth visiting en route to our next destination. However, there are occasionally some sketchy characters hanging around, so be aware and stay safe!

  • Address : 2001 Western Ave, Seattle, WA 98121, United States
  • Time to Get Here : It’ll take 3 minutes to walk from Pike Place to Victor Steinbrueck Park.

Olympic Sculpture Park

From Victor Steinbrueck Park, walk for 14 minutes to Olympic Sculpture Park. Spanning nine acres and associated with the Seattle Art Museum, this award-winning park is a great place to relax, offering clean amenities, enchanting views, and interesting sculptures. And with no entrance fee, it is one of the best cheap things to do in Seattle.

A view of the Seattle Space Needle and a red sculpture from the Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle

  • Address : 2901 Western Ave, Seattle, WA 98121, United States
  • Time to Get Here : It’ll take 14 minutes to walk from Victor Steinbrueck Park to Olympic Sculpture Park.
  • Cost : Free
  • Website :

Seattle Center

Finally, the last stop on our walking tour of Seattle is Seattle Center, which includes four key museums and sites: the Seattle Space Needle, Chihuly Garden and Glass, the Museum of Pop Culture, and the Pacific Science Center.

While this free walking tour of Seattle is officially over, you can easily spend hours exploring the museums around Seattle Center, especially since they all offer something different and unique. So, make sure you have enough time!

  • Address : 305 Harrison St, Seattle, WA 98109, United States
  • Time to Get Here : It’ll take 8 minutes to walk from Olympic Sculpture Park to Seattle Center.
  • Website :

The Space Needle

A view of the Seattle Space Needle from down below in the Seattle Center on a sunny day, an essential stop on a Seattle day trip

One of the most popular and exalted tourist attractions in Seattle, the Space Needle was built for the 1962 World’s Fair and stands at 605 feet (184 m) tall. While tickets aren’t cheap, there’s no better place to admire the breathtaking panoramic views of Seattle!

  • Address : 400 Broad St, Seattle, WA 98109, United States
  • Cost : General admission tickets for adults costs $35 (but you can buy a combined ticket with Chihuly Garden and Glass for $57!).
  • Hours : Their core hours are from 12 pm to 5 pm, but additional hours will be added 2-4 weeks in advance.
  • Website :

Chihuly Garden and Glass

A mainly yellow glass art sculpture in the outside portion of the Chihuly Garden and Glass, my favorite spot on the Seattle free walking tour

One of the coolest art galleries I’ve ever visited, the Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum showcases the fantastic glass blowing sculptures and art pieces of Dale Chihuly, a celebrated artist from Tacoma, Washington.

With eight galleries, three Drawing Walls, and the Glasshouse and Garden offering fabulous views of the Seattle Space Needle, you won’t be bored at Chihuly Garden and Glass!

  • Cost : General admission tickets for adults cost $32 (but you can buy a combined ticket with the Space Needle for $57!).
  • Hours : 9 am to 6 pm from Sunday to Thursday, and 9 am to 7 pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
  • Website :

The Museum of Pop Culture

An art display of guitars and other string instruments hanging upside down at the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle, Washington

If you’re a music or film enthusiast, you have to visit the Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) on your Seattle free walking tour. A nonprofit museum focused on contemporary popular culture, they offer exhibits on the Seattle Sound (with a focus on Nirvana and Pearl Jam), science fiction, and horror films.

  • Address : 325 5th Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109, United States
  • Cost : Adult tickets cost anywhere from $26.75 to $34.50 (depending on the day you’re visiting).
  • Hours : 10 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday, and 9 am to 6 pm on the weekend.
  • Website :

The Pacific Science Center

A nonprofit museum perfect for those traveling with young children, the Pacific Science Center offers fascinating educational experiences and exhibits focused on science and discovery.

  • Address : 200 2nd Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109, United States
  • Hours : Temporarily closed
  • Website :

A streetcar in New Orleans

Thinking of visiting New Orleans, Louisiana? If so, check out my 3-day New Orleans itinerary , for ideas on where to go and what to see!

Other Fabulous Things to Do in Seattle

Now that we’ve finished our walking tour , you’re probably looking for an extra couple things to do in Seattle. So, here is my list of 10 additional awesome places to visit:

  • Kerry Park : Seattle’s best photo spot, Kerry Park is located on Queen Anne Hill and offers breathtaking views of the Seattle skyline, Elliot Bay, and Mount Rainier. It is definitely one of the most romantic things to do in Seattle!

Viewpoint of the Seattle skyline and Mount Rainier from Kerry Park at dusk, one of the best things to do at night in Seattle!

  • Seattle Art Museum : Located near Pike Place, the Seattle Art Museum offers a wide variety of gorgeous art pieces completed by artists from around the globe.
  • South Lake Union : A scenic lake located in central Seattle, South Lake Union is the perfect place to relax and people-watch. It also offers some great Seattle outdoor activities, with both paddle board and kayak rentals!
  • Gas Works Park : Located on the north shore of Lake Union, Gas Works Park is the former site of a Seattle Gas Light Company gasification plant. With fascinating remains and delightful views, this unique park is one of the best in Seattle.

The Seattle walking trails at Gas Works Park, with views of a green field, Pacific Ocean, and distant Seattle suburbs

  • Pioneer Square : A rustic and charming neighborhood in the heart of old Seattle, Pioneer Square is a delightful historic area with cute boutiques, delicious restaurants, and striking murals.
  • The Smith Tower : Located in Pioneer Square, the Smith Tower, built in 1914, is Seattle’s oldest skyscraper. With charming architecture and stunning views from the observatory and bar, the Smith Tower is one of the best things to do at night in Seattle.

View of the Smith Tower in Pioneer Square in Seattle on a sunny day

  • Chinatown-International District : The epicenter of Seattle’s Asian-American community, the Chinatown-International District can be split into three sections: Chinatown, Japantown, and Little Saigon. Regardless of the area you’re exploring, the Chinatown-International district will offer the best Asian cuisine in Seattle!
  • The Museum of Flight : The world’s largest nonprofit air and space museum, the Museum of Flight is a fascinating spot that will enthuse all flight enthusiasts, holding both the original Boeing Aircraft factory and a NASA space shuttle trainer!

A display of a couple old airplanes, including a green propeller plane, at the Seattle Museum of Flight - one of the best indoor activities Seattle

  • Seward Park : Offering some of the best Seattle walking trails, Seward Park holds 300 acres of enchanting forests, lovely beaches, and a delightful native plant garden.
  • Day Trips from Seattle : From Mount Rainier, Olympic National Park, Snoqualmie Falls, and Mount Saint Helens, there are numerous incredible day trips from Seattle; I’ve even written an article about it! Click here to read my article on the most amazing day trips from Seattle .

View of Mount Rainier off a trail in the summer, with some clouds in the middle and dark trees in the foreground - one of the best day trips in Seattle

Or, if you’re looking for a Seattle day trip that takes you out of the US and into Canada , check out my articles on Vancouver and the Gulf Islands:

  • 18 Spectacular Weekend Getaways from Vancouver
  • The Ultimate Self-Guided Vancouver Walking Tour
  • The 15 Best Hikes in Vancouver
  • 22 Incredible Hikes near Vancouver
  • 6 Epic Whistler Hikes
  • 11 Fabulous Things to Do in Salt Spring Island

The Best Time to Visit Seattle

To avoid Seattle’s infamous rain, one of the best times to visit Seattle is in the summer, from June to August. With average high temperatures ranging from 71°F to 79°F (22°C-26°C), the weather is warm and sunny.

However, as this is Seattle’s high season, the crowds are consequently bigger and accommodations tend to cost more (so it’s not the best time for budget travelers ).

Large crowds in front of the Public Market Center sign at Pike Place in July, one of the best times to visit Seattle

In my opinion, the best time to visit Seattle is in the shoulder season (spring and fall), with either September or October being the best month to visit Seattle. It’s also a great time to go on some walking tours in Seattle, as the weather isn’t too hot!

And That’s It for our Walking Tour of Seattle!

I hope you enjoyed reading this article, and I hope you’ll love this walking tour of Seattle. Remember, as this is a self-guided walking tour , you have the final say in where you go and what you do. Best of luck, and happy travels.

Thanks for reading the article! If you have any questions, feel free to comment down below, and if you want to see more travel and hike-related content, make sure to check out my other articles.


Photos by Mia and Pixabay.

The Perfect, Self-Guided Seattle Walking Tour

Planning a Oahu vacation, and wondering what to do? If so, click here for my list of the best hikes in Oahu , and click here for the best Oahu waterfalls .

About to embark on a trip? Here are some helpful articles to make your trip as awesome and stress-free as possible:

  • How to Travel Without Breaking the Bank
  • 15 Things to Do Before a Trip
  • How to Start Hiking: 15 Beginner Hiking Tips
  • 15 Incredible Day Trips in Seattle

And here are some additional helpful links:

  • Click here for my walking tours
  • Click here for my hiking guides
  • Click here for more posts on North America
  • Click here for more posts on destinations in the US
  • Click here for more resources

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Mia is the founder of Walk a While with Me, a travel blog dedicated to sharing the best self-guided walking tours, travel itineraries, and hikes for destinations around the world. A keen traveler, she has visited more than 20 countries in the past six years. She is excited for you to follow along on her adventures!

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Thanks for the awesome walking guide! We followed your advice and ideas from our cruise ship port and through city center! Great fun facts and sites! Thank you!

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Forget About The Car Rental, These Are The Most Walkable Cities In The U.S.

A road trip or even a weekend destination can be made that much better when the destination is a walkable city, such as these.

Road trips are some of the most fun vacation activities as they give you the freedom to go to multiple places while traveling at your own pace and customizing stops along the way. However, renting a car or driving on vacation isn’t for everyone; especially those who plan on making the most out of a single destination and don’t want the hassle of worrying about driving arrangements.

That’s why traveling to a destination with high walkability is ideal for those travelers who want to explore on their own two feet. Whether it’s a mix of quality, available public transportation and pedestrian-friendly streets, or simply a great place for getting from point A to point B without having the extra expense of renting a car , many vacationers are choosing walkable cities as their top vacation destinations.

Note: The following cities are given “Walk Scores” based on the 2020 Walk Score Tool that is calculated based on a number of factors including pedestrian friendliness and walking distance from average homes to nearby city amenities.

7 New York City, NY

It’s no surprise that New York is one of the most walkable cities out there. With its top-notch transit system and streets that favor pedestrians, visitors will find getting around easier than trying to navigate the city by car. Taking public transportation and/or walking around NYC is also a great way to save $$—freeing up travelers to spend that extra dough on fun stuff like a Broadway show or fun night out.

  • Walk Score: 88.3
  • Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Little Italy, Bowery, Flatiron District

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6 San Francisco, CA

Living in San Francisco may be expensive, but visitors to this lovely city by the bay can save a few bucks while traveling by getting around on foot. Public transportation in SF is also a great option—from streetcars to BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit); to segueways and bikes. There’s also a new neighborhood that is low-carbon and pedestrian-focused.

  • Walk Score: 87.4
  • Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Chinatown, Tenderloin, Downtown Union Square

5 Jersey City, NJ

Another city with stellar public transportation is Jersey City—and don’t forget about their bike infrastructure that caters to those who want an alternative to car travel. For vacationers who want a walkable, fun city with plenty to do (all within walking distance!), Jersey City’s got it.

  • Walk Score: 86.8
  • Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Historic downtown, Journal Square

4 Boston, MA

Boston’s smaller, close-knit neighborhoods make it an ideal place for getting around on foot—and its relatively small size overall means that visitors can walk the entire downtown area. However, the public transportation—including America’s first subway system—is also a selling point that makes Boston a historic, eclectic city whose cobblestone roads and lovely scenery make it ideal doe walkers. Travelers should check out the Freedom Trail, a top tourist destination and one of the city’s most famed walks.

  • Walk Score: 82.0
  • Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Beacon Hill, North End, Bay Village

RELATED:  What To See, Experience, And Eat At Boston's Historic Faneuil Hall

3 Philadelphia, PA

Another city that is extremely walkable is the City of Brotherly Love. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage City, there’s plenty of history and culture to explore throughout this vibrant PA city that’s full of fun outdoor activities and walkable districts. In addition to walking and biking ability, Philly’s public transportation also makes it one of the top 5 walkable U.S. cities—and its top three walkable neighborhoods all score nearly 100 in walk scores.

  • Walk Score: 78.8
  • Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Center City West, Avenue of the Arts South, Rittenhouse Square

2 Miami, FL

Walkability is a top priority in this colorful, bustling Florida tourist hot spot, and is a great way to explore everything from the beach to nightlife—all easily accessible from the downtown area. Every month, major roads throughout the city are shut down to allow exclusive access to walkers and bikers who want to get out and enjoy the city’s scenic beauty. The Miami suburb of Hialeah also scores a high walk score of 68.7—with easy access to both restaurants and fun things to do.

  • Walk Score: 77.6
  • Most Walkable Neighborhoods: Downtown area, Little Havana, Wynwood-Edgewater

1 Chicago, IL

From pedestrian trails along the Chicago River and Lake Michigan to a downtown that is easily accessible both by foot and by public transit, the Windy City is a great place for travelers to get out and explore the culture, sports, history, and scenic views of this top Midwest tourist destination. The city’s recent focus on making the sidewalks safer and more pedestrian-friendly is quickly making more Chicago neighborhoods more walkable—including its bustling downtown.

  • Walk Score: 77.4
  • Most Walkable Neighborhoods: East Ukrainian Village, Near North Side, West Loop

NEXT:  25 Bucket List Worthy Walking Tours Around The Globe

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51 Free Walking Tours From Across the U.S.


Roman Babakin/istockphoto


Foot Traffic

Pop on those comfy shoes. Locals and tourists alike can learn much about a place by pounding the pavement. Free walking tours offer an up-close — and thrifty — way to experience a new city and sometimes even create a new perspective on a town you’ve long called home . We’ve taken a cross-country trek of sorts, spotlighting a variety of free tours across America that touch on history, architecture , music , sports, recreation and more. Bring a camera and remember, although no payment is required, tips are always appreciated.


Walk back in time on the Freedom Trail  in the heart of Boston. Follow the red-lined, 2.5-mile route past 16 historically significant sites — some 250 years of history — including burial grounds, museums, churches, and meeting houses key to the American Revolution. Paid tours are offered but the adventurous walk it on their own.

Related: The One Thing You Must Do in Every State

St. Augustine, Florida

St. Augustine, Florida

Explore “the cultural, historical and architectural treasures” of the oldest continuously occupied European-established city in the United States, founded in 1565 by Spanish explorers. Download the app created by the Florida Humanities Council — and a walking tour of St. Augustine  is yours.

Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City, Missouri

The Kansas City Public Library, with roots going back to the 1870s, has created a free, self-guided walking tour  of its historic-district neighborhood. This walk through Missouri history begins at the library’s architecturally unique parking facility and continues through the surrounding streets and includes stops at bank buildings, law schools, and hotels.

Salem, Oregon

Salem, Oregon

The Global Greeter Network is also active in Salem, Oregon . Visitors there can arrange in advance to spend a few hours with a local greeter who will share their knowledge of local architecture, parks, fashion, design, and culinary treasures.

Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina

The City Sidewalks , a blog featuring travel tips, suggests itineraries for five self-guided walking tours of this charming — and walkable — city. The route options range from The French Quarter and Rainbow Row to another that takes you The Waterfront and Broad Street areas, this one of particular interest for those who love prime real estate.

Related: 19 Free or Cheap Things to Do in Charleston

Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo, the most populous city in North Dakota, is more than just the setting for a classic yet-offbeat-film and TV series. Tour Fargo’s historic buildings with the Fargo Underground Downtown Audio Walking Tour , a free Smartphone- and tablet-friendly option.

Best Places to Travel After Christmas

New York City

Delve into a violent side of the Big Apple with the New York Mafia Tour exploring the 20th century’s “five mafia crime families of New York City.” The Free Tours by Foot itinerary  takes you from social clubs to scenes of hits (we’re not talking Billboard charts here), tracing organized crime’s history from Little Italy to the East Village and into Midtown.

New Orleans

New Orleans

Free Tours by Foot’s New Orleans Voodoo Tour  puts a spotlight on the Big Easy’s spirited subculture. Mystery, secrecy and more surround Louisiana’s voodoo connections, from its roots in West Africa all the way to the modern-day French Quarter. Superstitions, rituals and cemeteries are explored on this guided mile-long, 90-minute excursion.

Related: 26 Best Cheap Or Free Things To Do In New Orleans

Portland, Maine

Portland, Maine

Visitors to Portland can get in plenty of nature-themed walking tours and hikes over some 70-plus miles of trails and green spaces. The nonprofit land trust Portland Trails  offers maps of dozens of options, noting suitability and attractions of each.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles

Free Tours by Foot offers several options for exploring the City of Angels. The free (pay-what-you-wish) Downtown Los Angeles tour  includes stops at the Walt Disney Music Hall, Pershing Square and if you feel flush, Angel’s Flight (for $1). (And if you're heading to L.A., be sure to order a copy of " 100 Things to Do in Los Angeles Before You Die ," written by Danny Jensen, Cheapism's Managing Editor, which features plenty of fun, free and cheap activities and walks to explore in and around the city.)

Related: The Best of California on a Budget

Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

Walk of the Town 's free tours of Washington are varied, from the popular "Monumental sTOURies" trek, which takes in many historical sites (including the White House, Lincoln Memorial, and Washington Monument) to the seasonal Waterfront Walk along the Tidal Basin. Expect to spend about four hours learning about the nation's capital .

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe, New Mexico

See Santa Fe from various perspectives thanks to the array of free self-guided tours highlighted by . The thematic selections touch on everything from green chile cheeseburgers to Margaritas to chocolate to literary landmarks. The New Deal Art Legacy Tour explores how President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal left its mark on the city.


Free Chicago Walking Tours  offers several options for touring the Windy City, from a Loop interior tour to a Riverwalk tour to a Loop and Public Art Tour, and, of course, a Crime and Gangster Tour. Each is designed to last about two hours, covering just over a mile, with an emphasis on “meeting people, learning, and having fun.”

Memphis, Tennessee

Memphis, Tennessee  lays out a suggested itinerary for a walking tour through the city, touching on everything from Beale Street to the National Civil Rights Museum. The 2-hour journey (which can extend to all day depending on your pace) starts off at The Peabody Hotel, an attraction in itself with its famed Peabody ducks.


Locals usually do know best, as evidenced by Hello Little Home’s comprehensive Downtown Dallas Walking Tour . Offering a broad introduction rather than specialized itinerary, this self-guided route points out “beautiful skyline views to historic sights, shopping spots, museums, and so much more.” Open the map on your phone and head on out as you tour Dallas City Hall, John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza, Dallas Museum of Art and the, um, the Giant Eyeball, quite the tourist attraction.

Salem, Massachusetts

Salem, Massachusetts

Say “Salem, Massachusetts,” and witches come to mind. The website Wytchery: A Gothic Curiosity Cabinet offers an itinerary for “ A Salem Walking Tour in Three Miles .” Essex Street is the main thoroughfare for this spooky stroll.

 San Francisco

San Francisco

San Francisco City Guides , a nonprofit and primarily volunteer operation, has some 300 active guides who lead free walks that last 90 minutes to two hours. Combining landmarks and off-the-beaten-path sites, the popular lineup of some 80 different walks include “Golden Gate Bridge,” “Alfred Hitchcock’s San Francisco,” “Bawdy & Naughty” and “1850s San Francisco: Paris of the Pacific.”


Sure, Miami is a beach destination, but this Florida hotspot is also noted for its dedication to the arts and design. Strawberry Tours Free Walking Tours Miami  spotlights several options. We’re loving the design-oriented Miami Art Deco District Self-Guided Tour , focusing on those famed architectural treasures of South Beach’s Art Deco District.

Related: 30 Free or Cheap Things to Do in Miami


The Global Greeter Network features locals sharing inside knowledge of their home cities across the world. If you're headed to Texas, you can tap into the Houston Greeters organization , which offers tours (advance registration required) on topics ranging from arts and culture to local foods, parks, and the outdoors. It's a custom experience without a custom price tag.

Vermont  offers a handful of walking tour ideas, inviting visitors to connect to walking tours through Burlington, the state’s largest city located on the harbor of Lake Champlain, to Middlebury, a self-guided trek plotted out by a Middlebury College architectural historian.

Newport, Rhode Island

Newport, Rhode Island

The Newport Cliff Walk  is known far outside Rhode Island as one of the nation's most scenic free, self-guided walking tours, where natural beauty vies with glimpses of man-made Gilded Age glories. This National Recreation Trail within a National Historic District is a 3.5-mile walk that requires caution, as a portion does cross a rough shoreline.


Pike Place Market has been called the “colorful ever-changing soul of Seattle.” It’s not only rich in history but also filled with all kinds of culinary delights (and quite a few characters). Seattle Free Walking Tours — a pay-what-you-feel operation — offers a tour that touches on everything from the market’s hidden secrets to its noted fish throwers.

Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore

Many visitors to Mount Rushmore National Memorial ogle those oversized presidential faces and hop back in the car. Spend a bit more time at the South Dakota site and experience the 0.6-mile Presidential Trail (note: there are more than 400 stairs) to get an up-close experience — and maybe even see some local wildlife.

New York City

Central Park Conservancy offers a number of tours of New York City’s landmark oasis — and the Heart of the Park  is a free, east-to-west tour visit led by Central Park Conservancy guides. This child- and senior-friendly route (a few inclines and some stairs) covers some of the park’s most noted elements, from Bethesda Terrace to Bow Bridge and Strawberry Fields, in 90 minutes.


Hawaii Free Tours, an organization dedicated to sharing “the rich history, the culture, the people, the food, and the way of this beautiful place that we call home,” offers an hourlong free walking tour of historic downtown Honolulu , including the state’s iconic historical sites.


Mark those calendars. Historic Gateway Neighborhood Corporation’s popular — and seasonal — Take a Hike program , a series of free guided walks through distinct neighborhoods of downtown Cleveland, will be again be offered in summer (June 1 through Sept. 30) and fall (Oct. 3 through Nov. 21) sessions. Each tour lasts about 90 minutes and features actors portraying historical figures from the city’s past. For those who like things easy, we’re told “taking a hike” is actually more like taking a leisurely stroll.

San Antonio

San Antonio offers a wealth of ideas for exploring this Texas destination, including the Amigo Free Walking Tours  that combine the city’s “best sights and stories for an unforgettable tour.” With a schedule released monthly, tours of various themes concentrate on the Downtown and King Williams District. A recent TripAdvisor review  noted, “I was enthralled for 2 hours of seeing San Antonio through fresh eyes of someone passionate about passing on the beauty, history, and culture of this place.”

Cannon, Hackensack, New Jersey

Bergen County, New Jersey

Sure, there’s no Atlantic City glitz or Jersey Shore frenzy, but Bergen County in the northern part of the Garden State invites visitors to savor “A County of Vision. A Region of History.” The site offers links to organizations that offer walking tours , as well as an itinerary for a self-guided Historic Walking Tour of Main Street, Hackensack .


Visitors can experience Redwood National and State Parks  in northern California through a wide array of free ranger-led tours including junior ranger treks (short and sweet for the younger set), tidepool walks, and many other nature walks and programs. (Note: Programs run mid-May to mid-September).

Related: 13 Money-Saving Tips for Visiting U.S. National Parks


Get an up-close introduction to Milwaukee’s Third Ward , a historic neighborhood filled with turn-of-the-century ambiance and plenty of interesting architecture to boot. A free, downloadable PDF  points out the highlights of this trek filled with restaurants, theaters, galleries and shops.

Lincoln, Nebraska

Lincoln, Nebraska

Step back into 19th-century Nebraska with a self-guided walking tour of Lincoln’s Historic Haymarket. Explore the history online , then take the walking tour , which identifies nearly 50 sites and explains their significance to the city’s story.


Explore Denver through daily tours (weekends only November-April 30) with guides from Denver Free Walking Tours . The easy 2- to 2½ treks (1.7 miles) are stroller- and wheelchair-accessible with frequent stops including the State Capitol, Denver Art Museum, U.S. Mint, Denver Performing Arts Complex, and more.


Baltimore's Pennsylvania Avenue Heritage Trail  explores a historic African-American neighborhood. Visitors can learn about the city’s civil rights legacy, notable residential and religious architecture, and entertainment districts. A free map is also available at the Baltimore Visitors Center at the Inner Harbor.

Related: The Best Things To Do In Baltimore

San Diego

San Diego’s famed Balboa Park features 1,200 acres to explore. Overwhelming? Yes, but the National Historic Landmark is easier to maneuver thanks to the weekly hourlong (and free) guided tours  that offer an overview of the park’s history and attractions.

Ocean City, Maryland

Ocean City, Maryland

Ocean City invites visitors to “Come walk all over us!” as a clever way to promote its downtown association’s two walking tours . Factoids and vintage images enliven the materials, available online as a free download and at the organization’s Information Cottage (how beachy!) on the boardwalk.

Little Rock, Arkansas

Little Rock, Arkansas

The capital of Arkansas is filled with historic sites, shopping options, restaurants, and more. Visitors can see a lot by taking the Downtown Little Rock One-Day Walking Tour , as spotlighted on the state’s official tourism site. The tour includes the Old State House Museum, the River Market District, the Clinton Presidential Center, and more.

Roswell, Georgia

Roswell, Georgia

Roswell may not be a big city like Atlanta, but it’s got plenty to keep visitors busy. Billed as a place with a modern spirit and Southern soul, Roswell offers a free Walking Tour Map (plus app and guide) that spotlights more than 40 sites of interest including churches, a fire museum and the picturesque Old Mill Ruins.


The Detroit Experience Factory grew out of a grassroots nonprofit and is said to connect “locals and visitors to Detroit’s people, places and projects through contextual storytelling, interactive experiences and innovative resources.” Free tours  include the popular “Best of Downtown,” which features the Theater District, Campus Martius Park, the Guardian Building and Capitol Park.

Key West, Florida

Key West, Florida

“Key West” suggests a slower place, so take as long as you like (an hour, maybe two) to walk the Old Island Restoration Foundation’s Pelican Path Self-Guided Tour . Explore more than 50 of the Florida destination’s notable buildings including President Harry S. Truman’s Little White House.

Lewes, Delaware

Lewes, Delaware

Lewes is a gem of a walking town where the Delaware Bay and the Atlantic Ocean meet at Cape Henlopen. Founded in 1631, Lewes' historic district is filled with museums, inns, restaurants, and shops. Visitors can check out's tour of the town , which features everything from historic homes to the best place for ice cream.

Related: Best 'Main Street' Shopping Districts in All 50 States

Las Vegas

Get a bit of an insider's experience by checking out a tour of free things to do in Las Vegas, courtesy of the world-traveling bloggers known as The Borderless Project . Their suggestions take visitors up and down the Strip.

Related: 25 Free and Cheap Things to Do in Vegas

Lexington, Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky

The Legacy Trail  is a shared-use greenway trail connecting downtown Lexington with local neighborhoods, parks and historic sites — a diverse introduction to the region over a 12-mile interpretative path, dotted with artwork, that concludes at the Kentucky Horse Park.

Plymouth, Connecticut

Plymouth, Connecticut

It’s not Plymouth Rock, but Plymouth, Connecticut, is also very historical and eminently walkable. The Plymouth Land Trust offers a free map for a self-guided walking tour  of the Plymouth Center village, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, that includes the Town Green and winds past Revolutionary War gravestones, an Underground Railroad stop and, yes, a place where George Washington slept.

Plymouth, Massachusetts

Plymouth, Massachusetts

Of course, there’s also Plymouth, Massachusetts, “America's Hometown,” since 1620. Download a free, self-guided tour and audio accompaniment through the Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce and follow signs for the Pilgrim Path Walking Tour .


The Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation  encourages both visitors and locals to step back and appreciate the Pennsylvania city’s rich heritage by offering six free self-guided walking tours. Download the free PDFs and start exploring downtown Pittsburgh through, for example, its Gateway Center, Market Square Area or its Bridges and River Shores.


Free and Friendly Tours offers guided tours of Philadelphia with local guides focusing on “the whole Philadelphia, its historical monuments and its present-day city life — or the whole of what’s in walking distance at least.” The Colonial Cheesesteak Tour , booking now, certainly has captured our imagination.

Raleigh, North Carolina

Raleigh, North Carolina

The half-day walking tour suggested by Visit Raleigh  puts free attractions in the spotlight for visitors to the North Carolina capital. Ask about the statue of George Washington in a toga at the North Carolina State Capitol, a featured stop.


The state of Utah is apparently very tech-savvy. Preservation Utah offers several self-guided history and architecture walking tours of sites throughout the state – accessible via its free app, Utah Heritage Walks . Explore, for example, the Historic Buildings of Pleasant Grove or Modernism at the University of Utah.

Anchorage, Alaska

Anchorage, Alaska

Visitors headed to Alaska can take advantage of a free, guided walking tour in Anchorage offered by and the Anchorage Convention & Visitors Bureau . The tour features more than 10 sites, including historic homes and a onetime ladies-only bar and café that ensured 1940s and '50s women (often excluded from men's clubs) could have their own place to tie one on.

Tucson, Arizona

Tucson, Arizona

The Presidio Trail  is a historical walking tour of Tucson that takes hikers on a 2.5-mile loop through the city's downtown, from the Temple of Music & Art to the Historic Railroad Depot. Additional sites of interest a bit further afield are mentioned too.

Jackson, Mississippi

Jackson, Mississippi

Choice Hotels offers a few options for free, self-guided walking tours  of Jackson. These themed offerings for the capital city range from Downtown Delights to Museums and Monuments to All About the Arts. Take a few, and you just might become a local expert.

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25 Things to Do in Times Square

walking distance tourist spot near me

Recognizable to millions of people around the world, Times Square is a destination that every visitor to New York City should see.

Our local tour guides have spent a lot of time in Times Square over the years, whether it's enjoying their free time there or leading hundreds of visitors every week on our Midtown Manhattan tours.

We used our insider expertise to write this post of the top 25 fun activities in Times Square, where to shop in the area and our choices for the best places to eat.

For more input, we asked the roughly 200k members of our popular New York City Travel Tips Facebook group for their thoughts on Times Square and what they like about it.

Our group is composed of locals, like our tour guides, veteran NYC visitors, as well as newbies to the city.

You don't need to be a member to read the posts, comments, and suggestions. So check the group out when you are finished reading this post.

  • Introduction
  • Top Things to Do
  • Where to Eat
  • Where to Shop
  • Where to Stay
  • Tips from Locals and Travelers


Long before it was Times Square, it was Longacre Square, a rural area used for horse stables.

In the early 1900s, the area began a rapid transformation from rural to urban as companies moved uptown from Lower Manhattan.

In 1904, The New York Times moved its headquarters here from downtown and the intersection at 42nd Street and Longacre Square was renamed Times Square.

Times Square quickly became a cultural hub full of theaters, music halls, and upscale hotels, although it changed for the worse during the Great Depression years. Pornographic theaters and drug dealers dominated the area.

Then in the mid-1990s, the city funded a massive effort to "clean up" the area, moving the bad elements out and bringing in tourist-friendly attractions and heightened security.

Great hotels, restaurants and shops opened up and its billboards never shined so brightly.

Today, Times Square is known around the world for its bright lights and fast-paced pulse visited by an estimated 50 million tourists every year.


Times Square is not a square. What is technically Times Square is the four quarters created where 7th Ave. and Broadway intersect in Midtown Manhattan.

However, most New Yorkers refer to the larger neighborhood as Times Square, which stretches north to south from 40th St. to roughly 52nd St. and east to west from 8th Avenue to 6th Avenue.

Where is Times Square

Times Square is easily accessible by multiple subway lines that each stop at a different subway station.

  • A/C/E to 42 Street Station
  • F/M/B/D to 47-50 Sts - Rockefeller Ctr Station
  • N/WR to 49 Street Station
  • 1 to 50 Street Station
  • C/E to 50 Street Station
  • 1/2/3/7/S to Times Sq - 42 Street Station

Use this Google map to get exact directions from your starting point to Times Square.

If you are new to NYC public transportation, check out our guides on navigating the subway and choosing the right MetroCard . 

  • Uptown/Downtown: M5, M7, M104, M20
  • Crosstown: M42, M50

If you are considering a hop-on-hop-off bus tour of NYC, most buses stop in Times Square so just hop off and explore the area!

New York Bus Tours


1. take an audio tour.

Based on our close familiarity with the area, we wrote and published this audio tour which is perfect for those who want to learn about and explore Times Square at their own pace.

Listen to this sample.

Here is how it works:

  • Purchase an audio tour ($2.99)
  • Get a confirmation email with .mp3, .pdf, and embeddable Google Map
  • Enjoy the tour(s).

Our Times Square audio tour is one of 15 NYC audio tours available for download, including one for all of Midtown Manhattan.

2. Soak in the Amazing New York City Energy

Times Square is one of the best places to absorb the incredible energy of NYC.

Grab a seat on the famous red TKTS steps and watch the world rush by in Times Square!

Money-saving tip : TKTS is one place to buy discount Broadway tickets . We list more just below.

Times Square at Night

The buzz is even more when the sun sets and the lights shine so brightly.

Visiting Times Square after dark is one of the most exciting  things to do at night in NYC .

3. See a Broadway Show

It's hard to imagine Times Square without all its Broadway show theaters, with their brightly-lit marquees.

If you want to see a show but are concerned about the cost of tickets don't be.

You can find discounted tickets if you know where to look.

Our post, How to Get Discount Broadway Tickets , lists the many ways you can save big on shows.

Some ways are to try for Rush Tickets , enter a ticket Lottery, and head to the TKTS Ticket Booth located under the red staircase at 47th Street and Broadway. 

Find out which are the best Broadway shows to see right now .

4. Experience the Midnight Moment

Every night from 11:57 pm to midnight, you can witness the world’s largest digital art exhibition.

Huge billboards in Times Square are synchronized resulting in three fabulous moments of the same whimsical imagery.

Just walk up the red steps, take a seat, and watch the show.

You may be wondering, " Is Times Square safe at night ?"

For the most part yes. There is a good police presence in the area. Still, always pay attention to your surroundings and use your common sense.

Check out our post on staying safe in New York City .

We are proud to provide you with a self-guided audio tour of Times Square. Listen to a sample.

walking distance tourist spot near me

5. Hug a Beloved Cartoon Character

Say hello to Buzz Lightyear, hug Elmo, and say thanks to superheroes, like Spiderman, who keep NYC safe!

Some other favorite characters are there as well like Hello Kitty, Minnie Mouse, Dora the Explorer, and more.

Times Square Cartoon Mascots

Keep in mind that these performers are not working for the city. They work only for tips.

If you want a photograph with one of them, be sure to tip. Otherwise, you may find yourself face-to-face with a disgruntled Cookie Monster.

If you want to avoid the touristy aspect of Times Square, steer clear of anyone in a costume.

6. See Your Favorite Celebrities

Stop by Madame Tussauds to see your favorite stars -- in wax, that is!

The world-famous wax figure attraction has over 200 wax figures of famous musicians, A-list stars, sports legends, world leaders, and more.

The Marvel Super Hero 4D ultra-sensory superhero film is fantastic. (Superhero fans, take a look at our free self-guided tour to Superhero in NYC .)

Madame Tussauds is at 234 W. 42nd St between 7th and 8th Avenue. Find out about discount tickets for Madame Tussauds .

Money-saving tip :  This attraction is included free with the purchase of most NYC tourist discount passes as well as several bus company combo tickets.

New York Tourist Discount Passes

7. See the Naked Cowboy

This infamous Times Square entertainer is dressed in only tighty-whities that cover his private parts, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat.

Naked Cowboy in Times Square

His name is Robert John Burck and you find him in the area playing country tunes on a guitar and posing for photos with people.

For the story of how this simple dude from California became a New York icon, see our post about  the Naked Cowboy .

New York Walking Tours

8. Relax at a Rooftop Bar

Times Square has some awesome rooftop bars and lounges where you sip on cocktails and take in great views of the lights on Broadway.

Many of these are inside hotels, but you don't need to be a guest to enjoy their rooftops.

Check out the St. Cloud rooftop at the famed Knickerbocker Hotel , one of several landmarks in Times Square.

view from St Cloud Bar

Some others are:

  • Magic Hour Rooftop Bar & Lounge at the  Moxy  
  • Bar 54 at  Hyatt Centric
  • cloudM at  citizenM  
  • Haven Rooftop at  Sanctuary
  • 5 o'Clock Somewhere Bar at  Margaritaville Resort
  • Dear Irving on Hudson at  Aliz Hotel
  • The Terrace at  Times Square EDITION
  • High Bar New York at  DoubleTree By Hilton Times Square West

If you want to skip the drink and enjoy a spectacular view, see our post,  Best New York Skyline Views .

9. Attend a Live Taping of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

NYC has lots of free TV tapings , including The Late Show with Stephen Colbert .

The show taping goes from around 5:30 pm to 7 pm. For information on how to get tickets,  click here .

walking distance tourist spot near me

Taping takes place in this historic Ed Sullivan Theater built in the 1920s. This is where The Beatles made their breakthrough performance.

The theater is on Broadway between W. 53rd and W. 54th Streets.

And it's not just Colbert. The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon films just a few blocks away at the NBC Studios in Rockefeller Plaza.

The same goes for The Daily Show with Trevor Noah , which is filmed a few blocks to the west of Times Square.

Podcast Episode: Listen to tour guides Lori and Katherine discuss things to do in and around Times Square on an episode of our NYC Travel Tips podcast.

This podcast offers bite-sized audio clips with tips on how to plan your trip to NYC.

You can get our podcasts on  Apple ,  Google , or wherever you get your podcasts.

10. Be a Kid in a Candy Shop

Chocolate lovers, Times Square is the place for you to satisfy your sweet tooth! 

Two of America's favorite candies have giant stores here, Hershey's Chocolate World and the M&M's World Store.

Hershey’s World has interactive games, free samples, and an opportunity to see chocolate being made!

Ma & M store

The M&M store of course sells all the varieties of candy that “melts in your mouth, not in your hand”. 

What’s better is that shoppers can customize a personal batch of M&M's with an image and personalized messages to be printed on candies in about two minutes.

For a great NYC souvenir , select the "I Love NY" logo for your customized M&Ms.

M&M's Store  is at 1600 Broadway at W. 48th Street and Hershey’s Chocolate World  is at 701 Seventh Avenue between W. 47th and W. 48th Streets.

11. Rock Out at the Hard Rock Cafe

Whether you are a rock ‘n’ roll die-hard or just looking for a cool environment for delicious food and drinks, the Hard Rock Cafe at Times Square will not disappoint.

Hard Rock Cafe

From the minute you walk past the wall of guitars, you’ll be surrounded by rock 'n' roll memorabilia from The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Elvis Presley and many more.

The Hard Rock Cafe is at 1501 Broadway at W. 43rd Street.

Hard Rock fans may enjoy staying at the highly-rated Hard Rock Hotel nearby!

12. Play an Escape Room

Escape rooms feature hi-tech machines including laser security systems to recreate the environment of the theme you choose.


OMEscape is great for groups of friends and families as well as some themes are appropriate for kids as well.

OMEscape is at 325 W. 38th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues. It is open from 11 am to 11 pm every day. Book your escape room here .

13. Take the Kids to the New Victory Theater

The New Victory is New York City's first and only full-time performing arts theater for kids and families.

They have a full show calendar  with a rotating array of plays, circus acts, dancing, puppets, and more.

New Victory Theater

The New Victory is at 209 W. 42nd Street between 7th and 8th Avenues.

If you are traveling with children, read our post What to Do with Kids in New York City .

14. See a Comedy Show

Carolines is a legendary comedy club is where performers like Jerry Seinfeld, Billy Crystal, and Rosie O’Donnell got their start. 

Broadway Comedy Club features at least four nationally known headliners for a performance that lasts from 90 minutes to two hours.


LOL Times Square is a casual comedy club that offers a variety of lineups and even has a family option since as we know, New York-style comedy can be a bit raunchy at times. 

Money-saving tip: Always check on Groupon  for deals to comedy clubs and lots of other types of entertainment. 

15. Go Bowling

Bowlero Times Square  has 48 bowling lanes, an arcade, billiards, and lounge areas. 

Its bowling lounges are themed and depict specific places and times in the history of NYC.


You can bowl, dine, and chill out in a ‘speakeasy’, Chinatown, Central Park, or Coney Island without leaving Times Square!

Bowlero is at 222 W. 44th St bet 8th Avenue and Broadway. It's open Sundays to Thursdays from 2:00 pm - 12:00 am and Fridays and Saturdays 2:00 pm - 2:00 am.

16. Celebrate New Year's Eve

If you happen to be in New York City on December 31, you can take part in the world-famous Times Square New Year's Eve festivities.

Before and after midnight there are star-studded musical performances and more than one ton of confetti is dropped onto Times Square!

Find out about watching the ball drop and how to spend New Year's Eve in Times Square .

17. Take a Horse and Carriage Ride

See Times Square from a unique vantage point -- from the seat of a horse-drawn carriage!

Horse and carriage rides aren't exclusive to Central Park.

Some rides have expanded itineraries that include Times Square. 

There is at least one tour that covers  Times Square, Central Park and Rockefeller Center .

18. Browse the Colorful Midtown Comics Store

Midtown Comics is a humongous comic book and toy marketplace! 

This colorful store is fun to visit even if you aren't a huge comics fan.

Midtown Comics

Comic book lovers can buy new releases and find vintage issues. They also sell graphic novels, sci-fi books, and collectibles.

Midtown Comics is at 200 W. 40th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues.

They have two other locations, one by Grand Central Terminal at 459 Lexington Avenue (corner of 45th St.) and the other in Lower Manhattan at 64 Fulton Street (corner of Gold St.).

19. Hear Live Music at the Historic Town Hall

Town Hall's auditorium opened in 1921 and was intended as a space for political dialogue, lectures, and speech-making. 

It soon morphed into a music venue and today it is one of NYC’s very best places to see a concert. 

The venue is a historic landmark known for its beautiful Georgian Revival design.

Town Hall

Its architects, the renowned firm of McKim, Mead & White also designed part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Washington Arch in Washington Square Park , among others.

Town Hall is on 123 West 43rd Street between Broadway and Sixth Avenue.

20. Shop for All Things Disney

At 1540 Broadway at W. 45th Street, is the huge Disney Store.

Here you can find the latest official Disney merchandise, such as Disney toys, collectibles, stuffed animals, and more.

You can shop for Disney clothing for kids and adults.

They also sell cosplay and costumes for Baby Yoda to Spider-Man, Captain America and Black Panther and other characters.

Disnet Store

The Disney store stays open late (until 9 pm seven days a week) as do many Times Square shops.

Don't let time curtail your retail therapy!

See our list of where to go shopping in Times Square below .

See our favorite shops below .

21. Play Arcade Games

The national chain, Dave and Busters , has a location in Times Square that is part arcade, part sports bar, and part restaurant.

Dave and Busters

Enjoy American food, signature cocktails, and loads of games. 

You can also catch your favorite sporting event on massive HDTVs with stadium-quality surround sound. 

22. See an Off-Broadway Show

One of the most underrated things to do in Times Square is to see an Off-Broadway show.

What distinguishes Broadway from Off-Broadway theaters is just how many seats in the theater. 

Five hundred seats and up gets you the Broadway billing. Theaters with houses between 99 and 499 seats are Off-Broadway.

Kink Boots

Don't let the categorization make you think these shows are of lesser quality than Broadway shows.

On the contrary, some Off-Broadway shows can be every bit as good as a Broadway production and less expensive too!

Learn more about Off-Broadway shows here .

23. Experience the Story of Broadway

The Museum of Broadway opened in November 2022. Its mission is to convey Broadway’s story through immersive exhibits to engage audiences.

The museum is geared toward being educational but also entertaining. It’s suitable for all ages.

Museum of Broadway

The museum is open every day from 10 am to 10 pm and will make an excellent add-on to your night at the theater!

Timed tickets are $39 and Flexible tickets are $49. The Museum of Broadway is at 145 West 45th Street.

24. Dine on Restaurant Row

Restaurant Row (West 46th Street between 8th and 9th Avenue) has over 20 long-time restaurants that cater to Broadway showgoers who want to dine just before heading to the theater. Most restaurants on Restaurant Row offer pre-theater prix-fixe menus at reasonable prices and are timed to get you to your show on time.

Here are a few of the best deals:

  • Becco  Founded by celebrity chef Lidia Bastianich, has a daily pasta-tasting menu that’s innovative and filling. Their tasting menu is priced at $18.95 for lunch and an amazing $22.95 for dinner.
  • Le Rivage   For theatergoers, you can get a pre-theater menu for  $39 between 3 pm to 7:30 pm  If you come after 7:30 pm it's an even better deal. Prix fixe dinner is $29!
  • Hourglass Tavern  Prix-Fixe pre-theater dinner is 4-8 pm for just $23.95 with soup or salad, entrée, and a choice of dessert.

Read here for more Restaurant Row listings.

25. Hear a Gospel Choir

No need to travel to Harlem for a great Gospel Service when you can hear some of this inspirational music in Times Square.

The Times Square Church is a lesser-known church that happens to have a fantastic choir.

It's located at 237 W. 51st Street at the corner of Broadway. 


All these iconic New York City sights are within walking distance of Times Square.

Rockefeller Center

This art deco city within a city is three full city blocks from 48th Street to 51st Street between 5th and 6th Avenues.

It's well known for its giant Christmas tree and ice skating rink .

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree

But there is so much more to Rockefeller Center - its fascinating history and its striking artwork, sculptures, and architecture.

Read more about  visiting Rockefeller Center .

Skyscraper Observation Decks

There are five observation decks in NYC and three of them are within walking distance from Times Square.

  • Empire State Building  
  • Top of the Rock  

The closest is the Top of the Rock observation deck at Rockefeller Center between Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue.

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Read our post comparing New York City's observation decks to see which is the best one for you.

Grand Central Terminal

Within four blocks of Times Square is one of the most beautiful landmarks in all of New York City, Grand Central Terminal (a.k.a. Grand Central Station).

grand central terminal tour

You can visit on your own, or one of the free tours offered. Read more here .

Bryant Park

Located just one block from Times Square is Bryant Park, a large oasis of green in the heart of Midtown.

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There are tons of fantastic (free!) things to do there all year round.

Read our post on  things to do in Bryant Park to find out what's going on when you are in town.

New York Public Library

Just next to Bryant Park is the Beaux-Arts masterpiece, the New York Public Library's main branch building.

New York Public Library

You can take free tours of the inside to see its cavernous, elegant reading rooms and its ceiling murals.

Of course, you can see historic books and manuscripts as well. Find out more here .

Museum of Modern Art

A few blocks north of Times Square is one of the best modern art museums in the world, the Museum of Modern Art.

walking distance tourist spot near me

If you are considering going to one of NYC's museums , MoMA should not be missed!


Times Square has so many dining options here are some organized by price range.

Cheap  ($5-10 per person)

Los Tacos No. 1 -  229 W 43rd St. between 7th Ave and 8th Ave. Rated the top tacos in NYC. Also serves quesadillas and tostadas.

Shakeshack  - 691 8th Ave at 44th St.  Counter service at this location of the national chain of the best burgers in the city.

Chipotle  - 129 W 48th St bet. 6th & 7th Aves. Fast-food Mexican chain with space to sit down.

Patzeria Pizza - 231 W 46th St. bet. 7th Ave. & Broadway.  Real New York pizza by the slice. To go only.

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View this post on Instagram A post shared by Fetys Daniel (@danielfetys__)

Inexpensive  ($10-20 per person)

Schnippers  - 20 8th Ave bet. 40th & 41st Sts.  American diner classics, sandwiches, soups, and salads. 

Dallas BBQ - 241 W 42nd St between 7th and 8th Ave. Ribs, burgers, seafood, salads and a kids menu.

Pret A Manger - 62 West 45th St between 6th and 7th Ave. Freshly made packaged sandwiches and pastries along with coffee and other beverages

Times Square Diner   - 807 8th Ave bet. 48th & 49th Sts. Hundreds of choices are served 24 hours a day.

Moderate ($20-40 per person)

Toloache   - 251 w 50th st bet 8th ave. & broadway. festive environment with traditional mexican food..

John's Pizzeria  - 260 West 44th St bet. 7th & 8th Aves.  Great coal-oven pizza. Served by the pie only. Fun for families.

Carmine's  - 200 West 44th St bet. 7th & 8th Aves.  Italian-American cuisine in large family-style portions.

Virgil's  - 152 West 44th St. bet. Broadway and 6th Ave. Huge portions of savory barbeque. Reservations recommended.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hyunkyu Yi (@hyunkyuyi)
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Times Square Elmo (@timessquareelmo)

Expensive ($50 and above per person)

Hunt & Fish Club  - 125 W 44th St. bet Broadway & 7th Ave.  New American, Steakhouse. Elegant decor, and delicious food.

Butter Midtown -135 W 42nd St bet. 6th Ave & Broadway. American cuisine mastered by Food Network star and Executive Chef Alex Guarnaschelli.

Sushi by Bou  - 132 W 47th St bet. 7th Ave & 6th Ave (in The Sanctuary Hotel). Incredible, super fresh sushi served in a 'speakeasy-style basement hideaway.


Stores in Times Square stay open quite late. Most are open until 10 pm, and some are open until midnight!

Clothing (Unisex)

  • H&M - 4 Times Sq at W 42nd St.
  • Superdry - 729 7th Ave at W 49th St.
  • Gap - 1466 Broadway at W 42nd St.
  • American Eagle Outfitters -  1551-1555 Broadway at W 46th St.
  • NHL Store Powered by Reebok - 1185 6th Ave. bet W 46th & W 47th sts.
  • Forever 21 Mega Store - 1540 Broadway b/t W 45th & 46th St
  • Levi's Times Square - 1501 Broadway
  • Old Navy 1514 Broadway at W 45th
  • Pele Soccer - 1560 Broadway between 46th and 47th St

Footwear & Sneakers

  • Aldo - 120 W 42nd St b/t 7th and 8th Ave
  • Steve Madden - 3 Times Square at 7th Avenue
  • Foot Locker - 146 Broadway between W41st St and W42nd St.

For the Kids

  • M&M's World - 1600 Broadway at 48th Street
  • Disney Store - 1540 Broadway bet. W 45th & 46th Sts
  • Midtown Comics - 200 West 40th Street near 7th Ave

Click  here for even more shops in the area.


You’ll find a wide range of room prices and a variety of hotel styles. Some hotels have rooftop bars with great views.

While it is true that the neighborhood is not as pretty as others, it is a one-of-a-kind atmosphere! 

Below are the top picks for where to stay in Times Square .

And check out our post on how to choose the best place to stay in NYC .

Recommended Hotels

Budget .

  • Row NYC at Times Square
  • Hotel Edison Times Square
  • Hilton Garden Inn Times Square


  • M Social Hotel Times Square New York
  • citizenM New York Times Square
  • Riu Plaza New York Times Square


  • Arlo Midtown
  • New York Marriott Marquis
  • Knickerbocker


We think the activities in this post should keep you more than busy in Times Square during your time there!

Since we felt that you should hear from people who are not as familiar with Times Square as we are, we have included thoughts about Times Square from members of our popular New York Travel Tips Facebook group.

We should start by saying that Times Square is sometimes given a bad rap, especially by New Yorkers. (Not all of us feel this way!)

When asked if they had any pleasant surprises in Times Square, our Facebook group members had some lovely things to say!

This traveler from Ireland found that people in Times Square were much nicer than she had expected while another found that the bad reputation isn't deserved!

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This local New Yorker loves that you never know what you will see in Times Square -- it's brand new every day!

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So what are some specific things group members like about Times Square? 

One of the top pleasant surprises was… The Naked Cowboy.

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People are mesmerized by the incredible lights and energy that make Times Square an unforgettable place.

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Some visitors thrive so much on the energy they choose to stay in Times Square.

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In fact, Times Square has some of the best accommodation options in the city. It’s right in the middle of everything and convenient to other parts of the city.

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While we won't go so far as to say you should explore Times Square at off-hours, here are some group members who have had special moments there.

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If you have any more questions about Times Square  (or anything else about NYC) that we haven't covered here, check out our New York Travel Tips Facebook group!

Related Posts

  • Things to Do in Times Square at Night
  • What to Do in Midtown Manhattan
  • Things to Do in NYC

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Stephen Pickhardt

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    Millenium Park and the Cloud Gate are also a joy to walk around - particularly in summer. The Lakefront Trail is as popular for walkers as it is for cyclists, skateboarders, and rollerblades. But in Al Capone's old stomping ground, your best bet is to do a gangsters and ghosts walking tour. 6. Washington D.C.

  19. 25 Things to Do in Times Square

    2. Soak in the Amazing New York City Energy. Times Square is one of the best places to absorb the incredible energy of NYC. Grab a seat on the famous red TKTS steps and watch the world rush by in Times Square! Money-saving tip: TKTS is one place to buy discount Broadway tickets.

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